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Name: 20120511_Fri_Alex
Air Date: May 11, 2012
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show!
This is Friday, May 11, 2012.
This is Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, filling in for Alex today, who's off working on projects, either that or recuperating to work on projects as soon as he gets back.
I hope he's actually taking a little bit of a break.
He certainly deserves one.
We've got an amazing lineup of breaking news, information, interviews.
This is going to be one of those shows
That you do want to call people and invite them to listen in on because of the importance of the information that's breaking here.
Let me give you a quick rundown of what's coming up.
We are going to be covering the rapidly deteriorating Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant situation in Japan, where we have literally thousands of spent fuel rods that are now just accessing or releasing radiation into the open air.
And another criticality event, a meltdown, is possible.
An earthquake or a tsunami could unleash another massive plume of radiation that within 10 days would land in North America, spreading cesium-137, a very toxic, obviously, radioactive substance with a 30-year half-life.
All across North America.
And I've looked at the wind patterns, and no state in America is safe from that.
That would drop cesium-137 everywhere, from Alaska down to Miami, and everywhere in between.
And to join us today and talk about that, we do have Arne Gunderson.
He's going to be joining us at the bottom of this hour to cover his view.
He is, of course, an expert on the nuclear industry and he's going to tell us what his view is on the warnings and what might happen and what we can do to help stop this situation.
Remember, it's not just us raising the alarm about this.
Also, U.S.
Senator Ron Wyden from Oregon has raised the alarm on this issue.
And kudos to Senator Wyden for taking the step of actually going to visit the facility and then spreading the alarm.
So we're going to cover that.
Then we've also got, after that, in the second hour, Dr. Len Saputo is going to be joining us to talk about how we can protect ourselves from radiation.
So there are some things that we can do in terms of nutrition and detox and food selection.
Lots of important things that we can do and he's the expert on that.
In fact, he's a holistic doctor.
He's into healing.
He's into all kinds of nutritional strategies.
Many of
of course.
Where a farmer is about to be sentenced and have his three-day trial on Monday, and his crime was delivering fresh milk.
Once again, fresh milk to moms in Minnesota, and those moms are now being threatened by the state of Minnesota with criminal prosecution if they allow their homes to be used as drop-off points for fresh milk from a farm.
Yes, indeed.
What California did to James Stewart and Sharon Palmer, the state of Minnesota is now doing to moms and farmers.
And that is a very big breaking story.
We've got all the details here.
We're going to be covering the upcoming rally, asking you to join that rally on Monday if you are in Minnesota, and bringing you an interview with one of the moms who has been threatened by the state of Minnesota.
This kind of craziness is now catching on all across the country, sadly.
And it turns out the FDA is behind it all.
The Feds, the Food and Drug Administration, is giving money to the State Departments of Agriculture in order to create these special prosecutorial task forces that go after farmers and moms with the threat of guns drawn.
Sometimes they do draw their guns.
Sometimes they go in with armed raids at these food facilities.
That's happening in America today.
We're going to be covering all that and much more including Alex Jones will be joining us in the second hour right here on the Alex Jones Show.
Stay with us all that straight ahead and much more.
We'll be right back.
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Hi, this is Alex Jones.
Did you know that the global elite are now storing non-hybrid seeds in secret storage vaults near the Arctic Circle?
Did you know that in a real meltdown, non-hybrid seeds can become more valuable than silver or gold?
It's true, seeds have outperformed even gold and silver before in this country, and it's possible that could even happen again.
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They call it a survival seed bank, and it can produce an endless supply of nutrient-dense food for you and your family.
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Remember, in a real crisis, non-hybrid seeds are the ultimate barter item.
This is Alex Jones for survivalseedbank.com.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
It is Friday, May 11, 2012.
This is Mike Adams, the health ranger, the editor of NaturalNews.com, filling in for Alex Jones today from occupied America, FEMA Region 6 here, behind enemy lines, as they say, in Austin, Texas, bringing you today's breaking news, which is, as usual, extraordinary, absolutely extraordinary.
I don't think so.
And they forced the toddler and the family off of the airplane and detained them for quite some time and humiliated them in the airport.
This was, again, as part of the MO of the TSA, which has nothing to do with security and everything to do with enforcing a police state mentality.
So, in talking about that, Rivera appeared on Fox & Friends yesterday and he said,
That he was raped by the TSA.
His words.
Quote, the last time I flew to Afghanistan, I got manually raped by a guy who the scanner wasn't working.
These were his own words.
He then said that his, quote, junk was junked by a TSA screener.
I apologize for the graphic nature of this language, but this is Geraldo's language himself.
I'm not paraphrasing, I'm quoting him exactly.
Quote, this guy, it seemed, was getting off on it.
And the more, and the tighter I got, and the angrier I got, you know, he just wanted to be a little more intimate.
Of course he did.
Oh my.
And I was so frustrated, Geraldo continues, I called the TSA, and I called, and I called, I went on television, I exposed them, I embarrassed them, I said, can't ya, and they just could not remove my name from the computer that had the no-fly, the no-fly list.
Yeah, see,
This is why I don't fly.
See, the TSA punishes anyone who dares to speak out about them.
This is exactly what Geraldo just experienced.
They put him on the no-fly list, which of course is a secret, completely unconstitutional list.
You don't know how you got on the list.
You don't know how to get your name removed from the list.
There's no procedure for it.
It's a giant secret government black box.
Which is what, that's how the entire government works now in America.
Welcome to the new occupied America, the banker occupied America.
And so, in exposing all of this, Rivera has been punished by them.
Isn't there a congressman in Texas that's also gone on the record and said that every time he flies, they squeeze his genitals, they actually punish him by squeezing him a little extra?
This is why I don't fly, because I put out the TSA, the Don't Touch My Junk music video song, and also, of course, the TSA Help Wanted animation parody video that makes fun of the TSA and exposes them as being the total perverts and thugs that they truly are.
So I don't fly because I know they're going to drop a bag of cocaine in my luggage and then arrest me for drugs that I've never even used.
So I'm sure the TSA is just waiting to find me in the airport, so I'm not going to give him that opportunity.
So I'm supporting Senator Rand Paul's effort to, of course, eliminate and shut down the TSA.
In fact, another U.S.
congressman, I don't recall his name at the moment, just in the last few days called for the resignation of Pistoli, the head of the TSA, who, of course, not only needs to be
Not only does he need to resign, I think he needs to be arrested.
That's my opinion.
I think he needs to be investigated and arrested.
But that's just the beginning of the crazy breaking news.
I'm going to talk to you about the Pentagon's new technology, which is trying to build a neuro-linguistic programming engine so that they can contrive the right story that the public will buy.
That's the Pentagon's new weapon.
It's a neuro-linguistic weapon that's been reported by the BBC.
I'll talk about that in a minute.
But first, let's get to some other, a little more mild news.
Here's some stuff.
For everybody who owns a car,
Changing the oil on your car every 3,000 miles may not be necessary.
In fact, I'm calling that idea a scam because it's really not necessary for most cars.
In fact, Toyota and other manufacturers, many of their cars can go 7,500, 10,000 or even 15,000 miles without needing an oil change.
Oh, here it is.
So there's a website out there where you can check and see how often you actually need to change the oil on your car.
And, uh, oh man, I'm gonna get that website for you after the break.
Uh, it's... I'm sorry, I don't have that for you right now.
I'll get that website for you, but...
Let me go to the next news item.
We'll come back to that.
Washington State declares whooping cough an epidemic after just a few hundred people have symptoms of the whooping cough and almost no deaths from it.
But here's the deal.
They always declare these epidemics and then they use it to push vaccines in the state.
But what they don't tell you is that the outbreaks of whooping cough are higher among children who have been vaccinated against whooping cough.
This is on daily news.
For those of you watching on PrisonPlanet.TV, whooping cough epidemic hits Washington State.
Boy, these states, these vaccine pushers, they love to declare epidemics.
So does the CDC, but they never tell you the truth.
Well, we've published on Natural News the truth about how the outbreaks are higher among children who are vaccinated.
In other words,
If you get the whooping cough vaccine, your risk of contracting the whooping cough goes up.
It goes up!
So, not getting vaccinated is the best protection against the whooping cough.
Actually, vitamin D is a much better protection.
Also, whooping cough vaccines have been linked to seizures.
And we've got that story also posted on Natural News as well.
And InfoWars, of course, covers all of this.
In fact, the polio
Vaccines in India that are causing paralysis.
Aaron Dykstra did an excellent story on that.
Kurt Nimmo, Paul Watson are all over that story.
Check this out.
Here's some... Actually, let me go to this sheet right here.
And for those of you watching on PrisonPlanet.tv, I've got a new prop in the studio today.
We've got the Liberty Eagle, Liberty flag right here.
I want to get a big, don't tread on me, kind of flag situation.
I'm going to start bringing props in the studio every time I'm here.
I want to put a copy of the Constitution on the wall.
Behind me here, or at least the Bill of Rights.
There it is.
Look at that.
Isn't that beautiful?
Liberty right there.
I know, for those of you on the radio, you're going, what?
You can watch on presentplanet.tv.
But here it is, the combination tetanus and whooping cough vaccine linked to seizures in babies.
And this was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
So even the conventional medical system openly admits that these vaccines cause seizures.
And then here's the story about how whooping cough outbreaks are higher among children who have been vaccinated.
It actually causes the disease.
And then here's Washington State declaring an actual epidemic and they're seeking the CDC help.
Oh yes, the CDC, Centers for Disease Control, should be called the Centers for Disease Contradiction because they actually promote more disease than they ever prevent.
Oh yeah, the CDC loves to push new diseases out there with those weaponized vaccines.
Check this out, military training in the middle of Miami jolts residents out of bed.
The Grand Bay Hotel was attacked.
Wait, never mind.
This is in the miamiherald.com.
It was just a military training exercise.
So if you woke up, this was just a few days ago, in fact, if you woke up on Tuesday, May 8th,
And you saw a bunch of black helicopters and military troops jumping out of them and raiding this hotel and firing off a bunch of blank rounds.
Obviously, they weren't live ammunition, but they sounded like it to the residents of the city.
Oh, guess what?
It's just another military exercise to get everybody used to the idea that the US military is going to be on the streets.
On the streets, as usual, just to get you used to it.
So that when DHS brings in the bulletproof pillboxes and the roadside checkpoints and what, the 450 million rounds of .40 caliber hollow point ammo, not to mention all the .223 rounds or .556 rounds or whatever else they're buying, that all the Americans are just going to sit back and say, oh yeah, they've been doing that for the last couple of years.
That's normal.
There's nothing wrong with that.
We see military people raiding hotels and shooting up city streets all the time.
It must be okay.
Must be another training exercise, they're going to say.
And on the subject of mind control, check this out.
This is in the BBC.
Search for this title, guys.
Building the Pentagon's Like Me Weapon.
Building the Pentagon's Like Me Weapon.
I'm going to read you right from this article.
This is a fascinating story.
I don't think it's really been covered that much in the alternative media.
The military is creating a device, and this is quoting from the story, that could advise them what to say, generating a story based on a scientific understanding of the brain's inner workings to soothe tempers and calm the mood of the population.
It sounds like something from a science fiction blockbuster, the BBC reports, but is in fact the premise behind the Pentagon's growing interest in the neurobiology of political violence, a relatively new field that combines neuroscience with more traditional social science-based approaches to understanding human behavior.
Do you understand what this is really saying?
This is a neuro-linguistic social engineering brain hack.
This is propaganda at the level of the neural processors in your brain.
This is a way to create a story, to have a computer actually spit out a story that they know the people will believe.
Like, oh, we killed Bin Laden and threw his body in the ocean because that's what they do in that religion.
Total nonsense, complete fiction, but people bought it.
I mean, why do they need computers to come up with this stuff?
It seems like whoever's running things at the globalist agenda level, they're already coming up with stories that people will buy.
And besides, it seems like there's no skepticism out there anyway anymore.
People will buy almost anything.
Have you noticed that?
They'll buy almost anything?
They could make up a crazy story.
Bin Laden was using his wife as a shield, and then he launched little miniature pumpkin grenades like the Green Goblin from Spider-Man.
And so we had to shoot him, and we dunked his head three times in the water, and bubbles still came up.
