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Name: 20130308_Fri_Alex
Air Date: March 8, 2013
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
And happy Friday!
Alex Jones Show, Katherine Albrecht filling in for Alex.
My last day here with you guys.
What a delight to be part of the Alex Jones Freedom Empire, making its way across the globe here.
I've been hearing from people in New Zealand, I've been hearing from people across Europe, I've been hearing from people in South America.
Amazing how this freedom message, we here in the U.S.
think that we're kind of the epicenter of freedom.
And I think in a lot of ways we are, especially if you're in a place like North Korea, you're probably looking out at the shining beacon of the U.S.
But people are waking up to this message all over the globe, in large measure because of programs like this one, in large measure because of the Internet, which is enabling us to get this message out.
And, you know, I really think we have a brief window of time to do it, too.
Because you know that the globalists have their plan.
The government would very much like to shut all of this down.
You know, no more of that conversing.
You know, I have this book on my floor-to-ceiling bookshelf of 20th century history.
And it is all about the laws that were enacted in the Soviet Union.
It's a really boring book.
You know, it's just page after page of legal... It's translated in English, but it was a Russian law book or a Soviet law book in the Cold War.
And in there, do you know that the Soviets actually required, back in the day when they had mimeograph machines and they were first coming out with photocopiers, that you had to get a permit in order to make copies of just a piece of paper.
I'm looking at that going, okay, well, that's some serious top-down control there.
Because they didn't want, in the same way that the British back in the days of the Founding Fathers of the U.S., they didn't want more than a couple of people gathering at a time.
That's why that particular right is right there in the U.S.
Constitution, in the Bill of Rights.
They don't want people getting together.
They don't want people disseminating information.
Because if they can control all the information, of course in the Soviet Union they controlled the newspapers, they controlled the radio, they controlled the television.
They were it!
You had your state-controlled media and that was all there was.
And they didn't want people even making mimeographed copies.
Anybody old enough to remember in the 60s and 70s those drum roller machines with the purple ink that would be all fuzzy?
Your teacher would give you a handout and it'd still be wet.
It'd be like damp from the roller thing.
And they had a particular smell about them.
Well, you know, in those days, I'm sure even for teachers to hand out worksheets to their students, they had to get literally a permit from the government.
As I look at what's going on today, I think, my gosh, it would be fun just to teleport Stalin just ever so briefly into the modern era and just watch his smoke come out of his ears and watch him absolutely flip out.
Because we've got the power beyond photocopies, my goodness.
We've got the power to reach literally hundreds of millions of people and I'm so glad we're doing it.
Alright, well my name is Catherine Albrecht.
If you're not familiar with my work, I'm the RFID lady.
I've been working on the issue of consumer privacy, shopper privacy, and fighting against the encroachment of radio frequency ID devices, whether it's in products,
Or as we're going to be talking about this hour, in furniture, heaven forbid, or the worst case of all, on human beings, or even in human beings.
We're going to be talking about that a little bit this hour as well.
The RFID microchip is merging with the cell phone, is merging with the global brain, is merging with the internet.
It's all coming together.
And it's not a mistake, as I've said before on this show and my own program, that it's a web.
It is called a web because there's a spider sitting at the center of it.
It is called a net because there's somebody holding the net.
And you may think that you're in charge of a lot of this technology, and in a lot of ways we are.
But when it comes right down to it, this net, this web, is not only going to be a place through which we can communicate with one another, but it's going to be a place through which this global thing is going to have its eyes and ears on all of us.
All right, we'll be talking about that this hour, also opening up for your phone calls a little bit later this hour.
Microchip markets RFID technology that transmits via the human body?
Yeah, that and we've got a new Wall Street Journal article out about how companies are tracking their employees.
All right, all that and more when we come back.
Katherine Albrecht filling in for Alex Jones.
More right after this.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are now the chosen toys of catty girls and pretty boys.
Make up that face, drop in the rest.
It is our town, it's our country, it's our planet, in case you hadn't noticed that lately.
All you pond scum out there.
Yeah, the globalists want to think it's their town, but they are a tiny, mincey, minuscule little fraction of the mass of humanity that lives on this planet.
And it really is time for us to remind them of that.
Especially because we've got a constitution that makes it very clear that these folks are our servants.
So I'm always pleased when I see that, at least on the local level, the local and the state level, that the people who are getting elected kind of still get that.
You know, it hasn't gone totally to their heads in the way that it has on the federal level.
And on my own radio program, this is of course the Alex Jones Show, and I'm Katherine Albrecht.
Fill it in for Alex.
I do my own radio show for two hours, Monday through Friday.
And on Fridays, I always kind of try to dispel a little bit of the darkness that we've been looking at all week long.
And I do a little thing called Good News Friday.
Well, I want to give you just a couple of the good news stories, just a little preview of what I'm going to be talking about on my show.
And I want to share some of the positive stories that are coming out.
It's always good news when
When we have something positive going on.
Well, let me tell you, the state of Ohio is considering a ban against traffic cameras.
Wouldn't that be a good thing?
You know, the idea that the state has its eyes on all of our cars is really disturbing.
We know that not only can the traffic cameras now zoom in and see your face or determine whether you're, you know, grimacing or scowling or smiling as you sit there at the red light, they're also able now to do automatic license plate recognition in a lot of municipalities.
And this is a big income source for these communities.
Well, there's a court in Ohio that has said, no, you can't be doing this.
Let me just read you the article here.
This is out of W. Ohio TV.
They say, the days of red light and speed cameras at Ohio intersections could be numbered.
A Hamilton County court judge ruled Thursday, that would be yesterday, that a traffic camera ordinance in a little small village near Cincinnati cannot be enforced.
Yeah, now this is interesting.
Listen to the stats on this.
You guys will die.
Alright, only 2,188 people live in Elmwood Place, Ohio.
Just a little small town.
2,000 people, approximately.
But cameras have caught more than 20,000 drivers speeding through town in just the last, well, less than a year.
They just installed these things in September of last year, so just a couple of months.
20,000 drivers getting tickets?
You gotta be kidding me.
Well, what are they making off of this?
1.5 million dollars since September of last year.
October, November, December, that's like what?
Three months?
Wait, no.
Three months of 2012.
Five months worth?
1.5 million bucks.
You know why these guys are doing it.
Yeah, in the decision, the judge said, well, not enough signage warning the motorists, they're not calibrating them, it's a for-profit company, a whole bunch of problems with this.
But I am delighted to see that not only is the court striking this down, but there's even bipartisan legislation introduced in the state of Ohio to knock out those traffic cameras.
We've been seeing legislation like this introduced in other states.
And I would say this is an encouraging move.
Wherever you're located, you may want to consider lobbying for those cameras to be shut down.
You know, they do a lot more than just monitor people who are violating the law.
Yeah, they can also use them for really any purpose they want to, and we ought to probably put the brakes on that.
So I would encourage you to get involved in that movement against the eyes of the state being on every street corner.
All right, the other bit of good news this week, I know it's kind of
I suppose it's good news, TSA allowing knives and golf clubs back on U.S.
I say I suppose it's good news because it's about time, isn't it?
Next they're going to tell us we're going to be allowed to have a conversation on the plane.
It's pretty bad when they take away your rights and then they give them back to you piecemeal.
Thank you, government, sir.
Thank you, thank you that we're allowed to do something that, you know, people have been doing for years and years before you took those rights away.
But the USTSA has said that it will allow people to carry small pocket knives onto passenger planes for the first time since the September 11th terrorist attacks, along with golf clubs, hockey sticks, and plastic wiffle ball style bats.
Can you believe that it's been illegal for over 10 years now to carry a wiffle ball bat onto an airplane?
Yeah, just try beating somebody over the head with that.
They've got the holes in them, they don't do much.
The agency will permit knives with retractable blades shorter than 2.3 inches, so we're talking just the barest tiny of pocket knives here, and narrower than one-half inch.
The new rules are going to take effect at the end of April.
Yeah, they're also going to allow sticks used to play lacrosse, billiards, and hockey, ski poles, and as many as two golf clubs.
Yeah, you know, because if you have three or four, you could get in big trouble with that.
All right, the flight attendants having a hissy fit about this.
I'm not sure why they get so upset about pocketknives.
How many pocketknife attacks did we really have before they banned the pocketknives?
Most men I know, especially in certain parts of the country in the South, actually carried a pocketknife as just part of the stuff in their pockets along with their keys and their change and their wallets.
And you didn't see a rash of, you know,
Tiny knife attacks on the airplane.
So, I suppose that's good news.
They're letting us do that again.
Got another law out of Texas.
Speaking of local lawmakers, who are my heroes, gotta say.
Texas is now proposing one of the nation's most sweeping mobile privacy laws.
If signed into law, this is such a no-brainer, but if signed into law, cops would actually have to get a warrant before they could use your phone to track you and get your location data.
Now, a pair of new mobile privacy bills recently introduced in the state of Texas are among the, quote, most sweeping ever seen.
Yeah, they actually offer better protection on the Texas state level than a couple of similar bills introduced in Congress this week.
If passed, they would establish a probable cause requirement.
Yeah, you'd have to get a warrant.
You'd have to show probable cause in order to obtain location information from GPS devices and also tap and trace and cell phone tower location data.
This data, if the bill passes, would only be disclosed to law enforcement, quote,
If there's probable cause to believe the records disclosing location information will provide evidence in a criminal investigation.
It's about flipping time, don't you think?
All right, so I gotta tell you, I am always delighted when we see on the state and local level these kinds of bills getting introduced.
I have already, years ago, I gave up on the federal government, although I gotta say I was pretty pleased with Rand Paul and his filibuster here over the last couple of days.
So I think there is still some stuff that can be done on the federal level, but if you're really looking to make change, I believe that that change is going to be happening on the local and the state level.
Joining me later this, the third hour of today's program, Tom Woods and I are going to be talking about nullification and state rights as well, so stay tuned for that.
We'll definitely be getting into where the power structure is and where we as individuals can actually get in there and make some changes.
Well, I've got a couple more bits of good news, but I think that's probably enough to tide us over for the moment.
I now want to turn our attention to something that's maybe a little bit more disturbing.
And you guys, if you've been following my work at all, and I know Alex has talked about this extensively on the show as well, we are fighting against the tagging of students in San Antonio, Texas with RFID tracking beacons around their necks.
And one of the reasons that we've said, hey listen, this tracking pilot program at two schools down there, 4,200 kids being forced to wear a lanyard with a battery-powered ID tag around their necks, that sends out a signal that's monitored every 25 seconds and recorded in a giant database so they know where all the kids are all the time, all day long, that it's going to set a bad precedent for the future, right?
Those kids are going to grow up.
And what is school all about?
Well, school is about conditioning kids.
It's really not about education, and I can't help myself, I've got to share this other story with you.
The other breaking news today, most New York City high school grads cannot read.
Basic skills like reading, writing, and math need to be relearned.
Nearly 80% of New York City high school graduates have to relearn basic skills like reading before they can enter the City University's community college system.
So this story just out today,
So, let's clarify this, because my background is in education.
I have a doctorate from Harvard University in education.
This is what I do.
It's what I've done my whole life.
And I can say that as far as education goes, the government schools, obviously if 80% of kids graduating from them can't read or write, you would say that they're a failure, right?
Well, if you talk to John Taylor Gatto, who I knew has been a guest on this program in the past, who's written the underground history of American education.
He's a former New York Teacher of the Year, so he knows what he's talking about.
He'll come right out and tell you the schools aren't failing.
The schools are succeeding brilliantly.
They're doing exactly what they were set out to do, which is to condition kids to accept keeping their mouths shut, keeping their heads low, obeying authority, and staying in line.
That's what the schools are about, and they succeed in that brilliantly.
So, when you take a look, now let's turn our attention away from New York, where 80% of kids can't read, and now let's look back at Texas, where you've got 4,200 kids as part of a trial this year, with these remotely readable tracking devices around their necks.
What do you think they're learning?
What do you think they're teaching these kids?
Well, they're teaching them to accept this notion that it's appropriate for the people in charge of you.
Well, first of all, that there are people in charge of you in large numbers that can segregate, slice and dice you into a little age-segregated unit that can then put this thing around your neck and punish you if you fail to wear it, like Andrea Hernandez, who was expelled for refusing to wear her little tracking device around her neck.
So, you know, that sends a pretty powerful message.
We will expel you, we will punish you, we will make your life miserable unless you don't.
Well, already, the thing that I've been predicting, that this is going to hit the workplace, it's happening.
New story out in the Wall Street Journal, titled, Tracking Sensors Invade the Workplace.
There's a new company out there putting trackers not only around employees' necks,
But even on the furniture that they sit in to determine how often they get up or take breaks?
