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Name: 20120928_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 28, 2012
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
You got Obama phone?
Everybody in Cleveland, low minority, got Obama phone!
Keep Obama in President, you know?
He gave us a phone!
He gave you a phone?
He's gonna do more!
How'd he give you a phone?
You sign up and you're on full stamps, you're on Social Security, you got low income, you disability!
Okay, what's wrong with Romney again?
Romney, he sucks!
You got Obama phone?
Everybody in Cleveland, low minority, got Obama phone!
Keep Obama in president, you know?
He gave us a phone!
He gave you a phone?
I've got to make this a ringtone.
You on full stamps, you on social security, you got low income, you disability!
You got Obama phone?
There you go.
You know, I saw this video yesterday.
I should have gotten to it on the radio.
It is the biggest viral video in America right now.
And you know, there's countless clips of this back in the election four years ago with black, white, you name it, standing up and saying, thank you, Mr. President, I'm going to get a free house, a free phone, a free car, and Obama would go along with it.
Remember, women would get up and say, Mr. President, will you please give me a house?
He'd say, yes, I'm going to give you a house.
And last night, I spent some time looking for those clips on YouTube.
I spent like an hour.
I don't
And I've been listening to other talk radio.
They're only playing two clips.
And it's the two clips we're able to find.
This new one that surfaced at the Drudge Report.
DrudgeReport.com yesterday.
That's where it went viral.
To one of the number one stories in the world.
Not just here.
People in Europe are watching this.
And Asia in horror.
And I hear on talk shows the other clip of the woman thinking she's going to get her mortgage paid for.
But that's it!
And there's like 20 of them.
So, will listeners find them?
Are millions of listeners?
Three million a day?
Can you find them and send them to ShowTipsAtInfoWars.com?
Because Watson can't find them.
I can't find them.
It's kind of like when I couldn't find George Soros in the late 1990s.
He was on
Sixty minutes, and he said, yeah, I helped round people up, Jews, he is Jewish, in Romania, and helped send them away, and I don't feel bad about that.
Somebody else would have done it.
And I'd seen that, and then it was expunged off the web, and we finally found it again.
Somebody re-uploaded it.
So they clearly have removed these, because I know how to find stuff.
I know how to find stuff.
And the reason they've removed it quietly in the last three and a half years is because they know
That the image of dependency that they have created, they want to keep it under their hat.
They do not want that image of reality out there.
So I'm going to be talking about that today.
We have the CNN reporter who quit over the fact that they were ordering her to cover up massacres, while of course demonizing groups that are basically innocent.
So, Amber Lyon is going to be joining us, popping in, coming up in the second hour.
That said, obviously, there's a lot of other news.
And tied into this dependency culture, and what government does to people, I mean, it's a fact, the verdict's in, we know.
What the limousine liberals do and I'm gonna break down the rest of the story coming up I want to tie it into the attack on the free speech feds arrest producer of controversial anti-islam film on probation violation charges They say didn't he didn't have a free speech
Wow, I didn't know that.
New Jersey high school students planning cafeteria boycott to protest Obama guidelines.
Yeah, why is the government involved in even private schools what's served?
I mean, is the federal government going to be involved in what I do in my bathroom?
Well, yeah, they do control my toilet.
And also Delaware bans spanking.
Aaron Fullin here.
As the food police shut down food co-ops, the Amish, and small farmers, Americans are losing access, not just to raw milk and homemade cheeses, but to healthy, home-crafted sources for fermented foods like sauerkraut, yogurt, and kefir.
It seems there's a war on life-giving foods with living enzymes and healthy bacteria.
But frankly, I'm not sure what the food police are so afraid of.
These remarkable foods have been around since the beginning of history, with archaeological evidence for fermented foods and beverages being found across the globe in almost every culture.
Even today, Japanese eat miso, Africans eat fermented porridges, Koreans eat kimchi, and in India, fermented milk is a staple for healthy living.
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Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic, it's Alex Jones!
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central, that's 12 noon to 3 p.m.
Eastern, that's 9 to noon Pacific, 10 to 1 p.m.
We are here live.
Thank you so much for joining us on this worldwide Friday transmission and we are going to have an absolutely jam-packed
Broadcast today we have a CNN whistleblower coming on to talk about CNN covering up massacres and more as a globalist propaganda front.
We are also going to break down TSA now lies about bizarre trees drills.
Where they literally scream at you in dog training and prisoner training.
That's what it is.
Also, forget your free phone.
Obama has screwed the poor.
Paul Joseph Watson article at PrisonPlanet.com and Infowars.com.
Fourteen signs that the world economy is getting weaker.
We've also got a breakdown on refs don't matter, the fix is in.
I'm going to comment on the NFL and that whole fraud.
And we are also going to continue to break down what's happening with the economy and more.
Stuff like this.
Matt Damon's anti-fracking movie financed by oil-rich Arab nation.
That doesn't mean I'm saying out-of-control fracking is a good thing in some areas not being done properly and damaging valuable water supplies, important water supplies, aquifers that are national treasures.
What it does mean is this is how monopoly capitalism works, insider systems.
Because the big oil companies it's come out actually finance the fake environmental groups to shut down new refineries and things to create a bottleneck on the glut of oil to keep prices high.
While they criticize the environmental groups publicly, they're actually financing them.
And it's the same deal here.
They don't want us to be energy independent.
North America, not just the US, is swimming in oil, swimming in natural gas, and swimming in clean, burning coal.
We have the largest clean coal deposit in the world, but Bill Clinton in 1997, look it up,
Laid, what was it, over 4 million acres of it off-limits, the biggest deposit in the world.
The only other big deposit is, you guessed it, CHICOM China.
And do you know what happened to the Chinese government-controlled company within one month of Bill Clinton doing that with an executive order back in the late 90s?
Their stock and profits just absolutely went off the chart.
You can go look that up.
So, in memory serves like a doubling in the stock in just one week.
I mean, it's insane.
Over the next month, their profits exploded.
This is how things work.
Obama shuts down hundreds of power plants.
Now it's going to be thousands of coal-burning plants.
Hundreds of them.
Thousands more to be shut down.
That's the head of the Energy Department just said that earlier this year.
And then gives waivers to his inside buddies, like General Electric.
And what happens?
Well, General Electric can charge you.
Well, here in Austin, it's what, double now what it was just five years ago.
That's the Austin American Statesman.
But they go, it's for the earth.
And now Austin's announced they're going to shut down the final giant, Modern.
Fayetteville plant that Austin owns.
Shut it down.
They actually say in the paper, it's for the earth.
No, no, no, it's not for the earth.
It's not for the earth.
It's for the insider power companies that are raping the living daylights out of us.
And Matt Damon
Matt Damon, I wonder if he's just a well-meaning liberal sop, always being used by cold-blooded globalists to destroy America, or is he really just, again, super cold-blooded himself?
Because I like Matt Damon.
I mean, I like him in the Bourne trilogy.
I think he's a good actor.
I don't know Matt Damon.
I know people that know him, they say he's a pretty smart guy.
So I gotta say, tentatively, looks like you're an evil bastard.
All right, I'm sorry, I'm going to stop right there.
Listen, they don't intend to let us have real alternative energies, systems, and technologies.
They're going to give us little impractical systems they own and control.
They're going to shut this country down and phase in over the next decade the equivalent of $10 a gallon gas, and that's been stated.
And they say they want to bankrupt this country.
Do I need to play the clips of Obama saying that?
He wants to bankrupt coal?
The globalists don't control coal, ladies and gentlemen, because it's diversified, and that's why they're going to shut it down.
We might as well just give the globalists coal, and maybe they wouldn't.
No, see, still their instincts are to shut everything down.
They are feudal lords.
They are into oligarchy.
Study that historically to understand what they're up to.
Now, speaking of oligarchy, speaking of feudalism, let me just give you a condensed historical breakdown of feudalism that is the
Political system in every civilization of the last 6,000 years.
In every civilization until the Renaissance, 500 years ago.
I don't care if you're Asian.
I don't care if you are Mesoamerican, which is really Asian.
I don't care if you're Caucasoid, Negroid.
It doesn't matter what group you are.
Black, white, it doesn't matter.
What so-called, you know, subgroup of humanity you are?
What breed?
Every human culture, after it got up above tribal groups bigger than 10,000, every single group, every culture was feudalist-run.
Now, what is feudalism?
You have a ruling royalty, and then you have a group of lords, subchiefs.
And they always develop a system where they keep a subclass as slaves or indentured servants on tiny pieces of property and make them hunt and fish and gather and plant in an agrarian system to deliver the majority of it to the ruling class.
And then the ruling class finds out that if you ever get
Healthy, get enough food, get enough energy, enough money, that you will become uppity.
So they learn very quickly to keep you down and to keep you dumbed down.
And they would generally use the next door tribe as the threat to say, hey, they're worse than us.
If they take over, you're going to be outright slaves.
So we have a warrior class that serves the chiefs and the head chief, the lords, and they will protect you if you give them your daughters, if you give them your fealty, if you submit to them.
Now that is the modern system
That the globalists want to bring back.
They want to get away from the real modern system of the Renaissance, liberty, freedom, lots of small businesses, industry, artisans, a culture that admires beauty, because it's a competitive society.
And all the camp followers of the oligarchs, of the royalty, of the insiders, of the monopoly men, they have always instinctively hated and feared real competition.
They don't like competition, as the founder of the Rockefeller dynasty said.
Competition is a what?
A sin.
So, when you look at the Obamaphone lady, who sounds like a cross between Sam Kenison and a Muppet, I've got to get that as a ringtone.
I'm telling you, I want that.
When you look at this woman, and you look at other people, I mean, there's dozens of these clips, and I want to dig them all back out.
Because I'm only seeing two of them circle the media.
I want to go dig out, because I looked, someone couldn't find them.
You saw it during the election, and all those rallies, women collapsing four years ago, saying, I'm going to get a free house, and Obama would say, yes you are.
I mean, there's stuff ten times worse, literally.
We've got to dig that out, and get it up at articles at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Because everybody out there has these two clips, and I went and looked, I know they've been taking these down.
Because I can always find stuff.
I remember the names of the clips.
They're gone.
Maybe just because four years have gone by and people have lost their YouTube accounts over time.
You know, they go dormant and stuff.
But we need to dig those up.
But you need to understand, I'm going to give you here today the rest of the story on the Obama phone clip we're going to play here in a moment.
Because, you know, we sit here and go, oh, look at this pathetic lady, you know, dumbed down, begging for something free from the government.
The media is trying to spin it and say, oh, this is an old policy.
Yeah, there was a welfare program where if you were in a rural community, you could get a landline paid for.
If you're a disabled vet or something, or a disabled old lady, I'm not against that.
The issue is it's cell phones and smart phones show the government can contact and organize these people and they run ads advertising the free phone 1.6 billion a year.
So it is a government program of free goodies.
And when you hear how pathetic this woman is, I actually did some looking this morning.
Because I'd seen the numbers over the years, and I knew that illegitimacy in blacks, whites, it didn't matter, in the 1950s was less than 10%.
Single-parent homes.
I did the research, you can pull this up yourself, it turns out blacks had less illegitimacy than whites in the 1950s.
White people had more children out of wedlock than blacks.
Now, 92%.
This is the federal numbers, you can pull these up.
90 plus percent, 92 percent on average, it varies year to year, but it's always about 90, of blacks are born out of wedlock.
Now 50 plus percent of whites are born out of wedlock.
The globalists admit they want to get rid of the family.
In slavery, you're not allowed to have a family.
When the Romans had white slaves out of Western Europe, they didn't allow them to have families.
2,000 years ago.
There's slave manuals that were adopted in the Americas for blacks that are Roman slave manuals.
You can look that up.
So I'm going to go over all this, but I'm going to take you out to break with the product of the nanny state big government.
Here is the Obama phone lady.
And we will go to break.
You got Obama phone?
Everybody in Cleveland, low minority, got Obama phone!
Keep Obama in president, you know?
He gave us a phone!
He gave you a phone?
He's gonna do more!
How'd he give you a phone?
You chowin' up!
You on full stamps!
You on Social Security!
You got low income!
You disability!
I have a question.
Okay, what's wrong with Romney again?
He sucks!
You know, people who like to feel good and superior look at this pathetic woman.
This is being done to every racial group.
She's just further down the rat hole.
Aaron Fullin here.
As the food police shut down food co-ops, the Amish, and small farmers, Americans are losing access, not just to raw milk and homemade cheeses, but to healthy, home-crafted sources for fermented foods like sauerkraut, yogurt, and kefir.
It seems there's a war on life-giving foods with living enzymes and healthy bacteria.
But frankly, I'm not sure what the food police are so afraid of.
These remarkable foods have been around since the beginning of history, with archaeological evidence for fermented foods and beverages being found across the globe in almost every culture.
Even today, Japanese eat miso, Africans eat fermented porridges, Koreans eat kimchi, and in India, fermented milk is a staple for healthy living.
But here's some good news.
Self-reliant Americans can now discover the secrets to making these amazing fermented foods legally and privately in their own homes.
Since it's still legal to make these foods as long as you can make them yourself.
For more information, check out fermentationfactor.com.
That's fermentationfactor.com.
It's easy to create your own powerful fermented foods.
And you can do it by going to www.fermentationfactor.com.
That's www.fermentationfactor.com.
