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Name: 20120220_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 20, 2012
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome everybody to the Alex Jones Show on this Monday, February 20th, 2012.
This is Mike Adams, the health ranger, filling in for Alex today, who is on the road.
He just gave a presentation yesterday in Dallas, and he'll be following that up with another live presentation in Orlando this coming Sunday, and I believe tickets may still be available for that at InfoWarsTeam.com if you're interested in seeing Alex live.
We've got a ton of news for you today.
So much breaking news.
As usual, we can't really get to it all.
But we're going to do our best.
We've got three amazing guests lined up for you today.
Those include a former FBI agent and former Miami cop who's going to be speaking to you about how to avoid having your rights taken away under false arrest or just any kind of arrest.
You know, how to avoid being arrested.
When you're not breaking the law!
Also, maybe some comments about the failed war on drugs.
We've also got another guest, Mr. Joe Nobody.
That's right, that's his author name.
He's going to be speaking with us about self-defense.
How to defend your property in case of an economic collapse or if there is a social unrest or any other kind of situation in which you need to defend your family, your community.
I mean, we saw examples of this in Egypt.
Where neighborhoods had to get groups of people out there to check traffic coming in and defend their apartment complexes.
So you'll learn a lot of information today about how to defend your property when we speak with Joe Nobody.
We've also got in the third hour a neurosurgeon who is also an expert in emergency medical preparedness.
Dr. Sheldon Marks will be joining us in the third hour with all kinds of incredibly useful information that you'll need to know
About how to stay medically safe and intact during any kind of a crisis or collapse or any other kind of preparedness scenario that may happen in the near future.
Now, you'll notice that we have a lot of focus on that today, about preparedness.
That's because, I mean look folks, it's already February 20th.
March 2012 is almost upon us.
You know, this is the year that a lot of people who follow the Mayan calendar think it's all coming to an end.
But I mean, I guess if you follow the Mayan calendar, you don't need to prepare at all, because it's all going to be, you know, the universe is going to be destroyed and all that.
I don't believe that, and I don't think you do either.
We need to be prepared, because reality is still going to be here, and we've got to be ready for that reality of economic collapse, of, who knows what kind of political turmoil may be happening out there.
Who knows?
Because one thing that we can count on is that the government in America today continues to destroy our economy, continues to put more of us out of work, continues to steal the election from Ron Paul.
There's so much evidence of total theft of the election.
It's now obvious that more and more people are getting angry, more and more people are out of work.
Something is changing rapidly and I want you
The Alex Jones Show listeners to be fully prepared and that's why I've assembled this collection of guests today so that you can be prepared and don't get caught with your pants down, so to speak.
That's not a TSA joke.
No, I'm talking about don't get caught unprepared.
We'll have more TSA jokes ahead and during the show, of course.
We've also got a new story out by Paul Craig Roberts.
Here it is.
Silencing the Critics, a very important story that's posted now on InfoWars.com.
I'm going to get to more comments about that story.
I'll read you some lines written by Paul as soon as we get back from this coming break.
This is a very important story about the censorship of the voices that are telling the truth.
They're being silenced yet again so that the media speaks with one voice, one mind, one Borg.
That's right.
Stay with us here.
This is Mike Adams on the Alex Jones Show.
We'll be right back after this break with all that news and more.
Stay with us.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
All right, welcome back.
Listeners, this is the Alex Jones Show.
I'm filling in for Alex today.
Mike Adams, the health ranger here with you.
I'm the editor of NaturalNews.com, and of course, Alex calls me a patriot health freedom fighter, and that's a pretty good description.
That's what I'm into, and that's what we're going to be covering today, but a lot more than just health.
In fact, we've got three big interviews coming up today, three guests.
Let me give you a heads up on who they are.
Oh, and by the way, yeah, today is Monday, February 20th, which means it is President's Day, as they call it, President's Day.
It turns out there really is no such holiday called President's Day.
It's actually Washington's birthday.
That's the official federal name of the holiday.
But now they try to make it apply to all presidents.
Well, they've been doing that for a long time, of course.
But, you know, just a little trivia item for you.
It's actually Washington's birthday, which isn't even February 20th.
He was actually born on February 22nd, I believe, not the 20th.
But, you know, they move it around to get it close to the weekend.
But I want to welcome all those listeners who are federal workers who are at home today, not at work, and looking to learn some useful information here on the Alex Jones Show.
You're going to be learning a wealth of useful information that you can take back to your federal co-workers tomorrow and inform them as well and tell them to get over to InfoWars.com where they can learn more information by reading the incredible array of articles that are posted there every single day.
Including today, there's an article by Paul Craig Roberts that we're going to get into in a minute.
But as I promised you, let me get you the names of these guests that are coming up today.
In the first hour here of the show, we have Dale Carson.
He is a former FBI agent, a former South Miami police officer, who has written a book, a very popular book, called Arrest Proof Yourself.
He can teach you how to protect your rights against overzealous law enforcement officers.
Again, we're not saying that law enforcement officers are bad.
In fact, I mean, our society would be in trouble without them at the local level for sure.
But there are times where they can be a little bit aggressive, as we've seen.
You know, pepper spraying the students.
At the rally.
And Dale Carson is going to teach us a little bit of information about how to protect our rights against these law enforcement officers.
And I may ask him about the failed war on drugs as well.
Also, in the second hour, we have an interview with Joe Nobody.
Yeah, that's the name that he publishes under.
He's got books such as Holding Your Ground on Amazon and other booksellers, which teach you how to construct a very effective defense of your home, of your property, of your family, of your community.
A defense against anything.
Economic collapse, natural disaster, you know, a hurricane, like Hurricane Katrina situation.
Basically, when society collapses, you want to know this guy's information.
So we're going to be bringing you that interview in the second hour.
Don't miss that.
It's a very, this is a very difficult guy to book on the air, by the way.
He doesn't even want to be found.
That's why his name is Joe Nobody.
He's got a lot of experience that you'll come to learn.
Also, in the third hour, we've got Dr. Sheldon Marks, a neurosurgeon and an expert in emergency medicine preparedness.
Now, he is actually in surgery right now.
He's a microsurgeon who actually performs vasectomy reversals.
And so he's in surgery right now.
We don't want to disturb him during that process.
But when he gets done in the third hour, he's going to be on our show to talk about emergency medical preparedness.
Getting into the news today, Alex called me when I was on the road coming into the studio today, and he said, Mike, you've got to cover this story.
Paul Craig Roberts has written a story called Silencing the Critics, and he says this may be the most important story that Paul Craig Roberts has ever written, and he wanted to make sure I covered it.
This is posted right now on Infowars.com, and it's a story about what's happening where Judge Napolitano has now been fired, essentially, from Fox News.
His show, Freedom Watch, which was, you know, by any measure, one of the best, most uncensored news shows out there.
I mean, he dared to cover the issues like Ron Paul.
Like the Constitution, restoring the Bill of Rights, the war with Iran and how so many people out there are beating the war drums to try to push us into that situation.
He dared to say that we should follow law in America, which is now run by a group of lawless thugs, lawless tyrants in Washington.
So he was fired.
And then Pat Buchanan was fired by MSNBC.
And as Paul Craig Roberts explains, both pundits had wide followings and were appreciated for speaking frankly.
They've now both been fired.
So what's going on here?
He says the voice of the mainstream media is now uniform.
Americans hear one voice, one message, and the message is propaganda.
Well, of course it is.
It's all the same propaganda for war, propaganda for drinking more aspartame, propaganda for taking more vaccines that contain dangerous chemical adjuvants and even
Toxic metals that cause neurological damage.
It's always the same voice telling you to do things that will get you killed, or steal your money, or make you a slave of the system.
That's what the mainstream media is today now.
It's a brainwashing, corporate controlled, hoax media system.
That has nothing to do with reality, but everything to do with enslaving you in a system of total mindless consumerism and self-damage through pharmaceuticals, through food additives, through chemical pesticides that you spray on your lawn.
All of these things.
That's what the media exists for today.
Drink more soda.
Buy more stuff that you don't need, and then kill yourself and your family with all these toxic chemicals that are in the food, in the water, and in the medicines.
That's what the media exists for today.
Those are my comments, not Paul Craig Roberts' comments.
Although I guess he would probably agree with that.
But continuing with Paul Craig Roberts' story, he says that President Obama and members of Congress, along with Tel Aviv, continue to assert that Iran is making a nuclear weapon, despite public contradiction by the U.S.
Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta, and the CIA as well.
I mean, they use this slippery language where they say, well, Iran has enough nuclear material to make a weapon, to make a bomb.
Well, so does every hospital in the U.S.
There's enough nuclear material in all the x-ray machines and the CAT scans to make a dirty bomb that could kill millions of people if you released it, you know, in New York City or something like that.
It doesn't mean the hospital is making a weaponized version of that material.
The same thing is true with Iran.
It doesn't mean Iran is weaponizing the raw material to make a deliverable weapon.
It doesn't mean that.
But in the media now, and again, these political charlatans keep playing these word games with us.
So, well, Iran could be making a nuclear weapon, or they have enough material now to make three weapons, four weapons, five weapons, you know, conveniently ignoring the fact that those weapons don't exist.
So they just, they keep pushing for war.
Getting back to Paul Craig Roberts, he says, there is no evidence that Iran has nukes or is making nukes.
No evidence whatsoever.
Again, you can read the full text of this story on InfoWars.com.
It's up there right now.
Paul says the problem that truth faces is that the Western media continually lies.
Of course they do.
Now he goes in to talk about Syria and Iran, but then he gets into China.
Check this out.
China is a more difficult problem.
Washington's plan is to cut China off from independent sources of energy.
China's oil investment in eastern Libya is the reason Gaddafi was overthrown.
And oil is one of the main reasons.
That Washington has targeted Iran.
China has large oil investments in Iran and gets 20% of its oil from Iran.
So therefore, these are my words now, therefore the US attacking Iran is one way to cut off this energy resource from China.
Do you think China might have a few words about that?
Do you think China and Russia might mind it?
If we start cutting off their oil supplies, you bet they would.
In fact, Paul speaks to that.
The risks for Washington have multiplied, he says.
If Washington proceeds, the information that is conveyed to Russia and China is that they are next in line after Iran.
You see, this is how we can all get drawn into a terrible world war.
It can happen just like you're seeing it happen today.
Where again, the media is pushing for war, and everybody else is going along with it, and those who are against it get fired, or censored, or criticized.
This is the way it works, and the result is we're going to end up in a situation where millions of innocent people are killed, and we're drawn into yet more war, which will centralize yet more power in the hands of the corrupt few who run Washington today.
You think about it.
Obama wants to get re-elected, right?
Of course he does.
How is he going to do it?
Strike Iran before October, or in October, before the election, basically.
So that the people just stupidly rally around whatever current president is sitting in the White House at the moment that war is not even declared, but just enacted.
Again, they'll bypass Congress.
They won't even declare an act of war.
They'll just start bombing.
These so-called enemy nations without justification.
Look, enough on that.
Check out that article on InfoWars.com.
Now, in the few minutes that we have left here...
I want to comment on something that Alex posted a video over the weekend.
This was a video where he went into a CVS pharmacy and he showed a brand of water called, what's the name of it?
Nursery water, right?
Yeah, nursery water with added fluoride in it.
And he walks around the CVS pharmacy.
In fact, go ahead and roll that video if you've got it, guys.
I'll speak over it.
He walks around the CVS Pharmacy and he talks about all the toxic poison chemicals that are sold throughout the store.
And here on screen for those of you watching on PrisonPlanet.tv, nursery water with fluoride added and it says specially formulated for toddlers and babies.
This is a war!
It's insane!
This is a war on the health of our children!
And he walks around and he finds other things, you know, you versus the flu.
And he talks about the total flu hoax.
The truth is, if you get flu shots, your chances of actually getting the flu go up.
Because your abuse system is weakened.
There it is, you versus the flu.
You win with the flu shot, it says.
Now, you know who wins with the flu shot?
Bill Gates wins, because he's bet his money on the global depopulation agenda, and the more of you who go out there and line up and ignorantly inject yourself with flu vaccines, or have your children injected with flu vaccines,
The more you kill your future generations, and the more people like Bill Gates, global elitists, the more they win, because they rid the planet of people like you, and you're doing it to yourself!
Voluntary euthanasia!
That's what's going on today.
A lot more ahead, stay with us here on the Alex Jones Show.
We'll be right back after these messages with more breaking news, and our guest coming up at the bottom of the hour, Dale Carson.
Stay with us.
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Before you slip into unconsciousness, I'd like to have another kiss, another kiss.
And we are back here on the Alex Jones Show.
Thank you for joining me today.
This is Mike Adams, the health ranger, filling in for Alex, who's on the road.
I'll also be filling in next Monday, one week from today.
When we'll be having guest Jonathan E. Mord.
