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Name: 20120307_Wed_Alex
Air Date: March 7, 2012
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, do we ever have an interesting piece of news on the front of censorship?
YouTube has admitted that they take stuff down or block it.
Anytime the federal government asks them to, just like this is Communist China.
And here's our InfoWars.com story, was the top story on drugs, now it's the second story.
YouTube restricts video of engineer proving how useless TSA scanners are.
Good job to Rob Dew, he scheduled him for the nightly news tomorrow night, but I'm going to try to get him for the last 30 minutes of the day.
I told the guys no guests the next few days because I wanted time to take calls and cover news, but I want to get this fellow on because
He shows how it's all a fraud, and then the idea is, oh no, we're gonna take your video down, or block it, because that'll show terrorists how to get on board.
They've done different federal tests where in almost every case, fake bombs get on board.
Because it's not meant to protect you from terrorists when they make a woman drink her own breast milk, or make a woman pump milk out in front of people, or strip search a 95-year-old cancer patient in a wheelchair, or grope your one-year-old son or daughter grabbing their genitals.
It's about total power grab domination.
Just like they're power grabbing, TSA now in the colleges, TSA now in Dallas.
You got the army out at the kite festival directing people and searching and stuff.
I mean, this is what America is.
The government parasites are teaching you that we're the military, we're the police, we're the TSA, and the military and police are being taught as well.
They're not bad people on average.
They're being told to do this.
And always given, oh, we're helping the school kids get off the buses.
Oh, we're helping with the Jaws of Life.
Oh, the Army wants to starflight people now.
Oh, the Predator drone helped with some cattle thieves.
Oh, there was a shooting.
Armed Marines showed up in Alabama.
Oh, there was a DWI checkpoint with armed Marines with heavy machine guns in the backs of their Humvees and Berettas on their sides.
And they're going to search you.
You pull up to Marines with the police.
Regular Marines.
This is what it's all about.
You go to your high school basketball game.
The Army's there.
The National Guard.
Your State Guard.
The Hello Kitty bag is searched.
I have photos of children with little pink backpacks.
One of them with Hello Kitty being searched.
It's all about
Learn how to be a prisoner!
You know, if you've never went to prison, I guess you didn't... Last we've seen it in movies, though, where you pull up to the prison, and the assistant warden is there, and he's like, you are doing hard time now.
Out-of-control behavior will not be tolerated.
Line up, we're gonna search ya.
And that's what it is.
TSA's there to size you up and say, five-year-old, come with me.
Mommy, daddy, back off, back off!
National Security!
I mean, this is it.
This is devil government, period.
Devil government.
And it's just so insane to watch it unfolding.
Meanwhile, speaking of devil government, we had David Icahn yesterday talking about government-run child kidnapping rings and rape rings.
Oh, I'm afraid it's all over the news, but it's a minor footnote in New York.
And she's recorded going, I run the cops, I run the judges, they're all in here raping the children.
You know, she's in there supplying children to them.
And Internal Affairs, or Internal Corruption Unit, went ahead and busted her.
And I'll guarantee you, that's a five-year investigation.
That's only allowed because, it sounds like the tape, she was blackmailing people.
And so she'll end up, you know, falling and hitting her head or something like Benazir Bhutto, who got machine gun in front of everyone.
But our news said she hit her head.
It's on TV, her being machine gunned.
But to American media, she hit her head.
So she'll hit her head like Breitbart or something.
Or the D.C.
madam, you know, hung herself.
Said she's being followed.
They're after me, trying to hide documents.
Dead, you know, because police said so.
It was just a suicide.
And everything's fine.
Government loves you.
We've got that news.
And we've got, McCain says, bomb and invade Syria and arm the rebels.
That's all coming up.
Because it's freedom.
And we'll be right back on the other side.
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Hi folks, this is Alex Jones.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
The craziness of reality, the fact that it's so much stranger and so much wilder than anything you could make up, really gets to me sometimes.
And I know it gets to you because those of us that know history, those of us that are concerned about our society and our current present position and our future, just sit back in amazement
Watching government announce, yeah, we're spying on everybody without warrants.
And we're going to pull you over and download the contents of your cell phone.
And we're going to search your house without warrants.
That's now happening.
And there's going to be Army and Marine Corps and TSA and National Guard checkpoints everywhere.
And it's happening!
I'm now getting confirmed reports of other military checkpoints in Austin.
Where I live, I don't have to
Cover news in other parts of the country now.
I can see children being searched by military, and school buses unloading people, and people being groped by the military.
Right here where I live, this country is in so much trouble.
The globalists know we're in a depression.
They know they're about to bring us into a very deep depression.
And they're undoubtedly going to stage fake terror attacks in this country.
And go after political opposition and start shutting down talk radio, free speech on the internet, everything.
I mean, these are criminals that'll ship guns into Mexico and blame it on their political opposition.
These are criminals that'll give tens of billions of dollars to big city crime machines.
These are criminals that give tens of billions of dollars to energy companies that never even open an office.
Some of them are just P.O.
boxes for Obama to give them billions.
Congress admits they insider trade, they get caught giving money to their own companies in some cases, and they say, we're allowed to do this.
People ask, why isn't Congress going after Obama launching all these new wars without approval?
Because Congress by and large is a bunch of knuckle-dragging criminals stealing as fast as they can.
And as America is brought into the post-industrial age by design, that's what the establishment intends, is all the people inside the system getting scared as they see their own handiwork, robbing and stealing and thieving as fast as they can, grabbing everything not nailed down.
I don't know.
We're in for the ride of our lives.
You see, because I was there and so many others were there for decades, warning what was coming, it's not going to be like the globalists thought it was.
They're going ahead with their plan, with the public, a large portion of it, 30% or more, who really know the full score, and waking up faster every day.
More people waking up.
Now you've got a large portion, around half or more, that are totally in la-la land.
And you won't be able to reach them.
But those people have never counted in history.
Just because your neighbors suck in their thumb and thinks you're weird because...
You know things politically, or I see cases of people being arrested because they'll, you know, they'll be outside town and shoot a deer with a license, bring it into their suburb that's on the edge of the country, you know, pull the deer up in their backyard, start gutting it, and animal welfare comes and arrests them.
Because the neighbors are so domesticated they think somebody butchering their own food is like evil.
I've seen people at the boat dock before when I've gone off the lake to go fishing.
I've seen people getting off their boats going, ooooh, what's he doing?
What's that?
When they walk by and some guy's got an electric knife cutting up catfish and stuff they've caught.
I mean, you've got this cult of people that don't know where electricity comes from.
They just think it comes out of a plug in the wall.
You know, the electric car people that will literally lecture you.
Here in Austin, it's been confirmed, the so-called environmentalists...
Knock out the windows and slash the tires of vehicles at Zilker Park.
If you go down to Zilker Park, where they have the army guarding everybody, but nobody stops the sandal-wearing hippies.
They're not really hippies, they're more like proto-trendy Nazis running around.
And there's just glass all over the ground, every parking lot, just everywhere.
Glass everywhere.
Cars being keyed, tires being slashed.
If you're driving an SUV, if you're driving a Hummer, I mean, they'll stab every tire.
And they will lecture you about, you shouldn't be driving that, you need to get a hybrid or an electric car.
And I'm like, moron!
Do you understand it takes as much energy or more from fossil fuel, from gasoline, from oil, than it does from coal-powered plants or other systems?
Do you understand that, moron?
But they don't care.
They don't care.
They don't know electric cars are all a boondoggle for certain key industries to rip people off.
I'm now digressing.
I always do this because I don't know which direction to go in.
It's just completely overwhelming that you've got a giant army of domesticated idiots that think, when you try to warn them politically about history and what's currently happening, and what is now admitted, that the entire Bill of Rights and Constitution is being overthrown, giant tax increases on everybody except the ultra-rich being deployed,
Just abject poverty as a political tool to bring us to our knees.
Political arrest, political assassinations, emergency FEMA camps, all of it now, admit it.
All of this now admitted and you try to talk to a trendy know-it-all yuppie or a liberal or a mainline Republican and they giggle and they smirk and they think that as long as they giggle and smirk they've won a debate or something.
They don't get the fact you're warning them.
It's like if you were, if there's a giant wildfire coming into town about to burn up neighborhoods on the edge of town.
And there's smoke in the air and everything, and you run up and bang on your neighbor's door and say, listen, a fire's coming, and they go, oh, trying to be a conspiracy theorist.
All I'm trying to do is warn people.
And I'm staying here in this country, the epicenter of the good and the evil, where the battle's happening, to my own great risk, because I understand my forebears did this for the greater good of humanity, and I will go down with the ship.
I've committed to do that, but ladies and gentlemen,
It's all happening.
It's all unfolding.
In fact, it's more sickening and worse than I'd even thought it would be in its stages right now.
The globalists are dispensing with any pretense now.
Now, I want to start getting into the news here.
Obviously, John McCain two weeks ago said, arm the rebels.
Well, that's now been declassified that for a year, NATO, the U.S., Israel, and others have been arming the rebels.
And who are they?
They're al-Qaeda, they're Wahhabis, they're out of Saudi Arabia.
The big dog on the block.
And they have sworn to kill the Christians and kill the minority Muslim groups, the Shiite, and then there's some kind of groups of Muslims that are really just Zoroasters,
And some mystic groups.
They're dead.
They're dead.
They'll be lined up and shot.
They'll be raped.
I mean, that's what these groups do.
And McCain, this monster who helped write the NDAA, who says censor the Internet, this anti-Second Amendment piece of unmitigated trash, a ringer for Obama.
It's up and says on the rebels.
I remember Hillary six months ago said, oh, we're not involved.
We don't want to arm the rebels.
No, they're busy telling you they're there.
They're peaceful and they're being shot by Assad forces.
I'm not any fan of the son of the last dictator.
But the fact is, he brought stability.
He's been working with the West.
That just shows when you try to work with the West like Gaddafi did, it's over.
And now, Al Qaeda runs Libya.
Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda-lite, runs Egypt.
It's many times worse for the whole population.
That was the plan.
And they're going to wreck Syria, and they're going to try to start a civil war in Iran, and that's all the plan.
Meanwhile, I've got to be lectured all day that I've got to give up all my rights and have the National Guard and the State Guard on the highways of Texas now.
Oh yes, the reports are pouring in.
I mean, I don't have to go to Tennessee or California now to have regular Marine Corps out on highways 20 miles from base with machine guns searching people on top of their Humvees.
This was in the news.
People pull up, there's Marines with the police searching cars looking for drunk drivers.
I mean, it's illegal for the cops to be doing it.
And I think of Arte Cerveda laughing at me three months ago, four months ago in the studio going, Alex, there'll never be troops on the streets of Austin.
It'd have to be the end of the world!
It is the end of the world.
It's the end of the free republic, okay?
Okay, I've been to the urban drills.
I've talked to the military.
I've talked to the police chiefs, like San Antonio police chief years ago, who blew the whistle on this first.
Delta Force came to him and said, here's a couple hundred thousand dollars, chief, because you've told other departments and other groups, we can't be here running covert operations.
We want to work with you.
How about a couple hundred grand in cash?
And he said, as a Vietnam Army intelligence veteran, he said, this is completely illegal.
Get out of my office.
Well, see, other chiefs out there took the money.
I don't think our chief of police did that, but he obviously doesn't know where he's living.
Because he looked at me like I'm funny.
It's funny.
Alex, it'd have to be the end of the world.
The sky would have to be falling for there to be military on the streets.
Is that why I've been in New York by Madison Square Garden and across the street you see a bunch of troops with sidearms on?
And I go, we'll get some footage of that.
And they say, turn that bleeping camera off and run over and start cussing and threatening to physically attack me with their fist up.
And I go, go ahead and do what you're going to do!
What you're doing is illegal!
I've learned, I've seen all this footage in New York now with the police and military together, that if somebody acts scared when they come over, they beat them down and break their arms.
It's all like, it's like dog psychology.
You've got to not just fake bow up to these people, you've got to be ready.
You've got to be ready to be attacked by them.
By the way, you dock my teeth out, break my arms, that's only going to empower people.
To use a movie analogy, because folks only seem to get that, Darth Vader walks into the headquarters of the Death Star and talks to the governor, and he says, he is here.
And he goes, Obi-Wan Kenobi's not here.
And all of a sudden,
You know, Radio Beliefs says we've got a break-in on cell block 1138.
And he says, Obi-Wan is there, and he says if this is true, he must not be allowed to escape.
Darth Vader says, Escape is not his plan.
I must face him alone.
You are gonna have to be Obi-Wan Kenobi, folks, and stand up to these people.
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The globalists have been developing incredible technologies for a long time that are extremely seductive.
You think the flicker rate on television putting people into a near-dream state is a powerful mind control tool?
On record?
You're a new lister.
Don't laugh about TV being mind control.
Go look it up.
Edward Bernays, Mainline Science, taught for 60 plus years in Mainline College.
I took Community College, RTF, and it was taught in the first textbook.
