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Name: 20130402_Tue_Alex
Air Date: April 2, 2013
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, the war for our liberties is on.
And we know this, if we cower in fear,
If we submit to the tyranny, if we give in to it, things will accelerate and be a lot worse than they will be if we stand up, if we say no, if we block the system at every level.
We now have a completely illegitimate federal government engaged in every type of criminal activity known to man in front of us.
It openly works for foreign mega banks who want to take our private bank accounts, pension funds, and what's left of our industry and basically shut it all down.
As a tool of total control.
MP4HK submachine guns guarding the banks so that no one can go in as the money is wired and siphoned out.
All of the elite, the Russian mafia, the globalist mafia, the bankster mafia, the insiders, the regular mafia, for months it's now out in the news.
They took billions out.
They're taking retired auto mechanics and police officers' pensions, and the police that still have their jobs are there helping all of this happen.
In fact, I was on our Twitter this morning, Real Alex Jones, and I saw the cartoon there.
Perhaps you guys can punch that up.
It's in the image section of a line of police
Blocking a bunch of protesters in Europe and it shows you a classic Monopoly man type top hat bankers walking and they're saying gee I hope the cops don't find out we've stolen their pension funds.
Yeah, there it is.
I'm just hoping we can keep this whole thing under control after the police find out we're stealing their pensions.
And that's what happened in Russia.
It's what happened in Ceausescu's Romania.
It's what I'd say, it's what's happened most places.
The globalists are going to kill the golden goose.
All of us have a responsibility to realize 92, on average, percent of the global debt that they're signing Portugal and Greece and Spain and the US and Australia and Iceland onto.
Some places it's 95%, some it's 89%.
On average it's 92%.
of the debt is not ours.
We were signed on to the derivatives.
And here's the best part.
I know I say this every day because it's the answer to everything.
The media, the collaborator media that calls looting people's bank accounts in Europe a bailout.
Oh, a tough bailout.
Now they won't even say on the news what's happening over there.
You can tell the orders have gone out.
I was watching Fox Business and I was seeing people on there that would never have said this is okay that are saying it's okay because they've been told you can see the talking point.
You get on board with this or you're off the air.
We don't care how high your ratings are.
Plus they got the Justice Department breathing down the neck of Rupert Murdoch.
They'll indict his butt and arrest his butt if he doesn't play ball.
And that's why you're seeing Republican leadership come out for gun control.
That's why you're seeing all this, because the screws are being applied.
And folks, if we roll over to the screws, can you say, it's over?
Two words.
It's over.
It's over.
It's over.
Now, I want to give you the full-out assault from Colorado to Connecticut, the outright gunman's that are happening.
And when there's the next event, staged or provocateured or naturally occurring, we are scripted to be blamed.
Also, they are raiding and arresting veterans everywhere.
There is a nine-to-the-long-knives putsch.
This always happens.
People are like, I can't believe they say the new terrorists aren't al-Qaeda, they're veterans.
Of course they are!
I told you 11 years ago that that would be the case.
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He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Back weeknight, 7 o'clock, Central for InfoWars Nightly News at InfoWarsNews.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
And I will be hosting the news tonight, and the interview portion of the nightly news will be conducted by David Knight.
Tonight, no pun intended.
Wow, here we are.
It's all unfolding, so what do we do about it?
We discredit the system, we expose it, and we nullify it, and we point out that all laws that are unconstitutional and repugnant to common law are null and void.
I saw a big federal court ruling yesterday where they declared the common law dead.
When the common law is what the Bill of Rights, Constitution, and common sense springs from.
This is a criminal... What you're witnessing is a criminal revolution.
And everyone is now realizing, when I talk to, that you don't put perfume on a pig, that the worst-case scenario is now unfolding, and that we are indeed in deep trouble.
In fact, I'm seeing hardly anyone out there
Who is in denial now.
But I am seeing something very disgusting that I knew we would see.
And I've said this for many years studying history.
Humans repeat the same activities over and over again.
Rarely do we learn from serious mistakes of the past and head them off at the past before we repeat the full horror of the total state nightmare.
But looking at what is unfolding, you have masses of people awakening, but they tend to get depressed, they tend to go into despair and just pull into themselves.
And quite frankly, I don't blame them, but that is not the path to victory and it's not the path to enlightenment, it's not the path to empowerment, it's not the path to
The great challenge that is our age.
We should be honored.
And I'll be honest with you, thanking our lucky stars to be alive in a time such as this.
Because when you look to the people, and on through the political mist, to the truly powerful in their high places, they are scared of humanity.
They are scared of the light of liberty that we carry in our hearts and minds.
It is only a reflection of the Great Creator.
And they are the ones that are worried, and they should be.
So never forget, despite how powerful the enemy is, if you pull back, there are things much greater in this universe.
When you're standing up against the Leviathan, the mountain of corruption, and all its pumps, all its dupes, all its sycophantic servants, all its minions,
And it looks unstoppable and huge.
Pull back and look above the mountain.
And then you will see He that created the universe.
And that's who we stand with.
Now that said, there is a great awakening happening, not just here, but on a planetary scale.
All of us are leaders in the fight for human dignity and truth and justice and all the things that have become almost forgotten.
The cynical scorn it.
The evil depend on you not realizing your potential.
But there's not just those that are joining with good.
There are not just those that are choosing sides right now and choosing the right side.
There are many that have chosen
Through fear, through a love of sadism, through a lust of power that they don't understand, through the worship of evil and corruption.
There are many that have chosen to join with the forces of global governance.
And the dark cult of genocide, the dark cult of democide,
The cryptocracies, the kleptocracies that make up the kingdom of this world.
They have chosen, they believe wisely, to join with the New World Order.
They have chosen to sing their love song
To all that is bad, they are nuzzling up against the downy breast feathers under the dark wings of the New World Order.
And they are fed on the expropriated wealth eaten up by the great bird of prey and vomited back down on its children.
Sometimes I do get depressed, not even depressed, I get in a dark mood realizing that this is only the beginning of the rise of evil and that we're going to have to watch even more of the innocent and the defenseless overrun and trampled in the dirt by these vipers.
And so there is a great frustration that the best of us are cheerful and meek and do not see themselves as leaders and so will not take the field against the globalist.
But whether it is a foregone conclusion that evil overtake the world in a technocratic, technotronic, technocracy nightmare,
It is still our test to decide which side we will be on.
And I would tell you, choose wisely.
Think hard and think deep, but don't be lukewarm about this decision.
Because you are the people in the middle of the road that are overrun.
You are simply the food in this fight.
You are not respected by either side.
I respect evil, though I disdain it and disgust it.
I respect its power and I know its will.
And evil respects those of us that are awake and see it.
And that is a far better position to be in than on the fence.
I want to warn those of you that know that this great time of judgment is coming upon us, who think you're going to sit on the sidelines.
You are sitting in the most dangerous position.
Because the food is in the bleachers.
You are in the game.
You are on the field.
Whether you sit there on your butt, your spirit shall hind in or not.
And if you don't have an over-driving, animating spirit of resistance against evil, if you aren't burning
With a desire to confront these people, I want to give you the newsflash you've already chosen a side.
I went to a big mega church here in town that my wife likes.
It's a pretty good church overall.
With Dave Mustaine and his family.
When they were visiting us on Easter and I saw the preacher during a break got the word that I was in the audience and they were looking at Dave too and I could see them looking and then afterwards we're waiting to pick up my children at Sunday school and to leave and I saw the assistant preacher, the sheriff's deputy and the head preacher and they didn't come over to us and they looked like they were scared of us.
And, you know, because everybody's got their own little happy thing going and, you know, people that are smart enough to give a good sermon are smart enough to know how the world really works and are smart enough to know I judge the official church.
I don't judge your soul.
I judge its fruits.
And it is not calling people to confront the powerful evil in this world.
That church I was going to does call people to be world changers and go out there and be the light in the world, the salt in the world, which is good.
Most establishment churches don't even do that now.
But so many people think that, oh, I'm making things bad, or when I talk about things, it's manifesting it.
That's not how the world really works.
You can have an idea and then build it and manifest it.
I'm here talking about these things to warn you.
Because God helps those that helps themselves.
People should be totally committed and given over.
To resisting this right now.
I mean, the corruption is off the charts.
The government is devaluing your savings right now.
That's why commodities are all going up.
From oil to gas to all other forms of energy, food, you name it.
We're being robbed here like they're being robbed in Europe, just in a different way.
And they're moving and announcing they're going to take your pension funds, public and private.
They're going to take the money out of your bank accounts at one point or another, probably sooner rather than later.
This is all going to happen.
The whole system's set up for capital controls and capital flight controls.
When you try to fly, if you've got a thousand dollars in your bag, they pull it out and look at it.
That's why it's got strips in it.
If you've got three silver dollars, they take them from you.
The TSA's training for highway checkpoints, border checkpoints, where you're not going to get out.
They're coming for the guns, so that you can't defend yourself, because they're going to do things so horrible, they know you're going to resist.
They're now purging veterans.
Raiding them nationwide, taking their guns, for no reason, with no due process, with no mental health.
It's just all made up.
We'll talk about it when we come back.
Hello, I'm Alex Jones.
Myself, my family, the Infowars.com team want to relay to you and your families that we are intensifying our efforts against the globalists on every front.
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We're good to go!
Alex Jones here, back live.
All of you that are celebrating.
The fact that the Second Amendment is being torn down and destroyed in many areas of the United States as they've taken guns everywhere else in the world.
We're one of the last countries.
You need to understand, fools, that the system is going to take your free speech, it's going to take your wealth, it's going to take your future, it's going to take your dignity, and it's going to take your health.
That is the Eugenics Population Reduction Plan.
And it is a delusion
To believe that 99.99999% There's only a few thousand top globalists worldwide.
Less than 20 families.
You are out of your minds to believe you're on a winning team.
Because you've not only got people that are deciding to wake up and fight evil now because it's so historically obvious.
You've got people deciding to join it.
And I see them on television, I talk to them, I run into them.
Because I'm in the position that most of you aren't, where I'm well known now.
And so I get to have these people now, at public places, walk up to me, and tell me, you bet we're taking over, you bet we're winning, and you're gonna get it!
And I'm like, well who are you?
Are you a billionaire globalist?
You're gonna get it too, you stupid idiot!
And I have told the police and military, I told you this 11 years ago when they set up Homeland Security, I said they're going to flip this from Al Qaeda to gun owners, conservatives, libertarians, veterans, and state and local police who don't become federalized and don't play ball.
You're going to not just get kicked out of the police force, they're going to come and arrest you.
Unless America is the one exception out of every other place authoritarians have taken over, what do you think happened when a new Caesar would come in?
Kill his cousin, kill his brother, kill his dad, you know, happened all the time.
What do you think happened to the entire leadership of the Roman military and the centurions internationally and then domestically, the Praetorian?
That's the federal police.
What do you think happened?
Your throats got slit.
You got thrown in the arena.
You're fools!
Fools from the foundations of the earth.
You get rid of due process, you might as well burn your own house down.
And the articles are pouring in.
Absolutely pouring in.
To my offices, and they're up on Infowars.com right now, veterans guns confiscated after forced psychiatric evaluation.
Navy veteran, no criminal record, honorably discharged, had done absolutely nothing wrong.
And it's all on record here, and the police came and grabbed him, threw him in the hospital, had him forcibly evaluated, and he thought that what was happening to him was wrong.
So if you think the government's corrupt, that's proof of the mental illness.
And all his guns have been taken, and his concealed carry quote, permit, and then he was charged for the hospital stay.
And this is happening all over the country, and they're saying, Dianne Feinstein said two weeks ago in Congress, in the Senate hearing, she said, no we can't have an exemption from these gun laws for police and military, even when they're retired, while they're some of the most mentally ill people out there.
So as a group, they're saying, even though statistically,
Retired police, retired military, have some of the lowest crime rates.
You can pull up the numbers, FBI.gov.
As a group, you're guilty!
How do you like that?
How do you like it, police, who for five, six years have been getting the internal stuff where veterans, gun owners, conservatives, they're saying are the terrorists, returning veterans?
Now it's you!
And it's going to be you, and as soon as you get off the force, or as soon as you retire, or as soon as you get disabled, they're going to take what you've got as well.
And then when the U.N.
finally takes over under State Department Plan and U.N.
International Treaty and Public Law 7277, that's an executive order that becomes law by bureaucratic fiat, under 7277, go read it!
And go look at the graphics.
It shows our military being phased down to nothing as the UN-NATO military is built up.
Our helmets get little in the graph.
Their helmets get big in the graph.
And then, when they're finally done making you hate the police and the revolution and the takeover, the globalists are in the revolution, they're then going to disarm all the police as well.
And all you'll have is big UN Green Zone command cities that run the deindustrialization, shutting down the agricultural systems, and run the extermination.
