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Name: 20120816_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 16, 2012
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, I just got off the phone with Dave Mustaine literally 20 seconds ago.
And so I'm going to have to just give these directives here to my folks live on air.
Come on in.
I need to.
I need to talk to you as soon as we go to break, because Dave Mustaine is going to put a statement out through us.
I didn't really press him to do that.
He just wants to put a statement out through us.
I'm sure you've seen the 500 articles, ABC, CBS, everything, New York Daily News, about his comments over in Asia.
He got back a couple days ago to the U.S.
about the shootings could be staged by Obama.
And they're taking them out of context and making a big deal out of it.
So we need to get that clip, because it was you who put together that radio interview, right?
And, you know, the clip I didn't put out just because I didn't want to, even though it would have been big national news.
I just kind of made that decision myself.
If I do anything, I hold back sometimes.
People think I exaggerate.
Get that clip ready.
And I've got to, I've been talking to Dave.
He's going to send me his statement.
So get Watson on the horn.
So that we can put his statement into a blurb and then put under it the Larry Pratt thing.
Because, you know, Larry Pratt, head of the second biggest gun group in the country, who's never talked like us, said, yeah, they'd stage Fashion Furious as a false flag.
They'd stage these.
And you've got, you know, that's what Dave's saying is, you know, they they took him on stage and kind of edited it out of context.
And he just wants to be clear.
In fact, we got two guests coming up today and Dave's got some
Recording stuff that was already set.
So he has to go in and do that.
But then he's probably going to be on later after the show today.
We'll have that for the nightly news.
But right now we just want to get this statement out.
He started calling me yesterday afternoon before I got back to the office, and we weren't sure how big a deal it would be, but they're definitely freaking out about it.
Most people are supporting him though, because hey, government does stage this stuff, and it has all the telltale signs, reports of four shooters, all of it.
He wasn't entirely convinced the first Batman deal, despite all the anomalies, but when he saw the clips in the news about people saying they saw multiple shooters, and all the rest of it, yeah.
Absolutely, when they, in the second gas mask, and the people being told to shut up, and then the reports of people casing it, and then you've got white supremacists that are so infiltrated, and all the gun bills introduced right now.
My point is, I just need to brainstorm that now, so that I didn't forget it.
Just get Watson, because I was calling him.
Dave called me, I called him back, and I was calling Watson, he wasn't answering.
He's in England, folks, just tuning in.
Our only crew not here at the command center now is in England, Paul Watson and Steve Watson Brothers.
And so I just want to podify an article about Dave Mustaine released a statement on Sikh situation, Sikh shooting.
And then we'll just have, but here's the issue.
I've got to give Paul Dave's email, because he sent me text with his statement, but I need to make sure it's codified right, because I'm getting it via text.
He approves it, then we put it out, alright?
I don't want to lose any time on this.
So that's basically it.
Thanks a lot, buddy.
Okay, we got a big show lined up today as well, obviously.
We've got Gerald Cilente.
Gerald Cilente is on the broadcast, always informed of dealing with this admission of global meltdown accelerating.
And I'm really excited about this.
Richard Belzer has written a book dealing with government cover-ups, government shootings that were blamed on Patsy's.
We've had this set up for two weeks!
This is put out by our good friends over there at Sky Horse Publishing.
We carry a lot of their great books.
And it's available at Infowarshop.com.
But it's Dead Wrong, straight facts on the country's most controversial cover-ups.
Yeah, government killed Martin Luther King, blamed it on a Patsy.
That all came out.
Government killed RFK, blamed it on a Patsy.
All that came out.
Even the police report said that.
Killed JFK, blamed it on a Patsy.
Killed Marilyn Monroe.
So, funny, normally with this much breaking news, I'd move a guest like that, but it's perfect timing!
So we'll go over other past events.
Why we, when there's motive, when there's the tell-tale signs, why we look at the usual suspects who've been caught doing this stuff before.
So that's all coming up.
Guys, I don't seem to have any news on the Dave Mustaine thing.
There's hundreds of articles.
Type in Dave Mustaine, click news, and print me a bunch of articles on that.
Thank you.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We have Gerald Cilente on this Thursday edition, joining us in T-minus 53 minutes from now.
Then we have TV host, big-time actor, and author Richard Belzer, who's written a new book dealing with government staging mass shootings and assassinations, and blaming it on their political enemies.
Dead Wrong's the book by Skyhorse Publishing, forward by Jesse Ventura.
Nice timing!
We've had this set up for two weeks to have him on.
As I know you've probably noticed, it's on every TV station out there that I've seen.
Local radio is covering it.
National radio.
You name it, it's being covered.
Hundreds of newspapers.
Dave Mustaine was in Asia a few days ago.
He's now back in California.
Formerly of Metallica, of course founder of Megadeth.
And Dave Mustaine talked about the fact that he thinks Obama may have staged the shootings to get our guns and bring in a police state in Aurora and in Wisconsin.
So in Colorado and there.
And it's a big national story right now.
Also, the writings on the wall, they're getting ready to dump Biden right now.
Because of his thing about black people are going to be put back in chains if Romney gets elected.
So that's big news.
That's coming up.
But Dave and I were talking yesterday about it.
Dave called me right before the show started and he's writing up a statement and we're going to release it at Infowars.com in the next hour or so.
I'm not sure if Dave wants to release it, but we have, you know, we did a recording as well with him basically just saying, look, if they'd stage Fast and Furious, they'd say anything.
Same thing Larry Pratt said.
So, that's all a clarification.
It is a big story.
They're scared of this.
If people just stop buying whatever the system says, it's over.
Their little game is over.
And they don't like it, and love Dave or hate Dave, I know him personally now for about five years, and he stayed at my house quite a few times, family, friends with him.
I can tell you right now, he's the real deal.
He's a real guy, and he's really starting to wake up to the full big picture of what's going on.
So this is a big story, and again, he's got commitments.
He's recording right now.
Just dropped his daughter off at school.
He is recording right now for the next four or five hours.
But after the show today, we'll probably do a taping.
I'm scheduled to take my children somewhere and then come back tonight.
But whatever has to happen, we'll get that out for you today.
And there'll be a statement coming up very, very soon here.
Huge economic news, giant news on the Wikileaks front.
The attack on the Family Research Council not being called terrorism.
Obama isn't making statements on somebody saying he was mad about Chick-fil-A and Christians.
They went there and shot some people and I guess it's a big celebration.
So there you go.
Of course, people with guns were able to stop him.
Continuing, we're going to be looking at all of that and some big federal court rulings.
Warrantless cell phone tracking is illegal federal court rules.
Now, I wanted to air this yesterday, but the show just got filled up.
But we're going to air this now.
This is Paul Watson's breakdown of parallels between our society and Rome.
And so we're going to air this piece from InfoWars Nightly News a few nights ago, and then we're going to go to break and come back and get into all of the incredible news.
I'm Alex Jones.
Here is an excerpt of Paul Joseph Watson on InfoWars Nightly News.
The parallels again between our republic turned into an empire, the same thing that happened to the Roman Empire.
This is key information.
Stay with us.
Rome burned, will we?
And this is an article I put together with Alex Jones.
As America's engineered economic implosion accelerates, the parallels with how the Roman Empire fell are staggering.
America is now ruled by a gaggle of completely corrupt financial terrorists who will stop at nothing to hollow out the country in pursuit of their own maniacal and selfish gain.
This precisely parallels Rome's rapacious ruling emperors and senators of the 5th century, who were so obsessed with seizing wealth and control, that they ended up destroying their own culture, their own country, and the whole empire in the process.
So basically this is mainly about the planned financial implosion with, of course, the so-called stress tests on the banks coming up.
The banks have been told by the Federal Reserve, prepare for a collapse and the government's not going to help you.
But it's also about the innumerable similarities that 21st century America shares with the Roman Empire.
And it's just amazing how close they parallel, how close they match up.
You know, we've got the United States with troops stationed in some 130 countries now, outstripping anything the Romans ever had in terms of occupation.
But, of course, sharing the same impossible task of maintaining such a sprawling empire, when the US can't afford it, it's gone bankrupt, 16 trillion in debt.
Meanwhile, we've got the ruling greedy elite centralizing power and wealth, capitalizing, hijacking the very financial crisis they created to do so, just as the Roman emperors and senators did back in the Empire.
And also, of course, record numbers of Americans, about a third of the whole population, on some form of government welfare.
Same situation in Rome.
So again, we've also got the moral decline of America, you know, added to the obsession with sports and entertainment, which is directly contributing to the decay in society because people are just obsessed with entertainment, bread and circuses.
They've abandoned their civic duties.
They're no longer interested.
Same thing happened in Rome.
Almost exactly the same thing.
That's, of course, where the phrase bread and circuses came from.
There's actually a poem
Or a quote in this article written by the poet Juvenal from 100 A.D.
He was talking about Rome at the time.
And he wrote about how people had sacrificed their involvement in real affairs, you know, which directly impacted their lives and substituted them for bread and circuses.
Exactly the same thing happening in America today.
Just as in Rome, we've got in America a situation where an overwhelming number of illegal immigrants have flooded in and refused to assimilate to the point where they're now trying to actually claim their own territory, just as the tribes that flooded into Rome did all those centuries ago.
So, again,
Same parallel, you know, we've got these La Rasa movements, we've got the Mexican flag being flown above the American flag in places over on the West Coast, we've got race being played off against race.
Exactly what happened in Rome.
You can go through all the scholarly texts about how Rome collapsed, and in almost every instance in society, in the economy, in culture, America parallels Rome in every sense.
It's scary.
So, you know, where's it all leading?
It might take a couple of hundred years.
The Roman Empire lasted, for what, nearly a thousand years, so... We don't know the time frame, but what we do know is, short term, all this is going to lead to riots and civil unrest.
And eventually, it's going to lead to the collapse of America, just as Rome collapsed 1,600 years ago.
So basically, this article's about the ruling class.
Are they so consumed by their avarice and lust for power that their actions could lead to the actual collapse of Western civilization?
Because it's happened before in history with the Roman Empire and other empires, and there's no reason it can't happen again.
So Rome earned, will we?
Important article up at Infowars.com that I put together with Alex Jones.
Paul Ryan sold shares on same day as private briefing of banking crisis.
This is out of The Guardian.
Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney's vice presidential running mate, sold stock in US banks on the same day he attended a confidential meeting where top level officials disclosed the sector was heading for a deep crisis.
The congressman on Monday denied profiting from information gleaned from the meeting on 18 September 2008, when Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, then Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson and others outlined their fears for the banking sector.
His office said he had no control over the trades.
Public records show that on the same day as the meeting, Ryan sold stock in troubled banks, including Wachovia and Citigroup, and bought shares in Goldman Sachs, Paulson's old employer.
By the way, that is something in the financial stack we're going to be getting to.
It's now well over 50% down Facebook stock as more of the insiders can quote, legally dump their stock.
But I read where some of them dumped it right away.
But now they're saying they weren't allowed to dump until now.
We'll have to research those conflicting reports, but it's down well below 50%.
What a giant scam, really.
Run by a guy that calls his users that trust him, dumb bleepers.
And a group that wants you to face scan to buy and sell and uses all the data on you.
And it's hooked into the Globalist.
That's why not this year, not 2012, but 2011 in St.
Moritz, Switzerland, our reporters Paul Watson and Aaron Dykes were there, and it was Facebook people and Google crawling all over it.
AP reports Facebook stock plunged to a new low Thursday after the expiration of a ban that had prevented some, some see, some were allowed to.
Investors and insiders from dumping millions of additional shares they own in the social networking leader.
Firms ranging from Acel Partners to Goldman Sachs.
And others.
Peter Thiel, yeah, he was at Bilderberg, and Reid Hoffman were among those free-to-sell stock they own after the lifting of a ban known as a lock-up period.
That was after the, quote, trouble the first few days as they were dumping.
If many of them took advantage of that, Facebook stock could decline because the market would be flooded with nearly two-thirds more shares.
It is making its race towards the toilet bowl right now.
And it's all a big joke to them.
It's all funny.
It's all real.
It's funny to them they put fluoride in your water to brain damage you.
Like right here in Austin, our mayor, I've been there, he laughs at scientists, you name it.
He'll laugh at Harvard studies about brain damage, cancer.
It's all funny.
It's just like, you don't seem to understand, we know!
Ha ha!
You don't seem to get it, we enjoy it!
Ha ha!
So sit there and die, my little minions!
It's all funny how they kill us.
It's all funny how they rape and rob us.
It's all funny until the giant awakens!
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If you think that I don't know about the little trick you play And never see you when deliberately you put things in my way Well here's a poke at you You're gonna choke on it too You're gonna lose that smile Because all the while
I can see for miles and miles.
I can see for miles and miles.
I can see for miles and miles and miles and miles and miles.
