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Name: 20121107_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 7, 2012
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well it's official ladies and gentlemen we've got four more years of Barack Hussein Obama or whatever his real name is and hey he's a puppet he's a front man but he's a very important puppet because he gets people to buy in to his fraud he gets people to buy into the myth that he's actually running things and so people can blame him for bad things that happen and give him credit for good things that happen when a president
You know, he's not supposed to really be involved at many levels of our economy and our society.
A president is generally there for times of war.
Decide if you get your retirement or not.
Government is going to run your health care.
Government is here.
And it's growing like a cancer.
And the Republican Party lost.
I don't think there was, I mean, we got Bev Harris coming up later, there was probably some fraud on both sides, we're seeing evidence of that.
But they probably did lose because they tried to play the part of the reluctant socialist collectivist.
And they're not going to beat the Democrats when the Democrats are saying, hey, we'll take everybody's money that's got a dollar more than you and give it to you.
Do you want a free ride?
And the answer is, yes, we want a free ride.
And they've said, we'll break down the borders, bring in unlimited illegal aliens, and give you all free goodies if you'll vote to take the citizens' guns and bring in total control.
And the answer is, absolutely, we're ready.
And so it is the countdown to the total collapse of this country.
It's a foregone, guaranteed conclusion.
On the path, we're going.
Because the Republicans, even though he wrote Obamacare, even though he wants to ban semi-autos, even though he loves abortion in the past,
He had to act like he was against all those things and the Democrats by and large don't like that.
They think it's a treat to be disarmed.
They think it's a treat to live in a box and be controlled and be chicken fed by the government.
They think it's a treat and that it's loving and that they're these great moral people.
They're very childlike.
I don't know.
The Democratic Party in the long dark winter of tyranny with a fascistic global overlay with mega banks that are exempt from the socialism and communism they foist on us.
If Republicans don't get hardcore and move into states' rights, move into nullification, move into having the states secure the borders, it's over.
It's over.
You know, Mexico has a secure border with Guatemala for a reason.
Unlimited people will pour in from Latin America who are unskilled, because there are skilled people in Latin America, but they get in legally, because they have skills.
They're allowed to come in.
It's the same thing.
You should let skilled come in, not unskilled who just become political fodder.
And that's really what this comes down to more and more, so we're going to be talking about some of that today.
But it is the countdown to destruction.
All the countries south of us, we'll give you free health care, come here and have your babies, and then come up to Mexico and vote to take the people's rights away.
But see, Mexico's already lost all its rights, so it doesn't need to bring in people who for government payoffs will vote to bring in tyranny, because Mexico's already been a tyranny, well, for hundreds of years.
We're going to come back, though, and get into all the election news, what's happening in the economy, with the big stock market sell-off, and a lot more straight ahead.
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It's Alex Jones!
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central, we are here live.
That's 12 noon to 3 p.m.
It is the day after the election.
It is Wednesday, November 7th, 2012.
And I would have been depressed
And upset and disquieted if either one of these men would have been elected.
But the fact that Obama was elected signifies
That the American people who have been dumbed down and domesticated, that a larger and larger swath of them are sheep-like and do want to be collectively controlled and live in little Agenda 21 boxes.
I don't think so.
He said that we didn't need carbon taxes.
On the surface, he said abortion was wrong.
On the surface, he said things that are common sense and constitutional and pro-freedom, pro-family, pro-small business, and are what America was founded on.
Obama, who said, if you have a small business, you didn't build that, he said some similar things in his victory speech in Chicago last night.
He talked about, you know, we're not just competitive individuals, we're a collective.
And that's because they're most worried about the individual who's figured out the scam.
If we had loving robot systems or angels that sat there like iRobot with Isaac Asimov giving us our food, giving us our water, running our lives, and collectively dividing it up,
It would be a prison, it wouldn't be exciting, it wouldn't be the animating contest of liberty, but it might be generally biologically good for the general welfare.
Until people lost their competitiveness and became, you know, jellyfish.
Basically, have you seen the movie Wall-E?
You know, the future self-propelled stomachs lounging on the intergalactic cruise ship.
I mean, that's where we're headed.
You see, that's not where it's going, though.
On the current path, it's going that direction, except there's a detour.
There's a fork in the road where they plan on just getting rid of the majority of people, and that's what government health care is all about.
That's why health care stocks are the only stocks that are up today.
Because it means 35 million people will be forced to buy health care.
And the insurance companies have already said it's going to increase.
It's already gone up 20-something percent just in the passage a few years ago of eugenics care, Obamacare.
It's not even socialism.
If you're looking for a free lunch, it's not that.
You know, it's like a coyote you give a poisoned biscuit to.
You know, they have those and then it goes off and soft kills them.
It's a delayed action.
But my point here is that none of this is being done to empower you.
The collectivist pitfall is that the mid-level and low-level collectivists are generally childlike people, even if they have high IQs.
They're not street smart.
And they really just like the idea of they're part of a collective and they all decide how to hand out the goodies and engineer society and that collectively is their life work.
And I've studied these people, I've watched them, they basically just mill around, scared of guns, scared of testosterone, scared of being a man.
The women dislike men that are part of this guild.
They're really anti-human, addled, screwed up, malfunctioning, twisted people.
And I mean, I have to say that.
For all the conservatives' problems, they still, at their core base, want to be human beings and want to follow the natural order.
The technocrats want to play God and rearrange human society.
And so they need us to not be individuals.
They need us to be collective Borg hive-mind idiots.
And so that is the path we're on.
And no one can deny it.
And it's physical, it's not just educational.
Our IQs are dropping, the brainwaves are dropping on average, the vocabulary is dropping massively.
What George Orwell wrote about, Eric Blair wrote about in 1984, Ingsoc reducing the language.
He didn't just write this incredible fiction and wow, how'd he come up with this?
He had worked under the Soviets.
Before being an imperial police officer in India.
And he had also then been a member of OSS in high-level propaganda at the BBC, and he totally freaked out and ran off to an island off Scotland and wrote that book and died right after it got published.
Probably was killed.
Believe me, folks, they did not want that book coming out.
That book's not fiction, okay?
That's what they plan to do.
Stage terror attacks, blaming it on foreign enemies, breaking up the family, kids reporting on you.
That's real!
And Aldous Huxley, who wrote Brave New World in 1932.
Have you read Brave New World, Hux, written 80-something years ago?
You go read that, and it's what they're setting up today, and you see it in the headlines.
What's in that book?
Go read the book.
Of course, I don't just think this.
He wrote another book called Brave New World Revisited, I've read, and he gave a speech at Berkeley in 62 that we've played on air multiple times, where he was speaking to the graduate students and professors, and he said, this is all real.
We're going to integrate
This plan that the elite developed with a overlay of 1984, but it's going to be about 70% Brave New World, 30% 1984, and this is a real plan and you're not going to be able to escape it.
You should just join us.
And he died a few months later himself.
You can say he was killed or he knew he was going to be dying, so he went ahead and he was laughing at them, by the way, while he talked about it.
You know, I don't think it's funny being laughed at about this, being told I'm in a cage, being told I'm being poisoned to the food and water, seeing the control grids, the physical domination systems being put into place.
I'm going to get more to the election in a minute, but I was driving to work this morning, and way up ahead on the frontage road, when I exited to come down to our offices,
I saw the cop with his lights on.
I saw him pull a car over 500, 600 yards ahead.
I saw the lights way ahead.
I saw the pullover onto the shoulder.
And traffic was going kind of slow, so it was going about 20 miles an hour.
By the time I got up there, he already had the woman out of the car, walking with her head down.
You know, clean cut, look like just a regular, you know, working girl.
You know, regular business type.
Head down, ordering her into the back of the police car.
And it was just that image, you know, where you know the state's bad now.
You don't know if that guy had a reason to do that.
You don't know the story.
I just felt this pain to pull over and aid her, like wolves were on a woman.
And I said, I gotta get to work, I gotta... But the point is, you know, we're entering that phase, ladies and gentlemen.
We're entering that phase where you can't just drive on by.
Every time.
We've got to pick our battles, but we've got to start observing, we've got to start watching, because the bottom is dropping out right now.
It's going to get very bad.
They are announcing today they're going to shut down over a thousand coal power plants, as they said they would.
They are announcing they are going to push a carbon tax on everything you do.
Electricity, gasoline, everything.
They are going to cripple us.
And they are going to get everybody basically on welfare and food stamps.
That's the plan.
We're going to watch the absolute breaking of this country and we're going to watch the general public begging for handouts from the people that did it.
And I see the cynical speech of Obama that I watched last night.
And if you know what you're listening to, it is a declaration of war.
It's not
The slow New World Order takeover anymore.
He said we are going to seize the future and then he indicted the individual.
And that's because these super predators are threatened by the individual.
I'm here to tell you, we are in deep trouble.
With 303 to 206, and it just shows that the guy that said you didn't build that, and the guy that ran down small business people, and who hoisted the flag of collectivism, that we're going the way of Venezuela.
And it's going to get bad, folks.
And people won't notice they lose their standard of living.
They won't care because they still get that little thing from the government.
And they're going to use the giant disenfranchised dumbed-down masses.
They're going to take everybody's property.
They're going to take our guns.
And they're going to march paramilitary police and military on us.
And they're going to start a civil war.
They're going to hunt us down.
They're going to kill us.
And they're going to put us in re-education camps.
And I'm going to do whole reports where it's in the new army manuals, where the weathermen with Obama said that was their plan, and the banks are going to sit offshore while they gut this country up one side and down the other.
Now, that's if they have their way.
Here's the deal.
They're never going to tell you we're winning.
We're winning on many fronts.
For five of their zombies, one real person that's awake has more intellect, more energy, more power than them.
We just have to turn it loose at the grassroots level and take our society back and wake up as many zombies
As we can, we have to reach out to everybody and we have to rediscover liberty and we have to just denounce the collectivist and all the nightmares that they've created in their power trips.
And we have to expose it.
We have to expose the global bankers that use collectivism to control people.
We have to expose how pathetic and sad people are that have been collectivized and how their dignity and humanity is stolen.
And we have to understand this is a total war.
We've got to fight the info war so it doesn't go physical.
You notice around half the public didn't vote.
You notice Congress has a 9% approval rating.
We're actually winning the hearts and minds, but we're losing the control of the infrastructure because the criminals already hijacked it.
Everybody on the plane knows there's hijackers up at the front, but we're still not in control of the plane.
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Before you slip into unconsciousness I'd like to have another kiss We are going to be opening the phones up for your quick response to what you've seen out of the election and where you think things are going.
Toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
We'll get Jesse Ventura back on coming up later today to give us his take on the election and more.
We have Bev Harris for 30 minutes in the third hour to give us the latest on types of election fraud or scams that she is tracking over at blackboxvoting.org.
So that's all coming up again.
I'm your host,
Alex Jones, if you just joined us.
Coming up after the break, Obama may levy carbon tax to cut U.S.
deficit, HSBC says.
Of course, that's always been the plan.
The Dow fell off on Obama election win.
Energy stocks declined.
Coal mine top losers, coal miners.
Everything is going down, but the hospital stocks, and we'll explain why.
Big healthcare, which is run by big insurance companies and banks, they wrote the bill.
And they got Romney to pass it in Massachusetts, and they got Obama to do it.
It allows them to not cover pre-existing.
It allows them to control what healthcare you get.
It takes control of what your doctor can do.
It does set up the rationing death panels.
And you've got all these idiots going, man, thank you, Obama, for my free healthcare.
And you're not going to get it.
You always had the emergency care.
It's just, to be informed and to watch these people, how stupid they are.
And the fact that they smile at you and go, oh, get over it, your guy Romney didn't win.
I'm like, listen, you idiot.
I knew Romney was New World Order 2.
It's just the establishment wanted Obama.
So don't sit there with that self-satisfied, stupid smirk on your face when you don't know the first thing about what you're dealing with.
Makes me sick!
It would make me angry at them if they weren't such pathetic victims.
I mean, heaven help these people.
Obama and the Globalists want Agenda 21 to shut us down.
They hate you.
They want to eat your lunch.
They got drones murdering people all over the world.
They're putting Al Qaeda in charge of countries.
These are hardcore criminals.
And you idiots think they love you.
I'm sick of it.
I'm sick of all the liars that say collectivism is going to deliver us to heaven when it always delivers us to hell.
Excuse me, I'm going to settle down for just a moment.
It's going into bondage, like quicksand, slow death.
This is horrible.
And it's world government, there's nowhere to run.
And then there's stuff like this.
Paul Watson has the article up at Infowars.com.
It's been since picked up by Breitbart and a bunch of others.
Chris Matthews hails Hurricane Sandy for aiding Obama re-election.
I'm so glad we had the storm last week.
We're going to play the full clip and then play the shorter clip.
I told you that Romney was gaining major momentum on Benghazi, and on the You Didn't Build It, and the Obama phone lady, and all of it.
And I told you that would let him grandstand, shut things down, shut down coverage, and make himself look presidential.
And again, it's all about how these puppets actually run things.
It's about making them not talk about the real ruling structure, the mega banks that actually want big government.
But here's Chris Matthews with Matt Ow and the rest of them up there in their little fancy sets, their little fancy Emperor's New Clothes perch to a tiny audience chirping about how wondrous the hurricane was that killed 80 people.
Here it is.
Good work for them.
Good work for him.
A good day for America.
