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Name: 20130517_Fri_Alex
Air Date: May 17, 2013
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You're listening to GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live.
Thank you so much for joining us on this Friday Worldwide Edition.
And we are going to be here for the next three hours.
John B. Wells, syndicated radio host on Coast to Coast AM and also top voice over talent, always informative political mind, will be joining us to talk about all the different scandals and to get his take on it and to take your phone calls.
We're going to have open phones on this Friday, separate to that as well.
And we are going to be going over all of the top stories that are up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And this one is a doozy, and it's hiding in plain view like it's no big deal.
Military says no presidential authorization needed to quell civil disturbances.
Now, did you hear that?
Now, they made movies like Dr. Strangelove just about the power to nuke being taken away from Congress, which is a violation of the war powers, and transferred into the, quote, President, and then into a decapitation program where the President and the top cabinet were wiped out only under that
Emergency under nuclear attack would the launch codes be given to generals and then General Jack T. Ripper launches a B-52 strike on Russia.
And of course there was really a Plan R under another name.
That was really going on in 1962-63.
That's why Stanley Kubrick made the film in 64.
A real classic.
With Group Captain Mandrake.
And George C. Scott, all of it, truly amazing.
Well, now they're saying, hey, we don't need the president for massive civil unrest if it breaks out and America authorizes.
Well, what does that mean?
And then who's authorizing that?
And this is just like we have NATO.
This is just like we have NATO.
V of the Joint Chiefs saying, we get authorization for Libya, Syria, you name it, from NATO, that's where the President gets his authorization, he doesn't need it from Congress.
Because Congress is the one that levies war, levies taxes, power of the purse, because it's the most diversified group of hundreds of people.
This is our Constitution.
And then the President, once a war bill is given, or authorization from a military force, is given and directed, he then executes
Why he's called a executive.
It's like the quarterback, the coaching staff gives him the order.
And it's got to be constitutional, it's got to be in the rules.
The referees are kind of like the courts.
Okay, so the Congress calls the plays, the quarterback executes.
Well, now the quarterback goes, you know what?
There's another team.
I'm not going to tell you even who they are.
It's just a NATO board.
They tell me what plays to play and what I can do.
They're my boss, even though they don't pay your paycheck.
And then now the military is the players.
They're going, you know what?
We don't even need the President anymore.
So basically, it's a bunch of rogue, out-of-control government, and this could allow criminal elements in the national security system to stage nuclear attacks, you name it, in the U.S., and kill the President.
There's a reason they've never allowed, in Rome 2,000 years ago, with Caesar, or here, or in England, anywhere, there's a reason they've never let the military launch attacks on its own.
Because it will always, always, look at Latin America, look at Africa, look at Asia, look at Europe's history, they will always launch an attack on the government and take over.
With a criminal group.
And now, with this announcement, they can kill the Congress, they can nuke D.C., say, during a State of the Union, kill everybody, have top group of generals like Vichy French with the Nazis, and roll in with a takeover.
They tried that with Smedley Butler, but he blew the whistle on them.
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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones!
Listen to the little angel, no problem on the floor.
She said, I can't pay it in, by the license for love.
Ladies and gentlemen, the preparation for the fall of America and the Western world is entering its final preparations right now.
The public is in a narcissistic catatonic brainwave system, very close to sleepwalking.
And the New World Order is moving forward with their entire takeover program.
There are still large portions of the public
that are awake and still conscious.
But we are in a crisis of biblical proportions for this species right now and for our entire future.
There is news up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, the auxiliary site.
If you can't get to InfoWars.com,
That is bone chilling when you tie it into the historical ramifications of it.
And the way it's just being put out there like it's no big deal.
Military says no presidential authorization needed to quell civil disturbances.
Kinda like the D.O.D.
instructed Cody Wilson not to put up the plans for a .380 caliber single shot plastic handgun.
This is the way the new system works.
Seeks to abolish posse comitatus.
Grease skids for military coup.
And I agree with this article.
I worked on this article with Paul Watson this morning.
A recent... Notice now it's just an instruction.
Not like the IRS gives an instruction.
No court, no jury.
We're going to take your bank account.
Or major banks just take your house even though it's paid for a decade ago and they never had the deed.
Doesn't matter.
The courts do what they're told.
In that case, they do go to court and take your house.
They can take whatever they want because they have the men with the guns.
And the political power goes out of a barrel of a gun.
And nobody's going to ask why breast cancer is exploding in the Western world to thousands of percentile points what it was 50 years ago.
We're just going to say, well, we're going to start removing women's breasts at puberty.
That'll be the new thing.
And then pretty soon, we won't even be able to live past five or six without massive medical intervention.
And no one will ask, why are we all dying of cancer?
Why do we all have autism?
Why is everybody getting testicular cancer?
Why is everybody getting bone cancer?
Gee, it's not the GMO where all the studies say they're doing that.
Gee, it's not the hydrofluorosilicic acid in the water.
No, no, no.
It's none of that.
Let's just take our young girls in to have their breasts removed.
You can't have breasts now.
Now enjoy that bisphenol A. And don't put down women.
Support them having double mastectomies at age 12.
If you don't support double mastectomies, you don't like women.
If you don't like aborting babies, you don't like women.
This is the new Fruits of America.
Women with their breasts all being cut off, preemptively.
And 1 in 50-something with autism, from 1 in 25,000.
And neurological disorders everywhere.
I sit there in restaurants and watch people and about half the restaurant, whether somebody's 12 years old or 60, they've got Parkinson's-type diseases, twitches, people can't talk.
People can't talk to you!
People don't understand English!
People don't, they don't see anything!
They just walk around bumping into walls.
People are walking around falling in fountains.
People walk off cliffs now.
The brainwaves are lowering, the IQs are lowering.
And those of us that see everybody falling out around us, we're the bad ones!
And it's going to get crazier and crazier and crazier.
And the Pentagon says they're preparing for absolute civil collapse and disturbance.
And they've got the army manuals, how they're going to put you in the camps, how they're going to take your kids, how they're going to process your social security numbers, how they're going to put digital photos of you.
The work brigades, because you know, you're going to have to work when you're in the camp.
The forced labor, they call it re-education, directly out of Stalinist or Maoist China.
And then I'm the bad one.
I'm the bad one.
Because when somebody talks to me, I listen to them.
I'm the bad one because I've read the Bill of Rights and Constitution and have studied constitutional law.
I'm the bad one.
Because I've studied quantum mechanics.
I'm the bad one.
And it's going to get crazier and crazier.
Folks, you're going to see collapse of civilization.
You know, sometimes I hear all the fear-mongering ads on this radio network.
And, uh, you know what?
And I think, man, that just sounds crazy.
But then I go, well, I guess, you know, for the awake people, that's who listens to this show.
And I guess I'm getting all this stuff, too.
You know, some of it goes over the top, like, this video is going to get taken down, so you better go look at it.
But I guess they are starting to pull a lot of the videos, so I guess it's kind of true.
FM3- yeah we'll put that army internment, good job guys getting that.
FM3-39.40, internment and resettlement operations, February 2010.
And it says, they use the term, the re-education camp.
How about the, you know, next they'll use the death camp, and they'll be like, well, what's wrong with the death camp?
And we all fetishize the uniform, and ooh, I watch the public when cops walk in a place, everyone gets scared, so they have Stockholm Syndrome, whether the cops are good or bad, everyone gets scared, and the cops sit there looking at everybody, look, everybody's scared of me, and people come over and bow, and ooh, ooh, like, like, like, you know, chimpanzees that go up to the head chimpanzee and bow before it, and ooh,
I mean, it's just like, and you're all going to get what you want.
You're going to get the cancer, the neurological disorders, all of it.
You want death?
You know, it hit me.
We've killed something like 53 million babies now in this country via Roe v. Wade.
53 mil.
But they're not humans.
So now they're saying they're going to kill babies up to age three.
We went out yesterday in 15 minutes
And talk to 30 people.
20 of them, a round number, Jakari's going to have the video, air it tonight or tomorrow.
20 of them wouldn't talk to us, the 10 that did in 15 minutes.
Because that's the drill, you got 15 minutes to talk to people.
4 of the 10 that would talk to us, or 40%, we said, now we're going to kill children up to age 3.
If the parents have trouble taking care of them, or if the state wants to.
Post-birth abortion, and they said, yes, I support that.
One woman had her kids with her, with them holding her hands.
Okay, we're gonna kill kids.
It's for a woman's right to choose.
She's like, my right to choose?
Well, yeah.
Yeah, I do an evil laugh because it makes me sick.
I can actually look into that world in the New World Order and it makes me want to throw up.
And it makes me want to run to the South Pacific and to the most primitive island I can find that's got like one fishing village.
It makes me want to get my kids and my wife and haul butt out of here so fast.
But you know what?
There's no running.
It's going to be worldwide.
There it is, daughters should have the right to kill unwanted or disabled babies at birth as they are not a real person, claims Oxford Academic.
Well that's nothing, look at the Journal of Bioethics last year, no one believed us on this for a week.
They said kill kids up to age three who are even healthy.
And then I was the bad one for pointing that out.
It was Paul Watson discovered it.
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You know, this morning I was exercising in a local city park.
And they had a bunch of field trips out there, and you could hear the sound of laughing children running around, older teenagers jogging, there was some kind of school event with a track team, and they had a school band out there at one area, tuning their tubas and things, and womp, womp, womp, womp, womp, womp, it was kind of like, you know, happy carnival music as I was jogging, and then I sat there stretching,
And my iPhone was in the car so I didn't tape it, but it was like beautiful sun coming out, little bit of clouds, springtime, you know, music, instruments being tuned, the sound of kids all around me, that chattering happiness.
And see, there's going to be no announcements of our mass extermination.
It's going to be done incrementally.
There's going to be no discussion of where's all the death coming from.
It's all going to be, what's the cure?
How do we fix it?
Never a discussion of why is it all happening.
Never a discussion of the statistics rising.
Never a discussion of, you know, why do you see kids get off a bus and a third of them look like they've had electroshock therapy.
And then I see the people and I see the walking wounded.
I mean, I'm sitting there and I'm looking, I'm like, my God, a third of these people have neurological disorders, tics, clearly are ill.
They're even out here trying to exercise to get past this.
We're all being murdered, murdered.
And it's all being done to, to, you know, it's an allegory to symphony music.
Like when you go to the euthanasia clinic at the end of Soylent Green, and it's the only place beautiful in the society, and it's beautiful Mozart and Beethoven and beautiful pastoral scenes while you're given the aphrodisiac, you know, opiate-based kill weapon.
And that's it.
It's all the entertainment, the glitz, everyone trying to be a movie star, everyone being an egomaniac, everyone being some weird, crazy narcissist.
And all I want to do is run to a mountain keep and never see anybody again but my family.
I don't like being around people!
I don't like being around all the stupid people!
And you know what?
I figured it out.
The New World Order doesn't like being around you either.
They're killing you and you love it!
You love it!
You want to be killed!
You like it!
And you are gonna be!
Made me sick!
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They're discussing when do they release the bio-weapons.
They're discussing will they survive when they go underground.
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And I just tell it like it is.
I love humanity.
I love good, innocent people.
But the people I don't like are the folks that think being cynical and corrupt is a winning attribute, and who think going along with things is a good idea, and who are so intellectually lazy that they're not aware of what's going on.
I mean the government is gearing up for total and absolute societal collapse.
And we are sitting here right in the middle of this.
And then we try to point it out and we're the bad guys.
Look at this article, look at this headline.
Military says no presidential authorization needed to quell civil disturbances.
instruction seeks to abolish posse comitatus, Greece skids, for military coup.
A recent Department of Defense instruction alters, just an instruction, that's all you need, maybe they'll instruct you to jump off a cliff.
You'll have to do it.
Alters the U.S.
code applying to the military's involvement in domestic law enforcement by allowing U.S.
troops to, quote, quell civil disturbances, that's a quote, domestically without any presidential authorization.
See, first there's no Congress needed.
Totally unconstitutional.
Then NATO's the boss.
Then the President's the boss.
Then, oh, the military!
Now, what's the number one threat in history to take over a sovereign system?
What are you, anti-military?
Caesar did good bringing in the military taking over.
I like the Latin American coup d'etats.
Large fry, large coffee.
I mean, this is just so out of control.
Greasing the skids for the de facto military coup in America along with the wholesale abolition of positive commentators.
I mean, it was a big deal when they created plans if there was a nuclear attack that took out Congress and the President to let a general respond.
And they have gone back and forth allowing that in U.S.
code and law.
Now you've got the executive telling Congress, you can't see PDD 51.
You can't see our civil unrest plans.
That's classified.
They tell the Armed Services Committee and the National Security Committee, and they tell the Homeland Security Committee that.
I mean, that's Congress, the power of the purse.
That's the bosses of this.
