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Name: 20120810_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 10, 2012
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I barely made it into the studio today again.
I left early today, earlier than I normally do, because I get ready for the radio broadcast at home.
I get ready for the TV show weeknights here at the office.
And this is the Friday edition.
It is the 10th day of August 2012.
Wow, the election is just three months off, or even less than three months.
August, September, October, it's in early November, just about three months.
And I'm driving down 290 up by the Y where they have wrecks and the truck police in Austin are now wearing Marine Corps drill sergeant hats.
Because they're the military and we're the civilians, we're the food here in this great new tyranny.
And so I had to leave early because the checkpoints up there always shut the highway down here in the free country.
And I see a drone, bigger than Dallas, flying at about 100 feet off the ground, right down the highway at me.
150 feet, maybe.
I thought, that's a drone!
Moving a couple miles an hour, shitting about 125, 150 feet off the ground.
So, I pull over, get out, and there's a highway department contractor out there, and I got it landing, everything, got an interview with the guy, and it was pretty amazing.
So, we'll break it down coming up.
He's got to grab it off my iPhone.
I shot like 20 minutes.
We've got to put it together.
We'll have it for you by the third hour today.
Now I set this up a couple weeks ago when he was here for an hour and it just went by so quick because I wanted to get your horror stories about homes being repossessed, people leaving fully owned.
Dave Krieger was going to be with us for two hours.
He's driving over here right now listening on the radio, former news director in his own right, author, dealing with the clouded titles, the takeover of society.
But we're going to do about an hour and 20 minutes with him.
He'll be all right.
Maybe we'll do a more presentation on the nightly news, tape some more with him after that, because I've got to get into this drone thing and premiere the video and audio here on the radio coming up in about two and a half hours from now.
I mean, if it's done before then, we'll take a break out and come back.
But author of clouded titles, How to Beat the Banks When They Try to Steal Your House, they're even taking houses again.
People paid cash 10 years ago, 12 years ago.
It's just amazing criminal organizations.
We are run by a mafia.
Big sis, her, Kagan and others, whatever their sexual preference is, it's pretty obvious.
I don't attack people because of their sexual desires or whatever.
That's not really my purview, but...
The fact is, a lot of these groups end up bringing in their own people and then discriminate against others.
And Big Sis, Drugs Report Top Story, it's from New York Post, it's also up at InfoWars.com.
Janet Napolitano treated the males like scum.
Janet Napolitano ran Homeland Security, treated male staffers like lapdogs.
Federal discrimination lawsuit charges.
James Hayes Jr., who now is New York's top Homeland Security cop, claims Napolitano filled top spots in Washington, D.C.
with two of her gal pals who were bent on tormenting male employees.
Gee, you think so?
I mean, that's why I've never really had a lot of problems with male police, and I'm not knocking female police officers.
I'm sure there's some nice ones.
But I've run into, you know, they look like Janet Napolitano.
They even have a little white wisp of hair, like it's the style or something.
Or like they're from Krypton.
And they just go crazy.
And I've been pulled over multiple times with my kids.
And it's weirdo female cops on teams.
And they start getting in my face and asking about the child seats and looking at me weird.
And I just immediately start blowing up.
I'm like, listen, you don't need to look at me all weird.
If anybody's a criminal, it's you.
I'm done playing games with people.
So, we're gonna go over all of this.
Got big economic news, gas, shameless.
I got buzzed by a drone, and I got footage of it.
Bigger than Dallas.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, seeing is believing and I have video footage of it that I shot about an hour ago and then I got to go through the customary truck police checkpoint at a choke point in Austin and barely got to the studio.
So I went through the drone and then I went through the highway checkpoint and so I'm here in the great free country.
I actually talked to the drone operator.
He was a nice fellow and we're going to have that interview and the drone and everything.
As I'm driving down the highway, 150 feet or so, there's a drone.
And I pulled off and got footage and everything.
We should have that for the radio slash TV viewers by the third hour.
And Dave Krieger's coming in in the next hour.
We've got a Syrian girl who last year has exposed that Al-Qaeda is attacking her country.
She'll be joining us via video Skype.
Now the media and the CFR are praising Al-Qaeda.
I covered this a few days ago.
In fact, will you guys reprint me the
It's Nemo's article, but he has the quotes and the link to CFR.
CFR, uh, you know, praises, um, praises Al Qaeda.
I think that's the headline.
Because I want to have those quotes so I can read those on air when we have them and show people the Council on Foreign Relations.
I am supposedly anti-American because I do not support Al Qaeda.
who were being told is so valiant, even the London Guardian, is how tough they are and how we're lucky to have them to get rid of Assad.
I mean, Qaddafi goes and works for the West, they set him up, bring in jihadis, Al Qaeda.
I even had the guy that co-wrote the Patriot Games books and things with Tom Clancy, Dr. Pachinik on a couple days ago.
He's a guy that was arrested by Assad's dad and tried to bring down those governments, and he said it's probably wrong what's happening, putting Al Qaeda in there.
Probably wrong?
I mean, this is amazing.
I know I harp on this and harp on this and harp on this.
It's just so crazy to be trying to overthrow stable governments that are not attacking anybody.
Here it is, CFR Strategist praises al-Qaeda bombings in Syria.
Winston, we were never at war with Eurasia.
That's a Paul Joseph Watson article.
I think Kurt did one too, but thank you.
Senior Council on Foreign Relations fellow Ed Husson has hailed the presence of Al-Qaeda terrorists in Syria, praising their efforts, prowess, on the CFR website, in aid of SSA rebels who they lead.
While also lauding the increasing number of successful bombings carried out by Al Qaeda fighters.
We'll get to those quotes from the CFR minion coming up.
And again, Big Sis says drones to be used for public safety.
That means watching you.
The drone I saw and folks we talked to were highway department.
The problem is I interviewed Mr. Hurt, the head spokesman for the highway department, 17 years ago.
That interview is on YouTube now.
Mike Hanson, one of my old producers from the old TV show here locally, has put that back on the web.
And I go up and I say, these cameras you're putting up all over town.
You're going to use those to watch us.
They're turned into the neighborhoods.
And he goes, no, we're not.
And I go, but the police are dual use.
He goes, you ought to be a lawyer.
Absolutely right, they are.
So it's all this legalese.
But we're going to be breaking down my little visit with a drone.
Joseph Farah had his visit on his real property.
I've now had my little visit with a drone and the nice fellow that was operating it.
People started pulling over and talking to us listeners, and then the guy started getting a little bit freaked out.
But he's a nice fellow, so he has nothing to worry about.
But that is coming up in the third hour today.
They are downloading the video right now.
And because it is video, I'm not going to subject everybody on the radio to...
20 minutes of drone noises.
What I'll do is just cut it down to some of the key things that the gentleman talked about and some of the things I talked about.
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It was funny, I was talking to the drone operator, he's going, it's like a litmus test, because he was getting all freaked out.
I was like, oh, I like your American flag hard hat.
And I mean, here I am wearing camouflage.
Jungle boots, a Beverly Hillbillies, Jethro style picnic shirt in blue jeans, and I'm clean cut.
But just because I'm asking the guy about the drone, he starts going, now do you support the NRA?
As a litmus test, I was like, yeah.
Yeah, I'm an NRA member.
I think I'm a lifetime member.
I think I sent them hundreds of bucks 20-something years ago.
It'll be a lifetime.
I never really paid attention.
I moved a few times, didn't change a dress right, didn't go get the magazine anymore, but we're the ones making the NRA do their job.
Gun owners of America, all the rest of it, are people making the NRA do their job.
So yes, we are pro-gun for the guy.
He knew who I was, but he didn't really, he was like, I was like, you know, they're weaponizing drones.
He's like, well, that's a conspiracy theory.
And I'm like, really?
So when we put the video out today, we will show the news articles showing that.
And again, my deal is I'm not against drones for highway department if they want to.
Problem is it's always then used later to surveil us.
So, that's coming up.
My little visit, Alex Jones.
Joe Farah asked me, and I was up there in Bilderberg in Virginia a few months ago from World End Daily.
He said, you ever been, you know, buzzed by a drone?
You ever seen one?
I said, no, only on the news.
Well, now I have.
A week after I'm at his office, he lives in a rural area, comes over his house, a police drone.
We're going to be talking.
He said there's five of them operating in Austin just for the highway department right now.
And the police department's getting them, and they got Texas police department's weaponizing them.
So that's all coming up.
And here's Big Sis.
Big Sis drones to be used for public safety.
So we have a big broadcast lined up for you today.
And again, this is New York.
Daily News, it's also in the New York Post, Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano favored women pals for jobs.
No, we had a sheriff here in Austin that looked like her sister.
I just don't know why these women all look exactly the same.
I mean, it's just, it's a strange thing.
And it became a big issue because I know a lot of the Sheriff's Department people still do.
I knew the SWAT team guys because I had a confrontation with them and they invited me over and my videos were there and others and they were like we know what's going on and they thought I was a kook and then Delta Force visited them about secret police operations in town and Lieutenant Beck spoke out about it so they trumped up some reason to fire him but
I got to hear all about how all she would do was hire her gal pals.
So again, I mean, this is what happens.
These little kingdoms get set up.
So there you have it.
And this is a senior person with this lawsuit.
This is a big deal.
A veteran U.S.
law enforcement official has filed a blockbuster discrimination lawsuit against Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, also known as, what's the name of the person on Saturday Night Live?
Pat, Pat, Pat's out of control up there.
I'm sorry, I'm really bad.
Charging she pushed him aside to make way for a less qualified woman who's enjoyed a long-standing relationship with the anti-terror chief.
Oh, I bet she's had a relationship with her.
Oh, man, I tell you.
And again, nothing against these type of women, but I mean, does every Supreme Court job have to go to one?
Does every law... I mean, just... I have to like... And the thing is, they hate men.
I mean, I've run into the CPS quite a bit, and half of them are these women, the other half are pedophile men.
That's why the CPS has...
Over, about to say 50.
Last time I saw it was over 60% turnover every year.
Because normal people get in wanting to help kids.
And they're like, you mean we drug them up and take them to pedophile factories?
I'm quitting.
It's just like TSA.
They used to have a lot of good people there.
They were after 9-11.
They were just hired.
They thought it was for security.
They bought the hoax.
But they all quit when it's like, now take a three-year-old behind closed doors and take their underwear off.
I mean, it's like, what?
I mean, well, again, just hire Jerry Sandusky.
They've been hiring all these pedophiles to run the airports anyways.
It's come out in the news.
Dave Rock, Priest, you name it.
This is the hell we're going in here.
A bunch of crazy people who were repressed or something when they were growing up, so they turned into perverts.
Uh, continuing.
I mean, can you imagine having a job like Homeland Security Head and all you hire is your, your special friends?
Something based on something like that?
Your special friends?
Uh, special friends, you know what I mean?
And it just goes on.
She's now been appointed by Mayor Bloomberg as Commissioner, City Department of Correction.
Yeah, maybe she'll go out and be a police chief in Colorado and then magically something will happen like Bloomberg's other minion.
The court papers also allege that Suzanne Barr, Napolitano's Chief of Staff, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, you know, the folks that legalize the illegals and order the IRS to give them fake IDs so they can then attach them to real Social Security and rip people off and ruin their credit and have the IRS grab the citizens' bank accounts who've been set up.
You mean stuff like that?
Has engaged in numerous acts of sexually offensive behavior intended to humiliate and intimidate male employees.
Yeah, that's what I've noticed in my life.
And men do stuff, too.
I mean, men get attracted to women, they go after them in the workplace, and it's wrong.
In fact, we've got a no-fratnerization thing going on here that I've got to enforce.
But the point is, is that you ought to read this stuff.
It's just that women use sex as the weapon.
And you know, you know, and then when men sit there and bite on it, it's a problem.
But with this, it's the opposite.
It's just a bunch of women up top, laughing at the men, making fun of them all day, as they walk around in their black knee-high jackboots with their bull whips.
We'll be right back.
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Is it getting better?
Or do you feel the same?
Will it be easier on you, baby?
Will it make it easier on you now?
But you got George Washington to blame.
Got someone to blame.
Yeah, they say freedom's bad.
You said one love, one life.
When it's Janet Napolitano in the night.
Her and her gal pals.
Oh no.
Janet and her little love nest up there.
But that wasn't enough, was it?
You had to rub the men's faces in it.
What a nice group.
These are nice women that wear shirts saying, I had an abortion.
Imagine if you've had an abortion, that's one thing.
But imagine, I had one and I liked it.
It was fun.
That'd be like saying, I love the time I chopped my finger off.
It was fun.
It's a bunch of lunatics who want the TSA to abuse your family and train them for pedophile abuse.
Top psychologists have been on record saying it trains them for that.
Boy, this is some sordid stuff about old Janet.
Cousin it or whatever her name is.
It goes on as we break this down.
A veteran U.S.
law enforcement official has filed a blockbuster discrimination lawsuit against Homeland Security.
Secretary Janet Napolitano, charging she pushed him aside to make way for a less qualified woman who was enjoying a long-standing relationship with the anti-terror chief.
The woman, Dora Schirro, I think I pronounced that right, was later appointed by Mayor Bloomberg as Commissioner over the slaves of New York, I should add, of the City Department of Correction.
