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Name: 20120723_Mon_Alex
Air Date: July 23, 2012
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Ladies and gentlemen,
It is Monday, the 23rd day of July 2012.
We're going to be live here for the next three hours, breaking down all of the amazing developments unfolding worldwide.
Yesterday we posted a Lou Rockwell article that's now in the featured archive of Infowars.com.
Just click on the top stories link at the top of Infowars.com.
Dealing with the other post-Colorado shooting rampage, and the police had shot a citizen, the neighborhood came out.
And was saying, you know, angrily, why'd you do this?
So the police opened fire on him with rubber bullets that can kill you at close range.
And the footage, because I hadn't watched it until this morning, I just saw the article and read it, has police releasing police dogs on women with babies in their arms and baby strollers and walking up and shotgunning.
And I've seen this in Portland, Oregon.
They had an anti-war demonstration, the police kettled it, it was peaceful and attacked it, and they come over to the baby in a baby carriage, that's like the favorite thing to target, and spray the babies in the face, and the mother's like, why are you doing that?
And says, well, you shouldn't bring a baby to a protest.
So, this is the type of just insanity that we see going on in some areas of this country.
Now, in the aftermath of the shooting,
There, in Colorado, we've seen all the surrogates of Obama come out and call for restrictions of the Second Amendment.
But now Obama himself is suggesting he's not going to go after your guns.
And the Council on Foreign Relations came out with a report yesterday, Kurt Nimmo wrote about it, saying, look, this treaty won't restrict your guns, go back to sleep.
Kind of like, Obama won't sign the NDAA, he won't hire any lobbyists, you know, he won't do this and that, but then he did.
That's their standard tactic, is to get people into
A false sense of security and then come after your rights.
They want to get this treaty through because it does shine us under UN law, but they want to just later implement it.
It's kind of like Obama said, yeah, I signed the NDAA, but I won't implement it.
So we've got all that happening.
Also, we've got another article posted up at Infowars.com of that video that happened early last week, or the video got released early last week, it happened a few weeks ago, with the people in the internet cafe and the two guys coming with masks and guns to rob them.
And an old man gets up with a .25 Cal and starts, with precision, knowing what he's doing, shooting them.
They turn tail and run, and he chases them out the door.
And of course, that article that you need to circulate to everybody is up at InfoWars.com.
So please, please get it out to everybody.
I'm looking for the exact headline.
Yeah, it's in Featured News down towards the bottom.
How to Stop a Massacre.
Surveillance video reveals simple, low-cost solution that works everywhere.
And you know, we don't, I don't sit there and make everybody that writes for our websites, Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, or even who we post, totally agree with us.
There's also articles going on the perspective that he was on a bunch of psychotropic drugs.
There's also a bunch of articles about 20 more examples of sickos that are overrunning America, because there are a lot of people in denialism and death and murder.
Even the London Telegraph has written about that, that it's the video games, the movies.
A normal person doesn't make them go crazy.
But sickos, this is how they become a man.
Just like in all ancient cultures, young men at around 12, 13 wanted to go join and go on raiding parties or go to war because that's how you became a man.
I remember when I was 12, 13, 14, you know, I believed all the stories with the other kids claiming they had all these girlfriends, and I believed everybody's stories about how tough they were.
And so I wanted to become that.
And that's just a normal male activity.
But now they say if you're a really cool male, you get all into death and you go and shoot a bunch of people.
There's all this weird art now where good-looking women do mean things to animals.
Very sick.
But, my gut tells me this is a black off and I'm gonna break that down.
Coming up, big broadcast today.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is Monday, the 23rd day of July 2012.
We have Chris Emery and Holland van der Neuwenhoff, both filmmakers and experts on false flag terror, joining us in the third hour today.
And the reason they're joining us is they looked at a specific staged terror attack.
In 1995, run by the very same crew I believe from the evidence and the earmarks and the signatures and the wavelength and the PR push.
The prime suspects of this new shooting in Colorado are the same people that committed the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 on April 19th.
And by the way, that's open and shut.
I've interviewed the police, the workers, the head of HUD.
I've interviewed them all, except, well, those they killed.
They killed some of the medical people and at least one police officer that saw the ATF and the dirty deeds they were committing.
You know, the same ATF that ships guns to Mexico to blame the Second Amendment.
And then the memos come out, it was a false flag.
You know, 2,000 dead of the almost 60,000 dead now in the last three and a half, four years in Mexico.
Hundreds dead in the U.S.
Those are very conservative numbers.
Multiple Border Patrol, multiple police doing it all to blame the Second Amendment.
Oh, but we shouldn't look at this same crew
For the shooting here.
How do you do it?
You hop somebody up on drugs, shock therapy, psychotropics.
It only takes a few months to do this with a person that's already has a proclivity towards being suggestible.
And you basically chemically hypnotize them with devil's breath, cocktails of PCP, LSD, mescaline.
Oh, that's what was in the bodies of the Mumbai massacre people.
Remember three years ago, the attacks in India?
I went on air and said it's an inside job.
Oh, by the way, the head of Indian intelligence who was killed that day fighting them, said it's Western intelligence trying to get a war between India and Pakistan.
He was killed that day.
By the way, he was a Hindu, not a Muslim.
They want to get India and Pakistan fighting with each other.
And then what came out months later in the Chicago Tribune?
I covered this yesterday.
Oh, that a CIA agent led and trained the attacks.
And then when they finally killed the, was it five or six guys?
You notice they weren't in Muslim guard, they didn't have beards, they looked totally crazy.
When I saw that surveillance camera footage the day after, I said those people were on LSD, PCP, mescaline, devil's breath concoctions.
Because, I mean, I've got MKUltra, I know what they give people.
You know what they found?
Injectors of PCP and LSD.
Commandos land at night on boats on PCP, LSD, and stuff like that.
And we're injecting it into their veins.
Do you have any idea what that does to a normal person?
A normal person who hasn't been on it for a long period of time cannot get up and walk.
In the 50s and 60s, they did it for psychological testing, MKUltra, at every major university, including University of Texas down the street from me, that's declassified, where they would bring in college neuroscience or psychology students, and they would inject them with pure LSD, and then try to program them.
Convince them they were somebody else, screw them all up.
I mean, we're talking about mega doses of this.
And the only way these guys could be injecting LSD, PCP, and other hallucinogens at the Mumbai attack was if they'd been on it for six months or longer.
Folks, they'd been strapped down with headsets and total programming electroshot probably for a year.
And then it was like, okay, ready now, all the pain's gonna end, you're gonna win, you're gonna find the, you're gonna find the, you know, the purple monkey, and, you know, whatever weird programming word they use, Catcher in the Rye was an earlier program, you know, a lot of shooters were under, and they just are, it creates an artificial, total, obsessive-compulsive, schizoid break.
And then they tell him, alright, and remember, you wanna keep this going for days, so they inject him as they're coming into the beach, they give him their backpacks, they give him their team leader,
Okay, you ready for your mission?
And then they go out for two days and hand-grenading and rocket attack and machine gun attacks inside the shopping malls.
And then it came out in the news when they killed him.
There's their backpacks with all the injectables.
The Indian police, they weren't playing ball.
They said, we think you staged that.
That was in the Times of India.
This is how they do it.
Folks, they could grab you off the street, even if you were strong, mentally.
And in six months, they could have you doing anything they wanted, including thinking you were a dog.
Thinking you were John Wayne?
Thinking you were the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland?
They can do whatever they want.
They erase your memory with electroshock.
24 hours a day, they've got headsets on you, with you tied down in a straitjacket, pumping audio in while they're injecting you.
If that doesn't break you, they find your fear points.
A lot of times that's people running around in monster outfits while you're hallucinating.
Or with the Muslims, it's coming in women having sex with them while pouring blood on them at the CIA brainwashing base, which is declassified partially.
They admit it's there.
They have a brainwashing laboratory to create mind-control Muslim assassins to then blame on Muslims and also to command Al-Qaeda forces.
You notice the graduates of Camp X-Ray
They're the people commanding Libya attack, commanding Syria attack, commanding it all.
But see, I'm digressing into mind control here right now.
That's how this works.
And you notice he was a promising, quote, young scientist in his PhD level.
You noticed that we did look it up.
Indeed, you can go look it up.
I've got to get these articles written.
I do all the research, never have time to even codify it.
It was a Department of Defense-funded neurosciences laboratory, funded out of Pennsylvania and out of the Air Force Base nearby.
And he's in an advanced secretive program.
We have videos now, before he even finishes regular college degree, talking about
Time gaps, and again, it's just so obvious.
This whole thing is just completely... Theodore Kaczynski, the Unabomber.
Look it up!
Theodore Kaczynski, the Unabomber.
He was MKUltra.
I mean, that's admitted that he was MKUltra.
And it was just a footnote in some of the college students that, quote, volunteered for the program.
Captain Webb, are you ready to commit to this program no matter what?
Yes, sir.
Are you sure you're ready to commit to this program?
I warn you, this program is unorthodox and highly classified.
Are you ready to commit to this program?
Yes, sir, I'm ready to commit to this program.
If you are in the military or any other group and they ever want you to volunteer for some kind of program and they tell you it's classified and it deals with drugs to enhance your ability, which they admit they've been doing, but they won't tell you the details, do not do it.
Do not do it.
Because a lot of times they get you to volunteer and don't tell you, by the way, we're going to set you up as a patsy and send you to death row or send you to a mental institution.
You do not want to be part of this.
So the point is, this is real.
This is going on.
This is happening.
Every major government does it.
Now, this could be mind control to the point of he was the shooter.
That's harder to pull off.
Okay, they could get it to that level.
Normally it's just somebody whacked out of their mind who is programmed, probably being shown, you know, the Joker scenes 5,000 times while brain probes are in him and he's on a cocktail of hallucinogens.
We're good to go.
Oh, never mind, Mr. Gover, just, you know, some friends, Mr. Rabbit, Mr... No, no, but it's a plastic explosive, nothing to worry about.
That's a quote from Caddyshack.
Dropping him in there.
They'll have, literally, McVeigh had Jolly and Wes, the protégé of Dr. Ewan Cameron, the worldwide most famous mind control doctor that kidnapped thousands of children, military personnel, you name it, and totally programmed them with the LSD, PCP, electroshock, and all of it.
Now they just use brain probes and chips.
20 years ago they had remote-controlled roaches, remote-controlled rats, where the rat stops, walks, gets up on its hind legs, bites, so you can send them into rubble or whatever.
You've seen robo-rats.
They've got a chip in their brain.
You know, they've had them for decades.
They send them into rubble and stuff.
Special forces have got them now, drop them out, send them into cities.
They've got robo-rats built where one of their eyes has been removed and one eye is a camera.
Ooh, well that's highly classified right there.
They, for at least 20 years, have cybernetic dolphins with brain interfaces.
They can go around with surveillance equipment or plant...
Minds on things, but they're segwaying away from biological weapon systems to sea drones, air drones, ground drones, combat mechs of every type, because you're in the 21st century.
It's 2012 steaming right into 2013, ladies and gentlemen.
The technology we know about is 30 years old at least.
You're not in Kansas anymore, ladies and gentlemen.
And this brain program was so classified.
You know, most of these universities have DARPA funding.
What you see, the labs, the stuff that people are being taught, that's just a farming program to see who will do what they're told to assess you for the PhD programs.
And then when you get into the... I've only seen restricted programs at the University of Texas, and I wasn't even supposed to see that.
And let me tell you, ladies and gentlemen, it's science fiction.
You hit one button and you're looking at the monkey farm, and those monkeys have got those wires hooked into their brains, Department of Defense, and they're studying how to flicker that TV screen just right to put you into a trance to then program you.
And then they've got other programs where it's above ground, where, oh, they then get the graduate students and psychological volunteers, women to come in and they have a flicker rate.
And they do a flicker rate in one lab?
How do you sexually arouse a woman?
They've got another one?
How do you make somebody hungry?
You go to another lab, it's a retina scanner that tracks you from 100 yards away that you don't even know is there.
Or you go to another lab, it's a molecular scanner.
I saw that 12 years ago at the University of Texas.
And most of this I was allowed to see.
Accidentally, some computer screens got left up and some things.
And I did see some things.
We'll be right back.
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Here's what's frustrating for me.
I have watched the old black and white MKUltra hearings.
They're online.
I have read the documents.
I have interviewed people who were victims of this.
Famous people.
Who had family members killed by operatives under mind control.
Privately interviewed, not on air.
Just gonna leave it at that.