That's the football coaches who then give the executor, the president, the quarterback.
But now it's not even the quarterback taking over, now the players.
And again, the Congress, they're all going along with, well the military can deal with the American people if something happens to the president.
There's not even a discussion of chain of command, secretary of state,
You know, Vice President, Secretary of State, Speaker of the House, on down the line.
Now it's just, eh, we don't even need that.
It's the military.
And the military says, and we've got to get these clips from last year and play them today if we can, I just thought of this, when they said, no, we got our orders from NATO now.
So this actually is a NATO coup over America.
Just like in, um,
Ireland and in Greece and in Italy, they go, oh, we just appoint the leaders now, the finance ministers, the presidents, the prime ministers from Goldman Sachs.
We don't have elections anymore.
We just appoint the emergency restructuring.
And as a technocrat, you know, bankers know best.
You signed on to our debt, now we say you're in debt.
And the average person doesn't know the three branches of government.
They sure don't know what this is.
And man, they say they're gearing up in this for collapsed civil unrest.
And then it references, of course, the new army manuals that are three years old, the deal with re-education camps.
Folks, they actually call them that.
How they're going to interrogate us, how they're going to break up our families.
I mean, my God, they're going to start it.
They're going to come after everybody.
Just like they're telling state police all over the country, prepare to confiscate Christians' guns.
And let me tell you, the average public will follow orders.
The average person, if they told them, I'm not joking here, bring your five-year-old for execution, the average American would do it.
I mean, let me tell you.
I'm about to throw up.
And, you know, I try to take more time off, I can't do it.
And this is driving me to the point of just pulling my hair out.
We need to be repenting, folks, and on our knees before God.
And we need to be at the city councils, the county commissioners, the state houses, the street corners.
We should be running around like our hair is on fire over this.
But we're not.
It's like, OK, more tyranny.
OK, they're spying on us without warrants.
OK, they put cancer viruses in the vaccines.
OK, they admit they're doing it to reduce our population.
So what?
Who cares about those documents?
Oh, so the GMO, you know, is sterilizing the rodents.
Ah, so what?
Oh, we're getting sterilized?
So what?
I mean, it's just nightmarish!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The Science Digest Journal says,
Hello, this is Hank Hill, and I'm telling you what, you need to listen to Alex Jones.
Yeah, yeah.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, I want to go to your phone calls and get to the news.
I'm going to get to all the ongoing Obama scandals in the next hour, take your calls on that as well.
It's just this.
Global crime syndicates have used our open society to come in and to infiltrate and to basically fully take over.
Except they haven't taken over the free press completely, they haven't taken over you individually yet, and they haven't totally bankrupted you yet.
But they are devaluing the dollar now at an accelerated rate.
Everywhere I go, things cost more.
Everywhere I go, I see security everywhere, and people being bossed around and felt up, and military on the streets, even in Austin and TSA.
We are being prepared, and it's in all the Army manuals.
So, we need to understand that if we don't expose this, they're going to go ahead with the plan to roll all this out.
And the branding behind the scenes has gone from Al-Qaeda is who they're going to be fighting, to they're going to be fighting people wearing John Deere caps, literally.
That's who, if you go to the urban warfare drills, we've shown you the footage, that's who they're trying to fight, and that's with their own FBI, MIAC, Homeland Security manuals that are in the news.
And I'd covered that four years ago, and it was crazy.
Now everybody listening knows that's been all over mainstream media, with big sis defending it.
And I'm not trying to scare you.
I am climbing the walls on air and off of air.
I am climbing the walls trying to figure out how to stop this, trying to figure out how to get the general public out of their trance.
I am doing the very, very, very, very, very best I can.
And, you know, I talked to so many people, prominent people off record, you name it, and they go, yeah, no, it's about what you say.
I have to apologize.
It just sounded so crazy.
But I guess we didn't look at history.
And yes, it's probably worse than you're saying, well, what are you going to do about it?
Oh, there's nothing you can do.
The public's too dumb.
Too narcissistic.
And so we're just going to sit here.
I mean, it's never a majority that stops things.
It's never a majority that takes over and does bad things.
But, you know, my main frustration is also that I care about people.
I have extreme empathy, not sympathy.
Once something's already happened, I don't just have a fake sympathy.
I don't say fake little sympathetic things to act like I care.
I get hit in my stomach.
I literally, like, channel what I see other people going through.
And it is torture.
I mean, having a lot of empathy means I have a lot of perception.
I'm very alive.
So are you, out there.
I run into our listeners on the street, and just the lightning in their eyes, the spirit they have.
And so I know you know the frustration, but there's also, I'd rather be
Enjoying fine art, fine music.
I would rather be spending time outside.
I would rather be spending time with my family.
I resent the New World Order.
I resent the fact that they're so wicked and so stunted and twisted.
And I'm just so sick of not just the establishment being evil and corrupt, but the general public being that way.
And that's what the establishment always says.
The time's off record.
I've been offered jobs and
You know, by the establishment over the years.
They're always like, Alex, the public's even worse than we are.
They would tear you apart if they could.
They hate you because you're talented.
And of course, that's an appeal to arrogance, an appeal to ego.
But it's true.
But I will not join evil so I can sit back with them and laugh at everybody and then do everything I can to keep people in the dark forever.
See, that's the thing.
They've done this to the public.
They've made people immoral and corrupt and wicked.
They've certainly thrown fuel on the fire.
And my spirit cannot join with evil.
But it doesn't matter.
At some levels...
Because it just becomes evil anyways!
Or they paint you as evil, so that even though you do good work and want to help people, they will paint you as evil, so the weak-minded see you as evil, and so whatever you do gets turned to evil!
But it's not going to go on much longer.
And the rotting is accelerating.
And I just think about the foster children drugged on 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 drugs with their teeth falling out, dying of convulsions.
I think about...
Just the mutation of humanity, it's like an alien species came down on the earth, took over the government, and is running a computer program of how to incrementally dumb us down, soft kill us, medium kill us, and then hard kill us.
Because, you know, if they kill you right away, people would resist.
But if they slowly kill you, no one knows where it's coming from, unless you scientifically study it, and then it's all there, and you're like, my God, look, they say they're doing it, and the public's like,
Uh-huh, sure they are, because they're already in the throes of it, and then you can't get mad at them because they've already been taken over by it.
And then you run into other smart people, and they have decided to use the techniques of control on other people around them, so they can, quote, get ahead,
And then that just adds to the whole culture of other people going, well, I'll just cheat to get ahead.
And then everyone gets more and more selfish and society collapses.
I mean, we went out on the street and four out of ten people said that they should be able to kill their children up to age three.
The state should be able to kill children that are healthy.
That it's a woman's right to choose to kill her child.
It's a woman's right to have both their breasts removed before they even have any signs of cancer.
Well, if it's her right, better go out and do it.
It's a woman's right to get a Gardasil shot that doesn't protect you from the papillomavirus and the cancer.
The insert says it.
But so what?
It's hyped up.
It's what women are doing!
And they go, boys, little dirty boys, you could give girls the virus.
You need to take the shot.
And then it turns out the shot just so happens to lower fertility and give you autoimmune diseases a large percentage of the time and kill people as well.
And it's like, big deal, it kills people.
Big deal, flesh eating and other bacterias are killing hundreds of thousands a year.
Big deal.
You know, deer all the time are jumping through car windows, killing two, three, four hundred a year depending on the year.
Terrorism kills less than a hundred, but it doesn't matter.
It's so sexy to roll around in fear and be scared of terrorists under every bush.
And more and more, it is just mind-controlled, arrested development, bumbling people.
And it doesn't make me feel good that they're so stupid, that they're so pathetic, that they're so weak, that they're so cowardly.
It freaks me out.
And it makes me want to remove myself from society.
Because, you know, I walk out of a restaurant with my kids and a motorcycle gang sitting there revving their things, looking at me like they think they're tough.
I mean, you might actually be able to deal with me, maybe, but not before I go like a craved man and literally bash two or three of your brains out.
And I'm scared of that, man!
I can't put up with all the fake people anymore!
All the phony tough!
I just am so sick of the gangs, the cop gangs, the motorcycle gangs, the bureaucrat gangs, the lisping fake liberal gangs, the good old boy gangs, the country club gangs, the trendy gangs, they're not real people!
They're these robots in schools of swimming amoebas!
And then I go study the actual controllers of the entire program, and they're not even that smart.
I mean, they would know you're not going to get away with this, it will blow back on you.
And then they even say that in a lot of their writings.
They go, but it doesn't matter, we want to do it!
Because all there is is the darkness!
All there is is doing something bad because you can do it!
All there is is screwing people over because you can get away with it!
And that's what the smart guys do!
That's what the winners do!
That's what the cool people do!
I mean, I sit here and I read these army manuals where they're training for high treason to lock us up and torture us and re-educate us and, and...
No media will even pick it up because that's just too hardcore.
No media will pick up the paper targets where they're trying to shoot little kids.
And it was confirmed, but no one will cover it.
But us?
You think I like being the most hardcore, most awake, most focused?
It is dangerous.
I don't know.
This world is so fake.
It's so plastic.
It is such a manifest fraud that I just can't partake of it.
None of it.
Almost all of it is diseased and rotten.
And there are some good things there.
But my God, if we don't, if we don't say no to all of this now, I mean, if people don't really start freaking out over what's going on and recognizing it and getting out of your learned helplessness and out of your trance, it's over folks.
What's going to happen is going to make, and it's already ongoing, what happened in the
Government orgies of death in the last century pale in significance.
The United Nations is in mainstream news, back of the paper like it's a good thing, going into villages in Central South America, Africa and Asia and killing whole villages.
I mean they go in and they like something out of
Morlocks and Eloys.
Planet of the Apes, whatever you want to call it.
I mean, they go in and they chase them down and they kill them.
And then I sit there on the phone with, like, you know, Bloomberg writers, and I'm going, you know our government did this and that, it's on record.
We're not going to discuss that and giggle.
Well, you know that the UN's doing this.
Can I send you the article?
Haha, yeah, right.
It's just they're like children.
They have no idea.
And the people that write the articles normalizing killing people
I think they're like on some winning team doing this.
None of you are going to get out of this!
Your kids aren't going to get out of this!
None of you are going to get out of this, you idiots!
Oh my God, help me.
So, the Army's preparing for massive civil disturbances and societal collapse, and to operate outside the President or Congress.
I mean, that's such a big deal.
I'm even surprised by that.
You would think the criminals that run the government would, you know, they've got their own puppets.
But I mean, I guess that's the ultimate puppeteering.
Now they just got to buy off the generals like the Nazis did with the Vichy French and have them stand down.
Or they can do a big false flag, nuke Congress when it's in session, whatever, and then just say the military is in charge.
And you know, I've been hearing a lot of talk about, you know, go after Obama, do this and that.
He needs to be impeached, but nothing physical needs to happen to him.
They could go get rid of Obama, and then, oh, we'll get behind the military restoring order.
That's what everybody keeps saying, and it'll just be something even worse!
I mean, you can see all the preparations, man, because they know it's all about to collapse.
They engineered it this way, but I don't think they can reverse it now.
We've gotten that deep into it.
It's like a perpetual motion machine.
Or a doomsday machine.
You know, once it's counting down, it's very hard to shut down.
And it's counting down now.
It's two minutes to midnight.
And they're lining up, you know, they're uncloaking, and I'm like, red alert!
Red alert!
Here, here it is!
Red alert!
Red alert!
We've been named as the enemy!
Red alert!
People are like, why don't you shut up, you extremist?
So why do they take my bank account?
I'm gonna salute them, and so they're gonna be nice to me!
What's going to save us is everybody who laughs on the surface when you really talk to them, for a minute they'll lower the laugh and you'll see they're scared.
They're scared, they know.
So at least people out there know that there's something dangerous going on.
Your sixth sense that God gave you, you know.
But here's the thing, you don't know how bad it really is.
And only the realization of how much trouble we're in
is going to get us out of this.
And I'm telling you, if you study criminology, especially in domesticated populations, you can go to a horrible third world warren of crime and look at the statistics.
If somebody tries to corner a woman or somebody tries to suck a kid into a van, the kid runs immediately and doesn't go.
The woman fights back.
You go to civilized Western nations of domesticated schlubs,
Seven, eight times out of ten in the last 30, 40 years of the criminology, a woman can know she's being kidnapped, be put in a van, and she still is so scared to admit it's happening, she'll go and do it.
And men will do it.
And that's why you can walk up to people and say, we want Nazi Germany in America to keep us safe, and so Obama can take our guns, and nine out of ten people in L.A.
will sign it, because they're scared and they just want to do what the government says.
Yeah, we've actually gone out with Mark Dice and, you know, said let's basically bring in fascist Nazi rule for Obama, and they say yes.
And they know what Nazis are, but they still, they hear Obama, oh, I'm part of the team.
