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Name: 20121225_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 25, 2012
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I cannot fail.
I will not fail.
I have got to cover all of this news that I've been chomping at the bit last night, this morning, and today to cover here.
We've got Syrian girl, who by the way, her family was ousted by the Assad regime decades ago.
I think?
And there's US aircraft carriers, British ships, you name it, French.
The Germans have announced that they are massing troops.
German cabinet decides to send troops to Turkey-Syria border.
It's on, folks.
An incredible Western started proxy war using Al Qaeda to destabilize the country and they're getting ready to invade and the US and Russians have been meeting because there are Russian spits and ants on record there fighting US and British and other Arab special forces backed by Al Qaeda in proxy battles.
This is amazing.
You know, 2012 is coming up, the end of the world, 21st, and I've always said it's pure bull, but there's a lot of analysts saying this could spark a nuclear war.
Kind of like South Obsidia-Abkhazia-Georgia situation back in 2008 on 888.
So, I mean, this is crazy.
And it looks like the Russians may back down and pull out.
And if that happens, Assad is going to run.
And if they're going to hand the country over to Al-Qaeda, they're going to kill all the Christians, and it will not be on the news.
Or it'll be the back of the paper, like, oh, too bad, they're murdering the Alawite Muslim minority and the Christians.
Oh, the Jews that were there for 3,000 years in Damascus, they're being killed too.
And that's what's going on.
I mean, it is so crazy.
But the general public can't find their state capital, doesn't know the three branches of government.
Most high school seniors don't know who the first president was.
You know, they do those national polls every year.
So when you're dealing with drooling idiots, the government runs Al Qaeda!
To take over a country, slaughter people, it's so immoral.
And again, Syrian girl, her family was run out of there by Assad's daddy.
She hates him!
She's a Sunni!
Assad's are the minority Alawites.
Oh, it's so unbelievable.
But I liken it to being blind.
If you're visually impaired, you can't see something.
And if you can see, you're going, look, I'm telling you that there's a blue sky right there.
Well, I've been blind my whole life.
I don't know what a blue sky looks like.
Describe it to me, Alex.
It's the same thing with the general public, except I'm going, hey, this is going on here, it's all admitted.
Oh, conspiracy theory!
Because thinking and being involved and being informed, that's a conspiracy theory.
In fact, now a lot of people think it's weird to be able to talk proficiently and have a big vocabulary.
They think you're showing off when you use varied semantical combinations to try to describe the true tenor and palate of a development.
They think that's showing off.
They don't understand that reality is so multifaceted, multivariate, that even the greatest verbal prose cannot describe the incredible five-sense, three-dimensional interface that takes us to
The heights of wisdom.
Now, I said I must cover it all.
That's coming up at the bottom of the hour.
Then we've got Lord Monkton who got thrown out of the new UN conference they're having, openly calling for brainwashing kids, global carbon taxes, it's on.
He literally ferreted out the Copenhagen global government tax three years ago and blew that up.
It was a massive victory, and he's got devastating info as well.
Second hour coming up, but first, the news blitz!
Straight ahead, stay with us!
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I am Alex Jones, your host, and we are transmitting worldwide.
It is Friday, the 7th day of December, 2012.
Thank you so much for joining us today, ladies and gentlemen.
As we broadcast worldwide, reaching a combined audience every day of three million people or more, I am blessed to be here and honored.
Okay, Lord Monckton from the big UN conference, thrown out, got the internal documents as usual.
You cannot hype up how big it was three years ago when he got the Copenhagen document, which was confirmed a week later to be accurate, and destroyed the global convention that was going to set up the carbon tax.
It was a Star Wars episode for Death Star Destruction event.
And I actually went down to get champagne and popped it on air when all that happened.
People are like, why are you getting so excited?
I said, watch.
And that was the turning of the tide.
We are routing them now.
But they don't care.
We're routing them intellectually and in the process worldwide.
And they now admit that.
But they don't care.
They're still in charge.
They're rolling forward.
But now it's clearly dictatorial.
Congress didn't pass the carbon tax.
They didn't get what they wanted.
Now they're having to do it with executive fiat worldwide.
So Moncton's got more incredibly important data.
He'll be breaking with us coming up, joining us from the global UN conference that is in the second hour today.
Amazing information coming up with Lord Monckton.
Former Thatcher advisor Lord Monckton evicted from UN Climate Summit after challenging global warming, escorted from a hall, and security officers stripped him of his UN credentials.
And this is, he is again at the UN Conference in Qatar.
We are going to be breaking that down.
UN Summit, transforming your kids into climate change agents.
How they're going to try to push the new carbon tax program.
He's been ferreting out those documents.
They literally, I've seen video of it, they've had police assault him from behind before.
They just absolutely hate his guts.
They wouldn't let him into the one in South Africa, so he parachuted in.
In fact, that was in Durban, South Africa, what, six months ago.
So, I mean, this is unbelievable.
He's going to be joining us coming up.
And we've got Syrian girl.
Hey, she's coming up at the bottom of the hour.
NATO military intervention in Syria imminent.
It looks like Russia's starting to blink.
Special forces mass in preparation for final assault.
German cabinet decides to send troops to Turkey-Syria border.
And I guess the Germans were allies with the Turks back in World War I, so it is on.
It is on.
And it looks like Assad may flee because they are preparing after 21 months for the physical invasion to install al-Qaeda.
In control of Syria and slaughter all Christians, all minority Muslims and Jews.
And it's ongoing, just cutting their heads off, throwing them off roofs.
Tens of thousands of missiles given to Al Qaeda, they swear to use them against the United States.
And of course the globalists love that because they'll take all of our rights when they shoot down the aircraft.
And currently, unless we expose this, I am predicting that there's a very good chance they're going to start shooting down European and US aircraft.
And the media, the prostitute media,
We'll not even point out when this happens that, hey, wait a minute, our government gave them missiles.
That's why they killed the ambassador.
They just had a big cash they gave to the Turks.
Turkish ambassador left.
And they go, all right, send in al-Qaeda, wipe out those special forces.
And the ambassador, they just transferred the missiles.
No, they're just getting rid of him.
And of course, the troops, you know, the al-Qaeda, they send al-Qaeda in just under orders to kill him.
The al-Qaeda they sent in was the head of security in Benghazi.
It's all on record.
They just got rid of the bag man.
That's what you do.
That's how you handle it.
Yeah, so NATO edging towards Syria intervention.
Russia says that is out right now, being reported by Al Jazeera and others.
So it's on.
Edging towards intervention?
Like, oh, it's been going on, it's too sad.
Yes, Assad, I think I heard him on Fox News Radio this morning going, well, the activists say Assad's attacking them again, implying they're not like al-Qaeda with rocket launchers backed up by U.S.
Special Forces just blowing up airports, attacking airports, blowing up
Infrastructure, TV stations, power plants, shutting down their cell phone systems and then saying Assad's doing it.
I mean, it is house-to-house absolute war.
Turkey firing in with their huge howitzers across the border, opening up al-Qaeda injection ports.
Russia says NATO Patriot move is step in involvement in Syria moving Patriot missiles in.
Yeah, it's all crazy and saying we've got to attack or they've got chemical weapons.
That's coming up.
I'm surprised I don't have Colin Palgo show some people some anthrax and say, look at these mobile trucks we found for making anthrax.
They could go to Jane's Weapons Quarterly and they knew it was 1970s because the U.S.
paid for it.
British hydrogen balloon trucks to put hydrogen balloons up with video cameras on them.
Saddam also bought U.S.
systems for the Iran-Iraq war.
You send them up to 10,000 feet on a cable.
With video cameras.
And then that directs artillery in the Iran-Iraq War.
They sold it to them.
It's hydrogen trucks.
Balloon trucks.
They use them on the border here.
And they told you it was an anthrax machine.
Day one, we went and looked at it.
Went and looked.
And changed weapons quarterly.
Anybody can do it.
And guess what?
There they were.
By the way, we were some of the first to break that.
It broke kind of simultaneously.
Okay, wow.
Let me just run through the headlines here that I will cover in detail in the third hour.
Let's just start here of all the things.
Cat parasite.
Toxoplasma uses Trojan horse to infect human brain and may cause suicidal thoughts and risk-taking.
They've known this for thousands of years.
That's where the old, that's London Independent.
That's, the media is always reporting something that's actually well known, like, we discovered the Atlantic Ocean is salty.
But that was the old thing of witches having cats and cats being unlucky was because you would get the parasite, which was rampant at that time because they didn't have, you know, veterinary clinics.
But then they killed all the cats, seeing them as bad luck, and then the rats went crazy with the fleas, with the bubonic plague, and well, you know what happened, the rest is history.
So, I'm not saying cats, or I'm not saying I believe in the wives tale, the point is, cats are cute, cats are nice, I don't like them.
Because they carry the parasite, and I've always known that.
I mean, it's well known, folks, that a lot of the depression and mental illness and the massive skyrocketing of schizophrenia in this country is heavy metal toxification.
You know, mad as a hatter, people that worked in the clothiers back in England, staining things with different colors, full of lead, mercury and stuff, mad as a hatter.
I don't
Okay, so a little microorganism can do that.
By the way, you know Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is studying this, and a bunch of others.
You know why?
Because they can use it as another Trojan once it takes over, and then they can have a program on the Trojan.
This is called nanotech.
And this is the new wave, the new vaccines where you're never upset again, never want to drink again, never want to smoke cigarettes again, never want to use drugs again, because it goes in and reprograms your brain.
Oh, yeah, they've had that for about 15 years.
By the way, there's clear evidence it's already being used on the population.
Go get your flu shot!
You wonder why people are becoming total zombies?
Because, folks, it's, oh, yeah, well, we actually had a top scientist on who found that a year before the flu outbreak three years ago that they hyped so much the H1N1 that they were putting out carrier tracker viruses that didn't give you the flu but changed brain chemistry.
Folks, we're being hit right now.
We're entering total fantasy land, okay?
I mean, this is Buck Rogers, okay?
I mean, but it's crazy.
Hundreds of thousands of genetically modified mosquitoes said to be released in Florida Keys in an experiment to fight Denang fever.
And I had the head of a company on a few months ago about this.
And they admit, guess what?
You know mosquitoes, Bill Gates has talked about this, are perfect to force you to take vaccines, they've said, so you can't escape it.
Because the mosquito, you know how a mosquito gets your blood right?
They don't just slurp up your blood with the platelets that would clog their proboscis.
They inject their saliva, a powerful acid, to liquefy the cells before slurping.
That's why mosquitoes are perfect to carry bioweapons.
But that's not what this company is doing, they say.
They say they just want to have these mosquitoes breed out the other mosquitoes.
But there you have it.
I thought I'd mention that for you.
Costa Rica now battling Monsanto over GMO corn.
Trying to force that into the country, even though it's illegal.
FDA quietly increases allowed radiation doses of meats for human consumption.
Natural News is reporting, yeah, because the radiation level is going up from Fukushima here.
You know, the winds blow right into the U.S.
from Japan.
That's why they firebombed us with those balloons.
Hundreds of them that they'd send over with explosives timed in the trade wind to drop in the Midwest and blow up.
Fire departments just were on the lookout for them with spotters and were able to deal with the problem.
Speaking of, that today is the Pearl Harbor anniversary.
The Pearl Harbor anniversary is today, December 7, 1941, and we're going to be getting into how that whole event was staged.
Hard to believe, ladies and gentlemen, do you know how many years ago it was?
71 years ago.
Wow, sometimes you see a World War II vet, better take a look at them, because there's not going to be any of them soon.
All the guys, I went on a cruise once, and it was a guy who enlisted when he was 14, it was like 5 years ago, really interesting, he was going scuba diving.
And he was 80-something years old.
You could tell that guy.
You don't want to mess with him back when he was in his prime.
He was there with his wife, like 20 years younger than him.
And he wasn't saying, hey, I'm a World War II vet.
I was talking to him.
He enlisted when he was like 14 and a half.
Got in and had been in the whole Pacific Theater.
And he was talking about how the little boat they had taking us out to the reef was kind of the same kind of boats they use for landings.
Anyways, interesting.
Most of the vets that are still alive from World War II, they're guys that got in early.
We ought to do a show on Audie Murphy sometime.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we're going to come back and tell you Republicans waved the white flag on Fiscal Cliff.
Told you they would.
I'll tell you why when we come back.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
You see, the Republican Party is bought and paid for by Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and the big global crime syndicates.
The groups that publicly run the giant money laundering operations, hundreds of billions a year, Wells Fargo gets caught, nobody gets in trouble, continues it, along with Wachovia.
They're the people that create the derivatives and have the government sign on to it.
So they want us up at 80% taxes like France.
They said that's the model.
They're all exempt offshore.
They don't pay taxes or almost no taxes.
