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Name: 20130320_Wed_Alex
Air Date: March 20, 2013
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It is Wednesday, the 20th day of March 2013, and things are imploding by design in the Euro right now, militarily.
There is all sorts of escalation and hack attacks shutting down many government and private networks in South Korea.
They're claiming the North, who can't even manufacture an automobile.
I don't know.
Ahead of the German central bank calling for a 15% levy, of course, in Italy.
That's on record.
And so this is moving across Europe right now.
Cypriot business owner.
The Germans want to destroy us.
Likely bombed London in World War II.
They're using economic weapons.
But Germany's getting the blame.
The German people are paying the bill for the mega bankers to come in and basically finance the takeover of the other countries.
It's the same thing.
So the Germans are getting blamed again.
And of course, Germany is the center of the spoke of Europe, financing it, because the Germans work so incredibly hard and invent so many things.
It is the engine of Europe.
But they've been financing their own destruction.
The Germans don't like this.
They want out of the Euro.
But see, they use divide and conquer all over Europe.
Oh, the Germans!
They're the ones!
Not Goldman Sachs, not J.P.
Morgan, not Bank of England.
And we don't blame the British people either.
It's these institutions.
It's incredible.
We're going to be going over all that.
Cyprus crisis deepens.
Bailout rejected.
Banks may not reopen.
The German central bank that runs the euro, and I've got the quotes here, is saying, okay, how about none of your money then?
If you don't agree to 10% off the top, and money whenever we want, on top of all your taxes, then we just will not open the banks again.
I mean, this is crazy land.
But it's where we knew it would go.
And they'll probably capitulate.
And then a few years from now, there'll be more bailouts.
That's how this works.
Iceland said no.
But three years ago now, and they have the fastest growing economy.
Compared to England, all of the UK, the rest of the Atlantic Island nations, and the United States and Canada.
Those numbers came out two days ago.
Because they said no, and it turned out almost all the debt was not theirs.
They paid off the 7% or so debt that was really theirs, the 90 plus percent.
They said, hey, we're going to arrest our banking ministers that signed us on to this with Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Bank of England, and others.
At first the British government called them terrorists.
You can pull that up.
And said no Icelander can use British Airwaves or come to England.
400,000 people.
They said fine!
Crooks, we won't come to your stinking country.
They had to back off.
Call their bluff.
Now here is a member of the UK EU Parliament, Nigel Farage, who we're working to get on the show, last night saying get your money out.
They're going to implode everything.
We're going to go out to break with a clip of this.
Well, it can't afford Cyprus to fail, it can't afford Greece to fail, Portugal, Spain or Ireland.
They know that once one country goes, the whole deck of cards will come tumbling down and countries like Germany will realise absolutely vast losses, possibly as much as one trillion euros.
So they are prepared now to do anything.
Literally anything to try to keep the euro afloat.
And that is why they've now resorted, as I say, to what can only be described as theft.
And now they've done it in one country.
They're quite capable of doing it in Italy, Spain, Portugal or anywhere else.
And the message that sends to people who've got savings in banks in those countries, certainly if I was them, is get your money out while you can.
But I guess there's also... All right, we're gonna come back and play that entire five-minute interview he did on RT.
It's so important.
Again, we're gonna get him back on the show.
He's been on many times.
He survived a plane crash recently that almost killed the pilot, who's basically disabled heavily now.
And guess who else survived a plane crash?
It was very suspicious in my view.
The day before he came on the show and didn't tell us, Joel Skousen.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Alex Jones here with a message to fellow freedom lovers.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central, we're live.
We're kicking off the transmission right now on this Wednesday, 20th day of March, 2013.
We've got Rosa Corey of Behind the Green Mask, really the firebrand, out there eloquently, with precision, fighting Agenda 21 in the trenches at point-blank range.
She's here and I'm speaking to her across Texas.
She is scheduled, as they say, to be in studio with us, coming up in the second hour today.
Okay, where to start?
Obviously we're going into a contrived global financial crisis which the mega banks believe they're going to use to hold the planetary system hostage under economic espionage and economic fraud, economic hijacking, to accept
A new global digital SDR currency pegged with some gold and some petrol dollars backing it.
And that's officially at Davos for a decade.
They've been moving towards that.
That's what comes out of Bilderberg.
That's the plan.
So we've been saying, look for them to start regional wars, destabilization operations in the Middle East.
Central Asia, Eastern Europe, Southern Europe, other Mediterranean areas, far east into Southeast Asia, the North Pacific area, basically worldwide chaos.
If you had to describe the New World Order, it'd be, I guess, the bad guys from Get Smart, because they are chaos agents.
And then they always have the actuary breakdowns and the groups
The IMF, the World Bank, the Ex-Im Bank, the International Bank of Settlements, the OECD.
Look up these groups, folks.
They're to then respond to the crisis with what?
More Western taxpayer money, more get-out-of-jail-free cards, more diplomatic immunity, more world government, where they create a wall of red tape to control you and shut you and your country down while they exempt themselves.
So it is 21st century warfare.
Based on the old British great game that itself is the old Roman great game of divide and conquer.
How did the Romans that were maybe 7-8% of the known world population that they were dominating at any one time, how were they able to control everybody?
Divide and conquer.
Divide and conquer.
That's why you see that at every level of society.
They want you to think inherently about fighting with yourselves and having no unity, unless it's in your little racial group or religious group that they control or manipulate, instead of having an identity in liberty and freedom and justice and creativity and renaissance and enlightenment.
They don't want that
The true illumination.
You see, they call themselves the Illuminati, but they're illuminated, they believe.
They want you in darkness.
See, they're a counterfeit, so I use words like illuminate.
Or I use a term like, billions of points of light are sentient minds following God's plan, bringing light and salt to the world.
And the Bible says that, bring light, salt to the world.
But see, the devil says he's going to bring light to the earth as well.
But he's not bringing illumination.
That's why their symbol is the owl.
Because it sees in the night, and you don't.
And they bring darkness so that you can't see, and they can see.
And once you figure out their game plan, and their handbook, their playbook, it is laughably obvious and simple.
Because they arrange it, it's stacked on itself.
Their management systems are stacked, but it's the same management system at each level.
At each ring, concentric rings that centralize down to fewer and fewer people as you go towards the paramount top, as you go towards the apex, the peak.
But it's the same management system.
So if you know one level, you know the next level.
And incredible things are happening worldwide right now.
I want to play you a clip from RT last night.
It's up at InfoWars.com via Zero Hedge.
I want to play you a clip of Nigel Farage who survived a very mysterious plane crash during his last campaign for EU Parliament.
Because he's a real leader.
They're going to end up replacing the conservative party, just like the real Tea Party could replace the Republicans here.
David Cameron's panicking, the liberals are panicking, the fake conservatives are panicking.
He barely survived a plane crash.
Joel Skousen had a very, I think, mysterious plane crash.
The plane never, I watched the newscast, has never been known to have that problem.
Coming in on landing, the engine totally failed.
It flipped end over end and he got out basically unscathed.
They're calling it a miracle.
He did that the day before he was on with us last week, and he didn't even tell.
I wonder why he had a little cut on his head and his nose.
But then later, people were sending me emails and stuff saying, you didn't know he was in a plane crash?
He's on with us next.
Thank God he's OK.
He's on with us next Monday, a World Affairs brief, former Navy, Marine Corps, Vietnam War pilot, carrier pilot.
And of course, I mean, this just keeps happening to patriots, folks.
It's very suspicious.
I mean, how many Congress people's planes blow up or disappear?
Or, you know, Larry McDonald, the list goes on and on.
Very, very suspicious.
I mean, if something like that happens to me, and I'm not a pilot, but something like that happens to me and it's suspicious, I want to investigate it.
Because there's a lot of that going on, a lot of that happening.
And I laugh because it's uncomfortable.
But I'm going to go over hack attacks happening all over the world right now that are being blamed on North Korea.
North Korea cannot tie its shoelaces.
They drive around in 57 Chevys, the government does.
It's a crumbling joke of parasitic intrigue.
But they're saying the South got this massive financial and government hack attack.
JP Morgan's saying it's not a hack, that all their computers said zero, imbalances.
I've talked to IT people, that's not how those systems work.
I've talked to people in banking, that's not how they work.
It's very suspicious.
I'm going to get into what that really signifies from different perspectives.
We're going to look at, they're now talking about taking money not just out of Greece, and not just out of Cyprus, the Cypriot people, and not just Italy but now Spain.
This is really spreading.
And again, people say, well, it will destroy confidence.
It will destroy confidence.
Why would they do this?
Because it'll be the same mega banks that implode their front banks.
They can change the name of Goldman Sachs or JPMorgan or
They can change the name, just like they've done, of the brokerage houses and banks, Lehman Brothers and stuff, they imploded in 2008.
It's the private shareholders, the banks are front holding companies.
The central banks are holding company fronts for the holding companies.
Again, fronts in front of fronts in front of fronts in front of fronts.
It's come out the Rothschilds, every time they arrest, or almost every time they arrest some
Russian oligarch in Russia, you know, who's got 6, 7, 10, 15 million.
They have yachts the size of World War II battleships.
No joke.
Pull up Russian oligarch's yacht docks in New York a few months ago.
I mean, it's like a battleship.
It's a cruise ship.
And the point is, is that every time they arrest one of them, or try to seize their bank accounts,
It turns out it's a Rothschild front.
So the Rothschild sued newspapers a few years ago saying, stop saying we're puppet masters, and then the judge found it was actually true.
Yeah, there it is.
Now that's a boat, world's largest yacht, belonging to a Russian millionaire.
I'm not even saying he's a corrupt guy, I don't know all his details.
Docks in New York.
The point is, that's what's going on with the Russian people's money.
See, they never really got privatization in Russia.
They took the Duma-controlled Communist Party system, controlled by a few hundred guys, and they all left the Duma.
And put their puppets in, like Putin, and went, you know, and their total drugged-out-of-his-mind Yeltsin, who couldn't even talk, they put him up there while they all then went and took over the nickel, the iron, the steel production, the oil, the natural gas.
It's all just big mafia combines, and it's truly, truly, truly disgusting.
But the point is, even these guys are Dutch Royal, British Royal, Rothschild fronts.
But let's go ahead and go to this Nigel Farage clip where he's breaking down what's really happening in Europe.
Here it is.
Well, it can't afford Cyprus to fail, it can't afford Greece to fail, Portugal, Spain or Ireland.
They know that once one country goes, the whole deck of cards will come tumbling down and countries like Germany will realise absolutely vast losses, possibly as much as one trillion euros.
So they are prepared now to do anything.
Literally anything to try to keep the euro afloat.
And that is why they've now resorted, as I say, to what can only be described as theft.
And now they've done it in one country.
They're quite capable of doing it in Italy, Spain, Portugal or anywhere else.
And the message that sends to people who've got savings in banks in those countries, certainly if I was them, is get your money out while you can.
But I guess there's also a duty to look after the many expats that are there.
In 2010, almost twice as much British money went to Cyprus as transfers from Russia, according to the country's official website.
Surely you've got a responsibility to safeguard your constituents' interests there now?
Well, I mean, you know, what the British government have said is that they will stand surety for the British Army soldiers and Air Force people who are there.
But what about all the expats who have been living there for 20, 30 years?
The government have had nothing to say on that subject whatsoever.
And what the government ought to do is to help the British people living down there, mostly pensioners.
But what the British government needs to do is to say to the hundreds of thousands of Brits that are living in southern Spain, for goodness sake, get your money out of that country and have a monthly transfer to pay your bills.
And that is what I'd like to see the Chancellor, George Osborne, do in his budget statement tomorrow in the House of Commons.
What sort of message is this?
Okay, so we're going to try to get him on in the next few days.
He's a very busy man, but he does come on when we request it.
He's really the Rand Paul, Ron Paul of Europe now.
And again, he's elected to the EU Parliament, but he'll point out that the EU bureaucracy that exempts itself from EU taxes makes all the rules.
They just pass things and then it's a recommendation, and it's all ignored.
By a bureaucracy who's all Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Bank of England execs.
I mean, they appoint presidents and prime ministers now over these countries.
Europe has been financially conquered, but it's a fraud.
Admit you've been conquered, and admit that they're holding you hostage.
Things aren't going to get better.
Most of the Cyprus debt is not their debt.
It is globalist debt they've been signed onto.
But the media won't talk about that.
It's another giant hoax.
Stay with us.
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In the next segment, I'm going to look at the entire geopolitical field, and the hack attacks, the military things that are happening, the use of Al-Qaeda against Muslim countries by the West, and just how over-the-top all this is, and what I believe it's leading to.
But I want to continue with what's happening with bank runs here and around the world, seeing some of the glitches and problems that are being rolled out.
But let's go up to Infowars.com first.
If you go to the featured news areas, Chinese eugenicist factory collects genius DNA to breed enhanced people.
Chinese may launch eugenics operations for economic reasons, offering it to the world.
That's why they take your blood for now 41 years at birth in all Western countries to put it in a UN database.
I, of course, broke that 16 years ago.
It was declassified about five years ago.
Oh, they secretly take your blood.
Of course they do.
They spy on you.
They do whatever they want.
They put cancer viruses in the vaccines.
You're not in Kansas anymore, folks.
Syrian rebels caught on tape discussing chemical weapons attack.
Well, yeah, last year we had video of them talking about that.
Now there's new ones.
Doesn't matter, they'll just blame it on Assad and say he's Al-Qaeda while they use Al-Qaeda and publicly arm him.
It's just the American people say, good, kill everybody, nerve gas them.
Feinstein vows not to play dead on anti-Second Amendment bill.
Look, she brings out her ultra-radical bill, so now the bill that's gone through has banning of private sales and basically national registration and letting the police say everybody's mentally ill and throwing in a mental institution, which all authoritarian systems have done.
And we just saw a case in Williamson County that was in the paper.
They're always setting up innocent people.
They're famous for that.
And throwing lawyers who are totally well-spoken, have no criminal record, who sue them.
They just come and arrest you and throw you in a mental institution for three years.
You know, drug you up, and then finally, you know, the person's a lawyer, so as other lawyers sue and get you out, and you hear the person interviewed, they're totally cogent.
I mean, that's the problem, is that they're charging people for hay dust and giving them five years in prison.
They're charging people and giving them five years in prison if in your own creek, cows go down and drink.
And some mud gets into the creek, something animals have always done.
Look at Africa, you know, they're running free and open.
You know, the animals go down and the water buffalo go down, the same thing as a cow, same species, just wild.
You're arrested.
You let a couple balloons go for your girlfriend, you know, as a present.
State police pull over by your house, you just let those balloons go?
Yeah, for my girlfriend.
All right, you're facing multiple counts, five years in jail per balloon.
It's a felony and he'll have his guns taken.
And the jury will convict.
And then they will pay to keep him in jail for three or four years of the sentence, building things for 25 cents an hour, and then they'll wonder why they don't have a job.
They won't figure it out.
Because they want to get hurt.
They want to get hurt bad.
It's a religion to be a chump.
It's a religion to get run over.
It's a religion to be abused.
It's a religion to have the largest prison population.
It's a religion to have an illegal foreign banking government crushing other countries and crushing us.
85 billion dollars.
They're just running up our debt where it's impossible to pay back, giving it to the IMF and World Bank, which are part of the Federal Reserve.
