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Name: 20120702_Mon_Alex
Air Date: July 2, 2012
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Strap yourselves in, my friends, because we are going in to the rabbit hole and going all the way to the bottom today.
Worldwide Broadcast, thank you so much for joining us.
There is so much news up at Infowars.com right now, but I also want to, out of the gates, give the phone number out.
Because I tend to listen to my rebroadcast sometimes and it's unlistenable.
Other times it is absolute, on target, crystalline veritas.
But a lot of the times I am so overheated, so angry, that it's almost like a gibbering.
And it's the callers and the guests that really make the show.
Now, I don't go off what radio consultants tell me.
I don't go off what the news says to me.
I go off when I listen, when I think of the broadcast.
Now, undoubtedly, the broadcast is authentic and it's expanding and it's very popular, which is good because we face great adversity and great threats to our liberties and basic freedoms.
We don't overturn this globalist system and affect an awakening.
But I am fully aware of the fact that we are not even beginning to maximize the true potential of this platform that we have here.
I need to find that quiet, focused place where I can really articulate what's happening.
But then others say, oh no, don't stop ranting, don't stop blowing up, that's what we like.
Well, yeah, you can't argue with success, but I don't like it.
I don't like it.
People think, oh, this is an act when you're blowing up.
No, no, no, it's not an act.
Believe me, I wish it was.
And I think it has a physical effect on me as well.
I mean, there's a reason I look like I'm 45 or 50 and I'm 38.
It's because I get really angry a lot and get extremely exhausted later in the day because of it.
I've learned when I don't blow up a bunch or I'm not on the radio, that I feel great and I'm happy.
And then when I go into a long diatribe of ranting, I'm exhausted.
Now when we have victories against tyranny, I feel great.
I think it's the feeling of being suffocated or buried alive by bureaucrats and other control freaks that is having this effect on me.
I think it's having an effect on a lot of people.
A lot of people just feel overwhelmed by the tyranny so they give up, learn helplessness and roll over.
We cannot do that as a society.
We can't, because we have a very virulent, nasty form of corruption on our hands, and it must be defeated.
So I think the answer is, stop frustrating ourselves that we can't bring them all down at one time.
Focus on the victories we're having, and there are a lot of them, and learn from those victories, and learn from our defeats, and just start prosecuting a war against the tyrants in the Infowar.
Discrediting them, videotaping them when they're out in public, catching them in crimes, even if the corrupt court system won't go after them.
The so-called justice system, we can destroy them in the court of a public opinion.
Start really going after these people.
Our people, that is free humanity, people that recognize good from evil, we're everywhere.
That's what they're scared of.
It's why they want this big control grid in place and the surveillance system.
Our people are everywhere.
I want to talk about this when we come back and it's time for us to start behaving like it and sabotaging the globalist
For peaceful, lawful means.
Everywhere we can.
Now is the time.
Now is the time.
I mean, if you're a caddy out on a golf course, and some globalist is sitting there talking about cheating on their wife, if you can get the intel, get the data, get it out, put it on YouTube, destroy them.
If you catch somebody engaged in corruption that's a globalist,
Uh, rat them out.
And if that doesn't work, report it on the media.
I mean, just, whatever you can.
You won't get them every time.
But just hurt these people.
Hurt these people.
Hurt these people.
We are the counter-revolution against tyranny.
We are 1776.
I'll boil down the big news when we come back.
Tell you who's coming up as guest today.
It's all very important.
Stay with us.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Thank you for joining us.
It is the second day of July 2012.
We are going to be here for the next three hours.
I am your host, Alex Jones, dedicated to exposing corruption and the global government that is establishing a kleptocratic planetary dictatorship to engage in whatever abuses of humanity they wish.
I do not want to be a slave.
I know most of you don't want to be slaves.
So I am rising up through the technocracy using their control grid system against them.
This is a 21st century slave revolt.
If you want freedom, fight for it now or be a slave.
Now I want to just give the number out right now.
First-time callers, I'm gonna go to your calls in two minutes.
The number is 800-259-9231.
On the healthcare debacle, what do you think is the worst part of it?
That it's run by the IRS, that they'll garnish your wages, that it gives government control of the type of healthcare you get, that it's a direct tax to the banksters and their dependent servant class, that Elena Kagan helped package what Mitt Romney wrote, and then she ruled on it, totally illegal.
I mean, what is the worst facet?
That's a question for you.
800-259-9231 because I know people are chomping at the bit so I want to go to calls early before I get to a bunch of the news because then I'll probably never get to your calls if I start getting to all the news.
Speaking of news, here is some of the news but again the number is 800-259-9231.
If you go up to InfoWars.com
If you go there to the site, you will notice New Socialist French Nanny State mandates breathalyzers in all cars.
Move to install similar devices in American cars underway.
I told you ten years ago they're going to have cameras that watch you in your car.
They're already all over the outside of the cars.
You pay for it.
They claim it's a safety feature and that they are going to expand
On that with breathalyzers.
And this is again just the incredible control all over the country.
Local police departments are getting giant armored vehicles used in Iraq.
That's another report.
DHF gives UC Berkeley armored personnel carrier used in the battlefield in Iraq.
Look at this report.
Olympic whistleblower fears for safety reveals identity.
And we are going to be talking to him just briefly with an update in about 20 minutes.
And we'll go back into your calls and news.
But he's now revealed who he is.
He's a famous director and TV show producer.
Well, this is a big deal.
And I know Tony Gosling, who first broke this on his radio show in England, is an incredible guy.
So that's why we went with it.
And now he's basically been threatened, so he's gone public.
He also worked with this director,
Who was going by the nom de plume Lee Hazeldine has now released what his real name is and that's up in the story breaking at InfoWars.com.
And he says that he fears for his safety.
He was the guy that was able to infiltrate.
He was able to infiltrate G4S security.
And, uh, talked about how they're saying there will be a giant event, London will be evacuated.
This is a very credible guy.
This is what they're telling the security guards.
Doesn't mean it's gonna happen.
They routinely do this, just to, just to psy-op the police and military, because they found by telling them it will happen, the brain actually registers it as if it's already happened.
And so it creates this culture of absolute hysteria.
In fact, I was, um,
Reading the statistics of murders on college campuses.
Statistically, they're one of the safest places in the country.
But now they're getting all these SWAT teams, armored vehicles, you name it.
And the excuse out in California for the wheeled tanks is, somebody thought they saw a gun last year.
Oh my gosh, thought they saw a gun?
Better have men with machine guns and big black tanks.
That's what you ought to be afraid of in history.
The founders told us that.
History shows that.
Let me read part of this now and then we'll go to your calls.
Olympics whistleblower fears for safety reveals identity.
I'm now afraid that I might be in physical danger.
The undercover journalist who blew the whistle on G4S, the security company responsible for the 2012 Olympics, along with shocking plans for an evacuation of London, has revealed his identity after following fears for his safety.
Lee Hazeldine, the whistleblower, who exposed how he had infiltrated the G4S as an employee in undercover,
House security and uncovered how security preparations for the Olympics were so poor that they were inviting a terrorist attack has revealed himself to be Ben Fellows, an acclaimed director who has worked with Stanley Kubrick.
Fellows has also appeared in numerous popular television and theater shows, produced them, you name it.
So he's a famous guy in England.
Just look him up.
That's who came on our show.
That's who whistleblowed.
He had a TV show in England that exposed corruption that basically got censored and taken off the air because the government controls broadcast.
They charge you a tax for your television.
By the way, France charges a tax and now it's going to be on every computer screen including your smartphone.
And of course here we get forced Obama announcements over the phones.
They're now testing in New York and New Jersey that takes your phone over and has its own ring.
The bureaucratic state knows you're starting to wake up, so they are throwing everything at us now.
See, folks, it isn't going to take a majority to defeat tyranny.
It took 3% to start the Revolutionary War, 5% to win it.
We've got way more than that.
20-30% are really awake.
Another 30% are starting to wake up.
That's why the system is panicking.
So what if 30-40% want to suck their thumbs and only go to ballgames and will put up with anything?
I mean, I see grown men, when police pull them over, just start groveling in fear and begging.
I mean, this is a nation that's filled with great people, but also a lot of weirdo cowards.
And it's always the same type of guys that'll bow up to you for no reason at the gym or whatever, or strut around.
Will grovel to corruption.
They'll sit there while the CPS takes their two-year-old for no reason.
To just drug them up and probably rape the living daylights out of them.
They won't even speak up or fight back.
They'll just say, I don't know why the government did this to me.
But they'll strut around sticking their chest out acting real tough all day.
This is the type of garbage that we are
Dealing with and that we are facing as a society.
I mean last night I worked till 10 o'clock at night up here.
And I was driving home and I saw cop cars all over the place.
It must have been some Travis County thing as it happened out in the county.
But I went down one major road.
And there were police cars pulling out behind people who were doing the speed limit.
I normally speed about 5-10 miles over the speed limit, sometimes more.
But I was real tired and relaxed listening to music, back and forth with talk radio.
I live out in the country, so it takes about 35 minutes to get out there.
And I'm driving and I see cars that are almost unmarked.
You know what I'm talking about?
Where they have, you know, they're like dark blue, but then it says police on the side, but you can't really see, or they're black.
And it says police, but it's barely a shade lighter.
And two different times, a cop would pull out behind me, get behind me, and then speed off around me and then pull somebody else over.
They pulled a Cadillac and then some little Honda over.
And I watched it and I'm like, those cars weren't speeding.
Both times they were just randomly pulling people over.
Or I guess pulling up, maybe they had cameras that were license plate reading.
I know they've got those on some cars.
God, think about when they all have them.
Oh, it's just so horrible.
You know, because most police don't dislike me, but it's the tyranny of a lot of them do.
Some do.
I think they're going, oh, that's Alex Jones.
Let me pull him over and have some fun with him.
God help this country.
I mean, the tools that Big Brother has and the tools we're paying for to put in.
It's just hellish.
It's absolutely hellish what the nanny state is doing, and breathalyzers in all the cars.
You see, now for maybe $10, they can have a breathalyzer in the car, and they'll charge you a couple hundred.
You know, well, this is standard regulations, or federal regulations say, the catalytic converter, oh, that sounds reasonable.
Oh, a low flush toilet.
Oh, a Curly Q light bulb.
Fluorescent light bulb.
Oh, home inspection.
Oh, can't have dust in the barn.
Oh, can't have your kids do chores.
Oh, can't spank.
Oh, can't say no to vaccines.
Oh, can't have a garden in your yard.
Oh, oh, can't have a job unless the government says.
No judge, no jury, they just put you on a list and say you can have a job.
That's now coming in.
Oh, Google says you can't advertise guns, or they delist you now.
Huge news!
Google shopping sensors all gun ammo accessory results.
We posted a firearms blog report, and I went and checked.
We've got a Google store we never used.
I went and checked it.
We got the notice three days ago, back on Friday, and confirmed it, posted it.
DrudgeReport.com picked it up.
It was in the lower right-hand corner earlier when I was looking.
The point is, is that it's here.
It's happening.
Okay, I said I'd go to your calls.
Of course, I didn't.
I'm going to come back and go to Adam, then I'm going to go to Tom and a few others.
So have your point ready.
We're going to try to move quick.
Which means sloth speed when it comes to me taking calls.
And then we're going to have the film director, TV host, producer who infiltrated the Olympic security team and says that they're massing troops
Secretly, but it's admitted there.
Actually, I looked up a lot of what he said.
It's actually been blurbed that that there is no security, basically, and that it's all a big joke.
People tried to sell him drugs when he was in there, and it's just all a complete scam and that he's been told there will be a giant event at the end of the Olympics.
I'm seeing all these rumors being pumped out about the Olympics.
And I went and looked where they came from.
It comes from the mainstream media in the last six months.
And the Rockefeller Foundation, look it up, saying there'd be a terror attack.
They wrote a future plan prospectus predicting a terror attack three years ago at this Olympics.
We wrote an article about that a few weeks ago.
Then BBC's coming out with reports, because Paul Watson was contacted by them, and I've seen other reports, saying conspiracy theorists are saying it's going to be attacked.
So they put out there's going to be an attack, create all this fear, then don't have an attack, and then blame us for saying there'd be an attack, when we never said that.
Of course, the media also says there's no drones either.
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Okay, let's go to your phone calls right now.
We've got a guest popping in, the big whistleblower, Dylan of the Olympics.
And then we'll get into all of the other news.
The total surveillance state to be run by control freaks.
Let's go ahead and talk to Adam in Ohio, listening on 770 AM WAIS.
Thank you for joining us, Adam.
Thanks for having me, Alex.
It's an honor and a pleasure to speak with you.
You were chatting about the Supreme Court.
Uh, two things on that I just wanted to mention there real quick.
Of course on the, uh, affordable health care thing, you know, there's no sense in picking out a specific.
