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Name: 20120404_Wed_Alex
Air Date: April 4, 2012
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, it's getting more and more twilight zone by the minute.
I'm pinching myself every day.
Is this an episode of The Outer Limits?
Or is this real life on terra firma?
Welcome, my friends, welcome.
Here we are.
It's already Wednesday, the fourth day.
of April 2012, and we are going to be live here for the next three hours on this Wednesday edition.
He has never been on with me, and we finally had him on last week.
Bob Fletcher, and the hour went by in like ten seconds.
He was a Iran-Contra whistleblower, testified before Congress, filmmaker,
Author, businessman, researcher, and the first person I ever heard talk about how they were creating more tornadoes and things to basically terrorize everyone into accepting weather management by the government.
So they launch a covert program of creating violent weather patterns and then come in as the solution with weather control, which is what Bill Gates is investing a lot of his money in now.
We know there's giant weather control, weather manipulation programs going on.
The Secretary of Defense, William Cohen, back in 1997, gave a speech about it that was in the Army Times.
And we're going to read some of those quotes today.
And it's funny, I already had Bob set up last week for today, and we were going to be covering weather weapons today.
And you have what happened up in North Texas, my old stomping ground where I was born.
Dallas-Fort Worth area hit by
Dozens of tornadoes, 800 homes hit.
The meteorologist is calling it very unusual.
I think I've got a big breakdown.
There is no doubt.
It's not just that there's more population and more dense building in the middle of the country as people are moving out of the east and the west and coming to the heartland of America.
To escape all the globalist garbage.
I mean, it's going on in the middle of the country as well, but it's not quite as bad on average.
Lower taxes, things like that.
It's not just that there are more structures built now, so when tornadoes hit, they're hitting the structures.
They've done breakdowns of this.
It's not just that Doppler radar picks up more of the tornadoes now.
They've done some studies.
What I've got here in my stack, meteorologists have, going back, just looking at geographic grids of recorded tornadoes that caused problems in areas that were already built up.
And it's certainly intensifying.
The sun was dormant for a while, somewhat dormant.
It's now gone to a very active phase.
That ionizes the atmosphere, is directly connected to violent weather patterns and rain, because it sends in different particles that then cause
I don't know.
Fletcher coming up and more today.
And then Mark Faber, very accurate forecaster and financial guru expert, editor and publisher of the Gloom, Boom and Doom Report.
He'll be joining us as well for about 40 minutes in the third hour and I will take some calls specifically on the global economy and what's happening with Mr. Faber today.
That said, something very interesting is happening in the United States and in England, and Europe as well, as well as Australia and New Zealand.
All the things controlled by the old British Commonwealth.
We're back under that, make no mistake.
That's what the New World Order is, not the British people.
They're being sucked dry and put into a narcoleptic state like everybody else.
But that model of Imperium is being deployed on record.
And now they've moved into a phase where they're just saying every phone call, every email, everything is being recorded.
Now this has been going on for a long time.
Totally illegal!
The question is, why are they now announcing it?
Because they want to have a chilling effect, amongst other things.
Congress wants to know about the NSA, since they're bragging.
And Congress has been told, you'll fly a kite, you're ceremonial trash.
Now sit down and shut up!
We'll be right back, stay with us.
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Hi folks, this is Alex Jones.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome, welcome, welcome.
Thank you for joining us.
Again, it is the fourth day of April 2012 on this live Wednesday edition.
Thank you so much for joining us as we blast out on over 100 AM and FM affiliates, XM Channel 1, 66, the Internet at Infowars.com and WWCR Global Shortwave.
We do have Bob Fletcher, expert on weather weapons.
Iran-Contra whistleblower.
Journalist investigator joining us.
He was shut up last week to come on and talk about weather weapons.
And I have the quotes here of the Secretary of Defense talking about the fact that they have weather weapons.
I have multiple secretaries of defense talking about it.
So we're going to be going over all that and tying it into Dallas and Fort Worth hit by a record number of tornadoes.
Some estimates are over.
Over a hundred, but at least, what they were saying, more than a dozen touched down.
Eight hundred homes hit.
Cars turned over.
Meteorologists are saying this is, quote, very unusual.
That's an MSNBC headline.
I want to tie that in to something associated with weather weapons.
Because when it is man-made, according to HAARP scientists I've talked to, including the director of HAARP,
Who was on air and had an army colonel during the break censoring what he could and couldn't say.
An air force colonel, excuse me.
They can ignite the upper atmosphere.
They can also shoot different types of wavelengths of energy into the ground and cause atmospheric reactions.
And there's hundreds of different programs we know of.
Because the programs are funded, and we know about the programs.
It's just that all the details remain classified.
It was Bob Fletcher, I remember back in the mid-90s, talking about barium salts, aluminum dioxide, weather manipulation, HAARP.
Resonating with whatever was being added to the jet fuel, how it was all compartmentalized.
And then later, three years ago, the first press conference that the White House science czar has, John P. Holdren, the guy that says drug the water, infanticide is good, get rid of old people, on record.
He's written, what, three books saying it.
He came out and gave an Associated Press press conference
The Associated Press, offices in DC, watched the video and said, yes, we're deploying in studies in the last few decades weather modification programs, geoengineering, because the planet's already habitable, so it's not called terraforming.
And he said, but details are classified, but we're injecting aluminum dioxide, barium salts, and other things in.
Exactly what
Scientists like Carnicom had said was going on, investigators like Bob Fletcher had said.
Because researchers in the early 90s went up in aircraft.
And got behind these chemtrails and got samples.
Now that doesn't mean every condensation trail you see is a chemtrail.
There's different types of different programs.
There's been programs of helicopters spraying biologicals on towns, caught on video, whole towns get sick, police speak out.
In Belton, they had police speak out on national TV where they saw helicopters fly over spraying stuff and everybody in the town got sick.
That was in 97.
That was on national TV.
The emergency rooms just filled with people.
And the population said, yeah, we saw helicopters flying over Spring.
I even interviewed one of the police officers on air who was sitting there parked at a speed trap up on a hill above an elementary school and watched a helicopter fly right over, a black helicopter, and spray the kids in the playground.
I mean, we're not in Kansas anymore.
We're living in the Twilight Zone.
These are the type of emails and comments I get all the time, and of course I happen to know about congressional hearings about this very thing, with people in wheelchairs, who then died, and
These messages pour in.
I handled, made and destroyed chemical weapons for the U.S.
Army in the late 80s.
The VA has told me I have familial hemiplegic migraines, one of a handful of people who have this condition, like a TIA stroke.
My last MRI showed two separate holes in my brain.
One was 4mm and the other was 17mm.
And he goes on to say, where it came from they say they don't know.
How can I find out if I am one of these victims before I die?
I'm terminal and don't have much time to waste if there's no hope of proof.
I mean, sir, look at Camasea.
Full of US and European and Russian chemical weapons captured after the liberation of Iraq in 1991 and they blew it up and it was on the news as a mushroom cloud and the chemical detectors, the chemical tape, it all went off.
Some people had convulsions and died on the spot and Schwarzkopf came out and said, those are false alarms.
Because they don't care about you.
They like killing our service people.
You have to understand that.
They know D.U.'
's a death sentence.
So yes, if you join the military, you're insane.
It's a death sentence nowadays.
Not fighting enemies, but the vaccines they give you that they test illegally on you.
They're not allowed to give you experimental vaccines, but you're getting pigs for it.
You know in drug approval,
Literally, most of these top generals end up getting the contracts.
Go look at who owns most of the vaccine manufacturing facilities, like BioPort up in Michigan and places.
It's generals.
And they can pull the strings in the Food and Drug Administration to get approval of anything.
And in drug development, you go, you let a general be part owner, it gets fast-tracked, whether it's a good drug, bad drug, it doesn't matter, your drug gets approved.
That's the big secret.
And they test it on troops.
And they test everything on you.
The anthrax shot killed thousands of service people conservatively until doctors in the military rebelled en masse back in 2002 and again in 2005.
Now they're back trying it again.
There were open mutinies and they had to back off.
They started court-martialing.
Others stood up and said, it doesn't matter, go ahead and court-martial me.
They backed off and stopped it.
And they admitted it didn't even protect them.
You are guinea pigs, just like black men being shot up with syphilis.
I mean, on record, our military, other militaries, have all tested nerve gas on troops.
They say, march into this chamber, hit them with sarin VX, kill you, tell your, you know, wife, or send a letter home to mommy, saying you died of the flu.
That's all declassified, going on up until the 90s.
That's the latest stuff declassified.
Let me explain.
I had one of Rick Perry's top people come to the premiere of Endgame because they'd heard Rick Perry was in it.
And after the movie, he says, I just want you to know Rick Perry's not really a bad guy.
He likes your show.
And I was looking at the guy who gave me his card.
I'd seen him on the news with Rick Perry.
But he said he wouldn't come on air.
And he said, yeah, I was a medic.
And I was at Fort Sam Houston.
In the 80s, and they called in some special forces from Fort Bragg, and we were told to give them these unmarked inoculations, and then they all died in three days, and we were told to spray bleach and pull all the equipment out and decontaminate it.
They tell them, give them this shot, give them the shot, special forces, okay, I'm a tough guy, I'm for America, kill you, kill you, and the guy sitting there telling me this,
And telling me Rick Perry's a good guy, really, who tried to make everybody take Gardasil shots?
I mean, it's like, could you say you're a good guy?
Listen, I'm a good guy.
I came and told you about this.
What you're saying is right in this film.
And it was terrible, and then they died.
But Rick Perry listens to your show, and he wants you to know he's a friend.
And once he came over and wished me happy Thanksgiving or Christmas, I forget which one, at a table.
I'm just staring at him.
You know, it's like, oh, really?
You wish me happy Christmas?
Merry Christmas?
And you're trying to make little girls take a deadly vaccine that doesn't even protect them from cancer and actually gives it to them?
I mean, the stinkin' answer?
I mean, I'm living in the Twilight Zone here.
Of course!
I mean, I remember even Life Magazine.
Good reports admitting the DU was massively increasing birth defects and killing the troops.
A few years after they first used it and they kept using it.
I remember the congressional studies and the MRI brain scans where the troops that were dying and the VA wasn't giving them treatment, they go to private facilities, they CAT scan their brains.
Holes, all in their brains.
Holes in their brain stem.
What do you think chemical weapons do?
All the alarms, what was it, 14,000 alarms that were registered?
Or more?
14,000 instances were put in, in the reports that the alarms went off.