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You don't need any thought control?
Public schools nationwide, I have the articles here, are asking students, do your parents spank you?
It's not illegal anywhere in the United States to spank your children.
That's why schools have had corporal punishment.
It works.
Many mammal species, including whales, deer, will discipline their young when they don't listen because they will be killed.
I've seen mother deer bite their fawns, kick them when they walk out into a field where there are hunters.
I've watched it.
I've watched on Discovery Channel, Mother Seal spanking the baby seal when he goes over by the breathing hole of the killer whales.
And the nanny state wants children to be out of control.
So they can then have curfews and checkpoints when society breaks down.
This is the oldest trick in the book.
You've got to wreck a society before you can totally take it over.
And while this has been going on under the eugenicist the last 90 years or so, they've been taking over the society as they go.
But now what they're saying is the state can spank you, or taser you, that they admit kills people in many cases.
The government can rubber bullet you, taser you, shoot you, if you have a pen in your hand waving it around.
But your parents, well, they can't say no to vaccines, they can't say no to abortions.
You're just there to provide the state with a child.
And that ties into the welfare crowd, that after generation after generation have been turned into jokes, who now become the CPS agents, who now become the police.
They're now recruiting the police, CPS, the TSA, a lot of them, out of the welfare ranks.
You're like, why is this person so stupid?
Why are they on a power trip?
Because they're not just going, got me an Obama phone.
All of these TSA people are like, I'm God!
I'm going to rape you right here!
I'm going to grab your breast in public!
I'm going to steal your iPhone!
I'm going to break into your medication!
Because I'm God!
Five years ago I was on welfare!
Now I got me a badge and a blue uniform!
New Jersey high school students planning cafeteria boycott to protest Obama guidelines.
Federal rules.
They're not guidelines.
You want the federal money?
That's the state money.
That's the citizen's money.
That's the free money?
Where'd Obama get the money for your free phone?
He got it out of a fund of some free money!
You know, the whole clip goes on and on.
These people are completely disconnected from reality, and the globalists are almost game over.
They've got more than half the public one way or another, not just the poor welfare zombies.
But they've got the defense contractors, and all the government workers, and the rest of them.
And they're now raising the taxes, raising the property taxes, taking over!
That's why we're a tyranny!
Because we put our kids in government training camps to be dumbed down and to be taught the state is God.
Of course we're in trouble!
Look at this.
Delaware law bans parents from spanking their kids.
And it says any pain, including verbal, is abuse.
And so the pot-bellied pedophile government's gonna come take your kids, who's seven times more likely to sexually abuse them, five times more likely, Justice Department numbers, to physically abuse them.
But that's okay, because they're above the law, because they're God.
Because they got an Obama phone.
I got an Obama phone!
Delaware law bans parents from spanking their kids.
New American Magazine up at Infowars.com.
Look at this virtual house arrest ordered in minors in East St.
Same place they got the army patrolling.
It says police will also perform ID checks on street corners and gun searches of everyone at checkpoints.
This is in CBS News.
Minors on the street during school hours will be arrested on sight.
Yeah, I've been out with my little kids.
You know, they're pretty young.
At the grocery store or at the swimming hole.
And people walk over and go, what are you doing with your kids?
Supposed to be in school.
I'm like, why don't you shut up, you un-American trash!
They don't go to the government training center where they inject cancer viruses in people.
Or they'll take my kids off to have an abortion after some pervert teacher rapes them.
They got daytime curfews going on in other areas of the country.
I mean, this is it.
Oh, parents can't spank them.
Kids are now out of control.
That's all right.
The army will run checkpoints.
This is the degeneration of society.
Let's go out to break with another clip of a woman four years ago saying she's going to get her mortgage paid for by Obama.
We'll be right back.
Peggy Joseph took her daughter out of school early Wednesday for this.
Her emotions ran high following Obama's speech.
It was the most
Memorable time of my life.
It was a touching moment.
Because I never thought this day would ever happen.
I won't have to worry about putting gas in my car.
I won't have to worry about paying my mortgage.
You know, if I help him, he's going to help me.
If I help them, they're gonna help me.
We'll be right back to break down the rest of the story.
What's really behind this and where is it all going?
I'll tell you where it's all going straight ahead.
It's a master plan.
It's a master plan.
We're gonna break it down.
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The Empire's on the run.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Monday through Friday.
We're here.
12 noon to 3 pm Eastern.
Rating, radiating out on over 120 AM and FM stations.
Blasting out on XM-166, Global Shortwave, WWCR, and of course streaming video of the radio show in a five-camera shoot with video clips, documents, you name it, at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Then we're back weeknights, 7 o'clock Central with InfoWars Nightly News.
I host at least three nights a week.
We have seven, eight, nine reporters.
We are certainly building our media organization thanks to all of your support.
We are not funded, not one red cent, by taxpayer money.
We don't get any bank or bailout money or stimulus money like MSNBC, who demonizes us and basically says we should be shut down, along with Media Matters run by the White House.
We are funded by you supporting our sponsors.
I'm going to get back into the dependency culture, why they want us poor, so they can control all of us.
So that we're so poor we can't have any opposition to social engineering in just a moment.
But I just wanted to add the success or failure of our mission to awaken not just the United States but the whole world to the Globalist Master Plan and the rest of the story because we're one of the only big voices out there telling the truth.
The success of this mission is up to you.
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What on 1530 great new affiliate or whether you're listening to us in Dallas, Texas Whether you're listening to us in Los Angeles.
However, you're listening to us.
It is so important to support those local stations as well The new magazine we've sold I don't know what is it 20,000 of them In bulk you can buy them in 10 packs up to 100 packs at cost at cost and
You can go up to the site right now and buy 10 packs up to 100 packs at cost and get the word out.
The new second issue, Info Wars, the end of humanity, rise of the robots, how the globalists plan to put the machines in, the smart homes, the tracking chips, the self-driving cars that will then forcibly replace humans.
They're already saying they're going to then claim that they're safer than letting humans drive.
The total control grid, the financial collapse, DARPA, the real Skynet.
This is an emergency transmission.
Those are some of the articles in the new
I don't know.
But if you hand them a cool magazine slash newspaper style, it's really a magazine but it's on newspaper paper, high quality newspaper paper.
You hand them something like this, they are so apt to end up reading it.
And it's got lots of little factoids and blurbs and incredible graphics inside of it.
Let me show people some of my favorite graphics in here.
These are my concepts that then the incredible graphics crew came up with on this particular page.
I'm particularly proud of the cover.
And also, we've got the Guy Fawkes, You Are the Hope, Powered by Infowars.com poster inside, and so much more.
Now here it is, Rise of the Robots, End of Humanity.
I am extremely proud of the artwork in here, but most importantly, the information contained in it.
This is the big picture.
This is the rest of the story.
So infowarestore.com and our success rises and falls on what you do.
Whether or not you support us, and you are supporting us, so thank you.
These are great tools to wake people up.
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These are info weapons, ladies and gentlemen.
And when you're done reading it, hand it on to someone else, because the information in here is evergreen.
And this is our answer to the internet kill switch.
It's going physical.
It's just a new tentacle on our Hydra here.
Let me get back to the Obama phone lady.
If you just joined us, I'm just going to let it speak for itself and then give you the rest of the story.
Let's play the Obama phone lady one more time.
This is the most viral video in a long time.
And why is it viral?
Well, because of DrudgeReport.com.
I don't know.
And I know it's coming into Showtips emails right now.
I know there's more than 20 clips I've seen, probably, of people saying, I'm going to get a free car, I'm going to get a free house.
Oh, thank you, Mr. President.
There's even a clip of it.
Is it Obama deception or fall of the republic?
We've just got to get those clips, and we've got to create an extravaganza video showing that this isn't just an anomaly, because they've got White House operative groups out there implying this is racist to show this.
What's racist is taking people
That had less than 10% of their children out of wedlock 60 years ago, and now have 92% out of wedlock.
And by the way, you sit here and laugh at this poor woman?
I mean, it's funny at a level because she sounds like a Muppet, but it's sad.
In fact, I even thought last night, I may not even play that, but I know I've got to.
I've got to play it because this is, this is the horrible result.
It's like showing kids in school, you know, when they're 12 going into puberty, well I guess they go into puberty at about 7 now because of the stuff in the food, that hey, this is what gonorrhea looks like, look out.
This is what genital warts looks like, this is what syphilis looks like.
But this is what big government looks like.
This is what it does by design.
This isn't some accident.
In fact, I'm going to do a piece tonight on the nightly news.
Because I can pull the quotes up.
Years ago, I said, hey, have you read the textbooks in college saying the family's a disease and has to be gotten rid of?
And they want to dumb us down.
People are like, oh, let us see the proof.
So I went and found like 15 examples of it.
Uh, and, you know, put it on air.
I mean, they say they want to dumb you down, and you're getting the rest of the story in a moment.
Because I listen to neocon talk radio, and it's better than, you know, so-called liberal stuff, because they'll at least admit this is destructive.
But they're like, yes, the liberals are idiots.
They don't know what they're doing.
They know what they're doing.
They're not liberals.
So I'll give you the rest of the story in a moment, but here is the horrible reality of what big government domestication dependency does.
Here it is.
You got Obama phone?
Everybody in Cleveland, low minority, got Obama phone!
Keep Obama in president, you know!
He gave us a phone!
He gave you a phone.
How did he give you a phone?
You sign up and you're on full stamps, you're on social security, you got low income, you disability.
Okay, what's wrong with Romney again?
Romney, he sucks!
You can't even do her voice.
And he's gonna do more.
Oh yeah, he's gonna do more.
$22 billion to ship General Motors to China and Brazil.
Shutting down the coal power plants as power prices just explode nationwide.
I'm actually in the worst city in the country where they give them U.N.
We showed this in our special report by Aaron Dykes and Ms.
Melton last week, Melissa Melton, where they admit Austin's the model, where they've doubled our prices in the last five years.
Started under Bush.
This is a globalist agenda, and now it's accelerating under Obama, who's going to do more.
Yes, you're right, ma'am.
He's going to do more because he's a teleprompter reader.
You notice Mitt Romney saying, hey, don't expect your taxes to get cut much, or maybe at all.
And the Federal Reserve, the foreign bank that runs this country, the foreign consortium, that's just its shell corporation, holding company, it's out there lobbying at all the universities, big law firms.
They've got tens of thousands of hired, paid PR people at the Rotary Club, the Mason Groups, all of them.
They go hire the minority leaders, all of them, to go out and push how great the Federal Reserve is, and they invite community leaders to, you know, free dinners, to sit there and all feel like they're big insiders, to hear how it's good to shut down our power plants, and it's good to have big government, and how globalism's to redistribute wealth to the poor, to raise everybody up, and the average good old boy sits there who's got a business, thinks he's an elitist because he's been invited, and thinks, well, I guess it's okay then.
This is the shutdown, the post-industrial world.
The globalists say they want to shut things down.
They want to make you poor.
And again, the rest of the story, it's feudalism.
I've got to dig this up.
It was about, I don't know, 12 years ago, I came across it.
I think it was a Thomas Sowell editorial or something.
I'm going from memory.
And I went and dug it up.
And actually found it in mainline references and confirmed and found large sections of a 1730s manual translated out of French that had been translated out of Latin for the sugarcane plantations of the Caribbean.
And the book had been translated out of French into English to teach the colonies how to keep their slaves under control.
And there were other articles that went along with it.
It's like, don't be nice to your slaves, you know, stop, you know, you know, trying to build them up with your Christian charity.
That's going to get out of hand.
What you need to, because you know, a lot of slave owners were, you know, it was more like indentured servitude because whites came here.
Most people that are here that are Caucasian, you came here as a seven to 10 year signed on slave.
They could, they could put you in prison or kill you in some cases if you tried to run off.
That's what sharecropping is.
But they didn't call it slavery.
They called it indentured servitude.
Bond servant.
That's what the Bible calls it.
And that's always in the way of the world.
But they found the best way is don't tell you you're a slave.
Just give you a tiny piece of property you don't really own and take, well, 10, 20, 30 percent under feudalism of what you got.
But don't ever let somebody get independent.
Don't let a indentured servant or a serf have a weapon.
If they have a knife for work, it can't have a pointed end on it.
It could go through your armor.
These are laws.
I've actually been in London and seen their museums where it shows serfs' knives and things.
And it'll show knives with the end off of them.
Everything looked like a meat cleaver, because you weren't allowed to have a pointed end.
If you had a dog as a serf, it couldn't be a hunting dog, and they would cut off
I think?
And they call the Hispanics down there the Little Cockroaches.
That's the name for the Native American, mixed, Spanish, German, Austrian.
There's a lot of German and Austrians down there.
That's who later colonized it, Maximilian and others.
You folks didn't know that, you might want to look into it.
But the point is, all of that's Austrian-Hungarian Empire ran it for a while.
So that's what's going on.
And so every culture calls the peasants.
That's why in Silence of the Lambs, the first one, he's telling Clarice, I can see from your bone structure, you know, from where you came from, oh, this area, I bet you worked, family was coal miners, weren't they?
Oh, yes.
And people say, oh, you couldn't guess something like that.
Yeah, you can, if you know enough about different types
And that's what all this globalist profiling is about.
Globalists bred all the breeds of dogs we know.
They're into breeding.
They're into social engineering.