I have read the police files and the coroner files from Sirhan Sirhan, who shot RFK, we were told, but the police said he wasn't, wasn't the same caliber, his gun was held down, it was the security detail with Robert Kennedy.
I know this stuff's real.
Just like drug gangs in South America and Central America give people tiny dosages of scopolamine out of Devil's Breath plant, and
They can drive a car perfectly, they can do mathematics, they can, you know, they're not impaired, except they have no free will.
It's basically truth serum.
When you're on truth serum, scopolamine, folks, and they've got some other drugs they can mix in with that are even more advanced, it's, it's not that you just tell the truth, you do whatever you're told.
You do whatever you're told.
And then the naive public, it's kind of like weather engineering, has been going around happening for over 100 years, high tech the last 30.
We told you about Stanford Research Institute, all of it.
Certifying they could control hurricanes and create them and kill them back in 1967, it was already certified.
I covered this when it was still classified.
And it's so frustrating to then see comments going, Alex Jones believes they can control the weather.
It's the same thing with mind control.
It's the same thing.
And I see it over and over again with Major Hassan, with Theodore Kaczynski, the Unabomber, with James Holmes, the brilliant PhD science student.
In a classified, restricted program.
They always come out of these same programs because this is where they recruit them.
This is where they set them up.
Again, I'm going to say this.
If the government would stage Fast and Furious that's killed thousands conservatively to blame the Second Amendment.
If there are thousands of declassified instances of our troops being given chemical, biological, and radiological dosages to kill them in many cases.
And the UN's caught shooting kids up with cancer viruses, sterilants, and live pathogens, like polio.
And in the military for thousands of years, you'll send in a small contingent of cavalry, or ground forces, to draw out the enemy, knowing that thousands of your troops, in some famous cases, would all be killed, so that you could draw the enemy out to where you wanted them, to run a pincer attack against them in many cases.
I mean, the military mind is, I'm gonna kill a thousand of my best troops to draw out the enemy so that we don't lose this whole battle and lose 20,000.
See, you're not thinking from an elitist perspective.
So you're like, how could they go to that theater?
How could they have the witnesses say multiple shooters, tear gas canisters, or smoke bombs from both sides, from opposite directions?
You know, somebody let him in.
No, it was somebody else.
And then the M.O.
and the U.N.
Treaty, the motive coming up.
All of this.
There are real mass shootings.
When they happen, they get almost no attention.
There have been real chemical plants blown up by real terrorists.
There are a lot of actually real events where crazy people and criminal groups and criminal groups shaking down companies and espionage.
Espionage goes on all the time.
Financial sabotage.
Real terror attacks you don't hear about.
It's the fake ones you do.
Because the globalists have a rule when they're not really doing something, they don't want it to be discussed, they don't want it to be a big deal.
You know, there have been cases of whole police stations shot up and five, six cops killed in just the last year and a half.
You never hear about it on the news.
Minor footnote.
Because they don't want real terror attacks being discussed.
But when they've got a big... See, again, and the frustration is there's thousands of points here, literally.
I want to get your take on this.
If you agree with me, if you disagree, I'm not... I'm not saying that it was a staged event.
I'm saying my gut says that and all the evidence points in that direction.
I'm not saying you're bad if you think he was just on psychotropic drugs, which is a form of mind control itself.
You take hallucinogenic drugs, like he was taking over-the-counter.
I mean, not over-the-counter, but prescription, which are over-the-counter, but not over-the-counter in the classic sense.
You take those, it puts you into a suggestive state.
You play video games, watch violent movies.
A certain percentage of people are going to go cuckoo.
Like Sergeant Bales over in Afghanistan.
He was on a bunch of those drugs.
Oh, here, let's put you on a psychotropic that can make you go psychotic and then send you... Yeah, yeah, I mean, that's a good idea.
So, I mean, we've got articles up, people saying that's what they think at Infowars.com.
That's fine.
As for me, this has all the earmarks of a very sophisticated black op.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We saw a lot of acts of heroism by men protecting their girlfriends.
We saw a 13-year-old step in front of a bullet for a smaller child.
We also have a video up at InfoWars.com, how to stop a massacre.
Surveillance video reveals simple, low-cost solution that works everywhere.
You must send this Mike Adams story out to everybody.
In fact, I'm going to Twitter that out on our official Twitter during the next break when I get a chance to, at Twitter.com forward slash RealAlexJones.
We also are going to play the footage and analyze it here for radio listeners of Anaheim Police go on a rampage against citizens.
I saw the article yesterday by Lou Rockwell at Infowars.com.
And I didn't even watch the video until this morning.
And when you see police purposefully with rubber bullets up close, shotgunning women, when they know it'll kill you.
Kills a lot of people.
They've killed people, you know, at that Red Sox game when they came out of the bar, shot the woman in the face.
And they're shooting people with babies in their arms and coming up to baby carriages and shooting at them.
And it's really bizarre.
I've seen this a lot, like in Pittsburgh, the G20, when a woman, two older women, come out of a store with shopping bags.
They would just randomly show up in Pittsburgh and say, you're not allowed to be out during the daytime here, just to crack some heads.
It was all a big drill to see what they could get cops to do.
And cops in Darth Vader outfits, these clown outfits,
Well, I guess they hide who they are so they can act like the, you know, cowards I guess they, you know, they are.
Release police dogs on old women and they're biting them and the cops are getting off on it.
I mean, I just can't imagine wanting to go find some old women with shopping bags and release a police dog on them.
And then I'm not patriotic because I'm not into that.
I guess I'm not patriotic to the devil.
I mean, I don't know what you say.
But the post-Aurora rampage that nobody's heard about.
The Post-Aurora Rampage that few have heard about.
Infowars.com from William Gregg, originally Lerockwell.com.
The video is up there right now.
That is now in the Featured News Archive, or just click Top Stories and it's in there.
Now, my head is spinning basically at this point.
I've got so much news I want to go over.
But I also want to get you on air.
I want to hear from listeners out there.
We're going to do first-time callers today to get your take on any of the stuff in the news.
I mean, just take the fact that we had a whistleblower on a month and a half ago, and now everything he talked about has been confirmed.
TV producer over in England, we get him on.
He'd been working for a month for the big security firm.
He said they're not even doing basic checks, and that they said at the end of the Olympics, after they're over, there'll be an event that changes our world forever.
And that the military was secretly being stationed.
In and around that area where they're having the Olympics over in England.
Now it's admitted there's no security, that's all over the British news.
It's admitted the military was secretly stationed.
And it's admitted that there's basically no security.
And now Israel says Iran is planning to attack the Olympics.
Iran is doing everything it can to not get attacked.
I'm not saying Iran's perfect.
All these governments are corrupt.
The point is, it's jumping through all the hoops, putting up with Western-backed commandos attacking their country.
That's on record.
Destabilization actions.
So they're now going to attack the Olympics via Hezbollah so that they control, which they do to a great extent, so that they will get attacked and overthrown.
I mean, that is just... That'd be like saying... I don't follow it enough, but... Who's like the top heavyweight fighter in UFC right now?
I have no idea.
But I mean, let's just say... Mike Tyson in his prime in 19... 1988.
It'd be like saying, I'm gonna go pick a fight with Mike Tyson right now!
I mean...
Yes, yes, Israel says Iran is going to attack the Olympics.
I mean, that is huge, because all the different sources we've got say they are planning something big at the Olympics.
It may not happen now, because we're talking about it, but listen, in the 1972 Olympics in Munich, they have one day in September, I don't know if it's on the new DVD, I saw it in theaters in the late 90s when it came out, narrated.
I saw it, Randy Couture, is that his name?
It's like saying, I'm just gonna, I'm gonna start a fight with Randy, you know, Couture or something like that.
I mean, that's how crazy this is, you know, them saying Iran is now going to do this, but getting back to one day in September.
But guys, I want to buy that.
I mean, I keep saying buy it, buy it, buy it.
Will you have one of the crew buy one day in September the DVD or whatever?
But the point is, or off Netflix or whatever, I just want to play the clip at the end.
But my point is, I don't know if they've still got it on the DVD, but I know it won an Academy Award.
I saw it at the Arbor Movie Theater in Austin, Texas.
The old Arbor, when it was still inside the mall in North Austin.
I don't know why those details matter.
I saw it.
In the late 90s, I think it came out like in 99.
And at the end of the movie, they go ahead and say, oh yeah, German intelligence actually staged the hijackings with the terrorist and was, there was actually a group in, you know, an intelligence who was working with the group above the people that launched the attack in Munich.
And, you know, they have an hour and a half documentary about the terrorists and all the rest of it.
And then at the end of the movie, the former head of German intelligence laughs and says they basically staged a bunch of it.
I mean, talk about throwing it in our face.
And again, a lot of times they'll go out and hire a terrorist group that goes out and recruits real Muslim terrorists.
That was the case here.
But then security stands down to let them come in and do it.
That's my point.
I'm not saying there aren't some wild-eyed Muslim extremists and crazies from every group out there.
The point is the Western governments, since the end of World War II and even before with the British, have been funding the radical Muslims and using them to overthrow countries.
This new thing NATO's doing, helping overthrow Egypt and putting in Al-Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood,
This overthrowing Gaddafi who made deals with the West and putting Al-Qaeda in charge.
This having Al-Qaeda backed by US, British and other special forces are now in Damascus.
You know, attacking the presidential parliament and other facilities.
I mean, this is a real war.
There's a giant guerrilla war with Al-Qaeda jihadis in Al-Qaeda uniforms, black uniforms, with the flag of Al-Qaeda, with the patch of Al-Qaeda.
It's on the news, and it's, yeah, we gotta get Assad, we'll work with whoever we have to.
That isn't something new.
That's incredibly old.
The British, I mean Lawrence of Arabia is a true movie.
Lawrence of Arabia is a true story.
It's a true story.
But they have it as if he's a hero going and unifying what was the desert into Saudi Arabia and he goes and makes a deal with the Bedouins and gets weapons to them to go overthrow the other groups.
That's really what happened.
That's the group that funds Al Qaeda.
That's the Wahhabist.
They put them in charge.
From people living in big tents out in the desert to giant sex palaces.
And then 15 of the Patsy hijackers, who were intelligence operatives, it came out they worked for the Saudi government, trained at US military bases, that all came out.
The heads of the bases would come out and say, these guys were trained in my classes, including Muhammad Adam.
Then you see the headline, head of defense language school, colonel being court-martialed for releasing classified information.
We don't know exactly what happened on 9-11.
You know, some say, oh, it was a triple cross.
You know, we thought it was drills for hijacking, but they use it as a real hijacking.
You know, in this movie theater, you got a person or persons with a bunch of high-caliber, you know, semi-auto guns shooting people, and guys tried to stop them and jumped on them and stuff.
But we're to believe people with box cutters.
Let me tell you something.
If I was on an airplane, people say, well, that's today.
No, no, no.
I was on an airplane and four guys got up with box cutters and said, do what we say.
I mean, I'm not the toughest guy around, but let me tell you something.
I live for stuff like this.
OK, I mean, I don't I don't like it.
But once once once the door opens, once someone is violent in my face, I mean, I turn into an absolute vicious goblin like creature.
And most men I know, especially when you become an adult, that's why adults don't get in a lot of fights.
Because it's not like you're a teenager anymore and people go to the hospital.
People end up dying when adults get in fights.
I mean, can you imagine a plane full of a bunch of defense contractors, former and current military, and guys who all weigh about 180 pounds, 160 pounds, some of them 140 pounds, pull out box cutters?
I mean, let me tell you something.
You're about to get hurt real bad.
I can't even get physically excited, physically, until there's a threat.
I know most men are that way.
I mean, the minute somebody pulls, by the way, that's happened to me repeatedly.
I grew up in Dallas.
I've had people pull knives on me.
I've taken them away from them.
I've used their head like a basketball on the ground.
But the point is, and then gone to jail, even though until later, you know, the fact came out that I was attacked.
Sad issue.
All of you know the truth.
Here's the toll-free number.
Guys, will you launch the phone system for me?
Thank you.
800-259-9231 is the toll-free number to join us on air today.
I'm just going to take calls for 20, 30, 40 minutes and just try to
Try to regroup here because I've got a whole bunch of video clips and audio clips I want to play.
I've got whole stacks of research and documents.
If you're a radio listener, if you were watching on PrisonPlanet.tv, no exaggeration, I would guess there are 300 plus articles and documents in here in front of me.
And I have looked and read almost all of them just in the last two days, and I want to cover it all.
It is all off the charts crazy.
And it makes my head spin.
I just had the article.
Here it is.
This was ABC News and RT.
