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Name: 20121230_Sun_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 30, 2012
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We've got it.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
We've got it.
Ladies and gentlemen...
It is the last Sunday radio broadcast of 2012.
As we prepare to plunge into 2013, we are live.
It is 4 o'clock Central Standard Time, 5 o'clock Eastern.
That of course would be 2 o'clock Pacific, 3 o'clock Mountain or Montana time.
And again, it is the 30th day of December 2012.
Mike Adams did a great job sitting in on Friday for most of the broadcast.
I did a fourth hour of overdrive and I was jogging today and listened to my shelf.
I happened to click on the restream on the iPhone app and I heard myself with Mike Adams and I was basically gibbering.
I was so upset, stumbling over myself.
Because I understand what this gun grab signifies and what it means.
And I just feel sorry for the fools out there that buy in to the fact that they're being told this is for your safety.
Just how foolish and childlike they are.
How naive they are.
But then I also get frustrated by mainline conservatives that think liberals are idiots and just don't understand gun culture.
Oh, they understand it.
That's why they all have bodyguards and concealed carry permits and are launching wars all over the planet.
They understand force, just like Mao Zedong did when he said all power, political power, grows out of the barrel of a gun.
These are dominators.
These are total and absolute controllers.
And the good news is, I'm seeing a lot of libertarian constitutional style conservatives really put it all on the line right now.
I'm seeing more and more groups actually just come right out and say, we have a criminal tyranny that wants to disarm the American people.
If you go to DrudgeReport.com right now,
It says, Obama to go over the guns, there will be resistance, is the headline, Associated Press.
And it shows redcoats firing on Americans.
That's right!
That's truth!
See, it isn't sensationalism when it's really happening.
Reality is much more sensational than fiction.
That's my play on the old adage, or maxim, of truth is stranger than fiction.
You see, I'm someone who studies these people constantly.
In fact, it's gotten to the point where I dream about politics, and I dream that I'm video editing and researching.
And when I get up at 5.30 in the morning, it's all I do.
And when I'm playing with my children out in the yard on the swing set, it's all I'm thinking about.
And when I see something beautiful,
Like the leaves off the trees and the moon rising.
And I feel the cold air.
I think about how beautiful this world is and how much good there is in it.
And then it makes it even more painful to know that a bunch of wickedly vicious control freaks are in control who absolutely hate you and your family.
You're like, oh, they're not that bad.
You don't know history and you don't know these people.
You see, that's the thing.
It's not hyperbole.
It's not demonization.
It's real.
It's real.
I mean, they have the Journal of Pediatrics coming out saying we want mercury back in shots because it has reduced, in the last five years since they took it out of most vaccines, some of the acute brain damaging we were seeing in children.
And may even start to reverse the acceleration of the trend in autism going from 1 in 25,000 30 years ago, depending on the metric, 1 in 89, 1 in 58, 1 in... And you're like, but that's so evil!
Yes, the people that run the major pediatric associations are eugenicists.
You do not get in the club unless you are, okay?
Go find any head of a major medical association, of the five or six that are out there, go have dinner with them if you can, and ask them if they think there's too many people, and they need to kill the population.
When I come back, I'm getting into the biggest gun grab America's ever seen.
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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones!
Ladies and gentlemen, it is Sunday the 30th day of December 2012 and I am your host Alex Jones.
We are live.
Thank you so much for joining us.
I want to try to be calm here today and go over
The announcements by the President, by this criminal, unconstitutional task force he's created, led by Biden and the heads of the Fast and Furious false flag operation to ship guns into Mexico to blame the Second Amendment, that blew up in their face by the grace of God.
Unfortunately though, it did kill a lot of children in Mexico and here in the U.S.
but you won't see the media talking about that or listing the dead children or having them on the cover of People Magazine.
But we actually have a photo that's up at Infowars.com of the task force meeting.
And you can see, again, many of the people involved in Fast and Furious shipping more than 20,000 guns into Mexico and military hardware, like hand grenades and grenade launchers that you obviously can't get at a gun show, into Mexico to destabilize that country.
As CBS News reported with the memos, they got internally to blame the Second Amendment.
They said there has to be a high death toll.
We're good to go.
Before last.
And if you go back to the Friday before last, we had the first article out at InfoWars.com.
It went viral via DrugsReport.com, who picked it up.
And it was a quote on a radio interview by the governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, saying, we're going to make you turn your semi-autos in.
That's the plan.
And you know how he'd been meeting with Dianne Feinstein and others.
Now, people still couldn't believe that.
They said there's no way they'll get away with that.
Feinstein, earlier this week, actually on Christmas, a little present to America, to the Republic, she put out her bill on the Senate website, and again, we wrote about it on Christmas, and now people are finally going, wow, it says that all gun owners will be registered again.
You're already registered when you go and get the gun, it's put in the database, and they run you through a background check.
I think?
And then expanding from that point on, they say that
If you're allowed to keep your gun, again, you will just pay a $200 a year registration fee, just like Illinois has with their cards.
And you have to register every year, re-register the card, you have to get the card, you have to pay the money, and the minute you don't go renew it, you get SWAT teamed and charged as a felon.
So, it's the Illinois model.
And it's now happening.
It's now here and we must awaken the sleeping giant.
It has nothing to do with those poor dead children.
And Obama went on national television today with David Gregory again.
Putting on an emotional acting job that wouldn't win him an Oscar, wouldn't even get him into acting school.
About the worst day of his presidency was the poor children of Sandy Hook and how there's going to be a fight.
Yes, all of his weight, he said, that's a quote, will be put behind supporting the assault weapons ban, which is the version, she's the head of the Rules Committee, the head of the Intelligence Committee, she controls which bills and she says it will be her bill
Where most of your guns are banned and you go turn them in.
So I'm going to say that again.
You will turn your guns in to the federal government.
Thought that was never going to come.
Thought that was never going to happen.
And of course, none of the corporate media, not CNN, not even Fox, MSNBC, they will not go to the FBI Uniform Crime Statistics 2011.
It's the latest year we have.
It just came out two weeks ago.
Where there's over a 20% reduction in violent crime in the last seven to eight years.
And all the criminologists out there, almost everyone you read, will break down and say, well, there's one thing, it's guns.
And it's concealed carry.
Everywhere it's been put into place, it's more than 20% reduction.
The only reason it hasn't dropped more, it's a national average.
Some areas have total gun bans.
Some areas concealed carries have dropped
Things like carjackings, home entries, robberies of businesses, more than 30%.
You see the videos on local news, never national news, where people are at a coffee shop and five thugs bust in with shotguns and one concealed carry guy, who actually knows what they're doing, gets in the stance, shoots them all.
And bleeding, they run out the building and get in the car and one of them dies and the cops pull him over a block later.
Or you see the constant cases, every week I see it in the back of the news, never national news, but here and there.
Or the internet takes local stories and then we learn about it.
That's kind of what Infowars.com does, is aggregate that information.
I don't know.
You know, to respond to a domestic dispute.
And a guy starts shooting at the officer.
And then a neighbor kills the guy with the gun who's got the officer pinned down behind a tree.
And then I remember the last time I saw that, they said the police have decided not to charge the guy that shot the person shooting at the police.
They still like to imply in the media it's illegal.
And there's a good reason for that.
They don't want you thinking that you can protect yourself or help others.
You see,
Concealed carry, statistically, is good in your house, or good in your business, or good when you're jogging, in your fanny pack, or, you know, good in your car.
But where it's really statistically devastating is not that you've got a concealed carry when somebody mugs you, it's that there's another concealed carry person that sees it.
It's basically like another police officer on the ground.
Every person that has a concealed carry.
And, you see, the gun culture was winning.
In fact, the globalists admit that.
You see it in the news, they're freaking out.
Liberals were going out and buying guns and becoming liberty lovers.
They were learning the power of defending themselves.
Feminists were becoming real feminists and getting into arming themselves.
All the women's magazines, you name it.
And it's freaking the system out.
It's freaking them out.
Totally freaking them out that women are truly becoming empowered and not just, oh please don't rape me.
All these 9-1-1 calls where, okay he's busting in, alright I got my gun I'm gonna shoot him and 9-1-1 goes, don't do that.
You've heard all those 9-1-1 calls, but still the woman shoots the guy where he comes in with a knife or a gun.
I mean my daughters, I got two of them, when they grow up and go off to college or get married or whatever, my eight-year-old's already a great shot.
