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Name: 20130131_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 31, 2013
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is Thursday, the 31st day of January 2013.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
We're going to be here, obviously, live for the next three hours.
And each day it just gets more insane.
Larry Pratt, the head of Gun Owners of America, hadn't been on with us in a few weeks.
He's going to give us an update on the latest legislative developments that are taking place with the attack on the Second Amendment.
We've got absolutely key news in that area.
Homeland Security has advice for confronting mass murderers in their new training seminars.
They say fight back with scissors.
That's right, now government all has bodyguards with guns and millionaires all have bodyguards with guns and Dianne Feinstein has it and
People like Bloomberg, people like Michael Moore, but you need to fight back against someone with a semi-automatic with scissors.
I can't make that up.
We've got thousands of Green Berets signing a petition, signing an open letter to the White House saying we will not be part of taking guns.
Over a thousand Green Berets signed letters supporting the Second Amendment.
That's all up at our news websites, InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And I'm going to cover that
Again, next hour when Larry Pratt joins us.
I'll get into some of it coming up in the next segment.
Paul Watson's popping in.
Because we picked up earlier in the week on a report of a British defense contractor, thousands of pages, scanned passports, British social security numbers.
I mean, it looked like a real hack, or if it was a forgery.
I mean, it was like, you know, writing a five-volume book.
It looked very accurate.
And the companies come out and said, yes, it was a real hack, but somebody inserted a few emails claiming that we were getting offers to help stage a chemical attack
We're good to go.
Because then, as you know, Israel launched a bunch of airstrikes on facilities they claim were transferring nerve gas to rebels.
I mean, the last thing Assad would ever do, who has no history of aggression to outside countries, would be to use or give rebels nerve gas.
I mean, that's the pretext to attack them, and they've said that.
This is all a setup.
This has been ongoing now for quite some time, 23 months or so, that the West has been funding al-Qaeda as the leadership and several other jihadi groups out of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and a few other nations against
And then, meanwhile, they're saying everyone will be fully groped by the TSA, the TSA at the Super Bowl, and they're running checkpoints on highways and roads in every major city, including Austin now, as of last week, shaming because of Al Qaeda.
I mean, it is just absolute balderdash.
And they're now converting over from saying, well it's for Al Qaeda, it's for conservatives, libertarians, constitutionalists.
So we are living in a twilight zone world.
Russia concerned with Israeli attack in Syria.
Reportedly a Russian MiG then went into some Israeli controlled areas until warned off.
Syria, Iran threatened consequences for Israeli strike.
Israel jet blast armed shipment inside Syria.
That's what the Wall Street Journal just goes with this as if it must be true.
This is a new level of brazen bizarroness by the ruling establishment globalists.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
Big transmission lined up.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Ladies and gentlemen, you have got it, front line seats for the open birth of a planetary fascistic world government that uses socialism at the grassroots to basically enslave the population like flypaper while an international global fascist elite writes the world laws and exempts themselves from taxation and regulation designed to impoverish and destroy middle classes worldwide.
The ancient
Enemy of all oligarchs, corrupt kings, and criminal syndicates is the independent yeoman farmer that Thomas Jefferson talked about being the key to any free society.
The free, middle class, independent yeoman farmer has always been the enemy of tyranny.
A farmer in the last 150 years, since the acceleration of the Industrial Revolution, is the middle class, is the shop owner, is the business owner, is the small factory owner, is the restaurant owner.
But still, the farmer is the number one enemy.
That's why you've seen programs to bankrupt and annihilate the family farm now that is incredibly, incredibly rare.
Just want to lay out the battle plan of the globalists here.
World government is being openly announced again as the solution to all our problems.
We're going to get into that.
Incredible Second Amendment development news.
Some good news, some bad news, some ugly news, and a lot of news in between.
That is all coming up today as well.
Larry Pratt had been on in a few weeks, head of Governors of America.
We'll get an update at the start of the next hour.
Constitutional lawyer, Ron Paul's chief legal advisor, advisor to Congress, Bruce Fine was going to be on yesterday.
He got stuck in court on an important matter.
He'll be joining us today, had been on about four months, to chart the incredibly draconian
Uh, developments, uh, that we've seen, uh, just since he was last on, I guess about three months ago.
So that is coming up as well.
Just bizarro announcements by Homeland Security on the Second Amendment.
Here's one of them.
Homeland Security has advice for confronting mass murderers.
Scissors, not firearms.
You can't make that up.
We got a link to that New York Post article up at infowars.com and prisonplanet.com.
Obviously, we're also going to get into a story out of ABC News that when I saw it, I instantly thought of Spaceballs, where they have the canned air.
The president of the planet Spaceball, and he's telling the media, oh no, there's no air shortage, don't worry.
And then he opens a can of air.
They're now selling cans of air in Beijing, because the air has never been this bad, except in 1954.
Now again, folks, the jet stream of China blows right across the Midwest and dumps in over the United States.
And that's why people are sick all over the Midwest, okay?
There's major university studies on it.
I'm going to pull them up again and do a report on that soon because the media is not picking up on this.
They're saying we've got to shut down basically everybody's cars, factories, you name it, that are totally clean in many cases because the particulate is going off the chart from
Well, the worst area is from about New Mexico over to Mississippi, and then right up to as far north as Chicago.
That's where that main jet stream dumps in.
It comes in about a thousand feet over mainland China.
If you look on the globe, we're lined up with China.
The Midwest is.
And then it comes in and dumps in right over
Right over the Midwest and right over Texas.
It's just that's what's going on.
That's why everybody's so sick and China is just there's no controls there.
I saw an article where their biggest river was bright red the other day.
It was so toxic.
Every week a major river set on fire.
There's hundreds of riots a week by the people rebelling.
There's suicide nets being put up at hundreds of factories.
People are finding any tall building and jumping off.
I mean it is just cuckoo land over there.
And we are competing with that.
They're kicking the Chinese off all their rural area where they were happy and providing food for themselves and forcing them into compact cities.
They chain their kids to power poles and then go in and work in the factories all day.
Now, we're not going to compete with that.
There's no way.
And they're bringing more regulations in on us.
We're done.
That's the plan.
Totally shut us down.
Now, all of that, and I'm going to get to it after Paul Watson leaves us at the bottom of the hour, all of that pales in significance to something right out of biblical revelation, right out of the Bible, where you've got Russia, that's described by the ancient name, and Syria, described by its ancient name, Syria, in a war with Israel.
I mean, listen, the Russians, according to Israeli press, we're going to get into that, sent fighter jets into the Israeli border.
The Russians are saying they may respond openly.
The biggest part of the Russian fleet is right off the coast, one ship alone, 2,000 Marines.
This is a 23-month proxy war with the bankers that run America, NATO, and now Israel, Turkey's
The main staging ground with U.S.
bases, training al-Qaeda, using heavy artillery to sweep areas, to insert more al-Qaeda.
Al-Qaeda is cutting Christians' heads off, burning churches.
Assad is no angel, but compared to al-Qaeda, he is an angel.
He's never attacked outside countries.
But he's not part of the New World Order.
His dad was more of a tyrant.
He's been probably ten times better than his dad.
The point is, this is a war crime being committed by the West.
But we're run by the globalists.
And they have put Al-Qaeda in Libya.
They have now, are trying to take over Syria.
And Syria's fighting back with the Russians.
And again, the Russians are corrupt in their own way.
But they are not expanding worldwide.
They're not launching 30,000 drones worldwide.
And 30,000 domestically they want in the next 10 years.
They're not putting cancer viruses in their vaccines.
They're paying people to have children in Russia because they openly say we were under eugenics under the Soviets.
It's even in Pravda that used to be known for lying that the New World Order is running things.
The communists were financed by Western banks to reduce our population.
The Russians, at least part of the Russian hierarchy, who's also corrupt, understands the program.
And they're to be taken out as well.
But again, I'm not against... Israel's a pawn in this.
This is a master game, ladies and gentlemen.
And here's some of the headlines.
Russia concerned with Israeli attack in Syria.
Claiming chemical weapons.
We told you a year ago they'd try to claim they had chemical weapons and were going to use them.
And they say rebels may get chemical weapons, so we have to attack them.
When the rebels in this whole conflict were started by the West.
Remember the first six months they called them peaceful protesters blowing up police stations.
I mean this is so immoral.
That's why they've had so many members of CENTCOM including the head of it being fired because they're not going along with this.
Our government gave weapons to Al Qaeda and made them the head of security in Benghazi.
They're the ones that killed the ambassador and the Pentagon was told to stand down for eight hours.
And not Send Aid that was a mile down the street.
They had three drones overhead.
Well, one manned gunship, two drones.
That was a stand-down.
That was a hit.
Why the White House wanted Al-Qaeda to kill the ambassador?
He was there reportedly transferring the missiles.
Maybe they just wanted to get rid of how Al-Qaeda is getting 10,000 heatseekers.
Because when Al-Qaeda blows up jet airliners, folks, in Europe and here and it's already started in the Middle East,
When they start shooting down jet airliners, they're going to have TSA on the street.
And when the TSA wants to search my car, I'm going to say, you are part of the terrorists that armed Al-Qaeda.
You will not search my car.
I want to search you.
I'm not playing this game anymore.
Syria-Iran threatened consequences for Israeli strike.
There's that report, Jerusalem Post.
Israeli jets blast armed shipment inside Syria.
The West is now commandeering passenger planes flying into Syria.
Beating up men, women, and children on board.
Israel must withdraw from Judea and Samaria.
That's another headline.
Israel attack.
Strange bedfellows on Syria.
LCR blog.
Why is Israel funding Al-Qaeda now?
Russia slams Israeli attack on Syria.
forces in Jordan on alert.
Debka filed.
Israel attack.
Desperate bid to save.
Failed Syrian campaign.
Yeah, they want to get
Iran and Syria to respond.
This is so incredible.
I take you now to London and Paul Joseph Watson will be with us this segment and the next.
Paul, you have been on top of this, on top in the last week saying there's going to be a staged chemical weapon strike.
Now it's all happening.
What's happening, Paul Watson?
I'm good to be back, Alex.
Yeah, there's still debate and argument about what exactly the target of this Israeli airstrike was, because the Western media is saying that it was this arms convoy that was travelling from Syria into Lebanon for Hezbollah, but the Syrians are saying that the actual target that was hit
Was a weapons facility in a place called, um, Jamraya.
I'm not sure about the pronunciation.
And Debka file that's basically Mossad is saying the same thing.
But the two targets are far away from each other.
The supposed weapons shipment was on the Lebanon border, whereas Jamraya is near Damascus.
So it's a completely different geographical area.
So Israel hasn't even admitted that they've committed any kind of airstrike so far.
It's multiple, by the way.
The Syrians are saying that it was a weapons facility and that
It turns out that this facility is engaged in long-range missile research.
So it looks like the Israelis have just used an excuse and created this lie about weapon shipments to target a facility which was engaged in this cutting-edge research which might have been used to target Israel at some point in the future.
And bottom line, we have the spectacle of 23 month attack by the West with Al Qaeda and now even the LCR blog, the Libertarians are saying, why is Israel helping Al Qaeda?
Well, it's amazing, isn't it?
Because we had this story come out a couple of hours ago, Syria may respond to Israeli airstrikes as ambassador.
And everybody's freaking out because they might defend themselves, they might fight back.
So I put the comment out, you know, imagine if Syrian fighter jets attacked targets inside Israel.
There'd be instant international condemnation.
There'd be nuclear war.
Yeah, I mean Obama couldn't send the F-16s to bomb Syria quick enough, could he?
No, they'd nuke them, they'd nuke them.
Yeah, but Israel targets Syria, complete violation of their sovereignty.
And hardly anyone bats an eyelid and it's just like, oh yeah, that's par for the course.
And Syria took it, and the media's like, how dare you?
We bombed you, that's violent what you did.
I mean, it's just la-la land level.
La La Lance, stay there.
I want to get in when we come back to this report you put out that got picked up all over the world concerning this now-admitted hack of a British defense contractor.
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Alright, we're back live.
Alex Jones here, Paul Watson joining us from London.
Paul, you did a story.
What was it on Tuesday?
Or was it Monday?
Well, break that down.
They got picked up by a bunch of British newspapers like the Daily Mail.
They didn't do a retraction.
They just pulled the whole article.
Yesterday, when the British defense contractor that you contacted on Monday...
You know, for a comment, finally responded, uh, but to the Russian National News, saying, uh, look, we did get hacked, the thousands of pages of documents, scans of passports, that's why we said it looked like a real hack, but we pointed out could be that somebody inserted fake stuff into the hack.
They're saying the emails where they're discussing a staged chemical event, which has been discussed by the news everywhere, that they were contacted, uh, by
Qatar to be part of this, and that they had said, no, we don't want to be part of it.
Now again, sounds like something the Russians would do.
Hack it, then add BS to it.
Or it could be real.
Paul Watson, describe what was in there.
The plan to stage a chemical attack.
And then blame it on the Syrians, because that fits into everything we saw lining up this week.