Yes, the Jonathan E. Mord, health freedom attorney, constitutionalist.
He has a new book coming out.
I believe it's called Restore the Republic.
I haven't, I don't have a hard copy in my hands yet, so I don't know for sure, but I think that's the name of it.
Restoring the Republic, not on sale yet, being launched in about a week.
And the foreword is written by Ron Paul.
And Jonathan E. Mord is, you know, if Ron Paul becomes president,
And of course, we're all pushing for that to happen, then I think Jonathan Eymard should be Attorney General.
He's that important for the future of our Republic.
Very, very important individual and he will be on the show one week from today.
Now, a scheduling note.
A bit of a scheduling error with Dale Carson.
He's actually going to be joining us also one week from today instead of today.
He is the former FBI agent.
I mean, it's no big deal.
We've got so much news to cover here anyway.
I didn't even get a chance to get to it.
We've got robotics, insect swarm technology coming out.
We've got new news coming out about test tube hamburgers.
They've succeeded in growing hamburgers in test tubes now.
I'll get to that in a second, but Dale Carson is going to be joining us
One week from today instead of today.
My apologies for freaking him out.
He's actually in trial right now, but he's the author of this book, Arrest Proof Yourself, which is a really great book and it tells you how to protect your rights against police officers.
Again, nothing bad against cops.
In fact, you know, I used to work alongside, as a volunteer, police officers in Tucson, Arizona, as part of the non-profit Tucson Police Foundation, so I have a lot of respect for police officers.
Who are doing their job, but some of them get a little carried away as you have come to know here as an Alex Jones listener.
And that book teaches you how to protect yourself.
So, we've got that coming up.
We do have at the top of this hour Joe Nobody joining us.
He's the author of some additional books that we'll talk about and some of his information that can help you prepare.
But let's get right into the news right now.
First of all, we've got Ron Paul with a new statement that just came out this weekend.
Paul says U.S.
is slipping into a fascist system.
And this is a speech he gave over the weekend.
He says, we slipped away from a true republic.
Now we're slipping into a fascist system where it's a combination of government and big business and authoritarian rule and the suppression of the individual rights of each and every American citizen.
Well, good for you, Ron.
Well said.
You couldn't have emphasized it any more.
That's exactly what it is.
I mean, how come every presidential candidate isn't telling the truth about this?
How come they aren't all talking about our loss of rights and the monstrosity that is the NDAA and the Patriot Act, for that matter, and all of these laws, so-called laws, that take away our rights?
I mean, only Ron Paul is qualified to be president, in my view, because he's the only one who's willing to tell the truth about the very dangerous centralization of power in the federal government.
Don't you know that that's what leads to tyranny?
That's the recipe for tyranny.
If you actually centralize power in the hands of anybody, any group, any gang, any corporation, any entity, it will seek to dominate and control everything in the world.
That's just the nature of corporations.
They want to expand.
That's just the nature of military-minded dictators.
They just want to expand, like Hitler and Stalin and Mao.
They just want to expand and control everything.
So if you do that in America, you should not be surprised if you get the same result of total outrageous tyranny from Washington.
Next story, this is one I wrote, naturalnews.com, test tube meat is here!
This was also announced over the weekend, they've been able to grow meat and fat using bovine fetal cells in a vat of liquid with circulating nutrients and the little muscle fibers actually pulse and twitch.
As they're growing and then once the growth is done, they grind them up with some other fat cells, some bovine fat cells that they have also grown.
Using bovine fetal stem cells and then they grind this up into a delicious hamburger patty.
Hey, you want some fries with that?
That sounds like a real happy meal, doesn't it?
Nasty stuff.
So my question about this, obviously this is being promoted as a way to save the planet.
This is more environmentally friendly.
You're all going to eat processed, vat produced, scientifically generated and formulated and engineered bovine fetal
Stem cell cow burger patties!
Get used to it!
You are the new generation of soylent green consumers!
How dare you want to eat actual beef that walked around on four hooves!
Yeah, we'll talk about more on that story when we return here.
This is Mike Adams on the Alex Jones Show.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back after this break.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number one.
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Number two.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
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Number three.
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Have you ever noticed that everything they say is being introduced to save the planet is usually something that's going to kill you or gross you out?
We were just talking before the break about this test tube hamburger meat that they've now successfully grown in these vats of circulating nutrients.
Also floating along with some bovine fetus stem cells.
And they say the meat is... Here's a quote from the scientist Mark Post who announced this.
I'm not bashing Mark Post.
He's just doing his research.
He probably has no idea how this is going to be used by the globalists to sicken people.
He says this year in October we're going to provide a proof of concept showing out of stem cells we can make a product that looks, feels, and hopefully tastes like meat.
That's what I thought the last time I went to McDonald's like 20 years ago.
It almost looks and feels, it almost tastes like meat, but I'm not sure.
Let's talk about Chicken McNuggets and mechanically separated chicken.
No, that would be another comedy segment.
But they say this is great for the environment, alright?
They say it's a more efficient conversion of plants to meat in these laboratory vats.
How wonderful.
Less environmental damage, more humane than killing animals.
And it's the only feasible way to feed the world all the meat it craves.
But I say, wait a second!
Wait a second!
If they're growing this meat in vats of circulating nutrients, what do you think they're going to put in those nutrients?
A little MSG to have it built into the cells so that their lab-produced meat actually tastes better so that you'll eat it?
They'd love to use MSG for that, so what about hormones to make the meat grow faster?
So they can just put these bovine hormones right into the circulating fluid?
I'm sure the USDA would be fine with that.
And the FDA?
Ah, no problem.
Whatever chemicals you want to use.
The FDA's never met a chemical it didn't like.
You know, put it in the food.
Who cares?
It's even probably going to go in the infant formula.
But what about this?
What about the genetic engineering of these stem cells that are used to grow this meat?
You see, I came up with the idea.
That eventually they would have to try to combine genetic code from different species to try to maximize this meat.
So you could end up with hamburger patties that are made with partially cow or goats or maybe insects to bind it together, like a carnauba wax type of production from those little meat strips to hold it together, you know, to bind it together.
What if they put in some human genes
To make sure that the meat doesn't cause allergic reactions in humans.
So you can end up actually eating a hybrid bovine-human processed meat product laced with MSG, antibiotics, and hormones, and this is called the solution.
The solution!
I love it when Bill Gates goes out there and says, you know, the solution is just more technology because, you know, the pharmaceutical model has been so effective and so good.
All this high technology he calls GMOs now are called high tech agriculture.
Yeah, because technology has been so good.
Just look at, well, television, and nuclear power, and pesticides, and fluoride, and aspartame.
Aren't these wonderful examples of helping to save the world?
Oh yeah, technology is our savior now!
We don't need anything real.
Alright, speaking of something real, let me mention this.
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This is one of the superfoods that I personally consume.
In fact, I have my superfood.
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Here it is.
This is my superfood for today.
I always have one of these here.
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This is actually my berry mixture.
But I also have a chocolate mixture out in the car with enter food in it.
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I don't even drink coffee, by the way.
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10% off your entire order when you use the code INFOWARS.
So check out InnerFood, our good friends and patriots there who are making some good food for us.
Now moving on to news about food.
Did you know that baby formula that's formulated with brown rice syrup as the sweetener can contain up to 3,000% more arsenic
Then, formula without the brown rice syrup.
Yes, a new study, this is out of Dartmouth College, shows that there has been alarmingly high levels of arsenic found in infant formula.
One organic infant formula product that was sweetened with brown rice syrup contained six times the limit set by the EPA for safe drinking water.
And this is what parents are feeding their babies!
Now, and it's also present in cereal bars.
You know, brown rice syrup is a very popular sweetener.
Now look, bottom line is normally brown rice syrup is a very healthy sweetener.
Nothing wrong with it.
It's high in mineral content.
It's relatively low on the glycemic index and so on.
But because these banned pesticides are being used to grow some of this stuff, the high levels of arsenic are being embedded in the soils.
And then it's picked up by the brown rice, which tends to pick up a lot of
I don't know.
And we got a bunch of flack from people that, you know, no matter what toxin we always expose, aluminum in this product, arsenic in this product, pesticides in this product, there's always a bunch of apologists out there who say, ah, don't worry about that.
It's okay.
You get arsenic in when you eat bananas anyway.
You get aluminum from, you know, cooking in your microwave, whatever, it doesn't matter.
There's always these apologists who say, yeah, a little bit of arsenic, don't worry about it, Joey.
But what about the combination?
What about all the fluoride, all the heavy metals, all the mercury, all the aluminum, all the arsenic in this case?
And you add that into the psychiatric drugs that people are on, and the antidepressants that people are on, and the pesticides, and the formaldehyde venting from the furniture in your own house.
And the fluorescent lights that flicker and alter your brain function with the flicker rate of the lights.
And they have mercury in them too!
And you add it all up.
And then, what do you get?
You get total toxic overload.
And that's what we're seeing today.
That's what we're seeing, the slow euthanization of the American population.
Well, it's not just America, it's the whole world.
But this is true.
You know, this is happening.
Babies are being poisoned right now.
Speaking about babies, children and food, remember that story about a week ago in North Carolina where that school, that elementary school had the food police out and they were searching through the bags.
The children's little lunch bags brought from home and saying, oh you don't have, your lunch doesn't meet USDA guidelines.
You don't have a serving of pasteurized dead milk.
You don't have a serving of processed meat laced with sodium nitrate which causes brain cancer and tumors and pancreatic cancer and colon cancer.
They said, how dare you bring your lunch from home?
Well, that happened a week ago.
Now there's been another incident from the same school.
A woman, a mother, has stepped forward, Diane Zambrano.
This is reported in The Blaze.
Diane Zambrano says her four-year-old daughter is the latest victim of the food police at the West Hoke, or Hokey Elementary School.
I don't know how to pronounce West Hoke, probably.
Elementary School.
Her mom had dared to pack her a lunch containing a cheese and salami sandwich on a wheat bun with apple juice.
But no!
No, that didn't conform to the school food police, who are apparently still operating.
Instead, she was taken to the cafeteria and fed chicken nuggets.
Yeah, chicken nuggets.
A sweet potato, bread, and pasteurized, homogenized, dead cow's milk.
Oh, because that's so much better than the lunch that her mom packed her.
Because, yeah, chicken nuggets, I mean, gee, almost half of the nugget is actually chicken.
The other half, I'm not exactly sure what it is, but the chicken half is mechanically separated chicken.
You know how you make that?
You take a chicken carcass with all the skin and bones and tendons and fat, and you throw it in a giant blender.
Like a Blendtec or a Vitamix.
You blend that up and it makes a giant pink mass of goo.
And then you crush that through a strainer.
We should do this on camera one day right here in the studio.
That'd be a lot of fun.
I'm sure Alex would appreciate that.
You crush it through a strainer to get the bones out of it.
And then you end up with this pink goo, this mass.
You shape it into the shape of a chicken nugget.
And you roll it around in some bread and you fry it in some deep fried oil that's been used over and over again week after week after week and the high temperatures create cancer-causing acrylamides in addition to the MSG and the other yeast extract taste excitotoxins that are added to the nugget to make it taste like real chicken when it's actually just crushed up blended chicken carcass.
This is USDA compliant?
This is what the child must eat at West Hokie Elementary School?
Did they forget their own nutrition classes?
It's unbelievable!
These people are insane.
It's not just that.
It's not just the chemicals that they're feeding the four-year-olds in the school.
Yeah, there's a picture on screen for those of you watching at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Mechanically separated chicken.
Looks like a giant taffy snake.
It's like a four-inch diameter.
Just a nasty extrusion of goo.
Chicken goo.
It's making me hungry right here in the studio.
Alright, enough of that.
I don't want to gross you out.
Let's move on to some other news.
We published this.
Green companies with political ties to Obama continue to receive billions of dollars in federal funds.
Gee, no surprise there.
Hey, if you're a buddy of the White House, you get money, and your company doesn't even have to have a profit.
You can just pay yourself salaries and lose money quarter after quarter after quarter, and then eventually go bankrupt by blowing the taxpayer's dollars.
That's what you get if you're a buddy of Obama.
Here's an example.
Venture capitalist Sanjay Wagle, I hope I'm getting his name right, he was an Obama fundraiser in 2008.
He went from private sector to the energy department.
And his firm, over the next three years, the Energy Department provided $2.8 billion in funding to clean energy companies in which Wagle's former venture capital firm, Vantage Point Venture Partners, had invested.
So he goes to Washington, first he fundraised for Obama, goes to Washington, funnels money through the venture capital firm into all these so-called green companies.
In all, $3.9 billion in funds were provided to 21 companies with ties to firms who had connections to five different administration advisors and staffers of the Obama administration.
And how many of these have now gone broke?
I don't know the exact number, but it's a large number.