Oh yeah.
I can see over the horizon.
You took advantage of my trust in you when I was falling in.
That's what situational awareness is all about.
But it's not hard to see for miles and miles.
If you're not naive, and if you've studied history, you can see for miles and miles and miles and miles.
And it's our goal to get you to where you can see for miles and miles and miles politically, economically, spiritually.
Humans only live 75 years on average.
In the last 6,000 years of recorded history, there's only been 60 generations.
We're starting the 61st generation right now.
A little more than 60 generations in recorded history.
Humans always think they're smart, especially criminals.
They think they got it all figured out.
They have intelligence, but not wisdom.
And they don't see what they create.
They don't see their own megalomania.
They're not humble.
They think they're winning.
If cancer had a consciousness, as I've said a thousand times, it would think it was winning.
It's not winning, it's destroying.
As Max Keiser said, who's joining us tomorrow, they're programmed to take it all.
And when I've seen countless staged shootings, mass shootings, murders, terrorist attacks by every major government in the world the last hundred years over and over again, from the Tsars to the Nazis to our government, to the British government, to Israel, to the Arab governments, this is one of the oldest tricks in the book.
And we have staged shootings of RFK and the list goes on and on.
Of course we look at more modern events that have perfect timing with a bunch of anti-gun bills and UN treaties that have all the tell-tale signs.
Of course we look at it and say, number one suspect is who's done this before.
And only the naivete of the general public, not knowing from historical experience,
In research, only the naivete allows this to happen.
Dave Mustaine's being attacked all over right now and he's happy with that.
Or talking about the fact that he thinks Obama's people have a hand in staging the shootings.
They're the prime suspects.
Now why is that?
Well, I mean, if they've been caught shipping guns into Mexico to kill thousands, as Larry Pratt has said, they've got to be looked at for staging these when it has all the tell-tale signs and the timing.
And the fact that this is out there is going to backfire on the establishment.
They think they're going to demonize this idea?
Everybody I know is going, oh yeah, that does make sense.
Because we know you're a pack of criminal liars.
I didn't have to see for miles and miles and over the political horizon to know that Facebook was way overvalued, probably 10 times in its public offering, its initial public offering.
To say it was a giant pump and dump scam with the whole media getting behind how great it was to sucker what they see as the idiot public.
Let me tell you a brief story.
I'm going to come back and go to news.
I went yesterday.
I took my son to work.
I promised to take him to Barton Springs.
Hadn't been there in about a year.
It was like the Caribbean.
Big spring fed pool by the river.
I mean, we're talking two foot long bass, foot long perch.
Just ultra gorgeous.
I go there.
I walk up and the women are all standing there in line to pay to get in the city park, taking their time, acting weird, acting all neurotic with their kids.
And I'm like, man, because this is liberals.
There are a lot of good people there as well, but they're not even liberals.
They call themselves liberals, just really neurotic, screwed up people that never lived in the real world and are just really have problems.
I'll have to go to break and finish the story.
And I watched the young lady behind the counter.
People, there's like 20 people in front of me.
I'm sitting there watching, as it kind of turns catty corner, I'm able to see, I'm sitting there watching, people watching, anthropology, sociology, psychology study.
And I'm watching people say, thank you, when she hands them their change back.
And I go up there and I said, hey, how you doing today?
Doesn't say anything.
I'll tell you the rest of the story when we get back.
This is the future man of the globalists have their way.
Mind dead jellyfish.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Hey, this is perfect music for Dave Mustaine now.
His last record.
This is from what, uh, 13?
13th album, that's why he called it 13.
Public Enemy Number One.
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Monday through Friday, 12 noon to 3 p.m.
Eastern, back Sundays 4 to 6 p.m.
Nightly News, 7 o'clock Central, streams out live to everybody.
And I just learned that for a while they've not been restreaming and it just goes right to archive after it airs once, a lot of times live.
No, we're going to keep restreaming the Nightly News now for those of you that like the streams rather than waiting for a download.
So that is back in effect there for people over at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Again, I want, in a few minutes, to re-air this.
I aired this last week.
The video is up at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
I'm going to have one of the webmasters add full-spectrum evil, breaking down how the globalists manipulate countries and nations and religious groups against each other as divide and conquer.
I'm going to air this again today, ahead of Gerald Cilente joining us, and we're also going to have
Richard Belzer, who wrote Dead Wrong, straight facts on the country's most controversial cover-ups, where they stage shootings of RFK, JFK, the injection murder of Marilyn Monroe, the shooting-killing of Martin Luther King.
We sell it at Infowarshop.com, but the movie star and TV host, I don't know, TV star, will be joining us, scheduled, coming up in the third hour today.
Dave Mustaine is locked and loaded to tape an interview with me today because he's in recording studio right now and he's pretty professional.
He just does everything in the order he said he would.
I was set to go to a meeting after two that I can't really miss.
I don't know what we're going to do with that.
Just so happens I happen to have a recording though of Dave saying what's all in the news right now that I never heard.
I told people he said some controversial stuff, and he wanted to air it, and I said, you know what?
I said, they're going to spin this against you, and even though you'll come out good on the end, I'm tired of my show being places where my friends get attacked.
I learned my lesson with Charlie Sheen.
Again, huge attention for this show.
A million visitors a day on InfoWars.
Try five million for about a week.
But it's my friends.
And I don't want to see them have problems.
I mean, I'm here to say it's an inside job.
All the evidence points towards it.
I mean, I'm kind of the kamikaze.
But Dave's done it.
You know, Dave wanted to say it, so he said it.
He said it more cogently because he's on stage there and more focused on the show.
So I'm pretty much ready to be given the green light to play it so he can clarify.
It is in
Hundreds of publications right now.
We have an Infowars.com article.
Dave Mustaine Obama staged Batman massacre like Fast and Furious down at the border.
Well, really what he's saying is he thinks they may have and that if you're already known for doing stuff like this, you got to be a chief suspect when you have all the telltale signs of people saying multiple shooters.
We're going to be going over all of that and then with Gerald Cilente,
They've said they're, the British have said they're going to raid the Ecuadorian, that totally violates international law and common sense, that they're going to raid the embassy, armed raid, that's an attack on a sovereign country, that's a war, if they don't give up Assange who's gotten asylum.
They were just blaming the Chinese a few weeks ago, the Chinese were saying, release our
We're good to go.
BBC, because they've taken most of the guns there.
They have draconian gun control.
The public is just being fed on it.
It says the police can't protect them.
Oh really?
What do you think happens in New York and Chicago?
By the way, they're reporting here that areas out around the world that were the most dangerous in other countries are no longer the most dangerous in the world because Chicago is now the most dangerous in the world.
Because they have total gun ban for the citizens there as well.
And we're going to get into Biden.
Looks like he's out.
Big stack of news on that front and what that signifies.
We'll cover that after this break.
But here is the video slash audio presentation.
Full spectrum evil.
The video of your radio listener will be posted in the next 20 minutes at InfoWars.com.
Get this out to everybody because if you want to understand why the bankers are funding Al Qaeda, you need to see this video and hear this audio.
Here it is.
Alex Jones here to cover a topic, an issue, that is one of the most important I've ever discussed.
This information is very closely held by governments and elite corporations.
They do not want you understanding this.
Now many of you that are already aware of this
It'll seem simple, but large swaths of the global population have no idea the real geopolitical paradigm that we're living in today.
Today we will look at the real forces, the real players in the battle for 21st century global hegemony.
I'm gonna break down who really rules the world.
How they control the planet and how they are trying to usher in a world war that is really pointed at the general population.
To begin my illustration, I have three different board games here.
Chess, the classic game of risk, as well as Monopoly.
And we're going to look at these systems of stylized warfare.
And between these three systems, we find the truth of the system that we're living under.
How do we know that system?
Well, books written by people like Carol Quigley at Georgetown, Bill Clinton's mentor.
They think we're stupid, and so we have their own documents.
To begin with, I'm going to use a Lego chess set as a illustration to break down primitive forms of government, warfare, and domination.
If you look at this set, you notice there are two sides.
There is the red, and there is the green.
Or there is the black, there is the white.
From the beginnings of civilization more than 6,000 years ago, until about 1700, this was the model of warfare between nations.
There were occasional alliances, but by and large, warfare in politics was carried out in a very two-dimensional way, like a chess set.
You have the ruling class, the royalty, the priest class,
The military elite, the generals, and in front of them you have basically their conscripts or the lower class fighters who can also represent just the general population.
And these two groups are engaged in warfare and base domination against each other to control larger areas of land and the vassal populations living in serfdom upon it.
One area that we see from the ancient chess model that is still used in statecraft by the globalist is the fact that sometimes wars were launched, in the case of the French and the British, against each other when they had rebellions at home.
They soon learned it was a way to turn
Inner anger at the state, against a foreign state, and to reduce the population of young males that you didn't have jobs for.
The two-sided fight is a bygone era.
In truth, for more than 300 years, the globalists have been financing multiple sides of wars, knowing that conflict destroys nations and gets countries deep into debt.
And that is the key.
They're financing both sides, and we see this being pioneered by people like the Rothschilds, starting in the 1700s and 1800s, where they would finance sometimes three or four different factions, and it didn't matter who won, because all of them were in debt to them, and had societies that were wrecked after the wars.
Next, let's look at the game of Risk.
These are primitive attempts to distill down human conflict and domination into a game you can play in a few hours.
The militaries all have basically equal resources, equal numbers of troops, and to enter into the equation, some type of random probability, we have dice and we have cards.
There is no discussion here on looking at the real model that we are under today.
We're going to come back to risk here in a moment, but first let's move to the game of Monopoly.
In the game of Monopoly, you have different economic groups or four players that attempt to engage in economic warfare against each other and then be able to create a monopoly or a single entity that is in control of New York City.
To understand the real system we're under, it's important to combine monopoly and risk with an overlay of strategy from chess.
And this is a key part of the real system we live under today.
The founder of the Rockefeller dynasty famously said that competition was a sin, and they wanted big governments that they financed and controlled to be able to shut down their competition and pick winners and losers.
This is the essence of monopoly capitalism, the opposite of free market, and is simply a form of fascism, what Mussolini called corporatism.
So out of these three board games, Monopoly best describes our modern system.
But in itself is only two-dimensional.
You see, the private Federal Reserve that's owned by six private banks, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Bank of America, and others,
They always win.
You're playing their game.
You think you're battling it out for houses and apartments, and for Park Place, and for the electric company, and for the railroad, and for the Top Hat, and for the fashion show.
But it's the bankers that control the politicians.
They've got the get-out-of-jail-free card.
And they've got control of the money.
The Treasury works for them.
So the bank always wins.
But what happens if a country won't sell?
What happens if an African nation won't play the Monopoly game?
Or what happens if a Middle Eastern country?
Does it want to be part of the modern bankster system based in London and New York?
Well, then that's where risk comes in.
Because they want to be able to take you over through economic espionage, as John Perkins has written in his bestseller, Confessions of an Economic Hitman.
But if they can't,
This is in all the official CIA and State Department documents.
They will then come and finance your neighbor to attack you.
So Libya is not playing ball.
It's building up and industrializing all of Africa.
You want a global monopoly.
You just play countries off against each other.
You're a globalist.
You've made yourselves exempt.
A diplomatic immunity at the United Nations.
Who set that up?
The robber barons.
What do you do?
You just have Al-Qaeda come out of Egypt into Libya, ethnically cleanse, blow up most of the infrastructure, knock out Gaddafi, and now they have to come to you and borrow money out of your bank to rebuild and you own and control everything.
And guess what?
If you want to get that welfare check, well, you got to take the vaccines, which, by the way, sterilize you.
So they're using the strategy of chess, but they're employing it through a monopolistic system, where they have a monopoly on the issuance of currency and credit, and they also have the biggest militaries on Earth, from the United States and Europe, controlled and dominated 100% by them.
They've announced that we're totally their slaves, and they have such disdain for us, they use our supposed enemy, Al-Qaeda, against the Russians,
Against the Serbs and now against other Middle Eastern nations.
While simultaneously telling us we need military-style occupation within our countries by the TSA and the military to keep us safe from Al Qaeda, who they sponsored and created.
And remember, the banksters are openly crowing and bragging that they have conquered you through monopoly capitalism.
The question is, do we all work for central bankers?
That's what I want to address to our guest tonight.
Is this global governance at last?
Is it one world, the central bankers in charge?
Aren't we all just living and dying for what the central banks do?
To answer your question, we are absolutely slaves to central banks.
And they weren't able to do this because they had better products.
They were able to do it because they created their fractional reserve banking here in the U.S.
and similar systems worldwide, unlimited free credit for themselves, which they then loan out to you at interest.
But that wasn't enough of a fraud for them.
In the last 20 years, they've deployed derivatives, completely made-up counterfeit instruments to the tune of more than 1.5 quadrillion.