Well, I mean, for months we've been tracking this plan to stage a false humanitarian crisis, a chemical weapons attack, because Obama, you know, Francois Hollande, all the NATO people have made it clear on several occasions that that is, quote, their red line on direct military intervention in Syria.
So that's all they need to justify it in their eyes.
So, we were tracking it for six to eight months before this all came out.
And then at the end of this last week, it was a German hacker that hacked into Britam Defense, which is basically a defense contractor.
In their denial that these emails were real, they claimed they were merely a commercial outfit.
Well, if they've got information about their activities in Iran, and that was only commercial, then that would be illegal, because it's illegal to do business in Iran.
They've got mercenaries in Iraq.
They work directly with British Special Forces.
So their claim that they're only a commercial company that advises people smacks of dishonesty, to my mind.
But, yeah, they left it simmering for days.
This email
Communication, supposedly, between the founder and the business director of this BRITAM defence organisation, which talked about the Qataris proposing a deal which was, quote, approved by Washington to basically deliver a chemical weapon to Syria that was similar to the ones that Assad has.
And the implication was obviously to blame it on the Assad government.
So they came out, they let it simmer for days, they came out yesterday to Voice of Russia, because it was a big story in Russia, and said basically, yes, we were hacked.
These, these, all these documents, PDF files, Word documents, scans of passports, they're all true.
But these emails are false, they're hoaxes.
And it is a potential that they are hoaxes, because the timestamps on two of the emails are the same.
The dates are different, but the timestamps are exactly the same.
Which leads you to wonder,
Why would a hacker go to all that trouble and then leave the timestamps the same and leave a red herring for people to later discover that it was a hoax?
So, whether it was... The hack was not a hoax, it was genuine, and there's a lot of documents in there.
But they're saying now that the emails were a hoax, and that's probably why the Daily Mail pulled it.
But as you said, they should have just issued a retraction.
I mean, we added to our story the denial by Britam that the emails were real.
But it's, you know, it's very interesting.
I mean, this is so over the top, I don't even have words to describe how insane it is to have the whole world, including Israel, ganging up on Syria, who's done nothing to massacre Christians and Muslim minorities, to put Al-Qaeda in, and they've taken about a third of the country, and shoot mass rally videos where they say, we blew up your towers, we're going to attack America after Syria,
And then the government, you know, stages Benghazi and kills the ambassador.
And, I mean, it's just, what's coming next?
Why is the government so mad dog arrogant?
I mean, in the past, they would try to cover stuff up like this.
What is going on?
Why are they so arrogant?
Well, because they know most people don't pay attention.
I mean, when they came, they're trying to differentiate the terrorists like al-Nusra, the al-Qaeda groups that have killed US troops in Syria, and the rebels, like they're different organizations.
When, as soon as the US designated al-Nusra as a terrorist organization, the 29 other Syrian rebel groups immediately came out and pledged their allegiance to al-Nusra.
So they were saying, yes, we're with the terrorists.
And then as the New York Times admits, al-Nusra, the terrorist group, coordinates all the bombings, leads all the rebel groups.
It's the commanding force in Syria.
So you can't differentiate it and say, oh, we need to go into Syria to get al-Qaeda in support of the rebels, because the rebels are al-Qaeda.
They're all basically one group.
They've pledged allegiance to each other.
All right, Paul, stay there.
Do five more minutes with us.
I want to see where you think this is going.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Coming up, we're going to break down the unbelievable new attacks on the Second Amendment and other bizarro behavior by the kleptocrats, who openly have introduced bills at the state and federal level that are the main bills, and in the Feinstein case, where the government officials, not servants, are all exempt and can have whatever guns they want, but we've got to register ours and turn them in if the ATF feels like it.
I mean, just absolutely incredible.
And it doesn't really translate well on radio, because it's visual.
But MSNBC has been caught again, just like with Trayvon Martin, and they're getting sued.
Where George Zimmerman, in the 911 call, is like, okay, the guy's looking around, walking around by cars.
What's he look like?
Looks like a teenager.
Well, you've heard the tape.
He's wearing a hoodie.
He's walking around.
And then they ask him, well, what color is he?
Looks like he's black.
Well, they edited it to, yeah, there's a guy walking around, looks like he's black.
And then went on and said, looks like he's black.
Can you believe the racism of this cracker?
They now say that all the time on MSNBC.
Southerners are trash.
White people are bad.
And it's white people saying this.
Chris Matthews and Carlos Watson and that woman yesterday said it.
What's her name?
Yeah, these crackers, you know, these old crackers.
And you even got Jindal, you know, the Republican governor going, yeah, these old white men are the problem.
I mean, again, you're like, well, wait a minute.
I mean, whites have intermarried, totally embraced political correctness, agreed that we're the worst people on earth, and now we're told we're the cause of all problems.
Folks, it's racial division.
The system wants racial division.
And so this will make white people very racist and very suspicious, because they haven't been racist or suspicious.
Believe me, I'm white, folks.
I know, okay?
I grew up in the supposed South, okay?
Whites totally bought the full guilt deal, even though, you know, young whites had nothing to do with any of this stuff.
There's been all sorts of oppression throughout history.
They give a victim identity to the system.
They give a victim identity to impoverish and control and manipulate, quote, minorities, so they're under government control.
While their future is being destroyed, whites are being destroyed.
We're all being destroyed by the New World Order.
We're all having our power prices increased.
We're all having our payroll taxes go up.
We're all having the Social Security money stolen.
We're all being screwed.
But meanwhile,
CNN and MSNBC are saying, cracker white people Southerners!
Well, Al Sharpton, we've got to overcome the white Southerners!
Folks, if white people talked like this, it would be the end of the world.
But now they go, support gun control, you're racist!
Alright, here's my guns.
Support socialism and death panels, you're racist!
Support aborting black babies, you're racist!
Alright, alright.
I support, here's the money to kill them.
That's very liberal now.
That's right, killing black people is pro-black.
Saying you want to own guns is racist.
And the job of the hut, Lego playset is racist, we gotta ban it.
You're like, that doesn't make any sense.
How does a green pig and a skeleton, and I mean, we actually own the toy set.
I even have it at the office.
I even owned it before this came out that it's racist.
And I just, I look at it and can't, again, Hello Kitty bubble guns, illegal, arrest people.
And you're like, doesn't make sense.
It makes perfect sense!
This is the authoritarianism where they have the moral high ground.
And then real racism, real, real discrimination as the mega banks get 47 trillion dollars of taxpayer money the last five years, plus, that's an old number, and sign us on to 1.5 global quadrillion in fake derivatives.
Oh, none of that's discriminatory!
Having our factories all shipped to China, India, and Mexico, which doesn't even help those people because it's so horrible they're living in...
You know, dormitories where they have forced abortions and suicide nets and 100 square feet per person.
I mean, it is insane.
The Chinese sky is so toxic it catches on fire sometimes.
The rivers catch on fire.
They're having canned air.
We have the canned air clip.
People aren't going to believe this, okay?
I want to go back to Paul Watson to finish up on the Syria issue, but here it is.
China's filthy air prompts
Mask rush and sale of fresh air in cans.
ABC News.
I'm not joking.
For the fourth time this year, a murky haze has descended over North China, leaving residents of Beijing choking on toxic smog.
China's air hasn't been this bad since 1954, according to the state-run People's Daily.
Because the winds have kind of slowed down.
The prevailing winds, the trade winds, and above those, the...
Well, they're all prevailing winds, but the jet stream.
Don't worry, it's all coming to the U.S.
For whatever weird reason, we're bound to China, and we get their smog, the globalist smog.
But oh, there's no calls to clean that up.
The globalists are using them having no environmental standards to leverage out the West.
Nobody can compete.
Bankrupt everything.
I talk to Austinites every couple days.
I ran into a guy last night just getting gas.
Where he's got a kombucha microbrew, very popular, I've actually heard of it.
Well, he's actually connected to one of our graphics people, that's how he knew me.
And he's had to move out to Hayes County because Austin would not let him.
Would not let him.
I'm gonna say that again.
Would not let him.
Make kombucha in Austin.
They just harassed him.
You can't build anything in Austin now unless you're an insider globalist.
We're the model of this whole country.
Just like the Jersey Coast, nobody's allowed to rebuild but insiders are saying you can't rebuild Gen 21.
Sell your property off for ten cents on the dollar to big guys if you want.
Old family-owned little motels and hotels.
One of the most popular destinations on the East Coast.
Very beautiful Jersey Coast.
One of the best things about, you know, New Jersey that people run down and talk bad about all day.
Jersey Coast is pretty nice.
You know, they got shows about it, making fun of it.
But the point is, is that you can't operate.
Ted Anderson.
Moved out of Minneapolis because of the code enforcers harassing him.
I mean, it's a radio network.
And it's guys on the phone, you know, brokers selling gold and silver.
So he moved to St.
They harassed him out of there.
I mean, every time I talk to Ted, he's got some state agency in his office.
He says, it's not just me.
Minnesota's one of the worst.
He says, it's everybody.
Then he bought this big house that had been up for sale for years that nobody could get near an industrial park.
And they said, don't worry, we're going to give you the permits for this to be a business.
Go ahead and move in.
He buys it.
He fights him for four years.
They harass him.
They basically shut him down.
He moves.
Now they're saying, we're not going to stop.
You can't have a business.
We're not going to let you sell it as a house or a business.
He goes, what do I do with this big giant house?
You know, before I had an office park.
They go, hey, do whatever you want, and actually laugh at him.
They want to destroy us.
They've been given the orders.
You understand?
It's called Agenda 21.
It's in other big sociological papers we've broken down for 15 years.
Bankrupting us is the goal.
It is the goal.
They don't want tourism, they want nothing.
I was reading the other day, I was told about it a year ago, by Michael Zwirling that owns two stations we're on out in California, MZ, but then I actually saw it in the news where NOAA, the weather service, has now got guns and they go out and arrest surfers if they get within 50 yards of a whale or a seal or anything.
And they're like, well wait, tourists are coming here to surf.
They're like, we're arresting everybody.
They just go and arrest dozens of people every day right off the
You know, Coast right there in the area that he's in.
I'm just ranting.
It's just a total takeover.
I mean, I'm down there at Big Bend watching illegal aliens go back and forth all day and ride horses on both sides.
Border Patrol does nothing.
They're ordered to stand down.
And I watch the park rangers who most... I'd say hi to them, and they would literally not talk to me.
I shot a video about this.
One guy, I said hi, and he goes... He was like a big, huge guy.
He actually went like Hulk Hogan.
And then I ran into other people who said, man, we ran into this, this guy and I described to go, yeah, that's him.
And I go, yeah, he, you know, we talked to him and he went, so imagine, Hey, how you doing?
And then I'm down there at the hot springs.
I'm going back to Watson, right on the Rio Grande, watching the illegals go back and forth.
We have video of this.
We're finally going to premiere on the nightly news tonight because we've been so overwhelmed with more hardcore news.
And we got people on horseback riding back and forth, broad daylight, and the border patrol is there with the park rangers.
I'm sitting there in the natural hot tub by the Rio Grande, just absolutely gorgeous.
And I feel somebody looking at me, and I look up, there's about 15 people in this big hot tub, and there's a park ranger staring right at me like he wants to kill me.
And I wasn't drinking.
We're gonna go on another hike after this.
We just been on a long one, like, I don't know, four miles up a mountain and back down.
And I'm sitting there,
And he's looking at me and I go, why is he looking at me?
I look over and there's a KERS light sitting next to me and a woman in a red bikini sitting right next to me.
And he's looking at me like it's mine.
And I just knew what he was looking at and I went, you know, the universal thing in my hands, like that's not mine.
And I said to the guys that we got to get out of here.
They're about to raid all these people.
And they said, oh, no, they're not.
It was like a bunch of UT lawyer alumni, like 40-year-old guys out there with their girlfriends.
And they're throwing a football back and forth.
They're having a couple beers.
And there's a little bit of sound when you drive into that area saying, alcohol is not permitted here.
Little bitty sign on the entrance to the road.
I said, we got to get out of here.
They're like, oh, you're being paranoid, Rob do and my dad and others who were with us.
You're being paranoid.
And I said, nope.
Get the stuff.
I'm getting out of here.
I go, they now arrest people who haven't even been drinking.
I know to get out of here.
They go, let us stay 15 more minutes.
And I didn't even get video of this because I had a gut feeling we were going to get arrested.
So we're pulling out.
All of a sudden, Border Patrol shoots in to the parking lot at the Hot Springs there.
This is how crazy this country is.
I'm thinking, oh my gosh, they're going to do something about all the illegals?
Yeah, right there coming in back and forth across the border, this romantic setting.
And they start putting body armor on, and then two, uh...
Two more park rangers, but the cop-type pull-up, and they're getting armor on, and I walk over and throw a water bottle away in the trash, the recycler.
And I go, hey, how's it going?
And they're like, hmm, what's going on?
And I'm like, OK.
And then I hear them talking, like, all right, I got my tickets ready.
You going to back me up?
They're like, yeah, we're ready to back you up.
