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Name: 20120411_Wed_Alex
Air Date: April 11, 2012
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, I'm very thankful that you have joined us on this live 11th day of April 2012 on this Wednesday.
TV host, director, writer, actor in his own right, but also son of Oliver Stone.
Sean Stone is going to be joining us today.
In a collaborative effort, he came up a few weeks ago with an idea to really try to supercharge a movement for liberty, but to call for citizens and activists to try to add the type of hype to it that we saw with the State Department-manufactured Kony 2012.
So today, and I haven't announced this until it was ready, we're going to release, I don't know, it's about a 12 minute special report video.
We're going to premiere in the second hour today, Impeach Obama 2012.
And Kurt Nimmo will have a blurb out on it, an article with action points, Twitter links, Facebook links, things like that.
And I want everybody to blast this out.
Because Obama needs to be impeached for launching the wars without congressional approval, for the NDAA, for the race war baiting, all of it.
Obama has got to go.
That will be a symbol worldwide that you will not get away with treason and high crimes and misdemeanors.
Very elementary.
That's a simple message and it lifts his crimes.
Sean Stone did the audio for it.
We added the video.
Rob Jacobson here in the office did a great job.
That's going to premiere.
Premiere today coming up in about an hour and a half from now, while we interview Sean Stone.
He'll come on in about an hour and then we'll talk about it, then we'll premiere it, then break it down.
Call to action with this video will premiere here, then after that it will go up on the YouTube system, the enemy system, for full viral spread at the Alex Jones Channel.
So look for that after we premiere it here on the radio slash PrisonPlanet.tv video streams today.
So a major action point there for you with Sean Stone joining us today.
That said, whoa!
I had a lot of work to do yesterday, a lot of paperwork, a lot of lawyer stuff, a lot of tax stuff, obviously.
So I did a, you know, kind of working day off, did some work, but also took Dave Mustaine and his wife and daughter to the airport.
Great spending time with them the last three days.
Side issue, we'll have something for you on that later.
The point is, is that I ended up listening most of the three hours to Mike Adams.
What an incredible job that guy did.
I gotta say, of all the fill-in hosts, they all do a great job.
I think Mike does the best job.
And it's just good to know there's other people out there that really get it and are so articulate and just are so effective.
And he's such a gentleman.
And he's got a face for TV, whereas I got a face for radio, I guess, in many respects.
I don't know.
My wife this morning was marveling.
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And I'm just doing a plug here because
I don't have time to get into all the news.
It's coming up.
I'm going to fully launch on the other side of this quick transmission straight ahead.
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That way, you know, you'll still get chemtrail, but that way you won't get all the stuff they're adding to your municipal water supply and the rest of it.
All right.
We'll be right back on the other side of this quick break.
Stay with us.
I'm Alex Jones.
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This is Alex Jones for SurvivalSeedBank.com.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome, my friends.
Welcome to this live, worldwide transmission.
It is Wednesday, the 11th day of April, 2012.
Let me just give you a breakdown of what's coming up today.
First off, director, writer, TV host, researcher Sean Stone has put together with our office a video that will be premiering here in about an hour and a half today calling for the impeachment of Obama and launching an impeachment movement for 2012 to say to the globalists, we will punish your minion.
We will punish your front man, because that will be a rebuke of their entire system and everything they've done, and an even bigger devastating victory if we can impeach Obama.
And the rumblings have begun.
Legislation was introduced over a month ago by Congressman Jones.
As all of this moves forward, we have a chance.
But even if we're not able to impeach him, we publicly impeach him in the court of public opinion.
And so we're going
To release this video coming up in an hour and a half.
So that is coming up today in about an hour and a half.
If you want to take action, this is a big way to do it and to list all the unconstitutional things that
Obama has been doing, launching wars without congressional approving, then telling Congress when they don't approve or give approval under law, under the Constitution.
Obama says, I don't need to get your approval.
He comes out and says, I get the approval from the United Nations.
And if this goes unchallenged, it sets a precedent.
And that's what the globalists are doing with all their lawyers is they're setting precedents that, hey, we're going to strip search you.
Hey, we're going to arrest you for no reason.
Hey, we're going to federalize everything and set up bulletproof checkpoints on all the highways.
Hey, we're going to give waivers to the illegal aliens and give them green cards and let them commit violent acts and release them from jail.
But citizens, we're going to take your children from you when you don't vaccinate them.
Even though there's no law, you've got to vaccinate.
And we're going to take your private property and hand it over to private interest under the guise of the environment.
And we're going to fill your vaccines full of cancer viruses.
And we're going to raise your taxes and then spend it.
On corporate welfare.
And laugh in your face while we arm to the teeth with drones and illegal surveillance and the NSA watching everybody illegally.
And we're gonna announce we're doing it illegally.
And we're gonna announce we're torturing people, including children, sexually in front of their parents.
And there's nothing you're gonna do about it.
Do you got it?
That is an attempt to fully break our will, a psychological warfare operation.
The good news is it's not working.
It works on small groups of people completely.
Other people are angry and awake, but they're passive.
And then there's a minority.
The majority are somewhat awake, but passive and feel powerless.
We've got to show them the power they have.
But there is a large minority, I say over 20%, who really knows that we have power, understands the score, and who understand we've got to resist this.
It's going to be much worse to keep our heads down and just hope somebody else gets picked on.
We are not a school of fish, where they all congregate together, hoping that if a predator attacks, that it'll be somebody else.
Or hoping that, well, if there's 50 fish, that means there's 100 eyes, and they're looking in all directions for a predator, so some of us can eat while the other ones are watching.
We're not birds, we're not fish.
Congregating together and just going along with whatever the mainstream media says and just trusting in the system is not going to protect us.
It's been designed to distract us and divert us from the real world going on around us.
The globalists want us to be the dumb animals they say we are.
That's really the heart of this.
We need to stop going along with what the system says we are and be who we truly are.
Powerful, creative, dynamic creatures made in the image of the creator of the universe.
And even if you don't believe in God or things so advanced that we can't even comprehend it, even if you're stupid enough to not know that all the mathematical equations and top physicists all say, yes, this was built,
I mean, when did it all start?
What did it come from?
All those questions.
Even if you're that ignorant, you've got to know you are of the universe.
You are of the timelessness that is creation.
And you're part of something big and you're special.
And you are in the middle of something amazing.
Let me go ahead and just try to tell you what's coming up.
This story came to our attention after he died.
It is a crime scene murder investigation, but those who are the suspects are running the investigation.
State seizes property under green zoning laws, terrorizes man to death, Paul Joseph Watson, Alex Jones.
Jenna 21's eco-fascism bears its teeth.
And Mike Adams covered this yesterday and now we have more developments.
This gentleman in Roswell, Georgia continued
to win in court with his grandfathered small private chicken farm on his property.
But the city that had annexed the area years before in a, what, five, six year battle kept coming after him even though he kept winning.
Then somebody poisoned all his chickens.
Finally, they sent police and the house blew up.
Kind of like they said the Davidians blew themselves up and later it came out, of course, the feds had machine gunned them and burned them alive inside.
The player footage shows all that.
And so, they have won.
And of course it turns out, years ago, they designated his property as a park, as a green zone.
That was going to be theirs for an Agenda 21 Green Zone.
And of course that's just a placeholder until they end up, in every case that I've seen across the world, it's a standard criminal handbook, take the property and sell it to their friends.
So, Andrew Words, I thought we ought to later play the little Wordsworth clip from the Twilight Zone episode that we play quite often where he's like,
Words, Mr. Wordsworth!
You are pathetic!
You are nothing!
And I guess they showed him, didn't they?
And you read the story, it's just standard, operating, petty, power-tripping, boss hog behavior.
And then as you get to the federal level, it's boss hogs with nuclear weapons.
And he's dead now.
And his property, the property that they, well he had a
Mortgage on through another lady, and that'll now be transferred over to the kingpins.
Another victory!
They're conquerors!
They're militarized!
The country's theirs!
And worldwide, agenda 21 is a standardized zoning system to come in, because they found that they give you an excuse.
First, they make things that are legal, illegal, but give you a license.
Well, you can still do it if you get permission.
And then they just stop even following their own regulations.
I saw cases last week in three different states where they now seize, in some cases, even middle class people's children.
Because usually they just prey on poor folks they think can't defend themselves.
Totally predatory, that's what criminals do.
Just like predators prey on children because they think they can't defend themselves.
They size up their quarry, and then they take the newborn baby, because they can get hundreds of thousands for it.
Especially if it's blonde-haired, blue-eyed lookout, or black-haired, blue-eyed lookout.
That's what they got the top bounties on with these adoption systems.
Of course, the parents don't know where they came from, and they don't care.
But a lot of bad karma comes along with that.
A lot of bad mojo.
Whatever you want to call it.
Reap what you sow.
Comes around, goes around.
But expanding on that, and every authoritarian state is obsessed with taking children.
There's no law, but they do it.
They've got criminal police, criminal hospitals, all in a giant criminal operation.
That's the essence of tyranny.
Because, well, the state says so.
No judge, no jury.
They're now grabbing children without even having the CPS go before a judge and swear out a thing.
Well, they're not vaccinating the kids.
We think that shows they're bad and they're endangering them.
The judge doesn't say, where's the law?
They say, take them!
Because the judge is generally a big, fat pedophile.
By the way, this comes out all the time that these family court judges are pervs.
Of course they are.
I mean, you look at them, most of them are pot-bellied Nelly.
They're literally salivating at the babies.
If you watch the different court hearings that are online,
Oh, here's another one.
Boston Herald.
I see one of these every two days.
Another child porn ring.
Another prostitution ring.
Another rape room ring.
Raping women.
Robbing major airports hundreds of times a week.
They rob your bags.
That's on record.
Per airport.
TSA agent among 55 caught in kid porn net.
Cops snared 45, uh, 55, uh, Massachusetts men in a sweeping multi-agency child pornography crackdown, including a Transportation Security Administration officer, they're not even officers, that's a lie too, not sworn, not bonded, not trained, assigned to Logan International Airport, who is just the latest embarrassment for the troubled federal agency.
I could even get into it.
I mean literally every two days another arrest with the child porn or with the children.
Every week or so they're caught raping the five-year-old next door and then they, you know, it's just an army.
Who else wants to grab children's genitals all day?
Who else?
Who else?
I mean, I blushed changing diapers of my own children and didn't like doing it.
Who in Hades likes to take diapers off babies and horrify and take kids away as they cry and all get around the TSA?
I watch the videos online when parents shoot the video.
All get around the crying kid, get the shirt off.
It's pervert time!
An army of perverts having their way.
That's what tyranny is always about in every culture.
I've got huge agenda 21 news, huge tax news, huge war news, huge Trayvon Martin news, huge, huge, huge!
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Let me just do this, and then I'm gonna give the number out, and then we've got Sean Stone on, and during the third hour, I'll get even more news.
But, look at these headlines.
TSA agent among 55 caught in kid porn net.
Uh, who else wants to do this to children all day?
Either complete idiots or perverts.
Woman strips naked at Denver International Airport, and everybody's freaking out about it.
You're supposed to just be radiated, recorded naked, but not actually show everybody that you're naked, you see.
And they talk about how horrible it is that children saw it.
Yeah, but children are being taught that men and women they don't know put their hands on their genitals.
That's a lot bigger deal than seeing a woman's breast and I'm not saying it's good.
They took her to the hospital saying she was mentally ill.
And they were looking at charges but won't right now.
Here's another one.
Strip search case reflects death of American privacy.
When even establishment Bloomberg can get it right.
That it's a total police state.
Remember, they wouldn't ever even give you a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt.
They promised.
And then, oh, we're going to give you a ticket.
And we'll never arrest you, and now they arrest people routinely, and guess what?
Your wife, who nobody's ever touched but you, is gonna get a grope.
And the underwear coming off, everything.
And she's gonna get to get TB, and get to throw in the holding cell with people, you know, with vomit all over the floor.
To train you to be a good prisoner and get your fingerprints and get you in the system.
I've talked to so many senior police and they're told, the New York police have put full page ads in the paper, they're told get everybody in the system but the crooks that run the government.
I said run the government.
Doesn't mean you're a crook if you're in the government.
The people running it are crooks and if you haven't figured that out yet,
They've got a psychological warfare team that'll make your head spin.
They got propaganda.
They got our money.
They got it all, except our hearts and minds, and it's time to wake up to them.