Ah, the dungeon pits.
The court paper has also alleged that Suzanne Barr, the Politico chief of staff at Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the ones that engaged in treason and sedition and other criminal activities, raising our defenses,
Lowering the shields has engaged in numerous acts of sexually offensive behavior intended to humiliate and intimidate male employees.
Well yeah, these women are like super males is what they're like.
Barr's alleged act included calling one man in his hotel room and screaming at him that she wanted his bleeper.
Oh yeah, they really hate men's male organs for whatever reason.
In the back, oh my gosh, I can't even say this on air.
The suit was filed by James T. Haynes Jr., Special Agent in Charge of New York Investigations for Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
Hayes, who began, it just goes on, and I can't even read this on air.
I can't even read this on air.
I mean, these women, you know, it's like they say in Team America, it's not about sex, Gary.
It's about power.
And that's what these women are doing.
This is how they're dominating everyone.
And it is just thoroughly disgusting.
But it also happens the other way.
Men get into power and they have special friends who they hire and put into all the positions.
Not because they're qualified, not because they're the best at the job, but because, well, they go to the same clubs.
We'll just leave it at that.
Take showers in the same showers.
Well, you know.
And, again, the issue here is I don't have hate for people out there.
I don't like the fact that they have hate for me.
Because a lot of these groups, they put down the family.
They say they want to get rid of it.
They don't like the fact that, you know, some men like women and some women like men.
Some people like the Founding Fathers and the Second Amendment.
Some of us never get tired of just, well, the things, ways have been
The way things have been for tens of thousands of years in human development.
Some of us just, it fits, we like it, and we just don't want our school children in government brainwashing centers at age 5 being taught how to do things sexually I didn't learn about until college.
How about you just keep your sexual mittens off our children's brains and don't try to corrupt them, you perverts?
How about that?
How about, if you want to do that, you go straight to Hades?
That'd be a nice place for you, wouldn't it?
How about you keep your hands off the innocents?
And how about you leave our country and our liberties alone?
You can, you can... I'm gonna keep my money, I'm gonna keep my guns, like...
Well, a famous country singer who's been persecuted for his free speech has said, Hank Williams Jr., I'm gonna keep my money, my guns, my family, my shotgun, my rifle, my four-wheel drive.
You know, I do live back in the woods, you see.
The woman, the kids, and the dogs, and me.
And I do say grace.
I do say amen.
And if you don't like it, well, you know what I think about that.
And so,
You can keep all your change.
I'll keep my prosperity.
I'll keep my strength.
I'll keep my honor.
I'll keep the fact that I'm not backing down, even if you kill me.
I'll keep that!
I'll keep my American heritage, and my Texas heritage, and my heritage of liberty.
You keep all the rest of your garbage to yourselves, you understand that?
And get out of my way!
We're identifying you, we're rallying humanity against you, and we will defeat you!
Because if God be with us, who can stand against us?
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The worst drought in 50 years continues, and the first six months of 2012 marks the hottest half year on record.
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A frontal assault on the lives of the New World Order.
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All right.
Shifting gears to a very serious subject.
I'm going to read some of these quotes there after we talk to our guests a little bit.
CFR Strategist last week praises Al-Qaeda.
Actually, this is just Tuesday, August 7th.
But the CFR report came out last week.
Paul Watson wrote about it on Tuesday.
CFR Strategist praises Al-Qaeda bombings in Syria.
This is from the Council on Foreign Relations online publication.
The Syrian rebels, the rebels,
Would be immeasurably weaker today without Al-Qaeda in their ranks.
By and large, Free Syrian Army, FSA battalions are tired, divided.
Sounds like the criminal government.
Chaotic and ineffective.
Feeling abandoned by the West.
You mean the bankers that have occupied the West.
Rebel forces are increasingly demoralized as they square off with the Assad regime's superior weaponry and professional army.
Writes the senior fellow at the Middle East, Eastern Studies with the CFR.
Al-Qaeda fighters, however, may help improve morale.
The influx of jihadists brings discipline, religious fervor, battle experience from Iraq, funding from Sunni sympathizers in the Gulf, and most importantly, deadly results.
Yeah, like 9-11.
In short, the FSA needs Al-Qaeda now!
I read last week that London Guardian article where they're like, man, they are really tough.
And they got nice black uniforms and they fly their flags.
And the Guardian said, Al-Qaeda leading the freedom fight and blowing up churches and synagogues.
In fact, that was in the news yesterday.
Blowing up ethnic cleansing in Africa.
They're in Libya lining up the blacks, it's their country, machine gunning tens of thousands.
NATO landing 3,000 Al-Qaeda in Tripoli, blowing up the city.
Oh, it's so loving.
Of course, I'm here being sarcastic how sick this is, but joining us is a lady who goes bravely just by Syrian girl.
Her family, she's been with us before, I'm gonna give you a brief bio, actually left because of political persecution under the Assad senior.
Okay, so she comes from one of the big, you know, high up families in the country.
Won't say where she lives, but she joins us via Skype.
So this is somebody who didn't even like Assad, okay?
I mean, that's like, Steve Pucinich doesn't like Assad, was arrested by his father, tried to, you know, basically overthrow those countries.
Steve Pucinich, former head of the State Department, Black Ops, said, yeah, this is wrong.
And I can't believe I'm having to say Russia, you know, I understand why Russia's trying to keep Assad in.
Because they're blowing up and burning the churches and killing Alawite Muslims, who are really Christians, and killing a bunch of other, I mean, it is hellish.
And if you're a Jew, and that's one of the oldest Jewish communities in the world, you're just dead.
If you're a Christian, you'll probably be dead.
Alawite, you're dead.
And they are just blowing everything up.
And it's just incredible.
So Syrian girl's been very brave.
She's had the globalist, of course, attack her and demonize her.
Because when you're over the target, you get flak.
Uh, and, uh, everything she talked about here, I don't know, eight, nine months ago has now been confirmed.
Everything Tarpley, when he traveled there six, seven, eight months ago, or something longer ago, and was in areas where Al-Qaeda, they kill people and then blame it on Assad.
They blow up schools and blame it on Assad.
I remember six months ago, our media would say events were done by Assad when they've now admitted it was Al-Qaeda.
This is called peaceful protesting when you blow up a school or blow up a police department by these people, by the scum that runs our country.
So joining us from an undisclosed location is Syrian Girl via video Skype.
If radio listeners are tuning in, you can go to PrisonPlanet.tv to see the video.
If not, we'll archive it later today for everybody for free.
But good to have you here, Syrian Girl.
Tell us, since we talked a few months ago,
The breakdown from family you've got in Syria, what the latest intel is because your intelligence you've given us has turned out to be absolutely on target.
According to what sources on the ground, I think that, you know, any sort of sympathy people had with the, as they call it, rebellions, it's really like a foreign-funded insurgency, is out, especially when the major cities have been attacked.
By outsiders.
It's not like an ingrown sort of rebellion that's happening from inside the city.
These people are coming from the outskirt towns, or they're coming from around the Middle East, and they're attacking the two major cities, which is Damascus and Aleppo.
People's lives have been disrupted.
There's been bombings, there's been shooting on the street.
You know, my aunt was in hospital and she was, you know, in a very critical state and at the same time she had to deal with the fact that there was bombing just outside the hospital.
So thank God that's over now because the military has now secured Damascus, which is the capital city.
And at the moment the same thing is happening in Aleppo.
The military is again just about to declare a victory in Aleppo.
They're not quite there yet, but the insurgents or the foreign mercenaries, there's so many names for them, they're inside the outskirts of Aleppo, which is the most populous city, but not the capital.
And they're in a place called Salah al-Din, which in Western language you probably understand more as Saladin.
So, yes.
And bottom line, they're basically Sunni Wahhabist jihadis who just want to get rid of all the Muslim sects that are there.
I mean, that's admitted.
This is a Saudi Arabian, Western-backed, scorched-earth extermination program being hailed by the Nobel Peace Prize winner as loving.
Well, you know, you have the Wahhabis, this sort of, it's called the FSA, you know, the Free Syrian Army, whatever.
It's got many different factions and some of them are so extreme, the Wahhabis, which are affiliated to Al-Qaeda, it's basically the same as Al-Qaeda.
They hate everybody that isn't Wahhabi.
They don't just hate
Christians, they don't just hate Alawites, they also hate Sunnis, because to them, Sunnis are bad Muslims as well.
So it's not just Sunnis being the ones against the government, because actually the majority of Syria are Sunni.
I come from a Sunni background, but we don't want anything to do with those sectarian, New World Order-controlled puppets of the imperialists.
So, whilst you have Wahhabis taking power, as the Guardian and the CFR said, inside the Jersey, there are some Muslim Brotherhood elements in there as well.
And they're also controlled, of course, by Turkey, which is a Muslim Brotherhood country.
And they're being supported by the new Muslim Brotherhood wave that's taken over under the auspices of the Arab Spring.
Let's talk about the massacres, the churches, the jihadis dressed up in Christian Orthodox robes, desecrating churches, killing people.
It's now come out, confirm what you said, I don't know, the first time you came on, seven, eight, nine months ago, or longer, that they are doing fake newscasts, Siri and Danny.
It did turn out they had people laying down like they were dead, fake burials.
I mean, it's just amazing, and Anderson Cooper just plays along with it.
It's been a total media war.
That's really what it's been.
It's trying to create this illusion of all these horrors happening in Syria as undergone by the Syrian government.
As you know, they killed like 200 children under the age of five just so that they can have this false flag hula massacre, which in the end blew up in their face.
Because it turned out that even the German newspaper said that a lot of the families that were killed were actually either pro-government Sunnis that took part in the elections or Alawites.
So, again, with the Christians, their churches were desecrated in homes.
I think the whole thing that's happening in Syria right now
It's to try to get the Christians out and turn them into refugees.
Because they want to basically remove all the secular countries inside the Middle East.
Libya was secular.
Iraq used to be secular.
It's now Syria's turn.
Syria is one of the last secular countries left.
And so they want to just get the Christians out for whatever reason and just Islamitize the whole place.
Maybe to have some kind of inter-religious war that destroys us all in the end.
No, that's the State of the Pentagon and Israeli plan is Balkanization, get the Shiites and Sunnis all killing each other.
Instead, if they would have just left Mohammed Mosaddegh in in 53, pro-America, secular, a unifier, wanted to build up Iran, the whole place could just be glistening, tourist attractions with all the great beaches and everything.
Instead, a crazy sect
Shut up by British intelligence and Lawrence of Arabia was given control of what became Saudi Arabia and now exports mass murder and death everywhere so that I mean that's the policy here shut off our power plants, ship our jobs overseas, attack the family.
The globalists want everyone on their knees and screwed up.
And it is, I mean, that's why they caught British intelligence, London Guardian, Associated Press, in Basra, dressed up like Wahhabists, running around shooting Shiites, to get a war going, and it did!
Just because you want to keep them fighting with each other, as a pretext to be there at first, and then after that it got so out of hand they had to pay them off to quit killing each other.
That was the so-called surge.
It's just absolutely insane.
Then they export radical Muslims into the West and use them to menace people so they can take all of our liberties and then flip the script and now say that patriots, who are anti-banker occupation, that we are the terrorists.
I mean, it is just incredible to sit there and see the Council on Foreign Relations saying we need Al Qaeda.
What is it like for you to be ridiculed when you first started going public, what, over a year ago total?
In fact, you probably know the dates.
When did you first go public?
I think it was about, uh, at most six months ago.
Man, time has been flying.
I think you did videos before six months ago.
Maybe you're right, I'm not very good with time.
Go to her YouTube site and see, I'm obsessed with this now.
I think you've been doing videos for almost a year.
But, side issue, the point is, what is it like to now see them say, oh there's no Al-Qaeda, that's not true.
Or, okay there is Al-Qaeda, we gotta take over because they're there.
And people are like, but you're running them.
To, oh Al-Qaeda is good.
I mean, what is that like for you to sit there and watch that happen and the fact that you've been vindicated?
I'm kind of bemused, to be honest.
I mean, I've known it for years.
I know I've only been public for maybe a year, but before that I've been following this thing, you know, since ten years ago.
So I know that they created Al-Qaeda.
They created it in Afghanistan when they were trying to fight the Soviets.
So, yes, I've been vindicated, but
Unfortunately, people have not completely realized it.
They are realizing it, but it's not across the board.
There are still people giving money to NGOs like Amnesty International and thinking that intervention in Syria in any form, even giving money to these so-called rebels, these insurgents, is a good thing.
People are still buying into it.
It's amazing the goal of it.
It's so in your face.
They love Al-Qaeda now.
Yesterday they hated it.
Before that they loved it.
Yesterday they were the terrorists.
Muslims were the terrorists.
Today the American veterans that fought in the Middle East are now in America listed under the terror watch list.
It's just the way they work.
It's total opportunism.
They do it because it gets them power.
That's the whole idea.
Maybe there's some ideological basis behind it as well.
The powers that be.
They have that crackpot religion that they want to install.
And just to be technical, you went public about eight months ago, so it wasn't six, it wasn't years, but it was about eight months ago.
Now, again, since then this has all come out in the open, which the power structure did not want to be out in the open.
