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Name: 20130520_Mon_Alex
Air Date: May 20, 2013
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are seeing criminal investigations and indictments by the Obama administration of people that work for the federal government who just talk to Fox News and tell them their opinion.
That's what reporters do.
We call people, sources in the government, and we try to get their opinion.
Hey, what do you think's gonna happen?
Not what's classified, but what do you personally think is going on with Kim Jong-un?
Oh, well, we'll just arrest you and, um...
I guess they're looking at arresting Fox News reporters.
And even the London Guardian is saying this is authoritarian chilling effect and it's incredibly dangerous.
The president of the Associated Press, which you don't get any more establishment than that, is saying this is unconstitutional and dangerous what's going on.
And that a massive chilling effect has already taken place.
That's some of what's coming up today.
And you notice when they have White House spokesmen out there, who do they really attack?
And their surrogates, like Media Matters, that's admittedly White House-run, obsesses on Infowars.com.
And all the other Democratic Party-run sites.
And again, I'm just a constitutionalist.
I fear the Republican machine.
The issue, though, is I've never seen anything like Obama.
It is at light speed the tyranny that we're seeing unfold.
Adam Kokesh, you know, I heard Saturday he'd been arrested at a pro-marijuana legalization rally for not even smoking pot.
I saw the video and now we've confirmed
That they're still holding him in a federal prison.
See, he walked on federal land.
They use in a federal park in Philadelphia.
They use that as the quickest way to grab him.
And then now he's charged today, reportedly they're going to charge him with resisting.
Show the cart before the horse.
They come up and grab you.
You put your hands up.
They throw you on the ground.
And then you're arrested for them assaulting you.
Cart before the horse.
How do you get arrested for resisting arrest?
What was the reason to arrest you?
Most states have laws saying you can't do that.
Courts have thrown it out for the feds.
They don't care.
So that article is up on InfoWars.com.
Activists rally to free Adam Kokesh, calls floods, seeks to secure, release a former Marine kidnapped for exercising First Amendment.
And we've got his libertarian cohorts, Lucas Jewell and Daryl Young, who were on last night with us, popping in at the bottom of the hour.
When they would go to the jail, they would yell at them and tell them, we're not going to tell you even where he is.
So that's eyewitnesses that had this happen.
They're in Philadelphia right now, uh, covering this.
And now the reports are coming out on their Facebook.
We'll find out when they come on that when you call the federal prison, you know, skip, skip court, skip.
Skip trials, just go directly to federal prison, NDAA style.
Reportedly, they're saying we blew his head off.
Now, we haven't confirmed this yet.
You're like, man, that's a terroristic threat.
That's a felony.
Feds don't care.
I mean, hell, they like burn up little kids and roast marshmallows while they're doing it.
They ship in narcotics.
This country's far and run.
They want you to know this is their country.
That's why they're arresting press and doing all this.
This is their nation.
And then they deserve a peace prize for it.
So we're going to be breaking down this.
And again, they need to break your will.
That's what the TSA bobbing for, you know, goodies in your pants is for.
That's what all of this is about.
So that's coming up after the break.
There's an incredible article up on InfoWars.com.
It's in the local news.
And they reported in the local news, like it's a good thing, Italian
Shotgun maker at a gun show loaded the fine shotguns in the vehicle legally lawfully and the snitch program, the taxi driver, called the police on him and they still arrested him even though the no law was violated and told him get out.
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But on this battlefield, no one wins.
And that's what all the fools joining the New World Order are going to realize.
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You are destroying our entire future by selling out to this New World Order.
Alright, here's the deal, ladies and gentlemen, on this live Monday edition, the 20th day of May 2013.
We have Lucas Jewell and Daryl Young joining us about political prisoner Adam Kokesh who went on to a federal park in Philadelphia and was grabbed and disappeared into a federal prison.
And reportedly they're saying some pretty obscene stuff when you call and ask where he's at.
They just can't wait to fully go after everybody, folks.
Sorry for them.
They've taken our restraint as a sign of weakness when it's the opposite.
Also, Kristen Megan is on.
She was in the Air Force and is an insider.
Just gone public last week.
She'd given a couple speeches and she went public on nightly news last week and I saw this interview with Jakari Jackson and had my mouth hanging open because everything she said fits my deep research on the admitted programs but the details are classified.
This is the Air Force weather modding
Geoengineering, terra-farming, to whatever they want for the climate.
Here, that's coming up at the bottom of the next hour.
And then in studio, Joel Skousen will give us his take on all of the different Benghazi gates, IRS gate, press spying gate, all of that in studio.
He's here to be interviewed for Obama Deception 2.
And he'll also build the nightly news with yours truly tonight.
We're going to look at why strategic relocation.
Not because we're in fear, but because we're in charge.
And specifically, where are the elite going?
Just so happens I've noticed that, you know, where Joel Skousen recommends is where the elite are going.
And of course, Joel Skousen won't say this on air.
It's not a secret, but he advises billionaires, millionaires, you name it.
I mean, he really is at the top of his game building high security houses and other type fortresses.
So he's going to be joining us in studio today, always informative.
And survived a one in a million plane crash about a month ago that made national news.
The plane completely destroyed.
He survived with a small scratch on his head.
He certainly is counting his lucky stars, his lucky angels on that front.
So Joel Skousen is going to be joining us.
OK, you know, this is happening worse and worse.
And I have a burning frustration once I get off air every day that I don't cover everything.
Like how lucky if I get 20 percent of it.
Let me just try to do it this way.
And God give me strength, let me do it this one time and just read the stinking headlines instead of commenting on them.
Because I mean, I studied last night, I studied this morning, I get in here, I go over it all and I get so angry looking at it.
It's so over the top.
Let me just try to read you these headlines.
Some of these, let's just start with stuff I didn't get to yesterday.
Let's just start with that.
This is from Reuters.
Taxes on some wealthy French tops 100% of income.
And that's one of the major newspapers there in France, breaking that down, Reuters, reports.
100%, while the EU bureaucrats are exempt and pay zero, and that's come out.
I'm sorry, I said I'd only read the headline.
It's just, it's a hundred times worse.
This is their plan.
Total slavery.
Google insider exposes immoral tax scam.
Top Google executive goes public and says that they have a scam to pay zero tax.
Sunday Times of London.
Oh, they're so liberal.
Suicide nets at Apple.
Merkel and Pope talk about strong Europe.
USA Today.
Oh, it's strong.
Imploding national sovereignty.
Bankrupting families.
Dear class of 2013, you've been scammed.
The Wall Street Journal.
How the college industrial complex drove tuition so high.
I've been saying that for 17 years on air.
So has people like Gerald Salenta.
Oh, but we're wrong telling you.
Folks, I was in college and knew it was going to be worthless.
I already knew more about RTF than they were teaching me.
Because I went out and read books by famous directors and researchers and radio hosts.
And my parents are like, oh, you're not going to go to college?
You're going to drop out?
And I'm like, yeah.
I'm going to go get a job.
And I did.
And here I am.
And then I have people always lecture me.
You don't have a college degree?
Like it's going to get to me.
Hey, you go bag groceries at the grocery store with your PhD, OK?
I'll try to take the world back.
How's that sound?
Alright, I'm not putting people down that have college degrees.
It's just don't ring knock.
You know what a ring knocker is?
They take their college ring and they go, on the table.
I've actually had it done.
I'm like, what the... You want some crony job?
If you want to go get a crony job, the most important thing at college is the fraternities.
That's the only reason to go to college, is if you're going to try to get in the right fraternity and do whatever you've got to, to get into that elite fraternity, that has some value.
All right, let's continue here, ladies and gentlemen, to give a little college course here on how to actually go to college if you are.
The IRS job is to violate our liberties.
Ron Paul article on Infowars.com.
Absolutely, that's its job.
That's why it's the go-to for all this criminality.
That's just some of the news on that front.
Oh, here, let's look at this news stack from yesterday.
Surgeons, and this is something I didn't get to yesterday, surgeons now cutting out healthy prostate glands of men who carry the BRCA gene.
But why is prostate cancer in the Western world up over 2,000% since the 1950s?
Look it up.
I'm being conservative.
Some estimates of some types of prostate cancer up over 5,000 percent.
Type 2 diabetes up several thousand percent in the U.S.
It's set to be half of Hispanics by 2015 and half of everybody by 2020.
Look it up!
Half of us are going to have burnout pancreases.
Folks, we're not in Kansas anymore, and it's not that we're drinking more sugar.
People used to, I've done, I've looked at the studies, people used to eat more unhealthy 30, 40 years ago.
Everybody knows that.
Hell, people were skinny, smoking two packs of cigarettes, drinking whiskey every night.
You'd eat a big chicken fried steak, gravy, everything else, and then have a piece of cake.
And go to your office job and you didn't look like people do now.
They feed GMO to the rats, they look just like us.
Just read each headline, I'm sorry.
Surgeons now cutting out healthy prostate glands of men who carry BRCA gene.
Mike Adams, NaturalNews.com, Infowars.com story.
UK man has prostate removed after test revealed Jolie gene flop.
Again, we have predisposition with different genetics for different things.
Some for heart disease, some for cancer, some for rage.
That's an attribute.
Some for depression.
Some for eczema.
Some for this.
Some for that.
Some to be more susceptible to the flu.
Some to not be.
Some people have thicker skulls.
Some people can take a stronger punch.
Some people are more susceptible to not being able to take a punch.
Some people can take more crap.
Other people can't.
There's all sorts of people in the world.
And it's our genetics.
You know, like some cars can take, you know, 1,200
Or 7,000, whatever it is, RPMs, 10,000, 15,000 RPMs.
Some cars can't take 5,000 RPMs.
You'll blow the engine.
I forget the RPM designation.
You don't say, oh, this car needs to have its engine removed because it can't, you know, have super RPMs like a souped-up Corvette.
You don't say, this car has bad genes.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the garbage.
They're telling you it's your genes that have the problem.
But we already had these same genes 50 years ago, 60 years ago, and weren't dying in mass.
Didn't have.
What's the increase from 1 in 30,000 with autism?
From 1 in 25,000 30-something years ago to now 1 in 50-something?
I mean, how many tens of thousands of percentile increase is that?
This stuff is off the chart, and no one wants to talk about it.
They want to just ease us into this death, and then Angelina Jolie has both her breasts removed.
And again, different types of eye cancer are up.
Very rare, now becoming common.
Do we have our eyes removed preemptively?
Colon cancer is way up.
Have your colon removed preemptively?
Cancer of the lungs is way up.
Even though smoking's gone down, look it up.
Are we going to have our lungs removed?
How about our brain?
Brain cancers.
Cancers that weren't even known in the brain are skyrocketing because of different cancer viruses, mainly in the vaccines that embed themselves.
That's on record.
Should we have our brains removed?
You're like, well, you would die with your brain removed.
Let me tell you, you take your lung out, it's going to ruin the rest of your life, folks.
Do you have any idea the hell we're going into?
And look at this.
Look at this headline.
This is CBS News.
CDC, one in five U.S.
school children may have mental disorder.
That's because they're listing everything as a mental disorder.
Feed them red dye, feed them high fructose corn syrup.
Put them in front of televisions and computers all day, rewire their brains, and then wonder why they act like gibbering idiots.
And then the answer is, put them on Ritalin.
Put them on other speeds, and their brains burn out.
Then put them on other stuff.
Then put them on stuff to put them to sleep at night.
And then you get drug addict zombies.
And what did the New Freedom Initiative say in 2005 it was going to do?
The New Freedom Initiative.
Amply Orwellian named.
They said, we're going to put half the kids in America.
On psychotropics.
And they went then from about 10% to 20%.
So just in 7, 8, 9 years, I don't know how many years that's, 8 years, they've gone from 10% on drugs to 20%.
And in captive audiences of foster kids, 68 to 69% national average, look it up, are on psychotropics alone.
You add in other drugs, it's like 80-something percent.
Look it up!
Look it up!
Folks, these people are not going to stop.
Do you understand?
So I've got that whole stack of news.
Now, I haven't even gotten into the huge IRS giant bombshell developments, the giant stalking and persecution of Fox News reporters for just going and asking a State Department person, you know, do you think Kim Jong-un is really unstable?
Oh, you're arrested for that.
I mean, this is a reign of terror if they get away with it.
If they convert this, if they go over the top, they're trying.
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Look, the top stories are coming up, but let me just continue just randomly here with a stack.
I have, no exaggeration, 30-something stacks of every article off the chart.
I could spend three hours on it, going into the background of it, what it means, what it signifies.
And again, the good news is that America and the world is really starting to wake up.
And when you realize how passive the general public is that isn't awake, that's how the globalists have gotten away with all this.
But for those of us that are awake and active, we can basically take the world back, folks.
I've been doing some tests locally I'm going to talk about in the next few weeks, just to see how powerless the system is.
And it's incredible.
It's incredible that if we all just start resisting in little ways, it will fail.
And you've also got to discredit the system, speak out against them.
That power of saying, you're crooks, we know you're illegitimate.
They need people to go along with the fraud that the government's run by good guys.
And yeah, the guy on the street may be the best guy in the world.
The cop on the beat, I gotta say it, and I looked it up, they were police.
I ran into four cops yesterday at a university I was at, and they were all listeners.
And I mean wild-eyed listeners.
And, you know, basically said, we're with the rebels, we know what's going on.
So that's good news.
But see, they are under the command of a corrupt system.
So it's up to us to take that system back and not let the system play us off against them.
Because as mad as I get at the police being out of control, that's part of the globalist plan is to hate them so that we then get into a fight with each other instead of going, hey, what you're doing is wrong.
