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Name: 20121218_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 18, 2012
2440 lines.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hi, this is Mike Adams of NaturalNews.com asking the question, do guns kill people?
Now, I love my liberal friends on issues like GMO labeling, and support for organics, and even things like decriminalizing marijuana.
But recently, my liberal friends have been telling me, guns kill people.
This is a very popular meme, apparently, across the internet.
Guns kill people.
And I find that very interesting because I've been carrying a gun for years that's never killed anyone.
So I thought today we would take a look and put a gun on the ground and film it and see if we can answer the question, can a gun kill someone?
This is my Glock.
And this Glock has never killed anyone.
God forbid it.
Hopefully we'll never be engaged in such an action.
Oh, I know what you're thinking.
It's not loaded.
Alright, let's make sure it's actually loaded.
Show you the magazine.
There's the mag.
Rack it, tap it again.
It is loaded.
And amazingly, it's still not killing anyone.
Maybe it needs a magic wand.
Let's try the magic wand.
Shoot something!
It's just not working.
What a pathetic firearm!
I know what you're thinking.
It's not a real gun.
Oh, you're wrong.
It is a real gun.
And guess what it took to actually make it shoot?
It took a human being, touching the trigger, making a decision to pull the trigger, in a safe direction by the way, there's a backstop over that way, and actually having a conscious being do that.
The gun didn't kill anything all by itself.
Now, I know what you're thinking.
Maybe handguns don't automatically kill people, but maybe shotguns do!
Take our Benelli M4 tactical shotgun, which is another essential piece of equipment on just about any ranch.
It's also great for home defense anywhere.
Let's see if we can make this shoot by itself.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Now it should shoot, right?
Now it'll kill something.
Now some of you might think it's not loaded because I haven't pumped it.
That's because it's an M4.
You don't pump these shotguns, folks.
They're semi-auto.
Oh, semi-auto, yeah.
Obama says I don't need a semi-auto shotgun, therefore I shouldn't have the right to own one.
What a pathetic shotgun.
Let's see if it's actually going to shoot.
It's going to kick a little bit.
I guess it is actually.
Well, look at that.
That's a person, Mike Adams in that video, firing that shotgun.
The shotgun didn't do it on its own.
But they're all over the news.
Even Republicans saying the time has come.
We can never have another mass shooting again.
Now it's time for you to turn your guns in, and you're guilty for what others have done, what the collectivist authoritarians always do.
It's a huge broadcast.
Today, the globalists are coming after not just the second amendment, but all of our liberties.
Larry Pratt is coming up.
We've got some breaking news here in Austin as well.
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There's a need for a new world order.
But it has different characteristics in different parts of the world.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is Tuesday, the 18th day of December 2012, and supposedly in just three days from now, the world is going to end.
Obviously that is a complete hoax and a fraud, but there are all sorts of different violent things happening around the world, and mass arrests in China, dealing with different cults that say that they believe the world is about to end.
I'll tell you what is about to end our Second Amendment.
All the power structure has to do is to create the illusion that the general population is behind giving in our guns and claiming that's what the democracy wants and they will physically take all our guns.
This is how they've done it in every other country and they're creating a mass hysteria right now.
Over mass shootings that the media has been saying are actually up.
They are up some this year, but in the 20-year average it's flat, or up by 0.5 percent.
I'm going to pull up some of those numbers later.
Now, mass shootings are a lot higher than they were in the 50s and 60s, because you didn't have 60-plus million people on psychotropic drugs that say on the insert they can make you have psychotic
Breaks, engage in mass murder, engage in murder-suicide.
Every time I hear about someone just shooting people for no reason at a Walmart, or shooting a cop who walks into Walmart, I go, that guy will be on psychotropics, comes out three days later, on psychotropics.
I mean, it's not hard.
See, there's evil people out there, and there's bad people, but most of them aren't so crazy as to just shoot a cop in cold blood for no reason, knowing if the cops don't shoot you back, you're going to end up getting life in prison or the death penalty.
It is the Prozac-type SSRIs and SRIs that destroy inhibition and put you in a mesmerized state.
And the good news is, I listened to not one, not two, not three, but four different talk radio stations early this morning and then driving into work today.
And guess what I heard them talking about on every single channel?
How we have record suicides in this country, and covering ABC News articles, and how the drug that now 20% of the population roughly is on, I mean, I say the drug because it's basically the same thing, just different patented variants of it, different molecule breakdowns.
How the SSRIs are what is really causing this.
So this is very good news.
There are a lot of different factors, a lot of different things that feed into this.
Societal decline, Pentagon designed first shooter games that create instinctive shooting, so these gamers who are also out of their minds.
Uh, are trained on something originally developed by the Pentagon to create instinctive shooting, because about half the troops, historically, of any army, won't kill somebody up close.
With these games, it's almost 100%.
So, they're also trained on how to use firearms in firearm simulators.
You know how you first learn how to fly a plane in a simulator?
Especially the big ones?
This is a killing simulator.
You got people
Some people, upwards of 8 to 10 hours a day, in murder simulators, in killing simulators, and then you put them on a hallucinogenic psychotropic drug, and you've got the culture of absolute violence, and by the way, Quentin Tarantino is saying he doesn't care, he's sick of it, he's not apologizing for Django.
That is, in the words of Jamie Foxx, I kill all the white people isn't that great on Saturday Night Live.
And see, it's so fashionable to say kill white people right now that you've got Asian rappers saying kill, you know, and destroy white people in America and all this stuff as if America is all white.
Whites are about to be the minority.
We already are in people under about 18.
And you've got all these rappers saying, kill Whitey and all this with Hollywood pushing this.
Guess what's breaking in the news right now?
And our reporters are on the way down there right now.
If you want to go down there and join them and you want to go down there.
In fact, guys, you pull up the Thai Noodle House address.
I mean, it's right there on Guadalupe.
We Texans, I guess, call it Guadalupe, but it's Guadalupe.
The main drag of University of Texas.
I have eaten.
At the Thai Noodle House.
It's actually pretty good stuff.
One time I ate in there with Kinky Friedman, of all people.
And now, there it is, 2602 Guadalupe Street, Austin, Texas, 78705.
Our guys will be down there in about 30 minutes.
I just told them right before we went live on air to get their sports jackets on, get their equipment, and go down there.
And he has come out with, here's the Huffington Post, Thai Noodle House restaurant in hot water after racist Sandy Hook shootings comments and it was first broken by our local affiliate 590 AM that ran with the headline that he said, so what?
You know, so what?
These are white kids.
You know, who cares?
And I'm going to go over his full quotes later, but that's not... Yeah, there it is at NewsRadio 590, Kelby J. Thai Noodle House owner posts controversial remarks following Connecticut shootings.
An Austin restaurant owner has garnered national attention and threats after he posts controversial remarks on his Facebook account.
Eddie Nimmaburter, owner of the Noodle House near the UT campus, posted inflammatory remarks
On his Facebook account, just hours after the Sandy Hook massacre happened, he said, quote, I'm failing to give a bleep about the Connecticut shooting.
I don't care how much white kids get killed.
He goes on to tell readers to get back to their lavish Christmas shopping.
He deleted the post later, but another rant saying he would not apologize was added.
We were able to get, actually, the full pages.
It is unbelievable, the stuff he said.
And again, it's this attitude, because again, you know I don't get into a bunch of race stuff.
I care about everybody, because we're the human race.
But I mean, the left, if you tune into MSNBC,
It is just race-baiting world.
If you own guns, you're a Ku Klux Klan member.
Fox Sports says that, too.
If you don't want socialism, you're a racist.
If you are white and live in the South, you are a mentally retarded redneck.
I mean, I hear them say it on radio, you've seen it on TV, you've seen the comments everywhere, and it also means mentally retarded people and their families, mentally disabled,
And it's incredible.
I mean, you've got Alec Baldwin constantly saying, kill this Republican, kill that Republican.
And folks, you know I can't stand the Republican leadership.
Boehner, as I predicted, is caving in on all the estate taxes, massive, even more increases than what they first talked about, getting rid of all the exemptions, taxing people down to $125,000 a year.
That is not rich, folks.
That's who actually keeps the economy going and buys stuff.
But my issue is the Democrats
They're carrying the ball for the New World Order.
They're the ones moving it down the field.
And they can get away with anything.
I'll guarantee you, folks, if I got on air when there was, say, a gangland shooting in Chicago where a couple black kids got killed, and if I said, who cares, they're just, you know, inner-city black kids, you know, paraphrase quote, I don't think that, I'm not saying that, they'll cut it out of context.
I would be destroyed in a matter of weeks.
I would be off all my affiliates.
It would be over.
I mean, Dr. Laura Schlesinger just tried to say, hey, let's demystify the N-word and stop giving it so much power.
And the system knew the public was so dumbed down that they misconstrued what she said and basically ran her off the radio for being one of the biggest shows in the country.
At one time, rivaling Rush Limbaugh.
This is how they do it, and it's all about annihilating the First Amendment.
So this guy has a right to say, hey, they're just white kids, so what?
I have a right, though, to say I think it's despicable.
And when you've got Jamie Foxx up repeatedly on television, not just on
Not just on Saturday Night Live, I've now discovered he was on some other shows saying the same thing.
To exploit people, to make money, it's called race baiting, folks.
It's what people would do in the South to demonize blacks so they could take the general public's rights.
This is how this always works.
You know, that's when people finally in the South turned against slavery, because only about 2% of the population, you can look this up, had, quote, slaves.
Most rich people had white slaves who'd come over here as indentured servants.
They don't teach that in school, but that's the mainline history of UDIG.
Most of you, myself included, have some sharecroppers, some indentured servants.
You'd sign on for a 7 or 10 year trial of service.
You'd go to prison if you didn't follow it.
And you came over here on a boat as a slave, but you see, you never got out of it because you would get in debt for your shoes, your shirt, any medicine you might need, any food you needed above the allotment you were given.
And so there are sharecropping families all over the U.S.
who are mainly white, who are 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 12th generation.
My dad grew up around some sixth generation sharecroppers in Texas, white people.
Now once blacks fought for their rights and whites fought with them, they actually, quote, became free but just became sharecroppers.
And that's where the old blues song of, I owe my soul to the company, stored.
And many historian pointed out that sharecropping was even worse than slavery because
For whatever reason, when the people didn't think they completely owned you, they treated you even worse.
And they could compete with other sharecroppers.
Anybody who's seen Grapes of Wrath, the movie, that's a small snapshot of sharecropping-type stuff going on in the 20th century.
But I digress.
I'm going to get into the huge, absolutely devastating gun news that is exactly what I feared and saw coming, but even worse than I thought.
They are creating an absolute hysteria.
The main reason the abolitionists became popular for about 1800 into 1860, from less than 2% being abolitionists to the majority in the North, a large group in the South, was whites finally figured out, wait a minute, I go along with slavery because I get to feel like I'm better than somebody.
Many editorials have written about this, but really, we're even the lowest on the totem pole.
And these big plantations actually also run sharecropping operations.
We're all slaves.
So it was that realization that actually began the end of slavery.
And similar things happened in the Caribbean as well, where there was even more slavery.
Okay, we'll be right back with the huge news on the Second Amendment.
Haven't even gotten to it yet.
Stay with us.
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He's going the distance.
He's going for speed.
Folks, these are some of the headlines up at InfoWars.com right now if you're a radio listener.
Microsoft Japan convinces TV station to remove segments covering Gates' population control activities.
And the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation basically threatened the TV Tokyo Corporation.
To shut down a show exposing, in a 12-minute segment, Bill Gates' population reduction program.
Later, after Larry Pratt joins us, I'm going to play some clips and show you news articles out of the Times of London, ABC News, you name it, where Bill and Melinda Gates openly say they want a world government to reduce population by force.
And then I'm going to play a clip of him endorsing death panels, and then I'm going to play a clip of him saying vaccines are being used to reduce population.
And then I'm going to show you the White House science czar.
He calls one of his best friends, and who he's given endowments to, who called in the 70s for spiking our water supply to sterilizers.
So that is all coming up later in the broadcast.
Larry Pratt will be joining us.
I've got some bad news for you.
But we knew this was coming.
It's even worse than we thought.
Now let's punch up DrugsReport.com.
If you look there, it's got Nancy Pelosi celebrating Boehner.
He demands you call him Boehner.
I don't know why it's wrong to call him by his name.
It's really pronounced Boehner.
Boehner adopts Pelosi plan.
I don't mean that as a kid joke, folks.
That's really his name, so I'm not going to follow his orders anymore.
That's like Brett Favre is really... How do you really pronounce it?
It's a nice sound.