In fact, Bilderberg in Switzerland a year and three months ago was very upset from our internal moles that it was in the LA Times that al-Qaeda was being brought in by NATO, the US, and the Muslim Brotherhood out of eastern
What is your best level analysis of where things are?
I mean, is the Assad regime in more trouble than it was six months ago, or has it turned the tide?
And now we're hearing about NATO maybe bombing with peace bombs again.
Well, what's happened now is, you know, ever since the Khoms battle in Bab Amr, that was very decisive, and it sort of, that was a turning point, you know, that was basically the Benghazi for the insurgency, the home base.
So they no longer have that.
So they are sort of discombobulated and they did launch an offensive on Damascus, but they hold no ground.
And every offensive they've launched against the city, they've been pushed back.
And they're going to be pushed back again in Aleppo.
So time and time again, the army has been victorious.
And if it hasn't been, I would tell you that, you know, I have no problem telling you exactly what's happening.
But even if you listen to the analysts,
Robert Fisk.
Anybody else.
They'll tell you the same thing.
The insurgency is being defeated time and time again.
Well, the thing is, about a no-fly zone, they can't do it.
If they could do it, they would already have done it.
But the thing that stops them is the Syrian air defense, which they now admit is one of the best in the world.
We have very good surface-to-air missiles.
But what they can do is even more dangerous.
They can do the chemical weapons false flag that's been talked about.
I'm glad you brought that up.
Get into that.
That's even been in Israeli news that Al-Qaeda has been given chemicals from Qaddafi's stockpile and all those missiles and they're getting ready to blame Syrian government.
Tell us about that.
Even if it weren't Gaddafi's stockpile, I've heard a journalist, Lizzie Fellin, tell me that actually the insurgents were, the rebels in Libya, were given chemical weapons and did use them against other tribes in Libya.
So they have been used before.
So the idea is
To give the chemical weapons, or maybe they have already given them the chemical weapons, to the Syrian insurgents.
I think they already have, because we see them all wearing gas masks now.
There's shipments of gas masks coming in.
And to launch a chemical weapon attack, and then to accuse the Syrian government of doing it, and take it to the Security Council.
Because as things are now, because they can't do a no-fly zone,
They'd like some other way to disarm Syria.
They'd like something to hold over its head.
And as we know what happened with Iraq, you know, first of all, the UN came in and they made sure that Iraq couldn't defend itself.
They made sure that Iraq doesn't have chemical weapons.
And then the US attacked.
So, that's the same narrative over and over again.
By the way, Syrian girl, I told the guys on Monday I wanted to get you on, and I'd forgotten why I wanted to get you on when I saw you on the list today.
I mean, I wanted a general report.
That's why I wanted you on, is because you've been breaking down, and I went and looked up the articles you showed.
It's even in Israeli news that al-Qaeda is getting chemical weapons and it may be a false flag.
I mean, that's amazing.
And then that's how they'll bring NATO in, saying, look at that dirty Assad.
He used chemical weapons on his poor people.
Would be another big war crime by the globalists.
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Obama's in an Al Qaeda and I don't like it too much.
A woman and the kids and the dogs and me.
I've got a shotgun, a rifle and a four-wheel drive and a country boy can survive.
Country folks can survive.
We're going to keep Syrian Girl with us for five minutes of the next hour, and then we're going to get into the fact that big offshore megabanks have sold the mortgages over and over again.
In some cases, sold mortgages they never even owned or had.
And the courts are so corrupt, a lot of times they'll just give you their house.
They go, well, you're a big megabank.
You don't have a deed.
These people have a deed.
They paid for it with cash 27 years ago.
SWAT team, attack!
I mean, it's just, take it.
But sometimes courts are actually ruling against the big banks.
You know, declaring I'm not a citizen of the UN-captured territory of the realm, and then they go to jail.
We're going to talk about patriot mythology here, because I don't want to see you go to jail.
I want you to get a tool that really kicks the hind end of the globalist, because we want to win here, okay?
And when I say patriot, I am a patriot.
I love, and there's a lot of real law, a lot of real pro se out there.
There's also a lot of bull, a lot of hokum, a lot of poppycock, a lot of boulderdash, a lot of really scrambled
Now Syrian girl, we're going to continue to the next segment on this.
It's so important here today.
The spectacle that in the last two weeks they've been hyping that Assad's going to use chemical weapons and then admitting that and suddenly you see Al-Qaeda people running around with the gas mask and even Debka files saying the word is Al-Qaeda's got chemical weapons out of Libya and all those missiles they got.
What's going to happen now with thousands of heat-seeking missiles over 2,000 alone or each
We're good to go.
Well, they do have anti-air now.
We've got pictures of them with the Strela, two surface-to-air heat-seeking, you know, take-it-wherever-you-go missiles, so it's already in their hands.
They just haven't been able to get the experience to use it appropriately.
You know, it's not going to save you.
This whole thing is going to destroy us all, because the only way this can end is in a war, and it might be a regional war,
If you're lucky, it might be a world war.
It might be a nuclear world war, because you have Russia and China not backing down, and you have NATO and the GCC countries and Israel not backing down.
So, if they don't pull back, this is how it's going to end.
Because Syria can't continue like this for years and years.
Eventually, something's going to break.
Someone's going to move in.
Someone's going to
Cross that line, and when that happens, it's gonna be all over, really.
Do you want to apologize for being unpatriotic and not wanting Al-Qaeda to murder and burn and kill hundreds of thousands of people?
Syrian girl, do you want to apologize that in the last eight months you've fought against this here on air?
Do you want to support Al-Qaeda like our president does?
Do you want to pledge allegiance?
Absolutely not.
Absolutely not.
I do not want to support al-Qaeda or anything.
So you're not pledging allegiance like our government has to Al-Qaeda?
I apologize for having an extremist on.
Hold on.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Alex Jones here with a great way to beat the blackouts, get off the grid, and generate your own supply of electrical power.
Folks, with what's been going on in this country, I don't have to tell you about the power grid and just how vulnerable it is.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are now into our number two worldwide transmission.
All right, Syrian girl, reporting from an undisclosed location.
Everything you've talked about the last eight months has turned out to be accurate.
The Russians are talking about the third world war.
A lot of analysts are.
You've got the floor of the last five minutes of this portion of the interview to break down other facets.
Thank you very much.
I have the urge to say that you're a patriot and I'm a patriot, so we understand each other.
We don't want enemies.
We just want to live the way we want to live independently and have safety in our land.
And what Syria is facing at the moment, you can say whatever you want about each side.
Every side might have a sad story.
That's absolutely true.
But at the end of the day, Syria is facing a foreign attack by foreigners and everybody
Who loves their country, who wants it to be secure, would oppose that in their own nation.
The fact is that we're both dealing with traitors.
You have traitors in your government, we have traitors not just outside our government, but inside our government too.
Corruption is a form of treason.
At the end of the day, you know, you have people defecting, they're being bought, this is in Syria, they're being bought by the UK, which has pledged now another five million pounds to go to try to fuel the war in Syria.
You have also the US pledging money, you have Qatar pledging money.
And if this was a grassroots movement, why would it need so many fighters and so many weapons and so much money from foreigners, not Syrian people?
I've seen revolutions happen without such things, grassroots, where millions of people have striked and said what they wanted.
But that's not what's happening in Syria.
And globally speaking, you know, Syria is not a country that is a New World Order country.
We do not ascribe to them.
And so they call us a rogue state.
And they want to push us to be in line with everybody else.
And this is what this is all about.
You know, when they want their regional global war to happen, they want to be able to control both sides.
And Al-Qaeda is about controlling the side of the Muslims.
And if they can get all the Muslims to be under the banner of Al-Qaeda, just like they tried to get the Iraqi resistance in Iraq to be under the banner of Al-Qaeda, though they didn't succeed, then they can control both sides of the war.
And they can keep it going on and on and on.
So, um, I think that's, that's really what I wanted to say.
You know, we're all fighting the same creature and I hope that, you know, we will be victorious.
Well, Sherian girl, you're right.
How can people check out your Twitter, Facebook, YouTube channels, give out that contact info for people that want to learn more about your reporting?
My YouTube is Syrian Girl Partisan and Partisan is within us and there's no spaces.
And Partisan Girl is my Twitter.
And Partisan Girl is my Facebook as well.
So if you find any one of them, you'll find the other ones.
Well, charging up Al-Qaeda and giving them all this power is incredibly dangerous.
And our media thinks we're so stupid.
In a year, they'll be saying we've got to go into Syria because Al-Qaeda runs it.
And Al-Qaeda blew up this, blew up that, so we've got to surveil the American people.
It's incredibly transparent.
If our criminal government would run Al-Qaeda, they would run the mass shootings.
And they have.
They would run Fast and Furious.
They could do anything.
And they have.
And this is not our government.
This is the globalists doing this.
They hate the Syrians.
They hate the American people.
They hate all national sovereignty.
And Assad has been a lot better than his father.
Probably one of the best stabilizing forces there.
Qaddafi's been working with the West.
They set him up to put Al-Qaeda in and just to engage in credible crimes.
And your family, our political
I guess, you know, refugees of Syria.
You're not Assad fans.
It's so bad, you've got to fight Al-Qaeda.
You've got to be against the West.
Bringing in jihadis that were in on the BBC in Libya was signed saying, here we come Syria.
Six, eight months ago.
I mean, incredible.
Syrian girl, thank you so much for your courage.
We'll talk to you again soon on the Nightly News.
We'll be back with a guest in studio.
I'm Alex Jones.
Tell her thank you.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, for the next hour and 20 minutes or so, we're going to be joined by the author of Clouded Titles, one of the biggest stories out there.
Dave Krieger is going to be here with us in just a moment.
In fact, he is here with us right now.
He just joined us.
It is Friday, the 10th day of August 2012.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
I'm here Monday through Friday, 12 noon to 3 Eastern.
11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central and so on.
That'd be 10 to 1 Mountain, 9 to noon Pacific.
And then I come back Sundays 4 to 6 Central.
Live 4 to 6 Central with the Sunday transmission.
Because so much news and information breaks over the weekend that we need to be on the air on Sundays.
So again, thank you so much for joining.
It's hard to believe I've been doing the Sunday Show now for about six years.
Time just flies.
Seems like yesterday.
I started out on AXS TV 17 years ago and almost immediately got a local radio show and then got syndicated a few years ago, I guess in 1998.
Just amazing.
14 years and here the show is just growing and growing because people who hear the show think it was really radical in the past.
And now they've seen so much of it come true.
I was like, oh, Alex Jones says they've got plans to use troops on the American people.
Now they're rolling it out on the streets of America.
Army tactical manuals describe how to control domestic insurrection.
Yeah, the Tea Party is who they say, and they believe Al-Qaeda will link up in the Army training manuals and the War College documents.
This is public.
They publicly published this.
The Tea Party is going to link up.
Wait for it with Al-Qaeda.
I mean, the Tea Party, on average, is the most Islamophobic group you could imagine.
It's amazing how dumb they think we are.
Meanwhile, the Pentagon, the globalists, run al-Qaeda and admit it in the news.
And the CFR said, quote, we need al-Qaeda.
Well, I will not pledge allegiance to Al-Qaeda, so call me anti-American if you want, because in the new America, we have reached 1984.
Al-Qaeda is evil and hiding under every table, so TSA has to molest your children and fondle your wife and you.
But at the same time, Al-Qaeda are heroes in Libya and Syria.
But they're bad and going to link up with the Tea Party.
Anyone that believes that, if you're a new listener by the way, that came out in, it was all over mainstream news just this week.
We reported on it, others did.
I don't think so.
I didn't create Al Qaeda like the Pentagon did.
I didn't use them against the Russians or against the Serbs or against everybody else.
I didn't use them against the United States so they could take our liberties here domestically.
I've interviewed the head of the U.S.
Embassy who was ordered to give them waivers to get them into the United States and was told they're CIA agents.
And then the head of the Defense Language School, Col.
Butler, went out and said, Mohammed Atta trained at our base.
Something's going on.
The government's involved.
They began a court-martial on him until he shut up.
And then he's like on the Witness Protection Program or something.
They don't want you to... And then another guy who saw them putting bombs in the buildings.
Well, they told him bombs in the buildings.
He died a few weeks after coming on the show.
That was Barry Jennings, the deputy head of New York Emergency Management in Building 7.
You know, I just think we got some pretty bad people running things.
We're good.
Massive IRS fraud scheme allows illegals to grab billions.
I told you about this last week before it broke.
I never got our story out.
But it's a lot bigger than just giving them fake IDs.
They're then allowed to take other people's social security numbers, merge the two even though they don't match, and the system is then prosecuting or going after or shutting down the bank accounts of the citizen who they enable the illegal to take your identity.
I mean, man, that is, you never can underestimate the banker occupiers and how they want to destroy this country.
$22 billion to ship General Motors to China.
Those Cadillacs made in China.
So a cop strip search mom forcibly.
Now this is out of the Broward Palm Beach New Times, but I can't even really say this on air.
It was that, the woman was that time of the month and they pulled the feminine product out of her body.
I'm very proud of their activities, and so the TSA is leading the way now, because they now do that.