We reported on this over a year ago because independent journalists and others went into the area at their own risk.
We first saw that they weren't reporting any radiation in and around Fukushima, but in other areas they were.
And it turns out the radiation is many times what they said it was, and eight times what they said it was hitting the West Coast.
And it turned out, of course, giant tuna caught last year, just three months after the event, had high levels of radiation.
And milk and food all over the US has been found with it.
That's actually been in the news, but back of the paper.
Fukushima contractor forced workers to fake radiation readings and to say that there was low radiation when it was actually high.
That's RT, a company charged with decontaminating the devastated Fukushima nuclear power plant, encouraged its workers to falsify lower, falsely lower their radiation dosimeter readings by covering the devices with lead, according to a leaked tape of an internal meeting.
This is all over the Japanese news right now.
We first posted it a couple days ago.
There were commenters on InfoWars.com and normal people saying we'd made it up and it wasn't real.
And again, that's a psych warfare tactic.
We've tracked a lot of their IP addresses, Department of Defense.
They have to at least just say it isn't true up front because then the mind mitigates that and somehow creates denial even though you know it's true.
And so that's all.
Alright, I'm gonna go to your phone calls here because, again, I'm just completely overwhelmed with news.
Suspect arrested in L.A.
homeless stabbings.
You know what the answer is to that, of course.
Banned knives because someone used it to kill people.
And, of course, Piers Morgan, Felipe Calderon,
Bloomberg, ABC News, the usual suspects, Michael Moore, they're all running around saying right now that we have got to restrict our guns because of what this supposed person did.
Everybody's just officially buying the story in the media that they say it's him, that's it, he's the gunman, he's in a jail cell flopping around screaming he's the Joker.
I mean, they could commit a mass shooting and give me a drug that totally fries my brain, where I'm flopping around, and then just say I did it.
I mean, this is the oldest trick in the book, and they describe in Operation Northwoods how to frame patsies for mass shootings at, you guessed it, what they do in Operation Gladio, movie theaters, bus stations, things like that.
And now they're calling for the TSA in the bus stations and all the rest of it.
We told you that was coming.
So what I'm going to do is this.
I'm going to come back, take calls for 30-40 minutes.
Then I'm going to try to do a Focus News Blitz on world news and more.
And when our two guests join us that are experts on false flag terror, and specifically the Oklahoma City Inside Job event, we're going to tie it into this event because the prime suspects, if it's a false flag,
Is the very Justice Department caught running the false flag of Fast and Furious to blame the Second Amendment?
It's the very same crew and I had on researcher and former Marine
Grabbing the DVD here from A Noble Lie, Holland Vanden Neuwenhoff and Chris Emery.
I had them on just a few months ago, so I would suggest they go get the last interviews where we said false flag alert.
I remember discussing with them what type of false flags we expected, and we said shopping malls, grocery stores, movie theaters.
I remember that.
If it wasn't the last interview, it was the one before that.
Because we were all very concerned that they were about to pull one with the UN Treaty and the rest of it.
So, they're experts.
Probably even more so than I am on Oklahoma City because they focus on it full-time.
I mean, I've forgotten so much about it.
There's so much proof.
It's like an ocean of it.
They're going to be joining us.
That's why we kept saying in articles and on the air, this film is important because they're getting ready to stage mass shootings to blame it on the Second Amendment and the Patriot Movement.
We said in the last three or four interviews that that's why they put the film out now was because the very same crew that carried this out is now in the White House.
The people that run Obama ran this.
They even put out... Remember Glenn Beck going on air and saying they're going to stage a new Oklahoma City and blame it on me?
He pointed at himself because in the fundraising memos they mentioned Glenn Beck.
Well on Media Matters they say Alex Jones, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Matt Drudge, people like that.
I mean, they think we're so dumb, they say, without a new Oklahoma City or 9-11, Obama will never get re-elected.
Oh my gosh, I just remembered that.
We haven't even had an article about, was this the false flag?
That we kept warning about.
I mean, they say they're going to have a false flag.
Even Glenn Beck has, even Michael Savage comes out and says they may stage one.
And then they have the classic lone nut, you know, available at InfoWarshop.com.
But again, I just start ranting about how they have a history of false flags instead of even pointing out that this is exactly what we predicted they would do.
Wow, that just made my head spin right there.
That just made my head spin right there.
That's another problem.
I'm so busy with management, personnel, hiring people, that it's really got me off balance running this whole place, trying to stay focused on the news and information.
I don't know what I'm going to do.
I don't know what I'm going to do, ladies and gentlemen.
I've got to get back focused on the info because I can't just get up here and say I think it's an inside job.
I've got to give you all the reasons it's an inside job.
I'd be crazy if I didn't look at this as an inside job.
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You need to understand, ladies and gentlemen, that we have a criminal government in place who's been caught staging false flags over and over again.
And we would be insane
If we did not investigate government for this, and it just hit me like a ton of bricks last night, that we had had Holland, Vander Neuwenhoff, and Chris Emery on, and others, in the last four months saying we all believed terror attacks were coming, and that from the pre-propaganda we were seeing, that I believed it was going to be mass shootings of shopping malls, grocery stores, and movie theaters.
To bring in the TSA.
And I know I said that over and over and over again.
So radio listeners, if you can dig that out of my last interviews with them, I don't have the crew to do it.
We will then play it on air.
And again, it's not about, oh, we're right, we told you so.
The White House and Obama's advisors have said in the Financial Times of London, in their internal fundraising memos to mega donors, that don't worry,
There's going to be a new Oklahoma City or 9-11 and we're going to blame it on people.
They don't say we're going to do it.
They just say, don't worry, there's going to be one.
Don't worry, the restaurant's going to burn down and we're going to get the insurance money.
Imagine if the owner of a restaurant said, we're bankrupt, but don't worry, everybody that's worked here for years, there's going to be a fire next week, and so we're going to build a new restaurant with that money.
Then if the restaurant burnt down the next week, the fire marshals would be there saying, you have a right to remain silent.
Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.
They'd have the arson dogs in there, finding where they dumped the gasoline.
But no, no, no, no.
All these White House advisors, Robert Shapiro, the big lawyer, all of them say, barring an Oklahoma City or a 9-11, so the president can rally people and be a hero, he's not going to get reelected.
And now he's getting his bump in the polls.
Just watch.
And he's out there grandstanding in Colorado, having his surrogates call to restrict our guns.
And he's like, I don't know if I'm going to call for that.
My U.N.
treaty doesn't restrict your guns.
They're actually, they have the CFR out saying that and Obama today.
Oh, but guess what?
Different TV channels, I've got that in my stack, different TV channels, guess what they're doing?
NBC's Gregory blames Batman massacre on angry political dialogue, says Rush Limbaugh to blame for shootings.
He wrote an article Friday morning, saying how long until they blame somebody like Alex Jones or Rush Limbaugh.
There you go.
Rush Limbaugh, it's your fault.
Poor old Rush hardly even talks about the Second Amendment.
Rush Limbaugh is like milk toast, ladies and gentlemen.
I mean, people say, good, we hate Rush Limbaugh.
So many even conservative libertarian hosts I know behind the scenes are jealous.
Listen, folks, if they can destroy Rush Limbaugh, let me give you a little newsflash.
They take down the biggest person first, and I know you see him as establishment.
Let me tell you, the Obamanoids don't.
They blamed Oklahoma City on him.
And see, oh, I just called Watson during the break, and I'm going to come back and go to your calls, I promise.
He's going to write another article.
Right now, because I'm like, whoa!
Paul, we've got the memos, we've got the statements that they wanted a new Oklahoma City to blame on us.
We've got Glenn Beck saying they're getting ready to stage something.
We've got Michael Savage.
Put all that up there with our clips saying it, and all the articles where we warned about it.
Basically, you know, you'd be crazy to not look at Obama's people, because they did Fast and Furious.
I mean, look, you go after who's been caught doing stuff like this before.
I mean, the current Attorney General in 1995 was up to his eyeballs in Oklahoma City, folks.
That's why they're the suspects.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, the FBI had warnings about shootings in theaters in Colorado the month before.
They pulled that off their site, their little flyer.
Eerie coincidence, Colorado University had identical drill on same day as Batman massacre.
Exercise revolved around gunmen attacking theater with a smoke bomb.
Just like 9-11, the exact same targets, exact same time, so that NORAD would stand down.
Just like 7-7, exact same targets, exact same drill, exact same time.
The nightly news tonight.
We've got to pull up all of those other drill articles and videos where they admit it.
Let's go to your phone calls again.
Just total information overload right now.
How's it going Alex?
Well, basically, just one second here.
Basically, back when I was in the Marine Corps, we went to boot camp, and a lot of people who deny the fact that you can be brainwashed, all you have to do is look at Marine Corps boot camp recruits, and you don't need drugs.
All you need is, you know, 13 weeks in a, you know, boot camp, and you can brainwash people.
So it's very possible to get
Somebody, even on a low level, to do what they're told very quickly.
So, it's not impossible at all.
And I've warned a lot of my friends about this event, and a lot of them are kind of picking up on it and texting me and saying, yeah, this is all lining up to be exactly what you said.
Yeah, I'd say about 90, and the votes show that on YouTube as well, about 95% of people agree.
The 5% or so that say, I'm out of line,
You know, say, oh, is it always government?
Yeah, like I said, the India attack a few years ago at Mumbai was government.
It turned out the CIA ran it.
I mean, you know, I told people months before they were putting Al Qaeda in Libya because we had reporters on the ground.
Was confirmed.
I mean, listen, folks, it's scary.
To go up against these people.
It's not fun.
But I am forced to respond to this.
I am forced to cover this.
And look, when you got all the White House advisers saying, gee, an Oklahoma city would sure pull our bacon out of the fire, and then you have it happen.
I mean, I don't know.
What do you think?
Oh, well, like I said, I warned a bunch of people that they were going to get some crackpot to do something like that.
It's not hard.
It's always the same MO.
It's some guy that nobody knew, and all of a sudden, out of the blue, he goes on a shooting spree.
So it's not hard to get somebody in there, slip them some drugs, do it over a few weeks, get them to talk him into doing something stupid and brainwash him into thinking something he's not.
But real quick, Alex, I've been trying to get in over the last week.
I wanted to throw out a few points.
One other thing is where I've always been warning my friends of what's called a positive effect false flag.
Where they'll actually make an event, they'll save people from something bad so they can pose as the heroes as well.
No, no, no, that's where they go out and find mental patients and get them to build a bomb and then bust them before.
That's a much more humane way to steal all our rights.
Yes, yes.
And so I wanted to throw that out there.
Always look at the gas prices when they go down and stuff.
That's all false flag.
Just, just keep that in mind.
One of the thing is, I always tell your, I want to tell everybody to your audience is that all these drones and all this stuff, and people say our second amendment's outdated.
Well, all you have to do is go to Radio Shack.
Their electronics and all these drones and all this stuff can be hacked.
I tell your audience... Listen, they're only getting all the drones to intimidate you and make you feel like they've got overwhelming force, and so they can sit back cowardly and send them out to attack you.
You just don't face the enemy at the time of their choosing.
If we go into some type of hot war with these people,
I'd rather just engage in a hot info war, then you don't face them at their time of their choosing.
That's just children and childlike minds that say, oh, we're nothing compared to a modern military.
If modern militaries don't have the moral authority, they can't win a war.
I mean, this whole thing couldn't even occupy Baghdad, folks.
It's all bark and no bite.
All the troops have been soft killed.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Ladies and gentlemen, Israel says that Iran is planning to attack the Olympics in London, England, coming up here in just a few weeks.
And so they've got to attack Iran.
Wow, if that happens, get ready for oil prices to at least double.
And we had a guest on, a TV producer, who infiltrated.
Just a few months ago and found that there's no real security and that they were saying an event is going to happen at the end of the Olympics.
So big it's going to change our world forever.
And everything that that guy told us on air is now being confirmed.
Hopefully talking about this will stop something like that from breaking down.
Also, we've got incredible articles up at Infowars.com.
Colorado University held identical drill on same day as Batman massacre.
Well, that's the coup de grace, that's the cherry on top right there.
And later, after I take calls, I'm going to go over the evidence of this being a staged event, where they use a drugged up, mentally ill patsy to take the fall.
Of course, that's just if you believe the memorandum for the Secretary of Defense, unclassified justification for U.S.
military intervention, known as Operation Northwoods.
That tells you how to shoot up the movie theaters.
And even how to frame the Patsy's, isn't that just special?
And then there's the LaVon Affair and all the others.