Big article right there.
Some of the other articles that I've got here dealing with the amazing killing of this poor citizen.
I'm going to get to this more later.
State seizes property under green zoning laws.
Terrorizes man to death.
They actually said, we're taking your little farm that the town had grown and annexed, totally grandfathered.
Bunch of people raise chickens around there.
By the way, Austin passed an environmental law to try to crack down on folks with chickens because they're quote, sustainable.
See, sustainable means you don't get to grow or have anything.
Sustainable means, I see all these signs up all over Austin saying,
Don't use as much power.
Cut back and save money.
No, no, no.
They're training you to get ready to pay double or triple.
20% increase a few years ago, now 80% increase this year.
And they say it's for the earth.
Paid to private companies that came in, bought out their competition, and bought off our city council where I live.
And it's happening in your town.
It's happening in most towns.
And they put up billboards with taxpayer money everywhere.
The feds do.
And they're all over Austin now, just everywhere.
There's no money in the economy to have businesses on the billboards now.
More than half of them are now government announcements.
And it's turning your neighbor for guns, turning your neighbor for spanking their kid, turning your neighbor for growing marijuana signs everywhere, turning your neighbor, you know, big billboards of cops pointing their fingers at you like you're bad and wrong, click it or tick it, we're gonna get you in the rape room, don't worry.
All of this
All of this in your face, and these big, giant signs.
In fact, I've got it on my phone.
I want to download it and show it to people who are watching at PrisonPlanet.tv.
I'll put it out on my Twitter as well.
The photos, and
It's these billboards saying, use less power, save money.
Have the money for date night.
It's a guy with a rose in his hand.
Associating, you know, paying the government more money with saving money and getting a date.
Have enough money to go out.
Imagine that.
And take your girlfriend out.
Imagine the freedom.
Use less power, have more money.
Which isn't the case.
Use less power and pay them more per unit.
Shut down the economy.
That's the new economy.
That's the new austerity!
EPA levies $438,000 in fines and mandatory environmental projects on school bus contractor for excessive idling.
They've already got federal regulations nationwide that school bus manufacturers can't have engines that idle.
They have to go into a dormant phase, which is bankrupting all these companies.
Again, anything to shut America down.
You think China has that?
Here's another one.
California declares war on family homes to save the planet.
Remember, two years ago, Germany passed laws saying by 2020, you can pull this up, no single parent homes are allowed to be built in Germany.
And they're already putting taxes on people that try to live in a single home.
Because you don't have a family living in a home.
You gotta live in a communal building with commissars and inspectors and the state taking your kids.
And California's announcing they're coming after the single family.
Ha ha!
And it's in the news about, it's in the Wall Street Journal.
Oh, this is wonderful!
This is such freedom!
I mean, you're gonna be a prisoner!
With a bunch of pedophiles reeling over you!
We'll be right back!
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
Thomas Jefferson.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we're gonna open the phones up here, ladies and gentlemen.
The toll-free number to join us on any of the issues that I have raised is 800-259-9231.
Continuing with some of the news here, the Army is stockpiling anti-radiation pills to protect against Fukushima fallout.
Defense Logistics Agency cites ongoing crisis in Japan as reason behind bulk purchase.
You know, five of the six reactors completely melted down one way or another.
The number three reactor was a MOX plutonium-uranium reactor, just about the worst type to melt down.
Radiation clouds saturating Japan, blowing across the Pacific in the prevailing trade winds and hitting the United States.
Kurt Nemo had this article last week.
Fukushima reactor 4, life of the planet in the balance.
And it's got the different government reports in Japan and the U.S.
admitting here that if reactor number 4 continues to melt down, which it is ongoing right now,
That it will release 134 million curies of cesium-137 alone, if it continues to melt down, roughly 85 times the amount of CS's 137, cesium-137 release of the Chernobyl accident, as estimated by the U.S.
National Council on Radiation Protection.
And this is all confirmed.
Ban Ki-moon at the UN.
These are internal reports, but they're public.
This is not on the news.
Our people dig around and find this stuff.
Said, it is no exaggeration to say the fate of Japan and the whole world depends on No.
4 reactor.
This is what's being said behind the scenes in public reports, but no news is covering it.
Except infowares.com and a few others.
This is the type of stuff that's in my stack every day I don't even get to.
I mean, this was out last Friday.
I didn't even cover it.
Roughly 85 times the amount of CS-137.
That's not counting all the other stuff.
And again, they've got top scientists and letters to ban Kaimun.
It is no exaggeration to say that the fate of Japan and the whole world depends on No.
4 reactor.
This is confirmed by the most reliable experts like Dr. Arne Gunderson and Dr. Fukima Kodi.
He wrote to Ban Ki-moon, the world has been made so fragile and vulnerable the role of the United Nations is increasingly vital.
So this is somebody who thinks they're going to help somebody.
They're too busy stealing and murdering.
I wish the best of luck in your noble mission.
No word yet if this situation even registers on the UN radar.
It did.
It does.
The UN's made statements on it and reissued this.
But there's a whole bunch of government experts and others in there, industry experts, warning people.
This is pretty big news.
And again, we're going to relaunch this phone system because what it does every day at the start of the show, it's got to be relaunched because it shuts down.
And then the phone system is unable to make it through.
uh... and then we have to do it every time it during like we just did so there you go again toll-free number to join us eight hundred two five nine ninety two thirty one so uh... there you have it army stockpiling anti-radiation pills to protect against fukushima fallout defense logistics agency sites ongoing crisis in japan has reasons behind bulk purchases
The Troop Support Branch of the Defense Logistics Agency has decided to replenish its stockpiles of anti-radiation pills citing the ongoing crisis at Fukushima and the potential for nuclear fallout as the primary reason behind the bulk purchase.
According to the solicitation of the fedbizops.gov website, the DLA is looking to finalize the purchase of $400,000 worth of potassium iodide pills.
Which work by helping the body's thyroid gland block cancer-causing radioiodines that are released during a Fukushima-type crisis.
And again, it's already released conservatively 70 plus percent, or 70 plus times what Chernobyl did in 86.
Four reactors, all bigger, blowing up, leaking, and this time it's like, drink the milk, eat the food in the area, everything's healthy.
Oh, people are dying?
Well, they're mentally ill.
Oh, your teeth are falling out?
Your child just collapsed dead from heart failure is what the radiation does?
No problem.
Hey, 14 times increase in birth defects in Fallujah?
Many time increase in our troops?
So what?
Sit down and shut up.
Radiation's good for you.
That's the crooks that run our government.
The Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan types that make 40 to 1 bets.
Like MF Global, former head of Goldman Sachs, John Corzine.
Caught lying to Congress, caught ordering the money stolen, and he's still not in trouble.
Five and a half months in.
Because they're setting the precedent.
We're gonna grope your children.
We're gonna forcibly give them shots, even though there's no law and it's illegal.
We're gonna launch wars without congressional approval under U.N.
And we're gonna set up highway checkpoints and take your blood and forcibly inoculate you.
How's that sound?
I mean, people are like, that sounds crazy.
Stalin killing tens of millions of people just because he liked to do it, even though they weren't resisting.
There's famous communiques back to Lenin and then Stalin.
You can look them up, we've covered them here on air.
From the NKVD in the 20s, 30s, 40s, right through the 50s.
And they'd be in Ukraine, Poland, and they'd say, okay, we've arrested or killed half the village.
What do we do?
Just keep killing.
Okay, but
You know, these people are all basically slaves.
They're ready to grow food, do whatever we want.
Doesn't matter, I want more terror.
Those are letters from Lenin, particularly.
Just kill more people!
I mean, look at all the other cultures.
Look at all the other tyrannies we've seen.
These crazy men who always wear black uniforms and always have the military around them.
It's all about power.
It's not enough to have all the mistresses and the money and the palaces.
They like to see buildings burn and children die.
And we have let them get control here.
And now, they're building up a giant military against us and militarizing the police.
And the public knows it, so they're buying 5, 6, 7 million guns a month.
The corporate media is trying to hype up a race war right now, publicly issuing fake edited audio of Zimmerman.
Justice Department hyping it.
The Attorney General, the same guy caught shipping guns into Mexico, drugs back in the U.S., speaks to the Al Sharpton Group today, basically hyping it up, saying they may go arrest Zimmerman.
Our word is from Patrick Henninson, who talked to folks in the prosecutor's office, and now I heard rumblings of it this morning on Fox Radio, that in the next 72 hours, they're gonna announce a big announcement.
They gotta get the police ready.
Zimmerman's been told to just get out of town, and that they're not going to be indicting Zimmerman.
Because there's four witnesses that Trayvon Martin was on top of him beating him, including two of them are black!
You never see that on the news.
I saw it one time on ABC News, the black neighbor going, yeah, I saw the guy in the hoodie, the gray hoodie on top of the other guy in the red shirt, punching him.
The system has just chosen this now to get everybody fighting with each other so government can play the part of the referee.
Ordered out of chaos.
Meanwhile, they're fighting to keep Reactor 4 from completely melting down and blowing up, and spewing out more radiation than it already has.
One deadly isotope alone, cesium, or is it cesium-137, it would be estimated to be at least 85 times the amount put out by Chernobyl, which the UN says killed over a million people since 1986.
And created giant dead zones.
And again, where's the wind go?
Right across the Pacific into the United States, the West Coast.
The divine wind, the kamikaze, it blows across China and then across Japan out to the Pacific.
That's where the word kamikaze comes from.
That was a Chinese invasion.
You can look it up, I forget how many thousands of years ago.
Guys, look up Chinese invasion of Japan.
Chinese naval invasion of Japan, destroyed by a typhoon.
Give me the year and the dynasty, I forget the names.
And that's why they call their pilots flying into our ships.
The kamikaze, just a little historical factoid, was here's this giant fleet.
I think it was Kublai Khan, wasn't it?
He'd already taken over most of Asia.
And there were thousands of ships about to land.
They outnumber the Samurai over 100 to 1, and here came a typhoon right over Japan, destroying the fleet.
They've now found the remains of the ships.
Mongol invasion of Japan, the Mongol invasion of Japan of 1274, that's like 800 years ago, to 1281 were major military efforts undertaken by Kublai Khan, my memory serves, to conquer the Japanese islands after the submission of Korea
To vassal serfdom.
That's us under the bankers.
We are vassal serfs of Goldman Sachs through full fraud.
The minute you wake up to that and recognize the National Security State Homeland Security is the criminal receivership takeover arm is the minute you begin to regain the liberty of the 1776 Republic!
Anyways, continuing.
Let's go back to it.
Despite their ultimate failure, the invasion attempts are the
Can't even read that from this distance.
Macro historical importance.
Because they set a limit on Mongol expansion.
And rank a nation defining events in Japanese history.
The Japanese were successful in part because the Mongols lost 75% of their troops and supplies both times.
On the ocean as a result of major storms, the invasions are referred to in many works of fiction and are the earliest events of which the word kamikaze or divine wind is widely used.
With the expectation of the occupation of Japan at the end of World War II, that was a divine wind of firebombs, these failed invasions attempts are the closest Japan has come to being conquered by a foreign power in the last 1,500 years.
Okay, thank you.
I'll go to your calls now.
The point is, that divine wind is blowing scores of radioactive goodies.
Plutonium, uranium.
Because even though those are heavy elements,
They're getting caught on spiders and spider webs and bug parts and pieces of lint.
Because, you know, you go up in the upper atmosphere, it's just filled.
In fact, they found multi-thousand-year-old bugs at 50,000 feet.
You can look this up.
They fly around universities with aircraft with big scoops on the front of the plane and it just scoops up.
I don't want to exaggerate, but in some cases, really old stuff and a lot more than a few thousand years.
Look it up for yourself.
I could do that.
We don't have time for any more factoiding.
And the point is, there's all these light things.
Ever seen a piece of paper?
Ever seen a shopping bag in the sky like a kite and just keeps going?
Well, there are billions of things every year from Japan, that's a conservative number, that blow across and land over here.
That's why they used their own primitive drones.
Firebomb blimps and firebomb balloons they would send over to try to start wildfires in the United States during World War II.
It wasn't like the V1 or V6 of the Germans that they rained down on England.
You're getting a bird's eye view into my brain.
I'm just constantly thinking about different data.
I just love information.
Got all this other incredible news.
I haven't even scratched the surface yet.
Quake off Indonesia triggers tsunami alert.
