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Name: 20120821_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 21, 2012
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
To better understand the current state of modern-day media manipulation, we must first look at the father of propaganda, Edward Bernays.
His influence on the 20th century rivaled that of his uncle's, Sigmund Freud, as Bernays pioneered the idea of crowd psychology with Freud's psychoanalytical ideas in what would become a new political ideal on how to control the masses.
In his 1928 book, Propaganda, Bernays wrote, If we understand the mechanisms and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will, without them knowing it.
He called it the engineering of consent, and proposed that those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government, which is the true ruling power of our country.
It was Bernays who introduced the corporate giants to crowd psychology methods and polished techniques to manipulate society.
He convinced the population to buy on impulse things they didn't even need by linking mass-produced goods to their own unconscious desires.
The tobacco industry hired Bernays to persuade women to take up smoking.
And the Alcoa Aluminum Company asked him to drive the campaign for the national fluoridation of our water supply.
A consumerist culture was born and the US government took notice.
In addition to famous corporate giants, Bernays also began working for the federal government.
They adopted his technique of manufacturing ever-present dangers and then maintaining a constant state of fear to give those in power greater control of what Bernays called the mass mind.
Edward Bernays
Who's the father of modern advertising and propaganda.
He literally wrote the book, Propaganda.
Joseph Goebbels, on record, the Nazi propaganda minister, used a lot of his information and twisted it to his own designs.
Bernays was the chief psychological warfare expert for more than 20 years, advising the Department of War.
He advised them to call it Defense, don't be honest anymore.
Call it the Department of Defense, because you're actually going to run giant imperial slaughter operations.
...smithing and do all kinds of things, you know?
Do you even sell guns?
We even, we, well... Oh God, a rabble slave with a weapon!
Disarm him!
Get the guards!
Disarm him immediately!
Where's one of the slaves?
Have a weapon!
Raise the alarm!
I wanna be crazy, crazy like Alex Jones.
Hittin' out of the gunship without reception to know what's going on.
Then I can throw bananas at the global clowns and hear aristocratic moans.
I want to be crazy, crazy like Alex Jones.
I went looking one day on the internet just to see what I could find.
When I heard this talk show maniac just proudly speak in his mind.
It was really wild, but the more I heard it made a whole lot of sense to me.
I want to thank you, Alex, for opening my eyes.
I wanna be crazy, crazy like Alex Jones.
In the cabin of gumption without a preception to know what's going on.
Then I can throw bananas at the global clowns and hear aristocratic groans.
I wanna be crazy, crazy like Alex Jones.
Baby, baby, baby, I'm gonna leave you
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, my friends, the war drums are beating louder than they ever have for war with Iran and a, quote, U.S.
strike, that means a banker strike through our military against Syria after they've sent an al-Qaeda to destabilize the country.
It is crazy the amount of off-the-chart news and information.
That we're going to be covering here on this Tuesday, 21st day of August, 2012, worldwide broadcast.
And we are going to again be here for the next three hours.
Here is the news that we have in front of us.
Netanyahu determined to attack Iran before U.S.
elections claims Israel's Channel 10.
TV reporter adds, I doubt Obama could say anything that would convince the Prime Minister to delay a possible attack.
Continuing, war with Iran appears more imminent.
New American Magazine.
World Net Daily.
When Israel strikes Iran in October.
By Joseph Farah.
Obama warns Syria chemical weapons use may spark US action.
What have we been saying for a month?
They're going to have a false flag claiming Syria used chemical weapons.
Meanwhile, our criminal government, run by foreign banks, publicly runs Al-Qaeda.
There's an article by Tony Cartolucci up at Infowars.com with that.
desperation services in Syria.
But I don't say U.S.
We're a proxy state that is used by the globalists who are busy destroying all nation states as fast as they can.
So that is just some of what is coming up.
Again, Global Research, Professor Chossadowski, Israel's war plans to attack Iran before the U.S.
It's just coming out of all these sources.
We're going to be breaking it all down today.
Also, Russia, China warn West against Syrian intervention.
Saying it would violate international law.
And saying that they're not going to stand by and watch that happen.
You know, the Russia and China have vetoed.
And again, it's not that I'm siding with Russia and China.
My government's gone.
It was captured by foreign banks who brag that they've captured the country.
But it is the bankers through the United States, Western Europe, England, NATO that are menacing and sending in proxy jihadis, Al-Qaeda, Wahhabist, murdering the Christians, the Jews, the Alawite Muslims.
I mean, it's incredible.
It's so off the chart immoral.
And the prostitute, corporatist media plays off the ignorance of the American people and others and is like, yeah, we got to go into Libya and Syria because Al-Qaeda.
They actually say, because Al-Qaeda, Al-Qaeda, Gaddafi's with Al-Qaeda, Assad's with Al-Qaeda.
I mean, that's how dumb they think you are.
Like when Bush said that Sunnis were Shiites, and Mohammed Karzai said, no, no, sir, they're two different groups.
And he said, no, they're not!
It wasn't that Bush was wrong.
He wasn't making a mistake.
He was throwing it in everyone's face, flaunting it, destroying reality, poking holes in it.
The world economy is being imploded by design to establish the global corporate banking monopoly government.
The New World Order, Agenda 21.
And I told you, when they try to put the capstone on the pyramid, they're going to launch giant wars.
And that's what they've got the martial law ready for, is the wars, and the collapse, and all of it.
And they're going to tell the public, just do what you're told during the crisis, and when order is restored, everything will be okay.
But that's not the case.
And I hope there's ways to back this off, but you see everything converging.
The election, these conflicts, these larger wars, the world lining up, squaring off, all of this.
The Russians are their own corrupt system.
The Chinese are more merged with the globalists.
But it's kind of a Mexican standoff there, where both sides are balancing, you know, against each other.
But basically, it's globalists who just opportunistically are playing all of these different factions off against each other.
And they win out of the chaos.
And they get to pose as the saviors.
And they're puppet minions.
Get higher approval ratings once this happens and can take liberties and then they can stage terror attacks or open the door for people to attack and then use that to crack down on the general public.
I told you over a decade ago they'd shift from Al Qaeda to conservatives, libertarians, gun owners, veterans and you saw it then come out in the government documents.
I told you the army would start claiming because it was in ADL, Southern Poverty Law Center, propaganda and some of their fronts were putting it out that
The Tea Party was going to link up with Al-Qaeda.
That's now in major army training battle plan scenarios.
Yes, they say that in North Carolina, the Tea Party is going to radicalize and merge with Al-Qaeda.
And illegal aliens.
I forgot that part.
I mean, that's like saying that the lamb will lie down with the lion.
I mean, it's like saying Superman is Lex Luthor.
I mean, it is Lex Luthor, whatever his name is.
It is so ridiculous.
But this is what they're going to do.
And more and more, it looks like they're getting ready to pull the trigger on this.
I hope we can back them off.
And there still may be a miracle.
But I want to hear
From all of you on this topic, do you think everything's going to be okay?
Do you think this is all just more saber-rattling, which I hope it is?
You know, they had three different Joint Chiefs of Staff chairmen, two different heads of CENTCOM basically resign in the last decade over not wanting to go to war with Iran.
There's been a lot of people have held back this madness.
They've had Mossad chiefs resign or fired over it.
They've had the head of the IDF say it's not a good idea.
I mean, you know it's bad when even the hawks in Israel don't want to do this.
Because it'll be bad for Israel.
But it'll be good for the New World Order.
You better believe this crisis is going to hurt every nation state.
Iran, Israel, Lebanon, the United States, Europe, everywhere.
This will be used as the political cover.
They always do this, World War I, World War II, at the beginning of or right at the end of an economic crash.
This is what you have.
You have the imploding economy, the looting, and then a war.
Collapse and war, or war and collapse.
They all circle each other.
Birds of a feather fly together.
So I want to hear from you on this subject, quick and fast, your take, where you think we're going, what all these giant preparations, the billion, 400 million rounds of ammo, the armored pillboxes, the army manuals for re-education camps, I mean, wow!
And they set the precedent.
Well, let's... I mean, I've seen it at UT lectures where the former CIA director Woolsey says, we'll put all the Muslims in camps.
All Muslims in America in camps.
And a lot of people are like, yeah, that sounds good.
It's going to be you that's in that camp.
You, wearing the John Deere hat, listening in Alabama right now.
You, Hank Williams Jr.
You are the target of this.
And they use tribalism, your ancient ingrained tribalism of, oh,
There's a foreigner that doesn't look like me.
Let me growl.
Because instinctively, the threat humans have always faced is the tribe from over the hill or from across the sea that comes and usurps you.
I understand it.
I get the primitive systems.
People who looks like them, who smells like them, who talks like them.
That's just culture.
That's what humans are.
We're tribalist.
And the globalists manipulate that.
That's what divide and conquer is.
A bunch of tribes fighting with each other instead of having a tribe that is for liberty and justice and human equity and freedom and creativity and the rule of law and science and honor and loving God and not having these churches superimpose themselves in front of it.
That's what we're talking about here.
And we've got to decide whether we want good or evil, because no one can deny the world is hurtling towards disaster.
I mean, there's already disaster worldwide.
Starvation, death, exploding food prices, riots.
We live in a tiny island that even though it's began to sink, is still the highest point in the world.
Other than Switzerland.
We live on an island here in the United States, in Canada, in places like Scotland, places like even areas of Ireland, places like Switzerland.
We live in islands of good, strong, common law, common sense culture.
And all around us is absolute bedlam intensifying.
And the globalists want to take America out in the final equation and bring in a tyranny here.
And to do that, they want to start a civil war in this country.
They plan to train the police and military and hype them up and teach them that their main enemy, like training an attack dog, is gun-owning libertarian conservatives.
That's why they seize on every cop killing, even though they're rare.
They search their computer files of even associates of the reported killers, this case in Louisiana.
And then they find one of them who's visited my website and come out with the headlines, the ADL yesterday, Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
These guys loved Alex Jones.
Why is that?
Because the globalists understand that I'm aware of their game plan, and they hope that you don't catch on to it.
They want to get a civil war going between the police, the military, and the citizens.
Which will chew up the police and military and further radicalize them into a real terrorist force.
Then they'll get out the old guard, bring in the new guard with mercenaries and foreigners.
They train for it in NLE09, you name it.
We're going to be breaking that down today.
But first, I want your take on what I've said here, and I'll get into some of the incredible geopolitical developments as well.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
The websites are PrisonPlanet.tv, Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
We've got some big announcements today as well.
Very important transmission.
We'll be right back on the other side of this quick break.
And we will go to your phone calls directly.
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The globalist orchestrated the build-up to World War I to destroy the old order in Europe and bring in this corporatist British Empire model through corporate governance.
They've written books on it.
Carol Quigley's written about it.
They brag about it.
They engineered World War II.
Hitler didn't work for them, but they funded him, they psychologically profiled him, they set him up, they gave him the funding, and then knocked him down after he wrecked Europe, just like they funded the Soviets.
The people running our government created Al-Qaeda, they created the Russian Soviet, they created the Nazis, they are the eugenicists, they are the full-spectrum dominance science guild.
Who cold-bloodedly see us as like rats, or bacteria in a petri dish.
That's how they describe us.
Well, I don't like it.
And I had a caller yesterday who said, what is the point of debating Romney and Obama, and who's the lesser of two evils, when they're chemtrailing us, when the GMO, when the cancer rates are exploding?
And it's true!
The reality is so much more wild than even debating whatever the news is.
But let me tell you something, war is a big deal.
Because that's what they bring in to sell giant change.
And the fact that it looks like the light is going green again.
It went green last year for a little while, but there were a lot of news reports coming out that it was made up news stories that the Iranians were going to attack the Saudi embassy and all that, and it got backed off again.
But believe me, if there is an opposition to this Iran strike and going into Syria, I told you six months ago they start calling for boots on the ground and bombing.
Now they are.
Told you what would happen in Libya.
People are like, oh, they're not gonna bomb, oh, they're not gonna invade.
What happened?
I mean, this is a big globalist move.
And remember, they hate all sovereign nations.
Good, bad, ugly, indifferent, Assad, Iran, U.S.
The globalists are busy using us to destroy their enemies while they enslave us.
And nothing is better than a war.
So, we need to not have a civil war with the police and military.
We do not need, at the drop of a hat,
In my view, if the police show up at your house, shoot them.
We do not need to do that.
We do not need to go into war mode.
And look, the globalists have pushed people into this.
I would tell the police, too.
I would back off.
I mean, we just do not need to have this happen.
We need cooler minds to prevail here.
Let's go to your calls, as I promised.