It was on the news, remember?
Chemical attack!
It was actually after they'd already, you know, driven in.
It was like, oh no, that was just a false alarm because they were telling them, blow it up.
In place.
Huge, sprawling facilities.
Blow it up.
Drive back a mile away.
Detonate it.
Mushroom cloud.
Everything's fine.
They knew that was a death sentence.
So you're wondering why you were in Desert Storm 1, you're 45 years old, and you got Parkinson's-like neurological disorders.
You know, your wife had two kids that were stillborn.
You're wondering why, you know, your skin's flaking off, why you're getting kidney failure, why you just got diagnosed with diabetes?
Because you huffed chemical weapons and depleted uranium.
A little over a year ago, I began to do a lot of research into why, even though I had a pretty good-sized meal, that I was still starving.
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I don't want the American people to feel left out.
Those of you who are like, well, the military's going to die because they've been exposed to nerve gas and DU and...
...are injected with all of these deadly vaccines, carrying cancer viruses and mercury and lead, you're gonna get a loving serving as well.
Radioactive isotopes, sodium fluoride, other toxic chemicals are added to your water, bisphenol A in most of the plastics.
They're now announcing the new age for puberty on average is age 10.
It was 14 a hundred years ago.
I mean, everybody's gonna get a little curse, okay?
And the GMO?
Massive cancer increases?
I mean, don't worry.
Don't worry.
Everybody... Don't worry.
It's not just the troops that get to be soft-killed.
Or the 52 million babies that have been killed in the womb.
Because they're not human.
Because we bought into that lie.
Everybody's gonna get to have some fun.
Or your children, or your wife, or your husband.
Everybody gets to... gets to be judged.
Kids to have fun in the New World Order.
Remember that.
Because I know you're laughing right now.
We've got 7.1 million people now in U.S.
prisons, so the big corporations can make profit off of it with taxpayer money.
And the crime rate only goes up because it trains them how to be criminals.
But they release the violent folks, keep the non-violent in.
Don't worry, it's going to get worse!
And don't worry, they're going to shut down more factories and more jobs.
And they're going to raise your taxes, because we've let the worst of the worst take control.
And to them, this is all beautiful.
Cancer wards full of little kids fighting for their lives, excruciating pain, instead of playing outside in the creek.
That's music to the New World Order's ears and eyes.
That's a beautiful thing.
And there's going to be more sweet music.
Oh yeah.
There's going to be more of it, more of it, more enjoyment.
Oh, remember yesterday, TSA brags about creating imperious, which means imperial.
The definition is domineering in a haughty manner, dictatorial, overbearing minimum wage enforcers in a job posting, help wanted posting.
Well, there's a new report.
This is all at InfoWars.com.
TSA screener throws hot coffee in face of pilot who asked her to stop cursing.
They were reportedly screaming the N-word at each other and cuss words in front of children.
But those are just scum.
Americans about to have their genitals groped in pedophile training.
Or maybe their bags robbed.
I was reading where there are hundreds of instances a week at JFK of bags being robbed.
That was in, what, AP last week.
I flew through JFK one time.
And was robbed of a little silver teething ring that I bought for my daughter.
They opened the little box, the little bow, for security.
And I guess didn't want the rattle and the other thing, they just wanted that.
And they, because they thought the little ring looked good.
Oh, a Tiffany ring, you know, $75.
Oh, I'll steal that.
It's just a, I mean, come on.
It's good to be bark dead, have your genitals grabbed and be robbed.
It's freedom.
They're imperious.
They're there to teach us.
After all, they don't want us to be able to label BPA or they don't want you to be able to know if something's GMO.
And I mean, what's having organ failure?
I mean, it's fun!
Yeah, here it is.
Told security worker to stop using the N-word in the terminal.
A TSA screener working at JFK Airport in New York
Let me tell you, I've thrown into Houston, and it literally was like beyond a movie of just being, hurry up and get your stuff, move!
I mean, I thought it was like drill camp or something, like I've seen in like Full Metal Jacket.
Hurry up, get it, ha!
My parents, like I said, flew back with my grandmother a few years ago from a wedding that my cousin wanted to have in Mexico, because it's romantic.
To have it down there in the war-torn area.
I guess it's trendy, but... And she got screamed at.
It's an old woman on crutches who's had polio.
Of course, another government gift from the 50s.
Here's another one.
Oh, you didn't know that was an actual government operation?
Go look into it.
A little gift.
They have more gifts, though.
Everybody gets a little of the gift.
TSA screener throws hot coffee in face of pilot who asked her to stop cursing.
Off-duty pilot Stephen Trivett was leaving Terminal 8 at JFK early in the morning last week when he encountered a group of TSA workers engaged in what was described as a profanity-laced conversation.
Concerned that passengers, including young children, well this is part of their training, what do you think, could hear the screeners, Mr. Trivett asked them to tone down the exchange.
That's when they taught him and taught him good.
And when we get back, we'll go over all of that for you.
And we'll also get into the open announcements that they're spying on everything.
They just really want to throw it in your face and dominate you.
Kind of like land of the free, home of the brave, having pedophiles grab your children.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
A little over a year ago, I began to do a lot of research into why, even though I had a pretty good-sized meal, that I was still starving.
And my research led me to a well-known fact that most of the soils that we grow our crops on here in the United States and across the industrialized world are almost completely depleted of almost all of the key minerals and trace elements that our bodies need to rebuild themselves, fight off cancer, and be healthy.
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I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
Thomas Jefferson.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time we are here live and if I sound angry and dark it's because I'm aware
Of the reality that is taking place in our world and I want to shake people out of their trance and wake the population up to say no and to realize the type of people that are running our society.
There has been a big announcement by the Federal Reserve that we're going to be getting to here in just a few minutes.
There is also, again, a lot of other news I want to cover here.
Let me just run through a bunch of it right now.
Again, TSA screener throws hot coffee in the face of pilot who asked her to stop cursing.
Told security worker to stop using the n-word in the terminal.
Concerned that passengers, including young children, could hear the screeners, Mr. Trevett asked them to tone down the exchange.
Mr. Trevett advised the screeners that they should conduct themselves more professionally and in uniform.
They're not even sworn officers.
That's why they created a goon force.
Because they just will do whatever they're told.
And not use profanity or the n-word, Port Authority police sources said.
The sources then described how one of the screeners reacted to Trivett telling him, mind your own business, and cursing him out.
Mr. Trivett then attempted to get a closer look at the screener's ID tags, presumably in order to report the incident.
The screener, 30-year-old Leticia L., then reportedly shoved the pilot and hurled a cup of coffee, hot coffee, in his face.
Police said that Mr. Trivett
Thankfully walked away without being seriously hurt by her from East New York in Brooklyn and was arrested and charged with harassment and misdemeanor assault.
Details of the incident which occurred last Wednesday emerged today with the report in the
New York Post, the incident once again serves as a reminder of the kind of people that the federal government is empowering and entrusting with the security of major airports and transport hubs.
Thuggish and violent oaths with no manners and even less brains have been given carte blanche by big government to order Americans around while freely groping them and ogling their naked bodies.
And it just goes on from there.
The robberies, the rapes, the absolute criminality that is running rampant.
This is all by design.
Pilots last year, as you know, said, that's it, we're not flying.
You're going to trust us to fly the aircraft, but we have to be groped, our genitals.
So they said, okay, you don't have to be.
And you can see how one day they'll hijack a jet by remote control, say a pilot did it, named, you know, Bob Jones or something.
Or, you know, Chris Brown, some common name.
Or Joe Smith.
And then all planes must be robot-driven now.
In fact, they're actually proposing that at some levels.
Because humans can't be trusted.
You can't be trusted to drive your own car.
Why, studies show the Google car is safer.
They're already saying that.
This is how the technocracy plans on taking over.
Get your insurance cut in half if you just let the Google system drive.
In emergencies, you can still take control.
It's a privilege to get to drive your own car.
It's a privilege to own a gun.
It's a privilege to have property.
You gotta pay a property tax on that.
The Irish are rebelling over a property tax.
They know it's a return to feudalism.
But here in America, oh, we've always had that, really, only about 60 years.
Recognizing this tyranny is so important.
Well, the Financial Times of London is reporting, we'll bring this up with Mark Faubert, top financial expert, in the third hour, that stock markets are dropping right now because, well, why the Fed has taken QE3 off the agenda.
And it basically goes through this, and there's another article on this separately about the markets.
I'll just do it here.
I'll do it right now.
No, that's not it.
I've got to go ahead and look this up, so get me a won't back down or something ready.
We'll be back in a few minutes.
We're good to go.
And everything goes rushing by, with every nerve alive.
We move so fast, it seems as though we've taken to the sky.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, I got my articles.
Here they are right here.
Why the Fed will intervene if stocks fall too far.
Stocks are falling on reports.
Investors looking for more Federal Reserve intervention can pretty much ignore the economic data and train their sights on one area, the stock market, and how much of a drop it will take before the central bank comes to the rescue.
To the recent market sell-off is worrisome.
It could take as much as 10% drop or more before the Feds act.
While central bank action ostensibly is geared towards using monetary policy to control the levers of prices and employment, the era of quantitative easing has brought with it increased focus on how the equity markets push the economy and not the other way around.
As such, Chairman Ben Bernanke, the guy that they're writing articles about in Atlantic Monthly as the hero, and his fellow Fed officials, people that engineered all this are heroes, will be paying great attention to whether the sharp stock decline today, as well as markets generally lackluster performance in the past three weeks, signals a need for more stimulus.
And what do they mean by that?
Now, what caused this?
Yesterday, the Fed signaled that it wouldn't be doing QE3.
Last year, it said it wouldn't.
At the start of the year, at the end of the year, they said they would do some type of that.
They're already doing it, but they're only giving elite institutions the SDR digital money that's backed up with our taxes.
In fact, later, if I have time, we actually have a clip
Of one of the heads of the European Central Bank being grilled by a top Irish reporter, and he's pointing out, hey, this isn't our debt.
You've gotten us to sign on to your private banking debt, and then you tell us we've got to have austerity like we deserve it.
Answer my question.
And the guy goes, I'm not going to answer your question.
And then he goes on to not answer it.
He says, well, a year ago you asked me this, and I answered it.
And then I went and found the clip from a year ago that didn't answer it.
Because the media will never tell you that 90 plus percent of this debt is not yours.
It's the quadrillion plus in derivatives that these people created.
Now here's another report.
Why the Fed has taken QE3 off the agenda.
The minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee meeting of March 13th have surprised the markets.
They released them again weeks after.
The committee seems to have shifted in a markedly more hawkish direction than was reflected in the statement issued by the meeting and the bar to quantitative easing 3 now seems to be rather high.
Perhaps we should have expected this given the fact that speeches by Chairman Bernanke and Bill Dunley since the meeting
Had given no hint of any further easing.
But the breadth of the committee's shift away from easing was certainly not expected.
It is easy to find hawkish phrases in the minutes.
And again, they always have like this...
Hard to understand, gibberish, hieroglyphics, because that's meant to make it look like, oh, you're stupid, you don't understand it.
When really, it's big mega banks owned by a few families that flooded the world with fake paper and bought everything up with it, and now we're threatening to sink the world even faster, holding us hostage if we don't shine over our entire wealth and future as slaves to them.
It's a very simple equation.
We'll get into it with Mark Faber.
It couldn't be a more perfect time to get him on.
We've been working on it for a few weeks.
It just lined up perfectly.
Just like weather weapons expert is going to be joining us next hour, Bob Fletcher.
And we had all those bizarre, which meteorologists are saying are very unusual, superclusters of tornadoes just hitting perfectly over the Dallas-Fort Worth areas.
We're gonna be looking at that, also how it ties into the mysterious booms are spreading all over Wisconsin now, along with flashing lights in the night sky, which are seen a lot of times associated with deep earthquakes, because it creates, well, like a lightning storm, but a different type, big energy flashes, when you have giant caverns collapsing, tectonic plates shifting, it creates a lot of energy.
I don't like sometimes if you're walking across the carpet in your shoes and there's static electricity and you touch something you can even see the arc of electricity.
We're talking about trillions of times that.
Maybe natural, maybe a weather weapon.
Because we know that the weather weapons exist, we have to look at that.
So we'll talk to Bob Fletcher on that subject coming up.
But this stock market news is very, very important.
In fact, we can just put CNBC.com on screen and we can go there and see the numbers.
And the Dow is down 145.16.
NASDAQ, created by Bernie Madoff, is down by 53.09.
The S&P 500 is down 16.08.
And again, you see the Dow at 13,000, the NASDAQ at 3,000, the S&P at 1,397.
You think, well, they're up from what they were five years ago.
Look, they're at an all-time high.
Yeah, with devalued dollars.
It takes more devalued dollars to buy Apple.
It takes more devalued dollars to buy Exxon Mobil.
It takes more devalued dollars to do this.
And the Fed doesn't want to act like they're going to devalue the currency on their own.
They've already done it with QE1, QE3, that's the inflation.
They want, before they give themselves, because they're not going to the public, there's one thing if you devalue that way, it's still bad, but not as bad if they just hoard it and then don't loan money out.
Just like they held the economy hostage and crashed the stock market over a thousand points, and said, give us unlimited funds, sign on to Too Big to Fail in October of 2008.
October 2nd.
And they went to Congress and threatened martial law.
I had Representative... Was it Issa on the show?
And others.
And they talked about the threats of martial law that they were given in closed committee meetings, and people thought it was a fake interview.
Oh, they wouldn't threaten martial law.
It's this naivete.
You know, we get Homeland Security documents saying the number one threat and enemy is veterans, gun owners, conservatives, libertarians.
People thought that was fake for a week.
Even Ron Paul's office was like, well, we don't know about that because he was in it until the government came out and admitted it was theirs.
Even though it had phone numbers on it, and government code numbers, and we'd called, and I had the FBI freak out when I called them.
They're like, how do you have this?
I'm Alex Jones, a journalist.
Is this real?
You're not supposed to have this.
Okay, so you're not going to deny this is your homeland security document?
Plus, I'd read it all hundreds of times before in different permutations from the ADL and Southern Provincial Law Center.
I could look at it and tell it was real.
You know, some things like that Pentagon briefing that we went and looked, it's proper Pentagon video briefing coding, talking about the brain-eating vaccines that give you basically an aggression lobotomy.
It's like a submission shot at each part of the brain.
I've got dozens of mainstream articles about those very vaccines and it being used on the troops.
So whether the briefing's real or not, I'm going with it because what they're talking about in that is actually happening.
See how that works?
But on something like a Homeland Security document, I knew that was real.
Here's some of the other news.
We'll cover that with Mark Faber coming up.
The weather weapons with Bob Fletcher and more coming up here in about 15 minutes.
We've got some of these reports here.
Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Chris Hedges, we're going to get back on the show, former New York Times Middle East Bureau Chief, says U.S.
being transported into a gulag by military-industrial complex.
Ron Paul saying the same thing.
Calling it like it is so we can actually then address it and dismantle it because it's illegal, it's illegitimate, and it doesn't protect us, it annihilates our security.
And he goes on to break that down.
See, forever as they set this up, oh that Alex is fear-mongering, it's not happening.
Now as it becomes more and more open, we can now have a real discussion about this and reverse it.
Because the other articles are, even Congress wants to know what the NSA is doing with this two billion Utah spy Senate.
Yeah, well Congress doesn't get to know.
You don't get to launch war either.
You sit there and you shut up.
We let you rob the American people for now.
But sit down and shut up!
Bankers run America, Congress!
Shut up!
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So a bunch of games are being played right now.
They have the headline, Gold Falls Hard, Is the Era of Cheap Money Over?
The globalists love to manipulate the stock market up and down, because they have the inside knowledge so they can be pre-positioned.
That was a day when insider trading was illegal.
It still is, but Congress does it and doesn't get in trouble.
So why shouldn't John Corzine steal billions of dollars in front of everybody?
Morgan Stanley downgrades chances of the Fed easing and going into QE3.
Greece is in a face-off with its bond holdouts.
Another headline here, better to tax big banks than ban them.
The man who brought riches to the powerful.
And it goes on to say why the Fed is likely to intervene if the stock market falls too far.
And we've got another report here.
IMF chief calls on U.S.
for more cash.
The IMF's managing director implored the United States to help backstop debt-ridden European countries Tuesday, widening
Neck deep into the bubbling U.S.
political waters.
Now again, QE3 will be bad.
But if they don't do QE3, it will accelerate for the time being with depression.
Which is exactly what they want, because then they can consolidate the economy even faster and then come in with hyperinflation later.
So whatever the most horrific policy can be, they will come up with it.
You mark my words, they've already started some forms of QE3, but only to the six megabanks.
They get unlimited cash made up out of nothing.
You don't.
So it's the worst of both worlds, the opposite of the best of both worlds.
Here's a report I never got to today, and I should have.
We'll cover this more with Bob Fletcher after we get into weather weapons.
This is out of the Daily Mail.
It's also in the Associated Press.
Mitt Romney's wife had blind trust invested in Goldman Sachs' sex trafficking fund.
And there are reports of the fund, it says, connected to sex slavery and underage people and stuff like that.
You know, the question is,
Why is this about Mitt Romney's wife?
I mean, I'm thinking it's immoral she's invested with Goldman Sachs, but that's who they are, is investment bankers.
I mean, these are globalist sharks.
But I can see the fact it's a blind trust she didn't know it was invested in.
Why is it about Mitt Romney's wife?
Why is it not, why does Goldman Sachs have sex trafficking funds of these kidnapped women around the world and children?
And it goes into all of it.
That's like when Dyncor and Halliburton are caught doing this.
They don't even get in trouble.
It's like, well, that's just what they do.
If some degenerate person grabs a kid out of a schoolyard, it's Amber Alerts, you know, shutdowns of cities.
And there should be.
And freaking out in billboards.
But when Goldman Sachs
is financing this, just like the other big banks are caught financing the narcotics trade, the aircraft, hundreds of billions a year, in Bloomberg, in Reuters, oh yeah, Wachovia, Wells Fargo, and these other banks, laundering the drug money, owning the aircraft, financing the shipment of guns, I mean, they run it all!
It's like, oh yeah, they kidnapped little kids.
Well, that's just what they do.
In fact, that time I watched the congressional hearing with Rumsfeld, and Cynthia McKinney was bringing this up.
Love her or hate her, she's got courage.
And she was saying, what about DynCorp kidnapping little kids?
Here's the report, and he goes, well...
They were given a one-year penalty box in that area of Bosnia, Herzegovina.
She goes, no they weren't.
She goes, well why do they just get a penalty where they can't operate in the zone for a year for that?
I mean, they were kidnapping little kids.
And Rumsfeld just says, that's just the way it is.
I mean, watch it.
I mean, it's just, yeah, that's just what Goldman Sachs does.
You know, they grab little kids.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Wow, it is a heavy news day.
I'm going to be interspersing a lot of this key information throughout the broadcast.
In the second half of the hour that's coming up, we're going to open the phones up for your questions or comments for Bob Fletcher, who spent an hour with us last week, but it went by very, very quickly.
We're going to talk about weather weapons and other investigations he's pioneered out of the gates.
He's of course a former Iran-Contra whistleblower and more.
And we also have this article I've been mentioning for two days.
New powers to record every phone call and email makes surveillance 60 million times worse.
I was paraphrasing the headline yesterday and said 6 million times worse.
But the actual headline of London Telegraph is 60 million times worse.
And it goes through the government just announcing, hey, we're watching and listening and recording everything.
Get used to it.
Totally illegal.
They haven't even changed the law in England.
They're just saying we're lawless.
Kind of like it's illegal to launch wars without congressional approval.
Obama just does it.
It's illegal to just waive and say all the illegal aliens are legal.
And even give waivers to people that have been convicted of violent crimes.
That happens by the hundreds of thousands a year.
On record, hundreds of thousands of times a year.
DHS to grant illegal aliens unlawful presence waivers.
But don't you worry.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio is in trouble.
Government plans to sue Arizona Sheriff for targeting Latinos.
They enforce the state and federal law when they pull somebody over and they don't have a driver's license.
And they turn out to be illegal, they try to bring them to ICE and ICE won't pick them up and ICE is sick of it.
See, when I get pulled over with no insurance and no driver's license, I go to jail.
But I've talked to Austin cops, I've seen police on the news, they're told by the police chiefs and the judges, just let the illegals go.
Well then why shouldn't I just change my name to some new name and just say I'm illegal from Mars?
I'll say I'm John Carter from Mars.
I mean, that sounds pretty good!
And they just pull me over and I'll just say, no speak earthling!
I mean, they admit the illegal aliens.
If they do get arrested for DWI, just basically get released.
I was talking to a prosecutor in Austin, off record.
They actually came over to the office and they've been there, I don't know, 14 years or longer.
