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Name: 20130423_Tue_Alex
Air Date: April 23, 2013
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You're listening to GCN, the world leader in independent talk radio.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It is Tuesday, the 23rd day of April 2013.
I am your host, Alex Jones, and we're going to be live here, the Lord's willing, three hours.
Well, where to start?
You know, globally, they're pushing for national and global internet sales taxes and also money transfer taxes, basically any type of online activity taxes, which also doubles as surveillance.
And the IRS already says it's the regulations.
That you're supposed to report to them every online transaction you make and you're supposed to report all your medical records and whether you have insurance or not to the IRS.
It is to be the grand controller of everything you do with the Fifth Amendment in the ash heap of history.
And now internet sales tax advances after Obama endorsement.
Notice suddenly they passed CISPA in the house, internet tracking, taxing, control system, hundreds of billions of dollars to big defense contractors to spy on you and your family.
We're talking, you know, $10 billion contracts per company with just dozens and dozens of them getting $2 billion, $15 billion, $10 billion, just off the chart gang raping.
So you pay to be gang raped.
And now they want the feds to basically administer the delivery of sales tax to the states and of course administrative fees for the feds.
This is absolutely unbelievable.
But it's what you of course have to expect.
And they try to play off small businesses against people saying, oh well brick and mortar's in trouble because of this.
No, brick and mortar is in trouble
Because of the fact that America's been de-industrialized and the economy is being turned off.
And brick-and-mortar is in trouble because of the fact that they haven't been competitive.
That's the issue.
Brick-and-mortar that is competitive is very, very successful.
Look at Apple stores with their brick-and-mortar bringing in the slave goods.
People want to go in, they want to talk, they want to find out.
There's special deals when you go in.
There's all sorts of other little mom-and-pop operations that are successful because of one word, service.
But this is the classic thing, like they did back in the twenties.
These trucks are driving on roads you pay for, and they're commercial.
They're making money.
Let's come up with driver's license, commercial license, and tax them to drive, because they're making money off, you know, what you pay for.
Well, those truck drivers pay taxes, too.
Those companies pay taxes, too.
You just end up paying in the price of the goods for the taxes they've got to pay.
And then they extend driving as a privilege, which it's not.
On to everybody else and hence the fraud of drivers licensed by the 50s that are paper licenses and now biometric national ID cards.
So we're going to be going over all of that today.
And then of course the big news.
It's up at DrudgeReport.com in the middle column.
It is a Steve Watson article.
Boston residents ordered out of their homes
At gunpoint by SWAT teams, and we have the photos and videos, in fact I've had Kurt Nemo add some photos, or he's adding them right now, that citizens took and sent us, of police and military pointing guns
Wall Street Journal, the Wall Street Journal, declares the USA to be a battlefield.
And that means martial law, suspending your due process for the banker rendering of the nation.
Here's the Daily Mail.
The controversial moment SWAT teams ordered innocent neighbors out of their houses at gunpoint during door-to-door searches for the Boston bomber.
It's not controversial.
This was the suspension of rights.
This went on citywide.
Bloomberg says interpretation of Constitution will have to change after Boston bombing.
See, it's not just the Second Amendment he wants.
He wants it all.
We're going to be breaking that down and the latest on what is clearly a patsy set up false flag.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Ladies and gentlemen, there are a lot of questions swirling around the tragic Boston bombings of eight, nine days ago last Monday.
Monday before this Monday.
But what we know undoubtedly is that the power structure and the propaganda media is seizing.
On this, basically foaming at the mouth, saying you've got to give up all your rights, the entire Bill of Rights, no First Amendment, no Second, no Fourth, no Fifth, no Tenth, cameras, microphones, street lights listening to you and watching you, checkpoints everywhere, entire cities must be ordered to be on lockdown, anytime there's a gunman anywhere,
Every city needs tens of millions of dollars worth of bomb-detecting and destroying robots, warrantless searches, just tens of billions to be spent on more high-tech cameras, on and on.
Bloomberg and King and McCain
...are all in the news saying we have got to basically abolish the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.
Meanwhile, 520 plus people were shot and killed, many of them innocents, by gangbangers in Chicago.
In Chicago, just in 2012, and they're set to break that number this year in a city where they've taken all of the citizens' guns.
A great old American city of Chicago, where we're on the radio on 1530 AM.
And you look at everywhere else with crime off the chart, it's where guns are highly restricted.
Like Boston.
Like New York.
Like Detroit.
Like Los Angeles.
Look at cities in Connecticut where they have very strong gun control laws.
And you look at areas with almost no gun control, lower crime rates.
And I know we've talked about this ad nauseum, but the system is engaged in a cold-blooded power trip.
A cold-blooded power grab because they get
Hundreds of billions of dollars a year.
In fact, guys, pull up the 2012 budget for Homeland Security.
If memory serves, one part of it was $84 billion, and then it was supplemental of another $60 billion, and then other funding.
Just to the anti-terrorism part, mind you, not the other agencies.
There's 37 agencies under it.
But the last number I saw was over $200 billion a year.
And a few months ago, and Aaron Dykes wrote about this,
Big Sis came out and she said in a press conference, she said, you will not cut our funding, and it was a cut in the growth of it, of more than 10% a year, or there will be more terror attacks.
Now let me ask you, is there a motive to let terrorism happen, or provocateur terrorism, or staged terrorism, to get $200 billion a year domestically?
And that's what this is.
You go to college now, it's all about scholarships and homeland security, data mining, how to spy, how to profile.
Hey, how about we profile the out-of-control kleptocratic government?
How about we look at those groups?
The budget request was $57 billion.
And they got 47.4.
But that's just for the overall office of DHS, not for the 37 agencies.
If you count all the money, quote, law enforcement agencies, or quasi-law enforcement homeland security agencies, I think it's about 10 of the 30-plus agencies, it's over $200 billion.
And now under cybersecurity, they're talking about a budget for cybersecurity over $50 billion a year.
And they're talking about every four years when they get budgetary oversight and then refund it, kind of like the FAA is funded in four-year spurts.
They're talking about over, again, $200 billion.
So, we're talking about hundreds of billions of dollars.
It's like the Pentagon budget is 1.1 trillion a year.
Guys, check that.
Pull up Pentagon budget.
But then they have supplemental that's over 800 billion a year, and that's not even counting black funding.
Secret funding.
Which is estimated to be 50 to 100 billion.
No one really knows.
They use narcotics traffic, you name it.
Global narcotics traffic into the US is 500 billion.
Global narcotics profits are estimated to be well over a trillion dollars.
And you heard it right.
The United States is almost half the world market in illegal drugs.
And I tell you, the government had a great strategy to make drugs illegal, hype them up as cool with Hollywood, put a lot of money into it so it's seen as avant-garde and nouveau riche and a get-rich-quick scheme.
Yeah, look at that article from the Center for Strategic Budgetary Assessments.
It says the DoD includes a $553 billion in discretionary funding, $5 billion in mandatory funding, an additional $118 billion in requested wars in Afghanistan.
By the way, again, these are whitewash numbers.
If you pull up the numbers, it's almost $2 trillion some years.
And I tell you, these numbers we're getting from government sites are absolute crud.
Because I've seen them break down the numbers in Congress when they talk about the real cost of the entire thing.
In fact, watch this.
Watch this.
Pentagon budget over $1 trillion.
Watch this.
Pentagon budget over $1 trillion.
And then you learn it's actually over that.
One trillion Pentagon budget cut is possible but not wise.
Now that's a decade-long cut.
Two trillion divides Obama and Romney.
Defense spending despite 2.1 trillion under Romney.
1.2 trillion for national security.
There it is.
The point is, is that they reported on two trillion missing two days before 9-11.
Watch this.
Two trillion missing.
Look at this.
Go ahead and punch this up for me, guys.
CBS News.
2.3 trillion missing from Pentagon.
I'm sorry, it's 2.3 trillion.
That's the type of stuff that we're talking about here.
And that's why they want this takeover.
Now, let me just stop here and reset on air so I can calmly attempt to go over all of this today.
Let me tell you some of the news that I'm going to be breaking down here.
Number one, they are using the events of 9-11 to radically re-engineer the society.
And despite all the basic liberties and freedoms that have been overrun, butchered, attacked, dismantled, decimated, firebombed by the criminals that have invaded the country who want to be above the law under globalism and want to tie us down with bureaucratic tyranny.
Classical tyranny in our face.
It did not keep us safe.
You notice that we're in debt.
The country's going bankrupt.
We're hated worldwide.
Over a million Iraqis are dead.
Six, seven thousand US troops just from combat injuries.
That's a conservative number.
Tens of thousands more committed suicide.
All of this going on
In this psychopathic globalist push for world domination, and now you have 400 troops, 2,000 police, down there at the Boston Marathon, searching people's bags, you name it, a drill going on right where the bomb happens, and it did not stop the terrorist attack that killed three people and injured 100.
That you would think was the end of the world.
I mean, they're having bomb scares in hundreds of cities and towns.
Total panic.
If a box blows out of the back of a truck, you know, in Phoenix, they've got bomb squads for hours shutting everything down and ordering everyone to evacuate.
And if you don't evacuate, they come to your house and drag you out by your hair and point guns at you.
And I saw on CNN a woman who lived by a park in
Boston, in the suburb of what, Watertown, and she's out there with her kids, and a helicopter flies over and says, GET IN YOUR HOUSE!
And the police drive by in hundreds of photos and videos and point guns at people.
And I mean, it can be a 10-year-old blonde-haired kid.
Clearly not the suspect.
Or it can be a 14-year-old black woman.
Black girl.
Black child.
I've seen the video.
And they point guns at her.
Yeah, oh, you must be the suspect.
We're looking for a 19-year-old Caucasian.
Literally, the definition of a Caucasian from the Caucasus.
You're looking for a white guy, and here, let's have a blonde woman walk out with her family, and then let's, she lowers her hands for a minute, let's poke her and slap at her and tell her, get your hands up, you piece of trash!
And the videos and the photos from our listeners pouring in, they'll get up in their window and start taking photos of the cops, and the cops aim a gun right at them.
It's all about them putting their hands on you.
Take the Texas State Police.
And guys, queue this video up for the next segment for TV viewers.
For radio listeners, just type in... Just type in... Two girls, one glove.
And they pull the women over.
No due process.
No nothing.
They claim that they thought they might be speeding.
And they sit there with the same glove and go in both sisters' orifices.
I mean, a total assault, ladies and gentlemen.
You could, you know, get, who knows, hepatitis, anything.
You don't know.
E. coli, who knows.
And the trooper forces her hand in.
I mean, you could see it into their body.
And the state police came out and said, yeah, we're going to do this to everybody.
We defend that.
That's a good idea.
We're going to pull you over, including your children.
We're going to ram our hands into your body.
In fact, they had a big poll out just again last week.
We did one a few months ago, but then it all went out and Americans said, no, we want proctology exams.
See, government wants to put its hands in you.
This is rape.
Now, no one bought it.
The grand jury indicted the state police.
They'll get off.
But the state police in Texas, at least the people running it, want to pull your wife over, aim guns at you, all right, get her up against the car, and go into your body looking for drugs that the government publicly ships in.
This is martial law.
We're going to break it all down straight ahead.
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By the way, at the bottom of the second hour coming up, I am going to try to do a basic review just off
Some notes I wrote last night of the new Tom Cruise film, Oblivion.
And I'm just going to say this now.
I'm not a big Tom Cruise fan.
I like some of his earlier work.
I happen to know a lot of behind the scenes stuff about Tom Cruise because he lived with the Sheen family when he was first making it big for about a year.
He was best friends with Emilio Estevez, so I don't particularly think he's a very nice person.
But separating Tom Cruise, by the way, this is one of his best roles.
This movie is an anti-Illuminati tour de force.
In fact, this is better than 2001 Space Odyssey.
I mean, they've got some action scenes that are pretty good for the general dumbed-down public.
But I literally, my dad said, yeah, I went with my dad last night, and he said,
He said, yeah, I don't usually listen to reviews, but I almost didn't want to go see it until you asked me because all the reviews said that no one could understand it and the plot didn't make sense.
And it basically got bad reviews.
And I went and saw the movie and no wonder it got bad reviews.
My mouth was hanging open.
Hanging open.
Because let me tell you something.
The director and his co-writer, Joseph
Kaczynski and Arvid Nelson.
I want to get these guys on the show.
No wonder they came from nowhere and wrote this and got this movie made.
Because this film is a Rosetta Stone.
of what the Illuminati is actually planning.
My mouth was, here are the words, hanging open during this, because this is actually what Raker as well and all of them think they're going to do, from their own writings.
And listen, this is not a pro-Illuminati revelation of the method.
Externalization of the hierarchy.
This is a anti-Illuminati, anti-death cult, anti-technocracy, anti-transhumanist film.
It's actually got a... It's more of the pro... the vein of perhaps the transhumanist from a genetic perspective, but a spiritual genetics dealing with things like
Ancestral memories, things like that.
And again, I don't think of myself as that smart.
See, I'm already doing the review right now.
I don't think of myself as that smart.
And then I just don't get why other people don't get basic stuff.