I'm going to speak out and resist what you're doing through the Constitution, but I'm not going to hate you.
Because you're screwing your own future as well.
And I'm going to try to give aid and comfort to good police and good military that have courage to stand up and do the right thing.
And I'm telling you, folks, that's the essence of having a free society, is just doing what's right and standing up.
You know, it's that Aaron Tippin song.
We ought to try to dig that up and come back with it.
I know it's in the computer.
You know, Daddy didn't like trouble, but if it came along, everyone that knew him knew which side that he'd be on.
And, you know, the song goes on that, uh, you know, he wasn't a hero or this county's shining light, but you could always count on him to do what was right.
And I'm actually the kind of person that doesn't enjoy trouble.
I'm a very private, very quiet person off air, but I can't help it when somebody tries to wrongfully dominate me.
And if they've got a look of dominance in their eyes, trying to intimidate me, man, you just hit my buttons.
And I've done everything I can in 18 years, really 20 years fighting, but 18 years on air, to fight them.
And look what I've built!
And I'm nobody, folks!
I know who you are out there.
I know you're leaders.
It's in you.
And you know you're a leader if you've got that tingle in your heart and soul right now.
If you've got that electricity in your mind right now.
That's because you know your destiny is to stand up and be a leader.
So stop trying to make a pilgrimage to Austin, Texas to meet Alex Jones and think that that's where you're going to get the answers of what you should do.
I mean, they go to 590 a.m.
now, 20-30 people a day, where I've got their managers calling me begging, going, tell people you're not here.
They don't believe it.
They're camped out, 20-30 people a day.
One of my old addresses, they show up 20-30 a day.
I'm not at South Lamar, I'm not off Mary Street, and I'm not at the 590 Studios.
And I can't meet with you, folks.
I'm having to battle the New World Order.
The only reason I just brought that up was to not brag, but to tell you how popular this show's getting.
And because of the request by all those other offices, the pleas, pleas, they begged, pleas, we cannot conduct business.
We are over, in fact,
They haven't said this, but you'll probably just get me kicked off the radio.
And it's that bad.
I mean, imagine, it's like they're trying to meet Elvis or something over there.
And the only reason I bring that up is, is that that's not where I'm at.
And it won't matter, they'll still just show up by the dozens a day.
Believe me, I know, we had to get a secret location because of it.
You know, just like, you will talk to me, you will talk to me, I cannot talk to you.
I'm in here at the guns, in the info war, fighting the globalists, okay?
Alright, alright, I've covered that, I've done what they asked again, that's all I can do.
And they tell him he's not here, and they go, I know you're lying.
And they say most of them are really sweet, really nice.
But they said, you know, you get 20, 30 people, sometimes more a day.
And one a day is, in all these places, they beg.
They beg.
Places where I've lived formerly, they beg.
Places where I don't live.
I get other Alex Joneses through the grapevine finding it, you know, sending me letters to the P.O.
Box going, can you please say you don't live in Austin anymore?
They're climbing the gate and coming to my house and leaving trinkets on my front door.
My wife's freaked out.
My wife tells them that I'm not the Alex Jones they think I am.
It's sick, man.
It's unbelievable.
I think I'm gonna move again, just a move.
And again, it's not that I just can't handle it.
I mean, I am under frickin' siege here, excuse me.
Alright, I apologize, Lord.
Alright, we're gonna come right back, ladies and gentlemen.
And we're going to get into the news and get the latest on Adam Kokesh, but a guy at a Denver gun show legally bought shotguns, or brought shotguns to sell, and they arrested him.
We're going to get to that.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Now Daddy didn't like trouble if it came along
He'd say... You've got to be your own man.
Not a puppet.
Never compromise what's right.
You'll fall for anything.
That's Aaron Tippin.
And if you go to the YouTube channel with millions of views on that, people make fun of the song.
Oh, you've got to stand for something or fall for anything.
That's what I heard growing up.
That's what the kind of things my grandfather said.
And, you know, my grandfathers weren't heroes.
They weren't anything special.
But they didn't give in.
They didn't back down.
And that's why America was still somewhat free.
But what is our culture today?
Who are you?
I mean, I know our listeners are Liberty Lovers, I know who you are, but who are the hundreds of thousands of new listeners today, that's a conservative estimate, listening on AM and FM stations all over the country, watching this on YouTube later, listening to us on Shortwave, on XM, Channel 244.
Who are you?
What if I say I'm not like the others?
What if I say I'm not one of your slaves?
You're the pretender.
What if I say I will never surrender?
If you don't have freedom, you don't have anything else.
And acting like slaves makes you a slave.
And the end of slavery is when you realize what's going on is the beginnings of slavery and is wrong.
I mean, now they're arresting members of the State Department and looking at arresting a Fox News reporter because they talked to somebody at the State Department.
The guy was visiting the State Department above board.
I've called the State Department getting guests on before, getting people on that are, you know, worked at the State Department or working there.
And hey, so what do you as the liaison expert on North Korea, you know, what do you think?
I mean, do you think Kim Jong-un's really that dangerous?
I mean, that's in the London Guardian today, quotes of what is going on.
Oh, well, you know, we don't, none of us know, but we think he is pretty unstable and that he may actually do more nuclear testing.
Look at this.
This is out of London Guardian.
Obama DOJ formally accuses journalist in leaked case of committing crimes.
Yet another serious escalation of the Obama administration's attacks on press freedoms emerges.
It is now well known that the Obama Justice Department, this is the ultra-liberal Guardian, Obama Justice Department has prosecuted more government leakers under the 1917, folks that's the
The Espionage Act, which was unconstitutional, than all prior administrations.
Espionage is if you were giving info to a foreign government.
That's what Obama does, putting our military under NATO.
Obama's Justice Department has prosecuted more government leakers under the 1917 Espionage Act than all prior administrations combined.
In fact, double the number of all such prior prosecutions.
I said a few weeks ago, I said triple what Bush did, just because I knew it was a big number and I forgot it, and I went and looked it up.
Bush didn't even really do that.
It's more than all presidents before him combined.
But last week's controversy of the DOJ's pursuit of phone records of AP illustrated this obsessive fixation in defense of secrecy, targets and severely damages journalists specifically, and the news gathering process in general.
The president of the AP says there's already a chilling effect.
Think so?
And they're putting all this out now, folks, because they want to scare you.
Stephen Kim, a naturalized citizen from South Korea, who was indicted in 2009 for allegedly telling Fox News Chief of Washington Correspondent Jace Rosen that U.S.
intelligence believed North Korea would respond, in addition to U.N.
sanctions, with more nuclear tests.
Something Rosen then reported, Kim did not obtain unauthorized access to classified information, nor steal documents, nor sell secrets, nor pass them to enemies of the U.S.
Instead, he gave his opinion, which is normal!
By the way, that's why Colonel Schaeffer isn't been coming on the show.
He was threatened, and he's not even currently, he's in the Army Reserves, but he is in a Pentagon think tank, for coming on and saying in October everything that's now been confirmed from his sources.
And now he's being threatened.
And he did tell us that off record, and then later he said we could say it on record.
But he said, I have never had hell come down on me, and then he's always like, I'll come on in a few months, but he still, he keeps saying, I'll come on, I'll come on, I'll come on.
Well, it's out in the open, okay?
That's America!
Where army colonels won't come on this show because they're afraid of this kind of crap.
Because you're not even supposed to give your view or your opinion now in America.
It's a giant, stinking,
Chilling effect.
And you think I'm scared?
No, I'm scared you won't recognize how serious this is.
We should all band together as Americans.
Liberal, conservative, libertarian.
It doesn't matter.
Gay, straight, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, agnostic, atheist.
It doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter if you worship Count Chocula or Toucan Sam.
You better recognize, folks, that... What's the old quote by the...
He was an Episcopal priest.
He said first they came for the labor unions.
I said nothing.
I wasn't in the labor union.
Then they came for the communists.
I wasn't a communist, so I said nothing.
They came for the Jews.
I wasn't Jewish, and I said nothing.
Then they came for the Baptists, and I wasn't Baptist, so I said nothing.
And finally, when they came for me, there was nobody left.
There was nobody left.
Because they'd already taken everybody.
This is how tyranny works.
And I told you day one, because I would get the manuals.
Which, by the way, I guess they could try to arrest me for that.
They sure figured out who gave it to me.
Federal and state.
Man, I knew then.
Boy, they really are spying on people, folks.
Oh, they're spying on everybody.
That's what I'm saying.
Do you understand how much... We either run for the hills or we fight this thing politically.
And as for me, you know what I'm doing in a fight?
I didn't start this fight.
They started it.
They won't get off my back.
I'm gonna open a can of good ol' boy whoop-ass.
And I'm sorry to have to say that, but you know that feeling when somebody's punching you in the head and you're seeing stars and something in you just goes, you know what?
I'm gonna flip a switch.
There's nothing gonna stop me.
And folks, the only way to politically deal with these people is to flip that switch.
It's time to flip the switch, folks, and stop playing games.
When somebody tries to get in your face from government and dominate you and intimidate you, that is the spirit of pure evil, and they want to rob you of everything.
They may not even know that, because they hire people more and more that are mindless punks, but it doesn't matter.
That is the ultimate rape when they do that.
Now, I'm going to go to our guest, who are outside the federal facility, InfoWars,
There's Scott, just died, reconnected.
Activist rally to free Adam Kokesh calls floods, call floods seeks to secure release of former Marine kidnapped by, for exercising First Amendment.
Activists are rallying to secure the release of former Marine and broadcaster Adam Kokesh, who was arrested by police in Philadelphia on Saturday during a speech he gave at a marijuana legalization protest.
By the way, he did not have marijuana and did not smoke it.
And they came and singled him out on federal property and disappeared him and his girlfriend, his producers.
None of them have heard from him.
Do we have him back?
We have him back.
Ladies and gentlemen, some people are saying, hey, I don't like the fact this guy wants an armed march, so I'm not going to support him.
Hey, I don't particularly like the idea.
That's why I haven't done it, because I know they'll do stuff like this.
But once he's committed to it, people have got to have cameras there as observers to try to not let them set people up.
And the Supreme Court did rule in 2008, you can have loaded rifles in D.C.
and they'd be legally not implemented the Constitution there.
So I get like going to the lunch counter because you're black and they tell you you're not allowed to.
That's civil disobedience.
It's breaking laws that are unconstitutional.
They said, if you help slaves escape in 1855, we'll execute you.
Well, people still helped blacks escape, and they prosecuted and executed some of them.
And so, then people like John Brown started killing people, and they called him a terrorist.
But the point is, is that I don't want to get to that, because we're winning the fight in the Infowar, plus the people we're going to be fighting are brainwashed.
These are, on average, not bad people.
Now, federal jail guards are another thing entirely.
That's where they mainly hired people to run Abu Ghraib and other camps, were jail guards that had complaint lists of rape and stuff to run the torture.
That came out.
So federal jail guards are as bad as it gets.
And reportedly, Paul Watson saw this on the Facebook of Kokesh.
We haven't confirmed it, that it's actually happening, but people are saying when they call, there's jokes like, yeah, we shot Adam Kokesh in the head.
Which is a terroristic threat if it's true.
But, see, they don't care because they've been told, you're above the law, go after the Tea Party, go after everybody.
And remember, the anti-terrorism stuff is pointed at the American people.
We're joined by his two producers, Lucas Jewell and Daryl Young, who were on with us yesterday.
Gentlemen, you're there.
You're welcome to, after you talk, get out and show us some video shots of the federal facility, the phone numbers, to call or up on InfoWars.com.
But, you know, he's another talk show host, but I'm not in competition with him.
I am in competition against the tyrants, and I'm pushing liberty, and we all hang together or we hang separate.
And I've seen other talk show hosts making sly comments and things, and they're idiots.
I expect if I ever get set up like this, that you're going to support me.
That's how the instinct of winning works.
Gentlemen, give us the latest on what's happening to Adam Kokesh right now, who strayed onto Federal Park and got kidnapped.
Well, we're right outside a federal detention center in Philadelphia right now, which is a federal prison.
Today, Adam will be appearing in court in about 45 minutes, and we'll find out his bail and everything like that.
We haven't been in contact with him.
None of his family has been in contact with him.
It's been a couple days now, so, you know, we're a little concerned.
Yeah, that's putting it lightly.
I mean, he disappeared Saturday.
What about the reports, and I haven't called yet, but others have, and I see a lot of it, that they're yelling at people.
You told me they were rude when you went in and tried to find out where he was yesterday.
They wouldn't even say where he was.
What can you say on that front?
Well, we still have no information.
We're going in there expecting to find something out because we have no knowledge of what he's being charged with.
He said we haven't had any contact from this man and we're just a little concerned because that's our friend.
Forget the business partner, that's our friend in this movement and we haven't heard anything from him.
A little concerned.
I mean, we should all be concerned about this.
You told me they were rude yesterday.
What did they say to you?
When he went to the police office?
I believe it was Saturday when we went to the police office to find out where he was when they said he was picked up by the federal agents.
They just said, hey, unless we're a lawyer, they can't provide any information to us.
That was basically it.
Yeah, that's pure bull.
You're obviously his friends on record.
And his girlfriend hasn't heard from him.
Family hasn't, correct?
Spoke to his girlfriend earlier this morning.
As soon as I hear something, I will definitely contact her immediately.
Nobody has heard anything.
Spandi, folks, do you realize this is like Russia or Nazi Germany?
This is over the top.
And by the way, he shouldn't be in a federal facility.
Usually, a park police, federal, pick you up for being drunk or something.
They give you the local police.
He's in a federal jail, federal prison, correct?
