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Name: 20120217_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 17, 2012
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, my friends, welcome!
We had an exclusive interview last night on the Nightly News with Kurt Haskell, the attorney, the survivor of the underwear bomber, and as one of the victims, one of the survivors of that attack, he was able to read into the record the evidence of what he witnessed in the U.S.
government getting him on the aircraft and protecting the insane jihadist.
They go out and find crazies and put them on the aircraft, and was able to point out that you are not a Muslim hero, you are a tool of the globalist, you are a patsy.
And that did actually make some of the corporate dinosaur media that's been involved in a blackout.
You know, Kurt Haskell had heard this show, and had heard about 9-11 Truth, and didn't buy into it.
And when he watched the government get him on the plane, which a month and a half after he told us on the show he saw this, it was confirmed by the State Department and Congressional hearings and C-SPAN aired it live, and then he saw the cover-up and everything they did in that trial, whether they were saying to Muttalib, we'll kill your family if you don't plead guilty, or whether he was just a crazy jihadi they set up, Haskell witnessed this and now says that he's woken up and
You know, may basically get out of the country.
And he was telling us, you know, why even sue the government?
Because he thinks the whole country is going to collapse.
And he was looking at some of the different reports that are coming out from the big banks that if things aren't reversed the next year and a half, it's a guaranteed total collapse.
I mean, just absolute, not just a depression, but just a shutdown of many services in society.
The whole thing runs from bad to worse.
That's why the globalists want to have a depression, but a controlled one.
And they've said this at Davos many years, Bilderberg's talked about it, CFR, Trilateral Commission, publicly have said, a controlled post-industrial world, a controlled collapse, but, and if they need to have a big World War III to do that, they'll do it.
And here we are, just with proxy wars in Libya, proxy wars bringing down Syria, proxy revolutions in Egypt, proxy revolutions being exported into Iran, bombings, bases being blown up, people being assassinated, magnet bombs thrown onto cars by motorcycles.
Israel's using Al-Qaeda to do the killing.
Even NBC News reports that.
And we've reached this twilight zone point where everything I've been talking about is hidden in plain view, admitted.
But then even when the general public, many of them, see the information, it's like, yeah, but I still got to get my rights up.
Al Qaeda is going to get me.
And then I've got stacks of news again today where Google, Twitter,
Facebook, all of them are announcing censorship, working with any governments they want to track exactly where you are from every Twitter, to block Twitters with keywords before they go out, to not let people politically organize with it, Google tracking people, Google delisting people when government asks, including the U.S.
Just a bum rush.
You know, and I guess Maya was right a few weeks ago, and we quote, beat SOPA for now, that the recording industry wanted to ham-fistedly go in and start chopping up the internet itself, and the big mega-technology companies in Silicon Valley, and River Murdoch even tweeted about this himself.
They came in and said, no, no, no, we're going to run this.
Governments aren't going to run this.
We're going to do it.
We know how to do it.
We know how to, you know, call it, oh, well, we're just changing the way YouTube operates.
So you put in one of my video headlines now and it doesn't show up or only somebody's copy of it does.
I'm seeing that now.
I mean, we're being delisted everywhere.
They've delisted us off the news of Google.
And they admit they're censoring, and people are like, no, they're not censoring.
So it's all coming down.
I mean, it is getting, it is getting crazy.
I'm going to tell you about the guests that are coming up.
Huge amounts of news.
I'm going to try to cover it all straight ahead on this Friday edition.
We'll be right back.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
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Welcome ladies and gentlemen, it is Friday.
It is already the 17th day of February 2012.
We've got Greg Palast, BBC investigative journalist with huge breaking news on a host of military fronts, economic fronts, web censorship fronts, and the inside scoop on News Corp.
Obviously being blackmailed and controlled by the Obama deception operation.
Suddenly you're seeing a lot of Obama worship over at News Corp.
And Sky TV is now suddenly worshiping the Labour Party over in England because they've got the prosecutors ready to drop the hammer on all of them.
They just arrested eight more News Corp.
people last week.
So, this could be the end of News Corp as we know it.
Unless they'll basically become Current TV and hire Al Gore on their board.
And I'm not joking, you may see stuff like that.
So this may be the only way the globalist liberal arm of the New World Order can actually get viewers is to actually have a hostile intelligence operation take over of News Corp through blackmail.
Of course, News Corp's got plenty of dirt on the left arm of the New World Order that they're part of, but there is infighting inside the system.
The Founding Fathers said over and over again, the one thing that'll stop tyranny
There's two things, a vigilant, active population with a Republican form of government.
A Republic, doesn't mean Republican Party if you're a new listener.
Every time I say Republican form of government, they go, how dare you say a Republican government only?
That's not what we're talking about.
Side issue, the point is that you need an active, awake, informed, involved population that defends liberty.
Aggressively, but you've also, in this fight, on top of that, need to understand there's a separation of powers, so that the power structure's always busy fighting with itself over the power, so you can't get one centralized dictator-type guy in total full control.
All right, continuing here.
Let me just go over some of the headlines and then it's Friday, I'm just gonna open the phones up instead of just ranting off into oblivion over all of this news.
Let me just start, let me just start here.
Conservatives and enthusiasts cheer the end of the long gun registry.
In Canada, National Post.
Now, Canadians a decade ago said when they pass this, they're going to use it for gun confiscation.
And indeed, they would just come confiscate legal collections of firearms, trumping up reasons.
It's been all over their news.
And so now the long gun registry is gone, not the handgun registry, but the long gun registry has been overturned.
And again,
We're having overall victories against the social engineers.
They're still taking over infrastructure and have the high ground politically and with their printing presses of fiat money, but they morally have the low ground.
And that's why I've seen the polls roughly go from 50% or so for restricting the Second Amendment in the 70s and 80s to now some polls as high as 80% want less gun laws.
They understand it's about victim disarmament.
The government can't and won't protect you.
I've seen numbers
You can pull these up where, back in the 70s, right around 60% of people or so, depending on which study, were for abortion.
They've been sold it's not a human and, you know, it's no big deal and it's trendy and cool and a civil right.
And the lies that, well, if it's to save the woman's life, shouldn't you have an abortion?
It's not called an abortion.
It's called a medical procedure if it's to save the woman's life, okay?
More lies, more deception.
Nobody's not going to go in and do a procedure.
Unfortunately, the baby dies over the mother, okay?
That's always been the way it is in just modern medicine.
But now it's upwards of 75-80% are against abortion.
You can just type that in, you know.
Tide turns, you know, America now anti-abortion, especially in young people.
The numbers are in the 90s in some cases.
So there's been a total flipping.
People are anti-gun grabbing now, anti-gun control.
They're for controlling the gun in their hand, real gun control.
They're anti-abortion, they're anti-UN, they're anti-globalist.
See, the globalists were able to take over America through traitor media, by owning the media.
They were able to slowly brainwash people, twist things, sell things.
But the fad's over.
Honeymoon's over.
Honeymoon's over.
I mean, in Canada, despite the globalists in control of that Parliament, the Queen suspending their Parliament three times in the last four years, and all of it, over things like this, they have now overturned the major gun registry.
This is a big deal.
You know, you remember three years ago when the Copenhagen document got leaked, and it was for world government.
They were trying to get it passed without the third world seeing it.
In one day all this came out in the internal emails of the UN, fixing the numbers globally, and we've got to hide this fraud, and it's all about reducing population, and all the eugenics boards.
I had the guys go buy champagne, and we literally drank an $80 bottle of champagne in here, which is a lot for, you know, around here, folks.
And I mean, and I said, you know what?
After the show, I actually, and I'm not saying you should celebrate with alcohol, but it was like I just won the Indy 500.
All of us did.
I drove to the store, got a bottle of champagne, and went home with my wife.
And we had that bottle of wine.
I mean, I just... It's so good!
We can do it!
We got to start feeling so good when I think about it!
We can beat these people, ladies and gentlemen.
I know we can.
And people haven't learned that yet, but they're starting to.
And in the understanding that we can win and we've got strength is the victory.
In the understanding of how strong we are, we can win.
I mean, I know a lot of you are like, why has this guy just got tears in his eyes?
You know, involuntarily over going back to that moment.
It's because you get excited when your team wins the Super Bowl or the playoffs.
I've seen grown men get, just like I did, coaches cry.
I mean, back when I was a teenager, I'd cry when the Cowboys won.
You know, get a tear in my eye of happiness while we were high-fiving, you know, at a barbecue.
That's a simulation of what real humanity is.
I get an endorphin rush just going back to watching that enemy Death Star blow up.
And I told you that was going to reverse their entire environmental eugenics movement.
And it's been a major wedge into their operation.
It has been devastating, and they admit it.
Al Gore is now a joke, his own people running from him.
I mean, it's a devastating win.
Man, savor that.
A devastating victory.
Now this isn't as big as that, but it's another signpost.
Even though Canada is so rigged, just like our system, still there's freedom.
It was a victory when the head Rothschild got caught being a puppet master over Russian oligarchs and major British government officials.
He sued trying to say it wasn't true and the suit reversed and it all came out and it was still, even in some of the most rigged courts in the world, when it comes to libel, strongest libel laws in the world, the judge said you were deceptive and got caught.
I read part of the ruling here on air.
You lied to us.
You filed a bad suit.
You are a puppet master.
The globalists don't want us to have confidence, and I'm telling you, it's a lie that we can't turn this around.
As bad as this new world order is, as out of control, as many people are asleep, and brain damaged by the globalist propaganda, and poisoned in the food and water and the rest of it, when you finally get wise to the scam, no matter how big and sophisticated, it just doesn't float anymore.
And their boat's got more holes in it every day.
And that's why I still get so angry at the mainstream media that are a bunch of teleprompter-reading Decepticons sitting there lying to people and posing in their big, giant, slick studios.
We could do the exact same thing.
I guess maybe we should, just to make a point.
And the fact that still with some people, if you're wearing a fancy suit and tie and reading off a teleprompter and looking like you have the perfect diction and eloquence, but you're reading a script,
That even after the dinosaur media has imploded to about 10% of what it was 20 years ago, they still have that air, that air of
Being the establishment.
And when that domino falls, it's over.
And they're already trying to segue.
They're already dispatching establishment people into cyberspace, into internet news, as that becomes the total platform, to try to replace the true alternative media as they begin to censor and shut all of us down.
And just a side issue, and I apologize because
It's not even worthy of discussion, but the Young Turks, which means kind of a secret society, a luminous group that actually took over Turkey, kind of an anti-Islamicist group.
That's, I guess, why they use that name.
I mean, it's good, kind of a Ford Foundation, Media Matters, Al Gore funded deal.
I mean, it's like kind of a joke in everybody's face.
That's where that name comes from.
I just saw some video where they were saying they're the number one news show on the internet in the world.
And I said, if you look at Alexa, and if you look at, you know, all of our internet traffic and streams and podcasts and all of our YouTube channels, we dwarf them.
And a bunch of other people dwarf them.
And, I mean, Glenn Beck's bigger than they are on the internet.
I'm sick of Al Gore dispatching some people that show Hollywood clips all day and then call that news and then say they're bigger than people when with hardcore info we're beating
The establishment media and the establishment spinoff counterfeit alternative media with real hardcore news.
That says the people are hungry for truth.
That says the awakening is winning.
That's an attack on all of us to say this show is at number one.