All right, more on that story when we come back.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Kathryn Albrecht filling in.
Stay tuned.
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Hey, we're back.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Of course, InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
I'm your guest host, Catherine Albrecht, riding shotgun with you for the next couple of hours.
Going to open up the phone lines here in the next segment.
Let me give out that number.
It's 1-800-259-9231.
That's 1-800-259-9231.
If you'd like to call in with a question or a comment about any of the topics we're talking about this hour, I want to get into this whole concept of tracking people becoming a normal part of life.
And if they can get it into the schools, they always want to start with the kids.
You know, as I said last week when I was a guest in the studio with Alex, it's really about conditioning the kids.
You know, Hitler said, I don't care about you adults who oppose me.
Because I've already got your kids.
See, that's where they want to go.
And we look at the schools.
They've got our kids in the schools.
They're clearly doing a horrific job of educating them.
But that's not what the schools are about.
At least not according to John Taylor Gatto.
He says the schools are about conditioning compliant adult units to function in the economy and to take the boring factory jobs and to sit at a boring desk and work until they're 65.
And then take the government-issued retirement and just be good worker drones.
That's what the schools are about.
And they do a great job of that.
Think about it.
All day long, what are your kids told?
You know, I was thinking about this recently.
I was at church, and most of the kids at my church are homeschooled.
But one of the kids is schooled at a government school, and he was doing something.
Like taking water out of the water fountain and spraying it around the room or something.
I walked over to him and I said, excuse me, where are we?
Can you tell me what building we're in?
Is it appropriate to be spewing the water?
Where are we?
And he just looked at me like a deer in the headlights.
I wanted to say, well, we're at church.
I was going to say, well, church is probably not a good place to be doing what you're doing.
But he just looked at me.
And I realized, I've tried several times to just even say hello or good morning or just have a little chat with this kid.
And he never says anything.
He's almost mute.
And yet, you know, he can sit there and play his video games, he's got a little thumb on the machine.
And I got to thinking, why is it that kids nowadays, kids who are government schooled, don't look you in the eye, and they can't carry on a conversation with you?
Whereas homeschooled kids do.
In fact, that's always the difference.
You can tell the homeschooled kids, because they look you in the eye, they can speak, they've got ideas, they interact, they go back and forth.
But the government schooled kids, they just kind of shrink away and stare at you with these wide-eyed stares, or else they just look at the floor.
And I realized, what's the reason?
What is the message that they get from the time they get to class in the morning until the time they leave?
Don't talk.
Be quiet.
Keep your voice down.
Don't talk.
Be quiet.
All day long they're told not to talk.
So is it any surprise that we're creating an entire generation, an entire country, full of people who do not know how to even speak?
Much less speak up against wrongdoing, but literally even speak at all.
I've heard about people going on dates and they're literally texting each other across the table from their little handheld devices rather than having actual conversations.
So I think this ties in with this article out of the Wall Street Journal, this sensor tracking article they're talking about.
Furniture being outfitted with RFID receptor devices and also having these RFID devices around people's necks.
This started at Bank of America.
All right.
Let's see.
Oh, by the way, we've got a breaking news story.
I've got to share this with you really quickly and we're coming up on a break in a moment.
But TSA screeners
Allow federal agent with fake bomb to pass through security at Newark Airport.
That's breaking news out of the New York Post.
We'll be posting that up on Infowars.com and or Prison Planet.
So you get the breaking news right first right here on this radio program.
This is the Alex Jones Show of course.
Alright, speaking of sensors, maybe that's what they're going to do at the airports now.
Just outfit everybody with a sensor.
Did you hear the proposal a couple of years ago to actually put cameras onto the seat backs so they could sit there and watch you on the airplane?
Yeah, well the only reason that didn't fly is a lot, excuse the pun, that didn't fly because the frequent flyers said, heck no, you know, we're paying hundreds of bucks for these tickets and that's the one place where we actually recognize that it's us you're going to be looking at rather than the terrorist.
Well, Bank of America a couple years ago wanted to study
How people were interacting with one another.
So they asked 90 workers to wear these badges.
The same kind of thing they're using at the school down in San Antonio.
To wear these badges with tiny sensors to record their movements.
And get this, they could even record their conversations and their tone of voice in the conversations.
My question for you, why in the heck would 90 people agree to do that?
If your employer asked you voluntarily to wear a thing around your neck that would record your conversations, I really hope you'd say no thank you.
All right, I'm Katherine Albrecht filling in for Alex Jones, and we'll be right back and taking your phone calls right after this.
Stay tuned.
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Defending the republic from enemies foreign and domestic, it's Alex Jones.
Mother, mother, there's too many of you to cry.
There's far too many love you die You know we've got to find a way To bring some loving here today
Yeah, what's going on?
Katherine Albrecht here with you, filling in for Alex Jones.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Delightful being here with you.
We're opening up the phone lines right now.
And before we do that, I just wanted to make a couple of notes about health.
We're going to be talking about health a little bit in the second hour of today's program.
Particularly complementary and alternative ways that you can deal with cancer, one of the things that's been kind of at the forefront of my life the last couple of years, as I've discussed on Alex Jones' show, and I think Alex was one of the first to break the story, I actually had stage 3c breast cancer, really nasty, locally advanced breast cancer.
And I am so excited because I just began on Wednesday the clinical trial of a new drug called, it's a mouthful, Tetra-Thiomalybdate.
This is a drug that's not funded by any pharmaceutical company.
It is cheap enough you could salt the roads with it.
There's not big bucks behind it.
But there is, the folks at Cornell University, Dr. Linda Vedant is the researcher on this,
And I've got to tell you, there's a big story coming out next week in the New York Times about this.
She just published her results in the Annals of Oncology.
I am patient number 60 on this phase 2 clinical trial of this drug to prevent recurrence of breast cancer.
And I've got to tell you, I think this woman has cured breast cancer because the way this disease kills you is it comes back.
You know, you treat it and it's gone and you're in remission.
And then 3, 5, 10, 20 years go by, and then if it does come back and metastasizes, then that's all she wrote.
Well, the women that she's been treating, stage 4 cancer patients, who normally have less than a two-year lifespan, are now six years out with no evidence of disease whatsoever.
It's extraordinary.
It's amazing stuff.
I've blogged about it on my blog.
If you go to katherinealbrecht.com,
Or I know that's hard to spell.
You can just try KMAShow.com.
Click on the blog.
You can see all the links right there.
There are still spaces.
I just spoke to her on Wednesday.
She gave me permission to talk about it on the show before the New York Times article comes out next week.
There are still spaces for a dozen more women on there.
The key, though, is the women have to be Stage 3 or Stage 4.
At high risk of breast cancer recurrence, they have to have no evidence of disease.
In other words, no active tumors.
And I believe she's taking stage 2 triple negative breast cancer patients.
So you heard it first here.
You're going to be hearing it in the New York Times next week.
And when that hits, I've got to say, I'm so excited.
I am patient number 60 on that trial.
No side effects as far as we can tell, other than preventing the cancer from coming back.
Sounds mighty good to me.
Alright, I do want to get back to the phone lines here.
I also want to remind you that InfoWars shop is where you can go to get all your InfoWars gear.
And also please make a point of supporting the sponsors here on this radio program.
And finally, speaking of health, Alex is in great health.
I, in no way...
I believe that he has taken this week to do anything other than wrestle cactuses with his bare hands, I think was the email that came in earlier this week.
So Alex is in absolutely fabulous health.
I got to visit with him last week.
And we just want to keep him that way, so I am glad that he is able to get just a little bit of a break.
I know it can be a lot of work running the huge InfoWars empire.
So when he comes back, I know he's going to be tan-rested and ready to take on the New World Order.
And I know you guys are helping him do that, so keep it up.
Alright, phone lines are open 1-800-259-9231.
Let's go to Noel, listening in Illinois.
Yes, hello.
Big fan of your work, Catherine.
I was watching the cybersecurity hearing yesterday, the Senate hearing, and it just got me thinking again, knowing that we could be looming on the last days of freedom on the Internet.
I'm a big fan of startpage.com.
I use it a lot during my investigative reporting work to look up some documents away from Google.
Any suggestions on, say,
Email servers, or if someone is going to register a website away from a company like GoDaddy, who is pro SOPA and CISPA, or any suggestions or recommendations for those who are trying to do their best to prevent malicious attacks online, knowing that websites are tracking.
What are ways that we could prevent ourselves online?
You know, it's tough stuff.
I've actually done a couple of interviews with the folks behind Tor, the Onion Router, which is probably, you know, for the really hardcore folks who really want to restrict their, you know, kind of create a buffer between themselves and the actual Internet.
You can also use proxy servers.
Startpage has a proxy server built in.
A lot of people don't realize that, that when you search with Startpage, the private search engine that searches Google for you,
But then strips out all the details and erases all records of your visit that I helped to create, so full disclosure there.
When you use Startpage, among your Startpage search results, if you look underneath the results, you'll actually see it says, View by XQuick Proxy.
And if you just want to visit a website privately, and I frequently do this if I'm visiting the National Institutes of Health looking up cancer research, for example, because I don't particularly want to send them my personal information or pick up one of their tracking cookies.
What I'll do is I'll do the search on StarPage.
I'll get the results and then I'll click View by XQuick Proxy of, you know, let's say NIH.gov.
And when that information comes back, it's been filtered through StarPage.
So StarPage goes out, loads the third-party website you want to see onto the StarPage servers, serves it to you, and then deletes all records that you've been there.
The Onion Router is similar.
I've heard good things.
In fact, my husband has just recently installed Ghostory on my computer to strip out a lot of the third-party tracking cookies and other observation.
And, you know, one of the key places is your ISP.
That's one of the weak links because your ISP is aware of all the websites that you're visiting unless they're HTTPS encrypted.
So Startpage was actually the first search engine to incorporate HTTPS or SSL encryption just by default, but it means that your ISP can't observe what you're doing.
And one of the things I want to encourage Startpage to develop as soon as we get our private email out there, the alternative to Gmail, is I want to encourage Startpage to develop a DNS lookup service because the DNS is another place where every website that you're visiting, it's got to be resolved.
They've got to resolve the DNS address, the IP address, and that's all being recorded as well.
So it's a huge question.
We could probably do three hours just on that alone, Noel, but
I would say just keep an eye on what StarPage is doing because we're working on a lot of those privacy products.
Thank you so much.
What was that program you just mentioned about the cookies?
I've been aware about cookies as well.
Did you say Ghosterly?
And I haven't sat down, I've been in a whirlwind lately, so I've not sat down to do the full top-to-bottom review, but my husband has, and he thought it was good enough to put it on our office computers and our home computers.
And it's been kind of cool, because I get less garbage.
So, check that one out, too, and I'll keep folks posted on that.
My website, by the way, KMAShow.com.
These are the kinds of things I talk about on my radio show.
So, if you're interested in that kind of information, as it crosses my desk, that's usually where I get it out to folks.
So, thanks for the call, Noel.
I appreciate your interest.
Let's go to Zach, listening in Tennessee.
Good afternoon, Zach, or good morning, wherever you are.
Yes, ma'am.
First of all, I want to start out and say that you do a great job with your analysis.
The way that you're kind of calm, like the Hagmans.
I think a lot of people like Alex's style, like I do, because they're either football players or military, but for a lot of the women and people who aren't awake yet, I think your style is really good.
And I was going to ask you... No, thank you.
Yes, ma'am.
Did you hear Mike Adams a couple weeks ago and Alex Jones, he was talking about, you know, it'll be amazing if we can even survive the next 50 years.
And then I heard you talking to Alex about Ray Kurzweil.
I didn't know if you saw the Sunday, February 24th edition of Coast to Coast AM, but he was on there and they were talking about, you know, having these chips that were the size of blood cells.
By the time 2030 rolls around, that's only 17 years off.
That kind of correlates with what Mike Adams said about surviving the next 50 years.
It depends on what you mean by surviving.
I think everybody feels like we're really starting to move very quickly in a particular direction.
Ray Kurzweil is interesting because his book, The Singularity, it starts off, even if you don't read the whole book, if you can just read the first chapter,
It starts off talking about what an exponential growth curve looks like.
And for people who aren't mathematically inclined, it essentially means that for us to double the amount of technology we had back in, oh I don't know, 5,000 BC, took like a thousand years or 3,000 whatever, and then to double it, it begins doubling in shorter and shorter increments of time.
So all of the technology, I'm making these numbers up, but like between 1800 and 1900 you had a doubling and now you're having this doubling literally within a matter of weeks or even days where we are absolutely at this exponential fast pace and his whole theory here about the singularity is that it is going to begin increasing at a rate that we humanly can't keep track of.