That's all on record.
Even when they get government bailouts, they don't pay taxes.
You pay taxes, just like Howard Dean said, and we've got that clip coming up, that, oh, not just the rich people, everybody needs to pay more taxes.
And I told you this would happen.
You see, they have the Republicans come out and go, we're only for $990 billion in new taxes, not $1.6 billion, Obama, a year.
And, you know, we're only for retroactive for this tax back one year, not three.
Oh, they're talking about that.
And they're talking about getting rid of the deduction on your mortgage.
I mean, that's another $600 billion.
And it's all in the Washington Post.
On Monday, Republicans make their fiscal cliff counteroffer.
Which, if a Democrat was calling for it, you know, Republicans would go jump off a cliff.
Now, that's, quote, the loyal opposition.
Then Obama basically calls for triple that.
And dozens of new taxes, on top of the 3.8 healthcare tax on all major investments.
I mean, it goes on and on.
And the general moron public, especially Obama supporters.
Folks, as soon as Obamacare goes in, they're going to say that the unemployment problem has been fixed, because they're going to count people that get cut to 20 hours a week part-time, so employers don't have to pay for the Obamacare that will bankrupt them.
They'll just count people getting two or three jobs as new people getting total jobs.
And it's just incredible what this is going to do to the poorest Americans.
And they're so dumbed down that they actually think Obama works for them and wanted to give them some rich guy's money.
The rich guys run Obama, you idiots.
That's why they're rich.
They're inside scammers.
And they want to shut down productive middle class that actually hire people and actually go to nice restaurants and actually get their hair done and actually buy clothes and cars.
They say they want to get rid of that old economy.
They call that wasteful.
It's a post-industrial world, you stupid, dumb, moron Obama supporters.
They're going to shut the economy off.
You think 50 million people on food stamps from 25 million is a problem?
They say they're going to double it again.
They're going to break this country.
And here it is, Republicans wave the white flag.
This came out last night.
And they're saying, OK, OK, we'll just go ahead and have an orderly surrender.
He's hoping to lead his fractious GOP to an orderly surrender.
And they may go ahead and vote to just give Obama
Give Obama control over the power of the purse on the debt limit, and the dictatorship is pretty much complete.
I mean, wow!
Because the bankers want that, folks!
The bankers want to break this country and tax the middle class out of existence.
Look at this.
This is an economic collapse blog.
Michael Schneider reported at Infowars.com.
He says, show this to anyone that believes taxes are too low.
And he goes,
Down just some of the taxes.
Building permit taxes, capital gains taxes, cigarette taxes, court fines, dog licensing taxes, driver's license fees.
Federal unemployment taxes, fishing licenses, food license taxes, gasoline taxes, gift taxes, hunting taxes, inheritance taxes, inventory taxes, not to mention all the stuff passed on what you buy, IRS interest charges, IRS penalties, liquor taxes, luxury taxes, hotel taxes, you name it, travel taxes, marriage license taxes, Medicare taxes, Medicare tax surcharge, Obamacare individual mandate,
Excise tax, Obama surtax on investment income 3.8, property taxes, recreational vehicle taxes, toll booth taxes, I should add hospital district taxes, franchise state taxes, state taxes, sales taxes, self-employment taxes, school taxes, septic permit taxes, service charge taxes, social security taxes, standard employment taxes, tanning taxes, telephone, federal excise taxes, topless bar taxes, I'm adding that one,
Telephone, Federal Universal Service Fee Taxes, Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Taxes, Telephone State and Local Taxes, Tire Taxes, Toll Taxes, Traffic Fines, Utility Taxes, Vehicle Registration Taxes, Worker Compensation Taxes, Computer Manufacturing Taxes.
It just goes on and on for page after page.
I couldn't even get into a third of it.
Okay, we'll be back with our government running Al Qaeda, blowing up another country, throwing Christians off high-rises, slitting their throats, blowing up churches.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Lord Christopher Monckton, he is going to be joining us from Qatar, where he got thrown out of the UN conference with some breaking intel, coming up in the next hour today.
In the third hour, we're going to have the premiere of My Son on radio and TV.
You've heard him a few times, but this time you'll see him if you're watching at PrisonPlanet.tv.
He exposes terrorism 101 and how it's staged.
It's pretty powerful.
It's about three minutes long.
That is coming up today.
Also, David Ortiz did a report on the fact that they're talking about now having Black Friday in and around Christmas, more of this insanity, more of this con artistry.
So he's got a man on the street on that.
And then Joe Rogan, my old friend,
The full video, I don't know, like 50 minutes long, is up at PrisonPlanet.tv right now.
It's also up at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com if you want to see that.
Best interview I've ever done with Joe.
And we're going to be airing some excerpts on that, his take on Pat Tillman, and a lot more coming up in the third hour today as well.
I don't think so.
Rob do I think David's gonna be there David Ortiz is gonna be there as well a bunch of folks I may show up okay it's just that I like meeting people once I get out there and do it I just work seven days a week and I want to be with my children but I'm gonna be there but maybe watching from a hilltop okay so I'll run up and say hi to folks but I'm not gonna be the center of attention I really want to just get my reporters out there doing events so yes I will
I will make an appearance sometime during the 11 to 1 or so when it's going on out there.
And again, this is about you coming out with your drone, your drone mob, to protest the drones.
It is a drone protest, and I know a lot of media is going to be out there, local TV and stuff, and so bring your aircraft, you know, you name it, helicopters, professional drones, you name it, as long as they don't fly above 400 feet.
If the cops try to say you can't fly RC aircraft out there, that's not true.
And that's what all these new drones are.
The Switchblades, the rest of it is just small drones.
Below 400 feet there's no regulations.
The police go out there and do it.
People do it all the time.
So that'll be a whole other media issue if they try to say something.
It'll be outside of law as usual.
So come on out and be part of it!
Kicks off around 11 a.m.
tomorrow and will run through about 1 p.m.
The Drone Mob tomorrow.
Zilker Park, Austin, Texas.
Press release up at Infowars.com.
We'll retweet it at the real Alex Jones on Twitter.
And the hashtag is DroneMob.
And you can also find it over at Prison Planet on Twitter, at Prison Planet.
There you go.
Look forward to seeing everybody out there.
And speaking of drone news, video.
A black helicopter goes autonomous.
This is out of popular science.
And now they are going to make the Blackhawks robot.
Don't need humans anymore.
And the passenger jets are going to be robot.
Told you that.
England's now moving to that last week.
And the cars, now most states are passing laws to allow robot cars.
And they're already saying, as I predicted, I don't know how they operate.
I don't know.
The big journal of bioethics, the big prestigious one, published a report saying kill children up to age three, even if they're healthy.
The state or parents should be able to kill children.
And that's actually what they're moving towards.
You know, the death panels.
The kids not want it, just kill them, use them for body parts.
Go ahead and gut them.
I talk, you know, there's a lot of money can be made out of getting up to 500 grand on baby parts.
A lot of rich people will pay to get those parts for their kids.
So it's, it's, it's, you know, they don't want to just butcher hogs and pigs and stuff, you know, cows, chickens.
I mean, you know, New World Order wants to render up some humans.
Cloud Atlas, go all the way.
So that's the plan.
And we are human resources, as they call us in our face.
We're too stupid to know what that means.
And, uh, anyways, people didn't believe it for about four days, and then people actually went and read the journal and said, oh, it's real, it became national news, international news.
It's kind of like when we got Homeland Security and MIAC reports saying gun owners are terrorists and we're going to be, you know, hunted down and veterans are the number one terrorist, and people didn't believe that.
Ron Paul's office said, well, we, we, you know, they got called, and they said, well, that can't be.
Five days later, though, they actually went and found out it was real, and the FBI admitted it was real.
And then the governor, you know, had to come out and say, well, actually, I support this.
You know, one of the states where they'd issued the federal report there in Missouri.
So, you know, when I'm telling you all this, you know, I'm sorry the truth is stranger than fiction.
But this is what's going on.
And the globalists brag that Bill Joy in 2000, in the April issue of Wired Magazine, why the future doesn't need us, you know, multi-billionaire, some microsystems owner, founder.
He said, I went to the globalist, you know, meeting.
We said, do we let everybody just party and have fun, or do we kill everybody?
Because we don't need you anymore.
I mean, you've always been cheap, but now we want the world for ourselves.
And he said, you know, I kind of think we shouldn't get rid of everybody.
Oh, let's try one more time to get Bill Joy on the show.
I've talked about him so much, I guarantee you he'll, he at least knows who we are.
The other founder of it was on PBS one time, I saw him, and he said, I look forward to everybody having microchips in them.
So, folks, this isn't a game, okay?
This isn't a game, and the discussion's being made
And the decision's been made to go ahead and kill everybody, but they've got to poison us slowly to the point of everybody's so drugged that they don't notice half the public's got cancer, or people can't talk anymore, or people can't focus, and then it's just, you know, the slow, the government will find why this is happening, but never does, and we all just get used to it.
We're just slowly being trained, and all these movies are coming out about the end of humanity and how beautiful it's going to be.
And they've come and told a lot of the elitist, you know, the Brad Pitt types and Angelina Jolie, join us or you're not going to be part of the club.
So they're out there trying to help everybody get ready for this.
And, you know, I just think it's really, really horrible, you know, but I'm an extremist.
You know how I am.
I actually read the White House Science Czar's books.
He's written all four of them.
We are joined by Syrian Girl.
And Syrian girl comes from a former ruling class family that was deposed by a Baathist coup by Assad's father.
She's 100% Syrian to the core and a career student.
Also a model from what I've seen.
And her YouTube channel is youtube.com forward slash user Syrian girl partisan show.
Her family was run out of there by Assad's dictator father.
And she's on national TV now, so her identity is confirmed, you know, and debates about this on Australian television, so we could tell you where she's at now.
And she's been speaking out for close to a year.
The proxy war using Al-Qaeda has been happening for 21 months, and now today the Germans have voted to mass troops on the border where U.S.
British, French, and others are.
There's aircraft carrier mass, three amphibious landers, French landing ships, German landing ships.
They're off the med as well.
The Russians are now coming to the table because they're in a proxy war with Spitznatz, with U.S.
Special Forces, side-by-side with Al Qaeda.
They are chopping Christians' heads off, throwing them off buildings, burning up and blowing up churches, killing the Jewish minority, and killing minority Alawites, which the
The Assad family's part of.
And here's Syrian girl who is Sunni, but not the Al-Qaeda type.
It's 80%, you know, 80% Sunni, a small group, is Al-Qaeda out of Saudi Arabia.
They're there, CFR, McClatchy News covered it yesterday with the headlines that yes, Al-Qaeda is leading the charge of the attack and now it's coming to a head.
And next stop is in Iran.
That's why they want to get rid of Syria first.
This is an incredible war crime.
And it also speaks to the fact that the West is in a catatonic, brain-dead state, the general public, that our governments are running Al-Qaeda in a giant proxy war takedown.
Artillery being fired in continually off and on by...
Turkey, just unbelievable.
Full out war.
It's not coming.
War is now.
Syrian girl, thank you so much for joining us.
You've got the floor.
Break down the history of this and exactly, I mean, this is so bad.
Even though you were thrown out by the Assad's, you care about your country and it being handed over to Al Qaeda.
So you're speaking out and everything you've warned us about has now come true.
You've been proven to be an amazing source.
Tell us what's happening.
Well, thanks so much Alex Jones for the intro and for having me on.
Well, you know, my family wasn't so much kicked out, but you could definitely say that they were kicked out of government, but were not kicked out of the country.
Though we left, you know, because there was problems inside the country.
No one can say that there wasn't any corruption in the government.
And you can't say that there wasn't a dictatorship, but at the same time, Syria is not as bad as they're trying to make it look like, with constant torture of children and all these tsunami of lies as was described by the Foreign Minister against the country.
And I think it's obvious that NATO powers have been, for the last two years now,
Trying in their media and in their vocalization by the governments like Clinton and Obama at the UN, trying to stir up the tension inside Syria, trying to create a civil war, divide and conquer, and eventually, you know, they hope to create a Libya scenario where they depose the government there to install an extremist, Wahhabist,
The Wahhabis are this minority sect of crazies that you were talking about that have the same ideology as Al-Qaeda.
And you know, as we've talked about previously, Al-Qaeda is something that the US created themselves and something that many believe with mounds of evidence that it's something that they have always controlled and they control now, like in Syria, and using them
As proxy armies, basically, in Libya and Syria.
And now even the CFR, the LA Times, McClatchy Newspapers, I'm going to show some of these on screen for TV viewers.
People can just type McClatchy, Al-Qaeda in, or LA Times, Al-Qaeda, or U.S.
running Al-Qaeda, or helping Al-Qaeda in Syria.