Number one in full spectrum alternative media.
Drudge is in disputed number one in old line media, alternative media, and agenda setting.
There's just nothing compared to it.
And the system attacks him every day saying it's wrong, he shouldn't be able to set the agenda.
Because he does.
More than New York Times, Twitter, Facebook, all of them combined, the actuaries have been done.
And I'm just stating facts here, okay?
We're number one.
That means you're number one.
That means we're winning.
We're winning.
And more and more I realize the fact that we're winning needs to be trumpeted.
So we're going to start publishing more of these numbers, going over it, pointing it out, so you know the victories you're having.
I want you to email, I want you to Facebook, I want you to Twitter out InfoWars.com to everybody.
The more they try to censor us, the more we've got to fight back.
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As I've explained, going back thousands of years, tribal chiefs would dress up in big fancy crowns and flowing robes to impress everyone.
And that's what the mainstream media does.
And listeners tell me, wear a suit, wear a tie every show, have an even fancier studio.
And I kind of want to ask the audience, I mean, I can hire a company to come in here and do that.
To spend a few hundred thousand dollars, and to build a big fancy studio, and I can go get thousand dollar suits, and I could even have people load my own writing in a teleprompter so I look right at it, and do that.
But you know what?
I'm not going to.
I'm not going to.
Because that's all part of this fake culture.
Sure, it's good to wear a sports jacket sometimes, but that's not what the information is.
If I wore a pair of sunglasses today on this TV show, the TV show version of the broadcast, if I did that, if I wore sunglasses,
It would suddenly all be in the comments on the video from it when we post it about how I was wearing sunglasses.
It's all about the surface of things.
And that's how Bill Gates can sit up there and wear a suit and a tie and act real gentlemanly and talk in a friendly, non-threatening voice.
And he is basically like Adolf Hitler.
I mean, he's a eugenicist on record that says reduce population.
He can pull his quotes up.
He, quote, used vaccines
In fact, I've got the quotes again today, right out of news articles, right out of video quotes of him.
I saw a UK independent article re-quoting quotes.
What was the headline?
Bill Gates says use vaccines and GMO to reduce population.
I mean, how much more obvious does it get?
But because he's this little friendly guy, and I've talked a lot about this,
I've talked a lot about this over the years, that serial killers, it comes out in criminology, know to wear a suit and tie, and to be clean cut, and they just can get women in cars with them a lot easier.
Because women don't think a guy in a suit and tie is going to pull a gun on them and say, I'm taking you out to a farm.
Just be quiet.
Everything will be OK.
Of course, it's not going to be OK.
And they get them to the farm and tie them down and rape them for a couple of weeks and torture them and, quote, use them up.
And the globalists are a bunch of serial killers in suits, openly setting up world government.
And here is the alternative media that in every metric is crushing the old dinosaur media, but still even those of us in the alternative media...
That is the new media and supplanting the globalist media, the deceptive trader media, we still, more people I've talked to, still marvel at, oh my gosh, you were on Fox Business, Alex!
I saw YouTube and they played a clip of your show on one of those.
Fox Business on average has about 75,000 viewers at one time.
We've got over a million listening right now, conservatively.
It'll be over three million in three hours.
Million, conservatively, from the AM and FM affiliates.
Look, I'm not getting into my show here about this all day.
I'm just illustrating it's all a hoax.
It's all a fraud.
It's all a scam.
And it's so incredibly irritating to see them get away with this hoax.
Because even though they don't have any viewers anymore, even though it's a joke, even though they're falling apart and trying to censor the web now and alternative media because they know, the liars know, they're an imploded rotten husk, a shell, a facade, a projection.
They know that.
They're very well aware of it.
I mean, sometimes they'll say, oh my gosh, they played a clip of your show on CNN.
My gosh, the average CNN show has about a quarter million viewers.
Their top show is one million.
Oh man, congratulations!
You know when I say congratulations?
When Rush Limbaugh talks about InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
That's 20 plus million real people.
Or George Norrie with 16 million.
Oh, go on there for three hours, talk about the New World Order?
Talk to 16 million people?
That's congratulations!
And again, what do they want to do?
They want to put Fairness Doctrine back on talk radio.
Because talk radio is the only old-line media that has any big audiences.
Okay, I'll cover the news when we come back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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You know, I analyzed why I get so angry.
And I intended to actually open the broadcast up today with it, just so people would understand my mindset.
But it's really simple.
I am frustrated by being aware of the amazing corruption and out-of-control danger
That the globalists are bringing us all under, including themselves, and that it's so obvious and documented, and that the threat is bearing down on us day by day with the threat of global war, bioweapons releases, you name it.
I'm so frustrated that it's just hanging out there, getting worse by the minute, worse by the day.
And it would be so easy to reverse if people would just realize the magnitude of it and look around them.
That I just get angry.
I get angry because it's like having to watch a building burn up with a bunch of little kids inside of it.
I mean, I think about if the globalists get their Agenda 21 through, it's designed to reduce world population, according to State Department Random 200, and literally hundreds of globalist documents that are public.
I mean, it's public Planned Parenthood funded Hitler.
It's public that they're Nazis.
They're the father of Nazis.
It's public that it's a bunch of racism.
It's public that world government's being established.
It's public they're designing the GMO to reduce our fertility.
You know, they've got biological weapons treaties, but all these governments violate them and create incredible weapons.
Weaponized flus, Ebola, you name it.
We've talked a lot about that.
It's back in the news today.
At least there's some discussion about this.
Like, why are all the universities producing this?
This is a good idea.
And then letting people know they have them.
By the way, I mean, they'll have dirty money under
Armed guards at banks, behind a big vault, and they've got stuff that will kill over 90% of those it comes in contact with.
Just behind swipe card keypad doors in level 2 containment when it should be in level 4 underground with men with machine guns on the top level guarding it and minefields and electrified fences.
That's what level 4 is supposed to have.
Underground with containment systems with firebombs to be released if the bioweapon gets out.
Uh, barbed wire fences, the NR1 Electrified with a minefield, and men with shoot-to-kill orders.
They just don't have them in those facilities anymore.
They guard the big bioweapon stockpiles with that on military bases.
Now they've just got it, you know, University of Texas at Galveston on the side of the beach.
I've got all this news, and it's all just perfume on a pig.
It's all just side issues compared to the fact that the people running the planet are crazy.
They're madmen.
There's no way they can be protected from all the stuff they're doing.
I know they've built underground bunkers for the elite.
They admit they have them.
I know they've built seed vaults and DNA vaults for plants and animals.
I know all that's admitted.
And every preparation they're making, it looks like, is for a scenario where they release bioweapons, infect the entire biosphere with stuff that takes over the genetics of everything that comes in contact.
It's like a slow-motion thing.
I was watching The New Thing this morning while jogging on the treadmill.
And of course, it's absorbing people in a matter of minutes.
But the stuff the New World Order designs, it's the perfect weapon.
And they've written about this, the eugenicists did, in the 20s.
They were saying, we've got to discover the tiny building blocks so we can create the Superman.
And by the 40s, the top eugenicists, Watson and others, had... I mean, look at all the discoverers.
They're all eugenicists.
You've got to hand it to them.
They actually went out, discovered all this, so they could play God.
And some people say, well, see, they should be in charge.
They came up with this master plan.
They carry it out.
The public is going along with it.
They deserve to die.
What about me?
I know what you're doing.
I'm not stupid.
I don't want to die.
I don't want to be soft-killed.
It's so uncool.
It's so creepy.
It's so out of control.
Don't you have any empathy for the general public?
And they're like, well, you're weak-minded.
You don't have that last attribute that we have of being cold-blooded and actually, in many cases, being hot-blooded and enjoying what we're doing to people.
I've talked to so many chemists and biologists who've, you know, contacted me or I've run into at events or that I'm having dinner with a neighbor and they're there and they go, we know who you are.
That's why we invited you over.
Yes, what are you going to do to stop it?
Everything you're saying is true and they are preparing to release the plague to reduce population.
What are you going to do though?
You're not going to stop them.
And then I run into another group of doctors and scientists out in the countryside living out there, and they're like, yes, we all know that's why we moved here.
We're preparing for the bioweapon release and hope our children won't die as they watch their kids playing.
And I'm just like, so you people all know.
I guess you do.
You're biologists and scientists.
You got, they tried to recruit you too, I guess, and you're the ones that didn't go along with it.
I mean, you know, they tried to recruit my dad because he was top of his class.
I mean, listeners, they've engineered the food to sterilize you and give you cancer and give you birth defects and hurt your children.
I mean, it's going on all around us.
It's horrible.
And I just go into a frustrated rage all the time.
And I'm doing it in my family life, I'm doing it around the office, because I can feel
The danger.
The hair on the back of my neck standing up half the time now.
Everybody feels it.
I mean, they're getting ready to start World War III with Iran, Russia, and China.
That's mainline publications are saying that that's probably what it'll lead to.
They're moving nukes around.
The Communist Chinese leader, for the first time I've ever seen, says prepare for war with the U.S.
The world economy's melting down.
That's when they started World War I and World War II.
They're dispatching tattletale squads everywhere.
It's all over the news that the government's tracking and listening to everything.
There's not even a pretense now of the Fourth Amendment.
Callers are sending me emails.
Callers are calling in.
Suddenly, in Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, the caller called about, have you seen the Dallas Morning News last week?
TSA's on the streets of Dallas.
I'm like, no, but I knew they were going to be.
And then I was checking my email and other stuff and looking online and comments.
And now I learned it's every city everywhere.
TSA now on the streets.
I mean, I knew it was coming, but bam, baby, federal goons on the streets that are going to start putting their hands on you.
I mean, this is hardcore martial law.
And as soon as they start a false flag attack, they're going to shut down my show.
They're going to send idiot local police to arrest my butt, probably.
I mean, and then these cops that come for me are little victims eating poisoned food and drinking poisoned water, and it's all admitted.
I can't even hate them anymore.
I'm so aware of how all this works.
These are little moron victims.
And then I look at my beautiful, decent children.
I'm like, you know,
Why don't I just run to the hills, hide out in the country, go to Costa Rica like so many people are doing?
Just, you know, be in the rear with the gear.
I look at the innocence of my children, but I realize that's a lie.
They have no future if we don't beat this, if we don't stand against this.
But you do think about it.
You get frustrated.
You get mad at the globalists for ruining your life, ruining your future.
Just by their absolute competitive nastiness.
The worst people, the most intelligent psycho control freaks compete with each other to get into power.
And then they interbreed over hundreds of years.
And a lot of psychopathic and sociopathic behavior is genetic.
It's been linked directly to two genes.
And so it's a super breed of sadist control freak psychopaths and armies of mercenaries that work for them, who are so delusional now, they think some underground bunkers
And some seed vaults are going to save them from all their GMO stuff?
Their perfect Trojan horse, an invisible enemy you can't see, that kills you slowly so no one can figure out where it's coming from, and then you find out that they call it soft kill and have written white papers on it publicly talking about how they're doing it to us?
I mean, wow!
That is hard core!
And it's like almost everybody I know is now having deformed children with, you know, different organ problems, bone problems, all sorts of illnesses, intestinal illnesses, viral, bacterial mutations, neurological disorders are just skyrocketing.
Some neurological disorders have seen 10,000 plus percent increases the last 30 years.
