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Name: 20130124_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 24, 2013
3182 lines.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us on this Thursday, the 24th day of January 2013 transmission.
Feinstein had published on her Senate website a month ago or more the bill, and people said there's no way she's actually going to introduce this.
They'd introduced copycats of her bill, so technically
She hadn't introduced it a few weeks ago, but it was the same bill introduced by others, which they may try to sneak through when people target her bill.
But she has now officially today introduced it, had the press conference.
We watched it.
We're dumping down the full video clip right now so we can play clips later.
She just concluded about, I don't know, an hour ago or so.
Here's some of the headlines that are up at DrudgeReport.com.
We're also getting some of this news over to InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
In fact, can you guys punch up Drudge for me?
Oh, fantastic.
Let me punch that up then so folks can get that.
Or you can punch it up in there.
Dems target 150 weapons.
Seek national registry.
So they want to ban 150 handguns, rifles.
They admit they're targeting everything.
And the purpose is to dry up the supply of these weapons over time.
So there you go, an outright move to ban them over time, at least at admission.
Feinstein got special permission to display guns in D.C.
because she's trying to take them from the rest of the country.
An NRA boycott kills nation's largest outdoor show that had been going along with the gun grabbing.
And that's the way to handle these people.
You've got to start boycotting Time Warner.
Because they're not letting gun ads for gun shops run on any other systems, while they put out some of those violent movies out there, like the new movie coming out, Bullet to the Head, with faux tough guy Sylvester Stallone.
I shouldn't say faux tough guy, I don't know if he's a tough guy or not.
The point is, is that in the movies, his movies are ridiculous.
And just totally unrealistic, but that's a side issue.
Weapons ban targets handguns and rifles.
And that is in her official bill.
Yeah, no, no.
It goes after shotguns that are pump.
That hold four rounds.
I mean, it just goes after everything.
It's worse than the original bill that she put up on her Senate website.
It's worse than the bill she introduced in 1993.
It is unprecedented.
And remember what happened yesterday.
In fact, I'm going to re-pull that article out of yesterday's stack because I didn't get to it properly.
Kurt Nemo wrote about it and linked to the Australian newspapers.
They've banned everything down to bolt action.
And now they want those bans saying you have no reason to have these.
So first they take the full auto, then they take the semi-auto.
Oh, come on, none of us want to take your guns.
Just turn in the semi-auto and we'll leave your other guns alone.
And then they ban, of course, those.
So that is now happening, saying, hey, you could have a school shooting with a bolt-action.
Well, yeah, and a meteorite could hit a school, or a 747 could crash in a school, or a school teacher could molest children, as we see more news out today.
Does that mean you're going to ban school teachers?
We're not all collectively guilty because you've got a bunch of wound up Prozac heads out there and people with all sorts of neurological disorders from vaccine damage more and more being linked to an upsurge in mental illness.
But overall crime is dropping because gun ownership is up and we did file the statistics from FBI.gov locally compiled.
49% in the last 20 years in overall violent crime dropping.
Gun violence is actually even higher.
It was better than I even said.
I was just looking at the basic numbers and dead reckoning them.
They're very complex.
And 21%, as I dead reckoned, that was accurate, since 2007.
So the drop in crime is accelerating.
That's violent crime.
And crime with guns.
People robbing your house when you're not there.
People busting out your windows, robbing your stereo.
People stealing bikes out of your yard.
Petty stuff where they don't get their butt shot off.
That is increasing dramatically.
All right, we'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen, on the other side of this quick break.
Stay with us.
Big transmission.
Piers Morgan's gotten sick from the flu shot as well.
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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones!
Well, the Republican establishment is starting to wake up and realize what is happening in this society.
In fact, Rush Limbaugh has come out.
And pointed out that Obama is trying to cause culture wars, financial wars, and race wars.
And that's exactly what Obama is trying to do.
And if constitutionalists, if libertarians, if liberals, if conservatives, if whatever you call yourself, if you want to have a free and open and happy, successful society,
Then you desperately need to understand, we have diabolical people in control of our country.
And not coming at it from the understanding that these are larcenous individuals that want to bankrupt the nation and domesticate the population.
Collectivize the population, and then say that anyone... I mean, I have a Daily Beast article here, Peers Pressure is what it's called, where they admit, yeah, we're going under global government, we're going under globalism, and it's good to put it in our face that the Communist Chinese are telling us what to do, and it's good that our debt is owned by foreigners, and it's good that Piers Morgan's a foreigner, and let Alex Jones try to fight us, we're going to deal with him.
And I read the quotes yesterday.
And they went on to say it's not just going to be the blacks and browns against the whites.
It's not just going to be the women against the whites.
It's going to be the government and it's going to be foreign governments helping us.
And it's like the Weathermen wrote it or something.
You know those Weathermen testimonies that came out.
We've played the video clips here.
They came out in the trials about how they would use foreign governments to come in and use ethnic uprisings to bring in a communist state in America.
And even I have trouble believing they're actually trying this.
And again, the public is so dumbed down out there generally, politically correct whites, you name it, that even when they're on MSNBC saying we've got to deal with white people, and even when
We see moves out there by people like Rangel saying, we've got to overcome the Constitution.
That's a quote.
We've got the video.
You've seen it.
Posted it on Infowars.com two days ago.
We've got to overcome the Constitution.
We've got to overcome Southerners.
Now again, that's more divide and conquer.
Play the North off against the South.
They're trying to re-upload the 1860s and Obama used to be Abraham Lincoln.
And that's why they say, you don't like Socialist Healthcare?
You're a racist.
That's why they come out and say, you won't turn your guns in?
You're a racist.
You know, what does that have to do with race?
They go, shut up, racist!
And again, there are black people all over this country that have guns to protect themselves.
There are people in California.
There are people in Michigan.
There are people in Florida.
I mean, people are people.
And gun crime, crimes using guns, has gone way down.
It's the FBI's numbers.
Overall violent crime in the last 20 years, 49%.
We showed you those numbers yesterday from FBI.gov and have a video posted at InfoWars.com for radio listeners.
You can go watch it right now.
They are desperate to cover all this up and just get us all fighting with each other.
Women against the men.
Hispanics against whites.
Whites against Hispanics.
Black against white.
White against black.
Protestant against Catholic.
While these megabanks, these globalists, these collectivizers are busy bankrupting the country and sucking us dry.
And it is outrageous!
To every day, see Fox Sports, CNN, MSNBC.
I mean, I saw headlines yesterday.
Gun owners are the new Nazis.
Gun owners are Hitler.
We defeated Hitler.
Last week, CBS News, Bob Schaefer.
We can defeat gun owners.
I mean, it is now 100% clear that my analysis over the last decade is spot on.
And the whole Homeland Security grid
is designed and set up for the American people.
The whole thing is set up and designed and timed
to unfurl this economic collapse to domesticate as many people as they can and get you dependent and tell you it's good to be dependent and ship your jobs overseas and put taxes on American businesses so they can't operate unless they're select insiders.
And then as the crime rate increases, it's been going down, but they know during a collapse they'll start going back up, they're going to demonize and are already demonizing people that maintain law and order in their areas with firearms.
And it's so crazy.
I have an article here.
I actually bought this two weeks ago for my son.
He hasn't put it together yet.
The Star Wars Jabba the Hutt Palace Lego set.
And the Austrian government is looking at banning the toy set.
And the Turkish Association there is calling for it, calling for apologies from Lego, and I guess George Lucas on top of it, saying Jabba the Hutt is supposed to be an Arab, and because the desert building has a dome, that it's bashing Arabs, when actually that mosque is a Christian church.
It doesn't even look much like it.
This is the type of crazy political correctness.
We had a video the other day that Mike Adams did about, we don't want kings, we got rid of
We got rid of King George III.
And I saw comments by black people who were serious, as I went to their YouTube channels and looked, saying, why are you bashing Dr. Martin Luther King on Dr. Martin Luther King Day on Monday by saying,
We don't want any more Kings.
We got rid of King George.
Thinking the word King was a code word for Martin Luther King, when actually Mike Adams talked about how Martin Luther King wouldn't support Obama and his torture and wars, and Martin Luther King went out to get a gun permit.
To protect himself, that's on record.
We actually had pro Martin Luther King stuff on the show that day.
But see, it's like a mental illness where you're going to be put off guard and off balance.
Oh, you said you didn't like King George.
Perhaps code word for Martin Luther King?
And then there was a whole debate in that video on YouTube from the radio show of them debating whether Mike Adams was a bad guy or not.
And that type of mental illness really hurts me, because I want those people to be free.
I mean, black communities are being targeted by eugenics, by the drugs being shipped in, by their leaders trying to collectivize them, by all these things, and you can't get through because it's all racism pumped in by the media and their leaders and others to create division in the name of unity.
And then they tag on the agenda, support gun control, support socialism, support corporate fascism, support police state, support control, or you're a racist.
And you're like, explain to me how not turning my guns in is racist.
And they go, shut up racist!
And the media just says it, and says it, and then everywhere.
We went out and interviewed people at UT, and they said, I said, did you find them?
They said no.
Every woman we talked to.
Because they show a couple of them, that piece we heard yesterday says, the South is racist and bad, turn your guns in.
And these are white women.
And they said it with pleasure.
They go, the South is bad.
Which, code word for white people.
And you just don't need guns, and that time is now.
I mean, totally disconnected from reality.
Going to the University of Texas, guaranteed, you know, got middle class parents that buy into all this.
No idea what's happening worldwide.
No idea about the New World Order.
Everywhere I go, I'm scum because I'm a Texan.
Piers Morgan wrote an article saying Texans are animals.
And how I have the paw, the giant paw of a gorilla.
And how I'm like a gorilla that is at the zoo at feeding time.
And Texans are dumb gorillas and all this.
Texans are dumb gorillas.
Southerners are trash.
White people are all racist.
Gun owners are racist.
Gun owners are Nazis.
Meanwhile, Planned Parenthood's main job was founded to, quote, kill black people.
To kill black weeds.
And I'm like, hey, I don't want you to abort your kids.
I want to try to have them free and strong.
Shut up, racist!
You're like, I understand it's fun to say that.
Just, you're just trying to prove you're not a racist.
We know you're a racist.
It's a total mental illness.
It is cultural programming, and the Democrats up there, the old white people, they're the buddies of the, quote, minorities, and they're going to get rid of the borders for you, and they're going to get you free welfare, and they're going to take those guns, and they're going to get whitey for you.
I mean, it is nothing but them playing us off like two different Indian tribes, two different Native American tribes.
Early on, the natives outnumbered settlers at some points 100,000 to 1.
You know, there's like 15 settlers and, you know, estimated however many natives on the continent.
But during some of the biggest Indian wars, 10 to 1, 20 to 1, 30 to 1, but it wasn't even the superiority of arms, because there were the French and others constantly always selling armaments to the natives who were very proficient with them very quickly.
It was that the natives could always, were always fighting with each other.
Well, they live across that river.
They all look the same, act the same, and are basically the same culture.
But it didn't matter, because the British intelligence and others could come in and manipulate them off against each other.
And the French tried it.
It's called the Great Game.
Who can do it the best?
The Spanish tried it.
They weren't as good.
The British were the best at it, so they took over the world.
That's why global imperial, imperial measurement, imperial language is English.
The global imperial language is English.
That's the global language.
It's called imperial in establishment textbooks.
I speak imperial.
Most of you speak imperial.
And the point is they don't want other people coming in from Mexico to ever speak imperial because they don't even want you to be able to communicate in the culture.
They want you under their control.
So we come down to this point now, ladies and gentlemen.
Where the Democrats have introduced a bill worse than what she posted on her Senate website, worse than copies of her other bill that she had before that other Democrats introduced, hoping that we miss those and they pass as riders on larger bills, that bans all semi-automatic handguns, most pump shotguns.
It's worse than what her other bill said.
Dems set sights on 150 weapons, seek national registry, open press conference with prayer.
Purpose is to dry up the supply of these weapons over time.
Feinstein got special permission to display guns in DC NRA boycott.
Kills nation's largest outdoor show.
Now remember, remember they're talking about banning a Lego toy because the Arabs say Jabba the Hutt's supposed to be them.
I mean, that's like saying ban a tree, because you're saying Arabs look like it.
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You know, the British government and others are warning that what should be listed as one of the biggest apocalyptic threats is not terrorists blowing up a bus and killing ten people.
Which turned out to be staged to begin with, but antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
And there's a London Guardian report on that I'm going to be getting to a little bit later.
But what needs to be realized here is that over 100,000, some numbers are as high as 200,000 people, die from infections that were preventable in hospitals.
Are you seeing a bunch of, oh, five-year-old Billy died riddled with sores as the bacteria ate the flesh off his body and he went into a coma over two weeks and died?
Tom Daschle.
Or somebody like Joe Biden, you know, former and current politicians running around crying.
They decide when to punch the buttons.
They decide!
And now we've got a...
Press conference being opened by the Democrats saying, I believe the gun lobby is no match for the cross lobby.
And we're getting the full press conference.
It is unbelievably disgusting.
And in there, they have forced buyback provisions.
She lies and says, we're not going to take guns from anybody.
They always register.
You have to come in and get them registered.
They always confiscate.
It's been done in Europe.
It's been done in Australia.
Australia is down to bolt action and single shot, and it is in their official newspapers.
You can just type in Australia set to ban bolt action, and you will pull up the mainstream articles.
We covered it yesterday.
So it's always the same pattern.
England did the same deal.
And then they say, OK, you can keep the bolt action.
It's got to be checked in at a local shooting club with police there paid off duty when you shoot.
And then they just ban the hunting clubs.
Now they're banning those clubs.
So, this is how they totally eradicate them.
And several countries in South America are doing this, where they're banning hunting and guns.
So, they want it all gone.
They try to make it about hunting, which it isn't, but they understand that's part of the culture, so they want to kill that too.
In fact, oh, you think you're going to hunt foxes that are breeding like rats?
That's why they have fox hunting?
With your beagles and your other foxhounds?
You think you're going to ride out in the country and have your dogs, you know, hunt like they're supposed to?
So the foxes don't, you know, kill your cat?
Paul Watson lives outside London.
There are foxes running around.
He sent me photos of them.
I've retweeted them at Real Alex Jones.
Just like roaches.
And they're vicious.
Foxes have come in and killed babies and things.
They're in the dog family.
But about five times more vicious per pound.
And, oh, can't hunt them, so they're like roaches now all over the UK.
Beautiful animals, but they are like roaches.
See, all the ancients knew what to hunt.
You didn't, you didn't hunt big, beautiful animals.
You hunted things that would get out of control if you didn't hunt them.
Like, take here in Austin.
We have whitetail deer getting run over everywhere, eating in the yards, starving to death.
Just, just, I mean, I can barely drive home during the day or at night.
Just deer everywhere I see them hit, everywhere I go.
But you're not allowed to hunt them inside the city.
Sometimes they'll pay people like $3,000, $4,000 a piece to cage them and then fly them to West Texas.
And then they get out in West Texas with wolves and mountain lions, half-starved, they're domesticated, they get killed in hours.