The four-year-old's not shooting yet, but she will be soon.
I started shooting when I was four.
So you learn the power of the firearm.
That's just Americana.
My girls will be truly empowered, not victims just waiting.
Just begging.
So the point is, is that violent crime is down over 20%.
And if you don't believe me, just type into a search engine.
Violent crime down over 20%.
This came out again a few weeks ago, but hardly got any attention.
And I've read the statistics on here probably 10 times, but FBI.gov, they don't want you knowing that.
They want to come out and say, oh my gosh, look at this poor child who got the guns illegally, the mental patient.
The, uh, which has come out now, he was, quote, a satanist.
He didn't even believe he was the shooter.
Just like the guy that shot the firefighters were a satanist.
So because there's crazy satanists, we should all turn our guns in?
We should all get guns to protect ourselves from crazy satanists.
We have witnessed two terrible storms in the East, but we are still in the eye of the perfect storm.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
Thomas Jefferson.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, I know a lot of you are chomping at the bit to get on air, and I've really been hogging the air time and not taking enough calls, especially on the Sunday show lately because it's only two hours long.
Weekday we've been doing a better job, 12 noon to 3 p.m.
Eastern, XM 166, and over 140 plus AM and FM affiliates.
I want to welcome all of our new affiliates to the broadcast today, and I want to say something.
Whether you call yourself a liberal, a conservative, a libertarian, a constitutionalist, whether you're a Christian, a Jew, a Muslim, an atheist,
We have a corrupt, out-of-control bureaucracy and government that wants to take our guns for the same reason every other tyrannical government in the last 150 years has wanted to take firearms.
Because before societies are collapsed into tyranny as a form of social control, governments always seek to disarm the population and they always use the same means to end up getting the guns.
In fact, I've been making a study of it.
I'm going to do a special report later in the week on it.
They've been using mass shootings for at least 154 years, worldwide, to restrict guns.
In fact, they even used mass shootings at the end of the Civil War.
And shootouts to restrict guns.
So, this has been going on a long time.
Things the media can play up.
Doesn't matter if hundreds of kids die a day in car wrecks.
It's not sexy like a psycho mass shooter.
You know, I was researching Dianne Feinstein, because I'm really going to go after her.
And I've done a lot of research on her over the years, but I wanted to double-check my research.
We're going to cover that in the next segment on Insider Trading Reports.
I came across Richard Ramirez, the Night Stalker, that the San Francisco police actually went public against her when she was mayor.
It was so bad.
They had the whole case, they were on his trail, and she came out and gave a press conference and gave all their evidence away.
And they said, why did you help him?
Well, earns him a feather fly together at a spiritual level, I guess.
And he was able to continue and kill more because of her.
And I actually looked that up.
I have the San Francisco Chronicle articles about it.
They've republished them to the San Francisco Chronicle website.
You can go pull those up.
We're going to show you that.
If you're a radio listener, we're streaming video at infowarsnews.com or prisonplanet.tv, respectively.
It'll get you to the video site, the news site.
The TV site.
But it was about how, you know, Ramirez, what, killed 10 people?
And sure, that's a lot of people.
I mean, it's terrible.
One person's too many.
And he was a Satanist.
And he said he was doing it for Satan.
And so I spent a few hours last night after the family went to bed just refreshing myself.
You know how you're on the internet, you'll kind of go down a rabbit trail and watch this newscast, watch this documentary, read this article on Ramirez.
And it was all about his power, his domination, his enjoyment of stabbing and torturing and killing people.
And most of the people he killed, he killed with knives.
But you didn't hear a call by Dianne Feinstein to ban knives.
She did call to ban guns during that.
Instead of the answer being have guns to protect yourself, but it just reminded me When I saw the news articles and photos and quotes of Ramirez taunting the families Telling the parents and children of those that were slain, you know, I'm sexy You know, you want to have sex with me and all this sick stuff and how he was getting off on the pain
And now I've gone and researched, it's all confirmed by the police, with Adam Lanza and the killer of the two firemen in New York, who was a convicted murderer of his grandmother with a hammer.
Don't hear calls for taking hammers.
Hammer's a war hammer, folks.
It's an incredible murder weapon, just for those that don't know.
You can get all the guns you ever wanted with a hammer.
By the way, Globos, you think you're gonna get our guns and have tyranny and that's the end of it?
You can't get rid of our skills.
So, we can get all the guns we ever need if you go to a Nazi Germany type deal.
Just gonna leave it at that.
Now, stopping right there, this guy killed his grandmother with a hammer.
Was mad at the fire department because his mother had given a bunch of money to the fire department.
I think fire departments are a great place to donate, by the way.
One of the few government agencies that still engages in true service.
And that's why it's so sick they're militarizing the firefighters now, the firefighter men and women, because they're turning them into spies when they come out to your house or do an inspection or come to a fire.
They're turning them into little political officers.
I think that's wrong, but that's a sidetrack.
They now have confirmed from his counselors, his probation officer, the neighbors, the guy that killed the firefighters.
was a obsessed Satan worshipper and part of a local satanic coven.
And guess what's in the news today?
You guys just type Adam Lanza, Satanist.
I forgot to print it.
It's a bunch of mainstream news.
Adam Lanza, whether he was a patsy or not, because we know he had accomplices, that's coming out, but they're covering it up.
He was a Satanist.
And I've told people that where I grew up, outside of Dallas, Texas,
My parents didn't know.
I was six years old.
They moved to Rockwall, Texas.
You know, a nice community by the lake.
And a nice place to get away.
Chopped full of Satanists.
And, where you find money, you find the Satanist.
For whatever reason, and you've got like their Renfield minions, like Lanza and this other guy, and it's always Satanist.
Why isn't anyone going, why are Satanists going out, whether it's Son of Sam, who it came out was working for a cult in New York, that came out in mainstream news, go pull it up, type Son of Sam New York newspaper reports tied to satanic cult.
Folks, you know how powerful the Rolling Stones are?
The Rolling Stones, you can look this up, in the early 70s were in New York and they even found a dead black kid and a pentagram and the kid all caught up at their party and the Rolling Stones didn't even get in trouble.
I'm gonna just put that, I'm gonna put that out there.
You can go look it up yourself.
I'm not gonna connect dots here.
The point is, Son of Sam, Satanist.
On and on.
Harrison Kleibold, Satanist.
Ladies and gentlemen, I, and I've told this story before, would get taken out to a bonfire party
As a teenager, and it would be Satanist, and I would literally, in one case, walked out, because they wouldn't give me a ride out of there.
Would police at it, you name it.
For whatever reason, I got invited into all that, over and over again.
And let me tell you, you're 13 years old, and the super good-looking 16-year-old chick, you know, driving a $100,000 sports car, wants to take you out on a date.
Believe me, buddy, you go out on the date.
Because I was about like a 16-year-old when I was 13.
I was already drinking beer, fistfights the whole nine yards.
I think that's what attracted the Satanists to me because I was a powerful person.
The point is, is that I'm one of the few people in talk radio that I know of who's ever even brushed up against this, but that's the reason I know about it.
And now I know that was all part of a pilgrim's progress that I went through so that I would know about the real world.
I saw government drug dealing in Dallas as a child.
Just ran into it because it was ubiquitous.
It was across the board.
But I don't want to get off into all this history today.
The point is,
If you look at how many of these mass murderers, you know, they call them mentally ill.
In the news, they're almost always Satanist, who are also on serotonin reuptake inhibitors, which are basically psycho killer pills.
Suicide pills.
Number one cause of death in the U.S.
is now suicide.
Well, yeah, we have a nation, 20% of them, on suicide pills.
When we come back, I'll give you the exact gun ban news.
It's now official.
They're gonna ban most guns and make a tournament.
We have witnessed two terrible storms in the East, but we are still in the eye of the perfect storm.
The most devastating economic condition since the Great Depression.
America's worst drought in agricultural history.
And now the economic results of the presidential election.
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Alex Jones here with a message to fellow freedom lovers.
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We're getting prepared.
Are you?
Coast to coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
So buried in the newscast, buried in the newspapers, buried in the online reports, almost all of these shooters are on illegal, legal psychotropic drugs that scramble your brain.
They're satanists obsessed with murder video games.
And you've got a culture out there obsessed with murder and death and killing, and they think it's beautiful and powerful, and then they want to go out and carry it out, and the government that's running real torture, real secret arrest, real drone attacks, you know, real mass suicide of our troops, our troops engaged in bizarre massacres on these drugs, this whole culture then says, oh, things are weird.