It's local name is Federal Reserve.
You're a foreign banking takeover arm.
You call yourself the Federal Reserve.
I'm convinced hijackers could take over aircraft and put on the captain's suit and walk out and say, I am the captain!
And, you know, they could be, I am Habib Ahmed, I am the captain, even have bombs strapped on them.
And most people on board the plane would kneel.
And if the captain ran out in his underwear and said, no, he's got my uniform, the people on board would attack.
The clear American, whether he was black, white, hispanic, whatever.
They would tear him apart and just start bowing.
Oh, we love you.
And then they would probably grab Hanger Days and pull the pins out.
Kill me, you're the government.
I mean, you know, I mean, it's mass Stockholm syndrome.
I'm serious.
As long as you just say you're the government and you're actually scary, they fall before you.
Now, if you're good and wholesome and want to help them, they attack you like piranhas.
If you talk common sense, you're a terrorist.
And I have the Southern Poverty Law Center, one of their new reports right here.
Look at this, if you're a TV viewer.
Look at the drawing they did of me, where I look like some kind of evil superhero.
You guys document cam on this?
I mean, look at that.
And they say I'm one of the leading terrorists, ladies and gentlemen.
I am a deadly terrorist.
Look how evil I look.
That's hilarious!
That is hilarious!
And there's a new comic book out of the New Avengers where the Red Skull is like throwing some fat redneck down and it's me.
Yeah, I look like a mean John Lithgow there.
I mean, I mean, this is the type of stuff, and the public loves it!
They're like, take everything I got!
You know, shoot my kid up with cancer viruses, you know, it's fine.
Give my baby 50 vaccines, he'll have a convulsion and die, put me in jail!
Thank you for killing my baby, throw me in jail!
They'll apologize when they go to prison, you know, it's like...
You want your bank account taken?
You want to die young?
You want aspartame in your milk?
You want brain damage?
You want it?
You got it.
I'm talking to new listeners who love the government.
You're right.
They're going to rape you hard.
You love it.
Just make sure you thank the New World Order.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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You are obsolete, Mr. Wordsworth.
A lie!
No man is obsolete!
You have no function, Mr. Wordsworth.
You're an anachronism, like a ghost from another time!
I am nothing more than a reminder to you that you cannot destroy truth by burning pages!
You're a bug, Mr. Wordsworth!
A crawling insect!
An ugly, misformed little creature who has no purpose here, no meaning!
I am a human being!
Words, Mr. Wordsworth, that have no substance and no dimension, like air, like the wind!
I don't care!
I tell you, I don't care!
I'm a human being!
I exist!
Yet if I speak one further word...
That thought lives, even after I'm shoveled into my grave!
Delusions, Mr. Wordsworth!
Delusions that you inject into your veins to make you think you have a strength, when you have no strength at all!
You have nothing but spindly limbs and a dream, and mistake has no use for your kind!
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
And resistance to tyrants is the only thing that will produce a good, healthy, happy, incredibly wealthy, and prosperous society.
And then those that win the liberty are always the greatest generation.
The 1776-ers are our real greatest generation.
People that went through the Depression were a great generation compared to what we've become, because they went through hell, and that made them stronger.
As Victor Hugo said,
Adversity makes men.
Prosperity makes monsters.
And it's really true.
And then generations become decadent.
They become slobs.
And then they don't want to hear about tyranny.
They don't want to hear about corruption.
They want to say that doesn't exist.
And laugh at those that warn them.
And then when you laugh at those that warn you about tyranny, well, pretty soon it grows and grows and grows.
And then you still have to defend the tyranny because you don't want to admit you were wrong.
Plus, now the tyranny's out in the open and scary.
And so you stick your head deeper in the sand.
You run further under the black wings of the New World Order and snuggle up to its undercoat, you know, begging it for some more government vomit.
But now it's not little chunklets of meat stolen by Mommy Vulture.
Now Mommy Vulture's spewing down acid on top of your little gosling head and it's not going to be very fun.
So there I go with some
Bird analogies for everyone.
I am Alex Jones, your host.
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Horror stories, recognizing the threat, recognizing the enemy operations, is half the battle.
Recognize it, identify it, demonize it, because that's not hard.
You just show what it is.
It's demonized.
It's the enemy.
It's trying to demonize us, because they know we're the antidote.
So demonize them, hit them as hard as you can, expose all their crimes.
Only problem is they're so unbelievable, people won't believe it.
And they will fall.
They will fall.
In any fight, ladies and gentlemen, don't think about who's winning.
Can't tell you how many physical fights I got in, and I'm not a tough guy, but I grew up in Dallas, got in a lot of fights, where some guy would be pounding on you, and he'd stop after he punched you a few times to see if you were gonna fall over.
And that was always my opportunity, even if they were faster and tougher than me, that, that, that, that, okay, they just let up.
You know, now I'm hurt bad, now I can turn on the good ol' boy juice, you know, and stomp their butt in the ground.
That's the same thing.
Just stop listening to them.
They're gonna tell you we're powerless, they're gonna tell you we're losing, they're gonna tell you we're pathetic, they're gonna tell you we're defeated.
Just keep swinging.
Keep swinging, ladies and gentlemen, and they will fall.
Their whole new world order will fall, because things are about to get a lot worse.
And if you think this radio show has exploded because what we've talked about is coming true, imagine when more and more comes true.
Imagine what's going to happen when you've talked about this stuff to your friends, family, and neighbors, and it starts all coming true.
Now, now you're going to be the go-to person.
I can't tell you how many police officers and how many federal officers have called into the show or that I've run into personally.
I mean, I've run into them when they're protecting, you know, famous people.
I'll just leave it at that.
Well, one time so long ago, I can talk about it, the Bush daughters.
Federal Marshals, you know, wanting my autograph and stuff.
And, you know, talking to me about the New World Order and all the rest of it.
I mean, it just constantly happens.
On average, these are not bad people.
They're compartmentalized.
They know my show's telling the truth because they're in the belly of the beast.
They are seeing all this stuff for themselves.
I have found it easier to wake up people in the power structure than the general public.
It's easier to wake up military, it's easier to wake up police, it's easier to wake up... and I'm not kissing up to those groups either.
People know I used to be at a fundamental primitive level attacking all those groups because I saw them as the tentacle of the enemy I was fighting.
Until I realized the tentacle has its own brain and doesn't particularly like what it's attached to.
You understand that?
I've discovered we can turn the tentacles against the system.
Because the tentacles actually came from America.
They've just been hijacked.
But to make a long story short, we've heard the calls where police and military were laughed at 20 years ago, 10 years ago, 5 years ago.
They're not laughed at now.
Now they're the go-to guys.
Now they're the people everybody was constantly calling up for investment advice, for family advice, for New World Order advice, because they heard you talk about it.
I mean, Dr. Paul Greg Roberts has talked about those people he knows in government.
But I mean, take another Roberts, Colonel Craig Roberts, who was, you know, the Tulsa Police Department head of the SWAT team, also a helicopter pilot, worked on the Oklahoma City bombing as a detective.
And he was telling them it was the government exposing all the names, so they put a federal investigation on him.
Had all the cops spying on him.
Cops were getting killed as well that were investigating on the Oklahoma City force.
And then now, they all call apologizing and begging to come out to meetings with him and want to know all about it.
And now that he's retired, but I've heard that story hundreds of times to be conservative.
So it's the same thing with you and your own life.
Educate people now, let them laugh at you.
Well, now they're not really laughing.
We've kind of gone past that.
And be a leader in your area.
Let me give you the toll-free number.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
800-259-9231 to jam in a few calls ahead of our guest.
I'm kind of, you know, going off on a rampage here because I start talking about Stockholm Syndrome.
And Stockholm Syndrome got that name decades ago from a case in Stockholm, Europe.
But if you study it in history, you see it happen a lot.
Where you've got people that are kidnapped, you've got people that are enslaved, you've got... I mean, there are many cases where police bust into some house where they've got, you know, three or four people chained up in a backroom sweatshop who've been prisoners for five, ten years, and the people will fight the police to protect the enslaver.
And that's called the Stockholm Syndrome.
Well, you can also get that towards a corrupt government, like North Korea.
You can get mass Stockholm Syndrome, where people are so scared of a hijacker, they're so scared of an abuser, that they end up groveling to them and convincing themselves that the person really has their best interest at heart,
And it actually happens now.
Some studies, you know, back in the 60s and things showed about 25% of people, roughly, would go under Stockholm very quickly.
Now it's over 60% revert to Stockholm.
Remember the Stanford Research Program?
They had a few other university programs where they could get graduate students to torture people and then follow orders to kill them.
Believing they were killing people, and they found on average over 90% would kill if their professor told them to kill.
Well, see, I'm not one of those people.
Whenever I talk under my breath and talk to the crew, people are like, what's he talking about?
I tell them I'm hearing bleed over.
I don't know if it's from the network or what it is, but I got clips in my ear.
But it sounded like bumper music.
All right.
Got to diagnose that while we're live on the air.
People won't find it later.
We've been adding some new stuff to the studio, so some of that stuff can happen.
Alright, now continuing here, let's just go to some of your phone calls.
Because I need to reset.
And when you hear talk show hosts say reset, it means you get so many ideas going in your mind, so many points, that it's really impossible to then pull back and try to cover it all.
But I just want to get this message out to everybody.
Having the Stockholm Syndrome, loving your abusers, giving in to it, doing what it says, is going to destroy you.
And if you buy into this false reality they're spewing, we're going to have the total implosion of our society and an authoritarian nightmare that is going to look pale in significance.
I love Obama!
I love Obama!
I'm dying for Obama!
I will kill for Obama!
You will kill for Obama?
And that is just an example
of the type of people that are out there who have their payroll taxes raised, their whole future destroyed, and they have childlike looks in their eyes.
We could see the videos, the radio listeners they were just playing.
It's just abject three-year-old.
It's like a delusional three-year-old.
And they love the delusion, they love the Stockholm Syndrome, they love the lie, and I've just seen it hundreds and hundreds of times where they're completely childlike.
And they completely buy into anything and everything they're told.
And for those of us that are awake, there's not just those that are in the Stockholm Syndrome,
There's also people that are so threatened by it that they're scared deep down so they lie to themselves.
And then they also say that those of us that say we know what's going on, that we're showing off, that we think we're smarter than they are.
I ought to send an email to Papa Bui of the Howard Stern Show, because after I was on Howard Stern, it was such a popular interview, I was driving the next day listening to a rebroadcast of the After Wrap-Up Show,
And he was saying, well, you know, Alex Jones is an interesting guy, but he thinks he's smarter than other people.
He thinks he knows things and sees things that we don't.
And then he's like, I just don't see the world being that complex and people having it together.
And you know what?
You're right.
The general public doesn't have it together and things are falling apart.
And the average person is in a trance.
So you're judging the elitist, the globalist, off of how you see the world and people around you.
See, the globalists are social engineers.
They've all written books how they set this up.
Bertrand Russell, countless others.
So, I've read all the books they've written, many of the books, Carol Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, The Anglo-American Establishment by Carol Quigley, The Technotronic Age is by Abigny Brzezinski, Club of Rome documents, and we've had people take out of the National Archives, you know, that's got restricted, do not release senators' papers about world government and Bilderberg, you know, that we publish.
Big breaking stuff.
And then it's not even a big deal.
People won't even go read the documents.
So see, I'm covering something.
It's like talking about the last Super Bowl.
I know who won the last Super Bowl.
I mean, it's not like it's my opinion.
I know what happened.
It's like saying there was a power outage at the Super Bowl.
That happened.
They're like, oh, that's your opinion there was a power outage.
And I'm not criticizing.
I'll send him an email and ask to come on his show and like really walk through some of this stuff because let me tell you what Stockholm Syndrome is.
It's when you're abused and you defend the abuser because it convinces you that you're in control.
You're not in control.
You're chained up and the psychopaths know how to break you and control you where they finally know you're broken and where they can take your chains off and you'll do whatever they say forever.
And then you will defend your enslaver because you're delusional and what you're afraid of is admitting you were conned, that you were manipulated.
But the lie begins, that's later, the lie begins by thinking that if you just like this person that's abusing you and do whatever they want, somehow that will give you power over it.
Delusional people are into playing tricks and I've noticed losers and failures always have systems and manipulations they're running and games they're playing and they imagine things are like dominoes that are going to fall one into the other and some master plan.
And it's those very people that will deny there's a globalist master plan, though they're fantasizing about it themselves.
But see, the globalists are building on thousands of years of developed, survival-of-the-fittest tyrannies out of the Roman and then British model that actually do work.
But I've noticed the loser population plays at intrigue, plays at manipulation.
And I'm just getting off into a hall of mirrors here in my own mind, just trying to understand what the globalists are up to.
But really, they have a philosophy of cheat, don't be for any side, care about no one, and then try to manage whatever new crisis there is with more BS, because you're in the positions of power.
That's why societies end up falling under these people, because they lie to themselves.
So if it doesn't make sense at some levels, it's because they're smoking their own dope.
The globalists have their own Stockholm Syndrome to what they have released.
They have their own Stockholm Syndrome to what they've created.
They think they're in control of this.
They think they're the authors of a machine that was started more than 6,000 years ago in ancient tyrannies in Egypt, Babylon.
Then Greece, Rome, the Venetians, the Byzantines, on through the Middle Ages, the Dark Ages, and then the Renaissance against it.
And we are the Renaissance, those of us that are, we are the thinkers, we are the lovers.
We are the people that believe humanity should be empowered.
We're the people that want destiny, that want to taste it, who want to live it, who want to empower, who want to grow, who want to see people win.
And the globalists are cancer!
They're a bunch of greedy, stunted, wicked people who are in control because they're willing to break the rules, like cancer, and they must be routed out, they must be removed, they must be destroyed.
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There's a man going around taking names.
All right, I'm going to get into massive hack attacks going on, they claim, around the world.
I believe are false flags driven by the Global Crime Syndicate for a takeover from South Korea to the United States.
What's happening with the zero balances for everybody with JPMorgan Chase bank accounts in the US and their debit cards?
What really happened with that?
A Cyprus crisis deepens.
German government says, along with the EU, give us 10% of all your bank accounts or we'll just shut all the banks and take all your money.
Oh, man, I mean, it's just the lawlessness, because everybody lays down.
And they're going to do this here.
They're moving towards America.
They're going to do us last.
You need to explain that to everybody here.
Save the best for last.
So I just want to impart this to you.
Groveling and laying down is what empowers these people.
They always say compromise.
They never compromise.
And I know our hardcore listeners know this, but it's time for the whole world to get serious about what's happening and realize it.
You know, I haven't had a call from this station in years.
We had this station as an affiliate like 15 years ago.
I know they've got a couple more stations there, so I knew we had an AM there, but a KCXL 100.29 FM, so 102.9 in Kansas City.
Steve in Missouri, you're on the air.
Go ahead and thanks for holding.
It's an honor to talk to you.
You're the
Catalyst for my waking up, uh, many years back.
Uh, I was calling because, uh, I was thinking yesterday about, I've wondered for a while why the, uh, Bush regime would, uh, would allow the assault weapons ban to expire to begin with.
And it made me think of Rumsfeld, uh, you know, arming, uh, uh, North Korea or Iran and, and, uh, Afghanistan and all them guys and kind of arming their enemies before they go to war with them.