Favre, yeah.
Favre is his real name, not Brett Favre.
And your name is Boehner!
Okay, you got that?
Speaker of the House, Boehner, adopts Pelosi plan.
And folks, the Pelosi plan is to give the President the power to just raise the debt limit whenever he wants, and basically meet the President halfway.
Instead of $990 billion in new taxes, and $600 billion of exemptions gone, and accepting his 3.8, Obamacare, and all this other stuff, it's just give Obama whatever he wants.
I mean, of course.
Why do you think they put Boehner in there?
Boner Favre or whatever his name is, they put him in there because he's a globalist stooge, okay?
And we are in mucho grande trouble because just as I told you the Republicans would cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave, cave,
The Republicans that finance Obama, they're just front men.
This is what they want.
The mega-rich want millionaires' money.
And, you know, Boehner had said, hey, you know, I'll just go for the million-dollar plan.
People making a million and more a year.
And remember, you pay overall about half of that in some form of tax or more, so that's people making $450,000 a year.
That's the people that buy the boat and buy the nice house and go to your restaurant.
They're all gone.
Oh, oh, oh, by the way, I'm going to get into all the gun stuff after the break, but let me cover this right now.
I always pronounce his name wrong, but I've seen some of his movies.
He's a pretty good actor.
Gerard Depardieu?
My wife will kill me.
She's got a degree in French and grew up there.
The point is, is that they have a 75% income tax on top of any taxes over a million euros a year.
Okay, and conservatively, you add all the French taxes together, it's over 80%.
But this is a federal of 70%, and then a 75 on top of that.
And France warned him.
You know, that he better not leave and insulted him and, you know, called him all sorts of names.
Well, now there's a huge exodus of their football players, you know, their soccer players, they call it football over there, and of their movie stars.
They're just all leaving.
They're leaving to other countries like Belgium that, oh, they only have a 50% tax rate.
Oh my gosh, so low.
That's one tax, 50%.
Can you imagine being Depardieu, or however you pronounce it, and this guy has made France just an icon in cinema, and he said he's not going to be able to keep his house.
He can't afford it.
He's got to leave.
Can you imagine, what is if you already pay 70 plus percent or more in some form of tax, and then they put another 75% on top of what you've got, what does that let you keep?
What's 75% on say 20%?
What's left?
Is that like 5% or something of your money?
So in France, if you make over a million dollars a year, you get to keep 5, 6, 7%?
What is it?
You got 20% you get to keep, then a 75% tax on that.
What's that come out to?
My brain just says 5%.
We'll come back from the break with that math.
I'm a public school educator, I'll have to use a calculator.
The point is, France is the global model of taxes, but guess who's exempt from taxes in France?
And in every other European country, the... 3.75, that's what he gets to keep.
The EU bureaucrats are exempt.
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Let's go.
Okay, again, being specific on this whole Nancy Pelosi thing, they're debating whether they're going to tax people at $250,000, $400,000, a million.
None of it even matters because massive taxes on upper middle class and wealthy people will only stall this economy.
The real power elite, the real elites are the ones lobbying for this because they're able to exempt themselves from the increased taxes.
And if you're a new listener and you think I'm joking about what I was just covering, the fact that EU bureaucrats are exempt,
From the EU-wide taxes and many of the national taxes, through what they gave themselves, diplomatic immunity, go look it up for yourself.
I mean, you've all heard about Google paying almost no taxes, or General Electric paying zero, or these mega-banks paying almost zero.
It's the big ultra-rich that want government to shut down their competition.
Here's the report, Pelosi-backed Boner's tax cut proposal.
So that's the media spinning it here out of BuzzFeed that she's backing his plan.
He's really going with her plan.
Speaker of the House John Boehner, Plan B to avert the fiscal cliff would cut taxes for incomes under $1 million, a higher threshold than the White House demands, but one that had a powerful backer, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.
In May, Pelosi sent Boehner a letter calling for the immediate passage of a middle-class tax cut up to that level, while President Barack Obama was on the campaign trail, or Barry Sotero, calling for taxes to rise on incomes of over $250,000.
That's the husband and the wife, though, by the way.
So that's $125,000 apiece.
The White House has since raised the target at $400,000 in ongoing negotiations with Boehner.
But has shown few signs it would accept the one million level.
Democrats believe the tax cuts for those earning over a million dollars a year should expire and that we should use the resulting revenues to pay down the deficit, said Pelosi.
And it goes on, a month earlier on the Charlie Rose Show, Pelosi went further, noting Democratic opposition to the $250,000 mark
In our caucus, there is a school of thought that says, let's get rid of all the tax cuts.
Yeah, that's why you've seen Howard Dean come out and say, raise taxes on poor people.
Folks, they're not stupid.
They know when you habitually raise taxes, it does what?
It lowers tax receipts.
Kennedy cut the highest tax bracket by 35%.
He cut the next tax bracket and all the others by 50%.
What happened the next year, in 1962?
What happened to tax receipts?
You can pull up mainstream articles on this.
They doubled, doubled, doubled, doubled.
But the real issue here is the different plans, and they're changing all the time, are between $1.6 trillion and $900-something billion over the next couple years in tax increases.
But they get rid of the tax exemptions, like your tax exemption on interest on your home loan.
Things like that.
That's going out the window they have their way.
And again, I mean, I hate to laugh at people that support big government and think it really wants to give you something free.
I mean, they're only bringing the illegal aliens in and saying they're above the law and letting them, you know, vote and drunk drive and not have a driver's license because they're going to drive down the wages and create a new voting bloc.
That's all that's for.
Once they've taken the country down, they'll be just as enslaved or more.
And it's the same thing.
They only bring in these blocs
And they only try to domesticate people and get them on welfare to have a dependency class.
But the globalists are totally ruthless and see you as dumb animals.
You don't get into the upper power structures of government now if you're not totally ruthless.
And have the right friends in high places.
And that's why they want to shut down the rest of the free market so that we can never threaten them down here in the grassroots.
That's why they want to consolidate the internet and the media and have everything basically be state-run.
And how is NBC and ABC and CBS and all the rest of them state-run?
They all are owned in part or in whole by mega banks.
Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Bank of America, look it up.
There's six companies own the media now, the so-called dinosaur media.
Well, the so-called mainstream media, which I call the dinosaur media.
Six of them, oh by the way, that's in the entire Europe, United States, England, that's the West.
Australia is included in that.
Six companies, all interlocking, and it's megabanks that basically control them all.
Just like the insurance companies, just like defense companies, because they have unlimited fiat money.
And they don't want freedom in this country.
And that's why they're moving ahead to disarm us, and I'm getting to our top stories here in a moment.
But what you need to understand about all of this media, and why it's the same story every night in the same order, and why suddenly Fox News is even saying, hey, maybe we should ban semi-autos, assault weapons.
Well, it's because the owner is a globalist, Rupert Murdoch, who came out and said, ban assault weapons over the weekend.
And he's so ignorant, he said full autos.
They don't sell full autos in the...
Gun shops.
You have to get a special ATF background check and sticker and get enrolled.
It takes months.
Plus, the military doesn't even want full auto.
Semi-auto is much more dangerous.
But they use ignorance.
On the media's behalf, not just on the general public's, to sell this idea that it's so incredibly scary that people have got what the military has.
Oh my gosh, and they've got these movies where whole houses get blown up when somebody's got a machine gun or somebody's got an assault rifle.
The issue here though is
What I'm really trying to get at is that we really do have a state-run media because banker bailout money and the government giving us the six mega banks that control the six big media combines, they are given unlimited fiat
Currency through derivatives.
Government through the Federal Reserve licensure, through the private Federal Reserve, gave them the power to create out of thin air, or an Aladdin's lamp, or a magic wand, whatever amount of wealth they want.
It is that simple.
And their religion is globalism, and war, and dehumanization, and mind control, and social engineering, and brainwashing, and propaganda.
That's what they're pushing, that's what they're establishing, that's what they're creating.
And we as a republic, we as a country are in deep trouble because these banks that control our media are globalist and are diametrically opposed to all of our basic freedoms.
So, government licensure for unlimited fake capital derivatives and other fraudulent fractional reserve frauds
Are then connected in to the state-run media.
That's what it is.
And it's a combine between state-run, because some of its direct taxpayer money in bailouts and stimulus money and behavior placement is what they call it, paying for different themes in movies.
That is state-run media.
I've noticed that when we talk about this, the system gets very, very upset, very, very scared, and really starts to lash out because it's hitting at the core and the heart of who they really are and what they really stand for.
Because once the public figures out, folks, it isn't a conservative bias on Fox, it isn't a liberal bias on MSNBC, it is psych warfare, global corporate propaganda to overthrow our country and reduce us down to absolute slaves.
Because the banksters who are wrecking our country and who are consolidating our industries and who are shipping our jobs overseas to third world dictatorships and authoritarian systems they control so they can make bigger profits shipping their products back in, when the public figures out that we're really occupied by an occupational corporate power structure with propaganda arms of state-run media, it's game over for these people.
We still have independently owned AM and FM stations.
We just got three or four more affiliates this week.
I'm going to plug them in a moment.
We still have the internet and citizen journalism.
For a limited time.
They're moving to shut that down.
That's now on record.
Yeah, there's Business Insider.
These six corporations control 90% of the media in America.
That's right.
And then they have a whole breakdown map in that Business Insider report that's excellent and very accurate from my research.
But the point is,
We're putting that up on screen if you're a PrisonPlanet.tv member.
What I'm getting at here is they've taken over through fraud and they can't let us ever wake up to that or it's game over.
And they know statistically we are going to wake up to this because things are going to get so bad under their Agenda 21 program of total control.
And so it's a life and death situation to get the word out on who these people are and what they really stand for.
It's that simple.
And if we don't have a realization of that, and if we don't see the mainstream media in coordinated attacks, openly saying it's time for the American people to just be reasonable, we can't allow our children to die, if you don't turn your guns in, you're a child killer.
The idea, because a psychopath, under psychiatric care, a video game, undoubtedly on psychotropic drugs,
Goes out and kills 20 people, we've now got to lose our rights.
Just like, oh, terrorists supposedly attack us, and so now we've got to have the TSA stick their hands down our pants and give us prisoner training.
No, this is a corrupt establishment that knows that they've committed all these crimes and they're going to go to jail.
They're either going to totally take over and set up authoritarian domination, or they're all going to go to jail.
So they're going for authoritarianism and they're going for divide and conquer.
They're going for creating artificial division.
This is what they're pushing for and that's why they are just psychologically using these poor little kindergarten children to throttle the public into submission and creating an artificial
Mass exodus away from guns in the media that is actually 180 degrees the opposite from reality.
I'm going to go over the news now, but here's the point.
The globalists know, ladies and gentlemen, and they now admit this.
Because when you watch Discovery or History Channel or A&E or any of these, almost every show,
Is it?
is now coming out mainstream.
Women everywhere are buying guns.
See, it's who's buying guns.
Minorities are buying guns.
Groups so liberal, thinking the media and the government was their friend, that they were scared of guns their whole lives and just...
On average.
And just let the gangbangers have guns.
They're going out and getting guns.
And I meant to print this, guys.
Will you print?
The FBI's new crime statistics just came out.
Overall, violent crime has dropped.
Petty crime, when they know you don't have a gun and they knock out your window and steal something out of your car, that's up.
But violent crime is actually down.
Shootings are actually down.
These numbers came out last week.
We're going to go through some of those later.
I'm sure Larry Pratt will want to talk about them.
But what is up in the last 30 years is mass shootings.
Now it's flat in the last 20 roughly.
This last year has been a particularly bad year.
But overall it's flat.
But it has increased in the last 30.
We saw that increase in the 80s into the 90s.
And now it's planed off.
But it's still 88 people on average a year.
Automobile accidents close to 30,000.
You know, deer, 200 or more, falling in your pool, thousands and thousands, number one cause of unnatural death, suicide, didn't even used to be in the top five.
Why is it now?
Because they put people on suicide pills.
20% of the population, roughly, is on suicide pills.
So what they're doing is they're creating this mass hoax that, hey, you're in the Ku Klux Klan if you own a gun.
You're a bad parent if you own a gun.
You should have your children taken from you if you own a gun.
And they're canceling some of the highest rated shows.
Discovery Channel cancels American Guns in response to the shooting when all it is is, well, I mean, look at the cover of American Guns right here if I'm going to have a document cam shot.
It's women up there firing firearms right next to men, and the group's complaining said they made it sexy, they made it cool, they made it fun, they demystified it.
I actually have the quotes here.
That's exactly what they're scared of.
They are so scared of that woman looking like Wonder Woman up there with a firearm.