It's like, one time I sent a tweet out of the sun and the clouds, and I said, who said the stars only come out at night?
And all these people commented on it, and no one got what I was saying.
Like, what is this?
I mean, there's the sun.
It's a star.
Who says the stars only come out at night?
You know, the darker it gets, the more you can see the stars.
I just don't understand how no one understands what this movie is talking about.
Every ten seconds, it's got archetypal messages, and all of them are positive.
Now, who knows if we've really got a soul, but if we do have souls, it's when we love each other.
That's what makes our souls.
And then it's the opposite with the...
It is, it is really an amazing film.
And if you separate out the ending of the movie and replace it with the Illuminati, who are not really illuminating, they're bringing total death, then you've got basically their program and their plan.
And these guys are definitely listeners.
I would bet money, but beyond that, because I haven't even really broken all of this down.
I mean, you see oblivion, and it's the choice.
Do you want the oblivion of the cold-blooded psychopath, or do you want love?
I mean, that's basically what it gets into.
And, you know, obviously the film's already been spoiled for people.
I don't think it spoils it.
Talk about it.
But at the bottom of the next hour, I'll try to just go over the basics.
Actually, after the movie recorded some comments, I've got to write down so that I go over all the points.
But I got home about 1030 last night, got in bed about 11, sat there with my iPad for about an hour reading reviews and couldn't find one positive review.
Basically, even the positive ones were tongue-in-cheek, and like, oh yeah, it's got great visuals, but I'm sick of Tom Cruise, and I don't quite understand it, and it just goes on, and on, and on, and on.
And I think Tom Cruise did a great job in the film.
People say they have such a flat affect in it.
Well, yeah, of course they have a flat affect.
And the movie is all about compartmentalization.
And how it's a prison.
I mean, I'm telling you.
See, the reason I've got to spoil the whole film is because people aren't getting it.
So I'm going to do the film a favor today or tomorrow.
I'm going to shoot a breakdown and then show all of what I'm talking about.
I may have to go back and see the movie tonight and sneak a bunch of still shots in it to be able to really show you, because a lot of the film's not even out there.
But I want to do the film a favor, and I want to tell all my listeners, go see Oblivion.
I'll decode it for you at the bottom of the next hour.
Martial Law coming up.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I know you can see me now, here's a surprise.
I can see for miles, and miles, and miles, and miles.
I want to open the phones up for first-time callers, as we do a few times a week, to hear what you have to say about what's happening in the world.
How they're trying to pass open borders, anti-gun legislation.
In fact, guys, will you pull me the stack from Sunday?
I never even got to it.
Or just type in, California passes gun law, budgets $24 million for gun confiscation.
Or just reprint that.
I've got to get to that.
They are moving on all fronts.
Internet taxation, sales tax taxation online.
The whole agenda is barreling forward.
While the state police across the country take blood without warrants, and now put their hands inside of our bodies, as the TSA did to Miss USA.
If you're a TV viewer, we're showing footage of the state police searching two sisters, and we haven't even gotten to the part where it looks like the cop's trying to force her hand into the body.
And again, the state police defended all of that.
So, that's what I was mentioning earlier about how the government
Once in your person, they want in your body.
They want to force you to take vaccines.
They want to force you to have abortions.
That is the globalist policy worldwide.
They want to control your life.
They see you as a biological android.
They see you as obsolete machines.
They don't need you anymore.
They have robotics.
This is the age of the drone, the age of the robot, the age of the autonomous, sentient being that the globalists believe they're going to merge with.
Merging into the all-seeing eye that burns red.
By the way, you know what's incredible?
This is why Oblivion hit me so hard last night.
Guys, will you pull up the...
Rise of the Machines, End of Humanity, October issue of InfoWars Magazine, or go to Weldon, get me a copy right now, please.
Back in the warehouse, they kept some back as collector's items.
Bring me the second issue, please.
Because nowhere, I looked this up last night, nowhere, nowhere online, I don't know how they've done it,
And I was joking when I said I'd go and take photos to show you.
I can just tell you.
Nowhere online do they show you the villain, the bad guy, in oblivion.
They say they've kept this movie secret like nothing else.
And that they're obsessed with that, obviously.
Now it's out, so it's not a secret.
The bad guy from the movie is on the cover of my magazine from October of last year.
Out of my mind.
That's why this movie freaked me out so bad.
Because, again, it's an archetype.
And these archetypes are things that we already inherently know to be true.
Very, very bizarre.
But, as I said, I'm going to get to that at the bottom of the hour.
Or I can just go to Google and show you.
Rise of the machines, rise of... Oh, you got it?
There you go.
A black pyramid with a large glowing red eye sitting on top of a pile of skulls.
Ladies and gentlemen, Oblivion.
The end of humanity, Rise of the Robots, DARPA The Real Skynet, October Surprise.
There it is.
That was a composite done by the art crew, but my, uh, my design.
You see, this show is a warning, ladies and gentlemen, the Illuminati, this is what they're planning.
This is what they say they're going to do.
You understand that?
This is an emergency transmission.
But let me actually show you the exact bad guy from the movie.
Please, this.
That right there if you're watching on TV.
Alright, that's enough.
It was like a brain boost or something, seeing that movie.
And you know I don't just come up here and rave about movies.
I think they're pretty much all cheesy, even if they're well done.
I watch Stanley Kubrick films now and see all the subtleties and the messages, but, you know, still, it's not as powerful as they were when I was younger.
I don't want to say I'm cynical, I just am well-researched and can see multi-layers into things, as any of you can if you simply open your mind up to the universe.
And become truly illuminated.
You see, the Illuminati is a counterfeit of what the God of the universe will actually give you.
And it's a pale counterfeit.
A shadow of a shadow of a counterfeit.
I'm gonna give the number out right now.
It's 800-259-9231.
800-259-9231 and we will get you up and on the air.
You're never gonna see a representation of the devil more accurate than what's on your screen right now.
That's the devil right there.
And what's it doing?
It's jacking your humanity and destroying it.
And it uses the best of us against us via compartmentalization.
All right, let me get into the news here.
I have an article here where the federal government is looking at forced psychological testing
For all Americans.
The New Freedom Initiative 2.0.
Meanwhile, America is number one in fear, stress, anger, divorce, obesity, antidepressants, etc.
Las Vegas hospital accused of dumping psychiatric patients in California.
Accused of it?
They're doing it all over the country.
Bedbugs invade hospitals.
Why more patients share rooms with blood-sucking pests?
Why are hospitals the most dangerous place to go?
Because it's where the government is in control.
It's where Rockefeller Medicine is in control.
If I've got a gunshot wound or a compound fracture, or a finger cut off, I'll take the risk to go to the hospital.
But if I need something else, I'll go to a little, local, clean, new clinic.
And they're trying to federalize those right now.
And why do I mention that?
It's because they're going to force more people on drugs, then you're going to have more mass shootings, and the answer will be more psychologists, more psychiatrists, as the Priest Guild, to go around and drug America out so bad that we fall.
Because the world is going to get so horrible, you're going to want drugs to get you out of it.
The GMO, the fluoride, the chemicals in the water.
When all you really need is to go out and play sports with your friends, climb a hill, go for a swim, and yeah, go get drunk if you want to.
I'm not even saying that's the best thing out there, but it's a lot better than Prozac-type drugs.
They show in major studies, there's several of them, the University of Texas study and others, they've got a German study, a Russian study, drinking is associated with higher IQs.
Why is that?
Because people that have higher IQs cannot handle it.
You can't handle the truth.
You can't handle the perception.
You can't handle how hardcore reality is.
Let me tell you, not being on caffeine, not drinking at night, is like being on a drug.
Because the world is so real and so vivid and so
But you want to go drink a bottle of red wine, eat a big steak, and lay back and watch a football game, because reality is hammer blows!
Yeah, they're into psychology today.
Why intelligent people drink more alcohol.
They got a University of Texas study too on higher IQs living longer.
The problem is there's the abuse of it.
I mean, you know, sometimes I need to turn my brain off.
I know drinking makes me overweight and stuff.
I don't drink that much.
Had a couple drinks with my dad last night at the movie.
What do you do?
What do you do knowing all this?
You know, that's what I think every day.
I almost feel ashamed.
Like, I don't almost feel ashamed.
I am ashamed.
I am ashamed that I dropped the ball because I need to do a better job for myself and you and my family, everybody else, and so do you.
How I got caught up trying to convince people at staged, how I got caught up in all the minutia, when the big story is martial law in Boston and citizens being treated like slaves.
And then debating, would the government provocateur something?
They've been caught over and over again.
You know, I should just focus on the thousands of declassified programs, some of which had thousands of dead apiece, where they nerve gas and bioweapon our own troops, foster kids, force sterilized people, radiate foster kids.
All declassified.
Our government, since the 30s, has been running eugenics covert operations, thousands of which have been declassified.
The last ones declassified are from the 90s, where they kill people.
Oh, but if they take a foster child in New York in 2004, the social workers finally spoke out, and deliver little black kids mainly, eight-year-olds.
They told them others.
They always profile.
Okay, you got a two-year-old.
We're going to take a two-year-old unless you sign this waiver.
We're going to take your eight-year-old, healthy by the way, and they took him to a big pharma facility.
This was in the New York News only once or twice because whistleblowers went public.
The media had the courage to cover it, then it got shuffled under the rug.
You heard about kids being given deadly AIDS drugs who didn't even have HIV.
Because they needed, quote, healthy subjects like a rat.
You know, oh, this is, this shampoo is animal testing free.
It's like, oh, good, good.
What about human testing free?
Oh, they just take your economy away and then make you have to go to pay the rent and have medical experiments.
Not just testing deadly chemotherapy drugs on kids, they took black kids.
Because, you know, blacks have been the test group all along, who've been allowed to be tested on, you know, let the hookers operate there, let the drugs operate there.
You know, what do they say in the Godfather?
They're animals anyways, let them lose their souls.
Well, the globalists see everybody as animals.
Except them.
When in truth, they're beyond the animals.
They have lost their humanity, they're psychopathic, they're cold-blooded, they're a joke, and they've got a bunch of nobodies working for them on power trips.
Who want to be warriors, but really are just bullies.
Because they're scared to death of real war.
They're too weak-minded to face what's happening.
And I remember reading, I think it was in New York Daily News, you name it, about, you know, one family where they told the mother, we'll take your two-year-old if you don't do this.
And they took the child, and then they tested pesticides on him for a month until he tried to get away, so they chained him down.
And then they administered the pesticides in higher and higher dosages till he died.
In a pesticide study.
And finally the CPS went, you know, these kids are dying.
This isn't Saw.
This isn't Hostel, where you go and think it's cool to watch women tortured, you know, and live through that and kind of, ooh, that makes me feel powerful.
See, you're scared deep down.
You're so powerless that you get off vicariously seeing simulated torture.
Don't worry.
There are real little kids being tortured right now.
There's medical experiments in China with little kids.
Don't worry.
Don't worry.
And it's going to happen to you.
You're being experimented on by the vaccines and the water and the food.
You think you're going to go watch this in a movie at your little low level?
And that it's not going to be done to you?
Don't worry, you're going to die horribly, painful, tortured deaths.
Don't worry, you love hurting innocents?
God is going to smash you into a thousand pieces, but very slowly, by letting the system do it to you.
Yeah, there's a headline.
Organic Consumers EPA to Allow Pesticide Testing on Orphans and Mentally Handicapped Children.
That was an article, I think, months before it came out.
And I remember the article described the little black boy.
He stopped struggling, they administered the final dosages, and he died!
Oh, it's so liberal!
Like the baby swimming in the toilet.
And people on my YouTube made jokes on InfoWars, going, there are too many people, Jones!
You know, don't tell them what to do!
The baby's getting exercise!
I'll get you and your little dog, too!
Oh yeah, you're real powerful, all you evil people.
I bet you'd be real tough in the ring with somebody with a battle axe.
Here, here's your battle axe!
Here's a good guy up against you any day, he'll smash your guts into the ground.
But only because we know we're dealing with some scum, it's gotta be put down.
We don't enjoy it.
We'll crush you for the innocence.
Not because we enjoy it.
You're cowards!
You're cowards, and the only sick satisfaction I've gotten, I repent for it, is knowing this evil system you're bringing in is gonna tear your guts out slow.
And you're damned to hell after that!
Make sure you know that!
Do not stare too long into the abyss unless you become the abyss.
God, I watch the police in those videos in Boston, stomping around, bugging their eyes out with crazy looks on their faces, and just saying, open your door, and coming in and pointing guns at family, people in their own houses shooting video of it.
And the cops, and the compliant media showing shots, like a guy running with his daughter and the cop helping him, you know, only show that image.
Instead, the real images of just driving by, just like I saw at the G20 when Rob Doo was there.
On the news, they would say, no one's allowed out during the day, period.
And they would drive around in residential areas, and they would see like, you know, 12-year-old kids playing football in their front yard, and they'd aim sound cannons at them.
Just this lust to pull your wife over and ram their hand up her, and then, you know, take her sister and ram their hand up her.
