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Name: 20130211_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 11, 2013
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It's February 11th, 2013 on this Monday Worldwide Transmission.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
Thank you so much for joining us today.
The news websites are InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, and streaming video at PrisonPlanet.tv.
It has been said that much is afoot, and that is certainly the case today.
We have a supermassive transmission lined up for you.
Holland Vander Nieuwenhoff, filmmaker, researcher, former Marine, one of the filmmakers and researchers in
A noble lie that I appear in exposing the inside job that was Oklahoma City in 1995.
He's going to be joining us in the third hour giving us his breakdown on false flag terror attacks and the attempts to start a civil war in this country and how that ties into the mass shootings and the reported killing spree by the maniac former police officer there in Southern California.
That is all coming up today.
Now when we come back from break, I want to launch into the general news.
Stuff like Federal Employees Union had Obama pay raise proposal simply not enough.
As even CNBC reports, there are payroll taxes hitting people making $30,000 and up, and it's causing a firestorm.
And I knew this would happen when Obamacare went in.
That's only one of many taxes.
It's just one that people can see.
The others are hidden.
Up the chain.
And it's designed to shut the economy off.
And I'm going to tie that in to the news that I wanted to get to yesterday, but didn't.
There's even more today on it, so we're going to cover it at the bottom of the hour in great detail.
citizens race for austerity impact.
China eclipses U.S.'
's biggest trading nation measured in goods.
I want to break down how this has been done by design.
Because it'd be great if China was a trading partner and became a free country, and they got built up and we got built up, but this is all one-sided, not even for the Chinese people, and I want to break down what globalism and Agenda 21 is going to look like under this system, and that video that we posted on InfoWars.com, World Banker, you know, drops bombshell with James Wolfensohn, we're going to be going over that today.
Because knowing that it's engineered means we can stop it.
Because the very people who are carrying all of this out love, absolutely love,
To sit up there and act like, oh, they're going to help us, you know, try to not be completely poor.
But yes, get ready for the end of the middle class.
It's just something that has to happen, but it's for the greater good.
And don't worry, if we do everything they say, there'll be a future in the new economy, just like there would be under the new service economy they told us about in the mid-90s.
And then now, of course, that didn't materialize.
And then, oh, Naps and Gats is going to be great.
And then, oh, the new green economy.
Designed to bankrupt Spain, Portugal, Greece and others, now bankrupting us.
Not a green economy, but a fascist, eugenics-based economy.
Socialist and communist on the surface, but when you get to the core of it, corporate, fascist, eugenics, anti-human based.
And if people don't get the real political and socio-economic and cultural and societal names and touchstones,
The population can't figure out how the world really works.
It's very elementary.
It's historical.
It's factual.
It's overwhelming how in our face it is.
But people still buy into the fake spectrum of left-right.
And there is some reality in left-right, because that's part of the inner control debate.
But the choices are very limited.
And the real differences are rhetorical in rhetoric, not in actual policy.
So, we're going to be looking at the way out of this today, how to defeat this.
The Pope has announced he's going to resign, first time in 600 years.
That's happened, as I said, a lot is afoot.
Stay with us.
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Alex Jones here with a message to fellow freedom lovers.
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We're getting prepared.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the Resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
It is February 11th, 2013 on this Monday edition.
Thank you for joining us.
You have found at the tip of the spear in the fight worldwide to awaken humanity to the growing technocratic, oppressive, scientific tyranny that we face.
And knowing how much trouble we're in,
Is half the battle so that people realize that we're in a crisis and realize it's orchestrated.
That's the good news.
There is a way out of this.
There is a way out of this.
Now obviously today we're going to talk about Pope Benedict to resign at month's end, what's really behind that, all the scandals at the Vatican, but that's not really our top story.
We're going to get into anxiety grows as thousands remain stranded in the dark after the huge storm Nemo.
We are also going to be looking at the fact that with Storm Nemo, Nemo, Nemo, tomato, tomato, with Storm Nemo, that just like with Sandy, FEMA can't and won't help people, puts out signs saying, sorry, closed this week for the storm.
It is the height of hypocrisy and bizarreness.
We're going to be looking obviously at the situation with growing support for former L.A.
officer accused in killing Spree, extremely
Bizarre that Christopher Dorner, the alleged person doing this, is getting massive support.
And even mainstream media is saying, well, maybe we should turn our guns in.
And yeah, the police are bad.
He's striking back against evil people.
What, shooting a cop and his girlfriend?
And then calling up and teasing the police captain.
If you believe any of this, it could be a shy-op, but a lot of evidence points towards it being one of the system's killers going haywire because he got kicked out of the cult.
We're going to be breaking all of this and more down today.
And the use of drones and how that's all being rolled out.
New cybersecurity legislation that brings in Chinese-style net censorship.
That's even, again, CNET saying that, not Alex Jones.
I mean, this is so draconian that even globalist media admits it's draconian.
And we're going to look at the economy at the bottom of the hour.
This is the top story.
And there's no doubt the program, the plan that they have for our society.
One of the most important articles we've put out in recent memory is now up at PrisonPlanet.com and it's sister news site InfoWars.com and I recommend you get this out to people because if we expose the globalist program and people understand this is premeditated, organized, engineered, we have a really good chance of turning this around.
And that is why the banking elite want riots in America.
Civil War II, the economic imperative for mass social unrest.
And the article goes through how the globalists plan to engineer this in their own words, and how it's been done in Europe, Latin America, Asia, Africa, and is now going to be carried out in the United States.
This has been done four times since the 1960s in Mexico.
This is an exact program and plan to impoverish you.
And we're going to be going over all of this today and tying it into CNBC.
citizens race for austerity impact.
EU leaders strike deal on long-term austerity budget.
Your taxes are raised, your pay is cut.
You're told it's your debt when 90 plus percent of it is derivatives your criminal government run by the six megabanks it's signed on to.
In address, President will focus on middle class.
It's like if someone was in freezing cold water in the North Atlantic and they come up to a boat or trying to go up a ladder and somebody's pushing their head out of the water going, let me help you again.
But you still struggle and grab their arms, they pull a hammer out and whack it in your head.
Blood sprays and they go, I'm helping them!
I'm helping!
Or like if you were smothering a small child with a pillow.
Somebody walks in, what are you doing?
Oh, I'm helping him go to sleep forever.
I mean, it's so sick.
In a dress president will focus on the middle class.
Just like the health care was going to give you free health care.
Raises taxes on every worker in America.
Their payroll, that's just one of over 14 taxes in it.
Makes me sick!
See, I've learned to do a fake laugh, because if I do a sick laugh, that keeps me from raging.
And so, that's why I do that, folks.
That is a steam valve.
That is a steam valve, okay?
Because for my health, I cannot get angry.
And a lot of people say, hey, if the public's that dumb, let them.
You know, that argument is just really screwed up.
Well, the public's dumb, let them be slaves.
And that's always said by people that know the scam and don't want to admit they're being screwed as well.
Less than 1% of people stand to gain from this, okay?
You talk about the upper 2%?
It's the top tenth of 1%.
And then there's a tiny... there's less than 20 families.
20 families, let's say a thousand people, roughly.
That's what Rothkopf estimates, about a thousand owners, 6,000 super gophers, the head of the Kissinger Group for the Council on Foreign Relations, also put in his book, Superclass, but one of their own internal reports.
What is a thousand divided into seven and a half billion?
What's the percentage on that, guys?
Do that for me in a calculator.
A thousand divided into seven and a half billion, roughly the Earth's population.
Okay, so they're going to the unwashed masses
Who would sell their souls for professional wrestling and monster trucks.
Hey, I like monster trucks and professional wrestling.
It's a lot of fun, but it's not real.
Well, the monster trucks are.
Those things do double backflips now.
Have you seen that?
I actually went to a monster truck deal this weekend.
It was pretty fun, but side issue.
I want to go to one of the big tracks where they can really get going fast because it was in the Travis County Convention Center and they really couldn't get going.
It wasn't what I'd seen online.
It was still okay, but it wasn't like, you know, double backflips and stuff and people dying.
It's pretty gladiatorial, actually.
Those guys get really hurt doing it.
Sorry, folks, I'm digressing here.
We're going to be breaking all this down at the bottom of the hour.
Subprime is back.
Will this end badly?
Oh, why do they mail credit cards to poor people, but not to people that are doing well?
If you're poor, you get credit cards weekly in the mail.
If you're not, you don't get credit cards in the mail.
Why is that?
Because it's all just fiat made up.
They want you as a debt slave.
Subprime is back.
Will this end badly?
Well, no.
It'll end in tens of trillions more than bailed out by the taxpayers.
That's how it works.
Restored payroll tax pinches those who earn the least.
Jack Andrews and his wife get to go out one time a month to have a nice dinner.
One time a month.
And now, because of the payroll tax, taking $30 out of her paycheck, she makes $22,000 a year.
And I guess she makes, what, $40?
And so that's $800 less a year.
Oh, they're gonna get the rich guys.
Yeah, the rich guys run things.
And again, Obama wasn't even elected.
They ran a dead political candidate against him.
He staged the whole thing.
He stood down.
He put out libertarian conservative rhetoric just so he could be defeated in the mock fight and discredited and we could have a mandate for world government and socialism and crony capitalism
A total hoax.
Congress has a 9% approval rating, but you're hearing, hey, there's a mandate to end the family.
There's a mandate to teach the Boy Scouts how to, you know, have gay sex when they're five years old.
The Cub Scouts and people.
You know, whether you are a liberal or a conservative when it comes to sexual stuff, they try to get us obsessed over all day as a political football distraction.
No children should be taught anything sexual.
And this is all part of the pedophile state wanting to destroy our youth.
But again, I digress.
Restored payroll tax pinches those who earn the least.
I told you a couple years ago that was in the Obama bill.
So be quiet, conspiracy theorists.
There are no death panels.
Really, Tom Daschle, who helped write it off of what the insurance companies wrote for Romney to get through in Massachusetts, said there were death panels.
Well, they were in there.
It's federal panels.
They don't call them that, but they decide what type of care you get, and they now say, yeah, we're going to kill people.
So, again, write about that, and write about a payroll tax increase for everybody.
Depending on how the actuaries and the government breakdown works.
I was saying $30,000.
It turns out you can make $22,000 a year.
But then they add it into what your spouse makes.
$40,000 and $20,000.
So you're $60,000 together.
And they go, OK, we're going to raise both your payroll taxes.
I mean, this is so sick.
This is so sick.
And it hurts me.
It hurts me that the globalists have unlimited fiat money.
They put $85 billion into a black hole just to burn it up, just to hurt the economy, just to shut things down to make their fiat worth more.
They've got to destroy capital to make their capital worth more, you see.
And it's even more complex than that.
And to know that they're taking money out of people that are living hand-to-mouth so they can put $85 billion into a literal digital incinerator,
And it's all funny, and they all write white papers and IMF and World Bank plans.
It's linked in Paul Watson's article today, that I helped write.
It's Paul Watson and Alex Jones' article, technically.
The point is, is that you sit here and you know it and you watch it.
And the Obama people, four years ago they voted for him, it felt real good.
Because McCain, again, was another establishment guy.
That's how they fixed the whole deal.
And they kind of, ooh, we're going to be rich, ooh, everything's going to turn around, ooh, you lost, and we're like, no, no, they're both New World Order, you're going to be gamed, you're going to be scammed.
And then they figured out they didn't get free goodies and life got worse, and so they kind of were getting down on Obama, but in the raw, raw left versus right Republican Democrat, they're still by about 25% of the population that voted for Obama, because you've got about half the population that voted, and a little more than half of them reportedly voted for Obama.
So 27, 30%, depending on how you look at it.
Let's just round up.
30% of the country votes for Obama, and they're walking around still, even as their payroll tax goes up, just going, look, I'm a winner now.
In a euphoria of suckers.
A euphoria.
Like somebody that, you know, gets a letter saying, you just won a million dollar sweepstakes, just fill this out and send it in.
They don't read the five page contract that says,
You know, that if they're chosen, they win it.
And they're just like, no, I'm a millionaire.
You're like, no, you're not.
It's the same thing with the Nigerian emails.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
All right, here's some of the headlines up at Infowars.com.
I just mentioned the top headline, LinkedIn read, Why the Banking Elite Want Riots in America.
The plan for Civil War II becomes clearer and clearer with Obama as Lincoln, our savior.
Congress prepares to kill the Sixth Amendment with secret drone court.
Ah, secret drone court to kill you.
Man sues TSA for $5 million following peanut butter arrest.
They thought the oil on top of the peanut butter was a terror bomb.
Well, you find Al-Qaeda working for the globalists in Libya and Syria running things.
You wouldn't find them actually in the peanut butter there.
But it's all about how we're the suspects in bad.
Twitter explodes with fears of armed drone strikes targeting Chris Dorner.
Yeah, they're not worried about America becoming a police state in New World Order with a government judge, jury, and executioner run by foreign banks.
They're worried about their precious Chris Dorner!
In fact, I'm getting criticism that, A, this is a staged government event, and I should just out of hand say it's staged, and B, no, Chris Dorner is a hero!
Yeah, I mean, if he's behind this, which a lot of evidence points towards it, then yeah, killing people that you don't even know or shooting people's daughters just to get at them, oh, that's real classy.
That's real classy.
And of course, he's an anti-gun guy and an Obama supporter who thinks only the government should have the guns.
See, I have guns to protect myself from people like him.
So just, just absolutely amazing.
Twitter explodes with fears of armed drones strikes targeting Chris Dorner.
That's just some of what we've got.
Argentina's regime leader freezes food prices, pushes the country towards food shortages and riots.
We're going to be getting into the economy and more.
Here's what I'm going to do.
You know what?
I want to go to your phone calls.
And then at the second segment, like eight after, next hour,
We're going to change that clock soon back to the regular clock.
It was my cockamamie thing 14, 15 years ago, not liking the news that stations were putting out to just do a five minute segment, have a three minute break and come in at eight after.
And we've got to work it out with all the affiliates, but I'm sure they're going to like it.