Breeding went on with slaves.
Breeding went on with Gaulish and Germanic and Visigoth and Vandal slaves.
For the arena and for combat.
All of this stuff is ongoing and so we're being socially engineered and in this phase
Do you think the system liked the fact that there were black communities and black businesses and industries that were becoming extremely powerful in their own colleges?
And I'm not saying it should be segregated.
No, no, no.
I'm just saying they didn't end segregation to empower those people.
They destroyed the black colleges.
They destroyed the black-owned businesses and the black doctors.
They destroyed it and took a community
That was sharp-dressed, educated, informed, that looked down on people like the woman we just showed and they did what you've seen.
I was talking to somebody high up at MTV just recently and they described how there was anti-establishment music in the 90s and there was a directive overnight to end it and to bring in destructive gangster rap
To destroy the black community further and to export it onto white kids and Hispanics.
And they've done it.
That's the culture now, is gangbanger.
So the kids all dress like this, the cops are trained, they're the enemy, to induct you into prison.
It's like, here, wear this enemy uniform so we can put you in our private prison owned by a narcotics trafficking megabank.
This has all been scientifically done.
They've re-legalized slavery.
But to do it, they've got to ship drugs in and have rules where if they catch you with their product, they put you in their jail.
And so the rest of the culture can be told you're bad and dangerous.
They sell...
In the public schools, having the gangs beat up the black, white, and Hispanic and Asian kids until they're forced to join the gangs tentatively, so then the cops can enroll you in the gang program and take your rights, then you can be sent to juvenile hall for even being late to class now three times in places like Texas.
Your parents can't spank you.
You go to juvenile hall, you learn how to get gang raped, you learn how to get tattoos, and you learn how to rob, and you get out and have a criminal record.
You can't have a job now, so now you're a criminal.
Or maybe you didn't get a criminal record before you became an adult, so they hire you as a cop.
This is the new total conversion to evil.
And it's been done scientifically.
Domestication by design.
So when I hear neocons on radio going, we don't know why these liberals are so dumb.
You know, Chris Matthews, he doesn't have blacks at his wedding.
You know, look at the video of thousands of people at his wedding and not one black person.
Folks, it's much worse than that.
Margaret Sanger, I didn't just believe this a decade ago, I sent off to the universities and got the copies from the big foundations, Colgate and others.
They said, we gotta kill these inhuman weeds, we gotta abort them, we gotta exterminate them, man, we gotta kill these people.
How do we do it?
I mean, these are quotes.
Well, just pull up Margaret Sanger, I mean, she got awards from Hitler, gave awards to Hitler, and they call her the liberalist woman ever, oh we love you, Margaret Sanger, gotta raise money for Planned Parenthood.
They said we're going to pose as liberals, we're going to hire the black leaders, we're going to finance them, and we're going to get rid of segregation, and we're going to destroy their culture, then take that destroyed culture and dominate culture with it.
We're going to get people to accept abortion in the name of killing blacks, so then we can kill everybody.
And that's what they've done.
Everybody that laughs at the pathetic, some of the pathetic black communities, or some of the other pathetic poor communities, that's for you, buddy.
You can run to the suburbs all you want.
They're going to cut your power off.
They're going to jack up your prices and tear your roads up and force you in.
To the new prison-domestication economy.
They're gonna grope you and your family in prisoner training at the airports and in highways.
They're gonna tell you when to freeze.
Everything you've seen has been done to blacks.
That was just set up with a group they thought was weak culturally, who people just look down on.
They always target a minority first.
It's for you.
This is dependency.
It's meant to kill us.
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Is it getting better?
Or do you feel the same?
Does it make it easier on you?
Will it make it easier on you now?
But you got someone to blame.
You got someone to blame.
You said one love.
We are back, my friends.
That's right.
Liberty leaves you.
You don't care for it.
It's like a plant.
Like a child.
To see the ugly face of brainwashing.
Let's play the Obama phone clip one more time of someone with reflected glory.
It's not just welfare and goodies from the state that, by the way, tells that woman under federal regulations it's not a law.
By the way, you've got to take upwards of 10 vaccines a year, and you've got to have your babies take vaccines, and we're going to give you fluoride water for them.
We recommend that.
And you're going to wonder why your kid gets cancer, but that's okay, because I got an Obama phone!
This is sad.
You can laugh at one level at this lady, but it's sad.
It's sad.
And then you look at the rest of the public, ladies and gentlemen, they're doing it to everybody.
When you look at the television, mainline TV, it wants to kill you.
It wants to sell you a culture of death, that having kids is bad, that being married is bad, that family is bad.
Look at it!
It isn't liberal.
It's eugenics.
Destroying everything good so you will stand down.
We are under psychological, spiritual, economic siege.
We're being usurped.
We're being covertly taken over.
By the social engineers who brag in thousands of publications that they're doing it to us!
They're monsters!
I mean, we go interview professors and they say, yeah, the family's a tyranny.
It's in the textbooks!
Last week we played a professor on air from UT who said the family's a tyranny.
This is what they teach when the CPS comes and takes your kid from a good house.
They don't take them from the bad ones.
They're mandated to destroy good families.
They're mandated to put hyperactive leadership men, boys, on Ritalin.
They know it causes the heart to swell and causes brain shrinkage and brain damage.
They know.
It's an amphetamine.
They want to hurt you.
Margaret Sanger was a Nazi.
The Nazis were inspired by her, so she's not a Nazi.
She's the Nazis' mama.
You still want an Obama phone?
Yeah, you do.
And it's identity politics.
It's identity politics.
Here is Obama phone.
One more time.
You got Obama phone?
Everybody in Cleveland, low minority, got Obama phone!
Keep Obama in president, you know?
He gave us a phone!
He gave you a phone.
He's gonna do more!
How'd he give you a phone?
You sign up and you're on full stamps, you're on social security!
Yeah, you get a microwave system to give you cancer and track you.
What's his name, Rami again?
He sucks!
That's enough.
You got Obama phone?
That woman is so pathetic, and she's worried all her goodies are going to be taken away.
Hey, lady!
They want you dead!
They said, we're going to oppose as liberals, we're going to domesticate the black people.
Which was not new.
It's a 2,000-year-old Roman manual for slaves.
What's the Roman manual say?
You keep the men out in the barn.
You don't let them learn how to speak or read.
You bring the women in the house as the house servants, and you tell them the men will be killed if they don't keep them in line.
And when they first bring you into slavery, whether it was out of North Africa or out of what's Germany today, they'd line up the men and chop their heads off in front of the women.
And they'd turn to them and say, you keep your little boys in line or we're gonna kill them too.
And those women became the greatest tyrants over your men you've ever seen.
It's called house slaves.
That's what feminism is, is house slaves.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We've been talking about the domestication
Not just here, but worldwide.
It's the same thing.
Those of us that know history, well, we know we're repeating it in a horrible fashion right now.
And how you communicate with a dumbed-down, surly population.
Some of the dumbest people, or willfully ignorant people, are the so-called intelligentsia.
Because when you really start talking to him, you go, you know this is a domestication program to reduce population and a takeover of society to make it more easily managed.
And they go, yeah, well, so what?
The public's done, they deserve it.
But I'm like, the system's doing that on purpose.
I had a caller yesterday, he's like, yeah, the government gave me Crohn's disease with a vaccine, it's on record linked to that, but still the public's dumbed down, they're useful leaders.
Well, yeah, you need to lift these people up and you lift them up.
See, they don't go and give somebody a tax incentive or a tax credit to start a business.
That's not what the federal, which is really a global government, does for poor people, period.
They want you in public housing with CPS kidnapping your kids and doing medical experiments on them while you run around going Obama phone.
That poor black woman.
I mean, did she know in New York Daily News six years ago, she probably can't even read, that it came out that they take little black kids, the CPS does, and give them to big companies to test drugs and pesticides on them until they die?
You're like, hey, lady, you know, the government shoots black people up with syphilis, so the government wants to kill you.
You know, all these top liberals, people like, you know, Dr. Watson, the discoverer of DNA, who calls himself a liberal, you know, he said blacks aren't human.
Well, he gave me an Obama phone.
No, no, no, he poses as a liberal so he can get up close to you and slit your throat.
I got an Obama phone!
You can sit there and laugh at the lady and go, well, I guess, you know.
No, folks, they did that to that lady.
And they're the ones posing as liberals when they're not!
How many abortionists who've been confronted, Asian, white, even black, have been caught on tape saying, you don't want these ugly black babies, do you?
What are you going to do, adopt black babies?
See, I learned about eugenics reading history, but I've gone out and done debates against abortion on TV here locally.
I've gone before and protested abortion clinics.
And I've had the people pull up in their cars, and I've had the people come out, and I've had the Planned Parenthood people walk over and go, what are you going to do, adopt all these little black babies nobody wants?
And I go, uh...
Well, I told you this story before the videos came out.
This is what they say.
This is like an automatic one of five things they say.
You know, actually, there's people lined up around the block to adopt black babies.
And you know what they have the liberal groups do?
They go finance black groups to go out, who are racist and say, and dumber than a box of rocks, to go out and say, don't let white Christian groups adopt black babies because they'll lose their black culture.
What's the black culture?
Worshipping your extermination?
You'd rather the babies be chopped up
They live with a white family.
I mean, it's sick, ladies and gentlemen.
Because, see, if you get a bunch of white people adopting black folks, that would really end all this racial division, wouldn't it?
And see, they don't want that, ladies and gentlemen.
They want them dead.
Which is liberal.
See, if I said abort and kill all the blacks, they'd be like, my God, put this guy on the cover of Time Magazine as a liberal.
They'd put me up there next to Martin Luther King.
But see, I'm giving you the big breakdown here.
This is the rest of the story.
I'll go pull the Margaret Sanger quotes and stuff again.
I mean, you know, they've had her on the cover of Time Magazine just five, six years ago, seven years ago.
How liberal she is.
I mean, it's just a sick joke.
Totally sick.
Absolutely, totally, and completely sick.
And I really learned how many of these people are conscious
Killers, when I would be around big city TV, national television, and print media, and they'd be sitting there when a camera wasn't rolling, writing stuff, they'd go, aren't you just racist?
Because you're pro-God.
And I'd go, what does that have to do with anything?
And I'd go, you're just using the racist to control people.
You're actually a racist, aren't you, yourself?
They're like, they just smile at you with this knowing look.
They're mercenaries.
You think real racists are running around with white hoods on their heads?
No, they're coming to your house to help you.
They're liberal.
Oh, let me just stab you in the neck.
I love you.
As long as you say you love somebody, they're like, well here, kill my baby then.
Aaron Fullin here.
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It's Alex Jones!
Welcome, my friends, to another hour of, well, the Alex Jones Show, and I am your host, Alex Jones.
We are blasting out on XM-166 over 120 AM and FM stations, including 1530 in Chicago.
And we are also simulcast with video and audio streams at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Thank you so much for joining us.
The news websites are PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com because there's a war on for your mind and we are fighting the construction of a prison planet.
Now you noticed a few weeks ago it was in a few mainstream outlets but not many because the dinosaur media that's imploding new numbers out, CNN ratings plunging even faster, Nielsen giving them and MSNBC fake numbers.
So even their low numbers are fake.
They're legends in their own mind.
They're emperors in new clothes.
They're a hoax.
And they know that now.
They are a hoax.
And that's why now mainstream media, dinosaur media, establishment media, those that call, those of us that question known liars, conspiracy theorists, they are now circling the wagons supporting cyber security, which even CNET News says is the takeover of the free web.
They want to shut down their competition.
Well, this show, it doesn't matter if we have 3 million listeners a day.
Conservatively, according to big ad agencies that break down just our aminathema affiliates, you'll never hear of the dinosaur press.
Admit that.
But we don't care.
It doesn't matter.
Because they're dying.
They're imploding.
Because they have been caught over and over again deceiving
Now you know about whistleblowers like FBI translator Seibel Edmonds, who heard the chatter on the day of 9-11, the NSA recordings, of Al-Qaeda under Western control.
She was told by Congress to shut up.
Now that's been partially declassified.
We see Hillary Clinton yesterday in the New York Times coming out and saying, hey, it looks like Al-Qaeda killed the ambassador.
The same Al-Qaeda, NATO, put in charge of Libya and now into Syria?
They're using Al-Qaeda against the Iranian Shiites.
I'm not defending Iran either.
It's just, hey, the TSA wants to grope Miss USA and my family for that matter.
Because, supposedly, in my wife's brassiere, bin Laden or Anwar al-Awlaki may be hiding.
To the point of, I won't travel.
I won't go anywhere now.
My kids want to fly.
I'm sorry, I can't handle seeing some weird pervert grabbing them.
So now we're told Al Qaeda is under every table.
Give up all your rights or they'll kill you.
Well, we have another big whistleblower.
This is, again, was in some of the news a few weeks ago.
Former reporter Amber Lyon exposes massive censorship at CNN.
You know, they say that winners write the history books.
How about killers and control freaks and liars and despots write many of the history books?
If King George would have won against our country when it was founded, you know, the history books would say today that the founders were scum.
Oh wait, the history books do say that because we've been taken back over.
FEMA has taught that, and teaches the police the founders are bad.
Don't believe me?
Just type that into Google.
You'll see the training videos.
The London Guardian did pick up on it.