A real empowered woman.
A real in-charge woman.
A woman who discovers she can protect herself and not be scared.
I get so sick of it when I'm on the hike and bike trail sometimes.
You see women out there by themselves and they look so scared because a man walks by them in the woods.
But then you can always see a woman who's got a fanny pack on, you know, who's got a gun.
She doesn't look scared at all and they're a lot more friendly.
So they canceled this show.
It saw a 50% increase in its second season alone in top demographics and was
The number two show on the Discovery Channel.
And here's our article breaking down it.
It said, complaints about the show centered around the fact that it made buying owning guns seem fun, glamorous, even normal, and not inappropriate.
You see, oh my gosh, it's inappropriate.
See, we're winning.
This is a desperate
Last-ditch panic.
They've gutted the Treasury.
They've taken down America.
They've got 20% of the public on deadly suicide drugs.
Still, though, a large portion is waking up, not trusting the government, getting back to common sense, understanding you've got to take care of yourself, and it's a culture that's got black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Arab, Jew, German, Chinese,
Everybody is getting into guns.
The statistics show that the last decade.
Just up and up and up and up.
And crime rates are now dropping everywhere where the guns saturate.
They're plunging.
It's a new chivalry culture of you're out there to defend.
It's what they fear, not vigilantism, but that you are a silent guardian and the criminals know it.
So they're flocking to Chicago, they're flocking to New York and bringing those cities down where the crime chiefs are in command.
So the crime chiefs are in their armored fortresses of New York and Chicago feeding on their people, knowing that the courts are overturning their victim disarmament, knowing we're awakening.
So now they've come out and canceled
TV ads and marketing for the new Tom Cruise movie.
Jack Reacher.
They are cancelling screenings of Django.
They are cancelling TV shows.
And Cerberus seeks sale of gun maker Freedom Group.
Oh my gosh, they're sold out of those guns for almost a year out, of the Bushmaster.
So the globalists moved in.
You notice two years ago sort of buying up all the big gun companies and I said, folks, these people have unlimited money.
It's not about making money.
And it's top globalists that are involved.
Former Treasury Secretary Snowe.
They are now organizing with the universities and police funds and the pension fund programs to pull out of the highly lucrative gun market.
See, this is going to be a full economic attack, folks.
They're going to play dirty.
Obama will sign orders banning importation, and you watch.
He gets away with that, the sale, and then physically having handguns and rifles of semi-auto.
And that's why they're out there saying, yeah, you know what?
We want all semi-autos and all handguns.
Now, not just semi-auto.
They want all the handguns banned.
They're coming.
They're coming.
I mean, it's on, folks.
It is on, on, on.
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I am so fired up and have so much energy because I'm so upset that I'm even having trouble controlling myself and getting it all out here today.
They are shutting down premieres of violent movies.
They are shutting down TV ads that even show guns.
They are clipping guns out of TV shows now.
They are, uh, Cerberus, run by former Treasury Secretary, they're saying they want nothing to do with the guns now.
And there's all these articles, I have a whole stack of them here, saying police now have the AR-15 under scrutiny after it killed 20 children.
These are quotes.
The guns came out and did it.
And it says, Cerberus seeks sale of gun maker, Freedom Group.
Cerberus Capital, owner of gun manufacturer Freedom Group, will sell off all assets in firearms.
All of them.
Cerberus to sell stake in gun maker Freedom Group.
Former Treasury Secretary Jon Snow speaks to the National Press Club.
I mean, it is a full-on demonization.
And see, this is how it happens.
I've actually talked to big Discovery Channel execs and
Others, and I remember like five, six years ago talking to them, and they were watching how popular videos were on YouTube of guns being shot.
They were seeing videos getting millions and millions of views, some of them like 50 million views, with budgets of maybe $1,000.
And they were saying, yeah, no, we want to do gun shows.
We know they'd be big.
I mean, I've been in the meetings with these people.
When they were pitching me shows and stuff, but we don't know if we can get it by the execs.
The execs caved in mid-level, got huge ratings, they know what America wants, they know where America went, they know the gun culture took over.
We were born out of the gun culture, and it sprung forth in the face of 9-11 and Katrina and Sandy.
People know the government's predatory.
The Congress has a 9% approval rating.
And so this power structure is going to come out and say, everyone hates guns now.
Everyone's running from them.
Pediatricians, the parents have them, CPS them.
No law, they're just saying it.
It's a hoax.
It's just like, I hear people on talk radio going, I wish we could spank our kids back when we could spank kids.
You know, we had a lower crime rate.
It's not illegal to spank your kids.
People, I wish it wasn't the law.
I have to take vaccines.
There's no law.
It's all a hoax.
So they're going, no more gun shows.
You're right, Hollywood's going to stop showing gun violence.
Of course, they're not really going to do that.
Yeah, it's time to turn them in.
And this weekend, talking to McBrain, he said, one of our reporters, he said, you watch, they're going to have guys in John Deere hats on the news saying, I'm a Vietnam vet.
It's time to turn my gun in.
And he didn't report on that last night.
I don't know if it aired yet.
He was working on it last night.
I didn't watch the news last night.
I was too busy.
Tim Fuller's Nightly News, 7 o'clock central.
And he had all these clips where they've got these guys going, yeah, I used to believe in guns, but I'm turning them in for the kids.
And it's all staged, folks.
And people are like, I guess I gotta turn my guns in.
Obama cried.
Folks, you've got a better chance of being struck by lightning dying in a mass shooting.
88 have died so far this year in mass shootings.
Over 150,000 died from bacteria in hospitals.
Look it up.
Number one cause of, quote, unnatural death.
They don't count bacteria as unnatural.
It's upwards of 30,000.
You don't hear people asking why that's happening.
Or they say, we need more mental health money.
It's mental health causing it.
Putting people on these drugs.
They knew full well.
When they took spanking out of the public schools 25, 30 years ago, it would make people unruly and out of control.
Their answer?
Then drug them.
They knew full well, folks.
They know what they're doing.
So, here's the announcement.
This is it.
Just like I said in the December issue of the magazine that was published three weeks ago.
This man wants your guns.
They're coming for your guns.
They've got them everywhere else in the world but Switzerland.
They're trying to get them in Switzerland now.
They're coming for the guns, and there's all these idiots that have a sentimentality who are good people, but they're manipulated, going, I just think Obama really is crying, and he really cares, and it's time to turn him in.
Think of the idea that because crazy people are out there, you should turn in your guns, or I should turn in mine.
Use your head, folks.
That's collectivist.
If a guy robs the bank down the street from you, do you go to jail?
If somebody runs over somebody with a car, do you have to turn your car in?
Folks, they're coming for the guns.
This is the biggest push ever!
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, Larry Pratt is coming up, then we're going to open the phones up.
We've also got popping in Representative Walter Jones, Congressman Walter Jones, on this issue of the Second Amendment and a lot more.
On the fiscal cliff, what's happening with the tribs, now they've sent 3,000 tribs back to Iraq.
There's tens of thousands of contractors there.
troops are staying in Afghanistan.
It's just awful.
The U.N.
gun treaty has been leaked.
It does ban guns and ammo.
We're going to be going over that.
Again, I saw these crime statistics last week, and the guys just tried to search it during the break.
The new FBI unified crime statistics have been released.
I'm going to dig those out.
Overall, violent crime has seen one of the biggest drops in the last two decades.
Mass shootings are up a little bit, but mainly flat over 20 years.
But again, those are the big events, kind of like Jaws, where for two years, and I've shown the news articles on this subject, we should show them again, beaches, not just in the U.S., but around the world, saw in some cases more than 70 percent
of their patrons just not going to the beach or not getting in the water.
And they would ask him, they said, well, Jaws is out there.
It'll eat me.
And it doesn't matter if on average there's five great white deaths a year, worldwide, because of the movie, people for several years would not get into the water.
And it's the same thing.
People really think
People are going to... It has another effect though.
People are pulling their kids out of public schools everywhere thinking mass shooters are going to come shoot them.
Even though that statistically is where these guys go because they know no one's going to be there opposing them because it's a victim disarmament zone, still statistically, even being in a government training camp,
What is there, twenty-something million people in public schools last time?
It's more than that.
I mean, the chances?
Eighty-eight dead in mass shootings.
Half of those or more gang-related.
It's gangs killing each other and they call it a mass shooting.
Of the senseless stuff, you know, forty or something or less?
I mean, and I'm not encouraging you to go to government training camp.
It'll give you deadly GMO food and inoculate you with government brainwashing and forced shots.
They may take your eleven-year-old to have an abortion.
Without your consent?
I mean, you know, I wouldn't go to a government training camp because of that, but the fact that, see, they like some of the shootings to get the guns, and also train everybody that the schools are prisons for prisoner training, perp training for the children.
Not disciplined, just learning how to be a prisoner.
Kind of like the airports are prisoner training for everybody.
So, we've got all that unfolding.
And then at the same time, though, they don't want people to totally be scared of the public schools, or then you won't put them in there so they can lower your test scores the lowest in the world and have, you know, 7% graduation rates and, what, 12% passing the SAT rates.
So there's a real desire to wreck them.
And we've got the Department of Education documents on that from the most educated, most informed, most individualistic country in the world just 60 years ago to
Lowest IQs, lowest test scores in the industrialized world, highest cancer rates in the world.
You know, the list goes on and on.
The globalists are absolutely wrecking our society at every single level.
We always seem to have trouble with Larry Pratt's Skype.
He has Skype, he has ISDN line, and he has telephones.
Let's just go telephone.
Because it'll go into the next segment.
It seems to always do that with him for whatever reason.
My elephant memory.
I don't have to have an elephant memory to remember this.
It's like Groundhog Day.
Let's just go with plan B or plan C to get him on because it's important.
Okay, continuing here, ladies and gentlemen, Larry Pratt is coming up.
But here's one of the articles.
The most recent decline in U.S.
violent crime is different from the last one.
And it breaks down some of that, but this is from
This is from yesterday, so this is new, but we're gonna get into more of those numbers coming up.
So see, violent crimes dropping, and why is that happening?
Oh, we have the maps.
We know why.
Gun ownership's going up and concealed carry's going up, and in the states where that's happening, as the concealed carry goes up, crime goes down.
Because every citizen of the concealed carry is basically like another cop on the street.
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Ladies and gentlemen, they are canceling top-rated gun shows on the Discovery Channel, saying they don't want to promote a culture of armed citizens.
They are canceling premieres of violent westerns.
They are canceling TV ads for the new action-adventure movie with Tom Cruise.
They have hundreds of pundits, I know you see them, like vampires sucking off of all these dead children, these 20 dead children, saying, it's time to not just ban assault rifles, handguns that are semi-auto, let's ban handguns, period.
It doesn't matter that Connecticut had the most draconian gun laws, number four in the entire country.
It doesn't matter if she jumped through all the hoops.
It doesn't matter if the U.S.
now leads the world in suicide because of Prozac-type drugs that on the insert says can turn you into a psychotic killer.
And does.
No, no, no.
Don't blame that.
Blame the Second Amendment.
And you remember Gun Owners of America from their congressional sources?
He was just on a month ago.
But to give credit, the NRA as well said, our intel is they're going to try to physically ban guns in the next four years.
And now it's happening, and they are milking it.
They have the biggest gun manufacturer in the country dumping Freedom Group, a Cerberus group run by banksters, run by the former Treasury Secretary Snow.
But I want to show you the new FBI crime statistics that have come out.
They have them drilled down from 93 to 2010 and just last week they released the last two years numbers.
Look at the giant drop in violent crime following gun ownership increasing and following concealed carry and they have it in a state-by-state.
This is the gun-grabbing justice department that ran fast and furious.
Real violent crime is dropping because of gun ownership.
And we're going to be, again if you're a radio listener, I'm showing this on television.
Now I want to get Larry Pratt on because I've never, in all of my 17 years on air, or decades of researching this and talking to people that have been there for a long time fighting for our liberties, seen such an all-out, hysterical, total assault.
And now a lot of Republicans and the owner of Fox News, Murdoch, saying it's time to turn in the guns.
And now they're saying we're members of the Klan if we own guns.
They're now death-threatening the NRA and others.
They're death-threatening Infowars.com.
They tell me on my YouTubes, we're going to shoot you, we're going to kill you.
And I go to their sites, these are real people.
So they believe that the Second Amendment, something the Ku Klux Klan was the first to get restricted after the Civil War, they are now claiming we are the Ku Klux Klan because we want everybody to be able to protect themselves.
They're panicking.
The gun culture is taking over and winning.
They're admitting this.
Liberals are buying guns, so they know this is their last desperate push to restrict now.