Bob in Michigan, first caller, welcome.
Hi Alex, thanks for having me on.
I appreciate it.
Appreciate you.
I really think you've hit the nail on the head here, certainly.
You and a lot of other talk show people have really done a good job in exposing this and keep doing that because they don't like the light of day.
They don't like the truth like Ron Paul is giving us.
I think our best export from this country, honestly,
Is our Constitution and working together as a people, no matter where you're from.
I'm only a second generation from off the boat, Ellis Island, you know, the whole thing.
My mother was in a industrial town in the Midwest when she grew up during World War II.
You know, she had stuff thrown at her and things like that.
And they were, you know, looked like everybody else.
After the war, of course, they were, you know, their big buddies.
They were always good citizens.
They were always law-abiding, hard-working people.
But I really think our biggest ace card here to play is the freedom, our background, and our history of tolerance.
You know, some people may call that Christian ethics, so be it.
But that doesn't mean that it's just for a small group of people.
These people, no matter where they're from, rolling up their sleeves, getting with the program, and helping with this is going to be our answer.
I couldn't agree with you more.
The last thing we need is trouble.
That's what they want.
That'll give more excuses to go in and hurt people, destroy infrastructure, and all kinds of things we don't want.
We have lots of countries overseas right now that are still recovering from war and having a bad time.
Absolutely, the globalists use our money and our blood to go wreck countries and then put worse people in and then our tax money pays to rebuild it with strings attached with new ruling classes dominating and oppressing those countries.
And I don't want that done in my name.
Key information in your calls and a ton of news and a special guest all coming up.
We're going right to your calls on the other side.
I'm Alex Jones.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
From deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6, Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Coming up at the bottom of the next hour, I am going to premiere to everybody the new cover of the inaugural edition of the InfoWars newspaper slash magazine.
It's really a newspaper, but it's magazine format.
That's white, you know, high quality magazine type paper.
But it's the information that is important and powerful.
Paul Watson, in the next 20 minutes or so, is going to post up at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
The article that I put together, the opening letter from the publisher of why we're putting this publication out and breaking down...
The fact that we're dealing with a lot of new forms of censorship in the Internet.
And this is our answer to the Internet kill switch.
And I'm going to break that down at the bottom of the next hour.
We have a guest coming on who's written a very powerful book, Fool Me Twice.
Aaron Klein breaks down from Obama's own think tanks what they're planning if he gets in.
Of course, that'll tell us what Romney's planning, too, because they're all run by the same people.
But this is what Obama is planning if he gets back into office.
And I had, of course, Webster Tarpley on last week for an hour and 45 minutes.
On the nightly news to break down what he thinks will happen if Romney gets in and you know Tarpley It was a big enemy of Obama saying he was a total globalist accurately predicting what Obama did do He was saying last week that it's Romney who's gonna get in now and that look out cuz everybody's gonna go to sleep And they're gonna ram through their agenda and sure enough you saw Newsweek yesterday Saying hit the road.
It actually said
But guys, if you pull that up, I'm going from memory, it said, hit the road, right?
It said, it said, it's time for a new president.
You know, hit the road.
It says, hit the road, Barack.
I mean, that's such a shocking headline.
All the time I say stuff and it feels like a lie because it's so wild.
I mean, all the time I think about talking about some of our accomplishments or something and I go, I better not do that.
It just sounds like a lie.
You know what I mean?
Well, it's the same thing with this.
I'm like, did it really say hit the road Barack Obama?
And I'm like, guys, check that.
They pull it up and they go, yeah, that's how fast they are.
Talk about quick draw in there on the Internet.
Put it up on screen when you get a chance.
If you're a radio listener, and you hear me say, put it on screen, this or that, all you have to do is go watch us at PrisonPlanet.tv or InfoWarsNews.com.
And we've got streaming video for the three-hour radio show.
It really is a TV show, multimedia, and then the nightly news.
Hit the road, Barack!
Why we need a new president?
So, very, very incendiary type comments for Newsweek.
I don't think I've ever seen Newsweek or Time, even with Republicans, that they claim to hate, come out with something like that.
I mean, this is incredible.
Again, we're seeing all of these things that you don't normally see happening, telling you we're moving towards a flashpoint.
And that happens throughout history, where more happens
In just a year or two period than happened in the previous 2030.
It's those flashpoints in history.
And my gut, my intellect, my research, other researchers' intellect, your gut, I know most of my listeners are pretty concerned.
Everybody can feel, kind of like mice know a day before a tornado comes that, you know, something's coming.
I mean, is it magnetic?
They've proven mice and fish and
Other animals have these little magnetic sensors in their brain, cells.
That's how birds, that's how hummingbirds can fly to Connecticut and fly to Guatemala back.
I was looking in a bird book this morning because I follow birds and we've got some hummingbird feeders.
I saw a hummingbird I hadn't seen before so I looked it up and it turns out it's a hummingbird that goes as far north as Wisconsin and then flies back to Guatemala.
It hatches as a baby and knows where to fly to the same place and then fly back.
Just amazing.
And that's done with the magnetic field of the Earth.
They've done tests where they've... You know, I'm digressing.
If you just joined us, ladies and gentlemen,
Netanyahu determined to attack Iran before U.S.
elections claims Israel's Channel 10.
World Net Daily says when Israel strikes Iran in October.
Let's get Joe Farah on him.
He has a lot of big sources there in D.C.
So I'd like to get Farah popping for 30 minutes maybe next week.
Give us his breakdown on that.
And we're going to be going over that.
Also, war with Iran appears more imminent.
New American, BBC, Obama warns Syria chemical weapons may spark U.S.
That we've been saying for three weeks or so, a false flag.
Where Al Qaeda launches the chemical attack, they say Assad's done it, and then NATO has to attack.
Well, that's what they're now saying, so look out.
We're going to be breaking all of this down and more.
Russia and China warn West against Syrian intervention.
They're already sending in jihadis out of Turkey.
We've got a bunch of other news here.
Also, the nanny state is out of control.
Cover this in the third hour.
Cops interrogate family for allowing kids to play outside.
Well, I mean, I've seen this with CPS all over the country.
Children playing in fenced backyards.
CPS comes and calls it neglect, even though the mother's watching them out of the window.
Let me tell you something.
When I was a kid, I ran around everywhere.
And statistically, things were a little more dangerous than they were in the 50s, 60s, or 70s, but not as dangerous as they were in the 80s or 90s.
I mean, this is just a joke.
And then it's always the government that claims they're going to take your kids to keep them safe, when they're the most dangerous group for your children to be in their clutches.
And not just here, but in Russia and other places.
The orphanages are veritable hell pits, but I'm going to be getting into that.
A Russian woman kills elderly neighbor with her bra, Associated Press.
The answer is obvious, ban bras.
And I'm going to cover this too in the third hour.
In fact, at the start of the third hour, I'll get into this.
ADL implies Alex Jones inspired inspiration behind Louisiana cop killings.
And I'm going to have a message directly to the Anti-Defamation League coming up at eight after in the third hour.
Okay, let's go through calls now.
Let's go to Randy in Ohio.
Thanks for holding.
What is your view on the geopolitical things happening?
I mean, do you think we're on the edge of oblivion, or is everything going to be just fine?
Well, Alex, you know, you look at it in the fact of... Good talking to you today, by the way.
You look at it in the fact of...
Our intervention in Syria right now.
The dominoes are starting to fall.
You look at Tunisia, you look at Egypt.
Basically what we're doing is a big resource grab in order to move into Iran.
So once that Syria falls, we can build a pipeline from northern Iraq into Syria so we can do shipping routes to the Mediterranean Sea.
So if they do try to close down the Strait of Hormuz,
Um, we have a shipping route to circumvent that, which will allow us our access to Iran without interrupting shipping.
Yes, yes, yes, that's the grand chess board, Zbigniew Brzezinski.
But when we say we, we're paying for it, just like we paid...
I don't know.
We need that oil.
I'll admit it.
We're going to come take your oil.
You're lucky we don't glass parking lot you with some hydrogen bombs, boy.
Well, I mean, here's the deal.
The globalists hate good old boys even more than they hate Arabs.
I mean, have you actually compared
The average Muslim to a good old boy in, say, East Texas, they're a lot more similar than some, you know, globalist, eugenicist, fake liberal.
You know, I mean, they want guns, you know, they're into freedom, you know, basic freedom.
And again, I'm not even defending some of the Muslim sects out there.
The point is, is that this isn't our empire.
I always say we're in Iraq, we're in Afghanistan.
No, we're not.
Our captured military under globalist control.
It'd be like if Hitler took over France in 1941.
You know, if Hitler took over France, and he had the Vichy French and the police, the military, were already been paid off by him, so they just basically stood down.
And then if Hitler would have sent French legions, which he actually did have some French battle groups, off to fight a war.
It's not the French military off fighting the war.
It's collaborators.
So this is a banker globalist system.
And we've got to get those definitions in our mind.
It is not our military is not growing opium in Afghanistan.
Our captured soldiers, who are under mind control, cultural mind control, and who don't even know who they're fighting for, are over there growing the opium to ship it all over the world.
I'm sorry, I'm ranting.
Go ahead and make a point.
No, and I agree with you, but what I don't... I don't agree with the timeline of October.
It's not going to be an October surprise, because we have to secure Syria in order to secure the pipeline routes.
So we're probably looking at an attack with Iran, feasibly within the next year or two.
It won't be this year, because we don't have Syria under control.
Well, that's right.
They need to get, knock Syria out first, and that's why they wanted the Al Qaeda to be able to have secured the job and get down to the important business of murdering all the Christians and Jews and minority Muslim groups, because the Peace Prize President said so, and it's so loving.
But that's why they could attack and bombard Damascus with a peace bombardment, like Libya, any time now.
And, sounds like you're, are you in the military?
I'm not, no.
Well... I, uh, I just, I've researched...
A lot about this and about pipelines and pipeline politics that are going on, that have been going on with our country.
And the different... I mean, people say the Cold War is over, but it's not over.
I mean, we're in a resource grab and we're in a race against China and Russia right now.
That's what I just said.
We are not in a race, though.
Look, they tell the generals.
The generals get up there on C-SPAN at these Army and Navy and Marine Corps War College events.
Air Force has events, and they say, we work for Wall Street, Wall Street's doing a great job dominating, we're getting resources for our people.
Let me explain something.
The globalists work to make sure we don't get our resources, we already would be self-sufficient.
Globalism is about not letting countries be self-sufficient.
That's why they want that oil over there, so China and Iran and India and Russia can't get their own resources and develop themselves.
The bankers don't want anybody developed, sir.
They want everybody under their control.
So I agree with what you're saying in generality, but I don't agree with you going back to the thing saying we're in a resource grab.
The globalists strategically have moved to China.
That's the real future.
When they're done with us, China's going to be the center of the world, okay?
And China has been positioned
To get, I said 95% because my mind automatically ratchets down.
It's 98.7% of all rare earth minerals, look it up, guys just type in 98% of rare earth minerals controlled or mined by China, are dominated by China.
That's what's going on here.
And the globalists position themselves.
Ted Turner, Marie Strong, the British Royalty, the Rothschilds, all of them.
The Rockefellers.
Everything's in China now.
China, China, China, China, China, China.
For a lot of different strategic reasons.
They can leverage out anybody's competition with cheaper goods.
They'll follow a one-shell policy.
They do what the globalists say.
That's because our government put Mao Zedong in power in 49.
That's been declassified.
Okay, the communist Chinese are in bed with the globalists.
Who they then plan to double-cross what's left of the United States.
I'm sorry, I appreciate your call.
Very interesting points.
I'm ranting here.
Who's up next here?
Jason in Pennsylvania.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
General Jones, God bless you.
How are you doing today?
I'm alright, brother.
What's on your mind?
Ah, good, good.
I got my, uh, rabble rouser next to me here.
I'm drinking it, and it's some good stuff, brother.
I love it.
Uh, for those that don't know, tell them what a rabble rouser is.
It's an Alex Jones special.
It's a tangy tangerine, one scoop of tangy tangerine, and a pollen burst, and it rules.
Well, thank you so much for supporting us by getting out at InfoWarsHealth.com and thank you so much for calling into the broadcast.
What's on your mind?
Okay, real quick because I'm off topic.
Alex, I pray to you, please, go to HomelandSecurityUS.com.
It's Doug Hagman's site, okay?
Uh, fourth thing down on the main page, right in the center column, there's an article entitled, Christianity and Gun Owners in the Crosshairs, Chilling Tactic Exposed.
It's an article about what happened to me.
