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Name: 20130515_Wed_Alex
Air Date: May 15, 2013
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You're listening to GCN, the world leader in independent talk radio.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Strap yourselves in, my friends.
It is already Wednesday, the 15th day of May, 2013.
Hard to believe we're almost halfway into 2013.
Halfway into the rest of our lives.
It is an adventure, and there is no turning back, so embrace it, live it with gusto, and leave your mark for liberty and freedom and constructive...
Development for human society.
That's what marks a human being from a globalist animal who is out of control operating as a cancer on the face of this globe.
Well, it's information overload as the quickening accelerates as more and more happens across the world and as the absurdist whitewashing of the corporatist press
And of the White House intensifies trying to make excuses for the manifest lying that's going on.
And there's a Hill article, you know, talking about the fact of why is the press all starting to turn against Obama?
It's because they realize that they have no relevance if they don't.
They already realize they've lost
And the article goes into how Drudge is able to focus on the White House corruption.
And so the media then follows that.
What Drudge is able to do, what InfoWars is able to do, what any other real media is able to do, is show you what they said a month ago versus what they're saying now.
And then we'll show you what they say tomorrow in context right next to each other.
The headline is, the headline is, Obama needs a drudge.
But Obama doesn't want a drudge because drudge is showing how Obama changes his story and gets caught lying every day.
It's like a time capsule or something.
And all they do at Drudge, and all we do at Infowars, and all you do out there in your own life, is have a memory and go, wait a minute.
They admitted they were going after libertarian and conservative tax-free groups three years ago.
They've had MSNBC call for a purge.
But now America, because of
All the other Benghazi gates and everything else and breaking into the media and spying on the media and persecuting whistleblowers.
Now the public is ready to see it in the light for which it really is out of control.
Extremely dangerous.
So that is just some of the news that we are going to be covering and going over today.
And InfoWars.com has been having intermittent issues.
A few weeks ago we were being hacked or attacked different ways and right now we can punch it up on screen.
We need to let IT know.
They probably never will.
I'm being sarcastic.
Service unavailable.
This server temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems.
Please try again later.
So you will need to go to DrudgeReport.com to find a lot of the stories I'm going to be covering, obviously.
Look at this headline.
What are these weird street signs being installed in Las Vegas?
And they look just like the Intellistreet designs that Homeland Security is spending billions of dollars on where streetlights and power poles become surveillance grids.
And then they also give the public orders.
And in the future of these companies, there are several, admit you'll wave your ID card in front of it or stand for a face scan.
And what they do is they bark orders demanding you line up in front of the computer or a SWAT team is coming.
I'm not joking.
And there's also a video of people out in California
The cops come to the door, the kids are playing in the yard.
They go, we're gonna come in and make sure there's no disturbance.
They said there is no disturbance.
So the cops bust in and then taser both the man and woman who were doing nothing as punishment.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Thank you so much for joining us.
It is the 15th day of May, 2013, and I'm going to open the phones up throughout the three hours today.
Dr. Corey Gold, talk show host in his own right, is going to be joining us to give us his take on Benghazigate, IRSgate.
Media spying, persecution gate, whatever you want to call it.
What is behind all this and where is it going?
There's now talk, which is good, that's where it should be going, by Boehner of all people, the Speaker of the House, to go after
To go after Obama or people in his party, in his criminal government, with criminal charges.
We're talking about who is going to go to jail.
Someone needs to go to jail and national polls are out showing the majority of Americans want jail time for these criminals as well.
We have footage up on InfoWars.com of out in California, the police come and say, we heard there's a report of loud voices.
And the family says, well, nothing's going on here.
Kids are playing in the yard.
We don't need any help.
The cops say, we're going to come in.
You're going to get on the floor.
And they say, no, you need a warrant for that.
And that's what the courts have ruled.
And they kick the door down.
And the people have their hands up.
And they both taser them as punishment.
We're going to play that video and audio later.
And then there's new footage up on Infowars.com of a reporter who went to an area northwest of London to actually visit a friend.
And while he was at it, thought, well, nearby is the Grove Hotel where Bilderberg's going to be meeting.
In a few weeks.
Google is already set to meet there next week.
And a helicopter came over and then police.
First he's like, oh, is that helicopter hovering over, you know, over me for them as I walk down a country road?
Just wanting to videotape, you know, a golf course.
And then police show up and say, we've got to put you basically in a database.
Give us your info.
Why are you here?
And secret police all over the place.
And this is the essence of secret police, where they just say, hi, we're here to look into what you're doing.
We're here to put you in a database.
We're here to make you answer questions.
And you say, well, I'm not going to answer your questions.
Well, we're going to beat you up and say that you
So that you resist to this.
It doesn't matter if it's on tape.
They have kept juries that will put you in jail.
We have the biggest prison population in the world here in the US and it's only getting worse.
And the system wants the police to act in a thuggish way against the public and train us that we're all criminals.
When the real criminals in government are above the law.
And again, I'm not saying all police are bad.
A lot of police, most police are actually good people that sign up for the real reasons.
But the thugs, the bullies are being promoted at the top and they are protecting the thugs.
And there's a conversion over to the way police forces are in North Korea or Mexico.
Now that said, we reported last year on Intellistreets
Another company's getting Homeland Security grants to put microphones and cameras and face scanning cameras, and New York's already putting these up, and systems that scan through your clothes, quote, looking for weapons.
So again, guilty until proven innocent, piercing your clothes, violating the Fourth Amendment.
Because your person, you know, the clothing over you is your privacy.
Is your privacy.
It's very, very simple.
We need your help up on InfoWars.com with an article that we've got posted.
What are these weird street signs being put up all over Las Vegas?
And you look at them, they have the symbol of a badge on them with computer screens above, in the center, and below.
And they then have wiring going up to what looks like little command pods on the top of them.
These are clearly police communication hub slash spy grids.
But we need to identify exactly what company it is.
The folks that sent us these images, I wish they would have gone to the back of the panels and looked for the stamp of manufacture.
Because that would let us know.
This is definitely some type of, you know, Google-type, wireless-grabbing, spy pod, command pod.
Because we can see the communications arrays.
But it's also clearly there to give orders and commands to the public.
A decade ago in England, they put up as the test ground thousands of telescreens that actually bark orders at you.
It has a computer with set messages, but then also the police can come over it and demand as it barks orders.
There's the headline, Talking Surveillance Cameras Coming to U.S.
That's May 14, 2012, almost exactly a year ago.
Talking Surveillance Cameras Coming to U.S.
Intellistreet system now being installed with DHS backing.
And it looks like the Intellistreet or one of the other companies, but we need to confirm that.
Uh, that indeed, uh, these are going in.
And then, it tells you, presents yourself, show ID, the new IDs, you know, have the RFID chips in them in every state, and then you present yourself via the digital photo of your driver's license, and it scans you.
It takes a digital photo, and that's the new system, where you're walking and it goes, stand up straight, up against the wall.
Better do so, we'll respond in police presence.
Then the cops pull up, and they're like, why didn't you stop back there?
Well, I'm going somewhere.
Alright, buddy, up against the wall.
Welcome to America!
And by the way, we have video of this happening more and more.
And then they'll beat somebody to death, and if you videotape it, they'll beat you to death.
Or they'll put you in jail, even when the footage comes out.
I mean, they'll put a guy in handcuffs, shoot him right in the back, and then grab everybody's video cameras.
I mean, you've seen those cases.
This is all a giant control grid for us, where we are the hunted.
And again, oh, it's going to stop crime.
The government runs the motorcycle gangs, runs the gangs, runs the drugs, launders the money, they run the child kidnapping, all of it.
All of it.
I mean, look it up.
Help me, homeless man begs as cops fatally beat him in videotaped incident.
Now, that was one of the famous ones out in California.
There was just another one where they grabbed everybody's videotapes, all their phones.
Took people to jail, you name it.
And I think that's good.
I think anybody videotaping police should be executed.
By the way, I've got some articles I'm going to get to.
I'm being sarcastic, folks.
I've got some articles.
Are Austin police shootings a growing trend?
A growing trend?
They are way up.
And I've said we've got a better department here in Austin than the many cities I've been to.
But still, I mean, look at the benchmark we're at.
Like, yeah, okay, Austin police are a lot better than North Korea.
They're a lot better than New York police, but I don't want to become that.
Exclusive shootings by Philly police soar as violent crime plummets.
Philadelphia Inquirer.
And it goes through how they just pull people over and just shoot them.
And that's the same thing happening in Austin.
They pulled a guy over, and he got out and didn't do anything, and then they started shooting at him.
Because he reportedly put his cell phone in his pocket.
You know, you get out of the car, you get your cell phone, alright.
Oh, boom, boom!
And because they're so afraid, because they all go watch Olympus Has Fallen, they all go watch these movies, and they really believe that there are people trying to kill them everywhere, as the violent crime rate has dropped 49%.
I've been reporting this for months.
The Justice Department finally put out a full report on it.
And the LA Times, here's the LA Times headline, Gun Crime Has Plunged But Americans Think It's Up, Study Says.
And it's cops as well.
I mean, if you talk to a cop now, like you'll see a cop walk down the street, like, hey, how's it going?
They're like, why are you talking to me?
I mean, it's fear because, you know, they go watch 24 and they watch all these cop shows.
And it's not just the cops, it's the general public.
They literally
Believe terrorists are everywhere.
Of course, I've seen the numbers.
It varies year to year, but usually, in an average year, you're about 13, 14 times.
You can look this up, folks.
More likely to die as a police officer in a car wreck or being run over by a driver, and cops know this if you really think about it, than you are to be shot.
Than you are to be shot.
And it's just the wicked flee when none pursue.
And if you're not wicked, that message isn't for you.
But I just don't get it.
I mean, this isn't real.
The video games aren't real.
The TV shows aren't real.
There aren't really terrorists, except for ones the globalists manufacture 99% of the time.
I have found real terror attacks that have happened in the Middle East, where it's asymmetrical warfare, where people fight.
It's just war.
But to demonize somebody you're in a war with, I'm not taking sides here, I'm just saying, they're really asymmetrical.
There is asymmetrical combat that goes on, and that is called terrorism.
Now, when the West funds Al Qaeda to attack Libya and Syria and engage in, we looked at the number, 120,000 dead, most of them civilians, by Al Qaeda.
120,000 dead in the last two years in Syria, and growing.
Lining the Alawite minority up, killing them, killing Christians, Jews, and it's called a protest.
When they attacked the ambassador over the six to eight hours in Libya, it was called a protest.
So real terrorists are called protesters.
There it is.
Syrian death toll likely as high as 120,000, group says.
That is from just yesterday out of the Huffington Post.
I think it's an AP article in Huffington Post.
The point is, is that, see, I'm glad you pulled that up, guys.
People don't think I'm making this stuff up.
People just get amazed.
I can rattle off statistics.
You can rattle off baseball scores, but you can't rattle off 69% drop in wounding fatalities, I mean in a wounding, 39% in shooting fatality drops, and 49% overall violent crime rate drop since 1992.
Look it up.
I covered this last week.
It's LA Times now.
Of course, we've been telling you this since these statistics came out a few months ago, but now here it is.
Mainstream news.
Mainstream news.
So that's just some of the videos and some of the articles that are up on InfoWars.com right now.
Shock video.
California police break into home, tase victims, and the people are like, calm.
They're like, okay, you just broke in our house, nothing's going on.
People have their hands up, like good victims, and the cops taser them both.
And people are even on my website defending it, going, well, we don't know what was going on in there.
I go, hey, everybody, if they show up at your house, hands up, come out, we're going to search your home without a warrant.
It's the new America.
And it's all getting you ready to take your bank accounts.
So don't worry, cops, you're going to get it too.
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Oh yeah, strange days are here.
You know, it now turns out the IRS asked for Facebook posts, reading lists, and private thoughts.
of Tea Party groups they were harassing and auditing.
You see, they're turning the census into a yearly and then monthly government interrogation with threats of arrest if you don't violate your own Fifth Amendment and waive your rights, as well as your Fourth Amendment.
They are turning the IRS into something that runs your health care, and spies on you, and enforces everything, and is a political control arm.
They're taking all these federal agencies and they're metastasizing right now as the country is bankrupted by design.
Obama campaign co-chair attacked Romney with leaked docs.
No kidding.
IRS approved liberal groups with Tea Party in limbo.
GOP impeachment not off the table.
Prominent Catholic professor claims IRS audited her after speaking out against Obama.
This is all part of the intimidation.
Demand to know who was paying for her.
IRS asked for Facebook post.
Demanded list of students that were part of libertarian and conservative groups.
This is what a free country does.
Well, they're just making sure.
IRS wants you to share everything.
Politico reports.
And again, they're hoping you just bring all this out and normalize it.
And so many people I talk to now go, you're absolutely right about this, but I better not visit Infowars.com.
I better not speak out.
They'll get me.
No, if you give in to the fear, they will get everyone.
This is what an authoritarian normalization looks like.
I mean, it's like sheriffs in Palm Beach County.
The sheriff comes out and says, if anyone criticizes the government, call us and we'll drop by to see what they're up to and have a nice little talk with them.
What they'll do is force their way in your house without a warrant, grab you for a forced psychological evaluation by one of their hired psychiatrists or psychologists, and take your guns, and there'll be no judge, no jury.
You will now be listed as a mental patient in their fake database.
People go, well, the sheriff also said if somebody talks about shooting the mayor, now what they say is, if someone says they don't like the government, or that they're angry at the government, or they want to shoot the mayor,
It's like, if somebody says they want the Constitution and to kill their kids, see, they add that into it to demonize the earlier point.
It's all semantical con games with these people.
And now all over the country they're putting up microphones and cameras and telescreens and telling you how they're going to prosecute you for this and prosecute for that and we're watching you and you can't be trusted and you better do what the government says and you better and oh there's
There's all sorts of rulings, like Town Hall reporting, court rules against German homeschooling family seeking asylum who face prison time for homeschooling their children.
And Obama is turning the family back, who's been here for three years, from asylum.
Oh, if you're running from North Korea, or you're running from stuff in Germany, which is an incredible police state now on many fronts,
You're not allowed to get away.
Oh, you're going to stay there because they want to make America like Germany is.
They're trying to ban homeschooling.
California, a few years ago, tried to ban it, but it got defeated in court.
And they said, in the court argument, at the state level, I remember reading the filing, they said, the state has jurisdiction over your children, and they are the primary guardians.
And then now MSNBC in promo says, the community, the state is the parents, not you.
Your children are not yours.
We need to get over this idea that your children are yours.
And I'm glad you're upset out there.
You know, I tell my entire crew who sits in there and gets upset about all this,
And they watch the videos we're getting ready to play, and they get upset, and they say, something's got to be done, and they're all in there talking angry.
And I looked at them all, and I said, hey, everywhere I walk around in this office, people are in the coffee room, wherever, looking at articles, discussing it.
And I'm glad I've got a crew that cares about this information.
I'm glad I've got a crew that works so hard.
I'm glad I've got a crew that is upset, but I say this.
Don't just sit around at your office, or don't just sit around at, you know, church or wherever, and talk with a few friends about how you're upset about what's going on.
Go to the city council.
Go to the county commissioners.
Let them know that you're the boss and they're the servant.
Set up your own YouTube channel.
Do your own radio podcast.
Go do your own YouTube channel.
Because I've told particular people in this office that are constantly walking around talking to everybody else, and everybody goes to them to talk about the New World Order, and I'm like, when do all these great ideas get on air?
When do all these discussions fight the New World Order?
When are you going to put that on air?