In the next few months, we're going to go to the same clock we've got, except we're going to come out at six after.
And then I'll still do a little three-minute segment there if stations want it, but that way we can adjust the clocks.
We've had a lot of requests to do that, and I'll be honest with you.
I'm planning a lot of other things down the road like radio news 24-7, but that's after we launch the TV show on the satellite and the rest of it the next few months.
So we're definitely busting our hind ends around here.
That's why you've been seeing the nightly news live, not as heavily produced.
Because we can do it quicker and easier, but also more up-to-date when it's live.
It will be generally taped to air an hour before it goes live, once we're officially putting it out at seven o'clock central.
So, by the way, be part of this revolution against tyranny.
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In fact, I think you can share it with about 20-30 people because the chances of all 30 of them tuning in every night at 7 o'clock are slim to none.
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I think it was at 9 or 10 years in April.
I got to call Paul Watson.
I can't remember.
He knows.
The point is, there's 17 years of material up there on the site, but it's been around, I guess, since, what, 2002, so do the math.
But it's all there, ladies and gentlemen.
Go there, and your signing up funds our operation.
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We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Waging war on corruption, crashing for the lies and disinformation.
I'm Alex Jones, your host, and I have a love of liberty beating in my heart.
I don't want to be a slave, but I'll be honest with you.
I would not be fighting as hard if we just had an old-fashioned corruption where some corrupt interests wanted to run things but weren't so incredibly predatory.
They are engaging in an organized economy designed to impoverish us and that's not even a tool of their endgame.
That's just to get us to the endgame.
They want us poor under their control so they can then carry out the orderly eugenics operations.
If you want to know the mindset of the Globalist, I watched 12 Monkeys with Brad Pitt and Bruce Willis last night with my wife.
And when you see the top biologists slash biochemists
In there working on zoological viruses and one of his lab techs, who is a eugenicist, gets the weapon and goes and basically releases it and kills 99% of the world population.
You have to understand, movies like that are based on what they're really planning.
In the film, a PETA type person works in a bio weapons lab, a bio research lab, a genetics lab, and
gets a virus that kills all the humans it comes in contact with.
There are different poxes out there that have been manipulated in their genetic RNA
To kill over 90%.
I'm being conservative there.
Some of these mousepox reportedly kill about 98% of the humans they come in contact with in animal studies.
They can design it for whatever mammal they want.
It's called a mousepox.
But they can design it for whatever mammal they want in a small laboratory with a couple hundred thousand dollars with a proper
Biologists, virologists can develop this and it's been published by Australian universities, by US universities, and by European universities.
And to the FBI's credit a few years ago, they tried to block the publishing of this information.
And the argument is, no, publish it so researchers can find cures for it.
You need to understand something.
They want this stuff to just get out on its own so they can claim plausible deniability.
They're building level four bioweapons labs all over the United States in the middle of major cities.
And I want you to understand that it's not, oh Alex, you saw a movie and you're crazy.
I literally, on the bookshelves at this office, have over a hundred books
Written by the globalists where they've said they're going to develop super viruses and kill 90% of us at least.
The UN numbers are 80%.
When you get higher up reports it's 90% and you get into deeper reports they debate whether all humans should be killed period.
And it is the ultimate power tripping behavior and when we start the next hour I'm going to get into
How they want to bring an economic collapse, the new world they're going to set up after that, and how we can stop them.
But you need to understand we've got a shot at beating them.
Since I've been covering this the last 15 years, since I really woke up to the eugenics, I have seen this go from almost no one knowing it, no one being aware of it,
Except for those involved in it, in the technocratic class and their wannabe followers, to 20-30% of people being aware of the program.
And now if we just educate one more person and then they educate one more person, that's 90%.
And then as the globalists try to implement all this, they're going to have problems.
They're going to have serious problems.
We've got a chance to beat this.
We've got a very good chance to beat this.
But it's going to take people realizing that, you know what, Alex Jones was right.
We better go look at his films.
We better go listen to his show.
We better go check the claims he's making.
Whatistheendgame.com is a good place to start.
Online bibliography for my film, Endgame Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
They Want You Dead is the tagline for the film.
For the New World Order, world government is just the beginning.
Once their planetary regime is in place, the orderly experimentation of at least 80% of the population is the prime, prime directive.
In fact, we've been trying to do the math of 7.5 billion divided by a thousand people, and it's something like .0000004, but they're still in there crunching it.
But we'll try to get you those actual numbers.
So they talk about the 2%.
The elite want the general public to rob the 99.9% of the 2%, the nouveau riche, because the globalists have trouble controlling new wealth and where it goes and new ideas, so that it is that .0000.
Okay, so it's .0000033333333?
Okay, well get it all written up and show me how you did it, thank you, and then we'll
Because earlier it was coming out to a basic of 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, but you said no, that's not exactly right, let me check it.
So why don't you write up, if you can CJ, because you're decent at math better than I am, write up how you came up with the equation, show the site where you did it.
The point is there's a thousand members of the less than 20 families, that's a high number.
There's 6,000 super gophers, this is the Kissinger Group's own analysis, this is their analysis of themselves in the book Super Clash.
And so there's 1,000 people.
Who've mainly gotten their wealth out of monopolies and military force and tyranny, and they're arch enemies of independence, and they think the world is theirs, and they're eugenicists, and they got where they are because they're psychopaths, and they have a hatred of humanity.
And they're planning on dropping the hammer.
And look, I know modern society's ugly.
I know there's a lot of ugliness and a lot of lethargy and, you know, patheticness and, you know, the public being soft-killed and doesn't even care.
Listen, I care.
And I don't like who these elitists are.
I mean, you certainly are uglier than the public.
I mean, I'll say that.
You're wicked, you're physically more ugly, you act horrible, you aggressively attack beautiful smart people because you're threatened by it.
It'd be bad enough if they were going to kill everybody except the really intelligent and beautiful.
I would be against that.
But you, the globalists, hate the smart and intelligent and good-looking and dynamic, okay?
Because they are twisted.
They're like cancer.
They're in power because they don't have empathy and don't care and are willing to be in power, and they think that gives them a right to total power.
Well, I say, and I've seen the evidence and the history of it, you people, if anybody needs to die, it needs to be you.
If anybody needs to die, it's you.
You want us dead?
You go first.
I gotta lay down and die so you and yours can have the whole future and all of it.
You're gonna get a fight.
You're gonna get a fight.
And listen, the transmission has been issued.
You think you're gonna put neural reprogramming nanotech viruses in the vaccines that go in and attack the cortex and make people emotionless zombies?
You think that's gonna work on everybody?
You think you're not going to end up being infected by that?
You are going to destroy yourselves and you might destroy us with you.
Stop now.
Stop now.
Stop now.
Stop now.
I'm going to give the number out and take some calls right now, then I'll get into the economy and I'll get into the gun grabbing and the reported Obama supporter now calling up and taunting people whose daughters they've killed.
It just shows why we have guns to protect ourselves from crazy people in government like this individual, Chris Dorner, who's now being praised by the left.
Because they're not leftists, they're eugenicists, death-loving, sicko control freaks.
They're gibbering nobodies who absolutely... Have you ever been around an authoritarian liberal and you look good, your wife looks good, your kids look good, you look healthy, you're happy, they get upset by that.
You see, they get upset by that.
And they're the people that get upset by success.
They're the people that don't like the fact you're successful.
They're the people that don't like the fact that you're happy.
They're the people that tell us we're all screwed ups because they want to make us like they are.
Listen, I'm not screwed up.
You understand that?
I enjoy my life.
You understand that?
The only thing I don't enjoy is having to look at what you're doing.
I mean, I see this kaleidoscope of beauty and magic and wonderment all around me, and then I see you.
There's this big ocean, this delicious kaleidoscope ocean to swim in of reality, and then I see you floating by, big, ugly, disgusting turds.
And I just don't like you.
And so I want to tell you, I've seen who's ugly, I've seen who's got the... I mean, your spirit's ugly.
And no amount of jet copters and palaces on top mountains and no amount of all the weird stuff you're into is going to ever make you not be what you are.
Of your father, the stinking loser black snake of the New World Order.
I just want to get that through your head.
I want to get that through your head.
I want you to translate that right through to your soul and understand you're a loser.
You are a loser from the foundation of the earth.
You are a failure.
I want you to understand.
I want you to know I see you.
I see you and I'm not afraid of you.
And I know you don't like that.
Because I realize this whole planet and everything in it is only a testing grid, a game board to where we can have our free will
And I know what matters is my heart.
Not the Pharisees arguing over who the real Jesus is, and you're not right, and this person's not right.
I know my heart's right.
I know I love liberty and good, and decency and honor, and I want the innocent to be able to succeed, and I love innocence, and I know because my heart is going in the right direction that
That we are going to have a better future if we believe it and take that promise in our hands.
Enough preaching.
The toll-free number to join us, the toll-free number to join us for first-time callers, 800-259-9231.
Okay, again, after I take some phone calls, when I start the next hour, I will get
Into the incredible, undeniable, it's terrible to know I've been right, with all the writing on the wall, now it's like you hear a noise off in the distance, you go, is that a train?
Blowing its whistle, 20 miles away, and then five minutes later you hear it again, sounds a little bit closer, yeah, I think that's a train.
You hear it the next time, oh, that's a train for sure.
Now you see it's light up ahead, it's two miles away.
Now it's coming up to your stop blowing the whistle.
Well, death and hell
Rides on that train.
And now it's coming to our stop.
There's no doubt I was right about the train coming.
I heard it a long way off because I'd studied history and I knew the signs.
Let me tell you, when you go to an urban warfare drill, and you watch Marines training to kill people wearing overalls and John Deere hats, screaming, I'm an American, I have a right to a Second Amendment, and the Marines practice killing them,
You know you're in deep trouble, and you come and warn everybody you can, and the media says, that's fake video.
Then you know you're in deep trouble.
And you get video of Boy Scouts training to tell the Army and the Marines what's in Mommy and Daddy's house.
I told you about that in 1998.
I showed you a video.
Hebron, Maryland, other areas.
Now you can read the New York Times and read about Boy Scouts training for gun confiscation.
It's like Paul Craig Roberts wrote last week.
It happened here.
People say it can't happen here, can't happen in America.
It happened.
It happened.
We're already in deep, deep, deep trouble, folks.
I'll get into the economy, I'll get into the latest on the shooter as it breaks, I'll get into the Pope, and I'll get into the federal employees getting their raises, and Israel strikes in Syria, might be first in series.
Just, oh, for our safety, we're going to bomb you, because the rebels might get weapons.
The rebels, our government put in there.
I mean, totally immoral.
People go, well, hey, that's how you win.
You're not part of the winning team.
You're not part of the New World Order.
Hey, we're going to get the oil.
Yeah, the mega banks are going to shut off the oil in Iraq and jack up the prices.
See, you think of getting oil like you go and rob them and get their oil and you get cheaper oil.
You get cheaper oil after the Iraq war?
No, you got more expensive.
See, you're not on the team.
You can fantasize you're on the team if you're a bureaucrat, a cop, FBI, school teacher, whatever.
If you're not bucking the system, you're a fool and a chump.
You like being a chump?
Okay, great.
You're not on the winning team with the New World Order.
You understand?
And even if you were in the inner circle, the .0000000133333,
You've conned yourself as well.
You think this cold-blooded system is going to give you final immortality in the cybernetic interfaces?
You think you're going to ascend to the stars?
I guarantee you the creator of the universe is going to be standing blocking your way when it was all there waiting for you to begin with in your spirit.
You had everything right there, always ready for you, but you were of your father, the devil, who comes to kill, steal, and destroy.
The devil can be an angel of light,
Quoting scripture, it can be a great black serpent or a red dragon, but the devil kills, the devil destroys, the devil deceives, because the devil is throwing a temper tantrum.
The devil is a cancer in the matrix of creation.
The devil does not eliminate.
The devil says he eliminates, God eliminates.
The devil has taken all of God's symbols and counterfeited them to where you can't even recognize God's symbols.
You think the devil's God because he's masquerading as God.
The devil is never a maker.
The less that you give, you're a taker.
Let's go ahead and take some phone calls here.
Mike in Oregon.
You're on the air.
Yeah, what's up, Alex?
Worldwide broadcast, my friend.
How's it going, brother?
What's your point?
Pretty good.
I was watching your documentary, America Destroyed by Design, and I had actually shed some light on a subject.
Me and my grandparents and a part of our family owned some beautiful property out in eastern Oregon, and we went out there to do some restoration, and we caught the Forest Service moving the property stakes to just butcher up property, cut down trees, do whatever.
And when we took them to court, they basically laughed at us and told us they were just gonna wait until my grandma basically died or sucked her dry of all her savings, and then they were gonna take the property anyways.
No, they by and large hire people who don't want you there.
I told people this in that film 15 years ago and now they're saying, can't swim on these East Coast beaches for the earth.
First can't drive, now can't walk into the areas and they're grabbing buffer zones.
I've seen in federal court in Denver where they took people's family property under admiralty.
You're absolutely right, Mike.
You had a point on Chris Dorner?
Uh, the Chris Dornan thing, I thought that that was, uh, they're making him a celebrity, but people like Terrence Yankee, who's a real hero, they don't want to promote or do anything about that.
That's one of the greatest unsolved murder mysteries of our time.
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Look at the look in the eyes of many of these government bureaucrats.
You can see the ridiculous power trips they're on.
But all it is, is they're putting on the office of the corrupt government.
You know, there's a viral video of a young lady
Flipping off the judge and acting totally stupid.
Everybody gets off on looking at how dumbed down she is.
I'm going to play it the next hour.
It's been seen, I don't know, 15 million times on YouTube.
But when you look at the poor woman, she's just a product of the culture.
Going, I got a lot of money, like, you know, this rapper and that rapper.
And the judge is just reveling in the fact that
She doesn't know her head from the hole in the ground.
And the argument is, well, this will teach her.
But she's in there to begin with for some petty charge.
It's just the biggest prison population in the world.