It's like every week you read another green company going bankrupt.
You know, this is the opposite of the free market, folks.
Forget about innovation and entrepreneurship and people who are willing to work hard the American way, you know, to create real jobs, private sector jobs, and hire people and create a superior product and actually have a profit quarter after quarter while you're helping the economy.
Forget that!
Yeah, I guess that's ancient history in America.
Now, the way to get your money is to cozy up to the next corrupt presidential candidate, and then get into the Energy Department, or the Department of Commerce, or whatever the case may be.
Get into DHS, get yourself a military contract, take all that money, ride high like a fat cat, blow the money on jet skis and junkets to exotic locations, and then when your company goes bankrupt, just say,
Must have been the bad economy.
We couldn't help it.
We tried our best while we were eating lobster in Hawaii, thinking about the new economy.
That's the new capitalism.
Isn't it sick?
Isn't it sick?
And meanwhile, the hard-working people out there, like those listening to this show, who are working for a living, are being taxed to death.
You know, your productivity is being taken away.
Your jobs are being shifted to Mexico and China.
You are the ones being punished for your ideas, for having actual innovation, because, of course, the whole plan in this country is to shut down the actual economy, the real economy, and just have everything a centralized, centrally planned, China-like economy, where you've got to be buddies with the right people in order to get money to do anything.
And the rest of you are just going to end up paying taxes like under the French system where it's, what is it, like 87% tax rate?
So you live on pennies.
That's it.
That's what's going on.
We still have a few minutes left here, so I'm going to cover more news.
Remember, at the top of the hour, we've got Joe Nobody joining us at the top of the next hour.
That's going to be a really great segment, so be sure to stay tuned for that.
This is out of The Independent.
Experts fear diseases are now impossible to treat.
They're talking about the antibiotic-resistant strains, not just MRSA, but E. coli, new strains.
Oh yeah, they've got all new strains for you.
It's kind of like version 12 now of these antibiotic resistant bacteria.
And they of course were created by the fact that doctors and hospitals abuse antibiotics and they create an environment in which these bacteria mutate to become resistant.
They mutate very quickly.
They are creating a superbug, weapon almost.
It's like the hospitals are the weapon factories to create the superbugs that if they escape the hospitals could kill literally tens of millions of people.
I'm not trying to scare you about that, because there are natural ways to defend yourself against that.
You know, silver lungs, anybody?
That's what I would use.
But there are lots of ways to defend yourself.
But the whole medical system doesn't want to have sanity in the hospitals.
They don't want to use probiotics.
They don't want to use colloidal silver.
They don't want to use copper-plated tables, even though they've been scientifically proven to eliminate or greatly reduce superbug infections.
Instead, they want people to be sick.
They love the fact that you go in for some chemotherapy and then you come out with kidney failure.
And then you need kidney dialysis.
They love the fact that your psychiatric drug or your antidepressant drug causes diabetes.
So then you come back for a diabetes drug and a diabetes treatment.
They love it!
It's a chain reaction of repeat business.
That comes from corporations treating human beings like guinea pigs and having no compassion for human life.
And having absolutely no ethics, absolutely no real sense of what it takes to be an adult human being contributing to a free world.
You know, and I'm just, I'm tired of it, I'm sick of it!
Why can't we have people like Ron Paul in charge of the politics?
Why can't we have real nutritionists in charge of the healthcare system?
Why can't we have people who don't want war in charge of a Department of Peace?
Go for some global peace!
I don't mean not defend our shores.
Obviously, let's defend ourselves.
And kudos to the veterans who took part in the legitimate defense.
But why do we have to go around just mucking up everything all around the world with more war, more pharmaceuticals, more vaccines, more poison in the hospitals, more antibiotic-resistant drugs?
Or, I'm sorry, strains of bacteria because of the drugs.
That's what we have today.
It's total insanity, and the result is going to be nothing but death, mass death.
One more story.
British government now considers using nerve agents on their own people.
I mean, you would think I'm making this up.
It's not April 1.
No, it's February 20.
And this is real.
That the rioters in Britain now could be soon hit with nerve agent chemicals.
Yeah, a little mustard gas for all you rioters out there.
Speaking out against the Queen.
Talking about the Queen gets raw milk, but nobody else can get raw milk.
Ah, that you're gonna get hit with some nerve gas agents, some nerve chemicals, courtesy of the British government.
That story, oh, that is from Natural News by D. Holt.
I can't even cover all the news.
I can't even cover everything that's on Infowars.com or my website or any of the others out there.
There's just too much crazy news.
But we're going to do our best, so stay with us right here on the Alex Jones Show.
We will be right back after this break with more breaking news and a guest coming right up.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
It occurred to me during the break that in every sport, when you have more points, you're winning, right?
You know, you score a touchdown, you make a basket, you kick the ball through the goal, you make a point.
It's plus one, or plus seven, or plus six, whatever the case may be, but in the world of eugenics, the winning score is always a minus one.
And if you look at Bill Gates and his formula for population control and success, he has P for population, and he's got this formula that he talks about publicly, and when P equals P minus one, that's like a victory for Bill Gates.
Think about it.
Like, the more people die, the more they think they're winning, you know, the globalists.
That's pretty sick.
That's a pretty good indication that something's wrong with that picture.
Do they cheer when people die in car crashes?
They cheer?
Like, save the planet!
He rolled his SUV over six times.
Planet's better off.
That's some kind of sick eugenics logic.
Okay, the Harvard Microrobotics Lab has introduced or announced a new technology they call the Monolithic Bee that can allow the creation of swarms of insect drones that can now be fabricated with a brand new technology.
It's kind of a pop-up fabrication technology.
You know your children's pop-up books?
You know where you open it up and then it pops up?
They can do this now at the microchip level using exotic materials to pop up an actual insect and we've got some footage of that.
Go ahead and roll that footage while I explain this if you can.
You can watch this on PrisonPlanet.tv.
There it is, the little insect.
This is smaller than a penny.
This little insect is popping up and assembling itself out of, well, silicon and some metals and then it gets soldered together.
See, it assembles itself in
About one second.
It's about a one second activity.
And then it can lock itself into place and then it's got this unique soldering technology.
The point is that the scientists who created this say, quote, it is a process well suited to mass production, enabling parallel manufacture of large numbers of robotic devices.
That's just what we need, isn't it?
Yeah, large numbers of spy drones.
Now this reminds me of that scene in Terminator 2.
Remember the scene where that scientist is talking about they got this microchip from the robotic arm and they've been studying it and it's leading them in all kinds of new directions that they never could have imagined before.
There it is, smaller than a penny for those of you still watching.
I don't know.
I mean, Bill Gates is already using genetically modified mosquitoes to have a vaccine type of technology to vaccinate people.
Why not do it with these electronic monolithic bees?
These little insect swarms.
Put vaccines on the front of them.
And have them do little kamikaze missions on all the people who have exposed arms.
By the way, you know, a little tip.
Most of these robotics that are coming, and Alex has talked about that on the show, the robotics are coming.
The robotic warriors, or the terminators, so to speak, but they're going to be flying drones first.
They already are flying drones.
Most of them are going to detect humans using infrared sensors.
And let me just give you guys, all of you listening, this little tip, if you don't already know it.
If you want to make yourself invisible to infrared,
Make yourself a space blanket poncho.
Yeah, just take a space blanket, cut a hole in it, you know, put it on like a poncho, and then the robot drones can't see you except your head.
The space blanket keeps the infrared rays inside, makes you basically camouflaged to the robots.
You may laugh, but that may come in very handy in the near future.
Stay with us.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Mike Adams hosting.
We'll be right back after this break with more news from the incredible world of reality.
See ya.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome to the second hour of the Alex Jones Show.
This is Mike Adams, the health ranger, filling in for Alex today.
Alex is on the road.
Monday, February 20th.
I'll be hosting also one week from today, the 27th, when we'll be featuring Jonathan Eymward, yes, our favorite health freedom attorney.
He has defeated the FDA several times in the past.
He has a new book coming out with a forward written by Ron Paul.
So he'll be on the show also.
We'll be joined by Dale Carson next week, the former FBI agent, former SWAT team member, former South Miami cop who's got a lot of great information.
Now, getting back to the news in this segment, there's something I really wanted to be sure to cover today.
We just talked about the robotic insect swarms.
That technology is real.
They have a new method now where they can mass-produce these insect robot drones.
And it's only a matter of time before they start swarming around your house, your backyard, keeping tabs on you, spying on you.
And it's all going to be done under the guise of protecting you.
Yeah, you're safer now that the insect swarms are keeping an eye on everything.
Hey, it's an eye in the sky!
It's like, it's like mom looking down on you from above.
It's like the federal family keeping an eye on your backyard to make sure your little toddler doesn't drown in your pool.
Yeah, that's why they're swarming around there.
No, they're gonna be swarming everywhere, making sure that none of us do anything that might be considered an act of terrorism, such as paying with cash!
Yes, paying with cash.
Or, what, having a tattoo, missing a finger.
Remember that from, what was it, about a week and a half ago?
All these things that indicate that you might be a terrorist.
I think Alex Jones should do kind of a Jeff Foxworthy joke segment, you know, you might be a redneck.
He should do, you might be a terrorist if, you know, if you have a tattoo of Janet Napolitano on your upper thigh.
You might be crazy, actually, if you have that.
Let's not even go there.
Here's something you really need to know about.
Neotame is the new Aspartame.
Spread the word, folks.
This is the next chemical sweetener to avoid, and it's being very heavily marketed.
The creators of Neotame, of course, the same people who created Aspartame,
Look, the patent ran out on aspartame.
I believe that ran out in 1992.
And of course they always try to have replacements for patents, so they have to add some chemical or alter a molecule or something to get a new patent.
Well, Neotame is the more potent, more refined version of Aspartame, which Dr. Russell Blaylock describes as an excitotoxin, a nerve-damaging toxin.
Well, Neotame adds another molecule, and I believe, if memory serves me correctly, that molecule is 3-dimethylbutyl.
Not that it matters what the syllables are in it.
It's just another chemical.
And it's not a chemical that exists in the natural world, by the way.
This is a synthesized chemical sweetener, and now the company... See, Monsanto sold off NutraSweet to a company called JW Childs, or JW Childs Equity Partners.
They sold that off, I believe, right around 2000 or 2000... Yeah, 2000, I think.
And then Neotame was approved by the FDA in 2002, and now that's being pushed very heavily.
And they're bragging about it!
The company says,
Here's the quote from the company.
This is from the NutraSweet company.
They said, We revolutionized the sweetener industry in 1981 with the introduction of Aspartame.
And we intend to do it again with Neotame when we receive approval from various regulatory agencies around the world.
So you see, it is chemical sweetener imperialism.
You're going to start having Neotame in all kinds of products, but
There's an internet myth about this that I have to cover.
You cannot put neotame in organic products.
There's a myth out there that says you can.
It's not true.
We checked on it.
It's not true.
And neotame does have to be listed on the label as an additive.
So don't believe all those rumors about it, but avoid this chemical no matter what.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back here with Joe Nobody, our guest, coming up right after the break.
Stay with us.
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
Did you know that the global elite are now storing non-hybrid seeds in secret storage vaults near the Arctic Circle?
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I've been telling you about eFoods Direct for a while now.
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Number 10.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Yeah, we've got a great interview coming up with Mr. Joe Nobody.
That is his real alias.
That's his author name.
He's published numerous books under the name Joe Nobody.
Let me just finish up one story that we were talking about before, though.
Neotame, this is the sweetener name that you need to know about to avoid it.
So get that into your head.
Neotame is the new Aspartame.
It's the, you know, the second coming of Aspartame, to put it in the totally wrong context.
Thank you.
But there's a false internet rumor circulating that it can be used in organic foods and doesn't have to be listed on the label, and that is completely false.
We checked it out.
We talked to the Cornucopia Institute, and they checked it out.
They said, no, if Neotame is in a food, it's got to be listed on the label because it is an additive, and it is not currently allowed under organic products.
You know, sometimes I think there are some groups out there who are actually trying to spread a little disinformation sometimes.
I mean, look, we all make mistakes from time to time, and we've made mistakes as well, and we correct them when we do.
InfoWars has made errors and corrected them, but sometimes there are groups that make mistakes on purpose, and then they try to spread that disinfo out there, and that's not really appreciated.
Do your homework on this stuff, and keep everybody honest out there.
Hey, if we make a mistake in natural news, let me know too, because we want to keep our information accurate.
Oh, and by the way, if you just joined us, this is Mike Adams filling in for Alex Jones today.
I'm the health ranger, and Alex asked me to be here today.
He's on the road, and he's also asked me to host next Monday.
And during that time, we'll be having Jonathan Emord on, as well as Dale Carson.
So we've got some good info coming up.
Now right now, let's go to Joe Nobody.