That's 1,500 trillion.
With that
Counterfeit money, they were able to buy up all of their competition, pay off the governments, and dominate defense industries, as well as media, to carry out their propaganda.
And herein lies the big secret that they don't want you to know.
The big secret hiding in plain view.
We think about nations, and continents, and cultures.
But in truth, the globalists, the bankers, who have unlimited money, they're waging war against anyone else that has any assets, because they want everyone to be impoverished, so you have to go to them, and so that you have to follow all of their orders, so they can control human development and society.
In the past, they would brag about their real political system in fictional accounts, in movies like Network.
Let's analyze a clip of that.
There is no America.
There is no democracy.
There is only IBM and ITT and AT&T and DuPont, Dow, Union Carbide and Exxon.
One vast and ecumenical holding.
For whom all men will work to serve a common profit.
Oh, there are no more peoples.
There are no more nations, Mr. Beale.
Each one of us has one piece of stock in the global system.
One ecumenical giant global government.
Except one thing.
That big global corporate system they've been selling us on doesn't want us to even be alive.
It's designed to consolidate control and then slowly cut off the resources while the banksters themselves pose as the saviors, selling people on getting deeper into the tyranny and the pain
We're good to go.
You have been warned.
I'm Alex Jones signing off for InfoWars.com.
The ball is in your court.
The rest is up to you.
Please get this presentation out to everyone you know.
We've got to understand the enemy we're facing if we have any chance of defeating these people.
Humanity hangs in the balance.
Alex Jones here with a great way to beat the blackouts, get off the grid, and generate your own supply of electrical power.
Folks, with what's been going on in this country, I don't have to tell you about the power grid and just how vulnerable it is.
That's in the mainstream news every day.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Police Chief Dan Oates issues this immediate public statement claiming there is just one shooter.
Every single indicator is that this is all Mr. Holmes' activity and that he wasn't particularly aided by anyone else.
This is the same police chief that presided over a blatant violation of the Fourth Amendment by illegally cuffing and detaining 40 innocent people, including women and children, for over two hours while looking for a bank robber.
Early on, the police scanner supports the one-shooter theory.
Mainstream media promotes the one-shooter theory.
And honestly, for the record, there was only one guy.
Yes, actually, the shooting probably started, like lasted probably for like about a minute or two.
But according to the police scanner, another suspect is spotted just three minutes later.
From what we saw, he wasn't alone.
He had someone with him because the second can of tear gas didn't come from his side.
He was completely dressed in black, head to toe.
From what we saw, it seemed like he had something over his face, probably to prevent him from breathing it in.
We can only assume that someone got him in, because whatever he was wearing seemed thick, so I don't think he would really... I think he'd stand out in a crowd.
One shooter theory loses even more credibility when a second gas mask is discovered.
How is it possible that 12 people were killed and 58 were injured by a semi-automatic weapon that jammed?
He shot easily like 60 or 70 rounds.
Then there's the official story given by the president himself concerning the blood path behind the theater.
Obama claims that this wound spilled what appears to be buckets of blood.
In the aftermath, the vulture media swoops in, misquoting Holmes' mother regarding the shooting causing her to issue this statement.
I did not know anything about a shooting in Aurora at that time.
He asked if I was Arlene Holmes and if my son was James Holmes, who lives in Aurora, Colorado.
Yes, you have the right person.
Holmes' father worked for San Diego-based HNC Software Incorporated, a company that worked with DARPA to develop quatronic neural networks.
These enable machines to translate oral and visual stimuli and simulate human thinking.
And Holmes' grandfather had deep ties into the intelligence framework of the U.S.
The children of people with similar backgrounds are highly susceptible to exposure to monarch mind control.
Using brainwashed patsies in PSYOP massacres has become a commonplace thread in American history as the shadow government strengthens its stranglehold on public perception.
Instead of really digging into why this apartment would be rigged to kill, but then Holmes would then warn police, and then lawyer up and not say anything else, where he got the funding and the firearms training, and these eyewitness reports that there was more than one person?
Yeah, instead of asking those questions, national media want to focus all their attention on why guns were legal in the first place.
Now is the time to shine a light on the obvious motive behind this tragic event.
The motive to pass the United Nations Treaty on Small Arms.
John Bowne, InfoWars Nightly News.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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My friends, do you know one of the key hallmarks of a hardcore police state, whether it was Soviet Russia or Nazi Germany?
Governments would take political dissidents' passports away.
In the United States, that's only done if you've been charged with espionage, or if you're out on bail for a serious crime.
The IRS has written a law that's passed the Senate and is now in the House, and Forbes and other publications are reporting on it like it's no big deal.
Hey, if the IRS says you owe back taxes, you're not going to be allowed to travel outside the country.
They're going to take your passport.
How many times have I told you this was coming?
This is exactly what the IMF and World Bank, the consortium for the international arm of the private Federal Reserve, have called for for more than 15 years.
A global cashless society.
Already many jobs, you've got to get TSA approval and authorization to have them.
I saw Homeland Security nine years ago on C-SPAN say, you're not going to get on a plane if you haven't paid your taxes, you're not going to get a driver's license, you're not going to be allowed to work.
This is total enslavement.
This is beyond anything we've seen in history.
It is incredibly illegal.
Travel is a right, not a privilege.
A passport is a right as a citizen.
This represents withdrawing and revoking your citizenship.
That's what it is under another name.
They tried to pass a bill last year for any reason the president wishes outside of a court to take your citizenship away and then they say they can secretly arrest you or kill you.
When he couldn't get that passed, he just signed the NDAA and said he can secretly arrest you or kill you.
Well, a law that's unconstitutional is null and void.
Marbury versus Madison.
What this represents is capital controls.
When governments start to collapse throughout history, they always try to clamp down on people leaving the country with money.
Bottom line, the IRS is the collection agency for the private Federal Reserve.
Pre-1913, dollars that were fiat were backed partially by silver and gold and said United States note on them.
After 1913, they said Federal Reserve note.
In 1963, Kennedy reissued $5 bills that said United States note on them.
And he signed an executive order to begin the abolishment of the private Federal Reserve and its collection agency of the IRS.
That's why the banksters killed him.
My point is, yes, a country has to have taxes, but these aren't taxes.
These are levies to private international banks.
Just as Europe admits they're now under Goldman Sachs dictatorship.
Not through money they owe, Goldman Sachs got their governments to sign on to the derivative fraud they created.
This is so incredible.
And now the banksters are saying, if you don't pay all the taxes we want directly into our private coffers at the Federal Reserve, outside of a court, outside of a conviction, outside of law, we're gonna put you on a no-fly list.
Just like Rahm Emanuel, former chief of staff at the White House, said at a gun grabber meeting.
He said, look, if you're on a no-fly list, over 2 million Americans are on that, by the way, you're not gonna be able to buy a gun.
That is, if you are on the no-fly list,
Because you are known as maybe a possible terrorist.
You cannot buy a handgun in America.
One of the things you don't know about is the number of people that we have turned away because their name has been on the watch list or on the no-fly list.
Only my mom could, but not me and my dad, because both me and my dad are on the watch list.
Now they say they want to expand that to where if you haven't paid your taxes, you can't buy a gun.
Of course.
These are taxes to the IRS, and they just say you haven't paid.
The bankers are taking control of our lives.
They are squeezing Europeans with the exact same system.
This is hardcore fascism.
This is incredible tyranny.
And we've got to defeat this legislation that is now in the House.
Get these articles and get them out to everybody and demand that the corporate whore dinosaur media cover this.
Because these are internal checkpoints, internal passports, and they're saying they're going to revoke your citizenship.
That's what this does.
Extrajudicially, this is off the Richter scale when it comes to despotic, oppressive tyranny.
The Federal Reserve is engaged in a total coup d'etat over due process and threatening to revoke our citizenship and pull our passports if we don't fully submit to the bankers.
The bankers are pressuring local governments to raise the local property tax that we didn't have until 60 years ago in this country that turns your property into basically a government rental.
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
Did you know that the global elite are now storing non-hybrid seeds in secret storage vaults near the Arctic Circle?
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Alex Jones here with a very important announcement for truth seekers.
We've carried a lot of amazing films and books over the years on the online video bookstore at Infowars.com.
And out of all the titles we've carried, one stands out because it is just so chillingly convincing.
And that's Dreams from My Real Father by Joel Gilbert, available at Infowars.com.
This film exposes the fraud that Obama is like nothing I've seen.
If you want to know who Obama's real daddy is, this is the film for you.
Don't forget, your purchase supports our broadcast and our growing media network.
You'll also find it at infowarshop.com, None Dare Call a Conspiracy by Gary Allen, the book that woke me up.
We're also carrying Behind the Green Mask, UN Agenda 21, by Rosa Corey.
This book is coffin nails to the globalist takeover.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
This is going to be an incredibly jam-packed next two hours.
You've already heard the first hour of the worldwide broadcast going out on over 115 AM and FM affiliates, global shortwave, WWCR and XM, channel 166.
So that's what's being broadcast and transmitted.
Streaming, you can listen at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com on this Thursday, August 16, 2012 edition.
There are thousands of articles.
NBC News.
You name it.
Megadeath's Dave Mustaine says Obama is behind deadly shootings.
And my name's been brought into this because he talked about the fact that he thinks the president's a criminal and a liar a few weeks ago on the show.
I just interviewed Dave Mustaine.
That's why we aired a few of our special reports the last 15 minutes.
I just went over to the TV side and did the interview with Dave.
And it's a video interview.
He's on the phone.
It's video.
We're transferring it over.
It's about five minutes long.
We will air it here on the radio probably right before we go to movie star and TV star and researcher Richard Belzer who has written dead wrong straight facts on the country's most controversial cover-ups about government shooting people and staging it and blaming patsies.
Isn't that funny?
We had this guest set up two weeks ago.
Jesse Ventura wrote the foreword.
Here's the deal.
Operation Northwoods calls for shooting people in movie theaters and on the streets and blaming political enemies.
Operation Gladio, hundreds of bombings and shootings in Europe carried out by NATO, partially declassified.
The Italian government completely declassified it, blowing up school buses, shooting people, bombing theaters, shooting up theaters, shooting up churches, shooting up police stations to blame their political enemies, whether they be left or right wing.
If the groups weren't controlled by the globalists, didn't want the bankers to take over like they've done now, you get a bombing or a shooting.
Dave Mustaine has come out and said, hey, if they'd stage Fast and Furious, they'd stage this.
We got to look at it.
He said at a concert overseas.
And we've been talking on the phone lately about this, you know, the Sikhs president saying he saw multiple
You know, people casing it, witnesses all saying four shooters.
That's what was reported!
We need to look at this.
We'd be idiots if we didn't.
It's time to stop trusting the system.
Now I'll tell you, this is breaking.
Just like with the Dixie Chicks saying they didn't agree with the war.
They're trying to cancel his tours.
They're trying to persecute Dave Mustaine right now.
Like Chick-fil-A, even if you don't agree with what Chick-fil-A did,
You've got to support the First Amendment with these bullies.
Guy went in and shot up the Family Research Group.
The Family Research Council, yesterday, with a bunch of Chick-fil-A stuff, saying he was mad at them.
Okay, these are terrorists.
You've got to support the First Amendment.
And we will have that exclusive Dave Mustaine statement coming up.
Quite frankly, he said stuff after the Batman shooting interview we taped after the show one day, and I didn't even air it because I didn't want this big controversy, even though I knew in the end he'd come out smelling like a rose.
I just don't like my friends having this stuff happen to them on my show.
That's happened a lot of times.
But they're going to come after him, folks.
They're going to come after him.
They didn't go after Larry Pratt because he's a Fox News contributor.
That doesn't fit into their whole game plan.
They think he's a good target.
And now we're going to talk about the economy, the accelerating world events with the premier trends forecaster joining us via video Skype right now.
He is Gerald Cilente with the Balance of the Hour.
And there's so much I want to get into.
I mean there is so much that I want to break down.
They look like they're about to dump Biden right now.
That's the writing on the wall.
We'll get his take on that.
We have got just amazing stuff.
Federal courts ruling that cell phone tracking is legal.
Just throwing out the Fourth Amendment.
They're saying they're going to raid the Uruguayan
They're saying the Ecuadorian, excuse me, the Ecuadorian, teleprompter free folks, the embassy, which is just incredibly illegal because they're going to try to give him
Political asylum.
Just amazing the type of evil we're seeing.
Ecuador grants asylum to WikiLeaks Assange.
All of that and all the big articles.
In fact, I left it in the studio from last night.
You guys bring me all the financial crash stuff.
You've been called a pessimist porn dealer, Gerald Salente of the Trends Journal.
For predicting, with precision, everything that's happening.
