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Name: 20120406_Fri_Alex
Air Date: April 6, 2012
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
Welcome and thank you so much for joining us.
We are live.
It is Friday, the 6th day of April, 2012, as we steam towards Easter and the Easter weekend.
Thank you for joining us.
Again, amazing news and information we're going to be covering today.
We also have a security expert joining us who was on the roster a few weeks ago to speak before Congress, exposing the fraud of the naked body scanners.
And the TSA ordered Congress to knock him off the list, and of course, they did as they were told by the bureaucracy.
Kind of like Congress was told by Obama last year and this year.
Hey, I launch wars under UN command.
I work for the UN publicly.
Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman said the same thing to him in testimony, and so did the Secretary of Defense.
And now, we have Obama a few days ago, of course we've been talking about this quite a bit, but it's such a big deal, people are finally starting to pay attention to this.
Because normally it's just one more, okay, there he is, saying now the Supreme Court, he didn't have to listen to them.
Didn't have to listen to Congress, didn't have to listen to the Supreme Court.
A total attempt at a seizure of power.
Well, finally, I saw all the headlines yesterday.
Mainline stuff about Obama creeping towards dictatorship.
Obama becoming dictatorial.
Obama shocks courts.
And they had the Fifth Circuit that was ruling on some federal cases yesterday.
And they happened to have the Attorney General, Mr. Fast and Furious, before them.
There they are, and they say to Holder, what is this?
This is outrageous!
This is dangerous!
And the Attorney General had to put a statement out, saying, well, the court shouldn't overturn what the President does, but sometimes, yes, you do maybe have that authority.
But still creep towards saying, don't listen to the courts.
The only group that can ignore courts, if you look at the 230 plus year fights in this country, is the Congress.
And they can't completely ignore it, because Congress has done some unconstitutional things before.
It's just if you look at the separation of powers, we're all taught that they're co-equal.
That's been taught in the last hundred years or so.
If you really get back to the original jurisprudence and the statements by the founders and the intent, Congress used
Slightly dominant because it's the most diverse group, the largest group, and the founders believe that illustrated its own separation of powers within it.
The next group that has more power after them than the presidency is the judicial, because it again is separated by a larger number of judges that
uh... can come and go obviously with their death and they end up getting nominated by the president and the congress has to approve it again a separation of powers the big danger in history of a dictatorship generally comes from a president a prime minister who goes bad they've seen that in england
Uh, and with prime ministerships, what was happening in the parliament and all those fracases that had happened in civil wars.
And so that's why that was set up.
So it goes Congress, courts, president.
The president only is a commander in chief when a declaration of war or a bill of war is delivered by his boss, the Congress, who funds the war.
And who directs who the enemy is and what the parameters of that prosecution warrant are.
It's a warrant of war.
It's a letter of mark to the president to execute.
And then, when he is given that bill, he becomes commander-in-chief, and I've had constitutional law scholars on, then he does become, within that parameter, a quasi-dictator.
That's why declaring a war is such a big deal.
That's why professors like Boyle on this show have pointed out, if Obama ever actually is given a real war declaration, then the dictatorship basically becomes legal to a certain degree.
We'll be right back, stay with us.
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Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
It is Friday, the 6th day of April, 2012.
We're going to be live here for the next three hours.
And we have one guest popping in for 30 minutes, security expert Bruce Snyder, who was set to testify before Congress.
And their bosses, the unelected criminal bureaucracy, this was in the news, ordered Congress to take him off the list.
And I see this all the time where bureaucracies say, take that person off the testimony list.
And the Congress bows to them and asks which boot they would like licked.
Just like when Obama comes in and says, I have the UN authority for war, total treason, I sit on the UN Security Council, never before done, violation of Article 1, Section 9, serving as UN Security Council Chairman.
Congress has nothing to say.
When the TSA violates states' rights, 10th Amendment, 9th Amendment, stomps on everyone across the country like some goblin-like cross between a obese jellyfish and Godzilla, nothing is done.
They're now setting up bulletproof checkpoints with bulletproof mobile checkpoint pillboxes all over the country with checkpoints.
That was announced yesterday.
They passed in the Senate.
It's now going to the House.
Legislation where the IRS will ban you leaving the country and revoke your passport if you aren't up-to-date paying the private Federal Reserve all your money through the criminal Federal Reserve set up in 1913 to fund the criminal banker takeover that's now a totally dominated Europe with the Goldman Sachs dictatorship and new global bank of the world that's being announced.
So I mean just we just have open criminality launching wars, TSA, the feds are federalizing police departments all over the country.
They're going to put a federal monitor in to spy and make stuff up on
Sheriff Arpaio, as soon as he started investigating the birth certificate, feds raided him one week later.
Now they're going to probably arrest him, shut him up.
That's just the way they roll as they publicly ship guns into Mexico.
Cocaine back into the U.S.
and it comes out in all the federal court cases and nobody gets in trouble and the big mega banks that run America are all caught publicly dealing drugs and laundering hundreds of billions of dollars a year publicly and owning CIA-tortured aircraft, shipping in drugs and
Owning the company, shipping weapons in worldwide, and arming U.S.
street gangs.
I mean, it's just all in Bloomberg, AP, Reuters, Goldman Sachs, sex slave trafficking funds, the Romneys invested, just total bedlam, total insanity, and it's driving me crazy.
This is how I really feel.
I am on the edge of just running around like a crazy person, screaming at the top of my lungs.
Last night, this morning, four hours, reading the news, coming in here and seeing the piles of stuff they printed for me to look at.
Most of it I've seen, a lot of it I haven't.
Absolute bedlam.
I mean, I wanted to refresh my memory on one article this morning.
I noticed that Aaron Dykes must have posted it at like 3 a.m.
or something.
He had a report out of Indium of what, just in the last year.
In one year, there were 47,500 cases of non-polio paralysis, viral paralysis, and it's got all the top Indian medical universities saying it's the vaccine that a lot of the kids, you know, get paralysis hours after.
And then I've got CBS News, NBC, going back every year, everywhere the UN goes and gives them the liquid vaccine that's full of SV40 cancer virus, I should add.
Massive numbers.
It's actually causing polio to come back.
It's weaponized.
And I look at this image and videos of Bill Gates going around, that's what he does on his vacation, with a crazy look in his eye.
He gets this.
I mean, you can look at the photo.
In fact, if you guys go to InfoWars.com, put it on screen for people watching on PrisonPlanet.tv.
Paralysis cases spike and wake of Bill Gates' polio vaccination effort in India.
G-A-V-I, Global Alliance for Vaccines Immunizations, blamed for recommending untested polio vaccines.
Oh, they were tested, alright.
And if you look, he gets this, in all the photos, in Africa, India, you name it, he gets this really sick, predatory look when he's doing it.
Now, this is a guy whose dad publicly ran Planned Parenthood, deep Rockefeller Foundation operative since the 40s.
Army intelligence, you name it.
Microsoft and people have actually heard, journalists have heard me talk about this.
They've gone and researched it and found it's all hidden in plain view.
It's a total NSA front, just like Google.
It doesn't even exist as a private company.
It's got shareholders, you know, it funds, the public's tied into it and invest in it.
Bill Gates is on record being a eugenicist, on record wanting to reduce population, on record funding Monsanto and their sterilant crops.
On record saying, yeah, kill grandma and you can hire 10 teachers and the teachers clap.
On record saying, give everybody vaccines to reduce population.
That's a quote.
On record saying humans are bad.
And then meanwhile, he funds hundreds of publications, ABC News, London Guardian.
Go look it up.
To write articles daily about him.
Saying he's this angel who wants to help the brown people.
I mean, I'm living in the Twilight Zone.
And then I read Aaron's article this morning and I got mad.
Because Aaron just went off what the Indian doctors are saying and the Indian universities.
And they say, yes, it's clearly in the areas they give them this oral vaccine.
It is causing paralysis.
Basically, it's causing polio.
They just call it paralysis.
And I already have the past reports.
I have CBS News admitting, oh, it is giving him a rare form of polio, and it's more deadly than normal polio, and it's actually causing polio to spread now.
And then Aaron writes his article and just quotes the doctors.
He did a great job, by the way.
I'm not knocking him, but it's not one-tenth as hardcore as it really is in reality.
In fact, I just had that article in my hand, and now there's so many hundreds of articles here, I can't even find it.
Here it is.
And I look at this photo, and it causes intense pain in my gut and my heart.
And then it's like 7 o'clock and my little children walk in.
And they're playing with a puppy.
And I look at how innocent they are, and I think of these kids.
In one year, 47,000 plus paralyzed by this.
And it's going on everywhere.
And then I see articles, like CBS News will say, the Pakistani villagers run, because they give Pakistan billions of U.S.
dollars and U.N.
dollars, taxpayer money, if they'll take the vaccines.
So they come with soldiers and forcibly give it to them.
And it describes how in Africa and Pakistan and Central Asia, the people actually have uprisings over this.
They know.
By the way, I'm not even counting the SV40 he's squirting into their mouth.
Because that's the original polio stocks in that stuff.
All has it.
SV40 cancer virus.
And, you know, it's so crazy, our pediatrician, he's now retired,
He was probably one of the biggest pediatricians here in Austin.
And I'm in there, and he didn't have a vaccine-free clinic, but it was, they wouldn't harass you for not taking shots.
And he owned the clinic, had a bunch of pediatricians under him.
And I was in there one day, and he's doing a checkup, this is like eight years ago, of my son.
And he looks over and he goes, you know, I've listened to your show.
And he goes, you're right.
You know, I volunteer for clinics a few times a year.
And you know, it's illegal to give that liquid vaccine here in the US because it has the SV40.
And I said, yeah, is that supposed to be shipped overseas?
They say that's legal.
And he goes, obviously we know why, but I don't want to be quoted.
Don't say my name.
Don't say my name if I tell you this.
And I said, okay, doctor.
He's a man.
He looks at me and he says,
We give that at the Free City Clinics to the black kids.
And you know, it's a patient-doctor confidentiality.
It goes both ways as a journalist.
Somebody tells me, you don't tell anybody who I am.
And I tell you this, I have a responsibility, a sacred oath as a journalist, when I'm wearing that hat, not to reveal that source.
But I'm like, you got to go public.
He goes, no way.
In fact, now that he's retired, I ought to
I ought to call him up and try to get him on the show, because he's on top of his class.
A lot of people listening will probably figure out who it is.
I need to shut up.
The point is, is that it's so sick.
It's so sick.
And I don't know what I'm supposed to do.
I'm going to tell you again.
I don't feel worthy.
And by that, I don't feel like I'm doing a good enough job.
I don't know how to expose these people.
I don't know how to stop it.
I don't know how to stop it.
I mean, my grandmother almost died of polio, which we know is actually something they souped up and released at military bases.
That was a weaponized polio they released.
That was all staged.
So they could put the cancer viruses in it and the rest of it.
I've got all the documents.
I've had scientists, doctors on, played the clips of the inventors of it, bragging that they knew hundreds of millions got cancer from it.
I've played the stinking clips.
I mean, I'm angry about this.
My grandmother
God love her, has not been able to walk without crutches, and she got polio really bad, almost died.
It ate most her muscle.
And then I think about how the cancers are up on average over 2,000 percent, pediatric over 10,000.
Finally, it's in the news.
Fat guys, print this for me.
It's everywhere.
Autism, now a major health crisis, because now it's 1 in 50 something.
It was 1 in 25,000 plus.
Soon, at this number, it's going to be 1 in 10 within 2 years.
Then, within 5 years, they estimate 1 in 3.
And let me tell you, it's real.
This is the zombification.
We are under total biological chemical warfare attack.
And I can't handle a murdering and degenerating children and paralyzing these kids.
My grandmother's gone through 50-something years, 56, 57, 58 years of hell since she got polio.
And I think about them doing this to these kids.
Bill Gates.
I mean, these people, these people make Hitler.
Looked like a cutie cake.
We'll be right back.
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It's quite a paradox, because...
I basically am able to mentally image the torture that I go through.
It'd be like knowing down the street that some three-year-old child was stuck in a well, panicking with their legs broken, with fire ants biting them, and people are walking by not caring.
And we see people in the zombie-like trance state that they're in, with literal lower brainwaves, near a sleepwalking level.