The answer is, you turn your guns in, America.
Now if you go up to Infowars.com, if you're a radio listener, we have added down at the bottom
Of the site in the political illustration section, one of the best cartoons to describe what's happening with the Second Amendment I have ever seen.
And it's very important everybody go to the site and get this image.
I think I'm gonna have it added to an article tomorrow.
And send it out to everyone you know.
It's a counter-think cartoon, part of a series put out by Mike Adams.
And it's Obama standing on a giant pile of thousands of machine guns, with DEA, IRS, DHS, ATF, all these different agencies, with 1.6 billion rounds of ammo they've bought for civil unrest.
That's enough to kill every citizen four times.
Pointing their gun at a farmer with a ranch rifle, saying guns are bad.
And that's exactly what's going on.
Government is massing with predator drones with Hellfire missiles operating in the U.S.
and 1.6 million rounds of ammo the last year they've purchased.
And training for civil unrest.
And the Army training for gun confiscations.
You've heard us read those manuals.
You've heard us cover that in newscasts, play mainstream news.
The Army's here to train to take guns if it's ever needed in Tennessee.
And they just put it on the news to acclimate you.
The Army's in town training to take guns if it's ever needed.
And they cut to, you know, the local mayor going, well, we may have to take the guns someday.
I mean, I've been watching this go on for years going, folks, Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, Sarah Brady, Cuomo, his daddy, all these people for decades, the current Attorney General.
Obama, as a state senator, all said they believe you should not be able to own any guns.
The UN officially, under UNIDIR, says they want the abolition of the civilian ownership of firearms.
That's a quote.
Because they threaten the legitimate power monopoly of the state.
That's a quote.
July 7th, 2001, UNIDIR, UN.
And that's the same treaty that they're trying to pass in March.
And by the way, Dianne Feinstein, who I'm going to get to in a moment, she was again on Meet the Press today and she said it's time to quote, bite the bullet.
And she said, we look bad to the international community.
See, we got to get in line with the global disarmament.
Because there's a few countries in Africa, a few countries in the Middle East where they haven't taken the citizens' guns.
There are no police.
You better have a gun.
It's the only thing bringing law and order.
And the globalists want to go on.
Did you know last week Obama signed an executive order putting U.S.
troops into, count them, 30 different African countries and sub-regions.
In fact, people won't believe it.
I didn't know there were 30 countries in Africa, but they have little sub-domains.
Will you guys type in so I can put the headline up?
Just type in U.S.
troops to deploy in 30 African countries under AFRICAN, which in the Obama deception out four years ago, we said he will invade Africa.
He will put Al-Qaeda in all these countries because the globalists run Al-Qaeda.
And now it's in the news that this so-called government runs Al-Qaeda.
Now let me go over these headlines here for you.
Here's our article from not this Friday, but the Friday before, eight, nine days ago.
New York governor, gun confiscation and forced buyback an option.
Can I get a document cam, guys?
That'd be awesome.
If I could just get a document cam right in here.
I want to show people this.
There you go.
Thank you.
Again, if you're watching on PrisonPlanet.tv.
And then it's got a link to the radio station Cuomo was on saying, yeah, we're going to make you turn all semi-autos in.
We'll pay you for them, a forced buyback.
Now, four days later, Dianne Feinstein comes out.
And she says, yeah, we're going to have a ban.
Then she puts out the actual text of the bill that will be officially introduced the 3rd.
Here is the New York Times.
A tougher assault weapons ban.
Now, we told you about this days before, but I'll read it from the New York Times because it exists when the gray lady tells you.
That's the nickname for the New York Times if you don't know.
A tougher assault weapons ban.
And it goes on from there.
It says, mandates federal registration and background checks, they already do that, on the owners of millions of rapid-fire weapons that were sold legally.
See, they want to conflate full-auto with semi-auto, even though semi-auto isn't used in most crimes, and full-auto you can't even get.
Without jumping through a hundred hoops.
They want to conflate that and just call it rapid-fire now.
Mandate federal registration and background checks on the owners of millions of rapid-fire weapons that were sold legally after the old ban expired.
This is crucial element, and it goes on, defining what constitutes an assault weapon.
Yeah, it basically bans anything that's semi-auto.
Now, look, and include gun buyback provision.
This is the kind of approach needed.
So they go over, and you go read your bill,
It's at Feinstein, on the Senate site.
Just go to the U.S.
Senate, senate.gov, and type in Feinstein.
Go there.
It's one of the top links.
It's her initiative to ban assault weapons.
And we're not talking about banning the sale.
We're not talking about banning just the importation and manufacture.
Folks, you've got to turn them in.
Because I've read the bill.
And this is what's incredible.
It took days, three or four days, to even get mainstream gun groups to even... At first, we were flooded with emails saying, Alex, that's not true, it doesn't say that.
It was like the Patriot Act said they could secretly sneak in your house, break in without a warrant, and if you caught them there, they could order you to never tell anyone that you caught them there violating your rights, or you'd be arrested as a terrorist.
And then years later, people read it and go, oh, it does say that, and I won the Project Censored Award.
I mean, I know how to read these laws, okay?
It isn't hard.
I guess if you're a lazy potato head, it is.
It says, and I read this on air all last week.
I shot special reports on it.
Go to InfoWars.com, they're right there.
It's open-ended.
It says, basically, you'll go to the ATF with all your semi-autos, including semi-auto shotguns that take four rounds.
And they will decide if you can keep them, which is what the White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel three years ago, before he went and became the Chicago Mayor, we played that clip at nauseam where he says, we just need to be able, the government, to put you on a no-fly list, we'll put you on a no-gun-by list.
And we won't say why you can't buy guns, we just say so.
I mean, that is Joseph Stalin level.
Adolf Hitler level.
That's Kafka-esque, where
You just don't know why you're in prison, don't know why you can't fly, don't know why your bank accounts have been seized.
This is the America we're entering.
You see, on every other front, liberty is in tatters.
Liberty's under assault.
They're getting rid of everything while engaging in giant, off-the-chart style crimes that I'll cover when we come back.
And Obama comes out, put DrudgeReport.com back up if you can do that, because Drudge gets it, and his cadre over there gets it.
It shows redcoats, and it says Obama is coming for the guns, and it shows redcoats firing on our colonial ancestors.
It started all the other government abuse, people didn't fight back.
But they came to take their guns.
And people wouldn't do it.
Some people did turn them in, a lot of people wouldn't.
And they started killing people in their houses that wouldn't turn their guns in.
Just like they killed thousands in Australia, including the real Crocodile Dundee.
There was a real Crocodile Dundee.
He wouldn't turn in his guns.
They came to his house in a rural area and killed him.
He killed two of them in the process.
The point is, there will be a civil war.
And now I'm seeing statements out of the left going, yeah, he's going to be the new Lincoln.
These gun folks aren't going to turn them in.
We're going to get to kill them.
So see, they all want the guns in their leftist, communist, globalist fantasy with us without them.
And they know it's going to cause a civil war.
It's what they want.
The big news is straight ahead on these criminals.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
He aligns himself with the truth.
It's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
You've seen all the fools out there that are domesticated.
They don't understand why we care about our guns.
They think we fetishize them.
Man, I got...
Cases of guns.
Most of them I bought 20 years ago that have all doubled, tripled in value.
I don't even go out and shoot my guns very often.
I've got guns for self-protection.
They're there like a flashlight in the drawer if the power goes off.
I pull out a flashlight and light candles.
Or go kick on my generator.
I don't have a generator because I live in fear.
I have a generator because I'm empowered.
I have a generator here so I can stay on air if the power goes out.
Because I'm trying to be prepared.
Like a good boy scout.
And America was always about being prepared.
And I run into these domesticated, low-level, so-called liberals.
You're not liberals.
Thomas Jefferson was a liberal.
So you stop using that term, you dirty little authoritarian lovers.
Associate your personal power with the power structure.
I had been on the hike and bike trail this weekend and finished jogging and came up on a hillside where some people were coming in and I was there stretching.
And these three guys were going, yeah, well don't worry, Boehner's in control of the Republicans and he'll get the fiscal cliff once he gets elected to leadership the third.
And we'll get the tax increases we need.