And they proceeded.
And again, I was on my vacation.
Usually, I would have done something.
I was like, I can't handle this anymore.
I'm like, let's get out of here.
And he was like, I'm getting the GoPro out.
I mean, I brought a camera.
We'll tape it.
I'm like, no, I just can't handle it.
We got some of it on.
I just can't handle it anymore, man.
You can't go anywhere.
And by the way, there were illegals just crossing.
I talked to locals.
They said at night, hundreds come across there and get picked up by coyotes.
The Border Patrol's obviously all paid off.
That's come out on record.
The citizens are the target.
You know, the government's arming Al-Qaeda, but UT alumni guys can't have a couple beers on the Rio Grande while felonies are being committed all around them.
And they had big things of tickets, rubber hand, you know, the plastic handcuffs on their side.
And then we're driving out and more, more border patrol, more guards, more park rangers are pulling down the little road, you know, the dead ends by the hot springs.
It's like, how did you know that?
I said, I saw the look in his eye, man.
He wasn't about to give tickets.
The guy's too scared.
He wasn't about to give tickets to 15 people.
These guys see us as the enemy.
He's not worried about the coyotes going back and forth literally 20 feet from him.
I said, they're going to arrest these people.
And later I ran into a woman at the lodge that night.
She said there were a bunch of tickets being given out.
One guy was being put in handcuffs.
I just can't handle it anymore, man.
I can't even go down and just be at a national park.
I am the prey.
I am the food.
I am the food!
And I knew!
I said, we're food!
Let's get out of here!
I mean, I can't handle it anymore.
I'm sorry, Watson.
I've had you on hold.
Finish up with Syria.
Then I'll get into all the other news.
It's just getting so bad.
I meant to play this.
China's filthy air prompts sales of fresh air cans.
I mean, I guess they got the idea from Spaceballs.
Let's play that clip and go to Watson.
Here it is.
I wanted to bleep that, guys.
I said, check it.
Let's bleep that.
Can we bleep that, John?
It's a 40 second clip.
There he is, huffing out of a Perrier air can.
Okay, there goes the clip.
We had to bleep part of it because I forgot there was a cuss word in it.
Okay, there you go from Space Pulse.
Paul Watson, going back to you, my friend.
Finish up with the whole Syria situation.
Where do you see it going?
Where, I mean, they may start nuking Syria.
And, you know, the videos come out of them cutting Christians' heads off, and our media's like... The New York Times even praised...
The Al-Qaeda rebels, and then the public said, wait a minute, those are Al-Qaeda killing and blowing up churches, and the New York Times pulled the video.
I mean, I guess they really want to sell us on this.
I guess they think the public are total jellyfish.
Paul, where do you see this going?
Well, they'll end up giving those rebel commanders, you know, refugee status in the United States, like they did with Iraqis.
Iraqi terrorists after Gulf War I that helped the United States.
And as you said, they'll then start attacking the United States, and it'll be all forgotten that the United States created arms and funded them in the first place.
There's a headline, Syrian rebels steal credit from Israel for attack.
Now they're claiming that they hit the weapons convoy, so it looks like there could have been two separate attacks.
But, as far as where is it going, they've said that Assad's fall is imminent about three times, that the rebels are closing in on Damascus.
I've literally heard that three or four times within the last year.
Never happens.
Now it looks like it's a stalemate.
You know, the country's completely destroyed.
They've got thousands of refugees streaming out into Jordan.
But the difference between Libya and Syria is that, you know, Libya had a 15,000-man army.
Syria's got something like 150,000, ten times the amount.
Syria's got an air defense system, which Libya basically had no air defense system, but
If this actually happened, this incident today, and Israel's flown a fighter jet all the way nearly to Damascus and bombed a weapons facility, then how good are Syria's air defences?
Not very good if, you know, they can penetrate them with no resistance whatsoever.
So that might be a test case for Obama now to send in the drones and for the fun to begin because obviously that was their main concern that Syria's air defenses would be too strong.
And they will actually get on the news and say, how dare the Syrians not nuke themselves?
I mean, if the Syrians don't march all their kids out to Al-Qaeda and chop their heads off, they're bad.
I mean, how immoral has the West become that they're doing this publicly, Paul?
What do you predict is coming?
I think, as the Brookings Institution report from March 2012 said, the perfect opportunity for them would be a massive humanitarian crisis, which is already happening, but I think they're going to stage some big event.
They've already said they're going to do it, whether it be chemical weapons, you know, babies thrown out of incubators or whatever, some fake prison camp, like a fake Serbian death camp that never existed.
They'll try and fake another stage humanitarian crisis and that will be presented as the final straw.
And then the fun will begin.
You heard me rant about all the stuff that's happening.
It's not even the tip of the iceberg.
Homeland Security is officially saying everyone should have scissors in their office or school in case there's a mass shooter.
That's been officially put out.
I'm going to be covering that.
I mean, it's just, they're SWAT teaming and expelling people for Hello Kitty bubble projectors, paper guns, Legos.
I mean, we're going, and the same thing in England, you're under the same mind control system.
How much crazier will it get?
I guess a lot crazier.
Well, the problem is that a lot of
People have been driven crazy by a lot of this and they can't differentiate between fact and fiction.
But what's really happening is, while the Department of Homeland Security's doing that and saying protect yourself with scissors, they've just bought 7,000 fully automatic assault rifles.
They've bought over 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition.
So, they're building, you know, detention camps in Georgia and places like that.
I saw another report just the other day about that.
And they're training for confiscating guns.
It's down on the Army manual and it's like, hey, giant guys in Darth Vader outfits, huge armored command bases, checkpoints everywhere, totally safe.
Hello Kitty, bubble projector in the hands of an evil five-year-old.
Everybody run in fear.
I mean, they're creating a response of, oh, a citizen with a bubble.
Oh, a guy on a Darth Vader, you know, classic tyranny.
Oh, I love it!
Oh, I feel safe!
Thank you, Paul Watson, editor of PrisonPlanet.com.
Stay with us.
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Oh Lordy, my troubles so hard Oh Lordy, my troubles so hard Don't nobody know my troubles with God Don't nobody know my troubles with God Oh Lordy, my troubles so hard
I am the Piranha of Liberty gnashing my little teeth together in anger against the Globalist.
Again, I'm your host Alex Jones.
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Because while I'm talking about stuff, the crew is putting the articles up on screen to document things.
It's radio to the next level.
And I've been doing this 17 years, adding the video and things for about 10.
And of course, it's now being duplicated by everyone else, which I think is a good thing.
It's good to show people what you got.
Show people the facts.
So I think that's the greatest form of flattery is imitation.
Now, the issue here is, again, you can go to PrisonPlanet.tv or InfoWarsNews.com and get your membership, or if you already have a membership, get another one to support us, and then create an easy-to-remember username passcode that's centric only to PrisonPlanet.tv, you know, a new passcode that you can share, and then give that to friends and family.
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Every night at seven o'clock for the nightly news that we put a lot of work into.
At many levels, it's much better than even the radio show.
That's why we're playing a lot of the produced pieces here, and we come back from break in that little no-man's land, the first five minutes that some stations carry, some don't.
I think we're going to change our clock soon where we don't have that and come out at six after.
But the point is, we're going to air Aaron Dice's report.
On MSNBC hoax, gun advocates heckled Sandy Hook's father.
And they ran this clip all over the news.
MSNBC put the hoax out.
A bunch of other TV networks picked it up.
All the Democratic Party organs picked it up, saying, look at these fathers.
You know, this poor father lost his child, he said.
And look, for no reason they laugh and heckle at him and say, shall not be infringed.
Just out of the blue, they interrupt him.
The father really says, can any of you tell me why we need semi-auto?
Can you?
And everybody's quiet.
People go, oh yeah, Second Amendment, you know, right to keep and bear arms.
Shall not be infringed.
Well, they just cut the question out.
And MSNBC delays their feeds about 15 seconds.
We've been watching this.
Most TV doesn't do that.
So they acted like the feed cut for a minute.
And then ran with it, and even after it came out, they said, oh no, we're defending it.
No, no, that's what he said.
Just like they got caught in Trayvon Martin editing the tape to have him go, yeah, it's a guy with a hoodie, it's a black guy.
They're like, what color is the person?
It looks like he's black.
Again, they're being sued over that.
This is what they think of you.
This is what they think about you.
I mean, I make mistakes sometimes.
I get up on air and flip a number or say a name wrong.
And I, you know, hear it later, and I'm like, oh no, it wasn't Thomas Jefferson said that, it was Benjamin Franklin.
But most people don't even catch my mistakes, and I make them.
I hear them, I can't stand it.
But when you're up here without teleprompters, it happens.
Imagine consciously editing feed, sitting there watching, and this is the stuff we're catching.
And then meanwhile going, yeah, God on Earth are crackers!
White people saying that, and Al Sharpton, yeah, we gotta overcome the South and whites.
Yeah, everybody owns guns.
There's a Klan and a Nazi.
CBS News, Bob Schaefer.
Yeah, we defeated the Nazis, we'll defeat gun owners.
I mean, this is an open occupation force.
They're obviously the enemy.
These are evil people, ladies and gentlemen.
And what they're doing is illegal.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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Aaron Dykes here for InfoWars.com.
Now we've seen already how the gun grabbers will stop at almost nothing to advance their agenda as long as they get to rein in the Second Amendment right, because the fact that individuals have rights is very threatening to any authoritarian government, whatever its stripes, political stances, or colors.
But the latest hoax we saw on MSNBC is just incredible.
They went out of their way to distort gun owners and advocates of the Second Amendment right who are in testimony Monday with the parents of the Sandy Hook victims.
And MSNBC deliberately edited testimony of Neil Heslin, the father of Jesse Lewis,
As he advocated restricting assault rifles, banning high-capacity clips, which is fine.
You can understand his grief, why he would speak out on that, even though I think it's a misguided position.
I certainly sympathize with the families who lost children, with anyone who's lost children or family members in a tragedy.
But what's not okay is the way that Martin Bashir, Lawrence O'Donnell, and other figures on MSNBC, on blogs across the internet, went with the hoax on purpose.
Where Neil Heslin, in the middle of his testimony, asked the rhetorical question, who of you in this room can answer this question, why does anyone in this room need to have an assault rifle or a high-capacity clip?
And he waits a few seconds, there's silence, and he says, no one can answer that question in this room.
And so a number of gun rights advocates who were there at the hearing spoke up, saying that you shall not infringe on the Second Amendment.
I ask, if there's anybody in this room that can give me one reason or challenge this question, why anybody in this room needs to have one of these assault-style weapons or military weapons or high-capacity clips?
And now one person can answer that question.
And what they did was edited this part of the testimony, edited out the part where the father asked the question and just made it look like people were interrupting this father's testimony who had just had children die in Sandy Hook and obviously it's a very sympathetic moment.
We're all entitled to our own opinion and I respect their opinions and their thoughts.
But I wish they'd respect mine and give it a little bit of thought.
A father's grief interrupted by the cries of a heckler.
That was the scene today in Hartford, Connecticut, where the parents of children killed at Sandy Hook Elementary testified before an audience that wasn't always friendly.
Deliberately distorted it, just like they deliberately edited the audio of the Trayvon Martin shooting to make it seem like it was racially motivated, when in fact it turned out that Zimmerman had often
I think so.
And the next time they roll out a president, maybe they'll switch networks again, or maybe MSNBC will continue on its current track.
I get it.
What do you expect from a pig but a grunt?
But what I don't understand is why they always paint anyone who asks questions, anyone who stands up for rights, anyone who says that we're being delivered hoaxes in the media to push an agenda, why those people are blamed and why they always say, how dare you ask those questions or defend those rights because of the families who have victims from this tragedy.
Why don't any of the parents from these tragedies, whether it's 9-11 or Sandy Hook or any of the Colorado shooting, anything, why don't they get mad at the establishment using their tragedy to advance the establishment's agenda?
It's very clear we know that Feinstein was pursuing the assault weapons ban before the Sandy Hook shooting.
It's very clear that Rahm Emanuel said their policy, that the Obama administration's policy, is to use crises.
Don't let a good crisis go to waste.
You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.
And what I mean by that, it's an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.
We know that the Patriot Act was written beforehand and on the books, and the Bush administration was looking for the excuse to get it put into law.
We know that the Project for a New American Century wanted a Pearl Harbor-style attack to advance an American empire agenda, a multi-theater war overseas.
We know they have agendas.
They announced them, they've been uncovered, found by researchers, but they always say, how dare the researchers question, how dare you question those in power who admittedly are just seeking more power and will use any tragedy to find it.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, again, thank you so much for joining us on this Thursday, last day of January 2013.
Already about to go into the second month of 2013.
Hard to believe 2012 went by in the twinkling of an eye.
This year is moving even faster.
Okay, coming up at the bottom of the hour, the latest on Israeli strikes inside Syria, and even the Libertarian Party is officially asking
Why is Israel now backing Al-Qaeda rebels?
Why is America backing Al-Qaeda rebels?