It's a woman's right to kill her child up to age three.
And the women are like, yes, I like that.
That's power.
See, the powerless, who've never had a chance to have any small power that they built themselves,
Then don't appreciate it, and know how dangerous it is, so then they just imagine, like a moth to flame, that it's some great fulfillment they're going to have.
And then they see, through the black uniforms, and the nighttime Nazi rallies, they see this majesty, this reflected glory, that they are going to be empowered, even in their own destruction.
Because they were never made to hunt as children.
They were never made to fight as children.
They were never put through tribal rituals.
Good, wholesome, ancient rituals.
They were put through modern rituals.
When I say modern rituals, 6,000 year old and up.
Dehumanizing rituals of fraud, where the headdress is why you have status, not because you instinctively know where to take people to find the game.
It's a world of fraud.
It's planet hoax.
And I'm just looking for people that are still human and have a soul and a heart who want to stand against this because it's the only shot we've got.
And... I'll take your calls and John B. Wells is coming up.
There's so much news here on this Friday edition.
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All right, I have literally got, no exaggeration, like 15 different video clips I want to get to.
I've got clips at an article up at InfoWars.com from a local news station where the robbers come in the Hum Invasion and put the guy in his closet, but he has his guns in the closet, so he comes out and shoots them.
And they're like, the police are not going to charge the homeowner.
He's lucky.
The greatest crime is defending yourself in this country.
Robbers shove homeowner in closet where he kept his guns.
Oh, they got bandits out there in their clown outfits talking about it.
We got a bunch of, we got all the big scandal stuff, which is important, because it is important to bring people to justice.
But then you find out the IRS official, official not, you know, that ran all the stuff for Obama, obviously, and Holder and others and those above him.
That talk show host and media journalist would get audited, and now those that have complained are being fired.
Because you're not supposed to talk about how you got harassed.
You're not supposed to stand up for yourself.
Again, that's the greatest crime.
Shoot robbers?
You're bad.
Get audited for your political views?
Speak out against it?
You're bad.
You're fired.
I think that's why I get so wound up.
I come in here and read all this news and see it all and then I get on the air and I'm just sick of it, man.
I'm sick of the tyrants and I know you're sick of it too.
And we're going to beat them together.
But I think at the same time we've got to admit how bad it is.
Because then we know we've got to turn this around.
We've got to stop putting a perfume on this thing.
This pig.
We got a bunch of other clips here today.
I think we're going to premiere tonight on the Nightly News, 7 o'clock central.
He says it's done, but I'm going to see it today and see if I want to add anything.
We did this, I don't know, six months ago, and it's one of the literally over a hundred things we've never gotten done because we just do so much and then never complete it because we love Liberty.
I have a great team.
Because once you work here and see all this, you don't want to stop fighting it.
It upsets you.
And by the grace of God, we've assembled a really good group of people.
We all of us need your prayers.
To be in and around this is very stressful.
And I need your prayers as well.
But we did something really fun to try to illustrate the Second Amendment.
Dealing with laser beams and particle beams.
I went out and bought some of the most powerful consumer grade.
You can get even more powerful industrial ones but it takes a license and stuff.
We could have done that.
But we went out and bought like 400, 500 dollar lasers.
A blue, white laser and a green laser and we recreated a laser battle.
With Star Wars figures.
This will definitely go viral.
And then it's filled with news about directed energy weapons.
It's got 50 cals shooting armor.
I mean, it's pretty wild video.
And it's got me in there talking about it.
So that's going to premiere tonight on the Nightly News.
And if you're not a PrisonPlanet.tv member,
I mean, we need our own platform with all the censorship happening on YouTube.
We post all the stuff we do on YouTube a day or so later, but they try to censor it.
We have to fight and file in court to keep this thing up.
I mean, it's a big hassle, but we do it.
But if you just want to go see it all in high def and in high quality and see it when you want and be able to give up to 30, 40 people your passcode, 11 people can simultaneously log into the website at any one time.
But most people won't be logging in at the same time.
So I'd say you can share it with 30-40 people.
Create an original username and passcode with your $5.95 a month membership and share it with friends and family.
We call it Operation Awaking the Sleeping Giant.
That's PrisonPlanet.tv.
And hopefully we can find a future for humanity based on decency and truth.
And not the science of lies and fraud and scumbaggedness.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GTN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live and broadcasting worldwide.
John B. Wells is coming up.
We'll take calls in this hour.
Into the next hour, we're going to talk about all the latest scandals on the IRS, the wiretapping, the police state, and really the big news.
Military says no presidential authorization.
Need to quell civil disturbances.
Man, that is a military industrial complex.
Total coup d'etat.
That's what Eisenhower warned of, and I mean, right now, this even blew me away.
And, I mean, why not?
They said NATO commands our military now.
So why not just say now that this is Vichy French stuff?
And that's why every sports show, every show, worship the military.
It doesn't take care of the people that are in the military.
It's create a cult of the military, do whatever it says, as they train for war against us.
God Almighty.
And I'm not using the Lord's name in vain.
I'm crying out to God.
You know, I just repent to God for everything I've done, even though I try to be a good person.
My gut instinct is just get right with God.
I tell you, man, this is really bad.
You read what they're getting ready for, civil collapse and all this stuff?
Man, they're gonna kill the dollar.
They're gonna hammer down.
And let me tell you, this spoiled, rotten general public's gonna go absolutely ape.
Globalists know exactly what they're doing.
And I've been too close to this too long.
I mean, I'm not even really prepared and ready for this.
I'm going to tell you what it is.
I'm tired of evil.
I'm sick of evil being sold as sexy.
Evil is a child sitting there in burnt, brown, yellow grass, emaciated with their ribs sticking out with buzzards waiting for them to collapse and die.
That's your sexiness or your evil.
And I wish this could be stopped.
You know, I get up here with bravado and just get real cynical and dark satire and try to bull my way through all this.
And the reason InfoWars has been successful despite all the odds is people who have discernment know I'm totally for real.
That's why every cosmology created out there by the enemy is that I'm not real because they're not real and they hate it.
They have sold their souls and they hate me because I still have my soul.
And let me tell you something, and that's the answer to everything.
They hate you because you have a soul.
They hate you because you value genuineness and honorableness and steadfastness.
They hate you because you didn't sell out.
That's why they hate good people, and they're never gonna stop till they've killed every one of us.
You understand that?
Who did the Soviets go after?
They go after their own communists if they found out it was somebody who was really good, who just played along, and who didn't enjoy it.
And they'd go after other evil people that they were afraid of because they were so evil.
They go after everybody.
There's no peace!
There's no rest!
For the wicked!
All there is is hell on earth!
And I see too much, man.
Let me tell you, I know why people don't want to see this.
I know why people want to be dumbed down and want to go get drunk and forget the whole world.
Because being alive is the biggest trip of all.
Being aware.
Having clarity.
This is so hardcore, people just can't handle it.
You want the truth?
You can't handle the truth!
To quote a famous movie.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
Your phone calls, John B. Wells and a ton of news.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us on this Live Friday Worldwide Broadcast.
It is the 17th day, ladies and gentlemen, of May 2013.
We've got two hours left.
We're now into the second hour.
I know XM Channel 244 joins us and a lot of other AM and FM affiliates.
We're going to be joined in the balance of the hour by John B. Wells, Saturday host and very popular host of Coast to Coast AM.
I love their whole team over there but just just amazing guy and of course he's got a professional voice talent one of the top voice talents in the country so it's not hard on the ears like listening to my show and we're going to be talking to him about all these scandals and more in a moment but I've got to tell listeners if you go up to InfoWars.com right now there is giant breaking news
The Army has come out and it showed up in the U.S.
Code that they're now saying they're outside of Congress and the President during any civil disturbance, widespread or localized civil disturbances.
They're calling it a rule change and an instruction.
Now, DOD is telling people now you can't have your plastic 3D printable gun.
No law, no nothing.
The DOD orders you, Cody Wilson, last week, do not do this.
They are now, they call it an instruction, but it's now showed up in the U.S.
And they are, I mean, ladies and gentlemen, it was bombshell, seismic, if you know world history and the Constitution, last year, when the
and three different congressional hearings, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, including with Chairman Dempsey, told Congress, we don't need you for appropriations, we don't need you for war-making authority, or any response, we get that from NATO.
It'd be bad enough if he said from the President, who does not make war, they execute what Congress says, because you don't want a dictator.
I mean, that's treason, red alert, insane, third world dictatorship, North Korea, you know, run screaming for the hills.
I mean, if you try that in communist China, they arrest you, you know.
I mean, it's at least got to be the big party group.
I mean, this is dictatorship.
Now, what Eisenhower warned of, the undue influence, whether sought or unsought, of the military-industrial complex, controlled by a technocratic scientific elite.
That was the full quote.
And folks, they're now saying the D.O.D., and they've been all over marking their territory, every town, every city, checkpoints, black helicopter raids, buying off police chiefs, Delta Force running free speech zones, beating people up in Seattle.
I told an Esquire writer that.
He didn't believe me, because he was there.
He went and looked at them and goes, it's in all the newspapers at that time.
I never heard that.
Oh, really?
You didn't hear that?
I've interviewed the police chiefs, you know, 15 years ago of major cities like San Antonio, where Delta Force shows up and goes, we want you to be our friend, here's a hundred grand.
The police chief says, excuse me, I was in the army in Vietnam in intelligence.
Are you trying to, like, buy me in a clandestine operation?
You're going to do a special forces operation on me to buy me to join you?
And they said, we're sorry you feel that way.
And it turned out he thought it was a test of loyalty.
But he was still like, the army shouldn't be involved.
And then he thought, no, no, no.
The mayor, the fire chief, they all took the money!
What did the Vichy French do?
They, for five years, Hitler quietly bought off nine out of ten of the general staff of the French military.
The French just stood down.
The Blitzkrieg was not even real.
They went after the British Expeditionary Force that was there and ran them to Dunkirk.
This is all mainline history.
The French stood down.
Two weeks into the attack, Hitler went to Paris to survey it.
Went to the Eiffel Tower, went to the tomb of Napoleon.
And that's how they took over Iraq.
In 2003, they bought off the General Staff, the Iraqis, 90 plus percent again stood down, same number.
They bought him off.
Then everybody down to privates got cash.
Private, here's $5,000.
We're doing a good job.
Captain, here's $50,000.
We're doing a good job.
General, here's $5,000,000.
They did that to corrupt everybody.
America cares about you.
We flew in $50,000,000.
We're going to serve it up to you.
And after that, they said, now you're going to run narcotics back into America, or we're going to report that $50,000,000 you got, Captain.
The captain says, well, I didn't know you set me up.
I'm not going to do that.
Can you talk to me in your office for a minute?
Captain, get that file out for me.
Right in the back of the head.
Thousands of officers.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
All on record.
That all came out.
That's what runs America!
And now, they've come out and said, the military will do whatever it wants in America, outside of the President, outside of Congress.
And who runs the military?
That's why we've had guests on that you know really represent the Pentagon, saying stuff to Obama lately, that would just blow me away.
That's what's going on here.
And that's all crystallizing now, ladies and gentlemen.
This country is in the middle of a power struggle over who gets to be dictator.
I mean, we are in incredible trouble!
John B. Wells, I appreciate you coming on.
Keep you a little bit in the next hour if you can do it.
Got shown a little bit late here, jbwells.com.
He is the Saturday host of coast2coastam.com.
In addition to serving as an announcer for CBS' The Late Late Show with Craig Kilbourne, Wells has lent his voice to Oliver Stone's JFK, talked radio films, and appeared in several other movies.
I'm not going to go over his whole deal.
The Deadliest Catch and Gold Rush.
Love his voice, love his mind even more.
And he's just been kicking butt at CoastToCoastAM.com.
He's got CaravanToMidnight.com, what a great name, as one of his other sites.
And he joins us.
You know, I just went into that breaking news story, and we'll get into all the other news, but what do you make of that John B. Wells tied into the billions of bullets, the armored vehicles, all of it?
Alex, first of all, thank you very much for having me on the program.
It's good to talk with you.
I wish we could chat more often, simply because on your program, we pretty much get to let it all hang out, to use that term from the dinosaurs, the dinosaur age.
But what do I make of it?
I think this country is in a terrible state of denial.
I really do.
I think that John Lennon's song about keeping dope with religion and sex and TV and you think you're so clever and classless and free but you're still bleeping peasants as far as I can see.
A working class hero is something to be.
And I think we've been dope with religion and sex and TV and when I say religion I don't mean faith.
I mean religion.
And, uh, we are... This is so beautifully orchestrated.
Somebody, either there really is one great dark power that runs this earth, as is stated in the Holy Scriptures.
Oh, it's not human.
No, I mean, exactly.
The more I study it, it is, it is a entity.