Diabetes, 2,000, 3,000, depending on the type, percent increase.
Cancer, 2,000 plus percent.
I mean, they're hardcore killing us, man!
And let me tell you something.
I'm a human being.
I'm just a man, a normal, but I am a man, and I get aggressive feelings.
I can't hardly go to a mall anymore.
I can't hardly go out in public, because, man, if I see some five-year-old who's clearly on chemotherapy with their hair falling out,
And their eyes shot him so bright because you could tell they're going to die.
You could see the death in their eyes because they're so alive.
They had a whole future ahead of them.
They had so much.
And you idiots, why break down like this?
You little hard bastards online make jokes and say it's fake.
I wish it was fake.
Let me tell you something.
I live in the real world.
I've taken on all this pain.
I'm not rationalizing.
I'm not denying.
I know what's going on.
I know what's going to happen to me.
I know what's going to happen to my family.
I'm sacrificing myself so we've got a chance.
When stuff gets so bad, you people won't be in denial anymore that you would have at least been told.
And you're going to have to pass it on verbally.
This morning, I was researching and looking into governments erasing a voice off the web.
I typed, company software to erase a voice off the web and found Optimus Prime.
I sent you a link to it, actually.
You've got it over there.
Why don't you pull it up?
You type in the voice of Optimus Prime, most of the clips of it, even when it's the guy talking to people on YouTube when they go up to, you know, signing things and stuff at comic book conferences,
His voice is erased because he has a contract with a record company for his voice and it's being erased off the web.
Because I knew that's going to be next.
Or they can literally hit a button on any of these big sites and your voice is gone.
That's the type of censorship.
That's what the next web is.
That's Internet 2.
That's the future.
And we're being delisted everywhere.
We're being blocked everywhere as the system tries to keep us from going viral.
Which I should be glad, I guess they're suppressing us to a certain point.
Uh, because I guess the next step will be just kill me.
But you know what?
I'd rather go total megaviral and force them to move their hand because I love life so much I'm willing to give it up.
I'm willing to have whatever monsters come at me out of the New World Order to deal with it.
Because I'm tired of their soft kill creeping death.
I want to get them out in the open moving against us instead of poisoning our food, poisoning our water, and doing all this to us and thinking it's funny.
We've got to engage them in the info war and hammer them hard and get them off their timeline, which we're starting to do.
It's like an arm wrestling match.
And we've got the initiative.
They had us pushed all the way down.
But, you know, we're doing this for our families.
And we got it up and we've got them all the way over.
And they're really pushing back hard now.
And we've got to just say, you know what?
You're going down.
We got to pound them down.
We got to just, you know what?
You're going down.
It's not it's not a question.
It's a decision.
You gotta decide.
You know what?
I take all the fear.
I take it all and it makes me strong.
Just whatever's coming, I'm in God's hands.
Give it to me.
I haven't given the number out yet and I got all these guests coming up.
I wanted to take calls.
It's just that the quickening in my soul, the quickening in my heart is so incredible.
I couldn't go to sleep last night.
I was up till 2 in the morning.
I jumped out of bed at 530 in the morning.
And I'm just
It's all coming down.
I mean, you can feel it, you can see it, you know it.
And the judgment of our world happens all the time.
20% to 30%, depending on which estimate you look at, it's in between 20% to 30% of the Cambodians were killed.
government-funded Khmer Rouge was funded by Zbigniew Brzezinski.
He brags about it.
22 million Germans died, separate from war.
22 million Germans died.
That was what following Hitler did for them.
You were going to say something, Chris?
Well, uh, yeah, um, yeah.
Well, I mean, actually, the one I sent you was one where they haven't erased it yet, but then I meant, yeah.
There's a bunch, like, if you do the voice of Optimus Prime, or the man that does Optimus Prime, you'll see the videos on YouTube.
You'll see a bunch of them.
When you try to play them, it has a notice, and it says, you know, this voice is the property.
And it's even him at comic book conferences doing the voice, and the computer recognizes it, and it's not allowed to be out, because they own his voice.
And I mean, my point is, is that that's how they can, that's how they can shut down.
And just with this new web system, and then they admit with all these filters, they can shut down discussions, they can shut down whole voices.
This is how they're going to come at people.
So you better keep hard copies of everything I've talked about.
You better keep your old technology.
You better, you know, invest in good old fashioned printing machines, whatever, because I'm telling you,
Well, I mean, Kindle is on record.
We had Dr. Stallman on saying, no, they're building Trojan horses into everything, where they hit one button and thousands of Kindle books are erased, even ones you paid for.
I mean, think about it.
Yeah, you can use all this as a double-edged sword to get the word out, but the system isn't going to let that happen.
These people kill folks for oil and money and power.
They're ruthless, and only by realizing you can't reason with the New World Order, you can't have debates and discussions with them.
They are crazy.
And I need professors to do research on this.
I actually did some searching and did actually find some papers that mention it, going back more than a hundred years.
So it has been recognized, but why is there psychopathic tendency and mental illness tendencies in royalty and wealthy elites that tend to act like royalty and intermarry?
Because genetically they're ruthless and don't have a normal conscience.
And so they do rise to the top because they're like cancer in a body.
They're malfunctioning.
They're not full humans.
They're actually subhuman.
People like Hitler was a subhuman.
But you can be a subhuman black person, white person, Jewish person, Arab person.
There's good people, there's bad people.
But literally they're not fully human.
They don't have the conscience.
And it is genetic.
You know, it's, you know, that bloodline's mean.
You know, hey, I'm getting rid of these bulls.
They keep attacking people.
I'm gonna get a breed of bull that aren't as vicious.
I mean, it's simple.
And they've been intermarrying, but more than that, the syphilis, the mercury, the lead, the arsenic that the alchemists and people would always give the elites, so DNA mutation.
Turns out that the priest class was always feeding the royalty, and even the higher priest class poisonous metals.
The reason the global system is so psycho and crazy, even worse than the average psycho on the street, is that it is an inbred system and a culture that grew of people literally with microscopic worms eating their brains.
That's what syphilis basically is.
They're microscopic worms, microbes.
And they're just beyond insane.
Just like the prince.
The member of the royal house was Jack the Ripper out killing people.
That's been confirmed now.
I mean, he had syphilis.
I mean, his brain was being eaten, and he was on arsenic to treat it, which makes you even crazier.
So, we have an elite who set up eugenics when most of them had syphilis.
That's why all the mafia ended up living in Hot Springs, Arkansas.
It was the top syphilis treatment center, so the Rockefellers were all down there, too.
I mean, they didn't... In the 30s and 40s, they were still completely psycho.
Our whole world is governed by syphilitic crazies.
A little over a year ago, I began to do a lot of research into why, even though I had a pretty good-sized meal, that I was still starving.
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Hi, this is Alex Jones.
Did you know that the global elite are now storing non-hybrid seeds in secret storage vaults near the Arctic Circle?
Did you know that in a real meltdown, non-hybrid seeds could become more valuable than silver or gold?
It's true, seeds have outperformed even gold and silver before in this country, and it's possible they could even happen again.
So our friends at Solutions from Science have put together the perfect mix of non-hybrid seeds.
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And here's the best part.
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So visit them today at survivalseedbank.com.
That's survivalseedbank.com, or give them a call at 877-327-0365.
That's 877-327-0365.
In a real crisis, non-hybrid seeds are the ultimate barter item.
This is Alex Jones for survivalseedbank.com.
The Babylon System.
Suckin' the children's blood!
For all intents and purposes...
The New World Order might as well be space aliens.
They might as well be vampires.
They might as well be the devil.
Because... I can't imagine a science fiction movie where you have a global elite who are so crazy they've got 9 out of 10 nuclear reactors leaking radiation.
Just type that into a search engine.
That's mainstream news.
They're raising isotope levels thousands of percentages, saying they're all safe.
We've got troops using weapons that soft kill them, they're shooting everybody up with deadly vaccines, starting all these wars, creating GMO cross-species creatures everywhere that are infecting the entire biosphere, while lecturing us all day about giving up our rights for the environment.
And then I find the poetry of the nihilistic transhumanist top globalist I have at my film Endgame.
And they say, yes, to keep on willing, we the elite might blow the planet up just to be number one.
Why, it'd be the greatest thing in history to blow the planet up and kill everyone.
That would just end us.
I would be the greatest ever.
And then I found out that Lennon wrote stuff like that.
And then here are transhumanists today writing stuff like that.
I mean, it's a spirit, folks.
It's death.
It's cancer.
And it thinks, well, I can just take over, so I'm the boss.
Yeah, you can take over and screw everything up.
I mean, anybody listening to this show could go home today and shoot their neighbors for no reason.
Does that mean you got the power?
A cop driving along could pull a family over and shoot them all in the head.
Does that mean he's real powerful?
No, it means you got a problem.
It means you're screwed up.
Oh, so you can take thousands of species and cross them with each other and release salmon that they admit will extinct all the regular salmon that are part insect into the ocean.
I mean, bioweapons treaties aren't even followed, and these companies are all just infecting everything.
And then when they infect you, they come and sue you, saying you stole their patent.
And again, it's the boldness of these globalists.
The people go, well, they're bold!
Oh, so you came and trespassed on my farm, pulled up my corn that's natural and out of the seed, the natural seeds, but plants don't just have one daddy and one mommy, and it could be a hundred mommies and daddies, since the pollen mixes in.
So you found less than 1% Monsanto genetics in my corn in a laboratory that you obviously infected my crop with.
And now you got a court saying you're going to fine me $10,000 an acre saying my entire crop was stolen from you.
They're like, yep.
So you're going to infect me?
Like if you went to somebody's house and poured motor oil all over their carpet and then gave them a ticket and said, you owe me money because you trespassed.
You're like, you're in my house pouring motor oil on the white carpet.
They're like, doesn't matter.
The court's going to rule for me.
I know all I talk about is GMO now, because I'm really getting that's why they're so smug, that's why it's so funny to them, and I'm done.
It ain't after we're going to get Greg Palast on, and I'll just tell you, as long as your questions are for him about world events or whatever they are, we'll go to your calls.
And since I'm getting Bob Chapman on today, I'll have calls for Bob Chapman as well.
What happened with Kurt Haskell?
I heard Chris get him on the phone.
Is he going to pop in too about the underwear bomber stuff?
Well, if he needs to do it at 1230, we'll do it then, too.
Or we can do it in the end of Bob's interview.
Because he got up there in his statement as a victim and said this is an inside job.
So, we'll talk to him.
Of course, you know, he's an eyewitness confirming the U.S.
government got him on the plane.
It turned out it's true, but that shouldn't be investigated either.
You know?
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
A little over a year ago, I began to do a lot of research into why, even though I had a pretty good-sized meal, I was still starving.
And my research led me to a well-known fact that most of the soils that we grow our crops on here in the United States and across the industrialized world are almost completely depleted of almost all of the key minerals and trace elements that our bodies need to rebuild themselves, fight off cancer, and be healthy.
I then searched out the best vitamin and mineral company out there.
And discovered Young-Jevity.
The Young-Jevity products are designed to give you the real nutrition you need, and once you've got that, you don't have to eat as much to be satisfied.
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That's Infowarsteam.com.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, we got a lot of news.
Arizona's considering a bill to finance the vehicles and communications equipment for volunteer militia to patrol the border.