I don't want to give away who it is.
In fact, where is that card?
They said they'd give me a report off record, and I never even tracked it down.
I can't keep track of all this.
There's too much crime.
And they were like, oh, it's true.
And they were telling me the judges, where the illegals come in with DWIs, and they'll give them maybe $100, or they get arrested for unpaid tickets or whatever, and they get like $10.
Ten dollars?
I certainly don't get that.
I'm being discriminated against as a citizen because I comply with everything.
I am abused and treated like filth.
And it just shows the lawlessness of government.
I mean, it's illegal for the NSA to be spying on everybody and have the CIA director say the CIA is spying on citizens domestically, which he said three weeks ago in a public speech, and to brag.
Yeah, it's great.
We don't really have the Fourth Amendment anymore.
People just accept the fact.
This is what he said.
Go read the quotes.
That your toaster, your clock radio, everything's got little systems now that listen to you or watch you.
It's really great.
Again, they're just getting everybody used to it.
It's like the big dog walking over to the little dog.
You ever seen a big dog come get on top of a little dog and they'll urinate on him?
They're marking him.
They're saying, listen, I'm dominating you.
Do you understand that?
Do you get that?
Do you understand that?
And that's what's going on here.
TSA is like, get your young daughter over here.
It's groping time.
I mean, that's right out of a nightmare movie.
This is what it is.
This is total criminal domination of the American people.
We'll be back with our guest.
Stay with us.
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Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Welcome to our number two of our worldwide transmission.
A lot happening in the world.
We'll be interspersing the news throughout the two hours we have left here.
Coming up, we have a preeminent financial expert, Mark Faber, joining us to get into the big sell-off in the stock market, the Fed, saying they won't do QE3, but then saying they may do QE3.
This is all just manipulation, artificial volatility, so they can profit from it.
That is coming up towards the second half of this hour I do want to give you a chance to talk to our guest Bob Fletcher on any subject you want to raise so we'll give the phone number out to join us as well coming up in a couple segments.
I had Bob on last week and we ended up just basically talking about
I ran contra and how he was involved in that inadvertently and began to testify before Congress.
Then from that point, he began to investigate the New World Order.
He was the first person I saw in about 94, 95, I know he's doing it before that, talking about weather weapons.
And Kim trailing and all of this stuff.
And I remember thinking, man, this guy seems really credible, but weather weapons?
Come on.
That was before they had shows on Discovery Channel about it.
Now more and more they admit they're doing it, but again, the specifics they say are classified.
It always goes, yeah, we're doing some testing, but details are classified.
Well, here is Secretary of Defense Cohen's address on April 28 at a conference on terrorism, University of Georgia.
You can just type in Secretary of Defense Cohen on weather weapons.
And here's a quote.
So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon the nations.
It's real and that's the reason why we have to intensify our efforts and that's
Why this is so important and he goes on about weather weapons and things in here.
It's very interesting reading the Army Times also picked it up.
I've been covering that since I saw it then.
But the issue here is Bill Gates is invested heavily in weather control and secret government projects.
You can just type in Bill Gates terraforming investing.
Bill Gates is heavily invested in gut flora, causing autism, because they know they're doing it on purpose, with the vaccines.
Then they'll have the treatment.
Bill Gates is invested in the GMO and Monsanto.
Wherever this very wicked individual's involved, that's where you find the primeval.
Now, a lot of meteorologists, but I've interviewed them, have said, yeah, they see weather patterns now that they call chaff, but tiny aluminum.
Where military and private corporations are doing this.
I've had Ben Livingston on, who was the father of weather weapons after World War II.
He was in World War II.
He flew into not just hurricanes that go 160 miles an hour, but 200 mile an hour and more typhoons that they have in the Pacific.
The Atlantic has the hurricanes.
They don't get going as fast.
The only difference is they spin the opposite direction with the Earth's magnetic vortex.
Now, all of this is going on, and there's huge secret programs.
I've interviewed the head of HAARP, he started accidentally getting into some stuff, a colonel popped in and cut him off the air, that interview was out there, that was like six years ago.
We're not in Kansas anymore.
And more and more meteorologists are mapping this and saying, look, there are more tornadoes, it's not just that we have more Doppler and better radars so we know when they happen, but
Now they're hitting populated areas statistically more than they did in the past in areas that were already built up.
It's not like we've built up more, so more is being hit.
That's part of it.
No, cities are being hit more.
I mean, it was like someone was steering
Some said hundreds.
Some estimates are hundreds that form, but more than a dozen that hit the ground.
800 homes hit.
Carnage, Fort Worth, Dallas, you know, again, my old stomping ground where I'm from, and meteorologists are in MSNBC calling it very unusual.
Enter the fact that earthquakes are associated in tectonic weapons with auroras forming even in the daytime.
Magnetic field, like you normally only see at the North and South Poles, where the magnetic
Lines come into the earth and then out.
The earth's shield from the sun coming in at the north and southern poles.
You will see these vortexes form with all these other populations being hit in Chile and Pakistan and hitting right in key population centers in what we saw a few years ago in Haiti.
I mean it is getting really weird and they admit they've got this but it's classified.
And enter Paul Watson's latest article, another Wisconsin town reports strange booms, flashes of light, and it's getting crazy.
And the feds have said, do not investigate.
So, and again, historically, these are associated then with these weather pop-ups, but again, you can get flashes of light and booms with natural tectonic activity.
Bob Fletcher, great to have you back with us.
How did you first discover
That weather weapons were being deployed and used.
When did you discover it?
You're an Iran-Contra whistleblower, a successful businessman.
And it's a pleasure to be back.
I really enjoyed doing the program.
Well, basically, I had, because of ending up being a federal witness in the Iran-Contra thing, and being a witness relative to the Christic Institute's lawsuit back in the 80s, which was basically a legal action of racketeering filed against
All of those people that were involved with the Iran-Contra stuff, they actually had filed that legal action, as a matter of fact, prior to the expose that became the Iran-Contra inquiry.
I ended up being a witness in all of that, and that was what just switched on the light when I found out, and was right in the middle of it, when I found out
What kind of unbelievable lies and deviant stuff that was going on with the people that we were hoping was leading our country in the right direction.
The Senate, the Congress, the CIA, the FBI.
These guys were supposed to be the progressive
Protectors of America as opposed to being the drug smugglers and the assassins of America because that's what I found out to be a reality and Because I was there.
I've been there done that I saw it.
I sat in on conversations with these generals that were involved with the weapons and Joking about where they were going to go next with the where the next war was going to be and things of that sort I
And these guys profiting, and of course they had originally the tremendous amount of the weapons, illegal weapons, stolen weapons, and drugs and all that.
The real big input was started in the Vietnam War, you know, where they were smuggling the narcotics back and actually the carcasses of our own soldiers, which I can't think of anything more
Absolutely disgusting than something like that.
And all of that, that was what opened my eyes.
Alright, so I started investigating and having people contact me after, at the Congressional and Senate level.
You know, there are a few guys always up there that are honest and legitimate.
They're not there very long because they either become
Uh, removed by assassination, for crying out loud, or they're simply removed by having somebody beat them in the next election by illegitimate voting or whatever the case may be.
But they remove the good guys as quick as they can.
But there were always some good people up there that were looking into serious problems.
So in that time frame here, we're talking going into the early 90s, and I was investigating and being involved with several different inquiries out of at the Senate and Congressional level with
What's up, good guys?
Dante Feistel was out of Florida, was concerned with the financial fraud going on, and several others doing things like that.
They were kind of under the radar.
These are not people that get a lot of media coverage, but they're trying to do the right thing.
And, of course, Sonny Bono was another one.
We'll get into that story some other time.
Yeah, we covered that last week.
So how did you discover weather weapons?
Here's what happened.
I get a phone call.
When you're doing this stuff, I get all kinds of really great stuff where people just send me information and they would say, you know, don't mention my name, you know.
But if you want to risk your life, here's some information.
You know, I kind of get a kick out of that.
So I got a phone call and somebody said, how about the weather control as a weapon?
And I said, you know, I was like you.
I was incredible.
I said, I said, what?
And he said, yeah, you know, they're working on this thing where they can control the weather and actually use it as a weapon of war.
And I said, well, well, I mean, if you could do that, that would be really something.
I mean, you could wipe out a country, either financially or physically, do all sorts of destruction and things.
But it wouldn't be like a nuclear thing.
You'd nuke a place.
You can't go in there for a hundred years, so that's not a good way to take over a country or cause some problems.
But if you could control the weather, that really would be something.
And of course, but my reaction was, you know, okay, well listen, you know, I got 800 things to do this month, so next month I'll look into it.
And he said, well, he said, you know, we have a treaty.
We have a treaty that we signed back many years ago at the United Nations.
Yeah, that was in what, 1976?
That was, right, it was 70, technically it was 78, but it was started, I guess, around 76.
Uh, you know, and I, you know, at that time, of course, nobody knew about this, alright?
And, uh, uh, it wasn't out in front, and I said, well, I mean, if I could find a, uh, a treaty, you know, that's actually signed relative to, uh, weather control, uh, and, and being able to do this stuff, that would really be something.
So I said, okay, I'll look into it.
Uh, stay there.
We're gonna see what you found next.
Because, folks, I mean, look at how they keep hitting all these cities with these tornadoes.
And they keep hitting mainly only in the cities.
And even the meteorologists are saying, this is weird and they're coming out of nowhere.
It's not natural.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
BobFletcherInvestigations.com is his website.
Our websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
I want to continue with weather weapons.
Then I want to get Bob Fletcher's take on the endgame.
Where all this is going.
What makes these criminal groups tick.
But I knew this was coming.
CNN weatherman blames tornadoes on climate change.
We'll try to play a clip of this later if we have time.
If not, we're linking to it up at InfoWars.com.
And sure enough, whenever there's any earthquake or weather problem, Al Gore says, just pay me carbon money and I'll fix it.
And I've always pointed out, because Bill Gates is pushing this too, they can launch the crazy weather.
And then say, pay us a global tax.
In fact, they're now saying, pay for a global weather control bureau and we'll stop the tornadoes or hurricanes from hitting you.
In fact, that's what Bill Gates is heavily invested in.
We showed, what, like a Reuters article earlier on that.
So all of this is going on.
Bob, I want you to continue how you started looking into this and discovering it and how advanced it is.
Clearly now, this is like the mafia saying, I'll burn down your grocery store if you don't pay me protection money.
I mean, we know they've got this.