Thousands of dollars to fly mountain lions free meals.
In helicopters.
Because you don't want them to die in the long truck ride, so you fly them in a helicopter, half the time they die of having a heart attack.
I'm not kidding.
They've had cases of up to $5,000 these yuppies will pay to have deer trapped in their yards, put in big, big cages.
They go in to get food.
And then they... See, I'm already ranting.
I haven't even gotten to it yet.
Let's play a clip of Feinstein saying, we want to dry up the supply of the, quote, assault weapons, which is now your handgun.
Here it is.
Dianne Feinstein in her press conference today.
Here's that clip.
Hunting rights.
We have tried to recognize legal defense rights.
We have tried to recognize the right of a citizen to legally possess a weapon.
No weapon is taken from anyone.
The purpose is to dry up the supply of these weapons over time.
Therefore, there is no sunset on this bill.
There you go, there is no sunset on this bill, and she literally smacks her lips with pleasure.
That is an insider trader, one of the top insider traders in Congress.
When they got caught, as you know, last year, they did a gangster trick on you, a mafia trick, a lawyer trick.
It's on record.
They said, oh, it's not against the law for us to do it, which it actually was.
We've got whole reports on that.
We'll pass a law making it illegal.
And the law actually made it legal.
It's not constitutional.
Where if the Ethics Committee of the House or Senate, run by the insider traitors, says it's okay, then it is.
It's like, oh, we got caught murdering?
Oh, well, murder's not illegal for us.
We'll pass a law making it illegal.
And then the law says, well, we can kill somebody if the Ethics Committee says it's okay.
I mean, that's the games that this big, swollen, pus-filled pig of a woman, this tyrant is engaged in.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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That's Dwight Yoakam.
I'm your host Alex Jones, thanks for joining us here.
We're going to get back to the gun issue, but speaking of Dwight Yoakam, we listened to hours of Dwight Yoakam driving back from
The Big Bend in Southwest Texas, and certainly a thousand miles from nowhere.
Time doesn't matter to me.
And then I got up this morning and saw a Don Salazar's article up at Infowars.com.
Piers Morgan falls ill days after receiving flu vaccine.
And for the first time, I don't have pure disdain and hatred for Piers Morgan.
And I like Dwight Yoakum even more.
Dwight Yoakum came out and said, man, don't take those things.
I don't take those things.
You're not going to get sick if you don't take that flu shot.
And Piers Morgan, even before he says that, I'm reading the transcript here, got the video coming up, agrees with him and says, yeah, how can you say that didn't make me sick?
The biggest thing going against the flu shot
Is a mom gives their five-year-old a shot and the kid swells up and has a convulsion.
That'll cure you of vaccines for the rest of your life.
The biggest thing going against the flu shots is my mother was, I don't know, it was like 10, 15 years ago, I forget, was really into triathlons at the time and doing a great job even winning silver medals and stuff at some big ones.
In her age group.
And she was advised by the team coach, the local sponsored group, going to be in this big state triathlon, take the flu shot a month before because it's in the winter.
You don't want this to knock you out.
And herself and some of the others got sick.
And I mean, my mother was sick for a month and she never gets sick like that.
And we were, this is like hospital level bad, you know.
She didn't go to the hospital, but she was down.
And we're talking like a day after she took it.
My uncle, my dad's brother, almost died when he was, I think, seven years old from a tetanus shot.
Swole up, had to go to the hospital.
So, the biggest thing running against him is cause and effect.
To the point of now...
Before they would deny, oh your kid had a convulsion because we gave him a shot too.
It's normal to have a seizure, but, you know, if you're going home, and now the doctors tell them, this came out three years ago, three and a half years ago, there were so many convulsions from the H1N1, they said, look, just put something hard in their mouth, you know, wooden or whatever you've got, not metal, it'll break their teeth off, you gotta shove something in their mouth.
Okay, I'm gonna give them this shot, and if they have a convulsion today, it's quite normal.
Just put something between their teeth.
Imagine, this is quite normal, but they may have a convulsion.
And of course I laugh because it's so sick, it's a laugh of pain.
I mean, I have been on vacation or on the streets and you'll run into people and they'll have a five-year-old that's autistic sitting there, you know, talking to themselves.
Younger child, older child.
Beautiful soul that had a great future ahead of him.
And I'll say, when did that happen?
Were they born like that?
Very nice child.
And they'll go, no, Billy was...
He was 18 months old and we went in for a second round of shots and he couldn't wake up the next morning.
He didn't talk for a week and he never talked again.
He was talking so much and so happy and he hadn't talked since.
He's 7 years old now and we believe it's the vaccines but the doctors say it isn't.
Yeah, because the doctors gave it to your kid.
They're never going to say they're wrong.
Once the Nazis started killing people and Hitler said, now kill millions, they couldn't say no because, well, they'd done the right thing before.
Same thing with the Soviets.
Same thing with all these pundits and people wanting to take our guns and wanting collectivism and wanting tyranny.
They cannot.
And they will not ever say they were wrong.
No matter how crazy it gets, no matter how out of control it gets, most of them will commit to evil forever.
If you see the corruption, if you know about liberty, thank God you grew up, had the genetics, had the locale, had the mentors to be able to have common sense.
People that get into fraud, it's like gamblers I've known.
I've known people that are very successful in business, but blow all their money on gambling.
And I'm like, listen, stop gambling and you can get out of all this.
No, no, no.
I'm going to go gamble more and I'll get on top of this.
And I'm like, listen, it's designed, that big thing out in the desert and all these systems to separate you from your money.
The house will always win long term.
They trumpet the winner, sometimes staged, to make you think everybody's a winner.
Okay, but statistically you lose about 70% of the time or more.
Don't be a sucker.
If you want to gamble, gamble in business and real life where you have a chance of winning.
Because the gambling spirit is actually something genetically and chemically, they've proven in the brain, that is actually associated with leadership.
But they take it and misappropriate it like a mind control system.
It's like the snake in the Jungle Book trying to hypnotize people.
That is a facsimile.
It is a fraud.
You want to go play poker with your buddies?
That's one thing.
At least you've got an even chance of winning.
That's why you don't see a lot of poker going on at the big casinos.
Blackjack, you might have a chance to win.
But everything else is a fraud at the end of the day.
I mean, if you bet your buddies 20 bucks on a football game because it makes it more interesting, I get that.
But, how do I even get off into gambling?
With vaccines, it is just a complete and total fraud.
And, it's not my opinion of that.
And I have a stack of articles here.
Piers Morgan falls ill days after receiving flu vaccine.
In fact, we're working through these videos right now and then back into the guns and then your phone calls.
Piers Morgan falls ill days after receiving flu vaccine.
And, you know, I desperately try to get mainline talk show hosts, who are intelligent and see a lot of what's going on, to talk about vaccines.
But they don't want to do it because the corporate media has put a stigma on it of, quote, conspiracy theorists.
And run other hoaxes where they claim Dr. Wakefield was involved in a fraud.
He's never admitted to that.
The evidence has been proven to be a fraud.
Turns out the evidence against him has been a fraud.
There were three previous studies, two of them in England, finding what he found.
Years before.
And there's a major association with autoimmune disorders and vaccine contaminants in the intestines and the brain.
That's why you drink alcohol to affect your brain.
It's the same thing.
And so much of what he said was dead on, that's why they've gone after him.
So they run these hoaxes, kind of like
Free energy or things like that.
They run a hoax 20 years ago saying, you know, no such thing as that.
And say, oh, it was done in a mayonnaise jar.
So it's all a scam.
And then meanwhile, all these real things that get developed never can be deployed because people were told it was a fraud.
So there's all these hoaxes going on.
But in Adan Salazar's excellent article, he links to the CDC's own seasonal flu vaccine fact guide.
In fact, I'm going to get Adon to also link to their adverse reaction page where it says death, seizures, narcolepsy, I mean just hundreds of things.
And then I can show you mainstream news articles where they say there is no side effects, it's a conspiracy theory.
In fact, I've read those articles where it says crazy people like Alex Jones and Dr. Blaylock, they say vaccines are causing brain damage and autoimmune disorders and swelling of the brain.
There is no proof and the government says zero side effects.
You go read the inserts of all these vaccines.
All of them include death.
And it's so frustrating to know that aspartame and Diet Coke and thousands of products causes macular degeneration and to know people that drink these diet drinks and eat the diet candy and go, hey, I hear you're going blind.
Can I give you some literature?
No, I don't want to see it.
Because, see, they don't want to admit they were wrong to do this.
I mean, look, I know it's wrong that I like to eat 30-ounce steaks.
I know it's wrong that I do unhealthy things.
At least I know it.
But, I mean, a steak's a lot better than aspartame.
I know getting angry's not good for me, but I still do it because it's who I am.
This stuff is meant to hurt you.
And people say, you know, like the Young Turks guy, I admit it's all happening, but they don't mean it.
Well, I've got books
Where they admit, like Ecoscience, they're doing it on purpose.
And see, that's the issue.
That's what's so frustrating about this, is that I have watched people, I know two local talk show hosts, one says I can talk about it, the other says I can't, that work at the same company.
Who took the H1N1 shot, despite everything I said to them four years ago, who got mild cases of Guillain-Barre.
Neurological disorders so bad their hands and feet became numb.
Sometimes it totally paralyzes you and kills you.
And the doctors even told them this is a vaccine reaction.
One of them was Dale Dudley, one of the top morning shows in town on 93.7, the sister station to our AM 590.
And I was on his show and he said, I haven't told anybody this yet, but I'll go ahead and tell you.
I had to go to the doctor and stuff.
The crew knows.
Remember for a couple of months, my hands got numb, my feet.
I went to the doctor.
I was so scared.
I got a mild case of Guillain-Barre.
What about, what about the articles from yesterday?
800 European children developed narcolepsy after receiving H1N1 vaccine.
Here's another one.
At least 50 African children paralyzed after receiving Bill Gates-backed meningitis vaccine.
Natural news.
Links to all the mainstream articles.
I mean, it's in major newspapers like CBS that 60-something thousand Indian children last year got paralyzed.
Many of them died after taking the UN polio vaccine.
Because it is polio.
I mean, it's so cold-blooded that Stalin said one man dies is a statistic, a million dies, or one man dies, it's a tragedy, a million dies is a statistic.
And to know, it's like back of the paper, 60-something thousand kids, thousands of them died.
They're like, oh, well, it's a side effect, no big deal.
It's like, hey, yeah, you know, 60,000 kids paralyzed.
But you hear about the 20th Sandy Hook.
I mean, it's so over the top how they decide when to punch the buttons of what's sad.
And Alex, what about the kids?
Turn your guns in.
I'm like, but crimes drop 49% violent crime.
Here, let me give you the actual... Oh, I don't believe those statistics.
Thought you don't believe the government.
Well, no, these are locally compiled.
Some of the most accurate statisticians world over say these are some of the most accurate in the world.
They're the example of what's accurate.
It's something good set up 50 years ago.
Very accurate crime statistics.
I don't want to see that.
I don't... They don't want to hear the reality.
But, you know, reaching out to Piers Morgan... People say, well, why are you making a big deal out of Piers Morgan if he has a half million viewers?
That blow up on air was aired on every major English station in the world that I know of.
It's one of the biggest media events, not just of this year, but last year.
And it's been rated as such.
And I didn't really do all that on purpose.
I just said, God, whatever you want me to do, have me do it.
And that's what happened.
And notice they're not having me on all these other shows.
They could have me on MSNBC and get double ratings for the week.
They could have me on all these Fox News and increase their ratings.
They know that.
I mean, I've talked to executives of these companies over and over again over the years.
Oh, we really want you.
We're trying to get you.
But there's no way that, you know, the execs are going to kill it.
And I'm like, that's fine.
I don't want to be on there.
Stop calling me.
But don't you want to come up here and shoot a pilot?
I mean, you know, they want to meet with you and stuff, but they just want to know that, you know, are you going to work with them?
No, I'm not going to work with you.
I don't care.
I can't be around all those plastic fake people and all the bleach blondes and all the soulless people.
You know, I'll build my own thing.
Thank you.
But that's not what this is even about.
My point is, why haven't they had me back on these shows?
Because they acted like, and spun it, ooh, discrediting, ooh, ooh, look at the crazy gun owners.
They don't want you getting out of your trance.
They want a calm English accent, or an NPR accent, selling you on tyranny.
They don't want somebody getting up and going, don't take the shots, they're designed to hurt you, here's proof, wake up, get out of your trance, wake up, wake up, wake up!
I've been effective with my approach, not because I even calculated it, but because it's real and organic and it speaks to people's common sense.
Everybody listening took the flu shot, or knows somebody that did, that almost died.
Everybody knows they took the flu shot and got deathly ill that week.
They're giving you the flu!
And the more people take the shot, they've got studies, the more flu there is that year!
Because there's flu in it!
And I've had top scientists on about this!
How many medical doctors, how many endocrinologists, how many virologists?
British studies, Canadian studies three years ago, it doubles your chances of getting the flu when you take the shot.
That's in a Don Salazar's article.
I mean, that's why I'm frustrated, that's why I'm angry.
I mean, I know this stuff's hurting people.
Every time I go on vacation, every time I'm in a shopping mall, every time I'm in a restaurant, almost every time I'm in a movie theater, the whole front row is autistic kids.
You know, yelling and screaming during the whole thing, just their minds completely attacked.
Their cerebral cortex attacked, so they can't process their subconscious info coming out, so that's why things are so intense to them.
These are damaged, partially wrecked human souls, and it gets to me because I have empathy, ladies and gentlemen, not because I'm a hero!
My programming is, if the children are being hurt, mine aren't safe!
And that's not a conscious, cold-blooded thing.
I can analyze why my programming gets upset.
It's self-preservation, folks.
It isn't because I'm goody-two-shoes.
It's because I am a rootin', tootin', uh, you know, out-of-control, hillbilly, Yosemite Sam.
And I know corrupt thugs when I see it, and I go ape when I see it.
So I guess it's true, Piers Morgan, I am a gorilla from Texas.
But this gorilla knows which way his soul is pointed.
This gorilla has his head turned around straight.
And you took the shot with Dr. Oz a week ago and we said he's going to get sick or that's fake because it's turned out the politicians in Europe have been caught taking fake shots and they get their own shot or a sugar water shot.
You know that came out three years ago with the H1N1.
And he's on there with Dwight Yoakam.
And Dwight Yoakam, well I mean here is the clip.
After he takes the flu shot
He gets super sick, he's having trouble getting over it, and he's asking Dwight Yoakam why this happened.
Here it is.
You must have had sore throats.
I hear that.
As you can tell, things are deteriorating.
Is there any advice you can give me?
Don't ever take a flu shot again.
Now, I watched that night with Dr. Oz, and Debra said, Dr. Oz, I think he's, you know, probably, he seems like a completely competent doctor, but, and I don't understand any of the
You know, the kind of biological aspects of the, you know, of the meds.
But we're both doing the maths, aren't we?
We both saw him put that thing in my arm, and in ten days, I've been struck down.
