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Name: 20120301_Thu_Alex
Air Date: March 1, 2012
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It is in Julius
Caesar's life that we gained the term beware the Ides of March and it was William Shakespeare who of course inculcated that into his famous play Julius Caesar.
Beware the Ides of March.
Andrew Breitbart is dead.
An icon of alternative trailblazing media, whether you agree with his politics or not, he was very close to bringing down the Obama administration with ACORN and with the energy companies and the rest of it, and was effectively endangering a second term.
He announced, of course,
In February, just last month, that he would soon release footage of Obama in college, damning footage, and that he would vet him and expose him as a confirmed Marxist in college.
And that he would bring down Obama.
Just shooting down ACORN, which was a way to funnel billions of dollars into their different Democratic Party and Chicago Mafia apparatus systems.
Just going after ACORN alone cut off money.
To big city machines across the United States who are very, very nasty people.
I don't have to tell you, Chicago is a mafia city of mafia cities.
And the mayor of Chicago, going back generation for generation, has always been a mob boss.
It's Rahm Emanuel there now.
Unprecedented corruption with terrorists and communists and big city poverty pimps.
Slumlords, Rezco, the list goes on and on.
And Breitbart was going after them, and he is, of course, dead now.
And the media is saying, well,
It's natural.
The LA Times.
Natural causes.
I want to tell you that.
He had a few heart issues and he was walking along and fell down and went to the hospital and died.
And we want to tell you just a few hours into it, no autopsy, no nothing.
He died of natural causes.
Kind of like we were told the Pulitzer Prize winner Gary Webb, who had a new book coming out soon, he was finishing it, exposing CIA drug dealing, confirming his previous investigation and vindicating himself.
He shot himself twice in the head and the police that dropped by said, oh, that's quite normal.
Of course, he told friends and family who he had on the show that men have been breaking into his house.
He'd seen men scaling down the drainage pipes off his roof, special forces types in plainclothes ransacking his home.
He just moved and was worried for his safety.
I had multiple witnesses on who said this, but there's no foul play.
You got people breaking in your house, you're moving, there's special forces guys coming down off your second story roof, scaling down the pipe on the side of the house.
No, they're just sliding down, you know, special forces types.
It's no big deal.
That's what he said, professional military types scaling down like monkeys down from the second story, and then he moved into a one story.
And the media spun it and said, don't listen to Jones' witnesses, he lived in a one-story.
Yeah, six months before, it was a two-story.
And it's normal to shoot yourself twice in the head.
Blow your jaw off with the first shot and then shoot yourself in the side of the head.
It's normal.
It's no big deal.
Of course, the D.C.
madam, I said, look, don't kill yourself.
She said, I would never kill myself.
I said, well, you better either say you destroy the list of names you got and say you are here on air or you better go public now.
And I was telling her off air, don't tell me any names.
I don't want to know.
A couple months later, they hung her, killed her.
They're listening right now.
I talked to her apartment manager.
She said she was scared and we're following her.
I mean, had the guy on the air.
He sent me her.
Well, we'll be right back.
We'll be right back.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome, my friends.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Coming to you...
From deep in the heart of Texas, Austin, back in studio after almost a week and a half, outside of town, traveling across the United States, speaking to overflow crowds of fellow Liberty lovers.
Thank you so much for joining us.
It is March 1st, 2012.
On this Thursday edition,
And we are going to be live here for the next three hours.
Obviously, we need to beware the Ides of March, an unlucky time even before the assassination via stabbing in the Roman Senate of Julius Caesar.
Popularized in more modern times by William Shakespeare,
And his theatrical portrayal of the stabbing death in the Roman Senate of Julius Caesar.
Beware the Ides of March!
And we know what befell the individuals that did stab Caesar to death.
I will get into the death of Breitbart, media trailblazer,
And we have an article up at Infowars.com, linked in red.
Will damning Obama footage still be released after Breitbart's death?
That is the question.
He had just said a few weeks ago that he's got incredibly damning footage of Obama in college and damning information about who funded him and the foundations and the communist connections and the criminal connections to the Weathermen and the rest of it.
And of course, he's somebody who did bring down Acorn, which cost the globalist billions.
You know, they've got their energy deals with her.
Paying people off that way, and he made a lot of mafia grips angry, and if you don't question his death, and the establishment's saying within, you know, hours of the news coming out, oh, it's completely natural, don't worry about it, go to sleep, everything's fine.
If you don't question this, something is wrong with you.
So we're going to be getting to that here in a few minutes, and I'll go over it.
And I'll open the phones up so you can give us your take on it.
And then, uh, we got Ed Asner on for about 20 minutes a few weeks ago.
Got some time zone issues or something scrambled, so he'll be on with us a full hour today.
Uh, because, uh, he's obviously the former head of the Screen Actors Guild, famous Hollywood star in hundreds of films.
From JFK to you name it.
Uh, Mary Tyler Moore Show, his own Lou Grant Show.
And, uh, he's a very interesting fellow.
And, um,
I want to get him on for a full hour interview and also take some calls for him.
And then in the third hour we'll continue with the news.
Obviously the news gets heavier and heavier and crazier by the minute.
We'll get into the whole Breitbart death here in just a moment.
And then we have Sheriff Arpaio, who's been raided by the feds, as you know, as soon as he announced he was going to investigate Barack Obama's eligibility in the state because the state house is trying to pass laws.
But I think Arizona has demanding, you know, last year to see the birth certificate and to actually see the long form and to see an original.
And you've got other states with court hearings demanding to see it.
And he got raided by the feds as soon as he did that.
And he says he's now about to release the findings of this six-month investigation.
World Net Daily's got a report on that.
It's also linked up at Drudge Report.
We've got a report at Infowars.com.
Democratic lawmaker tells DC Metro to remove ad that profanes Obama.
The ad said Barack Obama wants politicians and bureaucrats to control America's entire medical system.
And they are demanding that be taken down because they go on to say go to Hades, Barak.
We'll be going over that report.
Also, big news up at InfoWars.com.
Hillary Clinton admits US and Al Qaeda are on the same side in Syria in a TV interview.
So they can't hide that our troops are ordered to grow opium in Afghanistan, now 90 plus percent of world supply, up from 10 percent a decade ago.
So they just put the troops on TV growing it and just hide it and blame you and say, big deal, we grow it, we ship it in, you go to prison when you use it.
And the cops pull you over, want to search your car looking for drugs, their boss is shipped in.
I mean, it's just a total hoax.
And she's saying, yeah, we work with Al Qaeda.
So it's hurting them bad that this is coming out.
Last year we got news, almost time for Bilderberg again, hard to believe that, that Bilderberg was very, very, very, very
Very, very upset over the fact that it was in the LA Times and Washington Post and other places that Al Qaeda was being used to invade out of the east into the west of Libya and engaging in ethnic cleansing.
They don't want that type of information out there.
That legitimizes those of us in the 6, 9, 11 commissioners of the 10 that said they were lied to, that it was a criminal conspiracy involving the Pentagon.
I mean, those are quotes.
They'll look it up.
And then, hijackers trained at U.S.
bases on record.
You know, the heads of bases going public and saying, I don't know what's going on, but I taught Mohammed Adda for a year at the Defense Language School.
He sat in my class.
Something's going on.
Colonel Butler, you're going to be court-martialed unless you come out and say you're going to shut up.
I mean, Colonel Butler's like, this guy was in my class, and so were a couple others.
And they're like, shut up!
Shut up!
And then it's like, Alex Jones is an anti-American traitor.
He shouldn't point out that the Colonel went public and it was in the Associated Press and San Jose Mercury News.
I'm just supposed to go, oh, and I interviewed the head of the U.S.
Embassy Visa Department, who reported they were ordered to let Mohammed Adda and what, seven others in from an Al Qaeda summit.
And they were like, but they're flagged as top terrorists.
They're like, that's their cover.
They're CIA.
I mean, I've had Springman and others on.
I mean, these are facts.
Do you understand?
The government got the underwear bomber on Christmas Day on the plane.
I told you that a month and a half before it was on C-SPAN.
Because I had an eyewitness, Kurt Haskell, and his wife that saw it happen.
They're at the gate saying he doesn't have ID, he doesn't have a visa.
Or they got him the visa, he doesn't have a passport.
What are you doing?
And this guy had such authority, he got Atta on the plane.
And then there's some guy for the last hour filming him, two seats behind him, and they're acting all weird, and Haskell's watching.
What is this?
Kind of like the actor James Wood.
Woods, who was on the plane, 2 weeks before 9-11, and saw Muhammad Atta and others getting up out of their seats drilling for a hijacking.
And he got off, told everybody, and nobody wanted to talk to him.
It's just like when they had the air marshals practice taking bombs on planes.
Air marshals, they can give you a real bomb, especially if you're a Muslim.
Don't ever do that.
If you're another guy, Muslim air marshals, put you on the plane, blow it up, and then just take you off the route roster that you ever even on the plane.
And they'll just have some cutout with a fake Muslim name and put a guy on the news.
I mean, that's how they do it.
We know the 7-7 guys.
Man, I had some Cracker Jacks out there during the break, and I've got one of those little pits right underneath my tongue.
It's driving me crazy.
Alright, continuing here.
We've got all of that happening.
And again, there's hundreds of these headlines, all of them totally insane.
But Hillary Clinton met U.S.
and Al-Qaeda on the same side in Syria.
They used the group to take over Libya.
They're using them to attack Iran.
They used them to attack the Serbs.
Used them to attack the Russians.
Used them to take the fall for attacking the U.S.
You're like, well, what does Al-Qaeda get?
Well, the Bin Laden family had their U.S.
government contracts tripled
Through the Carlisle Group and other systems the year after 9-11 tripled.
The number I saw was they made an extra $4 billion in U.S.
government military contracts.
Bin Laden construction builds almost every U.S.
military base in the Middle East and Central Asia.
And the London Guardian reported the head of the Bin Laden family and George Herbert Walker Bush were at breakfast the morning of 9-11 at the same table at a Carlisle Group luncheon in D.C.
And then, of course, for three days, air traffic was grounded for two and a half days, and only the bin Laden flights, more than 15, were allowed to go all over the U.S., pick people up, with U.S.
government guarding them, and, you know, FBI to tell locals, no, you let them go.
Roger, roger, you know, these are the bosses.
And get them on those aircraft, including bin Laden's brother, bin Laden's sister, get them out.
Get them out.
Been a lot of family hanging out with the president, former president.
And again, these are real articles.
These are, this is Miami Herald.
This is London Guardian.
This is, this is all happening.
We've got Forbes representative Marsha Blackburn.
I want to try to get her on.
The TSA is coming to a highway near you and she's freaking out saying they're in Tennessee running checkpoints and she says they're not sworn law enforcement and the feds are out of their jurisdiction and she wants it stopped.
She first grovels to regular police and military for a couple pages to say, look, I want to say I'm not criticizing good law enforcement and real law enforcement.
These are basically potbellied thugs.
And she's right.
Government created that because the police have been trained to know there's a Bill of Rights and Constitution and they can't stick their hands down your pants.
So you create a brown shirt group like Hitler did.
Stalin did the same thing of a new group of thugs who were so stupid they'll follow any order and sit there in front of microwave ovens frying.
But I mean, it's all coming out.
I mean, they're in Dallas.
They're everywhere.
And let me tell you, they are doing the genital grope on the highway.
They're pulling you out and doing a little gropey gropey there.
And that's my line in the sand.
You crazy authoritarian jackboot people trying to break our will and beta test tyranny.
Look, I haven't even scratched the surface.
But I'm going to get into the Andrew Breitbart situation.
On the other side.
And it's funny.
I never thought to get him on the show.
And we were lining him up for the show about three weeks ago.
And it was gonna happen.
And he's dead.
So that link up I guess won't happen.
I guess I need to try to get whoever's over there in charge now on the show.
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At age 43, Andrew Reitbart, 1969 to 2012, dead.
Now, you read the LA Times, it's got the latest info, and it says, well, it's natural causes, but the case is ongoing, and they don't know why he died.
But, maybe it was his heart.
Well, that isn't case closed, dead of natural causes, they don't know yet.
I know the law, the medical examiner, the coroner, has to at least come and sign off on that, and they've not signed off yet.
So, that's suspicious right there.
That out of the gates, Pulitzer Prize winner, coming out with a new book, exposing government drug dealing, Gary Webb shoots himself twice in the head, and within hours of it coming out, it's open and shut, the police say he committed suicide.
Open and shut with the DC madam who said she was being followed and being threatened.
I called and talked to the condo manager where she lived for over a decade.
He sent me her lease and said that's not her handwriting on the news.
And it wasn't.
It wasn't even close.
I mean, wild!
If I'm found hanging in a shed, folks, and the handwriting doesn't even look like me,
Doesn't even look like my handwriting, for heaven's sakes.
I want multiple autopsies.
I will not commit suicide, and I'm not having a heart attack.
I'm in great shape.
There's not a big history of heart stuff in my family, or cancer, or any of it.
We're very long-lived.
Very long-lived.
The women routinely live to 103, 105.
The men in their 90s.
Get it straight.
Get it straight.
Nothing's happening to me, okay?