We see them, cases all the time, where somebody's run over, somebody's stabbed, somebody's raped, and will sit there on the side of the road, even in a nice area, with hundreds of people walking by him for hours, not helping him.
That's how it is in India, that's how it is in China.
That's been engineered by the cultural system.
The West was never like that in modern times.
That is now happening.
And people don't get that when you don't care what's happening to others, they don't care what happens to you.
When you don't care about corruption, they don't care about corruption.
And it destroys productivity.
It destroys everything good in the society.
And when I, for 17 years on air, have been totally aware, because it's even in mainstream news, hidden in plain view,
Just like they report that Goldman Sachs has a sex trafficking, which many of them are kidnapped and pressed and enslaved women and minors.
And Goldman Sachs publicly has a fund invested in that.
And it's not even an issue.
See how they've just got us right where they want us?
And now, I see articles all the time about, yeah, the UN program's under fire, yeah, there's conspiracy theorists that think they're doing it on purpose in Pakistan, so the Pakistani government's saying, you know, they don't care if we hold back their three billion, they're not gonna do this.
Because the money's attached to it, just like schools don't get their federal funds unless they vaccinate.
Unless they begin the lobotomization process.
See, the average person just gets stunted, dumbed down, has that fire of creativity, that human spark, dimmed.
But, some people, especially boys, because their blood-brain barrier is not as strong, medical doctors have broken this down, girl babies, girl children, women on average live longer, they're tougher, in every major study they can take gunshot wounds better, freeze, everything better.
Because they're designed to create the next wave of humans.
Women have to be tough.
I don't mean physically tough like in a fight.
They're tougher in other ways.
And the point is that our boys are being absolutely decimated.
But the chemical, biological, radiological operations are getting so bad, now it's hitting the girls.
And it's just devastating the boys.
And I read these articles about 47,000, and they estimate that only about half those cases are bad enough to where, you know, they're being put down by the National Health Service, because in India, they're so poor, a lot of folks just die and aren't even on the records now.
They get the oral polio vaccine that is a souped-up, weaponized version, and they get paralysis.
They get polio.
And the UN spins it and says, well, this is a non-polio paralysis.
And we see autism from one in 25,000 plus, 30 or so years ago, to now, depending on the actuary, one in 61, one in 58, it varies.
Exponentially, logarithmically doubling every two and a half to three years.
From 25,000, one in 25,000, it's like one in 25,300 and something, look at the technical numbers, down to one in 50 or one in 60.
Where's it going to be next?
Soon, every other child will be a medicalized zombie.
And how's the new order going to cover that?
It doesn't matter.
They've just been testing it, soft-killing us, for when they release the real mega-plagues that are just going to devastate billions.
That's the plan!
And once they drop hammer down, ladies and gentlemen, the globalists are going to go into their bunkers and it is going to be Twilight Zone meets Road Warrior.
And I know a lot of you are going to laugh now if we don't back this off.
That's why I'm risking my life.
I get death threats, attacks you wouldn't believe.
I just ignore it and move forward.
I know that means I'm over the target.
But the fact is, folks, I know the only reason... I hope you realize you're hearing a real radio show with someone going hardcore 110% up against the New World Order.
I mean, this is real.
Us people can't believe it.
They're like, well, how could this guy not work for him and still be alive?
Because of God and your prayers and providence, but also they know that it will only highlight everything I've said and done.
I've got such prolific work out there that, you know, if I was some whistleblower that had a particular smoking gun, they'll kill you.
They have like a handbook.
And they still may.
We're already dead.
I've got to save children.
And it's not because I'm some hero.
I love the species.
It's my instinct.
It's survival.
It's what I was made for and what you were born to be.
The war is now.
You're under attack.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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My eyes are blind, but I can see.
The sun no longer sets me free.
This morning, and last night, I was just in deep, deep, deep thought about the nature of the new world order and what we're facing, and it just, it hit me again for the
10,000th time, but harder than ever, that we are right, we are accurate, our proof is in not triplicate, not quadruplicate, but 10,000-goopleted.
I mean, it's ridiculous how crazy it is.
It's like this professor that said, treat people for mental illness.
A lot of other professors have said, arrest them if they don't believe in global warming.
And then when she gets caught in it, they use the psych warfare technique.
But these are all cheap tricks and says, oh, I didn't write that.
And they pull it.
When they get caught with the cash, they say, oh, I didn't mean that.
And then they expunge all her other writings.
But we find one of her other writings saying, get rid of what the Congress wants.
Get rid of what the people want.
Just do what you want, Mr. President.
I read that and covered it yesterday.
Here's the headline.
Professor urged Obama to ignore democracy, public opinion.
And in her letter, she talks about basically how the public's dumb.
And that's what it is.
It's a religion of these people and the camp followers.
Whenever you look at so-called liberals, they're not liberals.
The low-level ones are bleeding-heart, guilt-ridden people who are under the, you know, hypnotized voice, literal hypnotized voice of NPR type stuff.
But that's just their cover.
So, we've got that going on, and it's all about how they're smart and we're stupid,
But really, we're just nice people who aren't evil and twisted and corrupt.
So we have a blind spot.
But when you look into these globalists, all they talk about, I mean MSNBC does this to their kind of camp followers, is how they're smart, everybody else is dumb.
And then they just repeat that as a religion over and over again, and how they're saving the world and how they love everybody.
And then you research their lives on average, they're alone, they're miserable, their IQs are low, but they've got a will to power and dominate.
And those of us that really do have power and life force and strength, we're just giving everybody the benefit of the doubt.
We don't seek power because we already innately have it.
We're ashamed of our power.
We're ashamed of its use, even when it's righteous.
Not these people, they crave it.
And those of us that have power, real power given to us from the good Lord above, have got to start using it on these dragons.
You have got to release the power.
You've got to use it or be enslaved.
Why do you think they drug our water and add GMO designed to attack all of our adrenal glands, organs, blood systems, nervous systems, reproductive systems, on record in every study?
Why do they add radioactive isotopes to the water?
On record!
Total twilight zone!
On record!
Why do they do all this?
Because they want to be number one!
They have to... It's like in the movie Gladiator, to use a popular analogy, when the crazy emperor... There was actually real cases of this if you study Rome, it's under other names.
So that story is a composite of true stories.
Kind of like the Patriot with Mel Gibson as a composite of three stories.
When you've read Roman history, that...
Ridley Scott movie.
I think he even wrote it, didn't he?
Gladiator with Russell Crowe.
I think his best role is a composite of real things that happened.
But it's a composite of like five different stories.
The Emperor has him tied up, stabs him in his heart, but with a little, you know, stab so he'll die in 30 minutes or so.
Stabs him expertly, brings him out to fighting.
And that's what they do.
From birth, they just stab us so they can be better than us.
You're smarter than me!
You're more beautiful!
You're not evil like I am!
You're happy!
Like the fairy tales, the Wicked Witch doesn't get invited into the marriage, she curses everybody.
Sleeping Beauty.
Those parables are all based in real things.
You know what?
I can't beat you out on the gladiatorial floor, so I'm going to stab you in the heart with an ice pick, and then run you out there to fight me two minutes later, while you're bleeding to death inside.
That's what they do.
So they can... I mean, it is a cult of intellectual midgets, and I want to indict you right now!
You will fail, humanity will defeat you!
And I commit everything I am, once again, and I swear on the altar of almighty God, eternal resistance against every form of tyranny over the mind of men.
Will you guys queue up that Thomas Jefferson quote for me?
You see, because the tyranny is over the mind first.
They want that mind.
I mean, have you looked at Globalist?
I don't get how people look, but as a... from a sociological...
View or from the study of cultural anthropology, in every culture, these ruling elites are like hunchback, snaggle-toothed, cross-eyed, but always have the same weird, leering, demonic smile.
That's why whenever I saw this photo of this professor, it was shocking, and it looked like something out of Fright Night, because I've seen it over and over again with Pianca!
He dresses up
In a Gandalf outfit and talks about Lucifer on the UT site and how he wants to have 90% of us die.
One of the top guys in the biology department.
And he does interviews and he can hardly talk.
And it's not like he's some absent-minded professor.
He is a moron!
I have seen the enemy!
They are piles of demonic, diseased crud!
And that's why they hate us and poison us, because they want to make us like them!
We need to let them have it in the Infowar.
We've got the smarts, no matter what they've done to us.
Some of us still have it.
We've got the will.
It's time, in the Infowar, to hit them and hit them hard!
And hit them again, and hit them again, and hit them again, and hit them, and hit them, and hit them, and hit them, and hit them.
When you think you're tired, get that second wind, and hit them, and hit them, and hit them, and hit them, and hit them, and hit them.
And when they hit the ground, stomp them.
And stomp them into the ground.
You know where that old thing comes from, the old word, I'll stomp you into the ground?
Because in the old days, people would beat each other to death.
That's how you do it.
You stomp somebody into the ground.
I'm not talking about physical violence here.
I'm talking about in the information war.
Hit them, and then hit them again, and then hit them, and then hit them, and when they hit back, that's it.
That pain does not feel good, but it feels good to the soul, because you know you are gunning right up in them.
You know you're hitting pay dirt up one side and down the other.
We've got to stand up for all these innocents.
These people are running through like a meat grinder right now.
I can just see all the innocents they're tearing up and diseasing and hurting and ruining and taking their dreams and destroying them.
And I want the spirit of humanity to turn towards the light and turn towards life force and creativity and the dynamic human spirit that refuses to submit and turn the power of humanity loose against these enemies!
Ha ha ha!
I want posters of her printed up in the office.
And I want posters of Eric Pionka that says kill 90% of us.
I want to get photos of David Rockefeller, all of them.
And I want them all over our walls.
I want us to remember who we're fighting.
I want Bill Gates, another demon-eyed creature, to look right into their souls.
I want us every day to remember who we are and remember who our enemy is!
Their crimes must be met head-on.
Every corrupt inbred elite always builds the same system where the public is scum and they've got to torture us and starve us and dominate us and make us grovel and that they're our saviors.
This is what the scum of the earth manifests in every culture and every society.
This is the attack profile, signature, algorithm, wavelength broadcast of Demon Scum.
Sworn upon the altar of God.
For I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
That's Thomas Jefferson in Roll Downs.
We can see who said the quote.
There's another similar one.
There's another one of those that stand for nothing will fall for anything.
It's been said many times throughout history.
That's why they can't find out exactly who said it.
It's also attributed to Alexander Hamilton.
That's great, guys.
I want to play the liner.
We have a liner of Thomas Jefferson with the voiceover guy saying it.
But let me hit him in the core here.
The eugenics death cult took the writings of Plato and others from 2,400 years ago or so.
Or is it 2,300?
They took the writings of that, because that was already the belief of the Greeks.
Changed it, because they thought a few thousand Greeks was crushing the, quote, breast of Mother Earth.
So they had to, and they wanted to exterminate the poor people and all the rest of it.
Because it's a disease of inbreds.
It's always in a decline of a system that they start thinking they're God.
Early on in the Roman system, Greek system, others, the common person and their hard work and the fact that the real strong blood comes out of the commoner,
And refreshes the elite.
That's what always builds it.
But as things become decadent, it's the other view, then the elites always carry out policies to dumb down and make the commoner the squalid animal that they have stated we are.
It's like, you are dumb, so I'm going to give you a lobotomy to prove it.
So they take this idea in about 1850 or so, codify it, along with the theory and the origin of species, the Wedgwoods, the Galtans, the Darwins, the Huxleys, they all intermarry on record to produce the Superman.
If they were such supermen, they'd know that the Egyptians and every other royal society had done this until most of their children are born stillborn, mentally retarded, or if they do live, are wildly vicious and schizophrenic and psychopathic.
Because, I mean, that's what happens if you get a breed of dog and breed them a whole bunch.
If they make it through the medical problems and most of the litters completely die, you're going to end up getting some litters that are completely insane and vicious.
In the litter, the few that live.
That's the real system.
Plus the elites drinking pottery lined with lead to make it waterproof, making them criminally insane.
The inbreeding, inbreeding with other families.
And so they believe they would produce the superman, the Vril.
That's what I cover in my Secrets of Prometheus leaked video.
It's only got 400,000 views.
It should have 10 million.
This is what the elite believe.
And we've got their genealogy because it was public.
It is a public experiment.
By three generations of this, that's just 60 years on average, every 20 years start having children.
