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Name: 20120315_Thu_Alex
Air Date: March 15, 2012
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, this is going to be a jam-packed special edition on this Thursday transmission.
It is the Ide of March, in the Ides of March.
It is the 15th day of March 2012.
And we are going to be live here for the next three hours.
And when I say we have a jam-packed transmission, we certainly do.
Ed Haslam, who is an investigator and author, will be joining us in studio.
It gets into weaponized cancer viruses, the JFK assassination, and more.
And he, of course, has written Dr. Mary's Monkey, available at InfoWars.com.
And he also helped put the book together.
With a lady who reportedly and has the evidence dated Lee Harvey Oswald, me and Lee.
So we're going to be talking about both these books in the first hour.
And boy is it a heavy news day on top of it.
And then Jim Mars, about 10 minutes, 15 minutes into the second hour, is going to be joining us, investigative journalist, also in the JFK realm, but we're not going to get into that with him.
We're going to get into current issues.
And then Congressman, former Congressman, former CIA operative, Bob Barr, is going to give us an update on the TSA, the Toilet Safety Administration.
I've never watched South Park because I'm not big on potty humor and stuff, but I got up early this morning.
Well, not that early.
I was out late last night and went in and watched it on the South Park website, or as much of it as I could.
My children kept coming in the room, so I had to turn it off.
But they really hit the nail on the head because in the show, a woman falls into the toilet and gets hurt.
And so, well, since somebody got hurt, she dies.
She falls into the toilet and the suction basically sucks her down the toilet.
So then they say, well, one person died, we've got to have safety in all toilets.
So they make you wear seatbelts, and they've got cameras watching you.
And it's absurd, but that's actually where all this is going.
The nanny state is a planned takeover.
The globalists admit it on record.
Meanwhile, the TSA has engaged another PSYOP.
TSA says it will stop groping grannies.
Because they got caught lying about pulling, we're talking 95-year-old women in some cases, behind closed doors, ripping colostomy bags off of them, urology bags, trying, screaming at them, trying to make them walk, and they're like, I'm going to Illinois to die.
They're like, get up, I told you to get up!
You're in the Marine Corps now, get up!
That's what's happening.
And so then they lied and said, we don't strip search anybody.
I'm not a crook.
Everything's fine.
Government loves you.
And of course, then they got caught, of course, doing it.
It's kind of like two years ago.
Hey, they're groping small children.
They're even taking their pants off, taking their diapers off.
We're not doing it.
That's preposterous.
Oh, here's 500 videos of me doing it.
Well, we're going to stop it now.
Then, of course, they never stop it.
So the new thing is we're going to stop
Groping above 75, it's just you get an even more powerful body scan.
They actually say that.
It says double dose of radiation for seniors will allow them to avoid the pat-downs.
If you ran up in a park and ran into a woman and grabbed her sexual organs and said, I'm just doing a pat-down here, you'd go to prison for about five years and you should.
But not in this case, not with the Toilet Safety Administration.
You know why I love it?
We've posted joke videos about the TSA and they always get them blocked or taken down, because they know humor is what's really going to destroy them.
And this huge federal power grab and this dog training, slave training they're doing.
And mocking the New World Order, I think, is one of the most important things.
Not being scared of them, realizing that, yeah, they're dangerous, yeah, they're in control, but they're also a bunch of scum and they're just human.
By the way, I've got an amazing story of what happened last night.
I don't even know if I'm going to tell it today, though.
The Dave Mustaine exclusive interview is coming up tonight, Nightly News, 7 o'clock.
We'll be right back.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well, we have got a big kahuna transmission lined up for you today, ladies and gentlemen.
We have Ed Haslam,
And he is an investigative researcher who's put out a very powerful book.
Dr. Mary's Monkey, he also helped put together the book.
Me and Lee, Lee Harvey Oswald, very powerful information because it ties into the medical mafia, weaponized cancer viruses, and more.
He's going to be in studio with us for the balance of the hour, a little bit of the next hour, and then we're going to have Jim Mars
Who needs no introduction, talking about current events, the TSA, World War III, the megabank takeover, the fact that world government's now naked out in the open.
But we're still conspiracy theorists.
So we're going to be discussing that and then former Congressman Bob Barr on the latest on the TSA, the police state, the NDAA, the federal courts announcing they'll give you felony charges for protesting.
Just the dissent into tyranny.
That we are living in here in this once great republic.
But people are waking up.
You don't know what you've got until it's gone and the population by and large, those that are going to wake up, are starting to wake up.
Wow, all the news here is just insane.
There's a lot in Telegraph article, there's also one in the Associated Press.
Soldiers asked to disarm during Leon Panetta's speech in Afghanistan.
And this is now happening at combat bases in Iraq as well.
Top generals will not speak in front of armed troops.
They won't even go on base areas around troops when they have guns.
Let me explain this to you.
The Secretary of Defense will not get around armed soldiers.
You just heard me say that.
Now what does that tell you about this government?
This is not our government.
And what does it say about what they're doing in Afghanistan?
We're about to get into medical tyranny here, but it's on record in Wired Magazine, it's on record in a lot of other publications.
They just report it like they're talking about stock prices or something, very dry, or what the weather's supposed to be tomorrow.
Oh, by the way, we're doing mass experiments for, you know, a decade now, in Afghanistan mainly, in giving the troops aggression drugs and amnesiacs after missions.
And that's why you had a group of Delta Force, I remember like five years ago, they came back from Afghanistan and four guys in one day went crazy and...
Three of them killed their families, the other didn't but then burned his house down and the police pulled up, it was in the local paper that's outside Fort Bragg, and said that the Delta Force, well this guy was a captain, was flopping around on the ground foaming at the mouth.
That's not PTSD, that's mind control going on.
And you got this guy flipping out, as you know, over the weekend, and going out now, we learned it's 18 people he reportedly killed in just the town, going into houses, killing families, shooting children.
Something's going on there, ladies and gentlemen, and I reserve comment on it, but you see this.
This is not PTSD.
Something's going on.
They have screwed some of these soldiers up so bad with the drugs they're giving them and things.
This is admitted, but details are classified.
Again, oh, we're testing amnesiacs and we're testing aggression drugs on them.
In fact, I've seen reports that
Out of a brigade of, say, 4,000 people in the army over there, as many as 500 are being tested on.
And I need to open the phones up sometime in the next week or so, and we don't have a bunch of guests lined up, just to have military call in about this.
And I need to go back and pull all the articles on this and report on it.
Because, again, it's being reported on, but it's just like, oh, yeah, we're doing some testing on their minds.
What's mind control?
So, now, soldiers were asked to disarm during a speech by Leon Panetta, the American Defense Secretary, in a sign of growing concern over spats, just spats, you know, mass killing, of seemingly random violence.
Yeah, they're just killing, officers are killing people, troops are killing other troops, worse than Vietnam ever was.
And the people are saying, well, I don't know why I did it.
It's not like I got mad at the sergeant because he's been, you know, doing, so I threw a hand grenade in there.
No, no, no.
We're not talking about just fragging.
You know, that's gone on in every army forever.
This is just... I don't know why I started killing people.
I don't know why I went in the barracks and started shooting people.
I don't remember.
So, we're going to be talking about that.
And speaking of mind control, we're going to go to our guest.
And I'll intersperse.
We've got so many guests today.
News throughout the transmission.
Big Pharma pushes drug to cure racism.
Now remember, we had the report Monday where they're saying that they're going to start
They admit they want to put drugs in the water to make us not be aggressive and submit, but also to make us smaller.
They're now saying the big bioethics description and they're publishing it.
And of course they say kill babies up to age three.
But see, suddenly they know that we're aware of them.
They're just trying to acclimate us to make it as insane as possible.
But it's all over the news that, oh, we're going to start giving you a heart drug so you're not racist.
Whatever that means, because some psychiatrists say so, and they want to put lithium in the water, too.
But everything's okay.
Yeah, they're drugging the troops.
They're not going to tell you exactly what, but just... They don't let the brass get around them, though.
Nothing's going on, though.
Everything's fine.
Just a precaution.
And yeah, they're announcing they're going to secretly arrest citizens whenever they want.
But again, they're now trying to say vaccines are the law to take, even though there's no law.
I've got a Journal of Pediatrics is recommending forced Gardasil for boys as well, so they don't get the cervical cancer.
Did you catch that?
Again, Big Pharma pushes drug to cure racism, and they're saying it's
I can say this until I get on the air.
It's one of the few things I get stage fright with is weird drug names on there that I'm going to mess them up.
And it's in the Journal of Psychopharmacology.
And they're just saying generally we need to start drugging the public.
Now the reason I find our guest's research so amazing
How the unsolved murder of a doctor, a secret laboratory in New Orleans, and a cancer-causing monkey virus are linked to Lee Harvey Oswald, the JFK assassination, and emerging global epidemics.
And his research, again, just proves, on top of all the other proof that Lee Harvey Oswald was a government asset, that there was weaponized cancer programs going on.
Even, you know, the film JFK has some of that in it, based on Jim Maher's work.
He's joining us next hour.
And, you know, he's got all these documents and wants to go over it, and that's great.
92% of people on the average poll know the government killed Kennedy, and there's a whole shadow government, and Pletcher Prouty.
For me, it's that his research dovetails with all the confirmed info where hundreds of millions of people have been exposed to cancer viruses and tens of millions have died conservatively.
I mean, this is the biggest story ever, and he has a juncture right into original source documents, government documents research in Dr. Mary's Monkeys.
And it's a page-turner.
I mean, it's reality, and it's frightening, but also it's a whodunit.
I mean, it's a masterpiece book, and we do sell it at InfoWars.com, and it dovetails with me and Lee.
How I came to know, love, and lose Lee Harvey Oswald, and we're going to talk some about this book that he helped put together with the lady who got the proof, you know, was dating the government operative Lee Harvey Oswald.
But Edward T. Haslam, thank you so much.
Of course, the forward to your book is written by Jim Mars, I should add.
We're going to break in about four minutes, but you've got the floor pretty much for the hour.
Tell us about your journey, how you found the rabbit hole.
I think something this big, that's a good place to start.
So let's start at the beginning.
Well, Mary Sherman was a colleague of my father's, and they were both professors of orthopedic surgery at Tuohy Medical School in New Orleans.
I even sat on her lap once as a child.
And so when she was murdered, it was kind of big news in our family because she was like my father's best friend.
Because of that, I knew things about Mary Sherman and her murder that the public didn't know.
And I was very suspicious for a very long time.
My father, who came out of Harvard Medical School, had like the utmost respect for this woman who's out of the University of Chicago.
Turns out that she was good friends with Enrico Fermi, she was bringing radiation into medicine, and she was published in cancer articles.
Even University of Texas published a book called Tumors of the Bone and Soft Tissue that had several articles by her in there, in which she challenged the very language that was used to describe cancer.
Okay, so she was a high-level hitter.
That's the first part I knew.
And the other part I knew was that her arm was missing.
And it wasn't until I got my documents, and there's a lot of people have had bad information about this, but I went and got the police reports, and the autopsy reports, and the homicide report, all from the public library, and I got all of the newspaper articles, about two weeks of coverage, and I laid them out on my table, and I noticed that
This fact that was very clear in the police reports and in the autopsy, which was that Mary Sherman's entire right arm and ribcage had been disintegrated by heat.
And even the cops on the scene said they could stand there and see the internal organs of her body.
This was never, not in a single newspaper ad.
I mean, a newspaper story, okay?
So, why was it that they didn't tell the public about this?
And as you get into it, you realize that there's nothing in her apartment that could have possibly burned off her arm.
And right next to that is unburned human hair!
So, how do you get thousands and thousands of degrees to disintegrate?