The whole thing's garbage, but the point that I've been trying to make to folks, and it seems to work pretty well, is to make the point that, you know, when the conversation on this issue started, it was about how we were all paying too much.
And by the time it was over, it was about how we're not paying them enough.
And that seems... Wow!
I mean, in days of ranting, I haven't...
Made that point, and unbelievably clear and consistent to the heart of the matter issue that you just raised.
Remember how it was going to lower prices?
They've already gone up over 25%.
The insurance companies wrote this to rip people off.
The stupid, gullible, gimme gimme gimme class, of course a lot of them have just lost their jobs, deindustrialization, or people that are also, you know, just hoping, thought they'd get something good, but all they're going to get is a giant screw job.
That's right, and that seems to go pretty well over people.
I haven't heard a good response from Obama supporters from that one.
That's a good stumper there if you're talking to folks.
The other thing I thought was interesting in the rulings that were released last week, if I understood it correctly, there was a case involving Montana.
Where the state of Montana had said, you know, we got a hundred-year-old law against corporation, you know, corporate personhood, and the Supreme Court, I believe, said that, well, we don't care.
Citizens United stands.
We're trumping your, you know, assertion of states' rights.
So I'd be curious to see what the state of Montana is going to do.
Given that, you know, they had a century of legal precedent in their state that no corporations are not people.
And the Supreme Court, you know, last week said, well, you know, too bad for you.
So, you know, that'll be interesting to see how that plays out.
And the only other thing I was going to mention, I'm down here in Southern Ohio.
We just had them big storms come in.
Most areas around here haven't had power in days and told we're not going to have it for a week.
I tell you what, this is a good test to see.
I mean, I try to be prepared and I realized how little prepared I was.
And, you know, I went to the grocery store as soon as the power went off thinking I'd get some stuff.
And, you know, most of the young people were just crowding in the liquor store.
It's a wake-up call.
You know what I mean?
It's time to get ready now before it's more serious than just a storm knocking some lines down.
You know, I'm glad you... Wow, what an amazing call.
I'm glad you raised that point because that's next in my stack after we take some calls and have our guest on, is that this shows you government can't and won't protect you and the federal government is criticizing right now the power companies when they got hit basically by an inland hurricane
And the government is working to shut down power plants to jack up prices and saying consumption's bad so that a few insiders make more money who are exempt, like General Electric that Obama gave a waiver to over two years ago.
Or no, I guess it was in February of last year, so it was a year and a half ago.
I mean, it's just off the charts, the level of corruption.
And D.C.'
's without power, cell phones are off.
And I feel bad for the people of D.C., but wouldn't it be nice if the White House and Congress, the power was off forever?
I mean, think of how good our lives would be without those criminals taking our tax money, our labor, and then giving us 30 cents on the dollar back and telling us it's free money and how great they are.
Thank you for the points.
We're going to be covering that, and for people that are able to call, we'll be taking your calls in the second hour on that subject and others.
I'd like to hear how it is there, some of the worst power outages in the last 50 years because of the record heat.
Tom in Maryland, a KU Band satellite listener.
Yeah, we're on the KU Band's TV as well.
Thank you, Tom, for joining us.
Good afternoon, Alex.
I noticed some time ago you were wanting nicknames for the media.
I have a few if you haven't gotten them.
Moron Media, Moloch Media, Mickey Mouse Media.
I wanted to mention something that Obama supporters seem to have a bad case of.
And I think Obama supporters are Obamianists.
I got two songs I want to recommend for you because I know you're going to like them.
One is from an artist named Bruce Dickinson.
The vocalist from Iron Maiden put out a song in the 1990s called I Will Not Accept The Truth.
And that's a perfect song for you and your show.
And there's another song by Yngwie Malmsteen called Rise Up.
And I believe you will absolutely positively love both of those songs.
That's really all I wanted to say was throw the terms Obamianism and Obamianist at ya.
You know, we've been on KU Band for more than a decade.
I always forget the frequencies we're on.
What frequency are you listening to us on KU Band?
Um, it says G25KU.
It's channel 32.
I never changed my, um, uh, setting.
No, no, we're on all sorts of stuff.
That's how they listen to us in Antarctica.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I know I'm working for the state on the highway patrol.
And who is the state?
Well, it's big, giant offshore banks that publicly brag in hundreds of publications and, of course, on CNBC that they own us.
And how did they do it?
They took mortgages and other financial instruments and leveraged them to close to the power of infinity, creating fraudulent paper to buy up the world through fraud.
And when the Ponzi scheme went into retrograde, they had the governments of the world, that they had gotten their personnel into the highest positions of, shine the public onto the debt.
But wait, there was more!
They had the dinosaur prostitute media lie to everyone while wearing $3,000 suits.
with Infobabes licking their lips and told you that it was your debt and that you were lazy and stupid and mad and they had to raise taxes and set up some checkpoints and put the army on the streets and have the TSA abuse you and your family because terrorists were hiding under every table.
Meanwhile, they publicly funded Al Qaeda.
Now, shifting gears, ladies and gentlemen, last week
We had an anonymous whistleblower on, but we did not just have the anonymous whistleblower on the broadcast without first doing some checking and Tony Gosling of Bilderberg.org
He has a radio show in England and has broken a lot of big stories over the years as a journalist.
He said, no, I can vouch for this guy.
He's the real deal.
And his story also fit into things we've seen in other big events.
G20, NATO, you name it.
They're always used to attack the general public, have military on the streets, have daytime, nighttime curfews, have badges, so they can get the police and media all trained basically on hot martial law.
As they ease the rest of the country's outlying areas into a softer martial law.
And he made some amazing allegations that I'll have him repeat here today, but he went by Lee Hazeldine, and when he was on the show, I think he said a little too much about himself.
You know, he said, yeah, I worked on this national TV show, I worked on that national TV show.
Well, yes, he appeared in them, he worked on them, he produced some of them.
His real name, of course, is not
The whistleblower exposed how he had infiltrated G4S security as an employee and undercover.
How security preparations for the Olympics were so poor that they were inviting a terrorist attack.
How they were massing troops in the area.
He also revealed that they were saying there'd be a big event.
He has now, at the end of the Olympics, that would be the biggest event
In recent times, he revealed himself to be Ben Fellows, an acclaimed director who has worked with Stanley Kubrick.
That actually gets me a little bit envious.
It's very hard for me to get envious.
Fellows has also appeared in numerous popular television and theater shows.
And he's made the decision to reveal his identity after having gone under a pseudonym for the purposes of radio interviews conducted over the last week because of fears for his safety.
We'll find out why he's fearing for his safety and he will recap what's happened to him.
But the article with all the bullet points and why this is so important is up at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Right now, Olympics whistleblower fears for safety reveals identity and he joins us now from
from England.
Ben, good to have you on the broadcast with us.
Hi Alex, it's really good to be back with you.
Well, recap who you are, what you discovered, and then now what started happening to make you think that you may be in danger.
Okay, well I wanted to do an expose on G4S.
I'd heard a lot of horror stories and I was looking for an opportunity to basically go and work for them and see what they were like and see if these horror stories were true because you never can really believe what other people say.
You have to go and
I think it's a good idea.
I think it's a good idea.
I think it's a good idea.
I think it's a good idea.
I think it's a good idea.
I think it's a good idea.
I think it's a good idea.
I think it's a good idea.
We're good to go.
They talked about 200,000 casket linings and when I asked them what's a casket lining they said it's like a plastic coffin that fits four people and that to me got me thinking of like well why would you have that?
Okay on one hand you could say all right it's the Olympics you never know what's going to happen there might be a huge natural disaster an earthquake that's never happened in Stratford or something I don't know so you might need these.
On the other hand it just
It reminded me of preparations for false flags.
This is what G4S was like.
After being there and doing the training, I went to Andy Davis, who's the Home Affairs Correspondent for Channel 4 News, and I pitched him the story.
I emailed him, he called me back, we had a conversation, he said,
Channel 4 wouldn't be interested in this.
There's kind of a press blackout on doing anything negative about the Olympics.
We're not going to be interested, so thanks a lot.
And that was it, that was the end of the call.
Anyway, I mentioned his name on the radio in that exact same context.
Last night, Sunday night, he rang me at home on my private home number and basically pretended that he had never spoken to me, that I didn't know him and that I was just one big liar and this was a major lie and, you know, I'm in real trouble now.
To be honest, I could have handled myself better on the call, but I got so angry at the audacity of this man.
Anyway, I can prove that our relationship goes back to 2010.
I've got emails.
I called him for something.
He then emailed me.
I emailed him back.
We've got correspondence.
So, you know, how does he figure that one out?
And so, he knows who I really am, which is why I've had to come out as Ben Fallows, which is who I am.
I'm actually worried now that he's gone to G4S to tell them who I am, and so now I'm actually fearing for my safety.
So I thought, look, the best thing to do is come out, tell everyone who you are, why you did it, and be the face of this thing, own it.
That's what it's all about, really, in a day.
I've got to leave G4S now.
That's it.
I'm done.
Because I've been burned, really.
Or I don't know that I have.
So it's a possibility.
So in that way, you can't ever go back in.
Because, you know, I don't want to be on private property with G4S guys.
Days after you came on Tony Gosling's show,
And the day after you came on our broadcast, there was a national TV report, or several of them, admitting, oh, security problems and confirming some of what you were saying.
Do you think that was damage control?
Yeah, I think so, really.
They had the Managing Director of Global Events on and, you know, the hardest question that the journalist asked was, well, are you sure we're going to be ready?
And he said, well, I can't categorically say that we'll be ready.
Well, why not?
It's the Olympics.
You've got to categorically say, we're ready.
We're going to go at this date.
It's dark, you know.
We're going to have to continue to track this as it unfolds, but
What were you originally doing this for?
What gave you the instinct or the idea to try to, the inclination I should say, to try to infiltrate this?
Well, several things really.
I've heard anecdotally of some horror stories with people who work for the cash delivery services and things like that, that keys go missing, you know, there's general sort of mistakes.
I spoke to a mother of a soldier via someone else, I have to say it was second hand, however she had said that
Her son had been in Iraq as a private soldier with G4S, come out of a bar, and killed two of his colleagues.
And she was claiming, or she said, that he should never have been hired by G4S, because after he worked for the British Army, he had post-traumatic stress disorder, and G4S, it was irresponsible for G4S to hire him.
So I thought, you know, okay, I'm not going to sign up and go to war with these people.
I'll sign up and do something else.
Now, I was interested in doing the events team and being part of that because it's ad hoc.
You know, I could be in the events team for a year, you know, it's on weekends, you know, events or in the week, and then I could still do all my other things because sometimes you have to be in organisations for a year or more before you start really, you know, getting into things.
The Olympics has given me an opportunity.
You know, it's been very intense.
Okay, so it is literally right out of Clockwork Orange.
Now expanding on that, now that you're revealing your name, who specifically or what was the date of them talking about some huge event is coming at the end of the Olympics?
That's right.
Right, OK.
So I'm in this training class and one of the trainers says that we are going to be involved in a, I don't have my notes here with me so I'm not quoting it exactly, but a historic event in London is going to happen and we're going to be involved.
Actually it was a defining moment in the history of London, thank you.
So that was what was said.
And I said, oh, what do you mean?
That's like the Paralympics, right?
Because after the Olympics, Paralympics.
And she went, no, no, no, this is not to do with the Olympics.
This is something else.
But it would be a defining moment in the history of England.
And she wouldn't expand anything more.
She said that, you know, you would be involved.
So I took that two ways, again, as I usually do.
One version could be, well, OK, we all work for G4S afterwards and we all have permanent jobs.
Fantastic, great.
That's the legacy that they're going to leave Stratford, which would be a good thing, you know, employing the long term unemployed and all that kind of thing.
The only thing was, oh my God, what do they mean that we're going to be involved in marshalling the general public, you know, dealing with the general public?
What disaster could make people leave London?
Do you think that's just part of the training to see what you'd say or do?
Or did you see any other signs that they may be actually planning to evacuate London?
Well, as far as what happened in the room, they have 800 people a day go through this school.
I don't know if the other schools are doing the same thing, but maybe so.
They have 800 people a day go through this place.
What these trainers say is
I've got a contact who is an Army Major in the British Army who is posted at Woolwich Barracks.
And he told me that there was, from January to the Olympics, there's going to be 100,000 troops coming into London through Woolwich Barracks.
And the idea is they get helicoptered in by Chinook Helicopter.
So then they go into Woolwich Barracks, they have some sort of, you know, medical or something like that, which is why he knows about it.
And then they all get dispatched off to wherever they're going next.
You know, it's like a gateway kind of
And you were saying it was UN-NATO foreign troops.
Alright, well, we're going to continue to watch this.
We appreciate you coming on the broadcast.