I'm so glad we had that storm last week.
Because I think the storm was one of those things.
No, politically, I should say.
Not in terms of hurting people.
The storm brought in possibilities for good politics.
Okay, there you go.
Good policies.
So, don't let a good crisis go to waste.
Even if you have to stage one.
They now, they've told you Al Qaeda is not the threat.
It never was.
It's gun owners, conservatives, libertarians, and they've got the military, the police, everybody else publicly training to shut down even small towns and come in and kick down your doors and take your guns.
That's an army training drills that we show video of, the manuals, the news, congress people on, state reps, governors, in police state for the rise of FEMA.
You can buy the DVD at Infowars.com, but there's no need to do that.
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You know, for heaven's sakes, go get the film, go watch it, show it to everybody you know.
The reason I say get the DVD is a lot of people get sent some free film online, even in decent res.
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You give them the DVD, they'll tend to watch it.
Put it on AXS TV, warn people.
Again, the government's massing forces and training to make war on those of us that don't want to be communist, okay?
I'm so glad we had that storm last week.
I'm so glad we had that storm last week.
I'm so glad we had that storm last week.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alex Jones here with a very important announcement for truth seekers.
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And out of all the titles we've carried, one stands out because it is just so chillingly convincing.
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These titles and a lot more are all available at InfoWarshop.com.
Sick of the globalist eugenicist control freaks adding poison to your water?
I think?
We're good to go.
We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I'm waiting in my cold cell When the bell begins to chime
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
And the sands of time for our republic are running low.
There is no doubt about that, and it is going to be horrible.
The authoritarians, the criminal crime syndicates worldwide have licked their lips, just dreaming of fully gutting this country, arresting whoever they want.
We already have the biggest prison population in the world, the greatest surveillance system the world's ever seen, the biggest government
Anyone's ever seen the biggest military the world's ever seen and it's all run by offshore eugenics based bankers who literally want to put bio and chemical weapons into your body, watch you degenerate and die, and then suck all your savings out of you at their death camp hospitals.
That is their plan.
That is their program.
And that doesn't mean the average doctor is even bad.
They are compartmentalized within this system.
And it is only by waking up to the full horror of this that we have any chance of beating it.
And I think we're going to end up beating it.
The question is, how bad is it going to get?
And I think unquestionably it's going to get really, really, really, really bad before anything gets better.
And again, Romney would, if people would have voted for Romney, it would have been a slapdown of Obama's government-run healthcare, a slapdown of saying churches are going to pay for abortions, and hiring people that aren't part of their religion, a total attack on the First Amendment, totally illegal, which Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the fratricide thereof.
I mean, you could have a religion saying, you know, that only men can marry men, and you can't have the government come and tell them, you know, that they can't, in their own religion, call it marriage and do it.
It just can't be state-sponsored.
Or you can have a religion saying, you know, you can marry all the women you want, quite frankly, under the First Amendment.
Whether you agree with that or not, if it's under religion, you can pretty much do whatever you want.
And see, people don't like that.
They don't like the real separation of church and state means government isn't involved in religion.
If the Hopi Indians want to take mescaline, want to take peyote, and talk to their ancestors and run around the fire, that's their business.
And if holy rollers want to dance around with rattlesnakes in their hands and drink strychnine, that's their business.
And if Muslims want to have minarets in Dearborn, Michigan and give daily calls to prayer, that's their business.
And if Baptists want to go and get in the river and baptize their five-year-old, that's their business.
And if Catholics want to take communion, that's their business.
And if they don't want to hire Satanists, that's their business.
I mean, do the Satanists have to hire Alex Jones?
I'm now ranting off into that issue.
It just totally blows me away.
And then I see Chris Matthews knowing he's a globalist, knowing he's a eugenicist, knowing that he's a technocrat race pimp, and that's what collectivists do.
They sit there when they're on the air with you, I've interviewed many of them, and they'll say, oh that's racism.
You're like, hey I don't want government health care.
Oh that's racism.
Well how's it racism?
You know, John Mertz Society talking points, you're like, what does that even have to do?
I mean, it's like a simple playbook they go through.
And it's, it's, it's, to those of us that are informed, it's mindless.
But it's not mindless to childlike population out there.
Because they have been so dumbed down.
Let's play this one more time.
The full video is up at InfoWars.com and PrisonMoney.com.
Chris Matthews hails Hurricane Sandy for aiding Obama re-election.
You know, I said two weeks ago, I said that hurricane, as it was coming, was probably going to get Obama re-elected.
I said currently Romney is getting in the lead.
But I said this is going to take it out of the news.
And this is going to let Obama look like a savior.
And it's going to take Benghazi out of the news and some other issues.
And here the Democrats are bragging about it.
And, you know, 80 people dead.
Government can't and won't help people.
They're busy arresting folks that try to bring gasoline into their neighbors.
They're busy nickel and dime people.
Because government's there to keep the producers on the plantation saying, yes, sir, boss.
And they're to let the criminals run wild and feed on us, so we beg for more police state.
We're all managed on these big collectivist farms.
And now the collectivists are like, hey, let's just gut the hog all the way.
Let's just butcher the sheep.
Let's stop shearing them.
Let's just go ahead and have a party.
Because they know that in liberty is the seeds of their destruction.
So they just want to get rid of it all.
They want to wipe everything out.
That's what they want.
They destroy in Poland and in Ukraine and other areas.
The Soviets would just turn off all the infrastructure for years.
That turned off five years.
Until, you know, 15 million Ukrainians starve to death.
And this is what they do.
This is what they do.
And you can call them communist, you can call them fascist.
The Nazis did that in places they came in and took over.
Turned off the infrastructure.
Started starving people out in Serbia and other areas.
This is what they do.
You know, I've studied warfare.
I've studied history.
And history is warfare.
I've studied siege.
I've studied economic blockades.
I've studied physical blockades.
I've studied it up one side and down the other.
Threw in and threw out.
And let me tell you, we're under attack.
And just because you got a bunch of addled people stumbling around watching Oprah Winfrey, the male Oprah Winfrey, up there crying, you know, the system does not care about you.
It hates you.
The Democratic Party, and Richard Belzer is pretty informed, he actually knew this when I had him on yesterday,
said we're gonna stop putting on our white robes and having 500,000 Klansmen march in DC.
Oh yeah.
That was in the 20s and 30s.
We're gonna say we're liberals and we're gonna take over.
We're gonna break up everybody's families.
We're gonna collectivize all these people and we're going to convince the minorities to be our slaves again on the plantation.
And we're gonna break up their families and they've done it.
They've done a great job.
They've done a wonderful job and
And you can't get out of it because the Republicans are basically the same people, too.
The Republicans try to act like they're conservative enough and libertarian enough to get people to go with them, but that's not enough for the Democrats.
If they came out and announced, we love Lenin, we love Stalin, arrest rich people, put them in FEMA camps, then Republicans would be elected in California.
I mean, you got a bunch of losers milling around all day, folks, that when they see a nice car, they see a nice house, or you even give people a big tip, they want to bash your brains out, okay?
They want to throw your wife on the table, rape her and kill her.
That's what a bunch of these collectivists are like.
These are the scum of the earth, and then you've got the Dudley Do-Right idiots of the earth that are out there with them.
And they're dangerous, and they've done this in hundreds of countries in the last couple thousand years.
Globalists do this.
Jacobins in France, whatever you want to call them, we're in trouble.
And I'm going to tell you folks, they're going to hurt you bad.
They're going to hurt you bad.
But again, if it's their tool of statecraft, hey, 3,000 die for 9-11 to destroy the Republic, to bring in the police state, 80 die.
Hey, you know what?
This hurricane, thank God for this hurricane.
Here's Chris Matthews one more time.
Good work for them, good work for him, a good day for America.
I'm so glad we had that storm last week, because I think the storm was one of those things.
No, politically, I should say, in terms of hurting people.
The storm brought in possibilities for good politics.
Brought you to your knees so government could run around and have women, mainly, single women.
Daddy died or daddy got thrown out a long time ago because I profile these people.
It's single women, big bosses, and they got their nice house.
They're out there with their kids, you know, who are 25, 30 years old.
I'm not knocking you for taking care of your kids, but I'm profiling it.
And they're out there and it's the proud woman going, I want my food, I want my gas.
And Schumer, yes ma'am, here's my card, we're gonna get it.
And they didn't get Jack Diddley squat and failed on every front, but it doesn't matter.
It's that image of that senator bowing to her.
Yes ma'am, I'm gonna take care of you.
And that's what they want.
And that's what NAFTA and GATT and globalism and tax incentives to move offshore and bailouts to move General Motors overseas and Jeep planning to leave the country.
All of this is about teaching you, you need them.
That's what Agenda 21, all of it is.
Don't you get it?
Humans are so productive, so competitive, so dynamic.
And the globalists have all written books about this.
You know, they talk about the economy overheating, so they try to increase, you know, taxes and things.
They know increased taxes shut the economy down.
And they're announcing all these new taxes that are going to kick in, and all the new carbon taxes, and all the new stuff.
And you notice the stock market's plunging and things are shutting down, but that's okay because that's part of the plan.
Only thing going up is the banker-run health care system written by the insurance companies to destroy health care and restrict the care you can get under government care.
And the death panels and all the rest of it, which they now have.
I can play Bill Gates admitting there's death panels and he supports them.
But again, they said when they were trying to pass it, there's not death panels, that's a conspiracy theory.
When any moron could read, there's government panels of bioethicists that will tell, in general forms, what you can get.
And they say, hey, you're over 65, you don't get eye surgery.
You don't get knee surgery.
And they're like, well, I guess I'm old.
I'm now part of the collective.
I get to go up the carousel like Logan's run and get blown into bits.
See, once they shut down the size of the pie, now everybody can fight over it.
And who gets to referee that?
The pimps.
Under agenda 21, they're announcing they're not going to let most people build all those old family resorts and little hotels up and down Jersey Shore are the only good things in the New Jersey economy.
And now they're saying, oh, we're sorry, we're not going to let you rebuild.
We're going to bring in big companies and you're all out of here.
All those cool little places like you have up and down the panhandle of Florida.
They ever have a hurricane, they'll say you can't rebuild there.
All those little boutique hotels, it's gone.
You ain't building it.
We're going to make you sell it for almost nothing.
And we're going to bring in a multinational casino in here.
Do you understand that scum?
It's for the earth.
Do you understand that scum?
Here's a microcosm of this.
So Prop 1 passed, now what's next for Austin's medical school?
They call it Austin's Medical School.
And there's Kirk Watson, the state senator who was the Austin mayor, who took tens of thousands of acres of people's property, forcibly, for pennies on the dollar, turned around and took the Agenda 21 restrictions off, and then let all his buddies develop it.
There he is, Kirk Watson, what a joke.
And they know the public's so dumb, they always have people call him senator, instead of state senator.
And there he is.
Of course Prop 1 passed.
We have total election fraud in Travis County.
And I hear people talking.
I was exercising yesterday down the Heiken bike trail and I heard all the little trendies and professor types walking around.
I was sitting there stretching and they were all talking.
Yes, I am voting for that.
We need that medical school.
We need it.
Like they were somebody.
Like they were doing something.
Has over 400 billion in investments that are outside their budget.
Just like county cities have the comprehensive agri-finance reports.
They have close to 20 billion in other liquid funds and assets.
They're the biggest landowner in Texas.
Oil wells everywhere.
They own many of the top patents on oil exploration.
On and on and on.
Conservatively, they're worth over 500 billion.
They got a billion and a half in gold.
Just gold bars.
They're saying it's $97 per person.
No, no, no.
That's on average saying each home has three people.
The average Austin home will pay $294 on top of all their other property taxes.
That's the average little house.
People in big houses, you're going to pay thousands on top of it.
Little houses in East Austin are $2,000, $3,000 a year property taxes.
Even LULAC, which is usually pretty socialist, you know, came out and said, we don't want this.
Well, you know what?
You got it.
And now it sets the precedent for property taxes, not just for, you know, the government training camps, but everything else.
You've got University of Texas, the richest university in the world.
Look it up.
And they are now going to make everybody pay for their stinking medical school when they can build 10.
I mean, it's a joke.
So, that's how it works.
That's how the New World Order works.
That you give the money to the rich, so they can become billionaires and control trillions in the aggregate, while those of us that produce and try to hire people and try to actually be the real middle class, the real producers, the real generators of wealth, the real generators of upper mobility, the elites don't want that.
They've never wanted that.
And they're wiping it out.
I got to pay for Formula 1.
We're paying for the whole thing out here!
People get to pay for the big stadiums for these billionaires.
It's a joke.
And I hear these idiots going, well, we got a stadium.
Well, we got Formula One.
Well, we're getting the Iraqi oil.
Oil prices went up after Iraq.
They ship all that oil to Europe and Asia.
They went in there because Saddam was selling too much oil, idiots.
They went in there to shut the stinking oil off, to charge you more with artificial scarcity.
Grow up and learn!
Grow up and learn and stop being idiots!
I'm talking to collectivists out there.
You make me want to throw up.
Let's go out to break with some of Obama.
And I'll come back with more of it.
Start playing the Obama speech where he kind of attacks individuals here.
Listen to this creepy speech.
Here it is from last night.
I have never been more hopeful about America.
And I ask you to sustain that hope.
Yeah, chumps.
I'm not talking about blind optimism.
No, no, just let me sucker you more for foreign banks.