But thank God it did not cause a big tsunami that could have drenched the island nation of Indonesia, or Sumatra for that matter, or even hit some of the other surrounding countries.
Millions breathe sigh of relief after tsunami alert is lifted following double quake that spread panic from Indonesia to India.
Let's go ahead and go to some phone calls here.
Let's talk to Carol or Carl in Oregon.
Go ahead.
Hello there, my big brother.
How you doing, buddy?
Big brother?
Little big brother.
I think you're watching and listening to me.
I'm not watching you, but I hear you, my friend.
No, God bless you today, Alex.
It's strange how God answers prayers.
Just a few months ago, I was thinking, boy, you know, Alex looks like he's gone through so much stress that he's put on a lot of weight.
And I thought, you know, I'm just going to pray for him that he's able to continue this fight, keep on going.
And sure enough, you had this gentleman come by by the name of Ben Fuchs that introduced these products to you.
And sure enough, you know, the answer is strange how God just answers prayers like that.
Yeah, well, to be clear, it was Ted Anderson and Michael Zwirling a year and a half ago told me I ought to get on the longevity stuff.
And then I got it, knew it was good, but never really did it full time.
It had a little bit of an effect.
And then Aaron Dykes started listening to Ben Fuchs on Genesis and started actually following it and hearing the interviews.
And he's now lost exactly 90 pounds, he was telling me last week.
It is unbelievable.
He looks like a college prep.
I tell ya, he is something else.
Yeah, let me tell you about my story that I had, because you were speaking a couple of days ago about the damages and the problems that you had with SSRIs.
I have my own personal horror story, the damage that I got.
Sure, just to recap, I was mentioning that the guy that had no criminal record, computer programmer, who was acting strangely out of his mind,
He was on one of the psychotropics known to be particularly bad to cause this, Xanax.
And same thing with the guy that shot the 18 people over in Iraq.
And I'm not saying they shouldn't get in some trouble, but the point is, they're on a hallucinogenic, mind-altering substance that causes chemical imbalances.
It's on the insert.
So they're all asking, why is this happening?
We know why.
Go ahead.
I took the medication that you mentioned, not Xanax, not Prozac, I didn't have problems with those, but I had a bit of a depression phase for a while and I took a medication called Paxil.
And with Paxil, at first with the initial side effects or the strange direct effects or whatever you want to call it, you have this kind of a tingling feeling down in your lower abdomen and groin, you have your mandible jitters like you've got the chills.
I'll be honest, I've never been a drug user, but I have tried things a few times, and I had a girlfriend who was on one of those Prozac drugs.
This is back when I was right out of high school, and for a couple
Off and on, because she said, oh, it'll take a few weeks for you to feel it.
I felt it and it was not placebo.
I took it for like a week just to see what it was, because I thought she was acting weird.
And my jaw felt weird.
I felt crazy.
I felt like I was disconnected somehow in my brain.
It felt really weird.
You ever kind of woken up and feel kind of strange?
That's what I felt like.
And now that I know scientifically what it does, it puts you in a dream-like state.
So you're like in a dreaming state.
And then as you get on more of it and stuff, I mean, it's just, it says on the insert.
Causes you to commit mass murder and suicide.
Stay there, I wanna hear more about it.
A little over a year ago, I began to do a lot of research into why, even though I had a pretty good-sized meal, that I was still starving.
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Every morning at the mine you could see him arrive.
He stood six foot six and weighed 245.
Kind of broad at the shoulder and narrow at the hip.
And everybody knew he didn't give no lip to Big John.
Big John!
Big John!
Big Bad John!
Big John!
Nobody seemed to know where John called home, he just drifted into town and stayed all alone.
Didn't say much, kinda quiet and shy, but if he spoke at all, he just said hi to Big John.
Somebody said he came from New Orleans, where he got in a fight over a Cajun queen and a crashing blow from a huge right hand sent a Louisiana fella to the promised land, Big John.
Alright, let's go back to Carl.
In Oregon.
So Carl, you're saying you went on one of these psychotropic drugs.
They're all basically the same formula.
And what did it do to you?
Okay, let me tell you about my account with it.
It was because I had another medication that I had just a terrible reaction to that caused panic and anxiety.
So they put me on a medication.
Try this, this is brand new.
It's called Paxil.
Okay, so I took the medication, and as I mentioned, the early side effects or direct effects is actually what they really are, is you had a jittering jaw, kind of a strange lower abdomen tingle.
It goes away in a couple of weeks, and then all of a sudden you find you're feeling maybe just a little bit goofy, and you start laughing for no reason at certain things, or saying things, or inappropriate things to people that you would never do before.
Yeah, I felt like the few times when I was a child and was sleepwalking.
One time I got up at about 5 a.m.
and my dad heard me yelling, I've got to catch the school bus because I had to walk about a quarter mile to get to the school bus.
And so I was running down the street in my underwear at like 5 a.m.
and my dad heard me and had to chase me.
And I remember him waking me up and I, for like five minutes, felt dazed.
That's what they do.
They put you into that semi-dream state.
That's what these are.
And, I mean, that's on the insert.
That's what they do.
These people are in a mesmerized zombie state, on average.
Some people can handle it.
But, I mean, it's on the insert.
Everybody has their horror stories, but it's not like it's our opinion.
And in every case, I mean, I never...
See a case where somebody randomly for no reason just shoots a cop.
They're always on this stuff.
This military guy, they won't release it, but psychiatrists are on record saying that he was in treatment and that anyone in that treatment for PTSD would have been prescribed this, but they're not releasing that because they never want to blame the drug.
Because they just want to prosecute these people and send them to jail, and then more people will get killed because they won't stop the dangerous psychotropic.
They're in the hallucinogen class.
The drug insert says they are a hallucinogen.
Go ahead, finish up.
Okay, I'll just make this brief in conclusion to this.
I said some inappropriate things that I never would say in a public place.
As a matter of fact, it was at a church.
It was a church function.
I said some inappropriate things.
And this young lady that came out, I mean, she wasn't a dainty person.
She was kind of a tomboy, kind of a tough person herself anyway.
And she approached me and confronted me about my comments and so on and so forth.
And, you know, she just got all of a sudden out of nowhere.
I just hauled off, took two hands and just shoved her to the ground.
I hear you.
God bless you.
Look, look.
The federal government spent millions studying this.
You can look it up.
Shrimp on Prozac commit suicide.
Birds on Prozac.
That's the main generic, you know, original Eli Lilly production.
I mean, look it up.
You give it to, not just mammals, you can give it to lizards and they start committing suicide.
And by that, they'll just walk right up to their predator.
Look it up.
Shrimp commit suicide on Prozac.
It takes your instinct of survival and compulsion.
You don't have compulsion control.
Like, if I ever had a thought to kill somebody, which we've all had those thoughts, at least I would imagine you have, you ever had the thought of, you know, instantly, I'm about to, you know, punch that person in the nose, you control yourself?
When you're on these drugs, you don't.
Oh, there's a cop?
I'll just go ahead and just shoot him right in the neck!
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
A little over a year ago, I began to do a lot of research into why, even if I had a pretty good-sized meal, that I was still starving.
And my research led me to a well-known fact that most of the soils that we grow our crops on here in the United States and across the industrialized world are almost completely depleted of almost all of the key minerals and trace elements that our bodies need to rebuild themselves, fight off cancer, and be healthy.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we've got a big counter-offensive against the globalists.
We're going to be launching here in about T-minus 8 minutes.
Trying to get Obama impeached.
The article will be up in about 30 minutes at InfoWars.com by Kurt Nimmo.
Breaking down the admitted high crimes and misdemeanors.
And then we'll add a video that we're going to premiere here to YouTube after we premiere it here on the radio slash TV.
Blasting out here today.
And again, I rant and rave and get angry because I'm sick of this.
I mean, I am tired of every two or three days seeing articles where they're taking people's children who don't give their children vaccines and calling it neglect when it's illegal to do that.
And it freaks me out to know the government is that lawless and that evil.
And to read about some poor chicken farmer, the city wanted to take his land for an environmental preserve, so they killed him.
The police went in and the house blew up, and they're telling people that he blew himself up.
And my gut is they probably
Deep 60.
And I've got that report that makes me absolutely want to just, just, just, just pull my hair out.
Let's go back to your calls, and Sean Stone's joining us.
Danny in New York, welcome.
Oh, man, I didn't think I'd be able to get on this fast.
Well, you are, sir, worldwide.
Please, hit me.
All right, man, I want to talk about entitlements today.
You know, Christie, Governor Christie came out talking about we became an entitlement country and everything.
We're good to go.
You know what?
I got a letter from the Social Security Administration from Sheryl Suborkin, and I'm pretty sure a lot of people have gotten it.
But it says, and I quote, the Social Security Act does not require a person to have a social security number to live and work in the United States, nor does it require a social security number simply for the purpose of having one.
Now, if that's true,
Why does all the businesses tend to tell you, you gotta have a number in order to... I was about to say, it is illegal to make you give a social security number for anything with the administration of that program.
That's on record.
And until a few years ago, it was on the card.
Because notice the illegal aliens don't need it for jobs or for, in many cases, or for bank accounts.
It's only for you.
The U.S.
citizen is known as the galactic chump.
Have you heard my right whale analogy?
The right whales were down to just a few dozen.
Almost extinct, when they were one of the most plentiful whales in the sea.
Gregarious, bumping boats, playful with humans like dolphins.
Very slow, sweet, trusting.
So the whalers call them the right whale.
It's the right one to kill!
And that's what we're known as.
The New World Order sees us, and they see in neon, chump idiots.
They see Americans, whether you're old, young, black, white, Hispanic, they don't care.
They see Americans as suckers, as food on the table.
And we've got to wake up to that and realize we have turned into a joke.
Not me, not anymore.
I'm fighting it.
I just want to thank you for the last time I spoke to you about the family court and you told me to start something up with a men's program and I'm working on that, you know, because I'm the guy who told you that you need to persevere, that, you know, it's not he who...
Who wins the races like you got to go to the end.
I gave you a quick Bible quote the last time I spoke to you.
I'm just trying to talk fast.
So I was like, you know, I remember and that meant a lot to me and you're absolutely right.
It's just like George Washington.
It's not about winning the battles.
It's about never giving up.
I mean, I'm in the North Vietnamese lost almost every battle, but they won the war because it's about never giving up.
I mean, even if somebody's clobbering you and you keep fighting and hurting them, it gets old for them.
They want a quick victory.
And you just chew on their heels.
Bite them.
I mean, that's what it comes down to here.
God bless you, brother.
Sorry I gotta cut you off quick.
You know I'm so long-winded.
Sean Stone's coming up for about 50 minutes, then I promise, back to your phone calls and a ton of news!
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Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
It is our number two.
We will have open phones and news, including the latest on the corporate media trying to cause a race war in this country.
It's now completely confirmed.
The Justice Department, MSNBC, they're all involved.
The inside intel we've got is in the next 72 hours, well now less, the next 68 hours or so, they're going to announce that they're not going to prosecute him because there's four witnesses that Trayvon Martin was on top of Zimmerman, punching him in the face.
This is purely about getting the American people fighting with each other.
Does that mean that there isn't such a thing as walking while black or driving while black and that blacks do get unfairly targeted sometimes?
Obviously, that's going on.
I can see why people get mad.
But it's a manipulation by the social engineers.
Undoubtedly, that's why MSNBC's been caught putting out fake video, fake audio, red-handed, trying to make Zimmerman sound like a racist.
That's why the White House has been promoting it.
That's why you've seen Al Sharpton and all these people pushing uprisings and saying, do you want violence?
And the new Black Panther Party saying we need blood in the streets, kill white people.
This is because government run by the foreign banks does not want us getting together.
Against Goldman Sachs, the New World Order, the TSA, getting together under the Bill of Rights Constitution, family, private property, the free market.
They don't want us to say no to carbon taxes.
They don't want us to say no to the open borders.
They don't want us to say no to the New World Order.
They don't want us to say no to tax incentives to ship our jobs to China.
They don't want us to wake up, which is starting to happen.
And so they are actually trying to get riots going in this country.
Right as they try to launch new wars.
They'd had the aircraft carriers last week.
They announced we're going to leave the Persian Gulf.
They sent another one and have the others double back.
First time that's happened in decades.
That was in Reuters.
I covered Monday.
So the aircraft carriers, it's all back on.
I mean, this is crazy what's going on right now.