Larry Pratt, head chairman, he has been executive director of Gun Owners of America for over 30 years, gunowners.org, he joins us now.
Larry, am I wrong to say this is the greatest assault we've ever seen?
It seems to be shaping up that way.
You can never tell which murderous outrage will provoke this kind of a response, but this one seems to be the one that they were looking for.
The crisis that they are not going to let go to waste.
And apparently, so far they've been somewhat successful in getting people to not consider a very simple proposition.
If it's so bad to have guns in school, then which room would you rather your child be in?
The classroom in which the teacher has no gun and an assailant with a gun is coming through the door?
Or another classroom where the teacher does have a gun and another assailant with a gun is coming through the door?
And I think if you put it like that, the question kind of answers itself.
All of this chatter is simply intended as a distraction to keep the American people off guard and our guard down so that these politicians can come in and do what they like to do, which is to control.
They're not even interested so much in guns per se as controlling us.
That's what gun control is all about.
Surmised that the politicians have determined that this is the moment.
And when even somebody like Marco Rubio is starting to cave, then the yellow streak running up a Republican's spine has gone pretty mainstream.
Well, what's happening is the power brokers, the big mega banks that have bankrupted this country, they want to disarm the American people so we can fully be brought into tyranny.
It's not just the Second Amendment under attack, it's the First, it's the Fourth, it's the Fifth, it's the Tenth, on every front.
The globalists realize that America was really starting to awaken.
So this fraudulent election, Obama, this is a false mandate, they're saying, to carry out all of their different frauds.
And the power structure is rightfully scared of the American people.
Now you're up there, you know, the best, no compromise, second biggest lobby for the Second Amendment.
We're seeing rhetoric, well here it is out of the Atlantic, here it is out of other publications, going after the NRA, saying they're a hate group, they're bad, well they're a hate group, you must be Satan incarnate, according to these victim disarmament people.
You know, the thing that I find so amusing is if they are willing to accuse the gun lobby as being part of the KKK, the easiest way to refute that is, I haven't voted Democrat in quite some time.
The KKK literally was the action arm of the Democrat Party when instead of bribing blacks with money they were intimidating blacks with guns.
This has been the Democrat Party all along and to try to cast this over onto the Republicans or anybody else
Just doesn't fly.
But that's the kind of, you used the word desperation, that's, I agree, I think they're very desperate and even if what they say doesn't make sense, they're just fluttering right now.
And let's expand on that.
So they do have more people in the Senate.
Obama is not facing re-election.
We know that Bloomberg, who thinks he's president of the United States, or dictator, he says take executive action.
What are you getting from the Hill?
What are the attacks that we're expecting to see?
We know Feinstein's reintroducing the semi-auto ban.
Well, my concern has been, and I may have expressed this in one of our earlier conversations, Obama has shown that he doesn't care what the law is, he doesn't care what the Constitution is.
In his opinion, I won.
And therefore, in his
Lack of understanding of American government, willfully I think, is that I got 51% of the vote, therefore I can do anything I want.
Well, I can see him issuing an executive order saying to gun stores who depend on him for their daily bread, if he pulls their gun license, their federal
Well, if he threatens to do that unless they not sell handguns over a certain caliber, not sell rifles that can accept a high-capacity magazine,
That's it.
And by the way, as you know, last year the ATF put out a public comment period on banning most shotguns if they, quote, could be bottom-loaded.
They said they could be converted, and they're already banning importation of, you know, Russian shotguns and things.
So they're already doing things outside of law or, quote, under the radar.
That's right.
He gave us many signals, both in the Second Amendment area, you just pointed to a very good one, how he illegally and unconstitutionally banned the importation of those shotguns.
He did the same thing with the re-importation of some rifles from Korea, M1 Garands, perfectly fine
Basically, target gun.
Kind of heavy to lug around, but, you know, nice thing to have a collector's item, if you will.
50-year-old, 60-year-old type gun.
Ban re-importation of those.
So now that he's got no concerns about re-election...
I'm very concerned that things like I was sketching out are likely to take place.
We have elected a communist dictator and he is rapidly exploring the limits of how far he can go before he gets any feedback.
He's never talked like that, but he says that the UN and NATO's over our military.
He signs an executive order to take over the internet and won't let Congress see it, but lets the UN see it and they brag, oh it gives us control.
Shuts down power plants outside of law.
I mean, he just does whatever he wants.
Whatever he wants, I'm very concerned.
And of course there's a practical way that he can be dealt with, but unfortunately it requires vertabra, it requires backbone, and that's something that Republican leadership in the Congress
Seems to be very difficult.
No, instead they're getting in line, and you're up on the Hill every day.
What is happening on tax increases, on borders, on guns?
The Republicans are saying, hey, we're with you, destroy America, convert it.
They seem to think that their re-election based on a Republican platform, which was pretty good, doesn't mean anything that really the American people are clamoring for what Obama's trying to do.
And as you say, they're just putting up the white flag.
It's really very disgusting.
Well, that's how they get the Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Bank of America money.
I mean, the same groups are paying for it all, and they want the American people shut down and enslaved so they can get unlimited banker bailouts.
We're going to break here with a final segment with you, but I mean, it's a full-on assault, taking gun shows off TV, you know, saying we're murderers because of these kids, when meanwhile the FBI's own numbers, Larry, shows that violent crime's going down.
It's going down.
There are fewer school shootings than ever before.
The media tells you it's getting worse.
The truth is, it's the opposite.
And Obama says we can never allow this to happen again, and let's be loving and does the fake crying.
Larry Pratt, gunowners.org.
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And let me tell you, we would have lost a lot of battles if it wasn't for Gun Owners of America.
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Larry Pratt, Gun Owners of America, Chairman, is our guest.
And the NRA has been a Judas goat.
They supported the 68 Gun Control Act.
They were created by the federal government after the Civil War.
I'm not saying the NRA's bad.
They've got a better board now.
But big money wants our guns.
It's not just the communists.
It's not just the liberals.
They just want a big government to feed off of.
The big megabanks, they're the ones that want it.
Larry, in closing, all I can say is gun owners are being told, you know, oh, you're guilty, so you need to, you know, feel like you've murdered these children.
And so I guess if somebody runs over somebody with a Ford pickup truck, I've got a Ford pickup truck, you know, do I need to feel guilty and go turn my Ford pickup truck in?
I'm seeing all these headlines about police are looking at the Bushmaster AR-15.
It killed the kids.
I mean, what do we do?
I say get back in their face.
Like your article said, the blood is on their hands.
What do we do, sir?
I'm glad you put it that way.
Get back in their face.
These people are not superior.
They do not have superior knowledge.
They do not have the moral high ground.
We need to point out what is the fact.
They have the blood on their hands.
It is their constant yammering about how bad guns are and how we need to keep them away from everybody, out of schools and all of that, that
We've made it so that if a teacher has a gun at school, they're breaking the law.
And the criminals, the mass murderers, go to their facilities to kill!
It uh... year after year after year after year and we're still told the same thing that guns don't belong in schools.
Well, isn't that just wonderful?
How's that been working out for you?
I'm just so glad that that chap in that mall out in Oregon had disregarded the No Guns posting
I imagine he was committing a trespass or something, but he would not have been able to run to the sound of the shots when a couple of people were murdered had it not been for him having that gun.
And when the killer saw him approach with his gun, that's when the killer decided to check out, game over, and shot himself.
That should have been the way it happened in the school.
There should have been some teacher there, some janitor there saying, you know what?
The idea of some penalty applying to self-defense, I don't know that I'd really be worried about being prosecuted if the only time they knew that I had a gun was when I used it to save their sorry lives.
Now, if it falls out on the floor and there's no danger, then yeah, it'd be another issue.
But if the gun is successfully concealed, and there's no need for it, there'll be no issue.
But if there is a need for it, and we keep advertising to the nut jobs of our country, come to school and shoot me!
Then I think it's time that we have a few surprises waiting for them the next time.
Mr. Pratt, I have an idea, and I know it's similar to what other people have said, but you've got sheriff's departments who can deputize people and get around the federal law and not letting guns in schools.
Why not sit there and say, hey, retired sheriff's deputies, they'll do it for free, I guarantee you.
Uh, you know, how about half, you know, half a day, a couple times a week, you go in and then you'd have enough people to cover it all the time and you can basically pose as janitors or something.
Jesse Ventura has a similar idea.
And just be in there with your firearms and be deputized sheriff's deputies and the problem is solved and they don't have to use these, these rare school shootings as a, uh, as a bloody shirt to wave to disarm the American people.
I think you have a great idea, and in fact you could even deputize the teachers, and they could be packing at the same time.
But as long as they're deputized, they're good to go.
I love it.
I think we ought to, I'm going to look into that, and if that's as good as I think it is, we're going to get the word out to some of our sheriffs.
Well, I earlier was showing some crime statistics broken down by every demographic, but here's the general crime statistics for 2011 from 2007.
Massive drop in violent crime.
This is the Justice Department's own numbers, and it's been dropping, Larry, for 20 years as what goes up?
Gun ownership.
As gun ownership goes up, as Professor Lott shows, as gun ownership goes up, crime goes down.
Criminals are evil.
They're not stupid.
And when they run into more and more victims who are armed, word kind of gets around that you've got to be more careful these days.
It's not the same job environment it was under Jimmy Carter.
Final question here.
What do you predict is going to happen if he tries to physically, say, turn in these semi-autos?
Well, he's going to have to do it by executive order, because I don't see it going through the Congress.
I know we've had some defections, but I still think that at the end of the day, they're going to hear from their constituents.
When they start waffling on this, they're not going to get the kudos the media was telling them they were going to get.
So that's one.
And I just think we'd continue doing what we're doing, getting the word out, making sure that people do know that even somebody like a Marco Rubio has caved.
Okay, folks, you in Florida, pick up the phone.
You got work to do.
That's the end of his political career right there.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we've only got about a minute or two left with Larry Pratt.
He's going to do an interview with Reuters.
Store locked down in Barton Creek Mall after a report that somebody saw a gun.
There's all sorts of panicking everywhere.
People are seeing folks with paper bags.
They're calling the police.
Just like people wouldn't go in the ocean for two years after Jaws came out in the 70s.
Five great white deaths a year.
People wouldn't go swimming anywhere.
They knew Jaws was in there ready to kill them.
Is this not mass mind control, Larry Pratt?
In closing, we're seeing where the system is throwing everything it's got at the public to terrorize us into turning in our guns.
I mean, what's happening?
I had a huge amount of hysteria.
It wasn't long ago I was in a store here in Virginia.
I was at the counter near the door being attended by the clerk.
A guy walked in through the door with a gun in his holster.
The clerk looked up, saw that that's what was going on, and went back to giving me my change.
No big deal.
It all depends on where the gun is, and you'd like to find out about this small sighting of a gun.
Where was the gun?
Was it in a holster, or was it in a hand in a menacing position?
We're not told those little things.
Those are kind of important, and it's quite possible that there was an overreaction.
I hope that's all it was.
I know you've got to go.
It's just, I've never seen them this big of a push trying to make guns taboo.
They know our culture of liberties taking over.
What else can we do other than supporting gun owners?
Well, I think just in general, raise the roof.
Tell these members of Congress to hold tight that you didn't send them there to take away our freedoms.
You sent them there to fight.
And if they don't want to fight, we'll get somebody else that will.
And again, they're panicking because we've been having all these federal and state court rulings overturning the Illinois handgun ban, concealed ban, all of it.
They're losing.
They are losing.
We are winning, public opinion.
When this whole fight started for me decades ago, three-quarters of the American people was on the other side.
Now, less than half.
We're making progress, and this is not the time to go soft.
This is not the time to put up the white flag.
This is the time to do exactly what we've been doing because we are winning.
What do you make in closing of the gun manufacturer, the biggest in the country, apologizing and blaming the gun, opening themselves up for liability and saying they're going to dump all of their gun holdings?
Six giant Made in America factories.
Well, it just tells me who I'm not interested in patronizing, at least the parent company.
I'm just not interested in helping people that have that sort of an attitude.
They've made all this money off firearms, and somehow, what, are they going to give that money back?
And to whom are they going to give it?
Thank you so much, Larry Pratt.
Thank you, and go with God, my friend.
Hey, thank you.
You too, my friend.
All right, there he goes, ladies and gentlemen.
And we sent our reporters down to the Thai Noodle House in Austin, Texas, that's made the news, to go in and in a friendly manner confront the owner.
With questions, Thai Noodle House restaurant in hot water after racist Sandy Hook shooting comments.
And as soon as they're done going in and talking to him, they're going to be on air with us to tell us what happened.