The wars, the Tea Party years before it came, the attacks on small businesses, the rebellion, the meltdown of derivatives, that we were really in a depression and never left the recession.
All of that confirmed are saying, get the banks ready for collapse.
You know, the elites are all buying gold up.
That was in the news.
Soros, the rest of them.
Literally everything you've said
But you don't get praised by the corporate prostitutes, you invented that word, for telling the truth.
You get even more demonized as it all unfolds.
So you've told us what's coming.
Tell us, and it's come true, tell us what's coming now, Gerald Solente.
What's coming now, unfortunately, looks like our worst scenario forecast that we've made recently.
And that's the first great war of the 21st century.
And people refuse to put the pieces together.
Whether it's going on in Syria is very clear.
This is a move to limit the power of Iran and Hezbollah.
You know, people forget that Israel lost against Lebanon in that last war.
And one of the reasons why was they were getting armaments from Iran and Syria.
The other issue, of course, is when you move beyond that,
There's a revolution going on in Yemen, and they're very concerned because Yemen backs up to Saudi Arabia, which, as everyone knows, is the greatest oil producer on the planet.
And the people there are very unhappy, and I know that this may sound contrary to all those fairy tales that we're all taught as little boys and girls.
They don't like the king!
The king!
How about calling him a dictator?
Oh no, he's a king!
Hey ladies, you want a free Afghanistan, right?
I hear all that all the time.
You can't drive a car in the kingdom.
So you have a revolution going on there that's spilling over.
Bahrain is ready to go up in flames.
Greece is cooked.
You have an unemployment rate of over
25% but just officially and then youth unemployment over 50% you see what's going on in Spain they don't report the millions of indignados that are taking to the streets to it's it's turned back you know how I talk about Alex that
The timelines are parallels to the crash of 29, the Great Depression, the currency wars, trade wars, world war, the panic of 08, the Great Depression slash Great Recession, currency wars are going on, the trade wars and world wars.
It's a replay almost of the 1930s.
Just the names and the situations have changed.
The people are in Franco-era depression levels.
Oh, and then over there in France, yeah, they just got a new president over there.
And you read the language in the toilet paper of record, the New York Times, the self-proclaimed paper of record, they have a little story in there about the riots going on in France.
And you know who's rioting?
Hey, those people from when they used to, remember those French used to take over Algeria, Morocco, and then all those people came over to France?
Yeah, them!
And you know who them is?
Them are the 50% of the youth unemployment demographic.
It's unemployment worldwide.
You know my saying.
When people lose everything and have nothing left to lose, they lose it.
They're losing it around the world.
The war has begun.
I read your website and I see what you're posting on there about the hollow point bullets.
We all know about the National Defense Authorization Act.
About all the armaments going into our military police because now they both become one with the National Defense Authorization Act and the repeal of the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act that allows the military to take over.
Police duties.
So yes, the whole thing is collapsing.
And now, of course, we gotta run.
Gotta go after Iran.
And what are the reports out?
I'm not making this up.
This is coming out of Israel.
They're preparing the people for a 30-day war?
What psychopath came up with this idea?
30 days?
Oh, you could put a timeline on it, eh?
They're nuts!
They're out of their minds and they're taking the people to war.
In the meantime, let's go look at some economic data.
Oh, China.
You know what China's export numbers were last month?
How about 1% growth?
Virtually nothing.
Their imports were only 4%.
You look at Brazil, they just announced a 66 billion dollar stimulus program.
The Real is crashing.
The Indian Rupee is in the toilet, and they're trying to stop people from buying gold.
Oh, and you mentioned that Soros and Paulson are buying up tons of gold.
Oh, but they're brilliant!
When Salenti says it,
Oh, he's a gloomy doomer.
Oh, you can't eat gold.
Oh, you can't eat gold?
How about shoving this?
Oh, no, I have to be clean.
This is a, this is a chiller.
Gerald, speaking of that, let me throw this at you.
As you know, the Associated Press reporting, because I know you're in news now and you'll know this.
Reported yesterday, the Chinese government has suspended all purchases of U.S.
stocks, saying the system can't be trusted.
And just last week they had articles admitting that the flash trading is such a manipulation, stealing billions a day, that you can't even trust the market.
It's totally rigged.
Only an imbecile, only an, not only an imbecile, only the people that would vote for Romney and Ryan or Biden and Obama are too stupid enough, too blind.
And too ideological to admit the entire system is rigged.
The last time we're talking about the LIBOR scandal.
Oh, what's a LIBOR?
Oh yeah, what's a LIBOR?
It only controls all the money that's being created and interest rates.
Oh, that's all it is and it was rigged.
And as you pointed out,
The high-frequency trading.
Yeah, the game is rigged.
How about F-trade?
Oh, here's another one!
Hold on, we gotta go to break.
Gerald Cilente will give you his website when we come back.
Write it down, get the trends alerts free there on his site, or subscribe.
We'll be back.
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Gerald Salente is our guest.
We're going to put his website up on screen for you here in a moment.
But here is the hard copy of it.
It has Christ whipping the money changers, JPMorgan, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, Chitty Group and others on the cover.
Going back to Gerald Cilente in the short segment, long segment coming up.
Again, you read your latest issue that just came out a few weeks ago.
A couple of articles you've been gracious enough to let us use are in our new free magazine that's coming out.
It's all happening.
So, the long and short of it, what do you expect to happen now that they're scurrying around themselves talking about a very serious collapse?
And what do they mean by a banking collapse?
What would that look like, Gerald Cilente?
Well, what it's going to look like is they're going to call a bank holiday if this thing continues to collapse.
And we had wrote about that.
We even had a link up of Joe Biden campaigning for
John the Slime Cozine!
That's right, the former governor of New Jersey and senator of New Jersey, also in former head of the Goldman Sachs gang.
Back in 2009, Biden was saying, it's there on YouTube, anybody can find it.
That when the Obama administration got into office, the first thing the transition team was talking about was calling a bank holiday.
And Biden repeats it.
That's right, a holiday.
It ain't no holiday.
You can't get your money.
Oh, and by the way, before I go on, speaking of John Corzine, did you see the headline today in the New York Times?
You know, the self-proclaimed paper of record, more aptly called the toilet paper of record.
No criminal case is likely in a lawsuit caused by a firm.
I want to read to you this little bit to show you toilet paper talk.
A criminal investigation into the collapse of the brokerage firm, MF Global, and the disappearance of about $1 billion in customer money.
What, did it just evaporate?
Oh no, but I'll go on.
That's toilet paper talk so that you think it's legit.
...is now heading into its final stage without charges, expected against any top executives.
That's right, they'll get some low-level sapastooge to take out.
But here's where it gets good.
After 10 months of stitching together evidence on the firm's demise, stitching together evidence, again, more toilet paper talk,
On the firm's demise, criminal investigators are concluding that chaos and porous risk controls at the firm, rather than fraud, allowed the money to disappear, according to people involved in the case.
It just disappeared!
1.6 billion dollars
And this sets an incredible new precedent.
I'm seeing top money managers getting out of the market entirely, citing this, and citing federal cases now, saying no one's money is safe in banks anywhere, as you said last November, when the heist first began.
That's exactly it.
Now, one more thing I want to read out of this.
They're talking about the bet he made, a 6.3 billion dollar wage, this is what brought the thing down, MF Global, on European sovereign debt proved fatal.
And again, how could any imbecile, this guy is supposed to be so smart, bet on European sovereign debt as the Euro crisis is going into the toilet.
The size of the bet was enough to wipe out the firm many times over, and as questions about Europe's health grew, a run on MF Global ensued.
In the panic, the firm tapped
Customer money to stay afloat.
It didn't tap customer money.
It stole customer money out of our segregated accounts.
But the toilet paper and the rest of the prostitutes, the CNN, the Cartoon News Network, the ABC clowns, the MSNBC shills, they refuse to go after the big guys because
They're prostitutes and they bow down!
Gerald, are they not now actually aiding and abetting in the criminality?
What they call stealing money, tapping.
So if I rob my neighbors and the cops show up and I've robbed the neighbor, I say I'm just tapping their account.
Right, and the money just disappeared out of the house!
Hey, that computer you took, all this jewelry you robbed, it disappeared!
It disappeared!
Or we just tapped it!
We didn't steal it, we tapped it, Gerald!
We'll be back!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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This sounds like a song about drones.
Where they got 20,000 of them.
Flying around bombing whole villages to kill one person.
Oh, but people that do that wouldn't stage a mass shooting.
You know why?
Because they're so courageous.
So courageous.
We've got the exclusive Dave Mustaine clarification on Obama staging the mass shootings.
We have the video, we have the audio.
We'll air it after Gerald Celente leaves us, either before
Our next guest, author, TV host, movie star Richard Belzer joins us.
Or after, I'm not sure.
But this is like in thousands of newspapers right now and we're going to hit them and hit them hard.
So just get ready, get ready for that.
This won't be Dave up on the stage just saying something offhanded.
You'll actually hear him cogent and focused.
And I think this will backfire on him, but they are definitely after his First Amendment right now.
That is coming up.
Now you can go to TrendsResearch.com and find the Trends Journal, or you can also go to TrendsJournal.com, takes you to the same place.
Invaluable info.
I must read.
Check it out today.
Again, Gerald Solente joins us.
I want to go through some of the economic news because, you know, we laugh and joke about this.
He had a lot of money, six figures plus, stolen from him.
We'll leave it at that.
Gerald Solente.
But it wasn't stolen, it was tapped.
First they say in the same article it disappeared, but then it was tapped.
It disappeared like into JPMorgan's pocket as he and Max Keiser said back in October, November.
And now it's confirmed JPMorgan London got it.
HSBC is in mainstream news, running drugs just like Wachovia, Wells Fargo, in the hundreds of billions a year, those guys, running the torture aircraft, running the drug aircraft, stealing people's pension funds, selling into the market stuff that they know is worthless crud, bragging about it, those emails are out there, but they're just tapping it when they lie to an old lady and sell her fraud with Timberwolf.
And now,
We said this months before.
You said it.
We said it.
I mean, it's not like we're even that smart.
We're just not total idiot chump suckers who love being taken for a ride every day.
You know, I mean, you know, you raped me 10 or 15 times.
I'm not going to trust you anymore.
That's why we're extremists, pessimists, poor and bad people.
We talked about Zuckerberg and Facebook and the fact that even mainline groups were saying it was overvalued by 10 times at least.
Some estimates were 20 times.
But it was 10, 15, you know, they're in that area, it varied.
And of course they were allowed to dump up front and then dump later.
And they're dumping and it's totally illegal.
But they sent Martha Stewart and they're trying to get the owner of the Mavericks who criticized Bush, who didn't engage in insider trading, clearly.
They're going after them because, oh look, we get the bad men.
There's the bad men, there's the bad woman, but not the real crooks that make Bernie Madoff and Ken Lay look honest.
What do you say about Facebook, here, Gerald Solente, and the fact that now the criminality is just parading around and the prostitutes, as you said, are saying the sky's the limit?
I mean, I guess that's why judges think they can say no Fourth Amendment now, because the media will cover their evil wart-covered patoots.
I mean, what is the end?
Once corruption in history, as you know, reaches this festering point when the pustule pops and just deluges us in this scrofulous stink, where are we going here?
I'm ranting, I'm sorry.
Well, on the Facebook issue, you know, we have Trends in the News as part of the subscription for the Trends Journal.
And when the IPO came out, I said, I'm not telling people how to invest.
I don't give investment advice.
I'm a forecaster.
And I'm forecasting that this thing is going to dump out.
And I would not put my money in it.
And the reason is because it's all, you've got to get advertising.
And people use Facebook for what it is.
Who looks at the advertising?
People blast right by it.
The other issue of course be, it's a fad, it's not a trend.
I wrote in Trend Tracking in 1996, what they're calling social networking, I call it techno-tribalism.
It has much more richness than just BSing back and forth to people.
So we knew it was a bust.
Where is it all going?
And as we look at, we talked about LIBOR.
We're talking about all the criminality going on in all the different levels.
You mentioned HSBC.
You could go down the list, one fine after another, no one's head rolls, and it just keeps going.
The fish rots in the head down.
The entire system in the United States, as you look at it, is nothing more than a fish rotting within morality.
How about that lovely war over there in Afghanistan?
Hey, all you Obama-nices!
Remember when he had that troop surge?
Yeah, what did today, a helicopter got shot down?
What, another seven Americans dead?
Oh yeah, impressive progress, huh?
Yeah, sure.
Oh, what happened last week?
Oh, you know, that transition military that you're putting in place?
Yeah, they're killing our soldiers.
How many guys got killed?
What's a dozen or so?
They weren't no senators' sons.
Oh, and let me just digress a little bit.
I love the latest episode of the Presidential Reality Show.
It was the perfect metaphor for America.
Romney and Ryan.