The border is a complete lawless war zone with the Feds ordering the Border Patrol basically to stand down on record.
The Border Patrol have gone public on that.
Of course, the government's shipping guns to Mexico.
And the media, the trader, New World Order occupational brainwasher media,
I'm not just saying that.
I mean, this is a foreign, globalist, banker, whore media there to destroy this country.
Here to bring in a world government.
Here to destroy our sovereignty.
They're like, oh my gosh, a militia?
That's what civil defense is.
And the feds do actually have jurisdiction right on the border.
They're supposed to be there.
It's one of the few things they're supposed to do.
But since they won't let them do their job, the state can also put people right up next to the border.
And simply get local police to take care of it.
And fund the sheriffs to have basically a posse.
Because the illegals are burning down houses, raping, killing people.
I mean, I got piles of news here today.
I'm looking at InfoWars.com just on that front.
It is total bedlam.
Here's some of the news.
FBI to spy on gold bugs.
via suspicious comments app.
And if you talk on Twitter about paying for cash for coffee or anything, you're being flagged.
DHS, as you know, has huge hiring programs, hiring all the spies.
FEMA follows DHS in monitoring news coverage of its activities 24-7.
Then they contact YouTube on record and tell them, take that video down or block it or put parental controls on it.
It's critical of government.
And what do the requests say?
Which hurts our capability to protect you.
Censor this person because it hurts our capability to protect everyone.
If we don't look good in the public's eye and they know we're narcotics trafficking murderers that ship guns into Mexico and run child kidnapping rings worldwide and launder the drug money, you know, hundreds of billions a year, everybody won't go along with us anymore.
So let's start censoring them.
That's a translation.
Continuing, Kurt Haskell exposes government deception in underwear bomber case.
That's up there.
We actually got his full statement first.
It ended up being picked up by the AP and others with no credit to us, of course.
They gave it to us first, right as the press conference took place.
Actually, way before the press conference had released it at this time, and we ended up releasing it after his press conference, and so some media got the jump on us.
We're so trendy, we actually don't break big news when we could.
We sat on it, but it doesn't even matter.
The point is, it's already in the Featured News Archive up there.
Also, when technology fails, environmentalist Matthew Stein, he's actually an environmental
Expert because he's a design engineer from MIT.
And continuing, FBI could shut down internet for thousands on March 8 to eradicate virus.
That's right, they found the virus, which I'll guarantee you they launched.
Evidence shows they did, just like Stutznet.
But now they're going to go out and re-hack your computer and load good stuff on it.
But there's a problem, then you won't be able to surf the web after March.
Did you hear that?
Cyber Command is going to go in and fix your computer for you.
They're going to be in your computer without asking.
Isn't that sweet?
See how they just hide that stuff in plain view.
Also, report insider documents that tell March 23rd Greek default plan.
Government to freeze bank accounts.
That's big news at InfoWars.com right now.
And new implantable microchips to medicate patients.
We told you that was coming.
It's an InfoWars.com article, and you're like, I don't believe that.
Oh really?
They're going to say you're not going to be able to even get the shots.
Everything will be deployed by a microchip, even if it's being injected.
The microchip's there to authorize you don't abuse it.
And that's also in Reuters, I should add, for you.
Greg Pallast is coming up.
Best-selling author, BBC investigative journalist, and a lot more.
And, of course, I'll give you the number out after he covers some topics.
We'll take your calls for him, Bob Chapman, and a lot of other people coming up today.
PrisonPlanet.tv is also streaming live video of the radio show right now.
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
Did you know that the global elite are now storing non-hybrid seeds in secret storage vaults near the Arctic Circle?
Did you know that in a real meltdown, non-hybrid seeds could become more valuable than silver or gold?
It's true.
Seeds have outperformed even gold and silver before in this country, and it's possible they could even happen again.
So our friends at Solutions from Science have put together the perfect mix of non-hybrid seeds.
They call it a Survival Seed Bank.
And it can produce an endless supply of nutrient-dense food for you and your family.
And here's the best part.
These seeds have not been genetically modified in any way.
And you actually get enough seeds to plant a full acre crisis garden.
So visit them today at SurvivalSeedBank.com.
That's SurvivalSeedBank.com.
Or give them a call at 877-327-0365.
That's 877-327-0365.
Remember, in a real crisis, non-hybrid seeds are the ultimate barter item.
This is Alex Jones for survivalseedbank.com.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, I covered the fact last hour that we've got some really good news.
I'm gonna cover some of it, then we're gonna go to Greg Pallast and then take your calls.
Conservatives and enthusiasts cheer the end of the long gun registry.
More than a decade ago they passed the gun registry program of gun owners and gun purchases and government use it for gun confiscation in law-abiding cases.
And then I have the Washington Times article, NRA official Obama wants to outlaw guns in second term.
And he said to Sarah Brady, I will do this through covert means, like shipping guns to Mexico and blaming it on the Second Amendment.
Even CBS News reported the memos.
Back and forth.
Why are we doing this?
It's illegal.
It's going to be used to restrict Second Amendment.
It's going to be used to shut down gun shows and ban semi-auto rifles and handguns.
That's most guns.
That's the memos.
I mean, they want your guns.
As a state senator, he said total gun ban.
His attorney general might as well be a North Korean dictator.
He says there is no private ownership right.
A small arms group says ban the Second Amendment.
July 7, 2000 meeting.
Go read it online.
They said, we will have the complete abolition of individual firearms ownership because it threatens the legitimate power monopoly of the state.
Of course, that's an honest statement except for the part about power monopolies being legitimate.
You think a slave in ancient Rome had a sword?
You think a black slave had a gun?
In fact, the first gun laws were passed at the end of the Civil War.
They said, look, in the South, they said, we're not going to have black folks with guns.
Pass them.
So I'm going to get into that report because it's getting more attention now.
We're in a lot of trouble.
And by the way, Mitt Romney will go after your guns and carbon taxes.
The elite want their slaves disarmed.
It's like a bank robber comes in and tells the armed guard, put your hands up, put the gun on the floor, everybody hands up.
The government's like, hands up!
Can't have a garden.
We're shutting down the Amish selling milk.
Can't sell peaches on the side of the road.
Can't have guns.
Can't have a water well.
People who live on lakes, who even have the property rights going back, and water rights, on record are being told, sorry, LCRA sold out to a foreign group, you can't take water out of the lake anymore.
You can't have a boat dock on the lake anymore is next.
I mean, it's just all over the world, they're coming in, they're taking over the water, they're taking over the roads, they're hijacking, and they got their people saying, we're taking your guns.
Obama is a fascist teleprompter reading maggot.
And so is Mitt Romney, so are all of them.
And if you want real change, you better wake up to that fundamental fact.
When the big money is putting money behind somebody like Mittens Romney or Newt Gingrich, you better believe they're the scum of the earth.
Let's say they're not a bad person.
They're still total sellouts, empty suits, that are basically just animated by whatever's on the teleprompter.
Might as well just have a virtual president that's a computer program, and then the system just puts words into it.
Alright, I want to get into the economy, I want to get into the... Just, I mean, it's all over the news!
They're saying, yeah, war's imminent with Iran, troops massing.
They're saying Iran's gonna blow stuff up in the Israel and the U.S.
Governments are known, Gulf of Tonkin type stuff.
Cheney got caught wanting to do it.
I mean, and the CFR saying, brace for an attack.
We could be days, months,
Just like I told you last year, the plan is to hit.
But the Pentagon said no again last year.
And now they're getting the Pentagon starting to say, okay, I guess we can, I guess we can.
Man, I tell you, this is a nightmare.
All right, joining us for the rest of the hour... Joining us for the rest of the hour is Greg Pallast.
And of course, he's a best-selling author, written for the BBC, written for London Guardian, you name it.
ABC News.
I remember they put an arrest warrant out after Katrina under Homeland Security saying he was showing secret installations.
And it was on the news, there was an arrest warrant out for him because they have under the Patriot Act saying if you report on sensitive installations, this was a toxic waste dump, you can be arrested.
And I thought, my gosh, is this real?
I went and looked it up, there it was.
And he's one of the few people in mainstream media who will actually tell it like it is.
Though, I mean, he attacks the left and the right.
He's a former federal fraud investigator.
And he goes after the whole system.
And I had him on the other night, riveting interview on the TV show.
But since we've talked and so much is going on, what is number one on your radar?
I've got my questions.
You hear me here ranting about all of this.
But what is number one on your radar?
Well, Alex, I would say number one on my radar is the end of democracy, and it's ending where it began in Greece.
The bankers have now decided that they have the right to appoint presidents and prime ministers, and they're being applauded by the mainstream press from the New York Times and, of course, the European Union, etc.
So you have
An economics professor who was a bank advisor in the US, I'm not even sure you could call him Greek, he had Greek parents, was born in Greece, is now the so-called Prime Minister of Greece.
You have Monte, Carlo Monte, who has now been appointed Prime Minister of Italy.
Again, not elected!
So the cradle of democracy and Italy, not elected.
You're going to see this all over the place, so-called caretaker technocrat government.
We're already seeing it in Michigan and Rhode Island and New Jersey and all over, where they're taking over even major cities, like in Robocop or something and saying, the corporation runs things now, the city signs on to fraud and derivatives that weren't there, they double, triple prices on everything, and then turn the street lights off.
I mean, this is what they did in Argentina.
Yeah, except that in Argentina the people rose up and they went into the streets and they told the IMF to go stick it where the banks don't shine.
And now their economy is growing at 8% a year.
They told the bankers to forget it.
JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, that gang is not allowed to operate.
Not allowed to operate in Argentina or Brazil.
Those economies are booming.
They never got poisoned by the toxic derivatives once they threw these guys out and that's what's happening.
In every case, you let these vampires in, they're gonna suck you dry.
Yeah, I mean, in the case of Argentina, for example, they're required to privatize the water systems, just as we're doing here.
They sold off the Buenos Aires water system to Enron after Jeb Bush made a personal call to the president of Argentina, Menem, and said, you know, my daddy's about to become president.
This is when Bush Sr.
was coming in.
And he would appreciate it if you would turn over the water system to Enron.
And it's not like Menem had any scruples.
And the pressure was on, and he turned it over.
And of course, they ended up with 400% increase in the price of water, and then no water, and then the company evaporated.
But that's the pattern.
They tried it there, then they bring it here.
They tried it in Latin America, then they bring it over to Europe.
I mean, you just talked about what's happening.
We're good to go.
By an agreement between the last two governments, both their big parties and Goldman Sachs, it was just looted.
Well, their finance ministers and presidents were all Goldman Sachs people.
And what they had was there was a deal.
And I discuss this in my book, Vulture's Picnic.
There is a deal to hide the deficit of Greece through a currency swap arrangement with Goldman Sachs.
Goldman on paper took a multi-billion dollar loss, which Goldman never deliberately takes a multi-billion dollar loss on anything.
It was a phony, and there's a secret agreement to pay them back at you serious interest rates, plus they got a half-billion dollar fee.
This is a fraud.
Nice work, by the way, for
Some flimflam currency paper.
This is a fraud upon the market.
When I was a fraud investigator for the government, when we used to actually, you know, put people in prison for that type of thing.
I mean, that's what we did.
It's a violation that used to be considered a violation of racketeering laws.
But when you do it in coordination with the heads of state secretly of another government, they're not going to be touched.