You come to somebody's house, nothing's on fire, and a person's caught her eyes like they've been shot by, you know, stormtrippers.
You're wondering what's going on here.
Right, and there's nothing in it, so you have to be left with the conclusion that they brought her body back to her apartment after an incident somewhere else and faked this murder scene, and they didn't want people running around uptown New Orleans looking for the machine that burned off her arm.
And it turns out they were firing radiation into different viruses and other things and trying to create... Well, tell folks what she was working on.
We're about to go to break, but tell folks.
Well, what happened with the polio vaccine is after they released 100 million doses of it, they realized there was a cancer-causing virus in it.
So they decided at that point to make it secret and to get busy looking for an anti-cancer vaccine.
And they were in a hurry, so they started using radiation to mutate the cancer-causing monkey virus to try to create a vaccine.
At least that's what they told the researchers.
Well, this is what was happening in 6061.
It changes and gets much darker after the Cuban Missile Crisis in 62.
By 63, they are deliberately making a biological weapon with this aggressive cancer.
Stay there.
The book is Dr. Mary's Monkey, Edward T. Haslam.
Hope you enjoy the government killing most of you out there.
They're nice people, though.
They want to keep us safe.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We've got author Ed Haslam, Dr. Mary's monkey.
You can go just type into a search engine, cancer viruses and vaccines.
It's not just the polio vaccines.
We find this across the board, and I know it's not as scary as men with turbans and beards that you have a better chance of dying from a honeybee sting.
I understand it's fun to get scared of them and beg for the TSA to give you a public proctology exam, but the real threat is this medical mafia that knows you're waking up, so that's why they're announcing, oh, we're gonna drug your water.
It's Fox News, you name it, we're gonna put lithium in there.
See, it's all out in the open now.
But the public needs to understand, and I'm not kidding.
I've done the research from every angle on this.
A large portion of those, the evidence shows the majority of people that have died of cancer in the last 50 years or so, you can direct right back to the polio vaccine and the rest of it.
And this is the silent, slow, painful holocaust.
That we're going through.
Ed, please continue.
This is a short segment, long segment coming up.
We're going to keep you 20 minutes to the next hour with Jim Mars to cross over on this subject.
But please continue getting into the rabbit hole.
Well, I want to just make a comment on this terrorism thing you just brought up.
Because on September 11, 2001, we lost about three and a half thousand people due to terrorism.
That same day we lost about three and a half thousand people due to cancer.
The next day we lost three and a half thousand people due to cancer.
We have lost twelve and a half million people due to cancer since September 11th.
And where's the
Where's the fear?
I mean, it's... Why is it skyrocketing?
We need to... Oh, but it's always find a cure, not find out why it's happening.
Right, and there's... And, I mean, just ask anybody you know.
Do you have anybody in your family or friend circle with cancer?
Yes, they do.
I mean, this is a epidemic that's about 15 or 20 times the size of the polio epidemic, but they never refer to it as a cancer epidemic.
I mean, this is straight out of Orwell's Newspeak.
You know, they're manipulating... Oh, now they're... And they make it like a party, like, oh, a lot of kids at school have it.
You're part of the cancer group now.
And they never discuss why is it skyrocketing.
Again, it's... I mean, if people were suddenly dying of...
Arsenic poisoning or cyanide poisoning, they wouldn't say, let's find a way to cure something so you don't die when you eat, you know, a deadly poison.
You'd say, why are people getting this poisoning?
So I started researching Dr. Mary Sherman and her background, okay?
And I discovered that she had gone to the University of Chicago Medical School as a first-year medical student with a woman named Sarah Stewart.
And it was Sarah Stewart, who was the MD-PhD researcher at the National Cancer Institute, who discovered the cancer-causing virus.
And her research partner up there was Bernice Eddy, and it was Bernice Eddy that discovered that it was in the polio vaccine.
And why was it in the polio vaccine?
Because they grew the polio vaccine on monkey kidney cells.
And these are cancer-causing monkey viruses.
And they were taking monkeys from Asia and monkeys from Africa and putting them in the same cage.
And they were getting cross-infected with each other's viruses.
Yeah, and when they took the
polio virus out to make the vaccine.
They got all the other viruses in there.
There were dozens of them in there and I've got that on page one of the National Cancer Institute newsletter.
I mean this is not a theory.
This is what happened.
And you've got it all in your book.
You've got government documents.
All of it.
It's just wow.
Well when I saw that I had to ask a question.
I said if this woman is telling us there's going to be
An epidemic of cancer, and that's what Bernice Eddy said in 1960 when she got into so much trouble for saying it, okay?
I said, she's trying to warn us.
Did this epidemic ever show up?
So I went to the medical library and I got the NCI statistics for Nixon's war on cancer, which was about a 16-year-old window, and you see these four soft tissue cancers, breast, prostate, melanoma, and lymphoma, erupt out of the- Whenever they have a war on something, there's gonna be more of it.
They have a war on drugs?
They're shipping it in.
They're going to have a war on cancer?
Look out, you're going to be getting it.
Well, what I find interesting is that Nixon declared this war on cancer in his first week in the White House.
That implies a certain amount of premeditation for this.
And then you go back and realize that Nixon was VP during the release of the polio vaccine, and Dwight's running the Cold War.
And Nixon's running the domestic stuff.
So Nixon's holding the roses on the polio vaccine, and he knows it's contaminated.
Now this is like the skeleton in the National Closet.
This is the biggest- This is the big kahuna.
The biggest mistake in the history of government.
Until you read the Rockefeller documents where they want to reduce our population.
That's a mistake.
Well, stay there.
I want to come back and discuss that, because, you know, that's what they tell the researchers, that's what they tell the president, that's the compartmentalization, but no doubt it's going on and they've covered it up.
Regardless, it's going on.
We'll be back.
It's all in the book.
Dr. Mary's monkey, and at bullwars.com.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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That thought lives, even after I'm shoveled into my grave!
Delusions, Mr. Wordsworth!
Delusions that you inject into your veins to make you think you have a strength, when you have no strength at all!
You have nothing but spindly limbs and a dream, and the state has no use for your kind!
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Coming to you worldwide, blasting out on over a hundred AM and FM affiliates.
XM Channel 166, number one on internet talk radio streaming via podcasts and audio streams.
That shows that people are hungry for the truth.
Even if it's delivered by little old me.
People put up with me, and I appreciate that.
Again, God bless you all for joining us here.
I understand that Jay-Z is pretty entertaining.
That people are obsessing over basketball games right now.
I understand that it's spring break.
Nice weather in many parts of the country.
But we are on a planet hurtling through space.
Look out at the stars.
You are amongst the stars.
You are part of that cosmos.
You are out here in the boondocks on the edge of the Milky Way Galaxy looking in to the core.
Think of that magic and majesty, and then recognize that real life is going on around you everywhere.
And in that sense of wonderment and investigation, you'll see the good in the world, and it does outnumber the bad, but then you realize that bad understands how the world works, but seeks to keep the good from ever becoming awake.
And people say, this is really dark.
And we've done nightly news pieces with the documents, the video clips, one of the inventors of the polio vaccine saying, yeah, we know it killed millions of people.
It's real funny.
We've played those clips.
This isn't a joke.
This is absolute fact.
And the magnitude of it in suffering, if you've ever watched a family member, you know, wheezing and battling for breath in their deathbed, dying of cancer.
And you know that depending on the cancers, they're up thousands of percentile.
And the government tries to cook the numbers, keep it quiet, kind of like unemployment numbers.
It's exponential.
The United States leads the world in illness, in cancer, in obesity, in every form of degenerative disease across the board.
Neurological, joint, bone, everything.
Now, our guest has done deep research.
Separately, I've gone over many documents.
I mean, it's an ocean of them.
The problem is that there isn't evidence.
There's too much.
Be like in a batting cage and they've got 50 machines firing balls at you so fast, I mean it's, it's, there's, there's no way to even deal with it all.
But Dr. Mary's monkey in a human story with the documents.
goes over it and is a very important window to understand.
Now, I'm not trying to argue with you, uh, Ed, but yes, I understand that in the documents and things they say, and from the research, it's a mistake that the polio vaccine got the SV40 in it, but, and then you say it gets darker later, but, but, but quantify what you're saying because I've got the documents where they admit there's programs from cancer viruses to microplasms to chemicals to biologicals to GMO to
Not just kill us, but damage the human genome.
I mean, it's like an alien force was doing this.
It's so wicked.
Well, there's a lot of things to address there.
One of the things that really got my attention was that the main virus that they were working on with this radiation was SV40.
But in that same batch of polio was SIV, which is the ancestor virus to AIDS.
And the idea that they were using radiation to shoot inside this test tube that had both SV40 and SIV in it is an extremely dangerous activity in my opinion because that ionizing gamma ray radiation has the ability to damage the DNA.
It's meant to accelerate mutation.
Tell them why they're shooting radiation in it.
Right, well they're in a hurry, and they're trying to accelerate the mutation.
I mean, hopefully looking for a benign strain, but they're getting back stronger and stronger strains.
But let's go back to this question, and then I want you to have the floor and really spend the rest of this hour and then going to the next, breaking it down.
People can read the book and really find out more, but...
Again, you're saying it is an accident.
I'm saying what about all these other admitted weapons programs where they're deploying it against the population and covering up today what they've done.
And you were saying, well, this was an accident.
But from your research, what's the overall program?
Well, it's easier for me, frankly, to take the position that it was an accident than to prove the position that it's not an accident.
And so I took what I call the road to hell path.
The road to hell was paved with good intentions and I blame it on hasty public health decisions.
But, I started getting into where did this polio epidemic come from in the first place?
Okay, so I went to the CDC and I got the data.
And it erupts in 1943.
I'll send you the graph so we can put it on here.
Now we're going to do a nightly news thing on this too, yeah.
So, what happens in 1942?
They start the clinical use of antibiotics.
There is a direct relationship between the introduction of antibiotics and the onset of the polio epidemic, which goes in 43 and jumps from about 2,000 a year to over 10,000 a year and doesn't come back down to that 10,000 level until after the 50s.
So, looking at this from the point of view of the pharmaceuticals, they say,
Well, we either have to greatly restrict the use of antibiotics, limited to like syphilis and gonorrhea and those kind of things, or we have to find a vaccine to stop this polio because the antibiotics are leading to the polio.
And that is a less kind analysis of where this is coming from than the one I just gave you about hasty public health decisions.
This means they knew that there was a connection between the two and the reason that they pushed
The polio thing with this Cold War hysteria that they did, people in armbands going around collecting money and just the most extreme language possible in the media, was that they were trying to sell us on the idea of a coast-to-coast mandatory forced vaccination.
And it was to protect their profits.
Well, I mean, look, I've gone over the documents how they say drug the water to control the population, you know, reduce population.
We've caught the U.N.
adding steroids to vaccines.
There's a long history, the secret experimentation, all of it, that we know was going on against Native Americans and blacks and others, where they were putting people in the 40s and 50s in chambers and radiating them to death.
So we know that there was that eugenics-based program.
I understand that they made mistakes as well that generated a lot of this, but
Look at how, until four years ago, they said, never take a vaccine when you're pregnant.
They knew it caused autoimmune responses and miscarriages.
And the baby lived all sorts of, you know, mental retardation, other things.
Now they say, if you're a woman, take extra.
So it's like they're fleeing forward.
You know, it's like, OK, you caught his drug in the water.
We think there should be more drugs in the water.
Oh, you know, it's causing miscarriages.
The little baby really needs it when it's inside mommy.
So, I mean, I see them just like just just
Really just enjoying what they're doing.
I mean, the worst possible stuff they can do.
That's why I say that.
But continue tying it in to just how big it is.