They're giving them missiles, anti-aircraft missiles, thousands of them.
And Al-Qaeda was in the news, in McClatchy two days ago, saying, we're going to come to America next and blow up your aircraft.
And when they blow up our aircraft, the government will use this Syrian girl to take my rights, because the public is in such a coma.
I mean, it's so obvious they're using Al Qaeda to take over everywhere.
It's just amazing.
What is your take on the build-up now and the open talk of physical NATO troops who we know are there in proxy, like they were in Libya, and they're advising, now actually invading?
Well, you know, I think with the terrorist groups in Syria, it's very funny now to see after two years of their terrorist activity, the US is now, it's become so obvious that they have to come out and say, oh wait, yeah, they are a terrorist group.
And this is to provide plausible deniability.
And of course, they're going to probably use these groups later.
Maybe create another 9-11, you know, potentially the US people would be sick of these wars and they'd have to be shown that they'd be under attack again.
So I think that it's a perpetual cycle.
And we can see that they use the same technique in Afghanistan, they're using it in Syria now by funding terrorism.
They're also using the same talking points that they have in Iraq by talking about chemical weapons being used by a big bad dictator.
We heard all that 10 years ago.
So about the build-up against Syria,
I think, at this point, that a lot of it is just psychological warfare.
You know, you see in the media stuff about the USS Eisenhower being off the coast, but I believe that the USS Eisenhower is actually going to go home early.
I believe that a lot of what's in the media is trying to build up such a fear and hysteria inside Syria to cause defections and to make people stop fighting, but I don't think it's going to work because people see that the army is still fighting and when the army isn't backing down,
The army is still united and strong.
The people will be too.
So, on the ground in Syria, I think that the army is still making gains, like they did in Darayya recently, and they successfully defeated an attempt to control the Damascus airport.
So what you see in the media of the U.S.
building, saying Assad is about to fall, that's not what's actually happening on the ground.
And maybe this is a dangerous situation for the U.S.
because they really need Syria to fall in order for the globalists to
So you're saying it's more psychological warfare as they've been doing in the past?
You were on about six months ago.
And you said that, look, they're going to try to claim that Assad's going to use his legal, lawful, which other governments have, chemical weapons, never invaded, never attacked anybody, never used them, and that they would have Al-Qaeda maybe launch him at Turkey or somebody.
And then, we already know, they caught US-made mortars being fired by Al-Qaeda on the border into Turkey, so Turkey can then blast out hundreds of square miles of areas with howitzers to insert more troops in.
Now German troops are massing to invade.
And now Obama warns Syria about using chemical weapons, threatens consequences, and then magically some chemical weapons get used, and oh, we've got to invade now.
And they don't even need to launch chemical weapons at Turkey.
They can just let the insurgents or terrorists inside Syria use the chemical weapons themselves.
And actually there was a video that came out of
Supposedly of these FSA terrorists mixing chemicals, mixing a gas and killing some rabbits they filmed themselves and they said next it will be the other whites that are going to be gassed like this.
So the chemicals that they were used were from Turkey and we know that Turkey's been smuggling arms into Syria.
So it's absolutely there's a potential to
For them to just carry out a chemical weapons attack and use that as a pretext for intervention, they're looking for a way in, always.
They're setting up all of the
They're setting things up to attack people.
And the prostitute media in the back of the paper admits our government's running Al-Qaeda, but there's no news about the massacres, the killings, all of it.
It's just, oh, there's some peaceful protesters over there, the rebels too, who are getting attacked by a big bad man.
It's somewhere over there.
I mean, it's amazing that this is going on.
Absolutely right.
I've heard such terrible stories about people being stopped at the side of the road and being basically beheaded or shot based on their sect.
So it's happening all over the place.
Well there's videos of it.
They take Christians and Alawites and others up and chop their heads off, throw them off buildings, blow up churches.
I mean, our government's running the whole thing.
Very proud of it.
And you've got Angelina Jolie there saying, invade, invade, attack, attack, kill, kill, kill.
It's loving.
And everybody says, hey, she's liberal.
It's loving.
Brad Pitt, man, he's a cool guy.
Totally sick.
Stay there.
We're going to come back and talk about it with Syrian girl.
I'm Alex Jones, Infowars.com.
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Alright, we've got Syrian Girl for two more segments and Laura Monton's joining us.
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Okay, going back to Syrian girl.
Look, this is...
They're only getting away with this because the public doesn't know what planet they're on in the West.
Total decadence.
But the governing class, it shows how really evil they are to go in and engage in religious and ethnic cleansing using Al Qaeda and Saudi Arabian jihadis.
Blowing up the churches, all of it.
So where do you see this proxy war going if it's gone to stalemate?
And what do you make of the Patriot missiles being rolled in and the rest of it, Syrian girl?
Well, I think the Patriot missiles is a step to create that no-fly zone, buffer zone that they keep talking about, obviously because their proxy insurgent army isn't getting the results that they hoped for after two years.
They need to protect them from air assault, and the Patriot missiles is a step to that.
But on the other hand,
The more that the US arms their side, because it's like a proxy war, as you say, Russia's going to arm the other side.
And this is unverified reports, but in Lebanese media, the magazine Mayadeen reported that Russia has given Syria Iskander missiles in response to the Patriot missiles.
So again, it's like steps towards a third world war.
I know that in the media, Russia, you can't really read which way it's going, but I think that
It's very plausible that Syria now has Iskander missiles in its wares because where else would the reports come from?
I think that it's a very dangerous situation for the world to be in, for everybody who's concerned because Syria isn't Libya, as people say.
Syria does have the potential to really cause damage to its enemies and I think in some ways, you know,
NATO and the powers that be know that and they're afraid of that.
How long can, from your well-researched view and talking to your family who's been in government there, how long can Syria hold out against the Al-Qaeda brigades and US Special Forces?
Well, if things stay as they are now, it can hold out maybe indefinitely.
And that's also sad to say because the destruction of Syria is just going to be ongoing.
But at the end, if things are as they are now, Syria will emerge victorious.
That's why they need to change the rules of the game.
That's why they need to
Inject a no-fly zone and talk about maybe troops being in or launching some kind of offensive on Syria, because as it is now, they're losing.
Well, by the way, I agree.
And when you get even mainstream news going, why are we backing Al-Qaeda?
If America would just wake up and be moral, and Europe, shame on the French.
They're the ones leading this.
I mean, just absolutely disgusting.
And I'm no fan of Assad.
I mean, you know, they kicked your family out of government.
The point is that it's so evil to be doing this and to give Al-Qaeda those missiles.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I was just reading a new article up at InfoWars.com.
Students suspended over American flag.
This country is just getting crazy.
They're taking Christmas trees, crosses down everywhere.
Our government runs Al-Qaeda.
They're gonna launch giant new taxes on everybody to pay the foreign bank.
Syrian girl, we got five minutes left before Lord Monckton comes on.
I know you are really an expert on all this.
Where do you see it all going and what are other points you'd like to relay to people?
Well, I want to relate to people, you know, I think in the U.S.
media, all they hear about is government atrocities in Syria.
And I want to say, you know, straight up, when you create a civil war in a country, of course there's going to be some casualties caused by both sides.
You know, you have the army and these FSA, and they're both heavily armed.
And, of course, this is absolutely true.
The media, the mainstream media, is not pointing to the atrocities that are being committed by these FSA terrorists because it shows that these people are no alternative.
They're not democratic at all.
I mean, for example, they got together all the groups and declared openly that they don't want a democracy.
They want to impose Sharia law on Syria.
And even though Sharia is a
Syria is a Muslim country.
That doesn't necessarily mean that they all want to be forced to live under someone else's version of Islam.
So in Idlib, where the FSA are all concentrated right now, it's one of the outskirts suburbs of Aleppo, they've actually opened up morality courts already.
And they're already, you know, sort of pushing people around and telling them how they should worship their God, basically.
And to get into the atrocities also this week, recently there's been video that's come out of them executing unarmed prisoners.
Supposed to be the new democratic free Syria that they're pushing on to Syria.
And you better believe when the Syrian army gets captured and they get killed, they're going to fight really hard too.
And I hear it.
Anytime they fight back, it's called atrocities.
And there's never a discussion of Al-Qaeda going in on record and telling fathers, we're going to kill your family if you don't go suicide bomb.
I mean, that's on record.
This is so evil.
Well, there's been so many car bombings in Damascus.
In the areas that don't see any fighting, you see all these car bombings happening.
And I think that also these FSA people, they're pushing people out of their homes.
And they actually have been burning stores.
Because they don't want to see stores open.
They want to see people striking and basically shutting the country down.
My family back home told me that they only get six hours of electricity switched off because they attacked the power stations.
Also, they launched mortars at peaceful areas and recently killed nine students and a teacher because of the mortars.
Also, the people, you know, they're still very resilient.
When they've burnt all these stores, they've gone into the areas that are controlled by the army and set up the stores again in a makeshift way.
And you can see videos of that on a website called Syrian News CC.
It's just very...
Courageous and heartwarming to see people, you know, still going strong in the economy, still going.
That's what I was going to ask you.
What about the Syrians themselves?
From what I've been reading in the foreign news, they're really, even people that didn't like Assad are starting to rally around them because they understand their whole country is about to be handed over to Al Qaeda.
Absolutely, you know, Al Qaeda and the globalists.
So Syrian people, putting aside what you believe of your government, when your country is directly under attack and your families are threatened, you have to rely on your army to defend you.
And Syrian people, you know, no matter what they think of their government, they're going to support the soldiers that are not going out and attacking other nations, but they're defending the homeland.
Yeah, the Syrians are fighting hard against special forces of at least 10 nations backing Al-Qaeda brigades.
It is unbelievable.
And our troops are standing by.
The CIA is there advising them.
Burning churches.
No one's ever kicked the Christian church in 2,000 years out of Syria, but the U.S.
government is under new world order control.
Pure evil.
Syrian girl, we will talk to you soon.
Thank you so much for joining us.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, for most of the hour, we are joined by Lord Christopher Monckton,
Who is, out of all the great people out there fighting, the globalist collectivist using the environmental movement to take control of the industrial world and destroy it so they can consolidate power, he is the tip of the spear.
It was three years ago with the Copenhagen event that he was able to get the secret document that they planned to...
Double the taxes on the third world, or right at double what they'd be on the West.
And then it was a total collectivist takeover to give 100 trillion, basically, as the London Guardian reported.
Also, the London Telegraph reported 100 trillion in global taxes over the next decade.
Now, Congress then shot down Obama's carbon taxes.
He's still going ahead by executive fiat, but that makes them lose the moral high ground.
And here's a ClimateDepot.com report on this.
Thatcher advisor Lord Monckton, evicted from UN Climate Summit after challenging global warming, escorted from the hall and security officers stripped him of his UN credentials.
Monckton of the UN, in the 16 years we have been coming to these conferences, there has been no global warming.
Calls to deport Monckton from UN conference in Qatar.
And he always, the reason they hate him is there's good people in all major governments and they know that massive carbon taxes on African, Latin American, Asian, European, Russian, Chinese governments are designed to be selectively enforced and just shut down society.
It's a eugenics-based weapon system.
And Monckton's an expert on that.
You can break it down.
His website is scienceandpublicpolicy.org.
And so he always gets the documents and I know he's gotten some information now that he's gonna be able to reveal to us as well.
But first, he's been assaulted on video from behind for no reason by a police officer.
He's been thrown out in Durban, South Africa.
He had to...
Parachute in, and people on radio think I'm joking about that.
Guys, you can find just Lord Monty and parachutes in the climate summit.
But I'll play some of that if you're watching us at InfoWarsNews.com.
But the point is, there's also New American, William F. Jaspers reporting on it, a UN summit transforming your kids into, quote, climate change agents, as Al Gore has called for previously.
So they're there calling for all this right now, also calling to restrict your internet.
The UN is an incredibly authoritarian organization.
Even the New York Times admits they send in UN troops to kill people in Africa and Latin America to get them off their land, to give it to major corporations.
But oh, movie stars say it's loving!
You know, if Angelina Jolie says the U.N.'
's good, why it must be.
She cares about it.
She's not a snake-eyed demon or anything.
Lord Monckton, again, businessman, newspaper editor, investor, classical architect, inventor, trained orator, and high priest of climate skepticism.
Lord Monckton, again, was a special advisor to Margaret Thatcher, UK Prime Minister from 82 to 86.
On leaving Downing Street, he established a successful specialist consultancy company giving technical advice to corporations and governments.
We're showing him skydiving into the conference a few months ago.
Lord Monckton is a knowledge of science and politics.
Behind global warming is noted for its breadth and depth and he has traveled and lectured in continents worldwide and he joins us now.
Lord Monckton via Skype!
Joining us, thank you, sir, for coming on.