And then, and, and, and, and just the need to, okay, there's some people that, you know, kids thinking this is America, you can be out in your front yard, let's hit them with sound cannons.
And watch those slaves run!
Watch those taxpayers run!
Drive them into submission now!
Show no mercy!
Do what must be done!
And the Wall Street Journal comes out and says, America is now a battleground.
We're going to have checkpoints and troops.
It's going to be so sexy and, you know, billion-dollar and ten-billion-dollar contracts to, you know, congressmen's wives.
And we're going to spy on you.
And we're the new elites with red carpets and jet copters.
And, I mean, it's just a bunch of guys.
I mean, look at Hagel.
Punch up InfoWars.com.
Look at Hagel, you know, wearing his turtleneck and his black sunglasses because, you know, he was involved in black ops.
You know, they all think he's cool.
He's sexy.
Yeah, he's been involved in really dark stuff.
It's really cool.
It's really cool.
And it's really cool to do all this.
When I come back, I'm going to cover the Marshall Law News and then go to your phone calls.
But look at it right here.
Drudge Report has it linked.
Boston wrong.
Residents ordered out of homes at gunpoint by SWAT teams.
So now the President said if there's one gunman on the loose, whether it's true or not, all of you are suspects.
All of you are criminals.
And we're coming in your house just like Katrina.
And next it's coming in your house to take your guns.
And it's all about planting the flag, setting the precedent, showing you and showing police nationwide this is what we do.
And the police have ceremony after ceremony on TV where they're heroes and just grandstanding up their absolute mental illness.
Absolute mass mental illness.
What are they getting us ready for?
Bloomberg says we've got to stop our interpretation of the Constitution.
We have to change it.
We have to get rid of it.
Because the criminals need to be protected in government.
They're getting ready to fully take over.
They want to put their hands on your body.
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Don't worry.
This show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Yeah, you know, Rush is coming to Austin tonight.
I think some of the crew's going to see it.
I'm not going to go.
I'm going to go hang out with my family, but yeah, they're anti-New World Order.
They've been anti-New World Order for a long time, but now a lot of their new music is just total anti-New World Order.
And the good news is, more and more good people are realizing what's happening out there.
The film Cloud Atlas was anti-New World Order.
I mean, there are a lot of people really starting to get the dehumanization that's taking place, and realizing that there's no future if we don't turn things around.
The reason I brought that up is John Bowne was pointing that out to me, and yes, you're right, John, you're right, I agree with you.
Look, we're going to come back and take your calls, Anthony, John, Shelly, Daniel, Jacob, and others.
It's open phones today, no guests.
I need to get to listening to my message that I left myself, or my voice memos, so that I can write down all the notes I've got on my oblivion review I want to do at the bottom of the next hour.
Who knows, I may do it at the start of the next hour, but then I'll never get to it if I don't get to it soon.
So I've got that.
And you've just got all this incredible stuff happening, all the evidence this was scripted, and then you get things like this in the Huffington Post.
California gun confiscation bill passes, approves $24 million to expedite illegal gun seizure.
And it says it makes your semi-autos basically illegal.
And will begin the door-to-door confiscation of 40,000 handguns and assault weapons illegally owned by Californians.
SB 140.
Oh, man.
There you go.
But, oh, there's no gun confiscation coming.
And, again, it's not only that they did this martial law drill, they're saying this shows this is the new America, the Wall Street Journal says.
This is how you're going to live for your safety.
For three dead people, in an event that's got fingerprints of the globalists all over it, and then you've got the hyping, and they're saying there will be more bombings.
The good news is they were going to go with the Tea Party, that was clear.
We derailed them, so they went with their fallback patsies.
Who the FBI knew and had watched for years, and knew where they lived, and they were at their houses and at their dorms like nothing had happened.
Until they got the word, the mother says, and then something scared them so they fled.
And then you've got what the, a couple witnesses, the witnesses are saying conflicting things too.
But we have the unprecedented and now Curt Nemo has added images to the Watson article that Drudge linked to.
Go to DrudgeReport.com in the middle column it says Boston residents
Ordered out of homes.
And then you notice the Daily Mail's under it and they added more videos.
That's our article, the original.
They wrote off our article and give us credit in the Daily Mail.
But that's what I told Nemo this morning, is just to add more videos and photos.
Because we've literally got hundreds of photos and dozens of videos.
I'm trying to dig up the one, I know we were taping when it happened, when CNN showed the woman at her house that's right by a park with her kids and they fly over in the day and go, get in your house!
I mean, I'm sorry, man, I'm not getting in my house!
I've had enough of you!
The borders are wide open, illegal aliens are above the law, nothing even against them.
The point is that this is all about training the American citizens that we're like milk cows or something.
And I'm not your slave and I'm sick of it.
They use security as the new slavery.
We're going to enslave you to keep you safe.
No thanks!
I'll take my Bill of Rights and Constitution.
Everything that's happening is 180 degrees the opposite of the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
Let me point this out to you.
I told you for 17, almost 18 years this was coming.
Now, I was only here about two years as a mainline libertarian before I really woke up.
So for 15, 16 years I've told you this.
And I went to urban warfare drills and watched Marines training to take you out of your house and shoot you in the back of the head.
And take your guns and put you in a FEMA camp in America.
And I put that in my film, Police Day 2000, and I interviewed police chiefs and others who were all vets, who said this is a martial law conditioning drill.
Chief Ali Philippus, Thomas Sanchez, you name it.
These are police chiefs and people I'm listing here, who I have on video.
I've been warning you, I told you this was coming!
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, I'm gonna go to your phone calls, then we'll get into the raft of anti-American, insider, crony, capitalist, mafia consolidation that's going on from internet sales taxes that Obama's ramming through right now, to just everything that's happening.
Martial law in Boston, linked up on the Drudge Report, and we've got photos of them aiming guns at men, women, and children for no reason, shoving women around.
Now get out of your house, lady.
You look nothing like any suspect.
We're just gonna do this.
This was done all over the place in a giant act of just planting the flag on the good old slaves.
And commenters are in here going, try that.
South of the Mason-Dixon line, boy.
All like Katrina?
Let me tell you, they'll always give you an excuse and a reason to shy up.
I'm telling you, man, the police and military are just spoiling for a war with the American people.
Just spoiling.
Just spoiling.
I saw a G-20 where they were just run up to a... Nobody was resisting them.
Nobody was coming out.
So, the G-20 was over that night.
Rob Dewey got arrested.
He won a lawsuit over it.
And word comes they're going to not let university students be out at the park at night.
So they're out there like they always are.
It's like 8 at night.
And they block the roads so nobody can even get back into their dorms.
And then like women are on bicycles and cops knock them off and then just start splitting their heads.
Because that's like a fringe benefit to get to beat a woman with a billy club if you're a sadomasochist or I guess a masochist.
Who are the ones that like to beat people?
I guess they're the sadist.
Yeah, they're the sadist.
And it's like, that's pro-law enforcement.
And now the state police in Texas say they will proctology you.
It's okay they say that proctology.
You just got to put a different glove on.
You see.
So that's just some of what's coming up today.
And I support the police.
I think it's good.
I think the police should have executed everyone in Boston just to make sure the police are safe.
Because, you know, when cops shoot somebody who's innocent, it's not even in the news, hardly.
But, you know, this whole event, nowhere in the world would they lock down most of a major city and kick everybody out of their houses.
I mean, for a thousand combatants, you wouldn't do that.
I mean, this is beyond martial law.
It's just, see what they can get away with.
Can TSA take your five-year-old to a private room where some pot-billied guy with a creepy mustache grabs him?
And you're a terrorist if you don't like it.
If it's a defrocked priest or a, you know, a Sunday school teacher that got molesting people, put him in the head, make him the head of the TSA in that airport.
Why not?
It's over the top.
Teach the slaves to submit properly.
Anthony on the Boston bombing.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex.
First time caller.
Thanks for taking it.
You know, I think for a call screening, you may need a proctology exam to be on my show.
How do we know there's not a bomb up your patoot?
Uh, now, I think that it's unbelievable how, you know, once again this police commissioner, this clown, he comes out, slips up again.
It's very obvious that he's under the order of someone else.
Oh yeah, that police chief looks like he is a total creep.
And he looks like he's totally hiding stuff.
Oh gee, you think a major police chief's hiding stuff?
Oh yeah, and I definitely wanted to shout out to Dan Baddande for shaking his boots up.
Did you see those people when he was in that press conference?
If we had a Dan Baddande everywhere that something like this happens, we would be winning, even though we're already winning.
Am I right?
You know, he's got a nickname around here, and it's the Titan, or the Kraken.
The Kraken is a Titan.
We say, release the Kraken, because every time you send him to something, that's what happens.
Dan Bodondi, it's not even courage.
He knows they're bad guys.
He has an instinct to fight evil.
And he also freaks people out, because he, in person, he looks like an overgrown Dr. Evil, in a good way.
He's like the good Dr. Evil.
But, absolutely.
Anything else in the Dambadandi worship session here?
No, that's it.
Thanks for taking my call.
God bless you, man.
Yeah, no, we need people that are...
I'm not bragging.
I pioneered, in modern times, in the last 18 years, going out and confronting people at press conferences.
Because nobody would ever ask real questions.
Every time I'd ask Bush a question, or Janet Reno a question, or, you know, Al Gore a question, it would end up being national news.
And that's what We Are Change does, and you should all do it, and just go and ask real questions, and everybody else are paid operatives, and, you know, selling their family out.
So all I can say to the reporters is, give your kids more shots.
You can bury them a lot quicker, because, you know, the government loves you.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Guilty until proven innocent.
That's what the Bill of Rights and Constitution says.
Guilty until proven innocent.
That's the bedrock of any free society.
This message brought to you by the New World Order and the Ministry of Truth.
The truth is, ladies and gentlemen, we are innocent until proven guilty.
And what you saw happen in Boston on Friday, and they've even continued it with all sorts of checkpoints and weirdness after, is a precedent-setting case of over-the-top martial law.
Even when Baghdad was under martial law, when it was taken over by the West, they didn't say, don't leave your houses, period.
No one has ever done things like this.
In Ceausescu's Romania, they said don't be outside after dark unless you have a special government pass.
And basically then it's just an excuse to, you know, catch your underage daughters out after curfew and rape them.
I mean, that's what's done in these authoritarian societies.
That's what they then mimic in things like V for Vendetta when they catch Evie out after dark.
And she's like, I'm sorry, I was just trying to get home.
I was late.
They're like, come here, little missy pie.
That's what bondage is.
And this is standard, souped up, hardcore, over-the-top tyranny.
All of Boston, almost the entire city, all of Watertown, hundreds of thousands of people.
You will stay in your house.
You will not leave.
And we're going to come in your house and point guns at you and your family and bug our eyes out at you.
I mean, this is the threat.
This is the danger.
This is what the founders warned us about.
For TV viewers watching on PrisonPlanet.tv or we're still sending out free video feeds right now at InfoWars.com forward slash listen has the free audio streams and video streams.
Let's roll some of those video packages Darren McBrain put together of photos and videos.
You can also see them up at DrudgeReport.com in the middle column.
Shocking footage Americans ordered out of homes at gunpoint by SWAT teams.
This is what martial law looks like.
And it shows people in their cars, in their houses, you name it, with men driving around in armored vehicles pointing M16s at you.
And then telling families, get out of your house, families that don't even resemble the supposed suspects, you know, blonde-haired women, black women, put your hands up.
Then the woman lowers her hands after, and the cops run up and shove her.
Get your hands up, scum!
I'm your God!
In Texas, we put our hands inside ya!
You want me to rape ya?
I'm your government!
I'm your God!
And we're gonna make vaccines mandatory!
This is our country!
Homeland Security!
In every third world country, they get conquered by their military.
For the first 200 years of Rome and its golden age, you could not bring troops.
Passed the Rubicon River in Northern Italy.
Troops were not allowed in Italy, period, unless the Senate officially voted if Rome itself was being invaded.
Or if Italy itself was being invaded.
Now, why couldn't he bring troops into Rome?
Why does posse commentatus 1878 and before that the Bill of Rights Constitution say no troops cornered?
Because they lived under it and they were historians who spoke on average five languages.
Because back then being a rock star was that you invented things.
You could speak four or five languages.
If somebody smarted off to you, you'd say, all right, get your sword, we're going outside.
That's what women liked back then.
That's what the newspapers wrote about.
So we had a flowering where being smart was cool.
It was called the Renaissance.
It was called the Enlightenment.
It was not land of the cowards, home of the slaves.
It was land of, you tread on me, buddy, I don't know how this is gonna end, but you're gonna get one hell of a fight.
And now we're the opposite.
Oh, the heroes, the heroes.
It would have been, okay, let's say these patsies really were shooting back and there's some evidence they may have been, probably set up double agents, now coming out.
Yeah, the cops have pulled SUVs up, if it's true, and got out and had a firefight with these guys.
You're doing your job, but you're a man.
You're not a coward.
You can call yourself a hero.
Going around... I mean, I've seen this before at just national security events.
The cops will march over, arrogant, get in your face, because they've been told to be arrogant, and scream at you and bug their eyes out.