It's an enormous task to gut this country and shut down the coal power plants.
I'm not talking about the wishful idealism that allows us to just sit on the sidelines or jerk from a fight.
I've always believed that hope is that stubborn thing inside us that insists, despite all the evidence to the contrary, that something better awaits us.
So long as we have the courage to keep reaching, to keep working, to keep fighting.
I believe we can build on the progress we've made, and continue to fight for new jobs, and new opportunities, and new security for the middle class.
I believe we can keep the promise of our founding.
The idea that if you're willing to work hard, it doesn't matter who you are, or where you come from, or what you look like, or where you live.
It doesn't matter whether you're black, or white, or hispanic, or asian, or native american, or jewish, or whatever.
It doesn't matter if you're poor, able, disabled, gay, or straight.
You can make it here in America if you're willing to try.
But the idea is government's going to do that.
Government's going to take your jobs away, but then it's going to give you the select insider job picking winners.
I believe we can seize this future together.
Seize the future.
Because we are not as divided as our politics suggests.
We're not as cynical as the pundits believe.
We are greater than the sum of our individual ambitions.
Did you hear that?
We are not individuals.
We are not individuals with our competitiveness.
No, we are a greater collective.
I mean, whoa!
You will be assimilated!
Danger, Will Robinson!
I'm getting chills!
And you got those people in there.
I mean, folks, they're announcing they're going to shut down a thousand-plus plants in the next two years.
He's announced it.
It's not the Republicans saying it now.
They're going to shut your power down, folks.
I mean, just get ready for your bills to skyrocket.
Oh, yeah, they're going to help you real good.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
So, Chris Matthews, you know, they say don't let a good crisis go to waste.
They say thank goodness for the hurricane so we can pose as saviors.
They want you dependent, okay?
Figure that out.
And here's Obama in his victory speech in Chicago up there.
What a great job the government's done, you know, under his buddy's control.
There he is saying that, hey, you know, we're bigger than just individual ambition.
Oh, yeah, that's just terrible.
That's absolutely... Meanwhile, there's a bunch of ambitious crooks like him up on top of us.
They want the little guys to sit down and shut up and give us everything you've got so we can hand it out to some other people so they can outnumber you in the voting booth, okay?
We're gonna take everything you got, get used to it.
And see, in a democracy, 51% can vote all the money of the other 49.
And, of course, the average person that thinks they're poor has no idea of all the fines and fees and taxes that get passed on on what they buy.
They don't understand big government delivers hell.
They just think their guy's in.
He's going to give them an Obama phone.
He's going to do more.
Here is Obama with his really creepy statements about the collective.
Here it is.
We are greater than the sum of our individual ambitions.
And we remain more than a collection of red states and blue states.
We are and forever will be the United States of America.
And together with your help and God's grace, we will continue our journey forward.
All right, that's enough.
And he says the best is yet to come.
And from the social engineer control freak perspective, absolutely Obama, we know that the best or the worst from our perspective is yet to come.
So again, you've got gullible people that really think Obama cares about them.
And Bloomberg's reporting they're moving forward.
HSBC says, yeah, that's the word they've got from inside the Obama administration, that they're going to have a $20 charge per metric ton of carbon dioxide equivalent, and raising about 6% a year could raise $154 billion.
And that's just how they'll start it.
And they say they have the moral authority now because of Hurricane Sandy.
Yeah, I mean, any time there is a
Any type of problem, it's, you know, hurricanes, well, it must be because we're bad, so pay government more money.
And that will further shut down our industry, while they're shutting down the coal power plants that supply more than half, while China and a hundred plus other countries have no restrictions.
So the jobs will go.
This is an internal economic tariff.
You know what bombers, German bombers against England and other areas of Europe, France, would do?
They would go in and bomb the power plants.
You know what our bombers did?
They went over.
People in the Army Air Corps, like my dad's dad, they would go over and bomb power plants and bomb factories.
Well, see, they don't have to bomb them now.
They just shut them down with regulations.
And then the countries where the globalists have invested are all exempt.
And it's all a big joke that they shut down us and then go work with the authoritarian communist generals in China.
And the corrupt government of India and Mexico.
And I mean, it's game over.
And you've got these people, starry eyes like children, believing Santa Claus is about to come down the chimney, looking at Obama when really Freddy Krueger's coming down the chimney.
And it's so sad.
I don't even hate these people.
They are just such pathetic jellyfish.
And I want to say this, and Paul Watson's doing an article on it.
I hope the Republicans feel good because all the national polls showed Ron Paul would have beaten, because of his true credibility, his anti-war stance, his pro-civil liberty stance, Ron Paul would have beaten Obama hands down.
The polls showed it was neck and neck or Obama above Romney and every other Republican.
We wrote articles about it, so did the mainstream media.
And so I hope all you Republicans enjoyed treating Ron Paul and his supporters bad and trying to throw them out and doing all the cheating and everything and stealing Iowa and stealing Maine from them.
I mean, I hope you enjoy yourselves, because let me tell you something.
When the globalists get done, there's not going to be a Republican Party.
There's going to be the Democratic Party, this is what they're planning, splitting into two new parties.
And they're going to come and arrest you.
A lot of you are just going to run off overseas while you're stealing money.
I hope you guys enjoyed selling out the country.
Good job.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The twinkly-eyed cross between a Ken Doll mannequin and Count Dracula.
Mitt Romney has fallen to the globalist scam artist male Oprah Winfrey.
Barack Obama.
It's all a giant distraction, diversion, except for the fact that they're now selling the idea that you didn't build that.
Socialism's good.
That's the way forward.
Let's do it.
Russia tried it.
China tried it.
Now it's gotten away from it, and it just worked out so good when Mal collectivized everything.
So let's go that way and raise taxes, which they know stalls out the economy.
The stock market, I don't know.
Guys, how far down is the stock market right now?
I mean, it doesn't matter.
It's been up because it's run by devalued dollars.
But we got the stock market down quite a bit right now, down 297 points on the Dow Jones Industrials.
You know, my question here is with all the new carbon taxes and all the new globalism coming in that other countries are exempt from, I wonder how our economy is going to do?
Oh, I guess we'll just go on food stamps and learn how to be under government control, learn how to be domesticated.
You remember Judge Tom Head, a Texas judge, said if Obama got re-elected he needed more deputies because he knows Obama's going to come for the guns and they're going to have to resist.
Well, Obama said in the second debate they are going to try to ban handguns and rifles and that probably will start a civil war.
Let's go ahead and play a clip of that.
Here is the um... judge.
He's going to try to hand over the sovereignty of the United States to the UN.
Okay, what's going to happen when that happens?
I'm thinking worst case scenario.
Right, right.
I understand.
Civil unrest, civil disobedience, civil war, maybe.
And we're not talking just a few riots here and demonstrations.
We're talking, we're talking Lexington, Concord, take up arms and get rid of the guy.
Okay, now what's going to happen if we do that?
If the public decides to do that?
He's going to send in
Okay, and by the way
The new thing, if you don't like Obamacare, you don't like world government, is you're a racist.
So, when they're trying to send in paramilitaries, this could happen in the future.
They're going to call us terrorists, they're going to call us racist.
And the answer is to reach out to as many people as we can of every race, color and creed and wake them up about the new world order.
Because the globalists are the ones always introducing race into everything.
I don't think so.
It's really good to see constitutional Hispanics who can then go out there and wake people up to the New World Order as well.
Because you've got the Republicans with their corporate fascist model, and you've got the Democrats with their socialist fascist model.
It's all going the same direction.
But the Democrats want to get everybody on food stamps, everybody dependent, so they can control them.
All right, we're going to go to break here and come back with former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura, who was on with us.
Just a few weeks ago, and that was great because he hasn't been doing a lot of interviews.
He's been taking time off with his family, so it's great to kind of have this exclusive with Governor Jesse Ventura coming up.
I want to get his take on how we've rearranged Dick Chares and the Titanic with the two gangs.
He's got his new best-selling book out.
He's a multi-time New York Times bestseller, what, number one a few times.
The book's like, ain't got time to bleed.
We sell all three of his most recent books, along with Fletcher Prouty's book,
The Secret Team that's been reissued by his publisher.
Great publishers up there at Skyhorse.
So those are all available at infowarestore.com and your purchase of books, videos, things like that.
Also supports the broadcast and our truly alternative media system here that we've built.
So we'll look at the election, the premiere of the TV show.
I'm still not sure exactly which one is premiering tonight because I was told it was the Death Ray episode or maybe the
The David Icke episode, and I'm still wanting to know which one, so I'm going to find out right now.
I haven't even talked to the governor yet.
We just got him.
I'm going to talk to him during the break, and he'll be back with us live on the other side.
I'm Alex Jones.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I was just up this morning on the conspiracy theory website on TruTV because up until just a few days ago they were still debating would it be the Reptilians David Icke episode or would it be
The Tesla death ray, and right up to the wire they're saying it's going to be the David Icke special tonight.
And I was briefly interviewed for it when I was out doing another investigation with Governor Ventura at rocket bases outside Las Vegas.
So I don't know the full context of it, but I'm sad to hear the two guys tangle pretty bad.
But I'll certainly be watching it tonight.
We're also going to have two-hour special coverage tonight.
At Infowarsnightlynews.com with our great reporter team.
We had reporters on the street last night.
It was pretty amazing that we're getting to the level now where we are going to be able to challenge the establishment outfits like MSNBC.
Governor Ventura has not been doing interviews last month except with us, but he will be on Piers Morgan tonight.
We've got some breaking news on that front.
But first off with former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura.
I watched because I was interested.
Actually, what I hoped for didn't happen, but it almost did.
And that was this.
If you go back to 2000, if you remember, Al Gore won the popular vote by half a million, but George Bush won the presidency because of the Electoral College.
And for a long time last night, it looked like those two were going to reverse itself.
It looked like President Obama was going to win the Electoral College, and for a great deal of the night, it looked like Mitt Romney was going to win the popular vote, which is what I was hoping would happen.
And it did fall short.
The president ended up, you know, winning the popular vote by a very slim margin.
And of course won the electoral by a much wider margin.
And the reason I wanted that to happen was because I wanted the shoe on the other foot within a decade almost.
Because I'm an advocate to abolish the Electoral College, and I always have been.
I don't understand its purpose anymore.
It's outdated.
It was put into play back when they had to go to Washington on horseback, so it was the only way they could determine a president.
Well, we live in an electronic age now where they can look into your backyard from a satellite.
Sure, I think the argument is the states need to maintain their
Integral sovereignty within the union and so you do have a popular vote within the state and the popular vote renders up that particular number so that the states are still in control of it.
Kind of like until they came along with the 17th amendment as you know in 1913 governor the senators were elected by the legislature and were creatures of the state so that you had popular elected house members but senators
Yeah, and I disagree with that, too.
You know, I just don't buy the electoral college.
To me, how can you get the most votes and lose?
That makes no sense to me.
You know, we're one country, we're one nation.
And whoever gets the most votes, it would have no bearing on this current election because Obama ended up winning the popular vote.
I am the advocate to abolish the Electoral College.
I don't agree with it.
They sit and tell you, well, if you don't have the Electoral College, candidates won't go to the little states.
They'll only focus on the major metropolitan areas.
I got news for you.
Even with the Electoral College, that's all they do.
That's a hollow statement when they say that, because if I were running for president, and I had the opportunity to go speak in Montana or California, with the electoral college, where am I going to go?
I'm going to go where the electoral votes are!
So it's irrelevant.
It doesn't make any sense when they use that argument.
Naturally, a candidate is going to go where the most masses of people can be reached.
Sure, sure.
Listen, I get your perspective.
I'm not disagreeing with you on that.
But expanding on it, Colorado and other states said, hey, just decriminalize marijuana altogether.
That's one thing Obama promised he would do is let the states have their rights.
And I'm not even a big marijuana
Alex Cripe Almighty!
I grew up in the 60's!
Well sure, I'm not going to sit here and lie.
What about Bill Clinton saying he didn't inhale?
I couldn't be more ecstatic over that.
I took my hat today.
I'm glad you brought it up.
Kudos to the people of Colorado.
Kudos to the people of Washington for standing up and taking a major, major step in ending this crazy war on drugs.
And this is a major step.
Now, what'll happen?
Here's what I would do, Alex.
Let me offer this.
I saw the interview with the Colorado Democratic governor, and boy, he didn't want to talk about this issue at all.
He was skirting it.
He didn't know what to say.
Had I been the governor, here's what I would have said.
I would have said the people of Colorado have spoken.
They've taken a step towards ending this crazy war on drugs.
Now, marijuana will still be illegal federally.
But I, as governor of Colorado, this is what I would say.
I, as governor of Colorado, will put no resources nor any manpower towards arresting marijuana users or anything of that sort.
So the only way in the state of Colorado you will ever get arrested, it will be federal and federal only.
They will get no assistance from state or local government, and they will get no financial aid or help in any type of investigation or the courts.
Well, I agree with you, and that's a great stand.
We need to see that.
But that's one thing that, you know, Obama, another one of the lies he told the night before the election.
He said, look, I always tell the truth.
I don't lie.
We played that clip over and over again.
And he I mean, think of all the lies, Governor.
What lies can you think of?
Now we're looking at Obama, so we can move past Romney.
Four more years of Obama.
The reason I'm really concerned about that, he can launch wars, but because he's the Peace Prize winner, they're not wars in Libya and Syria.