It was just, uh,
See what you thought about that.
Uh, and where I can't trade guns with my dad or have him go, you know, hey, your great uncle died, here's his shotgun.
I mean, the reason I've probably got 50, 60 guns is most of them are dead relatives' guns.
I mean, a lot of them are.
And it just ends all that and then registers everything so they can confiscate them.
When criminals don't even follow the laws.
Uh, so we need to beat all these bills.
We need to get rid of the 68 Gun Control Act.
Because criminals are going to have guns anyways, and they're now creating felonies, sir, for a battery.
You know, a AA battery in your backyard, five years in jail, by accident, your kids left out there.
And I find batteries all the time in my yard.
Because, you know, the kids play with toys and they fall out.
I mean, and let me tell you, I mean, every month I see some guy arrested for that.
I mean, I'm not just saying that.
I mean, balloons.
A balloon goes in the air, you're going to jail.
I mean, we launch balloons all the time.
My kids love doing it.
We'll tie something to it.
I mean, it's over.
And so, I say get rid of all gun control laws.
Get rid of it all.
That's the answer.
Go ahead.
Well, the Founding Fathers, when the Second Amendment was drafted, you know, citizens, I think you made this point before, had cannons.
There was no bigger, better armament at the time than a cannon.
You know, they didn't even cross their mind, I believe, to take the cannons from the people.
You know, I believe that, yeah, we have a right to bear arms and, you know... Hey, last time I checked, buddy, there are more than 50,000 Barrett semi-auto 50s in America and hundreds of thousands of bolt-action that, yeah, you can take airplanes down with them.
There's never been a crime with a 50 except one armored car robbed in the 80s.
Because gun owners are so law-abiding.
So, take all the laws off of us.
We're good people.
It's not that we're just law-abiding.
If you don't trust the people with guns, how do you trust the government?
See, the government's always far more dangerous.
And I know you know that, brother.
Alright, George.
He's a PrisonPlanet.tv viewer right now, a subscriber.
We're gonna come back to him.
And then Casey.
And then any others that are patiently holding, stay with us.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Rosa Corey has got very important breaking news on the Globalist Crime Syndicate's political mafia offensive in the United States.
And those aren't verbal flourishes right there that you just heard.
That is exactly what we are facing.
So she's going to be joining us with big breaking news, the Empire striking back, their counteroffensive.
Right now let's go to George in New Jersey.
You're on the air, sir.
Good afternoon to you, Alex.
How are you?
I'm fine, sir.
Thank you for calling.
Real quick, I wanted to pass along some information regarding the 11-year-old who had the Health and Human Services or Welfare caseworker show up and the police officers visited his home last Friday because of a photo of a .22 caliber copy of an AR on Facebook.
And the police demanded to actually look in the homeowner's gun safe.
I sent a link to Kurt for you.
So you can pull that up probably from your website at this point.
What was the headline?
I'll pull it up.
Family says New Jersey overreacted to the boy's gun photo that was on the Daily Journal.
Our local newspaper.
Oh yeah, I have it.
I have it.
So his parents...
His parents legally have what a lot of kids have.
It looks like an AR-15, but it's a .22.
We were just out shooting those with the kids the other day, because it's a great trainer gun for them.
And they demanded to come and use that, I guess without a warrant is the issue, because I see that in the news.
They had no warrant whatsoever.
They just showed up unannounced.
Well, by the way, it talks about the camouflage-clad child.
I don't always go with fads.
I only go with a style if it's in.
And I always love to go hunting and hanging out because I love to wear camouflage and, you know, it's just fun.
I don't like being a big kid.
I'm wearing camo today.
Might wear camo every couple weeks.
I got a couple shirts that are camo.
I got a duck hunting, you know, thing I got decades ago I've worn before on air.
But the point is, is that it's fun and they describe him as
It's very frightening.
I just saw the article.
You know, he had camo on and a gun.
Let's put the evil photo back up.
And, you know, this is like kids getting kicked out of school because a pastry looks like a gun.
There's no law, but they do it to just create this idea of total hysteria to demonize it.
I totally agree with you.
I do have a nephew also who has a son who was suspended for three days in New Jersey for pointing his finger in the shape of a gun.
He is a third grader in the city of Vineland here.
Oh yeah, all the video games, all the Avenger movies, guns, guns, guns, all kids always play with guns.
We used to take our toy guns to school.
My dad took his real guns to school to go shooting after school.
Now, again, pointing your finger, that's how they're going to ban the guns, is the kids are going to be so neurotic growing up
That just pointing a finger is enough to go to a FEMA camp?
Actually, I'm an electronics tech, and I actually did some work putting cameras in school buses.
I did win a contract for doing that for our local public schools anyway.
Very Orwellian, there's a photo that goes above the camera, and it's literally right out of 1984.
It's a picture of a gentleman's eyes.
Just staring at everybody in the bus.
You ever notice those photos with eyes, no matter where you move, they seem to always look at you?
No, no, same thing was done five years ago, six years ago in London.
They put up big signs saying, you are now safe under the eyes of Big Brother, and shows a giant eye in the sky beaming the bus, and that was the ad for the bus cameras.
And they're saying, no, Big Brother is good.
And in Stockholm Syndrome, they're now literally using 1984 as an owner's manual.
It's now an instruction manual.
We're talking kindergarten students here who are getting subjected to this sort of nonsense.
Well it's not, but again we call it nonsense and I call it that because like this is nonsense.
It's not.
It's hardcore brainwashing re-education camp.
The public schools are the equivalent of Soviet re-education centers.
I totally agree with you.
Yeah, they force the kids on drugs, force them on shots, feed them horrible bad food.
Mommy and Daddy can't pack lunches.
The kids write reports on what Mommy and Daddy are doing.
And they're there to hurt your child and put them on Ritalin and Prozac.
You may not have the average teacher who's bad, but the system is globalist, UN, Geno 21, UNESCO, treaty run.
And, I mean, the head of Handgun Control Incorporated many years ago in the local paper said, Alex Jones will fail, because I caught stuff going on at the Capitol.
We've got your kids.
They said, we have your kids.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Again, ladies and gentlemen, I'm your host Alex Jones.
It is the 20th day of March 2013 on this Wednesday edition.
We are now into the second hour.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Now the EU global control banks are telling Cyprus that, hey, we may just shut your bank accounts completely down.
That's being reported by NBC World News.
But it's in the fine print.
It says, Cyprus crisis deepens.
Bailout rejected.
Banks may not reopen.
And then you read later, well, we'll just never let you have any of your money.
We'll just shut them down.
And the banks are closed right now.
They're supposedly going to reopen on Friday, but now they're saying maybe never if you don't do what we say.
And then you had Chase JP Morgan customers yesterday evening for two and a half hours, or the day before yesterday, show zero.
People couldn't buy stuff, they couldn't do things.
And I think that something's suspicious there.
Like they do flash trading, there's tens of billions of dollars of deposits, even more than that.
Imagine two and a half hours, that money being able to be used for other things, moved into other things.
I think it's very suspicious.
I've talked to IT people and they have all those systems backed up.
You wouldn't have everybody's card go to zero.
If there's sunspots or something and a satellite's down, you know, not even all the gas stations go down.
And it says your card doesn't work.
It doesn't give you the data of zero.
So I've talked to some IT people, and they say it's very, very, very suspicious because those systems are all backed up.
The banking thing is not on one server or one group of servers.
And there's been supposed hack attacks against South Korea, they say, by North Korea.
Obama, of course, is going to Israel.
And now there's been supposed nerve gas attacks.
In Syria, they're trying to blame on the government there.
A year ago, we told you, look for a false flag on that front.
That is just some of what we're going to be covering.
But what about this report?
Attorney says prosecution of abortionists who snap newborn babies' necks is racist.
House of Horrors doctor charged with killing children that have already been born.
The point is, is that this is the new thing.
You don't want government-run health care?
You're a racist.
Don't want to turn your guns in?
You're a racist.
If you don't like a
The weather it must be!
Having any opinion is racist, because the abortionist, the abortion doctor, is a black guy.
And of course, most of the babies are black.
I mean, it has nothing to do with it.
I mean, they've prosecuted white and Asian doctors before.
That's on record for doing post-partial birth.
It's a horrible subject to have to get into.
It's just that article's up at InfoWars.com.
And Alveda King, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King,
That goes into how this is always the tactic that they use.
We'll be covering some of that in the next hour after our guest leaves us.
We've also got more and more forced drugging of people to make them tell the truth at trial.
The case of James Holmes, who was already under weird government psychiatric control, now they want to drug him so he behaves himself and tells the truth that he did it.
I mean, whoa!
And the drugs they're giving him will make you say whatever you're told.
I mean, this is like mind control, Dr. Mingela stuff out in the open.
I want to get Jon Rappaport on about that.
I've been talking about this for a week since they announced it, and now they're going ahead with the drugging.
Also, England is moving to ban...
Open blogging, anonymous blogging, as part of their takeover of the press.
They already have D notices to shut things down.
That's in the news.
That's the one in Guardian, you name it, saying it's tyranny.
I mean, this is all happening all over the world, and this is what even CNET News said Obama's cyber security plan that has John McCain's support bipartisan would do.
Chinese style net censorship.
That's the quote.
I mean, it is happening here.
Stop saying it can't happen here.
We are joined for the balance of the hour, and perhaps a little bit into the next hour, to take your calls.
Behind the green mask, you, Antigen21, Rosa Corey, the best short primer, and only, you know, 170-something pages long, or 169 pages long.
A piece to break down how it works, how they do it, and she's real to the point, focused, well-researched, everything she talks about, because, you know, I've been on this for 17 years, Gen21, right after it happened 20 years ago.
I've been covering it on air for almost 18.
I can tell you this lady knows her stuff and focuses on it full-time, so knows more than I do, because she specializes in it.
She's on it right now.
And I said, what's the latest?
They're counter-offensive of disinformation, a new hoax saying there is no Gen21 or it's a loving thing.
They're in, runned in.
We're going to go over all of it and just how big this is.
But listen, under UNESCO, set up by the transhumanist, who wasn't really a transhumanist, he founded it, a eugenicist, Aldous Huxley's brother, Julian Huxley,
On record, set it up to take over the planet.
It runs your toilet, how big it can be, your light bulbs, what type, cigarette bands, plastic bag bands, all these things that sound reasonable, they admit were to set the precedent so they're in control.
This is global zoning.
And then it's, we're going to shut down your power plants.
We're not going to let you build.
We're going to tear up your roads.
And the good news is, we're countering them everywhere, but they are now counter-offensing.
They're now on a counter-offensive.
And people don't understand it.
It's who wants it most.
They're always going to come back.
We've got to come back.
And it's fun to fight them.
It's not like, oh gosh, they're coming back again.
It's fun.
You're meant to go to city council or the state house and rout them.
And a lady who's traveling all over the country and who is on fire is Rosa Correa.
Again, her book, discounted, ready for you to give to your entire county commissioners, your city council, your state house.
For those of you that want to be able to keep our free market system in prosperity, you better support us and Rosa and yourself and buy a hundred of these.
And don't just give them to your city council, your county commissioners.
Give them to your pastors.
Give them to opinion makers because you in America
Brainwashes all the best and brightest college students, high school students, they recruit them.
My first film covers this and shows it.
That's how they take over.
We have to mimic their tactics, but we use the truth, they use lies.
And so Rosa Corey joins us in studio, and it's thepostsustainabilityinstitute.org is one place to visit.
Also Democrats Against Agenda 21.
I am fired up to have you here, Rosa, to give us the state of the war
With the UN and the private mega banks that created it and are imploding the planet with it.
Thank you for joining us.
I'm so glad to be with you.
It's really great to be here.
It's fantastic to have you.
So, I mean, start rolling with what you were telling me out there.
The latest breaking info.
They're counter-offensive.
Well, you know, obviously, they're completely shocked.
They're back on their heels because here we are, you know, people are recognizing that this is something that they want to fight.
And when you're out there, and you're at your city council meeting, or you're visiting some planning commission meeting, or you're at your kid's school, and you're talking about what's going on, you really want to understand the big picture.
And so, this is obviously, there's a lot of disinformation going on to fight us, and there are people right on the ground, right in your neighborhood, that are out there working against you.
So you want to be aware.
And one thing that's going on, this is sort of funny in a way, is the United Nations Association, UNA-USA, their executive director has just written an open letter to the legislators of like nine states
And these are the states that are actually launching legislation to fight Agenda 21, saying that we do not want to have anything to do with Agenda 21.
And this guy, I posted this on my blog so that people can see it.
It's actually a propaganda letter to the legislators saying, hey, you know, there's nothing to worry about here.
You know, hey, basically, why are you wasting our time?
Why are you wasting precious legislative time?
On this non-binding agreement.
And the truth is that it is in every single piece of legislation.
It is in federal, state, and local.
And we're showing this now from unusa.org.
Right when you said it, we punched it up.
It's on the front of their site.
A foreign globalist corporate group is literally here trying to block us at the legislatures, blocking them.
And the Southern Poverty Law Center is coming out with reports saying anyone that talks about it is a terrorist.
And get this, the LA Times said, it does not exist, Rosa.
So that's how dumb they think their readers are.
It doesn't exist, Rosa, but their organization is here fighting us.
Right, it's funny because it's all over the Los Angeles General Plan, you know, I mean literally it is in plan for every city in the United States.
It's in all of your plans, all of your schools, it's in Common Core, you'll see it throughout your legislative documents, and this is the reality, even though it's a, yes it was a non-binding document, yes it's 20 years old, but it was implemented in the United States through the
But explain, when you sign off on it, HUD and all the agencies then bring you taxpayer money.
They finance it.
Yes, because this is what they do.
They impoverish the cities.
The cities are crashed.
The economy is collapsed.
The cities are desperate for money.
They're like, please give us some money.
And the feds say, hey, sure, we'll give you the Partnership for Sustainable Communities funds.
You'll get grants.
If you
Put smart growth in every part of your center.
And they tell all the top college people, all the top executives at companies, all the top kids in high school, we're going to pay for you to be flown to New York.
We're going to make you part of the UN.
And that's how they've got basically everybody.
They tell Miss USA, you will not win unless you thank the UN.
That's right, UNUSA, they actually create mock summits that they put on at schools, at high schools and colleges where they train you in Agenda 21.
Meanwhile, of course, it doesn't exist, right?
Meanwhile, people are being trained in it, planners are actually being propagandized to talk to
...elected officials and planning departments and say, hey, Agenda 21 is nothing to worry about.
This is a huge disinformation campaign, but we are fighting it all across the world.
And by the way, my film, America Destroyed by Design, that I shot in 96, put out in 2000...
That I shot in 96, put out in 1997.
I'm going to show for TV viewers clips of that where I went to model UN at the University of Texas with the high school kids where open communism was being taught.
I mean, they were openly, but again, this corporate communism, go ahead.
Yeah, it's a corporatocracy.
This is, you know, check it out.
What globalization really is, is the standardization of systems.
It's creating total uniformity, right?
So that all systems are brought into uniformity.
They call it harmonizing.
And so that means, what does a corporation want?
They want open borders.
They want no regulation.
And they want low-wage workers.
They want large markets that they can sell their goods in.
This is what
That's what globalization is all about.