Put that on air!
Because let me tell you something, the time for sitting around with people you know are already awake and talking about this is over!
It's time to hit the bricks!
It's time to get on the street!
It's time to get on the air!
And I don't... Even if you reach a hundred people a week on YouTube, it'll grow into tens of thousands.
Even if you get a local radio show, AXS TV, use a venue.
Get out there.
You are the resistance.
You are the hope.
You are the leaders.
You're the soldiers we need!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time, we're here live, back weeknight, seven o'clock central.
By the way, if you're not a PrisonPlanet.tv member, you're not fighting the prison planet.
Everything I do, everything I try to do, is about getting people off their butts, in action, in the fight for liberty worldwide.
It's an intellectual, cultural, ongoing, ancient battle.
All of our ancestors, no matter where you come from in the world, were involved either on the side of tyranny or the side of liberty.
And I'm asking you to be involved in the side of Liberty right now against these control freaks.
And a PrisonPlanet.tv membership is $5.95 a month.
That pays for the bandwidth and the cameras, the crew and things, or at least it pays for part of it.
And then our mission is to get more people to tune in and wake up.
You can have 11 people watch simultaneously any time of day with one PrisonPlanet.tv membership.
Different people technically can tune in because I actually had them turn it up to 12.
I hadn't announced that yet.
I just announced it right then.
But what's happening is most people don't use it all the time.
So you can have 30 or 40 people.
Uh, using it.
And then if you try to go log in and you're locked out, that's good news.
It means you shared your username and passcode.
Uh, the unique code you create for PrisonPlanet.tv that you can share.
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Now let me run over the latest on...
The changing stories, the lies, and the good news that because of grassroots pressure, Boehner, who's been an insider and always whitewashing things, is being forced to talk about people need to be arrested, people need to go to jail.
The problem is then those people will squeal like fast and furious when they're facing jail time and say, I was ordered to by the Attorney General, by the head of Homeland Security, Mr. Napolitano.
Well, of course you were.
Of course you were.
Of course you were ordered to.
And this is their Waterloo, this is their Watergate, to continue the water analogies here.
We have to continue to hammer this.
Let's go over some of these headlines here.
Justice Department defends seizure of phone records.
So they're now defending that while saying they didn't know it was going on that underlings did it.
But they're now changing that story.
That's the New York Times.
Holder isn't sure how often reporters' records are ceased.
Just amazing, ladies and gentlemen.
And again, they're already spying illegally on everything.
We've confirmed that, just from our whistleblowers, with them finding out who they are almost instantly.
I mean, you literally have to meet people in parking lots.
Or, folks mail us stuff from mailboxes with fake return addresses, and then we call the phone numbers on it and confirm they're real documents.
That's really the way, the old-fashioned Manila envelope way.
Continuing, Eric Holder points finger at deputy who secretly obtained journalist phone records as Obama is forced to say he has confidence in the Attorney General.
So, we're going to have the Attorney General of Fast and Furious and the Oklahoma City cover-up.
That came out in court.
He ran that cover-up of what really went on there.
These are very nice people, folks.
And now, they know nothing, but they're defending it.
Continuing here with the news on the media being harassed front.
Holder to face Capitol Hill grilling today.
We're going to follow that.
That's out of the Hill newspaper.
A report on that front.
There's another headline here that White House on AP probe Obama firm believer in press freedom.
Well thank goodness Kim Jong-un is a firm believer.
I mean Obama.
Everything's fine now.
Newsmax reporting.
Again, what I just mentioned, the Justice Department to investigate not only the harassment of whistleblowers and the going after phone records of sources reporting on criminal activities by this government, a crime syndicate trying to protect itself, now Justice to investigate IRS targeting of the Tea Party.
And again, there's a Hill article out going, Obama needs his own drudge to be able to counter everybody getting on the bandwagon to attack him.
It's because the media are a bunch of cowards.
Just like the Boston bombing, our reporter goes and says, who are these other guys?
You admit you had a drill.
You don't want to talk about it.
Why was there a stand down?
Here are photos of the other people.
And the FBI guy was literally completely scared and goes, do not listen to him.
Do not talk to him.
Do not look at his photos.
And none of the press covered it or looked at the photos.
Instead, they demonized us and said, how dare they ask?
How dare?
Infowars asked about a drill.
Yeah, I mean, it looks like you've got about 50 security people in black backpacks, and black shirts and tan, pants and boots, staring right where the bomb goes off, disappearing minutes before it goes off, and then running around with radiation detectors and stuff.
Let's just not even discuss that.
And let's not discuss all these other suspects.
And let's not discuss Saudi Arabians on no-fly list and stuff being visited by the First Lady and visiting the White House, you know, eight times or whatever.
Let's just not discuss that.
Because it's a conspiracy theory that they're spying on the media.
Now confirmed.
It's a conspiracy theory they bought two billion bullets.
Now confirmed.
Now it's a conspiracy that I don't like that they bought that and that I'm suspicious of it.
First, it wasn't happening.
Now, I'm bad because I was right.
Here it is.
Justice to investigate IRS targeting of Tea Party.
Isn't that just special?
So, they'll get to the bottom of it.
Don't you worry your little boots about that.
The very people doing this will investigate it.
They call that fox guarding the hen house in my day, but nowadays that's a conspiracy theory.
2 plus 2 equals 4 is a conspiracy theory.
Knowing how to tie your shoelaces is a conspiracy theory.
When, whether it's the U.S.
or England, we have videos out today when you say, you don't have a right to stop me randomly and ask me questions.
I'm walking down the sidewalk by a park.
Is this part of an ongoing investigation?
No, it's not.
Then no, you don't have a right.
And they go, oh, why are you a conspiracy theorist?
That's what TSA does now when they want to take you over and grope you, and you're like, you know, the government got the underwear bomber on the plane.
This doesn't protect us from terrorism.
This violates my Fourth Amendment.
They're on record, on video after video, we've posted with other citizens and journalists going, that's enough of your conspiracy theories.
And I've talked about this.
Having free will, having an opinion, having a view, is a conspiracy theory.
Sitting down, shutting up, taking all your vaccines, getting Parkinson's disease early, getting cancer early, eating your GMO, dying like the rats, on record.
That's a good citizen.
And you know, I see these videos of these cops all over the country, but also in Europe, when they come over and get in journalists' faces for no reason, they have this crazed enjoyment.
And they're always, like, caressing their uniform and caressing, just enjoying it.
I'm in an outfit.
I'm in a suit.
I'm in a costume.
I was watching video of these British cops, and it's an attractive female cop, and you can tell a woman's jacked up, really excited, and she's just getting off on the power over this guy.
And just rubbing on the seatbelt, and rubbing on her uniform, and I mean, it's just like, she's all excited.
It's all about how she's got power.
I mean, these are not people that need power, ladies and gentlemen.
I mean, who wants to act like this?
Idiots, that's who.
People that would never have had real power in the world.
Real power because they had power.
In ancient times, if you could fight, you could hunt, you could plant crops better, you could tell the weather better, you could strategize how to defend the tribe better, you went to the top, it made humans stronger.
Now, if you get in line and enjoy getting your power out of a corrupt system, not out of who you are, you go to the top.
And that's why society's turning to North Korea, and pretty soon you can't even plant crops, you can't make automobiles, your cities don't have electricity anymore, but the upper class are all on uniforms with that same look in their eye of enjoyment, and that same... I've been to Mexico, I've seen videos and footage out of North Korea, you've all seen it, and I see the same look in our cops now, more and more, of just the satisfaction
It's the same satisfaction when my daughters were three or four and would dress up like princesses and run around enjoying themselves with plastic rings on, you know, costume jewelry, having fun when their friends would come over.
And it's cute when a three-year-old girl is on a power trip imagining they're a queen.
It is not good when you're a 35-year-old cop acting like that.
It is good when you're a three-year-old boy playing cops and robbers out in the yard to imagine you're a superhero.
You've got to imagine you're going to be a powerful male and a warrior before you actually become one.
But being a warrior who battles the journalist isn't a warrior.
It's called being a North Korean thug.
And look, I salute the police that do a good job out there in some of the crime-ridden areas, but more and more, once crime takes over, the police just become criminal, because there's corrupt cops above them on the take, and then you collapse like Detroit.
Or Chicago.
I mean, these are now third-world areas.
A lot of great people in them.
I'm not bashing your cities, but they're all now fleeing here, and then now trying to put me under their way of life.
And I'm sorry.
My ancestors went to war with people that tried to make them slaves.
And come hell or high water, didn't back down.
And that's just where I come from.
That's who I am.
I have an instinct to not be a slave.
I have an instinct to want to be free.
I have an instinct to disdain thugs.
Gangs wear their uniforms.
Motorcycle gangs wear their uniforms.
Cops wear their uniforms.
This is all ancient crud.
I'm done with it!
And listen, all you think you're on a winning team, caressing your uniforms, getting off on fetishizing it, let me tell you folks, you're dead already.
You've all been injected with cancer viruses.
You're all drinking sodium fluoride.
You're eating GMO.
You're gonna watch your kids die young.
See, because it's gonna kill you 20, 30 years young.
It's gonna kill your kids.
A lot of you cops are like 50 right now.
You know, your 25-year-old son's dying right now.
Your daughter, your 20-year-old daughter, your 18-year-old daughter, your 10-year-old son's dying right now, and you're crying right now.
You know the neighbors dying of cancer, too.
You're going, my God, it's true, they're killing us.
That's right, buddy!
Why don't you come in and join the team and really wake up to the whole system instead of caressing your uniform all day?
There's no amount of tickets you're going to write that are going to keep the country from going bankrupt.
There's nothing you can do, okay?
The only thing you can do is realize we're all under scientific attack.
And really get with the program and let's figure out how to fix this.
The media is starting to get with the program and realizing why are we letting Obama persecute journalists?
Why are we letting Obama run Al Qaeda?
Why are we letting him spy on everybody?
Why are they harassing college groups that promote the Constitution?
That's in the manual.
Those that promote the Constitution.
See, those that promote the Constitution are Americans and the good guys.
And those that say the Constitution is bad and is terrorist, they're obviously the bad guys.
We're going to go to your phone calls here in just a moment, but here it is.
Justice Department to investigate IRS targeting of the Tea Party.
Well, I feel safe now.
I feel safe.
Progressive group, IRS gave us.
Conservative groups, confidential docs.
Yeah, that's Newsmax Breitbart.
Rasmussen reports 57% want IRS offenders jailed or fired.
Oh, but they're not talking, are they?
Because they were ordered to do that.
I mean, give me a break.
President's the one that orders that.
Boehner on IRS.
Who's going to jail over this scandal?
Washington Times.
House Speaker John A. Boehner said today that it will take more than firings to clear up the IRS scandal.
It'll take someone ending up serving jail time.
Okay, I never praised Boehner.
I'm going to praise him right now.
That's what we need right there.
Long jail terms.
Long jail terms.
Get rid of the IRS.
It's a collection agency for the private fellow reserve.
The big bankers are all exempt from it.
All you people that hate wealth and think you're winning team against people that produce by joining the Democratic Party and the Socialists and the Collectivists, the mega banks that fund you are tax exempt.
They're offshore.
They want to get rid of the middle class as a tool of economic domination.
Because once you break the middle class forever, you now have an enslaved North Korean or Mexican population, like in Mexico.
The IRS wants you to share everything.
I already mentioned this political article, but here they are going, well, what is the big deal?
They want your reading list.
I mean, of course the government comes and says, without a warrant, you will tell us your reading list or we're going to take all the money out of your bank account.
It's like when I get the business census and the public sends me emails going, I don't get a business census.
That's not real.
Well, you must not run a business, dum-dum.
The community surveys and the business surveys are now yearly.
And it asks me stocks, bonds, everything I do, total violation of fourth and fifth amendment.
And it says penalty of perjury.
So if I make a mistake, by the way, then I'm going to go to jail for that.
You know what?
I'm not answering your questions.
FBI shows up here.
They put Martha Stewart in jail, they said, for lying to them when she didn't.
She didn't insider trade.
They just burned her because you know her name.
Try to scare people.
They sent her to jail for not knowing every bit of stock she had in a questionnaire.
Well, I'm not answering any of your questions, you crooks, you narcotics trafficking, child kidnapping.
Yeah, that's who fences the little kids.
Most of them for snuff films.
The government.
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If it keeps on raining, the love is gonna break.
Going down.
Going down now.
Going down.
Down to Chicago.
Here it comes again.
We're just woodpeckering at the Globalist.
Alright, I want to go to your phone calls this segment next.
We'll take calls in the next hour or two.
Dr. Corey Goldstein, let's talk about Benghazigate, all of it.
I want to focus on Benghazi because we are getting distracted with the IRS stuff and all the rest of it, but look, look, folks, when I end the last segment saying the government runs child kidnapping rings, type in NATO and child sex trade, UN child sex trade, BBC, Reuters, AP, Chicago Tribune, where defense contractors, U.S.
defense contractors,
Whistleblowers will say, I saw them load 125 children, some as young as two, onto the aircraft, flying them into Saudi Arabia, out of Bosnia.
From there, they were broken up and sent to other areas.
And then they have Italian investigations on TV where they're shooting three-year-olds in the head after they rape them.
I mean, it's like, whoa!
The government grabs little kids, rapes them, and shoots them in the head with .357 Magnums.
And I know that there's all sorts of national media listening.
Hey, do an article how I'm a liar!
Go ahead, just like the... Go ahead, and then we'll show you, and then I'll go show a bunch of news articles showing everything I just said.
The government, that's who you signed on, all the tough guy groups, all the gangsters, all the... There's always somebody worse than you, and they are who gets in the seat of power.
And then society collapses.
And I'm so sick of this culture glorifying criminals, glorifying so-called tough guys.
You're all walking dead.
You're all nobodies.
Real men stand up for innocence.
Real men stand up for justice.
And it's time for real men to get aggressive out there!
Somebody tries to push you around, somebody tries to peck you into submission, you get in their face!
Playing games with the New World Order is over!
And all the criminal classes, you're going to push it too far, and you know what's going to happen to all of you.
You know what's going to happen.
You're all going to be brought to justice.
When we restore this republic, there's going to be Nuremberg trials.
You're all going to get a jury trial.
Then you're going to get hung by your neck until you're dead.
And a lot of us aren't going to make it to that point to see it, but you will be brought to justice for what you've done to innocents.
We will not be transported to a state of liberty on a bed of feathers.
Let's go ahead and talk to Simon in Florida.
You're on the air, sir.
Thanks for holding.
Got about a minute and a half.
Okay, I just wanted to point out, Alex Stevenson, you've had several articles about him on your website, and I think it's important to point out also, if someone pulls up the picture of this family, this Richard family, look at the father.
What specifically are you getting at, sir?
We don't screen calls, but I've got to know what you're talking about.
Very similar, very similar looking, the father, the Martin Richard kid that died, the eight-year-old in the Boston bombing.
Man, you know, I appreciate your call, but I mean, look, for folks that don't know what this guy's talking about, new listeners, there is this new belief that everybody's an actor.
And they do have crisis actors, and they have staged fake events, and they have used PR people to be there at events they stage to hype it.
But they killed real people at Sandy Hook, and they killed real people at the Boston bombing.
They like killing people, okay?
Yes, they provocateur events, but they don't completely stage them.
Those are very rare.
Uh, and, and, and, again, I mean, there's people that say that I'm all these different actors and people.
While I work in here 18 hours a day, I was at work 18 hours yesterday.
Actually more than 18 hours.
And, of course, it was enjoyable work.