And hopefully down the road, are you going to be able to release any audio, any video of anything that happened inside of the United Nations PR event at the Olympics?
Or is this going to be basically the end of this?
Well, you know, they know who I am now.
So, you know, I'll certainly be releasing the conversation I've had with Andy Davis.
As for the training thing, not really.
We'll have to play it by ear, I think, and see how it goes.
But what I don't want to do now is sort of upset people so much that I actually get physically harmed, you know, so I'm actually a bit worried now.
Well, yes, if what you're saying is completely accurate or what they told you is accurate, then you are a key witness to something that is so big they may not be able to even reverse it, despite the fact it's been exposed.
But we've gotten whistleblowers before other big events.
I hope that the people you were talking to were misinformed, but I doubt that's the case.
Thank you so much for the time.
There goes Ben Fellows, whistleblower and director, TV producer.
out there in the United Kingdom working on that.
Okay, here's what I want to do now.
I want to go to your phone calls for this little part of the segment, the next segment, and then continue for a while with calls.
I really want to go to a lot of calls.
Those two calls we took earlier were amazingly informed and brought up really good points.
Everybody wants to talk about government-run healthcare, where the government sets the type of care so the insurance companies make you buy their product, but then they control what the product is.
A monopoly of service.
And where they then have the IRS come after you if you don't buy the private product.
A new level of corruption.
But I mean, is it really?
They're now taking people's houses that the banks never had the mortgage to that were paid for in cash.
They're not just reselling mortgages over and over again and then you haven't paid off your house and some bank you never knew of came and said we're taking your home even though you're not even behind.
I mean, they're taking houses where they're not even behind.
I was just thinking this morning about that again because I was reading some news articles about how they're admitting that with the different mirror system and different systems they use in banking,
And use with the mortgages that it's totally illegal, but they don't care, the courts aren't doing anything about it.
I mean, I'm digressing off into that area.
It's just a wall of criminality and we're losing all our checks and balances and protection.
And it's not that I even dislike police themselves individually, because I know there's real crime and real things going on, but it's just the feeling of driving home at night
And having police randomly get behind me twice and run my plates or whatever at 10 o'clock at night, driving down the highway, and then speed off around me and just randomly pull over somebody else.
Just out hunting, just randomly.
Meanwhile, there's all this real crime going on.
I could drive to multiple spots in Austin, Texas, where I'm broadcasting from, and show you crack dealers
And crackhead prostitutes out on the street.
But then, if I drive home at 7, 8, 9, 10 at night, I've got to have cops behind me and... Then so many police are listeners that almost every time I get pulled over, they're like, oh hi Alex, like the show, you can go.
I got pulled over with Dave Mustaine and his wife.
At about midnight, because I was taking him over to my house after a show, he was staying with me.
I'm not name-dropping, I'm just telling you a story.
And I guess I was going five miles over the speed limit, and he pulls me over, comes over, looks in, goes, All right, Alex, you can go.
And I'm just like, Friday, I'm going over to my grandmother's, and I shouldn't have probably done it, but I mean, I took a wrong turn, so I drove over the median down the grass.
And he pulls me over,
And he was a listener, but I mean... So I'm trying to figure this out.
I guess it's just the job.
You just shark around, getting on people's bumper, running their place.
I don't know.
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They did a lot of bad things.
But they turned over health care completely, not just to a corrupt government, but to the banks that own the big insurance companies.
And so they're calling this socialist health care, and I guess it is for some of the people that get the death care, the death panels, the chicken feed, watered down, National Health Service stuff they get in England.
But for everybody else now, the IRS is your doctor.
They get your medical records, everything.
And I saw earlier this year, Obama had his people announcing that they're going to share your IRS records amongst agencies.
Of course, that's illegal.
That's why they want to make it law that they can, so they can use that for dirty tricks.
I mean, it's just, why not?
Why not?
I mean, they ship guns to Mexico to blame the Second Amendment.
Why not?
Why not kill U.S.
Why not get rid of the Bill of Rights and Constitution?
Why not put breathalyzers and face scanning cameras in all the cars?
Because that's what's next.
Toyota's talking about, oh, if you're not authorized, it's all computerized, it will recognize your face as a felon or a wanted person, your phone turns off.
Your car turns off, you can't buy or sell.
That's what the government of the world is saying they want through the technocracy, not the Bible.
People are like, I don't believe the Bible.
Okay, well you better believe what's happening in the real world.
And then the churches say, well good, that means I'll be raptured out soon.
You think you're going to be raptured out were any of the Christians in the Bible raptured out?
Does it even say that?
I know your preacher teaches you that and it's all these groups push it.
There's a reason they got big movies on television about how you're going to be raptured.
Because the Bible says you're raptured after, after, after Christ returns.
I mean, a five-year-old could read that and tell that.
But, the last 150 years, the globalist preachers have taught you.
I mean, I hear these church ladies all the time, praise God, they're trying to make us take the chip.
We're gonna be in heaven soon.
Oh, we're not gonna go through nothing.
Oh, really?
And then still more preachers on government payroll, the World Council of Churches and the rest of it, Baptist, Catholic, you name it, going, we're slaves of the government.
I actually have clips of preachers on TV going, to be a Christian is to be a slave.
The Christians would not bow down to the idols and would not do what they were told.
And the God was angry with them in Rome.
And that is the complete opposite of what actually happened.
In fact, I sent that clip to, uh, last week to Rob, and I got so busy we never played it on the Nightly News, but... Do's to the Nightly News tonight, I'm gonna do it tomorrow, but tomorrow, uh, I'm gonna take some exercise clips out of these videos.
Well, on YouTube they're called, uh, Clergy Response Teams Have Arrived.
Or are here.
There's a bunch of videos of preachers on TV saying, the Christians were bad because they did not worship the idols.
You're going, excuse me?
It was of the Lord to do what the Roman government said, and they should have.
And the Lord was angry with them.
We are slaves of the government.
I mean, whoa!
I mean, the entire Bible
Is about standing up against evil.
Daniel in the lion's den.
Didn't worship like he was told.
Put in the lion's den.
Over and over again.
The fiery furnace.
Because they wouldn't worship like they were told to do.
Or they wouldn't pay a tax.
Or they wouldn't... And Jesus wouldn't do what he was told by the Pharisees.
They were the religious government.
And almost all the disciples were killed.
And John the Baptist.
They are of the devil!
That Jesus is the devil, according to these modern preachers, and the devil is Jesus.
And David Rockefeller is a loving man who wants to take good care of you and your family.
And again, I'm not getting into Bible-thumping here.
It's just that we claim we're a Christian nation.
No, we're not!
We're a nation going straight to Hades, and everybody knows it.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, here's what's gonna happen.
I'm gonna take your calls to the bottom of the hour, then a big news blitz.
And then best-selling author, economist, researcher, who I'm really impressed with, Harry Dent is going to be joining us.
Best-selling author, renowned economic forecaster.
Talk about what's happening in Europe, what's happening here, what the healthcare means.
He is going to be on with us in the next hour.
But right now, let's go back to your phone calls for people that are patiently holding on this second day of July 2012.
Let's talk to Dave in Michigan.
You're on the air, Dave.
Hello, Alex.
Hey, buddy.
Hey, thanks a lot for taking my call.
First-time caller, long-time listener.
Welcome, sir.
Hey, I got a few comments quickly and two questions, if I can sneak it all in.
So for waking people up, a good litmus test that I found to do is see if people are sheeple or not, is ask them if the Fed's part of the government.
And about 95% of the time,
You know, I hear, oh yeah, it's part of the government, so then I tell them otherwise, tell them about InfoWars, and then my biggest thing is I tell them, watch the Obama deception.
I've gotten more people to watch that and wake up, and that's really good.
And the other thing, like Gerald Salente, I like his comment where he says, if all the people in Washington
I don't know.
I mean, how would the rich and the elite survive?
I mean, would they still need us to do things, grow food, run waste treatment plants?
Sure, sure.
No, no, no.
They plan to shut off the economy.
They will pull back to big, armored, high-tech redoubts.
While we live out here in a wasteland and kill each other off, and they have drones flying over releasing different chemicals and biologicals on us.
Actually, there's an article that we read linked yesterday at InfoWars.com by Suzanne Posel.
UN asked how many people could live on planet Earth.
It has links to the UN think tanks.
And it goes on to say Fortress World by 2100.
They always say further out than it actually is.
It's very closer than that.
A lot closer than that.
The global society will be controlled by an authoritarian government.
In order to control distribution of resources, economic, social and environmental downgrades would cause the wealthy to retreat to protected areas.
This is what they say in literally every publication that they talk about this in.
Leaving the masses to fend for themselves in the wastelands.
Implementing family planning services would be near impossible.
Leaving the global population to rise to 10.2 billion.
It's set to plane off at about 8 billion, the UN's own numbers are, so they always put this out.
The average income would be reduced to 2 cents on the dollar.
And again, but then they want a post-industrial world.
Water securitization would control 46% of the world's water supplies.
Hunger could shorten nearly 15% of the entire population.
That's why they don't want you collecting your own water, because they're going to securitize it like housing markets and turn it into derivatives to jack up the price.
And then it goes on to talk about UN population, family planning, all the things they're going to do to people.
It is a hellish program that they have ready for us, sir.
Are you still on HF Radio?
Because I'm a ham operator and I used to listen to you, but I can't find you where you used to be at.
I know that WWCR changes frequencies from time to time.
Have you tried going to WWCR and finding out where I'm on it?
No, I haven't, but I'll have to do that.
But I'm definitely glad I got my ham license because everyone with their smart phone, that can all be shut off.
In fact, I know I have a very good friend that works for Verizon and actually told me that they have special phones and they're actually phones that the government has and they'll only work
If you have one of them phones, they do have the ability to turn off the whole cell network.
Of course they do!
And your smart phone is useless.
I mean, I don't even have one.
I have just a regular cell phone and everyone laughs at me about my ham radio stuff, but as soon as the power goes out, like we had that big power outage in 2003,
In 20 minutes, I was on the air with a generator and talking to a guy in Pennsylvania, and he's telling me he's got no power.
Well, it wasn't really... No, no, no, people... No, exactly.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the Resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to another hour of worldwide broadcast.
It is the second day of July, 2012.
Thank you so much for joining us.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
The news websites are PrisonPlanet.com and Infowars.com.
You'll also hear me live on the radio here on channel 166 on XM.
Well over 115 AM and FM affiliates now.
Also simulcasting at WWCR out of Tennessee on Global Shortwave.
And on top of that, number one on the audio streams and podcasting when it comes to talk radio at InfoWars.com.
But you'll hear me talk about, you know, put this on screen, put that on screen.
We also have people watching us at PrisonPlanet.tv and we go a couple levels past your standard webcam.
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We can show video clips along with the audio, news articles, in-studio guests.
That's what we call InfoWars Live, three hours a day, 11 to 2 Central, 12 noon to 3 p.m.
And then five nights a week we have InfoWars Nightly News that I host two to three times a week.
Rob Dew, Darren McBrain, Aaron Dykes, and Paul Watson also.
And we're going to be hiring three or four more reporters here in the next month or so from the InfoWars contest.
I'm going to get the male winner and female winner.
We're hiring
We're having two winners, $5,000 apiece for their reports.
And we also produced a pool of people that we can talk to about actually working here.
So we're going to have those winners on Thursday or Friday, depending on which days they can do it.
So look forward to that coming up this week as we try to build this media operation to challenge the dinosaur media, the globalist media.
I think?
I don't
Just sit here and have some radio advertisers and then keep the money for myself.
The goal is to build an organization, to change history, to actually affect the outcome for the better.
To be involved as a history's actor.
You know, it was Karl Rove told the New York Times five years ago, six years ago, that, oh, the general public and the mainstream media, you're not involved in history now.
You don't control your own destiny.
We in the government class tell you what the reality is, even if it isn't true, and then you go along with that.
We are history's actors now.
We control reality.
Well yeah, I guess Jim Jones controlled reality out of his jungle compound in Guyana, and they all drank the Kool-Aid, but I'm not drinking the Kool-Aid.
So, you don't control my reality, and I don't like what you're doing.
And you can say drones looking through our walls are constitutional, or highway checkpoints are constitutional, or face scanning cameras are constitutional, or TSA trolling in our wives' and children's pants is constitutional, and robbing our bags, and
Waving background checks and hiring criminals is constitutional.
You can say having open borders is constitutional.
You can say this new Asia-Pacific group they're setting up that's a global union is constitutional.
It's not.
You can say the president coming out and saying the UN commands our military is constitutional.
It's not.
It's illegal and it's treason.
This is a designed global collapse by the megabanks who've announced themselves controllers of the planet.
JPMorgan Chase came out in Bloomberg last week.
77% of their profit was government money.
I'm tired of it!
And you're not going to hear on Neocon Radio about corporate welfare.