They take women in private areas and make them remove things, colostomy bags, old ladies are forced to stand, and then they make other slaves pick them up if they can't stand.
It's all part of our humiliation.
11 things that can happen when you allow your country to become enslaved to bankers.
That's all up at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
And then, in the last 20 minutes of the show today, after our guest leaves us, I promised to have him back to take calls.
We are going to premiere because I got like 20 minutes of footage of this.
They're back there grabbing it off my cell phone.
It takes a while to encode it for whatever reason.
They're cutting it down to like seven, eight minutes.
We're going to play a drone.
I got drone today driving in from up 290 into Austin.
And then there was a big traffic backup because of a wreck and the truck police checkpoint, so I barely made it here.
I may have to just move back into town because the new checkpoints and drones are such a free country.
I tell ya, it's so free.
I mean, I got up close, folks.
I'm driving, I go, that's a drone!
Right over the road.
So that is coming up.
We're going to break that down.
But for the next hour and 20 minutes, as I said, we are joined by a guy we've had on the radio a few weeks ago on the nightly news and back by popular demand.
Dave Krieger is a former major market radio news reporter.
Yeah, right here at NewsRadio 590 AM, where we're on.
News director, television news reporter, anchorman and investigative journalist who has won national and state news awards from Associated Press broadcasters.
He was a former member of Radio Television News Directors Association.
He began studying law in the early 1990s.
He just found out about all this fraud with the titles and everything and so got into that.
He's been working with some big law firms that have been in national news, that's how I found out about him, beating the big banks.
And so he now has been putting on these big paralegal events where lawyers come to learn from him, and his newest incarnation of his book, Clouded Titles, is 396 pages, the latest with court cases that are winning, strategies that will win, not get you put in prison.
So very, very exciting.
Lawyers are buying these by the case, and so are their lawyers are handing them out to their clients, and it's for sale at
Infowarshop.com or 888-253-3139 and we have it discounted I think about $10 off the regular price at Infowarshop.com is the lowest price anywhere.
We're evil capitalists here so be sure and check it out at Infowarshop.com.
I just want to say though, Dave, you didn't build this.
You didn't write this book.
You didn't go to all the seminars.
You didn't go interview all the lawyers.
You haven't worked for many years at law firm up in Dallas fighting this.
You have done nothing.
Would you like to thank Obama for writing your book?
Of course I would.
In fact, would you like to thank government for giving birth to you?
Actually, the government, yeah, you gotta love that.
The government actually helped me out a lot.
As a matter of fact, if it wasn't for the government and all the shenanigans that have been going on with the big banks and these issues that we're finding out now with
Eric Holder and Lanny Breuer and the Justice Department ties.
We now have a new white paper.
That's right, they did this too, so they did build it actually.
We have a new white paper that's out now by the Government Accountability Institute that actually has gone into detail and is working, a working model, 27 pages long.
That goes into detail about the MERS, Eric Holder, Lanny Breuer, DOJ, SEC connection.
Okay, well let's explain for most of the listeners to understand this, but we got millions of listeners, so there's probably 300, 400,000 people listening for the first time right now.
So, give it just a few minutes, skip the break because I'm late.
I need to stop doing this, I'm out of control.
You know, we can't skip the break.
Give us just a breakdown of what is happening.
The history of this, and then give us the latest on the loving DOJ.
The basis for writing the book was the fact that I started to see a pattern in 2006.
I got out of my last mortgage in October of 2006, right before it was going to reset itself.
It was one of those adjustable rate mortgages.
Basically what was happening is in 2003 when this whole nonsense started,
I don't know.
For cars and everywhere else.
Exactly, and you just tell us how much money you want to make and we'll put it down and we'll get you a loan for that.
And they've got these programs out there that are all tied to the securitization market and they use a vehicle called Mortgage Electronic Registration System.
And then they tie these packages of total crud and get government to invest your pension and everything else in and that holds you hostage.
Exactly, and then you find out your 401K's been depleted and they're paying you back a ten cents on the dollar after you sue them.
So, in essence, that's how this whole... But they don't care because they got the fees, swapping all the derivatives, crud.
Fifty trillion dollars.
Plus the SWAT team standing by if you don't like it.
Fifty trillion dollars.
They made off derivatives.
By the way, you don't add in here.
You're a Vietnam veteran, combat veteran.
Well, what is it like for you to see the country become this corrupt?
Well, you know from a Vietnam vets point of view it's sad that we have to see all of this stuff that we're over there I mean first off most of the vets in in Vietnam didn't even know why they were there And most of the stuff I was involved in was involved with Army Security Agency, so I don't talk about that So it's just one of these things where you know as far as combat goes You know we didn't see a lot of that.
We were more behind the season you were more More of an Air America capacity you gotta love that
You'll run away with that one.
Loving government, huh?
Gotta love it, yeah.
Air America, Black Ops, all the other good stuff.
You know, we know that there was a certain amount of that going on, but, you know, that... It's a very loving government.
Here to there, you know.
It's a very loving government.
The bigger problem we have now is trying to... I had some family in Army Security.
You know what they did?
How was it?
In the U.S.?
High Mirrors.
Well, I've said it on air before.
I'm not going to get into it.
Anyways, we'll be right back.
Ladies and gentlemen, stay with us.
We're going to break down the loving foreign banks taking over the country, the derivatives fraud, and how to stop them.
Alex Jones here with a very important announcement for Truth Seekers.
We've carried a lot of amazing films and books over the years on the online video bookstore at Infowars.com.
And out of all the titles we've carried, one stands out because it is just so chillingly convincing.
And that's Dreams from My Real Father by Joel Gilbert, available at Infowars.com.
This film exposes the fraud that Obama is like nothing I've seen.
If you want to know who Obama's real daddy is, this is the film for you.
Don't forget, your purchase supports our broadcast and our growing media network.
You'll also find it at Infowarshop.com.
None Dare Call a Conspiracy by Gary Allen, the book that woke me up.
We're also carrying Behind the Green Mask, UN Agenda 21, by Rosa Corey.
This book is coffin nails to the globalist takeover.
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Dave Krieger is in studio with us and then after he leaves us in about an hour from now we're gonna go to phones here in about 20 minutes your questions your horror stories we will get into my little my little run-in with a drone today and I have video of it so we're gonna air the audio of that and the video here on the radio obviously the video works better but there's an interview too coming up in about an hour here it is Deed who really owns your home over seven
A hundred thousand?
Or is that seventy million?
Seventy million.
That's seventy million titles.
I can read that.
It's so big.
To Property or Clouded.
Is yours one of them?
This book can help you find out and fix it.
In fact, I use information similar to this book to make sure with my house that I had that.
And it goes on to break it all down.
Clotted titles, new updated edition with case studies and sites.
And Dave Krieger is our guest.
It's available at InfoWarshop.com as I was saying.
Invaluable book to have.
Okay Dave, this is a short segment, long segment coming up.
Break down how the scam worked, what happened, what Mears is, and then let's get into the usual suspect.
I mean, it seems like everything the Attorney General's involved in it, even back during Clinton with his law firm, when he was Deputy Attorney General, getting all this changed.
Where this is going, and let's get into the Patriot mythology, getting a lot of people in trouble versus real stuff that's in your book, and then let's take phone calls.
Well, Alex, the thing started in 1995.
It was a concept of how can we basically control and track and transfer these mortgage notes on Wall Street.
And so Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac,
The Mortgage Bankers Association, American Land Title Association, and all the major banks got together and came up with a game plan and they got Covington & Burling, a law firm in Washington D.C., to issue an opinion letter and basically what it did was it gave what we call Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, or MERS, credence to do what it's doing in America.
And what in essence happens is that when you go to the closing table and you sign
This piece of paper, which represents a mortgage or deed of trust, there's an 18-digit MIN number, or MERS identification number, that is the property of MERS Corp Holdings, Inc., that appears near the document title.
And the things that we've been trying to do is to get people to recognize this, which is one of the fundamental reasons I wrote the book, because, you know, if you knew what the consequences were of getting a MERS loan or MERS mortgage, MERS doesn't have anything to do with the actual mortgage note itself.
MERS actually only is a computer database that, for all intents and purposes, tracks the sales of these repetitively as they occur on Wall Street between the parties.
The unfortunate thing about MERS, which it admits, by the way, is that it is not a substitute for the land records.
All it is is an electronic database that is used by its membership subscribers, which is kind of like the credit bureaus, if you ever wonder who inputs the data on the credit reports.
Well, this is all the member subscribers of the credit bureaus that have access to this information.
And the credit bureau is entrusted to the Fair Credit Reporting Act to basically keep track and make sure that everything that's being reported is accurate, which is why we have the dispute process.
You know, to look at just the opposite.
MERS does not have this kind of government regulation, as do the banks.
So it's not a real deed registration.
They created it so they could run these scams and sell the deeds over and over again.
Well, they sell the mortgage notes over and over again.
Exactly, so how many times... Exactly, but it's the same thing in the final equation though, isn't it?
Well, actually, no.
Your mortgage note, it was really sad to hear that... I mean, I know they're two different things, but they come back to court and try to take your house with it.
Well, they try to come with part of the equation, not all of it.
And this is one of the things that the attorneys who are studying this stuff and they're sharing this information with me are telling me is that they're trying to get the entire equation put together and do it in such a way that the judge will believe it.
Because right now... So they're engaged in perjury and fraud and constructive fraud.
But the issue here is that for years now,
They're getting their clocks clean and courts all over the place.
And that's what you break down in your book.
A lot of them have been.
We've had a few significant cases where the homeowners have won.
And we just had a Rico-style action happen down in the Gulf Coast of Florida.
We have an appellate attorney down there in Englewood that actually won a case.
It's Elizabeth Corson.
And it's been circulating around the internet, and I'm sure if you type in Corson,
uh... COURC and you'll see that case we actually uh... defeated a motion to dismiss their on the appellate level basically with reversed it uh... so you know we're we're having a few victories and of course we have some of the sad consequences of what happens to people when they go in and they try and fight this thing on their own and they file documents in the land records that are not appropriate and as i was sharing with you before we went on the air alex this woman in california filed a document in the land records
Yeah, stay there.
We're going to come back and break that down, because there are people out there on the internet that will tell you to do stuff like this.
This is the power of common law.
You're filing and swearing to something, and let me tell you, it's fraud if it's not true.
Now, the banks are doing it, but just because they're engaged in fraud doesn't mean we now run to beat them and engage in fraud.
So we're gonna break down the right way to do it versus the wrong way and take your phone call stay with us We're on the march the Empire's on the run Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network
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Alex Jones here with a very important announcement for truth seekers.
We've carried a lot of amazing films and books over the years on the online video bookstore at Infowars.com.
And out of all the titles we've carried, one stands out because it is just so chillingly convincing.
And that's Dreams from My Real Father by Joel Gilbert, available at Infowars.com.
This film exposes the fraud that Obama is like nothing I've seen.
If you want to know who Obama's real daddy is, this is the film for you.
Don't forget, your purchase supports our broadcast and our growing media network.
You'll also find it at Infowarshop.com.
None Dare Call a Conspiracy by Gary Allen, the book that woke me up.
We're also carrying Behind the Green Mask, UN Agenda 21, by Rosa Corey.
This book is coffin nails to the globalist takeover.
The Greater Good, the most professional and up-to-date film I've ever seen, exposing the scourge that is vaccines.
These titles and a lot more are all available at InfoWarshot.com.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
And Dave Krieger is our guest in studio.
You have literally hundreds of trillions of dollars worldwide by the Chinese government, Russian government, European governments, pension funds.
And this is also done in Europe to some extent.
It's not as bad as here, but some countries even worse than what I've read.
To where it's all just fraudulent.
I remember, uh, they make you put money in escrow to pay your, your property taxes.
First house, like 14 years ago, I moved into.
It was a little bitty house and I had put my money in it.
About a year later, I was told your, your mortgage has been sold two or three times.
It's finally Bank of America.
Every few months it was a new place to, you know, back then it was actually said to check in and
Then they said, you don't have $3,000 or whatever it was in escrow, and I went and checked the records.
We did.
They'd taken the money, and they were letting me know they were starting proceedings to take the house.
Uh... that I put money down on and been paying on for a year and a half or so, and I had to go get a lawyer and send him a letter and threaten Bank of America.
But imagine old ladies or people that don't know what they're doing.
I'm certainly no rocket scientist, especially fourteen years ago.
I've learned a lot since then.
But you see the cases on the news.
I mean, we've played these here for like CNN where they took in Florida a 1.2 million dollar house that had been paid for a decade plus before with cash, never had
I think so.
You need to get this book, folks, because this has got a bunch of the cases that have actually succeeded, and there's different types of fraud going on.
Please continue, Dave.
The scenario sometimes gets very ugly.
We see cases like the one in Stanislaus County, California, where the woman is trying to protect her parents' house.
It's in the final stages of foreclosure.
And, you know, these well-meaning souls out there, I call them patriot paralegals, type up these documents thinking that they can use the UCC, common law, and basically they move outside of the system's tools
To attempt to enforce their way on the system.
And the system immediately recognizes that it's not within, you know, kosher systems.
And this is what causes the problems.