And I could just tell they were standard so-called liberals sitting around, because they always have the same conversations about, like, they're in charge, and they're running something, and, yeah, you know, Obama, don't worry, he's going to win.
Obama and Boehner work for the globalists.
And I looked at the guys, and they go, yeah, we'll stabilize the country, don't worry.
The country's not going to go into a depression.
And I didn't need to know, say, you guys are bureaucrats and work for the government.
I knew.
You can tell they all worked in the same office.
They were all bureaucrats.
Two younger ones with the older one.
Three guys.
Just like I ran into some lady today.
I knew she was a psychologist.
Didn't even need to ask her.
I know if somebody's a liberal from California, don't need to ask them.
I do.
And they go, how do you know?
I mean, it's just because you're programmed.
It's like if I see a Led Zeppelin CD, you know, at the store, if they still sell those CDs.
I mean, that's Led Zeppelin.
I know what a Led Zeppelin cover looks like.
You know, the old guy with a bunch of sticks on his back.
You know, I know that's got one of my favorite songs on it.
The point is, is that it's so predictable.
And I said, you know about the IMF World Bank plan that got leaked in 2002 when Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel Prize winner, quit and it got leaked?
No, I'm not.
And you're not part of the power structure.
The only way you're in charge, because I don't want to make you guys feel bad, I'm not saying you don't have power.
You have power by actually knowing how things really work.
And one guy goes, yeah, I guess you're right, like Greece, they are taking over.
And I go, see, you already knew the truth.
And I said, I didn't say this to you to make you feel bad.
I said it just in this voice.
I said it because I care about you.
Makes me sick.
I want to beat the globalists.
I don't want to buy their propaganda on the fiscal cliff they've engineered, as they've done in Europe over and over again, and third world countries to go, it's a cliff, raise taxes, cut benefits, all to manipulate you, using some child-like name like the cliff.
Or Obama today, we've got the cliff coming up.
It's just the worst day in my presidency, those poor little children.
I mean, if you knew how cold-blooded this guy was, and how duplicitous, and what a liar, and the warrantless wiretapping, and putting Al-Qaeda in charge of countries where they're killing thousands of children in Syria and Libya.
I mean, the Al-Qaeda goes in.
There's video up at InfoWars.com and articles of them chopping Christians' heads off in Syria right now, and feeding their bodies to dogs and stuff.
Our government is putting Al Qaeda in, and it's even in the New York Times!
It isn't me here 22 months ago telling you they're using Al Qaeda to invade Syria.
Now it's on the news because the country is in a coma.
Or not even so much a coma, they just repeat.
These guys, obviously intelligent, are repeating talking points from the news like that was an intelligent conversation amongst guys trying to impress each other with, you know, a set of sports scores.
Yeah, well, don't worry, Boehner is getting elected to leadership at the third, so he'll be able to then, you know, drop the hammer on the right-wingers and we'll get the tax increases we need to avoid the cliff.
And I'm like, avoid the cliff!
Yeah, the Australian newspaper's reporting that.
Syrian rebels behead Christian, feed him to dogs.
I mean, there's videos of them blowing up churches and throwing people off buildings.
I mean, it's unbelievable!
With U.S.
Special Forces and NATO Special Forces backing them up, shooting up passenger liners.
I mean, oh, that video's up on InfoWars.com, came out last week.
My point is, we have a criminal, larcenous foreign banking cartel in charge.
Let's get into Dianne Feinstein.
So they're announcing they're coming for your guns.
They're announcing that they are going to ban them.
You notice I put this out November 27th.
This was printed.
The articles in it were written the 24th or so, most of them.
So, a couple weeks before the mass shooting, two and a half weeks, it says this man wants your guns, InfoWars December Magazine.
And we say they're going to use executive fiat and mass shootings to get your guns.
Gee, how do we know that?
I'm gonna tell you right now, I don't have time to get into it.
I've covered it.
Mike Adams covered it Friday.
Here on the show.
But this thing has the whole smell of a staged event.
And as Larry Pratt said about the Aurora shooting, that now, no doubt, is a staged event.
Go look it up.
The guy worked under DARPA in mind control and was under an Air Force psychiatrist.
Do I need to keep going?
There's about 500 other points, literally.
It's government op.
The witness is all of it.
But even if you believe the official story, the point is, it's all timed out.
It's all timed out.
I know these people like the back of my hand, because they're running playbooks on us that are designed for dumbed-down people.
When you're conscious, it's like watching people in slow motion.
I can't have conversations with people.
I mean, it's literally... I know why the globalists have to stand for the public and call them animals and call them... It's not that.
You've tricked them and fooled them.
They're like little kids that believe in Santa Claus.
You should be empowering humanity to lift up the species, not get everybody so dumbed down and so focused on television and this dead culture, this false culture that you can then sit back and laugh at them as they stumble off cliffs.
Now here's the new magazine, just came out.
You can get it at Infowarsstore.com.
Sign up for a year subscription or buy them in bulk at cost.
2013, the year America dies.
See the cover up at Infowarsstore.com.
Powerful cover.
And it gets into their whole agenda.
You want to go read it.
I'll cover some of it the next hour after calls.
Just some of the new agenda, but...
Let me just get into this in the two minutes before we go to break, okay?
You remember hearing earlier this year, about to be last year, about, oh, all these top senators insider trade, but CNN came out and said, document cam please, said, well, they're allowed to insider trade.
It's illegal for you and I to do it, but the House and Senate Ethics Committee, they said it was okay.
The same committees that said it was okay for the Treasury Secretary to give himself 200 plus million dollars of bailout money.
Oh, well, if the Congressional Ethics Committee or if the Treasury Committee, they also gave Paulson a waiver.
If they say it's okay, it must be okay.
I mean, if they say it's okay to, you know, maybe come over to your house and chop you and your wife up with a hatchet, I mean, it's okay for them because, I mean, the Ethics Committee said it was all right.
And so they then passed.
A few months ago, a fix to ban insider trading for Congress, when there were already applicable laws, but because people went, OK, well, it's not against the law.
You better make a law.
Well, there were already laws.
They just said, oh, there's no law.
We were allowed to.
You just aren't.
So people went, well, wait a minute.
Then you need to make a law.
They went, oh, you're right.
We'll make one.
See how that game works?
So they passed one with loopholes in it, saying that the Ethics Committee has to authorize it.
Oh, well, we did a little more research.
It's been a scandal.
Breitbart was looking into it, but he fell down and died.
And before his body was even cold that night, 45 minutes after they said he did, it was natural causes.
No coroner.
They just wanted you to know it was natural causes.
If I die, I'm sure they'll say natural causes, even as I'm fighting.
Oh, he's dead!
You know, stabbing me.
Dianne Feinstein's one of the biggest on insider trading.
But you know what?
She's allowed to, though.
She's a nice lady that wants your guns, because she cares about the children.
Oh, yes.
You ought to know she's involved in all sorts of biotech, tied into bioweapons, all the war stuff.
Oh, she loves the drones, all that.
Her husband's a big globalist banker.
But so what?
She went to Congress with less than a million dollars.
Now she's worked, depending on the estimate, between $79 and $150 million.
Oh, on a salary of $250,000 a year.
Got over 100 mil since she got there in 1993.
Oh, really?
Over 100 mil, lady?
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I ended up doing, no exaggeration, the last two or three nights.
I don't know, seven, eight hours of research on Dianne Feinstein.
I'd already done most of it, but I wanted to really make sure before I go after her politically that I had my ducks in a row.
And later after we take some calls, I'll get to that report on her.
But I mean, this is a woman involved in what is insider trading.
I mean, it came out, it is, but then they spun it and said, well, it's legal because she did it.
So she's, she's God.
Her, you know what, doesn't stink.
It smells like flowers.
Totally disgusting.
Absolutely totally disgusting.
And to know she's a predator, to know she has an instinct to dominate, to know she has a concealed carry and five bodyguards, and her husband's worth a billion bucks and she's worth a hundred million or more, and
And she's been married, I think, like three times.
Husbands keep dropping, but I mean, you know, her earlier husbands were just pretty much nobody's types.
I mean, you know, she goes to Congress, the financial statement says a million bucks or so in 1993.
And the only thing she ever did in her life was work in government.
And then all of a sudden she's worth, depending on the estimate, you know, 70 to 150 million.
They all vary.
These financial reports they've got to file are just very vague.
But it shows some of the stocks, some of the bonds, but they're in blind trust with her, so you can't see them.
