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Name: 20130313_Wed_Alex
Air Date: March 13, 2013
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He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It is Wednesday, the 13th day
of March 2013.
I am your host, Alex Jones, and we are going to be live here for the next three hours.
And George Norrie, I've seen the numbers.
Trade publications vary, but the second most listened to show in this country is not Sean Hannity.
And it is not certainly Glenn Beck, it is George Norrie.
And I find him to be a very interesting individual, and he's really helped us get the word out over the years.
And I wanted to get him on about the nature of reality and where he sees humanity going, and the times that he sees ahead.
Because it was George, now, ten years ago, who started putting me on Coast to Coast AM for full shows, three hours.
And, you know, nowadays to talk about the New World Order and prison camps and checkpoints and drones and surveillance grids and deadly vaccines, that's pretty much passe.
I tuned into two different shows on 590 yesterday and I tuned into WOAI in San Antonio while I was out driving to work and driving back yesterday and doing some errands.
Every show!
was saying there's a police state takeover, the government runs Al-Qaeda, we're in deep trouble.
I mean, I tuned in and heard Jeff Ward, you know, the former NFL kicker and UT football star, I know him, we're friends, but the point is he's more of a mainline libertarian, you know, kind of thinks I'm far out there.
We worked out for a while at the same gym.
He was on the air just going, yeah, yeah, government runs Al-Qaeda.
And I heard the morning show saying it.
And this is without it being on Drudge Report, which most radio shows go and get their news from.
This was without it even being on Infowars.
It was not even a meme in the media.
And I heard three shows yesterday.
And when you see a chain reaction like that, and I see that more and more, or something out of the ether,
Well, I haven't called Jeff, but I'll guarantee you that all three of the shows, WAI and the two 590 shows, heard my Sunday show, where I talked about it for about an hour and a half of the two hours, and quoted Muhammad Karzai saying, you know, the U.S.
runs al-Qaeda, Taliban, they're blowing up stuff.
Bradley Manning is basically coming out with a new leak tape saying similar things.
You listen to the whole thing.
There are mainstream news articles, Fox News,
The point is, I've just been pointing out what is there.
And what is admitted, and the first place, other than my own platform, that was still, it was already pretty big-sized 10 years ago, but maybe 20% of what it is now, the first place that had the courage to let me go on the air for three hours, sometimes, every other month, and lay out evidence was George Norris.
So I salute him.
Real trailblazer, he's joining us in the second hour.
And then we've got James O'Keefe, another trailblazer.
That's who I admire as trailblazers.
Project Veritas.
Brought down Acorn, what's that, six billion a year?
They were using the muscle to take over the cities, the Obama administration.
Brought down a bunch of other tyrants.
They've gone into all these police departments and have the cops saying, no, you should have no guns, get a dog.
That's the new meme.
Well, they have guns, and they laugh on tape and say that.
I mean, just bizarre fruitcakes.
We're going to be airing that.
They're coming on.
Man, the police state news I've got on the other side of this break will just show you how we are seen like Wally Coyote, you know, sees a rabbit and he sees it on a spit all dripping with juices and gravy.
That's how we're now seen by more and more of the government.
I mean, look out.
They're eating out our substance.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
You will remember, going back about four years ago, we began to get Homeland Security internal documents and publish them from state police, federal marshals.
FBI and others where they were already telling them the number one terror threat is returning veterans, gun owners, libertarians, constitutionalists, land rights activists, end the fetters, Ron Paul supporters,
They said that is the threat, that is who you'll prepare for war with, and they've taught every police department in America that takes federal funds for four years that they will face U.S.
Army and Marines and Navy personnel.
Veterans will bomb them with IEDs.
Now, we get on the phones up, the cops will all call in and tell you they've been trained for that.
That's been in the news after we broke it.
People couldn't believe it
Couldn't believe it for four or five days when we first broke the MIAC, then not just the state-level report, the federal master report, and others.
And since then, there's over a hundred FBI manuals and flyers given to every business you can imagine.
From animal husbandry to tattoos, from barber shops to clothiers, you name it, saying blue jeans, cell phones, a sign of terrorism, but the number one sign, and it says it in the manuals, but I'm about to show you one right now.
Not a manual, L.A.
They say being white is the sign of terror.
Then two years ago, and the story went viral,
We wrote an article because we saw someone had posted internal DHS training videos on YouTube.
And later, DHS posted the very ones.
People didn't think they were real at first.
Showing them patrolling highways, roads, grocery stores, malls, sporting events.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, last week, and I told you it was a big deal, the Southern Poverty Law Center, that is the mouthpiece of the Justice Department, I mean, they ran the informants that ran Elohim City, that ran McVeigh.
And they came and said, there's about to be a terror attack by the right wing!
Take their rights!
And then the building blew up!
Oh, they have crystal balls!
Oh no, there's no framing going on.
They care.
Even though the same deputy director of the time was involved in Oklahoma City is now the Attorney General, Eric Holder, who ran Fast and Furious, False Flag, Staged Event, Inside Job, Black Op, Reichstag Event, Government Sponsored Terror, Operation Northwoods, Operation Gladio, Operation Ajax.
Search all these terms I'm throwing out.
And he went on Slimeball.
Mark Potok went on and said, we're putting out another red alert.
The new threat is white gun owners.
They're going to attack.
And in their report and in their letter, and what the letter sourced was their report, guess who's at the top of the list?
A-L-E-X, A-N-D-E-R, J-O-N-E-S.
And what does that spell?
Alexander Jones.
Who is that?
You bet.
Now these are known White House toads.
Operatives, on record, media matters, all of it, on record, government funding, government bailout, government stimulus money.
Do you understand?
Pray for us!
We have the White House-run system saying Alex Jones is the new Bin Laden.
And you know who else they say is evil?
Anybody who is right of Mao Zedong.
And again, left-right isn't really real.
That's a controlled paradigm.
But within the right, there is at least lip service to Second Amendment, Bill of Rights, Constitution, private property, family, religious rights.
And so they are assaulting anyone who doesn't call for an end of male and female marriage and for world population reduction and death panels and total communism.
If you don't endorse total evil, you are a devil.
Now, you see the... I mean, I was on a big Dallas station yesterday.
It's a CNN affiliate.
Wall Street Shuffle.
Highly rated show up there in Dallas.
And the guy was like, no, I went and looked it up.
I called the company.
I checked.
That's one of the biggest manufacturers, if not the biggest manufacturer in the country, of paper targets.
They did do a $2 million contract for Homeland Security that requested.
The people have done interviews.
We broke it.
People couldn't believe it, but they've done interviews.
They admit yes.
They apologize.
Homeland Security asked for the tactical response stuff of five-year-old kids to shoot and old women and men and people in the shower.
Paper targets.
And he said everybody I know, including congressmen that come on my show, cannot believe it, and they won't even say there's two billion bullets, even though that's admitted.
And he went and checked it, and it was true.
That's what we're talking about here.
And the LA Times says if you believe in any of this, you are a quote, white cell.
A terror cell.
I'm going to read it in about ten seconds.
Now, how long ago did I tell you?
Behind the scenes, the military, the police, arms buildup, prepping for door-to-door gun confiscation.
Military training in Arcadia, Iowa.
Military training in Dallas, Texas.
Military training in Miami.
Military training in Minneapolis, St.
Military training in L.A.
Military training... And the military's called in, and it's in the Army Times, and it's in the...
Army manuals, just type in gun confiscation, a new army manual, 2010.
You'll get army.mil, gun confiscation, how to process us with our social security numbers, how to take over the radio and TV stations, not just by remote control, the military will occupy them, the power plants, the city hall, and they're going to take our guns!
And so this unprecedented insanity is going on, and they're saying it doesn't exist, knowing the dumbed-down masses, including members of Congress, will just say, well, nine out of ten articles, conservatively, say it doesn't exist.
Politico, you name it, said there is no bullets.
They bought no bullets.
Oh, they bought 200,000 bullets, is what they said.
And then this guy, Alex Jones and Sarah Palin, they say it's two billion, and they're insane!
It was an anonymous posting on a website.
They don't say what.
It's all lies.
I mean, it's all FedBiz.gov, public, all of it, over $2 billion.
I was saying $1.6 billion to three weeks ago.
Breitbart actually counted it all up and they have the listing.
Over $2 billion.
They're buying 2,700 armored vehicles last year.
Big, giant ones.
I've seen them on the road in Austin.
They saved federal police.
They're for here.
And they're telling you it doesn't exist, while telling people now in newspapers all over the country.
When I saw this LA Times this morning, I went and looked, there are similar articles in AP, Reuters, it's everywhere.
Let me show TV viewers, radio listeners, let me direct you to just go to this, it's up on InfoWars.com.
I'm going to have Kurt Nimmo do another article about this.
He wrote about this last week, when the letter linking to the sources, and there it is, Alex Jones.
King Daddy, they say I'm numero uno terrorist.
I'm a terrorist, ladies and gentlemen, because I point out the megabanks have taken over America, run Al-Qaeda in Libya and Syria, and are supporting them and aiding them, and our government grows the opium and runs Al-Qaeda and Taliban in Afghanistan.
That's all coming out now.
Of course I'm the terrorist.
Pray for me, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm not afraid.
I'm just afraid I won't finish my work if they do kill me.
And that's in God's hands, but let me tell you something, ladies and gentlemen.
You better get the word out like your life depends on it, because I'm telling you, the shadow government, I've seen all these preparations before Oklahoma City before, and I've seen them before 9-11, and I've seen them now.
They've got four or five, what is it, five TV shows now where the founding fathers are terrorists, where returning veterans are secretly Al-Qaeda.
They're using their own CIA operatives that are joining Al-Qaeda to put them on Fox News to kind of blur the lines.
Well, there are veterans joining Al-Qaeda.
Yeah, fighting for the globalists.
But they're going to say there's three different West Point and Army War College reports the last year and a half saying the Tea Party is going to link up with Al-Qaeda?
Anybody in the Tea Party knows it's total Islamophobia land.
So, I mean, that's just asinine.
It's like saying Malcolm X is going to join the Ku Klux Klan or something.
But they don't care because the TV heads are all watching simulants right now.
Where every show they're watching, the lady that won't vaccine her kids is a child molester.
The guy that won't vaccine his kids is going to nerve gas the city.
The guy that's a Ron Paul supporter is a meth head.
Every show, demon messages, demonizing liberty.
Getting it ready is simulants for the public.
They've got all these movies coming out where militias attack the White House.
So they can stage a false flag, have it be incredibly immoral, what happens, blow up a nursery like Oklahoma City, whatever, and then blame it on us and say, see, we told you so.
And they are moving into fire zone.
The Death Star is clear to fire in five minutes.
I mean, politically speaking, five seconds.
It is coming around, to use a Star Wars analogy, coming around Yavin and is about to be cleared of fire, okay?
I mean, the Death Star is coming around.
And if you're not in your X-Wing, out there right now, fighting every day to expose these murdering terrorists, they're going to bring in the Red Terror.
They're panicked, they're scared, they know we've got the initiative, and this is history happening right now.
The Death Star is clear to fire in five seconds.
That means any minute now, any time, we're in a death struggle to back them off, to expose them so they don't pull it off and they hold back and don't do it.
And then when they do do it, if they do do it, we're gonna really be able to deal with them.
Because people now know, we got people everywhere watching.
The minute they blow something up, folks, everyone should carry cameras on them at all times, okay?
At all times.
Now, let me show you what's in the L.A.
Told you this was coming.
Oh, my God.
Peril from patriots.
The U.S.
needs to keep a close watch on the growing threat of homegrown extremist groups.
Now it gets worse.
Look at who they show as the extremists.
Only criminals in government want unarmed public.
What part of shall not be infringed on understand?
Repeal and negate.
Now it gets worse.
First they say you're radical.
Then they say there are an increasing frightening numbers of cells, it's cells, of angry men in the United States preparing for combat with the U.S.
They're usually heavily armed, blinded by intractable hatred.
You mean wide awake to your evil, and we know who you are.
Often motivated by religious zeal.
They're not jihadists.
They are white.
They are white.
Right-wing Americans.
They've now announced white men are terrorists.
That's the headline, Kurt Nemo.
LA Times announces white men are terrorists.
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In our article that we posted last week breaking down the S.B.L.C.
saying that the right-wing terrorists were about to attack, you can go watch the video, POTOX on with Matthews, and Matthews goes, Obama is the most perfect president ever, the most perfect person.
That's a quote.
The only reason not to like him is he's black.
Let's talk about these racist hate groups.
Well, one of them is We Are Change, which is
Not liberal or conservative.
It's kind of constitutional.
There was a big, you know, critic of Bush.
I mean, and it's totally peaceful.
But they're scared of real reporters going out and asking questions.
And they're listed by the SPLC.
Anybody who's awake to the global takeover.