And as a result of her filing these documents in Stanislaus County, the district attorney had her prosecuted.
Um, we've had instances, numerous instances that I've run across in the state of Texas, where somebody has gone in and written and filed affidavits after the trustee's deed.
The property was foreclosed on, it was sold, the trustee's deed was filed, and so instead of fighting it at the detainer hearing, which would be the next thing, let's kick you out of your house, and so we have to go get a, do what we call a forcible detainer hearing, and what ends up happening is this particular person files a whole series of documents, starting with an affidavit, rescinding everything that's already
We're good to go.
Paralleling the case in Stanislaus County.
A judge literally could throw... Well, I mean, there are a bunch of scammers.
I know a bunch of patriot paralegals who are winning in court and are having success, but they're following cases that have won.
They're following, you know, systems that are there.
So there is success there as well, but there's a bunch of lawyers.
I mean, I've seen countless cases now that are having victories.
The point is you want to go with real instruments that point out the fraud the bankers are engaged in.
Don't counter their fraud.
With your own made-up garbage.
Well, look at the county land records as a sacred vault of documents that basically represent a person's chain of title from the time they took possession of it and were given a warranty deed all the way up to the current state and condition of title.
And through these chain of title assessment seminars and stuff that I do, I teach people to go in and analyze step by step
When they're anything but.
Let me ask you this.
How bad does it get?
Because I've had different economists and experts and lawyers on some of the lawyers that have won in court that you mentioned in your book.
And they talk about how many times in derivatives these Securitide loans are being sold and the fraud that these groups are holding.
How many times are they selling these titles?
On average.
Well, the notes are basically on Wall Street, Alex, are being taken and spun over anywhere from 9 to 30 times, maybe more.
We don't know, because they're hidden in the MERS system.
The MERS electronic database keeps track of all the transfers, but none of these are recorded in the land records, and this is what's causing the problems with the 70-page title.
And they come take houses in some cases, not just where you're behind and then they fraudulently do it, where they just take houses that they never even had anything to.
Well, it could have been because of the fact that when they, when they, and I was talking to a title guy in Cleveland yesterday, and he told me that we see a lot of problems and mistakes that were done because somebody who was preparing the warranty deed put the wrong legal description on, and they basically, when they filed the warranty deed, all of a sudden it looked like that there could be a potential slander of someone else's title.
And so...
When you're looking at a legal description that all of a sudden should say lot six, block seven, but it says because of the fact that they were having a bad day and looked cross-eyed at the computer, didn't have enough coffee, and hit lot seven, block seven, all of a sudden now we have a lien on the wrong property.
And this is where you see a lot of this backlash.
Oh yeah, I saw cases, speaking of California and L.A., they're now having thousands of cases a year of innocent people being arrested because they just put
Your name in a bank robber or a child molester's area and now your life's ruined.
And it's so, it's like, it's so Byzantine that no one can fix it.
It's going to take at least a century to fix this problem if we can stop MERS now.
And I do know that there is a movement afoot by many legislatures to try to cut the MERS equation out of the recordation process.
Then what does that do to all the derivatives based on it worldwide?
Well, the derivatives generally don't have anything to do with what's in the land records.
They're two distinct entities, but, I mean, you literally could go out, if you wanted to, if it was available, you literally could bet against the weather.
You could say, well, you know what?
I know that it's going to rain tomorrow, but I'm going to bet against the fact that it's going to rain, bet that it's going to be sunny, so that when it comes to find out that it's not sunny, I'm going to collect.
I'm going to go in and I'm going to collect on that bet.
This is kind of what they did when they structured these loans.
No, I know, but if Mears goes under, they'll lose even more of the cases.
My point is, all this fraud is based on this fraudulent filing system.
And from what I've read, the big banks are still doing this.
Yes, they are.
And this is a thing that we have to, you know, the only thing I can do to, because I can't give you legal advice, I'm a paralegal, I'm not an attorney, but having looked at this from a journalist's perspective, the only thing that we can do is say no to MERS mortgages.
Just say, I'm sorry, but I'm not going to sign any mortgage paperwork if MERS is involved.
So anybody that's going to buy a house, anyone that's going to sell a house, or refile, or that already has a house with a mortgage, you need to get the book Clouded Titles at Infowarshop.com and read it.
It's amazing.
Now, continuing here, what are some of the other... Well, first off, here's the toll-free number.
If you have a horror story, if you have a question that he can generally speak to, because even when I have lawyers on, they're not going to speak to your case because they don't know the particulars.
So we can't give legal advice, but just general comments or what you would do...
If you have horror stories, or stories in your family, or questions, or comments, or success stories, we'd love to hear from you.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
This is a big deal.
It affects our whole economy.
Clouded titles.
Dave Krieger.
And the book, 800-259-9231.
We'll start going to your calls coming up in the next segment, take about 40 minutes of calls.
Continuing, what are some of the other Patriot mythology things?
Because, I mean, people call me, they send me, on air for 17 years, they send me these big stacks of legalese, and if I just announce this and that and file this,
And I filed magically bond money that's under my social security number will be sent to me and you know I hear these talk show hosts you know they're gonna file a billion dollar lien on this or that and of course nothing ever really succeeds but it's it's almost like magic it's almost like that you know thinking a Harry Potter book or a Ouija board is real and again it
Larry Becraft is a great lawyer in Patriot.
He's talked about this.
There are real things to fight these crooks, and they are lawless.
But again, just because the system is lawless, it still has the establishment mantle to it.
And we're breaking through that.
But you just don't fight it with whole cloth, new theorem.
That's been a big problem, Alex, and when people go into the courthouse and take this system upon themselves and do what, you know, we're hearing about now, another horror story is these administrative processes that people are filing in the land records and they're filing, you know, they're apparently trying to take something to the international court and like the Hague is gonna...
The Hague doesn't care about this stuff.
The problem that we're... Don't you just... I mean, there are procedures to sue banks when they've lied, or isn't it where they violated the paperwork and violated your rights at the original time of signing?
I mean, there's a lot of ways to go after them.
Well, you know, we've seen attorneys do non-disclosure suits because nobody was told that MERS was there at the time and what they were for.
People went in and they were so interested in getting the keys, they just signed their life away.
You literally could have put in there, uh, borrower agrees to give us his firstborn one year after this loan, uh, you know, is in force in effect.
And they would just sign... And a fraudulent contract is null and void.
Well, yeah, but they don't read it, and that's the problem.
People do not read and understand what they're signing.
They go to the closing table, they want the keys,
You know, they've tried, like the Dickens, to get a loan mod, and why would you do a loan modification with a bank that doesn't even own your note?
That's another big problem we're having.
Okay, well just give us a smattering, because I've had a bunch of these lawyers on before, a smattering of things that are winning in court, things that are... I mean, obviously it's all in the book, but things to look for.
Well, if you see documents filed in the land records, and we see most of the problems having to do with assignments, this is a big problem.
Because when they finally do come out of the closet, these people on Wall Street that are playing in the derivatives markets,
And they record a document in the land records.
Generally, we're seeing that it's five or six years past the actual date the note should have been conveyed into the pool.
And this is a big problem.
And the big arguments that are being won now is arguments having to do with whether or not this falls under uniform commercial code at Section 3, or whether it falls under Sections 8 and 9.
Because Sections 8 and 9, basically, for those unlearned, have to do with non-negotiable instruments.
And so when I look at these situations and I see that a note has been taken out of the realm of an Article 3 UCC and put into Article 9 and it's been pandered on Wall Street and sold and resold and the borrower has no idea, then that in of itself creates issues that attorneys are... Sure, also they're successful but I mean I know you all, you know all the finer details but elaborate on this point and then the others that you're about to cover.
What about where they have lawyers for the banks come in and lie and say that they have all the proof and chain of custody and ownership and all of this and they're not?
I mean, can't you also get them on that?
There have been movements in the states now, specifically New York and Nevada.
Nevada came out with AB Assembly Bill 284, which basically says that if you file phony documents in a court case in that state, and it can be shown that these documents are not legitimate, that the attorney could be disbarred and be facing jail time.
It's a felony.
Wasn't that already on the books?
It's like saying pass laws.
Yeah, last year.
But it's like saying pass a law in Texas that TSA can't grab your genitals.
There's already laws that you can't do that.
I mean, there's got to be laws in all the states.
I've seen some of them where you get in trouble for filing false documents.
Well, yes.
No, I don't.
The relationship between the entities that are filing these documents and the entities that claim to hold the note.
If you can split these things, in other words, when the trusts themselves come back in and if you look in your assignment and you see an assignment that says, this note has been assigned to...
And there's some gobbledygook all the way through, you know, formerly known as successor by merger 2, as trustee 4, and then you see a number like 2007-HE5 or anything like that, a combination of numbers.
You probably are dealing with a trust that has a pooling and servicing agreement, and this is what these attorneys, like Mark Dan, the former Ohio AG, who's winning a lot of cases in Ohio, and he's going in and he's dissecting the pooling and servicing agreement and running it into court, and the judges, even though they're not
Uh, focused on securitization per se.
New York trust law has a foundation in this, in these securitizations.
Well, I mean, the system has to write this or it will destroy confidence in everything.
And people are starting to get a little disgusted with it, especially when they find out stuff.
A little disgusted?
Well that's what I'm saying right now.
We have to we have to use a logical head Alex.
We can't go out and do some of the stuff that's gonna get you thrown in jail.
We've got to be reasonable with this and we've got to take this thing and there is a methodology to this.
A method to the madness.
Now what about, and we're gonna go to break and come back and take calls, what about the system countering?
I know they're trying to get some state laws passed to say Mears is okay.
I know they're trying to get the
I know they're trying to cobble over and paper over this.
How is the system countering this?
How are they trying to keep the scam going?
Well, the bigger picture is the lack of prosecution.
That, in of itself, when you don't put the bad boys in jail, the dirty work keeps going on.
So, you know, we come back to what we discussed first about Lanny and Eric and all the boys at the DOJ, who used to be, you know, basically partners with Covington and Berling, this law firm in D.C.
that wrote the opinion letter for MERS.
When you look at the bigger picture, and you look at this 27-page white paper that was just released by Government Accountability Institute, they actually footnote all of the little causes of action that could have, should have, would have, but never happened because of the relationship between the DOJ, the SEC, and... But now isn't that just the moral authority of the public waking up, and juries and things that are involved, and the fact that now it's almost like a public tort warning
That now they've been told stop doing this, does that add any weight to stop them?
It does in certain jurisdictions.
We notice that, like New York for example, a lot of the judges in the five boroughs, like Arthur Schack, they won't put up with this stuff.
And they know robo-signing when they see it.
I virtually, if Arthur Schack would come to work for me, he'd probably be one of the best fraud spotters in the country.
Again, we go to robo-signing.
That's been ruled a fraud.
And Obama's using a robot to sign now.
He has, as a matter of fact, a robo-signer on his deed.
You know, his mortgage in Illinois.
But he's signing bills with a robot now, too.
He probably has a signing machine.
A lot of them do.
And they're using signing machines to sign the robo-signing.
Well, no, he'll be in Hawaii and say, sign that bill.
He shouldn't be able to do that.
Well, if it's not in front of a notary, go figure.
Because notaries require the president... Yeah, it's all... Look, I know what's going on here.
The globalists are clouding all this so they can bring in a new system later they control and just go cashless and get rid of the old county deed systems.
I'm telling you, they screw things up, tie all their fraud to everything, make it too big to fail, hold us hostage, and then roll out more tyranny as a solution.
They would like to put us on a national registry, but I think the states aren't buying it.
That's the one thing you don't remember.
Thank God for the founders.
It's a separation of powers.
And this is a problem when you're dealing with issues where the county land records have been there since time began in this country.
And now you have an electronic data.
It's one of the few things that works great in government because it's ancient.
It's been figured out.
And so when you have a system that comes in and runs totally juxtaposed to what we know to be true and factual... Yeah, we'll take our thousand-year-old system.
We don't want your little fancy-dandy, foreign banker, flim-flam, you know, Bernie Madoff, Ken Lace, El Scamo system.
We're gonna come back with calls straight ahead.
Amazing, and I mean amazing interview.
Clouded Titles, Dave Krieger.
Straight ahead, go to infowarshop.com.
Alex Jones here with a great way to beat the blackouts, get off the grid, and generate your own supply of electrical power.
Folks, with what's been going on in this country, I don't have to tell you about the power grid and just how vulnerable it is.
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Dave Krieger is our guest.
We're taking your phone calls.
Big Sis sued for a cadre of women.
She only hires women to top positions.
Well, she likes women.
I like women too.
But the point is, is that the men were told they were slaves, basically.
So, lawsuits are flying.
We ought to make her a Supreme Court Justice.
It'd be nice.
You couldn't tell who was who.
Whether it was Sotomayor or Kagan or her.
We could just kind of like...
I mean, it could be like a game where you kind of spin the three around and go, which one is which?
And you can't really tell.
Maybe we could cross all three of them, make a new clone.
That'll be our new ruler.
You can tell the leader, though, has a little white spot in their hair.
Most supervillains do have like that little mark.
I don't know what the deal is.
Okay, we're taking your phone calls here, talking about the giant fraud.