There's Operation Gladio, that was a shooting up movie theaters.
Shooting up movie theaters, why do they like that?
Because you can frame your Patsy, have your guys in black masks, multiple quote, what they thought were cops, get away, and then, then you find the drugged up Patsy who's on devil's breath.
He's had shock therapy, but he'd have to be in some government program where they could... Oh, a Brain Interface Neurology Advanced Program funded by the Department of Defense.
Just like Theodore Kaczynski, the Unabomber.
Oh, just like Major Hassan.
And then the very university was running a drill of the exact same thing happening.
Why do they do these drills?
So that there's NSA chatter of a drill so that good people in the NSA and other systems that hear it in live time don't respond, because most of the agencies aren't involved.
Very small compartmentalized parts are.
That's why on 9-11, exact targets, exact times, hit by hijacked jets, CIA and Department of Defense drills, AP, Reuters, New York Times, look it up.
It's in all my 9-11 films.
7-7, Peter Powers, Visor Consultancy, ITN and BBC.
It's in my film, Terror Storm.
Just look it up.
We're going to play on the nightly news tonight.
The whole report on this, how they do drills.
Exact targets, at exact time, at exact locations.
Three trains and a bus.
One group didn't blow up the train like they were supposed to, ran, were all shot in front of everybody at Canary Wharf.
They thought they were taking part of the drill.
The head of it was Mr. Eswat, 77, known MI6.
Source on that, Fox News Associated Press, Scott Television, BBC.
Showed you those articles yesterday on the radio.
For PrisonPlanet.tv viewers, we actually showed them.
But for radio listeners, we gave you the headlines.
But again, I'm supposed to just ignore all this.
Oh, exact drill of movie theater attacked.
And it's a tabletop.
But again, you do the tabletop, so there's the planning, the chatter.
You've got to have that.
So if you get caught, like FSB got caught in 99 blowing up a fourth building to blame it on Chechens so Putin could get elected.
Fourth building getting bombed.
Actually, the suburb of Moscow, the cops caught them.
The cops had family living in the building, so they were staked out and they caught them.
They caught the FSB planting hexogen, US and Russia use hexogen, on the pillars in the basement of the apartment building.
And the Feds in Russia swooped in and grabbed the tapes and grabbed their guys and said, National Security, we were running a drill
Of blowing up the building.
And the police kept part of the explosives back that the government didn't grab and came out a few days later and said, no, no, no, it was real.
They were really going to do it.
Of course, you know what happened to those police officers.
Same thing that happened to Terrence Yakey from Oklahoma City.
Cop of the year.
He saved dozens of people.
He's like a NFL linebacker type.
Big black guy.
Went in, saved all the people, putting them on his back, carrying them out like, you know, right out of Hollywood.
And he saw the feds and what they were doing and, well, you know what they did to him.
They tortured him real good.
He told his wife and family, they're following me, they're going to kill me.
He told them that night, you know, they're coming to kill me.
I've got to go to the storage locker outside town and meet my partner and give him the material.
You know, they're coming to kill me.
And then he called his partner and he said, the feds are behind me.
And of course, you know, they took real good care of him.
And then I've interviewed the police officers who were there and had the government come into their offices and say, oh, you're the head of the K-9 unit, Sergeant Browning.
You and your wife are going to be dead if you don't drop this.
Is that understood?
Oh, the very same Justice Department, the very same man.
Now in charge, and all these Democratic memos said mass murders, mass shootings, and bombings to be blamed on us.
We should just ignore those memos.
In fact, I've been on air three times now.
Friday, Sunday, and now today, and didn't even hit me why I knew in my gut this was an inside job.
It wasn't my gut.
It wasn't the witnesses saying they saw multiple shooters, or heard multiple shooters, or saw smoke bombs from both sides, or somebody let him in.
It wasn't all that.
It wasn't the U.N.
treaties coming up next week.
It wasn't the timing.
It wasn't that it was right down the street from Columbine, in this military industrial complex center.
It wasn't that he was in a high-tech, brain sciences, brainwashing-type, Department of Defense-funded program.
It wasn't that his very area of study dealt with this type of stuff, erasing memories of troops.
This was a Department of Defense-funded program he was in.
Oh, you've seen the articles.
Soon they'll erase bad memories of the troops.
Yeah, that's called mind control.
See, I just have all this data, and it just slams me.
And I don't even realize why I'm saying it's an inside job until I start shitting back, and it's just an ocean of evidence.
Is there a chance he was a lone nut on a bunch of psychotropics, they now admit?
Well, he's definitely on the drugs, because we didn't know who he is.
Do people naturally get on these?
And a cop walks in Walmart, and a nut shoots him for no reason?
That happened in Austin.
But this thing's got gun grab written all over it, ladies and gentlemen.
Okay, I'm going to shut up and go to your calls.
It just makes my head spin.
Of course we've got to question a group known for staging false flags, including Fast and Furious.
They're caught on Fast and Furious doing it to blame the Second Amendment.
It killed thousands.
The State Department with Mexico, the Justice Department estimates 2,000 plus in Mexico, over 200 here.
And that's where they traced the guns directly to the dead bodies.
Last number I saw was three dead cops, three dead Border Patrol, two of the cops proven, one of the Border Patrol proven.
Killed by guns.
So that's a false flag that killed people.
Killed, K.I.
double hockey stick, K.I.
double hockey stick, K.I.
double hockey stick!
Dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead as a doornail!
And they think you're so stupid, they write articles in the Financial Times of London about how a big terror attack would sure be great.
They think you're so dumb, Gary Hart for the CFR writes a public letter to Akhmedinejad saying, we'll stage terror attacks to blame it on you, don't think we won't invade you, do as you're told.
Look it up, look up Gary Hart's letter to Ahmadinejad.
He published it in the Huffington Post.
We interviewed him about it for Truth Rising.
I wish, I wish.
You think it's fun going up against these people?
Walking the razor's edge?
They're like, oh, we'll just say he's a kook and plus it'll make him a martyr if we kill him.
Oh, but boss, it'd sure be good to kill Alex Jones.
Or maybe one of the people goes rogue.
You think this is a fun job, ladies and gentlemen?
You think I like saying it to these people?
You think I like having cops on who name names of FBI that have come in their offices and threatened to kill them?
You think that's fun?
If they'll kill cops, they'll kill anybody.
You think I like this?
You think I just say this because it's fun?
I live it.
I live this.
I know what I'm talking about.
Okay, that's it.
We're gonna go to Jim, then Jeff, then Anthony, then Matt.
Go ahead, Jim, thanks for holding.
From North Carolina, you're on the air.
You think I'm wrong to think Obama might be involved in this?
Eh, I don't know about Obama being a part of it or in it, but I'll tell you, you're dead on about this Devil's Breath.
I've heard it referred to as Dragon's Breath.
Now, where I live at,
They beta test a lot of this stuff, especially these snatch and grabs that you see the little, uh, you know, the black kid communities doing.
Where I live, it's 99% black.
And they just went into Wal- they go into Walmart and steal all the electronics.
This, this was like 10 years ago.
And, uh...
They'll have Walmart security, you know, tape them and then they'll arrest them.
But every single one of them kids that I, cause I stay in and out of the prison system.
You know, this is a prison planet.
You go to jail for anything and everything around here.
This is the home of a Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, uh, Nate Turner back in the civil war days.
But what they do is they take you, you get arrested, they take you down to the police station and they do drug interrogation.
Why this is important is if you belong to any religious denomination that is classified as a cult.
Now a cult is somebody who uses drugs as a part of their ceremony.
Now I understand like the Hopi Indians with masculine with peyote you're telling me that the police are giving people truth serum at the police department.
I don't think that is truth serum because I grew up in the in the occult you know the Mormon faith and they use these drugs
As a part of their sacrament.
And you feel like you're, you know, like you have the spirit of God in you.
You have a warm, comforting feeling.
You know, religious people will tell you, you know, when uh... Wait a minute, you're saying now the Mormons are giving people drugs?
I thought it's the opposite.
Very interesting, sir.
We're going to move along.
Thank you for those points.
We're going to talk to Matt, Jeff, and many others straight ahead.
Big news blitz coming up and a key report about to get posted at mfallwars.com as well.
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We've got the photo up at Infowars.com, and if you've got a drudge, it's headline, Joker turns zombie.
And if you click on it, his head is rolling side to side.
His eyes are wide open.
He basically can't even talk now.
And that's exactly what we would expect in a staged event.
Again, totally whacked out of his mind.
Everybody's just saying, oh, he'll burn for this one.
Yeah, the government says he did it.
Yeah, they'd ship guns into Mexico to blame the Second Amendment and set people up.
But they'd never have criminals go into a movie theater and shoot a bunch of people.
And the Mexican president says we should be made to turn our guns in now.
Now we should believe whatever he says.
This is a country where tens of thousands get killed every year and the police are totally corrupt.
Eyes rolling, head swaying, and that bright red hair.
Colorado killer faces victims.
He's the Colorado killer now!
Smiles in bizarre first appearance.
There you go, ladies and gentlemen, total and complete proof.
Oh, and look, he's got the nice lawyer there helping him.
I wonder if he'll get appointed a famous mind control doctor and then no one will even think of it.
I think it's a big deal like McVeigh had.
Let's talk to Anthony in Pennsylvania.
Anthony, what do you think about all this?
Alex, Anthony, Antonello, thanks for taking my call.
This is absolutely incredible.
We've been talking about this for years.
We said all it's going to take, you know, is one major event, you know, whether it be a mall, a library, movie theater, anywhere, you know, we already see the TSA rolling into
Union Station in Chicago.
We see these people.
It's a complete takeover.
It is so obvious.
I've been doing as much work as I can.
Here's the thing.
You know this.
You control the message.
You control the people.
And one of the things that I really focus on is calling local radio stations.
Well, I've been hammering on the NDAA and things of that nature.
I just confronted Congressman Lou Barletta a couple days ago.
By the way, it's totally blowing people away right now that the NSA has been forced to admit they are spying on everyone in real time, totally illegally.
What do you make of them running a drill of the exact same thing happening?
Now, in the case of 7-7, it was even the same buses in the same location, same time.
This was just running a drill that day of the movie theater being attacked in the area, and the guy using a bomb as a diversion.
Well, he shot people.
I mean, again, every time they're running drills.
On 9-11 they were running drills of the same thing.
How obvious does this have to get?
I called Nancy Latham.
She's the one who wrote that article in the Denver Post.
I called her a couple hours ago.
I asked her if it was okay for me to record the conversation and she told me that her inbox is flooded with emails of people talking about conspiracies and that it happened afterwards and this was planned months ahead.
She said something about they got their idea from Israel.
Hey, listen to this.
Listen to this.
I watched some of the press conferences and that police chief who never talked about the victims but talked about what a great job the police had done all day.
He would just go on and on and just keep repeating it.
He said, don't believe everything you read on the internet.
Yeah, no kidding, but he was talking about quote conspiracy theories.
Did you see that where he's like day one on Friday night?
He's up there saying, you know, don't believe what you read on the internet.
What, like all the witnesses saying two shooters?
You mean like that?
Right, it doesn't surprise me at all.
And here's the thing, like, where I'm at in northeastern Pennsylvania, our local radio stations, we have a host who believes every single, well, I don't know if he really believes it or not, but he supports every single official story from JFK to now.
And, you know, I've organized Colin bombs and, you know, had organized a couple hundred people to call in and talk about this.
And he just spins it and spins it to the point where, like I said, now I can't even
Well, that's all right.
Just keep it up.
Call into All The Talk Radio and plug in fullwars.com while you're at it.
We're going to break.
Long segment coming up.
I'm going right back to your calls when we return.
Then I've got Darren McBreen's news piece, ATF Boss Threatens Whistleblowers.
This came out last week, but Darren, Darren breaks it down really well.
Imagine putting out an internal video threatening people not to report on crimes inside ATF.
But hey, Joe Paterno's statue was taken down.
Last year, I told you Paterno knew what was going on.
And people sent me emails saying, how dare you say Popo or whatever his name was.
What was his stupid nickname?
You know, they said, how dare you say Poopoo or Pope, Poppy Poop or whatever it was would do this.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I remember when, I remember, I remember when I lost my mind.
There was something so pleasant about that place.
Even your emotions had an echo in so much space.
They program him with total compulsion.
Does that make him crazy?
Does that make me crazy?
If I know that governments have staged terror attacks over and over again, and they've got the motive, and then I say, hey, we better look into
The system being involved in this.