Standing in front of a mothballed battleship.
Maybe that's what these guys are carrying around with them.
Because it was the perfect metaphor.
Two little chicken hawks talking tough with a decommissioned ship that was out of station.
They stopped battleships before the end of World War II.
They're the tough talking guys, right?
No one's talking about cutting the military.
So as we're looking at the fish rotting from the head down, we talked about the military, we talked about the economy.
I'm a guy still living in the Bronx and of a different head.
And I'd say to my buddy, Joey, listen, we're gonna go do a deal.
Now here's what we're gonna do.
And Joey says, with the other guys, and also Joey chirps up, hey, Gerald, come on, that's not honest, man.
We're gonna rip somebody off like that?
I'd say, what are you, stupid?
What's the matter with you?
Look at this, stealing at the top!
They're robbing us every day!
They stook your mother's house!
She's out on the street!
Your father ain't got a job!
Your brother died in Iraq!
You are, what are you, stupid?
You're ripping us off at every level and you're gonna play it straight?
All of society is rotting out because it's rotting from the head of Obama!
It's rotting from the head of Bush and Cheney!
It's rotting like
Romney and Ryan, and you know how I say, Alex, I've been saying it for years since you've known me, that these guys, that everybody's sucking up and bowing down to, are nothing more than the class presidents and head of the student council.
And now they follow their career path.
It could not be clearer than with Paul, little high school altar boy Ryan.
It's great.
The altar boy and a guy that wears the magic underwear, the Mormon.
It's perfect.
It's right out of the presidential reality show.
Paul Ryan, voted by his classmates, who are smarter than everybody else out there, his high school kids, as the brown noser of the year.
I'm not making it up.
It's there.
The class president!
A guy that never worked a day in his life!
Born on third base like Romney and thinks he hits a triple!
And people clap like little children!
All aboard!
Next train to Auschwitz!
That's where this country's going!
Continue, my brother.
You are laying it out.
I mean, where do you see it ending?
Where do you see it going if we don't turn this around?
They're going to declare martial law on the people.
They're gonna go after guys like you and me.
They're gonna go after everybody that speaks out and calls them out on their crap.
What adult could believe this stupid, cheap show?
Did you see Obama?
When the hell does this guy work?
He's been out on the campaign trail every day.
Every four years, this is where you can find these guys.
They'll be at Pete's Barbecue, sitting on a bale of hay.
There's Obama in front of a whole bunch of rotted corn.
Every four years, Freddy's Clam House, sitting there at Maggie's Diner.
And the people buy this crap!
Well, wait, wait, wait!
For the first time, even businesses that don't like him for the business are telling him you're not welcome here.
And they're getting ready to dump Biden, hoping that wakes people back up.
Clearly, they've got all the signs on that front.
So I do see an awakening happening, but you're right.
The level of tyranny we will live under, as Thomas Jefferson said, is the exact amount we'll put up with.
So now that they're so cornered like rats, you've said they implode the economy, then they start a war to distract everybody.
But do you think that's going to work?
I mean, even most of the Israelis don't want a war.
It will work.
You know, we sent out a trend alert.
We wrote about Ryan in last year, you got it, last summer's Trends Journal, that whole one about direct democracy.
And we had a thing, we even had Ryan's weenie mobile.
And we showed what a little nobody this guy is and why would anybody listen to this jerk who never did a damn thing in his life.
And I love the term they give, lawmakers.
I don't need a lawmaker.
Who made that?
What, did you go to school for lawmaking?
Anyway, it's like Moses or something.
That's where that comes from.
The great lawgiver.
And so here this guy, we wrote all about him.
So we sent out a piece we also had in that piece.
Remember that guy?
We wrote about the Wiener Mobile.
We wrote about the other Wiener, Richard Wiener.
The guy that got caught, you know, showing his stuff off on TV, on the Internet.
We wrote about both of them.
You should see, this is a year ago.
People writing to us, cancelling their subscriptions because we said what they didn't like about Ryan.
We could go after Obama.
They don't care.
But you go after their ideologue, and boy do they get tight.
If you don't like their freak, there's something wrong with you.
My freak is better than your freak.
Oh, the Romney freak is better than the Obama freak.
How come you don't like my freak?
It's a freak show!
How could any adult look at this adolescent act that they call the presidential reality show and buy into it?
It's a disgrace!
Well said.
Shifting gears to the war front and other areas that deal with that, Syrian rebels, who've always been al-Qaeda led, warn they will turn to al-Qaeda if the West fails them.
And they also say that our troops have to grow the opium or Al-Qaeda will get it.
I mean, I guess now they'll need your daughters as well or Al-Qaeda will get them.
You know, let the globalists have their way with them or Al-Qaeda will pilfer them.
Continuing, Israel urges U.S.
decision on Iran strike.
Ynet News.
Here's another one.
Israel minister warns of 30-day war with Iran.
You mentioned that at the start of the interview.
Khomeini, Zionist regime will disappear from map.
Israel military blast heard in southern city.
Rockets believed to be falling.
Seven American soldiers dead in Afghan chopper crash.
They never get shot down.
It's always a chopper crash.
All of this is going on, and then the economic news, even Fox News runs the headline, the coming economic collapse, and breaks down the numbers.
Again, they've always known this because they're imploding it to take over, but the fact that they're now admitting they're getting ready for a collapse
What's your time frame on that?
I know you're in generalities because no one knows exactly, but I mean, we're talking about this fall, next year, Max Keiser says by next April.
It could happen next week.
You see, they keep coming up with these schemes.
Nobody knew about the $26 trillion that the Fed was pumping into the system.
Nobody knew that they were rigging the rates and lying about with LIBOR to cover up the damage.
So it's all rigged, but the real economy is dying.
Yeah, so the timeline is really, really difficult to go on, but it is like, you know, you mentioned about, you know, how the media looks at me.
You know, I know people in the media and they all tell me, you know, and I have friends that, you know, that are agents and different people and they say, every time they mention my name, they say, no, no, no, you know, he scares people when he has to say, you know, we don't, we don't, we don't want to hear that, you know, he unsettles people.
Oh, I don't want to unsettle anybody.
That's a badge of distinction and honor, a red badge of courage, that I've had Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, all with reporters here.
To the point of now, I go, no, you can't come to a profile.
I don't care if your editor said it's allowed to go out.
People above that will kill it because they think not recognizing us keeps us down.
It's the opposite.
If you ever recognize us, it would hurt us.
You are, you are like...
You're the plague.
I'm running from you.
And the point is, is they always call back after they've been here and they go, you're right.
They killed it from the corporate above the editors.
And I'm like, exactly.
So now I say, oh, the editor says you can come to town.
I know it's a hit piece.
I don't mind a hit piece.
That helps me when you attack me.
But I said, do this.
Have your editor go above the corporate.
Just so, and they go, oh my gosh, you're right.
I had the Washington Post call me a few weeks ago.
You know, this big writer.
And I'm like, oh no, anything I've ever done gets published.
And I said, okay, go ahead and write your article.
He goes, it'll be this Sunday.
You watch.
Never was in the paper.
Because again, they're scared and they act like we're the ones destroying confidence.
No, no, no, no.
The Chinese government won't buy US stocks anymore because they know it's rigged.
That's why.
We're not the...
In fact, I get this a lot.
I see this about you, but I get this a lot.
I'm causing the problems.
I'm the reason there's a loss of confidence.
Don't listen to that guy or we'll have a depression.
Hey, I got news for you.
Four years ago, we passed the Rubicon by every real economic standard.
I've had countless economists on.
I've researched it.
We were in a depression four years ago, okay?
I'm not doing it because I'm right.
It's not Gerald's fault that he's right.
We're trying to pull this country out of it.
I like what Gerald says.
Most people I know are trying to leave the country.
It's global.
You're not leaving, folks.
It's going worldwide.
I'm staying here.
I'm fighting.
Go ahead, Gerald.
I'm sorry.
Oh, no.
You're right on.
This is why.
Remember that?
The prostitutes...
Not all the prostitutes.
That's all they are.
There's not a man among them, barely a man in Congress, nobody in the Senate, certainly nobody in the executive offices.
It's a freak show and the- Look!
Alright, they're gonna have the presidential debates.
Did you see the lineup of prostitutes that get to ask them the questions?
I mean, come on!
One of them's Bob Schieffer.
Bob Schieffer.
You know, Bob Schieffer's last question and the Bush-Kerry debate.
I went berserk on it.
His goes like this.
He goes, you know, the three of us have something in common.
We're all married to strong women.
I said, how the hell did you get into this thing?
Who gives a damn?
That was the last question of the debate.
They're a bunch of preening peacocks on the deck of the Titanic as it's listing.
We're getting in lifeboats and they're telling us we're crazy as people are falling into the icy water.
They are.
It's like Rome is burning and they're going to press dinners preening themselves and throwing out politically correct lines about women.
You know, throw a throw a bone or something.
Yeah, and you look at the list of who's asking these questions.
I mean, it... I mean, give me a break!
Hey, let's get this straight, everybody.
This is not a democracy, you got it?
You're run by a mob.
They like to call themselves Democrats and Republicans.
Stay there, we gotta go to break.
Gerald Solente, straight ahead.
No, Dave Mustaine and more.
Alex Jones here with a great way to beat the blackouts, get off the grid, and generate your own supply of electrical power.
Folks, with what's been going on in this country, I don't have to tell you about the power grid and just how vulnerable it is.
That's in the mainstream news every day.
Millions of people have lost their power in the last few weeks because of dangerous storms and killer heat that's pushing the grid beyond its capacity.
I've always said that every family needs to be ready for blackouts.
And if you don't have a backup system in place, I've got a great opportunity for you.
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In fact, I think it's the best deal I've ever seen them make.
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That means there's no dangerous fumes and no noise.
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We've got Richard Belzer, movie star, TV star, writer, talking about staged government killings.
They blame it on other people.
And then, the last ten minutes of the show, we're going to have an exclusive interview I did during the first hour.
I ran a tape and went and taped it with Dave.
He wanted to talk before we went on air a few minutes.
That's going to air and it's a big national story.
He'll clarify his statement.
In fact, we're going to tweet this out right now at twitter.com forward slash real Alex Jones.
Dave Mustaine to clarify.
I'm having to write this on air right now.
I'm having to multitask like nobody you know, folks.
I'm like a cook, dishwasher, waiter, you name it, around here.
I mean, basically, you've seen the headlines with Dave Mustaine.
We're going back to Gerald Cilente here in just a moment.
Basically, the tweet I'm going to put out is, because I know Christy's in there listening about to send it out, pretty much all the tweets I end up writing them.
But sometimes I write them, like, tell somebody what to tweet out.
I'm going to basically, you know what, I'll give her that tweet in a moment after I can codify my thoughts.
I'll do that during the break.
I'll just tweet it myself.
Going back to Gerald Cilente.
Gerald, thank you so much for the time today.
We've got five minutes left here.
I've asked a lot of the questions.
What else is front and center on your radar right now that you'd like to tell people about?
Well, the big one, of course, is what's going on in the Middle East.
Another one, September 12th is going to be a big day.
You asked me the timeline on collapse.
That's the day that the German Supreme Court is supposed to rule on whether or not it's constitutional for the German government to be into the mechanisms, they call them, that are dumping all of this, funneling all this money in to bail out the troubled countries.
And it's also another element of that lawsuit that they'll be deciding.
And the German Supreme Court ostensibly is not a politically rigged court like the one we have here.
That's what they say.
We'll see by their deeds.
And the other issue is whether or not
The Germans are actually going to lose their sovereignty as well as the rest of the Europeans by putting the banking structures completely into Brussels.
So, how the Supreme Court of Germany rules on August, excuse me, September 12th,
On whether or not they could continue in these bailout funds, in these emergency funds, and these bond buying schemes, is going to determine the future of the Euro!
Because if they say, which it is by the way, unconstitutional,
As it is established by the German Constitution to continue like this, Germany's the only one holding it up.
That means the whole Eurozone collapses.
Number two.
Again, I am not giving financial advice just to make this clear.
My timeline on gold.
Gold today is up about $13 as we speak.
Gold has to break above $16.70, I believe.
It's about $16, you know, $13 now.
It has to go about $16.70, and then the next hit up to that is $17.50.
Once it goes over $17.50, it's back to the $2,000 mark.
And it could happen overnight, particularly
If the psychopaths start a war with Iran.
I've said it before, I'll say it again, and I will say it over and over again.
This will begin World War III.
The entire Middle East will explode.
You know how now that Al-Qaeda is fighting against the Assad regime in Syria and on and on?
They will all unite!
Sunni, Shia, Alawite, Christian, they will all unite against Israel if Israel attacks Iran.
I tell you what, I tell you what, we gotta go to break.
Richard Belzer's coming up, but stay there.