And it's pathetic.
I mean, it's embarrassing.
But it's so full of, you better respect me, who I am.
I'm Superman.
And you're the opposite of America.
And folks, if you're not angry looking at these photos and videos of what they did to people, I'm going to have Kurt add even more.
Guys, because the Daily Mail sources us, which is good, and Drudge has us up, but they have more of the videos.
Ask Kurt to go to the Daily Mail linked under our link on DrudgeReport.com and just add it all, because it's our article that's super viral.
I want everybody to see this.
Because, you know, we have, I mean, McBrain this morning goes, what do you want added?
We've got hundreds of these.
Well, just add it all!
I want, because people are already like going, this is only a few cases, you know, out of examples.
Uh, it's, you know, it's not all of them that this is happening.
Ladies and gentlemen, you're all suspects.
You're all bad.
You're all treated like terrorists.
There's no warrants.
How did they suspend going in everybody's houses without warrants?
How'd they do that in Katrina?
All the guns will be taken.
No one will be allowed to be armed.
They are beta testing this and they're saying in the Wall Street Journal.
Well, let's have the whole country like this for our safety.
Our safety?
It's basically martial law in Chicago.
Does that keep you safe?
Decriminalizing the drugs the government ships in will cut the crime.
Legalizing guns everywhere will cut the crime.
Not having men in black uniforms everywhere saying, papers please.
In fact, punch this back up, guys.
We have a link up at the top of our Infowars.com article that says, papers please.
And it shows 1938 Germany, two young soldiers looking at people's papers, and then Boston.
And you look at the satisfied look.
You look at the satisfied look on these military guys' faces.
And they just get off on it.
It's the exercise of raw power that is just so pathetic.
Of course, they never have them down there on the border doing that.
It's just all a fraud.
And see, the noose is getting tighter and tighter around our neck.
For now, I can't go to a kite festival without Army wanting to search me in Austin.
If I go downtown now, the TSA is expanding out in random checkpoints where they come up with cops and shove you up against the wall and go, we're getting in your bags, we don't care what you say.
I meant to bring that to the police chief.
And you're all destroying your future.
You're all playing along like you're part of it.
This is scientifically controlled, orchestrated, transhumanist, eugenics, tyrannical takeover where we're all under attack.
And you know what?
You're not going to be able to count on the police and military to help us.
Some of them are doing the right thing.
We need to reach out to them.
But it's us, the citizens, the drones, that have to stop saying yes to all this and bending over.
Because you invite this.
They're already announcing they're taking the government pension funds.
They're going to take the private pension funds.
They're going to take all the money out of your bank account.
They're going to take everything you got, if you bend over.
If you give in.
If you lick the boots, this is the plan.
And by increment, they're teaching you how to lick boots.
They're teaching you that that's what America's about.
Oh, yes sir, point the gun at me, come to my house, shove my wife up against the wall.
Thank you officer, USA!
You know, I can't have a gun myself here in Boston, but thank you for having a gun and coming in and shoving my wife up against the wall.
Thank you officer.
And the news is every Bostonian loved being under martial law, civil emergency.
No they didn't.
There are a lot of Bostonians that didn't.
They called into the show.
By the way, I'm not making fun of a Boston accent.
I love it.
In fact, I think I'm going to start talking like that.
But the point is, is that I just like to do accents.
Perhaps I should speak like this.
Here in England, we don't have any firearms unless you're wealthy.
Then you have armed guards like, like the Red Coat telling us to turn our guns in.
Hello, Americans!
I work for the New World Order.
Turn your firearms in!
I am Piers Morgan.
I'm running from indictment in England.
I have armed guards myself.
But you should turn your firearms in immediately!
I'd like to dress up in uniform myself and kill Alex Jones.
Let's go ahead and talk to John in Missouri.
Thanks for holding her on the air, sir.
Hello, my friend.
Good to hear from you.
Good to actually talk to you.
Um, I want to start off by saying that... Wait a minute, have we screened your call?
How do I know, because you're guilty until proven innocent, that you don't have 14 dead kids in your basement and that you don't have five hand grenades up your hind end and the TSA doesn't need to come in your house right now and do a proctology exam?
Look, pal, I've been beta tested over here in the ghetto for the last seven years of my life, okay?
I don't believe it.
I think he may be Al Qaeda.
I only trust the black uniformed government.
I only trust the government.
I love them.
I love them.
I love them.
It's totally normal.
We need proctology exams on the side of the highway as they're now doing.
Go ahead, I'm sorry.
Citizenship doesn't give you immunity from the law of war.
If you take up arms or hostile acts against the nation, you may be killed or captured.
That's the law.
Look at that.
I'm sorry.
We had to have Ms.
Miss, uh, uh, Mrs., uh, well, yeah, uh, uh, uh, Lindsey, yeah, uh, Miss Lindsey Graham, I'm sorry, go ahead.
Twinkle Toes is done.
What was your next point?
I'm sorry.
No, you're okay.
I wanted to say something about Boston.
Like I said, I'm a black man.
I've been in the ghetto.
Well, I'm out of the ghetto now, thank God.
But I've been a part of the beta test.
I've seen it from the ground.
I've seen it.
I've been a part where if they start resisting and you start resisting, you're not even resisting, you're still getting beat.
So I understand that.
And to see what happened in Boston, America, you guys need to wake up.
I don't think it's enough.
I think if they just say resist, they should gun you and your whole family down.
And if you've got a baby, take it out of a stroller and just smash its brains out and use it as a face cream for the police, if it's sunny outside, as a sunscreen.
I think to respect police, like they did in the Aztec Kingdom and the Druid Kingdom, we should sacrifice our children to them.
They should pass a national law to sacrifice our children to the government at the Washington Monument.
It'll be like Logan's Run.
You'll beg them.
Because if they said it was like, you'll be a TV star, and it's really cool, like American Idol, if you get to say, beat your child to death with a ball-peen hammer on the steps of the Capitol, then it would be good.
I mean, don't you think that's a good idea for America, sir?
That's what they're trying to give the impression to the people that... Sir, what's wrong with being pulled over and having police put on gloves and put them inside two women's bodies, four orifices?
I mean, that'll be the American flag.
The American flag ought to be a person in a uniform with a gun to your head ramming their arm up you.
Okay, I mean, I just, I don't appreciate you extremists.
We're gonna come back and talk to this terrorist.
Guilty until proven slave.
Hail the New World Order!
Hail, hail, hail!
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They laid their bodies down in a bloody war.
On a bloody war.
For liberty.
For their descendants.
And I owe a blood debt to my ancestors for being tough as nails and founding this country and founding Texas.
And most of you have ancestors that were involved in founding this great republic.
Thank God for the renegades!
And I am not going to let them down.
We have to recognize the evil.
What's coming next if citywide they come to your house, point guns at you, and come in your house without warrants looking for one guy, knowing they were testing a media psyop?
The average cop didn't even know that.
And obviously some of the cops didn't act like total jerks, but they were still carrying out unlawful orders, and their whole search of the city didn't find the guy.
The lockdown kept people from finding him in the back of the boat.
That letter came out.
I'm gonna go back to your calls.
I'm gonna do the oblivion thing next hour.
I promise I will.
My review of that, the anti-Illuminati tour de force, I'll just leave it at that.
But they are now, the State Police of Texas now, will pull you over, not even for speeding, and tell you to bend over the car, and they will ram your hand, their hand, into your body.
And the State Police head said, that is normal, we authorize that.
And they are now in court defending against the indictment of the State Police saying, no, this is normal.
They were in the news saying it's normal.
So when I say, hey, you know, we don't know if John in Missouri, we don't know if he has bombs in him.
Guilty unto proven innocent?
Government always does this.
That's why it's against the law.
That's why it's stated in the Constitution, Bill of Rights, that the government can't do this.
That's why Bloomberg says get rid of it, because they're a bunch of crooks that have stolen this country.
I'll call Bloomberg a crook, trying to take our rights, trying to rule our life, trying to shut down gun manufacturers around the country with racketeering-type activities.
They're a bunch of crooks!
A bunch of dirty crooks, the Fast and Furious crowd, all of them.
They're a mafia that wants you disarmed so they can treat you how they want and be above the law.
That's what the new world order is.
And I talk about
You know, sarcastically, I shouldn't even joke, people think, oh, it's for the government and kill their kids.
If we have a government worshipper listening, the statist, they might actually say, that's a good idea.
In every culture, every culture in known anthropology and archaeology, every culture,
Gets a civilization, then becomes decadent, centralized, and the leaders demand human sacrifice of babies, and children, and women.
First, it's bring me the best food and bring me your virgins to the temple, because I'm the high priest and I want to do things to them.
Then it's, you know what, I want to kill kids.
Bring me your kids.
And people do it.
And then they finally say, this is usually when the priest group gets overthrown for a while, they go, I want the king's firstborn.
And the king gets mad and doesn't do it.
In fact, you can study, in a bunch of different cultures, they start demanding the king be sacrificed.
The bureaucrats, if the bureaucrats had their way, they would start demanding whoever the titular head was be sacrificed.
That's pretty much what the Kennedy assassination was.
This is all Illuminati stuff, folks.
I don't believe in it.
They do.
People say, this is wild stuff.
It's history.
I dare you to show me a culture where they didn't engage in human sacrifice.
The Greeks did it.
The Romans did it.
The Babylonians did it.
The Japanese did it.
What do you think war is?
Sending our sons off.
Alright, I'm ranting.
John, finish up your points.
I'm going to come back in a long time and get to Jacob, Lucy, Shelley, Paul, and others.
Go ahead and finish your points, sir.
We're good to go.
Kick in to another door getting kicked in.
You see how they operate.
You see when you didn't follow into your house.
They know who you are when they know where the drugs at and they're not harassing those people.
Then it's very obvious that it's something wrong.
But when you see it on a mass scale like something like Boston.
I mean, I'm not the smartest guy in the world, but that's obvious.
They're just letting you know, it's it.
It's time.
Game's over.
This is what you're going to go through.
And I'm telling you, when you go through that every day, because I've been through that every day.
Guns out.
Point at you.
When they pull up to your car, they act like you are the criminal?
When they got the drugs?
I mean, you've watched them take drugs from people and just not arrest them.
Oh, I know!
Listen, they took down China by making drugs illegal, and so they could corrupt the police, and that's how the West took them over, the Opium Wars.
Look it up, folks.
This is an exact plan they're following.
And it's not our opinion.
Either the police, the military, the media decides to join the people, or they give in to this total takeover.
But don't think you're part of the winning team, folks.
You're under attack as well in this oblivion.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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For 50 years, we've told them what to eat, what to drink, what to wear!
For Christ's sake, Ben, don't you understand?
Americans love television!
They wean their kids on it!
Listen, they love game shows, they love wrestling, they love sports and violence!
So what do we do?
We give them what they want!
We're number one, Ben!
That's all that counts!
Believe me, I've been in the business 30 years!
Well, I haven't been in show business as long as you have, Killian.
But I'm a quick learner.
So I'm going to give the audience what I think they want.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the Resistance.
Yeah, the Running Man came out in the mid-1980s, and more and more our country looks like that.
That's what we saw in Boston was the Running Man.
Who knows if they were real?
Who knows if they're like Whitman, Price, and Adad?
Their debt to society paid in full, basking in the Maui sun.
Last season's winners.
No, last season's losers.
And all the people that think they're winning in this system, you're the losers.
Attaching USA, USA to having your rights overrun.
I mean, it's bizarre, man.
I get around cops and they like bug their eyes out and act like all on power trips.
And then you see other cops who are just acting normal and friendly and nice.
And you get to know these people.
They're always the normal, successful, decent people who are actually more manly.
Than the weirdo, weirdo police they're looking for now.
And I obsess on police because in any police state, you better know what you're dealing with.
You better know what you're up against.
You better understand it.
And listen, we've got a criminal government run by foreign banks.
We are occupied.
They're trying to mop up what's left of the media.
They're trying to take over the web.
They're trying to track everything with internet sales taxes.
I've read the bill.
It is so draconian.
Makes your head spin.
And here's the good news.
People are finally freaking out.
I monitor at home in the morning and driving into work in the morning and driving around doing errands and things at night.
Talk radio.
National and local.
Everybody's freaking out.
Like 90% of the callers about it all.
People are really getting it.
But you don't just need to get it.
You need to say no.
You need to not comply with stuff that's unconstitutional.
And you need to work like the Dickens to
Do everything you can to warn people ahead of this, because it's not enough to buy guns and just wait in your cabin and say, first person comes around here is deader than a hammer.
You need to spend that energy in the information war, hammered down, screaming bloody murder.
Because, ladies and gentlemen, they're getting away with everything right now.
And again, you're like, why would they declare martial law on a whole city, call it a civil emergency?
I've always told you they'll call it a civil emergency, public safety.
And you notice, it's never going to be called martial law.
It was called a civil emergency, public safety.
When they looted, the first houses they went to were in the high and dry area in Louisiana, some of them $15 million historic homes.
I happened to have been given a coffee table book about a year before that happened, because my wife had lived in New Orleans for a few years.