I mean, how many people from your research in the documents has this cancer affected?
We got back 15.
Well, in the initial release of the polio vaccine between 1955 and 1963, and I'm talking about the ones that were injected, which is worse, and then the sugar cube.
All right.
There were 200 million.
People who got that, it's like 198.
The problem is, this thing is sexually transmitted.
It's communicable.
So, if you didn't get it, you still may have it and, as Blaylock points out, it's being found in grandchildren of people who got the initial polio.
Well, I saw a report in AFP years ago, 98% or something of all Indians in India have it.
And they say it's in the sewage.
Well, I didn't see that report, but that's typical of the kind of stuff you discover once you start looking at it.
Because, you know, I found the, as I mentioned earlier, the NCI newsletter had it on the front page.
You know?
So, I mean, there's no denying this.
They will argue with you over who, I mean, what happens.
But the more I got into it, I mean, I got a phone book from NCI.
NIH, actually.
The NIH Master Phone Book.
In about 2001, somebody brought it to me, gave it to me, and I was able to look at the names and discover that it was one of Dr. Oshner's students that was now controlling the funding.
For NCI.
And she had married Al Rabson, who was Sarah Stewart's boss.
And now this is the boss of the woman who discovers the cancer-causing virus.
And then she's killed.
Well, Sarah Stewart does.
No, I understand, but then she was also just doing research and discovering stuff as well, right?
Yeah, but I think that she was running this linear particle accelerator at the U.S.
Public Health Service.
Under this program is what I meant.
Right, because what happens is she is the lead researcher on this cancer-causing virus stuff at NCI in 1960, and she suddenly transfers from NCI to the U.S.
Public Health Service.
Weird career move when you're already at the top of the heap.
Why would you do something like that?
To put you in charge of the facility that's got the radioactive equipment in it.
And that's why I think that she moved over there.
Why did they kill her?
Mary Sherman?
I think they wanted to expose the laboratory.
If they wanted to shut her up, they could have shut her up more easily just by shooting her or stabbing her or something.
But what happens is she grabs a handle that's loaded with millions of volts of electricity and she's standing in front of a steel wall and her arm burns out like a spark plug.
Now usually when you have that much electricity, it goes down to the floor and blows your feet off.
Her feet are fine.
It goes out this special steel wall that has a cable routed to the ground to protect the operators of the linear particle accelerator from the radiation and stuff, okay?
So that's what blows out her arm, but it has not crossed her heart.
So her heart is still beating.
And she's, you know, like the rib cage is gone.
You can see the lungs and everything.
And the sun's about to come up, you know.
And they terminate her by carefully stabbing her in the heart.
It's still pumping at the time, so there's blood all over the place inside of her.
And then they put her in a body bag and they take her back to her apartment, where they fake this murder scene.
And there they take a knife and do one of these jobs on her, but you don't bleed when you're dead.
So we know that those stab wounds, particularly the one to her liver, did not happen at the same time as the other one.
So we got two sets of stab wounds.
That's like Dr. David Kelly, the weapons inspector that exposed Blair and Bush lying.
There's no blood with his wrists lit, and then the pills are undigested.
Yeah, yeah, exactly.
I mean, there are things that happen when you're alive, okay?
And then they take her back to her apartment and they try to set her on fire.
Okay, well, the fire there doesn't even, nobody even reports seeing a flame.
There's just a bunch of smoke, okay?
And the curtains next to her bed don't burn.
And the paper label on the sherry bottle doesn't burn.
I mean, there's not much heat there.
And the clothes that they pile on top of her, and they stab her through the clothes, because there are V-cuts in there.
Those things burn at 500 degrees, and they didn't burn.
So you got a less than 500 degree fire.
That's supposed to explain why her arm is not there.
I mean, there's a basic forensic problem with the crime scene.
And then you have a J. Edgar Hoover document here.
Yes, this is very interesting because this is a document from J. Edgar Hoover.
Instructing his agents not to investigate the Mary Sherman murder because of jurisdiction.
Now, if I'm right and she was electrocuted on federal property, then the FBI did have jurisdiction.
And bringing her back to a private residence
Moved it from FBI jurisdiction to NOPD jurisdiction.
Then the NOPD contacts the FBI and says, oh my gosh, look what we found!
We've got a name in her address book that you need to tell the boss about, right?
And this says, you know, her arm and ribs were burned.
Next sentence, somebody's name was found in her address book.
This person, they didn't bother to say first name.
They only said last name.
Wow, the FBI director's gonna know this guy just by his last name.
Just by his last name.
And it's six letters long.
And I'm looking at this and I'm saying, well, I got two witnesses that said they saw Oswald in Mary Sherman's apartment building.
Are they telling the head of the FBI, at the height of the Warren Commission investigation, that the murdered woman had Oswald's name and telephone number in her address book?
So I contact the FBI, and I say, you know, I don't think this ought to be a mystery.
You know, this is not a theory at this point.
There's a name in here, and we need to know what it is.
The FBI says, we're not telling you.
Appeal to the Department of Justice.
So I do all the forms.
I appeal to the Department of Justice.
They say, we're not telling you.
So, they tell us we've got freedom of information.
They tell us we've got JFK Records Act.
This new openness, okay?
But they're not willing to tell us this one thing.
We're almost 50 years later.
That's right.
And we can't even be told this.
And of course, then there's all the background stuff about they're in New Orleans.
It's on record they were doing this weaponized cancer test.
You're just skipping ahead, because we're going to do a whole, like, hour special report.
Add all the documents in and we'll have it ready in a week or two to air on the Nightly News.
We're doing all sorts of video shoots and special reports where we can actually go over all the little minutiae.
People can obviously get the book, Dr. Mary's Monkey, at Infowars.com and read it.
And it's forwarded by Jim Mars.
We also carry me and Lee.
We'll talk about some when we start the next hour when Jim Mars joins us.
You were saying a few years later after 61, 62, 63, it does start getting darker and you did dig up in the public and dig up where there are weaponized cancer programs, autoimmune programs, viral weapon programs.
Imagine how advanced they are now.
Get into that when things did start to get a little darker.
Well, I was told way back in the 1960s that Mary Sherman had been connected with David Ferry, who was one of Jim Garrison's main suspects, and they were doing some kind of secret cancer research program.
And I... that was the subject... Mary Ferry and the monkey virus, okay, which was self-published and is kind of an underground thing.
But that was the subject...
What I was missing was the witness, the hole in the donut.
And then in the year 2000, 60 Minutes contacted me and said that they were researching this woman who kept telling them that she was the technician in the laboratory that I said had to happen.
And, I mean, the laboratory had to have a technician with very special training to handle these cancer-causing viruses.
And they showed up with this woman, Judith Barry Baker, who could prove that she had all that specialized training to handle cancer-causing viruses.
And I thought that was very interesting, but then when they were able to show me
Tax documents and pay stubs to prove that she worked with Lee Oswald at the Riley Coffee Company in New Orleans.
They started on the same day.
They were there for a week and transferred from a subsidiary over to parent company.
Let's tie Dr. Mary's Monkey in with the book that you helped put together, Me and Lee.
We'll tell folks about that when we come back in three minutes.
A little over a year ago, I began to do a lot of research into why, even though I had a pretty good-sized meal, I was still starving.
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Life's getting better.
Ed Hasslam is our guest in studio.
He'll be with us 20 minutes to the next hour, crossing over with Jim Mars, a huge shadow government, JFK researcher, obviously wrote the foreword to the book.
Then I'm going to spend 40 minutes with Jim on other current things that are happening, war, the economy, big pharma coming out saying we're going to drug everything to change your behavior.
I mean, they're just being overt now.
Don't forget tonight, we're going to air an over an hour long, very powerful
Dave Mustaine interview on InfoWars Nightly News.
I told you for about two weeks we're doing a pit stop is what I'm calling it.
While we put in some new equipment, do some other things, finish some reports before we come back with the nightly news.
And then I remember to go about six months more.
And then officially launch the show in the format it's going to stay on and then be rolled out to television.
Not just PrisonPlanet.tv where we have 15 day free trial obviously for those of you that want to be members and finance what we're doing here.
But we got a bunch of special reports next week we're going to be airing that are new.
Billy Corrigan, who's a listener, the Smashing Pumpkins, he's also one of the most prolific songwriters out there.
Amazing guy, I had a chance to hang out with him a lot in the last two days.
He's been a listener for years.
This interview with Billy Corrigan that we're going to air next week is just mind-blowing.
The things he talked about show, that's going to come up next week.
And we're also, again, going to do a big extended interview, this is just radio here, with Ed Haslam today.
Darren McBreen's going to do it with all the documents and things to really give you a briefing.
And then we'll take a few weeks on that to really get it nice.
That'll be on the nightly news.
I'll do a news and then now here's a special report.
So that's what we plan to do there.
We've got about five minutes left in this segment.
Five minutes and then after that I'm gonna get you know Jim for you guys to cross over but tying the two books together and all the bioweapons experts and people you know that pop up in these reports.
Well in 2000 I mentioned that 60 Minutes brought me this witness and I was very interested to meet her and find out what her story really was and she was
I really had to sit down with her for hours to sort out her story and get her timeline straight in my head.
And I finally realized that she could prove that when she was in high school, in a dirt floor laboratory with no budget, that she was giving cancer to mice faster than they were able to do it at the National Cancer Institute.
And the American Cancer Society held a press conference on their annual press briefing down in St.
Petersburg, Florida, which is right up the road from where this gal lived in Bradenton.
And she, lots of moxie, she crashes the American Cancer Society press briefing so that she can tell them about her discoveries.
And while they're about to throw her out, the head of research comes over and says, young lady, why are you here?
And she says, I got this information, you know, and so they let her stay.
And when they realize what she is saying, that she is outperforming.
NCI on this.
They say, we want to go to your laboratory and check it out.
And the guy picks up the telephone and calls his buddy, Alton Oshner, who was president of the American Cancer Society some years before, and says, Alton, get down here.
I want you to meet this woman.
So Alton comes down with this other guy.
They're all kind of older guys at this point in baggy gray suits, all right?
But the three men and Judy get in the car and go to her high school to check this out, okay?
And the first thing they do is say, this is the most dangerous thing we have ever seen.
We're shutting your lab down.
And secondly, you're coming with us up to Buffalo, New York, so we can train you how to handle cancer-causing viruses properly, all right?
I said, Judy, who's the third guy?
I mean, we got Dr. Diehl and Oshner, who's the third guy?
And she said, um, his name was Uri, and he was from the University of Chicago.
That's, and he knew a lot about radiation, and that's all I know about him.
So I look up Uri, University of Chicago, radiation, and we got Harold Uri.
who was the head of the War Sciences Program at Columbia during World War II.
He starts what becomes the Manhattan Project with Zeilert and Fermi, and they all move out to the University of Chicago after the war.
So, the question is not connecting Yuri to Judy, it's why was Alton Aschner... Exactly, stay there, I gotta go to work.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ed Haslam's with us for another 20 minutes.
Jim Marshall will be joining us riding shotgun in the next segment.
Thank you for joining us.
It is the 15th day of March, 2012.
We have former congressman Bob Barr also popping in at the start of the next hour.
The book, Me and Lee, because you were just tying that together, folks just joined us.
Well, Judy, who wrote this book, wants to be the person that finds the cure for cancer.
That's her goal in life.
And so she throws herself head and foot into it when she's in high school.
And she starts getting help from the military.
She's got the documents to prove it.
She starts getting... Well, that was big in the 50s and 60s.
My dad was involved in that in high school, you know, and was sent down to MD Anderson and stuff, but it was across the board.
Right, and it was the Whiz Kid program.
Yeah, that was it, yeah.