Why didn't CNN's International Arm air its own documentary on Bahrain's Arab Spring repression?
And this is what she exposed, and we're going to her right now.
This incredible whistleblower, because it's hard to have moral courage.
Many a historian and psychologist has pointed out, physical courage is more common, charging a machine gun nest, than moral courage to say no to peer pressure.
And she worked inside trying to get her evidence of just killing, shootings, beating to death, you name it, backed by Saudi Arabia.
And she was told it's not going to air.
Meanwhile, again, they exaggerate the atrocities of Assad, who I'm not defending in Syria, while covering up for Al-Qaeda, throwing Christians off the tops of churches, blowing churches up, and making fathers suicide bomb, or they'll kill their family.
This is how reprobate and corrupt we've become.
And this lady, from inside, this is a big deal, exposed it.
She said, quote, I saw firsthand that these regime claims were lies and I couldn't believe CNN was making me put what I knew was government lies into my reporting.
Amber Lyon.
Now, now, now, now many people
When they run into the truth and get knocked over by it, Churchill said this, they get knocked over the ditch by the truth, they get up and dust themselves off and go on about their business.
But exceptional individuals don't.
And a lot of you are saying, well, she just told the truth.
What's exceptional about that?
Well, she basically had to leave CNN.
She quit over it.
She gave up a big career for her
Thank you so much for joining us.
Hey, thank you, Alex, so much for having me on.
I really appreciate it.
That was one hell of an intro.
Well, hey, you deserve it.
We need to rediscover who heroes are.
Tell us your story in a nutshell and what's happened since, and then we'll flesh the story out more for people.
Well, basically we went to Bahrain to do a documentary on the Arab Spring, and while we were there, we uncovered atrocious human rights abuses at the hands of this regime.
We were able to witness doctors who were being tortured, also journalists, and so when we got back to the U.S., we were violently detained when we were in Bahrain as well, and the security forces thought that they'd erased all of our video.
So you can imagine Bahrain's surprise when
We got back to the U.S.
and actually had that video.
We were able to sneak it out and then went on the airwaves telling everyone that this U.S.
ally country actually is committing horrific human rights abuses against its people and pro-democracy protesters.
At first, I was able to get coverage on
CNN and CNN International.
But then the phone calls started coming in.
Phone calls from PR companies working for the Bahrain regime, PR companies based in the U.S.
Also phone calls from the regime itself constantly calling and complaining about me.
I'd walk into the newsroom and producers would tell me, you know, Bahrain called to complain about you again.
And that was okay, but what happened is I started to notice the complaints
Being reflected in my reporting and that's what I was required to then put on mandatory tags that were provided by the government which were essentially just pretty much propaganda statements that I knew were false and CNN calls that journalism 101.
I call that propaganda 101.
It's very dangerous to repeat phrases over and over and over to the public.
Yeah, that'd be like saying, hey, you can't say Hitler's bad in 1945.
Let's get a statement from him.
Or you can't say this convicted child molester did this even though he's convicted.
Let's get a statement from him about why he murdered the five-year-old.
And you know, there's a psychological effect.
I spoke with a lot of my friends who have studied, one who has a doctorate in psychology, and there's a psychological effect to hearing something repeated over and over and over, that no matter how insane it is, you tend to then take it as truth.
And that's true with, if you remember, weapons of mass destruction.
That phrase was repeated an infinite number of times within the media, and that instilled fear into the American
Buzzword conditioning, absolutely.
So they start pressuring you, they start making you, you know, you've got the video, you've got the interviews, you've got the proof.
Other media outside the U.S.
is reporting they're lining people up and shooting them, but here it's like Bahrain is loving and helping and it got some nasty protesters off the street.
Well, and in this situation, too, you have to look at the foreign policy implications.
In my reporting, Alex, we have a naval base right now in Bahrain that is giving us access to the Strait of Hormuz, which is essentially where the U.S.
wants to be right now in its potential future escalations with Iran.
So the U.S.
government doesn't want the U.S.
media to report negatively on Bahrain because your tax dollars are going directly to empower and enable this regime.
Not only that, we've sold more than a billion dollars worth of weapons to Bahrain, weapons that they are using right now to systematically tear gas and suffocate their people and fill their bodies with birdshot.
Well, I want to go through the cover-up and what happened to you, but what is it like to watch Anderson Cooper, who's admittedly CIA, it's come out in the Washington Post, I'm sure you know this, twelve years ago, that the CIA does have top generals there, literally saying what can and can't go off CNN, that's come out before for people that don't know, you can elaborate on that if you have anything else, but what's it like to watch Anderson Cooper get all breathless about Egypt or breathless about Libya,
Oh, the human rights abuses, and then exaggerate a bunch of stuff as he's been caught, or flat-out stage things.
Meanwhile, you're told to not report on known massacres.
Yeah, I think for me, it's frustrating journalistically, and it scares me for the future of the survival of journalism's sake.
Because as journalists, we can't pick and choose when or when not to tell the truth.
We always have to be truth-seekers and trying to expose the truth.
On on every level and and eventually when I was it When I was at CNN eventually it got almost impossible to get stories on about Bahrain and then in June our documentary That 20 minutes of it was a pretty stark report on on the views in Bahrain it aired in the u.s For one day, but it never aired to its target audience and that's on CNN International in Bahrain and Alex I started getting
Employees at CNN, long-time employees approaching me saying, you should investigate this.
This is very suspicious.
Something's going on here.
And we found out that, which was really, I felt defrauded as a journalist.
We found out that at the same time I was being detained and risking my life to expose the Bahrain regime, CNN International is taking money from them in exchange for producing content that it airs on CNN International
Content disguised as news.
I mean, one of these programs, the reporter, Richard Quest, was reporting live from Bahrain for a week, on a program called I-List.
And that program made Bahrain seem progressive, and like the Crown Prince was a reformer.
And as an employee at CNN, I was never told that this was going on.
Also, viewers are not being told that CNN is being paid by state regimes, some with horrific human rights records, to air content disguised as news, which they're often not even telling the viewers that this content was paid for by governments.
And Alex, on a journalistic level, this is horrific.
It is.
Stay there.
Stay there.
We're going to go to break and come back.
I want you to have the floor and break all this down.
For people that don't know, it's like the federal government's paying all the major sitcoms, all the major ones on the networks, to promote Obamacare, anti-gun messages.
It never ends.
And yes, the communist Chinese governments are also financing the news.
We'll be right back.
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Alex Jones here back live on this Friday edition.
I hope listeners realize the magnitude of what we're discussing.
This is a CNN insider.
I didn't even get to her bio.
Because it's, I mean, I'm literally catching my breath.
This is so upsetting.
To know all this, but to know the public isn't aware of it.
Most of this is even hidden in the back of the newspaper.
That foreign corporations, foreign governments, it's not just CNN.
In fact, some are even worse.
Are just financed by foreign interest and are lying to people.
Amber Lyon is a three-time Emmy Award winning journalist who scuba dived under the oil spills, goes to all these war zones.
I was calling her a hero and all that.
That's why I was saying that, not just her whistleblowing.
It's just amazing that
That she's willing to do this because most people will sell out for money and fame.
While our media demonizes other regimes as a pretext to bomb them, you're not being told that Bahrain is financing other shows while not letting your show air.
Yeah, exactly.
And I feel like CNN should issue an apology to its journalists, also to its viewers, because they're not making people adequately aware and clearly disclosing that they're taking money.
And it's not just Bahrain, it's Georgia, Kazakhstan, and other regimes.
They're taking money from these regimes in exchange for creating what they called sponsored content.
But if you take a look at this content, it's very rosy.
Like the Bahrain page talked about pearl diving in Bahrain and how Bahrain was progressive.
And at the same time, human rights workers and journalists were being tortured and imprisoned.
And that wasn't mentioned on this page.
And I think this is really scary because the U.S.
public is being misinformed by such a powerful network.
Not only that, the world, because CNN International is the most viewed English language news station in this area, Alex.
I know the ratings have been going down, but we're talking Time Warner here.
Well, sure, let me correct myself.
Domestically, CNN is more and more a shadow of its former self.
But you're right.
Globally, it is the name reaching hundreds of millions.
That's the real value inside CNN.
And that's the global network that is the one that's just taking this money from governments in exchange for sponsored content.
I don't know where we lost our way journalistically in this country, in this world, to think that that's okay.
I want to get into what you really saw overseas and everything in the next long segment coming up, but what heat have you gotten since you went public?
Talk about that decision to leave CNN and what's happened since then.
Well, I was forced out of CNN because they shut down our domestic investigative and documentary unit.
So about 60 people were laid off and we were the most hardcore segment of CNN for investigative journalism and they restructured it and we were laid off.
But I was given a severance and after I came forward the first time about the Bahrain situation, my agent was called by someone representing the executives at CNN and
My agent was told that if I continued to talk, my severance and health insurance would be pulled.
So there was a threat there to try to get me to... That's a direct threat against your First Amendment.
I tell you, I think there's a civil issue there.
Yeah, I think that, you know, they were trying to and that would have worked for many people because they want that money.
But at that time, the second I got that phone call and really realized there was a big issue here.
Obviously, if they're trying to get me not to talk, there's something they're worried about me exposing, something legitimate.
And I felt that that was now dirty money.
And, you know, it's
I was having trouble sleeping at night knowing that I had this information that the public needed to hear.
And that really was the straw that broke the camel's back, Alex.
And then I came forward with The Guardian article's full pledge and continue to today.
Are you aware of what I mentioned, it was 12 years ago, Washington Post, WorldNetDaily reported on it, that CNN admittedly was basically at that time at least run by army PSYOPs, and that they would have generals.
Gore Vidal famously talked about it in 2002.
He said, wow, I'm here on the air, as Larry King goes, there's no general standing off camera today.
Wow, this is special.
Are you aware of all that?
I'm not.
We never had any generals that I knew about that were working alongside us at CNN.
So I don't know anything about that connection.
I never had anything like that exposed to me.
But what I do know is what I saw there in trying to get stories through that were kind of anti-U.S.
government, and they were more difficult to get through on the network, definitely.
Did you know that Anderson Cooper is CIA?
Did you know that?
I don't know anything about that.
We'll be right back Amber.
We're gonna break all this down.
You're an investigator.
Check into what I'm saying.
Check into my claims.
Don't just believe me.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Amber Lyon is our guest award-winning CNN reporter, three-time national Emmy award-winning journalist.
AmberLyonLive.com is her website.
And so they still have her doing work for them, but they say, hey, we're going to take away your health care.
We're going to take away all this stuff.
If you don't shut up.
Okay, because, you know, CNN's out there fighting for the little guy, and let's bomb Libya and Syria because they're hurting people.
Our Al-Qaeda is chopping people's heads off right now.
They're good guys.
But, you know, and the evil protesters in Bahrain, well, so what if they got lined up and machine-gunned?
Let's get into what your reports were covering, the massacres that they don't want out.
And then I want to get your take on, because I know you've talked about this, the war on journalists.
I mean, even Pulitzer Prize winner, who we've had on many times, Chris Hedges and his lawyer, who are fighting the NDAA, the Secret Arrest of Americans, they've pointed out they're going after whistleblowers, they're going after journalists who expose crimes.
I mean, this is unprecedented.
And instead of the media circling the wagons against this threat against the institution of the press,
Well, they're all paid off.
They think it's cute.
You know, they're like, hey, shut up.
Amber, join the team.
Pretty fun to line up some women and shoot them in Bahrain.
What's wrong with that?
What, you're not sleeping good at night?
What's wrong?
I mean, get tough.
You know, get with the lie.
Get with the program.
It's fun.
What's your take on that?
Break that down.
Yeah, I mean it really was, I hate to be dramatic about this, but it was a horrific time for me in my career because I felt like I had a leash tightening around my neck and duct tape across my mouth because I knew these people were suffering and being gassed and killed and tortured.
Journalists, we're talking doctors, these security forces that we are supporting here in the U.S.
and giving tax dollars to stormed the main hospital in town
Thank you.
To do it and thank you, but no thanks.
And not that Bahrain would have let me in anyway.
I've tried to apply for a visa many times and they won't let me return to the country.
But we're giving our tax dollars and our nation is supporting Bahrain in part because we want that strategic naval base if a potential conflict with Iran would escalate.
Alex, so it was a horrific time for me and one of the first things I did
When I was eventually laid off from CNN is apply for a visa to try to go back to the country to be able to expose these people's suffering.
Bahrain is really one of the most pure revolutions of the Arab Spring, but it's one of the most undercovered by the media and it is the most pure because almost 60 to 70 percent of the population, I mean if you watch these videos on YouTube of their mass demonstrations through the streets,
60-70% of the civilians in Bahrain want this regime out and unfortunately this regime is being supported by the U.S.
government and financed by the U.S.
government in exchange for our naval base.
And also, you know, if you continue to watch the news, you're starting to see an escalation in the demonization of Iran on the major mainstream media networks.
And not to say that Ahmadinejad isn't freaking nuts and he doesn't deserve to be talked about, but I find it...
It's odd that, considering all the problems we're facing here in this nation, that the mainstream media is continually focusing on Iran and feeding us propaganda about Iran, Alex.
And I have, my gut is telling me that we are being propagated into a potential, another, approving a potential, another conflict this time.
Instead of Iraq, it's with Iran.