Two more minutes with you.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're now into the third hour coming up.
We're going to have an exclusive Dave Mustaine statement on the international firestorm that's in hundreds of newspapers and TV stations.
Also up in our Twitter account, RealAlexJones, we've got a link to a photo of the police pulling over a Google car for spying on people illegally.
We're going to be going over that some later.
Gerald Cilente, just a few minutes left with you.
Thank you so much.
TrendsJournal.com, TrendsResearch.com.
Finishing up, we're getting into the chain reaction of World War III that could be triggered by unifying the Arabs if there's an attack on Iran.
That's why most of the people in the Israeli military know it's not a good idea.
You also have the globalists trying to launch a proxy war using Al Qaeda against Shiites and people in different areas of the Middle East.
So the globalists want a civil war, but you're saying an Iran war will bring them together.
That old Bedouin saying, you know, me against my brother, my brother and I against our cousin, my brother, my cousin and I against our neighbor, and all of us against the foreigner.
I'm not making this up.
This is as old as history.
And that's what it will be.
And the entire Middle East will go up in flames.
It's already going up.
Look what's going on over in Egypt.
Look at Tunisia.
Go over to Morocco.
Look at Bahrain.
Look at Yemen.
Look at Syria.
If they explode this, it's in flames.
It's only a madman would conceive this.
And there are plenty of them out there to conceive it.
They're called politicians, presidents, chancellors, all of the rest of them prime ministers.
Psychopaths, sociopaths, megalomaniacs.
Don't forget to vote!
What's the time frame do you think on an Iran strike?
Do you think they're getting closer to that or is there a way to stop it?
You know, I just did an interview with an Israeli, in the Israeli press.
The people there are very concerned.
And there's an element in this, and again, you can't put the timeline on.
Again, it's all politics.
And right now, Netanyahu, over 60% of the people disapprove of him.
So they do desperate things because these people, again, they range between psychopaths, megalomaniacs, sociopaths, and nobodies.
They want to be somebody.
They're all power-hungry.
So I don't know the timeline.
The timeline that's being reported is before November 6th.
All right, well Gerald Cilente, thank you so much for spending time with us today.
It's been invaluable.
I wish you weren't right about these things.
I wish I wasn't right, but we're trying to point this out and get some basic sanity, and hopefully sane people will start getting involved.
We can take the levers of control away from the madmen, but we have become very decadent like Rome, no doubt.
Thank you so much for joining us.
And thank you so much for having me on and for all you do.
Thank you.
There goes Gerald Cilente.
We are going to come back with Richard Belzer.
He has written a book that's published by Skyhorse Publishing and has a foreword written by Jesse Ventura.
I haven't read it yet, but I look forward to reading it.
Dead wrong, straight facts on the country's most controversial cover-ups.
Oh, stage shootings blamed on patsies.
Hmm, what are we talking about today?
What's Dave Mustaine in trouble for right now?
So, look forward to having Richard Belzer up on the show after this break.
And again, we have an exclusive interview with Dave Mustaine, with a clarifying statement about Obama being behind the mass shootings.
That will be coming up in the last 10 minutes, but for the next 45 minutes or so, when we come back from break, we are going to be joined by a guest exposing very similar things to what Dave Mustaine's talking about, but dealing with the killings of RFK, JFK, MLK, Marilyn Monroe, and others.
It's a powerful book, and in hindsight, the evidence of staged events is extremely clear.
We'll be right back.
I'm Alex Jones.
Our website, where we're streaming live video of the radio show, is PrisonPlanet.TV.
Don't forget the news websites, the leaders out there, InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
More straight ahead.
The worst drought in 50 years continues, and the first six months of 2012 marks the hottest half year on record.
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Alex Jones here with a great way to beat the blackouts, get off the grid, and generate your own supply of electrical power.
Folks, with what's been going on in this country, I don't have to tell you about the power grid and just how vulnerable it is.
That's in the mainstream news every day.
Millions of people have lost their power in the last few weeks because of dangerous storms and killer heat that's pushing the grid beyond its capacity.
I've always said that every family needs to be ready for blackouts.
And if you don't have a backup system in place, I've got a great opportunity for you.
Right now, our good friends at Solutions from Science are offering huge savings on their best-selling Power Hub unit.
In fact, I think it's the best deal I've ever seen them make.
It's literally thousands of dollars in savings.
Remember, these backup systems don't need gas because they're solar-powered.
That means there's no dangerous fumes and no noise.
InfoWars listeners can get all the details at BeatTheBlackouts.com.
That's BeatTheBlackouts.com.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Well, I'm very excited about this interview and hopefully it'll be the first of many.
We were just talking to him during the break as he was connecting with us via video Skype and I'm excited to hear that Richard Belzer is a listener of the show.
And I count him amongst a lot of the great folks that put up with me.
Now, he's written a very powerful book.
I've only started reading it.
I haven't read much of it.
I just got it a week or so ago.
I've been very busy.
But I look forward to reading the whole thing.
It's been put out by Sky Horse Publishing.
The same folks that put out Jesse Ventura's excellent books.
And by the way, the afterword is written by Jesse Ventura.
Dead wrong.
Straight facts on the country's most controversial cover-ups.
Oh, where the government was shooting, killing, poisoning people.
And blame Patsy's.
Oh, what Dave Mustaine is in so much trouble for.
We have that in the last ten minutes today.
That exclusive interview I did during the first hour today.
We taped it.
It's going to go out in about 40 minutes from now.
But we are very honored to have Richard Belzer here on the broadcast with us to run through the book today.
Good to have you, buddy.
What an iconic individual you are.
I'm very flattered to have you with us.
Alex, I'm so happy to be on your show.
As my family can tell you, I'm a long-time listener, and your research has thrilled and astounded me for years.
I mean, you're the real deal, and I love the InfoWars hook that you have, because it is information, and I like that you're not encouraging people to take up arms, although we all have the right to bear arms.
You're doing great work, Alex.
I know you work hard and you're tired and you try to spend time with your family, but you're on a mission and I understand it.
Believe me, I've run into some of the same things that you have run into over the years in terms of censorship and, you know, mysterious things happening.
But we're brothers now, Alex, so thank you for having me.
Well, I am blown away because obviously I've enjoyed so many of your films, the big TV shows that you're doing, including the current one.
The website is I-B-E-L-Z dot com.
Is that the best website?
Hi, Bells, but you know, Alex, if I may, Bellsersbook.com, because I want people to really... I feel a civic responsibility.
I mean, you know Jesse very well, and you know that... Well, both of you guys, I mean, I think we're on the same team here.
We're disappointed
Well, you know, people say I hate America.
I don't hate America.
I'm disappointed in the system.
And I want, the reason I wrote this book, you know, I've written novels, Alex, and I've written nonfiction books, but they're put in like the, you know, entertainment section or the comedy section.
I purposely
We did this book as a history book.
I used to be a newspaper reporter.
David Wayne is a scholar.
He's a microanalyst of media events.
He has studied for decades how the media, and this is right up your alley, Alex, how the media covers events, and I've covered
This is another reason I admire you.
You back it up.
I mean, you back up what you say.
You have cited things that I thought I only knew, like the Freedom of Information Act, or a speech someone gave, or an old magazine article.
Thank you for kind of fortifying my research.
I mean, you blow my mind almost every day, man.
It's just great to be on the show with you.
Oh, Richard, please, please, tell us about your awakening.
I mean, I'm sure it's been going on for decades, and why you decided to write this book.
Obviously, for our listeners, you don't really need any introduction, but, I mean, this side of you, though, I mean, so people understand.
Yeah, sure.
Well, I, you know, when they exploded John Kennedy's head in broad daylight, I was in college and it just, that kind of woke me up a little bit.
You know, I followed that very closely and then I kind of
Well, rest in peace, who is one of the foremost scholars on what happened to this country when Harry Truman in December of 1947 signed the National Security Act and turned us into this paranoid, armed state, spending trillions of dollars on borrowed money against an empire in decline, Russia.
But the reason I wrote this current book, Alex, is because a lot of people roll their eyes at me sometimes.
I'm sure you've seen that.
It happens to you when you'd say the government kills people, or the government lies, or that there's psi wars, or that CNN actually had guys coming over from Fort Detrick telling them how to do the news, and I mean, you're into all this stuff.
The reason I wrote this book with David Wain is because, as an FBI agent who we interviewed said,
I have no theories, just facts.
And as you know, Alex, better than anyone, we don't have to make anything up.
The world is scary and fascinating and wonderful in its own right.
It's very complex.
Most people in their day-to-day life can't read 20 newspapers.
They don't have staff.
I mean, you're performing a civic duty.
And because I'm an actor, I have a lot of downtime.
I've been taking notes for years, and then Skyhorse called me about David Wayne wanting to work with me.
And it was, you know, this, and this is not hyperbole, Alex.
This book is, at the risk of being immodest,
I'm more proud of this.
I mean, I'm an actor, I'm a comedian, and I'm certainly proud of that.
But this book means more to me than I think anything right now, during this moment in history of the zeitgeist.
And because I'm famous, I can put this book out and people will read it that wouldn't read it if my name wasn't on it.
So, you know, I'm using my celebrity
To make the electorate informed, so they can know how... I mean, they know, but I mean, to get the spineless Congress, who has a 10% approval rating, you know, Jefferson's idea was that the people, the pyramid has been inverted.
Jefferson's idea is that you rule from the bottom up.
But somehow the elites have switched it and the people's voice is gone.
You know, as you know, Alex, in the early days, senators, it was a gentlemanly thing.
You know, they'd go back to their homes and they'd come.
I mean, it was, even though they were slave owners and, you know, they had some, you know, Jefferson was a genius.
And thank God Jefferson came back from
uh... france when they were writing the constitution because he was inspired by the french revolution and when he came back he said there's no bill of rights what about people's property what about the right to bear arms what about so you know jefferson saved this country in a way uh... because madison and hamilton thought that people you know which have to be controlled and they were very patronizing and jefferson uh... he was an elitist but he understood
I mean, Jeffersonian democracy is a real brilliant, as you know, concept.
He believed in the beautiful power of the yeoman farmer and their families, the people in the dirt, people that really worked for a living.
He believed in the general knowledge of the crowd and really disdained the corrupt type of European, arrogant, disconnected elites.
And he said the Western elites should learn from the people at the grassroots.
Exactly right.
He was a farmer, he was a transcendentalist, he rewrote the Bible, and took out all the miracles, because it is, you know, it's a great, inspiring work.
I mean, he was a fascinating guy, and it's ironic that, you know, in the Constitution it says all men are created equal, except, you know, Indians are savages, and blacks are two-thirds of a person, and women can't own property or vote.
But ironically, Alex,
His term, freedom, has been used by blacks, women, and gays.
You know, all men are created equal.
That came back, kind of, not to haunt Jefferson, but that term has been used by all these groups, and rightfully so.
If I just may say one more quick thing before I get into my book.
When Jefferson said, when they wrote The Pursuit of Happiness, that was not
A light concept and the government and the commons and you know we're supposed to share responsibility and share the lands and I mean we can develop the land but certainly there has to be land that everyone can share like public parks and stuff but the whole concept of Jeffersonian democracy is that
It's not the Hobbesian thing of every man for himself, and he had to fight for that.
So, anyway, my book is Straight Facts, and I must say that I thought I knew a lot about these subjects, but David Wayne really took me to school, and I was so flattered that Jesse wrote the afterward, because I'm a big fan of
His books and his writing.
The thing that's scary about this book, Alex, is I've done a few interviews already and no one can punch holes in it.
And that's why I wrote it.
Because I'm a comedian.
I'm an actor.
They can try to marginalize me and call me, you know, the Jew liberal from New York or whatever they want to call me.
I don't care.
My role is to use my celebrity to sell people that not only does the government have its
Eyes on you.
They're looking at you through a telescopic sight.
And, you know, you're very much into the technology, like this computer we're on now.
Even when it's off, they know where we are.
You know, phones.
I met my friend, uh, I'm with my friend Chris Walken.
We're doing a cooking thing for Funny or Die.
And Chris's house, he doesn't have a computer or a cell phone.
So dig it, Alex.
He's not on any of Google's maps.
Isn't that interesting?
Well, you know, I've tried to do that now at... We can't.
You and I can't.
We're finished.
I mean, we're public now.
Well, that's amazing.
I want to get into the book some, because this... I'm sorry, I'm ranting.
No, no, no, no.
Are you kidding?
I want to have you back next week for two hours if you've got the time, sir.
We're just flattered to have you here, and I mean, all the points you're bringing up just bring up so many others that I'd like to interject, but I'm the king of interrupting, so I'm kind of just sitting here and shutting up.
No, no, you don't want to invite me to interrupt, Richard.
If you do that, it's all over.
But continuing here, we're about to go to break.