Ladies and gentlemen, for the last five months I have been selling a noble lie, Oklahoma City 1995, and begging people, I'm in it, to buy it.
In the film I warn that Obama is probably going to stage domestic terror attacks to blame the Second Amendment.
It's got Jane Graham that saw the Feds planting the bombs in the building.
It's got the inventor of the neutron bomb.
It's got General Partin, the head of Air Force Weapons Development.
The late Hoppy Heidelberg, the grand juror that was threatened.
His life was threatened if he didn't stop wanting to know about the Feds and the bombs.
They interviewed the family members of the cop that was tortured and murdered.
I mean, it's just, it's the only professional film.
Look, I made Road to Tyranny ten years ago, and it's got the newscast with the bombs being removed, and it's got some of the eyewitnesses.
But it's 40 minutes of a three-hour film.
In the past, I've put out like three-hour films.
And it's a professional film.
But I made it with myself and my wife and Buckley Hammond.
And Mike Hanson doing some of the camera work.
Four people worked on it.
And that was while I was doing a radio show.
That was, you know, ten years ago.
We were still a tiny operation.
A noble lie, Oklahoma City, 1995.
Looks like Discovery History Channel.
That's because some of the guys that worked on it worked for Discovery and History.
And they would hear all this over the years, interviewing the eyewitnesses and survivors.
They all say, basically all of them say it's an inside job.
And then they would be ordered to edit all that out for ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, Fox.
And so that was how this film got made.
Plus, all these years, they're like, wow, we want to make a film about the truth.
So that's why it looks so good, is that it had a lot of big, you know, TV professionals involved in it.
A noble lie.
The only film exposing this false flag event in a professional and modern way.
You know, where all the facts are in.
You know, I first made my film about it just five, six years after it happened.
The point is, is this is, you know, 16 years after it happened, 17 years after it happened.
We have a noble lie available at InfoWarshop.com and they support True Media and the whole crew we've got here and the filmmakers of this documentary.
They're going to be joining us because
What did we say?
Get this out before they stage new terror attacks.
And we say, what kind could they be?
New federal buildings, mass shootings, shopping malls, grocery stores, movie theaters.
I know, I said it and our guests said it over and over again.
And then a month ago, the FBI flyer came out to law enforcement.
We got a copy.
We covered it on air.
And they said, movie theaters will be attacked.
And I said, that means they'll attack movie theaters.
The FBI pulled that flyer.
We have the flyer saved.
We have it up at Infowars.com.
The point is, ladies and gentlemen, that's why this film needs to be shown to everybody.
A Noble Lie, Oklahoma City, 1995.
The very Attorney General was the Deputy Attorney General, and we have his emails that came out in lawsuits.
They had email back then, folks, at the federal government in 95.
The point is, they were using it.
And he said, this is a D-Day situation.
We gotta get down there and get on top of this and cover this up right now.
And boy, did they.
Yeah, cover what up?
The fact that all the bombs didn't go off?
Didn't matter, they had Control Demolition Incorporated come in, the same folks that got rid of the wreckage on 9-11.
They came in, blew it up, took out the wreckage and poured concrete in with it, and had Wackenhut guards guarding it last time I checked.
A landfill with guards guarding it with the pieces mixed in with concrete in a 30-foot hole.
Man, you didn't want that getting looked at, did you?
Even if archaeologists wanted to get into there, they're going to have trouble.
Don't want folks looking into that, do you?
Okay, we have the total proof that it was an inside job.
Infowarshop.com, get it.
Guys, do we have the four-minute McBrain piece on ATF Boss Threatens Whistleblowers?
Because he told me this morning at like 10 a.m.
Yeah, yeah, we've got it.
It's in the system.
The thing is, he put it on the system for you, so it'll have to be looked at.
Like I said earlier, we're going to play that.
Let's go ahead and go to Matt in Florida.
Matt, you're on the air.
Well, you know why Karl Rove can say that?
Because we have all these memos and three different top advisors writing articles saying they want one and it would sure help them.
Again, they sent them out two years ago to fundraisers, to their million-dollar-type donors.
Glenn Beck even covered it, saying, there's gonna be a new Oklahoma City, don't worry, Obama's going to win, and we're gonna blame it on people.
I mean, they don't even hide it!
I mean, they don't say, we're going to do it, they leave that one last piece out.
But if I'm like, yeah, don't worry, I'm gonna have a million dollars next week, and the bank gets robbed down the street, and you're like, where'd you get the million dollars?
I don't know!
I flew out of Denver International Airport on Friday afternoon,
And I didn't see those Nazi's pictures that you're talking about, but I opted out of the body scanner.
And there's a 13-year-old girl next to me and a mom and the TSA guard goes, Oh, these ain't the same body scanners that give out x-rays.
And she had the nerve to say that the cell phones give out more radiation than the... The mom wanted to opt out her child, but the TSA guard still made her go through.
I opted out.
I got the bat down.
And then, uh, this creepy old guy, you're right, they are creepy.
He, uh, asked if there was any sensitive areas of me where I'd be patted down.
I go, yeah, my groin.
I don't want you to touch my groin.
He goes, any more talk like that, I'm going to have to get my supervisor and take you into the back room.
And I said, I ain't going in no back room.
I said that real loud, but he patted me down.
No, no, no.
I've warned you.
The new intimidation, especially with old women, is the rape room.
And now they're getting mobile rape rooms.
I mean, they're getting armored pillboxes.
Because again, for a dungeon keeper, a bunch of them are pedophiles that's come out.
Dragging your child off and freaking them out is enjoyment alone.
Uh, but yeah, oh yeah, any more talk like that.
Again, they touched your groin, but they don't want you talking about what they're about to do.
So, uh, how did it end?
Did he get his pleasures?
Well, he didn't really do nothing.
I mean, in fact, I was alright.
I mean, then he went over to this desk, he said, I'll be right back, and then he goes, alright, you can go through.
So I got on my flight.
And then another thing with this Colorado bombing, I mean, this ain't related, but last year, they had, uh, in Nebraska or Iowa, they had a
I don't know why these guys are doing something stupid, but you can look it up too.
In Iowa, he ran over five motorcyclists and he killed two people in cars.
He was drunk or on drugs.
He was a PhD.
Well, you know the answer.
Ban cars.
Of course, I shouldn't joke.
They are talking about making us all be robot-controlled in the future.
They're going to roll out the Google cars they now have.
They're going to have a better safety record.
And they're just going to ban us driving our own cars.
Folks, you heard it here first.
Just watch.
That's about five, six years away.
They'll first give you insurance discounts if you let the robot take over part of the time.
And then finally, they're just going to phase out humans driving altogether because there's going to be so much distracted driving.
Thank you for the call.
I'm going to go to Jeff and David and Elray and Ted here in just a moment.
But first, I wanted to play this clip.
And this is from the Nightly News Friday with Darren McBreen.
It's titled, ATF Bots Threatens Whistleblowers.
In fact, I'm going to Twitter this out at Real Alex Jones right now, even though it went up this weekend because it's so powerful.
And McBrain makes a little joke at the end about the ATF boss because it's like Big Brother.
It's a video with him from the head down to his chest.
And he's standing there with a blue background.
And he's saying, you know, basically, well, the full video is out there because the ATF didn't follow orders and leaked it.
That you'll be punished if you whistleblow.
You've got to go to the chain of command up to Eric Holder, who's in contempt of Congress and ordered the entire operation for Obama to blame the Second Amendment.
And the Chicago Tribune and El Paso Times report they also ship drugs back in in MASH by the tons, but the media outside of that never picks it up.
So you're supposed to just report to, I mean, if a gang member in your neighborhood, let's say, rapes your daughter, you should find the leader of the gang and go to them and tell them about it.
I'm sure they'll really care about that a whole lot.
Or of a wild dog bites you if you live out in the country.
Go find the leader of the pack and dress up, you know, like a sheep or something in the middle of the night and see if they don't attack you.
So here he is in everybody's face and the Senate, you know, sent letters and said this sounds like a threat.
Number one, folks, you're supposed to report on criminal activity to another agency or media.
You have a duty to do it.
And the fact is they have the NSA overtime spying on government employees to try to make sure you don't report on them.
So, the answer is everybody start leaking info.
The answer is everybody start speaking out.
The answer is take action so they can't stop everybody.
You understand that?
Okay, let's go ahead and go to this report by Darren McBrain and then back to your phone calls.
Choices and consequences.
And when I'm talking about choices and consequences, I'm talking about the disciplinary process.
What my expectation is, as the acting director, when it comes to the disciplinary process,
We're good to go.
Choices and consequences mean simply that if you make poor choices, that if you don't abide by the rules, that if you don't respect the chain of command, if you don't find the appropriate way to raise your concerns to your leadership, there will be consequences.
There you go.
That's the one without McBreen's commentary.
The one that is, you know, hilarious that Darren did, and about 50 times more powerful.
It's up at the Alex Jones Channel at YouTube, and I will have that Twittered out to everybody.
ATF boss threatens whistleblowers.
Again, I would have played it.
I'm not baiting you to, oh, go to my Twitter to see it.
I just asked for that all day.
That's not what we got, so too bad.
Okay, let's go ahead and talk to Jeff in Oklahoma.
Jeff, you're on the air.
How you doing, sir?
Thanks for taking my call.
I'm doing okay.
Go ahead.
I just want to run a couple things by.
You already talked about one of them.
I turned on the Lainstream Media to see what kind of lives they were selling us today, and they showed the Colorado shooter for his first court appearance.
And you can definitely tell that they've got him drugged up on something.
I mean, he can barely move.
He looks like he's about to go to sleep.
All of a sudden, his eyes jolt.
He looks all over the place, goes into a trance.
They ask him if he has anything to say, and he doesn't even respond.
No, I've interviewed people that were on death row with McVeigh.
And from Death Row, who, without their knowledge, got in on the show, the lawyers, Jesse Trinidad, who set it up.
And I've talked to others.
McVeigh would do this all the time, and Jolian West was in there every day.
Or every other day.
The famous mind control doctor.
And then McVeigh could suddenly talk and stuff when they'd roll him out, and then when he wasn't on drugs, he would explain to the other cellmates, or people across the cells, that yeah, he was, um,
A government mind control subject and was in special ops and that they set him up and they were going to kill his family if he told the truth.
So, I mean, it just goes on and on.
And now they wheel him out, as I predicted.
And he doesn't?
I mean, they said he was flopping around spitting and didn't know who he was.
And then now here he is.
And there's no discussion of he's insane.
You know, now he just goes to a mental institution.
No, they're gonna, they're gonna go right ahead with the whole process because it's just, I mean, look.
Folks, they could grab me, drug me up, commit a crime, say I did it, put me on Devil's Breath or Halcyon, have me say I did it on the news, just like our troops when the North Vietnamese captured them, you know, saying that they'd been, you know, doing all these things they hadn't done, and then send me to jail.
Or they could do it to anybody.
And then he's in a Department of Defense-funded, advanced
I think it's pretty strange.
I think my eyes are pretty wide open nowadays, because once you find the truth and things, you can see through the lies.
It's pretty easy.
Well, I mean, even that.
Maybe he was a lone crazy who looks totally drugged up in court, and they're not telling us they drugged him up.
I mean, that's a whole issue right there.
The issue here is, if the government's done this over and over again, and writes memos saying how great it would be, and have been caught doing stuff like this to demonize the Second Amendment, aka Fast and Furious, you've got to look at them as the number one suspect.
That's all I'm saying here.
Another subject I kind of wanted to touch base on, it's a little different, but it's about the general public.
Me and my wife went to a movie theater last week and they were playing classics and we went to watch Clockwork Orange, which I'm sure you're probably aware of it.
While we were sitting in there, they have a lot of scenes that are really pretty bad.
I mean, trying to commit suicide, sexual assault.
And while these things are happening, the people sitting in the theater are giggling and chuckling like it's something cute and funny.
And I'm just, I'm losing my mind.
Wait, wait, wait.
You went and saw Clockwork Orange re-aired in a theater and people were liking it?
Yeah, they were chuckling and like giggling when he's trying to commit suicide.
Ooh, that's an idea for us to do is sneak a camera in sometime when they have a showing at the Paramount or something of Clockwork Orange because I've been in movies like Natural Born Killers is designed to show you how horrible the media is and how sickening violence is.
When I was younger, I didn't get that.
Yeah, yeah.
Me and my wife were both looking at each other like, you know,
That's not the point you're supposed to get out of this movie.
The point is... The movie is about mind control.
And it's about the government releasing criminals out of the prison and making them the police to target the non-violent population in an authoritarian takeover.