And that we will actually have to incorporate the computer network inside of our own brains or chips in our brains to even keep track of the pace of technological change.
And that at some point, you talk about survival, at some point we will dump what he refers to, I'll paraphrase here, but basically these meat packages that we walk around in called bodies, and we will upload ourselves into
This gigantic virtual matrix that's this computer network and once we're in that it won't matter if the earth becomes too polluted to live on because we will all just be bits and bytes in some vast giant computerized brain.
Now what I think is so interesting about that is that it pretty much does correspond to what the Bible talks about as well in the book of Revelation that there's going to be a time when everything is going to become numerical.
We're going to have these numbers in our right hands or our foreheads
And when we take that, or when we bow down to that, when we become a part of that, when we worship that, that that's pretty much all she wrote.
At least in terms of your ability to ever come in contact with God, to say the least.
And I think the two are one and the same, I really do.
I believe that this whole notion of uploading yourself for safekeeping or immortality into the computer system,
Is going to be a form of handing your soul, literally removing your soul from your body and handing it over to this thing we're building.
And the thing we're building, I think, as I mentioned on Alex's show last week, I think what we're building is the body of the beast.
I think we're actually building the thing that this dark spirit is going to inhabit.
So yeah, the future, I don't know.
People say, is it coming tomorrow?
When's it all going to end?
And I say, we really don't know.
We don't.
It could be thousands of years.
It could be a handful of years.
But I will say this, we are the first generation to ever live on planet Earth that has the ability to implement the Mark of the Beast.
And that's happened since I became an activist in 1999.
I have watched it happen just in the last 12, 13 years that we have that ability.
So it's happening really quickly.
I'm with you there.
The way he was trying to sell it is that your brain can only take in, like you said, like 300 million items of information, and after that you have to archive and dismiss it.
So he was basically saying that by, you know, taking these blood-sized, or blood cell-sized chips that, you know, like you said, it's just like if you re-watch The Matrix, how they upload into The Matrix and get all these programs and software, but if you look at The Matrix... Give it to me!
At that point, are you even human anymore?
Ray Kurzweil, and there's another guy named Peter Cochran, C-O-C-H-R-A-N-E, he has a blog, he's with British Telecom, he's kind of the Ray Kurzweil of England, and he actually wrote this really creepy blog entry that talks about how when his dad died, that he would have given anything.
And, you know, anytime you say I'd give anything...
You know, cue the dark music, right?
He said he would give anything to remain in contact with that consciousness that was his father.
And, you know, once you start talking about trying to revive the dead or staying in contact with the dead, then you open yourself up to all kinds of disturbing things.
And what he, in this article, talks about
Is how we will all become one single unified consciousness across not just the globe but the universe.
And then we will travel out into the universe looking for host bodies to inhabit.
Now this is not a religious guy, this is a technologist.
So this whole idea that your brain can't contain it all or your body can't even contain your own brain, that you're going to have to get out there and become sort of at one with this global entity or this universal entity, this universal consciousness.
And it all ties in with the age of Aquarius people and the New Age people.
We're all going to have some kind of enlightenment.
There's going to be some event and we're all going to come together.
And that sounds really beautiful when you think about ending war and world peace and such, but it starts sounding really scary when you actually look at what the technologists are saying they want to do.
And just for people who aren't aware, Ray Kurzweil is now the Director of Engineering for Google.
So these crazy ideas that I'm talking about, even this Peter Cochran guy, he's the technologist for British Telecom, or was for many years.
They're not bizarre out there philosophers.
It's not David Icke making these statements.
And I don't mean to imply he's bizarre or otherwise.
Make your own opinions on that.
But he's more of a thinker of what's the future going to look like.
These other guys are technologists with their hands actually on the power to implement it through Google and elsewhere.
So, Zach, you know, take a look at Google Glass.
This idea of a pair of glasses that you're just going to wear that will filter all of your experiences up into the cloud as you experience them.
We're already there.
You know, it's happening as we go.
Hey, listen, I appreciate the call.
Thanks for getting me off into some of that futuristic stuff, because it's really relevant and we all feel it.
All right, let's go to Dave, listening in Arizona.
Hi, Dave.
Oh, hi, Catherine.
Thank you for having me on.
Are you still there?
Yeah, thanks.
Appreciate the call.
Go ahead.
Okay, okay, good.
Well, I'm going to hit you with a shocker and then I'm going to tell you the solution.
The shocker is, I believe, the Mark of the Beast is already implemented.
And, for example, I'm going to ask you a question here.
Do you know the four ways that we can be marked in order that we will have to be able to buy and sell?
Well there's one, I'm going to jump in here before you get into that and tell you that there is one key component of the Mark of the Beast which is a worship component.
That when you read, and let me tell everybody where it is, the last book of the Bible, Revelation, you can remember the unlucky number 13.
So it's in chapter 13.
It's the last three verses in chapter 13.
So go to the end of the Bible and then go to the end of chapter 13.
And it talks about a time when all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and bond or imprisoned or enslaved, will be caused to have a number on their right hand or their forehead without which they cannot buy and sell.
And then in order to receive that, they will have to worship the beast or his image.
So Dave, I know lots of people contact me and they say, well it's Sunday worship, that's the seven-day Adventist.
Lots of people say, well it's being Catholic or whatever.
There's a million different explanations.
But I would have to ask you, whatever it is that you're taking a number to do, it's not involving worship, at least not yet.
I don't know anybody bowing the knee and making a prayer before receiving these numbers.
Would you agree?
Okay, let me finish this now.
Okay, if you go to Deuteronomy, the Lord asked his people to put his commandments
In their frontlets, which is between the eyes, it's in the pineal gland.
And he also said, bear them as a sign upon thine hand.
What that means is we know the Ten Commandments, right?
And we do the Ten Commandments so that people can see us following the Ten Commandments when we do something that we obey God.
Well, I'm trying to tie this in and we're about to come up on a break here in just a second, so I wanted to give you a chance.
How does this tie in with the Mark?
Okay, the mark of the beast is we also have to have the name or the number.
Okay, do you say that you are a U.S.
citizen on your taxes?
There's no warship there, Dave.
That's where... Well, I'll tell you what.
Drop me an email.
KMA at spychips.com.
I'd love to talk to you further about this.
Drop me an email.
That's the best way to reach me or call into my show.
Alright, we'll be right back with more of your calls.
Stay tuned.
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Don't call my name out your window when I'm leaving.
I won't even turn my head.
Don't send your kinfolks to give me no talking.
I'll be gone like I said.
You'd say the same old thing that you've been saying all along.
Lay there in your bed, keep your mouth shut till I'm gone.
Don't give me that old familiar cryin', cussin' moan.
Yeah, that's Johnny Cash.
What a classic.
Katherine Albrecht here with you, filling in for Alex Jones.
This is, of course, the Alex Jones Show.
I want to encourage you to swing by InfoWars.com for all this information.
Can be found right at your fingertips and it's a blessing that it can.
Let's hang on to that ability, folks.
As they start talking about censoring the Internet, as they start talking about protecting the children, we've got to be there saying, I don't care what you do, but don't take away my Internet and don't tax it.
Don't put any kind of restrictions on making me use some kind of biometric or fingerprint or iris scan to access my own Internet.
That is the direction we want to go, of course.
That's exactly what they're going to do.
They always step in and say, well, for efficiency or for security, one or the other.
They're the two big watchwords.
We need to fill in the blank.
And they're going to push it.
And they're going to push it hard.
In fact, there's a new proposal over in Europe to get rid of pornography on the Internet.
You know, hey, that might be a good thing.
I don't know.
There's a proposal out of Berkeley wanting to put taxes on email to fund the Postal Service.
All right, well, let's look at both of those on the face.
You may say, well, arguments in pro, arguments con, First Amendment.
They don't have that over in Europe, by the way.
But you can look at that.
But then you've got to realize what's the real agenda underneath that.
And the real agenda under it is they want to control, watch, monitor, and ultimately take away your right to hear radio programs like this and to go online and get the kind of information
that you can get at Infowars.com.
So say no to it, fight back against it.
Alright, let's see if we can fit in one or two more phone calls here in the last couple of minutes of this hour of the show.
Let's go to Terry, listening in Washington.
Hi Terry.
Gary, how you doing?
Good, go right ahead.
Hey, you've got to admit that after September 11th, the world as we know it has changed.
I would say absolutely, and you know, a bunch of us, including Alex, we were predicting this long before September 11th happened, that there was a plan afoot to have some major event occur that would enable them to take away our freedoms.
So it's unfolding just the way we thought it would.
We just didn't know what the event was going to be.
So yeah, I'm totally with you.
September 11th changed a lot.
Go ahead.
And the PSA just made the biggest, most stupid mistake they ever made.
How so?
To allow knives on the planes.
Knives is what took the planes down.
Do you really believe that?
Because I've got to tell you, when I go on the plane, and I just want to say this, Terry, I carry a purse with me.
My purse has like underwire in it.
In fact, my bra has underwire in it, or at least did before I got breast cancer.
You know, I could sharpen that into a knife.
I mean, if you want to take a knife on the plane, there's a thousand and one ways that you could take a sharpened metal object onto the plane.
The fact that we're not seeing planes falling out of the sky left and right is, to my mind, evidence of exactly what Bruce Schneier, security expert, talks about in his new book.
There really isn't a threat out there.
Because if there was, I mean, my gosh, you could poison the water supplies, you could be taking people down left and right.
There's a thousand and one ways that terrorists could absolutely be destroying this country.
And the fact that it's not happening, to my mind, is absolutely evidence that it's not real.
It isn't.
I mean, I could take my barrette and gouge your eye out.
I could take a pencil out of my purse and jab it into your jugular vein.
All right, we're coming up on a break.
So sorry.
This program always comes to a very quick end at that first hour.
But when I come back on the other end, we're going to talk cancer treatments, alternative complementary medicine, with John Salim.
Stay tuned.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
We'll be right back.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Dr. Kathryn Albrecht.
So glad to be here with you.
Alex is out, I don't know, wrestling wild boars with pen knives.
Shooting off his .50 caliber rifle.
I don't know how he's blowing off steam, but I'm glad he's getting a little bit of a break.
He will be back with you again, first thing Monday morning, leading the resistance yet again.
Tan rested and ready.
He is in great shape, reporting in saying he's having a blast out there doing whatever it is he's doing while we
Hold the fort down for his return.
All right, we do have a full bank of phone calls.
And before we get into our topic of this hour, I do want to see if we can bring just a couple of them up.
Callers, do me a favor and see if you can get to your point quickly.
Let's go to Chris listening in New Mexico.
Hey, Chris.
Hello, Catherine.
Hi there.
What's on your mind?
Yeah, I just wanted to hopefully attempt to dispel a persistent myth in reference to the two billion rounds of ammunition purchased by DHS.
Well, it is, of course, concerning that they purchased that quantity.
I wanted to
Just basically explain that from since before September 11, DHS as well as what was previously INS and some other agencies do indeed use hollow point rounds for target practice.
Is this where they're shooting at the kids and the grandmas in the target practice?
Yeah, I think that's a more recent thing, but most definitely.
That's a little creepy, yeah.
Let me ask you this, Chris, and I don't know if you work for DHS or where you have this information, but what is it that DHS needs to be shooting at, I ask you?
If they're out there doing target practice with hollow point bullets, first of all, those suckers are not things you would ever want to aim at a human being, unless you were really up against a pretty hardcore enemy.
What are they looking at?
This is enough ammunition to kill every single one of us in America multiple times over.
You can't even shoot that much ammo at a target.
So who's the enemy that they're going to need to shoot with this stuff?
Correct, yeah, and like I said, it is most definitely a concern of the quantity that they're purchasing, but in most law enforcement circles, as law enforcement officers will explain, hollow point rounds are designed to not go through the target and hit a second innocent bystander.
They're designed to break up and flower out into the target.
That is why they don't allow agents to use the full metal jacket target rounds because they're afraid that upon leaving the range, and I'm sure it had happened before, before they change this policy, like I said, it's been over 13 years now, that going home, on your way home, or maybe later on in the future, get into an incident and you forget to have switched out your rounds to the hollow points,
You get into a situation, you end up firing those full metal jackets, and they go through the person you're shooting and, you know, kill the person behind them.
My gosh, though, you know, you take a look at what happened in Tiananmen Square, because that's the last time I'm aware of hollow point bullets being used against civilians.
And the Chinese military actually shot their own, you know, perfectly peaceful protesters in the back with hollow point bullets.
You can actually do a star page search on it and see photographs of what a human body looks like when it's been blasted with a hollow point bullet.
So, I'm not a big fan of people walking around with those things in the chamber.
I just, you know, the whole concept of that is a little bit mortifying.
And I won't even say a little bit.