And so she was part of all that, and she was getting a lot of support, and she was really making progress.
So when she goes to this American Cancer Society meeting, and they bring in Harold Urey to look at her laboratory, he is with Alt Noshner.
This is March of 1961.
That's right when this linear particle accelerator is going on in New Orleans.
How did she have the proof to get, you know, the head of the weapons program down there?
Um, she had all of her notes.
I mean, she was trained by the woman that was in charge of the local chapter of the American Cancer Society how to do stuff in the laboratory.
And she had this, um, Colonel Philip Doyle looking over her shoulder as part of a project.
So she's, so they're trying to find the Young Bright Minds and they see her data and like, whoa.
That's right.
She can prove that she's giving cancer to mice in seven days.
What she's doing is roasting them with radiation to lower their immune systems.
Then she's putting them in... TSA.
...in chambers, smoke chambers, where she's pumping cigarette smoke in there so she's overexposing them to cigarette smoke at the same time she's lowering their immune system and she's getting back cancer tumors in seven days.
And nobody up at NCI is able to do it that fast.
So they realize that they have an asset who's too young to even be caught.
Because nobody would believe she could do all this stuff.
And they bring her up that summer.
They don't waste any time.
They bring her up that summer up to the Roswell Park Cancer Institute up in Buffalo, New York.
And they have her work in Dr. Moore's lab.
He's in charge of the entire thing.
And they train her especially to handle cancer-causing viruses.
Because they have questions they want to ask that they don't want to tell the public they're asking.
Like, will radiation from x-ray machines trigger cancer in the people with the cancer-causing virus in it from the polio vaccine?
I mean, that's a huge question, because that threatens the whole use of radiation and x-ray in American medicine.
And they have her doing those researches.
Oh, a binary weapon!
You've got the cancer, now you get the radiation and it activates it.
That's right.
And they want to know if that works without asking it in public.
And Judy's got enough evidence to show that she was doing that research with human melanoma cells and radiation, and those documents are in this me and Lee book.
So, the first five chapters of this is all about Judy's cancer background.
She doesn't get into the, um, Lee Oswald subject until 1963 when she gets a phone call from Dr. Oshner that says, Judy, um, how would you like to skip the last two years of college and start medical school in the fall?
We'll pay your tuition, your ruin board, give you a stipend.
And you don't have to finish college.
My dad didn't have to finish UT.
We just have one little project we need you to do this summer and you'll be working with that world-famous...
Stay there, I gotta hear about this!
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And we are back now into our number two.
We have the researcher and amazing investigative journalist who's written two books that, from my own separate research, completely check out with the facts.
And it's Edward T. Haslam, Dr. Mary's monkey, how the unsolved murder of a doctor, a secret laboratory in New Orleans, and cancer-causing monkey viruses are linked to Lee Harvey Oswald, the JFK assassination, and emerging global epidemics.
And then he also
Has that book forwarded by the JFK?
Grand Poobah expert, Jim Mars, former crime reporter with the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, first person to teach a college course on JFK.
Then you have me and Lee, How I Came to Know, Love and Lose, Lee Harvey Oswald, and that's Judith Vary Baker, with an afterword by Jim Mars.
Now, Jim Mars will be with us for the full hour, but I wanted to have some crossover here, and I'm kind of springing this on him here.
We're going to get into the world banking situation, the globalism out in the open, the TSA, all those other issues with Jim.
But in this little short segment, 12-minute segment we've got now, I wanted to have him specifically bring up points because there's so much that are in these books.
And so these two can basically have a discussion here about it.
Jim, why are these books, Dr. Mary's Monkey and Me and Lee, so important?
Oh, well, that's an easy one, Alex.
Number one, once you understand about the adulteration of the polio vaccine back in the 50s, then you'll begin to understand why there's been such an upsurge in the cancer rate.
So this is a story that affects millions of people.
I mean, this actually impacts the public.
We're good to go.
Bottom line, who was Lee Harvey Oswald?
He was a low-level intelligence agent, probably picked up when he went in the Marines.
Actually, I remember his mother, excuse me, I remember his mother, Marguerite, telling me that one day when he was in junior high school, he came home with a military officer.
And this military officer told him, hey, Lee's a sharp kid, and he's a self-motivator, a self-starter.
I don't think so.
Thank you.
Sure, I mean it's elementary that he's at a super secret U2 spy base in Japan, he goes over to Russia, marries a wife who supposedly gets in bed with a KGB and then they just let him right back into the United States, and then he lives with a family of white Russians, for those that don't know what that means, it's not a drink with vodka in it, you know, that was anti-communist forces that got kicked out, you know, during that big war with the Bolsheviks.
I mean it's ridiculous.
Ed, your take on Lee Harvey Oswald?
Well, in New Orleans, he is part of this underground medical laboratory.
He plays an operational support role.
He is Judy's babysitter.
She is the asset they need to perfect the weapon.
And he is in the middle of it.
Judy and Lee both get cover jobs at the Riley Coffee Company on May 10th.
And they start in a subsidiary run by an ex-FBI agent by the name of William Moynihan and then one week later they both transfer over to the Riley Coffee Company.
The reason for this is that allows Moynihan to control their background checks so they don't find the word cancer in Judy's background and they don't find the word Russia in Lee's background.
Because what's going on at the Riley Coffee Company, most of the employees don't know.
And what it is, is Judy and Lee are sneaking out of the Riley Coffee Company and going over to David Ferry's apartment and doing the work with the cancer tumors and the mice.
And so there's this loop of laboratories.
One laboratory is using the radiation.
Another laboratory is growing the cancer tumors in the mice.
And then they bring the mice over to Ferry's where Judy and Lee kill them and chop them up and
Make a puree out of the tumors.
Judy brings it over to Mary Sherman's apartment.
She reviews the work, and they send it back for more radiation.
This is the loop.
And what they're doing, first they kill the mice, then they start using it on monkeys.
And they kill the monkeys.
And first they use South American monkeys, and then they use African monkeys, which are more expensive, okay?
And then after they kill all these things with cancer, they need to test it on a human.
So, where do you get a human you can kill and nobody's going to miss?
Okay, from Angola Penitentiary.
And they take that human over to the Jackson, the East Louisiana State Hospital, which is the Jackson Mental Hospital, and inject him with the weapon to see if he kills him.
Now, part of this is the story of
Lee being seen in Clinton, Louisiana.
Well, Clinton's right down the road from Jackson, okay?
And what they're trying to do is they're waiting for the prisoner to come over and they're gonna go up there in rendezvous so that when they arrive at the front gate, there's this nice van with a state seal on it with a prisoner in it and there's a black Cadillac behind it being driven by Clay Shaw.
All right, so they're going to use that to sneak the weapon and Ferry and Oswald into the hospital.
By the way, it's come out that prisons is one of the favorite places to do these tests on people.
And just out at the Huntsville prison in East Texas, it's famous.
It's come out.
They give people stuff so bad, they kill them all the time.
And it even kills the guards and makes them sick.
And it even pops up in the paper.
Mystery illnesses, mystery deaths.
I mean, it's just hidden in plain view.
But they forgot to read the newspaper.
They forgot to read that Martin Luther King was giving his I Have a Dream speech on August 28th.
So when they arrive in this town, in Clinton, to wait for the van...
They're expecting it to be empty because it's a hot August afternoon.
And what's really going on is because of the Martin Luther King speech the day before, the Congress on Racial Equality has scheduled a black voter registration drive in this essentially Klan-controlled town.
So what you've got is you've got the marshals standing in the middle, the whites on one side of the square, the blacks on the other side of the square, and into the scene drives this black Cadillac.
So the Marshal says, you know, who is this?
Outside agitators?
And so the Marshal, John Manchester, goes over to the guy driving the car and says, may I see your ID?
And the guy pulls out his driver's license and says, I'm Clay Shaw of the International Trademark.
And then Oswald gets out of the back seat and goes over and gets in line with the blacks and tries to register to vote.
And that's why we have the record of this.
Yes, but the record was given to the House Select Committee on Assassinations back in the seventies.
They took it in executive section, stamped it secret, and did not tell us that they knew that Oswald was connected to Clay Shaw, which was the essence of Jim Garrison's case.
They marked it secret, and it did not come out until after Oliver Stone's movie.
Well, you're going to have to go through all of this in a special report we're going to shoot.
I'm going to continue with the radio show here, and with Jim, but just amazing work.
People can read it in both books, Me and Lee and Dr. Mary's Monkey, available at infowars.com.
Jim, we're about to go to break, but a few more minutes on the issues here that we've been covering.
Yeah, well of course, you know, I've been digging into the whole story for years.
When I met Ed and when I was reading his books, and then when I met and interviewed Judith McGregor and heard all this whole story, number one, it all fit.
It just fit so perfectly as to everything else we knew.
But then I went back and started backtracking, and for example, Ed says that Oswald's work at Riley Coffee Company was just a charade.
I don't know.
When I'd finally catch up with him and say, where have you been?
He'd say, oh, I've just been around, you know.
And then Judith Baker said that one of her jobs was to clock Oswald out each day, all right, on the time clock.
And so I went back and checked the time clock records, and sure enough, he was supposed to be at work at 8 and he got off at 5.
Well, you know, like any normal person, he'd clock in at 7.59, 8.01.
They've been falsified all at once.
Oh, she's got all the documentation.
Ed, thank you so much.
We'll be back with Jim Marsh.
Stay with us.
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You know what, I think I'm going to bring a wild card out here with investigative journalist Jim Mars in this short segment and we'll get into the world economy, the wars, all of it with him in the next.
But Jim, I talked about this yesterday, obviously it's getting a lot of news coverage, they're trying to spin it, but this former Goldman Sachs high-level managing director
In fact, guys, will you re-pull me those articles from yesterday and there's new ones today?
Thank you.
Comes out and says, yeah, no, they call everyone scum and we're here to rip everyone off and it's a culture where they don't want to make their clients money, they want to rip them off.
Which people go, that's not a very good business model.
Well, no, it's the biggest because they've got super high frequency computers that only they're allowed to use.
So the whole market, the whole stock market now is a complete joke.
Oh yeah, for years people, I guess because I write books, they think I know something.
And people say, you know, what stock should I invest in?
And Alex, for years I've told them, go to Las Vegas.
The odds are better there.
Well, no, but that's it.
But I mean, we had the Timberwolf emails that were a division of Goldman Sachs, where they literally are like, I'm going to sell these morons, scum, total crud and bet against it.
I mean, it is just a insane level of corruption.
You realize Goldman Sachs was at the bottom, so to speak, of the Gulf oil explosion and the contamination of the whole Gulf, and they now have some of the internal memos, and one of the Goldman Sachs execs was saying, yeah, bye-bye fishies.
You know, they don't care.
They don't care.
They're crazy people.
They're like, I don't care if reactors we own are blowing up.
Who cares if my kids breathe it?
I mean, it's just, they're nuts.
They really are.
This even, to me, goes beyond greed.
I mean, greed's one thing, but hey, Alex, you grew up in Texas and you know a little bit about Texas history.
Texas was built by entrepreneurs and corporate guys, basically.
They called them trusts then.
I think so.
We're good to go.
We're good.
I mean, you have really, I think, hit a deep truth here, driven the nail right through the board, that, I mean, other elites are boss hoggish and corrupt, but they still like seeing people doing well, they like building big palaces, they like, they understand a rising tide raises the ships, and when they get in control, a lot of times strongmen in history have actually
Made things better, kind of the philosopher king in a way, because they want to see things prosper, kind of like Gaddafi.
Not saying he's a good guy, but compared to the globalists, he was good.
The globalists really do want to wreck everything.
They're psychos.