It is.
Call it whatever you want, a dark force is running this.
And that's what I've come there to, is I'm facing this thing, and I just wish people knew how much peril they're in, John.
Well, the thing about it is, Alex, is what we have to remember is the ones who get it, get it.
And the ones who don't get it are never going to get it.
And that's just, I'm afraid, that's just the cold, hard, harsh reality.
We would like to think that we'll wake them up, we'll enlighten them, we'll rise up as one people and we'll quell this evil, but a lot of people are just going to go right along with it.
This is something that I find very interesting, not to stray too far away, because you ask a question, what do I make of all this?
I think there's about to be a war against the civilian population, and I'll tell you why.
Everywhere you go, if you look at every false flag operation through history, from the battleship Maine, to the Lusitania, to Pearl Harbor, to the Gulf of Tonkin, to 9-11, on and on and on, these false flags were all in furtherance of developing a war-like atmosphere.
And what happens when you have a war going on?
Well, the citizens die, the leaders largely are preserved, and it's business as usual.
I mean, Germany was a highly sophisticated, still is, in those days, was a highly sophisticated society.
Music, literature, art, everything.
And virtually the entire place was destroyed.
Look at them now.
They're the ones propping up the entire European Union.
So, people die, and business goes on.
Which goes back to the scripture, and I don't want to turn this into a sermon, but it's like the love of money is the root of all evil.
And this is all about money.
And when you look at the money that has been made from these ongoing undeclared wars, such as Vietnam, Korea even, less, to a lesser extent, but still Korea as well, and now this ongoing war on terror, you can see that
Wherever there's chaos, you know that expression, follow the chaos.
That's where the opportunity is.
I'm thinking that the Middle East may be close to being tapped out.
China and Russia got the oil deals.
We didn't.
It was all about oil in Iraq, but no, I don't think we got any of the oil.
We're still exporting oil.
And I'm thinking the next big playground, the next big boom town,
Sorry about the pun.
It's gonna be the U.S.
I think that tearing down this society and then rebuilding it is gonna mean big bucks for somebody.
I totally...
I totally agree with you, and it is very saddening to see it unfolding, but I think at the same time it's part of a test of society and culture, and this is what makes humanity great, is the adversity.
And it's been, the liberty we had was so great, we became fat, dumb and happy generationally,
And so, the checks and balances were so great that it held it back for a long time, but the evil grew in the secret places, and got very big, and now it's out in the open, and people who've been in denial are so invested in saying that it isn't real, that now they're going to deny things, even as the country burns.
Well, look what's going on up there in these hearings.
Look at this so-called Attorney General.
And look, you know, I realize that opening my big mouth like this, and I'm happy to be in league with you in this regard, because you don't hold back, and I kind of have to, unless I'm able to come on with you.
But let's look at this.
Stay there.
Let's stay there.
Let's hear, let's get into the current scandals with John B. Wells of Coast2CoastAM.com.
Straight ahead, I'm Alex Jones of InfoWars.com.
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John B. Wells, host of Coast to Coast AM Saturdays, joins us right now.
You are getting into
The scandal that's deepening right now, of course they're using the IRS to harass libertarians and patriots.
Of course they are.
You know, the lady that ran it all is now over Obamacare.
Now they're going to share your medical records everywhere.
You know, they're saying our military is run by NATO and is now even above the president.
Well, why not?
That's what it was when they said last year NATO was over it.
And if they just say it in a lawyerly way, we're now in basically a military coup d'etat.
Well, I just think that we're in a cold civil war right now.
I really do, and I know that's dangerous talk.
I don't think I'm doing myself, and maybe not even you, as vocal as you are about these issues, any favors by saying something like that.
But I would submit to you that we are in a cold civil war.
It just hasn't happened yet.
You have a president up there that does nothing but deny.
You have an attorney general that goes all the way back to the Oklahoma bombing.
Wasn't he assistant attorney general under Clinton?
He didn't know anything.
He didn't know anything about Fast and Furious.
Didn't know anything about Benghazi.
Didn't know anything about the IRS scandal.
Didn't know anything about anything.
He's just denied, denied, denied, denied.
Alex, I bought a book.
I've got a little story for you in a minute.
It's a quick one.
I bought a little book.
It cost me 50 bucks.
I found one copy on Amazon.
So I bought it and it's called My New Order by Adolf Hitler.
And it's mostly his speeches.
If you get this book and you read it, you will see that you are experiencing virtually the same thing that's printed on these pages.
But here's something else.
A friend of mine in Germany, you know, I would tease him all the time about this and that, Nazi this, Nazi that.
And among the things that he told me, just pieces over the years, were that he and his wife, if they speak in their dialect, their little colloquialisms and slang, the people who speak what they call bookish German,
I have no idea what he's talking about.
So I stored that piece of data.
Then he said that even his dad said, why do you have to speak so bookish?
And I stored that piece of data, because dad thought he was just being a little bit too uptight.
Then this gal came over from Munich, and she was a yoga girl.
And my friend said, Stephanie speaks very bookish German.
Then eventually we started talking and we just brought up Mein Kampf and he said, John, that book made no sense to me whatsoever.
I could not understand anything that he was trying to write.
The years went by and it came up again.
And he said, John, I read Mein Kampf in English and it made so much sense to me.
And I thought, you mean you understood what was being written?
He said, yes.
I thought to myself, I wonder if that means that it was originally written in English and translated into German.
In which case, how deep do these roots...
It's funny you bring that up.
We were talking yesterday about mainline history, but it's not popularly known, that our government and the British government actually funded Hitler and his rise, and that he had a peace treaty with the British and a deal with the King of England, Edward VIII, to launch World War II, and that England was going to join him, and then they double-crossed him.
And that's like mainline history, but it's not on a history channel.
That's right.
And Wallace Simpson had nothing to do with Edward's abdication so that George could take over.
Nothing at all.
It's because it was generally known in those circles that Edward and Adolf were buddy-buddy.
And they were.
Well, yeah, he was German.
But I mean, again, there you're informed.
It wasn't about the divorce.
But the general public's like, the British were Nazis?
Take Prince Philip, his cousin, the head of the Netherlands.
He was an SS officer.
Pretty small club, isn't it, Alex?
Yeah, founder of the Bilderberg Group.
Well, these people have the capacity to make very, very long-range plans.
Most citizens make a plan that's the length of their latest car loan.
But these people plan 50 years, 100 years.
They understand that to shape a global society, it's going to take a minute to do that.
Because they'll be met with resistance if they try and push the agenda too quickly.
So they just push it slowly.
It appears that we may perhaps have been, and may in future, even more so, take orders from the United Nations.
And I think
We know that everywhere the United Nations shows up with their blue helmets and their rifles, chaos and hell comes with them.
So, since when did we start taking orders from the United Nations?
Since when does some universal arms treaty apply to us?
Well, I don't know.
The only way that we can turn this around is to make our lists and do everything that we possibly can to remove people in office who shouldn't be there.
We can do this, but someone has to do the legwork.
Someone has to do the research.
And the general public has to have a psychological and spiritual break with these globalists.
Because remember, there was no world government, and we were kooks.
Now it's here, but we're kooks because we don't want it.
I mean, it's incredible.
Stay there.
John B. Wells is our guest.
Call's coming up.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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He aligns himself with the truth.
And it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Do you know why that was not done?
There are exceptions to that rule.
I do not know, however.
Again, Mr. Chairman, I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
That I don't know.
I just don't know.
I don't know whether or not... I just don't know.
I don't know exactly how IRS has constructed it.
I don't know when the subpoena was issued.
Well, I don't know precisely.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know the specific questions.
Again, I don't know what happened.
Well, either you know or you don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I just don't know when.
I don't know.
I'm not sure I know what you're talking about.
I did not know.
I don't know what you are going to ask me.
I didn't know.
I technically, I don't know.
I don't know.
I know nothing!
I know nothing!
I don't know!
That's right, and that is Sgt.
Schultz, Ozzy Osbourne, and the Attorney General all telling you, I know nothing!
I tell you, it is really a crazy world.
We are going back to our guest, who I hope can stay with us a little bit the next hour and ride shotgun and take phone calls today.
Amazing talk show host.
Whenever I'm out driving around on Saturday night or then on Sunday night, because they re-air it locally the next night, I love to listen to John B. Wells.
And he has a lot of courage, too, because I've been a guest on his show.
He has a lot of other Patriots on his broadcast and it's just, you know, on over 500 affiliates.
So he reaches...
Probably every night, five million people, six million people when he does the Saturday show.
So it's just wonderful to have him there doing that.
Before I go any further, by the way, we put 80,000 of the magazine each month that we sell in bulk at cost at InfoWareStore.com.
We put 80,000 as a test on the streets of San Antonio and Austin.
And this sold out.
The issue sold out in about five days.
The, I don't know, what was it, 30-something thousand we kept back, you know, to sell it bulk.
You know, to get the word out, because people really pay attention to a big glossy color magazine full of graphics and three free bumper stickers in it and so much more.
But it sold out.
I mean, the last time we had something sell out that quick was magazines like Into It's Tenth Issue now.
I guess we had one sell out in about two weeks.
This sold out in less than a week.
So we ran out and found a thousand or so, you know, that had just been put on the street and pulled those back off.
And then there was such a demand, I said, just scour everywhere.
So we sent out the crew, and they were able to get a little more than a thousand again.
But that is it, and it will be sold out very, very quickly.
You can buy them individually or in bulk.
And it also supports the broadcast, because we're selling these limited amount at an actual profit.
Imagine that evil idea, so we can try to print more magazines.
And it's just something I believe in, going low-tech.
While we dominate high-tech as well, another tentacle in the resistance against the globalist Hydra.
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Infowars.com forward slash show and you know we were the biggest news story covering the Boston false flag, clearly a false flag, for over a week.
The number one news system in the world when it came to that issue.
And it freaked him out.
I mean, let me tell you, we're in danger.
And I don't just say that.
I mean, it's like, watch your six.
I mean, we got TIE Fighters on our butt.
And you know what?
I know that.
I understand no matter what happens to us, I'm committed.
I asked for all this.
It's just that we need your support.
I mean, I can't imagine how anybody out there would not support PrisonPlanet.tv, would not become a member, when you can share it with more than 11 people.
11 people can simultaneously log in with the same username and passcode, but usually people aren't using it.
I wish they would.
So I say, share it with 30, 40 friends and family.
Give it to them as an e-card.
You know, present it.
Hey, this is your free, you know, monthly subscription to PrisonPlanet.tv.
Go see these films.
See this live news show.
That's how we reach more people.
Tell people about the XM channel we're on.
Tell people about the local AM and FM channel, like 1530 in Chicago, getting really good ratings after having us on for about less than a year.
Things like that.
It's a big deal we're on the air.
The system doesn't like this.
It shows they're not in total control.
So, I don't spend a lot of time promoting sponsors and things, and I don't get much of the funding you hear on the network radio ads.
Most of it's local or the network.
I need your support to continue to expand in the face of the New World Order.
And I appreciate your support.
We couldn't do it without you.
And you support people like John B. Wells, who tell the truth.
John, I'm ranting and I got a bunch of news obviously to cover.
Here it all is.
IRS stalled.
Conservatives groups.
Getting 501c3 or others, but gave speedy approval to Obama foundations, agency used planted questions to reveal scandal.
Well, of course, I mean, in Eastern Germany, you know, the party members decided which women could be stars and demanded sex from all of them.
That's what having government run things is like.
Absolutely not illegal, is what the White House is now saying, the scum house.
Is this still America?
Charles Rangel outraged, wrong to abuse the tax system.
In charge during Tea Party, targeting now runs IRS Obamacare office.
Of course they're going to use your medical records and leak them to the press.
They've already done that.
IRS Hinchwoman got $103,000 in bonuses for raking people over the coals.
That's the kind of stuff up on DrudgeReport.com.
You know, spying on the media, spying on the cloakroom.
It just goes on and on, what's going on.
And then meanwhile, military says no presidential authorization needed to quell civil disturbances.
That is the equivalent of a nuclear bomb going off in D.C.
I mean, it's bad enough to say NATO's in charge.
Now the military's in charge themselves, but they say they follow orders from NATO.
That's a narcotics trafficking, Bilderberg Group, Nazi-founded organization.
That's what I'm saying, man.
We're overrun.
And I'm ranting.
You've got the floor.
Well, I wish I could rant like that, so I appreciate being able to do it by proxy, Alex.
It's absolutely unbelievable.
And the thing is, you know that thing about one bad apple can spoil the barrel?
That's really true.
The strident liberals
I get an email every once in a while going, you're just a right winger.
It's like, given a choice between the right wing and the left, I'm most assuredly a right winger.
I heard McDermott today say in those hearings, as much as I don't like the right, the right wing, and I thought to myself, well, McDermott, you have traditionally been an idiot, and I don't know how you remain in power.