The shadow government, no wonder they're so arrogant.
I would say it's unbelievable as far as that's concerned.
I mean, at this point in time, they've been so successful also.
You know, which includes things like, you know, assassinating Kennedy in front of everybody and all of that, and getting away with it, blowing up the, taking down the,
Biggest buildings in New York City, and getting away with it, telling us it was a handful of these characters that a couple of afternoons planned how to do this major, gigantic covert operation.
But anyhow, so let me, we'll get back to the weather situation.
So in, here I have a couple people telling me, hey, this is real, and this is approximately 1994.
So, I was doing some other investigations,
We're good to go.
And they said, oh, okay, and they switched me over to the legal department in the United Nations.
And I was, because of doing work at that time for a congressional office, I said, I'm doing a report for the Congress, and I need to have a copy of what is called the Treaty on Weather Modification that was supposedly done sometime around 1976-77.
And the lady was very polite and she said, hold on a minute.
And she came back and she says, I don't have anything on that.
I don't seem to have that.
And I said, well, you know what?
I bet you that it's not for general public use.
You may have to try the other computer program relative to the stuff that we don't usually put out for general public.
Now, when I said that, I had no idea what I was talking about, in reality.
I was shooting a dart in the air.
Uh, I didn't even know, but I assumed that they probably had the double sets of books, so to speak.
So, um, she said, well, uh, okay, hold on.
And she says, listen, she got back, she said, this is going to take me a day or so.
Can I get back to you?
And I said, sure.
I gave her my phone number and I just said, sure, call me back.
So son of a gun, the next day, I think it was, following day, this very nice lady called back and she said, Mr. Fletcher, you were right.
It's not for general public distribution, but I do have it, and I found it, and I can send you the whole thing.
And I said, well, that's just great.
And she says, do you need legal certification?
And I said, sure, you gotta send certification.
And also, technically, I didn't know really what she was talking about.
But I said, certainly send that.
And she says, do you need it in both French and English?
And I said, yes, if you don't mind.
I was laughing to myself because I'm thinking, this is amazing.
You know, whatever.
Ten years ago I was a toy manufacturer and now I'm doing what I'm doing.
Okay, so she sent the whole thing to me.
And in a big nice package, didn't take but a couple of days, and son of a gun.
Here it was, right in my hands, and it's the United Nations Treaty to prevent the use and agreement between the major nations of the world.
To guarantee that they will not use the weather modification as a weapon of war against each other.
This is a treaty like we would do for nuclear weapons.
This was done in 1976 and finalized in 77.
Stay there.
We're going to be right back.
We've got the treaty up on screen for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I want to get a big picture look with Bob Fletcher because he's a smart guy on studying the New World Order for decades now
I mean, we know it's about eugenics, it's about domination and power.
But really, from my research, it's a bunch of wicked control freaks trying to outdo each other.
And so, it's a synthesis of pure evil because only the most evil will end up in power because they're always stabbing each other in the back.
And that's why it's so wild and so ruthless and so crazy.
Like, why are they letting DU be used?
Why are they letting reactors melt down everywhere or leak?
Why are they GMOing to reduce the population?
I want to get back into weather weapons and what you discovered, but let's get into that question now.
Is there a method to the madness?
I mean, I know they're good at controlling us, but more and more I realize the elite themselves are psychos who are out of control and who are probably going to end up destroying us, Bob.
There's no question about it.
And you know, part of some of my earlier discoveries was the old Iron Mountain Report, which I'm sure you've done reports on.
And for the people that don't understand what that was, it was a report actually put together in the early 60s under John F. Kennedy, originally, and then passed on to Johnson, of course, after he took his step up.
We're good.
To be taken in the United States of America at the government level as we moved into a one-world government where we no longer were targeting Russia and Red China and etc.
and vice versa.
When we reach that point in La La Land, when the whole world was one big government, what was going to be the financial steps taken, the psychological steps, the emotional steps, what has to be done to control America
And this was the important point was, as they moved out of constitutional government into world government, because the idea was, obviously, you can't have a constitution that gives the people the rights to do what we have been doing for 200 years in the United States of America.
When we move into a non-aggressive mode, we have no enemies.
So in the report it says we have to come up with synthetic enemies that are equal to the dynamics of, that they are artificial enemies that might kill us.
The same as Russia or Red China might with atomic weapons, for example.
So they write in the report, they put in there, you know what, we can use terrorists.
We're good to go.
We still want to be able to take the same amount of money out of their pockets, so we have to convert into a new enemy.
They talked about unknown terrorism, and they talked about maybe UFOs, maybe utilizing the concept of aliens threatening the future of the world, and everybody would come together under one big umbrella, and we can slowly eliminate the concept
That's literally written out in the Iron Mountain Report.
And by the way, that came out in the 1960s.
That got leaked and it's all come true.
The Rand Corporation, I've interviewed Alex Abeya, who wrote a best-selling book about World War II, and so the Rand Corporation liked it and thought that they'd analyzed him and brought him in.
He's one of the only people to ever be given access to their annals.
And he's come on the show and he said it was all true.
The end of the family, world government, phasing out all liberty.
I mean, just a nightmare future.
That is literally what they're establishing.
It is.
It was written and created in the 60s.
It was a 30-year plan originally, basically, which we pretty much absorbed that at this point in time.
Up through that would have probably put it into the 90s.
They thought it would take that long to accomplish what they had to do.
They laid out steps 1 through 9, by the way, which included world currency.
And look at Obama telling Congress, you're no longer over war, and Congress sits there and takes it.
And the generals tell him, you're not the boss anymore.
Fantastic story that happened.
I was contacted because I was out at this time in the 90s all over the United States doing speaking engagements, presentations, before I became injured.
And NBC or ABC contacted me and they said, Mr. Fletcher, you're talking about this thing called the Iron Mountain Report.
And I said, yes.
And he said, would you come on, and I think it was 60 Minutes, it was one of the major programs, would you debate the fella that is still alive, the old gentleman that actually originally wrote that book that exposed, you know, the expose of this?
Leonard Lewin.
And he says, uh, because Leonard Lewin is telling us that, uh, that he just made that all up.
That it was all just a novel that he actually put together.
And, uh, I asked this guy, I said, as a matter of fact, the producer I was talking to, his name was Rick Nelson.
And he had a sidebar.
So the, um, uh, he says, I said to him, I said, have you read that, have you read The Iron Mountain?
And he said, uh, no, I haven't, which didn't surprise me.
I said, okay, well, I'll tell you what, first off, absolutely I will go on and debate him face-to-face on your program.
And I said, I'm ready to do it next week.
You just let me know.
I said, but he's not going to do that.
He's not going to sit face-to-face with me with the information that I've got on this.
And he says, oh yes, he's already said he would do it.
I said, okay, good.
I said, but you need to also go over that Iron Mountain report.
Well, he called me back in about four days, and he said, uh, uh, Ms.
Fletcher, the network has decided they didn't want to do this.
And I said, oh, well, how about that?
I said, did you read that report?
And he says, yes.
I said, did you show it to your superiors?
What's actually in that book?
And he said, yes.
And I said, well, that's why they're saying they don't want to do it.
So the bottom line was that I told him, I said, look, if this guy wrote this as a novel,
And one of two things has taken place.
The United States covert government looked at it and decided it was so great that they would model the entire future of the United States and the destruction of our constitutional government on the basis of this guy's novel.
That's one thing.
Otherwise, this guy is the greatest psychic that ever lived.
Because every single thing that he put into this report has either taken place already or they only have four more steps and they're going to be destroying the constitutional government on the basis of this guy's novel.
But anyhow, the upshot was all of a sudden they changed from being terribly excited on having me do this show to calling back and saying, NBC or whoever it was, I don't recall today, whoever it was, they weren't going to do it anymore.
So that was the end of that.
But to get back also to the
I don't even know where they are now.
You know, we have some natural things taking place in the weather.
There are weather changes going on that might be put into strictly the category of natural weather changes.
Well, Mars has its ice caps melting.
The entire solar system has been going through changes, and paying Al Gore money won't stop the ice caps melting on Mars.
Yeah, correct.
But they do exist.
But what they've ended up being able to do, so that people have a handle on this just in general with weather control, they moved from what used to be the archaic manner by which trying to change the weather with seeding with a variety of chemicals and things of that.
To what is now electronic means to alter and control the weather and basically by using frequencies plasma beams and superheating the ionosphere in a specific targeted place they can actually
Superheat the water, let's say the ocean, over a given square miles.
Or they can superheat at the same time the ionosphere, causing that weather change that normally might happen by nature, with the hot and the cold weather hitting each other.
Exactly, they go, that's what Livingston said, you know, the father of weather weapons, he said they go and find already the tipping point area and that's where they can get full control, they can create hurricanes, Stanford Research Institute had certified it, by 67 they can kill them, weaken them, make them stronger and steer them.
That's exactly what he's saying is exactly what I was about to say.
And that's it.
Now, there's three parts to this thing now, too, in terms of who is doing it.
We are doing it.
We are doing it profusely under the HARP program is only one part of it.
We're good to go.
And satellites, alright?
So you can do like a triangulation assassination would do with two or three people shooting at one person.
You have the same kind of a triangulation application with plasma beams from two or three different places.
Two satellites and maybe one ground base and hit a given area, very specifically, so many miles up and so many miles east and west.
Superheat the atmosphere and this is where also these some of the comm trails come in.
Some of the comm trails they discovered again was I think an accidental thing a few years ago but that certain types of material etc would
We're good
Well, that's what other scientists have told me, is that it's not just that they're adding some of the jet fuel that aerosolizes in some cases, or they have special jet planes, you know, that go out and do heavy chemtrailing, but that the beams they're firing into it is already resonating with natural nuclei forming out of the ice crystals, and they're using the airwaves as...
The exhaust paths and the ice crystals as systems to beam data down over the horizon radar, heating the atmosphere, it's everything.
Yes, and that's the problem.
It gets into a lot of different areas.
And by the way, in 1994, well 1995, when I just was receiving the
It was late 94 when I first got the United Nations Treaty.
Very late, I mean it was like the end of the year.
At the beginning of 95, I was able to get, again utilizing a friend out of Washington, etc.
I contacted the right person and they sent me what amounted to being probably a thousand documents.
It was two cardboard cartons and they came basically this came out of the United States Air Force and it was their entire whether as a force multiplier it was the entire concept
We're good.
And by the way, you said this 15, 16 years ago.
It's all been declassified now.
The exact names that you've used, what they've talked about.