So then we put his feet in lead bricks and let him sink to the bottom of the ocean.
Where he started glowing!
So we had to launch a nuclear weapon!
This is the kind of stuff they come up with and people actually will believe it as long as it's pushed out there by CNN and NPR and all these mainstream media websites.
Doesn't matter if it's fiction.
People buy it anyway.
It's all theater.
Security theater for your benefit.
Alright, a lot more straight ahead here on the Alex Jones Show.
Lots of news on Fukushima.
We're joined by Arne Gunnarsson.
Stay right with us.
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We do have Arnie Gunderson joining us in a few minutes to talk about the Fukushima situation and the threat of an additional radioactive plume striking North America.
In fact, the entire Northern Hemisphere because of the global wind patterns.
But before we have a sobering story about Kelly Thomas.
And many of you may already be aware of who is Kelly Thomas.
He is the homeless man who was beat to death
In Fullerton, California, by police officers.
He was begging for his life, begging for his daddy.
He was just beat to a pulp by, I believe it was up to eight officers.
It started with just two officers.
We're showing a little bit of the footage.
Keep showing as much as you can there, guys.
This is the first time I'm seeing this particular footage.
We can't show it all because it's just too graphic.
It's too heart-wrenching.
It is an absolute anti-humanitarian abuse of a human being by police officers who have lost it.
And again, the man's name is Kelly Thomas.
Go ahead and search PrisonPlanet.com for stories about Kelly Thomas.
Search YouTube.
Look for the video yourself if you want to see it.
What happened is this started with two officers, one of them tasering the man.
And then the taser, after the taser was fired at him, disabling him, he was struck with the taser weapon itself as a blunt object.
And then he was essentially gang beat by a gang of other police officers who are supposed to be law enforcement officers.
I'm sorry, I'm a little bit...
This video is absolutely horrific, and I'm looking at a picture of the man.
You can hardly recognize that it's a face at all.
It is a mass of blood and bone and sinew and skin, and this man was beat to death by these police officers in California.
And those officers are now facing prosecution, and I want to be clear that not all police officers are bad.
That most members of law enforcement, especially those in the sheriffs and deputies departments, are very honest, honorable individuals.
Many of them are patriots.
Many of them are going to do the right thing when the time comes.
They will make the right decision to protect liberty and to protect the innocent in America.
And yet, across America today, we do have rogue gang units of police departments.
That this is true in every major city.
It's true in Miami.
It's true in Chicago.
It's true in L.A.
It's true in San Diego.
It is...
This is an epidemic of police violence against individuals.
And you know where it comes from?
You know what makes this possible?
It is that the federal government is setting the example of brutality and sexual molestation of the people.
So when the TSA reaches down your pants and squeezes your genitals and punishes people like Geraldo Rivera just went public and said he was raped by the TSA.
When that is allowed in America, and when the people don't stand up against it and say enough is enough, and we're not going to be raped, we're not going to be treated to this kind of violence by the government, then the local police departments, they start getting the idea, well, hey, we can do it too!
We can rape people.
We can commit violence against people.
We can just beat whoever we want, beat them to death, and that's exactly what they did.
Information from the court case, this is from the OCRegister.com
Right out of Orange County, it was a 33-minute surveillance video of the confrontation that has surfaced.
And of course, without that surveillance video, none of these cops ever probably would have faced any prosecution.
Because they could just beat people to death in dark alleys where no one's looking, and they get away with it routinely.
And these cops obviously need to go to jail, and it looks like they're going to, if this case moves forward as expected.
Let me read you some other details from the case here, because it's heart-wrenching, and it is a big warning.
One officer, Cicinelli, stunned Thomas with a taser and then hit him in the face with a plastic gun.
He's charged with involuntary manslaughter and excessive force under the color of authority.
Free on $25,000 bail.
Now remember this, in California they gave James Stewart a million dollars bail for distributing raw milk.
So if you beat a man to death, your bail is only $25,000.
But if you distribute real food, oh my god, fresh raw milk, you get a million dollars bail.
That's justice in California.
And this officer is facing four years in prison.
James Stewart's facing 40 years in prison for distributing raw milk.
This videotape, shown in public for the first time, showed an escalating situation that abruptly became violent when one of the officers says, he puts on rubber gloves and says, now you see my fist?
They're getting ready to F you up.
If you don't start F-listening, he says, those are the words of the officer in the surveillance tape.
That's what it has come to in America today.
That's what happened to Kelly Thomas.
A lot more straight ahead on Fukushima and Arne Gunderson.
Stay with us.
This is Mike Adams hosting the Alex Jones Show.
We'll be right back after this break.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant has become yet a renewed concern for the fate of life on our planet, especially in the northern hemisphere, which is of course strongly affected by the wind patterns of whatever radiation might be released from Fukushima.
In fact, some are claiming that a very large amount of radiation has already been released, and by claiming I say that with a bit of satire, because of course it's happened!
Multiple meltdowns already happened!
And that cover-up is being called Plumegate.
So just search that term if you want to learn more.
And now Senator Ron Wyden, who actually is a pretty decent guy.
I used to live in Oregon in his district when he was a congressman.
I don't agree with all his politics, obviously, but a pretty decent guy.
We're good to go.
It is a precarious situation, and he said that the entire facility is only protected from a second tsunami by something called the bags of rocks placed, a makeshift wall, he said, made by bags of rocks placed there by hand.
That's not going to survive a tsunami.
That's not going to stop
A giant tidal wave coming in.
Not even a chance.
Now at the same time, a former Japan ambassador has gone on the record and made a statement saying that, quote, the fate of the world depends on reactor number four.
Those are his words.
So there's been a lot of increasing concern about the spent fuel rods that are in the pools that now have open access to the environment, and what might happen if there is a subsequent earthquake or a tsunami, which could happen theoretically at any time.
It's largely unpredictable.
What will happen?
And to help answer that question is Arnie Gunderson joining us today by Skype video, an amazing expert.
He's been one of the most courageous scientific voices speaking out about the reality of what's happening in Fukushima, even as others try to cover up and downplay.
Arnie Gunderson has been actually reporting the truth from his website, fairwinds.com.
That's f-a-i-r-e, winds.com.
Did I get that right?
Is that the right website?
You got it.
Yeah, okay, alright.
Arnie, thank you for joining us today.
It's a pleasure to have you on the Alex Jones Show.
How are you doing today?
Hi, thanks for having me.
I'm great.
Well, it's an honor to have you on.
You are one of the most widely known voices out there in the truth movement, and also among the scientific followers of what's happening in Fukushima.
Can you begin by telling us what is your understanding of the status, the current status, of the situation in Fukushima, and in particular, reactor number four and its spent fuel rod pool?
I think you hit the nail on the head at the beginning of the hour here.
The Unit 4 has always been, since the very first week or two of the accident, in my mind, the biggest concern.
And the term I used a year ago was that if
The Unit 4 fuel pool goals will have Chernobyl on steroids, and I still believe that today.
The problem with that pool is that there's an entire nuclear core's worth of hot fuel, and by that I mean physically hot, because it just ran, and four or five more years of spent fuel.
The combination means that if it were to go dry,
That it would burn and liberate an enormous amount of radiation.
Brookhaven National Lab said that a fuel pool fire like could be experienced at Fukushima Daiichi-4 would kill 186,000 people from cancer.
Now is that, is that just a fire situation?
If the, let's say the pool, the containment concrete cracks, the water drains out or another earthquake happens, it all collapses, is it a fire that releases that?
Or is there the possibility of it achieving again criticality or a meltdown scenario?
No, it can't.
Low-enriched fuel, like in a power reactor, has to have water around it to have a fission, for a chain reaction to occur.
Now, what would happen if, you know, what I'm postulating is if there's a 775 earthquake and the pool cracks, or the building topples, but let's say the pool cracks, the pool runs dry, the zircaloid clad would become hot enough to burn in air.
And it's called a pyrophoric reaction.
Once it starts, you can't put it out by throwing water on it because it takes the oxygen out of the water and just gets hotter.
So this would be like a massive dirty bomb essentially being set off and it would just burn and release into the atmosphere and then the wind takes it from there?
Is that what you're saying?
Yeah, that's a great analogy.
So, if, let me ask you this, if a terrorist group had this much nuclear material in their hands, how do you think America's response would be different?
Because I find it interesting that this is essentially a dirty bomb, a ticking time dirty bomb, and America's doing essentially nothing, but if a terrorist had this much material, how bad would that be, Arnie?
You know, we've been saying that here in the States and, you know, I'm on record as saying that this type of reactor, this Mark 1 reactor, you know, this fuel pole is up in the air about a hundred feet high and it's a terrorist target.
And this isn't since Fukushima.
I've been saying this for 10 years.
The problem is if a terrorist were to
Broach the side of the fuel pool with some kind of a guided weapon, not a rifle.
Like an RPG or something like that?
That you would drain the pool here in the States.
And it would create the same scenario.
So this isn't something that the NRC and the nuclear community hasn't heard.
They've just ignored it.
What's the deal with the other pool of stored fuel rods that's located reportedly about 50 meters away from this reactor number four pool?
What's the interaction between those two pools?
The Japanese, unlike the Americans, have kept all their nuclear fuel in the fuel pool.
So you've got a plant like Pilgrim, with 37 years worth, whereas Fukushima only has 7 or 8.
The Japanese took the fuel down out of these precarious pools when they got to 5, 6, 7 years, and put them in a common pool.
So they have an enormous common pool, but it's at grade level.
So, from a seismic standpoint, it's much more rigid.
The Fukushima 4 pool is way up in the air, so it's like an upside-down pendulum in the event of an accident.
In addition to Unit 4, and I'm clearly on record as saying both of these, Unit 3 is not much better.
So there's actually two fuel pools that could cause, you know, certainly the evacuation of Tokyo would be plausible if that pool were to catch fire.
What about the evacuation of California?
How much of a concern would it be if the fuel rods in Pool 4 caught on fire and that radiation was released and all the isotopes, the iodine-131, the cesium-137, I think is a bigger concern.
In your estimation, what is the range of possibilities of impacts on states like California, Oregon, Alaska, Washington, especially West Coast USA?
Yeah, well first off, you're not going to find any iodine because that only has an eight-day half-life, so it's been gone for years.
But the amount of cesium in those pools is roughly comparable to what's gone up in nuclear weapons testing, above-ground nuclear weapons testing, for the, you know, for
30 years.
I'm telling my friends that on the West Coast, you gotta watch it like a hawk.
Every day, go up and make sure Unifor is standing.
And if it's not, we'll watch the plume, but have a plan B to move somewhere.
Well, that's great advice, Arnie, and I want to encourage viewers and listeners to visit your website, fairwinds.com.
Again, that's spelled F-A-I-R-E, almost fair-ee, fair-ee winds dot com might be the phonetic way to say it.
The problem with what you just said, Arshad, the challenge is that the mainstream media has already demonstrated it's going to lie about this.
So if the average person out there in California, let's say, says, well I'm going to watch CNN and I'm going to wait for CNN to tell me whether or not there's been a big release of radiation from Fukushima, isn't it possible that CNN may just never cover it?
Or they may downplay it, or the US government may come up with some kind of weird cover story.
Hasn't the truth already been manipulated so much that we can't really trust the media to tell us the future of what's going on there?
Well, I don't trust the mainstream media.
Actually, CNN had me on 20 times, so probably they've done better than most of the others.
Oh, I wasn't aware of that.
That's actually to their credit to have you on then.
Well, thank you.
But you're absolutely right.
The mainstream media has underplayed the Fukushima disaster since it began.
And it's through alternative shows like yours, it's through alternative sites like mine, that people are getting the knowledge that experts have.
All the things I've been saying for the last year are turning up in
The FOIA requests from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, they were thinking it, they just weren't telling the public.
Right, you nailed it.
The FOIA requests have revealed a lot of interesting information.
Wasn't one of the documents from the NRC showing that by their calculations, they had already estimated that 18,000 infant deaths had occurred in the USA due to the radiation?
Am I getting that right?
I don't remember seeing that one, but there were so many that were terrifying.
They had data from the roof of the embassy in Tokyo in the first week that was terrifying, and yet they never made that information public.
A businessman in Tokyo who was staying on the same block as the U.S.