To give us the report after they've talked to him.
So that is going on with David Knight and Jakari Jackson down there with Marcos Morales.
In downtown Austin, that story has gone nationwide.
And so we're going to get you more details of that.
Speaking of stories going nationwide, if we punch up DrudgeReport.com, and you go there on the right-hand side, it's red-linked on the right-hand column, you can go there.
And Facebook is now banning
You heard me right.
Facebook is now suspending or banning accounts that question official narrative on the shooting.
In fact, since Watson wrote this article at about 6 a.m.
Central this morning,
We've actually discovered they're deleting pro-gun accounts now, so that's another breaking news story that I've been so busy I discovered that at about 9 a.m.
this morning and never even had time to call Paul to put him on to the story or to tell Kurt Nemo or our other writers about it.
It's just too much going on.
I mean, it's just insane.
But an image posted in the aftermath of the shootings that questioned whether a clumsy 20-year-old autistic kid could have pulled off the murders of 26 people was deleted and the user's account hit with a three-day suspension.
Yeah, that was like... We've had different pop folks announce they're going to be on my show and their account gets suspended or completely shut down.
So that's the type of stuff that's going on.
I was informed the reason for this punishment was the result of a meme I had shared, writes the editor of SecretsOfTheFed.com.
Yeah, Facebook a few months ago during the election, that Navy SEAL group was putting out just an image.
It was a very conservative image.
And just showed the two dead Navy SEALs, just their photos, that had gone to help at the Benghazi attack with the ambassador, even though Obama had ordered an eight-hour stand down so that the Al-Qaeda folks that ran security in the city could carry out the killing.
And it said, you know, we helped take out bin Laden, going along with that story, but then when we asked for help we didn't get any.
And they just deleted that and shut down their account.
They set up another one.
I mean, this is run by a guy, the founder of Facebook, who says that, oh, our users trust us.
They're dumb bleepers.
Remember that?
And it's just sick.
Google and Facebook and Twitter's now censoring people more and more.
And yeah, I'm on Twitter.
I'm on Facebook.
I kind of waited until late in the game to get on them.
So we've only got about a million likes on Facebook between our six or seven fan channels people gave us.
And we've got, I don't know, 130,000 or something on one of our Twitter accounts.
We've got a couple other that, again, fans gave us.
I just started promoting them really the last year.
But almost when I'm promoting it, I'm like, OK, I know I'm reaching some people through this.
It can be taken away at any time, but it doesn't matter.
We're still using it to get the word out.
But this is happening more and more.
Yeah, Facebook CEO admits to calling users dumb effers.
Mark Zuckerberg admits the New Yorker profile that he mocked early Facebook users for trusting him with their personal information.
Remember Google said don't be evil and Schmidt promised, you know, the founder that I'll never spy on you.
I'll never have your data.
Now he says better not do something you don't want us knowing about.
Yeah, we're taking all the data.
And we had a video out of him at Bilderberg two years ago, a year and a half ago in Switzerland.
They shut that down for a while, so there was outrage.
And then YouTube, that's owned by Google, put it back up.
This is the type of stuff we're dealing with, with state-run internet.
And believe me, Google is state-run.
Google was set up by the CIA, NQTEL.
We broke that like eight years ago.
People went crazy.
When we had that CIA agent on Steele, what's his name, David Steele, and man, he was like, wow, I've never had such heat off this.
Sorry, can't come back on your show.
We should ask that guy back on the show again.
The point is, later that all came out that that was all true, and now they're at NASA bases, Google is.
And people ask, well, why do you use Google?
Well, I mean, we use it and admit it's a globalist combine, that it's a globalist operation.
All right, let's do this.
Let's open the phones up.
I know you're chomping at the bit to talk about everything that's been discussed on the Second Amendment.
You heard Larry Pratt.
He says, yes, this appears to be the greatest assault on guns we've ever seen.
Folks, I saw them energizing, building up, getting ready.
The preparations, the test cases.
The White House didn't ship 20,000 guns to Mexico and illegal hand grenades because they wanted to play, you know, games.
They did that to blame the Second Amendment that came out.
They mean business.
And the Republicans are going to cave on taxes and your guns and on open borders.
You know why?
Because it's what the globalists want.
Obama is a puppet.
As much as I dislike him, as unsavory as he is, they're supposed to be the ones getting it all done for the globalists, making collectivism and tyranny look cool.
He can smart bomb people all day and kill kids, and it's sexy to the liberals.
Man, he's a tough liberal.
He's a big murderer.
They like that.
So, so, the Democrats are bad news.
They're the open tip of the spear.
But the Republicans, let me give you the news flash here.
Ron Paul's leaving Congress.
There's some people in there like Gohmert and people like Jones and people like Amash.
There are some good members, maybe a couple dozen in the House.
There's a couple good Senators who will not compromise on the Second Amendment.
But I mean, look, even Rand Paul is a smart guy and I've known him for 14 years.
I made some phone calls and found out he kind of got snookered on it.
They came out two weeks ago and said, oh, NDAA just got shot down the indefinite detention provision.
But the bill, as all the big, you know, groups went and analyzed it,
All the big foundations went and analyzed it.
The law groups, the constitutional lawyers all came out.
LewRockwell.com came out and it says clearly, we can't indefinite detention you unless already in law.
Well, it's in law from NDAA, December 31st, 2011, signed by Obama.
It's more lawyer tricks all day.
But Obama, his people write the NDAA, but then he says he's against it, and he wants it changed, but then it turns out the letters behind the scenes are, don't change this, I'm just doing this so opposition dies.
And then he says, don't worry, I won't sign it.
I know I tell the story every day, it's just so diabolical.
Don't worry, I won't sign it, so don't oppose it, let it pass.
Folks, he's going to sign it.
No, he's not, you right-wing sons-of-a-charm.
Precious Obama wouldn't do that.
Then he signs it.
They're like, well, I guess he needs to be able to arrest you and disappear, you right-wingers.
This is the type of stuff that we see happen over and over and over and over and over again.
And it's so frustrating to sit here because the media will put out a narrative, a big hype narrative, and it never lasts long, like Tony 2012 and it comes out it's warmongering, invasion, propaganda.
We were confirmed right on that.
It wasn't hard to confirm it.
It was all globalist funded.
Anything Oprah Winfrey's involved in is globalist funded too.
I mean, she's in, I'm going to cover this next hour, in meetings with top globalists on how to reduce population.
And it just makes me sick to sit here and watch all of this unfold.
Toll-free number to join us, 800-259-9231.
This is the all-out attack.
And all over the country, again, for two years, and we've done special reports on this.
We ought to re-air it tonight on the Nightly News.
For two years after Jaws became the number one movie in history at that time, worldwide, from Australia to the United States, from England to the south of France, some beaches saw 70 plus percent reductions in people coming, period.
They were so scared.
And most people, the lifeguards said, wouldn't go in the water because they thought the mechanical shark was in there waiting for them.
This is mind control.
We have a childlike public where
You know, sometimes, you know, your three-year-old gets off and wanders off in a restaurant out, and you know, you go, hey, honey, there's bad men that might get you.
They don't listen, but if you tell it to them in a fairy tale, a witch might, you know, there's witches, you know, monsters.
Of course, I won't do that, but some parents do.
That's what old wives tales, fairy tales are about.
It's so your kids listen.
You got to put that little bit of fear into them or the real bad people will get them.
Well the globalists basically use fairy tales like there's a man waiting to kill everybody at your school today.
They're everywhere.
It's an epidemic.
It's flat in the last 20 years.
I just showed you FBI unified crime statistics that just came out last week showing massive violent crime reduction.
Petty crime, stealing copper wiring, going in an open garage, stealing bikes, knocking out your window at the park, stealing your purse if you don't hide it, that is off the chart.
Criminals in this depression, and I've got the numbers right here,
They are, I mean, I think they said there's been like a five-fold increase the last few years in Austin in petty crime.
I mean, it's bad.
Because the criminals, they don't invade your house now.
They don't even try to carjack you now.
They don't mess with you on the, they used to have muggings down on the hike and bike trail.
Back when the city had half the population it has today.
The city's doubled the last 15 years.
It was muggings all the time.
Not anymore.
People are running with concealed carry 25s and 32s.
So criminals, except if you're in big cities where they've taken the guns, they are not... I mean, violent crime is way down because store owners are packing.
Women are packing.
Shingle women are packing.
I mean, here are the crime statistics around here.
Unified violent crime offense figure.
Just total... This is 2007 to 2011.
The numbers always come out a year late.
We've got trends for this year as well.
It's continuing.
Massive, look at that, look at that percentage, what is that?
That's over, what, a 20% reduction?
And if you look at it from 1980, man I remember 1980 living in Dallas when they were having some days 25 murders.
Dallas used to have more murders than Chicago and New York combined.
But it was gang bangers, it was a gang war.
But the gangbangers just killed all of each other, and I think that's terrible, but the point is that crime is literally plunging.
Violent crime.
Now, people stealing your credit card numbers?
Off the chart.
People stealing your purse when you're at the restaurant, when you go to the bathroom?
Off the chart.
That's why police are out there saying, rightfully so, lock your stuff in the trunk.
Take it in with you.
You drive in, I drove into Barton Creek Mall, where they're having the scare right now, just last week, because I wanted to get some Legos for Christmas.
My son's out there, he's hearing what he's getting for Christmas.
And he comes to work with us at least once a week.
And they have big signs up saying, take your belongings in, because they're just knocking windows out.
And I don't need the police to tell me that.
If I pull up to a park and see broken glass in every slot, I just don't go to that park.
If I pull up to the mall and I just see glass all over the ground, which I'm seeing, I know.
I don't need the police to tell me.
But see, the general public is not in a police mindset.
And I think all of us should get into that mindset of looking around.
Not just being chumps, but side issue.
The criminals are scared to death, folks.
They know you're buying guns.
And the collectivists are about to lose.
Gun cultures are all the top shows.
Hunting is all the top shows.
Women are out buying guns.
The gun culture is taking over.
They're panicking, throwing everything they've got at this.
They probably staged it.
I mean, my gut is they staged it.
If they stage Fast and Furious, if they stage all this other stuff,
They could have staged this.
I don't know.
They're certainly using it, though.
Let's go to Bob in Virginia.
You're on the air, sir.
Go ahead.
Hey there, Alex.
Great job.
I have two points that I want to make.
But in the micro and the macro.
In the micro, this whole gun thing is absolutely and positively the result of these people being afraid of what will happen to them if the majority of the people in this country find out what they've done to us.
I spent an hour, first hour, babbling and giving this factoid, that factoid, just trying to say that.
Yeah, real simple.
The criminal elite have committed millions of crimes.
They're bad people.
They know we're waking up.
They're desperate to put a police state in and take our guns.
Yes, that's it.
We're good to go.
They print the money.
It's fraudulent.
They steal our labor.
And what I, the only thing, the only hope that I have left, I mean, I have watched the Federal Reserve.
I have learned about them.
I love it every time you bring... Stay there, stay there.
I want to hear your plan.
No, no, no.
We expose the Federal Reserve as alien and foreign.
We expose the New World Order.
They're trying to make it illegal to expose them.
That's why they call it terrorism.
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
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You know, almost every time I tell a caller to hold over so they can finish up their point, they hang up.
I wanted to hear what that guy wanted to do to stop the fellow reserved.
Yeah, America has just got to wake up to the fact that we've been overtaken.
By social engineers that want to disarm us.
I mean, when you sit here and you know these are authoritarian liars who've killed, the last few years, tens of thousands of children alone in drone attacks on eight countries illegally.
And then he's up there fake crying, saying we've got to do something and not let this happen again.
Listen, there's 315 million people.
60 plus million of them on suicide murder pills called SSRIs.
It's on the insert it makes you do that, statistically.
Every time there's a senseless murder, every time!
That's what did it.
Never a discussion about that though.
It's that I've got guns.
And that I'm empowered and I'm strong and I'm not domesticated.
The nanny state wants our guns and if they get them, they win.
So teach everybody you know how to use guns.
It is that empowerment that is going to destroy the globalists.
Because, see, they can't totally smash and bring the country down and break up the families and force-inoculate and have their forced labor camps and national compulsory service Rahm Emanuel's called for unless they've taken the guns.
It's so elementary.
And a lot of the collectivists, it's like a football game that they're with the government and you're not and they're tough and you're weak.
Just keep exposing these zombies.
Keep getting in their face when they think they have the moral high ground.
They're calling you a murderer and a child killer and a Klan member.
Remember, these are people living off government checks in every case.
Who really have low self-images and hate you as a productive person.