You're not with Al-Qaeda, are you, Amber?
I mean, you need to do whatever you're told.
You're maybe with Al-Qaeda.
Maybe the TSA is going to have to take a little extra interest in you next time.
Maybe we have to put you on a no-fly list.
You know, that's come out in the press that journalists and even members of Congress have been put on that list to teach them a little lesson.
Yeah, there was a journalist at CNN, Drew Griffin, who was put on that list as well when he investigated the TSA.
So this is happening.
You're not a conspiracy theorist.
Maybe you need to be taken to the private room?
You know, I haven't had that happen to me yet, Alex, but I would welcome it because I sure in the hell would raise hell about it afterwards.
And everyone should, especially journalists who are being intimidated because they're criticizing the TSA and the government.
That's our job.
Our job is to be watchdogs and publish what they don't want published.
Sounds like we've got an extremist on the line, ladies and gentlemen.
These are her views and not mine.
Whoa, whoa, extreme.
The press should be questioning and be a watchdog.
I'm scared right now.
Now, seriously, let's talk about Obama, because I know you've been really focusing on that.
I mean, as a journalist, what is it like?
What's happening inside the highest levels of journalism that you've been in while he's been really purging journalists and trying to create a giant chilling effect here?
Okay, first I want to reinvigorate the public's definition of journalism.
I think people think that journalism is what they're seeing on the news and that's where reporters standing in front of the camera, smiling, saying that the grass is green and the sky is blue.
That's just reporting.
Journalism is publishing something no one else wants to see.
It's investigating.
It's not just saying whatever the government tells you.
And that's true muckraking investigative journalism that we need to reinvigorate.
In our society and so what Obama has done with his war on whistleblowers and by going after journalists with subpoenas as he has created a chilling effect Alex that we have never seen to the likes of this level in this country and that's because Obama has prosecuted more journalists and whistleblowers than any other president in our history under the 1917 Espionage Act including Pulitzer Prize winning
New York Times reporter James Risen.
So, when the networks see Obama going after journalists to try to get them to reveal their sources, that creates a chilling effect.
Not only that, Obama has turned journalists into criminals.
And I'm not an extremist, Alex.
If you look at the logic here, as a journalist, my number one duty to my sources and to the public is to never reveal confidential sources.
Well, now that Obama is subpoenaing journalists to reveal those sources and essentially saying that they're criminals for not doing so, he has criminalized the profession of journalism.
Why society isn't raising hell about this and the mainstream media journalism outlets is beyond me.
And I saw the direct effects, Alex, of Obama's actions at CNN.
There were investigations
That I wasn't allowed to do because they were too high of a risk of being subpoenaed.
And it really became, I'll break it down for you, it became like this.
If I went to them with a story that had a really sensitive source, you know, a source who is potentially wanted by the federal government or the federal government doesn't like, well, that's pretty much everyone who is criticizing the federal government right now.
It would be a risk assessment.
So what is the risk of Obama subpoenaing us for this information?
Step one.
Sure, sure.
And the answer, I want your answer to this, the answer is the media
Universally sticks together for the First Amendment and journalistic integrity and goes after Obama and absolutely destroys the courts.
We've got the power unless we give it up.
And that's what happened with the communists and Hitler and others.
If we let them
Subvert the press.
You know this is an award-winning journalist and somebody studied history.
If we do this, this is how the tyranny happens.
This is one of the final moves, the final red flags here, that if we let the intimidation work of this mafia, it's over.
It's game over.
And this is why it's terrifying, Alex, and it should terrify everyone, because now anyone that the federal government says is a potential enemy, like the FBI did with Anonymous,
It makes it nearly impossible for mainstream media reporters to cover those sources and talk to those sources, and it's created a chilling effect.
And the Obama administration and the FBI, CIA, NSA, they know this.
And it's worked.
And it's dangerous because now the government's allowed to call anyone an enemy, and they know that the mainstream media will be very hard-pressed to get in and talk to these sources.
Especially, I saw it happen directly with whistleblowers,
And the anonymous movement.
It became nearly impossible to talk to sources in that movement.
And that's terrifying because now we're just now allowing the government to call anyone a terrorist and journalists won't be able to go and talk to them to find out whether they are or they aren't.
We can't allow the government to choose our enemies.
We need the truth to choose our enemies, Alex.
That's what the NDAA states.
Is that a journalist like Chris Hedges or Amber Lyon or myself, I wear a commentator's hat, a researcher's hat, a journalist's hat, a reporter's hat.
We do it all here.
I've got like now 10 reporters under me.
And, you know, now we get Homeland Security documents and things that we've broken over the years.
One was a huge story four years ago about saying returning veterans are the number one terror threat three and a half years ago, and we've got subsequent ones.
And I talked to my state police, FBI, federal marshal sources, and they now say, look, I can't talk to you anymore.
They've let us know the NSA is listening to all of us.
And now it's admitted the NSA spends most of its time spying on federal government and spying on themselves to make sure no one exposes the crimes going on.
And so, we don't get one-tenth of the whistleblowing we used to get.
Hey, I'm still ready.
If I look at something and it's criminal, clearly on its face, or it's outrageous, look, people have a right and a duty to expose it.
I mean, let's say the director of an agency has embezzled a million dollars, and there's cases of things like this, and then somebody tries to expose it, well, we see it in the Pentagon, and then they go after the whistleblower.
That's 100% protected.
But now we can't have that because the people are scared.
Well, the answer is we all stand up and say, you know what?
We're not going to be afraid.
And we all go public and let the chips fall where they may.
And they can't get us all.
They want to use little case points like Bradley Manning and burn him to scare everybody else.
We have a right to know.
And the future of this country stands or falls on what journalists and whistleblowers do now.
And Alex, that's why I felt like it was so important to come forward because I'm trying to encourage other journalists to do
I mean, really, I think I'm really the most vocal journalist coming out talking about CNN and CNN's history.
And that's because Time Warner owns HBO, CNN, TBS, cable outlets, Time Magazine.
And journalists are terrified to come forward and talk about what's going on because they feel they'll never be able to get a job in the business again.
And I think it's time, as journalists, we need to really step forward and focus on the elephant in the room here.
And that's the propaganda and sometimes lies that the American public
In the end, complacent journalists are killing journalism and they need to come forward and talk about this because they're on the wrong side of history and unfortunately, you know, I feel like one day when this all is exposed, because the truth doesn't have a shelf life, when it is exposed, they're going to be looked at as just as guilty as these corporations that they work for, Alex.
Where do you see it going?
I mean, if people don't stand up and say no to all this, where do you see things going in this country?
I, you know, I worked as an investigative reporter for the last 10 years.
I covered the oil spill, you know, financial crisis.
I can't tell you how many soldier goodbye ceremonies or funerals I went to.
And, you know, I just see something, I see that a lot of Americans are being taken advantage of and the truth isn't getting to them.
And that's what bothers me the most as a journalist, Alex.
My job is to deliver the truth and it's very difficult.
And when the American public isn't informed and when they don't have that truth because they're not getting it from the mainstream media and from journalists, journalists aren't fighting for it like they used to, then that's dangerous.
And we've already seen what happens.
That's what gets us into Iraq and Afghanistan and now potentially Iran.
And I think that's something that should really
Make us all realize that we need to wake up and really focus on what's happening because I'm going to tell you my honest opinion because I've been able to see the truth so many times and the truth covered up so many times that we are at a scary place right now in the U.S.
and I feel like it's my goal and my job, my duty, my life is to try to bring this truth to the people and
I feel like that's the only way we can be empowered.
We can't continue to allow the government to decide who our enemies should be.
We need to let truth dictate that.
We're a big, powerful, rich empire that's been running to the ground, and we're like a vending machine that foreign governments and corporations put coins in to get what they want out of the machine while we pay for it as citizens, while our name is destroyed worldwide, and we've got a dumbed-down population because this rotting of the media has been going on really 30, 40, 50 years, and now it's come to a point where even the mainstream media is collapsing in credibility.
But they can't stop because now it's all they know is being prostitutes as Gerald Salente calls them.
And then when a real journalist like yourself comes along, you're anathema, you're demonized, you're attacked, and we're going into this dark night.
Now I want to talk about...
More about your reports, more about what you've seen, you know, being censored or controlled, more of what was really going on in Bahrain, because they don't want that information out here.
But first off, here it is, a WorldNet Daily, March 3rd, 2000, Army PSYOPs at CNN.
Counterpunch, CNN and PSYOPs.
Here's another one.
Why were government propaganda experts working on news at CNN?
CNN responds.
CNN admits it.
I haven't found the Washington Post yet, but I know I read it back in 2000.
I had been told this before it even came out, but back then they had generals and hundreds of psyops at CNN Center in Atlanta actually at the editor level above the editors, commanding everything.
And then that story kind of died out, so that's why I was asking you.
I guess now they just... You know what?
I started at CNN in 2010, so if it was going on, it may have been happening before I was at the network.
No, exactly.
My point is, is exactly, they've gone more underground with it now, is my point.
Used to, as Gore Vidal said, the late Gore Vidal, they were standing there.
Gore Vidal talked about this too.
And, you know, I wonder what's going on.
I mean, my red flags are raised when you have this network not reporting on the domestic surveillance.
Why aren't they out in Utah, in Bluffdale right now, reporting on the construction of this $2 billion NSA facility that would terrify most Americans if they knew that the NSA was planning
On collecting that much data on your personal communications.
Why aren't they out there covering that?
Listen, they've got a giant one in San Antonio and they arrest the San Antonio Express News and the other paper people.
They detain them and erase their film.
We went with the lawsuit information that they lost the lawsuit in Maryland and they backed off.
I haven't even aired that piece yet, but you're absolutely right.
We went down there to try to get media to cover it.
Yeah, I don't understand why they're not covering it, and I think every viewer of CNN needs to question that as well, because why wouldn't they cover something like this?
This stuff is fascinating.
I even had, Alex, this morning, I had a former CNN employee write me and said, thanks for coming forward.
You know, I worked on the desk where we took all the phone calls from viewers.
Amber Lyon, stay there.
We'll come back, final segment with her straight ahead.
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I tell you, I would stand in line for this.
To talk to somebody who's a real journalist who, you know, basically they ran her out of CNN and then threatened to take her health care and money and things away if she didn't shut up and she told them, you know what, I'm gonna expose you.
And she was telling me during the break an amazing story that she was starting as we went to break.
Amber Lyon, AmberLyonLive.com is her site.
I hope to see her back in the media, but perhaps she's going to become the alternative media.
I mean, that's the way to go.
I mean, I started out myself that way because she's a passionate, smart lady, and we got to stand together or hang separate, as Benjamin Franklin said.
Tell people this inside scoop on your friend, your CNN whistleblower, what they told you was happening at CNN.
Yeah, so I've only had, I've had nothing but support from people internally at CNN because they've been complaining about this, why I was there.
A lot of them just, you know, Time Warner is a pretty intimidating enemy to have.
So, because they have families and for other reasons they didn't come forward.
Today I just got an email from someone who used to work, a woman who used to work on the desk where they would take calls from viewers directly.
And she said that during the time, I don't know if you remember in the press, there was all this press about SOPA, and ACT, the internet censorship legislation, also about NDAA.
And she said, quote, this is what she writes me today.
She wrote editors and said, our viewers are really confused about this legislation and they really want to know more.
And she says that her constant emails were ignored.
And in the end, she writes, I remember wondering if I was crazy to think there was a deeper reason why CNN wouldn't cover such important subjects, the important subjects, in my opinion.
So, I mean, that's someone who was on the front lines, the direct liaison with viewers.
So we need to really ask ourselves, if CNN isn't covering these topics, even though viewers want these topics covered in a time where CNN is losing viewers and ratings, then what the hell is going on here, Alex?
Why aren't they covering these?
Who is intimidating them or what's going on at that network that this stuff isn't being talked about?
And when I come as an investigative reporter and try to expose a U.S.
ally country that's horrifically abusing and torturing its people, why am I censored as well?
What's going on here?
I mean, has CNN turned into state TV?
And that's something we all need to ask ourselves or just keep in mind as you're watching so that you know that what you are seeing could potentially be propaganda and to go to other sources as well so that you have a complete version, a complete plate of information to be able to try to figure out what the truth is from Alex.
You're right, and CNN has become globalist TV, mega-corporation TV, it's beyond state TV, but they want to masquerade that they're not, and they just give you different flavors.
CNN's supposedly neutral, MSNBC's, you know, liberal, but all they do is race bait, and then Fox is conservative.
But in the final equation they all are going in the same direction and they've tried to carve up and control the population and now they're all pretty much going along with web censorship because the alternative media is giving them a run for their money.
What do you think the system's going to do to try to shut down their competition?
They're buying them up.
Look at it.
Anytime a blog gets huge, it gets bought up by AOL or Time Warner.
Look at Huffington Post.
Look at Mashable.
So anytime something gets to the level it can compete, it's bought out.
And I think that's what terrifies anyone about the media company I'm starting or your show, Alex, is because we won't sell out.
I refuse.
That was my next question.
Where are you going now?
You say you're starting a company.
Yeah, I have no choice.
I'm not a businesswoman, and frankly, I prefer to be doing stories and journalism over business, but I noticed one of the biggest issues and dilemmas facing journalists right now is that we have executives who have no journalistic experience but just want to make a profit running these companies.