Embassy take a sample from the roof of his hotel and it was hotter than a pistol.
And this was six months after the accident.
So we have known that Tokyo was jeopardized at the beginning of this accident since it was happening and really didn't do much to warn the citizens.
Wow, for those watching PrisonPlanet.tv, they just showed the footage of one of the explosions of one of the reactors.
Was that reactor number two that was being shown?
I don't know.
But it looks like a massive explosion.
There's been conjecture that perhaps it was a nuclear explosion.
I'm not sure.
What are your thoughts on that, Arnie?
Yeah, it was a prompt, moderated criticality.
Okay, you're going to have to break that down for us all.
Well, a bomb is to prompt fast criticality.
A nuclear reactor is usually never prompt.
Yeah, unfortunately.
This could take an hour, but I'll try to knock it out in 30 seconds.
Imagine all the power that would power the city of Tokyo for ten years being released in two seconds is kind of what you're getting at.
Well, that's what a bomb is, right?
If your listeners want to go up and watch this, you can see that we tested this 40 years ago in an experiment called Borax.
B-O-R-A-X, just like the 20 mules.
The borax experiments look almost exactly like the explosion at Fukushima Unit 3.
And those were prompt, moderated criticalities.
Okay, so it's not the same as a detonation of a nuclear warhead, obviously, but it's certainly a much faster release than was planned by the engineers who built the facility.
Now, one of the things I really respect about you, Arnie, is that you visited Japan, you took some soil samples, and I believe on your website, fairwinds.com, you even mentioned that in the United States, those soil samples, they are so contaminated with radiation that they would be considered, what was the term you used?
Oh, they'd be considered radioactive waste, and they'd have to be, you know, stored in a controlled facility, yeah.
So that soil, how far out from Fukushima did you sample that soil?
Well, you know, that's the point I was trying to make in the video.
Tokyo is, depending on where you are, 150 miles away from the accident.
And yet, I mean, these people were gardening in soil that was, in the States, would be considered radioactive waste.
I shot the video when I was at a meeting in Washington D.C.
and my point was Tokyo is the capital of Japan and within a hundred miles of Washington are a dozen nuclear reactors.
How would we feel if our capital was so contaminated?
That it should be considered nuclear waste.
I think the public reaction would be dramatic.
You know, we've got to shut these things down.
Whereas, because it's happened in the other guy's country, mainstream media has totally ignored it.
But you hit on something really crucial right there.
You said that the soils are so contaminated, and that was with cesium-137, correct?
Cesium-137 and 134.
That's how you know it came from Fukushima.
If it was just Cesium-137, it could be bomb, it could be Chernobyl, but when you see 134 and 137 together, that's the signature from Fukushima.
That's because every fuel source in the nuclear industry has a particular elemental signature or fingerprint, you might say, that can identify its source.
What's crucial about what you just said also is that if the soils are contaminated, cesium is very close to the mineral action of potassium in plants.
So I believe that when plants are grown, when food crops are grown in soil contaminated by cesium,
To the extent that those plants would normally uptake potassium, which is a common mineral in many, many crops, including potatoes, for example, they would uptake that cesium, which would go into the food, so that the people who grew their food on that land would then be eating radioactive food.
Cesium is exactly chemically alike potassium.
If you remember your high school chemistry, they're right above each other in the periodic chart.
So they're both muscle seekers.
And what we find with cesium poisoning is that, especially in kids that are growing, illnesses like something called Chernobyl heart, where the cesium builds up in a muscle that's rapidly growing, like an infant or a fetus's heart,
Thank you so much.
So this, yeah, this is an indiscriminate, obviously it can be used as a weapon by terrorists or even false flag attacks, which is another concern of many of the listeners here on the Alex Jones Show.
We had a report from Mike Bundrant, who's one of our contributing writers over at Natural News.
He was in Tokyo recently.
And he discovered that many families are eating this contaminated food because their parents or their other family members are living in a state of denial.
They've been told by the Japanese government that this is safe, so they're planting food on this contaminated soil, they're eating this radioactive food, and they are doing so knowing it's radioactive, but they're...
They can't go against their other family members because of the very powerful, you know, parental family structure often that you find in Japanese families.
And these middle-aged Japanese citizens, they're going to die of cancer from it.
You know, you're absolutely right.
It's a cultural problem there, and the government is playing on the cultural problem.
There's a ray of hope here because the women of Japan aren't buying it.
The men seem to be saying, well, my government told me it's safe, therefore it's safe.
Whereas the women, especially the young child-bearing age women, are just saying, you know, hell no, we won't glow, I guess is the old term.
That's a good one.
But the women in Japan are a significant majority in all of these marches that you see, which is unheard of for Japan.
I mean, the women... Arnie, sorry to interrupt you.
We've got to go to a break, but stay with us.
I want to ask you on the other side of this break about the 85 times Chernobyl radiation figure that's been floating around.
That and much more straight ahead here on the Alex Jones Show.
We'll be right back after this break.
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Fukushima threatens the continuation of life as we know it in the Northern Hemisphere.
It doesn't mean it's going to kill us all, but it does mean it could threaten the healthy continuation of life as we know it.
It could threaten crops.
It could threaten literally millions of acres of farming land across North America if a worst-case scenario happens.
And sadly, the worst-case scenario could be unleashed in many ways from another earthquake, another tsunami that hits the Fukushima facility.
This is an issue that affects North America, it affects Europe, it affects Russia, it affects China.
It's not just Japan that's affected by this, and that's why we're featuring this information here.
We've got Arnie Gunderson joining us from Fairwinds and he is...
One of the top nuclear experts and very outspoken, but also very considered in his information.
That's what I really respect about Arnie, that he is methodical in his research and he's very considered in his statements about Fukushima.
Before we bring him back in, very quickly, in the next hour we're going to be joined by Dr. Len Saputo to talk to us about some solutions for protecting our bodies from radiation in case that worst-case scenario happens.
And then also we've got Alex Jones calling in.
At the, um, well, what about half an hour from now?
Alex is going to call in and give us some comments on current events as well.
Now, back to Arne Gunderson from fairwinds.com.
Arne, before the break I asked you about this figure that's been floating around this 85 times, I guess there's been a calculation of the total amount of unspent fuel or partially spent fuel in the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear facility.
And that was calculated to be roughly 85 times the amount of energy released in the Chernobyl accident in I believe 1986.
Is that figure accurate or does it need to be fact-checked?
Yeah, I'm not sure where they got that.
I believe Fukushima is worse than Chernobyl, and I think I can prove that.
I think that that number may also include the possibility of the meltdown of the fuel in the fuel pools, which hasn't occurred yet.
So if you look at the three reactors that melted down,
Clearly, they released more noble gases, things like xenon and krypton, at least triple what Chernobyl released.
And they actually picked that up in Seattle.
This is separate from the hot particles in Seattle, but there was xenon and krypton picked up to the tune of 100,000 times normal in Seattle in March and April after the accident, published peer-reviewed stuff.
But so that's one kind of isotope, and that doesn't react with anything.
It pops right out of the fuel.
But the cesium and the iodine and things like that are probably roughly on the order, maybe twice as much as Fukushima.
You know, this is such a horrific accident, but it's hard to believe the Japanese were lucky.
But there's two things they were lucky about.
One is that
80% of the time the wind blew out to sea.
So most of this, 78% of this radiation wound up in the ocean.
That's not good for the fish and ultimately not good for us, but it's good for the people in Japan.
The other piece of it was it happened on a Friday.
And they had a thousand people at Daiichi and another thousand at Daini.
Had that not happened, if it happened on a weekend, DynE would have melted down as well.
There's four reactors there that would have melted down as well.
So, we could have had ten nuclear reactors melting down if this thing had happened on a Saturday.
Well, this gets back to the whole thing called Murphy's Law, and I'm really starting to question the ability of science to anticipate the long-term implications of its present-day actions.
I want to ask you about that, and how can science be made safer when we return on the other side of this break.
You are listening to the Alex Jones Show, an interview with Arne Gunderson about Fukushima and radiation.
And the next hour begins in just minutes, so stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome to the second hour of the Alex Jones Show.
Mike Adams filling in for Alex today, but he will be joining us in approximately 25 minutes with some announcements about Bilderberg.
So that's going to be interesting.
He's got some major announcements to make.
And between now and then, we continue to be joined by Arnie Gunderson, nuclear industry expert.
An outspoken scientist.
I don't know if outspoken is the right word.
Just somebody who's willing to tell the truth, you know, which is so rare today that it almost seems extraordinary.
But it is just someone willing to tell the truth.
He continues with us.
Arnie, are you still there?
Yeah, I'm still here.
Okay, great, great.
So in the last segment we talked about how the amount of radiation released from Fukushima has already vastly exceeded the amount released from Chernobyl and that catastrophic accident in Ukraine.
But what about the amount of energy contained in these partially spent fuel rods that could conceivably burn?
Is there any estimation of how much energy is in that fuel compared to Chernobyl?
Oh, that would be 20 times Chernobyl, I'm sure.
So suddenly that 85 doesn't look too unrealistic when you start looking at any single fuel pool.
You know, I said earlier, everybody's focused on Unit 4, and rightfully so, but Unit 3 had a more severe explosion, and it's likely structurally weakened even more than Unit 4.
And the Unit 3 pool has about half as much nuclear fuel as the Unit 4 pool.
So it's not clear to me that Unit 3 is a whole heck of a lot better.
What is the thinking behind this idea of whoever engineered these nuclear power plants, and I know U.S.
corporations, I think General Electric was part of the key designer, you can correct me if I'm wrong about that, but what is this idea of let's store nuclear fuel 30 meters above the ground in a pool?
Why not always store it at ground level or underground, even on site?
That's a great question.
I asked that question 40 years ago when I started my career.
At the time, they don't do that anymore.
It's just this Mark 1 reactor and a few Mark 2s that do that.
All the other boiling water reactors, the Mark 3s, and all the other pressurized water reactors do store it down low.
At the time this thing was designed, you've got to remember, this was designed in the mid-60s.
They were afraid that if they opened gates and the fuel pool was lower than a nuclear reactor, they could drain the nuclear reactor.
So if they put the pool on the same elevation as the reactor, that wouldn't happen.
So there was a logic behind it, but then they basically developed a better fuel transfer mechanism that that doesn't happen.
I see.
You know, you can get this fuel out of these pools.
The technology's there.
There's dry cask storage that's available, and there were dry casks at Fukushima.
They all survived the tsunami just fine.
In the U.S., we could take all of our fuel pools that are totally overcrowded and put them on the ground.
But the problem is the NRC is letting the utilities that own them get away with it because they don't want to spend the money.
Well, of course.
Isn't it always about saving money, even if they put the population at risk?
And that's the sad part about this, but if you get back to the 1960s when this was being designed, is this a Mark I facility or a Mark II?
This is a Mark I. Mark I.
Certainly, in the 1960s, the scientists at that time must have known that Japan, that whole region, was geologically extremely active.
That's not a big secret, even in the 1960s.
How could they, I'm not asking, I'm not accusing you, obviously you didn't put it there, but I'm asking you to try to help us understand what kind of weird thinking went on.
How could they even place a nuclear facility right on the coast where it would be hit by a tsunami?
Ten seconds and we gotta go to break.
And we'll answer it on the other side.
Okay, great.
Okay, sorry.
I didn't mean to set you up like that, Arnie.
My timing mistake there.
But we'll be back with an answer to that question and much more straight ahead on the Alex Jones Show.
This is Mike Adams filling in.
Stay with us.
A lot more straight ahead.
We'll be right back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Hope you're enjoying our conversation on this amazing Friday.
Amazing being how amazing is it what's happening in our world and the lack of a reasonable reaction to it.
We've got a Fukushima situation that quite literally threatens life as we know it in the Northern Hemisphere.
That doesn't mean it would instantly kill us all, but it could unleash radiation that could kill us slowly.
It's the big slow-kill situation.
It could contaminate our food supply for literally centuries if the worst case happens.
So we want to prevent that.
We want to solve this problem.
And just before the break, Arne Gunderson from fairwinds.com, who is
Probably, arguably, the most respected expert who's speaking out on this issue.