They're not going to be touched.
But what happened was when it was discovered that there was nothing left.
Well, no, it's loan sharking.
And the IMF World Bank documents that you broke in 2002 was them internally admitting it's predatory as if we need them to admit it to us.
But here is the signed, sealed confession.
But expanding on that, what do you make of Moody's?
S&P and others, all financed and run by the big six megabanks, or the big five as you call them, that Geithner admits he serves.
I want to talk about it.
Is it five or six?
And now they're going out when it's the banks that are insolvent through fraud.
They've gotten government to sign on to too big to fail by threatening to implode the economy, holding us hostage.
And so the very people that are actually the ones that are insolvent are now telling the governments and the people we're insolvent and have their ratings agencies that certify their crud as AAA gold now decertifying and lowering things for governments so they get higher interest rates on them.
I mean, how obvious is that?
Well, look at it this way.
Do you realize that the Fed window
Is lending money to the banks at one quarter percent interest.
The European Central Bank just lent out two-thirds of a trillion dollars to European banks at one percent interest.
They then turn around and invested in government bonds, which are guaranteed by you and me, at four, five, and six percent.
That's a good business.
Not investing in housing, not investing in businesses, not investing in building the economy.
They're literally taking our money
I think?
In 2007 to nearly $2 trillion today.
$2 billion to $2 trillion.
They're sitting on cash.
Where'd they get the cash?
They got it from you and me.
From the open Fed window.
And then they lecture us about how we're lazy scum and they gotta turn the street lights off and we gotta pay more taxes because we're lazy and they gotta take the police and firemen's pension funds because that's welfare now too.
Total bull and their plan is to bankrupt us.
It's amazing.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The book is Vulture's Picnic, excellent, available at bookstores everywhere, gregpalast.com.
I'm going to give the toll-free number out to discuss what's happening in Greece, to discuss what's happening here in the United States, because you better believe, you think this recession going into depression is bad?
The bankers, on record, say they plan on imploding us, because then they buy stuff up even cheaper.
They mass all the wealth, have government regulators shut down their competition,
I've got to call this fascism, but because it's global, people go, but isn't fascism nationalistic?
The manifestation of fascism in the 30s and 40s was.
This is not.
What would you call this, Greg Palast?
Corporate fascism or corporate crony kleptocracy-ism?
What's your term?
The answer would be yes on that.
Actually, the technical term, meaning of fascism, and I've read Mussolini's works, by the way, is a combination of government and corporate governance, which they consider good.
As they say, wealth creators taking over.
So, yeah, technically it is fascism, because when you have banks appoint the presidents, that's the actual technical definition of fascism.
So, indeed, that's what it is.
What we have in Greece, and what we're going to see here, when they're getting rid of so-called entitlements, and by the way, the reason they're called entitlements is, you're entitled to it.
You've paid insurance.
You've paid for your Social Security.
That happens to be your account.
You've paid for your Medicare.
That's an insurance plan.
Well they announced two weeks ago they've already raided most of the federal pension funds and put IOUs in there.
I mean, this is going to destroy total confidence and in their plan, as you know Greg, it doesn't even get us out of the hole.
It's designed to impoverish us.
Yes, and in fact what we see in Europe now is that the guys who set the fire, like I say, Greece is a crime scene, we see it in Italy, Portugal, Spain, now it's moving into Finland, Hungary, and across the UK, Ireland.
What's happening is the guys who set the fires
Are picking up all the property at the fire sales.
I mean, the Germans right now, German industries and the wealthy of Germany are doing to Greece what their Panzer divisions couldn't do, which is basically a full-scale takeover.
Well, they're right.
And the Greeks are pointing that out.
But you're absolutely right.
They're doing through economic conquest and by a stealthier mode what Napoleon couldn't do.
Yeah, and what we're going to see in the U.S.
is privatizations.
We just saw today both parties in Congress have agreed to put up Spectrum for sale to AT&T, Verizon.
The big boys will own the entire Spectrum.
It used to be Public Airwaves.
It was something we owned.
And the reason is that we have a desperate deficit problem.
So we're going to be selling off the family jewels.
In the high-def radio spectrum that opened up dozens and dozens of channel spaces and talk radio, this is something I know about, they're giving almost none of them to even local mom-and-pops or community stations.
It's all to the megacorporations to put canned comedy on or nothing.
I mean, so absolutely that's happening as well and they will not give it to local community stations.
Yeah, and a lot of it is you're going to see secure private corporate networks, like the Coke Industries has its own secure communication system.
So you're going to see basically corporations set up kind of an internal communications and intelligence operations of their own.
And that's where the spectrum will go.
It's very, you know, so, but again, they're selling off public property, public right.
How else are you going to keep the banks on this churn?
As I said, you know, and when we talk about the destruction being part of the plan,
As I said, when I got these documents from inside the IMF and the World Bank and the WTO, which I show in Vultures Picnic, I didn't just say, oh, you know, I mean, it could have been junk, it could have been made-up stuff that I pulled off some crazy site or something, but it wasn't.
I got it inside.
But I had to get it confirmed.
I went to the head of the WTO, Pascal Lamy.
And he confirmed the authenticity of my documents.
So did Joe Stiglitz, the Nobel Prize winning economist who was chief economist for the World Bank.
He didn't give me any documents but he was willing to confirm their authenticity and I took them even to some heads of state.
And one of the things that I went over with Stiglitz, which shocked me, is that it looks like they're actually figuring on destruction and riots in these plans.
Like, if there are riots, like we had in Greece, the bank burnings, like we had in Argentina, riots in the streets in Ecuador, that that then gives the excuse to bring the tanks into the street, there's repression, there's then a caretaker, so-called caretaker government, in other words, appointed government,
Then they sell off the property.
So it's kind of in the plan, the destruction.
Well yeah, that drives down the prices and it's all right there in the plan.
And they're announcing global private corporate government where they appoint your leaders in Italy, in Greece, they're moving towards that in Ireland, they tried that in Iceland.
I want to ask you about Iceland when we get back.
I want to look at the war front, internet censorship and calls.
Straight ahead with Greg Pallast.
I'm Alex Jones.
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Okay, we got some big Ron Paul news.
We're going right back to our guest and your phone calls.
Greg Pallis is with us.
We've got a lot of new books in the InfoWars.com bookstore.
Obviously, Bloodlines of the Illuminati has almost sold out.
I helped him do a big printing of them because it was out of print.
And that printing is almost sold out.
We'll have to reprint, but if you want to get Bloodlines Illuminati, not for $300, but $50, because it is the size of the Dallas phone book, it's available at infowars.com or by calling 888-253-3139, and your purchase makes this broadcast possible.
Also, we got contacted by folks a few months ago with some children's books.
And I am going to carry them.
We now have them.
One of them is Cats in Black and the Power of the Microchip.
And it teaches kids about all these implantable chips and biometrics and why it's all so dangerous.
And it's inexpensive as well.
Great color books for your children.
So be sure and get that today.
Great for homeschoolers and folks.
Cats in Black.
We're carrying John.
Our James Wesley Rawls, Survivors, a novel about the coming collapse.
Of course, former Army intelligence predicted in his book more than 19 years ago, the first one, Patriots, the derivatives collapse, everything that happened.
But he puts it in a historical slash futuristic novel with real people.
Uh, so an interesting mix.
That's available at Infowars.com as well.
And it's your purchase of the books, the videos, the materials, like Behind the Green Mask, agenda 21, at Infowars.com, that makes this transmission possible.
And we're also, for just another week or two, running the Everything Special.
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You can also write to me at P.O.
Box 19549, Austin, Texas 78760.
We get a lot of complaints and I forget about the P.O.
Box 19549, Austin, Texas 78760.
And don't forget GregPalast.com to get his excellent book for folks that understand how all this criminality works, Vulture's Picnic.
Now let me get a few headlines.
We're going back to Greg Palast.
This is big, and I knew it was going to upset the system.
Because they hate the troops, the foreign banks that have hijacked us use the troops, use their heroism, use their honor in these wicked wars that they're sent into because they believe they're defending America.
The fact that Ron Paul gets 71 to 75, depending on which month you look at it, the latest numbers are about 72% of all military donations for all Republican candidates and Obama combined.
That's on record.
I think so.
And this is to break the hoax that Ron Paul doesn't have support.
In fact, if you show people the article that just went up at InfoWars.com, it's got Ron Paul and he's in the Air Force.
Leaked email.
Military top brass worn troops off march for Ron Paul.
Again, leaked email.
Military top brass worn troops off
March for Ron Paul.
That's a good headline, but that's a British rider we've got and people may not get that classic English.
Military top brass tell troops not to march with Ron Paul.
We need to change that headline.
People are going to get kind of old English.
Leaked email.
Military top brass tell troops not to march with Ron Paul.
Or not to march for Ron Paul.
A high importance message distributed by senior naval security.
You get me Nemo in here right now.
Just go ahead and call him in here now.
I'm going to get this headline changed.
I'm kind of the editor-in-chief around here and unofficial editor.
I don't give myself like a title like CEO of InfoWars.com or Galactic Commander.
I don't actually have a title here.
I'm director of my operation, though, and most places, you know, editors go through three or four levels.
Hey, Kirk, come on in.
This is great what Steve did.
I want to send this to Drudge, but people aren't going to get kind of that old English.
Leaked email, military top brass warn troops off march for Ron Paul.
Americans aren't going to get that on average.
So just saying, let's say, you know, I got an English degree.
Military top brass, you know, tell troops not to march with Ron Paul, or not to march for Ron Paul.
Don't you agree?
As Infowars editor?
Let's change that on both sides.
Great job, Steve Watson.
Part of our total transparency program here.
Okay, going back to Greg Pallas.
Greg, what do you make of the media demonization of Ron Paul?
What do you make of this headlong march towards war?
Why does the system want that?
What are you hearing from your inside sources?
Well, it's not so much that it's anti-Paul that it is pro-billionaire.
You've got billionaires behind Santorum, behind Gingrich, many billionaires, a true billionaires club called Restore Our Future behind Romney, and of course behind Obama.
Basically, it's the pro-billionaire.
You get your choice.
I mean, unlike Greece, where they told you the banker that would be putting a major president and the Prime Minister of Italy, here we get to choose our billionaires' choices.
And so that's what's going on.
The billionaires have put their boys forward.
And in fact, at Vulture's Picnic, one of the things they talk about is, who are these guys?
You notice that they keep talking about the avalanche of money for Mitt Romney.
Well, where is that avalanche coming from?
Paul Singer.
Paul the Vulture Singer.
Now, I didn't give him the name Vulture, but that's what he's known.
Paul the Vulture Singer wrote a check for one million dollars.
That was just the beginning for Romney.
We have Bill Koch.
Half a million dollar check.
That was the beginning of the money.
We have Paulson, who earned four billion dollars, not only betting, but pushing the U.S.
mortgage market over a cliff.
And he made four billion dollars when the U.S.
housing market collapsed.
And he made sure it did.
He made sure it did.
I think?
Yeah, I mean, all this fake left-right fighting between, you know, Al Gore's people and all the rest of it, and Republicans, you guys should all be at parties together.
I mean, the very same foreign megabanks run both parties, so you should... I mean, this fight is all just show.
To be, you know, let me ask you a question, Alex.
Who the hell is Barack Obama?