And they set it up to get you on the drugs, to get you in the system, so then a judge can call himself honorable.
These aren't honorable judges, most of them.
Greasing the skids to destroy the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
They're dishonorable.
They're disreputable.
They're frauds.
I don't know about that judge in particular, but the system itself, reveling in the petty exercise of power over dumbed-down idiots.
I don't know, and I watch these videos of judges and proceedings just getting off on, they're in charge, and they're telling people what to do, and they're, it's a disease!
It's a disease of just mindlessness.
I'm going to go back to your phone calls, jam-packed second hour coming up with your calls, and I'm going to get into the nature of the New World Order and their plan to destroy the economy from the pages of the latest news.
But right now, let's go to another caller here.
Mark in Ohio wants to talk about smart meters.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, how are you doing today?
Pretty good, sir.
Um, I actually didn't believe what you were talking about last week when you were talking about the smart meters and, oh, they're watching you and stuff like that and all your appliances.
So I decided to do a little experiment on my own.
They tell you online how you can block the RF signal.
So I did this and I had the strangest thing happen.
Everything in my house that was smart went off.
Just stopped working.
It was plugged in, everything.
Nothing worked.
My phone didn't work.
Cable didn't work.
Nothing worked.
And then depending on where I was at the house, stuff would start flipping on and off.
It was almost like somebody somewhere else was trying to get the information to upload of whatever I was doing that week, and it just didn't work.
And this went on for about four or five hours.
Yeah, well, see, sir, what you should do is, is not just, you are better than Alex Jones.
Okay, I guarantee you in many ways of your life, you're smarter, more intelligent, more focused.
You should then shoot video of all this happening and upload it to the enemy system YouTube to show it to people and everybody should do this and everybody should shoot a video showing how it's a tyranny and showing the owner's manual.
But I want you to listen to me.
It's NBC, CBS, ABC, Washington Post.
It was the... I mean, I've got articles out of the San Francisco Chronicle where they started this 15 years ago, lying to people saying, don't worry, and then 10 years, you know, later saying, of course we're watching you and tracking you five years ago.
It's all official, sir.
All the new appliances, everything, wire into these.
These are the robot spy hub.
You understand?
You're not going to be able to get appliances or computers that don't, by federal and international regulations and law, track everything you're doing.
You understand?
There's more proof of the unified field of control.
And it's not that technology's bad.
It's that they piggybacked it onto this and then you pay for it in the cost of the product for your own enslavement.
Now, how is that not fraud and a scam as well and a civil rights violation?
Do you hear me, brother?
My printer wouldn't work, but all my lights in the house were on.
All the lights were on, everything was working there.
It's just anything that would have been bought in the last five to ten years was not working.
Tell you what, stay there and I'm coming back.
I want to hear more about this and then the big news blitz.
It's so important.
Call everybody you know.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we're taking a few of your phone calls right now, and then I'm going to get into how the Globalists have shut it up, transfer all of our industry and jobs overseas, and
How they've enriched themselves, but more importantly, centralized power.
And by knowing that the destruction of Western economies is designed, that's so important because that means we can fix it.
And politically, understanding this and exposing it is the way to go.
So that's coming up in the next segment, and we'll continue with calls with people like Joe, listening on WAIS 770 AM, and Shane, and Leif, and Corbin, and others.
But Mark in Ohio, I want to start over, because I always get excited and try to interject.
Don't do it on purpose, it's like a tick.
Let's get your take on, you heard the show, you didn't believe me about smart meters, even though I was showing news articles and sourcing them, that it's designed by MIT, Pentagon, deployed worldwide, total control grid, track everything you do, part of the smart dust, RFID control system.
Start over, how you didn't believe me, what specifically, how you went and checked, what happened?
Go ahead.
I just, uh, you know, like, like you said, I didn't, I didn't quite believe, I believe a lot of things you say, but this one I was like, okay, that's a little over the top.
So I went ahead and there's a way you can find out online how to block it.
It doesn't, everybody's got those products in their house they can use.
I blocked the signal.
After about an hour or so, everything that would have had a smart meter, my printer, my phone, my TVs, even the TVs now hooked up to cable, everything just went out.
Then it was almost like they were trying to reboot stuff and get things to start working again.
The weirdest part is, is I have a CB radio in my house.
I started hearing, I brought my CB radio because I know it's an RF channel.
I actually was talking through my TV and I could hear it through my TV and other appliances, which was just the creepiest thing.
Oh yeah, all the new TVs have microphones and most of them cameras.
See, if I wanted to blow everybody away, I would get together, do a survey, find volunteers that have smart meters.
They're doing a big test in Central Austin, Central East Austin, where it's admitted they've got microphones up around town.
It's admitted they're listening over your TVs.
I think I've told the crew we need to investigate reports on this.
But we're just so busy trying to do everything else.
But because people need to see it.
It's not enough when I go, here's the CIA director admitting they're listening to you via your washing machine.
It's not enough to show that.
It's not enough to show, you know, the Philadelphia Enquirer or the Philadelphia schools are watching the kids at home over the government-issued laptops.
It's not enough to show Sacramento police doing it.
In California.
People need to see this.
So, sir, do it all again.
Videotape it.
Put it up on YouTube.
And if you're not good at that, get your neighbor to help you, okay?
There's no excuses.
I can't do it all.
I'm telling the alternative media that are half of so jealous of us they could...
Make it spit.
I'm giving you the idea.
You go do it.
We'll post your video.
I just want to beat the tyranny.
But people are all, you should do this, you should do that.
I can't do anymore.
I've got the big ideas and people don't carry them out because there's just so much going on.
But yes, we need to go show this.
Everybody, listen, just like when your cell phone
...is sitting next to your computer, and every minute and a half or so, depending on how it's set, you hear a... That is the cell phone...
Microwave transmitting to give your location and your search history and also encoded algorithmic copies of all your photos.
Oh, you didn't know that.
Ooh, MSA just got real upset about that in case you've taken any photos.
They've got compression systems that are unbelievable.
They're sending your photos out as well.
This is a demon police officer of the New World Order to track everything you're doing.
And so, mmkay, to quote South Park, mmkay.
So, there it is right there.
Just be aware of what it is.
It's there to give you cancer.
It's there to microwave you.
It's there to track everything you do.
It's there to save everything you do.
It's there to control you.
And, uh, DARPA admits they can also send out wavelengths to, uh, condition brainwaves with these.
So, this is your little... What are the things in Doctor Who that kill you?
The Daleks.
It's your personal Dalek.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It is Monday, February 11, 2013.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
Thank you so much for joining us.
The total free number to get involved on air is 800-259-9231.
It's going to be open phones coming up at the bottom of the hour into the third hour today.
We have an investigative journalist joining us to talk about staged mass shootings versus real mass shootings and get a filmmaker
On the show, Holland Vanden Neuwenhoff to give us his expert take on all of this.
Filmmaker of a noble lie that conclusively proves Oklahoma City was a staged event to blame American libertarians and conservatives in 1995.
And it's a blueprint of Fast and Furious staged to blame the Second Amendment.
And we can expect more of those in the future.
So we're going to be looking at the latest on the alleged cop killer who's now reportedly calling up and taunting people.
And how he's being praised by the so-called left and the anti-gun people as a hero beyond bizarre.
I'm going to cover that at the bottom of the hour before we go to all the people that are patiently holding, like Joe in Ohio, listening on WAIS 770 AM.
We'll go to him first when we do go to calls.
That said, one of the most important articles we've put out in recent times is up at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, our news websites.
Why the banking elite want riots in America.
Civil War II, the economic imperative for mass social unrest.
And that ties in
To, of course, people calling for civil war and the killing of police en masse on the so-called left, and the praising of their hero, Chris Dorner.
Whether this is a real story or not, it has a lot of telltale signs that it is real, but they won't let a good crisis go to waste.
You better believe that.
But again, that's coming up.
At the bottom of the hour.
Now we're also streaming video at InfoWarsNews.com or PrisonPlanet.tv.
We'll also get you there.
And so I want to show viewers some numbers and a basic equation here as I break down the fact that America and the West are being de-industrialized and economically imploded by design.
And this is what Agenda 21 is all about.
And knowing this can turn everything around.
If we can ever have a real debate with the ruling political class and the minions they're buying and selling, then it can be game over for them.
But let's explain something.
Throughout history, and this is covered in the book that we sell, None Dare Call a Conspiracy, that was out of print for a long time, by Gary Allen, who was working with people like Larry MacDonald in Congress,
I don't know.
The middle class disappears, a giant underclass is formed, and a tiny elite then segregates themselves into protected areas, walled cities within the city, controlling the general population.
And this is the real political paradigm.
In fact, if you're watching on TV, I want to show people an article here out of the London Guardian.
It says, shocking figures reveal the growth in the UK's wealth gap.
The middle class is disappearing, the poor are surging in numbers, but a tiny, tiny, tiny fraction, they say 1%, actually went and did the math on there,
It's less than one tenth of one percent has seen a ultra massive increase in their wealth.
There's been a 18 to 19 percent drop in the poor in what they've been making.
And a huge increase, depending on how you break the numbers down, in the so-called rich.
And then the Organization for Economic Cooperative Development, that's what did the Marshall Plan, that's the banking receivership arm of the UN, that's the real global government at the heart of it, is the OECD.
Key organization.
Organization of Economic Cooperative Development.
They're on all the big global government treaties, you name it.
They then criticize themselves and their own policies, offering socialism as the solution to no jobs, no economy, no system, where they've used regulations and bureaucracy to wreck everything.
So there's just one example.
Now let me, the ultra, not even one-tenth of one percent, it's way past that.
They want to blame the two percent.
The local person that makes $500,000 a year, that's got boats, that's got cars, that comes to your restaurant, that buys clothes, that goes to the golf course, that actually has a business, runs things, has a bunch of employees, and then goes out and spends that money.
Start living like the last generation's rich.
Now the globalists say this is bad for the earth, let's not go shopping, and of course there's extremes in that.
The wealth does eat up resources, the wealth does cause decadence.
To where people get so wealthy, even the poor, they don't care anymore because they've got their cheeseburgers.
So there's an equation there where this type of wealth does create a lot of slob behavior.
and spoiled rotten kids and so the elite sit there and they argue, hey, you got a bunch of people that are animals, we're soft killing them, it's come out, they don't care, let's just go ahead and wipe them all out and we'll enjoy the life extension and, you know, we'll end war and set up a global government.
The difference is the globalists throughout this entire program
They're the ones putting out the GMO, and the cross-species, and the super-mutated insect viruses in the food, and the zoological disorders cross-species, and the fish infusion, and the antimatter reactors, and the Black Manta SABO armed drones, and the particle beam laser blimp installations, and all of this stuff that is statistically, I've studied it,
Absolutely, totally dangerous.
And these people are not in control of it.
But they're in a race with a few other elites.
They don't want the Arabs to get the technology.
They've got a double deal with the Communist Chinese I'm going to get to in a moment.
But they're absolutely in an arms race with themselves, and they're in control of most of the world, but they're not in control with their own internal power structures, and the less than 20 families, 1,000 members of that, 6,000 servants, superclass, that aids them, according to the Kissinger Group, prospectus breakdown.
Because they have to understand themselves.
They publish books, they publish periodicals, discussing themselves.
Tragedy and Hope, Superclass, Brzezinski's new book, I mean, there's a bunch of them.
And it's just all openly discussed there.
How they're going to kill us, and how they're going to take over, and I mean, you read stuff by Brzezinski, written in the 70s, it's all come true.
They're about six, seven years behind.
Maybe a decade.
But if you back it up, and they admit they're behind, and by the way, this is when they're talking to the CFR, they think you're so dumb, he goes on the CFR on television and admits all this.
Just leaving tiny membranes of plausible deniability in there where he talks about maybe this isn't a good idea, maybe it is, but this is where it's going.
And they tell you, Bill Joy tells you in the April issue 2000 of Wired Magazine, why the future doesn't need us.
Again, I'm telling you, again, I don't deserve this.
You don't deserve this.
I have had the establishment reach out to me over the years, and it's always off record.
As a journalist, I can't talk about it or no one will ever reach out to me again.
Intermediaries, presidents, vice presidents, billionaires, you name it, well-known people, to like, Alex, I know it's bad, but you know the elite are bad?
Look how ugly the public is politically and how they tear you apart.
They hate you.
You're never going to help them.
You might as well join the establishment and try to work from within.
How would you like a show on national TV?
How would you like book deals every, you know, six months?
How would you like to be, you know, the next Rush Limbaugh?
I mean, this is how the system works.
This is how the system operates.
People that have sold out to the system, they've heard this speech before.
Oh, globalism is to raise the third world and to empower them and sure to lower our standard, but we want to lift them up.
Then you get the actual inside IMF World Bank prospectus on how they were going to implement the treaty.
Because governments won't sign on to these, even if they know it's a con job for the public, unless they know the inside deal of what this treaty implementation means.
Take the Copenhagen Treaty.
From three years ago at the UN Summit for Global Carbon Taxes.
And the third world leaders got it and said, we're right at, we're right at 195% or almost double the taxes of the West.
You were supposed to destroy the West and give us the money.
Not raise taxes and de-industrialize the West, and then you were going to industrialize us.
And see, that's the public sale of Agenda 21.
Which is the global zoning rules of eugenics and the post-industrial economy, which on its surface you can say, hey, we shouldn't be so wasteful, we shouldn't be so slovenly, we shouldn't just buy things in some malfunctioning hunter-gatherer mechanism, you know, off the home shopping network and pile your garage up full of junk you never open and crap you don't need.
You see, they've got a good sales, but on the level.
But this isn't a real debate about nations working together to have real goals and not be so slovenly and honoring men and women in our roles and building society.
No, at its heart, it sells the mighty, it sells the virtuous, it sells the good on corruption and evil.
But in the name of helping humanity and saving the Earth.
So, that's my real indictment is that this is a very ugly thing.
Now, we come back from break, I'm gonna go over the statistics, but let's start doing this now.
There's 7.5 billion people, roughly.