He said that we have the technology to remove the fuel from these precarious fuel pools and put them in a safer storage location.
So my question to you, Arnie, and thank you for your continued time with us here.
I know you're extremely busy and I really honor your time here on the show.
Why isn't the international community, and the U.S.
in particular, on all hands on deck, red alert, let's go over there and solve this problem immediately and eliminate this danger now?
My one word answer is money.
We didn't have to wait for Fukushima to know that a problem of this nature was looking over our shoulder.
There have been experts out there saying it for years, myself included.
There's this stuff called dry cast storage, where after the fuel is about 3 or 4 years old, it can be cooled in air, and so it gets put in these casts.
It's still hotter than a pistol from a radiation standpoint, but the physical heat is down.
They put them in these huge casts that weigh a hundred or more tons, and they set them on the ground.
And until we get a long-term storage solution, the best place is out of those pools and on the ground.
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is playing games with this, and they're saying, well, we need to consider all of the costs, as well as the benefit of getting it out of the pool.
But wait a minute, let me interrupt you there, and I apologize, Arnie, but
When they needed to bail out Goldman Sachs, they came up with the money.
They just created a trillion dollars out of nothing and they bailed out the banks.
So, how is it that banks, that saving the banks is more important than saving humanity, potentially?
I mean, does the NRC, does the U.S.
government not understand scale of dangers?
I don't get this.
Why are the banks more important than saving humanity?
No, I think you're absolutely right.
And the money's there.
It's not like, you know, for the banks we had to create the money, sort of, but there's a $27 billion fund for long-term storage.
Now that's set aside for looking for geological storage and things like that, but we could use that fund.
So we have been putting in a tenth of a penny
We're good to go.
What kind of time frame?
If the money were made available today, let's say if the Federal Reserve actually wanted to solve this problem, and they went into their little computer, and they typed in some digits and created another trillion dollars, like they did every time they wanted to bail out Wall Street, if that money were available, what are we talking in terms of total cleanup?
Like, ten weeks?
Six months?
What do you think it is?
You just have to fabricate the containers.
It would probably take a year or two to fabricate enough containers.
So, you know, certainly within three years it's solvable.
And it doesn't even take an act of Congress or the Federal Reserve.
It just takes the Nuclear Regulatory Commission saying, do it.
But even, okay, if you say two or three years to create these containers, but in that time frame then, between now and the time that this is solved,
An earthquake, you said a 7 or a 7.5 magnitude earthquake with an epicenter near Fukushima could bring this pool down before the problem is solved and thereby unleash this massive amount of radiation.
It seems like we are at risk for this time period and the government, the NRC hasn't even announced that it's going to take these steps to solve it.
So we could be facing this risk for a decade, couldn't we?
Well, yeah, there's two questions there.
One, what I was talking about is, in the U.S., we could solve this in three years and just pray there's no earthquake.
You know, in Fukushima, I was on Chris Martinson a year ago, and I explained how you could solve this problem, which was to build a building outside the building to lift the nuclear fuel out.
And just last week, Tokyo Electric said, you know, we're going to build a building around the building.
They are taking way too long to solve this problem because of exactly the concerns that, you know, another earthquake could come.
So it seems like we are being smothered by red tape here.
It's like humanity is hanging on the edge of a cliff by our fingernails, figuratively speaking.
This radiation of release could happen at any moment if Mother Nature, if an earthquake
Take care.
Well, I think it's death by the nuclear industry deeply infused into government here.
The Japanese have a great word for it.
When people working for the regulator go to work at a high level and well-paying jobs at the utility, they call it ascent into heaven.
This is coziness and it's with the the IAEA who I've seen papers say that they're a watchdog.
In fact, Article 2 of their Charter says their goal is to promote nuclear power.
So the industry and the government are essentially one no matter where you go.
The Prime Minister of Japan
Now, was the finance minister during the accident, and one of his emails surfaced about a month ago, and it said, it was from three weeks after the accident, and he said, whatever you do, do not affect TEPCO.
So, you know, they've been more interested in protecting TEPCO and their own bureaucratic butts than they have been about protecting the people of Japan.
Well, what's new?
What government body or department doesn't want to cover its own butt?
Or, hey, in the case of the ATF or the DEA in America, they actually create problems so they get bigger budgets and become more powerful.
The CDC did that.
The FBI does that, running these false terror events, but that's a different topic.
Let me ask you this.
I noticed that the general public has a very poor understanding of what I would call relative risk.
I was trained as, in a scientific way, as an engineer, very strong background in mathematics, and I often think about the relative risk of events.
A lot of people are concerned about, let's say, Yellowstone exploding.
Well that happens once every 600,000 years.
Or they're concerned about a comet or an asteroid hitting the planet.
That's possible, but in terms of relative risk,
The Fukushima event is here now.
It is orders of magnitude more likely than many of these other concerns that tend to dominate people's psychological focus.
Can you speak to this issue of relative risk and having an appropriate perception of what risks really exist?
Yeah, I have a saying, sooner or later in any foolproof system, the fools are going to exceed the proofs.
I think that we fooled ourselves at Fukushima, we as the world, and essentially this concept is for any reactor, but let's look at Fukushima.
You know, we knew we could build a power plant that could withstand a Richter 7 and a 3-meter, a 9-foot tsunami, so that's what we built.
And we fooled ourselves into thinking that that's what Mother Nature was going to give us, a 7-Richter, 3-foot, 3-meter tsunami.
The economics to build a plant to withstand a Richter 8 or a 60-foot tsunami would have made it so you wouldn't have built that nuclear
No I'm
I'm just laughing, keep going, because they're so wrong.
Mother Nature always gives you, it hands you something that's completely unanticipated.
In fact, you cannot even imagine, the human mind, even a brilliant nuclear engineer, nuclear physicist, cannot accurately anticipate the unexpected nature of Mother Nature.
You know, my journey has been from, you know, pro-nuclear, senior vice president, and then I got to the point when I blew the whistle and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission took bribes and deliberately botched the inspection.
I still believed in the technology, but I didn't believe in government.
And now, the Fukushima accident has pushed me over, and I'm at a point where, just like what you said, I don't believe that mankind can build something strong enough that Mother Nature can't knock it down.
And, considering the consequences, you know, it's not just the risk.
If it was one person getting knocked over by a tsunami, that's one thing, but the risk of this, and the consequences.
Yeah, yeah, there has to be risk versus consequences, because that's the other side of the equation.
Yeah, you know, Gorbachev said that in his memoir, so this is a smart guy, he's been around a while, he said that it wasn't Perestroika that ruined the Soviet Union, it was Chernobyl.
I think we're seeing the same thing here with Fukushima.
This is going to be a half a trillion or more dollars, and that works out to be about
$4,000 for every man, woman, and child in Japan.
And it's going to bring that country to its knees.
Do we want a technology that can be perfect for 40 years and then have one bad day and wipe you out?
Very good question, Arne Gunderson.
We're almost out of time.
I want to encourage people to visit your website, fairwinds.com.
And Arne, any final thoughts you want to add in the next 30 seconds?
As we round this up.
Just real quick.
You know, we've been told that nuclear is safe and we can store the nuclear waste for a quarter of a million years.
But those same people are saying we can't use solar because we can't store the solar electricity overnight.
And that doesn't make sense to me.
If we can develop a technology to store nuclear waste for a quarter of a million years, we can certainly develop batteries or something to store the sun overnight.
Well said.
Arnie Gunderson from fairwinds.com.
Thank you, Arnie, for joining me today.
A real honor to have you on.
I enjoyed the conversation with you immensely.
On the other side of this break, Alex Jones joins us.
Thank you again, Arnie.
Alright, stay with us, folks.
We'll be right back.
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I think so.
I think so.
You look like an angel.
Walk like an angel.
Yeah, the Fukushima situation is precarious and only the most obscene denialists would look the other way or stick their heads in the ground over this issue.
It's serious and joining us in the next few minutes is going to be Dr. Len Saputo to give us some solutions just in case a massive radiation release heads over to North America.
But until then, as promised,
We're going to be turning over control of this InfoWars battleship to the commander, Alex Jones, who joins us by phone with some special announcements.
Alex, how are you doing today?
Oh, Mike, you're so great.
Thank you for sitting in on the show here.
I just realized yesterday that the end of this month is creeping up on us very, very fast.
It's racing towards us.
And so over the weekend and then on Monday up at InfoWars.com,
We're going to have some breakdowns on what's coming up with Bilderberg this year.
I mean, these are the people running our military, openly growing the opium in Afghanistan.
Think about that.
Public view.
These are the people, worldwide, installing continuity within the TSA, groping, with Geraldo Rivera now saying he was raped by the TSA.
That's what this is, legally.
Who's the big announcement?
A lot of folks know Jim's getting old, and he's kind of passed the baton over to Mr. Anderson over at American Free Press, doing a great job.
I, in the last two years, was contacted by somebody inside Bilderberg.
I'll just leave it at that.
I won't say if it's a member or one of their assistant secretaries.
I'm not going to say.
I then got another source earlier, well, last week, and folks noticed I was able to call and do the name of the conference, Palm Tree Conference, that Build-A-Bear is booked under.
So right now, Build-A-Bear is 100% at the Westfield Marriott.
I was talking to a national journalist last week, and they're like, is it really going to be there?
And I said, yeah, I mean, they're booked.
There's a slight chance.
I think they've only done this once before.
They could know that a big crowd's coming to protest them and move it somewhere, but that's probably not going to happen.
And I'll know by actually today.
I've got to make some phone calls.
But today and tomorrow is when the Goldenberg Group people all officially fill the slot.
They've had the invitation, the code word, and then they have to call and get booked under the Palm Tree Group at the hotel in Virginia.
It is shut down for those days.
The 31st of May through the 3rd of June.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
A pretty big victory.
A lot of boffins died to bring us this information to quote Star Wars.
To quote, we've got the plans, now we've got to rally everyone.
Yes, be there.
I want to see thousands of people.
If we could get Europeans, over 500 at one time, to show up in the middle of nowhere in St.
Moritz, and they even tried to block the trains to go into the area for any activists or foreigners.
Then we should be able to get a few thousand people peacefully to demand media coverage and make the corporate whore media call for it.
Because remember, all these decades it didn't exist, we were crazy.
Now they have to admit it, but they don't want to cover it.
Yeah, and Alex, I'm glad you mentioned peacefully in terms of the protests, because that's crucial to send that message out to those who are going to be there joining you in the protests.
Are you expecting instigators to come in and try to cause problems to be blamed on you?
We're good to go.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We're back on the Alex Jones Show on this Friday, May 11th.
Thank you for joining us.
A lot of hard-hitting issues straight ahead, and we continue to be joined by Alex Jones himself via phone with his continued announcements about the Bilderbergs.
Go ahead, Alex.
We're good to go.
I'll make an article out on InfoWars.com, but definitely this weekend I'm going to call and work on it with Watson to just have some basic rally times and points so we can all rally at one point and then also, you know, protest and do live coverage pretty much continually through the day and the night there from the 31st through the 3rd.
And again, they're going to arrive that Thursday afternoon.
The hotel will be shut down that morning.
And then they start meeting Friday and Saturday, then they play golf on Sunday and leave.
That's another issue.
We know which golf course nearby they go to.
So there's just a lot of things.
We're going to be there covering it.
And four years ago there, of course, Obama and Hillary were meeting in secret.
It was the number one story in the country.
Where have they disappeared to for a day?
We were there.
We knew they were there.
Secret Service was there, getting in our face, pointing guns at us, you know, driving by in their motorcades, showing us their
I'm just a free man who wants my freedom.
We'd be at the hotel, you know, while Goldberg was going on at our hotel at night, just eating a hamburger in the bar.
And they'd have big FBI guys, you know, come and sit down on each side of us and say, hey, let's attack something.
I'm just like, come on, guys.
I mean, what are you, Secret Service?
What are you, FBI?
And then later we learned they were assigned Diplomatic Security Corps, assigned to the State Department, and they had plainclothes Marines out there.
All of this, like, we're bad as Americans when a bunch of criminals are meeting in there and aren't supposed to exist.
We're here covering the real issue.
They might provocateur something.
They might stage something, they might do something, but I seriously doubt it because they don't want to draw attention to this real meeting.