We've got now the CIA chief, we've got the Attorney General really struggling to even make the point that our own military is not allowed to just kill us in cold blood without any kind of due process in our own country.
So, thank you for the insight there, but I've got to tell you, I just find the whole thing super creepy.
Alright, let's see.
I want to apologize to Ryan, Dan, and Scarfie.
It looks like we're probably not going to get to all of these phone calls just because we're coming up on a break here.
This is the very short segment as we go into the second hour of the program.
I want to let you know that my guest this hour is going to be John Saline.
We're going to be talking about complementary treatments that can help you get through cancer treatment and more, boost your immune system, keep you healthy, and believe me, I know of what I speak because I've been down that road before.
All right, this is the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host, guest host, Katherine Albrecht.
Stay tuned, we'll be right back.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hey, it is Friday, folks.
Heading into a weekend.
Can't wait.
Yeah, it's been a long week.
Lots of stuff going on this week.
Lots of stuff going on.
I don't know, just kind of, it's swirling all around you, isn't it?
You blink and 50 stories go right on past you.
Yeah, the big news, well, we've got so much big news, but I can
My hat is off this week to Rand Paul.
You know, a good old-fashioned filibuster, what do you get up there and talk 13 hours about drones?
It's about time.
Do you even think that that hearing would have had, do you think any of the mainstream media would have even covered the issue of drones being able to kill people on American soil, American citizens without due process if it hadn't been for him standing up and doing that?
You know, I know a lot of folks, myself included, have given Rand Paul a really hard time because he's not Ron Paul.
But I will say, you know, hats off, well done.
So, on my show I do Good News Friday every Friday.
That's one of the things I'm going to be talking about this afternoon on my show.
By the way, my website, if you want to check out my radio show, is KMAShow.com.
All right, well, let me give you just a little bit of background about this hour's guest.
Joining me this hour, John Saline.
He is an expert on mushrooms and their use for medicinal purposes.
And I've taken a lot of flak over the last couple of years since I was diagnosed with breast cancer for doing the conventional treatment and also for doing complementary treatment.
Let me give you, let me explain what I mean.
When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I found a lump in my breast the size of a chicken's egg.
Literally, like, you know, you open up the dozen eggs, that's how big this lump was.
Don't ask me how I didn't find it before.
I could kick myself a thousand times over that I didn't, but I'd never had a mammogram, wasn't old enough to qualify for the average screening, and by the time I found it, it was a big moment of, holy cow!
Now, I've always been Ms.
Alternative, Ms.
I do not eat hydrogenated anything.
I avoid soy and everything GMO.
I am about as clean of an eater and as clean of a liver.
I probably have a clean liver too, but I live well and really try to avoid all things processed and all things nasty.
Nevertheless, I developed breast cancer and I've got some family history.
My aunt unfortunately passed away from it.
My mother's aunt and possibly my mother's grandmother also passed away from breast cancer.
So I was probably in the crosshairs without even realizing it.
But when I developed breast cancer,
The question I had to ask myself is, okay, now what?
And it's the question everybody, one in three of us, by the way, is going to get cancer.
So, if you're fortunate enough not to have experienced this, I absolutely pray that you never do, but I'm betting that you either know somebody or will know somebody who's going to go down this road because one in three of us is getting it.
One in eight women is getting breast cancer nowadays.
So, as I had to make the decision, what am I going to do?
Basically, I had competing things from both sides.
I live and work in this alternative media world myself, and I'd always heard, well, don't cut, burn, and poison the cancer.
You've got to instead do all these natural things to build yourself up.
Long story short, I took a month, and I lived about as clean as a human being can live.
I lived on raw, natural, organic juices, celery juice and carrot juice.
We bought a juicer.
I did hypnosis.
I did prayer.
I meditated.
I did relaxation.
I did massages.
I did every possible thing a human being can possibly do.
I took every supplement that's known to reduce cancer.
And then I paid $700 to go back in and have this huge tumor re-evaluated to see if it had shrunk.
Well, not only had it not shrunk, it may have even grown a little bit.
And it was at that point I said, you know what?
I can't mess around with this.
Because if it hasn't already metastasized, it's right on the edge of doing so.
Because it's huge!
I've got to get it out.
So, long story short, I did two years of very aggressive, conventional therapy.
But, now here's where I get all the grief.
Well, you shouldn't have done that.
You should have alkalized your body, or you should have done, you know, fill-in-the-blank alternative natural treatment in Mexico, or Tijuana Clinic, this and that.
My aunt did that, and she died.
She did all-natural, you know, kombucha, and garlic, and she had this guru, and she did what the guru said, and it didn't work.
And in many cases, it doesn't work.
Well, I didn't want to be a statistic.
And when I looked at my stats, my chances of surviving this cancer without conventional treatment were less than 1%.
It was 0.8% that I would still be alive and kicking in 10 years.
Those statistics got my attention, and if there's one thing I know how to do, it's research.
Just to write the book Spy Chips, our expose on RFID, my co-author Liz and I, we went through 30,000 documents to write that book, Spy Chips.
By the way, if you haven't read it, get a copy out of your library and sit down with it, because it's stuff you need to know.
But if I could read 30,000 documents to write a book on RFID, you better believe I could sit down and read way more than that in order to save my own life.
So I did.
And what I came up with is a new way, or a different way, of navigating this whole cancer experience, which is taking the best of both worlds.
So at the same time I'm getting flack from all my listeners, Catherine, how could you possibly do chemo?
At the same time I was getting that,
My oncologist was giving me grief because I was complementary.
I was adding in all of the resveratrol and the curcumin and the hawthorn for heart function and acetylcholine for neuropathy and you name it.
So I take between 30 and 40 pills a day of complementary herbs and other supplements in order to make sure that I never see this beast again.
Now, both sides are at war.
The conventional oncologist wants nothing to do with all of my herbal supplements, and all the alternative people want nothing to do with all the information that I've gleaned about radiation and chemotherapy.
And I believe that we need to have a better merging of those two.
Joining me this hour is John Saline of Mushroom Science.
When my husband was trying to figure out why my white blood cell counts were dropping so low after chemo, my wonderful husband went online and did some research and he discovered that over in Japan they have taken a purified form of Coriolis mushroom
They have purified it and extracted it into something that they literally hang in the chemo center in an IV bag and administer to patients to keep their white blood cell count from dropping.
And that is how I wound up discovering the whole thing about mushrooms and discovering John Saline.
And with no further ado, let me go ahead and welcome John Saline to the program.
Hello, John.
Hi, Catherine.
How are you doing?
Hey, it is great to have you here with me.
So, I know that was kind of a lengthy introduction here, but I gotta tell you, ever since I found the Coriolis, when I was going through this more treatment than my oncologist has ever given to anyone, she told me.
As I was going through that, one of the key problems that you have when you do the conventional therapy, it's hard on the body.
And one of the ways it's hard is the white blood cell count.
So, talk to us about what they've discovered over in Japan with the PSK.
Well, Japan's medical system is really different than ours.
They have a long tradition of herbal medicine, and China, Japan, Korea, they have allowed their herbal medicine to co-evolve with the advent of allopathic or modern medicine, surgery, pharmaceuticals, you know, that kind of approach.
And back in the 60s,
When a chemist for Corea Incorporated, a pharmaceutical company, his neighbor was basically sent home to die.
He had stomach cancer and they said, well, we've done what we can do.
Go get your affairs in order.
So this guy's neighbor was running all over the neighborhood picking a certain mushroom and making tea out of it and drinking it.
Lo and behold, he got better.
So the chemist
You know, it took a while, but he convinced his boss, the people above him, like, hey, we need to take a look at this.
And, well, they started researching it, and researching other mushrooms as well.
What they refer to as medicinal, or tonic, that deliver tonic benefits, as defined in Chinese and Japanese herbalism.
And they found that these mushrooms,
They have polysaccharides in their cell walls, and these polysaccharides contain beta-glucans.
And they can, because your white blood cells are basically your cellular immune system.
Right, so the white blood cells are the immune cells that come out and attack the foreign invaders.
And in the case of cancer...
Right, against pathogens, viruses and bacteria, but also against cancer cells as well.
Well, but it is.
I mean, you know, it's always important to have a healthy immune system.
More so than when you're dealing with a serious issue like you are.
We have immune cells.
They don't really know why.
I mean, they know how it works.
That's not exactly why it works.
We have immune cells that are hardwired to respond to these beta-glucans.
And this is what I find so interesting, that the reason the mushrooms work, and it took me a while to really understand all of this with your help, is that when you eat the hot water extract of these mushrooms, the polysaccharides, which are little molecules in the beta-glucans inside of there, they have a particular shape, if I have this understood correctly.
Yeah, basically a physical trigger.
A pathogen-associated molecular pattern.
Now that sounds kind of spooky, but your non-specific immune response has to very quickly, it casts a wide net, and has to very quickly look at something.
Does that belong here?
Yes or no?
Is it a threat?
Yes or no?
So, just to summarize this, when you take in one of these beta-glucans, one of the polysaccharides, or the little natural sugars that occur in these mushrooms, the body says, holy cow, this is a pathogen.
It looks like a pathogen because of the shape of it.
So, the immune cells then get stimulated.
They start pouring out of the bone marrow.
That's the whole key is that the cytotoxin, the response created, is effective.
Again, all pathogens.
Well, that's the thing I personally experienced.
I want to let listeners know exactly how this benefits cancer patients going through chemotherapy when we come back.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host, Kathryn Albrecht, visiting with John Salim, talking mushrooms.
More in a moment.
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We're good to go.
Hey, we're back.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
Katherine Albert here, riding shotgun with you until the end of the day.
It is Good News Friday, and we're talking this hour about an inexpensive alternative to those $3,000 new Lasta shots or new Pigeon shots.
If you know what I'm talking about, anybody out there, I certainly went through this.
When they give you chemotherapy, let me just give you the background as to why this is so important.
When they give you chemo, the chemo works by destroying fast dividing cells.
And cancer cells, the reason they are cancer cells is because they're multiplying and dividing rapidly out of control.
So what the chemo does is it goes in and it makes that cell division process not work.
So, any cells that are in the process of dividing as the chemo goes through the body, the couple of hours that it's active, those cells will die.
That's why women lose their hair.
It's one of the reasons why you have the nausea and some of the side effects of chemotherapy, which they've gotten really good at mitigating, by the way.
But that's how chemotherapy destroys cancerous tumors because they are fast replicating.
That's how you get a tumor.
It's something that's grow, grow, grow, grow, grow until it's big enough to be some huge lump that then takes out your bodily function.
So, in this process, unfortunately, one of the sets of cells that is continually dividing are your white blood cells inside of your bone marrow.
And as they're dividing to create your immune system, then the chemo goes in and blasts them out.
And so, one of the side effects of chemotherapy is a drop in your white blood cell count.
It's called neutropenia.
And so, every time that I would have a chemotherapy treatment, which I believe absolutely saved my life,
Every time I would have that life-saving treatment, the downside would be my immune function would drop through the floor.
I wound up with colds and flus and infections and strep infections bursting out of my skin.
It was a nightmare because every pathogen that came down the pike
I was susceptible to it because I didn't have the white blood cells.
So what they do at the chemo center is they send you in for a $3,000 shot called either Nulastro or Nupigen.
This $3,000 shot, you have to go in 72 hours or what was it, 48, 72 hours after your chemo treatment.
They give you this $3,000 shot.
And by the way, not all women's insurance will even cover this.
When they give you the shot, it's super painful going in, and then you have to take pain pills because it forces the bone marrow to produce the white blood cells.
It's extremely painful.
It's like the worst cramps you can ever imagine in your arm, especially in your legs.
That's where you've got the long bone marrow.
So that is the standard way that we do it here in the U.S.
It's costing a fortune.
Take every patient who's receiving chemotherapy, multiply it out by four or eight treatments, and then multiply that out by all of the people who have cancer, and you can only imagine the amount of money being spent on this.
Well, in Japan, as we were discussing with John Selene of Mushroom Science, in Japan they don't do that.
They give people, right in the chemo center, in the IV bag, something called PSK.
That's P as in Peter, S as in Sam, K as in Catherine.
PSK, which is nothing more than a purified extract of Coriolis mushroom.
It's got the polysaccharides that we're talking about.
It's got the shape that triggers the immune system naturally on its own to stimulate those cells to begin pouring out of the bone marrow and then go after what it needs to go after.
So, long story short, in my case, I did the new Aster shot for the first couple of times, and in several cases it wasn't even working.
It wasn't bringing my blood cell count up to where it needed to be.
My husband went online, he discovered that there's only one company on the planet, essentially, that makes the right form of this, the hot water extract.
That company is called Mushroom Science.