I get struck by a bolt of lightning.
The car veers off and runs me over.
I want an investigation!
I get death threats all the time.
You know, Mancow, Eric Muller, sent me IMs this morning going, you're next, buddy.
Yeah, well, that's not funny, Mancow.
And I don't think he's joking.
He's pretty freaked out.
He knew Andrew Breitbart pretty good and said he was a great guy.
I kept saying, you ought to get him on.
So we were just calling him.
It looked like it was going to happen.
And now he's dead.
I should have worked harder to get him on.
When we come back from break, I'm going to play the clip that really adds fuel to the fire that this should be further investigated.
And he may have died at 43 of something.
Heart attack, whatever.
That may be the case.
Monkeys might fly out of my posterior any moment too.
My gut says this stinks to high heaven.
You know why?
Because he's somebody who's proven that he was real and that he was having an effect against Obama and he brought down more than anybody and put the news and gave the investigators the funding and the forum to break Akern and their crimes and to shut down a multi-billion dollar a year scam funding big city Democratic Party mafia-style takeover.
Chicago, all over.
These are mafia organizations.
And he said he was coming out with big investigations on the organized crime, the communist connections, and film of Obama in college, and who he really was in college.
He put that in text reports and given speeches.
We've got the video, all of it in an article.
If you're a radio listener, go get it.
Will damning Obama footage be released after Breitbart's death?
Will it be released?
Will it be released?
And then you read the LA Times.
Andrew Breitbart dead.
At 43 of natural causes at UCLA Hospital.
Conservative writer and website publisher Andrew Breitbart died of natural causes at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center about midnight, sources told the Times.
Okay, the exact cause of death was unclear.
And the sources have spoken of an issue of anonymity because the case was ongoing.
It's also unclear if he was stricken.
So he died on the Ides of March, folks.
March 1st.
It's also unclear if he was stricken at the hospital or another location.
Oh, but it's open and shut, even though you've got to have the coroner medical examiner sign off.
I mean, I was there when my buddy at 33 died.
He went into the doctor, had a minor surgery, got an infection.
In these, in these, in these, in these dangerous hospitals, one of the biggest causes of death.
Hundreds of thousands a year die from that.
Swept through his body, all his organs felled in one day.
That hit him on a respirator so his dad could get down here from Dallas.
I was there since, you know, they were giving him adrenaline trying to keep him alive.
He was on a respirator.
I could see the life in his eyes and I said, you gotta fight.
And he was fighting and his eyes blurred out and he died a couple hours later.
They had to wait like five, six hours for the medical examiner to come in, talk to the nurses.
Okay, this is what it was, blood poisoning.
Oh no, but with him, we can't say what it was, but it's natural.
Hey, if I'm out walking around at 38 years old, or 43 a few years from now, and I drop dead, and they've got articles out now saying it's completely natural, don't look here, you got a problem.
I'm not saying he didn't
Fall down and something bad happen and go to the hospital and then complications, whatever.
But this stinks to high heaven.
I'm gonna talk more about it, why they may have wanted to kill him, and play that video and audio straight ahead.
It's all at InfoWars.com.
Curt Nimmo's got an article on it as well.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright, we are back live here today ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you for joining us.
Will damning Obama footage still be released after Breitbart's death?
Video of young Obama threatened to sink 2012 campaign.
And this is when you get killed.
You don't generally get killed for just criticizing the establishment and attacking their policies, but if you've got smoking gun evidence of crimes.
If you've got smoking gun evidence of prostitutes top politicians have visited, if you've got smoking gun evidence of drug dealing, if you've got smoking gun evidence of stuff like Fast and Furious, that it looks like Congressman Giffords did have, and Judge Roll, and I've actually talked to some high-level people behind the scenes on this subject via the tips we were given by Wayne Madsen a few months ago.
That is the case.
If you have smoking gun stuff that will take down the system, they will kill you.
And we would have to be fools to not go, I don't know, a couple weeks ago he comes out and says, I'm gonna vet Obama.
I'm gonna prove who he is.
I've got footage.
I've got damning evidence.
I know about his connections to communists and others.
I'm gonna, you know, get him in this campaign.
This guy's a radical.
He's dangerous.
Folks, controlling the presidency is about trillions of dollars a year that you can give to mega banks, to front company, energy companies, to groups like Acorn.
This is about trillions of dollars of budgets given to insiders.
Do you think they'll kill somebody?
They'll invade whole countries and kill over a million people for the oil, and for no-bid contracts, and for the opium.
Do you think they'd kill him?
I mean, they're saying he's walking around, he collapses, and I went and looked it up this morning when I got up at about 6 a.m.
and started getting calls and instant messages on my phone about this and emails.
I went and looked it up.
Within a couple hours of him being at the hospital, it was already in the L.A.
Times and News that it's totally natural.
We don't know why he died, but it's natural.
Nothing to see here.
Move along.
Now, if they came out and said, we don't know why he's dead, we're going to look at it, I would say, OK, maybe he died of something.
Maybe an infection, maybe a heart attack.
But the fact that they were immediate, immediate folks within hours of the D.C.
madam hanging herself.
They said, oh, suicide note.
Oh, she killed herself.
Oh, and then some guy came out of the woodwork.
There was no proof she ever knew anything.
Oh, she told me she was going to kill herself.
She told me on air she would never kill herself.
And then she was being followed off air, she told me that.
And then I talked to her apartment manager, condo manager she was friends with, on record, had him on the show.
And he said she was being followed and threatened and was scared and was getting documents to her mother for safekeeping and then was found dead in the shed!
At Mommy's!
They murdered the D.C.
Even Fox News said she may have been murdered and had me on to cover it on Geraldo Rivera's show of all places.
And he agreed.
It was suspicious.
Now I don't know what happened to Andrew Breitbart.
I don't know.
And they're saying, well, he might have had some heart issues before.
43, dead, and out of the gates.
They say nothing to see here.
Move along.
Now, what did I say three weeks ago?
And I've actually got our limited crew trying to dig it up.
Remember, for like a whole week, I said, they're blackmailing Rupert Murdoch.
I said it on a Sunday show, a Monday show, and like a Thursday show.
I mean, it was like two, three weeks ago.
I guess about three weeks ago.
And I said, they're blackmailing Rupert Murdoch.
They've already arrested eight more people.
They're using this to make them back off Fast and Furious and have News Corp come out and tell all their hosts, and I've talked to people behind the scenes, back off Obama.
Soros wins.
Media Matters wins.
Anybody talking about the New World Order is fired.
Media Matters had called for Judge Andrew Napolitano's firing.
It happened.
They called for it because he'd come on my show and other issues.
And because he was talking about Ron Paul being the real frontrunner, he's gone!
And he's not the guy I talked to behind the scenes, I talked to a couple other people.
The point is, is I said, you watch, they may even indict Rupert Murdoch or his son, and you may start seeing media people getting indicted, getting set up, getting arrested, or dying.
And I said on that show, if something starts happening to the real alternative media,
And I even said in one of those shows, people like Breitbart, people like Drudge, people like Buchanan, people like myself.
You notice Buchanan got fired.
Even though he's one of the most popular people on MSNBC.
And he said he was told, shut up, don't be anti-war, shut up, don't be anti-Patriot Act, shut up, don't be anti-NDAA, shut up, don't be anti-Obama.
And so for six months, he couldn't go on air because he wouldn't compromise and shut up.
So he was off the air for six months, still being paid, contracts up, you're gone, Pat Buchanan.
Get out of here.
You're gone, Judge Napolitano.
See, I know what's going on behind the scenes.
I talk to people and I know how this works.
So let me give you some news.
Fox News pundits have been told, back off Obama at least 50%.
And that's why you suddenly saw Huckabee and others say he's a man of the Lord, he's a good man, he loves America, Obama's a good person.
And you're seeing a lot of them start going, I like Obama, O'Reilly and others.
You're now seeing it.
Glenn Beck's gone.
You notice as soon as this investigation started a year ago in News Corp, bribing people, paying off police, which is wrong, but it's standard procedure at that level of media.
Paying police for info, paying police for access for murders, for politicians, for anything.
That's how it's done.
I've never done it, but I happen to know even local media... It's about access.
You invite the... I'm not gonna even get into it.
The point is, you know it goes on.
So they're going after him for basically dirt under their fingernails, and I'm not saying it's good, I'm not saying News Corps is a good organization.
The point is, Obama's caught shipping guns into Mexico.
He's caught blaming the Second Amendment.
He's caught giving billions of dollars to energy companies as fronts.
ACORN, all of it.
I mean, this is a mafia group gutting the nation, and they're playing hardball.
So, they start firing police.
The main witness, who blew the whistle on Murdoch, dies at his house.
And within hours, they say, nothing to worry about.
His neighbors all came out, five different neighbors at least, and said he was hiding, had the blinds closed, and said they were threatening to kill him.
Whoever they are.
And then he's dead in his house, and the police, within hours, say nothing to worry about, suicide, no big deal.
I mean, you're hiding in your house, telling your neighbors, watch my house, if anything happens to me, they killed me, they're after me, and then you're dead, and the police come and say nothing to worry about.
That's like Princess Diana.
She wrote letters, her diary, and a video that was confiscated by Scotland Yard.
This is all in the mainstream news.
Years ago.
Years after it was rumors, it all came out.
Told her butler, everybody.
Her butler's the one that blew the whistle.
Her assistant, really, is what a butler is.
She told him, she shot a video with professional lighting and everything saying, Prince Charles told me, if I marry this guy, I will die in a fake auto accident.
Because Charles obviously talked to his intel people.
That's how they like to, their favorite way to kill you.
Is to drug you, put you in a vehicle, smash a truck into it, and then that doesn't kill you, killing away the hospital.
Or they remote control the car, wait till you're going fast, steer you into a pylon.
That's gone on for decades.
That's declassified.
It went on in the 50s.
Well, that's how they started to kill Patton, but he was too tough.
They drove a truck into him, shot him, and this has all been leaked as well, shot him in the face with a bolt gun.
A big bolt to break his neck.
Didn't break his neck because he was as strong as a horse.
Then they poisoned him.
But that's what they do.
They slam a truck into you.
This is on record.
Favorite way.
But, I'm digressing.
Anybody slams a truck into me, I wear my seatbelt.
I've got airbags.
I buy cars that have steel safety cages.
I'm, okay, I've been killed.
I want an investigation of why the ambulance takes an hour to get there, like Princess Diana, who was moving around and seen fighting by witnesses.
They went, killed her in the back of that car, then drove around waiting for 45 minutes when there was a hospital three minutes away, and the roads were blocked.
All the cameras turned off five minutes before the wreck.
I can go on here.
And she did a video, a letter, a diary, and eyewitnesses.
The cameramen have gone public.
Her butler did.
The media called it a conspiracy theory until the government admitted, yes, we confiscated that tape.
Charles told her, I'm going to have you killed in a fake auto accident.
Do you understand?
You're not marrying that rich Arab guy.
Well, she got pregnant with him.
That was it.
The Royals are extremely into race.
I mean, the king of England who had to abdicate was an open Nazi.
Look it up.
He was in Europe when World War II started and barely got out of Spain through Portugal.
He was over there with Franco.
He was going to be the puppet king when... The point is, ladies and gentlemen, is that you can even have videos saying, here's the guy who's going to kill me in a fake auto accident.
I've been warned.
It doesn't matter, honey.
If they want to kill you, they do.
Of course.
Dr. David Kelly!
What, even the Foreign Secretary went public and said Al Qaeda's fake, so they killed him in a fake heart attack a few weeks later?
What page?
Then there's Dr. David Kelly, the head weapons inspector, says it's totally fake, but I've been told, sent this to emails to over 50 people, over a bunch of colleagues, I'll be killed and found dead in the woods.
Locals even saw the police in black uniforms who were dumping the body and ran away.
That was even in a few of the papers.
Witnesses even saw the guys in black uniforms dumping his body.
His wrists were slit, no blood.
Undissolved pills in his stomach.
The coroners have gone public and said, yeah, he was murdered.
But you're a conspiracy theorist.
They killed Dr. David Kelly.
They killed Pulitzer Prize winner Gary Webb for his Dark Alliance series on government drug dealing.
They killed
Princess Diana.
They killed Kennedy out in front of everybody.
And I'm telling you, Andrew Breitbart, spawned by the Great Drudge, was, you could disagree with his pro-war stance, you could disagree with all that, but he was an anti-globalist, anti-New World Order guy.
They were starting to carry some of my stuff.
He doesn't like communists, or didn't.
He doesn't like elitism.
It's over.
Now he may.
I'd give it 20% chance he died of natural causes.
And why do I say that?
And of course the family and others, I don't blame them.
You want to be naive.
You don't want to be scared.
They're coming after you.
People get threatened when this happens.
I've later confirmed that with others down the road.
Police get threatened.
I've had police officers on this show multiple, three different ones over the years.
Last one was Browning, head of the K-9 unit, sergeant, sees the feds in Oklahoma City minutes after, starts talking about it, and they came in his office and in the hallway, two separate occasions, and said, you keep investigating us, you and your wife are dead, you understand?
And he went to, you know, goes to his police chief and is told, well, you're being investigated, buddy.