We now know why the head of CENTCOM has been relieved and so many other top generals.
They're not going along with this.
They have been voicing their concerns, like retired head of Special Forces General Boykin and others.
And that is the good news up at InfoWars.com.
Over 1,000 Green Berets signed letter supporting Second Amendment.
And on the Big Special Forces website that we're linked to where they did this public letter to Obama...
Professionalsoldiers.com, they actually quote me.
It says, Hitler took the guns, Stalin took the guns, Mao took the guns.
This is what tyrants do.
We're going into tyranny.
And they basically talk about how our military is now being set up to be used against us.
They're having drills all over the country to acclimate the troops, the police, and the citizens for occupation.
It's in the new army manuals that they want to use the military against the American people.
They said this Monday at the law enforcement conference that
Big Ciceran, that the new threat is not Al-Qaeda, it is the gun owner, the libertarian, the conservative, the returning veteran, and the quote, radical extremist, the militias.
So, they're announcing, you know this whole Homeland Security thing?
It's set up for people that don't like the New World Order.
I told you that many years ago, but now this is public information.
Let's go over some of the other Second Amendment news.
This is out of the New York Post.
When I saw this, I actually went and looked it up, and Homeland Security actually just said this.
Homeland Security has made just one of the most ridiculous statements ever by these people.
Homeland Security has advice for confronting mass murderers.
Is your workplace getting shown up by a crazed gunman?
No problem.
Just grab a pair of scissors and fight back.
That's some of the helpful advice in a new instructional video from the Department of Homeland Security that was posted on the agency's website just a month after the massacre at Sandy Hook School in Connecticut.
Yeah, they had a similar video last year that we covered.
Uh, where, uh, you know, it said fight back physically.
Well, how about with guns?
If you were caught, this is a quote from the video, video's up at Infowars.com, if you were caught out in the open and cannot conceal yourself or take cover, you might consider trying to overpower the shooter with whatever means are available.
Says the narrator in the video, which shows an office worker pulling scissors out of a desk drawer.
We're going to show you and play the audio of that video coming up here in just a little while.
But again, it's up at InfoWars.com.
The New York Post has done a report on this.
Here are some of the other headlines.
We're going to Larry Pratt, who just joined us, the head of Gun Owners of America, the chairman.
Arizona Senate panel passes bill barring enforcement of federal gun measures.
So some, some good news.
Wyoming House approves bills exempting state from federal gun control measures.
Yeah, the state's getting legally, letting illegal aliens run around above the law.
How about they just let the Constitution stay in place and actually follow their oath?
See, the oath means no one voids stuff that's unconstitutional.
That's why we have juries, too, to judge the facts as well as the law.
Doesn't matter if the judge says, the law says this, put him in jail, I order you.
That judge is a tyrant fraud in a black robe.
Here's another one, Super Bowl fans to face mandatory TSA pat-downs.
They've got those going on in Austin now, on South Lamar.
You're not touching me by the way, I'm done.
Over 1,000 Green Berets, mention that.
Doctors killed 2,450% more
Americans and all gun-related deaths combined.
Great article by Mike Adams from NaturalNews.com up at PrisonPlanet.com right now.
And again, vast majority of gun owners would defy ban.
Poll shows, yeah, new workers are going public.
Saying, I'm not turning my guns in.
Gun shop owners are going public.
They're going public.
People say, don't go public.
They'll get you.
You'll be on a list.
Look, I'm public.
You're the criminals.
You're the people saying George Washington's bad, and the Second Amendment's bad, and I should fight off an attacker with scissors.
Now, joining us is Larry Pratt, head of Gun Owners of America, gunowners.org.
Hadn't been on in a few weeks.
I wanted to get his breakdown on the semi-auto ban, the fact that it would make the, quote, officials, the authorities, our masters, not servants, exempt.
That's a title of nobility and other key bills and attacks that we're facing and what these executive orders mean.
He's one of the busiest liberty fighters, somebody fighting for freedom out there and we appreciate Larry Pratt joining us.
Larry, give us the state of the Second Amendment in this Gun Owners Alert.
Oh hi Alex, it's really good to be with you.
One thing I'd like to lead off with, there's an old saw among those of us who fight to protect the Second Amendment that when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.
One of the examples that just popped up on the blogs today is a chap by the name of Jerome McCrory and he lives in Ohio in the Dayton area and he's been rather prominent leading a demonstration against the easy availability of guns at gun shows and
Yeah, I can see why the guy's concerned about folks like you and me having guns.
He's a convicted rapist!
Jerome McCrory, the face of the anti-Second Amendment crowd.
I just had to share that.
It just is sometimes a reality.
Who can make it up, right?
Anyway, to the question of the bans.
I think it's pretty clear, even from the hearing yesterday in the Senate, the Senate doesn't have the votes to ban
Neither guns nor magazines.
I think, and I think it's actually a more sinister point of attack against us, is to make universal the background check.
That way, if you can't even give to your neighbor, sell to your neighbor, give to your son, without going to a dealer and giving the dealer all that information for the background check,
There's absolutely no way that we should be trusting the government with that information.
Well, it's de facto registration.
I went and bought a .50 Cal Barrett a few months ago, and the whole thing was in a computerized form.
I mean, I feel most gun shops now, it's computerized in a government form.
You know they're getting that info.
I mean, you know, the NICS system is a background check and a registration that you're a gun owner right there.
Now, they're legally required to destroy the names after 24 hours.
And Alex, if you know somebody that believes that, I've got a real estate office that I'd like to have them come over and do some business with.
Well, haven't they been caught memory serves a few times actually keeping the names?
Of course, and the fact is that they refuse to say that they are destroying the names.
They don't, I guess, want to get caught in an outright lie, so they just hardball the thing.
They will not say.
Well, then there are times when, yes, they have done searches of their data, and it turns out, oh yes, we ran a search.
Well, how'd you do that if you're not destroying the name, if you are destroying the names after 24 hours?
So if they get a gun registry,
Then it's all over, baby.
That's when they can come.
The next time Rahm Emanuel has one of his crises, well, it's time to collect the guns, Mr. and Mrs. America.
We can't trust you anymore with your guns.
And Dianne Feinstein's dream would be fulfilled that if she'd had the vote, she could have gotten them all.
Well, she'd know where to go if she had the registration system.
And frankly, a government that'll send guns
We're good to go.
So, yeah, I think we're at a very crucial moment, and to fight.
Alex, if I could ask people to make a call to their, well, right now their Senators, but also their Representatives soon enough.
I think we've got the bands pretty well under control, but where they're going to try to rope us is on the background check.
That's where they're going to make the big play.
If they get that, they've got the whole enchilada.
What about the issue of another mass shooting?
I mean, they've already set it up where we're bad because we own guns, we are guilty of mass murder when someone else does something wrong, the collectivist Soviet style.
Well, somebody in your neighborhood, you know, shot one of the NKVD secret police, so now everyone in the neighborhood is being sent to a gulag.
I mean, this is the new Soviet model, or we're collectivized with healthcare, so now the government tells you what you can eat, what you can do, and yes, there's death panels for people overweight, and death panels for people with genetic disorders.
I mean, you know, we know their plan.
What do we do with the next attack?
How do we get back on the offensive and point out that these people have bodyguards, and that these people wanted to be exempt where they can still own guns?
Doesn't that fully discredit them?
I think that's one very, very important counterattack, and another one is kind of like onto it.
We've been calling for the dismantling of the gun-free zones, particularly in schools.
It's been in the gun-free zone where most of our mass murders have occurred.
And it kind of makes you wonder if maybe that doesn't have something to do with it, you know?
And so, happily, Representative Stockman, the first day, within probably the first hour or two, put in a bill, it's H.R. 35,
That would do away with gun-free school zones.
That would take away the magnets that have drawn these maggots who want to rack up big body counts of children, nobody to protect them.
What we've been urging, really, instead of a... Tell you what, stay there.
Let's hear what you're urging to get on the offensive.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
The head of Gun Owners of America, GunOwners.org, is the number one defender of the First Amendment out there.
A lot of the great people like Ted Nugent and others, and of course I count myself amongst the defenders of it, and I'm proud of that.
That is the pure Americana heritage.
Our new issue of the magazine just came in off the truck.
The last two issues sold out way before the month was over.
I'll tell you about this in the next segment.
It's the tyrants
Why the Tyrants Want Your Guns.
The new issue is about 80% Second Amendment.
Key info.
The five minutes we've got left with Larry Pratt.
You were talking about Steve Stockman, the Texas Congressman, that you said, wait till he gets in Congress.
He's going to go on the offense.
Tell us about that legislation and how we get that rammed through and grab victory from the jaws of defeat.
About an hour the first day and he had HR 35 to show for it.
And this is legislation that would overturn the school zone gun bans.
And as we know, it's every single one of our mass murders in the last 20 years, with one exception, was in a legally required no gun zone.
And it just kind of makes you wonder if maybe these dirtbags don't have that figured out going in.
So we've got to get rid of them.
Stockman's right on that.
And we're just very grateful that somebody with his energy and determination is willing to lead on the fight.
Now, President Obama, as you know, last Sunday came out, and we played the clips here, and I'm sure you saw it.
He said, look, gun owners need to listen to me a little more carefully.
I support the Second Amendment.
I love to skeet shoot.
It's in the news today.
He's never gone skeet shooting except for one photo op.
It's kind of like his clip of saying, I'll never come after your handguns, your rifles, your shotguns, your semi-autos, none of it.
So, the incredible disdain and lying how he tries to play possum with people.
And we've also seen the Redcoat, Piers Morgan, say, oh, I've lost the gun fight.
I've seen them play possum more than once.
I mean, we know what the bills do.
What do you make of this double game where they go, we don't want your guns, we've just introduced all the bills to do it.
Meanwhile, Schumer and all of them are saying, we need to lean on gun manufacturers and retailers not to sell semi-auto.
I've now talked to three separate gun dealers.
One of them I know, personally, who had the ATF come in and say, why don't you stop selling these and we'll go nice with you.
How do we deal with the extrajudicial attacks?
But that's B. A, what do you make of this playing possum?
Um, that is just not to be believed.
And the word, the operative word is playing.
It's not for real.
These guys clearly are on a crusade.
And when they're doing that to gun dealers, they're also doing something else.
And this is why we've never agreed with the 4473 form being required.
We've never agreed with the background check being required.
The ATF agents are going into, we're getting multiple reports, going into stores, either making copies or scarfing up 4473 forms that everybody has to fill out when they buy a gun at a store, and whether they bring them back or not, we haven't heard, but they're taking them so they can
I don't think so.
They know where the gun owners are and you know maybe you only bought a say an AR-15 through a dealer and you bought handguns and shotguns privately from people you knew or at a flea market or whatever.
Once they know you've got one gun
Don't think they're going to stop with the one.
When they come to your house, they're going to want to search the whole place.
They'll tear it upside down because we're criminals if we own a gun.
That's their mentality.
We must stop this drive for a universal background check.
Alex, that is going to be the gun fight of 2013.
Whether or not they can complete their grab for every gun owner's data through the instant background check for everybody.
Even if it's father giving a gun to a son, they're saying, oh, that's got to go have an instant background check.
Yeah, really.
Larry, are you getting intel on the same thing that I'm hearing?
We know Schumer said, let's go lean on the gun dealers and make them not sell these, and that's public statements.
He and others have said that.
Are you getting the reports I'm getting that the ATF's saying, why don't you not sell these?
We're getting all kinds of reports.
The ATF seems to be in hyperactivity, such as they weren't even in most of the last four years.
A lot of this stuff is now ramping up, now that Obama has been elected, doesn't have to ever run again for any political office.
It's pedal to the metal.
This is going to be a tough fight because this guy doesn't play fair.
He doesn't care about the Constitution.
He doesn't care about federal gun laws.
All he wants is to make sure that he can accomplish his socialist agenda and grabbing the guns is a big part of any socialist agenda.
You told me during the break you can do a few more minutes.
I want to come back and ask you two or three more final questions.
Larry Pratt coming back and then the rest of the news.
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I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
Thomas Jefferson.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central Time.
We are here live.
I come back Sundays 4 to 6 p.m.
with a live Sunday transmission because so much news always happens over the weekend.
That broadcast has become incredibly popular and is on close to a hundred AM and FM stations.
Uh, and many of the affiliates we've gotten now are stations that pick up the Sunday and get great response, great ratings, and then they move us to nighttime rebroadcast, and almost every station then segues us to live during the day.
Well over 150 AM and FM affiliates right now.
Very, very exciting and we're very, very blessed and thankful for all the listeners, the AM and FM affiliates out there, and our sponsors.
Now speaking of people we're thankful for, I've read that now the NRA had a quarter million new members in the first month of this year, well part of December into January, and that now it's over 350,000 new members.
That's great, okay, but the NRA was founded by the federal government, and the NRA helped pass the 68 Gun Control Act, and I love Charlton Heston, interviewed him several times.
He was even manipulated into supporting the 68 Gun Control Act.