And I just, you know what, I don't want to tell anybody out there, I'm not a medical advisor.
Get your vaccines if you, I don't believe in them.
I'm just suspicious by nature, and I saw you get it, and here we are.
Well let's try, we'll try and plow on with the interview, notwithstanding the fact I can't speak to Alex.
Yeah, that's good.
And he's going to read the full transcript at Infowars.com and Morgan's like, yeah, you know, you can't disagree.
I take it and I'm sick.
And of course that could be anecdotal, but it's not with the thousands of cases we all know about.
I mean, my grandmother's best friend, registered nurse, whole nine yards, constantly takes vaccines, takes the shingles shot, gets the shingles.
And then my dad is a oral surgeon and a dentist and he talks to people and he goes, yeah, I've talked to, this is like a month ago, I never told the story, because I've talked to three people that took the single shot and got it.
I mean, it's just insane that this is going on.
Okay, and we're going to come back, get into the guns, get into the whole Dianne Feinstein situation, and then open the phones up in the second hour.
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You see, the globalists, they want to just normalize everybody to get accustomed to tyranny and cancer rates up several thousand percentage and everybody gets breast cancer and everybody gets testicular cancer early and yeah, you know, childhood cancer didn't exist 100 years ago, it was super rare 50 years ago, you know, now it's up over 10,000 percent on average and yeah, if a girl has a Hello Kitty,
Uh, bubble machine that is in the shape of a gun because it's handheld, but it's not even called a gun.
My kids actually have had one of those, my four-year-old.
The police come in, you get questioned, we're going to expel her.
All of this is going on.
And it's insane.
And it's political correctness in total control.
And then a girl draws a paper gun, and the police are called.
Is she just... Again, it's an attack on ideas.
It's authoritarianism in the name of the nanny state.
And the people running it, they're the ones buying the 1.6 billion bullets.
They're the ones talking about a revolution.
They're the ones fantasizing about bringing in Chinese troops against us, whether that's feasible or not.
They're the ones in the Daily Beast saying we need to have the Communist Chinese tell us what to do.
Alex Jones is the enemy.
I read those quotes yesterday.
I mean it's bizarre stuff in the peers pressure story.
Look at this article if you're watching on TV.
The London Telegraph.
Lego accused of racism with Star Wars set.
Now my son is building this right now.
And I'm going to bring this in.
I'm going to try to get him to finish it.
It's really big.
Lego has been accused of racism by the Turkish community over a Star Wars model that supposedly resembles one of Istanbul's most revered mosques.
And folks, it has a slight dome on it.
It looks almost nothing like it.
By the way, that's Christian architecture there.
That was a Christian church.
So was the big church in Istanbul.
The point is, it looks almost nothing like it.
And they say Jabba the Hutt is meant to look like Arabs.
I mean, Jabba the Hutt is a giant space alien worm.
Who talks like Cookie Monster.
Ho, ho, ho, Teeny Jedi.
I mean, this is what it's reached.
Hello Kitty guns, bubble guns, Jabba the Hutt things, and the media takes this and goes, no, it's quite normal.
Robin Page of the BBC was arrested for saying, rural communities deserve the same rights as homosexuals and Muslims.
They said the word homosexual is judged to be mean, and the guy's not even a conservative.
And they go and arrest him.
And of course the charges were dropped because there were no real charges.
It's to create the idea of you have no speech.
They're going to be able to ban real guns if kids... I see articles every month where somebody will do a zombie story.
I've seen this dozens of times.
I know you've seen it.
They'll write an article about zombies that are so popular and about a fictional school attacked by zombies and how they shoot the zombies, and they will arrest you.
And in one article it was, you know, the dad's parents were split up, the grandparents were raising the top honor student football player, and though it was fictional, the grandpa called the police, and they are charging him saying it's terroristic threats, even though it's a fictional school.
I remember that a few years ago.
And it's like, where'd Bob go?
Oh, he drew a gun!
I mean, all we did was draw army fights and stuff when we were doodling as boys.
And the girls drew girls in dresses.
I mean, that's what you do.
All we did was play soldier.
They're making normal human activity illegal.
It's not illegal yet, but they're still acting like it is.
To the point of, ladies and gentlemen, we own the Job of the Hutt set.
I was playing with the figures last night saying, you gotta get this built.
Man, I was looking at how cool, it's got like a dozen figures.
I'm going to bring it in here as soon as it's done.
In fact, will you call my house?
I know my son's homeschooling today, but will you ask him as soon as he can to get this done?
I want to bring this in, folks.
These creatures look nothing like Muslims.
I mean, Star Wars is incredibly politically correct, and it's all about all cultures and groups coming together, including aliens.
It's like Star Trek.
It's the opposite, is my point.
But no, it's racist.
Jabba the Hutt's palace makes the Arabs look bad.
And in Austria, they're like, we may shut this down, actually.
Mm, yes.
Again, to set the precedent so they can shut anybody down they want.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to open the phones up in the next hour.
Dianne Feinstein posted her bill on her Senate website over a month ago now, and people couldn't believe it.
And then others have introduced kind of copies of it themselves, so technically I'd said her bill was introduced.
It's officially been introduced today.
And it's worse than we even thought.
We're going to be going over some of that.
But I said it.
The way the other one was written, it could be handguns, shotguns, even pump shotguns, or pump rifles.
People say pump rifles.
They do have a lot of pump rifles, folks.
You don't seem to be aware of that.
Anything with a pistol grip on it.
It's just incredible.
And she is so disgusting in her press conference, we're going to play this clip coming up, talking about
The gun lobby can't beat the cross lobby.
Using Christianity, is Diane Feinstein a Christian?
And speaking for Christians, even if she was a Christian, you do not speak for me, lady.
And I think it's just outrageous that people think it's okay to walk on Christians.
Can you imagine if I got up here and spoke for Islam when I'm not a Muslim or a follower of the Prophet Muhammad?
Can you imagine what would happen?
Can you imagine if I got up here and if I spoke for Jewish groups?
Or if I spoke for atheist groups?
Well, as an atheist, I believe in God.
And as a Christian, I believe in turning your guns in, even though I'm not a Christian.
I mean, it is over the top.
We're going to open the phones up in the next segment.
I'm going to give the number out in the next segment.
We'll open the phones up then.
But start your engines.
I want to specifically hear about that.
But how big is this article?
This article needs to get out to everybody, because you've got Dwight Yoakam,
On with Piers Morgan.
And Piers Morgan's saying, I got the flu shot and now I've really been sick for a week.
And he's like, well, don't take the flu shot.
I'm gonna get Dwight Yoakam on.
I've always been a fan anyway, so let that word go out.
By the way, my buddies here in the office, Weldon Henson was hanging out with Mike Judge again this weekend.
Aaron Austin and Mike Judge, who's gone back to California, said, yeah, Alex, call me.
I'll come on.
I got all these big guests I could get, but I've got to call them.
And so, Chris, it is a direct order at the end of the show that you are to make me... See, I hate calling people.
I hate bugging people.
Yeah, no, but all of them, all the celebrities I need to call.
It's just time for me to do it.
I guess I could turn you guys loose on them, but...
It doesn't matter.
I was just watching Idiocracy a few weeks ago.
I just got to get Judge on.
Because we are entering the, uh, the Idiocracy where Lego accused of racism with Star Wars set, London Telegraph.
And the official Turkish group is complaining to the Austrian government.
I mean, I guess you can't show any desert motif or desert design.
By the way, that design is a medieval Christian design.
And it doesn't even look anything like the mosque.
I mean, just incredible.
I mean, obviously those that built the architecture went for a desert look.
I mean, it looks like a lot of the Middle Eastern architecture, but a lot of what you call Middle Eastern is really Roman or Christian.
That's a Christian-built building right there, the one they're saying it looks like.
And so because in it is Jabba the Hutt, they say Jabba the Hutt's supposed to be Arabs.
Man, now everybody will think that because you said that.
It's just bizarre.
But again, it's a political weapon.
Here's an example, I'm going to cover this when we come back.
Sigmund Freud said, a fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity.
Retarded just simply means lowered.
But then the word retarded became politically incorrect, so you can't say he's had retarded growth from lack of protein.
Oh my gosh, you're going to be arrested in England.
That's a hate term.
They choose whatever it is.
You called, you know, you said that bonsai tree, by not giving much sunshine or water, was retarded in its growth.
That's hateful!
You hurt someone!
You hurt someone!
And it's just a weapon that is used to then put guilt onto people.
You won't turn your guns in because you're a Klan member.
What's that have to do with it?
Don't try to cover up your racism.
We all know what you're really up to.
It's to create division.
It's to create a race war.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, if you're joining us in the second hour, you probably heard me break down the 150-plus firearms and their variants.
The way I read our bill, we've got a copy of it right here.
The way I read the list, or their variants, it's way more than 150.
I know the Associated Press and others are saying 150.
That is not the case.
The way the ATF, in fact, man, sometimes I wish I could just be in there writing articles.
It's more effective than just being on air talking about it.
But I'm putting it out.
People will go research it and get their own articles out, if not our guys.
Because we're just overworked here.
There's just too many baseballs getting thrown at us here.
Too many news things.
All AK types including the following.
And then it goes on.
All of these types.
All of those types.
They say it over and over again.
So they list 150 firearms on this page.
It's way over that in her official bill.
From page TNWM2HB.
This is just one of the pages.
I mean, it's way over 150.
It's almost all semi-auto handguns, rifles, shotguns that have got grips on them, but then shotguns that can also take clips, even if they're only designed to take four rounds.
I mean, it's over.
They're coming after everything.
They are coming after everything.
And this is just completely, completely out of control.
So I want to get your take on the official bill here.
But first off, I'm going to give you the number.
It's 800-259-9231.
And we will get you up and on the air about this situation.
Also, I covered it last hour.
It's a big deal.
We have time.
We'll play the clip again.
Dwight Yoakam, I'm a big fan of.
Appears Morgan falls ill days after receiving flu vaccine.
He goes on the Piers Morgan Show and Piers basically goes, yeah, I got the flu shot from Dr. Oz and then got sick a week later.
And I'm really sick.
Whenever this flu is, it also attacks your lungs.
You have like a...
Hemorrhagic light form of hemorrhagic fever.
You have some hemorrhagic, is that the proper term, response in your lungs.
And it is certainly not a fun thing.
But this is the type of thing.
People won't read the CDC's own admissions that it can kill you or give you its own autoimmune response in your lungs or brain.
They won't tell you it can cause Guillain-Barré permanently or kill you.
They don't tell you it can cause hundreds of things.
People don't go look that up.
The media just says there's no side effects, don't listen to conspiracy theorists.
But when Piers Morgan gets sick after the flu shot, and Dwight Yoakam says don't take the flu shot, that's the type of thing that'll get to the sheeple.
The sheeple, a lot of them go, I still take it, even though I get sick usually when I take it.
I've talked to them, I go, but you don't think there's a cause and effect there.
We gotta try to help these folks.
You know, it's easy to laugh at them and get mad at them.
They're victims.
They were set in front of the television set in the last 60 years, in their diapers, as a babysitter, being programmed to be a bunch of mind-numbed robots.
And we've got to deprogram them, or they're going to be used as an army.
A tidal wave of foaming at the mouth, slobbering, drooling, miscreant, gibbering, as is the proper term, lemmings, to run us over the cliff with them.
We have got to get in there and help them.
Now, I mentioned political correctness earlier.
There's the CDC website if you're watching us at PrisonPlanet.tv.
You can go read the different vaccine responses, including death, depending on the vaccine you take.
But getting back to political correctness,
There's an all-out attempt to make toy manufacturers not have G.I.
Joe's Star Wars with guns.
There's an all-out attempt to not let boys play with toy guns, or girls.
That's why the police come when your neighbors, you know, call them because the kid's got an orange or pink Nerf gun in the yard.
You see that in the news every day now.
Or a girl draws a paper gun.
Or a girl has a Hello Kitty bubble projector.
It's not even a gun.
My children have had multiple Hello Kitty, the exact same pink ones.
And we've had a ChocoCat one that's black.
Because we're racist.
My kids wear ChocoCat outfits because we're racist.
I mean, the cat is black, ladies and gentlemen.
My wife's got a ChocoCat nightgown.
Total racism again!
And you're saying, Alex, don't be silly.
Folks, they mean it to be mindless and over-the-top.
Let's punch up for viewers.
I covered this last hour, but I'm going to segue this into guns, then your calls.
London Telegraph.
Lego accused of racism with Star Wars set, the official Austrian government's looking at it, the big Turkish council, the biggest minority council in Austria is outraged and is demanding an apology and there may need to be reparations from Lego because, ladies and gentlemen, they say Jabba the Hutt is a Arab.
Maybe, Michael Moore?
I mean, is the Goblin King supposed to be Rush Limbaugh?
I mean, does Rush Limbaugh get angry and go on the air and say, I'm gonna sue the makers of The Hobbit because that looks a little bit like me, too?
I don't mean to rush.
The point is, that's it!
That's it!
Let's put the Goblin King on air.
People watching, just Google the Goblin King.
It looks a little bit like me.
A little bit like Rush Limbaugh, you know, in our heavier times.
And that's it.
I'm suing Lego.
I'm announcing it.
I am suing Lego because my son has the Goblin King set as well.
And I'm telling you, it looks a little bit like me.
That's it.
That's it.
You're racist against white people.
You're racist against white guys that are a couple pounds overweight and have big heads.
That's it.
I am totally blown away right now by... There it is!
Look at that!
They are making fun of me.
Right there.
Click it for people that are watching.
This is outrageous.
That's me when I wake up in the morning and I've had too much to drink.
I mean, this is incredible.
I am suing Lego.
I want a press release right now.
I agree that the job of the Hutt is supposed to be Muslims.
It's obvious.
And it's obvious that the whole Return of the Jedi is to make fun of Muslims.
Even though it's a politically correct movie about integrating everybody, still it doesn't matter.
George Lucas should be arrested right now.
He is a racist.
And gun owners should be arrested because they're racist.
They're like Hitler.
You hear it on every TV channel every day.
I agree.
And by the way, if you're a new listener, I'm joking about the Goblin King stuff and the lawsuit.
The point is, they really are looking at legal action in Austria over the Star Wars Jabba the Hutt palace that I bought just about a week and a half ago for my son at the Lego store.
Only reason to go to the mall is to go to the Lego store.
The Turkish community said the model was based on a mosque in Istanbul and that the accompanying figures depict Asians and Orientals as people with deceitful and criminal personalities.
The Turkish cultural community.
Well, I guess Emperor Palpatine's meant to make white people look bad.
This is just total bull.
Why is Mace Windu a good guy?
He's a black guy.
I thought blacks looked bad.
It's racist.
The Turkish cultural community of Austria released a statement calling for LEGO to apologize for affronting religious and cultural feelings.
And they go on to say they believe that Jabba the Hutt is supposed to be a Muslim.
I mean, folks, this is so over the top.
I just can't get over it.
But they know what they're doing.
This is cultural Marxism.
This is the type of control they admit they're using.
Here's an example.