I started a radio show myself recently, and I did a broadcast on August 7th, okay?
One of my buddies heard the broadcast, and I talked about how I didn't like Obama,
Uh, that, uh, I think that the hammer's probably coming down pretty soon, and I picked up some firearms recently.
Alex, the next day, August 8th, I was sitting in my home, and I got a call from a cop.
And he said to me, uh, Jason, I'd like you to come out on your porch for a second, to talk to you.
So this is what he says to me, Alex, he says, uh, alright, so here's the thing, you have to come with us.
I said, uh, sir, what is this about?
He said my friend from New York called and said that he was concerned about me and was worried about me.
So this is what happened.
He 302'd me.
He called the CMC and under Law 302 in the code, which is a mental defect.
No, no, no.
That's what they do now, is they take any comment about the hammer's coming down, I'm gonna get some firearms, and they spin that that you're gonna kill yourself.
This is this new mental illness thing.
They had a Marine who said some similar things and they came and put him in a mental institution.
So what happened to you?
Okay, so this is what happened, Alex.
I was in, uh, CMC Hospital in Scranton for 20 hours.
They marched in, you know, the social worker, the psychologist.
The first thing that the psychologist asked me, are you ready for this?
Are you going to, do you intend to hurt the president?
Number one.
I said, absolutely not, sir.
I'm a Christian.
Number two, do you intend on making bombs and blowing people up?
I said, absolutely not, sir.
I'm a Christian.
He said, very good, because he was an Indian.
Very good, you look like religious men.
I said, thank you, sir.
So I was in there 20 hours, and Alex, they weren't going to let me go unless I, number one, agreed to get rid of my firearms.
Number two, I agreed to go to counseling.
And number three, that I immediately call somebody to prove that I have a support system.
Yeah, what they do is they extrajudicially, off of your free speech, induct you in there, you act friendly, then they get you to waive all your rights and agree that you have mental problems, to then go pay to have quack, drug-pushing psychiatrist claim that you have mental illnesses, all because you said, the hammer's coming down.
You're saying on a radio show you said this?
Yes, yes, I saw your file.
Yeah, Christians and gun owners in the crosshairs, chilling, tacky, exposed.
I want to, guys, print that for me.
I want to post that at InfoWars.com right now so everybody can find it easily.
And I was already, like, yesterday going to tell Dude to get Hagman on.
So let's get Hagman on today, the nightly news.
I'm also going to interview Ja'Kari Jackson, our new incredible reporter, who's now moved here officially.
And so has Dan Badani, doing an amazing job helping produce the radio show and run stuff there and as a reporter.
I'm going to interview Dan Badani tomorrow.
I tell you what, sir, we're going to look at your story.
Give us your name and number right now off air.
And we need to talk about this.
You know what?
I said I'd get to all these other callers.
You know what?
Stay there.
I want to hear the rest of the story.
And then we'll go to everybody else.
But a radio talk show host arrested for saying, wow.
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All over the world, school children are hand scanning and face scanning to buy and sell, to be able to get cafeteria food or to check out books.
And when parents say they think it's the mark of the beast and don't like it, they're called conspiracy theorists.
See, if you don't like TSA grabbing your genitals, they call you a conspiracy theorist.
It's like, if you say you don't like strawberry milkshakes, you like chocolate ones, having an opinion is now a conspiracy theory.
Like, hey, I don't think we should have checkpoints on the highways.
Whatever, conspiracy theorist!
Meanwhile, world government is being thrown openly in our face.
Now, by the way, I've scanned over this article now, and we're going to get Mr. Hagman on.
I'm posting this article at InfoWars.com.
And linking over to it, it's also in Canadian Free Press, Christianity and gun owners in the crosshairs, chilling tactic exposed.
That's a great headline, but I'm changing it to thought police kidnap talk show host.
Because if cops are banging on my door, I'd say, what's the emergency?
And they said, we need you to come out here and talk to us.
I would, you know, then say to them, well, what's it about?
And they said, well, it's about your comments on your talk show about, you know, guns and the hammers coming down.
Well yeah, I clearly was saying this country's collapsing and we all need to get guns to protect ourselves.
That's in national surveys.
Number one reason to buy guns.
Let me call the local talk radio right now and also call 911.
And yeah, they might try to have a big standoff and a big event.
At least the police will be there.
There'll be news.
You can come out and say, hey, charge you with a crime.
Instead, they take you to an extrajudicial situation.
And then now they're trying to induct you into agreeing to go to their classes and sign agreements saying you're mentally ill and give up your guns.
When, yes, I think everyone should buy guns because all over the country, I mean, I saw a story two years ago where Oakland, California, their crime rate has exploded since then, said we're not going to respond to 30 crimes, including robbery.
You name it.
All over the country, I see them lay off 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 percent of the cops.
Some areas are getting rid of all of them.
And yeah, we need guns to protect ourselves for a deteriorating society.
And the hammer, it looks like, could be brought down against the American people.
My gosh, we've got army manuals that are public, where they say they're gonna arrest us for our speech!
And they're trying everywhere.
I mean, I've talked to so much family and friends where people at a cookout will say, I hate Obama.
They ought to throw him out of this country.
Boom, Secret Service next day, in their face.
We want your guns.
You know what?
Secret Service comes around here.
I'm like, look, you're the guys that helped kill Kennedy.
Just get out of my office.
And I do.
I tell them that.
Look, the ADL's out here saying, you know, that I'm, and others, that I'm going to promote violence or cause violence.
Not offensive violence.
But I will defend myself.
They want to start a civil war.
They can't win politically.
Our ideas are winning.
They're panicking.
Sir, do you agree that you were basically coerced with a guy, you know, with a gun, basically kidnapped into going down there with him?
Yeah, Alex, I mean, that's pretty much the best way to put it.
I mean, the way I thought was this, Alex, you know... And have you told folks your name?
You want to tell people your name and your talk show and what happened?
Well, I appreciate that opportunity, yeah.
And I was going to mention the website.
The website is revelationnews.net.
That's my website.
Oh, I've seen your site.
Yeah, you've got a popular talk show.
So now they can come here.
I've said, hey, they're getting ready to drop the hammer on us.
We need guns to protect ourselves.
I mean, are they going to come here?
Are they going to?
This is a group that ships guns to Mexico to blame the Second Amendment.
I'm so sick of it.
Again, tell people your name.
My name's Jason Eroff, but I just want everybody to listen to the August 7th broadcast, okay?
It's the last one on the Blab Talk radio widget at the bottom.
You tell me, Alex, if I said anything that warranted this, alright, brother?
Well, listen, listen.
You need to sue them for violating your civil rights, trying to coerce you out of your Second Amendment.
Especially if you don't have a criminal record, okay?
This is the psych police.
This is the thought police.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are now
Into the next hour of global transmission.
Unbelievable news up at Infowars.com.
We mentioned some of it in the next segment.
Let's continue with your calls.
Very chilling call.
We just had a moment ago a talk show host that said they're getting ready to drop the hammer on this country.
I need to buy some more guns.
And they came and didn't arrest him.
Come outside.
Get in the car.
You're going to commit suicide.
No, I'm not even saying anything about that.
Well, we'll let you out of the mental institution, but you gotta give us your guns.
Which, again, if he'd have just sat there, a court hearing would have come up.
He'd have gone before the judge and said, this is crazy.
I have no psychiatric history, no criminal record.
I have a radio show.
I was making a point about society crumbling.
Here's a national survey where people say they're buying guns because they're worried about collapse.
That's what I was talking about, Your Honor.
Here's my wife and children, and I'm going to file a complaint on these people after this is done.
He'd have been out.
But they use your ignorance of the system to shanghai your butt.
The TSA is running around outside the law now doing whatever they want on the highways.
The psychologists are.
All these two-bit nobodies that couldn't get a job cleaning toilets are now going to be psychiatrists and psychologists.
The new priest class trying to drug the daylights out of us while their wind-up toy mind-control shooters go absolutely ape.
By the way, later, remind me guys to review The Bourne, the new Bourne movie.
I went and saw it last night with the crew.
Unbelievably good.
Unbelievably accurate.
I mean, they are really telling you.
I mean, that's right down to the actual drugs they really use.
I mean, I am just blown away right now.
They use viruses to reprogram the brain.
How many years?
About a decade, I've been telling you about that.
Badandi, how long have I talked about the viruses?
Ten years, yeah.
Well, because that's in the medical literature.
That movie's real, that's all I can say.
There's my review right there.
Let's go ahead and talk to Mary in Wisconsin.
You're on the air, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
I have some information that I think should be passed on, okay?
About five years ago, as a matter of fact, it's two months short of five years ago, I filed a provisional patent for removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
It was a very, very simple chemical that I used.
As a matter of fact, you can buy it at the drugstore.
And I, uh, because there was controversy about this, I said, hmm, this is interesting.
So I took this chemical, I took it outside, and I mixed it with some water, I took it outside, and I sprayed it into the atmosphere, and I was shocked at what I experienced.
Subsequent to that, I filed the provisional patent and it was used.
It was a very simple chemical that grabs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
This is information I want to pass on to people.
I hesitate to say what the chemical is on the air, but I certainly would be willing to pass the copy of the provisional patent on to you.
The proof of what I am saying is correct.
I just don't know where to send it.
That's the problem.
You can send it to P.O.
Box 19549.
Box 19549.
Austin, Texas 78760.
Box 19549.
Austin, Texas 78760.
And thank you so much for listening.
I look forward to seeing that.
We got a guest coming up.
What will Obama do if re-elected?
And I like the book because it will tell us what Mitt Romney will do if elected.
We'll be right back.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is the GCN Radio Network.
GCNlive.com is their website.
A lot of key news there as well.
Stay with us.
We'll be back.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We are going to our guest here in just a moment.
The voice you're hearing is my voice.
I'm Alex Jones, your host here Monday through Friday from 12 noon to 3 p.m.
We'll be talking with the author of Fool Me Twice, Obama's shocking plans for the next four years exposed here in just a moment.
First off, some of the headlines up at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com just out.
Print 2.0, the answer to the internet kill switch.
And it goes on.
Fed court rules banksters can steal pensions.
Cops interrogate family for allowing kids to play outside.
Pre-crime cameras for RNC in Tampa.
Jacob Rothschild, Paul Paulson, John Paulson, George Soros are all beating the financial
Disaster is coming.
They're all betting on it.
Jacob Rothschild, John Paulson, and George Soros are all betting that financial disaster is coming.
Continuing, former Marine indefinitely detained in psychiatric ward over 9-11 Facebook post.
That is all up at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com right now.
But now I want to bring up Aaron Klein to go over his excellent book that I finished reading last week, Fool Me Twice.
We also sell it at the InfoWars online video bookstore at InfoWarsShop.com or InfoWarsStore.com.
I'll also get you there.
And this goes over with his co-authors.
From their statements, from their think tanks, from their operatives, what they're planning if he gets elected.
Now, I want to be clear, I'm not endorsing Romney either here.
He's bought and paid for by the same people.
But Obama is so over the top that he's just unusually dangerous.
With the government-run health care, the shutting down power plants without congressional approval, they're giving billions to his buddies in no-bid contracts and energy deals.
I mean, it is the Chicago Mafia on steroids running our country, and they've done some amazing research.
Aaron Klein is a New York Times best-selling author, journalist, and radio host.
He's a senior reporter for WorldNetDaily and hosts Aaron Klein Investigative Radio on New York's WABC.
The nation's largest talk station.
Kline's program is one of only two weekend shows in the U.S.
to make the heavy hitter hundred for the top of American radio shows for Talkers magazine.
His previous books include Red Army, The Manchurian President, The Late Great State of Israel, and Schmoozing with Terrorists.
And Aaron Klein joins us right now from their research to break down.
That's why I like the book.
It goes from what they're saying they're going to do.
But this isn't getting enough.
I mean, it's a bestseller already, but it's not getting the attention it should.
Really scary what Obama will do because then he isn't facing reelection.
He can basically do anything and have pardons.
That's why it's so scary if you're a new listener.
I know most of you know that.
So, Aaron, good to have you on with us, sir.
Thanks for having me.
By the way, I also don't endorse Romney.
I'm not a Republican or a Democrat.
I'm an Independent.
I actually think that Romney is probably going to be a slow motion version of Obama.
But as you said, these plans really lay out very clearly that if Obama gets another four years, we will not recognize the country.
I agree with you because then he, again, isn't facing re-election, has the pardon power.
Run through it, why you decided to write the book.
Basically, you know, break down for us.
Obviously, the book covers it in more detail, but what the plans really are.
I mean, this is a news-making interview here.