Iraq was a model.
1,200,000 dead from war and starvation since the liberation.
And that's the plan for here.
MIT Laboratory.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live.
Thanks for joining us on this Tuesday edition.
Already the second day of April, 2013.
Alright, here's what I want to do.
I want to get into the Second Amendment news, the economic news, the geopolitical news, the police state news, and some other key information.
And then we're going to have completely open phones, interspersed with a special report
In the second hour.
And then a friend of mine, Eddie Craig, who's also a talk show host, and he's a Nacogdoches Sheriff's Deputy, who saw massive corruption and quit over it and exposed it, and then now just cleans the clocks of corrupt police, bureaucrats, and judges all over the state of Texas, and teaches very popular classes on the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
He's going to be joining us to talk about that line in the sand.
That police are going to have to ask themselves, how many unlawful orders are you going to follow?
Because you will be where the rubber meets the road.
And a revolution against liberty will be like a car or a truck driving down a highway with spikes all over it.
And you're the tires.
Now the globalists up top, they're not too worried about it.
They don't care if they're driving on the rims with sparks shooting out the sides.
But you had better... You want to be afraid of something?
I'm afraid of it.
I'm afraid of letting it get that far.
I'm not physically afraid of any of this.
I'm certainly not looking forward to it if it goes into full bore gun battles all over the place because then it's going to be open season.
And the establishment will commit atrocities and the public will take the gloves off.
And the establishment will commit atrocities and blame it on us.
It won't matter, then the gloves will be off.
Everybody knows the foreign banks are staging the terror attacks.
Everybody who counts, who can rub two brain cells together, knows the New World Order staged Oklahoma City.
Everybody knows about Operation Gladio and Ajax and Gulf of Tonkin and Operation Northwoods.
Everybody that counts does.
Everybody I talk to in the Navy SEALs and Delta Force and the Army.
Everybody I talked to in the CIA, retired.
Everybody I talked to, everybody knows.
As the song goes, everybody knows that the dice were loaded.
Everyone rolls with their fingers crossed.
Everybody knows the war is over.
Everybody knows the good guy's lost.
Are we going to admit that to ourselves?
So that we can set about taking humanity back from the clutches of the globalists?
Or are we going to live in denial?
That, my friends, is up to you.
This is the great test.
All right, enough of the preaching.
I'm going to get to the news.
When I open the phones up, I want to get your take on ways to take back the Republic, ways to defend the Second Amendment, what you're planning to do.
When they pull you over and search your car, or you come home and they've searched your house, and they say, we have a record of that 30-round mag you didn't turn in, you're charged with a felony.
Are you going to comply and turn all the guns in?
Because then they'll ban the other guns.
You see, once you pass the test, once they can take 10% out of your Cyprus accounts, first it was 7.7, then it was 9.9, then it was 10.2, then it was 14.5, then it was 35%, 40%, 60%, 70%, 80%.
Now they're just saying, we're taking all the money out.
I laugh because, man, this isn't hard to figure out how this works.
You lay down to a bunch of wolves, they're going to tear our guts out.
And I am sick of being nice guy and putting up with all this bull while a bunch of criminals run all over us and walk all over us and tell the world that the good guys are the bad guys.
That's when you know you're two minutes to midnight.
Is when they're killing the unborn in the womb, and then they say, let's start killing kids up to age three.
Let's have death panels.
You're like, that'll never happen.
It's the law!
They kill babies all over this country that are a year old, two years old.
They've got people strapped down in local hospitals, and nobody's coming to save them.
Who don't have any family in our wards of the state who can talk, begging for water.
And when they don't die, they remove the nurse and reprimand them and say, I know you're giving Mr. Johnson water.
I've had the nurses on.
I've had the Wall Street Journal writer, bestselling author Wesley Smith on.
He's been there trying to get a lot of hospitals who are going, thank you for helping me.
The guy was slightly brain damaged, paralyzed chest down.
Was that the Winland case?
Please don't let them kill me.
And then he was alive 30 days later when they said, take the water and food.
So they just remove the nurses and put in the nurses that like to kill.
And then five, six days later, the tongue is cracking because all the water goes to the central organs.
And the blood starts coming out all the orifices, the blood starts coming out of the cracks in the eyes, the blood starts coming out of the gums.
And the people are like, please get me water, please, please, please.
Strapped down and they knock, water didn't come and they're killing people all over the place.
Every major hospital, they're murdering people right now!
Right now!
Right now!
And now they come out the Journal of Bioethics, that's the death panels, the bioethics boards, and they say, federally appointed boards, we're going to start killing kids up to age three, but if you spank your two-year-old who tries to open the back gate and go on the street for the fourth time, they're going to take your child because they love them.
Isn't that a good one?
They love killing them slow with a hundred plus vaccines they get by age five now.
They love bringing them up and watching you flounder.
Watching you cry night after night as your autistic child has diarrhea and health problems and mental problems.
They feed on that pain and they intend it to continue.
The truth is they don't like to just kill kids right out in the open quickly.
They like to take their time.
And brain damage them while the television programs them with satanic brainwashing to hopefully get their souls.
Isn't that just sweet?
Isn't that sweet?
All of you that like evil, all of you that like to play with evil, you think it's going to give you power, but you've never really seen into evil and you don't know what it's really going to do to you.
Go ahead, stick your arm in that dark hole.
Go ahead, work with the dark side.
Go ahead, you think there's power there?
You're like a moth to the flame of the black sunshine.
Black sunshine.
Like a slug from a 45.
True death.
A self-destructive fascination screaming to the edge of nothing.
You see, I get in here a little bit dark yesterday and I don't go with it, so that's what happens.
Instead, I'll just go with it today.
What do they say in Cheech and Chong's first movie when they're out there with the van and the pizzas?
He goes, look at you!
Look what's happening!
And he goes, sir, I can't help it.
He goes, oh, just go with it.
Just go with it.
Those of you that have decided to sign on to this are the biggest idiots.
You've got the whole birthright.
For life, and liberty, and justice, and all that's good, and you think evil and cheating is powerful.
You think lying to yourselves are powerful.
Let me plug a couple things, I'm gonna get to the news right now.
Again, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
If you just joined me, I marvel at the new world order system.
I can't believe people can't see it, aren't concerned about it.
And it's just so ridiculous that I do laugh occasionally because it's a defense mechanism.
It's a defense mechanism because I will get very, very bummed out.
And you can't get bummed out in a depressing world while we have to take your guns from you, especially if you're a veteran.
And so, why not?
I mean, I think it's reasonable and liberal to want to kill a 65-year-old person, just not give them any cancer treatment, even though it's operable like they do in England.
I think that's great free health care.
I'm going to imagine I'm on the winning team and, you know, what's wrong with killing healthy children up to age 3?
They're not even saying kill, you know, kids that have birth defects or anything up to age 3.
They're saying kill, let parents kill their children.
They're like, that'll never happen.
Oh, really?
It already goes on all over the place.
We broke that last year.
People didn't believe it, even though it was in the Journal of Bioethics.
Let me plug something here.
Yeah, now Planned Parenthood official argues for right to post-birth abortion.
That was in the Florida legislature last week.
I mean, what's the big deal?
She's wearing a suit.
I mean, she's got nice jewelry.
She doesn't look like a gang banger.
I mean, everybody knows that if you're wearing a sports jacket and a nice shirt and calling for dead babies...
I mean, that's liberal!
And I could just imagine that I'm with them.
I wonder what it's like just to imagine I'm with the New World Order, as they poison, as they destroy my future, as they do all this.
I just imagine I'm part of it, and I turn on the, I watch the State of the Union, and look at Obama, and oh, he's, he's for me, oh, he likes me, oh.
Oh, I've got a newborn baby coming.
I'm going to go give it a bunch of shots.
And then, you know, the baby's 18 months old, walking around, giggling and laughing.
It gets the next round and then has convulsions and never talks again.
But that's not the shots.
Oh, the government loves me.
The government is a loving group.
Okay, let me just stop.
The new magazine is out, and it's selling very, very quickly, and of eight issues, we've sold out, I think, five of them.
We've got a couple of the back issues, because I printed an extra 10,000, of the revolution.
They're trying to start the second American revolution that they're controlling.
Kind of a Soviet-style takeover.
And so I just want to encourage everyone who's out there to get the new hoax issue that can hopefully wake people up from the matrix that they're literally in an Alice in Wonderland level.
And it gets into the hoax saying there's no bullets, there's no drones, there's no police state, the vaccines don't hurt you.
And it covers the big water crisis, it covers democide with incredible graphics.
It covers attacks on the First Amendment.
You know, go back and pause that for TV viewers.
Look at that photo right there.
No, no.
Going forward.
Look at that photo of the guys in Austin all reading the InfoWars magazine when we had our street team handing them out.
That's a real photo.
When you actually look at it, it looks like Norman Rockwell.
That photo.
You can't really see it all there because the page is bent.
But my point is, you support true free speech and getting the word out.
Big, color, glossy magazine.
Buy them in groups of 10 up to 100 at cost to give out to friends and family, at church, wherever.
Big, color, glossy, old style, like the Rolling Stone.
I mean, this is ready to wake folks up.
And it's at cost at Infowarstore.com.
On the news rack, a magazine like this.
Would cost, you know, six, seven, eight dollars.
We sell them in bulk as low as a dollar or even lower, I think.
The point is, they're all available, or get a one-year subscription, and for those, the next thousand that sign up to be subscribers, you'll get whatever back issues, we've got a few thousand left, back issues, you'll get those put in your first order, so more than twelve issues for the next thousand subscribers, and all the other subscribers are also getting some back issues right now.
So, InfoWarsStore.com, InfoWarsStore.com, or 888-253-3139.
Now, all that is at cost, just to get the word out.
You need to have something physical out there and build a physical presence as they go in towards internet killswitchville.
Just another, you know, leg we've grown here on our base system to get the word out.
Hence the 1776, you know, 2013 version of the Pampletiers.
If you want to support us and get great deals, the ProPure water filter, we've got all their models, stainless steel, the best stainless steel spigots, blows the competition away.
Just go look at the side-by-side.
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That's what I do.
If you're not, I'm going to get really behind something and it just blows the competition away.
10% off with promo code WATER at InfowarsStore.com.
If you have any questions, 888-253-3139.
And you can also write to us at P.O.
Box 19549, Austin, Texas 78760.
And again, InfoWarsTore.com.
We've got all the books, all the videos, all the stuff on GMO, all the best documentaries on the police state, the new film that I'm in that exposes how the Democratic Party staged Oklahoma City, and how they're planning more Oklahoma City, so that's Noble Lie, exposes that false flag.
We need to get that out to everybody, need to air it on AXS TV in your area, have showings, that's available, InfoWarsTore.com.
And all the pro-Second Amendment t-shirts.
I mean, people that wear them meet other patriots.
That's how you form your own organizations, your own groups.
Everybody should be doing their own YouTube show.
Everybody should be doing their own podcast.
Everybody should be calling the talk radio.
Everybody should be going together to the city council meetings.
Everybody should just swarm attack in the info war the globalist.
Alright, enough plugging.
The point is that's how we fund our operations.
We have great sponsors too.
If you don't have guns and gold and silver a little bit, water filters, this is all the stuff I have.
I believe in what I promote here.
That we should be prepared.
The globalists are digging in, we should dig in.
And the fact that we're well dug in, they may never go all the way with this stuff and just go with the creeping death model.
Sometimes I just hope they just accelerate the whole thing and we get this thing over with, because I know we're going to win this thing overall.
But the point is, is that we have sponsors like eFoodsDirect.com, the best group out there.
All the specials they've got are at eFoodsDirect.com forward slash Alex.
eFoodsDirect.com forward slash Alex.
And you can also then click on their site and the toll free number is right there on the site as well.
The toll-free number that you want to go to.
Again, guys, just click on efoodsdirect.com for me and I'll actually, because I don't have the sheet in front of me, I'll give the number out.
It's there at the top of efoodsdirect.com forward slash Alex if people want to give him a call.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, again, we're going to go to break here and then I'm going to focus and
Well, I mean, look at DrudgeReport.com.
I mean, just look at this site, okay?
If you're a TV viewer, radio listeners, go there.
UN goes for the guns.
Yeah, they want speedy passage to say only governments can have guns, citizens can't.
Connecticut moves towards sweeping gun laws.
We told you last year, under the U.N.
treaty, they're trying to get in line with the U.N.
This is global government.
State to decide who can buy guns.
More than 100 weapons types banned.
California lawmakers consider regulating taxing ammo.
Ammunition eligibility certificate.
That's registration is what it is.
Having ammo without the registration, you'll be arrested.
They're going to SWAT team assault.
The power to tax is the power to destroy.
That's what insurance is.
In the last two years alone, the U.S.
has seen huge losses to our food supply.