That's why he came out so, so strong for the Second Amendment later, because he felt guilty about that, and he talked about that.
Gun owners of America have never sold out, never made mistakes, never backed down in their, I don't know, 30-something years of history.
They're the second biggest gun group.
They're the group.
We don't need to hear about NRA as being the only group that represents gun owners and is a default.
We need to hear about gunowners.org.
And Larry, I know you've gotten a lot of members.
I know you didn't come on for this today, but we wouldn't probably have a second amendment if it wasn't for your organization and your members.
So many times it's you guys that actually get the job done and you forced
The NRA to get more hardcore again, and I've got to say the NRA has gotten better.
You don't like to talk about the NRA.
Can you briefly talk about the NRA?
Talk about how many new members you've gotten, and the history of this, and where we are right now, and then I've got a few other questions for you.
Well, we've had probably, I would say, could be a 20% increase in our membership, and the easiest way to understand the difference between the two groups is, and you alluded to it, the NRA was formed by
Civil War veterans from the Union Army who were distressed about how poorly the Union recruits shot, many of whom had been Irish immigrants and probably didn't even know which end of a gun was which when they got drafted.
And so the NRA was set up to make rifle awareness and practice more commonplace so that if there were another war, or when there was, that the United States could draw upon a better trained pool of men.
So they were set up to help the government.
About a hundred years later, we were organized, Gun Owners of America, to oppose the government, to oppose the gun control that was beginning to be a regular topic of discussion in Washington.
And after the 68 Gun Control Act, and you alluded to the fact that the NRA really hadn't been
Very effective in opposing that.
That was kind of it.
Our founder, a former California State Senator, decided we needed a group that was going to oppose the government.
And so those two different founding motives really kind of carry through even to today.
Well, time flies.
So how long has Gun Owners been around?
When was it founded?
We're in our 35th, 36th year now.
We're really delighted to see the way the growth has come in part, I guess, well, for one thing, a lot of your listeners have joined.
That's been, over the years, that's been kind of noticeable.
Somebody would say, oh, you must have done Alex Jones today.
The numbers spiked again.
I think I'm not quite grateful enough to form a fan club but I do have to acknowledge that
Even though he didn't intend it, it has... I think, frankly, not only did he help our membership and the NRA's membership, but I think he provided what we may look back and say, that was a pivotal moment when he started lecturing yours truly about how the United States ought to operate with that bloody supercilious British accent of his.
That just kind of fills most Americans right up to the gag point.
It certainly does.
Well, gunowners.org, people need to go there and join, or at least sign up for the free email alerts that are absolutely vital.
And again, I have seen you for years.
I tried to get you to talk about the history of the NRA.
You finally went at them both barrels, I don't know, about six years ago.
And then they really have reformed themselves to a great extent.
But I've got to say, I've studied history here.
Gun owners of America, without you, we would have lost.
And I know you don't like to toot your horn.
You're a very restrained, calm guy.
But Larry Pratt, be honest.
Would we have lost most of these big battles if it wasn't for the members of Gun Owners of America supporting your system?
Because, I mean, you guys are
I mean, you guys are the soldiers that have kicked the New World Order's butt.
I mean, I gotta tell you, that's why I support you and sit here and drive for people to sign up with you guys.
Because if we didn't have you, I think we would have lost.
Am I incorrect?
I think our most successful lobbying accomplishment is when we can get the NRA to move in our direction.
And now they are opposing the expansion of the background check to private sales.
The very background check that was their idea to begin with.
So that's progress.
It's not where it ought to be, but as long as we see forward movement, it means that over in the Congress, it's going to make it a lot tougher because they're not going to be able to say as easily, well, the NRA supports this piece of gun control, so what's your problem?
Well, I mean, I've been following this.
The reason I got on air was because they had bills to ban people under 18, being able to even shoot guns.
It was going to ban shooting sports in Texas.
I mean, so many draconian shutdown gun shows.
I got on the air.
I mean, I had a hunger and went and took RTF and all of it because I wanted to defend the Second Amendment, not because I even am obsessed with guns.
More obsessed with, you know, hiking and stuff than I am guns or fishing.
It's that I understand how important it is historically and so that's why I followed the NRA standing there or even supporting stuff at the Texas level in the mid-90s when you guys were there.
Fighting tooth and nail with, you know, ragtag money.
So that's why I'm just gushing over you because I can authoritatively say we would have lost most of these battles if it wasn't for Larry Pratt and his leadership and what you guys have done.
So I salute you.
In closing...
The gun-free school zone was something supported by the NRA.
We opposed it.
Now I think they've moved substantially, not entirely, but substantially to oppose that as well.
As you know, our objective is to make it so a teacher, a janitor, anybody with a concealed carry permit could carry in a school.
They're not going to be identified with a uniform, so a dirtbag comes in and tries to kill a lot of kids.
They're going to find out that they don't even know where the next gun is going to be coming from, because there might be two or three in a school, and they're all going to be pointed at the dirt bag.
I remember many years ago, they had concealed carry had just gone in, and I was listening to Dallas Radio, and a guy, they had a bunch of carjackings, it was as violent as Chicago, some years more violent, and the carjacker on Central Expressway, it was stop and go traffic, he
He jumped out, ramped the lady's sports car, it's not a fancy car, and told her, get out, he was going to steal the car, and he had a gun, and a guy stopped behind him, got out and pumped three rounds into him, the guy fell over dead, and that was like two or three days after Concealed Carry officially went in.
So there's an example right there.
People say, oh, you'll never have your gun ready when the attack comes.
Concealed Carry is about, the criminals don't know where it is.
I bet that was the point where carjackings took a nosedive in Dallas.
Oh yeah, they started dropping massively.
In fact, they're unheard of now.
The criminals get the message pretty fast that their working environment just got a lot more dangerous.
And that's the message we're trying to send to school mass murderers.
We know you might want to commit suicide at the end, but we're going to keep you to one or two shots.
How does that suit you?
Like, you're not going to be able to kill 27 people.
How about you shoot one or two and then we kill you?
That's exactly right.
And that, I think, is a time, is an idea that hopefully has come, and I'm just really excited that Steve Stockman did exactly what I hoped he would do.
He's taken leadership.
By the way, there's another congressman, Massey, from Kentucky, that seems to be pretty much of one mind with Stockman.
He's got, I think, a similar, identical bill in.
So, we've got more than one.
This thing has its own momentum already.
But what needs to be done now, if your listeners would please call their member of Congress and urge them to get on Congressman Stockman's bill, H.R.
35, that's the next step in building momentum to get this past the leadership of the Congress that never wants to do anything controversial, and guns are always viewed as controversial, even though that's what gets Republicans elected, the dummies.
Get on the horn.
Please call those members of Congress.
Tell them to co-sponsor HR 35.
All right, Larry Pratt, final point here.
When do we really get on the offensive?
Because you're hardcore in defending the Second Amendment.
But look, I know the law.
I've interviewed hundreds of conservatively constitutional lawyers.
I've studied it quite a bit.
I know what racketeering is.
I know what torturous interference is.
I know what color of law is.
I know what harassment is.
If I
Tried to just verbally get people to pressure a bank to say get rid of all of their customers that are gun owners.
Or if I tried to put pressure on a sporting goods store to not sell a particular product and I did things and said things and talked about trying to withhold money from them and lobbying against them, that would be torturous interference.
When you have the mob boss of Chicago, and we're on Chicago right now talking to him,
Uh, Rahm Emanuel, and you've got the mob boss Bloomberg, and you've got the, uh, Villo Groza, the mob boss of L.A.
All these guys and the mob bosses of San Francisco saying, disarm the American people, take the guns while they've got bodyguards, lean on the banks, and banks are saying, we don't want gun manufacturers, we don't want gun dealers, Time Warner, all their violent movies.
Uh, they're out there saying,
That we won't take gun advertising on any of our cable systems?
I mean, they're really trying, like the Nazis first embargoed Jews and others.
That's how the tyranny starts, not letting them have businesses or harassing them.
I mean, this is criminal.
One of the things that we can do to fight back, and we've already seen a spate of bills go into a number of legislatures around the country, nullifying one and another, and sometimes many,
And have a little symbol of the gun on there.
I think it's saying welcome America.
I mean America was born out of self-defense.
Now I want to play you a short clip and then let you go.
Homeland Security has advisors.
uh... running around putting out videos saying don't have guns have scissors in a new training video uh... they're advising uh... people in in in in not in federal buildings they have guns but other office buildings and things to have scissors to fight someone that comes to kill them with a gun let's play a clip of that.
I do from the view of the shooter quickly choose the best option if you are caught out in the open and cannot conceal yourself or take cover
You might consider trying to overpower the shooter with whatever means are available.
To protect your hiding place, lock the door if you can.
Let's stop right there.
Let's block the door and then the person comes knowing they're all hiding and shoots them in a fetal position.
Why not?
Concealed carry holders...
Statistically, you've dropped crime 49% in the last 20 years, FBI numbers.
So, we suggest you have a company shooting club to ensure that on the off chance 1 in 10 million that someone goes crazy, others are there to equalize their bad activity.
I mean, that's what they should be saying, correct?
Yes, and when they encourage many people in the workplace to be armed, they're really making it so that the person that might have quote-unquote gone crazy will just probably be able to restrain himself because he'll realize that that kind of crazy isn't going to go anywhere.
And if you look at the M.O.
of these guys, they love the helplessness of little kids and knowing no one can stop them.
And on record, a lot of times they urinate on themselves when the police get there and kill themselves or wait to be killed.
I mean, these are, it's the same, they're always, the last four or five guys were all devil worshipers in a row.
I mean, why aren't we profiling devil worshipers?
Devil worshippers who overdid video games, and I did say overdid, I didn't say use them at all, but overdid video games, just like you can overdo booze or food or anything else, and so those are common elements in these attackers.
And I think we better come to grips with that, make sure our kids and our grandchildren, if they got some of these video games, that they're maybe an hour or two a week rather than three or four a day.
Sure, what about suing, what about suing Rahm Emanuel and Bloomberg?
They're always suing gun makers and gun manufacturers and publishing our names.
What about suing them for torturous interference?
And I believe it's racketeering.
I mean, when they get together as cities to try to overthrow our Bill of Rights and Constitution and tell us we're bad and tell us they're going to lean on gun dealers until they stop selling guns, I mean, that is a gangster tactic.
And one response can certainly be what Texas has already done and has told firearms manufacturers, hey, like up in New York and in Connecticut, the environment politically there is pretty nasty for you, y'all come down here.
Yeah, why doesn't Remington leave Connecticut and come right down here?
Y'all be welcome here.
We'll keep the light on.
Alright, Larry, give out the number for folks that don't have computers so they can call and sign up.
Tell them how much it is to support the tip of the spear in the defense of the Republic.
Well, for 20 bucks you can do what Alex is saying, folks.
Call 888-886-GUNS.
And then for everybody else, it's gunowners.org.
And what does Ron Paul say about you?
The only no-compromise Second Amendment lobby.
Larry Pratt, thanks for the time.
We've got you back on the Nightly News Monday.
Have a great weekend coming up.
You too, my friend.
Thank you very much.
Wow, amazing guy.
He's so polite.
Tell him bye for me.
All right, folks.
That is an amazing individual right there.
I've been in the fight for 20 years.
I can tell you, I've been there a hundred times or more without that guy.
You would not have most of your guns right now.
They've already taken them all in Australia, but bolt action, single shot, they're now trying to ban them.
It's the same thing.
They take the semi-auto, they register everything else, then they take it all.
We'll be back.
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Well, here it's fine If you've got the time And the time to get yourself in And here it's fine
Oh man, what an important interview we just did with Larry Pratt.
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Those are intrusive, so those aren't really being deployed, but I mean it shows that
Truth is popular.
So let me just say this.
Support our local AM and FM's.
Thank them for the show.
Spread the word about the broadcast.
If you're a local business, sponsor them.
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So the new magazine, look at this big pharma.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, I've got to get into the economy.
And I'm going to do that about 40 after, after constitutional lawyer Bruce Fine comes up and joins us for part of three segments.
Two segments and part of the next segment.
Man, I tell you, it's just looking at all the good things that are happening.
It is booing to my heart and soul to know people are fighting back.
But at the same time, the corruption is so ridiculously over the top that, I mean, it's just cuckoo land.
Things have entered absolute, total, hell-no, complete cuckoo land.
And I know you know that, and it's because America and the rest of the Western world, because of TV and the culture, slowly, incrementally, getting more and more out of control, has taught people how to not care, how to not be involved, and how to feel powerless, to where it's not even that they feel powerless, you know, the zombie-like jellyfish everybody talks about,
You're either awake or you're not.
It's that they don't even know they're jellyfish.
They don't even know they're spectators.
They don't even understand what that means to go through life and never really even be conscious.
And I've got to be honest with you, in the last few months I've been really wound up as you can notice.
And it's taken a toll on me mentally because I can't turn my brain off.
I've gotten to the point where all I think about is this because...