One of her family gave her a coffee table book with New Orleans, so I was reading about the architecture, knew the houses, that I was then seeing
On television.
When they were going in there taking their guns.
And then I get the Army manuals.
Guys, punch up Rob Dues.
I'm going to your calls.
Rob Dues report that's got two and a half million views.
Titled, Military Trains to Shoot Americans That Don't Turn in Guns.
And then it shows the Army manual.
How they process our social security numbers.
How they put us in the labor camp.
How they kill the people that don't turn the guns in.
And it's got the Army manual number that said army.mil.
I mean, that's red alert, over the top, out of control.
Watch this.
Army trains to shoot Americans that don't turn in guns.
And you know, this is still not working.
It's still not typing.
I'm gonna probably need to get a new computer or get it worked on.
What I normally do is, what I normally do is break a computer.
That's the only way I get a new computer.
I just break it, quietly take it, smash it, put it in the trash.
I've actually done that.
And then that's how I get a new computer.
Because this has been going on for about a week.
Is it time for this computer to die?
I mean, I know it's all the crap they make with the poor Chinese slaves anyways.
The point is, that article's everywhere.
Go ask Robbie to bring it up to us.
The video's got two and a half million views on YouTube.
military trains to shoot and kill Americans that don't turn their guns in.
And it's got all the manuals, it's got it all.
People say, don't, don't, you know, you know, don't scare me with this information.
I'm not trying to scare you.
I'm trying to get you to do something!
Uh, I'll call Rob Doo.
Uh, let's go ahead and, uh, there it is.
Troops ordered to kill all Americans who do not turn in their guns.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, that needs to have 50 million views.
That needs to have... Thank you, sir.
They keep fixing it and it keeps not working.
Anyways, I'm just sick of it!
I'm tired of, like, trying to convince people we've been taken over by crooks!
Congress is having hearings about taking anything they want out of your bank account, no judge, no jury, and taking all your pensions!
They will do it!
They're hardcore criminals!
The wives of congressmen, in some cases, get $10 billion contracts to spy on you!
They're a pack of larcenous scum!
And all you idiots that work for the system, they will take everything you've got as well, you morons!
You're not part of the winning team!
You're under New World Order control!
You're being poisoned through the food and water and vaccines already!
And a lot of you won't listen, but when your wife dies young, or your kids start dying, or your neighbors start dying like they already are, and you look at the numbers, you're going to learn they're killing you and your family.
That doesn't matter.
Put on a black uniform and act tough in front of everybody for your egomania.
Or, you know, be a bureaucrat spying on people, or work in a corporation doing all this, because they're shutting the corporations down that aren't globalist right now.
I'm sorry, I said I'd take calls and I'm just so angry right now I shouldn't even probably be on air.
I'm so sick of it.
I'm so tired of it.
What does it take to get people out of their coma?
This is an enemy foreign banking force planting its flag on us for martial law training and bragging in the Wall Street Journal that this is the New America battlefield.
Set up checkpoints, arrest, take the guns, rob everything!
Don't you get it?
In Mexico, in
Places in Africa.
Most of the countries.
It's just the military runs everything.
And there's no production.
Because no one even tries to build anything or make anything in Africa or Latin America.
Because the military will get jealous of that and come and rob it.
And just so you don't try to get it back, they'll kill you.
All over.
Almost every African country.
If you try to build or make anything, the military or police come by, steal it, and then kill you so that you don't ever come back on them.
And so there's nothing.
The whole society falls down until there's one president in a rotting compound with weapons everywhere, with crazed look on his eyes, and giant uniforms with salad all over it, and all little ribbons and symbols.
And now you look at our police and military, they're all in third world dictator clown outfits,
Stumbling around urinating all over us politically.
I mean, where's the spirit of 1776?
Where is America?
Well, I'll tell you, they're going to blow stuff up and blame it on us.
Get ready for that.
And they're going to start their fight.
They're going to conscript your kids into national service.
Your kids are going to come home.
It's already happening.
And boss you around about the environment.
And boss you around about your guns.
And then report you.
And then they'll be on the news saluting as you're taken away to a forced labor camp.
Think I'm jokin'?
Guys, type in Army Manual Re-education Camp.
They even use the term Re-education Camp.
You're like, why?
Why use the Soviet term?
Why use the Alexander Sholtson-Eatson term?
Why not?
Go all the way!
Yeah, man-cow!
Mancow even was able to talk to these military people.
He saw a whole bunch of trucks with mannequins stuffed with dirt that the military had been shooting up of men, women, and children.
You're like, oh, that couldn't be true.
Oh, really?
They confirmed the targets of five-year-old children and pregnant women to shoot.
Internment Resettlement Operations FM3-39.40.
The government will get, look, when they blow stuff, they're not just going to come get your guns.
They're going to put out a cover story.
They're going to make it look like there's a reason they've got to do this to set the precedent as a PSYOP to get you to stand down.
The truth is, I talked to a lot of Bostonians who didn't buy into what happened.
Okay, let's go to your calls.
Jacob in Minnesota, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hello, Alex.
Man, you have got me so worked up right now.
You are firing on all cylinders today.
I'm loving the show.
I can't thank you enough for what you do.
Please don't thank me, brother.
Well, I'm calling because I wanted to validate you a little bit, because you talk about how people can be so dumbed down.
I shared your videos, the YouTube videos, where the Boston police are going door-to-door and taking people out of their homes, and people comment on the videos saying, oh, well, there's so many people in the house.
Look at them coming out.
They must have been doing something wrong.
I'm telling you, people are just completely oblivious to what is happening.
It just blows my mind.
That's because they have been scientifically programmed, incrementally, on record.
And when they're arresting us, and even putting us in labor camps, because we've got to pay our way, they will cheer that on as well.
Because they're so cowardly, they will accept anything.
Once you buy into evil, you've got to keep saying yes to it because you never want to admit you're wrong.
You understand?
These people, the New World Order looks at these chumps you're talking about and absolutely sees a dinner.
It's like a wolf seeing a, you know, a bloodied sheep.
What happens?
And they think they know it's evil.
They think if they grovel to it, it's going to be okay.
And that's the spirit.
That's why it's happening.
Well, I just want to thank you for what you're doing.
I go month to month on Prison Planet to support you a little bit more.
I want to encourage current Prison Planet members to do that.
And for those of you that are listening, because you're getting so much traffic right now, you've got to take a look at what Alex Jones has done over the past 15 years.
The information that he throws out there.
I mean, it's because of your information, Alex, that I no longer just hear the news.
I create a web of information in my mind.
And it is so liberating.
I can't tell you how liberating it is to be able to discern from the news, not just hear the news.
And so I can't thank you enough for helping me do that.
Well, by the way, brother, what that is, is you haven't really brain boosted.
You're just awake now.
And people are asleep.
Their brainwaves are lower.
They're in a near sleep state.
They watch TV all day.
They shuffle around.
They act like they're working.
Big studies are out that about half the workday is spent checking email and frittering.
And so they're just these lazy, shuffling, dead people.
The New World Order lives.
We sleep.
And Christ says it's time for the sleeper to awaken.
And it's time for people to awaken
And then, when you know history, and you see what's happening, and you know how cold-blooded they are, and how much money they're stealing, you go, oh my God, crooks took over everything, and they've hired a bunch of subservient weirdos that love the exercise of power.
You know, there are people that like to, you know, have power who will sit there and, you know, enjoy abusing farm animals all day.
I mean, it's basically the same mindset of pressing on the nerve of power.
Hollow, mindless, just incredibly bizarre.
They're getting rid of any due process in Canada right now to secretly arrest and disappear people with their fake al-Qaeda deal.
Again, the Western governments run Al-Qaeda.
Why are we having to give our rights up because of Al-Qaeda they run?
Again, it's all 2 plus 2 equals 4.
It's all incredible common sense stuff.
And that's why I get so angry.
That's why I get so mad is that I know about the declassified medical testing on little kids still going on.
Where they kill little kids!
And the government orders it!
They're murderers!
And they kill kids over here, and don't get in trouble, exercising their power, and then go, oh, look at this 8-year-old boy, give your rights up to us, and use our own emotion.
Use our goodness against us.
Get our best men to go serve them and do horrible things because they believe they're really battling the threat of Islam when it's all a clash of civilizations PNAC plan to build up the radical Muslims, have us have a war with each other that they really use to double back and attack patriots with, which they're now doing and I warned you!
How did I warn you?
The PNAC document stated the plan like we're idiots.
And then they said we'll use race-specific weapons to kill most of the people after we've had this clash.
The clash is to put the electronic spy drone kill grid in.
Once Skynet, and that's their Pentagon word, that's not from the Terminator series, they used a Pentagon term, once from 1977, once Skynet is in place, once the digital skin is in place, they're putting the proper drugs in the water to control us, they're actuarying, battle planning, this is all public!
They write books about it!
Listen, they're basically like an off-world group of aliens, but they're humans.
They might as well be oblivion.
They might as well be the Black Pyramid.
They might as well be the Red Eye of Sauron.
They believe that's what they're going to become.
And you can say, well, they're channeling Satan that is an off-world entity.
That's pretty much what it is.
I've analyzed this so long, I'll just tell you.
Satan's real, folks.
It's a black frickin' pyramid.
That's what I envision in my mind as Satan six, eight months ago.
And that's what other people envision as the pure evil.
The dehumanizing, technocratic, complete takeover, and the end of humanity as we know it, taking its time to grow the artificial skin, compartmentalizing everybody.
And again, whether you believe in God, the devil, whatever, humans are manifesting, the technocrats believe,
If they're gonna dumb us down, create the world government, orderly exterminate us, while always saying it's terrorists or other groups that did it.
I mean, do you see what I'm saying, sir?
It's a battle-gritted, war-gamed, giant program, all sliced and dialed and prepared, and notice it's all rolling out just as I said it would.
Do you see what I'm saying?
Oh yeah, absolutely.
And I just, once again, I have to validate that because if a new listener is listening to you talk about these things, it can seem so shocking.
But I'm telling you, once you start to wake up to the paradigm that we are all in, like in our minds and our perception, you're going to start to make connections, and you're going to start to understand
How some of these things come about.
I mean, you've done such an awesome job of showing people how false leg terror has happened throughout history and how central banks have done so much to enslave humanity.
And folks, until you, you can't just hear what Alex Jones has to say.
You've got to do your own research.
You've got to start making connections in your own mind so that when you hear things other than from Alex Jones, you're going to start, you're going to start making those connections and things are going to validate themselves.
Well, listen, I hope listeners are listening to me.
The government since the 20s and 30s has done declassified medical experiments where if a girl made a B-plus on a paper or below a B-plus, they would sterilize them.
And they would do medical experiments on them while they did it.
Sometimes just kill them.
Listen, I appreciate your call.
The globalists see themselves as technocrats.
They say that themselves.
I've been saying that for 15 years since I really discovered all this at a deeper level.
And now you notice the EU calls themselves technocrats because they're books, they call themselves this.
And they believe they're scientific and cold-blooded.
We're dumb animals.
We deserve to die.
They're really just people on crazy narcissistic power trips.
They do have high IQs, but they don't have empathy.
They're soulless.
The only soul they've got is wanting to hurt beauty.
They have a dark soul, a twisted soul, a stinking soul.
I mean, you know, the Bible says demons stink.
I mean, these people, they stink.
I mean, you can call it whatever you want, ladies and gentlemen.
You can call it whatever you want, but the end game is the same.
And they think you're dumb animals.
They think you can't admit what's happening.
They brag about it.
And they're growing in a digital, electronic prison skin into everything.
All the new appliances, everything with them listening to you.
The CIA brags about it.
Just a hardcore, vicious takeover.
They're poisoning you and your family.
They're poisoning me.
Everyone's ill all over the place.
They're reporting the 30-year-old, you know, is the equivalent of a 50-year-old now.
They're murdering us!
And it's just gonna get worse, and worse, and crazier, and more suicides, and more attacks, and more... You just gotta pray to God.
The God of the universe.
The God of the Bible.
And I'm telling you, that's the only thing that's gonna open your mind and soul to defeat this.
We gotta just hit our knees and say, Creator, we know there's a dark force.
Help us, we wanna be good.
Make me a vessel against this, and then it will all open up.
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No matter how hard you try, you can't stop us now.
No matter how hard you try, you can't stop us now.
Look, everybody who's given a secondary education is taught there's too many people, humans are ugly and mad, but only those that love the state are good and virtuous.
That's taught standard everywhere.
Worldwide in the last hundred years because the robber barons took over education.
They are social Darwinists.
They believe you're animals and they're doing the world a favor to kill you.
And if you buy into their programming, you deserve it.
That's why Kesha and all these others, every major rapper now, openly worships Satan and teaches people how to commit suicide.
And it's 10-year-old girls, mothers, buy them the downloads.
Here, listen and learn how to commit suicide.
Then suicide upticks and they go, we want to test all Americans for suicide and put you on drugs.
Congress is looking at that right now.
See, it's a psychological, spiritual virus they load into you to make you not have a life force or to make you hate yourself.
And I talk to the trendies, they go, well, there are too many people.