You use the word homosexual in a news article in England, you will be arrested, because they say the word homosexual offends people, even though it's the scientific name.
If you use the term Caucasian now, they're saying it's racist because it's a racial name, even though it's just a scientific designation.
Caucus Mountains.
If you use the word Negro, which comes out of Latin for Negro or Black, it has nothing to do with the N-word.
People think it does, and they get in trouble.
I've seen articles where they take people to jail for using that word.
It's amazing how they do this.
And again, it's to get you so scared you won't talk.
Oh, I better not have Hello Kitty bubble gum.
It shoots bubbles, it's evil!
Better not buy my son a Nerf gun to play in the yard.
The cops will come.
I better not.
I better not.
I better watch my speech.
I better.
I better.
And the other night on the nightly news, we had this quote that I was actually familiar with because I read some of the writings over a decade ago of Sigmund Freud.
What he says is totally true.
You notice people that are anti-gun always say we have the guns because we have small members?
Which is just absolutely asinine.
Guns are about self-defense.
Yeah, but Sigmund Freud said, a fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity.
General Introduction to Psychoanalysis, published 1920.
And I read that book.
That's why when I saw them, they said, is this a real quote?
Well, I looked it up, confirmed it wasn't.
No, actually, he does a whole chapter of how ridiculous people are that are scared of weapons in the hands of citizens.
He even talks about when they see soldiers with guns, they're not scared because it's the state.
They're scared of other people having guns because they're scared of what they would do with guns.
That's why they're always talking about how they want to kill people.
Piers Morgan and Buzz Bissinger and the rest of them.
Bissinger on the show said, I'm mentally ill.
I'm on drugs.
He said the next day when people said, why did you say kill Alex?
He goes, well, I'm mentally ill.
See, see, that's their excuse to be what they are because they are mentally ill.
You understand?
They don't want you having a gun because they're scared of a knife, the studies show.
I mean, I've been around liberals and people in college and pulled out a knife or something to cut something around.
Ooh, watch out with that!
I mean, they're just totally scared of everything.
And then see, politically correct?
Jacobson's like, man, I bet when you read that they're going to get politically correct.
Retarded just means you didn't feed the bonsai tree enough water, so it's small.
But the term becomes like a pejorative, so they say, don't use it.
Sigmund Freud says they have never developed their sexual and emotional maturity.
And the word to describe that
is stunted or retarded.
But see, oh my gosh, I hear about talk show hosts getting fired for using the word.
See how we're losing our language?
Can't say... cockazoid!
Can't say, see, can't say, can't say oriental.
They say that's racist now.
Put suicide nets around the Apple factory with hundreds of people jumping off of it to where they have to put suicide nets up.
That's no big deal.
Forced abortion's no big deal.
Eh, you know, you want to inject a bunch of Guatemalan kids with syphilis and kill them?
Go ahead.
You know, that's the government.
But hey, Hello Kitty, bubble guns that shoot bubbles, you know what?
Let's call the cops.
I mean, let's call them right now.
Let's call them immediately.
The way to handle this political correctness is what's happened with these outdoor shows that banned guns at them.
Everybody just boycotted it, now it's been cancelled.
Okay, that's the answer.
They're trying to boycott us and have a revolution against us to shut us down.
We shut them down.
It's us or them.
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James O'Keefe of the Veritas Project.
You know him for bringing down Acorn, exposing Planned Parenthood, taking money to make sure blacks get exterminated, and a lot more.
Now they're going to anti-gunner's houses and putting up this gun-free zone up front their house.
So he's going to be joining us in the next hour.
We're going to your phone calls right now, but if you're watching on TV or your radio listener, I'm not joking about the fact that they're talking about going after Lego and the Austrian government.
In other areas, because the Muslim groups say that Jabba the Hutt is supposed to be a Muslim.
Lego accused of racism with Star Wars set, a set I own, that my son owns and has nothing to do with it.
So I'm making the announcement.
I believe the Goblin King
If Jabba the Hutt's supposed to be Arabs, the Goblin King, I'm even a public figure versus just Muslims in general, and I've had a little bit of jowls before being overweight and having a large head.
So I believe Lego, based in Europe, is racist and made the new Goblin King, even though he was described in The Hobbit written 70 years ago or so, to look like this.
It doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter if Star Wars was written back in the 70s.
It has nothing to do with Arabs.
I am right now saying that is supposed to be Alex Jones.
And I am going to file suit on Lego for putting out a set to demean me and describe white people as big and fat and ugly.
That's obviously me right there.
And how dare them?
What do they make Lego?
Is it the Fins or the... Yeah, Denmark.
Okay, the Danes.
Well, that's it.
They're racist towards white people.
I mean, it's obvious.
They've got white figures that are fat and ugly, and I'm going to sue you.
You are doing this to me!
I'm filing a report with the FBI, and I'm going to the cultural organizations.
I'm going to the Austrian government, too.
How dare you?
I think I'm going to put a press release.
I think I'm going to do that.
I think I'll actually go and officially say... Because you know what?
You're right.
Job of the HUD is to make fun of Arabs.
Shut LEGO down!
Hello Kitty!
Bubble guns!
Arrest the children!
This is completely normal!
Blame all gun owners for bad people.
Put everyone on Prozac so they kill more people, so the psychiatrists get more money to put more people on it to kill more people.
That's the answer.
I've been wrong all these years.
The liberals are right.
They're not authoritarians.
They're good people!
They're right.
Gun owners are like Nazis.
And we defeated Hitler, we can defeat America.
I agree with all the people on MSNBC.
I have been wrong and I want to apologize here on air right now.
It's so obvious
Oh my gosh, you can all sue.
That looks like McAdoo, the one with the beard.
Oh my gosh, it's racist towards, it's racist, oh my gosh.
It looks like the crew.
There's Wes right there.
I mean, that's us, it's obvious, I'm suing!
It's oh my gosh, it's oh, Lego is so evil!
And it's copyright infringement.
They've used my likeness without getting the authorization!
You didn't know I actually played the Goblin King?
Good to see you today!
I'm glad you could drop by!
Actually, I'm going to assume over Jabba the Hutt, too.
It's actually meant to make fun of me as well.
I mean, just total, mass, liberal schizophrenia.
But the establishment knows.
Oh, oh, oh, teeny Jedi.
Oh, oh, oh.
You guys gave me some of the text of Jabba's talk, but I think it's from, like, one of the later movies.
Yeah, this is Phantom Menace.
Yeah, I need him for Return of the Jedi if I'm going to do a, um...
Umibuki Bowen Yakoda!
See, I actually need him, you know, going, oh, oh, oh, to actually do a better one.
All right, that's enough, ladies and gentlemen.
If you just tuned in, I'm illustrating their absurdity by just showing how out of control this is.
And, of course, Han Solo, punch it up, is shown as silver.
That's racism towards the Tin Man.
That's why they did that.
Oh my gosh.
Better have the owners of the franchise of the Yellow Brick Road, The Wizard of Oz, sue immediately.
I just can't believe the racism that we're seeing.
Oh my gosh.
See, you're meant to look for all this imaginary stuff.
Well, meanwhile, they're taking everybody's rights and select corporations are exempt from taxes, but you and I aren't.
That's the real discrimination.
But they want us all fighting with each other, divide and conquer.
We're all a bunch of mentally ill twits obsessed with political correctness.
My dad.
At one of his dental offices, bought a bunch of 1920s Art Deco Vogue art, and in one hanging in a dark corner, you know, in a hallway, it's from the 1920s and it's Vogue, and it's a bunch of, you know, women dressed as flappers, and one of them has a cigarette.
And he's had now multiple people.
We're talking about it again.
One lady came to him and said, I'm calling the police.
It's illegal to show cigarettes smoking.
And he went, it's a museum piece.
And she just was freaking out that somebody, some other woman got mad.
And imagine, this is a poster with a woman about three, four inches tall.
You have the look of a bunch of people on it with a cigarette.
And again, these people want all the old movies banned because they show cigarettes.
They already got most of the old cartoons banned.
They're going to ban everything!
These people are 1984 tyrants.
They want control of information.
I got a bunch of articles today where the EU is calling to be able to arrest any journalist they want for any reason if what they say is politically correct.
In fact, that's on InfoWars.com.
I mean, it's out of control.
I promise.
Your call is on the other side of this break.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
Okay folks, let's go to your phone calls as promised.
Again, I'm your host Alex Jones.
The news websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and they are some of the biggest and most important and most accurate outposts out there trying to warn people about the incredible tyranny that we're going into.
And again, if we succeed and hold back the tyranny, which we've done at many levels, then people say, oh there's no tyranny.
But if we don't succeed, well, then the show will just get bigger and bigger and bigger until it's finally shut down, because we're going to see the tyranny expand.
And that's why the show, the broadcast, the news organization is exploding right now, is because the country is going to hell in a handbasket.
And all the different tyrannies that I've warned you about are happening because the globalists write white papers.
The Rand Corporation has been public about this.
Dianne Feinstein has said she wants a total abolition of guns in the past.
So has the Attorney General.
So has Obama as a state senator.
The U.N.
The U.N.
has said they want the abolition of civilian firearms ownership because it threatens the legitimate power monopoly of a state.
That is a unidier quote, July 7th, 2001, New York City.
Addendum to the treaty.
I mean, I know their goal.
I've read their book.
I've read their handbook.
It's kind of like the New England Patriots, you know, getting the playbooks and spying on the other team.
They knew what they were going to do.
I mean, I'm sitting here.
They're not even hiding it.
They've got a whole plan.
And then they've got, every day, I see CNBC, MSNBC, CNN, you name it.
Running around, saying to everybody that gun owners are Klan, are racist, are Nazis, we defeated Hitler, we can defeat them.
I mean, it's everywhere, you're seeing it.
We're mass murderers, we're causing the death, people have a right to have us not killing them, as if our guns are killing them, not criminals.
And this is an authoritarian takeover, and it's over the top because they're going for broke.
Meanwhile, they're saying Southerners are crud, Southerners have to be overcome, the Constitution has to be overcome, Rangel and others.
You go down to UT, talk to the students, that's all.
The Southerners must be overcome.
We have video of them shot last week, edited over the weekend, that aired after Rangel, and it's girl after girl.
The Southerners have to be dealt with.
They must have their guns taken.
He will be our new Lincoln.
I mean, this is the battle plan.
And you're like, well, Southerner?
I just want freedom.
What's this about Southerner?
You're gonna be the Southerner.
All whites nationwide.
You're the enemy.
You did it.
Unless you join us.
Well, okay, guns are bad.
I join you.
I admit I'm evil.
Meanwhile, they're so politically correct, you can't have a job with a Hutt toy, that must mean he's an Arab.
As Asinine is saying, I'm the Goblin King, or Rush Limbaugh is, and they're talking about going after the, you know, and Lego in Europe because of the new Lego set I just covered.
Notice how you can't draw a gun, you can't have a bubble projector that looks like a gun with Hello Kitty, you can't have that.
But we're gonna kill you, Piers Morgan says, and his other host, and we're gonna take your rights, and we're buying 1.6 billion bullets and militarizing police in black uniforms, marching like stormtroopers and federalizing everything.
But we're liberal and sweet and you're a scumbag white person.
And they have white guys, you've seen them on MSNBC going, whites are scum, southerners are trash.
I mean, that's real bigoted attacks.
Real division.
And a lot of whites are like, well, I wasn't racist, I got a lot of friends, but man, okay, you're saying it's a race war?
You're making me do this?
It's like prison.
They send you to prison.
That's how Wackenhut and all the other big correction systems have it.
And it's set up where, okay, you're white, you go in the white area.
You're like, well, why do I go there?
Well, you're going to get killed if you don't.
You're going to get beat up, at least raped.
You get in, they go, all right, we are the white supreme brotherhood, or we're the Aryan nations, or we're the brotherhood of, you know, Krom or whatever.
And, you know, you're going to deal drugs for us, and you're going to do all this, or we're going to let those folks kill you.
And you've got the white supremacist, the black supremacist, the hispanic supremacist, and on the east and west coast, the asian supremacist.
Four different blocks in the prison, and they all go to the warden, and the drugs are brought in, and the whole thing's run that way.
And if they want somebody politically killed, they just say, you know, go ahead and take that guy out.
Go ahead and take that guy out.
And see, it's a prison culture.
I mean, I see it on YouTube about, you're not a, you know, you don't want to deal with the blacks and the Jews and kill them.
They're going to kill us.
You're working for them.
Yeah, I learned that.
You go to their website or their YouTube channel and you'll hear them bragging, yeah, I've been in the pen for 10 years for armed robbery.
I don't know how to deal with it.
I mean, I know you guys are when I hear you, because you always talk about, yeah, I'd like to get you and rape you.
It's always the standard, I'm going to rape you, because you're an ex-con.
You were put into a college to be brainwashed, and you're tough because you got the prison tats and you know, it's all social engineering.
See, I know how it all works.
That's the same thing with the Mexican extremist.
Oh, you don't like it?
We're taking over.
When we get you, we're gonna rape you, whitey.
Oh, you're a convict.
See, my guns are to protect me from the government and their convict armies that they run.
And they run all the capos, the white supremacists they run, the black supremacists, the Mexican supremacists, all government funded, it's all come out on record, all of it, all of it.
You're all government, you're a disgusting disgrace.
You're pathetic.
You don't care about humankind.
And it's all done under political correctness.
All this racial harmony crud is absolute bull to make middle class
Wealthy people, no matter what color you are, be all, I'm conforming, I'm not a part of any of all this racial stuff that's going on, and I'm going to... Okay, I said I'd go to your calls, I'm going to them right now.
William John, George Jerome, Truth Raider, and others, but this is what's going on.
This is what's going on.
I mean, I was at the airport about a year ago, a year and a half ago, flying back from the talkers' conference.
I don't think I've ever even told this story.
Actually, I have.
But Rob Dew was there, and I guess this guy knew who I was, and he was a big white guy, tats all over him, you know, I could tell, convict-type guy.
And he comes over, and he gets to my face, obviously knew who I was, it was some kind of setup, and grabs my breast.
That's what he called them, my pectorals.
And twist them trying to get a response and I knew it was a setup and I could see cops and stuff about 50 feet away.
I was like, oh, they're looking.
This is all set up.
And he goes, oh, you know, I'd like to get you.
I'd like to, you know, I'd like to I'd like to rape you.
And I'm like, wow, they got a convict waiting for me at the Austin airport knowing I'm getting off.
I mean, that's I guess I do got to get bodyguards just to watch my back just so people can't come up and do that.
And he grabs me total convict stuff twist.
My, you know, the skin on my pectorals.
Twist them!
And then he goes, oh, I'd like to get you, I'd like to rape you.
And he goes, I'll rape you!
And that's who they are.
That's who they are.
That's who they are.
That's what they want.
They want to dominate.
They want to control.
They can't invent things.
They don't know beauty.
They don't know strength.
They don't know family.
They never had a family.
Their daddy beat them.
They sat in a crib with flies all over them while mama smoked crack.
Or while mama did methamphetamine.
And then they grew up and went to prison and learned to be a tough guy.