G20s and things like that are about global standardization of the exact same police states, snatch and grabs, no First Amendment, no free speech, Soviet system comes to America, comes to Canada, comes to Australia, wherever they have these meetings.
Global standardization.
They do not want that at these meetings, and again,
Everybody needs to be there.
If you can take off work in the morning, Thursday, and some still arrive late on Friday, they'll be arriving all day.
That's always a great time to cover all the entrances so that we can get more videos from criminals like Osama Bin Bernanke and others arriving.
But undoubtedly we need some big rally point, and I'm thinking that should be something
That's a good question.
Occupy Bilderberg
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
They advertise NATO, they advertise RNC, DNC, you go there and the cops are all waiting for you, they build a club, you know, they shout at you, they're there to treat everybody like slaves, teach everybody there's no freedom in America.
Same thing in Europe.
But they don't do that at these, because they don't want the media attention.
The police, quite frankly, will be there with red carpets and be asking you if you need to eliminate.
Not quite, but they have been told in Canada, once you actually get through the court, and they've been told in Virginia, do not arrest anybody.
So again, I think the safety level is very high, but we need a lot of media monitors, cameras on at all times, to cover whatever happens.
If the feds try to provocateur some stuff, they did do one little thing as a test four years ago when I was in Virginia.
We are going to be on them, exposing their criminal false flags, because their garbage doesn't work anymore.
But these are the criminals, these are the enemies of America, this is one of the most important contrabs, and it's rising
We're good.
All right, thank you, Alex.
Outstanding information.
Sounds like it's going to be not just a powerful rally, but actually just a great time to meet other like-minded people out there at this peaceful rally that Alex Jones is calling for.
Once again, check InfoWars.com for the details about the rally points and the rally times.
I don't
Come in and help coordinate during that time.
If you've got reporters on the road and you need someone to fill in locally, to fill in the gaps in the reports, let me know.
This is about all of us working together for this right here, liberty.
I've got the symbol of liberty on our desk here if you're watching on PrisonPlanet.TV.
Now, moving on.
Yeah, there it is.
Nice little statue out there.
I tried to find one made in America, and that was a challenge.
So I'm looking for an American-made statuette that I can put on this desk and bring it with me.
So if anybody has got one, I'd be happy to buy it from you.
Please, I'd like an American artist to have a statuette here of the American eagle and the flags and the freedom and everything.
That's what I'm really looking for.
I'm willing to pay for it, willing to buy it, so let me know.
You can send that to ShowTipsAtInfoWars.com.
Now, we're moving on to our next guest, Dr. Len Saputo, and his website is DrSaputo.com, and he joins us to talk about the solutions for what happens if the Fukushima radiation is unleashed in the ways that we talked about during our interview with Arne Gunderson.
North America, in fact the entire northern hemisphere, could be just drastically affected in a hugely negative way.
Dr. Saputo, thank you for joining me today with some solutions.
It's great to have you on.
Thank you, Mike.
It's always a pleasure being on your show.
I really enjoyed listening to Arnie Gunderson talk about the magnitude of the problem.
Yeah, he really laid it out for us, didn't he?
This is not a small deal.
This is a globally impacting event.
We are on the edge of a cliff as a race, as human civilization, hanging on by our fingernails, as I said.
This thing could go terribly wrong
If that happens, we're going to see a massive amount of radiation released, much of it falling onto North America.
That's going to put people in a situation where they need protection from radiation.
Many people don't realize there are lots of things they can do.
What would you like to start with, Dr. Saputo?
Well, first of all, talk about how little radiation it takes to cause problems.
I mean, we're looking at a massive amount of radiation.
We don't know the amount that's going to come across this country.
But there are a lot of things we can do to prepare that are really safe and easy to do.
I mean, there are things like diet and supplements, exercise.
We forget about the value of lifestyle measures.
You're trying to really fight here against the effects of the ionizing radiation which cause a lot of free radical damage which is what destroys our tissue and what causes the problem for radiation.
Now we can combat that by building up our own antioxidant levels and we can do that endogenously meaning inside of our body with our own defenses by doing a lot of exercise and that's not a small thing.
If we do hard exercise, we build a lot of free radicals in our body and our body adapts to it beautifully.
That's what happens when we get into shape.
But there are also a lot of foods we can use and a lot of supplements that I think are outstanding.
Can you name some of the best foods and some of the best supplements that you know of?
Yeah, absolutely.
We've got foods that are rich in sulfur, like garlic and onions, ginger, the brassica vegetables are out there, eggs are very good, and these all make glutathione, which is the most important intracellular antioxidant we have in our body.
And then there are foods that are rich in ECGC, you know, the green and white teas.
If you juice, that's probably the best way to get the most nutrient-dense food that's on the planet.
And that'll do a lot to build up your antioxidants, particularly if you add berries to that.
And then we look at things like the fermented foods that are rich in probiotics, you know, those friendly bacteria.
It's an interesting study on this Dunmike that shows that if you have the right probiotics, the right microflora in the intestinal tract, that it actually protects against radiation damage.
That was a shock to me when I saw that, but indeed it's published in the mainstream medicine.
Yeah, well you're absolutely right.
I want to comment on that.
You know, radiation damages you by, when the ionizing radiation strikes your DNA, it can knock out a piece of the code, of the DNA code, that then causes your cells to replicate in a cancerous type of way.
But there are nutritional and biological mechanisms that the human body has built in, in its blueprint, to repair DNA.
Exactly, exactly.
And then there are a whole bunch of supplements, you know, that are wonderful, that in concert can do a lot.
It's always better to do the things that you can to build up your own defenses.
But when you're looking at massive amounts of radiation, I mean, if it's enough, you can forget it, because there's not going to be much of anything you can do.
But you can add some things that will make a difference.
Things like vitamin A, maybe 5,000 IUs a day, and a little beta carotene of 25,000 IUs a day.
And vitamin E and vitamin D, another one that is really important, maybe up to 10,000 units a day.
Oh yeah.
They've done some studies on rats where they poisoned them with radiation poisoning, enough to kill them.
And when they gave them just a couple of grams of vitamin C, only about half of the rats died.
So if we took ourselves to what's called bowel tolerance with vitamin C, that would be a tremendously potent way to protect against the effects of radiation.
And that might be something like 10,000 milligrams a day.
I mean, a big, large dose of vitamin C, which is perfectly safe.
It's a water-soluble vitamin.
All it's going to do is perhaps give you a little bit of loose stools if you overdo it, but there's no real harm from mega-dosing.
There's a whole protocol on my website that takes you to what's called bowel tolerance.
And some people can take as much as 40 or 50 thousand units a day.
And if you're going to be exposed to radiation, and you were exposed to it, then your ability to tolerate the vitamin C would even go up.
It's called tolerance to vitamin C. So, taking the bowel tolerance is really an important thing to do.
And it's an amazingly potent anti-radiation protective mechanism.
Alright, now I think it's important what you just said, and I want to encourage people to visit your website, drsaputo.com, just like it sounds, s-a-p-u-t-o dot com, drsaputo.com.
You've got some protocols described there.
You said that, essentially, something very important, you can't just take some vitamins, chug some juice, and then go walk through Chernobyl and expect to survive.
It's not, this is not a bulletproof nutritional suit.
You've got to build up this nutrition over time, right?
That's why lifestyle is so important, and why fitness is so important, and what you eat is so important.
Getting enough sleep is important.
All the things that are in our usual lifestyle are important to do the right way.
I mean, if we did that, it wouldn't just be protection against radiation.
It'd be protection against almost every chronic disease there is.
That's right.
Heart disease, cancer, diabetes.
We also have some other direct, first-hand observations on nutrition versus radiation because I know lots of people who have family members or friends who have gone into radiotherapy for cancer, you know, radiation treatments for cancer.
And if you look at what kinds of nutritional protocols they follow before they go into that, you've got two groups.
You've got the junk food group
That normally do terribly and they suffer all kinds of terrible side effects from the radiation.
And then you've got the holistic nutrition group that normally recovers and goes on to live a long life.
They do a lot better, particularly if you're on an alkaline diet, and you're adding some of the supplements we're talking about.
Actually, there's some others that I want to mention that I think are really powerful.
Things like resveratrol.
I mean, that's actually been tested in mice who've been poisoned with radiation.
And the ones that are on about 500 mg, or the equivalent dose that we would take of about 500 mg a day, do really well.
And things like L-glutamine, another really important nutrient to take because, see, the damage from acute radiation poisoning comes from two sources.
And these are all cells that turn over fast, rapidly.
And those are in the gut, and that's what really kills most people.
And if it's acute enough, it just wipes out the cells because they only have a three-day turnover there.
So when you're getting poisoned by radiation, if you throw in some L-glutamine, which is a major metabolic fuel of the gut, and a few other nutrients that the gut likes, it's got a much better chance of surviving.
Same thing with probiotics, like I was mentioning before.
So all these things, when they're taken together in concert, maybe throw a little quercetin in there as well, a great anti-inflammatory bioflavonoid that protects against inflammation.
You can do a lot to protect yourself!
Yeah, go ahead.
I want to mention a couple, I went back to the InfoWars store actually before the show here to grab a couple supplements that I'm personally familiar with that are also well known to help protect against radiation.
I just want to mention those.
The first is called ThyroSafe.
This is just your standard potassium iodide tablets.
KI, that's, you know, protect your thyroid.
That's well known.
But the other one that's not so well known that I've actually covered, I actually interviewed the founder of this company in 2008.
And the company, the product is called Modifilin.
It is a brown seaweed extract.
This is an extraordinary nutritional product.
It has been used in other, not necessarily in this brand name, but the actual seaweed itself, the brown seaweed, was used following the nuclear attacks, the atomic bomb attacks of World War II.
It was used following Chernobyl.
And I don't have any financial ties to this company, by the way.
I just know this to be very, very useful for protecting against radiation, and that is available at the InfoWars store, by the way.
And in fact, you can read my interview with the founder of that company.
Just go to naturalnews.com and search for Modiphilan, M-O-D-I-F-I-L-A-N, or search for brown seaweed extract.
You can read that interview.
So I just want to add that in, Dr. Saputo, because there's so many great supplements available for protecting yourself.
You're not totally helpless.
You know, all this can be kind of overwhelming because we're really giving out a ton of information here.
I've got it all outlined on my site.
If you go to DrSabuto.com on the home page, you have a section there where it talks about all the things we've talked about on the show and all the supplements and foods that we've reviewed.
Yeah, thank you.
That's very useful information.
We're going to talk about more solutions as we continue here on the Alex Jones Show.
So stay with us.
We'll be right back in just a couple of minutes with more solutions for radiation protection all across the world.
Stay with us.
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There's so many, it's almost hard to know where to begin some days, but we were just talking about supplements.
We've got Dr. Len Saputo on the line with us with some solutions of what can we do if the Fukushima
Reactor goes into another burnout situation that was just described to us by Arnie Gunderson, where it actually bursts into flames.
The spent fuel rods or partially spent fuel rods burst into flames and release masses of radiation.
And even he said, you know, this is way, way worse than Chernobyl in terms of the amount of radiation that would be released in the cesium-137 and 134 isotopes, both that would head into North America.
And then I was just thinking during the break that if that happened, we would have maybe a 10-day window between the actual fire event in Fukushima and the arrival of the cesium on the land, on North America.
So in that 10-day window, you know what's going to happen?
Everybody and their brother is going to rush out and buy health foods.
And everybody's going to buy this stuff, thyrosafe, potassium iodide.
Remember, you couldn't get, you could not get this last year during the actual, following the Fukushima meltdown situation.
You could not get this.
This box, I don't know what this costs, it's probably a few bucks.
Some people were selling this on eBay for $600 a box.
So if you don't have KI or potassium iodide in your emergency medical kit right now, this is the time to get it.
Because you can get it.
Because nobody's paying attention.
It's the only time to get it.
Because once it goes up with Fukushima, this is gone.
This will sell out, believe me, here on InfoWars, this will be gone in 24 hours.
Absolutely gone.
And Alex will be on the show telling you it's gone.
You should have got it six months ago when you could, when it was cheap.
And we had the same situation over at Natural News.
We couldn't get any more.
It was sold out.
But getting back to Dr. Len Saputo.