In 2011, storms and floods raged across the U.S., costing us $20 billion in lost crops alone.
In 2012, we saw the largest drought in the country in more than 50 years.
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Life's getting better!
Alone on the hill.
I sit here and watch the globalists absolutely overturn all basic liberty.
Here's the Washington Times article.
We have a New American article up at InfoWars.com.
But it's basically the same accurate info.
If you go to DrudgeReport.com, we can punch that up for TV viewers.
UN goes for the guns.
And it says, UN passes sweeping international arms regulation viewed by some as Second Amendment override.
I am an expert on the treaty.
And I've had Bob Dacey, who writes for the New American Magazine, who's an expert on it.
He's also a gun dealer.
A good friend of mine, about 15 years.
And I've had the other lawyers on, congressional advisors.
The UN thing...
I don't
Says that the civilian ownership of firearms threatens the legitimate power monopoly of the state and that there must be a complete abolition of private ownership of any type of small arm, including BB guns and other air-powered systems.
And that's UNIDIR, July 7th, 2001, certified in New York and added to the current piece of global legislation.
What they don't want is third world countries getting their own arms or citizens to fight back to U.N.
and mercenary extermination operations.
I know you see Miss America up there saying, I love the U.N.
and shirts of little starving kids and, oh, the U.N.'
's helping.
The U.N.'
's there cutting their food off.
And then once they've already killed most of them, they'll have a photo op giving some kids some food.
The U.N.
in Rwanda helped kill a million people on record.
You can type in UN troops killing children and if you want to, if you've got the nerve to look at it, it's barbecuing them, raping them, roasting them over fires, beating their brains out.
They were there with machine guns set up.
When they had, what was it, the Hutus killing the Tutsis, the Christian minority, and then they tried to get out of the camps.
They would run into refugee camps.
The UN would then pull out and wait with heavy machine guns because they didn't want to spend too many bullets.
A human's not worth a bullet.
And then they would send in the one tribe to hack them up.
Yeah, there's the Guardian.
troops stand by and watch carnage.
They didn't stand by and watch.
They run the operations.
They run the operations.
I mean, they go into villages in Africa and Latin America.
This is in the New York Times.
And they just line everybody up and just shoot them.
But again, it's liberal.
I mean, it's the U.N.
Obama's a Peace Prize winner.
I mean, look at Gaddafi, bombing the whole country, killing 40,000 blacks, lining them up, shooting them, saying you're not allowed to be in Libya.
Yeah, this is Africa.
What do you think, Africans live here?
I mean, that's the kind of stuff going on, and we've got to sit here while these criminals, armed to the teeth against us, and government armed to the teeth.
Oh, UN admits Rwanda genocide.
Oh, BBC.
Well, Hitler should have come out and said, I'm leaving the bunker.
I'm not going to get arrested.
I admit failure with what I did in the death camps.
It was an accident.
UN-backed Congo troops kill more civilians than rebels, says Human Rights Watch.
That's even the Huffington Post having to admit that.
Well, that's AP on HuffPost.
Surprised they even ran that.
I mean, the UN is a mass murder machine.
And they say they're going to take your guns.
Why do you think national security agencies and groups were involved in the last two shootings?
Guaranteed staged.
Colorado, hands down.
They're staging all this stuff and they're going to stage more.
This is global government.
America, they're telling the Swiss under UN they can't have guns.
So the Swiss aren't in the EU.
Ladies and gentlemen, worldwide, they've taken everybody's guns.
And they say they want our guns, so when we say, hey, you can't take them, they go, nobody wants your guns, now turn them in.
And all over the country, they're now raiding veterans who have no psychiatric history and taking their guns.
It's on.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, I'm gonna admit it.
All over the world, the UN, the pediatric journals, the bioethics journals, the death panels, are calling for killing old people, children, anytime they want.
Killing anybody.
The state wants you dead.
They just kill you even if you're totally healthy.
I think that's reasonable.
I think the state should be talking about how humans are scum and how they want to kill us.
I think it's good they're taking everybody's bank accounts.
Now they're saying it's going to take all the money out in Cyprus and they have foreign mercenaries flown in to guard the banks while the money's transferred out.
I think that's great.
I think it's good the Federal Reserve is devaluing the dollar right now.
And that 85 billion a month is given to foreign and offshore banks.
I think it's good that all the ultra-rich are totally tax-exempt and pay no income tax or corporate tax and are offshore.
And I just think it's all wonderful.
And that Buffett does something on one little small accounting thing on some domestic money he has as a stunt.
I think that's sweet too.
I think it's good he shut down the pipeline that would have brought more oil and lowered gas prices here in the U.S.
out of Canada.
I think it's good that the Keystone pipeline was shut down.
That's going to be sent to China.
Put that back on!
They all feel powerful to the state.
Kim Jong-un ordering his forces to be poised to strike American targets.
Oh, they're good people.
They're not mindless, they're brainwashed.
That's how our government is!
I had this guy tell me he's basically a commie, works for the government, he's taking over.
Look at that sack of crap.
It's all a direct response to the use by America of its stealth bombers yesterday during a joint exercise with the South.
The United States insists the use of nuclear-capable aircraft was not intended to provoke the North, but instead part of the planned exercise.
So you've got one little rotten state now, so the big global rotten state that has even better weapons, because we had more liberty, so they get to steal all that liberty and have an even bigger, you know, system to go menace other people and us.
Because we're now paying for Homeland Security to get billions of bullets and armored vehicles and train to confiscate our guns.
And then the minute they're done using the military to have a civil war and try to take our guns, they're going to take your guns.
It's like firing a gun that shoots your enemy, but fires another bullet back at you.
It's not a good weapon to use.
Everybody's so scared.
It's like North Korea.
We better do what the government says.
They're listening to our phones.
But we're not in a police state.
You know, notice now they go, yeah, we're listening to everything you do.
Trying to intimidate us.
Well, good, you scum!
Notice government films us, watches us, but then you film them, they freak out and act like it's something bad because they're scared of you.
The answer is activate, get involved.
Okay, I'll cover the Second Amendment news.
The economic news.
And then I'm going to go to your phone calls.
Your phone calls.
I'm not giving the number out yet.
I'm not giving the phone number out yet.
I'm going to give it out when I'm ready to go to them.
But I want to get your take on, you know, the U.N.
They're coming after our guns all over the country.
They're going to federally and at the state level make you get insurance.
Again, this is banker taxes.
This is banker taxes.
That's all it is.
The power to tax, power to destroy.
Who said that?
The evil George Washington.
Who says he's evil?
I'm serious.
The government also says kill babies up to age three.
I mean, these are out-of-control criminals.
Cops get called in and get taught the founders are bad.
They should all walk out right there and go on the news and say, we've got authoritarian takeover artists here trying to overthrow America.
They need to be arrested.
Who do you work for?
Somebody goes into an FBI meeting, a federal marshal meeting, a state police meeting, and starts mouthing America and the free market and liberty and private property and guns.
What you say is, who do you work for?
We got foreign infiltrators here!
But if they work for North Korea, you'd say that.
Oh, they work for banks.
So it's okay.
It's like, well, foreign banks took us over, okay?
Yes, sir!
North Washington's a piece of crap, sir!
You know, I mean, come on, wake up!
Get out of the coma!
This nightmare only ends when you wake up out of it, okay?
It only ends when you wake up out of this fantasy land and say, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
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Alright, we're going to have open phones in this hour.
And it is, of course, already the second day of April, 2013.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
Here are just some of the Second Amendment headlines.
We are going under global governance by a foreign banking cartel.
That is now openly demonizing the Founding Fathers, the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, families, the Second Amendment.
Major pediatric journals again are calling for children to be killed up to age three.
They're totally healthy.
Hell on earth is being promoted.
And people ask, how far will the tyranny go?
To the exact level we put up with.
And you see the Republicans going, why, we want to get elected.
We better accept socialist health care and open borders.
That's all a hoax.
The Republicans wrote the socialist health care and the open borders.
Because they work for the very same globalist.
And they run this hoax of, oh, government's real popular.
Everyone likes what Obama's doing.
That's all a giant hoax.
Only the weakest minds hear that and go, oh, that football team's winning?
I better get on the bandwagon.
You're just a bandwagon fan.
Well, I've been a Dallas Cowboy fan since I was two years old.
What are you doing moving to Dallas, liking the Cowboys?
I grew up actually hearing talk like that.
I thought it was stupid.
It's okay to like a football game, but like, my whole life's about the Dallas Cowboys.
Boy, you better watch... It's the same thing with government.
I'm a winner, because I'm with Obama.
I get free health care.
You get free health care?
Is that why the insurance companies wrote it?
You know what the insurance companies... I went and looked.
You know what they're lobbying for in all 50 states?
You know what the insurance companies are lobbying for at the federal level?
Guess what they want they get?
They are the big mega offshore banks.
Just like the military industrial complex is owned by the big offshore banks who can create unlimited fiat money.
They need a trillion bucks, they just create it.
Then they go, oh, the economy will implode.
If this implodes, shine on your faith and credit of your government of Iceland
Or Germany, or the US, and then we're told that's our debt by their operatives on the news.
And that's a good trick if you can get people to accept it, and they can only do that because they won't even tell people on our media now.
They did it first, but the memo went out.
Don't talk about Cyprus.
Don't say that's a theft.
Don't talk about money out of bank accounts.
So now it's called
Cyprus got its bailout.
Good news for its people.
Next up on Fox News.
I actually heard that on Fox Radio and saw that on Fox TV.
Tuned over to CNN last week.
Same thing.
Well, Cyprus got some good news.
They got their bailout.
That'll keep them from going under.
Some people didn't like it.
There was some firebombing.
You know, those troublemakers.
Of course, they could just say no like Iceland and find out that 90 plus percent of the debt was not theirs and foreign banker debt.
What did England, the British government, first say when Iceland three years ago said we're not going to pay back this debt, it's not ours?
They announced in the news that all Icelanders, all 400,000, were terrorists and could not board British Airways flights.
If you're wondering what Homeland Security's for here in the same systems in Europe, it's for if you try to go get your money out of the bank, you're a terrorist.
See, they're aiming guns at you out of the teller window.
You can pull up video and photos.
You've seen it in Cyprus and other areas where they now have brought in foreign mercenaries.
Foreign security firms is what they're called to stand outside and inside with loaded submachine guns so you don't give the bank a problem because there are some elitist who are exempt and you know some people only get 10% out some 100% taken out of their after-tax money.
And this is what they're going to do here.
See, when you don't have a Second Amendment, let me tell the cowards, because there's not just authoritarians that have an instinct to disarm the American people.
Yeah, there's the BBC.
Iceland, Britain's unlikely new enemy.
And then announces how they were all terrorists.
Of course, the Icelanders called their bluff and said, fine, don't let us fly on British Airways or come to England.
And then they had to remove that.
But no, they tried to say you're a terrorist.
And folks, that's why FEMA gets up and says George Washington and Thomas Jefferson are terrorists and anyone that supports the Constitution is a terrorist.
I have that on video in my film, Road to Tyranny.
With all the government documents.
It's making the rounds, because George Washington blog linked to it today, as we put it up on Infowars.com, and people, 12 years after I got that footage, I got it right before 9-11, out of Kansas City, a firefighter, at a law enforcement, they're trying to turn firefighters into cops, you know, spies now, and most of the cops were agreeing.
And they just, folks, I have 18 hours of it, I've got to find that on VHS, it's somewhere in the warehouse, and put the whole thing on the web.
People say, why didn't you do it 12 years ago?
Back then it was really hard to put stuff on the web.
There was no YouTube.
I put the clip of the bribery on my own servers when I caught bribery at the Capitol.
And I got like a, I forget, it was some giant $15,000 bill when, you know, a few hundred thousand people watched it.
There it is.
FEMA founding fathers were terrorists.
So I want to get your take on all this.
They officially say they've got to restrict our guns to get us in line with the U.N.
And the U.N.
Treaty says only states can have guns.
Private citizens cannot.
And the media goes, oh no, it doesn't say that.
And then Forbes went and actually read the whole treaty and said, no, it's true.
It goes after your guns.
And they even recommend how to get the guns.
First, license them, then confiscate them.
Like you did in over 160 other countries in the last 50 years?
You mean that way?
You know, in Burma, they took the guns from the natives.
Very few of them had them.
And then the two years after they had a gun buyback, and took them, they went in and killed 4,000, the British government did, on record, 4,000 plus of the population.
Because they wanted their land.
They just mowed them down.
And again, it's always, every day I see at the back of the paper, oh yeah, the U.N.
forces killed a bunch of people.
I showed you articles last hour, BBC, you name it.
Bragging about it.
Lighting up little kids, blowing their heads off.
But see, they don't make it a big deal when they do that.
But when 20 people get killed at Sandy Hook, which you can bet your boots, was a staged operation.