I'll tell you what, your first big assignment, you're doing it.
Expose the fake media.
Expose the fake news.
And right there, you know, you bring them down.
I tell you, Amber Lyon, AmberLyonLive.com, I look forward to having you back up.
God bless you.
God bless you.
Thank you very much.
I appreciate, like you said.
Hold on.
Stay there.
Back in 60 seconds.
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Waging war on corruption.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Why does Obama want his dumbed-down supporters to have little phones so he can send them little brainwashing messages?
Because they want you dumbed down and dependent so they can have a corporate-run propaganda media shovel anti-family, anti-liberty, anti-freedom garbage down your throat.
Mainstream television wants you to be a stupid slave.
And somebody who does it, we got five more minutes with it, is a three-time Emmy award-winning journalist.
She worked
At CNN the last three or four years and went to so many different danger zones, war zones, you name it.
She's Amber Lyon, AmberLyonLive.com.
Finish up the point about the company you're starting and you were making a point there as we hit break and then any other points you'd like to make.
Yeah, I mean, it's similar to what you've been doing, Alex.
We need journalists starting these companies so that the decisions are made based on the journalistic value, not based on whether or not it's going to generate a profit.
And, you know, so I'm working now.
I've been taking business 101 classes and really getting my business acumen improved.
And I'm working to start an independent media organization as well, Muckbreaker.com.
We haven't launched yet.
We're hoping to launch in early 2013.
But that's become the reality of it.
If we don't get more journalists in control of these papers and media outlets, then Lord knows what's going to happen to journalism.
I mean, what we need is a giant spectrum of journalists with different perspectives.
Because, you know, there's one truth, but there's different angles on it.
That can vary.
But when, hey, let's hype up massacres that are exaggerated or don't exist, and let's not call the bombing of Libya or Syria or arming of rebels, let's not call that war.
And then let's hype up, you know, other stuff that isn't happening, but then let's cover up murder in Bahrain.
I mean, it's just, it shows the media, if they'll do that for Bahrain, they'll do that here, and that is what they're doing.
Yeah, like I said, they're on the wrong side of history.
I mean, the cover-up of the situation in Bahrain is horrific.
And every American should know that their tax dollars are going to gas and torture these pro-democracy activists.
I mean, that is, it horrifies me knowing my money's going to that cause.
And they're shaping the conversation, Alex.
They're shaping it to whatever they want it to be, not to the truth.
And that is so dangerous for this country, especially considering the state we're in right now.
And everyone should know, watch the news now.
Watch how much they mention Iran.
Considering everything we're facing here in the United States, including the fact that, you know, in a couple weeks I'm not going to have health insurance.
A lot of my friends don't have jobs or health insurance.
You know, my dad's been laid off.
You know, the fact that we're dealing with so many issues economically.
And the fact that the mainstream media is going to focus on Ahmadinejad or what's happening in Iran?
Well, it's classic.
They're imploding the economy, giving tens of trillions to foreign banks.
They're going to use the outside threat as the pretext to divert everybody.
But there's a perfect storm here because as the alternative media, you know, destroys the old line media because it won't do its job.
It forces them more and more into the hands of the governments and corporations that will pay them for infomercials and propaganda.
And so it's going to be a race to the bottom.
And it won't matter if they try to shut down the alternative media or buy it up.
Because the same virus of disinformation and lies will destroy everything they touch.
And thank God for the Internet and social media.
That's the only thing making this censorship irrelevant.
There are so many times, even our documentary that CNN International didn't air and CNN never put on CNN.com, some viewers who had watched it on CNN US taped it and then put it on YouTube.
So it was at least able to be seen there.
But think about in the past when we didn't have that and this stuff just disappeared.
It's pretty scary.
But luckily, you know, I see the rise of so many independent outlets right now and to fill that vacuum, Alex, and that's what's really giving me hope.
Well, I'm excited.
Amber Lyon, I'm excited about having you back as you get into more reports again.
Thank you so much for all the time today.
Hey, thank you so much, Alex, for having me on.
I appreciate it.
It means a lot to me.
Are you kidding?
I appreciate you.
Well, there she goes, Amber Lyon, amberlyonlive.com.
We'll be back.
I'm Alex Jones.
Our websites are prisonplanet.tv, infowarsnews.com, infowars.com, prisonplanet.com.
You can find our Facebook, Twitters, and all that up on the websites.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
You got Obama phone?
Everybody in Cleveland, low minority, got Obama phone!
Keep Obama in President, you know?
He gave us a phone!
He gave you a phone?
He's gonna do more!
How did he give you a phone?
You sign up and you're on full stamps, you're on Social Security, you got low income, you disability!
Okay, what's wrong with Romney again?
He sucks!
You got Obama phone?
Everybody in Cleveland, low minority, got Obama phone!
Keep Obama in President, you know?
He gave us a phone!
He gave you a phone?
He's gonna do more!
How'd he give you a phone?
You sign up and you're on full stamps, you're on Social Security, you got low income, you disability!
Obama phone?
Everybody in Cleveland, low minority, got Obama phone!
Ladies and gentlemen, Elmo, Elmo gone bad.
Guys, can we pull up Elmo real quick?
Just a short clip of Elmo.
Because I don't mean to be mean, but I'm sorry, this woman sounds like a demonic Elmo.
Everybody get Obama phone!
I can't even do it.
And I've got the guys finding him.
We're compiling a bunch of people.
A bunch of different ones that you're not hearing anywhere on talk radio, because I remembered them.
We're finding some of them.
Listeners are sending them to us.
There's dozens of these things, with people going, oh, thank you, Mr. President.
I'm going to get a free car and a free house in Florida, and women going, Mr. President, I want a free house.
He's like, all right, I'll get it for you.
Don't worry.
Oh, you're going to fight there, baby cakes.
Remember that four years ago?
I don't do a very good Obama.
I can do a Bill Clinton.
I did not have sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky.
We do have Elmo.
Listen to her carefully because... Petunia, do the thing.
Go ahead.
Okay, uh... Sesquipedalia.
It's not really Elmo.
I'm telling you, that woman sounds like... The Grouch!
I don't know, it sounds like some muppet.
I've let my kids watch Sesame Street a few times.
Does... You got Obama phone?
I'm sorry.
I just love that woman's voice.
I guarantee you, we need to find her as a talent search.
I could give her comedy lines.
She would be the biggest sensation in the country.
Yeah, who's that?
Oscar the Grouch.
It's like Oscar the Grouch meets Cookie Monster.
I don't know.
I'm done.
Turn it off.
Oh man, I can't handle it anymore.
You know why the Globalist take talk radio?
Because it's unscripted.
Coming up at the end of the hour, we're going to air excerpts of the NSA report that's up at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Infowars reporters confronted by NSA in San Antonio.
You heard the former CNN journalist, the whistleblower, about the cover-ups.
She was just on, saying somebody ought to go show these big NSA buildings.
Everybody's talking about the new big one in Utah spawned on everybody.
What about down in San Antonio?
They arrest reporters and take their film.
Not us.
We were there with the printout where they lost a lawsuit in Maryland over this saying journalists couldn't take video or photos of their base there.
We were like to the cops and the NSA feds with them.
Here you go.
Get ready for the lawsuit.
And they didn't arrest them.
They only snatch and grab people they think are dumb, because they think you're dumb and won't know how to defend yourself in court.
I'm telling you, this whole road to tyranny is paved with ignorance, and that's why they want you dumbed down and dependent on government.
So that's about a four minute report we'll be airing near the end of the show.
Also, I'm going to air the Judge Dredd, Jakari Jackson report that ties into the drones and the police state.
And why are so many movies about dystopias?
Well, they're conditioning us in the culture in the last 50 years.
They call it predictive programming to just accept this new future, this Agenda 21 mega city future.
Now I wanted to get him on because I know that he has railed about this on his own popular California syndicated radio show.
He's on some of our affiliates, KSCO and others out there.
And he joins us now because he hadn't been on in a month or two and he's back by popular demand.
Dr. Corey Gold has his doctorate in dental surgery.
From the University of California, San Francisco in 88.
He's got a bunch of other degrees in biology and a minor in chemistry.
He's got a bachelor in biology and a minor in chemistry from California State University.
Fullerton received a bachelor's degree in dental sciences from the University of California, San Francisco.
He's the co-founder and president of...
Pro Java international and noted product formulator, and it just goes on and on he's exposed but a pioneer exposing What's happening with the families of children with autism spectrum disorders and more?
I wanted to get him on about the new big French study, but there's a bunch of others showing rats fed
What do you make?
Of all these videos coming out of Obama supporters running around thinking they're going to get free goodies, free phones, which he's done.
And now they go, and there's more.
I'm going to get more free stuff as soon as Obama gets in.
I mean, that's what Benjamin Franklin talked about.
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
And then people say, how dare you be against democracy?
Well, we're not a democracy.
We're a republic.
You might want to tell folks what that is.
It means that 51% say, hey, we voted to kill the other 49.
Sorry, you can't do that.
There's basic liberties that are enshrined rule of law.
But hey, you know, she's like, hey, take everybody's stuff.
I want Obama phone.
But it's worse than that.
You've got a lot of other corporate welfare people, the big mega banks.
You know, they're not out there saying, I want my Obama phone like a Muppet, but they are getting trillions of our taxpayer money.
Dr. Gold, give us your take on this.
First off, Elmo Free Phone was just priceless.
And by the way, that's what it's like out there to some degree.
It's like, please re-elect Obama because we didn't get enough stuff in the last four years.
I still want my iPad.
I want my Obama iPad.
I need my Obama laptop.
I need my Obama, you know, SUV.
I need my Obama stuff.
She literally thinks everybody in her city is going to get free gear if they re-elect Obama.
It was priceless.
And it is scary that that is so prevalent in the community out there.
It's just so amazing that they're voting thinking, if I vote for this individual, I'm going to get a bunch of free electronic gear.
And that's why I should vote for somebody.
It's not about education.
It's not about the security of your nation.
It's not about your independence and liberty.
It's about, can I get some free electronic gear?
It's like going to Fry's Electronics.
Can I get some free electronics if I vote for you?
Well, I cover this in my new issue of InfoWars Magazine.
We have subscriptions available at infowarsstore.com.
Evil, evil capitalism, folks, where you support ideas that you think are important and free speech.
Free association?
They're just going to have brain implants that they're going to say treat depression, where your wireheads, Philip K. Dick wrote about this 30 years ago, where you'll have unlimited pleasure centers stimulated, but it'll be a government-controlled chip.
And we're not very far away from this.
You know, 20 years ago, they had remote-controlled cockroaches.
Now they've got vaccines that go in and reprogram the brain so that you're never depressed again.
They reprogram it by eating areas of the brain that are associated with depression.
I mean, we're really here in a brave new world and that segues us into the cancer studies,
I don't know.
Well, some companies in France did studies on the GMO corn by Monsanto, and it showed that over a two-year period of time, that the rats that had that food source did much more poorly than the rats that had regular corn.
In fact, they had a higher rate of cancer and many other things.
And so, a lot of people started reading those studies and saying, we don't want this, you know, we don't want to eat this food.
I can't get an Obama phone!
Yeah, you get your Obama phone.
But then Monsanto's response was, wait a second, your studies weren't long enough to show any damage.
The studies done to show damage were two years long.
The safety studies were 90 days long.
It's just hilarious.
Your studies weren't long enough to show damage.
They were two years.
And the study that said that was safe was 90 days by Monsanto.
And by the way, funded by Monsanto, people, they admit on that study at the bottom that it was funded by Monsanto.
So the Russians, you know, you can say what you will about them, but they can read the data and they're like, I don't think we want this.
You know, just getting rampant cancer is not something we want to take a risk on.
And by the way, I got all three of my topics, or four of my topics, all involve Monsanto.
Monsanto today is the number one donor in the state of California to defeat Proposition 37.
Proposition 37 in California says that if GMOs are in foods, it should be on the labels.
And $25 million has been spent to defeat this, and only about a million dollars to support it, because, you know, it's just grassroots.
And you look at the supporters, I mean, like, who is supporting this ban?
You know, you would think, in this openness, you know, wasn't Barack Obama supposed to be all about fairness and openness and a more, you know, we're going to all be telling the truth society?
Monsanto, $4 million to make sure you don't know that GMOs are in your food in California.
DuPont, over $4 million to make sure that you don't know GMOs are in your food in California.
Pepsi, BASF, Obama Phone, Obama Phone, goes on.
Coca-Cola, Nestle, Bayer, Dow, all spending millions of dollars in the state of California to tell you that you shouldn't have the choice to know
That GMOs are in your food.
They're gonna try to convince you with millions of dollars in the state of California that you should not have the right to know if GMOs are in your food or not.
But none of that matters if I get an Obama phone.
Right, you know, it's like, do you want to know about GMOs or not?
If you don't, you get an Obama phone.
Like, well, in that case, you know, what the heck?
Sheryl Crow says the cell phone gave her a brain tremor and the studies show that too, but whatever, as long as you get an Obama phone.
All right, we'll be right back with Dr. Corey Gould to break down his four topics.
I wanted him on.
I said, he said, what do you want to come on about?
I said, whatever you want to cover, bro.
I know you're really informed about all this.
So he's going to break down Monsanto and a lot more.
Aaron Fullin here.