But I began to wonder, what is it about the right that you don't like exactly?
They foment lies.
That is their stock in trade.
Oh, the Tea Party, that's just a whole, that's a bunch of racists.
I have seen no racism whatsoever.
Nothing at any of those gatherings of the Tea Partiers.
Oh, they want to play it.
And all they have to do is, just going back to dear old Uncle Adolph, all you have to do is continue to beat that drum
And some of these people, enough of them to make a difference, are going to go along with it.
But yes, we have been hijacked by a criminal regime.
End of story.
It's been visibly corrupt since the Kennedy assassination.
But we're distracted.
We're distracted with one war after another.
What happened to North Korea?
I put out over a coast-to-coast AM.
I said, you know, my source, and it's a good one, and I cannot name him.
You only have my word for it, but I've given it to you.
There are things going on behind the scenes.
You won't be hearing anything from... I'm paraphrasing here.
You won't be hearing much out of Kim Jong-un in the very near future.
And what happened?
He just drops right off the scope and he's gone.
Not another word about it.
One minute he's threatening Austin, L.A., and every place else, threatening Japan and all that, and the next minute he's gone.
Well, why is that?
It's because China pulled the chain on his money.
That's what this is all about.
This is all about money.
And these people are going to soak the citizens of this nation for everything they can.
They will disarm us, if it comes down to it.
They will pit the races against each other, and the liberals will continue to push this ridiculous immigration reform.
You know what my immigration reform is?
Go home.
All illegal aliens must leave.
Just like any other country.
You can't just come here and just decide, well, we like it here.
All, all 11, they say 11 million?
I'm thinking more like 30 million.
Oh, we're going to run across the border and have a baby now.
The baby's a citizen.
It's an anchor baby.
We're here.
That's just wrong.
Why are they doing that?
Mexico doesn't let you do that.
And again, the government's then there to try to make them clients of the government for the political takeover.
And then they use it to create a national ID card for the citizens.
Again, I mean, all these bills are piggybacked with a bunch of other garbage.
And notice
They're trying to get everything passed right now, and the military talks about massive, widespread disturbances that are so bad, for the first time in history, the President or the Congress may not be there to respond to it.
During the Cold War, they didn't have this on the books.
What do you think they're getting ready for?
Well, I still think this economic collapse, going back to the money thing, I think the money is the trigger for everything.
I was just looking at this thing called The Trader's Wire, and the article is ten scenes from the ongoing global economic collapse.
27% unemployment, 60% youth unemployment in Greece, Detroit and Michigan, Detroit, Michigan is insolvent, rapidly running out of cash, economic despair in France, 7,000 abandoned buildings in Dayton, Ohio, overwhelmed by squatters in Spain,
The collapse of Chinese power consumption.
Horrible economic data coming out of the second largest economy on the planet.
That would be China.
One out of every five U.S.
households on food stamps.
Child hunger in America.
The tremendous suffering of hundreds of millions of people.
Desperately poor people that we never even heard about.
Cities are going bankrupt all over the country, not just Detroit.
And then you'll have city managers paid $800,000.
You know, Alex, I think what we should do is invoke that old radio bumper from back in the Stone Age, which is, tell your friends about InfoWars.
Tell your friends to wake up.
Pull your friends into it.
One person can pull, like you alluded to earlier, 10, 15 people, 10 or 15 of their friends into it.
People thought that I was completely just, you know, looking for trouble, looking for some sort of a conspiracy, somewhere.
But over the last three years, there's a new little circle of friends that I developed.
They're saying, you know,
What you said actually came to pass.
I said, oh yes, and there's much more.
Educate yourself.
Don't listen.
Don't repeat things like a parrot.
Go to the net and go look for yourself.
But you know, Alex, the thing that I find extraordinary is there is still some underlying credibility that mainstream media has.
Now, I popped off last Saturday night and said that of the four major news outlets, excluding... I'm talking about the network people.
I liked Fox the best because at least they'll talk about it.
The other ones won't even talk about it.
And then when you look at Gates, Bill Gates, and his MSNBC, I'm sure that most people do not know that that means Microsoft NBC, and it does.
Well, people don't, they don't believe it.
You say that to them and they don't believe it.
And they say things like, and you know this, that Alex Jones must work for the CIA because, you know, he's still walking around out there.
It's Alex Jones's visibility that keeps him safe.
And I intend to keep you as visible as possible.
And you can trust me on this, brother, unless they get me at the same time.
If anything happens to you, you're going to have a crew of some real serious cats trying to find out what happened to you.
Well, I appreciate it, brother.
That feels good.
That's why I try to hook up with other great people like you.
I try to promote other people over the years and try to fight the globalists because I know how real it is.
You know how real it is.
And yeah, that's what Jim Garrison said, of course, of JFK fame.
He said, look, they said, why are you still alive and everybody else is dead?
Because I'm visible.
People think hiding and groveling gives them protection from mafias and gangs.
It's the opposite.
They go after the low-lying, cowardly fruit.
Well, that's true.
And, you know, I read a very, very interesting article.
I think it came from the UK Daily Mail.
Now, this is not picking on people who don't eat their Wheaties, so to speak.
But, according to a study conducted by a British scientific institute, I'd get into it here, but I'll be doing the same thing Rubio did with his bottle of water.
It seems that their study revealed that physically strong men are more inclined to be on the right.
We're good to go.
As we consume these poisonous foods, and as we are encouraged to participate in behavior that is not really very good for us, I think we're developing more weakness, generally.
And when you make people weak and you give them health problems, now this is getting out of the fringe a little bit, but once you've contributed enough to the poor health condition of the population, they're going to drift toward, please take care of me, I'm not strong enough to take care of myself.
I went to a rock and roll concert, just to say I did, last week, and I was appalled at my generation's physical condition.
These people were so overweight and looked so unhealthy, I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
Even, you know, even the younger ones looked a little rough, but I mean... Well, you know, I saw that study you were talking about, and in the rats that they feed GMO, even if they exercise them, they get fat, because the body's kind of putting it on as a defense mechanism, and you're absolutely right.
I mean, in animal husbandry...
You feed aggressive species of domesticated animals certain diets that are known to make them more passive, and that's it.
Men and women that are statists are usually so cowardly, they really believe the state loves them and is their daddy.
And see, that's their daddy and their perpetual children.
Well, the men are children of the state, the women are the ladies of the state, the state is their husband.
And that's actually how the Romans, 2,000 years ago, in slave manuals that I've covered on air, described it.
The women we marry to the state, and then the men will be perpetual children under the house slave that is the woman.
If they can get the women to do it, I'll tell you, I gave a little tribute to mothers on Mother's Day, early Mother's Day morning, and mothers are proof positive that the women really are stronger.
And what I find is that
The women who send emails to me at the Coast Address are, they email me in greater numbers than the men do.
There are a lot of support from the men out there.
Oh, no, no, I'm not, exactly, I'm not demonizing women.
I'm saying the women that are statist see this government as their husband, and the men are perpetual children.
That's the globalist model, but I agree with you.
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Alright, I gotta apologize to callers.
But, you know, it's just there's so much news to cover.
I want to go to Steve, I want to go to Casey, Yoat, Eric, Phil, everybody.
We're going to get to you.
You've been holding a while.
After they leave us, other people can call in.
We'll have John B. Wells with us, riding shotgun for the whole next hour to cover news and take your calls.
I want listeners to understand something, though, because I come at this, what John was just talking about, from a position of being angry at somebody trying to make me and my family a slave.
And when they're doing it to you, I take it personal.
Because if it can happen to you, it can happen to me.
That's called empathy, folks.
I mean, I see something happen to somebody else's kids by the government or a group, I take it like it's my kid.
Okay, and I know why people get callous and manipulative, because it's painful to sit there and really have empathy, but you know what?
You're alive when you do.
And the so-called left are a bunch of authoritarians.
They're an authoritarian cult.
The right is their placeholder.
It works with them, but it's not really a real right wing, if you use that term, pro-gun family, that's all talk too, to move the paradigm over.
They're really authoritarians with a globalist, technocratic agenda.
That's their own words.
And they are hell-bent, hell-bent, hell-bent on radically transforming humanity into a system they control to reduce population.
So this doesn't end at a good place.
They're not breaking eggs to make a great utopian omelette.
It always creates a nightmare because that's what they want to create.
Jeffrey Dahmer created his own little heaven.
It's a nightmare for you or I, a heaven for him.
And, you know, I get up here and tell it like it is because the reality is hardcore.
John B. Wells, we're going to go to break here.
We've got a five-minute segment coming up, then a 12-minute segment, then a six-minute segment, then an 18-minute segment, then a five-minute segment, but that's what's left in the broadcast today.
But I want to start going to the calls when we start the next hour, and we'll go directly to them until we go through a couple boards of them.
But you've heard what I've laid out here.
What else is on your radar?
And I agree with you.
I've noticed it's women that are the most charged up and aggressive against the New World Order who get it.
So I wasn't scapegoating women as bad.
And I know you weren't saying that.
I want to clarify it.
Hitler said first you get the women, then you've got the children, so follow the men.
As you know, 80% of advertising roughly in the West is targeted at women, because women make most of the decisions.
And, uh, I mean, that's just, that's the way it's been in every culture.
And so, uh, that's what, so that's why women are targeted.
That's why I bring up the women.
Your comments on that?
Uh, yes.
And I didn't mean to suggest, uh, however obliquely that you were doing that.
So let me just make that, that perfectly clear.
No, you were not doing that.
And neither was I. What I'm saying is, ladies, here's the fact of the matter.
You have more power than you think.
I heard a guy say something one time, I'm going to go ahead and blurt this out Alex, that he never heard such language coming out of people in his life, in his restaurant.
And I said, what do you think is doing this?
And he eventually said,
The attempted exploitation of women, which has been going on for a long time, but he suggested that this was a gentleman's club mentality that these men are trying to impose on women in general.
Making these, shall we say, exotic exhibitionists something to look up to, as if they have to conform to this algorithm.
What I would suggest is,
Women, take charge of your men.
I'm going to go back to scripture very briefly.
A lot of women take exception to the, well, do you really think that we should submit to our husbands?
Bad interpretation.
You submit an application.
If I say, Alex, I would submit to you that Eric Holder needs to be thrown out of his office.
Submit means to bring to.
All that scripture means, my interpretation of it is that you bring your problem to the old man, tell him what you need, including if he's messing up, which he is.
Absolutely, stay there.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are now into the third hour of this worldwide broadcast.
I'm going to cover a ton of news with John B. Wells, syndicated radio host with Coast2CoastAM.com.
And I appreciate everybody holding.
Let's go through calls for about 30 minutes, then back into news and analysis with John B. Wells.
He's going to be riding shotgun with us.
This is a short little segment.
Because for years I didn't want to, stations didn't want to carry the news, so I do this five minutes, but it's a weird clock.
We're going to be changing it to the regular clock soon for everybody, just so they know that.
Steve in Florida, you're on the air.
Yeah, good afternoon Alex and John.
Alex, first of all, I called to talk about the corruption of the court system, but I just wanted to say first, I can so much relate to you.
I've had people say, you know,
Oh, you're so fanatical.
I don't understand the intensity and you're driven.
It just seems like you're so zealous for all this stuff.
And it's just basically because the majority of people I encounter are so asleep when it comes to what's
You know, going on, they're in the matrix instead of being outside of it, and so they can't see the truth.
And, you know, I'm reminded that God says he'll send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie, and the reason is not because God wants people believing lies, but they chose that.
It's like God hired a pharaoh's heart after a pharaoh's heart.
Well, no, yeah, the Holy Spirit quits knocking on the door.
It's like, okay, you consciously want this.
But I mean, that's it.
Look, being alive is intense.
You know, if I'm at home, 8 o'clock at night, hanging out with my wife, I'm relaxed watching a movie.
But when I'm really focusing on this news and stuff, I would be giving in to it.
Because I have those thoughts where I go, maybe it's just the way it's always been.
It'll be alright.
It'll work itself out.
But it's not.
It's getting worse.
John B. Wells, you ever catch yourself trying to whitewash it yourself in your own mind?
Whitewashing myself in my own mind?
No, I've driven everybody crazy over the years who had the misfortune to be around me when I'm analyzing these things.
No, I've been watching this for years and years.
One of the things that I'm really grateful for is that with about a 90% accuracy I can remember little pieces of data that I just collect as time goes by so that later I've got a bunch of dots and I
I found that it's pretty easy to connect them because the big lie is right out in front.
Exactly, that's all Drudge does.
The White House just goes, the Drudge report's hurting us.
It only shows what they said a year ago, a month ago, last week, today, showing they're liars.
They hate being called on it.
They hate our memories.