You come to the realization that the globalists are saying humanity is obsolete, and they've made the decision to bring in robotics to replace human labor and drones to replace the military, and they say, well, we've got to have an arms race, somebody else will get it, but then you realize bad guys are running our political system, and that they've just decided the general public's obsolete, and not just a cheap human resource, as we've always been to the establishment, but now garbage that has to be taken out.
And that's really my message to everybody, is that really corrupt elites are in dominant control.
And there's always been different facets of society.
There's always been different veins of society.
The good, the bad, the ugly.
The people that don't care.
The people that do care.
The people that are mean well, but are misguided.
The truly evil.
The opportunist.
But now, it's just such a cold-blooded corporate global system, where megacorporations tie into government.
And use government regulation to shut down their competition, government regulation to conduit banker bailout and corporate welfare to themselves, and then they sick the government on corporations and companies that don't cheat to where you can't compete with it.
Because it's a fraud.
You can't compete with suicide nets around the factories in China that have tax incentives, $22 billion in taxpayer money, to ship General Motors to China.
I mean, it was hard to kill the free market in America.
It was hard to kill jobs.
It was hard to kill 5% of the population that had half the world's wealth.
I mean, we were amazing.
But now they've got us where, I was reading the Wall Street Journal yesterday, you guys pull this out of yesterday's stack if you have a chance, the financial stack, where it said that we're set to have double the debt every year that we have GDP.
I mean, that is just, that's like making $50,000 a year and you've got credit card bills every year of $100,000.
I mean, and that's where they want to take us.
That's where the collectivists want to take us.
They brag about it.
It's Agenda 21, it's the...
You know, different sociologists that are popular that say bankrupt things to bring in socialism.
This is their plan.
And so I wanted to get a constitutional lawyer.
We're going to come to him in the next segment here.
Would have gone to him now, but some stations don't carry this segment.
We're preparing to move the clock back to six after, not eight after, and have a news segment produced very soon that we're going to air for three minutes.
So we'll just go directly to our guests, but that's an exciting thing I'm going to announce later.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Coming up at 40 After, I'm going to go through a bunch of news concerning the economy.
Very, very serious developments.
They're set to have the national debt be double the GDP.
Just absolute financial rack and room.
We're going to be breaking that down because exposing it may have the political system reverse course.
We've also got unprecedented attacks by Israel inside Syria, while the West is funding the rebels.
Just unbelievable information.
ATF's Milwaukee sting operation marred by mistakes and failures.
We're going to be looking at some of that.
But for the next 40 minutes, we're joined by constitutional lawyer Bruce Fine.
And he was the main policy advisor, obviously, to Ron Paul during his presidential run as well.
And Bruce Fine was Associate Deputy Attorney General and General Counsel to the Federal Communications Commission under President Ronald Reagan.
He served as Research Director for Republicans on the Joint Congressional Committee on Covert Arms Sales to Iran and on the American Bar Association's Committee on Presidential Signing Statements, which we have some news on, and also his recess appointments.
And he's a constitutional lawyer.
Again, he has been a visiting fellow for the Constitutional Studies at the Heritage Foundation, an adjunct scholar at American Enterprise Institute.
Mr. Fine is the founding member of Bruce Fine and Associates, Inc., a law corporation, is the principal of public advocacy organization, the Lynchfield Group.
He is the author of Constitutional Peril, The Life and Death Struggle for a Constitutional Democracy and American Empire Before the Fall, which I've read is an excellent book.
Mr. Fine presently serves as Senior Policy Advisor, again, to the Ron Paul 2012 presidential campaign.
That was the latest on his bio, and he's advised Congress generally as a constitutional scholar.
Obviously, the gun's up front.
Constitutionally, I want you to get your take on the whole waterfront on this, but they've now got state bills and the main Feinstein bill that says, basically what I call a violation of the Constitution because it's titles of nobility, where all the government bureaucrats and the police are given immunity from having their semi-autos registered and then taken.
I don't know.
You know, blacks are two-thirds humans, so they don't have rights, again.
And this is the fundamental deal.
When you know you're in North Korea, where they have a hereditary dictatorship, it's royalty.
When the royalty is exempt, the government is exempt, is that not royalty?
Constitutional lawyer, Bruce Fine.
And what do we do?
I mean, you would think that would discredit Dianne Feinstein immediately when she says, well, Congress will be exempt, but they're already exempt on Obamacare.
They're already exempt on insider trading.
I mean, how have we gotten to this?
Are they only missing the gold crowns, and how do we redress this when the Congress is all there at the trough?
That's quite an introduction.
Let's begin by, I think, articulating the fundamental issue that we confront, and I guess it confronts all nations that emerge from a state of nature.
And it goes back to what is the final end of the state, and our founding fathers believed that the final end of the state was to make men and women free to develop their faculties and to seek their fulfillment in their unique ways, and that the exception to liberty was government intrusion, but that
Required passing a very high threshold of need.
But the final end of the state was not to make government big.
It was not to go abroad in search of monsters to destroy.
It was not even necessarily to have an unemployment rate that was low or GNP that was high.
But liberty was the final end of the state for the individuals to choose to develop their faculties.
And what you've described is really an inversion of that understanding at present.
Because now the presumption is government should be permitted to regulate anything unless it would reduce you to complete serfdom like, you know, citizens under Nazi Germany, which is, I say, a total perversion of our understanding of what we are as a nation and how the Constitution is intended to operate.
Now, with regard specifically to the Second Amendment, right, to keep and bear arms, the issues vary depending upon what the statutes say, but to give some
Background, the United States Supreme Court has held that both the federal and the state governments are limited by regulating guns to permitting those that are in common usage and otherwise were relevant to performing in the militia at the time of the founding.
It hasn't
Other than these two major cases saying that there's an individual right to gun ownership and not articulating all the scope of regulations permitted, largely in the aftermath it's gone down to lower courts to decide whether or not regulations, for example, forbidding any gun to be used in public or disclosed in public.
The courts have come out in different ways.
I think if we want to try to break them down, Alex, in terms of the constitutional issues, one is a due process and fair warning.
Are the arms, aka for assault rifles or whatever, are they described with sufficient particularity that somebody would know whether they're in or outside the box?
That's been a huge problem because it's not like doing Euclidean geometry and describing what is a so-called assault weapon.
And say that you have a due process right to know what's being forbidden or not.
A second issue is what I call a just compensation issue.
If you take handguns, other firearms that are in common usage and suddenly say they can no longer be used, have you taken someone's property without just compensation?
Do you have to pay fair market value?
All the inventory that's stranded in gun owners or dealers are taking a weapon that can be used now and then it's made illegal.
It's become worthless, or its value has been substantially depreciated.
It's another one.
Then the basic right, insofar as there are absolute prohibitions, the question is whether or not the weapon, the firearms being banned, have been in common usage in the United States.
That can vary, of course, from firearm to firearm.
So, in the areas that I think that we'll be confronting in the aftermath of the Newtown killings and the burst of legislation, certainly in a handful of states, New York, Maryland seems clear to follow, California is always in that line for some kind of avant-garde prohibition on liberty, and at the federal level, it's still
Uncertain whether there will be some and the extent of any federal legislation.
But I want to go back to the basic point, Alex, and that's our understanding of where we are as a nation.
Because the other items that you enumerated for discussion, whether it's ATF invasions and going abroad and having our military involved now with Predator drones in Mali and in Niger and Burkina Faso, places people can't even understand.
All of these are symptoms of the inversion of who we are as a nation.
From one where the final end and goal of the state is liberty, to one where the final end and goal of the state is bigger government attempting to control and dominate everything.
And I want to go to that big question because humans live 75 years on average, basically.
The Bible says they live that long.
3,000 years ago the Old Testament said that's how long you're given, 75.
That's still the average today.
It's amazing.
on average worldwide.
We know humans act the same, do the same thing over and over again.
The founders knew that.
They tried to tie down the tyranny and create checks and balances.
But I want to get into the fact that there's this race to tyranny and why empires always follow this exact paradigm that you've written about with such gravitas.
You know, i.e.
your latest book, and then how to stop it by understanding it, or are we still going to be hoisted on our own petard, you know, reliving this Groundhog Day nightmare?
But I'm asking you as a constitutional lawyer.
I know you spoke to it some.
Obviously, how does Congress exempt itself from everything it puts us under?
Isn't that grounds for impeachment of all of the scallywags that have gone along with this?
Impeachment is for high crimes and misdemeanors, and you're absolutely accurate, Alex, that
At the founding, it was thought inconceivable that members would be exempt from the rules that apply to everyone else.
Indeed, one of their sense of assurance that the system would operate with the proper checks was the idea that the members would invariably at some time return to the general citizenry and be subject to the same laws they had passed.
They didn't conceive of what we know today are professional politicians who remain forever in office.
And therefore are never subject to their own laws that they pass.
And that's a breakdown, an important law.
Shouldn't that be the ultimate sin?
Shouldn't we make that into a bigger deal?
You don't even hear this discussed!
Yes, I admit that that is something that could be considered as a constitutional amendment.
As I say, the Founding Fathers couldn't even conceive of a professional politician.
I mean, George Washington left after two terms and you had to yank him to stay more than one term.
And if you look at the average longevity of the initial member of Congress of the Senate, it was very short.
Let me ask you that historically, because you are a historian, not just a constitutional lawyer from your research.
What made our founders different?
They were the only revolutionaries to ever take over and not become tyrants.
Everybody else does.
I mean, why were we blessed with people this good, and now they're demonized all over the news like the scum of the earth?
One is that I think the political culture was far different than at present.
And here's the irony, if you will, Alex.
Maybe irony is the wrong word.
Maybe paradox is better.
That we had, in some sense, a much higher political culture in 1776, 1787, that understood that politics wasn't a football game where you had the red team and the blue team and you hoped one team lost and one team won.
They wanted to build a powerful, wonderful society.
Where liberty was the North Star, not big government and empires.
And part of that too, however, Alex, was because our founding generation was born knowing what tyranny felt like, because they were the subjects of tyranny.
They were the ones who confronted George III and the tyrannical acts, no taxation without representation.
Where the Lords were exempt from everything they were under.
That hypocrisy.
Come back and give us that history lesson.
I don't want to get into your fights currently, the recess appointments, some of the things that are happening, where this imperial empire is going.
Bruce Fine, top constitutional lawyer, is our guest.
We'll talk about the state's rebellion against the tyranny we're seeing as well.
In his new book, his excellent, American Empire Before the Fall, a must read.
I'm Alex Jones.
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We're here, short segment now, long segment coming up.
Bruce Fine, constitutional lawyers, our guest.
All right, you got cut off by the break.
You were getting into a higher political culture, people being more aware, and then you were starting to get off into what we've become now.
I mean, secret arrest, NDAA, checkpoints.
TSA in Austin searching people without warrants now.
My dad sent me a bill this morning I meant to get to where they're now going to levy a thing for, it's a state bill, where every medical examination you get a piece of money is sent in a fee for state teachers, state teacher
Retirement funds.
I mean, it's just turning into a total orgy of thieving.
All the government arms against us openly.
What do we do when an empire starts doing this?
And what do you predict is going to happen next in this insane orgy of tyrannical behavior?
Start at the beginning.
Our founding fathers had first-hand experience with
subjection to tyranny and overreaching.
And so they were much more embracing of libertarian ideas because they could see the temptations of tyranny taking a nation to ruination as it did Great Britain ultimately.
But the founding generation basically died off with John Quincy Adams' presidency terminating in 1828.
And it became more and more a situation where the leaders of government had never been subjects.
They'd never been the brunt of tyrannical action.
And they began to want government to be bigger because that meant their office holding had more stature and more power.
And it's been a steady trajectory since, really, the Mexican-American War, where the purposes of government have changed from liberty of the individual to power for the government.
And how do we change this?
Because now we're sort of at the high-water mark of the empire.
I call it the psychology of empire, where the government does everything to try to make, you know, a risk-free existence.
And in the name of a risk-free existence, you lose all of your liberty and freedom.
And that's also true not only domestically, where we'll have surveillance drones throughout the nation, probably before our lifetimes ends, Alex.
And we go abroad in search of monsters to destroy.
Anything that moves anywhere in the world, there's the United States.
Say, in countries that can't even be pronounced by most people, how many people would know where Mali is, or Niger, or Burkina Faso, or Yemen, or things of that sort?
And again, it's this idea that government and strength and power and domination and coercion is who we are as a nation.
It's making us resented abroad just as it's evoking resentment in the United States at home.
Now, how does this kind of psychology change?
It really can change, in my judgment, only with leadership, because ordinary people don't quite understand that a risk-free existence is an exchange, sort of a Faustian exchange, with vassalage, that you can't have a risk-free existence without making everyone a candidate for prison, for detention, because we're all capable of evil, even if the capability is small.
And someone has to stand up and say, no, we'd rather be free than risk-free.
And as a leader saying, I want to renounce or scale back or downsize government, not increase it.
Government doesn't know better than you.
You are master of your soul.
You're captain of your fate.
You have the pride and dignity of determining your end point, where you make of what your endowments are.
Government just has a give you an even playing field.