And now that's all they've got.
I've got justice on my side.
I would have climbed up on top of that guy and just, wha, his head right like that.
You understand that, boy?
You think you're tough?
The devil doesn't give you strength.
Life gives you strength.
You're weak and you're empty.
And you grew up in crap-filled diapers and I grew up with love.
And that's why you think evil's giving you strength.
Because you're a pathetic little boy.
All of you who serve evil, you're a joke.
Let's go ahead and go to your phone calls.
William in New York, you're on the air.
Yeah, that is good, Alex.
I appreciate that.
Listen, man.
My family and I pray for you and your family every day.
I appreciate everything you're doing for everybody.
Uh, but listen, we're in a hell of a jam here in New York.
I mean, I'm getting sick of it.
What do you suggest that pe- I mean, I know what I'm gonna do, but what do you suggest that people in New York do about what's coming down?
I have to say, we have a lot of affiliates in New York, great people in the big cities, but also in the rural areas.
I would leave.
Or I would get super aggressive and try to repeal it, but Exodus is always the best thing.
And then of course they'll corner you somewhere else, but I'm not a big fan of the small community that tries to go to the local system with bargaining power.
To be left alone.
I think it's good to go to areas where people know about liberty, and you know there's a lot of liberty lovers, and so that will percolate out into the system.
I would do like a lot of New Yorkers are doing.
Come to Texas, man.
The New Yorkers I meet down here in Texas are all great people.
Californians are great people, but the really nasty ones are the socialists from California, and they've just overrun everything and are trying to take over.
And they even talk about that.
The agenda 21 shows a triangle map of San Antonio, Austin, up to Dallas and Fort Worth and Houston, and they say, we are taking these areas over.
And they go into government, they go into the meetings, they are there as brutal authoritarians to take control.
Oh, I hate it.
I hate it to death.
I mean, talk is over, Alex.
I mean, I know you talk a lot about handling things through activism, rioting, protests, things of that nature, but I mean, come on, talk is over.
I mean, the talk keeps on, you know, the only thing these barbarians understand is aggression.
Listen, I hear that, but they're losing politically.
Obama wasn't really elected.
They ran a fake guy against him.
I'm seeing the numbers.
A lot of you aren't public figures.
You don't know.
I mean, I go sit in a hot spring on the Texas-Mexico border with 15 people, wearing a ball cap, and one person hears my voice and goes, Alex Jones?
Next person, Alex Jones!
Alex Jones!
They were from New York, California, San Antonio, France.
I come back the next day to the hot springs.
Most of the people knew who I was.
Everywhere I went, I'd be talking up on a mountaintop and somebody 50 feet down would go, is that Alex Jones?
I mean, let me tell you, the globalists are going for it all right now because they're a paper tiger.
And I'm not bragging, hey, I'm this big shot, everybody knows who I am.
If people know who I am and then say they agree with me, black, white, Hispanic, doesn't matter, it shows
Now obviously that's going to be a higher educated group that knows how to go find a hot springs in the middle of the desert somewhere.
It's going to be a more educated group climbing, you know, 8,000 foot mountains.
But where you go and there's like middle class, upper middle class, but also some areas of blue collar,
Where you find highly educated liberal idiots, they will spout Marxism and not even know it's Karl Marx.
And they are in their own world, man.
And they are openly saying Obama is Lincoln and is going to conquer us.
You can look it up.
I mean, they're coming.
So, I hear what you're saying, but they provocateur events like Oklahoma City because they can't win the cultural debate with us.
We, whoever fires first loses.
That's why they're gonna fire and say we did it.
Or push people into a corner and get them to fire.
So, uh, it's like, I don't want it to go to the shooting war.
They want it to.
So does that tell you a shooting war is a good thing, William?
I just don't, I'm really frustrated with the paying for al-Qaeda weapons and more security.
What would have happened when that guy grabbed my pectorals and tried to rip my, uh, uh,
Well, you know what they're called, I'm going to say it on the radio.
You know what, twister on me.
What would have happened if I would have attacked the convict?
Yeah, that wouldn't end well.
Yeah, no, no.
They were going to have their victory.
I had a convict, and it's on record, the police were ready to arrest him after the whole stage thing happened.
He was like, what?
Hey guys, come on over here.
It was a wink-a-wink.
But I was smart enough, because the cops that were there watching it, they left when it happened and I didn't take the bait.
Then I went and called, and the TSA all looked freaked out and was watching, and called other people.
And this all happened on record.
That's why that, well, anyway, it's a side issue, but they don't like me too much over there.
I have to go to the lions den every time I fly.
I mean, they were planning, see, I knew
I mean, it hurt when the guy did it.
It hurt real bad.
He grabbed and twisted as hard as he could, a full-grown man, and I just cut off the pain and went, oh!
You know, what's your problem?
You're going to get in a lot of trouble for that.
And he couldn't believe I just stood there totally calmly.
I just turned it off.
Okay, I just turned the pain off.
So what are you going to do?
And then he called me a wimp and said he was going to rape me and all this, waiting for me to do something.
And again, ABC Nightline implied that I have fake anger.
No, I just let myself where I'm somewhat safe here, then I can show you what I really think.
But out there, I know when to hold them, I know when to fold them, I know when to walk away, I know when to run.
You never count your money when you're sitting at the table.
There'll be time enough for counting when the dealing's done.
And the money I'm after is liberty.
The goal I'm after is freedom and defeating these globalists.
I take it personal, the children they brain damage with vaccines and GMO.
I take it personal, the children they abort.
I take it personal, because you know why?
It is personal.
I'm a human being, and I have an allegiance to humanity and the God that created us.
God gives you life and joy and children and everything wholesome.
The devil gives you death and destruction and poverty and pain.
And the New World Order is the devil.
Let's go ahead and talk to John in Pennsylvania.
You're on the air.
Hey Alex, thanks for listening to me.
I just want to thank you for, you know, being who you are and also all those info warriors out there.
Well thank you, brother.
Basically what I was calling about is just
I'm just sick of hearing all this spin and, you know, they keep on comparing the United States with other countries.
I think, first of all, the United States became the great country that it is today because of what we stand for, not what other countries stand for.
I mean, did you go read the Daily Beast article that said peers pressure?
Or it said it's good to have the Chinese and the Russians and peers telling us what to do?
This is globalization 2.0.
Let Alex, you know, prepare his flamethrower.
We're coming for him.
And then the ABC Nightline says Alex is now under very serious scrutiny.
And they're saying they want to kill me and that my kids, you know, hope they're safe at night.
I mean, that's who they are.
Look, guys, I know you're a bunch of gangster thugs or a bunch of wannabes.
I get that I'm in danger.
And, you know, that's the point.
I know America is in danger.
And, yes, they're trying to get us used to foreigners telling us what to do under global government.
Also, the fact is that, you know, they're using the oldest strategy, the divide and conquer, you know, mind, body, spirit.
We've been hit with that.
I mean, I hate to be redundant, but you've said it time and time again.
As far as everyone who's listening, the ones that are awake need to wake up the ones that are sleeping.
And the spin is the way they're doing it, divide and conquer.
They want to keep on pulling the Americans away from each other and we have to keep on using our voices and get out there and support our local gun shops and speak to our neighbors and get out there and not text, because if we're using the technology, they'll take it from us too.
Well, we need to engage with the latest technology, but also engage with low-tech and build multiple pillars, multiple tentacles against the enemy.
We need to move against them on every front as they've moved against us.
Listen, if somebody doesn't sell so-called semi-autos, assault rifles, boycott them.
I mean, I'll never go and dick-sporting goods again.
I've been in there and bought stuff.
I will never.
You know, support anybody.
I mean, here's the article.
The NRA boycott kills outdoor show that banned assault weapons.
The massive boycott sparked by NRA and other gun rights, outraged by the nation's largest outdoor show, banned the exhibition of assault weapons, has caused the show organizers to abruptly cancel the week-long event in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
It's gone on forever.
It's the Reed exhibitions.
I mean, it's over.
And you take, listen, they want to intimidate us, take our language.
I mean, how mad does it make you?
I don't care where you live.
I mean, I always see these comments on YouTube going, you dumb southerner Texan, you pathetic gun owner.
And I always see folks, I'm from New York, I'm from California.
It isn't about being a southerner owning guns.
See how they try to play that game?
And then say, southerners are racist.
I mean, Southerners, I mean, how many blacks in the South own guns?
It's all over generalizations.
Can you imagine if I came out and said New Yorkers are scum?
I mean, what the media would do with that?
Imagine, they're on TV calling everybody in the South scum.
What do you make of that?
Yeah, absolutely.
I mean, what I'm saying is basically as far as like, they gotta stop these puppets.
They think these puppets think that they've had lost.
I want to hear this from you when we come back.
I want to hear about your family.
Stay there.
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We're back live.
We're going to go back to John and then George, Jerome, Truthreader.
We'll get to all of you before our guest comes on.
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Uh, which is the real stuff they're putting in the water.
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Uh, but this does.
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Two years in development.
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Okay, tell folks, because I've talked to so many people from Ukraine,
People from China, people from other areas of Eastern Europe, where they come and take the guns and the next your family starts disappearing.
Stalin did that, took them to the 30s to start getting the guns and then it was a mass culling.
Tell folks what happened to your family.
Okay Alex, all I can say is the cost of disarming the people psychologically, physically, spiritually is staggering.
And those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
Because I've experienced it myself, and the government is probably, you know, although they've given me a new identity here in the United States,
And I always promised myself I would never get involved, but it's come to this where I need to speak out because my children's future are at stake.
But I mean, they're hoping that, you know, those who have died in the Vietnam War and those who are still alive or are maybe too old to fight, but guess what?
There's still voices out there.
And I'm one of the voices that I've experienced it.
What happened to your family?
Well, my grandfather was assassinated, and my whole family, we're only three of us that are survivors here in the United States, but all of them were systematically killed trying to leave the country, trying to speak up for their rights, and basically, you know, it's terrible.
And if people don't wake up now to see this, they're going to be... Where were you, Eastern Europe, Middle East, Asia?
Oh, yeah, Vietnam.
Oh, so your family was trying to get out, what, in the early 70s?
Yes, sir.
And was this after they left Saigon, or was this before you couldn't get out?
This is after, or actually at the end of where they were starting to pull out everyone.
And of course, for those that don't know, they said, the North Vietnamese, turn your guns in, we'll give you amnesty.
What happened when you turned the guns in?
We're going to come back to you after this.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Coming up in the start of the next segment, James O'Keefe of the Veritas Project.
You know him for bringing down Akron and so much more.
Going to be joining us.
We're taking a few more of your calls right now.
You know, they took the guns in Turkey and they killed over a million Armenians after they took their guns.
That's just one of the smaller cases.
Pol Pot, the list goes on and on.
Hitler, Stalin.
But you're saying your family was in southern Vietnam after the U.S.
And I've read the history.
Tell people briefly, John, then we'll go to others, the history of what happened.
Because I remember reading, they told people, turn your guns in, we'll give you an amnesty, everything's fine.
What happened once the guns were turned in?
Well, they systematically started killing everyone that was against the government.
Actually, I was born in Da Nang, and my grandfather was a politician there, and he was killed publicly.
Um, and the rest of our family was, was killed for, for being, you know, part of the family.
Um, and it's, you know, it's, it's just the loss.
People don't realize the loss that they're going to experience if they follow through and they don't speak up now and pull together.
By the way, I've been around all these so-called leftists.
They say the plan is to kill us once they get our guns.
I mean, these are monsters.
These are not liberals.
Oh, the war's already been on.
You're absolutely right.
I mean, they've been working on us, you know, psychologically, spiritually, and physically.
And as an educator, I'm telling you, I know.
I work with IDD children.
And I'm telling you, there's no way in heck a couple that are healthy and everything, and they keep on telling you that, oh, it's genetics.
It's not genetics.
There's something that they're doing.
It's a slow kill, and this is a culling.
Call it whatever you like.
But it's a depopulation program that has been going on for years and it's ridiculous and I'm just at the point where the best defense right now is to speak out and everybody needs to get out and talk to your neighbors and get everybody on board.
No, you're right.
The globalists are all obsessed with organic and purified water.
They won't eat anything.
The GMO, the vaccines, it's all a giant eugenics operation.
God bless you and thanks for your testimony.
George in Pennsylvania, thanks for holding here on the air.
Go ahead, what do you think of Feinstein and coming for all the semi-autos and more?
I'd like to cover one other thing first.
On the vaccines, the government has a website, Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, V-A-E-R-S at HHS.gov, where if you have problems with the vaccine, you're supposed to report it.
But no one knows that, so they don't report it, or if they do, they try to cover it up quietly, yes.
You might have a link on your site.
One other thing about the vaccines, there's a group of mostly physicians with vaccine-damaged children.
That's Autism Research Institute, and it has a lot of listings there on things you can do when the kids do get damaged with vaccines, how to recover them, at least partially.
Second thing is we need to group together.
I agree with that and I think maybe political correctness on your part would be a good thing.
How about a constitutional recovery fund or something to curb the illegal activities of the judges and the politicians?
We still have a process in place and I think we could be using it if you
Well, look, they're on the news saying all gun owners are racist scum, the entire South is filth, but then they're the politically correct people.
No, they're a bunch of political monsters obsessing on race because they use it as a weapon.
I mean, Lego can't even put out Jabba the Hutt toys now without the Muslims in Europe saying it's racist.
I mean, this is a way to attack us and tell us we're bad.
And I'm not bashing Muslims in general, the politically correct type.
This is a cultural domination.
And then they're like, hey, be nice, have some hospitality.
Let the globalists run over you.
We've got to get angry and get out of a cowed position.
They're always telling us, we're suspect, we're racist, we're bad, we have guilt, we've done something wrong.
Give them control because we're bad.
Let them in, let them boss us, give us their money.
This is, they're intimidating us until we give in to them.
Because the government's run by a bunch of raging criminals.
And I hear you.
I don't know how it's politically correct to have a Constitution Recovery Fund.
Okay, our guest is coming up.
Most of you know who they are.
I'm just so excited to get them on.
James O'Keefe, the Veritas Project.
Straight ahead.
Stay with us.
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Now I gotta play a few clips to introduce this guy, and for whatever reason over the years I tried to get him on, didn't get connected, but we've got him on now.
And everybody listening probably knows who this individual is, or you know of his work.
And this is the model.
I've done a lot of similar things over the years when I was just out doing investigations, but none of them ever exploded like this.
But we had some big victories.
And this guy and his team is the model.
In fact, I just want to say on air, I haven't told him this yet, he ought to make a how-to, be a real muckraking journalist for Liberty.
He ought to make a film about it.
You know, showing how it's done.
Because what he does, the corrupt that run this system, and I've said this for many years, you can, let me introduce our guest here in a moment and play some clips first, you can go and fight the globalists, the collectivists, especially Democrats for whatever reason.
You can go follow them in their car when they're doing corrupt things, and they will always be doing something horrible.
I mean, it's hard to not catch them.
You know, I've caught bribery at the state capitol.