Hanging out with Mike Judge again for about five hours.
I've got the best Mike Judge interview ever.
We're going to be airing next week.
It is bombshell.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, I'm going to take calls throughout the hour.
Riding shotgun with us is Dr. Corey Gold.
We're going to look at all the big scandals and a bunch of breaking news.
Will Obama state something to get himself out of this?
I don't even know if that'll work at this point.
People say, well the whole government's corrupt, why go after Obama?
You've got to start punishing them somewhere or they think they can get away with anything.
So, the arrogant liar-in-chief is politically
is politically in deep trouble and his whole agenda is in deep trouble and I just want to salute Ted Cruz and I want to salute Rand Paul because if it wasn't for them and you the American people they'd have passed that anti-gun garbage and they would have already passed the amnesty stuff and people are like well why was Rand Paul at first why was Rand Paul at first like in a pro-amnesty he wasn't he was for real reasonable path to citizenship for legal folks but then when he saw the bill was a double-cross he was against it
And you know, it's kind of like he went to a Christian group yesterday or a few days ago and said, you know, I'm not a total libertarian who wants to run around naked, smoking pot, because I guess he's trying to fight the aqua buddha stuff.
It's okay, Rand, everybody had fun in college.
And then libertarians are like, you're demonizing libertarians.
No, he was trying to...
Wake up a group of mainline Christians that libertarianism is a good idea.
There's the article, Rand Paul libertarians advocate everyone go out, run around with no clothes on and smoke pot.
And Kurt Nemo wrote a critical article.
I don't control my writers.
I respect Kurt.
We have a difference of opinion on this article.
And I'm not saying play politics, but I want Rand Paul to become president.
I know Rand Paul.
I know he's the real deal.
I know he's a real person.
That's why they don't like him.
That's why they probably won't let him become president.
Because they know
Basically, folks, they've already had articles going, Jones knows Rand's trying to co-opt the Republicans, not the other way around.
That's why we've got to get Rand Paul.
Notice our enemies don't like Rand.
I know Rand Paul's real, as real as it gets, and he's very smooth, and he's presidential material.
And I think it's good to criticize him like Nemo did.
That's Nemo's right.
But, um, I just don't agree with it.
I mean, we... Because I know... I mean, it's a figure of speech.
It's like Rand Paul says... Rand Paul says, hey, um...
You can't just use drones randomly circling around where everybody's a suspect.
Now, if somebody was a suspect and just robbed a liquor store, you know, then you could send a drone in on them.
People are like, what, now he wants to use drones on us?
He was trying to explain to people you just can't have drones hovering around where everybody's a suspect.
That's a police state.
He's trying to argue with them in a way to convince them, in a way to win.
But then you notice, always at the key point, he tries to kill the NDAA, he tries to kill the Patriot Act, he tries to end the illegal wars, he tries to kill the foreign funding of all these nations that's bankrupting us and helping the globalist corporations use us to fund their empire.
We don't get the spoils of this empire.
He's killing the immigration bill while saying he's for it.
And again, I'm not for using deception in politics.
He said, yes, if the bill actually, you know, legally, people that are here legally and aren't on welfare and want to be contributing members of society, we need immigration.
I'm all for that.
And then the bill doesn't do that.
It creates 30 million Democratic voters to take our guns.
Then he's got credibility to blow the bill up.
Same thing with Ted Cruz.
And I didn't trust Ted Cruz up front.
And I was even critical of him a few years ago when he started running.
And we did an interview with him.
We did a serious interview with Ted Cruz.
And I gotta say, I'm sold now.
And that's just the way it is.
And again, we can all sit there and nitpick all day long.
If I see Rand Paul or Ted Cruz get off the Libertarian Constitutional Reservation in their actions, then I will criticize them and say, hey, we like you better than Chuckie Schumer trying to take our guns and Michael Moore, but hey, don't become Vayner.
You know, but when Boehner comes out and says, we need criminal charges, we need to have criminal investigations, we need to have a congressional investigation, we can't trust the Justice Department.
I'm like, because Boehner is a politician.
I don't like him, but if we can take him over, if we can throttle him politically and make him do the right thing, good!
I mean, we need to politically bullwhip that little guy into doing what we want.
We need to muscle for the Republic.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, I will get to David, Kelly, Jeff,
Surely and others in this hour who are patiently holding and want to talk about Benghazi Gate, who want to talk about IRS harassment of Liberty Group Gate, where they openly say, in the memos, Inspector General, if you talk about the Constitution and promote freedom or American systems, that's when they went after you.
This is an enemy occupying force.
You know, if the Nazis would have taken over America,
Which they came close to doing under the McCormick-Dickstein Committee.
I actually exposed that in Congress.
If you don't know about it, the London Guardian's reported on it.
It was classified after it happened, a lot of it, because it was so shocking that a lot of top families in America wanted to actually join the Nazis in the mid-30s.
Hitler was very popular.
He was on the cover of Time Magazine as a good guy, as a progressive.
The reason I segue off into that
Is that if the Nazis would have taken over America, you would think the Nazis were good because the media would tell you so.
And the tactics being used by Obama and by corrupt elements of the government are what authoritarians have done over and over again.
We know exactly what this is.
And if the Nazis would have gotten control in the coup d'etat they planned in 1935, 36, 37, if General Smedley Butler, two-time Congressional Medal of Honor winner, rock star in the newsreels, just amazing guy, best-selling author,
If he hadn't blown the whistle and gone along with the coup plan, we would have been under fascist control.
And, you know, it's the same thing today.
We need to say no to the foreign globalist banks.
And if the Nazis would have taken over with their own brand of American fascism, they would have said the Constitution's bad, the Bill of Rights is bad, anybody that promotes this is the enemy.
That's what they did through puppet states in Poland and Austria and France and everywhere else.
They came in with collaborators.
I mean, the Germans only left like 50,000 troops in France after they took it over.
The French actually stood down.
They bought off 9 out of 10 of their generals.
The Blitzkrieg didn't really succeed.
They only had to drive the British at Dunkirk with their expeditionary force, that happened to already be in France, up to the coastline.
And then they even called off the Luftwaffe, headed up by Herman Goering.
I mean, this is the history of it.
And let the British go back.
Because they had a peace treaty with England, and that's why Albert Speer didn't... Well, that came out in the Nuremberg trial.
Rudolph Hess then tried to fly over and deliver it and the rest of it and they just locked him up.
The truth is the British had actually helped put Hitler in power, promised him he could take over Europe and then set him up.
And again, it's not the British people that did that.
See, I start thinking about Benghazi Gate and what's happening in America and I go back to Napoleon, I go back to Hitler, I go back to Lenin, I go back to Mao, I go back to Julius Caesar, I go back to Genghis Khan, Kublai Khan,
I go back to Mesoamerica and Montezuma.
I go back because it repeats over and over again.
And I'm sitting here.
I've seen this movie a hundred times.
I know what's going to happen.
That's what's so frustrating is that I understand it.
And it's not hard to understand.
We've got grade A hardcore cancer in America.
And you either cut it out, folks, or it's going to go all the way.
And I've said the power structure, large segments of it, are now going, wait a minute.
I'm not going to be in power because, see, when they started going after billionaires and stuff, the globalists did, who weren't part of the club, they've now turned against the dominant power group of Rockefeller and Warren Buffett at the core of it.
And so there's a fight internally in the globalists right now.
And the globalists are people like us as well.
A lot of them are not pure evil because they're not in the inner circle.
They haven't been admitted into it because they're not totally wicked.
And if we just politically put out the ideas of liberty, we're going to sell people in the media and in the power structure at all levels to get into what we're selling, which is freedom.
Freedom is very sexy, folks.
It's very alluring.
It's empowering and it's addictive.
Not being afraid of the globalists.
Not being afraid of what they do to me.
Breaking huge national stories every week.
Catching them in lies.
Having victories against them.
And I'm just one guy.
with an army of liberty lovers behind me and other people are tuning in to what Thomas Jefferson called the animating contest of liberty and these people now go before the state police nationwide and say we're getting ready to take the guns of Christians and arrest them and the state police in Colorado and I was also told this came out in the news I was also told in Texas actually are now getting up in these meetings
Even though they were hired because they follow orders and are going, what, did you just, what are you talking, what is this?
They're actually having that moment of what?
The IRS is spying on college students that have Facebook accounts, criticizing big government, and they're going after effective people, good-looking people.
People with high grades, they're scared of you!
Because they know that humans have power.
The team we're playing against is a bunch of scum!
And if you would just get up off your hind ends, folks, we'd beat these people very quickly!
And they're scared of people that know the power we have.
I'm telling you folks, there's a spirit of liberty.
And it comes from the creator of the universe.
And it is religious.
I'm just gonna...
I'm not selling some religion.
I'm not saying what church to go to.
I'm telling you, I've studied history, and good is always driven by a spiritual belief in justice, and the people driven by that spirit do not fear pain of death or torture.
And we are the light of the world.
We are the real salt of the world.
We are the real illuminated ones.
The New World Order calls themselves the Illuminati, but their symbol is the owl that can see in the dark.
It brings darkness to you so that it can rule.
They're not the real illuminated ones.
Lucifer is not the real illuminated one.
He's not the angel of light.
He's trying to be God.
God is the real light.
God is the real music of the spirit.
God is the real universe.
God is the creator.
God is life.
That's what I worship.
Not the twisted ones that would play God.
I didn't mean to go off into that.
I am a preacher.
More and more that's what I'm called.
Not the Bulldog, that's been one nickname, but the preacher.
And we'll hold Corey Gold a little bit in the next hour.
I know he has his own show coming up at 2 Central today on some of the same affiliates we're on, KSCO and others.
But I wanted to get him on about Benghazigate.
I wanted to get him on about IRSgate.
I wanted to get him on about spying on the Pressgate, Secret Policegate, Intimidationgate, Whistleblowergate, Authoritarianismgate.
People are finally waking up and going, this guy's a crook!
And other reporters who were scared are now reporting what's happening.
And coming up later in the hour, I'm going to play a minute-and-a-half clip for radio listeners.
The video is up on Infowars.com.
It's unedited except for one cuss word we cut out, where the police come and say, we heard there might be a domestic disturbance, we're going to come in your house.
They go, no, you don't have a warrant, we're not going to, everything's fine.
So they kick down the door and then the people are standing there peaceably with their hands up and they taser them as a torture punishment.
And you're seeing this more and more.
Where the police come and come in your house without warrants, or they lock down Boston and say everybody is a suspect.
What about the government being a suspect?
We're going to get into that as well.
We're going to break it all down, and then later in the hour, we're going to get into big news not being reported.
Because I always give different numbers, but Dr. Gold has actually broke these down.
These are conservative, because some estimates are 1 out of 10 adverse reactions, 1 out of 100 or some estimates.
Because the hospitals want to cover this up.
I want to talk about the real threat to you and your family.
Everybody knows people dying of flesh eating bacteria and other drug immune bacteria.
There's a lot of super viruses now.
I mean everybody.
I will not get near a hospital.
Because of the stuff in them.
If I do, I go to new clinics that don't have histories of sickness, and I know the medical system in Central Texas, and I actually do research.
I will not take my children in some place, it's an old facility, or a place that has chronically sick people in it.
But 784,000 deaths from medical mistakes in 2011, no one went to jail.
106,000, this is the latest statistics, we're always two years old, of those deaths from prescription drugs wrongly used.
And these are conservative numbers.
You know, I said half a million die from flesh-eating bacteria a year.
Or other bacteria in the U.S.
that should, you know, go in for a minor procedure.
You want to get liposuction and, you know, you're dead a day later.
Deadly bacteria that nothing can kill, you know, living in that place.
And then it's just a non-issue.
So we're going to be breaking all of that down.
But we're going to break here in a moment.
Dr. Corey Gold received his doctorate in dental surgery at the University of California, San Francisco in 1988.
Prior to that he received a bachelor's degree in biology with a minor in chemistry from California State University, Fullerton.
A bachelor's degree in dental sciences from the University of California, San Francisco.
He's got a bunch of other degrees I'm not going to go over.
He's one of the biggest
Developers of the best-selling mineral and vitamin supplements on the market.
So he's a rock star in his own right on that front.
But I got him on about Benghazi and all this.
Here's my question for you.
Will they survive all of these compounding scandals?
And what do you think's at the bottom of it, Dr. Corey Gold?
Uh, yeah, I think they're going to survive.
Hi, Alex.
Um, it's scary.
I'm more scared today than I was on 9-11 because it's just, you see that we're boiling in a pot like a frog and they're heating the water.
They're heating the water and we're just sitting there being cooked alive and no one's jumping out of the pot.
We hear that they're actually the government is spying on the media.
They're tapping their phones.
They're checking who they're talking to the recording their messages.
We're finding out that the government is going after and targeting groups that they don't like and
And it's crazy, the groups they don't like are the ones that are pro-America.
We're finding out that the government is rewriting history.
You mentioned Nazi Germany.
They're rewriting history on what happened in Benghazi.
We say we're fighting Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and yet we're doubling the amount of money we're sending to Al-Qaeda in Syria.
It's like 1984 here and it's happening faster and faster.
My children
Their whole generation believes that anything they say on the phone, anything they type on the phone, anything they put on Facebook, anything that they write down, the government's watching, reading, and categorizing.
It's a scary world and it's getting faster.
Dr. Corey Gold is our guest.
We're going to come back and get into all this with him.
Take your phone calls and then get into some amazing medical news that is vital for the future of you and your family, my family.
We're all in this together, folks.
We are in strange days.
Indeed, I'm Alex Jones.
PrisonPlanet.tv for the live video feeds.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Dr. Corey Gold's our guest.
I'll get to your calls in the next segment and if he can do a little bit in the next hour because I got him on late, we'll do that because I want to get into this medical news.
By the way, I just want to say this before I go any further.
For years, I've talked over the phone and in text and things to
Mike Judge, you're the creator of so many big hit TV shows, and he was a top engineer when he was like 20, helping design F-18s.
Very smart guy.
His dad was a famous archaeologist, Jim Judge.
I've gotten a chance, because he's invited me out, to hang out within the last two days, like 10 hours.
We're going to air an interview next week.
Mike Judge has never been political, but things are obviously getting pretty bad in the country, so Mike Judge, a political interview, part of it's political, it's definitely going to be newsmaking, next week.
Shot it at his house last night, and then went out with him to hear some more live music, because we have the same taste in music.
And I got to say, I know a lot of celebrities, and they're all really interesting people.
These are the kind of folks that end up reaching out to us one way or the other who are into this info.
Mike Judge,
Well, I mean, look what he's created.
This guy is just so smart.
I mean, he's like a rocket scientist.
And he is just so cool.
And I know a lot of mutual friends that have known him for years say how cool he is, and it's definitely true.
Man, amazing.
So that's coming up next week.
I just want to say that there.
I'm leaving it at that.
And you're going to hear some liners.
He did some liners, this Hank Hill.
The only show I listened to was the Alex Jones Show.
I'm sorry.
Cory Gull, this is a short segment, long segment coming up.
I want to give people some positive news.
But the reason I raise that is, everybody that doesn't like this tyranny needs to start speaking up.
Do you agree with that?
And why do you think Obama will get away with this?
Well, the press tends to love him.
If this would have been George Bush, you know, that's the one thing I liked about the relationship between George Bush and the press is they didn't like each other.
And the press took pride in making him look silly.
But, you know, John Carney goes to the microphone and says the craziest things as the president's spokesperson, and the press rarely calls him on it.
I was checking during the break CNN.