Let me give you a quick introduction of who this is.
Obviously, that's not his real name.
His real name must be kept secret because of his former experience.
I'll let him tell you as much as he wants to tell you, but he is a very well-informed individual who has operated outside the country.
Yes, he's an operator.
A former operator and an active teacher.
I have met him in person so I've checked him out and he's the real deal and he's got a lot of just really stunning information that you need to know because I think, I think most of you would agree with me that something's coming down the road this year.
Maybe social collapse, maybe economic collapse, maybe some rioting, maybe some martial law crackdowns, who knows what the case may be.
You need to get safe.
And this guy, Joe Nobody, is going to teach you how to do it.
He's the author of this book, Holding Your Ground, which you can find on Amazon.com or other booksellers.
You can see this copy is well-worn because it's my personal copy that I've been through.
And he joins us now by phone.
Joe, are you with us?
Hey, good afternoon, Mike.
How are you?
Doing great, Joe.
Thank you for joining us today.
Really appreciate you coming on the Alex Jones Show.
Well, thank you for having me, sir.
Well, let's get into it, and don't hold back, but let's start with as much as you can say on live national radio about your experience and background.
Obviously, protect your identity, but what, you know, people want to know if you're really who you say, you know, if you're really qualified to talk about this.
Well, I won't go into operational details or history, obviously.
Most of the information in my books comes out of the private contracting world.
A lot of people don't know it.
In Iraq and Afghanistan and a lot of other places in the world, guard duty, if you will, is now contracted out to private companies.
And there is a probably the best knowledge base about defending a location, protecting assets, things like that, that are good for preppers, people who prepare is probably the those individuals now are probably the most knowledgeable in the world about about those particular topics.
And we accessed as many of them as we could.
Some of my own personal experiences in the books.
And we hope it helps people get their defense security situation in place.
Well, let's talk about that.
And I want to point out that your book is not solely about, you know, build a bunker and stock it with ammo and spray and pray bullets everywhere.
Because, you know, sometimes we sort of see that approach in the survival community.
You take a very, I would say, a wise, very much a wiser approach to this.
Can you talk about your philosophy of defense?
The best defense is stealth.
The best defense is hiding in plain sight.
If there is a collapse of society, if there is an event that occurs and there's no longer rule of law, the government's no longer protecting people, the absolute best way to go about things is for no one to know where you are, no one to know about your preparations.
And so we refer to that in the books as a passive profile, you know, versus an active profile is when you're making it very loud and clear that I'm well armed, I'm ready to defend myself and go away, find an easier target.
And we try very hard in the books to allow people to prepare without damaging the value or the appearance or the usability of their property.
Things like landscaping that you can do, very non-Rambo type defensive measures.
What I also like about the information you teach is it's usable in a city, it's usable in a suburb, and it's usable in the country.
You've got diagrams in your book.
You show fields of fire, fields of being able to monitor other people.
You talk about having an area, understanding what area you need to protect, like your garden area to be able to harvest food or your livestock, things like that.
Can you talk about the
The wide range of applicability of what you teach.
Well, we obviously know two homes are the same and it is, I think a lot of people do an excellent job of preparing.
They have their seeds, their food sources, their water sources, various things like that.
Defense tends to be lower on people's list.
I always tell the people that I teach and mention a lot in the books, the biggest shortcoming or the biggest problem I see with most appropriations is that folks are not ready for ultimate violence.
They are not ready for what desperate people, hungry people who have no fear of punishment would be capable of doing.
And you don't have to go there.
You can study it.
You can read about it.
History is full of examples of this.
Even some of them are going on currently.
Somalia, for example, we talk about quite a bit.
Bosnia, Serbia, even now in the Middle East, there are certain areas of Egypt that I think communities or small groups of homes have banded together to protect themselves.
And if hunger is involved, if there is a grid down situation and the food supply becomes critical, people will get desperate.
Well, that's something that you really speak about, and I talked to you about this in person.
Let me ask you another thing about that, but first, let's crank up the phone system, and I want to invite some callers to call in in the next segment to ask you some questions, Joe, if you're okay with taking some questions from some callers, because I know people really have a lot of, they're highly motivated to get information in this realm.
But let's talk about the typical, you know, you talked about how violent things could get or how quickly they could break down.
Two questions for you.
One, how thin really is the veneer of politeness in society today where people, you know, call 911 and wait for the cops to show up?
You know, how, I mean, how fragile is that system really in your opinion?
Well, probably in the United States, the most recent example that I have studied quite in depth is New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.
And while the initial news stories coming out of the Superdome were greatly exaggerated, it is a fact even today that a large percentage of the New Orleans Police Department either couldn't or didn't show up to work.
And in a natural disaster situation like that, most people, I think, realize deep down inside that help will be coming, that eventually the police department, the National Guard, even federal troops will eventually be there to establish order.
And my experience with hurricanes along the Texas coast has been people initially band together.
I refer to this period as a social grace period.
If the event is known to be national, if the event is very widespread, that period of social grace is not going to last very long.
What, like three or four days, maybe?
It would depend, I think, on the size of the community, but it's not weeks.
I do not believe at all that it would be more than a week or two at most.
Alright, what happens after the social graces and the societal politeness goes away?
What do you start to see then?
Well, then you start seeing the breakdown of the small community groups that would have formed.
There would be challenges for leadership.
There would be vacuums in the rules.
Those that are well prepared and have a large food supply might be pressured to share.
More than what they're comfortable with.
I'm a big believer in charity.
I'm a big believer in helping out my fellow man, but I also have to allow for my family's survival and protect that.
And so then you would start to see I refer to it as bickering.
You would also get the average American family, according to several different statistics, I believe the latest are from FEMA, has about three to five days worth of food.
Wow, that's it?
That's it.
At ten days, people are going to be very hungry.
In a grid-down situation, your local grocery store is not going to get its turn.
Alright Joe, we got to go to break here.
Sorry to cut you off, but we're going to continue with you on the other side of this break.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show, an interview with Joe Nobody.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back after this break with a lot more.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
You are tuned in to the Alex Jones Show, even though I'm not Alex, obviously.
This is Mike Adams, the health ranger, filling in for Alex today.
And we're joined by a guest, Joe Nobody.
He's the author of this book, Holding Your Ground.
Which is a strategic, well, a way to strategically look at your own house, your own ranch, your own property, even in the city, and keep yourself safe against anything that might happen.
And I think, to continue with you, Joe, a lot of people underestimate just what might happen, and I'd like to kind of put you on the spot here with a
With a little game, if you don't mind.
I mean, this wasn't prearranged or anything, so I apologize if I put you on the spot, but how about I give you a scenario of a prepper, and you tell me, if you were a bad guy, how you would beat it?
I'm good with that, as long as I don't need a robotic fly swatter.
Yeah, you heard the insect swarm of drones segment that we did in the last hour, huh?
I'll just say wow.
I'll leave it at that.
Yeah, they're going to mass-produce these things by the billions, probably.
And, by the way, we will be taking calls for Joe Nobody.
We've got callers on the line, Candace, Michelle, Dave, Daryl, and more.
So we'll get to those calls shortly.
But let me give you a scenario, a typical prepper, let's say.
They've got their stash in their house, you know, maybe some gold coins, maybe some food, maybe some ammo.
And you got, you know, Grandpa's rocking in a rocking chair on the front porch with a shotgun, and he thinks that he's safe.
How would you defeat that scenario, Joe?
Well, first of all, again, underestimating distance is a big mistake.
And that particular scenario, not that I ever would personally attack an occupied residence,
No, you're speaking, I want to be clear, you are going to describe what a bad guy would do to defeat that for the purpose of educating us to be safer.
Thank you for clarifying that.
Anyway, the occupants of the home would never see me.
I would be 300, 600, 900 yards away.
There is absolutely no reason if society has collapsed for me to take a risk of personal injury.
I'm probably very mobile.
I don't even need a huge rifle to be effective at that distance.
And the occupants would just literally never know I was there until it was too late.
Even if they stayed inside of the home, as we stress in the books, walls do not stop bullets.
And bullets cause fires.
And so, I'm going to use a distance-based attack.
Probably, if I have a team of desperados, if you will, I'm going to keep everybody's head down with distance-based fire.
I'm going to envelop the home.
We're not just going to walk up to the door and kick it in and go into a fatal funnel.
Right, right.
Now you say bullets start fires.
Are you talking about incendiary rounds in particular that a bad guy would be carrying?
No, not at all.
Regular lead bullets start fires.
Curtains burn very easily.
I tell the story in the book that I used to live, when I was a child, I used to live next to an open landfill back in those days.
I'm probably aging myself there quite a bit.
And it was a big Saturday morning activity to go down to the local dump, we called it, and target shoot.
And you would not believe the things that I've set on fire just with normal rounds out of a normal rifle.
That sounds like a really fun childhood.
Well, we had a good time.
But out in the country, that was pretty good entertainment.
And ammo was cheap back then.
So yes, curtains burn very easily.
I've even caught on fire vacuum cleaners, robotic toys we use as targets sometimes in our classes.
It's really not hard to set common household items on fire from bullets.
So you do use these robots, huh?
So you know what we're talking about.
What do you have, little Terminators out there that you shoot for training?
I go to Radio Shack and get a remote control toy and drill a hole in the side and put a coat hanger in it, blow up some balloons, and boy, they make a great training target.
You get somebody a little crafty on the remote control, zigging and zagging it around, and it's a good training aid.
Okay, wow.
A lot more great information coming here from Joe Nobody, folks.
We've got to go to a break shortly, but we're going to come.
This was a short segment.
We'll be back after this break with more.
And Joe, I've got more scenarios for you.
I'm going to give you some challenges and you tell us how the bad guys would defeat someone who thinks they're defended, who thinks they're prepared, who thinks they're safe.
And again, this is for educational purposes only to help law-abiding citizens stay safe.
In uncertain times.
Stay with us here on the Alex Jones Show.
This is Mike Adams, the Health Ranger.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We're speaking with Joe Nobody today.
He's the author of numerous books on tactical self-defense, but not just with bullets and firearms, but things that you can do to even, for example, you can make your house look like it's already been looted and burned out, so that people pass it on by in the case of a society collapse, even if it's a short-term collapse, you know, a few weeks is all it, hey, a few days is all it takes.
For someone to loot your home and harm your family.
So we're all about safety.
We want, especially, we want InfoWars listeners to be safe, to be well informed, to be well prepared.
And that's why we've got Joe Nobody on as a guest today.
Joe, we were talking about some scenarios.
Are you ready for another one?
Alright, so the context here again for the listeners is I'm going to give Joe a scenario of a typical prepper and he's going to think like a bad guy and tell us how he would defeat that scenario and, you know, take you out and take your stuff.
So, let's say you have, this is in a suburban area, a suburb,
So, you've got a family that refuses to come out of their house.
You know they've got food, you know they've got medical supplies, you know they've got water filters and gold, let's say.
They refuse to come out, but you, the bad guy, you want to get them out and you want to get their stuff.
How would you do it?
Option one, burn them out.
At least smoke them out.
Option two, take a vehicle and just drive it through the front door.
That is ultimate violence.
It's a technique that our troops started using in Iraq on very heavily steel gated steel doors, adobe
They would drive a Humvee or a Stryker up and they would just push on the door with the front bumper.
In a post-collapse situation, I'm not worried about my car insurance.
I probably have picked up the car down the street anyway.
It's probably not even mine.
And they won't come out.
The area is too open for us to try to cross to try to get them out any other way.
Drive a car through the front door.
See, this is why I like talking to you, Joe, because you're creative.
In a kind of wicked kind of way.
But the reason this is important is because most Americans are polite people.
Most Americans are good people.
They tend to follow the rules.
They tend to think, I'm not going to bash in my neighbor's front door.
I'm not going to, you know, snipe and kill some innocent person.
And, you know, thank God that most Americans are polite and are good people with good hearts.
But that can also blind people, can't it?
Because they don't fully grasp the level of violence that other people without those morals and ethics can resort to, correct?
Oh, absolutely.
Another example is kidnapping.
If you go to the parts of the world where society has broken down, you will find that kidnapping is an industry.
Look at the Somali pirates.
And it doesn't even have to be foreign assets or foreign people.
Look at all of the ransoms that were paid in Iraq after the fall of Saddam.
Kidnapping becomes a barter system almost in some of these very troubled spots in the world.
And yet, when I talk to preppers and I say, okay, how are you going to get food?
Oh, well, there's an orchard.
We're going to send the kids out.
There's an apple orchard and we're going to collect apples.
Oh yeah?
If your kids go out and they're not protected, they're at risk.
And what would you give to get your child back?
Well, I'm glad you're pointing these things out, although it's horrifying to consider these possible scenarios.
Let me ask you one more scenario, though, and then we'll go to the callers who are waiting to ask you questions.