So, it's time to grow up in America, and I know what I'm facing.
I know what I'm facing.
They don't come to me offering me national TV shows anymore.
They don't come to me offering, you know, the big establishment syndicated show.
I don't get offers anymore.
They know I'm real.
They know I've built my own system thanks to your support.
And don't cry for me if they kill me.
Realize they killed me because it was a life worth leading and I did it with pride for human dignity and I was a man of courage and action and dedication.
Because I know the cost.
Somebody's got to say no to these people.
They're their own worst enemies.
They're going to destroy us if someone doesn't start saying no to them.
They're out of control.
They have hubris.
They have the same disease Napoleon and Caesar had.
They're crazy.
Crazy like a fox, nevertheless crazy.
If they do kill me,
Who will take my place?
That's what you've got to understand.
Ideas are bulletproof.
And for heaven's sakes, don't let them blow my brains out and kill some hooker or something and put me in a hotel room or pull me over, shoot me up with heroin or something.
I mean, if any of that happens or I die of a heart attack at 39 or whatever, it's bull, okay?
It's bull.
And if Ron Paul dies and they go, oh, well, he's 75, it's baloney, folks.
Because look at the time when all this is happening.
This is real.
These are tyrants that have taken over our country.
They think it's theirs.
And I told you, look, they got rid of Buchanan the same week.
They got rid of Judge Napolitano the same week.
They're doing all sorts of dirty tricks behind us, behind the scenes, and I'm not even going to give attention.
Just pray for us.
They are pulling out all the stops because they're getting ready for a big war and this open global government takeover.
And here it is.
I told you this was coming.
London Independent.
Murdoch Jr.
flies away from trouble, but it may follow him to America.
The Fox executives are all running from England.
From Britain.
From the UK.
I told you that was coming next.
And they're talking about the Justice Department indicting him here.
And that's why suddenly it's going to be the Obama Worship Channel.
You think they like me up here exposing that Obama wrote the NDAA and then said he was against it and then signed it?
You think they like me covering Fast and Furious every day?
These are crooks.
They can be brought down.
But I'm going up against murderers.
And I need your support.
Let me tell you, if Matt Drudge gets set up or killed, and they say he fell off his bicycle or whatever, if more of this starts happening, ladies and gentlemen, we know what's going on and we know who did it.
The system will find out if you've got a heart problem, whatever, they'll make it look like it.
That's all been declassified.
And the answer is don't bow down to these guys.
The answer is turbocharge in their face.
If we don't see the Breitbart empire release the video he said he would release of Obama, if we don't see all this exposed,
If we don't see all this brought out, if we see them start backing off, we know that people are being infiltrated, and you gotta know there's an infiltration of a group that big.
You've got to know they're under surveillance.
You've got to know people have been threatened or paid off.
We better see that video released right now.
For all your own safety, you idiots, if anybody inside his organization is a mole, you're gonna be killed later.
Don't think you're going to be infiltrated and paid off by the White House and by the CIA and by these foreign banking espionage groups and that you're not going to be dealt with later.
If you know anything about this, your only hope is to go public right now with a YouTube video right now or you're dead.
You understand that?
They'll kill you after the election.
If we start seeing more people over there, die.
The only answer to this is to fire up and go head up against them.
I mean, I know the tell-tale signs.
Oh, he might have had some heart problems, we're not sure, but we know it's nothing fishy.
When law says, the coroner, medical examiner, by law, law, law, law, I mean, Fannie Malick, the Arkansas medical examiner, people would have their heads cut off.
People would be found in trash dumps, burned, arms and legs cut off.
They would machine gun police off the road that were doing investigations, and then say they committed suicide.
With hundreds of bullet holes in their car.
Family Malik, Arkansas, and you're a conspiracy theorist if you look at it.
I've interviewed the police officers where the FBI comes into their office and says, you and your wife are dead if you don't back off.
Look, the FBI and ATF and Delta Force on record
Burned down Waco, blew up the church records vault with the kids hiding in it, and then posed with their skulls on top of tanks.
I mean, even if you gotta kill somebody, you don't pose with the skulls because you're so tough.
These are demonic, demented, childlike people.
You're idiots.
And you're cowards.
You think you cozy up to big evil and that you're safe and you're winners.
No, you're losers.
And I'm not intimidated by you.
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Alright, let's go ahead and get to the video.
There's also text where Andrew Breitbart said that he was going to go public and basically destroy Obama.
And he got up, he challenged him, he was not controlled right.
You can say what you want, he was real.
Because the mainstream folks aren't trying to bring down organizations because they know it's mafia.
I mean, you think Akron, some estimates, we're getting more than $10 billion a year?
You think they're a little upset over not getting that money now to fund their takeover of local government, where they can then get the larger public purse into their troughs?
Think they're a little mad about that?
Think when he says, I got footage?
Folks, here's the telltale sign.
If they don't release the footage, you know they're being threatened.
I'm telling them.
And by the way, I got some inside sources.
I've got a reporter.
Who knew Andrew Breitbart very well personally.
He was offered a job there, but didn't want to move to California.
We're going to get him on during the third hour after Ed Hasner comes up at the 8 after.
I'm going to try to get that reporter on right now.
He says he knew him.
He was fine.
This just stinks to high heaven.
We've been calling this since 6 a.m.
this morning.
And that's what Mancow is saying, who knew him.
Maybe it was a heart attack, maybe he had health stuff, but I'm telling you, this stinks.
Let's go ahead and go to this video of him just a couple weeks ago.
What is this?
This is February 11th is the date?
Yeah, I had the date earlier.
It's on one of the videos, but I'll get it.
Here he is just a few weeks ago speaking out.
Here it is.
And so what do we get now in Barack Obama?
Well, I've got videos, by the way.
This election, we're going to vet him.
I've got videos.
This election, we're going to vet him from his college days to show you... Why... To show you why racial division
Equally Radical said one day we're going to have the presidency and the rest of us slept while they plotted and they plotted and they plotted and they oversaw hundreds of millions of dollars in the Annenberg Challenge and they had real money from real capitalists who gave it on to their children and their children's children and then they become communists.
We got to work on that.
We got to work on that.
That's a parenthesis.
Barack Obama is a radical.
We should not be afraid to say that.
All right, folks.
The rest of the clip is up at Infowars.com.
And he gave that speech to the American Conservative Union on February 10th, about 20 days ago.
And up at Infowars.com right now, we've got Kurt Nimmo's report.
Establishment, Gadfly, Andrew Breitbart dead at 43.
Soros Media Matters and Acorn can now breathe a sigh of relief.
And Paul Watson and the Alex Jones Report, will damning Obama footage still be released after Breitbart's death?
And he said, we got video, we got a plan, we're gonna expose him.
And that's the exact time they come after you.
When you got something,
Like the DC Madam's client list.
Stuff like that.
That's when you better release it.
The minute you get it, you do not sit on this stuff.
We've gotten big bombshell stuff.
And let me tell you something, I don't sit on it.
Not five seconds!
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, Ed Asner, former head of the Screen Actors Guild, hundreds of films, top TV shows, icon.
Who, I don't agree with some of his financial ideas, you know, socialism.
But I know he means well.
He understands the big banks steal it all through systems.
So he says, why not redistribute?
But I respect him because of his courage on 9-11 Truth, exposing vaccines and more.
He's a real guy.
And I wanted to do a close to an hour interview with him.
He joined us for about 20 minutes a few weeks ago.
So he's joined us for a full, uh, most of a full hour coming up.
And then in the third hour, I'll get into all the other news, your phone calls.
We have a reporter popping in who knew Andrew Breitbart, and he just says this thing just stinks to high heaven.
His, uh, death, uh, sometime after midnight, he was supposedly walking around and collapsed, went to the hospital and then died.
And within hours they said, well, it's totally natural.
We don't know why he died.
Let's everybody go back to sleep.
And that's what's suspicious.
Now they're saying, well, it might've been a heart problem.
Well, again,
Why you have a medical examiner is they said that Sirhan Sirhan didn't shoot RFK.
You know, that's on record.
The police at that time actually weren't corrupt enough to lie.
The LAPD came out and said no.
He was shot with a different caliber.
Sirhan Sirhan's arm was pinned down and shot into the side and the ceiling.
First it was held up and then pinned down.
And the coroner said he was shot with another caliber.
That's all public, been public.
But the public never digs into that, so it just becomes a rumor.
That was in the LA Times.
Back, you know, the days after they killed Bobby Kennedy, then Attorney General, he was winning in the primaries.
And it turned out top CIA guys were in attendance, and they had a CIA guy from the local skunk's works doing the shooting, who was right behind him as his assigned security that day.
That's where the coroner said he was shot, with that caliber in the back.
We know the names, everything.
But because people don't go dig up the original info, it's like, oh, I heard they killed him.
I heard that.
No, now it's on record.
They drug Sirhan Sirhan with an amnesiac, rolled him in.
He plays the part of the patsy.
Oldest thing in the book.
They drugged up Marinus van der Lube, a Dutch illegal alien.
Stripped him down naked, threw him out on the side of the road by the Capitol building, and had the Nazis arrest him for firebombing their own Capitol.
February 27th, 1933.
And you know the rest of the story.
Terrorists have hit the Capitol.
The Fuhrer has to take all your rights now and become their leader to protect us.
Oldest trick in the book.
Nudging us.
Pushing us into accepting it.
And I'm telling you,
They're going to go after all of us with staged terror attacks.
That's on the front burner.
That's a real possibility.
I'm not saying it's going to happen, but they're looking at it.
I mean, all these White House advisors are putting out policy reports saying, it sure helped to have an Oklahoma City.
We could blame it on the libertarian right-wingers.
Obama, that's the only thing that's going to save you.
Financial Times of London.
Robert Shapiro.
A bunch of others.
We've read their quotes.
You're like, but why are they so obvious?
Because they think you're idiots.
That's why.
And so if you're a fed in a federal building and a bomb goes off, just have a video camera, get through the smoke if you've survived, and videotape and wonder why there's going to be federal agents right there dressed up in bomb gear.
And I know maybe it's like Stockholm Syndrome.
Where a lot of you will see them there, and you won't even care.
You'll never even think, because they're good guys, you're good guys.
What matter if they just tried to kill you?
What matter if they just killed a bunch of people?
You're so mentally weak, even though a lot of Feds catch Feds doing stuff.
It's like, what are you doing loading opium on this C-130?
Well, we're told to.
In Afghanistan.
And so, so much of that came out, they just said, we'll just put it on the news.
They grow it, they ship it to America.
When you use it, you go to a prison.
Owned by a defense contractor.
Who ships in the drugs.
That's why when a cop pulls me over and asks, can I search your car, I just start laughing.
I mean, is this a joke, buddy boy?
Is this a joke?
You shipped the drugs in, been caught over and over again from Vietnam through Iran-Contra, right through to today, and you're wanting to search my car?
You work for the government.
By extension, you probably got drugs in your car.
I'm not saying you do, but you are more guilty than me.
If we've got this presumed guilt, you make me want to throw up!
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This is Alex Jones for survivalseedbank.com.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are live, ladies and gentlemen, and for the balance of the hour, the next 52 minutes, Ed Asner is our guest.
He visited with us for about 20 minutes a few weeks ago, but he's come back for most of a full hour with us today.
Then we'll continue with phone calls and incredible news.
Forbes is reporting the TSA is coming to a highway near you.
That's ten years after I told you that was their official plan.
I was watching C-SPAN and saw them say it.
Not like I'm a rocket scientist here.
It's pretty much this program of total takeover is public.
We'll be getting into that as well, but Ed Asner joins us.
To talk about a host of issues.
I'm going to be talking to and getting one of those Navy SEALs on very, very soon that have warned Ed that they're planting a false flag.
It's funny, a few days after Ed talked about that, Clapper, the head of the National Security Council went public and said in a Brookings Institute report, a provocation is needed with Iran.
Of course, we know Dick Cheney wrote the PNAC document the year before 9-11 and said we need a new Pearl Harbor as a pretext.
So, they talk to us like we're idiots.
They operate out in the open with this.
It was Cy Hirsch, Pulitzer Prize winner.
I don't think so.
You've got to know it's serious.
So I want to get back into that with Ed and then I asked him the question off air.
We're talking about it on air.
Why don't more celebrities, why don't more people, period, go public and talk about what's happening and point out that the emperor has no clothes?
But first off, Ed, thank you so much for coming on with us.
You really don't need any...
Introduction, you're an award-winning actor, director, hundreds of films, you name it, with all the greats out there, former head of the Screen Actors Guild, I think one of the longest-serving, the star of the Mary Tyler Moore Show, your own Lou Grant Show, and of course that got politically attacked, we should probably talk about that censorship.
All of this going on, and you join us now here today, but out of the gates, days after you came on about false flags, Ed, then it actually started coming out in the news,
Where they're openly talking about a pretext with Iran, or trying to prod them into something.
I mean, why do you think they're so brazen now, sir?
I think they create a witch's brew and they gotta keep stirring it.
And they certainly
We'll keep looking for new ways to create the false flag so that as much as the public may get alerted to the idea of false flag, trying to make it as convincing as possible, will be the only way that they can sell this new witch's brew.