As the food police shut down food co-ops, the Amish and small farmers, Americans are losing access, not just to raw milk and homemade cheeses, but to healthy homecrafted sources for fermented foods like sauerkraut, yogurt, and kefir.
It seems there's a war on life-giving foods with living enzymes and healthy bacteria.
But frankly, I'm not sure what the food police are so afraid of.
These remarkable foods have been around since the beginning of history, with archaeological evidence for fermented foods and beverages being found across the globe in almost every culture.
Even today, Japanese eat miso, Africans eat fermented porridges, Koreans eat kimchi, and in India, fermented milk is a staple for healthy living.
But here's some good news.
Self-reliant Americans can now discover the secrets to making these amazing
I think so.
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On the nightly news tonight, I'm going to play a bunch of clips of people thinking they're going to get free houses, free cars from Obama.
Listeners are finding them all over the place.
Mainstream media is only running two or three of them.
We've got a whole bunch of them.
It'll be on the nightly news tonight.
And then this Sunday, four to six, I'll be live with the Sunday radio show.
I'm going to air this report that we're putting together.
The problem is there's just too many of them.
I mean, you're watching this stuff.
You think it's a joke, folks.
It isn't a joke.
It's like, we run America now, we're getting free stuff, we're gonna take your money.
I mean, that's just everything the founders warned us about.
Now let's shift gears.
Back to Dr. Corey Gold.
Monsanto and others, what is it, like 20 million now they've spent in California, Monsanto and others together, it's like 19 million a few days ago, now it's 20 million.
Two weeks ago it was like 16 million, it's growing millions every week.
To not let you have the food labeled,
I don't
Look, this isn't an accident.
Every major GMO food that gets studied if it's cross-species is reducing fertility and has stuff added to it.
There's no way it could always be bad.
I mean, I'm not even against some genetic manipulation if it's properly tested.
There's no way this is an accident, Doc.
Well, I mean, the whole irony of it is, is we have a president in the office right now who came with hope and change and transparency.
And so in California, we said, hey, how about being transparent and just tell us what's in the food.
We're not even saying ban it.
We're just saying, tell us if it's in there, we'll make our own decisions, you know, what to do, like maybe, you know, like you do for peanut labeling and other things.
You tell us what kind of fats are in food.
Just tell us GMOs are there or not, and we'll make a decision ourselves.
And they're saying, no, we'll tell you if there's peanuts in the food, but we won't tell you if there's GMO in the foods.
And, you know, they're actually paying $25 million, it's up to almost $26 million right now, so that you won't have the ability to make decisions for yourself.
You won't have the ability to go look at and say to yourself, you know, I've done the research myself.
I don't want that food.
I've done the research.
The last time I saw was 20 mil.
It's now 26 mil.
It's 26 million as of today and the group supporting it, which is just average everyday people, they got a million, million and a half.
And that's just from people like you and I donating 50 bucks a pop.
The average donation right now to defeat Proposition 37 is like $600,000.
So you're not talking everyday people.
Only 44 donations have been made.
44 companies have made donations to defeat Proposition 37.
So they're all like Coca-Cola and Pepsi, ConAgra... Pepsi!
When I saw this two years ago, I didn't believe that PepsiCo had a division making flavoring out of dead babies in China, because they've got to do something with them.
And it was true!
And then they ruled this year that shareholders can't even go to the meeting and demand it be taken out.
I mean, it's just, they have suicide nets around the apple factories in China and have forced abortions on the site.
I mean, we're in a science fiction nightmare.
And when these so-called liberals get in control, all hell breaks loose, because they're not liberals.
They're not trying to domesticate us to help us.
They want to control us.
Well, your freedom to know what you want to know, as long as it's what the government wants you to know.
I mean, you would think that the government would say, listen, we want an educated, you know, group of people, you make decisions yourself, we're telling you how much fats in the food, we're telling you how much carbohydrates in the food, we're going to tell you if there's GMO or not.
Well, no, wait a second, you can't know if there's GMO, because we'd be afraid that if you knew there was GMO in the food, you would elect not to purchase it.
Therefore, you cannot know, because we don't want you having a decision not to buy something you don't want.
That's what it is.
They know that if you know, you'll avoid it.
In fact, they say this is like the battleground.
If California bans or allows GMO labeling on the food, that would wipe out the GMO industry.
Because nobody in California... It'll be a ban by voting with the dollars.
It's over.
We're just not going to buy their crud anymore.
In Japan right now it's required.
China right now even requires it.
France now requires it.
But in the United States, you know, they're trying to block you knowing something that's so fundamental.
We are such a joke because we think we're so free we're becoming totally enslaved.
Well, think about this.
A report out by a public citizen organization, which I'm not part of in any way, and that's a public group, it's not related to the Republican or Democratic Party.
They just did a study that $30 billion has been fined to Big Pharma over the last 20 years.
And they say that's only...
Basically, they had to pay fines worth about two percent of the profits they made on illegal marketing tactics.
In other words, they were telling you that certain drugs were good for you for certain things that they were never proven to be good for.
In other words, take this drug for this condition, but we have no evidence to support you even need it.
Or it turned out they knew that it was actually bad for you.
Oh yeah, we got that too.
Let's break that down when we get back.
They get a 2% fine for knowingly putting HIV in your Factor VIII blood product for 11 years that killed hundreds of thousands.
And then the documents came out, they knew and liked it.
They like killing you.
They're eugenicists.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Aaron Fullin here.
As the food police shut down food co-ops, the Amish, and small farmers, Americans are losing access, not just to raw milk and homemade cheeses, but to healthy home-crafted sources for fermented foods like sauerkraut, yogurt, and kefir.
It seems there's a war on life-giving foods with living enzymes and healthy bacteria.
But frankly, I'm not sure what the food police are so afraid of.
These remarkable foods have been around since the beginning of history, with archaeological evidence for fermented foods and beverages being found across the globe in almost every culture.
Even today, Japanese eat miso, Africans eat fermented porridges, Koreans eat kimchi, and in India, fermented milk is a staple for healthy living.
But here's some good news.
Self-reliant Americans can now discover the secrets to making these amazing fermented foods legally and privately in their own homes.
Since it's still legal to make these foods as long as you can make them yourself.
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That's fermentationfactor.com.
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That's www.fermentationfactor.com.
Yeah, technology, the battle's unfair.
And humans are seen as animals by the globalists.
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But not only can you avoid the poisons...
You can also use the building blocks, the key full-spectrum vitamins, minerals, and trace elements to empower your body to reverse a lot of this.
And the science is there.
And yes, I've got Dr. Corey Gold on to break down the news.
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But he's also, look at this right here,
Almost forgot to plug this.
He's also one of the most successful developers as a chemist, biologist, dentist, doctor of some of the best-selling products in the world, ladies and gentlemen.
That's why I was so honored when I said, hey,
I'd like to work with you on, uh, you know, something that is branded to Alex Jones.
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All my favorite products are the ones he developed.
And he said, well, it's funny.
I'm thinking about doing a berry-flavored polymer that has even more antioxidants along with all the B vitamins and minerals and the, uh...
The pollen extract that's in there is so incredible.
And I'm like, are you kidding?
Pollen Burst is my favorite.
I don't like energy drinks that make me feel weird.
This doesn't do it.
Because it does it with the vitamins and the minerals and it's got the caffeine, I guess, from a natural, what is it, green tea in there.
And it gives me more of a boost than three cups of coffee, even though it has a lot less caffeine, because it synergistically works.
And when you purchase it at InfoWarsHealth.com, or InfoWars,
Team.com, or anywhere else for that matter, it supports the broadcast of what we're doing.
So as you can see on the packaging, as featured on the Alex Jones Show, it's a win-win-win-win-win.
I promote gold.
That was a $245 an ounce 11 years ago, and I said it would go up because of global currency devaluation when they detonated the derivatives bomb.
Exactly as I said happened.
Not a rocket scientist.
I've studied history.
I know about Weimar Republic, Zimbabwe, Argentina.
Twelve years ago, I know where we're going.
I said Europe would be in flames.
It's begun.
And I say, you know, filter your water.
Don't drink fluoride.
Harvard admits gives you brain damage and bone cancer.
I mean, it's just real simple.
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I promote what I use.
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And Alejandro Jones is right there on the cover of the Polymers Plus.
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It's all available right now at InfoWarsHealth.com.
A huge catalog, every product.
I don't think so.
They're on the website.
If you guys will scroll down, I'll give them the toll-free number that is there on the site.
Again, at the bottom of InfoWarsHealth.com.
If you scroll down to the bottom of it for me, guys, there is the toll-free number.
Or I guess I can just go to InfoWarsTeam.com.
I know that it's on that site as well.
Let me just put Team at the end of InfoWars.com, and I will give that number out on air for everybody.
And we've got members of the InfoWars team there.
A lot of nutritionists, you name it.
You never know who's going to answer the phone.
Doctors, lawyers.
Got a great team of hundreds of people there.
That's why you can join the team there to basically take your order, answer your questions.
I didn't get Dr. Gold on to start going wild plugging this today, but the Alex pack is up there discounted.
It is all right there.
Incredible, healthy weight loss products, heart products, you name it.
It's all there at InfoWarsTeam.com or InfoWarsHealth.com or 877-551-1301.
There's also emails there that you can email people if you'd like to correspond that way.
Catherine at InfoWars.com, MZ at InfoWars.com, and just a lot of other ways to get in touch with us there on the site, 877-551-1301.
1301 Infowarshealth.com.
Doc, I want to get into all the other attacks and the battle that's joined and all these new medical reports and the cancer connected to the GMOs.
But first off, let's do a little more plugging here.
We're mid-air refueling and funds are our freedom.
We're not the government who comes with a gun and takes money and then uses it to finance anti-family
Globalist garbage.
And I want to get into the attack on the family.
Michelle Obama running What Your Kids Eat.
All over the country now.
Not just, it started in Illinois three years ago.
Their Chicago Mafia model, where evil parents can't pack lunches for their children as the state owns them.
Now that's spreading nationwide.
I mean, a real dark age here happening.
But before we do that, tell people about why Polymer's Plus and Polymer's is so special and so revolutionary.
Well, thank you for all those kind words.
Yeah, in some ways we're not even parents of our children anymore.
We kind of just keep them in our houses while the government allows us to and they tell us what to do and we just kind of do it for them.
Polymburst, it's a fantastic product that we started creating several years ago.
We wanted a drink product that people would enjoy taking, not like a medicine-y product, but a product that people would enjoy taking that would have a wide spectrum of essential minerals, vitamins, amino acids, and it would also give them natural energy.
We're good!
And your body loves SOD.
In fact, your body makes SOD.
It's the chemical that your body makes.
It's one of three antioxidants that your body naturally makes on its own.
We have the only proven source of SOD that can be taken through a drink or a pill product.
Yeah, absolutely.
In addition to that, you've got your vitamin D. We all need vitamin D. More and more evidence coming out on that.
And we're not sprinkling just tiny little bits of things to put them into the label.
We're actually putting functional doses into them.
We have all the B vitamin spectrum, vitamin A. We have the flower pollen micronutrient complex in there.
We're very proud of what's in there.
And it's low in calories.
It tastes great.
Your kids will enjoy taking it and they'll think they're getting something that's a treat as opposed to a punishment.
And you just feel natural energy when you take it.
And I'm an adult.
I don't want to feel like some of these drinks do where I feel jittery or I don't want to feel like I'm getting hot and sweaty.
I don't want to feel like I can't go to sleep.
I want to feel I have empowered with natural energy so I can sweep my garage if I want to or I can sit down and read a book if I want to.
That's the kind of energy I want.
Now let's shift gears back into what you were breaking down there, Dr. Corey Gold here.
We got cut off by the break and you were starting to get into, well, just the full spectrum of what's going on.
Well, we were talking before about $30 billion in fines to Big Pharma, and that includes GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson, Abbott Labs.
Those pharmaceutical companies make about two-thirds of that $30 billion, or about $20 billion in fines.
But those fines are a drop in the bucket.
Think about this.
Glaxo had a drug called Avandia.
And they had research on Avandia that showed it had a huge increase in heart attack and other fatal risk side effects.
And they didn't tell anybody!
And now they're estimating, Public Citizens is estimating that 50,000 to 100,000 people may have died prematurely by taking this drug, and yet they only had to pay a very small fee.
If you or I were to do something,
And cause the deaths of or, you know, possibly the deaths of some people or the harm to people.
We go to jail!
But nobody in their group is going to jail.
They pay a small percentage of their profit back and happily they keep working.
It's kind of like they're paying off the government.
Hey listen, you did some really bad things.
You pushed some drugs that didn't work.
Some of them may have killed some people.
Some may have not been right for that particular disease entity.
Some may have been overpriced.
Who knows what?
Just give us a couple percentage points back and keep on going into business.
So, you help fund us, we help fund you, we all merrily go along.
It's crazy!
You would think that if somebody put, knowingly hid scientific evidence that could have saved lives, they'd be in jail.
But instead, you know, they're just busily making their next drug.
It's crazy.
You're right.
I want to shift gears into an area here because we now have all over the United States the federal government coming in and saying GMOs are good, we want you to drink fluoride that kills you.
Harvard studies, that's all admitted.
We want to force all these inoculations on you.
We want to put Ritalin and Prozac in you.
We want to let Big Pharma kill you on record.