But for those that don't know information, everything's a theory.
Kind of like it was a theory 15 years ago when I talk about Gulf of Tonkin being staged.
No, I would actually source the San Diego newspaper where the ship came back a few months later and they said we weren't attacked, it was staged.
It's now declassified that it was staged to get us into Vietnam.
That's just an example of it.
It's kind of like chemtrails.
We call them chemtrails, but it's an aerosol, geoengineering, weather modification program.
Nobel Prize in what, 1992?
It was adopted by the mid-90s as testing, then under patents added to most of the jet fuel, with just a handful of companies producing most of the kerosene jet fuel to be aerosolized as nuclei in the jet engines.
The White House science czar first press conference admits they're doing it, but said details are classified, and I get to go on radio shows and be laughed at for talking about imaginary chemtrails when the White House is having press conferences!
Thousands of documents about the cancer viruses, and the sodium fluoride, and the GMO to sterilize us.
All there!
But it doesn't exist, because the average person listening just says, I don't believe it, or I did a search and didn't find it.
Well, you don't know how to use a search engine.
You don't know how to watch my films that are free online.
You don't know how to... I mean, every couple days our writers have got some new Rockefeller or Carnegie or UN Foundation about cancer viruses and population reduction and sterolins in the water and lithium in the water to make us passive and... I mean, I don't know what... I could play all these clips of Bill Gates saying reduce population with vaccines.
And if we do a really good job, we can reduce population to zero growth or even lower with vaccines.
How's that sound?
And everybody starts, I mean, I can play the clip again for you.
Or I tell you what, if we don't give grandma end of care life, we hire 10 teachers.
I know it's a death battle, but all teachers are like.
The people that want to kill us are always these chicken neck ninnies running around simpering, armies of simpering scum.
You know why I'm angry?
I haven't even gotten to the John McCain stuff yet.
I mean, the war is full on, just like Libya.
But they tell us it's not a war.
We're gonna bring peace to everybody.
We'll do that after the break.
I mean, you know, here's my problem.
I got up at about 6 a.m., no, about 5.45 this morning, and I went in and Paul Watson had already written an article at InfoWars.com.
See, six hours ahead, he's over in the UK.
New York prostitution ring provided minors for wealthy elitists.
And I just said, please don't let it be true.
But Paul wrote it, I know it is.
So, and it was New York Post, Associated Press, you know, all these links he had.
Then just buried as a footnote was her in the recording saying, well, I supply children to the judges and top police chiefs and the politicians.
So, you know, I don't have to worry.
Telling her girls don't, you know, the actual women that she had out front worrying.
But, obviously they blackmailed the wrong person, or somebody wants to scare everybody else.
This always happens right before wars and key events is they'll bust a few madams, so everybody knows, hey, you could be next.
She'll probably go the way of Palfrey, though Palfrey didn't have underage people.
And then, of course, Paul links to all the cases of dungeons they find with little kids in it, and it turns out the, you know, the governors and police chiefs are running them, and then, uh, dungeons full of women, men, uh, CPS delivering them, little kids loaded on aircraft here in the U.S.
I mean, I can't even read this stuff anymore.
See, I've been there.
I was there when a young family, we were helping as the CPS had visited him, blond-haired, blue-eyed baby.
He was an auto mechanic.
They were saving up money for a month, living in a hotel to finally get an apartment.
And when they went to have the baby, they called me.
The CPS was there.
And when I opened the door, and there's footage of a bunch of this because Mike Hanson was behind me, but when I opened the door, they were choking her and putting a piece of paper in front of her to sign it.
And of course, there was that thing to defend a woman, but it was cops and they turned.
I saw their eyes.
It was like, whoa, these are actual, you know, pervs.
And I was like, whoa, whoa.
And it was hitting me hard.
And then I didn't attack them.
And so I went outside crying and crawling around on the ground, and I was watching the pot-bellied CPS people as they took the baby, like, having a demonic vampire feast, and it just, it tears my guts out.
I can't handle it.
I hate them.
I mean, they're just everywhere.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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It's time to start kicking the globalists politically when they're up, and kick them while they're down.
And when they kick us with lies, we slam them like a ton of bricks with truth.
Crush them!
Yeah, they try to train us to fight with each other.
And to sell us at the general public is who's bad?
It's the criminals that have gotten into government.
You know, it blows me away that I had Colonel Schaeffer on, who ran the unit trying to kill bin Laden, who could have killed him twice, declassified on record.
CIA tried to stop publication of his book, Operation Dark Heart.
And he's on my show without prompting, and he says, the number two to number three guy, some say number one in Al-Qaeda, Amir al-Awlaki, is a government mole working for the FBI.
Now we already know that, but this is a guy who has the classified info, and then he starts, you know, giving you the backstory, but of course not telling you what he's saying is classified.
Let me explain this again.
Is the creation not of America?
We always think, well are you saying America created all this?
America is a corn farmer in Kansas.
America is a machinist in Michigan.
America is a school teacher in Florida.
America is a police officer in Austin, Texas.
America is a nurse in California.
America is a
Wildlife manager in Idaho.
America is an author in Seattle.
America is a artist in Kentucky or New Mexico.
America is a mother in Chicago.
America isn't these foreign mega-banks who induced us into fraudulent derivatives that we signed on to that are there dead, openly announcing world government in all the financial publications, The Economist, Financial Times of London.
Oh, world government run by mega-banks you pay carbon taxes to and VAT taxes to, that'll fix it.
We just got this idea for global government.
Separately, ADL, Southern Property Law Center, MSNBC, Media Matters, George Soros, police manuals, anybody that says banks are going to set up a world government is a cop killer waiting to kill you.
They're terrorists, police, watch out.
See, because we're the ones that actually know what's going on.
So the bad guys running the country that have hijacked it, they're telling you we're the bad guys.
I mean, that's 2 plus 2 equals 4.
That's 1 plus 1 equals 2.
I mean, can you not see we were right?
Can we not get an apology?
Well, I am starting to get apologies, but it's not enough.
People don't laugh anymore, though.
They say, what are you going to do about it?
Well, you know what?
I'm sure not going to just sit here
You know, I used to wonder, why don't they use monkeys to test radiation on?
Almost exact same physiology as a human.
Why don't they use pigs?
For whatever reason, almost exact same response to chemicals and drugs.
Not all mammals are the same.
A dog eats chocolate, it dies.
Eats onions, it dies.
Humans, great, good for you.
Pig can eat chocolate.
Pig can eat onions.
Chimpanzee can all day long.
See, rats, porcines, that's pigs, and apes, and most monkeys, same deal.
Why don't they test on them?
They test on foster children.
This is declassified tens of thousands of times.
This is on record what you're hearing.
Just go look it up.
It's a hall of horrors unending for a trillion miles of real people, real little kids.
One that I couldn't believe.
I talk about all the time.
It's just one I know you can pull up and find quickly.
It was about five years ago now.
New York Daily News and others reported it because CPS workers had souls.
They're not all pedophiles or mercenaries.
And said, yeah, we're ordered to take poor children, mainly black, because the system doesn't think, well, they're just black people.
I mean, it must not be true.
Let it happen.
It's like the godfathers based on true story.
And they're in the big mafia meeting.
And he says, I don't want drugs sold near playgrounds and schools.
Keep it
In the colored areas, their animals let them lose their souls.
And you gotta love that oxymoron, their animals let them lose their souls.
Obviously they're not animals, they have souls.
And that whole movie by Mario Puzo is based on real people, you know.
Frank Sinatra's name's changed, the particular mob boss's name has changed.
It's a story about corruption.
The old mob boss is like, the women, the gambling, I have my friends, they will allow that.
But these drugs will destroy us.
They're like, well, let us have a compromise.
If Don Corleone gives us all the judges and police that he has in his pocket, we will pay him and we will agree to keep it.
In the colored areas.
And then that's where you turn the police loose.
And then it's like, oh, those minorities, hookers, drugs, because that's where it was allowed to operate.
And then that's the culture that's sold.
And then you help destroy a culture, and then you sit there, and after you've cut their legs off, societally, economically, spiritually, and you make fun of them.
Oh, that's real good.
That's real nice.
And then there's a culture of anti-white racism against the general bleeding-heart liberals.
See, it's a synthesis.
And then other people get mad at all the racism coming out of minority communities and say, why are you mad at me?
I'm not against you.
And the system plays us off against each other.
It's the same thing.
It's always divide and conquer.
We're all under attack from this system.
I'll get into the big wars.
I mean, World War III has already begun.
The only question is, will nuclear or biological or chemical weapons get involved?
And I'm going to explain that in a moment.
But again, I come across an article like this, and I don't even want to read it, because I already know almost everything in there.
But I start thinking about, they're not just killing them by rape or torture.
I think about that New York Daily News article and others,
In a group of articles about him taking foster kids and testing dangerous toxic AIDS drugs on them, when they didn't even have HIV.
But buried in there was chemical makers ordered a kid, like you order some rats to your lab.
And it was describing the CPS people that went public, how they would go and tell the black mother, we'll take that two-year-old if you don't sign over the eight-year-old.
And they know how instincts are.
They know, okay, I'll sign over the eight-year-old.
And then how they took the little black boy, eight years old, who was playing soccer and going to school, having a life, and how they'd sort of given him the pesticides in his locked room.
He started trying to break out.
So they tied him down the last few weeks, and they slowly gave him, in a feeding tube, down his throat, the pesticide, until they killed him.
Now that's your government, okay?
I mean, we're talking, it's run by absolute Jeffrey Dahmers, okay?
That's Jeffrey Dahmer stuff.
And you know, I come up to Austin cops multiple times, but I've told you the P.F.
Chang story about four years ago when it was in the news again about DynCorp running giant child kidnapping rings.
And I was getting death threats about talking about it at the time.
And my family threatened, but I went ahead and went through that fear, because it isn't fear anymore, it causes rage and commitment.
And I walked over to a bunch, it was a commander and some other cops, and I, and I, and I, and they were all arrogant and haughty, just like everybody else in this, in this God forsaken country going to hell.
I mean, but we're about to be judged, man!
This country's gonna, gonna get, Germany, over 20 million Germans died in World War II.
What, like two and a half million German soldiers died?
You think we're going to get out of this?
You think the Soviets got out of it?
I mean, this country is going to be destroyed.
By its own evil.
Unless we turn away from wickedness.
And I said, you know, that DynCorp building right there, that's one of the nationwide centers and they run child kidnapping rings.
It's in the news.
Please look it up.
And the big cop laughed at me.
And he said, I know who they are.
I work for them.
And he got this feeling of power.
And the other cops laughed.
And I looked in their eyes.
I could tell they weren't involved in any of the child stuff.
They just enjoyed the power of being under those black wings.
It was almost like I could see a giant, thousand-foot devil angel standing over them, and they were under its wings, and they like it.
They like being under those black wings.
That's where they want to be.
Oh, man.
And it was just like being punched in the stomach.
Not that they laughed at me, but that you could make a joke about something that evil.
That you could just, out of hand, like I'm supposed to walk over, let's see, hey, DynCorp, you know about them?
Imagine if it wasn't some big corporation, and they were a group doing that to kids.
You'd think the cops would want to hear, but instead, no, I guess they work there for security events, it's like, I know who they are!
Ha ha!
I'll work for them!
And all the cops are, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
And I can see all of their eternal souls one big step closer to eternal hellfire.
And I'm not trying to be a preacher here, it's just what comes out of me.
And there's this new big article about this big madam supplying them to the police, judges, and top politicians in the recordings.
And they couldn't bust them for five years because the police were blocking the investigation.
The New York Post and others report.
And it was the Internal Corruption Bureau that was able to go after her.
I wonder how long she's going to live.
And man, this article gets into the little kids locked up in dungeons and everything.
I can't read it.
If you want to go read it, go read it.
Somebody's got to stand up for these children.
I mean, I look at how innocent and good children are, and I think about people that want to hurt them, and let me tell you something.
You know what I think about doing, don't you?
Because you want to do the same thing.
And that's a natural response.
But we've got to use the info war against these people, and we've got to identify them, and we've got to go up against them.
And if you know what, if cops and people want to laugh about it, I know there are a lot of police out there that know, and we'll go look this up, and they know we're not making it up, and I don't know what you're going to do about it.
Obviously, they're not all bad, they wouldn't even be busting this group right now.
The problem is, we have denied evil for so long.
I mean, if you're an illustrator and you're like, they're not tying kids down and testing pesticides on them until they die.
You know what?
You better go look it up.
Because CPS workers blew the whistle.
It was confirmed it was going on.
And then the news was like, well, they're going to stop doing it now.
And no one got in trouble.
And the CPS workers got fired or reassigned and blew the whistle.
I mean, they're using national security trading with the enemy espionage acts against hundreds of reporters in America now that report on corruption.
I mean, we're getting down to the wire here.
Of course the people serving evil are a bunch of pedophiles and child rapists.
I mean, who else would want to destroy America?
Who else would want to sell us out?