You've got the floor until we go to break.
Please give us a report on what the criminal authoritarians are up to right now.
Well, first of all, Alex, I have to put my own hand up here because what I did was a little naughty.
I was sitting in a very comfortable seat where normally the delegation from Burma would sit.
And I just happened to have got to the meeting half an hour early because I wanted to go through some of the documents that were coming out from the UN at that stage of the conference.
And then gradually the room filled up around me and the delegation from Burma didn't appear.
And so at the very last moment, really just very much on the spur of the moment, I decided to signify to the Chair that I would quite like to say something and was acknowledged.
So I said three things.
I said one, very respectfully, very politely, I said one, there's been no global warming for 16 years.
Two, even if there had been, it would be a great deal cheaper to do nothing about it now, spend nothing now, and adapt in a...
...focused way later, if and when any consequences of warming that might be adverse actually appeared.
And three, that perhaps we now need an independent scientific review of what these conferences were doing to make sure we were still headed in the right direction.
And that was all I said, and it took me no longer than that to say it.
It was 45 seconds in the official record.
And then I got up to go and was immediately approached by a UN policeman.
There are hundreds of them always at these conferences, toting trunctions and mobile phones and other bits of kit.
And he said, you stay there, and then eventually another policeman came.
And they said, come with us, and we went outside into the balmy night.
And there, an enormous gathering of various UN officials.
...appeared, murmuring into their telephones, and eventually a very tall character in a suit, who I think was the UN head of security, said that I would be escorted off the premises, and out I went into the night.
So, it's a storm in a teacup, frankly, and I did, I've got to admit, Alex, behave just a little bit improperly.
But on the other hand, the three things I said in that 45 seconds when I had the floor,
Would not have been heard by any of the delegates otherwise.
And all three of them are sensible points.
There hasn't been any global warming for 16 years on any measure.
And the attempts to deny this on the part of the conference and several previous conferences really are becoming painfully embarrassing.
Likewise, it is now becoming apparent that it really is many times more expensive to try to stop global warming than simply to let it happen and adapt to it, as the human race is very good at doing.
And certainly now, there is a case, given this long period without warming, and that we now begin to know more about the huge cost of trying to get relatively small changes in the amount of CO2 that's emitted to the atmosphere,
It is time that there was a proper independent scientific review, not done by the UN's climate panel, but by a completely different group.
All right, let me just interject here, Lord Monckton, a question, because this is important, obviously.
Look, we know it's all a fraud.
In the 60s and 70s, they said it was going to be global cooling.
By 2000, we didn't give them all our money.
They're always, you know, scripting it where they're the planet's savior and you kill yourself basically or be their slave and worship them for it and then they'll take good care of you.
They know it's all a fraud.
What is the new evil coming out of this conference?
Because Obama says he's going to try to ram through carbon taxes without Congress.
I know that's happening.
I don't think we can get very far with that, frankly, because unless Congress votes for carbon taxes, that is something that the EPA really can't get away with on its own.
If it tried, it really would risk what I think it's beginning to risk anyway, which is outright abolition the next time Republicans take the presidency.
You know, it has become a monster now, and the best thing for the environment, apart from anything else, would be, and certainly for freedom, would be to sweep it away altogether, abolish it, and reallocate the enormous savings it now occupies.
So what are they up to there?
You're there, you always have breaking intel at these.
What's the news?
First thing is, they have agreed to carry on with the Kyoto Protocol, which actually expires on December 31st, and they're going to enter into what is called a second commitment period, where...
Various nations make promises about how much they will cut CO2 emissions, promises that they will not in fact keep.
On the longer term, cooperative action, as is the code word for gradual introduction of, if you like, worldwide slavery and over-taxation to line the UN's pockets, there is less agreement and they're still wrestling with that.
But the Kyoto Protocol, they've managed to kind of revive the corpse a little bit.
It's a bit of a zombie, but they have done that.
So there is still going to be more spending on this.
But what is notable is that the tone of desperation...
is now growing.
I mean, they do now know, if only because I told them that there's been no global warming for 16 years.
And some of them, the brighter ones, will go back and check that with their scientists.
And their scientists, like ours, will try to lie about it.
But in the end, the truth is there hasn't been any global warming
The other breaking news is that China is now growing its CO2 emissions so fast that at the current rates of growth, you could close the West down altogether.
And the pre-existing rates of annual increase in the CO2 content of the atmosphere would simply continue.
The West is now actually irrelevant to all this, even if there were a scientific problem, because of China, India, Indonesia, Russia, South Africa, Brazil, and other developing countries, all of whom are rapidly increasing.
Their consumption of fossil fuels in order to make their people prosperous by giving them fossil fuel electricity, the cheapest way to make them prosperous, and therefore the cheapest way to make sure that eventually those populations stabilize.
And that actually is a great benefit to the environment, provided we let these poorer countries grow.
And so far there is nothing, no suggestion,
In these conferences, that the developing countries should be stopped from growing.
But you've only got to start doing the numbers to realize that China, several years ago now, overtook the United States as the world's biggest emitter.
It now is coming very close to emitting about a third of all the CO2 in the world.
And this is growing and growing all the time.
India is beginning to grow, of course Indonesia as well, Brazil likewise.
These are huge countries with enormous populations.
And between them, they account for getting on to half the world's population.
And if they are not in any way bound to reduce their emissions, and effectively they're not, under anything that's gone on here, it really doesn't matter what we do.
So insanity is piled upon insanity, piled upon...
First of all, we don't have a problem.
Secondly, therefore, we don't have any warming for 16 years.
These conferences have only been going on for 18 years.
But now they're shifting over to endangered species.
Let's come back and get into the brainwashing of the children that they're calling for at the conference, and a lot more.
And then later, your phone calls for Lord Monckton.
The toll-free number is 800-259-9231.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with us.
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Lord Monckton joins us here on the broadcast to talk about what the UN's doing.
Folks, you have to understand that yes, politically, they even admit it now, since the Climategate stuff came out, since the plan to shut down the third world came out, the death sentence.
That politically people are turning against them, but they're in charge.
They don't care.
So how do we deal with this paradox, Lord Mox?
I want to get more into what's happening at that conference.
I'm reading there's calls to deport you out of the country now.
I want to find out first if there's any truth to that.
But how do we deal with these authoritarians?
Because you rightfully say the tide has turned against them decidedly, but they don't care.
So how do you deal with that paradox?
What you do is you do what I did.
You go to them and you tell them the truth.
And if, okay, I spoke out of turn at a meeting where observers weren't supposed to speak, well, tough luck.
There was no other way that anyone there would listen to what I said.
And they did listen.
Because once I got my third point out, I spoke for 45 seconds.
That's what all this is about.
And at the end of that 45 seconds, they were screaming and howling with rage.
And the UN, interestingly...
In editing the tape before allowing it to go out, has cut out all the howling and screaming and hooting.
It doesn't want anyone to realise that this is essentially a bear garden where everybody has been schooled to only believe the same thing.
And if somebody like me does get in and tell them a few home truths, they really, really don't like it.
So the simple thing, Alex, is to do what you do and do what I do.
To get out there and just go on telling the truth.
Until everybody realizes it is the truth.
And their difficulty now is that our predictions, yours and mine, that global warming really wasn't going to be all it was cracked up to be, are coming true.
16 years without global warming.
That was the message that I put all around the conference over and over again, and finally in this plenary session, where they were all there,
I told them exactly what the situation was.
No global warming for 16 years.
That's basically the end of the scare.
In any rational organisation, there will be no more of this talk of carbon taxes or cap and trade or regulations or UN taking world power or children, as you say, Alex, we must talk about this.
Being schooled to tell on their parents.
You know, my parents turned on the light in their bedroom half an hour before they got up.
That was a waste of electricity and we're going to report them to the climate police.
That's the kind of thing that used to go on in communist Russia.
And they've set up websites and Al Gore has gone to kids.
We played it and said do this.
They are, the state is trying to take our children over.
While these elitists fly around in their private jets and stay in five-star resorts festooned with hookers.
I mean, it's just that they are a group of organized crime masquerading as earth savers.
It's such a joke!
They're like bank robbers showing up saying, hands up, give us the money out of the till, we're saving the earth.
I mean, when does the madness end?
They are governments.
What is really happening here, Alex, is a very, very interesting phenomenon.
It has been fascinating to watch it at close quarters over the last few years.
And that is that these people, the governing elite worldwide,
are beginning to form a sort of unity.
They're becoming a single organization.
And the mission of that organization is to preserve and enhance their own powers, pay, perks, privileges, and pensions at the expense of the rest of us.
And we are merely now their slaves.
And if you go back to feudal England, at that time, the serfs only had to work three months of the year for their masters.
But now, if you pay ordinary rates of taxation in America or Britain or most Western countries, you're already having to work more like five or six months of the year for your masters.
Oh, if you count all the taxes, it's like eight months of the year.
That's right, and we're more slaves now than we ever would have been under the feudal system.
This is how far it's gone.
And now they're saying they want more.
Did you hear the head of the Democratic Party, Howard Dean, come out and say that the poor need to pay more too?
Well, that's the thing.
That's a very interesting admission.
After all of them teasing Romney for wanting to spare the rich from taxation, now the real truth comes out, which is that you can allow the rich to pay no tax at all, and it wouldn't make any difference to the country's revenues, because there are too few rich people to matter.
What matters
That's where the state gets nearly all of its money from.
Predators and raiders, all of whom gather here at these conferences, wherever there's a grass skirt, they'll be there, in order to find new and exotic ways of telling us how we've got to... And they exempt themselves in most of these countries from the taxes.
Stay there, Lord Monckton.
Don't mean to cut you off, but the music cuts off your Skype there.
We're going to come right back with Lord Monckton to get more into this and have him finish his point that got cut off there.
Did you know the EU bureaucrats don't pay taxes?
Because they make the rules.
Man, these people are incredible.
Thousands and thousands of them are paid more than the British Prime Minister.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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You are obsolete, Mr. Wordsworth.
A lie!
No man is obsolete!
You have no function, Mr. Wordsworth.
You're an anachronism, like a ghost from another time!
I am nothing more than a reminder to you that you cannot destroy truth by burning pages!
This is Lorna Alton.
I don't care.
I tell you, I don't care.
I'm a human being.
I exist.
And if I speak one thought aloud,
That thought lives, even after I'm shoveled into my grave!
Delusions, Mr. Wordsworth!
Delusions that you inject into your veins to make you think you have a strength, when you have no strength at all!
You have nothing but spindly limbs and a dream, and the state has no use for your kind!
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday, 12 noon to 3 p.m.
We are blasting out on XM-166, over 140 AM and FM affiliates, global shortwave world service, WWCR 100,000 watts, and audio streams, video streams at PrisonPlanet.tv and InfoWars.com.
Why is the website called PrisonPlanet.tv or PrisonPlanet.com?
Because the globalists, in their own words, say they're constructing a prison planet of, for, and by authoritarians.
Our Constitution and Bill of Rights is of, for, and by the people, based on the Magna Carta that Lord Monckton was foreshadowing earlier.
People don't know that in England, the Parliament first voted to not have war with the colonies.
Then the King had to go in there and convince them they had to do it.
But the ideas that we saw spring here in 1776 actually came out of a 500-year fight in England.
That had been happening for the rights of man.
And here we are today, if you have any education, any understanding of authoritarianism, this is what we're facing.
Before we go back to Lord Monckton and your phone calls, I want to show you some articles here.
Now, I talked about this six years ago.
Paul Watson wrote an article about it.
It's linked in.
Verizon follows Google in turning phones and TVs into wiretaps.
InfoWars first broke story of invasive spying six years ago.
It's already going on.
Here is the Daily Mail.
The TV box that can detect when you're cuddling on the sofa and show you an advert for condoms.
System uses motion sensors, microphones, and thermal imaging.
This is going on all the new cars, all the new video game consoles, Kinect, Microsoft, all of it.
Cameras to view viewers.
Described by campaign as a privacy nightmare.
And, you know, Google won't even let you turn it off.
You know, when I first reported on this, almost seven years ago, people didn't believe it.
People didn't believe it.
Even though we had a link to Google and a press release to shareholders.
Now, they admit, but the NSA admits, and the Brits are doing this too.
Europe's doing it.
They say, well, it's okay that your computer and your cell phone listens to you even when it's off.
That's by global regulations.
It's installed on all of them.
Told you about that in 96 when it first started, the Telecommunications Act.
Ladies and gentlemen, the magnitude of this is just off the charts.
They say, well, it's an AI computer recording keywords, checking it for advertising and other things.
But government says, oh, we don't come look at it unless the computer says you did something wrong, and then that's probable cause.
So you pre-listen, and then the computer, because it's a computer, it's OK, they say.