Gardasil killed a bunch of people in the trials, so they have government mandated to give vaccine liability protection.
But all that's okay.
Michelle Obama, they say, decides what you eat, and now parents can't pack the lunches from Denver, Colorado to Chicago, Illinois.
I mean, this is insane.
Where is all this going?
Oh, it's just starting.
We're just, you know, for all of us who are maybe over the age of 40, when we remember back the happy days of our lives, our kids will not believe and our grandkids will not believe the kind of lives that we led.
Because they're not going to be able to go to the store and buy whatever they want.
They're going to be buying what the government tells them to buy.
You know, the thought right now, if I was to hand my kid a lunch in Chicago, it's very likely it might be confiscated from that child and the kid told that your parents aren't qualified to make you a school lunch, a home lunch, therefore you have to eat what school gives you.
But I discovered it's happening nationwide and so is, they're even arresting kids for chalking the street at their own house, hopscotching, they're arresting Amish, front yard, backyard gardens, I mean this government's a lunatic!
Well, if they can take your kids' lunch away at school that you made as their parent, what's to say they can't tell you what you have to serve them for breakfast and dinner?
I mean, really!
No, no, no, no, no, the Department of Education, the Department of... what's the big one?
The one over the farms, the Department of Agriculture.
They said ten years ago, I covered it, they said, we're going to decide what you eat, you're going to have a national smart card, there's not going to be any more cash, we're going to track everything you do, we're going to tax you, and now Bloomberg's proposing all this!
Well yeah, I mean, in the whole vein of helping you out, they're going to take away your decision making because you're too stupid to make decisions.
And if we let you make your own breakfast, lunch and dinner, who knows what you might do?
Therefore, for your own protection, we're going to put cameras in your homes, we're actually going to put barcodes on all your foods,
We're going to weigh you every few weeks to make sure that you're weighing the right amount, and if your cholesterol goes up, we're going to mandate you take cholesterol-reducing medications.
We are now basically your brain, and you're basically a walking vessel, and your children are not your own.
You get to keep them as long as you play by our rules, which is do exactly what we say.
So, do I think we're going that way?
Fortunately, I think we are!
It's amazing and you know you tell people the UN wants to ban all vitamins and minerals over-the-counter even the adulterated crud most places sell and they're like oh that's not happening even though it's on record Codex Alimentarius you can go read it on the UN website but I think the tyrants are rushing everything now
Because they know they've followed the trajectory.
They know that overall, people that still aren't completely brain damaged are waking up and saying no.
They can see their time of tyranny is coming to an end.
The pendulum's starting to swing the other way, so they're racing in to try to clamp down now, and that's only backfiring on them more.
I don't think they're going to get away with this.
Well, I hope not.
And you would think that people would instinctually, somewhere in their gut, start getting angry and say, wait a second, you know that song, We Aren't Gonna Take This Anymore, one of my favorite songs.
We're not gonna take it!
You think that someone would rise up inside you and say, wait a second, you're actually proposing we don't know that GMOs are our food?
You're kidding me right now.
That one you went too far on.
Really, you're telling us that it's bad for us to know.
But, so I think at some point, you know, right now you can go to some schools and they'll give you the morning after pill and they won't tell the parents.
So, I mean, at some point the parents have to say, wait a second, you can't be dealing with my 13-year-old daughter that way.
Those are family decisions, not your decision as a school to make about a morning after pill or driving a child to get an abortion.
Or giving those kind of decisions.
That should be a family decision.
You live in California where they're already shooting them up without parental consent as young as, what, 11?
I mean, let me tell you something.
That is criminal.
To have a punk government saying, oh, your kid gave consent.
You don't have consent till 18.
I mean, that is the criminal's creed that, oh, you know, the kid gave consent to whatever the case was.
Well, my child can't, my younger one, can't give consent to anything because she's not old enough to make consent.
She's not a legal adult and she doesn't even have a background to make those decisions.
How can you have, how can you, even in the criminal court, say if somebody doesn't have the mental faculties, they can't be considered to be guilty because they didn't know what they were doing.
How can my 16-year-old have the mental capability or the background to know those decisions about ramifications?
She can't.
It's unbelievable.
Well, we've got to have you back up very, very soon, Doc.
Briefly, spend a few minutes, though, here, because, you know, we're not the government taking people's money and then using it against them.
We're here, free market, promoting what we believe in, voting with our dollars, buying organic.
With those who are voluntarily labeling it and getting it certified.
I know there's moves to not let milk companies say there's no GMO or no growth hormone.
I mean, they don't even want you to be able to voluntarily say, hey, we're natural.
Of course, natural doesn't mean anything now.
You know, we're actually organic, pesticide, herbicide, GMO-free.
There's that move.
That's why now it's more important than ever to know who the best vitamin and mineral supplement companies are out there.
Why is PolymBirth and things like Beyond Tangy Tangerine available at InfoWarsHealth.com?
Why is that?
I mean literally heads above the rest compared to the competition out there.
What makes it so special and what are the types of things that these products can do for different degenerative problems and things that are out there?
I mean it really is a cornucopia of just miraculous things because your body is designed to run off this stuff and there's the big secret hiding in plain view.
Well, I'm one of those Bible clingers that believes that we are divinely created.
And I believe that our body was given innate abilities to do a lot of things to help heal itself.
Not everything, but most things.
Your body has an intelligence to it.
And if it's given the right minerals.
I mean, it's almost crazy when you think about it.
If somebody says, listen, you need to have your 60 essential minerals.
You need to have your 60 essential vitamins.
You need to have your twelve amino acids.
You need to have your three omega oils.
And somebody would say, you're crazy for listening to these people.
You need to be on drugs and medications.
You need to be on, you know, aspartame.
You need to be taking your diet Coca-Cola.
You need to be doing these things.
And somebody out there says, listen, vitamins and minerals and amino acids are good for you.
Those are the crazy folks.
When I went to school, they said, listen, you are what you eat.
That's right, exactly.
Fetal cells of dead babies and Pepsi, good.
You know, vitamins and minerals, bad.
Right, the people were telling you to eat well and eat organic and have pure water and try to have pure oxygen in your home and filtration and to have vitamins and minerals and to lower your gluten ratios.
Those are the crazy people.
Those of you who are going and having like the fat substitutes and the sugar substitutes and going and having your vaccinations, those are the same people.
And somewhere along the way, people are going to have to say,
It's 1984 all over again.
I'm hearing crazy talk in my head, and eventually the lightbulb has to go on and say, how can it be bad to supplement, really?
How can that be bad?
While we've done what the MDs say and the big pharma, and we're leading the world in every horrible disease and cancer and you name it.
Dr. Gold, thank you so much for the time.
All right.
Thank you, sir.
Alright folks, as promised, we're going to skip this network break here.
I'm really bad about this because I want to get the info out.
Here is a report where I sent Melissa Melton and Jakari Jackson down to the NSA.
They've got another report coming up tonight on the RFID, where they're making the kids wear RFIDs in San Antonio.
This is a base almost as big.
It's one of the biggest in the U.S.
As the one in DC, the one in Maryland, the one out in Utah, and no one talks about it.
And they take the film of major newspaper and TV reporters, not ours.
You know why?
Because we presented them with a lawsuit they lost in Maryland.
We presented them with that and got their attention.
Hey, we're here to let you know what you're doing in there is illegal.
Here's that report, then we'll play the Judge Dredd breakdown.
Here it is.
We're here in San Antonio, Texas, about to cover a student RFID protest in just mere moments.
We stopped here at this neighborhood Walmart to check for directions.
And as you can see, we're surrounded by not only a Walmart, a GameStop, a Staples office supply store, but also a NSA data mining center.
They got footage of them driving around the facility, which anybody can tape.
But they come up and get in their face and threaten them and stuff.
The audio's not that good.
But you can see it if you're watching it at PrisonPlanet.tv and we have it posted at InfoWars.com as well.
And it's all about intimidation that, hey, we're going to spy on you illegally and you're not going to show video of us.
What do you think this is, America?
You know, you're all suspects, but we the government, the Stage 9-11 and everything else, we're the good guys.
Now take some cancer shots and your vaccines.
Because we love you.
Now in 2008, and I wouldn't be surprised if it has happened again since then, a journalist was detained for 45 minutes for filming the then under construction NSA Data Mining Center.
We have been able to avoid detention here and we are not going to press our luck.
This is Jakari Jackson for the InfoWars Nightly News.
But a few minutes later, driving away, they did get grabbed.
Good to press your luck and then exercise your freedom of a free American and a free human.
NSA, if you decide to confiscate this tape, we are truly looking for the visitor center and we would like to take a tour.
They even said that on tape in case they took it.
They would then watch him talking to them.
Yeah, we're trying to find the visitor center.
Do you guys do guided tours here?
No, we don't.
Do you guys have any, like, information we can take home or anything like that?
Information as far as what?
I mean, just like, what do you guys do here?
Because, like, you guys do have a visitor center.
Is that correct, sir?
We don't.
We can't get that information out for us.
You didn't say sir to the scum American.
Are we being detained officer?
Absolutely not.
Okay, just asking.
They had him blocked in.
You're not detained, you can't leave.
Give me your ID.
Give me your ID, enemy American.
Why do I need to give you my ID?
Enemy American.
Because you're an enemy American!
Okay, what is it that you want to know?
Because you understand this is restricted government property, this area?
Well sir, like I said... There's a sign right here that states no electrical equipment, no video camera, no filming.
Okay sir, we'll be happy to leave.
Alright, let's stop right there.
You can watch the whole video online.
I'm out of time here on that, but listen, here's the deal.
They got a tiny sign saying you can't film.
Maybe they got a sign saying I gotta come mow their lawn on Saturday mornings.
Maybe they got a sign saying they can have sex with my wife.
Maybe they got a sign saying I gotta stick my hand in a meat grinder.
Maybe they got a sign... You don't have jack crap!
You work for foreign banks that took over the stage 9-11 and run Al-Qaeda!
I've had enough of it!
Anyways, they give them the little... Oh, here's an article about you losing a lawsuit over this.
But again, we've got to exercise our rights or lose it.
The whole video is like five more minutes of it up at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com for everybody.
That's the type of stuff that's on InfoWars Nightly News every night.
So much of it, we don't have time for here on the radio.
You've got to become subscribers and support us because it's amazing.
7 o'clock Central every night.
By the way, huge breaking news at InfoWars.com.
We confirmed this.
Talked to the ATF today.
The recording's going up there now.
We have all the documents.
ATF is racially profiling Hispanic gun owners.
This is breaking now.
I was buying guns a few weeks ago and it's like, it said, are you Hispanic or Latino?
And I said, what's that mean?
They go, we don't know.
It's separate from the other race questions.
They want to know.
And it's because they run you through, the ATF admitted, a database of Mexican cartel.
I mean, ladies and gentlemen, the country's 37% Hispanic.
You've got
In children it's about 50 percent, in adults it's 16.3, but overall it's about 37 percent.
I mean, the idea is all Hispanics are criminals because Mexico has a drug war in it and our government ships guns in.
It's an incredible article, ATF, Racially Profiling Hispanic Gun Owners, that just went up minutes ago at Infowars.com, an investigative report by Adan Salazar and Matt T. Williams and myself.
So that's up there with all the documents.
The audio of the interview with the ATF spokesperson is going to be added as well.
We recorded the phone call.
That's being processed and transferred over right now.
It's all up at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
We'll cover it more on The Knowledge News tonight.
But here's Jakari Jackson's report on another movie, you know, about dystopic future.
Everybody ready for this forever?
Here's the Judge Dredd review by our own Jakari Jackson.
And then we will continue, air on air, with the retransmission.
Judge Joseph Dredd has come to the screens once again, this time the adaptation simply titled Dredd.
I'm Jakari Jackson for the Info Wars Nightly News.
Let's analyze this trailer to find the fact behind the fiction of this new film.
Spoiler alert!
You know how often we get a judge up in peace trees?
Well, you got one now.
The Judge Dredd storyline takes place in 2070, after war has devastated the majority of the United States, leaving only a few large sections of land known as megacities inhabitable.
800 million people living in the ruin of the old world.
Megacities are full of cramped skyscrapers that house the city's population.
Agenda 21 highlights include the destruction of the family unit in the name of sustainable development, with people being forced to live in tight, compact cities in high-rise, stack-em-and-pack-em apartments no bigger than this 16-by-16-foot space.
See any similarities?
There we saw a drone patrolling the city skies.
Now this is probably the least futuristic aspect of the entire trailer.
Mainly because there are drones patrolling the U.S.
skies right now.
It wasn't long ago that it was said that drones in the U.S.
would be unarmed.
But even relatively small law enforcement agencies have been able to secure them for their own purposes.
This one's even designed to carry weapons.
You have a stun baton where you can actually engage somebody.
Let's take a look now at a judge's uniform.
Black, heavy armor, with a helmet that doubles as a mask.
Back in 1977 when Judge Dredd first debuted, it was considered science fiction for police to dress like this.
The full report at InfoWars.com.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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Alex Jones here with a very important announcement for truth seekers.
We've carried a lot of amazing films and books over the years on the online video bookstore at Infowars.com.
And out of all the titles we've carried, one stands out because it is just so chillingly convincing.
And that's Dreams from My Real Father by Joel Gilbert.
Available at Infowars.com.