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Name: 20120313_Tue_Alex
Air Date: March 13, 2012
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're going to have a particularly jam-packed and important worldwide transmission today.
Thank you for joining us.
It is the 13th day of March, 2012.
Well, I had an extreme epiphany, awakening, understanding this morning.
And much of the realization I had I already knew, but it really hit me hard right between the eyes.
And I will break down
This epiphany as best I can, and I will make it one of the main goals of this radio show to explore this epiphany.
I have explored this some in the past, but it is the big enchilada.
I felt like Saul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus.
It is in times of great change that we see the best and the worst of people.
And I can tell you that society is in a very grave crisis, not just militarily, not just intellectually, but in our gut, in our spirit, in our soul.
And I will break down this epiphany on the other side.
This realization, this higher level of awakening that I've experienced.
And this awakening is simple confirmation.
What's so bizarre, I actually called Paul Watson during this happening and told him it was happening.
And they said, no, I'm noticing it too.
I'll give you a little hint.
People were just running off the road everywhere, going into zombie state.
They're putting stuff in the water.
They got wavelengths going.
It is wild.
I mean, we've all got to fight for our consciousness right now.
This is hardcore what's going on.
And something big's about to happen.
What I saw driving into work this morning was bizarre.
And it's even being pointed out.
In fact, I saved the newspaper and then lost it on the RV coming back.
I don't know where it is.
Guys, can you guys type whatever the newspaper is in Orlando?
Something like pedestrian accidents way up.
And then it gets into people not paying attention and walking out in front of cars and walking into fountains and falling off balconies.
Because I kept meaning to pull up more data.
I knew it was important because I've been seeing it.
But the public now is just walking out in front of cars, bicycles coming out on 70 mile an hour highways right in front of you, vehicles just flying off highways, people texting while driving.
You talk to the public on the street, they're either totally awake or they're in zombie state.
I'm already getting into the epiphany.
It's just I was seeing it this morning.
It was like a video game driving into work this morning, just wrecking and splattering and jumping mediums, and it was women just texting while they're driving with computer screens up their faces, flying off highways.
And this is the insertion into the Matrix.
They're coming out.
In fact, we reprinted it.
It came out last week.
New video games to interface with brain.
I mean, it's all coming out, these neural
I mean, you put a kid in front of the TV, you see him go into a trance state.
A literal sleepwalking brainwave occurs when you hook him up to the different systems that read brainwaves.
My God.
I don't know how we're going to stand against this weapon system.
We're living in a science fiction movie, I hope you realize that.
By the way, what we told you eight years ago has now been publicly announced.
Google is the national security agency.
That's mainstream news.
It's an NSA two-way grid.
It's a crystal ball.
It's an electronic crystal ball system, they now admit it.
We're not in Kansas anymore.
It's 2012.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It is Tuesday, the 13th day of March 2012.
We only had him on for about 15 minutes Sunday.
I didn't have time to finish our discussion.
I wanted to get into the latest on the world financial meltdown and what's happening in Europe and how that affects us with investigative journalist Craig Pallas.
He'll be popping in for about 20, 30, 40 minutes, I'm not sure, in the second hour.
And then investigative journalist John Rappaport, he used to work for ABC News and CBS and decided to quit working for him about 16 years ago to expose the globalists.
Always an informative interview.
He'll be joining us on a host of issues.
I talked to Paul Watson this morning and he's going to have breaking news.
You know about three weeks ago he found the big bioethics journal that is used for policy worldwide in hospitals.
They no longer have the Hippocratic Oath to do no harm.
And they said we're going to start killing people up to age three and old people.
If we decide, the government decides, your life isn't worth living and we say you're not conscious, then we are going to start killing you.
And then Christian Science Monitor, London Telegraph, Associated Press, they all picked it up a few days later and it became a big discussion.
See, they don't want to have all this rolled out now.
They didn't want death panels being discussed.
Uh, pre-passage of the health care bill.
After it was passed, they said, yeah, you kill grandma, you hire 10 teachers, you know, Bill Gates said.
And then they could have, you know, Newsweek with the cover story of the case for killing Granny, showing an old lady with a plug being pulled on her on the cover.
The only way they can get away with this is that they have basically mesmerized the public.
When you hear folks say the public's in a trance, people are like sleepwalking zombies.
That is your subconscious, highly powerful brain.
The conscious is only the small, narrow focus of that huge supercomputer we've all got between our ears.
Those are not hyperbole.
It's out of the mouths of babes.
That's what's going on.
And I've done countless radio shows.
It had doctors on and shown the brainwaves lowering when you watch television or play video games for extended periods of time and I've read the DARPA documents on air where they talk about artificially lowering brainwaves and lowering consciousness with chemicals, different wavelengths through television, and biologicals as well.
It's a cocktail.
And DARPA admits that for at least a decade they've been testing, this was on the Baltimore Sun 10 years ago, on cell towers, testing carrier waves that they found can affect human emotion.
I mean, this is admitted in the scholarly documents and has even come out in newspapers.
So we're not in Kansas anymore.
We're in a Buck Rogers world.
Here it is, Department of Justice wants court to keep Google NSA partnership secret.
The NSA and CIA founded it 12 years ago on record.
I've had former top technology advisors from the CIA like Dr. Steele on to break it down.
I mean, 7, 8, 9 years ago we covered this.
Here is CNET News.
Google hires DARPA director, Regina Duggan.
Well, they're just publicly merging.
See, the New World Order is uncloaking right now.
Open world government's being announced.
Open chemicals to be added to the water is being announced.
They're already doing it, but now they're announcing it.
It's all happening.
I want you to understand this.
And the problem is, I study this obsessively, probably, let's not exaggerate, I study probably seven hours a day.
I handle administrative things another three or four hours a day.
And then I'm on air three or four, sometimes five hours a day.
Well, six, seven hours a day when I do interviews.
And every basic instinct I've got, every selfish human survival mechanism that my supercomputer, again, hundreds of times more complex and deep than my focused conscious mind, is telling me, get your children, get your wife, evacuate, run, run, run, run.
And then,
Sure, on my YouTube videos, on average, we get about 98% support.
No one gets that on the web.
People are waking up, but still, I look at those who are making jokes about us, and they think this is hyperbole.
They think this is a joke.
Let me explain something to you.
The eye has not seen, the ear has not heard.
I cannot articulate to you what we're on the verge of, okay?
The globalists are all about denying reality, living in a fantasy world.
And they're trying to get you to buy into it.
They want you to choose the matrix.
And the matrix is real.
We're not in tanks, you know, as batteries powering some system.
We are, as the globalists call us, human resources walking around, powering and running their system.
They're not in full control yet.
This is not a total matrix yet.
But through the television, through the video games, through the bombardment on the street of the Times Square-style system that's going in everywhere, in Walmarts and malls, this total bombardment of propaganda and subliminals,
The globalists themselves say they are inserting us into a hybrid system.
In fact, it was written in the 70s by DARPA that by 2020, 2025, they would begin the insertion of humans into tanks.
See, the Matrix is only imitating what DARPA plans.
And I have shown you those chapters.
The Federation of American Scientists in 2000 released it.
It had been declassified to them.
The Department of Defense requested it be reclassified.
And they said, we're going to have a hive mind, interconnected.
Humans will choose to enter tanks and live
See, that's why in the 70s, Philip K. Dick was living in San Francisco and other areas and hanging out with all these people from Silicon Valley.
And I've talked to people that manage the Philip K. Dick estate.
I'll leave it at that.
Philip K. Dick was not crazy.
Philip K. Dick, before he died, was robbed.
His safe was robbed.
He had a big book coming out that was basically going to be nonfiction and was going to tell everybody what was going on.
And you read all that and you go, man, so much of this is what's happening.
Just like 1932 Brave New World is written by Aldous Huxley.
And it's got people shrunk down, a servant class to about two feet tall.
It's got everybody drugged through the food and water.
And the genetic engineers basically giving themselves near immortality.
And then genetically engineering the general public with their biological androids.
Of course, he then wrote before he died and spoke, Huxley did at Berkeley, and said, this is actually our plan, and even though I'm telling it to you, you're not going to be able to escape it.
Now, Paul Watson just ran into government documents, we just published more yesterday about the Rockefeller Foundation and all of this, where they're openly saying that they're pushing ahead with the drugging of the water, and
All of it.
It's a brave new world plan.
They say they're going to shrink us down within the next few generations to the little servant class.
Now, it's questionable whether they're going to be able to implement this, but the GMO that's fed to rodents does exactly what they're saying that they want to implement with this system.
And Watson's got an article coming out in a few hours on this subject with new documents that are public, but no one has reported on.
Just like they're teaching the bioethicsists that soon they're going to start killing babies after birth, even if they're totally healthy.
And I know when we first posted that article, people thought it was satire and a joke, even though we were listing the documents.
And then three days later, you saw it all over mainstream news.
Folks, this is all real, okay?
This is all real.
Most of us are already walking dead.
We've already been given lethal dosages of chemical and biological agents.
The next generation, you're already seeing it, is just going to be malformed, addled, mentally retarded, cancer, pediatric cancer that's already up over 20,000 percent, general cancer's up over 2,000 percent on average, is just going to be epidemic.
Most people you know are going to die of cancer.
It's just, it's total warfare.
That's why if they kill me, I'm not even worried about it anymore.
I have reached a place of peace, and I realize all we can do is try to inject sanity.
Crazy, mad scientists are running things.
And I am swimming in documentation.
The Globalist openly, you can look this up, brain waves are lower on average, the general public isn't a trance, there's all sorts of narcoleptic disorders off the chart now because once the brain gets trained to go into a sleep phase, it'll start sinking deeper.
Gotta stop watching television, folks, especially.
Because even if you're watching a good show, there can be a carrier wave over it.
I am 100% banning my children from even documentaries and computers now.
I have to, I have to go and do it.
It's that bad.
This is a total globalist revolution against humanity.
And here's the epiphany I had.
I was driving into work this morning on a highway.
And people now just slam their brakes on.
People are driving 70 miles an hour, 65, 70.
They slam their brakes on in front of you now to make a turn.
With no concern for themselves or you.
See, that's what Prozac does in runoff in frogs and other amphibians, fish and crustaceans and things like shrimp.
You can look at the big studies that just the Prozac runoff in the water that they're committing suicide.
They just swim right up to fish.
Birds are flying right into windows more and more.
There's big articles about pedestrians all over the place who are suddenly walking out into traffic.
People are suddenly just falling off their bicycles everywhere.
Bicycles now, I see it all the time, just pull right out into 70 mile an hour traffic down interstate highways.
Just totally insane, no connection to reality.
Fatalities are off the chart.
And I call Watson and I go, I got cars slamming their brakes on in front of me.
People are texting all around me while they're driving.
I'm looking at people, they look like zombies.
He goes, I know, I'm seeing it myself.
And I hang the phone up, and right as I get on 290, I'm gonna tell you about when we come back and I go to Watson.
This woman, I look at her driving erratically.
I'm gonna tell you about this when we get back.
She literally was sleep driving.
And you're about to see this get a lot worse.
Hello, I'm Alex Jones.
Myself, my family, the InfoWars.com team want to relay to you and your families that we are intensifying our efforts against the globalists on every front.
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It's not that people just aren't paying attention and walking into fountains, walking into cars.
I was just looking at the statistics during the break.
Off the charts in the Western world, increase in pedestrian fatalities.
I was driving down Southwest Parkway one day and came up over a hill.
I was going about 65 miles an hour.
And it's also part of a reality denying arrogance.
A bunch of 10-speed riding, you know, bike riders were actually out in the road.
Not on the shoulder, they wanted to be in the road like it's theirs.