And I guess there are too many Africans.
And I go, oh, but I, oh, so socialist health care is for eugenics.
Well, we can't pay for all these old people.
You can't just grow the pie?
Well, it's hurting the earth.
The globalists are blocking real technological development that would help the earth.
They're the worst for the environment.
And they'll go, well, there are too many people.
And I go, do you understand you're under attack, too?
Don't you get that?
That you know this is going on.
I mean, that's the message I want to get out there.
What you're seeing is the building of a world government to carry out the orderly forced population reduction by very accelerated bioweapon and chemical means.
And you're seeing the ambient background turned up as more and more people get sick and die right now.
And it's just going to get more and more and more insane very, very quickly.
And again, this is the reality.
I can't lie to you.
They want to incrementally show you the reality so you titrate the dose.
How do people that handle snakes get used to being able to be bit by them?
They give them small amounts and build it up.
That's titrating the dose.
You're giving more and more evil, more and more evil, more and more evil, where they can be, yeah, we just take babies and throw them in toilets, and yeah, we kill foster kids with pesticides, and yeah, we torture people's kids in front of them, but it's USA, USA, and yeah, we're going to declare martial law over a city and search all your houses, and...
We're gonna burn Dorner down and then lie to you about it, and yeah, we're gonna do forced inoculations, and yeah, we're gonna give no-bid contracts to congressmen's wives for, you know, billions of dollars, and... We're gonna confiscate your guns, but we're not gonna confiscate your guns.
And see, now they've just got you where everybody's like, well, I guess they lie.
I don't know what the truth is.
I don't know what the...
And that's why I get so angry, because I'm trying to shake people out of the complacency here.
Because they've incrementally built it up, built it up, built it up, built it up, built it up, built it up, to where... You know, in the movies, people find out they're in the Matrix, or they find out they're in Oblivion, and they wake up and do something.
But, you know, I mean, take the Oblivion plotline.
Instead of Tom Cruise finding out what's really going on and firing against it, he'd be like, well, I guess I'll just try to live out as a slave of this thing that's going to kill everybody, just because I feel like I'm on the winning team.
It might kill me in ten weeks.
But, you know, I want to imagine I'm with the winning team.
Because that's really what would happen.
I mean, you are under attack!
Pure evil.
Once you get a tyranny in place, only the most evil can be allowed to get into the position of power.
The top of the pyramid.
You can have somebody really bad, but as soon as somebody else even worse gets in, they'll get in.
And then they'll get in.
They'll get in until you get absolute, crystalline, pure, unadulterated death in control.
What's at the bottom of the rabbit hole, Illuminati?
What's at the bottom of God's rabbit hole?
Eternal life.
Just accelerated intelligence.
The whole universe opened up in a trillion realities.
Just everything good, everything transcendent, everything... poetry flowing.
Versus people stomping around, bugging their eyes out, wearing black uniforms, trying to reflect the darkness.
You're not even the darkness.
You try to reflect it, like a moth to flame.
Your call, straight ahead.
Tons of news.
Stay with us.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, I'm gonna go to your phone calls right now, and then coming up, oops!
Ryerson suspect released.
Was he framed?
Of course, and I told you, they always launch an anthrax or Ryerson attack during the terror attack to make Congress be part of the narrative like they're victims too.
That's the script and I told you that would end up being fake.
They always have multiple Patsy's, they'll probably kill the third Patsy.
For some reason they're pathological.
Big Sis pushes citizenship for illegals.
Politico, immigration law would secure democratic victories for Generation Electoral Shift.
Tying it...
to a racial system, tying it to socialism, tying it to the globalist conquering of America.
That's what that is, divide and conquer.
Shelley, thanks for holding.
You want to talk about gun control and martial law.
Thank you for joining us.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex Jones.
Got a question for you.
This is about population control.
I remember you and Joel Scouse talking about the government's need to disarm the country and to get as many on welfare as possible before they drop the hammer on the citizens.
So my question is about one of those hammers.
Would you agree that there is a connection between the DHS buildup?
And the race for martial law and the common isen that astrophysicist James McCanney says has the risk of sending an EMP and knocking out our grid system, causing all kind of chaos and mass deaths over time.
And the government's need to maintain as much control as possible before this event occurs.
Well, man, there's a lot of people worried about EMPs.
They try to predict them, or solar flares.
They do happen.
It is a threat.
But it's always right around the corner.
And so it's basically used as a way to always, oh, it's the end of the world.
So what?
Why should I be involved anyways?
So that's what I see on that front.
Basically, the government's gearing up with all this police state because they've already stolen all the money.
They're bringing in a world government.
We're being cold-bloodedly conquered right now.
And they're going to bring in populations from all over the world that are accustomed to living as slaves, who will then accept, you know, being slaves.
America is going into bondage because the New World Order is all about global slavery, global bondage, and they can't have any, you know, of us being free when everybody else is slaves.
Okay, so you don't really think that this is a peripheral issue with this comet ISON?
Absolutely, it's pure crap.
No, but I'm glad you brought that up.
I mean, they have real asteroids, real comets that come by, real things hit us.
But you're just always hearing it's the end of the world with 2012, and it's always the end of the world, and it's just like, it's a serialized deal people do.
It's the end of humanity happening incrementally right now.
It's the slow death that's hard to beat.
Our shields are up for the big frontal assault.
It's the slow knife that slips through our shield.
You understand what I'm saying?
Thank you for the call, ma'am.
And don't think I'm poo-pooing you for bringing that up.
I'm glad you brought it up.
Lucy, in Minnesota, you're on the air.
I'm calling about an article you had on InfoWars yesterday about the younger brother and what he posted on Facebook.
There's a lot more to that story.
I actually saw the posting early that morning before he was arrested.
And I wanted to get a hold of you to send you some photos of the pages that they replaced his with.
Do you have your tip line?
Yes, we'll put you on hold.
Guys, you have the tip line hanging up on the wall in there.
And we can give that tip line number out to you, ma'am.
Would you like to know what happened?
Sure, if you're on the air.
Um, that morning, uh, I went on Facebook to look at his page because I was reading an article on MSN, um, that said he used social media, and I was just curious about him, and I saw the posting that he made, and, uh, so I showed it to my son, and then I went and wrote it down.
I should have taken a photo of it, but you have the photo of it already.
Um, then I looked up his brother's page, and that one was basically empty.
There wasn't any photos or
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Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
People just aren't awake.
We've been raised watching television.
I call it television sickness.
And we all suffer from it.
You go out in public, people don't even talk to each other.
All they do is just click their iPads and iPhones made by slaves in China.
And we're turning away from our humanity.
We're in a desperate situation.
I have a stack of news here about what's happening to us physically.
People call that negative.
I'm supposed to just turn away from everybody, turn away from myself, turn away from my future, my children's future, and just embrace all the liars and all the weird psycho scum, like Janet Napolitano, that craves running our life.
And just turn our world over to the very worst people.
Janet Napolitano, immigration bill, important step, though obviously she hasn't read the 800-page bill.
Politico says it will cause a generational shift and guarantee democratic takeover of everything.
It's globalist takeover to foreigners.
Hey, come in, we'll give you free stuff because you come from countries where no guns are allowed and you're slaves.
You want to help bring down America?
Come on.
And if you actually downloaded info into these foreigners about liberty and freedom and taught them, it wouldn't be that big of a problem.
But it's just the end of the country.
But I mean, by then it won't even matter, folks.
The globalists are accelerating their entire program so fast right now to pull everything down and then have national security states around them protecting them while they implode you and your family as an act of domination and control.
And I just look at the slug-like, demonic,
Evil, with her Superman, you know, hair and everything.
Janet Napolitano and all her lies, all the stuff she stages.
It's all just filth.
Just filth ruling over us.
Internet security bill, the total takeover, end of free speech.
CISPA moves to the Senate.
Employees will be forced to divulge Facebook passwords.
That's because the companies are all going to be being paid to data mine you.
It's all about getting paid to spy to make it ubiquitous, then the law, then not pay you anymore.
It's how slavery works.
And it just continues on from that point.
And good people are standing down, and criminality is just overrunning us at every level.
Let's go ahead and go to your calls.
Paul in Ontario, Canada.
You're on the air, thanks for holding.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Oh, I kind of got into a ranting mood today.
Oh, I noticed.
Anyways, you had a post up on InfoWars.
It was a link to the Opie and Anthony Show.
I just watched an innocuous clip.
I ended up listening at the 250 mark while this eyewitness is recounting his experience.
You hear a police radio in the background.
Yeah, I noticed that.
I don't even know why Steve Watson, I think he was updating this morning, even put that up.
I mean, because it says eyewitness, you know, recounts.
And I, it's funny, I listened to it this morning and it sounds like a cop putting out an official story.
And we've seen a lot of that because there's a lot of other witnesses saying they ran over the guy with the car, they shot him up.
Uh, and, uh, things like that.
And so, yeah, you're right.
Um, uh, I actually heard that in there, and I remember noticing, and I was driving in in the morning, listening to that clip.
I had it plugged into my dash, listening to the YouTube video.
Uh, and I heard that as well.
Yeah, about the four minute mark, there's another point where he says, and this show was on Monday, and the event was Friday, right?
There's one point where he says, oh, my truck is probably riddled with bullet holes.
You couldn't go outside all Friday, so you decided not to go out Saturday, Sunday, or Monday morning?
He didn't drive?
He didn't even go check on his car?
You know, it's funny, and I'm also bashed on the clip, which I don't mind.
I didn't listen to the whole thing, but...
I did notice all that.
Yes, sir, I did notice that.
I meant to make a note of it.
In fact, I'll give people the exact headline.
I think it's like, Witness to Shootout, or it'll be in the archive, the Featured News Archive link, guys, there, and I'll come show you where it is.
As significant as anything else you said, I just figured it's another piece of the puzzle, why not throw it out there, right?
Yeah, I actually thought I heard that, what you said.
I'm just so busy I never even checked into it, so it looks like even though... I mean, maybe Steve Watson was trying to, quote, show both sides, I don't know, because we had witnesses up there yesterday saying they, you know, laid him out, basically shot him up and ran the car over him, but the government wouldn't do that.
I mean, they do medical experiments on little kids and murder them, but that's loving.
In fact, maybe we should have a national day of thanks for all the troops the government nerve-gassed to death in different programs like Porton Down and Project Shad and other stuff.
I mean, there it is.
Eyewitness describes a Watertown shootout.
And guys, go to the two, what is it, 250 mark you said?
Yeah, 250 in three minutes there's a police radio going on and about four minutes is where he makes a remark about his car.
Well, the police don't engage in PSYOP, so I think we should worship government.
Thank you for the call.
Very extreme phone call there.
I mean, we all heard the police say, let's burn his cabin down, burn that down, burn that bleeper down, burn it down.
Okay, we're getting the fire to burn it down.
Okay, we're placing the fire, it's ignited, it's burning down.
But first they said that those tapes weren't real, and they said, well, they're real, but we didn't mean that.
Hey, I've been listening to you guys over the past couple of days and I don't know if you noticed this,
But if you look at the two pictures of the Boston bombing suspects that they have with the backpacks on, one of them has a gray backpack, the other one has a white backpack, but the backpack with the bomb in it was black.
Yeah, no, no, both the bombs were in black backpacks, and we have people there at the scene with the exact same backpacks.
Another thing that I forgot to tell while they were asking me what I was going to say,
Is, um, there's actually more about the Federal Reserve.
I don't know if you ever heard of Executive Order 1110?
Yeah, Kennedy signed it, and one month later they blew his head off in front of everybody, and they had guys lined up with guns like a firing squad, and over a hundred people saw it, and then so they murdered all those people, and it's even on the, on the film, you see the poosa smoke, and, and, and he bent the grassy knoll.
I mean, it's like,
Another thing I just want to say, you know, I probably listen to you almost every day and I'm actually 14 years old and
You know, when I first started talking about stuff like this, people, you know, it was kind of annoying or embarrassing, but I just learned not to care anymore, and, or, people, I mean, you know, you probably have so many people that hate you or make fun of you or call you crazy or stuff like this, but, you know,
No, no, they're the ones that are crazy.
Look at this CNS news story.
Teacher sues school over suspension for weapons charge, showing students gardening tools to teach them how to garden.
You know, I mean, I saw a story where the valedictorian got her degree, her diploma taken for a year, had to go back to school because on the last day of school,
She brought a pie, I think it was key lime, to school to go to her teacher's after-school party, that's the teacher's pet, to cut it up and give pie, but the good news is...
That the security guard walked by, saw the plastic pixie butter knife, and made the arrest.
And then I saw another case where it was salutatorian, and was moving out that next day to go to college.
They were already getting into summer school college, you know.
The salutatorian, and she again had a set of knives, forks, and spoons with butter knives with a slightly serrated edge.
The security guard
The slave guard saw that and the arrest was made.
And of course we've all heard about those stories.
Isn't that good, sir?
You don't want to be an extremist, do you?
You know, like, yeah.
Black and white, no one hated guns.
I don't understand.
Why do we fail our generation with weapons?
I mean weapons.
Sir, here's the deal.