A lot of people, I don't think, realize if you think Obama's been bad, you ain't seen nothing yet.
Yeah, the flexibility that Obama promises to the Russian President on lifting missile defense in Europe, that obviously begs the question, if he's hiding policies from the American electorate on foreign policy, what is he hiding when it comes to domestic policy?
So I personally was prompted to write the book because I saw how in 2008 Obama ran on such a general platform on hope, on change, on fundamentally transforming the U.S.
Of course, actually not a single reporter, as far as I know, bothered to ask him directly, what do you mean, Obama, by fundamentally transforming the U.S.?
What do you want to transform it into?
Well, he's trying to do the same thing now, and that is run on a general platform of
Well, prominently of something called economic fairness.
He constantly talks about fair share, the rich should pay their fair share.
What does that mean?
Why doesn't anybody bother to ask him what it means?
So what I have done is I've gone through, there are certain key progressive organizations that were behind Obama's
First term agenda, and actually in a very specific way, I mean to the point where some of these groups, like the Center for American Progress, like DMOS, like the Institute for Policy Studies, like the Economic Policy Institute, these groups crafted parts of what actually became the text
Of the stimulus bill, what actually became some of the text of the health care bill in Obama's first term.
So what I've done is go through thousands, with my co-author Brenda J. Elliott, thousands upon thousands of documents for what these same progressive groups and activists who are behind in a very real way Obama's first term agenda, what they're planning for his second term and for recommendations for his second term on all
On jobs, on economy, on exactly, by the way, what he means by economic fairness, on immigration overhaul, which will translate into executive amnesty for millions of illegals, on healthcare, which might begin with Obamacare, but that's just the start.
We're talking about nudging toward a single-payer system, on national energy policy, on Pentagon plans, on, by the way, using the Pentagon for globalist agenda, and so much more.
Continue, continue!
...economic fairness.
Because, again, Obama really has been driving that term home.
In fact, he gave a speech in 2012, January 2012, his State of the Union, where he used economic fairness, that phrase, something like five or six times.
Well, economic fairness, first of all, before we even get to what he's planning specifically,
It comes directly from Marxist doctrine.
It comes right out of the Marxist playbook.
I can trace it back to ideologues who want to basically spread America's wealth.
But what I've gone through here is the progressive gang, again behind Obama's first term, and they have specific plans for economic fairness.
Let's go over them and see how fair they sound to you.
For example,
Paycheck fairness, where the U.S.
government, the federal government, can come and determine what would be the fair pay for an individual job in the private sector.
So that's a bit of government centralization and control over there.
Or welfare fairness, or actually specifically it's called living wage fairness, where the government swoops in
And it raises the minimum wage to meet what's known as the basic needs of individuals, such as housing, food, utilities, transportation, healthcare, recreation.
So, you might actually think, wow, that sounds really good.
The government's going to come in and raise the bar on my paycheck?
That's amazing.
The problem is that this has actually been tried in the past.
In fact,
In over 80 cities from the 1990s until 2003.
And by the way, it was pushed by Acorn in the past.
And it failed.
It failed miserably.
It actually caused local economies in different cities to crash and burn.
So again, this is just the beginning of economic fairness.
Also, by the way, economic fairness to bring more unions into private industry.
You can nudge the unions into the industries, for example, with tax incentives and other things.
And so now we can get a better picture of the kind of economic fairness, including, by the way, forcing companies to pay sick leave for 12 weeks, even if somebody is taking care of somebody else in the family who is sick.
And again, actually, that sounds really good.
Obama is up for the worker, is what it sounds like.
The problem is who is going to pay for all of this?
And actually, when you look at
All of the plans that I outlined in Fool Me Twice and Economic Fairness is just the start.
The theme here certainly is nudging closer toward a welfare state.
Toward a state where the government is involved in pretty much every aspect of our lives, but literally from cradle to grave.
Well, I agree with you, and I don't think people realize just how big a threat we're facing, and that they're already shutting down one-third of the power plants.
They've shut down about a third of that third.
Power outages, giant power increases.
Our mayor said, for the earth, they've shut down two of our power plants.
The third is now being shut down, and they say, if you don't like your power prices doubling, get ready, it's going to double over that.
Uh, and, uh, it's just a pretext to take over.
This is a, a foreign army with bombers couldn't do this much damage to our country.
Well, you know, actually, it's interesting that you talk about the power plants shutting down.
We also have battery companies, the day after Obama boasted about it, for example, in the State of the Union, a kind of green battery company, and then one of the battery companies from Obama's stimulus went bankrupt.
Here we are.
Mass corruption from Obama's first-term stimulus, 2009 Green Stimulus, to the point where actually in the book Fool Me Twice I have even more corruption, including top Obama administration officials.
Well, actually, in Obama's second term, there are plans for a new green stimulus.
There are also plans for a National Independent Energy Trust, which would be basically a federal green bank, plus actually greening the military.
So we see a theme here of a massive government jobs works program, by the way, also coming.
The theme of using so-called global warming, the so-called theory of global warming, as if it wasn't highly in question after the leaked emails of 2009, to advocate for more green stimulus, but again to advocate for using the military to actually, in some of these progressive plans, this is how loony it goes,
To fight global warming.
In fact, I saw different progressive groups.
I'll tell you what, stay there.
Tell us about that on the other side.
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We'll talk more about that here in about 10 minutes or so.
Aaron Klein, again, WorldNetDaily.
Nailed me.
Probably 20 different books they've published.
They're big publishers for folks that don't know.
And I scanned over a bunch and read about three of them, you know, to decide which ones I wanted to carry.
And yours is one of the ones I decided to carry at InfoWarshop.com because you guys have done the research and, you know, all I do is study these people.
And I learned some stuff here.
But you've got how they all operate, the Agit props for the cameras.
I don't know.
It's hard to really understand how criminal these people are.
You break down the fact that they're gearing up to hack the 2012 elections.
We have reported on that.
But you were getting into the radical, fake environmental power grab agenda.
And then let's get into some of the other areas in the book, because it is just a giant smorgasbord of information.
A lot of people are asking me what's the most shocking plan that I've found for Obama's second term.
And actually the answer is it's not one shocking plan, it's a series of small shocks.
So that by the end of let's say another four years, it's incremental changes.
It's like the frog that's boiling slowly in the hot water, it doesn't realize that it's boiling until it's too late.
You talk about power grab, and that's what it is domestically.
There's no question that this is government spending out of control, but more than that, it's government involvement in our lives.
But then there's also the international aspect of this, of Obama's plans for the military, where on the one hand we're talking about massive scalebacks to the military, but then on the other,
Aligning the military closer and closer to the United Nations, to peacekeeping forces worldwide.
Oh yeah, we've had Obama, as you know in letters, but also the Joint Chiefs of Congress say that NATO and the UN are now over the military.
I mean, this is incredible.
Yeah, we had Panetta tell Congress, we will inform you if we decide to go.
But actually, it's interesting that you mention that, because one key aspect of the military chapter in Full Meet Twice is the use of something I'm sure you're familiar with.
It's called Responsibility to Protect, which is the doctrine that Obama employed to violate Libya's nation border, go in and remove Gaddafi, and then put in who knows
That was my next point.
Now they admit the main force is Al-Qaeda, also in Syria, and that's what he's twisted the Protect Clause into.
That's my next question.
Why do you think the President is openly aligning with Al-Qaeda and jihadis?
You know, I don't think that he is openly... What he's doing here is very interesting, actually, is that I believe that he sees the Muslim Brotherhood as somebody that the United States, but that also internationally and globally, the global community can do business with, and actually that it would nudge closer
To what seems to be the goal of the Responsibility to Protect authors, and I've actually, personally, gone through the literature of Responsibility to Protect, who crafted it, how it was crafted, George Soros is all over it, and it was also authored by two individuals who, right time and again, how their goal, they actually write this and nobody bothers to look into this,
Talking about Gareth Evans and Georgians, the Cork, they talk about how their ultimate goal is to violate the United States borders and to ensure a one world order, global rebalancing, international redistribution.
That's their word, the words of the founders of Responsibility to Protect.
Now if you take out your map, and I'm extremely familiar with the Middle East, I have been reporting from there for seven years.
It's one big mess of a clan in Syria, a clan in Saudi Arabia, a clan in Jordan.
What unites the whole Middle East if you want to unite them under, nudging closer to some sort of one world concept?
Well, that happens to be the Muslim Brotherhood.
They're in every country, and if they take over, we're not talking about Egypt being a sovereign nation, because Egypt's gonna merge with
Stay there!
Stay there!
Let's get into this!
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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
What we are looking at is good and evil, right and wrong.
A New World Order.
A New World Order.
A New World Order.
A New World Order.
Aaron Klein is our guest for the rest of this segment.
A little short segment at the end of the hour.
I'm going to read some excerpts of the new article where we're announcing and giving details about the new publication, InfoWars Magazine.
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And you can also link through there, in the first paragraph, you can just sign up for the InfoWars Insider, our daily news articles, videos, special reports, links to the podcasts that we send to people, if they sign up for the free newsletter.
Well, tomorrow I will send, in the morning blast, email blast, we will send you a link
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If you sign up at Infowars Insider, a lot of exclusive articles in there by Gerald Cilente, you name it.
A very, very powerful issue, first issue.
And it's got the Federal Reserve on fire on the front.
And we're saying, Rome burned, will we?
Because Europe is burning in many areas in riots, and the Federal Reserve is burning down our currency and our sovereignty.
So I ask the question, you know, will major cities like D.C.
and other places down the road burn in riots?
I hope that's not the case.
We're trying to avert some type of civil war in this country.
And that's my next question for Aaron Klein, bestselling author, New York Times bestselling author.
Fool me twice, the new book that's out breaking down Obama's shocking plans for the next four years exposed.
You were getting into their plan to use the Muslim Brotherhood worldwide, which is probably one of the biggest, most cohesive groups in the world.
Christianity is broken into a million pieces, and the seminaries have all been infiltrated by communists and globalists, so it's pretty much fractured Christendom.
They're secular humanists.
I don't know.
uh... worldwide and and and then play the clash of civilizations or are you saying that the obamanoid types would actually really want to uh... bring in some type of radical muslim caliphate worldwide?
You know, I don't know whether they even care about a Muslim caliphate worldwide, as much as they care about uniting, let's say, the Middle East under one sort of common banner.
And it happens to be that the only common banner really is the Muslim Brotherhood.
You know, it's amazing you mentioned Europe burning, and right now, Obama, if he gets another four years, will implement
Some of what caused Europe's entire economy to crash and burn.
He doesn't want us to know his plans, and so I'm trying to outline them in a very specific way in the book.
But also, by the way, look at Syria right now, because it's a perfect example.
Hillary Clinton last week, according to reports, talked with
Turkey, which borders Syria.
Turkey and Syria are enemies.
Turkey wants to get rid of Bashar Assad's regime.
Hillary talked with the Turkish leader about possibly implementing a no-fly zone in Syria, which would be under the banner of responsibility to protect.
The very doctrine that I point out in Pull Me Twice,
We're good.
Because responsibility to protect can be used against any country that's accused of genocide, of human rights abuses, of atrocities.
But actually, in the past, by the way, the United Nations has used some of those labels in places where they absolutely don't fit.
But actually, the jihadists have been streaming into Syria.
Even Mujahideen that we were supporting, that we were fighting,
In Iraq and Afghanistan, of course we were supporting them before that with the Soviets.
Now they're being supported and they're the main force.
Even the CFR, as you know, two weeks ago, one of their riders came out and said, we need Al Qaeda.
That was a quote.
So the TSA again needs to go in my pants to make sure Bin Laden isn't hiding in there.
All of a sudden, Al-Qaeda affiliated groups actually flying the Al-Qaeda flag, Al-Qaeda patches.
They're now supposedly these humanitarians and, you know, you've hit on something that's key here.
That really is the UN global government model, where they fund proxy rebels to attack a country, whether that country be good or bad, or indifferent.
And then, oh, we've got to invade to protect the peaceful rebels that are blowing up police stations and shooting people and burning down churches and mosques, and of Alawites and also driving out Jews.
What are they going to do now in Egypt as they're driving out Christians and the few Jews that are there, or as they line up blacks in Libya and kill them and, you know, drive out Christians?
What are they going to do when the jihadis, as promised, go after the Shiites, the Alawites, the Christians, and the Jews?
I mean, they're burning up and blowing up the churches right now in Syria, and our media is calling them heroes.
Yeah, you know, our great Judeo-Christian country, founded with the Judeo-Christian values, is aiding the side that is causing Christians to flee from Egypt, that is persecuting Christians right now in Syria.