And they hate you because you know how to use a gun.
They hate you because you're a man or a woman who's strong.
And they, they're threatened by that.
Okay, let's go to your calls.
Let's talk to Rick.
Listening on XM.
Sir, you're on the air from Virginia.
Go ahead.
Saying something, there's some relationship between the killer in Aurora and the last killer in Connecticut, their dad.
They worked in banks and they were going to testify.
Do you hear anything about that?
Well, both of them did.
Both of them did work in high finance.
And then there was another case with that
Executive, NBC executive that ran the story and then the nanny within hours kills the kids.
I mean, I don't know.
Those are coincidences and I don't really go with those.
On the Aurora shooter, I mean, he was in a DARPA mind control program, in a brain interface where machines take over the brain.
He was a child prodigy out of high school brought in, you know, years later a graduate student, and had a psych warfare psychiatrist from the Air Force who was a high-level commander of all bases assigned to him, and they knew what he was going to do in his notebook and basically let him do it.
And then you've got all the other evidence.
That, I believe, was a mind control operation.
We don't have enough evidence on this other case, so we don't know.
But we sure know they're going whole hog with it.
Did you know in the week leading up to this, every show on the globalist media was doing anti-gun on CNN and MSNBC?
No, I didn't know that.
Yeah, they were.
Well, you know, I was listening to one of the liberals last night and they said that the NRA is a terrorist group.
No, no, no.
I've got stacks of articles.
They say the NRA must be banned and gun owners must be arrested.
They're now on MSNBC and CNN saying, let's just get rid of all guns.
Of course, they mean that the citizens have.
No, no.
These are authoritarians who were scared.
I mean, they're state-run.
No one hardly watches them.
They live off banker bailout money, the big banks that own them, and they get stimulus money.
These are horrible state-run foreign banker representatives.
That's why most of them are foreigners.
Fareed Zarkaria and Piers Morgan and the rest of them.
I turn it on, it's a bunch of foreigners.
They're telling me about how I need to turn my guns in.
I got a better idea.
How about you pick up your junk and go back to your collapsing countries?
You are listening to GCN.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, I'm going to go back to your calls, Mike and Rich and Danny and so many others that are holding, but if you're watching on TV, I want to show you something here and I'll describe it for radio listeners.
You go to one of our YouTube channels with 255 million views there, you can see one of the latest videos we did last Friday that DrudgeReport.com linked to, and
I've really learned how YouTube works.
This is one of our important outreaches to the general public.
And so notice, I've noticed for a couple days it said 511,000.
We can punch it up on screen.
It said 511,000 views.
Now, I've watched other videos of entertainment and stuff where once something gets up to 300, 400, 500,000 views, and I'm currently watching this, it's not just like I'm saying YouTube is doing this, but
Really, it's system-wide.
I ran out of water.
I'm dying.
I'm not going to be able to continue.
My voice just went out.
That's why I was grimacing, and they thought I meant put the camera back on me.
No, that's not what I meant.
I got to put a water cooler in here.
That's what's happening.
Because I run out of water, sometimes my voice just cracks, especially when there's allergies this time of year.
OK, trying to regroup and get back to what I was saying here.
On screen, I'm showing the YouTube channel with a particular video that says 511,000 views.
Now, currently I went and tracked other viral videos that have similar views that are updating every few hours with the number of viewers.
This has said 511,000 views since yesterday morning.
Other videos on YouTube are not stuck like this.
I've been monitoring them.
Okay, if I take, but let me show you something that will get past their caching and show that this is something unique to my channel.
Because you can go to other videos and see for yourself this is not happening.
Okay, they are updating.
I put in the headline into YouTube itself and search it.
And it will show you the real view count, 631,705.
But I've learned that when you go to their front page, when the video's displaying, they will hold us back.
They've got some program patch on there to where we don't get our views till later so that we won't go to the front page.
So it's real views are 631,000.
And again, I've talked to IT people.
This is not a caching issue, that this is showing you, you know, something that's clear just because it's deeper into their servers or an area updating more often.
Other videos that are similarly viral are updating every few hours.
It's my channel.
That's why we've noticed that with this channel, other people grab our videos
They don't even have hardly any subscribers.
You know, we got 300-something thousand subscribers on this channel.
Channels that have maybe 10,000 subscribers will get more views copying our videos than our site and will update quicker.
And that's because there's censorship going on.
And of course we've had them ban us and knock down the Obama deception and, you know, overtly censor us.
But now, this is what they're doing.
They are holding back this video, Obama caught fake crying.
We've also gone on separate computer networks and voted the video up and then hit refresh and it doesn't have the thumbs up go up.
But then we've gone on another network and voted down and it instantly shows a down vote.
So they're also skewing viral videos that we have so that I guess it takes five votes that are probe
I guess to count as one nay vote.
And they only do this on viral videos.
Because you can go to one of our videos that's not viral, let's say it has 20,000 views, and you can click and vote, and it will show the vote instantly when you hit refresh.
But not the case when you go in here.
I've just noticed how their little tricks work.
You know, some people think they're censoring when it says 305 views, but you've got 1,000, you know, likes.
No, that is a caching issue that hasn't updated yet.
We have found them doing things like this.
So they do not want you to see Obama caught fake crying.
The Drudge Report called the video, the fix is in.
Alex Jones, the fix is in.
They're coming for our guns.
They do not want you to see that video.
Your call is coming up.
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We've got it.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Okay, uh, I haven't even really plugged any books or videos or any products.
We're about to go to your calls here and cover a bunch of other important global news, not just the gun issue.
And we've got a congressman joining us coming up here in about 30 minutes as well, after we take more of your calls.
But this is officially the last day we can guarantee that you will get any orders you put in to InfoWarsTore.com, that we can guarantee that you will get them by or before Christmas.
Most of you will still be able to get it if you get your orders in by...
You know, tomorrow or Thursday.
And I haven't even plugged what is our traditional Christmas special that just stays at $99.95.
Let's punch up the everything special so I know I'm saying it right.
And you get 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.
See, some of these DVD cases have multiple films in them.
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Terror Storm, The Obama Deception, Fall of the Republic, Endgame, Police State 4, The Police State Trilogy, 9-11 Chronicles, 9-11 The Road to Tyranny, Martial Law.
That's the one that's got Michael Moore in it with his bodyguards.
Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove.
My special interview with Aaron Russo, The Masters of Terror, The Matrix of Evil, America Destroyed by Design, and other films.
That's a great way to wake people up.
Get the films.
You have them on hard copy and high quality.
You can give people, you know, 20 gifts with that.
Another great Christmas gift.
For everybody out there, is you can get 10 PrisonPlanet.tv memberships and see the daytime show, the nighttime news, all my films, a bunch of other films.
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So it's really 11, but it's 59 cents per person.
Eleven people, technically, because it's you and ten people, but let's just say ten.
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The new stuff's in HD.
Christmas shopping done.
Wake some people up.
You can also give InfoWars Magazine subscriptions.
And the first issue they'll get is this man wants your guns.
Gun control issue.
This came out three weeks ago.
You notice what the big issue is now?
I knew what they were going to do.
It wasn't hard to predict, but all their quotes of how they want to take all your guns, including single-shot bolt-action, and how they're going to do it, and how they've done in other countries.
Great way to wake somebody up.
Twelve issues mailed to friends and family's doors.
The police station, the local TV station, the local university, the local library.
Okay, I'm done plugging.
Haven't plugged in days.
Started this hour off with a plug.
Let's go to your phone calls on the aftermath.
of pulling TV ads that show shooting with Tom Cruise and Django with Quentin Tarantino's new movie Cerberus owning the Freedom Group biggest gun manufacturing group in the country saying we're divesting all our guns
Police departments, school lobbies, cities, funds getting out of guns.
Like it's just guns, guns are evil.
Guns did it.
It's guns fault.
You're a Ku Klux Klan murderer if you own guns.
The NRA are terrorists.
Let's march on the NRA.
This is the rhetoric.
I've never seen such a hysteric, all-out assault on the Second Amendment.
And it's desperation by the collectivist.
Who know the gun culture is coming back and defeating them.
Let's go to your phone calls quickly now.
Mike in Illinois.
You're on the air watching via PrisonPlanet.tv.
Go ahead, sir.
Hi, Alex.
Two quick things before Sandy Hook.
First of all, I was an election judge, and not even 15 minutes after I left the polling place to take my votes back, they were already saying Illinois went to Obama.
Also, I have a good reason to take dreams from my real father over to somebody I know tomorrow in another town.
And then I wanted to ask you about Sandy Hook.
It's just amazing to me that somebody's pointing to it in the very movie that also has the other
Well, you know, we actually made a video, I haven't tooted my horn, but I believe the headline is, Secrets of the Dark Knight Leaked.
We shared it on the Nightly News tonight, and I point out that I believe it has subliminals in it by watching it that would program people to engage in mass shootings.
And that gets into some of the science of subliminals that's actually taught at graduate level and PhD level.
And I actually forgot that
Well, I've said all three of the films have been programming, both overt and covert, and they admit violent video games are first-person training aids, so troops will kill people in an unfeeling way.
That's how Doom and all these other games got invented.
It's just a fact.
So, I mean, we're living under mind control.
The entire culture is mind control.
Look, when Jaws came out,
For two years, people wouldn't go in the water and it almost killed the beachside tourist industry.
Just look it up, folks.
The news articles are scanned online from the 70s.
Wouldn't it come out like 76 or something?
The point is, that's mind control.
People won't swim.
Most of my family won't go out in the ocean.
Or in the Caribbean, a lot of people I know won't go swimming.
Because they're scared of sharks.
I mean, you've got a better chance of being bitten by a unicorn.
I mean, it's incredible.
It is incredible how rare it is, but they're scared.
Same thing with these guns.
Thousands get struck by lightning every year.
Hundreds die.
Guys, you type in a number of lightning strike deaths a year in the U.S., I want to pull up those actual numbers, thanks.
My point is, I've seen them before, but I'm going off memory.
Deer kill more than mass shootings.
They know this, but it doesn't matter.
Because now, people dropping their kids off are like, oh my gosh, people are going to come kill my kids here.
Take America's guns when that's a zone where they've taken the guns.
Anything else?
Well, you know, before I started listening to you, my wife had pointed out to me about Batman 2 and how they were going to get to us through the TV.
And now you talk about flicker rate and everything else.
It's just, you know, these things are more than coincidental.
I believe that whoever produced that Dark Knight movie ought to be questioned as to why Sandy Hook's getting pointed to.
You know what's crazy?
Yeah, Aurora's in it too.
Yeah, they talk about Aurora.
You know what just blew me away?
And thanks for the call.
It just hit me.
That I talked about on the show about subliminals and mass shootings and bombings.
That's... I think I did it some in the video, but mainly on the show.
And I didn't even talk about how I predicted that when the shooting happened.
I just... I just remembered I predicted it all.
See, I can't even... I can't even keep track of this.
This is reported lightning deaths per... per state.
From 1998 to 2008.
Florida, 74 deaths.
Texas, 28.
Colorado, 27.
Georgia, 23.
North Carolina, 19.
And it just goes on from there.
I'm not going to try to read it all.
No, no, I'm sorry.
It's even worse than that.
I was reading the wrong... Boy, it's a high number, obviously.
Let's go back to your calls.
Rich in New York.
Thanks for holding, sir.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
God bless you, brother.
Hey, um, real quick, this is definitely a smokescreen for Holder.
You probably will never hear another thing about the gunrunning operation as long as this thing is alive.
But, uh, more importantly, what I wanted to bring to your attention, the Daily News today in New York, uh, has a ten- first ten pages of the Daily News is a full-out assault on the NRA and on guns.
Basically, the front page says, blood on your hands to Washington.
As burials begin, it's time for DCU to act.
Then you got Joe Scarborough in the first page.
My gun belief had died with all the kids.
And he basically goes on to say that the Bill of Rights doesn't guarantee gun manufacturers the absolute right to sell military-style weapons to anybody.
Oh yeah, no, no, I saw the article.
I've actually got some of the sub-articles here in my stack.
And yeah, no, no, they're always going to have that defector.
You know, I was pro-gun, but I'm not now.
I mean, he works for MSNBC.
I mean, that's state-run media.
Go ahead.
Well, the biggest thing that they have in here that, you know, you can see they're really going sort of jugular.
They have a cut-out petition, and you can go online.
Basically, sign our assault weapons ban petition.
34 Americans are killed every day by firearms.
The total killed in just six months is equal to all American combat deaths over the entire length of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
It basically goes on to say, sign.
Sign is the ban on all military-style assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.