Now, about a week and a half ago, Sean Stone, of course, a TV host, director, writer, been in more than a hundred movies, on the latest was Wall Street.
His father, of course, Oliver Stone.
He said, look, we've got to do more.
I know this congressman's got an impeachment bill in.
It's not getting attention.
We've got to produce something like the Kony 2012 video, but not something that's based in lies and propaganda to launch a new war, something based in truth.
And I said, well, what's your idea?
And he said, I'm going to cut an audio piece.
I'd like you to add video to it.
And I'd like you to get behind saying, look, we've got to impeach Obama.
And I said, absolutely.
So a week and a half later, Rob Jacobson and some of the other crew have put together this nine minute video that we're going to premiere at the bottom of the hour.
And then Sean will continue on with us until the hour is over.
And after we premiere the video, an article is going to go up at InfoWars.com that Kurt Nemo is putting together right now.
He's been putting it together for a few days.
The problem is, when you talk about high crimes and misdemeanors, I mean, it's just clear.
The sub-articles in the Constitution.
You launch a war without congressional approval, it's a high crime misdemeanor.
It is treason.
Because you're trying to become a dictator.
That's the danger in every country throughout history.
From Caesar on.
From Julius Caesar right through Augustus Caesar to Caligula to Nero.
Right through to Hitler.
And we see this happening now.
It's what happens in third world countries all the time.
But he went further.
He said, I don't just do this turning my office into a dictatorship, which even mainstream newspapers are now saying.
Last week when he told the Supreme Court he could overrule them and that they didn't count.
I mean, even the Washington Post said this is dictatorial behavior.
And again, it's not that Obama himself would be a dictator.
The office is under the National Security Council and Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase that put him into power.
They already have installed presidents and prime ministers in a score of European countries, in Eastern Europe, in third world countries in Latin America.
They have Goldman Sachs people who are installed as the presidents and prime ministers.
With Monty.
Same thing in Greece.
They tried it in Iceland for a year.
The normally peaceful Icelanders turned into the Vikings they are and said no.
It turned out 92% in that case of the debt was not theirs.
The government was signing him on to somebody else's debt.
Obama has done that.
He's launched wars without congressional approval.
He's hired nothing but foreign lobbyists.
He signed the NDAA, totally unconstitutional, saying they can secretly arrest us.
Expanded torture.
He's now arresting journalists who talk to whistleblowers who expose corruption.
Bush didn't do that.
Again, even the Washington Post was like, this is scary!
That's the establishment!
We have to impeach him, or at least get the movement going to say to the world, this type of illegal power grab will be blocked, even if he is a power puppet.
He's like a wicked globalist titan controlled by Kronos, to use an analogy.
He's still a dangerous puppet charging over us.
And are the Republicans bad?
You bet!
We'll try to impeach them too.
I tried to get Bush impeached.
I tried to get Clinton impeached, and it worked to a certain level.
They voted to start the impeachment, and moved the trial to the Senate, and then that got killed.
The point is, the things Obama has done make Bill Clinton look like a choir boy.
As bad as he was.
All the evil.
He makes Bush, at many levels, look tame.
And it's going to get worse under the next president.
We have to rein in these criminals.
And so we're going to break this down in the video.
He covers four big points.
Kurt's going to cover ten or more.
And it's going to be an article and a video.
After we premiere it here on the radio, the video will go live the next hour at Infowars.com, probably sooner, with the video on YouTube to go viral, and links to social media, you name it.
And send a message to the crooks.
We know you're criminal, and we're saying in the court of public opinion, you are impeached.
In fact,
I think I'm going to have another headline by Watson or somebody on top of this, or a duplicate of the video, and I'm going to call it, you know, something like, the American people have already impeached Obama.
Court of Public Opinion impeaches Obama.
I think I'm going to have that added to his, because that's the point here.
Resistance is not futile.
They tell you it is because you've got the power.
By the way, we beat SOPA, they're back with a new bill to openly shut things down extrajudicially.
It's all happening.
Now, Sean Stone, host of the upcoming third season of Conspiracy Theory,
Uh, joins us with Jesse Ventura and of course Tyrell Ventura.
Uh, let me get those guys on soon.
Uh, and he, uh, recently went to Iran and simply said that he recognizes that it's the same God that, you know, the Jews, Christians, Muslims, whether you believe that or not, that's what the Muslims believe.
And he was saying, I recognize you as a thing of solidarity.
The media said he converted to Islam.
He was saying, I recognize.
To try to de-escalate things, but of course the media spun that as well.
Now, going to him, this is a big deal, and I'm glad you're doing this, and we should all do this.
In fact, other people should launch their own videos, saying impeaching for your own reasons.
Just let's do something, let's get this going, we've got the power.
Sean Stone, very exciting, what we're launching here, instead of calling it Kony 2012, with establishment fake viral spread that blew up.
This is based in facts and will only grow.
And of course we're going to call it Impeach Obama 2012.
And it's going to be launched here today, right now.
And it's up to the listeners and viewers on XM 166 and over 100 AM and FM's, Global Shortwave WWCR, Infowars.com.
It's up to you!
We put the work in, done it.
We're giving you the ball.
I mean, we're giving you the seed.
You've got to plant it.
You've got to put sun on it.
You've got to water it.
Sean, great to have you with us.
Breakdown as we go to break here in about three, four minutes.
What's coming up in the video and why you did this.
Hey, Alex.
Well, yeah, the urgency is informing people that we, you know, we are currently, as we call it, in a state of martial law.
We are going towards a state of worse insanity, as you're well aware of, and you're one of the few people out there that's actually raising the alarms on this, and the more I talk to people regarding, you know, why Obama's so dangerous, as you're well aware, most people seem to think, well, you know, he's a smart guy, he was
We're good.
These wars abroad, it's not about war with Iran, or war in Uganda, or war anywhere else, or Syria, anywhere else, but right here at home, the war on the American people that's taking place right now and is escalating as we see, and you point out, on a daily basis, not even just the weekly basis anymore.
So if we don't start to activate people in the process of impeaching Obama, we cannot take our country back.
You know, you say it's our republic, you say that it's your country, so I say, okay, fine, prove it.
Start this process of impeaching him.
You may not succeed, but in the process, let's spread this video.
Let's make it viral.
Let's get millions, hundreds of millions of people in America to at least realize what's going on, to become aware.
And in that process, we're succeeding.
And, you know, forget about the election in six months.
We don't know if that's going to come.
Roll over and die.
If people don't... What if we don't make it to November?
If people don't throw... What if we have a whole new country by then?
If people don't throw themselves behind this, then they should just roll over and die.
Continue, Sean.
Yeah, I'm sorry.
I think sometimes Skype doesn't sync, and then when I talk to you, you can't hear me, and it cuts the feed up.
Can you hear me now?
All right, we're having a Skype issue with him, but that's okay.
Sean, can you hear me now?
Okay, we're gonna bring him back up after the break.
So it was a Skype problem there.
This is very, very exciting.
This is very, very important, and
It's true.
And he's put together a very nice presentation and we merged it with our video and some clips.
Rob Jacobson did a superlative job.
So did some of the other graphics guys like Marcos Morales and Darren McBrain and John Bowne and others that contributed.
To this piece, and we've done the work here.
We're begging you.
He's saying we're under UN command.
He has the generals telling the Congress we take orders from the UN.
He's saying he'll arrest and disappear citizens.
The NSA last week told Congress, under presidential order, they're not going to tell Congress about the new NSA base and what it's doing in Utah.
Congress passes the laws and has the money.
Like the legislature is in charge of the state police in every state.
This is total criminal dictatorship by the bankers.
And they're just hiding it in plain view.
We've got to impeach Obama.
The video's coming up.
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Okay, Sean said that his internet completely died.
That's never happened before, he was telling us.
We hope it's just a snafu.
But we are launching a movement here to supercharge the impeachment.
Now, Chuck Norris came out in WorldNetDaily last week.
And did his analysis and also used InfoWars information and said that clearly this newest executive order is preparing for martial law.
Another congress person has come out in the Orlando Sentinel and said they've done an analysis and this executive order isn't if we get nuked.
Like the old one said, for martial law, it's for any reason, including the threat of an emergency.
Sean, you've got the floor.
Continue breaking down why we need to push for a movement to get impeachment going.
Because the ball started to roll, now it's going a little bit faster.
If we just do it, these crimes are so open, we've at least got to publicly say no to it.
Or they're setting the precedent to go hog wild.
No, I mean, we have to recognize that there is no difference between the Democratic and Republican parties as they now stand.
We've been taken over by these two factions, they're ruled ultimately by the same people, which is a financial elite oligarchy.
And if we as the people do not rescind the power and say we are capable of impeaching the president, that is the most empowering act that we as American citizens can do at this point.
It's not to go to an election and vote for one of the two parties that are being promulgated upon us.
It's to say, no, you have violated your contract with the people, Obama in this case.
We're going to lay out the points that we're basing his impeachment upon.
And to say that we are not going to stand by and allow you to take away our surplus of our civil rights, put us in a position of constant warfare and fear of warfare, and the continued bailout of a banking system for debts that we did not accrue as people.
I mean, ultimately, we know that these debts that are being paid to the banks and the leverage that's being used
against our economy, against our future, is not accrued by us.
We're not benefiting from this.
The American people are not benefiting from this.
It's a small little faction based out of Europe and Wall Street, which is an extension of the British Empire.
And that's it.
That's what he represents.
So impeach him.
Take the power back to the hands of the American people.
And then say, whoever comes in next, you better be afraid.
We're not going to be afraid of you.
You're going to be afraid of us.
That's the whole point.
That's what, at least, the Nixon impeachment worked on psychologically, was the sense that we don't trust you, and if we, you know, the next president that comes in, you're basically, you should be a lame duck in our hands.
Now, unfortunately, Kissinger was still there, and although, you know, the bad guys were still around for his administration, but there was still a feeling, at least, of empowerment at that moment.
I think you've hit the heart here, Sean.
It is an American tradition of common sense not to trust government and to keep government in line because, like fire, it's a dangerous servant, fearful master, as George Washington said.
Instead, Obama is the cynical liar who said he wouldn't hire lobbyists, wouldn't hurt whistleblowers, the most open government was going to do all this.
He's lied about everything.
He's such a cynical liar, he makes Bill Clinton look honest.
Well, that's what's so dangerous about him.
That's precisely what the danger is.
It's a cult leader.
It's someone who's mastered his voice tone.
I mean, frankly, if you listen to him, the first time I heard him, I said, this is an actor you're dealing with.
He doesn't sound, his voice pitch doesn't sound like, it sounds like it's trained.
It doesn't sound natural to me.
And so the tone of his voice is what hypnotizes crowds.
So they sit there and they go, Oh, he's so smart.
He sounds so intelligent.
Well, yeah, it's about how you present yourself.
It's not actually what's, you know, what is he?
Meanwhile, he speaks with one tongue about, as you said, you know, whether it's, you know,
No signing statements, a week to read the bills, and he does the opposite.
Not going to sign the NDAA, does sign it, says he didn't want the power, turns out he ordered the power.
I mean, just total... It's so Machiavellian.
I mean, there'll be like nine levels of lies.
With Bush, it would just be, in your face, I'm doing this.
Well, as you pointed out, when you made the Obama deception four years ago, KRS-One was the guy who said, you know, this country was on the verge of a revolution against Bush.
We hated Bush.
It was so open, what he was doing, and in terms of the neocon movement behind him, that was going towards these imperialistic wars, and in the Patriot Act, all these things were obscene.
But at least it was like we knew it.
My dad made a film called W about it, and so I got to point out a lot of the impeachable offenses that he made.
But at that time,
What should have happened was we really needed a president who was going to stand up like an FDR or a Lincoln and say, you know, we're going to basically take the strong executive, start to actually help our people, build infrastructure, support the technological uplifting of our people again, and re-encourage industrialization, all these things that will basically lift the level of the working man and the middle class.
And instead you get a guy who says that, and ultimately works for Wall Street and works for the British Empire.
Which is Obama.
And he's trying to pass all these carbon taxes and putting it through without even passing it to shut down what's left of our economy.
Our economy's dying on the table and he's stabbing it with an ice pick going, let me take care of you.
You're not feeling too good?
We're going to come back with Sean Stone, folks.
This is your chance to take action.
We're going to premiere this video on the other side.
Impeach Obama 2012, that's the political slogan.