I was, I'm not going to get into it, I was at an elite party last night, I got taken to, and there were like some of the biggest people in the IT world there.
And they were acting like little kids hopping around like crazy people for three hours in front of me.
And it was funny in a way.
And I was about to shoot a YouTube video and somebody goes, don't do that.
But I mean, I'm going, this is who's running things?
But you know what?
I think if you look around, I think I'm losing count.
But right now there's like over 250 resignations of bank money managers.
Some of these top guys.
It's like the rats are deserting the ship.
Do you get that impression?
Yes, and in fact that's been pointed out that hundreds are leaving.
Why do you think that's happening?
They don't want to get the blame for what's coming?
They don't want to have to be putting the stocks or put a noose around their necks, so they're getting out.
They see the whole thing crumbling.
In fact, it's all just kind of, the whole world economy right now, as far as I can tell, is kind of held together with, you know, spit and glue.
All I know is, when you're watching, you know, billionaires juggling glasses and apples and running around crazy at parties with the energy of five-year-olds, and then you talk to these people, and I'm not, and you're like, they must not be running things, or I guess they're blowing off steam.
I mean, more and more I understand the, it's like the elite are in control, and there's some of them that are actually trying to run things, but more and more of the elite are just like running around like crazy people.
Do you see what I'm saying, Jim?
In fact, it reminds me of my study of the last days of Hitler's Third Reich, down in the bunkers in Berlin and all like that.
They weren't sitting around moping.
They were getting drunk and partying and, you know.
Stay with us.
That's exactly what's going on.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central, we are here live back Sundays 4 to 6 p.m.
And we have InfoWars Nightly News.
We're airing some of the old special reports this week and next, but tonight we're going to premiere an hour-plus exclusive interview we did last week with Dave Mustaine, of course one of the founding members of Metallica, and then of course Megadeth.
Uh, who, uh, talks about politics, you know, his view on the world, and, and some issues he said he's never talked about before.
So that's coming up.
Also, uh, Billy Corrigan, who I've, I've always really liked his music, um, and of course, he's also a very accomplished songwriter.
I remember about five years ago, and we're going back to Jim Mars here, I was listening to his music, what, that record called Zeitgeist.
And I'm like, man, this is he's he's awake to the new world order.
This is incredible.
And then I'm sitting there talking to him.
And he said, Oh, yeah, I was, you know, just really waking up right before that time listening to your show.
And I've been talking to him a few nights ago at dinner.
And then last night, when he came in an interview,
Here in studio with his girlfriend, who I didn't even realize is like some giant pop star in her own right.
That shows how ignorant I am, but she's a really nice lady.
It's not like me name-dropping.
Hey, Billy Corgan found her smashing pumpkins hanging out at the office.
Hey, Dave Mustaine.
Hey, I just got a call from this big movie star yesterday.
95% or more of the big stars and people that contact me
Never want to go on air.
In fact, Billy, when we went out to dinner a few nights ago, and then we went and walked around the Capitol and stuff, and I did Twitter a photo of it.
He's a really interesting fellow, really smart.
He wasn't even sure he wanted to do an interview.
He just wanted to meet and talk to me.
I mean, I talked to him over the phone and stuff before that.
And the reason I tell you this story is it resonates with the fact that there is a giant awakening happening.
And Billy said the same thing.
He said, just five years ago, I heard no one talk about the New World Order or the Federal Reserve or, you know, poison in the water or global government.
And he said, now, all around me at restaurants and all over, I hear it, you know, hear it in elevators.
That's what I'm saying.
See, those of you out there who aren't a radio host or TV host,
You're feeling like you're alone.
I want to tell you something, you're not alone.
That's why I say it's important to wear an Infowars.com t-shirt or a Ron Paul shirt, something that, or in the Fed shirt, something that, you know, wear your colors so people can identify.
You know, that's why bird species will have a red dot on them.
That's so birds of the same species can see that and tell, oh, that's a male, that's a female.
You know, that's why militaries wear uniforms, why the police wear uniforms.
We need to go out there and get those radar pings, because I'm not here giving you a pep rally, because I'm giving you what I believe is veritas.
I see through a rose-colored darkly scanner darkly like everybody else, but
I think my darkly is a little bit thinner than some.
And that's my goal in life is to make that darkly thinner and thinner and get as close to real reality as I can get.
I am in love with reality.
I am in love with creation.
And I'm in love with doing the right thing because it feels good in my soul.
When I risk my life and my name to fight tyranny, it is fulfilling.
I even know that if I get arrested and set up and my name destroyed and horrible things said about me, that is going to be fulfilling.
I don't look forward to being tortured if that happens, but that is the fulfillment of the powerful resistance to evil.
That is the pay dirt.
And I'm telling you, I'm delivering the goods.
So are you.
So is Jim Mars.
When you talk to somebody, even if they don't look like they woke up then, it may take 20 times before they wake up.
It may take like a seed you plant one year, a bulb.
I had some bulbs I planted like two years ago.
And, uh, they didn't sprout, and then I was going back by the old house I lived at, and I saw that they had sprouted.
I moved.
I'm like, wow, that's, that's those bulbs that didn't sprout.
But two years later, they did.
There's just finally some rain.
I guess that's the side issue.
I need to go back to Jim.
It's just, I'm like a person at a buffet.
I get all these guest stungs.
I want to talk to them and think they're neat.
And then I've got all these points I want to make.
Maybe I turn into a five hour show.
I guess I've kind of done that with the nightly news, but
The point is, it is always darkest before the dawn.
But I'm here to give you the good news.
There is a giant awakening.
The bad news is the evil knows that and is, just like Jim just said, it's going more crazy now.
The system in the face of this is just going wild.
And like he said, in the Nazi bunkers, not just there in Berlin, but at others, there was sex, partying, delusions that they were going to win imaginary armies.
And it's like Nero or Rome.
I mean, I'm seeing craziness.
Just a few years ago, the elite were more scared.
Now I think they realize they don't control stuff like they thought.
So now they're just going into crazy land.
Jim Mars, you've got the floor on that subject.
I'm sorry, go ahead and start over, Jim.
Oh, am I on?
Yeah, you're on, go ahead.
Well, I tell you what, the one that's blown me away is Defense Secretary Leon Panetta goes to Afghanistan and they disarm the Marines around him.
We're good to go.
What more do you need?
That they disarm our own troops around the Defense Secretary because they know the troops are beginning to figure out that two and two is not five!
You know, I think you're right.
I started the show with this today.
The magnitude that the Associated Press, London Telegraph, are all reporting and admitting, and the Pentagon admits, the troops cannot be trusted.
Well, that's why they say the troops are the number one enemy, because they know these are killing machines that are going to wake up
To the fact that the evil empire took over America, and the fact that they're scared of the troops.
And by the way, police, they hate you too.
Anybody who's been taught to use force, and anybody who knows the secret that the veneer of civilization is very thin, and that you don't, you're not afraid to use violence, these little criminals hate you, as Henry Kissinger said,
And want to kill you.
And that's why they inject you with soft kill cancer viruses when you're in the military.
Now there are ways to try to counteract that, but we've got it on record.
Everyone that joins the military, unless they're part of an elite family, is given soft kill binary weapon systems so that by the time you hit 40 or 50 you start degenerating.
It's a self-destruct mechanism.
You're a robot that's meant to shut down because they know you're going to become self-aware.
Most humans I've found are unconscious
And are basically biological androids.
When you become illuminated... And again, the Illuminati creates counterfeits of everything real.
When you become awake, that's self-aware.
Not all humans are really self-aware.
They're trying to keep you from becoming self-aware with this whole control system.
And with the military, they know you're becoming self-aware, so they're building kill switches in.
What do you think about that, Jim?
Oh, absolutely, and I mean, you know, this is corporate mentality taken to the nth degree.
You create this killing machine and then you program it to self-destruct, and that way you don't have to pay a lot of medical expenses and VA.
I think so.
Yeah, I mean I'm not a fan of Saddam Hussein, CIA on record, put into power, that whole history's there but not publicized.
And he could go out and stand in front of 10,000 people with grenade launchers and AK-47s firing in the air, but the Defense Secretary says, disarm the Marines when my helicopter lands.
Now, here's another disconnect.
Excuse me.
My allergies are going nuts.
Oak, man, it's hitting me hard as well.
Okay, here's another disconnect.
Now think about this.
We're in Afghanistan to begin with because we went in there to get Osama Bin Laden.
Well, oops, wait a minute.
We didn't get him.
If we did get him, according to the official story, we got him here, you know,
Last year, and we've already got him, and if you really study it, you'll find he's probably been dead since December of 2001.
But anyway, so the cause celebrate for going to Afghanistan is no longer there.
So what's the rationale for us keeping troops in Afghanistan, a country that's
We're good to go.
See, people are like, we're losing in Afghanistan.
We're not, because we're not there.
The global bankers have got our military there to get the 500 billion a year conservatively in opium.
Again, they get exposed growing it.
So they go, well, the troops are getting upset about growing the opium.
We'll have them form up in front of Geraldo Rivera.
We'll have them admit it on TV.
And the psych warfare chiefs are like, what's the point of that?
Don't you get it?
Hide it in plain view.
It loses its power.
That's right.
And that's why, by the way, that's why the famous football star Pat Tillman, you know, he told all his buddies, man, when I get out, I'm going to go home and tell everybody we're just over here guarding the poppy field.
And oh, he shot my head coming back from some routine mission by some snipers who just happened to have just joined his outfit.
Come on, folks, wake up, smell the coffee.
Yeah, he was a big PR bonanza for him.
Going in, but they didn't want him coming out.
But in his murder that first they launched, he charged single-handedly an Al Qaeda nest.
Bin Laden might have even been there.
He was incredible, the fire he took and how many Al Qaeda's he took out.
Turned out there was no one around.
They killed him.
He hid behind a rock, after they'd already shot him a few times, and they came up and they killed him.
And then the Army, the good news is the Army coroner, the colonel, would not lie and said this is homicide.
Well, I mean, you know, a couple of taps to the head.
I don't think those Taliban are that good of shots.
Besides that, according to the reports I saw, he was heading back and he was waving his arms and he said, hey, it's me, it's Pat Tillman, you know me.
Bam, bam, they shoot him.
Come on, folks.
Get with it.
Of course, you know, then all they gotta do is throw some money and have a TV special or some specially made movie and turn the whole thing around and put the, you know, cover it all up.
Look at how they killed five members of the private lynch's unit.
The survivors were like, she hid, she didn't fight anybody.
They're like, oh, you're all dead.
Well, same deal.
Hey, you know, bunch of those guys that supposedly went in and got Osama bin Laden, well, oh, gee, they got killed in a helicopter crash.
Yeah, they just crammed 23 of them onto an old rickety helicopter.
But on the news, they were going to a rescue mission to rescue people in the army.
And the letter was like, well, that wasn't true.
And then I've talked.
I mean, I don't know why anybody believes anything anymore.
Alex, my motto has become, I don't believe anything's true until the government denies it.
Hey, let's bring this up.
Because it's so big I want to go back to it.
Soldiers asked to disarm during Leon Panetta's speech in Afghanistan, and they said for the safety of the Secretary of Defense.
This is a guy who announced last week that yes, the military is under UN command and the Congress has no authority over that.
I'm sure his hidden thought was, oh my God, what if they arrest me for treason?
Because that's treasonous, folks!
The Constitution says only Congress has the power to declare war.
Now, they've abdicated that time after time, going all the way back to the phony Gulf of Tonkin incident, which didn't even happen.
And then, but, but, Lyndon Johnson says,
Our boys are floating in the water!
And, uh, I brought out the power to respond!
So they passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution in Congress, which gave him the power to wage war in Vietnam, okay?