A foreign group of banks took us over.
And it's divide and conquer.
You know, the city of Austin, it paid $15,000 through an art group.
Let's put it up on screen for viewers.
For a billboard.
That said, no, it's up on that computer right there.
I pulled it up during the break.
It's the article from yesterday.
There it is.
Ariba my people or up my people, stand up my people.
It shows the Mexican flag on the middle of a heart with people pouring across the Mexico border into Texas.
Rise up my people.
So you have a call, and this is liberation theology, funded by government, and it's not just this government, it's other governments, state governments, county governments, fund this stuff.
Judge rules, hey kids can't wear American flags in school.
That's upsetting, that's racist, even though they're Hispanic.
And you're like, that's gotta be a joke, but it's not a joke.
And then Americans that knew they were coming for our guns are out buying guns.
I've been to the gun show.
It's every race, color, Asian, Hispanic, black, white, you name it.
They don't want us unifying around property rights, Second Amendment, family rights, national sovereignty, low taxes, being able to accrue wealth.
They want us all fighting with each other.
And so that's what FEMA teaches.
And it predates Obama, but it's accelerated.
That there will be a war where anyone that is anti-gun confiscation is a racist white person who is to be killed.
And they brainwashed police so bad.
This has been going on for a long time.
Then I saw a 1999 Discovery Channel inside the LAPD show.
I played the clip here many years ago.
Somebody could find it.
Please find it again and send it to us.
We'll play it again.
I haven't been able to find it.
I taped it off, you know, TV on VHS and played it in my own studio back when I was running my own show in 99.
And a veteran has died of a heart attack, been dead three days.
They go, look at his horrible NRA sticker.
Oh, the cops actually say this.
Oh, he's horrible.
This is in LA.
And they go in, the guns are all legal, and the cops are going, well, I'm going to take this one.
I'm going to take that one.
And they make fun of his dead, stinking body and go, what a piece of trash, this gun owner, with guns on their hips.
And you see wherever the globalists are in control, LA, Chicago, New York, we've got video that's coming up with Project Veritas and James O'Keefe.
They have cop after cop after cop after cop after cop after cop who look like total mind-numbed cross-eyed goons.
The weird thing is about, like, pro-gun cops always look tough and smart and well-spoken.
I mean, it's true!
Whether they're black, white, it doesn't matter.
And then you show the anti-gun cops, they're like, you don't need no gun!
You need, you need, you get the dog!
I mean, wait till I play this!
They all look like they've had lobotomies.
I'm not kidding!
They look like they've been run over!
You know, I mean, it's nothing... I'm sorry for handicapped people, but my point is, is that... is that... I was in New York when they had National Guard running checkpoints with machine guns a few years ago, and Rob Jacobson was with me.
We ran into unit after unit that were made up as some kind of weird covert test of people that I know, by the way they looked and talked, had chromosomal disorders.
So, and that's why, in fact, people won't believe this.
Type in police under, police over 100 IQ, not hired.
Nationwide, it's been this way for 30 years.
It's public, lawsuits have been won over it.
They still keep doing it.
They want the dumbest people they can get.
And if that means they've got to get people who are mildly retarded, they will do it.
I just feel sorry for these people.
I mean, it's like, you don't need a gun, get a doggy!
And I'm just like, whoa!
It hurts my heart.
It hurts my heart to know they're building a giant army of idiots.
And, ladies and gentlemen, I just read to you from the LA Times, shells of white gun owners.
White men are the terrorists.
There's a frightening development.
They're blinded by hate.
No, we're blinded.
We're blinded.
No, no, you're blinded with lies and propaganda.
We're wide awake.
And so they want to make it like, well, only white people are for the Second Amendment.
And that's what they sell, liberation theology, that they teach all the Hispanics they're trying to make citizens, that it's part of you getting government welfare and being part of it that we're going to take the guns.
And they teach inner-city blacks that.
And you see the inner-city mayors and people lined up to ban all guns.
You've heard him just ban them all!
And see, it's not your skin color, it's that you've been under globalist mind control, and now you racially identify with having your guns taken.
You racially identify with being on food stamps.
You racially identify with the government as your mommy, when it's got a poison mammary gland down there dangling in your face, filled with cyanide.
You're like, no, I'm gonna drink it.
And I'm like, no, it's bad for you.
Just wake up.
This is unprecedented.
And there's more.
But I told you.
White Al Qaeda.
Get ready.
They're gonna start blowing stuff up and blaming it on us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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Monday through Friday 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
You know, during the break I was going down to the coffee room to get a cup of coffee.
And I was just thinking about, it was hitting me that I was almost pinching myself.
Well, it wasn't almost, I was kind of scratching my leg and just thinking, is this real?
I've seen the training films, the secret preparation, we broke it.
Then we saw the proliferation of training videos where every one of the terrorists in something like 15 Homeland Security training videos that are in Paul Watson's article, DHS prepares for the new terror threat, White Al Qaeda.
I'll pull up the exact headline.
Will you guys pull up WhiteAlQaedaInfoWars.com?
There's a bunch of articles.
I want to give people the actual headlines from about a year and a half, two years ago.
And to see all the training films where no one who's white is good.
Men, women, you name it, they're all terrorists.
And then it's the minorities, who are really the majority, black, hispanic, asian, who are reporting them.
And it is the best-looking business people, too, that are all terrorists.
They're clearly branding to a skill set of people that they want to feed off of.
And I have articles where a woman in New Jersey, at a public meeting, quoted the Constitution.
And they arrested her and said it was threatening and took her guns.
And I have copies of the arrest warrant.
They came to her house later and took her guns and I've got the guns they confiscated and the weird statements by the police of we didn't like her raising her voice and just just the bizarreness and then we can't hand out magazines in downtown Austin until we go threaten to sue and have a demonstration.
It's just, it's blowing me away that we've broken all this, and by the way, I'm not particularly happy about that.
Do you think I'm happy about being on the ADL and Southern Property Law site that are both government fronts?
It's come out on record.
Involved in very serious black ops, very serious dangerous groups.
Do you think it's fun?
To have these mercenaries walking around posing as non-threatening liberals when they're vicious and dangerous.
Do you think it's fun to have them breathing down my neck and knowing they train all the local police?
And give all these community awards.
Napoleon said it's incredible how men will just throw themselves onto bayonets for little pieces of metal and ribbons.
And then they treat the troops like garbage afterwards.
It's the same thing, ADL, others handing out these stupid awards to manipulate everybody, when they're an anti-civil rights group, and saying, I'm the number one threat, I'm the big demon, I'm the devil.
You think that's fun?
Pray for us, is all I can say, because we are the canary in the coal mine, and these people are vicious.
And I told you, over and over,
And over and over again.
I wonder why the office is calling me.
You know the office just called me?
Who is this?
Oh, it's one of my children.
Oh, my children are here at work today.
So they went in and used an office phone to call my cell phone.
I was like, why is work calling me?
I know the sound of shuffling of my children on the other one.
They know it's me.
Oh man, I just don't even know what to do anymore.
It's, I know the Globalists are criminal.
I know they run Al Qaeda.
It's on record.
It's public now.
I know they're spiking the food and the water with anthropogenic systems.
I know they're putting binary systems in.
Do you know what anthropogenic bioweapons are?
Do you know what
There it is, DHS takes seriously claims militias collaborate with Al-Qaeda on bio-attack.
Yeah, that's a Curt Nemo article from 2009 and it links to the Washington Times.
The new one is, or the newer ones are White Al-Qaeda.
Here, I'll do it.
WhiteAlQaedaInfoWars.com and an NSA... Yeah, there it is.
Big Sis, latest terrorist, more white Americans.
And my kids are in the control room.
I'm gonna have to send them home.
It's becoming a major distraction.
Call my wife, have them come get them.
They're not doing what I told them, so they gotta go.
Call her and have them gotten out of here.
Okay, anyways, continuing with what I was breaking down here, ladies and gentlemen.
America is basically dead right now.
America has basically rolled over to tyranny.
America, right now, is putting up with anything.
And if we don't get up and realize what's happening to us, everything is going to collapse.
And that's the plan.
You have to understand, they want to collapse healthcare.
They want to collapse confidence in the government and cause a revolt.
They've got the whole thing planned out as one fell swoop because they know the gun culture, the liberty culture is growing.
They know Congress has a 9% approval rating.
So they're going to run hoaxes that everyone loves Obama and that he's been endorsed and that his agenda is loved and that everyone cares about him and that everyone wants socialism.
When it's all a lie, and they know no one's buying that, and they know they've committed all these crimes, and Fast and Furious didn't work for them, and they got caught doing the underwear bombing, and they've been caught running Al-Qaeda, and everyone, not just here, but all over the world, is calling the globalists on it.
As they take down Europe and the United States.
These are foreign, they're not even foreign, they're global above the law banks.
And they are training police,
And that's why they want them dumber and dumber, because smart cops absolutely see through Snake, FEMA, and Southern Poverty Law Center, and ADL operatives coming in.
We've got the training videos, I've put them in films like Road to Tyranny, where they sit around bad-mouthing America, and saying Thomas Jefferson and George Washington are bad, and gun owners are bad, and veterans are bad, and the cops sit there and go, this is treason!
But don't worry, they're just kicking them out and bringing in goons, ladies and gentlemen.
Because here's the deal, they have to bring in dumb goons, because even smart criminals like liberty, generally, if they're low-level, because they understand down the road they're going to be oppressed by it.
Even smart, low-level predators don't want to lose all their rights, even though they are sitting in the command position, because they know that they'll be in another position down the road.
And so they're going with child-like people in code enforcement, police, everywhere, who talk like children, who act like children, and it's like a fun role-playing, and they're the boss.
It reminds me of my five-year-old daughter when she's being bossy.
It's the exact same thing.
And they're sitting there.
They have no embarrassment.
They have no honor.
They have no connection to reality.
Then you've got criminal, hardcore psychopaths who relish it and have an instinct for domination, like Mayor Bloomberg.
Like people like Obama.
And so if you tuned in for the first time here, ladies and gentlemen, you've got to understand that they've got the movies, the TV shows, the dramas,
That's the final phase.
First they do the training that the new terrorist is white people.
Do you understand?
Kurt Nemo's writing an article right now off this.
They say in the second line, in the second small paragraph of the LA Times that there are cells of terrorists and they're all white.
And notice they don't say they're white supremacists, they say whites.
So that immediately makes blacks, hispanics and others that have been taught all whites are bad and evil.
You have to do that to then create the break.
So it's the minorities becoming the new police force.
That's been done in England.
They brought in people from foreign countries, Asia, Eastern Europe, Africa, you name it, who are, I've had members of parliament on, who are now the majority of the police forces everywhere.
They can't even hardly speak English.
I've been there and experienced it.
It's a total act of domination.
Yeah, there's the quote.
They're not jihadists.
They are white, right-wing Americans, nearly all with an obsessive attachment to guns, who may represent a greater danger to the lives of American civilians than international terrorists.
The flipping is now happening.
And they don't uncloak until they fire.
And I've been telling you this for four years.
All the behind-the-scenes, white Al-Qaeda, white terrorists, white Americans, all gun owners are terrorists.
And I told you that's all going to be denied.
And they did write articles saying I was insane, it didn't exist.
That's all going to be denied, to use another science fiction analogy, until the Klingon warbird uncloaks.
Because it's got to uncloak to fire.
And folks, it's uncloaking right now.
I mean, shields have got to be up, you've got to be running around like a chicken with your head cut off, calling All Talk Radio, calling Washington, calling Southern Poverty Law Center, ADL.
You know, I did this two months before 9-11 on July 25th.
I said, call the White House, they're going to blow up the World Trade Center, and they're going to blame it on bin Laden.
If you don't know about that, just search Alex Jones Predicts 9-11.
By the way, we just found a larger clip of it and posted it on the site the other day.
At warehouses of videos and tapes back there.
Jimmy Vaughn on record saw it two months before when it was live.
He's on record.
Well, here I am on record before this time.
And you heard it here four years ago, you heard it here yesterday, you heard it here today.
But I told you, when they start running TV shows and movies, that'll be right before they then actually go, oh, it's not just fantasy, it's real!
The white people are all terrorists, gun owners are all terrorists.
To have a purge, they just unclothed.
I bet if you go to YouTube, you can actually find a, uh, just type in Klingon Uncloaks, because, you know, I'm not a huge Star Trek fan, but some of them are entertaining.
Especially the new one's pretty good, actually.
Uncloaking, you know, because it's got an energy filter on it.
It can't fire through its own energy field.
It's invisibility field.
It has to uncloak to fire.
And folks, I mean, I'm sitting here looking at the new order just completely uncloaked.
I saw their signature historically.
I knew what they were doing.
I told you.
Okay, they're swinging around, they're coming in, they're going to move right up in on us, and they're going to fire.