And by the way, there were kids.
They're not going to pass up an opportunity to grease some kids.
They enjoy their work!
It's like, one time they asked Prince Philip, you know, why do you like gardening and doing it yourself?
He goes, well, I enjoy gardening.
That's part of the thing, getting your hands dirty.
And I mean, the UN is an army of pedophiles.
Everywhere they go, they rape and murder children, and it always comes out, and then it's not on the news.
And now they just arrest reporters for violating Interpol and global rules if they expose it.
In fact, you know, they're going after reporters that expose White House corruption now.
They should get a Pulitzer Prize.
How about you go to jail?
You see, and why?
Because we've bent over to corruption.
We've bent down and licked its boots.
And people think that's a virtue now.
And the globalists go to public places, and they take one look at the soft, weak, pathetic people, and they say, we're gonna take everything they've got and give them ridiculous cover stories.
And they're such cowards, they're gonna go along with it.
And they go, well, who do we have to worry about historically?
The police and military.
We've done the questionnaires, we know who's good.
We know who's bad.
And for them, the bad is the good.
We know who'll do anything.
Yeah, but we gotta worry about them.
They'll try to form a coup against us like they always will.
We'll take care of them.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, that was the last message.
They're not just gonna go after the good police and military.
The number one group that they're gonna put into vats of acid are the worst.
If you're a black op killer, drug dealer for the government, you know, you're a retired sheep-dipped army captain, 35 years old, done torture all over the world, now you're shipping drugs in and you got a house in Maui and a trophy wife, you're dead.
You're dead.
They're gonna kill you.
I know they take you to meetings and show you old guys and show you larger teams and, you know, everything's about making you feel like there's a reason for it and we've got to run the crime because somebody else will.
That's how we control it.
Oh, I know.
I know all about it, little boy!
When they go to the next level, you're dead.
So enjoy that.
Just thought I'd give you a little news flash on that front.
So, I want to hear from you on the happy things we're talking about here today.
I want to hear from you on, are you military?
Are you police?
It's now official all over.
They're saying Mr. and Mrs. America, turn in all your semi-autos, register all the others, insurance to buy guns, insurance to buy ammo, which is registration.
And again, the power to tax is the power to destroy.
If they can raise your taxes,
If they can make you get insurance to have a bike, which they're pushing, or insurance to have a house or a car, they can raise it.
If they can make you buy health insurance, what's it going to do?
Double the first year?
It also bankrupts you.
There's also the money issue.
But see, now they're saying in these bills, it will be illegal to have ammo without your purchase receipt.
You're a little criminal now.
They're making it illegal.
It's a license to own ammo.
It's the end of the Second Amendment.
Here it is, U.N.
passes sweeping international arms regulation, viewed by some, yeah those that have a brain, as a Second Amendment override.
Washington Times.
Go to InfoWars.com.
Veterans gun confiscated, or guns confiscated, after forced psychiatric evaluation, honorably discharged with a concealed carry, never had a psychological problem.
All vets are getting letters to show up now.
And they're being told, you can go in, you can be running a million dollar company, have no criminal record, be totally together, some sniveling mental patient, communist, power-tripping psychiatrist is going to take your guns.
And they're going to order you to turn them in, but most of the time they don't care.
They just have the police come arrest you involuntarily under their order.
Not even a psychiatrist or judge now.
And then you're going to lose your guns.
And they hope you fight back.
This is the false flag.
They're starting a fight with you.
Let me tell you, don't shoot them.
Don't shoot the dumb cops.
The traitor idiots.
Don't shoot the psychiatrist.
Spend all your money suing them, all your money going to state reps, all your money buying radio time, all your money going after them politically.
Savage them until they beg for mercy with non-violence!
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If we simply get the word out, as a culture, as a society, and really show people the two different sides that are there, and then tell folks to make a choice what side they're on, we'll win this thing.
We have the moral authority.
But if people buy into the hoax, we're going to probably lose this thing.
Now, those of you that try to enforce it are going to be the biggest losers, but still, they will get their New World Order.
Because wrecking America and other Western countries is part of the globalist plan.
They're decade and 50-year planners.
That's why every sitcom, every cop show, every drama, every program out there demonizes gun owners, libertarians, conservatives, returning veterans.
Every show!
The following, where you have a psychopathic leader,
With a cult of psychos that try to impress him.
Surrounds himself with police that are secretly anti-New World Order.
And surrounds himself with people that are constitutionalist and malicious and farmers.
I now had a chance to go and watch some of the episodes, clips of it online.
And it's the same as the show Founding Fathers.
Where... I was talking to Shane Steiner.
He saw the episode.
I haven't seen it.
He described it to me.
I think it was Shane who described it to me.
Where the veteran joins Al-Qaeda overseas and comes back.
And now he's leading the local Patriot Tea Party.
But he's really Al-Qaeda.
People are like, how are they going to sell that?
See, the real manuals for about four years say the Pentagon expects... This is Army War College.
It's been in the mainstream news.
We first broke it.
People couldn't believe it.
And then the news picked it up.
Oh, it must be real.
See, we're bad because we break things that are accurate.
We're not uplifted or exalted because of that.
And it said, yeah, the Tea Party, the Pentagon predicts, will merge with Al-Qaeda and try to overthrow the U.S.
Now what does that really mean?
The globalists are going to blow stuff up and say Al-Qaeda did it with the Tea Party.
That's about the most Islamic-phobic group out there.
You know, I told you this guy a few weeks ago overseas, running around saying, you know, former Army, a former Marine guy, saying, I'm with Al-Qaeda and I'm over here fighting against Assad.
And they said, so you work for the U.S.
government too?
And he goes, yeah, well, you know, we work both sides.
And I said, they'll probably, I said, they'll probably stage his arrest or worse, they may put him in jail because he bragged, I can fly back and forth.
I mean, what a dumb guy, definitely not an agent yet.
An operative, uh, a, uh, a, a, a asset.
I mean, they've got whole brigades of U.S.
soldiers over there with beards and everything, fighting alongside the Saudis.
Some estimates are 30,000 U.S.-European troops over there, with the 50,000 to 60,000 jihadis out of Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
That's on record!
And they've got beards!
Just like the Navy Seals all grow beards in Afghanistan.
And all you fools, I told you, they'll probably use some of you and say you're real Al-Qaeda on the news.
I said this about a year ago.
I said they're using forces, they're sheep dipping them and making them join Al-Qaeda.
They think they're infiltrating Al-Qaeda.
And you're going to be the rollout to say veterans in the US are all secretly Al-Qaeda.
Because when I started seeing these internal manuals that federal people were sending me and stuff,
You know, that said, the Tea Party's gonna merge with Al-Qaeda.
I'm like, wait, that makes no sense.
No one will buy it.
Not gonna wait.
How would they do that?
Alright, well, I know they're actually running Al-Qaeda, so they've got special forces.
They'll order special forces to go undercover.
That's what they do, spies.
Special forces means military spy.
Specially trained combat spy is really what it is.
No one even describes it like that on the news, but that's what it is.
Specially trained combat spies, high IQ.
Well, you high enough IQ to know criminals around America and the planet now?
You're being sheep-dipped like McVeigh was sheep-dipped into militias to then blame militias when they set him up for the bombing.
We know the names of the feds that did it.
We've got all the eyewitnesses.
Now they're sheep-dipping the military into Al-Qaeda to then say the military is all secretly Al-Qaeda.
And I said that's how they do it.
I mean, it's the only way they do it.
And now to back it up, they've got at least, it was five, six shows on TV that I happen to have run into or know about.
No, no, seven.
Sorry, they showed me one other one.
Forget the name of the show, it's where criminals go and become good and help people fix their houses up, but the bad guys on the show are always constitutionalists and they can't be reprieved and got owners.
Who was telling me about that?
It was David Knight was telling me about that show.
No, no, it was a construction guy who was here telling me about that the other day.
Because he was sitting in there waiting to meet with me while I was shooting the news.
And I said, that sounds crazy.
He goes, no, no, no.
There's this show I watch with my wife where they do the same thing.
So I've got to go check on that.
My point is, this is the whole plan.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
Thomas Jefferson.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Again, I'm going to warn all military and police personnel worldwide.
Never take part in role-playing or drills.
Because 99% of the time it won't be an issue.
Don't take part in drills where you play the part of a radical Islamic terrorist or a radical right-wing terrorist.
Because one day, you're going to drive a real truck of explosives onto a military base.
Or if they pick a federal building that's got a daycare.
There's not many of them.
There's a good chance, you better check in the back of that truck, that's going to be real explosive.
And you're going to go down in history as the right-winger who secretly worked for Al-Qaeda.
And again, new listeners are going, well, that makes no sense.
I mean, if they told people to throw their kids off cliffs to prove they didn't like Al-Qaeda, right-wingers would do it.
I mean, it's a total phobia.
They love hating Muslims.
It's a religion.
That's why it's so funny!
But it's so sick!
They've got U.S.
forces, Marines, Army, Special Forces, ordered to go Al-Qaeda against Syria and other areas in Africa, AFRICON, all over North Africa, and they're now setting them up and arresting them, as I said they would do.
People are like, how do you know this?
Because it's shake and bake.
I know how to cook a pork chop with shake and bake.
I mean, it's like, read the directions.
They do this all the time.
I see the new narrative they're putting out to the Feds out of the ADL, the Department of Law Center, that represent the foreign banks that have captured America to a great extent.
Now they want to shut down the free media, mop up who their enemies are, and who are their enemies?
Constitutionalists that want sovereignty and don't want to take over.
And so what do they do?
They've set up Homeland Security for terrorists.
They're going to say veterans and patriots are Al Qaeda.
How do you do that?
You stage stuff and say patriots who are Al-Qaeda did it.
How do you introduce the idea?
You just start having news articles four years ago going, soon white Al-Qaeda!
Whites will link up with Al-Qaeda!
No one had ever done it.
It was nowhere.
Wasn't true.
Then you order the military to join Al-Qaeda.
It doesn't matter their order to do it.
You put them in jail.
And now they're going...
And confiscating the firearms of veterans, and I'm going to get to that after I take some calls.
Rob Jacobson was looking into UN crimes against people that I was talking about, now that the UN treaty has been codified, and Obama is trying to get it ratified in the Senate.
What the UN doesn't want you to know, and it was a witness to UN missions with slave trade, kidnapping children, you name it, London Telegraph.
And this is just one of, let's be conservative, tens of thousands of admissions of the UN.
I mean, if the UN ever occupies your area, they will hunt your kids and load planes up with them to fly them off to pedophiles.
They will mow you and your family down.
They will blow up your energy facilities.
They will run around slaughtering everyone.
And then they will call in Angelina Jolie to stand in front of dead piles of dead bodies and feed a starving kid.
Three months into their starvation op, look, send me money here, child.
You gotta love it.
It's so evil.
Because real evil's an art form.
Real evil is an art form.
Disgustingly written in the blood of children.
And so you gotta sucker good people to give you money to kill kids.
Isn't that, man, I tell you, that's loving and liberal.
Almost as liberal as the Journal of Bioethics saying kill babies and now Planned Parenthood and the legislature says, yeah, let's kill kids after they're born.
You bet your boots.
You better believe it.
And now you're not supposed to be freaked out by that.
That's completely normal.
Let's go to your phone calls here today, happy campers.
Again, the U.N.
has passed the sweeping global gun confiscation program, and Obama has pledged to get it ratified to take your guns.
And if they've got to stage some mass shootings, they'll do it, just like they staged Fast and Furious.
Oh, he's a Peace Prize winner, though.
I forgot.
It must be okay.
Let's go to Carl in Oregon.
You're on the air, sir.
What do you make of the show today?
Well hello, brother.
It's one of your heroes calling in, Carl from Oregon here.
I think it's par for the course.
We're talking about they have to, it's part of the UN agenda, that they have to take away the guns from American people, most importantly the veterans, because they are the first threat.
Have you heard of the TV show on the History Channel called Gangland?
Yes I have.
They're claiming that there's a lot of infiltration of gangsters that are being, because they're desperate to get bodies to fill the spaces of the regular American people that don't want to join the military.
Yeah, and then they have all these big shows about how many units are totally Crip and Blood and Mexican Mafia and White Supremacists.
Just like the prisons are broken into that, the military is.
And of course, it's still a small percentage, but yes, the total destruction of our military is coming.
It's going to be drones, robots, foreign mercs.
The U.S.
military is done.
The official plan is it's gone.
I mean, I saw them 10 years ago in the Army War College on C-SPAN tell the generals
That you work for the world government and the foreign banks.
So yes, the generals have known this for over a decade, this is official, and this is the beginning of it.
Go ahead.
So you don't think it's propaganda, that's true fact?
Oh, there's massive gangs in the military?
Right, right.
Well that's a fact, that's absolute fact.
Okay, very good.