It's not personal.
And then a person goes and looks at what's all recorded.
And the former top NSA officials have been coming out, as you know, in the last two weeks saying everything's recorded, everything's listened to.
Well, I knew that in the Telecommunications Act.
Same thing in Europe.
In the mid-90s, they put this in with all the manufacturers and the regulations.
It'd have all this.
Which is how we knew!
Lord Monkton, I want to get back into the U.N.
and where it's going and take calls.
You were getting into brainwashing kids, but they are building this panopticon spy system that makes Orwell's nightmare look like Valhalla, you know, a heavenly, heavenly plane.
And here we are.
It's all racing ahead.
And it's all engineered by the military-industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about.
Where does it end?
How does it end?
I mean, you read the British Ministry of Defense report in 2007.
It was saying what the world would be like in the next 10 years.
And it describes a world with the resources cut off, a post-industrial system, re-education centers.
Same thing with our army prospectuses.
I mean, the elite
They don't tell the army the whole story.
When you know what the policy planners are doing, you understand why they're telling the army, get ready for this, as if it's just going to happen on its own.
Why are these, because you know these people better than anybody.
You've worked in the highest levels of government.
You've been around these globalists constantly.
What is the sycophantic desire for hellish tyranny?
What is it in these people?
It's very, very strange because
In the past, in Britain, when we were the first country in the world to install machinery to listen to every telephone call, we actually did it before the Second World War.
His Skype went down.
We're going to reconnect to get him to talk about this.
This is so important.
I mean, I have three children.
A lot of you have children.
Folks, this is all admitted now, okay?
We'll see if we can reconnect to him over in the Middle East.
Knowing the globalists he's over in Qatar, they'll probably, they probably... I mean, they're trying to throw him out of the country right now.
We'll get him back on.
I just... The person whom you're trying to reach... Alright.
He probably doesn't know he's disconnected.
He's probably still talking.
Just... Avery connecting or sending him a Skype message.
I mean, there's got to be... There's got to be a way out of this.
I mean, and I know what it is.
I see these full-grown men who don't talk to each other, act real... Most men, especially if they're mid-level executives or whatever, think they're rich or whatever, they make $200,000 a year, act real quiet, they're real serious.
It's all about their aura of how powerful they are.
You know, acting cool and acting strong.
They don't have lives.
They do their business.
They go play golf.
They go watch a football game.
And you're not real people.
You're just programmed by the culture.
And you think you're going to get ahead by not being involved.
You should be charging around the world, if you have the money, fighting the globalists like Lord Monckton.
And, I mean, this is serious, people.
They are shutting down our society.
And they're our enemies.
We have to take this serious.
Lord Monty, you got cut off when you were talking about Britain was the first place to put in the...
Total surveillance grid that the NSA system's based off of.
Please continue, sir.
They did this before the Second World War.
Every telephone call was then listened to individually.
That's how we were able to round up every single German agent in the UK, bar one.
And the story of that one is a very interesting one that I'll tell you one day.
It hasn't come out in the official histories yet.
But, thereafter, we were the first to develop these computers that could listen to every telephone call, look for keywords, alert operators, listen to this one, listen to that one, so that there could be complete surveillance.
And interestingly, in those days, in the 1960s and 70s,
It was the left who were saying this was outrageous, it shouldn't happen, this was the world being taken over by the military-industrial complex, exactly as you say Eisenhower warned about in his farewell speech as president.
And yet now it's the left that are arguing for these things, and the right that are saying this has all gone too far.
There's been an astonishing turnaround in political outlook.
But of course the left are always more numerous in government.
Because the left are believers in regulating and controlling and spying on everybody else.
They always have been.
That's what 1984 by George Orwell was all about.
Your television screen watching you.
Big Brother is watching you.
He was the first to see that this is exactly what would come.
And here we are already with every computer such as mine with a little camera eye looking out at you.
What I do, Alex, and this
Yeah, I think so.
Had government programs hiding microphones in TVs being sent out to the public.
This has been going on for so long and now they're building giant spy bases everywhere and they're admitting that they're spying on patriots, people that don't want a Soviet model.
What is really happening is that you've got the governing class worldwide ganging up on the ordinary people.
This is a completely new phenomenon.
The idea of governments trying to keep an eye on what their people are doing is not new.
What is new is that this is totalitarian in every sense.
It's the entire governing class trying to make sure that people like you and me are shut down and excluded.
I mean, the sheer anger when I spoke for 45 seconds
And told those UN delegates three things they wouldn't have heard from anybody else.
They didn't believe them because they'd never heard them before.
They were furious because just for once, one had got through the cordon of cotton wool that surrounds them.
And they were made to listen, whether they liked it or not.
I didn't shout, I wasn't rude, I quietly said what I wanted to say, and then stopped.
It only took 45 seconds out of their session.
And what do they do?
They ban me from the conference.
If I had said the opposite, they wouldn't even listen.
And what about these reports they may try to throw you out of the country?
Well, they can try, but they're not going to get very far with that, frankly.
So, all of that sort of thing, you know, the UN has a nice little deal with each country it goes to, that if the UN withdraws the credentials, and it's the kind of country where your visa is dependent upon having the credentials, then they think
They can get away with saying, well, you know, if you're here beyond midnight then you'll be arrested by the country that's the host country and you'll go to jail because you're an illegal immigrant.
This is the kind of thing they do try on.
But here I am, still in the Gulf, it didn't work and I don't, you know, I don't get worried by that sort of thing because I can play the bureaucratic game frankly better than they can.
So that sort of thing just doesn't work.
But certainly they are incandescent with fury.
Not because I spoke for 45 seconds and pretended to be the Republic of Burma.
No, because that was perfectly harmless and it was only 45 seconds.
What annoyed them was what I said and who I said it to.
And just to add something here before we go to calls.
These were national negotiating delegates.
These were the people right at the top of the tree on this whole climate scam.
And for the first time, they were told what nobody had told them before.
No global warming for 16 years.
It can't be said often enough.
Alright, I want to go to some phone calls here, but getting back to the total spying.
Government tries to make everything it does secret, and then exempt itself from what it does to us, but the answer to bring these people down is expose them.
Everyone get active.
Everyone go confront people.
Everybody go speak at city council.
Everybody go testify.
I think?
In little ways, all of us together can move mountains.
Lord Monckton, comment on that and ways to crush these authoritarian sycophant tyrants that are beyond 1984.
And then I want to go to some phone calls.
They always use an old mobile phone.
They don't have all this fancy new technology built in, because they were before the laws were passed.
So there are various ways you can kind of get, partly or even completely, off the net, where they can see what you're doing.
Funny enough, I first came across this years ago, when I wrote, quite by accident, a piece for a column I used to write for the Evening Standard, saying that I'd come across some people in the remotest Yorkshire Dales in the middle of the countryside.
Who had been to see their parish priest to get some financial advice.
And he'd said, do it this way and that way, and then you won't end up paying too much tax on it.
And they said, oh no, that doesn't make any difference to us.
He said, oh yes it does, you know, you have to do it this way rather than that way.
He said, no, it doesn't make any difference to us.
You see, we haven't joined.
...particular household.
None of its members had a birth certificate, they didn't have a telephone, they weren't on the electricity, they generated their own.
Nobody knew they existed.
They were running a very successful farm.
They paid no tax at all, because they were completely off the net.
And when I wrote about this, because I was quite intrigued that such a thing was even possible this end of the 21st century, the Treasury, the UK Treasury, was absolutely furious with me for writing this because they said it would give other people ideas.
So you do have, particularly in a country as wide as the United States with lots of open spaces, the ability simply to drop off the net and disappear.
And some people are beginning, I mean I spoke to an eminent dentist from Texas the other day who had made elaborate
Yes, they can impose dictatorship on us for a bit, but then, as it always does with dictatorships, the money will run out, they will collapse, freedom will come back, and because we've been through yet another round of dictatorship, we will learn still further.
And that's the historical cycle, and the globalists, as you know, admit that, and they say they're studying, show their authoritarianism will not go through that cycle.
They call it the final revolution, and people want to look up that term.
Now, expanding on this issue, I have found with government and other systems, it's all bluster.
It's all the image that every spy is James Bond, and every bureaucrat is invincible, and the public's all just scared and cowardly.
I have found
That when I want to sneak in Bohemian Grove, or I want to, I mean, I just walked into a federal building, just said open the gate and walked in the other day.
And they freaked out once I got in there.
But I'm going to show that next week.
We haven't got the video edited yet.
It was like 30 minutes of it.
My point is, people just don't know the power that an individual has when you know you're in the right.
We are incredibly powerful individuals, Lord Monckton.
Well, I think that's true.
I mean, if you look at the sort of noises I have been trying to make on the climate over the last few years, I won't say I'm a lone voice.
There are perhaps a dozen other gallant people who are spending a lot of time on this and getting themselves hurt.
But there aren't many of us who are really outspoken on this, and certainly very few who are willing to take the risk of doing what I did at the UN yesterday.
And calling them out in public and saying, look, come on, you've got the science wrong, you need to rethink this.
The fact is that it does carry an enormous amount of weight, of course.
You know, I can imagine that all my friends are going to be in touch, the more serious-minded ones, and say, don't you realise what a fool you've made yourself look?
But all the other people are saying, well, look, nobody else is saying anything to stop this nonsense.
And if this is the only way to get it through, it's not exactly as though I'd thrown a bomb or something.
All I'd done was to take 45 seconds of their time.
And they've been there for two weeks already, so I don't think they minded very much.
What they minded...
That's right.
Stay there, Lord Monckton.
Call straight ahead for two short segments and a jam-packed third hour.
Stay with us.
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The preacher man says it's the end of time and the Mississippi River, she's a gold drive.
The interest is up and the stock market's down and you're only getting mugged if you go downtown.
I live back in the woods you see, my woman and the kids and the dogs and me.
All right, Lord Monckton is our guest.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
And we've got a gang of parasites that have taken over our society.
That's the bottom line of what's happening.
We're going to go ahead and go to some of your phone calls here right now.
Let's talk to Julio in Illinois, listening on 1530 AM WCKG.
That's in Chicago.
Welcome to the Airwaves, Julio.
Go ahead.
Aloha and Lord Mocton, thank you for all of your work over the years exposing this fraud and these mad scientists.
That's what they are.
And Lord Mocton, I have a question for you.
It's quite clear that people know what they're doing.
And as of late, with Hurricane Sandy, or as they call it, Superstorm Sandy, they're trying to take advantage of this.
One of the heads of NASA wrote in the London Telegraph that now we need carbon taxes because we're going to see more extreme weather.
They have what they call climate engineering.
These mad scientists want to manipulate the weather, in their own words, to help curb climate change.
Did they discuss any of this in Doha, or were they discussing ways to expose extreme weather to carbon taxes?
All of these things are on the agenda.
They're still very keen on what they call carbon capture and storage, which has not been proven to work and would probably be quite dangerous as well as wickedly expensive and wasteful of fossil fuels because you use 40% more fossil fuel if you want to shove the carbon dioxide back into the ground after it's emitted when you burn it.
So, they've been discussing all of these things and geoengineering hasn't really been featured that much at this particular conference because it's begun to seem just pretty kooky.
And one of the things that they're quite worried about here is the kookiness of a number of the people that get attracted to these conferences.
I mean, there was a person who was busily marketing a perpetual motion power station.
Which I had had looked at last year by a nuclear physicist I knew in South Africa when I was at the Durban Conference.
And he asked them one question, is it a closed system?
They said yes.
He said in that case it's a perpetual motion machine, it wouldn't work.
And all these kooks are now turning up here saying we can geoengineer, we can do this, we can do that, just give us a few trillion and we'll do it for you.
And even the delegates here who are pretty scientifically illiterate, it has to be said, are beginning to realise that some of these scientists are just looking to make themselves rich without delivering anything in return.
They are the old-fashioned, as the economists call them, rent seekers.
So no, I think
Geoengineering is gradually disappearing off the radar.
We've got to keep an eye because they'll keep trying.
But I don't think it's the major danger.
I think the major danger is of taxation and regulation and interference with how much electricity you can use and when you can use it.
And they're very cleverly marketing this by calling them smart metering.
The smart grid.
It's something you hear Al Gore talking about and you know if he's talking about it, it's going to be bad.
This is tyranny without jacks.
It's very, very clever, the presentation of this.
It's all for your own good.
We're saving the planet.
It's good for the environment.
The kids are joining in.
You know, it's all touchy-feely.
It's very emotional.
But in fact, it's very dangerous, because they are trying to get for ever more control over every aspect of our lives.
But there are ways to... Yes, sir.
We gotta go on a break.
Stay with us.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live.
Lord Monckton is our guest.
We've got a Joe Rogan excerpt of the big interview I did with him coming up.