Thank you again for joining me, Dr. Saputo.
Always great to have you on.
Let's talk about the junk food diet of the typical American consumer.
Isn't that diet making them more susceptible to radiation damage?
We talked about the nutrition side.
What about the anti-nutrition side?
Well, there's no question.
Look at your cells as a microscopic industrial plant.
And their job is to make product.
All the things that we need to make our cells function to keep us healthy.
And if all of our cells are healthy, you can't be sick.
But if you don't put the raw materials into that microscopic industrial plant, it can't make products out of thin air.
So if you're taking junk food in that has empty calories or has things that are harmful to your health, then the bottom line is going to be that you're not going to be able to respond when there's any kind of need for the products that your cells are supposed to make to keep you healthy.
So it's pretty straightforward.
I think one of the things we forget about is that we need to be prepared now for what will be happening in the future.
So your point is well taken there.
We need to be doing the things like buying the thyroid
SSKI substance today.
We need to be living a healthy lifestyle today.
You need to build up your antioxidant levels.
You need to do all the things that you can do to make your body stronger so that you can fight against the radiation when it comes across.
That's absolutely right, Dr. Sabud.
I'll show this on camera once again.
This is my famous jar of superfood.
I always have one here at the studio.
This is absolutely loaded with nutrition.
And you can't just take this thyrosafe potassium iodide.
You can't just eat a junk food diet and take this and think now you're safe.
It's not enough.
You've got to have a healthy nutritional diet.
You've got to follow what Aaron Dykes is doing and what Alex is doing with the nutrition, with the mineralization if you want to be safe from radiation.
And that's got to start right now.
Dr. Saputo, sorry to be interrupting you so much, but stay with us.
We'll continue with you on the other side.
I get passionate about this stuff.
We'll be right back.
More here on the Alex Jones Show.
Stay with us.
A lot more straight ahead.
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Waging war on corruption.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back, my friends, as we continue here on the Alex Jones Show.
Mike Adams, the health ranger, filling in for Alex today, broadcasting worldwide from FEMA Region 6 of Occupied America, Banker Occupied America.
We are talking about...
You know how you really beat the globalists?
Is you get yourself healthy so that you don't become a victim of the Fukushima radiation that now threatens us all and could be released at any time.
The winds would blow it all across North America within 10 days.
They would hit Alaska in as little as five days.
This is a very serious threat to us.
In fact, if you want to beat the globalists, just stop eating their junk food.
Stop eating their chemicals.
Get healthy so that you can not be a victim of the medical industry and the psychiatric drug industry and have to use antibiotics or get superbugs in the hospitals.
You can achieve victory, you can be a patriot, you can be a leader in your life by turning to nutrition.
I want to show you some of the nutritional products.
They got a shot right here of, uh, this is what Alex and Aaron are drinking, tangy tangerine.
This is, this is what I drink right here.
People ask me, what is that stuff?
That's actually living fuel, is what that is.
That's at livingfuel.com.
The Mahdi Fi Land, here on top of the tangy tangerine, you guys can pan up, perhaps, and get, there you go.
Uh, that is at the Infowars store, the brown seaweed extract.
Uh, we went out and bought this at H-E-B, just some fresh juice right there.
Some fresh juice!
Yeah, in fact, what is that juice?
It's a veggie juice.
It's a combination of carrots, celery, beets, and tomatoes.
Beets protect you big time.
And all the minerals and all these supplements, all these products, these are highly protective of the human body.
These keep you safe.
Dr. Saputo, your comments on nutritional victory in America.
Well, see, Mike, you're doing a great job here that no one else is much doing.
On Natural News and, of course, on this show, you're spreading information that the American public needs to know, and it's not being popularized.
The press is hiding a lot of this stuff.
I don't know if they want us to be sick or what, but I think a lot of it has to do with just the money that's in the industry that gives us fast foods and foods that are nutritionally deficient.
So I just I want to thank you so much for what you're doing here because it's the education that makes the change possible.
You know how we spend our money has a big effect on what business are going to come and be popular because money talks.
So we have a tremendous amount of power, just in the way we spend our dollars.
And I think the nutrition that we're eating in this country, in the standard American diet, is exactly that.
It's S-A-D for SAD.
When the USDA did studies on tens of thousands of people, and looked at the malnutrition in this country, even though we're overweight, it's stunning.
Because we get calories, but no nutrition.
This is what's so cool about the N4Wars team.
They are into nutrition.
Alex Jones gets it.
One of their key sponsors was EnerFood, or continues to be EnerFood.
Can we get a canister of EnerFood out here just to show that?
Alex is on tangy tangerine, and Aaron Dykes had a massive, incredible weight loss and health recovery on that product, which is high in minerals.
I practice nutrition.
You know, a lot of InfoWars listeners don't realize I used to be borderline obese, borderline diabetic, type 2.
I was hypoglycemic.
I suffered from chronic pain.
Dr. Saputo, you went through your own health crisis.
You got healthy with nutrition.
Tell us about that.
I almost died about eight months ago.
I was having a hip replaced.
You know, I'm a tennis player and I couldn't walk anymore.
So I had it replaced with a hip resurfacing and unfortunately trusted that everything that the doctors were doing was safe and of course it turned out not to be because I got poisoned by the cobalt that's in the hip replacement.
And that led to my just being as sick as I've ever seen anybody.
And I did my last will.
I made peace with God.
And I thought I was done.
And I couldn't get my doctors to understand what was going on because this was such a new concept.
And so what we did is finally convince somebody to put in a new hip, which made all the difference in the world about stopping the cobalt poisoning.
So, I'm doing well now, and a lot of it has been about eating the right foods, exercising intelligently, getting the right amount of sleep, all the lifestyles.
All right, well said.
Stay with us, Dr. Zaputo.
More on the other side of this break.
Stay with us on the Alex Jones Show.
We'll be right back.
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Because there's a war on for your mind.
Yeah, there is a war on for your mind, but you can be a victor in that war.
And we have been talking about how to achieve victory in the war on your nutrition and on your body, and also how to protect yourself from radiation that could be headed our way if things go wrong in Fukushima.
I want to make this point, and we continue to be joined by Dr. Len Saputo, who is a holistic nutritionist and healing doctor who's given us a lot of great information, and he's going to continue with us.
If you want to foul up the globalist plans, stop buying globalist food.
Stop buying globalist chemicals.
Obviously you know about Monsanto, but did you know that the second largest GMO seed company in America is DuPont?
How many DuPont products are you buying?
Did you know that Tyson Chicken is really a big corporate factory farm?
Are you still buying Tyson Chicken?
Have you looked at the campaign contributions of Tyson Chicken and who they donate to?
Ever looked at that?
If you buy aspartame, if you buy GMOs, if you buy factory meat, not the free-range stuff, the good stuff, but the factory meat, these factory-produced foods, you are supporting globalist corporations, you're supporting the globalist agenda.
So one of the most powerful ways to fight back is to deny revenues to those companies, and at the same time, by shifting what you buy.
In terms of your diet and your health, you'll be protecting your body and your family from radiation, and from cancer, and from heart disease, and from degenerative Alzheimer's disease, from all these disorders.
You win against the globalists and you save your life at the same time by turning to nutrition.
It's that powerful.
Dr. Saputo, your thoughts on this subject.
Go ahead.
Well, you know, we take a lot of these things for granted and we forget about how much power we have.
The power of our dollar and how we spend our money is fantastic.
And there's a lot that we can do to change what manufacturers are going to sell.
They only produce products that they think that you'll be silly enough to buy if they're not any good.
But if you're smart and you're listening to what Mike is telling us here, there's a lot we can do.
I mean, even the business about water, you know?
I was listening to a commercial and they were talking about a water filtration system.
How important would that be if there's a nuclear disaster?
It'd be tremendous, because it filters out the cesium, okay, that's in particulate form, so that you wouldn't have that in the water you're drinking.
And that's, of course, one of the commonest ways that we get poisoned by the radiation, that's fallout.
That's right.
So you're right.
What a good point.
Well, and part of me wonders, too, if the feet-dragging on the part of the U.S.
government and the NRC, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, which could solve this problem.
They've got the funds, as Arne Gunderson told us in the last hour.
They could solve this problem in Japan.
Why aren't they doing so?
Maybe they want
A nuclear catastrophe in America.
Maybe they want the population poisoned.
I mean, look at the vaccines.
Look at the fluoride.
Look at the GMOs and the collusion between the Obama administration, the USDA, and Monsanto.
Look at that.
It's like they are literally trying to kill Americans.
They probably welcome
Fukushima, going into another dirty bomb outburst, another plume of radioactivity.
They probably welcome mass death across America.
And the only way that you can protect yourself from that death agenda, which is part of Agenda 21, let's just be honest about it, is to get healthy and make your body immune to the, not immune, but better protected against those things.
Go ahead.
You're so right.
If you take all those factors into consideration, it becomes obvious that there's a pattern that's forming here.
There's a picture that's being painted.
There's a puzzle that's being put together.
And you're seeing all these things that are not good for us.
And you'd like to think it's just about economics.
And some of it certainly is, because America is an economy.
It's not a democracy anymore.
It's corporate America that's running Congress.
You're all right about that.
So, what do you do?
You have to take responsibility yourself, like you're saying, and make the right choices.
So, I'm on board with you there, Mike.
Hey, are you willing to share your age with people because you look healthy, you sound healthy.
I know how old you are because you told me the other day.
I think people would be surprised.
You want to go public with that?
You bet.
I'm 72 years young and I'm still playing competitive tennis.
You know, you 50-year-olds that aren't tournament players, you better watch out.
It really is
It's good to be healthy and to be vibrant and to get engaged in something that keeps you having a purpose in your life.
If you do all those things, you're not going to get old.
Your mind's going to stay young.
Your body's going to stay young.
I love life and all the things that we're doing in our life here is so busy.
It's more than when I was 20 years old.
But it's great.
Well, wow.
You deserve a lot of credit for that.
Let's shift gears here, though, and talk about the CDC and the researching of bioweapons and even what I call weaponized vaccines.
I don't know if you agree with that term.
What do you think about the CDC, the Centers for Disease Contradiction?
Well, you're right.
I mean, we should just get rid of it.
It's like the FDA.
When they stop serving the people and they're serving private interest and there's conflict of interest all over the place, you have to get rid of it.
Except that's not what's happening.
In fact, it's not happening in a lot of areas where that needs to happen in this country.
I mean, in my view, we should be voting out all the incumbents because we can't trust them.
I mean, I would start over from scratch.
And I don't know how much of it's just a conspiracy, but a lot of it is pointing that way big time.
But we have to wake up as individual people and start taking responsibility ourselves for some of the things we're seeing.
No, the CDC is a disgrace to humanity.
I mean, look at Julie Gibralty.
We mentioned that on your show last time.
Mrs. Gerber-Ding?
Dr. Gebharding is working now for who?
And what does she do?
She runs their vaccine department.
Probably making a ton of money.
Because she did all the things she did to support the dumb ass swine flu.
Talk about a scam!
Let's be clear about this.
Dr. Gerberding was the head of the CDC.
She hyped up the scare story of the false pandemic of the swine flu and then she was rewarded with a top position in the multinational firm Merck running their international vaccine division.
Yeah, business is business, Mike, right?
Well, of course it is!
The CDC exists today to just scare everybody into thinking they have these diseases.
Like, we covered the whooping cough earlier.
There's another outbreak of whooping cough.
They don't tell you that it's the kids that got vaccinated that have the outbreak.
Those are the ones more vulnerable to whooping cough.
Well, it makes you wonder who they're serving, because it certainly isn't the American public.
I mean, there's so much money and conflict of interest involved here, and there's a conspiracy stuff too, you know?
We don't like to think in terms of conspiracies, particularly as doctors, we don't.
But it's kind of hard to ignore it, when you see all these things happening, that are painting this picture, this puzzle.
That we're seeing.
It's frightening.
Well, the, the, you know, conspiracy in some people's mind, that's a, that's a dirty word for some reason.
Like, what, two people never got together in a room and planned something?
That's a conspiracy.
That's, that's, that's called a meeting of the board at every major corporation in America.
It's always a conspiracy.
Are you kidding me?
It's global.