He can continue warrantless spying.
Chris Hedges, the Pulitzer Prize winning big liberal.
He says Obama is far worse than Bush on many fronts.
I mean, are you concerned about what Obama can do now, not facing...
I'm not concerned about what Obama personally can do.
I'm concerned about what all started with George Bush and was allowed to happen.
Let's remember, this stuff wasn't created by Barack Obama.
This stuff went into effect under George Bush.
Okay, well then we should pressure him to get rid of it.
Barack Obama has expanded it.
So he's just doing what was started a decade ago.
Now, we need to stop that.
They need to speak out loudly and we as citizens need to stand up and we can start with the drugs.
Washington and Colorado are two great places.
The people of those states, which I believe states should determine what drugs are illegal or not legal, should be up to the state.
And, uh, if the federal now comes down hard on Colorado and Washington for this, we as the rest of the country need to step forward and say, hey, wait a minute.
Instead of sitting on our asses out there doing nothing.
Well, I agree with you, and look, you know, Tenth Amendment, you as a governor know it better than anybody.
This is the key, and while we have states, it's time for the states to say, hey, we're going to do what our Constitution and our people say.
We're not going to have the distant federal government run by a bunch of foreign banks telling us what to do.
And again, even though I'm not somebody that, you know, uses marijuana as a recreational thing,
My issue is, I know it's a red herring fraud, I know reefer madness is a fraud, I know it's got a lot of medical uses, and I know that the feds have no business, as Obama said four years ago, he was going to stop enforcing federal stuff on recreational... We have a bigger issue than that, Alex.
The issue is this.
In a supposedly free society, which we claim that we are, how can you commit a crime against yourself?
You follow me?
That's what drug usage is.
If you don't harm anybody else, and you simply ingest a drug...
How can they arrest you for that in a supposed free society when you're only committing a crime against yourself?
It's unconscionable to me the concept that you can commit a crime against yourself.
No, I agree.
I'm just saying the mechanism of the state is there.
That's why we have it, to be a check and balance against out-of-control federal behavior.
Right, right.
The big point is that whether you agree with marijuana or not is irrelevant.
It is the point of the matter of committing a crime against yourself in a supposed free society.
You should not be able to do that.
I'm just saying even the marijuanaphobics out there need to understand this model of nullification and using the states to block the feds when they're out of control in the tyranny department is something that's really working.
Yeah, and that's why people should get on board and support what Colorado and Washington did.
The people of those states determined on their own that they were going to now want to tax marijuana, they want to treat it the same as alcohol.
They want the revenues from it and they don't want people put in jail over it.
And that's the right way to go because again it's a step forward in a free society of abolishing the ability of committing a crime against yourself.
Now if somebody smokes pot and goes out and robs the bank, well fine, then prosecute them.
Oh yeah, well nobody's robbing banks that smoke and pot.
People drinking are doing it and using cocaine.
But listen, expanding on that, we're about to go to break, but you bring up a really interesting point there.
Government, as you know and you've written about in your books, has been caught shipping the drugs in to begin with.
Well, if they want to operate clandestinely, and don't want anybody to know about what they're doing, then they're forced to get an outside revenue source.
And that's what, unfortunately, drugs has been.
They've created that as a revenue source where they can make tons of money, and that way they can apply that money to any operation they want to do, and they don't have to bring it above board.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I'm Alex Jones.
More post-election coverage.
Four more years of Barack Obama.
We're going to open the phones up for you after Governor Ventura leaves us.
And then Bev Harris is popping in for about 15 minutes to get into any reports of election fraud by both sides that she saw.
But we're going to get into Prop 37 defeated, if you believe that, in California.
Oh, let's not label things.
But Governor, Second Amendment.
You know, you talked about the fact that you're a big supporter of the Second Amendment and it's for defense.
I want you to repeat what you've said privately to me before and also what you've said on air.
But Obama, in the second debate, said he believes you shouldn't be able to own anything semi-automatic.
Handguns, rifles.
We've got an article out at Infowars.com.
Gun stocks surge after Obama re-election.
And, you know, here's the deal.
I mean, I can tell you right now, if the government tries to start restricting law-abiding citizens' guns, people aren't going along with this.
What is your take on the Second Amendment and what Obama may try to do with the expanded police state?
You're talking to me, Alex?
Well, I fully support the Second Amendment.
I always have, I always will.
The Second Amendment was put into the Constitution so that
We as citizens would have the right to defend ourselves basically if our government became abusive or if it ever got to that situation.
And it's also a good idea because as a country no one will ever invade this country.
Because the citizenry are so well armed in this country it would be a suicide mission.
To try to invade the United States of America because of the Second Amendment, which protects and gives us the right to bear arms.
And any erosion of this right is simply, I will oppose it completely.
If Obama tries to do it, I will oppose him.
It doesn't matter to me.
I'm a great follower of the Constitution and a follower of the Bill of Rights.
And these things were put in there for a reason, and until they amend the Constitution or amend the Bill of Rights,
That's the fabric of our nation.
And that's what our nation stands for.
It's the glue that keeps it together.
And we need to honor that as a military veteran and all veterans today.
You take an oath stating that you will protect and defend the Constitution and Bill of Rights against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
And I live by that oath even today, even though I've been discharged in 1975.
I still live by the oath that I took, and that is I will defend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
So, until they're properly changed in some manner, I will continue to defend them.
Sure, but I mean, any government that tried to go out and have their electronic voting machines and some national referendum say we now want to ban the guns, I mean, that's just a tyrannical move.
Look, just in the last week and a half, you probably saw... Wait a minute, Alex.
To do anything like that to amend the Constitution also requires the ratification of two-thirds of the states.
Sure, that's what I meant by the National Referendum.
It would then go down to all the states voting on it, and it would require two-thirds of the states to vote in approval of it.
No, I know, but... I do not believe there are two-thirds of the states in this country that would approve of eradicating that out of the Second Amendment.
But if they bring in enough people and get them on welfare, they will.
But here's my issue with this, and I want you to elaborate on this, Governor.
First of all, Alex, I'm going to jump on you again, right here.
Social Welfare pales compared to Corporate Welfare.
If you look at charts between Social Welfare and Corporate Welfare, Corporate Welfare is 100 times more costly than Social Welfare.
And it's left under the radar screen.
So any chance I get to bring that out, I always do, that corporate welfare is far worse, ten times worse, than poor people on social welfare.
Governor, let me elaborate.
I totally agree with you that that's why they give people a little bit of welfare so they'll accept all the corporate bailouts and the scams and the trillions and the 30 to 1 in some metrics of corporate welfare.
I get all that.
I'm saying
People that tend to be on welfare will vote the Democratic Party line, which is the abolition of the civilian ownership of firearms.
Well, the Democrats don't have enough power to do that.
It would require Republican cooperation.
You're right, but they did that in the 1968 Gun Control Act.
What do you make of these articles about to go to break here?
Long segment coming up, Governor.
They now have two federal courts of rule.
They're going to have police dogs come to your door without a warrant.
If they smell drugs or explosives, they're going to call that probable cause and come in on snooping investigations.
First of all, let's continue where we started with with the states of Colorado and Washington in our first step towards ending the war on drugs.
Let's battle it from that front and we won't have to worry about dogs coming to our door who can smell pot or whatever it might be because it'll be legal.
No, I agree.
That's the mechanism there.
As far as the explosions and all that, look, if they're going to pound us with martial law, they're going to do some post-flag operations in which to implement it.
That's what you got to look for.
I agree.
Let's talk about that when we come back.
And then I want to get into any other tidbits on the election.
I want to get your take on Prop 37 in California.
Hey, they're saying, we don't want to know what's in our food.
Don't tell us.
I don't believe that for a minute, folks.
That's election fraud.
And more with the one, the only Jesse Ventura.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
We are back, ladies and gentlemen.
Jesse Ventura is with us.
We were just talking about golf during the break and why he loves to play it so much.
We're going to get into the TSA episode.
Not going to air of the new series.
He says he's going to bring that up on Piers Morgan tonight.
I wonder if they'll edit it because it's taped to air.
Sometimes it's live.
I was live on The View that time so I could say whatever I wanted.
University of Mississippi students riot over Obama re-election.
That's from the Huffington Post of all places.
I thought I was evil when I pointed out all these people were saying they were going to do that on Twitter.
Just absolute idiocy.
We're going to be going over some of that.
But going back to Governor Ventura, I actually had him print the article just so I could show this to you.
My point was...
It's the normalcy bias, or the learned helplessness, mass Stockholm Syndrome, whatever you want to call it.
We get more and more comfortable.
You know, you're not comfortable having weirdos grab your crotch.
I'm not comfortable having to mirror my wife or children so I can't fly, at least with them.
I mean, I've had TSA, when I flew back from one of the TV shows with you,
You know, a guy saying, hey, I listened to your show yesterday, heard this and that, now I'm going to grab your, you know, I'm going to grab your junk.
And I'm just like, I'm going to sue you if you do, so he backed off and didn't do it.
And I was going to sue him, even if he beats the rap, he won't beat the ride.
But I mean, it's a joke when the guy knows who you are, you're wearing tight blue jeans, they want to, you know, grab you.
But here's CNET News, a division of CBS.
Court okays warrantless use of hidden surveillance cameras.
And now it's going to Supreme Court and in arguments it sounds like they may rule that they can put cameras on your land, come on your land, trespass without warrants and film you and then again as I mentioned another federal court ruled just last week that they're going to just randomly
Come down with police dogs at your door and just say the dog.
We all know they got dogs that just want biscuits all day that'll alert on a ham sandwich saying it's PCP and come in your house.
I mean, enough's enough.
How much are we going to put up with, Governor?
How bad is it going to get?
Because listen, if Obama said in the campaign that he was going to come after and try to ban, not the sale, the ownership of all semi-autos,
I mean, they're going to try it, Governor, and I'm telling you, it's going to start a civil war.
And our normalcy bias, people just can't believe it's going to happen.
Who would have ever thought, Governor, that I'd sit there and watch TSA female, you know, people laugh and giggle and take photos of you at Atlanta, you know, as they grabbed all over your private parts.
I mean, look, the nightmare is happening is what I'm saying, Governor.
Well, you know, again, it's happening, but it's only because we're allowing it to happen, and, you know, they're making us safe, and we seem to be acceptable of that, that as long as we're safe, they can do anything.
And, Alex, I just want to tell you that you can threaten all the lawsuits you want against TSA.
I tried it.
You won't get anywhere.
So if you sued that guy at TSA, you would simply get thrown out of court, and it would cost you money like it did me.
So, they're not under any fear of a lawsuit threat because nobody can sue them.
My case proves that.
Well, you tried to go through the regular normal court, which you should have, but now they say it has to go to administrative.
You know, just because one suit gets thrown out fraudulently doesn't mean we don't fire more torpedoes.
Yeah, but the problem is if you go administrative, you'll never be in front of a jury.
You'll be in front of three judges and there's no discovery allowed.
So it's not a real trial.
Oh no, I agree.
And they'll simply rule against you, and then you're done that way too.
Wow, justice is... Trust me, Alex.
If you go the route of administrative, there's no discovery, there's no anything.
You can't call witnesses, you can't have a jury.
Yeah, but I had a lawyer in the studio and then after the show a few months ago, he said, you know, Jesse Ventura should have filed that in administrative.
He filed that in the wrong court.
And I hadn't talked to you yet.
I've since talked to you.
And I said, no, I think he said he wanted to go to the regular court and have a jury.
He thinks that's a fraud, which it is.
Since when does everything administrative?
It shouldn't be.
That's the way they loop the system.
And for him to say, I should have done the administrative, how do you do that until you have a case?
You can't go in front of the Court of Appeals until you have a case.
You can't just arbitrarily go in front of the Court of Appeals.
No, I know you've got a top right and a top flight lawyer.
I knew you did the right thing.
I mean, I remember you saying that you were going to go before the real court and that if that was the case that you might just end up leaving the United States.
I don't know if you remember saying that about a year and a half ago when that suit started, Governor, but where do you stand now and where is this country going?
Well, you know, I don't know.
I'm very confused because you get mixed signals all the time.
You know, they tell you one thing, but the truth is you have to look at the proof is in the pudding.
What are their actions?
What are their actions of what they're doing, not the words and what they're saying?
Because they'll tell you anything you want to hear.
You got to look at what are they actually doing?
And so we'll go forward now and we'll see what Obama does.
I'll be interested, like I said, to see how he handles Colorado and Washington, the people voting for recreational marijuana.
I'll be interested to see what comes through the wash on that.
If they start cracking down more and busting more, well then that tells you that they don't honor states' rights at all and that the battle is on.
Yeah, that's what he did in California.
So, I mean, he went hog wild.
They say he quadrupled enforcement that Bush had.
Well, it might be.
I don't know.
You know, I don't live out there, so I couldn't answer that to know whether they did or didn't.
Yes, sir.
It was in the news.
I know you're not out in California, but that is a fact.
Speaking of California, I want to get your take on this.
Electronic voting machines, you know, just a month ago or three weeks ago, it was two to one people wanting to label stuff that has GMO, growing its own pesticides, what have you.
Yeah, they gotta tell you how much sugar, how many carbohydrates, but not if the plant grows its own pesticide to kill the bugs and things like that.
And it says, Prop 37's defeat, a major win for the media's power of persuasion.
I don't agree.