None of it makes sense because it's not meant to.
Psych warfare chiefs, whose religion is eugenics, are in control.
And they've got delusions of grandeur how they're going to merge with machines and live forever.
I don't know if that's really going to happen.
That's their public plan.
Ray Kurzweil, all of them.
Watch my film, Endgame Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
I don't know.
New Jersey is the worst.
I mean, I went down to Cabela's in Pennsylvania, and bought a beating house for like 50 bucks.
I go down to Exploiting Goods, New Jersey, see the same exact BB gun with a state of the art trigger guard with bulletproof glass on it.
So no one can get to the BB gun.
I mean, it's a BB gun.
Well, no, no, no, no.
Citizens with the image of a gun must be illegalized.
Illegalized, I'm inventing words.
You know, must be made illegal.
But then, government armed to the teeth, violating our rights, that must be made the ambrosia of liberty.
See, USA-USA Liberty is a city under martial law with housewives being drug out at gunpoint and cops shoving them up against walls in the sacrament of power.
Because if they can shove you up against a wall, they can take your kids.
And if they can do that for no reason, they can make you take shots.
And they can take your bank account.
Because you're not needed anymore.
And those cops aren't going to be needed anymore soon with the robots and the robotics and the drones and the drone submarines, the drone ships, the drone aircraft, the combat robots on the ground.
It's over.
The decision's been made to poison us, dumb us down, just put out so much garbage on media, no one can tell the difference between
Real death and simulated death, or just a bunch of brainwashed zombies drooling, waiting for the end.
Well, not me.
I'm not going down without a fight, ladies and gentlemen.
And it's an info war.
Thank you for the call.
All right, let's go to Jeff and Julie.
And we'll go to Marty and Jim and many others straight ahead.
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Alright, let's continue with your phone calls, and I'll get into more news coming up.
And I will spend a few minutes talking about oblivion, but I'm so wound up now, I may do it on the nightly news tonight.
Do it properly.
We're going to play a clip coming up.
It's on DrugsReport.com, at the news website Politico.com, and it's titled, Ted Cruz asks Janet Napolitano if she's read the immigration bill.
So we're going to cover that.
Right now, let's go to Jeff in Texas.
Jeff, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Turn your radio off, bud.
Do me a favor.
That's not going to work.
They got him.
How are you doing today?
I'm doing all right.
Go ahead.
I've been awake since about, let's see, when George Bush Jr.
became our president, and I got awake when he wouldn't close the borders down, when he said all the terrorists were coming in, and the guy wouldn't close the borders, and I'd be like, okay, there's supposed to be a terrorist threat, but you won't close our borders?
No, I mean, it's just all totally meant to be transparent.
They're just training us
They're going to ask for mass sacrifice of our kids soon, publicly.
I'm telling you.
People don't believe that.
They're already saying kill babies up to age three.
Ha ha ha, the baby drowned in the toilet.
Kill the babies.
Kill, kill, kill.
You know, I mean, it's just a bunch of sick freaks.
You're right, and Illuminati, I did a video called 2012 Illuminati Movie and Game Awards, and I showed in all these movies with G.I.
Joe, with Cobra taking over the White House, with Bruce Wayne being in a FEMA camp, with the game, what is it called, Rainbow Sticks Patriots?
Have you seen that game?
No, but I've heard about it, where they put you in camps and torture people?
No, um, in the game, if you look up the trailer when you get a chance and show it, it shows the Patriots strapping a bomb to a banker and saying, we're tired of you bankers controlling the US.
We Patriots need to take over and they throw the banker out of the window and blow him up.
And the Patriots are the bad guys.
Yeah, but I think on that show and a bunch of others, that video game, there's a bunch of them, because I've seen the clips where the Patriots are the terrorists, but also get put in the camp, and then you torture the militia man as a U.S.
Army person to save the children.
Yeah, I haven't seen all that, but also with the movie Hunger Games, to me that's a movie that's just showing where they want the U.S.
to go.
No, that's actually in the UN Biological Diversity Assessment 1996, the full one.
I have screenshots of my film Road to Tyranny.
I had to go to UT to get the actual document.
You know, the full document, not just the boil-down.
And it said, we want to bring in world government and re-establish gladiatorial games and human sacrifice to reduce world population.
And also, you were talking about internment resettlement.
Well, I go to the website and typed it in, and guess what comes up?
Career and jobs.
Internment resettlement specialist.
And in it, it shows how to process your social security number, how to break the families up, and how to put, it says, people that, you know, they're politically a problem, how to quote, re-educate them.
Well, if I may read, the job duties are supervision of confinement and detention operations, internal security to facilities, and this one kind of blew my mind, counseling guidance to individual prisoners within a rehabilitation program.
Yes, sir.
I hear you.
All right.
Well, thank you, Alex.
We're going to go back to more of your phone calls here.
You know, we're just doing our best to get people thinking, to get people understanding what's happening and what's going on in our society.
And today we played earlier in the show three different clips that Darren McBrain put together.
We played those a lot for people on air that show all the martial law stuff going on.
One of them is called Home Searches.
Yeah, there you go.
And for TV viewers and people pointing guns at you and people being drug out of their houses.
And DrudgeReport.com is linked to these videos and articles right now.
And this physically gets to me because I know this is real.
I know this is happening.
This isn't about entertainment.
It's not about a show.
It's not about a... They use the Muslim threat that they manufactured as the pretext to set up a police state that's always been aimed at us.
And it's all about a bunch of guys playing soldier.
They're the new superclass.
We're the general public scum.
Government is God.
They get the red carpet.
They're the movie stars.
We're going to go to break and come back with Julie, Marty, Chris, and Jim.
That'll be it for calls until the nightly news, 7 o'clock central.
I want to hit a bunch of news I haven't gotten to yet.
But hey, don't forget this is all going on.
Here's Huffington Post celebrating on Sunday.
California gun confiscation bill passes.
This is on an Alex Jones article.
They're very proud of it.
Approves 24 million to expedite illegal gun seizure.
And it says if you've ever visited a psychologist, period, you'll have your guns taken, you're being declared mentally ill, and many different semi-autos are illegal, period, so you'll be getting SWAT team rated to scare everybody else and turning them in.
SB 140.
And that's just the beginning of the funding.
They do not obtain search warrants.
It actually says that.
They're very proud of that in the article.
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Hi, I'm Janet Napolitano, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security.
Homeland Security begins with hometown security.
It seems apparent that our citizens are staying off the streets, which may make scoring particularly difficult, even with this year's rule changes.
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As always, how fast you move determines how long you live.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Alright, I don't want to spend all day on the film of living and then I saw last night because I got a bunch of news to get to in your calls and I pretty much did the review in the first hour because I always talk about something coming up and then just do it right there on the spot because all the data is right there.
I'm not really a Tom Cruise fan, and I know about him behind the scenes, you know, telling old friends and stuff, I won't be your friend anymore unless you join Scientology.
But that separately, the director and the writers who wrote it together, Joseph Kaczynski and Arvid Nelson, most of the reviews out there,
Printed off some of them right here.
Come out and say that, you know, Oblivion occupies an awkward no-man's land between escapist space adventure and heavy science fiction, but is neither thrilling enough nor intellectually stimulating enough to satisfy devotees of either.
That's NPR.
Coming from the Black Pyramid, that's what I expected to say.
New York Post.
Oblivion is one of those movies in which the main source of interest is simply in figuring out what's actually going on.
Though when you do, your reaction is bound to be a shrug.
It's pleasantly complicated head-spinning plot based on the director Joseph Kaczynski's graphic novel is asking a little too much.
Was Cruz trying to beat out fellow Scientologist John Travolta for the honor of starring in the dumbest sci-fi epic ever?
I mean, folks, almost all the reviews are incredibly negative.
Concerning oblivion.
And what I'm gonna do is, because I recorded a bunch of points last night and this morning that I wanted to write down and I only got to like one of the sheets.
And we're just running out of time here, I got too much important news to cover.
This movie just absolutely, and I don't just say this, I mean, I study what the globalists write and say.
To the point of just not even knowing what to do anymore.
I mean, their open criminal operation against us is so diabolical, so public, so disgusting, so crazy.
We're living in a science fiction movie.
What do you think devil worshippers would do with a bunch of high technology?
They'd try to exterminate the majority of the public, merge with machines to become gods.
That's it.
And that's the reason you see this in so many science fiction films and so many things, is that is what they're into, that's what they believe.
But usually it's done from a two-sided position, like the Matrix and the Wachowski brothers.
This film, and the two gentlemen that wrote it, that have only been in Hollywood about 6-7 years and have done a lot of really impressive work, it's their graphic talent that brought them to the point of being able to put out their first major film, and it's a tour de force.
It is an anti-Illuminati tour de force.
And people just do not get the archetypes.
I mean, I remember when Episode 3 came out, Revenge of the Sith, which, again, those were cheesy movies for children.
You know, I'm more a fan of the cheesy dialogue, you know, kind of like I'm a fan of Airplane.
You know, it's not like I'm saying it's some great thing, it's just that the archetypes in it are important, though.
Even in something like Airplane, you know, from a comedy perspective, the archetypes in Episode 3 are the best of all the films.
This senator has become the head of the Senate by staging terror attacks on himself.
And then he uses the police state to wipe out the Jedi and end the Republic.
And then I saw the film and couldn't believe it, and then Lucas came out and talked about it and said, this is what's really going on with 9-11.
Obviously a 9-11 truther.
You say what you want about Lucas, you know, he's a big fan of THX 1138.
Well, he made THX 1138.
It's kind of a remake adaptation of Brave New World, which is actually a real transhumanist globalist plan, 1932 Aldous Huxley.
Carried out by the main head of the World Eugenics Society, Julian Huxley, his brother, to later be the head of the United Nations UNESCO program, which is the real head of the UN.
That's the Eugenics Department for World Standardization for its N21 projects.
So exhausting to know.
I mean, it's like I start talking about this and thousands of data points open up as the frustration.
So they believe that they're going to become God men.
They believe they're setting all this up and they're following a hundred and fifty hundred.
Eighteen fifties is when this was hatched, so 160 plus years.
They are following a program hatched by Galton spun off from.
Malthus, Sir Malthus,
And picked up then, kind of in the age of science fiction, projecting with the Fabian Socialist, what could be possible.
And then what man imagines man can later build, and they've come to the consensus, as so many of their writers have talked about, I talk about why the future doesn't need us a lot in Wired Magazine, April 2000, Bill Joy,
Talked about it hundreds of times, because you can go read that.
He goes to a globalist conference.
There's 200 top tech people there.
They have a discussion.
Do we kill everybody?
That's better for the Earth.
Or do we let people just play video games all day and become fat blobs like WALL-E?
You know, where it's a computerized system taking care of people that can't even walk.
And that's where it's going.
No, they're not going to put you in the trance state so you can drink pina coladas on the deck of a Star Cruiser.
They're already killing us.
The decision has been made.
And they're going towards a hotter program.
And by a hotter program, a faster program.
And I know I just keep like an emergency beacon going, emergency, emergency, emergency.
To the point of, I just can't be around people who don't take this serious anymore.
And you know what, I could become...
Really aggressive, too, and everything.
Because I'm in combat, ladies and gentlemen.
I know I'm right.
And it is so exhausting to care about humanity, to care about you and your family, to care about you and your children, because I just want survival.
I mean, I'm right about this.
And you have to make the decision to research it so you know what's going on.
Everyone I know, all over the country, has been sick for a year.
I have seen more sickness in people I know and people in town, everyone they know, in the last eight months.
And there's numbers out.
I've got numbers out.
The deaths, the obesity, the sickness, the allergies, they're killing us.
Exactly what you see.
First generation rodents fed one GMO crop.
Every GMO crop does this.
It's cross-species.
Or, well, they're all cross-species that produce their own poison.
I mean, you know.
Let me explain something.
If bees can't eat the pollen off a corn plant because it kills them because it grows its own pesticide, but you're supposed to be able to eat that?
I mean, most of our livers are the size of baby stingrays right now.
I mean, we are under mega attack, ladies and gentlemen, and I am just a desperate, primitive human.
And by primitive, that's more advanced than what we are now.
I'm just a primitive person with life force directives that is just sitting here going, oh my God, they're openly admitting this whole program.
And then I see something like oblivion that the more I, I mean, just every 30 seconds was a different archetype message and it was all positive.
And it was about
Rebirth and regeneration and you know the children but also in the genetics there being memories which has been proven and the cold-blooded psychopath system versus love and the soul and how compartmentalization is used to control everybody and
It is just, it is just beyond insane.
And I just feel an overriding responsibility to try to stop this.
I mean, I can hardly be around my children.
Because they're so innocent, they're so good.
And it doesn't even make me angry when I think about the new world order now.
It is so evil.
And most of the people that are part of it are just egomaniacs on power trips.
And I think about how the technocrats have done this through compartmentalization, through testing, and they're able to see what people do in local departments to then promote them to state and then federal, then international.
And when you get to the top of the pyramid, they just write books about us talking about how we're animals they're going to kill.
And then I even talk to yuppies and they go, yeah, we are dumb, ugly animals.