It makes you part of the standardized world.
And this is taking all of your information and creating a web of it.
So you're blind, but they can see everything, everything controlled by a giant global authoritarian technocracy, Rosa Corey, author of Behind the Green Mask.
More with her on the other side.
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We're here live on the radio.
Of course, we have InfoWars Nightly News, seven o'clock every evening at InfoWarsNews.com.
And we're getting ready to put it up on the satellites and syndicate it very soon.
There's already quite a few cable systems, including in England, that download it each night and air it the next day, and some cable systems that also play it here in the United States.
So that's pretty exciting.
But again, thank you for joining us.
Rosa Corey, anti-New World Order, pro-liberty activist.
Who ran into these people in California getting in the way of what she was doing.
That's how she discovered what they were up to because of her training as a forensic commercial real estate appraiser specializing in eminent domain valuation and a lot more.
And for TV viewers, I'm going to roll some of an online version.
It's better on the DVD that we obviously sell of America Destroyed by Design of where I went to a model UN meeting.
That's just part of the two-hour film.
Because, I mean, they are brainwashing the children right now, while saying to the adults this doesn't exist.
They're telling your kids all their guns need to be turned in, saying bang bang with their fingers, they can be thrown out.
They're giant re-education centers.
That's not a figure of speech.
And you've also got what their futurists are pushing for, how they intend to impoverish everybody.
So Rosa Corey, start out with what you were talking about with the education.
Basically what we're looking at is schools are not about teaching you information.
This is really a behavioral modification program.
This is about changing people's behaviors.
And so children are being indoctrinated from the time that they're in pre-kindergarten all the way to post-graduate school and taught that basically they're killing the planet.
And that it's their responsibility to save it.
So to create that kind of stress in a child, of course you can imagine what kind of stress that is.
And also, standardization of systems then is required in elementary schools all the way through postgraduate, where kids are being
told that they have to learn a certain way and certain things and that and they will be tested we're looking at people who are actually being tested on their mental health this is really what's going on in schools this is how people are being evaluated mental health evaluations you'll see these happiness surveys and this is all about you know
And that's a new freedom.
The new prison is to get you in the criminal justice or mental system.
And of course, you know, prisons are the great public-private partnerships.
They get a lot of money for prisons.
There's restrictions on how people are moved through the system, on what you can do in the prison.
Prisons are giant re-education camps.
Absolutely, and so are schools, you know, because, hey, you can't not go to school if you don't want to.
Even the homeschooling, you know, if you're using curriculum from, you know, that standardized curriculum, you are actually training your children in the New World Order.
This is what this is.
And they make you do that and they're not accredited.
And exactly, my kids are homeschooled in most of the big materials out there.
It's all Michelle Obama says this.
Mm-hmm and of course you know you'll see that in I mean this is so pervasive don't allow this to you know to stymie you don't be paralyzed by it because we are fighting back of course all over the world and you're not gonna see it in the mainstream press because that's also huge corporate ownership in the mainstream press so they're still putting out the disinformation that
Oh no, this stuff doesn't really exist, and this is just a figment of your fantasy tinfoil hat head, right?
But the reality is, is that yes, we are really fighting back all over the world.
And you know, something that's happening is that kids are being taught there's no such thing as objective reality.
That you cannot know what is real.
And something like that is so evil to do to a child, to in fact change mathematics so that it doesn't have the certainty that it should have.
And instead, well, it's your opinion.
No, they've just shined it.
I've interviewed the former head of education.
They were there to dumb them down.
I mean, it's there to screw them up.
The test scores aren't dropping by accident.
No, it's reinventing.
They are so-called reinventing mathematics.
And, you know, Charlotte Isserby, she is fabulous, of course.
I know you've interviewed her.
She has a conference that's about to come out on DVD, a phenomenal conference of educators that is going to be talking about the reality about what is happening now in the school systems.
Because when people are subjected to this kind of disinformation as young children, they are lost to us.
You know, those of us who are older need to pull in and restrict the implementation of this plan on our children.
And, of course, we're seeing this.
The futurists, you know, you were talking about futurists.
Futurists are out there, you know, especially in Silicon Valley.
You're being told that, you know, the technocracy is so powerful that it's actually crafting new government.
And the city-state will now rise as the most powerful government.
So we're looking at the restrictions on representative government that are going to come longer and longer and stronger and stronger until we are literally pushed into these city-state mega regions and have no representational, no influence on what happens to our government.
And how do they push you in?
Well, it's fabulous.
This is a brilliant plan.
Honestly, a brilliant plan.
Because what they're doing is they're moving people out of suburban and rural areas through funding mechanisms where they push smart growth, which is high-density development, on the city centers and then kill the suburbs and the rural areas with restrictions on water, on development, on police.
They charge you more for your electricity, everything.
We're going to come right back and break down how they plan to put us in their concentration camp cities.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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There's a need for a new world order.
But it has different characteristics in different parts of the world.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
We're going back to really an amazing person, Rosa Corey.
I admire people that are already successful in their own life, their own business, and then get run over by tyranny and stand up and fight it.
And she has just reached millions and millions and millions of people and reached hundreds of counties and cities and traveled all over.
She's an example of what you can do, even on a small level, to fight these people.
And they always act like they can't be beaten.
They always laugh and say, you know, there's nothing going on, there's nothing happening.
That's just a stalling tactic, and it's not working anymore.
We're going to go back to her in a moment, and I'm going to ask her how she thinks they're going to handle that.
But first off, let's look at DrudgeReport.com.
Infowars.com has some of this reporting, but really the up-to-the-minute...
minute-by-minute updating as it drudge report dot com on obama in israel obama faces battle to woo israeli public global cooling bethlehem uh... writer set fire to picture of obama white house a map erases jerusalem obama netanyahu trade uh... banter as they have
Tread a new red line saying, you know, they've got to attack Syria that they've set up.
I mean, it's an act that they're fighting with each other, ladies and gentlemen.
That's all for public consumption.
Shadow War rages.
His limo breaks down.
What is this, North Korea?
And it just goes on and on.
And I was looking at the other headlines where the head of the IMF
Uh, who said that, you know, Europeans should work six, seven days a week, but she's exempt from the taxes.
Uh, how do you pronounce her name?
I always say Legrand, but it's a Legard.
The point is, is that the police have raided her.
They raided Sarkozy.
They raid everybody.
I mean, it's just all a bunch of crooks.
And, and, and, you know, the last guy that was the head of the IMF, of course, uh, you know, what he was doing was supposedly in a hotel room, but that was a setup.
And then, uh, Sarkozy put out tweets before he'd even been arrested, showing that he was running the whole thing.
I mean, it just seems to never end how crazy all of this is.
And Feinstein on Reid dropping gun ban.
Major betrayal of trust.
I mean, this is all a scam, acting like they've been beaten.
They have the bill now out of the Senate committees to register all your guns and ban gun shows.
And not let you give a gun to your dad, or your son, or your brother, so they can then confiscate them all.
By the way, I've never asked you your opinion, your view on the Second Amendment, because even if people can see there's problems with guns sometimes, once a lot of liberals, and I know you've been a Democrat, Democrats against 1021, once they see the real tyranny, they go, oh, now I know why there's the Second Amendment.
I'm not condescending, because I don't really know your view on it.
But I mean, so many Democrats I know just think of it as a prerequisite to be a liberal, that you're anti-gun.
I think Thomas Jefferson was pro-gun, and he's really about as liberal as it gets.
What is your view on the Second Amendment, Rosa Cory?
Well, I had my own guns from the time I was nine years old.
My dad took me to the range.
And I support the Second Amendment.
I think it's important that we do have an opportunity to defend ourselves.
That government that we have is there to defend our individual rights.
That's the only reason to have a government.
When your government becomes a communitarian government, such as the one that we're morphing into, we need to rethink what our relationship to our government is.
And I think the Second Amendment is very important and I support it.
Absolutely, and that's really the litmus test for people out there.
Even if you don't like guns, you need to understand the power structure wants to disarm you.
The UN has its treaty right now to disarm the general population.
That is their admitted goal.
A plug for the book.
You know, I sell it at Infowars.com and Infowarsstore.com.
Of course, you wrote it.
You sell it at your site.
However people get it, whether it's on Amazon, you name it, they need to get it.
And who do they give it to?
Because my listeners know all this stuff.
They've checked it out, most of them.
They can always learn something from the book.
But this is a tool.
Who do you recommend we give this to?
You know, it's a cool thing that you just asked me that, because I just got an order from a woman who's a representative, a state legislator in Washington State.
She just arranged to have 147 books, which is the number of legislators they have.
Send to all the legislators in Washington State.
And the book's gone out to every sheriff in California.
Someone did a sheriff's project and they're working in other states.
It's very important that people understand what this is.
This is a big picture book.
Because you know, Agenda 21, yes it is an old document.
It is being implemented all across the United States.
And the world.
So people need to see what it looks like.
Because it's not called Agenda 21.
You know, right here in Texas, I mean, you've got many different names for it.
You're going to see it as Smart Growth.
New Hampshire, they call it Granite State Future.
It's Sustainable Communities Partnerships.
I mean, very many names for it.
You'll never see it as Agenda 21.
You need to be able to recognize it.
And that's one reason why when legislators, you know, start to make bans against Agenda 21, it's very important that people understand what they're looking at.
Because you can have a state law in place, but if you don't know that that state law applies to your general plan that you've just passed there in your small town in Bastrop, Texas or whatever, you know, if you don't understand that, then you're not going to know that there's actually a state legislation against what's happening in your town.
Well, I mean, to explain what it is, for people that don't know, the very banks bankrupting and imploding Europe by design, at the end of World War II, England and the United States had won, but the robber barons had won.
Not really America.
They'd beaten one tyranny, replaced it with another.
They created the UN.
As a global government model on record to take over the world and create collectivism to secure the elite's control.
So a fake kind of leftism.
And also take over the right.
And that's what it is.
And that's what they're doing now.
Now you got interrupted by the break a while back.
Describe how they're going to force people out of the rural areas.
Because when they say sustainable, they mean the opposite of sustainability.
Because there's a lot of stuff that's good that's called sustainable, but that's not their sustainable.
So explain what their master plan is, how they're counter-striking, what the world will look like if they succeed.
Yeah, what's unsustainable?
You know, according to the UN, it's private vehicles, private single-family homes, meat eating, and here we are in Texas, hope you like your barbecue, right?
And air conditioning.
These are things that are considered to be unsustainable in the world.
And so, when you're out there now, think about this.
You say nobody's coming to get me in my rural, you know, I've got my spread out there, nobody's coming out there to get me, but the way that it happens is that you get charged vehicle miles travel taxes for your car, so if you're traveling a long distance... Property taxes?
They tear up your road.
No water.
They shut off the local power plant.
You're going to have metering on your private wells.
You're going to have restrictions.
Your roads in my county, in Sonoma County, California, they're destroying county roads because they say there's not enough money.
Because federal money goes to pave roads that are in urbanized areas.
Yeah, they actually destroy the roads.
We're not going to leave it for you.
We're going to destroy it.
They're turning them to gravel because they say they're not going to be able to maintain them.
And this is like over a thousand miles of roads that they're planning to do this to.
So this is how it happens, you see.
They close your rural roads and your suburban schools.
They close you out of the areas that you've been living in.
And then they don't maintain the infrastructure.
So when people move out of there, there's not enough property.
And Australia's about five years ahead of us.
They're doing that there in earnest.
Oh, Australia is terrible.
I mean, obviously people are really dealing with it all across the world.
This is not just a United States thing.
I was interviewed on Red Ice Radio, which is based in Northern Europe, and you know, they were under the impression that this is some kind of a United States program.
No, it is not.
ICLEI, the International Council on Local Environmental Initiatives, is everywhere.
They say they
Germany by 2020, it's now law, has banned single home dwellings and has put taxes on it to penalize you.
They're now talking about a one-child policy in Europe when Europe's already dying.
Yeah, I mean we're looking at towns like Freiburg, Germany, which is considered to be the sort of poster child for new urbanism, high-density development, where they've removed the roads and literally there are no roads there.
You've got little bicycle paths and if you, you know,
I don't know where they go when it snows, but people are being restricted in how they live.
This is social engineering, it's behavioral modification, and this is very important to know because you are being indoctrinated all the time through the press, through your schools, through your place of business, through your entire system.
And it all sounds good!
Because once they get you to accept, okay, we use less water, now they're going to say this, this, and that.
Let me punch this up.
It was covered by CBS News last week.
The man for releasing a couple of heart-shaped balloons is facing five years in jail for each crime of damaging the environment.
And they have arrested him, the state police did, because they saw the balloons being released.
The third degree felony, at least five years in jail per balloon.
40-year-old man, no criminal record.
Again, in Australia, battery on the ground, your kid drops.
Five years in jail.
The green police.
The Audi commercial, they're arresting everybody?
They later admitted, no, that's what we're going to do.
The San Francisco mayor bragged, no, that was produced here, that's part of behavior modification.
They admit it's brainwashing.
Yeah, more things are going to be crime.
And this is, you know, you want to see what it's looking like, what it's going to look like.
This is artificial scarcity.
It's restriction on your use, on your ability to live free.
It's making more things crime.
So that, you know, pretty soon, like I was afraid to go to Singapore.
I thought, geez, I know I'm going to do something that's against the law.
This is the city-state, the rise of the city-state, the mega-region, where literally you are being restricted in how you live.
And this is what Agenda 21 is about.
They admit, and this is in the Austin Market Statement, that they've doubled the power prices the last five years.
They're going to double again.
But the government district and what is seen as the managing district, the downtown and Tarrytown, is exempt from power outages and the power increases.
And they said, but all of you outside the city that live wrong, you're penalized.
There it is!
Yeah, the grid is really all about it.
Austin is a model UN city.
Yes, this is, you know, this is really what it's about.
The entire system is set up like this, where the grid is part of it.
Smart growth, smart meters, all these smart things.
Don't trust this smart stuff, because what this is, is a restriction, artificial scarcity, a movement away from the way that you've been living, and monitoring.
on every aspect of your life.
This is domestic surveillance.
We're looking at National Defense Authorization Act.
We're looking at drones.
We're looking at the way that you are literally being surveilled.
How about 23andMe, where you're gonna spit into a cup and give them your DNA?
And this is Google, owned by Google.
You don't, you literally won't own your own genes.
The human genome has been mapped and you don't own your own
They've been taking blood for 41 years in all industrialized nations for a UN database that they just now admitted they have, and Google is all part of it.
Look at this from the Sun-Sentinel.
After watching the romantic gesture, the Florida Highway Patrol trooper, who instead noted probable cause for an environmental crime, Bransfield was charged with polluting to harm humans, animals, plants, etc.
under the Florida Air and Water Pollution Control Act.
And he, again, is facing five years per count, per balloon, and they're going to probably end up putting him in jail.
Yeah, I wonder if, you know, this was to propose to his girlfriend, right?
So are they going to let him have conjugal visits in prison?
But I mean, they're hiring cops now that literally
I mean, they get off on hurting innocent people.
You know, if you look at the way police officers, first of all, are terrified.
They're out there suited up like that because they are afraid of us.
And why are they afraid?
They are creating, you know, when you've got police officers in public meetings, when they come in and they ring the walls of a public meeting because you might say something because you're being delphied and you don't like it.