I spent hours going over these things, but it comes out what she does.
I mean, they'll have a biotech company that doesn't even exist, and she'll put a million dollars into a new company in San Francisco.
And then she'll introduce the legislation and get it passed three months later to give it $25 million.
And then $25 million goes to her, because she's the owner.
I mean, it's just stuff like that.
I've got the articles right here.
I mean, this is just mafia.
I mean, that's what this is.
This woman is a pig.
This woman is a mobster pig that wants us, her quarry.
Quarry, you know, like a fox is hunting rabbits, a wolf is hunting deer, a tiger is hunting ding-dings, or whatever those little deer are they have in India.
Poor people.
And the woman's got the eyes of a predator, you know?
I, uh, was engaging in the ubiquitous American ritual of returns.
I mean, what do you do when you get given two of the same gift, you know, for your kids?
I mean, you gotta take it back.
It's just wasteful if you don't.
And I was at Toys R Us yesterday.
And I came across this.
If you're a TV viewer, you can see if you're a radio listener.
Don't worry, by tomorrow there'll be a YouTube of this up.
I've decided I'm going to interview her tomorrow on the radio.
My son said, let me look at the Star Wars figurines, because you know, when you go to return something, you always end up buying something.
And I said, OK, let's go to the Star Wars figurines.
And we did get one, because I said, my gosh, I've been looking at photos of her all day doing research on her that night and that morning.
And I mean, literally, if you look at Dianne Feinstein, this Star Wars figure, what's his name?
He's one of the Podracer guys?
Very ugly.
Show folks a document cam shot of this, because you've got to have some gallows humor on this.
There's one thing they don't like is being made fun of.
Document cam, please.
Look at this little guy.
This is exactly what she looks like.
It has that predatory shark-like psycho stare, everything.
She's got a concealed carry, so she's armed.
And this is Dianne Feinstein.
So I think I'll do that thing on the Nightly News.
I do satire maybe five, six times a year.
We're going to be doing more of it because I like it.
And I'm going to do that deal where we interview her, and I'll have her up on the big screen like this going, ah, get your guns.
It's because I want to take care of you.
Everything's fine.
Trust me.
Because gun control works so well in Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia and Mao.
Mao was so nice.
He said political power goes out of a barrel of a gun.
I'm going to keep my gun, sweetie, and you're not.
I helped out the night stalker, you know.
What a sexy boy he was, yeah.
I'm Dianne Feinstein, and it's time to bite the bullet.
By the way, your tax money?
It's going into my companies and government grants.
Cause CNN says your guns are illegal.
But I'm allowed to insider trade.
I'll get you and your little guns too.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lives of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
If gun owners don't get organized and don't get focused and don't get aggressive about the premeditated attempts to repeal the Second Amendment that The Economist magazine's calling for, and many others,
Then we're going to lose it.
And you need to understand, the canary in the coal mine, why would the establishment do something so politically unpopular as try to ban all semi-auto handguns and have you turn them into the ATF?
Let me explain again if you just joined us.
The New York Times favorably supports Feinstein's bill.
She's the head of the Senate Rules Committee that allows the bills in.
And the Intelligence Committee.
It is her bill that Obama is supporting.
He came out today, he said, my quote, full weight is for this.
And it's like, hey, it's reasonable.
Alan Combs came out and attacked me in the Huffington Post Friday, saying Jones is screeching, saying it's a big deal.
No, it's not.
Turning your guns in is totally reasonable.
Remember, they never wanted our guns.
We were conspiracy theorists, and we're like, well, here's all the bills you introduced in all these states and federally, and all of you have said you want the total abolition of guns.
You know, here's the quotes.
I mean, I did a whole magazine of them a month ago ahead of this.
I knew it was coming, of their quotes, where they were going to totally ban them.
Single-shot shotguns is their goal.
Take everything.
They've done it in every other country.
I mean, this is not hard to figure out.
And they're like, oh, that you're a conspiracy theorist.
We'd never.
Come on, we'd never try to get your guns.
I mean, that's just crazy.
Are you going to tell me water's wet and ducks quack and bears go bathroom in the woods?
This guy thinks the sun's going to come up in the morning.
Crazy conspiracy theorist.
If you don't, get it through your heads.
Especially those of you that don't own guns.
This is called authoritarianism.
They plan to gut us this year.
Total open borders for the illegal aliens.
So the 30 million that are here can legalize all their families to come and then be put on welfare and bankrupt things further and be a voting block.
That's the head of his agenda.
Second is to get our guns.
He said that today at the AP right here.
Obama wants gun violence measures passed in 2013 is the headline and it's got his quotes.
This is globalism.
This is getting rid of America.
We're going under a UN treaty.
They're taking everyone else's guns worldwide.
They can't have America be an example of freedom.
You know they took the guns 15 years ago, and hang on, you can pull this up, and they have the highest crime rate in Europe, and I keep saying doubled, I was corrected, it's more than quadrupled their violent crime rate.
I mean, muggings, attackings, whole areas being burned down.
Switzerland has the lowest crime rate in the world and everyone, by law, has to own full auto.
What do the Israelis do with mass shootings?
Arm their population.
What's Israel do?
They came out, their foreign minister spokesman, and said the NRA is wrong.
We do not have guns.
Total lie!
That's like saying Israel doesn't exist or something.
I mean, they think you're so dumb, folks, that they've had the media come out and go, look, the Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman says the NRA is incorrect.
We do not have guns in schools.
And then I went and found his full quote.
He was like, we do not have guns in schools.
For mass shooting crime, that is for terrorism.
See, they play a lawyer game.
Oh, it's terrorism when somebody walks in an Israeli school and shoots everybody, so they armed them in the 80s and haven't had any more shootings.
Well, they had one a few years ago, and the teacher shot the guy before he could kill anybody.
See, they treat you like you're idiots, folks, and you're not idiots.
You just need to get angry when people lie to you.
You guys type in, uh, even Israel is fact-checking, uh, or even Israel is correcting the NRA, and it's the Atlantic Wire and CBS News, and, oh, the NRA got caught in a lie.
Oh, and they always make R-rights about the NRA.
It's never about R-rights, Second Amendment.
It's about the NRA, who's a milquetoast group, by the way.
See, there's layers to all this.
So let me give you the number.
I want to talk to gun shop owners, I want to talk to current military, and I want to talk to police.
So now it's out in the open.
What do you think about it?
Do I get an apology for being right about this?
Do I get an apology on the fact that everything we talked about is coming true?
Hundreds of news articles a month declaring world government.
Hundreds of news articles about how they're forcibly inoculating kids in public schools illegally, but the government just doesn't care.
This is the takeover!
I mean, they go on the news now and say, the NRA lied to you, Israel, none of their citizens have guns.
I mean, they train five-year-olds with guns there.
I have photos of five-year-olds on armed patrol in Israel.
Pull up, for viewers, radio listeners, just type into the search engine, Israeli children armed, Israeli children shooting, Israeli citizens packing, Israeli teachers armed.
It's been all over the news.
I've interviewed dozens of people who've been to Israel.
You see it everywhere.
The women at the beach, I showed this last Friday, go with their M16s with them.
Because before they did that, in the last 20 years or so, people would go to the beach and kill them and blow them up.
Doesn't happen anymore.
Or as soon as somebody pulls a gun out and starts shooting people, they're dead.
So you get one person killed, or two people killed, including the bad guy, not 25 or 50.
You see, if that logic ever got out, oh, wait a minute.
Guys, can you type in Israeli women armed?
You can actually show the women at Tel Aviv Beach, laying there on their towels with M16s.
And it's not a big deal.
Nobody's scared.
Hey, it's an M16.
Now, there's a photo right there on screen of an Israeli teacher with a rifle on her back.
The women pack rifles over there to such an extent that most women have a spot worn on their buttocks where the rifle rests.
Before the internet got really big back in 94, I heard G. Gordon Liddy talk about that because he went to Israel a lot and spoke there.
Alright, I have gone long enough on this issue.
Why is this all happening?
Let me give you the toll-free number.
877-789-ALEX, 877-789-ALEX, 877-789-A-L-E-X, 877-789-2539.
First-time callers, police, military, gun shop owners.
Your take on this?
I don't feel like words are big enough to describe this, okay?
If you want to know why all this is happening, six foreign megabanks are establishing world government, okay?