Well sure, I mean, even Rush Limbaugh, when the president says Rush Limbaugh is a problem, and there's a quote from him, not from Limbaugh, but from our current president, that something to the effect of, well, I'm paraphrasing, the founding fathers have put a system in place that makes it just a little bit harder for me to effect change than I would like.
It's like, what?
And then the next thing at Ohio University,
He uh, I really got some bad emails on this one.
Good, good, send them.
When I get a lot of flack, it's like that old bomber pilot said, when you're getting a lot of flack, generally it means you're right over the target.
Our president says, reject these voices that suggest that there's a conspiracy and that the government is tyrannical, and know that our great experiment will go forward.
And we're really good people up here, I'm paraphrasing him heavily, but that was the message.
And I said, wouldn't it have been better if he had said,
If you think that there's any tyranny creeping up on you, absolutely.
Investigate it.
Look at it.
Because we're not about that.
But I think that backfired.
I agree.
Because, you know, FBI says, don't look at other photos of other bombers, or other potential bombers.
And then Obama's like, don't look at tyranny.
Don't believe that could ever happen.
I mean, that's 180 degrees the opposite direction of common sense.
Well, it's the opposite direction of the Founding Fathers, uh, doctrine.
Yes, I mean, I mean, don't look at tyranny!
Trust the government!
I mean, what?
Don't run!
We are your friends!
It's like Mars Attacks!
And they're shooting!
People stop!
And the aliens shoot them and then laugh!
Ha ha ha ha!
I mean, it might as well.
I swear, if the media told the public to submit to, like, aliens eating them, they'd probably spring their kids.
The aliens are here to only eat one of your children.
People would line them up and go, I come in peace, eat my child.
Aliens are like, thank you, I come in peace as well.
Bite into them.
We'll be right back with John B. Wells.
Thanks, caller.
Thanks, Steve.
Casey, Yoat, Eric, Phil, others, your calls are coming up.
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He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
We're here live back Sundays 4 to 6 p.m.
with the Sunday Show InfoWars Nightly News 7 o'clock Central Standard Time every weeknight.
Again, thank you so much for joining us.
We're taking phone calls right now in this open line third hour.
And then we're going to continue to get into some other reports I haven't covered yet, like robbers shove homeowner in closet where he kept his guns.
Important article up on Infowars.com.
You can also see a promo video for some of the other gun shows I'm producing.
They're going to come out in June.
I'm also going to be going to Bilderberg to cover that.
That should be extremely interesting.
They're now announcing a free speech zone where protesters will be allowed to be in a field on the thousands of acres the Grove owns inside the gate.
Because they don't want you outside the gate where you can actually videotape the people.
But they will have private security there doing TSA grope downs.
No thank you.
I won't be going into their area.
I'll be outside the gates.
They're videotaping the globalists coming in.
But that's how they work it.
Everyone's, oh, they're so gracious to do this.
How wonderful.
They're going to stick us out in a field where we can't see anything with private security treating us like we're criminals while globalist criminals meet in secret.
But remember, now it's in the British press.
They're meeting and they're going to have, you know, the feds and the military and private security out there for a group that doesn't have any power and that didn't exist before.
In fact, we're going to your calls right now, but John B. Wells, again, Coast to Coast AM, talk show host, Saturday night.
What do you make of the fact that global government didn't exist, now they have to admit it?
And admit that it's authoritarian?
The bullets didn't exist, but now they do, but we're still kooks thinking there's a nefarious reason.
Or, the armored tanks didn't exist for us, but now they do.
And, oh, the army manuals for FEMA camps didn't exist, but, oh, now they do, but it's for a good reason.
Or, Bilderberg isn't real up until just five, six years ago.
Now it's real, but we're bad to want to cover it.
And, yeah, Bill Gates is having a secret eugenics conference with world leaders, you know, this week as well, but the media doesn't need to cover that.
Come on, Kooks.
You don't want to know what the guy that
They're treating us like we're stupid?
And we are allowing them to continue to think that we're stupid because we do not, in sufficient numbers, call their sponsors, email their sponsors, mail their sponsors, and tell them, as long as you support this, we're not buying your stuff.
It's like I like to say, Alex, if you want something to go away,
Quit buying it, whether it's a product, whether it's a program, or whether it's an ideology.
Vote with your feet, vote with your dollars, but that's one of the last big powers we have and we're using it.
Now I want to ask you about that.
CNN a year ago, it's top show had a million viewers, now it's 400,000.
They are in free fall.
They're all in free fall.
Even Fox is getting smaller, but you know, it's...
They're not going to deal with it.
I really believe what is happening is that because of you,
And people who are in league together in preserving this constitutional republic, these morons keep talking about, it's a democracy.
No, it's not.
Democracy is mob rule.
This is a constitutional republic.
You know, you're the tip of the spear, Alex, you really are.
And I'm just happy to be part of the shaft, you know?
People are waking up, and as they wake up, and as they say, hey, isn't what you're doing illegal?
Well, let's get a TV camera over here.
Again, I go back to Fox.
Fox News doesn't give me any money to talk about them.
I criticized a Fox reporter by name who walked past a woman who in fact had been shot by during that, you know, when the cops wounded like nine people up in New York City over this one guy that came out.
Oh, she didn't see a bullet hole in the woman's body and did not see any blood running out of her, so she just walked past her.
So I'm not in bed with Fox News at all.
I just said that of the main news outlets, I prefer them vastly over the others.
But the thing is, is that Fox News is the only one, as far as television is concerned, mainstream television, that was even covering any of the Benghazi stuff.
They're the ones that were running the hearings today.
They would stop for commercials.
I don't know what they're doing now.
I don't just take glue to the TV, thank God.
But people are waking up.
And every time we say, you're doing something that's illegal, inevitably the response is, well, I don't know.
I didn't know anything about that.
I mean, they just let the guy go from the IRS, who was going to leave anyway at the end of June, is the last thing that I heard on it.
So, it's falling apart.
It's falling down around their necks.
And we have to keep the pressure up.
We have to... You cannot get... Look at the furor that occurred over the gun grab that they attempted.
These politicians figured out real quick, we're going to get thrown out of office next year if we go along with this.
Now I'm not saying that all politicians are rotten.
There are a few of them up there that are good people and they believe in this constitutional republic.
But there are many others who are just going to take what they can get, feather their own nest, and to hell with the people.
The people are just useful idiots.
All we need is their vote.
That's all.
We don't need anything else.
There are a lot of them up there that are like that.
They just want the power.
But it's wearing thin.
I believe, Alex, we're gonna win.
I think we may get a little bit messy.
We may even get a little bit bloody.
But we're going to win.
Look, we're all dead anyway.
Everybody's going to check out of this world at some time.
It comes really quick.
Doesn't it seem like five minutes ago that you were 10 years old?
Oh, absolutely.
I remember my teen years like it was two weeks ago.
But the thing is, don't you want to stand for something while you're alive?
I mean, we all went through the SDRNR thing back when we were encouraged to behave that way.
Many of us have.
I was a rock and roll jock in Dallas, Texas.
And believe me, there was access to all sorts of things that are not good for you.
But many of us have decided, you know, if we hadn't had the encouragement and pretty much the license to behave as we did, don't think we would have done it.
But people get drunk on what little bit of power that they have.
And power is good.
Say, it's good to be king.
Even if it's of just a tiny little kingdom, it's better than being, you know, the stable boy.
People are people, and they're going to do what is in their best interest first.
It takes a little bit of reaching down into the soul and saying, I can do this, but should I?
What mark is it going to leave on me, on my character?
What's going to be written in the book up there in the sky, metaphorically speaking?
Well, I use the gross analogy of a pool.
You know, public pools have to have ten times the chlorine in it and they're unswimmable because everybody's peeing in it.
And then I'll get up, if I'm at a public pool somewhere on a trip or something, and go to the restroom and I notice no one else is doing it.
I mean, why not stop
I mean, why not start actually doing the other thing in the pool?
And it's like when everybody starts screwing everybody, and then other people think that's how you get ahead, then everybody starts doing it, the society becomes North Korea or Mexico.
Well, yes, that's absolutely true.
And to allow a cadre of anti... and when I say anti-American,
What I mean is anti-constitutional republic, anti-the only country that's ever existed in recorded history that had this kind of governance by the people, of and for the people.
Any cadre of people like this that are anti-American values,
It's about like having a peeing section in the pool.
That's right.
Or something else.
It's even worse.
It's like putting the sewage pipe directly from the bathroom into the pool.
And then, who does the IRS go after?
Those that quote, teach the Constitution.
That was actually in the Inspector General's... Are they talking about the Constitution?
It's like police manuals.
They make frequent references to the Constitution, put them in the terror database.
You swore to that, you idiot!
And I know most of the cops aren't idiots and know that, it's just we're in so much trouble, man.
It's so obvious the bad guys are the ones that demonize the founding documents.
Let's talk to Casey.
Old white guys, they call them.
Who wants to listen to a bunch of old white guys?
I mean, what is that?
Okay, well, they said we should be able to own guns, property, have warrants to come in our house, a lot of good stuff.
I don't care if they were old purple guys or green guys.
Casey in Texas, you're on the air with a couple old white guys.
Go ahead, Casey.
Alex, John, first of all, thanks for having me on.
John just said something that, you know, and I was at a cross point about three weeks ago.
Something really important.
Don't you want to stand for something while you're alive?
And I know you don't like to be thanked, Alex.
I know that.
But I do have to personally thank you.
And I'll tell you why.
That Pierce Morgan, when you were on that interview, and you said, if you try to take our guns away, the Republic will rise again.
And that stuck out in my mind so much.
It inspired me.
I wrote a song.
It's called The Republic is Gonna Rise Again.
It's G-O-N-N-A.
It's already out on iTunes.
I've made a YouTube video.
Um, but that song, it pretty much covers everything.
The RFID chip.
Well yeah, and I told him, if you push too hard, you'll wake the slaves up and then it's game over.
And he had 2 million viewers that night instead of, yeah, like 600,000 at the time.
Now it's 400,000.
He is hemorrhaging out, but they won't have me back on because they said we didn't like the message you put out.
I knew it was going to be big.
I told my whole family.
Of course, my dad's still asleep.
He wouldn't listen, but, you know, I have a kid with autism and that makes me mad enough, you know, so, but by listening to that, it really inspired me to write, The Republic is Going to Rise Again.
I'll tell you exactly how they're going to bring the RFID chip.
If I get killed for this, you know, they can kill my body, but real Christians don't die.
So my spirit will go to heaven.
But, um, this is what they're going to do.
With all these celebrities you see coming out that gun control and everything... Oh yeah, the woman chops both their breasts off, all the other people run out to get it done immediately.
They'll all come out and say it's the trendy thing to have a chip.
That's what... Verichip said that 12 years ago they were gonna use that.
Go ahead.
Well, what they're going to do, they're going to use people that can influence public opinion, like Oprah Winfrey, and they're going to get chipped.
And they're going to say, look, I got it.
Isn't it cool?
You can get it too.
They've already done that.
They're already giving special forces chips for at least five years.
And again, I'm sad for women that get breast cancer.
I've had it in my family.
It's terrible.
You know, I hate it.
They try to use the celebrities to say, turn your guns in.
They've done that over and over and over again.
But I'm glad that you
I'm glad that you raised that, because Angelina Jolie was into hurting herself, into darkness, you can look this up, into blood, into weird, dark, occultic stuff.
Very screwed up young lady.
I don't think she consciously, because I don't think there's evidence of that, there's companies out there promoting everybody should get this gene test that's paid for with Obamacare for $4,000.
That I agree with is a big scam.
But, you know, to take both their breasts off because their mother died of this out of the fear, why aren't we asking why is it exploding chemicals in the environment then triggering predisposition in genetics?
We already had these genetics to have breast cancer.
Why is it up a couple thousand percent in the United States, leading the world in the last 50 years?
We know it's the bisphenol A. We know it's the GMO.
It gives breast cancer to female rats, to female guinea pigs.
We know.
But, I mean, why wouldn't she come out and say, look at these studies on GMO?
Then we could get awareness and do it.
That's why I hate her.
Is because she's so dark and ignorant, they can get her to go along with this.
I don't think she's consciously involved cutting her breast, having her both double mastectomies, because she wants to go get money so that these globalists, they're just using her to be part of this as a useful idiot.
But the point is, is that, you know, what's next?
Well, brain tumors are up, so we're gonna have everybody have their brains removed.
Or, let's have all girls when they hit puberty, you know, they're talking about that, have their breasts removed.
You know, I mean, we're losing our humanity because they're doing it on purpose, then they hype the solution that is just a new holocaust.
One in 25,000, 30 years ago at autism, it's one in 50-something.
Folks, they're killing us.
John B. Wells, I appreciate your call, caller.
John B. Wells, your take on that.
On Angelina?
Yes, sir.
On the one hand, here's the thing, I understand how
Two good lawyers can go into a courtroom.