Humanity's ugly and dumb and we need to die.
And I said, but if I right now tried to kill you, you would fight for your life and call the police.
And they don't even know what to say.
They're like, I say this to people, like, are you threatening me?
And I go, don't be an intellectual dimwit.
You're supposed to be this big, smart liberal who's really an authoritarian.
You know, you just said we all need to die, but you're going to fight if I attack you, right?
Well, of course I am.
And I go, well, then why have you bought into something?
You don't just say you're part of this and then not really be part of it.
Plus, you're not part of it!
I mean, how many times, how many different ways do I have to say this to you?
I mean, the globalists are opening the borders up to the entire collapsed world that they have collapsed with their policies.
Bringing in people with no history of freedom to say you get your freedom by bringing down the Second Amendment.
That is taught now as a sacrament to Latin Americans coming in, that you're going to have your victory over the gringos when you get their guns.
When it should be, hey, if you want to come to America, that's one thing.
The government isn't your friend.
You deserve guns.
You deserve freedom.
But they're tying their rebellion and their liberty to taking everybody's guns and America being like Mexico or Nigeria.
Just like they're tying USA, USA, America to having your hands up at your house and being treated like a slave and having the cops, you know, slam your wife up against the wall just so they could exercise power and basically plant the flag on Boston.
You see, the new civil right is giving up all your liberties.
The new civil right is being a slave.
People can be taught to love their servitude, as Aldous Huxley said in 1962 at Berkeley.
And they have been, and it's just disgusting.
You're taught to be a totally domesticated jellyfish who can't even play with a water gun.
Your dad has his guns taken when there's not even a law.
They just do it.
That's called martial law.
But then the police can come around and come to your door and you open it and they point guns at you and shove you up against the wall when you're a black guy or you're a blonde guy.
I watched countless videos of
Somebody would go out to their car to get something, and the cops would run up and shove them up against the deal, and the guy would go like, hey, obviously looked nothing like the suspect, and the cop would slam their head into the car.
It's just a police riot.
People driving around who've always wanted to beat everybody up, now they can come into everybody's neighborhood and do it.
Mentally ill people.
Mentally ill.
Mentally ill.
They never get tired of dominating people.
They never get tired of bullying people.
They never get tired.
They never get tired.
They never get tired.
And that's what this is all about.
It's about turning loose every nobody and giving them government power to make us their slaves.
And again, I'll add the proviso, not all police are bad.
But in areas where they've got control, they can get away with anything.
And they are getting away.
And then Bloomberg, an obvious craven scumbag, running around saying, we've got to get rid of the Constitution to keep you safe.
The Constitution is what has produced any bit of liberty we have, where a man just can't be disappeared because the Emperor says, take him away.
Now let's go to this clip of Janet Napolitano being asked by Senator Ted Cruz.
I gotta say, Ted Cruz was even ready to come on this show when he was running for Senate, and I didn't like some of the things he did in state government.
So even though I hated the guy he was running against, I didn't have him on.
We interviewed him at the Capitol, so it was on the nightly news.
But I tell you, I'm as impressed with what he's been doing as I've been with Rand Paul.
I mean, I just, I'll try to get Ted Cruz on.
He's probably too good for us now.
I'm joking, as people will say, don't go on the Radical Show.
I was just trying to get Rand Paul back.
I don't know what Ron Paul's on Thursday.
But I'm really impressed with Ted Cruz.
And let's go ahead and see if Janet's read the 800-page bill.
Here it is.
My office received the text of this bill at 2.25 a.m.
on Wednesday, April 17th, five days ago.
The bill is 844 pages long.
It is dealing with a very complicated topic.
And my first question is, when did
Did your office receive a copy of the bill as filed?
About three o'clock in the morning, I think that's about right.
In the five days since then, when you have obviously been heavily focused on matters such as the Boston bombing, and quite properly focused on matters such as that, have you had the time to read all 844 pages of the bill?
Actually, I have read the bill.
I know many sections of the bill fairly well, so I was able to skim those sections, but I have been able to review the bill.
Yes, sir.
Okay, then that has been a busy weekend for you.
Total bull.
Yes, sir.
Very busy.
Oh, yes.
I bet it was busy with the stuff that goes on at your house.
I bet.
We know what happens to the men at your office.
I mean, what a monster.
Total witchy-poo lies.
Yeah, and that bill's 300-something with hundreds of pages of supplementals.
We have to go read the code.
It's the SOPA that was 800-plus that people had a couple hours to read.
Oh, yes, sir.
I did read that.
Thank you, Mr. Napolitano.
Thank you for the...
I'm not making fun of women that look like men.
It's just that why do all the women in the federal government need to look like women that look like men?
I mean, is it like, maybe she's an alien.
Maybe Janet Reno and her, like an alien spacecraft, came to Earth, kidnapped some people, you know, with the teleporter beams, and then just kind of made two or three models.
And maybe it's like Mars Attack, but it's not like a hot blonde that comes to the White House.
You unzip, you know, the green alien, puts on like an outfit, and there's kind of like two or three sizes, and it's a woman with a deep voice, with a short haircut, with a white splash in it or something.
And then the aliens like to make, you know, men do weird sexual stuff at the White House, I mean at the Justice Department, and they make men stay in the toilet and scream at them and yell at them all day and run around on power trips while taking copious amounts of testosterone.
He might as well be an alien.
I mean, I don't know.
You can't get in the federal government now unless you look and act like Janet Napolitano.
I mean, I want to know.
Yes, sir, I did read that.
I mean, you know what?
I think she's an imposter.
I say the head of Homeland Security is from planet Pop-Tart.
And that it came here in the tent.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Your call's coming up.
And more news straight ahead at fullwars.com, prisonplanet.tv.
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You know, my issue is this.
I know staged media events when I see it.
I know when they're pushing something, and I mean that's obvious, you know it too.
And I just know the Globalists are a bunch of horrible criminals that need to be bound down by the Constitution, as the Founders said, and I know that all of the good of this country is bleeding out.
And, again, it makes me upset.
Now other people are like, oh, take it easy.
Well, that's the attitude that slaves have.
There are a lot of countries where people say, hey, take it easy, and they're slaves.
So if you don't like aggressive men that get angry about becoming slaves, you don't want to be an American.
That's what it comes down to.
There's breaking news in Infowars.com.
Bunch of breaking news.
I said I'd go to calls.
Let's go to Clint.
No, who's been on the longest?
Marty and Mass, you're on the air.
Go ahead, listening on XM 166.
Hey, Alex.
Hey, bro.
Hey, what's up?
Keep on the Patriots.
I just heard you briefly said
I just heard that Congress, their wife, contract to spy on the American people, and the liberal left may be doing the same thing if she goes on XM-168.
Have you heard of Randi Rhodes?
She might be doing the same thing, spy on the individual.
Well, I mean, they use computers to do it.
There's a bunch of members of Congress whose wives and husbands, and David Knight listed some the other day in a report, where companies they head up get, you know, in one case, $10 billion contract.
And then who knows what they'll get out of that.
Probably, you know, $50 million, $100 million, who knows.
But it's usually, you know, those type of numbers.
I mean, again, insider trading.
They passed a law saying they could insider trade, so they passed another law saying, well, if we get a waiver, we can, from their own ethics committee.
And then the head of the ethics committee's wife is involved in this stuff.
And then now, they got another law passed getting rid of that, so they're back to insider trading.
I mean, they do stuff, let's not exaggerate, 5,000 times.
I mean, just infinitely bigger than what Martha Stewart did.
And they don't go to jail.
That's what I mean.
I mean, they're crooks.
They've gotten away with everything.
And now we're wondering why they're getting away with even more.
Because Thomas Jefferson said, the level of tyranny you will live under is the exact amount you will accept.
That's a Thomas Jefferson quote.
And that's exactly true.
God bless you.
I appreciate your call.
Jim in Arkansas.
You're on the air, sir.
Alex, been listening to you since 15 years ago when we did your shortwave only.
It's great to talk to you.
I got a few things I'll go through real quick and if you would maybe comment on some of them.
I noticed on the Texas explosion down there, the first word I heard of it, the BATF, was already there to get to the bottom of that.
Well, they got to the bottom of Fast and Furious in Oklahoma City.
Bless their little hearts.
When I saw it, I thought, well, we'll get the truth out of that pretty quick.
And then the other thing that's bothered me for quite some time about the... By the way, I don't know how I do it.
I said, this guy's a patsy mailing the poison, the Ryacin, and I said, watch, they'll arrest two or three more by the time they're done, and that's now happened.
I mean, look, they follow handbooks.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
It's scripted.
Yeah, it's all scripted.
The other thing is, I've given all my Constitution booklets away that I got from you, but doesn't the Constitution allow for the Congress to mark people?
Which is, in other words, it takes an act of Congress to
To designate someone an enemy of the state, and to deal with them.
Isn't that included in the Constitution?
It's a wonderful document.
Yes, and instead, they've handed that authority over to the bureaucracy, which they're not allowed to do.
You can't do that.
You can't.
You can't.
Number one, you have to have a constitutional convention to do that.
They can't just pass a law doing that.
It's unconstitutional.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Over the weekend I shot a video called Black Butterfly's Lie.
And people thought I was smoking marijuana because it was 420.
No, I didn't smoke any marijuana.
Or they think I'm drunk.
No, I had had nothing to drink.
I think I went inside and had one glass of wine after this.
It's called poetry that came to mind very quickly, where we were burning a piece of old furniture that we found down in the gully that I guess the last owner of my house, little farmhouse, had had.
It was a rotten piece of furniture.
So we made a little fire out in the backyard and burned it and some other stuff.
As the kids wanted to make a fire outside, it was a real pretty spring day, and it had just been raining the day before, so it was safe to have a fire.
It's been so dry.
And my son found a big piece of cardboard that had blown off the road over the barbed wire fence into the yard.
He said, can I throw this on?
And I said, yeah, burn it.
And it created all these little black pieces that you see go up in the sky, but they're like butterflies.
So I shot a quick iPhone saying, oh, black butterflies, the government says so.
And then I cut to the fact that it's really shut out of the fire.
People are in there not even understanding what I'm saying.
Some do.
And it's such a pure, easy to understand allegory or analogy.
I mean, come on.
And some people don't get... I mean, that really makes me wonder sometimes.
People don't get a video I shot last night driving home at about 7.
I was driving to meet my dad to watch Oblivion called, Who Says the Stars Only Come Out at Night?
And I shot that on my iPhone because it was so yellow.
The sky... The camera didn't pick it up and made it more blue.
The whole sky was like yellow and orange.
And it looked just really space-agey.
So I shot a video of it.
Just because I think stuff's really cool and pretty.
And people don't get what that means.
I mean, I just like... What is going on out there?
I mean, I just don't understand anymore.
Because again, I don't think of myself as that smart.
And I mean, I'm like light years ahead of the general public.
And I think it's up to us that know how things really work, to a certain extent, to help the cynical, arrogant, dumb people.
Another thing is how arrogant, dumb idiots are.
I was about to say dumbasses, but I guess I did.
Let's take another call.
Chris in Virginia.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, how are you, Eric?
I'm all right, brother.
How are you doing?
I'm not doing too bad.
Hey, I just wanted to ask you if you had gotten a chance to look at the inconsistencies between the Cambridge report that was posted on the Wall Street Journal and then the FBI indictment in terms of the carjacking?
I mean, there's a ton of inconsistencies and weirdness and things.
I mean, I don't... The whole story is just a disaster zone and clearly is some type of staged event.
With these guys working for intelligence and having aliases and definitely the older brother.
I mean, he was definitely McVeigh or Lee Harvey Oswald.
We don't know all the particulars.
We just know the pre-buildup, the way they handled it after.
This was a scripted event.
They bare minimum knew and let it happen.
Bare minimum.
And the Cambridge report actually states that the younger brother, the two brothers were together in a Honda Civic and one of them approached the door to the Mercedes and tapped on the window.
The FBI report says that only one brother went into the Mercedes and then picked up the second brother, drove across town to
Well, listen, here's the deal.
A lot of times they don't know what happened right away, so that's one reason stories get changed.
But, you know, they said we're going to burn Dorner down, then they do it and say we didn't mean that.
This is congenital lying.
I mean, the Delta Force killed the Branch Davidians under orders.
They protested it but followed orders they shouldn't have.
And that even came out in Congress.
The average person doesn't even know that because they're so dumbed down.
The people perish for lack of knowledge.
And bottom line, get back to the Bill of Rights Constitution, due process, checks and balances, and then they can't overrun us.
Cut government, cut taxes, kick globalists out, abolish the Federal Reserve.
There are the solutions.
Great call.
God bless you, Chris.
All right, I gotta go.
For Clint, Bill, and Robert, I apologize to you.
And I'm always frustrated with myself because I want to get to all this news.
I get overheated, I start ranting and raving, and then by the nighttime show, I get a little bit more focused when I'm burnt out.
But thanks for putting up with me.
Nightly News tonight, 7 o'clock Central, PrisonPlanet.tv.
Be sure and be there, 7 o'clock Central.
Hello, I'm Alex Jones.
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