And I narrowly, narrowly got out of the lane, even though there was a car behind me, slammed my brakes on and shot behind the other car.
And they're getting killed every day, every hour.
I mean, the numbers are just hundreds of bike riders getting plowed a week.
And again, pedestrians walking out in front of cars, this is a phenomenon that's admitted.
But it's more than just getting mesmerized by texting while you're driving.
It's that the computer screen
Once you become synced with it, there's different studies on the average computer screen or television, depending on the flicker rate, it might take 45 minutes the first time to go into a mesmerized state and lower your brainwaves and go into a sleep state.
But once you've done it, it can take seconds.
You ever notice children, when they see a television on, suddenly you can't get their attention, even if firecrackers were going off in the room?
This is what we're talking about.
And this is on record.
I was led into the University of Texas Psychology Department
Now, 10 years ago, by one of the top people who will remain nameless and is no longer there, has moved on to another facility, even more elite, and I was shown stuff, all of it was DARPA funded.
Every, or Department of Defense, same thing.
And the whole place was giant multi-million dollar
...labs on how to have subliminals to make women sexually aroused when they watch a commercial or how to have retina trackers.
When you're in a store shopping following your eye.
Or how to face scan you when you enter a bar.
And, you know, they would tell you how many men were in a bar versus women.
Now those apps are being rolled out on the streets.
And just all studying every little facet.
And monkeys chained down with wires in their brains.
These were TVs.
I could see, you know, the monkeys out at the base outside Austin.
Just with flicker rate patterns hitting them, testing brainwaves.
Just huge facilities just full of monkeys with the tops of their skulls cut off with wires wired in.
I mean, all on how to savagely take control of your mind.
And you now go into stores, you talk to people, they are under like an arrested development.
The program they've been downloaded with is like a happy, goofy, kind of Sesame Street for teenagers or adults.
And then this morning, I'm gonna go to Watson here in a moment,
I was doing more research on Kony 2012 just because it's a modern Pentagon globalist psy-op for war.
And it's adults talking to adults, college students and high schoolers, going, hi, ooh, friendly, nicey, literally hopping around going, have a screening in your area, it's not threatening, call, it's nice, it's fun.
All these pink colors, green colors, you know, happy talking to people like they're five-year-olds.
I think?
And then I see the results.
But here's what's happening.
9 out of 10 reactors worldwide, 400 plus, are leaking radiation.
Government just raises the level of radiation, what they say safe.
Everything's starting to fall apart.
Corruption's going wild.
The globalists have gone crazy.
They've been drinking the Kool-Aid as well.
And I'm here to tell you, society is going to go completely insane.
Undoubtedly, wars have already begun.
Proxy wars in Iran have begun, like we said they would, and it's now admitted.
Proxy wars in Libya, Syria, Uganda.
Mass murder.
I mean, it's admitted the UN is just murdering people en masse, but it doesn't matter.
They have guys in pink and green, you know, trendy plaid shirts dancing around saying it's loving.
And so, you talk to the public and they giggle back at you with this self-satisfied look.
The program, the conditioning they've been given is similar
Two of a three-year-old is throwing a fit, and you go, you know, if it's a girl, you're a princess, you're a princess, let's dress up like a princess.
They go, princess!
It's that make-believe thing that's normal for small children to develop different roles in their mind, but for adults, so it's literally a child program that they're running in adults out there, and the cops are following a tough guy program, and they're all about following programming, and I'm seeing it.
And now the programming, the public is in such a sleep state, they are walking out in front of traffic, their bikes are driving out, people are texting while driving.
I'm gonna talk to Watson about this when we get back, but I'm telling you, something big's about to happen.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The Matrix is a system, Neo.
That system is our enemy.
But when you're inside, you look around.
What do you see?
The very minds of the people we are trying to save.
But until we do, these people are still part of that system.
And that makes them our enemy.
You have to understand most of these people are not ready to be unplugged.
And many of them are so inert, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it.
And I would add still others, even upon learning the truth, will decide through fear to try to join with the system.
Those are the people that are willfully ignorant.
I can't tell you how many media executives
How many people, when I tell them I don't want to be part of their system, they cannot believe it.
I remember last year, New York Magazine had a quote by a Fox News executive saying, Alex Jones wants to be on Fox, but we don't want Alex Jones.
It implied I tried to get on Fox News.
You know what?
I just told Fox that I don't want to be part of Fox TV shows.
You've heard Mancow on air say that he wanted me and Breitbart to be on a show with him, and he's going to have his show, and I've said that I'm not going to be, I'm certainly not going to fly there and be part of it.
I mean, I could go on a show and say whatever I want if it was live off satellite, but it's like I'm not seeking after that.
I'm not going to make a break with the system by being part of it.
I mean, I'm tempted to quit this radio show and TV and everything and do one video a week just breaking down the matrix.
Because that's all that matters now.
Covering little side issues, a little piece here, a little piece there, that isn't what matters.
Let me explain something.
Pediatric cancer from the 1940s is up over 20,000 percent.
Go look up those rates.
20,000 percent.
Your average cancer is up by 2,000% since the late 40s, early 50s.
Go look it up!
Breast cancer in the United States is exploding, thousands of percentile, and is the worst in the world.
And then I have all the documents where they said they would do this to us.
They are killing us!
They're killing our women!
And let me tell you something, I can't be around network TV executives in their suits and prancing around trying to show off.
It makes me want to throw up.
I see police now pulling over and searching people's cars.
I want to pull over and laugh at them.
Oh, you're going to search somebody's cars for drugs when it's on record.
The criminals that run this government ship the drugs in.
Rare cancers are exploding.
Things that were once rare are now extremely common.
None of this window dressing matters.
Do you get it?
None of it matters.
None of it!
We have a scientific elite that decided to have a total takeover of the entire biosphere of the planet and to wreck it, in their own words, so that they could patent it all.
And when you can't have children because of the heavy metals and the GMO and all the manipulation, they say, in the 30s, that you would have to come to them to get genetic repair so that you could have children.
But then when you do that,
They're going to go in and alter it to make sure you're not aggressive or bad or, you know, removing traits that they say are a problem.
Now, expanding on all of this, there's a 3,000-year-old symbol for medicine and it's two snakes intertwined with a staff in the middle.
They were writing about atomic bombs in 1900.
Wells and others.
They were writing about DNA in the 20s, decades before it was discovered.
There is an advanced technological civilization in the laboratory.
The laboratory.
That is beta tested and then rolled out to the public.
I don't know how advanced the enemy is.
But in general terms, they're 30 years advanced.
And you think of 30 years advanced, that means AI computers.
I know in the late 70s, they already had robot drones with DU-SABO meteor guns.
I have that from the former director of Star Wars on this show, Dr. Bob Bowman, Colonel Bowman.
Imagine what else is out there.
They had space planes ready to decapitate all world leaders in one hour in the late 1970s.
The only hope we've got is realizing that we are in a false reality.
That's the only hope we've got.
I am thrilled when I reach millions of people every day, but I'm also disgusted when I realize I have this giant platform that's growing and I'm not imparting the true knowledge properly to people.
And the answer to this is, those of you that have good minds as well, you need to really get bold and speak out.
Because I'm going to tell you, this is all accelerating.
Technology is now doubling every year, not every two years.
Soon it's going to be every month, then every week, then every day, then every hour, then every minute.
The globalists have shown themselves, even with advanced technology, they're still just humans and they're wicked, which means they have blind spots for empathy and understanding.
Because being able to carry something out doesn't mean you have wisdom.
They have computers supposedly thinking 100 steps ahead for them.
And they have idiot savants that do that as well.
But I don't think they're integrating all that data.
And I know from the evidence I've seen, they're endangering themselves.
No amount of underground bases, no amount of off-world space stations, no amount of high-tech garbage is going to protect you guys from what you've turned loose.
You are collectively crazy.
I have accessed my common sense, my ancestral genetic memories.
I have accessed the full spectrum data analysis.
Anybody can do this under deep study and focus.
And let me tell you something, I guarantee you they're leading us towards the destruction of all life on this planet.
We don't have long until mechanisms are triggered in this downward spiral that are going to lead to things that if God doesn't intervene, no flesh would be left.
The Bible says the elites will run to the mountains under the mountains in the caves and beg the rocks to fall on their heads.
Revelation says they traffic in the souls of men.
I never knew what that meant until I researched the globalists.
They do, that's what they're into.
They love screwing people up.
They love giving people false data.
They love seeing people under literal spells.
That's what it is, a scientific spell.
When Kony2012 has these promo videos where they're going, Hi, we're your friends, all loving, ooh, ooh.
And it's real, and getting into being silly and foolish.
And we're going to have a war to save the children, and it's going to be mass war and death, with a bunch of weird pot bellies dancing around like, and you're like, well, that's stupid.
Why do they do that?
No, it's like.
It's been scientifically figured out, that's how you destroy people.
I'm going to play this later.
Paul Watson's been holding for like 30 minutes.
I just want to get him on and talk to him.
And by the end of the show, he's got this article coming out that he's not going to get to yet.
But I mean, when you've read thousands of these documents, no kidding, over the last 17 years, where there's hundreds of them about how they're going to kill everybody once the world government's in place, how they're putting the poison in the water, the lithium, the Prozac variants, how the public's mesmerized, how DARPA and CIA run Google,
And I just hope all you people out there who are running this system, I hope you enjoy yourselves.
Because you're not just going to destroy the general public.
You are guaranteed to destroy yourselves.
And we need to turn back now.
This needs to stop right now.
Now I'm going to go to Watson.
You had to be there.
And I called Watson about this.
I leave my house out in the country.
I'm driving in towards 290, and on a road where people drive between 55 and 70, depending on which area of the road it is, different speed limits, people began swamming on their brakes in the middle of the highway, to then turn across the medians, almost crashing into traffic, not once, not twice, but three times, in a space of about six miles.
I would then notice with my eagle eyes that I still, thank God, I used to have 2015 vision.
It's 2020 now.
God, as I lose my vision, it's terrible.
I was able to notice each time they were all on cell phones.
They had cell phones in front of them while driving like psycho maniacs.
I called Watson and I said, these people are in a trance.
We need to do more articles on the studies showing the public in a trance.
These new neural interface TV programs and 3D and all the stuff they're getting us ready for.
I have some of the articles here that I had the guys print how the new video games are going to interface with the human brain.
I just had them here in my stack, but I guess more stuff's been brought in so I don't have it in front of me.
And the point is that I'm driving and I call Watson and I tell him about this and he says, no, I'm seeing it too.
By the way, everybody in the office is saying they see it.
They go in shops, everybody's like in zombie mode, people can't even talk.
They all have this little giggling, burbling, like three-year-old thing, because they're in an imaginary world.
That's what a trance is.
A spell.
That's just an ancient term for scientific manipulation.
A mind game.
Hypnotizing somebody.
There it is.
Sony Patton's techniques of beaming info into brain.
Not just audio.
That's Reuters.
Of course, that was five years ago.
It's now been implemented.
And so each little upgrade of the computers gets you deeper into the control system until you just become, quote, a wirehead that Philip K. Dick wrote about 30 years ago.
Where they just wire you in and there's so much pleasure from being wired in.
And the elites wrote 70, 80 years ago about having surrogates, biological androids that they have a computer connection to that actually go out and then the globalists live in their little tanks.
And I'm not saying this is going to happen, but this is what they're trying to set up.
This is what these loons, geniuses as they are, they envisioned this a hundred years ago and are bringing it to fruition.
And they're willing to wreck the biosphere, wreck every plant and animal species, human DNA, so that you've got to go to them to be able to have children.
They want to play God.
And I'm driving, and as right as I get on 290, it's before they have the medium there, before it rises up.
It's three lane.
You know, there's routinely bicyclers that just come right out in 70 mile an hour traffic now.