Within 60 years, almost all of them were stillborn, miscarriages, the few that lived had to be locked up in mental institutions, horrible deformities, and they got a few of their quote supermen and put them in over the UN and everything.
Julian Huxley, all of them.
That's your Superman!
So, now with the genetic engineering, the chemical warfare, we're following a 160-year-old plan.
They said, we've got to discover what makes, you know, the smallest compounds in the body, so we can control it.
They did discover DNA.
And all the discoverers of DNA on record are, say, none of us are human except them, and they're going to kill all of us, and blacks are animals.
Go look up, there's three discoverers of it on record, and then just take their name and put in, say blacks aren't human, and say everybody else need to be killed, and you'll get their quotes.
It's big scandals.
But it was because they were looking for it, had control of the government, and wanted this power.
And they'll say, yeah, you say we're ugly and twisted, but look, we're the ones that looked for it, so we're going to the next level.
So they say we're not part of the debate of GMO, we're not part of the debate of how they say they're going to forcibly evolve us to merge with machines, those of us that are left.
They write articles about how they plan to kill most of us, and laugh at us in public magazines like Wired Magazine, saying even though we're writing this, you won't care.
Bill Joy.
And I'm like, hey, I don't want to be killed and I don't want to join with you either.
I mean, they get most these low grade morons in and tell them you're part of the elite because you believe in this.
And then these very people are being soft killed.
I mean, this is like.
The worst serial killer comes to your door and says, I want to take your son, you know, for a week for a trip across America.
You'd be nuts to turn your child over to him.
And that's who runs our society, our governments and systems that have been caught thousands of times killing our troops in secret experiments, killing foster kids, shooting people up with syphilis, polio.
And I know more and more of this is all I can talk about because that's it.
I mean, we're in a system.
Murdering everybody with soft kill weapons, with compartmentalized doctors who don't know what's going on.
We're breaking that compartmentalization right now.
More and more are getting it and freaking out when they go research what I'm saying.
And we are in a system where a bunch of crazy people that think they're going to be God-men, the first computer that IBM, Thomas Watson came up with, was race-mixing study computers.
Then he sold them to Hitler.
The number they put on people was to be put into that computer, it was a mechanical computer, and it would decide how much to feed you, how long to keep you alive.
They put in height, weight, age, pallor of the skin, and it would tell you, do you just go ahead and shoot this person, work him to death, or how long can you work him to death?
Our entire system, biometrics, 150-year-old plan by Galton to create a system for buying and selling and deciding if your eugenics are pure.
Uh, all of it, every major science, every single science was taken over by them and turned into a way to prove they're the supermen and we're garbage.
And now they've screwed up humanity, our DNA is screwed up, our sperm, eggs, everything fried, on record, 90 plus percent fried.
They're attacking the entire Earth, the entire biosphere, this instinct, this will to destruction.
There are thousands of plant grasses being GMO released.
Just total warfare against the planet.
Genetic Armageddon, slaughter of the biosphere, while running around saying they're saving the Earth.
I mean, just mega crazy!
Mega insane!
Mega off the charts!
We'll be back.
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I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
Thomas Jefferson.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, we are back live.
The globalists say that they are God and so they've sought after the technology.
Well, we're happy to just raise our children, live our lives, and contribute developments that they then steal and cobble together like pieces of Legos and build monstrous constructions.
And I've intended to take calls and then I just look at Bill Gates giving people polio vaccine and it's spreading polio all over the world full of cancer viruses and paralyzing the kids and
They just go, yeah, conspiracy theorists think they're doing it on purpose, but it is doing it to them, but we're going to continue.
Yeah, conspiracy theorists means people that don't trust known liars.
They think the mega banks have imploded the world economy on purpose and are taking over.
But in truth, the big banks are just taking over to take care of everybody.
Yeah, autism's gone from one in 25,000 plus to
One in 50, one in 60, depending on which actuary, but yeah, it is a big global epidemic, but it's sure not the mercury we inject into you.
Or the pesticide fluoride they spray on the crops, or all of it.
Just a total curse on our children.
And you know that Alex Jones, he's a bad guy.
He gets upset by all this.
See, I've gotten to the point now, ladies and gentlemen, where
I can't go to the shopping mall, because they got cops all over them now, like we're a third world country or something, to go buy some shoes or whatever, because I'll see a kid with their hair falling out, age 10 or 12, even sometimes with ports in their chest, because they'll have their shirt down, you can see the big lump.
If you know what you're looking for, for the chemo insertion, or the chemo's on their arm, little chemo ports.
And, you know, they're being taken out.
You know, they'll be dead in a few months.
But, you know, mama's taking them.
Mama's real sad.
Hits me like punch in the stomach.
And then I'll see some cop or security guard looking at everybody like they're the enemy on a little power trip.
And I want to go over and grab them by the shoulders and say, we're all being murdered, idiot.
Stop being thinking we're the enemy and we're the bad people.
Understand it's the system.
It's all this guilt, how the general public's bad, the general public's gonna do something, but, oh, the government, and the big bank buildings, and all the shining, you know, steel structures.
That represents the establishment, with a bunch of pot-bellied, twisted-faced evil.
It's just that the evil manifest on their faces.
Just with crazed looks in their eyes in every photo I see of these people, just in rapture that they're hurting everybody and getting off on it and just endlessly torturing us and screwing with us and hurting us and dumbing us down and poisoning us and spreading poverty and wrecking societies and shutting down our industry and diseasing everything.
I want to awaken the spirit of humanity to recognize the difference between good and evil and see the curse and the disease that is the New World Order and its henchmen and its minions.
Death manifest!
Death attacking creation and the system of creation.
An attack on the genetics of the globe.
Of course they claim they're environmentalists.
Because they are earth killers.
They are death.
They come to kill, steal and destroy.
Recognize them as the eternal enemy they are.
I had a magical experience yesterday.
I went home a little bit early, about five o'clock, pulled off the road by a green belt.
I know people won't climb down the cliffs to.
Went down into Barton Creek and swam for about an hour, swam laps.
And the reeds and the sunlight coming through at an angle, a little perch swimming over to me, the crawdads, the butterflies.
It was like Valhalla.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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Others don't.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, we're back live.
The toll-free number to join us on some of the issues I've covered is 800-259-9231.
We will have totally open phones the third hour.
We got a guest popping in for about 20 minutes at the bottom of the hour.
I'll take some calls now.
Coming up, I've already talked about this for a week, but now it was senior people connected to the White House, that's who runs MSNBC and NBC, that edited it together to make
George Zimmerman sounded like he was a racist.
The original clip was Zimmerman.
I'm going to play it later.
This guy looks like he's up to no good, or he's on drugs or something.
It's raining and he's just walking around, looking about.
Dispatcher, okay, and the guy, is he black, white, or Hispanic?
Zimmerman, he looks black.
The altered NBC News version simply ran this way.
Zimmerman, this guy looks like he's up to no good.
He looks black.
They edited it together.
And folks, I've had them do stuff like that to me.
There's all these people on the web that pose as Alex Jones and go out and do stuff.
I mean, it's just, it's just the culture of cowards.
And the system wants to get a race war going in this country because the Globalists are busy killing everybody.
Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton won't talk about it.
I've got DOJ attempts to install their own embedded monitor in the Sheriff Joe's office.
I've got huge news on how the illegal aliens are above the law, but citizens won't be able to travel under IRS control.
That's all coming up.
Toll-free number to join us, 800-259-9231.
Allen in Oregon, you're on the air.
Hey, how you doing, Alex?
Been wanting to talk to you for quite some time.
Well it's good to talk to you.
I just had a couple little points I wanted to make.
I think we need to stop calling these people elite because it's just giving a subliminal kind of a message to people.
The criminal maggot worshippers.
That's on track.
Because, you know, I think every time even I hear it, and I'm against it all, I'm right there with you, it kind of makes me stop and block.
The criminal hijackers of humanity.
We've had big debates about what do we call the prostitute media, the sewer stream media, the Decepticon media, the traitor media.
What do we call the main slime media?
But this is a better debate.
In fact, I'm going to ask listeners now.
You can talk about whatever you want, but give me your caveat.
What do we call the criminal hijackers?
I call them the ruling cancer.
That's what they are.
They're earth cancer.
The globalists are earth cancer.
I had just a couple of quick little mentions.
I was watching Saturday Night Live and the Jay Leno Show and they're really mocking things.
On the Jay Leno Show, April 2nd, Betty White was on.
It was her birthday.
They had an Obama little mentioned clip come on and Obama mocks the whole birth certificate thing by requesting Betty White to
Send him her long form birth certificate so he can verify she really is 90 years old.
Complete mockery.
And it's sickening.
Well that's a very simple psychological warfare thing.
We all know Betty White's who she says is.
We've known her forever.
She's Americana.
So he associates himself with her and implies you wouldn't want hers, you wouldn't want his.
Pure propaganda.
I just think there's something we could do without this.
We could turn it around and use it against them.
Maybe it's time to start criticizing these daily shows and the Corbera Report and get under their skin.
I agree.
In fact, guys, I even saw that clip.
Get that ready for the nightly news.
If not tonight, we'll do it on Monday or the Sunday show.
Get that ready.
Betty White on Jay Leno and a little Obama snip because we'll show how they do that.
No, no, no.
Betty White didn't give up her citizenship in Indonesia and have the name Barry Sotero on record.
Betty White didn't block all her student records and she didn't become President of the U.S.
Betty White didn't lie systematically about everything she said she'd do and launch wars without congressional approval.
Anything else, Alan?
Hi folks, this is Alex Jones.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I just went to calls back in that short little segment, and a caller, Alan, brought up, hey did you see Jay Leno?
I did see the short clip online, where they had a famous old actress on there, Betty White or whatever her name is, 90 years old, and Obama had a clip on the show saying, hey, show me your birth certificate, I don't believe you're 90.
Somebody we know was born here, somebody who didn't run for office, somebody who wasn't caught lying to us, and claiming he wouldn't torture, wouldn't have wars, wouldn't hire lobbyists, wouldn't have signing statements, wouldn't have banker bailouts.
You're a known liar whose real name was Barry Sotero on record and gave up your citizenship.
I knew that four years ago.
People called it a conspiracy.
Now they just admit it.
Then they issue a fake birth certificate.
Remember for three years saying this is it.
There is no long form.
There is no such thing.
Then they release this new thing that's ridiculously fake.
And I think they did that on purpose.
The U.S.
government could have put out a good fake.
Anybody could have.
Why do they want to make this the issue?
Because they want to make it about Obama.
He's just a puppet frontman.
But the powerful interests behind him are turning the presidency into a dictatorship.
And that's one of the big issues I want to get to later in the third hour.
As I go back to your calls now, is that finally, even mainstream corporate whore media is saying, wow, this is dictatorial.
He's ignoring Congress on war.
And he's telling the Supreme Court he might try to ignore him.
And courts are raising this.
I mean, again, this is serious.
When they say, we don't care if it violates the 4th and 5th Amendment and 10th Amendment, we'll have the TSA grab your genitals.
We'll have them in your state level.
We'll have them on highway checkpoints.
We don't care.
By the way, we're not going to let you travel if you haven't paid your taxes.
I mean, this is total banker dictatorship.
Meanwhile, the illegal aliens are above the law and the government issues them illegal alien waivers.
Stay visas, just automatically.
Print me that.
Because it's been a few days since I saw the article.
What does the Justice Department call it?
They're calling it an unlawful entry waiver.
Print me the exact name.
It's a Judicial Watch document.
Judicial Watch illegals being given to get out of jail free card.
That'll pull it up.
I need the exact name of it.
Thank you.
But Allen was pointing out it's time to show the propaganda.
I agree.
That's why I'm trying to get more reporters.
I'm trying to get more people to have more news packages where we've got news packages every single day on the nightly news and news packages we end up airing here on the radio.
Pardon me?
Unlawful presence waiver.
Yeah, put that in and show it on screen.
We already knew this under Bush and under Obama.
It expanded.
They will bust a meatpacking plant a couple times a year, 1,000 employees on average, and arrest the owners and fine them and fee them because they're not part of a big mega company.
They're not part of the inside baseball.
Really, it's just shutting down competition for having illegals.
Then they take the illegals by truck, publicly, over and give them all green cards.
Sheriffs have talked about it.