And folks, it's all happening A through Z. They're now clicking into Z. The tumblers are falling into place.
They're getting ready to run their black op teams to blow stuff up, or God knows what, mass shootings, you name it, right now.
I bet they've even got the anchors, because these people are black op commanders, people like
I saw, when I finally went public, it was a couple days before July 25th, I taped it, can't find the tape, Hardball had Hart Rudman committee heads on it, Warren Rudman and Gary Hart, and they were celebrating together, and they said there's going to be big events, big buildings, that's all I can tell you, things are going to change, they were euphoric, it was a demonic celebration, no one knew what they were seeing, they said things are going to change, there's going to be troops in America, it's just, I just got to tell you, big changes are coming.
Of course, they were the ones that said America will be attacked a few months before in their heart-rubbing commission.
I have clips of that in my film Road to Tyranny, where they say, we predicted an attack on the homeland.
We're going to make lemonade out of lemons.
We're going to, you know, have this Pax Americana.
It was like the left arm
...of the right arm of the PNAC document that said a Pearl Harbor event, 3,000 dead Americans.
It actually says that, written by Dick Cheney, September 20, 2000, public document, will help us set up this world empire, this American empire.
But it's really a banker empire.
They just tell the generals and people, you understand gambits.
You know, you send in 100 special forces to bring in the enemy to show their numbers.
The special forces get killed.
You send in 50,000 troops to wipe out the enemy.
You would have lost probably 20,000 troops.
What's better to lose 100 or 20,000?
For America and for liberty, we're going to blow up these towers, but so that we can defeat the Muslim threat.
I don't know.
And I saw that public's demon celebration, because criminals like to brag, and I saw that demon celebration, and he said, thank you for sharing this with me.
This is incredible, Chris Matthews said.
And it was all code.
No one but one in a million would even know what they were talking about.
And I went, oh my God.
Because I'd seen, here's bin Laden, he's going to attack you.
What do you do when he attacks?
Get my rights up!
Jim Jones Kool-Aid drinking drill.
Adam drank Kool-Aid hundreds of times in drills under oars before it really had the poison in it.
You know, all the movies, the TV shows, Taliban's blowing up the Buddhist temples and statues.
Oh my gosh, they're bringing drugs in.
Oh my gosh, they're gonna attack, they're gonna attack.
Rand Corporation documents.
Yeah, there'll be a big attack soon.
That'll be used to transform America and put the military over every city.
And you know, I was reading all these things.
I mean, they operate uncloaked for those that know what they're doing, and then they hit us.
And you're like, how dare you say that?
Well, I mean, now Karzai, their own minions, come out and said it.
They've run Al-Qaeda and Taliban.
Fox News is admitting it.
They've put an Iron Dome missile shield up over Israel while Obama's there because they're afraid Al-Qaeda, they put in Syria, will launch chemical weapons on them.
The same Al-Qaeda, we told you six months ago, had stolen chemical weapons from Assad with U.S.
and NATO help and had gotten them and was going to false flag, they did videos killing dogs with it, new videos, where they're going to false flag Assad with the chemicals.
I mean, do you realize the magnitude?
And listen, we're in the fight!
The fact that I'm on the air, the fact that I'm on all these AM and FM stations, the fact that we're able to talk about this shows there's still good people in government, there's still good people in corporate world, there's still good people in the military and police, but man, listen, you gotta understand, this is so heavy, I could barely talk ten minutes ago.
This is so big!
I mean, this is real!
You're getting 99.8% accuracy right now.
Because I've thought about this, looked at this.
I'm not saying I'm perfect.
It's not hard once you know it.
Folks, it's happening, okay?
Do you understand that?
They did Oklahoma City.
They did 9-11.
They did Gulf of Tonkin.
They had Northwoods.
They did Operation Ajax.
They did the NATO option.
It's all declassified.
It's all hiding in plain view.
They had all these officers go public and say Muhammad Atta and four others trained at the Defense Language School, the head of the school went public, and they started court-martialing him for violating national security.
You ask, how would they do something?
How'd they keep Manhattan Project secret for four years with 120,000 people involved?
Do you understand this isn't American government?
It's a criminal command hijack over the government.
We are in red-level emergency.
They have uncloaked.
They are now rolling in newspapers everywhere saying, whites are terrorist cells and are going to attack.
The government trying to institute a race war.
While government in every major city funds billboards saying L.A.
is now Mexico, Austin is Mexico, Hispanics rise up against the gringos.
I mean, incredible program so that now that it's time, minorities, who are the majority, are the majority in most areas, don't go, well, I want the Second Amendment, I want proper rights, no, I'm with the government.
Oh, really, the whites are terrorists?
Well, I'll turn my guns in to show them whites.
While you're giving up your entire future.
Burton Emo's article is up on DrudgeReport.com right now.
God help us.
God help us.
Folks, I know what's going to happen next.
You wonder why I break down and cry sometimes?
I think they're going to nuke a city.
That's what my gut tells me.
Thousands of points of analysis.
Obama and his controllers are looking at detonating a low-yield nuclear weapon in a city and blaming us.
And they're going to kill me hours after it happens.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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What happened right at the end of the last segment was the guys flashed JudgeReport.com up and clicked on the top story in the middle column and it just made me have another flashback to the stack of police state news I have that I haven't even gotten into and it like hit me.
See that happens now when I see some horrible piece of news, some horrible tyranny.
You know you say you don't like the county tax assessor and that we're being robbed and the government's a tyranny and they come arrest you and say that's a threat and take your guns.
It's like having your stomach punched.
I'm not like, oh, I'm happy, I get to expose the tyrants.
It's like, oh my gosh, it's getting worse.
I wish I wasn't right.
I mean, look at the type of news I have here.
LA Times, whites are terrorists, period.
Being white is terrorist.
See, it's all race politics.
And see, that'll force whites to become completely racial, just like they do in the prisons, so that everybody's at each other's throats and the government's the referee.
See the master plan?
Man faces five years in prison for releasing balloons on beach as romantic gesture.
And this is in the local Florida papers, and they're reporting it like it's a good thing.
He's charged with a felony.
The trooper arrested Bransfield and charged him with polluting
To harm humans, animals, plants, and everything else living under the Florida Air and Water Pollution Control Act.
I told you folks, in Europe, it's already like this in Australia, five, ten years in prison, if your kid drops a battery out of a toy, and a neighbor finds it, they get huge pieces of the money.
It's already happening here, and you go to jail!
And not all the cops are just totally dumb.
A lot of them are savage and evil.
And the local newspapers, this is from Natural News up at Infowars.com, NaturalNews.com, they break down the highway patrol saw him release a couple balloons with hearts as she walked out into the parking lot as a love gesture.
And that's it, buddy.
You're going to jail.
And your guns are gone.
See, that's the thing.
You've got to get rid of the 68 Gun Control Act.
Because real criminals, violent criminals, are always going to have guns.
But now, felonies are releasing balloons.
He released them for Shakana Baxter, his girlfriend.
Well, you don't do that, by the way.
I've done that.
Politicians do that.
City fairs do that.
It doesn't matter.
It's all to be selectively enforced.
Oh, it gets better.
Homeless Houston veteran cited for dumpster diving in search for food.
The guy was getting apples out of the trash can.
You don't go to a grocery store and get stuff to be thrown in a landfill, bud.
New Jersey woman arrested for reciting Constitution at tax meeting.
And I have the arrest warrant and the guns confiscated.
I have the actual printouts.
In fact, show folks a document cam of this.
Thank you, gentlemen.
Complaint summons and the seized property receipt.
Firearms or ammo.
California seizes guns of owners.
Those lose right to keep arms.
People that were getting a divorce.
People that had been depressed at one time.
Just your guns are gone.
That's Bloomberg.
Very, very proud of that.
Government ammunition stockpiling story breaks through media censorship.
Goes mainstream.
More than 20 new studies showing fluoride brain damages and causes cancer.
Why is it still in our water?
Another important article.
So why are we still drinking fluoride?
That's just some of the police state news.
We got George Norrie coming up of Coast to Coast AM.
Heard on almost, I don't know, what is it, 500, 600 stations, I don't know, around the country.
George Norrie is coming up.
I want to talk to him about a host of issues today.
And, uh, we've got all the other news.
Why doesn't Obama drone strike this terrorist?
Because the administration is backing terrorists in Syria.
Asked by Fox News.
He is.
He smoked them f***ers, didn't we?
10, 20...
We're going to play more of that later.
Al Qaeda publicly now on TV working with the government.
We'll be back.
They're just throwing your face.
Al Qaeda's good, whites are bad.
Al Qaeda good, all whites bad.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, George Norrie of Coast to Coast AM.
I wanted to get him on about the state of the world, just to talk about how crazy everything's gotten.
He'll be joining us for the Balance of the Hour in the next segment.
Cue that back up from where you played that.
Why doesn't Obama drone strike this terrorist?
Because the administration is backing terrorists in Syria.
Let me read this article to people.
Since the Obama administration seems so keen to entrench its authority to kill Americans deemed terrorists on foreign soil, why has it failed to drone strike former U.S.
Army soldier Eric
Harun, is that how you pronounce it?
H-A-R-R-O-U-N, who is now fighting with the al-Qaeda affiliated terrorist group Jabhat al-Nusra in Syria.
The question is rhetorical because the answer is already known.
He will not be targeted because he is fighting on the same side as the terrorist-led FSA insurgents, which the Obama administration has backed to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars.
It's billions.
He's a U.S.-trained soldier turned Muslim warrior.
He's a CIA deep infiltrator.
Man, I tell you what, boy.
He's a U.S.-trained soldier turned Muslim warrior who moves between America and countries where the winds of the Arab Spring blow.
Oh, he's allowed to move into America.
But they've tried to keep me from flying before.
And I'm the big terrorist.
Southern Poverty Law Center says.
Fighting alongside jihadists and American-hating terrorists while celebrating his bloody exploits on YouTube videos, reports Fox News.
And he goes on to say, when questioned as to how he feels about fighting alongside al-Qaeda terrorists, he responded, the U.S.
plays both sides too.
No, the U.S.
is run and captured by megabank crime syndicate technocracy, and the U.S.
that's controlled doesn't play both sides, it runs all the major sides.
Up to three or four sides.
Full spectrum dominance.
To create the wars as the excuse to have war for war's sake.
To destroy civilization.
To wreck products.
To wreck things.
To pull down.
Agenda 21 soft kills us financially, industrially.
They use real wrecking balls in Libya and Syria and Iraq.
In Africa they turn off the power, kill development.
But don't worry, they run all the cultural centers to keep the black people close.
Keep your friends close, your enemies even closer.
Keep the Hispanics close.
Oh, have some more aspartame.
We're going to saw your legs off next week.
But we paid for a billboard saying, up with Hispanics!
La Reconquista!
And then L.A.
Times comes out and says, the number one terrorist.
It's the biggest threat now.
See, I told you behind the scenes it was the number one threat, Al Qaeda's not a problem, it's white people.
You're like, oh, I don't believe those documents.
Now it's L.A.
Well, the Justice Department documents say the whites are about to strike.
They're not white supremacists, it's just whites are terrorists.
And see,
Jack Spratt could eat no fat and his wife could eat no lean, so between the two of them, they lick the platter clean.
You get whites, Hispanics, blacks, everybody loves to hate somebody.
Humans are all humans.
The Arabs are the devil.
The Arabs are the demon.
Parking lot them, nuke them, kill them all, blah, blah, blah.
Except the Patriot Act, the police state, the NDAA, the New World Order, it's for the Muslims.
And then now, oh, it's not for them, it's for white people!
Isn't that fun, Hispanics?
La Infosora, La Reconquista, The Takeover.
That's right.
Los Angeles isn't.
California, it's Mexico, all paid for by government.
All government telling you this.
All government pushing this.
Oh, it's fun, it's cute.
Ah, the whites!
Where'd they go?
Oh, they're terrorists!
Kill them!
Last parking lot, the whites!
It was all gun owners that did...
The Sandy Hook shoot.
It was all whites that are due to do the next bombing.
And they're saying that they want a race war.
They want to force whites into being racially identified in their own group.
They want to force everyone in their own little prison group.
It's prison management.
Prison planet.
Prison control.
They got the right wing to call with all the Arabs?
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As always, how fast you move determines how long you live.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central, we are here live.
We have, of course, the weeknight 7 o'clock Central InfoWars Nightly News.
Websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Streaming video of the daytime radio show at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, we've had a lot of breaking news, incredible economic news, incredible police state news.
I wanted to get George Norrie, one of the biggest radio talk show hosts obviously in the world, 16 million listeners or more a week just on his radio show.
Of course, he has TV shows, you name it, on multiple networks from time to time, off and on.
He's doing another web TV show.
I want to talk about all that today, and I wanted to get him on because
As I said at the start of the last hour, he was the first really big media person who had a mega audience.