Now, Rothkopf and the Kissinger Group, who I've interviewed on air, you can look it up five years ago, they came on.
I said, why are you here?
He goes, I'd like to talk to you openly and maybe talk some sense into you.
You know, would you like to talk some time off air?
By the way, John Harmon was running the show that day.
He was a witness to this.
During the breaks, I'm talking to Rothkopf, and I didn't agree, didn't be nice with him on air, and he said, that's it, I'm never talking to you again.
People said, we'll get Rothkopf on again.
You see, most journalists get to talk to people like that, or Lord Rothschild, or whoever we got on.
The heir to the Rothschild.
And you're supposed to just... They come on to see if you'll kiss their butt.
The minute I kiss their butt, I'd be on a jet airplane paid for by them to London.
By the way, I've been offered before by some of the most powerful people in the world to be flown to London.
I'm not bragging.
I'm saying, folks, the New World Order is real.
I'm gonna come back and tell you about all this when we get back.
Stay with us.
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Get up, stand up.
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All right.
Now again, this is the most important information I could cover.
So I hope you're taking notes.
I hope you're listening.
We've got a part one of this report today up at Infowars.com.
Tomorrow, part two is coming out.
Why the Banking Elite Want Riots in America, Civil War II, The Economic Imperative for Mass Social Unrest.
Where their own documents linked in this article.
Linked in this article how they plan to make you poor and then cause riots and cause civil wars.
They've done this all over the world to bring in even more control.
But I'm telling you how the trick works.
See, when you're a little kid and the magician's up there and it looks like he really cut the lady in half or he really pulled a rabbit out of a hat, but once you learn the trick, you see it and you know it.
And I'm here to teach you the trick, folks.
I'm here to teach you what I've learned studying these people and studying history.
And it's not hard.
It's not like I'm guessing the trick.
They all write manuals, white papers, government documents, public reports, like you don't exist.
Because they know you want to go watch the football game, or go to the topless bar, or do whatever it is you do, or, you know, go to church and hear some preacher worship the government instead of Christ.
And they know you're not focused on this information.
Now, I know our audience is, but I'm talking to all of the, I don't know, tens of thousands of new listeners a day.
We're getting like two, three new affiliates a week.
I want you to understand, global government is a global crime monopoly of Ponzi scheme operators that have taken almost the entire world over through fraud.
And they want to attack the 2%.
That's all that's left of what they call the rich.
And somebody making $250,000 a year, the husband and wife, that is not rich with a devalued dollar.
Now, when you've got, when your granddaddy's got, you know, airports named after him, and you've got, you know, you're on the board of a hundred companies, and your wealth is tax-exempt, then you're wealthy.
That Forbes list is nothing, ladies and gentlemen.
There are families leveraging, it's been estimated, the Russian press estimated when they arrested a bunch of oligarchs, the Rothschilds have leveraged, this is a decade ago, three hundred trillion dollars
300 trillion.
And they don't spend that.
They use it as a political weapon.
Now, let's go over the math here.
Look at this.
7.5 billion people on earth, roughly.
1,000, it's really less than that, members of the less than 20 families, okay?
And it's only in those families a few people controlling the wealth.
6,000 super gophers serving them.
This is all out of the Kissinger Group.
Now, let's do the math of that.
1,000 people out of 7.5 billion.
We're not talking about the 2%.
Out of 100.
So, you've got 98 as the enemy of the 2%.
And if they just didn't have that wealth, it's this 2% that comes to the golf course, the 2% that buys plane tickets, the 2% that comes to the opera.
It's the bottom 99.99999% of that 2% that makes the world go round.
They make the world go round.
And the rest of the 20 or 30 percent below them.
Now, historically, this tiny 1,000 out of 7.5 billion, they use feudalism to have managed economies so no one can challenge them.
They want monopolies.
Now, what is 1,000 people out of 7.5 billion is 0.00000013333333?
So it's the .000000013333333 that we're talking about.
And by the way, there are actually some people in that top little percentage that actually made their money off real things, so that's even discriminatory.
But the majority of that wealth
Of the 1,000 superclass has been stolen or gotten through combines, okay?
And these guys are the ones, every case, pushing globalism, pushing the 1.5 quadrille.
How many zeros is that?
How many zeros are in a quadrille?
I know it goes quite a while.
93% on average of that globally, this is even the Washington Post, is derivatives that they created that are not ours.
Our national debt, 16, was about to be 17 trill.
17 trill, compared to 1.5 quadrille.
They're telling us, too big to fail, we've signed on to this.
We've signed on to the 1.5 quadrille, and then the media is sitting there, no, people don't pay attention to numbers.
They're telling us that we owe all this and we're deadbeat slouches.
Because of the 17th trail.
And it's true, the debt's gone up 200 and something percent since Obama got in.
They're trying to get us into some real debt.
A quadrillion has 15 zeros?
Or more than 15.
Is it 24?
I can't even keep track of this anymore.
Alright, we're going to come back and get into the meat of this, and then I promise your phone calls, be patient.
But now I've covered the background on this, I want to explain the fact of why the economy will never come back unless we arrest the globalists.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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You are obsolete, Mr. Wordsworth.
A lie!
No man is obsolete!
You have no function, Mr. Wordsworth.
You're an anachronism, like a ghost from another time!
I am nothing more than a reminder to you that you cannot destroy truth by burning pages!
You're a bug, Mr. Wordsworth!
A crawling insect!
An ugly, misformed little creature who has no purpose here, no meaning!
I am a human being!
Words, Mr. Wordsworth, that have no substance and no dimension, like air, like the wind!
I don't care!
I tell you, I don't care!
I'm a human being!
I exist!
And if I speak one thought aloud, that thought lives, even after I'm shoveled into my grave!
Delusions, Mr. Wordsworth!
Delusions that you inject into your veins to make you think you have a strength, when you have no strength at all!
You have nothing but spindly limbs and a dream, and mistake has no use for your pride!
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
You have found it, the tip of the spear, undoubtedly, in the worldwide awakening to the technocratic, eugenics-based, world government monopoly tyranny.
I am 110% committed.
From life, death, hell or high water, to defense of humanity, not because I'm a hero, but because I have life force.
The globalists have not turned off my life force.
They've not turned me over to their system of evil.
They've not turned me against my own survival instinct.
They've not taught me to hate humanity, as ugly as they've tried to make us, as much evil as they've poured into us.
I love God, and I love justice.
And I hate the New World Order.
Thank you for joining us.
All right, let me finish up with this incredibly important information, then I'll go to your phone calls.
And then in the third hour, we're going to cover the reported cop shooter and all that's happening and the push for a civil war in this country with an investigative journalist, Holland Vanden Nieuwenhoff, who agrees with my analysis and has a lot of cogent points to add.
You've heard him co-host the transmission before.
Now, before we go any further here,
Let me just recap that the ultra-rich are monopoly men and they are, out of the 7.5 billion people, they are 0.000000013333333 percent.
And they've signed us on to their 1.5 quadrillion.
That's actually a three-year-old number.
It's closer to 2 quadrillion or 2,000 trillion.
And that's got 24 zeros.
A quadrillion does.
24 zeros on it.
So, we're talking about quite a bit of money, which is hundreds of times more than all the real assets in the world as they're currently valued.
But the globalists have signed us on to too big to fail, and then they take $25 billion a month and pump it directly into that, not to prop it up, they've already written that off, to destroy wealth.
Raising payroll taxes on people making $22,000 a year.
I apologize.
It's in CNBC today.
I thought it was $30,000 and up.
You got a payroll increase.
I'm sorry.
$22,000 a year.
That is poverty.
By any mark.
In most areas of the country.
I guess there's a few areas where stuff's so cheap you could live like that.
And you count the property taxes and the rest of it.
I mean, this is total enslavement and so cold-blooded.
But that's because we have the most cold-blooded elite ever who sees cold-bloodedness as a virtue.
Now, let's go over some of the articles here for people watching on TV.
Radio listeners, these are all up at Infowars.com.
China eclipses U.S.'
's biggest trading nation.
I'm just going to read these headlines and then go back into them.
China eclipses U.S.'
's biggest trading nation measured in goods, not in fake fiat GDP.
Fed's holdings of U.S.
government debt hit record $1.696691 trillion, up 257% under Obama.
People are like, wow, they're gonna bankrupt us.
They don't seem to care we're going over a cliff.
They've run it over the cliff in Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Nigeria, South Africa, England, Germany.
They've done this everywhere over and over again.
It's the OECD.
It's the New World Order.
It's their plan.
We have an article by Paul Watson and I, up at Infowars.com, why the banking elite want riots in America, Civil War II, the economic imperative for mass social unrest, their own admissions of how they've engineered it.
It's red-linked, go get it!
People are like, well, it's depressing, what's the point?
Knowing this is coffin nails to the enemy, if you won't get up and fight back when their whole program's public, then we have no hope.
Now let's continue with these headlines.
China eclipses U.S.'
's biggest trading nation measured in GDP.
Private Federal Reserve holds 1.69%.
Six plus trillion.
It just goes on and on.
The Chinese buying, I don't know, was it like two trillion or something?
The Fed's bailout of Europe continues with record $237 billion injected into foreign banks in the past month.
Zero hedge from the Wall Street Journal.
Did you hear that?
$237 billion into foreign banks in just the last month, on top of $85 billion a month injected into the private Federal Reserve Banks that are also the European banks.
So add that in.
And again, it's all just fiat.
They're just injecting it to get you into debt.
Because it's not real.
Only the debt on you is real.
Enforced by all the officers wearing Darth Vader outfits.
You notice there's checkpoints and Darth Vader outfits and you're going to stick your hands down your pants.
It's all about line up, slaves!
It's all about, you're occupied now.
It's all about, you understand that?
They're gonna bring you down.
Just like they're doing in Latin America every 10 years.
They did it in 2000, they're doing it again right now.
They did it in 2001, 2002.
They're devaluing their currencies again.
They're doing it, they do it to destroy wealth.
Only the globalists who are prepositioned come out on top.
It goes on.
This is it.
China surpasses U.S.
number one global trading partner.
Okay, so that's some of the economic news.
40 ways that China is beating America.
Key article by Michael Snyder of American Dream up at Infowars.com.
I want to cover some of that.
How Obama is wielding executive power in second term.
Again, the office is becoming a dictatorship, not the puppet who sits in it.
The bureaucracy through it is becoming a dictatorship.
The U.N.
over the military.
Executive orders where Congress can't see what the President's doing.
That is a dictatorial action.
How Obama is wielding executive power in second term.
whitewashing that it's okay, saying he could use executive power to take the guns.
Remember that?
Obama to propose spending to boost jobs in the State of the Union.
More spending, more debt, not to actually get the economy going, which is bad enough because it causes inflation, but to give it only to select interest.
Continuing, speech lays out next goals of saving the middle class.
Venezuela sharply devaluates currency.
Again, this is how they do it over and over again.
Could Venezuela's mass panic by soon be coming to America as the devaluation accelerates?
Britain's super rich, just keep getting richer again.
Middle class disappears, the ultra rich get even richer.
Then they sick the dumbed down poor people on anybody that even drives a nice car as if they're, them driving a nice car hurt the people with nice cars come to your business, dummy!
Okay, let's continue.
Why the banking elite want riots in America?
Now this is the big key article and I'm going to get to that in a moment, but I want to break this down first.
citizens brace for austerity impact.
CNBC, they say the way to get the economy going is higher taxes, higher regulations, fines, fees, new state taxes, higher income taxes, people making $22,000 a year, massive tax increases.
And Obama and his masters are laughing at you.
The same global interest funded Romney and Obama.
That's why the outcome is no different.
But they went with Obama because everybody will just sit down who sees themselves on the left and accept torture, war, secret arrests, because they're guys in there.
I mean, literally, they want you dead.
They're eugenicists who've got a black guy, part black up there, so he must be nice.
I mean, it is... But again, it's all about surface.
It's all about camouflage.
You understand?
They use military systems on you.
And you don't want to admit you've been conned.
I've had people I knew personally go, you're wrong.
I'm getting a million dollars from Prince Wabubi in Nigeria.
And I go, listen, that's been out for a decade.
That is a fake thing.
Don't send them $5,000 for him to wire you a million.
And they go, my ship has come in.
You're wrong.
And you know what?
Those people are mad at me.
It's happening.
Two people I know, one talk show host and one other, they're mad at me later and don't ever want to talk to me again when I'm proven right.
Listen, there is no Prince Wabubi.
Obama doesn't care about you either.
It's like a Nigerian chain letter, folks.
It isn't real.
Now, I know I'm a conspiracy theorist because I'm informed, I'm involved, and I'm telling you, look out.
They want you gullible.
Anybody that says, watch out, be careful, check into things, that's a bad man, a conspiracy theorist.
But anybody that says, trust the government, go out and party, have a good time, get into debt, ha ha ha, that's the good guy.
Come on, folks, get out of the trance!
I mean, I've repeatedly had people I knew go, man, I got this deal where he can get this money out of the bank.
That's how gambling works, all these con games.
And it's just any society in decline is obsessed with gambling and get-rich-quick schemes and all this stuff.
And folks, it isn't real.
It isn't real, okay?
The New World Order is a consolidation takeover program.
They've paid.
Our government put Mao Zedong in in 1949.
That's now been declassified.
John Birch Society said it when they were founded in the late 50s.
That's why they founded it, was because they found out, people in the military found out, our government had actually put Mao in.
Now declassified, I don't know, like 15 years ago.
You can look it up.
They put him in.
He kills between 64 and 80-something million.
The numbers are debated.
I said I'd go to your calls, and I'm already digressing.
I promised to go to them, Joe and others.
Listen to me.
Not our government, the globalists put them in power.
Then Nixon was sent to open things up.
Okay, America's ready in the early 70s now.
Ambassador George Herbert Walker Bush.
China implements one-child policy.
Forced abortions.
They have slave labor.
They begin leveraging out all the competition.
Only select Westerners connected to the Kissinger Group.
Only a few hundred firms are allowed to operate in China and have the very best deals.
Or if you're a subsidiary, you've got to go through them.