Where did he come from out from outer space?
Was he just the most stellar state senator you've ever heard of that he suddenly goes from state senate in two years to the Oval Office?
The answer is that he rode some billionaire named Penny Pritzker who pulled him out
of the Illinois Senate and blessed him as the future, as their Democratic choice.
Remember, there's a Republican choice and Democratic choice.
Pritzker had been removed and personally fined $400 million for manipulating a bank on the south side of Chicago.
So what they have to do is...
You and I, if we had to pay $400 million, that would be kind of harmful to our bank accounts, I think, Alex.
I think it might take a chunk out of you.
Not for penny.
She's worth, according to Forbes, $2.7 billion.
So, she decided rather than, she didn't like paying $400 million fines, so she decided to get someone who would change the rules so she wouldn't pay those fines.
Same with the Kochs.
They're facing criminal charges.
Let me ask you this question.
Why is there
Or do you agree with this statement?
A giant exodus of the billionaires to armored retreats around the world.
Why are they fleeing and hanging off helicopter skids like the fall of Saigon?
Well, you know, like I said, in Argentina and in Ecuador, people went into the streets and they're angry and a lot of them are armed.
I'm not a big fan of arms and bombs, but there's a lot of anger out there and there's been uprisings throughout the world that have been quite successful and so I think these, you know,
It would be prudent if you had a billion bucks, you'd want an escape route yourself.
But I think their escape route at the moment is the 2012 election.
Their escape route is into the White House, so to speak.
And it's not that Obama is not their guy, but if they put somebody new in, it'll take folks a while to figure out that this is another teleprompter reading puppet, and so they'll take some time for the new paint to wear off.
Yeah, I mean in the case of, for example, what do these guys want?
For example, in the case of Romney, what does a guy like Paulson want?
He's betting against the U.S.
So the last thing he wants, he would go broke.
He's been shorting the U.S.
So he would be going broke if the economy recovered.
Do we really want someone betting against the economy being the guy behind the President of the United States?
Well, exactly!
I mean, all these people that ran the government policies are making money and knew to bet against us.
I mean, they're just absolute traitors!
And I want to make it clear, when I say they bet, it sounds like they're guessing which way the economy is going, just riding on it.
It's not like a... it's a fixed roulette wheel.
When Paulson was facing, even under Bush, was talking about restoring the mortgage market,
And Obama also talking about having a foreclosure moratorium.
Paulson went berserk and contacted his friends at Goldman Sachs, which is his investment bank.
And what Paulson did was he basically threatened these guys and said, you will not, you know, I've got a lot of money riding here and how dare you try to undo the, you know, the fall of the housing market.
So when Romney says things like, oh, we should let it bottom out, remember, this is not a policy.
He's just speaking for the guy who's betting on it bottoming out and falling through the bottom.
I mean, understand, the guy made
Romney's backer made four billion dollars in a single year betting against the housing market.
That's really important because we're not talking about policy here.
We're talking about billionaires setting the direction of the economy in the nation and both parties with all the major... Well look at Obama giving billions and billions to fake energy companies that never even made anything or tried to.
They would just rent an office building and literally no one's in it and they just keep the money.
I mean you give Obama a half million in one case and you get
500 million.
I mean that is a good vending machine.
I mean that's like sticking a quarter in and getting a thousand dollars back.
And you have to look, when we say that these companies get it, it's the banks that guarantee them.
For example, snuck into the emergency defense bill that we had for Iraq last year, and I have this little thing in Vulture's Picnic, when we had the defense bill which was to provide vests, you know, the Kevlar, new Kevlar vests and special protection for the troop transport vehicles, what's replaced the Humvees now, no one voted against it.
I think maybe Ron Paul did, but I mean almost no one voted against that emergency appropriation for the war in Iraq.
Snuck into that bill was an $8 billion loan guarantee for four nuclear plants.
Now, exactly when did our boys and women in Iraq and Afghanistan suddenly need for their emergency protection for nuclear plants?
Now, this is not about whether nuclear power is good or bad.
It's about a deception.
We're told that we have to protect people from taking bullets.
And Humvee's being blown up by IEDs, and what it really is is a cover for a massive payment, not only to the nuclear industry, you have to understand, because we're not going to even build those nuclear plants.
It ain't going to happen.
It was Chase Man, JP Morgan Chase, and Goldman and Citibank were all, were all the guys lending this money
With a government guarantee charging a massive interest, and we have to pay for it.
We have to pay for it.
That's what's going on.
Let me briefly ask you this, and we've got to go to calls in this segment.
The next two short ones, I had a Bob Chapman joining us.
You talk about how it's a rigged bet, and that's why Bob and others said that they think Corzine was ordered to make that bet and take the people's private money and give it to JPMorgan Chase, who did get the $1.6 billion we've now confirmed.
And so that's why he's being protected to lie to Congress and say, I don't know where it went.
Because normally they don't make 40 to 1 bets unless they know it's rigged.
What's your inside skin?
And you're probably the best guy to ask this.
Do you know?
Well, all I know is I don't know the latest on MF Global.
What I do know is that if you do, in fact it's now up on your site, if you go to vulturespicnic.org and you'll see it in the book too, is that there is a letter from Tim Geithner, who is our Secretary of Treasury, to Larry Summers, who was the economic czar under Obama.
This is an older letter.
It's highly, highly confidential.
I did have it confirmed by the officials by this confidential note.
Which is basically a plan by the US government to conduct a trade war against any government which refused to accept derivatives trading and toxic assets from JP Morgan and other major banks.
The important thing about this memo is, why would they do this?
It said, Geithner's telling Summers, you have to call our guys.
And he listed the five biggest, most important bankers, including John Corzine, who was then CEO of Goldman Sachs.
Remember, before he was governor of New Jersey, he was CEO of Goldman Sachs.
They don't move without calling these guys.
Now think about that.
They were having all these secret meetings.
Goldman, JP Morgan, Citibank, Bank of America.
These guys are having these secret meetings.
If Corzine, they can't touch Corzine.
He'll open up his files.
Can you imagine the meetings that these guys have had about manipulating the economy, including manipulating our foreign policy?
This was dangerous stuff.
We came to near blows, near war with Ecuador and Brazil over this stuff.
That's my next question, and we did show the document for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
Radio listeners can go to your site and see it right there, VulturesPicnic.org, but just briefly here.
We're going to break.
I want to do two short segments of calls because I want to at least get these five or six callers that are up front.
How does that tie into it and internet censorship?
It looks like the establishment is openly moving with authoritarianism now.
They're not even having any pretense of freedom anymore.
Why have things changed?
Well, I think that right now, you know, war has always been a weapon.
It was, I guess, Thomas Friedman, who is the globalization apologist, said that the invisible hand of the marketplace needs a very strong fist inside that glove.
And that's what's going on here.
Obviously, they have to threaten, there has to be some type of military threat.
When Ecuador threw out Occidental Petroleum, which is Al Gore's company, remember?
We had to have some type of military threat behind that.
And we now see, in the case, I was just in Bosnia for example, where obviously NATO troops were, and basically the whole place has been looted
I don't think so.
By our U.S.
State Department that they basically had to sell off everything in that country.
Now the globalists are vampiric locusts.
We're gonna be right back, do two short segments of calls.
I promise we're going right to your calls out of the break.
Mike, Richard, Alex, John, Robert and others.
And Bob Chapman is going to be joining us.
We'll have open phones for Bob as well on the economy.
And a blitzkrieg of news I've got to get to.
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Let's go ahead and go to Mike in California.
You're on the air with Greg Palast.
Go ahead.
Alright, quick comment and then a question for Greg.
On January 25th in Santa Cruz, California here, Congressman Sam Farr was interviewed by Dr. Bill Wattenberg on KSCO Radio 1080 AM.
Yeah, yeah, I know about the government running around harassing folks and not letting them even swim in the water and stuff all over North America, but I've got Greg Pallast on.
Do you have a question for him?
Yes, I do.
I have a question for him.
I'm a home phone caller for Ron Paul for President campaign.
And my question for Greg is, it's seeming to be critical mass right now where we're at and the plan for really the takeover of the country.
What do you see as far as citizens peacefully
Assembling at city halls, state capitals, civic centers, in correlation with having a confirmed citizen count of delegate representation.
I hear you, I appreciate your call.
That's a listener on KOMY1340 out of Santa Cruz AM, I should have pointed out.
He's bringing up, how do we stop election fraud?
Greg Palast?
Well, you know, election fraud has been something I've been investigating a very, very long time.
We don't have all our ballots counted in the United States.
It's an absolute scandal.
I'm the one who discovered that Katherine Harris and Jeb Bush knocked off thousands of black folks off the voter rolls, calling them felons.
They weren't.
One of the things is, officially, if you look at the U.S.
We're good.
Not counting two million ballots.
That's the ones that they tell you about.
You mail in your ballot.
You know, you're counting on people who don't want you to vote, you know, opening your envelope and counting your votes.
Well, they know most of the military votes for Ron Paul, so they always conveniently lose those as well.
Well, what happens is if you have the stamp wrong, you don't sign it.
There's a million, million ways not to count a mail-in ballot.
A million ways to officially disqualify it.
Then they got this new gimmick where you say, well, you're not on the voter rolls, you're not a proper voter, so we're going to give you a provisional ballot and you think you voted.
Well, very few provisional ballots ever get counted.
They just chuck those out.
He's done to make you feel good.
Yeah, yeah, it's a pretend, it's a placebo ballot.
And that was, that's the newest gimmick.
You know that there were, um, over, like, something like four million, uh, provisional ballots in the last presidential election.
It's gonna be a lot higher this time, and, you know, if they give you a placebo ballot, don't accept it.
Of course, the fraud's so bad, they're probably all placebo ballots at this point.
Well, that's the other problem.
Those are the frauds I was able to investigate for BBC television and find out about.
There's stuff I have yet to know about.
We did have what's called caging, where soldiers overseas, in Iraq and elsewhere, were sent letters
Their home addresses, when those letters came back, because they said do not forward, they challenged their right to vote saying that these are phony voters because they're not at their home address.
Well, there's a reason why soldiers are not at their home address.
Is that correct?
Oh, you're being, you're there, you're for Al-Qaeda now.
We're gonna be right back.
You're evil.
If you want the troops to be able to vote, you're evil, Greg Palast.
So am I, as well.
Just anti-American to actually be able to really vote.
We're going to come back and take a few more phone calls.
We're going to talk to Robert Upnext and others.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, I'm gonna go through about 20 news headlines after the break.
We'll go to Bob Chapman.
Continue with your phone calls for him.
He'll be able to answer any question you've got or give you his take on it.
We're going to Robert in Texas right now with Greg Pallas.
Robert, you got a question or a comment?
Yes, I have two quick comments.
The first one is more of a question and it's for Greg and yourself.
The first is the question.
The question is, the way China is loaning us a lot of debt by buying our treasury bonds and buying into our debt in general, do you feel that perhaps
More than that, they know their only big market is going to collapse.
And yes, now the main military thrust has been to mass ships all around and troops.
And our own Pentagon says they're drawing up plans to attack China.
And the Chinese president said last month, prepare for war with the U.S.
This is how crazy the world is, folks.
And this doesn't get any headlines.
Yuppies are like, I want to hear about football, not about the Chinese president saying prepare for war.