But Alex, we're the terrorists.
So that's why he's in there.
You know that.
No, no, no, no.
Listen to this article.
Denver cops.
This is on local news.
This isn't me saying this.
Denver cops arrest Italian shotgun manufacturer as a terrorist because at the gun show he loaded the five to ten thousand dollar Italian shotguns that he hadn't sold in the back of the uh...
Imagine, you pull up at a gun show, a rich Italian loads shotguns in the back of the car that he was unable to sell, one of the finest models out there, and they arrested him as a terrorist, and the news reports that like it's normal.
Yeah, just recently we had one of our protestors out here opening, carrying his firearm and what they do call, no over exaggerating, about 30 to 40 officers to come question this guy and bring him to the corner to find out if his gun is legit and like he's the one out there blowing up buildings, killing babies, like, this is outrageous.
I mean, it's police.
No, that's the Globals doing that.
Specifically on Adam, my friend, specifically here.
So, no one has heard from him and, correct me if I'm wrong, but you said on radio yesterday, you went in to talk to him and they said, hey, we're not even going to tell you where he's at.
So how do we even know he's in the federal jail?
Because the police told you?
We're telling people and nobody knows.
We have yet to confirm it.
Well, no, I believe it's BOP.gov.
It's the Bureau of Prisons.
And there is something on there.
Some people have sent me the link where it says that he's at FDC Philadelphia, which is right outside where we're at.
Yesterday we had a bunch of people out here causing a ruckus, making noise, and we ended up having all these prisoners banging on the windows and everything, so we caused quite a stir inside the prison.
What about all the stuff we're seeing when people call, they're saying they've killed him?
Well, you know, I wouldn't put it past the government to do that.
They've killed a lot of people.
But I think it's highly unlikely that they actually did.
Sure, sure.
But I mean, what happens?
What have you heard when people call?
The phone numbers are on InfoWars.com.
What are you hearing?
Whenever I call, I'm actually calling not to disturb anyone, but calling to get serious information.
I've been in contact with our lawyer.
We have two different lawyers.
And I'm actually just calling to try to get information.
So I don't know what
You know, what the fans are calling and saying, or... Well, for those who don't know, well, they're supporters of Liberty.
Look, here's the issue.
Everybody's seen the video, but you were there, but I've gone to all the angles now to make sure that, you know, people weren't being selective with it.
He's up there giving a speech, they come and arrest him, and then throw him on the ground, and then disappearing.
I mean, this is a kidnapping.
It is.
Yeah, it's a kidnapping, but you know, society isn't going to judge it as that because they're wearing funny costumes and shiny badges.
You know, they have a pseudo-society-granted monopoly on the use of force.
That's what government is.
So, gentlemen, points you want to make?
I just want to see my brother, man.
I want both of my brothers to be free.
Not only Colcash, but N.A.
Poe is a political prisoner right now.
Tell us who N.A.
Poe is.
So he disappeared into the snatch and grab.
Yeah, he's the other half of the panic hour with Steve Miller Miller, just another political activist fighting the tyranny, just being active, educating people.
And they want to stop people like that because they can spread the message of liberty.
And they want to continue poisoning and brainwashing people.
And it's people like that that's waking the people at a large number.
So if they silence them, they feel like they can silence that large amount of number, that large number.
But you can't stop what we do.
They can't.
Yeah, Alex, I was actually on the radio or internet radio show with some people you work with yesterday and they told me, you know you're on the list, right?
Like, you know you're on the government list.
If you're not on the list right now as an American citizen, you should be ashamed.
You should be ashamed of yourself for not standing up against this brutal tyranny.
People I work with?
Somebody from my office?
Claim they were affiliated with you.
Well, everybody does that.
I'm going to ask you out there who that was.
Let's put this back up on screen here.
There it is.
That's at the federal prison's website.
Adam Kokesh.
Register number 69371-066.
41-year-old white male.
That's not true.
So they say he's 41.
How old is Adam?
Let's punch it back up so the feds can't even, pretty soon it'll be a conspiracy theory to be able to get a number right.
And it says release date unknown, Philadelphia FDC, Federal Department of Corrections, and there you go, so he's in there.
We're gonna come back from break, I want you guys to get your laptop out and maybe give us a walking tour, show us the facility when we come back in three minutes for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers, okay?
Sounds good.
Alright, and also folks need to obviously go to adamvstheman.com and support what they're doing.
And that's what we're here for.
We're here as a platform to support everybody exercising their First Amendment.
And this is shameful.
The press is under attack.
Demonstrators are under attack.
Free speech is under attack.
Mainline churches are being audited and told to say, hey, what are you praying?
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By the way, folks, they're not just getting rid of the 4th and 5th Amendment, the 1st, all of it, the 10th Amendment.
They're getting rid of everything.
And saying they're gonna raise your taxes up to 80%.
France, it's now at 100%.
Reuters is reporting.
I'm not joking.
But then it turned out all the socialists were exempt and had Swiss bank accounts.
They are robbers.
Robbers will take everything you've got and your life for fun.
They've already robbed you?
I'll go ahead and shoot you.
Because they like it.
It's what they like to do.
Now there's Skype cut out.
We're trying to reconnect right now.
And as soon as we get him, we'll get him back on.
But the whole point is, is that if they arrested him for even the marijuana, I'd say, okay, it'll be fought out in court.
But, I mean, he's not even smoking marijuana, and he's giving a speech, and they go and grab him, tackle him, and then disappear him.
I mean, this is a big deal.
At G20, we got footage of them just grabbing peaceful protesters and disappearing them.
By the way, it's more important than ever.
I'm gonna, you know, fight 110%.
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That's how we continue to move forward.
Now, going back to Adam Kokesh's producers, Lucas Jewell and Daryl Young, with his media operation, there's partners in that, finishing up, get out with a laptop if you can, or finish any points you want to make.
about this political prisoner Adam Kokesh and the other fellow.
We have the phone numbers, all the details at InfoWars.com.
And make any other points you want as you show viewers shots of the federal gulag.
Yeah, Daryl is securing the vehicle right now.
We're right outside of the federal detention center here in Philly.
There it is.
I'm going to come up to the door and show you more stuff.
Oh man, I almost jaywalked in front of a cop.
Oh my gosh, you're so evil.
What a criminal!
Fuck it.
Believe that.
Try not to cuss, man.
It's really hard for us to cut that out.
I apologize, Alex.
You see here, I don't know if you can see in the camera, so this is where he's being held.
Federal Detention Center in Philly.
I don't know.
Uh, not a lot of traffic coming in and out.
Oh my gosh, but you know if you were by yourself, they'd come over and say you're not allowed to videotape and threaten to arrest you for terrorism, like Molly Rogers, one of our crew members, a few months ago.
And then once you come and confront them, they go, oh, there is no law.
We apologize.
In fact, step back from the laptop.
Give us all a wide shot of the facility, please, sir.
See what we have here.
So somewhere in there we believe Adam is being held by the goons who can't even put his name right in the computer.
And then, correct, and here we have a couple guardians of the Emperor.
Allegedly we're not supposed to be standing where I'm standing.
Oh yeah, show me the guardians of the Emperor.
Here we are.
We have a couple police officers here.
Obviously afraid of the camera because, you know, good deeds are done in light, Alex.
Go, show us.
Yeah, keep it going.
There we are.
We got, you know, the bald guy.
He's not afraid of me.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Show us the bald guy.
Oh, look, he's got a badge.
He's God.
Hey, that badge only means something if you're lawful.
Hey, by the way, stay there.
Back in one minute.
I want to go up and talk to the cops.
We'll be right back.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
So the feds, and the federal government's not even federal, it's occupied by the globalists, came over and told them they couldn't be filming in front of the God Center, the house of our owners, the federal foreign banker minions.
Adam Kokesh was arrested for a speech he gave, a peaceful speech in
In Philadelphia, and now his producers are out there.
They have a laptop with live video feed Skype, and they won't say why he's been arrested.
He's disappeared.
The full details are at Infowars.com.
Let's go live to that video feed right now before their laptop dies.
It's almost out of batteries.
Here we go.
We'll go with this as long as we can.
We're live here right in front of the FTC Philly.
It's me and Daryl.
And we have these two gentlemen, actually now it's three, the bald head guy came back.
We have these three gentlemen who are here in silly costumes to prevent us from freely moving our bodies.
Oh, so what are the guys in costumes doing?
Maybe you'd do what they said, they're wearing Star Trek costumes.
I'm sorry.
Hey, hey, try to tip the camera down.
Give us a full shot.
There we go.
What are they doing?
Blocking you?
What's he doing?
Well, Alex, I had to waste the taxpayer's money.
You know the rest.
I have some military experience in the use of force continuum.
The first step in the use of force continuum is presence.
So I believe they're establishing a presence to try to intimidate activists from coming out here and causing a ruckus like we did yesterday.
Here, show us the ball-headed guy.
Pan these guys.
I hope his Skype hasn't cut out.
Well, good job, guys.
So, I mean, they've disappeared and drug Kokesh off into a spider hole.
They're in there working for the globalists.
This is the government that publicly ships in almost all the narcotics, runs the opium fields in Afghanistan.
They've got like some kind of gate, it looks like, out there trying to block you guys from standing in front of the spider hole.
And people need to go to InfoWars.com, get the article, Activist Rally to Free Adam Kokesh.
I'm going to have Paul Watson, well you guys, I am Paul Watson, that federal filing.
Yeah, I am him, that link, and we'll have that screenshotted and put in there.
And they can't even get that he's 31.
They have that he's 41.
He's white, but at least they got that right.
Maybe they'll say he's black next.
And, you know, it's unknown why you guys in the federal government are so evil.
That's what's unknown.
It's unbelievable.
I tell you, you know, Adam Kokesh, he's like the good linen.
He kind of looks like linen or something.
I'm sorry.
Lenin was reborn and reincarnated as Adam Kokesh, but now he's an anarchist instead of a communist.
All right, I'm gonna stop.
I'm gonna stop.
The whole point is that Adam does look a little sinister.
I think that's what makes the cops even more angry, because they always try to look like that, too.
But we're gonna be covering all of this, ladies and gentlemen.
Me, I'm a big, sweet teddy bear.
And that's what... I could grow a goatee, though.
Maybe shave my head, everybody like that?
Alright man, we're gonna go to break.
We lost those guys.
This is only going to intensify the awakening in this country.
And if they ever disappear me into one of these spider holes, just know that's our victory.
And just continue moving forward.
Because there are a bunch of people that are scared following their unconstitutional orders.
And that's why they're scared of his armed march on Washington, peaceful, to demonstrate the Second Amendment.
They're scared of the idea that even if they provocateur, that's going to come out.
And they understand that they're trying to dominate us right now and break our will and set the precedent that we have no basic liberty.
And it's all coming out that we do have a tyranny, and so people are now having that choice.
Like, okay, we're in a tyranny, now what do we do about it?
And either people will acquiesce to it and we'll go into a very long, dark time, or people will start non-compliance across the board, everywhere.
Their video feed cut out.
But call their cell phone, give them our hotline, guys.
If they have any problems out there, tell them to call in during the show today, okay?
And we got a bunch of guests.
We got an Air Force chemtrail whistleblower about spraying poison on you and your family coming up.
And Joel Skousen in studio.
And we got a ton of the latest IRS impeachment news.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we are back live.
Thank you so much for joining us on this Monday edition.
We're now into the second hour.
We have just masses of news that I'm going to get to in detail right now.
I haven't even gotten into our top stories in detail yet.
The London Guardian and even the Associated Press officially are saying we're in a police state and that the press is being intimidated.
They are arresting
Members of the State Department who just give their opinion to a journalist about how dangerous Kim Jong-un is.
That's totally protected.
The Espionage Act is giving secrets to a foreign power.
Everything the federal government does, selling out to globalists, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, the private Federal Reserve that's European-owned, saying NATO's over our military.
The Army has come out and said they don't need presidential authorization to quell unrest.
And this is all unprecedented treason.
And then Fox News goes over to the State Department.
I mean, they openly talk to people.
It's not even hidden.
And they're surveilling people in the State Department that talk to Fox News.
I mean, what do you think goes on in Washington?
What do you think reporters do?
And they're now talking about arresting him, saying he's a criminal.
I mean, these people aren't playing games!
They may march out and try to arrest us all!
And that's at the point, folks, where the civil disobedience has to go.
You have to hit the streets nationwide.
And then if they put it down to force, 1776 kicks in.
And I've done everything I can to stop this, but they start trying to arrest the press en masse and put us in the re-education centers that are in the official army manual.
That is offensive oppression, and we have every constitutional right to defend ourselves.
I don't want to go there, and I've tried my hardest.
But they know they're losing the political battle with us.
They're going to start something.
They're going to start something.
And by the way, you're going to lose that too, punks!
Listen, I don't have a bunch of bravado.
I'm not looking for trouble.
But if it starts, ladies and gentlemen, they started it.
And if they mean to get a war, they're gonna get one.
There's only so much we're gonna take from these people.
There's the old saying, you can do you know what to me, but you can't rub it in.
And they're just in our face, rubbing it in.
But we're winning because we just sit back while they race around committing all these crimes and we expose them.
And they get away with more and more and more.
And I believe the false flag is going to be going around and staging events to blame it on the Liberty Movement.
Or staging something and saying that media leakers
We're good to go.
But the White House itself is listening.
And why are they listening?
Because they know, I know, what they're doing.
I'm the detective, full-time, on their butt, who knows who they are, knows how they think, and knows how to stop them.
And I freak them out.
And by the way, I freak them out because I'm committed unto death to not stop.