He discovered that the Coriolis mushroom, I'll spell it for you, C-O-R-I-O-L-U-S, the Coriolis mushroom
Is the over-the-counter, you-can-just-buy-it-yourself version of PSK.
So he bought it.
He went to Mushroom Science.
I think it's like buy five, get one free, I think.
And bought a case of it.
I started taking it, and sure enough, the next time I went in for my white blood cell count test, which they always do right before your next chemo, it was normal!
Not only not low, but normal, and not at the low end of normal either, right in the center of normal.
And I never again had that neutropenia problem.
So that's what enabled me to get through chemo and to not have to end the life-saving treatment, because I was able to support my immune system through the process.
So you put all that together, it's extraordinary.
Mushroom science
And, uh, by the way, I blogged about this and there's a link on my website at kmashow.com if you click on the blog.
Stay tuned.
We'll be right back and take your phone calls.
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Are you?
He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
My love is in league with the freeway.
It's a fashion world ride, as the cities fly by.
And the taillights dissolve in the coming of night.
And the questions in the clouds
You are listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Kathryn Albrecht filling in for Alex.
The only thing I know about his undisclosed location, he's out on the coast.
So I'm not sure if he's fishing or maybe bringing in some shrimp, some snapper.
I know he's having a great time, though.
He wanted us to let y'all know that, that he's having a wonderful time.
And he has been checking in periodically through video.
You know, I keep saying, Alex, take a break!
Take a break, but you know he won't.
Alright, well it is going to be good when he's back in the driver's seat next week piloting the information war that's going on right now.
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And we're talking this hour about PSK, or the over-the-counter version of this.
This is Coriolis mushroom.
Super amazing stuff.
You know, I'm a kind of wear it on my sleeve Bible believing Christian.
And I have to say, God has provided just about every possible thing we could need on this planet.
It's just a question of figuring out what it all is.
And the mushrooms, you know, they're out there.
Sure, and they're available and they have this incredible effect on the human body and it's positive.
They stimulate that immune system which enables you to get through chemotherapy or even if you're not going through chemo, if you're falling prey to every infection that comes down the pike.
You know, if during flu season you find that you're continually run down, that you're the only person in the office or in the classroom who winds up getting sick.
You can boost your immune system with Coriolis.
It really does work.
And I'm living proof.
See, most people, you kind of have to take it on faith.
But I have the actual blood test results of when I was taking it and when I wasn't taking it.
And it essentially saved me because it enabled me to get through all of my chemotherapy treatments without having this awful drop in white blood cell count.
Alright, I want to get back to John Salin here in a moment.
I also want to let you know that if you are a cancer patient, or if you know a cancer patient who's going through this process, everybody always contacts me.
How do I get it?
How do I get it?
I have linked it on my website, on my blog actually, at KMA Show, or just my name, Catherine Albrecht, or you can go straight to MushroomScience.com.
And if you use the coupon code, Catherine, which is, I believe it's built into my site at kmashow.com, if you click the link of the Mushroom Science Coriolis box, but you can also just type it in, K-A-T-H-E-R-I-N-E, if you use the coupon code, with a purchase, only if you make a purchase, you will actually, I think John, you're sending people a book?
Do you have a mushroom book that you're sending out?
Yeah, a free book by Dr. Mark Spangler.
It's The Health Benefits of Medicinal Mushrooms.
So, let's, and I want to get into that.
Let me open up the phone lines and then I want to get into some of the other health benefits because for me it's been really Coriolis and Mitochi and I take the Mitochi every day because of a lot of the research out there showing that it's just a good thing for cancer survivors to be on anyway.
So, you're kind of my expert.
I've been kind of sitting at your feet here for the last couple of years learning about this.
Phone lines 1-800-259-9231.
John, give us a sense.
When you talk about this book that people get free with a purchase, what is the information in the book that people need to know?
What are some of the high points of the medicinal impact of mushrooms?
Probably one of the most important points that Dr. Stengler makes is how to choose a properly manufactured mushroom supplement.
Unfortunately, in the U.S., the vast majority of the mushroom supplements on the market are not extracted.
They're just not going to work.
So, he teaches you what to look for on the label, which is really quite simple, but very essential.
He gives you examples, literal examples of what you want to see on the supplement pack.
That's the one part of the bottle every company must, by law, tell the truth.
Now, the key here is hot water extract, is that correct?
That's the key that makes your product different?
Yeah, or just the word extract.
And you want to see the percentage of polysaccharides.
We've known how to test for polysaccharides for half a century now.
You know, how to measure them, quantify them, test for them at our company.
We have our own lab where we have all the
I think so.
It's not an extract.
It's not something you want to use.
Well, let me get into that because one of the questions people ask is, well, hang on a second, can I just buy this and eat it?
And the answer is, you're probably not going to find Coriolis out there in your local Whole Foods.
The texture of wood.
I mean, I suppose if you put it in the crock pot for a couple of weeks, you might get it down to a point where you could chew it.
But, you know, we're using 20 to 25 kilos of dried mushrooms.
To concentrate down to one kilo of a dehydrated extract.
So, I mean, our extraction facility is basically a giant teapot, but at the end of the line, we convert it to a powder.
Too expensive to sell as a liquid.
There is one good liquid supplement on the market, which we sell on our website, Maitake Gold.
That's the one I take.
Yeah, that is the one that I take.
Well, let me explain this, because I'm actually a member of the Mycological Society of Boston, so I'm a long-time mushroomer.
My husband and I have studied mushrooms for years, and I never realized that they'd be, you know, one of the things saving my life.
But the thing people need to understand about mushrooms is that the fruit of the mushroom, the thing that you actually eat or make a tea out of or that you see growing above the ground, is just a visible fruit, almost like the apples on a tree.
That underneath there, the real mushroom organism is the mycelium.
It's the thready, it's like these long thin threads.
And that's really the organism that lives year round and lives under the ground.
And it pops up periodically, these fruits.
So you can pick all the mushrooms you want and not kill the mushroom plant, quote unquote, or the mushroom mycelium.
Without killing the fungus, but the problem with some of the other products out there, and I know on Coast to Coast recently there was a guy on talking about Coriolis and you and I were both cringing because a lot of these Coriolis supplements, I know that Mushroom Science is the only one that's the hot water extract, but some of these other supplements don't even give you the mushroom, they give you the mycelial mass, which does not contain the polysaccharides.
So how can they get away with claiming that?
The mycelium does contain the polysaccharides, but
Those products, when they grow the mycelium on rice, number one, it's still 60-65% rice.
So only a third of the product roughly is mycelium.
But if it's not extracted, the cell walls are made of chitin, same thing as the lobster shell.
You know how tough those are.
Our body can't break it down, you know.
And universally, every traditional herbal practice that has used mushrooms medicinally, when they want the medicine, they throw it in the teapot.
Every study ever published, including all the data on PSK, also hot water extracted for that very reason.
Now, it's not that often that you get absolute consensus between thousands of years of verbal practice and every scientific study ever done on a particular subject, but here you have it.
Right, and this is the research that my husband did.
He's also the wonderful genius who found the tetrathioma live-date trial, the Cornell trial that I just began, that's doing copper depletion to prevent a recurrence.
So both of these things I have to say I owe to my husband because he went out there
And did the hardcore research, especially the mushrooms, because I was a little bit too worn down.
Because of the white blood cell count and all the infections I was getting, I was in no position to even research.
So he went out there and said, Coriolis mushroom, but the problem is where do we get the right kind that actually matches the PSK out of Japan?
We can't order PSK.
My chemo center wasn't going to put it in an IV bag.
And then when he found you and found Mushroom Science, it was like, thank goodness that there is a supplier that's actually making that version available for the public to purchase.
So it's awesome stuff.
It's called Coriolis Mushroom.
And you've got a couple of different kinds on the website.
I have a link if people want to go directly to the one I take.
I still take it every day.
I will continue to take it every day of my life.
And if you want to know the one I'm taking, it already includes the coupon code as well.
It's at KMAShow.com and then just click on the blue link on the right that says blog.
You'll see a picture of the Coriolis box itself and when you click it, it'll take you directly to the Mushroom Science website where you can get a free book if you place an order.
All right, let's go to the phone lines.
We've got Tom holding in West Virginia.
Hi Tom, you're on with John Selene and Catherine Albrecht.
Go right ahead.
Hi John and Catherine.
I was wondering, John, if you'd heard of Cobiason?
From the 50s and 60s?
No, I have not.
Okay, well that's the same principle that was researched, you know, in the 50s.
It's based on Ectomyces bovis, which is a fungal fungus, and it was found to actually be a very strong attacker of cancer, all forms of cancer, but the FDA banned it in 1964 after a 13-year controversy.
uh... that was pretty big in the country uh... the discoverer was a uh... mycologist who studied at the uh... louis pasteur institute and um... he he discovered it basically uh... he he had the idea that uh... you know horses sometimes get this tumor on their throat and um... so he uh...
He realized that sometimes the horse will survive, but most of the time they'll die from the tumor.
It's a very, very fast-growing tumor, and it's called lumpy jaw.
And so he, well, the discoverer, his name was Stevan Jerozik, he discovered this crevice in 1951, which was a
Basically, he... Well, let me hand this question back to John.
John, in terms of the mushrooms, I know that at Mushroom Science you've got a whole variety of different mushrooms that have been shown in all kinds of clinical testing to be good for a whole variety of different conditions.
As far as the FDA goes, what does the FDA have to say about mushroom supplements?
I think Tom raises an interesting point.
Well, they're classified as dietary supplements.
They wanted to regulate dietary supplements as drugs.
There are a lot of very unhappy people on all sides of all political spectrums.
So Senator Orrin Hatch from Utah and Senator Harkin from Iowa got together and passed the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994.
Which said the FDA has to regulate them as food and then come up with a set of rules for good manufacturing practices.
Sure, are they still working on that?
Have they come up with those?
The FDA was so angry that they couldn't regulate the stuff about the drugs, they ignored the law for years.
And then finally, in 2008, which was 14 years later, they started coming out with the rules.
And then 2008, it was for the really big companies, 200 and over.
2009, companies between 220 employees to 200 employees.
And then 2010, companies of 20 employees or less, those rules apply.
It's not a bad thing to have standard operating procedures and to keep the kind of paperwork that allows the FDA regardless of what you think about them.
The reason they came into being was a lot of issues with the safety of
You know, it's interesting.
I was just on the Memorial Sloan Kettering website, which has just a great resource of all the alternative treatments and natural treatments and supplements and everything else.
And I strongly encourage people to check those out.
Coriolis, by the way, is on there and very highly regarded by Memorial Sloan Kettering.
So they've got all the links to the research and everything else.
But what I thought was very interesting is they talked about contamination.
There was one acai berry that was contaminated by the tryptosomes, I think, or whatever the word is, of these parasites.
Things like that, clearly you don't want to be taking acai berry supplements that are going to give you some parasitic disease.
So there is a role for that.
You have to be careful.
They're food products, which means they can harbor pathogens.
Yeah, exactly.
And I think one of the other ones, they were talking about kombucha that was brewed in something that had been glazed in lead, and people got lead poisoning.
So, you know, yeah, there are certain issues, but I think we all are in agreement that we don't want the FDA to say, no, you can't eat a mushroom any longer.
Hey, Tom, let me thank Tom for the phone call.
Let's see if we can squeeze in another one before the break.
Let's go to, let's see, Jack, listening in Illinois.
Hi, Jack, you're on with John Selene.
Is Jack with us?
Hi, Jack, yeah, go right ahead.
Yes, we love you, we love you, we love you.
But you speak too fast for us to write what we need to write down, and we need a phone number to try to reach this product.
We're of Amish background.
Alright, John, can you give us a phone number where people can call?
And the coupon code is Catherine, so that'll get you the book.
And what's the phone number where people can call, John?
Well, first I will tell them is there is a toll-free number.
It's 888-330.
Oh boy, I'm not sure.
I'm going to give you the one I know for sure.
There is a code 541.
And they can give you the toll free number.
We'll grab it and give it to you.
But I have to remind people that I'm the only one there that answers technical questions.
And I will not be in the office, back in the office, until Tuesday of next week, Tuesday afternoon.
Shannon's there.
Shannon is wonderful.
The last time I talked about this on Coast to Coast, poor Shannon was absolutely swamped and asked me to tell the listeners that if you do order the supplement, try to get your order in first because the people who ordered towards the end, there was a bit of a delay.
I think you guys had to order in more products.
So it could be up to a week or so or even two or three weeks before you actually get it.
Yeah, that last show generated thousands of orders.
More than we normally process in a day.
It could take three to four days.
We're better prepared this time.
So, you can go to my website KMA Show.
Those are my initials.