You know, a new improved formula, let's call it.
Talking about false flag, now making it common parlance.
We are all on our toes and ready to receive these rumors and we get all excited.
And they accomplish their mission by keeping us off balance, even if they don't do it.
So that we are ready for any provocation.
And we're jittery over any provocation.
And if the provocation doesn't come, then we can pat ourselves on the back by saying, well, we stopped it.
But they'll come up with... I mean, one good example.
If, for some reason, they found a way for Israel to trigger an action against Iran, and they have to be careful in responding to that action, the Iranian, that is.
So if they respond within a limited way, then it'll be a limited war.
But of course, if they go beyond that and attack some of the U.S.
boats in the Gulf of Hormuz, the Straits of Hormuz, then it can easily expand.
And of course, that's why we talk about false flag operations.
The danger of it somehow becoming more magnified than it was originally planned to be.
Now, if Israel and Iran strictly restrict their actions against each other, and it doesn't go widespread from that, then everything's okay.
We're still not responsible for Israel, supposedly.
But what happens if it expands?
If there's a mistake and we get involved?
What, there's more American troops pouring into the Middle East?
Well, undoubtedly, I have family in the military.
I have a lot of sources.
And since I reported on this a year ago, now it's an open secret that they're massing U.S.
troops in and around Iran, in and around Syria.
They're using al-Qaeda proxy groups to attack Libya and now Syria.
And I'm not a fan of Qaddafi.
I'm not a fan of Assad.
But compared to what
They're putting in, bringing in the Arab fighters out of Saudi Arabia, exterminating blacks, genocide, black Africans.
That's now admitted.
And the witch's brew is destabilization.
That's the goal.
And they're now, now the admitted al-Qaeda groups are on record saying once they've taken over Syria, they're going to purge and pogrom the Christians and Jews that have been there for thousands and thousands of years.
Christians for 2,000, Jews for over 3,000.
Uh, in Syria.
This is all being announced and Hillary's in the BBC today.
We have an article on Infowars.com, Ed.
Uh, Hillary Clinton admits U.S.
and Al-Qaeda on same side as Syria.
and France arm rebels with anti-aircraft missiles.
In an interview with BBC, she said, quote, we have a very dangerous set of actors in the region, Al-Qaeda, Hamas, and those who are on our terrorist list, to be sure, are supporting, claiming to support the opposition in Syria.
So they're having the cake and eating it too, acting like they're not arming them.
I mean, how do they say we should give up all our rights, Ed, and have checkpoints on highways, and TSA groping us, and all of this because of Al-Qaeda?
But then, it's on record, the U.S.
government got the underwear bomber on the plane, because Kurt Haskell, our listener, saw it happen, reported it, and then a month and a half later, the State Department had to admit in Congress they were ordered to get him on the plane.
I mean, how obvious does this get, Ed?
Well, you strike up, you know...
I'm like Alice falling down the rabbit hole.
How can we speak of any conversation with Al Qaeda?
How can we in any way show any familiarity?
You can say, well, the Taliban are a religious group within Afghanistan.
You will try to maybe make a deal with them.
But when Al Qaeda, who is expressly
Opposed to anything we stand for and wish our destruction and is credited with 9-11 supposedly.
How could we even talk about talking to them?
How does this take place?
And we sit here numbly nodding our heads.
Oh, so we're talking to Al-Qaeda.
Well, since when?
And who said it's okay?
It is the Twilight Zone.
It is Alice in Wonderland.
Believe me, I feel like I'm in Wonderland every day.
I mean, here's Forbes today.
The TSA is coming to a highway near you, and then it reports that they're setting up checkpoints from Dallas to Nashville, from New York to San Francisco, and now they pull you over without a warrant, and they don't just search your car, they try to grab on you.
I mean, this is crazy!
Well, it's, uh...
The exercise of mind control in the good old US of A. I have no answers.
I can only say, where are the people?
What are the people saying about this?
Where are their outspoken voices?
The challenges to bring it on the floor of that so-called Congress.
What is going on?
We nod our heads and say, oh, oh, oh, I see, I see.
And we accept.
We cannot accept.
We've got to protest, we've got to go on the streets.
Of course, going in the streets didn't do much for Iraq, did it?
Well, that brings up the next point.
Why don't we see more stars, more people like yourself, who have the courage that you have, Ed?
I mean, we don't really see that very often.
And then even when somebody who supported Obama, like Matt Damon, says, man, Obama's keeping the wars going, the torture.
You didn't do what you say you do.
He gets attacked like he can't even have an opinion in America.
I didn't know that he had outspokenly questioned Obama on that, but it's a striking point, isn't it?
The reason more don't is out of fear.
I mean, the example I point to is Meryl Streep, who had never been outspoken on any subject that I know of, third Oscar now winner, when she chose to speak out against Al Arr, coding on apples.
Being unhealthy.
And she was so slapped down at the time, Meryl Streep has never outspoken again.
And that's why most of them don't speak.
They don't want to hurt their box office.
Look at the Dixie Chicks.
I happen to know their listeners on my show here in Austin.
I've talked to some of them.
They come out and mildly criticize the war and say they don't like George Bush.
They're Americans.
They have the First Amendment.
They stopped playing their music on the radio for a full year.
Now they ended up being even more popular in the end, but they still now have shut up.
And again, since when do they blacklist people in this country, Ed?
That's been going on for a long time.
A long time.
It takes on various shades, various colors.
And it works in mysterious ways.
But I use the Meryl Streep example as the most telling.
And it's a lot of trouble to shoot your mouth off.
Because for the most part, most people don't want to hear it for two reasons.
They don't want the myth of America being duplicitous accepted as fact.
They want to think that Santa Claus still exists.
They believe in the myth that America came into bloom without bloodshed, forgetting about the Indians, forgetting about the black slavery.
Forgetting about all of the wars, which so many of them were generated by false flag operations, but which we have a very strong history of war in this country, whether they believe it or not.
We are a militaristic country.
And if we're not fighting using our troops themselves,
We're certainly the greatest arms supplier in the world for everybody else who wants to start shooting.
Well yeah, the United States, just the military of the U.S., in 2011 numbers just came out from the Congressional Budget Office, is 53% of all armament spending worldwide.
53% just armed military is 53% of all spending worldwide out of 170 plus countries.
But get this, it gets worse.
Then, of arms sales worldwide, the United States is at least half of what's left.
So, we're talking about 70 plus percent, Ed, of all armament spending and sales worldwide is the United States.
Now, ask your American citizen, why?
He won't have an answer.
As to keep peace will be the answer.
Keep peace.
You need guns to keep peace, is the answer.
And, uh, uh, God bless, uh, uh, what's-his-name, uh, the low man on the totem pole.
Ron Paul?
Who, uh, what an earth-shaking event if his ideas could, uh, could take root, at least in some of the areas he proposed.
Yeah, since when is it revolutionary to not want to be an empire and to follow the Constitution?
Since when is that such a great evil?
And it's when we're naive, as you've pointed out.
When we think America can do no wrong, that's what allows us to become this corrupt system instead of our greater, you know, angels, you know, our better aspects.
We sink into the mud when we just say, no, we're the good guys, that's the end of it.
It's like a schizophrenic thing where we say we have the moral authority,
And other people are bad when they torture, but we're good when we torture.
I mean, how did Bush... I want to ask you this.
How did Bush send a bunch of people to prison who got caught torturing under orders in Afghanistan and Iraq, including contractors?
And I'm not saying they don't deserve to go to jail.
When he gave the order on record, and the White House memos are public, and then he wrote a book last year bragging that he ordered torture and would do it again.
Now wait a minute.
What should that say to the minions?
That they'll order you to torture, when you get caught you'll go to jail, and then Bush says he gave the order publicly and doesn't get in trouble.
I mean, that's just, that's la-la land, Ed.
I know it.
I know it.
And it's part of the mind control that we all exist under.
The alternative sources of information are enormous.
But how many people read them?
How many people see them?
Hear them?
And you're one of those few voices that challenges the authority of this country.
And you should be a star blazing on Hollywood Boulevard.
Oh, you're kind.
All I want to do is, like I know you want, is not have World War III and have my children have a future.
I'm in this so deep there's no pulling out now, but we're all in it together.
You know, Ed, you've talked a lot about history.
You're an informed guy.
We've seen this with Napoleon and Hitler and countless others.
They always think they're invincible and go wild.
And every historian, every top general, even the former head of the Mossad, they're all saying, 80 plus percent of them,
Are saying the US and Israel are crazy.
Don't start these wars.
Back off on Syria.
Back off on Iran.
Russia and China.
The Chinese President!
I went and looked it up, Ed.
In 60 years of the Chinese over there with the Communists, they've never made statements like prepare for war with the U.S.
A month ago, their president said in a speech, prepare for war with the U.S.
They're moving troops in and around us, which is admitted.
And if they attack Pakistan or anybody, we're going to have war with them.
The Russians are saying that.
And it's not even in our news, Ed.
It's in the British, European news.
But it's like when the Chinese, with thousands of high-tech nukes, are saying, prepare for war, and US ships are massing off their coast, and it's not even an issue, Ed!
I mean, what do you think's going on here?
I think we're being dazzled and knocked off balance.
And we'll continue to be so.
You know, it all comes down to economics, doesn't it?
It does.
We get in liberal presidents who pass anti-tariff laws, who create fair-trade laws.
Those fair-trade laws have now created much of the unemployment that now exists in our country.
I never thought I'd be saying this, when does
This country begins to worry about its internal poverty.
And we're slipping on every element.
Okay, the unemployment figures go down.
But it's still way too high for the richest country in the world to have that high level of unemployment.
That's not right.
And it's mostly due to the fact that
The fair trade laws that were created are unemploying Americans.
Well, they're not fair.
I mean, our country was built with tariffs, and it's not... they're not fair trade.
You know, they claim they are, but I've looked at the agreements.
They're all one-sided, and it's not even helping the Chinese and the Mexicans and the Indians with the jobs.
I mean, they're having to compete to race to the bottom.
I guess Ross Perot was right about that.
Look at the labels on your clothes, on your shoes.
On your watches, anything you wear, where does it come from?
Not here.
No tradesman is allowed to exist in this country anymore.
I'm aghast and I suppose if you think that there's a great power combine which is trying to create a balance in the world, I guess our children will suffer
Until that balance is achieved throughout the world.
But while we're getting there, it's certainly causing us suffering.
Well, you know, sir, that's their cover.
I've had globalists, you know, these big corporate fascists give me the speech of, yeah, we're setting this up.
It's to balance things.
But you read their internal documents that have been leaked.
They want everybody in poverty because we're easier to control.
They're not trying to lift anybody up.
Well, they're doing a good job so far.
Yeah, they are.
What about other Hollywood folks?
I mean, you're one of the most well-connected people in Hollywood history, former head of the Screen Actors Guild, hundreds of films with every major star you can imagine.
I mean, privately when you talk to people, do they realize our peril?
I mean, just a sense of where Hollywood is.
Well, on 9-11 I'm regarded as a nutcase.
At the same time, maybe I have special dispensation because I became regarded as the nutcase long ago when I was talking about Central America and our involvement there.
So maybe they allow me to dangle out there to serve as a typical nutcase.
And I'll gladly accept that as long as I can keep getting some work.
And that's always the important thing to be able to pay the rent.
I would say most of them just don't want to get into that added trouble, that added fatigue.
We're fighting a battle now in our union.
They're pushing very hard to, and they have an enormous majority behind them, to
Merge the two actors' unions on television.
And a small group of old diehard union members are trying to fight it with a suit to get an injunction to discount our election for merger between AFTRA and SAG.
Well, I'll tell you what, stay there.
You're really an expert on this.
We'll be right back with this breaking news on what's happening with some of the last unions in this country.
A counterbalance to the corporate fascists.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us for that after.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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And I don't wanna hear
All right, Ed Asner, former head of the Screen Actors Guild, is our guest and we're talking about the economy and he was bringing up what we've seen some of in the news, how they're trying to change even the union system out in California, out in Hollywood.
And again, I think some unions get out of control.
They get politically controlled.
They take the dues.
They use it to get rid of NAFTA and GATT, which is the opposite of what the unions should want.
But I do believe in a counterbalance.
You know, we saw the Rockefellers and others and Pinkerton security writing down people, you know, shooting, you know, folks that tried to unionize in the last 80, 90 years.
So people fought for this.
Well, you know, I always question myself because I don't know enough, Alex.
And I constantly pound myself on the head trying to say I'm not qualified sufficiently to carry this banner alone.
I ask too many questions and I don't do enough research to give the answers.
I do what I can.
Here in film, we're faced with a huge consortium
of a power which will create a merger with the AFTRA, the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, and the Screen Actors Guild, of which I am a former president.
We have worked for 70-some years in creating this strong union, and in the past few years AFTRA that used to negotiate with us conjointly
for actors contract in film has chosen to depart on its own and undercut us.
They've done this with the power of the AFL-CIO, who would be happy to see a larger merged union, even though it's a weaker union, because they like numbers.
They like the dues coming in from that increased number of actors.
But here we have AFTRA, who has negotiated weaker contracts with producers.
Producers are gladly accepting.