Benghazi's not mentioned on their main page.
The IRS scandal's not mentioned on their main page.
That's CNN.
So, they tend to paper over his shortcomings, they tend to paper over his scandals, they haven't woken up yet to who he is.
I don't think, I mean, I agree with you, they're going to try to get away with it, but I actually see a lot of the press was just intimidated.
They're now using this as an excuse to do the right thing and expose what Obama's gone along with, but then to say the Justice Department is going to investigate things they admittedly did.
Here's the deal, if they get away with this, the sky's the limit then.
We're really in trouble.
That's what I'm afraid of, and we need to be very vocal right now.
We need to be very vocal as people.
We can't be afraid.
They're trying to make us afraid to give our thoughts on Facebook to each other.
They're trying to make us afraid to say our thoughts to each other over the phone.
They're trying to make us afraid to write what we think in emails.
They're trying to make us afraid to write our Congress people because we'll be intimidated by them.
That's what my reporter, David Knight, we've had arguments about it.
And it's just so bold if they're doing that because it's alien to me.
It doesn't intimidate me.
It makes me mad.
He thinks, and most of my listeners seem to think, they're just using this as an excuse to go, yeah, we're spying on you.
Yeah, we want to know what you're reading.
Yeah, we're going to ask you what your reading list is.
Yeah, that's normal.
Yeah, we're watching you.
Like, this is their coming out.
It's like Stalinist Russia that we fought against in the Cold War.
You used to spy on their neighbor over there and they get paid to spy on their neighbor.
This is what it's kind of like right now.
We've got drones in the sky following us 24-7.
We have communications being monitored 24-7.
They're trying to make you afraid to have a thought other than the ones in parallel concert with the government.
I saw a Reaper a few months ago at stalling speed.
It looked like it was going 100 miles an hour.
I'm surprised it didn't fall out of the sky.
And of course I almost ran off the road trying to take photos of it.
I was on a Mixmaster when it flew over.
And it was a drone flying slow right over Austin, unmarked.
Bigger than Dallas.
I don't
The government.
The government is now trying to figure out who is the press talking to?
Maybe people are telling the press things that we don't want them to know.
Yeah, yeah.
But they know.
Yeah, what does the government have to hide?
They're always wanting our stuff without warrants saying, what do you have to hide?
Well, I don't trust you criminals with my info.
That's why you leave the lights on when you go out at night.
You don't want to get robbed.
I mean, people say, why do you want privacy?
Because the crooks will use the info.
I saw one of the major news networks saying they thought it was okay.
Yeah, I saw that too.
Yeah, because of course, if you have nothing to hide, then what do you care if they're reading your materials?
What do you care if they're keeping databases?
We need to be tracking people because there are some bad people out there.
By that token, no one should ever drive because every once in a while somebody gets in an accident.
By that token, people shouldn't be doing anything because it can be dangerous.
It was CNN yesterday.
We put it on screen.
The guys put it up there.
Carney was up there and he said, hey, we need to give up liberty for safety.
And he said, we need to get, we need to spy on you so you're safe.
And the spying was to keep AP from exposing their criminal activities.
I mean, these people all need to be arrested!
That is not an extremist statement!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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He aligns himself with the truth.
And it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
I'm in league!
I'm in league with the freeway.
My love is in league with the freeway.
I think that says it all.
I listen to that song, I remember moving down here in high school and then in college I go back and visit old girlfriends in Dallas.
Driving the four hours up in the car.
Something fun about going to visit somebody you love, you care about over a distance.
Makes it a lot better once you get there.
There is so much going on.
I'm going to go to your phone calls here.
He's going to ride shotgun with us 30 minutes to the next hour, Dr. Corey Gold.
That way we can get into all this medical news he's got.
But there's a lot of news breaking at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and also DrugsReport.com's got some new news I'm going to get to here in a moment.
But Dr. Gold, what do you think about Benghazi?
Because some cynics
Are you?
For six to eight hours, depending on how you cut it, with Predator drones overhead, with high-def infrared, and it's now come out, they ordered to stand down.
And so this is a desperate scandal to divert a scandal, kind of like Red Adair, who developed, you know, 70 years ago or whatever.
Blowing up an oil well fire with dynamite.
Using a bigger explosion to extinguish another fire.
But I don't just see that chain reaction getting them out of it.
I'm worried they may stage something bigger.
So get into the Machiavellian areas.
Because I hear your show sometimes.
I go and listen to some of the podcasts that are out there.
And I tune into KSC, one of our affiliates.
I'm on two stations here on out in California.
So I really actually enjoy
You know, the areas you bring up, tickling my little synapses to see different angles, because we know they're lying, we know they've been caught lying, but there's stories behind the stories.
So, what do you think's really going on with Benghazi, and again, is this other stuff a distraction from that?
Well, you know, when you think about Benghazi, one of the things I keep hearing from, even from Barack Obama is, well that's old news.
Like seven months ago, seven months ago was old news now.
Well forget it, it was seven months ago!
So we were a bad government seven months ago!
The reality is, when you think about it, is we put Americans in harm's way.
Americans were killed.
It was on 9-11 to think that there was not enhanced protection.
When they knew that it was definitely terrorists attacking the consulate, they didn't send help.
Then afterwards, they pretended like they didn't think it was a planned attack.
And now we're supposed to feel like we're bad guys for saying, hey, how did all that happen?
And why did you tell us a different story after the fact?
And if you tell us a different story about the attack on Benghazi, then really a thinking person has to ask, what else are you telling us a different story about?
If that's not true, if that whole thing was a lie from start to finish, then what else are we hearing every single day that's not true?
And I think that's the bigger question, is when are people going to wake up and ask, wait a second, if you could go to the microphone over and over again, if you could send your key executives to the microphone over and over again and tell us something that was completely false, what else are you telling us that's false about everything else that we're reading and hearing?
Yeah, so there is a loss of confidence, so the establishment may flush Obama because he becomes a liability for him, but
They're their own little criminal crew with their own blackmail and insider dirt and a power structure that doesn't want to leave power.
So I don't expect them to go quietly.
But now Boehner is talking about criminal charges and how that's needed.
So I thought this would be whitewashed a lot quicker.
But I actually see it blowing up.
I think Obama could end up getting impeached.
Well, that's a high bar because you have to prove that he was... It's like Nixon.
You have to prove that he was the one who covered it up.
And a lot of people usually take a fall on the sword for the President of the United States.
He could say, all these bad people around me did things, but I was unaware.
I was acting on what I thought was the right intelligence.
That's what George Bush said about why we went to war in Iraq.
So, people will fall on the sword for him, but obviously,
People have to start saying, if this is untrue, and they're still telling us to forget about it, what else are we hearing from the government?
Think about this.
The stock market has an all-time high today.
All-time high today.
Yet one out of seven Americans can't afford to buy food.
One out of seven Americans is on food stamps, yet the stock market's at an all-time high.
Tell me how the economy is so great that the stock market's at an all-time high, yet one in seven Americans can't afford to buy food.
There's a very disconnect between what's really happening in America and what's happening for the elite and the rich and in the media.
Well, I agree with you, and so where do you see all this going?
You know, it all depends on us.
It all depends on us.
You know, Dancing with the Stars is on right now, and I hear it's a good season.
And, you know, I hear they're bringing back all those Fox comedy shows.
And I am afraid, I gotta tell you this, I am afraid that there could be something big coming up to divert our attention from what we're at right now.
Right now we're chasing this administration.
We don't believe them and the IRS.
We don't believe them in Benghazi.
We don't believe them on a lot of fronts.
And when you start worrying about your belief in the government, wag the dog often happens where something big all of a sudden changes your focus of attention.
And I'm afraid that might be the case.
What about a false flag?
You mentioned how the government publicly, even in mainline news like London Telegraph, doubling funding for real Al-Qaeda.
They actually wear Al-Qaeda uniforms, Al-Qaeda flag, say, okay, Libya now, next Syria, then America.
They've gotten heat-seeking missiles from Benghazi.
And then it turns out the group that came and attacked the ambassador there at the substation
Was actually the group hired to run security in Benghazi by the State Department.
And then they ordered the military to stand down.
I mean, they wanted him dead.
This is a hit from all the info I've got.
That's why they're covering it up.
Well, we have Libya, which we helped, quote-unquote, liberate for the rebels, who I still don't know who they are.
I don't think they love America very much, but we got rid of Muammar Gaddafi, and now the rebels are in charge.
And miraculously, all the weapons out of Libya wind up in a conflict in Syria, and we're giving money to the Syrian rebels, who are largely al-Qaeda.
There's a video online right now of al-Qaeda rebels literally killing Syrian soldiers and eating their
I'm not making this up.
These are the people we're supporting.
Yeah, I'm no fan of Assad, but I mean, real Al-Qaeda is the main brigade, and you've got their commanders eating hearts on TV saying, we've got the videos, we're going to blow up America and Israel next.
And then I guess when Israel and the U.S.
get attacked, the governments will just use that to take our rights.
See how perfect that is?
You know something?
In a convoluted world, it makes sense.
But in a world of purpose and values, it makes no sense at all.
You're right, I am no fan of Assad at all.
But the people we're supporting, are they any better?
What are we doing?
They're like 20 times worse.
Al-Qaeda has already got these missiles.
Now they're going to blow stuff up, and you know it's going to be our rights, Dr. Gold.
It's going to be my family that loses rights.
It's going to be you.
I mean, look at how they are now flipping the script from, Al-Qaeda is what Homeland Security is for, to Libertarians returning vets, Christians, Catholics, Jewish groups were listed by Fox News in the article.
And they're saying, Christians can't pray in the military now.
But, I mean, what is going on here?
You know, you feel the pace quickening and it scares me because I see so much is happening so fast.
And it's not just one area, it seems to be all over the globe, all over the board.
And I don't know if they're testing us right now to see just how much we'll take and how much we'll push back.
And I think the average American has to push back right now.
And that means, you know, telling your neighbor, telling your friends, you know, just don't buy what you see on television.
Question what you hear.
You know, make sure that your elected officials understand that you want to see heads roll when it comes to the IRS scandals.
You want to know what happened in Benghazi.
You want to know what the government's doing and why they're so invasive into your personal space.
Because until the public pushes back, it's just going to keep rolling.
We got a bunch of callers I want to go to on a host of issues.
I want to go to Shredder first, then we'll go to David and others here.
We'll have more of these Obamagate meltdown news coming up the next hour.
A bunch of key medical news that's been breaking as well.
But I want to get to all your calls.
And then we'll get into some of the latest info.
Rangel is saying to Obama in Politico, saying, hey, you need to come clean because the cover-up's going to get to you.
And the fact that you've got a lot of other Democrats saying Obama's in trouble.
Corey, I understand you're cautiously, you know, saying you think he may get away with it.
I don't think he will.
You know, Boehner's saying people need to go to jail over this.
Their underlings
We're ordered to do this, just like Fast and Furious.
And I think Fast and Furious should be reopened.
We either get on the offense or we get destroyed.
And I think this is very, very exciting what's happening.
I hear you, but Holder saying, not me, points finger at deputy for AP phone tabs.
Holder faces Capitol Hill grilling.
That's some of the news up on DrudgeReport.com right now.
Now, punching this up for TV viewers, radio listeners need to go
See these photos.
What are these weird street signs being installed in Las Vegas?
They look like the Intellistreet system last year, last May 14th, a year ago, yesterday, that the government is spending billions of dollars to purchase and put in and actually watch and listen to you.
That's their own promo video that says that.
And they have these TV screens that bark orders at you.
This is a computer screen with a badge as the face.
It's like a devil.
And we've got Shredder in Ohio says he can tell us what some of this is.
It's got like an intelligence pod, like the Google system up at the top of it.
We know it's some type of police spy grab, but we need to find out exactly.
It says, I believe these are notification signs that are illuminated during roadside checkpoints for identification.
You'll be glad to have this type of policing when they pull scumbag cops off the streets.
It's all pre-planned.
Don't you see?
They know your reaction in advance.
No, I agree.
They try to make cops act bad to then make an us-against-them mentality.
I gotta be honest, folks.
I've talked to cops.
They're more awake than the general public.
As bad as police are,
They're actually more awake than the general public because they live in the real world and know what they're being told to do.
Still out of control.
Let's go to Shredder in Ohio.
Shredder, do you have any info on what these systems are being put in in Las Vegas?
Yes, greetings from the world of technology, Alex.
I work for the world's largest telecom company, AT&T.
We host a variety of services that we deploy in the field.
What you're probably talking about, though, is something that's like an IP address allocated to it.
I haven't seen that
No, no, no.
That's how they sell them.
It's a wireless command hub for government and others, but they admit it doubles as a spy grid, like the Google cars sucking everything up.
Yeah, so it more than likely work off a local network connection or something like that, which is, you know, mainly what we handle.
We do a lot of residential services for high-speed Internet and things like that, but the new product that we are launching at several test markets across the country right now is a system called Digital Life, and basically this is a home automation system
I'm aware of it.
It's for the smart meters to jack in and spy on everything, right?
And this will be available to you in your test market or, you know, whatever, you know, market they decide to launch it in.
But, you know, this is a real thing and people, you know, speculate.
I tell people all the time that it's possible and they just shake their head.
Well, now you can go buy it.
Yeah, I mean, that's what Dr. Gold was talking about.
Everything's just being rolled out.
And yeah, no, I read about Digital Life.
Google's coming out with their own, where all the appliances, and we did an issue in the magazine a few months ago about this, where all the appliances, whether you like it or not, by law, have spy tech, which even physically listens and watches you.
The CIA director bragged that, yeah, your washing machine's watching you.
And, oh, it's personalized for you, and it just bathes you in wireless,
Pollution while the Imperial Probe Droid out on the power pole or on the side of your house grabs it all.
I mean, so even if you don't want to work it yourself, you turn off your smart meter.
People are doing this, their whole house turns off.
That's because it's jacked into everything.
I appreciate your call, sir.
Dr. Gold, your take on this Orwellian activity.
It's becoming, you're right, Orwellian's the perfect way to put it, and we're accepting it.
We're accepting it, that the government puts out the version of reality, if the press either goes along with it, or the press is spied upon to make sure that it is prevented from saying something contrary to the government, the government's now listening to your home, they're reading what you write, they're listening to what you say, and you're either a friend or you're an enemy.
You're either one of us or you're one of them, and it's a pretty spooky place when that happens.
And it's sold as effortless control, where, oh, your smartphone will run everything at your house, but that allows them everywhere into your home, and they are bad guys.
You're like, well, what do I have to hide?
It's not that.
They're bad guys.
They will use it against you.
Well, what you consider a bad guy and what they consider a bad guy might be two different things.
People who like the Constitution, people who talk about limited government, people talk about lower taxes even, are not considered good guys by a lot of people in the government.
Those are the enemies by a lot of people in the government.
People who question, do we really need this much intrusion on our personal lives by the government?
Do we need a government this large?
Are considered the enemy by a lot of people in government.
And we said government would do everything it's now doing once it got big, because it always does, and now we know what comes next.
I mean, look folks, it's getting so bad at this rate that I will...
I have to get my family out of the U.S.
in the next year or two.
I've said I'll stay here and go down with the ship, but I don't know where to send them, Dr. Gold.
I mean, I know you probably have these discussions with your family as well.
I mean, we don't want to wait until it's too late and they come arrest us all, or then we've got to have a war with them?
And the idiots they're going to send are just basically robots?
I don't want to have a war with these people.
But you know what?
I'm not going to your damn FEMA camp.
Excuse me.