You know, this is... Yeah, describe, we've had our guys thrown out of meetings being polite where they say they're public but as soon as we ask questions they walk over and follow a playbook and then go, you're causing a problem, get out of here.
Officers, I want them out.
Yeah, you know, I've been chased down an aisle while I was holding a mic and I said, what are you going to arrest me because I'm saying something?
This is the way it's going now.
In fact, I've got on my blog right now on Democrats Against UN Agenda 21, I've got a post from New Hampshire where these people went into a New Hampshire meeting and they anti-Delphite it.
All they did was literally just talk about what was going on.
We've got the side up.
What do we punch up and we'll go to it.
Let's see, go to the way we see it, our blog.
The way we see it.
Yeah, click on that.
And it's a New Hampshire listens project from Granite State.
And that means Delphi.
We're going to do what we want.
Explain Delphi.
Well, Delphi is a Rand Corporation mine control technique being used by the American plant.
And they admit that.
You're not just saying mind control.
No, no, no.
This is mind control.
Yeah, yeah.
No, that's the purpose of it.
What it's about is to bring groups of people to a predetermined outcome while giving them the idea that it was, you know, giving them the impression... It's a false synthesis.
It's all your idea, you know.
Oh yeah, we love your thoughts.
We want to hear what you think.
But meanwhile, if you don't agree, don't show up.
These people were accused of crashing a public meeting.
Can you believe that?
You don't crash a public meeting when you're the public.
But because they were New Hampshire Tea Party people, they're considered to be a special interest.
And they're crashing.
Oh yeah, they're the terrorists.
They're not a stakeholder.
Only stakeholder groups are allowed.
That's right.
And you're, you know, none of us are stakeholders.
And that's what's really a mind blower, is that they go in way years in advance.
2002, you know, for a 2012 program, they go in 10 years early and they identify.
Listen, we've run into it in East Texas with our property.
They have local operatives who move in, have a grant, act like a local.
A lot of times they're a retired colonel, you name it.
And they run psyops and go, I won't report you for that barn if you work with me to shut down the coal mine.
And I mean, it's like mafia.
Yeah, I've seen this, you know, Alex, I do travel all over the United States and I have been told in many, many states, you know, people come up to me, you know, people have organized meetings and they say, listen, you know, we had people move into our town, they only came in, they rented an apartment, they only came in for a meeting and they flew out of town.
No, no, no, no, we've got them over here where the mayors get the money in these towns and then bring in actual UN people.
I had that in my own town, you know, people who came in to sign up against me.
And you know, you sound crazy when you talk about it.
And what's incredible, I wanted to talk about that because now that it's coming out, it's real and people go, wait, there's actual, you know, these are mercenary soldiers posing as liberals.
That's their camo.
And once you corner them, I've even had them threaten me and stuff.
They know they're officers.
They know they're commandos.
I mean, these are actual like CIA agents basically infiltrating America.
Yeah, you know, in my book I talk about this guy who was in our town, who was a United Nations diplomat, who moved into our town, into a dinky little house in our town.
He'd been living in an estate in Greece, right?
Moves into a little town, into our little town, onto a little street, and then what did he do?
He set up a Neighborhood Association and a Neighborhood Alliance.
This is what they do.
They enter in so they can create public
I don't
Let this paralyze you.
There are way more of us than there are of you.
Oh no, no, it should energize you!
Let me show you something.
This is, check this out, this is on our website.
Take a look at this, okay?
These are flyers.
You can go to our website, go to the flyer page, print these out.
Six bucks.
You can print a two-sided flyer, a hundred of them.
Print them out and put them on people's doorsteps.
You want to spread the information.
Hey, go to church!
That's what we do with the bumper stickers, all of it.
Get aggressive, get motivated, stomp Goebbels' butt!
Yes, that's it.
And when you do this, you know, people, first of all, people can't argue with you because you put it on their porch in the morning.
They pick it up.
Each individual reads it separately.
And this is what we need to do is spread awareness and get the information.
And people are more hungry than ever.
People know there's something wrong.
Everyone knows there's something wrong.
There's an enemy literal takeover and they've got collaborators working with them.
And let me tell the criminals something.
When we take this country back, they all need to go to, there needs to be a Nuremberg trial, doesn't there?
Yeah, there is Nuremberg principles, because you know what?
Just following orders ain't gonna fly.
There is no excuse.
We just had the police in Austin on video last week say we couldn't hand out magazines or have our bumper stickers on our cars.
On video we have this.
I mean, this is getting freaky, folks.
We'll be right back with Rosa Corey.
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What if I say I will never surrender?
Foo Fighters, you tell them.
Alex Jones here.
I know we got loaded phones here.
And I want to get to these callers who've been on hold since the last hour.
But I've got to also, because we're going to have our guest into the next hour, I've got her to stay with us here.
But I want, you know, callers to try to address something to her, and then you can bring up your issue, which she can also talk about, because all of this ties into this.
Okay, this is global government, private megabanks, their dream plan to be above the law and run world government.
I mean, that's what it is.
And that's who runs it.
If you look at who funds the UN Sustainable Development, the gun control groups, all of them.
It's Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, a few others, Bank of America.
You look at who funds in Europe all the takeovers.
You look at who funds all the anti-family stuff.
You look at who just funds anything destructive.
It's them.
And because they're a bunch of crooks.
And we've got to wake up to that or it's game over.
And what she's saying is, get aggressive.
Go to her website.
And you used to, we had flyers about the New World Order.
I'm going to reintroduce these as well for our listeners.
We can just print them off, get them out to people.
We ought to have a contest where listeners write flyers, maybe a $1,000 contest, so you can write the best flyer, and we can post all the flyers up on the site.
But you go to the site and get, why is everyone talking about Agenda 21?
And then it's just, you know, a two-sided page deal that breaks it down that says, please copy and distribute.
Awareness is the first step in the resistance.
And the same thing.
Get the book en masse at InfoWarsStore.com.
We sell it at the lowest price you're going to find out there, and it even comes with some bumper stickers of InfoWars.com.
And fight them.
And you'll find, people hear me and they go, I'm scared.
I'm going to give up.
It's the opposite.
Get aggressive because these are tyrants.
When you resist them, they get scared.
They only win when we don't resist.
Rosa, talk about the success you've had.
Am I wrong in saying the only fear we should have is fear itself?
The only fear we should have is to not get aggressive and let them take over?
Yeah, you know, they're the ones that are taking the nonviolent training.
I mean, not to say I'm not talking about being violent, okay, but what I'm saying is get out there before you need to get violent.
You don't want to have to use your guns because you know what?
The government's got way bigger guns than you've got.
What we need to do is to get out there and fight this while we can.
They're in the wrong!
That's why they stonewalled.
Talk about the stonewalling.
Oh, for crying out loud.
You will be called a tinfoil hat.
You'll be told that you're, you know, you're a fantasist.
You will be called a right-winger.
I've been called a right-winger.
I've been a liberal Democrat my entire voting life.
My parents are liberal Democrats.
You were at the highest levels of the State Department of Transportation.
I worked for the Department of Transportation.
And discovered all this.
Well, I came out, what I did was I was appraising property for eminent domain purposes to acquire for freeway projects and I was like, hey, what happened to private property rights?
People can't do anything with their property anymore.
How can I value it?
So you didn't like being in the place of a tyrant?
No, of course not.
And obviously, I mean, I was valuing property at the very highest price that the market would pay, and I was finding that you couldn't determine what people could actually sell their property for, because you couldn't say what they could do with it.
And that's the tactic.
The globalists are the only ones that can allow, once they steal property, they always flip it to themselves and then take the restrictions off.
You know, and this is what happens is that the centers of your towns, this is what Agenda 21 looks like in your town.
It looks like high-density smart growth development right in the center of your town that is being subsidized with your tax dollars.
So because of that, because you're actually paying for
There's no demand for it.
People don't want to move into those condos and apartments on top of shops.
Most people want to live elsewhere.
So that money is not there to build those things.
Your tax dollars are paying for it.
And this is what's happening is you're subsidizing that.
And this is the hardscape for your future poverty.
This is what it's going to look like because the new frugality is or the new poverty, you know, the sort of the joy of living with.
Oh, you got a Whole Foods.
Every magazine says it's sexy to be pathetic and poor.
Yeah, right, and you know it's... And to give all your money to the government, yeah.
Right, and so when you glorify poverty and when you glorify consensus, right, it's like you're not going to think for yourself, are you?
Because then you're not, you're going to be ostracized.
These people are pathetic!
You're going to be ostracized, you're not going to be loved by this big group that's going to... But it's all a fake love, it's like being in the schmuck club.
Every tyranny always uses the glorification of the beautiful future and then artificial... Stay there, back in one minute, I want to hear about this.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The toll-free number to join us and talk to Rosa Corey coming up should be with us the whole next hour.
That's exciting.
And on the nightly news tonight, Angie's going to be speaking in Bastrop, and very soon we'll tell you about that in the next segment.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
And Rosa, people ask me, who are new listeners, they go, why are you so excited?
Well, ladies and gentlemen, when the police tell you you can't have bumper stickers on your car in downtown Austin, I mean, we're two minutes to midnight.
I mean, when they're giving $85 billion a month to foreign banks to prop up their derivatives, and we've got to pay money, interest on money we give them, I mean, that's a screw job on a screw job.
I mean, I get animated.
I mean, if I caught somebody stealing a bicycle out of my garage, which I have before, I got pretty mad and chased him.
I mean, and I guess that's abnormal.
I'm supposed to just want to, like, act like I'm part of it and just go with it and be screwed.
Go ahead.
Yeah, this passivity thing.
You know, you're supposed to be passive.
You're, you know, it's about consensus.
It's about going along to get along.
You know, that is the way that you are taken over.
Who's going to tell you not to raise a stink?
Those who are taking you over.
Revolution is bad for business, right?
And this is not revolution, by the way.
We are exerting our rights.
This is restoration.
They're involved in a revolution.
They are the revolutionaries.
They are taking us over.
You know, this is a hostile takeover.
This is a totalitarian state being erected around us right now.
This is what it looks like.
It's a failed state happening to us right now.
We're being taken down.
Because you know what?
Hey, check it out.
Are you?
Why do they want to do that?
Oh yeah, no, no, no.
When they say they care about the environment, it's the complete opposite.
People be told that there's scarcity.
This is an artificial scarcity that's being implemented on us right now.
This is what it's about.
You know, if you take a look at 1984, that is about artificial scarcity.
This is how it's done.
And so, and this is what totalitarianism looks like.
People think, oh no, it can't happen here.
Hey, it's happening here.
This is what it looks like.
We need to stand up now.
This is our moment.
Nuremberg principles.
The Nuremberg Principles are that it is not okay to go along to get along.
You cannot say that you were just following orders or that, you know, everyone else was doing it.
That is not alright.
This is treason.
And those people who, you know, this falls in with the liberal worldview.
It's very appealing to a lot of people because they think they're doing it.
Yeah, they think it's redistribution.
They don't get that once you're under globalist control, it's going to be forced population reduction.
And they've romanticized kind of the low-level propaganda that, oh, it's to build a better world.
It's not building a better world.
No, it's not.
And you know what?
People want to know what Agenda 21 is.
Agenda 21 is the plan.
It's the plan to implement sustainable development.
It is the action plan to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production.
It's the takeover plan.
All information and all human beings in the world.
This is a real plan signed on to by the United States.
The battle plan.
Implemented by your federal government, in your states, in your local governments, in your schools.
It is happening now.
You're absolutely right.
We're going to go to break now and come back and continue breaking that down.
I know there's a lot of facets you haven't gotten into.
You've got a bunch of notes you want to go over.
I want to do one segment where you've really got the floor so we can catch the whole next hour.
Then we'll take calls for the last 35-40 minutes of the broadcast.
I know the callers are all over the map on the Second Amendment, behavior modification,
1958 predictions, I guess that's going to be John Birch Society predictions.
Sex ed, that ties in, that's a U.N.
It's a U.N.
program to teach five-year-olds to masturbate.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
And Rosa Corey is in studio with us.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We're going to have open phones in the next segment through the end of this hour with your Agenda 21 and other questions on tyranny.
But I want viewers watching us on Infowarsnews.com and radio listeners out there to listen to me very, very carefully.
Okay, if you don't get out of your coma and get upset and get aggressive, we're going to be usurped.
We're designed to face an enemy coming over the hill to enslave our village.
That's what we're genetically, every race, color, creed, know instinctively.
But we're not designed to deal with bureaucracy and propaganda and taxes and regulations and that's the real 21st century tool.
And under the globalists, they want a system that goes backwards to a post-industrial world where we're dumbed down, we're kept at starvation level, we're socially engineered to take the vaccines, the forced sterilization, the forced abortions, to quote, reduce population.
And a lot of yuppies go, well, there are too many people.
Well, let me tell you something.
You're under the attack.
And the West is dying.
Europe will not even be European within another generation, okay?
They have about 1.3 children.
Same thing here in the US.
So don't worry, you've committed suicide.
And I know you want to make sure you can kill the third world where you want to cut their energy supplies as well.
So I know it gives you a power trip to think about cutting off power and being poor and there are problems with a decadent consumerist society.
I get all that.
I get why you think it's sexy.
But the issue is this isn't even what you're being told this is for isn't even it.
This is a total post-industrial world, in Maury Strong's own words, in all their books, I've got a whole bookshelf of them, we sourced them in my film, Endgame, to shut everything down and create a monopoly of power and have high-tech government and corporate reservations that are light years ahead with life extension, robotics, androids, this is what they're saying, life extension.
Go read what Ray Kurzweil and all of them say.
Well, we live in the city ghettos around that if we're even allowed to live.
So this is the shutdown of society so we can be exterminated.
And it sounds like a science fiction movie because they were telling you what they were going to do in the science fiction movies that are really in Bertrand Russell's and others writings.
So this is the plan.
It's hyper authoritarianism.
It's a creeping death.
But it's here where
China has, you know, dead pigs in the river and fires in the river and suicide nets at the Apple factories because they're so liberal.
Al Gore, I mean, it must be okay.
Peace bombs, I mean, Obama.
And the Republicans are all on board with it, of course, because they're all bought and paid for in the same group, you know, at the highest echelons.
And they get three new coal power plants, totally dirty.
We get three or four shut down a week or more, 200 plus a year.
Power prices going up.
We're having the lights turned off.
They're tearing it all up!
Only the megacities, and that's not just a Drudge Dredd term, that's their term, that all the maps are public, look up megacity regions, super regions, they're shutting us down.
So, it's important to go to Rosa Corey's website and see the city council meetings she's been at, what she does, the planning commission meetings, get her book, read it, mimic that because her playbook is dead on truth, Veritas, you know, pure crystalline, get the book at infowarstore.com, get it out, and go be the leader!
And now we go to these meetings outside Austin.
They're in every town.
We outnumber them now.
They're panicking.
Other areas, though, people aren't waking up.
So it's a mix.
Go to the meeting she's got tomorrow in Bastrop, the original capital of Texas.
They were going to make it.
Talk like Yoda now.
Bastrop, the original capital of Texas.
They would make it.
You need to go there and fight the empire.
The fight is now, folks.
This is
Real James Bond stuff, okay?
I mean, you want to fight?