I have the spirit of 1776 in me, and I do not fear them.
They can kill me, kill my family.
People ask, Alex, why don't you have security?
Alex, why aren't you more paranoid?
Why don't you wear a bulletproof vest?
Because if they strike me down, it's God's will.
I am not going to sit here and live in fear.
My fear is having 30 people banging on the door a day where I can't get my job done.
My fear is not being articulate enough.
My fear is not getting the job done.
My fear is not beating these people.
My life has zero value outside of a free society.
I love life and I never want to die and I never commit suicide.
If they kill me and say it was suicide, it's pure bull, folks.
But I'll say this, if we don't beat them, life is not going to be worth living.
You understand that?
I'm not going to sit here and watch my children go into hot bondage.
Not Cold War bondage, but hot enslavement.
A war.
A hot war.
And I'm not going to go out violently and oppose them unless they're shooting at me.
Because that's not effective.
That's when you're losing, is when you're in the shooting war.
I will pull out all sorts of tricks before I'm dead to attack these people politically and hurt them with the truth.
And folks, we've got the truth.
We need to stab them with it.
Not worry about who's won in the fight.
Not worry about what's going on.
Just stab, stab, stab.
And folks, if we all just start stabbing with the truth, this sucker will bleed out real quick.
Death by a billion cuts.
So start shoving the knife in, ladies and gentlemen.
Infowar is 90% of warfare, the Pentagon's own words.
We have the truth, the globalists have lies.
Savage them!
Destroy them!
All you guys talk about a shooting war and how you're gonna, you know, they keep pushing it, you're gonna go out and do all this.
Folks, you've lost.
We'll end up winning that war, but that's a major failure, a huge failure.
We want to beat them with the Infowar that's 90% of the war.
It is violence.
I have been successful because I am violent with the truth.
I think I'm not violent enough.
My crew is not violent enough.
These people are violently attacking our liberty, violently robbing our freedom, violently bankrupting our country, violently using our name for all their evil operations, violently trying to intimidate us.
They are an outrage!
They are an abomination!
They are a fraud!
They are a despicable joke!
Put it back on screen.
Yeah, there's the InfoWars.com headline with links to her Council on Foreign Relations speech where she said, we are losing the InfoWar.
Yes, witch!
We are finding our human spirit again.
We're finding the righteous spirit to not even hate you but be disgusted by you and just be animated with energy to pull you down.
It's a battle of spirit, ladies and gentlemen, and they're trying to kill the human spirit.
They're waging war against the human spirit because only the dumb will go along with all this idiocy.
It's elementary.
These are the most selfish people in the world.
I am not even worried about my own life.
I am in love with humanity.
I am in love with your success.
I am in love with everything you've done.
The paintings, the art, the literature.
I don't get jealous when some guy's got a gorgeous wife.
I admire that.
That's the spirit that builds civilizations.
And you've got that spirit too.
These people have the opposite spirit.
They are envious and jealous and they don't like you.
They... It's painful to them, the beauty, the goodness, the purity, the creativity, the love, the compassion, the empathy.
It's painful to them because they've turned a darkness out of their single drive to be in a position of power.
There is no future without this species on this planet.
I mean, it...
It is beyond insane how beautiful the universe it is.
It is beyond unimaginable that we, I say this, we're on a planet with a thin atmosphere, spinning through space around a gas giant, and we can stare out into space and see other planets, and there's just life all around us.
I was swimming in the river the other night after I went for a jog, and it had already, the sun had gone down, but over the planet,
Pink light was hitting.
Pink light was hitting the clouds and I was in like 15 foot of water going down and picking up rocks in crystal clear water in a spring feeding out the Colorado River.
You're not supposed to swim in there.
I do whatever I want.
I'm not your slave.
I wasn't playing your video games then.
I wasn't on the computer then.
I was in a river with big snapping turtles and fish all around me and I saw waves of pink.
From the waves above me, and I came up out of the water, and there were bats, and there were skylarks, and chimney-swifts flying around eating bugs everywhere, and I saw a big owl fly by, and I was just sitting there in just absolute awe of the universe.
And it's that stillness, it's that wholeness, it was looking up into the sky, the pink sky,
It was heaven.
It was heaven.
They can't take that away from any of us.
They feed off our fear.
Well, I'm not afraid of you.
I'm not afraid anymore.
I'm only afraid that we fail.
I'm only afraid that you not be defeated.
I mean, I look at giggling children with discovery in their eyes and love, and I think about how they want to hurt them and brainwash them and turn them into evil people and want to shoot them up with deadly vaccines and want to feed them GMO designed to sterilize them and give them cancer.
And it's a feeling beyond rage now of just the evil of it, the evil force that drives that, that the globalists look at giggling children
And see them as the larva of an infestation upon the face of the world that they must exterminate.
They get a thrill out of it, knowing that we don't know, knowing that we're simple-minded, knowing that we're not simple-minded.
The fool on the hill sees the world going by.
The fool on the hill sees the world spinning around.
And the eyes in his head see the sun going down.
Pool on the hill.
He's perfectly still.
That's still place.
That's infinity.
That's forever.
That's a moment in forever.
We live forever.
And you go back to all your ancestors screaming out in your instincts to resist this dehumanization, screaming and saying, do you know what we did to get you to this level?
Do you know everything we put on the line?
Screaming through your genetics, screaming through your soul, saying, do something!
Rise, sleeping giant!
There's been a disaster and most of you don't even realize the terrible danger we're in.
Alex Jones has warned you for years to get a good food storage.
We thought the danger was drought.
Or food delivered to our gas tanks.
Or our food sold to other countries.
Or food so expensive that only those on food stamps and welfare could afford it.
But we have just experienced the most effective way to lose your freedom, liberty and security without even a fight.
Government regulation.
After a 160-year tradition of self-reliance, the do-it-yourself and charitable Mormon food storage canneries in half the country are forced to shut down due to excessive government regulations.
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While you were sleeping They came and took it all away.
They came and took it all away.
It was an inside job.
It's like it always is.
We're back live, you know, finishing up the story about being in the river the other night.
Right where the big stream of spring water was coming in.
It was crystal clear.
It had gotten dark.
But there was still clouds way up high where the sun was shooting over the planet.
And I'd never seen, I'd seen pink on the water.
This was like 10, 15 feet down.
There was rivulets of the water with the pink.
So the marks of the waves, it's like you see in the daytime, gold on the bottom of the water.
Well, this was pink and purple on the bottom of the river, on the stones, on the pebbles, with fish and things swimming around.
But reflected by the sun, just amazing.
Imagine a sun in space, shooting over the edge of the planet, hitting clouds, beaming down into the water.
I mean, it's just incredible.
Creation is incredible.
Being alive is a blessing.
And the evil hates it and wants to destroy it.
I mean, you can call it what you want, but it's a very small percentage of the population loves ugliness.
And it's got to be dealt with.
Speaking of that, the Washington Post actually did a pretty fair article.
Has Adam Kokesh been kidnapped by the feds?
Alex Jones tells all.
And the writer actually does a pretty fair and balanced, I would say, report.
And she says at the end of the report, it doesn't matter
If Kokesh is a good guy or a bad guy, he's had his rights violated for speaking.
Adam Kokesh has had his civil and political rights, just like every other American.
The government appears to have infringed on those rights, targeting Kokesh because of his anti-government views.
And that's a liberal saying that.
See, I mean, it gets to a point, folks, where we either stand up for the press, and we either stand up for freedom, we either stand up for rights, or everybody loses them.
I mean, look at this.
Look at this article by Kurt Demme up on InfoWars.com.
We have a newscast that goes with this we're about to play.
Denver cops arrest Italian shotgun manufacturer as a terrorist.
He was at the Colorado Gun Collector's Show.
I'm not even a collector of really fancy shotguns, but I know who Daniele Perazzi shotguns are.
They're selling them.
And he's the executive who was there showing him the gun shops to, you know, sell.
And these are the fancy shotguns that rich people use.
And the cab driver called the police on him as part of a terrorism program called Taxis on Patrol, TOPS, where they just gave awards to him.
And yeah, if somebody's getting in the car saying, I'm gonna go kidnap kids, or somebody's a crack dealer, but the cops won't respond to that.
I can go show them crack dealers here in Austin right now.
But they did respond to this and arrested him, even though the guns weren't illegal.
And he had all the licenses to bring them in and said, get out of Colorado.
And he said, forget that.
I'm getting out of the United States.
Man, those shotguns are even allowed in Italy, and they've taken most of the guns.
So, let's go ahead and go to a piece of this newscast, but when you have a cleaner in your house, or you have a repair person, a lot of them make more money on kickbacks for tips than they do on their job.
And you need to know, America is like East Germany now.
And they're hungry for new people.
They're hungry for folks that haven't done anything wrong.
Because the cops won't go after the real criminals.
They're not allowed to.
They can't go after their own cocaine dealers.
Let's go ahead and go to this clip.
A taxi driver called police claiming he just dropped off a terrorist at a gun show.
Turns out the man wasn't who the cab driver thought.
Fox 31 Denver's Hendrick Sabrande is here with this developing story.
It's not a very good place to go attack people at a gun show.
We've been instructed to report any suspicious activity.
When in doubt, we're told to call the police.
That's exactly what a cabbie did today after he dropped off a man carrying a bunch of weapons at a local gun show.
It took a police interrogation to determine that the man, who's the grandson of a prominent Italian gun maker, was totally legit.
Those guns cost ten grand apiece.
It was around noon today when a taxi driver picked up a fare who was carrying seven expensive shotguns.
Oh my gosh.
He dropped the customer off at the Merchandise Mart at a Colorado Gun Collectors Association gun show.
Oh, that's not obvious.
Call it an idiot.
He's saying he just dropped off a terrorist.
That's enough!
You see something, say something.
Well, I see a corrupt government out of control.
Folks, these are single shot and double shot carved shotguns.
But that shows how dumb the public are.
I told you, I had the carpet cleaner call the cops on me 15 years ago for a gun case.
And he'd moved here from a state where guns were pretty much illegal.
And I said, listen, it's okay.
And he ran out in fear from a gun case.
I mean, that's how you've got us normal informed people and then armies of mindless idiot zombies.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Now we've got a big whistleblower that's just been going public.
Kristen Megan joining us here in a minute.
This is big.
Please tell your friends and family to tune in.
And the whole next hour, we're going to be talking with Joel Skousen in studio about all the big scandals and what he thinks is behind them.
We're going to go over IRSgate, Spygate, Benghazigate, where he thinks the whole power structure is right now.
So we're going to be looking at that with him.
We're also going to look at some other issues tonight on the Nightly News.
We're going to look at what strategic relocation means, region by region, and what the elites are doing, why they're digging in and saying they're getting ready for total collapse and civil unrest.
We're going to have Joel Skousen on the Nightly News for a lengthy interview tonight.
He's here to be interviewed for Obama Deception, too, that should be out in the fall that I'm working on right now.
Now, before we go to our guest, I just briefly want to remind all of the listeners and viewers that the entire InfoWars operation is a creature of your doing.
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You can also call and ask questions or order books, videos, pro-Second Amendment t-shirts.
Anti-tyranny t-shirts with Obama the slob as a joker.
All of it at InfoWarsStore.com or 888-253-3139.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, again we are going to get our guest on here in just a moment.
Her Skype just dropped.
Again, coming up in the next hour, I'm going to get into some of these reports.
Obama's backed FSA rebels name their brigade Osama Bin Laden.
And it shows videos on our site of
Brigades of thousands of men marching in Al-Qaeda black uniforms with Al-Qaeda patches and the official Al-Qaeda flag.
That is the main public force.
It has been the entire time.
Now it's all over mainstream news.
While they simultaneously say, and I'll show people a document cam shot of their TV viewers of this, Obama-backed FSA rebels named their brigade Osama bin Laden.
And then it continues here.
Here is an article.
Washington gets explicit its war on terror is permanent.
Cheney said it would last a hundred years.
Now it's permanent.
Next will be infinity.
A senior Obama official tells the U.S.
Senate the war is limitless form will continue for at least another decade or two.
And of course the main enemy is conservatives, libertarians, returning veterans.
Think of the magnitude
Think of the magnitude of that statement.
That, oh yeah, it's not Al-Qaeda now, it's you!
It's for you!
You're the suspect, and we're gonna audit and harass churches and pro-life groups, and we're gonna not let you have protests, we're not even gonna have free speech zones now, and we're gonna arrest you if you videotape the police.
I have more articles about it happening all over the U.S.
right here.
This is lawlessness that we are seeing unfold.
And look at this.
Obama-backed FSA rebel names their brigade Osama Bin Laden.
Here's another one.
Marines' growing use of ground robots raises ethics concerns.
Oh yeah, because soon it's going to be totally autonomous.
They already have them.
And humans are out of the equation.
They will follow orders.
The robots.
Now there are stealth drone boats.
This has already been announced.
They're going to have them on all lakes.
Lethal remote vessels will take on pirates.
See, the globals are going to all robots.
Al Qaeda's Syrian wing takes over oil fields, once belonging to Assad.
Al Qaeda's Syrian wing is helping to finance its activities by selling
The product of oil fields that once helped to prop up the regime of Bashir al-Assad.
I mean, that's London Telegraph, folks.
One of the biggest papers in England.
But when I fly to Bilderberg, I guarantee you they're going to have, when you leave the country, they're going to have a see something, say something where some idiot that's taken a six hour course or eight hour course can ask me questions.
Knowing full well, oh hello Mr. Jones, we're going to ask you some questions.
You're not planning anything.
You're not a terrorist, are you?
We're going to take you over here and grab your genitals.