Well, this is another thing I want to speak about.
Why don't they put these individuals and the TV show with all the cities across the country are infested with gangsters.
Why don't they open the FEMA camps and put them in there?
Well, they're not going to do that.
And again, they sold an MTV gang culture, then they shipped the drugs in to break down the society, to give them a culture of death.
And then now, you know, all the kids, no matter what color they are, are taught the culture of death.
And so they just pass around a poison drink to enchant us.
You know, to put us under the spell of corruption to where, you know, our young women think somebody that acts like a thug is a man and a real man who actually works hard and is good and decent is a wimp.
And the women wonder why they're so unhappy.
Because, again, they follow what the TV says.
You do what the TV says, and it says, you know, be married to a crackhead.
So it must be good.
And again, the TV says go join the military, so they can inject you with soft-kill binary bioweapons, and then give you the rest of the poison later.
And then, I mean, look, it's over.
The beginning of the destruction of the U.S.
military is on.
In ten years, it will be completely robot, and of course, you know, they want to have the trendies.
It will be nothing but the globalist, kind of Soviets at the grassroots level, who will be piloting and overseeing the autonomous drones.
They'll kind of be like, you know, the toilet attendant, the vestigial, you know, person there at the command center.
This has all been actuaried, all been planned, all official.
Bill Joy wrote about it 12 years ago, told you the official plan.
He went to the meeting, the globalists said they're going to kill everybody.
He said, do you care?
No one did.
Okay, we're going to destroy you.
And the public's just begging, rolling around begging.
Begging to have their children have convulsions and die in front of them after the shots.
Begging to be put in prison.
Begging to lick police boots.
And so the system is going to destroy everybody.
Because we want to be destroyed.
How's that sound?
Alex, I think that is the true threat to national security is... National security is the technocratic, rise of the robot, transhumanist singularity.
The singularity is our death.
They're planning to have Skynet.
They're planning our death.
They are merging with the machines.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
You were saying that is the... and I interrupted you.
Well, no, that's what I'm saying.
I think if you look at everything as a whole, that is the destruction, and that is the real true threat, is them converting everybody into this gangster mentality.
Yeah, but only so they can all be divided and controlled by the federal UN force.
We must be totally divided into racial and religious and ethnic sub-districts to then be ruled, right out of Hunger Games, by floating fortresses.
And everyone is now ready for that because it's what they've been taught.
And the way they're going to kill us is with blimps at 120,000 feet with microwaves on them.
And they just fly over your city and microwave your city by grids.
Everybody wonders why they die a year later of cancer.
And that's all official.
Alexander Haig wrote about it 20 years ago.
I saw him bragging about it 16-7.
No, I saw him 20 years ago.
He wrote about it 25 years ago.
I mean, it's just, it's all their plan.
General Alexander Haig.
It's all lovely.
Very lovey-lovey.
But I appreciate your call.
Truth is stranger than fiction.
Reverend X, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Alex Jones, what's happening?
Oh, I'm just sitting here watching him turn up the ambient background radiation and kill everybody.
It's pretty fun.
Watching them turn up the ambient background radiation.
Here's what people need to get a hold through their head.
Okay, after the Fukushima deal, okay, the radiation's already here.
If we don't stand up now, that's the biggest problem in the world.
If we don't stand up to this other stuff now, we're not going to be able to deal with the actual problem.
Is that what you actually called in about?
That's weird that I brought up radiation.
Well, it happens that way.
Anybody that's seen my web show knows about that.
You just gotta go with what's there.
As far as the U.N.
treaty goes, nobody's ever read that document.
Nobody that I've ever met of.
So many people are willing to just lay down, throw away the Constitution, throw away God, and ready to turn their rights over to the U.N.
Have you ever known the U.N.
to help anybody?
Well, I mean, all of the actresses, and Matt Damon says so, and I mean, Angelina Jolie, who openly was an admitted Satan worshipper who loves death and blood, I mean, she said so.
She's nice.
Well, apparently that must make it so.
You know, the new movie, the book at least, the World War Z, the U.N., murders gun owners worldwide and loves the zombies because they helped bring down America, and they actually say Marxism is the answer in the book.
Yeah, that's got to be the high point of this.
But there is no Marxism.
Everything's fine.
Yeah, you know, last night there was a couple down in Brazil that got raped and beaten for several hours.
Did the UN help them?
Absolutely not.
Everybody thinks that, I mean, our modern evolutionists... Sir, the UN engages in the most
When you and aircraft land, they are there to harvest children.
I mean, it's like a movie where the bad guys come to steal the kids, but everyone just begs and worships it because they're the UN, because every Miss America says they love kids.
I mean, you go to the mall and every beautiful young woman is wearing a UNICEF or World Wildlife Fund shirt.
I mean, it must be loving!
But here's the thing, that our modern evolutionists believe that only a bad guy would have a gun.
I mean, you're a bad guy.
You like guns.
I'm a bad guy.
I like guns.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
It's only bad when they don't have the guns and we have.
They have the guns.
We don't.
That way they can take their time with us.
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha
Okay, they are never helpful.
They never do a damn good thing for anybody.
But, for some reason, we have to pay trillions of dollars to have them around.
Okay, because once our rights get taken, and God is out of everything, and your rights are going to be at the discretion of some office in the UN, and you're not even going to know how to get there.
Thanks for your time, Alex.
Yeah, I appreciate your call.
No, I mean, that's it.
I mean, the globalists are bad mass murderers.
They want our guns to take our bank accounts and rob us, and the state's going to take over our kids, and vaccines are going to be mandatory, and everybody will be dying around you like they already are, and getting sick, and they'll just say that's normal.
And then they'll take away anyone that criticizes it as mentally ill.
That's the authoritarian model.
It's here.
It's happening.
And their people are marching around on power trips, getting off on the authoritarianism because they're so decadent.
When you really get decadent, you get into authoritarianism.
You think it's cool.
I mean, when you look at the people that run this thing, they are just scum.
But we lay down to them, and so they've taken over.
America was built on not bowing to government.
America was built on government better be small and respectful and it works for us, they're public servants.
They're not called public servants, they're called authorities.
We are civilians.
You know, every sack of garbage, sack of traitorous trash, like our mayor here in Austin, Lee U.N.
Leffingwell, every authoritarian, you know, punk, swollen punk, they always call themselves the authority and they go, you civilians, and he stands around with all the police with their guns and, ha ha ha, we're gonna take your guns, ha ha ha, we're gonna take everything you got, ha ha ha, that's liberal.
Let's talk to Todd in Canada.
Todd, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, how are you today?
It's a real honor to talk to you and I've been trying to get a hold of you for a long time and I'm hoping one day to shake your hand.
I have an idea for the show.
I just want to blow past you.
You can take it or you leave it and I can assure you it's sincere.
Go ahead, my friend.
My idea for the show is because I've heard quite often people say, where are the men in this country?
And I agree, where are the men in this country?
I'm calling from Canada.
I can tell you
It's hard to find people who are awake and see what's going on.
And I'll tell you right now, man, I got a signed copy of the Constitution and I'm in my bedroom.
I love the Constitution and I love America.
I love North America.
I love everybody.
Well, that's a mental illness, according to the, and they're the authorities.
Hey, um, look, they put hormones in the water to feminize men.
And so, if you gave those hormones to bulls, they would act docile.
We're under chemical warfare.
I mean, the White House science czar admits they put stuff in the water.
Ecoscience, he's written a couple other books.
This is all a fact.
And even now, as it comes out they drug the water, they go, yeah, we're gonna drug it more now.
We're gonna put lithium in to make you behave.
I mean, these people are flaming authoritarian monsters.
And that's where the men went, brother.
I agree with you but I do think there are still a lot of men in the country and I know they're out there listening right now and I want to speak to them for just a moment and my idea for the show is for these people to call in just a short segment of your show when you do have callers to call in and we want to hear from the men in this country because I know they're out there I'm calling right now man I'm one of them I'm making videos on YouTube I'm speaking to people keep going
I'm telling you, like, I'm fighting hard, man.
I'm fighting up here.
I'm fighting with you guys.
And you guys down there need to know you got brothers in the trench up here in Canada.
Big time.
We're together and I'm here to fight with you, man.
Well, I know there are people worldwide.
Not this issue of the magazine, but the next issue, we're going to put three bumper stickers in it.
Full-size bumper stickers.
That'll be about 340,000 bumper stickers.
That are going to go out and be put on legal and lawful places in your car or give to friends or your book bag or whatever.
That will certainly get the word out.
But, uh, just, just, just, it's a spirit of resistance.
And look, record low numbers for TV viewers, record low numbers for cable viewers, record low.
The establishment's dying.
That's why they're trying to totally take over right now.
Not from a position of strength, but from weakness.
But they're doing a psychological tactic now of hiding in plain view.
That's why they're like, of course we're going to kill old people and babies after they're born.
It's liberal.
Of course the UN murders everyone.
We have to.
It's for the earth.
Of course the communist Chinese tell us what we can put on TV in the US.
Of course George Washington's bad.
What are you, one of the terrorists?
They're the terrorists.
They're the bad guys.
Just openly they're so they know they're uncloaked now.
And so they're just flaunting it, hoping their mind game works on us.
It doesn't.
Discredit them.
Resist them.
Don't comply.
Speak out against them.
The war is now!
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You notice they never made a movie about Andrew Jackson.
It's like reading Conan the Barbarian novels or something.
And you can love Andrew Jackson or hate him, but I mean he grew up as tough as they come.
Didn't even learn how to read and write until he was about 16, because the war came when he was like, I don't know, nine years old?
By the time he was about 12, he was running courier notes and shooting redcoats.
His mother and brother, his dad died when he was a little kid, working the land.
His mother and brother died in a British concentration camp.
They invented it.
They invented it in Scotland and Ireland, and of course they didn't call it a concentration camp.
That was the idea to put natives in reservations.
That actually came from Ireland and Scotland, locking everybody up.
Oh, we didn't execute them, we just let them starve to death out in the open weather.
We let them freeze to death.
And of course it was, he ended up using those same policies against Native Americans himself.
I guess the abuser, the abused becomes the abuser.
But I mean, you read the whole life of Andrew Jackson and then Davy Crockett.
Davy Crockett was trying to basically imitate Andrew Jackson.
He was the big icon of all the battles and wars and stabbings and shootings and, you know, shot three times, stabbed, bleeding for a week straight, refusing to die.
I mean, just tough as nails.
Andrew Jackson.
I read those British descriptions of the Battle of New Orleans.
Where they describe him up on the parapet while they're firing all their cannons at him for hours.
Because they were losing until he arrived and he just stood there in like a black cloak.
They could see his eyes from hundreds of yards away.
They described him like a grim reaper just radiating hatred at them.
I mean, that stuff's incredible, folks.
When you've read, like, the ship's logs and all the stuff of those wars.
And like, they just couldn't shoot him.
It was just like George Washington.
Because by then he didn't even have any teeth hardly, and all that gray hair up there.
That was before he was even president.
By the time he was president he couldn't even talk, he had no teeth.
Oh man, it's so bizarre.
And then look what we've become today.
What have I become, my sweetest friend?
Everyone I know goes away in the end.
But you could have it all.
My empire of dirt.
I will let you in.
I will make you hurt.
I'm gonna go to Dean when we come back.
I'm gonna go to Mika.
And then we'll go to Jason and Jack and Nick and many others.
People are asking about the virus missing in Arizona.
I don't know about that.
I know about the one out at the Level 4 Bioweapons Lab at the University of Texas.
And people say, well, what's the big deal, Alex?
Only mice can spread it to us.
It's a hemorrhagic fever.
People go, well, look at the AP.
They say it's not dangerous.
Yeah, and they say we should turn our guns in, too.
That's awesome.
It's so hilarious how people try to twist and find something wrong, I say, instead of getting the beam out of their own eye.
I mean, we got tyranny coming down on us in a thousand different flavors, and they're taking people's bank accounts all over Europe.
They've signed us on to 85 billion a month to foreign bankers that we gotta pay back.
It's a national security secret where the money's going, but we know it's foreign banks.
This is the La La Land world, and you've just gotta get, hey, they're demonizing us because we're the answer.
You wanna know why every show demonizes patriots?
People that know about the New World Order?
Because we know what's going on.
We're the people aware of the takeover.
We're not the trendies that, you know, think what's important is what the hockey team's doing.
Or what the basketball team is doing.
The UN has passed the treaty to take our guns.
Obama's trying to implement.
It's on!
I predicted mass shootings six, seven months ago.
Before Sandy Hook.
Before Aurora.
Because I knew they were coming.
Spread the word about the broadcast.
Help us get the stories out to everyone.
Help expose the domestic arms buildup.
Why do you want our guns while the globalist NATO, the UN, has taken control of our military and is trying to take on the American people?
This is treason!
This is treason!