We're also going to premiere another report by David Ortiz here on the broadcast.
I want to take some more calls for Lord Monckton as well.
But let's jam in some of those right now.
Chet in New York, listening on 1590 AM WASB.
Welcome, Chet.
You're on the air.
Hello, Mr. Jones and Lord Moxon.
First, Merry Christmas to both of you and your families.
I was just wondering, Lord Moxon, if you thought the new reverse technology they're going to use is going to be like the total way to get that green tax implemented because
You know, everyone has to use like a cell phone or their computer, uh, even their television, uh, their appliances.
You know, is that something that...
It's behind the scenes, you know, that you've investigated.
Sure, sure.
Let me try to get a question out of that.
You're saying... Yeah, I've got the question.
Go ahead.
I've got the question.
Let me say it.
The question is, can they use all these new technologies that we now spend so much of our time talking to each other with in order to control us, monitor us, learn about us, tell us instructions, turn off our electricity?
Yes, they can, and they will if they think they can get away with it.
The great thing is that as people become more aware of this, there are things that can be done about it.
You can retrofit your devices with additional devices that filter out their ability to watch you, listen to you, control you, turn off your electricity, etc.
And we can invent and install these devices faster than they can pass laws saying we're not allowed to.
And in the end,
We will simply get the better of them by out-technologizing them.
The great thing is, what they're trying to do is actually wildly ambitious.
And with very, very simple precautions, you can prevent them doing it.
For instance, the two guys who invented pretty good privacy, which is a form of encoding and encrypting your emails, they used a thing called a trapdoor cipher, which was a very nice advanced concept in mathematics.
Which prevented the authorities from being able to decode the emails of people who use this particular system.
And that's the first of many such devices and possibilities that are now beginning to come onto the market.
It's going to be a huge growth industry.
When people realize just how unfree they could be made if they were to allow these devices, which now, as Alex is saying, have these built-in abilities to communicate with the center.
Let's jam in one more, Lord Monckton.
Frank in Louisiana, you're on the air, listening on Shortwave.
Yes, we know that these globalists have a diabolical mindset and they're godless misanthropes.
I remember in the 90s Catherine Bertini of the UN World Food Group came out and said that food is a weapon.
We use it to control people.
For this we do not apologize.
What does Lord Monckin think about this and has he seen any of that coming up?
Well, indeed, this is exactly what has been going on, and even from within the UN, there are now concerns about this kind of flagrant interference by the UN in, of course, chiefly the lives of poorer people in the poorer countries.
And the UN's right to food rapporteur, Herr Jean Ziegler, said in 2007 that the biofuel scam
Well, well said.
Lord Monckton, great job.
Great job there fighting for us.
That's the correct site, right?
That's the one.
All right, fantastic.
I'm going from memory.
I visit it all the time.
God bless you.
We appreciate you, sir.
Special reports, more calls.
It's a jam-packed third hour.
Stay with us.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you're strapped in because this is going to be another jam-packed hour of worldwide radio.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
Okay, coming up, we're going to have the premiere of a video.
We're still not telling everybody his name yet, because Mama isn't ready for my son to be 100% public yet, my 10-year-old son, but this was his idea from listening to the show.
And we're going to play, coming up in a little while, the premiere of my son on air with Terrorism 101.
But first off, the bad news.
I predicted it.
It wasn't hard to predict.
The big mega banks want your money.
The middle class and poor people.
And that's why the Democrats are now saying, led by...
Mr. Dean, we'll play that clip later, that poor people need to pay more money, too.
Well, don't worry, you will.
And you're going to get cut from 40 hours to 30 or 20 hours, and you'll have to go get a second or third job, and they'll say, oh, look, there's more jobs in the economy.
People are getting more jobs.
It is so horrible.
It's designed to make it where you can't get out of, you know, poverty and then become working class and then become upper blue collar and then become lower middle class.
It's what authoritarians have always sought to do in every regime, is freeze the classes and get rid of the middle class.
And it's going to be devastating.
We've already lost about half our wealth the last 30 years.
They've raised things back to the 50s level.
That's been out in major statistics the last month.
They got double the number of people on food stamps now, as you know.
And here's the Washington Post headline, Republicans wave the white flag, and they say one of Boehner's lieutenants, Pete Roskam of Illinois, stepped up to the microphone, essentially pleading for the president to show mercy.
And he said, and it goes on to say,
That right now he's helping to lead, that is Boehner, the Fraxis GOP to an orderly surrender.
And they're talking about giving Obama unlimited money and giving the power of the purse to Obama.
So, I mean, this is the total move into dictatorship.
I mean, it's really, really happening.
And the Republicans are like $990 billion in tax increases.
Get rid of $600 billion in write-offs.
Just devastating.
We agree with your 3.8% tax on all investments.
We agree to this.
We agree to that.
We agree to get rid of the home exemption.
The tax write-off.
The country is going to go into cardiac arrest.
And that's the plan.
And then the government will be your saver with more welfare and more food stamps.
And there'll be $100 million on food stamps.
To be informed, and to watch this, and to have Obama supporters, I see the YouTube videos of them, we get calls from them, they giggle, they laugh, they go, you lost, ah-ha, you wanted Romney, and I'm like, Romney was owned by the same people and a placeholder.
The Republicans are sold out to the same people, they're gonna go along with Obama.
No, they're Nazi scum racists, in fact, the funniest thing ever is at InfoWars.com.
Will you guys punch up my screen, please?
Yeah, it's still up there.
This is the funniest cartoon, and I read it this morning.
I need to blow it up so I can read the name of the artist.
This is the funniest cartoon I've seen in a long time.
It shows a donkey at the optometrist, you know, looking through the eye machine.
Through different lenses to see what type of prescription the donkey in a suit, the Democratic Party, needs.
And they're looking at the wall that normally has letters in it.
And he's looking through the lens machine, and Uncle Sam is the optometrist, the doctor.
And it says, we are $16 trillion in debt.
It's $16,000,000,000,000,000,000 in debt.
And he's pointing at it, and what is the donkey saying he's reading?
What is the donkey saying he's reading?
He says he sees the word racist.
It's exactly true.
You're a Ku Klux Klan member if you own a gun.
That's what they're now putting out on Fox Sports.
And then they have them on national TV and people agree with it.
That's right, it's racist.
Yeah, gun ownership.
Yeah, the Ku Klux Klan doesn't want us to, you know, take the guns.
The Ku Klux Klan literally got the first gun laws passed in the South.
On record.
On record.
But it's like, hey, we're in deep debt.
This is not sustainable.
Mega banks want us bankrupt.
They're loaning us zeros and ones.
They get the whole world.
Not a good idea.
Things are imploding.
You're going to go to a part-time job now.
You're not going to get free health care.
It's a death panel.
And their answer is, you're racist.
And you're like, no, I'm not.
Like, ooh, I'm going to say something really powerful now.
It's like my four-year-old when she walks over with a toy laser beam or something and goes, you're dead.
You know, it's funny because she's four and we're playing, but with adults, it's like, look, I'm not playing your stupid game, you moron.
We're going into hardcore bondage.
They're destroying our free, wealthy country.
Freedom and low taxes built this, okay?
You morons out there that support big government.
I know most of you don't support it.
You're like, what am I going to do?
I got a disability check.
What am I going to do?
They shipped my factory overseas.
What am I going to do?
Listen, once they get us all dependent, they're going to shut it all off anyways.
Oh, man.
Oh, man.
All right, enough of that.
Our own reporter, David Ortiz, doing a great job, went out and did this piece because now they're talking about, in the news, they're talking about bringing things like Black Friday to the day of Christmas and the day after Christmas more hysteria.
So the Black Friday-ization
Fighting over Chinese slave goods, and it turns out it's one of the worst days of the year to go shopping, because they either increase the prices the week before and then lower it then, or they even just up prices and people think, well this is the... and they'll go fight over just anything.
Women fighting, people stampeding.
I wish they'd stampede for freedom.
I wish they'd stampede to read a book.
I wish they'd stampede to be, you know, smart enough to wipe their own rear ends.
Let's go ahead and go to his piece.
Here it is.
The immense popularity of Black Friday and the introduction of Thanksgiving Day shopping this year is prompting many Americans to question the mental health of people who participate in these events.
The success of Thanksgiving Day shopping has also prompted many media outlets to hint that Christmas Day shopping could be introduced to the public in coming years.
We asked local Allstonites what they think of this prospect.
Okay, do you want a Black Friday Christmas?
Why not?
Because you have 364 other days to shop, and I don't think people should shop on Christmas Day.
Absolutely not.
I believe that Black Friday for Thanksgiving is already enough for the American consumer, and Black Friday Christmas will destroy everything really Christmas is about.
Finally destroy it, for real.
Um, no.
Why not?
First of all, I don't even know what it is.
Absolutely not.
Um, I think that that would ruin Christmas.
It just would, to make it its own holiday, would be... I don't know.
I don't like it.
That'd be awesome.
Yes, definitely.
I think it would help.
I mean, if they want to be open, go for it.
I'm not going to be out there shopping.
So I'll be with family, hanging out at home, relaxing.
What are your thoughts when you see videos of people trampling each other for cheap products?
White trash.
What are my thoughts?
I would never, number one, stand in that line.
Number two, I would never trample over people to get something at Walmart.
I feel like they've lost all connection with humans and they see humans as sort of just a roadblock in their life, I guess.
They're just completely closed off to others and just really simple-minded.
Well, I think it's funny, like I said.
When people get trampled?
You think it's funny?
I think it's sad.
It's kind of hard for me to say because I'm one of them sometimes.
It's kind of an adrenaline rush to see, you know, they have five products at this price and there's 20 people going for it.
You know, who can, it's like, who can win the trophy?
Well, I'm working in the medical field and we had a lot of people that actually had broken bones because of Black Friday.
You know, they got the TV, but they had a $4,000 doctor bill to go along with it.
According to the National Retail Federation, stores that were open this past Thanksgiving Day experienced a 22% increase in profits over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.
According to the Wall Street Journal, in past years, many retail stores were also closed for Memorial Day, Fourth of July, and Labor Day.
What do you think of the fact that a lot of experts say that the discounts on Black Friday aren't even that great?
I agree.
Totally agree.
They're not that great.
They just make you spend more money.
They're not that good.
You can get the same discounts if you just watch the ads and look online.
I didn't know that.
That's pretty interesting though.
I didn't know that either.
I mean, the first toy that I ever got from Black Friday was the Game Boy Color and it was like $40 when we got it at the time.
That was something that cost $200.
So, I always thought Black Friday was a great deal.
Does the Black Friday-ization of society boost holiday morale or hurt holiday morale in your opinion?
I don't know if it boosts or hurts but it certainly changes the focus and that's the problem.
I mean it can boost it.
It can because I mean it's kind of a family thing.
A lot of families make it an event to go and get everyone together so in a way it can create like a family thing.
For InfoWars Nightly News, I'm David Ortiz.
All right, there is David's report.
Excellent report.
Man, the cameras they've got now, the high def we've got, that look like a million dollars, that report.
This is not product placement, they don't need a sponsor, but those Canon cameras now just look better than 35mm.
I've shot 35mm before with Kevin Booth.
I mean, that is incredible.
It just blows me away.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, we're going to go to break and come back and premiere
My son, on television.
And, uh... Well, he's wearing a Guy Fawkes mask, so I guess it's okay.
Well, we've decided he can be on the show, he's just gonna be wearing a mask.
That's the compromise with mama right now.
He wants to be on air or something fierce, and he's so smart.
He's right out there right now.
And, uh, so he is made to be an info warrior, believe me.
He is the Alex Jones 2.0.
And, uh, no, his name is not Alex Jones, ladies and gentlemen.
But his name is even cooler.
But the point is, it's a great report coming up.
Terrorism 101.
And now that it's ready, let's slap that sucker up at PrisonPlanet.tv as well.
We'll be back, and then excerpts of the Joe Rogan interview.
Stay with us, we've got a ton of news that I haven't even gotten to as well.
We'll be right back.
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Life's getting better!
Coming up, punished for patriotism, students suspended over American flag.
Wait till you hear this coming up in the next segment.
Basketball star comes to defense of Americans' right to keep and bear arms.
Charles Barkley talking about how asinine it is, what Bob Costa said, and more.
We're going to be getting to all of this, but first...
If you're a radio listener, it's a powerful piece, but it's a lot more powerful if you can see the video.
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You know, that's what you tell them because that's what it is.
So they'll get excited and go check it out.
This is Operation Sleeping Giant to wake people up.
But in this piece, my son's got a board game likening it to international terrorism, explaining how governments use it to take people's liberties.
Here it is, Terrorism 101.
Hello, your friendly neighborhood patriot here for an episode of How Terrorism Really Works.