Yeah, I think right now is kind of the time where we have to make ourselves be clear.
There's a lot more of us than there are of the others.
So we just need to make sure that the people who work for us, who are elected officials, understand we're pissed off, we're angry, we're understanding what's going on, we don't want it, and we're going to push back against it.
And guess what?
They want to be re-elected.
If you tell them, I'm going to throw your butt out if you don't go the direction we need to be going,
They'll go along with you.
Let's go to David in Maryland.
David, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Thanks for holding.
Hey there, Alex.
I wanted to go on the issue on Benghazi.
I mean, a man was murdered.
There was four of them.
And I like, or I don't like, if you watch the media, how they're spinning what's going on with the AP.
And they're saying it's a matter of national security as to why somebody, or they raided the records.
But yet, when you watch the news, Benghazi goes away.
It's like deflected everything away from that.
No, I agree.
And here's Carney, a Human Events headline, Obama spokesman.
Benghazi happened a long time ago.
And Hillary says, what difference does it make why they died?
Well, next time you kill somebody, and the cops show up, they go, who killed this person?
What difference does it make?
I mean, look at how they just tell us.
What difference does it make?
And I really, I have a bad feeling that nothing is going to come out of this, that it's just all going to go away.
And I think it's over.
I really do.
Well, they're having congressional hearings about taking everybody's pension funds.
Oh, I know.
I like how they tied everything into 401k.
If you're in a small business, that's where you have to put your money.
And I just hope all the idiots in government realize you're still going to have your 10 badge and your bureaucratic position, but you're going to be a third world serf too, you morons.
I mean, all of this is about robbing us so we're politically bankrupt so we can't stand up against them.
They want to break America's back forever.
Thank you, David.
We'll come back with Dr. Corey Gold.
I'm Alex Jones.
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Riders on the storm Riders on the storm Into this house we're born Into this world we're thrown
I haven't aired the audio and the video yet of the police job in California showing up saying, we got a report of some loud voices, we need to come in.
Well, no you don't.
There's nothing, everything's fine here.
Kids are playing in the yard.
The wife's there, everything's fine.
And so they kick down the door and then they're both there with their hands up and they taser them.
And it's all part of just teaching you to do what you're told.
But the government's just out of control.
And by the way, if the street cops don't know it, in almost every department, your bosses run the narcotics.
And run the gangs.
And you all know that.
You're told who to go after, who not to go after.
I mean, just grow up and stop acting like the government isn't pure evil.
Because there's no future if you don't do that.
By the way, we're going to go to Telly and...
We're going to go to Jeff and James and Tony and PJ and everybody else that's holding as well.
But going back to Dr. Corey Gold who's riding shotgun with his talk show host in his own right.
On several stations, we're on out in California, like KSCO.com.
We're going to get into some medical news.
A few weeks ago I tried to get him on, but he had some family stuff going on.
So I've just been able to get him on in the middle of all this news while we shifted gears.
But I want to get into the medical issues of what they're not telling you.
You know, they want to get rid of all your rights because of terrorists.
And then you've got a better chance of dying from honeybee stings.
I've shown those statistics.
Finally, the mainstream media has actually gone with that very headline.
Bees kill more people.
In fact, type that in, folks.
Bees kill more people a year than terrorists.
And then our government's funding terrorists.
And I try to get the right numbers.
Some numbers are 290-something thousand a year, you know, on the CDC's own website, die from infections in hospitals.
I don't
But reporter John Rapoport's broken that down.
He says it's over a million, making it the number one cause of death, with no one going to jail.
Dr. Gold, tell us about that, but also put in a plug for InfoWarsHealth.com.
You advise us on what products to have there.
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But you're heavily involved with InfoWarsTeam.com.
You helped, you know, get me involved in it two and a half years ago with MZ.
And I want to thank you and Dr. Wallach.
But a quick plug for the Longevity products at InfoWarsHealth.com.
Well, the best thing as parents, one of the best things we can do is keep our children healthy.
I mean, and as family members, the best thing we can do is protect our family.
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We're being polluted in the air.
We're being polluted in the water.
We're just being attacked on all grounds.
Electrical radiation coming at us.
So we better do something about it!
And I know most people who are right-thinking don't want to be plugged into the institutionalized medical system.
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And that's one of the reasons why we put together the Alex Pack, which is on InfoWarsHealth and InfoWarsTeam.com.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
This just broke at InfoWars.com.
TSA now confiscating pressure cookers.
Satirical suggestion of banning cookers after Boston bombs becomes reality.
And there's a video.
They now have liberals out trying to get petitions signed.
No, it's not Mark Dice.
I can't believe this.
To actually ban pressure cookers.
By the way, David Nutt had that idea three weeks ago.
To go out and get a petition signed to ban pressure cookers.
And I green-lighted him.
I green-lighted him doing that, and I don't think we've done that.
I mean, we've just got to get the man on the street thing going, just like slam-bam, let's do it.
But listen, I love it.
Everybody's going out now and getting people to, I think she did it as satire, wearing an Obama shirt, to ban pressure cookers.
And everybody should go out and do these satirical deals, showing how dumbed down the public is.
Dr. Corey Gold's our guest.
So now the TSA is seriously trying to ban pressure cookers, you know, being flown on a flight, even if
They're empty or in the box or they search them.
I have TSA always ask me, what is this?
This probably happened ten times.
Sent them to my crew more.
And they hold up a Canon camera that we've used the last three or four years.
They're the best camera out there for the price.
You know, high def.
I go, well, it says it's a Canon camera.
And I say, are you joking?
Answer my question!
Stay behind that line.
I'm like, okay.
You want to miss your flight?
I'm like, uh, I came early knowing you'd want to be on a power trip.
Hey, this guy's on a power trip.
They're like, all right, you can leave as soon as I don't let them have a power trip over me.
Then the fun ends.
Then the fun ends.
They're like, take that lens off.
It's like idiocracy.
Oh, what is this?
Need to be the secretary of education.
Uh, 119,000 views.
And it just came out a few days ago.
So I'm glad people are doing it.
I'm glad they're doing it.
So we need to, we talked about that in the office probably 15 times, but I'd like to see my team go out and I think, I think they did, went out and did ask Ben Pritchard-Cookers.
I don't know.
I'm just... I don't even have time to produce around here.
I kind of produce on the air.
We're going to break in a minute.
We're going to come back and go to telly and everybody else, but Dr. Gold, what do you make of the nanny state?
England's trying to ban knives now.
You'll have to have a license to have cutlery.
I'm not joking.
That's BBC.
Well, you see it all over the place.
We've talked about it before.
They're trying to tell you that your children don't belong to you, and they can throw your lunches away that you make for your kids and give them something else just to show you that you really aren't in control of much of anything nowadays.
You don't even control what your kids eat, even if you take the trouble to try to do a good job, because the system is really in control of everything.
It's a good thing they didn't have the bomb in a trash can.
Could you imagine no one being allowed to have trash cans in America from now on in?
So, uh, I can do without the pressure cooker, I guess, but I'm glad we have a trash can.
Bed, bath, and beyond, you're gonna have the nude section over there that you're gonna have to have an ID to go get a pressure cooker, I guess.
You know, people are gonna do terrible things, but we can't overreact to everything that they do.
Yes, get rid of explosives that are on airplanes, but pressure cookers, my goodness.
We're going to come back and go to calls, but finishing up, what do you make of the deficit going up to close to $17 trillion?
It was, what was it, like $8 trillion or something when Bush left office?
Yeah, and the economy's supposed to be doing so great that the stock market's at an all-time high, yet the Federal Reserve is printing money every single month to be... because we're borrowing 46 cents of every dollar the government spends.
46 cents of every dollar the government spends is...
Manufactured, or borrowed from China or a foreign government.
It's crazy when you think about it.
One out of seven Americans on food stamps, 46 cents that the government spends out of every dollar is borrowed.
And yet, the economy is doing great.
Don't watch it.
There's nothing here to see.
Step aside.
Nothing here to see.
Well said.
And I've got to pull a number up.
I actually think it was like 5 trillion when Bush left office.
Let me see.
I think it was 7 or 8 trillion when he left.
I think we're at 16 now, so Obama's doubled it in five years.
Yeah, it's just amazing.
More, spent more money than from George Bush back to George Washington.
Uh, just amazing.
Absolutely amazing.
Okay, your phone call's quick when we come back.
Then a bunch of key, uh, health news.
And I'm gonna play the video on the audio, uh, of, uh, now the police come to your house without warrants, break in your door, and then taser you when your hands are up.
Next, it'll be execute you, just as a sacrament.
Roll around in your blood, maybe.
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Are you?
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones!
I guess I'll have a shot!
Cause what you've got is awesome!
Ladies and gentlemen.
Give me all your lovin'.
Cause I'm right here in Austin, Texas.
ZZ Top!
Give me all your liberty.
Don't let up until we've overrun these tyrants and taught them that they're our servants and gotten our country back.
By the way, if you look at what's happening in Europe, they're like, oh, now it's going to be a permanent recession and depression and the end of prosperity in Europe and more socialism.
It's a tool of control.
No matter how big the bailouts are, you'll never pay off the two quadrillion globally.
That's not even your debt.
I've got those articles, we're going to be getting to them, but right now, right in shotgun, well this is Dr. Corey Gold, multiple degrees in, you name it, biology, a dentist, and then some other medical degrees, but his big claim to fame is a talk show host and writer and developer of things like Polymbers Plus and so many of the other great longevity products at InfoWarsHealth.com.
An icon.
He doesn't toot his horn in the development of some of the top supplements in the country.
Let's go to Telly in Texas.
You're on the air.
Welcome, Telly.
Hi, Alex.
Hello, Telly.
I was just wanting to call.
First of all, I've been listening to you for quite a while, and I'm very awake.
I'm also very vocal about our government abuses going on, and I'm sure I'm on some list.
Let's all be on the list, and then those of us that aren't on the list, those are the ones that go to prison because they're the Nazis.
I'm sorry.
I've taken a lot of steps.
I've taken my kids out of government schools.
I've gotten out of the financial system.
I'll never have a bank account again.
I use satellite TV and internet, and we moved out to New Brunswick.
But even here, we have major issues.
My city council is completely corrupt, and our police department got a tank.
And they're very in-your-face about it.
The police chief rode down Main Street.
Oh yeah, you live in New Braunfels?
You live in New Braunfels?
Beautiful rivers there to go tubing, but I've been there not even drinking, and the police wade into the water, and then
You want to search your cooler without a warrant, and then want to dig through your wallet, and then if you fall off or get on the edge of the creek, they then arrest you for trespassing.
And everybody I know is not going to New Braunfels without a tube.
And the cops wait at the end of the pickup points to arrest people who they think have been drinking.
I mean, my God, you can't even go drink beer in America.
And every time I go to New Braunfels now,
I've been pulled over the last two times.
I will not now go to New Braunfels.
And everyone I know will not go.
And it's funny you mention that.
And the police there, and I happen to know the inside scoop of what's going on there, and that's why it's a cult.
They are literally, they have their own little North Korea going on there.
Oh, they do.
They're very correct.
In addition to that, we have a siren that just literally went off about 30 minutes ago.
It goes off every day.
And you can hear it all throughout town.
I don't know if they have multiple locations.
Well, maybe they'll tell you to duck and cover.
You know, it's all about fear.
The government says, get under your desk.
Now, get under your desk.
There's a shooter.
Get in a fetal position.
Don't fight back.
You know what they say now if someone tries to rape you, what the feds say you do?
Yell fire?
Uh, well, that, that, that too.
No, no, they said you vomit and poop on them.
Oh yeah, that's brilliant.
That's ridiculous.
So I guess you've got to like be trained and like, I am a trained self-defense expert.
Instead you're like, I am a trained projectile pooper.
And I'm sorry, and like, I mean, isn't that condescending to us to say the government can have guns to protect themselves, but we're supposed to be projectile poopers?
I think it's asinine.
I think it's so ridiculous.
But I do, I am having a dilemma here.
You know, my husband was made deathly ill by the pharmaceutical industry and we are dealing with dilated cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure at his young age of 47.
My son, who's 12 and not overweight, is pre-diabetic.
And our garden won't grow here.
And so, you know, I feel like I turn the news on and I feel like a schizophrenic.
There used to be where you could focus on a couple of issues, call your legislators, you know.
And I feel like maybe that you could make a difference, but I just don't think that.
It's more than them swarming us.
That's their method of their madness.
They're gone crazy.
Elites always go crazy.
You know, like Hitler's losing the war so he attacks Russia that's never been defeated and had like ten times the troops he did.
And I mean, Napoleon did the same thing.
So they always go crazy.
So listen, did you hear the peach crop almost all died in Texas, even though there was plenty of rain?
They're spraying chemtrails on us.
I've had scientists on mainline studies.
The aluminum level in the soil is going up everywhere.
Radiation is raining down.
I mean, ma'am, hundreds of thousands are dying.
That's conservative.
It's more like millions from flesh-eating bacteria.
I mean, I'm not... No, it is.
We are living in a Twilight Zone episode.
I appreciate your call.
Dr. Gold...
That's what you said.
I mean, and you're a newsman.
Everywhere, it is becoming insane.
But that's what tyrannies become like.
And yeah, diabetes is up 3,000%.
They're now saying half the public will have it soon.
They're now talking about more than 60% of Hispanics are going to have it.
Everybody's getting their legs sawed off.
I walk around everywhere, there's young people with their legs sawed off.
I say, what happened though?
I'm diabetic.
And uh, they're just murdering us.
So much fun.
Look at autism.
Autism used to be 1 out of 10,000.
Now they're saying it's 1 out of 60, 1 out of 70 children has autism now of some form.
So whether it's 1 out of 10,000, 1 out of 20,000, whatever it used to be, to 1 out of 50 or 60, and there's no explanation?
I mean, 1 out of 50 to 60 to 70 kids has autism and there's no explanation as to why this is happening?
1 out of every other elementary school classroom has an autistic child in it today?
But aren't you scared of Al-Qaeda?
But what about Al-Qaeda?
Well, I... You know... They've got to keep us safe from Al-Qaeda, they publicly run.
I mean, so what if cancer is up 10,000 plus percent in pediatric cancers?
So what if women all over the place are having both their breasts removed?
And we lead the world in breast cancer.
So what if the IQs are dropping and cancer is exploding and we know it's the sodium fluoride?
Why don't you just accept it, Dr. Gold?
Why don't you just learn to worship world government?
We have a war on poverty.
One out of seven people right now is on food stamps in America as we're told the economy is recovering and rebounding.
You know we have a war on illiteracy as more and more children are flunking out of high school and we're told we have to put more money into the high school system because that'll make it better.
We've done that about 30-40 times in a row and every time it gets worse.
So you have to wonder if the government says to put money into something maybe the answer is take money away from that thing and it'll get better.
Yeah, no, I just want to apologize to the listeners.
I think the globalists are doing a great job, and I apologize to them.
I love the Harvard study came out six months ago and goes, we've looked at 20-plus studies, IQs are dropping because of sodium fluoride, hydrofluorosilic acid, and we can do it county by county.
The counties that don't have it, people have 15, 20% higher IQs, seven-fold lower bone cancer rates, something like 20-something-fold pancreatic cancer rates higher in areas that fluoridate with hydrofluorosilicic.
Uh, incredible numbers on, um, bladder cancer hire.
And they just admit it!
And it's no big deal though, Dr. Gold!
We're bad!
We're kooks!
Why don't we all just drink more fluoride?
They villainize the person who brings up the problem.
It's the shoot-the-messenger syndrome.