The White House claims that it's only providing non-lethal aid to the so-called rebels, and we know who the rebels are at this point, even the New York Times is admitting that it's, in part, certainly represented by Al-Qaeda.
But I have a lot of information that the United States has been using cutouts, like Saudi Arabia in particular, to give Saudi weapons, which actually come ultimately from the U.S., to the rebels.
And so I believe there's no question at this point, according to multiple sources that I talk to, that we are absolutely helping the rebels get
I hate using that term.
I don't even want to use it.
They're not rebels.
Helping the insurgents that are fighting Bashar Assad's regime to get weapons.
So this means we are funding the other side, which we do all the time, by the way.
It's not just in Syria.
Even in the Palestinian Authority, where we give training, actual training, to the Palestinian so-called militias.
Well, the problem is that these militias double as members of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, which is the terror group that attacks Israel.
It's so ridiculous that I've personally interviewed, in person, for example, the senior leader of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, declared a terror group by the United States.
His name's al-Assad al-Nakra.
I met him and his gang in Nablus, in the northern West Bank.
And he was telling me about how he was trained as a militia member by the United States.
Or, even more ridiculous, we give weapons to them.
And I found out that, at least until two years ago, the guy who was on the receiving team, the chief of the receiving team in the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah, that was getting the weapons, his name's Kamal Ranam, I also interviewed him,
He's the chief of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade Terror Group, also in Ramallah.
So, it's been going on for quite some time.
And now, the situation is getting out of hand and really ever more dangerous.
I agree.
Let me bring up this angle with you.
And again, we have New York Times best-selling author on the line with us, Aaron Klein.
He's written Fool Me Twice, available at InfoWarsShop.com or link through InfoWars.com.
Obama's shocking plans for the next four years exposed.
It is so crazy to say, give up all our rights, Al-Qaeda's gonna get you, but then separately, openly being funding and training all these groups and affiliated groups.
What about the 10,000 missiles, 2,000 plus being heat-seeking or radar-guided, that disappeared out of Qaddafi's caches and are now being shipped all over the world by these jihadis?
What's gonna happen when they start blowing up airliners?
Well, I guess that'll give the government the excuse to take more of my rights because they gave these people 10,000 missiles.
And it's admitted this is going on.
I mean, what do they think is going to happen when radical jihadis are in control of Syria and our evil, prostitute media is praising it while they commit black genocide in Libya?
I mean, this is wild what's happening.
So, your comment on the missiles, and then what do you think the endgame is?
What would Obama do in the next four years with his jihadi brigades?
You know, I personally talked with Israeli security officials who have exactly that kind of information, that the missiles that were in Libya and many other kinds of weapons and munitions are being sold now, using Iranian and other money, to the jihadis
Across the Middle East, including in the Sinai Peninsula, where reportedly they do have anti-aircraft missiles that can down an airliner in the Sinai.
Now, what's even more crazy, I don't know really what is crazier here at this point, but is the billions of dollars in aid
That we've given to Egypt, and we were told at the beginning of the so-called Arab Spring that the Muslim Brotherhood would never take control of the presidency and would certainly never take control of the United States back, the United States armed, the United States funded Egyptian military.
Well, Mohamed Morsi, President Obama's good pal, the Muslim Brotherhood's new Egyptian president,
Just fired the top brass of the Egyptian military, and so now, the Muslim Brotherhood in control, basically, for all intents and purposes, of what I would say is the number two or number three most powerful military in the Middle East.
And yet, we have a massive situation of this weapons proliferation.
What's going to happen in Syria after Should Assad Go?
So what is the grand plan?
Why would the State Department, why would NATO do this?
Why would they do this?
What are they planning?
Just to try to get a Shiite-Sunni civil war going?
I think that that's certainly where one of the... I actually think that is where we're headed, because if you look at the situation right now in the Middle East today, it's Iran and it's Shiite proxies, meaning Hezbollah, meaning some in Lebanon, although not all,
I don't know.
And we are headed toward a massive possible Middle East confrontation.
There's no other way to read the tea leaves here.
And in Obama's second term, the use of the U.S.
military, you would think, with all of these growing threats, although actually we're feeding these threats, certainly, and I would say we're behind some of them, that the use of the U.S.
military, you think, would be to combat these threats.
Sure, and also take over Africa with the made-up county stuff and get a bunch of the diamonds and oil and the rest of it.
But I mean, at the same time, that's why
I don't think Obama at this time wants the Iran attack, because that would probably unify the Muslims, instead of just getting them to kill each other.
And I think all of it is extremely immoral, and I think it goes back to 53 and Mossadegh.
If our government and the British government wouldn't have thrown him out,
And then double-cross the jihadis, and then put in the Shah.
It just goes on and on.
This policy of putting radical Muslims in didn't just start with Obama this last three years.
It's been going on since the British did it with Saudi Arabia, and it is an evil policy, and I think it's just going to continue to sow the seeds of our destruction.
Yeah, and it continued after the Shah, obviously, with deposing the Shah and then putting in now the radical Shiite fundamentalist regime.
This is how dangerous it is.
The Shiites believe that the coming of their imam, the Mehdi,
The Islamic Shiite Messiah can only come about if there's an apocalyptic world battle of good versus evil, where the world almost comes to the brink of destruction, and then the Islamic Messiah comes back.
So does NATO, does the Obama administration, does the European Union understand that there
Playing with fire in the Middle East and not just in the Middle East, of course, the ramifications around the world, even in the United States.
Obviously, Iran and terrorist proxies are very capable of deploying some sort of attack right here in the U.S.
Which the government would love, because then they can take our rights.
That's my final question for you on this front, and then I want to get a brief take on what you think Romney would do if he gets in.
I mean, as you said earlier, he would just go slower with this program.
The ADL came out yesterday and said, oh, one of the guys that shot a cop, or one of the friends of somebody that shot a cop, his Facebook had a link to Alex Jones.
Well, yeah, I mean, I have a website that a million people a day visit.
And, oh, the theater shootings are being caused by talk radio and Rush Limbaugh, the Southern Poverty Law Center, is out there saying all this.
And they're saying, yeah, we need to restrict speech because, you know, there's going to be a civil war with the
What's your research on that?
These attempts to demonize conservatives and libertarians in a second administration.
We've all seen the MIAC and Homeland Security reports and others where they say the biggest threat is returning veterans.
So now they're going to say Al-Qaeda is not a threat, but the returning veterans are.
I mean, my point is, what do you expect the next administration of Obama gets back in on that whole front?
Yeah, I mean, just even the current administration has that kind of ideology, like Julius Jakunowski of the FCC, who comes from, and is heavily tied with something called Free Press, that is anything but Free Press, they're agitating toward more government control of the internet, of the airwaves, and Cass Sunstein, who of course just stepped down, but before then,
Advocated for a New Deal Fairness Doctrine, where the government would impose a panel of experts that could oversee diversity of view on the airwaves.
It's like the Ministry of Information.
But in Fool Me Twice, I do have specific plans that we found, including in the green chapter, surprisingly.
Because the progressive camp is very nervous about the conservative and libertarian drive to point out the pseudoscience behind global warming, which is the basis for what they're trying to do in the upcoming second Obama term with lots of the economic plans.
So there is a drive, although it's not
Specified exactly how, but using multiple possible assaults, just like this large octopus that has many tentacles, to silence talk radio, to silence, uh, to nudge toward more government regulation, keyword regulation, of the internet, of the airwaves.
Yeah, the Ministry of Truth.
You know, I'm going to plug the new magazine and I want to read the article, but I'll have to do that at the start of the next hour, and then I'll get into this whole demonization report.
Third hour's coming up, but stay there, Aaron Klein.
I want to come back and get your take on Mitt Romney briefly.
Alex Jones here with a great way to beat the blackouts, get off the grid, and generate your own supply of electrical power.
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The old Willie Nelson, our good friend.
He's in the hospital.
Last few days with breathing problems.
He's almost 80.
That's one of the cool things about being a radio talk show host is I've gotten to know people like, well, Willie Nelson real well, but Charlton Heston, Christopher Walken last week.
We got Richard Belzer coming back on Friday to get into being censored on CNN.
But right now we are talking to the best-selling author of Fool Me Twice, Aaron Klein.
The book is available at InfoWars.com.
Look, in closing, these really are authoritarians and
Bush did a lot of authoritarian stuff that I was extremely critical of as well, but I've been shocked by mainline Democrats and Democrat publications across the board just absolutely backing Obama on outrageous stuff.
I mean, they could care less that Al-Qaeda wind up tens of thousands of blacks and mow them down or cut them up with machetes.
They could, I mean, they put out this war propaganda to invade Uganda.
I mean, just all of it.
These are really a nasty group of people.
And it just shows their followers are purely ignorant, hype-driven people who have no real liberal intentions.
Because I could admire somebody that's anti-war and stuff.
I could admire some...
I mean, Thomas Jefferson, I would see as a liberal.
These people have nothing in common with Thomas Jefferson, and they are flaming authoritarians, and I'm shocked by their criminality.
I mean, it is shocking.
Yeah, personally, by the way, as a reporter, I've been to different events in the Middle East, like, for example, a speech in Ramallah on the 40th anniversary of Fatah, where I was sitting next to members of the world media, and I heard one thing, and in fact have the transcript of the speech, and then went back and saw how they all
Amazingly, and I don't think they coordinated with each other at all, they selectively quoted, they changed what was said in order to meet a specific agenda.
I think though that there's no question that we're at an economic emergency as a country.
We have two choices.
Choice number one is Obama, who does not want the country to know what his specific plans are for four more years.
There's no question, because if he did, he would give a speech that would outline what he is planning to do.
He isn't.
And so what I'm doing is taking the actual blueprint for his second term, that if he only implements some of this, we won't recognize the country in four more years.
And I'm not allowing him to get away with
Not telling the public what his plans are.
Well, you know, that's where I was going next.
I haven't seen Romney spell out how he's going to cut government spending in specific ways, which government agencies he's going to cut.
Every speech that I heard, and I pay attention specifically also when it comes to the Middle East, seems no different when it comes to his agenda on Syria.
He talks about Assad having to go and backing the rebels.
I don't think that he's going to come with this expansive agenda, but I think we might be looking at George Bush number two, which is basically some of Obama's policies, but in slow motion.
So the question is, are we going to get on the fast train to disaster?
Do you think Romney would stop having the TSA take small children behind closed doors and grub them?
I haven't heard anything about that from him and so many other issues that we want to know he just has not addressed.
Well, all I know is Al Qaeda is not hiding in my wife's bosom and I want the government to stop it.
Thank you so much for joining us, Mr. Klein.
The book's available at InfoWarshop.com.
We'll talk to you again soon.
Stay with us, folks.
You are listening to GCN.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we got a big news glitch coming up.
I'm going to start the segment going over an article we put together announcing the new magazine officially, Print 2.0, the answer to the internet kill switch.
Then I've got to get into the ADL.
Again, trying to imply that I'm the hero of cop killers.
Very, very dangerous to have that group doing that.
Very authoritarian.
We're gonna be breaking that down coming up here after the break.
We're gonna get into Russia and China warning the West against Syrian intervention and a bunch of other news I haven't gotten to yet and I've just got to go through all this information.
There's so much of it.
But right now let's go to a few callers who've been holding patiently like Josh and then we'll go to Moose and then Susan.
Josh, you're on the air from Oklahoma.
Go ahead.
How's it going, Alex?
First off, thank you for opening my eyes.
My six-month-old has been hearing you since before he was born and he recognizes your voice whenever you come on air.
Now, I have to agree with you with the crackdown on free speech.
It's becoming ridiculous.
I'm currently dealing with a lawsuit against my local police department for a civil rights violation with a similar incident like your second caller.
The police department is taking screencaps of my Facebook posts and they put me on their watch list as a suspicious person.
No, no, what they're doing is they're taking training that they did for gangs where they stop you and take photos of you and all this and they're now putting conservatives, libertarians, patriots in those.
So if you don't like checkpoints they're running, if you don't like, oh, well we're just going to put you on the list, buddy.
Uh, and so I say fight fire with fire.
Just shoot video of all of them, put them on YouTube, talk about them, follow them around, see how they like it.
Yeah, and see, that's one of the beautiful things about Oklahoma is we're still a one-party state.
So, you know, I have a right, as long as I'm part of the conversation, to record the conversation.
But they pulled my military record, uh, they know I've been kicked out for being a conscientious objector, uh, and, you know, they've, they've known that I, uh, worked in ordnance.