Greg Pallast.
Well, you know, no one bombs their own bank, which is why Switzerland's a very safe place.
The Chinese have invested three trillion dollars.
So they're holding a lot of our currency.
They're not going to bomb their own currency.
But what they do like, and what keeps the Chinese dictatorship in power, is fear.
You know, it's just like we have Fear Salesman here, you know, the Patriot Act, and they're coming to get us, and today's an orange day, high alert, get ready.
And so we have to, so both sides are maintaining a massive, massive military structure.
The Chinese are not going to bomb their own bank, but they sure as heck, the Chinese dictatorship is sure going to keep their people on the edge of their seats.
The Americans are coming!
And then the Americans say, the Chinese are coming!
You know, so it's, you know, I think that they must call each other and say, it's your turn, it's Thursday, don't you make the threat today?
I always wonder about that, but, you know, they're laughing behind our backs.
Well, man, I am just speechless.
No, I'm just here listening to what you're saying.
It's amazing.
Anything else, Robert?
Real fast, new video up on Funkmaster 5.
We debate Dennis Miller about torture if anybody wants to see Funkmaster5.com or Funkmaster5 YouTube channel.
Thank you very much for having me on.
All right, buddy.
God bless.
One more quick call here for our guest, Richard in Texas.
A lot of calls from Texas today.
Go ahead.
How you doing there, Mr. Jones?
Thanks for taking my call.
Yes, sir.
One reason why your show is so successful is because you're willing to offer very constructive criticism.
So my constructive criticism, and I want to see if Mr. Palace agrees with this, we should start telling our military, especially the active ones overseas, they saw exactly what Pat Tillman saw.
They know this is a crime.
They're living with these nightmares of what's going on over there in the battlefield.
So it's time to start telling them to do what Michael New did, what Tillman did,
What, uh, Lieutenant Colonel Akins did is start standing down, not take these orders, just come home and take whatever penalty they're gonna get.
They may have to go to, uh, Lebanon for a couple of months, whatever, but it's better than repeating the crime of going back overseas.
I just got through running back to the phone.
They're going back and forth, destroying these countries just for the globalists to profit and bring us, bring us into this new world order.
So it's time to start
Telling our troops specifically to do exactly what Michael Newman and them have done.
Greg Pallas, great point, sir.
Stay there, I might come back to you, John, after the break.
But real fast, Greg, 20 seconds on what he just said.
It's a tough one to tell people to put themselves in jeopardy like that.
Mr. Manning, for example, has released important documents to us.
He's going to spend the rest of his life in the bottom of a military hole.
It's tough to ask people to do that.
Greg, great having you with us.
Vulture's Picnic is the book.
Get it today.
Thank you, Greg.
Talk to you soon.
Alex, you're the best.
You bet.
I want to ask the last caller we were just talking to, Richard, if he is former military.
He's listening on 90.1.
I want to ask him that and then go to Bob Chapman and a ton of news.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Infowars.com is reporting with a leaked Navy memo that they're telling members of the military, do not go to the Ron Paul trips for Ron Paul rally.
Even if you're off duty, you don't have free speech in America.
Now, their regulations say you can go to rallies, just don't speak and don't do it in your uniform.
But military top brass tell troops not to march in Ron Paul rally.
High importance message distributed by senior Navy official.
And we have that information at InfoWars.com.
Now, I'm going to Bob Chapman here in a moment, and then everybody else that's patiently holding with Bob, because we're going to have open phones for Bob today, of TheInternationalForecaster.com.
But expanding on this here,
We were talking to Richard in Texas, and Richard was just calling in if you missed him, and was saying, look, it's time for the military to stand down and say no.
Well, they take the troops and they put them in this peer pressure.
And then they do carry out, you know, orders that are unconstitutional.
They do carry out things that violate their oath.
And they do it all the time, like troops being ordered to grow opium in Afghanistan.
I saw a new meme on the internet saying I'm a liar about that, even though it's on NBC News, ABC News, Nightly News, BBC, Fox News, CNN.
I mean, just type, troops guarding and growing opium in Afghanistan, and they're on the news saying, we don't like it, but if we don't, Al Qaeda gets it, so we grow it, and then it's shipped out.
And people are like, that's not true, how dare you say the troops are drug dealers?
That's like when I say there were bombs in the World Trade Center, they say, you're saying the fire department did it.
And I never said that.
These are fake memes they put out.
The point is, this is going on.
This is happening.
These wars are illegal.
The drones flying into countries and killing people without a declaration of war, it's all illegal.
Now they're going to use the drones against us.
The government spying on us without warrants is illegal.
A world government is setting up a planetary dictatorship right now.
It's all out in the open.
Our freedoms are being eradicated.
They're saying the military is going to be used against us.
That's treason!
The Roman Senate knew that 2,000 plus years ago.
Do we know that now?
This is classical oppression.
And the caller was saying it's time for the troops.
That'd be a good discussion sometime for the troops.
What order would you not follow?
I mean, since there's no Bill of Rights and Constitution, it's effectively being trampled.
The system's just getting around to now exercising their criminal authority, their power.
They are a power, but it's illegitimate.
When a serial killer has you tied up, they're the power.
They are a power.
That's a famous line from the... It's in a movie, but it's actually what was said at the trial.
The King of England wouldn't... They were trying for treason, for waging war against the population.
They asked him, they said, you don't recognize this court?
He says, I recognize it as a power, but not as having jurisdiction over me.
I recognize you as a power.
And that's really what all of this just comes down to.
Foreign banks came in illegitimately.
They took over.
They're a foreign power.
They're openly, ridiculously criminal.
They admit they're dictatorial because they have to now.
They're just going, okay, it is world government.
We are dictatorial.
Do what we say or we'll implode the economy.
And you do what they say and they implode it further.
It's bravada, chutzpah, whatever you want to call it, fueled megalomania.
And a lot of times it works.
Because other people just say, well, they're so confident, they must be the boss.
So I want to ask that caller that question.
Richard, are you former military?
Yes, sir.
I was out at Bergstrom during the 80s when the Ronald Reagan, Arms for Hostages thing kicked off.
And every day when they would have it on the news, the next day I'd come back and try to discuss it in uniform with the captains and everybody in the office.
I was in supply, so it was always a full office.
And everybody was telling me then, hey, you can't talk about that kind of stuff.
You're in the military.
But I would continue to talk about it.
I never got kicked out.
But then when 91 came up and I started saying Dick Cheney and
Rumsfeld and all the rest of those criminals on TV talking about we got a new enemy now.
We don't really know what he looks like.
We don't know what... We think they're coming from the Middle East, blah, blah, blah.
I started killing everybody because it wasn't hard to see.
They're fixing to kick off a full-fledged war.
And 21 years later, after Doug Roeke, you, Joyce Ryan, everybody's been telling everybody who's gone over there since, hey, you're gonna get sick?
You're gonna kill a lot of innocent people?
Don't go.
Don't do it.
That's all you gotta do.
They can't put everybody in prison.
You know, I understand what, uh, uh, the gentleman just left said, uh, Mr., uh, Mr. Pallas, but if the military men stood up, don't rely on the women cause they shouldn't be over there anyway.
If they just stood up and stood down, we wouldn't be going through this mess.
And that's the issue.
What if the Germans wouldn't have followed the orders to attack Poland or France?
What if that wouldn't have happened?
Well, 20 million Germans, 21 million Germans would have died.
21 million!
Germany was only like 65 million people.
Mainline history says 20 million.
What is 20 million out of 60-something million?
That's a third.
I mean, that was the cost.
Because the men up front wouldn't say no.
Hitler got elected as a junior member of the Parliament.
He got elected running a coalition of like 34%.
And nobody stood up to him.
Same thing with the Communists.
Same thing.
And we know what this looks like.
We know that the crazy drive of these elites will lead them and us to destruction.
And I'm telling you, America, I'm telling you, the crimes of the people that run our country, when it's all said and done, if we beat them and it all comes out, I can tell you it's bigger than Hitler.
It's bigger than Stalin.
It's bigger than Mao.
The New World Order through the U.S.
is killing people everywhere.
They got covert wars going on all over the place.
Zbigniew Brzezinski is so evil.
That in two books, you can pull the quotes up online, just say, type in Zbigniew Brzezinski brags about funding Pol Pot and mass death.
And he says, it's really a wonderful thing that I can say that Pol Pot defeated communism.
Yeah, he did kill, you know, a large part of his population, but that's okay because we didn't do it.
We just helped him do it.
And see, I've learned, and I appreciate your call, sir, these globalists, I want to talk to Bob Chapman about this right now, they have these weird rules where they do it through committees, they all share responsibility, like, you know, like buying insurance or something, where no one really ever fully puts all the pieces together, where they can kind of deny, and, well, I funded somebody else that did it.
You know, people say, well, won't the new order kill you?
Like Steve Pchenik, who's, you know, a guy that brings down major governments in the past, I mean, talk about a real spymaster, you know, psych warfare guy,
He'll tell you it's an inside job, but he'll say, Alex, don't worry about him killing you.
You know, it's too much paperwork, because big guys up top don't like starting to kill Americans, because that can then be used to blackmail them later.
People like Bill Gates and all that just do it through, oh, here's what this corn does, and then it's got a back door, and then they can deny it later.
What do you call that system the globalists engage in, where they kind of have overlapping fields of deniability, plausible deniability?
What do you call it, Bob Chapman?
You were in intelligence, you know, the biggest financial newsletter for decades out there.
You've been around the world.
You were fighting the new world order 50 years ago.
What do you, do you agree with my statement?
And what do you call that globalist mindset?
Well, first of all, the globalist mindset
Is what it is, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderbergers, etc.
But as far as in the intelligence operations of different covers for different things, they've been doing that for many years.
How regimes that are replaced or overthrown are dealt with is when you have a committee
They say, well, we didn't know that was going to be the result, and so we did it collectively.
And the answer to that, very simply, is good.
All of you line up against the wall.
I mean, that's the way you solve it.
But the deniability factor is always there.
They've always got some kind of cover, some beard going on where they can do that.
And those things were explained to me a long time ago.
And it's one of the things that didn't fit with me, and that's why I didn't continue to work with them.
I realized then how evil I were.
But do you agree with me that they've gone megalomaniacal?
They're insane.
I mean, they've got a plan.
It's always been that way, Alex.
Believe me.
It's just crazy.
I mean, look at all the operations, paperclip, things like that.
Normal people don't do those kind of things.
Taking some of the wickedest people in the world and involving them in your counterintelligence operations and your government.
You're taking advice from them and then you arrange for them to live happily ever after.
And then you hire the former head of the Stasi to set up Homeland Security.
That's right.
And he was the first one that should have got hung.
He's responsible for the death of thousands of people.
70% of the people in Eastern Germany were spying on each other.
I know, I used to spy on them.
Well, people better just start however they can, whether it's quietly or openly, better start resisting this system because if it comes in, boy, I tell you, can you feel it though, Bob, not just intellectually, but can you feel like the tremors?
I feel the tremors more with the military, which is so positive.
Than in any other area.
70% of the people in the military are for Ron Paul.
I mean, doesn't that tell you where they're coming from?
Doesn't that scare the New World Order?
They can't tell them, uh, go over there and pick all those people up and put them in a truck and take them to that camp over there.
They're not gonna do it.
It's an illegal order.