Before you leave, as you started getting into it, but we never got into it, before you leave, get into the Justice Department and our loving Attorney General, because he's a big part of this.
Being a good fellow from Chicago, we're going to get to it.
I understand.
Well, you know, basically the word that's out on the street now through some of the reports that we're seeing, and we review these things on a daily basis, we're looking at issues between the DOJ and Covington & Burling.
Namely, that Eric Holder and Lanny Brewer were employees or partners, if you will, of Covington & Burling, which issued the opinion letter for MERS and MERS Corp.
So when you have the DOJ tied to the entity that the banks basically use to transfer all their notes on Wall Street and play in the derivatives markets, you have some real issues.
Well, that's the word.
I mean, you get the select groups, the law firms, the accounting firms, Arthur Anderson, and then you can do whatever you want.
People ask, well, how come Mitt Romney not pay hardly any taxes?
Well, he's part of the special club.
And that's how the payoffs work.
Let's go to some phone calls.
Jim in West Virginia.
You're on the air with our guest.
Welcome, sir.
Go ahead.
Thank you.
Well, two things utterly amaze me at their insanity.
You can make every payment, but you never get the wet copy after you make all the payments of the note.
So, it still isn't yours.
And, the banks collect and or foreclose based on a worthless copy of the original valuable note.
Now, judges know the difference between a note and its copy.
The copy is a forgery, for crying out loud.
Just like there's a difference between a Federal Reserve note and a Xerox copy of the currency.
Can you comment on this criminal insanity on the part of the judges?
I'll just listen.
Well, the biggest part of the problem that we're seeing now is, you know, when people bring stuff into court, the judges basically buy what evidence has been presented that hasn't been objected to.
The bigger problem we're running into is a lot of people that go in there that get out-procedured by the banks and I think this is where the largest part of what we're seeing is the problem.
Uh, you know, not that, you know, pro se litigation hasn't won.
We had a case, uh, Reid versus Fannie Mae in California that just came out, where she got a summary judgment.
But, um... But to be clear, if no one objects, they could go in there, basically with the back of a Cracker Jack box... Bring anything they want.
...and say, here's my proof.
Yep, bring anything they want.
And the, and the court will accept it as long as you don't object to it.
This is the general game plan.
And a lot of people do not understand when they go into court that you can literally get out-procedured because these people have a specific game plan.
We have networks across the country of foreclosure mills that all band together and share information in a big way.
And I talk about that in the book.
And so when you see all of this... It's called organized crime.
Well, you call it what you want, but the fact of the matter is it's network sharing, and this is what we're trying to do on our end, is we're coming back, and we have a network of about 40 attorneys that have all banded together and share information, and this network is growing.
And it's if there are significant players in this thing that are actually winning cases.
Mike and Nathan and others will be talking to you.
Call the free number to join us, 800-259-9231.
I'm Alex Jones, and you're listening to the GCN Radio Network, GCNLive.com.
There's a ton of amazing news, by the way, on the GCNLive.com website.
Be sure and check that out.
And then, of course, there's also the site where we're streaming video of this right now.
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Waging war on corruption.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, if you just joined us, we're rolling into the third hour here on this Friday edition.
Dave Krieger is our guest.
The book is clouded titles.
We're taking your phone calls.
Let's move to them quick.
30 more minutes of calls here than a bunch of news and my little visit with a drone today.
Yeah, it happened.
And I got footage of it to prove it.
Let's talk to Mike in New Mexico.
Mike, you're on the air.
Hey, what's going on guys?
Thanks for taking my call.
Thank you.
Hey, I got a question for you.
I don't know about these reverse mortgages.
I'm hearing them air a lot on commercials, and it looks like you're attacking a lot of senior citizens.
So if you guys can elaborate on that, something to look out for, your mom or whatever.
Yeah, that's a great question.
You know, they're telling old folks, live in your house till you die, but get some money to live now on the house.
In a way, maybe that's a good idea because the IRS will try to steal old people's houses unless it's all clouded, but I'm not giving advice.
I mean, I'm sure that's probably pretty predatory.
What's going on?
Well, reverse mortgages, and we had a question on that on another program that I was on, and
The woman basically was concerned about the fact, as you say, as you stated, Alex, that she was wondering whether or not this was a smart move for somebody that's getting up in years.
And normally when I think of people going into retirement, I'm thinking of people that are trying to literally pay off their mortgage and find a passive income stream.
But because of the fact that America's financial education, what you obviously didn't learn in high school, you actually have to, instead of the school of
I don't know.
lending community to prey on the interest of these people and so they get these famous movie stars on that look trusting and they recommend these things and recommend these... So you're saying it's a bad idea?
If it was my situation I was facing, retirement, I sure would be looking at another income stream.
I could think of a lot of other things to invest... Sure, but let's say, let's say your cancer's in remission, you think you're gonna be dead in five years, do the reverse mortgage, go to the Caribbean, have a good time.
Part of the problem is, though, your estate starts to diminish and pretty soon by the time all this is said and done, your estate is left with nothing.
I mean, that's the problem.
But, I mean, yeah, if you don't want to give your kids the money, though, blow it.
I mean, it sounds bad.
I'm not saying reverse mortgages are good.
I don't know much about them.
I'm just saying, are they always bad in your view?
I generally tend to shy away from them, but, you know, people have the reasons for doing it, and I always tell them, look, if you're going to do a reverse mortgage, the best thing to do is consult with a financial professional.
Well, yeah, why not shell the nicer house and move into a smaller apartment in a retirement community instead of getting the reverse mortgage?
My mom did that very thing.
She did the very same thing.
She took her, um, all the money that she had, she sold her house, and of course, you know, her being in Florida, she took a nosedive on that house and lost $100,000 when she sold it.
And so she took that money and put it into annuities and what she considered safe investments and left it there.
And so then she moved into an apartment.
And that way, you know, when it's time to settle the estate, everything is very easy and not complicated.
Now, the average person could have said, you know, the reverse mortgage sounds good because I want to leave something to my kids.
Well, the downside of the reverse mortgage is the fact that it depletes the estate.
So if the intent was to leave them something, well, don't you think it would be better just to try to figure out a way to create an income stream to pay off the mortgage or figure out a way to, you know, rent the house out and move into an apartment so somebody else can pay that mortgage?
Because that's what a lot of people do when they can't afford the house.
They rent it to somebody else, and somebody else makes the mortgage payment, and then they move into an apartment which is cheaper that they can live on and they're fixing it.
Alright, great analysis.
I think that answered his question.
We're going to go to break.
Two more segments.
The next one's long.
We're going to go to Mike, Nathan, Sandy, Truth Warrior.
Actually, Truth Warrior is right after Mike when we come back.
And I'm Alex Jones.
Our guest is Dave Krieger.
The book is Clouded Titles.
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I'm Alex Jones.
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Folks, with what's been going on in this country, I don't have to tell you about the power grid and just how vulnerable it is.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Dave Krieger is our guest for two more segments here on this live Friday edition.
I'm Alex Jones.
Thank you so much for joining us.
If you just tuned in, there is a mega fraud.
I've talked about it a decade ago.
People thought it was a conspiracy theory.
How they didn't have the real notes.
They were engaged in fraud.
They were selling into derivatives.
These mortgages over and over again.
The chain of custody wasn't filed.
The deeds weren't filed properly.
None of it was being carried out correctly.
Well now you know the last three or four years that's been big news.
It's continuing.
And they're not just taking people who get behind on their mortgage.
You know, you pay 24 years, you get behind one month, they take it to last year.
They're taking houses that are paid for.
And we've gone over a lot of examples of that.
Or people think their house is paid off, but somebody bought it down the line and just comes and says, it's mine.
And the courts take it, unless you know what you're doing.
That's where the book Clouded Titles that we do sell at Infowarshop.com, massively discounted.
It's normally $49.95.
It's $39.95 and you get a free Citizen Rule book and bumper stickers with it.
But the point is, it's well worth it because it breaks down what real lawyers and others are doing to win.
And it's the latest.
This just came out, this latest edition.
Okay, I want to go back to the phone calls here.
Let's go to Mike and then Truth Warrior and others.
Mike in Wyoming, you're on the air with Dave Krieger.
Go ahead.
Yeah, hi.
Dave, there's another 500-pound gorilla out there that's clouding tidal.
That's the IRS.
I was in a urinating contest with him for many years, and I finally had to go through bankruptcy to get him off my back.
But I'm still saddled with a big lien on my house that my bankruptcy attorney says I'm stuck with it.
Nothing they can do about it.
But what the IRS does is they don't go through the normal procedure that anyone else would have to go through to file a lien with a county recorder.
The recorder just says, well, we just file anything as long as the appropriate fee is paid.
There's no certification to be specific.
Is that even a mechanics lien?
They have to certify that the information in there is accurate and they don't do that.
It's robo-signed by someone who doesn't even exist.
Uh, we're told to give people fake, uh, well, I mean, they're not fake, but they really are fake, under wrong names, these tax IDs.
Then they can then attach those to social security numbers that aren't even the same, and government, Texas Comptroller, others have released millions of them.
Foreign governments are involved, you name it.
It's shutting down the IRS, but it's worse when the illegals
Do stuff in your name or whatever?
The IRS, and there's this identity fraud involved, will come and still take your account or put liens on you, and they're told it doesn't matter, just use it to take their money.
And the IRS is finally in a mutiny.
You know, the biggest sinner in the country is here in Austin.
They are finally just going, we can't do this.
And they're taking retirees' homes, you name it.
So this breaking news you see is really a whitewash, is what I'm saying.
But what do you say to that, Mike?
Well, my question is, isn't there a way, can I do a quiet title action?
I couldn't get any attorney to touch it locally here.
Yeah, how do you challenge the fact that it's a robo-signed fraud?
Well, again, you're dealing... UCC, largely in part, deals, from my understanding, in Article 9, which is basically possession is nine-tenths of the law, and if they can go in and seize whatever's in your bank account... I know that, judging from what I've talked to attorneys about, Mike, on these issues...
That they're telling me that, you know, certain bankruptcy debts are dischargeable, or IRS liens rather, are dischargeable in bankruptcy if they're older than three years.
My CPA even confirmed that.
But, you know, the fact of the matter is, is that, you know, once liens are there, there are certain procedures that you need to find a real estate attorney that understands that stuff.
Yeah, there are people that aren't cowards that are willing to go up against
There are attorneys that will go and challenge the existing liens on there, especially if a lien has been discharged in bankruptcy and it still is, you know, showing on your chain.
So what saved you?
Your homesteads saved you from their clutches?
Well, the bankruptcy itself stops any collection activity, but that doesn't make the lien just go up.
By the way, Mike is a doctor, and he hasn't called in a few years.
You've been listening over the decade, haven't you, Mike?
Oh, yeah, since the early days.
I recognize your voice.
How are you doing?
Oh, not too bad.
You know, you're saying that fish rots from the head down.
Our administration here at My Little Hospital seems to have the same infection that the feds have, that they can just do pretty much whatever they want.
This mentality seems to be permeating our entire society.
Yeah, the more Americans go along to orders, the tyrants will gravitate to the positions.
Thomas Jefferson said the tyranny, the level of tyranny we'll live under is the exact point he will put up with.
And that's the bad prognosis, Doc, as you know.
But I tell you, you've been listening, it's gotta be 12, 13 years.
Has it not all come through like we said?
I mean, we're just following the signpost right into hell here.
We're getting pretty close to the mouth of the furnace now.
Yeah, well, like you, I've known for a long time what was going on.
I just, I'm old enough that I thought, well, this, you know, this is something that the next generation is going to have to deal with.
And I, I never dreamed that, you know, at fast approaching 60 years of age, I'm going to have to, I'm going to be the one that has to deal with it.
Well look out, because my IRS source said 70 plus percent of the audits and seizures they're doing, they've been told, target retirees, and they've changed the laws retroactively to now try to get your money and say, oh, you took $200,000 out the last couple years out of your retirement.
There's penalties and interest.
You owe us a million.
And it's not even a law.
It's just total criminality.
Good to hear from you.
Any other comments on that?
I'm good there.
Amazing info.
Let's talk to Nathan in Minnesota.
You're on the air with our guest.
Hi there.
Thanks for having me on.
I'm actually a friend of Dan Fights, who's been on your show before.
Yeah, good guy!
I'm an attorney here in Minnesota, and I practice in the area of bankruptcy, and then I've studied this issue.
I've had some knowledge and exposure to this.
Just a couple things I wanted to say.
In Minnesota, MERS has come and lobbied our legislature and just gotten a MERS statute that just says everything they have done is okay.
And they also got a favorable decision on a certified question from the federal court to the Minnesota Supreme Court in the case of Jackson v. Merz that basically says, yeah, everything they do is fine.
You can sever the note from the lien.
That said, I think people should be really careful about, you know, what attorneys they hire.
We just had one here that got sanctioned for a lot of money and who was representing the people that he was going to be able to take care of these things.
So be real careful and check into who you hire.
And then the other thing I wanted to say that has to go with the IRS, you see the IRS picking on little people all the time.
When these things were securitized and they put them in like these REMIC trusts, I've learned this, I've gotten a continuing legal education on this from real legitimate attorneys that have been involved in this, a lot of people from the South.