And again, Bill Gates says that he's going to have this global weather bureau that controls your weather and see if you don't pay him, well then some bad things are going to happen.
It's amazing.
And also to say that I said something just briefly or a couple of minutes ago.
There's a three-sided deal to this now.
So we have what I call the covert government, the secret government that's trying to control and mess up America's future here and putting it all into their pockets, so to speak.
One world government control.
They're threatened by freedom because it will stop their monopoly.
They're bad guys.
And what they've also done now, however, way back a long time ago, the Russians were involved with us directly at Lawrence Livermore Laboratories.
The Russians were even given an award for their cooperation.
They were here in Lawrence Livermore Laboratories working with our scientists on some of the earlier concepts on this many years ago.
So what happened was the Russians back in the 90s, around the period of time that I was getting a hold of all of this, the Russians set up a company called ELATE.
And this was the Russian Weather Control and Modification
And they don't hide it.
That's why they cleared things out for the Red Square events.
I mean, they advertise they control the weather.
Right, they actually said back in the 90's that for a couple of hundred dollars, American, a farmer could get guaranteed rain over his area and all that.
I don't know if they ever got to be good enough to do that, but when they started running out of money, okay, when they all fell apart and all the rest of that, they sold this technology that they had, that they had actually developed with us,
I think so.
I don't think so.
Stay there.
I can't believe this has gone by so fast.
We're going to have to have you back up again.
And we'll be right back.
I've got some key intel.
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We are back live, ladies and gentlemen, and we've got Mark Farber coming up on what's happening in the world economy.
I was looking into the Iron Mountain Report.
And I've got links here where U.S.
News and World Report did an investigation and found that when President Johnson read it, he quote, hit the roof and ordered it suppressed for all time.
Then top Harvard professor John Kenneth Galbraith, you've heard of him, said that he actually as a consultant worked on the book and it's just like tragedy and hope.
That was written so CIA people, section chiefs could understand, well wait, we back communists and fascists and socialists as long as it's command and control.
Even their own people need something so they can understand what they're doing, even though they're evil.
And so, yes, Iron Mountain is real.
Plus, look at it, it's all coming true.
Just incredible.
But speaking of all this, they would say, there's no such thing as weather modification, you're insane.
Now they've shifted gears and, oh yeah, Dubai's putting up giant antenna arrays, controlling the weather, making their desert green.
Oh yeah, this is happening.
And then we see key areas ravaged.
And even meteorologists, weather people, are saying this doesn't look normal.
And they're like, shut up, everything's fine.
I think it's undoubted they're using this to attack the United States so they can then fearmonger and say, pay Al Gore, pay the Rothschilds money, or it's all over.
Well, right, here's the problem now.
Like you said, Dubai is into it.
See, Dubai has all the money in the world, too.
So they're actually contracting, subcontracting weather control operations by, you know, hiring the Russians or the Chinese to go in and do it, or even the United States, covertly, under the table.
If you put out, if you've got enough money, you can get anybody to do anything.
But as we stand right now, and by the way, one of the
A cover letter, so to speak, with the United Nations Treaty stated that now that we have the ability to control and manipulate the weather and create tornadoes, hurricanes, and earthquakes,
That is specified that now we have the ability to make earthquakes and control the weather, we have to agree that we won't use it as a weapon of war.
That was part of the United Nations Treaty itself.
And what we have now is the possibility of our own people creating all of these outrageous, unknown tornadoes that come from
We're good to go.
And so the question is, are we today in the middle of the forecasted weather wars?
Are we today, the people, ourselves and Red China and Russia, are we into a three-way major war right now?
Using invisible microwave-type weapons and plasma beams to do all of these things, because they do exist, and there's an old adage is, we've never created a weapon that we've not used.
And that's the story of mankind.
So the idea that maybe this is not happening, or that it's artificial, no, no, no.
It's here, they have the ability, and if
And it's terrible because you can't find it.
You can't see the beam from the satellite.
Well, that's the thing about technology and these weapons race.
They always have to use it as a laboratory test in the real world because they're always racing with other groups to get that edge.
Like the atomic bomb, there's never been a weapon that we've created that we have put on the shelf and not used.
You're one in a billion.
Look forward to having you up in the near future for another hour.
We'll discuss some other important topics.
Thank you so much for the time, Bob.
Thank you.
We'll be right back.
I'm Alex Jones of InfoWars.com.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, for the next 40 minutes, Dr. Mark Faubourg is joining us.
Couldn't be a better time to have him on with the stock markets going down, Fed talking about not going into QE3.
Dr. Mark Faubourg is the editor and publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, gloomboomdoom.com, and this is a short segment.
We're going to have more time to go over this, and I will give the number out to take a few of your calls.
Doctor, good to have you with us.
Wow, what's happening right now in the world?
What is happening is happening at this moment, but we have to go back somehow in history to know exactly where we stand.
Basically, the markets peaked out in 2000, had a huge bear market until October 2002 and March 2003 and then a recovery move and the new high in 2007 in October.
October S&P 1576 then we dropped into March 6 2009 to 666 in other words down 50% and then we recovered to just the other day 1422 so basically from the lows in March 2009 666
To 14 to 22, he had a huge move in markets, not just in the US but globally.
But starting last year, markets behaved less favorably.
Most emerging economies, stock markets haven't made a new high, unlike the S&P.
And the SNP was on May 2, 2011, at 1,370.
We are...
1,395 or so.
So we haven't really made much progress.
We dropped in between to a low on October 4th, 2011 at 1,074.
So from 1,074 to over 1,400 was again a very significant move.
I happen to think that the technical position of the market is bad.
And despite all
The optimistic talk by economists and strategists about the great recovery in the economy.
If I look at cyclical stocks, economic sensitive stocks, they're not performing well.
So that tells me maybe this recovery is going to be disappointing.
We're going to go to break here in a moment, Dr. Faubourg.
When we get back, I wanted to specifically discuss the fact that you've been pointing out for years that we've not had a recovery and that you think it's going to basically implode down the road.
Many others, like Jim Rogers, have been saying that.
We know that governments have been cooking economic numbers as well.
So I want to discuss all that with you.
But just briefly, as we go to break here,
I mean, is the Fed signaling that they're not going to have more quantitative easing, or are they just raising the bar?
Put yourself in the shoes of Mr. Bernanke.
The oil price is over $100.
He knows that the statistics are all lies.
He knows that the cost of living in the U.S.
are increasing at 5-10% per annum for the typical household.
The SNP's at over 1,400.
He doesn't need to do right now QE3.
He can sit back and wait, let the SNP drop 100 or 200 points, and come...
I would rather think after a 10% drop we have QE3
All right, Mark, stay there.
I want to come back and recap that and get into more detail, because some stations don't carry this first five minutes.
I want to get back into that and where you see us going in the future.
Dr. Mark Fobber is our guest.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Dr. Mark Faubourg is our guest, and I'm holding here in my hand the Atlantic, its latest issue.
It says the hero, Ben Bernanke.
They're the bankers that created all the derivatives, that ran the scams, that got rid of the Glass-Steagall Act.
But, he's our hero.
Aren't we just blessed and lucky?
And then the next article is about how Rahm Emanuel is a hero and saved Chicago.
I mean, it's just a magazine about how they're wonderful heroes.
I guess John Cortzine with MF Global.
He's another hero!
I mean, these are all heroes.
Obama launches all these wars.
He's a hero.
Give him another Nobel Peace Prize.
While you're at it, you know, dig up Hitler and give him one.
Dr. Mark Faber, again, is a preeminent economist and researcher.
He authors the gloom, boom, doom.com, the gloom,
Boom and doom report.
And breaking this down, what is the real state of the economy?
Is the system fixing numbers, manipulating them?
What's happening with Bernanke and this announcement about no QE3 right now?
Where is it all going in the world economy, Doctor?
Well, as I said, I think there will be QE3, but not right now.
I think the moment the stock market drops 10% or more, there'll be QE3 and there'll be probably QE4 and QE5 and so forth and so on.
I think once you engage in monetization of government debt, then to go back and repay
It really is very difficult to exit this strategy.
Last year, 2011, 62% of government debt issuance was bought by the Federal Reserve.
And I think that will continue.
And the other issue that is not spoken about much, which is even more important in the context of monetary policy,
It's actually the fiscal deficit.
It's going to be very difficult to bring down the fiscal deficit.
I think it will stay very high and actually increase because of mandatory expenditures that will rise over time very significantly.
And if interest rates one day go up, then obviously the interest payments on the government debt will go up substantially.
So I think we're in a very difficult position.
But, you know, the stock market can go up because you print money.
So they're simply devaluing the dollar.
The stock market's not really up, it's just taking more dollars to buy that stock.
But, Dr. Faubourg, aren't you happy that we have heroes like Bernanke to save us?
I mean, he's better than Superman!
Well, I don't know.
Normally, the Atlantic is actually quite a good magazine.
But recently, I think that they may have been manipulated by someone to print articles like Mr. Bernanke being a hero, when the fact is that he's the architect of the greatest economic and financial crisis since the Depression.
He advocated artificial low interest rates that led to the housing bubble.
He denied that there was a housing bubble and couldn't see it and said it is well contained and so forth.
And I mean, as an economist, in my opinion, is completely useless, completely useless.
You know, it's very funny that then he comes and becomes a hero.
Now, I have to say, you know, if you create the greatest financial crisis in the world, and you then apply monetary measures to support essentially markets,
Okay, that measure, at that particular time, may have been desirable, but it has a lot of undesirable and unintended consequences.
Like the stock market went up, but the housing market didn't go up, and he wanted essentially to boost housing prices.
And in the meantime, food prices are up, and energy prices are up.
The wealth inequality is up.
The money that has been printed, it hasn't flowed to the working population.
It's flowed essentially to the 1% of the population.
I don't think they're 1%.
I think they're a quarter of a percent of the population.
Basically to the super-rich people.
And I have no grudge.
I benefit from that because these are my subscribers.
As an economist, and in order to stabilize the economy and create price stability, the Federal Reserve, both Mr. Greenspan and Mr. Bernanke, have completely failed.
They've actually created much more uncertainty.
Much more economic and financial volatility.
In other words, you have much larger swings in the economy.
You have much larger swings in asset prices that are not particularly favorable for the investing public.
But Doctor, isn't that good for the Goldman Sachs and other insiders who know when they're going to make announcements and know what they are?
We have our own Congress here in the U.S.
saying they're allowed to insider trade and we have this article headlined, Ben Bernanke saved the global economy, so why does everyone hate him?