They are establishing world government on a planetary scale, and they have standardized global rules of domestication and control, where they want to raise taxes on the general public, which the globalists are exempt from, to such an extent you will live in a 250 square foot home or apartment, whole families will, and you will pay 80 plus percent of your money to the globalists offshore in taxes.
That's the model.
Meanwhile, the globalists are all exempt.
And case in point, Document Cam shot four viewers.
Radio listeners, follow along.
Lucky for Congress, blatant convict of interest is still perfectly legal.
Atlantic Magazine.
This year, Consumerist.
Here's why congressmen aren't allowed, are allowed, I had a Freudian slip, are allowed to make insider trades.
Oh, because they said so.
Why Congress can freely trade on insider information.
No, it's not legal for Congress to insider trade.
The SEC should launch investigations immediately.
Oh, really?
The SEC's all Goldman Sachs people.
The Congress insider trading schedule is outrageous.
Business Insider.
CBS News.
Trading stock on inside information.
New York Times insider trading ban for lawmakers clears Congress.
Now they passed it a few months ago.
It's got loopholes because the Ethics Committee tells them they can do it.
Well, the Ethics Committee in the House and the Senate and at the Treasury said Paulson, Henry Paulson, in 2008 could give $211 million of bailout money, get this, to himself.
Oh, the House Ethics Committee, again, said Obama can tie down children and gouge their eyes out with pencils.
I mean, it just... Oh, the government's allowed to torture people because it's to keep you safe from Al-Qaeda.
Oh, we're allowed to.
This is why they're doing it.
They're a bunch of crooks.
They put Martha Stewart in jail who wasn't even involved in insider trading.
She thought her stock might go down, she sold it.
She knew some announcements were coming out.
She sold a little bit of it.
They sent her to prison.
Folks, that's to make it look like they're doing something.
If you're a big insider like the Globalist, MF Global had former head of Goldman Sachs, Corzine, billions disappeared.
And he lied to Congress and got caught and didn't get in trouble.
And they said, well, he's allowed to lie to Congress.
Now, the reason I got into this is Dianne Feinstein is the king of what I would call insider trading, even though she says it's legal.
A rose is still a rose by any other name.
A crime is still a crime by any other name.
So that's what this pig wants is your guns.
This man wants your guns.
That is the cover of the 60-page glossy magazine, jam-packed with information.
The December issue of InfoWars Magazine.
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Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I'm up here in space.
I got my eye on you.
My laser's trace.
Everything you do, you think you have private lives.
Being nothing of the kind, there is no true escape.
Dianne Feinstein, head of the intelligence community, is watching all the time.
That's right, and the Republicans and the Democrats passed FISA again, warrantless wiretapping of the American people.
They've built giant NSA centers in San Antonio and Salt Lake City, Utah.
And they now admit what five years ago they called a conspiracy theory.
They're listening to everything you do illegally committing felonies.
Well, why not?
They insider trade.
They do whatever they want.
And it's totally transparent now.
And they talk to you like your children.
And now they want your guns.
And Obama's never been sadder than he is now about the 20 dead children.
Honest to goodness.
He promises.
They killed over 45,000 people in the Libya takeover using Al Qaeda.
More than 20,000 of those were black people.
There's videos.
Go to Libyan Massacres if you've got the nerve to watch them.
They take them down as fast as they can, but they're on YouTube.
You want to watch men, women, and children chopped up with machetes because bullets are too expensive?
Saudi Arabians brought in by the U.S.
Our government, it runs Al-Qaeda.
Do I get an apology now that it's in the New York Times that, well, the government does run Al-Qaeda, but they're better than Assad?
No, they're not.
Assad did nothing to anyone.
Was he perfect?
Absolutely not.
Do I want to live in Syria?
But he was one of the best governments in the Middle East, ladies and gentlemen.
And now they've put Al-Qaeda in.
They've almost got control of Syria.
They put Al-Qaeda in charge of Libya.
See, they're insider trading publicly.
They're stealing trillions of dollars.
They're announcing world government.
They think you're that stupid.
And now they're like, hey, you got a right to a Second Amendment.
We can just ban any guns we want.
They're playing mind games.
And I want to finish with this and then go to Mark, a police officer, and others who are holding.
Here's some of the research.
I went over CNN going, oh yes, Congress has allowed the insider trade.
You're not, but they are.
Because they said so.
Well, they're the government.
Obama says the UN's now the boss of the military.
He said so.
Dianne Feinstein today on the news said we've got to ban our guns because it's part of the UN treaty.
Because they said so.
Well, I guess they said so.
I mean, you know, that's it.
Dianne Feinstein still dogged by allegations of conflicts of interest.
That's from last year.
Of course, you know, he's dead now, so that'll... Insider Trading by Congress.
And look, here she is.
Number five on the list.
$779 million plus.
That's just the stocks and bonds and things.
That's separate from her husband.
She had a million dollars when she went to the Senate.
What's a Senator get paid?
Is it $255,000?
You guys look up the salary for me, thank you.
Oh, they did just get a pay raise though, a few thousand.
So I guess it's okay.
Marxist California Democrat Dianne Feinstein invested $1 million in biotechnology company just weeks before company got $24 million government grant.
Oh, that's no big deal.
I mean, to be, you know, no big deal.
New company, she goes in.
Insider, trader, war profiteer, Chinese company invested, Dianne Feinstein.
Oh, she's sold out to the Chaikoms, who own the majority of our debt.
Remember two weeks ago, the Chinese government came out and said, we own your debt.
We want the guns turned in.
We believe the people won't pay the debt back to us.
No, it's not our debt.
It's to the fellow reserve.
Oh, here's her husband.
Oh, Richard C. Blum, investment banker.
He gets a lot of real good little government deals.
Senator Feinstein loaded up on biotech scop.
Again, bipartisan agreement against privacy rights.
You know, the reason I came in with the NSA story was because, again, they just reauthorized all that illegal stuff and Dianne Feinstein was the head of that.
She is the head of the Intelligence Committee.
And she agrees with Obama that the House cannot see his Cybersecurity Executive Order.
Only she gets to.
The House doesn't, because she's God.
Dianne Feinstein assault weapons ban is political suicide for Democrats.
No, it's not.
This Polly Mike site says, I want to get the guns, but people are going to get mad if we go this quick.
Oh no, she wants to start a civil war.
She knows what to do.
She knows what to do.
She knows how to bring this country down.
Let's go to Mark, and then we'll go to John, David, Jim, Murko, John, Derek, Jake, Jeremiah, Ricardo, and others.
Mark, who's a police officer in Washington.
Mark, are you going to come take our guns when the hundreds of millions of gun owners don't turn them in?
I guess we're all going to get arrested.
What's your take on all this, sir?
I've been a police officer for 15 years, and I will say it.
Like I've said before, I believe in people owning guns.
It's what keeps a tyrannical government at bay, and it keeps the honest people honest.
And I believe that American citizens should be armed to protect themselves because, listen, we can't be everywhere at once.
And an armed society has been proven over and over again to keep crime down.
So just keep buying guns.
The only advice I'd give people
I agree that's good to do, but I've never done that.
Just because I've been like, you know what, I'll go in and get it and be registered.
I'm not turning them in.
And I'm saying right now, it's my line in stone.
Just like with my ancestors that founded Texas and our ancestors that founded this country.
I'm not turning it... Listen, they're saying, you'll come into the ATF and they'll decide if you can keep your guns.
They'll decide arbitrarily.
It says, and pay you money on the spot if they decide.
That's called dictatorship.
I already have no felonies.
I don't even have misdemeanors other than speeding.
I haven't done anything wrong.
I have my guns.
And look, the uniform crime statistics, I'm sure you know this as a police officer, just came out two weeks ago.
What did it show in the trend?
It showed massive drop in violent crime for the eighth straight year.
Now, why is that happening?
They admit increased gun ownership.
Go ahead, I'm sorry.
Any other points?
No, I just want to tell my brothers and sisters out there in law enforcement that, hey, listen, we need to educate the public, we need to get them to start getting a hold of their senators and congressmen like I've done, and we need to stand behind our citizenry because, listen, there may be a time in our careers where we're going to need them to back us up.
I've put the line in the sand.
I will not, ever, ever,
Take a gun from a lawful gun owner, period.
And the day that they ask me to do that, I will resign and protect my right to bear arms.
Well, God bless you, sir.
I appreciate your call.
Last question, if you're still there.
Other officers, was this a huge wake-up call when they finally came out and said, yeah, we're going to have you turn your guns in?