We'll be right back.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
You know, I've studied kleptographies, I've studied oligarchies, I've studied dictatorships, plutocracies, monarchies, and the unyielding rule is they wage war against common sense, reality, and decency.
Especially the more aged and decadent the empires get.
And they always end up trying to turn the population into cattle.
They always want to dumb them down to make them more easily managed.
And they always have their own undoing as they get rid of checks and balances.
As they get rid of the checks and balances, they get rid of any protection they had.
But now they're just globalists, they're offshore, in the law, they're exempt, and then we're tied down with all these fraudulent laws.
So the answer is, start ignoring it all.
I mean it really, those of us that are upright, decent and good, we've just got to figure out ways to resist the system, not go along with it.
Pay with cash, shop with small groups, buy local, don't support Hollywood.
Badmouth them everywhere, spit when you hear their names.
We got a caller who wants to know about a list of the responsible.
Dean, that's a good idea.
People argue about who should be responsible, but Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, the UN, the Club of Rome, Bilderberg Groups, Ames, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, Peter Singer, I mean, George Soros.
I mean, these are the authors.
Ted Turner, Bill and Melinda Gates.
I mean, they're the ones pushing the whole agenda.
Who do you think should be on that list?
Dane in California, you're on the air.
Oh, Alex, thank you so much.
I'm a first-time caller.
I've only been listening to you for about a year and a half, although I've probably been of your mindset and belief system for a lot longer than that.
And unfortunately, I live in the ground zero of nutcases here in California.
Well, and people that are buying in that they're winners because they drank the Kool-Aid.
These are cult members.
They're very sad, actually.
That's why they'll laugh at you and say, I don't believe the reality you're saying.
They talk to you like a cult member, and go, I'm powerful!
I'm part of the Jim Jones cult!
I'm part of the New World Order cult!
And it's like, no, listen, I mean, I tried to lovingly talk to this collectivist the other day, who said basically we're taking over, and he just laughed and said, you can't reach me.
He was so wrapped up in his blanket of idiocy, I was like, okay.
That's why I was sad.
We shouldn't feel bad when they laugh at us.
These are, these are gibbering idiots.
I'm sorry, go ahead, make your point.
Well, yeah, my question was if there was such a list or if you had ever had any requests for, you know, here's the list of the 100 or 1,000 people that actually are
The one's responsible.
Here's Dr. Rothkopf, head of the Kissinger Group, wrote a book called Superclass that I did read, and it's pretty accurate.
He's telling you how lucky we are to have the Superclass.
6,000 megagophers, less than 20 ruling families.
I think people should, there are corporate governance maps out there that show pretty good accurate things.
This is a unified crime wave we're dealing with, of eugenicists.
I mean, like the Koch brothers, they're on the Cold Springs Harbor Eugenics Board.
I mean, they're just, even though they're enemies with the other globalists, they're just all the same people.
They're God, we're not, we're animals, so they can run over us.
I mean, it's that attitude.
It all blows back on them.
So, I think everybody should make their own list.
Everybody should talk about the villains.
It's important.
It's important they be knee-deep in the list.
Our founders did that for decades before 1776.
They circulated lists of the tyrants.
Yeah, my thought was that it would be effective if someone as widely recognized as you had that kind of a list at least.
So that they were aware that we are watching and we know specifically who they are, not just some faceless... Oh, they know they're being watched.
I mean, that's why they live on country roads with homeland security cameras, scanning everybody's driver's license, everybody's plates.
And that's why they, you know, live behind armored doors and have bodyguards.
I mean, they know.
They've ripped off countries.
They've ordered hits.
This is mafia, sir.
And I hopefully don't ever have to take up arms, although my wife and I are more than prepared to do that.
And again, hopefully that doesn't come to that.
Well, if they're trying to script it, if there's a civil war or after the police, the police are just either brainwashed or they're not, you know, they're already on our side.
If they start a war, folks, the globalists are the enemy.
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Thank you for joining us today.
We are now into the third hour of the worldwide broadcast.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
And our attempt, and we've had some success thanks to the good Lord above, is to wage war on corruption, to crash the lies and disinformation, to set alight brush fires in the minds of men and women everywhere.
A great battle is now raging against any form of liberty, freedom, or healthiness.
The globalists wish to sicken us with their poison of degradation, so we'll roll over to having all of our basic freedoms scrapped and burned on the ash heap of history.
Again, ladies and gentlemen, it is the second day, the second day of April, 2013.
I have a lot of news I'm going to be mentioning this hour on the economic front.
But I wanted to get, and next time I want to get him in studio, because I want to get him on the nightly news as well, to do an entire two-hour presentation, to kind of do his presentation that he teaches in Constitution class for our TV viewers.
Because I'm setting up a lectern and a whole area where we're going to have special, you know, educational forums put on to really understand liberty.
With former Nacogdoches County Sheriff's Deputy Eddie Craig.
And Eddie lives here in Austin now as a talk show host.
And I was listening to him a few weeks ago on local radio.
He was talking about police are going to have to decide which side of the line they're on as the corruption gets more and more out in the open.
And how every time the police pull you over, they're breaking laws.
And they can rationalize that, but now we've gotten to the point of
Three weeks ago, I'm on a very rare vacation at the Texas coast, and I get a call from Max Cabrera, running my street team, and he says, the police are here, they're giving us tickets for handing out magazines, and they say the company car, it was actually Max's car, cannot have an Infowars.com sticker on it, parked in a meter.
And I said, I believe you, but I don't believe you.
I mean, even I know we're in tyranny, but I couldn't believe it.
But I should have known.
You see this all over the country.
So later they got the head code enforcer who was commanding the cops.
They wouldn't talk.
They said, talk to this guy.
He's here.
I get on the phone.
The guy tells me he's a listener.
He apologizes.
It's like, I'm sorry I'm doing this to you.
I mean, in Nazi Germany, do they apologize to folks down in the ditch?
But he goes, yeah, I'm told I'm going to have to give the ticket.
And then if you don't stop after that's arrest, you can't have that car parked there.
And we say it violates advertising in the right-of-way.
That's how it's interpreted by my bosses.
I don't agree with it.
And your people can't hand out magazines.
And he said, I know this street team.
They're down here.
I've never heard of this, but this is the order.
And I said, all right, I'm going to sue you.
You tell the cops, I'm going to sue them personally.
So the cops went, oh, we don't want to be sued.
They went to their superiors, and they said, well, we're not going to enforce the ordinance, which was being wrongly applied.
But the point is, if I would have gone along with it, people say, oh, go along with it.
I had South by Southwest employees walking by when I finally got down there the next day protesting, going, get a life, buddy!
Quit causing trouble, Alex!
And coming up to the glass windows of the convention center and flipping me off and laughing, oh look there's the kook that thinks we ought to be able to hand out magazines on street corners.
What a piece of trash!
They would all get together because that's how they think and stand at the windows, we have this on video, and point and go, and I could see their badges, they were management.
Like I'm three years old and other kids laughing at me.
Gets to me.
It actually did get to me, but not in the way you thought.
I looked at you and went, no wonder the enemy's overrunning us.
Look at those weak, pathetic, peer-pressure-driven blobs.
My God, what with our forebearers that were as hard as nails.
You know, they drug those guns from Ticonderoga like a hundred miles.
I forget, and that's why their shoes fell apart.
Old-fashioned shoes were leather-bottomed.
And there was a trail of blood written by a British newspaper reporter who saw it and went back and wrote about it.
And it actually freaked out the Redcoats, obviously.
Because you know what happens when you march in the snow for 100 miles dragging giant cannons?
Pure liberty-driven.
Some people lost their toes.
Some people died.
How far did they pull?
Was it 30 miles?
I forget.
Ty Kandaroga threw mountain passes.
You tried to walk through gullies and passes pulling giant guns that no one said could even be gotten down from the mountain?
Capturing those guns.
Now, that compared to fat little blobs, and I mean spiritually fat, but they were fat, pointing, and they would walk up and go, ah-ha!
And do a fake laugh, like, oh, whoa!
Like the collectivist that came up to me when I was at a resort for Easter at a family reunion this weekend.
And I was in the hot tub, and I'm talking about, yeah, the tyranny and their listeners and, you know, will they take our bank accounts here?
And, oh my God, how bad will it get?
And the Republican leadership's controlled.
There's a guy sitting there for 20 minutes.
He gets up and goes, you're all going to fail.
We're taking over.
Nothing can stop us.
He heard us talking about authoritarianism and how dangerous it was, and he wanted to get up and celebrate and point his finger and go, you're right, we're taking over.
And I go, who are you?
I'm a government professor scientist in viruses.
And he smiled and I went, oh my God, you're a population reductionist eugenicist.
And I said, you know, what you got taken down in the basement of the facility when you were, you know, getting good grades in college and brought into it.
And he was like, who, who, what, where did you?
That got thrown out, though, by the time I got older.
I hit him one time.
He was like, oh, wait, wait, you know about the club I'm in?
I'm like, of course I know who you are!
Folks, they're gonna kill hundreds of millions of us.
They got re-education camps, official FEMA documents.
This is real history happening!
Of course I know the enemy!
I make it my business to know the enemy.
And they, the globalists think Americans are people that if they put out sitcoms and dramas where patriots are all terrorists, people will actually watch that and then believe, when they hear my show, that we're really terrorists.
Folks, the terrorists have taken over.
They run Al-Qaeda.
Our government runs Al-Qaeda publicly.
It's foreign banker run.
Eddie Craig, you hear my rant here.
We got calls coming up.
Again, it got lost in translation about a month ago.
I said, let's get Eddie Craig in here to do his whole traffic course.
Because you're very successful in court.
You really know what you're talking about.
This isn't Patriot mythology you follow.
This is the real deal.
And so I want to expand your knowledge out to a larger base out there.
But Eddie, what would you have done?
I mean, what should I do that they gave us tickets?
Uh, saying that there's no free speech in Austin, Texas.
And, and, and, I guess should I, maybe I should be laughed at.
Maybe I'm the bad man.
Maybe the First Amendment's bad too.
I mean, you know, the authoritarian left, let's get rid of everything.
Let's get rid of the Second Amendment.
The First Amendment, private property.
I mean, maybe, maybe I should cry that they laughed at me, Eddie.
Would you cry if they laughed at you?
Would that shake you up pretty bad?
I'd probably cry at the level of stupidity because these people aren't allowed to carry guns.
I mean, these are mental patients.
What do you call that though where they laugh at you because they think it gets to you?
I mean, these are really pathetic jellyfish.
You can't help but just kind of smile to yourself about the ignorance of the people that we have running things.
I mean, that's just, there's no other way to put it.
They're either ignorant because they haven't been taught, or they're willfully ignorant because they refuse to be taught.
What do you call this type of mind control that we're seeing the society go under?
Am I wrong that the tyranny is radically accelerating?
No, you're not wrong.
Every time they create something new, it has to be something that is based upon more control.
You see it in everything they do.
There is no basis in any law for what TSA does.
But TSA does it on the premise that the American public has been converted to enough of a domesticated animal
That they will simply do what their master commands for fear of punishment, even though there's no authority behind the master's command.
The legislators are doing it.
The city councils are doing it.
The county commissioners are doing it.
As long as we allow them to continue to believe what they're doing has an authority, they will continue to exercise it as if it does.
Well, look at how they're saying you will buy insurance and the price doubles in health care, the power to tax, power to destroy.
Now they're saying, federally and at state level, they're going to make you get insurance to have guns or ammo where you waive your rights when you sign the agreement.
I mean, this is slavery.
If they can make you do all this and pay them for the right to self-defense, it is, it's definitely the endgame.
Well, you're correct.
It is.
I mean, the more they criminalize what we do, the more it's going to come down to where there is nothing we can do.
And American people, I'm sorry, folks, but our founding fathers are laughing at us.
This is exactly what they went to war to fight against.
This is exactly why the rebellion occurred.
Britain wanted to disarm the colonists.
They wanted to tax the colonists without them having any say in their government.
They wanted the military to control the people on the King's behalf.
It was going to be complete and total dictatorship.
Not a monarchy, a dictatorship.
Because the King would not have been here personally.
It would have been his military
People that would have been running everything.
It would have been a complete and total dictatorship.
And we're about three steps from falling completely over the edge of that precipice right now.
Yeah, people keep saying it's coming.
We're already deep into it.
Oh yes, we're very close to it.
All you have to do is look around and see every interaction that we have with a public servant.
No longer do we get, yes sir, no sir, I'm sorry about that sir, I'll see what we can do to help you sir.
It's like, well that's the way we do it and if you don't like it, too bad.
This is how we run things.
This is how we do things.
That's the mindset of every public servant you come across.
Oh, I know.
I have them come to me now in public and dress me down and they go, look, you're a slave, bud.
And they laugh at me.
I mean, the word has gone out.
They rule.