Because, you know, most big shows on TV have 2-3 million viewers now.
I mean, they worship Bill O'Reilly with 3 million viewers.
George Norrie has, you know, 6, 7, 8, 9 million a night.
16 plus million a week.
He was one of the first really big media outlets to let me come on for just hours.
Because I had documentation.
And he's a what?
What is it?
Emmy Award winner for news.
He's a long-term newsman himself for decades.
Navy veteran.
And he's on AM and FM all over the country and Canada.
XM Satellite, listen to all over the world on Premier Radio Networks.
And he, again, has had, I don't know, 38, 39 years or more of broadcasting experience.
Coast2CoastAM.com, one word.
Coast2CoastAM.com, one word.
But I remember getting on and talking about the arms buildup, the police state, the preparations for war with the American people, because this has been going on for a long time.
Now the $2 million of targets of small children to be used as targets in no hesitation for homeland security.
The 2 billion bullets are admitted, the domestic drones, the secret arrest.
All of it.
What we talk about and what George helped trailblaze is now becoming more and more mainstream.
So before we get into the big picture, where he sees humanity going, will humanity survive, what's our greatest threats, what's our greatest assets, I want to read him this from the LA Times.
And Kurt Nemos did an article right now on this at Infowars.com.
Los Angeles time, peril from patriots.
We told you this was coming.
I've told him this in the last year, probably five times on the show.
The U.S.
needs to keep a close watch on the growing threat of homegrown extremists.
They are increasingly frightened numbers.
Cells of angry men, terrorists, in the United States preparing for combat with the U.S.
They're unusually, or usually heavily armed and blinded by an intractable hatred.
No, we know bad guys run the government.
Often motivated by religious zeal.
They are not jihadists.
They are white, right-wing Americans,
Nearly all with an obsessive attachment to guns.
They would never even say about Muslims.
They are predominantly Arab.
But it's okay to say that about whites.
Now I've seen the internal documents, and this goes on and on, which are now public, that they say the new threat will be gun-owning libertarian conservatives returning veterans.
We broke that four years ago.
People couldn't believe it.
Coast to Coast saw the documents, confirmed it was real, had me on about it.
But the point here, ladies and gentlemen, to understand
Is that they're now going public with what an internal training program has been.
And they do that right before the Southern Barbary Law Center, that's basically a Justice Department front, that's come out, is saying there's going to be terror attacks, and we're going to do it, and I'm listening to the report.
Ladies and gentlemen, I don't even get a speeding ticket, but every few years, I have no criminal record.
I stole beer out of somebody's golf cart a few times on the golf course growing up as a kid.
You know, grab a few beers with you and your buddies.
Ha ha ha when you're 15.
But no, here they are saying that we're terrorists because we believe they're coming for our guns when they've said they want to ban our guns.
They're trying to cause a civil war as I've said.
George Norie, out of the gates.
I want to get your take on that and then what you think is front and center on the radar because as the polls come out that record numbers of people don't trust the government,
Over 70%.
9% approval rating for Congress.
92% in major polls say JFK was killed by the government or elements of it.
I mean, they can't say we're all terrorists.
And who could get away with saying whites are inherently terrorists?
George Norrie of Coast2CoastAM.com.
Alex, how are you, my friend?
I'm great.
Thanks for missing some sleep to be on with us.
That's okay.
Anytime you call, I'm there for you.
You know that.
Thank you, brother.
I can't even believe this is happening.
It's like a movie.
There is a paranoia out there with government where they think, and that LA Times article you just read is paramount to that, they think everyone is out to get them.
They have missed the boat.
What people are trying to do now
The fact that people want to keep and retain their guns and everything else is we want to make sure we do not get involved with a tyrannical state, a tyrannical government.
We're not the paranoid ones.
They are.
We're not about the attack government.
That's ludicrous.
But what we are trying to do across America is simply defend ourselves.
When we read stories
That Homeland Security is buying billions of rounds of ammunition, tanks, putting up drones that can fire on Americans at will.
You don't think we need to get upset about that?
Something's going on.
The bigger question, Alex, that you've been looking at and addressing over these years is why is it coming down so fast?
Doesn't it seem like they feel as if they're out of time and they've got to do this tomorrow?
Absolutely, and it's like the Emperor's New Clothes.
It's waking everybody up.
I listened to three talk radio shows yesterday, mainline ones that have even been critical of me in the past, and I thought it was George Norris or Alex Jones.
They were saying, drones, takeover, the government runs Al Qaeda, or elements of it.
I mean, it seems like an awakening's happening, and I think the system's panicking.
There's an epiphany going on.
If we would talk about this during the World War II era, the era of my father,
Where we have to question anything about government.
He would have said, you're nuts.
You're crazy.
There's no way.
Things have changed dramatically now.
Now it's the other way around.
Now you cannot even say anything.
Right about government, because they've done everything wrong.
They screw everything up that they touch.
Listen, I have said all along, I spent nine years in the Navy, I love the United States.
I'm not the kind of guy to pick up and leave.
I could if I wanted to.
I've got the resources to do that.
I could do coast to coast from any place in the world.
We just hook up broadcast lines.
You could be on a mountaintop in Switzerland.
And by the way, you are civil defense.
We all are.
And so many people I talk to are deciding to stay here and rough it out because we love this country.
The government isn't America.
We the people are America.
I'm not leaving.
And let's keep in mind, there are lots of people in government who are dedicated, great Americans.
So when we talk about this, this issue, this problem, we're not talking about all of them.
There's a finite group of them who have the power, who have the resources.
They're the ones that are kicking this thing into high gear.
It's almost as if the Illuminati, those people who have always been striving for a one world government, have basically told them, their underlings, go for it.
Right now.
Do it.
I mean, what is the reason?
What is the reason for Homeland Security to buy tanks?
Can anybody tell us that?
2,700 giant wheeled strikers that can handle rocket attacks in large mines.
I mean, these are wheeled heavy battle tanks.
I mean, what does logic tell you?
When you hear that they're buying 2,000 plus tanks and they're going to use them here in the United States, one of two things are happening.
One, they're afraid of an invasion from a foreign source.
Or two, they're afraid of Americans.
I think they're afraid of us.
Well we know that exactly because of now the memos coming out where they had Politico say that I made it up there's no bullets when it's federal purchase orders that are in AP, Reuters and Forbes.
Here's a new one Infowars.com.
Dim group labels talk of DHS bullet buying extreme and says it's terrorist basically to bring it up.
New Jersey woman arrested for
Reciting constitution at tax meeting.
That's linked up at DrudgeReport.com.
You're right, George.
I mean, this is a insanity that is basically starting to break out.
Do you think they're trying to start something or overcompensating?
Well, that's a good question, Alex.
I was kicking around the possibility last night that if we lived in the perfect world, a utopia, where everybody got along, everybody cared about each other, there was no battles, there were no wars, there was no terrorism.
What would happen?
And yes, it's true that there are people that hate our guts as Americans.
Yes, it is true that there are terrorists out there who are funded by other people and other groups who want to just simply disrupt things.
But by and large, if all of them went away,
I'm convinced that the industrial military complex would create episodes in order to keep the thing going.
And that's what's so upsetting.
You know, if we had peace with the Palestinians and the Israelis, and everyone was happy, I'm still convinced
Someplace, somewhere, this group of one-world government fanatics would create an issue just to go ahead and attack and do something.
Now, you know my views on 9-11.
Hold on.
Stay there, George.
We've got to go to break.
Come back with those on the other side.
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George Anori, who when he took over Costa Costa AM from Art Bell, who's a legend and an amazing broadcaster, had about 400 affiliates, now has 500.
It's 500 and what?
How many affiliates, George?
564, Alex.
We're good to go.
Well, we caught British SAS in Iraq dressed up like Sunnis shooting Shiites to start a civil war in Basra.
It's everything we've talked about.
Criminal elements wanting the wars to continue.
And people always spin it.
Jones is saying Bush had a plunger like Wile E. Coyote blowing up the towers.
No, what I'm saying is the globalists need Al Qaeda to menace us into submission.
What do you say about all that?
Globalists need events.
They need controversy.
They need chaos in order to deliver the goods to the people they represent.
And that's what's going on.
I mean, Karzai, of course, this guy was a plant.
He used to work for the oil company, Unocal.
He's not a good guy.
He's not a supporter of America, but we plugged him in there anyway.
But, you know, he sees what's happening.
I mean, he's not happy with
Negotiations with the Taliban, trying to work things out in Afghanistan.
You know why?
Because for him, it's greed.
He doesn't want to lose his power position.
We as a nation, you know what?
We're trying to put the right people in.
The problem is, they're all crooks.
They're all cronies.
I mean, what dictator isn't running his country and putting billions of dollars in his own bank account?
You know, whether it's food money or anything that's sent into that country to help the people,
Well, that leads us to Hugo Chavez.
Dr. Paul K. Roberts, who I respect, is saying the guy was a hero.
Just because the West is corrupt and bad doesn't mean that taking small family farms away or businesses and redistributing things and following Fidel Castro... I mean, I'm sorry, I don't think that communism is cool.
No, not at all.
I don't see Hugo Chavez as a hero.
This is what he did.
He came in and he started doing some of the things for the poor people.
If you want the masses to like you, you help out the poor.
I agree, he did some good stuff up front.
Castro did the same thing.
We can talk about that in a moment.
But Hugo Chavez butchered and killed his opposition.
He wasn't a nice guy.
He reportedly has two billion dollars in his bank account.
And he was begging for doctors to make sure that he never died.
I mean, you know, let's face it.
Let's call it the way it is.
I mean, he was not a fan of the United States.
And, you know, he wanted to hold on to power for the rest of his life.
And he's doing his thing.
Now, you know, here's the big difference.
What's the difference between a Hugo Chavez who wants to be in there for life and make a lot of money, or the people who are running Saudi Arabia, okay?
The Al-Sayyids.
The big difference is that the Al Sauds play the game with us, even though under the table some of them will finance terrorism and everything else.
Chavez did not.
And that's where it comes down to.
Whether you're the Shah of Iran, or the Emir of Kuwait, or whomever, if you play ball with the big country, you're going to stay in power.
And you're going to be there.
If you don't, if you pick the other side, they're going to get you out one way or another.
But now it's changing where the Arabs bring from Tunisia right through Libya, all of it.
The West, NATO was in there starting all those.
That was not spontaneous and they're putting Al-Qaeda in while telling us give our rights up because of Al-Qaeda.
Look, this planet is topsy-turvy.
I don't think you or I have ever been in a time period where the world, the world was so upset about everything.
I mean, all you gotta do is go outside and talk to people.
Nobody's happy.
Everybody's upset.
They're all confused.
I mean, this is happening time and time again.
And it's not the Democratic administration.
People weren't happy with the Republican administration.
People generally just don't trust government anymore.
And that's the problem.
There's too much greed out there, Alex.
There's too much money to be made that these people are just
Running amok, doing whatever they have to do.
And that's why voices like you and what we do on Coast to Coast are critical to try to get at least people to listen up.
I mean, I remember originally you were on the terrorist watch list, right?
You were on that watch list about, you know, when it first came out about Americans to watch.
I mean, how ludicrous can it be?
I mean, you're merely calling it the way you see it.
Well, it's done as an intimidation against the American people.
It's done as an intimidation so people say, you better not say anything or they'll do something to you.
And then you give in to the tyranny and pretty soon you're in the Soviet Russia or Nazi Germany.
George Norrie is our guest.
I want to look farther afield when we come back.
And get into the economic meltdown that George has been covering for, I don't know, 12 years on coast to coast, or even longer before that with his other radio show, and what all his guests are telling him, what he thinks is happening.
And then look into the stars.
Where does he think humanity's going?
What does his gut tell him about our destiny?
And then some of your phone calls, I'll give that number out.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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There's an old saying in Tennessee, I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee, that says, fool me once, shame on, shame on you.
By the way, we were told that Obama had a total mandate for socialism, government-run healthcare, to take our guns, because he was elected.
And that he was just the most popular thing since sliced bread.
Obama approval drops as Americans take a dimmer view of his economic policies.
Yeah, I won't raise taxes on poor people.
How do you like all those new health care taxes, that new payroll tax?
We're going to get George Norris' take on that.
And then, the larger world, where all this is going.
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Continue to support us as you're doing.
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It's amazing.
Thanks to you and our AM and FM affiliates.
Support their local sponsors as well.
And spread the word about the broadcast.
Spread the word about InfoWars.com.
About the syndicated show.
And spread the word about people like George Norrie and Coast2CoastAM.com.
What, midnight to 4am central?
And I guess that would be Pacific 10 to 2 at coasttocoastam.com.
Those people that will tell the truth or will have other views on, who aren't stagnant, who aren't just reading off the teleprompter, who aren't a stuff suit, who are real, who aren't going off just some globalist agenda, but are real people.