How's that sound?
When the government publicly... Do I get apologies from all the Neocon talk show hosts?
Because now I've seen them.
I've seen the video clips of them going, Obama's running Al Qaeda.
That really freaked the White House out when I came out with the headline a few months ago.
Obama now head of Al Qaeda worldwide.
He is.
I mean, that's how insane all of this garbage has gotten.
And it's just going to get more and more and more and more and more and more.
It's crazy.
And, you know, I've told the story about the carpet cleaner in my house.
He's a gun case and wouldn't clean the carpets and left.
And then I called, you know, the place saying, is he calling the cops?
Well, yes, but we stopped it.
He doesn't understand.
He's not from around here.
And these people watch these shows.
Their parents didn't raise them.
They sit in front of the television.
They don't even know what continent they're on.
They don't know what three branches of governments are.
Then they watch shows based in New York, all these dramas where they find a gun, and everybody that has a gun is a bad guy, and all guns are illegal.
Oh, you've got a handgun, you're going to go to jail for 20 years for this.
And then I always read the articles where it's always some old vet in a semi-rural area cleaning guns in their garage, and the new neighbor sees it, calls the police, they SWAT team him, and it will say, 11 guns and 1,000 rounds of ammo were taken.
He's being charged with having an arsenal.
And then you go check the state law, there's not an arsenal law.
But they've got juries that are so dumb that they'll convict him for stuff that doesn't even exist.
I mean, this country's really weird, man.
And then so you've got the grandson of one of the fanciest, in fact, not one of, probably the most fancy shotguns.
I mean, the cheap ones are ten grand.
I've been to the gun shops, I've looked at them.
Uh... and uh... you know he's there at a major dealer show about dealers.
One of the biggest dealer shows in the country where it's mainly dealers there.
You know, it's like they have trade shows.
They're there to see it.
He's there trying to show them their seven models of shotgun.
And imagine the taxi driver.
You load the shotguns in.
They're totally legal.
You drive to the uh...
To the conference place, you get out at the Gun Dealer Expo.
He goes in.
Imagine how dumb you've got to be.
A guy's going to a gun show for gun dealers with seven Italian shotguns that no one would use in a terror attack.
And then the guy calls going, they're terrorists.
This is how stupid these people are.
This is how weird they are.
This is how bizarre they are.
And they're invincibly ignorant.
And that's why you're seeing so much tyranny.
That's why they're telling churches, you're gonna tell us what you pray now.
I mean, that's beyond North Korea.
We have a pack of criminals that have taken over, with all these servile idiots who call the police if your five-year-old's thrown a fit in the store and you spat him, totally legal.
They call the cops, then CPS comes, there's no law, but they say, well, we say it's abuse, and then they take your kid.
Oh, we say you didn't vaccinate your kid.
There's no law.
We don't care.
We have a judge that'll take your kids in the fake court.
This is what, it's so incredible.
Because the public are a bunch of jellyfish idiots.
But here's the message of the New World Order that we're going to our guests that we got connected.
There's probably 30% of us fully awake just because you've got a bunch of zombies.
Doesn't mean that weak are going to beat your slaves, scum!
5% beat you in 1776.
Now, we have a major whistleblower.
The video she did is 20 minutes long.
It's on Infowars.com with Jakari Jackson, Friday night.
She's just recently gone public giving some speeches, and when I watch her, I'm an expert on geoengineering and chemtrailing from studying it for 15, 16 years.
You know, the actual documents, the engineers, so I know she knows what she's talking about.
And she breaks it all down on her YouTube channel.
She spent nine years on active duty in the U.S.
Air Force bio-environmental engineering.
That's what they call it.
By the way, this is all quasi-public.
The details are classified.
And when you talk about it, they go, you're crazy!
Working in industrial hygiene and environmental protection.
She was... And then it goes through all the things that she's fighting and exposing.
And she joins us
Now, uh, sugar decoded sanity.
She joins us now.
I appreciate her coming on.
Just give us the skinny of it, because of time constraints, how you woke up, what you saw in the Air Force, what's going on with the bio, environmental, it's biological too, engineering, and because you're one of the few insiders.
There's been a couple others, one of them got shut down and then won't talk to anybody, won't even know where he's at.
But tell us what you witnessed.
Thank you, Kristen and Megan, for coming on.
Well, thanks for having me, Alex.
Like I said before, actually, it was your documentary, Terror Storm.
My brother showed it to me back in 06.
I was in the military, completely ignorant to what was really going on and what we were doing.
That video woke me up.
I kind of went through a stage of what's going on, questioned what I was doing in the military, and that video ignited me going into researching a lot of things you were talking about.
And in doing a lot of the research, I came across Truth or Sights, heard about chemtrails and engineering, thought it was just a crazy conspiracy, and then the light bulb goes off, hey, if this is going to go on and people are blaming the Air Force, I'm in a good position to kind of look into this.
So kind of living a secret life while I was in the military, I started to look and try to debunk this.
It was almost offensive to my lifestyle.
In an attempt to debunk it, like I said before in my speech, part of the process was to follow what's called an Air Force Form 3952.
It's the approval and authorization of hazardous materials on base.
So, I would tie like, you know, from benzene, toluene, things like that, that were coming on base, even metal sheets to come on base, we would tie it to a building in a process.
So, just to make a long story short, I started seeing the same constituent
...that were blamed for chemtrails.
And, um, and, uh, I went, wow, you know, this stuff is coming on base and it's not labeled.
It's, it's normally tied to a building, but you got barium, stromium, aluminum, different radioactive materials and tiny particulates coming on base.
Which is usually the same hazards that we were trying to debate for all the DOD and Air Force personnel.
So I did my own solar sampling, rain sampling, grid sampling, and what I was coming back with was government reportable and the EPA would not do anything about it.
I hear a radio on in the background.
Can you do me a favor and turn that down?
I want to be able to hear you clearly.
Sorry, hold on just a second.
Can you turn off that audio out there please?
I know everybody wants to listen, but it kind of makes it hard.
Okay, now expanding on this, I mean, they admit the geoengineering, they don't call it chemtrails, but under the Department of Energy and Air Force, the billions a year are public.
We just don't have the details.
Specifically, for laymen out there, explain the chemicals they're using at the Air Force, and then what you discovered.
Well, again, what I had seen was materials coming on base and these were completely didn't label which company they were coming from.
That was a huge red flag for me.
So at the time, you know, Fearing Replies, I didn't ask the questions, but I thought, wow, you know, this is a huge indicator to what people are saying.
So, again, I lived a mile behind the flight line, and I did my own soil and rain sampling, and those same constituents were showing in my soil.
And so people know I am credentialed to understand how to do this type of sampling.
You go and you get your county's background information, and you know what's already naturally occurring in your soil for your state.
And when you have these parameters of these constituents and compounds that I sampled for, it should not be in the soil.
This was a very scary, scary time for me.
It took me until I left the federal service to actually start talking about it.
And I just hope that more people will come forward that are still in my job or anyone in my line of work in the federal government as a whole will come forward and talk about this.
Sure, and again this shows the compartmentalization they use.
Until you knew not to trust the system, even though you were over environmental procedures there in your area of the base, you didn't know what to look for.
Talk about the different chemicals and things that were being brought on and the amounts of it that was being brought on.
Well, it was aluminum oxide, barium, and strontium.
And the thing about strontium, in the form of paint, it's a strontium chromate, similar to chromium, chrome 6, if you've ever heard of that.
So these, they were coming in, in like, tonnage.
I mean, not as solid materials, but as aerosols.
And it's coated by, if it's a solid, if it's a liquid, if it's an aerosol.
Exactly what the chemtrail researchers exposed 15, 16 years ago, yeah.
Which now, all over the U.S., the soil's going way up to where plants can't even grow.
I mean, the evidence is here on the grounds.
Keep going.
And one thing that just blew my mind was, I started to kind of talk about this amongst some of my co-workers, and you know, they thought I was crazy.
But I'm always known as being against the fringe, so just throughout my career, this was around 2007-2008, even when I moved to Robbins Air Force Base in Georgia, I didn't see those same materials on system, but those same things were coming back in my soil and rain samples, and now that I'm in Chicago, I'm getting the same things.
And actually, when I worked at the VA after leaving the Air Force, I met an EPA compliance inspector who was actually chastised for bringing this up.
He's a full believer in chemtrails.
He's seen some things that he is going to talk about when he retires from the EPA.
I mean, they kind of took a 26-year EPA compliance officer who's a GS-13 high-ranking and put him out in the field to kind of shut him up.
You have people within the EPA who are saying hey we know about this and it's a shut up and color type ordeal.
I've had them on from the EPA and recently retired and they talk about in areas of the country because they have as you know the soil samples going back a hundred years they go my god in five years the aluminum dioxide levels in one person I interviewed in Washington State had gone up more than ten times what it was.
I mean they are just
And you see it everywhere.
The trees are dying, the plants, farm growth belts are... I mean, this is... It's almost like aliens that want to kill the earth or something.
I mean, I'm not saying they are.
It's so diabolical.
What's insane to you, Alex, is the fact that if you're familiar with any time there's removal of soil, soil remediation, construction, you cannot even haul off soil waste until it's been tested due to different CFRs.
You have to test it for benzene and oil and biologicals.
So when you really start to see how many people can profit off of this whole program, it's disturbing.
And I actually, now that I'm done with it, I can talk about it.
I've been doing a study, pretending to be some student, and I've contacted a lot of disposal sites here to get copies of their trends, and this stuff is everywhere.
Stay there and break that news when we get back.
A nine-year veteran of the Air Force over bio-environmental engineering, Kristen Megan.
She's going to break down this new study she's been doing.
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Her report's coming out soon.
We'll get her on for a full hour.
Kristen Megan, Air Force Whistleblower, SugarDeCoded.com.
I'm Alex Jones of InfoWars.com.
By the way, there's two films that we carry discounted at InfoWarsStore.com.
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And again, I have that punched up on my computer.
You guys can just punch it up right there.
There it is.
People can go there into the DVD special area and find those.
And it gets into what's happening worldwide.
And here's the deal.
They're also, we found the patents, adding aluminum dioxide, barium salts, and strontium and things to the jet fuel.
Through the big manufacturers and then it aerosolizes it in the engines and puts it out.
Perfect compartmentalization.
You have special Air Force teams.
I saw one thing recently, five billion for the Department of Energy in this.
There is a huge program.
I think I'll ask Joel Skousen when he comes up.
The next hour, what he thinks of this, but Chris and Megan, you're saying, you know, trained in this in the Air Force, in bio-environmental engineering, working in industrial hygiene, environmental protection, that you've now been going around and getting samples all over the country, and what are your findings, and when is this report coming out?
I'm hoping to have it out by the end of July.
I've had to be really careful in getting this information, but I presented myself as a student who was learning about new remediation techniques by different things, new programs for companies.
So I wanted to look at different contaminants that were common in industry.
Um, so I've been able to get a lot of information, it's public record, um, from different sites all around the country.
Um, I've been doing this for about the last six, seven months.
Um, and this was actually just started out as me personally.
I have a lot of disinformation trolls that attack me and I'm just trying to give as much evidence as I can for people to understand that.
Yeah, I wouldn't even respond to critics.
I mean, that's what they always do.
It's just meant to change the subject.
Yeah, but all this information is to help those people who are on the edge to say, hey, this is really happening.
Look at your areas.
So I hope to have that finished by the end of July because it's very technical.
I'm trying to get it to a non-technical level so everyone can understand what I found and the trends across this country.
And it's not even across the country.
I haven't been able to get records in other countries, but I have kind of liaisons in other countries, other biologists and chemists, actually.
We're good to go.
But it's a new show, um, just aired a couple months ago.
They had an episode about weather modification.
And in the show, they talked about how they did weather weaponry for Vietnam.
They openly admitted that there are contractors that are doing, quote, cloud seeding.
Bill Gates!
Bill Gates runs a giant company, uh, quote, that can control hurricanes.
I have been living to the father of weather weapons on.
He's like 90-something now.
He broke it with me because it had just been declassified.
He was the father of weather weapons.
First got to fly into typhoons and hurricanes back in the 40s.
And he was the guy that led squadrons in Vietnam.
And he admitted all this.
And they could control hurricanes in the 60s.
Stanford Research Institute certified.
And what do you think they're doing here?
Because they're not just doing weather modification.
What do you think this larger program is?
And what did your findings... I mean, obviously from what I've seen, it's going up.
Is that what your findings show?
This stuff's going up?
It is definitely going up.
And like you said, I'm very familiar with the work.
I think it all started out as weather weaponry.
And I think over time, different corporations and government entities realized how they can all profit.
We're all familiar with the UN Agenda 21.
And one thing that, you know, all these people that work in the health profession and OSHA will never talk about the number one hazard that is hidden.
And that's called autotoxicity.
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Waging war on corruption.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Joel Scowl's been getting into all the big controversies and what he thinks is behind it and where this country is.
He's going to be in studio with us.
He's also in the Nightly News on another big subject tonight.
I'll get his view on geoengineering as well.
I don't think I've ever asked him that.
Finishing up here, we're going to go on for a full hour when our report comes out in July.
Kristen Megan.
Air Force whistleblower who was there watching them shipping in tons of barium salts, aluminum dioxide in the aerosolized form, which is what they're using for weather mod.
And then the White House science czar admits they're doing it, but it's classified.
And Bill Gates brags, and they have conferences where they admit it.
And then they have newscasts going, crazy people say the planes are spraying something.
Those are ice crystals.
Yes, I remember when a kid watching the ice crystals disappear.
On a really cold day they might stay there five minutes.