And you look at some of the bigger organizations, you know, Alex was talking about the Bilderberg stuff.
Holy smoke!
I mean, we don't, we plug up our ears and close our eyes and say, this is America, that can't be happening.
But guess what, folks?
This stuff is out there and it's happening.
We're just, we're asleep at the wheel.
Okay, let's talk about false flag attacks possibly using bioweapons.
I want your professional expert opinion on this.
The conjecture on this has been that in terms of the next false flag attack, it's got to be big, bigger than 9-11, bigger than Oklahoma City.
It's got to be huge in order for them to grab more power.
Some people speculate it might be a dirty bomb nuclear type of event.
Other people speculate it might be a bioweapons release.
My question to you, Dr. Saputo, is do you believe that there is bioweapons research taking place in America today that could be used, either in good hands or bad hands, against the American people to drastically reduce the population?
Well, we know that's happening.
That's no secret.
I mean, they're perfecting all kinds of biological weapons that can be used that cause disease.
And it's like they're doing it anyway.
It's like making a pandemic virus like they did in 1918 and replicating that.
Or making it even worse, to use as bio-warfare.
Of course that could be a problem.
And it shouldn't even be...
If people think that way, what are they thinking?
I mean, it's like... They're anti-humanists.
They are death merchants.
They are straight from hell, if you don't mind me using that term.
I mean, yeah, they worship death.
Well, I'm beginning to think that.
You know, I guess I've had kind of a comfortable life not thinking too much about that because I've just been involved in my work and in my sport and in my family.
And I don't like to think about things like that, but it gets to a point where you see enough of it.
You have to be silly.
You have to ignore it.
You have to almost close your eyes and ears because it's all over the place around us.
And if you don't put the pieces of the puzzle together, you're just being silly.
Look at that.
Well, that's exactly what we're doing right here.
We're putting the pieces of the puzzle together.
That's why I appreciate you joining us.
But yeah, a lot of people do live in total denial.
Denial is the worst epidemic in America.
It should be called, I don't know, American Denial Disease, ADD.
Probably have a psychiatric drug for that, you know?
Well, we don't want to think about that, because it seems like it's unthinkable.
And yet, when you see what's happening in this country, you know, we spend all this money on Goldman Sachs, we spend money on wars, and we know how the economy is built, and then we see people on the streets of our major cities that are homeless, that are vets from previous wars, or have psychiatric disorders because of things that have happened, and we don't come to their rescue.
What kind of a humanity are we turning into?
We have to start taking care of ourselves.
You've nailed it.
You've nailed it.
That is the question.
We've got to have a future in humanity where we have a philosophical foundation, a religious foundation, a spiritual foundation that respects life, that respects fellow human beings.
We've got to have morals and ethics.
We have technology and science without ethics.
We've got GMOs without wisdom.
We have bullets and bombs and nukes that can kill people, but we don't have consciousness.
Yeah, well, see, we haven't evolved.
What we have done is have revolution after revolution, because we get sick and tired of the system that's in power.
We have a revolution, new people come into power, they do the same damn thing that the one before did, and how are you going to ever make a change?
You have to evolve to a higher level of consciousness.
It was Einstein who said, you can't solve a problem at the same level at which it was created.
So you have to evolve to another level to do it in a different way.
And if you do that, you evolve instead of revolve.
And that's a concept that is the biggest one, because that's what we're lacking.
And we don't realize that we have the power.
Each individual has the power, but we're sitting on our fat butts going, oh, what the heck is happening?
Oh, I don't believe this.
Oh, no, there are no conspiracies.
Oh, no, trust the CDC and the FDA.
Come on, wake up, America!
You know, I think this is the key difference.
You and I, people like us, we want education.
We want knowledge and awareness.
Obama and his minions want re-education in a camp.
That's what's happening.
It looks like that's happening.
It's frightening.
Thank you, Dr. Saputo.
We're out of time.
Any last thoughts?
Hey, yeah, keep up the good work, Mike.
If anybody's interested in learning about the information we've been talking about that has to do with how to protect yourself against radiation, go to the website at drsabuta.com.
It's totally free website.
We're good to go.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Mike Adams, the health ranger, filling in today.
The editor of NaturalNews.com, a frequent contributor to InfoWars.com in terms of articles and, of course, filling in here from time to time on the show, which is always a very fun thing to do because we have amazing guests.
I brought some interesting books and products for you just to show you some of what's out there and give you some commentary on it.
One book is called One Nation Under Arrest.
This is really good reading.
This talks about the total criminalization of America and how these laws are being used and abused in terms of making innocent people look like criminals.
So that's a great book.
It's got an intro by Edwin Meese III.
Not sure...
He belongs in that book.
But in any case, it's a good book.
The next book is by Joe Nobody, who's been a guest here on the Alex Jones Show.
It's called Holding Their Own 2.
This is the sequel to his very popular fiction novel, Holding Their Own.
The cool thing about that novel, Holding Their Own...
Is that it talks about a couple escaping from Houston, a family escaping from Houston during a collapse scenario, and everything in the book is factual in terms of what kind of equipment and gear you would use to survive.
So it's kind of like a, you can learn about survival while you read fiction.
Then I found this product in HEB the other day.
This is a new drink called NeuroSleep.
NeuroSleep, put your brain to sleep.
It actually has zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Let's go to sleep now.
And if you look at the ingredients, guess what's in it?
Sucralose, the chemical sweetener, and sodium benzoate, the chemical designed to turn everything in this bottle into a complete dead zone.
It's job is to kill everything in the bottle and make it sterile.
Neurosleep, in case you're too awake.
Drink some of this.
Okay, enough of that.
Toss that out of here.
All right, next we have some unpasteurized fresh juice from Central Market.
Oh, look at this warning.
I don't know if you can even see the label, but it says, warning, this product has not been pasteurized and therefore may contain harmful bacteria that may cause serious illness in children, the elderly, and persons with weakened immune systems.
Now notice
That if you sell unpasteurized milk, you get arrested, thrown in prison, raided at gunpoint, and given a million dollar bail in California.
But here in Texas, you can sell unpasteurized products just by having a warning label on them.
Gee, so why can't we have raw milk with a warning label and have our choice?
The government doesn't want to give you a choice.
So they selectively outlaw the raw milk while they let
Corporations like HEB sell raw juice just with a little warning label.
In fact, I think I'm going to drink this juice and see if it kills me.
Because that's what the FDA says.
You drink unpasteurized products, you might die.
I'm going to drink this on the break.
It's making me drool.
It's so good.
It's got beet juice in it.
Oh, it might protect me from Fukushima fallout too.
That should be a crime.
Alright, next item is an S.O.S.
We're sending out an S.O.S.
for humanity.
This is something that we've just released on Natural News.
stands for Stop Out of Control Science.
And you can find that information at sos.naturalnews.com.
This is an infographic, highly informative infographic.
I encourage you to read and share.
The point of this is that it distinguishes between good science, which is a quest for understanding, and I am a huge proponent of good science.
I'm scientifically trained.
And it distinguishes between good science and then dangerous science, which is science that is done in the quest for profits and power at the expense of humanity.
I'm not going to go through every single element of this, but if you go to that infographic at sos.naturalnews.com, you are going to get the five levels of dangerous science.
There it is on prisonplanet.tv, level 1 through level 5.
Stay there on that slide for a second.
I want to talk about level 4 dangers.
These are self-replicating
Systems that are a danger to humanity.
GMOs, my friends, are self-replicating genetic pollution.
So it's different from chemical pollution.
Chemical pollution is like Corexit in the Gulf of Mexico.
That's bad, but it doesn't replicate itself.
If you dump Corexit into the Gulf, it doesn't make more Corexit.
But if you dump GMOs into the open environment, they replicate.
They make more GMOs.
They cross-pollinate with the crops and make more seeds that are contaminated genetically.
And that can never be recalled.
It can't be put back in the box.
We're going to be dealing with genetic pollution on this planet for the rest of life on this planet.
We're going to be dealing with that.
And nanotechnology could become self-replicating in the near future.
Weaponized vaccines are self-replicating because they contain live viral strains sometimes, and that replicates in your body.
Dangerous stuff!
Science, when it's misused, is a danger to humanity, and that's the point of that infographic, so spread the word on that.
Thank you for helping to protect humanity.
We've got a lot more straight ahead.
We're going to be talking to a raw milk mom under attack by the state of Minnesota.
Straight ahead.
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For a long time, you've heard me talk about building your own food supply with eFoods Direct.
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I want to give you some information resources where you can learn more, stay up to speed on a couple of topics here.
Since we have been covering Fukushima today, I want to mention these two websites, enenews.com.
Got some good information there.
Of course, you're always going to find just the most breaking stories on infowars.com and prisonplanet.com.
I'm stunned at how fast Kurt Nemo and Paul Watson and everybody is there.
They sometimes are days ahead of when I can even get a story posted.
Another website out there is called Enformable.com.
That's a pretty good website.
We're getting ready to go on to the topic of raw milk and the assault on the rights of American citizens in Minnesota, even the raw milk moms.
This is a whole new event.
I know we've covered this issue in California before and other states, Pennsylvania for example, but this is a whole new deal.
This is a new attack in Minnesota and a website where you can get great information on that is called thecompletepatient.com.
I read his website.
Fundamental American liberties, and I love how we all cooperate in this alternative news industry.
There's a little bit of infighting, but, you know, those people are just really insignificant in the big picture.
Those of us who cooperate and work together for a common truth and justice, liberty for the people, that's what really matters.
And so those are some of the websites that are important to see along those lines.
Now, in this segment, we're going to be joined by Melinda Olson.
She is one of the four moms, I believe it's four,
In Minnesota that has received a threatening warning letter from the Minnesota Department, is it the Department of Agriculture?
We'll find out.
A government department.
And they are warning her they're going to criminally prosecute her if she continues to allow her home to be used as a drop-off point.
For raw, fresh milk being delivered by a local Minnesota farmer.
And she joins us by phone today to tell us about this experience and how she's being threatened and how she's standing her ground and calling the bluff of the government to say, no, you're not going to take away our rights to choose our own healthy food.
Melinda Olson, welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
Hi, and thank you very much.
Hey, thank you for joining us.
Do you prefer to be called Mel or Melinda?
Uh, Mel works great.
Okay, Mel.
Alright, tell us what happened, what led to you receiving this letter, and what does the letter say?
Well, as you stated previously, I provide a space in my garage as a drop-off point and a picking up point for people in my community and my friends, family, neighbors to pick up food from a farmer of their choice so that it's a convenient place for them to be able to pick up.
It allows for people to get the food that they want to feed for their families in a convenient way.
I have to say, Mike, that actually it's ten individuals in Minnesota.
Ten separate people have gotten a warning letter from the Minnesota Department of Agriculture.
Oh, wow.
Okay, the MDA.
That's the acronym I was looking for.
Tell us what is in this letter because I've read it and maybe you guys can post it for PrisonPlanet.tv members.
It's linked from my story on that.
This letter specifically talks about criminal charges or investigation.
What does it say?
That's right.
After citing several statutes that the state or the MVA believes that I am in violation of, they state toward the end of the letter, After reviewing the evidence gathered during the investigation, MVA has determined that the issuance of this notice of warning is appropriate.
MDA warns that should you continue to sell or distribute unpasteurized or other foods illegally in the future, you will be subject to administrative penalties, criminal prosecution, or other enforcement remedies available to MDA.
Gunpoint raids!
Sincerely, I'm sorry?
I was interrupting with gunpoint raids.
That's what they mean.
When they say other, they mean raided at gunpoint.
That's what they mean.
Well, you know, Mike, there was a friend of mine who has the exact same role for a farmer in Bloomington, which is a town just a city south of me.
It's about less than 10 miles away.
And in June of 2010, she had armed officers with a criminal warrant investigating, you know, harassing, invading her home for two and a half hours for the exact
Absolutely unbelievable that this is happening in America today, Mel.
I appreciate you having the courage to get on the air and describe the situation.
I've got a lot more questions for you, but overall, this is unbelievable.
You are
Farmers are delivering food just to your garage so that your neighbors, other moms who want to feed their children fresh, raw, unpasteurized, wholesome milk, they can just pick it up because there's not a retail store anywhere.
You're just a drop-off point.