First off, our terrorist group needs a scary name.
Can you say, L.C.I.A.A.D.A.?
Let's try again.
Ah, it does roll off the tongue.
It's a perfect name.
Now let's say the green piece here represents the terrorists.
The terrorists then move into Pakistan or Afghanistan or whateverstan is not under banker control.
The media then joins in to hype up the terror threat.
Once the terror threat is established, the banksters, puppets, send in the troops to take out the terrorists they put in there in the first place.
Then the bankers install their own dictator to take control of the resources and oppress the people.
As a bonus, the banks, via the black ops and intelligence agencies, will then ship the drugs back into the host country so they can imprison their own citizens for using the drugs, make huge profits selling the drugs which finance other terror operations around the globe, and the cherry on the top is billions upon billions made on money laundering operations for the bankers.
In a sense, you're watching as this opium is being grown.
I know it grinds at your gut.
How do you deal with it?
What are you doing about it?
Well, frankly, this is a part of their culture.
So, while it might grind in my gut, it's what they do.
And if the citizens of the host country get wise to these schemes or get uppity, the banks via media will hype a nuclear terror threat, or an underwear bomber, or a Christmas tree bomber.
Any excuse to take the American people's rights.
Well, that just about wraps it up for Terrorism 101, How Terrorism Really Works.
I'm your friendly neighborhood patriot.
And now remember what Big Brother and other authoritarians say.
Whatever you do, don't visit Infowars.com.
Oh no, the control freaks don't like it.
All right, great job to my son.
And great job to Rob Due, putting that piece together.
Due is one of the hardest working people up here and incredibly smart.
Did a great job.
That's Terrorism 101.
You can send that to anybody you know.
I know my son was not raised in England.
We thought since it was a guy, Fox Mask, I said, he always likes to do different accents.
I said, can you do an English accent?
So there he is.
And he pretty much came up with all that.
We helped him write it down.
We did one live, but then the mask, the audio wasn't good, so we had him voice it.
Great job, my son.
You have done well, Lord Vader.
Anyways, a new apprentice.
Younger and more powerful.
To quote Emperor Palpatine.
Anyways, good job and we're going to have a lot of fun.
We're going to shoot something more special today and I mean special, special, special for next week because it's fun to fight the New World Order.
We're not a bunch of lazy bureaucrats sucking off people or mega bankers sucking off people.
We're just good red-blooded people that want freedom fighting hard with our great reporters and our great editors and our great crew and the customer service and you the listeners and the sponsors and everybody, everybody at the InfoWars team.
I salute you.
CJ and Chris and John and everybody out there, you are doing an absolutely fabulous job.
The entire team, that's all I have to say, and all our friends out there in the alternative media as well.
The people that have stood by us and helped us get the word out.
We're good.
We got a bunch of phone callers here speaking of awesome people.
Ted, Hector, Larry, Tom and others.
I will get to you.
I will get to you.
And then the premiere of the segments of the Joe Rogan interview.
I need to tweet out at Real Alex Jones during this break.
I'm going to tweet the full video of Joe Rogan out to everybody that follows us at Real Alex Jones on Twitter.
So get over there.
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The Empire's on the run.
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Alright, let's rampage through five or six calls and then we're gonna premiere a nine-minute excerpt of the full 50-minute Joe Rogan interview.
Because, you know, waking Joe Rogan up to the New World Order is gonna be a powerful tool because he's one of the most popular people out there in...
I don't
To try to get converts to what's happening with the New World Order out there.
Like Ventura didn't believe me five years ago.
They were putting cancer viruses in the vaccines.
Now he does.
And by the way, Ventura's on Monday.
Let's go ahead and go to a phone call here.
Ted in Tennessee.
You're on the air, sir.
Hello, Alex.
How are you today?
Good, my friend.
Okay, I have a simple little question, but I have a few statements to go ahead of it.
The Federal Reserve, which is not part of the United States government, leases its money to the federal government.
The income tax that we pay does not actually benefit the United States government, but pays the lease on the currency that we use.
Since the elite, or the top 2%, use the money
The amount that the money becomes devalued so therefore not just raise their money 39% but go back as you said earlier going back to the 1950s rate put them back to the 90% and put then therefore making the money cover or their money's use putting it back to the value that we were at at that time of making the money
That's something that is of a value that we can understand.
Sure, sure, sir.
I mean, we have to kick the mafia out that runs it, but let me just explain something.
Number one, to say that the top 2%, if you make over a quarter million dollars a year, you're in the top 2%.
Okay, people making a quarter million, a million, five million a year are not even near the ultra-rich who are billionaires controlling leveraged trillions.
To take over the bankers created over a thousand five hundred trillion they control of fraud which they then had government sign on to.
They got investments invested in toxic fraud and then instead of saying triage it, oh it's now infected everything so you've got to let us run things instead of them going to jail and we'll try to prop this up but there's no way to prop it up.
It's designed to consolidate everything so it is the top
I've seen the number broken down.
There's less than 6,000 top globalist minions.
There's less than 20 elite families.
I mean, I told people, I did the research decades ago and now it's mainstream news.
The Rockefellers and Rothschilds in 2000s merged their banks.
Now they've merged this year their private holdings.
The Rockefellers were always Rothschild agents.
And so this is what we're talking about here.
And so it's
I mean, do the math out of 7,300,000,000 people, if there's less than a few thousand.
It's not even .9999999.
I mean, it's okay.
And then they convince everybody rich people are the guy driving a nice new Corvette that lives in a million-dollar house.
That's the guy that has a pool for the construction company to build.
That's the guy that goes and buys stuff at Dillard's.
That's the guy that goes out and buys a car.
That's the guy that puts kids through college.
That's who you want.
Instead, they tell the poor, dumbed-down, massive people, that's the reason you're poor, is that guy.
All right, so I hear you.
Great question.
I appreciate your call.
Let me go to this Joe Rogan piece right now, and then I'll come back and go to your calls, because I don't want to wait.
I just tried to tweet it out on Twitter.
Did it go out?
I don't see it here on my Twitter.
Did that?
Yeah, because I sent it out, and then it didn't even do anything on my phone.
So I'm going to try to retweet it right now.
I'm a holy mackerel.
Again, we bleeped out some of the racy stuff.
Some people on YouTube are like, why'd you bleep it?
Because we're going to air it on the radio.
And plus, we're held to such a high standard on YouTube that they will shut our channel down for a community guidelines violation.
Everybody else can cuss, but us.
Plus, I don't want to.
You know, and I'm not judging him.
It was like kids were talking about not using King's English.
It's just funny.
I'm on AM and FM stations, and the FCC will come and will give me a $4,000 fine, and then a $50,000 fine, and then a million dollar fine, like Howard Stern.
So that's why these are bleeped.
I mean, it's just the children on the internet that sit there going, hey, I want to hear the cussing.
You know, again, it's cut out.
None of that even matters.
It's just I didn't want to debate it or discuss it.
Here's this great interview with Joe, and I'm calling this excerpt.
Joe Rogan on government conspiracies.
Here it is.
At your gut level, Joe, what do you think about the Bin Laden raid?
I don't know.
You know, first of all, I think that being in a position that, I think, whenever you talk about any of the intense military
Operation like that, those guys, those Navy SEALs that did that, those Navy SEALs?
Those are some of the baddest b******s on the planet.
I mean, I have a lot of respect for someone's ability, fortitude, character, discipline, the type of discipline involved in being a Navy SEAL.
I have a tremendous amount of respect for those type of human beings.
But what I don't necessarily trust is the people that make the decisions that put these guys into certain positions.
It's them that I trust implicitly.
Like, I understand the kind of discipline that it takes to be elite at anything.
And when you're in an elite at something as life or death, as being a Navy SEAL, you're a bad b****.
So I don't ever want to say anything that's disrespectful to anybody that's in that position, because I respect their intentions 100%.
But it sounds like a silly story.
Like, everybody says this guy's been dead for a long time.
They said that bin Laden... I mean, I see all these different people who've said that bin Laden had already been dead.
I don't know.
I wasn't there.
I have no information other than some s**t that I read in the newspaper or watch on TV.
But the official stories turn out to not be true.
It seems like they lie about everything.
We ready to do this?
Seven minutes?
Seven minutes.
I actually talked.
I'm not going to get into the whole story, but a guy who's an A.V.
SEAL, been to his house in Texas, turned up.
I don't want to give too much away, my family knows him.
He's on in SEAL Team 6 with his buddy from the Army, a few that lived.
They blew up a helicopter that night.
They went in, killed the target, brought it out, blew the helicopter up, told the SEALs that was bin Laden, the helicopters that got away, and then the other SEALs got mad and they blew up.
Remember the SEALs?
SEAL Team 6, the helicopter blew up a month later?
And the SEALs said... So wait a minute, you're saying SEALs attacked other SEALs?
No, no, no.
What I'm saying is, they send a bunch of helicopters to go in to kill a target.
They're told, get this target, it's Bin Laden.
They bring Bin Laden's body onto the helicopter, it blew up.
They blew it up.
Then the rest of SEAL Team 6 complained about it, and most of them died and blew up.
They killed most people on the raid.
Remember a month later the SEAL helicopters?
I talked to the SEAL and he said we believe Al Qaeda.
Put a bomb on the plane, on the helicopter, or the government did it.
But it could have been that they just got shot down too, right?
Is that possible?
Well, they said they never... I mean, they're in f***ing war.
I know, but they never... but that was the biggest loss of SEALs the entire war.
Yeah, but sometimes that's how s*** goes down.
Remember that Scud missile that landed on the barracks in the first Iraq War?
There was like no deaths up until that.
Very few deaths.
And then this one Scud missile got through and killed a bunch of people.
And then that was that one big event.
I mean, big events do happen.
Could have been true.
You're absolutely right.
But I mean, my whole point is, the fake Situation Room photo, the interview that was fake, the burying at sea... Well, yeah, it seems like a silly story.
But the problem is, this is the real problem.
The only reason why I should even be saying something like this.
The only reason why... You should qualify when you say something like that.
Like, it seems like a silly story.
But this is my reason for saying this.
I saw the Jessica Lynch story, which was the girl who was injured in the Iraq war.
They said that they had to go in and rescue her and there was a gunfight and they rescued her.
And she said that no such thing ever happened.
And she got in a lot of trouble and took a lot of heat by refuting the official statement.
They tried to manufacture a narrative about her life.
To get women in the military.
What about Pat Tillman?
Yes, exactly.
That's two things.
Well, Pat Tillman, the bottom line is whatever happened with him, he was killed by friendly fire.
Now, that's not what was in the initial report.
The initial reports of his death were that he had died in defending his country.
And the coroner wouldn't lie and said it was homicide.
Well, I mean, was it homicide or was it friendly fire?
I think there's a lot of f***ing confusion when you're in a war.
They shot him in the distance, then he begged for his life.
They came up and triple-tapped him right in the forehead.
But how do you know that, though?
But if you weren't there... Corners report!
Yeah, but see, man, unless you were there, unless you saw how it happened, the Corners report is gonna show he got shot.
No, no, no, no.
I hear you.
It's just when you have a history of... Pat was sending letters back to his family.
Said, I'm gonna go public on the war on drugs.
This whole thing's a fraud.
It's a lie.
And then he magically dies.
And I've just learned how their M.O.
But no, no.
I hear you.
But it is... But your... What your possibility, what you're saying is... That is... That's in the game, too.
It's possible.
Well, I even talked to his brother.
I saw his brother at a reading at his funeral where he was talking about how Pat didn't believe in God and Pat's dead.
It was really intense.
His story is a strange one.
It's a guy who, this square-jawed
Uber handsome, super powerful athlete who decides he's gonna defend his country like that football was secondary in his mind.
I mean, he was a real patriot.
I mean, this is a guy who really abandoned this multi-million dollar lucrative career as a professional athlete to go and defend his country.
I mean, that is a powerful human being that cannot be denied.
And he was even stronger.
Saw it was a fraud and was gonna come back and speak out.
Yeah, and was strong enough to realize that he had been duped.
And didn't, you know, look, he's a dangerous guy to have against you.
And I think that the system, you know, doesn't like people like that.
And does that mean that he was murdered?
Because I think war is hell.
And I think horrible things happen in war.
And I think it's very possible that he could have accidentally gotten killed by a gunfire.
Joe, you gotta go after three minutes, so let's just get this quick.
Three minutes, ladies and gentlemen, before the New World Order shuts this place down!
I remember meeting you like in 1998, 1999, 14 years ago, whatever it was, and you were like, yeah, I know a lot of this is true, but you're going too far with that.
Has not a lot of what I talked about... Listen, man, I will tell you this, and I give you credit for this all the time.
There's a lot of things he used to say back in the 90s.
I thought you were crazy.