They catch illegals burning stuff down, killing people.
They take them to ICE after they've been in jail for six months, and ICE just releases them!
Look at this.
I saw a headline a few years ago in the Houston Chronicle where it said 249,000 was the headline.
Aggravated felons released out of Houston jails in one year.
And I remember reading that in the Houston Chronicle, saying they had in one year, 249,000 people.
I know there's like 8 million people in that whole area, but my, I didn't even, I don't even know that's true.
Aggravated felons.
Folks, that's rape.
I mean, look at this.
DHS to grant illegal aliens unlawful presence waivers.
Judicial watch.
I just can't even take it anymore.
I mean, it's insane.
All right, let's go back to Alan.
I'm going to shut up.
Alan in Oregon, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I was almost thinking that maybe we could use something like that to your advantage and start kind of making a point each daily show just to mock.
Shows like The Daily Show and Cobra Report, maybe just to get a rise out of it.
Yeah, well, mocking gets them.
Mocking gets them.
Mainly what we're having banned on YouTube is if I make fun of Al Gore, banned.
I make fun of Obama, banned.
Nothing racial said about either one of them.
If I say anything about this professor, they ban it.
I mean, you're just not allowed to talk about them because they're God.
And I agree, they don't like being mocked.
They block that TSA video making fun of them.
They do not like being made fun of.
They love horrifying us.
They love it when we're desperate and going bankrupt.
They love our humiliation.
They love our pain.
They love our cancer.
They love our death.
They hate our freedom.
But when we laugh at them, it really gets to them.
Why do you think that is?
I like being laughed at.
I like being ridiculed by scum.
I could care less.
I wonder why they don't like being laughed at.
Why do you think that, Alan?
They don't like being laughed at, like any other bully doesn't like being laughed at.
He thinks he's got a muscle, uh, muscle fear into somebody, and then when the tables are turned, they don't know how to respond and react, and they need power trips.
That's right, they're gonna fail.
Don't you know in your gut, this is sure, as you know, the sun's coming up tomorrow morning, we're gonna beat these people, and when humanity survives its greatest test, thanks to God's help, it's gonna really push us to the next level when we defeat these scum.
Hey Alex, I hope one day I can stand by your side and shake your hand, buddy.
I hope one day I can join you in this, in the physical realm, versus sitting here and watching about it.
Well, get out there and fight the New World Order!
Big things start small, brother.
Appreciate your call.
Start an access show!
Start a radio blog on one of the radio blog sites!
Start YouTubes!
Start firing!
I shot a video during the break!
In fact, I'll tell you what, will you guys go have whoever, sudden turn into a huge committee meeting?
Because every time I try to download stuff off my iPhone, my little devil tracker phone made by slaves...
Every time they do this, they end up downloading the entire thing and it de-indexes them.
And Dew was showing Aaron how to do it yesterday.
I want the last video you saw me shoot during the break, where it showed the collateral murder, Apache shooting the Reuters reporters.
My point is, that's all over YouTube, public domain, WikiLeaks.
When I show that on my channel, they take it down and shut the channel down before, until I threaten to sue them and do a bunch of stuff.
I want to show that out there on NBC,
We had NBC on, excuse me, it was CNBC.
Same thing.
CNBC, and it's on out there, and I showed them showing it.
And watch, they'll probably ban my channel for that!
Because I'm not allowed to communicate to you.
Why is that?
Because I will stop them!
Because, not that I'm even good, they're a pack of weak deception!
All you gotta do is call their bluff.
Doesn't mean all of us that call their bluff are gonna make it out of this, but the spirit of crushing, diseased, New World Order control freak, murderous trash, is pure victory.
All that matters is they're defeated.
That's truly living.
Let's go ahead and go to Richard in Kansas.
We're not in Kansas anymore, but I guess we are.
Go ahead, Richard, you're on the air.
How you doing, Alex?
I'm just absolutely fine.
This is how I feel all the time.
And I'm always controlling myself not to act like this.
Yeah, the more and more I've been finding out, I'm pretty much there with you.
Good, we gotta get motivated!
Go ahead.
Well, that's the problem.
There's a lot of motivation for a few people up here, but the area in Kansas we live in has kind of been on lockdown, and I'll go ahead and say I'm a 29-year-old combat vet, you know, OIF vet, and the way we've been getting treated up here is, it's almost, others have been describing it almost like Vietnam level.
Sir, you're the enemy.
They say you are the ultimate enemy of Homeland Security.
Because Homeland Security is a foreign receivership banker mafia.
Go ahead.
It's definitely working.
Literally just trying to go out in public.
Even just trying to go to the corner store for cigarettes.
Just wearing a dog tag is enough to get you yelled at, threatened.
I actually had people corner off with me at a Titanic event that was up in
Union Station.
So it's really gotten to the point where me and other vets that even my wife has spoken to through like Facebook and other you know media that you know none of us just none of us are leaving the house anymore.
Well it's not just you though I took my wife to a movie last night we had a babysitter and the teenagers threw the 3D glasses and hit me in the back of the head with them
And I thought it was an accident and then they got, I didn't say anything, and they got up and left like two minutes before the movie ended, I guess because they figured out they shouldn't have done it.
And then as I was walking my wife out, these teenagers, these were like punk, you know, wealthy white kids, you could tell, started like...
Boeing up a little and I ignored it and then one of them ran up behind me like he was gonna sucker punch me in the back of the head and I just turned around and I looked at him and I was like am I gonna have to they were like probably 16 to 18 I was like do these I mean it was ridiculous I'm telling you
The public is, there's cop got killed in Austin last night for no reason.
They shot some black guy in the back running.
The death everywhere, craziness, crime exploding.
Sir, it's not just you.
People are going crazy.
But what types of folks, what types of folks are getting in your face?
Ironically, most people might be automatically thinking, oh, he's going to say one thing or another.
What's ironic, it's mostly 18 to 24, 25-year-old, I would say, more privileged white males.
No, that's it.
No, no, no.
It's like a gibbering class, and they pose.
It's like TV warped their mind.
Because I walked out, and it was like 50.
You know, kids, and it was a nicer area of town, we'd driven here to see a movie, and they were all, like, posing and acting weird and, like, messing with each other.
It isn't like I even looked at them, and I was like, yeah, that's the group hitting me in the back of the head, you know, with the sunglasses, you know, with the 3D glasses, and they were all just, sir, it's just the end of society.
We're, we're, this country's collapsing.
Literally, like, um...
Like, uh, for the last three months, uh, myself and, of course, my wife, uh, because she's actually, uh, she actually has Native American status.
Um, after about three months, I would say, about three months, honey, of handing out resumes, doing applications, handing out resumes, doing applications, no jobs, no callbacks, um, I actually had a gentleman from a security company tell me, you know, um, because I was speaking to him about an application, that, you know, if I'm U.S.
Army, I might as well give up trying to find work in this area.
Yeah, well that's because they think you're, they've been told you're damaged goods serving four, five, six tours, which is not really true.
Compared to the average public, you're not half as prone to be insane.
They're just cowardly insane people.
Stay there, I'm gonna come back to you.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Look, what's happening is the system knows how to create false role models for young people.
So whether you're black, white, hispanic, asian, it doesn't matter.
On every show, the guy that gets the girl acts like a gibbering, idiotic, arrested development moron.
And I was just talking to some of the crew.
They say everywhere you go now, black, white, it doesn't matter.
You have got people who will make fun of you, who will bump into you, who will slap at you.
They're having epidemics of men in subways rubbing up against women and basically hunching on them.
It's just we're turning into animals.
You had this old white guy.
You know, 70-something years old, 78-year-old, you know, looks like he's not too long in this world, beat up by some black guys saying it was for Trayvon.
But it's more than that.
It's just beat up old people, start fights with adults.
I mean, these people that are 16, 17 are already really adults.
They would have been adults 100 years ago.
A hundred years ago, if you did that to somebody, they would just pull a pistol out and shoot you.
And the police wouldn't do anything because, well, you were seen affronting someone.
That's why people are real polite in the South.
Was because, you know, in the old days, even just 50 years ago, you did something like that.
And I don't think those kids, when they hit me in the back of the head with the sunglasses, they must have known who I was, or then said something to me.
Because we came in two cars.
I kind of walked around with my wife about where her car was, came walking back down where mine was, and that's when they ran up behind me and all that.
And I turned around to these guys.
It's not that I'm Mr. Tough Guy.
It's just, I was like, do they realize that, okay, let's say they're tough.
They're gonna get in a fight with somebody who weighs 230 pounds, and I'm pretty strong, and I don't look like a wimp, and they must be so disconnected from reality.
They don't know who I am.
They don't know if I'm a concealed weapon holder.
They don't know if I'm some crazy, you know, veteran of my crazy who's already willing to attack people.
That's why they're, that's why young people
Don't like vets and I've seen it myself.
I've seen cases of it on average is because they want to think they're violent and powerful and so the idea that somebody's a soldier why they want to show you because they're so used to shoving old people around and being mean to people at movie theaters and doing all this and they think it's cowardice by older people that they're not responding to them.
You know, those young punks, there was a bunch of them, like 15 of them, they thought I was scared.
The difference was, it was so inviting to have 15 people in front of me.
I thought, well, if they attack me, I'm gonna really go Captain Caveman.
And I mean, I'm not gonna get off into it, but... You know, the point is, they mistook the fact that I just turned and tried to walk away, and then they laughed that I was a coward, because I was like, no, I got a family, I got a mission, I gotta get the word out.
But I mean, it would have been good for them to come up and hit me and teach them a lesson.
Teach them a lesson.
But tell us, as a veteran, if they see dog tags or you're wearing your jacket or whatever, what do they do to you?
Is it that kind of stuff?
Like, hey, tough guy, what you gonna do?
I mean, because they're all UFC viewers or whatever.
What happens?
Um, well, the worst incident, and I mean, this is just from wearing dog tags, like, it pretty much got to the point where, um, I, I mean... You know what I'm saying?
You get used to wearing a wedding ring, you get used to dog tags, it becomes part of you, you wear it.
Tell us, tell us what happens.
Tell us quickly.
Well, the worst example was me and my wife actually had gone out to a local grocery store and unfortunately me and my wife, we just lost a child, unfortunately.
You just lost a child?
Recently, yes.
A miscarriage or after they were born?
A miscarriage, sir.
Okay, so you're at the store.
And unfortunately, uh, my dog tags were out of my shirt and, um, one of the older ladies who was working and gathering carts decided she wouldn't, you know, lovingly yell the word baby killer at me.
So, of course, this was great timing for this.
I mean, I pretty much at that point just, you know, walked out and said, you know, I'll be in the car because at that point, it's getting to the point where even I'm ready to snap, but I won't.
But I'll guarantee you that woman loves Obama who's launching more wars.
They just want to feel like they're good and call you a baby killer when they're the people that let this country go into these illegal wars.
And so instead they just like to blame the soldiers.
People just love to find that one thing they can focus on so they don't have to focus on anything else.
I was at the beach, and there was a biker rally, and usually bikers seem like nice folks, but this was a big... I was there with little children, and had guys bow up and act tough, and pull their motorcycles in when I was... You know, they have these plant pots out there by this little street, and they were pulling their bikes in the part between the plant pots, and they drove in, and I looked at the guy, I had my three-year-old daughter holding my hand, and I almost killed the guy.
I mean, I'm sorry, I'll just grab him and bang his brains out, it's not hard!
And the guy didn't understand, I was about to kill him!
And I looked at him and he tried to act tough, and then he backed off, but I mean, they don't understand!
I just can't take it anymore!
Just, it's a bunch of gang-type scum, and they make me wanna throw up!
We got a guest coming up, but... just... I'm sorry, sir.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Bruce Schneier is our guest for the next 25 minutes or so, and then I will have nothing but your phone calls and key news, I promise, in the third hour today.
Those of you that are holding, Robert, Otter, Michael, Carl, Jonathan, and others that are joining us today.
Now I wanted to get Bruce Schneier on because we ran an article that was also in the Associated Press as well.
TSA blocks security expert from testifying to Congress.
Lawmakers slam agency for treating Americans like prisoners and cattle.
We've now in the last week seen the ad they ran looking for imperious people.
That means imperial, bossy, overbearing, dominant.