Let's say that you've got a ranch out in the country with three or four well-armed individuals who are brandishing their firearms, they're doing patrols, they appear to be well-protected.
How would you
And a small team of bad guys assess and try to attack that situation?
Well, obviously the first choice would be to try to pull them out.
Some sort of, not a diversion, but some sort of bait to pull them out.
If they're experienced and they maybe have read some of the books, they wouldn't fall for that.
So then you're into a situation where you do, and again what I call an enveloping attack, you fake an attack at one direction, your primary, your major force hits the area from a secondary direction.
Works every time.
And you've seen this, you've experienced this in person, or you've talked to soldiers who have done this in person?
It's a commonly known infantry tactic for those who haven't served an enveloping attack.
Anybody that's spent any time behind a rifle knows exactly what I'm talking about.
Defenders always typically have an advantage for several different reasons.
Don't want to bore your audience to death with all the reasons, but typically an attacking force needs to outnumber a defending force about five to one as the general rule.
And so attacking forces have to develop some pretty nifty methods.
How bad a shape are people in who go out and buy a firearm and never shoot it?
They put it on a shelf.
They have a box of ammo.
They own a firearm.
But again, they've never used it.
They think they're protected.
I mean, how bad a shape are they in tactically?
Well, on a scale of 1 to 10, the person who has no firearm, no intent at all of defending themselves is at the lower end of the scale.
Obviously, someone who has a firearm, even if they've had no practice with it, is a little bit better.
But almost as bad as not having a weapon at all.
There is fear, there is adrenaline, there is confusion in a situation when you are attacked.
I always tell my students when I get very scared, and I have been very scared, I hide behind my weapon.
And it's just natural human instinct to do that.
So, I always tell people, you don't have to be a competitive shooter.
You don't have to go out and spend thousands and thousands of dollars.
You don't have to be like me.
I shoot two or three thousand rounds a month.
I also have to reload my own ammunition.
We shoot so much.
And you don't have to do that.
Get some training, go to a class, buy a book, go to a range a couple times, learn the basics of your firearm.
There are just an infinite number of good sources of training and materials out there.
Alright, good advice from Joe Nobody, the author of all these books that we've been talking about.
I also want to mention too that, you know, some people hear this in the wrong context.
They think it's, you know, these lone wolf Rambo types who are going to, you know, destroy law and order.
These are the guys who are actually going to be assisting local sheriffs and local deputies in re-establishing law and order, in my experience.
I mean, to keep the roads safe, to keep the looters out of people's homes and out of communities.
I mean, would you agree with that, Joe, that these are really the law-abiding citizens who want to re-establish law?
Oh, absolutely.
And the fewer homes that your local sheriff's department, your local law enforcement has to worry about, the fewer folks who are in a situation of desperation.
The more they can focus their limited resources on helping the people that, you know, maybe didn't prepare or maybe in a worse situation.
Well said.
We're gonna go to some callers now who I'm sure have some interesting questions for you and perhaps your childhood.
Going to Candace in Tennessee.
You're on the air.
Go ahead with your question, please.
Can you hear us, Candace?
Yes, can you hear me?
Yeah, go ahead.
You're on the air.
Oh, okay.
Yeah, I just had a question for Joe.
I'm a mother of three small children, and I was just wondering what his advice would be on preparing and surviving a collapse with having small children.
Well, Candice, I appreciate you calling in.
Small children present a unique problem for preppers.
And it's more than just food and clothing.
There is a noise discipline issue.
If I'm a bad guy, if things aren't going very well, occupying the children, keeping them quiet as much as possible.
I have had small children myself.
I know that's not always maybe something you can control.
I think so.
The best method I have seen for that is if you can limit the visibility into your backyard, into the area where the children, you've got to let them outside, they've got to get outside to play every now and then, that sort of thing.
Try to limit the visibility, and especially at night, try to keep them as quiet as possible.
That's good information, Joe.
You cover some of that in your teaching material.
I like the fact that you recommend things like planting trees, planting bushes, using round bales of hay, you know, like we have in Texas and throughout much of the country, the big round bales.
They can block fields of view and help protect areas that you need to keep safe.
Let's go on to another caller, Michelle from South Carolina.
You're on the air with Joe Nobody.
My question is about protecting a garden.
We recently moved to South Carolina into a rental and we're going to put in a fairly large garden.
Our backyard is about two acres, I guess, and we have it staked out in the middle of the yard because that gets the best sun.
I'm wondering, it is kind of out in the open, all the houses around us,
Well, there are a couple of different methods, and again, thank you for your question.
There are a couple of different methods that I recommend in the book.
The blocking visibility, clear visibility, is one of the critical elements of hiding in plain sight.
There are, for example, you can buy a very large army surplus camouflage net.
And that's such a key part of preparing, hiding in plain sight.
Good answer there Joe.
Did you have a follow-up question Michelle?
Um, actually, yeah, I did real quick.
I've been wondering where is the best place to put my food supply.
I do have a room off the garage, which, you know, anybody will look at.
I'm wondering, should I put it up in the attic, or... It's going to get hot up there.
What do you say, Joe?
For my home, personally, we keep our emergency food supply in Tupperware bins.
And for my home, personally, they're going in one of the bathtubs.
And the reason why for that is typically a bathroom has less windows in it than other parts of the home.
I like the bathtub storage, if you will, for a variety of different reasons.
And so our plan has always been we fill up the bathtubs with water if we think an event's going to occur, like a hurricane.
We live in hurricane country.
As soon as the first bathtub on the internal bathroom is empty, then the food storage goes in there.
A central part of the house is the most important part.
All right, so yeah, people can't get in and out very easily.
Makes complete sense.
We've got another caller, Dave from Pennsylvania.
You're on the air with Joe Nobody.
Go ahead, please.
Dave, are you there?
Okay, I think we lost Dave.
Let's go to Darryl in Texas.
Darryl, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Good evening, gentlemen, or good afternoon.
I have a couple questions.
First, I guess, in a situation like that, is it the case that you would really never be able to stay put on any type of land that you had or acreage and you would be best mobile?
I guess my question is, what is the best way
Uh, high survivability to approach such an event like that and maybe any books that you have you can recommend and one final thing is how do we take steps to put this thing together, help the local sheriffs and that sort of thing and sort of foster that type of thing.
Okay, see if I can take those one at a time.
I always stress to people, both in the books and when I'm doing this in person, that population density is a critical factor on bug in versus bug out, is what the Prepper community kind of refers to that.
Bug in is I'm going to shelter in place, battening down the hatches, I'm in the Alamo.
A bug out is I have an alternate retreat, a cousin's home in the country, a favorite campsite to tow my RV to, whatever.
And so a critical part of any preparer's decision on that, and we all struggle with that decision, no one wants to leave their home.
But if you're in an area where there is a heavy population density, a major city, even a middle-sized city, it's very difficult to think that you're going to hold your home, your hold your ground, as we say, for an extended period of time.
People will be the problem.
And so that's you ask if it's possible at all.
Yes, it is.
In a rural community with good crafts, you can be very, very hard to push off of your land.
And the so then the second question is, I hope I answered the first.
Any books that we would recommend.
Other than my books that I've written, there are a variety of Army manuals that are out there.
There's a lot of authors.
James Wesley Rawls has a very good book, How to Survive the Underworld, as we know it.
It's considered a classic, I guess, or a staple of most preparers' libraries.
So, you go out to Amazon, do a search, go to an Army surplus store, look through the manuals that they have there, the ones that would apply.
I'll give you a hint.
Look at the Army Corps of Engineers manuals.
Before defensive preparations were contracted out to private companies in the last 15 years, it was actually the Corps of Engineers that was responsible for most base security.
And then the third question, I don't remember.
I think the third question was how do we tie it all together?
How do we really put all this in place?
I don't approach my local sheriff.
I don't coordinate with local law enforcement unless I meet them at shooting events or competitions, which a lot of people are not going to get into.
If there is an event, if there is a breakdown, they will figure out very, very quickly who's preparing, who is confident, who has a problem, and who doesn't.
And, you know, maybe if you're friends with a local deputy or constable, maybe if you have a relationship or a family relationship,
Just mention it.
Hey, we're preparing.
We're storing up some food.
We're storing up some medical supplies.
No matter how bad it gets, we intend on staying here.
Hey Joe, we gotta go to a break here.
I want to give out the 800 number also from callers 800-259-9231.
We will take more calls with Joe.
Nobody on the other side of this break.
Sorry to interrupt you there, Joe.
I'm sure people are really digging this information, so it's a lot more straight ahead on the other side here on the Alex Jones Show.
Don't go away.
We'll be right back with more.
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Well, it's official.
I was talking to the N4Wars crew members during the break and they all unanimously agree they want Joe Nobody on their team if society does collapse.
Yeah, he's a good guy to have on your side.
But you can get his information and knowledge just by checking out some of his books and
Okay, great.
I'm just getting a note here that we're going to get a quick update also from Adam Kokesh.
So, Joe, if you don't mind, just going to put you on hold for one second.
Adam is calling in because there's a rally right now.
Today, it's a veterans rally of Ron Paul for president.
Is he available right this minute, guys?
I guess we'll find out.
In any case, either Adam or Joe, nobody will continue with us here in a moment, and we will take more calls, and then we will continue past this next break.
So, who's with me right now?
Joe, can you hear me?
I'm here.
Okay, we'll continue with you until Adam, he's just going to give us a quick update when he's available.
But go ahead, the scenarios that we were talking about seem very realistic to people, but I think a lot of people are shocked
At some of what you came up with, is this just because you've seen this stuff happen?
Or how is it that you have this understanding of, you know, the bad guys can get really crazy and really violent really quickly?
Where did this information come from?
Well, again, most of the security of people, even the American Army generals, are typically guarded or protected when on foreign soil by private contractors.
And there is a vast database of knowledge out there.
For example, what I was talking about earlier with the suburban home and just driving a vehicle through the front door.
I think everybody remembers that horrific event with the Marines in Beirut in the 1980s.
And what a lesson everybody learned.
It was a real eye-opener for all of the professionals out there in any branch of the service or government service or any of the alphabet agencies or anything.
It's really a combined database of knowledge.
Joe, I apologize for interrupting.
I gotta put you on hold right now.
Go ahead and give us Adam here.
I apologize.
Adam's just jumping in for a quick update.
Adam, are you on the line?
Can you hear me?
Yeah, we're on the air.
Go ahead, Adam.
Hey, this is Adam Kokesh.
I'm here, actually, on stage right now with the event.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm on the air right now on Instagram with Mike Adams, billionth for Alex Jones.
Do we have an applause for Alex Jones?
Thanks very much.
I hope that was a warm welcome for you.
Yeah, that was awesome.
Can you give us an update?
What's happening?
All right.
I hope you appreciate that.
We were in the middle of our musical interlude towards the end of our rally.
We're getting ready to step off here.
There are a lot of people that appreciate InfoWars, that appreciate the Alex Jones Show.
Appreciate you, Mike Adams, for showing up today and what you're doing and all the help that Alex Jones has given us in promoting this event.
Well, likewise, we appreciate what you're doing, Adam, and your show, Adam vs. the Man.
I mean, can you give us a quick update on what's happening there today?
It looks like we're going to have about 400 actual veterans in our formation.
Really excited about the turnout.
It's a very, very, very veteran-heavy crowd.
Of course, we have our family members and supporters here, but really, the power of this community of veterans and active duty guys coming together.
30 seconds, Adam.
You can hear it now.
End this war.
We want Ron Paul for president.
He's a choice for the troops.
He's a client for the Republican Party.
They'll listen to the ones they say they support.
All right, good to hear from you, Adam.
I want to hear more from you after the event, so let's get in touch after this.
Stay with us, everybody.
More to come here on the Alex Jones Show.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Waging war on corruption.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Yeah, we're back.
Welcome to the third hour of the Alex Jones Show.
This is Mike Adams, the health ranger, filling in.
And we're continuing our interview with Joe Nobody, who I must apologize to for cutting him off there in the last segment.
We got a call in from Adam Kokesh, who is live on the march right now.
400-plus veterans are marching on the White House right now to support Ron Paul for president.
That's Adam Kokesh, of course, who is himself a veteran, and he held up the phone there and announced that he's live on the air with InfoWars and got a great round of applause, so we want to support all those veterans.
I'm sure that Kurt Nimmo is probably going to be looking at writing a follow-up story on the results of that march, and I hope to hear from Adam.
We're ready for another call.
Yeah, my name is Barron.
Barron, I'm sorry.
It's okay, it's a little unorthodox.
I'm the founder of WTFROI.com.
I've actually reposted a couple of your articles.
And I have two specific questions about ongoing preparedness.
The first is what you think about, as far as food and it relates to not just
We're good to go.
What do you think about the ongoing?
Fire and smoke is always a risky proposition.