That's growing.
That's exploding.
George, I want to get into Obama's approval rating and where you see all that going and the economy and the move to disarm the people while they deny it.
And then I want to get into the bigger picture and where you see things are going.
I've thrown out a bunch of questions here.
What's front and center on your radar?
In fact, tell me about, because I've seen clips of it and I wish I had time to watch it, I listen to the show.
Tell me about, because you've done hit TV shows on SyFy, you've done them other places, on top of doing three, four hours of radio a day.
But tell us, the listeners, about the new TV show you've been doing for a while that I just keep seeing buzz about.
I have had a lot of fun with that.
This company publicly held Alex called Guy M.
And they produce specialized videos and programs that are in yoga, meditation, alternative medicine.
And the chairman of the board is just a fan of Coast to Coast, and he loves television.
He went out and bought the entire DVD business from Universal, from Vaibhindi Entertainment.
And he owns it.
And now he's saying to himself,
Gee, what do I do with it?
So he went to one of his producers who knows us and said, let's develop a program with George and see what we can do.
So I flew to Denver.
We cut a deal and it's on weekly.
The television show is called Beyond Belief and it hosts people and guests much like Coast to Coast.
You'll be on it and it's done before a live audience.
So it gives me an opportunity
I think so.
Well, that's the future.
That's what I've been doing for, well, 10 years with that, with subscription, or 11 years as Glenn Beck's doing.
And how many Emmys have you won for News?
And so, you know, there's a link.
The company's offering people 10 days free to take a look at this.
So it's worth it.
It's gaiamtv.com slash George.
Let me spell it for you, Alex.
G-A-I-A-M-T-V dot com slash George.
Or you can simply go to www.coasttocoastam.com, click hosts at the top of the page, and then the TV icon opens up and there's a link there.
But I'm having a great time doing it.
It's fun.
But, you know, I'm also doing speeches all around the country.
This Saturday I'm going to be in Edison, New Jersey.
If people are interested in that, just go to my calendar schedule on our website and come on out and see me.
I think it is so important, Alex, so critical, as you know.
To be in the public's eye, to meet them face-to-face, to talk with them, to find out what they like, what they don't.
That's how I pick up my stories for Coast to Coast.
You go out there and talk to real people about real issues, and they tell you what it's like.
They tell you, you know what?
Things are tough for me.
I can't pay my electric bill.
I can't do this.
I can't do that.
We don't feel that.
We don't get to it.
Those people who are employed and working and paying their bills, they don't see the pain and the anguish that is happening.
And it's increasing.
And it is increasing.
So we have devoted ourselves, and I did want to say that we're going to set up a foundation if and when we get to a certain subscriber level with the TV show.
I'm giving it back to people.
I'm giving it back to coast-to-coast listeners.
I get emails from people who write in and say, look, I don't have enough money for food.
I'm not on the food stamp program.
I can't pay my electric bill.
You know, they want $200.
They want $300.
I'm going to set up a foundation and have that administered.
And, you know, it'll be a 503.
And then just be able to help people that way.
Well, take the promise from the show and do that.
It's a great idea.
Look, bottom line, I can see the real degeneration in the economy across the board, you know, with relatives, you name it.
And then they just keep saying the economy's great, the economy's wonderful, everything's fine.
You're a conspiracy theorist if you think, you know, that the recession didn't end five years ago.
Where do you see this going?
The meltdown in Europe, the paramilitary gear up.
They're clearly getting ready for a collapse, and I think they're going to use a civil war they try to start as the thing they're going to blame for the collapse, when the collapse is the private Federal Reserve and the Agenda 21.
What do you think's happening with the economy and all the guests you talk to?
Where do you see that going, George?
I am amazed.
Simply amazed.
The perception that things are going well, the stock market booming ahead at record levels, and, you know, retail sales up today compared to a month ago.
You know, people are, you know, happy days are here again.
It's unbelievable, but we're being propped up by this, you know, fiat form of currency, which means there's nothing backing it, where the Federal Reserve just continues to pump billions of dollars a month into the system.
I'm already seeing the inflation tick up.
These politicians say, all I want to do is make things seem okay until I'm out of office.
And then it's the next guy's problem.
Or the next guy's problem.
You know, this mess started with the Bush administration.
It's in it with the Obama administration.
It'll be in it with the next group that comes in in 2016.
I mean, it's endless.
But it's a worldwide situation.
And that is why I believe
Homeland Security and other organizations are getting ready for the possibility of civil disrupt, you know, disturbance.
And they're just concerned that the people will go ballistic.
And they don't know how to handle it.
Folks, here's the toll-free number.
Just a few calls for George Norrie of Coast2CoastAM.com, the big national host.
They have some also great weekend shows there.
800-259-9231 for any questions or comments you have for George Norrie.
And you know, George,
Yes, when nobody else can.
That's a celebrity to me.
But somebody who's a trailblazer like you that, you know, coast-to-coast maybe had 10% political news, you made it about 50% in my estimation, and hardcore patriot news.
I mean, that's a big thing.
I remember you were the only one opposing the model state's Health Emergency Powers Act on big national radio.
And really, I can say your show helped kill forced inoculation of the American people.
A lot of folks see that the establishment's not going to admit who's been
Hurting them.
And who's been holding them back?
And again, I've got to say, we were already growing at a very fast metric, reaching people.
But you, most people are egomaniacs and talk radio and media.
You're not.
You're into the info.
And so I just want to say, George, you're a real guy.
And I've had a chance to eat dinner with you, hang out quite a few times.
You and Tom Danheiser, the whole crew.
You're just a real guy.
And, you know, I admire what you've done.
And I'm a fan of you.
So it's really that simple.
So I appreciate all you've done for Liberty.
It's just critical.
You know, Alex, all I want, all I want is the truth to be known to people.
You know, we can handle the truth.
I was watching Beyond the Sea with Kevin Spacey.
He was playing the part of Bobby Darin, who I'm now into.
I mean, I never liked his music when I was a kid, but now, you know, I think it's great.
That poor guy died at 37.
It's crazy how your taste changes, yeah?
Yeah, it's absolutely, but you know, his pseudo-mother in the movie was talking to the doctor because he had rheumatic fever when he was a kid, and she said, tell me the truth.
You can never go wrong with the truth.
And that is so true.
I mean, we are tough people.
Just don't lie to us.
Tell us the way it is.
You know, if the economy is a shamble, let's make adjustments.
Let's fix what we need to fix.
Let's move on.
Whatever it is, don't lie to us.
Tell us the truth.
We'll respect you more that way.
And let's get this country rolling again.
I agree, but we have such a predatory establishment where the worst of the worst get in.
A lot of these globalists enjoy being nasty and dirty and lying, and they're destroying their own nest.
I mean, they already run things.
It's just like Hitler turning east into Russia or Napoleon.
They're going to go a bridge too far.
Remember the movie Eyes Wide Shut?
Stanley Kubrick, he died before he finished it.
You gotta watch it three or four times before it makes any sense to you.
That's right.
Now people who listen to you and listen to us will probably understand it pretty quick.
But, the bottom line with that movie is that the elitists, they simply don't care about us.
You know, they have what they want.
They've got mansions all over the world.
If they think there's going to be a problem in the United States, they'll pick up and they'll move off to some other country.
They've got ten private jets with valets and butlers waiting.
I mean, I've had a chance to be behind the scenes in Hollywood some.
I know you have too.
People just have jets with butlers on them.
When I go on speaking engagements, the person will say, well, Mr. Norrie, we really can't afford to fly you first class.
I said, I don't fly first class!
I go coach!
I want to sit back there.
I want to just enjoy myself.
You know, I fly Southwest Airlines most of the time.
I get in line with my boarding pass number.
And, you know, that's just the way it is.
And, you know, the elitist,
They do have their private jets and their yachts and all their things and they are so insulated from the real world.
They don't understand.
That's so true.
So true.
And so the bottom line here for all of us is we need to stay together as a group.
And getting back to that LA Times article, which is how you started this interview, we are not trying to disrupt the flow of this nation by any means.
All we want is fairness and truth.
We want what our founding fathers created from the get-go.
Don't play around with the Constitution.
Don't screw up our lives.
Back off.
Go away.
You know, you want to move to that island?
Go ahead.
But leave us alone so we can run this country and make it the great country it always has been.
And let's just build a planet that is just so... I get so frustrated.
You know, we could solve
We have so much potential, but the evil people don't want potential, because real potential threatens them.
They want a gamed stage, tilted tables, inside always wins.
I want to go to break and take a few calls in the short segment after that with George Norrie.
But George, where do you see humanity going?
What does your gut tell you about humans' future?
I mean, will we destroy ourselves?
I don't think we're going to destroy ourselves, Alex, but I'm going to tell you this.
Exactly, and then we're strapping in because government's been strapping in, and then they say we're kooks for food and guns, while they're getting seed vaults, giant food bunkers, weapons.
That was just 2,700 tanks they ordered last month.
They've ordered tens of thousands of them.
They've deployed them.
I've confirmed it with the military.
Let's get these kids off of these prescription pharmaceutical mood-altering drugs, because that is creating most of these problems for these young people.
Again, you're one of the only national hosts, or the only, other than myself, who I've seen fighting, well, more and more.
Michael Savage has been talking about it.
You've been talking about aspartame, all of it.
What do you think about all the big studies coming out, even in CBS News, that, okay, aspartame does brain damage and give you type 2 diabetes.
I mean, it's just everything we've talked about is now being admitted, so now we're not just kooks now, we're terrorists, George.
Get the fluoride out of our drinking water, get rid of MSG, get rid of aspartame, and you know what?
That's what we've been pounding away at all these years, and we're being vindicated.
Studies are coming out now, as you just said, that are showing and proving that this stuff is not good for you.
But the human body wasn't made to put this junk in it!
Sounds like an extremist talk to me.
You're saying the government and industry would do something to hurt us?
That sounds like terror talk to me, according to the Southern Property Law Center and ADL and LA Times.
Today, the FDA has now said the antibiotic, the Z-Pak, the ribomycin, not good for you.
Causes heart problems in a lot of people.
I mean, how does this stuff come to market?
And then they tell us.
You know, I never take antibiotics, but I got a chest thing that I couldn't shake a few months ago, and they gave me a Z-Pak, and I'm not kidding, I told my dad this, I said my heart was beating funny one day, I was having trouble breathing, and he said it might be the antibiotics.
I didn't know about the Z-Pak, what are they saying?
Yeah, they're saying that it could cause heart arrhythmia and heart rhythm problems, and they're issuing warnings.
See, I didn't even know that, what it was doing, and I just told you what it did.
Can you believe that?
Because, you know, a few times I've had like 10 cups of coffee in a day, and then my heart, you know, does that a few times, that's happened.
Well, this is what that did, and I'd had one cup of coffee, and I was like, what is this?
And it happened the next day, and I threw the package in the trash, didn't finish all the pills.
A few calls straight ahead with George Norrie of Coast2CoastAM.com.
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Alright, we're going to go to a few of your calls in this segment, a little short No Man's Land, and then we're going to get back into the news and have a special guest joining us, George Norrie, here with us, missing some sleep, to join us.
By the way, when you go on the air, 10 o'clock Pacific tonight, what are you going to be covering?
Tonight we're going to talk about environmental changes, an incredible story there about what's happening to the planet.
We're good to go.
Well, it's all exploding because of the GMO.
It does it in the rats.
And notice, they have weather weapons.
It's going on.
Then there's extreme weather.
They say carbon tax, when there's no discussion of the weather weapons that are admittedly there.
I'm glad you're covering that.
Let's go to Bob.
He wants to talk to George Norring.
Again, you're on the air with George Norring.
Go ahead, Bob.
Hey, Bob.
Good evening, guys.
Hey, Bob.
Yeah, not bad.
I'm Bob from L.A.
I've been calling you for years, Norring.
Anyway, you guys are really hit the button here on everything.
I mean, right now, I mean, anybody could clearly see.
I mean, a lot of the people, I talk to people on the street, there's people who just, I don't know, they're not really considered men.
Because you talk about them, they almost want to hide under their bed when they hear the truth.
And those people are useless to us.
But the people who listen to both of your shows are the people who are going to pretty much try to save this country, because we're all slowly being put under house arrest.
I mean, you can see it very simply by, you know, one president, President Bush, starts out with artificial oil shortages, shuts down the refineries, and then the prices of fuel goes up.
And the next president fits in, and now he's creating energy shortages.
Our next president that comes in after Obama will create food shortages, but before then, before the food shortages, they need to take our guns away.
Because if you touch our food, we're gonna come after you.
So they're gonna start- Wow, you just said it all, and they are shutting down our coal power plants when China gets to have them.
Great points, George.
Look, this whole thing has been manipulated since the get-go, and they're going to continue to do that, but I do not believe they're going to be able to come and get our guns.