I saw them suddenly go, oh, it's flipped now.
You know, 60% are against it.
I don't believe that Californians didn't want to know if something was... I find that extremely hard to believe, too.
You've got to be kidding me that people don't want to know what's in their food?
Even China and Russia do it.
You know?
In China and Russia, they do it.
And the people of California are going to say, no, we don't want to know?
Clearly, if they're using electronic voting machines,
I right there am very suspect.
We must ban those things.
Go back to a paper ballot and go back to hand counting.
Yeah, they're 100%.
It's like five big companies.
I've had voting experts on breaking it down.
They've got the new Diebold company under a new name is the biggest.
They've got Hardener Civics owned, you know, by the neocons.
I mean, it is just, it's bad news that they're saying, we will not let you know what's in this.
Now eat it.
I mean, I can't believe that, that that would fail, especially in a state like California.
Because California is extremely liberal on most parts.
They seem to be for most of the time.
And although I'm more proud of Minnesota now than California.
In Minnesota, gay marriage failed here.
They tried to protect and say it was for a man and a woman only, and it lost.
And that didn't happen in California, apparently.
I don't know if it's the voting machines or not.
Well, my issue is, is what Ron... Sure, I disagree with Ron Paul.
It's up to the states.
All this stuff is.
And that's the way it should be.
What's that?
I'm saying I believe all this stuff should be decided at the states.
Oh, I agree.
I agree totally.
But it needs to be done with our electronic voting machines.
Well, that's the problem.
How do you get rid of something because you can't vote it out because it's been proven a fraud over and over again?
Well, it requires you to elect the proper officials who will get rid of it.
But how do you elect them when you have to go through the fraudulent mechanism?
Yeah, that's tough.
That's why you shouldn't get it.
That's why I'm so happy in Minnesota.
We still, you got to sit down at a table, you take a pen or a pencil and you got to fill in the circle.
Yeah, that's a lot better, the old Scantron, because even though it goes through computers, you can still do real recounts, because there's a physical copy.
Exactly, you have a receipt.
I bet money Jesse Ventura wouldn't get elected, even if you actually were showing a winning in the polls, in a state run by Diebold.
Uh, you might be right.
I don't know, you know, you might be right, because I don't trust the electronic voting machines at all.
They can be hacked into just like any computer can.
Again, they do not give a receipt.
It's the equivalent I've said it many times.
It's like going to an ATM machine that didn't offer you a receipt.
Nobody would do it.
You, of course, whether you take the receipt is up to you.
But always an ATM machine will offer you a receipt.
Well, these electronic voting machines don't do that.
And until they start to do that, then they need to be gotten rid of.
Governor, shifting gears into the TV show, just so I can make my statement on this, I really respect you.
I know you personally.
I've never met David Eiken in person, but I've probably interviewed him, I don't know, 50 times over the years.
Some of what he says is pretty far out there for some, but a lot of what he said, I remember him saying 10 years ago,
You know, that Savelle was a pedophile and now it's come out.
I mean, just so much of what he... I used to... I mean, like 15 years ago, I called him the turd in the punchbowl and I say that, you know, in the upcoming TV show if that version of the edit I heard about is still there.
I know they change the show all the time.
And so it's another conundrum because I understand why you
Nothing happened.
David Icke and I just met face to face and we didn't get along too good.
I hold nothing against the guy.
I asked him some very, what I thought, simple and real questions and he loves to talk in circles and he didn't really answer them and I tried to corner him on, you know, with just simple yeses and nos and he doesn't do anything with a simple yes or no.
Yeah, David Icke would make a great politician.
Well, he was the head of the Green Party in England.
Well, he would make a great one because he knows how to double speak and I'm not speaking down on him.
He just knows if he doesn't want to give a yes or no answer, he's a perfect politician.
He talks to you for four minutes, and at the end of the four minutes, he ain't got a clue what he talked about.
Well, you know, I don't think he does that on purpose.
He talked for 11 hours to a crowd of 6,000 a week and a half ago.
I mean, he'll talk for 20 hours.
It's long form.
I mean, you know, I mean, I think it's kind of a savant type deal.
And that's really what it gets to.
He tries to tell me you gotta listen to him for eight hours.
And I'm looking at him like you can't just answer something yes or no right now.
You're telling me I gotta sit through a lecture for eight to ten hours?
To get an answer?
Well listen, I like Sean Stone, but I see the clip up there on the TruTV site where they're running around with this woman in a field, and she's going, ah, the Reptoids!
And you guys are being nice to her!
I like it!
That's all there is to it, whether you're many people believe in psychics.
No, no, hey, I've had dreams that come true.
Alex, the point of the matter is, when you're doing a show looking for reptilians, you're gonna run into some pretty strange people, let me tell you that.
Yeah, in fact, you always say the best stuff off air.
Repeat what you told me about the show and your experiences with it.
Doing these shows for the last three years has been a remarkable experience because I thought I'd been there and done that, done a lot of things, but three years of doing Conspiracy Theory, the people I've met, strange people.
It has been just outstanding.
I mean, it's been very worldly to do this show because there were people and events that I didn't even know existed.
And it opened doors to say, wow, is this bizarre?
And, you know, I don't take the shows overly serious serious.
I don't live or die by them.
It's just an entertaining show where we go out and we pose a conspiracy question, and we go talk to people who believe in the particular conspiracy, and it's extremely entertaining and knowledgeable.
And in the end, Alex, it comes down to you, the viewer, do you want to accept the belief or not?
My only issue is you do talk to some, well I mean some of the episodes are groundbreaking like the FEMA camps, TSA, those get pulled from airing.
And then the others, you know, why is Time Warner happy?
I'm sure it'll be entertaining, but I mean let me tell you, the first two seasons...
Well, let me tell you something, Alex.
We do shows that will be just as groundbreaking this year, too.
But it's just that we went out also and we did some bizarre ones.
I mean, the reptilian one, I refused to do it at first.
I said, are you crazy?
You want me out looking for shape-changing reptiles?
And the only reason I did it was when they showed me that it was in the top ten believed conspiracies from Time Magazine.
There's a huge amount of people that buy into this.
And that made it interesting.
Well, if there's that many people that believe this or are interested in it, well naturally our show is going to go there then.
You're not going to take a top ten conspiracy and ignore it.
No, I know, and you've got the Sleeve Stacks and Land of the Lost, you've got the V The Final Battle, you've got They Live with your buddy Rowdy Piper.
I mean, my only issue is if the religions believe in demons and all these mainstream people think there's UFOs, I mean, all David Icke's saying is all these ancient cultures believe, you know, that these reptoids visited.
It's kind of like
And I'm not saying, hey, I learned, there's a lot of interesting stuff you're going to learn from this show, The Reptile Show.
In fact, let me throw this out at you, Alex.
Look at the Christian religion.
How does the Christian religion begin?
An upright snake!
Is that not a reptile?
I think it is.
There you go.
So you got a man, a woman, and a talking snake.
Now, let's look at something else interesting.
The dinosaurs.
We all understand, and this is all that I, you know, not that I didn't know this, but it added in when I did the Reptile Show.
Birds are direct descendants from dinosaurs.
We acknowledge that.
That's a scientific fact, correct?
Uh, yes.
I mean, well, the crocodiles, yeah, they're still... Now, think of this.
What is the only thing out there you can teach to talk?
A bird.
So you're back to the lizards again.
It's a reptile.
A reptile is able to speak our language.
No one else can.
Not even monkeys.
And the human brain, you know, we have really three brains.
The lower brain is basically a crocodile brain.
Well, whatever they want to call it, it's reptilian.
So we have rept- that's another point.
We have reptilian in our brains, which if you're a believer in science, as I am, that means if you believe in evolution and go back far enough, way back,
We were together at one point and obviously separated.
So I'll give this benefit of the doubt.
If we indeed separated at some point from reptile to human or whatever it might have been through thousands of years, whatever it may have been, well, who's to say the other side died out?
Well, see, see, again, I don't even go with the mainline evolution.
I don't go with what the churches twist.
I mean, it's something more.
They're now looking at the DNA and scientists are saying, this DNA that we thought 96% was junk, it's all this other important stuff.
But here's my issue, and I'm glad we're talking about this here, just because I'm always right up front with everybody.
The only reason it was a blow-up is David Ickes won't answer simple questions.
Watch the show and judge for yourself.
Ask him simple questions and apparently I'm too stupid because I desire a simple answer.
He tries to make it seem like there is no simple answer.
And I don't buy into that.
He can answer things yes or no.
Sure, well, I mean, we can stop talking about this because we have some other issues to cover, but just in the interest of time, was this video, you know, that we've got live going out in this audio, obviously millions are probably going to end up watching it.
You know, just wanted to know about this, especially once it airs tonight.
It's just that I want people to know Jesse Ventura did go into this, because I talked to him privately.
We had this same discussion you just heard, and I'm like,
Yeah, David, they know all about that stuff.
They just want to get it answered.
And then David's the type where he said he was sitting there for like an hour, and he's a real nice guy.
He's like, I want to go meet Jesse.
They're like, no, no, you can't meet him.
He thought it was a rudeness, because I guess TV's changed since he was at the BBC 20 years ago.
He was thinking he wasn't getting to meet you.
He didn't know that this is reality TV.
They want you really meeting for the first time.
So while they were fiddling with lights for an hour and a half, he got
No, I don't think so.
You watch it and judge for yourself.
I don't think so.
You don't need to build it up that we both had bad days and so therefore the interview went bad.
Again, I leave it up to the viewer.
Watch the interview, listen to the questions that I ask David, and listen to his responses and see if you respond the same way I did.
Alex, it's this simple.
He beat around the bush and didn't give me answers, which I asked questions for.
That is the only thing I got irritated over, was that I traveled a long way and I couldn't get an answer, plus he was very condescending towards me.
Sure, I just talked to the crew afterwards and Tyrell called me right after it happened and then I talked to David and then I got the same story.
I just like both of you.
I don't like seeing people I like fighting.
You know, we're not fighting.
If there's a fight, it's on his end.
I'm not.
I did a TV show.
It's over.
It's water under the bridge.
I don't look at him any differently today than I did before.
Alex, you're too panic-stricken.
Good to have a beer.
I'm telling you to have a beer.
I don't need one.
You're the one that's all wired up over this episode.
Relax, it ain't that big a deal.
And it's only one little portion of the show.
I meet with the Apache Indians.
It's much more intriguing than just simply my little showdown with David Icke.
I am making a mountain out of a mole.
It doesn't matter.
Let's just move on here.
All right.
What is your favorite episode, if you have to say, or what are two or three that are coming up?
Give us a little idea.
Oh, of course.
I love the Death Ray one because it's so intriguing to me, the scientifics of it, and people like Tesla and all of that stuff.
I've been into that now for a little while, so I find that one very interesting.
A bizarre one is time travel.
You know, is it real, is it not real?
You know, dimensional things like that.
You got a little upset.
It's pretty heavy.
Yeah, yeah.
It's pretty scientific, this trip around on a couple of the episodes.
Well, the first... And I guess the bottom line is this, and I'll put this out there.
The bottom line is this, when you do conspiracy theory, you're not allowed to ask the government a question today on anything and expect to get an answer.
It's that simple.
And that's the most disturbing thing about doing conspiracy theory, is that when I do question any government entity over any subject, you literally get the door slammed in your face and you're told it's none of your business.
That's right.
And that's the part that's disturbing.
And that's what people should take from conspiracy theory on a real level.
Is that today you are not allowed to ask your government a question, and that's outrageous because we pay the government.
They're supposed to work for us.
It's not supposed to be the reverse.
We don't work for them.
They're supposed to work for us.
And I think that when we come to the government with a legitimate question on any topic, that some mechanism should be provided.
Well, they're becoming more and more unaccountable.
Shifting gears back into Obama briefly, and I hope you have time to tell one of your, you know, why you love golf so much, because I find that interesting.
Do you think they'll try to impeach Obama over Fast and Furious and some of the things they're doing?
And now Hillary, it was in the news two days ago, saying, we need to invade physically Syria because Al-Qaeda's there when it's our government and NATO that put them there.
Uh, no, they're not going to impeach Obama.
He's doing everything he's supposed to do for them.
Why would they impeach him?
You know, no, I don't see any impeachment on the horizon for anything whatsoever.
That's just the red flag BS from the, you know, that's going to fly around always like with every president it seems it gets in there.
Put it this way, they all have dirty laundry when they get there, or they will get dirty laundry while they're there.
That's a given.
Just like today.
One of the reasons I don't think I can be president, Alex, you gotta be able to lie.
I believe that.
I believe the president has to be able to sit up there, keep a straight face, and lie.
Because they've all lied at one time or another.
Sure, and what was it, a week into your governorship?
They said, hey, some people want to meet with you, and it was 23 CIA people in plainclothes from the community?
They failed it under a CIA training session, and it was up to me.
They didn't force me.
They asked if I would go down and meet with them.
I thought, why not?
You know, let's see what this is about.
And so I did.
But I mean, they didn't force me into it by any reason.
Sure, I'm just saying the CIA is there.
Training class or what, who knows?
But I did meet with 23 members of the CIA and all of their questions were geared to how did I get elected.
Sure, Governor, we're almost out of time.
Golf, why do you play so much golf?
I play golf, Alex, because I play a lot of it because I need the competition with myself.
I'm a competitive person with myself.
I'm 61 now.