A Clockwork Orange is a powerful novel that Kubrick made the film out of.
And you notice in the film it's writers who
And it's that writer who's written A Clockwork Orange, hence that's the name of the novel.
I appreciate your call.
Great points.
Okay, I'm gonna hit some more news on the other side, then some calls, then we're gonna go back to our guests.
But I've got a bunch of news I've gotta hit on.
Chertoff suggests pre-crime solution to mass shooting.
Psychopaths, they want TSA in the theaters.
Again, the new symbol of America is a pot-bellied pedophile groping your children.
We'll be right back, stay with us.
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New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
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Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central, we are here live.
We also have InfoWars Nightly News that I host, Aaron McBreen hosts, of course Rob Dew, Paul Watson, Aaron Dykes, and many others, and we are in the process of interviewing quite a few of the finalists for the InfoWars Reporter Contest.
And we're going to be hiring some of those folks very soon, so you'll see them here on air and also see their reports here on the radio show.
Hear the reports on the radio show.
See them for viewers at PrisonPlanet.TV.
Continuing with the news, I haven't even gotten in all the video clips of eyewitnesses saying multiple shooters, tear gas canisters, smoke bombs from different sides.
I haven't even gotten into all that yet.
I also covered yesterday the history of government-sponsored terror.
Dozens of examples of our so-called government and other governments staging events to blame it on their political enemies.
And if you go to InfoWars.com, we do have that video report from last night's radio show posted on the site.
But again, Chertoff suggests pre-crime solution to mass shooting psychosis.
Eerie coincidence, Colorado University had identical drill on same day as Batman Massacre.
Feds admit NSA spying violated Fourth Amendment, but they're not going to stop.
First China, then the world.
UN uses China as launchpad for One World.
Government one-child policy, so they want that worldwide.
Colorado shooter had more in common with paramilitary police than Batman.
Top Pakistani politician calls drone strikes insane immoral war crimes.
Yeah, they'll kill like 20, 30, 40, 100 plus innocent people to get one bad guy.
But that's not a tragedy when a whole, you know, apartment building gets blown up with a bunch of little kids in it.
You know, but the same government that does that wouldn't stage a theater shooting.
They wouldn't stage Fast and Furious either.
NBC's Gregory blames Batman massacre on angry political dialogue, insinuates Rush Limbaugh to blame for shooting.
You didn't know it was Rush Limbaugh's fault if that guy's clearly out of his mind with a bozo the clown hairdo.
It's not the Batman franchise's fault.
I'm not saying it is, even though it conditions people.
Certainly not Rush Limbaugh, but
I wonder who would blame that on Rush Limbaugh.
Again, I said they'd do something like this and blame us for it, and they're doing it.
And they write memos saying how great it would be to have this, but you know what, they're not suspects.
Sure, they got the UN Treaty next week and everything, but they're not suspects.
No, we are.
Rush Limbaugh.
It's his fault, folks.
Don't look at Obama or Attorney General Holder.
Do not look at them.
I don't mean just encouraging the guy.
No, no, I mean, you know, setting him up.
They'd never do that.
Even small-town police departments get caught all the time framing people for murders they've committed.
But the big feds, they wouldn't do anything like that.
So everything is just fine, ladies and gentlemen.
NBC's Gregory blames Batman massacre on angry political dialogue.
Remind me, guys, when the guests join us to play that clip, queuing it up to where they blame Rush Limbaugh.
You are listening to GCN.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, it's not only CNN pushing taking our guns or Felipe Calderon of Mexico.
Rupert Murdoch!
He has tweeted in support for taking our guns.
Now we know why Fox will never defend our Second Amendment.
There you go.
Rupert Murdoch, we had to do something about gun control.
Police licenses okay for hunting rifle and pistol for anyone without criminal or psych record.
No more.
There you go.
They already have all that.
So there's Rupert Murdoch wants our guns.
Thank you, Rupert Murdoch.
And the Huffington Post is very proud of you.
George Soros is very, very proud of you right now.
During the last break.
Yes, he ran in here breathing heavy.
Aaron Dykes has just discovered, the guy that put out the Democratic memo about how great a new Oklahoma would be, talking about how great mass shootings are to get our guns.
He was breathing heavily.
He's going to have that on the nightly news tonight.
He's going to be hosting it, but I'm going to do a special report.
I get so excited the first few hours, I can hardly even talk sometimes.
I'm going to try to condense like a laser beam, shoot a special report tonight that will be on the news with Aaron.
Just going over all these points.
Wow, this makes my head spin right now, but Aaron just found some bombshell info.
He'll give it to Watson.
He's got an article coming out very, very soon.
Right now, let's go to El Rey in Texas.
El Rey, thank you for joining us.
Hey Alex, thanks for having me.
I just called to ask if you'd ever heard of the Project on National Security Reform.
Yes, I have.
Isn't that a Council on Foreign Relations thing?
Yes, sir.
I've never heard it mentioned before and I wanted you to know that it's CIA, CFR, Rand Corporation, Bank of America, IBM.
No, no, no, basically it's everything they've already done, the next phase, total police state, checkpoints everywhere, everything you do being surveilled, no jobs except being in prison, running a prison, or working for a defense contractor, forced inoculations, hell on earth, weather modification, just a nightmare system.
Pretty much.
I just wanted to know if you had heard of it and they're working with state and local governments and law firms and American Bar Association and that was all No, it's the total takeover of every facet of life.
The Threat Fusion Center is everything.
Yes, we've actually covered that before, but I'm glad you raised it.
I'd only seen it in the Washington Post and then I just had one other thing I wanted to ask about and that's the Economic Club of New York.
Yes, I've heard of that.
That's another elitist kind of a private CFR meets Federal Reserve organizing house.
Yeah, on the site, they probably thank Rockefeller Centennial Society for running the program.
And the last thing that kind of ties it all together, actually, we're at an elementary school and I see a lot there, but is the quote whole of government approach that they're pushing.
And I just wanted to mention that, and the Project on National Security Reform's website is pnsr.org, and thanks for having me on.
Thank you.
All I know is we need guns because of crazy people like the Bozo killer, who is more like the Bozo Patsy.
And as days go by, just, it's all coming together.
Aaron just ran in here.
You know that guy who wrote the memo to the Democrat fundraisers talking about, you know, staged events or Oklahoma City helping us?
I found his quotes on things, how they're gonna get our guns with mass shootings and how that'll help Obama reconnect with the public.
I mean, I'm glad he was... Because that's how you're supposed to act when you find stuff like that is... Because that's what I do around here is... I'm glad that people are concerned about stuff like this.
You're supposed to get upset about it.
Because it's all there.
They all think you're idiots.
The only reason they get away with all this is because the average person is unconscious and just wants to go home and watch television.
Folks, that ain't living.
That is not living, okay?
We are analyzing these psych warfare social engineers, and we're on their tail.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number one.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number two.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, coming up in the shower we're going to play some clips of people talking about multiple shooters, smoke bombs or tear gas coming from different sides, someone else letting the shooter in.
Now we've seen who the media is saying is the shooter, with Bozo the clown hair.
Everybody said there was men with black masks on who looked like police officers.
That's what the eyewitnesses all over local news said.
But now he comes into court today not knowing who he is, with all these facial tics, eyes wide open, clearly bombed out of his brain.
And I hope someday they don't commit a mass shooting and then just roll me out and I suddenly can't talk and nobody asked, is he drugged?
Nobody asked, hey, maybe somebody else did it.
Maybe he's mentally ill.
I mean, I could go commit a crime, get a homeless person who's mentally ill in the car with me, they're all over Austin, where I live, thrown out of mental institutions, and then put a bunch of weapons in the car, commit a crime, and then let the homeless person take the blame.
And that's what Operation Northwoods, right here in my hot little hand from the National Security Archive, this is at the Library of Congress, you can just look up PDF of National Security Archive, and it talks about how to commit mass shootings,
And then how to even frame patsies, and who do they recommend in the Gladio documents?
This just talks about framing patsies.
Mentally ill people, people with criminal records, you just frame.
And now we got a guy who can't talk.
The police said he was flopping around the last two days, screaming and spitting at everyone, screaming, I'm the joker, I'm the joker.
Now he can't talk.
And is smiling and laughing and then obviously snapping in and out of things.
And of course he's on a bunch of psychotropic drugs, which can make you do this on your own.
Just like Sergeant Bales who went over there and killed 19 people in Afghanistan.
And they're gonna try to put him on trial.
He's not mentally ill.
He's gonna go to the electric chair, I guess.
Now here's the deal.
We are collating all these clips right now, the admissions, even Glenn Beck covering it a year and a half ago, that top White House advisors in memos and in restricted memos only to top donors, like when Obama's privately with a bunch of donors that give him a million bucks or whatever, you know, billionaires and people, he says, yeah, don't worry, we're going to get these better clingers that cling to their Bibles and guns.
We're going to get them!
To their people and Paul Watson's doing an article on this right now because it hit me this morning They said a new Oklahoma City a new 9-11 or some big event
We'll let Obama reconnect with the public and be seen as a hero.
By the way, you watch, the polls aren't up yet, but he went to Colorado yesterday and today.
I'm guaranteeing, you'll see tomorrow.
They'll be out by tomorrow.
Maybe even tonight.
I predict 10.5 bounce in an index of polls.
Some will be higher.
I predict a 10 point bounce for Obama.
In his office, Aaron Dykes is in there, he's found clips of the Democratic operatives bragging on Chris Matthews after the Giffords shooting, that this is going to help Obama reconnect, and this is going to help shut up the birthers.
Now remember, you got Robert Shapiro on the Financial Times of London saying, we need a new Oklahoma City or 9-11.
If he doesn't get that, he's not going to win.
They come one inch from saying they'll stage one.
They just say, man, this would sure be nice.
That's why last night I thought, and this morning it really hit me even stronger, we had to get the makers of The Noble Lie, Oklahoma City 1995, on the show because this is the only modern film exposing the false flag.
And just like Fast and Furious, this is... They've admitted Fast and Furious was done to blind the Second Amendment.
CBS, ABC, I've read those headlines.
They're on air.
You can look it up.
But other than that, this is the most proven false flag where we've got the cops, the eyewitnesses, the people that worked in the building.
I mean, we know who did it.
We know how they did it.
The film is so important.
And guess what?
It's the very same crew now running Obama.
So that's why I'm saying we've got to look at this from the perspective of who's the number one suspect.
If somebody who looks like they're 65 years old with a long gray beard and blue eyes robs a bank, the police know to see are there any bank robbers paroled that fit this description.
They normally have priors.
And they go, you bet.
You know, John Doe got released two months ago.
This is him, his M.O.
He looks just like it.
They try to go find where he is.
They discover where he's at.
They get a search warrant.
They bust in.
They find the money right there.
You go after people who do this over and over again.
And let me tell you who does it over and over again.
I covered this for two hours on the Sunday radio show.
These people do.
And not just our government.
Other governments do this over and over again.
Operation Gladio included not just blowing up bus stations and school buses and train stations.
This has been declassified by the Italian government and others.
They would shoot up movie theaters and blame it on their political enemy and even grab a communist
Or somebody they didn't like, and drug them up, put them on trial, put them in prison, or kill them!
So, again, I've seen this over and over again.
I thought I'd get two gentlemen on, because specifically, they've been warning on my show, and their own radio show, and everywhere, look for this.
And I remember, and so this is homework for them, because I know they're busy, but I'm even more busy.
They've been on probably six, seven times the last six months since their film came out.
Where we said, get the film, they're gonna stage new tire attacks to get the UN treaty passed, the rest of it to put TSA on the streets.
And we all talked about what type of attack, and we all said, highways, police stations, federal centers that have daycare centers, because they like to kill kids, that gets more effect.
Movie theater shopping malls.
Now, I'm so busy, I don't have time to go back to six, seven, eight interviews and find all the places we said that, but we did.
So that's powerful to get people's attention.
We're not just saying this now, we said this before.
Now, I'm gonna go to Chris Emery and Holland Vandernuwenhoff.
They join us.
Ben Ewenhoff is a native of Oklahoma, formerly served U.S.
Marine Corps as a rifle squad leader.
His broadcasting career started in 07 as co-host of Radio Free Oklahoma, and later as co-host of the Free Mine Report, heard on a bunch of stations.
Holland is also a writer and producer of Noble Lie, Oklahoma City 95, and the first full-length documentary examining the Oklahoma City bombing in the light of the new and suppressed evidence.
That proves the official story is a myth.
Available at Infowarshop.com, I should add.
I said, get the film out, it'll save lives.