Pedestrians, I see them just walking out.
People are getting killed everywhere.
They're in trances.
They don't have regular self-preservation mechanism.
The globalists have turned it off electronically and chemically.
Psychologically and spiritually.
It all ties together.
I see this woman driving a dark
Gold, kind of bronze, all those little hybrid cars.
I think it's one of the Fords.
The police listing will know because she had the wreck.
And she shot in the other lane of traffic.
People stopped.
I pulled over for a minute but went on because aid was rendered.
And I need to get to the office.
But the point is, I'm driving.
Just hang up with Watson.
And I'm trying to keep back because everybody's driving like psychos.
And I see this woman erratically coming out of the slow lane into the middle lane and cars getting back.
And I go, I bet she's texting.
I want to be able to tell people if she, cause I just saw three cars slam on their brakes.
And I saw the two of them were texting when I'd get in the medium, they'd pull over and still be, you know, slamming their brake.
I mean, you know, ready to die, ready to have their backs broken.
Just no connection to reality.
Just like the shrimp that ended up getting on Prozac from runoff that swim up to the fish to be eaten or to the bird, just right up to birds to be eaten.
They just don't care.
But money, she was on some type of Prozac.
And she starts going like this, so I pull up to see, just like I saw about a year ago, driving into Port Aransas to take my kids fishing.
I saw a giant gas truck, natural gas, in two lanes driving like a maniac, like it had 18 gallons of Jack Daniels.
And I pulled up, and sure enough, he was watching the video with it in front of him.
That's how addicted they are.
He's driving with a full load, as I can see the axles down, of natural gas.
It's a natural gas truck.
And he's got it in front of him and he's all out of the lanes.
Now again, that's how mesmerized they are by the computer screen and by TV.
So this guy, Marona Watson,
Was doing that.
This woman, I pull up, there she is, looking and texting and with one arm going like this, going 70 miles an hour, getting up onto 290.
And I back off to observe.
I'm about to take my camera up, even though that's not really safe, but I'm conscious and driving, and show some video of it.
And she goes, boom, cutting across three lanes straight.
And as I see her, right in front of me, still looking at the screen in Zombieland, in a mesmerized, sleepwalking state, shooting across the grass median, because she'd been dead, you know, in 70, if she'd hit dividers that were just 100 yards up, she'd go up.
Shooting in front of two concrete trucks, spinning around, and then gently slamming up against the wall, and the car stopped to help her.
She had already turned in front of three lanes of traffic,
They have no, so no wonder they don't care there's about to be a war with Iran.
Of course they tell the military go ahead and use DU even though it's going to kill them.
Of course they raise the level of radiation thousands of times and say it's safe.
Of course, I mean this is a public being murdered by chemical and biological weapons, total tyranny, way of life being destroyed, everything falling apart, troops are going crazy going into villages and killing 16 people in their houses for fun.
We are a nation in a coma.
We are under mind control.
And you're going to start seeing more of it.
I'm predicting now you're going to see more pedestrians walking out in front of cars and walking off cliffs and more people wrecking everywhere because the public is going to go completely into zombieville.
I predict you're going to start seeing people not going to work and just staying in their houses.
They're already wireheads.
They're already plugged in.
Watson, I know you're working on the article while you sit there on Skype waiting, but did I call you this morning and say that cars were slamming on their brakes and driving like psychopaths everywhere?
That's right, Alex.
And I mean, there was another one recently, wasn't there?
There was a surveillance camera footage above a train platform and a woman lets go of a baby stroller and it rolls across the platform towards the tracks and then there's a guy walking past.
Looking at his cell phone, he looks up at the baby stroller but just lets it roll past him onto the tracks and they managed to save the baby by about 10 seconds before it got hit by a train.
So you see those kind of stories nearly every day now with this zombified population.
And we're not using zombified as a term.
Folks, the brainwaves... Paul, I want to go big on this.
I want to get all the data together that we've covered over the years and really show people, scientifically, to the scientific elite that isn't totally controlled and say, is this really what you want?
Because so they can control us, they've zombified the public.
Because they've got to turn it up high enough
To like, really control those that would be resisting them.
So only the very few can break through the programming.
But by doing that, I mean, it is just... Stay there.
We're gonna talk about it when we come back.
You don't need me to tell you that humanity is in a deep crisis.
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Paul Watson has gotten his article up.
And I know he's going to add some of the news clips where they're promoting lithium in the water.
But here's the Atlantic.
Big establishment, liberal publication.
How engineering the human body could combat climate change.
And they go on to say the elite want to add chemicals and biologicals to our food and water to make us small little creatures, elfin creatures, to not hurt the earth, and how they're going to ban eating meat and use operant condition to totally control us.
And again,
I tell you about the stuff ten years ago that was in all the policy reports, you'd laugh at me, now it's out in the open.
And you are being engineered by the flicker rate, by the TV.
I think even with my shows, just because of the nature of it, everybody should pretty much not watch television, but listen to it.
You definitely need to not watch mainstream television, because that's where it's really full of propaganda.
Not just with the flicker rate, but the actual message.
You need to read more.
With old-fashioned books.
We need to realize we're in a fight for human consciousness more now than ever.
Paul, I know that we've said this before, but when I say it's an epiphany, it hit me.
This is the battle.
This is everything.
And this is what the globalists are all about.
You brought up people now more and more all over the world seeing a woman bleeding to death.
A cop run over by a car, and they're not helping people.
That's because the globalists have engineered not resisting tyranny, not resisting threats.
I tell the story of the people not helping the woman choke into death.
And I had to push them out of the way, and they were just saying 9-1-1, 9-1-1, she would have died.
I mean, it literally, they've turned people into jellyfish cattle.
Paul Watson.
Well, they've got a solution for us, Alex.
It's the, um, pharmacological enhancement of empathy and altruism.
They're gonna give us drugs which influence our behavior so that we're more environmentally aware, according to, uh, this New York bioethics professor who's come out with this paper.
But it hasn't worked very well because they put sodium fluoride in there and the other things to reduce fertility in Damastown.
I mean, I guess more is needed?
Well, they say that basically the biggest problem is climate change, and to combat climate change we need, quote, biomedical modifications of humanity.
And so, of course this is not going to apply to the elite, just as the Plandopolis vision for the future showed, you know, all the slaves weren't allowed to drive cars, only the rich people were.
So it only applies to the serfs, obviously.
But they're gonna...
Basically inject children with embryos to make them small, like you said in Brave New World at the beginning where it's all this subclass race of tiny dwarf-like people.
But it's for the good of the planet, and so that's why... By the way, Huxley said that was the plan and his brother founded UNESCO, which is the policy center for Gen21.
But now it's trendy.
Apparently it's trendy now and it's for the planet, so the moral equivalency of that trumps the moral equivalency of genetically engineering babies in labs.
Apparently that's trendy now and liberal and touchy-feely, not a scientific dictatorship, according to this professor.
So, I mean, yeah, talking about giving people
Patches or drugs which make them adverse to meat.
So, of course, that'll completely collapse a massive part of the economy, but it's, again, it's for the good of the planet.
But they're not drugging us now, even though they've done Associated Press water studies in all the major cities and find levels of drugs that shouldn't be there, even from runoff, like serotonin reuptake inhibitor, and it's not one particular brand or molecule, it's the general, base, generic version.
They're already drugging your water, ladies and gentlemen.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
So, let's be clear, I've got Fox News, Japanese TV, no exaggeration, hundreds of university, UN, Club of Rome documents saying in the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s,
We're going to drug the water to reduce population, all this stuff.
They've been caught doing it.
The UN's been caught adding steroids to vaccines, you name it.
And now the Atlantic, establishment publication, reports it like it's the greatest things in sliced bread, how they're going to force drug you and change your embryos by law under a socialist healthcare system.
Death panels are all admitted.
They're in the media saying, what's wrong with killing children up to age three and old people?
And then I see some Kony 2012 promo that they did for having showings of their film about invading Africa and how great the U.N.
is for some just cut-out boogeyman who no one even knows where Africa is at.
And they start drooling on there, hopping around like it's Sesame Street, talking to adults like they're three-year-olds, and then I see adults clicking into the child programming and like getting off on it.
Man, I mean, this is hardcore mind control that we're under.
And like I said, suddenly there's just wrecks everywhere, people walking out in front of cars, people texting while they're driving.
It's one thing to check a text while you're driving.
I mean, we're talking about driving, watching videos, driving, just running off the road everywhere, psychopaths.
Paul, what is happening to people, man?
I mean, how much worse is this gonna get?
I think the studies have shown that the internet is literally rewiring people's brains.
So if you think about those pus-filled pods in the Matrix where people are trapped in, that's the equivalent of what we've got today with the ubiquitous nature of wireless internet and text messaging, which is why we get all these stories that you talked about
You know, in the last segment.
So we're literally, our brains are being rewired, our attention spans are being reduced, and that's why propaganda is so much more crude and childlike, because that's the most successful form of propaganda, because people don't concentrate, they don't scratch below the surface, they've got tiny attention spans, and that's why they're becoming playthings for the elite.
Well, listen, I want you to come back and cover the article itself, but in the brief time we have here, Paul,
I am now watching the propaganda being shown to college students and people, and it's all the same.
It's people in Stepford Wife bright colors with effeminate men literally prancing around saying, I'm non-threatening, there's no work here, we're having fun, let's have a war.
And you can see they're all crazed-eyed operatives.
It's so crude, but because they're attacking an unconscious jellyfish population of zombies, they're following them.
And for those of us that are awake, it's cartoonish!
I mean, it's insane!
I mean, what are the elites going to do?
They're going to run around bathing in radiation and GMO2?
I mean, just because they're conscious of this, it makes it okay?
I don't know, it's amazing, but, I mean, the Kony 2012 thing.
If you look into that business, because that's what it is, it's a business, 80% or more of the money that comes in goes directly to their expenses.
It's worse than something like the Red Cross.
I mean, hardly any of the money actually goes to people suffering in Uganda.
Well, that's why they chose a guy that's probably been dead for five, six years.
It's just totally made up.
Yeah, I mean, and then there's people on YouTube, Ugandan citizens, who are saying, what are you talking about?
Nobody even talks about this guy in Uganda anymore.
He's not been in the country for six years, he's probably dead.
And our main problem now is, you know, AIDS, poverty, all this.
But then literally, people are attacking us who have trendy hair and bandanas, saying we're horrible for not wanting to get coney, and they're literally in trendy outfits.
I mean, it's like an army of zombie trendies.
I mean, even the children, by clicking like on Twitter or Facebook.
That's what you threaten when you point out the hoax.
They don't like it.
And then meanwhile, Angelina Jolie, who admittedly is into the occult and worships death and all this, is running around worshiping all these wars.
And I mean, she's a war criminal.
People are like, why is she a war criminal?
Oh man, we're in trouble, folks.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I made the discovery.
About 14-15 years ago, that the whole world government was not based on money or even power, but on a final revolution to set up planetary government, cut off resources, have resource wars, and then exterminate the majority of the population.
Mid-level minions are told 80-90% are going to be killed.
Top globalist documents we've read on Earth say 99.9% of all humans will be exterminated.
Then the 1-10th of 1%
We'll merge with machines and populate the known universe.
Now, I'm not saying any of that's real, but that's what all of the elites from Ray Kurzweil right through the UN officials all are obsessed with.
And they write cover stories in Wired Magazine, like, Why the Future Doesn't Need Us, with Bill Joy, who I've talked about 500 times or more, saying, I went to an elite meeting of 200 top internet company and software company and technology company owners, and all we talked about was, do we kill everybody?
Or do we let everybody just play games and, you know, basically get mesmerized by entertainment and just keep breeding?