Well, that that's a fact.
And one of the things that I started teaching in my class is I have written up what I call a transportation script.
It's it's a set of instructions that I've given for people that get pulled over for traffic stops and things.
These are the things you say and these are the things you do.
And you do not deviate from this.
Deviation will lead you down a path you don't want to go.
Stay there.
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We're good.
Ira Hayes.
Ira Hayes.
All right, Eddie Craig's our guest, Alex Jones here.
And Eddie, I want to get you back on about how they're breaking the laws every time, you know, the way they pull you over, what they do.
I'm going to fight it in court, actually, and they still haven't sent me in with a court date.
The state police pulled me over going to work.
And, you know, it's the standard deal now.
Are you drinking?
You know, and it's nine in the morning.
Where are you going?
It's like, come on, man.
Give me your fake ticket.
But again, now the state police will, every time somebody's shooting a gun anywhere in the country, they now SWAT team the house and people's ranches.
You'd have 10,000 acres they're coming.
I mean, they're just acting like we're criminals.
And a lot of police have actually woken up, but still they follow unlawful orders.
But still others,
Get downright rude with you, and of course it depends on the department.
How has this been done?
Why has this been done, Eddie Craig?
Well, the thing that most people do not know or understand about a traffic stop is that the officer is intentionally trained to always attempt to escalate the stop to either a DUI or a drug enforcement bust.
That is mandatory in their training.
This is what you will do.
That's why you get those questions.
Are there any drugs in the car?
Have you been drinking?
How many?
Where have you been?
Where are you going?
This is all to give the officer a rabbit trail to follow where he may discover additional things he can use to cause that escalation to occur.
So, the whole purpose of what I put into that transportation script is to not allow the officer to control that flow of information from you.
You have to be willing to actively engage him in responses in order for him to get that information.
Stop doing that!
You cannot be compelled to answer his questions or give him anything, especially if he can use it against you in court or use it to attempt to incriminate you.
And I'm telling you, everything you give them will be used for those purposes.
So stop allowing them to have it.
Stop engaging them.
Most people don't understand.
That is a mistake.
Well, let me stop you right there.
We went to a particular hospital because we knew the doctor and she's a nice lady, a patriot.
But still, they have computer terminals and I've had three children in the same hospital and they say, oh, well, honey, will you take this down to the first floor for me, this chart?
And when I come back, she goes, that head nurse was asking, do we have money?
Do I beat you?
Am I depressed?
And I went, oh my gosh, they were putting it in the health department registry.
This is like 11 years ago, folks.
I've learned a lot.
So by the second time I knew and told her, no thanks, you can ask us both those questions.
But she's there, hooked into the government.
She is now an agent of the government, not reading you, Miranda writes, to try to get your kids.
And again, no one, the TV won't tell you this and none of it will tell you.
These are criminals.
They'll take your kids for not taking shots, though there's no law.
And it's all part of a criminal swarm, so it's not just the cops.
They've turned everybody that comes in your house into spies.
They've turned workers into spies, and that's why you'll see it when they're on power trips looking around your house.
And I'm just like, look, there's nothing illegal here.
And they'll go, what sir?
What's going on?
I go, look, just go do the electrical.
I'm talking about at my house one time.
Just, okay.
Just, I know you're feeling powerful.
You're a government spy and you get percentages of it and stuff.
Well, I don't think you're doing anything wrong.
I go, I know.
Do you like people creeping around your house?
You know, again, you come creeping around my house and the next thing you're going to have is a chalk outline.
What I'm saying is when you invite workers into your house, unless you know them now, everybody's a spy and they're on these power trips.
Well, I mean, did you know about when you go to have a baby, they're spying on you and filling out reports?
Oh, yeah.
Well, they've actually been doing that for decades.
I mean, they actually have you fill out tons of paperwork and they have for many, many years.
They push it at you and tell you it's required, but it's not.
That's why most babies have a social security number issued at birth.
And I didn't get mine until I was 16.
Yeah, sorry, go ahead.
The hospital personnel push all that paperwork at you and tell you it's all mandatorily required by the hospital when in fact it's not.
Now, as far as what you're saying on what they're doing in the hospitals, it's not just for your children, it's also to get your guns.
If and when the state wishes to do so, they use that information to have you declared a non-copus mentis.
They will appoint a state guardian, especially if you're someone that has property or something the state would like to get its hands on.
They make you a ward of the state, they now control everything you own, whether you have heirs or not is irrelevant.
They're mafia.
Yeah, yeah.
They speak for you.
Oh, my dad is a physician, and he says people that he's known for years, especially rich people, are having this happen to them with their other doctors and other... I mean, it's bad.
America is a criminal-run organization with mafia, government, and foreign banks raping 24-7 every way they can.
We'll talk about how to protect yourselves, but remember, everyone in the system is now a Stasi spy.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
Rallying patriots worldwide.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We are engaged in a defense of liberty and basic common sense.
And the more you bow down, the more freedom you're going to lose.
We're going to go back to our guests, take a few phone calls.
Most of them are on police state issues like Jason and Jack and Nick and Michael and Mika.
And again, he's going to come in next Thursday and do the last hour of the show on basic traffic stuff, Bill of Rights, Constitution, we need to know.
And then he's going to do a two-hour presentation.
And I've watched it online.
I've sent my crew down there before to cover it.
He does it at Brave New Books.
We're going to have Eddie Craig.
Here with us next week in studio for the third hour on Thursday and then two hours on the Nightly News.
I am hosting the Nightly News tonight, seven o'clock central.
And speaking of that, you get 11 memberships because I love reaching people.
We've got the servers to do it now.
Used to, if I did something like that, it would cause problems.
We've had 10 years now.
Or is it more?
Is it 11 years now?
April's our anniversary.
I think it's 11 now, isn't it?
I keep saying 10 for like a year.
For PrisonPlanet.tv,
And we've now got all these great reporters, researchers, just doing such a fabulous job.
And I want to encourage everybody out there to become a PrisonPlanet.tv member to fight the prison planet.
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And you get 11 memberships, a year membership and 10 others, for $5.95 a month.
That's less than 55 cents a day, and that just pays for the bandwidth.
And again, not that it's bad to make money.
I do make money on water filters and books and videos to fund this operation and sponsors.
It's that PrisonPlanet.tv and the magazine and things, those are there to reach the maximum number we can so it has the lowest price we can.
I mean, you know what I want?
I mean, I see somebody with a giant diamond ring, doesn't excite me.
I see somebody with a big mansion, doesn't excite me.
I see somebody defeating tyrants.
I get butterflies, I get tears in my eyes, and I want to meet them.
I really do.
Because I take all this personal, ladies and gentlemen, and you should too.
My freedom is personal.
My children's future, such darling little
Good people.
It's up to me.
And it's up to you.
It's up to us together.
And I take it real personal.
So take it personal with me.
Get a PrisonPlanet.tv membership.
Be part of Operation Paul Revere.
Be part of Operation Sleeping Giant.
Operation Paul Revere is the filmmaking contest.
Got about a month until that elapses.
Then I have two months to judge it.
$100,000 prize.
Operation Awaken the Sleeping Giant is the PrisonPlanet.tv operation.
And I'm just testing things.
Hey, let's see what 300,000, I just gave away 150,000 free bumper stickers, shipping included, I said, okay, let's see what 300 plus thousand does in the next issue of the magazine, three free ones.
I mean, we're just here waging war, ladies and gentlemen, on tyranny.
I mean, we're just absolutely committed, and that's why when people call and say, oh, thank you, you're such a hero, I'm like, listen, don't call me a hero, and I appreciate you, but wild horses couldn't drag me away from this.
I mean, I know that they know the vaccines are designed to brain damage children, and when you get overcooked, you get completely autistic, you know, when it kills too much of the cerebral cortex.
It's a lobotomy.
I've got all the documents written by these people.
Edward Bernays, who's the other big Nobel Prize winner, Bertrand Russell,
All of them.
The current White House science czar, John P. Holdren.
I take that personal that they, if they can't abort your kid, they want to brain damage him.
And now autism is 1 in 50-something.
The new Canadian government numbers just came out.
You know, I talked to the lead singer of Anthrax.
Because I was out at dinner with Dave Mustaine and some other folks and the Steiner's at their Steiner's Steakhouse.
And we're talking about vaccines and the guy was, you know,
I don't
And running around in TV ads and stuff, and like becoming famous on their own right.
I guess it's twins, there's two of them.
I'm going from memory here, I'm getting them on sometime this week or next week.
And they took the shots and had the, you know, you know, had the headache, went to sleep for two days, and then were never back.
They do things like that and then they just ignore it all.
So of course they're going to make nurses now take all these shots when there's no law.
Of course they lie to you and say it's the law, you can't have your kid.
They told one of my crew members this, until they found out he worked here.
And this was a preemie that was barely alive.
Two pounds they were trying to shoot up.
And that was the bioethics board.
They would have just capped that kid right there.
I mean, everyone knows you don't give a preemie shots.
Everyone knows you don't give pregnant women shots.
They're trying to cap the fetus.
And again, do not call and say I'm a hero.
They're murder.
I should be doing more.
I should be more inventive.
I pray to God I'm a sack of garbage.
I'm a dirty rags here, folks.
That's how I feel.
I'm not doing one one hundredth of what I should.
I pray to God, please give me, lead me, guide me, and direct me to fight these people as best I can.
Please help me not be a wicked devil.
And God says, well, that's why I chose you.
I know you're a wicked devil, but, you know, you're my wicked devil, and your heart is good.
I see these people.
I know how they think.
I know who they are.
And I just want to get my hands around their neck.
I'll be honest with you.
Eddie, I'm ranting here, but, you know, seeing all this tyranny, getting into how everything's being turned into a spy grid...
What I do when somebody's spy-gridding me, renting a car, getting a hotel, having a kid, I go, look, I know this is being put in a government database.
Read me my rights.
They go, ooh, you're bad.
I go, no, you're bad doing this.
What about this hospital?
What about how you keep blood samples of every baby born?
Oh, I'm not supposed to know that.
You're part of a criminal conspiracy.
Now, I suggest you go get your boss and find out who I am, and I suggest you stop preying on innocent families.
I bet you try to take kids, people don't take shots.
They were saying they would take his kid.
One of my crew members, I haven't said his name yet on air.
The baby, months later, stolen out of the hospital.
They would take a kid with its heart valves going back and forth, barely hanging on.
By the grace of God, she's better.
They were telling a dad, we're gonna take your kid if we can't go in there and give it shots.
I mean, that's what America is, okay?
It's demons seeing how far they can push.
Eddie, I'm ranting, but go ahead, Eddie Craig, talk show host, Austinite former sheriff's deputy who got out of it and blew the whistle on corruption.
I mean, what do you call this wall of evil
Where they're just seeing what they can get away with.
It's like there's a dam with evil on one side and you open the gate, unlimited evil comes in.
How do we shut that gate?
Well, the first thing you have to do in order to shut the gate is realize what's trying to get through it and know where the gate is.
And most Americans don't.
We think we've built this great wall of freedom and liberty and that we're the freest, best country in the world.
That's proof positive they don't have a clue where the gate is or what the fence means.
It's very much that old story of how do you catch wild pigs?
Basically you go out and slowly but surely you lead them to a place where you want to feed them and you make them dependent upon that supply of food so that they stop foraging for themselves.
Then once they keep coming to where the food is to be found you slowly but surely build a pen around the spot.
Till finally one day when they come in to get the food, all you gotta do is walk up behind them and lock the gate.
Now they're in.
And that is where we are.
And people have been indoctrinated into it so long and so slowly, just like these wild pigs.
They don't have a clue what happened to them.
And how do we get out of it?
Well, the first thing is to educate the pigs to recognize what is happening.
And right now that willful ignorance is playing a big part in preventing that.
As you said, when you say and do what you do, and when I say and do what I do, more people are laughing at us because they don't understand out of their ignorance than there are being with us.
And that's why.
They simply don't have a clue what's happening.
They've been indoctrinated by the schools.
They've been indoctrinated by their peers.
They've been taught that their telephone, their text messaging, their Game Boy, their sports, their news, whatever they have other than being involved in what's being done to their country is what's important.
That's where we are.
How do we fix it?
Wake them up.
Educate them.
Show them, piece by piece, step by step, how they got to the point of view they have now.
There's no guarantee you'll be able to wake them up.
But there absolutely is a guarantee they will never wake up if someone doesn't attempt to wake them up.
Well, what I'm finding is there's a record number of people waking up, but those that aren't waking up are just getting deeper into the delusion.
I mean, they're moving.
They admit the Pentagon and foreign intelligence agencies scan all our bank accounts in live time.
We knew that a long time ago.
Now it's admitted.
So they can steal it all.
They're devaluing the dollar.
They're pushing for forced inoculations, which we know are meant to dumb us down and kill us on record.