And the state of Minnesota is saying this is a crime!
Right, they've conducted an investigation and they cite me for distributing and selling milk.
Well, I don't ever touch anyone else's product.
I don't touch the money.
So I don't see how I qualify as a criminal for providing space in my home.
No, out of my garage.
No, no, of course not.
There'd probably be less of a penalty if you were distributing meth out of your garage.
I mean, the cops would probably just ask for a cut, and then leave you alone.
But boy, if you do food, oh my God!
Raw food, real food, farm-fresh food, now you're a criminal.
You're going to be fully investigated.
You told me on the phone the other day that family-based farming is becoming criminalized in America.
What exactly did you mean by that?
Well, I have in front of me, I have some charges against a farmer that I respect.
I'm looking at the counts that he's facing.
Nine criminal misdemeanor charges.
Let me just read some of them.
Sale of improperly labeled frozen food.
Sale of unpasteurized milk.
Sale of adulterated food.
Sale of ungrated butter.
Sale of unpasteurized cheese.
Sale of food without a license.
And the last one, operation of a dairy plant without a permit.
What's this farmer's name?
They're criminalizing farmers for honest toil that has been the backbone of our country for 200 plus years!
Yes, well that's it.
It's the war on America's farmers.
It's the war on America's family.
It's the war on America's culture.
The Obama administration tried to outlaw family farms where you couldn't have a 14-year-old son
You know, the last count that he has against him is operation of a dairy plant without a permit.
And can I just say that dairy plant is on his property.
I don't know.
No, this is outright, complete communist takeover of America's farms.
That's what it is.
It's total communism.
It's in America.
America has been taken over by the banksters.
America is being led by someone who isn't even qualified to be president.
America has been...
We are occupied and the communist takeover of the farms has begun.
It's happening in California, it's happened in Michigan, with the Julie Bass issue, the front yard gardening, the pigs, the feral pigs issue with Mark Baker at Baker's Green Acres.
It's happening now in Minnesota, it's happened in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, all over the country!
Farms are under attack.
It's outrageous.
But I want to get, there is a rally Monday morning at the Minneapolis courthouse in defense of this farmer.
Please, Mel, tell us about that rally so we can get some patriots out there to help support this farmer.
Okay, the farmer who's on trial in Minnesota on Monday morning at 9 a.m.
in Hennepin County, his name is Alvin Schlangen and he faces four counts of criminal misdemeanors, which each come with a possibility of fines and several, I think up to 90 days in jail for each count if he's found guilty.
And his charges are extremely similar to the ones faced by another farmer that I read to you just previously.
We have a rally in support of him at 7 a.m.
on Monday morning on the grounds of the Hennepin County government.
And this is a chance for Minnesota moms and others to join us and to take a stand and to say we will not comply, we will not back down, and we will not be intimidated or be caused to fear that the sourcing food for our families that we believe has integrity, is whole, is locally produced, lovingly raised, we will not back down from continuing to get those
Absolutely, good for you and good for the other moms who are standing up.
I want to encourage viewers to visit the website that covers this, that has more details, rawmilkfreedomwriters.wordpress.com.
I believe that's it.
See if you can bring that up, guys, there in the command console.
And I know that they are covering this event.
This is a red alert call to all
Patriots, farmers, every American in Minnesota who wants to help defend the integrity of America's culture, the right to access real food, be there Monday morning, 7 a.m.
The rally begins on the steps of the Minneapolis courthouse there in the capital of Minnesota.
Mel, what else is happening at that rally?
Do you know exactly what the plan is?
Are they unveiling a declaration of food independence or something like that?
That's right, there'll be a Declaration of Food Independence and it will be revealed, read aloud, and attendees in Minnesota and anyone else who would like to join us and would like to sign will be welcome and invited to put their signature on the Declaration of Food Independence stating that we will be taking back the right to foods of our choice.
Absolutely, well said.
Very well said, Mel.
Now, how are you going to challenge this letter?
Have you replied to the Michigan government, the communist tyrants who are threatening you?
Have you replied to their letter yet, or do you plan to?
What actions are you taking to protect your family against their threats?
Well, you know, it's funny you should ask.
In the immediate future, of course, we have the rally and we have a really exciting workshop.
I think one of the things, the strengths that we have here in Minnesota and around the nation is solidarity.
And one of the ways that we'll be showing solidarity is the rally.
And we're also building unity in a workshop.
And I'm really excited about that because it equips us, it inspires us, it will give us tools to use as we stand up for our rights.
And what I'm doing on a personal level
You know, it's funny, Mike, but I find myself, like today especially, wandering around making sure all my doors are locked, making sure my back door is secure, and I find my eyes roving up and down the street wondering who's driving by.
I have happened to see, you know, local police force driving up and down my road, I would say, a little more frequently than usual.
Yeah, because you have the right intuition.
You have mother's intuition that the government is the criminal element.
You know that they're the danger to you, your family, your freedoms.
You are right to do that.
Lock your doors.
The government might be out there.
They're worse than the criminals.
They are the criminals.
They're taking away your rights, taking away your food, threatening you with ridiculous letters, destroying America's farms.
They have become the criminal communist element.
That's trying to take over America today.
They've got to be stopped, and this rally could be part of it.
So I'm glad you're on board with this.
Thank you for being here, Mel, for being on the air.
Well, you know what?
It's absolutely my honor to be able to stand up and advocate for the freedom to choose foods of our choice and to advocate for these farmers.
There's persecution going on here in the United States.
And I don't know how aware the public is that we have a group of people who are being vilified, who are being criminalized and marginalized, intimidated, and forced out of business.
And these are the people who have been the backbone of our country and what our freedom was founded on.
I have so much respect and so much honor for these men and these women who day after day continue to produce these amazing, nutrient-dense, wonderful foods.
And they do it, and farming is not easy anyway.
And they do it in the face of this daily persecution and the threat of intimidation, harassment, and criminalization of their efforts.
I want to send a prayer out right now to a man who I know is listening, James Stewart, in California today.
He continues to face persecution in California, as well as Sharon Palmer there.
That's the Rossum food case.
I can tell you that there will be breaking news about the Rossum case next week.
I don't want to get into the details.
It will be shared on InfoWars.
I'll get the information over to Kurt and Paul Watson and Alex Jones.
There will be breaking information coming out.
To help those individuals.
We are being persecuted.
You're exactly right, Melinda.
This morning I milked goats before I came in.
I bought goats.
I guess I have a raw dairy operation on my own farm now.
I guess they could come in and arrest me for having a dairy plant without a license.
Because I milked a goat.
Right, did you know in Wisconsin, if you produce milk, it's my understanding that the current climate there, that if you produce milk and it's raw, you are not allowed to bring it to a private, like if you, let's say you have a farm in the country or a rural area, and then you have a private property in town, it's against the law for you to bring milk that you've produced yourself on your own property and drink it on your own property if you're inside city lines.
And if it's raw.
Wow, so now you're going to be arrested and imprisoned for food smuggling!
Your own food!
You're right.
I've heard the word fascist applied to these kinds of circumstances.
And it really is amazing.
I wonder someday if I will end up laughing about this right now.
It's so serious I can't.
But we're talking about milk!
Yeah, well, no, you're right.
Fascism is the right word.
It even reminds me of Naomi Wolf, who warned about the 10 steps to fascism.
And she's been a very, very popular speaker about those issues from the left side of the false political paradigm.
But she was right as well.
And this takeover of America's farms, this is one of the 10 signs, essentially, of the rise of fascism.
The corporate-controlled, oppressive police state government running theater,
We're good to go.
That's right, and it's up to us.
You know, it's really up to us to set the standard to say no and to take a stand for what we know to be our rights and our personal freedoms and our personal liberties.
The time is now.
Once it's gone, it's a lot harder to get back.
The time is now absolutely, Mel.
Once again, a call for everybody in Minnesota to join this rally.
Monday morning, that's May 14th, I believe, yeah, May 14th, 7 a.m.
at the steps of the Minneapolis, Minnesota Capitol Courthouse building.
There it is.
It's on screen for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
Mel, what other sources of information do people need to tune into?
Can you give us some websites or blogs where people can stay informed?
Or have I already given those out?
You know, you've cited the ones that will be most current and most up-to-date and provide the most thorough information.
Okay, alright, great.
Any final thoughts that you would like to add, Mel, about your experience or your advice to other moms who may be involved in raw milk for their babies and they're afraid of being threatened?
Well, first of all, I would say, uh, get rid of the fear, throw it out the window, because what you are doing is absolutely right.
It is righteous, and it is sound, and you have right on your side, so don't fear, and don't back down.
Well said, Melinda Olson.
Thank you for being on the show today, Mel.
Thank you very much.
Alright, stay with us, we'll be right back.
A lot more straight ahead.
Alex Jones Show, yeah!
We're here, we're coming back with a lot more.
Stay ahead, stay with us.
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What an incredible show we've had today.
It's not even over yet.
And if you think about it, I've got all these stacks of news on Alex's desk here.
We've only been able to scratch the surface.
We've covered maybe 10% of all the news that we could have talked about today.
There's so much more out there.
Some breaking issues that I've just got to touch on here.
Number one, you know Laura Presley is running for City Council here in Austin.
She is the pro-Ron Paul candidate.
She's the anti-fluoride candidate.
She's been a guest on the show.
For those of you listening in the Austin area, please get out there and vote.
Get out the vote.
We've got to get good people into office.
People who represent the people, instead of the corporate sellouts.
You know, this city gave a multi-million dollar tax bailout to Apple Corporation.
Apple Inc.
Like Apple needs money.
One of the wealthiest companies in the world.
So they took money out of the taxpayers from Austin, they just gave it to Apple.
That's insane.
I could talk a lot more about that.
Here's another thing.
Cop kicks pregnant woman in the stomach.
This is in Georgia.
An incident occurred.
This is, Steve Watson has this article on Infowars.com.
When Officer Jared Wheeler was called to the pregnant woman's home and he eventually kicked her, oh man, he kicked her right in the pregnant stomach area.
And she could not believe that a police officer would kick her right in the baby.
Oh, man.
He claims he didn't know she was pregnant.
But nine months pregnant?
How could you not know?
How could you not know?
Another thing is I'm going to be hosting InfoWars Nightly News tonight, so we got some big issues there that we didn't even get time for today.
Finally, another issue is GlaxoSmithKline, find over vaccine trials after 14 babies are dead.
This is in the Buenos Aires Herald.
Buenos Aires Herald, as we say in English.
GSK, find over vaccine trials after 14 babies dead.
Yeah, killing a few more babies, that's just the history of medicine.
What's unusual about that?
More vaccine trials, more evil adjuvants that destroy your brain and lobotomize you.
And then, yeah, there it is, I've got it up on screen.
Also, I saved a few minutes here because I want to offer some personal commentary about the Second Amendment.
And I haven't spoken out enough on the 2nd Amendment in the past.
And I want to be on the record with my absolute support for not just the 2nd Amendment, but of course the 1st Amendment, the 4th Amendment, all of these are very important, but none of them would be possible without the 2nd Amendment.
I am a firearms owner.
I have been licensed to concealed carry since 1996.
I've taken training all over the country for firearms.
I'm competent and I abide by all the firearms laws and regulations that do exist so I don't have any illegal...
You know, firearms, if there is such a thing.
I guess there is under current law, but I do abide by all the rules and I own firearms legally and I want to give out a message to those who maybe aren't into firearms, the rice yet.
You have no idea how many people are concealed carrying out there and thereby keeping you safe.
When you go out to the Walmart or the grocery store or the gas station, there are people all around you with concealed carry firearms.
People like me and others like me who are law-abiding citizens.
Many are former active-duty military.
Many are active or off-duty police officers.
Many are just intelligent, informed, patriotic supporters of America.
Who are into protecting innocent people and we carry firearms and by doing so we help keep everybody safe.
We're not trying to be cops.
We're just citizens who are informed and who understand the Second Amendment and who support it.
I am a very strong supporter of the Second Amendment and that's what's going to keep our country safe.
So keep it legal, man.
That's crucial.
Thank you for everything today for joining us.
I always enjoy hosting and watch InfoWars Nightly News again tonight.
The rebroadcast of this show begins now.
Thank you all.
Have a great day.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.