Or do we just reduce population?
What do we do?
And the consensus is, kill everybody.
I mean, that's what's frustrating.
This is all public.
And I take it real personal, people around me are dead and dying of cancer, and I know those numbers are off the charts, thousands of percentile points.
I take it real personal when I know that they're attacking children and that pediatric cancer, once unknown, is now epidemic.
I take it real personal when I find out that they, for at least 50 years, have been adding chemicals to our food and water.
I take it real personal, and here's the big epiphany that I want to get to for people out there, okay?
Here's the point that I really want to get across to folks, and it's this.
The public is becoming more and more unconscious.
The brainwaves are lowering into a sleep state across the board.
That's not debated.
All the technologies being rolled out are admittedly virtual false reality systems that program your brain and interface and project sound into your mental ear and interface directly with your neurons outside of the eyeballs, which themselves are brain stalks.
They say the eyes are the one of the soul.
The eyes, during embryonic development, grow out of the brain.
The eyes are brain tissue.
Brain sensors.
Sight sensors.
The nose, olfactory, direct connection to the brain.
Direct nerve into the brain.
Taste, same deal.
Touch, nerves, all going back.
Texting accidents, bike riders running into people, until by law, everything is going to be robotically controlled with the DARPA-run Google cars that are already being legalized nationwide and worldwide.
The genetics are going to be so damaged, you're going to have to go to the elites to be able to get government authorization to have children, and then they're going to go in and change the embryo to be more subservient to the system.
By the way, I told you that over a decade ago, they're now announcing it in the news, that that's what they're going to do.
With infertility, that's engineered.
Same thing with the GMO of the crops.
It is a diabolical plan beyond any science fiction you could ever imagine, and it's happening.
You're about to see humanity, the family, everything completely degenerate, and then you're going to see fleets of robot drones and ground combat robots
Well, you're going to see bureaucrat bots.
They already admit the drones, robot drones, are scanning the farms.
Not allowed to build a barn, not allowed to dig a pond, not allowed to harvest your crops, not allowed to have dust.
They're going to have robot trucks.
Already all the Postal Service systems are having robot systems put on them that snoop for dust and stuff around your farm.
Bureaucrats everywhere.
Automated systems of tattling.
Because you see,
They have to get rid of due process, because when you get rid of due process, you can automate everything.
Due process, the courts, as corrupt as they are, are going to hold up all this.
Red light cameras violate the law.
It's not a sworn officer giving you the citation.
There's not a court hearing.
It's a fraud.
They don't care.
I was reading where one Illinois town is going to get thousands of red light cameras.
I'm reading where all schools, now the feds are saying, have to get
There's cameras in them because there's an epidemic of teachers raping children.
You see, the teachers that are pedophiles can't even control themselves now.
People that are bike riders don't even care.
They just come out into 70 mile an hour traffic having no idea that they could be killed because they're cut off from reality.
People have had their survival mechanism neutralized.
And so, the military is going to launch wars they can't win.
The elite are going crazy.
I mean, I've seen statistics of Rockefeller and Rothschild kids, the suicides, the death.
I mean, it's all cursed.
It's all just going to Hades.
You're going to see total disintegration.
I mean, I know it now.
It is just going to get crazier and wilder and nuttier.
Paul Watson, you got the floor until we got a break.
I got you on here to cover the article.
Bioethicist professor drugged the population into accepting green world order.
That's at InfoWars.com.
Three weeks ago, you posted the article where they openly and prestigious
Bioethics Journal are calling for killing old people and babies up to age three.
The government will decide.
People thought that we made that up even though there were links to the prestigious journal.
This is in the Atlantic.
How engineering the human body could combat climate change.
Tell folks about this article and what you think about the point I'm announcing here today.
Well, basically, this Atlantic piece announces the fact that they want to chemically castrate free will.
But they say, don't worry, it'll be voluntary and not coercive.
Just like not vaccinating your children is voluntary.
But as we know, if you don't vaccinate your children, the state, the medical establishment, harasses you.
People are being refused treatment, CPS sent to people's houses if they refuse to vaccinate their children.
So they say, oh yeah, it'd be voluntary, but
You know, if you opt out of it, you'll be harassed to the end of your days.
So they talk about making people averse to meat.
They talk about, by giving them drugs, they talk about pharmacologically enhancing empathy, so people will donate to specific charities.
Of course, if you follow that to its logical conclusion, that means you can manipulate them to do anything through drugs.
They talk about injecting babies with embryos to make them grow smaller.
Basically, they're saying, we're going to give you a choice.
It's not the one-child policy.
It's a more flexible version of that.
You can either have one normal child, three enhanced, as in made smaller, tiny children, or two medium-sized children.
So they're basically creating the framework where you have to choose one of these options.
As you said, it's, you know, it's the state coming in and deciding how you give birth, what kind of children you give birth to.
It's the one-child policy.
And as we've documented before, you know, lithium in the water supply is being promulgated through the media.
Of course, Obama's White House science source, John P. Holdren, has advocated sterilizing people forcibly to reduce global population, again in the name of saving the planet.
Back then it was against, you know, the coming ice age that would destroy the Earth.
Now that's flipped over to global warming, and now it's flipped over again to overpopulation, which is a complete myth.
So again, it's the scientific dictatorship wrapped in this trendy, liberal, touchy-feely package and sold as technological progress and advancement, when in fact it's the very essence of authoritarian, planned-opolis society, a technocratic elite dictating to us how we live our lives, whereas they're completely exempt from
Well, there's another article where Al Gore calls for a global nerd spring to force carbon taxes and all this, and that's what it is.
It's like this new culture of being trendy is being stupid, giggling, arrested development, weak, unmanly, and giggling and wearing pink and green, you know, the real trendy colors.
And prancing around and then supporting wars and feeling powerful and Al Gore actually is saying this now!
It's like armies of willfully pathetic dumb chumps!
Well, it's proven more successful, hasn't it?
Getting an army of Twitterers and Facebook people behind a war.
I mean, it worked with Libya when the left spent months and months wailing about, we need a no-fly zone over Libya.
Overnight it turned into a bombardment.
Now we've got the left again pushing for a war on Syria through these fake propaganda activists that are out in the media.
And again with this KonyTemp 2012 thing, you know, same deal again.
So it's proven more successful than just, you know, pulling off a false flag or preemptive warfare.
The modern form of warfare is this fake color revolution style that Obama and the people who pull his strings have perfected.
Well, you're right, Paul, and that's why I said arrest Angegino
Arrest Angelina Jolie and like 5% of people, it's got like 95, 98% likes on these videos.
They're like, are you kidding?
You know, it's just her idea.
Well, Joseph Goebbels was putting out ideas.
She is an official UN envoy everywhere pushing for the Libya attack, Syria, Uganda, you know, arrest Kony, invade.
She knows what she's doing.
And, you know, it's time to call their bluff.
The U.N.
is murder incorporated, involved in every evil you can imagine, including extermination in Uganda, and I'm sick of some chicken-neck, nobody, ugly scumbag, piece of trash, drug-head garbage up there telling me how great war is.
I'm calling her out.
I'm calling the emperor who has no clothes, Paul.
And the evidence is that it's starting to work because there's been a massive backlash.
The Kony frauds have been forced to disable the comments on their YouTube channel.
They've been forced to put out this video clarifying the fact that people have found out they're a business empire that spends 80 plus percent of the income on their own travel expenses and staff.
Like Red Cross and these other fake charities.
So, I mean, they're now on the run and the backlash is very much inevitant with this Kony 2012 fraud.
So that proves again that we can hijack their platforms and throw them back in their face.
I agree.
Good job, Paul.
They are globalists, crime syndicate, empire-pushing trash posing as liberal trendies.
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I'm gonna be honest with you here on this 13th day of March 2012 on this Tuesday.
I've really studied the global elite and I've tried to really discover reality and I would hear people like Greg Palast, I don't know, when I first was interviewing him like 12, 13 years ago, say, no, the elite are not in control, they're out of control, it's a bunch of different combines stealing and robbing from each other.
And I would disagree with that.
I would say, no, there is an organized system.
But now I realize it's both.
They've got an organized system to rob us, and they sit around their commission tables, like in The Godfather, literally, deciding on different things they're going to allow and different scams they're going to run, and they also cheat each other.
So they're good at grabbing and stealing and stomping on the little guy, and dumbing everybody down.
But they're not good
Actually controlling themselves and I mean a great example of this was eight nine months ago radiation levels different isotopes go off the chart so the EPA raised one isotope a hundred and something thousand times others a couple thousand times you can see the whole list you know this isotopes raised 2,500 times what they say safe you know we're not going to test the milk now it just shows
That the elite are crazy.
And that's even scarier than thinking they're in control.
Greg, I want to get into ten years after Fukushima, or one year after Fukushima.
Ten years.
And I want to get into the Iran war and the economy, but is it just me or are things going completely insane?
I mean, I was covering the last hour and a half or so.
Suddenly, they admit pedestrian accidents are up.
People are walking in front of cars.
I saw cars everywhere wrecking this morning while they were texting.
The public's disconnected.
The leader disconnected.
What's going on, Greg?
Yeah, we cut his interview short.
I think that they know pretty well what they're doing.
Yeah, there's always an internal fight between elites and, in fact, obviously...
There's always a fight between the elites.
For example, we see it now between the billionaires behind Obama and the billionaires behind Romney.
As we discussed before, the top billionaires behind Romney are Paul the Vulture Singer, John Paulson, Bill Koch.
Behind Barack Obama is Penny Pritzker.
I think?
And what you have, in other words, why are guys like Singer and Paulson, who people may not know of, these are vulture investors, these are hedge fund managers, these are multi-multi-billionaires, Paulson made nearly four billion dollars in a single year, more than any other American has ever made in history, maybe anyone has made in history in a single year, basically betting against and pushing the mortgage market over a cliff.
There's a fight between these groups.
But you know, they agree on some basic principles that one group will get your money or the other group will, but you won't.
I'm laughing, but that's how it is.
But they have very, very different ideas about how the economy should be run.
Obviously, the singer The Vulture and his hedge fund boys
Where do you see it all going?
Because my gut tells me, and then I can intellectually, geopolitically look at things and tell me stuff's about to get really rocky.
If we think the last four or five years have been crazy, what's coming up in the future?
You concur that stuff's about to get really wild?
Yeah, I think so.
I mean, one of the things... Actually, I just spoke to a billionaire who said, you know, we're coming to a second collapse because we haven't felt the full force of the commercial real estate market collapse.
And that's heading our way again.
And so, you know, the question is, can they kite it past the election?
And is there an advantage of someone pulling the trigger before or pulling the trigger after the election?
So we have another round of, you know, another fecal flow coming our way.
Plus, you do have the euro, which is, if you read in my latest book, Vulture's Picnic, the euro was created with the intent of destroying the European economies as we know them.
It really was!
I spoke to the guy who invented the euro, Bob Mandel, got the Nobel Prize for it.
I had long conversations with him.
Um, he's thrilled about it.
The destruction was part of it.
What they, you know, what they thought was creative destruction.
But the question is, the destruction doesn't just stay over there.
You can wreck Europe.
And, uh, what happens over here?
Well, I remember you breaking all this down in 2002, and then they all day criticize people that are on welfare, but then the mega-banks hold us hostage, but too big to fail, and it's all part of their plan.
Will they be successful?
We'll talk about that and a lot more straight ahead with Greg Palast, and I'm going to open the phones up as well.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
I want to talk to Greg Pallast, BBC investigative journalist, best-selling author.
A toll-free number to join us on this live Tuesday, 13th of March is 800-259-9231.
Greg, I wanted to ask you a question because, you know, I've tracked this Kony 2012 thing that's got connections to the State Department.