There are some experts who believe that after a collapse, fires, especially around urban areas of homes, because there won't be a fire department, there won't be water pressure, there won't be very many ways to fight a fire, that fires are going to be very common.
So seeing smoke on the horizon might be something that people ignore.
Other people believe that you should never use any type of smoke generating wood, very dry wood.
There's typically a lot of materials in most geographic regions that generate very little smoke.
My advice to people is always try out, try things out, try different materials to burn and see what generates smoke and see what doesn't.
The other thing that I always teach people is if you are going to do a fire, if you're going to start a fire, you need to set up a perimeter.
You don't want to be surprised.
Surprise is always the worst thing.
And Mike, you're better qualified on the food question.
Okay, well, keep it short.
There are a lot of superfood powders that do store for a year or two, enter food being among them, many others.
But if you really want to be prepared, you've got to get into sprouting.
That's my opinion.
Get some sprouting seeds and a sprouting tray.
You could even just use a jar with a special lid or even a small bucket or a canister of some kind.
All you need is water and seeds and you can grow your own nutrition in an emergency situation without even going outdoors.
So it's a really important skill to learn.
Now, Joe Nobody has been our guest.
He's the author of Holding Your Ground.
He's also the author of... What was the book that we just showed there?
Joe, go ahead and tell us the name of your other books on Amazon, please.
There is The Tijuana Tuxedo as a beginning book, mainly about load-carry gear.
There is Without Rule of Law, our latest book, which is in case your preps fail or are overrun and you have to live off the land.
And then our novel is called Holding Their Own.
It's a lot of fun.
Some good prep.
Okay, we gotta let you go.
We're out of time, Joe, but it's been great talking to you.
Thanks for joining us.
Hope to have you on again in the future.
Appreciate all your information.
Thank you, Mike.
Thank you.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We're into the third hour now here on the Alex Jones Show.
This is Mike Adams, the health ranger, filling in for Alex today.
Let me give a shout out to Alex and thanks for the invite for hosting.
I'll also be hosting one week from today, Monday the 27th of February, when we'll have Jonathan E. Moore on.
He's the author of a new book called Restoring, I believe it's called Restoring the Republic, with a foreword written by Ron Paul.
We also will have Dale Carson on, who I mistakenly thought was going to be on today, but he's going to be on next week, which is even better because you saw all the news we had to cover today.
We still have more to get to, in fact.
And then coming up shortly, in a few minutes, we're going to be joined by Dr. Sheldon Marks, a microsurgeon.
And a urologist who has all kinds of great information about medical preparedness, emergency medicine.
If you have questions for Dr. Marks, go ahead and call on in.
We've got the call-in line here at 1-800-259-9231.
And those of you who are already on the line, Barney, Jared, Rio, and more, if you have questions for Dr. Marks, we will be getting to you in the next few minutes to get those questions answered.
Now, you'll notice a lot of the information today is focused on preparedness.
That's because time is growing short.
You know, you see the writing on the wall, you see the red flags out there, you know that we've got to stay prepared or we're going to suffer some, well, potentially suffer some consequences.
We don't know what's coming down the road, but we do know it's smart and wise to be prepared.
But have you ever noticed that now the very acts of preparedness are being
Called almost like terrorism.
Well, how dare you buy extra food and store food?
How dare you go to a military surplus store and buy some equipment to keep yourself safe and prepared?
How dare you use cash or buy gold or buy silver?
These things, well, only crazy people do that, or only radical people, or maybe only terrorists.
But then you learn, well, the government's preparing.
And in a huge way too, not a small way, the government is preparing in a massive way and they have been for decades.
The government has spent hundreds of billions of dollars creating these cave systems.
And I'm from Missouri and I used to drive by these caves in Kansas City.
They're just carved right out of limestone caves.
You can drive an 18-wheeler tractor trailer right into them.
And they drive in and out of there all day long.
You used to be able to see them right from the highway.
I don't know if you still can.
But they have massive amounts of supplies in there for government.
So they've got the food, they've got the medicine, they've got the firearms, the security, the communications, the water filters.
You know, all these things, seed banks to restart and regrow gardens, and you can bet those are not genetically modified seeds, because they know they need to be able to grow them generation after generation.
So it brings up the question, why is it okay for government to prepare, but not you and me?
What's up with that?
Should the government be the only entity that survives a disaster?
Is that the message that we're being sent?
Oh, you little people.
You vaccine-injected, little GMO-consuming, miscreant, sheeple people.
You all are expendable.
Don't prepare.
Don't have any food in your pantry.
Don't read books that teach you basic preparedness.
No, you're all expendable.
But the government, oh my God, the government has to survive.
The continuity of government.
Because of course, this government is so wonderful.
Such a wonderful gift to the world.
We have to keep it alive as is.
No changes.
No reforms.
Keep it alive as is.
Well, you can tell where their priorities are.
Now, I'm not against all government, by the way.
There is obviously a place for some level of certainly local government.
And, you know, I agree with Ron Paul.
Hey, cut at least a trillion dollars out right now.
Slash the government by, I don't know, 80, 90 percent.
Bring it down within reason to where it serves the people once again instead of demanding obedience from the people.
That would be a good situation.
There's also information, have you noticed this new show on National Geographic about preppers?
And in this show they sort of, they show these, the most extreme preppers and then they make fun of them.
They say, well this person built a giant underground bunker.
And my God, that's so ridiculous, they say.
I'm paraphrasing, obviously.
It's so ridiculous because there's only a 0.2% chance of that solar flare happening or, you know, a nuclear war happening or whatever.
So these people are crazy for preparing.
Well, there's a less percent chance of catching the flu, and yet they push flu vaccines every single day.
Go get a flu shot!
And they tell you that the shot's going to prevent the flu.
No, it actually doesn't.
Vitamin D prevents it much better than the flu shot, although, hey, I might take some flack about that comment from our upcoming guest, Dr. Sheldon Marks.
We'll find out.
I'll ask him on the air.
But the government says, you know, be afraid of the flu.
But don't be afraid of economic collapse, because that's never going to happen.
I think they've got their priorities wrong.
I think economic collapse is a lot more treacherous and a lot more likely than catching the flu, especially if you take care of your health with some basic nutritional information.
We're joined now for the rest of this hour by Dr. Sheldon Marks.
He is a urologist and a microsurgeon.
He specializes in vasectomy reversals.
His website is dadsagain.com, you know, if you want to be a dad again and get that vasectomy reversed.
He's the guy who can do it for you.
Now, he is a board member of the Tucson Police Foundation.
He's one of the founding members.
I was one of the early members, a board member of that foundation as well.
That's where I met Dr. Marks and came to really like the guy, respect his opinions on many things.
He's got a lot of great medical knowledge and emergency medicine information that he's going to share with us today.
So, Dr. Marks, are you with us?
I am here.
Ah, okay, great.
Great to hear your voice.
Are you joining us with voice only or Skype video too?
I'm on the video as well.
Oh, I see you now.
There you go.
Okay, awesome.
Great to hear your voice today.
So, what do you think about preparing this, Dr. Marks?
Where do we need to begin?
We probably should have begun a decade ago.
I think what we need to do is when we're talking about preparedness from a medical point of view, you need to start with something that you're an expert in and that's prevention.
I think that obviously people want to take good care of themselves before the crisis occurs.
It doesn't make any sense to be obese and not exercise and smoke and think that when the crisis happens then suddenly I'm going to be in shape and take care of things.
So obviously you want to get those things in order first.
You want to take care of anything that needs to be addressed ahead of time so preventative dentistry for example go to the dentist and and I tell all these people make sure you get your teeth cleaned and you're on top of that stuff because when the crisis occurs or when you don't have access to these things is not the time to start dealing with the abscesses and the root canals in those situations.
Cool to talk about, you know, we're going to prepare.
We want to go out and buy some ammo and get your teeth cleaned.
You know, people don't normally talk about that.
It doesn't have the excitement of getting your MP5 or loading up weapon systems.
But if anything, it's probably more important because if you don't have your health, then the rest of that becomes worthless.
Well, that's a good point.
And where are you going to get insulin in a collapse scenario if you're type 2 diabetic and you need insulin?
Where are you going to get that?
And also, you mentioned obesity.
I mean, you might have to do more physical work.
You might have to work your guard.
You might have to carry gear around.
How are you going to do that if you're not in better shape, right?
So, first thing first is look at your own situation and not just yourself, but look at your family.
Look at your kids, your spouse, your parents.
Who are you going to be involved with?
Who's part of your little community?
And talk to them about health.
And so, part of it is obviously nutrition, diet, exercise, mental health.
Avoiding bad habits.
The tobacco alcohol thing is obviously bad.
But it's also doing preventative things like going to see the dentist.
If you're old enough, 45 or 50, then you should be getting your colonoscopy.
As exciting as that sounds.
You're not making our show sound exciting, Sheldon.
Well, I apologize.
You're freaking out.
I know.
It's those kinds of simple little easy things.
Part of, I guess, when you talk about is once you've gotten past that, then if you're starting to look at from a medical point of view, what are you going to do?
The question is, what are you preparing for?
Uh, and obviously like you had talked earlier about is there's the common things to worry about that are most likely and then there's the rare and more devastating things that people want to talk about and that's the stuff that gets the headlines and gets everyone excited.
You need to take into account all of those things.
You need to think through what are our needs as a family and neighbors.
And then what do we do so that we can take care of ourselves?
And, you know, you're not going to be able to buy a book and go out and do hip reconstructive surgery or the appendectomies.
I mean, it's even when you know what you're doing, simple things can become nightmares just because of the magic of the way the body is designed.
Let's talk about the medical kits.
So a lot of people go out and they buy these medical kits or these first aid kits and it says it's got 500 pieces in it.
And, you know, 490 of those pieces are bandages.
What's your take on these medical kits?
I love Band-Aids.
I think they're the greatest thing, but what you have to do is when you buy a kit, first thing you do is you open it up and you have to look at what's in it and decide what's relevant to you, what do you know how to use, what do you not know how to use.
So if it's got SAM splints in there, which is something everybody should have, if it's got SAM splints, then you definitely want to learn how to use them and when to use them and when not to use them.
If it's got over-the-counter medications in there, you want to learn what they're for, what they're not for, when to avoid using them.
And so you have to go through each of the different content pieces and identify what is best for you, what is relevant for your needs, because probably it's going to be mostly Band-Aids and gauze and cheap things.
And then decide where are the gaps and then go to your local pharmacy or go online and start filling in the gaps with those extra things you're going to need based on what you anticipate your problems may be.
Is there a source that you know of that you might recommend that where people can get, I don't know, full-blown medical kits?
Yeah, there's a few of them and off the top of my head, I'm just blocking on it, I think
Well, you can think about it during the break.
We'll talk about it after the break.
Wilderness medicine-based kits because there you truly are in an austere environment.
You don't have any other resources available and so the concept is if you're out in the wilderness or you're a hunter or you're hiking or you're just out there and something happens it's those wilderness medical kits but I'll have that answer for you after the
Okay, that's good.
We are headed to a break shortly here and we're being joined by Dr. Sheldon Marks here.
We'll continue with him after the break and your calls on emergency medicine.
We've got callers in the queue.
We'll get to your calls here shortly as we continue right here on the Alex Jones Show.
Thanks for joining us.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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We're good.
Okay, we're continuing our interview with Dr. Sheldon Marks.
He's a microsurgeon, a urologist, an author, and also an expert in emergency medical preparedness.
He continues with us in this short segment and also after the break.
And he is, well, he performs vasectomy reversals.
I think five days a week, something along those lines.
At dadsagain.com is a website, and I was just thinking, Dr. Marks, during the break, you know, you're an expert in sort of delicately handling the delicates of lots of men.
You should teach the TSA to be a little more gentle.
They're down there playing rock-em-sock-em robots with everybody's stuff.
That's not cool.
No, especially if you've just had reconstructive surgery down there.
Oh yeah, yeah.
What do you think about the TSA and all their business getting into our business?
You know, that's that... I don't know.
I get so confused because, you know, I think that clearly we want to maintain our rights, but on the other hand, the bad guys unfortunately seem to get all the privileges and we're the ones that get punished.
I think that with 9-11, from what I understood,
The problem was that it wasn't so much people getting on the planes with things, but stuff that had been pre-placed.
In fact, I spoke once to a flight attendant whose plane was grounded on 9-11 before any passengers were allowed on, and she found a bunch of knives and blades already pre-positioned on the plane, obviously by the tarmac workers.
So, everyone's so excited.
I think the problem is we become very reactive.
We wait for something to happen.
So the shoe bomber, suddenly we're looking at shoes.
The underwear bomber, suddenly we're looking at underwear.
We're not thinking ahead.
We're not trying to think what these people are going to do and how they're going to do it.