And they make you into be a quack.
If you bring up something about smart meters on your home, you're a quack.
If you bring up something about fluoride in your water, you're a quack.
If you bring up the fact that there's all kind of chemicals in the GMOs, all kind of things that are going on, you're a quack because you're not on board the program.
You're either on board the program or you're against it.
Yeah, you just hit the key.
It's not only that the BT corn and stuff grows its own pesticide at some cases a thousand times the natural level of the fungus that's poisonous.
They're able to bioaccumulate the Roundup and other chemicals and not kill the plant and then you're eating it and then you feed Roundup to rats.
It kills them!
And there's a new one they were trying to put out just this year that contains part of Agent Orange in it.
And it's been banned throughout Europe.
Let me get the name for you here.
Come on, Agent Orange is good.
Now they're coming out with GMO crops that can have up to 10 chemicals in them.
What's wrong with that?
Yeah, it's called Enlist.
And cotton, soy, and corn, Dow Chemical wants to put it out.
And it contains one of the chemicals that makes up Agent Orange.
And let's be clear, it's pharmacological crops.
I remember reading about Prote-Gen 10 years ago in Texas, open-air planted corn that grows live HIV in it, so they could then strip it out and try to create a vaccine with it by microwaving the live HIV.
And that was in the Associated Press, that the government destroyed the crops and revoked their permit, and people didn't believe me about it.
And they're like, you can't have corn grow viruses!
They just don't know that we are in Buck Rogers here!
Well, because they want you to believe that what they're doing is kind of like, well, we're making a sweeter orange, we're crossing, we're hybriding these two oranges together, and it's going to have a nicer orange.
That's what we're doing.
No, you're taking insects, you're taking chemicals, and you're incorporating them into plants.
That's not nature just being accelerated, that's called nature being mutated.
Let's skip this network break.
Let's go to Jeff, I just can't help it.
Let's talk to Jeff in Georgia.
Jeff, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Hi, Dr. Gold.
Thanks for having me.
You bet.
I just wanted to talk about Benghazi, and actually, Alex, I wanted to also come back to a quote of yours.
I know you have plenty that are to quote Alex Jones with, but my favorite one, and I've gotten a lot of mileage out of this.
You may have forgotten it already, but the government is relying on the new mascot of America being Dory from Finding Nemo.
That was just the funniest thing you've said in a very serious day, and everybody I've repeated that to gets a giggle eyes, by the way.
Yeah, no, no, for people that don't know, in Finding Nemo, one of my children's favorite movies, and it has a pretty good message overall, the blue fish doesn't remember anything two seconds later.
Because there are some fish that don't have a long-term memory, or even really short-term.
I think it's that species, that's why it's actually kind of a true story.
And they don't remember anything.
And the public, that's what Drudge Report does that the system hates.
It'll show what Obama said a week ago versus now, and just have their two statements from mainstream news doing what no one else will do, just calling the Emperor's new clothes.
I mean, the Emperor is butt-naked, ladies and gentlemen, and if you don't know the
Parable of the Emperor's New Clothes.
Everybody should look it up.
But that is it.
The American people have become dory.
And in between the television mesmerizing us, in between all the GMO, the sodium fluoride, all of it, the chemtrails, people are dying.
And so people just are like inebriated, like I just want to go have a good time.
I just want to have it.
They don't have that spark of life because we are seen as a scourge by the globalists and they want to dumb us down and turn up the ambient poisoning until their societal level collapses, we'll all be drugged out, damaged, brain damaged, when the real bioweapons are released and basically everybody's just going to die.
People say, well, the globalists, they love their system, they love their real estate, they love their power.
Mid-level globalists do.
But the real top group, the ones meeting this week off the coast of the Carolinas in the news with Bill Gates to discuss overpopulation, they dream of releasing a bioweapon that mutates after a certain period so that it won't kill them.
They go underground.
They'll use national security to lock down the nuclear weapons.
To lock down all the stuff.
They're trying to get international deals with other governments to do this, and then they will emerge when they say they want to kill 80% of us publicly.
But that's because their own minions think they're going to be part of it.
Higher level, it's 90%.
In the real globalist statements, they plan on killing over 99% of everybody.
And folks, I know you didn't believe me on other stuff.
I've made films about this.
They really plan this.
I don't know if they're going to get away with it.
But people in power
Are planning this.
I mean, I've had the FBI, when I've covered this, go and question people at UT.
You can look that up in the news.
Dr. Eric Pionka, over the biology department at the time, being given standing ovations with people crying.
This was in the Texas Academy of Sciences.
He gets awards in Europe, too.
He projected red skulls on the wall and said, soon the airborne Ebola is coming.
We will all die for the Earth.
We need a police state like China to get things in place before this.
I'm ready for me and my family to die.
It's sad, but it's for the Earth.
And there was a standing ovation for three minutes with people crying.
Top scientist in Texas.
It's a death cult.
Then I had his
Then I had his graduate students, who are now doctors and people, send me threatening emails, and I went and looked up their Ph.D.
papers that were online, and I went and looked up where they work.
Folks, they work in bioweapons.
And I've covered this on air.
I have people, and you go find them now, they're 10 years later in white lab coats directing bio-shield programs with stuff like mousepox that'll kill 98% of humans that come in contact with it.
I mean, that's you and your family dead, bro.
And yeah, there's Dr. Eric Pianca, one of his papers.
And listen, maybe you think there's too many humans.
That's why they're teaching you a death wish is good.
You know, Angelina Jolie, I'm not going to get healthy.
I'm going to cut my breast off.
And she used to have ampules of blood and say she loved the devil and wanted to hurt herself.
That's all this is, is I've got everything.
I've got Brad Pitt.
I'm going to cut my breast off.
And you know, and Gloria Steinem, I love abortion.
I had one.
You need to get one too.
I mean, they're just Satanist folks.
And let them mutilate.
This sounds crazy, doesn't it?
Caligula's crazy.
Hitler's crazy.
Dr. Gold, what is your take on what I just said?
It's super ultra hardcore, but that's the info I have.
Well, I was shocked by the Angela, uh, what's her name?
Brad Pitt's wife?
I forget her name.
Angelina Jolie!
Yeah, I don't follow the media that much.
I don't follow that stuff.
But I was shocked to see that she had a double breast, uh, reduction or removal.
And the news is, like, clapping.
Like, it's like the new trend.
If you want to be trendy like Angelina, then you should go do this too.
Everyone's dying of cancer!
Let's not find out why it's happening!
Why it's exploded!
Let's cut our breasts off!
Yeah, so we walk for the cure, but I guess the answer is amputation.
It's a crazy notion that this is the best solution we have today, is amputation.
After the trillions of dollars that have supposedly gone into finding cures or causes for these things, they're now advocating amputation.
Well, it's exploding, and it's going to transfer the whole economy into them.
Well, brain cancer's up.
Is the answer, have your brain removed?
I wouldn't put that to her.
I don't know what her answer would be.
I'm sure she would think you were crazy for saying it after having double breast amputation because it sounds crazy.
Why is breast cancer mega exploding?
You know, you have to ask, why are lots of things mega-exploding?
Why is autism?
Why is cancer?
Why is breast cancer?
What is going on that's happening around us?
And it's got to be the things that we're putting into our bodies, and the things that we're putting into our bodies through things we don't even know, like the air, the water, and our food supply, and vaccinations, and medicines that are supposed to be helping us.
You know, those are the things.
There's the only common factor that's changed in America about what's going on inside our body.
And that's why I advocate so strongly that people do things and become proactive.
And people call me crazy when I talk about, you know, taking minerals and vitamins and amino acids and omega oils.
Like, I'm a crazy person.
Like, get the takeout pizza.
That's the way to go.
Just drink Diet Coke.
That'll solve your problem of obesity.
But you don't need omega oils.
You don't need to have... And by the way, you and Dr. Wallach, because I remember hearing it 15 years ago, and even just a year ago, and I've had Dr. Blaylock on, brain surgeon, that
That the formaldehyde, that's what it is, at 87 degrees, aspartame breaks into formaldehyde, folks, and wood alcohol splits into that.
Your body's on 98 plus, 98.9, so obviously it breaks down.
But it's addicting, those poisons are addicting.
And it came out that it absolutely makes you obese.
CBS News, major city, guys, type in diet drinks make you obese.
But it's not diet drinks in general, it's the aspartame.
I'm not a fan, as you know.
I've said it many, many times.
You're an extremist.
You're an extremist.
But what's funny is I get emails all the time, and I get, like you do, and people say, how can you be advocating for colloidal minerals?
How can you be advocating for people taking essential fatty acids?
You know that we're getting, we can get everything from the diet.
You're just trying to profit from us.
And you look at health premiums going up double, triple, quadrupling, and yet the guy who sells vitamins for like 10, 15 bucks, he's the guy out to get you.
It's crazy.
Well, let me say this.
I've got the headline up there.
New Studies Wake Up Call for Diet Soda Drinker, CBS.
And it goes on aspartame, but they try to smoke screen with other drinks as well.
It makes you fat and get diabetes.
Well, that's well known.
But let me just say this.
I'm going to say this.
I do want to profit off the truth.
And I want you to profit.
See, I believe in win-win-win.
Where we all become successful and I promote things that I believe in, that I know work, to then fund myself legitimately, because I love getting up and feeling good about myself.
I love knowing I'm part of humanity and team humanity.
Knowing that I want to build a world for my kids.
It's not just that I'm a goody two-shoes.
When I even think about doing something bad as just an option, I'm not even into that, but I look at options, I feel terrible because my basic programming is against it.
And then all these other people are sold.
Everybody's corrupt.
Everybody's a liar.
Well, you're not, folks.
Don't believe that.
There are more good people than bad people.
That's what I said to Mike Judge.
He goes, man, I'm really getting political here.
I've never done this.
He goes, off record, he goes, well, that was off record.
He said some of it on tape.
He goes, I'm just so sick of hearing everybody be able to do whatever they want, and then we're supposed to shut up that love liberty.
And, uh, you know,
I forget the exact point I was going to make about it.
I'm sorry.
Go ahead, Dr. Gold.
Well, that's one reason why you were wanting to check us out.
And we were, we created the whole Alex Pack and the Infowarshealth.com, Infowarsteam.com.
And it's to promote for people for being healthier.
And, you know, we're not going to say make health claims here.
We're not going to say we're raising the dead.
But one thing we can say is that when your body gets the 90 essential nutrient needs, when it gets the 90
How do we have that flashpoint to break with this system mentally and then incrementally do it physically?
I mean because I know all this and I can't break with it Dr. Gold.
I'm not like you and Ben Fuchs and I try so hard.
How do I break with it?
I mean how do I do that?
It's hard because we've been programmed both psychologically and metabolically to like certain foods.
You know, when they start giving you those certain meals with the toys when you're a little kid, you start getting to like those certain foods.
It's pavlovian.
And you're trying to break your conditioning and it's very difficult.
That's why people sometimes have such a tough time saying, my government does bad things at times, because we've been conditioned as children to say, that's not possible.
Yes, Russia can do bad things, Syria can do bad things, North Korea can do bad things, but not us!
And it's the same thing when it comes to food.
We've been conditioned to do things that aren't good for us, and we flow right into the medical system.
We eat their bad foods, we pay a premium for it, we flow right into their medical systems, we buy their drugs.
And when we go out there now and say, just take these 90 essential nutrients, just take this 90 for life, just get the vitamins, minerals, amino acids, they fight against us for that.
Because we're trying to break your condition into a more positive thing.
Absolutely, and then fund a larger InfoWars.
I mean, how are we supposed to fund ourselves?
I mean, George Soros ain't giving me money, folks.
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Some good music, isn't it?
Hard to turn that off.
Here's the best part right here.
That's a remake of like a 1970s, I forget the name of it, uh, Russian science fiction movie.
That is a Russian redo of it, I forget the name of it.
Roger's the best part, crank it up!
I like all music, man.
Everything from Rockabilly to good techno like this, Ministry, Metallica, Megadeth, Johnny Cash.
I really like the Rockabilly type stuff.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we're talking to Dr. Corey Gold.
I know we've got people holding.
James, and who's been home the longest after that?
Tony, and PJ, and Karen.
We'll get to all of you.
Appreciate Dr. Corey Gold riding shotgun with us for the whole hour.
I want to hit a police state news article because you're out in California.
I want to get your take on this.
But first, let's plug Young Jeopardy.
I've been talking about it some.
We have it all discounted at Infowarsteam.com if folks want to become distributors.
The toll-free number is there for people who want to ask questions at Infowarsteam.com.
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It's all available at InfoWarsHealth.com, and the toll-free number is also on the site, 888-789-9277, 888-789-9277.
If you have any questions or comments, or help signing up, or help signing up for AutoShip, 888-789-9277.
A few minutes on the products at InfoWarsHealth.com because they are the best.
I went out and found the best.
You've not heard me promote really other, you know, vitamins and minerals and nutrition stuff before.
This stuff is the best.
And there's a lot of other great stuff as well.
But the point is this is the best and you support the InfoWar.
It is a win-win, win-win, win-win, win-win.
You are funding maniacs.
We're not really maniacs, but it comes off like that, who are assaulting the tyrants in the InfoWars viciously, foaming at the mouth with love for liberty.
I mean, it's crazy, isn't it?
And you know you're part of it, and we appreciate you all out there.
So, Dr. Corey Gold, in your decades of research, how good are the products at InfoWarsHealth.com?
Well, they're amazing.
But one of the nicest things is, every single person, if you call that toll-free number, every single person who will answer your call,
Of pleading and for you to listen to him.
I've had his lawyers on, the ones that beat the famous guys that have beaten the FDA over and over again.
I mean, we wouldn't have a lot of this health freedom if it wasn't for Wallach.
No, and right now he's assaulting them again, trying to get the word out about selenium and its importance for your health.
The science is overwhelming on the importance of selenium and the government's trying to consider whether or not it should be in baby food or not.
A little bit should be.
Not a lot, but a little bit should be.
And the science is there to support it.
So Dr. Wallach is out there advocating for the public and won't make a penny when he's successful from it.
He just wants you to know the truth.
He sued the government a number of times for you to be able to know what's true, and proven, and factual, and not even argued about different nutritional supplements out there.
Not his own, but just the ingredients itself.
And who's arguing against him?
The government.
Who pays the government for it?
There's like a hundred lobbyists for the big pharma, for every one lobbyist for the nutritional supplement world.
You know, we said before over a hundred thousand people die each year out of wrongly prescribed or bad uses of pharmaceuticals.
Nobody died last year at all from health supplements.
It's crazy talk.
When we talk about what you need, your body needs to have the right things in it.
There's 90 essential nutrients, the 90 for life that Dr. Wallach and Ben Fuchs and Peter Glidden keep talking about on the radio show.
And the concepts are, get those 60 minerals, get those 16 vitamins, get those 12 essential amino acids, get those 3 essential fatty acids, and your body will be able to use them
To help you be as successful as you can.
Your body is a divinely created place, and when given the nutrition, it can do amazing things.
We're not going to make claims to cure you, but look what happened to you Alex.
You went on just the Healthy Start Pack, which is the Alex Pack.
The Beyond Tangy Tangerine, the Osteo FX, the Ultimate EFA Plus, and you drop like 30, 40 pounds.
Yeah, and I'm still somewhat overweight, but I was really fat.
And other people that fully follow it have lost over a hundred pounds.
Like Aaron Dykes.
Truly, truly amazing.
So folks, Infowarshealth.com.
Now, how do you pronounce this California town?