It may stop them from staging new attacks, or it'll have people informed who will be watching when it happens, like our witnesses that were on the flight that saw the government get Muttalib on the plane, the underwear bomber.
Chris Emory is producer of Noble Lie as well, and has been working for decades to expose the globalists, and they join us right now.
It's the winter of a bunch of film festivals.
And the Vegas Indy finalists...
I mean, just a winner of Bear Bones Festival, also official selection San Antonio Film Festival, and a bunch of others.
They join us right now.
Out of the gates, I want to go to Holland first.
Holland, I haven't even asked your opinion.
I had Chris call you at 8 o'clock last night, got you set up for the show.
I don't know your view on this.
I haven't heard what you've said about it.
So I want to hear fresh.
Give me your take on what you think's going on here.
Well, thank you, Alex, for having us on again.
And, uh, when this event happened, this horrible event, I reserved judgment.
I don't like to leap to judgment, but I must report that all indications that are at the very least, that many things are very fishy about this incident, and I do think that most likely it was a false flag attack.
The timing is, could not be better for those trying to push a gun control agenda.
They're trying to sign
A major gun control treaty next week.
There are many correlations between this attack and the Tucson shooting of last year, the Jared Lee Loeffner case.
And I have been actually looking into that case a lot lately.
Some of the work of Stephanie Sludge at thegovernmentrag.com.
She's done some excellent work.
And I do think that this probably is a false flag attack.
Well, I mean, I even forgot that.
We've got to get Wayne Madsen on immediately.
Wayne Madsen told me first about stuff that later came out.
And, of course, he's former with the National Security Agency.
He talked to a high-level federal informant that said that Rolls and Giffords, who are both pro-gun, were working on exposing Fast and Furious, and that definitely the shooter there was pro-Graham Jared Loeffner.
Oh yes, Loeffler bore all the hallmarks of an MK-Ultra Patsy and that's what we're looking at these days is this evolution of the methodology for executing these crimes and getting Patsy's involved in mind control, the use of psychotropic drugs,
Erasing memories, inducing psychotic behavior, especially with this, the case of this latest suspect named Holmes.
Apparently he, there is no creepy backstory to this guy.
Unlike Loeffner, there were a lot of people who came out to say that he was really creepy, scary guy.
It turns out later that a lot of those soundbites were probably faked anyway.
But with this kid, there seems to be no creepy backstory.
Just out of the blue, he flips out and decides to become the Joker and kill at least a dozen people.
And also, he was serving under a National Institute of Health grant in a neuroscience division of the university, and the NIH has been long implicated first-hand.
Oh yeah, they use these programs under...
They use these under Ewing Cameron to actually kidnap test suspects, subjects, and use them for mind control.
I mean, he's right in the middle of a Department of Defense-funded program in mind control sciences.
Yes, and we're already seeing, like you reported, the divergent eyewitness accounts.
Now, when I look at the primary purpose of a noble lie, and the real reason we wanted to get it out, was not just to expose the Oklahoma City bombing.
Obviously that was the primary reason, but the deeper reason was that if an attack like this happened again, a false flag attack, people who had seen the movie, seen the evidence, seen what this government is capable of doing, what it has done in the past and what it is talking about doing in the future,
If an attack like that happens again, be able to recognize the tell-tale signs of an attack.
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Oh Lordy, my troubles so hard.
Oh Lordy, my troubles so hard.
Don't nobody know my troubles with God.
Don't nobody know my troubles with God.
Oh Lordy, my troubles so hard.
I want to get Chris Emery in here, but Holland, continue with the points you're making after the last six, seven years.
I know Chris Emery even more immersed in studying false flags and how they work.
It's hard for people that don't spend all their time studying this, like I've been doing for 17 years, to just hear us say, oh yeah, it's got the earmarks.
Folks, when we say it's got the earmarks, I mean it's got the earmarks.
I wish this guy was a lone nut.
But now he's clearly drugged out of his mind on television and they're just going to tell us open and shut case.
We'd be crazy to believe a government that's been caught running so many other false flags.
I mean, this is not the world I want to live in.
I'd much rather be doing other things with my time, but I'm not going to deny reality.
And the fact is that this government has time and time again, as many governments around the world, engaged in the false flag methodology that has cost innocent lives in order to enact a political agenda.
This is a basic 101 politics, real politics 101.
We've seen it time and time again.
You referenced Operation Northwoods earlier.
Well, they actually talked about shooting American citizens
Operation Gladio, you were referencing, the Italian Senate actually indicted the CIA for its role in the Bologna bomb, uh, bus station bombing that cost 89 lives.
Those were innocent people in order to enact a strategy of tension to keep people scared, keep them on edge, and make them vote for the politically convenient party convenient to the interest of the slave market.
And now we have three memos
In this case, and like I said before, is that we made a noble lie so we could wake people up to the fact of what this government was capable of and what they would do in the future.
And we referenced a Clinton cabinet official, Robert Shapiro, who was in the government during the Oklahoma City bombing.
Uh, who later opined in an editorial that Obama needed another Oklahoma City or 9-11.
Now, this guy just wasn't an observer, perhaps making a callous remark.
He was in the government when the bombing happened.
He saw exactly how they benefited, and he was saying the Obama administration needed another mass murder to justify election and a political agenda.
And he actually said that quote, and that's what's frustrating.
We then have all these other fundraising memos where they said, don't worry, don't worry, a new Oklahoma City or 9-11, and they're going to get the blame.
I mean, that right there, they are so arrogant.
And then this magically happens right as they, in the last six months, have been delivering the TSA kits for checkpoints all over the highway.
We've talked to high-level
Department of Transportation whistleblowers that say they're getting ready in the next few months to roll this out and then right on time this starts.
If we start seeing more of these, then we know it's a setup.
And Fast and Furious.
One of the, I guess you could say, good benefits of Fast and Furious was that it was unlikely that Obama was going to be able to get gun control legislation passed because of the blowback from Fast and Furious.
It was simply ridiculous that the federal government is asking for restrictions on our gun use when the biggest gun runner in the past decade is the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms under Operation Gunwalker, Fast and Furious.
And they did it to blame the Second Amendment.
And now that's all blown out of the water.
And they did it to blame the Second Amendment.
CBS News broke that almost a year ago.
Let's go to Chris Emery.
We're about to go to break, but Chris, what's your first look on this, having three or four days to look at it?
First of all, I want to extend my condolences to the victims' family members and survivors.
That's one thing that we did immediately when we studied the Oklahoma City case.
People that lost their lives.
Very sacred loss.
Second thing is, I'm going to suggest to every single one of these family members, hire an attorney, get a completely independent view of what's going on here, because I can guarantee you that you're being lied to.
I say that as a filmmaker that looks at the facts.
Holland can back me up on this.
There are so many cases we reviewed, and this is consistent, and you did an excellent job on Friday and over the weekend reviewing all of these cases that are similar.
You cannot believe the federal government anymore.
Simple as that.
The top dogs that are taking control of this case are going to lie.
Flat out, bald-faced lie to the family members and have no compunction about doing it.
So they have to hire independent forensic experts and independent counsel to make sure that they get the truth on what happened to their loved ones.
That's the bottom line.
And uh... I...
It's frustrating because we see this happen time and time again and we've got to get the truth out on this.
Well, I agree with you.
I mean, it would be a lot less scary to think he was just a lone Ronald McDonald killer.
I forget calling him the Joker, but they're already saying he's the guy and he can't even talk.
He's obviously bombed out of his brain.
We'll talk about Jolly and West and mind control when we get back.
That's my first question, but I want you to be able to finish, Chris Emery, with all the points I know you've got there you want to go over.
Because again, these are guys who have investigated in depth
With the primary survivors and witnesses, the false flag that was Oklahoma City, and I'm telling you, the prime suspects of this new event are the people that did this, okay?
That's why these guys are in prison.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Ladies and gentlemen, it came out of the Congressional hearings in 94-95 that
Waco had been a ATF stunt because of Ruby Ridge.
They look bad.
Congress was looking at just getting rid of them entirely.
So there's film of them in the documentaries about it, like Waco Rules of Engagement, loading up their video cameras going, these are really great kooks.
We're going to get some great footage of this to launch their new war against domestic extremists.
So they found a group
They thought they could demonize.
They could have arrested Koresh in town.
He went to town every day.
They own an auto repair shop down the street.
Instead, they went in there and started a fight with him and then burned the place down.
So that blew up in their face.
FBI cooked the bomb, trained the drivers in the first World Trade Center attack.
Look that up.
I mean, this is not our opinion.
The Levon Affair being staged by Israel.
The plan was to shoot up and blow up movie theaters and places where Westerners were at.
And bomb their, you know, churches and things.
There have been a lot of other events.
I went over them yesterday.
The point is, is that when you study this, how did the CIA and MI6 overthrow Mohammad Mosaddegh in 1953 in Iran?
Look up Operation Ajax.
It's at CIA.gov.
They don't even hide this.
It's declassified.
They committed mass shootings of mosques and of crowds of people who didn't like the more secular Mossadegh who wanted to develop Iran.
But he wanted to keep part of the oil money for his people.
He was the man of the year, Time Magazine, really nice guy, compared to some of the extremists over there.
And who did they say they were going to put in power?
The Muslim Brotherhood.
They staged attacks claiming Mossadegh had done it.
Against the Muslim Brotherhood type extremists.
They were really Shiites.
So I guess Muslim Brotherhood is kind of a mixture.
The point is... And then they double-crossed them and put the Shah in.
And again, mass shootings are one of their favorites.
To then blame it on who they want.
And you've got all these White House memos.
In fact, we're going to have them on the nightly news tonight, and then we'll air part of these reports tomorrow.
A lot of work goes into all of this.
Paul Watson's got a new article coming out very, very soon.
The ATF's in trouble putting out videos to their own people saying, watch out, don't report on our crimes.
All of this is happening right now.
The UN Treaty is just a couple weeks away.
They can sign it as early as early next week.
And then magically this happens.
Are there real mass shootings?
Are there real crazies?
But when you see something like this, notice it happened close to Columbine and Littleton.
Total shadow government command base.
Department of Defense funded programs going on.
I've been in these neuroscience departments.
You can't go in half the facility.
Even though I might have accidentally got into one once.
The point is, is that it's all about mind control.
Because that's what control is all about.
Mind war, is what they call it.
Chris Emery, finishing up your points, continuing here.
I'm going to do a wide shot of this.
Just one of your shirts, Alex, is Defend Freedom.
And that's you defend your freedom by finding out the truth.
Whether it be your loved ones, or your neighbors, or people that are horrifically murdered in the case of this last week.
We base our research on the facts.
And like I said, I urge every one of the victims, family members, and survivors, and their close friends that have the wherewithal, that have the resources, to find out what happened last week.
You deserve the truth, and you're not going to get it from the controllers from the federal government.
I wish I could say it differently, but
We've gone over literally dozens of cases, big and small, and it's consistent.
They will lie to you and have no compunction about doing it.
We just got the issue of Rolling Stone Magazine out of my PO Box this weekend.
The Making of Dark Knight, two-page article on here, and it's called Nolan's Reboot.
It's basically a review from director Christopher Nolan.
Let me read this real quick, just a few sentences.
Anyone who's tried telling stories after 9-11 noticed that the real world becomes horrifically fictional.
So all of our fictions seem to aspire toward realism.
In Nolan's films, Batman is a soldier and it echoes the whole war on terror.
They're the best expression of Batman that's been done so far.
This is a line between reality and fiction and it's becoming crystal clear that who's controlling and who's blurring that line.
That's right, they're blurring it on purpose.
They're blurring it on purpose.
I've talked to high-level producers
Chris Carter of X-Files.
I've talked to his top people.
The CIA came to them and said do an episode where a hijacked jet gets flown into the World Trade Center and the government's really behind it as a way to attack Afghanistan and they use a drill to make everybody stand down.
What do you guys continue along that line of why they're trying to blur reality with fiction but then also what do you make of the drill at
At the university being run, of a local movie theater being attacked, by a guy who uses smoke bombs as a distraction.
Well, the whole Batman mythos is about legitimizing covert state operations.
It's all about the forces of law and order that are unable to cope with this evil, and they must call upon this man in black to skirt the law and do things that aren't really approved of, but really society needs someone to be behind the scenes doing these covert operations.
He has to use the NSA to spy on everyone!
A product, maybe, of the Cold War.
I need to do my homework on the origins of the Batman comics, but that's certainly what the mythos is being used for today.
And we see, like, the tell-tale signs, the concurrent drills.