I think that yes, screening the little old ladies to some degree is important to some point, but I think the tarmac workers are the ones that come and go, and they should be screened, and I have no idea what's happening with those people.
Well, I know this is not what I invited you on here to talk about, but just, you know, the shoe bomber was put on there by government operatives.
The underwear bomber was put on there by high-level operatives.
I mean, this is not an accident, not a coincidence.
But anyway, let's get back to medical issues here.
You know, I do want to take some calls.
Are you okay to take some calls right now?
Sure, I'd love to.
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Very cool.
I also know there's a couple out there named Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy, and their website, I believe, is doomandbloom.net, and they make medical kits that combine Western medicine and a little bit of holistic, like, herbal-based salves and things like that for skin, you know, skin healing, things like that.
So that's something else to check out.
But Adventure Medical Kits.
And what's really important is when you get a kit, look through it.
And remember, just owning it doesn't mean you're going to have it.
If you're not careful with it, then the rodents will get into it.
You want to make sure that it's moisture-proof, because humidity will destroy everything.
So depending on where you live, you'll want to secure it.
And you also want to, twice a year at a minimum, check on it, make sure it is ready to go.
In addition to the home kit, you're probably going to want to have a travel kit, something in your vehicle, and then a little bitty
Pack that you can have with you if you do have to grab and go, kind of a thing.
Yeah, yeah.
Very good points there, Dr. Marks.
Let's go to our caller, John in Pennsylvania.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
How you doing today?
Doing great, man.
Now, I have a question for the doctor, but before I get started, I wanted to make an alert or something new.
We have a gentleman who was on the Daily Paw on February the 7th.
He's a Ron Paul supporter.
He's also hopefully going to be the next Ron Paul.
He's running for Congress on the Pennsylvania 9th.
His name is Travis Schooley.
He has a Facebook page.
And I just wanted to get that out there.
Hopefully some people can send him some cash.
Travis Schooley?
How do you spell his last name?
Okay, just like it sounds.
Travis Schooley.
Interesting candidate.
Do you have a question for Dr. Marks?
He's a great guy from what I understand.
I just found out about him.
He needs a lot of organization though.
I hear you, man.
I hear you.
We've got Dr. Marks as a guest right now.
Do you have a question for him?
I have a very complicated question.
My son is an epileptic, okay?
He had a stroke before he was born.
I'm basically prepared for about every scenario that that last guy talked about, but this.
Is there some type of natural source of anti-seizure medication?
He's on Depakote.
He takes a sprinkle of that.
We got your question, John.
Thanks for calling in.
We're about to go to break, but Dr. Marks, if you would, think about that question during the break and answer it on the other side.
Sounds like he's interested in getting his hands on some anti-seizure medication for his kid.
So that's a very reasonable question.
We'll be back with that answer and a lot more straight ahead here on the Alex Jones Show.
We'll be right back with more emergency medicine information.
Don't go away.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We've got all kinds of news today on InfoWars.com.
Be sure to check out that website.
We've got stories like this one.
Government resurrects plan to monitor all phone calls and emails.
That's by Steve Watson.
We've got other news coming in.
General Dempsey says Iran is a rational actor, not after nukes.
Of course, lots of politicians are trying to make the case that Iran is trying to create nukes.
Maybe they are, maybe they aren't, but shouldn't we at least have some evidence of it first before we start dropping bombs and killing ultimately millions of people?
Signs of Iran activity in Yemen, a U.S.
envoy says.
That's in the Jerusalem Post.
We've got the Silencing the Critics article by Paul Craig Roberts that we covered at the top of the show.
Just reading you some of the headlines before we get back to Dr. Marks here.
Egypt leads fight against NGO agitators.
That's by Tony Cartolucci at Infowars.com.
And then Obama nears his nuclear moment.
This is a Financial Times article.
Now, so much going on.
Check out InfoWars.com for the latest headlines or PrisonPlanet.com as well.
Getting back to Dr. Sheldon Marks, the question before the break was from a gentleman who's got an epileptic child and is wondering what he can do in a collapse scenario to keep his child, to prevent his child from having seizures.
What's your take on that, Dr. Marks?
Well first of all let me just say I know absolutely nothing about epilepsy and the medications and so I'm commenting basically on just some general concepts and then I just went on during the break and did a and tried to find it.
There's very little on when you google it to try to find answers to that.
One thing that I do tell people is
Since we don't know what tomorrow holds, whether it's a gas crisis or a pharmacy shutdown or anything, if you're on any medications or any members of the family, especially important medications, and everyone's stable and happy, you should have at least two to three months worth of that medication available and then use the old stuff first as your restock it.
So, whether it's thyroid medicine, heart medicine, whatever you're taking,
When the crisis occurs is not the time to run to CVS or Walgreens or Walmart and get in line and think that you're going to get your three-month stash.
It's also not the time to try to quit the medication cold turkey.
I'm sure you would agree with that.
I mean we want to get off medications when we can safely ahead of time.
Absolutely right.
Yeah, you don't want to start mixing around with that because at a time when you need to be able to be focused and concentrate on what's going on, it's not the time to start having a lot of health issues.
As far as the epilepsy goes, I'm going to defer to you on that, but the only thing I can find is something called mornita citrifolia.
And that was just somebody responded to a Depakote blog and and and so probably the thing to do is to seek out a health care professional who's familiar with alternatives to Depakote and find out what's available but I would be very cautious because I do know that when you start to mess with medications you can change the seizure threshold and I'd hate for that kid to have problems while you're trying to transition if you're doing it on your own.
So never do that kind of stuff with
I would say this is just another example of why it's good to get off as many meds as you can because
You know, who knows what the real cause behind that epilepsy?
Seizures can be promoted in part by dietary sources.
You know, aspartame, excitotoxins, some of the chemical adjuvants in some vaccines have caused seizures in many children.
It's one of the main side effects of vaccines.
There are, you know, lots of sources where you can pick up bad chemicals, pesticides for example, that can lead to that.
So, sorry to the caller, we can't answer his question directly, but he's going to have to do some more research.
Yeah, it's a tough one.
Let's talk about, for a second, real quick, vaccinations, because I know we kind of differ on that a little bit.
Yeah, go ahead.
I know there's a lot of controversy, and I don't know the answer, but there are some vaccinations that you might disagree on, I think, are pretty important for people to consider, especially in the scenarios that your listeners are aware of, and one of them, for example, is tetanus.
You want to make sure you're up to date on that.
That's not the time to step on a rusty nail and end up sick and dying because you didn't want to get your tetanus update, you know.
Yeah, or maybe cholera, huh?
Yeah, cholera is also, yeah, but cholera is a little bit trickier because you have to keep updating that.
Hepatitis, one of the big things that happens after disasters is people get a lot of hepatitis.
So, there's a hepatitis vaccine out there that is, I'm not aware of any horrible side effects, but then again, I've not really looked at that a lot.
You know, the thing is, there's one school of thought, is that there is such a thing as a safe vaccine.
If they had a one-shot vaccine, let's say Hepatitis C, that's a one-shot or a two-stage vaccine that did not have the chemical adjuvants in it, and it did not have the thimerosal in it because it was being one vial shared by ten different people, so they don't need the preservative.
You know, if you can have it without the thimerosal and without the aluminum and without the polysorbate 80 and without the formaldehyde, arguably that could be a... arguably could be an understandably safe vaccine, but... Right.
But at the same time, and this goes with everything, whether it's aspirin or Pepto-Bismol or even the natural supplements, everybody is different.
Everyone responds differently to everything that you put in your body.
And so you have to know what you're doing and weigh the benefits and the risks.
Well, yeah, and the problem, Dr. Marks, is that they're slamming these little kids with nine vaccines all at once that have the mercury in them, that have the aluminum in them, that have the adjuvants in them, and some of them just go into comas.
Some of them just die.
And, you know, I've been talking to people trying to understand and I think, and again, this is something I know nothing about, it's not my field of expertise, but people who are involved in the vaccines and talking about the Dan Doctors and the autism are saying the vaccines individually are not the issue, it's when they're combined, when the little baby gets 400 vaccines in one shot, combined with Tylenol, overloads the system.
So, again, the vaccines
I'm worried about them as well, but on the other hand, measles is coming back and some of these diseases are horrible and they're devastating and they're life-destroying.
So before you say blanket no to vaccines, you need to look at each one and think about what it is you're saying no to and look at the risks because whooping cough is coming back, like I said, measles is back, polio is still around, you know, there's
You know, those things don't concern me, Dr. Marks.
I mean, measles, no big deal.
Even this aggressive TB.
Get some good vitamin D going.
Speaking of vitamin D, for those, I've got my whole stash right here.
Wow, you have actually a box of vitamin D. I have a box of them.
I go through them.
Yeah, so I take my vitamin D. Yeah, I'm not worried about polio.
You know, a lot of this, I know you didn't want to get into necessarily a vaccine debate, but some of this is just about hygiene and having clean sewer systems.
Right, now you've moved to the smartest thing.
The best thing you can do, if you're concerned about your health, now, if bad things happen, if you're out camping, if it's the end of the world, whatever, is, believe it or not, the easiest thing, again, we're not about excitement, is just washing your hands.
Washing your hands before you prepare food.
Washing your hands after you go to the bathroom.
Washing the kitchen utensils, watching the preparation space.
I mean, if you just wash your hands, then you dramatically reduce by at least half the number of people that get horrible intestinal things like the cholera.
One and a half million kids still die every year in the world from diarrhea, again an exciting subject, from just simple hygiene issues.
You're just full of exciting subjects for us today, Dr. Rice.
I'm kind of, yeah, if it involves the pelvic area, then that's kind of my world, I guess.
You're like the sober up doctor, like everybody else is talking about.
Get yourself a bunker, get some smoke grenades, and you're like, get a colonoscopy and check your teeth.
Right, I know.
You know, yeah.
No, but you're the guy who's going to save lives, you know.
You're the guy who's really... I mean, this is important.
It's the handwashing, and people forget that because it's not the exciting thing.
It's not the drama thing.
Something really simple that everyone really should do is take a CPR first aid course.
But not just yourself, because if you're the guy lying there with the chest pain, make sure your wife, make sure your teenage kids know what to do.
Make sure even little kids know to call 911, as long as we have that.
Make sure, you know, your neighbors are really your strongest suit.
I mean, so you want to buy things and do all this cool stuff, but truly the strength of survival comes with a like-minded group of people.
So, your neighbors, your friends, people at church, at school, at work,
You should all do a CPR first aid class there.
You should talk about who's got what skills and who knows what things.
Maybe someone was a dental assistant for 10 years before they did something else.
Maybe it turns out there's a paramedic who lives right behind you that you don't know about.
So you want to, that's a smart thing to do that most people don't do because they're so caught up, you know, stockpiling things.
Good advice.
We're going to get to a caller here in a second, but I've got one more question for you, Dr. Marks.
A lot of people in the Prepper community, they keep asking me, how do they get legitimate medication painkillers for emergency use only?
And of course, lots of red flags go off, painkillers, painkillers, you know, Whitney Houston, everything.
But is there any legitimate legal way to get something that might work in a total breakdown scenario that, you know, as a medication painkiller, something beyond, you know, aspirin and Tylenol?
Anything that's controlled narcotics unfortunately has a very thick paper trail with it.
So if I write for a prescription for narcotics, I have to include my federal numbers and they monitor those prescriptions and I have to have appropriate documentation in a medical record as to why that gentleman got his four Tylenol with codeines or lower tabs or Percodans.
However, I was just reading a book
That listed the pain blocking qualities of all medications and I was surprised to see that an 800 milligram ibuprofen
With all the potential side effects that I'm sure you'll tell about.
But an 800 milligram ibuprofen is far and away more powerful than almost all the other medications.
What narcotics do is they really don't make the pain go away.
They simply dull you to where you can just, you don't care about it.
Whereas the anti-inflammatories like ibuprofen, what they do is they actually block the chemicals that stimulate the nerves that then your brain interprets as pain.
But what about getting something quickly, where you got a buddy that's just been injured, you know, he's bleeding, he's screaming.
How do you help your buddy?
Well, in the military world, they would give them these fentanyl lollipops.
It's a very powerful narcotic.
They would suck on it.
And I've been involved with a lot of that kind of training.
What we're basically told and understand is they're not going to remember the horrible, excruciating pain they're going through.
You are, and it may be upsetting to you, so you have to focus on what you have to do.
So whether it's applying tourniquets or using combat gauze to stop bleeding or whatever you have to do, that has to be first.
The pain really is more
It's a tough one, because you really aren't going to have narcotics.
And if you have narcotics in your possession, and you don't have a prescription for it, then I think there's all kinds of felonies you've committed, and then bad people start, you know... And if you have narcotics, you can bet that some looters are going to want to get that supply from you.
Right, absolutely.
So yeah, you don't want to put a sign out.