I can't play other sports, so I play.
It's me against the golf course.
And I need that.
I need that for my physical release.
That's the way I am.
And so that's why I play so much golf.
Because it's me against the course.
I challenge the course every time I go out there.
Unfortunately, the course usually wins.
Very interesting.
All right, Governor Jesse McChur, I'll say bye to you during this break.
Thank you so much for joining us.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
By the way, Governor Ventura, because of an illness in his family, he was just on with us.
He just joined us.
Again, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
He's not been doing interviews.
He's been turning down all radio, TV.
Didn't do Jay Leno.
He's doing Piers Morgan tonight.
But he's going to be giving us weekly 30-minute updates every Wednesday for the next 7-8 weeks until he leaves to Mexico.
So that should be interesting.
We got Jesse Ventura.
I mean, I like Jesse.
I don't agree with some of the things he supports, but he's a real guy.
I've gotten to know him pretty good, and you know when real people is really something interesting.
In the middle of this election aftermath, is Bev Harris on now or is she up at the bottom of the hour?
Okay, good.
So I can go to calls here after the break.
Jason, David, Eric, Bryce, Michael, all of you be ready.
Again, my whole deal is, the reason I brought up the David Icke thing is,
David's a busy guy, and there's not many people out there that I know are bonafide and real.
And I don't agree with some things David says, but I think he's really a smart mind, and I like listening to him.
And I think he gets people to think outside the box.
Doesn't mean I agree with everything he says, just like Ventura.
I like real interesting people, and let me tell you, Jesse Ventura's one of them, David Icke's one of them.
And I've been invited to his events before, I never had time to go.
I think next time he's in the U.S., I'm gonna go meet him.
You know, my whole issue is, about 15 years ago I called him a turd in the punchbowl, because I said, I like David Icke, he's very interesting, but he's a turd in the punchbowl.
It was actually in my house, they were rolling tape, and that was back before I didn't really understand mainstream television.
They were acting like they weren't really filming.
I mean, they weren't saying, hey, we're not filming, but they were kind of just got me talking for hours, and I said, turd in the punchbowl, that's why it's kind of not a good shot, it's in my house, and, you know, I'm off at a distance.
And, you know, it bummed people out, like myself and David Icke.
And over the years, David would say, no, I don't think Alex is an operative.
I don't think Alex is bad.
I think I can tell reading people, you know, Alex Jones is a good guy.
He just, he just, you know, he just hasn't expanded his horizons enough.
And I thought, man, that's really taking the high road.
And I know the globalists are into Satanism and think they're talking to entities.
I don't believe in any of that stuff, but you know what?
They believe it.
So, how do you attack David Icke saying that's going on from his research if the churches say, you know, that a talking snake talked to Adam and Eve?
I don't, you know, get off into those wild areas, but I like David Icke.
I like getting him on.
And I like Jesse Ventura and, you know, they called me up and they said, hey, we can't get a hold of David Ike.
We know you know him.
You'll get him on.
I said, I said, well, yeah, the last two seasons were really good.
It's just going to be a fair, you know, a fair deal.
You know, we're going to really listen to him.
And they said, yeah, yeah, no.
And I had the talks with him, everything you heard Ventura say.
So, hey, man, this is going to be really good.
This is one of the only shows I've ever seen where it's really fair and good.
And then they get me, you know, me up there to talk about it and I kind of not even play devil's advocate.
I said, I used to call him the turd in the punch bowl and it can make you feel powerless.
There's, you know, aliens out there or whatever, but I don't know if it's true or not, but you got to go to the, you know, you know, the head of the snake, David Icke, you know, to find out.
So I'm like launching the show.
I don't even know if that's what's going to air tonight because Time Warner took the show away.
took the show away and edited it a bunch.
So that's why it's not even me hyping the show.
It's a bummer.
But you heard Ventura.
They were open-minded when they went into it.
I just think it'll make David Icke fans not like Jesse and it'll just create a fight.
And I know Jesse's for real.
He just can't accept that blood-drinking lizards are running things, which I really can't accept either.
You know, but again, I'm not judging David Icke for that.
Things are so crazy, who knows?
You know, so many cultures talk about this.
I mean, you've got Prince Charles goes to Transylvania to, you know, and has moved into Dracula's castle.
I mean, I'm not joking.
Look this up.
And has announced how he's Transylvanian.
So, truth is stranger than fiction.
You got pedophile rings up there.
God only knows what's really going on.
But that's a side issue.
It's a tiny issue compared to all the stuff going on in the world.
But that's why I got Ventura to open up and talk about it.
Just because I don't like infighting.
And it just kind of comes off, you know, kind of like that.
But in the end, it'll get people to find my shelf and David Icke and all the stuff we're talking about, and it'll get people to think outside the box.
You know, sometimes it takes something so wild just to get people to question the entire paradigm.
And that's why I think overall what David Icke's doing is healthy.
Doesn't mean I agree with some of his stuff on religion.
You know, I'm a Christian.
Okay, we're going to go to break, and we are going to come back with your phone calls.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central, we are here live.
You know, I freaked out during the first hour and then kind of settled down when Jesse Ventura was on about Obama.
Look, I know intellectually, I know in my gut, we're in deep trouble.
And I agree with Jesse, they're not going to impeach Obama.
He's doing exactly what the foreign banks want.
He's got all the just pathetic, gullible idiots out there thinking he's going to save them.
Look, I didn't think Mitt Romney was going to save us, but he had to act like he wasn't a complete communist.
The fact that people said, hey, we're rubber stamping this, looks like the election's official.
We like it!
Yeah, we didn't build that.
Obama phones, and then he gave a speech in his victory speech about how, you know, we're not individuals.
You know, with ambition, we're a collective.
I mean, Creepville, man!
Makes me want to throw up!
You have it queued up, don't you?
Let's play a clip of that.
I'm going to your phone calls.
Here it is.
We are greater than the sum of our individual ambitions, and we remain more than a collection of red states and blue states.
We are, and forever will be, the United States of America.
And together, with your help and God's grace, we will continue our journey forward, and remind the world just why it is that we live in the greatest nation on Earth.
Thank you, America.
God bless you.
Oh yeah, God bless you.
What God is that, Obama?
You know, the God of abortion, the God of death, the God of turning our power plants off.
Let me just mention some of the news and I'm going to your calls.
Obama may levy carbon tax to cut U.S.
HSBC, big mega bank says that's what Obama's planning to do.
Yeah, no kidding.
They all have the moral authority, they say.
Moral authority.
Because of the hurricane, which they say is global warming.
Because Bloomberg says so.
What is the Dow sell-off now?
I actually need to look that up.
It was like 300 points last time I checked.
It's 244 right now.
A bunch of protection teams in there.
And Kremlin cheers Obama election.
Cameron urges re-election.
Re-elected Obama to put Syrian intervention front and center.
They want boots on the ground to back Al-Qaeda.
Can't make this stuff up.
We've got a zombie population.
Why not run Al-Qaeda while saying we've got to take your rights because of Al-Qaeda?
I mean, I just want out of this, man.
Wake up, sheep!
And I know our audience is awake, but you've got to start getting in the face of these sheep.
They are dumber than the day is long, man.
I've got to tell you right now.
All these glassy-eyed little sheep like, Obama, Obama, and David Ortiz was down there interviewing down at the Driscoll Hotel, the Democratic Party here in Austin.
Thousands of people were running around, just like they'd all just won a $10 million lottery, and just stars in their eyes, I'm sorry, Republican Jew laws, we won!
Listen, it's like those novels that have two or three different endings, but instead of pick your adventure, it's pick your nightmare.
It's not that Romney was good.
It's that Obama is so openly anti-liberty, and that people would buy into it, is the death of us.
I mean, I got kids, man.
I live here.
I love this country.
I'm not bragging, it's just that I got deep roots in this country.
And I've studied countries, and there's nowhere else to go.
It's all bad.
And my ancestors have been here from the beginning, and I hate watching the slow death of this country, and the slow death and the dumbing down of people, and people giving up their individuality and their dignity, and becoming collective borgs in the stinking, corrupt, banker-run government that they think is giving them stuff because they care about you!
A crack dealer doesn't give 10-year-old kids free crack for a week because he likes them.
He gives it to them to get them addicted.
And they're putting our kids on the Prozac and the Ritalin, and they're killing them, and we're getting cancer, and they're killing us with GMO.
Does anybody believe Californians voted no to put on the label if it's genetically modified?
When the big companies ran fraud, sending letters out like they were the police, saying the police say don't do it, and all this other crud.
Okay, I said I'd go to your calls.
Energy stocks declined, coal miners top losers.
Let me explain something.
I see the Democrats get excited, even, we're gonna shut down coal.
And I'm like, yeah, that's like a Pinto you're driving over there.
Nothing against it, but.
You know, you don't have a lot of money.
Are you ready to pay a lot more for your... I mean, listen, I live in a town where in the last five years the price of power doubled and they admit because they say it's for the earth they make us pay more.
For foreign megabanks that own the coal plant.
Okay, I'm already shirting around.
I said I'd go to your calls.
I said I'd go to your calls.
I said I'd go to your calls.
It's just making me angry.
Do you understand that hundreds, over a hundred and sixty, I said a hundred last hour, it's over a hundred and sixty countries are exempt from these global rules the banks are putting in.
The banks come and tell your country to do it.
Only Europe, England, the US, Australia, New Zealand.
Folks, they've already put these in Australia.
It is devastating them.
It's meant to devastate you so you become poor and gotta go get a little chicken feed from the government.
Then they got more dependents, more dependent lemmings to sick on the few producers that are left.
Until they start putting people in force work brigades like North Korea.
China did it.
They killed 60 to 80 million people, nobody knows.
I mean, and they got re-education camp stuff in the new army manual?
Look, I'm not going to your stinking re-education camp where some perv is over me and my family.
It ain't happening.
Get that cued up of that judge talking about rebellion of Obama got re-elected.
We're going to talk about that.
Let's go to Jason in New York.
Jason, thanks for holding there for so long.
We ran out of time to go to calls and then had Ventura on.
What is your take on this election, sir?
Thanks for having me, Alex.
I actually wanted to convey a story that I had last night and I wasn't allowed to vote.
Um, my wife and I moved back to New York from North Carolina two years ago when we registered at the DMV at the same time.
We went to the firehouse last night to vote together.
She stepped up.
They checked her.
Well, she just signed.
They gave her her ballot.
I stepped up and they said, you're not on the list.
I said, so they sent me over to another lady.
She made a phone call to somebody, I don't know who, and said, did you register?
I said, yes.
She said, did you register at the DMV?
And I said, yes.
And she said, this is the 14th case I've had tonight.
Apparently the DMV hasn't forwarded all the registrations.
Yeah, and what they do is off Facebook and Twitter, they know your political affiliation.
This has come out.
The Bilderberg Group's bragged about it.
It's been in the news.
They then index all that social network info and know who to purge off the rolls.
And she said I could go to the county judge 45 minutes away at 730.
Last night.
And he would court order me.
Yeah, that's all I'm hearing.
And it looks like they've done the old Karl Rovian trick, the Democrats to the Republicans.
Because the establishment wants Obama.
That's why Romney, just like Kerry, knelt to Bush.
He knelt quickly.
And he's been a good servant.
They're going to drop the hammer now on us, Jason.
It's going to be a lot of fun living under this tyranny.
Well, I understand that I'm not a swing state and, you know, I'm in New York, so my vote, you know...
Considering the city being down here doesn't really, you know, but it's still, after serving in the Marine Corps, you know, from 2002 to 2006, it was just really upsetting that, you know, my fundamental American rights were denied.
Now I hear you, I hear you, and the more complex and computerized it gets, the more they throw everybody off.
They need to go back to paper ballots, count it at the precinct, in front of everyone, and then it's very hard to engage in fraud.
Bryce in Missouri, thanks for holding, you're on the air.
Hey, thanks Alex for taking my call.
I got a comment to make about last night's results.
Also, I wanted to follow up with you.
You asked me to send you and your staff a link to a movie that was shown to different churches and what have you.
I'm not sure if you followed up with it or if you got to see it or not.
First of all, it's no holds barred with these people, these globalists.
We're talking fifth gear here.
And I'm hoping that because of the waning of the Republican Party, I'm hoping people will pick up more to independents and constitutionalists.
And hopefully 2016 we can get somebody like Ventura or somebody that was... Well, the good news is a lot of Ron Paul libertarians got into office.
Into the Senate, the House, and the state offices.
And so that's what we need is people to point out that collectivism isn't the answer and that the Republican Party, again, plays along with all of this.
Now, what's the film you're talking about?
Yeah, about a few months ago I talked to you about this film.
I understand you talked to me about it then.
Tell me the name.
Panacea, the cure for humankind.
Oh yeah, you've called before about that, yeah.
Yeah, I didn't know if you actually checked it out or not.
I've been in contact with other people through Facebook and what have you because it's really waking Christians up.
A lot of these people are asleep and they're just going to their Sunday school and their services and to lay down and it's time to actually start taking responsibility.
That's not in the Bible.
All the prophets, everybody, they stood up against evil.
Romans 13 has been distorted.
Plus, in America, we are the Caesar and then God is above us.
We're supposed to follow God's commandments.
That's why this republic is so special.
The separation of church and state is that the government cannot be involved in religion.
Instead, it's telling churches
You don't even criticize abortion now because that's political.
No, it's not.