Who else would want to fund Al Qaeda?
Who else would want to put poisons and vaccines in the food and water?
I mean, I'm going to give all the enforcers a little message and memo here.
And you ignore this at your grave peril.
I'm going to give you a message here.
Did you get a memo about the vaccines being tainted with cancer viruses and sterilants?
Did you get a memo about what they call fluoride in the water with hundreds of deadly chemicals in it?
Did you get a memo about GMO in every study sterilizing the rodents within three generations that they give it to?
Did you see all the public Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundation documents in the 60s planning all this?
Do you notice all the health problems in you and your family?
Do you know about all the statistics?
Do you understand?
You, even if you think you're serving the system, because I've seen a lot of weak cowards out there who get into like make-believe.
I see this in business and life a lot.
You'll see delusional people.
They'll say, oh Alex Jones isn't even a radio host.
And they'll go, well Alex Jones has been discredited and defeated.
And it's like a fake victory.
It's like announcing you're the king of England and you're not.
It's like a culture of delusion.
See, I don't live in delusion.
I live in reality.
I try to live as close to reality as I can get.
Doesn't mean I don't look through rose-colored glasses, doesn't mean I don't have all the answers.
The point is, I'm trying to live in reality.
I can pull back and look at myself, you know, in the third person, the creepy third person, and say, say what Alex Jones stands for, because I know myself, and I try to know my enemies.
And I'm someone committed to a cause of liberty and basic decency and honor.
And the system that taps my phones and everything knows that.
And that's why all their assaults are about how I'm not real.
I'm not good.
Because by looking at myself and Ron Paul and others...
Who are examples of people standing up and having an effect who are good.
Not perfect, but our hearts are good.
We want to be good.
That is a testament to others to be an example so that you can model yourself off of what we've done and be even greater.
That's how humans work.
So they want to pull down everything good so that you can't recognize good from evil.
There is evil in the world.
They also want you to deny that's going on when it's the current system we're under, but only point at others and say that's the evil.
I mean look at some of these other headlines.
USA Today.
Sony patents technique of beaming info directly in the brain.
Video games that plug into your brain.
They've had that stuff for 30, 40 years, the different patents.
Now it's all going to be rolled out and you're not, you think you're already mesmerized by the computer, your iPhone.
I remember DARPA, 10 years ago or so, was in the Baltimore Sun, and they said, yeah, conspiracy theorists will go wild with this, but we are testing through cell towers, different wavelengths, to calm the public during emergencies.
Kind of like the Japanese and U.S.
government are on the news, you can pull it up, saying maybe we need to put lithium in the water to make everybody happy.
And statins.
Maybe Prozac.
Well, you go look at the water test in major cities like Dallas, it's hundreds of times what could be there from runoff.
They're already adding Prozac to the water.
When they do the studies in the major cities, it's not one of the particular designer serotonin reuptake inhibitors.
It's a general, high quality, wide spectrum, fluoride-based serotonin reuptake inhibitor.
So deadly.
It's making the fish not care and swim right up and bite on hooks.
Shrimp come right up and be eaten by fish.
It's just turning them into zombies.
Lackadaisical zombies.
Of course the public can't wake up in many cases if they weren't awake before because
We've been hit with chemical weapons.
People are like, why are you risking your life?
They could get you.
I'm already walking dead.
I'm living in a country where we're hit with chemical weapons, psychotronic weapons.
And DARPA says, yeah, we got wavelength systems.
We're testing them to make you be calm.
Remember I told people 10 years ago they're going to have sound cannons and microwave guns?
Oh, you're crazy.
It's in government documents now.
They're out there.
The government's now announced they've got a thing that makes sure you can't talk in courtrooms and on the street where they hit you with tanks with these beams where no one can talk that freezes your vocal cords.
That was what Associated Press two days ago.
I mean, okay, you want to serve this system?
And now, when you buy the video game, it's going to beam directly into your brain like a wirehead, where you're so addicted to it that you're now in the Matrix.
People are being inserted into the Matrix.
We're being sucked in for the television, the new drug.
It's here.
It probably is Armageddon, the devil on the scene, everything.
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Alright, I haven't even gotten into the big news yet, but I've already covered quite a bit of it.
We're gonna have open phones in the next hour, then a guest for 30 minutes, then more calls.
Okay, uh, look, as you know,
They're following the exact same script that they use with Libya.
That, oh, we're not backing the rebels.
And then, oh, we're only adding them a little bit.
Oh, we're only going to bomb and send in some special forces to advise.
This is not a war.
And then they put Al-Qaeda in charge, wreck the entire infrastructure, blow up the water treatment plants, the bridges, everything.
Blow up the major hotels, shoot everybody up, start ethnic cleansing.
It'll be in the news when they bring down Syria, which there's a good chance they will, that they're killing the minority Muslim groups and the Christians.
It'll just be a footnote like, oh, too bad, things didn't go well there.
No, things are going to go very well.
And then they're going to say, give your rights up or the Muslims are going to get you, the very ones publicly run by the globalists that run our country.
See, America's run by the terrorists.
Now, Hillary said six months ago, we will never bombard or never fund rebels.
Well, they've been funding the rebels.
In fact, just a big article came out yesterday that got leaked out of the Pentagon where, this is months ago, they were saying we'll blow up buildings, we'll engage in terror attacks, we'll blame it on the Syrian government in part of the cases, which is exactly what Tarpley said when he went over there.
Was that the consensus was the snipers were shooting peaceful people as a full spectrum dominance to then say that it was Assad's forces.
And I'm not saying that their government isn't doing stuff as well, but you better believe this invasion is not on to bring peace, love, happiness, and patty cake to Syria.
Now here's McCain yesterday saying airstrikes!
But again, these are just to aid the protesters who he wants to arm further.
You know, protesters with machine guns and rocket launchers.
In the case of Libya, tanks and aircraft.
Oh yeah!
So, let's go ahead and go to that clip.
Here it is.
The United States should lead an international effort
Protect key population centers in Syria, especially in the north, through airstrikes on Assad's forces.
To be clear,
This will require the United States to suppress enemy air defenses in at least part of the country.
The ultimate goal of airstrikes should be to establish and defend safe havens in Syria, especially in the north.
Which opposition forces can organize... Oh, I'm sorry, where they can organize resistance.
I'm sorry, continue, finish the clip.
Organize and plan their political and military activities against Assad.
Oh, that's enough.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, just like we saw eight, nine months ago in Libya, where they now admit it's upwards of 40,000 people killed, and they're lining the blacks up, who are black Libyans, the Saudi Arabians people that have come in, and they're killing them.
By the way, I get threatening emails, I see videos that are made by Saudi Arabians, you know, saying, you bet we're taking over and we'll get you too, Jones.
I mean, I don't have a dog in this fight.
I don't want my country over there engaged in this.
You guys want to kill each other?
Go crazy.
But don't send my military.
I don't want to be involved.
I don't care if you're Iranian, Saudi Arabian, Syrian.
I'm an American who just wants my freedom.
Don't you get it?
You know, it's like the whole Serbia thing.
I've gotten death threats before from Albanians and people, going, how dare you side with the Serbs, you dirty scum!
I'm not siding with the Serbs, Albanians, anybody!
I know NATO went in there and blew that country up, and ethically cleansed Serbs as well, to destabilize that entire region!
And it's wrong, and now my military shouldn't be there!
Don't you get it?
I mean, it's that simple.
And then we've got more clips of him saying, arm the rebels.
I mean, this is the beginning of World War III.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, I'm going to continue going through news and breaking down the World War III scenario that we're already in.
After the break,
Also, this is one of the top stories on Drudge.
It's an Infowars.com article by Steve Watson.
YouTube restricts video of engineer proving how useless TSA scanners are.
Man walked through radiation firing machines with metal objects knowing he would not be stopped.
Because it's all a hoax.
It's about billions and billions for Chertoff and others, former Homeland Security head.
It's about radiating you and it's about saving naked images of your body and total domination.
Now everywhere I've flown, when people go through the scanners, most of the time you get a grope down as well.
So that's coming up and they blocked the video.
Now hopefully when we get the name of it,
We'll be able to find copies of it, because folks are usually good at putting copies up.
This gentleman, John Corbett, is also joining us, coming up later in the next hour, to break down exactly what he has witnessed.
And we're gonna air the censored video here.
Now again, when we posted the great video,
of TSA Help Wanted that I think is one of the funniest things ever.
This is so real by the health ranger Mike Adams.
It went completely viral in a matter of one hour it had been blocked via TSA demand.
Which Google admits they get government demands quote for things critical of government.
And all it did was make fun of them and show them enjoying groping people and photos of them groping.
And then everywhere else it got copied to, they kept blocking it.
I know YouTube videos.
I mean, I've had one video before, you know, get over 10 million views, just one version of it.
And so, I can look at the likes and dislikes.
In one hour, it had over 1,000 likes.
You usually get that in a video that gets 50,000 views in maybe a day.
So it was gonna get 10 million views.
And every time that happens, they just block the video.
The video's called, How to Get Anything Through a TSA Nude Body Scanner.
Get it.
Put it on every BitTorrent in the known galaxy.
Post it everywhere under different names.
Post it under different names so the TSA can't find it.
Call it, uh, Anna Nicole Smith in the nude.
Or something like that.
You know, just call it random stuff, full spectrum, a pack.
And by the way, that won't work soon, because they've got voice print systems, like Shazam,
That are already blocking my voice.
They can just, on the whole systems, hit a button and erase my voice everywhere.
See, the whole web, as Dr. Stallman said here a few months ago, one of the inventors of much of the internet technology we have today, everything's being built with back doors to sensor, track, trace, and control you.
It's here.
It's on.
We've got to fight over the architecture of the web now.
Google's now announcing they'll censor anybody they want.
They'll track everything you're doing, every Google platform.
They will not let you opt out now when you use Google Phone.
They're going to listen to you.
We wrote an article six years ago now, when Google put a press release out that they were using cameras on your laptops and computers to watch you, but they said, don't worry, an AI software is recording your surroundings,
If it hears a dog bark, it'll then put it in the algorithm to show you dog food ads, was an example.
People couldn't believe our article when it was a link to Google.com's own press release.
Now, since then, public schools announced in New Mexico, California, Pennsylvania, oh, we're watching kids on the school laptops at home, in the bed, in the shower.
They announced it themselves!
And still, I was a liar when it was in the Associated Press that they're watching you at home.
People know that's Big Brother, so, oh, that's not happening in America.
But it's admitted, but Alex is still bad.
There's an admitted world government, but he's still bad.
As he said for 17 years that it was being developed.
It's exactly the world government he said, a global corporate private banking system.
Well, uh, here it is.
New Jersey man in spy case spoke of viewing party.
They're trying to put a guy who went to jail for 20 years for putting a webcam in his own dorm room where people were having gay sex.
Saying it violated somebody's privacy, which it did.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, this is one of the top stories on Drudge right now.
And they've killed the video, but we found alternate versions that are having them added up there.
YouTube restricts video of engineer proving how useless TSA scanners are.
Man walked through radiation-firing machines with metal objects, knowing he would not be stopped.
Now the TSA has fought the DEA and others on releasing studies that 10 out of 10 times different federal agencies have snuck weapons, bombs, and drugs onto aircraft.
The TSA are too busy picking out a beautiful woman, or if it's their fancy, a child, or a man, that's their fancy as well, to grope.
They come up in the U.S.
and England with print-offs of the naked bodies.
They were caught lying, saying they couldn't store them.
Turns out they do, of course.
They lie about groping people under 12, said they'd stop, never stopped.
It's all about, oh, you have two ounces of shampoo, you're a terrorist.
A woman was arrested for painting her nails on the aircraft.
That's an act of terrorism.
That just came out.
And I told you, it was always about a giant federal power grab.
But when he joins us during the next hour, we will talk to engineer John Corbett here in the next hour of the popular blog TSA Out of Our Pants.
And the video went viral, it got picked up by a whole bunch of newspapers, and then, you know what happened, the video was blocked.
And this happens any time we criticize the TSA in a particularly devastating way.
One of the videos, when it went up on Drudge, but they were so slow, it was a day later, two years ago, of Michelle here in my office, her seven, eight-year-old daughter at the time, and one-year-old daughter at the time, flying back from Denver, they wanted to go skiing,
Never been.
To Colorado.
Great state.
And a man came over and was going to search this seven-year-old and the baby.
And she said, no, you're not going to do that.
They said, oh, you want a woman to do it because they're girls.
And she's like, well, I don't see how that's even better, but OK.
And then the woman came over and groped him.
So is it OK for a man to go grope men in a park then?
It's the same sex.
So, oh, well, it's not sexual, I guess, if it's the same sex.
So, this is the Twilight Zone area we live in, and a few days later, they jerked the video of her sitting in this studio, not talking about anything graphic, just saying she didn't want her children touched, but because it was a mother, and it was powerful, they blocked that video.
Mike Adams makes one, making fun of him, TSA help wanted.