And we've also, in the last week, had TSA caught running sex rings, child porn, rapes, and I saw a report that hundreds of people, over 200 people, have their bags robbed per week at JFK.
Well, my daughter's seven now, and she was newborn.
I had to go to New York to do a speech and some things, and I bought, went to Tiffany's, and I'm not a jewelry person, but I bought a rattle, a teething ring, and another teething ring.
And they just opened the little box in the boat, check it, make sure it wasn't a bomb, and stole one of them.
Didn't take the other two.
They just liked how that looked.
So I guess I should be thankful they only took that.
After all, they've got a stressful job, they deserve to rob me.
But the reason that we have security expert Bruce Schneier on with us today is because, well, he was blocked from telling Congress
What he wanted, because I guess what TSA wants, they get.
Obama can launch wars without congressional approval.
And he now says the Supreme Court doesn't matter, so it's kind of like the TSA tells Congress who gets to have speeches.
In fact, I saw an article yesterday where Congress was trying to find out about this new NSA base in Utah, and they were told, you're not allowed to know.
Really, Congress?
Co-equal or above the President?
I mean, we got problems here, so that's a sidebar.
But TSA blocked security expert from testifying to Congress.
Lawmakers slammed agency for treating Americans like prisoners in cattle.
The TSA ensured that a leading security expert, who has been vocally critical of the agency's screening methods, was barred from speaking before congressional hearing.
The hearing before the House Committee on the Oversight and Government Reform was held Monday in an effort to evaluate the agency's performance.
There were concerns raised by lawmakers.
Thanks for having me.
Okay, tell us about yourself and what happened here.
So there was a hearing on the TSA on basically whether they're worth it, whether they're effective, and this is mostly about their new measures of full body scanners, the spot program that looks for people who are not acting right, a bunch of things.
And I was one of the four witnesses scheduled.
And at the Friday before the Monday hearing, I got a call from one of the staffers who's running the hearing asking about the lawsuit.
And there's a lawsuit right now, Epic versus the TSA.
I'm one of the plaintiffs, and we're trying to get the TSA to follow the law with respect to full-body scanners.
It has to do with the public comment period and certain documents they have to make public.
I mean, this is law, and we're just trying to get the TSA to follow it.
Anyway, the TSA objected, and the excuse they used is that it wouldn't be appropriate for us to be sitting at the same table because I'm a part of that lawsuit.
I mean, that doesn't make a lot of sense to me, but in any case, the people who ran the hearing decided that they wanted the TSA there, which means I was uninvited.
Which is, I mean, really a pity, because I would have liked to have been at the table of the TSA.
I spent a lot of time criticizing them, and
You know, they have the luxury of not actually responding.
I mean, they could ignore me, they could respond to pieces of me, but it would have been neat to be at a table and say, hey, answer this question, and then if they didn't say, you didn't answer the question, and try again.
I mean, that would have been sort of fun, but I didn't get to do that.
Now, they're also famous, as you know, for claiming John Hopkins says there's no radiation danger.
And then the head of the radiology department goes, we never said that in our report.
We said the opposite.
Or they're famous for saying, we've done all the radiology testing.
We've got, you know, radiation officers who are supposed to wear a badge, like somebody at a dental office or doctor's office.
Turned out that was a lie.
They said they'd given Congress years ago the data.
That was a lie.
They said they didn't save the images.
That was a lie.
They said that they weren't groping people, weren't strip-searching old ladies, that was a lie.
I mean, this is... The only group I know of that's rumored to lie more than the TSA is the devil.
The problem is that airports are really extra-constitutional zones now.
There are things that happen there that would never happen out in the real world.
And, you know, this is just one example.
There's a lot of dispute about the radiation levels.
There are some people that do the math and say it's okay, but that math doesn't take into account that this is all skin radiation.
Once you look at that, it's not okay.
The problem is we don't have the data.
I mean, this isn't security data.
This isn't how well the machines work to detect plastic explosives.
This is safety data.
And they never release it.
That's a good point you're making.
So what were you going to testify to that they blocked?
If you put this exact machine in a hospital, it would be illegal.
Because we just don't know how safe they are.
So, in this instance, I just want the TSA to do something perfectly reasonable.
Release safety data, allow researchers to test them for safety, before we start irradiating millions of Americans.
It just seems plausible to ask.
And, you know, in like so many things were blocked.
The TSA is required by law to ask for a public comment period before deploying this technology.
They didn't.
We went to the courts, the courts said you have to do that.
They haven't.
Now, you know, just one of many things that once you get to the airport, you just don't have the rights you have as a citizen elsewhere in the country.
And now they're setting the precedent with that to expand it.
TSA hardened bulletproof checkpoints, highway checkpoints, bus terminals, train stations.
Now they're saying the IRS will be over it.
If you haven't paid your taxes, you won't be able to travel.
This is the internal checkpoint passport that, of course, was so famous in Nazi Germany and Stalinist.
Oh, wow.
What I was hoping to do is go after them and respond to them.
Because, you know, as you're pointing out, they say a lot of things that turn out not to be true.
And what I was hoping to do there is to be the fact checker.
That I wouldn't have stuff prepared, necessarily, that I would more respond.
When they say, you know, the radiation is safe, I'd be able to say, well, you know, you say that, but here's some data, and you're not letting us
Letting us know.
When they say the full-body scanners detect plastic explosives, I'd say, well, no, they don't.
Here's the data.
The manufacturers say they don't.
We know they don't.
I mean, you just, you're lying there.
And, you know, and that's really what I wanted to do.
Whether talking about, uh, the no-fly list, or the, the shoe scanners.
I mean, all of these things they do, and they make the statements, and they don't get a lot of checks on it.
So, I was hoping to be the fact checker.
That's why I thought it would be fun.
Because rarely do I get to actually confront them.
I mean, I can say my pieces, I can make my arguments, but they don't have to respond.
And I figured with congressmen staring at them in the face,
You know, we might be able to get an actual response.
Well, I mean, if the TSA is being called before Congress to be grilled because, you know, the nation's in near revolt over their legendary abusive exploits, and then you're one of the known, admitted experts, you know, coming in to counter them, and then they complain, what was the nature of the complaint where our godlike TSA trumps open discussion?
So this is a technicality, and it might be valid for all I know.
There's a lawsuit going on, EPIC, Electronic Privacy Information Center, versus the TSA about full-body scanners.
I'm one of the named plaintiffs.
And what they invoked, and this might be a rule for all I know, that both sides of an ongoing legal dispute should not appear at the same table in front of a congressional hearing.
So, I mean, I don't know if this is a real rule.
It might be.
You know, honestly, if I knew that, I might have dropped off the lawsuit and shown up at the hearing, because the hearing would have been more fun.
Specifically, though, I mean, you're a technology expert.
You've got a long bio here.
Tell folks about your website and, you know, why you were being, why members of Congress thought you'd be a good person, you know, to call, because The Economist calls you a security guru.
Sure, I mean, I write about the TSA all the time.
My website is schneier.com, S-C-H-N-E-I-E-R.
At the same time this was unfolding, I was participating in an online debate at the Economist Magazine website with Kip Hawley.
Kip Hawley is the former head of the TSA, from its inception to basically when Obama became president.
And he and I were going back and forth on the TSA, and it's a fantastic debate.
I really recommend people read it.
I thought I did a great job.
So you're an effective nemesis to the pervert squad, and so they just don't want you on the field.
I don't think they do.
I'm actually pretty good.
I can talk about the scanners, I can talk about the x-ray machines, I can talk about the scanning of checked luggage, of cockpit doors, I can talk about their spot program.
Yeah, do that!
I mean, talk about why you say it's all security, because you coined the term security theater.
That's my term.
And that's what we got a lot of here.
Things that look good, but don't actually provide security.
It's interesting.
For that economist debate, I pulled some research that was done on the cost of the TSA.
Because we never really look at it in terms of cost versus benefit.
Is it worth it?
And if you calculate the amount of waiting time,
Yeah, yeah!
Right, so we're saying that the TSA is causing 500 fatal accidents a year.
Now, that's a big number.
I mean, you know, that makes them, you know, I'm sorry to say, more effective than the terrorists.
Yeah, and talking about that would have been interesting.
Now, you know, they didn't cause the deaths in the same way the terrorists do, but it's not as scary.
It's not as fun to get scared of that.
But I've talked to bus company people.
I know a side issue.
The point is, they say that buses are being used a lot more.
Everywhere I go now, I'm seeing a lot more buses.
And everyone I talk to doesn't travel.
They talk about upwards of 40 billion a year now in lost revenue.
Friends I have in Europe won't come here now.
I mean,
This is a big deal.
I mean, we're known.
Communist China isn't anywhere near this.
It's easier to fly into North Korea than it is the U.S.
Well, actually it's not, and China's pretty bad.
Hold on, I'm sure you've been to China.
I haven't.
Paul Watson's married to a nice Chinese lady, and he flies to China two or three times a year.
He says there's basically no security.
And I talked to journalists that recently flew to North Korea, and they said basically as long as it's pre-authorized, they were just right in.
And then once you go out in the countryside, they had a minder.
But I'm talking about, I mean, in North Korea, they don't grab your genitals.
Well, you know, I'd love to visit that country.
I haven't.
China, I have.
And I've been to Russia.
I'll be in Russia in another month.
We'll see how security there.
I just came back from Europe.
They do a lot of security, too.
I mean, a lot of ways.
Oh, no.
I mean, the Netherlands has it.
England has more than the U.S.
in some... The point is that we're losing... All I know is we're losing tourism.
Yeah, and we are.
A lot of people don't fly.
I mean, one thing you said is that people are up in arms over this.
The thing, unfortunately, you have to realize is most people aren't.
Most people don't know better.
They'll say something like anything if it keeps us safer.
I mean, most people believe the government when they say, this is essential.
I mean, I wish there was a popular revolt over the TSA.
But, you know, those of us who object are still pretty fringy.
Most people just say, I guess this is what we have to do.
You know, and one of the things I like to do with my writings is to raise awareness that maybe this isn't the best way.
That maybe this isn't the right thing.
But, you know, in a lot of ways I'm still fighting an uphill battle because most people don't know enough to decide and trust the government.
You know, most people I talk to absolutely hate what the TSA is doing and I talked to one of my friends that works at the airport and he said he watched local news aide Austin interview more than 40 people until they found one old lady that liked what they were doing to her and they put her on the news.
Yeah, I mean, I think there is some of that.
I mean, certainly, you know, my friends, your friends are going to select this way.
You know, a lot of people are outspoken where they don't like it, but they're willing to accept it.
But, you know, go to the airport.
I fly all the time.
And, you know, people aren't complaining.
Now, of course, you know not to complain.
Because if you complain, you're a troublemaker and you could end up on a list.
It really is a bad situation.
You know, we just don't have the right to argue.
And I think people are afraid to argue.
I mean, the people who don't like it are willing to accept it.
You know, I'm... I'll complain more than most, but I know if I put up a stink at the airport, they're just gonna make my day miserable.
Did you know the TSA asked for them to remove that other technologist video, what, a month or so ago?
We had him on, where he showed how you could sneak through the scanners with explosives, and then they removed it, saying security.
No, the security is showing they're a fraud, right?
Yeah, and that actually isn't even new.
You know, when I blogged about that, I found a research paper from two years previously that talked about the same attack.
I mean, it's not like hiding it is going to make it go away.
I didn't know the video was removed.
That's interesting.
I'm pretty sure it's up in Europe somewhere.
I'll go back to... I'll go back and look around and update my blog if... No, no, no.
They took it down for a while.
There was a big outrage, and then it was put back up.
The point is that they did take it down for a while.
Also, for you listeners who don't know, this is a video of someone bringing metal through a full body scanner, through both of them, through both the backscatter x-ray and through the millimeter wave.
And basically he's hiding it in an outside pocket of a sort of a swingy piece of clothing, and the way the images show up
It's hidden in the background.
It actually is a serious flaw.
It's pretty easy to bypass.
It's been known for a few years.
And yes, the TSA is trying to hide information about it.
The researcher who found this reported that the TSA was threatening reporters who were covering this.
Oh yeah, in fact I saw the emails and then he later actually talked to the TV reporter in Florida.
They told him, we tell you do not talk to this guy.
Well, I mean, these are more heavy-handed tactics, but again, the way to think of airport security, the TSA, is that it's an extra-constitutional...