I guess you could call up Whitney Houston's estate and get...
You don't want to have a big pharmacy sign on your door.
Any major movie star or musician will have a good stash.
How sad is it that Whitney Houston was killed by FDA approved pharmaceuticals just like Heath Ledger, just like Elvis Presley.
In fact, you know what?
Bruce Lee was killed by brain swelling, allergic reaction to a medication as well.
We're going to actually do a story on that.
But I mean, I know they have their role in medicine.
The problem is that it's the doctor who, when someone comes in and has a problem, we want to make them better.
And everybody functions from their own direction.
So the standard, if you come to me and you've got a bladder infection, I'm going to want to treat you with what's in my arsenal of treatments.
And someone's going to come to different people and get different things.
The problem is, a lot of these people know how to play the game, and so they'll go to one doctor and get Xanax.
The doctor will be conservative and say, I'm only going to give you 10 of these.
Then they'll go to another doctor for back pain.
Well, I'm going to give you some narcotics, but I'm not going to give you too many.
And by the end of the week, they've seen four or five different doctors who, not knowing that the other doctors exist, loaded these people up with large stashes.
We saw one lady once when I was riding with a paramedic out here, and
Five different doctors had given her narcotics, and she was calling the paramedics because she was severely constipated and wanted help.
Again, we're back down to the pelvic area.
But the point is, none of these doctors realized that the other doctors were prescribing these narcotics, which have a constipation as a side effect.
So that's a classic example of what happens, and these celebrities have the clout to be able to make a phone call, have a doctor come to them, get in to see somebody,
Celebrities and wealthy, super wealthy, tend to surround themselves with yes-men, like the Emperor's New Clothes.
So people who, if somebody says no to them, they're fired.
And then they'll find somebody who'll say yes.
Well, this is the story of Rush Limbaugh and how he got into his addiction to drinks.
I mean, they get so many people, they find somebody who doesn't have the strength to say no, and they find people who will give them what they want, and they go somewhere else, and especially if they travel a lot,
Alright, good answers Dr. Marks.
Let's get to some callers though.
We've got Jared in North Carolina.
You're on the air.
Go ahead with a question for Dr. Marks, please.
Hey guys, how are y'all today?
Doing good.
Hey, good man.
Glad to be on InfoWars finally, but I've never really had a chance to speak to a doctor who I would maybe, you know, think outside of, I guess, just the stereotypical system of, you know, throw a pill at it.
But my question's probably not in your field, but I've always had, since I was a kid, had all kind of crazy sinus issues.
And I've seen doctors all over North Carolina.
I've been to Duke, some of the best trained physicians of
Yeah, they're specialties, and I guess my question is not necessarily into preparedness for an economic collapse, but more along the lines of chemical warfare on American people now, and our food and our water.
I've had several dollars, I was saying, I've had all these kind of sinus issues my whole life, and nobody's ever been able to tell me what it was.
No, good question, but what we're going to run into here is everybody's going to call with their specific medical question for Dr. Marks, who's really focused in a narrow area.
Let me broaden that question, if you don't mind, to say for anybody, Dr. Marks, for anybody who's got a specific medical concern now that may be a mystery condition or a chronic condition, what is the strategy that they can go through to try to resolve that, you know, ahead of
The end of the world, as we know it, or whatever scenario people might have in mind.
What's your advice?
I think to do is, what this gentleman did makes sense, is you go to the best you can, find the experts, here's my problem, and see what they have to say.
But, and since in light of what you do in your world is, is their answers are going to come from their training,
It's standard Western medicine.
Here's the problem.
I'm going to treat you.
You have something physically wrong.
We can do surgery.
Here's some medications.
Tell me if you're better.
He may have some weird allergies.
Maybe he needs to see some allergists and get that checked out.
It may be that what you have to do is seek out some doctors who've got a lot of mixed training.
So on one hand are the naturopaths, alternative medicine people, and that's all they do.
The other extreme are the Western
Standard medicine doctors, that's my world, and then in the middle are the ones, the MDs, like the ones that Dr. Andrew Weil is based out of Tucson here, and people have done their medical training and then they go and do additional fellowship training in integrative complementary medicine.
And so if I were to go to see one of those guys and say, hey here's my problem, then you're getting the best of everything.
Then you're saying, okay, let's look and see what this is, but let's also look at this and let's consider that.
To me, that seems to be the smartest solution for people.
That makes sense.
To find these doctors who really are straddling both sides of the fence because if a bear is charging you and you've got a rifle with two rounds in it, you're not going to fire one and throw the rifle down.
I think use everything you've got.
And so use the best of everything to try to figure out what the problem is and then try some of the treatments.
Dr. Marks, we're about to wrap up this segment.
I want to thank you for joining us.
You've also published a couple of books on prostate cancer.
You want to give those books out here?
Give the name out?
It's a fourth edition.
It's called Prostate and Cancer, A Family Guide to Diagnosis, Treatment, and Survival.
And it's a question and answer, kind of walk you from first thing all the way through on prostate cancer prevention diagnosis.
There's a section in there on complementary and integrative medicine.
And your website on your surgery?
Uh, and the surgery is dadsagain.com for vasectomy reversals.
Interestingly, I did have, I've had several men who wanted a reversal and the sole reason was they wanted to restore their fertility for the kind of scenarios that you and your listeners talk about.
Ah, that's interesting.
Okay, uh, stay with us there.
I want to ask you on the other side, we'll be right back on the other side of this break.
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We're good.
Yeah, we've been talking with Dr. Sheldon Marks.
He's an expert in emergency medicine and survival medicine, you might say.
Oh, we're over here.
And he's still on the line with us to answer this last question about, well, he said right before the break that a lot of people are showing up and wanting to have vasectomy reversals to restore fertility in preparation for a collapse scenario or what might be happening ahead.
Dr. Marks, you still on the line?
Yeah, I'm still here.
Can you give us more information about that?
I mean, that people are doing that is interesting.
Yeah, usually most couples that come to us, it's to restore fertility after a divorce, a loss of a child, just a change of heart.
But we've had a fair number of guys who came to us from around the country and actually internationally, and some of them are married, some of them are single.
And we always say, you know, what's the reason for wanting this vasectomy reversal?
And several of them have said, I just want to have my fertility restored for just in case.
I just think that's going to be a potential important thing and I want to have that option on the table.
All right, well, that's good to know.
It's one way to fight back against Bill Gates and the globalists, you know, have children instead of depopulating the planet, which is something that we cover here on InfoWars.
Thanks for joining us today, Dr. Marks.
It was good having you on.
My pleasure and honor.
All right, well, take care.
That was Dr. Sheldon Marks, everybody.
Definitely an interesting guy.
Which camera are we on here?
Another thing I want to show you today, the guy who created these, they're called Conspiracy Cards, sent me a set and I just thought they were so cool.
I want to share them with you.
I don't know if you can get a document shot, but...
These are cards that you can hand to people that explain each of the top, the major conspiracies.
Like, here's one on fluoride that just breaks it down.
You can hand it to somebody.
Here, learn about fluoride.
Here's one on food.
Here's the depopulation agenda.
Here's one on chemtrails.
One on vaccines.
Very, very cool information.
You know, just sort of bite-sized.
You can share with somebody.
Hey, if they don't already think you're nuts,
Hand him one of these and then let him start asking questions.
But the truth is, you're not nuts, you're just informed.
You see, now being informed makes you, puts you in a category of being crazy in our society because only disinformation is allowed to be considered reality out there, it seems like.
Anyway, you can find these at conspiracycards.com.
Very, very cool information.
Now, in the couple minutes we have remaining, I would like to go ahead and take a couple of calls myself from those who've been waiting, because I like to get to callers as much as possible.
So if you're still there, John in Wisconsin, go ahead, you're on the air.
Hi Mike, thank you so much for taking my call and I really have to give credit where credit is due on the topic of preparedness.
I've been kind of stumping for preparedness issues on the Alex Jones Show and so I've got to say thank you to Jaron and Mike Jacobson, whomever is making the decisions, Alex.
And also, being from the Dairy State, you have, you Mike and Alex have huge, huge fans in the raw milk freedom
In the food freedom movement.
Max Cain, his farmer, has been under fire quite a bit from that judge, Justice Feigler, who said that you have no inherent right to raise your own food on your own property.
No, it's pretty incredible.
And there's a big announcement coming up next week.
A week from today, we're going to have a guest on the show that has a big announcement about raw milk and some freedom events.
So that is coming up.
Go ahead.
You're such a great substitute.
My girlfriend loves listening to you.
I personally love listening to your YouTube video where you broke down the last book by, what's his name, the astrophysicist.
I'm blanking right now.
The physicist Stephen Hawking?
I have a question for you if you can do it on the other side.
Uh, can we go into overdrive, guys?
Let's do some overdrive.
Yeah, stay on the line, man.
But for those on the radio, thank you for joining us today.
I really appreciate sharing this information with you.
This is Mike Adams, the health ranger for the Alex Jones Show.
Retransmission of the show begins now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Take care.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
All right, we're going into a few minutes of overdrive.
Thanks for continuing with us here.
This is Mike Adams, a health ranger.
We have a call from John in Wisconsin.
You're still with us, John.
Go ahead.
Hi Mike, thank you so much again for covering all of your food freedom issues.
I just kind of, as an open-ended question, I actually had some specific ones for the good doctor and your other guests on fairness.
For you specifically, what would you gauge the interest to be in doing a Freedompalooza or any other kind of a rock and roll mixed with a festival of speakers?
If you and someone like Greg Palast and Rosa Carey and Naomi Wolf were at an event, I would travel across the country to go and see you.
Would you be open to that?
Hey, I would travel to go see something like that, too.
The thing is, I'm not traveling by air because of the TSA.
You know, you saw my TSA help wanted satire video.
They got censored by YouTube.
Yeah, I have no doubt those guys are trying to put a little bag of fake cocaine in my luggage if they get a chance, so I'm not giving them the opportunity, and I don't think Alex is traveling by air right now either, is he?
So, a lot of us are really not able to get somewhere unless we can do it by road, but if it's somewhere near Texas that I could get to, I would love to do something like that, and I think it'd be really rocking, a huge success.
You know, I've never met Naomi and I haven't met Greg Pallas in person either.
Those are two people that I really admire and would love to meet as well.
So I think it's a great idea, man.
How about Skype on a big screen?
I'm working with some fellows from We Are Change Minnesota and some of the Midas Resources guys and We Are Change Wisconsin.
Put you on a big screen, do it via Skype, and then you wouldn't have to travel.
Hey, I'm totally up for that.
In fact, I do a lot of that already, and so I'm happy, would be happy to promote an event like that as well as be part of it via Skype video.
That would be great.
It's also more secure because a lot of us guys and gals who are better known, you know, in the Patriot movement, we got to be mindful of security.
And so we don't necessarily like to surround ourselves with, you know, public that we can't, if we can't be safe about.
I mean, we love to meet people.
We love to shake hands.
We love to get out there like I did last week in Dallas and Alex did just yesterday in Dallas and next week in Orlando.
But we also got to be safe about it because
Because, you know, there are plenty of bad guys who don't want us to continue speaking freely.
Not to get too far into detail, I know exactly what you're talking about.
I have had some bad guys show up in the past and talk into their collars and all sorts of things at events that I've run or sponsored or been at.
So I know what you're talking about.
Um, and, uh, and believe me that that sentiment is not lost on me.
Thanks again, Mike Adams.
You are, I love Alex to death.
I listen to him every day.
And if I can't make it because of my business, I listen to the podcast.
Um, and I just want to say thanks for, uh, uh, sitting in.
Well, thank you, John.
I'm really happy to sit in.
It's a great honor to be here, and I'm really glad that Alex invites me to be here.
And I take this role seriously.
I really do my homework and try to deliver a good show for you, packed with information.
You know, it's not just entertainment.
It's really very usable, practical information.
I hope you agree.
I work hard to bring guests in here.
You know, and I've got to say, too,
In defense of Alex Jones and everything that he does, from time to time there are snipes and trolls out there who take shots at him.
Usually that's people who have never put in the hours, they've never paid their dues, they've never done the hard work that it takes to be an effective voice for freedom and liberty, which Alex is.
Alex has earned his place and I respect that.
I think that most listeners also respect that.
Alex has helped a lot of people succeed.
He has given out names and books and websites, and a lot of people really honor that, but some of them don't, and some of them don't appreciate that, and I think they're wrong in that.
Alex deserves credit.
He is leading.
He's the tip of the spear on the patriot movement and freedom.
Of information in America and that's why I'm here volunteering to support InfoWars and support this whole team and Alex really deserves our support.
So I'm just happy to be part of it.
Thank you for listening today.
Thank you for all of your support.
Check out more news at InfoWars.com and tonight of course InfoWars Nightly News is coming up.
I'll see you again in a week.
Take care.