You were just ahead of your time.
You were way ahead of the curve.
You were way ahead of the curve on a lot of...
That was just massive conspiracy theory nonsense in the 1990s.
Stuff that people would say there's no f***ing way the government would ever do something like indefinite suspension, or detention rather, of American civilians with no trial.
They would never do that!
Completely unconstitutional.
There it is.
Your video, I recommend this video all the time to people.
9-11, the road to tyranny.
When you showed that the World Trade Organization in Seattle was clearly invaded by agent provocateurs who were most likely military people.
You saw the police spoke out, their military grade shoes, the fact they weren't able to arrest these guys, they had to let them go.
All that stuff that you showed of these people came into a non-violent protest and became violent and then turned it into something that the police had to respond to.
I mean, I never even thought that that would be in the menu of the military.
I would have never believed it.
Much, uh, many years after I met you, the, uh, Freedom of Information Act documents for Operation Northwood were released.
That was way after I met you.
Yeah, years.
Years later, and I remember, wow.
I remember reading that, going, like, Alex isn't crazy at all.
Like, they really planned on blowing up civilian jetliners.
They were gonna have a drone jetliner and blame it on Cuba and get us to go to war with Cuba.
They were gonna do all sorts of crazy things.
Like, that was really in the menu for, you know, the 1960s.
Like, that, I thought you were bananas with some of the stuff you were talking about.
And a lot of that stuff that you were talking about has turned out to be absolutely 100% true.
I gotta go on stage and do comedy!
You motherf***er f***ing me out!
Great job.
Thank you, brother.
Thanks very much.
Hey, but hey, like to tell the secret?
It was all in Rand Corporation documents.
They admitted it.
They bragged they're doing this, Joe.
That's why I freak out.
Alright, that is kind of the end of the interview, uh, right there.
On the subject of stuff being admitted, it was all admitted back then.
It wasn't that I was guessing all of this.
I mean, they've done thousands and thousands of declassified studies.
Some studies, individually, had over 100,000 people involved in them.
Or they would radiate school kids.
Say, we're taking kids on a field trip to the army base.
And then take them into a hangar and shoot radiation into them.
You know, just unbelievable.
And there's thousands of things like that.
And then it's in the U.S.
Code that they can kill you, if it's for law enforcement or research purposes, with radiation guns and everything else, and it's all there.
Oh, you're like, oh yeah, what's the source on that?
Code, Title 50, Chapter 32, Subsection 1528, Paragraph B.
People like little kids go read it and they go, well, it says they can't do secret testing until that subsection where it says unless it's for law enforcement or any research purpose.
That's why all the chem trailing is called research.
Oh, it's on the official program.
It's just $5 billion, one part of the program a year.
And you've got them saying torture's good, secret arrest.
The NSA is like, yeah, we listen to everything you do.
Yeah, you know, your new TVs, they're watching and listening to you.
Mainstream news this week told you that 1996.
And again, I got contacted by a local engineer, and he said, have you seen the Telecommunications Act?
And I said, no.
And he said, well, go check into it.
And I went and looked it up, and they were building into everything, back doors to watch and listen to you.
By 2001, it...
It gave him five, six years to get it all in place.
Gave him nine billion dollars to do it.
And that was just in the U.S.
It was globally standardized.
And I'm like, your television is designed with secret microphones.
Listen to you, I'd open up TVs on air and show people the microphone and the Scientific Atlantic cable box in like 1998, and I would get death threats over that.
I mean, I get calls going, you better shut up, because see, they knew you weren't ready for it then.
Now you're like, oh, the TV watches me.
You've been conditioned.
You've been injected with viruses to attack areas of your brain that involve in fight and flight.
I mean, we're so far gone.
Mind control light bulbs are going in.
It's all public.
I mean, it's just, DARPA admits it all.
And I mean, it's just, what am I supposed to do here?
They're putting cancer viruses in the vaccines!
Every time I'm at a drug store and they're going, would you like a flu shot?
to people, I start preaching, going, they're deadly!
They have cancer viruses!
Don't you laugh, manager!
You get the insert and you read it right now!
Excuse us, sir, excuse us!
I mean, come on, man!
Come on!
Come on!
They're killing us!
Come on!
We don't have to go through this!
Let's wake up!
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By the way, I just drugged John Bowden here.
He didn't really want to come in today.
There is a really bad flu this year.
Almost everybody I know has been getting it.
And it actually put me in bed for about a day and a half.
But you know what?
I'm great, hadn't it probably had flu in like six, seven, eight years.
And I'm stronger because the flu vaccine they admit never guesses the right flu.
It doubles your chances of getting the flu the next year.
That's a big Canadian government study.
But every time, and I go to the drugstore a lot because I'll run in a drugstore to get, you know, something my wife needs or something.
You know, she sends me to the store, get this or that, because it's what's closest to my house.
Because it's kind of a mini grocery store, and I go in CVS, I go in Walgreens, and it's just, do you want your shot?
Do you want your shot?
And you're like, oh yeah, that happened to me.
This happened to you last night.
Tell folks.
Oh yeah, as you can tell by my voice, I'm not really feeling very good today, and last night it was a lot worse.
And, you know, I went and got what I could, NyQuil, just to try and kill it.
And when I went to check out there, the guy said, how are you doing?
I said, well, not too good.
I'm a little sick, as you can see.
And he says, oh, well, you've got to get over here because they're doing flu shots.
The last thing you want once you're sick is to take a shot.
If you're pregnant, the last thing you want.
But now they say that's the time.
It was always don't do it.
And in the insert, if you're already ill or if you're pregnant now, oh, no, that's when you want to do it.
Well, and what I told the guy was, I'd rather stab myself in the face.
And then the guy behind me got all, you know, what's going on?
Yeah, you better watch that or they'll have you taken away for re-education.
Oh, you're threatening yourself now, huh?
What was the other story you said you had?
Well, this morning when I got up, I was headed out to work and all the power went off where I live, an apartment complex where I live.
Including the gates.
Couldn't get out.
And the people were panicking over that, and getting angry, and it was just total bedlam.
Imagine, we're so dependent on technology now.
So, I just, you know, they can't even get out of the gates.
What's gonna happen, you know, four or five months from now?
Do you know the Ted Knight, uh, as Judge Smale's, uh, speech about, the man who can grin, it's easy to grin when your ship's coming, and, I don't know, what's he saying?
Oh, man, you put me on the spot.
No, but all, I guess you're sick today.
All we do is Caddyshack quotes around here, that's a little secret.
I have a Caddyshack cult.
Chinch bugs.
Yeah, it is.
It is a chinch bug.
It's okay, nothing to worry about.
Well, it just takes balding and me.
We're regular pals.
You know, he was also the voice on the Super Friends.
And I don't let my kids watch a lot of TV, but I let them watch that one, even though it's a bunch of U.N.
Because they all laugh at the U.N.
I've got to do a special report on that.
Let me try one.
John Bowne, on the ground.
That's not exactly like Judge Schmelz.
Well, yeah, sorry.
No, no, I mean, Judge Schmelz is like...
Danny, I've sentenced young men younger than you to the gas chamber.
Didn't want to do it, Danny, else I owed it to them.
You want to come down and mow my lawn?
I was like, we're out at the Yacht Club this Saturday having a little event, christening our new yacht.
How'd you like to come by and mow my lawn?
Yeah, I think the Bill Murray parts are the best, but
We're going to do a lot.
You are a Trump!
Oh yes you are!
I'm sorry, go ahead.
I need to bring Caddyshack quotes to the bumper music.
I think that's the next frontier.
Oonga Galoonga?
Oonga, Goonga, Galoonga.
Now you nailed that one.
Well yeah.
He said, listen, I'm not going to give you anything here, but when you die, as he said, you will be given... You will be given total consciousness on your deathbed.
Oonga Galoonga.
Oonga, Goonga, Galoonga.
Come on.
Come on.
Oh, you got a pool over there.
Pool, pond?
No, no, no, no.
Pond's good for you?
No, he said, oh, pool, pond.
A pond's good for you.
You live over there on Briar, right?
Is that right?
Yeah, over there.
Uh-huh, yeah.
Yeah, yeah.
You got a pool?
You got a pond over there?
I've got a pool and a pond, yeah.
A pond would be good for you.
Pool, pond, whatever.
You know, that'd be good.
You know, I'm an assistant greenskeeper.
You know, my niece, Lacey, she's a little... I wouldn't like to talk about what happened.
Oh, no, Judge, I won't.
Oh, oh, good.
Very good.
You know, Danny, you can be moving up in the world.
There's the Caddyshack Junior Scholarship.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Get ready, folks!
We are now into overdrive to take calls, as I promised, some that held.
Tom in Ohio, you're on the air worldwide, sir.
He gave us a phone, he's gonna do more!
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Does that make me terrorist now?
It does make you a terrorist, sir, unless you want total world government and want to kill yourself if you're not a good globalist.
You need to kill yourself so David Rockefeller gets more money.
I'm joking, of course, but go ahead.
Yes, sir.
I was wondering, what do we need to do to get us out of the UN?
Well, we need to just really understand we have a traitorous government.
You know, the Congress brings out the TSA.
The Congress is handing over the power to Obama because the foreign banks want a dictatorship.
And the Congress is a bunch of scum traitors who are Benedict Arnold signing over to the New World Order.
And we have to admit that the criminals created the U.N.
Our own criminal government did.
It always acts like, oh, the U.N.'
's angering us.
They created the stinking New World Order cesspit underarm of the planet.
I appreciate your call.
Larry in Oregon.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex, uh, thanks for having me.
Uh, I'd like to make three points if that's possible.
Sure, go ahead sir.
Hey, uh, appreciate everything you guys are doing, love your son.
Uh, the first point I'd like to make is, do you guys offer a, uh, transcript of your show?
No, but I can offer you another Caddyshack quote.
One, it's a parking lot, I can't really do, uh, Druddy Dangerfield, but sorry, go ahead.
No, no, no.
Listen, we should do a transcript.
We should do a transcript.
And people volunteer sometimes and transcribe really good interviews out there, but I just, I don't have the money.
I mean, we could, I mean, it costs a pretty penny to get transcripts done, you know what I mean?
Yeah, the organization I belong to would be willing to produce a transcript for your show.
Well, that's good, but you have to have kind of a group you can trust.
It sounds like I can trust you, it's just that people might put something wrong in the transcript, so we have to add on there.
This is a rushed transcript, may not be correct, but... No, that's a good idea, sir.
We should do that.
What else is on your mind?
Well, thank you, sir.
But, I mean, look, good interviews, things you think are important.
You know, there's people out there that are great at transcription.
If some of you picked once a month an interview to transcribe, we've got millions of listeners.
We'd have everything transcribed.
Just pick something you think is important, transcribe it.
And email it to, I guess, ridersandinfowars.com, and I'll instruct the guys to scan over them and start posting some of the more important transcripts.
Thank you so much.
They actually brought me the Caddyshack quote.
It has a Wikipedia page, as so it should.
It says, it's easy to grin when your ship comes in and you've got the stock market beat.
But the man worth wild is the man who can smile.
Why, his shorts aren't too tight in the seat.
Okay, Pookie, do the honors.
So, uh, there you go.
Folks, I've got to have some gallows humor.
It's just one of the funny comedy movies we watch.
We've got to set up a movie night screening area here in the office.
Of course, then I wouldn't be home with my wife and children.
Movie, movie month.
Once a month we can watch whatever comedy the crew wants to watch, but I think everybody wants to watch that.
Hector in Washington, thank you for holding, sir.
You're a real champ.
Go ahead.
Look, I want to tell you, man, you are right.
You are the, you woke me up.
Well, thank you, brother.
You're the man.
How can I be the man if you're the man?
I want to tell Barry Sotero, aka Renegade, something.
I'm Hector Vidal.
I live in Blaine, Washington.
You can come get me.
I live at... No, no, no, sir.
No, no, no.
Can't give out addresses and stuff, but I get it.
We've all got to stand up and say, hey, you don't scare us saying you're spying on us.
That makes you a criminal, not us.
You know what?
You are the right hand.
You have a special place with God.
Oh, please.
Look out.
I'm at the right hand of Judge Smails.
God bless you, man.
I'm just a guy who's a, you know, rootin' tootin' Yosemite Sam who wants freedom.
We're all fighting the new world order.
And if we love God and have a good heart, then hopefully we can be at the right hand of God someday.
Okay, I am out of time, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm sorry to that caller.
I'm sorry to Zach and George and others.
Retransmission starts now, Lord willing.
We'll be back tonight, 7 o'clock Central.
Melissa Melton's doing the news.
We have some other special reports and a lot more.
And, um, as I said, just look at me and Spaulding.
We're just regular pals.
Stay with us, ladies and gentlemen.
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