You're going to hear about welfare moms and people who are dependent, they have destroyed the economy, the society, paid to ship the jobs overseas, show that there is this mass of dependent people where they will get their police officers and their spies and their TSA and their enforcers.
So we are in trouble.
And the welfare class is deadly.
Now, a lot of them are handicapped, or they're troops that have been injured, whatever.
But I'm talking about the people from childhood taught, the government's gonna pay for your food, it's gonna pay for your lunch, it's gonna do all of this, and by the way, you're gonna be a SWAT team commander.
I mean, that's, or you're gonna be a CPS worker.
You're gonna go out and take people's kids.
You're gonna go out and shoot people's kids up at the school without even telling the parents.
That's now going on from Alabama to California.
This is a lawless government that lets foreign banks come in and take people's houses.
In fact, guys, we haven't played this in about a year.
Can you guys look it up?
The headline was, because every time I mention it, people don't believe it, Bank of America gets repossessed.
And it's the police in Florida where Bank of America took a 1.2 million dollar paid-in-cash home that they never owned, that the people had owned for a decade, and they took it and the people over two years in court finally beat them.
And even the corrupt court said, wait a minute, it's not like you came and claimed you had a fake mortgage and took the house, even though they weren't behind.
I don't know.
If you don't demand your rights and fight for them, you'll be a slave.
The reason this country, that isn't perfect by the way, has more freedom than any other nation in the history of the world, is because our ancestors, for all the problems they had, would kill you if you tried to enslave them.
Our ancestors were mean, I don't care what color you are, where you came from, this was a swashbuckling, rough place.
And people didn't come here if they weren't rough.
Okay, and people weren't putting up with Jack Diddley's squat.
And that's the only reason we've got any freedom.
You better thank the Second Amendment, all you people that hate it out there, because if we didn't have that, the government would have already moved to take everything, collectivize all farming, let 50 million of us starve to death, as they did in Russia and Ukraine and China.
This is their plan.
This is an exact program they're going to follow.
So understand, this is a life-and-death situation.
It doesn't get more real.
As you can now see, the tanks are being delivered to every local police department, the SWAT teams are being expanded, the bullets, the armored personnel carriers, the mobile checkpoint pillboxes, the arming of the teeth against us is on.
Meanwhile, they're taking people's houses all over the country if they fall behind on the income tax, mainly old people who can't pay.
Oh, you went bankrupt?
Oh, you lost your job?
Oh, you're living in some little, you know, two-bedroom house with three kids?
We don't care.
We're taking your home because we say ten years ago, or five years ago, you didn't pay $500 in taxes.
Now, with penalties and interest, it's $35,000, $40,000.
We're taking it.
Meanwhile, the big banks are all exempt from it because they get paid the income tax.
They shut up in 1913, the year they established the Federal Reserve, the income tax.
It's in the Communist Manifesto.
It's paid to them.
And they want to bankrupt you.
They don't care if they write you so many tickets you go bankrupt.
They don't care if you can't pay it.
That's the plan.
In fact, they want you to not be able to pay it.
That's the whole program, is annihilate this country.
And it's going very, very well.
Very, very well.
Because they're in control of the bureaucracy.
It's not going well in public relations, but they don't care about that.
They're there.
They're holding us down.
It's called being raped.
We're being raped.
You're like, oh, let's call Washington and let them know we don't like it.
They know you don't like it.
They know they have a 9% approval rating.
Oh, we're getting more calls.
Hire more troops.
Yeah, just checkpoints everywhere.
They know they're criminal.
They know you know.
Let's go to calls.
We'll go to Thomas, and then we'll go to others.
Thomas in New York, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hey, Thomas, you want to talk?
Because I can hear you.
Yeah, yeah.
Are you talking to me?
Buddy, we don't screen your calls.
We just took you right on air, yeah.
Oh, I didn't know.
I want to talk about the Holder indictment.
And the Congress, they got a law to inherit the content.
Where the sergeant of the arms can arrest Holder and jail him.
And the Congress can prosecute him.
Now nobody's talking about this, especially in the Congress, especially our boy Bronner from Ohio there.
Yes, that was in the Washington Times last week and it is true.
In the past they had a jail inside the Congress and
They could have somebody arrested if they were in contempt, just like a court.
If you're in there and you start flipping the judge off or perjuring yourself, the judge can say, Bailiff, arrest that man.
But Congress has become so emasculated, so castrated, that they let the United Nations march in and tell them that they have no power over war or taxes.
And now they've handed over taxes to the private banks through their health care.
They're going to start expanding it into all sorts of other new things you've got to pay them.
So, yes, House could arrest Holder with inherent contempt power.
But really, they could also go to the District Attorney of the District of Columbia, but the problem is that's a Holder minion.
The Justice Department has moved to shield him within the Justice Department from prosecution.
So, I mean, these are terrorists.
He shipped guns into Mexico, along with his boss Obama and others, to demonize the Second Amendment.
This is a staged terror attack that we've exposed, and that's just the end of it.
They are terrorists.
And I think you should take all the vaccines, though, because they care about you.
Obamacare today, if he called it such and they get defunded, that'd be one step.
You're right, you're right, you're right.
You're talking about Boehner or Boehner?
Boehner, whatever his name is.
Yeah, well, you know, he... The name is German, it's a nice name.
It's pronounced Boehner.
And his whole life he even had an ad campaign saying it's Boehner, not Boehner.
Hey, if your name is Boehner, go with it.
And I'm not doing that for childlike jokes.
His name is Boehner.
That's the name of the Speaker of the House, Boner.
But you don't see Boner trying to defund it right now.
He says he will though, so put pressure on Boner.
We'll be right back, stay with us.
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I'm going to address the big power outages and the fact that government can't and won't protect you.
They can only henpeck and criticize the utility companies.
As FEMA gets very angry with the utility companies that the power is not back on.
We wave our magic wand of government and say DU is good for troops.
We wave our magic wand and say pay Al Gore money and he make weather be nicer.
Let's go talk to Jim in New Mexico.
Jim, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
I got one comment for you, and then I have a question about the health care bill.
You know, the criminals that are doing this, we all know that they can't do it alone and how compartmentalized everything is.
And I will tell you that if you want to be privy to some info,
Get your people to talk to some of these interstate truck drivers that are moving the goods between California and the American Southwest.
You can find out a lot of information.
You know, they move everything in this country, from our food to military contract goods, and that's just a bit of information for you.
But my question is, I've been reading this health care bill this weekend, and maybe I am not educated enough to
I understand it all, but especially some of these subheadings are very vague, and I want to know what you can tell me and the listeners about these RFID chips in this health care bill.
No, no, no.
It's simply saying that RFID chips in a baby's belly button when it's born, or in new pills that are coming out that have RFID in them that goes through your body.
That it's going to be paid for medically.
So it just basically says government.
People are saying, oh my gosh, this means forced chipping.
Well, no, but it leads to that because now it's saying that will be paid for.
And look, that is a big part of technology.
There are a lot of RFID uses, computer chip uses, in the body where they're getting to where people that were blind can partially see.
The technology is neutral.
It's that they're always backdooring and piggybacking very draconian systems into it.
And so yes, that is in the legislation.
Look, the biggest problem is, Tom Daschle wrote a book in admitted death panels.
And they've got technical names for them, but it is these federal boards that will decide the care you get and will cut back on the amount of procedures, tests.
And everywhere they've had this, in Canada, in England.
I mean, it's in the news.
They don't deny that they don't give people surgeries that would save their lives and let them die.
And they say stuff like, well,
You've paid it in taxes your whole life, but you don't get the free health care that you paid for.
Again, another oxymoron, because you smoked 20 years ago.
Or, oh, you know, you had a sports injury and that's elective that you played sports, so we're not going to fix your knee.
I mean, this is actually happening in England.
This is not my opinion.
They have top doctors coming out.
I mean, just last week the headline was 130,000 old people killed
I mean, we're not talking about somebody in a coma that's under state care they unplug.
I'm talking about people... See, folks don't know about how bad the evil's gotten, and I appreciate your call.
They don't understand, folks, that the Wall Street Journal a decade ago had a series of articles about people who were talking but in state care, and who were belted down and dehydrated to death.
That's their favorite way to kill you, because they say, well, we didn't give you anything to kill you, so we just let you die.
And they claim legally, and it takes like 14 days generally, you start bleeding out your eyes and nose and mouth, and the membranes all shrivel up down to core organs.
I mean, it is a hellish way to be killed.
And that's how they like to murder people.
I could open the phones up right now and have it filled with hospital workers and nursing home workers going, there's a woman in bed A7 right now,
Thank you for taking my call, Mr. Jones.
I'm a first-time caller and a relatively new listener.
I just had a quick question, kind of got the broad overview of some of the things you say.
You know, I see a lot of your info warriors online posting different articles on LinkedIn.
They always link to YouTube.
And why, if there's a New World Order, why would that, you know, controls media and the corporations and big businesses, why would they allow YouTube videos when it would just be too easy to delete them?
Well, there's such a problem with what you say, because you say, if there was a New World Order, I'm going to put you on hold and come back to you, and then I'm going to get into the whole power outage situation.
But, and what that illustrates about government, but that's such an amazing statement.
The open world corporate government is now public.
I know the media said it didn't exist while they were getting it ready so they'd get the jump on me.
But it's now admitted.
They now admit they want to start censoring.
See, we're not there yet.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
From deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6, Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I'm going to finish up with this caller, go through a ton of news including the ongoing aftermath of the blackouts in many areas of the east, into areas of the central eastern area of the United States and the floundering
That is taking place there, but responding to the caller Caleb in Texas, who I'm going to go back to here in just a moment.
And I'm not trying to be condescending or mean to him because he asked the question politely and I shouldn't get irritated.
But this is what happens throughout history.
People say, well, where's the proof of the tyranny?
I mean, if we had this incredible new world order, you wouldn't be allowed to be on air.
Or how are you able to put up YouTube videos if this new world order is so big and bad and powerful?
Well, Google has helped work with the Chinese government to censor their population.
Microsoft has done it even more.
And some of the other big technology companies.
So the point is, they know how to do it.
And even congressional hearings have had to admit, and the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and even CNET, and that's CBS, have all come out and said the cybersecurity legislation will end freedom as we know it, allow the tracking and taxing of the web, internet IDs,
The feds have been raiding hundreds of thousands of website server domains and taking them without even court orders in some cases and turning them off even if you just have message boards on your site that link to where people might be able to find pirated music or movies or things like that.
So, even mainline universities don't deny that the entire Western world is accelerating into authoritarianism.
The Rand Corporation 20 years ago, 18 years ago, 15 years ago, because I read the reports on air, you can look them up, said they would move into an authoritarian system.
You can see this everywhere.
It's kind of like I said, the TSA will be at highway checkpoints.
Now it's happening.
It's like, Alex, what's the big deal with a TSA checkpoint?
You know, it's just illegal, it's warrantless, it's the feds out of their jurisdiction.
Oh, you said it was coming and it came, fear monger.
You're right, man, that's shameful that you're right.
I'm like, but I'm right.
I mean, they announce in hundreds of publications.
Just that video we played last week, CNBC host admit that world government is run by bankers and we're slaves to them.
Well, it was a paraphrase of the headline.
You can pull it up with that.
In fact, guys, if you can't put that on screen, I want to show people when we get a chance.
Under it's like 40 articles just that the computer saw that were similar that we posted, Financial Times, video clips of the head of the EU, Herman Van Rompuy, saying world government, new world order, run by banks, Economist magazine.
And then you call up and say,
Like the national media does.
I mean, I had CBS News here just last week and they said, so you believe there's a global government being formed?
I was like, I don't believe anything.
It's public.
It's like when I had Nightline here.
They go, you believe there's a world government?
Where did you imagine this?
And I'm like, let me go show you a bunch of documents and, you know, Parliament and Congress.
Let me show you.
And they're like, no, we don't need to look at that, Alex.
We want to hear your opinion so they can say it's my opinion.
And so, okay, I mean, if people... Because a lot of you called in and you said, what's your proof that abortions are taking place in the U.S.?
It's so well known, there's been 50 plus million abortions since 1973.
Roe v. Wade, do I need to prove to you there are abortions taking place?
Or like, Alex, I heard you say there are McDonald's in the United States.
Prove to me there are McDonald's.
And I'm just like, I don't even know what to say to that.
I understand they said none of this existed.
So now that they've emerged with it, it's kind of freaking folks out.
So any mental gymnastics that are needed to get you over that hump work.
But let me just give you two examples of censorship today in front of me.
One of them, Secret Service shuts down fire Eric Holder protest.
Folks, I have been outside the White House with a national film crew.
For the Independent Film Channel, at the park, 200 yards away at least, that's the shot they want with the White House in the background, and had police and security guards come over and say, in America, I can't even have a camera and threaten to arrest us over and over and over again.