So it's a suicide nets, Apple, all of it.
You know, very liberal.
Oh, it's liberal.
So suicide nets is, you know, forced abortions.
It's liberal.
Secret arrests and torture.
It's liberal.
It's Al Gore!
It's okay if he, you know, set the policy for the suicide nets, you know.
I mean, he's liberal.
I mean, you know, he talks like a nelly, so it must be all right.
You know, he acts non-threatening.
He'll slit your throat in two seconds.
They're demons, okay?
Okay, we're in danger, folks.
Continuing, I mean, secret arrest, torture, the control grids, the 10 FEMA regions, the 10 FEMA governors, the 10 FEMA regional governors over the rural council.
I mean, it's happening.
We're going into receivership.
They want to start a civil war in the middle of this to demonize opposition that knows what's going on.
They got shows everywhere demonizing anybody that talks about this because it's a takeover.
And you can't do the delusional thing where you watch the sitcom where the terrorist is a gun owner and you watch the drama where the terrorist is a gun owner and loves the founding fathers and feel like you're a winner when you watch your neighbor drug away because they're a patriot in the future.
You're not part of the winning team!
Your water, your food's having chemical and bio weapons put in it.
They're killing you!
Troops, they're killing you with experimental vaccines.
Your cancer rates and suicide rates are off the chart.
Foster kids, almost 70% are on psychotropic drugs, just like the troops.
Anybody the globalists control will show you where they're going.
They want full control over everybody.
So the economy will never turn around, none of this will ever get fixed, none of this will stop until you realize that it is a master scientific plan written up by inbred royalty, Rothschilds, Rockefellers and others, of social Darwinism.
That it's their right to be totally cold-blooded and wipe everybody out for the new age to begin, their new age, where they will become God-men.
Now I don't know if that's really going to happen or not, they believe it.
The media always watches Endgame and says Jones says they're going to live forever.
I didn't say that.
I quote them, bibliographed what book, what statement, what UN document, where they say it.
This is an emergency red-level alert warning you.
You know about all the secret testing, all of it.
They made insider deals with China, and the communist Chinese generals are worth billions, because they own and control the licenses to get the factories where slaves are literally marched in, or you can just starve to death.
And they're taking the rural people's property, making them go into the big compact cities, just like they've done in southern Mexico under the UN, to force them up to Mexico City.
It is exploiting the third world to build slave widgets where idiot westerners buy it to be de-industrialized and enslave themselves while the police state grid is put in place so when they collapse it all they can then everyone beg for the fewer resources from the system with hat in hand to accept higher levels of social engineering into the next phase.
And once all that's put in place, then they start having to control bioweapons releases and wiping out large swaths of the population.
Everything you've seen up to this point is just testing and conditioning and getting the public ready for it.
So that's why they have now announced China is the biggest owner of U.S.
debt, that China now has a bigger actual trade, not just fake fiat GDP.
We've been maneuvered into this.
Maneuvered into higher taxes, higher regulations, carbon taxes that China's exempt from.
This is economic warfare.
That isn't rhetoric.
This is economic warfare against our republic to bring this system in.
And it's the same system from Australia to Germany to Canada to the United States, from Wales to Scotland, from Ireland proper to you name it.
It's the same global standardized system on record designed to break up the family, dumb down the children, drug the population.
Just getting you used to it.
They're now rolling out vaccines that you'll never be depressed again, that literally attack your cerebral cortex.
Injectable selective lobotomies.
I mean, you're in a science fiction movie.
You're in a science fiction movie, and...
The only reason I'm still alive is because they underestimated us and there are a lot of good people in the system now and this thing is compartmentalized where they don't want to mess with the research project.
They want to roll it out and see what happens and it's a weird rule that they have under Social Darwinism that if we wake up to this and say no and fight them and reverse it, they're not going to do it.
It's a weird metaphysical rule that we've got to invite them in.
We've got to give in to this.
It's the free will issue.
And I'm telling you right now, ladies and gentlemen, you're already walking dead, many of you.
You've already been eating and drinking and been given shots of things that even if you try to eat the best vitamins and minerals and exercise, you're not going to... I mean, the actuaries are off the chart.
The cancer rates, the death rates, the longevity is lowering everywhere.
I mean, we're in trouble.
And it's going to get worse, and crazier, and weirder, and stranger, and we're never going to come out of it.
And here's the key.
They're selling a self-fulfilling prophecy, and the video's up on InfoWars.com, World Banker makes stunning confession, where Wolfensohn is going to all the big universities, there's a bunch of these speeches, and admitting, oh, the West is about to be all poor, and all the power is going to China and India.
Well, not the power, but to the elites over there, because they're part of the globalist program to leverage out the wealth.
We don't have to become poor for them to succeed.
Globalism isn't meant to raise everybody up.
It's meant to lower everyone.
That's the great lie of globalism.
And things are only going to get worse until we realize this and say no to it.
For an orderly extermination.
This whole thing is a giant technotronic, technocratic laboratory in their own words.
You understand, this is not my opinion.
This is the nightmare vision of the technocratic New World Order.
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I don't know.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Now, I just want to be clear.
They sell globalism, NAFTA, GATT, open borders.
All of this is what will fix the economy.
But you notice, it always gets worse.
They tell you they're not going to raise taxes on people making less than a quarter million.
They raise it on people making $22,000 a year.
That's CNBC Today.
Man, I hear this everywhere I go.
People are freaking out.
Folks, the insurance companies wrote this legislation to make poor people buy insurance and to get rid and phase out Medicare and Medicaid.
But they're going to sit there and go, right, wingers don't want you to have this.
You notice it got passed.
It's just so horrible what they've got planned.
They're not nice socialists that want to give you a free teddy bear.
Nobody rides for free, folks.
Freedom and small government creates wealth, big government creates hell on earth, and this big government is eugenics-based.
Don't forget, ladies and gentlemen, you can get 11 memberships for $5.95 to see the video of the Daily Radio Show and the Nightly News and all my films.
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Go to Infowarsnews.com.
And become a member today and get your friends and family watching.
Wake somebody up today.
Joe in Ohio, listening on WAIS 770 AM.
Thanks for holding, Joe.
You heard that big breakdown of China surpassing us.
Yeah, it's a economic warfare with the globalists bringing America down, raising our taxes and regulations, and then moving all our businesses to China, totally conscious.
We can turn this around if we understand it's by design.
Go ahead.
Well, uh, Mr. Jones, I just, uh, I agree with what you're saying.
Uh, it's been proven many times, uh, to me and to quite a few people over the years.
And, uh, what I would like to do is thank you for what you're doing.
Uh, I know it's difficult at times.
You seem like you're going six different ways at once.
Uh, I can understand that.
I mean, you've got a lot on your shoulders.
And, uh, back when I started listening, really listening to the program about eight years ago, when I had time to, uh, it's just proven to me and some of the folks I listen with that, uh, yeah, there's some things going on in this world that, uh, need to be taken care of.
And, uh... Well, my problem is I get angry.
That Obama grandstanding about how much he loves poor people and engaged in class warfare when he represents the robber barons, eugenicists, who are doing forced abortions now in Africa that the federal government just funded three years ago.
And then I get to see Jamie Foxx saying racist things all day while they're killing black kids.
And it's just, it's so over the top.
And Obama
Has got, quote, poor people thinking he really wants to help them when he raised their taxes.
And then I know they're moving all our jobs to China, not even to help the Chinese, but to even lower their standard of living, and we're totally being enslaved.
I mean, this is a fact.
We're being absolutely economically attacked.
What do we do about this?
I say, we get angry, we get the word out.
And again, that's what I want to
Uh, reiterated is as long as I've been listening.
Uh, I thought years ago, uh, especially after 9 11, uh, boy, that that was something that kind of woke a lot of people up.
Uh, there's still a lot of people that need to be woke up about it.
But, uh, the day that that happened, um, and the stuff that went on after, as far as the media, uh,
It wasn't right.
It wasn't right.
Regardless, 9-11 has been used to set up a police state now admittedly aimed at gun owners, conservatives, libertarians, returning veterans.
Undoubtedly, I was right.
It happened.
And yes, the globalists run Al Qaeda.
It's not even so much our government.
It's criminal elements within.
God bless you.
Third hour, more calls and a special guest coming up.
You are listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Are you?
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
First of all, Alex, I just want to let you know, happy birthday.
Yeah, well guess what?
I got you beat by one year.
I'll be 40 here in a couple of weeks.
Anyway, first of all, I want to talk... I woke up about... It's sad to say that I... Forgive me, I'm getting over the flu.
It's sad to say that I just woke up probably less than half a year ago.
Anyway, about the flu vaccines.
The flu vaccines... I haven't had a flu shot since the 90s, and this is the first time that I had the flu since the 90s.
The last time I had a flu shot, I got sick.
Anyway, isn't it ironic, if you actually think about it, if they were actually, you know how every fall they say, hey, you need to get a flu shot, right?
And as soon as everybody gets a flu shot, all of a sudden, the flu spreads.
No, no, no, they're actually studies by major governments.
You can pull them up.
We've done these reports.
Your common sense is dead on.
Where the regular flu shot actually causes the flu.
That's why they give the nasal live virus first and they admit in the literature it's actually causing.
And of course, they spread the flu themselves so that they can then scare everybody.
Look, this government alone has declassified more than, I don't know, it's more than 2,000 programs, many of which were lethal.
Spraying lethal stuff on towns, foster kids, troops.
In the old days it was minorities because they primed the pump with, well those are minorities, let's kill them or hurt them.
But now it's everybody.
And it's been everybody actually for a long time.
In phase two.
But I mean, there's been no reparations, there's been no big investigation.
It's like, oh we apologize for doing this or that.
So obviously, why do we trust anything they're doing?
Do you see my point?
That's what I was trying to say.
I mean, imagine if they were to get the flu shot in the springtime, you'd probably see a flu epidemic through the summer.
There's no doubt.
There's no doubt.
And if you get the flu shot one year, it doubles your chances of catching other variants of it.
That's the Canadian government's two studies four years ago.
I mean, we already knew that, but how many people got a flu shot for the first time and got the flu a day later?
I mean, even Piers Morgan got deathly ill a couple days after taking the shot.
I mean, this is not a game, folks.
These are not... Oh, the government and Big Pharma, most Big Pharma was in Germany under Hitler.
Bayer, IG Farben, you name it.
They're like, oh, people that ran the death camps, they run our drugs now.
Oh, well, they're nice people.
And Bayer didn't just get caught in the 40s.
Remember they got caught for 11 years shipping out millions of ampoules of Factor VIII that gave every hemophiliac or others that took that blood product drug gave them HIV and hepatitis?
And then it came out in the court documents that they knew it and quote didn't care?
Well, it's more than didn't care.
Can you imagine giving hundreds of thousands of people HIV and hepatitis?
Can you imagine that, brother?
No, I couldn't.
You know what the sad thing is?
The sad thing is that people, they're so blind.
I've been trying to wake people up.
And they call me a conspiracy theorist.
Everything you said is being true.
And I'm not committing you as God and all that.
I know you're not.
No, no, but I mean it's on record about Bayer.
Everything I've said is on record.
If it wasn't, I'd be sued into oblivion.
I know that.
And the thing about it is, I used to be a big Glenn Beck supporter.
I really was.
Big Glenn Beck fan.
And my wife thought that I went off the limb.
My wife looks at me and says, Shane, I can't listen to Glenn Beck anymore.
Well, we're getting Glenn to come around in a lot of ways.
He went through a lot growing up and it took him decades to make it and that's why he's so competitive with other Patriots and does some bad things.
But overall, I think he's doing a good job and we forgive him.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Waging war on corruption.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
We are the American people.
...and the people of the world.
The Sleeping Giant is awakening.
Monday through Friday, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m., three-hour transmission.
I am Alex Jones, your host.
Thank you for joining us.
And don't forget the Sunday broadcast, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time is live as well.
All right, we're gonna go to your phone calls from the last hours.
Corbin and Leif and Larry and Chet and George.
We're going to get to all of you coming up because our next guest is a syndicated talk show host, filmmaker, great researcher.
He's actually filled in before.
As a guest host, and was quite popular, we should have him back, but he lives up in Oklahoma.
Holland Vanden Neuwenhoff is a native of Oklahoma, formerly served in the U.S.
Marine Corps as a rifle squad leader, and he's been broadcasting six, seven years, and he also was a writer and producer on the excellent film A Noble Lie, Oklahoma City, 1995, the first full-length documentary examining the Oklahoma City bombing in light of new and suppressed evidence that proves the official story is a myth.
Run by the same people that brought you Fast and Furious.
You know who the Deputy Attorney General was at the time, is now the Attorney General today.
And I wanted to get him on because he does have a really good intellect, a piercing intellect when it comes to
researching these type of things and I want to get his take on the last few what I believe are at least provocateured and allowed to happen prior knowledge scripting as you can see how the media behaves.
You learn when it's staged, you learn when it's not.
You learn when they're just not letting a good crisis go to waste and you learn when they are behind it or when even mainstream media admits every few weeks they bust some mentally ill person who's been profiled with an 85 IQ, who's schizophrenic, who they've given drugs and money to for
Two years on average.
So they finally convinced, we'll give you another $10,000 and the heroin or the meth when you go blow up the Christmas tree.
Or, again, and then they're, oh, we busted a terrorist.
But now they're flipping the script from it's Al Qaeda.
Which the West openly runs in Libya and Syria and other areas too.
Gun owners, Conservatives, Libertarians, you name it.
And the reason I was in the film, Noble Lie, that we sell at Infowarsstore.com discounted.
I hope you get it and give it to everybody.
You heard me this the last few years.
I said all the Obama advisors say he needs to really get power and get done what he wants.
Shapiro, you name it, and the Financial Times of London.
They're internal high-level donors, people that give you like a million bucks, the Democrats, every year one way or another.
They got internal letters and at meetings it got recorded that, hey, we're going to blame what they call the right wing, but they mean the real right wing, not the fake stand-in one.