K-M-A Show dot com.
And then on the right hand side there is a blog link, the blue link.
And actually I think it's right on my home page.
It's actually right at KMA Show.
It's on the right hand side.
You'll see a box of the Coriolis mushroom that I take everyday.
And you can also just go directly to MushroomScience.com and the product is called Coriolis.
Coriolis Mushroom.
Coriolis Super Strength.
The Super Strength one is the one that I take.
We can't use the word P-S-K because it's trademarked by Bayer Aspirin.
There's lots of aspirin.
Yes, and take it on an empty stomach because I didn't realize I was supposed to be doing that until recently.
So I take it in the morning on an empty stomach and then between meals because that way the polysaccharides distribute through the body and stimulate the immune system.
All right, stay tuned.
We'll be back and try to get the rest of your calls right after this.
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So it's like start page and you have the ability to
Do it!
They want to take it all away.
They want to take away your alternatives on the internet.
They want to take away your alternatives through the media.
Believe me, they would love to shut down the Alex Jones Show.
I'm sure there are plots afoot right now to try to find a way to do it, but we've got this tricky little thing called the First Amendment that stands in the way of them doing that.
And as far as your alternatives for health, I'm a big believer in evidence.
So I actually got some email on my show yesterday.
I was railing against some of these charlatans with bogus cancer cures that don't do anything, that have absolutely no evidence other than a couple of smiling people who they say did great, but there's no scientific evidence.
And if there's one thing Harvard taught me, it was how to do research.
And you can go on to PubMed.com or PubMed.gov.
The one will redirect to the other.
PubMed is the website repository for all of the peer-reviewed academic medical journal studies.
Go on there!
Don't take my word for it or John Selene's word for it.
Go on there and look up Coriolis Mushroom at PubMed.com and you will see dozens of peer-reviewed scientific medical journal articles on this.
You can look up Coriolis, C-O-R-I-O-L-U-S-P-S-K.
I think so.
Hopefully at some point here in the U.S.
we'll get around this $3,000 new elastishot that is so painful for women and other cancer patients and actually make the transition to PSK.
But you don't have to wait for that.
You can do it directly.
You can do it yourself.
And this is why I say reach out for these alternatives when they're available to you.
Let's see, in response to the call asking about the phone number, John, I actually went on your website and let me give the toll-free number.
It's 888-283-6583.
That's Mushroom Science.
I know that you don't have a massive staff over there and you're not staffed with 50 people answering the phone, so I would encourage people to... Yeah, I would encourage people to wait until Tuesday afternoon to call when I'm there because I can answer the questions.
Well, that's to answer questions, but if they want to place an order, today would probably be the better time to do it while you still have stock, because I know that whenever we talk about this, right, you run out and then it takes a couple of weeks.
So, if people do want to just call and place an order.
The other thing you can do, please remember the coupon code, Catherine.
And when you go to MushroomScience.com, and let me clarify again, you don't want to get the Coriolis elsewhere because it's not hot water extracted.
It's not PSK.
So when you go to MushroomScience.com, if you scroll down to the left, you'll actually see my picture there, Catherine Albrecht.
And if you click it, it says, Welcome Coast to Coast listeners.
We need to update that.
Welcome Alex Jones listeners.
But if you click that, it will take you to the Coriolis Super Strength PSK Formula page.
And you can just enter in the coupon code, Catherine, K-A-T-H-E-R-I-N-E, right there.
Alright, so let's see if we can squeeze in another phone call.
We've got, let's see, Ken listening in Indiana.
Ken, really quickly in our last minute here.
Go ahead.
Cathy, you're such a blessing.
I just want to tell you that I just make it quick here.
I've always believed that the key to good health is stimulating your immune system.
I used to put herbs in the children's applesauce when they were younger and we had very healthy young children.
I guess what I want real quick is I'm a 58 year old male.
I'm interested in maintaining good health in my elderly years.
Could you recommend, is there things just for men or is it generally that you recommend?
I know in John's book that he covers a lot of that, and I'm going to be blogging about that on my website at KMAShow.com.
In fact, I'm writing a book on this.
John Selene, yeah, I want to thank you so much.
We've come to the end of the program.
Thank you so much.
MushroomScience.com is the website to learn more.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Catherine Albrecht.
We'll be right back.
You are listening to GCN.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome to Hour 3 of the Alex Jones Show.
Kathryn Albrecht filling in for Alex.
He's off at the coast fishing and as one listener said, wrestling cactuses with his bare hands.
You know he is too.
Alright, well he's going to come back with more energy than ever before.
Look out for the blast furnace hitting us all on Monday as Alex comes back turbo charged.
Can't wait.
Alright, well, I am your host, Katherine Albrecht.
As you know, I cover a bunch of stuff.
My last 12-13 years of my life has been devoted to fighting against implantable microchips, RFID incursion, and other forms of privacy incursion.
And I'm kind of on a new kick right now because I'm so frustrated with all the misinformation floating out there about cancer.
And if one in three of us is going to be diagnosed with a scourge of a disease, you know, that's more people than got the Black Plague back in Europe during the plague years.
I mean, this thing is, it's coming.
And it's here, and every time I turn around, you know, women in their thirties being stricken with this awful disease.
We really need to be thinking prevention, we really need to be thinking treatment, and we really need to be figuring out how to intelligently navigate the options that we have available.
And I would encourage you not to fall prey to the people who say, oh yes, just take my, you know, miracle holy water that I've waved some ions over and it'll cure you of cancer.
Don't go in there
To the conventional folks.
If you get cancer, if you're diagnosed with cancer, at the very least do yourself one favor.
Get a professional oncologist opinion.
There is research out there, you can find this again at PubMed, that shows that the people who travel more than 50 miles for their cancer treatment
Actually have a higher survival rate.
And that's not because travel somehow makes you healthier.
It's because traveling means that you've avoided your local podunk hospital and you've traveled to a world-class cancer center.
That's what I've done.
I've got a lovely little hospital right here in Nashua that I could have gone to.
In fact, that's where I was first diagnosed.
But I take the hour and a half drive into Boston to go to Dana-Farber, which is a world-class cancer center.
If I hadn't have done that, I would have gotten different treatment.
So, at least, at the very least, get an opinion from an oncologist.
Sit down and figure out what your options are before you absolutely throw the baby out with the bathwater.
People are living longer than ever with the cancer treatments available conventionally.
It doesn't mean it's really good for you.
You've got to really go in tough to knock out the cancer.
You nurture yourself with the complementary stuff, and that's how you bring your health back, and that's also what you can do to survive the treatments.
Like the Coriolis mushroom we were talking about.
All right, really quickly, let's go to Mark who's been holding in Florida with a question on cancer.
Go ahead, Mark.
Are you there?
Yep, I'm right here.
Go right ahead.
You're live.
Yeah, I want to ask you, I sent you an email and it had a link to Dr. Brzezinski.
There's a video.
I've watched his video.
I've watched the Lorraine Day video.
I own the Gerson books.
I've got the whole nine yards.
Yes, so I'm very familiar.
Your question?
No, I just wanted to talk about, you know, how the FDA tried to ruin this guy and, you know, all the injuries that they brought.
Let me speak to that real quick, Mark, because this is one of the things, man, I was going off on this yesterday with my husband.
I'm like, I'm writing a book.
I'm writing a book.
Because the fact that the FDA goes after somebody is not necessarily a badge of honor.
Oftentimes, and I'm going to put Brzezinski to the side, we could have a whole separate conversation because I think his treatment is one of the ones that as far as I can tell is kind of on the edge.
Like I can't totally discredit it.
I'm also not blown away with its effectiveness.
But there are true charlatans out there.
I mean real people like, there's a thing called, what is it, MMS, which is an actual heavily toxic compound that would kill you if you were to take it.
And you got those people out there promoting that kind of stuff.
So, I don't know, when the FDA goes after somebody, it may really be because they deserve being gone after.
You know, I'm not a huge fan of the FDA going after people, but sometimes it's warranted.
So just because somebody got, you know, shut down by the FDA doesn't mean they had a cancer cure.
All right, stay tuned.
We'll be right back.
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We are on the march.
The empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Turbocharged on Friday, heading into the weekend.
Catherine Albrecht here with you, filling in for Alex Jones.
This is, of course, the Alex Jones Show.
And he's off fishing and, I don't know, tackling wild boar with a penknife.
Yeah, he's...
He's out there doing what it is that you envision Alex Jones doing when he takes a break, and I know he's going to come back turbocharged with more energy than ever on Monday.
In the meantime, I'm here with you for the next hour, getting you ready for the weekend.
I am delighted to be joined this hour by one of the most insightful commentators in America today.
I'm referring to Tom Woods.
He's the New York Times bestselling author of 11 books.
He's a senior fellow at the Ludwig von Mises Institute.
He is also a fellow Harvard graduate.
He has a master's in philosophy and a Ph.D.
from Columbia University.
One of the brightest, most thoughtful people out there today.
And I welcome Tom Woods to the program.
Hello, Tom.
Hi, Catherine.
Thank you very much.
Hey, I'm so glad you could join us.
I know that you have been extremely busy.
You were on a stage doing the keynote address at the New Hampshire Liberty Forum right here in Nashua just about a week ago, and it was just awesome to have an opportunity to hear you speak.
I now have signed copies of all your books, and I have been getting quite an education, I gotta tell you.
I thought I knew
A lot about American history and the economy and the meltdown and all of this but after reading your books I'm learning a whole lot more so you've been busy.
Let's jump in.
I want to talk first of all about some of the things going on in the news these days and especially about an issue that I know you've talked about on Alex's show in the past and that's nullification.
I actually opened today's show talking about some of the local
But local and state-level laws to bring freedom back, and it really seems to me that it's on that state level and on that local level that we're beginning to see the political change rather than the top-down change model out of Washington.
What are your thoughts on that?
Yeah, I think a lot of people, naturally, they want to win the whole thing right away.
So they think, well I better support so-and-so for Congress or so-and-so for U.S.
But that really, I think, hasn't gotten us anywhere.
If you just look over the past hundred years,
You know, I sometimes joke that one of the world's shortest books should be Great Conservative Victories.
What are they?
The victories have been entirely on the side of the advance of the federal government.
So I think it's very encouraging to see that people have decided that maybe we ought to try something else.
Try at the local level to see what we can do to push back.
And so people have even begun using this word nullification that goes all the way back to the days of Thomas Jefferson.
And involves the idea that the states have to be the guardians of the Constitution in the last resort.
And when you use the word nullification against the political and media establishments, I mean, it is like you are flashing a crucifix in front of Dracula.
So, to me, that makes it an end in itself.
I mean, I love scaring these people, making them think that they are, in fact, losing their grip over the minds of the public, that we are having unapproved thoughts, we're pursuing strategies we're not supposed to pursue, and I'm glad to see that it's gaining traction, even though, with the exception of this program and a few isolated hosts here and there,
You will not hear nullification mentioned on any of the so-called patriotic right-wing radio stations.
You won't hear Mark Levin talk about it, Sean Hannity won't talk about it, Rush Limbaugh won't talk about it.
As usual, when something might actually help, not a word from any of the usual suspects.
Well, and because nullification really is their worst nightmare, it's us taking power back away from them.
It seems like our whole political structure has been based, at least during my lifetime, on the federal government mandating these universal dictates.
I'll give you one example right here in New Hampshire where you were recently visiting.
I don't know if you availed yourself of the opportunity not to wear your seatbelt in the state of New Hampshire, but we are the only one out of 50 states that has said no to the federal highway transportation funding and said, heck, we don't want your national law that says we all have to wear seatbelts.
By the way, we have one of the highest rates in the nation of people actually wearing their seatbelt, but we're not doing it at the point of a government gun.
We're not required by law to do it.
We do it because it's common sense.
So, you know, you look at things like that where you've got one state that stands up and says, heck no, we don't want to do it.
And believe me, we have gotten so much grief for just that one decision here in New Hampshire.
It comes up every single time we have an election cycle, every single time funding gets discussed.
They want to put the screws to us and say, well, we won't give you your own money back, your own money that we took from the state in taxes.
We won't give you your money back for highway funding.
So that's just one example of a state being able to stand up and say, heck no, to something.
It seems like the big place we're seeing this now, though, is Obamacare.
Where's that going?
Well, just quickly on the seatbelt thing, I realize this is beside the real point is that the states have the power to deal with these issues on their own, but it's interesting to note that Sam Peltzman, who is a University of Chicago researcher, actually found that when you have a seatbelt law, there's actually no difference in traffic fatalities.
It actually does not have any effect whatsoever because
It's true that there are fewer people in the car who wind up injured, but there wind up being more pedestrians who are injured, because marginally, people drive more recklessly when they're wearing the seatbelt.