This is a shocking video.
Up in Infowars.com, shock video, California police break into home, taze victims, and perhaps one of the most shocking police brutality videos of recent years, police in Cotati, California?
Cotati, where is that?
I think it's down toward San Diego.
California responded to a call about domestic violence by kicking down the door of a man's home before tasing him and his wife as they scream in agony.
And the kids are playing right out front.
For radio listeners, I'll kind of narrate this.
And they come up, and the guy goes, no, we didn't call you.
There's nothing going on.
The wife's like, no, nothing going on here.
And the case is now in the newspapers.
There was no one hurt, nothing broken.
And the guy goes, no, it's not a police state.
I bet none of these folks are listeners.
We're trying to get in touch with them.
Go away, you don't have a warrant.
So they kick the door down, they have their hands up, and they taser them.
And a minority of people are defending this, just like Boston.
Let's go shut down half the city, and come and make everybody put their hands up.
And they go, well, people agreed to this.
No, they didn't.
We've interviewed people.
We have the video of a woman comes out, a blonde, certainly not one of the suspects.
You know, push her up against the wall, put your hands up.
Where for their safety, we're all suspects.
I mean, this is what you see in North Korea.
And then I've got articles here, we're exclusive.
Shootings by Philly police soar as violent crime plummets.
Austin American-Statesman and K.I.
Report are Austin police shootings a growing trend.
Well, yeah, they're going up and it says why do they pull people over and then just shoot them when they don't even have a gun or a weapon?
Because they're scared to death.
It's the perception.
I mean, I've gone to see action movies.
I'm talking half the people in there are cops.
You can all say, are you cops?
Like, how do you know?
Well, you look like a cop.
You're acting like a cop.
And they're sitting there just believing it and having these fantasies that there's all these North Korean terrorists and
You know, when statistically it's cars that are killing them and other things, and then they're just scared to death and stick to shooting.
They shoot us all the time now.
And it's like, oh, big deal.
You ought to be glad they shot you.
So I think for police safety, well, we got a couple million police in this country.
I think the other 312 million of us or so, you know, I mean, according to their logic, we should all report to government centers to be executed.
For police safety.
Because police safety comes first.
The only way for them to be safe is their families, us, everybody, be killed by the government.
And that's what the globalists are actually going for.
I'm being absurdist here, but they want to get rid of everybody.
That's the global program.
They got to dumb us down and poison us first.
And they're now deep into that.
So that they can be free of us.
And enjoy all the technology we developed.
And so what do you think, Dr. Corey Gold?
Should everyone be killed so the government's safe?
I'm afraid somebody's going to splice it up when I say yes and go along with you with the spoof here.
All I can say is look where the administration came from, the city of Chicago, and ask yourself, is that the model for the city you want to live in?
If that's the model for the city you want to live in, look where they're revitalizing, the city of Detroit.
Look at that, that's their model.
That's how they run government.
So if that's the way you want your city to look, then we're doing just fine.
Yeah, I think we should bulldoze, what, a third of every city.
That's how you fix Detroit.
Now the mayor's quit.
It's just all collapsing.
Because once you get a city of corruption, see, nothing works anymore.
That's the plan.
They're going to wreck everything.
Well, they have, because at a certain point, people start fleeing when they see disaster.
Hey, the boat is sinking.
We've got to get off this right now.
So people start leaving, understanding the tsunami's coming at them.
And then at some point, only the people that are left are the ones who had nowhere to go, and the crime is everywhere.
There's vacant properties.
Businesses don't want to start an open.
The police have to get more aggressive because a lot of crime is happening.
It becomes an us versus them situation.
Poverty sets in.
And then at some point you're spiraling to a bottom where there's no tax base so you can't fix it.
So they've done a fine job in Chicago and Detroit and that's where the administration comes from.
But, hey, we didn't build what's happened to Chicago and Detroit.
Obama did that.
Yeah, yeah, but you didn't develop all your great products.
I don't make films.
I didn't go to the trouble to, you know, go to an interview last night that we're going to put out next week.
I didn't do anything.
You didn't do anything, doctor.
Well, that was the one thing that the president said that really got to me when he said to a bunch of business people, you didn't create that.
You know, you could say, yeah, of course the school system and my parents and the community and my church, they all influence me.
But at the end of the day, you're the one who gets up and goes to work and you're the one who creates your business and you're responsible for yourself.
The concept of being responsible for you and your family is something that's leaving America.
You know, it takes a city to raise a citizen, whatever it was.
Or it takes, you know, Clinton's thing about... A village of communists, yeah.
The fact that you're not really responsible for yourself.
No, we are responsible.
We should be responsible for our health.
We should be responsible for our conduct.
We should be responsible for our livelihood.
We shouldn't have to go to the government for food.
We shouldn't have to go to the government for shelter.
We shouldn't have to go to the government for education.
We shouldn't have to go to the government for money or permission.
In a perfect society, we should be taking care of ourselves.
Yeah, it puts them in total power, and government never delivers anything in the final equation, but literal hell on earth.
And we're here warning people, and things are getting worse, and government's saying, we'll do more, your kids aren't yours, the state is what did everything.
Well then, you know what, I want the government then to wipe mine behind.
I mean, I think that, because I can't do it, obviously.
I mean, can Obama come here and do that for me, like he does the Queen of England?
And think about it, when you get your food from the government, and you get your loans from the government, your health from the government, how are you critical of the government at that point?
When you have to go see a government doctor, and go to a government school, and drive a government vehicle, because we own the car companies, and you need the government to guarantee your loan to buy a house, and you need the government for food stamps, how can one say, I don't like what the government's doing, when the government's the one feeding you, clothing you, and educating you?
Yeah, let's go to this clip from
California that's going viral.
For radio listeners, you'll hear the audio and I'll describe some of it narrating for radio listeners.
The full video is up on InfoWars.com.
But don't worry, the TSA is banning pressure cookers so we're all safe.
Let's go ahead and go to this clip.
I'm recording everything that's happening now.
So we're going to come inside, just to let you know that.
You're going to come inside?
Without a warrant, sir!
You're going to come inside without a warrant?
Problem of cause, you're going to kick my door down.
There is no domestic violence!
There is no domestic violence!
Between two people, I'm right here.
A good neighbor saw something or said something.
How many children are in the house?
There's one child in the house and one is playing outside.
Officer, there's one child.
Hey, pause.
Not coming out.
They always say, the children.
The children, not grabbed by the CPS for being aborted.
It's always, where are the children then?
We have to come in.
It's an extenuating circumstance.
And now they're saying, that's for everything.
But we have the court rulings in the article.
What the police did was illegal.
But see, they don't care.
They taser you, and then they charge you with resisting.
Even though it's on video, you don't.
And then there's juries that sycophantically get off on it, burning people.
And so they send you to the biggest prisons in America.
And so the country collapses.
Let's go back to the video.
Why are you not coming out?
Because we don't live in a police state, sir.
Martial law has not been established in this country.
Okay, okay, can you do us a favor?
All get down on your ground, get down on the ground, and put your hands behind your back, because we're going to kick the door.
Do us a favor.
He can't report if his hands are behind his back.
You know, this guy was in Iraq.
We need documentation of this violation of their civil rights.
Civil rights, buddy?
You're an Iraqi.
There you go.
Kick the door down.
Their hands are up.
You kicked my door down!
You kicked my door down!
No, you have no right to be in here!
You have no right to be in here!
You have no right to be in here!
Don't worry, cops!
Do not touch her!
You are assaulting her!
Ah, they're gonna take your bank accounts!
Cops, your kids are gonna die of cancer!
Hope you enjoy the New World Order!
And again, this curse these cops have done in their training, they're the good guys, they are being... Again, I'm sad for these cops and everybody else, because the whole system is going to come down.
And those cops are going to bury themselves early, they're going to bury their wives and kids, as everybody dies of cancer.
As everybody dies from fluoride and chemtrails.
And they're not going to care, because they'll have their shaved heads and their badges.
And so good!
Enjoy hell!
I'm sorry, go ahead Dr. Corey Gold, do you have anything you'd like to say?
The video's scary.
It's a scary video.
You know, you think that's something you'd see in a horror film.
You know, it's abuse of power to the worst degree.
And the question is, how many of those happen every day that we don't know about because they're not being videotaped?
So that's the problem.
We only hear about things, and it's only admitted to when there's a videotape.
So yeah, I would tell you, keep your camera around, keep your video rolling.
I mean, they're filming you every day.
You better protect yourself by filming yourself.
There you go.
Only in America.
And the cops don't even erase the camera.
They think it's a good thing that they did.
The brainwashing is, you do what we say.
But the government's out of control.
And when I tell the cops, they're going to take your bank account.
Folks, the New World Order plans to cut the resources off incrementally, dumb everybody down, poison everybody, and just normalize it where everybody's dying.
You know, where 1 in 25,000 have autism.
Now, doctor, the new numbers are out for North America.
It's 1 in 52.
I mean, and people say, oh, well, it's overdiagnosed.
I take my kids to movies maybe twice a year.
And if you go when it's packed, I look at these kids and I look at kids in restaurants.
I mean, you can tell people are sick, man.
And kids have all got like weird tics or they're autistic.
And you see the statistics.
They're killing us.
But I guess the answer is just, I guess it's OK.
Even if they're over-diagnosing it now, let's pretend they are.
It can't go from 1 in 20,000 to 1 in 50 just by over-diagnosis.
That's just a naive thing to think.
Something is going on and people need to start asking what could possibly be going on that would make children be so ill.
What would make families have more cancer?
Everybody we know has somebody die of cancer.
What is happening, and the only common denominator that I see, is what we're drinking, what we're eating, what we're putting into our bodies through medicine and through vaccinations and through everything else.
And yet we're told not to take proactive action.
You don't need to filter your water.
You don't need to take vitamins and minerals.
You don't need to eat organic food.
It's no better than any food.
We don't need to change the label so you can know the difference between GMOs and not GMOs.
And meanwhile, the elite is obsessed with only eating high nutrient-dense diets in non-GMO and filtered water.
Oh, they have their seed banks, so when everything goes to heck in a handbasket, they can have their crops pure as can be.
That's right.
On record, the Rockefellers and UN giant armed seed banks guarded with men with machine guns.
Everything's fine, though.
Drink the fluoride, please.
The government's good.
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Let's go back to Dr. Corey Gold.
I'll do a little bit of overdrive to get to your calls.
I'm just always out of control.
But the absurdistness, the absurdistness, the absurd of, the absurdness
The absurdity of all of this just makes my head spin.
That's why I couldn't even talk right then, just thinking about how crazy the whole world is getting and how much crazier it's going to get.
Dr. Corey Gould's our guest.
James in Colorado, you want to talk about Colorado Defense Force?
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Yeah, yeah, Alex, hello.
Thanks for taking my call.
Yeah, things are crazy.
Yeah, I want to make an announcement and call to action for people here in Colorado and for people actually worldwide to do the same.
But just on a side note on the topic that you're on, what I was thinking was Brad Pitt needs to have his genitalia removed and go on tour to demand a plan to end pressure cooker violence.
Hey, that's an idea.
Brad Pitt could, could, could, because men get testicular cancer, he could have them chopped off live on TV and then go around with them in a jar and it's so trendy, metrosexuals, because he said, I'm going to make it popular where all men are going to want to wear skirts.
That's a famous quote.
He wants you to be like that too.
Angelina carries the jar.
I'm sorry.
That's how to defeat the new order, make it fun.
Alright, good to hear from you.
You know, I don't want to get off into sick jokes.
Cancer is very sad.
We're battling it and trying to expose it.
They're giving it to us in most cases, knowingly.
But you know, when they celebrate abortion, and I had an abortion shirt like Gloria Steinem does, it is all part of a sickness.
And I know Jolie's into death and mutilation of herself.
She was always into that.
And so it's just the way they're celebrating it and even said it is very sick.
But it'd be like Lance Armstrong, you know, saying, I'm having my, you know, I guess in the land of the castrated men, the one way vote man is king.
But I mean, this is where it's all going instead of you like that, CJ?
OK, Dr. Corey Gold, can you top that one?
No, I don't think I can.
I think you hit the ceiling on that particular one.
But you're right, there is a cult of craziness going on in America right now.
And people, unfortunately, are following the wrong leaders.
We're following the wrong people in America.
If we're using Brad Pitt as a person that we follow and admire because he's a good actor, then we're crazy and we deserve what we get.
I think as brain cancer is up, we should all have our brains removed.
Well, you know something, one day, when you see the campaign for that, you know to run fast as you can.
Bottom line is, there's crazy people out there telling you crazy things.
Don't listen to them.
Do things that make sense.
And you know for one thing, getting vitamins and minerals and nutrition, good solid water, good things in your body will always help.
Next you're going to say support the Constitution.
We're going to have to audit you and demand your reading list.
What's wrong with having the IRS demand your reading list, Dr. Gold?
That's what they do in North Korea.
Land of the free, home of the brave, huh?
We're going to come back and take some overdrive calls.
Thank you for joining us, Dr. Gold.
Evil is there.
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Coast to coast direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Stay in attack formation.
I'm on the leader.
Alright, let's go to Tony in Florida.
Tony, you're on the air.
Welcome, my friend.
Hey, thanks for your time, Alex.
Nice to talk to you.
Thank you for calling, brother.
And Holden, go ahead.
Alright, uh, real quick about Benghazi.
Recently, 17 nuclear missile officers were replaced.
I don't know if you followed that story.
Uh, yes, yes.
Okay, now,
Let me just go into an intuition I had maybe 10, 15 years ago.
I don't remember when.
I don't know how that works.
It just happens, right?
So, I just thought like with all this New World Order stuff, as I was learning about it with the emergence of free information on the internet, that there's some good guys out there that are secretly plotting against these people.
So, when I heard about Benghazi,
Well, first I heard about it with you, but then weeks later it became mainstream news.
But there are a lot of good people in government and corporations that are plotting against evil.
So, yeah, and then later on I hear from other sources about these white hats.
So I think that this, getting rid of these nuke officers, they may have been under the control of the bad guys, so they removed them, and then they break with Benghazi.
Well, I know this, there's continued wars going on.
That's not an opinion.
There's always white operations and black operations.
And the FBI agent that won't do corrupt stuff, he goes and investigates local bank robberies, missing kids, they're compartmentalized.
The dark side of operations that used to be maybe 10%, it's more like 30 or 40 now, they sit there laughing.
At the White Hat guys, who they use for PR and stuff, and who they just all literally call morons.
This has come out.
CIA, FBI, it's all the same.
I've had some family that got into black operations, and all they've said is, my God, you're on target.
Absolutely, this government's evil.
And that's another big lie, that people never get into black operations, bad black operations, because black just means secret, and then never get out of it.
Most people actually do refuse.
You know, it's like half the CPS every year, nationally, quits.
New CPS graduates with, you know, multiple degrees in social work, half of them quit.
Because they go to work and find out it's a big pedophile operation, and they freak out, they whistle-blow, they get fired.
It's just hellish, man.
It is hellish, the stuff that goes on.
And, you know, John Birch's society was full of former military officers, including generals, who found out we were funding communists.
And I don't mean just the down-the-street communists, I mean
Here's the argument.
Well, you know, the Texas police let this certain motorcycle gang run the meth, because they control that.
That way it's not the Mexican Mafia doing it, because they don't want the Mexican Mafia taking over Texas.
Or, we grow the opium in Afghanistan because Al-Qaeda will get the money if we don't do it.
And then it's, you know, ten-fold, thirteen-fold increase in opium production after we liberate Afghanistan.