One of them is going to walk out the loser.
I can understand how a case can be made for things depending on the mentality and also the mentality of the judge.
I think we know that Angelina Jolie is a little bit
She's a little bit out there on the edge.
I think she's a good artist, but I think she's a little bit of a freak.
But unfortunately, it goes back to that, does life imitate art, or does art imitate life?
My answer is both.
First, art imitates life, and then, life imitates art.
People are impressionable.
Some people are gonna follow.
I mean, look at that bunch out there in San Diego some years ago that decided to go ahead and we'll just all check ourselves out and catch up to the UFO out there in the tail of the Hale-Bopp Con.
Yeah, Heaven's Gate!
I mean, there are, the fact of the matter is, is that ignorance can be cured, but stupidity is somewhat permanent.
Sure, sure.
My issue is, there's never a discussion, why is autism exploding?
And then, oh, it's a conspiracy theory, it's the pesticides.
It's a conspiracy theory, it's the vaccines.
It's a conspiracy, and I meant to ask the caller, every person I've talked to.
When did it happen?
Why is it a boy?
Because the boys don't have strong blood-brain barriers like girls.
Any doctor will tell you a baby girl of any mammal species is stronger than a male because women got to be able to deal with infection, you name it.
Women have a stronger blood-brain barrier.
As surgeons will tell you.
Women quit bleeding quicker.
Women are tougher.
Women are better overall.
They're soft and sweet because they're nurturative.
Men are there to compete with each other for the species and to defend women physically and to fight and to die to build a civilization.
Okay, and then women are humanity.
They're the ones that create the children, the whole deal.
They have the mitochondrial DNA.
They have more genetics than men do.
And of course, men and women make the species, but the women, I'd say, are two-thirds of the species, and that's why it's under attack.
And so let's not ask why our women are all getting breast cancer, why it's up 2,000, 3,000 percent, why the U.S.
leads it worldwide.
Let's just go chop the women's breasts off!
I mean, I mean, again, it's just, it's out of control.
We need to say, why is it happening?
Not sever your breast.
You could just get some other cancer, folks.
That's right.
And you know, Alex, this civilization of ours has been referred to repeatedly as our grand experiment.
And I would submit to you and the audience that... Bad scientists are running it?
Well, yes, to a degree.
I'm sorry, grand experiment.
No, no, I'm with you.
That's really kind of where I was headed.
The next experiment is to see what it will take to dismantle a free society.
People aren't even aware that, and I don't want to offend any servicemen out there, but I went through the Vietnam era.
I carried a 1A draft card.
Sorry about that.
They just never called me up.
It's the only reason I didn't go.
It's probably good that I didn't.
I'd probably still be in Lucy's Tiger Bar somewhere.
Or Tiger or Dan.
But the thing is, is we now have a mercenary army.
And when I watch these commercials roll over, I mean, let's just think about what we're seeing and how numbed our brains and our perceptions are becoming.
If you look at, and I mentioned them before, the Fox News outfit.
I'm looking at that, and the next thing that I see is either a wounded warrior project, which of course our soldiers should be helped.
Anybody should be held.
But they shouldn't be sent for five, six, seven tours and given deadly drugs.
But then the answer is, oh, feel sorry for them.
Like that makes it okay.
And I'm sorry, go ahead.
Well, no.
And then speaking of drugs, the next thing is that did you take any of these drugs that, by the way, the FDA approved?
Well, if you suffer death, dismemberment, injury, or otherwise, you may be entitled to money damages.
Here, call this law firm.
We specialize in this stuff every day.
And then, oh, this medication has minimum sexual side effects while it controls my depression.
And here's something else.
And you listen to all these diseases that you may be liable to contract if you take this drug.
And by the end of the commercial, you're asking yourself, why would I take such a thing?
From beautiful toenails to, oh, I've got COPD, to, I mean, pick something, some ailment, real or imaginary, there's a drug for it, and the next thing you see is, oh, it's a bad drug, call this attorney.
This experiment is turning somewhat nasty.
I do believe that we will win.
I really do.
But we're going to have to wake up the army.
People are going to have to... You can't just get mad in spurts.
There are a lot of screens up.
I understand this.
There are a lot of issues to deal with.
IRS, gun control, immigration, and let's see, what are you feeding us?
Why does the state make people put fluoride back in their water after the municipalities decided we're getting rid of it?
UCLA released a study three or four months ago that said
Fluoride in water retards the mental development of children.
End of story.
It does.
Well, it's still in there.
So, we have to rise up.
We simply have to rise up.
We have to do something.
Your government is not your friend.
And that's the thing.
The public's already so mentally deficient now from 60 years of hydrofluorosilicic acid, fluoride, that they can't even get upset.
And if you go to the city council with Harvard scientists, they literally, the mayor laughs, and they all will turn their chairs around and giggle.
And I mean, these guys' grandkids are all getting their pineal gland shot, but it's like they think laughing about it will keep them safe, so the banks are like, we'll take their pension funds, they're going to laugh at that too.
Hey, they said NATO can be the command of the military now?
How about just say the military's now in command?
Yeah, how about that?
I mean, it's all just like, you know, I've been there.
Man, I've seen the videos.
When we fly in, Harvard scientist and, you know, you name it, and it's in the New York Times having to admit, okay, 20-something studies, it doubles this cancer sevenfold, the bone cancer, brain damage, destroys the sperm, blah, blah, blah, diabetes, blah, blah.
And then I go to the city council.
Here is the scientist who just gives us, and the city council goes, we're going to be in our chambers.
You go ahead and have your citizens' communication.
And the mayor laughs and you're like, I mean... Well, men like you, myself, who talk about these things, put our faces out there for everybody to see, use our real names for everybody to know.
All we can do, Alex, is be the coaches.
We're going to be the ones who get fired if the team doesn't win.
But in the end, it's the team members.
It's their fight.
It's all of our fight, but it's the team members out there.
They're the ones that have to do it.
We can talk about this stuff.
We can research this stuff.
We can bring the information to people.
But if they don't want to listen and they don't want to react to it... We're on the march.
You're right.
The Empire's on the run.
More calls coming up.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I've got some financial news I want to hit.
I want to play a piece of a newscast where robbers shove homeowner in closet where he kept his guns.
Yeah, you don't want to shove me in my closet.
Get in there!
Get in the closet!
Oh, really?
In this closet right here where I've got like eight handguns and a shotgun?
Okay, let me... This is terrible that you've locked me up in here.
And then he shot him.
And the media, the newscasts, the police are not going to be charging the homeowner.
Always that implication.
You know, if you stab somebody in your own home who's raping you, you can pull up the BBC articles, BBC articles, they then indict you.
You've heard the stories here where the robber falls through the skylight, sues and wins.
You need to have robber-safe skylights up there so that they don't fall through and break their leg.
And it's because criminals now run the system at many levels.
And they want to be protected.
It's like they've gotten rid of all the IRS enforcers on billionaires and people.
That's why they're allowed to be tax exempt because it's all selectively enforced.
But you make $200,000 a year?
Oh, they're going to rake you over the coals.
There's no way.
They've written the tax code.
That's in the news today where it's impossible.
It's impossible to ever pay it where they can't later claim you did something wrong and give you penalties and interest.
It's the whole thing.
I was talking to a police detective the other day and he said, look here in Austin, he said, look,
He goes, we're not allowed to go after the motorcycle gangs, the particular ones he was naming, because, you know, the government lets them run the drugs.
The argument is, so the worst, you know, Mexican drug cartels that are even more ruthless don't control it.
That's what Brzezinski writes about in a couple of his books I read.
Yes, we control the criminal networks because then we can control it and not let it get too out of hand.
I mean, that's always the excuse.
We grow the opium so the Taliban doesn't get it.
And then they increase it, you know, ten times the production at least.
Look that up.
Ninety-three percent of world opium production since the U.S.
liberated Afghanistan from like nine percent of world production.
And he's sitting there telling me this, and I already knew all this, but I mean, I've talked to LAPD detectives.
I even have been at events several times that had like the real
You hear about the legendary Vikings, the police gang out in L.A.?
Let me tell you, you're hanging around with the biggest Hollywood stars, that's who's around, folks.
And that's why those Hollywood stars are basically above the law.
Because it's all gangsterism.
And the thing is, they're not naive.
And they're like, well, I don't like what we do, but, you know, if we didn't do it, somebody else would.
It's like that argument.
But then once you give in to that, the sky's the limit.
I'm going back to calls with Yoat, Eric, Phil, and others, but what's your take on what I was just saying there?
Because there's this argument of you guard the good by being more evil than the evil.
Well, when you dance with the devil, he doesn't change, you change.
Well, as long as we're going to mention the devil, the devil is the master deceiver, so of course they've got to have some argument.
That goes back to what I mentioned earlier about two lawyers go in and one of them walks out the loser.
They're both equally qualified.
I think the best way to address that, Alex, is just to say that I got some flack over this, which of course I'm delighted when I get flack from the left wing because that means I tweaked them up and raised their blood pressure.
I like doing that.
A quote from Ayn Rand and Atlas Shrugged when she was talking to one of the characters.
There's a dialogue in the story.
And the man said, you're not up against a bunch of Boy Scouts up here.
We want power and we're going to get it.
What's in it to have a law-abiding society?
A government can't control innocent men.
So what you do is you continue to concoct laws and make everyone guilty of something because the only thing
I think?
People, take your power back.
If you want to bring this nonsense to a halt, defund it.
They can't do anything without money.
You have a mercenary army now.
I don't give a damn what anybody thinks about that.
It's a fact.
Did you see Jack Reacher?
We used to read the great books and so forth, and we still do, but some of the scriptwriters are very, very good.
No, I saw Reacher.
That was a good movie.
You remember what he said when he was talking about the sniper and he said, you know, some people join the army because they want to serve, some of them kind of have to do it, they need a job, but some of them do it as a legal means of killing people.
And so I would submit to you that there is a measurable percentage
And the police force!
Yes, the police force.
Not the police department, the police force.
All you have to do to take the wind out of these sails is defund it.
Well, but they stage things or let things happen so they get more funding and then they kick the good people out because there are people that join because of family history, there are people that join because of an instinct to serve and defend like Pat Tillman, there are people that join because they need the money, there are people that join because they want to be psychopaths and kill people, but there's also people like I have family
That I knew 20 years ago when they joined the Army were one person, because I'd go hunting and fishing with them.
And after, it's not even now, it's like Hurt Locker.
They have been in so much combat, seen so many things, they're not awake till they get in a firefight.
They're not awake till they come out of helicopters, you know.
We're good to go.
They want to kill, but it's not just in a psychopathic way.
They want to be being shot back at as well.
So that group I can even halfway respect, but they're creatures of long-term, really post-traumatic stress disorder, but instead of collapsing in it, they thrive in it.
You know what I'm talking about?
Absolutely I do, and you had a story.
I think you were the first one with the story on InfoWars about the classification that Janet Napolitano has put on returning vets.
So it's just like
Going back to scripture, that's what the devil does.
If he can't get you a drug overdose and kill you, he'll settle for five years of hard time for intent to distribute.
The evil dark force will use you and they'll pin medals on you and they'll pat you on the back and tell you, great job son.
Great job, Gal.
And then, as soon as your usefulness is spent, they'll just throw you under the bus.
Just bump you off.
You're done.
That's what's going on now with these health issues.
They don't want us living into our 80s and 90s or any of that.
They want us to contract about 30 years of productivity.
I've had the scientists on.
They inject the troops on record.
With experimental vaccines that have virus plaques that embed in the cells that are designed to trigger when hormone levels go down, and then you get cancer 55-60 when they're done with you.
I mean, we're all being given time-delayed death bombs, basically.
Alex, if this thing is allowed to go as far as it could go, what you will have is the same way, is in the same way that I said one of these days you're gonna be looking, I understand Japan's already done it actually, you'll be looking at a news anchor that you think is a real person and it's not.
It's a beautifully done computer.
They've already announced that!
The president doesn't just have robo-signers, they're saying next year they may, they've already got it built, a 3D projection of Obama that they just type the words in and then he can appear anywhere to school kids, whatever, and they'll kind of think they saw Obama.
Well, some of these visionaries like Lucas and the Star Wars thing, there very well may be a war of the clone wars.
Once they decide, we only want these people.
We don't want that type.
We don't want this body type.
We don't want that appearance.
We don't want that hair color.
They can do that.
Do you know that this thing that was science fiction maybe ten years ago, which of course that means it's been investigated and experimented with.
Oh yeah.
They admitted clones of humans, but they go, it's okay, we don't bring them to term.
And now they go, well we bring them to term, but that's, classify what we do, but they're part animal, so they don't have rights.
So the shampoo says, no bunny rabbits were tested on.
You're like, oh good, good.