So they, that automatically makes me suspect
Well, that's because they're going to start a civil war.
Look, the ADL, Southern Primary Law Center, federal government say the veterans will attack all police stations with improvised explosive devices.
It is coming.
Get ready for war.
And then they hype it and get the police and military to treat veterans like crud starting the fight so they'll have the civil war.
I mean, and OK, cops and military.
I know most of them aren't like this, but the leadership is you want to get this fight started.
I happen to know how it ends.
With you absolutely defeated, cowering in your little fortresses, and then they're going to bring in the real torture teams, the mercenaries, the foreign troops.
And it's not going to be UN helmets.
This is official plans.
And we don't want to be enemies with you.
But stop harassing real Americans that know that we were occupied by foreign banks.
Stop demonizing us.
Stop it!
We're the ones that knew Al Qaeda worked for the globalists.
Proven now!
We're the ones that knew the foreign banks were setting up world government.
We've been proven right!
The reason we're being demonized is we know what we're talking about!
And we're not going to the stinkin' FEMA camp!
Don't stick your hand in the bear trap!
I'm trying to warn people over and over again.
Why is our symbol a rattlesnake?
Rattlesnakes aren't aggressive like water moccasins, folks.
They don't look for trouble.
They shake their tail and say, hey!
Don't tread on me!
Hey, you see this?
You see that?
You know what that is?
That's a rattle on this end and fangs on that end.
Leave me alone!
You understand that?
You speak English?
Treat me just as good as an illegal alien.
I saw some big controversy where an illegal alien was drunk driving so the cops took him to a Taco Bell and then the guy stumbled out in traffic and got run over.
Because the judges say don't bring illegal aliens in.
I want to be as good as an illegal alien.
In fact, just legalize all the illegals if I can just have the rights they have.
Call being above the law.
Alright, I appreciate your call, sir.
Sorry to hear about that.
You know, I would, uh, you can either move out of the town or you can start really trying to talk to those guys.
I would go up in there at restaurants and stuff and really try to talk to them like a human.
Hey, you've dehumanized me.
Stop doing that.
I'd give them a copy of the magazine.
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Alex Jones here with a message to fellow freedom lovers.
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Are you?
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, coming up, I'm gonna respond to the ADL's latest demonization of yours truly.
Alex Jones, that's me.
And we've got big news, government documents prove domestic drones are for spying on Americans.
Remember a month or so ago they ran a national hoax saying the drones were not for spying, that InfoWars.com was wrong, that DrudgeReport.com was wrong, that Matt Drudge was wrong, that I'm wrong, that oh we're not going to spy on you.
And then now the new documents are out there as if we needed, as if we needed Homeland Security documents to know they're already arresting people using drones.
They're already weaponizing them.
But a key article by Steve Watson up there.
Also, federal court rules.
Banksters can steal pensions.
We're going to be going over Kurt Nemo's article.
And another amazing story.
Cops interrogate family for allowing kids to play outside.
This is the new way CPS takes your kids.
Everything's endangerment.
They just make it up.
Then they go into the clutches of the most dangerous people out there.
That said, if you go to the front page of InfoWars.com, you can see the featured news stories image, and it is the cover of our inaugural September issue that I wanted to put out a little bit early.
We're starting out with 50,000 copies on the streets of Austin.
I don't
And Tim came in here during the break.
It is explosive.
People are excited about this.
They are buying it en masse at cost.
At cost.
You can buy 10 copies for $9.95.
You can buy upwards of 100 copies and the price just goes down and down and down.
We factored it out.
At cost.
We are selling these at cost.
In fact, if you go to the article print 2.0, answer to the internet, kill switch,
You can actually go to the bottom of the article and there is a link where you can go and see all the different prices and that's what I'm doing right now even though I came up with these prices last week going from memory.
You can get 10 copies for $9.95, 20 copies for $19.95.
You can get 50 for $50 or 100 for $74.95.
And we actually lose money on that $100 one, but I think if somebody's ordering $100, I'm happy to lose $8, $9.
But we've done all the math.
This is at cost.
That's why there's no free Citizen Rulebook or bumper sticker with these.
Because I can't afford it.
All the other orders, of course, you get free Citizen Rolebook bumper stickers and pins and stuff we throw in there.
The point is, it's all available at InfoWarshop.com.
But wait!
You do not need to buy the hard copies, even though this will really get people's attention.
Great way to give them to friends and family, as low as 75 cents apiece.
We're going to have a subscription thing up later in the week, too, where you can sign up for years to have all the issues mailed to you.
We're going to have later, of course, a year later, have a back issues deal.
And I plan to go weekly down the road.
But the real plan, what's really exciting, I'm going to get to here in just a moment.
You can go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com and click on the article, Print 2.0, The Answer to the Internet Kill Switch.
And when you go there, the first link is to InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter.
And you just subscribe there to the free newsletter and you get exclusive articles, videos, a news boil down every day, but
We're also going to send you a free PDF that is put out by Issues.
You can flip through it, click on the links, the links work.
It's amazing.
We're going to send that out to everybody that signed up for the InfoWars Insider.
And again, you just go to InfoWars.com forward slash insider and get a free digital copy.
And then I'm not asking, I'm begging.
Pay it forward.
It's free.
Send your link to everybody on your email list so they can read it as well.
And tell them to subscribe for free if they want to get the free magazine.
And believe me, the graphics in it, the graphics team, they did a great job.
I'm surprised in the first issue, we only found a few typos and problems, and we did our customary thing where one printing, we're doing a second printing right now.
That'll be the collector has collapsed.
The letters flipped in it.
Collapses, but it's classic.
The point is, is that I'm gonna flip through this for you in a video I'm gonna shoot today.
All over Austin, by the way, these Infowars.com,
Little stands.
What do you call it?
What do you call the thing that you put the magazines in?
The magazine racks.
Yeah, the racks.
There you go.
And a thousand locations, ladies and gentlemen, we're putting the magazines at.
Two hundred I paid for the racks, which cost me quite a bit.
And again, we're beta testing this.
We're rolling it out.
It paid for itself to be able to print it.
Hasn't made money but to be able to print it in the first issue.
I don't care if you're in a small town or a big city, you can, because we have to have the lawyers write it up for everybody and stuff, you know, so that it's all legal and lawful and properly done and so we're protected, you're protected, and a code of conduct and stuff for the paper because I don't want to get sued for what somebody writes locally, you know, it'll be your own standalone deal and you'll be responsible for what you write in your area.
But I'm getting off on a legal ease.
The point is that
You'll have our national news with your local news as a supplement to it.
And then you'll get part of the advertising in your area.
And then you'll have the Infowars name.
And then you'll have print locally everywhere.
That is so exciting.
And we're already getting all sorts of printers, publishers, radio hosts, radio station owners, TV station owners.
They're getting that this is exciting.
Now let me explain why we're going back to print.
Print 2.0, the answer to the internet kill switch, reading the letter from the publisher.
That's me.
If you're picking up this publication for the first time and wondering what we're all about, the answer is freedom.
We stand behind the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the concept of 1776 expanding worldwide.
The idea of liberty all over the planet.
We are a firewall.
Standing between liberty and the tyranny of the corporatist and monopolist system that is diabolically opposed to freedom and the free market.
Especially when it comes to the media and unrestricted flow of information.
We oppose the wireless NSA wiretapping and the secret arrest of Americans under the NDAA.
We oppose endless and criminal proxy wars carried out in our names.
We oppose the persecution of people for religious or cultural reasons.
We are not left or right.
We are constitutionalist.
Imagine the average liberal in Austin, who's not really a liberal, who's a fascist, program mind slave, reading something like this for the first time, that's outside their little political correctness box.
He's gonna freak them out.
I love it.
Because Obama... See, it's not about preaching to the choir, folks.
It's about reaching out.
Because Obama is currently the titular head of the global empire and crime syndicate, a lot of this publication will be about his actions.
In the past, we were critical of Bush.
We will also examine Romney and others who may replace Obama and his administration.
Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, our flagship websites, are rated by Alexa.com, it's actually four times.
We're good to go.
I told him to check the numbers.
I don't think he knew how to read them.
The point is, news via print is dying as a result of a perfect storm.
People are abandoning corporate newspapers and print publications and are instead flocking to the web as so-called mainstream newspapers.
Just regurgitate corporate and government talking points.
Mainstream news is also dying online.
This is why we are able to dominate
Them with film videos and our news websites.
Print isn't really dying because of the web.
Sure, it would have reduced it some.
But people like print.
They are... It's falling apart because people are leaving print and it's horrible propaganda.
Now here's the important part I'm going to get to right now.
We're going to skip this break because I've got to have time to finish this.
Thank you.
Network break.
We're skipping it.
Stations should not skip this.
Print is impervious to a government kill switch and any other electronic scheme designed to shut down areas of the web that government wants censored.
Digital and network technology make it easy for corporate control freaks to track down dissidents, delete their words, and even kill audio files of their voices as they have done with my voice on YouTube.
Corporations have gone so far as to claim copyright on voices, including that of Optimus Prime, a character from the Transformers franchise.
That's right.
YouTube is now adhering to third-party claims of ownership, where now the guy that does Optimus Prime can't even speak to somebody on the street because they say the voice is owned.
That's a way to erase everything.
It's already happening.
We warned of this years ago, now it's happening.
And that's their little secret plan.
Once you're up in the cloud, they can shut you down.
That's right, YouTube is now adhering to third-party claims of ownership, many of them erroneous to people's own voices and is using this as a pretext to delete content representing a new frontier of censorship via copyright.
Automated software bots are now being used to preemptively censor content with no due process whatsoever.
It's prior constraint violates the First Amendment and triplicate.
Kindle recently demonstrated how it is possible to remove content when it invaded privately-owned devices that had legally bought the books without permission or warning and deleted e-books.
Ooh, I should have added how they went in with the Jesse Ventura Marshall Law Show and deleted.
Off the TiVos.
It was supposed to air 50 times.
That's how they do it.
Cost close to a million bucks to make an episode.
I was like, cost $700.
No, close to a million.
Aired once.
Homeland Security freaked out and had it erased off the TiVo and all other cable systems went in and erased it.
I talked to executives.
It was confirmed.
But I mean, they sent me the orders at one time Warner in a major city where they said, you will do this.
Most cities, it was just remotely done.
Kendall recently demonstrated how it's possible to remove content when it invaded privately owned devices without permission or warning and deleted e-books.
As Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, if I pronounced that right, recently warned, the idea of cloud computing poses a threat to the existence of digital material and the idea of individual ownership.
The director of the CIA has admitted that the internet is a surveillance tool that even gives smart appliances the ability to spy on you.
This censorship war amounts to nothing less than electronic book burning, where words and ideas can be digitally erased from the cloud.
The automated bots will now do the work of the firemen in Ray Bradbury's dystopian classic Fahrenheit 451.
Print makes this sort of censorship virtually impossible.
It allows you to hold a physical copy in your hand.
A physical copy that you can now pick up in your city or order online in bulk at cost at infowarshop.com and give to your friends and family.
We're going back to the very roots of free speech, the Gutenberg printing press.
While also continuing to expand in an increasingly restrictive internet space where cybersecurity legislation is little different than that the state is doing to freedom of expression in Russia.
More and more the web is darkening as our authoritarian government expands its reach.
While we continue to fight for internet and cyber freedom, it is important to embrace print at a time when everyone else is abandoning it.
Print media is important because it is not dependent on a device that can be controlled, disabled, or turned off by government kill switch or corporate kill switch at the whim of a corporation.
All you need are your eyes.
Print gives you the power, the power to the reader.
Over the next year, we will transform from a monthly to a weekly publication.
We will also launch a franchising of a publication within the next few months.
This will allow others that share our passion and love of liberty to add their local stories to our national and international content.
Franchising will also allow you to share ad space.
In addition, we will offer a digital copy of the publication, which you can receive for free.
All you have to do is sign up for our newsletter at InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter.
And I should add, franchisees will also be able to have subscribers in their geographic area.
With specialized, you know, tailored local news coverage.
Continuing here.
Infowars.com forward slash newsletter to sign up for your free e-copy.
Over the next year, we will transform the monthly to a weekly, as I just said.
Franchising will also allow you to share ad space.
In addition, we will offer a free digital copy of the publication, which you can receive for free.
All you have to do is sign up for the newsletter at mfoldworks.com forward slash newsletter.
Ultimately, the success, and this is key, of this venture is up to you and other liberty lovers eager to see the message of resistance delivered across all media.