I mean, they have created an issue with the Second Amendment, and they're going to have a difficult time trying to change that.
It doesn't mean they're going to not try.
Believe me, they are going to try.
They're going to start with the assault weapons and everything else.
I don't
And they want to deny that it's happening, which is another military tactic, but in their internal documents and now public.
What about the racism of Homeland Security saying white men are the problem?
I mean, they actually say that, and the LA Times echoes it.
I mean, that's even shocking me.
I mean, I knew the new Al-Qaeda was, quote, white Christian gun owners trying to make it a white thing to own guns, but everybody I know wants guns.
Yeah, there's a simple solution to this, which they don't seem to understand.
Go back to the Constitution, and you'll see everybody calm and peaceful again.
And everybody has rights.
Sebastian wants to ask you a question.
Real quick, Sebastian.
I wanted to ask you, what do you think about China arming up theirselves with a bunch of drones, and how the U.S.
now is, you know, arming itself with drones to, you know, watch us?
Oh, you know, we've talked about that.
As a matter of fact, our program tomorrow night on Coast to Coast will be on ammunition and drones, so make sure you're part of that.
I mean, it's ludicrous.
I mean, they just think they need to be everywhere.
Now, George, Politico and Media Matters says there is no bullets or tanks and that we're insane.
All they got to do is go on the website and look at all the articles that are out there time and time again.
No, I mean, obviously they're lying to us.
That's what I'm saying.
It's over the top.
I want to ask you about that when we come back in one minute.
Why do they think they can lie with impunity?
It's discrediting them.
And we'll take a few more calls.
Thank you, Sebastian.
We're going to talk to Roy, Catherine, and Kim.
We're going to jam in three more, and then George is gone to get some shutout before his show tonight.
Then a big news blitz and another special guest.
The police say, get a dog, no guns.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we're going to move quick because we're almost out of time with George Norrie, but briefly, George.
It's like Gibbs said two weeks ago.
Oh, I was told a lie about a drone program overseas that was admitted program.
It was like Wizard of Oz, he said.
Why do they think they're going to get away with just insane cuckoo lying?
You know what?
It's the old deny, deny, deny.
You know, there was a comedy where a guy was in bed with another woman.
His wife comes in screaming at him.
What are you doing in bed with her?
And with her, you know, lying right next to him, he said, there's nobody here.
Gaslighting, yeah.
You know, and that's the name of the game.
Just simply deny, deny, deny, and people will just go away.
That's their theory.
The problem is, people aren't going to go away anymore.
People are too smart.
It's a weird trick.
I'm getting sick of it.
Roy in Montana, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
I just was wondering what George's thought was on Planet X. What his gut was.
If it's disinfo or does he think it's real?
You know, if all the dead scientists
I think there is an extra body in our solar system somewhere out there.
Yeah, there's no doubt.
But this planet X that people have talked about for years is probably there.
And, you know, Zachariah Sitchin, the late Zachariah Sitchin and his work called the 12th Planet,
His theory was that this elliptical orbit of this planet is 3,600 years, comes by and plays havoc with us, whether it causes the flood of Noah and other catastrophes.
But I do believe there is an object out there.
I don't know why astronomers haven't found it yet when they are finding with Kepler all kinds of Earth-like planets beyond our own solar system.
But I think something's
Well, what about all the crazy meteors blowing up over Russia and Florida and everything else?
Man, that's wild.
Oh, we're right in the middle of a swap.
I mean, there's no question about it.
We're in the middle of a swarm of asteroids and meteors.
And let's hope to God we don't get hit with one of them.
Because, Alex, had that meteor that became a meteorite over Russia exploded a little closer to the planet, those 1,100 people who were injured all would have been dead.
Oh, absolutely.
Probably more.
Real fast.
Catherine in New York.
You're on the air with George Norrie.
I just wanted to address what George just said previously about the elite just being so isolated.
And I just think that we really need to call a spade a spade.
And even Gerald Salente has said it.
And just call them what they are.
Like, these people have a serious addiction problem.
They're power junkies.
That's what Gerald Salente calls them.
I mean, I was so glad to hear him say it and put it in those terms, because that's exactly what they are.
And I just think that we need to really drive that home.
And a serious intervention, you know, needs to happen.
You know, and you know, the people really need to step up and, and totally intervene.
I mean, I just hope enough of us, you know, are prepared to do what it takes.
Thank you so much for those words.
Thank you so much, Alex.
They're bored with life.
So the only thing left for them is the manipulation of human minds.
You're right.
One quick final question.
We've got one minute.
Ken in Minnesota, ask your question.
Gentlemen, honored to speak with you both.
One quick question.
When can we have our day, our march, the Patriot March in Washington, D.C., or let alone Minneapolis, Minnesota, Los Angeles, New York?
When should the Patriots stand up, George Norring?
They should stand up right now and do it peacefully and let the planet know where it's mad as hell and where
If people support my show, your show, myprisonplanet.tv show, your TV show, if you support the alternative, it will become the new dominant system.
Vote with your dollars, your mind.
There's more than one way to fight.
The system wants us to have a physical confrontation because they can win that.
They don't want us to have a velvet revolution.
George Norrie, I'll be listening tonight, Coast to Coast AM, on the man-made weather changes.
Thanks for spending time with us.
Thanks, Alex.
I'll say bye to you during the break, George.
All right, folks, we're gonna come right back with a news blitz, your phone calls, then a special guest.
I'm not kidding, I got video.
The police all over the country say, buy a dog, turn in your guns.
We'll be back.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live, and I want to thank you all for joining us today.
We just had syndicated radio host George Norrie on from Coast to Coast AM.
He was on for a little over an hour.
He had to go.
We have callers who obviously wanted to talk to Norrie.
If you still want to talk to me, that's fine.
If not, hang up.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
We had scheduled the Project Veritas, who put together a video of police and all these departments saying, no, you shouldn't be able to own guns, get a dog.
And so, and then O'Keefe, I'm told, is under the weather, so we're going to see if we're going to have one of his other cohorts on the broadcast.
Coming up here in about 30 minutes, but regardless, we're going to play that video slash audio for everyone here.
Also, white smoke rises over Vatican.
A new Pope has been elected.
Let's fade up Fox News here whenever we get a chance to do that.
And we will be breaking more of that down here today as that unfolds.
Now, continuing with news, there is some pretty incredible stuff going on and happening up at Infowars.com.
The Democrat group labels talk of DHS bullet buys as extremist.
Fade back up the new Pope being chosen.
I wonder if he'll bizarrely just resign and disappear.
The Vatican is being blackmailed with sex scandals, which is why you're not even let into it now, unless you can be blackmailed.
Undoubtedly, you've got all these cardinals resigning.
This is all part of the New Order takeover.
The royal family of England with the Jimmy Savelle child sex screen thing, they're being blackmailed by the megabanks.
This is amazing.
White smoke rises over Vatican as new Pope has been elected.
And they're going to announce any moment now,
And look, everybody's out there got their flags from their country, like, will it be a Mexican Pope?
Will it be a U.S.
Will it be a Filipino Pope?
Will it be a Russian Pope?
Will it be a... Just on and on.
Will it be an Italian Pope?
It's like a football game.
And John Bowne just said... The happiness.
Live in Rome, as they now know, as the world does, that we have a new Pope.
And then the old guy flies off in a helicopter to his castle.
No discussion of why he's been elected.
The Master of Liturgical Ceremonies enters the Sistine Chapel.
The Senior Cardinal will ask, of the newly elected Pope, do you accept your election as Supreme Pontiff?
At least they're not crying like when Kim Jong-il died.
What name do you wish to be called?
Oh, man.
We believe the Cardinals right now would be approaching him to swear their obedience.
Moments from now, we will meet the new Pope and you will hear the announcement Habemus Papum, Latin for we have a Pope, and he will be introduced to the world in Latin and deliver his first words as Pope.
It will happen moments from now.
As you can hear, they have official business to take care of inside the Vatican, but the celebration goes on outside in St.
Peter's Square.
And look at the smiles on the folks' faces as they continue to celebrate.
We're going to pause for one moment to let our Fox stations join us.
Oh, they've got the signs up.
Viva Papa.
Oh my gosh.
We have a Pope.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, we're getting live coverage here.
Just tell me as soon as they announce who it is and we'll cover some of it there.
For all the listeners out there in the radio land.
Let's go to some phone calls right now so I can reset my brain before I get back into all this other news.
Let's talk to Teresa in Oregon.
You're on the air, Teresa.
Good day.
This is an honor to talk to a fellow info warrior.
My question is, do you think the media in the form of radio talk show hosts are revealing their true identities?
Oh, I'm sorry.
They're openly relieved that Rand Paul stood up for everybody and he stood there for 13 hours and just stood up for the American people all week.
I've been hearing, you know, people just really thankful that he's there standing up for us and talking about it.
Well, I gotta say, I know Rand Paul.
He's a real guy.
He was not going to run for Senate.
I'm not saying that I got him to, but I off the air said, you will end up winning, you will.
And he even said that on air that I pushed him and others did.
And as long as he doesn't allow all the political sycophants, because even if you hire libertarian politicos, the way it works is there's some sycophantic ones.
I mean, my gosh, he's filled the Daily Caller people.
I'm not bashing them, they do some good work, but I mean, you know, Tucker Carlson has blown up and just said that I'm evil, I'm bad, and he flipped out.
But I mean, overall, I like Rand Paul.
He is doing the right thing.
He's real, and he's certainly a lot better than Jeb Bush or Jeb Bush's nephew running for Texas Ag Commissioner to end up being president.
He certainly is real.
And his dad's a great person.
And the system is really scared of him.
But he's really maneuvered well and is very articulate and very well spoken.
And the more hardcore he gets, the more popular he'll get.
Because we're facing hardcore tyranny, but you're saying, you know, are our talk show hosts showing their real identity?
I haven't been listening to a lot of the big mainline talk shows because I'm too busy doing my own nightly news and research and things around here.
I listen to some talk radio in the morning and the afternoon, but mainly local radio to see what they're up to.
And then I see compilations online of what other people have been covering.
But, um...
I mean, are other mainline talk show hosts now supporting Rand Paul, who they demonized a few years ago during the election?
I hear Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Neil Cavuto, Shepard Smith.
Of course, Judge Andrew Napolitano and the Dawgs.
There was no other talk for a whole week after that.
And I was just really impressed just listening to people that I thought were mainstream conservatives say, well, I am an independent, and this does, you know, this does mean a lot to the American people.
Sure, sure, ma'am.
Let me explain to you what's happened.
And of course, I was aware of what you just mentioned, because I saw the articles about it.
I just didn't watch it.
The Republicans tried to beat Rand Paul in Kentucky.
In the primary, they ran a big pro-New World Order guy.
When they couldn't win, Ran was smart and went and said, hey, you know, let's be friends, and they ended up beating the Democrat.
He's one of the only good people in the Senate now.
And what's happened is they do focus groups, they have real internal polls, they have data mining data.
They don't get mainline polls, they get data mining data.
Like Forbes did a few months ago and said the data mining shows gun control is unbelievably unpopular, record gun ownership, people don't trust the government, they don't trust the system.
Theresa, so let me answer your question, I appreciate your call.
What's happened is, I mean, Glenn Beck, who I have monitored some, at least seen clips, you know, he's like, I don't like the Republicans, I'm a Libertarian now, I love Ron Paul, I love Rand Paul, they're the only ones I like, I join them.
Because they know there's been a total awakening of Libertarians and Conservatives, that Mitt Romney was New World Order and all the rest of it.
And so, but also with the left, they don't support Obama.
You know, the data mining, the polls show that.
Here's Obama approval drops, Washington Post.
They're having to admit it because they're hoaxed that he has everybody absolutely unified behind him.
That has fallen apart.
That has gone the way of the Goonie Bird.
So, when Hannity, when all these guys
Come out and endorse Rand Paul now.
It's because they realize that's really what's popular.
And who is Rand Paul?
He's talking about bullets.
He's talking about tanks.
He's talking about drones.
He's talking about TSA.
He's talking about NSA.
He's talking about tyranny.
He's talking about all these illegal wars.
He is a creature of his father, and a creature of the liberty movement, and a creature of this show, and a creature of himself, a liberty lover.
I'm a creature of it.
You're a creature of it.
And so we are winning.
I mean, look at the LA Times.
They're growing fast.
They're dangerous.
They're cells.
They're terrorists.
They're white.
That's why they go, if you don't like socialism, you're racist.
You don't want to turn your guns and you're racist.
You're like, what does that have to do intellectually?
Shut up, racist!
They are desperate just to try to get the minorities, who are the majority now in most states and under the age of 15 everywhere, to not buy into liberty, second amendment, private property, family, which the Latin Americans and Mexicans will totally buy into, historically, if you look at the cultures.