But other than that, we would destroy your own dignity if we attempted to give you a crush for everything.
And the goal is to get everybody on welfare or in the system.
How do we reverse it then?
Because we know historically where the empire goes next.
It starts imploding everything.
And as things get worse, it starts confiscating more and more.
And then it only accelerates.
Is there any way out of the nightmares that are caused when empires begin to rot?
Well, Alex, there have been about 72 prior empires.
Tracing back to the Roman Empire and the Ottoman Empire and all the Romanov Empire.
I don't need to identify them all.
And not a single one has been able to escape the clutches of ruination.
As you've described them.
Bigger, bigger government.
Risk free existence.
Everybody's dependent.
The tax receivers get larger.
The taxpayers get narrower.
And the question is, can the United States be the first empire in history that sees the precipice and walks back?
At my judgment, it can be done, but only with extraordinary leadership.
I still think people given a proper, impeccable character and understanding of who we are and the dignity that attends controlling your own fate, taking moral accountability for your destiny, is one that would resonate.
But at present, we have no leaders with that kind of character and ability to inspire individuals to make certain it's the better angels of their nature rather than the more sinful or vice-prone angels that become dominant.
Constitutional lawyer Bruce Fine, final segment with you coming up.
I want to get into some of the current things happening and some of the courts striking down King Obama's activities.
Straight ahead, stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones!
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you for joining us.
Doing a few more minutes with constitutional lawyer Bruce Fine.
We've talked about the history, we've talked about where we currently are.
Is it that Obama is worse than the last few presidents, or is it that the power structure has just gotten more accustomed to tyranny?
Because historically...
You see where tyrants and tyrannies creep up, corrupt systems do, and then finally the bottom falls out when they realize, hey, we've got our people in almost everywhere, we've got the force, we can just do whatever we want, and clearly we're reaching that
That tipping point, I hope as Ron Paul has said, and as you've said for many years, use the tipping point to go back into liberty.
And we do have the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
The power structure has been blaming for our problems when clearly, when we followed it, we had half the world's wealth and 5% of the population.
We leave it.
To our ruination?
I mean, it's total cause and effect.
So answer that question and then run through some of the other big issues that are front and center for you.
The good, the bad, and the ugly.
I know there's been some victories against tyranny lately, but also some defeats.
But are we not approaching that flashpoint?
Or do you think it'll just continue to be a creeping rotting?
Because I see the power structure grabbing everything it can.
Really, I think, out of a sense that they know, we know.
Bruce Fine, constitutional lawyer, your take on that?
I think that we have crossed the Rubicon into at least a psychological tyranny, Alex.
I have regularly postulated that if the current president or future president
...called a press conference in the evening and stated that the Constitution was being suspended and the executive was asserting all power in order to make us safe and comfortable and prosperous, that such an individual would not be impeached by Congress, there would not be calls like at Watergate for Nixon's ouster, that the people would accept tyranny, if you will.
And I don't believe that politically a president would find that necessary and wise to do at present.
I don't think Obama is likely to do it, but at some point we'll get Caligula in the White House.
And the precedents of unlimited presidential power lie around like loaded weapons ready to be used by any successor in the White House.
And if we just want to give as an example
Of the ultimate apogee, if you will, of tyranny.
Just think of what the President is saying about his authority to use a predator drone to kill U.S.
citizens anytime, anyplace, anywhere.
He says on secret evidence that you are an imminent threat to the United States.
There's no accountability.
All this is done in secret.
We have given one person in the Oval Office the ability to play judge, jury, prosecutor, and executioner all in secret.
Now, think of that.
Alex, it is impossible to endow any one individual with more power than to choose anybody on the planet for vaporization.
That's where we are.
The other things that the President claims authority to do and is exercising, like intercepting our emails and telephone calls,
Uh, without any warrants, without any suspicion.
It's incredible!
Yeah, it is.
It's truly incredible.
Especially to me, because my baptism, Alex, was Watergate, where a third-rate burglary ultimately ended up being an impeachable offense that drove Mr. Nixon... Yeah, the president spied without warrants, and he had to step down, or he would have been convicted in the Senate.
Let me go back to the drone for a moment, and then get back into the eloquent points you're making with the constitutional lawyer here, best-selling author Bruce Fine.
Take the drones.
Al Sharpton came out and said, hey, don't worry about your guns.
We're going to take them.
We got predator drones.
And I see on the so-called left, who aren't really left in my view, Thomas Jefferson was a liberal.
These people are authoritarians.
They say it on, no exaggeration, 20, 30 shows I've seen and news articles.
They go, hey, forget your guns.
We got drones.
We've got artillery.
We'll use them on you.
And I see a worship
By those gathered around the state with a reflected glory, they are getting off on executive power like it's a god they're worshipping or a golden calf.
You are up there on Capitol Hill, obviously battling all this.
You have to be around these people.
But I mean, I've been following this intensely for 20 years.
There is a demoniac glow to a lot of the minions' activities.
Now, higher level globalists look scared.
But a lot of the minions, Bruce, look really, really animated, like dancing around their idol.
Can you elaborate on that?
Or have you seen them gloat on their military firepower and how they'll use it on us domestically?
I don't know whether that is widespread domestically, except in metaphorical ways.
I will say this, however, that it's not a party issue.
The members of Congress are what I call invertebrates.
They do not want the accountability.
They do not want to accept the responsibility which the Constitution fastens upon them to oversee, to check, to block executive power.
When the Founding Fathers, you know, were writing the Constitution, they feared a bloated executive.
And they couldn't have imagined Congress being so sopine to voluntarily surrender the decisions to wage war or not.
You know, to levy taxes or to spend.
All this is now delegated to the President.
They thought separation of powers, you'd have power-hungry people in all three branches, not letting the other have the power.
Yes, but what they didn't anticipate, Alex, was the polarization created by the party system.
They did not think that Democrats and Republicans in Congress would sell their souls for a mess of pottage, or that they would believe their loyalty was not to the Constitution or their institution, but to their party.
So you always have one party in Congress willing to block the other party's effort to check the president.
And in that way, the presidential power simply grows.
It metastasizes like a cancer.
And it's been true under Republican and Democratic presidents alike.
And under Obama, presidential power has reached its apex.
It's never been this authoritative before.
And when we can ask a president who refuses even
To explain to the public or to Congress why he thinks he has this legal authority to kill us all.
And all of it is a secret, secret law that even Caligula didn't practice in Roman times.
And he gets away with that with a complacent public and a Congress that doesn't demand that he will have no money and he will be impeached unless he explains why he thinks what he's doing is legal.
It shows you how can we give more power to an executive than that?
It's a very, very dismaying situation.
And unless we have a leader who comes to the White House and gives back the power, because Congress won't take it back, only a president who says, I understand the folly of tyranny and I don't want to exercise it.
If that doesn't happen, we will not be a republic.
We will be totally ruined as a nation in 20 or 30 years time.
We simply cannot go forward with one person making all the decisions in secret.
And no one accepting responsibility.
And plus, no criticism being permitted.
Because in the executive branch, you descend from the president, you are crushed.
They will attempt to bad mouth you, to assassinate your character and otherwise.
And here you can see it with six espionage prosecutions for so-called whistleblowers.
Look at the CIA guy that exposed illegal torture and just got 30 months.
He should be getting a medal and a whistleblower award.
Instead, the secret torture continues, and Obama's been caught lying about that, and a guy that tried to work through channels and nothing stopped lets an investigative journalist know without even giving away
You know, code names and things so that an investigation could start and they put him in jail.
And see, that's the paradox.
People say, oh, the tyranny's not that bad.
We still have some liberty running.
But if you look at what they've put into law, as you said, the Nazis did all this stuff in basements and in secret facilities, but they didn't put open stuff like this on paper.
The Soviets didn't.
I mean, it's so amazing that they've put it all on paper.
And then the mainstream media goes, oh you're a kook!
You said we're going into tyranny!
We need guns to protect ourselves from the tyranny!
There's no tyranny!
Well, the gentleman you spoke of, John Kiriakou, of a work where he's a very admirable person, and it is an example of the one person who set the dynamic for prohibiting torture waterboarding is the one who goes to prison, all the ones who participated in the waterboarding that Churcher get off scot-free.
And there's another situation.
I'm working with a fellow named Tony Schaffer, who used to work at DIA, and they're trying to revoke his bronze medal because, you know, he's
In a retired status now because he's criticized the tactics in Afghanistan and elsewhere.
Somebody who risked that last full measure of devotion for the country now has his bronze medal under attack because he has the audacity to say, you know, maybe you're not omniscient in the White House.
And you're exactly right when those kinds, I say these are the people who you and I read about were the Sakharovs and Solzhenitsyns getting sentenced to prison in the Soviet Union.
But we're not supposed to be the Soviet Union.
And yet we are aping their rather degraded approach to government.
Bruce, fine.
We've got to get you back up soon.
I mean, our only hope, I think, is to point out why things are getting bad, point out historically why it's wrong, and just stand against them.
And I think there's enough, enough vestigial liberty there, not in the Congress, but in the spine of the American people, that if we all just say no, and we all take action, we've seen the courts striking down the recess appointments and some, I mean, we are seeing a few good signs.
Hopefully we can turn this around.
But we know this, it's only going to get worse if we don't stand up.
So the only course is say no.
That is absolutely correct, and remember the saying of Tacitus as the Roman Republic degenerated to the Roman Empire.
The worst crimes were dared by a few, willed by more, but tolerated by all.
We don't want to be subject to that kind of stigma.
It needs us to tolerate it, and that's why
They shout down, I see articles where they go, how dare the man go to city council and say he didn't want to turn his guns in.
How extreme.
They take normal behavior.
Look, a little girl said let's play with our bubble guns after school, so the SWAT team was called.
But the government's wearing stormtrooper outfits and saying they'll secretly kill you if you want.
Oh, that's to keep us safe.
You know, we should be totally horrified by that and resisting it, but instead they teach us Pavlovianly, someone made a Lego gun at school, so we evacuated.
I mean, they're trying...
To turn us into gibbering mental patients.
And I have faith because of the internet and Ron Paul and yourself are going to defeat it.
Constitutional lawyer Bruce Fine, author of American Empire Before the Fall.
Thank you so much for the time.
Thank you, Alex.
Wow, amazing interview with constitutional lawyer Bruce Fine.
I want to get into some financial news here in just a moment, but before we do that,
Some of the other incredible news.
I mean, when you see the NFL coming out saying we shouldn't own guns, I told you to boycott it.
People said, oh, that's Bob Costas.
That is at the old NFL.
Here is the NBC, same same culprits, Sandy Hook Chorus to sing at the Super Bowl.
And that's a way to take the 70 million viewers, the number one show in North America,
And to shove a bunch of anti-Second Amendment garbage down our throats and re-invoke all this.
Hey, how about we have the Choir from Mexico of schools where the drug cartels or government comes in and kills, you know, a hundred people.
They've almost had 60,000 killed, more than Vietnam the last six years.
Why don't we have that?
Or, you know, kids killed by Fast and Furious guns.
The president ordered ship down there.
Why don't we have the family of the dead Border Patrol agents killed by Fast and Furious guns and the police officers.
How about they go and sing at this event?
I mean, they are just shoving this garbage down our throat.
Absolutely shoving it wholesale down our throat.
And again, there's nowhere to run, ladies and gentlemen.
The whole world's going under global government.
Same megabanks running.
They're exempt from the law.
They have government shut down your...
Your life.
I want to show people some articles here if you're watching on TV.
If not, you can just go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
We have these articles posted right now.
debt headed towards 200% of GDP even after fiscal cliff deal.
Now again, they know they're bringing us into bankruptcy.
That's the plan.
And then after they bankrupt things, we'll accept total socialism.
Bloomberg, jobless claims in U.S.
rose 38%.
It's more than $38,000 last week to $368,000.
Claims for U.S.
unemployment benefits increased more than forecast last week.
And they've got articles about the economy contracted faster than they thought.
Oh, you didn't think massive payroll tax increases would contract things?
And they said, poor people, we're going to cut your taxes.
They raised them!
And then there's an investment tax and all these new ones.
Gold trades near one week high on U.S.
economy, Fed stimulus.
stocks fall as investors weigh earnings economy.
unemployment up.
You know, all of this report, IRS hiring new employees.
Well, somebody's hiring.
Of course, all the elites are basically left alone.
I wanted to bring up Ted Anderson, and yeah, it's going to be a gold pitch, but that's not why he's really here.
I saw some gold deals.
We're going to talk about gold with the economy with Ted Anderson, the founder of Midas Resources and the Genesis Network.
And I went and got him.
He was a sponsor before he started this network because I go out and get people that sell numismatics at bullion prices.
But I called Ted this morning, and I said, I heard a radio ad last night on one of the biggest talk show hosts in this country, and I'm not even going to say names, you know who it is.
They've been in trouble for this before.
And I said, what were they really selling stuff for?
We're going to skip this network break, because I'm so far behind.
I can do this.
Plus, it's important to get this out.