Most shows now are on AFTRA.
Formerly, they were all SAG.
The four A's, which normally governed
The policy between the two unions has not done anything in terms of AFTRA taking over our jurisdiction and the powers in SAG of late have not pursued their rightful course in demanding their protection of their authority.
So that producers have signed with AFTRA which gives on the surface
More or less the same wages for first-time production.
But their contracts are weaker in terms of residuals.
Their contracts are weaker in terms of our pension and health.
And what this band of brothers with me has done is to try to show to the membership who are snowed by all of this
Authority that's coming down from all other areas, producers, agents, the power of New York, who has never been happy with the power of Hollywood actors, who control 53% of the actors in the business.
They have snowed most of the membership out there so that they're not aware that if this merger takes place without a feasibility study of what will happen to their pensions and to their health and welfare plans, that they will suffer, their dues will increase, they'll be in bed with broadcasters who work non-union,
And they've created yet another witch's brew, which is symptomatic of our country, and which is symptomatic of the weakening of unions in this country.
And if you don't believe in unionism, then there's no sense in listening to me, because unions are what stands for the working man, and the working man, generally, has been destroyed in this country by those Fair Trade Acts, by the
Resistance of isolationist senators and congressmen who create laws which create right-to-work states, which create strong enforcement on Taft-Hartley, so that people are boggled by the pressures working against them, and we end up, the average working actor, ends up on the short end of the stick.
Well, again, every system becomes corrupt and has problems, but obviously unions were needed when they first came in, when people were falling into sausage, falling into sausage machines and, you know, the Rockefellers and Robber Barons were selling chalk, fake powdered milk.
So those excesses created the unions.
People had to fight and die to create the unions.
I think the problem with the unions now is that you alluded to.
They become so political that a lot of them push for NAFTA and GATT and all this.
So it's like they don't even exist anyways.
And so then a lot of people see the unions basically as just siding with big corrupt government that's siding with big corrupt corporations.
It's like no matter what you do, these insider manipulators come to the crony capitalist model.
They get in and corrupt anything.
And I don't know how you deal with that.
I think you get the public aware, you get them involved, and you get them angry, and that transparency is the answer in people being involved.
And, you know, we've talked about getting people involved to realize you're uninvolved at your own peril.
I want to give the... I can only barge in and say that when I was a young man and hoping to be an actor, I took a job at the Buick, Oldsmobile, and Pontiac plant in Kansas City.
That was really my first exposure.
Big time to the real world.
That was an open shop plant.
And we were all working overtime, forced to work overtime.
And you were punished if you didn't.
And, and, uh, uh, I, it was a slave ship is what it turned out to be.
So when I finally quit there and went back to Chicago and tried to be a more of an actor, and I still had to get jobs.
And I said, I'd never work in an auto plant again.
And finally,
Seeing my friends working for $1.90 an hour, which was impossible, I went and got a job at the Ford plant there.
And that Ford plant played $1.90 an hour, and that was big time.
So I said, OK.
And I worked as a metal finisher there.
And I worked there for about nine months.
And I want to say that the difference between that close shop plant, that union shop,
As opposed to the open shop that I worked in, was the difference between night and day, and that's where I became a union man.
Because I was treated like a human being.
And I was treated like a respectable worker.
Which I was never treated at the Buick place.
So I became a union man and I've been so ever since.
The difference between working union, and doing an honest day's work, and working non-union,
And I would point out the fact to you that every time a non-union man works, the wages he's getting are there because a union shop established a level that he can work under.
If there was no union, he'd be working at slave wages himself without that creation of a higher wage scale.
Let me make this point.
Look at China, which they call communist.
It's not communist.
It's a top-down elitist insider group.
And they've got people committing suicide en masse at these iPod and iPhone plants and the rest of it.
They're made to work in some cases 18 hours a day, seven days a week.
When they've got big orders in, there's blood all over the textiles now from the little kids' fingers.
They had to put suicide nets all around it, show that Apple and others that say they're liberal can make bigger profits.
And they will kill you in China if you try to unionize.
And that's just people getting together, saying we need to live.
Folks, you can pull this up.
In China, the main daycares are people chain their children to the light poles, or to grates, and then they work all day and try to get out by dark to bring their child food, and then go back and live in their hovel.
And globalism isn't even lifting up the average Chinese.
For the elites it is, and the small middle class that manages them, but it's just creating
I mean, that's where we're going.
When you don't demand standards, and you don't demand that people be paid enough to live decently, you just destroy the society.
And you look at Mexico, where they used Agenda 21 to force people off their rural land the last 20 years, up to Mexico City, as a staging ground, up to the Maquiladoras and the borders.
It didn't build them up, it forced them off their land where they could sustain themselves and live happily.
And they force one to Mexico City that's gone from 10 million to 30 plus million, and half the population lives in cardboard boxes.
I mean, it is... I don't know what we do, because I want America to know.
It is the giant sucking sound.
We are going to become that now.
My problem, Ed, is how do you stop the unions from getting bought off by the big corporations and politicians?
I mean, you do agree that... I mean, the big unions have totally sold their people out.
A lot of them have.
I will grant you.
But I would say that you will always... There was a wonderful publication I used to subscribe to.
I don't get it anymore.
I don't know what happened to it.
Herman Benson was the creator of it.
It was called Union Democracy in Action.
And it would cover all of the stories of rebel unions, of unions trying to achieve the voices of their masses.
And fighting against corrupt leadership.
Now, hopefully, union democracy still exists.
There are big unions that certainly, I think, are democratic.
I know some of those leaders and have met them.
I worked with Bill Winfrey, singer of the Machinists, when he was president, and that was one of the greatest fighting Democrats you ever saw.
They do exist out there, and I can't blow the whistle on who isn't and who is, but the Teamsters for years became recognized as the gangster union.
But I think they've done a lot since then to achieve a cleaner image than
Sure, sure, anything's going to have problems.
My point is, is that once you have globalism and we have no tariffs, and these other countries have hidden ones built in, it doesn't matter.
The unions, all of it's just going to go down the drain because it's an unfair playing field.
Once you're competing with China, India, Mexico, where people chain their kids up and go work 18 hours a day, literally till their fingers bleed.
Once you're competing against that,
I mean, it's competing against slavery.
And so, until we put tariffs up, and of course they're going to do it once we collapse, then they'll blame the tariffs for the collapse.
There's nothing... You see where I'm going with that, Ed.
I do.
The problem for me exists that we lived, we live, or have lived, in a very comfy society.
A comfy society that put its tradesmen to work
They put in steel workers, auto workers to work, and we're then able to sell to the world, and our workers could live a nice middle class living.
We were living beyond the standards of the rest of the world.
Now if you start talking about granting the rest of the world the ability to earn a decent wage, you'll start taking away those jobs from here,
So that we can provide the rest of the world, so we can start importing.
Well, we're now importing all over the place.
As I said earlier, look at your clothing labels.
All over the world, we're getting this material in.
But, what are you doing for the Americans here?
Where are the jobs that you can put them?
Where is the education?
Which sucks in terms of comparison to the rest of the world.
Where's the education that can uplift your worker to qualify for those better jobs if he's not going to be a tradesman?
If he's not going to be in the factory?
Well we know what, they're going to be bureaucrats, they're going to be police, they're going to be prison guards, they're shifting the economy.
From even a service to now a surveillance police state with 30,000 drones.
That's the new economy.
The new economy is kind of a nightmare empire where you've got to serve the empire and join the military or work in defense or work in presence because that's all there's going to be, Ed.
That's the plan.
That's what the Rand Corporation said they were going to do.
Well, I think we're there.
You go to the airport, you'll see a lot of formerly employed workers.
uh... check broking you and uh... checking out your uh... your uh... your your uh... luggage uh... that the point is uh... we've got a crowd to it we've got to create jobs in this country well by the way you're right this is pure social engineering towards the police state i've talked to the TSA there's three different types of people
There's either people that had other jobs they lost and they need the money and they don't like it and they apologize to me and say, look, I know this.
Then you've got those that are kind of oblivious and just don't care.
Then you got the folks that enjoy abusing people and they're always the boss.
The little guys are all, the little ladies are always nice.
And when you say no to it, then they call over the thug.
We've become a nation of waiters, of cab drivers, of telephone repairmen.
You know, we look and act just like Rome before it collapsed, Ed.
For God's sake.
I guess that's what you'd call me.
I'm a circus performer.
No, you're not.
You know, I forgot to even give the number out.
We're going to come back and take one or two quick questions for Ed Asner while he's here.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
I forgot to give the number out, but a specific quick question for Ed Asner, kind of a grab bag, wild card, straight ahead.
Ed, you know, whether people love you or hate you, I know you're a real guy who does care about humanity.
You have tremendous courage.
You never even really talk about this, but your show was doing very well on TV.
Correct me if I'm wrong, didn't they cancel it basically because of your political statements?
I think so.
I think.
They will deny it.
They will cite that they were worried about the future and therefore canceled it.
But it was a viable, very full of
Present day conflict and ideas.
And, uh, they can't.
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All right, we've only got about five, six minutes left with Ed Asner and the phone system, of course, loaded up for him.
So I want to jam some of those calls in right now.
I should add that
Ed's on the road doing a quote FDR show type play.
I know it sells out around the country.
You can just Google Show Guide for Ed Asner FDR and it pops up all over the place if you want to find out more.
He's coming to Texas.
I might go see him.
I went to Texarkana in April.
Let's go to Wayne in Tennessee and then Darryl.
Wayne, what's your question for Ed Asner?
It's really not a question.
It's a comment.
It's a little short-sighted to discount the American spirit and the human spirit.
I believe a properly functioning free enterprise system will create enough industry to revive our economy if we just get the D.C.
criminals and the New York criminals off our back.
And I want to call to action 1 million patriots.
Educate 300 people in the next 12 months.
If people did that, it would work.
Again, we're getting into debates here about systems.
We don't have a free market system because it's all rigged and they have tariffs.
That's what I keep explaining is that it's rigged by the insiders.
Ed, what would happen if people all tried to wake up somebody every day?
I mean, clearly, folks didn't used to know what false flag was.
You pointed out more people do today.
What do you think of that solution?
It's great, but then how many are going to quit once they find the other guy coming up with a salient point?
I'll give you a very good example.
I argued with a friend today about 9-11, and he cited the Popular Mechanic's rebuttal on the idea of conspiracy on 9-11.
I didn't read the 9-11 Popular Mechanic's rebuttal.
What they do is they build straw men.
They take things that aren't true about 9-11, that no one ever said, and then they debunk that.
And they lie.
They say NORAD never intercepted one plane in 50 years except Payne Stewart.
And then I have the very same person, NORAD spokesman, they quote in a Reuters article saying 167 intercepts that year.
I mean, it's just total deception.
Well, he posed the question, well if 9-11, if the towers were brought down, why weren't there explosive material besides the thermite and the sulfur?
Why weren't there evidence of explosives being used?
But there was, you see the blast squib points, you can see them saying we're going to bring down 7 and then they blow it up.
The seven, I totally agree because you got Larry Silverstein saying we've got to pull the building.
I talked to the head of emergency management, another person who died two weeks after we had him on, and he said they were there and they said there were bombs in the building.
The deputy head.
Thank you, Wayne.
Let's go to Darryl in Pennsylvania.
You're on the air with that answer.
Quick question.
Yeah, in fact, I want to go back to talking about the unions.
I'm a former electrical union member, IBEW.
Basically, what I was seeing with the unions was a microcosm of what our government is like.
It became so corrupt and, you know, the way they forced upon you who you had to vote for.
What's your comments on that?
I will be the last person to deny that there has been union corruption.
I'd be definitely unsure how to share.
It's an evil that you have to be on the watch for and try to fight against.
I think it happens because Americans have gotten so sheep-like, no matter what it is or what system, it's going to become corrupt until we start getting involved, getting informed, and demanding our rights and liberties.
Thank you so much, sir, for that point.
As Alex pointed out, would you rather not have unions?
What are you going to have without unions?
Because they, at least, are the last gap between total... Ed, stay there.
Hold on one second.
Gotta break.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, I'm going to get into all the news I haven't covered yet in a huge blitz after the break, and then we're going to open the phones up and we have a guest hopping in as well.
Ed Asner is with us.
And again, all I'm saying is, the globalists, the Rockefellers fought unions.
Then they figured out how to have NAFTA and GATT so that they wouldn't even really matter.
Then they figured out how to take them over.
And there's a lot of bad stuff that comes out of the unions.
They don't like them giving money to try to restrict my private property, Second Amendment, all of that.
I get that.
I can see at Azar's point that Communist China kills you if you try to unionize.
You've got to understand there's a check and a balance there.
And anything that gets too big, it's out of control.
And I know the globalists want to shut down the unions.
Obama's been trying to bust up unions and doing it with left cover.
And Ed Asner was just making that point.
We didn't really mean to start a whole union discussion.
Somebody ought to do a whole show looking at it and expand the discussion about it.
But you got cut off by the break, Ed, so we held you over to finish your point.
Well, you know, my point to your last caller is that, yeah, I'm sure that he found corruption with the IBEW, and it may have been just that particular branch or local that he was identified with.