So the daily news is, you know, we all know where they're coming from.
And by the way, they're taking Larry Pratt's headline of two days ago, or three days ago, and flipping it.
Washington has blood on their hands for making public schools victim disarmament zones.
And so, I mean, it's just, look, look, look.
New York Daily News, last time I heard, was just dwindling down to nothing.
Again, this is their last gasp.
But they may kill us in it.
I mean, you're right.
They're going for the jugular.
And, you know, does this happen in a victim disarmament state, in a victim disarmament zone?
And these are just despicable state-run media people.
I mean, you know, they've got Joe Scarborough, who works for state-run media, telling us we should turn our guns in.
He's a despicable creature.
Of course, you know, of course, maybe Scarborough shouldn't have guns, you know.
You know, old Scarborough's really behaved himself since there was that death in his office.
You know that, right?
Oh yeah.
And you know, I'll tell you one last thing.
I think one of the best things that you could point people to was this one woman whose parents were killed, I believe it was at Luby's Restaurant, where she came in front of the Congress.
I want Susanna Hupp on!
She's a state rep, she's on 590 AM, our local affiliate.
Representative Susanna Hupp and her testimony about, we have guns to protect ourselves from you, and she points at Schumer.
There looks like an obese possum who just climbed out of the hind end of a dead cow.
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The reason I'm a bit hysterical is I've never seen such a coordinated attack.
I'm telling you.
They're going to use executive orders, you name it, to take our guns.
They want to start a civil war.
They know America's waking up to them.
That's why they've got staged elections with staged candidates.
That's why they're gutting everything they can.
That's why they're bankrupting the nation, shipping the jobs overseas, paying to ship General Motors to China.
They are just gutting this country.
It's what oligarchs do.
And they hate the fact you're armed and that people know there's been a takeover.
So everybody's out there getting guns and getting ready.
They hate preppers.
And they're trying to say the new Al-Qaeda is libertarians and veterans, and people now found out about that.
The public now knows the government runs Al-Qaeda.
Everything's coming true for people.
And they're desperately trying to run around and dangle dead kids in front of us saying, turn your guns in.
When the people running our government are a bunch of mass murdering control freaks running Al-Qaeda worldwide to take over countries.
They could care less about those kids.
These are power freak ghouls.
Danny and California, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, hi, Alex.
I'm a big fan.
I've been listening for about a year now, and I wanted to get to guns, to talk about guns, but I wanted to ask you something before that.
Do you know anything about this supposed Chinese submarine that was off the coast of Long Beach in, like, 2010 that fired a missile, and then they said that it might be a plane contrail, but then there were other people who said it was a jet.
Yes, a bunch of NASA and former engineers on ICBM said it was a submarine launched, I don't even know the name of the missile, and it was China basically menacing the West Coast and a message to the West.
Right, I heard because we dropped them, or they dropped us down on credit and we got angry, we went over there, they did the same thing to us, they popped up over here.
Yep, no, that's what happened.
They told the public it was nothing and so the public believed it was a condensation trail.
They could have told them it was a pixie elf or something and the public would have believed it and stuck their thumb in their mouth and began sucking on it.
If the government handed out cyanide pills, 30% of the public would take them and die with pleasure.
But again, just because 30-40% are mind-numbed robots doesn't mean all of us get to be slaves.
Go ahead.
Right, exactly.
No, I totally agree.
But what I was going to say was you were talking about gun control and all this, and you were saying that NATO might have a UN arms treaty or something like that, but also that Mayor Bloomberg was saying that he wants Obama to use executive power to take away our gun rights or sort of, you know, limit or strip away our Second Amendment.
I think it's, you know, preposterous.
I think it's really scary.
And by the way, monitoring talk radio, even conservative shows this morning, a couple national, a couple local,
They were all going, well, I guess Obama may, you know, may take them from us.
Yeah, and so the public doesn't even get when they're reporting that.
That's illegal.
You know, the president isn't even over the states, much less Congress and the courts.
He can't just say he's going to ban our guns.
But you know what?
He's already been doing it.
Banning importation, banning manufacture, banning this, banning that.
And no president has signed more executive orders.
No president.
Because it's the time.
As much as it's fun to hate Obama,
It's that the globalist interests are making their move worldwide.
Folks, they've signed us on to impossible-to-pay derivatives.
They're going to bring us into a total collapse.
And they want to be able to go around and arrest whoever they want, saying you have illegal guns and drag you off.
They're now saying the racist and the terrorist are the gun owners.
They're now demonizing us with rhetoric stronger than the Nazis used against the Jews.
Stronger than the Soviets used against the white Russians.
And no folks, all the Russians were white.
Or most of them.
Some were Asian in the East.
For people that are ignorant.
That's a white slavery.
They go, what about black slavery?
White slavery just means sex slavery for new listeners.
To expand on that, I always get into a history lesson.
What was the original point I was getting into?
Oh, oh, oh.
White Russians were loyal to the czars.
Had nothing to do with race.
Thank you for the call, sir.
Great points.
Let's talk to Rick in California as well.
Go ahead, sir.
Hey, how you doing?
First of all, I want to say thanks for everything you do, and props to your boys for standing up against a New World Order.
Well, he's begged to get on air, you know, despite his mother not wanting it, and I can see her point, but he's on air because he wants to be.
That's cool.
I love that.
Um, anyways, what I want to get at is that, um, the whole thing with these teachers, you know, I love Jesse's idea about, you know, having the, um, having deputized guys working for the janitors, um, but I still think the teachers, the way we should be doing this,
But see, that fixes the already very rare problem.
It's still a problem.
They don't want to fix it.
They want to take our guns and tell us we killed those kids.
They're saying, gun owners, you killed those kids.
Gun manufacturers, you killed those kids.
Not the criminal.
Article after article says police are now looking at AR-15s because the AR-15 killed the kids.
No, it didn't.
If a crazy man in a crowd runs over 50 people, and that's happened before, we don't say, and the Chevy pickup truck or the General Motors Cadillacs being looked at because it killed the kids.
It's not like it's Christine.
Thank you for the call.
We're just moving faster through calls.
We have a congressman joining us.
Come stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are joined by Representative Walter B. Jones.
And he joins us from his seat there in the Carolinas.
And he is probably one of the best lawmakers we have in Congress.
And certainly the best out of North Carolina.
I wanted to get him on a few days ago about the letter that they have sent to President Obama that we're going to show you here in a moment, and we're going to cover that.
Dealing with the fact that now there's an unauthorized war in Syria that even the New York Times admitted two Sundays ago.
Our government's funding Al-Qaeda.
It's just amazing to attack Syria.
So lawless, so criminal, so evil.
We're going to get to that because this is important news and there's been a blackout on it.
The system doesn't want the people to debate this.
Or the drones Obama has blowing little kids up in eight different countries.
He doesn't cry about those.
Or the thousands killed in Mexico, hundreds of them children, when he shipped guns into Mexico.
The congressman put out a letter saying Congress should not debate this and congressmen should not get into this until the last child's been buried out of respect to the family.
Unfortunately, a lot of the Democrats are running around just saying, ban guns, period.
I've never seen such an assault on the Second Amendment.
Because they know we've been winning court cases and the Second Amendment culture is growing.
So, Congressman, I understand your letter saying you don't want to get into this, but the Democrats aren't listening.
What can you say about the Second Amendment and where it stands?
Because they are saying the NRA murdered these children.
They're saying all gun owners are responsible.
And Fox Sports, CNN, they're now a new talking point.
They're saying that gun owners are secretly Klan members.
I'm sure you've seen that.
It has no connection to reality.
It's like saying if you like green beans, you are a child molester.
It just, it is the most base of propaganda.
Kind of like saying, you know, you're a bad man.
You know, you're the devil.
But, do you have any idea, just separate from the children and the shooting, because I know you've said you're not going to talk about that, why the rhetoric is getting so bizarre that someone who tries to be informed, it seems like an absurdist Kurt Vonnegut novel?
Well, Alex, let me say thank you for this opportunity.
At first, I would say that I have been and will be, as long as I'm a member of the United States Congress, a strong supporter
Of the rights of a law-abiding citizen to have his Second Amendment rights protected.
I do not agree with these extremists that want to say, we need to debate this today, we need to debate this tomorrow.
That's why I took the position that you just made reference to.
Until the last child is buried.
I don't think the Congress, left or right, should be debating this in Washington, and I don't think we will be.
I think the battle will start next year in 2013, and that's when we all need to roll up our sleeves and fight to protect the Second Amendment rights of people of this country who live by the law.
I have never seen such shameful, universal exploitation of these dead little children.
I mean, this is a victim disarmament, anti-gun, anti-American cult.
I don't know if you've been following CNN and MSNBC, but they are saying gun owners are the scum of the earth.
Well, Alex, I do not watch those shows that often, but I will say, obviously, because of the tragedy, I've watched the shows more than I normally would, but I would say this.
I think all those reporters have not done the families the service they deserve, and that's to have privacy.
I agree with you.
I agree with you, but separately...
They're always, you know, they're now saying having fantasy up to age three and abortion's a great thing.
I mean, these children are only five years out of the womb.
I mean, I wish they would show the same supposed, you know, care that MSNBC's been showing over these poor little darlings.
And I have small children.
It really tears me up.
It does.
But, I mean, I wish they'd be concerned about the unborn.
Well, I'm with you on that.
Like you, I'm very much pro-life.
I believe that the little seed that becomes a baby is in the womb before it's born.
It's just as important as whatever happens on earth to young children or adults.
It's equal.
Okay, well listen, Congressman Jones, I know you came on representing North Carolina and the United States to get into a big tragedy.
You're trying to stop being any worse.
Here's your letter, December 12th.
Hey, folks, didn't hear about this in the news, did you?
Hit this out to everybody, to the President of the United States, President Barack Obama.
And would you like to read this letter, Congressman, or would you like me to read it, or would you like to talk about it?
I will be glad to.
You read the first paragraph, and I'll read the second paragraph.
How's that?
Okay, we'll do that right now.
It says, Dear President Barack Obama, the White House, Washington, D.C.
Dear Mr. President, we are writing to strongly urge you not to once again lead our nation into war without authorization from Congress.
The recent threat of consequences should Syria use chemical weapons is eerily reminiscent of the calls for war with Iraq to deal with their weapons of mass destruction.
And that's in quotes.
We would like to remind you that the power to declare war remains vested in the Congress.
No resolution from the United Nations or NATO can supersede the power carefully entrusted with the representatives of the American people.
And the second paragraph, Alex, is if your administration believes committing American troops to Syria is essential.
The case must be permitted, excuse me, presented to Congress outside of an actual imminent attack on America.
The only precursor to war can be the authorization of Congress.
We call on you to abide by our Constitution and rely on our country's representatives to decide when war is necessary.
There's no greater responsibility than to send our young sons and daughters to war.
That responsibility remains with the United States Congress.
Alex is signed by myself, by Ron Paul, by Mo Brooks, by Mike Michaud, Democrat from Maine, by Justin Amash from
We're good to go.
And in addition, Colonel Pat Lang, Defense Intelligence Officer, is now retired.
They will speak and say that we do not need to commit troops to Syria, and if the President thinks it's necessary, he must come to Congress, which he has abided for so long.
Alex, you know that if we had never gone into Libya,
And I realize Gaddafi was an evil man, but if we'd never gone into Libya, which the President bypassed Congress, I want to remind you listeners of that.
He bypassed Congress, bombed Libya, and look at the mess in Libya.
We've lost an ambassador, we've lost a couple of Navy SEALs, and the controversy going over now about what happened in Benghazi.
But we created that problem.
We went in there and bombed a dictator.
And so, I just feel this way.
I'm a big Ron Paul supporter, as you well know.
We've talked about that before.
And I believe that this country, if we determine it's necessary to go into war, then let the Congress declare war that we have not done since World War II.
Well said.
I mean, it's in the Constitution that the Congress directs the war, funds the war, declares war, military actions, and Congress has gone along with more and more of that being given up.
We saw the spectacle that you've spoken out against, probably the chief person that's been trying to expose it, that in three different congressional hearings, we have seen the spectacle of the Joint Chiefs of Staff telling
Congress, that they get their orders from the NATO chieftains and the UN, and that the President gets those orders, and the President's put out a letter agreeing to that.
I mean, this is unprecedented.
And now, have you seen the articles even in the New York Times where the main force that the West is funding?
This is already military action without congressional approval.
Is Al Qaeda?
Absolutely, and that again is why I'm hopeful that, and I realize with the tragedy in Connecticut and all the other issues that are swirling around here, but we do not want the American people to forget
We're good to go.