I mean, we are in a giant high-tech concentration camp on a prison planet, and they're turning the heat up towards getting rid of us, and it's all in triplicate.
And they're set up knowing, those of us that are aware, they want to push us into a civil war so they can get a hot war going.
What do you think's going on with the gun bullets, the two million bullets, the guns, the tanks, the firing troops training?
Are they trying to start a civil war or do they just think that all of that's going to protect them?
Well, I think it's probably a mixture of both.
I mean, DHS is by definition a domestic agency.
They have no extra-continental or extra-territorial authority of any kind.
The only thing they can do is function within the territorial borders of the United States.
Now, the problem there is, is not understanding what the United States is and what it isn't.
The United States by definition in federal law is not within the territorial borders of any of the several states.
It's something completely different.
So depending upon how your viewpoint is, they intend to use it within the several states, making us believe that the United States they're operating in is that.
But it's not legally.
The problem there is, is that they have nowhere to use this ammunition or any of these vehicles except against us.
It's the only place they're authorized to act.
Oh, they're on record.
They are a 5th Branch Domestic Northcom Army who trains
Exclusively now to fight gun owners, returning veterans, conservatives, libertarians.
They are the foreign occupation army to absorb the old republic into the IMF, World Bank, International Bank of Settlements, OECD receivership.
Well again, I mean, if the federal constitution was still a valid document
And hadn't had that self-destruct clause built into it, if it was still in existence the way it was supposed to be, they're forbidden to have a standing army.
I mean, that's exactly what law enforcement has become.
A private standing army to serve government against the people.
So DHS is not going to be acting entirely on its own.
When DHS kicks in whatever this master plan is going to be for martial law or takeover or inciting riots or just gaining general military control of everything, they're going to have the full cooperation of a large portion of our local law enforcement agencies.
That's right, and that's why they've all come out, like in Austin, and calling to take the semi-autos, you know, to take the clips, to register everybody for total gun confiscation after that, because they're following the globalist collaborator edicts.
Well, that's true.
And again, the problem there is, is the people that we have serving us in those capacities are just as asleep and ignorant as those
That are not in that capacity.
Yeah, that's the average thing, is that the average cop, even though they're a listener, I talk to them, most of them still don't get.
And when I get up here and say the Vichy French model of collaborator, I mean, they really are collaborators.
It's not that you're a bad person, but you've joined or been born into a family that is now part of an occupied, controlled police department.
There are some good sheriffs out there and a few good police chiefs, and there are a lot of good police, but it doesn't matter.
You're still in the King's Army.
You're still in the New World Order foreign banker army.
They say at Davos they've conquered Europe and America.
They say we're under a technocracy.
You are now in the New World Order army, boy.
Go ahead.
Yeah, you're correct.
That is exactly what they're saying.
If you want money from us, this is what you have to do in order to get it.
Now, this to me is one of the problems that the states have created for themselves.
When the states agreed to send money to the federal government in any capacity outside of the 18 enumerated powers, they facilitated their own demise.
Because now you get all this money back from a federal government that it should have never had to begin with.
Now granted, even if the states didn't supply it, they would have just had the Fed print it.
So they would have gotten the funding somehow.
But again, had the state stuck by what they were supposed to, and actually refused to accept any monetary exchange with the federal government that was not entirely gold and silver coin as required,
Then the Fed could never be used to facilitate this takeover.
That's right.
Let's go back to this.
We can see that insurance is how they're going to destroy us.
Healthcare insurance, it doubles the first year, of course.
I mean, it's an industry that makes you buy their product.
Now they're saying, we're just going to make you have insurance to own a gun.
That's de facto registration and you waive your rights with it.
We can really see how they're going to enslave us with insurance, which is the ultimate nanny state.
People are like, well, you got to have insurance, really?
How did we ever operate before with horses and things?
If you hurt somebody, you had to go to court.
You were liable for it.
And so it was about personal responsibility.
And technically it still is.
But they have used exactly the same premise when it comes to things in the transportation code and the likes of insurance.
It's a scare tactic.
Well, if you don't have insurance and get into an accident, how are you going to cover somebody's bills?
Well, you basically would have been sentenced to provide them with whatever you could for as long as you had to to make it up to them.
You would have lost in a court of law for the harm you committed.
Now granted that wouldn't have gotten you paid as quickly as an insurance company might, but then again in today's society you'll wind up taking the insurance company to court and they will nine times out of ten wind up having either no liability or a very limited monetary liability.
Well look, I mean you got foreign banks that are in here lobbying for their insurance company divisions for us to have to get insurance from them.
And it's the same thing, you know, on guns or anything.
This is their real tyranny.
This is where we've got to stop them.
Well, you're right.
But again, by forcing that insurance down our throats and then making us have to fight to collect on what we paid for, and then saying the insurance company isn't actually liable, I mean, it's a catch-22.
Steal the money from the people and never provide them with the service they're paying for.
Well, it's like Monsanto has now been given liability protection with all their poison products.
The vaccine makers.
I mean, this is just lawlessness.
Well, it's the system protecting its own.
There's no question of that.
Obama would not be where he is without the money from these people.
That's right.
People say he's a communist.
He's not.
He works for foreign banks that are mega-fascist, but they use communism at the, you know, it's a two-story house, folks.
We're down here in collectivism.
Socialism into communism.
They're all exempt from it.
You're all tied up in the nightmare of red tape.
They're exempt.
They can fly.
We sleep.
They live.
Sleeper, awaken!
And to the police out there, look, you're a human being.
I care about you.
I don't hate you.
But you're just like the general public, brainwashed.
Are you a biological android or are you a sentient being with a spirit?
All those that have a spirit can hear me.
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You know, I was just talking about Janet Reno during the break back there in the Nightly News TV office.
And Rob Deuce said, whatever happened to Janet Reno?
And I said, well, she's probably pretty sick from Parkinson's.
She had it really bad when I confronted her about Waco 13, 14 years ago.
When she was still Attorney General.
But let's punch her up here on screen.
You know, when she was a district attorney down in Florida, she reportedly liked to check little kids out that CPS had taken.
And, well, let's just say take them for a little ride.
And one time a state trooper found her vomiting all over her and the naked 13-year-old in the back of a car.
You can look that up.
That was actually in a local paper.
And that's when Bill Clinton said, a few years later, man, that's who we need to hire.
Can you imagine being a little kid and that's coming after you?
And Eddie, it's more than just ignorant people on the system.
They hire a bunch of scum.
What about this case up in Williamson County that's now come out where they knew the guy was innocent, but had him in jail and tried to suppress the bandana?
What, the Michael Mortensen case?
I mean, it just shows how evil these systems are.
Why is Williamson County listed by some groups as the most corrupt county in America?
Because it is.
I mean, I actually, I'm sure you've heard about her, but the attorney that they ranked over the calls over there that was fighting for the rights of the people that were being accused in Williamson County Courts, they actually railroaded her into an asylum here in Texas.
I was at her initial trial.
The judge that sat up there had no oath of office to be sitting.
He hadn't taken an oath since 1999.
He is a visiting judge.
Texas law specifically requires that all visiting judges retake the oath of office each time they sit on the bench in a case.
Anytime they sit down in a new instance, they have to retake that oath.
Now on top of that, he completely violated Texas law on procedures for commitments.
He violated it 900 different ways at every turn.
He refused to allow Carolyn Barnes to defend herself.
They refused to allow her to obtain a proper attorney.
The one that they gave her did everything he could to undermine her defense and assist the court in getting her committed to the point of signing agreements without her consent.
It is the most lawless, corrupt county that you will find, short of Minnesota, where the judges get to create law from the bitch by complete permission of the legislature there.
There's actually a statute on the books in Minnesota that says the courts may create the law and form it as they deem necessary for a proceeding.
It really is incredible that we've gotten to this point.
And, you know, I was talking about the Michael Morton case, where even when new district attorneys came in and knew he was innocent, they fought to keep him behind bars.
I mean, what is it about Williamson County where they love putting innocent people in jail with no criminal record?
Because I've covered it, I've seen it.
Williamson County actually doesn't like good people.
Well, it's beyond that.
It really has nothing to do with good, bad, or anything else.
It has to do with the same thing that it always does.
The more people they have in the system, the more money they generate from the federal government.
Most people are not aware that every jail in America, county, city, whatever, that receives federal funding,
gets paid according to incarceration headcount.
Whoever is currently in the jail at a certain time of day, twice a day,
Then the system pays them X amount of dollars per head.
And again, why are the feds involved in that?
And now you've got the big Wackenhut prisons getting state laws passed to guarantee 90% occupancy.
And that's why everybody they're teaching you you're a criminal.
Because most of us are going into jail.
And they're gonna take our property, our guns, our children, and finally they're gonna blow our brains out.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, I was meaning to go to calls.
Let's jam in a few right now from Mika and Nick and Michael.
I'm gonna get Eddie Craig in here for a full hour next week and then two hours of the nightly news.
Really lay out some very good knowledge that
Still, while there's some Bill of Rights, the Constitution left has quite a big effect.
No, no, no.
First, Mika.
Mika in Texas, you're on the air with Eddie Craig.
Go ahead.
Greetings Alex.
It's great to talk to you again.
My name is actually Mika Coleman.
I apologize.
I read it Mika.
I'm an idiot.
That's all good.
Yes, sir.
I'm actually playing the part of Paul Revere for the anniversary of his ride, and I wanted to give an update to you, Lister, since last time I spoke with you.
Oh, sorry.
One second.
Yeah, I don't understand, people.
You can't be on radio with your radio on.
Tell you what, email me some info.
I gotta let you go.
It sounds like the radio is still on.
Thank you very much, Micah.
Just email me the info.
I'd like to talk about it.
I was talking about covering with my crew.
Send an email to Showtips.
Let's go ahead.
Sounds like I've got feedback going on on the board.
Let's go ahead and go to Jason in Connecticut.
Jason, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
How you doing?
Pretty good.
I, uh, was, something that really concerned me, uh, yesterday.
Uh, my, uh, my father-in-law had passed away a few years ago.
He had a pretty cool, uh, gun collection.
And, uh, my mother-in-law came by the house last night and I saw she had, like, a long list of stuff.
And I said, what's that?
She said, well, the, uh, the homeowners insurance, uh, wants a, uh, a list of all dad's guns and, uh, serial numbers and everything.
And I said, well, when did that start?
When did you have to start supplying something like that?
Is that, is that normal?
It just really concerns me.
No, no, the insurance companies are the government.
They're foreign banks.
They are the occupiers.
They're going to make you turn your guns in.
That's why they're going to make you pay to have guns under new insurance, like Obamacare started in Chicago six months before it was law.
So, yes, the insurance companies are already moving to make you de facto register your guns, and then they will confiscate them.
They've done it everywhere else.
The insurance companies are now the enemy.
No one should be with the big ones, bare minimum.
If you're with a small one,
But no one should have big insurance companies.
They are criminal organizations.
Eddie Craig.
Well, I would agree with that.
I mean, you used to, when you were forced to pay for insurance in case something bad happened, they called that racketeering.
Yeah, the mafia came and said, we're going to burn down your grocery store if you don't buy insurance.
The same people run it today.
No, like, give me a list of your guns and I know you're going to do it.
And the average American poops her pants, says, yes sir.
Yeah, I mean, and the problem is, is now the power of the state is making that racketeering legal.
Yeah, we have a mafia government.
So there you go, sir.
Obviously, they're going to want guns.
Quoted, they got stolen.
But I mean, generally, you just have photographs of stuff.
And then if it came up, they got stolen.
You just proved you had them.
It's for gun confiscation.
Oh yeah, yeah.
And the serial numbers and everything.
That's crazy.
Hey guys, thank you very much for everything you guys do.
I appreciate it.
You bet.
No, no, no.
I remember seeing an article in 2002, headline, scofflaws caught when ordering pizzas.
USA Today was in 2004.
And when you call to get a pizza or anything, they run you through a database to see if you have a warrant.
Instead of a pizza, you got a SWAT team.
Everything's surveilled, and they're turning everyone into agents.
Under the Cybersecurity Act, anyone with IT with over 100 customers under federal law has to spy on everybody.
We're refusing to do it.
But I mean, it's just total evil.
It's total evil.
The government is cancer.
Eddie Craig.
Well, agreed.
It's gotten way out of control.
But the problem is, is we're doing nothing to put it back.
You were speaking before about people waking up in record numbers.
Well, awake is good, but what are they doing?
I agree.
I mean, that's the problem.
How long ago did you wake up, Eddie?
I woke up probably...
Just before the mid-90s, when I started seeing what they were doing, my real battle started when the county tax assessor tried to take my mother's property.
And I started studying the Texas Tax Code to find out how they were doing what they were doing.
What I found enabled me to make them back off and leave her alone.
They are criminals.
Thank you, sir.
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