But then, but then you understand, there are humanoid creatures they brought to term.
This is in the literature.
But the news only, and this is getting into like, you know, regular coast-to-coast AM type stuff, but that's not speculation in the medical literature.
And now they're going, these new clones can be brought to term.
And they're telling us about 25, 30-year-old stuff, my friend.
Let me tell you, you go back to Anthony Burgess and you go back to the guy who wrote Clockwork Orange and another book he wrote called The Wanting Seed and all of these visionaries, Bradbury and Asimov and Heinlein.
This is going to happen.
I could imagine a futuristic a la science fiction scenario where you have the power elite who remain at the peak of their physical development.
Oh yeah, that's it.
And then they rotate the clones through, they got a life expectancy... Oh no, no, no!
They say you're gonna have to have money to be able to go and just live!
Because, you know, again you're gonna have to pay for the genetic treatment so your breasts don't have to be cut off.
Well sure, and we can either wait and just kind of watch this unfold as we, as William Wallace said in the picture again, you know, you'll live for a while
And just watch this unfold or we can decide what are the pillars of civilization.
Go back to the ancient philosophers who were trying to write down in permanence what makes a good life and cling to that.
Or let these idiots have their way, these evil, stupid people.
Who, by the way, like you said, their fruits are rivers of rotting scrofulous.
I mean, rivers of stinking failure.
Endless failures.
The society is getting worse and worse.
And yet, in the great balance of things, I really believe the people are waking up.
And those who will not wake up...
I'm glad to talk to you.
The phone is actually funny.
So much you guys are talking about.
You are the tip of the spear.
The other day you said you're the preacher.
You should be the chief.
You should be there in skin.
The contest is awesome.
They probably want to tear your guts out like William Wallace.
I recently had a little baby girl.
My wife's mother is super strong, just like the strong women you're talking about.
Really intelligent and would never say that she is.
Uh, we opted out not to vaccinate.
The next day the doctor came out and said, Oh, I saw that you're not going to vaccinate your baby.
You know, she could be a threat to society.
And he just wanted to engage me and my wife was like, Oh, you shouldn't have engaged him.
He just wants to show you that you're smarter.
My father never, uh, he's of the same age of the gentleman that's on there today.
He was a coast-to-coast listener.
He's not here anymore.
He loved all those writers he was just talking about.
And he always told me and my brother, do not be in the military.
Don't be part of it.
My brother was accepted to the Air Force Academy.
He hated it.
You know, we're with you.
Don't talk about leaving.
Talk with power.
You gotta fight.
You're the... No, I know.
I just get depressed by watching them hurt innocent people.
And again, my empathy is my strength.
It's your strength.
But it just... It hurts because it's so obvious now.
And how much more obvious... When I got up this morning and Watson said, have you seen this?
And I went and looked at it and looked at the documents.
And I went, my God, they're gonna say the military is now outside even the president?
I mean, it's just, that even shocked me, it's so over the top, and that it's moving this quick.
And it's really kind of a nostalgia for freedom, and then realizing things are only going to get worse before they get better.
It's just wishing this didn't have to happen.
You know, it's kind of like that feeling where the light turns green, you drive out, this has happened to me once, and you look over and some idiot ran the red light going 50 miles an hour, and it's like only two seconds, but it seems like five minutes.
Oh yeah.
And you think, man, I wish I'd have looked.
I wish that idiot wouldn't have run that red light.
And then you start gripping the steering wheel and gripping your teeth, going, oh man, I can't believe people.
It's like a big, long thought goes on about, man, why?
Why didn't I do it?
Why are they?
Look at them.
Oh my God, they're talking on their, you know, phone.
Or, oh my gosh, oh, there's kids in the back seat.
I hope they don't get hurt.
Oh man, this is just, oh, I wish this wasn't going to happen.
I mean, you know.
And that is exactly what it's like.
I'm just sitting there going, oh, this is really... And so many other cars have hit us that weren't as big.
You know, now bigger and bigger ones are smashing into us.
And I'm like, when do we get off this merry-go-round?
When do people get out of their trance?
Because the thing is, as it gets worse and worse, more people are only going to give into it more.
Like, you're going to have a splitting.
Those of us that get more awake, and people that just will buy anything, John.
Yes, they will.
And the reason that I brought up the mercenary army part is that I don't want anybody to get... There are some fine law enforcement people out there.
I know some of them and I like them.
There are some nice, excellent people.
But evil is in control of the system!
Well, I don't think anyone should be under any illusions that the police and the military won't fire on citizens.
They will.
They've done it before.
Look what happened in Boston.
Oh, did you see the part about the Marks a Lot message inside the cabin of the boat?
Oh, yeah, huh?
I mean, how ludicrous is this?
It reminds me of that so-called suicide note that Vince Foster left behind after his
And then they say, oh, he confessed while, you know, in the hospital drugged.
It must be true.
They could blow something up and grab me and say that.
I thought that was deplorable, the way those people were treated.
These guys run out with their hands over their heads, in their boxer shorts, had to abandon their sweet or salty snacks in front of the TV.
These guys are pointing machine guns at him.
A guy tries to put his hands down and another guy yells at him while he's pointing this M4 at him.
That makes my blood boil.
And I'll tell you something, I have been tempted to leave this country and not come back.
But I'll tell you what, these SOBs aren't going to make me leave my country.
I'm staying.
God bless you, absolutely.
There's nowhere to run anyways.
If it keeps getting worse, I'm going to get my family out of here though.
Eric, Eric in North Carolina, you're on the air, welcome.
Hey Alex, how's it going buddy?
Good, go ahead.
Thanks for holding.
I think your guess is right in that this is all going to start with the money.
And that brings me to my next prediction.
I think the next Federal Reserve Chairman is going to be an African American financier by the name of Roger Ferguson.
This will be effective because when the Federal Reserve
Because then they can say it's racist if you don't like them taking your bank account.
Well, he is Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and is currently the President of the Chief Executive of the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association.
We'll see.
Did you get a tip on this, or why do you think that?
It's the media.
I see the media grooming him through interviews that I see on CNBC.
And the way they end their interview with him, the anchors are like, oh, he didn't say he wouldn't.
He didn't say he wouldn't be the Federal Reserve Chairman.
So I see them pre-programming us in a way that we'll expect that he might.
And then the racists don't like it because they can go, a black guy did it.
Bernanke was doing a good job until that black guy got in there.
It's like the Federal Reserve's been running us for a hundred years, shutting all this up.
I think you're probably right if they're on the news saying he's a good guy.
I'll tell you, I like Ferguson.
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We're good to go!
We're good.
Yeah, sometimes Satan.
Comes as a man of peace.
Alright, I'm gonna go back to your phone calls right now.
A little bit of overdrive.
Mr. Wells is going to leave us here in a moment, but I'll get to all the callers at least that are on the board.
Tonight we're going to premiere that man on the street with Jakari Jackson where he went out and talked to...
30 people, 20 of them wouldn't talk to him, 10 talked to him, 4 of the 10, 40%, that talked to him in 15 minutes.
We don't just go out and do this all day to find what we want.
We go out for 15 minutes and that's what happens.
4 of the 10 people said they want to kill children up to age 3 because it's women's choice.
That's going to air tonight and it just shows how whacked out things are.
You've heard 9 out of 10 in Austin say ban water.
For the Earth, if Al Gore says so.
You've heard him say, confiscate all gun owners' guns, put us in labor camps.
You know, basically.
I didn't get to the robber's shove homeowner in closet where he kept his guns.
That video's up on InfoWars.com.
Pretty powerful pro-gun stuff there.
Well, Sunday, it's gonna be Clip Central, 4 to 6 p.m.
In-studio, next Monday, Joel...
Joel Skousen is going to be here.
We're going to have next week the big interview with Mike Judge where he got political because the hour is running out here.
The time is short.
So just a lot of surprises coming up on the nightly news and everywhere else.
If you're not a PrisonPlanet.tv subscriber, it's 15 cents a day and you get 11 memberships a month for that.
Hey Alex and John, I'm a huge fan of you guys.
I just wanted to talk about the
Open carry March on July 4th.
I'm really concerned about it just because so much on the line and I feel like it's maybe not being gone about in the best way just because at this point you kind of have to expect the provocateur or the bomb or
You know what I mean?
Well, here's the deal.
I've never done an armed march on Washington, but the Supreme Court ruled five years ago that it's unconstitutional for them to prohibit the Second Amendment there.
But they're still doing it.
So I admire Adam Kokesh for his courage.
I have said that I would just have a camera if I was there, but then he's like, well, thank you for endorsing it.
No, that's not what I'm doing.
I'm not endorsing it.
And I hear what you're saying, but I'm not going to demonize him and sit there and snipe, is my point.
And we can't, you know, well, we better not go out and protest.
They might provocateur us there.
You know, a right not exercised is a right that's lost.
So I have mixed feelings about it.
John B. Wells, what do you think?
What I think is this... I don't know.
I don't know how to answer that one.
I don't understand all of these contradictions.
This has taken a long time to get to this point.
Let me just submit this to you, Alex, and to the listeners.
I'm just, this is a short paragraph.
The worth of a people, the character of its internal organization, which through this worth of a people may produce its effect, and the character of a people's education, these are the starting points for political action.
These are the foundations for the success of that action.
When you consider, we were just talking earlier about how fast the time is going by, and how it seems like two weeks ago we were in our teens.
The game is well underway and we're way behind.
Now, the people who are in power now do not care about the Constitution.
They violate it whenever it suits them and then when they're called to account they say they don't know anything.
And laying down to them only encourages them.
Stay there.
I want you to be able to finish this point and I'll let you get out of here.
Caller, stay there.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Coast to coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, John B. Wells is our guest, our final segment.
I'll try to get to some calls here.
It's just time runs out so quickly.
Yeah, I see one of the callers wants to talk about solutions.
The solution is stop complying with tyranny.
Enforce against it.
Get angry at it.
Cops walk over and say you can't film in public.
Say it's America, First Amendment, you film us.
Stop acting like slaves or you'll become them.
But you were getting to the point about that quote and the break cut you off about the Constitution and the establishment doesn't care about our Constitution, John B. Wells.
Yes, that quote that I read is from the book My New Order.
That was Adolf Hitler talking.
And so I would say that, and just connecting the dots here,
Women, get your men by their earlobes and gently tug them.
Go to the PTA meeting.
Sit down and read the books that your children are being issued in their schools.
It took a long time for Hitler to rise to power, and the reason I've come back and come back and come back to Adolf Hitler is because he had one amazing juggernaut of a machine working for him, and what was behind it?
You see ThyssenKrupp.
That's Fritz Thyssen's company, the billionaire who bankrolled Hitler.
That's Krupp, the cannon maker.
You see AEG, Siemens, Merck.
These are all Nazi-era companies.
And I'll also tell you, as you know, Alex, and thanks to you, many of your listeners know it, IBM did business with the Nazi the entire duration of the war.
And it turns out he was basically their creation.
And again, that's a shadow of what they think of you.
Bayer, same thing.
Shipping out HIV, AIDS blood.
They know what they're doing, ladies and gentlemen, and they are cold-blooded.
That's what unites them, and it's unbelievable.
Here's a quote I partially gave yesterday.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
It was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness.
It was the epoch of belief,
It was the epoch of incredulity.
It was the season of light.
It was the season of darkness.
It was the spring of hope.
It was the winter of despair.
We had everything before us.
We had nothing before us.
We were all going direct to heaven.
We were all going direct the other way.
In short, the period was so far like the present period.
Some of its noisiest authorities insisted on being received for good or evil in the superlative degree of comparison only.
Let's jam in one final caller because I want to hear this.
We got Morrissey, I think is what that says.
Wants to talk about predictions.
Go ahead.
Maurice, go ahead.
Yes, gentlemen, how are you?
Thank you very much for allowing me to get on.
Thank you, brother.
Don't thank us.
Kudos to both of you.
Around the same time, not your show, which I wasn't able to watch, or your radio program, Alex, because it's not broadcast in South Florida, but videos via YouTube.
As well as Coast to Coast, which I just happened across because I was working midnights around the time of 9-11.
Both programs were responsible for opening my eyes.
And I just want to thank both of you.
Art Bell indirectly as he as he was leaving the programming.
George and John yourself.
I just wanted to say God bless both of you.
Understand that there are a lot of people
We're good to go.
Either of you, either of your shows, could at some point have a guest or a number of guests on that help individuals, you know, that are struggling with the dilemma of people that are very close to them, immediate family so to speak, who don't have their eyes wide open and their ears
Sure, we need to do some basic shows about the history of the New World Order, what its goals are, you name it.
CaravanToMidnight.com, Jbwells.com.
Jbwells, call the callers, everybody.
Sorry to a few callers we can't get to.
Back Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
Thank you, Mr. Wells.
Thank you, Alex.
Take care.
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