So on balance, the number of people who perish is the same, regardless of the seatbelt thing.
So they're not even right, even when they try to be bossy, they're still wrong!
But in terms of Obamacare, that's getting a lot of attention, to be sure.
And in fact, here's a very interesting item.
In South Carolina, which in some ways is the cradle of nullification, but really Virginia and Kentucky are, but later this month, March 19th and 20th, there are some
hearings going on, where people are going to be testifying first before the whole General Assembly of South Carolina, and then secondly before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the constitutionality of state nullification.
And one of the people testifying on behalf of its constitutionality is a name I hope will be familiar to listeners of this program, and that's Walter Williams, who's a fantastic columnist.
He's a fill-in host for Rush Limbaugh, but he's like the anti-Limbaugh, and he's outstanding on issues like this.
And, I mean, if you know anything about Walter Williams, that is going to be one YouTube we are going to cherish for a good long time.
So yeah, so people are embracing this like crazy.
At the same time, the official libertarian and conservative organizations out of Washington, D.C.
won't touch it with a ten-foot pole.
They're going around trying to tell state officials to ignore nullification, to try to defeat it.
So, as usual, it's us against the whole establishment, but you know how David and Goliath turns out, so I'm willing to go with that.
Well, for people who may not understand the concept of nullification, give us the rundown.
Well, the gist of it is that, and this was Jefferson's idea by and large, that if you let the federal government police itself on the Constitution, it's not going to do a good job.
It has absolutely no interest whatsoever in limiting its own power.
And so if it is allowed to interpret the Constitution monopolistically, no one else can interpret it.
Then, well, what should we expect?
We should expect that it will continue to discover more and more powers for itself.
So, it's not enough to say we've got three branches of the federal government and they check each other, but what if they all unite to gang up on the rest of us, which is exactly what's happened?
Well, then we need another layer of protection, and that's what nullification is, where the states step in and say, look, we created this thing,
We were here before there was a federal union.
It's the states that created the federal union, so we obviously, as James Madison said in the last resort, the states, the parties to the Constitution, have to have some defense mechanism so that the thing they created, the federal government, doesn't devour them.
And that's what nullification is, the assertion of power by the state government to prevent the enforcement in their state of an unconstitutional federal law.
So, now, Obamacare again is the one that comes to mind, because I know that's the one that a lot of states have been really working to fight back against.
What are some other issues that have hit this nullification hot button for the states?
Well, if anything, I would say that there's been maybe even more enthusiasm
Regarding applying nullification to the various initiatives we've seen regarding gun ownership and restrictions on gun ownership.
This has gotten the attention of a great many people who otherwise would never have heard of this idea and now of course we're hearing about many sheriffs who are prepared to resist and not to enforce some of these new restrictions on gun ownership.
This is all very encouraging and interesting.
And, you know, indeed, even though a lot of the folks in the Tea Party have been asleep at the wheel on many issues and they're much, much too easily caught up with the latest Republican phony, I have to give them credit for being willing to listen on nullification when their own heroes on TV and radio won't touch it with a ten-foot pole.
But the Second Amendment has now been a huge hot-button issue in terms of nullifying.
Well, let's talk about that.
So what might the federal government do, and how might the states respond to that?
Well, they could impose various restrictions on magazine capacity, they could impose various restrictions on the types of firearms people can own, they could impose additional registration requirements, and so on down the line.
They could do various measures, take various approaches like that.
And we've seen, for example, in Utah, I think it was something like either 28 out of 29 or 29 out of 30 sheriffs signing a letter to the executive branch of the U.S.
government saying, well, you can pass these things all you want, but we're not going to carry them into effect.
And we saw that also in Arizona, and then there were sheriffs all over the country saying, we're not going to carry these things into effect.
I'm sure, or at least I strongly suspect, that Sheriff Richard Mack has been a guest on this program.
And Sheriff Mack's view is that no president wants to have a showdown with a sheriff.
Presidents have got a certain amount of political capital they could use, and they're not going to expend that capital fighting a sheriff when, by and large, no matter what differences there are on the local level, people like their local sheriff.
And if you are giving him a hard time, they're not going to like you.
And if the sheriff actually defeats the president, well, this is a horrendous humiliation.
So by and large, I think what will happen in some cases is the executive branch will decide it has other fish to fry, it's not worth the aggravation of fighting this, and you might actually eke out some victories this way through decentralization.
Yeah, what a great idea.
I'm glad to see people on the local level, the state level, really standing up and saying no to some of this stuff.
And, you know, if we can't get the laws passed on the federal level, then we can pass them on the local level.
I'm thinking about some GMO labeling laws I've been seeing coming down the pike.
And if they pass something we don't like, well, the states don't have to enforce it.
We'll talk more about that when we come back.
Stay tuned.
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Day after day Alone on a hill
The man with the foolish grin is keeping perfectly still.
But nobody wants to know him.
They can see that he's just a fool.
Yeah, that would be Capitol Hill.
And there are no fools up there.
Trust me.
Oh yeah.
Katherine Albert here.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
And I am filling in with you.
Riding shotgun over the next hour.
As we go into the weekend, I love to do good news on Friday.
Because I figure we've got enough to worry about with our tough jobs.
Everybody working 9 to 5.
Or trying to find a job.
A lot of people out there in that place as well.
So usually by the time the weekend rolls around, it's a good time to just stretch.
Just let all that stress roll off you, as my mom would say, like water off a duck.
Loosen up those neckties and take off those work boots, you ladies with those high heels.
Rub your aching feet, because we're going to focus on a little bit of good news here.
Tom Woods is my guest this hour, and I really believe that this nullification issue, this states rights
And just local action is one of the most encouraging things I've seen in my almost 15 years as an activist.
Tom, can you give us some reason for optimism right now?
It feels like everywhere we turn there's doom and gloom.
What is there to feel good about today?
Well... Come on, you can do it!
Well, I mean, there are some good cases for optimism.
I mean, the fact, you know, as we've been talking about the state nullification issue, to me, even more than any victories you might win from it, the fact that so many people are willing to latch onto it when it's not part of the mainstream.
Like, people have been intimidated into thinking that if their opinions don't fall between, you know, Rachel Maddow and Joe Scarborough, then, you know, they're some kind of dangerous extremist and they better rethink what they're thinking.
Nullification is nowhere to be found in that little restricted spectrum of thoughts that we are allowed to have in this country.
And the fact that more and more people are having this thought tells me that we are succeeding in breaking people away from conventional thinking.
And they feel better about having a thought that, no, has not been pre-approved for them by the New York Times.
Well, good!
But the New York Times has wrecked this country!
So, of course, if they don't like something, that's almost always an endorsement.
I'm with you there, and let me also, I'll add my own two cents on a direction I think that is the right direction outside of the pages of the New York Times, and that is the GMO labeling issue.
That California, you know, they couldn't get their lawmakers to do it, so they did a petition and said we'll get this darn thing on the ballot by hook or by crook, and it
It just seems like people are beginning to wake up to the fact that it's not the pundits in Washington and the people on Capitol Hill that are going to make life better.
If it's going to get better, we've got to roll up our sleeves and do it ourselves.
And that's encouraging to me, that people are starting to feel empowered again after decades or even maybe a generation or two of total apathy.
Yeah, I agree completely.
When I was at the Free State Project's Liberty Forum a couple weeks ago, and if you guys don't know Free State Project, check out freestateproject.org because they are doing some great stuff.
The idea, for those who don't know it, is that they want to get as many Liberty people to New Hampshire as they can, so that they can put pressure to make that one state a place that's hospitable, increasingly hospitable to Liberty.
Now, I grew up in Massachusetts, which is the exact opposite.
And, of course, we spent our time in New Hampshire buying goods without taxes on them.
Yeah, you drove over the border here.
We live near the border.
We throw rocks at you guys down there in Texas.
Right, right.
I mean, of course, the real immigration problem in America is the border between Massachusetts and New Hampshire.
All these stupid idiots in Massachusetts have screwed up that state, and then they want to move to New Hampshire.
But anyway, so the Free State Project is doing wonderful things, but what I like about it is, when I was at their event, everybody had a table
Talking about the things they're doing right now.
They're not sitting there thinking, well, you know, in four years we'll have another election and see what happens.
They're taking things into their own hands right now.
We're going to try this.
We're going to carve out this area of freedom, that area of freedom.
We're going to do jury nullification, for example.
Or we're going to secede from the Federal Reserve System by using bitcoins and all this stuff.
This has just fascinated me.
There are so many young entrepreneurial minds who are taking that clever mind that they have
And putting it in the service of how can I live free in an unfree world?
So that, the strength, the smarts of these young people going on display just at this one conference made me think, you know, even though things look pretty grim right now, maybe in the long term, as the federal government sees the wheels coming off and it can't make good on a lot of its promises, people will be looking for other answers and that's us!
Yeah, and thank you for mentioning Bitcoins.
That was really awesome.
The conversation was happening about that at the Liberty Forum.
And we were out there too with the StartPage table, encouraging people to think outside the box in their internet usage as well, to use StartPage.com instead of Google.
You know, we do have alternatives, and I think that the market is opening up for more of those alternatives.
So, I encourage people, check out StarPage.com as an alternative to Google.
Bitcoins as an alternative to cash.
Check out Tom Woods' own website at TomWoods.com.
More with him when we return right after this.
Stay tuned.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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It's Alex Jones.
So I say then, I saw you again.
To go, I had to turn my heart away.
Hey, we're back.
I want to open up the phone lines this segment.
We're visiting with best-selling, New York Times best-selling author, Tom Woods.
And I say New York Times best-selling author because I think that's meaningful.
Tom Woods is not writing your latest thriller novel.
He is writing some pretty hardcore commentary that is going directly in the face of what people are being told through the pages of things like the New York Times.
It's always exciting to see somebody who's really got it wired and saying it like it is to reach that level of prominence in the New York Times.
His books, by the way, if you haven't read them yet, The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History, it's a great read.
It's nice short little segments of things that you thought you knew, but you knew wrong.
He also wrote the book, you can get this one wherever fine books are sold, called Roll Back, Repealing Big Government,
Before the coming fiscal collapse, the book Meltdown, a free market look at why the stock market collapsed.
If you want to understand what exactly went wrong and how we're in this financial mess, Tom Wood's book Meltdown is the place to do it.
Speaking of nullification this hour, and of course he's got a book called Nullification, How to Resist Federal Tyranny in the 21st Century.
And that is a hardcover book.
All of this available at TomWoods.com.
I want to encourage you to check it out.
Phone lines here 1-800-259-9231.
If you have a question for our guest Tom Woods, he's an expert on economics and history and just generally how to make things a little bit better around here.
So let's see, Tom, before we get to the phone calls here, can you talk to us just briefly about your books?
And if people could only get one book, what one would you recommend?
Oh, golly, yeah, it's like one potato chip, right?
How could you possibly?
Well, I don't know, I mean, I do like, I have a sort of fondness for the Politically Incorrect Guide to American History, because that's the one that kind of launched me onto the map.
Before then, I was writing scholarly books, which, let's just say, one writes scholarly books for the satisfaction of writing them, not for the book sales.
Yeah, you got that right.
We both know, right?
So, but yeah, the Politically Incorrect Guide to American History, it's a neat little book because it's meant to be sort of modeled after the Complete Idiot's Guide or Such-and-Such for Dummies and that book actually was quite successful and so the publisher decided to do a whole series of books and now they have the Politically Incorrect Guide to the Constitution and to Global Warming and to all these different subjects that
You kind of wish you knew about, but you don't have time to read 20 books, and so we try to distill, like, the best stuff from the 20 books, and the stuff that's politically incorrect or not talked about, we stuff it in there.
So, maybe you could start there.
Well, give us the one fact that most of our listeners don't know about American history that would probably make our eyebrows shoot up.
Oh gosh, but this audience knows everything!
If I were to say, now look, Andrew Jackson helped the economy by getting rid of the Second Bank of the United States, people would be yawning.
Of course I know that!
Or if I say that it was actually perfectly legal for the Southern states to secede from the Union.
They'd say, yeah, well sure!
But then if I tell you this about
You know, today we were talking about nullification and how the states can use it today, but I think it's a completely forgotten story.
This is why I was able to write a whole book called Nullification.
It's a completely forgotten story how the states, through much of American history, did in fact push back against the federal government.
And no, it wasn't just the southern states.
And no, it didn't have anything to do with slavery.
To the contrary, I show it case after case.
You have states and governors and legislatures saying, no, we are not going to do this.
Go take a hike.
In fact, the second half of that book is just all documents.
Old documents, old speeches, old statements by people in states all over the country, so you don't have to take my word for it.
This was the America we used to have.