Well, basically...
You know, if I were a conspiracy theorist, I would argue that the elite is intentionally impoverishing the population and enslaving the population through higher debts.
You just look at, say, student loans.
They're now close to a trillion dollars, larger than credit card debit balances.
I mean, these loans will be a huge burden on people working and a lot of people will never be able to repay these loans.
They'll be enslaved forever.
And I mean, the problem is really, you know, it's easy to print money and optically it looks good first.
The problem arises that when you print the money, or in the words of Mr. Bernanke, you drop the dollar bills onto the air.
United States, helicopters.
You don't know what the population will do with these dollars.
What can happen in a global economy where leakages exist, it can boost the economy of China and not the economy of the United States.
It can lead to undesirable consequences in the US, such as overconsumption that can lead to trade deficit.
The US trade deficit
I am completely
against any government intervention in the economy because if you follow it really through a complete government intervention in the economy is the totalitarian socialist communist state and all of them have failed miserably miserably
And so, if people say, oh, we have to do something, and the elite, of course they will argue, well, we have to intervene to avoid a total disaster, and so forth, they're actually protecting their own interests, and not the interests of the common man in America.
Dr. Faubourg, you know, you say if you were a conspiracy theorist, and I understand that's a bit tongue-in-cheek, but the crony capitalist class, this anti-free market, and wants this totalitarian system to secure their ill-gotten gains, they are scapegoating capitalism as the problem when it's been this insider system that's allowed this criminal transfer.
Okay, so you say I'm correct.
Well, basically, you look at the problem arose through regulation and through government-sponsored enterprises and through manipulation by the Federal Reserve of interest rates by keeping them artificially low.
And it's not the failure of the market.
The market
tried to solve the problem first of all through the S&L crisis in 1990 and then through the tequila crisis in 1994 and then in 1998 the market would have solved all the problems had LTCM gone bankrupt.
That would have given a signal to the system you're not allowed to leverage up too much because if you leverage up too much and you go bankrupt nobody will help you.
But the bailout gave them the signal.
Yeah, yeah.
There's a Greenspan put and then a Bernanke put and just...
Keep on leveraging and you'll be rewarded for that.
If you go bankrupt and you're the boss of the bank, they will fire you and you walk out with a hundred million dollars.
And if you succeed, you get stock options and they go up in value or you got also a hundred million dollars.
So where's the risk?
I have to say, at least the hedge fund manager, he has his own money on the line.
That's why actually very few hedge funds really failed.
Some of them went out
Business because bad performance, but they didn't go bankrupt.
The way the banks, essentially all of them are bust.
They went bust, but they were bailed out by the system.
If you're a small entrepreneur in Illinois or in Dakota or wherever that may be, and you go bust, nobody will help you.
If you're a big bank, they'll help you.
I know it's two in the morning there in Switzerland, there in Zurich.
We're very, very honored.
I'm not in Zurich.
I'm in Thailand.
Oh, you're in Thailand.
That's why it's two in the morning.
What time of, uh, what time of the morning is it there, Doc?
Now is 1.20 in the morning.
Alright, well you were very, very nice to be on with us.
We'll be back after this quick break.
He was joining us from Thailand.
Gloomboomdoom.com is Dr. Faber's site.
I'm gonna ask him, where is all this going?
What can we individually do to protect ourselves?
Straight ahead with Dr. Faber.
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
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Did you know that in a real meltdown, non-hybrid seeds could become more valuable than silver or gold?
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, we've just got Dr. Faber for this segment and part of the next.
I specifically want to ask him about what individuals should do, because his track record's been pretty darn accurate on what's happening.
What's his take on gold being driven down today?
When does he expect Bernanke to bring in the QE3?
And why has Bernanke made this decision?
I know it's about squeezing the public while posing as the good guy, but what does the ruling class think they're going to do with all this?
Because, I mean, sure they grab all the money and power, but they wreck the society, so they're wrecking what they've actually captured, but I guess in war a few eggs get broken.
Yes, this is precisely what I've been writing about.
You know, even if you're the monopolist,
There is a price above which you shouldn't go, because if you go above that price, the demand falls off the cliff.
So even the monopolist, he has to maximize his profits with a price that is halfway reasonable.
And I believe, intentionally or unintentionally, the so-called 1%, and as I said before, I think it's not 1%, but it's more like a quarter of a percent of the population,
They've driven their wealth to an extreme that actually at some stage will lead to a massive wealth destruction.
Because each time in history you had a few people that were incredibly rich and the masses were kind of impoverished.
It came to social strife or to hyperinflation or to revolutions or to war.
And in wartimes, basically everybody loses out.
Of course, there's some more profiteers, but they also lose out in the end, frequently with their lives.
And so my view is maybe the well-to-do should consider policies that are more equitable to the masses.
And I think what they should have done
Is of course the money by the Federal Reserve instead of encouraging it because don't forget Wall Street has benefits from money printing in the sense that if markets go down and there is money printing and the water level is refilled and the asset prices go up and performance fees come back in and so forth.
So their tendency is of course always to encourage money printing.
If you were in charge, instead of the G20, what would you do to try to resuscitate the global economy?
Well, I think, you see, I disagree with the Keynesian theory that government spending stimulates the economy.
I believe if you have a dollar and you give it to the private sector, mistakes will happen.
But the dollar will be invested more efficiently than if you give it to the governments.
In particular, if you give it to the Obama administration.
It's a complete waste.
That is the problem.
And I think if you really wanted to revive the global economy, but the policy makers, they will not admit that.
Austerity, in the sense to cut government spending 50%, that would help the global economy.
But of course the policy makers will make you believe that if you have austerity, it will be a disaster for the economy.
It's like if AIG would have gone bankrupt, it would have been a disaster for the global economy.
You just can ring fence the operations that have a social function, like the insurance operation, the derivatives operation, you just kick out
Let Goldman Sachs and Citigroup and JPMorgan solve that mess.
And you guarantee the depositors of Citigroup and Morgan and let them essentially lose their derivatives position.
And so I believe that the policy makers and the media and essentially the Keynesian economies
They all brainwashed the public in the sense of killing the public.
If the government hadn't intervened through the Federal Reserve and the Treasury, the crisis would have been much worse.
The crisis... There wouldn't have been a crisis if they hadn't intervened with the government-sponsored enterprises already for years, and with the money printing essentially for the last 20 years.
There wouldn't have been a crisis.
That's right.
They create the problem and then pose as the savior.
Joining us from Thailand, Dr. Mark Fauber.
We're going to come right back, sir, with a final segment with you to talk about what you think individuals can do on average and investors to protect themselves because they're not going to listen to you or Ron Paul or others.
They're going to go ahead with the Keynesian model.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We've got some breaking news that I'll cover after Dr. Faber leaves us in seven, eight minutes.
You know, we did that Mark Moreno interview of Climate Depot, where we broke down all these academics saying arrest people that disagree with man-made global warming.
And we talked about that professor that says we're mentally ill and need to be treated.
YouTube took our video down and is threatening to suspend an account with 190 plus million views on it.
Again, that's the political correctness.
That's how authoritarian these people are.
I'm going to find out who did this.
It's time this professor, if she's the one that did it, has legal action because I've had it with these people.
They think this is the Soviet Union and it's not!
You better use your First Amendment or you're going to lose it.
Dr. Faber, on a separate issue, there's all these calls to censor the web, to spy on people worldwide.
I mean, why do you think the world is lurching towards authoritarianism, or do you disagree with that statement?
Well, I think that if you look at history, you know, even in a democracy, you look at our structures.
And if you write Animal Farm,
The regime starts always with good intentions or even communism started with good intentions and then you have an elite that comes out of it and abuses the system and I believe the political class today is so much involved in business and the
Money-making and pointed out the members of Congress they outperform every other fund manager because of their inside information that they don't want to lose power and They realize at some point that it's not about representing the interest of the people and
But it's about controlling the people, and that they need armies and police, not to protect the people, but to protect them against the people.
And I think we're moving into that stage now in the United States, and also, by the way, other Western democracies, whereas here in Asia and other emerging markets, we're moving towards a more liberal society.
We have different cycles in societies.
And I'm sorry to say, in the U.S., I always feel that you are under threat.
And, you know, you go through an airport, it's like going through a Gestapo police station.
Well, you're right, Doctor.
In closing, spend a few minutes on what you would do as an individual investor or, I mean, tell us what you're doing.
Tell us what you're covering over at the Gloom, Boom, Doom Report.
You know, the viciousness of monitoring
Is that they are symptoms of inflation, but they don't occur all at the same time.
So basically, an investor should have been in NASDAQ stocks until March 2000.
And after that, he should have been essentially long gold and so forth.
And it shifts this inflation from one asset to another.
It's very difficult to maneuver and know exactly what will happen and where the best performing asset will be.
You all don't know how the world will look in five years time.
My advice to people in the U.S.
is I would hold some assets outside the U.S., whether it's real estate or funds, and I would have the custody outside the U.S.
There's no point to own assets outside the U.S., but have the custody in the U.S.
And so diversification is very important.
Secondly, as you point out in your program,
One day, the issue may not be about performing well, but actually surviving and performing relatively well.
In other words, when the whole world loses 90% of its asset base, that you only lose 30% or 50%.
So I think that you should own some gold, but you have to own it in physical form and not on leverage that you can withstand.
The downside utilities, such as we have now, we picked up at $1,921 on September 6, 2011.
We're now just above $1,600, so we have quite a significant correction.
I think we're still in the correction phase.
But I would own some equities, a diversified portfolio.
My preference is for equities in Asia because I think they're cheaper.
And they have different yields.
I can assemble here a portfolio of equities that would have a dividend yield on the portfolio of, say, 5-6% quite easily.
So compared to government bonds, I think that's quite attractive.
I would avoid 30 years government bonds, except maybe as a trade for the next 10 days or so.
But by and large, I would avoid that asset class because I think that particularly in a deflationary scenario, the fiscal deficit would go ballistic because the tax revenues would collapse.
So in either case, inflation or deflation, you're going to lose money with your Treasury bonds.
And I think in the US, in the South,
The real estate market, homes, are now very reasonably priced by international standards.
I've seen homes in Atlanta that were cheaper than we could have bought here in Thailand.
In closing, Dr. Faber, who again is the editor and publisher of the Gloom, Boom and Doom Report, gloomboomdoom.com.
On the current path that the Keynesians are taking us on, clearly going for an authoritarian system, setting all this up, historically, what's your gut view on where all this is going?