That's the point.
That's what we've got to start pushing.
And we'll break down what's in the video and then get to it straight ahead with Sean Stone.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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You are obsolete, Mr. Wordsworth.
A lie!
No man is obsolete!
You have no function, Mr. Wordsworth.
You're an anachronism, like a ghost from another time!
I am nothing more than a reminder to you that you cannot destroy truth by burning pages!
You're a bug, Mr. Wordsworth, a crawling insect, an ugly, misformed little creature who has no purpose here, no meaning!
I am a human being!
Words, Mr. Wordsworth, that have no substance and no dimension, like air, like the wind!
I don't care!
I tell you, I don't care!
I'm a human being!
I exist!
And if I speak one thought aloud, that thought lives, even after I'm shoveled into my grave!
Delusions, Mr. Wordsworth!
Delusions that you inject into your veins to make you think you have a strength, when you have no strength at all!
You have nothing but spindly limbs and a dream, and the state has no use for your kind!
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Okay, Sean Stone is our guest.
We're about to premiere this video that we've been working on for a week and a half.
And the title of the video, it'll be live the next 20-30 minutes at YouTube in an article that Curt Nemo just finished at Infowars.com.
We're going to call the article Obama Impeachment 2012.
We're going to call the video Impeach Obama 2012.
But it's Impeach Obama 2012 movement.
Just like Kony 2012.
But this is a grassroots situation.
We don't have the State Department and every corporate media horror system pushing it.
It is up to you to get this video that we're about to premiere out to everybody.
And again, this idea is with Sean Stone.
The audio you're going to hear is his narration with the video and the different clips here.
Sean, we're about to go to this video here in a moment, but any other points you think that are important to make or we can make when we come back?
Yeah, I mean, just one thing I remember is, you know, from the beginning I was suspicious of Obama, and I'll tell you specifically, I was at a dinner with the wife of Rupert Murdoch, and she hosted this, and so there was quite a few wealthy individuals there.
And this is 2008, in the summertime, coming into the election.
And we were asking, you know, well, what do you think?
What do you guys think about the election?
Do you care who wins, if it's McCain or Obama?
And the attitude was, no.
We didn't want Hillary to run.
And if you recall, there was some fraud that were going on in those elections in Florida and Michigan, I believe it was, that were not qualified as the electoral caucus going into the Democratic primaries.
That was when the deal was made for Hillary to come on as Secretary of State.
And that was very clearly stated to me that the intention was not for Hillary to become president.
And so long as it was either Obama or McCain, there was no preference.
And then one of the European, this is exactly the symptom of the oligarchy, was this guy, I won't tell you his name, but he runs a major fund of funds.
They give their money to people like Soros.
He kind of scoffed when I mentioned Soros.
Soros was supposed to be at the party and it was like, Soros is a small potato, we give him money.
That was the attitude of this guy.
And he's, you know, Anglo-French, basically, that imperial faction that he comes from, trained in that school.
He, um, he said to me in French, you know, I have no concern, we have no concerns about Obama except for the fact that he's black.
And that was an indication, what he was indicating to me was, because he's black, there's a potential for him to sympathize with the underclass.
If that was ever expressed, he could be a danger.
But as far as we're concerned, everything else, he's controlled.
Well, he's shown himself particularly ruthless.
He doubled the funding for basically forced abortion in Africa and a lot of other things.
So that's really pleased the system.
He's been really into aborting black babies as much as he can.
So I think he showed himself well to them.
Well, yeah, the point was that simply, if there was ever any inclination of a man to ever have this sympathy for the underclass, you know, that comes as a black man in America, a minority, whether it's Latino or black, but there's this historical revolutionary tendency, as we know, right?
If that ever showed itself,
He would have been offed, and that's why consistently throughout his presidency, remember there was, they always had this potential for an assassination plot.
And that was to trigger a race war, as you've commented on the Trayvon, uh, was it Trayvon case?
Yeah, and now they're doing it!
It's incredible!
I've always said Obama could be the false flag, but they have been caught!
MSNBC, the White House, the Justice Department, trying to start a race war, and now they've got these feds out there saying, let's get white blood flowing!
You know they're feds!
Anybody else would be arrested!
Yeah, all these are exactly the kind of conditions they're trying to create.
At the end of the day, because they are opening up these doors for martial law and creating on the books these precedents.
I mean, why would you announce, for example, that you assassinated American citizens unless you're trying to put out a warning to people to say, you are next?
You know, you have to understand that.
Why would they even announce that?
Why not just
Why would they have the head of the CIA three weeks ago come out and say, we're watching and listening to all of you without warrants.
We don't need warrants.
And last week, Congress said, we want to know about these giant new NSA bases.
And the executive said, literally go to Hades.
Congress was told you don't get to ask questions.
We are the bosses now.
I mean, it's happening.
They need to set the precedent.
And the point is, it's psychologically breaking the American people down to the point of, this is 1984 and Brave New World all in one.
You know, we're telling you the truth, but you're so distracted by American Idol and what Kim Kardashian and some celebrity is doing that you don't give a damn that your country is no longer a republic.
And if you don't take that power back,
Let's see where we are in five years.
Let's see how horrible it can get.
Because no one expected that, you know, Nazi Germany would end up becoming as horrific and destroyed as it was.
I mean, people weren't aware of the concentration camps, you know, per se.
They weren't, you know, they were aware of the wars.
They were aware of the austerity programs that were being done to them.
But they believed in the sacrifice for the homeland.
So, the point is, where is this going to end?
We don't know.
All we know is that we are on a course to hell right now.
And, you know, with that I would say, present the video.
Well said, my friend.
Is it not heartening, though, that we've now got at least 10 different Congress people talking about Obama trying to set up a police state and introducing impeachment legislation?
Chuck Norris came out, wrote a WorldNetDaily article plugging my show and saying I was right in my research.
Chuck Norris the action hero?
Yeah, I've had Chuck Norris on the show before, but the point is, Chuck Norris went against the other WorldNet Daily writer that said, oh, this executive order's no big deal.
But in Chuck Norris' article, he admitted that Bush was bad and engaging in imperial-type activities, but that Obama was trying to overthrow the Republic itself.
I mean, that really shows that Chuck is starting to wake up.
My point is, there's major buzz on all this.
There is, and let's intensify it now.
Let's bring the pressure.
Because if we put the pressure on them, the point is that this is how you basically destabilize their takeover.
The more awareness you put on them, the more you basically back them into a corner.
Whatever they do now, we're there pointing a finger.
You see, that's the only way you defeat these guys.
And speaking of that, that's why we're going to go to this video right now and then go to break and come back and comment more.
But here it is, Impeach Obama 2012, the video, the audio for radio listeners.
Get this out to everyone.
After the video, it'll be posted at Infowars.com with a red link as the top story.
We've produced it, we've put it together.
It's now up to you.
I hand the baton to you, the Infowarriors.
On March 7th of this year, Representative Walter Jones of North Carolina introduced House Resolution 107 into the United States Congress.
The resolution states, Whereas the cornerstone of the Republic is honoring Congress's exclusive power to declare war under Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11 of the Constitution,
Now therefore be it, resolved by the House of Representatives, the Senate concurring, that it is the sense of Congress that, except in response to an actual or imminent attack against the territory of the United States, the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an act of Congress violates Congress's exclusive power to declare war under Article I, Section 8, Clause 11 of the Constitution.
Jones intended his resolution to express the sense of Congress that the use of offensive military force by a president without the prior and clear authorization of an act of Congress constitutes an impeachable high cry and misdemeanor under Article 2, Section 4 of the Constitution.
Why does President Barack Obama deserve to be impeached?
Here are four reasons.
Doing little or nothing at all will result in even greater deficits
Even greater job loss, even greater loss of income.
One, the Obama administration not only endorsed the 2008 bailout policy, the funds from which did not go either to homeowners or for taxpayers protection, but rather to the consolidation of private banks, many of them in Europe.
There was no investment of any meaningful type in the physical economy.
There was no protection of the American people.
But rather, an illegal commitment made on behalf of private banking institutions to commit the American people to paying a debt that the American people did not accrue.
The trillions of dollars that were pledged to the private banking sector are backed by the assets belonging to the American people.
This combines to represent the most clear violation of the principle of a general welfare in the preamble to the Constitution of the United States.
I also want to be clear about what we will not be doing.
The United States is not going to deploy ground troops into Libya.
boots are reportedly on the ground in Libya.
Two, the Obama administration conducted a war in Libya which it claimed it did not conduct, with American forces that it claimed were not involved, for the purpose of overthrowing and then executing a head of a sovereign state, who was held in the custody of insurgent forces, financed and militarily supported by the United States, France, Britain, and other NATO countries.
This was done despite the fact the United States was either attacked or threatened with attack by the nation of Libya.
Only the Congress, not the President, has the authority under the Constitution to declare war.
But the Obama administration believes that it has that authority.
Do you think that you can act without Congress to initiate a no-fly zone in Syria?
Without congressional approval.
The administration recently asserted that its actions are above the laws of the United States in an exchange between Obama's Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta, and Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama.
Our goal would be to seek international permission and we would come to the Congress and inform you and determine how best to approach this, whether or not we would want to get
Permission from the Congress, I think those are issues we would have to discuss as we decide what to do here.
What I heard you say is, we're going to seek international approval, and they will come and tell the Congress what we might do.
The Obama administration thus, does not believe that the Congress has the exclusive power to declare war, and accordingly, the President should be impeached.
Let me welcome Prime Minister Cameron to the United States of New York.
There is an extraordinarily special relationship.
The Obama administration sides with the imperial power of Great Britain, and proudly so, in what has been called a special relationship.
Through that special relationship, the United States, as a result of false intelligence advocated by Tony Blair, claimed that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and conducted a preventive war against Iraq in 2003.
Preventive war was declared a crime against humanity by the Nuremberg Statutes in 1947.
But now, on March 13th of this year, Barack Obama and David Cameron declare their intention to seek the removal of the Syrian regime of President Bashar al-Assad.
A regime that has shown no intent of threatening or attacking the United States Republic.
This shows Obama's intent to continue a policy of war, for the commission of which the Nazis were sentenced to death in Nuremberg.
If President Obama intends to finance, arm, or in any way militarily support the rebel factions against the President of Syria, he has a constitutional requirement to approach the Congress for a declaration of war.
Four, President Obama has committed us as a country to a policy of indefinite warfare, including on American soil.
On December 31, 2011, Barack Obama signed into law the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act, which includes provisions that state that Congress affirms that the authority of the President to use all necessary and appropriate force pursuant to the authorization for use of military force includes the authority for the armed forces of the United States.
When Congress defined such covered persons, exempting U.S.
citizens from the language, they were rebuked by the Obama administration, which told them to remove U.S.
citizens from being precluded.
Thus, as a result, U.S.
citizens can also be detained by the U.S.
military indefinitely without due process or civilian trial.
This now allows the United States military to arrest and detain, without trial, American citizens who are deemed enemy combatants.
It abrogates the Constitution of the United States, in the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments, the right of the people to be secure in their persons against unreasonable searches and seizures.
And that no person shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise infamous crime unless on a presentiment or indictment of a grand jury.
And that the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury.
All of these rights have been abandoned by the United States under President Barack Obama.
Further, the president asks the country to believe him when he says that he will not use his power of the executive towards the arrest of U.S.
citizens pursuant to the NDAA of 2012.
However, the executive branch has already ordered the execution of an American citizen in November of 2011.
The Obama Administration has already assassinated an American citizen, Anwar al-Awlaki, who was never tried in absentia, but was simply indicted by a secret court, according to the executive branch, who then ordered his assassination, a murder which also included that of his son, a 16-year-old boy, and a family friend.
Considering the President's willingness to assassinate American citizens,
Are we really ready to entrust them with the power to indefinitely detain U.S.
citizens in the course of so-called combat?
After all, our Constitution promises the trial of all crimes, except in cases of impeachment, shall be by jury.
And such trials shall be held in a state where the said crimes shall have been committed.
Now is the time.
If we choose to surrender our republic to the machinations of dictatorship for fear of external threats, terrorism, and other amorphous enemies, then we do not deserve the republic which was given to us by our forefathers and promised to us based on the pledge that it is a republic of the people, by the people, and for the people.
Consequently, as a Republic belonging to us, we are not accountable to the President and the Congress.
They are accountable to us.