I mean, it's just... We're going to run the child kidnapping so it's under control, so it doesn't get too out of control.
I mean, that's how this evil argument works, Alex.
You've got to make compromises and, you know...
Join the New World Order.
There's good people in it.
You get in the inside and work.
Well, some people got in on the inside believing all this and are now trying to do good things.
So, yes, we're not operating in a vacuum.
Thanks for the call.
Let's talk to PJ in Ohio.
We've got one minute.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex, first-time caller.
Thank you, sir.
Dr. Corey.
I apologize, I've been on hold for about an hour, and I kind of lost track of my original thoughts.
It's okay, it doesn't really matter.
Oh, well, you've just got 20 seconds, it's wonderful.
You know, everyone types, you know, we talk about our precious resources, you know, water.
Our precious bodily fluids, yes.
Well, I think what we're taking for granted right now is time.
That's something that can never be regained.
And what we have in play, with the time, it's almost like a distraction.
We're fighting little skirmishes.
I'll tell you what, Mandrake.
Stay there, I'm gonna come back to you, okay?
Mandrake, you know about plans to fluoridate ice cream, Mandrake?
Children's ice cream?
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're going to have some real treats on InfoWars Nightly News tonight, 7 o'clock Central.
I'm into overdrive right now.
It's 2 o'clock and 8 minutes here, Central Standard Time.
I want to go to the phone callers that are holding.
I'm going to get to you right now.
A couple of new developments.
The InfoWars.com.
They're also up on DrudgeReport.com.
That's the best Obamagate coverage, I think, out there.
Bar none.
And it's making the system very upset that Drudge is showing the compendium
of lies.
Then we're going back to PJ.
But first, let's put it up on screen.
They're now not saying it was 200 groups.
They're now saying it's 500 groups.
And then of course it'll be 5,000 groups.
The IRS harasses basically anybody who isn't a complete authoritarian, mentally ill person.
If you're not part of their sick freak cult of losers and parasites and scum, they're coming after you.
And I say good, come after everyone.
It's time for everybody to start suing the IRS, exposing it as a Federal Reserve collection agency that's destroyed this country.
It is now time to realize that we're being overrun by lawless criminals.
In this nation who are just legalizing illegal aliens by fiat.
Then I have articles like this one.
Court rules against German homeschooling families seeking asylum who is facing prison since 2008.
They've been in the US because they're trying to raise their children as homeschooling and that is a felony in Germany.
And so they had to flee Germany.
Their children will be taken by the state.
And Hitler, of course, did that.
So that's why Germany is very excited about that.
Because the state wants to raise your kids.
They do such a great job at everything else.
And then they turn them into black uniform people.
In fact, will you punch up Infowars.com for me?
I want to show people a Boston photo just of the cops driving around in tanks like demonic ferrets.
You know, just playing soldier and taking themselves so seriously looking for the government patsy.
Who we know that was all set up.
And of course the average cop isn't a terrorist.
They're just like the general public.
Like arrested development five-year-olds, but with guns.
I'm not trying to go off into a jag about police today.
It's just I'm so sick of it.
Alright, the other article is they're now spinning it.
Two rogue employees persecuted the Tea Parties and demanded college students tell them their reading list.
Meanwhile, the rest of the media is defending it, saying it's good to target people.
You shouldn't be allowed to be a conservative.
So it's two rogue people.
Maybe they'll end up falling down and hitting their heads or something.
Uh, the good part about it is none of these evil people will escape their own system.
Uh, PJ, you were making a point about we're fighting too many battles.
I cover all the news so that people hear different things that they think are important to get people to become aware of the big picture.
I think specializing
Is what has allowed people to be ensnared.
Like, if I talk about cops shooting unarmed people in Austin more and more for no reason, and they ask, why is it happening?
Well, we know it's instinctive shooting training.
It's the police in total fear.
And it's like a horse if it sees a gum wrapper blow.
That's why they put blinders on horses.
Horses will go crazy and run through a wall.
And the cops are just like, Al-Qaeda is everywhere.
You know, I did that skit a few years ago or last year.
uh... about uh... what alex jones joins homeland security or what was the name of them are joined uh... big sis i forget the name of that piece Alex Jones joins the new world order is another one where i tell the office what they can and can't eat because you know obama now in denver and chicago tells the kids the parents can't pack their lunch i did that piece but i did another really funny one uh... where uh... homeland security saying watch out for
Uh, anybody paying with cash or whatever, it's a real FBI flyer, and then I go into Ruta Maya Coffee and have like a freakout in the bathroom because there's terrorists everywhere and I'm convinced they're under the counter.
I mean, that's what's happening.
And so the cops pull you over, and if you're a motorcycle gang person, they bow down in fear, but if you're a family, they get to play commander on you.
Uh, let's go ahead, and PJ, go ahead and make your point, I'm sorry.
No, what you were saying with the skirmishes, that's not necessarily a bad thing.
I mean, all these skirmishes have to be, they have to be manned.
But it's, like you said, it's a distraction.
And it's, what the mainstream media is putting out is really, it's the, look here, it's like the old, the graph, when the guy with the cups and the tea, and I'll follow the tea, look at this.
It's all a distraction while our sovereignty, our basic liberties are being
No, no.
You don't support the Constitution, do you?
You may have to be investigated.
Oh, now you're getting more extreme?
You believe in a god other than government?
And I pity those that don't.
But at the end of the day, we're faced with some real serious challenges.
More conspiracy theories.
It's funny, my mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, you know, they label me a conspiracy theorist and it's like, oh yeah, that's me.
You know, you can't, there's, it's just so much, there's just too much out there.
And it's something that, something big is happening.
And they've dumbed
Yeah, our children are being dumbed down.
People are dumbed down.
The only information they get is what they get on mainstream media.
But it's okay.
They're coming out with vaccines that make you never have anxiety again.
Soon, it's going to be nothing but bliss.
Take the shot, PJ.
And everything's going to be a rapture.
Then you won't be upset when the hard-kill bioweapon gets released, PJ.
You're gonna get to be scooped up and put into mass graves, P.J.?
You'll get to be in big piles of dead bodies for Earth.
It was funny, I was watching just really late last night, I was watching that piece that you did with Jesse Jackson.
I'm sorry, Jesse Ventura.
And, you know, covering the FEMA.
They're very similar.
I can see how you could mix those two up.
Can you imagine Jesse Jackson with Jesse Ventura?
Alex, the Rainbow Coalition is the way to go.
A Navy SEAL.
Alex, I'm leaving the United States.
A TSA Gestapo.
I'm sorry.
I thought I heard you say something like that today, that you may be forced to do the same with your family.
And that's what the real, the sad part is.
This is our country.
No, no, we've let a bunch of crazy criminals that have a hunger to dominate people, because no one ever liked them, run things, and they're gonna run crazy.
It's what they do.
They're not going to stop.
They're lunatic scum, and all of you that have decided to serve it, good!
You're gonna get good from your own system.
I appreciate your call, sir.
The video was something like snitchsocietyinfowars.com.
It's a funny video.
It's like where I run around the parking lot and we play Mission Impossible music.
Let's talk to Karen in Idaho.
Another evil extremist.
Go ahead, ma'am.
Hey Alex, I want to talk about money.
And first I want to tell you, I'm a first time caller, love your passion, love your music that you play.
Oh, thank you.
I think a prelude to what I'm going to say, we should be playing Donald Trump's The Apprentice, Money, Money, Money, that song.
I wanted to be proactive and ask questions, so I handle my mom's estate.
Something just happened this morning that was really interesting.
Something big is going down.
There's a big investment bankerage firm.
I could say the name if you wanted me to, but the guy I was talking to said, look, you handle your mom's estate.
If something were to happen, we were just in meetings yesterday talking with government officials.
The rules and procedures are changing.
Ooh, they were talking to an official!
And I said, well, you know, if I need this money to do this and something, you know, blah, blah, blah.
He said, well, you're not going to get it.
I mean, we're our hands are tied, too.
I mean, it's changing.
No, no, no, no, no.
They've already done it in Europe.
They're doing it here.
They're having congressional hearings where they take all the money out of your bank account.
No judge, no jury.
They take your house.
That's why the cops are trying to show up and kill you.
They're going to take everything.
And they'll send cops to their buddy's house to take it.
And they'll kill him if he tries to keep his house.
And they're going to love it.
No, no, no.
Listen, they're taking old people who end up in nursing homes who are just fine.
They're showing up and telling the family, we're taking everything.
No judge, no jury.
They're just taking everything.
They do what they want.
They take people's houses now that are paid for 15 years ago in cash that Bank of America never even had a deed on.
I mean, that's how criminal it is, because it's all about the force of the government.
They want a civil war.
They want to force it, because this is their time of criminal takeover.
What else was he telling you?
Well, he said it's her money, but, you know, since you handle it, and if she were to pass or whatever, and you handle it, if it goes to anybody else, I mean, she might as well use it now, because if, you know, you're not going to see it.
Wow, you actually talked to an honest person.
So this was a brokerage firm?
A bank?
Who was it?
Oh yeah, UBS.
That's... Oh absolutely, they've been taking money out of UBS all the time.
The government's already been feeding on that.
It's kind of like the new Bear Stearns they're about to snack on.
But what do I tell my mom?
I mean, she's elderly.
I mean, it's like a joke.
I don't even, I don't want to scare her.
Ma'am, why do you think you get to keep the money you already paid taxes on five times?
This is land of the free, home of the brave.
I mean, how dare you?
Well, you're awesome.
I just wanted to say that.
And, uh, you know, just keep up the good work.
Ma'am, God bless you.
Listen, what was he advising you to do, though?
He could have been trying to fear monger you to get you into invest in something else.
What was he saying?
I called him, called my mom ASAP and told her that she needs cash out and she needs to have a reserve that's accessible that we the people are handling in case she was just in the hospital and you know just because she doesn't have enough in the bank to just take care of day-to-day needs.
And obviously, if we needed X amount of money to take care of her, to set her up where she wants to get up, you know, like rest home or whatever, I can't get it.
She says, oh, just call UBS.
They can handle it.
I'm like, no, they can't handle it.
Well, no.
A lot of times now, once a person is elderly, they steal the money and block it from the kids.
A lot of these government people and groups do.
But I don't think government's the threat.
I think we should give up all our rights and due process and checks and balances and just spy on everybody but the government.
No one can be trusted but the government, ma'am.
But being serious, I appreciate your call.
God bless you.
I'm going to come back and take more calls.
We're going to talk to Tim in Kentucky, Yote in Kansas, and David in California.
The name of that video I was telling you about is America with a K. America, Land of the Snitch.
Very good video.
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Your own personal Jesus.
Was I taking a call?
Why did I decide to keep staying on air?
This song must be about Obama or his supporters.
Someone to run torture camps and get Nobel Prizes for it.
Sitting by the phone, you're all alone.
Why did I continue on?
It was the reason I held out way longer.
I guess take phone calls?
Oh, I wanted to talk to Tim in Kentucky and then David and others.
Tim in Kentucky.
Police raided his house wrongfully.
Well, sir, you being alive is the problem, okay?
You are a threat to the government.
You are an enemy.
And if you say you support the Constitution, we're going to have to send you to a FEMA camp.
What do you have to say for yourself, sir?
I was naked in the shower when they came in on me.
And they actually pulled me outside and pulled me off of my property.
And now they're trying to attempt it never even happened.
I have two pending lawsuits, one of property damage and one of violation of constitutional rights, civil rights.
The problem is none of the local lawyers will take the case because they're saying that they can get out of it with some good-faith clause.
And they're scared to take the case.
And I am... They're making it well known that they're watching me.
I don't know what to do.
I have no idea what to do.
Even the local newspaper, it...
It had the entire raid in the paper and they completely failed to mention me.
I go to mention it and people were telling me to be quiet, just shut up, let it pass, and I'm lost.
Well here's the deal, you know the guy that shot the video where he went to the Grove Hotel, he lives in England, and the police come over and kind of get in his face and stuff,
He now is intimidated by the police and doesn't want to come on.
And I'm trying to explain to him, he's a listener, that's why we're so enslaved.
Because everyone grovels to them.
They start thinking it's normal for them to bug their eyes out and act like you're bad.
Like, why are you videotaping where there's helicopters and guard shacks being set up?
And the guy's like, well, I'm a media guy.
I mean, I'm interested in this.
OK, we're going to put you in a database.
You know, let's put them in a public database and the cops are like, you better not put me on the internet.
These are people spying on us all over the world and they really think they're the good guy and we're the bad guy.
And it's time to go.
Quit treating me like I'm a criminal.
I mean, look at that cop, that smug smile she has.
Just the power trip.
I mean, I think I'm gonna go buy like a crown and stuff and just start walking around in it and like be delusional and go, I'm the king of the earth.
I mean, that's all it is.
And like there's everybody grovels to the police and then it just goes to their head and it's North Korea, man.
Then they get out of the car and try to intimidate him.
They got helicopters over him.
Then he's going to visit some guy and they get in that guy's face.
And the cop's like, why are you upset?
You know, you're violating our rights.
Plus, my wife just died in the hospital last week.
One of their little infections.
It doesn't matter though, these cops, I mean, just look at this, I tell you, watch the body language of the female cop, it is unbelievable.
The saddest, look at her shirt, caressing things here, and like, she's rubbing on the seatbelt deal, and they just love it!
It's all about judging you, and they're in the power position, and ugh, and they're just constantly pressing on the nerve of power.
It's just sick!
It destroys free society, it destroys free association with all these preening socialists in uniforms.
I mean, I'm telling you, man, there's nothing worse than socialists in uniforms.
And I bet bottom dollar about those cops, if I could talk to them.
I'm going to England, maybe I'll run into them.
I'm going to ask them, are you a socialist?
I bet you're a so-called liberal.
You can just tell, look how satisfied that female cop is right there.
Because, you know, the guy's daring to talk back to her, and she's just like, ha, ha, ha.
Of course, in America, that guy would be tasered and taken to a camp and, you know, given a false charge of assault.
Oh, she's laughing, ha, ha, look, a slave's talking to me.
You're a slave talking to me, you filthy scum!
Pay my check!
Pay my check right now!
And learn to love it!
Learn to love your god!
Learn to love your ruler!
Anyways, since everybody's telling you... Look at her laughing at him.
I think the police should start wearing crowns.
And the public should have to groom their stools as well.
Because that's how you really prove to the nobility that you appreciate them is to worship their droppings.
Okay, I'm a little out of control here today, ladies and gentlemen, but it's true.
It's true.
It's real.
She's going to lecture him some more, then they get out and follow him around and all this stuff.
We just want to put you in a database.
We're going to... We're filming you everywhere, but you're not allowed to film.
Do you understand?
Sir, of course the cowards in your area are saying, bend over to it.
Because they're all being amused as well, and they think that's how they create North Korea, which is the heaven they're wishing for.
So you've just got to say no to them, you understand?
Yes, um, but that's the thing.
See, now I have two psych appointments that I didn't even know about, that are scheduled for next week, an hour before the place opens, with apparently three people, and... No, but you don't have to go to their psych evaluation.
They break in your house, now you're saying they did it, they're saying they didn't, next they'll say Benghazi didn't happen.
It's all baloney, sir.
You're in a local good ol' boy boss hog system, and that's why you're in trouble, because these people think they're God.
They put on a uniform they're God.
We're on the march.
North Korea.
North Korea!
And if you don't like it, you're evil.
You're crazy.
Crazy like a fox.
Crazy for liberty.
Crazy, crazy, crazy.
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