We will serve as an example that will help lead print back from oblivion and make a truly useful activist tool in the fight against global control freaks determined to dominate all media and wipe out the message of resistance as they move to consolidate power and dominate the world.
Alex Jones.
And this is the great fight.
15 years ago, you couldn't find organic food anywhere.
People started voting with their dollars, now it's displacing all the other crud food, and they're coming back with counterfeits.
Well, we are exposing that.
They're catching a bunch of the major brands lying.
This is what happens.
And I believe if we put enough passion, energy, research into this, this will become successful economically.
Even in the depression.
Probably more so because it's the depression.
And we'll be one of the few islands of truth.
And I actually welcome with relish.
Knowing that as soon as this is proven as financially viable, we're going to see other local papers and national papers pop up in competition with us.
In fact, they'll probably attack us.
But that's what children do.
It's part of the growing process.
You know, mental children.
And that's okay.
We were all mental children once.
It's a thought process.
But the point is that we welcome everyone else to do this.
I know this is viable.
Again, we already paid for the printing, the graphics people, and other things with the amount of advertising we got.
In fact, the Lord provides.
It didn't make any money this month.
But what publication can make money when they first roll off?
I looked into it.
Basically, it's unknown.
It's unknown with periodicals.
It's unknown with magazines and newspapers.
We're set next month to make a good profit.
Which I will plow back in, plow back in, to hiring even more people, because we've got to move towards the weekly.
I've got to hire people that are specialists in dealing with, because I spend all my time just in lawyer stuff, trying to just do basic stuff.
We're not lawyer heavy around here, we're lawyer light, but I'm going to roll something out and got to have a basic code of ethics.
You know, people don't print the publication in their town, there's a bunch of porn stuff in it, or, you know, kill black, kill white, you know, basic code of stuff.
We're going to work with people that are already publishing, people that, you know, have their heads screwed on straight, but it's going to be InfoWars, but then it's going to explain that the local content, it'll be published in that area under their licensure with the InfoWars name, but they will take responsibility for their content, we for ours.
And again, third party authors not so much, you know, just basically say that we don't absolutely follow their views.
But that's a small side caveat.
It's just that's why we're not going right to the franchising up front.
We're getting good at it.
We're doing a few issues first and then moving into that.
And it's going to be very, very successful.
People are hungry for this.
In fact, that's all that's been successful is little specialty magazines and newspapers.
For years, I've been talking to publishers around the country, successful local publishers.
The Austin American Statesman can't get people to subscribe to them.
They can't give it away.
It's gone from a thick paper to a tiny paper because they keep pushing establishment propaganda.
But they put out a satire joke, Onion.
They published the Onion locally, which has national stuff and local stuff in it.
And I had this idea six years ago before they even did it.
It's just, you know, common sense move.
I'm sure others have the same idea.
You know, I'm sure somebody looking at a swimming pool thinks about swimming in it.
It's not like it's, you know, you're a rocket scientist that you want to swim in the swimming pool or you see a big cheeseburger, you want to eat it.
Hey, somebody else is eating a cheeseburger.
You're plagiarizing me.
No, cheeseburgers are good, man.
They taste good.
I mean, they're necessarily good for your heart.
But the point is,
I forget my point.
I'm kind of brainstorming here on the air about this in generalities, is that this is a big deal.
And this is up to you.
Its success will rise or fall with you.
And I know it's going to be successful.
The question is how successful.
I would like this to be explosively successful.
Explosively successful.
Because the idea of citizens in mass buying these at bulk at cost
I don't care if you're free market and go out on the street corner and, uh, you know, sell them for $2 a piece and make a profit.
I mean, that's what this is all about.
Sell them in your shop.
That's one thing we'll probably change, even though it is going to be free, is it says free on the cover that people are buying them in bulk and are going to subscribe.
We should have a note inside saying free on the street or something like that.
But I want people to be able to sell these too.
It's not just about making money, it's about sustaining yourself.
You sell them in your gas station, sell them at your church, sell them wherever, sell them for two, three dollars, because it's definitely worth it.
48 pages.
We plan to make it even bigger.
All the graphics, all the articles, all of it.
I'm going to show you some of this.
In fact, I'm going to do a whole video on this today.
I'm going to come back and cover news here.
But showing you with a document cam, if you're watching at PrisonPlanet.tv, I mean, it is just full.
It is absolutely just full of the economic collapse.
Where does money come from?
Rome burned, will we?
A brief history of false flag attacks.
The shadow Patsy rises again.
Bank cartel conquers America.
That's a very important article.
Liberty lovers listed as terrorists by Homeland Security.
Obama's jobs program.
Haunted by Hitler, Gerald Solente story.
The Second Amendment under attack.
Big Pharma exposed.
UN uses China as launchpad for global one-child policy.
This exposes eugenics.
Genetically modified apples are the newest GMO creation.
Pushed on consumers.
It's got a bunch of other stuff.
It's got Ron Paul's latest article.
It's got amazing gun sponsors, stuff like that.
It's got the economic collapse, incredible graphics that our team put together.
It's got how money works for people that don't know.
It goes into how they're creating a climate for collapse and civil war.
History of false flags.
It's got a big poster you can hang on the wall.
It's kind of a they live knockoff.
It's got Ben Bernanke.
We'll have to see it.
It's just all here.
It goes on and on and on.
This is going to absolutely shake people up.
I mean, print media out there is a bunch of dribble.
Establishment politically correct garbage.
Get your copy at InfoWarshop.com.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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We've got it.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
Alright, Moose, Susan, Shaw and others, I will get to you before this hour ends.
I want to get to the latest drone news.
But first, I want to just briefly address the Anti-Defamation League.
The ADL.
And there's an article that Paul Watson wrote last night dealing with this.
ADL implies Alex Jones' inspiration behind Louisiana cop killings.
Funny, we had an article about this yesterday morning saying they're trying to demonize sovereign citizen movements.
That's American citizens tired of being pushed to the edge, tired of being treated like trash, tired of being treated 50 steps lower than illegal aliens, tired of being treated like a milk cow that the government sticks a straw in and sucks dry.
The establishment wants to get a war going between the police and military and the American people.
The plan is for civil war.
And the Southern Poverty Law Center was forced to retract in 2009 when Richard Poplosky, a dishonorably discharged Marine and white supremacist, his mother threw him out of the house because he got a second pit bull.
This is all on record.
And she said, that's it, you're kicked out of the house, your dogs are using the bathroom everywhere.
And Poplosky, because understand what happened yesterday with the ADL, you have to understand the past of this.
Lepofsky threw a fit, and when the cops got there, he grabbed his semi-auto, Mac 90, and shot three of them.
Killing them.
And instead of blaming the Marines for him killing them, and I'm not blaming the Marines, but they would certainly be more to blame than I am, training him how to kill, I'm not saying that's even a bad thing, because if you train somebody who's good at how to kill, they can protect themselves.
The point is, he's drunk, this is all on record, he throws a fit, the cops come, he kills them.
The most dangerous thing is a domestic dispute.
Mama's boy, with his tough guy pit bulls, urinating and defecating everywhere.
Well, he showed mama, didn't he?
Well, then he gives up.
And within two hours of him in custody, the Southern Poverty Law Center beatrider there at the local paper came out and said he did it because he's a fan of Alex Jones.
And whenever, even before stuff like this happens, when Nightline or MSNBC or CNN,
Rolling Stone, the list goes on and on.
Whenever I get a call from a reporter, or they're here physically, they go, aren't you worried you're gonna cause violence?
And I go, you know, gee, I'm calling for non-violence, and I always have, but I am exposing, you know, that foreign banks are bragging they've conquered our country.
They've been doing that for years, but now they're out in the open.
Not just in their own publications, but, you know, trade publications, but in our face saying it.
And I told the Nightline guy, I said, let me show you clips of world leaders saying the crisis will be used to bring in one world government.
No, no, I don't want to look at that.
I just want to say you believe in this because you're delusional.
So stuff like that happens.
And so within two hours of this happening, the Southern Broadway Law Center and a bunch, literally more than 20 publications, ran with it as a national point saying Alex Jones is the reason this guy killed the cops.
And that's done so they can demonize my free speech.
And if cops are a gang, like any group of people, good gang, bad gang, it's a gang, they start thinking you're killing them, they're gonna come after you.
So it's an attempt to, the oldest trick in the book is to manipulate police.
Whenever they raided Sherry Peele Jackson, the IRS criminal investigator, she'd done nothing wrong with her free speech.
She sees lasers on her head in her house in broad daylight.
And her kids see lasers on her face.
And then they bust in and slam to the ground.
It's all part of the theatrics.
And the cops were like, well, we didn't find anything the feds told us would be here.
I have been in a parking lot at a land rights meeting in 2006 at the Texas State Capitol.
1996, time flies.
I have been
And I'm walking along and I hear him on the radio, he's like 20 feet away, and it was just ridiculous.
You know what, I'll just address the ADL tonight, because I addressed it a little bit last night, but not in the focused way I want to.
I mean, look, I don't want poison fluoride in the water, I don't want cancer viruses in the vaccines, it's all admitted, and you guys say I'm an evil conspiracy theorist because I know how to read major Harvard studies that are in the Associated Press.
I mean, I'm freaked out.
And I'm beyond tribalism just wanting to get in a fight with these people.
I'm beyond it, man.
I am beyond all this race stuff, all of it.
And the ADL has been caught, you can go to their Wikipedia page, it has links to all the mainstream news, running fake white supremacist groups.
I went and re-researched it last night and I'd forgotten so much.
I mean, it really is a nasty organization.
And now, oh yeah, going back to the Poplosky story.
So within hours they're saying it's my fault, because it was on his computer.
We get his handle and go find out he writes for all these big white supremacist sites, that he was all over our website.
Saying I was going to get it and stuff because I wasn't for violence and that I work for the Jews and all this.
I mean, that's another thing, man.
I'm so sick of getting it from all the crazy white supremacist groups and who are all handled and run by the feds and others.
And then the other side of the full spectrum dominance, the Southern Poverty Law Center and ADL.
I mean, I can't tell you how many cases where top white supremacists, top radio talk show hosts, white supremacists, it's all FBI, ADL, Southern Poverty Law Center.
And it's not like they're infiltrating groups, they're running them.
And I've got people that it's turned out were working for the feds, saying I'm evil, somebody ought to get me to their crazy audience.
So I get to have the ADL attacking me, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and then I get to have
All these groups, all these white supremacist groups, constantly threatening me.
And it's just so mindless.
Because, folks, I'm right.
I've got my finger on the pulse.
I know what's going on.
And believe me, it's not fun knowing what's going on.
It's like a nightmare.
Instantly being able to unspin things, instantly understanding the deeper meaning of things.
It's like torture, basically.
I mean, I wonder if my discernment and research has gotten to this level where I can't even articulate to you my understanding of things.
It's torture.
Everything is frustration.
I just am so tired of it.
Because there's a billion points I want to make, and verbally you can't do it.
Getting back to Blaplosky.
So, within two hours of these cops being shot, they're not even cold yet, they're saying he was a fan of Alex Jones, and I was his hero, and this is why I need to get in trouble, or whatever.
And the First Amendment's bad, and this is why we want to restrict the First Amendment and all this other garbage.
So, Paul Watson discovers, this guy's all over the internet, saying he's gonna get me and all this stuff, so he starts sending it to the press, going, you gotta retract this, you know, I can sue you.
And they all did retract, by the way.
Including the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Because I'm not litigious.
I mean, I'm not looking forward to having to sue people.
I have before.
Because once I see you, I gotta go perfect the case.
I've gotta make sure I win the case.
And then if I get a judgment on somebody, I mean, I don't like get off on getting the judgment and then enforcing the judgment and taking somebody's car.
It's harder to get their house.
Going after these companies.
But the point is, I got bigger fish to fry.
I told him.
I said, look, you're saying I'm helping get cops killed.
I can't allow this to stand.
Here he is.
You know that you were given this information.
And the thing is, the Southern Poverty Law Center and ADL basically run the police departments now.
And they're just in there demonizing the daylights out of people and scaring cops that the guy with a libertarian website on their car or a Ron Paul sticker, they're gonna kill you.
To the point of cops pull Ron Paul people over all the time for Ron Paul stickers.
It's happened to friends of mine.
And they ask him, got guns or got any bombs?
Because he's got a Ron Paul sticker.
That's an attempt to intimidate us.
And so if we let that intimidation work, it's over, folks.
We go into tyranny.
And so they're trying to do this right now.
And we've got to reach out to the police and military.
We've got to reach out in local communities.
You've got to bring an intelligence file to your sheriff, to your police chief.
And go, look, here's the ADL breaking into police departments.