Just goes on everywhere.
Paying guys cash.
The bill got defeated.
It was in the front page of the newspaper.
That was back in, you know, 1999.
Just type in Alex Jones catches bribery.
I've done more than 50 or 60 things just like this.
Not because I'm some great investigator.
The corrupt do this right out in front of you.
The corrupt do this right out in front of you.
And you've just got to go out and expose them and have the courage.
But if we just engage these people, it's over.
James O'Keefe is the president of Project Veritas.
I was saying Veritas Project, no teleprompter.
James O'Keefe is a graduate of Rutgers University.
He has received a congressional resolution praising him for his work and a receipt, a recipient of the Robert Novak Award for Journalistic Excellence.
He's best well-known for the 2009 Akron investigation, which exposed systematic corruption in multiple offices.
Different cities, different areas, walk in and go, I have an underage prostitute I snuck in the country.
We're going to play a clip of that.
And I want to, you know, sell her out.
How do I keep her under the radar?
Well, just make sure you put her in school so the government gets theirs, but everything's fine.
Gonna pimp her good.
And forced the group to be disbanded, losing them billions of dollars a year.
And that was one of their big syndicate takeovers.
He's also exposed to NPR.
The sting involved NPR executive Ron Schiller and senior director Betsy Lilly.
The two agreed to receive five million donation from a fictitious Muslim organization.
The two executives later resigned.
The House representatives voted to defund NPR.
And again, folks, people don't believe I snuck into Bohemian Grove.
They just can't believe I got in there and did it.
You've never tried things.
People can't believe you have power, is my point.
That's what I want you to understand.
You are the ones that are going to defeat these people.
And the model is somebody like James O'Keefe.
The Project Veritas.org, vprojectveritas.org, and of course it's supported by patriots like you, so go there and do that.
Through Project Veritas, James has personally trained and equipped dozens of citizen journalists in an effort to create transparency in government and spending.
And of course that's what their job is.
But I'm saying put it out to everybody, which I know they've done some of.
Now let's play something he's not well known for.
And since then there's new clips of Christians going up to abortionists and saying, hey, you know, let us adopt the babies.
And they go, you don't want the ugly black babies.
But you're racist if you don't want them aborted, remember that, because it's racist to want to save them.
And it's racist if you don't like the communist Chinese and Apple suicide nets if you want to save the Chinese little girls.
You're liberal if you just let them all die.
See, the liberals are eugenicists.
I made the film Endgame exposing that.
So let's go to this first clip, then a short clip of the next, then we'll do the rest of the hour with our guests.
But it's so exciting!
Okay, because I've been doing this type of thing for 17 years.
He's been doing it, I don't know, for six, seven years.
We're going to talk to him in a moment.
James O'Keefe of theprojectveritas.org.
But let's go ahead and go to this first clip of him calling in to Planned Parenthood.
This has been duplicated by others.
Planned Parenthood was set up to, quote, kill the black weeds.
Margaret Sanger, John D. Rockefeller.
Let's go ahead and play the clip.
Hello Autumn.
I'm interested in making a donation today.
What about abortions for the underprivileged minority groups?
Oh, absolutely.
We have, in fact, wonderful, fantastic news.
We just received a very generous donation to our Women in Need Fund.
I want to specify that abortion to help a minority group.
Would that be possible?
Like the black community, for example?
Okay, so the abortion could be, you know, I could give money specifically for a black baby.
That would be the purpose.
Yeah, absolutely.
If you wanted to designate that you wanted your gift to be used to help an African-American woman in need, then we would certainly make sure that that gift was earmarked specifically for that purpose.
Great, because I really face trouble with
He's trying to get into colleges.
Alright, let's stop right there.
You can go online and go to the Veritas Project and see that report in full and others.
And I have protested back when I had more time to do it.
I'm protesting on air now.
Abortion clinics.
And here in Austin, also in Dallas.
And I've had them walk up to me and they go, no one wants these black babies.
These people are a problem.
And I'm telling you, most liberals at that level are not liberals.
These are flaming racists.
See, real racists aren't wearing Klan outfits.
Usually those are feds.
You know, meaning to make gun owners racist or something.
The real ones are trendies.
I want to go to our guest.
We'll play the famous clip of him dressed as a 70s pimp, totally obvious with an underage girl, telling him she's underage, and discussing how to get the tax exemptions and things for his pimping operation, and how to run little girls into the US.
We've all seen that, so I won't play it now.
We'll get to it later in some other clips.
James O'Keefe, great to have you on.
Again, I just salute you.
You were on the Nightly News with Jakari Jackson last week.
You just heard the comments I made about liberals saying how much they want to kill the black people, while saying all gun owners are racist against blacks.
How did you wake up to all of this?
And let's just get into where you see the state of this country right now.
Well, Alex, I think I was going to be on your show five or six years ago.
We did that Planned Parenthood investigation with a young woman named Lila Rose.
And we called up, I'd say about seven or eight Planned Parenthoods across the country.
And I had heard about Margaret Sanger, who was a eugenicist back in the early part of the 20th century.
And we called up these Planned Parenthoods, and right before you cut the clip, the
The Vice President of Planned Parenthood actually said that it's understandable and exciting to abort black children because I said there were too many, I was acting, I said there were too many black people in this country and we need to abort them is what I said to Planned Parenthood and the Vice President of Planned Parenthood resigned.
And it was a national story at the time, and that kind of got me into thinking that the way to expose malfeasance and corruption and fraud is to kind of just take it right to them and make them live up to their own principles.
And that's sort of what we do at Project Veritas.
We make people live up to their own book of rules, which is right out of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals.
I remember, in fact, I interviewed people six or seven years ago about this.
Have I interviewed you then?
We were going to connect and for whatever reason we just didn't connect.
I just remember playing the clip at the time because, listen, it's not like you're trying to find a four-leaf clover and there's only a few of them that are eugenicists.
I'm saying about 80% of mid-level or higher-ups I run into will go, listen, we've got to get rid of these black people, stop protesting, what's wrong with you, you're white.
And now more and more videos of that have surfaced.
You don't want ugly black babies.
The point is, I want the left out there, the mainline left, who's idiots, to understand.
These people are monsters.
Go ahead.
Well, we found it.
I mean, it's all on tape.
I let the people speak for themselves.
We called the New Mexico clinic.
This is Planned Parenthood New Mexico, and when I said, and I'm acting of course, I'm acting like a racist, and I say, well, you know, it's just, it's terrible what's going on in our country with black people and affirmative action, and this Planned Parenthood Vice President said to me in New Mexico, she said,
It's a strange time for sure.
And this is what she's caught on tape saying when she does not know that she's being videotaped.
And it really cuts to the heart and soul.
Why do they put all the clinics in the inner city neighborhoods?
And what's really remarkable, Alex, is that the media tries to ignore it.
But the good thing about Project Veritas is because we get results, because these people resign or they're forced to resign, the Associated Press does not have a choice but to write
coverage about it and that's how it kind of gets it and Lila has gone on to do a lot of other videos.
She did a video on, you know, Planned Parenthood and statutory rape.
That got on CBS News.
So the interesting thing about what we do as citizen journalists is that we force we force this stuff into the mainstream media and I think that more people need to do that.
Being around these people, infiltrating them, I've discovered they're almost all really sick people and criminals, or a mix of the two.
In all your investigations, I mean, I found it's not like, again, it's not like it's hard to find this.
This is a really group of vicious people, and do you agree that the biggest hoax ever is that the liberal establishment is liberal?
They're not!
They're a bunch of monsters!
I found it, you know, the word that I use, and a lot of people think that it's absurd, I think it's fascism.
They don't, in my experience as a citizen journalist, I have been arrested, I have been falsely accused, I did a voter fraud expose last year on Eric Holder and a number of states giving out voting ballots in the name of other people, and for, these are facts, I deal in fact, as a journalist.
And exposing this stuff on videotape, the reaction is always arrest O'Keefe, prosecute O'Keefe, silence O'Keefe, you know, censor him, silence him, arrest him.
And that to me is not a liberal mentality.
There's nothing liberal about wanting to jail journalists.
And this is not, you know, this is just, I'm being straightforward.
You know, I was arrested in New Orleans.
Let's talk about that.
We're going to break.
Riveting live interview with James O'Keefe.
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Ladies and gentlemen, if you're listening to this for the first time and you think this is hyperbole, there are scores of clips on their website of acorn people saying, yeah, we'll help you do this illegal thing, we'll help you run child prostitutes, we'll help you do that.
And this is just how the system works, and they want to make every city like the big Chicago
New York mafia-style systems.
And we need to have the people in Chicago and New York and other cities stand up against this.
And the way to do it, if you were to follow a Planned Parenthood person, let's say you work next door to a bar, and walk over and record them, make sure it's a state where you have one party consent, saying, hey, we need to kill the black people, why do you work there?
They're going to agree to you.
They've all been told, don't talk about it on the phone when you call.
And how it's a great civil right and, you know, all this stuff.
The point is, these people, all of them, are so sick that if you just engage them, they're all involved in bizarre behavior.
Going back to our guests, there's a short segment, long segment coming up.
We'll play some clips during it.
James O'Keefe, the head journalist.
Of course.
Most famously, there was a huge story where I was in New Orleans investigating Senator Mary Landrieu, and she was not answering her constituents' phone calls during the healthcare debate in 2010.
Went into the federal building with a camera, a recording device, and as you pointed out, one-party consent states, so it's legal to do it in Louisiana.
But I was in a federal building, I was arrested.
And they were going to let me go as a journalist.
Oh, you're just there to ask questions.
And then they found out that I was the acorn pimp.
I went into acorn posing as a pimp and hooker.
And they said, well, you know, based on the senator and these other situations, we're going to have to keep you overnight in federal prison.
And then I wake up the next day and I find myself charged with some ridiculous felony.
I had to get a lawyer, spent six months fighting it, finally got it down to a misdemeanor.
The US Attorney resigned in disgrace just recently for going online.
It's just so corrupt.
And I've been, as a citizen journalist, I'm not like David Gregory.
I'm not immune from being prosecuted for committing crimes.
But it's just unbelievable.
They want to censor us and silence us and even jail us for exposing them on tape.
And the good news is I'm still standing and we haven't given up and we've got a ton of stories under our belt.
We're developing a track record now.
Talk about some of the other intriguing investigative reports you put out that haven't gone mega-viral that people may not be aware of.
After the Acorn story, the NPR story was on the front page of all the major newspapers, but after that we did a story on Medicaid.
Medicaid entitlement programs in this country.
We went into Medicaid offices in Ohio, Virginia, and Maine, and we said that we were Russian drug dealers.
We said that we wanted to bring, we talked about pimping girls, we talked about importing exotic sports cars and putting drugs in, and we said we just want Medicaid.
Even though we're multi-millionaires... See something, say something.
Like the Social Security Administration sending hundreds of millions to one address in Austin, knowing it's a fraud, but then literally the police are told to spy on gun owners and we're criminals.
And in the case of Medicaid, what the woman actually told us, and this is on YouTube, it's got 100,000 views, is I said, you know, what are we going to call our illicit drug business?
And she said, just say that you're a babysitter.
And she was fired.
This worker in Medicaid was fired.
And the state of Ohio said they were going to retrain all their workers.
We did it in Virginia.
We got the same response.
The Medicaid worker told us not to put it down on our forms.
We did it in Maine.
The governor of each state launched an investigation.
There is a criminal culture to liberals.
I've got to be honest.
Again, I don't like the Republicans either.
But downright local Democrats, when you really get near them, they're crooks.
As evidenced by the videos that we've produced, they certainly don't have a problem with helping give money, give government... Telling somebody to falsify forms to cover up drug dealing is a crime.
That's absolutely right.
And by the way, the police have gotten involved.
They have Cuccinelli in Virginia.
He launched a criminal investigation, a criminal probe, and then most recently with our voter fraud video.
In Virginia, many people, your listeners may know this story, it was on, it was all over the mainstream media, but Congressman Jim Moran's son resigned in October over telling one of our undercover reporters how to vote twice to elect President Obama.
Forging utility bills.
Voting in the names of other people.
So this is a congressman's son who is his field director.
His name is Patrick Moran.
He resigned and the police got involved.
The detective in Arlington County called me, wanted me to cooperate with this investigation.
And then I find out this detective might be bought and sold by the congressman.
So it's really, it's difficult being a citizen.
We'll be right back.
This is amazing.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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We're getting prepared.
Are you?
Corruption of your thoughts, yeah.
Destruction of your soul.
Mind control.
It's mind control, yeah.
Corruption of your thoughts, yeah.
Destruction of your soul.
I know we've had some callers holding for the last hour.
You'll get a chance to bring up your gun issue and also ask our amazing guest a question.
Again, Alex Jones here, back live.
James O'Keefe of the Project Veritas, Project Truth is on with us, theprojectveritas.org.
Of course, our sites are infowars.com and the nightly news is transmitted out via prisonplanet.tv.
By the way, one membership for $5.95 a month now.
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There's no way that usually all 11 people are going to be tuned in at 7 o'clock every night when InfoWars Nightly News goes on.
That's part of Operation Awaken the Sleeping Giant.
We will officially launch the $100,000 film.
I've gotten so behind with all the gun grabbing and all the tyranny we're facing that I have not launched the big $100,000 contest for films yet.
I should have done that like three weeks ago, but we're going to launch it with a film promo tomorrow on the show, premiered here.
I shot the video, wrote the rules, went over it with legal.
It's $115,000 in cash prizes, $100,000 first place.
That will be announced tomorrow on the radio.
I know I said I would announce it a few weeks ago and never got to it because, quite frankly, everything comes secondary to free speech and the Second Amendment.
I mean, when that's getting attacked, you notice I haven't even been plugging products or things until last week.
And a little secret about radio, most of the real funding of the syndicated show itself is what they do live on air.
You listen to most talk show hosts.
I think so.
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What else do you want to impart to viewers and listeners about the state of the world right now?
What is your rallying cry?
Because, you know, your rallying cry, just from truth, is what mine is.
Evil men and tyrants flourish because good men and women do nothing.
These people, a lot of these people that run the system, are really stupid.
But it's our weakness in bowing down to government that empowers them.
It's the ether in which these slugs thrive.
You've got the floor, my friend.
Well, one thing that's unique about Project Veritas is that I don't advocate policy solutions.
I don't tell people who to vote for.
I don't tell people what to believe.
I'm a strong believer in the following statement.
I have an infinite faith in the power of free people.
That if they're just making their own decisions, if they have the truth available to them, that they will make the best decisions to create a great, lasting, and moral society.
I think what we need more of, we need more journalism.
We need more people exposing the facts.
And the fact of the matter is that there aren't a lot of journalists.
There are a lot of stenographers, people who
You know, they write down what the politicians say at the podium, or pundits, people who are, you know, on television or they take pre-existing content.
Alex, one of the things I actually admired you did, I must have seen this video maybe eight years ago, but on YouTube you went into the DMV and they asked you for identification.
You took out eight pieces of identification.
What you're doing is important.
I mean, that's a direct action.
You went in there and you sort of taped it.