Where people didn't just sit back and say, well, I'll wait for the Supreme Court to dictate to me what my rights are.
No, to the contrary, this was a country where people said, no, no, no, you can't do this.
And one of my favorite examples comes from Connecticut.
Like, Connecticut is like the last place on earth we would look to today for leadership on anything.
But in 1809, the governor of Connecticut, Jonathan Trumbull, said,
That what was being done to Connecticut and New England with the embargo of Jefferson and then later with Madison as well, this embargo and the searches and seizures were unconstitutional and so he was saying that no state official should lend any aid or support to this and he said that it falls back to the state legislatures in dangerous cases of usurped power to stand between the federal government and their people to protect them
From the federal government usurping powers.
That was Connecticut.
That was Connecticut 200 years ago.
So, I mean, in other words, even in Connecticut, people used to have guts.
These sorts of stories could be multiplied over and over and over.
And you know how many of these stories people learn in a typical American history classroom?
Of course, a big, fat goose egg.
Yeah, none.
So that's my job, is to dig them up and put them in nullification or put them in the Politically Incorrect Guide to American History.
Because if you don't have the history right,
You're not going to understand current events, or you're not going to know, actually, what tools you have, frankly, to stand up for yourself.
Well, and nullification, I think, ties in directly with Rand Paul pulling the filibuster.
How many times have we seen a filibuster of any kind of magnitude that did something
Like what Rand Paul did, bringing an issue not only to the attention of all the other members of Congress as they sat there till midnight listening, but to the attention where the media had to cover something.
So there are these tools out there and it's really cool seeing people like Rand Paul dust them off and get up there and use them.
And see states like South Carolina.
Isn't that awesome?
And I would say, on top of the service that it did, from a political point of view, it really was a stroke of genius on his part, because between now and two years from now, he is going to be jockeying for position against all these other people like Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan and Ted Cruz and all the others.
And now he just pulled something that I don't see how any of them can duplicate.
So even just from his own personal standpoint,
It makes sense, but I also think from a philosophical standpoint, whatever
I do think he was sincere on this issue.
Anyway, it was fantastic that there was actually one guy who made the wheels screech to a halt for just a half a day.
That's more than we can say for anybody else.
That's right, and he got this issue of drones being able to kill Americans on American soil out of the internal memos and onto the national stage, where even the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times and Time Magazine is going to have to say something about it now.
So now you've got Americans aware of the fact that, yeah, these drones in the skies really do want to kill you.
And maybe that's not so good.
So I think it's great.
I think it's part of the same nullification, GMO foods, all the stuff we're talking about, where people are realizing we don't have to take this stuff lying down.
It's a good thing.
And I'm glad we've got people representing us and writing books about this and speaking about it and in the state halls of power and in places like the New Hampshire Liberty Forum.
Alright, let's go to the phone lines.
We've got Travis listening in Washington.
Travis, you're on with Tom Woodson.
Catherine Albrecht, go right ahead.
Hi, I was just curious.
I got a question about sovereignty.
Do you know much about it?
I mean, as far as I know, the Constitution was set up to regulate the states by Washington, D.C., which was a federal entity.
But when it comes down to the people themselves, you basically have to claim your sovereignty to assert any dignity or power over the federal government or the states.
And it goes back to like the Articles of Confederation.
Are you talking about individual sovereignty of ourselves?
That's right, that's right.
I'm talking about sovereignty of yourself.
Let's talk about that, Tom, because I know there's been sort of a sovereign citizen movement that's had various degrees of successes and failures over the years.
Do we as individuals have rights over this corrupt system?
Well, sure.
I mean, of course, the whole natural rights tradition, going back hundreds of years, indicates that we are the fundamental building blocks of the society, and anything like states or whatever come later.
And these are just subsidiary institutions, but of course we are the primary units.
The way the American system works is that the peoples of the states are considered to be the sovereigns, not the state governments, not the federal government.
The peoples of the states begin with the sovereign powers, and then they apportion those powers between the states and the federal government.
So the federal government is not in charge.
The peoples of the states divide their powers between those two entities.
And then when they want to recall them, they remain the sovereigns.
And any time they want to recall those powers, they can exercise their sovereign powers to do so.
Now, the governments don't think we have these powers, which is the roadblock.
But I can prove this.
I mean, in Chapter 4 of Nullification, that's what that chapter is all about.
Alright, Travis, I encourage you to get a copy of the book.
TomWoods.com is the website, and he talks about this and more in there.
You know, when we start talking about, though, our individual rights, you only have the rights as far as you're actually able to exercise them.
And I'm thinking about folks who've said, well, hang on a second, there's not a law requiring us to pay income tax, for example.
But just try not paying it, and you'll wind up in jail.
So, at what point do the nullification rights of the states, for example, just taking this up to the state level, at what point does the federal government just say, no, I'm sorry, state of South Carolina or state of Connecticut or wherever, we're going to stomp on you if you try to exert that right.
Is that happening?
That is true, and it's conceivable that it could happen.
We can't rule out that possibility.
But, it's my view that if you have a great many states working together in concert, it becomes much more difficult for the federal government to figure out exactly how to handle it.
I mean, consider all the states that are defying it on various issues involving marijuana.
Now, so far, there has not been considerable pushback on that.
I mean, we've got two states that just out and out legalized marijuana just now.
You know, I mean, this is going on, and they are trying to think of exactly how to deal with it, but they realize that there's... You know, any issue where Congressman Tom Tancredo and a left-wing hippie both agree is an issue where the society has changed.
And do we want to, again, expend all our political capital sending tanks into Colorado to throw pot smokers into cages?
I mean, it seems to me they have other things that they want to do.
Well, eventually you get the critical mass where they really don't want to turn large numbers of us even further against the federal government than we already are.
That's right.
The thing is that they want to exert power through persuading us that they are legitimate.
They don't want to have to exert power through the expression of brute force, because that has the unhappy consequence of alerting other people that there's something wrong.
They just want us to go to their crummy schools and be propagandized into thinking that it's good for us to be kicked around by these people.
That's the way they prefer to rule.
Not with the iron fist, but with the fist in a glove.
Yeah, and I think that's why their control of the media is so significant as well, and why it's so important that shows like the Alex Jones Show and the work that Alex is doing, the work that you've been doing, and I know that you guest host on other shows as well, you're making the rounds.
I think that's why it's so important that we have our voices out there as alternative voices to this mainstream media.
All right, let's go to Dennis, listening in Colorado, with a question on nullification.
Dennis, you're on with Tom Woods.
Go ahead.
Hi, Catherine and Tom.
Yeah, I want to give you information about here in Colorado.
I worked in the federal government here in Colorado for 20 years and then I thought, if there's a real movement of people uniting to save the country from the budget problem and having to borrow 40% or more of our money to pay the
So, what I did was direct.
I resigned before I retired.
And so, by resigning, I didn't impact anybody a lot except myself.
I took all my money out of my savings and paid off my house.
And where I'm going with this nullification, you'll see in a moment.
I paid off all my bills and I did so within my means.
So I was just trying to set an example and I don't know if there's anyone out there that wants to sacrifice and just give a little and everyone puts in a little.
Patriots will bring back the budget if they don't.
Well, John, is this more like a personal nullification, like you yourself just saying, I'm not going to participate any longer in the system?
Well, I didn't want to participate in waste, fraud, and abuse.
And there's all three of those.
And the whistleblower provisions don't work.
So by voicing my dissent, by leaving and talking about it,
That's basically all I can do.
I've been talking a lot about the biblical call to come out of her my people.
Come out of Babylon lest you be partakers of her sins or receivers of her plagues.
And I know that you're a very devout Catholic and have given a lot of thought to that connection as well between religion and faith and politics and such.
What do you think about people like John in Idaho who said, I just can't participate anymore, I'm just going to come out.
Does that make the machine stronger or weaker when we make those choices?
Well, if people know about it, then it can make it weaker because of, you know, the good example of one person is much more powerful than the example of a thousand drones.
And by drones I don't mean, now we have to clarify, people just go with the flow, right?
So that's very important.
But I think we need to follow that counsel in all areas of life.
And so, you know, education is an example.
We've got to get our kids to the point where... And this is not easy for every family to do.
I don't want to make it sound like if your kids are in the government schools that you're a terrible person.
It's hard.
I understand that.
It's hard to get your kids out of that system.
But if it's possible, then
That is a very important step forward, too, because it's through the media and through education that they get control of the American mind.
And in both of those ways, there is increasingly a kind of an intellectual secession movement that's going on that is the most exciting thing that I've seen in my lifetime.
I think that homeschooling is right on the money and I'm actually banking on the future with all these homeschoolers coming up and saying no because they're not indoctrinated in the same way that these government school kids are.
I'll keep saying it, the work that I do on privacy, you don't have to have a frequent shopper card, you don't have to shop at the stores that are monitoring your purchases, you don't have to be
There are so many ways we can say no to the system and just jettison
What they're doing.
You know, if we all just stopped buying genetically modified foods and said, heck no to Nabisco and Kellogg's and all those big brands, you know, overnight you'd see those guys scrambling to become better.
And I think the same is also true with the government system as well.
Alright, Tom Woods is my guest.
His website is TomWoods.com.
Nice easy one to remember.
I want to let you know that he has a Liberty Classroom.
Speaking about education that I would encourage you to check out.
He was talking about that at the Liberty Forum and it looks pretty awesome.
Alright, stay tuned.
We'll be right back.
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I think so.
Oh yeah, that's like the sad music at the end of the show there.
But don't worry, Alex is coming back on Monday.
Katherine Albrecht here.
I'm coming to an end of my three days of guest hosting for Alex.
It has been an absolute joy.
I can't even tell you how much fun I've had getting to know the listeners.
I've gotten some fabulous emails from you guys.
If you want to drop me a line, it's KMA at spychips.com.
If you don't have a copy of Spy Chips, please get yourself a copy so you can learn about the stuff I work on, the whole RFID issue, and check out
And Alex has me on pretty frequently.
We'll see if we can continue to keep up that great relationship.
I know Alex is doing such good work and I really am just honored to have been a part of this week of radio.
Tom Woods, before we wrap up this hour, let me let you put in a plug for your Liberty Classroom and also for some of your books and let people know how they can get more Tom Woods.
Well, you know, we've been talking about ways that you can
You can, instead of just waiting for the political people to just hand you freedoms, you can just do things yourself.
There actually are ways, very liberating ways, that you can exercise freedom and help spread it to others.
And so, I used to be a big complainer.
I would complain, well, the university professors are filling the kids' heads with propaganda.
Isn't that a shame?
But, well, look, with the Internet, I can do something about that now.
I just turn the camera on myself,
And I can teach anybody who wants to listen, so duh, why am I waiting so long?
So I started a website, libertyclassroom.com, where basically I'm teaching US history, not in the way where we're supposed to worship the presidents, and where would we be without President so-and-so, and all this nonsense, but with a much more critical eye on these people.
And we've got courses on that, on economics, on European history, and they're all courses you can just listen to in your car while you're driving, and then you can ask us questions about them in our discussion forum.
So it's the most exciting thing I've done.
It's at libertyclassroom.com, and I put up a coupon code.
You can get a discount on it by typing in ALEX in all caps, like you're shouting, ALEX!
There we go.
Which you made me do.
Let's all shout that in unison, yeah.
That's what I've been up to.
Also, my books, you can find them at TomWoods.com.
I think you'll like them.
But I'm working on a top-secret project right now that basically involves homeschooling.
I'm putting together a K-12 homeschool curriculum for Liberty people.
And it's going to be not just you're going to learn great stuff, but also we're going to train these students to spread the message.
So they all have to have a YouTube channel.
They all got to start a blog.
They all have to take public speaking.
So they're not just going to have a lot of good knowledge in their heads.
They're going to be conveying this to others.
When is this coming out?
When can we wait for that?
You'll start seeing it this fall.
You can start to enroll in it this fall in September.
All right, this fall.
Tom Woods, thank you so much for being with me this hour on the Alex Jones Show.
TomWoods.com is Tom's website and also want to remind listeners out there you can get a free e-copy of the InfoWars.com magazine.
That's InfoWars.com slash newsletter.
You can also get hard copies at cost at the InfoWars store speaking about getting information out
To educate people about liberty.
It is an extraordinarily well-produced magazine.
I know because there is a startpage.com ad for the world's most private search engine right there on the inside cover.
So I've read them cover to cover.
Good stuff!
TomWoods.com, InfoWars.com slash newsletter.
My website KMAShow.com.
Let me wish you guys a fabulous weekend and say God bless you.
Thank you so much for letting me be a part of your week.
Alex will be back on Monday.
Can't wait.
All right.
God bless y'all.
Thanks for listening.
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