I've been at the Washington Monument, not even up by it on the steps.
But down the green grass shooting video, time-lapse that you see in films like Fall of the Republic, police come over and say, you can't do that here.
And I go, what's the law?
And they go, the law is I'm going to arrest you.
I'm like, come on, man.
You want to live in a free country, don't you?
I mean, this is on tape.
OK, you're getting one more shot, Jack!
And I'm like, OK, because I want to finish doing my report.
But what you're doing is wrong.
And they have satisfaction.
They have satisfaction when they tell you.
And it wasn't just me.
I saw them doing it to little families.
Little families were walking around in front of the White House and they would come over and just get in their face.
They'd have like...
Secret Service guys, but in like little t-shirt, pants, uniforms, ride up on a bike and come home and go, can't do that, can't film!
And they'd be like, oh, we're over here from Indiana, can't do it, turn it off, turn it off!
And the cops would run over.
I mean, this is what our country, it's like North Korea!
It's like North Korea!
Side issue.
Here it is, Beltway Confidential Blog at the Washington Examiner.
Secret Service officer shut down a student-led protest calling for President Obama to fire Attorney General Eric Holder this morning, according to a report from in front of the White House.
And it goes on, that we're discovering a suspicious package.
How do they always use that?
The Secret Service ended the protest.
See, Putin just says, hey, I'm authoritarian, and I don't like protests against me, so I'll have you arrested.
Because they won't issue the permit.
Here it's, oh, it's a suspicious package.
Yeah, right.
Several agents seemed hostile to our march and seemed anxious for us to leave the area.
Maurice Lewis, University of California student, told Campus Reform.
The discovery of the innovative package came just as the protests began to gain traction.
Oh yes, again that's the National Security State.
The U.S.
House Representative cited Holder for contempt of Congress on Thursday after he defied a subpoena demanding documents pertaining to Operation Fast and Furious.
Let me go forward.
When I was at, and we have this on video, we could go pull up the raw video.
I'm at the Supreme Court, I'm like, oh the Supreme Court's over there, let's get some file footage of that.
So we pull up and park in a designated parking space, down the street, walk up, and I hadn't even crossed the street yet.
To try to get footage of the Supreme Court, but it's really a small building so we wanted to be back across the street so we could get the whole thing.
And one of their federal officers, and these were actually federal officers, runs over and says, you can't film the Supreme Court building.
And so I said, OK, well, we're just going to move along.
And then later I came back because we went up and shot some more video.
And then I went up to the steps and a guy jumps out of the shadows.
Now I was on it.
Starts yelling at me.
But I tried like the Obi-Wan Kenobi angle.
I said, wow, well, we're just doing this for our show in Austin and it sure would be neat.
I mean, I knew it.
I knew he couldn't stop me from filming.
I knew it was public property.
I hadn't gone inside.
None of it.
But instead of doing that, I just talked to him like he was a five year old.
And I went, gee, I'm from Austin, I'm just really neato, and I just really would like to give footage.
Can I just have one minute?
And I kind of bowed a little, just literally, I just... He was like, no, yeah, you can, but just one minute.
And I went, okay, guys, get your footage, just one minute.
So, this is my country.
But it's like, oh, there's a new world order.
I mean, how could you be on YouTube if they're, you know, we're set up with government funding?
Because the government wanted to dominate the web, and they want everyone on the platform first, Google and their subsidiary YouTube.
In advertising, telecommunications, everything, so they can control it and track everything you're doing.
Because it's a two-way.
I saw an article yesterday.
Your Kindle is reading you.
It's reporting on what you're doing and tracking what you read.
All of this stuff does it.
It's designed to two-way.
I'll use a Lord of the Rings analogy.
You're looking into the crystal.
You know, one of the Hobbits has got one of the, uh, uh, crystal balls.
He's like, oh, I can see what's going on as it lands, and Gandalf throws a hood over it and goes, it sees both ways!
You don't know who else is watching!
You understand that?
Well, Google calls it a crystal ball.
In fact, about 10 years ago, I developed this term.
I don't know if it's a loopback or whatever, but minds think the same thing.
But I said it's a crystal ball over-the-horizon predictor that was predicted by Isaac Asimov and his foundation series back in the 1940s.
You just came up with the laws of robot, didn't just develop the name robot.
See now I'm ranting.
Son, you asked me a question, I can give you the answer.
It's about a 50 year treatise on the nature of reality, history, integrated field systems of human development, sociology, anthropology, psychology.
Let me answer your questions quickly because I've got to get to news.
We have a guest coming up and I want to get to calls.
Let me just give you the long and short of it.
Google is running censorship models for other governments.
Google wants everybody on board so at first it's free and open until they dominate.
Now they're moving into the phase of censorship and we've had the Obama deception taken down.
We've had countless things blocked.
We've had footage we show that everybody else is allowed to show.
They take our channel down.
I have filed in federal court.
I don't make a big deal out of this.
It's got to be like 10 times now.
Swearing in federal court and things that... Because when they take you down for copyright, you have to go file, and you're swearing in that jurisdiction.
I've had to have lawyers, I've had to go through hell to stay on YouTube.
And then you call in here and go, oh, there's a New World Order, as if there isn't one being announced, and as if our definition of the New World Order isn't exactly what I said it was for 17 years.
Because I read, none dare call it conspiracy.
Not because I discovered this, written in 1971 before I was born, Gary Allen, whose son is at Politico working for the New World Order now, I tell you he's going to be rolling over in his grave, I mean that really is hurtful.
Gary Allen and Larry Abraham, they write this book explaining how the mega bankers control big government to shut down their competition.
And how the whole program would work, and how they would set up a global government of and for the banksters that you pay your taxes to.
It's now here.
They now admit it on the news.
This book, by the way, is available at InfoWars.com.
Right now, or InfoWarshop.com.
But my point is...
That here is today, or yesterday, this is in the news, Google Shopping censors all gun ammo accessories results.
We did Google Shopping two years ago with the... Oh, I just remembered!
That's why I don't have an active Google account!
I still have it, but posting to it was suspended two years ago when I had an Obama Joker poster and Google found it to be racist that I was selling shirts talking bad about the President
And so my Google account was suspended.
I forgot.
And it was put in some hold function.
That's why I get emails from them, but we can't use it.
That's why.
I forgot.
I forgot.
It's worse than just this article.
I just remembered we were kicked off Google Shop.
I forgot because I was trying to operate in this monopoly, and it is a monopoly more and more, a oligopoly with other combines, but more and more an internet
Monopoly, bordering, it's an oligopoly, duopoly, bordering on monopoly, that I have been censored by them.
Bonafide over the Joker, in fact we even did an article about that.
And here it is, from Firearms Blog, breaking it all down, Google, shopping centers, all gun ammo accessories results.
And the letter, and the link, and their new policy that's public, saying no, you know, scopes, holsters, nothing!
And newspapers are saying you can't shell guns in them, or even advertise your gun shop.
And all of this, and you call in, you call in, saying if there was this authoritarian system,
Here's the final point, sir.
They're not in full control yet, as I've said about a hundred times in the last few months.
They're trying to get a global government.
They're trying to get a carbon tax.
They're trying to get forced inoculation in.
They're trying, and we're battling them as hard as we can, over every square inch of this, and we need you to wake up to what's happened, and to pick an issue, and to fight for it, or we're going to lose everything.
Authoritarianism is spreading worldwide.
No real historians, no real anthropologists, no real sociologists, no real journalists deny that.
NDAA, warrantless wiretapping, the CIA director two months ago saying at an In-Q-Tel, that's the group that funded and started Google, CIA consortium public meeting, that yes, they are putting tech in all the new
products to spy on us, including your dishwasher.
And the smart meters are spying on you and controlling your thermostat.
That's being announced.
And all of this, and you are asking me if they had their New World Order, why I'm on air.
We're trying to stop it.
The New World Order is nine months pregnant and mama looks like a giant demonic piranha with hundreds of millions dead under her belt in the last century.
And her baby, if it gets born, is going to kill billions.
And she's squatting on us right now about to give birth to this monstrosity and I hope to God you'll wake up and realize that and do something about it.
They don't let you protest in D.C.
You can go get a permit if you jump through months of hoops and go get a little stage on a green field somewhere.
If they feel like it.
They're ordering armored personnel carriers everywhere, checkpoints, all of this, and you're asking me
You know, well, it's such feeble stuff, but I remember that's programming, whether he's one of the operatives or been programmed by an operative program.
That's the thing about programming, it's a repeat, is that they always say that.
It's like, well, if it's such a big new world order, the daily caller, as soon as I arrived at Bilderberg, runs up and says, Alex Jones, the Bilderberg group is so powerful, why are you able to protest it?
Well, the British Empire was so powerful, how were we able to defeat it?
Because our forebears would walk through the snow when their shoes had worn off and with the blood trails behind them.
Because we used to be men.
Because people understand that we're all flesh and blood.
That's why the elite want to build up this giant technocracy against us.
So that they can overwhelm society.
That's why they drug the water.
To make us more submissive.
This is serious.
There is your long, detailed answer.
I'm glad you... Because I can't even get excited now until I'm challenged.
That's what's going on.
There's your examples of censorship.
It's already begun.
Is there any censorship going on?
Or is that a pipe dream, too, there?
Did the caller hang up?
Caleb in Texas, go ahead.
I'm still here, sir.
I think maybe I gave you the wrong impression.
Let me just say that I was military in D.C.
And I can attest first-hand to many of the things you're talking about.
What I'm trying to say, I see that big of a monster.
In fact, I had the proof in my hands about two years ago of what's going on in St.
Louis right now with the tanks.
I saw the plan about two years ago.
Well, I'm sorry, but you know what?
I'm going to go to break and come back to you then.
I tend to go off half-cocked just because I'm freaked out, okay?
I get the phone calls where they've been listening to my phone and tell me what they were listening to.
My crew has seen this happen with my wife calling up crying.
So I live it, man.
I've had the guys in the parking lot punching me in the nose, saying, we're here to tell you shut up or you're dead.
And so I know it's real.
And it's so frustrating to the general public out there who doesn't, so when I think somebody's in denial, I get angry.
But I apologize.
I'm going to come back, give you the floor.
I'm going to shut up.
I'm going to try to get into the other news.
I haven't even... I haven't done any of that.
It's just all too insane.
We'll come back to the caller on the other side and find out about what's going on in St.
Louis from his military perspective.
Stay with us.
Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv.
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We're good to go.
Okay, let's go ahead and go to Caleb in Texas.
Okay, go ahead and make your point, sir.
My point was, Mr. Jones, and I'm not here to discount anything you're saying.
I don't take anybody's word just because they say it.
I go out and do my research, and much of what you've said is true.
And I'm just trying to figure out how big this thing really is.
I mean, I see the monster on the hill.
It's coming toward me.
I mean, I was, you know, part of it for a little bit, and I had to, you know, get away from it.
I'm just trying to figure out how big.
Well, good people over time let bad people.
Who want power and want to control others, get into positions everywhere, and create a new national spirit where worshipping tyranny and worshipping government is the new patriotism.
And so all the curses that come with it are here.
And it's just going to get worse.
We've just got to discredit the system and point out it's illegitimate.
And that our country's been occupied.
I mean, the bankers get on TV and brag they've occupied us.
And the yuppies are too
They're on too big of power trips themselves to admit they've been slaves.
So they play this mind game where they decide to join the system.
Well, you don't join with this.
This is...
Evil turned loose.
But, you know, individuals that make up the system are all that is holding it back right now.
That's why they want total mindless compliance, or zero tolerance.
It's why they make a store clerk at the grocery store, and I've seen it, 80-something-year-old men buying pipe tobacco, old women buying a bottle of wine, look like great-grandma's grandma.
And they got some zvit-faced 18-year-old demanding to see their ID.
And the old woman's hands shaking giving it to her.
It's just about the store clerk isn't allowed to think for themselves.
The police aren't allowed to make a decision themselves.
Everybody's got to do what they're programmed.
The system wants programming.
How do we beat programming?
We start being our own person.
That's how you deal with this, that's how you defeat the new order.
That's why all over the country, I told people years ago, because it was in the local paper, people didn't believe it, because they had one of the city councilmen go, they could be growing marijuana in all these gardens coming up, and they're getting chickens too, that could be unsanitary.
We need to make people get licenses to have gardens, to make sure they're not growing marijuana.
This from the government.
Well, where did they go with code enforcement?
In the woman's, old woman's backyard?
And cut down a few weeks ago?
She's suing them?
And they said, well we do this to everybody.
Our code says whatever we feel is objectionable.
Remember the woman with the garden up in Michigan?
They said, we find it objectionable.
Nice pretty little garden.
But this old woman had one in the backyard.
Not even the law!
There's no law against it.