When we come back, I want to look some at the book because this is a coup d'etat against people and thinkers and ideas that were threatening the power structure.
I mean, they assassinated a bunch of people, did it in broad daylight.
And tried to cover it up, but they left their tracks.
So looking at this, looking at your book, is a roadmap to understand our present and our future.
So I want to get into the book that I can't wait to read.
I got it a few weeks, a week and a half ago, I've been trying to read it.
Because you think you know all this stuff, folks.
I started reading it, it reminded me of stuff I'd forgotten.
But a lot of stuff I didn't know, and I was looking it up.
That's Richard Belzer's new book, Dead Wrong, Straight Facts on the country's most controversial cover-ups.
Available in bookstores everywhere and at infowarshop.com and also at his websites.
We'll give you when we come back.
Stay with us.
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Well, I feel like I should say more cowbell here right now.
We have Richard on the line with us.
He's the author of Dead Wrong, Richard Belzer, you know, TV, movie star, you name it, author, comedian.
And then he said, yeah, no, I'm here at Christopher Walken's house.
And he was talking about how he didn't have a bunch of computers and phones spying on him.
And suddenly, Christopher Walken is on our Skype video feed.
Let's bring him up right now.
Oh my!
I had to drag him out of bed.
That's how much he likes me.
Richard and I are cooking.
And we're writing a book.
And we're doing a movie called The Nose and the River.
We're teasing, but we were filming this cooking thing for Funny or Die, so Chris took a picture of my nose and I took a picture of his nose, and we're going to release that as a short film and hopefully get an Oscar.
I actually took a snapshot of my nose, but I took a movie of yours.
A four second movie of my nose.
It's going to be great.
People want to know what celebrities do, Alex.
We're not that mysterious.
But we also made a chicken.
Yeah, we made chicken.
We made sweet potatoes.
He made chicken with sweet potatoes and onions.
Cooked pears.
Cooked pears.
And the orange seafood melange.
He's a great cook.
And I just made the salad.
The orange melange.
The orange melange.
What's the name of that dish you made?
The French name.
The seafood melange.
The scallop orange melange.
Alex, you ever come to New York?
I do come occasionally.
Please call us when you come to town.
But Richard made a terrific arugula salad with brajola.
Uh, heirloom tomatoes, shaved parmesan, two kinds of oil, sunflower and olive oil and a little salt.
And we have a little red wine.
A little red wine.
That sounds good.
Yeah, Chris is a gourmet.
What's your favorite type of red wine, Mr. Walken?
I hear ya.
We like the heavy reds.
Oh, wow.
Mr. Walken, we are learning Mr. Belzer's views on the world.
Richard and Chris.
Richard and Chris.
Chris, what is your view on what's happening in the world right now with the TSA and the groping and the surveillance grid?
I was hearing that you don't have all the little spy gadgets in your house.
I envy that.
I have no idea, and I hardly leave the house.
Chris does not... I cook, read the news... Richard just gave me his book, I'm gonna read it.
Yeah, he'll read my book, thank God.
It's a history book.
But Chris is... But I'm working with Richard on the cooking book.
To me, that's... Right, we're gonna do something together, but...
Chris is brilliant because he doesn't want to be on the Google map, and he doesn't want his phone to have that reverse technology that we all know even when it's off, they know where we are.
And he's one of the few people I know on the Earth that has managed to do that.
I mean, we have to do it, we're in media, but he can go to a movie set, they give him a phone that he can throw away when it's over, when he does a play, it's the coolest.
They only give me the phone so that they can know where he is.
Showing away my radio slash TV show.
We're almost invading you right now like an alien probe.
I know, I was taking a nap and Richard called me out and here I am.
This is unbelievable.
But Mr. Walken, what do you think of the whole announcement of that they want to have an Iran war?
Do you think that's a bad idea?
He's got a nap, Alex.
All right, thank you so much, Mr. Walken.
All right, all right, thanks.
I'm sorry, Richard, that I brought up serious subjects.
No, no.
Call him back.
Let's ask him his favorite recipe with truffles.
Ask him that.
What's your favorite recipe?
Well, he made a great chicken.
Tell him how you made it.
What's your favorite truffles recipe, Chris?
I like truffles on pasta.
There you go.
Me too, me too.
I want some shallots.
You like shallots on the pasta, sir?
Olive oil, garlic.
And then a nice French red?
Yes, of course.
What's your favorite French red?
He's gone.
Oh, he's gone.
I can tell.
He wanted to talk about food.
He didn't want to talk about the New World Order.
He's a foodaholic.
And I'm the one that is into all this stuff.
During the Reagan administration, I tried to explain to him certain things about trickle-down economics and how they were raping the government.
And he would say, isn't it always been like that?
And so, you know, what am I going to say?
Well, hey, tell us about this food show.
When is that coming out?
Oh, that's just the bit we're doing for Funny or Die, where he and I go shopping in his favorite market here in Connecticut, and then we go to his house and we cook and then we eat it.
But we're talking about film and our lives and...
You know, feeding my dog.
My son-in-law's playing the banjo.
Come here, Timbo.
My son-in-law's a great musician, and I'll send you his album.
He's a country-western, but he's like... Hold on!
Richard Belzer's our guest.
He's got a new book out.
That was a short segment.
Long 18-minute segment coming up right now.
Hopefully the first of many visits.
I mean, I didn't know that we would have more Cowbell.
And I've been wearing this watch, you know, for quite a while joining us.
I'm blown away right now.
Dead Wrong.
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This is dedicated to the fellow that just popped in with Richard Belzer.
Right now, I'm just reeling in a good way from Christopher Walken suddenly popping into my Skype video.
I think we've now reached the weirdest moment in InfoWars history.
Richard Belzer with David Wayne.
Afterward by Jesse Ventura.
Dead wrong.
Did you say there's another website?
Is that right?
Or iBells, which is my website.
Absolutely, and we sell it at InfoWarshop.com.
I really appreciate that, Alex.
Oh, you gotta be kidding, man!
I mean, we're all in this together, and I want this book to be number one.
It is... Listen, I want to get into the book here, but as we went to break, you were dragging in your...
I'll get him in now for the show, but I'll get him in before I leave.
Okay, good.
By the way, you've promised to come back on for a full hour next week because we're cutting you 10 minutes short because of this giant imploding story with what's happening with the Second Amendment and all the rest of it and Dave Mustaine.
I want to talk to you about that stuff.
I think we're on the same team.
Well, yeah, let's talk about that and then the book, because your book is about... Let's talk about the book right now.
Yeah, let's do it.
Next week you've got me for an hour, any week, any time.
Well, let's talk about the book right now.
Tell us about it.
Well, as I said before, you know, I'm cashing in on my celebrity for unselfish reasons, I hope.
I used to be a newspaper reporter.
I've taught school.
I've had all kinds of jobs.
And, you know, my father, when I was born, we were in the ghetto, what you call a government project.
We literally were on the wrong side of the tracks.
The train went by our building.
And then my dad borrowed money from my mom's father and started a little business.
No, we moved to a three family house and we bought a ranch house.
So it's like I've lived the American dream without kind of being able to articulate it.
And now that I'm older, I really love this country.
I really, you know, I know a lot of people in Washington.
I know a lot of I can't drop names, but believe me, Alex, I know some really heavy people.
Some people who are part of the dark force and I just feel that you and me and Jesse and this is like, you know, we're the Paul reviewers of the internet.
I mean, we have to alarm, alert people.
I know they're busy and they're obsessed with maybe getting thrown out of their house and the banksters, as you call them, which I love.
Did you ever see the documentary Psywar?
Well, expand on that briefly.
There's a documentary by, uh, an English documentary that is one of the most amazing things, and it's, it's like, I think it's only a year or two old.
You just go on, uh, you know, YouTube and put in, sigh war, one word, full movie.
Sure, well I know what Psychological Warfare is, I think I've heard of that movie, tell me about it.
This movie talks about the invention of public relations in 1914 when the Rockefellers... Oh yeah, Edward Bernays!
Yeah, yeah, well they talk about him, and they talk about how he and his minions
figured out that propaganda can be used to sell products and Bernays was Freud's nephew so he used psychological insight to manipulate humanity because he like a lot of elites look down upon us they look down upon the people they think that we're you know we need to be controlled and it's disgusting but
Mark that, have your people mark that down.
That's a must for you, man.
I'm telling you, you're gonna go crazy.
The footage is astounding.
There's a guy at the BBC who they gave permission to go into their archives and do anything he wanted.
Oh yeah!
And he found the most amazing footage.
Anyway, the reason I'm going on about it is because it's right up our alley and at this timing now, the Zeitgeist, I think, you know, I agree with you that we're finally, you know, I say that George Orwell
Well, I was kind of wrong because 1984 goes both ways.
They can see us, but we can see them now.
And the government's really worried about, as you know, they're trying to screw around with the internet.
So my book, the style that it's written in is very, I'm very cognizant that people have no time.
So it's very punchy.
It's very, it's like a murder mystery, but you can't put it down.
I have all the greatest footnotes, thanks to my partner, and timelines.
FBI agents, forensic evidence, scholars, scientists, it's irrefutable.
It is irrefutable!
The police report with the RFK deal, I mean, this is why I've tried to shut up here, is they held his arm down, he didn't shoot him, they knew it was a different caliber, we know who shot him, and it's the same in every case.
They're so ham-fisted because they controlled the media then.
They could do anything they wanted.
So listen, listen, this weekend, this weekend, I've got Saturday and part of Sunday off.
I'm not just saying this to hype it up.
There's going to be something I'm sitting down with while my kids sit there and play board games, and it's going to be dead wrong.
Because again, as I said, I started reading just the first chapter.
It is very well written and incredibly researched.
Everybody has got to read dead wrong.
Thank you, Alex.
It's going to blow your mind, and I don't use that term lightly.
The reaction to the book has fortunately been quite amazing, and I think we're, you know, with your help, we can build on this momentum and get, and David Wayne and I are writing another book.
Call the hit list about all the people that died after Kennedy's murder.
You know, so we're going to we're going to keep doing books.
But the style of this book is it's incredible.
I'm not, you know, I have to sell it, but it's really is very readable.
And, you know, I've read it a lot, obviously, but the way it's laid out, as you know, Alex,
We just show, you know, the official verdict, the actual circumstances, then inconsistencies, and then we break it down.
And it was really uncanny because David Wayne and I, we have a similar writing style, so it was like the gods are smiled on us or something when we talk on the phone or he emails me, his sense of humor, his writing style.
No, you guys clicked.
I mean, people that are into truth and liberty and freedom, it just clicks.
Yeah, that's exactly right.
And he was quoting one of my quotes from a book, before he ever met me, that he signed off all his letters with my quote, which was, 90% of the people in the United States believe that John Kennedy was killed by a conspiracy.
The other 10% work for the government or the media.
No, no, no, I mean... It's a joke, but you know... No, no, no, no, but you're absolutely right.
I've done an index of polls over 90%, over 90, usually about 91, 92, in scientific polls, don't believe it, and then the tiny media elite in government
8% points at us from their Byzantine hill and tell us we're freaks because we live in reality.
Yeah, well you know what Alex, I am sick of that and I told some, I did a bunch of radio interviews today, you know, local stuff and I have no tolerance now for marginalizing this information and that's why I feel the book is so bulletproof because
No one can refute anything in the book, and I'm so proud of that, and it took us a long time, but that's why I'm going around ranting like I am, and because it's, you know, your term, InfoWars, I mean, it's so...
Uh, important.
And the book, you know, Marilyn Monroe, for instance, you know, there's, I think we have 59 pages on her.
A lot of people don't know the details of that.
It's fascinating, uh, what was going on in her life.
She didn't commit suicide.
You know, she was murdered.
The first cop on the scene who we interviewed said,
As soon as he walked in the door, he said, staged murder.
You know, like, the cops on the scene, that's who we talked to.
Forensics, guys that were told to lie about Marilyn's death.
Guys that were told to lie about, you know, you know, famed Caesar, right?
I mean, Bobby Kennedy had powder burns on his hair.
Sirhan was 10 feet away with Rosie Greer and George Clinton grabbing his arm.
He had an eight-shot pistol.
There were 14 bullets in that pantry, as you know.
And none of, you know, the bullet in Bobby wasn't the same as Sirhan.
And Sirhan, I don't know if you know this Al, but Sirhan was a hypnotic subject, which you know, but someone found in hypnosis and in the CIA, they call it the key.
You can get a hypnotic subject to reveal what happened to them.
Usually they're programmed to forget.
You know, they commit a crime and then they're touched or whatever and they forget.
But there's a tape of a guy breaking down Sirhan and it's absolutely chilling.
And, um, but this book is just, you know, like Dr. King, uh, was clearly, you know, James Earl Ray never fired a shot.
He, he, the only reason he pleaded guilty was so they wouldn't fry him.