They're desperate to create that division now, so they're like, WHITE PEOPLE ARE EVIL, LA TIMES!
I mean, can you imagine if they said, blacks are terrorists, or Hispanics are terrorists?
And it's the perfect double back, and they've been planning it before Obama, the social engineers.
I told you this was going on before Obama got in, it's just accelerated.
I mean, look at this LA Times article, if you just joined me,
Peril from patriots!
And it says, they say things like, only criminals in government want unarmed public.
What part of, shall not be infringed, do you not understand?
Repeal and negate!
And it goes on, they're intractable hatred, often motivated by religious zeal.
They're not jihadists.
They are white, right-wing Americans, nearly all with an obsessive attachment to guns, who may resent a greater danger to the lives of American civilians than international terrorists.
And they break it down.
The right-wingers are gonna blow stuff up!
You know who really is gonna do it, don't you?
And blame us.
You know.
Hello, I'm Alex Jones.
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Alright, Alex Jones here, back live.
They have still not announced who the new Pope is.
The White Smoke's been coming out.
They'll build the anticipation with all the showmanship and announce it.
When are they saying they're going to announce who the new Pope is?
Because I'm actually interested.
I want to know politically what that means.
That'll be a big deal.
It's surprising.
And the time they think they'll probably come out on the balcony is somewhere around 45 minutes.
They're asking that you don't hold them to that too closely.
We'll have analysis on this by the end of the show today or on the Nightly News tonight, 7 o'clock Central.
Thanks for holding.
Let's talk to Caleb in Oregon.
You want to talk about drones, go ahead.
Hi Alex, it's a pleasure to talk to you, and George as well, even though he's not on anymore.
I listen to both your guys' shows religiously, and you know, thank you both for all the hard work that you're doing.
These are very interesting times we're living in, and I just wanted to say, you know, I have two of the most beautiful girls, and I'm going to do anything to fight for their
You know, their lives, their freedom.
And, uh, I'm from Southern Oregon here.
Another thing I just wanted to bring up.
I know you've talked about it in the past and George has talked about it on his show and John B. Wells about John Noveske.
And, uh, he was a good friend of mine and, um, it was his passing.
It was, uh, a lot of very, uh, fishy things surrounding his death and right around the same time with FPS Russia as well.
And, um, just really sad what's going on with, uh, the way, you know, we've got to worry about drones and it's impossible to find any ammo and all these things.
It's just, uh, it's, uh, kind of disheartening.
But the way that you guys, uh, put the information out for all of us and, you know, keep us, keep it, keeps it very positive.
You know, it makes me want to continue on doing what I'm doing.
Well, thank you, brother.
Look, look.
The reason we're in crisis is the world is waking up to the globalists and all the corruption in every major institution.
That's why history is being molded right now.
A key jump point, kind of like when you aim an arrow and draw it back and then about to let it loose.
We're at that critical time that will decide where the projectile goes.
And so please don't thank me.
We're all in this together.
I work so hard because I know we're affecting history for the better.
And I know that it's not just evil in the world.
There is good in the world.
And there's competing forces.
And so we have to animate the forces of good in the animating contest of liberty.
I appreciate you calling.
I mean, look at this type of news that's breaking.
to let spy agencies scour Americans' finances.
This is out of the Chicago Tribune.
Folks, they've already been doing this for decades, illegally.
They already have.
You know, that's when they say, oh, we're going to fill out a suspicious persons or transaction report because you got out, you know,
Money out of the bank.
They just want you to know you're being watched there and getting you ready for it.
The government is the one that gives out the pass codes.
They're the ones that have the data dumps, the social security numbers.
They give the illegals the fake social security numbers.
I mean, that's all come out.
We're run by criminals.
And it has nothing to do with Al Qaeda.
The whole war on terror, as I warned you for the last 11 years, is about gun owners, constitutionalists, returning veterans, and now, and I already saw this in the training stuff two years ago, and I told you, white Al Qaeda.
And they're now announcing whites are terrorists.
And whites will probably show up to local prisons and ask to be put in prisons and ask for the state to work their kids' death in slave camps.
I mean, you know, the average American rather than, I mean, whites know they're bad.
Whites know they're the ultimate evil on earth.
Whites are the source of all evil.
The media tells us that.
And so this is a good thing that the ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center and LA Times and a bunch of other publications are saying whites are terrorists.
I could read the quote for you again.
I agree with that.
I mean, whites are the evil.
And I think that's totally reasonable.
And there are two billion bullets, but there aren't.
And the armored vehicles, the Aspartame, you know, giving people type 2 diabetes and killing tens of thousands a year.
Very loving and liberal.
I want to join the Southern Poverty Law Center.
I think you guys are awesome.
You did a great job at Oklahoma City with the Elohim City white supremacist compound.
You had your informants over, and then when federal informants tried to blow the whistle, you had them arrested.
Man, you're really nice.
I know you're liberals.
It's not like I'm fake camouflage.
You're not really hardcore mercenaries or anything.
You're not really banker intelligence operatives or anything.
You're just little liberals that want to help everybody.
Fund ethnic uprisings by Hispanics and others.
You're just really nice people.
And you're now telling us gun owners are terrorists.
And whites are terrorists.
And I don't think that's a big deal.
I'm sure Fox News will come out and say,
Oh, isn't it funny?
They're saying whites are terrorists.
It's all a joke.
They'll play the part of the right wing and make a joke out of it and talk about stuff like that.
So we're going to play a clip coming up of police saying, you don't need to own a gun.
And we have Michael Moore saying, get a dog.
That's coming up right after this quick break.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
Alright ladies and gentlemen, we have breaking news at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com right now.
Dealing with the LA Times headline, Peril from Patriots.
LA Times announces white men are terrorists.
And they just say being white inherently is terrorism.
I read the quote over and over again.
It is unbelievable and I told you forever.
That this was coming.
In fact, Kurt did a great job on this article, but will you ask him to add the links from two years ago and a year ago?
All our headlines about White Al Qaeda, the new threat.
Here's some of them.
Domestic terrorist, as big a threat as Al Qaeda, says FBI.
But see, that isn't the exact articles where I saw their internal training manuals and videos where every terrorist is a white guy.
And then the minorities are reporting them.
I mean, it's like the Arabs complain saying all the terror ads say Arabs are the terrorists.
Well, now it's saying whites inherently are terrorists.
And I've told you this was coming.
Now it's been announced.
Incredible racial division.
You know, leftist divide-and-conquer tactic.
Now, the folks that brought down ACORN, the people that have gone to Eric Holder's house, so many other incredible exploits in fighting tyranny, joins us after this video clip that we're going to be playing.
The full video is at theprojectveritas.org on our YouTube channel.
There's a whole bunch of videos up there, but we're gonna play a few minutes of this then we have our own clip of Michael Moore a few weeks ago talking to
Luke Rodowski, he's saying now, release the photos of the dead kids, but not the dead kids killed by drones, because Obama's a peacenik, so those drones are good.
And he says, don't have a gun, get a dog.
This is a guy who has up to five, six bodyguards that I've seen with him, who've been arrested carrying guns in illegal areas, and he owns guns.
He has guns to protect his 50 million bucks and his family, but you don't get to have a gun.
Bloomberg has bodyguards and guns, but you can't.
I mean, they're just disgusting mobsters.
They're not liberals.
So we'll play a few minutes of this.
This is in police stations.
We'll talk about the cities where this happened.
They have it all listed with Daniel Francisco.
Francisco, director, executive director of Project Veritas.
But first, let's go ahead and go to some of this audio and video.
If somebody breaks into my home in this town of Bronxville, okay, will the police department be there to protect me from that?
But what happens between the time I call 911 and you get there?
It takes a couple minutes to get there.
In the two minutes though?
What do I do?
In the two minutes, what do you do?
That's a good question.
Okay, but basically it's just in that two minutes I'm on my own.
Yeah, look on the internet how you get a gun from it.
Okay, how long does it take to get?
In New York?
About a year.
A year?
So in that year, between the time I move here and the time I get one.
And they'll never give it to you.
That two minutes I'm still on my own.
Pretty much between the time I make the call or the time the burglary alarm goes in until the time the police show up.
On our own?
Very good.
Between the time 911 is called and the time the police department shows up, we're pretty much on our own.
Unless you have a dog.
It's 2013.
It's the United States of America.
You lock your doors and you hope nothing happens.
You're on your own.
And that's the truth.
That's why we have call boxes.
That's why we have safe zones.
That's why we have the whistles.
This stuff's free.
Hit pause.
Folks, that is a state rep in Colorado.
As you know, they're banning guns all over the place.
Senate panel passes two gun control measures, registration, all sorts of garbage.
That's the U.S.
That's AP on that front.
All this is going on and they got a state rep up there with a bowtie who's got bodyguards and everything else and armed guards protecting him saying, stop at a call box.
Use a payphone.
Use a whistle.
And by the way, in England they arrest you for defending yourself.
Now I'm not going to play all of it.
It's just amazing.
There's even more of it.
It just goes on and on.
But let's go ahead and go to another clip of Luke Rudowsky talking to Michael Moore a few weeks ago who said, get a dog.
Now remember,
I've been there when his bodyguards in New York, I tried to walk up and ask him a question politely, rammed their elbows into me and I ran my elbow back into that guy.
And they were packing heat, you could see it bulging under their jackets.
And it's come out they do have permits in New York.
They're gonna have guns, you don't chump!
Let's go to that clip of Michael Moore.
But should we have a gun to defend ourselves, since criminals always find a way to have guns, like in Mexico?
That's the argument that's being made.
I think if anybody, if somebody really believes they need a gun to protect themselves, they should have the right to do that.
But, I can show you the statistics that by having a gun in the house, how many more times likely someone in the house is likely to be harmed by that gun, or use that gun for suicide.
That's not true.
It's much, much higher.
And if you are worried about your safety, get a dog.
So it's double speak.
Oh, yeah, I think you should have that right, because he's actually got it.
But you've got to jump through a thousand hoops.
He knows it's selective, but get a dog.
Well, you've got guns, bud.
Those weren't dogs in New York that tried to rough me up.
That's in my film, Martial Law.
Joining us is Daniel Francisco, Executive Director of Project Veritas.
Remember, they're the folks that dressed up like pimps and went in and said, we're going to run little kids in here for sex slavery.
We want to work with the government.
Well, that's great.
Yeah, we want to help you out with that.
Remember all that?
And he'd go to office after office after office with James O'Keefe and others, and they would say the same thing.
Because that's what this is.
The Democratic Party is a bunch of street mafia.
Now the Republicans are a big global mega-mafia, and so are the top Democrats.
But, I mean, we're in trouble, ladies and gentlemen.
We're in trouble.
And they're going to totally steal everything.
The globalists are going to collapse this society.
If we don't turn this around, joining us is Daniel Francisco.
Tell us about this latest initiative and give us a...
Heads up of what you've already got in the can but didn't out yet.
I know you can't talk about stuff you haven't done yet to give the enemy a heads up, but tell us about this project dealing with the Second Amendment and the incredible hypocrisy you discovered.
And where are some of these towns and cities that you're going to?
I know it says on the screen, but for radio listeners, TV viewers on PrisonPlanet.tv and the nightly news can see it, but for people out there listening on the radio who can't get to your website yet, they will I'm sure when they get home today.
Or we'll link to it at m4wars.com.
Break down these police saying, get a dog, when they're sitting there packing heat to protect themselves.
Absolutely, and thanks for having me on.
So we focused on three states in this investigation.
New Jersey, New York, which is actually our home turf.
We live in New Jersey and work out of New York State.
But also North Carolina, and they're all kind of local to the New York City metropolitan area.
Some of the places we went to were actually physically in New York City, which have their own sets of draconian gun laws that are on another level, completely different from those of the state of New York.
The main focus of this video that I want to transcend is, this is not an attack on law enforcement, this is not an attack on police officers.
And sadly, when we're having this debate after the tragedy of Newtown, there's a lot of disinformation out there, specifically in the Northeast, where when you talk to people up here, it's not like talking to a Texan or someone from Arizona.
They literally, and when I say they, I don't just mean the populace, your politicians, you can go up to your state representatives and ask them about a firearm and they'll tell you,
I've never held one in my life, but I don't want them around here.
They literally will tell you this to their face without even as much as a smirk.
They literally believe that guns have no place in society up here.
So the important thing about this video is it's not an attack on police.
It's something to demonstrate a simple reality of life.
The police may protect you.
The Supreme Court even says they don't have to protect you, but they may protect you.
But it's a physical reality that they cannot be everywhere at all.
You have a right to protect yourself.
Well, you've got a few of them that are really goony in there, though.
And we need to point out bad cops in the system trying to bring them in.
But you're, you know, it's funny you say that.
I have, my parents have had, you know, friends from college and stuff that they knew who were from New York and stuff at their house before.