They went in there, cut it down, and gave her a bill.
This is who these people are.
Because we're prisoners to them.
We're prisoners.
And we've got to- we're all guilty until proven slave.
And that's why last night I got to have cops run up behind me, run my license plate, and then run around me.
And I thought, well maybe, you know, maybe they're looking for
Somebody in a truck.
I thought that for about 10 seconds till I saw him just speed up to the next person and pull them over.
They were just randomly pulling people over.
And that's not what America is supposed to be about.
And I guess if I work late tonight, I'm not going to.
But if I did work late tonight, I just get to like go.
Well, I'm getting in my car now.
I get to go out and I get to go out and run the gauntlet.
I get to go out and
Deal with all this.
And there's all these excuses for it.
Fine, folks.
Does that answer your question?
Yes, Mr. Jones.
I appreciate your time.
I appreciate you.
Look, we're in what they call a pickle, or up the creek without a paddle.
I mean, this is just, let me tell you, I've studied history, and let me tell you, this is the nastiest tyranny I've ever seen.
I mean, we're in a lot of trouble, ladies and gentlemen.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Harry Dent's going to be joining us.
Economist, researcher, made a lot of accurate predictions concerning the economy.
He's going to be joining us and will continue with calls as well.
And I will also get into the whole power outage situation, give you my take on that.
But I went off into a rant about censorship.
How people, not the caller, I misunderstood him, but people in general,
First, oh, there's not going to be any censorship, and then as it begins, they start defending that.
Saying, oh, what's the big deal?
Let's go ahead and go to Ben in Texas.
Thanks for holding, Ben.
You're on the air.
Yes, sir.
First time caller.
I've been doing a lot of research online, and, you know, I heard somebody on your show, like, last week.
You know, his statement was where the Patrick Henry's of our generation, you know, when is it time to, you know, take that step, you know, into our own hands, you know, the more violent step.
And just my basic comment is, you know, a group that does such a tragic act like 9-11, you know, they would have no reservations, you know, busting out, you know, the big buttons on us.
No, that's right.
The people running things carried out 9-11.
And I know a lot of people don't want to admit that, even though it's just proofs everywhere, because it's scary.
And no, but they're already planning to release bioweapons anyway, so we might as well fight them on our terms.
And I don't mean start a fight, because they want to start a fight so they can
Have a civil war.
We need to just totally end the info war while we still have somewhat of a free internet.
Absolutely discredit these people so that they are so paralyzed with exposure they can't stage big events and then pose as the saviors.
We're in a death race, sir.
That's what I try to get across to people.
This is life and death.
I almost punched myself in the face every day after the show that I wasn't hardcore enough, I wasn't focused enough, I didn't have enough eloquence to really get it across to people that we're two seconds to midnight.
That these are the most vicious, murdering killers.
The United Nations, on record, is in Honduras and, uh, what's that, uh, Uganda and other countries lining up villagers and shooting them to take their property.
And the United Nations is on record kidnapping kids by the hundreds of thousands for slave labor, snuff films, sex slaves, and it's even in the news is the thing.
I mean, it's just pure evil.
Federal Reserve, pure child raping, narcotics selling, scum of the earth, criminals.
See, folks, you side with this system in any way, okay?
You are absolutely signing on with El Diablo.
You might as well... I've told people, folks, if you're not going to fight this system, you might as well just go ahead and go join the Church of Satan.
Why not go all the way?
Hot or cold, I spit you out of my mouth.
I mean, I just... The only good news is, all the people serving this system, if it comes into fruition, are going to be dead.
And it's not going to be us that kills them.
Their master is going to kill them, and I hope they enjoy it.
Anything else?
Uh, just talk about 9-11 more.
That's the only thing that I would offer you as constructive criticism.
And the only thing that I can see us breaking, you know, this evil, just pure evil, is, you know, Martin Luther King and Gandhi.
We need nonviolence.
There's a better way to live life.
No, I agree with you.
You know, clearly they blew up Building 7 and the rest of it.
I mean, did you know I was the guy that day one said it was an inside job?
Uh, I did about a year ago.
My friend, uh, a good friend of mine sends you a lot of music and he's been, uh, he's been turning me on.
No, but I mean, I just had people contacting me going, did you know 9-11 was an inside job?
And I'm kind of like, really?
Uh, didn't know that.
I said it six months before, two months before.
I said they'd blow up the World Trade Center before it happened and blame it on bin Laden.
Um... Everybody focuses on the controlled demolition.
I think that's important, but we should... I should make a new film on 9-11.
Just... oh, it's incredible.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
All right, in a moment we're going to go to Harry S. Dent, best-selling author, economist, trends forecaster.
He's made a lot of very accurate predictions and breakdowns.
I want to get his view on the unfolding meltdown that's taking place that CNBC says is setting up a global private government where megabanks rule us.
Gee, I said that 17 years ago.
I need to dredge up all of those quotes because that's what this world government is.
That's what none dare call a conspiracy by Gary Allen.
We're about to go to our guest, but let me infomercial here for a moment, because that's how we fund ourselves.
But most importantly, I've done two hours of broadcast here so far and really haven't plugged much.
We're going to get Matthew Stein, who's written When Technology Fails, that we cover and carry at InfoWarshop on the next few days, and also author of When Disaster Strikes, as well as Joel Skousen, who's warned about the power grid not being able to handle big storms, much less some type of magnetic pulse or big coronal mass ejection out of the sun.
All of these books deal with the fact that our industrial society is on a very precarious tightrope.
And we've seen this illustrated by within hours of what they call a hurricane on land.
Huge storms in the
Midwestern Eastern Area right to the Eastern Seaboard right through Virginia power off now for a couple days three million still without power part of DC dark actually some good in that maybe they won't be able to do as much mischief catastrophic damage to the power grids unscheduled leave for federal workers hell commute thousands of lights have stopped well maybe if government
Maybe if the government...
Would spend less time buying armored personnel carriers, even in small towns and drones and all the rest of it.
Maybe then we could get the country going again.
But again, this whole predatory monopolistic system wants a cratered society where only they have the high ground politically and militarily to consolidate control.
Now that's my view on the situation.
Joining us via video Skype is the bestselling author of The Great Crash Ahead, Harry S. Dent Jr.
And he has an interesting bio.
I'm not going to go over the whole thing, but he's the founder of H.S.
Dent and Economic Research, a firm specializing in demographic trends.
His mission is helping people understand change using years of hands-on business experience.
In the late 1980s, Dent developed a new way of understanding the economy and forecasting what lies ahead based on consumers, which he outlined in his book, The Great Boom Ahead, in late 92.
In that book, he stood virtually alone and accurately forecasting the unanticipated boom of the 1990s and even called for the next Great Depression to start in 08.
He sure did.
Dent has offered several best-selling books, including The Great Depression Ahead in 2008, and he keeps his audience informed through his monthly newsletter, the H.S.
Dent Forecast.
In his latest 2011 book, The Great Crash Ahead, he outlines why government stimulus is doomed to failure
And the economic havoc that lies ahead.
And he joins us.
He graduated from the University of South Carolina and earned his MBA from Harvard Business School, where he was a Baker Scholar.
Okay, we're going to go to him now.
Thank you for holding while I was ranting about what's happened with the storms.
And FEMA is angry at the power companies.
They say, get it back on or you're in trouble.
But I mean, FEMA is
Totally incompetent.
Look at what happened with Katrina.
Do you have any comments on the current state of things before we get into your larger worldview of what's coming?
Well, you know, I mean, there's cycles in everything.
There's cycles in, like, solar activity and stuff, and that's tending to affect things on the grid now.
So, I mean, you know, anything you can study in cycles, and the most important thing is to understand what drives those cycles.
When do they come and go?
But more importantly, in the economy, we look at demographic trends, predictable things people do as they age, drive almost all the key cycles over time in our economy, so anybody can understand it, and economists really don't have a clue.
Tell us about yourself because I've read one of your books, I've read the excerpts that you did indeed make in some cases decades before things did unfold.
How were you able to look off into the future and basically develop your system of research and forecasting?
Well, you know, first, Alex, I wasn't trained as an economist.
I was a business consultant coming out of Harvard Business School, working with Bain & Company, consulting the Fortune 100 companies on strategic change.
How are their markets and industries changing?
Where do they need to go?
And I did the same thing with new ventures on the more innovative side.
So I've seen the economy from a real world point of view.
And out of that experience,
I developed some simple tools for predicting the macro economy, not just one industry or one consumer product.
But what do people do in general as they age?
How do they create inflation?
How do they spend money?
How do they raise their families?
How do they invest money?
When do they retire?
All these things.
And when you look at that,
Especially with new generations and especially a generation the size of the baby boom, which is unprecedented in size as a generation.
The baby boom has driven a boom from 1983 to 2007.
It's just a 46-year lag on the birth index for the peak in spending.
It's that simple.
And now they're going to be spending less.
But I look at the United Nations and Goldman Sachs and others, they talk about a post-industrial nation and how they want to have less population, but they know full well that a boom in population actually, generally in history, creates a boom in the economy over time.
Now the baby boomers are getting ready to retire.
So right on time, the banksters are making sure that everything implodes.
So whatever's paid back is paid back in inflated dollars.
What do you expect to see in the future?
You've accurately predicted these trends.
What's happening in Europe?
What's happening here?
A lot of metrics say we're already in a depression.
They claim we were out of a recession three years ago and that pigs fly.
What do you see coming in the future?
Well, first of all, Japan proves this point that slowing population and aging is not good for the economy.
You need young people to innovate when they're young, enter the workforce, raise families, work hard, earn money, and they're the ones that support the older people anyway.
Baby boom peaked just before and right after World War II, a decade or more ahead of Europe and the United States, and guess what?
Their economy started to tank.
They had their real estate bubble, their stock bubble, everything we've seen a decade or so ahead of us, and now we're going into the same thing.
So Japan proved if you don't have more young people, if people don't have kids and raise kids, or if you don't encourage
Qualified immigrants, it's hard to continue to grow because older people slow down and young people rev up.
So, Japan is already in a long-term downturn.
All the stimulus in the world has not turned around their economy.
It's eased the pain, but it has not turned around the economy.
Europe is now the next.
Southern Europe is the next fastest aging, and then East Europe and Russia, and then the US.
And ultimately, even China is going to age faster than the U.S.
coming ahead.
And the world ahead is going to boom largely in the emerging countries from Southeast Asia and India around the world.
But all developed countries, as we've gotten richer and more urban, we have less kids.
And then kids on a 46-year lag tell you where the economy is going.
And most economies are going sideways at best in America and down in places like Southern Europe and Japan.
And here in the United States, there are really, I guess, three different types of people.
There are folks that are willing to work three or four jobs, live a middle class life, or to, you know, try to survive and not go on welfare.
There are, you know, kind of the nouveau riche types that want to sit around lazy and don't want to, you know, work.
And then I guess you've got kind of the whole bureaucratic class.
I guess you got the welfare class too.
I mean, there's more than three groups.
The point is, there's less and less people that are willing to work, and the government and the bureaucrats and the welfare people look at us with hate.
They talk bad about us all day.
They say we're trash, we're filth.
There's never enough money we can pay them.
So what's going to happen is it all collapses and there's not enough of us, you know, to pay for armored vehicles on every corner or drones to watch us because the government wants to keep their milk cows behaving.
Well, you know, basically it takes crisis for people to get reality and we're not there yet.
We started in 2008, but the government bailed us out of all of that, stimulated out.
We've had debt growing.
Almost three times the rate of our economy since the early 1980s.
We've had constant government deficits since the early 1970s.
Constant trade deficits.
We and most other countries in Europe, especially Southern Europe, have been living off of debt.
Not just our own natural work habits and increase in productivity and GDP.
We've been living off debt.
So this downturn will bring reality and people start to realize that
The entitlement systems we have are not even remotely affordable decades in the future.
Young people have no chance of getting the benefits that older people have gotten.
Even older people will get less.
Our support systems for people who don't work are going to have to come into some question.
I mean, you need some safety net, but not an endless safety net.
So I think you're getting a big reality crisis in the next several years.
Well, I agree with you, but I mean, what about...
But I mean, look, the social engineers know this.
I mean, they put out one type of economic forecast for the slaves, for the cattle, as they see us.
But, I mean, they just said they're going to euthanize all the old people.
That's how they're going to pay for it.
I mean, their answer is just shrink the economy instead of trying to build it up.
Well, I mean, you know, one reality in health care is anywhere between 33 and 50 percent of the costs are in the last year of life.
So we're going to have to come to grips with that.
You can't publicly pay for that.
People privately can pay to extend their lives for 6 to 12 months, but you can't pay hundreds of thousands of dollars.
So health care needs a major, and I mean a major restructuring, but it doesn't mean euthanizing people.
And the truth is, we have too much debt.