As I said, nobody knows, but my best guess is that they will print money, and much more than they have.
What we've seen is just an appetizer.
This hasn't been anything compared to what is yet to come.
And that this will impoverish the lower income groups, including the middle class.
And then the social climate in the country will deteriorate very badly.
And the government with their business friends, they will either target a minority group and attack them or blame everything on the Chinese.
And most likely they will then go to war.
And eventually the whole system will completely collapse, the financial system.
Either way, if the whole derivatives market, which is now a quadrillion
It has an influence on agricultural land in the United States, on the lives of people here in Chiang Mai, in the north of Thailand, as it is a gigantic bubble that has to be essentially eradicated one day.
We will vanish from the face of the earth.
Very well said.
Well, thank you so much for spending time with us all the way there from Thailand now at almost 2 in the morning.
Thank you, Dr. Faber.
Thank you very much for having me on your program.
Thank you.
All right, there he goes.
Key information, some of his Skype breaking up from the other side of the planet, but it was intelligible and we appreciate him joining us.
Man, during the break Aaron gave me this and I just became beside myself with anger because this is pure political correctness that we did a newscast with Mark Moreno
And they left one part of it up and took the other part down, where I made fun of that professor who says that we're crazy if we don't believe in man-made global warming and need to be basically put in a psychiatric facility.
And it's been all over the news.
And so we did a joke graphic where, you know, I'm there in a mental institution and, you know, she's in a straitjacket with a cat in her arms because I've joked and said she looks like a cat lady.
I like cats, grew up with cats.
The point is, you know, the classic liberal image of sandals and long hair and a cat.
I mean, just, again, they do jokes like this on Saturday Night Live every day about public figures.
You get a professor comes out.
And says we're mentally ill for something, and you've got all these other professors saying arrest people that disagree with this, and they go and they take it down, and YouTube says they've reviewed it.
Now, I've challenged these before.
One time, we had a Community Guidelines strike on a milquetoast video criticizing Obama on his policies, and there was nothing about race, didn't call him names, nothing.
But it doesn't matter.
I'm sick of it.
And I've had enough.
I mean, even if I don't win a lawsuit against YouTube, and I'm not a litigious person, I'm sick of Google, I'm sick of them spying on everybody, I'm sick of the fact that they dominate the web, so I'm on their, on their site.
One of our sites has close to 200 million views.
It's a way I reach the young people.
You know, I've got XM, I've got AM and FM affiliates, I've got my own streams, but they could shut us down on my sites.
I have PrisonPlanet.tv as our own platform.
And here's an example of the last strike I got from them that I appealed, and they threatened to shut my channel down, but I still did it.
You appeal to them, these unseen minions at Google.
Then they say if they disregard your appeal or find that you're wrong, you know, you're banned of the memory hole, that's it.
But they are saying in this video,
Well, the last time this happened, it was all over every news channel.
It was leaked, the chopper, collateral murder, that was the name of the video, with the Apache helicopters shooting the Reuters reporters and the car full of kids.
And you can't even really see it's kids in there.
I mean, it's nothing graphic compared to what's on the nightly news.
And it was on hundreds of local news, national news, hundreds of news sites on YouTube.
Hundreds, because we had a report on this.
And they took away our longer than 15 minute upload.
They put a strike on us and threatened to shut our channel down over that, and we went and appealed it.
And I had to sit there and write the appeal to them and say, look, this is everywhere, and I have to do it again.
And listen.
The minute you selectively enforce and shut my stuff down, I am going to sue you.
And I know you're the NSA, you're the federal government, you're Google, you're YouTube, but I'm going to launch boycotts of Google stock.
I'm going to try to get class action suits going for how, because you can't induce someone through ignorance and fraud to have their rights violated with your new contract where you can flip on cameras and watch people.
Just go ahead, and we already know you're tyrants, I already exposed you, but I'll just declare total war on you.
And we'll see how big an effect it has, when I go cram a camera in Schmidt's face at the Bilderberg meeting, like we did last year.
I'm sick of you, scum, acting like you're a bunch of liberals, and acting like you're a bunch of trendies, and acting like you're a, you know, don't be evil Google, when you're pure evil.
And you've become the internet.
And people say, well just don't be on YouTube.
My videos feed into YouTube and then are put on thousands of other channels.
Thousands of other video systems that are out there.
So I'm using it as a viral injection point.
A vector point to put liberty and truth and sanity in there.
And it's just like our video, they shut down, well, we posted it on our channel, that Mike Adams made, that was making fun of the TSA, TSA help wanted.
The whole web copied that, and they went through every one of them, deleting them and blocking them.
And all it did was going, oh, TSA, even more awesomer, you want to grope old ladies?
Totally cool!
It was because it made fun of them.
It's the humor that's getting them.
It's always my humor videos.
And this woman who says that we're all mentally ill and need to be treated, you know, put in a psychiatric facility if we don't buy into Al Gore.
I mean, she... It's not nice that I put her picture up where she looks like something out of a cartoon book of a goofball!
I mean, she's a public figure.
She's making public statements.
I can talk about her.
You can talk about me.
I'm attacked all over the internet.
Do I go around and get people to shut down websites?
There's all sorts of sites that cut what I say out of context and put it out there.
I'm a public figure.
You're a public figure.
And this is the political correctness here that we're talking about.
I gave her one of the coveted Skeksy Awards, folks.
And if you don't know what those are, will you please queue up?
The funniest clip is Death of the Emperor.
That's the Death of the Skeksi Emperor.
That's what we play in a coveted Skeksi award.
And I've given Barbara Walters one of these for when she attacked me on The View.
And I've given some man, I gave one of these.
And that woman reporter was attacking Ron Paul.
I gave her a coveted one.
What, I can't have a coveted Skeksi award and show a puppet from a children's movie?
That, you know, symbolizes control freak behavior?
I mean, you people, you people are starting a fight with the wrong person.
I mean, that's all I got to tell you.
You're the bullies that want to shut down our free speech.
And in that report, they banned, they took my video down off YouTube.
I went through
Well, Paul Watson did an article on it about, in fact, I forget the name of the article.
It was something like Green Fascism, the Big Threat.
Here, let me just search it.
All right, here we go.
Here it is, Green Fascism, the Growing Threat of Eco-Tyranny.
And, yeah, this was April 3rd.
This came out yesterday.
And Infowars is not loading.
Who knows what's going on around here.
Anyways, the point is that we list where all these people are saying, arrest us, put us in jail, do all this to us.
I mean, these are dangerous people.
And look, they're shutting videos down.
Or the little commissars, the little political officers that YouTube are.
Green fascism, the growing threat of eco-tyranny, the nightmare that awaits if climate change alarmists go unchallenged.
They're climate change tyrants.
And it starts with Professor Carrie Norgaard, but she's nothing.
She's just saying we need mental institution treatment, you know, inpatient treatment.
It goes through all of them, say arrest us, we're evil.
It shows kids being blown up.
If you don't accept climate change, they blow you up.
Remember that video?
I mean, this is the type of stuff we're talking about.
Oh, look, they're blowing the people up.
They're saying they're going to kill you if you don't do what they say.
Blowing up children.
Look, the little trendy teacher looks just like the archetype of these people.
What, can I not make fun of her?
Because I'll have my speech taken.
And once my speech is taken, you know what else they can do?
Show it.
They start blowing the kids up right here.
Oh, you won't pay Al Gore money.
Watch this.
Oh, look at that.
They just blew the kids up.
Oh, hits a red button, kills a bunch of kids.
What's the message there?
I mean, they're dead serious.
Take us out to break with the Skeksis, please, if we have time.
Here it is.
We'll give you some audio there.
This is what they don't like.
I mean, I can't show a puppet.
What, Jim Henson?
I mean, or whatever his name was.
These people are such authoritarians.
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I want to say this right now.
Folks, you better use your First Amendment or lose it.
You've got Cass Sunstein at the White House that says arrest people, he's the head regulations czar, who disagree with the government, who criticize them and don't believe in man-made global warming.
And first he says you've got to start censoring them, then fining them, then arresting them.
That's how tyrants do it, they phase it in.
And again, YouTube has taken down our video
Which was very popular and was just funny.
Because, I mean, they say they're the annoying ones.
They know everything.
We're idiots.
We need to be, you know, psychiatrically treated.
We need to be arrested.
That's what some of these other professors say.
And I just go on air and say, you know, these people are ridiculous.
And I pointed out that Dr. Pianka at UT, when you see him in the videos, his eyes aren't focused.
He looks crazy.
I mean, these are public figures.
You can say they look like loons.
They're saying we're loons because of our political and economic and scientific views.
I can call you a loon right back, especially when you look ridiculous.
But see, that's the political correctness.
You see, it's all selective.
They're going to call you racist.
They're going to call you a Nazi if you don't believe in climate change.
That's what she said.
You're a racist.
It's racism.
What does Al Gore say?
It's racism.
They're going to call you one of the worst terms they can, knowing it's not even applicable, and then you sit there and make a joke about them, and that's what they can't stand, because they want to be taken seriously.
That's what this is all about.
And I'm telling you how you beat them, folks.
They are scared of our info.
You tell 10 people a day about InfoWars.com.
You go and become PrisonPlanet.tv members and you download the nightly show and you put it on YouTube.
Alex Jones episode they don't want you to see and you get it out and you realize that's why we got the trolls and the mainstream media and the government all attacking us because we know what we're doing.
We're not perfect.
We don't have all the answers.
I'm exhausted half the time but I know who these people are.
I'm not scared of them and I'm going after them.
I'm sick of them.
I'm sick of authoritarian people running around in front of everybody.
And let me tell you something, if people think shutting down my videos is going to get me off this professor, you got another thing coming.
I'm getting ready to put people on airplanes to fly out there and start getting video and talking to locals.
I mean, I'm getting ready to go on the phone with my lawyer because I've had enough of this.
I've had enough and I'm not going to be pushed around by you people anymore.
And they think it's cute.
It's like when I had the Head Zeitgeist guy on, and he said, well, if you don't accept all this, you'll have to be re-educated.
And he said, you'll be taken, you'll be given, you know, to a facility, and then I'm bad because I don't want to go to the re-education center.
I mean, does anyone realize how dangerous these people are?
That in Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia, this is what they use as a psychiatric system.
It makes me so angry.
And I'm so tired of it.
We've got to fight these people.
We've got to get back in their face when they try to shout us down.
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Hi folks, this is Alex Jones.
I'm looking for people.