And should the President presume dictatorial powers, regardless of the state of war that he may claim we are now in, he must respond to our demands.
To protect American citizens from unauthorized illegal detention by the military and to annul this National Defense Authorization Act of 2012.
And if he does not do so, then he deserves to be impeached immediately.
But if we say nothing today, where will we be tomorrow?
Alright, my friends!
Ask yourself, what are you doing in this time of great challenge?
We'll be right back after this break with Sean Stone, the super high quality version.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Now, what I got cut off by the break trying to say was a high-quality video audio version of Impeach Obama 2012 has now gone up on InfoWars.com.
It's right there on the front page.
Right now, went up like 60 seconds ago.
Get refresh on your computer.
Get the video.
Get it out to everybody.
Incredible job by Sean Stone and of course Rob Jacobson who put that together with some of the other crew here on the graphics.
A lot of work went into it.
It's basically a 9 minute, 55 second documentary.
And please get it out to everyone.
It's devastating information.
We had the audio turned up a little too high at first, and the computer froze in there, so that's okay.
The high-quality version is now at InfoWars.com.
Most of you probably didn't even notice the audio was overdriven a bit, but we're perfectionists around here, at least striving towards it.
But very exciting, because I'm fighting back.
And every time I fight back, I just have success, and I get stronger.
And I know you're taking action as well, but here's the Chuck Norris article.
The benign and benevolent President Obama
Chuck Norris blasts unprecedented, reckless abuse of executive power.
And last week, three more Congress people have come out and said they've had the lawyers in the House look at the new executive order, something we looked at three weeks ago and were called conspiracy theorists, and that it does grab unprecedented power.
Before they had on the books since 1950 that if there is a nuclear attack
Or a giant war, and we're being bombed, that yes, civil emergency is put in by the President.
Obama says, now for any emergency, or the threat of an emergency, including economic.
And Congress isn't involved.
And I saw all these neocons come out and say, oh this is okay.
And I want to say, good job to Chuck Norris.
You know, I don't normally come on here and say, great job Chuck Norris.
The point is, is that really, he's flying in the face of dozens of neocon publications.
Drudge called it like it was correctly, day one.
Chuck Norris has called it correctly.
All the other neocon sites, including, and I like World Ent Daily overall.
They wrote articles basically saying I was wrong and it wasn't that big of a deal.
I'm sorry, I don't know what planet you're living on.
We're in trouble.
We're not in Kansas anymore.
They're sticking their hands down our pants.
They're buying hundreds of millions of bullets, armored mobile checkpoints, federalization.
I mean, you'd have to be crazy, Sean Stone, to not see that we're following a very accelerated trajectory towards open totalitarianism.
Sean Stone.
Yes, sir.
Was that a question?
Well, no, I mean, I want your take on that, this accelerated trajectory.
Yeah, I think it has a lot to do with economics.
I think it has to do with the economic meltdown that people like my friend Lyndon LaRouche have talked about on your show and others have pointed out for years, which is that this is not a sustainable trajectory of speculation, that these banks have basically, they've used the leverage of what used to be our industrial economy to play
Yes, we are.
Right, Alex?
In terms of what the bankers are actually dealing with and assessing.
But I think the economic meltdown is exactly the reason why they are going rapidly towards this martial law scenario, which is basically potential.
You know, how do you basically go to austerity measures in a country like the United States, which is what they're doing in Greece, for example, right?
If you get those kind of austerity terms here, do people come out and start revolutionary activities?
How do you quelch it?
You know, how do you basically make people disappear?
How do you arrest them as economic terrorists?
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, Sean, I've been pretty wound up here and, uh, you know, doing my customary talking over people.
But again, you did a great job with the analysis you wrote and the voiceover you did.
The video and the facts are posted at InfoWars.com.
Obama impeachment 2012.
Um, in the time we have, I mean, this is a big deal.
This is, this is crunch time here.
This is choke or fight back and survive.
We've got to scream bloody murder politically.
And as you said, say, look, we know you're rigging both parties.
You blocked Ron Paul.
You're doing all this.
But we, in the court of public opinion, can and will expose you.
What are you asking the listeners to do?
I know I've begged them to get this video out to everybody they know in the article Curt Nemo wrote.
What are some other ideas you've got, Sean?
No, you're right.
I mean, it's got to start with informing the public and going through a rudimentary form of action.
Call your congressman, you know, start, just get politically aware, have discussion.
I mean, to me, it's discussion is the launching point of all things.
We're launching a website, thewaronevil.com.
And the premise of it is, you know, as Plato said, ignorance is the stem and the root of all evil.
Ooh, that's a great name, thewaronevil.com.
Is that up yet?
It's up.
We're good.
We're adding content at the moment, but the point is that it's up online.
You can see an hour-long talk show that I hosted, you know, as a trial called, What's Really Going On?
And it's me hosting with six people, regular, everyday people talking in a democratic... Ooh, I love the name!
The Real Resistance Project!
No, yeah, right?
No, the renaissance.
The real renaissance.
Because the whole point is we want a renaissance.
We need a rebirth of creativity.
We need to spread creativity amongst our people and to think and to become aware.
By becoming conscious, that is the first step towards that.
Now see, my mind read the real...
That too, that we're building too, man.
We'll start a resistance project too.
No, but I agree.
The resistance to their post-industrial eugenics, GEN21, is the new renaissance.
I agree.
Yeah, yeah.
Because it's about creativity.
It's about inspiring the mind of man.
The mind of man is the most powerful thing.
That is the source of all wealth that can be created in society.
Their monetary system, which is the empire, is collapsing.
It doesn't have real worth.
Even gold is just a valuation.
What is the real gold is in the mind of man, which you're able to invent, which you're able to offer, to communicate, to conceive of the world, your perception.
That's the gold.
And the mind war, as you know, the info war, that's what's been waged.
And successfully won on the American people, especially the last 40 plus years since the cultural, uh, the counterculture revolution of our country, 68 time period.
So now we're taking it back.
The new generation's gonna step up and say, no, we need, we need to have access to democratic style forms of discussion and go back to our concept of a republic, which is based on principle.
And right, and interesting, I had a good conversation with Jordan Maxwell last night, who I think you know pretty well as an Illuminati researcher.
And his whole point is, look, there's a corporation that runs the United States.
The U.S.
Corporation was incorporated around 1871, and they changed the constitutional verbiage from the Constitution of the United States to the Constitution for the United States.
And that was for the new corporation that we now live under, which is why it's so easy for them to change the laws so readily.
They don't care about violating the Constitution because the Constitution is for a corporation now, not for the natural Constitution that was supposed to be given to us by our founding fathers.
So maybe in the course of having this impeachment process and actually going out and spreading the news, we'll recognize the fact that, wait a minute, a corporation has taken over that republic which used to stand.
Well, I agree with you, and we're at the crossroads right now, and this is a powerful video that's been put together.
And I'm honored, Sean, that you contacted us, because I know you've got a lot of different film crews and TV shows and a lot of people at your disposal.
Thank you for including the InfoWars team and what you did here, because I think we've made a dynamic duo.
And thank you for, you know, for standing up and saying what you're saying and doing it on a daily basis, because frankly, it takes guts.
And, you know, Jordan Maxwell told me that last night.
He's like, you know, Alex is really brave for saying what he's saying.
At a time like this, you know, a lot of people would just, you know, they'll focus on smaller issues, things that, you know, the Democratic Party, the Republican Party can, you know, get behind.
But you're, you know, you've been attacking consistently the oligarchy, and that's the real enemy.
It's the empire.
It's based out of England.
Well said.
Sean Stone, thank you so much for your courage.
And of course, Jordan, as we'll be right back with your phone calls and news.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, let's go straight into your phone calls and then I'll get into the latest on Zbigniew Brzezinski, a bunch of breaking news on Iran, the economy.
We're going to get a quick update again because our reporter is on it with inside sources.
What Henningsen said two days ago, writing for InfoWars.com and here on the radio, has turned out to be true.
I was listening to Fox Radio this morning and they were saying, rumors are now and sources that they're preparing in the next 72 hours for a big announcement.
Preparing lends credence to the fact that they're worried about civil unrest if they do not indict George Zimmerman.
And then they were cutting to reporters going, well, yes, we're talking to people, you know, inside the prosecutor's office and it doesn't look like.
So again, they're starting to lean towards all that.
But he says he has the source inside.
And I know Henningsen does first rate work.
I didn't even ask his source because it's a confidential source.
I mean, as the editor of InfoWars.com, I could make him tell me, but I don't even want to know.
His source inside of the prosecutor's office there.
Just like I had sources inside Arpaio's office, but I had to send reporters there to confirm what my sources told me, and indeed, that is what they told us then on camera.
And of course, it was Henningsen out there doing those interviews as well.
Okay, enough of that.
That's coming up right now.
Let's go to Allen in Illinois.
Allen, you're on the air.
Hey, how you doing today, Alex?
Hey, I really appreciate everything you do and all the work you've been doing.
It means a lot to a lot of us out here.
Thank you.
I want to take time to maybe talk to you for a minute about what happened with the action now, I mean, with the New York
Well, I mean, that always happens during periods of unrest because of depressions.
I mean, at first, you're not going to have organized groups.
You have the Democrats trying to take control of it.
And as soon as they couldn't take control of it, they flushed it.
Yes, sir.
Well, you know, I've been listening to you for a long time and trying to figure out the best way to try to put together what you're saying into action, and I put something together I call Action Now, and it's written down here.
I'm putting the last, you know, ends on it.
I'm sorry, I'm a little bit nervous.
I haven't talked to you before.
But I'm putting the last on this, and what it's done is taking what I think is wrong and what you've been talking about, whether it's the banking or the military actions or the safety of our food and water, and I've put it into what I call an umbrella type plan.
And I'm hoping that maybe you would be interested in listening or taking some time to help me pinch this so what I'm saying is accurate.
Because I'm just a person who listens to what you say.
I'm not an expert in taxation.
I'm not an expert in economy.
But anyway, just so I don't drag you on too much.
Under action now, just real quick.
I took each one of those letters from Action Now, and I put it into a little heading.
And under A, it would be, like, abolish the American banking system, the private banking system, and end the Fed.
And under C, it would say, cancel all foreign military action, offensive military action, that is.
And under T, it would say, take steps to see that we have clean, safe food, and safe food, water, medicines, and vaccines.
And on and on, like, you know, insisting that the Constitution be reinstated.
And under O, I have overhauled the educational system and popped the college bubble.
And it goes on and on to where I think that one of the things that was happening when I was at this protest
Everybody was standing around and it felt like everybody had an idea what they wanted, but nobody had any cohesion so that the policies could be moving forward.
Yeah, but that was done on purpose.
Soros and others orchestrated everybody to show up at those meetings by leaving it nebulous and then tried to come in and act like there was no leadership and take control of it.
But anytime somebody brought leadership, the operatives would activate and run you out.
They wanted protesters to project
What the globalists wanted higher taxes to be paid to the elites as banker bailout money and when that didn't happen they had a coordinated homeland security raids in cities all over the country to arrest and remove people.
I appreciate your call.
Interesting ideas that you raised.
And so that's what was done.
Now they're moving on to trying to cause a race war.
As long as the people are out fighting and angry but don't know, you know, which direction they're going in, that helps the banksters.
But your point about...
Going after the private Federal Reserve.
It's just exposed that we don't have a legitimate government.
They own the two major parties at the top.
They're trying to take our liberties.
And little guys, regardless of race, color, creed, religion, have got to stick together for the Bill of Rights and Constitution and its enforcement so we don't get enslaved.
Let's cut another call here.
Heather in Tennessee, thanks for holding.
You're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
That's an awesome video.
I'm going to be spreading it.
Thank you.
I want to thank you, and first of all, I want to let you know you're my daughter's hero.
I don't know if she's listening.
You covered the draconian judge back in November.
That was my video from YouTube, just so you have an idea.
I did want to say, you did an interview the other day with the guy from the IRS, and I thought that was an amazing, amazing interview.
And I'm sorry, I have the flu and I'm a little bit nervous.
Oh, I totally understand.
Don't be nervous, ma'am.
You sound great.
Look, I'm babbling half the time.
You're not babbling.
You're totally cogent and focused here.
But going back to, yes, the judge saying, you know what?
I'm just going to take your child and hand it over to somebody.
I'm not going to give it to either one of you for no reason.
And that thing really went viral.
What ended up happening with that case?