Uh, Oregon.
I mean, extra constitutional space, organization, that the normal rights you have, you know, don't exist.
Like a constitution-free zone.
We've got one more short segment with you.
I want to specifically get into the, you know, the scanners in other areas and, you know, the x-rays, the bomb detectors, because from what I've read, but you know more about this than I do, a good dog
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Security expert Bruce Schneier is our guest.
Okay, so you heard my question about the dogs.
I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but dogs profiling.
But then they say, no, we won't profile somebody that actually has a criminal record.
We'll just treat you all like criminals.
So it's, it's, it's an inversion of civil rights.
Let me talk about the machines and dogs.
So basically, we're trying to detect explosives called PETN.
It's got a long name, you can look it up.
It's what the shoe bomber used, it's what the underwear bomber used.
It's the thing that's scary.
And we're worried about people bringing it in on their person because the magnetometer won't detect it.
Now, full-body scanners actually won't detect PETN either.
Only two things can detect it, and that's a chemical sniffer or, as you say, a dog.
So what we're trying to do with the full-body scanners is to detect bulges in your clothing that could be PETN, and if one is found, then the officer will figure out what it is.
So that's basically what the machines are doing.
Uh, so yes, dogs would be better, uh, but if you think about it, dogs are kind of a logistical nightmare in an airport.
And I don't think it's a fact that machines are proprietary and dogs aren't, it's just that having trained animals requires a level of infrastructure that airports don't have.
Yeah, but I would rather walk by a dog, and that's all you gotta do, than have somebody grab my genitals.
Well, you know, it's not all you have to do.
It's more complicated than that.
I'm not convinced that dogs are a better solution than the machines.
I think when we start looking at making dogs work, there's a lot of issues.
But yeah, the machines don't actually detect the explosive.
They detect bulges in your clothing, which then the officer clears.
And if you go to the airport, you know this happens.
They see a bulge, and the person who's looking at the images, radios to the officer, says there's something in his left pocket.
And the person looking at your genitals sees something that they want to look at, yeah.
And then, so that is, that is clear.
So yeah, so that's basically how those machines work.
I mean, I'd love to see more dogs.
I think they're a great solution.
I even saw some technology that uses bees.
Yeah, as a different animal.
Now, I don't think they work with a person, but they work with luggage and other things.
Bees can also act as good chemical detectors.
There's a lot of work with using live animals, especially large mammals.
And Chertoff doesn't make money off the body scanners.
And that's the other issue, of course.
There is, Michael Chertoff lobbies one of the two machines authorized to sell them.
And, you know, the rush to put them into place after the underwear bomber, even though the manufacturer of one of them, at least one of them, said, you know, wait a second, this wouldn't have detected the underwear bomb.
Because remember, if it's not a bulge, it's not going to detect it.
So if it's pounded, if the flash explosive is pounded thin, if it's part of an article of clothing, there's a lot of ways to sneak it by.
Well, what if you had it inside your body?
I mean, next they're saying, they're talking about full body x-rays.
I saw that in the Australian news.
Because people might put it in artificial breasts.
They might put it in their stomach.
Or put it in your anus.
We saw one example of that.
Someone who set off a bomb against a Saudi prince a couple of years ago.
He hid the bomb in his anal body cavity.
So yes, this is a tactic.
It's kind of an obvious one.
All the answers have the pot-bellied TSA people.
Get grandma in there and do proctology exams.
Well, you know, I mean, this seems like an endless, futile solution.
How about we just face the danger like we always did and live in a free society?
Okay, I mean, if they had a plane with no security versus security, I'm getting on the one with no security.
You know, but unfortunately, the market doesn't ever... I mean, the market rarely differentiates on security.
Yeah, it would be interesting to have more secure airways and less secure airways.
The truth is, they can't protect you.
The world's not... What, terrorists are gonna attack down the road?
We're gonna have checkpoints on the road now?
I mean, it's never ending.
Of course, Amaral Awlaki did die in secret at the Pentagon, too, and the underwear bomber was put on the plane by the U.S.
Bruce, thanks for the time.
Thanks for joining us, and I'm glad you got to testify here.
Oh, thank you.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, I'm going to do it.
No matter how riveting or important your calls are, I'm going to try to give each person a minute and a half and go to the next person, which will probably fail, but we'll try.
I've got a ton of news I haven't gotten to.
We'll cover it all coming up.
Big developments at InfoWars.com and PressUponIt.com right now.
Robert in Texas.
I'm going to go to Jonathan, Carl, Michael, Otter, and others.
Robert, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Thanks for having me on, Alex.
Two quick points.
The first,
I refer to it as the brain drain mainframe and that's what I call the establishment in their media arm.
And if people want to take the time, we have a few new videos up where we call in for Ron Paul to major shows.
We got Ed Schultz most recently and Dennis Miller.
And we call them Ron Calls.
We try to do them every Friday.
You can check those videos out at Funkmaster5 YouTube channel.
And other than that, that's pretty much all I have.
Good job, brother.
Keep doing your work.
Jonathan in Kansas, you're on the air.
Hey, how's it going, Alex?
I have some interesting news.
One concerning 9-11 and let's see,
Yeah, 9-11.
Um, first one is about how there was a new intel, a new revel, uh, relevation, excuse me, um, well new news about how another intelligence failure before 9-11 and apparently it's about how U.S.
acted to conceal evidence of intelligence failure before 9-11.
It just came out March 27th.
Yeah, I saw that.
A lot of those are just regurgitated though.
Again, they lied and said they never heard of a plan to fly planes in the buildings.
The FBI was trying to stop those people who were part of the drills and were told to shut up in four states.
No, five states.
Oklahoma, too.
All of that went on.
They ordered NORAD to stand down.
I mean, it just goes on and on.
That some of the hijackers trained at U.S.
military bases, that was confirmed.
It just never got followed up on.
Now, I saw one of those last week.
What particularly is the new one you're talking about?
9-11 intelligence failure.
What's the newest?
Well, that was the one that came out March 27th.
It may be the same one you were talking about.
And it was basically how they didn't allow on whatever wiretap.
But I have mixed emotions on it because, one, it may be let out just for the fact of saying that, oh,
You can't, we can't protect you unless we wiretap, basically.
It said that because they were blocked from wiretapping Afghanistan, yeah, and they only let to... Yeah, yeah, no, I saw that one.
That's exactly, that's to make it look like, oh, they did screw up.
They need the NSA to record everything you're doing, which they're already doing.
That's what came out on 9-11.
They had all the NSA communiques.
And ignored them.
In fact, 9-11 intelligence, 9-11 NSA intelligence was ignored.
Tie that in.
You know, NSA...
9-11 attack data ignored.
That was in congressional hearings.
So yes, I did see that a few weeks ago.
Where they're like, oh, we weren't able to spy on people, so this happened.
Total red herring, total baloney, on its face.
As we know from Sybil Edmonds, NSA, translator with the FBI, as we know from Colonel Schaefer, they knew everything.
They had him in their sights.
They knew all of it.
And in Sybil Edmonds' word,
She heard the CIA commanding Al-Qaeda on 9-11.
She told Congress that.
They have not denied that.
So, I mean, again, just like they command Al-Qaeda in Syria, just like they command Al-Qaeda in Libya, just like they commanded Al-Qaeda against the Russians, this is a fact.
Anything else, sir?
Yeah, I have a new video about eugenics, and it's about how 300,000 women in Peru were forcibly sterilized.
Oh yeah, what's the name of the video?
Um, the name of the video is, More than 300 women in Peru, Peru, the country of Peru, forcibly sterilized.
Yeah, that's on record, exactly.
They only mentioned a few hundred when it was just massive numbers.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Coming up at the bottom of the hour, I've got two short videos.
One I shot yesterday, the other I shot during a break.
And they both illustrate something very important.
That's coming up.
Audio for radio listeners, video for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
One involves the French Bulldog.
And then, got some bad news for you, but it's not bad news.
We knew they'd come back at us again.
We gotta fight them again.
It's an eternal battle.
Secret plan underway to revive Internet censorship bill SOPA.
Motion Picture Association of America CEO confident similar legislation will become law.
It ends due process, lets them shut down any website they want extra-judicially.
Very serious, very serious news.
And I do want to spend some time on this Trayvon Martin thing.
I've known this for a couple weeks, but now it's finally getting some attention.
Which is good, because I was reading the transcripts of what NBC did, which is an organ of the White House, where they edited, and we've played this before, but I mean it's just incredible.
And folks said it sounded like it was edited, and it was.
This is the raw 911 call.
Zimmerman, this guy looks like he's up to no good.
Or he's on drugs or something.
It's raining.
And he's just walking around looking about.
Dispatcher, okay.
And this guy, is he black, white or Hispanic?
Zimmerman, he looks black.
The altered NBC News version simply ran this way.
Zimmerman, this guy looks like he's up to no good.
He looks black.
They edited it together.
This is the system wanting to get everybody fighting with each other.
That is the plan.
All the big mega banks rob America, shut down our industry.
The IRS says they're going to ban travel if you haven't paid them whenever they want.
No due process.
All this is happening.
Classic police state, and they're trying to hype up every event.
When there's tragedies,
Every day in this country, and a lot of it racial, why are they hyping this?
Because it's at this time.
Like reportedly in Austin yesterday, an Asian man shot a police officer.
Didn't appear to be racially motivated, he was just out of his mind in a Walmart.
Shot the guy, the police officer, and killed him for no reason.
That's why we've got guns, to protect ourselves from people like that.
I mean, you're never gonna stop crazy people.
In Japan, they've had people with knives go into grocery stores and stab 20, 30 people.
And you know, these are pretty serious topics here, but it's gotta be discussed.
Let's go back to your phone calls.
Michelle, or is that Michael?
It's so far away.
It's Michael.
Michael in Virginia, you're on the air, go ahead.
Michael, go ahead.
Okay, he's gone.
Let's go to Carl in Oregon.
Carl, you're on the air.
Hello my fellow patriot.
Hey buddy.
Got two questions and a statement.
Gonna do them in ten seconds.
Go ahead.
We have Fritz Springmeier here, where I live.
So when are you perhaps thinking about having a speaking, a special speaking engagement up here in the Northwest is the first question.
The second one, I can't find out where the Jesse Ventura's two TVs, the special conspiracy theory, when, when is that airing?
That's my two questions for you.
My statement is, well, you say the globalists make you sick.
You're sick of it.
So I'm sick of it too, but it doesn't make me nauseous.
It makes me want to take a bunch of sleeping pills, drink a 12 pack of beer and just go to sleep.
That's my sentiment on that.
I mean, I won't do that, but that's what it makes me feel like doing.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
No, no, never hurt yourself.
No, we're beating these people at many levels.
I get angry that more people won't wake up when it's so obvious and take action because I'm chomping at the bit.
I'm salivating.
Yeah, like a dog barking at a fence when somebody's messing with me.
I mean, I want to route these people.
And it doesn't mean the world will ever be a perfect place.
It just means we've got to get the pendulum going in the other direction.
We're so close to that.
So the system's pulling out all the stops.
There is a major war going on right now at the greatest pitch ever for the human destiny of our society.
I mean, it's all happening right now.
I appreciate your call and the questions.
As for the speaking engagement,
I said that I was going to do a beta test speaking in Dallas and Orlando only.
And that that was my speaking tour.
Then they put out some disinformation thing that I'd cancelled my speaking tour and everybody's calling me going, finish your speaking tour, why aren't you?
I always said it was two locations and in the summer I might try a bigger one where I went to five or six locations.
And I certainly enjoy meeting people and doing it because the technology we're working on, I'm able to do the show on the road or at affiliates.
There is no new tour announced.
I've got to check with affiliates.
I've got to set it all up.
I've got to go do it.
There's a lot of infrastructure.
The only way I won't go on this summer tour is if all Hades breaks loose and they're now having the aircraft carriers leave the Persian Gulf and the word is, for now, the Iran war is off.
Deals have been made.
Israel has said they're cutting back special forces attacks.
They're launching, yeah, war that's been ongoing inside Iran.
So some behind-the-scenes deals have been made.
And that is a good thing, let me tell you.
Because, you know, cooler heads can prevail in this.
So barring a war or something, I am planning some type of trip.
And we were looking at going out to California and up into Oregon.
And then going back down through into Colorado and back to Texas.