And the U.N.
and Bill Gates and the rest of them, and it's got hundreds of millions of views online, raised huge amounts of money, and it says, let's invade Uganda to go after Kony.
I'm not saying Kony's a good guy, but nobody's seen him in five, six years, and Ugandans are all making videos saying, this guy and the issue here, our own government's killing us.
As you know, you've been to Africa and that area many times.
And then I made the point when Angelina Jolie called for Kony's arrest and invasion, I'm sick of her.
She's an official U.N.
envoy, not just a spokeswoman.
And when she's not doing Kabbalah rituals or talking about how much she loves death cults, she's doing photo ops with children giving them food and stuff when I see the UN engaged in crimes against people everywhere.
She's calling for the Libya War.
Went over there in Tunisia to cheer for it and praise the Al-Qaeda forces.
She's praising proxy wars in Syria.
And I know you've dealt with Assad, we're not saying he's a good guy.
She's praising wars all over the place.
She's clearly... It's this left cover for war.
It's one thing when Bush launches wars, it's disgusting, war crime, guaranteed.
But now with Obama, he's launching wars without congressional approval.
He's getting the peace prize.
I mean, it's clear this is part of a left cover
I don't
That I know.
But 95% or more of the comments were positive.
The likes were like 98%.
But it got a lot of attention.
Millions of views total.
Scores of newspapers picked up my arrest Angelina Jolie for war crimes.
And what I said in the video is, hey Angelina, if you're setting arrest Coney and legitimize the ICC, then by that yardstick,
What happened in NATO is a war crime and I've had Colonel Schaefer and many others on who worked at those highest levels of deciding what's a war crime and not.
I've had congressional experts on.
I mean clearly it was an illegal war against Libya.
The Syria thing with proxies is classically destabilization and an offensive war.
All of this is going on and it's this new left cover.
What's your view on that?
Well, Kony's an interesting, this Kony 2012 business is very interesting.
Because, you know, obviously Kony is a warlord.
I've investigated many of these guys.
He's one of dozens, by the way.
And, obviously, he's a killer.
He goes into villages and grabs kids and says, if you don't kill your parents and join our army, we'll kill you or we'll kill your parents, and then they do anyway.
Yeah, he's a madman, a killer.
I don't
It's 10 to 100 commandos already, and that's what we know of, and how many mercenaries we don't know.
Obviously, we've had some real problems in that area which go way beyond Mr. Coney, and a lot of killing which he's not involved in.
Again, no sympathy for that guy, but let's look at the distraction.
You know, when the magician is letting the cute girl in the miniskirt, the tights, run around, in this case Angelina Jolie, what is being covered?
What aren't you supposed to be looking at behind the curtain?
And that's the question I have.
There are an awful lot of warlords in Africa who've been backed by people like Jimmy Carter, who supported the maniac Charles Taylor, who is right now in prison in The Hague for war crimes.
He was a creation of Jimmy Carter.
Um, and we also had, and who is making money off these things?
Who's making money off the mayhem in the Congo?
Who made money off the mayhem in Liberia?
Again, let's go back to those elites we were talking about.
Um, when I was in, I was just in the Congo and I was just in Liberia.
And I can tell you that there are people making money off this mayhem.
You don't just pull AK-47s and mortars out of trees.
These are really remote areas.
Someone is sending that.
Billions off this mayhem.
And that's why this is happening.
You know, if Angelina Jolie wants to, you know, put on her pearls and run off into the jungle and grab Coney, God bless her.
But, you know, the other thing is, I would much rather see these people grab people like Singer the Vulture in New York and in Vail, Colorado, where he has a nice ski place.
I'd like to see them, you know, all these guys behind Restore Our Future, the Romney super PAC.
Well, that's my point.
Let me just throw this caveat in here.
Look, this guy hasn't been seen in years.
He's a minor little nobody warlord up in the northern area in Uganda, probably isn't even there.
And it all comes out at a time when they want to escalate activities there.
The installed leader of 26 years of Uganda is connected to all this destabilization and mass death.
Uh, that's happened.
And it's just all part of like celebrating UN intervention and the Hague, uh, when the UN itself has got one of the nastiest histories I've ever seen.
But they have diplomatic immunity, which they pull out of the sky.
So, that's my point, is that when you see the entire establishment media pushing something, you know it stinks to high heaven.
And, I mean, what's your view on the Libya war?
I mean, that clearly was illegal.
He didn't get authorization from Congress for that.
I really have no opinions on the Libya war, except to say that I was, you know, from Vulture's Picnic of the Book, I was investigating British Petroleum.
You have to look at whose interests are being served.
First, the same guys that sent in planes to bomb and kill Gaddafi were the guys that were hugging him.
Tony Blair, on the day that the United States and Great Britain recognized the killer terrorist government of Gaddafi, the very same day,
British Petroleum signed a two billion dollar agreement with Qaddafi, okay, to develop oil in the Benghazi eastern sector of Libya.
When the rebel army broke out, when the rebellion broke out, and Qaddafi, he was kept inside Tripoli.
That meant that the oil fields which are in the east were under the control of the rebels.
As soon as they got control of the oil fields, suddenly
They're our friends.
Suddenly they have to be protected.
When Gaddafi was just slaughtering people, slaughtering people, we didn't do anything about taking him out.
I mean, that could have, you know, jeopardized the contracts.
But the minute that Gaddafi lost control of the oil fields of the East, he was gone.
See, he made a mistake.
He was concerned about military control.
He should have been keeping his hand on the spigot.
He'd be alive today.
That's how it works, and that's a sad thing.
Again, no one, no one wants to say Qaddafi, we should defend Qaddafi or let him stay there, or any of those things.
But it is, it's not, unfortunately it's not about saving lives, because we could have saved lives by going much further.
Sure, he's not being removed to bring peace.
They brought Al-Qaeda in, they're wrecking the country, they're putting in hardcore, hardline Islamic regimes.
I'm told all day, get my rights up, because the extremist Muslims are going to get me.
You know, our governments are constantly giving them the keys to the city.
What do you make of the latest developments in Iran?
Three aircraft carriers stacking up right off the coast.
There's a big Washington Post full-page ad.
Mr. President, say no to war of choice with Iran.
And it's got Admiral Mullen in there, and it's got the former head of CENTCOM in there, and it's got Major General Paul Eaton.
You know, there's a whole bunch of them signed on there saying it's bad, it's bad for Israel.
You got the former head of Mossad saying don't do it, it'd be suicide.
What's your view on Iran, and what's the inside sources you've got on where we are with a new war?
You know, unfortunately, I don't have enough good sources in Iran.
And, you know, Seymour Hersh was always saying that we are bombing, we're gonna bomb, we're gonna bomb, and he's been saying it for years from the inside.
The question is... Well, they've been bombing, actually, though.
This is not a proxy war.
So the question is, who likes to keep the pot stirring?
And I think that you have three guys running for re-election, Ahmadinejad in Iran, Obama in the United States, Netanyahu in Israel, and these guys need the pot boiling, they're all coming to get us, war, war, war, and suddenly, you know, as you well know,
War increases popularity for re-election.
It's the oldest trick in the book.
They're coming to get us and we have to rally around the flag and rally around our president.
War is the health of the state.
And plus, keep in mind, every time Ahmadinejad says booga booga booga, we've got centrifuges, the price foil kicks back up.
I sometimes wonder if Ahmadinejad and Obama trade phone calls.
It's your turn this week to make the threat.
You know, you have to look at the oil market, which is what I do.
I look at economics.
I look at the oil market.
You know, you see these guys jerking it up and down.
Someone's having a lot of fun with the oil market there.
I can tell you that.
You know, whether sometimes these things, the games, the fun and games get out of hand, they actually start
That I can't prognosticate.
It's way beyond my crystal ball's ability.
But I do know that the endless boiling pot is a political bonanza for these guys and is a bonanza for the energy companies, the oil companies.
They're grinning.
Keep the war going.
Shut down those fields.
Make them burn.
Limit the supply.
Choke it off.
Keep oil above a hundred bucks a barrel.
On your radar screen in the election, Ron Paul is finally coming out in Maine, other areas pointing out there was election fraud against him.
We know that goes on.
But with Mitt Romney or Obama, they're both the same pedigree, a lot of the same backers, same policies.
Both of them are basically Ken dolls that read off teleprompters.
I mean, who would somebody vote for with that choice of two evils?
I mean, I don't see a lesser of two evils there.
But I mean, Obama, I gotta say, I thought he was a total puppet.
He really is giving Bush a run for his money with the NDAA and just these federal rulings on free speech and everything.
I mean, this is Twilight Zone.
Yeah, I mean, for those who went for the hope and change, you know, and swallowed the whole line from the Pope of Hope, hey, go visit Guantanamo, you know, that he was going to close, remember that?
The one nice thing about being an investigative journalist working for the BBC, I'm not even allowed to make a choice on the election, so I'm relieved of that tremendous burden and difficulty.
I do know that there's going to be a lot of vote manipulation, that there's a lot in it, and it's not so much stealing votes left Democrat or Republican.
I've done a lot of vote theft investigation, and it's about disempowering
If you look at the demographics, it's not so much black, white, but working class versus elite voters.
Elite voters are pretty much left alone, even if they're Democrats or Republicans.
And what we're seeing is things like the tricks, I was just, in fact, writing about it a minute ago, tricks like caging, where they send out letters to you
Um, at your registered address.
If you're not there, they challenge your vote registration as fraudulent.
Well, they were sending, um, Carl Rove's office was sending letters out to soldiers at their home addresses.
Now, they're allowed to vote from Iraq or Afghanistan, but if the letter came back addressing you're not there, they lost their right to vote.
They'd send in their ballots from overseas.
And the votes don't get counted because they've been challenged at being, they're not at their home address.
This is the type of games that are being played.
We're going to see an awful lot of that stuff this year.
And again, it's going to be about a kind of classed war by proxy, taking away your power to vote.
Well, I agree with you.
I want to go to some phone calls here, but I wanted to bring up a separate issue with you.
Are you noticing that either people are more awake now or they're getting more into a trance, I mean a literal trance?
I'm seeing people, and I've got a statistic here, it's five times more dangerous to text while driving than to drink while driving, but no one seems to care.
I saw all sorts of crazy driving in a wreck today with people watching videos or texting.
All of those, they had smartphones up their faces while driving 70 miles an hour.
And I think that that's a symptom of a public that's just totally become passive, like spectators.
And now they think driving a car is spectator.
They think... I mean, I'm really worried about humanity itself, Greg.
That's kind of a wild card curveball.
No, no, no, no.
This is actually something I've been thinking quite a bit about because I'm in media.
You know, to me, always the most dangerous drug addiction in America had been television.
Straight into their brain.
I'm not talking about like some type of Dr. Moriarty in some cave with some dials, putting some weird waves and signals in your head.
I'm talking about just the damn info junk.
The news goo, as my media critic friend Danny Schechter calls it.
They're filling your head with junk.
With garbage.
And that's why you get this repetitive thing, just like television commercials.
We'll be repeated over and over again with ear pods in our ears, cable constantly at us.
You've got the information coming off the screen all the time.
And so you hear Iran, Iran, Iran.
You hear these chants and these mantras.
They stop making any sense.
You just know that Iran, danger.
You know, terrorists, fear.
It's more like endless commercials than it is information, and it's being fed non-stop.
So it's subconscious.
You're doing something else.
You're driving or whatever.
We've got like a hypnotized nation.
It's like Prozac-istan here.
Did you coin that?
Uh, yeah, I did.
And, and, yeah, that's what it kind of is.
I mean, it's like, I do look around, it scares me, and, and, you know, I mean, maybe I, especially, I must admit, I have a 14-year-old, uh, 15-year-old daughter who's, uh, you know, and, and I'm wondering, is she, what's going on here?