You exposed something.
We need more people doing journalism, pure journalism.
And I think that people are smart enough.
This recent video we did,
On the guns in New York and the people pushing gun owners, I went up to the journalists and I asked them, would you put a sign on your lawn that says that your home is gun free?
By the way, let me stop you there.
That's the original reason I wanted to get you on last week.
Start over, and the video is on your website.
It's amazing.
We can probably play some here for viewers while he's talking.
Then I have the pimp clip.
But, I mean, this shows their incredible hypocrisy.
The truth is they've got guns.
They've got bodyguards.
Their kids go to schools with armed men like David Gregory.
So start over and tell people about that.
Sure, I was inspired to do this because of David Gregory and because I have been arrested and falsely accused and faced political prosecution and the judge destroyed my videotapes so that no one knows what I actually did in Louisiana, but when David Gregory on NBC News brought a magazine into the studio, which is a felony in Washington, D.C., and he was not prosecuted, in fact,
The D.C.
Attorney General released a statement, I believe it was two weeks ago, and the District Attorney, I actually have it in front of me here, he said that it was a clear violation of the law, what Gregory did.
But it didn't, quote, serve the best interests of the people, unquote, to prosecute David Gregory.
Now he does have
Prosecutorial discretion.
So he's Judge Dredd now.
They tell juries we can't judge the law and the facts, which of course we can, but the police, especially high-level ones, they're not supposed to do that.
It's a grand jury and it's the people.
I've done a lot of constitutional law research.
What that prosecutor did, I think was wrong.
I think it's wrong because I think the Supreme Court says equal justice under law, and if I did that, if I, for purposes of a YouTube video, if I brought a magazine in the District of Columbia from an AR-15, I'd be prosecuted, no question.
If I did, I'd be arrested, you know it.
There is a different, so, what inspired me to do this video, which I think is important, is the fact that there's a different class of people, the politicians, the journalists,
They consider themselves protected from the law, and then I got to thinking, now what if I made them live up to their own principles, and I went to them, okay, you obviously don't like guns, so will you advertise that to the public?
Will you put a sign on your lawn that says, this house is proudly gun-free?
Because journalists, you're willing to advertise to the world who owns a gun,
You're wanting to publish law-abiding gun owners, therefore you should have no problem with doing it.
They're terrorists!
They're not journalists!
They're saying the South is all scum, gun owners are scum, publishing where we live that we have guns.
It's time to get angry at these people!
I mean, that newspaper needs to be sued!
We need to get aggressive with them!
I'm sorry, go ahead.
No, I mean, my way of doing that is by exposing them.
I think that we need to
I went to their homes.
I mean, there's nothing more aggressive than going to somebody's house and knocking on the door.
And I went to their homes with a camera.
They didn't know they were being taped.
And I said, you know, I said to the publisher of the Westchester Journal News, that's the newspaper that printed all the gun owners and
Westchester County.
I live in Westchester, New York.
That's where I'm from.
I'm only a few miles away from these people.
And we said, would you post this sign or not?
Nobody would post this sign.
In fact, if you watch the video, the most extraordinary thing about this YouTube video is that all these editors and reporters are justifying the Second Amendment.
They're pro-gun.
They just don't know it.
Instinctively, their human nature informs them that they don't want to tell people they're gun-free.
And that's what I'm trying to tell you.
My message at Project Veritas is that I have faith in free people if they're just given the facts that they know what's good for them and their families.
Well, I'll say this.
They're trying to physically make us turn our guns in, register them, ban them.
They're assaulting us.
And our founders, you know, physically went after him.
We need to just go and get in their faces at public events.
If they're publishing people's names and where they live, we need to go to their house and say, hey, I'm out here with a bullhorn, buddy.
Anybody who got your name published.
In the newspaper, they assaulted your privacy.
They told criminals who to go rob.
It's time to go to their houses and bullhorn them.
And to come back the next day and bullhorn them.
When the cops show up, videotape it and go, Officer, here's my name in the newspaper where I live and I have a gun.
I have a First Amendment right to be here and do this.
And then if they arrest you, you sue them because of the hypocrisy.
I mean, it's time to get aggressive.
Here's an example. 1996.
They are taking veterans' homes, $2,000 a day fines.
They had some registry at the hospital, I discovered.
I learned this from hospital workers, that they would know when somebody had bad cancer or had a heart attack and was a widow or widower.
They would then go to the nice home in the million-dollar area that they wanted to get and force into foreclosure.
They put $2,000 a day fines on it for three-inch grass.
Well, a good cop called me and said, hey,
I know where all the city council people live.
A bunch of them have like three-foot grass in the middle of the city, holes in the roofs.
I don't know why they did.
So I went to Jackie Goodman's house and others, went to the health department, showed they had like foot-tall grass and trash on the ground, and said, OK, let's put $2,000 fines on you.
And they dropped all these fines on old people.
Here's the problem.
My phone, that was one guy, two guys, ringing with old people having their houses taken for two-inch grass.
And they always were like, let me ask, you have a heart attack?
You can't walk?
Oh, you just got out of the hospital last week and the notices are coming?
Oh, let me guess, you're dying of cancer.
Yeah, I've got a few months to live.
They just want your house.
They want to lean on it.
I mean, that's a mafia right there.
And you know what?
I couldn't... I bet it's still going on.
That's the frustration.
We need 50 Alex Joneses in Austin.
We need 50 in Rochester, New York.
We need 100 in Chicago.
I mean, people are being abused, folks.
And folks go in and turn their TVs on and watch sitcoms at night and they don't know the old lady's having their house stolen.
Go ahead, I'm ranting.
No, I would respect if these journalists, for example, would put the signs on their lawns.
I would at least respect that because they would be philosophically consistent.
But the fact that they're inconsistent, the fact that they're
Like, they would be willing to publish gun owners, but be unwilling to advertise themselves as not owning guns.
We went to MSNBC's Touré.
Touré is a commentator on MSNBC.
And he was unwilling to post a sign.
He was stumbling and stuttering when we asked him to.
He said, you know what, I don't know if I want to do that.
And that's what makes them frauds and cowards.
And nobody
Nobody likes a fraud or a coward.
And nobody rides for free either.
I'm sick of these slugs feeding off of us.
And what we tried to do, we want to measure the courage of their convictions.
Do they actually believe in this thing?
And at the end of the video, one of the most telling, I think this is the most fascinating thing about the video, is that one of the reporters for the New Jersey Star-Ledger, who supported outing gun owners and printing their names and addresses, told us that he hates guns, he wishes they were banned and everything, but
If he's, this is his words, he says, when the right wing takes over the government, we need to be armed to defend ourselves from that government.
So even though he's putting an ideological spin on it, he's actually making some type of justification for the Second Amendment.
Don't get that right-wing, left-wing's control at the top.
There's going to be Republicans in later.
No, liberals I all knew went out and bought guns under Bush.
And now they're like, let's turn them in.
It's just mindlessness.
These people have no sense.
And you know what?
I want to hold you if you can do it a little bit in the next hour and go into overdrive, because I promised to go to phone calls.
And I want to play some of these reports of you going and doing the guns.
Can you do 30 minutes more into the next hour?
Yep, absolutely.
Okay, fantastic.
I want to play now, though, the pimp clip.
Do we have that cued up?
Yeah, because we're going to go to the pimp clip first.
Because this is what you're more... I mean, this is super mega viral for months, brought down Akron, got it defunded.
How many billions did it get defunded?
It was allocated $5 billion in the stimulus package, and of course they went bankrupt after the video, so they weren't given any of that.
Tell people a little bit more about that case, if they may have forgotten.
ACORN Association of Community Organized for Reform Now.
President Barack Obama was an attorney for ACORN, I believe in the 80s or 90s.
ACORN, it has a couple different branches, but they claim to help giving low-income housing for people.
What they mostly do is they get out the vote efforts.
They help with voter registration drives.
What we wanted to uncover was
You know, what exactly this group is doing, where its money goes, we visited acorn branches across the United States, and I posed as a pimp, of course I'm not the most...
I'm not a pimp-like individual, but I... No, but welfare and all this, because I've talked to people involved, it's all designed for fraud.
You can go in and get 20 kids signed up.
You can go in and they want control and they want to bankrupt the country.
Let's go to this clip where you're saying, this is my underage girl I brought in from another country.
I want to bring in more.
They're like, hey, we'll help you falsify everything.
Just make sure she's in school.
Here it is.
Cops on us before.
Right, and anything that's, you know, anything that's in the middle, anything that's not government approved is always against the law.
That's rule number one.
But do you do college taxes?
Well, she gets paid mostly in cash.
She makes a lot of money, though, so you can afford something.
Okay, if you get somebody here who taxes, are they going to talk to you about leagues?
It's not like that.
It's because it's against the law, and no law enforcement, law enforcement is very prejudicial towards us.
But she's going to make us illegal business.
That's why she gets a lot of taxes.
Yeah, but how can she do that, though?
Because, um, she is good.
I'm telling you.
You know?
She won't know how you can make it legal.
She's really good.
She's, she's not going to put you, she's not going to give you trouble.
The type of business or service you provide.
Let me make sure there's a code for it, okay?
A code for prostitution?
Well, yeah, because I have to have a name and a code number.
Well, I don't know.
There better be a code.
But I'm going to look in there.
I'm going to get my list.
She's going to say she's good.
She's going to make us a legal business.
Well, how can she do that?
Let me make sure there's a code for it, okay?
A code for prostitution?
Okay, let's see what we got here.
Combination food service and drinking places, um, business owned food department, service outlet, directional agencies, credit bills.
You might have to name something else.
Alright, I mean there's hours of this stuff and then they get into the underage people they're going to bring in, that's all great.
We're going to go to break, come back with our guests, go to some of your calls that have been holding, Jerome in Illinois, Truth Writer in Oregon and others.
Then we're going to go into overdrive with our guests with more straight ahead.
I'm Alex Jones.
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Alright, in this segment and the next, we're going to take some calls with folks that have been holding on the Second Amendment with James O'Keefe.
Then we'll do 30 minutes with him in overdrive, which a lot of stations carry, into the fourth hour.
We always do three hours.
For a while it did four hours, so we still keep doing the fourth hour sometimes.
Because there's a bunch of other news I want to cover after he leaves us as well.
But it's official, they're coming after the handguns too.
And we're going to play some of the clips for radio listeners and TV listeners.
Of James O'Keefe going to Eric Holder's house and saying, will you put up a gun-free zone sign?
I mean, Eric Holder is a gangster, folks.
I mean, hardcore, fast and furious, OKC, involved in it all.
And this guy's got gigantic huevos rancheros.
James O'Keefe is our guest.
Folks have been holding Jerome, Truther, and others.
Jerome in Illinois, thanks for holding.
You're on the air about the Second Amendment, I believe you called in.
Go ahead.
Yeah, thanks for having me on your show, Alex, and it's good to hear that there's other people in the world that share my thoughts about gun control.
You know, I keep hearing people ask the question about assault weapons.
Do Americans really need an assault weapon to defend themselves?
And my answer to that question is absolutely yes.
I believe we do need assault weapons because it levels the playing field.
That's right, the criminals are going to have them.
So we need them.
They use that debate, it's about enslavement.
Let's ask our guest, why do you think they're coming after the guns?
I think I know the answer I'm going to get.
Oh, you're asking me why I think they're coming after AR-15s?
Because they love you, right?
They want to help you.
I mean, I think they're coming after them in order to... I think that they may have good intentions, but they're emotional and they don't understand that when you take away law-abiding
Come on!
Dianne Feinstein is a crime boss.
I mean, come on.
You're a smart guy.
You're not that naive.
You know the criminal elements the government want our guns to enslave us.
They even admit that in some of their white papers.
Sometimes, sometimes they do admit it, and you're right.
Other times, sometimes they're well-intentioned, they just don't realize the policy outcome of when they do that, when they ban law-abiding people from owning guns.
Well, yeah, I mean, some of the little chicken necks and stuff that, you know, didn't have as much money to take them out shooting and things, they're scared of them, I agree.
I'm talking about high-level.
Why does the UN want guns worldwide?
That's beyond my pay grade.
They want to be the only ones with guns.
That's their plan.
Yes, that's very true.
I mean, you know about the U.N.
worldwide, what they did?
I mean, they lined people up in Africa and Latin America and just shoot villages to take their property, on record.
They killed 4,000 people in Burma, on record, in the 90s.
Just went in and killed all the villagers to take their property.
The U.N.
is a giant murder crew, but they constantly have every Miss America saying, oh, they're so sweet, they're helping the children.
They go in and start the wars, but they're the U.N., so it must be okay.
One of the interesting things that I've found in my research, one thing that we're working on right now is the sort of
Just like with Planned Parenthood and the racist elements with that, some of the racist elements with gun control.
Clarence Thomas wrote a concurring opinion on McDonald v. Chicago, and he goes into the Ku Klux Klan and disarming African-American people and what that means in the inner-city communities.
There are some people who are petitioners in the Heller case in D.C.
That's a very interesting angle.
No, exactly, and that's why they call guns racist, which makes no sense, is to flip it because you notice it's the black areas where they always have the gun control so that only the criminals have the guns and the crime rates explode.
They know it's going to make it a crime pit.
And also, you know, a lot of black people are dying because they don't have the ability to defend themselves.
Jerome, anything else from Illinois?
Yeah, one other comment.
I also wanted to say that I heard Alan Dershowitz say on Piers Morgan's show that he would be afraid to go into your home and have a disagreement with you because he would feel uncomfortable thinking that you might go for one of your guns.
And I would like to ask Alan Dershowitz how comfortable would he feel if he had a disagreement with a... Stay there!
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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Coast to Coast Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we're into the fourth hour of Overdrive here on this Thursday edition, and we're joined by James O'Keefe.
I get so relaxed by the fourth hour, I stop even pronunciating.
It's not like I'm drunk.
I've been on radio so much, and TV so much the last 17 years.
Probably more air time than anybody else out there.
I just kind of get like, man, yeah, next guest up, let's go to... I'm like, oh wait, I'm on the radio.
Let me actually pronunciate my words.
James O'Keefe, and he heads up the Project Veritas, and we're very excited to have him on with us another 30 minutes.
We're going to start taking more of your calls, and then after we're done taking a few calls, we're going to get into
Some of the other things they're working on right now, and play some more of the videos of him going to Eric Holder's house to say, hey, why don't you put a sign up saying you don't own guns?
Oh no, he needs guns to protect himself.
There's a lot of other key news up at Infowars.com right now.
But Jerome, you were pointing out that Alan Dershowitz, after I was on right before him on Piers Morgan, said I wouldn't be in that man's home if he disagreed with guns.
Implying I'm psychopathic and I'm going to kill somebody with a gun.
This is a guy that promotes torture, secret arrest, all this stuff.
He's a joke in the legal system.
He's represented all the most horrible criminals ever known.
And he is a monster and he's implying I'm violent, I'm bad because I said, look foreigner, stop trying to take our guns.
But what did you want to say to Dershowitz?