We're talking about hours and creating whole plaques.
So other in the five minutes we've got left here, three, four minutes, Megan, Chris and Megan, what other tidbits do you want to impart to people about what's really going on here and and the whole health effects of this?
Well, the biggest issue, again, what I discussed before the break, was the auto-toxicity and all of the health hazards that are associated with these constituents.
It's an inhalation hazard, it's an adjustment within our food and water.
I'm sure people are familiar with how Monsanto is resistant to a lot of constituents using geoengineering.
It's about believing.
And this is my biggest thing.
You always say go out and research it yourself.
You can air sample, soil sample for all of these constituents.
All the panel for under $50.
You can look up the lab in your area.
Do it for yourself.
Find out what the background is in your area and you can see... Highly poisonous levels of this are everywhere and everybody in the EPA and state levels are told shut up.
You're exactly right and as a federal employee I was told to shut up.
I didn't get responses from the EPA in my region and I was a GS-12 working for the VA and I had the credentials for them to realize I wasn't some crazy conspiracy theorist.
I have the credentials and the interactions and the networking to say this isn't right.
And what's happening is because we're exposing them, they're now trying to segue with shows and movies and Time magazine for kids last year said, oh look, it's sunscreen for the planet and said, we're spraying this, it's added to the fuel, they're admitting it to kids.
And then here's Bill Gates.
Bill Gates, climate scientist, lobbying for large-scale geoengineering.
Other wealthy individuals have also funded a series of reports and tests for us.
Isn't that sweet?
To save the climate!
So see, now because we're exposing it, they're now trying to segue.
Super creepy.
Bill Gates, who says there's too many of us, sir, I'm spraying aluminum on you that sterilizes you and causes neurological disorders, because I love you children.
You're exactly right.
And the rise in the neurological and respiratory illness are documented, especially if you follow a lot of the OSHA reports related to those in industry.
I mean, I know personal medical for the general public you can't find, but in the workforce you can.
And that's why a lot of people in general industry and construction are saying, OK, people are claiming these injury and illnesses not related to our hazard.
These are people that work around soil remediation, construction workers.
I mean, this stuff is all documented.
You just have to connect
Well, if Hitler would have taken groups he wanted to kill, you know, if he would have taken over Russia to some area of Siberia, put them there, and then flew over and sprayed them at this, they would have never even known.
I mean, again, it's a soft kill weapon.
You're exactly right.
And one thing here, I live in the west suburbs of Chicago.
We just had a notice from the police department letting us know that they were spraying BTK to kill gypsy moths and that there's nothing wrong with BTK, which the biology of BTK, if inhaled, has potential effects as the same protein buildup as anthrax.
But you're going to say it's safe.
So they'll alert us about spraying a contaminant on us, a biological contaminant slash
Well, that's just to get you used to it.
Yeah, they killed people on the New York subway in 68.
Details remain classified.
But, I mean, you know, shooting black men up with syphilis, that's loving.
Don't be an extremist.
Folks, drink your fluoride, take your shots, enjoy the increased cancer rates.
The government loves you.
Chris and Megan, we'll talk to you again soon.
We salute your courage.
God bless you.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're now into hour number three.
Thank you so much for joining us.
It is the 20th day of May, 2013.
I am your host, Alex Jones, and we're going to have Joel Skousen, who's in studio with us, on for, I think, about an hour of special interview tonight.
We'll see how long it goes.
On strategic relocation, what does that really mean?
Government strategically relocates.
Corporations strategically locate.
I noticed in his book, it's the best research I've seen out there in the film we produced, Strategic Relocation, that where he's saying live is where the globalists are living in many cases, but he picks areas alternate to that, but still close by.
And where I live,
Which I separately did my own research and later found he'd also recommended.
The Hill Country of Austin is one of the few safer areas in a whole constellation of problems.
And that's basic mammals trying to pick a place that they think is safe.
They act like being prepared and being ready is kooky or weird.
That is a instinct of moronicness.
Or kind of an anti-instinct, they try to drum into you.
But that's tonight, Nightly News, 7 o'clock this evening.
And we're going to interview him today for Obama Deception 2.
So he's got a grueling work schedule.
I know he'll love it.
He also just survived, we'll talk about that at the end of the hour, a harrowing plane crash.
They said it was one in a million to survive, much less be unscathed.
Talk about guardian angels.
So we're glad to have you here, Joel, in person.
And he flew on a commercial.
Aircraft to get here.
He, of course, is a former Marine Corps, was it Captain or more, in the Marines.
Carrier pilot, naval pilot.
So, interesting individual.
We're going to have Joel Skousen.
With us in this hour, though, to cover the latest developments on the IRS, the spying on the reporters, and where he thinks that's going politically, and is this a chilling effect, or are they trying to divert off of Benghazi?
I think they hoped that at first, but this is actually capturing people's imagination.
How do you pray?
What is your pro-life?
They told pro-life groups, you've got to go out and 50% of the time be pro-abortion.
Government can't do that.
They can't tell you what your First Amendment is.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
That's how the First Amendment begins.
Then it's the freedom of the press, freedom to assemble.
That's all the info we're going to be going over on that front, and then how that ties into Benghazi.
And of course, Joel Skousen is also the editor-in-chief over at worldaffairsbrief.com, and I think has some of the most, from my research, and I'm obsessed with this stuff, folks, so I tend to know what I'm talking about a little bit, has some of the best piercing analysis out there, and so he joins us to break all this down.
Joel Skousen, good to have you here with us.
It's good to be with you, Alex.
I really
You know, when we talk about news, we've got a lot of facts out there, but it is the analysis that makes your stuff valuable, that makes my stuff valuable, because we never get all the news.
This is a conspiracy of omission of what's true and what's false.
You just have a lot of stuff missing, and we have to piece the puzzle back together.
You've had a couple weeks now to ruminate about a new report out at worldaffairsbrief.com right now.
You've had some time to sit back and look at Benghazi.
You were on after it happened.
Your analysis has turned out to be dead on.
Same analysis, basically, of Colonel Schaefer.
Same analysis of some of our other guests.
I want to recap that coming up, but looking at IRSgate, looking at SpyGate, looking at IntimidationGate, what's really going on here?
First of all, it's important to remember, I was reviewing just this morning the Church Committee hearings about the CIA, where a lot was revealed about the CIA.
And in that, Walter Mondale came out and said directly, now we've got evidence here that the IRS has been targeting individuals that the government views as hostile to their point of view, and that they're subjecting them to yearly audits, one after another.
Now, he didn't specify who they are, but I happen to know.
When I was chairman of the Conservative National Committee, I talked to Bunker Hunt, and I talked to a lot of the other funders of various conservative and Christian points, and they were all being audited every year.
We now know that that was targeted.
That was clear back in the 80s when that was going on.
It's still going on.
So now we have a cover-up about the fact that this has been going on.
The press isn't focusing on that.
What they're focusing on is the fact that the president fired somebody who was in fact going to resign and was going to in fact be leaving.
Steve Miller, the acting IRS chief, had nothing to do with this.
So a total cynical fraud.
A total cynical fraud.
But it's even worse.
You have Joseph Grant who was just put in the place of Susan
Paul Ingram, who was in fact in charge of this division over tax exempt groups, he was just put in to replace her.
A graduate stepped up and he had to step down as a second one because it wasn't enough to fire Steve Hall.
And Susan Hall Ingram now is in charge of the IRS tax policy for Obamacare, of sticking it to those of us who don't have insurance by choice because we don't like the medical establishment system.
And now the woman that ordered all this illegal spying and harassment, she's the head of the Obamacare division with our records.
I mean, it's clear they plan to use the IRS as their Gestapo.
That's right.
And Lois Lerner, who's the actual on-hands, in daily charge of the division, was not fired.
And she certainly has to know about this.
But it goes beyond, as I say, the Obamacare.
So that brings up the case.
It goes beyond the IRS.
Currently, it goes beyond the Obama administration.
It was going on during the Bush administration, the Clinton administration, and clear back on, even during the Reagan administration, the IRS was targeting people.
We have a runaway dark side of government.
We have legitimate CIA and dark side CIA.
We have legitimate FBI and dark side CIA.
And in the IRS, we have legitimate, honest people doing IRS work, and we have dark side IRS, and they aren't allowed to know what the other is doing.
Via compartmentalization.
And so I don't expect to see any change.
There's going to be some, you know, congressional investigations.
As in Benghazi, they're not going to go after the real problem, which is who gave... I mean, look at the Treasury Inspector General.
Comes out with a report that this was a managerial problem, that somehow these magically appeared, these criteria, which were incorrect, and they ended up targeting magically, without any human intervention, some 500 conservative groups.
Well, I've even seen
Rachel Maddow and people say we need to go after these groups.
Look at their tax exemption.
Media Matters put a memo out three years ago saying we're going to infiltrate media groups and destroy them.
That's why it's encouraging.
The head of the RNC said Obama is running a guerrilla war, he said this over the weekend on Fox, against conservatives.
That's absolutely true.
It is a guerrilla war.
They deny what they're doing while they do it.
Of course they ordered it.
From Fast and Furious to this.
Well, in the Cincinnati, our IRS person said anonymously, without giving his name, that everything that we do at the IRS comes down from the very top.
Well, of course it does!
It's just like the DEA, when they cover up for drugs that are imported from Mexico and they refuse to let the snooping dogs go in after trucks that are sealed in Mexico, they say, orders come from Washington.
So that's what happens.
But the Treasury was covering up for this today on their IRS investigation.
They said, we interviewed every official we could talk to and they assured us that no one outside of the IRS had any influence on this tax policy.
But that's not the issue, Alex, about who outside the IRS.
They're assuming that if it's political interference with the IRS, it has to be from some politician outside the agency.
This has been going on from within the agency for decades.
Well, I know for a fact that they use food trucks with packaged food out of Mexico with the cocaine hidden in it.
And one time the state police stopped a truck, found three tons of cocaine, and were ordered to turn it over.
And then they deliver it and then it's brought into a major grocery store chain and distributed out.
And it's just well known.
And then the cops want to pull me over and ask if I have drugs in my car.
I mean, this is ridiculous.
So there is a dark side of every portion of government in terms of enforcement, and it's starting to get out more and more.
But when it gets out, and this is what we're seeing, it's going to be the big thing we're going to have to discuss, is whether or not they're going to take down Obama over these things, because there's four major scandals now that have piled up.
That's what I want to ask you.
Why did the scandals come out now from your intel and your analysis?
What does this signify, and where is it going?
It is hard to tell.
In the AP scandal, for example, of the news, I know how this happened.
Now, I want to be very, very clear with your listeners that the government surveils every form of communication.
They don't listen to it all.
They record it all.
They record it all.
It's all digitally recorded.
Then they go back when they want to.
That's right.
They go back.
Actually, they're sifting.
They have computers going through and sifting and picking out keywords and compartmentalizing.
They have basic compartments for criminals.
They have basic compartments for enemies.
They have compartments for allies.
They spy on Israel.
They spy on France.
They spy on Britain.
They don't like to say that, but they do that.
And those allies, to a certain extent, spy on us as well.
But they also have compartments for dissidents.
And those are divided into right and left.
By far the largest compartment
Our people like you and I, and followers who believe in the Constitution, those are considered future domestic enemies.
And they've now bled over and admitted their total obsession is on us, because we know who they are.
We know the ballgame.
It's not Al-Qaeda, it's us.
And to a certain extent, there are those on the left who are legitimate liberals, meaning they are concerned about civil liberties.
You know, they do have a leftist bent, which we don't agree with.
But they are also the enemies, because in many regards, those leftist liberals, like Glenn Greenwald of The Guardian, does yeoman's work.
Now he's right here, coming out against the DOJ.
That's exactly right.
He's attacking those things, so they want to discredit those people eventually.
So they're keeping track of all those.
But what happened in the AP case, as well as the recent today, it broke about the Fox News, Mr. Rosen, that was surveilled.
Uh, is that in order to go through and do a detailed search and get all the listening done, they do a special search that goes through DOJ that tasks the CIA and the NSA to pull up everything they've got on this particular person.
In this case, it was a very broad search.
Well, somebody down the line leaked this to the AP, recognized this is an illegal call for a search because to do a subpoena, the DOJ has specific procedures that they've got to follow through, including alerting the news organization, AP, that we're going to do an investigation and we're going to subpoena records and give them a chance to appear in court and say, show cause about whether or not you really have the power.
And they didn't do that.
And again, the truth is they're already grabbing everything.
It's just when they want to now use it in court, they go get the subpoenas and everything.
That's right.
Now, what happens here, and this is what we've got to determine, is whether or not those leaks were purposeful, or whether or not they were actually a whistleblower within the DOJ.
It looks to me like it's a whistleblower, because this is going to hurt them, but maybe they're going to double back and use it as a chilling effect.
Stay there.
We're going to be right back with Joel Skousen, Editor-in-Chief of WorldAffairsBrief.com, and again, I'm Alex Jones of InfoWars.com.
This country is on the knife's edge of falling into pure evil.
Stay with us.
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Federal agents!
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By the way, this is breaking news at InfoWars.com.
Adam Kokesh should be charged with assaulting a federal officer.
So, they come up while he's giving a speech, grab him, he puts his hands up, slam him to the ground, and then charge him.
Cart before the horse, why were they arresting him to begin with?
And then how did he assault him, which he clearly didn't.
They're going to have trouble making that case with the video and everything else.
Absolutely, let's punch up his mic there.
Joel, go ahead.
Yeah, the thing that I observed, and you did correctly, he wasn't smoking marijuana.