It's like zombies.
And, um, they're not
Actually, into what they're listening to, which is the interesting thing.
They're not really listening on the phone or listening to whatever broadcast or music is going on.
They're only half listening, but they're only half paying attention.
There's a kind of twilight zone effect that's going on.
And I'm
And I agree with you, but the elites are starting to drink the Kool-Aid as well.
You know what?
I've watched these guys.
I've never seen one with earbuds in their ears.
Yeah, you're right.
They're like in perfectly sharp suits with a bunch of people behind them walking around like cold-blooded reptiles or something.
They know what they're doing.
We'll be right back with Greg Palast.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Your phone call is straight ahead.
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You know, everybody you talk to
Marvels that the public is in a mesmerized state.
Well, how do we keep people from slipping into that state?
How do we do that?
Because the world is getting crazier and crazier, and the establishment knows they're dumbing down the media, they know they're distracting the public.
What type of world is being built?
It's hellish.
Let's go to some phone calls in this segment and the next for our guest.
Mergen in Wisconsin, you're on the air with Greg Powell, let's go ahead.
Hi, it's Bregan, and it's an honor to speak with you again, Greg.
I've seen you speak at the Fighting Bob La Follette Festival in Madison and at the Barrymore Theater, and that shamelessly plugged InfoWars on the Community Access Radio, WRT, when you were on.
And I just wanted to speak to, or have you speak to a cross-paradigm appeal, if you could,
Because as you well know, Madison, Wisconsin, the population is highly intelligent and highly educated, but there is that underlying... Alex calls them pencil necks or whatever, but there is kind of a snarky, smarmy... CHICKEN NECKS!
Chicken neck, academic class filled with semi-informed via disinformation or misinformation population that has the potential, has the potential to really come together with... Yeah, but they buy into a paradigm that because they take a certain orthodoxy that they're really smart and you're not, and they're following clown level narratives just like mainline Republicans are.
How do you break through that, Greg Palast?
That's what we're trying to do here.
In other words, look, when you have something like Kony 2012, you're speaking directly to people's simplest heartfelt emotions.
And that's good in some ways, but then it leads you to dumb in other ways.
In other words, they are really distracting you.
And so, you know, I think one thing to do with the sophisticates.
Is to remind them that, you know, if they are, that they are susceptible to being duped, too.
And remind them if they are really smart, they'll ask some questions.
Like, you know, like, one thing I did at the, when I was in with Madison, Wisconsin, is I challenged the, the, the great god of, of the chicken necks, as you would call them, Alex, National Petroleum Radio and the Petroleum Broadcast System.
Which were absolutely running the oil industry's virtual infomercials after the Deepwater Horizon explosion on their so-called investigative program, Frontline, for example.
And I have a section in Vulture's Picnic about this.
And PBS ran a program saying, oh, it's all BP's cultural problems.
They don't have a culture of safety like they didn't wear, you know, white gloves at the opera.
But this wouldn't happen with a wonderful company like Chevron, which wouldn't do these things.
And they'd never mentioned that Chevron is the official number one national corporate sponsor of PBS.
They basically said, you know,
Trust Chevron, not those BP guys.
And then I went to the jungles of Ecuador and found that, you know, Chevron is poisoning thousands of people.
It's really ugly there.
There's mass cancers from the junk that they're dropping.
And by the way, there's more Chevron destruction, more destruction of the wetlands by Chevron oil in the Gulf than from the BP Deepwater Horizon.
But, you know, the petroleum broadcast system isn't going to do that.
So they have a certain, there's a certain elite agreement.
There's a certain agreement that you'll get from the views of the Washington Post and the New York Times and PBS and they have one viewpoint and it's simply accepted that that is the given truth and everyone else is just a schmuck and a bozo and a redneck and a conspiracy nut.
But more and more they're losing credibility so the system's openly trying to censor the free exchange of ideas because we're cleaning their clocks.
Back in 60 seconds with more of Greg Palast than James Rappaport.
You are listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We'll continue with your calls when James Rappaport, investigative journalist, joins us and I'll run through a bunch of headlines I haven't gotten to yet.
Hey Alex Jones and Greg Pallas, I was wondering, what do you think about the
Okay, I'll get Greg's take on that.
Yeah, these multinational corporations, again through left cover, getting global zoning passed so they can basically take property, eminent domain, stuff like that, Greg.
Well, I don't know how much it has to do with the UN, but I can tell you the WTO documents that I have, which they're confidential documents.
And by the way, I presented them to the Director General of the WTO, Pascal Lamy.
One thing, a perk of working at BBC, I can actually get to these critters, these top guys.
And yeah, they've got a great program for imposing an international set of laws that overwhelm any laws for protection of health, safety and property.
I think?
Does that answer your question?
I guess it does.
The caller's gone.
Let's go to Steve in Florida.
Quick question from Steve.
Steve, welcome.
Yeah, good afternoon.
Hey, Alex, I thought about when you were talking about Angelina Jolie and her being an envoy to the U.N., the Pony 2012, and then what we see Obama doing with the NDAA and, you know, last week with the Senate Armed Services Committee and basically them declaring war on the American people, in essence.
And I was thinking there's an event that occurred early on in Obama's presidency that I think ties this whole thing all together.
Tell us!
Was president and chaired the UN Security Council.
Yeah, violates Article 1, Section 9.
Great points.
Greg, in closing, I'm sure you've seen this.
Obama told Congress last year, and now this year, last week, they had the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and the SecDef tell him, no, Congress isn't over war now.
The UN and NATO give us our orders.
Very bizarre.
It's one thing if a president power grabs, but what do you make of that?
Well, you know, to me, it's all about, I just follow the money.
You know, who's making money from all this stuff?
You have a tremendous growing, and still growing, arms industry.
And, by the way, within, like, for example, the emergency war bills, we had $8 billion, which will grow to $56 billion in nuclear plant guarantees in the war bills.
So under the cover of fighting terror, of war, of, like you say, international, you know, endless international war, war without end,
And the big megabanks are global, they want war, so they're going to tell Congress to fly a kite.
In other words, someone's making money off this increasing global militarization of our foreign policy and our financial system.
It's a very troubling thing.
How the mechanism is being done, that's my investigative work, is to go into the details.
I'll give you the dots and Alex, you connect them.
Alright, GregPalast.com.
Thank you for joining us, Greg.
Great, Alex, as always.
Alright, we're gonna come back with James Rappaport via video Skype for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers, and audio for all the great radio listeners, and I will blitz through a bunch of news as well.
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A little over a year ago, I began to do a lot of research into why, even though I had a pretty good-sized meal, that I was still starving.
And my research led me to a well-known fact that most of the soils that we grow our crops on here in the United States and across the industrialized world are almost completely depleted of almost all of the key minerals and trace elements that our bodies need to rebuild themselves, fight off cancer, and be healthy.
I don't know.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're going to talk more about this tomorrow.
Aaron Dykes' girlfriend, named Eva, is really nice and she's from Germany.
And she was coming over here to visit him.
She was over here a few months ago.
And Aaron Dykes, our reporter, thank you.
We're now into the third hour here.
Again, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
I might need to add that.
But she was flying into the United States, and they called her in and they said, you know Alex Jones, and you know Ron Paul, and you hate America.
And she said a lady with a Polish accent screamed at her off and on for hours, kind of like when I flew up to Canada one time to cover Bilderberg, and said, you're being sent back and we're revoking the visa waiver program.
Because everybody from the EU can just fly over here, Germany, France, you name it.
And just screamed at her and flew her back to Germany.
But said, you know Alex Jones.
You're here for Ron Paul to protest the G20.
They were supposed to fly her to Houston, but they rerouted the plane to Illinois, to Chicago.
And of course, they've cancelled that G20 meeting and moved it to Camp David, there outside D.C.
Just real.
I mean, that shows you the whole spy grid.
But the borders are wide open and illegal aliens can do whatever they want.
I mean, they have big Mexican consulates in Houston, Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, where you just go in.
Anybody can go in and get a fake ID that is accepted by the police, insurance companies, banks.
People are like, but it's the Mexican consulate.
Yeah, but it's a fake ID.
They'll give it to anybody.
What was it?
Six, seven years ago, I had the Speaker of the Colorado Senate on at the time.
He went in one day and got four
At one Mexican consulate at one day, an Anglo guy, can't even speak Spanish, went in four times in a circle and went and got four different ones that you can set up a bank account, anything with.
But you want to fly here from South Africa or Germany or Australia, you are treated like abject trash.
You know, I've seen the videos on YouTube of people having these problems and I've talked to folks that I personally know this has happened to where
Well, one guy's got a French wife.
He's had two children with her.
And she still has to go back to France a few times a year.
And the government's always threatening to kick her out of the country.
I mean, this country is such a joke, folks.
Everything is about targeting the law-abiding.
Everything is about running us into the ground.
While the criminal government does whatever it wants.
I mean, I've had police on this show.
They've been in the news.
Where illegal aliens are arrested for DWI, the judges just let them go.
And again, I'm not disliking Latin American illegals.
The point is, why are they above the law?
Because it's part of the merger of North America.
In the SPP documents that Judicial Watch sued and got a long time ago, it's all there.
Alright, I have got an insane amount of news and loaded phones here.
And there's so much crazy news coming out.
I mean, they're now admitting that Google is run by
DARPA and the Department of Defense, that's in CNET News, which is CBS.
Google hires DARPA director Regina Duggan.
I mean, it was publicly set up by DARPA.
So you think you're getting info?
They're getting info on you.
And they get you to opt in.
That's their trick.
When Silicon Valley a few months ago killed the SOPA bill, it's because they weren't going to let the ham-fisted recording industry come in and do it.
They said, no, no, no, that's not how we do it.
We just disappear people off the web.
We're going to have web IDs, web taxes, all of that.
So big news.
Department of Justice wants court to keep Google NSA partnership secret.
Court hearing scheduled for next week.
An ongoing effort by Privacy Group to expose details of working relationships.
Steve Watson.
Another article that I've got here in my stack that I'll try to get to tomorrow because we've got our guest holding and I want to hear from him.
James Rappaport of nomorefakenews.com.
Great mind when it comes to this information.
John Rappaport.
Excuse me.
What did I call him?
James Rappaport.
James, John.
Call him Jack Rappaport.
Well, call me Easter Bunny.
Anyway, side issue.
John Rappaport.
Problem is I got so much in my mind, so much I want to cover here that I end up just stumbling over it all.
Last year, pro-life groups came out and said that a flavoring division of PepsiCo was using aborted fetal tissue for the flavoring in Pepsi products.
And I went and researched it, and there was evidence it was true.
Now Pepsi has gone in in federal court, and I have the article here in my stack, and I went and read the ruling last night.
This came out like a week ago.
I just learned of it last night.
Because people on the message board at Infowars on the stories will say, hey, check this out.
And I sat there and read the ruling and they said, yeah, we are using fetal tissue, but we don't want our shareholders to have access to what we're putting in the drinks.
And because they got pro-life, but also just sane people on their board.
Not on their board, but as stockholders.
And so the Obama administration ruled in an amicus brief to the federal court
That this is just business practices.
Standard business and flavorings are a secret.
Now, Coke is cocaine.
It's decoconated cocaine.
People are like, really?
Yeah, that's why it's called Coke.
Go look it up.
It's a fact.
And PepsiCo goes along those lines.
And uses the denatured cocaine flavor.
But I thought I would start here today where I began last week when John Rappaport was on the nightly news show, bringing this up because he'd been writing about something that's now been picked up by the mainstream, that all these bioethicist journals that are the prestigious groups that sit over the hospital boards are saying, yeah, we're going to kill even healthy babies.