Goes mega viral, would have been watched 10 million times.
I mean, I watched, because the view counts take time to add up, it caches, but I watched the likes in real time.
It was like 35, 40 minutes, it had a thousand likes, zero dislikes.
I know those numbers, that means it had been 10 million in a week.
It would have brought them down, it was so funny.
And you know what they did?
Parental block.
Not a complete block, parental block.
Some accounts were suspended, and all it did was like, have people dressed up like TSA agents going, oh yeah, it's even more awesomer, I'm a secret agent, I'm gonna grope you!
And of course it started becoming a meme, like I knew when Charlie Sheen said winning, I got on an airplane two days later and everybody was on the airplane going winning, winning, winning, winning.
Suddenly I do hear it all over the streets now, it did actually get picked up, even more awesomer.
You see, we deliver devastating truth, and they just go in and take it down.
And they're more and more admitting they're going to do this.
Google last year said they get request and comply when something is, quote, critical of government.
And it turns out all these websites are spied on, like the Drudge Report by Big Sis.
And why does she spy?
Because the reports affect badly on the image of the agency, the Department of Homeland Security, the homeland.
I mean, again, they even choose iconography and words right out of fascist nightmares.
Like a Kurt Vonnegut satire on a police state.
They go with it because the psych warfare chiefs know, don't hide tyranny, flaunt it.
Flaunt it!
And so now it's happening everywhere.
They've delisted us from Google News.
I mean, I don't even know how Google makes itself the search on all these apps.
I want Google off the toolbars in the office, please.
I understand other search engines aren't as good.
We've got to stop using these people.
You're like, well, stop using YouTube.
They own that.
Well, I'm going to stay in there.
They want us out of there because we're absolutely having a big effect.
That's the battlefield, but all of us should stop using it as a search engine because they use that to track us.
They put a bunch of strikes on us when I showed you live footage uploaded that got millions of views.
It's like three and a half million views just on our live channel.
In two days when I sent two reporters to Switzerland, Aaron Dykes and Paul Watson,
And we catch Google execs coming down the mountain from a chateau back to the Armored Hotel.
And what did the Google chief do?
He just had a bunch of strikes put on our account and the video blocked.
I mean, we're getting their attention.
We're up front.
We got power.
You got power.
We got a chance to beat these people.
They wouldn't be doing all this right now and showing everybody their censors if there wasn't an effect.
And people ask me, do you really think they killed Andrew Breitbart?
Gee, he's going to release footage.
That he says, that he says, will bring down Obama.
By the way, I was on Man Cow this morning and I forgot to tell you guys, he was supposed to be on at 11.30.
I know he was friends on record with Andrew Breitbart.
They hung around a lot, went out to eat and stuff.
He talked to Breitbart two days before.
And he said, what is the video?
And he said, yeah, it's basically him with communists and it's going to bring him down.
Well, that's what he pretty much said in the speech too, but
Guys, will you call Mancow's cell phone and see if he answers?
Just call it like five times.
He's got like two cell phone numbers.
Just call him over and over again, obnoxiously.
And just try to get him to pop in for five minutes.
But he's just one more witness who talked to him two minutes before he died.
He said, what is it?
Please come on my show.
Please tell me.
He's like, I can't.
But it's him with communists.
It is going to, quote, bring him down.
And then six hours before he's set to release it, he leaves a bar where he had two drinks with a bunch of people around him at a table, some he didn't know, and drops dead.
And they tell you instantly, oh, he died of natural causes.
But the coroner says, no, we're looking at foul play.
We're covering all the bases.
We're looking at everything.
Six to eight weeks, we've got to test for everything.
I mean, folks, if I die, if I die of a heart attack, they say, and two hours after I get to the hospital and they say I'm dead, they tell me, you know, they tell you it's natural causes, nothing to see here, move along.
That's the earmark.
And then he's gonna release something that's gonna destroy Obama that day?
That day?
You'd have to be a naive moron.
But, I was called a Kool-Aid drinker by at least four newspapers.
By the way, most talk show hosts talk about themselves all day when they're in the press.
I don't find that exciting, except when it's an example of how we're winning and a testament to how we're winning.
But, you type Alex Jones into Google News, even though they're censoring my websites, hundreds of articles
From the Toronto newspaper, to the BBC, to just everything.
Saying, look at the kook Alex Jones!
He's been discredited!
Those Stratford emails, which, by the way, our listeners told us about last week, they've been out for weeks.
Those Stratford emails, they call him a kook crazy, because Alex Jones thinks bin Laden wasn't really thrown in the ocean.
But then Stratford, private intelligence group, I guess, found in Louisiana and based here in Austin, is there saying he wasn't really thrown in the ocean.
But that itself is a scam right there.
Folks, Bin Laden, according to our high-level sources like Dr. Pachinik and others, on record was dead in 2002.
And of course, the doctor that led them to his compound, that was a CIA agent.
And now Pakistan has released Bin Laden's family, as I predicted last year they would, because they were never there.
That was all a cut out.
And so the Delta Force units that went in the building and got on the aircraft, it blew up.
And then those that spoke out, they packed 23 of them on an aircraft and blew it up.
And it turned out that the rescue mission they were going on wasn't a rescue mission.
It was all made up.
They're killing the people that could cover up
They're killing the people that are exposing the cover-up.
Just like with Private Lynch, the people exposing the cover-up, five of them got killed that survived in her unit, and then she finally went public and said, it's all fake, none of it's true, they told me to lie so they could get women in the military.
Pat Tillman, he wasn't going along with all the drug dealing and everything.
He wasn't going along with the cover-up.
They killed him.
Turned out it was murder.
I mean, it's just, it's totally dishonorable and evil system.
And now, the hoax.
It's not that they don't want you to know how to get stuff through TSA, it's the fact that it's all a fraud.
They've tried to block other federal agencies that have shown they can sneak stuff through.
Who do actually care about security.
Because it isn't about that.
It's about dog training you to be a slave.
So now they're blocking the video of an engineer up there showing people that he's able to do this and proving it!
In America!
Obama is arresting whistleblowers and journalists more than any other president combined!
And it's not even a news item.
And Breitbart's dead.
And I'm getting threats.
And Michael Savage, love him or hate him, he's hiding out with bodyguards.
I mean, this is real!
I mean, they don't want you to understand the magnitude of what I'm doing and what others are doing out here in the open.
Call the free number to join us, 800-259-9231.
You've heard what I talked about.
Government pedophile rings in the news.
Censorship on YouTube.
I want to hear what you have to say.
Straight ahead.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Alright, we're going to go ahead and go to some of your phone calls here, and then I'll get into more on what's happening with the election, more on government child rape rings, just in the mainstream news, just who they are.
And the madam will go to jail, nobody else will get in trouble.
They're probably just busting this group to blackmail people even more.
That's just our country.
It's run by every form of scum you can imagine.
With a bunch of naive people sucking their thumbs, and those of us that are awake to it, we're the bad people.
Chad, in New York, you're on the air.
Hello, Mr. Jones.
How you doing today, sir?
I'm great.
Good to have you here with us.
Okay, sir.
I've been trying to get a hold of you for a couple weeks now.
I tried putting out a video on YouTube and I got blocked.
And my subscription got canceled.
The reason why I was trying to get a hold of you is because I think I came up with a good idea how we could possibly strike a blow for humanity.
And what I'm trying to do is organize a work stoppage.
In this country.
I personally believe the only way where we're going to be able to strike a blow for the little guy is...
I don't care how you do it.
I don't care who takes credit for it.
I really don't care.
A lot of people have talked about work stoppages and strikes and things like that, sir.
In the IMF World Bank plans leaked in 2002, they actually like those.
They're happy for a country that's only collapsed for a year.
They're globalists.
They have unlimited trillions they made up out of nothing.
In the old days, real factories, real businesses cared.
Now, they love it.
Because then everything collapses even more, and then they go in and buy everything up for pennies on the dollar with unlimited money, the mega banks that are setting up world government issue.
You've got to get rid of the Federal Reserve, you've got to get rid of private banks controlling the currency, that they use to then shut down real private banks that are, you know, loaning in your area.
Now, government strikes would work, the military, the police, refusing to do illegal unlawful things, that type of thing will work.
But a lot of strikes have been tried.
A lot of people talk about that.
But the unions are all basically globalist controlled.
So they always call, you know, ban guns, communism.
That's their demands.
You know, it's never like unions, you know, demanding, hey, we want tariffs because China's got hidden tariffs on us.
We want tariffs, so we're going to strike.
No, they always make deals to then train the group to ship their jobs to India.
So that's my issue on that front.
Okay, and the other thing I wanted to tell you, Mr. Jones, I'm using my cab that I drive every day to spread the word to everybody that I meet that I feel like is worth saving to people that, like you said a couple weeks ago, that are in the water that you think can swim.
I'm actually trying to put the word out there for you, Mr. Jones.
I'm doing everything I can, but I feel like sometimes I feel like it's a losing battle, but... Okay, well, quit then.
I appreciate your call.
I'd advise you not to quit then.
I advise you I wouldn't tell anybody.
And by the way, you're not telling people in your cab about the New World Order from me.
People that are fighting the New World Order are doing it for humanity and the current generation and future generations.
You say you're calling from New York City.
I see a lot of people that are awake when I'm in New York.
The problem is they all feel like you.
They are a lot of, oh, I don't have any power, what can I do?
So, you know, move to another area.
Because I see people doing a lot all over this country.
I see the state's rights nullification movement taking place.
I see people rediscovering the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
They just had a federal ruling that you can have guns on campus.
How do you restrict my right because somebody else might come shoot somebody?
I need my gun to protect myself.
These gun-free zones are unconstitutional.
And we're having a lot of big successes.
Record gun sales.
That's a success right there.
Record numbers of people calling themselves preppers now.
If this was 1970, you should be prepping.
You just need to be prepared.
You need to have a backup.
That's just common sense.
People are waking up.
And I understand it gets frustrating.
Info from Maryland.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex Jones.
How you doing?
Basically, I wanted to ask you about something here.
Tell me what you want!
Okay, back in October, Matt Kaiser said something about a banker that died in the World Trade Center and he basically got like, you know, five
Yeah, I appreciate your call.
He was telling a story, it was in the news at the time, it was like 10 million or something, of a suicide banker.
He thought, he knew he could die, but he wanted to stay there to do some trades, knowing people were panicking to make a bunch of money, ended up giving up his life.
And that's an analogy, a parable, to bankers destroying the world so they can take it over.
I appreciate your call.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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You know, it's good talking to these callers, but you know what?
We don't screen your calls.
I want people to sound like they're awake.
It's funny, when I did a daytime show for years, people, when we don't screen calls, some are great calls, some sound like they're asleep, but at night, people are on fire.
And they're awake.
Because, you know, it's after work or whatever.
Whenever I say calling on one topic, great calls.
Because it's a specific issue, but when I just say, phones are open, I shouldn't do that anymore.
I guess it's always, things are changing around here.
Things always need to be, I guess, a topic, like everybody else doesn't talk radio, and I guess, you know, we won't scream what your opinion is, but we need to start making sure people have got a pulse.
So, John Harmon, you hear what I'm saying?
If somebody, if you can't even hear them over the telephone, and they sound like they're injecting heroin, then I don't want them on my show.
Do you understand that, John?
All right, all right.
Just because I just can't handle it.
I mean, and I'm not mad at people.
It's just that it's all coming down, okay?
And everybody is in a coma haze in this country, and I can't be around it anymore.
I think that's really what it is.
Everybody's in a coma.
People are in a daze.
The stuff they're putting in the water and everything is not working on me, man.
It's not working on me.
Let's go ahead and talk to CJ in Michigan.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, brother.
That's good.
That's kind of like out of a half-asleep yell, though.
Come on, let me hear some real growl there.
Come on, right now.
That's a little better.
Okay, Alex, I want to talk to you about an article you have on Infowars.com.
I don't know.
You know what, I don't sit there with my writers like Curt Nemo, Aaron Dykes, Paul Watson, Steve Watson.
I don't pre-approve their articles and occasionally I see something that I don't really agree with the interpretation of and Paul was just being friendly in his statements and I've already told you what everybody inside the campaign is telling me.
No way is he
Is he doing that?
That was a Steve Watson article, by the way, that was written, to be specific.
And I don't really agree with Steve's interpretation of it.
I just wanted to put that out because I see a lot of comments, you know, they're always
You know, who knows, there's sock puppets or whatever, trolls, trying to say, oh, disinformation.
I know it's not that.
Steve was also reporting, I remember reading a couple days ago, he was also reporting on what other people were reporting on.
So, he mainly pretty much covers the Ron Paul beat, and writes incredibly positive articles multiple times a day on every facet at InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, and InfoWars.net.
Forget about that great site.
So, I hear you and I appreciate your call.
Okay, let's go ahead and go to Daniel in New York City.
Go ahead.
Yeah, man.
I'm alive, but I'm at the job, so I can't be screaming.
Listen, you don't need to scream, but I can actually hear what you're saying.