Dr. King's family believes in him, that he wasn't guilty.
Uh, as you know, that famous photo where they're pointing at the shooter, James Earl Ray was at the same level as the balcony.
So it wasn't a straight shot.
It was, you know, a downward angle.
But now with JFK, he was photographed at the scene.
I've talked to his son.
Well, I mean, now I'm shifting gears to what happened in a Dealey Plaza.
I mean, I'm jumping around here, but it's all in the book.
But I mean, I've interviewed E. Howard Hunt's son, who premiered video and audio here and on Coast to Coast AM, where he was admitting to it.
In fact, he sued a newspaper when they said he was involved and he lost back in the 80s.
I mean, this is incredible.
We even have the people that were famous black op killers admitting that they were there running the hit of JFK.
Yeah, that's true.
And you know, he had an ear surgery.
His ears stood out so much.
He may have been one of the tramps.
He was definitely there.
And what happened, Alex, was he was on his deathbed.
He thought he was dying.
And he wrote this chart that you saw when you interviewed the son, breaking down the hierarchy and the cabal that murdered Kennedy.
And then he rallied
And didn't die.
That's when he started suing because he told the truth to his son.
Then he didn't die.
So he had to cover that up.
The trial you're talking about was with... Who was that guy that wrote the first book about the murder?
Oh, there have been so many.
I mean, that's the problem is that we're literally in a sea of evidence.
I mean, I interrupted you when you were on the killing of Martin Luther King.
I mean, it's all so incredibly transparent.
Yeah, and you know, we know, I now can state unequivocally that it was physically impossible for Oswald to have fired a weapon that day.
He was having lunch on the first floor.
He was seen by a pregnant woman eight minutes or seven minutes before the murder.
She remembers it because she had to go to the bathroom every 20 or 30 minutes.
Two black gentlemen who worked at the depository
We're good to go.
I'm Marian Berry.
Officer, the motorcycle patrolman who ran up the stairs with Roy Truly, the manager of the building, he's a combat guy.
He was on a motorcycle.
He heard a shot.
He knew it came from above.
He got off his bike.
He ran into the depository so fast that he bumped into Roy Truly, who was running up the stairs, and Truly brought him up, ran up the stairs,
I saw Oswald through these doors on the second floor, calmly drinking a Coke.
Now Alex, they say that Oswald fired three shots with a Mannlicher Carcano rifle, which is a joke rifle, with a misaligned scope, in six seconds.
Yeah, as you know, and Jesse proved this, when you sight a bolt-action rifle, you have to drop it to pull the bolt and then re-sight.
There was a tree in the way of the limousine.
No shooter ever shoots anybody going away.
The first shot missed, that was the worst.
Like you said, they write all these 8,000 page debunker books.
They could have 20 chimpanzees in a room typing.
Hundreds of witnesses, hundreds, saw the smoke and shooting and guys with rifles and then hundreds of deaths and people being killed and his head blowing up and the photos and the brain disappearing.
I interviewed the head of the funeral home when the feds came in to put the ink on Oswald's hand and put it on there.
And then he was coming back to do another interview and guys ran him off the road at 90-something years old and, well, he couldn't do the interview.
Yeah, I know that story.
And you know, they found fingerprints on those boxes in the so-called sniper's nest.
None of them are Oswald's.
And Alex, this is going to blow your mind if you don't know it already.
Guess there's a, in the 70s, a very diligent reporter was thumbing through Dallas police files, found fingerprints, Mack Wallace.
Lyndon Johnson's hitman, who we know, in proven in court, through testimony, it was a murderer.
His fingerprints were on the box in the sixth floor.
I don't know what that means, but I don't think Johnson ordered, I think he was told, but that's, we'll talk about that more, yeah, more time, the details of that.
But you know, Mack Wallace's prints are on the box.
I think that was staged.
They said, Oswald never fired a shot.
So let me just quickly say this, Alex.
I was in Dallas.
I went to the museum.
They allowed me to see the stairs.
They don't let you go up to that window, but I was close enough to see.
Here's what's so bizarre.
This guy Posner wrote the book Case Closed with his false scholarship, who ran away from me by the way.
You'd love this.
I was doing the Today Show.
Actually, Jesse Ventura was on the same day, Alex.
1999, my book.
Came out, it was called UFOs, JFK and Elvis, Conspiracies.
You don't have to be crazy to believe.
I'll send it to you if you don't have it.
And by coincidence, now that I think of it, Jesse was on that show.
And Posner was on, but we're all separate segments.
And I couldn't wait to get my hands on Posner.
For lying and, you know, just forget about it.
It's criminal what he's done.
But he ran out.
They said, oh, he ran out here.
He heard you were here.
And then Jesse goes on with Matt Lauer and says, I agree with Richard Dozer about this.
You know, so that was like 99.
Anyway, I'm rambling.
But so let me just go through this because this is key.
I read a lot of the Warren Commission report, and they reenacted what happened.
And they had Officer Marion reenact it, but they slowed him down, Alex.
They made him do it slower than he actually did it.
So keep this in mind.
Then, they had an FBI guy play Oswald, and they say that Oswald fired the shots, ran in a straight line across the sixth floor, and wedged the rifle behind a stack of books.
Okay, right there.
It wasn't a straight line, because there were books that he would have to zig-zag.
We're talking about seconds that it would take.
And then he supposedly jams the rifle behind the stack of books, then goes down four flights.
It's really eight short flights with landings.
You know how some staircases have landings?
Eight short flights.
The door to those stairs is really heavy.
So, I mean, I'm not the strongest guy in the world, but any person would take a few seconds to open the door.
Even, you know, Arnold Schwarzenasshole, whatever.
So, open the door, and then go down the four flights or eight, go to the Coke machine, open it and start sipping it.
They said he did that all in 90 or 95 seconds.
According to the reenactment.
But in reality, it would have to have been 60 seconds.
58 to 65 seconds.
Therefore, physically impossible, even if he did fire a shot from that window, which he didn't, it would be physically impossible for him to have gotten down the stairs, not be out of breath, open a coke, open that heavy door, jam the rifle behind there, dodge all these stacks of books.
I mean, what pisses me off, Alex, pardon my French, the utter contempt that the elites
Have for us.
Richard Belzer, this has been one of the most amazing interviews ever.
Not just your info, but Christopher Walken popping in.
Promise me you'll come on next Monday or Tuesday for an hour and a half.
We're going to set it up right now.
Thank you so much.
The book is Dead Wrong.
We've just scratched the surface.
Next time he joins us, I would have read the whole book.
We're going to see you next Monday or Tuesday, okay?
All right.
Thank you, my friend.
I appreciate it.
No, no.
You're awesome.
Stay there.
I want to talk to you here in just a moment.
Stay safe.
I'll try, brother, you too, and say hi to Christopher Walken again for me and the rest of your crew there.
Listen, here's the Dave Mustaine interview I taped during the first hour of the show today, okay?
This is Dave Mustaine, his official response to the international firestorm over him saying, hey, they staged Fast and Furious, they could have staged some of the other shootings, which had all the evidence of other shooters.
The media is ignoring that.
We're going to put together a whole article breaking it down, but here's what Dave Mustaine had to say.
Here is his response premiering here on the syndicated radio transmission.
Even if you don't agree with Dave, I agree with him.
You've got to admire his courage, just like, you know, the courage of our last guest here.
Because we know the system lies to us.
We'd be idiots to trust everything they have to say.
Here is his response.
And joining us on the phone line is the founder of Megadeth, Dave Mustaine.
He wants to clarify and respond to the huge international story that has broken in the last 24 hours concerning his comments taken out of context at an overseas concert concerning the tragic shootings the last month here in the United States.
Dave, thanks for being with us.
You're welcome, Alex.
It's good to be with you.
Dave, they are certainly attacking the First Amendment and trying to basically twist what you've said from a concert.
What did you really mean by what you said, Dave?
Well, look, first off, it's good to be with you, Alex, and to clarify things, no one can deny that there were criminal rogues in the administration, and it was CBS News got the memos, Congress has the information, and basically Larry Pratt, the head of Gun Owners of America, who's a highly respected person, said that if they would stage Fast and Furious, they'd be capable of staging anything,
And it was all done to blame the Second Amendment.
We'd be fools not to look at this.
You know, our U.S.
Border Patrol agents were killed.
And like I said, I was just quoting Larry Pratt.
That's it.
Bottom line.
I wonder why they're not attacking Larry.
He's been in the news, he's been on my show, but he's been in major newspapers saying, look, thousands died in Mexico, hundreds in the U.S., border patrol agents, police officers, and as you said, you've done your homework.
CBS News, months ago, got the memos where they said they were going to blame the Second Amendment.
So I think you're clarifying, though, with that criminal rogue statement that
You're saying, we don't know Obama.
When we say Obama, we mean the administration.
I mean, clearly, people in the administration, and they won't release the rest of the documents they're covering up, they did do this.
They did stage a false flag.
So is that what you're clarifying?
That you're saying somebody in the administration could have been behind this?
You know, when you're in the heat of the moment, when you're on stage and you're talking, you know, sometimes you're not as eloquent as you'd like to be, but like I said, I was just quoting what Larry said, and you know, we really need to investigate this, and we need to have the Attorney General release the documents and find out who's responsible for this.
People died, you know, and
The democratic process is let's investigate, let's find out what's going on here.
I love our country, you know, and I respect... And, um, you know, my whole thing with this is that I think we should just stick into it.
Well, I'm going to air this here on the radio, Dave, and I'm going to add to it the fact that a bunch of Democratic strategists have said on Hardball, but also in memos, that a mass shooting would help them, quote, reconnect with the public.
And we were talking this last week on the phone, when you were overseas with me, we were talking about
The fact that the witnesses, the president of the Sikh group, said they were being cased by multiple men, multiple witnesses reported up to four shooters.
I mean, we'd be crazy not to question the fact that with the Batman tragedy and the Sikh tragedy, it doesn't add up.
Yeah, there's some questions here.
I just think that we deserve to know the truth.
That's it.
Well, you have a lot of courage.
That's why they took this video, you up there in the heat of the moment on the stage, tongue-in-cheek, and tried to twist it.
They want to attack the First Amendment and shut us up so we don't look it fast and furious.
Dave Mustaine of Megadeth, any other points you'd like to add?
No, just, you know, I'm a patriot.
I love our country.
You know, I've always been controversial.
I'm a political songwriter.
And this wasn't done to hurt any of my fellow countrymen.
You know, I think that it's something we really, really need to look into.
Well said.
And again, national media, you want to attack Dave Mustaine?
This is going to backfire on you.
Here's a clip of Larry Pratt on my show weeks ago saying what Dave Mustaine said.
But he's got millions and millions of supporters in the Second Amendment community.
He's a Fox News contributing guest.
They're scared to go after Larry Pratt.
I think this is going to blow up in their face.
Here's a clip of Larry Pratt.
What does your gut tell you, and now a week later in the aftermath, what is the intel you've got on this shooting in Colorado?
Am I wrong for being suspicious?
I don't think you're wrong.
I would have disagreed with you before Fast and Furious because I never in my wildest fears would have thought that our government would actually premeditatedly kill some 400 Mexicans that have been murdered and a couple of our US agents.
After we caught them planning premeditatedly for a program that would get people murdered, one of the whistleblowers submitted a report on weekly briefings at ATF.
And when the head of the ATF at the time would be given the increase in body counts in Mexico, he would say things like, good, the program's working.
Well, so this was no mistake.
This was not a sting operation gone bad.
This was premeditated murder.
Well, if our government would do that, then even though I think the evil of the human heart is sufficient to account for somebody that wants to go and shoot people at random,
We've had, since we've been keeping records in this country, this has happened every few years since the 1870s.
10, 20, 30 people being murdered at a time.
By the way, long before semi-automatics were available to people.
So this is what human beings are capable of.
And now we have to admit that
Maybe this is something that our government is capable of because this is only 12 people murdered.
They were good for 400 in Fast and Furious!
My friends, we need to support Gun Owners of America for their courage.
We need to support Dave Mustaine and Megadeth for his courage.
We need to spread the word about what they're doing.
There's going to be a big orchestrated backlash of political correctness because they know people are waking up to try to shut down free speech.
So support Megadeth just like people supported Chick-fil-A.
Buy their great new record 13.
Go to their website and financially get behind them, even if you don't agree with these statements completely.
Agreed with the First Amendment.
Even if he didn't agree with the Dixie Chicks, they shouldn't have been persecuted for saying the Iraq War was wrong.
We need to support the First Amendment and stop these witch hunts.
Dave Mustaine, I admire you, because you've got guts, and guts is enough.
Alright folks, that's it.
Dave Mustaine, Christopher Walken, and many others like Richard Belzer on the show today.
Great job to the crew.
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