If they were going to arrest anyone, they had to arrest the ones that were violating the law of the park and arrest them.
He was merely the spokesman.
They were clearly going after him and took him down.
They've got video.
I don't think they're going to be able to make this stick if they allow in court, and that's the big question, whether or not they'll allow any of that evidence to come in from the private hands.
You know, I'm not in favor of irritating the government on illegal acts.
And you have to be very careful when you do to appear very, very innocent.
You don't go around calling the police criminals, even if they're in a criminal act.
But I think that we need to support the fact that we've got a First Amendment right that has been violated here.
I know that's your position, Alex.
But I still think Adam needs to be very careful about how he approaches these actions.
I agree.
Even the Washington Post kind of dished a bunch of dirt on him, not real dirt, but saying he's a provocateur, but admitted, well, it looks like his rights were violated.
I mean, even they had to admit that.
And people better get, if you don't support other people's rights, you're going to lose yours.
It's so elementary.
Now, you were telling me during the break, this is a short segment,
Because you've run some of the biggest conservative organizations in the country, Joel, about back when you were in Washington in the 80s.
Tell people what happened.
I mean, to let people know, we don't say this to scare you.
We do this to show you how illegal the government is.
I mean, how it's been, it's just...
It's out of control.
Tell people what happened to you and then get back into this AP thing.
This happened as chairman of the conservative national committee and I had an office in Washington DC and I was in communication with several of the liberty groups in El Salvador and Guatemala and there was this young
Army Major, Reserve Major, who was trying to influence the conservative groups and I didn't trust him.
And so I warned in a telephone call my compatriots down there in El Salvador that he's coming down to visit but you better not trust him and why I thought so.
Within 15 minutes that guy was standing in front of my desk saying, don't you ever talk about me.
To anyone on the telephone.
And he wasn't in your building, he was from the military.
That's right.
So he got, they were listening right then, he drove right over.
That's exactly right.
So this was Echelon.
This is a satellite system that's surveilling any overseas communications, etc.
And of course this was purely domestic.
This was, you know, my telephone and my rights were violated.
They didn't have a warrant, of course.
This happened instantaneously, you know, they didn't go before a judge.
But it just told me right then, they surveil everything.
Well, the congressman came out last week and said they know the cloakroom's bugged.
And he's like, is that impeachable?
Does that rise the level of impeachment?
I mean, it's obviously a violation of the 4th, 5th Amendment.
It's obviously a violation of the 10th Amendment.
It's a violation of the 10th of the states, the separation of powers.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Yeah, well, the surveillance has gotten much worse even since my experience in 1983 because they were just doing telephones and the Echelon system was only doing things that were wirelessly being transmitted around the world.
But now they've got everything digitally.
You know, we have whistleblowers from the NSA talking about the
ISP systems that the FBI has installed in every major node in the internet so that every email, every digital cell phone telephone call is being recorded.
And all your web history, everything.
And that was all in the Telecommunications Act of 96 that we were called conspiracy theorists to talk about.
You know, saying the Statue of Liberty exists.
I mean, we're talking about known facts.
It's like Gibbs was told, say the drone program doesn't exist overseas.
And he's like, but it's been public for years.
Just say it doesn't exist.
And the press played along with that.
And the press better get, folks, if you go along with this purge, it's over.
My answer is everybody needs to start whistleblowing in a swarm attack, which they're not gonna be able to handle.
And we have to remember that the government itself covers all these leaks.
In other words, there's no way that anybody leaks to the reporters.
Many times they have prosecuted people during the Cheney-Bush administration for trying to get their sources.
Well, they know who the sources are, but they can't admit that they know who the source is because they know they'd be... So they go to court!
They try to get the courts, and the courts always lay down and do what the government wants.
It's very, very interesting.
But the leaks about government torture, the leaks about government surveillance were done, in my opinion, on purpose back in the Bush-Cheney administration.
Yeah, to scare everybody.
Well, not just to scare.
What they did is give Congress an excuse to then react to it and say, well, we'd better give them some more authority to surveil.
In other words, we leak a mistake, we say, oh, we've got to... Oh, because they're illegally doing it?
How about we just get rid of the law?
That's what the... In fact, the New York Times said that last week.
The answer is just get rid of any of it.
We'll shove a microphone down your throat.
Stay there.
Let's come back.
Long segment coming up.
You're right, because that's exactly what they're saying.
It's like, oh, we committed a murder?
We better legalize the murder then.
Stay with us.
World Affairs Brief Editor is in studio with us.
He's Joel Skousen.
I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com.
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Some people say a man is made out of mud.
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Ladies and gentlemen, we're back live, and we're going to get into the other scandals, Benghazi, IRS, all of it.
And, you know, I guess Joel hasn't said what he thinks yet.
He says he's not sure, but I agree with him that they're certainly going to use these leaks coming out, because they're now saying it.
You know what?
Let's just get rid of warrants, period.
We're trying to keep you safe.
But you read Glenn Greenwald and the London Guardian and others, they're pointing out that people they're arresting, like Stephen Kim, talked to the Fox News chief, Washington Bureau chief, just publicly.
He went there, talked to him.
Hey, you're the State Department, you know, person on this.
What do you think Kim Jong-un might detonate more nukes to threaten people as underground test?
Yeah, we don't have any proof of that, but that's kind of what we think.
Oh, well, you're arrested.
And then now they're saying that, well, I tell you what, we might go after the Fox reporter for this.
I mean, this is really just the brazen criminality of these people now, where they're saying, look, you don't even criticize anything or we'll come after you.
But look at this, the impeachment option.
Representative Jason Chaffetz, is that how you pronounce it?
Chaffetz, a Utah Republican, says,
Because President Barack Obama may face impeachment over his administration's response to the Benghazi attack.
Yeah, they've been caught lying there and the Situation Rooms all saw the drones, all saw the stand down.
They know that, NATO knows that, and so that's what they're really scared of.
But Joel, getting back now to what you've been trying to say in that last short segment, you were talking about how they're going to try to pass stuff on the back of this.
You've got the floor.
Get into the IRS stuff, the AP stuff, where you think it's going, and then finally Benghazi, and where you think the New World Order is right now, and what good people in government, but just in the general public, can do to really push these people back.
Well, my two examples that I started out with were torture and the surveillance, domestic surveillance to get caught up in terrorism.
And they were admitted, the government through the leaks that I think they caused, admitted both that they were doing torture, even though they tried to downplay it as something, and that they were surveilling in a limited way that was going beyond the law.
And they tried to justify it with Congress so that they had predictable hacks in Congress to introduce immediately legislation allowing this expansion of torture, expansion of enhanced interrogation.
And so there was this scenario where the government is using purposeful leaks, and I don't believe the government ever allows any leaks that they don't want out because they surveil everything.
They can find out anything.
They don't need to go to court to ever find out who a reporter's sources are.
They surveil everything.
But this appears, my first impression is that both the IRS leak is an inadvertent leak.
And the reason I say that has been going on for decades.
Oh, I agree with you.
So you agree with me then?
But the reason that I feel that is that Obama came out and his script writers wrote in, but we must give the due respect to the IRS.
I know they're very powerful, but we must not limit their power.
In other words, he's trying to forestall anything in Congress that would limit the power.
of the IRS.
That means they're trying to protect the IRS, not expand its authority.
Don't do anything to stop.
So I think that was inadvertent.
I think the AP was inadvertent because it didn't appear to come from a direct government source.
It's not something I don't think they can expand.
That is, they cannot expand and say, well, the press isn't going to have the same rights that they are.
What does the phenomenon mean, though?
Because I've argued with you, well, not really argued, but talked to you about this, where you're saying, look, a lot of these leaks are fake, or there's no way these people have real sources.
I'm finding government people are mad and don't care anymore, and we're getting to the point where they're just willing to leak stuff, and go, okay, go ahead and put me in jail for exposing you're a dirty crook.
The problem with this is that after the AP leak, the AP reporter said universally, nobody wants to talk to us anymore.
This is a real problem.
So it is shutting down whistleblower.
And that may be... Chilling effect.
It's a chilling effect.
Nobody dares talk to us.
Everybody realizes, every whistleblower now realizes that the press is being bugged.
Now we knew it before.
You know what the answer is?
Mail it to people.
Mail it to InfoWars.com, mail it to Drudge, put a, you know, other address or no address or whatever, and then get it to people.
Isn't this interesting?
I tell my clients to, if they're worried about privacy, look, everything you tell me in a conversation about your consultation is going to be recorded.
Everything is going to be talked about.
Either you've got to fly me out there to talk about your private situation, or you've got to mail it to me.
Isn't that ironic that the snail mail is now the safest?
Because it requires a human being to intervene in every letter that they open.
And they've got the private offices at all the places where they take it, but still they're lazy and won't do it.
And then they don't know what to do with the intelligence.
So the answer is go back to snail mail.
But if you go to snail mail and you introduce and you open it up, you've got to photocopy, you've got to scan it.
I mean, it's a tremendous costly process.
And the government's under sequester.
Even the CIA, who has black budget type of thing, doesn't want to put a lot of money in.
It has the pneumatic tubes, that's the right term, the pressure tubes, and that's under their sewers how the government sends its info, knowing that's going to be hard to scan, you know, with satellite.
No, that's right, and it's physical.
I mean, anything digital just isn't safe anymore.
That doesn't mean that you shouldn't, you shouldn't stop all communication.
Oh yeah, well then they say, you know, well what do you have to hide?
Well, why is government so secret?
Because, because you're a criminal government that wants to use the, well, who I've really been told by high-level sources they spy on is inventors and people.
I mean, the poor folks get everything stolen.
I mean, and American companies.
Why are they trying to shut down American companies?
They do everything they can.
That's a hard question, Alex.
I think they want us dependent on China more.
They want to drive people overseas.
They want us so that when this, you know, and my theory is that they're setting us up for eventual nuclear war.
That's when the real curtain comes down.
They can justify anything at that time.
They want to make sure that we don't have any ability to respond to the war so they can say you've got to go to a militarized new world order.
It's globally that we've got to fight this next war.
We don't want to have America rejuvenated as if... Exactly.
I want to get to Benghazi with you, but... Yes.
The army has come out and said we don't need the president for authorization to quell civil disturbances.
Is that so they can start doing it routinely like they already are and not have it be a big presidential deal?
But then there's the issue of they're already saying the military is under NATO.
Is this like some type of weird quasi announcement of a military industrial complex pure coup?
Or what do you think's behind that?
NATO is to become the militarized order of the global globalists.
And that's why, you know, everything from Eisenhower on was to get France, you know, de Gaulle didn't want to be part of NATO, didn't want to supply troops, to twist his arm, to get Adenauer to reform the German troops and things.
But it wasn't, it was because NATO is going to be the military arm of the New World Order.
And they are going to cut off the communist nations that are part of the United Nations, reform, call it the League of Democracies or some more innocuous name.
So to get American support after they've been nuked or after various military cities have been nuked.
I do not believe that the Russians and Chinese are going to nuke everything in the United States.
They don't want to be looked as the bully of the world.
They're taking down the bully of the world, but they want blackmail.
But may they back up because they're 10 years behind in the Anglo-American plan and I mean it came out in mainstream news that Assad reads Infowars.com and the foreign governments do listen to this show as well and they read what you're doing.
We're not bragging folks, just there's not many of us that know what's going on.
It's really kind of scary.
But I mean are the Chinese going to really be manipulated into that and the Russians?
Well, they want to take down.
You see, they've always had this philosophy that we are superior to the West.
We're going to have to take them down militarily.
But they don't want to destroy the West.
They know the West is the engine of ingenuity.
They depend on it for all their military, you know, but they want to control it, not just have to spy on it.
That's why they want to nuke the military of the U.S.
The U.S.
wants its own military nuke because it drives Americans into accepting a new world order, a militarized new world order.
But the Russians and Chinese don't want to destroy either Europe or America totally.
They want to decapitate the military.
They want to take down the U.S.
socially with an EMP strike, which will happen about 20 minutes before the actual nuclear strike on American military targets and communication targets.
And then they'll issue a blackmail notice.
Give up.
You know, and everyone will be acceptable to that, literally, in the sense that, you know, what is there now?
The military.
But our leaders will come out of their bunkers and say, no, no, the Russians and Chinese deceived us.
And finally, they'll have the gumption to say, we need to fight.
And everything the U.S.
puts out about China now is pacifistic.
Oh no, it's not a problem.
And they know that everybody will line up, and then the secret weapons roll out.
That's right.
And it's the real deal, and we take over the world.
But now it's a fascist, Anglo-American, eugenics-based New World Order.
That's right.
And all of this is leading up that we're talking about.
You know, we're seeing the preparation for martial law.
We're seeing the preparation for camps that are being established.
And for 20-year wars.
I mean, they're long-hauling.
That's right.
Seed bunkers, underground bases.
But you know, I am resisting the call that this is imminent because they're very smart that we're dealing with.
This is preparatory.
And when it is unleashed, they've got to have a proper excuse or they convince the whole world that the government is tyrannical.
But if they do it under the cover of war, after this nuclear weapon strike comes, then nobody questions.
Marshall Law.
Nobody questions any of it.
Just like in Boston, the people laid down and let people strip them of their rights, take them out of their house and throw them to the ground without any explanation.
Sure, you know it came out in the 60s that the Russians wanted to nuke China with the U.S., and then the U.S.
said no because it already really made a deal with the Communist Chinese, kind of like helping put Mao in power.
I mean, it seems like the globalists have kind of got a double game, though.
I mean, they're moving to China, they're investing there, they're doing everything they can, but is that really to trick them?
Because they're just giving America to the Chinese.