No, I'll tell you this, Alex.
Police officers are just kind of like Cosmo
Well, the issue is the canary in the coal mine.
I mean, why are they trying to take the guns now?
In fact, that's the key point I meant to get to.
That's in my notes.
When we come back briefly, why they want the guns now, on the other side, and then I promise we're going to race through your calls.
But notice how they're sliding this out here.
Yeah, the bill just gives us the power to do whatever we want, including confiscate your guns.
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This man wants your guns.
That is the cover of the 60-page glossy magazine, jam-packed with information.
The December issue of InfoWars Magazine.
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Coast to coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the Resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Now, I want to be clear.
Congress could pass a law saying black people are slaves again.
You don't have to go attach yourself to a plow like a human mule.
Government could announce women couldn't vote again.
It's unconstitutional.
Government could tell you you've got a report for, you know, duty as a Soviet slave or national service.
It's unconstitutional.
But they've got to convince you to do it.
If Obama signs an executive order, and he said he'll do everything in his power, and they've said it may be an executive order, if Obama comes out and says, executive order, you've got to report with all your semi-autos as you get a letter to the ATF, and that's what they say they're going to do.
In fact, she's now put out info on how they're going to do it.
You will receive a letter off the Knicks
That you bought a rifle, period.
It could be bolt-action, because they claim they don't know exactly what type it is.
They could go and check the records.
They just say, you will then report to them with your firearm and be registered like a sex offender, fingerprinted and put into a database.
It's unconstitutional.
It's illegal.
So, you don't just have a right to say no to unconstitutional orders, you have a duty.
The big issue is, why are they dropping the hammer now?
The Globalist in 2002, the Joseph Stiglitz documents got released.
He was the chief economist of World Bank.
It was IMF World Bank meetings.
There was a 112 point IMF plan.
They called it the IMF riot.
And they were saying, we've taken down all the third world by buying off their politicians, getting them to sign on to derivatives.
We want to do this to Europe and the US now, like we've done to Japan in the 90s.
To really colonize these countries and get rid of sovereignty and transfer it all to the mega banks.
The global government's run by private banks.
The Davos last year, 2011, called for $100 trillion in taxes every decade from the world's countries.
Guys, will you type in $100 trillion in new credit needed?
I'm going to show folks that article.
London Telegraph, I believe, was the first.
And then there's video clips of them saying this.
So $100 trillion will be paid directly to them.
And in carbon taxes, VAT, wellhead, Tobin taxes, you name it.
And it's all announced now.
You will pay your taxes directly to the funds owned by Mayor Bloomberg.
You will pay taxes directly to the funds owned by Prince Charles.
There it is.
World needs 100 trillion more credit, says World Economic Forum.
And the credit to get us out of the slump that they engineered is to give them money.
You'll pay taxes to us in STRs through the UN.
And then we're like, hey, we don't want to be under global government.
Oh, that doesn't exist, crazy man.
Knowing the general, Israelis don't own guns.
Israelis aren't allowed to own guns.
You're like, everybody knows they all own guns.
And no, they don't.
No, they don't.
And we're allowed insider trade.
Yes, yes, yes.
And we care about the children.
They just talk to you like you're idiots.
They're doing this because it's all or nothing.
They should all go to jail like Bernie Madoff.
Bernie Madoff gave that New York Magazine interview and he said, all I did is what is standard at the higher levels.
I only did this with a hundred billion.
They've done it with over a thousand trillion.
It's true, Bernie Madoff didn't do anything.
That they all haven't done.
Do you understand that?
And let me explain something to you.
They want to make you poor as a tool of control, so you're so poor they've learned, they've done this in hundreds of countries, the globalists have.
And if they do it here, they plan on bankrupting you, and then they can buy everything up.
And I know a lot of you aren't going to listen.
Just down the road when you get hurt really bad, remember in a couple years when they're up there with new taxes and new regulations and more liberty to be taken and we need citizens to report and to government labor to help get things going.
Just remember I told you it was designed.
People say, oh, the drug war is failing.
They're screw-ups.
More people on drugs, more people in prison.
They're not screwing up.
They launder $500 billion in U.S.
banks alone, conservatively, a year.
The major banks own the drug aircraft.
They run white slavery on the same big bank aircraft.
That's little kidnapped women and children.
That's mainstream news.
See, they even put it in the news.
That kid disappeared down the street?
They got him on a plane that ships drugs back in and kids back out.
But you know what?
They're allowed to, just like the Congressional hearing said with DynCorp.
I played that clip just a few weeks ago, and Cynthia McKinney was on with us, the Congresswoman, the former Congresswoman.
There she is in 2006, going, why do you let DynCorp do this?
They go, well, they're just allowed to.
And if you're tuning in for the first time, you go, what is this guy talking about?
Oh, you didn't know all that?
Oh, they care about the children.
You know, they want to make sure, yeah, they care about them.
They get about a million bucks for certain children.
You better believe they care about that little kid.
Right before they put the cigarettes out in their eyes, you better believe it!
Top dollar to slaughter a kid!
Oh, you didn't know?
Just type in DynCorp, child sex slaves.
You'll get hundreds of mainstream articles.
They want you to know!
They want you to know.
And I'm risking my life to tell you this information because it doesn't matter what happens to me or even my family.
We gotta beat these people.
We're still on radio.
America's still free to a great extent.
They're in control of the central systems and they're getting ready to really move.
They want to take the guns because they're going to bring us into a total depression, and they want the crime waves to make you beg for martial law.
But if they have welfare runs and Los Angeles riots everywhere, and citizens stop the riots like last time, they won't be able to bring in full martial law.
I figure these people out, folks.
I eat, drink, and sleep this.
We're fighting people that make Stalin and Hitler and Mao look unsophisticated.
Same evil, more sophisticated.
But we're more sophisticated too today as well.
So listen, you've been warned, ladies and gentlemen.
You've been warned and warned and warned again.
John in Alaska, thanks for holding, and then David and others.
Go ahead.
Yeah, hey, in Alaska here we have an interesting thing.
When we became a state, we have certain things that the Fed has to do and that we have to do.
And we also put it in our Constitution that the right to keep and bear arms is a personal right and shall not be infringed.
So this is going to impact, and I'm going to be dealing with that coming up.
And I hope you have the time to discuss this.
I know you're busy, but I'm putting together a class-action lawsuit against this.
One of the things, as you've discussed, Big Pharma's been involved with all these psychotropic drugs.
I have found that if not 90-some percent, possibly 100% of all of these perpetrators... Yeah, I mean, it's about 99%.
Now they're smart enough to keep the records sealed, but they're always under psychiatric care, and it says on the inserts, makes you commit mass murder, makes you commit suicide.
I mean, we wonder why the military's seven-fold previous suicides, you put troops on suicide pills.
Am I still on?
Yeah, you're on, brother.
Okay, I tried to mention something.
Anyway, one of the things I worked on after I, uh, when I, we had the Patty, um...
I think?
We could do it exactly like we do it with alcoholics who drive a car.
They wear a leg band.
If you had an armband on, you couldn't use a gun.
You couldn't play with gas.
No, I hear you.
People that are on hallucinogen-based drugs should be wearing tags.
I mean, they're the real danger.
I appreciate your call, sir.
I mean, look, the drugs are hallucinogens.
They're in the psychotropic hallucinogen class, and it says in the insert, can make you go crazy.
Let's jam in one more, real fast.
David in Oklahoma, go ahead.
Yeah, uh, hey Alex.
Hey buddy.
Uh, just a point.
The 13th Amendment also applies here, and I ask you to call all of your listeners' attention to the Dred Scott decision of 1857.
The right to bear arms is basically the number one difference between a free man and a slave.
That's right, that's right, and that's why they've already stolen everything else.
Our money, our future, they're spying on us illegally.
That symbol of us armed makes the criminals mad.
Stay there, I'm gonna come back to you.
And I'm just, I'm so bad about going to calls on a Sunday show because I'm so desperate.
I don't feel like I'm explaining it good enough.
I don't feel like I'm explaining to you how much danger we're in, okay?
I mean, if you're a new lister and you just heard me say the UN and major contractors kidnap little kids, just type in UN child kidnapping, BBC, AP, Reuters, but nobody helps them.
You don't get into the high government unless you're a child abuser now.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Alright, let's do this.
Let's give each of the ten first callers or so about 45 seconds apiece or I won't get to anybody.