Well, my daughter, she actually, she won in the appeals court.
They gave her her children back.
As a result of a lot of threats and intimidation, I don't want to go into it too much, the judge recused
I don't know.
But the thing is, the kids are safe.
They're with her.
And I know she wants me to thank you so much.
You're her hero.
But I wanted to mention the interview that you had with the IRS guy.
I totally agree with you at the end.
You said, you know, it's not about courage.
It's about self-preservation.
And you know,
You can only do so much, Alex, and you're covering the big topics.
Everybody needs to stand up.
You've got a fight in your area.
Look, God bless you, ma'am.
I appreciate your call.
I want to say something about this right now, because this hit me this morning while I was exercising.
It hit me driving into work.
It hit me while she was talking.
The reason I get mad when people say, you're a hero, you've got courage, man, you're one in a million, you're so great.
I'm not.
I'm not.
I'm somebody who studied history, so I recognize the signs of tyranny 20 years ago.
I got on air 17 years ago.
I took action.
There are people better looking, more eloquent, listening right now, who have better organizational skills, everything.
Who could do better than what I've done in 17 years.
But I have persevered.
That's really one of the positive points.
And the system tries to tear me down in the image of Alex Jones.
They want to make it about Alex Jones so they can then destroy me and then try to destroy the idea of liberty.
And I have become a giant of resistance, a giant of conspiracy as the mainstream media calls it.
Not trusting known certified criminals and liars.
That's what a conspiracy theorist is.
Thinking for yourself, not being a chump.
That means conspiracy theorist.
But it isn't like, oh great, I reach tens of millions of people every week.
It's like, wow, what an incredible responsibility.
How do I do a better job?
That's why I get so excited when I see Sean Stone doing something or Mike Adams.
That's why I get so excited when I see you do something.
Is because I realize they're not going to stop us.
And more and more people are taking action.
But it's not because you're a hero.
It's not because you're going to go out and win every time you fight corruption.
It's because when you let evil take over, things get very, very destructive very, very quickly.
There's no end to it, because just because you've got one level of corrupt people in place, they're going to get removed by the next level that's even worse, and then on and on and on.
That's what happens.
We're in danger, folks.
I'm not doing this because I'm a hero and I'm going to fix it all.
I'm doing it because I'm trying to survive here.
I know history.
I know geopolitical systems.
And I've got something I want to show viewers.
If you go to InfoWars.com, you can link through in the Obama impeachment article.
Impeach Obama 2012.
Join the National Campaign is the name of the video.
But on the website it's just called Obama Impeachment 2012 is the name of the article.
But I'm reading some of these during the last break and look at this person commenting here.
And I'm not mad that they're attacking me.
I'm sad.
Because even if I just got involved in this, they shouldn't be mad at me.
But the truth is, I've been saying impeach Obama for over three years.
And I've been having the Congress people on the show.
You know how hard it is to get them on?
And I've been covering it.
I mean, I've been the focal point of trying to impeach him.
I've been covering it every day, intensely, in the last year.
And they say, it's about time somebody brings this to the surface.
What happened to Alex Jones on this?
Question mark, question mark, question mark.
What happened to you?
You certainly weren't watching the show or listening.
Why have we not heard anything from Ron Paul?
I will say this, we need to see more on Ron Paul about supporting the impeachment stuff.
I never criticized Ron Paul, but he needs to go after Obama.
I said that day one, make his campaign about that, and it didn't happen.
I said to him in the last interview, I said go after him.
So he's right on that, but don't throw the baby out of the bathwater.
Something just doesn't seem right with this picture.
Well, something doesn't seem right with you saying, I haven't been covering this.
And again, don't go after people in the arena.
I want to see something out of all of you out there before you tell me I'm not doing enough.
Because it's that attitude that's got us in this position.
Nobody's done more than I have.
And then you one-up me like you're the big man?
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Alright, I'll go back to your phone calls and then a bunch of other news that I haven't gotten to.
I promise I'm gonna blitz through some news.
I promise I will attempt as best I can.
But, again, it's not that somebody criticizes me.
I don't care about that.
I don't care when Nightline, you know, says I'm dangerous and evil.
In fact, I see that as a badge of honor.
That I'm drawing flack from some of the biggest enemy propaganda guns.
It's that when the average internet-type person just always says, Jones is a fad!
And then that one-ups to where they're a moral person because they've said they're good and I'm bad.
I know I'm good.
I know I'm real.
I know I'm a model of resistance and victory.
Thanks to God's graces, your prayers, and support.
And I want to live up to the great honor and potential I've been given.
But I really want to teach others that they have power.
And when people lie, because 99% of the time it's just total made up garbage.
You know, Alex hasn't been covering Obama impeachment.
What do you mean?
I've been the very tip of the spear.
I've been criticized for promoting it.
Alex didn't cover in this executive order for martial law.
What are you talking about?
Alex isn't covering NDAA.
Alex isn't covering the new SOPA bill.
Alex, what are you talking about?
It's all I do!
And I just think of the person behind their keyboard who decides to complain about somebody who's in the arena, bloodied, while they sit in the stands picking their nose and eating their boogers.
And I hate to use that analogy, but that's basically, spiritually, what they're doing.
I mean, I'm out here with a shield and a club fighting a big cyclops, and I got, you know, all these political cuts and all sorts of stuff, and dust in my eyes, and my throat's, you know, dry and I'm bleeding, and they're up there in the stands going, he ought to be in the arena!
I can't believe he's in Maui right now, laying out in the sun!
Can I have another pina colada, please?
They're actually in Maui, watching me in the arena on a big screen TV.
And I'm in the arena and they're drinking pina colada.
And I'm gonna go surfing.
Look at him.
Can't believe he's in Maui drinking a pina colada.
It's just like, it hurts me in that I realize they're this weak.
They're this pathetic.
They're this weird.
I mean, I have trouble criticizing people who are in the arena.
I just don't get it.
I'm trying to build people up.
I'm trying to find other leaders.
I'm trying to form the best resistance I can.
I soul search how I can be more effective.
I beat myself up not doing enough.
And then I just see somebody saying, Alex isn't covering impeachment.
I'm sick of it.
And people are like, don't respond to the trolls, Alex.
You know, that's wrong.
They're just stupid.
No, I went and looked at this person's channel and there's some other ones in there too.
These probably aren't even trolls.
These are people who actually
Just one of GRIPE!
And here's another article.
SPLC on New Black Panthers.
There's no such thing as hate speech.
Yeah, that's an article that just came out today.
He talked to the head of the Southern Poverty Law Center, well, the deputy head under Morris Schliege, Mark Potok, and there's no such thing as hate speech when the Black Panthers, or the New Black Panthers, say kill the Crackers, kill Whitey.
By the way, is he popping in with an update on that at It's 40 After still?
Okay, I told you there's more news coming up.
Jackie in New Mexico, I the person who's not done enough to expose Obama and putting you on air, I want to apologize.
In fact, I'm going to curtsy to everyone right now.
Here we go.
Zoom the camera up.
Come on, I'm standing up here.
Come on, we can tilt.
Okay, here you go.
I've not done enough.
We're not worthy.
We're not worthy.
I haven't got enough.
Now I bet that guy feels like a big man.
What's his name on here?
The guy that said I'm not doing enough?
Nation 2 or something?
So there you go.
You're the big man now.
You got Alex Jones to respond to you.
You went on the internet.
Why didn't you go comment on different videos, promoting the video?
I'll go to break and come back to...
Jackie and then Jay and Paul and Sam and John before Henningsen joins us.
Why didn't you go on other... In fact, let me go to his page.
Zoom in, guys.
Let me go to this person saying I'm doing nothing.
And let's see what this guy is doing over here.
Let's see the last comments he's left.
It's probably just criticizing.
Young Jew speaks out.
Obama administration guilty of high crimes.
Guitar fret leveling.
Hey, you got videos about guitars?
You're not doing enough!
Where are your comments?
Oh, it's about guitars and stuff.
Oh, look, we're not doing enough, but the video he's using is ours, by a Native American.
It's a pothead, or a guy promoting pot, who is in here telling us we're not doing enough.
You need to do more!
How dare you!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Well, I walked back down
I hope you'll join us in getting the video we produced with Sean Stone at InfoWars.com and getting the free 10-minute video launching a national campaign of grassroots awareness to impeach Obama, because we're not doing enough here at InfoWars.
We're working for Obama, like some of the neocons have said.
Please help us get this out to everybody.
Be in the arena with us.
Your Facebook, your Twitter, your old MySpace, your email list, your co-workers right now.
Send this out to everyone you know.
Impeach Obama 2012.
Join the national campaign.
And I'm going to get a Twitter out during the next break to my Twitter followers at Twitter.com forward slash RealAlexJones.
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Also, don't forget, we are listener-supported.
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Pray for one of our great ladies that answers the phones here.
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And I can't even say her name.
I just want to give her some privacy.
Please pray for my whole crew and pray for one of the sweet ladies that normally answers the phone.
We've only got one person answering them right now, so please be patient.
Well, that's not true because the phones rotate into the back office and they answer them too back in the shipping office.
888-253-3139 if you want to learn more about the probe here.
Okay, let's go ahead and don't forget the product code water.
Jackie in New Mexico, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hi, Alex.
Thanks so much for mentioning those clueless people that are talking about you not doing enough.
What a joke.
I feel sorry for them, too, because they're obviously current on their vaccines.
Well, I mean, the weird thing is it's like a culture of, eh, he's not doing enough.
It's like you make yourself big by saying somebody else isn't doing enough.
And it's like so pathetic and loser-ish.
And I noticed it not just with me.
It's culture-wide.
It's like all these wimps that think they're really tough and want to tell you, you know, how they were at, uh, you know, the jujitsu training all day.
And I'm just like, good, good.
I mean, it's like, okay, great.
What are you doing to fight tyranny?
It's like a game of one-upmanship, but I'm sorry.
Go ahead.
No problem at all.
Listen, that's the reason I called in, because I called to tell you about a vaccine injury that I sustained in February.
Because people need to know how sinister the system is in trying to get us vaccinated.
That's one of their methods of trying to kill us.
You've told us that many times.
And this is a new level of loneliness, for sure.
Now, just a very quick background.
When I was serving in the Air Force, I was in an accident.
I broke my thoracic spine.
Yeah, they basically fused it, put me in a body cast and, you know, said good luck with that.
Well, during the 10 years that I spent fighting with the VA for benefits, I rehabbed myself in and out of a body cast and all that.
They couldn't have cared less about me.
Well, anyway, luckily I rehabbed myself because I learned about alternative healthcare and organic food.
Now, so I never had to take any pain meds at all for the chronic pain, but a couple times a year I would get serious migraine headaches.
You know, I know you've talked about migraines before you've had them.
You know they're bad.
That's different than chronic pain.
Yeah, it hurts so bad it feels good.
I don't have a lot of migraines.
It's always allergy related.
Every time I go bike riding during a really bad allergy time.
I was having a migraine so bad one time it was like explosions of pain.
And it was so painful, it went beyond being painful.
I don't know how to explain it, but go ahead.
Well, on February 7th, I was three days into one of those episodes, and in the middle of the night, I called a friend.
I was vomiting, the whole thing.
And he insisted, let's go to the ER.
Well, they had to give me heavy narcotics at first, just to get the pain under control.
And I told them, listen, this Zomig nasal spray helps me.
Please, just administer that.
Well, they tried to give me attitude because I was trying to tell them what to do.
So long story short, what happened?
Long story short, they gave me two doses of this Zomig, and I thought, how strange.
They gave me two doses, but I was so out of it from whatever they had already given me, I didn't get it, and they wouldn't let my friend in with me.
Well, after three days of uncontrollable vomiting and other bodily fluids, I ordered my medical records from the hospital.
They had given me the flu zone nasal mist.
They gave me one zomic and then they gave me that flu zone nasal mist, which is a flu vaccine.
I told them I did not want.
No, no, no, no.
They forcibly do this all the time with children, adults.
It's in the news.
They're training the medical system to just do whatever they want.
And since you mentioned vaccines, I've talked to people that are only, one person's like 52.
But the point is, so many people that are getting the flu shots now go numb or get neurological disorders or get Alzheimer's when they're in their 50s.
It is an epidemic, and old people are getting it.
And a lot of times, they quote, get the Alzheimer's two days after they've had the shot.
So now doctors are saying give kids painkillers.
This is in the news today.