I want to come back and talk to you about what will the collapse look like.
We know we're in the beginnings of it now, but how bad is it going to get?
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All the leaves are brown, all the leaves are brown.
The story's out from the Washington Times.
Drone industry releases ethics code.
Oh yeah, all over the world killing entire families or entire villages to kill quote one terrorist so that and now they're pressing Congress to allow more weaponized drones to other countries to start a drone race.
And they want 30,000 armed drones here in the U.S.?
I mean, what a joke!
Taking our money, military-industrial complex feeding on us.
Best-selling author Harry S. Dent joins us, author of The Great Crash Ahead, and it is certainly beginning to unfold today.
Look, I see governments, in their white papers and admissions, getting in a very aggressive acclimation and
Posture towards the populations.
Standard unified program worldwide.
I see them going for more taxes, which they know shut down economies.
What do you expect to happen from your very well-researched and accurate predictions?
How will this collapse look?
How far along are we into it?
Is there any way out of it?
Then we're going to go to break.
I want to come back and find out what you would do individually.
Go ahead.
Well, you know, there is no easy way out of it.
They've been taking the easy way thus far.
You know, QE1 and QE2 and Operation Twist and Shout and all this sort of stuff.
This is just short-term stimulus to avoid dealing with the massive debt and bubbles that we created.
And the government did a lot to help create those bubbles.
So did the private sector.
Everybody did, in a sense.
But you have to get out of the bubble to recover from this.
You have to restructure debt.
You have to let the economy slow down.
You have to let businesses get more efficient.
So it's a natural free market process that they are preventing by just keeping the economy stimulated.
They're keeping the bubble going.
The government puts money in the banking system.
The banks turn around and reinvest that money, since they're not lending it to businesses and people, into the government bonds to keep their interest rates low so they can keep borrowing and running deficits.
It's not a sustainable situation.
It's very irresponsible.
We created the first crisis in 2008 in the U.S.
with our subprime lending crisis that started to blow up.
Europe is now starting to blow up.
Oh, they just had this big breakthrough, you know, last Friday about, oh, we're going to directly recapitalize banks from the ECB with free money and not put it on the governments.
That won't even start to take a
And to count until late this year, number one, and number two, the short-term debt pressures are rising.
They did this out of crisis.
They didn't do this out of normal agreement.
They did it out of a crisis that's building.
I think Europe's getting ready to blow up and start to blow up like our subprime crisis did in late 2008 in the next two to four months.
So I think you're going to see another at least mini stock crash, some problems in Europe.
It's going to spill off in the United States and ultimately it hits China.
So you're going to see this cascade of effects
European crisis, U.S.
slows down, we have a crisis, our big crisis is still in real estate loans and banking loans, foreclosures piled up to the moon that are going to have to hit the market sooner or later, and then China has the biggest overbuilding, top-down,
Government strategy for overstimulated economy ever, and they're going to bust as their exports are cratering.
So I think we have a world crisis developing over the next two, two and a half years, and it's going to start this summer again, and it's just going to cascade, you know, late.
I think the most dangerous time for investors and businesses.
Second half of this year, and the second half of 2013, and again, mid to late 2014.
Before we shake out all this debt, get down to reality about our entitlements and everything else, and get to a position where we can grow again.
You cannot grow with all this debt in our economy, in Europe, or in the United States, or anywhere.
It's like trying to run again with a 300-pound weight on your back.
You have to deleverage the debt.
The free market systems did this rapidly in the early 1930s.
And after three years, we came roaring out of the Great Depression.
Iceland already was forced to confront their debt and restructure it, and now they're booming while the rest of Europe is sinking.
So it's better to let free market systems, with some government assistance, deal with this.
Don't try to put it off.
Government is just putting off the inevitable and making it worse by adding more debt to debt.
You can't solve a debt crisis with more debt.
It's that simple.
But look, I mean, you're a smart guy.
You're saying, you're saying, oh, it's not going to work.
Well, it's going to work giving trillions in bailout money to the bankers and wrecking the rest of the economy.
So they're the last one standing.
I mean, what about all their documents?
If you haven't seen them, I can send them to you where they talk about a post-industrial world.
It's Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan funding all this global government business.
I mean, they plan on using this implosion as their takeover.
Well, yeah, I mean, the bubble gave banks more power and all this sort of stuff.
That's why they don't want the bubble.
You've got the governments and the banks kind of colluding to keep this thing going.
The point is, the more you stretch the system with all the stimulus, the more vulnerable it gets.
And then you get a shock, like Europe blowing up or foreclosures being dumped on the U.S.
market by banks because they just can't hold back any farther.
Or China's unbelievable real estate bubble, the greatest in the world by far.
Most people aren't aware of this.
That starts to implode.
Once things like that start to implode, the system can't handle the shock.
Okay, okay, stay there.
Long, long segment coming up.
Harry S. Dent Jr., amazing guest.
We're going to be right back with him.
He's been very accurate in predicting what's coming up.
We're going to ask him more on the other side.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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This is Alex Jones for survivalseedbank.com.
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You are listening to an Infowars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
As our society careens towards the edge, California Bill would allow a child to have more than two parents.
And Anderson Cooper told us something we didn't know!
That he's gay.
Anderson Cooper?
We couldn't tell?
You know, my whole issue is I'm just sick of hearing about it.
I don't care.
I'm tired of turning on the television.
Every time I turn on CNN, it's Anderson Cooper talking about gay people.
I mean, it's just like, is there anything else in the universe other than this?
I mean, there is so many amazing things happening.
So many...
Incredible things happening and also so many bad things happening and you tune into these TV shows and the culture and it's so dumbed down.
And I think about our ancestors.
Not even our ancestors.
A lot of these folks are still alive, like my grandmother, almost 90 years old.
During the Great Depression, upwards of 85 to 89 percent, depending on which university you study, lived in rural areas.
And most of them were somewhat self-sufficient.
Now, we're right at 90 percent urban, or quasi-urban, and half of the 10 percent that are living in the farming areas are self-sufficient.
Look at what's happened with just these big summer storms ripping through the East Coast and areas of the power out and all the rest of it.
Imagine if we have a Great Depression-like event that's that bad.
We already have almost 50 million people on food stamps.
Those are high-tech soup lines.
Imagine what it's going to be like
Because I'm not nostalgic for the past, but I've looked at some of the sociology, the anthropology, the history.
People were a lot more moral in the 20s and 30s.
And they were more self-sufficient.
So I want to ask Harry S. Dent, best-selling author of The Great Crash Ahead, and he is a very well-known trends forecaster and heads up his own organization, best-selling author, renowned economic forecaster.
Harry S. Dent Jr.
has observed economic trends for decades and accurately predicted
Many of them.
And he's on with us.
I mean, you just heard my little breakdown there.
And I see governments all over the world, not just here, digging in.
The Chinese communists are buying huge Gatling guns on the backs of armored vehicles for their public.
Same thing's happening here.
I talked to police and military.
I can open the phones up right now, but it's even in the news, where they're gearing up for unprecedented civil unrest.
I don't see
A way out of this once the, what are the numbers on how fast this could move?
Because you were implying that it could happen in big fits and starts, it could be gradual, there could be trigger events.
I mean, in your gut here, how do you see this going?
How do you see this shaking out?
Because I was reading a UN report yesterday where they talk about total collapse of society and a fortress world.
Where the elites retreat behind protected areas, leaving the masses defend for themselves in the wastelands.
That is a quote out of the UN report.
What do you make of that?
Well, you know, I don't study that to that degree, but I do know that every crisis in history tends to have a first phase where something goes wrong, and then people naturally go into denial.
It's a human quality where something you can't take, you just deny it, and the governments are in denial now.
They're trying to keep this bubble going.
It's in the second stage that you get the real impact.
We won't know how bad this crisis is going to be until the stimulus in the first stage of denial ends.
And I think that's going to happen between late 2012 and late 2014.
Maybe a little later.
I think it's going to happen in the next few years.
And it's certainly going to be deeper than the first crisis.
There's certainly going to be more economic downturn, more banks failing, more businesses failing, higher unemployment, that sort of stuff, and there's going to be more civil unrest.
I don't know how much, it depends on how it shakes out, but you do have to be expecting worse than less.
There's no way that the second crisis is not going to be worse than the first because we've basically kicked the can down the road and made it worse by adding more debt and stretching our system
Well, all this stimulus and all these things the banks have been doing, so I think people are better to be on the safe side.
Say, look, I got to protect my investments.
I've got to be as safe as possible.
I'd rather live farther from downtown areas than closer in safer communities than not.
I'd rather live more inland than on the coast.
All these sort of things.
It's really hard to tell.
The reason it's hard to tell exactly because we haven't had a crisis like this before.
We've never seen a totally global crisis including emerging countries and China.
We've never seen governments with the stimulus tools.
They didn't have this in the Great Depression.
They didn't do all this QE and stuff.
The first time we really did this was in Japan in the 90s and now in US and Europe.
So we've never seen a situation.
To me, this stimulus is like taking more and more of a drug until you basically pass out.
You're just, you don't want to come down from the bubble.
So you take more of the drug, but it takes more and more of the drug with less and less impact until you die from the drug.
So I think
There's a big range of how bad it can be, but I can tell you one thing, the next two to three years is very likely to be a lot worse in everything from economics and unemployment, investments and civil unrest than we saw in 2008-2009.
And by the way, all the big government reports, UN reports, we've sourced them, read them here.
They all agree with what you've just said, but then separately the mainstream media calls it pessimism porn, attacks myself, Gerald Salente, people like you occasionally, Ron Paul, others, who say that this is unsustainable.
But, oh, then they come out separately and say, oh, there is a global meltdown, but global government run by the megabanks is the answer.
I want to play a clip from two weeks ago on the Kudlow Report on CNBC.
I'm not going to play the whole clip, but they basically say, we're ruled by megabanks, global governance, but you know what?
That's the way it is.
So they've gone from denying all this to throwing it in our face.
I want to get your take on it.
Here's a clip.
And then we'll come back to you.
Mostly what they do is hold summits.
I think that right now the question is, do we all work for central bankers?
That's what I want to address to our guest tonight.
Is this global governance at last?
Is it one world, the central bankers in charge?
Jim Urio.
You say we've got some downside here, a correction in the markets, fine.
But aren't we all just living and dying for what the central banks do?
Aren't we all just counting on the fact that there's a Bernanke putt, and that we won't go any lower than, say, 5% down from here?
Of course we are, because if we look at the economic data... Alright, let's stop there.
And they all go on and agree we're slaves to the bankers, but thank God they've got global government to save us.
One guy's a little critical, the Federal Reserve.
I mean, Harry, I know you've probably seen the media attack folks like myself who talk about this being an engineered crisis and predicting it more than a decade ago.
But regardless of whether it's engineered or not, it is going towards global government.
It is globalism that helped this become a global problem.
What's your take on that overall statement?
Well, I mean, we've grown forever, over centuries, from smaller communities into states and nation-states and nations and now globalism.
But, you know, you have to go in fits and starts, and you have to learn.
I mean, we've had this global boom, and unfortunately,
It kind of got out of control with so much cross lending and governments and businesses and banks around the world and so much interdependence that now we're very vulnerable because simply because it was overdone there's nobody to regulate foreign commerce
The way we do domestic, I mean you do need to have some restrictions on how much debt can be created and what people and businesses can do or things get out of control and then you have big bursts.
We've had these depressions and debt bubbles and asset bubbles throughout history and they never end well.
Whenever an economy grows a lot faster, I mean debt grows a lot faster in the economy, you're stressing yourself beyond your means and you're going to have to have a correction and get back into balance.
That is human nature, whether any part of the world.
This has happened over and over again.
So we've just done this globally now, and we actually need to have a global slowdown.
We need to restructure a lot of things, and we're going to need to have some better global agreements.
You can't get away from the fact that we're in a global world, but you can't have some bureaucratic giant thing that tries to control this.
These banks
And they've been picking winners and losers, which is inherent monopolistic garbage.
There is this global combine, but they got so greedy with the derivatives and things, and selling, you know, package mortgages ten times over, that now they're endangering their own system.
I think this global corporatist takeover, that in their zest to fund it all, they've probably destroyed themselves, because I don't think the world's going to go along
With the very bankers that engineered so much of where we are today, now posing as the saviors, I mean, what do you make of what I just said, A, and then B, what do you make of that clip I just played?
Well, you know, I mainly think once a system gets going, we had this bubble developing.
And again, to me, everybody did it.
Even a lot of us consumers borrowed money against our homes that were rising in value to get our kids in private school.
We bought homes we couldn't afford.
We speculated in homes.
We speculated in tech stocks.
The rating agencies turned a blind eye when all these debt leveraging and new things were happening.
We took the bait.
We took the bait.
Everybody did it.
We took the bait, though.