And it was all based on a lie, and a total phony thing, and that's not some conspiracy theory.
That was an article in U.S.
News & World Report ten or fifteen years ago.
The phony battle that led to war, okay?
It's just fact.
And, uh, but...
But at least Congress acted, even though irresponsibly.
But now, Panetta, before Congress, says, no, we only send the military in when foreign organizations approve that, like Japan or NATO.
A direct violation of the Constitution.
I'm here to tell you, Leon Panetta and about three quarters of Congress are domestic enemies.
Yeah, take those guns away from those Marines.
You know, they might actually take their oath to the Constitution seriously.
I gotta say, the troops I talk to, especially if they're actually combat troops, I mean, I run into some of these pencil pushers.
Oh yeah, yeah, rear-edge line guys.
Yeah, who literally don't know how to lace up their own boots.
But when you run into real soldiers, I gotta say, almost all of them are awake.
I don't really run into any of them that are idiots.
I mean, compared to the public, the military is completely awake.
I guess they live in the real world.
Well, I wonder if that's why most campaign contributions from the rank and file of the Army, Navy, and Air Force have gone to Ron Paul.
The one guy who's talking truth and who says we don't need to be fighting in those other countries.
Well, I tell you, Ron Paul has come out, but now it's not getting media attention.
He has been defrauded.
He did win in the early states and they just blacked it out.
So they're disarming our soldiers and then shooting them up with deadly vaccines and all kinds of test experimental drugs and then they're taking our boat away from us and yet everybody's just
Going along, you know.
Hey, everyone that's listening to this program, take it upon yourself to go out and try to wake up one other person.
Just one other person, okay?
Just say, hey, ask them, hey, if we're supposed to be so afraid of terrorists, how come they won't secure the border?
And ask them, hey, what about that third tower that went down in New York on 9-11?
You know, do you know about that?
Well, look into it.
You know, try to get them waked up.
Uh, there's more of us than there are of them.
And if we just say no, it'll all come to a screeching halt.
Are you seeing the big awakening I'm seeing, Jim?
Oh, absolutely.
I see it all over the place.
The problem is everybody thinks they're alone.
And because you don't see it on the mass corporate media.
It's like Ceausescu in Romania.
But finally, when people stood up, it's like, wow, you don't like the government either?
It's all there.
They've just got us cowed and they've got us bamboozled.
I mean, think about the last few months.
Stay there, stay there.
We're coming right back, Jim.
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Day after day, alone on a hill
Everybody laughs at him.
Yeah, he's the guy talking about the big banks and the New World Order.
See the world spinning round.
Jim Barnes is with us five minutes to the next hour, then we've got former congressman Bob Barr on about the TSA, the police state, and more.
I forget the point you were getting to when we went to break and you got cut off, but I gotta raise this.
This Kony 2012 thing with George Bush in it and all these globalists, it's just a convenient boogeyman to invade Africa.
That's now admitted, the resolution's entered, but the makers of the film went there to propagandize and the population chased them trying to stone them saying,
Don't try to invade our country.
We know what you're doing.
No one's seen Joseph Kony in six years.
I mean, the Africans, they're not living in fantasy land.
They know that when the UN says they want to invade to help folks, they know that means get ready to die.
What do you make of that, Jim?
Uh, and so they're having a problem with that.
So now it's like, well, let's go to some African nation.
You know, we go to Bule Wali Gamba and nobody's going to know or care.
And so, yes, that's exactly, this is their old modus operandi.
So it's nothing new.
It's exactly what they try.
And of course, once you get a war started, then you have to rally around the chief and you have to,
I think so.
Romney, they're all fighting and they say this and they counter with that.
And by the way, don't even mention Ron Paul.
I mean, he's just a nut and he can't win.
So for goodness sakes, don't look at him.
Let's don't include him in the debate because he offers a real alternative.
But through all of that, where was our attention on Barack Hussein Obama?
It wasn't there.
He's just skating, isn't he?
He's got a free ride, doesn't he?
He does, man.
He is power-grabbing.
And he's been doing, you know, he's run up the biggest deficit in U.S.
He's reneged on every single one of his campaign promises.
He's created all these czars that have no real experience in government or business, and yet they're now trying to redefine
What do you think the flashpoint is?
Do things just continue to rot or do you see some upheaval coming?
Well, I see some upheaval, but unfortunately I don't see it stemming from an irate population.
I see it coming because of external forces.
More earthquakes, more tsunamis, more volcanoes, more tornadoes, geophysical changes.
And then, of course, that would precipitate economic collapse, too.
What do you think's driving that?
I mean, obviously we pay Al Gore money, that's not gonna fix it.
Why do you think there are statistically more earthquakes and things happening?
There was a tsunami, as you know, yesterday in Japan.
Uh, well, I don't know.
But I'll tell you what, they've been predicting that a massive body is coming into our solar system.
Stay there, stay there.
Stay there.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Former Congressman Bob Barger to join us after the break.
On a host of issues, including the TSA, the ignoring of the War Powers Act, everything.
I should add, best-selling author Jim Mars is with us.
His website is jimmars.com.
And Jim, of course, is a best-selling author.
You were getting into... Well, you asked me why I thought that all these earth changes, these geophysical changes are taking place.
And number one, I don't know.
In fact, I'm not sure anybody knows for sure, or if they do, they're not telling us.
But what I was saying is that I have news clippings all the way back into the 80s, where they were saying that they had evidence that there was some other body that was moving into a massive object, moving into our solar system.
And what I do know for a fact is, is that these changes that are taking place are not limited to just the Earth.
The polar caps on Mars are decreasing, meaning that that ice is melting.
There's ice on some of the moons of Jupiter.
Yeah, but if you pay Al Gore money, he'd fix it.
Oh, yeah, yeah.
We just need to put in a carbon tax, and we take care of that.
But then sunspot activity is acting very erratic.
Ice on these moons are melting the outer planets, becoming more luminescent.
Whatever's going on, it's impacting our entire solar system.
Uh, now, what exactly that is and what does it mean?
I don't know, I'm not sure anybody does, but all you gotta do is look around you.
I know you've mentioned the Seaport up in Pittsburgh in Norway.
Yeah, the governments and corporations are acting like it's the end of the world.
They're all digging in.
That's right.
See, think about this, folks.
Go to the FEMA website, and the government website for FEMA, and they will tell you, if you're smart, you'll stockpile enough food and water for three days.
And yet the government is building these huge underground bunker cities, and they're stockpiling enough weapons, food, and water the last 10, 20, 30 years.
So what is it they know, and that they're not telling you?
And in Switzerland, the public all has at least two years supply, underground generators, water, everything, for their low tax rate.
That's right.
Well, you know, all I can think about is when I was a young man, every major city had bomb shelters, fully stocked with food and water and everything else because of the Cold War and the fear that we might have a nuclear exchange.
Well, you know, where's the civil defense today?
We don't have any!
Because they don't care.
They want us dead.
And that's another thing, folks.
When you listen to Alex Jones and other people like this and they're hollering and screaming and they're telling you better watch it, you better do something about all this.
Listen, this is not just politics.
This is not just getting involved with civics.
This is self-defense.
Because these people want you dead.
And you better understand that.
You better start doing something or they're gonna get their wishes.
And they say they want us dead, and they admit all of this, but it's all in scholarly documents.
But more and more they are publicly circulating it, and we've got to come together, we've got to continue to wake people up and take action.
Jim, tell folks briefly, we're about to go to break here, and have to say bye, about your latest book.
Well, I'm working on a book right now that's really going to open some eyes, but I haven't even turned it in, but hopefully it'll be out after the first year, and we'll talk at great length at that time.
Alex, how's that?
Well, all of them are amazing.
The book you did on the Fourth Reich is really, really powerful.
Right, and we see that coming more and more into focus, Dutch.
We got crazy people running stuff.
Jim Mars, God bless you.
We'll talk to you again soon.
Thank you.
Alright, there goes Jim Mars, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com.
We're scheduled to have Bob Barr coming up to talk about the TSA and more on the other side.
Some big developments on the TSA front.
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We just talked to Bob Barr during the break, and he thought he was on at 1.30 Central, 2.30 Eastern.
But he says he'll be ready in five minutes, because I want to hear what he has to say about his lawsuit with the TSA and all the rest of it.
So he should be joining us here in about five minutes.
Speaking of TSA news, we did a report.
At Infowars.com, yesterday that got national attention via the DrudgeReport.com and other sites, that the big Orlando airport is looking at kicking the TSA out because it's killing tourism.
There's different numbers, they vary widely between 20 billion, 40 plus billion, but the latest numbers are over 40 billion dollars in lost
Revenue to communities around this country and to this nation and to individuals obviously And to the parasitic government and tax money Forty billion dollars a year in lost tourism but Goldman Sachs that runs this country Just doesn't care and you saw the headlines yesterday where one of their top managing directors came out and said I'm quitting I Can't be part of a culture where we hate our customers and try to rip them off
In fact, I know you guys brought that back in to me.
I meant to cover that again.
Or did you guys bring that back in?
Because I don't see it here in my stack.
Will you re-pull me the Goldman Sachs exec Smith?
Because I want to read his exact quotes.
I don't want to just...
I don't want to just give people my take on it.
Yeah, here it is.
Maybe I'll ask Bob Barr about this too.
So I'll get to that later after Bob Barr leaves us.
Here's the type of news I see all the time, but it's from Cyber News Service, cnsnews.com.
It's in Texas newspapers when this stuff happens every few weeks now.
In fact, they've stopped pledging allegiance, not because they see it as fascistic, as some people do, in South Texas.
I was down there and saw in the papers last year, but because it's racist.
And they've stopped in San Antonio.
You get in trouble if you say USA, USA.
By the way, if you're a new listener, I'm not joking.
It'd be like if 10 years ago I went on the radio and said, yeah, the TSA, they're putting in the airports, that's a federal power grab.
They're gonna start grabbing your genitals.
No one would believe that.
They'd be like, you know what, buddy, that's crazy.
You've gone too far.
Now it's like, yeah, what's the big deal?
Oh, they go in the pants.
Yeah, that's freedom.
But what am I getting at?
I grew up born here in Texas and grew up going down across the border to go sightsee, to go buy hats, sombreros, whatever.
Knives, bull whips, just fun stuff you want when you're a kid.
Arrowheads, stuff like that.
And I have been in the last five, six years down to a few of those places.
It looks like a war zone.
Once vibrant border towns on both sides are hell holes with everything boarded up.
There are rocket attacks.
There are newspaper people being killed on both sides.
There is total fear.
And our criminal government doesn't care because it's shipping the guns down to Mexico to further destabilize things.
And the border region now is basically Mexico.
And I see articles like this.
Gun battle in Mexico forces U.S.
to shut down two border crossings.
Well, actually, when I was down by the border last year, I went down to South Padre.
It was in the newspaper that there were gun battles, you know, outside the high school football game.
Well, it turned out it was actually in the parking lot.
And there were Mexican troop helicopters over on the U.S.
And again, this is just going on every day now.
And there are lakes that border Mexico, and you see the cases where a husband and wife are out on jet skis, and Mexican drug cartels shoot and kill the husband, and the national media says, shut up, woman, your husband drowned.
Because there's no violence down there.
I mean, this is a perfect PSYOP example of where you've got a better chance of dying.
Look up the statistics.
Scientific American even did a report on this two years ago.
That's where we got a lot of our numbers.
Champagne corks, bee stings, you know, I talk about this ad nauseum, slipping and falling, I mean, are just many times more dangerous than terrorism.
But you would believe it was the end of the world.
No, it's just a federal power grab.
That's all that's going on here.
Meanwhile, it's over 40,000 dead now in the last, what, almost four years.