The libertarians, conservatives, they see that as left and right, at least in the paradigm they communicate.
We're going to blame all this on them.
Don't worry, you know, he's going to get it done.
And we've been told, gun owners, we killed the kids at Sandy Hook.
It doesn't matter if real violent crime is down 49% since 2001.
Excuse me, since 1991.
It doesn't matter if that is accelerating.
It doesn't matter if more guns mean less crime.
It doesn't matter if Switzerland is the safest country in the world and has the highest gun ownership.
I even saw a Washington Post article this weekend admitting that but demonizing it.
They're trying to take their guns.
You can't take everybody else's guns and do all this worldwide if a couple countries stand out.
Meanwhile, this new cop, which I look at this, I read the manifestos, which are his online postings, what he said, it fits the M.O.
of one of their wind-up toys, who's into being a Hollywood star, that's what they think being a cop is, been in, you know, counter-terrorism training and all this, going off the rails being mad because his whole identity, I mean, just look at the photo of this guy, I've seen that eye, I've seen that look, let me see a document cam here,
It's a narcissism look, and you see the whole way it's set up, the way the cops are so scared shooting up innocent people's cars, the way the media is spinning it like, oh, maybe it's good, maybe it is racism.
That's telling you that it's not staged.
Now, they'll sure use it to push drones and police state and all the rest of it, and to sell the idea of just we'll kill whoever we want at checkpoints whenever we want.
I mean, they have a bank robbery in Denver and an hour later they shut down a highway and aim M-16s at every family in their cars.
I mean, and if they killed people, it'd be good.
Kill more.
I mean, the proof you're a good American is to kill yourself.
You know, the government's God.
Everybody else is trash.
Everybody else is filth.
Now, I know most police are not like this, but the system's trying to twist them.
So I want to get Holland van den Nieuwenhoff's take, because he was on a lot up to the election saying, look,
They're going to stage stuff.
They're going to blame it on us.
They're going to provocateur it.
And then you get Anderson Cooper's green screen, his nose disappearing.
I mean, are they doing that on purpose to make us focus on that?
Knowing the public's not that awake and will think we're kooks?
Multiple men who were police from another jurisdiction caught by police.
Then the media said it didn't exist.
They didn't say, hey, they were cops.
Later it's come out in court.
It's, no, that didn't happen.
You didn't see that.
See, it's the evidence of the cover-up, the scripting, the way they jumped on it within five minutes, literally, with tweets.
That's how they caught them setting up Dominique Strauss-Kahn.
He's a horrible globalist, but he was being set up by Sarkozy.
Still failed.
The socialists still got back in.
It just wasn't Kahn.
Two different brands of the New World Order stabbing each other in the back.
Separation of powers.
That's one thing that holds back the globalists throughout history, is they're always stabbing each other in the back.
Holds back tyrants.
The modern version globalist.
Was that the official Twitter of Sarkozy got TimeZones off and tweeted a good 30 minutes before the police were even called, before he'd even left the hotel, that he had raped a woman and that he had been arrested.
That's like publishing in a whole bunch of other TimeZone, you know, Australia, New Zealand,
And one other Asian country, that Lee Harvey Oswald had killed JFK before he was even arrested and his name was even broadcast.
They got the time zones off.
Just like they announced building 7 had just blown up and collapsed, and CNN's going it hadn't collapsed.
Well, Reuters says it has, they got the scripting off.
And then two BBC's said the same thing.
You see, and it's not, people say, oh, are you saying Aaron Brown was in on it?
He lived in New York, he went, but it appears to still be there, but it fell on its own footprint from the fires.
There it is, okay.
And then other networks, and I said it was probably Reuters, because I knew they're the highest level globalist internal propaganda feed.
I said that on record, turned out it was Reuters.
BBC had to admit it.
First, they said it wasn't real footage.
That we'd faked it.
See, we've got them, ladies and gentlemen.
We have them now.
And if we just expose him, it's over.
But we're entering the main danger quadrant right now.
Now, he may disagree with me, and I want his take on Sandy Hook, on the Aurora.
That's totally staged.
So I haven't heard his take on this yet.
I haven't heard him on local radio in about a month, because I've been too busy.
And I want to get his take on this new guy.
I'm going to try to shut up and give him the floor for about 15, 20 minutes.
Then I promise we'll go to your calls.
Holland Vanden Neuwenhoff, thank you for joining us, sir.
Thank you very much for having me on again, Alex.
It's a pleasure.
What do you think of that rant you just heard?
Your points on it, what do you think is going on right now?
I think you're making very good points.
What you pointed out in your video release on the green screen of Anderson Cooper is the fact that CNN is actively engaged in a propaganda campaign revolving around
The Sandy Hook Massacre to fulfill a gun control agenda and as you pointed out CNN has time and time again over the past two decades been heavily involved in the deep state agenda being the propaganda arm of the Pentagon and the National Security State and whatever the political agenda that needs to be fulfilled during the current administration.
Of course we're seeing under the current pretender and thief President Obama
A mere continuation of the policies of President Bush, expansion of the war on terror, and at the same time he's asking us, the American people, to disarm ourselves at the very same time that they are taking the drone technology that they've already used overseas to kill hundreds of children and they're importing it, they're bringing it here to this country and they're using it currently in the hunt for the LAPD cop killer, the supposed cop killer Christopher Dorner.
So we're seeing
If this event in California is not contrived, and I'm reserving judgment on that, perhaps could be legitimate.
A legitimate outpouring of rage at a man's life destroyed by a corrupt system.
And if so, we're seeing how a legitimate threat to the system.
They see this lone individual who has just the right amount of training to be a threat to their control system.
You see the panic mode they go into.
Protective details, dozens, shooting up passersby who happen to drive by the wrong house at the wrong time.
They aren't even in trucks and a white guy, they pull over, let him go, and then shoot him up.
Exactly, and this is not professional behavior.
This is panic-driven behavior.
Police officers are used to having the tactical advantage in numbers and equipment, and oftentimes when you see them at a disadvantage, just like the overconfident person in an earthquake who loses his bearing because all of a sudden his size has no standing on his survival status, they completely go to pieces.
You see the police
Seeing that their their supposed advantages are no more and they simply go to pieces.
We saw it after Katrina.
We saw it at Waco when the ATF were, you know, basically got there.
They got beaten in the first firefights by a bunch of children and old men, even though they had the tactical advantage in the firepower.
But they they came up against against some resistance they weren't expecting.
They went to completely to pieces.
You know, I think you've gone to the heart of it.
I want to talk about that first when we come back.
Everybody, Al Sharpton says, we got drones, we're taking your guns, the government owns you.
The globalists couldn't hold Baghdad.
If you're willing to fight, I don't care how many robots, how much crud you've got, unless you nerve gas everybody, you're going to lose.
And if they start this civil war, it is going to wipe out the police and military.
But I don't want that to happen, because the globalists plan on that happening.
Yeah, I mean, you'd be a fool to see it not happening.
We see the potential of it fulfilling right now.
Just imagine if a couple dozen Christopher Dorners were on the loose in one state, pulling off such havoc.
I mean, you would see a complete collapse.
Instant martial law.
And then that won't matter because they'll all, well, they're going to go to redoubts.
They're going to go dig in when all this happens.
And then that's going to just let the economy fall apart until they get citizens to rat people out.
Listen, it's a trap.
None of us want to do this.
But I'm telling you, they're all talking about civil war.
The media is hyping him, kind of going, ooh, civil war, yeah.
Let's kill some cops.
The last thing you want to do, folks, is kill cops.
Hello, I'm Alex Jones.
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Everybody knows that the dice are loaded.
Everybody rolls.
Everybody knows that the dice are loaded.
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed.
But that's not really true.
The war never started.
The globalists were able to take over because nobody saw what they were doing.
They did it incrementally.
But now as you get down to the endgame, people are really waking up.
Look at this article up at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
School board wants to take copyrights away from students and teachers.
Yeah, that's the new corporate global governance.
Where they're saying that the UN will enforce it, where you can't even use words without paying a tax.
And now with voice recognition they're going to do it.
And then when you write something or teachers write something, you don't own it, the government does.
And that's how they actually spy on you.
See, computers sound great in schools, but then everything you're writing is being read by the feds.
It all goes into a database and they say they have computer programs that check it for plagiarism.
I mean, it's just a nightmare world they're building because none of us think about infrastructure.
We just put up with whatever they roll out to us.
Going back to our guest, Holland Vanden Neuwenhoff, syndicated talk show host, documentary filmmaker.
Okay, Holland, this is a short segment, long segment coming up.
Bottom line, now hundreds of millions more bullets they're buying, 1.6 plus billion checkpoints, highway checkpoints, TSA checkpoints in Austin now.
I mean, it's just, it's accelerating, but it shows how it's a paper tiger
Because if we ever resist it, it's all over.
But they're going to stage stuff and blame it on us to get the hearts and minds.
That's their ace in the hole.
That's why we've got to expose.
They're the ones behind so much of this.
But what do you make of them now in CBS News and others hyping this guy like a hero going, well, it is wrong.
And I guess it is good to shoot somebody's daughter to get back at their dad.
I mean, what do you make of that, PSYOP, now?
I guess that leftist terrorism, because he's a gun grabber?
This is something good?
Yes, it's very tempting to have some sympathy for the suspect in this case.
And frankly, his case does seem like it needs to be examined.
But his actions in slaying innocent people, the daughter of a police officer and her fiancé, that has no moral value.
I have no sympathy for that at all.
And let me clarify my position, what I was referring to earlier.
I do not want to engage in a shooting war with my fellow Americans in this country.
I think that would be the absolute worst case scenario.
If it does come down to that, I'm pretty sure what the outcome is going to be.
But if that does happen, there's going to be traumatized generations that it's going to take a long time to get over.
It's not going to be good.
And I don't want that.
Violence is not what we are striving for.
And if we win the information war that we're all engaged in right now, we don't have to go to violence.
We don't have to use violence as self-defense because we win the information war.
We bring the people over to our side.
They see the falsity of the system being erected in front of them and they reject it.
So we are not even close to that.
We're still in the first phase of resistance right now, which is the ideological war in which you have termed and basically owned as the information war.
Well, all I did was look at what the enemy did, saying that 90% of Pentagon operations were in full war, and I took their term and turned it around to try to restore the Republic.
How do you see things going for the globalists right now?
I mean, I see them carrying out their global takeover, but it's not happening in a vacuum, and people are way more awake than they thought we would be, and their own internal white papers admit this.
Yes, they're not keeping up with the learning curve that the people are engaged in, in the information world.
We are waking up, we are learning.
The human brain is talking to itself like no other time in recorded history, learning things about itself, learning things about what is going on.
I don't
To teach us to love them so they can play the part of the hero.
Exactly, exactly.
And something about this Dorner case reminds me of the so-called sympathy being joined up by the media.
Like I said, it's very tempting to be sympathetic to the man, and part of me is, but I have no sympathy for his value in slaying and taking innocent life.
But it reminds me of in the 1960s and 70s, actually, when Marxist groups were actually advocating shooting cops on the street in order
To make cops more antagonistic towards the citizenry and therefore creating a cultural divide between the police and the citizenry.
So this could be a divide and conquer tactic.
You're right, I'd forgotten about that.
That's why going back about five, six years I would get more angry at the police not realizing it was a globalist tactic having them act like goons to create the divide of us against them when instead we need to be engaging them and waking them up and
Getting them back to American standards.
Let's talk about how to defeat this and what you see on the radar screen and phone calls.
With Holland Vanden Heuwenhoff, I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
All right, I want to start going to your phone calls here in a few minutes.
They'll be all over the map, but that's fine.
Our guests can speak to it all.
Holland Vanden Heuwenhoff, filmmaker, talk show host, former Marine rifle squad leader.
Looking at this, they've tried to create a militarized culture with the police where the public is seen as the enemy, but...
It's now public.
The CIA brings in most of the drugs with the big banks.
It's now public.
The government runs Al-Qaeda.
It's now public, but not known by the general public.
It's admitted, but not known.
But with the intelligentsia it is.
And so they have real trouble.
Coming out and attacking myself and others talking about false flags now, as they try to flip the script onto gun owners, veterans, and the rest of us.
Do you see any scenario where Chris Dorner, who says he reportedly loves Obama, loves Piers Morgan,
People hate the police so much in Southern California, and a lot of them are pretty bad out there.
I've actually met some pretty nice ones, too.
They're saying, yeah, let's kill more cops.
I'm seeing this all over Facebook, Twitter.
It's being left up.
I mean, we posted a video about
About 3D printable gun cartridges, or gun magazines, clips, whatever you want to call them.
And, you know, YouTube's removing that.
It doesn't even really show how to make it.
If I make fun of some globalist professor, they remove my video.
But people can be up there saying, let's kill cops, and nothing happens.
And again, they want to get black versus white, old versus young.
I've got some clips of that coming up in a moment.
But never American people against globalists, or, hey, why does my tax money go to foreign banks?
So I see it as desperate divide and conquer, and they want to get a shooting war started somehow, I guess to forever get the police to see the public as an enemy.
But I think fundamentally, even though the globalists have a lot of good tacticians in people, they think as they're being landed in helicopters and things on Air Force One, that they're going to be able to negotiate this and win this.
I really see them doing what Hitler and others did, you know, turning east into Russia, or biting off more than they can chew, or the Romans getting run out of
Northern England by the Scots and then building that wall there.
I mean, I really see them miscalculating, but I don't want the miscalculation to happen.
But then if they do go ahead and start the Civil War, that'll be the quickest way to bring it to its end.
But what are points you want to make on that rant and other points we haven't gotten to yet?
Well, looking at the actions that this government is undertaking, the purchasing of tremendous amounts of firearms and ammunition, of police state technology, one could only conclude that they are indeed preparing for civil unrest.
They're not buying billions of rounds of ammunition to fight Al-Qaeda here in the United States.
That is not happening.
Who are they preparing for?
Well, the other enemy is the American people.
Now, they know that trying to forcibly disarm the American people would provoke violence.
They have probably calculated that that cannot be ruled out.