Go ahead.
Yeah, man.
I just want to say I'm not crazy because I believe in the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
Now, I'm sick and tired of the family court calling me crazy because I believe that I have constitutional rights.
And Bill of Rights.
So I told the judge, I said, look,
Whatever you do to me, I'm going to sue you for it.
I'm just going to have to sue you in your individual capacity.
Whatever you do... Shea told me I should be glad that I have enough time with my daughter.
You know what I'm saying?
I give you a day here, a day there, and I want equality.
But they say that doesn't exist here.
No, it's all about keeping men out of the house because the state can then be the daddy.
They did that in ancient Rome.
They do it in every culture.
You keep the men away from the children.
And I'll go back to slavery right now.
This was in Rome with white slaves is where they developed it.
You keep the women in the main.
Castle, you keep the men out there in the fields, and you take the kids in to be trained in the system that you choose.
And that's all this is, is ending men in the house, ending the family, to turn us into this nightmare society.
I'm tired of it.
And I believe that everybody should fight.
You know, everybody should definitely get up and do something.
Don't be discouraged when they put us down because my Bible says that it's not, the race is not given to the swift or the strong, but he who endures to the end.
So you got to keep fighting.
You can't, you can't just stop and lay down and I'm not going to lay down.
I told him I was going to do whatever I have to do, file whatever papers I have to file.
And you know, they calling me crazy.
They said, Oh, he's crazy.
He needs, he needs a psychiatric.
I mean, look, look, you know, you're calling from New York.
I mean, that's up there is where the government officials are in there with little kids having sex.
That's in the newspapers there.
So see, no, you're, they're the ones that are crazy sick and crazy evil.
And of course they always play that mind game.
You're crazy.
You don't like the TSA sticking their hands down your pants.
You're crazy.
You don't like the army at the kite festival in Austin.
You're crazy.
You don't like cameras in bathrooms watching you now.
You're crazy that you don't like us to pull you over without a warrant and take your cell phone and download the contents.
No, they're crazy out-of-control tyrants.
You're crazy to not want a private New World Order.
Well, I thought I was crazy for predicting the private New World Order.
I mean, again, that's a simple mind game.
And you know what?
I love that Bible verse.
I forget the verse, but that should be our motto because it is about resistance.
It is about perseverance.
It is about never backing down, never stopping, and having the moral authority and having courage.
Quote that Bible verse again and tell us the verse if you can remember it.
I don't remember it off the top of my head, but I know that it says it in the bio, it says, it's not, it's not, the race is not given to the swift nor the strong, but he who endures to the end, he will gain the kingdom of heaven.
But, you know, that's what I'm saying.
Thanks Alex for what you do, and I just want to, you know, encourage everybody else to
Persist, and keep being persistent.
Don't take no for an answer.
Yeah, you do this to me, well I'll sue you there.
Maybe I'll sue you in your individual capacity.
Maybe I'll do this, maybe I'll do that.
Maybe I'll start legally following you around with a video camera and see what you're doing.
And when you get out drunk, get in your car, I'm going to call the cops on you.
Maybe I'm going to start digging into you.
It's time to do whatever you can to these scum.
Oh, I'm crazy?
You're going to find out how crazy I am.
That's right.
I'm very tired.
I'm tired.
I've been fighting this fight only for three years.
And it's very... No, don't let it get you tired.
Rejoice in what you're doing.
Form an organization of men for men's rights in your area and help others.
When you really start having victories is when you just understand you're standing up for what's right.
Understand that you're going to win in the end.
That you're biased against men.
And I gave them the census data from the census.
Here it goes, here it says, the evidence right here, that 95% of women are given full custody of children.
But no, no, no, the family court is not biased against men.
And they don't have a conflict of interest.
By the way, statistics show that men take just as good a care of children as women do after age three.
Women should be with the children when they're little, you know, I mean, unless they're out of control.
And there are some women that don't have the normal instincts.
But look, men and women, if they can, need to understand that they need to stop breaking up.
And they need to understand that at least until the children are 10 years old or so, that the best thing they can do is stay together.
Every woman's show, every TV show, the men are taught to act silly and stupid and not be serious.
The women are taught divorce is like a fun thing and it's something you get like a new pair of shoes.
And it's all meant to destroy us.
God bless you, my friend.
Just be glad your child hasn't been grabbed there in New York and they're murdering him right now or selling him to Saudi Arabia or something.
I mean, you know, just as bad as you got it, it is nothing compared to children in, say, Eastern or Southern Europe where, I mean, the police hunt them out of their backyards on record.
I saw a number, what, like 2003, that from 2000 to 2003, BBC number 1.2 million kidnapped, sex trafficked out of Europe alone.
You just type that in.
In fact, guys, you do it.
BBC, over a million sex trafficked out of Europe.
Just, and it'll probably give you modern numbers.
I haven't seen modern numbers in a while.
And it turned out big governments were involved.
Of course governments involved in numbers like that.
I just saw like a week ago they caught some UN person with sex slaves and they're always catching billionaires with slaves in their houses.
It blows me away the level of evil we're up against.
Let's go back to your phone call.
Steven in Florida, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yeah, good afternoon Alex.
First of all, I want to say I'm awake.
I'm aware, I'm alive, and therefore I'm active.
And I am not going to just take what's going on, lying down or be passive.
I cannot be.
My heart is burning with the desire to see this evil stopped.
And to see it exposed and so here's what I wanted to share with you real quick and then if you've got time I have a friend here with me who's actually been what I would term a concentration camp here in Florida through the system.
But recently I was talking to a neighbor of mine across the street.
He went to a shooting range with his sister.
And he confirmed what you have talked about so many times on your show about what's happening to people in the military and how they're being conditioned and groomed to view us as the enemy.
He said that a guy that was working at the shooting range, who was about his age, 26,
He was a four or five term Iraq war veteran and he said, man, I want to go back over there.
Man, it was so great.
We had so much fun and this friend looked at him and said, man, what are you talking about?
And he said, yeah, let me tell you what we were doing in our spare time when we weren't fighting these people.
We would find a dog.
And we would shoot it in the back end to wound it and cripple it and then we would grab a big cinder block and go over and just drop it on it and kill it or put it on an IUD and just blow it up for kids and man that was so great.
I want to go back over there again.
And his sister looked at this guy and she said, are you sick or something?
Are you nuts?
And this guy said, come on, you know you're loving it.
You know you're loving it.
Come on, admit it.
And I told this guy, I said I told
No, that's nothing.
No, no.
That's how it starts with the psychopaths.
Killing animals.
You know, dogs.
Sweet animals.
And enjoying it.
That's nothing.
No, no.
That's who they... They don't want the good military men and women that are aware of what's going on.
They actually, for the police departments now, on record, try to hire those guys.
And man, that's who's pulling you and your wife and kids over more and more.
And they are out of their minds.
And again, the veterans that are good, 70 plus percent or more, that have the salt of the earth, that understand, they're the enemy in all the manuals.
So again, they're taking one group of just the crazies and turning them into an army against us.
And then they're taking the others and saying, that's the enemy right there.
And it's
Look, dramas and TV shows, getting rid of the Constitution is what all the good cops do.
They make fun of it.
They say how bad it is.
They high-five when they violate the Constitution.
And like every cop show I see now, and I hardly even watch them, every time now, they literally high-five.
And they say, you know, I learned my lesson.
Getting rid of the Bill of Rights is good.
They're like, yes, you've done it.
And, you know, they high-five when they break in the warehouse without the warrant.
What movie was that?
Law Abiding Citizen, one of the last ones I watched.
All of this going on.
Torture is good.
Secret arrest is good.
On and on and on.
I hear you.
It is mind-blowing that we've gotten to this point.
I appreciate you calling in.
Let me just blitz through some headlines here for you so you can see the kind of stuff I'm looking at here.
And is the guest on at the start of the next hour or 30 minutes in?
Because I want him at 1.30.
Good, 130, perfect.
So he's going to be on with us.
This fellow right here in this article.
How to get anything through a TSA nude body scanner.
Blogger exposes loophole in $1 billion fleet.
Well, it's not a loophole.
These are just props to set the precedent to have non-radiation compliant systems and record our naked bodies.
It's all part of the humiliation prisoner training.
Burbank woman detained for more than 10 hours for painting nails on Southwest Flight.
Folks, anything can get you arrested now.
A large part of the citizens out there, their social status is in getting you arrested.
It's in exercising power through the state.
They don't care if they're getting cancer.
They don't care if they're being robbed by the government.
They like it.
They're under the black wings.
And, uh, that's why more and more I don't fly.
You risk your life.
The TSA and people have killed folks in the airports.
Beat them to death.
When you go in an airport now, you're risking your life.
And soon on the highways.
People say, well, I just won't fly.
Look, they're coming.
They're coming.
With the military.
And they want your genitals.
And you're like, why?
Because it's intimate.
It's like, we're the government, we're gonna touch your genitals.
It's like, it's getting you ready for forced inoculation.
They admit that.
It's about getting in your space, putting their hands on you.
You'll find out, just wait.
Wait till they start blowing stuff up and blaming it on American citizens.
It's going to be on.
Then they're going to march the cops out to arrest veterans.
One out of ten is going to fight them.
Then it's going to be a civil war.
We don't want this to happen, but they've groomed the police for this.
They've groomed them to walk out in front of the 18-wheeler, and a lot of the cops want to do it.
They want to be tough guys in an army.
The American people are the enemy.
They're making us the enemy.
God help them.
God help us.
We could just wake up and say no to the New World Order, but that probably won't happen.
America's slated to destroy itself.
So the bankers can sit offshore and laugh.
And the average cowardly person out there is going to line up
And cheer all of this.
They're going to cheer citizens being arrested and going to camps that never existed, of course.
They're going to cheer the global taxes that never existed but are now being announced.
They're going to cheer the global government, but still say arrest those that say it exists.
And if you say to a yuppie, but they're setting up world government and arresting people that are against it, they'll say, world government is good, but it doesn't exist.
That is the soul of trendy mindlessness.
Mancow, I wanted to get you on.
We're about to go to break here, but you talked to Breitbart two days before he died, and he told you, yes, this will bring down Obama.
I can't tell you what it is.
And I said, that's incredible news, Mancow.
I know you were friends with him.
Had him on your show dozens of times.
And you said, yeah, but he already said that in his speech.
No, but you're another person he said it to privately.
Tell us what's coming up after the break, Mancow, in 30 seconds.
Uh, you want me to tell you in 30 seconds or you're giving me 30 seconds?
Tell me what's coming up, your lord, well that's longer than you give me.
Tell me what's coming up.
Uh, you and I, I believe our lives are in danger, and others.
Uh, this is the end of the movie The Godfather, the original Godfather.
They're gonna knock off anyone that questions, anyone that raises a little hell.
Unless we're aware of it and understand it and don't buy their story.
Oh, Mancow!
Oh, Matt Drudge!
Oh, Alex Jones!
Oh, Michael Savage!
They all died of heart attacks and in two hours they told us it was natural causes.
We'll talk to Eric Mancow Muller.
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Okay, Eric Muller, known as Man Cow Syndicated Radio Host, is our guest here.
And you were starting out with the fact that you believe this is a purge.
Undoubtedly it is.
Look at him making a big deal out of Limbaugh, trying to get him off the air right now.
Other talk show hosts are hiding out.
All of this is going on.
But you talked to Andrew Breitbart just two days before he died.
Tell us what he told you.
Alex, look, I am working on a TV show.
I can't go into details yet.
I do hope you'll announce it.
And as you know, I wanted you and I and Breitbart to be part of this show.
That was the plan, yeah.
Yeah, and I've been working on this thing for a year.
Breitbart had signed off.
Breitbart and I were speaking not every day, but every other day.
Breitbart was on my silly little radio show once a week.
And he was going to do a segment like the old Jack Anderson segment on Good Morning America that you and I grew up with.
Breitbart predicts.
And you know, like he broke the Wiener story or the, you know, the Anthony Wiener story or the Acorn story.
He would predict what the next big story was.
Joe Arpaio, the sheriff, finding out, for example, that Obama's paperwork, not just the birth certificate, but much of it is fraudulent.
Yeah, he had like 20 CSI people confirmed and they were blown away.
They were like, this is ridiculously fake.
And so is the Selective Service, the Social Security, everything.
And he was about to get behind that and the commie stuff and bye-bye.
And look, I knew Barack Obama when he was, you know, Barry, the community organizer.
And for six years, people have told me they knew Barack Obama.
They knew him back in the day.
And he was introduced to them as a foreign exchange student.
Barack Obama.
But look, Breitbart told me he had films March 1st.
He had films March 1st, March 1st.
He has films March 1st.
I said, break it on my show!
My God, I want what Alex Jones had with Charlie Sheen.
He goes, no.
The House of Cards is coming down, man cow.
I have information that will destroy Barack Obama.
It's over!
I said, Andrew, what do you have?
March 1st, March 1st.