I won't say that, you know, that the National Union is corrupt as well.
So that I can only say to the members, what are you going to do without a union?
If you don't have a union, you're going to be getting certainly less than whatever you're making with the union.
And as far as corruption within unions, you've got to keep fighting and sacrificing yourself to make it more democratic.
How do you deal with it if a Mexican truck driver will drive for $7 an hour, which nobody can live on here?
Well, you're supposed to deal with it nationally.
There should be.
I mean, once again, it's another example of fair trade.
They're allowing these things to come in, and you're denying your American workers this way.
And I think that it's a failing nationally, by the President, by the Congress, to allow this to happen, and I don't see any reason why it should happen.
Unless you want to take care of your Mexican neighbor.
And I feel that that's going on anyway.
Because the illegals are here.
They're taking jobs that citizens don't want or won't take.
And they're sending the money to Mexico.
Oh, absolutely.
And all I know is this country that was so wealthy is falling apart and there's so many working poor in this country and it's just getting worse by the minute.
And again, Ed Asner, as FDR, you're doing a theater all over the country.
Very interesting.
I'm going to try to come and see that since you invited me off air there in Texarkana in April.
Oh, well, that's nice of you.
Well, I may have to come out there, because I've got some family near there.
It's always sad.
I never come and see them, so maybe I need to take a trip over there.
I'll be here for you.
Well, I know my father-in-law is a big Ed Asner fan as well, and so maybe I'll bring him along.
Well, Ed, thank you so much for coming on with us.
We appreciate your courage on 9-11 Truth and speaking out against this World War III they're trying to start.
Thank you so much, sir.
They've got to watch out.
All right, folks, there goes Ed Asner.
We're going to go to break.
And we're going to come back and get into incredible news.
And again, I know the elites don't want unions, but then I don't like what I see the unions doing politically.
I know everything Bill Gates is doing is trying to shut down unions.
But then my experiences with unions have not been too nice.
Just trying to do
That's driving down your wage.
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Alright, during the break, I saw some footage that really upset me.
I don't know, I don't know if we'll have it ready for the nightly news tonight or if it'll be Friday.
Because they've got to, you know, dump it on the computers and then get it all ready and transfer it over.
But, they're taking taxpayer money and buying drones here in Texas.
Robots that are like a million plus dollars a piece for bombs.
They're buying these giant six hundred and ninety something thousand dollar speedboats for lakes and rivers.
I don't know.
They wanted to go back because they were here in Austin showing off the big machine guns on the big speedboats and all the weapons.
It's well over $700,000 with all the weapons.
When they could easily have speedboats that are $100,000.
It just shows endless money for government.
Darren McBreen and John Brown went out there politely, and they were bowing up.
They were saying we're not going to talk to you, even though it was a press event that they called.
They had state police standing right up in their space.
And when they left, they had state police follow them out of the parking lot over by the lake.
And I mean, the body language, I mean, this country is in such trouble.
Hey, state police, memo to you, you morons.
We're not the enemy, okay?
And when you bow up and you act crazy because we're there pointing out, well, they didn't even get to their questions.
We were going to bring up Fast and Furious, government shipping guns in, don't give us this bull about drug interdiction, the government ships the drugs in.
I mean, it's on the news that the government ships the opium in and cocaine in.
And we're here to talk about it.
We're calling the hoax.
But Darren didn't get to that.
He showed up, the media's there for the press conference.
They knew him from the last report.
Which was a nice report, he just asked him questions about how much it cost so he could play it and I could talk about it.
You saw my report, a lot of it, it was pretty milquetoast.
Just because it was Alex Jones.
And he had the info wars, the microphone, all that.
This time they recognized it, and they're acting like Darren is Satan incarnate.
And they've got state police in uniform up in his space, and then they followed him to the car, and then followed him like, we're bad?
Like you scare us?
You make us want to throw up?
You're so un-American.
You're so pathetic.
Why don't you move to North Korea, where the police try to intimidate the First Amendment?
You're a shame to your family, you're a shame to this country, you're a shame to everything this republic ever was, when you act like that.
I saw a state police checkpoint out by Lakeway, middle of last year.
And I'd driven by it, so I pulled over in the neighborhood and I politely walked up.
And they were all standing there on the side of the road and they had, they were watching the cars go by and I said, Hey, what's going on officer?
I was like, Hey, good morning.
And I had a feeling they were going to bow up to me, but I said, I'm going to be friendly.
What's going on?
And he turned around, he said, get out of here.
What are you doing?
And I said, well, I was talking to you.
I'm a citizen.
And the guy's like, get out of here.
And he just got off.
And I said, Oh, you've got the power.
And he just totally flipped out on a demonic power trip.
When I followed his order, just like, Oh God, the country's mine.
Don't worry, it is all yours.
Drink fluoride, take shots.
They're going to bankrupt the whole country.
It's all gone.
You win.
Everything's yours.
You get to bow up to reporters.
You get to follow people around.
You get to have North Korea.
You want North Korea?
You got it.
You want to be anti-American?
You're it.
Oh, man.
I remember going to the state capitol 15, 16 years ago, and the state police were all so nice.
So friendly.
Oh, we like your show!
It was like Mayberry.
How's it going?
Now, you go to the Capitol half the time and the state police, some of them, just look at you with hatred, you say hi to them, they're like, don't talk to me.
Aaron's out there getting an establishing shot last year, you've seen this video, before he went in and filmed a committee hearing.
They run up, bowing up to a guy in a dress shirt and pants, you know, clean cut, and go, what are you doing?
He's got a big professional camera and he's like, I'm media.
Well, show me your ID!
And Aaron's like, well you're being rude about that.
But see, you're trash!
You are the milk cow.
You're the food.
And it wants you to know.
It wants you, the big dog wants you to know.
And they know how to deal with when Aaron said, no, I'm not going to show you my ID.
They ran and got, you know, their, their bosses who weren't insane.
They came over and was like, so your media?
All right.
Well, let's just leave them alone.
You know, out there in a park getting a shot.
There's media out there every day.
I mean, it's ridiculous.
It's all about we're guilty.
We're bad.
Listen, cops, you're being told to act like thugs because crooks took over the nation.
My gut tells me they probably just killed Andrew Breitbart.
You got it.
They're shipping guns into Mexico to blame the Second Amendment.
They're trying to launch World War III.
They work with Al Qaeda.
Hillary Clinton's in the BBC.
By the way, did we get that video ever?
I showed you guys where it's in this Paul Watson article.
If you go to Infowars.com, let me just tell you.
Hillary Clinton admits US and Al-Qaeda on same side in Syria.
US and France arm rebels with anti-aircraft missiles.
Good, you do have it.
Just cue it up whenever you can.
Great job.
Thank you.
I've got to control my anger here.
Cue it up to the part where she admits it.
The point is...
You're being given unconstitutional power because we've got a case of cancer.
Now there are multiple states moving to block at the state level the secret arrest of citizens and the disappearance of citizens.
Utah, other states.
You understand the government's saying it'll secretly arrest citizens and disappear us.
And the states are telling state police and others, you do not be part of kidnappings.
That's illegal, you will report, you will stop that.
I mean, could an FBI agent, just because they're an FBI agent, pull over and they see a toddler walking down the street and shoot him for fun?
But wait a minute, I thought government could do whatever it wants.
Is this North Korea?
Is this King George?
Is this the New World Order?
And look, I've had state police pull me over who were nice.
I've been in a car wreck.
The state police came and we're both listeners.
I'm not saying you're all bad, but the little political types that they had out at that speedboat thing, and Darren McBrain did a fair report last time because they talked to us.
We did a nice report.
Well, why is it, you know, almost $700,000?
Why do we need this when you could buy six or seven of the boats?
Oh, that hit a little close to the bone.
We're now getting statistics about light rail killing people everywhere because trains can't yield.
You're supposed to yield by law, even if you have the right-of-way, if it's going to cause an accident.
Why are trains exempt?
Why are they putting them down on the ground with cars?
We're trying to get an interview with that.
They won't talk to us.
Because we'll ask real questions.
And, I mean, I was watching this footage of Darren, who, you know, as a reporter, is just as polite as he gets.
By the way, Darren, both his parents were cops.
They're retired, of course.
But just a really nice guy.
Darren goes up, totally polite, and they're like, no, we're not talking to you.
And all of a sudden, the cops all bow up.
I mean, you people are shameful.
You're shameful.
And it was shameful when I drove by that weird checkpoint, whatever they were doing, and I walked up and said, hey, how's it going this morning?
And the cops were like, oh, it's a citizen walking up talking to me.
Get back!
Go back!
And I'm like, 60 yards away.
I'm like, huh?
What do you mean?
And I was doing a psychological test, and he was like, I told you to get back in your car!
And I was like, well, why?
What's going on?
You don't have to yell at me.
He said, I told you.
And he was putting his hand on his gun.
I'm like, oh, you want to destroy America.
I'm a slave.
I said all this.
I'm not supposed to talk to you.
And I said, you make me want to throw up.
I said, enjoy your evil.
But you talk about being a cursed, weak man.
You talk about being a slug.
When I watch those North Korean soldiers and police with the people in formation walking in at Kim Jong-il's thing and crying for days, and if you didn't cry hard enough, they put you in a labor camp.
That's associated... Guys, search the term, if you didn't cry hard enough or didn't cry enough at Kim Jong-il's funeral, you went to a labor camp.
I think that's like BBC.
The point is,
That when I see the crazed eyes of a Soviet soldier from all black and white films, I just, ugh, you can see it, the evil.
When I see North Koreans for film, of the modern ones, I'm just like, they are palpably evil.
They have a palpable, weird, petty power trip, almost like a five-year-old who's spoiled and bad and a bully beating up a two-year-old.
You ever seen something like that?
They have this crazed look.
They get off on the fear.
They feed on just the weakness.
Oh, man.
I'm seeing cops more and more that look in their eye.
I'm either seeing cops that are awake,
And I am seeing more cops changing tires, something you haven't seen for decades.
You either have cops that are awake, that are real human beings, and also, you can tell, are actually tough guys.
They're just real humans.
And you see these wimpy little so-called tough guys, who every ounce of my inside just goes, bad news, bad man, North Korean operative, basically.
Yeah, if you didn't cry like a maniac for Kim Jong-il, you're going to prison.
And that's from RT.
But that's the, you know, evil RT Russia today.
They don't like North Koreans.
They're bad.
Oh, actually, that's New York Magazine with an RT video.
So even worse.
Listen, the country's going down.
Okay, there's a good chance if we don't stop them, they're going to release some super weaponized flu or Ebola or something.
This won't even matter.
And all you tough guys, all you want to be, you know, know it all.
See, I got all this news to cover.
I just want to do a complete meltdown rant here.
It is so creepy when you see cops that walk by you and try to scare you.
There was this restaurant we ate at in Baton Rouge in the morning.
Like poor boy Lloyd, you know, good little nice old lady, you know, running it.
And it was full of cops.
It was a cop place.
And we went there driving out to Florida.
We stopped in Baton Rouge driving back.
So we ate there like three times.
Twice one day and then once.
One day, at 8-3 yesterday morning, and I watched the 10 or 15 motorcycle cops and others that came through, and you and I would watch them, and some of them were normal and weren't like crazy or whatever.
I'm sitting with my kids and my wife eating, but some, a couple of them, would walk by my table and look at me, and they would get off on their uniforms and get off on their authority.
Oh, you went and got a uniform, and now I'm in North Korea, and I gotta bow down and kiss your hind end.
I mean, it was just
And they're such punks.
I mean, you can tell that there's nothing worse than punks in uniforms in an authoritarian system.
And I'm just not going to put up with it.
I've seen, I've been in third world countries and I've seen the crazed thug cops.
I mean, I've been in Honduras, man.
And let me tell you, those cops are swimy.
And people are scared of them and they get off on it.
And I see that look in American cops.
I never used to see that, man.
When I was a kid, you never, I mean, it was more like the football jock type in their blue uniform.
It was like, oh, man, you don't see that hardly anymore.
It's just scary, sick creeps.
Our country's got cancer.
Those state police are so given to evil, they are ready to take your guns, they are ready to destroy this country!
I know evil when I see it!
And those people on those videos are enemies of this country, and I'm calling you out, you scum!
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You know what else happened?
I mean, this is unfolding as I sit here with the state police who hate the First Amendment in Texas and love the DSA grabbing your genitals, I guess.
And I guess it is the new DPS.
They've learned to keep their mouths shut about the abuse of the Texas Youth Commission.
Make sure all the locals get to have their fun with those kids.
To be clear, they followed the guys out of the parking lot for miles with the state police right on their bumper.
And then you turned right in the street and drove off.
And then, whenever we go out and do interviews, the media is always like... The media people with the police are always like, well, your media, where are you on?
I've heard of that, but that's not real media.
We're like, yeah, we're on local Channel 10, there's our stuff, and we're also on 590 here locally, where we're on the radio.
And during the break, I get a call from the 590 guy saying the state police have called them.
And saying, why are the state police calling us?
And then of course they try to twist it like we're saying we're 590 AM when we're not, when I air these reports here.
People say, well, what media?
Oh, it's Infowars.com, it's a local radio.