I just don't know if I have time because I just cannot do the radio show and then drive from, you know, in the afternoon all the way through to midnight every night and do that.
It's just not safe.
We have to drive fast.
And I certainly can't take my family if I do that.
That's the whole point, is reach out to the public, go out into America while we still can before the domestic checkpoints are set up.
Pretty soon, they're just going to say, no drive list, you can't leave this area.
It's going to be linked to your ID.
They've said this.
And if you leave the city, you're going to be arrested and permanently detained.
And that's what this IRS domestic checkpoint thing is and the hardened bullet.
Folks, you think I'm joking.
It's all going to happen, OK?
I told you they'd be doing all the stuff they're now doing.
I'm telling you the next phase.
Well, been telling you for years.
It's maximum tyranny.
Where will they stop?
Until we stop them.
I mean, it's outrageous.
But so are all the other tyrannies we've seen in history.
It's like, how do the people let them do that?
By increment.
And through fear, and through wars, and through crises.
Let's go ahead and go to Otter and Mass.
Otter, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes sir.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Wordpress, etc.
So, regarding positivity as power... Yes sir.
Hey, you should wear a jumpsuit on one of the shows at some time with an orange jumpsuit with PPTV initials rather than a DOC or other initials used by the prison system.
That's a great idea.
In fact, I meant to do that.
In the past, not with that on it, but I have meant to do a piece with myself in a Gitmo orange jumpsuit.
Will somebody get me a large orange jumpsuit, please?
No longer extra large.
Large jumpsuit.
Yeah, we'll definitely do that, sir.
You're still there?
Yes, sir.
All right.
Well, I'm seeing, and I'm a healer.
You know that.
You're showing physical symptoms of heart issues.
And I believe that you should probably, because he is so good.
Definitely has the level of intellect, the genius that you have.
Trade off with Aaron on the nightly news to give yourself some time.
Because time's passing and you're missing the growth of your children and the awareness of the quickening.
And it's only been the last year plus.
I've talked to you since last summer.
It seems to me that you're
You've called him a nice guy, you say you're a Native American guy.
You sound like a smart person.
I'm showing signs of heart problems.
I've lost 40 pounds.
I know people run all the time, marathoners drop dead, but I can run like 8 miles, which is a lot for a big old fatty like me.
I'm trying to get skinny.
My heart feels super good.
You think I have signs of heart problems?
The bags under the eyes.
It is symptomatic.
Well listen, it also might be symptomatic because if I ever told people stories about growing up in Dallas, people wouldn't believe it.
My eyes have both been blacked.
Probably twenty times a piece.
So, I've had... I've just been beat up, sir.
I've even got some cauliflower in one of my ears.
So, I mean, I understand it is not a good sign to have, I guess, swollen ankles or bags under my eyes.
That is a sign of heart problems, you're right.
But I don't have swollen ankles.
I've just... I've just... Especially this eye.
My right eye is permanently black.
See, that's from... I mean, it's been...
Yes, well you were an athlete.
It's a bit beat up, I bet.
Who knows, though?
I hear you.
I should take off more time.
You know why?
Because when I do take off, I'm more focused.
It's more powerful.
But I am doing the Nightly News three nights a week, which was always my plan.
And the other guys are doing it the other two nights a week.
I'm developing more folks here.
And I am doing a lot more.
God bless you, Otter.
I appreciate your call.
Enough about me, though.
Enough about me.
I mean, I didn't work out this morning.
I am planning to work out sometime today.
Let's go ahead and go to... The anger is an issue, though.
I mean, I... It's true.
I need to get control of it.
But at the same time, whatever.
I'm not gonna worry about it.
Because, I mean, it's not an act up here when I start yelling and screaming, folks.
I mean, I'm sick of this.
Every day, I look at these scumbags, and I see what they're doing to us, and I just want to stop.
Your calls are all coming up.
Stay with us.
And we got those videos.
You don't need me to tell you that humanity is in a deep crisis.
Everyone can feel it.
We know a tectonic struggle is now taking place between the forces of freedom and those who love darkness, bondage, and enslavement.
Yes, my friends, evil is rising.
But take heart.
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, a Navy jet crashed into some apartments.
And so I guess now that there's been a wreck, we have to ban Navy jets.
Because that's the idea they use with terrorists.
Because terrorists might attack us, we've got to take everybody's rights.
Because a Navy jet crashed into apartments in Virginia.
And we'll give you more details on that coming up.
At least two people were hurt.
A hospital spokesman said, good news, that nobody was killed so far.
We're not sure if there have been any deaths, but it looks like there hasn't been.
And it says the two plane members were able to eject.
Volunteer rescue squad said he and others found one of the two plane crew members who ejected.
So we don't even know if the other guy got out.
Okay, let's go ahead and go to Michael in Texas.
Thanks for holding, Michael.
Go ahead.
Good Friday, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
I've heard you many times on your radio show talk about how frustrated you are that the headlines aren't getting out to the general public.
And I just kind of had this idea.
If all the InfoWars who are strong would hit the street corners and let our presence be seen,
That would give some strength to those who are weak.
Look, Ron Paul was cheated.
He was winning in the first few states.
After they cheated him, I told people that folks would then say, oh, he can't win.
It would shift to Romney.
That's always been what they planned.
People say, well, then why'd you support Ron Paul?
Because he was able to inject real issues.
Now we've got to take that whole Ron Paul movement
And put it into fighting the info war.
And I think promoting info wars is one of the best places to go, with the articles, the documents, the info, or whatever.
Start your own organization, just educate people about the globalist, and little things, all of us doing it together,
It will move mountains.
I mean, what are some of the ideas you have?
Just writing websites on money.
So many people tell me they found InfoWars.com and they found out about the New World Order and then met their wife because of it.
You know, the story goes on and on.
From things being written on money or people giving them a CD or a DVD.
I mean, the power of that is incredible.
Can I say something?
Yes sir, go ahead.
Here's a couple of my ideas.
You know, we hit the street corners with poster boards with the headlines from the InfoWars.
You know, the headlines that the mainstream media seem to lose.
Or for stoplights.
That way the people have time to read the headlines.
You want to put a dateline on there so they'll be able to reference it.
And at the bottom of your signs put InfoWars.com so they'll know where to go to get that news.
Also, I mean, what I'm doing is I've got me some signs.
I've got one that's street news.
Headlines at the mainstream seem to lose.
One of the, you know, one of the articles could be like, MF Global CEO John Corzine steals 2 billion in private accounts.
No prosecution.
You know, at the bottom, Infowars.com.
You can go down and take any of the headlines from, you know, four or five months back.
Just datelines so the people can reference them when they go to Infowars.com.
And, uh, even have a sign that says, uh, uh, InfoWarsNightlyNews at PrisonPlanet.TV.
You know, with this stuff out on the street corners, we, you know, making our presence be seen, that'll bring the week out, and they'll soon join us.
And the people who live in the little towns, uh, near big cities, where most of the people in those little towns travel back and forth to work, get out there in the morning, at one of them streetlights out there on the edge of town where they have to stop, long lines of them, and work those lines.
Get back out there in the evening when they're coming back home.
I mean, coast to coast.
And then most people shut down after that and they never have a problem.
But this is a war we're in.
Access TV, but what's most effective...
Is doing one-sheet print-offs on your computer with just headlines and websites or business cards and sticking them in the free magazines and newspapers that they put out at the Walmarts and they put out at the gas stations.
And you just go and shove your stuff inside of them on the first page.
And that is a very effective way.
And look, the buzz of Liberty is already off the charts and has the globalist scared.
You know, with all that said, I'd like to... I've got my feelings about where we stand in this info war.
I believe we're on the brink of critical mass.
I mean, we're on the brink.
If we'll just get out there and push right now... I agree with you.
Stay there.
You're right.
And we have to do it alone up front, then that will bring others.
Build it, they will come.
We'll be right back.
Stay there.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
It certainly is!
We're talking to Michael in Texas.
He's talking about critical mass.
The Globalist!
I mean, I could go over Hillary Clinton, Zbigniew Brzezinski, the State Department, the Pentagon.
All make or run.
This is not our government anymore.
There may be good people in the government, but it's been taken over.
You know, the captain's a bad guy.
And the captain is a consortium of Globalists.
That's what's running this.
They admit they're losing the info war.
That's the term they use now.
We've played those clips here.
They know that they're discredited.
Zbigniew Brzezinski's new book, I actually bought it and I've now read most of it, he talks about the five big crises we face.
And the biggest one he says is the public no longer buys anything we say and recognizes we have the elite running things.
And no matter what they do, the same thing happens.
And he says worldwide
He says, 30 years ago, I'm paraphrasing, you can read the quotes, they're online, it's also been in newspaper articles, what's in the book.
He said, 30 years ago it was easier to convince a million people of something than it would be to kill them.
Now it's easier to just kill them.
What he's saying is, they cannot convince us anymore.
And they know the process of waking up to them has happened.
And don't get discouraged by people that just want to go get drunk or party or, you know, laugh at you when you talk about reality.
Those people don't count, never would have counted.
They know that it takes 5% of an irate, focused group who's evil or good to take control.
And folks, we got like 25-30% that are really getting a good idea.
They just are awake though, they're not taking action.
You get twenty, thirty percent of the public to, to, to, to barely nudge the New World Order, it's going over the edge of a cliff.
I mean, our audience is three million people a day, conservatively.
If three million people went to Infowars.com and ordered, I'm going back to our guest, and ordered
for one penny that's that's that's what the because the shopping carts got to have some amount of money put in or it won't work that's just how it works for one penny you get a hundred business cards that say you are the resistance on the back they say spread the word info wars dot com prison but a dot com respond dot tv join the fight and it's a provocative good-looking card people will tend to look it up
And you get a citizen rule book, and you get two bumper stickers, and the shipping's $4.95, and that is what the shipping cost is.
So, this is at cost.
Now, if three million people all ordered this, we wouldn't be able to deliver them.
Point is, we'd probably get a hundred orders a day, maybe, for this.
And it should be a thousand a day, but quite frankly, we couldn't even do that, so I guess it's good that people don't take action, because we couldn't handle it.
We've put up stuff where you can just print up business cards yourself and give them out.
Or just, you're not a graphics person?
Do it!
I mean, I never had owned a camera.
I'd never done TV.
They were trying to ban guns, restrict guns in Texas, where people under 18 couldn't touch a gun, even with their parents.
I got mad.
I was like 20, sort of trying to get in the media.
And I, for a year, couldn't get on local radio, so I got an access show.
And six months later, I had a radio show.
And I mean, I was
Very embarrassing on those first shows.
I turned the lights way up, didn't know how an iris worked, did it in the control room of AXS TV, because I couldn't get anybody to help me.
It was real leftist down there, so they'd laugh at me and wouldn't give me equipment and treated me pretty bad up front.
But after I was successful, they claimed me as their own.
That's how it always works.
There were some friends up there, some people helped me.
That's why I was mainly, at first, a conservative, because that was already my beliefs, but it was the conservatives, you know, that would actually help me down there.
I actually had liberals open the door of the control room, throw a Coke against the wall.
The guy works for a local newspaper now.
And then scream, Alex is pouring Coke on the equipment.
And they were going to kick me out.
I said, I'm going to sue you for this.
I don't want to, but I'm going to have to.
I know you have a surveillance camera right there.
They said, let's just drop it right now.
I was like, oh, you're part of the setup.
Then I learned there was embezzling going on and they were going to shut it all down even though I wasn't even really doing a show there anymore.
I had to sue and get a private investigator and found out indeed that they were stealing money and one of them went to prison.
But the other stuff went up to the highest levels of the city.
They were being paid off to shut access down and so it's a side issue.
I'm pontificating and have more calls and videos and audio I want to go to.
The point is I used a used camera that I got for less than $100 and saved up my money and got like a $200 wireless mic and got my cousin to help me and then later Mike Hanson and people and went out and did what I did and had immediate success.
And you couldn't get in the edit bay up there because back then it was really busy because all these people were using it to produce films they never even showed on Access.
So all these, you know, Hollywood wannabe types were in there taking all the equipment and everything.
So I would go up and I had two day jobs, but I would go in and stay up all night to edit video I'd shot on these big three quarter inch decks that were from the 70s that they had in there and the one room I could get into and
I would even cut audio tracks myself on an old audio machine they had to put it in with a voiceover, because I didn't know how to use the one room that had computers that were so primitive they were always screwing up.