Let me stop you, let me stop you, because you first told me three or four months ago, you said, would you do a TV show with you and Andrew Breitbart?
And I'd even kind of put this in the back of my mind, and I know I've been on some of your shows before, and I'm like, well sure, Mancow, I would be happy to.
That is a good idea.
And I remembered that, but I'm like, yeah, let's see it happen.
And I know your show is happening now, but we can't talk about it.
But the point is, is that I knew that you talked to him all the time, that you had him lined up for the show, and so this is big breaking news.
I haven't seen this, I know you've talked about it on your show, but this is incredible that he said, quote, the house of cards, you're quoting him, is coming.
Yeah, no, look, it's an exact quote.
And the fact is, yesterday was Breitbart's memorial.
And there was 5,000 of my friends there, a lot of people that I knew.
And look, everybody feels the same way.
They feel that this guy was murdered.
You know, are you there still?
I'm listening, this is incredible.
I mean, no, there was 5,000 people there.
Look, this guy was a pioneer.
He set up Drudge.
He started Arianna Huffington for Huffington to come out and say, well, he's a liar.
Breitbart used to challenge people.
Prove me a liar, it's like you, Alex.
We all know Arianna Huffington is a disgusting Soros turd.
Okay, okay, look.
Look, I like Arianna and I find her somewhat sexy when she's in my studio.
She's a friend of mine, but look.
The day of his death, after he made her, what, $60 million?
I thought that was disgraceful.
She's a disgraceful piece of crap.
I'm sorry.
Okay, now look, look, yeah, don't say that.
Look, here we go, Alex.
You and I, just the last couple of weeks, you were doing stupid rehearsals.
Davy Jones!
Davy Jones!
Oh no, no, we gotta wait and see.
Mariah Carey.
No, no, no, we gotta wait and see.
Whitney Houston.
Whitney Houston, whoever.
Since I've been doing this since the 80s.
We gotta wait.
No, we don't know.
We don't know.
Amy Winehouse.
No, we don't know.
We don't know.
This guy died during my broadcast.
And they announced immediately natural causes.
You know, look, maybe he had a heart attack, maybe he just died.
But, March 1st, March 1st, the guy goes for a walk in the middle of the night.
He's about to launch a big website.
He's about to bring down the House of Obama.
And he's dead.
Stay there.
More Mankow straight ahead.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Eric Mankell-Muller has been a syndicated radio show host for decades, been the host of national TV shows, been on Fox News for more than a decade, has his own shows.
He's telling me stuff during the breaks that's just blowing me away.
And I wish I could tell you this stuff.
Alex, Alex, Alex.
Don't add to the intrigue.
The point is, yesterday, the funeral, 5,000 people at Andrew Breitbart, at his funeral, this is a guy younger than us, a young man, on March 1st, March 1st, March 1st, he kept telling everybody, he stood up at CPAC in front of thousands of people and said, March 1st.
I asked him if he was afraid, he said, yeah, you know, a little bit.
I said, they're gonna kill you.
I told them that for a year.
They're gonna kill you.
You can't destroy, you know, Obama's brown shirt army like acorn.
You can't go after Wiener.
And immediately, my family and friends, they wanted me to quit.
They want me to quit!
They think, you know, Breitbart's a warning shot.
I've also heard stories about Rush.
That he may be in danger.
No doubt.
Listen, he always says things like, look at this woman, blah blah blah.
They are trying to destroy him right now.
Brother, brother, listen.
You and I do different kinds of radio show.
He does a different kind of radio show than I do.
But the fact is, this guy is a huge threat to this White House.
And listen to how Ed Schultz
How he talked about, uh, talk show host Laura Ingraham.
Listen to Bill Maher using every word you can imagine for Sarah Palin.
Let's just talk about, you know, uh, Islamofascists circumcising their daughters or, or these, these honor killings.
Where are, where are the feminists?
And all of a sudden, over this 35-year-old woman who said she needs $1,000 a year for contraception, all of a sudden he makes a joke, and it's the end of the world.
Come on, this thing smells of a setup.
And by the way, I haven't used $1,000 worth of condoms since I started becoming sexually active.
I mean, look, I believe... Remember the Godfather?
They lined everybody up, and then they offed people.
Yeah, well they struck it one fell swoop.
I agree it's a warning shot.
I mean, look at all the intimidation.
Look at how the FBI is going after News Corp.
I mean, they're attacking.
Brother, brother, I'm just telling you.
People called me and they said, Mantow, for God's sakes, be careful.
You've got kids.
Andrew Breitbart has four little children.
I understand they were sitting in the front row at the funeral yesterday.
And I mean, it just rips my heart out.
And my first thought was you.
My God, he's next.
He's next.
I know you're in Texas, I know you're well-armed, but I'm worried for you, my friend, and, you know, let's just say it right here, you're not suicidal, you're healthy.
Yes, absolutely.
I would never commit suicide.
I jog four, five, six miles every day, and I feel great, and...
What a tea drinker I was.
What a health nut I was last time I saw you.
So look, we'll see what happens.
How about the guy, how about the Obama impersonator found dead?
Oh yeah, it's getting crazy.
I mean, again, it could just be coincidence, but you know, Vince Foster and a lot of death around Bill Clinton too.
It's just an amazing amount of death around some of these people, isn't it?
Well, man, Kel, I'll tell you right now that, um, I mean, him telling you, give us those quotes exactly as, right, Mark, two days before you were in talks, this is big news, actually.
Well, I don't, look, I don't know if it's big news.
I know that they promoted it.
He was working on a show on CNN with Wiener.
I never heard anything about that.
I know that he had committed to me to do a TV show with me every week on a major network.
He was going to do a segment called Breitbart Predicts.
You were to be part of it.
I'm to be part of it.
We're going to see what happens.
But no, look, he was on the show every single week.
And he said, I've got video.
It's going to bring down the House of Cards that is the House of Obama or Obama.
It's over.
I said, what about Romney?
What about Ron Paul?
It doesn't matter.
It's over.
It's over.
I've got it.
I've got the story.
And here's the $64 million issue we're going to cover when we come back, Mancow.
March 1st, March 1st, March 1st.
He said March 1st, March 1st.
Where is it?
I saw it on it.
If he didn't die, March 1st.
And where, this is the question when we come back.
Where's the video now?
And how do we know it hasn't been excised?
Where is it?
Stay there.
Go ahead.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, this is big breaking news, folks.
This isn't just about Breitbart, it's about purges.
A video went up today showing how you can get to the TSA body scanners with weapons, and they flipped out and had YouTube take it down when it was in a bunch of newspapers.
Our stories at DrudgeReport.com.
This is the type of stuff we're talking about.
It's incredible how much intel and how much info I get and how much I don't tell you because I don't like talking about myself in the third person.
But we are newsmakers here.
And those of us that are newsmakers, I've had the White House respond to me a year ago when we first reported how they're going to shut down most of the power plants not owned by GE to boost their profits.
The White House responded, Jay Carney, saying I was a crazy liar, and then months later they admitted they were doing it.
The point is, I'm on the White House enemies list that came out two years ago.
It's creepy.
I've had establishment types call me and say, why don't you just join the establishment?
The point is, this is real.
Andrew Beitbart, the day, if you just joined us here in the third hour, the day he was set to release something that was going to vet Obama, he told others it would bring him down, he dies.
We're going to play a clip here in a moment of him at CPAC talking about vetting him and this is going to be powerful.
Hiding in plain view, and I meant to call him last week to get him on because I knew he had him on all the time and was friends with him, is Eric Mueller, ManCow.
Eric ManCow Mueller of ManCow.com, who you know has done nationals, talk shows on TV, Fox for more than a decade, syndicated radio, number one Chicago.
You know the story.
William Shatner's buddy.
Everybody else's buddy.
The point, and we're going to get to it.
Hold on, I'm building you up because it's true.
Three or four months ago, or longer, he's calling me going, are you ready to do a show with me and Andrew Breitbart?
Will you do it?
I'm saying there's no way they're going to let me do a show on that big TV network, but I'm sure you're going to do your show and that's wonderful.
And now he's got the show.
We can't say the name and stuff yet, but it'll be out soon.
And then, and then all this is going on and I'm not even remembering this was happening.
And then he's like, hold on, I gotta go.
Andrew Breitbart's calling me.
So he's lining us up to be like the two sidekicks on the show.
And I'm like, yeah, I'll see Mancow and Breitbart on TV.
They're never going to put me on.
So I'm kind of halfway understood.
I'm like, Mancow, that's nice of you, but they're not going to do that.
So, you know, they're going to give you a show and maybe Breitbart, but not me.
So, I mean, knowing the big network it is, number one in news, I'll just leave it at that.
It's hard to figure out who that is.
But we're going to have a big article out on this, because you know it's a big article that he was supposed to do a show with Weiner on CNN?
According to Mancow, I knew him well, that's not even true.
This is a real show on where you'd expect him to have a show.
So I'm setting the table here.
So that's how credible Mancow is on his relationship with Andrew Breitbart, because he was set to do the show and green-lighted.
Already somebody on that network.
Now, he tells him two days before he dies, Mankow tells him, I want you to repeat all this Mankow because we're doing an article and the press is tuned in right now.
This is going to be in hundreds of newspapers.
He tells you what?
Repeat it all and then get into where's the video, the footage of him at the commie meetings that was going to be released March 1st that would quote bring down the House of Cards.
Mankow, you've got the floor.
Tell us everything.
Look, uh, he may have been working on a TV show with CNN.
I find it a little bit far-fetched.
Because of, uh, you look at the way MSNBC treated somebody like a Pat Buchanan.
The left isn't interested in the other side.
Uh, but I don't know.
Is it possible?
I suppose it is.
He never talked with me about it.
Okay, we were working on our own little TV thing.
Okay, um, I just remembered something else, or something else that I haven't said yet, Alex, but basically he said he had video, he had information that would bring down the House of Cards, that is the House of Obama, he says it's all over.
I brought up Mitt Romney, I brought up Bryce, and what about, you know, who's gonna win?
He goes, it doesn't matter now.
It's over.
Obama's over.
I know the truth.
And I said, is it Saudi, is he the Arabian candidate?
Is he, you know, forget the insuring candidate.
Is he funded by Saudi Arabia?
Is he a plant?
He goes, it's much bigger than you can even imagine.
It's much bigger than that.
It's much bigger.
And it's over.
I've got the smoking gun.
I said, well, of course I want the breaking story.
Come on, buddy.
I said, well, tell me.
He goes, no.
I said, are you afraid?
He goes, eh.
You know, he was a fearless guy, but I sensed a little bit of fear.
I said, buddy, this is... You should tell somebody.
You should tell somebody.
And I often told him to make sure that he had, you know, duplicate copies of everything, in case anything ever happened.
These are conversations we had at a place called Heaven on Seven, a Cajun joint where we hung out in Chicago.
I remember having this conversation.
And, uh, but March 1st, he was going to let the world know, March 1st, March 1st.
And then, boom, he goes out for a walk in the middle of the night.
Ten of natural causes.
Immediately, before there was any investigation, they announced natural causes.
Now, I've been doing this since the late 80s.
Just the way the media, the lamestream media, and you've got to read between the headlines.
Just the way, natural causes, natural causes!
Now it looks like they're going to investigate it.
I hope they do investigate it.
A lot of people, from what I understand, last night at his funeral, his memorial service,
A lot of people feel the same way I do.
Any of us that knew him, and I know hundreds of people that know him, in our gut, our first thought was, oh, they killed him.
Look, March 1st, he's going to bring down Obama!
And then he goes out in the middle of the night, and he's got a natural cause of move on, nothing to see here.
And the fact that they killed him on March 1st is a message to everybody.
Alex, I want to make this very clear to everybody.
I don't know that they killed him.
I'm just saying, you know, my gut is right more times than it's wrong.
We don't know that bears go to the bathroom in the woods.
Well, I've never seen a bear actually go to the bathroom in the woods.
It wasn't animated.
So, I don't know.
I don't know.
But it just seems fishy to me.
He's a young man.
He's a healthy guy, I thought.
And I want to say something else.
You talked about this.
I don't believe whatever he had, we're ever going to see the real deal.
They'll release something, but I don't believe we'll ever see the real deal.
I'll tell you why.
Look, if it meant releasing this tape and being killed, I wouldn't release it.
I've got children.
I'm sorry.
If I'm wimpy, forgive me.
I care about America.
I care about God.
Maybe I'd give it to 20 people and let them release it, but I really question whether or not, whatever he had, I think,
He's going to go with him to the grave.
Well, there were some leaks and comments that it was palling around with communists and then from other sources it was him at communist meetings discussing the overthrow of America.
Well, I mean, how about this tape that we know, forget Andrew Breitbart for a second, we know that there's a tape of Obama getting up at a theater in Chicago and praising a terrorist
And the tape exists, and the woman that has it says, I'm not going to let anybody see it.
Because she's an Obama supporter.
You know, I mean, there are things out there.