What radio?
Oh, like 590 in the station.
And then everything gets spun with them, how you're bad.
I'm going to probably end up having to sue them for stuff like this.
I mean, it's just a bunch of crooks, man.
God, this country's gone.
They work for big banks that are totally robbing the country blind.
I mean, that is what's going on in this country.
That is what's happening.
And it is so incredibly, unbelievably pathetic.
This country has been totally taken over.
The world government's all being announced.
They're firing Pat Buchanan, Judge Napolitano.
Andrew Breitbart dies when he says he's bringing out video that'll destroy Obama.
All of this is happening.
They're about to start World War III.
And my reporters go out to cover this big armored machine gun boat and ask them about that and drones and they freak out and won't talk to them and then on top of it follow them out of the parking lot for a couple miles right on their hind end acting like they did something wrong and then I start getting messages.
It goes on to say, are John Bowne and Darren McBreen on your staff?
The DPS contacted.
Our DPS contact.
And we're also affiliated with your show.
Can you shed any light on this?
It's just crazy.
The state police are calling our local affiliate because, wait, the media is not supposed to ask us questions.
Wait a minute.
You're not supposed to discuss what's going on.
You're supposed to take it.
You're supposed to, we give you a press release and you read it on air.
That's how America works.
We don't have a free press in America.
You see, you know why I'm mad about this video.
The cops are bowing up because my reporters are there to ask about their $700,000 or whatever boats.
They're buying a whole bunch of them with our tax money.
The state police are all over the place.
Why don't you go arrest Democratic operatives shipping guns to Mexico out of Texas?
Oh no, you're not going to do that.
No, you're going to harass Alex Jones.
Unbelievable harassment.
Unbelievable harassment.
This country is so dead.
It's so gone.
It's so fried.
And they know the country's trying to rise like the phoenix out of the ashes, and they cannot stand it.
They've got unlimited tax money, they're surveilling us all illegally, they all get cushy jobs in the private industries they sell out to later, and they think they own us, and they own the First Amendment, and they can't stand the fact that we reach tens of millions of people.
And they can't stand the fact that I did a report three or four months ago that I even thought was milk toast.
Where we go out and show the boat and have them talk about it, and then I say, I think we're spending too much money on this, plus drug interdiction, including on lakes inside the state.
The state wouldn't even do anything when Mexican drug dealers on Texas lakes that border it kill people all the time on their jet skis.
They won't even go investigate because they're scared of real drug dealers.
They just want to ride around in big machine gun boats harassing citizens, and I'm tired of it!
I can't get away from you who want to be tough guys, who want to be in the military, and so you become police that are militarized and wage war on me and my family and treat me like garbage.
I mean, I saw this footage this weekend where they killed this 56-year-old woman.
Up in Virginia, they pull her over.
She's a Sunday school teacher, no criminal record.
And they shot her five times.
Because she reportedly rolled her window up and all the witnesses came out and said his arm wasn't stuck in the window.
He said, don't roll up your window or I'll shoot.
She rolled up and started driving.
He shot her and followed her out on the road as it was rolling and shot her.
There's all these witnesses.
And the police are like, we don't care.
That's the way it is.
His arm was stuck in there.
They're like, yeah, but he just shot her.
Just like when they shot that guy in the back on the dark platform and said he was attacking him and he was in handcuffs.
Bullet went in, bounced back up, killed him.
They took their time, get him to the hospital.
Oh, uh, cause you know it's sexy in movies like, uh, Hurt Locker to, like, let people bleed to death.
And, well, it's not really an Iraqi combatant, but it's an American citizen.
That's almost as good.
And the guys are like, hey, you killed somebody!
You're, like, tough now!
And they're like, pretty soon will the cop cars have skull and crossbones how many citizens they've killed?
This country's gone.
North Korea.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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Smith and they do all kinds of things, you know?
Alright ladies and gentlemen, I'm a little late getting back on air because I just talked to the program director, well I guess the general manager, over at our local affiliate, 590 AM, and the little secret police, the spokesman for the DPS, didn't just call their DPS contact there, then on top of that,
They called the head person like you're going to get me in trouble.
You see why I got hot, folks?
I've seen this video.
State police bowing up, the guy saying, I'm not talking to you.
Mad that our cameras are there.
They said, now we're escorting you out of here.
You're not allowed to be here showing a boat.
And then following them right on their hind end.
Folks, do you recognize this endangers every single one of us?
I don't want to be enemies with you idiots.
But when you act like North Korean soldiers, you make me mad.
And again, I've had good experiences with the state police in many cases, and I've never had bad ones until a few years ago, and it's bad now.
They've got the police scared, they've got the troopers scared, they're hiring a bunch of thugs, and they're really twisting and changing the culture.
And, uh, I mean, you are morons.
Do you know how many affiliates we're on?
We're on over 100 affiliates.
And growing.
We're on XM 166.
I'm number one alternative news show on the internet, period.
Go look at the Alexa ratings.
Dozens of times bigger than MSNBC.com.
Go look it up!
And I know you can set me up.
I know you can plant stuff on me.
I know you can kill me.
I don't care.
You figure that out, I win.
You lose.
America wins.
You lose.
Freedom wins.
You lose.
Your little thug ego.
You and all the crooks up above you and all the people stealing the coffers dry.
Don't you get it?
You lose.
You don't think I haven't been attacked.
You don't think I haven't gone.
You think calling up
To complain on our reporters thinking KLBJ is our boss because you're asking, well, where's InfoWars?
Well, we're on this station, that station.
You know, our standard thing.
You think you're getting me in trouble?
You think telling my guys, get out of there?
You think having your officers follow them to their car and try to intimidate them?
It's a good thing I wasn't there, man, because I can't handle this anymore.
I mean, you understand how it is the ultimate danger to our society to have guys in uniforms trying to intimidate reporters.
I mean, in Mexico, they kill reporters.
They've killed a lot of reporters here.
Man, I tell you.
Listen, I'm having to have phone calls here over this.
Do you think this will disturb it?
That's it.
We now once a week do a report on the Texas State Police.
I mean, you don't like one report a year?
Just their idea.
Hey, they're going to show this boat off.
It's got all these machine guns and stuff.
Let's go see it.
Hey, they're going to do a drone test.
Let's go do it.
Oh, that's it.
In fact, I'm coming next time.
I'm going to start coming.
You think you intimidate me?
It is the opposite.
You got that?
You don't intimidate me, you un-Americans.
Get me McBrain in here real quick.
I know we have a guest.
But he said it's the DPS spokesman calling him up.
I mean, it's not going to happen, but let's say you successfully kick us off 590.
That's a badge of honor to be kicked off radio stations, which is not going to happen.
But the point is, all of this is just, it's so evil.
What is that spokesman's name?
Because he was trying to tell me and I didn't write it down during the break.
I was talking to Mark Caesar, he said, yeah, this is all public info.
And you do air your reports here on 590, I mean, you know, because what did you tell him?
You told him we're with InfoWars, we air our reports here and there, right?
That's standard fare.
InfoWars, KLBG, Alex Jones Show.
He says, oh, I know who Alex Jones is.
Oh, so he knows who Alex Jones is.
So then why is he calling the affiliate?
What is his name?
I'll have to get it for you.
Because I got it written down last time.
Last time we went and got all their names.
I'll look it up for you.
I have it in five minutes.
No, no, you're great.
I'm just kidding.
This is the tyranny.
Last time I was so happy they were nice.
I said they were very friendly, talked to us, did our report.
I said, wow, they treated us like Americans, like decent human beings.
No, no, I understand, I understand, they can't hear you yet.
Well, you know what, we got a guest waiting in the wings, but just put his microphone on the table, wheel him in, let's just get this done right now, and we'll go to our guest.
I know we like Dinda.
I mean, this is outrageous.
I mean, he's calling a whole bunch of people over there.
What a, what, what, what a coward.
Tom Vinger.
Is his mic on yet?
Go ahead.
Tom Vinger.
That was the spokesperson's name.
Tell folks what you witnessed, what went on.
Well, John Bowne and I pulled up there.
We could see that media, local media, already there.
They were talking to some state trooper spokespersons.
We're already on video being interviewed by some of the local media.
Not real sure who they were, but these guys were on camera.
You know, and somebody in a uniform, obviously willing to talk to the press.
Well, I recognized Tom from last time.
I said, well, I knew he was the guy that you have to talk to first.
They're over there doing a press conference.
You're evil.
So, go up and talk to him, and I immediately got this vibe that I did not receive the last time.
This time, he wasn't happy to see me.
So they're now interfering with the press.
They need to move to North Korea.
So I said, hey, you know, we're here to do an interview again.
He says, we're not doing any media interviews today.
I explained, well, it looks like you are right now.
And he says, well, you have to.
You're an American.
You're to be lied to.
You're the enemy.
Well, he's part of the occupational bankers.
So we've got to schedule these ahead of time.
Bring him a chair, guys, please.
Got to schedule these ahead of time.
We failed to do so.
I said, look, we called in advance.
You guys knew we were coming here.
Oh, that's the problem.
Okay, thank you guys.
We misrepresented ourselves, because we said we're with KLBJ, but that's not the total truth.
We said we're with Alex Jones Show, InfoWars, KLBJ, you know, you're all over the place.
Well, that's because they always ask when you call InfoWars, and we always say, yeah, it's on KLBJ here locally.
I mean, I've won Best of Austin repeatedly, and in reader polls, the newspaper, they always act like we're not media.
Yeah, yeah.
Oh, so you're misrepresenting, you're bad.
It's always that moral thing of we're bad.
Yeah, I hear you.
So continue.
Well, I had the wireless mic with me and Bowne had the camera rolling so I went ahead and asked him questions anyway.
So he didn't like the fact that you didn't talk to the hand?
I don't believe so, you know.
And the thing is, like I said, we didn't get a very warm welcome like we received last time.
This time it just seemed like the cold shoulder, you know.
Well, this was a different spokesman, but you said, oh, I know who Alex Jones is.
You know, that's what he said.
He goes, oh, I know who Alex Jones is.
We got that on camera.
And then now, they're calling up complaining, saying, like they call up an affiliate, we're on, where we air the news reports, and they're calling up, because they always ask, okay, what is InfoWars?
Well, where is it on?
Well, it's on, I know the standard thing I tell you to tell them, it's on Channel 10 TV locally, because we air these reports there as well, and it's on 590 AM.
How dare you ask?
Well, what did you tell them last time?
I've seen the video report.
Well, we did the same thing.
And they, you know, but I think, you know, they must have saw the report last time and maybe felt that it wasn't very favorable or whatever.
So I think that's what happened.
They saw the YouTube report from last time and then didn't welcome us back this time.
Hey, let me explain something.
I know they told you behind the scenes you're taking over, martial law, you rule, ha ha ha.
You're about to get a lot of power, boys.
But nobody likes the press getting messed with.
This is going to become a big issue.
What is the punk's name?
Uh, I forgot, Tom Venger?
Venger, yeah.
So, you know... Well, I'm gonna work now to get their funding cut.
And I'm gonna work now, because they got way too much money, the government helps bring the drugs in, state police find truckloads of cocaine, they're ordered to give it to the FBI, that's been in the Associated Press, we all know you help the feds with Fast and Furious, all the rest of it, and help deliver little kids over the DPS to the, you know, youth centers for the fund.
And, uh, it's over.
Okay, so every week now I want a DPS report.
I want you at every one of their events.
And do whatever you're going to do, criminals.
I don't care.
They're spending $600,000 on these shotguns.
Well, $600,000 plus.
Yeah, for a total of six of them.
And this is the unveiling of the second one.
With machine guns, militarizing, and they don't like it.
Well, I'll definitely in the next legislature be there talking about this.
And again, it is criminal what the state of Texas has done, the so-called state, going along with Fast and Furious, all the rest of this.
And it's wrong to sit there and try to violate press freedom in this country.
Can you believe calling up our affiliate, trying to imply we're doing something wrong, playing weird legalese games?
And that was quick!
We just got back.
I mean, they called you right away.
Well, I was already yelling on air before I knew about this, because I'd already seen the footage of them bowing up to you and stuff.
Yeah, that's amazing.
Tell us about the following you out.
They escorted you out?
What, they told you to leave?
We didn't really realize, you know, there's a lot of police cars there, a lot of state troopers, and then it wasn't until, you know, we, well, we turned the very first corner out of the parking lot, and we're like, is this guy following us?
And sure enough, you know, almost all the way to the freeway.
I thought we were going to get pulled over, so I was getting the cameras ready, and then he decided to... Once we got close to the on-ramp, he turned around and about-faced and took off.
Well, he's got the NDAA.
He'd love to throw you in an underground prison.
And don't worry, they'll get your pension funds, though.
They're going to hurt you, too.
The evil you commit is going to come back on you ten times by your masters, not by us.
And by them following us, it seemed like intimidation.
It was pure intimidation.
Well, I mean, he's calling!
What about the guys getting in your space?
I saw that on the video.
Yeah, he just, you know, he was right there, real close by, just as I asked him questions, and it was another intimidation purpose.
Well, that's what I like about Arne Seveda is that he doesn't act like a crazy person, even though I don't agree with some of what he does.