Forget the debate about killing babies that have problems.
Pretty soon, oh, you're blind.
Oh, you have hearing problems.
You're dead.
Oh, you're genetic?
Show you're aggressive.
We say that's a handicap.
You're dead.
They say kill babies up to three that are healthy.
And there's a new article out.
Bioethicist professor drugged the population to accepting green world order with chemicals in the food and water.
That's already going on.
See, we're in this nightmare scenario.
So I wanted to raise that with him, that even when I can't believe something's real, that they're using baby fetuses for flavoring, I knew they were using them for women's cosmetics,
I knew that it was in a lot of the vaccines, but I mean, it's in the Pepsi?
John Rappaport of nomorefakenews.com?
I mean, the dehumanization is just incredible, John.
Hey Alex, it goes across the board.
I mean you can start with genetically modified food, you can start anywhere in the food chain, but this piece in the Journal of Medical Ethics was basically a recommendation that said anything that can be aborted before birth can be killed after birth for the same reasons or no reasons without it being a crime or even something you have to blink at because
This is not a real person, yet.
This was the hypothesis offered by some, a couple of insane ethicists, mind you.
Because you see, a person is only a person when they can envision goals and they want to go after them and achieve them.
But up until that age, whenever that occurs, they're really not a person.
So, the parents,
The state, anybody, could just decide to kill them and it would be okay.
It wouldn't be a crime.
And so this was reported with a straight face.
I mean, I read some of the comment sections, people saying, no, this couldn't be real.
I mean, this is some kind of a joke.
It's not even April 1st yet.
But no, this is the academic world.
You know, cooperating with intelligence agencies, governments, and so forth, with the program of trying to convince people, okay, we can do anything we want to to you, and we don't have to call it a crime.
It doesn't matter.
You're under our umbrella, and we control the situation.
And people don't respond to this.
They just read it and they pass on to something else.
But this is happening.
This is like saying, you know, we've got a guy over in Princeton University, Lee Silver, who said for a long time now, well, what we really need to do is, you know, and this is going to happen, we're going to genetically engineer
Well, this is mainstream academia.
We're not talking about people hiding in bunkers somewhere, you know, cooking up bizarre scenarios.
This is not Island of Dr. Maru.
This is what they really are doing.
And I think you hit the nail completely on the head when you pointed out
This was reported like they were talking about the price of squash or something at the local grocery store, and people were in the London Telegraph article, the InfoWars article, and others saying this can't be real, this is a joke, because the globalists are moving the Overton window.
They're getting everybody ready now, where they go, yeah, there's world government.
Yeah, we're putting stuff in your water.
Yeah, we're gonna kill babies.
Bill Gates is like, yeah, we're gonna kill grandma.
I mean, it's just, it's like, why do you think they're coming out in the open right now?
Because they think that people are so depleted, brainwashed, weak, hypnotized, that there won't be any reaction to it.
I mean, this is all an intelligence agency type operation.
propaganda operation that's been going on in the press for decades now.
You tell one story wilder than another.
It doesn't matter what it is.
You know, man born with six heads.
Three donkeys seen falling out of the sky in Russia.
And after a while, people become so inured to all of this, they just don't respond.
And so then you come out with a story saying, well,
Two ethicists recommend killing babies, and it's not a crime, and everybody nods their heads because they've been conditioned to accept this incredibly bizarre world of information that we live in, and so the powers that be have now assumed, okay,
The population is sunk.
They have no power left.
They don't know what they're doing.
They're in a trance.
We can come out in the open and say whatever we want.
I don't know if you heard my first hour, but I was driving to work today with people with their smartphones up to their faces wrecking and crashing and smashing.
It was like a zombie movie.
We'll be right back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
John Rappaport is our guest.
We know what this program is, and I've studied the Globalist, I know you have, in your decades as an investigative journalist.
They've got a weird system of rules where they have to tell you what they're going to do to you before they do it.
And so what I see them doing is dehumanizing us but giving us the choice, making us where we don't care about each other and watch a woman bleed to death hit by a car, you know, whatever the case is.
We know that's at epic proportions right now, people being totally self-centered.
And then as the globalists come in and start accelerating their soft kill, we can't stand up for each other because we've had our
Very survival instinct taken from us, and people now revel in being ignorant.
It's seen as a badge of honor to be an idiot, to be soft, to be metrosexual.
What is the Global Controller's endgame?
From your decades of research, working in ABC, CBS newsrooms, investigative journalists for big magazines for folks, and I'm introducing you to, you may not know who you are,
Bottom line everything seems to be accelerating right now.
What is the endgame sum?
The endgame sum to me is a universe of the planet as a universal hospital and Everybody's a patient under lifelong care dependent dependent dependent on
The controllers.
People strutting around wearing the badges that signify proudly what their diseases and disorders are.
Their ignorance is just as if, you know, you were talking about a minute ago there.
Breeding a whole new kind of world citizen, you see.
I'm dependent, yes, of course, and I'm proud to be dependent on the forces above.
And I've got the diseases and the disorders and the disabilities and the ignorance to prove it.
But I am completely dependent.
And this is how I proudly state myself.
And of course, then you install the control mechanisms and the bureaucracies and the regional governments and the global de facto management system to bring it all into being.
This is one reason why I've focused so heavily on the medical cartel over the last 15 years because this is, in the long run, the real thrust of this whole thing, is to debilitate people so thoroughly with chemicals and drugs and vaccines and so forth.
My friend Robert Scott Bell and I just did a 10-hour audio seminar out of, you know, defense called Vaccines Armed and Dangerous because
We want to get this information out to people who are not yet quite brainwashed.
That, you know, this is where everything is being funneled into this idea of dependence, disease, disorder.
You don't know what you're doing.
You're a victim.
You can't stand up for yourself.
This is pure, crystallized veritas.
I tried to say everything you just said in an hour, in the first hour that you just said in two minutes.
Pure truth.
From my gut, my intellectual understanding, my deep research, the globalists, as you know, admit they're going to GMO everything and screw up the environment so they control it.
They're playing God.
They want to make everybody sick.
And then give you treatments that make you a slave to them, screw up the DNA so bad you've got to go to them to have a kid, then they decide what's aggressive genes, they admit they're going to fix it.
They're admitting all this!
It is so diabolical!
Yeah, it's completely over the top.
They're just coming right out in the open and they're saying this, you see.
You don't have any choice here.
It's not about freedom anymore.
I mean, where do you even see in the mainstream press anymore the word, the phrase, individual freedom?
Or, God forbid, individual power?
I mean, that's completely X'd out of the equation.
Those words are verboten.
It's all now about the group, it's about the collective, about what you owe to the community, your membership in the, you know, society.
Of being screwed, basically, of being a victim.
Whether you want to be or not, whether you're a real victim or a phony victim, we accept you.
But in order to gain admission, in order to buy that ticket, in order to get in the door, in order to be a member of, you know, the globalist controlled world, you have to admit that you're powerless.
That's what you've got to do.
And that you're diseased, and that you're disabled, and that you're ignorant, and that you don't know what logic is, and you can't think.
Then we open the door wide to you and we say, aha, you belong now and you get all the benefits.
And of course, it's cradle to grave, Alex.
I mean, the medical cartel
When they vaccinate a baby, you know, in the first few hours of birth, bang.
What they're hoping for is much more than a vaccine.
It's, we've got you in the system now.
You are a cradle-to-grave patient.
We've begun to literally, like vampires, debilitate you, and from the diseases we're giving you now, we're gonna suck you dry through your whole life.
And they also feed on the misery.
They love it.
Globalists from studying them hate
Beauty and strength and individualism.
They are the pit of hell.
John Rapoport, our guest.
We'll be right back.
Amazing information.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright, I've literally got hundreds of insane articles here in front of me.
I covered some of them in the first and second hour, but more and more I realize that
Our fight is about getting people to think for themselves.
Now, a lot of people are waking up, but then they just don't trust anything.
They don't have any information, so then they turn everything into a conspiracy, instead of real global government out in the open coming down on us.
And I agree with John Rappaport of nomorefakenews.com, that it is the medical tyranny that's at the heart of the eugenics, the heart of the takeover.
Your local doctor's just brainwashed, compartmentalized.
He was getting into vaccines.
Look at what they put in the water.
They call it fluoride.
Then they say fluoride's good.
Well, it's hundreds of chemicals under the name fluoride.
Then you find out it is a program to reduce fertility and cause DNA damage.
And then now they're admitting it.
See, what's crazy is they've gone from denying all this, and I think we were really hurting them back when they would say there's no Bilderberg group just six years ago.
Now they say it exists, but we're crazy to not like it.
But now they come out and say, yeah, we are drugging your water.
What are you going to do about it?
So I think it's an attempt to psychologically, like John was saying, just condition everybody where everything's so wild, people kind of get overwhelmed and tune out.
But I don't really see that working.
It's working with a large mass of people, but unfortunately they've never counted people that want to be sheep, that want to be run over.
It's always been a very small group on the side of evil and a very small group
On the side of liberty, who want to see true human empowerment that fight over things.
And I'm telling you, I think we've got greater numbers than people even had back in 1775, John.
But I want to get your expert take on that.
But at the same time, they have this scorched earth policy, though, of just, of madness.
I mean, sure, there's a method to the madness, but still, aren't the global social controllers themselves insane?
I don't think you could frame any better definition of insanity than that.
I mean, that is the epitome of insanity.
But I agree with you.
There are so many people who are waking up and who understand what the stakes are in this game and how important individual freedom is.
But to me, this is a crucial thing here.
You have to say, look, it's about freedom.
It is about freedom.
For example, do you have the right to refuse a vaccine or a drug?
Do you have the right to take a nutritional supplement and take care of, manage your own health, your own body and so forth?
Do you have that freedom?
Is that a right?
Because as soon as people begin to think about that, they begin to wake up.
They say, well, don't I?
I mean, I would assume I have that right.
And while the government's trying to bully me now and lying and saying it's the law when it's not.
OK, well, here's an example.
with this whole thing with choice.
This is a control freak revolution against our common law and basic facts.
Take the TSA, John.
As you know, they're there to stay guilty until proven innocent and only the government is exempt.
I mean, isn't that a all-out revolution against freedom?
Yeah, of course.
It's the idea, well, everybody is now a potential terrorist.
You have a baby in a carriage, you have a three-year-old, your grandmother who's 95 and she can't walk.
Everybody is now a potential terrorist.
Despite the fact that there are much better methods of doing security at airport than all of this insanity.
And despite the fact most of the terrorism staged.
Yeah, we can't forget that little item.
I predicted that these newspapers, the media basically, who are the organs of, you know, global forces, globalist forces, were going to go under, you know, 10, 15 years ago.
As soon as I got on the Internet, I said, well, that's it for them.
I mean, because
They are just simply propaganda outlets.
They don't know how to save themselves.
They're just going to keep parroting the line, and people are going to start waking up on the internet, and these media organs are going down the tubes, which is exactly what's been happening.
I mean, the New York Times is refinancing the financing of their debt, just to stay afloat.
And, you know, I've talked with several mainstream reporters and editors, and I said to them,
I said, let's just take a ridiculous scenario, which is you make me managing editor of your newspaper and in six months I'll save your newspaper.
Your sales will go so far through the roof you won't even believe it.
And they said, well, what are you talking about?
I said, because I've got a list of maybe 30 or 40 stories right here at my fingertips that if you not only put in your headlines every day, but pounded on day after day after day after day,
Your sales would be off the charts.
And 106,000 a year deaths caused by FDA-approved medicines.
And I've got the study that illustrates that and proves it.
July 26, 2000, Journal of the American Medical Association, Dr. Barbara Starfield, who at the time was working for the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health.