How about the people that have told me they knew Obama when he was a young man, and he was introduced to them as
Well, that's on record.
It was Barry Sotero, and for years they said you were a conspiracy terrorist.
Now he calls into shows as Barry, and they put it in approved books about him.
Yeah, I was named Barry Sotero.
Again, who is this guy?
Who is this guy?
And, you know, now we're going to arm the Syrians?
I mean, these are people that want us dead.
They're going to arm Al-Qaeda to invade Syria.
Look, Mancow, here's what I'm getting at.
Who is this guy?
You've made the point.
Well, speaking of that, in San Antonio, it's in the news, and I've got the video, the kids start saying, USA, USA, which everybody, even people at my speeches are saying that now.
It means, yay, USA.
And people love it.
Is that what it means?
Well, they're now saying it's racist.
You forget, you know, my show's on in San Antonio.
You're on in San Antonio.
And I went to the Alamo.
It's not very impressive.
But I went to the Alamo, and then I went to the 3D movie on IMAX.
And I want to say it was, I don't know, it was like over $100 for my family.
And it was an expensive ticket.
And they have edited the movie so that there's nothing offensive.
To Mexico.
Now, this is a massacre that happened at the Alamo!
You're talking about this San Antonio school and this school that's named Alamo High School.
And because people chanted USA, when their coach who they love got a trophy, because they chanted USA, that's racist against Latinos in America!
It makes no sense!
Well, no.
Take Hispanic kids in San Francisco cannot wear American flag shirts because the illegals take it as anti-Mexico.
I mean, it's more like a soccer team thing.
You know, kids were in Old Navy shirts and then the news went they were Hispanic.
They're like, you don't wear American flags.
I mean, in Arizona, the American flag can't fly at government buildings.
They get pulled down by the illegals.
Yeah, this is the madness.
This is the crazy age.
Wrong is right.
Right is wrong.
What has happened to our country?
You're not patriotic if you don't support Al Qaeda attacking Libya and Syria with our criminal government running it.
Listen, expanding on this though, where does this go with Breitbart?
Because I've talked to some people close to him as well and they say, yeah, he was really shaking up the establishment.
It looks bad.
That's basically a paraphrased quote, but that's what I was told.
Somebody right, you know, as close as you can pretty much get.
Yeah, it doesn't look good.
And then you know national talk show hosts and people that are hiding out.
Well, brother, I mean, where does it go?
It doesn't go anywhere.
He's dead.
His vision is dead.
He was a singular force.
He was a unique force.
Look, this was a unique guy.
You can't replace people like this.
He wasn't one of the Lemmings.
He wasn't one of the followers.
Okay, look, our high schools are producing followers.
We've got plenty of followers.
This was a leader.
And he's gone.
And the movement will suffer.
And when I say the movement, I don't know that he was left or right.
I think he wanted some objective
He was anti-corruption.
He wasn't just playing games with the Communist New Order left.
He was viciously, really taking billions of dollars from their big city fraud machines.
And look, I said the morning it happened, when I was doing interviews on my own show at 11 a.m.
Central, I said,
If they don't release the footage that he said was coming out very soon, and then immediately it's like, oh, we're going to wait a while.
I mean, boy, that gives them time to decide what's going to happen.
I mean, man, Cal, this looks really bad.
I mean, my gut is they killed him.
Brother, brother, look, I don't know if they... My first reaction and everybody's first reaction was because he said the first, the first, and then he died on the first before this video could be released.
Hold on, hold on.
They just released the Breitbart video.
Heavily edited.
Oh no, it just broke.
Stay there.
Stay there.
We gotta do one more segment.
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Okay, I'm almost out of time here and we've got other guests coming up that I promise we'll get to those calls that are holding at least some of them.
Mancow, you've got to go.
I know you've got to get back to the work you're doing.
This is big news that you were going to do a show with Breitbart and that he said it will bring down Obama.
It's over.
House of Cards will be brought down.
But yeah, it's the top story on Drudge now.
It's not out yet.
They're saying Ben Smith releases selectively edited race video.
Earlier today, BuzzFeed's Ben Smith announced on Twitter that video researcher Andrew Kaczynski had released the mysterious Harvard-Obama race video that the Breitbart folks have been talking about.
The video, which he says is licensed from a Boston television station.
Oh, so they went in vain.
See, this is, who knows if that's even true.
Shows young Barack Obama leading a protest at Harvard Law School on behalf of Professor Derrick Bell, a radical academic tied to Jeremiah Wright, about whom he will be releasing significant information in coming hours.
However, the video has been selectively edited either by the Boston Television Station or by BuzzFeed itself.
Yep, yep.
Well, wait, wait, wait.
Before you said that, how many minutes ago, 20 minutes ago on your program I said to you,
We're not ever going to see the video.
Whatever Breitbart had goes to the grave with him.
I really believe that.
And certainly if he was murdered, as many believe, I don't know that he was murdered.
Many people, it's their opinion that he was murdered.
Certainly the people that are powerful enough to do this are also smart enough to make sure they get the video.
Or they intimidate the others around Breitbart enough so that that video is never seen.
I just, I just don't, whatever Breitbart told me about, I just don't believe that's going to come out now.
Well, and you'll never know if it's the full thing.
They could release something else and say that's it.
Well, yeah, that's what they're saying.
Because what he alluded to is palling around with communists in meetings and racial stuff.
And from some of my sources, it's, it's, it's, it's hardcore commie meetings.
And that's what he says.
He goes, I'm going to vet him, show you who he was hanging out with, talking about overthrowing America.
I feel like what Lee spoke about was even stronger than what he hinted at at CPAC.
I think he had huge stuff.
You know, look, he was a businessman.
He would release his stuff out.
He had things and he would flesh out the argument.
He would try to get evidence that backed it up.
He would vet these things.
I had stuff that I wanted him to jump on with and he would report different things.
That I had alerted him to, but it would take some time.
10 days.
So, I think there was more stuff.
And you know, everybody was feeding them stuff too.
I think there was more stuff that came out after CPAC.
And he told me March 1st, March 1st.
I don't know that we'll ever know.
I don't know.
God rest his soul and I hope he approves of what we're doing here today.
I don't want to bring any more pain to his family.
They're going through hell right now.
Oh man, this is incredible that all this is happening.
Again, I don't want to cast dispersions on the people running Breitbart.com, but this better not be edited, what they're going to air on Hannity tonight.
They say the full tape will be released tonight on Hannity, but who knows if they're even giving them the tape?
I mean, who knows what it is?
Yeah, and I don't know that, you know, Andrew Alive, I don't know that he would do it like that.
I think he would release it on his site first.
Look, I've met some of the other people that work with Breitbart, and they're pretty good guys.
Pretty good people, so I hope they're able to stay tough.
I don't know if I could do it, guys.
I don't know if I could do it.
I don't know if I would be that strong.
You know, I've got little kids.
He had four little kids.
I don't know.
I hope they keep up for America, you know?
I hope they keep up the good fight there.
I think the bottom line here, Mankell, is that, I mean, I'm not saying what News Corp did, well they're not convicted yet, but you know, paying police for news and stuff, why aren't the police in trouble?
And now it's those very police going after News Corp, and Obama who's shipping guns to Mexico, energy deals, all this corruption, they're saying the FBI's investigating News Corp here, and now the Sun has left England and they're selling their stuff there.
I mean, it's pretty clear they're being blackmailed.
Uh, and so who knows?
I mean, I'm going to be honest.
I don't want to say, because I know you work with Fox and News Corp, but I'm seeing a lot of pro-Obama crud on there now.
I'm seeing, uh, well, I'm seeing people say he's a good Christian man and stuff.
Alex, I just, I just thought of something else.
Months ago, uh, I read liberal, uh, bloggers, and left and right is all an illusion to me.
I, I've seen behind the curtain... Media Matters' internal memo said they would infiltrate and destroy News Corp.
Sorry, go ahead.
I'm going to something else here, I just want to tell you.
Tell us quick!
Maybe you know what I'm talking about, but I saw liberal writers, bloggers and writers, and they talked about, they announced, I saw this in several places, that Breitbart does not have security, and he goes out alone.
Alex, you challenge me, let me challenge you.
You check that out.
Find out what I'm talking about.
I remember reading that months ago.
They let everybody know, they let all the enemies of this man know that he did not have security.
And here he is out in the middle of the night, the night before... Well, that's the way the mafia does it.
They go, it'd be a good thing if something happened, you know, but I don't want to know about it.
Thank you, Mr. Jones.
We'll be right back.
By the way, we have the video.
We have the video.
We have it.
We're coming back.
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Alright ladies and gentlemen, we've got a four and a half minute video that I'm going to play right here.
And then we're going to go to the man himself.
But this video is censored.
How to get anything through a TSA nude body scanners.
They are taking this video down all over the internet.
They are taking this video down.
Now there's a trick with YouTube when they block it for parental or security concerns and make you log in because they know that kills it going viral.
The copy we link to is just parentally blocked because you can't show people how to go through a TSA scanner because they're all frauds.
It's just about money making and radiating you and a power trip.
It's still posted at Infowars.com.
That's why Drudge has a link to us where you can find the video.
They are now censoring it.
They are now blocking it.
YouTube restricts video of engineer proving how useless TSA scanners are.
We have that video, right?
Because I was busy running around like a chicken when my head caught off of this man cow news, folks.
This is how close I get to the problem now.
I had Dave Mustaine coming to town
For over a month.
Well, three months ago he was coming, but then his neck was so bad he had to have surgery.
He wanted to come down and visit his wife and I, and my wife.
Great people, talk about the New World Order and stuff.
We shot a big in-depth interview, but it's like an hour and a half of never before heard info that'll air sometime next week here on the radio and TV.
Because I want to, you know, really
A lot of features and things to it because it's a it's a powerful interview but that's a side issue.
I'm so scrambled time-wise that I thought he was coming this next weekend and the crew Friday's like you know the concerts tomorrow.
We're supposed to go film that and you're supposed to pick Dave up and take him to your house with you.
And I'm like, no, it's not!
It's next week!
Quit bugging me about this!
And then Saturday comes, and then I happen to be online and see an ad for Megadeth and Motorhead being in town.
That's the problem I'm getting into now, is that I just read news.
I wake up at 3 a.m.
and start reading my iPad.
I have all this information, and then I've gotta take a break or do something, because it's getting to the point now where I can't even keep track of things anymore.
Like, I forgot
That I was being offered a national TV show that's now been approved and is going forward.
Who knows if I'll be in it.
Frankly, I don't care.
In a way, I don't want to.
I like Man Cow, but it's on the biggest news network out there.
It doesn't want me to say the names if it's not clear who I just said.
I told you I've been offered shows a few months ago.
I said, I've been offered shows on Fox and I don't want it.
Because I was telling them then, no, no, no.
But now they're like, well, maybe.
I don't care.
I don't want it.
Go ahead and offer it to me.
See what happens.
But that's a side issue.
I knew Breitbart had signed on.
It was greenlighted.
The show's going ahead.
So from what Mankow knows, he wasn't going to have a show on there.
The point is,
I told you I have sources that knew Breitbart and they think he was killed and he was going to bring down Obama.
And then I even forget I had another source that was ManCow saying this before.
I mean, I remember walking around in my backyard like three months ago and he's going, brother, I hope you got security.
Because let me tell you, Breitbart, I'm telling him, you know, they may come after him and he's got stuff that's going to bring down Obama.
I'm really worried about him.
I mean, Mancow's like calling me every, you know, hour, you know, for a few days there about this.
And like, are you ready?
Are you ready to come to New York and do the show?
Are you ready?
This is gonna be big.
It's gonna, and I've got this other big TV show.
I mean, you know, that's Mancow.
And so all of this is happening.
We do have our guests now, right?
Okay, good, I'm ranting.
I'm going to play this video.
I'm going to play this video and then go to him because my point is, is that everything's just breaking so fast now.
I didn't even remember that Mankow was saying they're going to kill Breitbart three months ago and that he was telling him watch out and that he had stuff that would destroy Obama.
And then I was supposedly going to have a TV show with Breitbart.
I mean, my life has just gotten to the point of just being too wild.
And I don't know what I'm going to do because for my entire life, I've been able to keep track of everything.
And now
Without the use of drugs, I'm like becoming Ozzy Osbourne or something.
I don't, you know, it's just like, what day is it?
What's going on here?
Okay, continuing my friends.
I just got too many missiles coming at me here.
That's the globalist's plan.
It's just overwhelming.
YouTube restricts video of engineer proving how useless TSA scanners are.
Man walked through radiation firing machines with metal objects knowing he would be stopped.
And he's John Corbett of the popular blog TSA Out of My Pants.
Which is well said.
And of course it was just in hundreds of publications.
I mean it was in the Daily Mail.
It was in just everywhere that he did this.
It was going to go mega viral.
They parentally blocked it.
Meaning for porn or violence or whatever.
Just like they do our videos on the TSA.
And Google admitted last year they've been asked to restrict stuff if it's quote critical of the government.