One of the signs that something is fishy is if there's a concurrent intelligence, military, or police operation or drill
That simulates the real thing and now we have a drill being run out of a medical department simulating a mass shooting in Colorado in a theater with bombs being thrown also almost to a tee and this was the only medical department in the country that was running this kind of drill and it was just down the road from the theater from where it took place.
And again, Webster Tarpley's written synthetic terror of 300 and something page book, 400 page book, breaking this down.
It's done so that other agencies, if they discover it, you just say it's part of the drill.
It's also used to confuse NSA chatter.
The concurrent operations have several different functions.
One, to move assets in place, to cover their butts as they move assets in place.
It's under the cover of this drill.
And then afterwards, it also is part of the cover-up.
Because the people involved in executing what they thought was a drill, only afterwards may or may not realize that it was actually part of the real thing.
And now they're either complicit or they're kept in the dark about their true role.
It also aids the cover-up, as in the case of Oklahoma City.
After the bombing, a lot of the cops on the scene were being told by their superiors that the bombing was the result of a sting operation that went bad.
Of course, this is not part of the official story, but this is what the cops were being told.
This was a cover story.
The sting operation was to move the assets in place, move the truck in place, get the explosives inside the building.
And then afterwards, as part of the cover-up, well now you're going to interfere with justice if you blow the whistle on the sting operation.
So it has a lot of different components, and it works.
And that's what they use.
They use what works.
You see the same methodology... No, that's right.
It's totally pathological.
...because it's effective.
Now let's expand.
We also have the FBI flyer that was put out about theaters being attacked.
This was put out in June, that theaters were going to be attacked by Al-Qaeda there in the Colorado area, that there'd be mass shootings in them.
They pulled the flyer once this shooting happened.
They don't normally do that.
Why don't they want us seeing that flyer?
Well, if this was legit, Alex, they would actually be waving the flyer around and taking credit for warning the American people about this threat.
The fact that they pulled that flyer, which I just learned from you, means that they have something to hide.
And they don't want us knowing that they were warning, that they actually had this plan underway.
Perhaps they were picking up chatter, and then it was covered up, I don't know.
But the fact that they pulled that flyer means that there was something to hide, definitely.
Now, I know we have a lot of new listeners tuning in every millisecond on AM and FM's across the country.
Explain to people why you do a false flag.
I mean, they never do these unless there's a key piece of legislation like an omnibus crime bill they couldn't pass, or assault weapons ban they can't pass, or a UN treaty where they're like two votes short in the Senate, and now there's all this pressure.
Explain the motive for false flags, and then I want to get into mind control.
Well, the unfortunate consequence of people waking up to the truth is that when people start to resist an agenda and they can't get it passed by conventional political means, they will get desperate and they will shed blood.
They have done this time
And time again, they did it in Oklahoma City.
The timing of the Oklahoma City bombing was two years after Waco.
Waco, like you said, happened exactly because of Ruby Ridge.
The criticism the ATF and federal law enforcement was facing over their unconstitutional abuses and infringement on individual rights and the atrocities they were committing, that was all washed away with Oklahoma City, which happened two years the day after Waco.
And then we look at this attack, which happens a week before
A controversial gun ban treaty is going to be voted upon at the same time that Fast and Furious has really taken the wind out of the sails of the gun control agenda.
They needed something to push it over the top.
Fast and Furious had really blown up in their face.
There was a lot of blowback.
And the unfortunate consequences of us waking up, of people waking up and fighting back, is that they get desperate, and they pull these aces out of their sleeves, and they shed blood.
They want to be able to pose as heroes and have the moral authority, and they're the mommy and the daddy, we're the bad children.
But don't worry, they're going to keep us safe now with more highway checkpoints and pat-downs at movie theaters and shopping malls.
All of this is coming, and ladies and gentlemen, you cannot
Uh, you know, have pat-downs for evil.
There is always going to be evil out there.
The answer is guns.
I want to show people a brief clip they're watching on TV.
If not, just go to Infowars.com.
And there's an article there from Natural News by our own Mike Adams.
And he shows, of course, that video from earlier last week of the old man in the internet cafe
And they don't want people thinking like this and understanding that the answer to people coming at you with guns is that you have a gun.
And here he is when two thugs come in with their mask on.
He comes in and is able to stop them.
Let's go ahead and roll that video.
And then we can, after that, we can also direct people.
A patron at Palms Internet Cafe shot two robbers July 13th.
The suspects survived and were arrested.
And they come in, one with a baseball bat, one with a handgun.
They come in to rob everybody.
Everybody's got to watch this video and get it out to everybody they know.
And then a senior citizen, in the back,
Shoots them and chases them out of the building.
And again, it's already scrolled off the top news stories on InfoWars.
So I'm going to have it reposted up there so everybody can see it.
It's also at our Twitter.
Twitter.com forward slash realalexjones.
Says the media doesn't want you to know how the massacre could have been stopped.
The link to the video is right there, twitter.com forward slash realalexjones.
Go there, get it out to everybody you know with the article.
So again, getting back into mind control, what about McVeigh and mind control?
They think we're so stupid.
His doctor was Jolly and West.
Tell us about that, Chris Emery.
He's what we consider the Prince of Darkness, one of the worst mind control, well as far as most competent, but one of the worst on a civil level.
I believe he had Sirhan Sirhan, Patty Hearst, and Jack Ruby as clients?
Exactly, exactly.
After when Lee Harvey Oswald was shot a couple days after he was being blamed for the assassination of JFK,
They had to come up with a new way of neutralizing these patsies without making it obvious that they were shooting a witness.
Sirhan Sirhan was demonstrably a mind control victim.
I mean, his own psychiatrist testified to this.
Several psychiatrists testified to the fact that this man is controlled by other parties.
And his doctor was Dr. Jolene West, who actually got his start at the University of Oklahoma and had to leave
After killing an elephant with LSD under MKUltra funding.
He later went to UCLA.
He worked on the Sirhan Sirhan case, the Patty Hearst case.
And we know now that the SLA, the Symbionese Liberation Army, which kidnapped Patty Hearst and brainwashed her, started out of the Bakaville Medical Facility a mind control MKUltra
A medical experiment.
That is proven.
And so Dr. Charlie West worked on that.
He later consulted and worked on the Jonestown case where 900 people were killed under questionable circumstances.
Jim Jones had a lot of CIA ties.
They found tons of psychotropic drugs on the premises there that are being used to control these people.
The whole embassy there in Guyana was a CIA substation.
There was no diplomatic personnel at all.
So it was obvious that there was some kind of CIA operation going on with that.
Dr. Jolion West worked on that.
He later worked on Waco with the FBI, advising them on how to treat the Davidians.
We saw how that turned out.
Then after the catastrophic fire, Dr. Jolion West is the go-to man for the media.
Explaining to the American people why the Davidians decided to kill themselves, which of course was a lie.
They were murdered by the FBI.
After the bombing, immediately after the bombing, even before he was brought on to be the Dr. Bertin McVeigh, Dr. Jolion West was flown here from California and actually mentioned by name by Vice President Al Gore in a speech as soon as he got to Oklahoma City as coming here to treat the victims.
But that's not all Jolly West did here.
He was actually helping, he was actually treating the first responders and fixing inconvenient memories.
We know this for a fact.
We have talked to first responders who were brought to federal mental health facilities and told to change their minds about the bombs they had seen inside the building that they had actually come from the ATF bomber.
That happened at lunch on 9-11!
Dr. Jolly West was working on that.
That happened in 9-11 at the Pentagon.
They would take people and say, you need to go to the hospital because of what you saw.
And then they would black out.
Well, they've got, again, Devil's Breath, Halcyon, all of these.
But again, he's in congressional testimony as the second most famous mind control doctor in world history.
And then he's McVeigh's doctor and nobody in the media points this out.
And now the new Joker guy, Holmes, is obviously bombed out of his brain right now.
And no one's going to talk about that.
Exactly, and after McVeigh was incarcerated, Dr. Julian West actually had his protege, Dr. John Smith, be Tim McVeigh's direct psychologist from day to day.
And Dr. John Smith, who was Tim McVeigh's psychologist and psychiatrist, later turned out, a couple years later, to be chief of psychiatry at Guantanamo Bay, which we know and has been proven is a mind control laboratory.
Stop even mainstreaming it!
Yeah, we've got to go to break here.
I don't want to come back and give most of the final segment to Chris Emery, but it's actually been in mainstream news that they have a CIA mind control base, psychiatric base within X-Ray, where they're, quote, testing drugs on controlling people, and then they release them out of there.
The suicide bomber last week in Europe was an alumni of that program.
I mean, how obvious does this have to get?
We're going to be covering all the nightly news tonight.
Boy, I tell you, my head is spinning right now.
Chris Emery, stay there.
We'll come right back to you.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
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Alright, I'm gonna shoot a special video of the nightly news tonight that Aaron's doing, really trying to condense all this new evidence together of this being a false flag.
Here's why it's bad.
I wish the evidence didn't point towards a staged event, but it's a crew that's done it with Oklahoma City and Fast and Furious.
It fits their M.O.
It's in an area where they do it.
The suspect fits all the earmarks, and I mean chillingly so, you know, drooling up there and giggling and snickering out of his mind, drugged up on, you know, Lucky Charms or whatever.
And then you've got the fact that they want our guns and are going for them and the U.N.
And the fact that it's going to boost Obama's approval ratings.
Just watch.
I pray that he's a lone nutcase, but the open and shut way they're doing it, the way they're never giving any details, the way they're acting real suspicious, all of this really stinks to high heaven.
Chris Emery, we've only got about four or five minutes left in this interview.
I'm going to have you guys back later this week to talk more about it.
It's so important because you've been so close to this.
But your final comments in this hour, Chris.
Hold on, we don't have you faded up yet.
Start over, start over.
I look at it from the filmmaker's point of view.
You have to really sweep away all of the emotion and the melodrama and so forth.
And I know to some people that might sound cold, but you have to look at the facts for what they are.
And immediately you get the heat of the moment information, who the witnesses were, how many perps were involved.
Obviously we've got witnesses saying there were more than one person.
Ordinance coming from different sides of the theater.
You've got to collect the facts as soon as you can.
Then you hire that independent set of investigators to look at it.
And here we've got the memorial in Oklahoma City.
They're putting the flags at half-staff.
Well, on a respect basis, that's fine, but they're taking this melodrama, taking it to the next step, and saying, hey, you know, and the cruel irony is that we had government operatives do this in Oklahoma City, and it looks, like you said, all the earmarks of a government operative doing this in Colorado, and they're throwing it right back in our face, and that's absolutely disgusting.
It's unacceptable, and we've got to take a stand.
We're not idiots.
And let's not give the government a reason to believe that we are.
Look, if you've got a group caught doing something over and over again, we would be idiots, as you say, if we didn't look at them as the number one suspects.
Comments on that, Holland?
Yes, I mean, the number one suspect, look at who benefits.
It certainly isn't the American people.
The only beneficiary of this attack is the federal government and those who are pushing for gun control.
The timing is uncanny.
It cannot be denied that this benefits the government.
And whenever people are attacked or they're scared, there's a psychological reaction.
They cling to authority and they lash out at outsiders.
And in this case, I do believe you're right, Alex, that Obama's poll numbers are going to rise.
And the fact that the designated outsider, in this case, is guns.
We're already seeing the articles, I've already seen three or four, and I haven't really been looking, I've just been floating around the internet and they're popping up, of articles now pushing for gun control because of this shooting.
And frankly, I hate to say it, but I've been waiting, not waiting, but dreading when something like this would happen.
And we see the convergence of events.
Oh yeah, we've got... That's the gun ban treaty.
It cannot be denied.
Well yeah, we've got...
All these people all over the news, even Rupert Murdoch is saying time to restrict the guns.
That's up at InfoWars.com.
He said that on his Twitter.
But look, Chertoff wants pre-crime spies everywhere.
This is an article at InfoWars.com by Kurt Nemo.
And he says, see something, say something, spies everywhere.
Well, that's the new rollout.
TSA already has the PSAs made, showing them in the malls and on the highways, and now they're rolling out.
It's the rollout, just like the underwear bomber happened one week before the machines were set to go in.
They claim they ordered them that week.
They ordered them a year before.
It took that long to build them.
And it turned out the government got that guy on the plane, and of course a month and a half after we broke it.
It's like, oh come on Alex, some stuff happens on its own.
Turned out that was staged.
Great job gentlemen.
We'll cover it all tonight on the nightly news.
A lot more at prisonplanet.tv.
Thank you.
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