So I was in there untrained doing all this, and I would get no sleep, you know, half the time.
I'd get like two hours sleep before I went to work, but I didn't care.
That's what I did.
I don't want to go into the whole story, but it's the classic, you know, uh, skinning your teeth, uh,
Bootstrap story.
Because I didn't want him to enslave me.
I was sick of it.
I saw him barbecue folks at Waco, blow up Oklahoma City.
I wanted to expose him.
And folks, if you would just do what I've done.
And so many people have done it.
They've said, we've used your example, and they're out there reaching millions of people.
I mean, we've spawned hundreds of prominent people.
A lot of them, the old parable, who then turn against their father later, you know, that old thing of them wanting to attack me later just because they think they'll be the king of I'm Gone.
I don't want to be the king of Jack Diddly Squat, okay?
I'm here just absolutely knowing I'm right with total proof that it's all off the chart crazy land.
And what the caller is saying is that if you'll just engage.
We're having the reporter contest.
We're getting a lot of great entries.
But a lot of them we get don't even follow the basic rules we gave.
And then people complain, we don't want to follow your rules.
Okay, you don't want to work here.
You don't want to win $10,000.
You know, it's just that it's such a decadent nation.
People want things handed to them.
And nothing of value is ever handed to you.
Anything handed to you, in my experience, will destroy you.
The only thing handed to you is the gifts God gives you.
And I learned that when you have gifts, a lot of people don't like you.
They inherently are envious of it.
Not that I have some great gifts, but people who are very good at sports, people who are beautiful, people who are great artists.
I've noticed most people hate them because of their success.
Or because of their beauty.
I admire that.
I don't see a guy with a totally gorgeous girlfriend and get mad at him, like a lot of people I know do.
I just am like, good for you, wow, that must really be nice.
I see people get mad that I have such wonderful wife and wonderful children.
And they get mad about it.
Mad that I have beautiful children.
Mad that I have three children.
It's all
It's like the public is caught in a delusional, TV-induced fantasy world.
Alright, I'm already digressing.
Michael, finish your point about the critical mass.
Well, you covered that pretty good, but I'd just like to make a couple of statements here.
I'm so fortunate, Alex, to have grown up in Austin.
I live out in Dripping Springs now.
But to do street actions with you, to march down Congress Avenue four or five years ago on Independence Day, go to the Governor's Mansion, our two sieges on the Capitol, I mean, that was just such, you know, it's just so invigorating.
And if the people would just let the spirit of you flow into them, that'll give them the impetus to get out there on them street corners with their signs and however they want to do it.
But we need to do it.
We need to push back hard.
And anybody that denies that reality needs to understand this.
Ten years ago, 1% maybe knew the Federal Reserve was private.
People would say, that's code word for racism.
Now, when mainstream media comes to interview me, they can't do that anymore.
We've made them a joke.
We've been proven right.
But it's not enough to be proven right.
Now we've got to...
Occupy the land, as the Bible says.
We have got to take the enemy out of the high ground they've taken.
We're going to have to dig them out of their holes.
And we're just going to have to do it.
I mean, look, ladies and gentlemen, I can't tell you the Navy SEALs that contact me, the Delta Force people, the former, current.
I cannot even tell you off-record how hot this info is in the military, in the enlisted, the Army, the Marines, the Navy.
I mean, I gotta say, everybody I talk to says more than half the military is really awake now.
Folks, 10 years ago, it was maybe 5%.
It's exponential.
But I'm telling you...
The globalists are going to pull some dirty tricks to try to get control again.
I'm talking about mushroom clouds are possible, bioweapons, I mean anything is possible.
You look at these terror attacks, these staged attacks, First World Trade Center, Oklahoma City, 9-11, they're bigger.
They're bigger.
And I'm telling you, the globalists aren't going to go away easy.
But they were already planning to do devastating things to bring us under their control.
So let them do the devastation on our terms.
We're going to be in the fight.
God bless you.
I appreciate your call, sir.
Good to hear from you.
Okay, I'm going to go to Scarlett, Skeletor, James, Jordan before this show ends.
But I've got to go to a couple videos slash audio here.
Before I even upload these to PrisonPlanet.tv and I will air the dog one on Info Horizontally News tonight so PrisonPlanet.tv members can see it and then the day later we post it for everybody on the YouTube channel while we've still got it.
One of the eight channels while we've still got it because they're trying to shut us down right now.
And I mean, I'm telling you, I've been hit by four different torpedoes at this office in the last week.
YouTube's the least of them that I'm not even getting into here on air because because the system is going to throw everything they've got at us, try to slow us down.
But that only makes me know we're winning now.
This first one is during a break an hour and a half ago, I walk out there.
And I see them showing on CNBC footage of the collateral damage video that they showed of the army helicopter shooting Reuters reporters.
And I was pointing out how the guys in the helicopter were laughing because they were removed like people in drones.
And how that's been written about in history, how it dehumanizes war.
Versus the army soldiers who pick up the little kids who were shot up and go and save them.
And who are upset about what's happening.
I was illustrating how when you become removed from war... See, this video had been on hundreds of newscasts, thousands of videos online, none of them had been banned.
It was a WikiLeaks video, it was months after it was out.
I did a video about the dehumanization of being separated in warfare with drones and the rest of it.
And how the helicopter pilots probably meant well, believed they were killing terrorists, but still even made a joke when they found out it was kids because their conscience couldn't handle it.
So they made a joke out of it versus the troops on the ground with choking back tears as they're running saying, hurry, we got to get these kids.
Because the normal response with little girls with their guts hanging out is to get choked up.
If you've got humanity, not because you're weak, but because you're strong.
It's the weak that turn away from humanity and decide that they can't deal with the pain.
It's the strong that absorb the pain because we have our nerves.
We have our conscious.
Our soul is open to the universe.
We're not burned out inside like these devils.
I didn't call the helicopter pilots devils.
I said they were on the road to that and that their souls were in danger.
That's why YouTube banned my video.
Because the power of my words, the power of truth, the power of how it simply stands on its own.
And it just reminded me of how they're censoring me again for attacking this demon that says basically arrest people, drug them if they don't agree with us.
And we found other documents where she's saying, you know, ignore the Congress, ignore democracy in her words.
She means due process.
She wants a dictatorship.
So they removed my video about that.
And again, it shows who they are.
They're not liberal trendies that care.
Just like Coney people don't.
It's about selling war as liberal.
And it's devilish.
War is necessary sometimes, but you only do it when you're attacked.
You start hearing... Let's go to the short video.
Let's go and go to the video now.
Here it is.
Folks, here it is.
We're in here in the broadcast studio of the radio show during a break.
I walk out here and they're showing the collateral murder footage that's been on thousands of times on TV.
of the army helicopters the apache shooting up the reuters uh... camera guy with the kids and why am i showing you this right now because remember youtube gave us a community guidelines strike and try to shut our channel down for showing that i'm sick of it and now i criticize this professor
Who sickeningly came out and said, put people in mental institutions, basically.
They don't believe in man-made global warming.
They don't want to pay Al Gore money.
I did that.
And they shut that video down.
Can't make fun of her.
You know, a public figure.
And then now we've gotten more of her writings.
They didn't pull down quick enough.
Where she says, ignore democracy.
Congress, everybody.
Just do what you want.
Shut down the coal power plants.
Take over.
Carbon dioxide's too deadly.
What about genetic engineering, lady?
What about all the real threats, huh?
Just incredible.
Absolutely incredible.
And it makes me want to throw up the double standard system.
And what these people get away with.
Alex Jones reporting for Infowars.com.
Maybe they'll shut my channel down again, because I just showed the Army shooting that up.
And again, people say, well, so what?
YouTube, you know, is its own private site.
They advertise as YouTube, a public commons.
Then they selectively enforce the rules that I don't even violate.
That's the problem.
That's the issue.
It's unfair trade practices.
It's selective enforcement.
It's false advertising.
I've brought those people 600 million views with all my channels put together.
I don't even take ads.
They still put ads over it.
They're making millions of dollars.
I just want to reach the public and warn them and expose the lies.
That's all I've ever wanted to do.
That's all I've ever tried to do.
It's all I've ever tried to establish is get the empire on the run.
Bunch of hypocrites.
Alright, there's that video.
And we've got the dog video.
How long is that?
That was the one that... Alright, we'll come back from break and play that.
And I gotta narrate the video.
You know what?
We'll do the dog video on the news tonight.
We'll do the dog video on the Infowars Nightly News this evening.
I want to tell you how much I appreciate what you're doing for starters.
You're doing a really good job.
I want to tell you, I have really high IQ.
High IQs are in my family and everything.
I've been running into everything you've been talking about since I was a little kid.
In school, I was one of the first ones to learn to read.
They'd tell me, shut up, put my hand down.
Everything that you're talking about, I've pretty much experienced all of that.
That's very true.
I mean, I've seen things before you've talked about them.
I've been saying the same thing before I even hear you talk about them.
It's so obvious, and even if you do shut up, they're still going to get in your face.
People need to not shut up.
I agree, it's about gangs and bullying, and what people do is cowards go and join the gang and do whatever it says so they feel like they're winners.
Like, I'm gonna pay Al Gore money, I'm a winner, I'm part of the winning group.
And they hate it when we go, no, you're a bunch of scam artists, and we're gonna expose you.
They're like, shut him up!
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Look at you!
You're a gas muppet!
Alright, something's going on there.
He's got his radio on or something.
Skeletor in Colorado, go ahead.
Greetings from the trenches of Prozac-istan!
The drain stream media is still dead!
How you doing, Alex?
Good, you're a funny guy.
What's going on, brother?
Hey, I got an idea for a creative action that we could do with those undergarments that I sent you.
I was thinking we should probably have, like, maybe a group that's traveling together, let's say like a football team, and let's all wear them on the outside.
Oh yeah, you're the guy that sent the underwear that the TSA can't see through, and then the TSA put a press release out, I guess, saying that, you know, that that's not allowed or something, because they're God?
Well, I think it'd be fun to just get a whole group of people, you know, 50 people together, and we're going to wear them on the outside and just like, you know, go ahead, try to, you know, let's see what you got.
Skeletor, are you the guy that invented those underwear?
Yes, this is my idea, and I sent you a t-shirt and a few other designs.
I'm wearing the underwear right now.
I'm joking, I'm joking.
Thanks for the call, man.
That sounded weird at first.
I'm the guy that sent you the undergarments.
Oh, man.
I was like, what?
And I was like, oh yeah.
Jordan in Tennessee, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey, how you doing?
Good, did you send me undergarments?
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Well, I'm just another day dealing with this corrupt government, which I mean, my grandfather's been paying attention to all the politics for the past 12 years.
And he's been telling me all this has been going downhill.
I mean, I'll go ahead and tell you, you know how we've had these really high gas prices?
And we say all these energy-efficient cars come out, working together.
Well, just because a stock costs $500 if it's Google or Apple or whatever, well, that's not really $500.
That's more like $100 20 years ago.
It's bull.
People think they're getting more value, but it's not.
But yuppies don't care.
The country could burn.
As long as their stock says it's worth more, they don't care.
So just inject, I hope they inject their kids more.
Just enjoy it then.
Give them the cancer virus.
Actually, don't give your kids cancer virus, but the point is, go ahead sir.
Anyway, here's in the late great words of George and Bill, you know who I'm talking about probably, George Carlin and Bill Hicks.
George Carlin, he said this, he defined perfectly the three classes in this country.
The rich get all the money, pay none of the taxes.
The middle class, they have to do all the work and pay all the taxes.
The poor are just there to scare the middle class.
No, that's it.
And, uh, in the words of Bill Hicks, and I just found one point that you actually look a little like him, and I'm just saying.
I missed what you said there.
You know, you're messing up my work there.
As you know, I am Bill Hicks, and so don't be stealing my lines there.
That's even funnier.
I'm not Bill Hicks, folks.
You know, they actually went and dug up my, um, high school annuals and put them online
And people don't believe that's really Alex Jones.
They say that's not proof.
Who knows?
You haven't seen my birth certificate.
Maybe I'm from Klandathu.
Maybe I'm secretly a brain bug.
A reptoid.
Transmission continues.
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