So this is a big censorship issue.
But now, this is why we have PrisonPlanet.tv.
This is why we have InfoWars Nightly News.
This is why we have the syndicated radio show XM-166.
And I see somebody holding from XM-166.
It's why we have our own system.
We use their systems.
But as they begin to censor, we can run the blockade.
So here's this four-minute video, and then we're going to the gentleman who's been censored right now, Engineer Jonathan Corbett.
Shows how to beat the TSA body scanners.
He didn't show how to beat them.
He's showing that you can get anything through them and they're a total fraud.
So they're spinning it like it's a security breach.
Yeah, that the emperor is butt naked and wearing no clothes.
That it's all a hoax so Chernoff can make millions of dollars who ordered the stinking things.
Let's go to the video and audio.
Here it is.
I'm watching this video because I want the world to know how much danger the American Transportation Security Administration is putting us all in with their haste to deploy the expensive, invasive, nude body scanner program.
When the machines came out, we were told that the invasion of our privacy, doses of radiation, and trashing of our Constitution were necessary because the old metal detectors weren't good enough, that non-metallic explosives were a threat, even though no one has boarded a plane in the U.S.
with any type of explosive in nearly 40 years.
But while America was testing these devices, Rafi Stella, who ran security for Ben-Gurion Airport in Israel, which is known for being one of the most secure airports in the world, was quoted as saying he could overcome the body scanners with enough explosives to take down a Boeing 747.
And Ben-Gurion therefore refused to buy the scanners.
The U.S.
ignored this warning, and Mr. Stella has never publicly explained his statement, but it stuck with me.
As a scientist, engineer, and frequent traveler, as well as the first person to sue the TSA when they rolled out the scanners as primary in November of 2010, I studied and learned about both kinds of scanners used by the TSA.
Here are several images produced by TSA nude body scanners.
You'll see that the search victim is drawn with light colors and placed on a black background in both images.
In these samples, the individuals are concealing metallic objects that you can see as a black shape
On their light figure.
Again, that's light figure, black background, and black threat items.
Yes, that's right.
If you have a metallic object on your side, it will be the same color as the background, and therefore completely invisible to both visual and automated inspection.
It can't possibly be that easy to beat the TSA's billion dollar fleet of nude body scanners, right?
The TSA can't be that stupid, can they?
Unfortunately, they can and they are.
To put it to the test, I bought a sewing kit from the dollar store, broke out my 8th grade home-ec skills, and sewed a pocket directly on the side of a shirt.
Then I took a random metallic object, in this case, a heavy metal carrying case,
That would easily alarm any of the old metal detectors.
And I walk through a backscatter x-ray at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport.
On video, of course.
While I'm not about to win any videography awards for my hidden camera footage, you can watch as I walk through the security line with the metal object in my new side pocket.
My camera gets placed on a conveyor belt and goes through its own x-ray, and when it comes out, I'm through, and the object never left my pocket.
Maybe just a fluke.
Okay, let's try again at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport through one of the TSA's newest machines, a millimeter wave scanner with automated threat detection built in.
With a metallic object in my side pocket, I enter the security line, my device goes through its own x-ray, I pass through, and I exit with the object without any complaints from the TSA.
And while I carried the metal case empty, by one of mal-intent it could have easily been filled with razor blades, explosives, or one of Charlie Sheen's infamous 7 gram rocks of cocaine.
With a bigger pocket perhaps than on the inside of a shirt, even a firearm could get through.
It's important to note that any metal object of any size can use this technique.
And I don't urge you to try to bring counter-ban through security, as the nude body scanners often have false positives, so while the metal on your side might get through, a button on your shirt or sweaty armpit might look suspicious and earn you a pat-down anyway.
Now, I'm sure the TSA will accuse me of aiding the terrorists by releasing this video, but it's beyond belief that the terrorists haven't already figured this out and are already plotting to use this against us.
It's also beyond the belief that the TSA did not note everything that I just told you and arrogantly decided to disregard our safety.
Anything to force Americans to give up our liberty to the federal government and our tax dollars to companies that are in bed with that government.
The New Body Scanner Program is nothing but a giant fraud, which should come as no surprise after the Fast and Furious scandal that sent thousands of guns to Mexican drug cartels and cost a Customs and Border Patrol agent his life.
This is a disgrace.
So let's fix this problem, now, before the terrorists take this opportunity to hurt us.
The TSA must immediately end the Nude Body Scanner program and return to the tried-and-true metal detectors that actually work and work without invading our privacy, as well as implement better solutions for non-metallic explosives such as bomb-sniffing dogs and trace detection machines.
The TSA is worse than ineffective.
They are an epic fail, placing us all in danger.
Beyond the scanners, demand of your legislators and presidential candidates that they get rid of this $8 billion a year waste known as the TSA and privatize airport security.
Ask for their commitment to our rights in exchange for your vote.
And no matter which party is in the White House or holds onto Capitol Hill,
The issue of ending TSA abuse is of interest to all Americans.
It's not a partisan issue.
We must stand together and demand an end to the organization that molests our families while placing us in danger by directly ignoring blatant security flaws.
Thank you.
Oh, they don't just molest our families now and microwave us, so Chernoff makes money.
They now block the video.
We've been able to find other copies people have uploaded.
We've got one that they haven't erased yet at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, but probably not for long.
That's why drugs is linked to our article.
But Jonathan Corbett is a technology entrepreneur, frequent traveler, and first person to sue the Total Slave Agency, TSA, after the nude body scanner and invasive pat-down program began in November of 2010.
TSAoutofourpants.wordpress.com is his website, and he joins us via video Skype.
We just aired it here to three million people, conservatively.
But again, this is scary.
The big news here is that they're now censoring YouTube.
We put a parody video out and they censored it as well.
What's your take on this, Jonathan?
You must have hit a nerve with the perverts.
Hey Alex, yeah, good to be on your show.
I think we must have hit a nerve.
I haven't received any official response, and as best I know there's been no public response, but clearly they're not happy.
Well, you'll get the response next time you're at the airport.
They'll probably get out some walnut crackers or something and come after you.
So tell us why you made the video, how you discovered this, and I think their censorship is going to backfire on them now.
Well, as you mentioned, I've been working through
Okay, I'm sorry, your Skype's been breaking up.
Start over, start over.
You got it.
...the body scanners and these molestation pat-downs.
And the court system is unfortunately a very slow process.
So I've been working through the court system for about the last year and a half to try and see what we can do there, and it's a slow process.
So about a couple months ago, I said, you know what?
Let's find another way.
So if we can find a way to make these scanners publicly known to be ineffective, then they'll be forced to remove them.
Alright, I want you to say that statement again because it wasn't the TSA, it was Skype problems.
Repeat what you were saying it was breaking up about.
If the TSA's scanners are proven to be ineffective, that seems to me to be the quickest way to force them to remove them.
The TSA doesn't care about our safety, they don't care about our privacy, but if it's blatantly apparent that anyone can get anything through, they're going to have to remove them.
Well, wait a minute.
I don't agree with your statement.
They don't care about our privacy.
They're obsessed with creating the precedent of trampling it and grabbing the genitals of small girls and boys and colostomy bags of 95-year-old women.
They relish trampling the Bill of Rights and Constitution and every basic human right.
It seems that some do, yes.
Well, again, a whole bunch of newspapers, hundreds of blogs pick up your story, and now they're erasing the video.
What do you plan on doing next?
Well, the ball is in the TSA's court.
It's up to them to see what they want to do next, and we'll take it from there.
All right, sir.
You're talking to three million people right now.
I want to give you the floor.
What are other points you think should be made here?
You know, you basically covered, and I'm sure all of your listeners have been hearing about these body scanners for the last, you know, probably year and a half, as long as I've been hearing about them.
So I'm sure there's nothing more that really needs to be said in that regard other than they gotta go, and this is one way to do it.
So, you know, anything that we can do to make this happen faster is something that we all should do.
You have a popular blog and YouTube channel.
I'm sure you've heard YouTube admits they're starting to censor more.
Last year, they took down videos at government requests, and it was, quote, critical of video.
And we're being told we have to fund al-Qaeda to attack Libya and Syria because they're not giving people all their rights to riot.
But then here in America, they're taking more and more of our liberties.
I mean, are you concerned about them blocking your videos, sir?
I'm concerned.
I actually don't know exactly what's going on with the block now.
I know that the age filtered it.
I don't know if there's blocking past that right now.
But this is a viewpoint that they're certainly going to obfuscate in any way they can, whether it's
Well, let me just explain, because we've been through this a lot.
I could have a video of paint drying, if they didn't like it, they'd age-restrict it.
They do this to us all the time, sir.
You were there, talking in front of a camera, and you show a couple news articles where Israeli security head says that scanners are worthless, and the Canadian government says it, and there's no images, there's no nothing, there's nothing age-restrictive, they just use it.
And let me explain what happens.
When they put
Yeah, well I mean like...
Luckily, we have been picked up by every major news source.
We're talking, you know, Beyond Yourself, Drudge Report, Slashdot picked it up, Y Combinator, some great tech blogs.
CNET News, Google News has it everywhere.
The New York Daily News just picked it up.
Exactly, but that's their mumbling coverage of what you pointed out.
Your video is devastatingly clear and concise, the opposite of your Skype feed.
We need to get this video out viral to everyone.
In fact, I want to post the other video they censored.
I'm going to have the Watson do this.
The bottom of our deal, TSA Help Wanted.
We can find a version they haven't blocked.
Have you seen TSA Help Wanted, that video?
I don't think I have yet, no.
Well, it's even more awesomer.
Great, I look forward to it.
And that's something Mike Adams in the video says.
In fact, do we have that saved?
We should air that.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
We never saved that little jewel?
I don't know, it might not be good for family audiences.
It makes fun of the TSA.
You know what, Jonathan Corbett, you're another testament to what people can do, taking action against tyranny.
Anything else you'd like to add?
Thank you.
No, I appreciate the time.
And you know, this is something that, you know, anyone can do.
Anyone can take a stand against the TSA.
You know, everyone just needs to make this happen and to stand up and say no.
And you're on the Nightly News tomorrow.
We'll probably get a better connection and do it over the phone.
So I'll have an in-depth interview with you tomorrow.
Thank you so much.
Call's coming up.
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Life's getting better.
Oh man, I am just out of time.
And I know we got a lot of phone calls and I said I'd get to them.
John, write down the names of the folks holding the longest.
When we come back tomorrow, I promise if you can get through, we'll go to you first.
But I tell you, it just threw me for a complete loop.
To get Eric Moeller syndicated host, Fox News host.
He's got his new Fox News show coming out.
And I totally forgot that he said, will you do the show with me and Andrew Breitbart?
And I said, well, you'll get your show, but they're not going to have me on Fox.
And that's still because I don't want the job.
I don't think it's going to happen.
And that's still up in the air.
But the point is, is that
He's talking to Breitbart two days before saying they're gonna kill you, they're gonna kill you, and Breitbart says, I got stuff's gonna bring down Obama, and then it leaked from another source, it was Obama in communist meetings, and now they're gonna release on Fox tonight, instead him making some racial comments at Harvard, which is part of it, but the rest of it was with communists.
He was gonna release it March 1st, and he died March 1st, that completely, and then I'd forgotten that Mancow was telling me all this months ago.
Because he's like Eric Moller, Man Cow, he's like, yeah, yeah, and I'm telling Breitbart they're going to come after him.
He's got something really big and, you know, he's going to be my other, you know, reporter on the show.
Are you ready to do it?
And I'm like, yeah, yeah, yeah, sure, sure.
You know, when he's your bunny's flyer, they're going to have me on there.
Plus, I got my own, you know, three million listeners a day.
OK, Fox News, biggest shows have three million viewers.
It is prestigious, though.
I'd like to do that.
But only if I could say and do whatever I wanted.
And that's not going to happen.
But that is wild.
Now again, this story that we broke is now in hundreds of newspapers.
Our report's up at DrugsReport.com right now.
YouTube restricts video of engineer proving how useless TSA scanners are.
Man walked through radiation firing machines with metal objects knowing he would not be stopped.
There you go.
And we do have the little funny TSA video, Help Wanted.
Well, since they censored this off YouTube as well, which is a real problem.
I mean, they can't have people in there getting hundreds of millions of views.
Since they did this, maybe we should end the show with just a few minutes of it.
It's called TSA Help Wanted.
There's still copies out there they haven't censored yet, but this is what they're erasing off the web.
And this does have a few little mild
You know, jokes on it, stuff you'd see at 5 o'clock in the afternoon on TV.
But the newest video they've censored has nothing in it.
It's totally G-rated, talking about how the scanners are a total fraud.
So I'm going to take you out with this when we're back tonight, InfoWars Nightly News, with Dr. Andrew Wakefield and reporter John Rapoport, with huge breaking news tonight.
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We take you out with Mike Adams, TSA, help wanted another censored video.
Good old TSA.
That is really well done, how YouTube plays.
Get a plastic bag!
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