You shut up, you stinking criminal, Soviet-style, Nazi-style government.
You have no jurisdiction in churches, you pigs.
You New World Order trash.
You globalist murderers.
You death pushers.
And I'm so sick of it.
I know the First Amendment.
I have it memorized.
I know what the court rulings are.
And they flip it around and say, that means you can't have any churches involved in the community.
No, it's the opposite.
And they've tricked the churches to become 501c3 charities.
And I'm telling you, churches everywhere now, they are marching.
The reason the churches are starting to wake up is they're bringing in Rockefeller-funded change agents, Delphi Technique operatives, they call them consultants.
And they go, here's your new preacher.
You know, they're a husband and wife team.
Turns out they're not even married, they're operatives.
And these are soldiers.
They're running psych warfare operations and they're hitting everybody.
Churches all over are removing their crosses.
Churches all over are announcing Bill Gates as our savior.
Bill, I mean, abortion is good.
I mean, it is just, turn your guns and it's for Jesus.
It's a wall-to-wall, globalist takeover.
They're going for broke, ladies and gentlemen.
They're pulling out all the stops.
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The Burglar Deterrent.
Folks, I'm not just up here on air saying we're in trouble.
I mean, we are in trouble.
They're announcing they're going to shut down over a thousand power plants.
They've only shut down 200 in the last three and a half years, four years of Obama, and it has massively increased power prices.
And they go, it's for the earth, we're shutting down this giant clean-burning coal plant.
And in all the documents, and I've done reports on this showing it, it's so General Electric and a handful of others can just charge a lot more for electricity, and then they just end up generating more.
And they just totally rip you off, and there's all these starry-eyed idiots going, oh, thank you, thank you.
But look at what Judge Tom Head said.
I mean, Jesse Ventura said he's not turning his guns in.
And I'm telling you folks, Obama said he's coming after our handguns and rifles, and he got elected!
He doesn't just want them banned from importation.
They want to physically take them.
The NRA has reported that as well.
He told us this, and people elected him.
Not that Mitt Romney would have saved us either, but he at least wasn't openly saying that.
This is an endorsement.
Take our guns!
Well, let me tell you something.
This isn't a democracy.
Just because 51% of the people that voted, or half the population that voted, it's a quarter of the population.
Just because you think I shouldn't be able to own a gun, doesn't mean you get my guns, you disgusting parasites that want to make me your slave.
Ain't happening!
Ain't happening!
And people are going to wake up.
And I want, after this all comes down, I want to make sure the globalists get brought to justice right now.
I mean, we are going to bring them to justice.
But let's go to Judge Head, months ago, saying he needs more sheriff's deputies in a major city of Texas, Lubbock, because, and again, that's like the head of the county, that's like the head of the city council.
That's what they call it in counties, the county judge.
This is him talking with the police chief, the sheriff, and the host of the show.
Here it is.
He's going to try to hand over the sovereignty of the United States to the UN.
Okay, what's going to happen when that happens?
I'm thinking worst case scenario.
Right, right.
I understand.
Civil unrest, civil disobedience, civil war, maybe.
I mean, we're not talking just a few riots here and demonstrations.
We're talking, we're talking Lexington, Concord, take up arms and get rid of the guy.
Okay, now what's going to happen if we do that?
If the public decides to do that?
He's going to send in
I don't want a bunch of rookies back there.
I want trained, equipped, seasoned veteran officers to back me.
And by the way, folks, the re-education camps are built.
I can in fact, Madani, will you pull up the actual new Army manual that's public?
And it says re-education camp.
They used the Soviet term.
They could have called it something else.
And they're training the military to come and cordon towns and take our guns.
And the new Army War College, we've had, you know, the documents here on air.
It's made national news.
Washington Times reported on it.
That the main enemy is the Tea Party and they have to be prepared to arrest us.
Late U.S.
Army document outlines plan for re-education camps in America, FM 3-39.40.
And it says how to take our social security numbers, how to take our kids away from us.
And then they list, in the accompanying documents, who the enemy is.
And it's gun owners and veterans and people that aren't communist.
I mean, it's not that we want a civil war.
We ain't going to any of your stinking camps, okay?
And we're not turning our guns in either, okay?
It's just, it's coming down to it.
And you got all these little idiots out there that think it's all cute and funny.
The military better decide whose side they're on right now.
I'm tired of playing games.
Eric in Colorado.
Eric, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Alex, I think you're completely misreading the situation here.
This election wasn't about guns.
It wasn't even about the economy or Obamacare, which both, you know, weren't polling well at all.
The fact of the matter is it was about social issues, and I think you're going to have to accept that the white male era of America is over.
Is this pebering?
Some guy calls from Colorado that we call P-Brand every once in a while he gets through.
He sounds like this.
And I had a guest on last night when I was saying, I don't want to turn my guns in.
And they're like, the white male era is over.
So I guess the private property era is over.
It's a white male thing to not just say, hey, unlimited illegals come in, and the government's going to give you welfare, and you're going to vote to take everybody's guns and property.
And then it's about a white male.
Alex, are you familiar with the DREAM Act?
Have you heard about the DREAM Act?
Yes, it's to let the illegal alien kids do whatever they want and get everything paid for.
I mean, I understand all of it, yeah.
Get to serve in the military, who, you know... Yeah, because the military's biggest recruiting area is out of foreign countries now.
Eastern Europe and Latin America.
Yeah, I know all about it.
Listen, listen.
I got a guest coming up that you've been holding.
I'd like to come back to you.
She's only updating us for about ten minutes.
If you'll stay there, because you know what?
I really... I mean, folks, you're hearing... If you'll stay there, Eric, don't hang up.
The essence of what we're dealing with.
It's usually white males that talk like this.
It's like a cult.
When I went to college, all they talked about was how bad white people were and how soon we'll all be gone and how great it is.
And if that doesn't shock you, it's a self-loathing thing.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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15-minute update from Bev Harris, and then go back to your calls, Eric, David, Michael, and others that are holding Jeff, listening on XM 166.
I'm about to go to Bev Harris, one of the preeminent experts in election fraud, to give us her preliminary breakdown.
There's still ballot counting going on, even though Barack Obama is the admitted winner here.
I'm going to go back to that caller he's holding because I'm talking about how they're going to shut down over a thousand coal power plants.
And how we're being de-industrialized and the guy says, Alex, you need to face it.
The era of the white male is over.
And I'm like sitting there going, uh, see it's total racial politics now.
I'm going to talk about this because it's just unbelievable.
You could say, I want a turkey sandwich and people on the so-called left would say, what does that have to, you know, why are you being racist?
I mean, it's like a, it's all these people think about.
And I quite frankly am just, I cannot even connect with them because it's so bizarre.
I just can't wait to talk to him.
He's being nice enough, he's going to teach me how I'm bad and the glories of the fact that perhaps we should all just kill ourselves if we're white males.
I'm learning how bad I truly am for not wanting our coal power plants shut down.
What it has to do with race, I'm not sure.
But Bev Harris, I know you've had a busy last night and today of blackboxvoting.org.
What is your preliminary info that you've got, ma'am?
Well, you know, for the 48 hours after elections, the problems with what really happened come flooding in.
And so I've had so many coming in this morning that my email crashed.
And I'm just restoring that and getting it going.
But, you know, the most poignant moment for me last night watching the coverage was something that really I didn't expect.
Carl Rove comes on Fox.
Now, I'm not a big fan of Carl Rove, but one thing I think we all agree on is Carl Rove knows his numbers.
And he said, this is the most amazing interchange, he says, you know, well we've got half a million votes still out in Ohio and it's 100,000 separating them.
I'm sorry to interrupt you, but your audio is not as good as it usually is.
Are you on speaker?
Are you on speakerphone?
No, but it just may be a bad connection that happens.
No, no, no.
Are you on hands-free?
Actually, no, I'm on the same phone I always use.
Oh no, that's great, you're closer now.
I'm sorry, start over.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Okay, so the most amazing thing to me was Karl Rove, who, you know, I think we can all agree, at least knows his numbers.
He starts, he comes on Fox to issue a rebuttal to their numbers, and they turn to him and they say, well now it's a science, and so your numbers are just wrong.
Listen, we have the networks all going to one operation, the National Election Pool, NEP, which gives them numbers, and this is without counting the votes, and then they just say this is the winner.
And so, in this odd...
I don't
How did they do that?
They're clairvotant?
So they're just setting the precedent now to just, instead of having more transparency, just totally put things into la-la land where maybe they'll close the polls a day before the election now.
Yeah, well listen, you know, the places that they canceled the exit polls, they did it because pre-election polls, they said that they knew who was going to win from pre-election polls.
They didn't even wait for exit polls.
California, 25% of the votes
So it's a total hoax.
So, I mean, did Obama really get elected?
Anything about elections nowadays.
What we're doing is we're watching the TV networks announce to us who the winner is based on a single private organization called NEP.
You know, they aren't even going so far as to look at the tapes that come out of the voting machines.
They're just telling us before the voting machines even spit out their tapes, this is the winner.
So again, Bev Harris, documentary hacking democracy, caught him repeatedly, you know, criminally.
She's telling you now, it's just, polls closed, they announced the winner with no ballots counted in Tennessee.
They're just announcing in other places when, you know, more than half the stuff hasn't been counted.
It has now gotten, I think from what you're saying, the worst ever, just absolutely in everyone's face.
Oh yeah, I mean look at this, in Florida, you know, it's just, and the anomalies are flooding in.
In Florida this happens every election.
The power goes out, midstream, and then all of a sudden the trend changes, you know?
It's like they're counting votes, counting votes, after the polls are closed.
It's like in the Whodunit movie.
It's like the Whodunit movie where the light goes off and somebody's got a steak knife in their neck.
And it's actually kind of a metaphor, isn't it?
It's like the lights go off.
Oh, here's the winner!
You know, it's really... And then Pinellas County, which is over by Tampa, they basically... Now, get this.
Florida, they were calling Florida for Obama.
It was separated by 40,000 votes.
Pinellas County had just announced, we've set aside 10,000 ballots that we won't count until tomorrow.
I mean, this is the stuff that's really going on.
There were 400,000 uncounted provisional ballots in Arizona, and there were massive meltdowns in Pima County, which is Tucson, and Maricopa, which is Phoenix.
We are just now beginning to unravel what was really happening during this election.
And when people say, well, do you really think that Obama won?
I have to say, well, that is actually not the point because we can't know who won because of the way the system is.
Regardless of who benefited, is this the system we want?
So, awareness, according to the polls, is at all-time highs of the fraud, but now it's like it doesn't matter, because how do you get rid of it?
Because you can't vote it out, because they have the fraud machines in.
Well, and they don't even get to the machines.
I mean, what I saw last night was really...
They didn't even get to the point of even looking at the voting machine results, which, whoever, whatever those are, they simply announced what the results were going to be before the voting machine results were even counted.
And understand, this was not based on exit polls.
In so many locations, they didn't even have, they decided not to do the exit poll.
So they came out and they announced and they said, it's a science.
So they're not even counting, they're not even doing exit polls, now they just say, we know, we're God, we're Carnac the Magnificent, like Johnny Carson used to, you know, hold the envelope up to his head and know what it was.
I mean, I guess, why do you think they're doing this?
They just don't care?
Well, they don't even want anyone looking at the voting machines at this point.
They just want people to accept it as a foregone conclusion.
And I really thought it was a poignant moment when you had Karl Rove on there saying, well, wait a minute, my numbers don't match that at all.
And they said, it's a science.
And it was just like, shut up, go away.
Well, Bev, looking at this then, and obviously you'll be gracious and come back with us the next few days as you learn even more specifics, but now it's not even where you're usually digging around and catching them doing it or finding the code and their people admit they're engaged in fraud like with Diebold or whatever.
Now, it's just, oh, we didn't even count the balance, but we know who's won, and I'm not even really seeing media coverage of this.
Right, and you know, we will.
We're going to be unraveling a lot of it.
It'll show where a lot of the fraud happened in the voting machines.
I mean, we had a guy in Pennsylvania who videotaped the machine transposing his vote over to the other candidate.
So, we know that that stuff happened, but I thought what was so interesting this time is that they put so much emphasis away from even waiting for the vote to be counted.
So, if we're going to accept that, look folks, if we're going to accept the idea that they can just tell us who won without counting any votes,
Ben, I don't know.
You know, do we deserve this?
And by the way, Beth Harris, they're just going to say that you must be a Republican saying this.
If memory serves, you at least in the past have been a Democrat, and you're not a... I mean, you're non-partisan.
You're just trying to ferret out the truth.
Oh yeah, and I'm an Independent anyway.
I just can't stomach what I see.
You know, it's just...
All I want is for the public to restore its control over its own government.
That's all I want.
Is that too much to ask?
Well, how dare you not want companies known to run fraud do this?
Look, look, everybody I've talked to in Austin, 90% of them were against this Prop 1 to give $300 a year.
For the average home to the University of Texas, the richest university in the world with hundreds of billions in assets and, you know, 20 billion in a liquid fund.
I mean, it's joke level how much money they've got.
And now it's going to go to build a medical school and they can build hundreds.
I mean, I mean, they're so rich, it's pathetic.
But they got rich because they...
Own most the oil, most the land in the state.
I mean, it's crazy that the rich guys get everything paid for, and of course the machines magically said Prop 1 passed.