Articles up at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com that are key to get out to everybody.
Obama to put full weight behind Feinstein gun confiscation plan nationwide.
You heard me right.
Piers Morgan to leave U.S.
if 2nd Amendment not repealed.
By the way, I got a call from Piers Morgan's producer today.
They want me on when he's back.
That'll be ridiculous.
I bet they chicken out.
American Academy of Pediatrics wants to keep dangerous mercury in vaccines.
Well, actually, they took it out.
They want it back in.
Sandy Hook on television takes your guns.
It's all up there.
Ron Paul says the fiscal cliff's all fake and a way to grab more power.
Okay, David, finish your point about Dred Scott.
Go ahead.
Uh, like I said, the main difference between a free man and a slave is the right to keep and bear arms and self-defense.
It was decided in 1857.
Chief Justice Roger Taney issued an astounding opinion in that.
In fact, it even caused, that's actually what prompted what became known as the Civil War.
So, we don't have just the Second Amendment here, let's say, on our side.
It's the 13th.
We already fought this battle.
I agree with you.
Listen, listen, listen.
Members of Congress can't insider trade, but they tell you they can.
Does that give you an idea of how crazy these people are?
I mean, we're in trouble, folks.
These are criminals.
These committee chairmen and people are a bunch of scum.
And I don't just say that.
A local example.
Tulsa had a race riot in 1921.
You can go and read about it on the internet.
But it was actually prompted by the press, which caused
They don't even know where all the bodies are buried today, a hundred years later, almost a hundred years later.
They don't even know where the bodies are buried.
They're still looking for some of them.
It was started by the press and the administration and got totally out of control.
Next thing you know, they got the National Guard rolling around Tulsa.
No, that's the plan.
My grandmother has told me stories about trucks full of bodies passing in front of her house back then.
She was a child.
I know, it used to happen all over the country.
I appreciate your call.
They're all going to engineer it, I'm telling you folks.
My gut, not just politically, my gut is just like, mayday, mayday, and my gut's never wrong.
I mean, we're in trouble.
I'm talking a Soviet-style takeover, folks.
If they think you're going to go along with it.
Obama today is like, well, if the American people want me to take the guns, I will.
You know, like, you're the ones that wanted it.
I did it for you, for the children.
Let's go to JT Coyote.
JT Coyote, who writes for different gun magazines.
I know that name.
He's a gunsmith.
Quick take on this, brother.
Hey, dude.
Yeah, we've got a problem.
Feinstein is insider trading, along with about 40% of Congress.
So, you know, he's making lots of money.
No, and they don't want to go to jail!
I mean, what bank robber wants their slaves armed?
First thing a robber does is say, put your hands up.
She's got the guns, you don't.
She's in charge, she's the boss.
And, you know, David just made that point.
You know, a slave is disarmed.
And, you know, he cites the Dred Scott case, but when you get into... Oh, come up into the 20th century, and here's a little quote that you might like.
The right of the civilians in a free society to possess military-looking or even actual military weapons
We're good.
No, I know.
Look, it's an absolute right.
We've been taken over by foreign banks.
They want to complete the fraudulent takeover.
They want the American people disarmed.
The Chinese government said, we own your debt, turn your guns in.
How about you go to Hades?
Folks, did you know the Chinese government came out a week and a half ago?
I mean, our traitor media won't tell you this.
Let's go to Mirko in Canada.
Go ahead.
Miro, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
First time caller.
I just don't get people on there.
You know, don't look at history.
I mean, look at what the Turks did to the Armenians.
The Turks took their guns and then what?
Killed a million of them.
Yeah, over a million and a half of them, and then... No, no, no, no.
If you just type in the history of gun control and mass murder, we've copied over to save it, the JPFO.org.
They've gone through the whole history, but I've had professors on.
Government killed 260 plus million people last century after taking their guns.
Yeah, it's just... I just don't get people... You know, you look back at history,
And you see all these events unfold and they don't realize that that's what's about to come.
Society's collapsing and the first thing they want in Sandy or Katrina is to come confiscate your guns when the police are standing down.
God bless you, good to hear from you, great point about the Armenian massacre.
Let's talk to John in Michigan, you're on the air.
Yeah, hello Alex.
Hello brother.
Yeah, I just want to say that, you know, you are truly a person that is gifted with a sense of truth that in this hour and time that most people are bereft of, and I'm just very glad to speak to you.
Basically, all I want to say is, as far as the Satanistic component to what's going on with the correlation to the shootings, this is exactly what these people want.
They are Satanists.
They're energized by Satan.
Um, they, if you read in the Bible how it says the world will be filled with pharmakiah, a form of sorcery, this is, you know, just a part of this loose narrative.
Revelation says the Antichrist will use pharmakiah to literally traffic in men's souls.
That's a quote, traffic in men's souls, and you're right, it is their little devil-worshiping Prozac heads in every, they're all devil-worshippers!
In almost every case, they're devil worshippers.
We have a devil worshipper problem.
I'm not turning my guns in so the devil worshippers can have their way with me.
Yeah, absolutely, and I think that that's a component that is, uh...
Very little talked about, I mean, and this is what, at its essence, is really what's going on, but of course we have all these other aspects of life that we have to consider that are a part of life, you know, economic and psychological and all this, but basically when you get down to its quintessential understanding, this is what it truly is.
Well, I mean, it started to hit me that all these, almost all, I spent hours last night and the night before trying to find a serial killer who wasn't a devil worshipper.
And it's always a footnote.
Oh, by the way, he did it for Satan because he was mentally ill.
Okay, whatever.
People that say they're devil worshippers are the people we gotta watch out for.
Turns out these guys are walking around how much they love Satan, now they're gonna kill everybody.
You start saying you love Satan, you're gonna kill everybody.
That's not free speech, folks.
That's saying, I'm gonna kill people.
God bless you, I appreciate your call.
But because devil worshippers want to shoot two firefighters, or a devil worshipper wants to go kill 20 kids in a government disarmed zone, I'm supposed to give my guns up.
Son of Sam, devil worshipper.
Dirk, in Ohio, retired Army.
Go ahead sir, thanks for holding.
Hi Alex, I'm originally from New Zealand and in New Zealand we had strict gun control.
It doesn't work with a dam.
Just last year my brother and two of his mates got beaten up by a gang of 16 people and all three of them were put in a hospital in intensive care.
So there's stuff about people seeming to think that just because you have strict gun control that somehow violent crime is going to decrease.
Australia's crime rate since the gun ban what 14 years ago went up 86% violent crime rate.
Right, right.
And in New Zealand, you know, the crime rate, when they put in this stupid, you know, this gun control rubbish legislation over 20 years ago, you know, it did nothing.
And God bless your brother, we're going to jump quick.
They used a mass shooting to do that.
Call me back tomorrow on the weekday show.
I apologize, I haven't gotten a more.
I'm bad.
I do better on the weekday show, noon to 3 Eastern.
Let's go to Jake, Texas Active Military.
Jake, the Army manuals, trained to confiscate our guns, been big news.
What's your take on this?
What's the military saying?
Here's the deal, Alex.
Me and my brother, I'm in the infantry, I'm an Afghanistan veteran.
The main, I guess you could say, idea around all of us
We took an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States from both enemies, foreign and domestic.
So, technically that's attacking the Constitution.
Therefore, I will have no part in it and I know nobody in the military, nobody I know in the military, I'm not saying anybody.
But nobody I know would ever have any part of that.
I agree.
So, so, I agree.
That's what I'm getting.
So why do they think they can do it?
Because they want to start a civil war.
That's what the 1.6 billion bullets the specialized police are for.
Do these idiots really, just because they get away with insider trading and kidnapping kids and stuff, do they really think they're going to get away with this, my friend?
If they do, I'm not sure how, because that's exactly what they're going to have on their hands if they ask somebody to turn in their weapons.
Well, let me tell you what they're going to do.
I'm personally an owner of a quote-unquote assault weapon, which an AR-15 is just a mini-14 ranch rifle with plastic on it.
That's all it is.
I hear you, brother.
God bless you.
Sorry, the other caller's back tomorrow, 11 a.m.
Central, 12 noon, easterninfowars.com with free audio streams and podcasts served out there.
You can sign up for that or get the free iPhone app or listen right on your local AM and FM station or XM 166.
But again, ladies and gentlemen, we need to get the word out and stop these globalists now.
This is not a drill.
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