I mean, I used to go out and try to talk to the chief of police at public events and press conferences, and they'd have guys come up and start bumping into me, and I'm like, I know you think you can assault me because you're God, but do you want to turn America into North Korea?
That's always been my line.
I mean, the other police chiefs were just, like, crazy.
And then they would, like, like that they were doing this.
See, I had a lot of- I mean, Arte Saavedra would never act like that.
They're just out of their minds.
There's our evil report showing their boat.
Alright, I'm gonna go to our next guest, Darren.
I'm gonna try to not get hot about this.
It's funny that I saw the video and got mad, and then, boom.
They're calling.
Trying to get us in trouble, like you can get us in trouble.
I mean, listen, police, I've been physically attacked.
I've been death-threatened.
I've had all sorts of dirty tricks done.
I'm not backing off, okay?
I know I'm right.
You do not intimidate.
In fact, I've got incredible energy now.
I ran five miles this morning.
When I get home today, I'm running an extra five.
I mean, I am charged right now.
Just, I want you guys at every one of the events he goes to, I want you to look into everything.
I want you on them, okay?
Alright, good.
Because it's a matter of, they're not going to intimidate us.
That's right.
Alright, thank you Darren.
Alright, Andrew Griffin was able to pop in with us.
I apologize he's been holding while I went to that ranting.
Is a great newspaper publication up in Oklahoma, and they've investigated Oklahoma City and more.
Andrew Griffin got to know Andrew Breitbart, who died in the early morning hours out in Los Angeles while walking, and they said right away, though, it's not suspicious.
Even though he released a video, did a video saying, I'm going to release stuff that will destroy Obama about his college, film of him in college, incredible stuff with communists and stuff.
You know, we're going to take Obama down, and then he drops dead.
And very, very suspicious, and Andrew Griffin joins us to break that down.
Andrew, thanks for coming on.
Tell us what you know about Mr. Breitbart, and what you think.
Well, immediately when I got the news, I was in another town covering Randall Terry, the anti-abortion activist who's running for president, actually, on the Democratic ticket.
I was in his RV interviewing him.
And got a message about this, and immediately I thought to these videos that he was talking about at the Conservative Political Action Conference in D.C.
a couple of weeks ago where he said, you know, I have videos that's going to really show who Obama really is and his connections to the elements of the New Left from the 60s and 70s, Bernadine Dorn and Bill Ayers.
And it's going to show his college years and his time in Chicago.
And I thought, wow, that's a huge story.
And for the past two weeks, there hasn't been much said about it, although I had watched a video of Andrew Breitbart talking about it, and he mentioned it.
And the media really has been doing their best to ignore this information.
Well, why hasn't he released the videos yet?
Because if they don't release that info, I mean, if it suddenly doesn't come out now, wow.
Well, I just hope that he, and I'm sure he did, he's a smart, savvy guy, I'm sure he had copies and sent them out to various people because this is red, hot, radioactive stuff that he's got.
And if, you know, he was already putting out there, this is coming out, this is coming out.
So that was kind of, in a sense, kind of maybe putting him in danger.
I mean, he said just a couple of years ago he's public enemy number one with the Democrat Party.
And by the way, it did come out in newspapers three years ago on the list of, what, top 30 enemies of the White House.
I'm like 24.
He was like number three.
No, it's interesting how...
Uh, the establishment is running scared, but they're also lashing out, from my experience.
I mean, just talking to a guy like Randall Terry, who is considered sort of a fringe presidential candidate, and the problems he has with the established media here and elsewhere with the Associated Press, interviewing him three times, never running stories, they don't want to hear his
You know, stories about abortion.
But they're fine with Obama.
And this is with a billion dollar campaign this year, Obama, there's a lot at stake.
Now you knew Breitbart somewhat.
I never thought to even try to get him on.
And I just a few weeks ago said get him on and we were close to getting him and he's dead.
Just amazing timing on that front.
But he says he's about to release this footage and he's dead.
I mean now they can say maybe a heart problem.
Well they're experts at making you look like you've died.
And maybe he did.
But I tell you it needs to be investigated.
I mean what do you know about Andrew Breitbart?
Well, I reviewed his book, Righteous Indignation, last year.
I spoke with him.
He was actually offering me a position to write for BigJournalism.com two years ago, and I had just taken on another writing gig at the time, which I'm no longer involved with, and so I said, you know, I've got to stay with these guys.
He was saying, I can, you know, get you your stories heard, you know, talked about on Rush Limbaugh's show, and Laura Ingraham, and all his connections in the conservative media.
Yeah, you should have doubled down and done the one media and that.
But I understand being loyal.
Go ahead.
Yeah, so anyway, I didn't do it, but I stayed in touch with a couple of bigjournalism.com reporters, and they would repost some of the stuff that I'd written on Red Dirt Report, my current website.
And, you know, he would exchange emails.
He would just kind of talk about issues of the day on occasion, but I hadn't talked to him in a while.
The point is, he was a real guy, and now he's dead.
I don't blame his outfit saying, well, they say it's natural causes, he'll be missed in the family.
But, I mean, it's so quick, though.
It's so quick.
I mean, is there going to be an autopsy?
Is that going to be publicly released?
I mean, this was a public figure, a brash, you know,
Who said, I got stuff to destroy Obama, I'm about to release and he drops dead of a heart attack at 43.
I mean, come on folks.
We'd be crazy to not question this.
What if other people start dying?
Alright, we'll be, stay there, stay there, we'll be right back.
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Folks, I just talked to one of the news directors, producers over at 590 who called me and doesn't know that Todd Jeffries has called me, doesn't know, or contacted me, doesn't know that Mark Cesar has contacted me.
And he says, yeah, it's weird.
People keep calling asking questions about Alex Jones and state police and really weird stuff before today.
So, the state police are just crazy people.
I guess they're so mad that we showed these $600,000 plus boats that we think shouldn't cost more than maximum $200,000.
We know the make and model, even counting all the equipment.
Just the boats are $600,000 plus.
So I must have hit a big nerve.
One time I said the police don't need another helicopter.
And a bunch of harassment started.
Again, that was local.
They do not, that was the county, they do not want their goodies getting touched.
Again, I apologize to our guest, Andy Riffin of Red Dirt Report.
I just got totally blown away by my crew getting harassed, followed by the police.
Now they're, the state police are calling a radio station like this is Mexico or North Korea.
Do you ever run into this up in Oklahoma?
I mean, what would happen in Oklahoma if the state police started calling somebody's affiliate, complaining about what the, I'm not even talking about the state police!
What is this?
This is just another edition of the tyranny we're seeing throughout the country.
And we're not immune from it here in Oklahoma, certainly.
We have real problems with it.
I see the police everywhere.
So, you know, it's a real tragedy that this is happening in the United States.
It's really happening.
I just love this country.
And these guys, they just think the Bill of Rights is toilet paper.
And it's criminal.
It's criminal to harass media like this.
And you're going to get the opposite response.
I guess they think I'm cowards like them, and that's not how this works.
Alright, going back, we went to break.
So, I'm glad you contacted us this morning because everybody I know says this stinks to high heaven.
And here's my biggest smoking gun.
The fact with Andrew Breitbart that, I checked it, within two hours, it was about an hour and fifty minutes, of him being announced dead in the early morning hours after midnight in the Pacific.
Within hours of it, the LA Times and others were already saying, natural causes, nothing to see here, when a coroner or medical examiner has to make that determination.
Go ahead.
Right, and in fact we just saw something like this happen and I reported on this on Registered Report about the videographer Jeff Wright.
He was from Edmond, Oklahoma originally and was in Uganda and was there doing a documentary film on something that it turns out it wasn't going to be what he said it was.
That's what I'm hearing.
Wayne Madsen's reported on this as well.
That he may have been murdered also, and the reports changed within a day or so.
They said he was poisoned by thugs, and then, oh, he had cocaine in his system.
He had a stomach full of cocaine, which is odd.
So, you know, he was looking into corruption, connecting Uganda with the sort of Dominionist family out of Washington, D.C., and the Senators are involved in this.
Yeah, and I'm over here getting more calls from 590 right now.
I mean, they're just pouring in here as the state police bombard them.
The spokesman, like they're calling my mommy or something.
That's, oh man, I tell you.
And again, it disgusts me for them that this is happening.
What's your gut tell you?
Because now they're saying maybe Hart, maybe something else.
What's your gut tell you about Andrew Breitbart?
I mean, he was pretty wild party-er back in his college days.
But, you know, who wasn't, I guess?
No, I wasn't that.
He was 43.
I don't know.
I'm close to that age.
I'm not slowing down or anything, but I'm not like I was when I was 23.
I don't know.
My gut tells me something happened here.
He was outside.
Something happened to the guy.
They were probably monitoring him.
He was going to release this explosive information, and I think it was to send a message, but that's just what
Well, they admit they've got microwave systems that'll make your heart stop.
I tell you what, stay there.
This is too important.
Oh my gosh, I'm just so angry right now.
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Coast to coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
I just thought to dig this up right now, but when we end this five-minute segment, I'm gonna give you the number for the Texas State Police Media Department.
They like to call our local affiliate and try to get us off air.
Well, call them and tell them about the First Amendment.
They polite to their lordships.
They have a victim psychology system.
You don't want to feed into that.
It's part of their gang culture.
But going back to Andrew Griffin of Red Dirt Report who knew and talked and corresponded with Andrew Breitbart and again contacted our office this morning just saying he saw red flags.
He was concerned.
And I agree.
But the big telltale is within hours of him being at the hospital and dying.
The first reports are nothing to worry about.
It's totally normal.
It's no big deal.
Come on in, Darren.
Do you happen to have that number and info?
I can get it for you.
Yeah, I just wanted them to tell you to just get me their public number, their non-emergency number or their media number.
That's all I need.
I need like in three or four minutes.
Thank you.
Thank you so much, sir.
Going back to Andrew Griffin, instead of me just ranting, closing comments on this, I guess we're going to find out if this stuff doesn't get released, then what do you think we ought to do?
Oh, we have to demand full release of everything, I think.
I don't know what his family will say, but this is a guy who early on saw the internet as a free-for-all libertarian haven, and took to it like a duck to water.
He was really looking for a direction in his life, and found it with the new media.
And that new media has been a real threat, as you well know, to the old media.
They're in their death throes.
And Breitbart was leading the charge, and that was taking a rightward direction.
And, you know, the old left media isn't liking it.
And they're gonna go down kicking and screaming.
And sadly, it looks like Breitbart may have been a casualty of this.
But Breitbart's obviously going to continue.
I want to talk to you about the show.
Who do you think I ought to contact over there to talk to or try to get on?
But they need to get all that info out.
If they have that info, that is like a time bomb.
They are all in danger, folks.
If they did kill him over this video, they've got to get it out now.
I don't know what he was thinking, having that, and going, you know, we're gonna just, we can bring down Obama, I'm gonna release it.
I mean, I get hyping it, so it, but I mean, that's, I guess he thought he was bulletproof.
See, I know I'm not bulletproof.
I'm just ready to take whatever happens.
Right, and that's why I thought it was gonna be pretty immediate after the CPAC conference that he was gonna release it.
I thought, what is he waiting for?
Let's get this out there.
And that way we can really vet Obama, which the media didn't do in 2008.
You know, the American people may never see those videos now, and that's what's really concerning.
I don't really see anyone really addressing that right now, and we've got to keep talking about it.
That's the important thing.
Well, yes sir, you're addressing it, we're addressing it at InfoWars.com right now.
Will damning Obama footage still be released after Breitbart's death?
Guys, just let Darren know I got about a minute.
I could even probably do it.
Just bring it on in if you got the number.
We do have the number, sir?
Alright, let me just give it out on air then.
Right now.
That is Tom Vinger, Assistant Chief of Public Affairs, and 512-424-2080, Public Affairs Office.
Call them and tell them the press is alive and well in this country.
What are they trying to do?
Invent something that I'm not on 590 AM?
Because you guys are like, we're Infowars, you know, we're on 590.
I mean, what is that local media?
You know, we tell them.
Turn his mic back on.
Yeah, we're media.
That was what implied we're not media.
Go ahead.
Not only that, it was explained to him that we're nationally syndicated.
They know that!
He said, I know who Alex Jones is.
They know I'm on over there.
They're calling up saying, he's not with 590, he's a liar.
Get him off the air.
Listen, call these people.
Tom Vinger is the guy trying to have a bunch of... They have a bunch of people calling up, calling up shows, other stuff, days ago.
I mean, there's some kind of weird, like, they think, I guess they're trying to intimidate 590.
I guess they think, ooh, like you're in, you know, North Korea.
By the way, 590's noticing that they're getting, I mean, they don't like it.
I don't think they're cowards like you think they are.
I think they're just going to have the opposite effect.
Look, I want to get you back on the nightly news soon to break this down.
Andrew Griffin, redredreport.com.
Thank you so much, buddy.
Alright, we'll keep watching what's happening with Andrew Breitbart and everything else.
Pray for us, folks.
Man, it's getting crazy.
Hello, I'm Alex Jones.
Myself, my family, the InfoWars.com team want to relay to you and your families that we are intensifying our efforts against the globalists on every front.