You want adventure?
You want to fight criminals?
This is it.
I mean, they know.
They're technicians.
You will face U.N.
You will face globalist operatives, okay?
Eight, nine minutes left of this segment.
I'm going to try to give you the floor.
It's just I started hyperventilating.
This is so important.
Talk about what we're facing of the meeting and other points you haven't gotten to yet.
Yeah, you know, hey, if you're here in Texas, that's Sustainable Places Program.
It's a, you know, who knows?
They all have the same kind of names.
But these names are, you know, interchangeable everywhere across the country.
These are all regional programs that are designed to destroy jurisdictional boundaries, erase jurisdictional boundaries, and create these mega regions.
Which, you know, America2050.org, this is a program and a project of the Rockefeller Foundation, the Ford Foundation, B of A, the huge corporations.
The folks that made the U.N.
This is it.
This is what they want to do.
And this is a battle for the hearts and minds of the people of the world.
Don't, you know, don't think it isn't.
And it's almost like we've been, you know, I like to say this, it's almost as if there's been a football game going on for the last 20 years and we were out in the parking lot having a kegger.
And now we're suited up, we've got our, you know, our pads on, our helmets are on, we've got the ball.
We have the ball now.
And this is the thing, is that when you've got the ball, you need to know where the goal is.
And we need to fight to move forward to block all of this and re-erect our freedom.
How do we rout the enemy?
Tell us.
This is it.
You know what?
Let me just say this.
Remember this, private property rights include your person, your body, your mind.
Oh, they're now saying they're going to force vaccines on us.
That's part of UN.
Most important private property.
You know, this is it.
Hey, when my mother was dying in the hospital, they told me I had to go get a flu shot in order to spend time with her.
I went down to the basement, picked up a receipt out of the trash and went back up and gave it to them.
I didn't get a flu shot.
These things are designed to restrict you, to make you fall into line, to be obedient.
You know, hey, when you're in the airport, don't go through that thing.
Go early and make them do the pat down on you.
Start saying no!
Do not go along.
Expose collaborators and refuse to collaborate yourself.
If you're getting money from this plan, examine what you're doing.
Examine your life.
Hey, if you're smoking weed out there on the couch, you know what?
Put it down.
Make those flyers and get out there and get this information.
Take it personal!
This is your life.
There's no joking around here.
This is the time to do it.
If we don't do it now, we are not going to be doing it.
We have a window now.
Let's move through it.
We are actually raising awareness all over the world and things are happening.
All over the world.
This is a change.
You've got to know your enemy, identify non-profits, the collaborators, the consultants that are putting these plans together.
You want to call them out.
You want to identify how much money is being paid to them.
Yeah, that's how they pay the mercenaries.
Describe your speech tomorrow.
I mean, how you identify these people.
Oh, well, it's all over, of course.
You know, here's how it is done.
Basically, the federal government gives money to the local governments and the metropolitan planning organizations and the councils of government.
And here in Texas, you've got like 27 of them.
Across the United States, there are 500.
This is where the money comes down.
All the federal agencies have actually changed their policies to bring them into alignment with Agenda 21.
And the local agencies are doing the same thing.
So you want to expose this, you want to identify it, and then you want to block it.
You want to speak out.
Show up and speak out.
Do not be afraid.
Because if you don't do this, you know, this is the way it works with collaborative government.
This is what you're getting.
Consensus government, if you don't speak out, they assume that you agree.
Can you believe that?
They assume that you agree.
That's right.
That's it.
These are appointed boards.
You cannot get them out.
You can't influence them.
They're made up of elected officials, but there's like, there may be 80 or 100 people on that board.
So if you've got an elected official from your town who you've convinced that this is a bad idea, that guy or woman is not going to have much of a voice.
This is what happens with consensus government.
This is a nightmare.
We need to block it, to call it out, and to refuse to collaborate.
And we need numbers.
You do it in your small town.
You know what?
There's no Switzerland in this fight.
Don't think you're going to go hide in your bunker.
You're not.
You may stay there for a while, but what's going to happen when you come out?
The thing is, you need to be there in your small town right now.
You go down and you speak out.
You call this out.
Name it.
It is Agenda 21 sustainable development.
Name it.
Refuse to allow yourself to be sidelined or shamed or embarrassed.
Let me explain it just like this.
Look at how the banks brag they've conquered Europe.
Here's the Financial Times of London print out that headline.
Here they are, folks.
This is it.
By making your land worthless, they double the value of their land.
Draw the links.
You know, that's one thing in my book, you know, and that's why I wrote that book.
I can't go all over, you know, I mean, I am all over the U.S., but I can't be everywhere.
So I wrote the book so people could have that info.
And it's on the website, too.
And, you know, it's all over.
People are getting this information now.
Now the direct line is from the United Nations plan into the federal government through the President's Council on Sustainable Development and then right down into your state and local government.
It is not some plan that's not out there that doesn't have any impact on you.
It is a real plan happening now.
It has been happening for 20 years, it has changed your school system, it's changed your government, and you are, you know, don't allow yourself to be victimized by it.
You take your power.
Yeah, take it personal, but look at like your mother.
First they try to make the nurses take it, there's no law.
Now it's laws they're trying to pass at state level, and have passed in some states, where you can't even be in child care.
That means a coach,
Little League, whatever, if you don't take hundreds of shots they want, and there's no law, so they're trying to get laws, but they would just say, can't see your mother unless you take a shot that they admit doubles your chances of getting the flu in their own studies.
It's just pure mafia color of law, where Big Pharma says, hospital, do this.
And then they order you and everybody follows orders.
What empowers this?
Following tyrannical orders.
Yeah, and look at, you know, if they make it, obviously in the town next to my town, in my county, it's against the law to smoke in your apartment, right?
Hey, think about smart growth.
You're in your apartment, right?
You're in your condo.
You can't smoke legally.
It's against the law.
Think about that.
People are taking antidepressants so that they won't smoke anymore.
Antidepressants, what do they do?
They make you suicidal.
They make you violent.
Or they create total passivity.
We've got a bunch of social engineers like we're ants in a dish.
They're messing with us.
Let's get out of the dish and grab them by the throat and say, where are you?
You're not manipulating me!
Stop playing their game!
Anti-Delphi, their meetings.
I've got, you know, how to anti-Delphi a meeting.
It's being done all across the country.
You go in and point out that, hey, notice folks, you just write something down and then they tell you what they want.
Explain to us how you anti-Delphi after we take some calls.
And again, where is the meeting tomorrow night in Bastrop?
It's at the Bastrop Opera House in Bastrop, Texas.
6.30 p.m.
And I think Jim Mars is going to be introducing me.
Very, very exciting.
And we're running an ad on the local radio.
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This is a worldwide problem, but the United States and Europe are really the heart of it.
Up at Infowars.com right now, a congressman fights to stop flying robots endlessly watching Americans.
That's the actual headline, what the congressman said.
moves to support Al-Qaeda in Syria following unconfirmed chemical attack, which Al-Qaeda had said they would launch.
It's really becoming a Alice in Wonderland type situation.
Who will be the first killer wearing Google glasses?
One thing is certain, he'll say he thought it was a movie.
Great article by John Rappaport who joins us tomorrow.
And that's just some of the articles up on the site.
Rose, I want to take some calls now, but then get back into other solutions.
Now you anti-Delphi these people and how to recognize just one of their techniques they use.
But what do you make of... I don't see this working for them anymore to just deny what they're doing or go, oh, we do run Al Qaeda now, but we still have to take your rights because of Al Qaeda.
I mean, it's just the narrative is so thin and people are waking up and the government's answer is billions of bullets and tanks and checkpoints and then to say there are no checkpoints, there are no tanks, and then they'll have TSA checkpoints in downtown Austin.
I mean, it's just, it's crazy!
Yeah, well, you know, the thing is that what they'll do is they'll tell you it's some right-wing thing, that you're fantasizing, that this isn't real, and meanwhile you've got disinformation people running all over.
You know, when Hitler came to power, when Hitler marched into Austria, they actually arrested like 60,000 people in a single day when he went into Austria.
They arrested dissenters.
How did they know who they were?
In a group of three people, one of those people would be a spy.
Can you imagine the amount of people that you need to do a network like that?
And what we have right now with domestic surveillance, with drones, with restrictions, with people who have infiltrated neighborhoods, they're right down into your neighborhood associations.
They look just like you and they are the people who are hired as consultants, as people who are pushing these plans.
Some of them think they're doing the right thing.
Listen, we've had guys in suits come out when we're doing men on the street things, and then we find out they're local bureaucrats, and they will call the police on us for being on a street corner doing interviews.
They'll walk over, and this is on tape, and go, I got somebody for you to talk to in a moment.
And they're already ready under InfraGard, that program, for the time we'll be taking away.
And they get on these power trips that they're little secret agents now.
I mean, no, you're dirtbag criminal collaborator.
This is treason.
But you know what?
There are a lot more of us.
And one thing, you know, yeah, I'm a left liberal, but you know what?
This is a nonpartisan fight.
That's why you're wearing purple.
Yeah, and the thing, that's exactly right.
We're not blue and red.
We are, you know, let's be a nation.
Let's be a nation of individuals.
We come together as individuals.
I like that idea of the purple movement.
Did you invent that idea?
No, I think, well of course it's my little undercover gay thing too, because I am gay.
But, you know, yeah, no, obviously that's what we are, right?
We are one country.
I didn't know purple had something to do with being gay.
Well, that's because you're not gay, so you don't know.
Okay, well, but my whole deal is I like the idea of saying... Blue and red.
No, it's because this terrifies those in power.
You want to terrify the people who are running this thing?
You make common cause with people who are on the left.
You find what it is.
If you're going to refuse smart meters, you want to fight smart meters.
That's something that people... And they always try to make it a left or right issue.
What does that have to do with it?
A robot attached to my house spying on me and they admit they're spying and then go... but then say... they now...
They're now arresting people all over with no warrants for no reason.
They're now going in houses to look at guns without warrants.
That's in the news today.
I mean, it's just, it's authoritarianism!
Until they put a chip in every gun, you know, and they got a chip in everything, and there you are, you know, everything you do is... And they're saying it's a felony if the chip isn't in it.
They're proposing that.
And this is, this is how it, you know, the bag gets tightened.
This is how it happens.
This is what it looks like.
You know, we're still, we are not quite at square one anymore.
But people are still at this point where they're like, you know, nah, that can't happen here in the United States.
You bet it can.
You think we have some like super shield around us or something?
Oh no, they're doubling down with tyranny when they fully move.
I like what you just said.
You snapped your fingers.
We do job interviews and people come in here and they're like dazed and you can't get through to them and they admit because of all the TV screens and things people get in trance-like states and sometimes when I'm talking to crew or whatever they're all smart but I've got to go hey let's actually get in a conscious mode here because all of us get kind of in this dazed you know world.
And you get overwhelmed and plus you know when you're doing gaming and all that stuff is coming at you really fast you know I was sitting on the plane there's this little kid next to me and he was like completely absorbed with this thing and I was thinking you know do his parents know that his movements on that game board identify him?
Your movements on a game board are literally your ID.
Oh, they've got algorithms watching that?
They admit it's actually dumbing the kids down.
Yes, absolutely.
And they're like, don't attack video games.
You can tell the video game head, they can't communicate with you.
Yeah, no.
Hey, that's right.
And this is how it happens.
It's slow, but it happens with the next generation.
Don't let it happen on your watch.
Wow, Rosa, I'm impressed.
You really know your stuff.
What a smart lady.
We'll be back with your calls.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, I promise we're going to go to your phone calls now.
Just briefly, be sure and support radio shows.
Be sure and support news websites, organizations that will cover this.
We are being conquered.
The military industrial complex owned by foreign banks created the UN and the Presidio in San Francisco in 1945.
It's all on record.
Their plan to end the family as you know it.
Their plan to end towns, cities, everything and only have mega cities that are above the law with globalist in them operating as city states.
Like the Vatican is an example of.
I'm not demonizing Catholics of the Vatican.
I'm saying that's the model.
Or the city of London within London, that financial capital.
Or how Israel is kind of, you know, outside the UN, does whatever it wants.
That is going to be the model.
She was talking about that.
We'll get to more of that after some calls.
It is so important for you to understand that people talk about discrimination on race or sex or things like this.
They obsess on that all day and the old fights to get us fighting with each other when to shut down over 200 power plants in Obama's first four years that were clean burning and to see power prices go up everywhere.
I mean, that is, when you attack a country, bombers fly in and bomb the power plants.
The globalists are destroying our infrastructure, paying $22 billion to ship General Motors to China, Brazil, and Eastern Europe.
And you're like, well, the Chinese, what's they gonna have, suicide nets?
They're actually going down.
They forced everybody off their land in southern Mexico and into the Maquiladores.
And then they're up here, what choice do they have?
And then, oh, the government's like, get some free welfare, not to empower them, clients to then vote to take the guns.
It's all balkanization.
The globalists want more chaos, because they're exempt from it all, and they're just crushing things, smashing things, so they're left standing.
And then they get paid to come in and
They play all sides, just like they create Al Qaeda, create Taliban.
Empower them, so they have a reason to be there and get all the opium.
With Karzai saying he run Al-Qaeda, he run Dalabont.
I don't just believe Karzai, they're using him in Libya and Syria.
And people say, you say America did that?
The globalists that run our country created the Soviets, on record, that's all declassified now.
They've had New York Times articles having to admit, well, they declassified the Russian stuff.
Turns out McCarthy was right, but he was limited in what he was doing.
They were using him to the extreme.
Low-level communist.
Instead, when he said, the army runs Russia.
Oh, that's it, you're discredited.
When you figure out the globalists are full spectrum dominance, they will play all the major sides, but they don't play we the people.
They don't control you, they don't control me.
And there's a lot of good people in the system as well.
This is a very criminal group, a very small group doing this.
Every case, it's the JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, it's the Rockefeller Foundation.
Go look at who funds all this!
The Rockefeller's name is on everything!
And who gave the land for the UN?
I mean, it's them, folks.
It is them.
Most important man alive, David Rockefeller.
Probably more than the Queen of England.
And her cousin, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, who's their Queen Beatrix, who... I mean, that woman's probably more powerful than the Queen of England because she's hands-on.
And now she's handing it over to her son, who's really creepy.
But here it is, behind the green mask.
UN Agenda 21.
Get this book.
Support us.
But that's secondary.
Get the book, buy a hundred.
Let me tell you something to the middle class and wealthy who aren't part of the establishment.
If you don't spend money to fight this, we're done, okay?
Okay, our forbearers have the liberty we have put it all on the line.
If you won't even buy books or videos at infowarestore.com and support us and support yourself and give this to people, there's no hope.
The truth is we're getting traction.
We're having an effect.
We finally untied our rope from the boat dock.
We've had the engine going.
Now we're shooting down the water.
We just need to intensify.
Rosa, I'm not putting a pretty face on this and we're going to calls.
Am I right in saying that we are just having magic-level success right now because old-timers warned people for so long, planted the seeds, got called kooks, but now everybody remembers they were told about this 20 years ago.
I mean, are we not seeing a giant wake-up right now when Obama raises taxes on poor people and promised he wouldn't?
Yeah, it's really incredible what's happening, not just across the United States only, but around the world.