On the Mexico side, it's over 2,000 on our side.
I mean, that's huge.
That's war level.
We were losing, what, 2,000 troops a year in Iraq.
We're losing more than that, and it's not even on the radar.
Because they don't want you to be scared of something real.
They don't want you to be concerned about a real security threat, because they're going to use this to merge the entire continental security perimeter, as they said four years ago in the North American Union SPP documents.
But here's CNS News.
Gun battles in Mexico force U.S.
to shut down two border crossings.
Several gun battles between Mexican military forces and drug traffickers prompted U.S.
authorities, same ones shipping guns into Mexico, to temporarily shut down two international bridge crossings on the southwest border last week.
The two bridges are located at the U.S.
Customs and Border Protection Port of Entry in Eagle Pass, Texas, connecting Eagle Pass, Texas to the Padres Negros in Mexico.
And it just goes on.
And this is all in the local newspapers.
But this is not in the national news unless it's CNS News or Drudge Report or InfoWars.
It's just not being discussed.
It doesn't exist.
Who has covered that impeachment proceedings, that legislation of Obama continues to launch wars on congressional approval, that impeachment's gonna be triggered?
You'd think that'd be a top news story.
It has never been anywhere but InfoWars.com from day one, Drugs Report from day one, and then WorldNet Daily.
And I, every day I keep doing a search, I found some little gazette in a small town, some small town paper did a story on it.
I'm checking with a Google search every newspaper in this country.
Every day going, come on, this has got to become a news item.
We've got to force this out there.
Now, we are forcing a story out there.
It's been forced on a talk radio.
It is being discussed.
It is a big buzz in the military.
Big buzz in Congress.
It's like you got one world that's on the internet that knows this stuff's going on, and then you've got people who do not know anything.
They don't know the branches of government, they don't know about the Constitution, and they think you're a weirdo if you want to know about this stuff.
They think fashion or sports is paramount.
And I know, as listeners, you know this.
I know you know this before you ever heard my radio show.
People have always marveled at how some people don't care, don't want to be involved.
But those out there that do brush up against this show or other shows like it, you need to understand there's a reason our economy's falling apart.
There's a reason corruption's at all-time highs.
There's a reason we're losing our optimism.
And it's because you can't
Have freedom if you do not have an informed population.
And people are like, duh!
No kidding, Sherlock!
Look, I know that seems really simple.
If you don't have liberty, you're not going to have prosperity.
If you don't have liberty, then you do not have freedom.
And you're like, yeah, liberty is freedom.
Look, a lot of people don't get that.
They're like, I don't care if the government gets rid of our rights.
I have nothing to hide.
Really, do you think, say, a German or a French, what was Gaul 2,200 years ago, when the Romans were first starting to make forays into those areas to get slaves and gladiators and the rest of it, I mean, you think somebody fishing in, say, what's Gaul today or what's Austria today,
Do you think somebody fishing, when a bunch of Roman soldiers come marching over the hill, do you think they did anything wrong?
Do you think they... No!
People want to enslave you.
They want to kill you and grab your women and haul them back over the hill and take them back to Rome.
And that's the point.
People need to get this through their heads.
And I'm talking to new listeners here.
Just because you don't have something to hide, that, oh, go ahead and take my privacy,
Go ahead and make me guilty until proven innocent.
That idea is slavery.
That idea is the end of our society.
People say, oh, defend America.
Oh, Alex, America's under attack, we gotta give our rights up.
What is America?
I mean, America's not had a perfect history, but compared to others, it's been the benchmark in freedom.
And that's what America is.
It's a set of ideas and a culture and a system.
And because we were so free, we developed the wealth.
And so the powerful interests came in and took control because we were the biggest, baddest thing in town.
Does he want to go now?
Is he on the phone?
What does he want?
He can give us 30 minutes, right?
Let's do bottom of the hour.
Bottom of the hour.
We're doing producing on the air, which is good.
Hey, come on in here, Chris.
Because that's an interesting point, because he said five minutes, and would you call him back?
He's happy either way.
I don't care.
Well, what's his preference?
What's his preference?
Yeah, let's not have it all broken up with breaks.
So he's happy at 33 after?
Let's just get him on then.
33 after.
Good job.
I don't know.
It just seems like common sense.
I mean, why would police want to stomp on people's rights when those are your rights, too?
Why would bureaucrats get off on bossing people around?
I mean, do you want to live in a country where people act like that?
I mean, this is your country, too.
I mean... What did Fred call it?
And I hate to use potty humor here, but it's the only thing that works.
Don't pee in the pool, man.
I mean, sometimes I go to public pools and stuff when I'm out of town or whatever, you know, where I see a pool pool.
And you see everybody, you can tell when they're peeing in the pool, they got that look on their face.
And they'll look at you when you get up, go to the bathroom inside, like you're kind of, ooh, look, he's a weirdo.
He's going in there to pee.
And I'm looking at you going, look, I know you're peeing in the pool.
You know, I watched you swim around for an hour.
And, uh, you got that look on your face, that satisfied look.
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We are back.
Bob Barr, former congressman, has been fighting the TSA.
He's going to join us, give us a report on where their operation is going.
I mentioned this earlier whenever I had the one, the only Jim Mars on with us, but we were covering so many topics so fast we didn't spend a lot of time on it.
We've got a big video coming out
This afternoon that I want to go viral.
You never know what's going to go viral.
I shot like four videos over the weekend.
Just when I get mad, I shoot a video and upload it to the YouTube channel.
And all total, they have like a million and a half views.
You know, one of them has got like 600 and something thousand by itself.
Because I tend to get focused when I'm alone, or just at home with the family, because I get in the office and there's the crew and fax and things coming at me.
And it's fine, it's just that I can really be more cogent walking around in the woods with a little video camera.
But we have a report we shot yesterday that Aaron stayed up most of the night putting together that's going to go up.
I don't know the title of it yet, but it deals with the huge African invasion.
And all the proof of that.
And I think Aaron's spitting it out right now.
I wonder if he had time to add this.
I wish, by spitting it out the computer's now rendering it, which is one of the longest processes, but my problem is when we're so right so often, we don't ever toot our horn
Properly about how right we've been not so.
Oh look.
I'm smart, but so people understand we know what we're talking about I've noticed there's a COINTELPRO operation So I've tracked it to sock puppet accounts other things on InfoWars and similar deal on YouTube I Can go look at their channels their history and search the names, and I've done it.
You know just to study how the globalists operate
They have both hired PR people, but then they also have actual just software systems that do it, and that's on record.
But it's like Alex Jones, nothing he said ever came true.
And they're like, he said there'd be war in Iran.
It never happened.
Now if you think bombs going off every week, military bases getting blown up, and
People being assassinated, and magnet bombs being thrown onto cars, and the media admitting that a proxy war is going on.
I mean, I guess, you know, I said a bunch of wars were coming in the Middle East about two years ago, and it'd be proxy wars from documents.
They're like, that never happened, really?
You don't think Libya?
You don't think Egypt?
You don't think Syria?
You don't call those wars?
Through proxies?
I told you the Arab Spring was staged, because it was staged on record.
Google, which I told you was run by the NSA, that's now admitted.
The head of the NSA runs Google now.
The former head.
And so there's always this spin, like, Alex, what came true?
Well, world government, well, that it would be run by megabanks, whether they would start openly saying they were going to drug the water.
Well, that happened too, but what else?
That they'd start using military on the streets, that they'd start saying, were you in command of the military?
That they'd start disarming the troops around officers.
Oh, that's happening.
Well, you were right there again.
That the government brings in the drugs and was shipping the guns into Mexico six years ago, I told you, and would blame the second amendment for it.
Then that all got leaked.
Okay, you were right about that, but Alex is never right about anything.
You think it was fun day one coming out and saying 9-11 was an inside job and losing 70 plus percent of my affiliates because I wouldn't shut up?
No, but it had to be done.
And you know, it's one of my most valuable accomplishments is that I could care less about being popular or how much money I was making, that it was about, I'm going to tell the truth, that's what has value to me.
And the fact that that idea is so rare is why we're in all this trouble.
That is my most prized possession, is that I am uncompromising with the truth.
And I have courage.
And I'm not a coward.
Because I understand you can't give in to evil.
That's valuable.
That's not chapters I look back at and think, oh man, I'd be a lot bigger.
The system needs to pat me on the head and to make me think that I somehow have achieved something because it's there.
You know, now giving me entree.
No, I don't want that.
But we called... I'll be honest though, we did not call the county thing 100% right.
It was a lot worse than what I said.
We were dead on that it was a new boogeyman launch operation.
Now the U.N.
admits that it's all public.
Nine countries they want to invade in Africa with boogeymen in each one.
Most of them haven't been seen in years.
Perfect boogeymen who are probably dead so they can just blast everything.
The U.N.
is slaughtering people all over Uganda and Congo right now.
Huge oil, everything found there.
And here it is, Kony 2012 video.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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This is Alex Jones for survivalseedbank.com.
Alright, former Congressman Bob Barr, he's also been the Libertarian presidential nominee a few years back, is our guest and I have wanted to get him on the show so we can get some updates on what his Liberty Guard group is doing with its FOIA requests, lawsuits, with the
You know, now South Park last night had their episode.
I actually watched it this morning.
I don't normally watch it, but not too much into the potty humor, but they made a good point here.
They were calling it the...
Well, I'll get into it later.
The point is, across cultural lines, everybody is sick of the TSA.
It is the big issue, like nothing I've ever seen, that has unified Americans along political lines, religious lines, racial, regional.
Everyone I know, and I've seen the polls, it's 90 plus percent, cannot stand what the TSA is doing.
There's some conformist out there who on the news will say, oh, I don't like it, but, you know, it's needed.
No, it's not.
I cannot fly.
I cannot subject my children to what top psychologists have said is pedophilia training.
To have strangers grabbing and groping your children, including their genitals.
They got caught groping old women, strip-searching them, they lied about that, and then got caught, they lied about the radiation strength of the scanners, and Bob Barr has been all over this.
Of course, Bob Barr
Also is involved in a lot of other areas trying to defend liberties and I want to discuss some of those with him as well.
But please sir, give us the latest and thank you for joining us on what's happening in your investigation and sparring with the TSA.
Thanks very much, Alex.
It's great to be back with you and your many, many listeners once again.
By the way, just as a sidelight on TSA, about a week ago I was traveling at a certain airport and I showed the TSA person my congressional ID as a former member of Congress.
I have an official government ID that identifies me as a former member of Congress.
It has an official government seal.
It says right on the
I don't know.
And the supervisor, a gentleman probably about 50 years old, he looks at it, studies it under one of their little flashlight things that they think are so impressive, shines a light on it, and says, I'm going to have to look this up.
And I said, well, fine.
It's fine with me.
And then the other guy pipes up and says, this guy refused to show me a driver's license.
I said, I didn't refuse anything.
I just indicated to you that this was an official government ID.
So the guy, the other guy, then literally takes about five minutes to thumb through a couple of little books that they have with various forms of identification.
He says, it's not in here.
I've never seen it before.
And I said, well, it doesn't matter whether you've seen it before.
It's an official government ID, but it's not in my book.
I said, well, that's fine.
It's still an official government ID.
This is sort of typical, Alex, of the problems that are magnified tens of thousands of times daily across the country.
Just a minor problem, but the more serious problems are the ones that you just mentioned, that our organization, Liberty Guard, is fighting.
We began this battle with TSA back in November of 2010.
You recall, of course, that's when they started really hassling people and we began and started issuing cards to people, we being Liberty Guard, the opt-out alliance.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Well, and almost immediately after there was this big flap, and a number of folks were calling for an opt-out day, all of a sudden, right before Thanksgiving of 2010, the TSA backed away and didn't use the machines.