They put them in these REMIC trusts, it's my understanding from these attorneys that the nature of these trusts is such that you're not supposed to transfer these assets around once you've got them in these trusts.
So essentially it appears to be that there's massive tax fraud
That has been perpetrated by these banks and maybe Goldman Sachs or whoever's been churning these things out.
I actually got to talk to a retired partner in Goldman Sachs at a bar, kind of a friend of an uncle, who basically, he designed these things and he basically acknowledged to me off the record, it's just a big fraud, that they would have them, that they would have them certified AAA and, you know, spin them off.
And so I think that there's massive, you see our little, you know, our doctors, you know, that's not for middle class person, but I see people, truck drivers and stuff, picked on by the IRS a lot.
Oh, no, no, no.
They admit, they go after little people for no reason because they can't defend themselves.
I mean, it is, it is, not only is the IRS robbing people, folks, you're robbing innocent people and destroying families.
You're, you're mojo, whatever you want to call it.
You're karma.
You're reap what you sow.
I wouldn't want to be you.
I'm trying to find out how much luck these bankruptcies attorneys are having doing adversarial proceedings inside of Chapter 13 because a lot of people they try to do a Chapter 7 bankruptcy and you basically are just discharging and dumping all the debt.
But you were nodding your head when you talked about a lawyer getting sanctioned in Minnesota.
That was a massive case and he's still getting sanctioned.
He basically was doing a lot of blanket filing of the same type of lawsuits trying to stop these foreclosures and the courts basically just hammered him.
Unfortunately, the problem in Minnesota, and this is, you know, there are several states that are really seriously in trouble.
Michigan is one.
Minnesota is one.
They've given MERS a lot of latitude.
Arizona, with the Cervantes case and the multi-district litigation, has given MERS a huge... So the courts are backing the fraud?
A lot of what we're seeing is that the courts are siding with MERS in that, and this is part of the problem, is the borrower.
The borrower went in, ignorantly, and signed his name to a deed of trust or mortgage and gave MERS... But a fraudulent, I know lawyer, but I know in all law, ancient and the more newer forms, something designed to deceive and to be a fraud is a null and void contract.
If it can be proven.
The thing I have to ask the borrower when they go to the closing table like yourself when you went out and got a mortgage loan, did you read before you signed?
Yes, but it's written in legalese, you know, basically in a foreign language.
I understand.
Did they tell you that you could get an attorney at the time that you signed this document?
See, the thing is, is that Americans, because of this lack of financial education I was referring to earlier in the show, because of the fact that they... No, we've been raised, we've been raised to be victims and to be cattle.
That's why the big banking associations a hundred years ago or more said we've got to finance the dumbing down.
Yeah, well you have to look at, when you go in to sign a mortgage loan, if anything, if you know somebody that's going to be buying a house at any point in time in the near future, you need to sit down, if you know about this book and you need to share it with them, and tell them, look, if you go in and you see an 18-digit MN number, it means that they intended to securitize your loan.
That MN number was on your document before you went to closing.
They already had that note and that pool and everything.
No, they already got it agreed to get you the loan.
And they shop it around, that's how they get it.
But to expand on that, you're saying more and more, you can go to title companies, others themselves, you can do an original old-fashioned system, you've just got to ask for it, right?
There are good banks out there that will hold the paper, and that's the way it used to be.
So, and the book breaks it all down, Clouded Titles, available right now at InfoWarsShop.com or link through at InfoWars.com.
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Well, I was going to Truth Warrior, who I saw on hold earlier in the week and never got to, and I was about to go to him and he hung up.
Uh, so let's go to Sandy in Florida.
You're on the air with the author of Clouded Titles, Dave Krieger.
Go ahead.
Hello, how are you?
I'm good, ma'am.
Do you have a question or comment?
Kind of a question and a comment.
Well, actually, I was helping a friend of mine who's been facing foreclosure.
She's been fighting successfully through an attorney, but then they dropped her because the banks wanted to do a modification and she didn't.
So we went pro se because we couldn't find any attorneys to help us.
One actually said, you know what happens when people come against the system?
They get killed.
So we went and we showed the judge that the assignment of mortgage was done two months after they had already first filed for foreclosure.
So when she talked to the attorney, the attorney said, oh, we took care of that before.
And she said, no, there's nothing in here about that.
And then she said, do you have the original?
He said, no.
Finally, she looked at him and she goes, you've got a serious problem here.
And she says, but I'm not dismissing the case.
And she looked at my friend.
She goes, because I'm not going to give you a place for free.
So they, you know, they stopped it.
They didn't give them the summary judgment.
So listening to you, I've written down some notes.
We did, she did get an attorney because when I said to, my friend said to the judge, we feel there's fraud involved in the actual... Sure, we're not going to be able to break down the whole case here today, ma'am, or give you, you know, things that are going to win.
You need to get the book or do further research.
But do you have a question for our guest?
Well, yeah, the question is that they want to do mediation.
They're supposed to have a title expert.
So, if he's there, should we bring up the whole thing about what you were mentioning about the, uh... Well, ma'am, we can't sit here and give you advice over the air and know the particulars, but I appreciate your call, but I'm sure you hear this all day, Dave.
I do a lot.
And, you know, basically the way things are, if I was in that position, Alex, I would be, you know, looking at the attorney and I'd be saying, okay, you know, what's wrong with the logistics here and why aren't we arguing these things?
I mean, he needs to speak up.
You know, my biggest concern, because she was sitting there talking about a loan mod, if you've got a document that, or an assignment that is questionable,
And you know it's questionable, then, you know, the question then becomes, or the issue becomes, why am I negotiating and doing a loan mod with a lender that may not own my note?
Yeah, but that shows you've already gotten pretty far that now they're trying to... Well, see the problem with loan mods is it drives the borrower because it takes a long time to get a loan mod done and the whole time that this is happening the borrower is either making trial payments or not making payments at all and they're getting deeper in debt and there's more servicing fees being added on by the servicer and so as an end result it costs more to dig out of the snow drip
You know, once everything is all piled up around you.
So, you know, this is why we go back to the core and look at chain of title versus chain of custody of the note.
They're trying to change the subject.
Let's go to Bob in Florida.
Bob, you're on the air.
Hi, how you doing?
Listen, it's funny that you guys are bringing this up today.
I had a piece of property that was sold yesterday.
And I got a phone call from the title company and here the notary at the county level never had a witness when she notarized it now she's a county employee never had it witnessed and here the title company will now or will not allow the sale to go through and I was told I have to go get an attorney.
Well, that's one of the good things now.
They're starting to make them not do all the robo-behavior.
Go ahead.
No, that's a valid argument and a valid reason to go get counsel because of the fact that, you know, somebody might be subtly sending you a message that you might have an out here.
You might be able to vacate the entire judgment and sale because of the fact of the way the case was done.
And that's, you know, when you're seeing any little thing that's wrong, including not having a notary witness or any number of little factors that creep into the situation.
Yeah, what's happening is you've got moral people
Who thought that the IRS and other places were legitimate.
Now they're finding out it's all a fraud.
And people at the county level, they're not allowed to come out and speak out against it because of the tyranny.
But they will sit there and give you tips.
They will, you know, explain things to you.
Well, they can't give legal advice either.
Alex, but they can drop subtle hints, and that's apparently what this gentleman has happened to him.
And so, if somebody says, I really think you need to get an attorney because I see a problem here, you know, they're basically speaking off the cuff to you, but what they're doing is they're dropping a subtle hint that you may have a case.
And, you know, you always have to entertain that.
You can't, you know, for you to sit there and do nothing diminishes your chances exponentially.
And the more of us, and the more of us fight them just by sheer numbers, it's going to, it's going to drive this out.
In the open.
Great call, sir.
Does that answer your question?
Yeah, the only other question is do you have any recourse because now I have to get an attorney to deal with something that the county was supposed to do.
Okay, real fast.
We're almost out of time.
Sure, sure.
You'll find out more in the book.
CloudedTitles, InfoWarshop.com.
It's a complex issue.
You're putting on seminars breaking this down.
Yeah, as a matter of fact, we're doing the CODA workshop in Chicago on the 18th and 19th of this month.
And you can go online to cloudedtitles.com and sign up.
I can count on my hand the number of seats I have left available in that Chicago workshop, many of which, by the way, are your InfoWars viewers.
All right, Dave Krieger, great job.
Thank you for coming in.
Coming up, the video's encoding.
It's almost done right now.
I got buzzed by a drone today.
I'm not joking.
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I was sitting in traffic, listening to the radio.
George Strait was singin' Seashores of Old Mexico.
It sounded so good, I got an idea.
I'm gonna go there since they're all over here.
The Lonestar State should be renamed Texico.
So long, Texas.
Hello, Mexico.
I'm gonna swim the Rio Grande at El Paso.
I'm leaving tonight.
I ain't gonna pack.
I'm only taking the clothes on my back.
So long, Texas.
Hello, Mexico.
I'll drive a rattle-trap car with no liability.
I'll demand equal rights, though I'm there illegally.
I'll protest in the streets till they finally grant them.
Sing English words to their national anthem.
Hey, Vincente!
What's right for your people should be right for me.
There's no controlling that tide that keeps rolling across the line.
This old Texas cowboy feels like my home state's no longer mine.
So long, Texas.
Hello, Mexico.
Yeah, you know why we played this song today?
Because I remember an Associated Press article seven, eight years ago saying banks do favors for illegal immigrants.
And it had different bank heads saying, oh yeah, you don't even have to have ID if you're an illegal.
We'll just give you a home loan, whatever else.
But citizens, you know, you have to show four or five forms of ID.
And now the federal government issues illegals fake tax ID numbers.
The states accept their driver's license, not because they care about these people.
But because they want to drive down wages, and they want to play us off against each other, and they want to make everybody poor.
That's how economies work.
When you bring in giant, unskilled, massive workforces, it drags down the base wage.
And this all gets into basic economic theorem, but the point is, the system knows exactly what it is doing.
And then the citizens get the book thrown at them because being a citizen, I mean, I've thought about before.
Of course, I would be prosecuted because I'm seen as a mark because I'm an American.
If you're Hispanic, black, white, Asian, if you're a citizen, you're seen as a chump.
So if I announced that my name was Juan Gonzalez,
And, uh, started just drunk driving and, uh, I wouldn't get a $10 fine.
I'd get, you know, they'd find out who I was and I'd put me through the system.
Uh, good.
But I've talked to assistant prosecutors here in Austin.
They've come to my office with their business cards.
I've seen them on TV and said, well, I can't come on air, but here's the places to look.
Problem is I'm so overwhelmed.
I don't know.
I can't, I don't have time to get into all this most of the time.
And they were going, yeah, what'd you talk about?
10, 20, $30 fines for drunk driving, you name it.
When the police arrest them.
I've had cops tell me this.
One night, one of my IT guys' driver's license was expired.
I pulled up at the office like 8 o'clock at night.
I've told the story 20, 30 times.
And I see one of my IT guys, well, a contractor in handcuffs.
And he turned into the office.
They thought that was suspicious.
They came over, ran stuff.
His license was expired.
And I said, can't you just give him a ticket for that?
Can't you just...
And they're like, well, we're encouraged sometimes.
It was still suspicious.
And by the way, we went in your building.
We thought it was suspicious you went in the building.
And I was like, you thought it was suspicious he went in the building.
Because, oh yeah, it was an excuse to go there.
Cops ran around inside my office.
They thought he was suspicious.
Yeah, he looks real suspicious, wearing a button-up, clean shirt.
You know, six foot two, looks like a Sunday school teacher.
He looks really evil.
And I forgot that part.
So they handcuffed him.
The door was left open.
So they ran around inside the office.
They thought he was running away.
He pulled in right off the road, came in.
I don't think so.
Oh yeah, I like your show.
I'm in a rock and roll band.
I retire in six months.
Boy, the cops are rude in New York.
I was up there and asked for directions.
They got my face.
Yeah, hey, we're taking your guy to jail.
I was like, why?
She goes, well, she was the first to be here.
And so that's what she wants to do.
I guess he didn't look like he enjoyed having, you know, having him come to the door and stuff.
So, and I went and I said, but if he was in illegal, you'd let him go.
And he goes, yeah, probably.
Even if he was drunk driving, because the judges, you know, they just let them go.
And it's kind of frowned upon for us to even arrest them.
And all the cops are sitting there nodding their head, and I'm trying to talk to the woman cop, and I'm like, come on, let him go.
Be reasonable.
And she looked mad.
She wouldn't talk to me.
So I just said, oh, that's great.
She drives off with him, and the other cops are like, hey, I like this on the show.
And it was like it didn't, it was like they were being friendly and nice and were listeners, but were so used to selectively enforcing and abusing citizens that it didn't even connect with them what they were doing.
It didn't even connect with them what they were doing.
The illegal aliens in most states, you can look this up, get better in-state tuition than people that even live in the state.
They get their babies paid for when they have babies, everything.
And again, it's wrong.
It's wrong.
You can't go to Mexico and be treated like that.
You can't be an illegal alien in China and be treated like that, folks.
You know what they do to an illegal alien in Mexico?
Look it up.
I know you can pull up headlines.
Mexico most abusive to immigrants.