It's all there.
Now let's take that story and let's run with it, like you ran with Watergate.
Every day, pounding on it.
Doctors coming out of the woodwork, finally confessing they knew about this.
The FDA admitting they knew about this and did nothing about it.
The government never trying to remedy this situation.
2.25 million people killed every year in the United States through the medical system.
That's medical genocide.
Let's take that one story.
I could save your newspaper with that one story.
We would be running articles day, night, afternoon.
You would be selling three editions on the street every day.
So where do you see all this in the future going?
The endgame, we know they're endgame.
A giant system where they give us one poison and then make us shell out for the cure or the treatment, you know, to that poison.
Never, you know, telling us they're the one engaged in the poisoning even though they've been caught.
Versus their plan for humanity.
How do you see this battle, this interchange taking place?
Because we've got a leg up on them because we're an ancient species.
Humans want to be free.
We're very adaptive.
Despite all their attacks, that's when humans really start to shine.
They've been trying to kill us with this plastic, poisonous, fake prosperity.
People are really starting to wake up to that.
But, there's also, in history, in every major culture, when things start going really nuts, people tend to defend the status quo even more.
And so,
Like I said, the system is openly trying to act really wild and nuts right now, like you said, to just create a learned helplessness or a overload.
How do you see all that mixing together?
Decentralization of power is the key.
Always was, always will be.
People begin to opt out of the system in every way possible, along every front.
Now, people can't do this all at once in every aspect, but they can begin to do it.
And people are doing it.
In other words, you live without the need of having the government and major corporations be your kings and queens.
Communities, people helping each other, people growing their own food, people taking care of their own health, people beginning to take back their own power and responsibility over their lives.
And this is a message that, I mean, this is not the first announcement of this.
People have been doing this now for decades, which is why the government is terrified of this.
Because they understand this is the key linchpin that can come loose in their system of control.
If people just say, well, you know, you guys are completely insane.
I can see it.
A lot of my friends can see it.
In fact, thousands of people that I know online are looking at it all the time.
And we're decentralizing.
I mean, there are now probably over a hundred private currencies in the United States.
I know of several myself.
They're completely legitimate, in fact.
And they bring people into a completely different relationship with each other by actually producing and inventing their own.
And that's why the system is panicking.
Now, what about the issue of the fact that the globalists are now trying to psychologically inoculate us because they know that we've already exposed their eugenics plan.
I believe that's the main reason they're throwing it all in our face, going, yeah, we're putting stuff in the water, but it's good to die for the earth.
Yeah, we're doing that to screw up your DNA.
You're a bad human.
I mean, they didn't want to come out with this now.
I don't believe, I clearly know that they're trying to titrate the dose of this poison because they understand that if we continue to wake people up at this rate,
There's going to be more and more of a giant opt-out of their system.
And as you know, John, people don't have to fix the world by themselves like Atlas holding it up.
It's police officers quietly not doing unconstitutional things.
It's parents not fighting with each other, realizing the system tries to condition to do it.
It's turning off and killing your television.
Or locking it up in the cupboard.
It's growing an organic garden.
It's thinking about things.
I mean, the power of humanity is so great.
If we just start the wheels turning, and we've shown people how to do that, and as the globalist curses of degradation and stench unfold, as the fruits of the psycho New World Order unfold, we're going to be like selling snow cones in hell, brother.
Do you see where I'm getting at that?
Oh yeah, believe me.
I see it very well.
Just look at it this way.
Your listeners, people that have been on my website for years, understand the titanic effort of essentially mind control that has been launched along so many lines by the controllers to try to bring people into line.
And what does that tell you?
If it takes that much titanic effort along so many lines, then we must be dealing with human beings that have a resilience that goes beyond what ordinarily
People consider possible.
That's the strength.
That is the strength.
And that is what is making them terrified.
That's why they tell us we're scum and ugly and bad and destructive because they know our minds design silicon chips and jet aircraft and Mona Lisa paintings and the wheel and fire and art and that we are an amazing species.
Made in the image of God, and they hate that because the globalists want to be God, and they've got to turn us into scum animals so they can play the part of God, when the truth is they're a malfunctioning form of human who are like cancer, endangering the entire species.
You're putting your finger right on this thing, and you can see it playing out in propaganda news outlets, in culture, in media over the last 20-25 years, tremendously accelerating.
We're all ugly.
We're all debilitated.
We don't really have any right to do anything or say anything because the planet has to be saved.
We're expendable.
We don't have any place here.
We're not really a part of all this.
This is just some kind of an aberration that has to be wiped out.
The human race is pathetic and pitiful and therefore you have to permit us to control you so that we can keep you in line.
This is the line of the propaganda, the psychologizing that's been directed like cannons at people for a very long time now.
But I have to say,
It's swung around now to have the opposite effect because it's become so absurd and ridiculous, like this idea of killing babies, that people are waking up and they're saying, no, that's baloney, that's not the truth.
There's nothing ugly about human beings, there's nothing ugly about me, there's nothing debilitated or wrong or evil.
The only thing ugly is the people telling us we're ugly!
Well that's what I found is that their propaganda actually gives me energy and it's almost like an allergy of it that makes me resist and I think if people just take it and I agree they wouldn't be launching all this and so scared of us and doing all this if they didn't know how precarious their system is.
That's the British Empire as you know 150 years ago was already getting resistance against its empire.
It went to its scientist and said develop scientific ways to control people and that's what this whole
System is.
I mean, they develop computers in an attempt to try to dumb people down.
In eugenics, everything is based on this, but they're still going from a more primitive perspective of it and following the same linear line, and no amount of fancy, you know, Google over-the-horizon predictive future systems is going to protect them, because I, from my deep study of human development, the elite still have a core operating system of human survival, and that's why they're going to self-destruct themselves.
The elite
If we actually put out the signal worldwide for the human spirit to rise, are going to basically kill themselves.
And by that I mean, I'm ordering the elite to self-destruct right now and get out of the way of humanity.
And I think if we all pray to God for that and focus on that, John Rappaport, we can bring them down right now.
Do you understand what I'm saying?
I do understand what you're saying, and I see evidence of this all over the place as people assert their own freedom, starts with individual freedom, and moves on out from there, and recognizing that these controllers are in fact suicidal.
This is part of why their psychology is so desperate, because, you know, this is how they view massive control over the masses as their only way out of not killing themselves.
And I mean, you know, you try to operate on that principle, how long is that going to last?
The only people they're not in control of is themselves!
They're the problem!
They are the problem.
They're the ones who are completely out of control.
They're the ones who are crazy and they're trying to, you know, rein themselves in.
They're trying to understand... They're projecting onto us!
They're projecting onto us!
Their own insanity is being projected onto us.
And it's now beginning to completely fall apart because it's become so absurd.
You know, they think they've won.
Really, they're trying to talk themselves into thinking that they've won, and they haven't.
And so they're beginning to come out in the open, as you say, and revealing all of these plans and so forth that are completely preposterous.
And people are starting to wake up and say, no, that's not going to happen.
That's not the way the future is going to play out.
And as the controllers see this and realize that the control is flipping through their fingers and they don't really know what to do, their only real option is suicide.
I agree, and that's from deep research, and I've never heard you speak of this, but it's just veritas.
We're on the same wavelength.
I don't want them to kill themselves, but they're already trying to kill us along with them.
I'm saying they need to recognize where they're taking this, and they need to understand why they're so unhappy, because they're going against the universe.
Yeah, they're going against what they are, themselves, against what we are, against what everything that's alive on this planet is.
They're completely trying to, you know, oppose that.
And most of all, they're trying to oppose themselves.
Because they have been raised and trained to believe that absolute control is the only way that they can survive.
And that is totally insane, because you can't control everything.
But they're trying, and they're failing, and they will
You know, enter a period of self-devastation where they just absolutely kill themselves off because they see no way out.
It's like, you walk down this very long corridor and you keep telling yourself, things are getting, oh yeah, I'm in control of this, things are getting much better, oh yeah, we're doing fine.
And as you get further and further toward the end and you see the light at the end of the tunnel, you realize that you've been, you know, these controllers, that they've been deluding themselves all along.
And that what they're really walking toward is their own death.
That's what they're facing.
That's right.
They need to learn to turn loose.
To realize that if you let something survive on its own and have free will and independence, it's not the end of the world.
It's not destruction.
It's not automatic destruction.
These people, many of these elite controllers, and we've talked about what various groups they belong to and so forth, have been raised
Raised and trained in mind control to believe that everybody else on earth is a machine or a lower order animal that threatens their survival.
That's their brainwashing.
And it's not working.
John Rappaport, I've never heard such veritas.
This is deep truths.
That's why it's ringing with all of you is truth.
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Our guest is John Rappaport.
My sites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
What I call, or what they call in World War II, target psychosis.
You get so close to it that you stop even caring, I mean the extreme of not caring how you look or how you're dressing or what people think about you.
And I tend to not plug sponsors, promote books, videos, any of it.
We are funded by you, so think about it at InfoWars.com, the books, the videos, the t-shirts, our sponsors, all of it.
And also get over there and support what John Rappaport's doing.
And I'm, I'll just have to go to calls tomorrow, I got to some today.
I can feel it's all coming down to a crossroads.
It's coming to a head.
I can see it intellectually.
People better do whatever they can now and make hay while the sun shines because the globalists are going to pull out every stop in their attempt to keep humanity under their control and set up this mad scientist system.
I look at the art that the globalists are always into.
Very, very dark stuff.
Very, very disgusting stuff.
And, uh, you know, I just know if we offer the alternative to that darkness, we're gonna win.
Uh, we got about three or four minutes.
Closing comments on that front.
John Rapoport.
I completely agree, Alex.
And people know this.
You know, when you see something fabulous, fantastic, uplifting, enormous in its impact, you know you're alive.
You know you're free.
All of this just happens spontaneously.
You don't even have to think about it.
And you realize what your life could be, what your future could be, and what everybody's life could be.
And when you then go back and you start looking at all this insane propaganda that's being leveled at people to try to make them believe that they're worthless and ugly and of no account and etc.
and you have to be little sheep in our herd that we control you otherwise you're dangerous.
All this nonsense looks the height of absurdity and insanity.
You gotta stay alive to that realization, and go with it, and not just fall back, you know, and sink down and say, well, I just had a momentary illumination, but it doesn't really matter.
No, that's what matters!
That's the thing that really matters!
All the other insanity and absurdity is just an attempt to paint an illusion of the world the way it isn't.
The way it isn't.
And to have you buy that illusion.
And you don't have to buy it, and you know you don't have to buy it.
None of us have to.
Let me ask you this, why do you think, well we got a minute and a half left, why do you think we're still alive?
Well I think we're still alive and a lot of other people are still alive because underneath all of this madness and crime is the hope of everybody on the planet that we work this out and live the life that we can really live.
You know, I've talked to some people who were former insiders.
I can't go into details.
We don't have enough time.
But they basically said to me, listen, when we talk to you, we feel better.
We feel better, because you're not looking at things the way we're looking at it, and maybe, maybe we're wrong.
Maybe we need to wake up, you know?
And I think that's... I've been told the exact same thing.
Can you imagine how alluring those of us that love liberty are compared to those that are turned over to darkness?
We have the power of billions of people that don't have a voice shining through us, and when you become a leader, folks, all the good people's power begins to flow through you.
Is that what you're saying?
And vice versa.
I mean, it's an exchange.
It's an exchange.
So everybody begins to say, yeah, I'm waking up.
Freedom is the fundamental thing.
Individual power used for the good.
Not to interfere with anybody else's freedom.
Real individual power is sharing power with others and lifting others up.
It's incredible.
Amazing, John.
Thank you so much.
Thank you for listening to GCN.