Well, we thought this was mighty interesting that they make this big push, they say these machines are absolutely essential and air travel safety will be severely compromised if not, and so forth, and then all of a sudden they don't do it when they're faced with a public backlash.
Well, of course, we couldn't get any information out of them.
We filed a Freedom of Information Act request and they denied it.
I think so.
against TSA, simply seeking access to the information that led them to both first say that these machines are essential and then all of a sudden they back away from it and we want to see the documents.
And that's the status of our lawsuit right now, Liberty Guard versus the TSA.
Now, I want to give out websites and other contacts for folks that want to get the card because people say, well, what's the point of it?
It creates a form of unity.
It points out that we know we have our rights.
It starts to create a lobby for liberty.
And that's what we have to do is get together.
And it also lets them know as they see these cards more and more.
That there's a solidarity, obviously, Congressman.
You know that, but I'm just pointing it out for some new listeners that are saying, what's the point of this?
Do you agree with me that this is probably the biggest unifying issue that we've seen in a decade?
It is, I think, Alex, because it affects so many people and the measures that the TSA are taking are so intrusive and so arbitrary that they really touch the heart and soul of what it means to be an American to not have to subject yourself to the humiliation, the absolute humiliation of having the government be able to take a public, a nude photograph of you in public
And to subject you, at their arbitrary whim, to an extremely invasive path.
I mean, this is what I learned many, many years ago in law school, were such actions by the government that they could only use on somebody on whom they had clear suspicion of criminal activity.
And now they're subjecting average, law-abiding American citizens and law-abiding foreign
Sure, I mean, if you saw somebody run out of a liquor store after a robbery, you catch them down the street, they look like they shove a gun down their pants.
Well, for your safety, as a police officer, you tackle them, you get the gun.
But you don't just march little kids up and everybody's guilty until proven innocent.
In fact, you're a lawyer, you've been in the CIA, you've been in international delegations, you know, you've sat on key committees in Congress, so you're a leading expert on these issues.
So let me ask you this.
This is a layman.
I'm not a lawyer, I'm not all these things.
But just as a person who studied the Common Law Bill of Rights Constitution.
Read what the Founding Fathers wrote.
Read a few court cases.
Had a lot of lawyers on.
Constitutional lawyers.
I mean, if the FBI can't randomly go to a park and start rubbing the outside of your pants or, God forbid, going inside, as they're now doing, the state police can't do it.
So how do the feds create a group that aren't even sworn bonded officers?
There's no discussion of jurisdiction.
And now I've confirmed they're on highway searching cars.
They're in Dallas.
They now have army personnel with TSA.
You can just search TSA Inspector and you'll see photos online of National Guard out at a, you know, Bay Fest in Alabama.
And there's National Guard with guys that say TSA Inspector searching little kids' bags, just randomly, not even going into a sports stadium, but entering downtown.
I mean, to me it's nothing but acclamation, but how
How do they do this?
I mean, where's the 10th Amendment?
Where's the 4th?
Where is the due process?
I mean, Texas, as you know, tried to pass a law, and I want you to speak to this, last year, unanimously passed the House.
The Feds threatened a blockade of the airways, so the Senate backs off.
But how do they do this?
How are they engaging in this type of activity?
That is the fundamental question, Alex.
You pose it over and over again, and the answer to it is they can do this because we, the American people, let them do it.
There is no reasonable basis at all in the Constitution
We're good.
We're good to go.
That's the direction they're going in.
And when you ask, as I've done sometimes, ask the TSA person, what is the reasonable basis?
What crime do you suspect me of?
They have no idea what you're even asking them.
But until the American people stand up, both individually and collectively and through our representatives at the state level and at the federal level, they're going to continue to get away with this.
Folks can go to LibertyGuard.org and find out more and organize and get involved in your community.
You guys are building a powerful grassroots organization around the Fourth Amendment, around states' rights, around due process, innocent, until proven guilty.
Just an amazing website with so much information.
If people are angry and want to fight back for their liberty, not just for now but for the future, get involved at LibertyGuard.org.
And that's my next question.
A, what is the government thinking?
Because, you know, I didn't like Bush and I don't like Obama, but really under Obama stuff has gotten markedly three or four times worse.
Not just on that front, but NDAA,
Protest bills being passed where it's a felony.
I mean, it's getting downright creepy.
Even for somebody like myself that is just, you know, wildly untrusting of government.
I mean, it's even starting to really overshoot what I thought they would do.
I mean, I guess I'm babbling.
The point is, what are they thinking?
Are they trying to turn the whole public against them?
Listen, it's not babbling at all, Alex.
You bring up very important points that bear repeating over and over and over again until this sinks into a strong majority of the American people.
Far too many of our fellow citizens, despite your show, despite the work that you do in getting these ideas out there, and the work that I do in my small way to teach the Constitution and fight in court against the government,
Despite our efforts, there still are way too many people out there who are willing to accept this intrusiveness on the part of the government because they believe or sense that it makes them safer.
Of course, it doesn't.
That does not still, even if it did make us safer, that does not make it right.
It does not make it constitutional.
And you mentioned the so-called Viper Program, VIPR, that the TSA is now using to stop trucks on interstates, to go to sporting events,
To go to bus stations, to go to train stations, and arbitrarily start frisking people, going through their bags, and so forth.
And this administration, what makes it particularly troubling with this administration is that this administration, the Obama administration, both as a candidate when Senator Obama was running for president and shortly after
We're good to go.
Have you seen the video of Congressman Bob Barr joining us, listeners?
Have you seen last Tuesday the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Panetta, and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Dempsey, with the Secretary of Defense, Panetta, up there telling Senators that we don't need to get approval for wars now from Congress.
The President gets it from the UN.
Have you seen that?
I did, and it's one of those things that at first I thought, this is a joke, this is like the Daily Onion or whatever the newspaper is.
But darned if you look at it, and
Unfortunately, as bad as this is, the genesis for this started under Bush 1.
When Bush 1 went to the United Nations to get the United Nations seal of approval to kick Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait back in 1991.
It started under Bush 1 and then it continued under Clinton and continued under Bush 2 and now we've moved to the point where we have an administration
You're right, and Breitbart went with that quote, but within that seven and a half minute tape, then I went and watched the raw footage, it was even worse, on C-SPAN site.
The Senator Sessions keeps saying, look, go ahead and say Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11.
You know it's Congress that's in charge, right?
And the Secretary of Defense says, we get it from the UN, that's where the President gets it, NATO.
And then the Senator says, I'm losing my breath here.
I can't believe... And I watched the weird surliness of the generals behind him.
It was almost like a standoff, because I've watched so many congressional hearings.
You know, you've been there with those guys in front of you.
But in the past, they were deferential towards Congress, their bosses.
They were acting kind of like, hey, move over little dog.
You know, fat dogs moving in.
I certainly hope that we don't face four more years of this administration.
Even if we don't, if we do have hopefully a new president sworn in January 20th of 2013, these things, these problems are not going to change overnight because they reflect a very gradual but very substantive change in the way our government operates.
It's going to take a lot of continued work on your part, Alex, on our part with Liberty Guard, other organizations and individuals staying involved
We have to turn this around, because every time they do something like this, it builds on what has gone before and strengthens the ability of government to simply run roughshod over the American people and to run roughshod over the Constitution of the United States.
I know you're a news hound, and any question I've ever asked you, you've been informed of it and been able to comment.
This just broke this morning.
I don't know if you've seen it yet, but soldiers asked to disarm during Leon Panetta's speech in Afghanistan.
The Associated Press, London Telegraph are reporting, and the Pentagon admits,
That when Panetta went and spoke to a group of Marines, they asked that they all leave their arms in their barracks, and the Pentagon went on to say that it was for his security.
Have you ever heard of something like this now, where the Secretary of Defense is afraid to be around US troops with weapons?
No, and further on that story that you just referred to is the fact that part of the U.S.
General's excuse or rationale for doing this as well, we had Afghan soldiers here and we didn't want to make them feel that they were being discriminated against by having them leave their weapons and U.S.
troops wouldn't have to.
So in order to make everybody feel good and not that they were being discriminated against, we wouldn't allow any weapons in.
That's the political correct tyranny!
Everybody's a slave now.
Everybody loses their rights.
That is that nanny state tyranny.
Sorry, go ahead.
No, it is.
It's the same sort of approach that we see over and over and over again here domestically in this country.
Just take the gun issue.
You have people out there who commit criminal acts with firearms.
Well, what do we do?
Rather than strengthening our law enforcement effort to get those people and bring them to justice, that is, the criminals who improperly use firearms for commissions of crimes,
What we do is we inconvenience and deny everybody the freedom to possess a firearm when and where they need it.
And it's the same sort of thing that we see now in the military over there with this incident.
It is Twilight Zone.
What do you make of the NDAA and Obama saying he was against it?
The detention of U.S.
citizens, the disappearing, the black bagging.
And then we learned he demanded it be added.
Then he said, well, don't worry, I won't sign it.
Then he did sign it.
Then he said, but don't worry, I won't implement it.
But then the head of the FBI and the Justice Department have both said, well, we might do that, actually.
And then you've got the shipping guns into Mexico.
I mean, if we know about this, I mean, what else are they planning?
Why do you think they're doing this?
The first part of your question is a very good one, and that is, as bad as it is with what we're seeing here with regard to the NDAA, TSA and so forth, what we're seeing is the tip of the iceberg.
There is so much of this going on below the radar screen that we don't know about.
That's what's really frightening, which is another reason why it's so
No, no, I was asking Congressman, why do you think they're doing this?
Because it's only making their approval ratings drop.
It's actually waking people up.
It's great for my radio show, but I'd rather have my radio show
Ultimately, because it's all about control.
And you used a word early on in this segment that is a very appropriate one, and that is
We're good to go.
These issues are important to you and I and to a lot of Americans.
The fact of the matter is, by the time the election rolls around, everybody will be focused on, what is the government doing for me for the economy?
And these issues traditionally do not factor directly
Final question, we appreciate your time, Congressman Bob Barr, heading up Liberty Guard.
Where do you see it ending?
I mean, you don't have a crystal ball, but I see the momentum is shifting against the TSA.
People really are getting more and more angry, but the system seems to be digging their spurs in.
I mean, in your gut, how do you see this ending?
I see some rays of hope, to be honest with you, Alex.
You get the message out there.
The Orlando International Airport is now moving again.
They are not backing down in their effort to get TSA out of their airport so that they can have private individuals, private security services handle the security screenings.
Hopefully, people in the Congress, key people like John Mica, who represents part of the Orlando area and heads the Transportation Committee in the House, will back them up.
To some extent, he's fighting the Republican leadership.
The Republican leadership and the Democratic leadership in the Congress also
They don't like to take on these government agencies.
But there are some individual members, Daryl Issa from California, John Mica from Florida, they're really spearheading these efforts.
If they would do that, that would be a very effective way, Alex.
But we saw it with the Defense Authorization Bill and the FAA.
All of these government agencies are getting increased budgets, not reduced budgets.
And as long as Congress just talks about it and does not cut off the funding,
Nothing of any substance is going to happen to reform these agencies.
And that's why they're so arrogant.
Well, just because they have the power doesn't mean they're not losing the info war.
They are losing the hearts and minds, and they cannot continue to govern with any amount of brute force if they don't have that.
Former Congressman Bob Barr, LibertyGuard.org.
Thank you for the time, sir.
Alex, it's always an honor.
Thank you for having me.
Thank you.
There goes Bob Barr.
Tonight on the Nightly News, an extended hour-plus interview with Dave Mustaine of Megadeth on politics, the New World Order, Endgame, and so much more.
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