To start living by the Constitution and not allowing any president, Democrat or Republican, to bypass Congress to bomb another country that's not an imminent threat to America.
We cannot police the world any longer, Alex.
We are financially broke.
Our kids are worn out.
The military equipment is worn out.
It's time to rebuild America and rebuild America's military.
Well, I agree with you, but it's so unprecedented that Obama is shutting down coal power plants without congressional approval outside of law.
He signed a cyber order and won't let Congress see it, last time I checked, when Congress is where the laws come from.
He says we're under UN control, and now, separately from the shooting,
Bloomberg is saying, we want executive action outside of Congress to restrict guns.
Sir, what do you predict as a senior member of the House of Representatives, what is going to happen?
And if folks just tune in, Representative Walter B. Jones of North Carolina is our guest.
What is your response going to be if in the new year, maybe even before, Obama just says, hey, I'm going to use executive order to take people's semi-autos?
Well, I'm going to say this, Alex.
I think that the American people and the Congress will challenge in the federal courts because, again, in my humble opinion, I think that this is an overreach by this administration.
And I will further say and remind the listeners that when he went into Libya, Jonathan Turley, who is a constitutional law professor at George Washington University,
John led the effort in the courts with Dennis Kucinich, Ron Paul, Walter Jones, Tim Johnson, a couple of Democrats, I can't remember their name now, to continue the challenge that this president has bypassed Congress and you cannot.
And I think it's going to take a major court fight and we've got to have, you know, major leaders of our country, including people like you, Alex Jones, to say enough is enough.
Because if not, this president has just, and I was upset with George Bush when he went into Iraq, so I want to be somewhat partisan on this, but I'm going to tell you this, that what Mr. Obama has done, starting with a number of issues, but particularly when he came, didn't even come to Congress, and bombed Libya, if that, that's an international war crime.
It is, it is.
I mean, we're doing what Germany started doing in the lead up to World War II, going into Danzig, going into Poland, going into Czechoslovakia, going into Austria.
And again, it's foreign interest bragging, I don't know if you've seen the headlines in the Financial Times of London and even Time Magazine, bragging that foreign banks say they've captured America.
And I've heard Bloomberg Financial brag, oh, Congress is ceremonial.
I mean, the bankers, in prospectuses to each other, are bragging we're a conquered people, and that we're a joke, and that now they're going to take our guns.
And it's just so crazy to watch our government funding Al-Qaeda.
To incinerate Libya and now Syria, and again Assad's not a good guy, but compared to Al-Qaeda he is, and he isn't attacking anybody, and Al-Qaeda is engaged in atrocities all over these countries, and is the main force?
I mean, it's like I woke up in Twilight Zone land, but because he's supposedly a liberal, can you imagine, Congressman, if George Bush was doing stuff like this, what the left would be saying?
Oh, absolutely.
Obviously, what has really frustrated me, this is before the tragedy in Connecticut, but what's really frustrated me is exactly, that's why again, and I want to mention this, why do we still have our kids in Afghanistan spending $10 billion a month we don't have, they're still getting shot, killed, and losing legs and arms?
And I've got a website if any of your listeners would like to join.
This effort, because we're going to be raising Cain in a bipartisan way about Afghanistan, is www.bringhome2013.com.
I don't know where the outrage is on that.
Alex, you might have seen about two months ago this lady named Lisa Freeman.
Her son was Captain Matthew Freeman.
Marine shot, killed in 2009.
She was interviewed because at that point a couple months ago, 2,000 Americans had died in Afghanistan.
And her comment was, where's the outrage?
We've been there 11 years.
Where's the voices of the American people?
Well, that's what's so sick about this, is that 20 children, you know, Stalin said, one man dies, it's a tragedy, 10,000 dies, it's a statistic.
Listen, I've got a 4-year-old daughter, I've got an 8-year-old daughter, I've got a 10-year-old son, it tears my guts out to see this, but to have them throw it in my face, clearly to exploit it, makes me sick and it makes me angry.
But then they admit, I've seen it in national statistics and polls, never before have people cared less about the troops.
Oh, they say they care about them, they're in the football game, and it's like this little knick-knack thing.
But the truth is, they're committing suicide at the record numbers.
They're making them serve five, six, seven, eight tours.
And yeah, bring them home!
Did you see, sir, where Obama just secretly sent 3,000 more troops back to Iraq?
Oh yeah.
Alex, that's the whole issue of this letter, quite frankly.
This president has not had his hands slapped by Congress yet.
He has not.
I can't even get my own side.
I don't mind telling you very quickly, two weeks ago in our Republican conference, I've had five Marines and one soldier from the 3rd District of North Carolina shot and killed by the Afghans they were training.
And I stood up in the conference and I said, Mr. Speaker, I want to tell you something.
We're talking about all these financial problems facing America and I agree with you.
But how about let's remember those overseas who are getting killed and losing their legs in a war that's never been declared, propping up a crook named Karzai so his family can keep selling drugs.
I said, what?
Where does it make any sense?
Well, you just answered it, sir.
The big megabanks that run both major parties now, they have been caught laundering, in mainstream news, that heroin money.
And that's why the troops will probably never leave.
And you're right, the country's descending into civil war.
I mean, it's incredible.
Alex, that's why you are such a leader of the Constitution in this country and people like yourself, I've been on several shows as you know, but you are making a difference.
And I believe sincerely that we saw the marches when Obamacare got to the floor, but when this debate starts on the Second Amendment, I think you're going to see the marches.
I really do.
I agree with you, sir, and we've got to defend the Republic.
Give out that website one more time, Congressman.
Thank you.
And there's a petition there on that site.
Right, that's exactly right.
We're going to be debating this next year also.
Bring them home in 2013.
Let's not see them die or crook.
Let's not see a country that's financially broken.
I agree, and everybody's got to go to your press conference tomorrow.
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We have a caller.
Says he's calling from Sandy Hook, Connecticut.
And that he had kids in the...
Well, it's very tragic.
It is.
Especially because we were involved with the school.
My daughter got out of that school last year.
She's in the intermediate school, which goes from 5th to 6th grade.
And my son is now in the 7th grade in the junior high school.
And it's very tragic.
It was an extremely shocking situation that happened.
The whole town is in shock.
And we were involved.
I was very involved with the school.
I ran the Cub Scouts the third and fourth grade out of Sandy Hook Elementary.
I live like a mile down the street.
My wife used to do the Sandy Hook Elementary School clothing lines.
We used to sell it.
You know, they do stuff for Christmas and Halloween and, you know, all the holidays they try to represent, you know, by having some gathering or, you know, parties at the school at night.
So, uh, you know, we were pretty involved.
We knew a lot of the teachers and I want to thank you.
First of all, you know, before I forget to do this, I want to thank you for everything you do.
Um, and, uh, I want to thank you for putting up Victoria Soto's picture because she was actually my son's after school, um, tutor.
You know, kids who are having problems with like math or whatever.
She was a tutor for him for like the last three years.
He was in Sandy Hook Elementary, so I had conversation with her twice a week.
And for folks that don't know who she is, tell them about her.
Well, she was a young girl who did, she was like a teacher's assistant, and she did, like with my son, he was having trouble with math, so she would work with the kids after school for an hour, hour and a half.
You know, giving them, you know, extra tutoring, you know, bringing them up to, you know, uh, the skills they needed to get through their class.
And, uh, really good girl, very smart, you know, um, and my son loved working with her, you know, he didn't mind being there at all.
And for folks that don't know, she saved a lot of people, uh, while in, in, uh,
What is your take on the way the globalist state-run media has tried to use this to destroy the Second Amendment?
Well, that was one of the reasons I called, because you always tell the truth.
And I go to you for news sources and I tell everybody about you.
The media, it's like an army of media trucks out there.
It's unbelievable.
Right down the street, Treadwell Park, Fox has a huge tractor trailer there.
It's just like an army of vehicles with the big, you know, the big satellite dishes on top of the vans and the trucks.
I think they're like vampires there to literally suck every bit of pain they can out of the parents.
And the parents have said that they're sick of them stalking them.
Well, yeah, I've talked to some of the store owners.
And, um, you know, some of the people like at the local hardware store and other businesses and they're sick and tired of the media.
They just want to have any information on the shooting itself.
I mean, from what you know, is the official story accurate?
Well, this is what I heard right from the get go.
I heard there was somebody else in the woods that they found.
They found somebody in the woods, outside of the building, and they had him handcuffed in the police car, and that's the last we heard of him.
You know, we didn't hear anything else about it.
And, uh... Tell you what, stay there.
We've got an image of Victoria Soto there, amazing heroine of Sandy Hook, who saved a bunch of kids.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
We're back, ladies and gentlemen, on this Tuesday edition.
We'll be here throughout the week and live on Friday when the world supposedly ends.
But our liberty will be ending if the globalists have their way.
Tim, you were talking about the guy who was caught, they thought, in camo they were seeing with a gun.
That's what the news first reported.
And then it was just a guy in the woods and he was in a police car.
But we never heard who that was.
And then we heard about two guys inside wearing masks.
But now we never hear about that.
And Facebook, if you talk about it, takes down your page.
So please continue, sir.
Yeah, well, the report I heard was that they actually had somebody handcuffed in the back of the police car.
And they didn't give any name about who he was or, you know, there's no more description of that.
It just ended.
And, uh, you know, there was a lot of, I don't know how many false reports there were.
When I first heard the news, my neighbor, I guess somebody came from the school, told my neighbor, my neighbor called me.
I was over in Norwalk, which is about 20 miles south of here.
Um, and my parents went down there and I turned around and went back to her, my mother's house and turned on the news and it took a few minutes and then it came on.
Newsflashes came on.
So, you know, I mean, there was bits and pieces coming through.
You know, before they finally came out with, you know, the story of a lone gunman, which is, you know, typical of the media.
And one of the things, one of the other reasons I really called, because I did speak to one person in the media and I said, when you get up there in front of this Lieutenant Vance,
Can you, like, push the question, ask what kind of medication was he on?
Was he on Prozac or Ritalin or something like that?
You know, because somebody with no violent history, no criminal history, to just explode like that and do what he did.
Well, they admit he was under psychiatric care and the treatment for that is a bunch of psychotropics and it always comes out months later.
It has in almost all the other cases.
And, you know, it's the standard deal.
All I know is they're not letting a horrible crisis go to waste.
And I want to know if Obama's going to come out and cry.
We should start a petition at WhiteHouse.gov.
Anybody can do it.
And the reason it's important is it draws media attention for Obama to come show emotion, for Obama to fake cry.
But make it more serious.
We want to see a press conference from Obama to come and apologize for guns they shipped into Mexico to blame the Second Amendment killing all those kids.
But see, don't hold your breath.
Or we should ask for a petition for Obama to come out and call for a national moment of silence for all the kids he's killed with his personal drone kill list he signs a few times a week.
When they call it collateral damage, when they bomb a wedding and kill 200-something people to kill one guy they claim is bad, that's just collateral damage.
Why, that's no big deal, Mr. President.
See, so, it's literally like some corrupt preacher up there fake crying, and it makes me sick, and it's totally fake.
And it's disgusting, and it makes me want to throw up.
What about you?
Yeah, I totally agree with that.
You know, I don't want them to come after our guns.
I'm a gun owner myself.
I don't want to have to give up my guns because that's kind of like the safety that I have for my family.
You know, I mean, this happened a mile down the street.
What's to say somebody's not going to start kicking doors?
And I mean, you hear all the time of these home invasions and the ones that fail are the ones where people have guns in their hands.
That truth is getting out, and the gun-grabbing disarmament culture is dying, and this is their death throes.
So get back in their face.
Don't let them cow you when they say you're a member of the Klan because you own a gun.
I mean, just look at that attack.
It's an act of a desperate scum.
When they say that you killed these kids, or the guns did it, it's just asinine.
Crime rates, and I showed it over and over again, FBI new numbers have come out.
Over the last 20 years, but here's numbers in the last 07 to 011.
Look, look.
Violent crime.
20% reduction in crime.
More guns, less crime.
Same thing that Professor Lotz's information has shown.
Book of the same name.
So, it's all happening.
Property crime.
Actually, I got my violent crime.
Let me find my violent crime.
Here it is.
Violent crime.
That's the one with the 20%.
Showing the wrong statistic.
Not on purpose.
Put all the statistics right here.
Violent crime.
More guns.
Crime going down.
Home invasions going down.
The only thing not going down is crimes where there's no people around.
That's going up.
Because the criminals are scared.
God bless you, sir.
This man wants your guns.
That is the cover of the 60-page, glossy magazine, jam-packed with information.
The December issue of InfoWars Magazine.
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