I wanted to ask Alan Dershowitz, how would he feel if he had a disagreement with a dictator and that dictator ordered that he be killed?
Because that's what dictators do.
You're absolutely right.
Let's take another call with our guest.
James O'Keefe, before we do that, do you want to comment on my Piers Morgan appearance or the overall attack on guns?
I mean, I think it takes all kinds, you know, to make the world go around, but I think it's good sometimes to get in their faces.
If what I did was discrediting the gun owners, which they tried to spin it, why haven't they had me back on other shows?
Why was the producer crying and screaming, get out, get out, get out, if it was a defeat for gun owners?
My comment on Piers Morgan is I only wish that Project Veritas went to his house and asked him to put a sign on his lawn.
Because I've actually done some research and I actually have both of his addresses out there in California.
So I think he has one property in Beverly Hills under a different name.
So maybe you might see a video from us in the next week or two coming out on that subject.
Oh, a little sneak peek.
You're going to be visiting Piers.
What do you need funding for?
I bet you're doing good.
Oh yes, well we do need funding.
How about I underwrite you going to Pierce House and then I get a plug for Infowars.com.
You want some help there?
We might be able to talk about that, yeah.
Maybe I'll go to his house.
We would like to go to his house and maybe not that idea because he may have seen the video but maybe something else.
We'll have to think about it.
Oh, I tell you, of course, Piers can't really come out during the day, though.
He is a vampire.
So I would, I would, he sucks the right side of country.
He's already been to England now.
He's run over here.
I would not go, I would go during the night if you wanted to actually come out.
That's a good idea.
Maybe when he gets home, I don't know, when he gets home from, for the weekend or something, he's not working very late at night or very early in the morning.
Yeah, I mean, it's well known he won't come out.
He's never been hit by sunlight.
Is that so?
I didn't know that.
I'm being sarcastic.
Alright, we're going to go to break.
This is a short segment.
Come back with Truth Raider and a few others and then we're going to get into, for folks that haven't seen it on your website, you went to Holder's house, you name it.
How did you have the huevos to do that?
It was actually, I have to compliment my reporters, we've got about 18 to 24 people that go out there and do it, and there were three girls that went to his house, and no more than five seconds after they knocked on Eric Holder's door, the FBI police showed up.
We're here with a newly formed group called Citizens Against Census Violence, and we're just trying to get support from folks in the DC area to kind of promote the cause, no guns on the street, that kind of thing.
We're going to go to break.
Back it up.
Great job guys having that ready.
That was seamless.
We're going to come back and take a few calls and play that and then recap it.
But notice the FBI is there to protect him because he's a big man.
You, the common slaves, though, you don't get a gun.
So he agrees with the Ku Klux Klan.
The commoners don't get guns.
Only the big master gets the guns.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Yes, and riding shotgun with us from the bottom of the hour, James O'Keefe.
He, of course, is the legendary investigative journalist, a young guy as well, in the last five, six years, has brought down ACORN, exposed Planned Parenthood, gotten a bunch of resignations and congressional investigations over NPR.
We're going to be going back to him and a few of your phone calls that have been holding, and then we're going to get into his program.
We're going to play some audio and video clips here.
Audio for radio, video for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers, of going around to Eric Holder's house, the Attorney General, saying, hey,
You want our guns?
Well, you turn your guns in, or you put a gun-free zone sign at your house, and within 30 seconds, you know, the FBI pulls up.
So they've got your tax money guarding all their houses.
But you're not gonna get that.
See, they're gonna have guns, and they're gonna have armed guards and red carpets.
But you don't need to have a gun, okay?
Because they're government.
Some of the news up at Infowars.com.
Feinstein rolls out draconian attack on the Second Amendment.
That's all detailed in the well over 150 guns to be banned because it says this gun and all others like it basically.
It's that interpretation.
It's so dangerous.
Congressman Obama only upholds the Soviet Constitution.
Very powerful article.
That a congressman's come out and basically made some powerful statements.
Here are the children murdered by drone attacks at the hands of Obama, showing you care less about children.
Iranian ambassador, only war can stop us now.
And Michael Bloomberg's Twilight Zone, key article by Kurt Nemo.
Women to be drafted under Pentagon plan.
That's what all this women in the military thing's about, is they want universal service.
The women will just be the domestic enforcers.
That's their own words, the Chicago boss's words when he was at the White House.
Missouri law will force gun owners to register with schools.
This is the new thing to shame us, as the Attorney General has said.
Well, he should be ashamed.
We're going to take a few calls and then get to James O'Keefe's breakdown of going to people's
Hey buddy.
I've been vaccinated.
I'm sick.
No, I'm glad I'm not him.
I would have terminal illness if I was that guy.
Hey, you've been holding a while.
What's on your mind, bro?
Well, you know, this is what's frightening.
I did a beta test.
I went down to my local mall, wore a padded jacket, I walked through, and anytime I say, wow, this is scary, I could have had a Glock 19, a Tech 9, a Ruger, what have you, and I could have done business.
Well, you're never going to stop people that want to do bad things.
I mean, especially with a sheep-like population.
What's your point?
I mean, what is going on here?
They want to take our guns from us, but then they leave everything open for fair game.
Everything is left open.
And it's like it's a hunting season.
Everyone's a sitting duck.
No, that's what they do.
And they introduce the hunting season for crazy people is the public schools to go shoot people where they've disarmed everyone and made sure, hey, here's where the victims are.
Let me go back to our guest on that subject, James O'Keefe of Project Veritas.
Investigative journalist Parikh Salon.
What about making the schools gun-free and then advertising and hyping it?
I mean it's like they're hoping for another mass shooting to get our guns.
Well, that's one of the things that I thought about doing with this recent Citizens Against Senseless Violence mockumentary we made on YouTube.
I thought about going to the Sidwell School.
This is the school where David Gregory's kids go in Washington, as well as Barack Obama's kids go.
And I just thought it was too risky because, you know, there's secret services there and
It'd just be too risky.
They'd probably arrest me immediately.
But I would have loved to go to the Sidwell School, where David Gregory's kids go, and offer them to put a sign up that says this school is gun-free.
But see, that's your First Amendment right.
Maybe I should go there and do that.
And if they arrest you, it just gets more news coverage.
MSNBC and others said people are attacking their kids.
No, we're not.
Their kids are protected by armed guards.
Why are they trying to block our children being protected?
Why do they tell them crouch down and wait to be killed?
I mean, we're not being aggressive to them.
They're trying to make sure we can't protect ourselves.
They're trying to make sure we're fair game.
They're assaulting us.
Well, maybe you should.
Maybe you should go to the Sidwell School and do it.
You'd have more moxie than me if you chose to do that.
I've been arrested, Alex, and I don't have, you know, I have to raise the money privately, and it's difficult for us sometimes.
No, I've been arrested quite a few times, too, but I mean... I know you have.
I know you have.
They always drop the charges because I haven't done anything.
I mean, if I went up to the edge of the school and started saying, I'd like to offer, or knock-knock, hi, I'd like to offer you this sign that you're a gun-free zone.
Oh, but you've got guns.
Well, why is that?
Why do you have guns?
Do you not like children?
You know, you want to support the deaf children or something like that, yeah.
Yeah, but I mean, and again, in the free country we'd get arrested.
Well, let's talk about this clip, because some stations just joined us.
Tell folks what you did again, and then we're going to play the clip of going to the Attorney General's house.
So we posed as this group called Citizens Against Senseless Violence.
We posed as an anti-gun group.
And we made a little advertising campaign to go along with it, with white t-shirts.
And we said, you know, we want to save the children.
Guns kill children.
Guns are bad.
And we went to the homes of politicians, journalists, Attorney General Eric Holder, MSNBC, Star Ledger, Westchester Journal News.
They printed the names of gun owners, and we went to the home of Eric Holder, which is the clip you're about to play, in Northwest Washington, D.C., and within five seconds of knocking on Eric Holder's door to put a sign on his lawn that says, this home is gun free, the FBI police showed up.
Now imagine if the public schools had a couple cops at them, or just teachers trained and armed, it would be the same thing.
But no, only he gets 24-hour guard service.
And Alex, not only does Eric Holder get FBI police protection 24 hours, journalists
At the Westchester Journal News had 24-hour armed guards protecting their homes as well.
Yeah, I saw that because the evil gun owners had been calling them and, oh my gosh, they better have armed guards now.
I saw that in the news.
Did that happen after you went to their houses or before?
That happened before that started happening.
There was a program on Fox, Judge Jeanine, she actually went to two of their homes a few days before we did.
And she caught the same thing.
So they had been there.
And so they were scared of a Fox TV host, like they were going to come kill them.
I mean, again, these people are nuts.
And then they have guns protecting them.
I mean, it's just...
And they always say, oh, Israel doesn't have guns, don't bring that up, NRA's wrong.
Oh, it's wrong to say we're armed.
They say we're discredited by bringing this up because it's what discredits them.
And they're saying, please, you know, throw us in the briar patch, stop doing this.
They know it's effective, that's why they're telling us, oh, this isn't effective, stop it, stop it.
Even the Washington Post, Alex, put out a piece that was very positive about this recent investigation.
So some people in the mainstream media appreciate the fact that we're exposing frauds.
I think it's a winning issue when you expose them to be frauds and cowards.
Well, it's more than that.
When the Washington Post came out and said, don't publish people's names, this has happened over the last few decades.
People always get mad.
The Washington Post doesn't want to upset us too much.
They're telling the other liberals, we'll get them later, don't rile them up.
Because they're scared of us coming to their houses.
They're scared of us pointing out they've got armed guards.
They want to shut this down.
They don't want to be, the journalists definitely do not want to be personally exposed.
But that's what they've been doing to the public, to us peasants, I call us peasants.
That's what they've been doing to the common people for decades.
So it's time that we expose the journalists.
Absolutely, it's time.
Let's go ahead and play this clip.
Here's the clip with the group going to Attorney General's house.
Home of Eric Holder, U.S.
Attorney, General, Washington, D.C.
Here it is.
We're on camera, they say.
Three women.
How can I help you?
Less than 30 seconds.
The police.
Federal police.
We're a newly formed group.
They are not home right now.
Doors slammed too.
Signs rejected too.
Why you don't want us to know that you don't have guns?
Because we know you do.
We're assuming this is a gun-free household.
Yeah, nobody wants to say there's no gun in their house.
Besides, they're all gonna have guns.
They've all got their little commie cards.
Look, these so-called liberals, these authoritarians are so down, they're like, I agree with you, every home should be gun-free, but no, I'm not taking your sign.
Police getting called on them.
A member of the media willing to live up to the strength of their convictions.
Now a final parting thought from our good friend Bob Braun at the Star Ledger, which also wants to target law-abiding gun owners.
It was pretty nasty, you know, from one of my most progressive friends, who says, because I wrote a column, I'm a columnist, and I wrote a column against
I'm sure your gun was, and he said, you're a fool because when the right wing takes over the government, we're going to need guns.
So he's worried the right wing's going to take over and then we... Yeah, and then there'll be guns.
To fight them back.
So then I said to him, but they got the army, you know, they got the army and the navy and the marines and everything else, and he said, well, he said there's going to be a revolution there too, but you know.
There you go.
The insiders are talking about a revolution.
This is their revolution to get our guns and take over.
Final segment with our guest straight ahead.
We'll give you the website as well to go see all the videos.
I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com and we're streaming video at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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This show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
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And you guys have done a great job out there supporting us over the years with the products we sell at InfoWars.com.
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So there you have it.
And there's going to be a bunch more coming out, but those are limited edition.
Available right now on InfoWareStore.com.
James O'Keefe, we've got to talk.
In the next few days, off air, when you get time and I get time, I mean to get ahold of you for years, stuff falls to the cracks.
I salute what you've done.
I salute your work.
We've got a lady who wants to talk to you, Susan, real fast, in California, who says you inspired her.
Susan, real fast, you're on the air with the head of the Project Veritas.
Thank you very much, Alex and James.
I met you a couple years ago at a pro-life walk.
You made a very inspiring speech telling everyone that even though we may be small in number at the time,
That everyone can have and can make an action that causes a reaction.
And because of you, I started speaking up about the problems within Girl Scouts and how they have a very pro-abortion agenda.
Oh, it's total brainwashing, total brainwashing.
I would love for you to cover this because this is cookie season.
I mean, they are at the height of their selling at this very moment.
And if you would, you know, let your listeners become enlightened on how deep they go into indoctrinating... Oh, no, no, no!
Type in, uh, Girl Scouts trained to fight terrorists, and then you actually get the training.
It's what are mommy and daddy doing?
In fact, were you aware of this, James?
It sounds crazy, but it's really happening.
I've heard something about, about the Girl Scouts and abortion.
I haven't...
Tell him what they're doing, Susan!
It's beyond that.
Just last month, in December, the Girl Scouts, representing its 10 million members around the world, were at the Global Youth Forum in Bali.
They actually were on the steering committee, and they came up with a statement asking for legalization of prostitution.
Oh my God, that's breaking news.
Do me a favor, send that to ShowTipsAtInfoWars.com.
Yeah, ShowTips.
And it's all about trafficking women.
It's all about exterminating them once they have babies.
Aborting them.
Just amazing.
We'll look into that.
James, thanks for all the time.
We've got three minutes in closing here in this segment.
What else would you like to impart to everybody out there?
Well, I wanted to re-emphasize what I said before.
I believe the way to change the world is through journalism.
And the listener in California just said, I actually did do a little site.
It's remarkable that it's a small world because I was out in California about three years ago giving a talk.
She's right.
You produce a consequence that produces a reaction.
And if you expose something that's so outrageous that that forces people to react to you, and it's that reaction that gets into the news, and then whenever they, you know, like in this case when Ture reacted to our gun video, I'm sure the MSNBC people were saying, Ture, don't say anything.
You're just going to give oxygen to his story.
So we have proven that a citizen journalist can actually change laws, force politicians to act.
And in the next year, we're going to triple our efforts.
You can follow us at Project Veritas.
That's Project V-E-R-I-T-A-S dot com.
And if you want to get involved in one of these video projects, if you want to be a videographer, if you want to be trained to go undercover, contact our website.
Send us a tip and we'll put you out in the field.
There you go, InfoWarriors.
The fight is now, the war is now.
Whether it's WeAreChange or Veritas, or you want to say you're an InfoWarrior reporter just uploading to YouTube, then we can use clips on our show.
It doesn't matter.
Help out Veritas.
Help out InfoWars.
Get involved in WeAreChange.
We're all in this together.
And it is so exciting to see, you know, the powerful alternative media now really together.
We overshadowed the dinosaur media, and that's why they're panicking.
With the DrudgeReport.com and WorldNetDaily and countless others.
Very, very exciting.
Hey, tell my producer here, James, as you leave, when is a good time for me, a couple of windows, to try to give you a call the next few days, okay?
Okay, we'll do.
Alright, James, thank you so much.
Very, very exciting.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you.
Ladies and gentlemen, they're attacking us right now.
Okay, so, I'm not looking for any trouble, but they started the fight.
I say we stomp their butt in the Info War.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hello, I'm Alex Jones.