Well, you know, a lot of people, there's this conflict within theoretical
How globalism operates.
One side says because of the Rowan Gaither quotes to Norman Dodd that we're trying to seamlessly join the U.S.
with the American Republic, is that the globalists control the Russians and the Chinese and therefore... So that's the Carnegie plan?
Yeah, there's not going to be war, but it's not true.
In fact, Rowan Gaither was lying to Norman Dodd.
He never would have admitted the real thing.
This was a cover excuse to explain to them in some rational way.
In fact, Rowan Gaither of the Ford Foundation had invited the investigator to come and get an interview.
It wasn't that he was responding to a subpoena.
He invited him to come and give him the propaganda that we're trying to peacefully merge the two countries.
But in fact, the globalists don't control the Russians.
They're trying to induce them by giving them aid, giving them trade, and the Russians and Chinese are skittish.
They're deathly afraid that we've got secret weapon systems they don't now know about and they're afraid to attack.
Well, I've talked to Bob Bowman and many others.
They can talk about what's been accidentally leaked in debates and things.
They had the Star Wars program in the 70s and Shabo drones in orbit and just everything else.
I mean, it's...
That's right, and that's why the Chinese are really working on anti-satellite... That's right.
That's their main program.
They're still eight to ten years out about having the confidence to strike the West, and that's why I don't think it's imminent.
But they don't control the Chinese.
They're going to make a deal with the Chinese, in my opinion, when the Russians and Chinese in a temporary alliance strike the West, and when we start this new world order war, this great new patriotic war that they'll try to get anyone enthusiastic about prosecuting.
Then I think they'll make a deal with China to attack Russia's rear, just as Russia and Hitler went after one another, and we used Russia, knowing that they would be a predator.
And gave them aid in trade, I think, will lure China in with that same thing.
And the globalists want that because, you see, after the war, instead of like World War II where they gave sovereignty back to the U.S.
and all the countries wanted to be independent again, they'll have this great new enemy, China, that they built up and say, now we can't disband the military New World Order army because we've got this great threat.
And so that's why I think the one thing that will be different in World War III is we won't get sovereignty.
And they're enticing the Chinese, not just all the deep water ports in the Caribbean and the West Coast and the East Coast and not just the big Mexican ports, but they're giving them just the entire infrastructure, 90, I saw a number, 98% of rare earth minerals.
It was like 90% five years ago.
They're just enticing.
Just come, come.
Oh here, have it all.
And I always look at it as just a globalist hatred of America.
Hatred of Christians.
Really the spirit of evil that animates them.
And I'd warn the globalists, the Anglo-Americans, I don't think you're gonna get away with this.
I don't think it's gonna turn out the way they think.
Because they've got all these thousands of bio labs just randomly splicing genetics.
I don't think they're in control like they think they are.
I think there's going to be catastrophes they don't even control.
There will be a loss of control once this nuclear war starts, probably for at least a year and a half, maybe two years.
That's the time for America to reform in the liberty movement.
And that's why strategic relocation is so important, because you can't do it like we're now.
We're now spread out all over the United States.
Everybody's alone.
Everybody feels alone.
Somehow, and I think it's through the instrumentality of war, the Lord is going to drive people together.
Drive people out of the big cities.
They won't need a job to keep you there anymore.
No excuse not to relocate.
Just that if you didn't do it prior to that, you're going to be out on the roads, you know, with masses of people, like in Germany, fleeing from the Russians.
That's not what you're... And by the way, they say it's kooky to get ready and geared up.
All government's doing is gearing up.
Acting like it's the end of the world.
Deep underground bunkers.
This is not against terror that they're preparing.
They know there's a nuclear weapon.
And they know when they emerge, their enemy's going to be the Liberty Movement.
They're preparing the giant cadres, no longer secret armies, for war with us.
That's right.
And of course they're not going to make a deal with us to stop this because they hate us.
That's right.
There's no deal to make.
They know that this is going to be an absolute separation between good and evil.
Well, I take it back.
There's an awful lot of dumbed down people who will be dumbed down because of the false patriotism of this war.
They won't realize this is a global... Well, they'll be cannon fodder.
They'll be cannon fodder and they'll join the military and that's why I don't recommend any more of our boys and girls go into the military.
Not only because of the deadly vaccines that you're required to take, but because you're not fighting to save America's liberties, even though they tell you that.
You're not fighting for democracy in Syria or Iran.
You're fighting for a globalist agenda that the U.S.
government is... Well, that was my next question.
I want to get into Benghazi.
Joel Schaus is our guest.
Isn't it...
An overload point though, where they're in the Washington Post and the London Telegraph going, the Bin Laden Brigade is leading, Al Qaeda is doing a great job fighting Assad, he's got the oil, and I'm like... And then when you fly, they treat you like you're Bin Laden.
I mean, how do they get away with this otherworldly absurdistness that's now going on, where our government runs Al Qaeda publicly?
Well, we know that the government has always had their fingers on Al-Qaeda.
They started Al-Qaeda essentially as funding it through the Saudis.
They've used the Pakistani ISI as well to fund another branch of Al-Qaeda.
And even though there's a lot of legitimate terrorists who hate the United States that we have bred, as Ron Paul correctly stated, nevertheless the top levels are directed.
That's why in 9-11
Yes, there were terrorists, but they were known to the United States military.
They were protected, they were trained, they'd been on CAIA bases before.
I talked to the head of the U.S.
Embassy visa section.
They were ordered to let them in.
That's right.
And they have, they got aircraft training in large aircraft in Saudi Arabia.
They didn't get it at the flying sessions.
That was a cover story.
So there's to shield the Saudis from somebody had to train those people in... And then we don't attack Saudi Arabia.
We attack Iraq.
Well, Saudi Arabia, you know, we have this incestuous relationship with Saudi Arabia.
We have promised them protection.
You know, they're a very corrupt regime.
They claim to be Islamist fundamentalists with their form of Sharia law there, but they aren't.
They're pedophiles.
They are... Well, I mean, it's a Wahhabist death cult.
And if you expand on that, I guess, why did the British choose them?
I guess because they're the worst of the Muslims?
Well, it's because they had the biggest oil first, and they made a deal.
Basically, yeah, you can nationalize it, but you've got to make sure that you supply us, and you use dollars, and they will continue to do so.
Sure, but I mean, and of course, I guess they could use the Wahhabis to take over all of the Sunnis.
And then use that in a war against the Shiites.
It's just all divide-and-conquer crap.
We'll be right back with Joel Scouser.
We're going to get into Benghazi.
Straight ahead, ladies and gentlemen, I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with us.
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Alright, we're going to go a little bit into overdrive.
Adam Kokesh, activist, has been charged with resisting arrests from his people, assaulting a federal god, I mean officer, impeding a federal officer, and he's going to be detained in the Fed Center until Thursday due to denial to tell authorities where his house is located and whether there are firearms present in his home.
They are the feds.
He went on federal land, a federal park.
They grabbed him.
We're going to get to that in the next segment.
I warned him.
I said, man, you really, they're coming after you.
And he's lucky.
And I'm not saying it's a good thing this happened.
He's lucky they didn't do worse.
I mean, you start doing stuff that could really upset their apple cart, because they don't want a shooting war to start.
They'll lose that.
I don't want it either, because it would really turn into a big problem for everybody.
But Joel Benghazi, we'll talk more about it tonight on the Nightly News.
But I mean, Benghazi, what's at the core of that?
Well, the Corps is covering up for the stand-down.
But let me go back to the actual thing.
We have an arms trading going on where they had captured a lot of arms in the takedown of the Libyan government.
They were funneling those arms to the Syrian Free Army, which is now a jihadist and, as we know, calls themselves the Bin Laden Brigade.
Supposedly our enemies, but we're arming them, and this was top secret.
There are competitors, however, who wanted those arms for their own purposes in Libya, and they attacked the embassy.
I do not believe in the blind chic thing that James Lyon, the admiral who was present there, has been fed as the reason that that was really going down.
The story is that Obama is, you know, it's like an October surprise, that Obama's
Advisors were going to make him popular by having him get involved in getting the release of a hostage, which was to be this ambassador.
And they were going to basically let these Al-Qaeda people capture the ambassador, then they were going to negotiate and they were going to get the blind Sheikh released, which the government could have done any time.
Do you believe that or not believe it?
No, I do not believe it.
The reason I don't believe it is because it would have been very easy and less lethal
To set it up so the ambassador on the way to this annex was captured.
Well, of course.
And too much could go wrong.
What do you really think happened?
I think they were transferring missiles.
They wanted it covered up.
That's right.
And they knew that if the ambassador survived, there would be a congressional investigation on this, and this guy was apparently, even though he was knowledgeable of what he was doing, he was taking orders, a good yes-man to the government, he would have talked.
So they decided to let him die, let everybody die, and that's why there was a stand-down order.
Don't let any reinforcements.
Unfortunately, about 30 people survived.
From that.
Who didn't die in that.
And they could have talked as well.
That's the only reason to explain why they took him to Walter Reed, after Germany, to Walter Reed Army Medical Center and kept them incommunicado.
Meaning that they aren't allowed to talk to the press.
Well, exactly, but I watched Hicks and others, they were freaked out, they were angry, those were real testimonies.
Those weren't the witnesses that I'm talking about.
Those are mild whistleblowers, and Greg Hicks did a good job talking about the stand-down.
But you'll notice that he says, I don't know who issued the order to General, it wasn't General Ham.
Yeah, so where are the 30 people?
You never hear that in the press.
No, no, that's right.
The 30 people are still incommunicado.
They're not coming for... And Congress is not demanding that they come before them.
They know what was going on.
Oh my goodness.
You know, I knew that.
And just hiding in plain view, but hadn't covered it.
See, a lot of people thought, well, Greg Hicks and the others are the whistleblowers.
No, they aren't.
They're mild whistleblowers.
They aren't the ones that are really trying to keep away who were there during the attack.
Who knew about the stand-down, who knew about the orders.
And the point is, General Ham knows because he was replaced.
And Gibson knows, who got the stand-down, and he isn't telling who actually told him.
Folks, get the film Strategic Relocation that we produced with Joel Skousen.
It's two hours long with forty-something minutes of
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Coast to coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hey folks, we're on air.
Lucas Jewell is joining us.
We're now into overdrive.
Joel Skousen's riding shotgun with us.
Lucas Jewell works as one of the radio slash TV producers for Adam Kokesh and now it's getting serious.
He wanted the armed march, peaceful march, civil disobedience on DC.
And I'd point out that the federal Supreme Court ruled five years ago, or four and a half years ago, that you can have guns there, but still they don't allow it.
And now he's been charged with three things, and won't even be going to court, I guess, until Thursday.
That's the info Lucas Jules sent us.
Lucas, thanks for joining us.
This is some bad news.
Wow, the feds are really out of control.
Makes me not even want to go on federal property.
I mean, they grabbed, he had his hands up, didn't resist.
They could do that to me.
I mean, I guess next, you know, punch you in the nose and say you assaulted them.
What's happening, Lucas Jewell?
Uh, you know, as you just said, Adam, uh, you know, it's a very... I don't even... whatever the negative adjective you could think of right now.
Because we are basically coming here to pick up Adam.
We were talking to our legal team and supposedly they thought that he was going to be released on his own recognizance.
But the prosecutor pointed out that Adam refused to speak on whether or not he owned firearms, and that was one of the reasons for... Yeah, they're gonna go confiscate your guns.
They're gonna raid you next.
And then you might fall down and hit your head.
Do what?
I said, well, we're going back to the house soon, so they might have a confrontation on their hands if they want to do that.
Oh, really?
You know, these guys are all a bunch of former Marines, and some... Some former Navy.
Yeah, but... We have another former Marine, we have another former Navy.
No, I'm not, you know, sitting here claiming I can do violent things or anything like that.
But you're saying... It would definitely be very hard.
Yeah, let's turn his mic on.
Have you spoken to Adam by phone?
Has he been allowed to call out?
Actually, Adam hasn't been able to make any phone calls.
That's a violation of his rights.
That's a violation of a bunch of rights.
Well, I spoke to his lawyer and she passed a message.
And confirmed with him that he hasn't been able to make a phone call.
Wow, they really are too proud.
Oh, this is big.
That's right.
There's a bunch of federal cases and stuff on that being not able to make phone calls.
This is kind of NDAA light here.
I would advise you guys to not make provocative statements about this.
You're going to beat them and come out of this smelling like a rose if you guys cool off.
But I would get out of your house for the next few days if I was you.
And document everything that happens, everything they say, when you try to talk to them.
Film it if you can, when you go in there and say, is he being... So the lawyer says he's not allowed to make phone calls.
We made a motion to grant him a phone call to his dad and that motion passed and he will be given at least a phone call to his father.
We'll be in contact with his dad so that when he makes that call... Isn't that nice of him?
I want all the feds to know they're ending our way of life right now.
All you idiots that go along with this, feel like you're on the winning team, your whole future is destroyed by this.
It's just giving up on the Bill of Rights and Constitution, Joel.
Well guys, we'll have to get you on the nightly news tonight.
I'm doing the interview portion, other folks are doing the news portion, but we'll get more tonight, 7 o'clock central, PrisonPlanet.tv.
Thank you so much for joining us and we'll talk to you soon.
Alright, have a great night, Adam.
Okay, you bet, guys.
Listen, folks, that's why you need to support InfoWars.com.
You need to buy the books, the videos, the water filters, the materials.
We need to be big and strong up against this enemy.
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We're going in all the way against the globalists.
And these are very serious times we're all in.
So pray for liberty.
Pray for people that are fighting tyranny.