Therefore, they are betting on it.
And oftentimes, when in a bad situation, it's better just to put your foot on the gas and drive it towards its ultimate culmination point.
And so they know it's going to get violent so they are doubling down on dealing with the violence.
The fact is that the American people must be disarmed for this control grid to advance to the next stage.
Because right now we're starting to grumble.
We're starting to grumble and we're still armed.
We're also grumbling because this government is telling us that we should disarm ourselves.
So the confrontation may come.
And they know it so they're going to do it on their terms.
They know what's going to come, so they're not going to wait for a random chance to throw their calculations off.
Where we have a real Lexington or Concord, and they're clearly in the wrong, they want to strike first, but frame it like they didn't strike first.
Yes, they said this time and time again.
When Karl Rove boasted to the media about creating reality, he was talking about staging events and therefore altering the course of events after that.
Therefore, you create reality.
This is what they teach each other.
Staging events to create reality.
They know this is going to happen, so they will stage something.
They've staged everything else.
Thus far with the gun control agenda in mind, Sandy Hook was scripted.
Tucson was certainly scripted.
Fast and Furious was run by the same office that was running Tucson.
That's right.
You instantly see the scripting.
People ask how we know and how we get proven right over and over again.
You instantly see the scripting.
Yes, in Tucson, when that happened, the first piece of news was the sheriff saying this was because of the political atmosphere.
I didn't even know who was dead yet.
And then we see at Sandy Hook, when I turned on the news, the first thing I heard was a police spokesman saying this was the result of access to firearms.
I don't even know what's going on yet, how many people are dead or what's going on, but they're telling me why this occurred.
You see the script running concurrently with the event unfolding.
That tells you that script is laying on someone's desk, ready to be read.
Well, humanity doesn't awaken until we're under pressure.
People are adapting, they are improvising.
And the globalists should look at the mass of zombies and think we're all weak.
There's a large percentage of us that are not zombies.
And just because you've neutralized most of the public into mindless gibbering idiots, you know, arrested development morons, doesn't mean you've gotten a lot of us.
And they need to understand that.
Exactly, exactly.
A lot of us are awake.
I mean, it's almost scary how many people are awake, Alex.
When We Are Change Oklahoma goes out onto the highway and holds a Google Building 7 banner across the highway during high traffic times, I'm not exaggerating, fully 10% of the cars are honking in support.
Probably half the truckers.
Now, a lot of people are awake and they just
They're not advertising it, they're not talking about it.
They know what's going on, but they just choose not to engage.
And frankly, I don't know if that's necessarily a bad thing.
But they are awake, they know what's going on.
Now that's a giant mass of hidden force.
And if something comes down the pike, that perhaps this massive force finds a bit objectionable, they may just, and if we can convince them,
And by the way,
I've said I'm not turning my guns in and my line in the sand is there.
It is good and human and fundamental to commit to something and stop being afraid, ladies and gentlemen.
They're already soft-killing us, creeping around, turning up the ambient manipulation.
We need to just accelerate this.
Not the physical end.
They're going to do that.
We need to accelerate the info war now, every day, before this war kicks off.
We've got to use the info war.
Exactly, and this is a process.
We make our stand every day with the choices we make.
Once you wake up, you start making choices with what you're going to do with your day, where you're going to spend your money, what you're going to do with your energy, if you're going to spend four hours watching TV, if you're going to disengage from those matrix.
Those are little stands we make every day, every month, in the information war that we're fighting.
And they know we're pulling away from them.
That's why they're desperate to get us to come back, and it's not happening.
And as we make these stands, make these decisions, that will give us the strength and the character that when the decision becomes more dire, more consequences, we've already made these decisions before, we've paid little prices before, and we were proud of our decisions before, now we're being given a...
A bigger choice.
Are we going to make a stand here?
Yes, we are.
We've already been through this process.
We're evolving.
We're trying to fight back and we're going to say no.
I am not going to go quietly into the night.
I am not going to turn in my firearms for better or worse.
That is not going to happen.
That's right, and notice they've now backed off, and Obama's out with guns, and Morgan's out with guns, Piers Morgan.
They're like, we never wanted your guns.
As soon as they lose an offense, they pull back and say, there was never a fight, because they don't want us getting together and massing ourselves.
They don't want us forming organizations.
They want us, and of course that's a military tactic as well.
They don't want to give us any kind of even ideological victory.
For example, in California after 1990 when President Bush Sr.
outlawed assault rifles in that state, there was a massive non-compliance.
People were not turning in firearms.
That was not reported in the news because that would tell you that people were not complying with the law.
It was like 99% people were not turning in their firearms.
That's just not going to happen.
They're not going to grant us these ideological victories in the mainstream media.
Just like when we say we're going to have an opt-out week, they just turn the body scanners off.
They're not going to let us know we have power.
But we can see beyond that because we're not paying attention to their mainstream propaganda.
We are fighting the fight.
We're not the bystanders, the mainstream audience watching TV.
We are fighting the fight.
We see how these critics chase the fight.
Well, that's the essence.
Once you realize they're cold-blooded, lying enemies,
Well-meaning liberals.
These are not liberals.
These are cold-blooded people using psychological tactics, anthropology and sociology tactics, who see you as an animal or as a tribe they're observing.
That's how they describe us.
And we're observing you too.
You know, you little chicken necks.
This is a bunch of professors and technocrats who hate real men, hate families.
That's why they're ideology.
They're a bunch of weaklings.
I'm telling you folks, it's an army of nerds running this thing.
Okay, I don't mean there's a lot of nice nerds too, but I mean it's an army of sycophantic nerds running this who literally think we're like a bunch of villagers they're watching from a spaceship.
I got news for you, you're not God.
And we know what you've done, you little turkeys.
We're coming after you.
Yeah, it's herd management.
That's how they consider it.
They cull the herd from time to time so they can reap its wealth.
But the herd is becoming sentient.
We got internet now.
And we're realizing that we have herd masters.
And we're breaking away.
We're breaking down the fences.
We don't care what you say or do anymore.
We don't even want to fight you.
We just want to get off the reservation.
No longer be under your control.
We're not looking for a fight here.
If you just want to give up your control system, that's fine.
That's not going to happen.
History dictates it won't.
But hopefully you will wake up too.
I mean, we need to engage the enemy also.
Talk to them.
I'm not just talking about
We don't need to do this.
Yes, these are old ideals of managing the human herd, culling it, we can come up with better solutions.
Their system is obsolete and their resort to violence is indicative of the fact that their system is obsolete.
You're right, the reason they're panicking in an arms race against us is they're losing the info war, folks.
They're losing on every front because their own minions have now figured out, wait, I'm in the crosshairs of this too.
Yeah, and we need to ascertain the nature of the threat against us.
Like you said, Alex, we need to know we're not just facing liberals who hate America.
That's not what we're facing.
We're facing a funded propaganda arm called the media, CNN.
That is part of the Pentagon and National Security State.
They've been owned since the first Gulf War.
Yeah, that's not hippies.
That's the foreign banks that run our government.
Yeah, it's not hippies who hate America.
I mean, they're the tools.
But the guys pulling the trigger, they wear suits.
And they don't go to potluck suppers.
They eat at five-star hotels.
Absolutely, and they're all eugenicists.
It's incredible.
I want to play a clip here, because in the Divide and Conquer, I knew they'd try to put Obama in to create racial division.
Bring Obama in in the name of unity, so a bunch of white people vote for him.
Again, not that McCain was good either, total globalist.
The fact is, it's staged, it's rigged, the whole thing.
And then, now, I've never seen it without even trying to look for it.
I mean, it is the most fashionable thing to say whites are dumb, whites are stupid, whites are ugly, whites are pathetic, you know, the white men can't jump thing, but times a hundred.
To make whites not like black people.
I mean, see black front men like Jamie Foxx are out there not knowing why they're encouraged to do all this by the system.
Believe me folks, that's all vetted and scripted.
They think it's all part of a big joke.
It's meant to create division and I want to play this clip and then ask you why they want that division.
Then we're going to go to another clip and then phone calls for Corbin and others that are holding.
Let's go to this clip of Jamie Foxx, Chris Rock and others.
Here it is.
Django Unchained, I play a slave.
Uh, how black is that?
And, uh, in the movie I have the word change.
Um, how whack is that?
But don't, don't, don't be worried about it because I get out the chains, I get free, I save my wife, and I kill all the white people in the movie.
How great is that?
And how black is that?
Uh, I am just here to support the President of the United States.
The President of the United States is, you know, our boss.
But he's also, you know, the President and the First Lady are kind of like the mom and the dad of the country.
And when your dad says something, you listen.
And when you don't, it usually bites you in the ass later on.
Black people are the most talented people in the world.
I can't explain it.
You can't sit in this room and not watch Gladys Knight sing and go like, golly, what in the world?
Now, what if David Duke got up and said white people are the most talented people in the world?
Well, he does.
But the issue here is, this is a major PSYOP, folks, because it's everywhere.
Where you don't like big government, won't turn your guns in, you're a racist.
So stuff that isn't racist is called racist, and things that are racist are pushed.
And again, it's meant to create some type of bizarre clash.
Holland Vanden Heuwenhoff, what is your take on this PSYOP?
What do you think they're trying to do?
Well, it's definitely divide and conquer, and this kind of sentiment that Jamie Foxx and Chris Rock are subjecting us to, it's infantile.
We don't play with building blocks anymore.
We're in the adult world.
And adults don't view things in terms of racial matters.
I don't view my interactions with society in terms of racial politics.
No, it's about ideas and what people stand for.
Yeah, and I'm not even, I'm racially indistinct, so I really have no dog in the hunt.
But these are all just, it's infantiles, divide and conquer, and frankly, I don't...
Are people really buying this, this black and white divide anymore?
I mean, it just seems so outdated, but I guess it is working because that's what the media is pushing.
And we see it time and time again.
People are falling for it.
And we see a lot of people right now under President Obama.
We saw this under President Bush.
For eight years under President Bush, liberals were my best friends in the world because I was talking smack on the Bush administration, so were they.
As soon as President Obama became president,
I don't
Yeah, I don't want to be talking about race, but apparently I have to in the 21st century still.
Well, that's the plan.
Instead of talking about the globalists, I want to go out to break with this clip and come back with calls.
Here's a clip of Al Sharpton going, hey, don't worry about the Second Amendment.
We got drones.
Here it is.
I mean, if you look at the Second Amendment, it was that you would have militia to protect yourself in case the government came and attacked citizens.
First of all, if the government were to come to disarm you, you would not be able to use an automatic weapon to defend yourself.
Let's be serious.
We're in a world of drones now.
So, the Second Amendment would not help you in that area.
That's enough.
Everybody's laughing.
And I get this when I'm on socialist, globalist shows.
They go, we got the drones, ah, ah, ah, ah.
Because they know it's about power.
Really, you got the drones with Dorner.
How's that helping you out there in Southern California?
They're helping Afghanistan also, and that's not working so well for them.
Yeah, I mean, it's all just a bunch of crud, OK?
The will to kill is what it's all about.
I don't even need weapons.
I can kill people all day long, and so can anybody else.
We'll be right back with your phone call.
Stay with us.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
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Corbin in West Virginia, what a trooper holding, sorry about that, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hello Alex, how are you doing today?
Good, God bless you, go ahead.
I'm an R.N.
here in West Virginia and I just want to bring up some mental health issues and the uses of the SSRIs, the MAOIs, and the CIOAs.
I work here at this hospital.
I'm not going to name it because of all the laws and regulations that I'm supposed to uphold.
But I work in this hospital and we feed these kids these drugs daily.
And they're very violent.
I'm going to say that working on one of the violent levels of this hospital.
Most of them are 13 and 14 years old, Alex.
I asked the doctor the other day because I'm really getting sick of taking care of these kids.
I said, what is the scope of treatment here, actually?
Because I see nothing being done.
They said we're trying to make them feel remorse for the things that they've done.
And like I said, I'm not going to name some things, but I want you just to imagine the worst psycho killer movie you could imagine.
And that's what's being said.
A 13-year-old slitting their 3-year-old sister's throat.
Yes, sir.
I mean, and it gets, you know, rape and everything else.
Just the things I've heard and how well thought out it is.
I said, what is the scope of treatment here, doctor?
He said, well, we're trying to make them feel remorse.
Well, I start talking to these kids, Alex.
I do my own thing because, like I said, I'm a nurse.
I'm supposed to be looking out for their health as well.
Well, I ask them, I say, how do you feel on these medications?
What does it make you do?
Is it working for you?
They all tell me the same thing.
No, it's worse.
I said, well, what happened?
What's your signs and symptoms?
Well, I had this one kid the other day tell me that for the past three years, he's had the same dream of the same girl that lives on his street.
Well, here's the thing, Alex.
As a juvenile in the state of West Virginia, your papers are not to be reviewed or brought to in a court of law against you.
And so you can't tell people that when he gets out, he's planning to go stab this girl?
That's exactly, Alex, what I'm saying.
And here's the thing.
When he turns 18, we have to release him that day, and then we have to wait until he commits a crime to bring him back in.
And again, they grab these kids when they're bad in school, when they're 8, put them on psychotropics, and then they become demons with the video games, the culture.
If you believe in spiritualism, it's basically a drug that allows demons to take control of your mind.
Regardless, it's causing them to kill.
Let's get Holland's take on this.
We're going to do 20 minutes, 30 minutes overdrive, maybe an hour overdrive.
This is so important.
Can you stay with us, Holland?
Yes, I can.
Okay, I want to keep going to calls.
And stay there, Corbin.
I'm going to bring you back after the break, but a quick comment on what he just said.
Well, yeah, the system is self-sustaining.
We see the drugs being used to turn our children into psychopathic killers, and then they're not being treated, and they go on to commit crimes, thus justifying everything that is being inflicted upon us.
And their answer from Sandy Hook in this is, more mental health, more kids on drugs, which will cause more of the mass shooting.
And then more mental health, more drugs.
But it is.
It's Brave New World 1984, they're playing out the script.