And they've walked through a hallway and seen a shotgun case.
And literally started hyperventilating saying, I can't be in this house.
I have seen that.
But when they see a cop with a gun, they feel good.
And so I think part of this is culture clash, is culture shock.
You're right.
They think guns are like dragons or demons or the thing from the movie Alien with Sigourney Weaver.
They believe that they are like 100-foot blood-drinking cobras and are scared to death of them in the hands of citizens.
And here's the irony.
This is the most laughable part.
Well, you're right.
The culture is not here.
The same people that would hyperventilate at the sight of a piece of iron or wood, they walk every day through the streets of New York City brushing shoulders of people illegally carrying guns every day.
If you think that New York City and Chicago and Washington D.C.
have the highest gun murder rates, and you think that's an accident?
I mean, I don't know where your mind is.
There's a reason why it's so.
So, it's not that they want, they don't want to realize that the guns are there, but they are.
It's a reality.
The question is, do you want it to be by law-abiding citizens who have good intentions, or do you want to legislate it to a point?
Sure, what is the answer?
What is the answer?
I mean, what's winning is converting people.
If you can take someone out and get them to shoot, they are now Second Amendment forever.
Everyone knows that.
The system's panicking because gun ownership's growing despite the fake polls, record sales, liberals I all know have been buying guns for ten years.
Why do you think they're counter-striking against the Second Amendment so hard right now?
I've stopped, honestly, I've stopped trying to rationalize it because I attend a lot of, I live in New Jersey, and I attend a lot of these public forums.
There's currently 24 gun control bills that just passed out of our legislature in one hearing.
And it's a shocking thing because when Chris Christie tries to work with these same legislators on a tax cut or on curbing some union benefits or whatever it may be for the
We're good to go.
Well, you're right.
I mean, you guys have been doing some amazing things and obviously all the videos up on your site, but when you're talking to these police and they're like, well, in today's day and age, just hide in your house or get a dog.
I mean, did you guys say to them, well, why do you have a gun to protect yourself?
Or do you have a gun at home?
Oh, but they're the government, so it's okay.
I mean, did you ask those questions?
We're good to go.
Five times to repeat the same question before they understood even the concept that we were saying, look, we've established that you're on your way.
How do I defend myself?
And that's when you get these inexplicable explanations like, throw some ammonia at him, throw some bleach at him.
Well listen, let me just say something here.
You see these houses that say, we don't dial 9-1-1.
You see these signs outside houses and they don't get robbed.
If somebody's breaking in my house or somebody came to my office trying to mass shooting, I'm not going to waste time calling 911 until I've killed them.
I'm going to get the gun, I'm going to go like a robot, and I'm going to instinctively shoot into their center of mass from as best a cover as I can get.
And it's just automatic.
So, you know, my issue is almost calling 911 is a cop-out.
I mean, if I see people mugging a woman out front my house or out front my office, I'm going out there with a firearm.
I mean, I think that's the problem with 911 is that, sure, you can call that for the police, you know, if somebody's cows are out in the road and you can't get a hold of them, but you don't.
I saved a woman who was choking once at a La Madeline restaurant.
I came out of the bathroom.
My wife and six-month-old son are in there.
She goes, that lady's been choking about 30 seconds.
You want to do something?
And I'd been trained in the Heimlich maneuver and basic swim team class we took with the fire department.
And I went over and saved the lady.
But at first, they were trying to stop me.
She's turning blue.
She's about to pass out.
And she coughs out all this big piece of bread, and they were going, Dial 911!
Dial 911!
It sounded like parrots in a tree, just saying, Dial 911!
And then, are you an expert?
Wait, don't!
I mean, they didn't want me to save her, because they couldn't imagine a fellow slave, they have such low opinions of themselves, that I, a fellow slave, at 13, took a one-day course at the Rockwall Fire Department on how to do a Heimlich Maneuver on adults and children,
And, uh, basic first aid and resuscitation.
And then, oh, I was a hero after I saved her, and then I got out of there because I figured they'd probably sue me or something if I broke one of her ribs.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I saw that.
Yeah, you know, I mean, they've had robbers fall through skylights and sue people.
I keep mentioning New Jersey, because that's where I'm from.
That's where I'm most familiar with the laws.
The laws up here favor criminals.
They make our jails a revolving door.
And they hurt law abiders.
And this video is a perfect example.
We go up and we contradict what our very own Vice President is telling us.
We go up and say, you know, Joe Biden is saying, if there's a problem, all you need to do is tell your wife to take a double-barreled shotgun and fire two blasts out the door.
Well, one, now you're out of ammo because you just emptied yourself, which is tactically stupid, but two, it's illegal.
And we said, let's go to the NYPD.
Let's get their words out of their mouths when they don't know they're being recorded.
What are they going to tell us?
And the truth is in the video.
These people will tell us explicitly.
If you do that, we will arrest you.
That's right.
Firing off target is reckless.
It's only legal to kill the person.
Oh yeah, if I shoot at somebody, it's not going to be warning shots.
I mean, if somebody's robbing my car, I'm going to say, get down on the ground!
And then I'll probably let them run off, because I don't want the trouble of a dead body.
Well, who knows?
I mean, if the person turns at me, or acts aggressive, you're dead.
I mean, it's done.
I'll kill you in ten seconds.
Okay, we're going to come right back and talk more about this.
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Well, we've had James O'Keefe on.
I'm Alex Jones, your host of the Veritas Project, or theprojectveritas.org.
But we've got Daniel Francisco, the Executive Director, on with us.
What do you make of New Jersey woman arrested for citing Constitution at tax meeting?
It's up on DrudgeReport.com.
It's an Infowars.com story.
And I went and looked at the arrest warrant, the gun confiscation, and they said she was very frightening, that they'd never been yelled at before.
So now, yelling.
It was frightening that she said, no, you can't come in my house for a home inspection to raise the property taxes.
And she raised her voice.
And then they also claim it another thing.
She said, you know, don't come in my house.
I've got a gun.
Well, that's it.
They've taken her guns and that's the end of it.
Like I said, Alex, this doesn't shock us anymore.
This is part and parcel for the Garden State.
I guess if you speak to these legislators, to them, guns are foreign.
It's something that those rednecks have down south.
They don't understand any practical application for it whatsoever.
To them, they're purely killing machines.
So, this doesn't shock me at all.
I mean, this is one of many stories that happen in New Jersey every day.
So they're victims to all the highest crime in the country because they've taken the guns.
Chicago, New York, New Jersey areas.
And they just can't get why they're living under siege because they've chopped their testicles off.
I mean, I'm sorry to talk like that, but that's what we're talking about.
That's a colorful way to put it.
It's absolutely correct.
Could it become a new garden state law?
Like the pumpkin head state that perhaps because men are bad that everyone be castrated at age five in New Jersey?
Perhaps a bill should be introduced in New Jersey.
I'll give you a taste.
I don't want to bore you guys with the laws, but it bears repeating because a lot of people don't see that this is where the gun battle has already gone when down south people are talking about much more simpler terms.
There was a bill whose language stated that in New Jersey they wanted to push through this measure.
I believe it was changed since the last time there was an assembly, but it stated that the police, when you applied for a gun permit, and in New Jersey, let me clarify, you have to apply for a permit
What about a background check to even, you know, have manhood?
Well, you don't even get them most of the time.
I see them refuse them.
I mean, I know people who've been refused stuff for misdemeanors.
Well, at least then you could sort of make a status argument that that's because that person is some form of a criminal.
We don't need to go that far, Alex.
You can have a perfectly clean record, and if the chief doesn't like your face, he just doesn't sign off on it.
Oh, no, I know.
Listen, it's worse than makes them arbitrary.
God, did you see the guy in Florida who released some heart balloons, and he's been charged and arrested with a felony, and they're saying for hurting the earth?
I didn't
Oh yeah, by the way, that bill just got shot down because it was, quote, too extreme in Washington State, and people thought it was a joke.
That's already happening in other states.
It's not a joke.
That's the important thing.
This isn't a dream.
We're not conjuring up some sort of strange story.
This is the reality of what we do.
Yeah, what do you make of them saying there are no two billion bullets, there are no armored vehicles, and we don't want your guns, when they're on record saying they want a total ban of civilian firearm ownership?
Of course, and like we said before, these same politicians making those calls, they don't know anything about the guns.
We have a state senator here named Loretta Weinberg.
This was her attitude.
She told me, I don't know anything about guns, but I don't want them in front of me.
And when we debated her on this in a forum, she actually said, you shouldn't be, this was a bill for obligating a certain level of training for a certain type of firearm.
This was her mentality, her statist mentality.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Better watch what you talk about, bud.
Being pro-bill of rights is an act of terror.
And you saw the SLPC and the LA Times and AP.
They say if you talk about the two billion bullets, you're part of a white supremacist cell.
In fact, just being white's an act of terror.
That's right, LA Times announces white men are the terrorists.
And I say good.
And since I'm McGruff the crime dog, I happen to be white, I got a white spot.
You know what?
I'm reporting to a local forced labor FEMA camp to show everybody that I can be trusted.
Help take a bite out of the Second Amendment and the rest of the Bill of Rights.
John Wayne and George Washington are trash.
Sovietism is good.
That's right, Mao Zedong's who I like.
Help take a bite out of liberty.
This message brought to you by DHS and Mr. Napolitano.
Alright folks, we had that little Homeland Security announcement, all part of the Fairness Doctrine, going back in the four minutes of this little Overdrive segment.
We were going to have James O'Keefe on, but hey, I'm glad we got his associate on.
He's even more wound up.
Daniel Francisco, Executive Director of Project Veritas.
They're the guys that brought down Akron and everything else.
I mean, you talk about effective, these guys are really something.
Well, sexy when it comes to Liberty.
I mean, they are awesome.
Like a .50 cal, you know, is a sexy thing.
I like good things, and we salute you, Daniel.
In closing, in the four minutes, three minutes we've got left, other points you'd like to add about what's coming up?
You've got some big things in the hopper.
You can't tell us too much to alert the enemy, but tell us.
No, but we can tease.
We can always tease a little bit.
I can tell you for sure that the issue of Second Amendment rights, that is going to continue to be a focus in our work.
So you can rest assured there's going to be some more videos along the same vein, but with different targets.
We're going to go to a more, let's say, popular culture angle of the gun control debate.
Another two of the biggest ones that we're going to also continue going into the summer is going to be the health care bill.
And doubly so, entitlements.
We're getting a lot of tips that we get from our supporters.
A lot of people, even in government, start to tip off Project Veritas, which I think is a good testament to our legitimacy.
But people are starting to tell us, hey, in my state, there's this organization that's wasting money doing this.
There's this organization doing that.
And we're starting to take that together and go after the entitlement culture in this country and go after the new health care bill and some of the things that are going to be going along when that legislation comes forth.
So, Second Amendment, entitlements, healthcare, be on the lookout for that.
You can go to our website and see our past videos at projectveritas.com.
And as always, we're a completely non-profit organization, so any donations that your listeners are willing to give up to us, we'll give you a fantastic product.
We'll show you things that the mainstream media will never, never touch.
You are definitely the Black Arrow.
Remember, that's the arrow they fire into Smog's soft patch in The End of the Hobbit?
I'm not a big Jared Tolkien fan.
I've never seen the movies, but it's from the Lord of the Rings series, right?
Yeah, I mean, I'm a fan of it because it's archetypes.
It's a little cheesy, obviously, but as a book, it's good.
But no, I mean, The Black Arrow, it's very effective.
Like I said, there's a demand.
The reason we exist is because there's a demand for what we do.
There's a vacuum in the market of media.
If people don't want to go up and ask direct questions to the representatives, to their law enforcement, to these non-profits in D.C., to legislators and lobbyists, that vacuum is going to be met.
And right now, that's met with us.
So as long as people believe in our mission, we'll be there on the front lines.
Well said.
Well said.
We got about 30 seconds left.
Anything else you think should be added here?
Do you think we're winning the fight for the Second Amendment or losing it?
Or is it 50-50 right now in the middle of the battle?
I think this is a cultural and geographical war, so I think it depends on where you are.
You have states signing legislation saying they're not going to recognize any new federal laws, which is a good thing, but then you have states like New Jersey saying that you need to get a prescription from a doctor before you get a gun.
So I think it's both ends of, you know, we're getting both sides of the argument here, it just depends on where you are.
I mean, I love most of the people I meet from up north, but when I meet a lot of them, they think we ride horses to work and we don't have buildings in Texas.
We got NASA.
I mean, I just don't... We've got to inform people in the Northeast.
We've got... I mean, a lot of people from there, they'll come from Kerenes, so they think it's normal to move from North Korea to North Jersey.
God bless you, sir.
Daniel Francisco, we'll talk to you again very, very soon.
Thanks a lot, Alex.
Alright, False Flag News coming up in Retransmo right now.
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