So the station shouldn't be going over this in about three minutes, because it's a network break.
I called Ted because I know about the gold and silver business pretty good.
I've been in it for 17 years and Ted started the network 15 years ago, so I've been working with him 17 years.
About 16, he was a sponsor right away when I was on local radio.
Because I went out and shopped and found the real folks and did some research and I've been with Ted ever since.
And I heard this ad for a coin, and I knew the coin was 150% higher than it should be.
It's great for a company to have 5% maybe on something that was hard to get a 10% markup.
That's great!
You gotta be able to make money to keep your lights on, you know, hold the stuff, sell it, do all that.
On average, Ted's got about a 5% markup.
He's got deals where he loses money, where you can get two silver dollars at cost, two films, and a book for free.
It's called a lost leader.
But, I'm not differentiating the competition.
That's the oldest trick in the book, saying, you know, their hamburgers are crap, you know, where's the beef?
Ours are all beef patties.
Check this out for yourself.
A lot of the big national talk show hosts, one of them lives right here in Texas, moved down here, just gonna leave it at that, got in trouble for stuff with 100% markup.
This is 150, I was hearing.
And I just, it just blows me away that Ted Anderson, on average, is about a 5% markup.
And that Ted is doing such a good job at what he's doing, and I just think people need to know.
People need to price check, they need to shop, and they need to call Midas Resource.
We'll get into the economy in a moment, but I just want to get this out here up front.
In fact, let me go to InfoWars.com.
I don't think so.
The American Dream film, great animated film about the private Federal Reserve and the Rothschilds, and then another book about the history of gold and money.
A book and two videos.
Two silver dollars, $72.
I mean, you can't even get them hardly anywhere for that price.
Plus the two free films and the book.
I mean, it's a totally insane deal.
Yeah, click on that for folks.
I want people to be able to see this.
I mean, we've had this deal for a year.
No, this is the best deal in silver anywhere.
No one can top it.
Dishonest Money, the book, American Dream Film, Obama Deception, 800-686-2237.
I said, Ted, come on and do a money report.
About the big runs on silver that are happening right now.
I've got some of those articles.
Rush to safety.
Americans buy nearly half a million dollars of gold and silver in January.
But the media is trying to keep the price down with different manipulations, which is a great buying opportunity.
I mean, ladies and gentlemen, try to find two silver dollars, especially these that are collectible, but he's selling them to you at bullion prices for $70, with the free shipping.
The shipping's included in that, because they do bait and switches with that, and the films and all the rest of it.
I mean, that is, that is insane asylum level deal.
But, it's just that I know Ted's got over a thousand affiliates.
Ted is getting, with all his shows, most of them are Libertarian or Constitutionalist in base, he has absolutely launched this show, standing behind me for 15 years, to the cover of Talker's magazine, to uh...
Over 150 affiliates and exploding right now with this hardcore message.
It's the truth, but imagine this is on the air, big stations now, all over, because people now know it's real.
They now know, I'm not crazy, I was ahead of my time.
I wish I wasn't being proven right.
This is a big deal, folks.
My point is, Midas Resources is the place to buy your silver and gold.
And if you want numismatics, you want collectibles, they've got them.
And they've got the best deals on collectibles.
Compare their numismatics to what you're hearing.
I actually hear some good deals on other radio shows, but I mean, some of these are just horrible.
You will get the best deals, and I stand behind what I promote.
I've been approached by big, giant gold sponsors and offered unbelievable amounts of money, but I will not sit there and sell old ladies a coin that should be $1,000 for $2,500.
I will not do it.
Hell would freeze over.
Plus, people get mad at you, because in the market, you know, it's gone from $300 to, you know, $2,000, and then it goes back down to $1,700.
People get mad.
They're not looking at the long-term graph.
It's only going up.
They get mad when you sell them stuff at a great deal.
And then they manipulate the market, and it goes down.
They apologize later when it goes back up.
I don't buy it for an investment.
I buy it as an emergency backup.
But it's been about the best investment out there, unless you're doing insider stuff.
In the last 12 years, it's gone from $300
It was even lower, but I sort of bought about $300, like $260 or something, up to right at $2,000.
You know, the point is, and then drop back down some, I got chit on about financial news, but I'm just an honest person, you know, with a little gold pitch in there as a sponsor.
I just start plugging what I believe in.
Midas Resources is the place, and when it comes to bullying, when it comes to bullying,
We're good to go.
Hits the escape pod, you know, the ejection seat on brokers in about 10 seconds when he discovers, you know, anything.
Because again, the whole gold and silver industry, because people don't have the facts, is a snake pit.
That's why I'm telling you, ladies and gentlemen, Midas Resources.
And now is the time to support the biggest sponsor.
You not only get great deals, you support the guy that stood behind me like nobody else.
I don't have Governors of America as a sponsor.
I was thinking when he was on, I'd try to get them as a sponsor.
Because he says we're one of the biggest groups getting them members.
But I'm doing it because they're a group defending my Second Amendment.
You know, they don't pay me to get them on and say join them.
Now Midas Resources does, but they're the sponsor I've got.
I mean, they're already sponsoring the website.
They're the sponsor I've got because they were the best group I could find.
And they're still the best group.
You know, I've come to Ted before when he can't spend more money.
Can you spend more so I can expand my operation?
He goes, I'm sorry, I just can't.
I'm like, well, I'm being offered three times more money by somebody else.
Right now, your contract.
But let me tell you, most of you say, well, I would do the same.
Somebody comes and offers you millions of dollars to screw people.
Would you do it?
See, I say no.
And does that mean everything's absolutely perfect and you won't get the very best deal the galaxy ever saw?
None of this is perfect, but Ted has a great operation and the best prices I've found consistently.
And just like we stand behind Gunners of America, we need to stand behind people like Ted, because now is the time to get your gold, your silver from Ted Anderson.
Now Ted, I wanted to get you on about
Currency manipulation, what's happening in the economy, the statement by the White House that they're going to go ahead and go with dollar devaluation, QE unlimited, what this signifies.
But I know I talked to you this morning and I said, well, we got to do a report on this.
Not nasty, not even naming names, but I morally have to just tell people that, you know, and it's not that these people attack me and I don't attack them, is the point, because they see me as competition because they copy what we cover.
It just blows me away, the cutthroat crap I see, and then to see you down there, honest, and people running off and getting hornswoggled.
I mean, I guess it's legal, what people do.
It's just, and it's okay to make a profit.
I just, I just, when people advertise great deals, I've got a right to say it's not a great deal.
Midas Resources is the best deal out there consistently.
I mean, Ted, explain to people what I'm talking about here, or as much as you want to say.
The thing about it is, Alex, is that I see a lot of this advertising for, you know, we've got this exclusive deal on a country coin that's brand new.
You only can buy it from us.
Problem is, you typically end up paying a big premium for that kind of stuff, and you're not going to get it back when you go to sell.
You told me it was 150% on what you heard yesterday.
I've seen it all the way up to 400%, Alex.
It goes out of this world.
You don't like to talk about this.
It's like Larry Pratt doesn't want to talk about the NRA.
You're doing the wrong thing, Jim.
It's sort of the dark side of the industry, but it does happen.
I just need to tell people to stay away from that stuff.
I mean, just because a country goes in and makes a new coin, a lot of the times it's the coin dealer that comes in and approaches the country's mint and says, hey, you can make a lot of money on this.
We'll promote it.
And they make up this special deal, and people end up paying a big price.
And they say it's going to be the next greatest collectible.
Folks, the coins that are collectible are known and certified, whether it's a revolutionary penny,
Which I happen to have been gifted by a grandfather, didn't even know I had it.
Uh, oh yeah, I think I'm gonna probably sell it even though it's an heirloom to fund the operation.
The point is, is that, is that, Ted, here's an example, let's not even, what are some of the best numismatics, and people are really into those, I mean what are the classics that are really are worth a lot that you could go to New Zealand and they'd open a coin book and know what it was?
Well, I mean, the obvious coins are the $20 St.
Gaudens, $20 Liberty, $10 Liberties, $10 Indians.
I mean, the stuff that was used here as currency in this nation.
I even have a tendency to stay away from the higher premium graded stuff at this point, just because I can see what's going on in the economy.
We're looking at a depression.
And because we're looking at a depression, I think it's more important to have something like a survival bag of dimes than it is to have one coin that's worth five, six, seven thousand, where I've seen coins go for two hundred and fifty thousand, three hundred thousand.
And there are legitimate coins that sell for that.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, no.
There are a lot of great collectible coins.
The thing is, you better get a red book that Midas sells at cost.
You better learn your stuff.
You know, it'd be like becoming a horse trader.
You want to start buying and selling horses?
You better spend 20 years learning about it.
Right, exactly.
And that's what I mean, Alex.
It's more important that people get their core position, something that they can fall back on.
You've got bullion, gold, and silver right now.
That's exactly where I think people should go.
Or, if you're going to go into NUMA, stay close to melt.
That's the main thing.
Yeah, because that's the thing.
You sell a lot of coins that are collectible, but that are actually close to melt.
And that's the biggest winner, folks, from my research.
That's what I do.
I want to look deeper into the world economy when we come back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, last week and earlier this week we played clips where White House advisors are telling top hedge fund managers that they're going to devalue the dollar.
That's their plan.
And I mean, I'm already seeing prices explode everywhere.
I don't know how people are paying their bills.
Because, you know, I'm what you'd call upper middle class or whatever.
I invest most of the capital back in this operation.
But I mean, these bills give me a sting.
And I'm wondering how working folks are making it.
I mean, this is hellish.
And you really go places down, you see less people, you see stores shutting down, and we're in a depression.
I mean, that's what's going on.
And people that bought gold at $300, $400, $500, $1,000, $1,500 when we told them to, I didn't say do it as an investment.
They made out like bandits because they didn't listen to the globalists.
Soros and all the elites are buying gold.
Ted, this is what I wanted to get you on.
How big is it that the Germans don't trust the private Federal Reserve and want their gold back, and now all these other countries?
That signifies the creep towards the exits are accelerating.
Well, I mean, if you have the Germans, the central banks in Germany saying, we want our gold back.
I mean, what does that mean?
They don't trust the United States.
They don't like the $85 billion that we're making brand new money and putting into our economy every single month.
Way too much stimulus.
It's obvious that the handwriting is on the wall.
Paper's not going to hold value for the future.
Gold is.
So is silver.
That's why they're asking for it.
It's obvious.
It's just simple.
You know, the Rothschilds taking on huge amounts of gold and getting away from paper.
I mean, these guys print the stuff and they don't want it.
I mean, why does the people of the United States, it's like they're asleep at the switch or something.
It just doesn't make sense that they're sitting here accepting the economy that we have, looking at the numbers, unemployment numbers shooting up,
You know, like you said, Alex, you're seeing stores closing down, we're walking into a depression, and half of the country thinks this president is so great because he's going to try to take away our guns, and to me it just doesn't make sense.
When you see the big traders in the marketplace getting away from paper money,
You better do the same, because these guys can see what's going on, the handwriting's on the wall.
Besides the fact, like you say, Alex, they would just as soon destroy the United States currency and force everybody to take their new world-traded currency and lose the sovereignty of this nation.
We've got some breaking news, Ted, just briefly here.
School officials confirmed shooting at Atlanta Middle School.
Sounds like a gang-related deal.
Fourteen-year-old shot.
And it goes on to say the parents, even though the shooting's been over a while, are not allowed to pick up their children.
So the government's setting that precedent where you can't get your kids.
And they teach them to get the fetal position to hopefully get a higher death count so they can take our guns.
That's Fox News.
FoxNews.com reporting that.
And obviously, DrudgeReport.com will have it all.
We'll have the latest at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
Ted, what about the two silver dollars for $72 with the two free films and the free book?
I mean, that's like a $60 free retail value on top of the silver dollars it cost.
Well, that's the thing.
I mean, if you were to buy the silver dollars from me straight, you'd be paying over seventy-eight dollars for the two silver dollars.
Plus, you'd have to buy the postage, which is at least ten bucks, you know.
So, that particular deal is, I mean, nobody's got any, nobody's got a deal like that out there in silver, period.
This is the greatest way to get a couple pieces of silver in your hand, especially if you can't afford to get into the marketplace in any great extent.
And you can use your credit card if you want to.
Alex, it doesn't get better than that.
$72 for two silver dollars.
We all know that silver's trading in the 30s.
You're not going to be able to find that anywhere else.
Plus the video.
I mean, your Obama deception, the American dream, you know, the dishonest money by Joe Plummer.
It's going to teach you what's going on as far as what's happening in the media.
And you know you're getting great deals.
And supporting the broadcast and all the other shows that Ted Anderson produces, 800-686-2237, 800-686-237, or MidasResources.com.
To find that special, link through at Infowars.com on the big banner.
Thank you so much, Ted.
Key intel and more info straight ahead on the Syria situation with Paul Watson.
Hello, I'm Alex Jones.
Myself, my family, the InfoWars.com team want to relay to you and your families that we are intensifying our efforts against the globalists on every front.