Illegal immigrants.
In fact, type it in, guys.
New York Times, you name it.
They put you in a hard labor work camp with mosquitoes, snakes, you name it, with big fences around it, busting rocks for gravel, the old-fashioned deal, for one year.
And do you know what happens while you're in the slave camp?
They run your ID and extort your family.
Because if you don't send them money, they will let you starve and will kill you.
Mexico runs real live concentration camps.
In fact, I saw a number of thousands of Guatemalans a year that try to get into Mexico to get to the U.S.
end up dying in the slave camps.
I'll type it in.
Watch this.
Mexico, Mexico abuses illegal immigrants.
There's WSBT, Mexico officials accused of abusing illegal immigrants.
Hypocrisy, Mexico's immigration stance.
Report alleges, and it just goes on, there's a bunch of them, you can find it.
Legal immigrants really are abused in Mexico.
And I mean, let me tell you folks, you talk about hellish.
But my whole point is, can I come to Mexico and just get on a bunch of welfare and have one house in Austin?
Because my whistleblower was saying it was 500,000 or something a year.
It was 89 million to 10 houses in Austin.
Just where I live, 89 million.
We showed you that out of Accounting Business Times yesterday.
Okay, now for our top story here today.
This happened when I was driving to work, and it was about 10 a.m., and I'm driving down 290, and I could tell they must have a checkpoint up ahead, or a wreck.
They like to do checkpoints at the Y for the commercial vehicles, the trucks.
But they shut down the road a lot.
So I have to leave really early now.
It used to take me 30 minutes to get to work.
Now it can take over an hour because of the checkpoints and the Austin police are now wearing Marine Corps drill sergeant hats.
I hadn't seen that yet.
And they were out there.
So I'm seeing pretty heavy traffic.
And I'm dreading it going, man, I left an hour and 20 minutes before the show to get ready at home.
Man, I've got to find another route to work through the checkpoint.
Because it's not a major highway.
They just do it where these roads come together and just in the middle of the worst snarl in Austin.
The Y. So I'm sitting there and I look up and I go, is that a bird?
Is that a plane?
No, that's a drone.
And right over the highway at about 125, 150 feet or so is a drone moving back and forth.
And I look over and I see what looks like a Texas Department of Transportation truck.
And I see a guy with a hard hat sitting there running it.
And I pull off.
And you're about to see that video.
And I get out and talk to the guy.
And I interviewed him for about 20 minutes.
We'll probably air most of the interview on the Nightly News tonight, but this is some excerpts of it.
Where we have some of the better audio, because I shot it on an iPhone.
A lot of it's not that good for radio.
And, you know, the guy knew who I was, and then listeners started stopping and honking and getting out and taking photos.
And then he was like, hey, it's not bad that I have a drone.
I'm like, look, it's okay for maps of the highway, you know, with your video slash still camera flying around.
But I said, no, but we're asking about weaponized drones.
He said, oh, that's a conspiracy.
And he was a really nice guy.
But we've put together the video with articles for him.
And he said there's, I think, four or five of these just with their company operating in Austin.
But, you know, I thought we might even hire the guy for the shooting show sometime to come out and show us when we're shooting with the drone.
It's a Camera Wings low-level aerial video photography.
Robert Jones, I believe is how you pronounce it, owner and flight operations officer, and he's got four people working for him that also do it.
And he was flying over the highway for a tech dot
Text out deal, but my point was when I got out and said, oh, this is interesting.
By the way, I don't want weaponized ones.
He was like, that's not happening.
Even though we have articles here in Texas where they're where the cops are trying to get authorization from the FAA to put shotguns and tear gas on them.
That's in CBS News.
That's in Houston Chronicle.
So we're going to show you some of those articles over the video.
You're a radio listener.
We're going to air this on the nightly news tonight.
And we'll also have it posted by the night of tomorrow on YouTube, maybe even quicker.
I think Kurt Nemo's got an article this afternoon for InfoWars.com, so if you hear this and rebroadcast later, go to InfoWars.com, you can watch the video there on the site.
Alex Jones, buzzed by drone!
Alex Jones Catches Highway Department Drone In Action!
Janet Napolitano is announcing that they're going to use them for, quote, public safety and the police, and now they're arming them.
So, we're having a debate about this.
And you need to have the drone industry, the subgroups, point out they're not with the weaponized angle.
I mean, I went and saw Total Recall last night.
I think I'm going to shoot a review for the nightly news tonight.
See, this is written on Alamo Draft House.
Order slips.
You can order food there.
I wrote these in the dark, so it's hard to read.
But it was an amazing film.
I went and saw Total Recall.
The government stages terror attacks in it to take the liberties.
There's underground bases.
Everybody else lives on the surface because the government's released a chemical weapon previously to take over.
A global corporation runs things.
There's two global corporations that fight with each other.
Britain is the command center of it all.
I'll do my review tonight.
Let's go ahead and get to this piece.
Alex Jones, yours truly, running smack dab into a pretty sophisticated little drone.
And then, of course, the checkpoint on down the road with cops bugging their eyes out at me when I rolled by through the traffic slow, wearing their drill sergeant hats.
I didn't know I ever joined the Marine Corps, but I'm a milk cow.
Milk me, milk me.
But again, I shouldn't be upset about the drones.
It's a good thing.
And the TSA too.
They're good people.
Again, we have to recognize that this is out of control.
But here's the proliferation.
So many drones that now you can't even miss them.
Here it is.
Folks, Alex Jones here.
I was driving to work and saw the drone.
Hey, how's it going?
Driving to work here.
Saw this flying over the road.
I had Joe Ferrer ask me if I'd ever seen one.
Run by government and I hadn't.
But there it is.
I'm shooting this with my iPhone out here.
Footage of the drone coming in for a landing.
Pretty darn powerful footage.
Man, that iPhone really did a great job.
Wow, what's that?
I'm doing some right-of-way shots for the highway department.
Oh, highway department.
Proliferation of drones, huh?
Yeah, have you seen our video, drones shot down over Texas?
Pretty good, check it out.
I know that there was a situation over in Mississippi or Alabama where some guys were overflying a pigeon chute, like PETA people.
Oh yeah, and it got shot down, yeah.
No, no, that was great, that was the first one.
I'm actually on a contract today for a company.
We're shooting low-level police at a 290 right-of-way.
Actually, I'm covering all the way from Loop 1 all the way out both legs of the Y. They don't fill me in on what the project is.
I get a big old map and they just tell me where they want photos taken.
So, I'm actually shooting from this location right now.
This map's about 40 feet long.
What do you think about in the news that Texas is weaponizing drones to have them flying around with shotguns and riot control?
Well, personally I stay on top of it and I am not aware that that's occurring at all.
Check it out.
It just sort of happened in the last month.
Did you hear about them using a Predator drone against people that had a cattle dispute in North Dakota?
It doesn't surprise me that they may have gone over and taken pictures.
Do you think it's good to have the Department of Defense operating in domestically?
I mean, why not?
I mean, to me it's no different than standing on the side of the road taking a picture.
I'm just a little bit higher.
But you know these can shoot over fences, though.
Privacy fences.
Well, but, I mean, every day Google is flying over those fences.
You can zoom in.
I can look at the chairs around my swimming pool.
No, I know, but Google also got caught using those little cars to grab people's passcodes.
Oh, that's pretty crazy.
So you can program this to kind of fly itself, but then you can just override it?
Well, you know, as you see it set up right now, it doesn't have autonomous flight capabilities other than if it runs low on battery, it will automatically return before it gets in trouble.
So there's an override?
Right, and it also has a, if the radio were some reason to break, it'll automatically come home and land itself where it took off from.
And this camera shoots video and stills?
Yes, this is probably the
Yeah, I've got two of those cameras.
They're awesome.
They've got high-def quality that just ten years ago that would have cost 60 grand.
A whole bunch of them, yeah.
The Air Force, what, has over 15,000 of them and they're using them all over the world.
Yeah, but we were talking for the... Sure, sure.
The Homeland Defense doesn't have a lot of them, and they're flying the U.S.
border, but they're not looking over your backsides or anything.
Well, actually, I mean, we got footage in Florida where they are.
I mean, they say police on them.
Those are held to a higher level.
Fully autonomous drones where they can send them out to a spot and, you know, that's a different thing where the guy isn't seeing.
He's got a camera.
Sure, pre-programmed.
Or he's flying it by camera where he's looking into an image and flying it first person view.
But, you know, the guys that are flying low-level, under-regulated airspace, you know, I'm flying 400 feet or less, regulated airspace, it starts at around
Listen, you're out here getting shots from the highway department.
That's understandable.
That's a great profession.
Really neat.
I'm glad we ran into each other.
I'm talking about police departments are saying we're getting them and we want to weaponize them.
Well, see, I actually know guys from police departments.
What they would like to do before they serve a warrant is fly around the house and look at exits and stuff like that.
You know, things like... Couldn't Google Earth do that?
Well, yeah, if you could get them to fly out this afternoon.
Well, that's the thing though.
Google looks straight down.
These can come in and look.
Yeah, that's what I'm telling you.
That's the big brother aspect.
Look at all the surveillance.
Look at the NSA admitting it's spying on the American people illegally.
Look at all the loss of liberty, all the cameras.
I remember talking to the highway department 15 years ago and they said, we'll never use these for the police.
And of course they were planning it the whole time.
It's a night... I mean, who's watching the government?
I hope they're concerned citizens watching the government.
He said a lot more as well there with us in the interview, but that's cut down for time.
And he talked about a really expensive drone helicopter Texas, the Texas Department had that did just crash.
I think I'm going to have Jacobson add that to the video before we post it up to InfoWars.com for everybody.
But if you're a radio listener, it's pretty darn powerful footage I got where it's flying around above us on the highway and then coming down and landing.
And again, because of computers, because of production, because of managerization, this stuff's getting cheaper and cheaper.
It is being weaponized.
And that's basically what the whole Total Recall movie is about.
It's where this global corporation wants to kill the rest of humanity so a tiny group can just have robots run everything.
Humans aren't needed anymore.
And I brought up why the future doesn't need us to this guy.
And he was laughing.
We should probably add that and show the article where Bill Joy said, yeah, I had meetings with the globalists, you know, they had a Sun microsystem and they want to get rid of everybody.
I mean, that's the plan with all this.
There's not going to be humans going to space.
There's not going to be humans and submarines, humans on ships, humans in aircraft.
It's all going to be robot.
It's cheaper, quicker, faster, all of it.
People worry about unions taking your job or vice versa, non-union.
How about machines?
And it's not that I'm against technology, it's that the globalists controlling it are building back doors into all of it, and no one can deny this stuff is being used to attack us.
And people that are in these industries are immediately, you know, overly defensive, because I didn't put a lot of the arguments and stuff in there.
I may put out a longer version.
Where the guy's like, well, don't say drones are bad.
They're not bad.
My drone's not bad.
It does a good job.
It's cheaper than helicopters.
Humans won't get hurt.
Well, yeah, then there's that nanny state idea of, let's not have humans in helicopters because they might get hurt.
And he's not saying that, but that's where this goes.
They've already got Google cars all over the United States.
They're saying, oh, they're already safer than humans.
We should get rid of humans.
This is the globalist plan.
I know what I'm talking about.
We cover it all in Endgame Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
That they're trying to take off YouTube right now with some band claiming they own my voice now.
And by the way, I nicely talked about this on air a few weeks ago, and they haven't taken the attempted block off yet.
I'm going to have to take action very soon.
Somebody needs to get a hold of those folks.
If you go to one of the end games with, I don't know, like two and a half million views on YouTube, but you can see where they were claiming they own it and they own my voice and they've got their stuff up for sale.
They're hijacking my video.
I'm getting really angry about that.
This is what they can do to censors as well, just say my voice is copyright and have computers remove it worldwide.
That's the type of dangerous systems that are out there.
And I said to this nice fella, again, he was like, are you a member of the NRA?
Okay, good, I am, I am.
He thought because I didn't want the military operating domestically, I could do a whole piece just analyzing this guy as a good guy who doesn't understand.
He's like, you're talking bad about the military running drones?
Do you like the NRA as a litmus test?
And I said, yeah.
I've been to urban warfare drills where the military's trying to take our guns.
And he's like, oh, I know that.
I believe that.
I'm like, but then you think I'm a hippie because I don't want armed drones flying around that are autonomous.
And I was telling him about autonomous drones.
He didn't believe that.
In L.A.
Times, Navy launches autonomous helicopters and drones, pre-programmed to go out and kill.
They've had them for 10 years!
They're just now telling you about autonomous ones.
They've got autonomous robot-driven space planes, according to the first head of Star Wars program, physicist and Air Force Colonel Dr. Bob Bowman.
He could only say because they accidentally declassified part of it.
I really pressed him at that big convention we had in L.A.
back in 2006.
He said, all right, I'll tell you this.
It goes by 79 because this leaked when another, you know, head of another program at DARPA on C-SPAN debating me admitted it, that in the late 70s we had a fleet of space planes with DU-SHABO, basically meteor gun technology, orbiting the globe as decapitation weapons.
They can knock out bases three miles under a mountain.
You can't dig really three miles down if it's
I don't know.
I'm going to just stop right there.
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