It's up at InfoWars.com from Natural News.
Or at least give kids high-powered Tylenol when they're given a shot to help them sleep.
Because so many of them are getting sick and complaining after the shots, or even having convulsions.
They found if they give them an anti-inflammatory,
Of some type that either liquid ibuprofen or for whatever reason they say that the Tylenol is having an anti-inflammatory, that they won't have it.
That's how devastating it is, is they're talking about administering painkillers with vaccines.
So what happened to you after the thing like, oh, you got a headache?
You think a nasal spray will help bring down the inflammation?
That's what happens to me.
I get a big sinus thing and then boom, off the races.
And so they said, we'll give you something, lady.
I've been in bed since then and I am a yoga teacher.
I teach Qigong and Tai Chi.
I've been teaching for 20 years.
I ride my bike and I have been in bed for two months since February 7th.
Well listen, we have a good family friend who was an Olympic swimmer, a whole nine yards.
In great shape.
He was supposed to go in for one stent.
The doctor put like 14 stents in his heart.
He didn't need.
Turns out that doctor did it all the time.
He just won a lawsuit against him.
And I'm not a litigious person.
But when they're wrong, they're wrong.
You should sue them!
For doing a medical procedure that you told them don't give to me.
And you need, and even if they beat it, it doesn't matter.
You've got to teach these scumbags, these little medical tyrants, they're not God.
I appreciate your call.
We're gonna go to J. Paul...
Sam, John, and others here in just a moment, but I wanted to get a quick update from Patrick Henningsen.
Now if you're watching on PrisonPlanet.TV right now, I want to show you a document cam shot right here of two different articles, both these right here.
And on this
You can see a Jones Report article from February 15, 2007.
That's now a derelict website.
We had that as an ode to drudge, but don't have the personnel, so we don't really even update that site.
It's kind of an emergency backup out there, in case they ever seize our other servers or domains.
We've got JonesReport, InfoWars.net, a few of the little juicies out there.
But the point is, is that it says neo-Nazi rally was organized by FBI informant.
And it's got him being questioned.
He admits he's an FBI operative.
This is the same area of Orlando where they always have the white supremacist on record Orlando Sentinel run by the government marching through the black neighborhoods on a yearly basis trying to start a race war.
So it's a key beta test area.
Now they have the Black Panthers, the new Black Panthers,
Saying kill Whitey, there's not enough blood, burn down Orlando, and they don't get in trouble.
They're on record saying murder White people, burn down Florida, nobody gets in trouble.
That's because NBC's caught editing tapes of where 9-1-1's like, uh, yes, Mr. Zimmerman, uh, is he Black, Hispanic, why, what color?
Uh, well, he, uh, you know, looks like he's Black.
They edit that into the earlier tape where they're like, yeah, he's acting weird, walking around in circles.
He's either up to no good or on something.
They edit it together.
Yeah, he looks like he's black.
He's bad.
I mean, these are cold-blooded crooks.
NBC is in bed more than anybody with Obama.
I mean, they want a race war here.
And I've already gotten into Hal Turner being a federal agent that came out.
Only federal agents are allowed to say stuff like that, okay?
If you got up on air, even on a small station, and said, burn down buildings, start killing white people or black people, and if you weren't a fed, you would be arrested within 12 hours.
Happens all the time.
You're not a Fed, you go to jail.
You're a Fed, you can do whatever you want.
And they are Feds, 100%, or they're useful idiots.
And here's the latest article by Patrick Henningsen, who's been on fire lately.
SPLC on New Black Panthers.
There's no such thing as hate speech.
Patrick Henningsen and Aaron Dykes, and they interviewed him yesterday.
They called up and got Lord Potok.
Hey, I want to call Potok ourselves and invite him on the show.
The head creature over there.
I heard some interesting things about Potok off the record from some people that work there.
They're like, oh, he's a nice guy.
He's a... I'm not even going to go there.
Anyways, go back to... Okay, well, if you are a nice guy, then repent, Potok.
I mean, I was told how... I'm not even going to get into it.
It'll give away who it is.
The point is, is that
You guys helped set up the Elohim City Group and the whole McVeigh thing and that got covered up.
And you're involved in so much other stuff and now you're not saying the new Black Panther Party is bad.
You keep saying new.
It's new Black Panther, not old Black Panther.
It's a totally different group.
This is the new federal idiot group.
I'm not defending perfectly everything the old Black Panthers did, but they did some good.
This is the federal model of that.
I take you now to Patrick Henningsen.
Patrick, this is a big deal.
Tell us about your conversation with him, and I want you to call him back and record the conversation and let him know you're doing it.
Tell us about your stroke of genius, which I ought to do.
That's common sense, actually, calling up Lord Potak and what he said to you.
Yeah, I called Mark Potok and spoke to Southern Poverty Law Center.
And the conversation started, I wanted confirmation from Southern Poverty Law Center that there were in fact neo-Nazi armed patrols marauding through the streets of Stanford.
And rightly so, he denied that those reports were true and of course we debunked that yesterday.
Well no, they're attacking people and they're obviously fed run.
So I said to him, I said... They don't want to get that shut down!
I'm sorry, go ahead.
I asked him directly, I said, what about this radio broadcast with the new Black Panthers calling for blood in the streets, get suited and booted, kill Cracker, and so forth.
I said, and a dead or alive bounty on the head of George Zimmerman for $10,000.
And he said, I said, is this not hate speech?
Can these people be arrested?
He said, there's no such thing as hate speech.
This is a group that pushes that Soviet idea of the speech.
No, it's a terroristic threat, racketeering, but obviously what they would call hate speech.
So now Mr. Hate Speech says it doesn't exist.
Yeah, they're selective.
They're targeting citizen militia groups, particularly Minuteman groups all over the country.
Who actually aren't racist and didn't do anything, like the Hattari, who said, I hope things don't get much worse.
We may have to defend ourselves.
Aaron and I broke that down completely in an article that's up on Infowars.com right now.
But the breaking news, Alex, for the Zimmerman case, special prosecutor is going to announce on Wednesday that Zimmerman will be charged.
But not with first-degree murder, okay?
And this has been controlled right back... Wait, wait, wait, wait, stop!
Because you have a source inside who said that they weren't going to charge him with the murder or manslaughter or Capital One or any of those different variants.
But I guess now because of pressure or worried about stuff, or maybe the locals understand that Obama wants to have a race war breakout, that they're going to charge him, what, with a weapons charge?
Or where'd you get this information?
I've got a source, a judge, inside the Central Florida court system in Sanford, okay?
So this is right in the heart of what's going on.
Now... Wait, wait, this is breaking here.
You're saying you have a judge who's told you that he will be charged.
Tell us what it is.
Well, he told me, they said that there might be a grand jury or a charge, but it's not going to be for a first-degree murder.
Now, this has just broken in the Washington Post about 10 minutes ago as well, and Washington Post has said, it's all over the news media right now, that Zimmerman will be charged.
Now, the special prosecutor, Cori, in Sanford, she hasn't specified what that charge is going to be.
So, this does follow along the earlier leads and information that I got that said that this is being directed by the Department of Justice.
Zimmerman's lawyers have been ordered off the case.
They say they've dismissed themselves, but they have been ordered off the case.
There's a new lawyer on, and Zimmerman's been transferred out of state.
He's out of Florida right now.
What exactly were you told by the judge, and how do we know he's right?
Well, he gave me his best prediction, which was that this is going to move away from a racial-themed event.
To anti-gun?
No, well, to redefining self-defense, as far as the Florida laws are concerned.
And this could have effects nationally.
But that, of course, as we know, is an entree into a second amendment.
And this is something Obama is going to do in a second term, and also... Well, that's what they've been planning, so now they're gonna make it where, like England, you can't even shoot somebody in your own house, basically.
Yeah, Obama can't do this in his first term.
He has to wait until after the election.
This whole George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin escapade is basically softening the soil for what's coming in the second term, which is an attack on gun restrictions for starters, and that's obviously knocking on the door of the Second Amendment.
But the important thing here, Alex, is Obama, when he said, when I have a son,
If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon Martin.
That wasn't a random comment.
When the President of the United States comments on an ongoing investigation that has nothing to do with the federal government, how would Ron Paul comment on that?
Well, look at MSNBC and editing audio.
I mean, these people are incredible.
So you're saying you talk to a judge that is in the town and he said it's his prediction or the intel he's got is they're going to try some gun charge.
No, he said they're going to revisit the Stand Your Ground law.
I don't know, but did he give you any hint of what type of charge they're going to have for Zimmerman?
He didn't give me any hint on charge.
I think that's going to be up to the special prosecutor, but my guess is that it's going to be a gun charge.
It's not going to be a first-degree murder charge.
Now, basically, the whole point of this is, this stinks all the way up to Washington, D.C.
Well, I mean, look at Mexico.
They had the leader of that just last week say, ban your guns, you cause our violence.
No, the drugs your government helps produce do it, and the guns our government shipped in do it.
They plan to blame that.
So now they make it a civil rights issue, this has already begun, where blacks are like, hand the guns in, or you're a racist.
Yeah, and it's going to be a controlled stage trial, which is going to be like an OJ Simpson kind of circus.
And in the end, it's quite likely that Zimmerman won't be charged with any first-degree murder charge, but it will open up a whole national conversation to be dominated on CNN, Fox, NBC, and all the rest of it to talk about
gun restrictions in America.
And this is an entree into Obama's second term where the DOJ wants to do some serious damage to the Second Amendment.
And Obama did not say that randomly, that comment about Trayvon looking like his son.
That was engineered, as you can see, Eric Holder has come and intervened in what is a Florida affair.
It's not a federal matter at all.
It has nothing to do with the FBI, no interstate trafficking, nothing.
So we can see right here exactly what it is.
It's a top-down, engineered, controlled event.
Alright, well we're gonna watch.
They have announced this this morning, the 72-hour announcement, so we'll know in two and a half days from now.
We'll find out if your judge friend is accurate in this.
But they've got four witnesses saying that Zimroom was being attacked by Trayvon Martin.
And there's something else, Alex.
There's a story, and the reason this won't fly in the grand jury.
A year ago, this is according to the police department, George Zimmerman helped a homeless black man who was beaten by the son of a policeman, and it was covered up.
And Zimmerman went to black churches and eventually got help to get a conviction against a policeman's son.
That's right, and he marched in the groups.
No, it's all a total made-up shy-op.
Hey, awesome what you're doing with Sean Stone, why I'm so excited to be on, and I've kind of been wanting to get on the last couple weeks when it hit me, listening to your show and Win LaRouche, that this is everything.
If he doesn't get impeached before the election...
It's everything.
But this is a way that we can really do it legally.
It's Obama's first order of business, and I know you covered it back at the time.
Executive Order 13489.
Everybody can look it up.
And it was literally changing the National Archive of the Executive Branch so that every bit of his record is expunged.
If we can expose that or make a congressional
No, you're right, and he's the guy that said he would be the most transparent.
I mean, it's a new level of deception and lying.
That's why we've got to move to impeach him, to rebuke all this and say it's illegal.
That's why we've launched Impeach Obama 2012.
Join the national campaign.
Big red link up at Infowars.com.
Please help us, folks, and you're absolutely right.
Kurt Nemo in his article about this mentions that.
We've got to say no.
Even if we don't get the impeachment, we rebuke it in the court of public opinion.
When they try to restrict our Second Amendment, we say you're terrorists that ship guns into Mexico.
You create the crisis.
You edit the 9-1-1 tapes.
You create the crises.
Don't do it anymore.
That's it, and that's such a huge thing that if everybody understood that he changed the rules, we can go back and look at every other president's history.
This president, as a matter of national security, said that his history is erased.
No, I hear you and I appreciate the points.
Very good call.
Look, if you put it all together, it's insane, the amount of tyranny.
I mean, it is wild what's going on.
They tell Congress, you don't get to know about the NSA now.
Congress is the government.
It's the purse.
We're going to launch wars.
The UN said so.
Congress is told shut up.
The TSA is grabbing children's genitals.
I mean, it's all off the chart.
They're attacking us with chemicals and biologicals of the food and water, all of it.
Before we end this hour, I just want to encourage everybody to go get the video.
It's free and spread around.
Everybody you know.
It's at Infowars.com.
The link is right there.
Impeach Obama 2012.
Join the national campaign.
Just get the video.
Send the link out to everybody.
Send the article Nemo did.
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