This is, and of course the people's media, like you Alex, I mean, this, you know, with the internet, people are beginning to recognize that, hey, they're not alone.
They are part of a huge, worldwide, grassroots, non-partisan movement to stop United Nations Agenda 21 sustainable development.
So, you know, obviously
Real solidarity.
And listen, this is public-private partnership.
So when you see that Siemens Corporation, the old Nazi corporation, and GE and IBM, these are the Nazi collaborators.
They didn't go away.
You know, people think, hey, do you think in 1945 it all stopped?
I was told by an FBI agent 16 years ago that came down to Axis TV to visit me, and I checked and it was an FBI agent.
That I was being tracked when I made that America's Choice by Design film because nobody was covering you in agenda 21 then.
I mean, that's in that film.
And I said, who's tracking me?
And he said...
Basically, operatives of Siemens look into that.
And it's funny you just said Siemens.
Siemens USA is a huge player.
We have a page on our website, Democrats Against U.N.
Agenda 21, on who funds Agenda 21.
Siemens is a huge player.
They have a tremendous amount of money, $27 billion in just money laying around right now.
They are in the grid, they're in water, they bought up the world, the United States' largest water supplier, U.S.
They own, they're in the, they're in surveillance, they're in smart growth, they're in, what is it, high-speed rail, and low, you know, what is it, light rail.
They are in everything.
And it's not just about money, you know, it's not just about greed.
We've got IBM, which made the punch cards and the computers.
For the Nazis and then you've got your, you know, numbers tattooed on your arms.
Well now you've got biometrics.
Retinal scanning is the latest.
That is going to be the biggest growing industry.
Google Glasses.
The world, right?
Yes, when you've got that, listen, game over, okay?
We've got to stop this now.
Block it now.
Refuse to collaborate.
Refuse to cooperate.
Do not be a party to this.
And they're moving on every front with forced inoculations, retina scanning to get in the gym, and you're like, well, so what?
It's high-tech.
Bad people run it, folks.
They're going to use it to take everything out of your bank account.
They're going to use it, they now admit, which...
We reported 12 years ago, but they now admit that all the customer loyalty cards are uploaded to the government and the insurance companies.
I mean, that's why, I mean, it's so cold-blooded.
You know, Rand Paul just put out, I think it just came up today or the other day, about the America Community Survey, you know, that is actually mandatory.
And they lie and say it's the law when it's not.
They put a code on there and say it's the law, but it's fraud.
Well now he's launched legislation saying, hey, you know, you don't have to fill that thing out.
But guess what, you know, you don't have to fill these things out.
If it's not required, you know, if, if, don't give them your... Well it also says under penalty of perjury, so if you make a mistake it's a felony.
Oh yeah.
But let's see, they show the code.
It says, say how many people live here.
So it's a trick.
The code on it is the questions you've got to answer.
And then another 50 to 100 to 200, what's your toilet?
What's your stock and bonds?
Do you have guns?
When do you go to work?
How much money do you make?
Yeah, what are you growing on your land?
I mean, I've had farmers come up to me from, you know, all over the nation and saying, geez, Rosa, what do I do?
Do I have to fill this thing out?
They want to know everything.
Hey, when you fill out the animal premises ID, that again is not law, but color of law, it waives all your rights.
It's fraud!
You know this is what the new, this is the new world order is government by decree, government by regulation, restriction.
This is about you losing your representative rights.
Your representative government is disappearing.
In America I can't hand out magazines in Austin until I went down there and they said we're gonna arrest you next.
And I said, go ahead, we're going to sue all of you, and they had to back off.
But my God, and the police were even later going, we're sorry, we were ordered to do it.
It's like, you're sorry?
You better be sorry that you ever followed the order.
I mean, do you really want to have no... Look, they'll take the money out of your bank account, dummy.
If there's no due process, we're all screwed.
Don't you get it, people?
You're not part of the establishment.
It hates you.
Did you get a memo about Hydroforce?
Hydrofluorosilicic acid?
Did you get a memo about GMO or aspartame?
Did you get a memo about it killing you and your family?
No you didn't!
You're not part of the power structure!
You're either gonna just lay down and love evil and think you're part of it and crawl along for a while or you're gonna come in and jump on the team for the big win!
And you know what, Alex?
Your listeners are on board, but now they need to do something.
Whatever you're doing, do more.
You can do more.
Put out these flyers.
Get the information out.
Talk about it.
Show up at meetings.
Yeah, briefly, and I promise we're going to calls, but briefly, how do you anti-Delphi?
Briefly, basically, I gave the whole layout in the back of my book, okay, and it's exact.
And there's a video of people doing it on your site.
Yes, and we have, you know, near-riot at Delphi meeting where we literally took down a government meeting because they were Delphi-ing us and we refused to cooperate.
Basically you want to refuse to go along to get along but you have to do it carefully or they will actually make it seem as if you are you know somebody is disrupting the meeting and they'll bring the cops in.
If you bring the cops in it obviously shows that this is not just some sort of hunky-dory groovy little
No, it's done as intimidation.
These are would-be authoritarians.
If they could, they would put your whole family in a gulag.
A guy just won $15 million for borrowing his buddy's car and was locked up for years.
No one knew where he was in a New Mexico jail.
They're now putting people in jail for five years over balloons.
Go ahead.
Yeah, well, basically what you're going to do is ask the hard questions, and then you want to back each other up.
You do this with a team.
So you refuse to allow yourselves to be sidelined.
You refuse to allow yourselves to be shamed.
Because that's what communitarianism is all about.
It's about shaming you for actually speaking out.
So you want to speak out.
You want to support each other in these meetings.
That's right.
Exactly, because they'll have their operatives planted to try to turn the cattle so you have your people spread out who just start popping up and it totally freaks them out.
Right, it totally freaks them out and then you basically want to let them know that you know what's up and eventually when you do this and you do this well, you have not worn your name tag, you're not identifying yourself, you are going in as a freedom force, you do it with other people, you don't identify yourselves to each other, you do it as a sort of a stealth force because this is a
And I'm telling you folks, if you get happy when your team wins the Super Bowl, when you destroy their operations, it is champagne time!
It's a big hit.
And then you take it on the road and you do it in the towns near you.
And you start supporting other groups.
And pretty soon you guys are outnumbering the people who are running these meetings.
The consultants and the planners and the people who've been paid.
And look how they sit there real smug.
They always try to act like...
That they're invincible, but it's all Wizard of Oz crap.
I'm sorry.
It really is.
They are snowing you.
This whole thing is designed to give you the impression that this is your idea.
They are literally snowing you in every one of these meetings.
And if you refuse to go...
But it is not your plan.
You are there to show the people that it is not your plan, that you do not agree, that you don't want to go along to get along with Sustainable Places Project here in Texas, or Granite State Future, or One Bay Area.
And by the way, we are suing to stop the plan in our area, in the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area, One Bay Area.
This is putting you guys on notice.
Metropolitan Planning Organization, and California, and all across the world, we are suing.
And your weapon is due process, civil rights, constitution.
That's right.
It's a constitutional violation and we are not going to stand for it.
We will block this.
Look at this lady's got a fighting spirit and it's infectious.
I love it.
I love it.
I love it.
Let me tell you there's nothing more disgusting than these smug puss buckets that go around trying to rob and take over our towns and suck people dry and then have code enforcers in police uniforms arresting old ladies who haven't mowed their yard and $3,000 a day fines.
I mean these folks it is blood boiling.
Okay they need to be in prison.
It's what it looks like.
You know, what does it look like?
Traffic calming, code enforcement, it looks like form-based codes, it looks like scenic byways, Vision 2025, your general plan, your master plan, your comprehensive plan, public-private partnerships, transit-oriented development, you can't smoke in your apartment.
It's a giant cult.
It's a crime.
Heals, you know, healthy eating, active living.
This is all about rezoning.
No, no, no.
You go to Whole Foods now and it's all about, we're going to tell you how to behave.
You're doing good.
And people will come and go, you're making good choices.
And I go, I'm not coming back here.
That happened three times last time I was there.
Hello, you're making good choices, I see.
And it's like, oh, you're bringing GMO in here now, aren't you?
It's all literal cult.
Because once they get you, it's a giant cult.
It's a giant U.N.
eugenics death cult.
Okay, let's go to some calls.
This is unbelievable.
Let's talk to George in Connecticut on Agenda 21, then Matt, then Casey, then Jeff, then Connor and others.
You're on the air.
Go ahead, George in Connecticut.
I found out after your last talk on Alex that my town is not only in Agenda 21, practically two-thirds of the town is sewed up to this.
I tried to stop them on a project that was a billion dollar project.
And they use the police to stroll on me and almost kill me.
I mean, these people are willing to do anything to get these projects together.
I'd love to find a way to get some of my money back from the court and go after these bastards.
Do you have any suggestions?
Just call yourself a citizen journalist, start a website, and start following the planners and people, and you'll find them in other criminal activities.
I mean, they're always like kleptomaniac nuts.
And then just burn them down on YouTube.
There's more than one way to skin a cat.
I have top lawyers on that beat the Food and Drug Administration on stuff, and they'll always just point out that the judge is getting money for Monsanto.
I mean, they're mafia, and so it's not fighting dirty.
Just go, go dig the dirt up on them.
Start hammering their heads in with the dirt.
Hurt them bad.
Send them to prison.
I've sent plenty of people to prison.
Yeah, I've taken people out, crooked politicians.
What you want to do, you know, I'm glad you said that because, listen, always bring your video camera with you whenever you go to any of these meetings.
Folks, this is an enemy army.
Any means necessary.
Hit them, hit them hard.
That's right.
And this is, hey, it's war.
This is war.
This is war!
I'm not just up here saying it's war.
This is war!
Listen, you don't even want to tell what happened to you because you don't want to scare people.
But I mean just, they are thugs.
People should know.
I think you should go out and experience how they're mafia thugs.
Then you'll know how real it is.
You know what?
The more of us that are on board, the less... Hey, used to they did stuff to you, now they're on the run.
That's right.
This is it.
You know what?
Don't buckle under.
Stand up.
You can do it.
You know, if you need to work for them, you know, quit that job.
If you see people that are doing these jobs and you have some money, you say to them, listen, I'm going to make it possible for you to quit that job so that you can... I was in Memphis and I was speaking there and they had the Office of Sustainability Director there and I said, after you hear my speech, I want you to go in and resign.
And I looked at the people in the audience and I said, you know what, if this man goes in and resigns today, you, the community, have to make sure that he is financially okay.
This is what we need to do.
We need to rebuild real community because this plan destroys community.
And by the way, whenever you do the right thing and sacrifice something, doors just fly open.
I mean, that's what frustrates me is moving against evil is effective.
People just don't even think they're in the game.
I mean, they literally aren't even on the field.
They just think evil has free reign.
Yeah, right.
And you know what?
We're so isolated from one another and we think that, you know, what we do as an individual has no power.
Believe me, what you do as an individual has tremendous power.
We are tremendously powerful as... Why do you think they said we couldn't hand our magazines out anywhere downtown?
They don't want you spreading the information, and they want to intimidate you.
Refuse to be intimidated?
No, I just redouble my efforts.
That's right.
This is the answer, is when they push you down, come up twice as strong, twice as hard.
This is the thing to do.
This is how you beat them.
Isn't that just natural?
I mean, I don't understand.
People are like, wow, you're standing up to them.
I mean, they're trying to dominate us, people.
We got to get angry.
Yeah, and you know what?
Once again, I want to say, you know, and it's not like I hate weed or something like that, but I really, I know there's a lot of smokers watching this.
Don't allow that passivity to take you over.
That, block that.
Well no, that's why they're acting like the new civil rights movement is only marijuana, because for most people it does make them passive.
It does!
It lowers men's testosterone.
It's the perfect drug for the new world order.
It makes you totally passive.
Fight that.
Smoke later.
Do your flyers now, you know?
Yeah, exactly.
People will just keep the dope smoke until nighttime.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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It's time to go crazy on the New World Order.
And they play this social mind game like we're animals.
And we go, hey, we don't like world government.
We don't like these wars, these drones, these checkpoints.
Oh, how funny!
Oh, ho, ho, ho!
And then the other sheep go, ho, ho, ho, to feel important.
I mean, don't be a pathetic chump out there.
And I'm talking to new listeners or people who think this is all cool.
The globalists are really, really, really bad people who have a very bad plan for society.
And I hope you'll get Rosa Corey's book at InfoWarshop.com or InfoWarstore.com.
Both sites take you there.
Behind the green mask, you and Agenda21.
My film, Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement, made almost seven years ago, is evergreen, more important now than ever, breaking down the rest of the story.
She breaks down what they're doing.
This tells you where they're going.
I mean, I've read hundreds of their books.
So has Erin.
I mean, it's all how they're going to shut everything down and then kill us.
I mean, it's just, it's total ultra-Hitlerian.
Hitler was one of their students who they then set up and brought down.
He was a eugenicist.
Let's take more calls here in these final two short little segments.
Then I'm going to do some overdrive into the fourth hour to cover some other breaking important information.
But let's talk to Casey in Austin.
Casey, thanks for holding.
You're on the air with Rosa Corey.
Hi Alex, Rosa, thanks for having me on.
I had a quick question for Rosa and then I just wanted to get you guys' opinion on something, if I may.
Sure, go ahead.
Okay, Council of Foreign Relations and the UN, since things like that are kind of intertwined with each other, Rick Warren is a known member of the CFR and Obama's good buddy.
He's going around thousands and thousands of different churches, or taking out crosses in the churches, ripping up the carpet, putting Walt Disney, you know, in churches and things like that.
How do I approach a preacher?
Because bells should be going off that this guy is not good.
How do I approach preachers and tell them, hey, you know, what you're doing is not good.
Well, I mean, I've talked to family and friends all over the country where Methodist churches, you name it, are pulling out the cross and saying, we don't worship Jesus anymore.
It's bad.
And it's a Soviet takeover.
And people are now, no, that's not extreme.
And the point is, if someone isn't a Christian or isn't religious, that's their issue.
We're not even here judging him.
It's that it's happening everywhere.
Everything's being changed.
Everything's being overthrown with a fake liberalism that isn't liberalism.
It's a conformist.
What happened in the Soviet Union or communist China?
Rosa Corey comments on that.
Yeah, you know, if your pastor's out there talking about sustainability, sustainable development, you better go have a chat with your pastor, because... Oh, the First Methodist Church right here, or the First Methodist, teaches sustainability, you in, Bill Gates is our Savior.
Actually, Bill Gates is our God.
Yeah, and you know, I've done quite a bit of research on this, and obviously, you know, when you're looking at kind of the new Zen, the idea that you want to accept what is, and you want to leave the mind behind.
You know, this is separating the mind and the body, so you want to release the mind.
This is exactly... See, you're out in San Francisco in an area, so you know what it's like.
No, the new coolness is to be a chump.
They actually say, I want to be a slave.
Right, yeah, and I mean if you look at, I think it's called the Blue Pyramid or something like that about, you know, how you're supposed to surround yourself with people who believe the same way that you do, drink two glasses of wine a day, and meditate.
And that's what Google does now.
It puts you in a little subgroup.
It knows your algorithm and then only keeps you in a group that agrees with you.
Right, and so you're being, you are actually being manipulated and so are the churches, your pastors.