Here they are, you know, they're people convicted of doing this.
Here they are running white supremacist leaders.
Here they are doing all this.
You've got to counter them with the real intelligence.
And the ADL is smart.
Southern Poverty Law Center.
They'll get the police chief and give him an award, give him a trophy, have famous people there.
They do it in every major city.
And they get the police chief up and give him awards.
I mean, it is just super creepy.
And when you do that, you're a schmuck.
When you do that, you're a chump, a sucker, a dupe, a useful idiot, a moron.
When you go and have the ADL
One time the ADL put on a gun seminar to discuss gun violence.
So I went to the synagogue where they were having it.
It was open to the public.
And when it got time for the question and answer, I said, listen, you need to stop demonizing the Second Amendment.
And they said, get out of here!
Get out of here!
And I started getting up and leaving and they said, and don't try anything violent.
There's no First Amendment with these people.
Oh yeah, folks.
I used to go protest at abortion clinics.
I've marched into synagogues and anti-gun meetings.
I mean, back in the day when I was just doing local TV and radio, I used to hit it hard.
That's what I'd rather be doing.
And I've gone to churches that are having anti-gun meetings.
I went to a Baptist church once, a Catholic church once.
I mean, it is just sick what's going on in these churches and synagogues and places.
Bunch of brainwashing.
The ADL wants to shut down free speech in this country, so does the Southern Poverty Law Center.
All the legislation they support is just unbelievably un-American.
And they are provocateuring.
They've been caught provocateuring.
Everything I'm saying is on record.
And my lawyer has put the ADL on notice before, and they actually changed an article that had stuff that was wrong in there.
It was that I was calling for violence against immigrants.
And I said, look, I'm not going to let you set me up.
So my lawyer, who they noticed was about as high-powered as it gets in Austin, they responded.
And I'm not here running around swinging a big hatchet at you politically.
Here's the deal.
I want my freedom and I'm going to fight for it politically.
You're not getting my guns, you're not getting my Second Amendment.
I mean, both these groups are the most anti-civil rights groups you can imagine.
And they're there to play blacks, whites, Hispanics, Asians off against each other.
A lot of these big organizations are.
And these are poverty pimps like Obama that create racial division in the name of fighting it.
And it's divide and conquer.
And it's all part and parcel of the eugenics with the Planned Parenthood and the abortions and all the rest of it.
And so this latest event I'd seen in the news was police don't know why they shot at them at the Valero station.
Police don't know why they ambushed him at a trailer park.
Turns out they were surveilling him because they were gun owners.
Turns out that they were planning to SWAT team him.
And it turns out, now we're getting reports, it looks like the cops may have been shooting.
And see, this isn't gonna be like Waco, where you come and you shoot up everybody, and then they shoot back, and then you put your hands up, and everybody then stops shooting.
People know you'll just burn them down and kill them, since they know they don't have anything, anywhere to go, when you've got locally, federally funded, anti-constitutionalist task forces operating in Louisiana,
And you rush in, people in this climate are going to start shooting back.
And by the way, in the future, they're not just going to wait at the trailer park.
I mean, you understand that, right?
If this civil war starts, you are to be destroyed.
And they plan on using patriots to do it.
And I'd say don't do it!
Don't do it!
But you don't have a choice when the police are coming in with their guns drawn because they've been told you're terrorists.
People are just going to say, time to die.
Whether you're going home in a body bag or they are.
The American people have had incredible restraint.
And now with all this demonization, the point is, is that now the police, one of the seven they arrested, they're saying not one of the shooters, but one of their friends, on a Facebook said he liked the Alex Jones Show.
Facebook says, who do you want to meet?
Who do you like?
Alex Jones.
And the way this is written, uh, and David Koresh, yeah, right.
No one in the Patriot movement says, I would like to meet Alex Jones and David Koresh.
Everyone knew David Koresh was a weirdo.
The point is they picked him and singled him out to kill those people, to start a war against the American people and churches and, and, and, and people that want to be left alone.
So they picked a group they thought they could demonize easily.
That all came out in court documents and congressional hearings.
And if you like the idea of dozens of little kids being burned up and blown up by the feds...
With the troops shooting them as they tried to leave, all on FLIR footage.
You're sick!
You're sick!
And you idiots at the New World Order think that you're going to intimidate us starting a civil war.
One Waco woke this country up.
So you had to do Oklahoma City to counter blame it on us.
You pull more Wacos, ladies and gentlemen, the American people are not going to go after the police and the military unless they get it in their way.
They're going to come after you.
And that's the basic message, okay?
Just because you can set up people or find people that are on the edge.
First they said they were criminals and all this stuff and just using sovereign citizen name.
Now it looks like they all had jobs, businesses.
We don't know what really happened with these people.
We don't even know if they shot the cops.
I've seen so much lies.
I saw a case where the Travis County SWAT team shot one of their own officers in the back.
Going up the steps so they blame the guy inside.
That happened out in Lubbock a few years ago, too, where the SWAT teams went in and shot their own people so they blame the guy, but it turned out he didn't have a gun.
And a good SWAT team member went public and told the truth.
You know, look, I don't want this war to take place.
But if the globalists start this civil war, I would suggest that police departments, once you, because you're not going to listen, I understand that, but once you're really losing the fight big time, remember I told you all this, if it goes to this, because you're meant to lose, they've done the numbers, okay?
You pick a fight with the American constitutionalists, you're going to lose.
You're going to pick a fight with 30 million veterans, a lot of them who don't even like life and
Are very depressed and screwed up.
They are going to come after you.
They're going to come into your police stations.
You hurt their family members, they're going to come after you like a terminator.
Now, we don't want to go there, do we?
I know I don't.
I know I like living.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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I'm gonna close by saying this, and I'll do a more focused breakdown tonight on the Nightly News.
I'm hosting it.
I know a lot of police.
They're really good men and women on average.
Most of them did join because it seemed like a good career opportunity because they were in the military or they were from rural communities and they want to go after bad guys.
And they find out it's really about revenue generating and, you know, putting on a show most of the time.
I know most police are good men and women.
And look, this isn't theatrics.
You know the globalists are trying to tell you there's going to be a civil war and that you will face veterans and gun owners.
And now you're taking the posture on of getting in people's faces?
You pull somebody over and harass them a couple times for their Ron Paul sticker?
You just radicalize them against you.
You're falling right into the trap.
It's like we're two roosters and they're putting us in a dirt-floored arena to kill each other.
It's stupid!
I'm so tired of watching the globalists play everybody off against each other.
They're trying to get Sunnis and Shiites to start a big civil war over there.
To kill millions of people.
They're trying to do that here.
Folks, they are geared up.
I've studied the architecture of this New World Order takeover.
They are gearing up to try to go... They're arresting people all over the country.
Talk show hosting people now.
We just confirmed another case who make mild statements about, I'm getting my guns in case stuff collapses.
The Hattari militia, the feds were in it.
I told people that before it happened.
I could tell they were being set up out of 2,000 groups.
I saw videos they did.
I could tell, oh, that's federal.
Because it looked like a cartoon.
I just smell this stuff out, folks.
I just immediately know stuff.
And the point is, is I warned him and then I got criticized for saying you've been infiltrated.
And it turned out the feds were in there.
They're like, what do we do if things collapse and they come to get our guns, the UN?
Well, I guess we got to fight.
Well, it's all right as Americans to say if there's foreign occupation, we're going to fight.
They arrested them for that.
And I told you they were innocent.
There's coming a time, folks, where they're going to try to arrest me!
And let me tell you, once stuff like that starts, police, then it's going to radicalize everybody.
And they're not going to... People are going to really get into an aggressive mode.
We want to keep things in a discussion here.
But I know, humans like to have wars and kill each other, and there's a kind of fascination like an arsonist has, of let's just get the fire going, let's just, let's just, let's just do it.
Let's just have war in America, let's kill the conservatives and libertarians, and let's kill the Alex Jones supporters, and let's arrest them, and let's, oh, so, so we can have great Agenda 21.
I mean, my gosh, think about your children, think about how innocent they are, people that work for the government.
And the bureaucrats.
Think about, think about how good this country's been and look at what we're bringing in.
Total world government run by foreign banks and the ADL says the world government doesn't exist as it's announced everywhere?
We're the good guys, the patriots.
Does that mean there aren't some dirt balls and people that take on that mantle that they're revolutionaries because they see it as fashionable?
And the government will focus in on them and on horrible, tragic events like these police officers getting killed, to then try to get you hyped up to go out, and I'm gonna find somebody who's a member of that gang, that Patriot gang.
Again, they're telling you, you're the cop gang, and anybody that's against the New World Order, they're that cop killer gang.
And it's gonna become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
And so, the shot heard around the world, cops are gonna start killing Patriots.
You're going to kill the wrong person's brother, and then they're going to come after you.
It'll be some poor, innocent cops in a restaurant.
You know how it'll work.
And then the cops will go even crazier, and then the fight starts.
Then the fight starts.
And then the hammer gets dropped on you.
The globalists want to destroy the police and military.
Look at their own documents!
Once you're out of the military, they say you're the terrorist.
Don't play this game!
Again, ADL, boom, trying to connect me to these cop killings.
Ladies and gentlemen, that's because we are doing everything we can to stop this, and the federal provocateurs want to get it going right now!
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
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We are now entering overdrive.
With your host, Alex Jones broadcasting live from the front lines.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You are the resistance to the global crime syndicate takeover.
We're jamming in some more calls here.
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Let's move quickly.
Moose in Florida.
Wow, you're incredible for holding.
What's your point?
What's your question?
Hi, Alex.
Yeah, I just wanted to point it out that for everybody listening in
Thank you so much.
Yeah, it's just disgusting.
To watch the globalists get the police and military brainwashed at people that are American and understand the takeover, that we're the bad guys.
When everything we were saying that the government said was a lie is now admitted.
It's like, oh, you were proven right.
Oh, they're terrorists.
They don't like the world government.
I thought I was a terrorist because I was lying about one being set up.
Most people are peer pressure driven, they get in a gang mentality, and I'm just telling you, I'm really concerned, folks.
I've studied the architecture of this whole thing, and it looks super bad.
Susan in Colorado, you're on the air, and then John in Ohio.
Go ahead, Susan.
Oh, hi Alex.
I am an RN in Colorado and I am just beside myself and feel so violated that the Public Health Department has passed the rule regulation to mandate flu vaccine percentages for healthcare workers.
Yeah, it's not a law!
It's all fraud.
They'll try to make you wear a mask, like wearing a yellow star in a concentration camp.
It's all fraud.
Fight them.
Get together.
Sue them over it.
Because it came out, the flu shot doubles your chances of getting the flu the next year.
Just get the literature together.
Sue them.
But they're making it so that you can only have a narrow medical exemption to even wear the mask and either take the shot or get terminated.
And who can get terminated?
So, I'm almost thinking I'm going to have to take the shot because I have to work and then fight it as I go along because... Yeah, ma'am, ma'am, it's a death sentence.
These flu shots...
Have been absolutely confirmed to give you cancer, brain damage, epilepsy, narcolepsy, brain cancer, autoimmune disorders.
I mean, listen, these big pharma have been caught killing foster children in studies.
I mean, this would be like the devil showing up with a shot and you taking it.
They're total authoritarian trash.
I absolutely agree, but what would you do, or what would somebody do who needs to work and you can run but you can't hide because every employer... It's all a fraud!
It's all a fraud!
Just, you can find a... Number one, the exemption is to a rule.
You gotta get an exemption when it's not even... It's a regulation.
It's just made up.
And so, what you do is, you tell them that you're not going to wear the mask, and that it's a fraud, that their rule's a fraud, and that you're gonna sue them for wrongful termination if they let you go.
Oh, okay.
I mean, ma'am, I'm not going to give you, that's what I would do.
You do what you think is best, okay?
But I'll tell you this.
I run into these young 25-year-old tribs on their second, third tour, and they're like, oh yeah, we know DU's not supposed to be used, and we breathe some of it, but I'm young, I'm tough.
I run into them five years later, and they're dying of cancer.
Look, nothing is worth your life, okay?
These are murderers, okay?
They know the vaccines are killing people.
Have you looked at how brain damaged and dumb the public are?
Well, you know, I'm even looking within my facility and I am just surprised that there's not more healthcare workers that are in an uproar over this.
The ones that don't want to take the shot just feel so compelled to take it.
You should get together and form your own group and have a class action lawsuit.
They tried to make it the law in Massachusetts and it failed.
Alright, we're out of time.
Sorry to John and others.
Huge retransmission coming up right now.
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