I mean, I've been there at the state, when the state certified the election, and then later admitted, yeah, we found it was fraudulent, Mr. Jones' complaint, we're still certifying it.
So I've been through this, and now it's just, oh, we're not even counting it, we're just saying who's winning.
I mean, we've entered a zone here
Where it's over the top.
What about Prop 37 where in polls it was 2-1 against it.
They said, oh the polls now show people don't want to know what's in their food.
I mean, no one I know is buying that Californians really voted no on Prop 37.
I am.
And remember, 25% of all ballots in California have not been counted yet and won't be counted for three weeks.
So, you're talking about one quarter of all the votes, you know how many millions of votes that is, that haven't even been counted, and they did not exit polling because these are absentee votes, you know?
So, they're just, again, they're just saying, we're going to tell you what the result is, trust us, take our word for it, and shut up.
Well, listen, I know you're putting reports together at blackboxvoting.org.
We're going to be covering on the nightly news tonight, but when do you think is the best time for us to have you on for like 30 minutes to really go through a whole bunch of more specifics?
Well, really, from now through the end of the week, it's going to be pouring in and I'll be compiling it, analyzing it, and putting it up.
So, if there's still any interest, because people immediately lose interest after elections are announced to them, but I really think that we're looking at Monday.
And at that point, I think we're going to have some pretty interesting and amazing stuff.
Yeah, well, let's get you on Monday or Tuesday, Bev.
Sure, sure.
That would be great.
Anything else you'd like to add?
No, I think we've about said it.
We've been told who the victor is.
Now go away.
Nothing to see here.
Well, we're not going to buy that.
These are the droids we're looking for.
So we'll be talking to you next week.
And if Bev, something breaks, please contact us because we'd love to hear your amazing research.
Oh yeah, I would love to do that.
Okay, thanks a lot Alex.
All right, there goes Beth Harris, folks.
I mean, it's gone from them hiding it now, and she's got it all up on her site.
They're like, we're not counting it, this is it.
And again, I'm not saying, I said there was fraud with the Al Gore thing.
Not that I like Al Gore, I hate him.
I said there was fraud.
I mean, this is fraud constantly.
I mean, who knows if Obama even got reelected.
It doesn't even matter because
We're in a lot of trouble, folks.
And then I get a call from Eric, and he sounds like a joke, and he may be joking.
I'm going to ask him if he's joking.
But I see this on Twitter, Facebook, I hear it.
When I went to ACC for a couple years, I was about to pony up and go to UT, and I said, well, I don't need to go here and be told the same thing.
It didn't matter what class it was.
I'd be sitting there in an anthropology class or a psychology class.
I was taking a bunch of stuff to see what I was into.
A Texas history class, U.S.
history, they would get up, they were all white professors.
I had one black teacher, I guess they weren't professors, and she was the only one that didn't talk about how white people were evil all day.
And she actually would go to Africa on these aid missions and talked about how bad the conditions were.
But the point was, and I guess that was in some calculus class or something, but the point is, is that
I'm sitting there looking at this, and they would get up before the class, and they go, by the way, you know, whites are evil, and the great thing is, whites will soon not be around, and blah, blah, blah.
And again, I wasn't somebody brought up to be, you know, into the big racial identity stuff, so I was just like, what is this?
I go, man, this is like...
Divide and conquer authoritarianism.
I've read about this in the history books.
And I mean, I just couldn't couldn't deal with it anymore.
And so you think these people are joking like Eric, but he calls and he goes, Alex, it's always that condescension, just the savoring their identity with the state.
Alex, it's about social issues.
Don't you get it?
The era of the white male is over.
Really, you've seen a Davos, Switzerland meeting, that's a public Bilderberg group meeting, 95% white.
And I don't take pride in that, by the way.
These are scary globalists.
You've seen people driving into Bilderberg, 95% white.
You've seen a globalist confab.
I mean, these are people using Divide and Conquer and using racial tribal politics to get us all fighting with each other while the bankers rob us, and you call in with relish in your voice.
I mean, if you're not one of these trendies, then you're a great researcher who's actually been around them, because I hear the self-satisfaction, and it's all an illusion, brother.
I mean, listen, the era of the white male is over.
The New World Order eugenicist white males
have injected people with HIV in Africa.
Some countries in Africa have 45% people with HIV.
Let me tell you something, the age of the super white male, there's a bunch of other evil Chinese work with them, they find evil Africans, there's evil people at the top, but Europe developed these systems, eugenics, and so you're telling me with savoring it, that it's the end, you're probably white.
I mean, this is what I hear, and people just joined us.
I'm going to go back to him here.
You've got the floor for a couple minutes.
Tell me how the era of the white male is over.
And because I was told last night it's racist and bad.
You know, people don't want their guns.
It's part of the evil white male thing.
I mean, I guess, you know, it's great to move to areas of Chicago where nobody can defend themselves.
I mean, how does me wanting to have a gun, how is that evil, bitter-clearing white male... I mean, explain to me how I'm bad.
Explain to me the glorious end of the white male please, Eric.
Let me just... Let me just... Are you joking?
I mean, are you serious?
I'm 100% serious.
I suppose that was some pretty extreme terms.
But what I mean to say, Alex, is that Republicans and liberty lovers, Ron Paul included, are going to have to start acknowledging women and Hispanics
And if they want to win presidential elections, I mean, that's just the bottom line.
You have to... And pushing abortion and breaking up the family is recognizing women and having totally open borders that no other Latin American company has or they'd be overrun by poor people and criminals.
That means opening the borders.
Sensible immigration reform like the DREAM Act and other policies... Sure, 800 plus cities don't even... Illegals are above the law.
Illegals can have 20 welfare checks if they want and 20 tax IDs.
They have one home in Austin got something like 80 million dollars or something.
The illegals are God, sir.
If you're an illegal, you are a God.
Are you a God?
Am I?
No, no.
I'm a white man like you.
You know what they say in Ghostbusters, you know what Zool says, you're not a god.
I tell you what, just you know what, stay right there, we're gonna come back to you.
I mean, I just hear the satisfaction you're having right now.
Finally, I'm a collective.
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You know, people are so one-dimensional now.
They're so one-dimensional now that
They tell them, hey, we're going to shut down your coal power plants.
It's for the earth.
Oh, great.
Shut those down.
Well, why is that really happening?
It's because special interests want their competition shut down.
Big oil wants coal shut down.
I mean, that's a fact.
And these people go, oh, you must work for big oil.
I'm like, it's two separate energy divisions, basically.
And people say, well, why don't we just be nice?
We have the most open borders of anywhere.
It's there for show.
It's there to keep citizens from getting out.
Now the IRS is saying you can't leave if they say.
Total tyranny.
Capital controls.
There's 30 million illegals.
They're total sanctuary.
They're allowed to drunk drive, allowed to do whatever they want.
It's all on record!
Uh, and that's because it's a client group to undermine and drive down wages.
When immigrants used to come to this country, and a lot of the immigrants do work hard, no matter where they come from, but a lot of them work the system.
Used to, there was no welfare.
And so it, and it was exploited, and it helped build the country.
Now people come in, they get on welfare, and they're like, here's your welfare check, and you're part of the group now.
We're going to take the guns, we're going to take the private property.
You understand?
The government's going to give you more.
The government's going to share that wealth.
Do you understand?
Doesn't matter if 90% of it goes to the bankers, as long as a little shave-off comes.
And so it's not an issue.
They go, oh, it must be racial that you don't want open borders.
Folks, let me tell you, all those Latin American countries, they don't have open borders.
Mexico has barbed wire fences and machine guns.
They don't let Guatemalans come over.
You know why?
Because the Guatemalans with skill are either in wealthy areas of Guatemala or they're going to the first world.
First world wants skilled people no matter where they're from.
Okay, we want skilled people no matter where they're from.
They're just people.
But you do not want people going, I have nothing, I got four kids, and I'm pregnant.
And pay for it!
Pay for it all!
And you're like, well, we can't do that.
And you're like, take down your American flag.
Run up Mexican flags.
It's like, man, whoa.
Shut up, you know you're racist.
And it's just all a political liberation theology funded out of the Ford Foundation 50 years ago to break down the US.
And you know what?
It's probably going to work.
The whole country is going to collapse.
You know, people that have skills are still going to be okay.
For everybody else, for the general public, there isn't going to be any coming up.
You're all going to be poor, and you're going to live like people do in Mexico.
So get ready.
There's going to be no El Norte.
It's gone.
You understand that?
New World Order wins.
You understand?
Roll up your sleeves, get some shots, go abort your babies.
Because that's how you show white man he's going down.
Yeah, mothers take their kid in a blender.
You know what?
If it fights the white man, I'm going to have an abortion.
It's liberal!
It's my social issue!
I'm going to kill my baby!
Because I'm going to show whitey!
I'm going to show that man he don't tell me what to do.
It's a load of crud!
We need to get freedom all over the world.
We need to export liberty, not become the center of tyranny.
Go ahead and close out there.
I'll let you have the final comment there, Eric, in Colorado.
Go ahead.
Well, you know, you bring up abortion, Alex, and this is something I strongly disagree with you and Ron Paul on.
I mean, don't you think that abortion, like our right to our bodies, is an essential liberty guaranteed by the Constitution?
Listen, what you don't get is the globalists push it not as a liberty, but as a way to kill people.
You can't have it, but listen, listen, they got abortion passed so they could kill brown babies.
So you don't have the, you know, the moral race pimp, race pimp, garbage high ground with me, buddy.
You know, if I really was a racist, I think abortion's great.
We should fund it.
We should fund Planned Parenthood and all those brown areas.
But no, no, no.
Then I'd be held up and carried, carried by the minority majority.
Oh, Alex, we love you.
Oh, you're Lloyd Doggett.
If I was, like, helping shove Mexican babies into blenders, it'd be like, oh, yo, thank you!
Oh, yeah!
Oh, go Alex!
Oh, you're so liberal!
Instead, you don't want to kill Mexican babies?
You're a racist!
You're a racist!
You're a racist!
It's the end of the white male!
Oh, man, roll your sleeves up.
Take some government vaccines.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I mean, I think it's a constitutional right.
I think people have a constitutional right to their own bodies.
And if a woman wants to terminate a pregnancy, that is her right.
How is that not a freedom?
Dr. Peter Singer and all these bioethicists say, take your three-year-old out back and, you know, shotgun him in the head.
That's your property, too.
The state says get rid of old people.
You know, it's a life in there in the womb, and people use it as contraception.
And, you know, they say, what about the life of the mother?
Anytime there's a life of the mother, it's not called an abortion, it's called a surgery.
It's all red herring crud.
See, me and millions and millions of other Americans just simply disagree with you.
Exactly, and the whole thing and going to hell in a handbasket?
You know, hey, Hitler liked abortion, I appreciate your call.
I just, I just, you just, people love it, it's their sacrament.
And it is the sacrament of doom.
We will collapse, we will fall, don't worry.
All of what you want is what you will get.
David in Georgia, thanks for holding.
Thank you, go ahead, what's on your mind today?
Hello Alex, thank you for taking my call.
Hey, how are you doing today?
I'm good.
I just hope that all these people that have, well, let me back up.
I voted for Daddy George Bush and held my nose.
I voted for his boy and held my nose.
I voted for John McCain and nearly threw up.
And I wouldn't even vote yesterday or any other time for this election because I didn't think that neither candidate and neither party was worthy of my vote.
I agree.
More and more people are getting to that point and a record number of evil white devils are just not voting and people are misunderstanding that as the end of the reign of the evil white devil and they don't understand.
It's not that.
The voting is going on at the gun shops.
The Illuminist, uh, non-dare-call-it conspiracy, I believe is where I read this, said take an apple, and take a bite off of it, and turn it over, and take a bite, and turn it over, and take a bite.
In the end, you eat the entire apple.
Do nothing at one time to upset the populace to the point of reacting.
It is time for us to react.
I agree, sir, and people are voting by buying guns, they're voting by criticizing the government.
I mean, we are under a tyranny, though.
We'll talk more in the days to come about what we do.
I've got one more thing to say.
The leaders of the Republican Party and the Democratic Party and anybody there between
When these people finally wake up to the tyranny that we're facing, and they start putting them in the FEMA camps and the re-education camps, I want all of them to call the leaders of their party to see if they'll get any help.
Now what you'll get is arrested.
Most of the cowards will line up and support it.
They're going to collapse society, so they put us in re-education camps.
They call relocation centers.
That's their sick plan.
Thank you, sir.
Real quick, Michael in New Hampshire.
Your take on things.
Alex, thank you for taking my call.
I've been waiting for two hours, so I really appreciate it.
Yeah, I mean, racism, you know, it's being used to keep people divided.
Race, gender, ideology, all these talking points in the left and right, they're just playing ping pong with us back and forth.
And they give us this false paradigm election.
The people that are engaged in the paradigm
They're trained to paint the opposition to their ideology with a broad brush and demonize them doing so.
The big thing we've got to overcome is the mainstream media.
We've got to find a way to stop them or force them into reporting the truth.
And that's it.
We've got to build and support the real alternative media, like InfoWars Nightly News.
It's going to be a two-hour special, seven to nine tonight, live.
God bless you, sir.
Thanks to all the other callers.
We're out of time for this part of the transmission.
Jesse Ventura and a lot more coming up.
Alex Jones here with a message that could revolutionize health in this country.
Going back strategically in the future about how do I safeguard renowned authors