And it says on the insert, makes you do this.
It's not a conspiracy theory.
Alright, fourth hour, transmission continues, InfoWars.com.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Coast to coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we are live.
Lunging into hour number four.
And it is the 11th day of February, 2013.
And our guest is Holland Vanden Heuwenhoffer, taking phone calls.
Listen, they use the national security state to cover up their crimes.
And they selectively use the medical privacy issues that when you've got people adjudicated, you know, 13, 14, 15 as psychopathic killers, on the drugs of course, you know, already abused and things, then put on drugs that take away their inhibition, the violent culture, the way it's glorified.
And the good news is I have my second amendment that when one of these guys gets out when he's 18 years old and wants to come to my house, well I'm just going to be waiting on him.
Not worried about it.
Oh, got a crazy bus in the door?
Meet Mr. Semi-Auto Shotgun.
But you see, the globalists hate this.
They're criminals at heart, and they want a system where their children, their little demons they've wrecked, can have fun with us.
That's what the Jacobins, the Luciferians, the Illuminati in the French Revolution, that they basically created and hijacked, they said the journey is the destination.
Raping, killing, burning, murdering, overturning God's creation.
That's what they're looking for.
The genetic engineering, the splicing, all of this.
But I want to go back to Corbin in this short segment and get Holland Vanden Heuwenhoff's take and then more calls from Leif and others in the next segment.
Corbin, what else is going on there?
So you're saying the common theme is they're on the psychotropic drugs.
Oh yes, sir.
It goes beyond that.
I mean, and to be honest, like you just said, coming to your house, people need to understand this, Alex.
And like I said, I really had no other way to get this out here without, you know, ruining my license.
You have to understand, I'm talking, I was on one level, Alex.
There's 30 kids up there.
They're all from two counties.
This is, you know, one of the bigger hospitals in my state.
But, they have to be, just, they have to really think that they're in a high place.
To really think that these kids don't live next door to you.
And once they take your guns away and things, and like I said, just like you said, what are you going to do when 12 year old Kenny has been watching you?
Because Alex, they really, it's scary.
They wait three months.
It's all about power.
It's all about the ownership.
They watch.
They know what you do.
It's just like what you're saying with the government.
They see you.
I've had people tell me they know when mommy and daddy get off work and they know when playtime is.
Listen, it's demonic.
It's demonic.
The coal culture is being given over and the chemicals and everything is turning them over.
But then there's the spiritual overlay.
This is a very demonic plan.
God bless you, sir, and please call us back.
You should do a YouTube video, but again, just don't say where you work.
All of you need to not wait and just call in here.
You need to get out and warn others.
Holland, your take on that chilling phone call?
Well, it reminds me, perhaps some say the ultimate plan of Satan, if one believes that, is to take God's creation and destroy it in front of him.
Perhaps that's at play.
There's always unknowns at work, and we do see a spiritual aspect to this.
This is spiritual warfare.
It's warfare at every level.
They want to own our souls.
They want to destroy us.
And when you actually look at demonic possession, not as a literal fact, but look at what the methodology is in trying to get someone under the, at least in the theology, under the influence of a demon.
It's pretty much propagandizing them, traumatizing them.
It's everything that's being done to the American citizen to make us not a whole person.
To leave us a shell of a person that got to be filled by whatever trash that the control system wants to shove down our throat to keep us happy slaves.
To keep the herd fat and happy while they capitalize off of our flesh.
The only way they can take over is to turn our children into manifest demons.
Whether that means decadence, or not caring, or being nihilistic, or being flat-out psychos.
And they're going to take a lot of them and turn them into cops.
I mean, folks, you ain't seen nothing yet.
And that's why people need to realize just how serious this situation is.
More phone calls straight ahead.
We'll get to Leif, and we'll get to, well Scott is after Leif, and then we'll get to Joshua.
Chet, Ron, and others, your call's all straight ahead.
This is real radio, folks.
We're talking about the real world, and yes, reality is a lot stranger than fiction.
Isn't it?
Yeah, it sure is.
Hello, I'm Alex Jones.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Joining us right now, we were talking in the last hour, is Holland Vanden Heuwenhoff, one of the writers, directors, and researchers of A Noble Lie.
Excellent film exposing government-sponsored terror that we carry at InfoWarsTore.com.
I'm going to go right to your phone calls here in a moment, but even though we're mentally waking up, even though we see people finally getting out of their coma, it's not enough.
I mean, the tyranny has gotten cartoon level.
But the globalists and their minions are drinking their own Kool-Aid as well.
They try to project this image of all-powerful, but Southern California is paralyzed and the police are gripped in catatonic fear over something statistically still that's very, very remote that they'll be killed by one of their own, supposedly.
But the globalists are able to shut down our economy.
They are able to selectively enforce taxes.
George Washington, of course, famously said, the power to tax is the power to destroy.
And this is economic warfare, transferring our jobs to China, de-industrializing the U.S., putting in carbon taxes that everybody else is exempt from, Obama raising taxes on the poorest Americans, totally cold-blooded, but it's okay because he loves them, he's liberal.
I mean, just the con games.
How do you get around the economic shutdown?
Well, you start buying locally whenever you can, you start growing a garden, you start making those choices, you start supporting the mom and pops aggressively.
And it doesn't mean you're always perfect and won't sometimes, you know, sometimes you don't have a choice, but we better, like you said, the little battles every day, because this is serious business.
Holland Vanden Heuwenhoff, comments on that.
Yes, definitely.
As for the economy, yeah, you need to start planning now because once the economy fails, which it will on purpose or contrived most likely, they will simply trigger the crisis because they know it's going to come anyway and they want to control it.
They know that the old system is collapsing.
It was built in the 19th century.
It's old and the timbers are creaking.
They have a new high-tech dam ready, a 21st century dam to contain the waters of the people.
Once the old system fails, they have that ready.
And when the chaos caused by the collapse of the old system, we will be begging for their new control system.
But to avoid that, we need to avoid being hungry enough to have to make that choice.
And that means coming up with support systems now, engaging your local economy now, engaging alternative currencies now.
So when we do have to engage in alternative currencies and bartering and acquiring local food sources,
We're not guessing.
We already have an established system.
You already have a network.
You have a community that you can go to.
Well said.
Well said.
Just realizing evil predators are in control and withdrawing your consent and your support, even verbally, and really not hating these people, but realizing they're a danger.
Just like a highway by your house is a danger to your children.
I mean, being aware that that's the danger over there, and not being scared of it, but being steadfast, and any opportunity you have to hurt the system, any time you've got a way to expose it, because it's a cancer.
The system is destroying our constitutional system.
It's the imposter.
We are the counter-revolutionaries.
Leaf in Oregon, thanks for holding her on the air.
Yes sir, go ahead.
Hi, first-time caller, long-time listener.
Thanks, Alex, for all your info.
No, no, thank you.
Thank you.
Don't thank me.
Go ahead.
I'm a little nervous, so excuse me if I stumble.
I want to talk about some of the crazy stuff we're learning in our psychology class, if that's okay.
Well, you're learning that men inherently are all rapists and bad?
You're learning that world government's good?
Are you learning about how you're a racist as well?
Well, basically, they're indoctrining us into this whole new religion of psychology and social Darwinism.
And so what we're learning right now, we're learning about, we're reading The Descent of Man by Charles Darwin.
And what's blew me away, I couldn't believe this, he actually says in his book that only a small percentage of people are evolving and these are the evolutionary elite.
And he calls the rest of us evolutionary retarded.
Yeah, you know, I'd read that quote.
He wrote a couple books.
Which book was that?
The Descent of Man.
Yeah, and not only that, he even goes on to say, I'm paraphrasing here, he says that if the evolutionary elite allow their sons and daughters to breed with the evolutionary retarded, it'd be the end of humanity.
So this is insight into their mindset right there, and this gives them justification and reasoning for you, Jay.
No, no, no, no.
160 years ago, or whatever, he wrote that.
His cousin Galton picks it up.
The royalty all hears, we're elite, we're going to set up, we're going to develop the science, we're going to discover why we're all inbred and dying, and we're going to get rid of all these people.
And it's all off Malthus 100 years before that.
That's what Endgame covers.
But no, no, that's what they teach.
Again, they're not liberals.
And again, they said, we can't give our genetics to the general public.
We've just got to kill them.
So see, and then they say anybody who is upstanding and not of their bloodline, that's the number one enemy.
So see, it's even a lie.
They're a bunch of people that want a monopoly on the future.
We own the future.
We are the future, as Obama says.
Tell us what else they're saying.
We'll get Holland's take on it.
Well, it's just insane.
I'm taking, I'm getting my degree in computer information systems, and why am I taking this class in psychology?
Why is it required?
No, no, they make you.
Listen, that's part of what woke me up.
In just the first classes I took at community college, because I wasn't sure I even wanted to go to college.
I was working two jobs.
And, uh, you know, knew it was a scam.
So I went to community, and they said, first class is psychology, sociology, anthropology, and, uh, Texas history of all things, I guess, in Texas.
And every class was, whites are the devil and evil, uh, men are bad, the family is bad, world government's good, we're gonna take your guns, we're gonna reduce population, and then I'd go turn on C-SPAN, uh, hearings about how the extremist conspiracy theorist and militias believed there was a plan to take over and do everything I saw being taught.
Keep going, go ahead.
Well, it's insane.
They even get into religion and they talk about how, well, religion's not a real theory because you can't prove it wrong.
So don't even discuss that with people.
Like, you shouldn't even talk about it.
And then furthermore, you can just look at Charles Darwin's book.
What is it called?
The Origin of Species?
The full title of that book is The Origin of Species, or The Preservation of the Favored Races.
Right there.
I mean, that's just in plain sight.
And I mean, so far, college has been pretty good.
I've learned a whole bunch of stuff.
It's really opened my mind.
But as soon as I got into this psychology, after listening to you since basically Endgame, it was just...
It just made perfect sense.
Oh, here's their whole reasoning behind everything.
Eugenics, world control... Listen, my dad was top of his class, and this happens to everybody that's top of their class in high school.
They take you to a special academy at a major university, then they test the rest of you, then they call you behind closed doors, and they say you want to join the New World Order.
I mean, you know, we're going to take over, we're going to exterminate almost everybody.
I mean, that's what I'm saying, folks.
This is real.
This is all that's going on.
People need to understand.
Everyone who's got... I've been approached, you know, to join the New World Order.
I mean, this is a real deal, ladies and gentlemen.
I mean, and it's horrible.
I appreciate your call.
You should do videos about it.
You should write a book about it.
You should expose it.
You should write a paper about it.
You have to engage it everywhere.
And remember, they play this mind game of, we don't say that.
There's no world government.
Well, you say right here you want a world government.
Oh, you're mentally ill.
It's called gaslighting.
It's a psychological warfare technique.
Holland, your take on what he was just saying.
Oh, definitely.
Social Darwinism was nothing new.
It's merely just a development to justify old attitudes about their position.
Going back to Plato's Republic, the reference in A Noble Lie, of course the documentary that's being sold in the info shop.
But Social Darwinism was merely just an invention to justify the elite's position.
They were asking themselves, why do we have this power to control society?
How should we use it?
Well, we are the elect.
We're the elite by nature of our position.
This ancient Brahmic class system.
Anyways, so they use Social Darwinism as justification.
Francis Galton, who publicized that Darwin was a member of the elite.
Darwin was a member of the elite.
The Huxleys publicized Darwinism to the full extent possible.
Well, they were related to him.
They did a five family interbreeding study to create the Superman.
All it created was stillborn dead babies.
Exactly, exactly.
They have been involved in this from the beginning.
Like I said, I keep on saying herd management.
That's just a metaphor, but that's oftentimes it's very applicable and they are trying to breed
The best elect they can, and they're trying to breed out any kind of sense of independence, self-actualization out of the general population because that's simply, it's economically unfeasible.
You can't take that into account.
They want us ugly.
They want us dumb.
See, low-level eugenics is we're going to make everybody better.
That's not what it is.
It is to breed a servile class and a controlling class.
And that's up to the point of when they get all the robots in place, then they're just going to get rid of everybody in their own words.
That's happening right now.
Great Britain has just developed a robot drone that's going to fly over to its target in Afghanistan by itself.
And choose its own targets.
And the U.S.
has already come out.
Well, they had them 20 years ago, but now they're admitting it to the slaves.
Chet in Texas, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex Holland.
How are you guys today?
I guess we're all right.
We're exposing the master plan.
Hope folks are listening.
Yes, sir.
This is the first time I've ever called, and I've actually just been, you know, checking out your videos and following you, and sorry I missed you when you were in Katy, which is pretty close to where I live.
I like to consider myself a true patriot.
I'm what you would call the
You know, I joined the military at 18, served, fought in Desert Storm, did three more tours in Iraq after that.
I'm obviously one of Obama's number one enemies because, you know, I lost half my team while I was there.
And, you know, the whole PTSD issue, you know that we're going to be targets for him.
And this gun control issue has got me greatly concerned.
And the primary reason is, I see a lot of Republicans
NRA and others saying, oh, it's never going to happen, it's never going to happen, it's never going to happen.
The thing is, is Obama really has his ducks in a row.
And he's out there on a major media campaign out in front of people every day, day in, day out, day in.
Piers Morgan, you know, a joke, doing the same thing.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Obamacare was never going to happen.
And the government would never openly admit they ran al-Qaeda, but now it's happened.
I appreciate your call.
Great points.
Yeah, Holland, we've come to this point where now everything's really out in the open.
Exactly, exactly, and it's not a secret.
They acknowledge this.
This is talked about.
I mean, the fact is they're openly, like you said, supporting Al-Qaeda, our State Department, in Syria, in Libya, and other countries, in Mali, and God knows where else.
This is literally 1984 and the world.
We have the drug, forced drugging of the children, which we've been discussing.
We have the false dichotomy of left versus right, Al-Qaeda versus the United States that switches back and forth.
This is all being played out before, and we are fools if we're not going to recognize it.
It's the global scientific technocrats against all of humanity.
Humanity must come together.
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