We're in a body snatcher level conspiracy!
I mean folks, I mean people that say their life's boring, boring.
I know.
I mean unbelievable, unmitigated craziness is going on.
Look in your closet and see if there's a pod in there.
This is really what it's about and they are subverting religion.
They're saying that religion has to take on the ecology model or it will disappear.
That's the UN One World Government religion that Revelation talks about.
Block it.
Block it.
Speak to your pastor.
Give them the truth.
Yeah, or walk.
Go in there, print up a flyer, start handing it out, break that church up.
Those preachers say, don't do that.
No, no, no.
Those churches are nothing but synagogues of Satan.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Coast to coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Yeah, I haven't read Pastor Rick Warren's stuff about yourself and Christian hedonism and stuff, but I can take one look at him, we can punch up his website, and I've heard about the stuff he's doing, I just can't detail it because I haven't followed it much, but yeah, this is going on.
I know about what's going on, and again, Jesus was talking to the rabbis about how they really weren't, you know, one particular temple, but wasn't, you know, following, you know, what God has said in the Old Testament, so he said, you're of the synagogue of Satan.
It's the same thing for these
Churches, Muslim temples, I don't care if you're a Hindu, whatever it is, your temple, your church, your synagogue has become a command base of state-run religion, which is corporate-run religion.
And so, the point is, separation of church and state
Is the government isn't involved in religion.
Now they've turned it around saying you can't have your political views as a religion when you should all have your own diverse ideas.
So they've turned it around backwards and are now saying the churches have to conform to what the government says when the First Amendment says Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof and then freedom of the press and so forth.
Your take on that?
Yeah, this is really about instituting passivity.
And, you know, this is exactly the opposite of what you want.
No matter where you go, if you go to worship, you should have pastors out there talking about freedom and about supporting you as a free individual.
And if that's not happening in your church, then you want to find another church.
I have family locally that went to a church.
I've been there many times with my children, who had a preacher who was what I'd call a constitutionalist, but more towards a little liberal, but anti-war, you know, talking about the Bill of Rights.
They had him retire and brought in a husband-wife team, and it's all Bill Gates is Jesus.
Well, yeah.
I mean, but it's everywhere now.
It's Baptist churches.
It's everything.
Yeah, Bill Gates, you know, isn't that interesting?
I mean, he'd probably say he's bigger than Jesus.
Take on John Lennon, you know, with basically, what are they doing?
They are getting their little machine, direct instruction.
They're getting the machine to every child, you know, so that they can directly speak to the child without anyone interfering.
And this is happening everywhere.
So, of course, this is their God, because the God is in the box.
Well exactly, what did Rick Kurzweil say?
He said, I don't believe in God yet.
I'm gonna become God.
Whoa, whoa, yeah.
Connor in Arizona, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead, Connor.
Hello, Connor.
Yes, sir.
How you doing, Alex?
How you doing, Rosa?
Thank you, brother.
Go ahead.
Hey, I just wanted to point out to you guys, I'm actually a 17-year-old in high school, and I've been meaning to call in for a while, and I'm glad you guys covered this, because
Last year, when I was a sophomore, I took some intro to sociology and psychology classes.
And I wanted to let you guys know, they're using the TED conferences as a part of the curriculum, where you have to take notes on the TED conferences.
Oh, yeah, no, no, no.
And then they get all the smart people there to make globalism and collectivism look cool and sexy.
And yeah, no, they're forced.
And it's all eugenics.
Yeah, you know, I'd love to do a TED conference.
I'm sure they'd never give me a chance.
You know, get me on Amy Goodman or a TED conference.
These are things, they will never give you that voice.
They will never give you that platform.
These are people who are actually crafting behavioral modification.
And they know they are!
This is their role.
I've been around these globalists and they have gone, of course we're doing behavioral modification and treating the public like a herd of baboons.
I mean, they're there treating you.
You're hip.
Look at Bono.
You're hip.
You're cool.
You're talking about, you know... Turns out 99% of the money he raises, he keeps.
Oh, wow.
Yeah, no, that came out.
It's actually less than 1%.
Talk about cold-blooded, man.
Yeah, really.
That's something else, isn't it?
Salvation Army gives about 97.
Yeah, you know what?
People who are forwarding this plan, there's a huge amount of hypocrisy, there's a huge amount of greed, but that is not at the top of the pyramid.
The top of the pyramid is control.
Wild control freaks.
Total control.
Hey, great point, Connor.
Just say, spread the word.
Expose Ted as a cult.
Do that.
Fight back.
Good job, Connor.
Hey, listen, I know you're going to do the nightly news now with Melissa Melton and interviews, so congratulations on all you're doing, Rosa.
And you're going to come back after you speak in Bashful tomorrow.
I'm going to tape some for a film that's coming up.
So I just want to thank you for coming out.
Rosa Corrigan, a lot of energy being around you.
I think vice versa.
Behind the Green Mask, available right now at InfoWarshop.com.
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Hello, I'm Alex Jones.
Myself, my family, the InfoWars.com team want to relay to you and your families that we are intensifying our efforts against the globalists on every front.
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I shot a video that's up on Infowars.com where I break down the fact that the technology and the way it's set up, it doesn't jive.
It doesn't fit.
If you're looking at what happened with Chase having zero balances two days ago for all its customers in the United States, if you see that, it just doesn't fit.
I believe it's some type of test, trial balloon, just like they're now talking about taking all the money out of the bank accounts that are there in Cyprus.
They're talking about now doing it in Italy, now in Spain.
This is a very, very serious thing that's going on.
You've got supposed hack attacks that are also going on with South Korea versus North Korea.
They're saying they believe North Korea did it when North Korea's got the technical expertise to, you know, kill a bunch of villagers and drive around with 57 Chevys.
I mean, because they can't even build cars, that's about it.
Very, very suspicious there.
They launched Stuxnet, of course, against Iran four years ago and then blamed it on
Hackers and said we need to get rid of web freedom because of Stuxnet.
So this whole thing stinks to high heaven.
They're implying it could have been a hack of Chase that did this to show balances of zero everywhere when that stuff is all compartmentalized and again multiple systems.
Don't buy it on any front.
And again the Germans are saying to the EU just let us have the 10% or we just won't open the banks ever to get the money period.
And the banks are shut.
They're not letting them have their money until they agree to give them 10% and set the precedent to give them money all the time.
And again, Obamacare, all this is meant to bankrupt you.
It's meant to drive you into submission.
Other news, press regulation, a victory for the rich, celebrated, and the powerful.
That's the London Guardian, and then it goes on, freedom to blog in danger due to new press regulations.
Yeah, they want it where you can't even photograph
I don't know.
Here's BBC press regulation, internet concerns expressed.
So that's what's going on.
That's what these tyrants are doing because we're hurting them right now.
They're telling you you're weak.
They're telling you you don't have power because you do have power.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, look at this group of articles right here on the health front.
Test of anthrax vaccine in children gets tentative okay.
This is from Reuters, a presidential ethics panel.
They're the ones, the ethics panels decide to have death panels and then they appoint the people that'll say to kill granny or kill the kid or kill kids up to age three.
That's the bioethics panels that are calling for that.
They say give experimental anthrax shots to newborn babies.
And let's make it mandatory as well.
Oh, want to see your mom?
Got to take these shots in the hospital.
Oh, want your kids in Little League?
Everybody's got to take shots to even be on the field.
It's a policy.
But now they've got laws passed in California, trying to pass in Texas, to make it the law.
Anyone that comes around children, including the way I see it, written parents, there's 120-something shots we're going to make you take now.
Some shots have up to six different things in them.
I mean, killing us openly!
I mean, they tried the Santrax shots on the troops three different times and killed so many people they had to stop.
But see, it's over the top.
You see, can we kill a bunch of people, maim them, even take their kids?
I mean, watch out.
If you want to sacrifice your baby to Satan when they shoot him up with all this, keep him there.
Because, you know, most Satanists don't want to actually get in trouble.
I mean, if you're into killing your kid, which I know some of you are, have the sacrament of the murder in the hospital, but make sure the hospital, you know, is openly with the killing or they're going to blame you when the kid dies at home.
So, I just understand your sacrament is very important.
Because some of you actually enjoy killing your children.
This is all kind of a little inside fun thing.
A lot of abortionists, it comes out.
I'm not joking, by the way, there.
A lot of abortionists, it's true, the strange of the fiction.
A lot of abortionists, it turns out, get the job because they're Satanists.
You can look that up.
It's come out.
And they like to take the baby out at the nine month and chop it up right there and everybody gets off on it and they save little mementos.
And I know I'm not trendy because I'm not into that.
I'm not really, you know, hanging with the devil, man.
Yippee, bop, boop, bop, bop.
You know, it's fun.
Get down with Satan.
Woo, yeah!
Chop that baby up.
I'm not cool enough to get into that cat.
Daddy-o, baby, yeah!
Alright, now, speaking, you guys are all smiling in there.
Was that particularly insane?
That's just, we're not cool.
We like babies.
You heard the abortionists when they're like, please let us adopt the baby.
They are ugly black babies, we will kill them!
Everybody's like, oh my gosh, that's racist to say it's not good to kill the black baby.
That's actually in the news today.
They arrested one of these guys for reportedly chopping him up after they were already out of the body.
You know, that could have been adopted right there, Richard.
And they're calling it racist if you don't want to chop up the black babies.
Are you a racist, Richard?
Well, I guess we're all racist for being concerned about Chase giving zero balances to people for a period of time.
And I guess we're since we're all concerned about babies getting anthrax vaccines that are in test phase.
In any phase, period.
I guess we're racist for being concerned about all this.
Well, they have a high kill rate.
I mean, we gotta kill these babies.
I mean, that's liberal.
Too many people, Richard.
It's kind of like that news story that you've played over and over about the Mercury's being beneficial from the New World Order.
No, they said Mercury helps the child.
That's right.
Helps kill them.
From your perspective, it does help the child.
So, I guess we're just not cool enough yet.
We're working on it, though.
We're definitely on the racist side of being concerned about this.
Because you don't want to kill babies.
I don't want to kill babies.
No, I actually have the article out today.
It's up at Infowars.com.
It's racist to not want to have the abortions.
Here's the headline.
Oh, I believe you.
It's just amazing.
The anaconda just keeps on squeezing and squeezing and squeezing the people of the whole world.
Richard, I wanted to get you in here for a win-win-win-win-win for our listeners.
You know, we're not supported by Rockefeller Foundation grants like NPR.
We're not supported by the New World Order, and our stations aren't either.
A lot of our stations have signed up with InfoWarsHealth.com.
Uh, you know, to promote the vitamins and minerals and then also make a profit for themselves.
But I want to encourage listeners to sign up at InfoWarsTeam.com today to get discounts as distributors.
You get lower prices when you sign up for ten bucks.
Uh, and then you can also sign up and get free auto shipping.
Uh, you know, when you sign up for auto ship, you get free shipping.
But I wanted to just tell people, these really are amazing products.
And, because I went out and found the best, and your purchase makes the broadcast possible.
So InfoWarsHealth.com, give us some of the InfoWarsHealth.com news today.
Extremist, racist?
Well, they really are amazing products.
That's one thing... It's immoral to sell things we believe in to fund Liberty, though.
Killing babies is trendy.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Well, I guess we'll just have to be untrendy and stay out of that activity, and we want to help and save the babies, and we want everybody's kids to grow up healthy and... Because the way to counter all the stuff they're doing to us is the building blocks our body needs.
Doc Wallach has covered it on your show many times, and Alex, you yourself have talked about how we've got mineral-depleted soils now where most of our crops are grown, and that brings in the necessity that all of us have, and ultimately not just here in the United States, but all around the world, that people need to be supplemented with the Mining 90.
That's racist!
I'm sorry, I'm going to proceed and be racist, but the Healthy Star Pack, also known as the Alex Pack, which contains the cancer, Biontang, Tangerine, the EFAs, and also the osteo FX.
Yeah, explain that.
Explain the new big study out about how it kills the cancer cells in the colon.
That's right.
Which is racist.
They just completed a big Clemson study, research study on two of the signature products, the Biontang Tangerine and the Ultimate Classic.
And in here it talks about that when Biontang Tangerine and Ultimate Classic were administered to healthy human cell lines, they did not induce or create any inflammatory response in levels above and below the recommended dosages.
Biontang Tangerine and Ultimate Classic also showed inflammation protective properties and heightened the body's protective responses to possible inflammation.
Well, that's not good.
It's the vaccines that kill the baby when the brain swells.
So, that's bad.
Vaccine kill baby good.
This stuff, bringing down inflammation, helping the immune system, killing cancer cells, bad.
Life bad, kill baby good.
It's biblical.
What's good is bad and bad is good.
It's incredibly racist.
And racist.
So what's not racist is racist, but what is not racist is racist is racist.
There we are.
So, and then following that, what's really key is
They talk about here, when these products, Biontane, Tangerine, Ultimate Classic, are administered to healthy human colon cells, there was no significant death of healthy human cells compared to cancerous colon cells.
Ultimate Classic killed 95% of cancerous colon cells, 65% of cancerous liver cells, 65% of cancerous stomach cells, and 30% of cancerous breast.
And by the way, Wallach has sued over and over again, whenever he does big studies or has studies done, to prove and beaten the FDA.
Over and over.
We had the lawyer on last week, the top lawyer.
That's right.
The point is, is that Linus Pauling already found all this stuff.
He got a Nobel Prize in, what was it, 62 or something.
I mean, they already knew all this.
They just don't want people knowing this.
No, they don't.
They don't want people knowing it.
So I think the battle to keep covering up this information will only intensify and these things that they throw to us, that we're racist or that we're whatever we are, anti-human, they'll keep throwing that at us because we're getting the word out and Alex Jones is getting the truth out on his show.
So it is
Well, I think maybe to the New World Order it's probably not important.
They would love to cover that up.
But folks, I can't tell you.
You know, we don't talk about the business side of longevity very often with InfoWars team, InfoWars Health.
The beautiful part is, Young Jody products are for everybody.
Is the business opportunity for everybody?
No, it's not.
It's not for everybody, but there are people that are out there.
If you're already a good salesman and want the best products for your church, or your business, or let's say you're a chiropractor, or medical doctor, or whoever, I mean, this is some really evil, horrible, top-of-the-line superfoods, super vitamins, minerals, almost 400 products.
And you support us so we can do bad things like try to, you know, restrict abortion of nine-month-old babies.
Because you're also funding a really evil organization that, you know, tries to promote people that are creating printable guns to defend the Second Amendment and just all the other bad things we do.
You know, liberty, justice, freedom, Bill of Rights, due process, First Amendment.
I mean, when you fund us by buying your products at Infowarshealth.com, by shopping with the good guys, you're just doing horrible things.
Well, and let me tell you, Alex, one of the frequently asked questions right now is, as a preferred customer, how do I become a distributor?
There are tons of folks out there now that have been wanting to become distributors and want information on it.
The easy way is just to go to InfoWars Health, InfoWars team.
You can email Catherine.
The email is on there on the website, and she will help you go through the steps of upgrading from preferred customer to distributor.
Catherine at Infowars.com.
We've also got another great team.
You can call that toll-free number right there on the side.
Tell them you want to be a distributor.
Thank you for your extremism.
Richard Reeves.
You're very welcome, sir.
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