Once a bubble gets going, nobody wants it to stop, especially the people most in control, which are the governments and the financial institutions.
They benefited the most, especially financial institutions.
And I agree with you in the sense that if you created this bubble and you benefited the most, you're going to be the ones to get hurt the most when it goes down.
That's why they're trying so hard.
If we let this bubble deflate,
Home prices are going to become affordable to young people again.
Debt's going to be restructured down.
Healthcare costs are going to stop going up at the speed of light.
There's going to be a lot of great long-term benefits.
The problem is the people who created this bubble and benefited are going to lose the most, so they're going to try to stop it from happening against the broader interest of people.
That's why, to me, I'm like, bring on the crisis.
We will not get clear.
Until we get a crisis.
In fact, even the European leaders, they can't agree on anything.
But it's gotten so bad in Europe in the last few weeks that they're suddenly agreeing on things that they wouldn't agree on.
It's not a sign of strength.
It's a sign that they're falling into a deeper crisis and they have no choice but to get real and do the right thing.
We need to get real here.
We are way out of kilter.
On all types of stuff and we're not going to be able to grow again until we restructure our entire systems and get rid of all this debt and start again anew.
And then this happens once in a lifetime.
It happened in the 1930s and we had unbelievable boom after that, especially in the United States.
It's going to happen again, but we got it.
But we're not the kind of people we were in the 30s.
I mean, I'm sorry, but I live in a very nice city, one of the best in the country, Austin.
Myself included.
People are slobs now.
I mean, people are incredibly baby-like, lazy slobs.
And then you've got folks that are actually working.
But more and more, there's this slob clash.
What is going to happen to the lazy, slacker, trendy know-it-alls and people when
When things implode and the welfare check, they get the welfare check, but because of inflation it won't buy anything.
I mean, this is going to be hellish.
Well, the Roaring Twenties.
You read about that later.
People were different in the Roaring Twenties and Thirties.
No, they were different from the Thirties on.
Roaring Twenties, people were dancing on tables.
We got in this La La Land world.
The Thirties brought us back to reality in World War II, and then we became an industrious nation again.
We call it the winter season.
There's spring like the 40s, 50s, and 60s.
There's summer like the 60s and 70s.
There's the fall boom, bubble boom like the 80s, 90s, and 2000s.
And then there's winter like the next decade or so.
Brings you back down to reality.
If you're lazy, you're going to have to get off your ass and do something.
If systems are out of balance, or home prices are too high, or government deficits and debt are too high, it's going to be corrected.
That is what the winter season does.
It brings reality again.
I don't think you're gonna see people change until you see a crisis and I think the younger generation today
Actually is more conservative than the baby boomers and more grounded.
If you just get this crisis and get a new system where they can do well again.
Well, actually it's funny you say that.
I mean, I know you follow statistics and things, but younger generations are anti-abortion.
They're more pro-second amendment.
They're more anti-big government.
That's true.
It is more even like people 40 to 60 or so that's more of the trendy group.
I mean, there's some young people that are in La La Land, but I agree with you.
It's, what do you call the group right below the Baby Boomers?
Well, there's the baby busters, they call them Generation X, and that's the downward generation.
Then the next growing generation is Generation Y, or the Millennials.
The Generation Y, the Millennials, and the generation cycle over history is more like the Bob Hope generation that grew up in the Great Depression and fought World War II.
They will be the opposite of their parents.
They will not be like the baby boomers.
Look at what the so-called hippies have done.
I mean, they claim they want liberty and things.
They're a bunch of tyrants.
Well, again, though, I mean, they have a place to every... I mean, people, like, don't like winter.
They don't like depressions.
They like booms.
They don't like busts.
All of these things.
We have four seasons.
The Creator didn't create these four seasons for no reason.
We see four seasons in everything we study.
Each season has its place.
The kind of the baby boom, you know, hippie types, they are very creative and they create a lot of breakthrough technologies because they're like kids.
They start anew, but then you have to grow up and then the next generation is going to be more mature and it's going to be different.
The Henry Ford generation was before the Bob Hope.
They were the people who were, you know, roaring twenties and all this stuff and artists and stuff.
They were more creative and they created cars and automobiles and all these things and phones.
But it was the Bob Hope generation that brought it into mainstream practical application.
So these generations are different.
They're supposed to be, but the baby boomers are aging and they're waning.
The next generation is going to have more influence, but they need to get all of this access from the past.
All of this debt, all of these excessive regulations and structures out of the way so they can move forward.
We'll see what they're like when the baby boomers in the past gets out of the way.
Sure, sure, but these cycles are studied and if you look at governments, militaries, they're all addressing what you're talking about, Mr. Dent, but they're saying that they're going to artificially, with technology and propaganda, manipulate it and use this crisis to be the final season.
Scorched earth or like a volcanic eruption and bring in a tyranny from a conscious perspective I mean you're an informed guy certainly you've run across those writings and plans and stuff that's being developed
Yeah, I don't see it as a tyranny.
It's natural for people in power to increase their power.
That's happened through all history.
But the opposite trend, and I've studied history for thousands of years, not just decades or years, the trend in history has been greater economic freedom, greater individual freedom, and more wealth being pushed down the system.
You go back 200 years, you go back a thousand years, you go back
No, we're living like kings compared to people.
A tiny part of the population controlled everything.
Way more tyranny in the past.
Way more.
No, no, I agree with you.
We're living like kings.
We have god-like technology.
What we have today would have been magic a hundred years ago.
I agree with you.
Liberty is on the march, but I'm telling you, the control freaks are going to try to block us.
I want to come back, take a few quick final questions for our guest, straight ahead, Harry S. Dent.
I'm Alex Jones.
We'll give you his website as well, straight ahead.
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Our guest website that you can go to is hsdent, just the initials, hsdent.com, hsdent.com.
And I agree with him, the cycle is towards liberty.
But I've read and shown you Bertrand Russell Globalist documents where they were 80 years ago saying this and talking about how they would construct this system to socially engineer us.
But they're bucking the course of history.
And I believe they're going to fail, but it's going to be a war in the process.
I want to jam in a few quick questions from callers, but Mr. Denton, do you want to add anything to the statement you said earlier about history?
I agree.
It is towards freedom, but there are these battles that the internet allows greater decentralization of information.
You're already seeing major dictators fall around the world.
We predicted this five or ten years ago.
So, that's the trend, but you're right.
It is a battle.
Let's, uh, quick questions here.
Charles in Ohio, you're on the air with our guest.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
Now, I don't know a whole lot about the trend setting, but I mean, obviously, if you guys
Have watched the trends long enough, why haven't you guys been able to stop this economic crisis from happening?
Well, I mean, like I'm going to do that?
I mean, I don't understand.
I mean, I bet you get that question sometimes where people say, you need to fix it, Mr. Dent.
What's your comment to the caller?
Well, I can't.
I mean, I've had people recommending me to leading politicians and people.
They're not going to listen to me because what I say isn't acceptable to them.
They're trying to defend the system.
They're doing what they do.
In fact, I tell people we've been able to predict all the trends in the economy broadly without looking at politics.
The politicians don't matter that much long term.
They don't want to hear that either.
So, no.
What we tell people individually, you've got to do what you can do.
You know, you can't change the winds, but you can reset your sails is what I always say.
None of us is in charge of this.
Yeah, that's how you're going to beat this is getting self-sufficient, waking those up around you so that as things go into this cycle of collapse, you're ready.
You know, the best thing you can do is take care of yourself, Charles, and try to wake up some people along the way so that people aren't caught flat-footed.
Do you understand that?
Yes, sir.
I had one other thing I wanted to talk to you about.
Okay, we're almost out of time.
I'm going to put you on hold and come back in overdrive.
I'm going to go to Janet, too, in New York, listening on WASB 1310.
But real quick, Malcolm in Texas.
You've got about 30 seconds.
Okay, yeah, I just wanted to ask you how much you think the downgrades of the banking system are because of foreign bond exposure?
And also, how much do you think the shadow banking system is going to start affecting the real retail side of things?
Great question.
Well, I mean, you know, clearly, I mean, the shadow banking system was how we created so much more debt than in past cycles.
And all countries, private and government systems, have created more debt, two to three times more debt than in any time compared to the economy and GDP than any time in history.
We can't even find a debt bubble in history to compare to this.
So it all happened together, it's all going to break down together, and so all these things are interdependent, and that's why nobody can really control this.
They're trying to control it, but what we said in the Great Depression ahead, and again in the Great Crash ahead, these governments are going to lose control of this before it's over, and they're going to break down as well.
Exactly, and they're trying to sign us onto their derivatives that's impossible to pay back, and it's not our debt predominantly.
Amazing, incredible.
John in Illinois, I'm going to do a little bit of overdrive, so we'll see what we can get to there.
Mr. Dent, very powerful interview, very informative, and thank you so much for spending time with us.
Okay, sure.
Thanks, Alex.
All right, there he goes.
The website is hsdent.com, and onward and beyond, we will continue.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
That's right, another hour of global transmission as we attempt to awaken humanity.
It is the second day of July, 2012.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
We're going right into your telephone calls right now ahead of more news coming up in retransmission, but we're live right now.
Let's talk to Janet in New York.
ASB 1310 AM.
We've been on that station about 12 years.
Janet, good to have you calling in today.
Thank you so very much.
Amen to you, my brother.
You are absolutely correct.
Regrettably, we are a different group of people.
And one of the questions I had for your guest is about the Obamacare.
Going back to the question at the top of the hour, asking us to call in with our concerns.
My concern is the tax that will be levied against some people who the government decides choose not to be able to pay or to afford for health care.
They're healthy, they don't want to buy health care, so the government is going to tax them.
Here's my question.
How long is it going to take for people to recognize the Ponzi scheme and say, gee, if I don't have a job, not only do I not get a tax,
But I get my health care for free.
Well, that's a really great point, and you've hit the nail on the head.
In fact, you made me just think of the one point I hadn't made that many others have made at nauseam.
This is designed, and Michael Moore pretty much admitted it, to bankrupt health care.
You know, it's attached to the insurance companies.
It'll be, you know, the illegals are going to pour in, already do.
They get their kids paid for, and then the child's a U.S.
It's designed to bankrupt things.
And it's a tax also to the IRS because they get penalties and interest and they keep that part.
So it's the government and our health care.
But it's designed to bankrupt things on purpose.
And it will do it.
And it's got tens of thousands of doctors are quitting because they know what this means.
It's not about them making money.
Specialist doctors make millions.
Your average doctor, you can look this up, or dentists, is making less than they were making 20 years ago.
A lot less.
I mean, you think a regular person has bills?
It's like a half million bucks.
For a medical degree on average the eight years and then with interest you're talking over a million dollars.
I mean I know Harvard doctors that have been doctors out of college for
Twenty years.
And they just now paid off their loans and all the rest of it.
Twenty years later.
So, everybody's like, oh, the rich doctors, they're greedy.
Okay, folks.
Best healthcare system in the world.
Been screwed up by government, now it's going down the drain.
Good to hear from you.
Great point, Janet.
John in Illinois, I know you were for the guest, but he had to leave us.
Go ahead and make your point.
Yeah, well, I just had a quick thing for, uh, regarding Max Keiser's rant, uh, a couple months ago when he, when he spoke about how Jamie Dimon threatened MFL, MF Global's John Corzine.
So I was actually just gonna ask Kerry if he agreed with that, if it was, in fact, actual.
And then also, does that have anything to do with the $2 billion loss that JPMorgan Chase recently admitted to?
I mean, is there a connection between that or what's going on with that?
Yes, I believe that loss was connected.
And of course, we knew it was JP Morgan got the two billion over to London and then denied it.
But it was already in the news.
It was already in Bloomberg and Forbes that they got the two billion.
And then it was 800 million, a billion three, a billion six that was owed back.
We hear all these different numbers.
But best I can tell, they gave back about a billion.
Two investors, farmers and people that were hedging their bets and kept the rest of it.
So I don't think it would be a $2 billion loss.
But look, look, now they're saying they're sitting on top $9 billion in losses.
Folks, the derivatives overhang in the Washington Post two years ago, which the only reason I'm quoting Washington Post is it fits into other economists we've had on.
It's what Tarpley says.
He said that a year before they said it.
That's pretty smart.
$644 trillion is what the U.S.
In the global derivatives market.
That's the crud our criminal banks created.
It's over 1.5 quadrillion, 1,500 trillion worldwide.
So we've got a little less than half of that.
So can you imagine how big that is?
How bad that is?
How impossible that is to pay back?
I mean, it's a fraud.
They're just using our sign on to that debt as a way to get us more and more indebted to them.
So when they bankrupt everything and write off their debt,
We'll be little guys and can't get out in front of the debt they've gotten us into.
You understand?
They're exempt.
We're not.
That's the fraud.
Arrest them.
Arrest them.
Arrest them.
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