And then you're faced with, as
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I need to get more into the news here with Bob Chapman.
He was making a point about the military as we went to break.
Terror suspect arrested near U.S.
Police say a terrorism suspect has been arrested in an FBI sting operation near the U.S.
Capitol while planning to detonate what he thought were explosives.
They've had like a hundred plus cases of this the last five years where they set up the mentally ill patsy who's out of prison and thinks he's recruited by the jihad.
And I'm glad the feds are doing this instead of doing another Oklahoma City or so.
But, I mean, I'm not glad, I'm being sarcastic, but it's better than them doing big actual attacks.
Capitol Police say their offices and FBI officials arrested the man Friday in a sting operation.
This is all on the heels of hearing that Iran is going to attack the U.S.
We need to go ahead and attack them.
And you've got Clapper, the head of the National Security, the head advisor, saying we need a provocation.
And all the troop smashing.
This is really creepy.
But finish what you were saying, Bob Chapman.
Well, I think in the final analysis, once given the illegal audits, what's going to happen is that the military is finally going to say, no, we're not going to do that.
And then that's time for a coup.
And that's the way I think it's going to come about.
Because people have just found out with the Republican primaries that there are no elections.
They are what they want them to be.
They're all rigged.
I mean, so outrageously,
That a 10-year-old can identify the rigging.
It's incredible.
And so, if we can't get Ron Paul in legally, I think that's what's going to happen.
Well, undoubtedly, we're entering one of those phases like right before World War I or World War II.
I mean, there's no doubt all of this recession, depression, all these little wars, they're not little of uranium, but they're little overall historically, it's all hurtling towards massive collision.
And the Pakistanis with their hundred nukes are lining up with the Russians and the Chinese.
The Russians are threatening, the Chinese are threatening military action.
The West is putting Al-Qaeda forces into Syria, so the Pentagon got caught.
Now they're saying, yes, we want to warn, Al-Qaeda is infiltrating the opposition in Syria, thus they can have their cake and eat it too.
I just think the globalists are hiding in too plain a view of people that are actually thinking out there.
Sure, the average dumbed-down citizen
Can't find their feet.
Can't find their hands in broad daylight.
But those people don't count.
They're gonna suck their thumbs regardless.
The thinkers now finally understand that we've got terrorists running the government.
And that we're now in serious trouble.
And they're identifying that, finally.
You know, long ago on this program, you said, they're fearful, the enemy.
And the reason is that we're breathing down their collars.
And we talked about Brzezinski at that program.
By the way, he just came out with a new book.
He just came out with a new book and said one of the big things facing the elite is the worldwide awakening to them.
They're in serious trouble.
And we're going to make it much worse for them.
Well, that's the issue, is we need to understand, folks, it's all a confidence game with these people.
The fact that 70 plus percent of the military donates to Ron Paul and not the other people, despite all the tactics they've used, that means when the globalists pull a false flag in the future, or other things,
It's not going to have as good an effect to get everybody in line as it did before.
And then the next time, it's not going to work at all.
They're running out of bullets.
They're running out of propaganda.
They're running out of credibility.
People don't believe anything they say anymore.
But they still are going ahead like they're in control, Bob.
And you know, people in special operations are questioning the orders now.
You know, you remember you heard the commentary from Jesse Ventura, the things he used to say to his fellow SEALs.
Look, this is wrong, blah, blah, blah.
And so what happened?
They're starting up again.
Whole units are discussing the problem.
I mean, you know, we're supposed to defend America, but how are we defending America
Guarding poppy fields.
Well, the SEALs now know that they were put on that helicopter to get rid of the rest of SEAL Team 6 and blew it up.
And so they got upset, so the brass came in, Special Operations, and said, oh, maybe Al Qaeda got a bomb on the helicopter.
And they're like, you never cram us on an old National Guard helicopter.
Turned out the story they were going to save people wasn't true.
I mean, they just killed them.
That's right.
And this is the kind of people you're dealing with.
And the people in the military need intelligence from us probably more than anybody else.
And that's why I've been doing the Marine Disquisition for eight years.
And I'll tell you, I love doing it.
I'm a veteran, and I'm giving a little bit back.
Well, it's all, you know, you've been run out of the United States.
We'll be right back with phone calls and more news.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Cyrus Jones from 1810 to 1913 made his great-grandchildren believe you could live to 103.
103 is forever!
103 is forever when you're just a little kid.
So, Cyrus Jones lived forever.
Gotta love Willie Nelson, fan of the show.
And a patriot in his own right.
Boy, he's gonna be 80 soon.
Life comes and goes quick.
What matters is that we build a better society for our progeny.
And that's seeing this modern society as fools.
Well, no.
Those that don't care about society, they are the fools.
You watch your own little children lowered in the ground.
Continuing here, this is out of the San Antonio Express News, and we've got Kurt Haskell, one of the survivors of the underwear bomber, who did, in his victim statement, expose that it was a government operation.
And that the Pat's either been threatened with his family, like we've known they've done, or is a mentally ill crazy.
He confirmed the government got him on the plane.
They had to admit that on C-SPAN and congressional testimony.
Again, a month and a half after we had him on.
Now that's big news.
The Detroit Papers carried it, AP carried it, but it never made a big national story.
It was there.
Undersecretary of State said, yes, we were ordered to get him on the plane and give him a visa and all this stuff by an unnamed U.S.
And, uh, just like they cooked the bomb, trained the driver, gave them the detonators in the first World Trade Center attack.
And both men were on welfare.
One was retarded, the other was mildly retarded.
One had like a 80 IQ, the other like a 72.
And, uh, I mean, I could go out in Austin and find a mentally ill or brain damaged homeless person or somebody kicked out of the state hospital.
They're everywhere.
See them talking to themselves, very sad.
Sometimes I do give money to people that are absolute schizophrenics.
I don't give money to people just trying to get money.
They're panhandling.
But when you see some guy with one leg who's completely, you know, out of their mind, and you can see feces running down the backs of their legs in 110 degree heat, and they're going, water, water, water.
This is not an Academy Award winning actor.
This is a completely crazy person.
I've given him 50 bucks.
But that's a side issue.
I'm now digressing.
The point is, is that's the type, I mean, I could go out today, hypothetically, I wouldn't have, the news, Jones planned to hire homeless for terrorism.
I could go out and find a mentally disturbed person, and in a matter of hours probably, but undoubtedly in a few weeks, give them money, give them stuff.
They did that with a young group of black Rastafarians.
Most of them were homeless.
Some of them were mentally handicapped in Florida.
Remember back in 2006, they were going to wage jihad.
They were actually Christians.
And it took the FBI a year giving them a big house, money, hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Said, we want you to dress in camo.
We want you to say you're a jihadist.
Here's another 10 grand.
And they said, well, give us more pot.
And then they busted them all and sent them all away.
Just get him to say, yeah, I'm going to blow up the Capitol.
Yeah, I'm going to create the simulation of the terror threat to take your rights.
Well, it's a lot better than what they did on 9-11 or Oklahoma City.
So, I mean, sending patsies to jail is bad, but I want to thank the feds, I'm being sarcastic, for not doing the big events.
They're not doing the big events because they know we're watching.
They're going with the patsy event.
But we brought this up to Kurt Haskell, and we'll get him to talk about it when he's on with us Sunday.
I'll be live on the Sunday Show, 4 to 6.
And by the way, we're selling out.
It looks like it's going to sell out up in Dallas at the Lakewood.
Get tickets at Infowars.com forward slash events.
There's a link to the Lakewood Theater subpage where you can buy the tickets.
Jim Mars is going to be there.
I'm going to speak.
Premiere of film.
I'll tell you the name when we get there.
They're spitting it out and finishing it right now.
I've got to approve it right after the show.
We've been working on it for a few weeks.
Special like 40-minute film.
I don't do a lot of events, and Orlando is definitely going to sell out.
It's like 80% sold, and it's a week plus away next Sunday the 26th.
So if you want to come out, please do that.
But infowars.com forward slash events.
You want to go there and I get those tickets and I think they're gonna hold like 5% of the tickets back for at the door but you know officially say it's sold out with 95% of the tickets sold but we brought this up to Haskell and we'll talk to him about it Sunday and he said no I don't think I'll sue the government he still may because there won't it's just all gonna be collapsed there won't even be courts pretty much then and I said well and Rob Dew is like why because I sent Rob Dew up there to interview him just two days ago he was in Michigan ahead of this ruling and
He said, uh, we'll read this San Antonio Express News article, so we've got it, and it says the two...
...serve as co-chair of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, an 18-member bipartisan group created last year by President Obama.
The commission has warned that if the U.S.
doesn't do something about its deficit spending, it will become a second-rate power.
But the banks want us to be in debt, so they're going to bankrupt the country.
Simpson said the U.S.
owes $15 trillion to the bankers.
Almost seven times the deficit in Italy, which currently is the crisis because it owes 2.6 trillion, which is banker fraud.
And then it goes on to say, Simpson said the commission members differed on when they thought the tipping point might come, but no one thought it would be more than two years away.
This is from December 14th.
Well, you know, I think over and over again, you know, we get the same results, the same take on things.
Will the court system be there?
Am I going to get justice?
There's a lot of factors, and it causes people to back off, to go against the government.
I recently saw a company that wanted to go after the government in regard to naked shooting in the market, and some of the best attorneys in the country said, don't do it!
You're not going to get any justice!
And will you ever get to court?
So it's the same thing.
And that's how societies collapse, is because the criminals show they can engage in any crime, and now they're just saying all over the country, you can't have your own well water.
Where you're like, but I have a land right going back a hundred years.
I have a water right.
They're just like, doesn't matter.
We're sending police.
Maybe you're like, but the law, they're like, take it to our court.
That water belongs to whatever new water baron just took over.
I mean, it's just like, that's the way it is.
And our ancestors went through the same stuff on water rights and used to have to, you know, have rush wars.
I'm not saying it should go to that, but I mean, the crooks are going to come in and tell you that you're their slave.
And if you bend over and kiss their ring, they're going to, they're going to do it.
They'll get away with anything they can get away with.
And the people aren't watching and listening, you know, in total.
And so, they don't do what they should do.
They don't respond when they should.
They just say, well, gee, it's this, that, and the other thing of the government, and I can't contend with it, so forget it.
There's a lot of apathy out there, but it's caused by ignorance.
And every society's got the same problem now and in history.
It's nothing new.
Well, you're right.
You're right about that.
I want to hit a few headlines and get your take on it.
News & World Report, longest period of high unemployment since Great Depression.
Worst housing slump since Great Depression.
Worse, the amount of debt privately is worse ratio than Great Depression.
Insider document details a March 23rd Greek default plan, government to freeze bank accounts.
You talked to me over a year ago about your State Department sources saying that was coming.
And this is actually in the Greek news, but not on the news here.
Give us your take on a bank holiday.
This is not the type of holiday you want to go on, folks.
What that means, Bob?
Well, it means that they're going to shut down the banking system.
Are we referring just to Greece here?
Yeah, they're saying Greece, yeah.
Yeah, I think that's natural.
They're not going to be able to, in a few weeks, meet their obligation to pay the interest on the latest bonds that have to be paid for.
And I think that'll start the ball rolling.
uh... evidence is coming out that uh... the thing was a setup in the first place and you know that's really interesting because i've been on the program for you with you discussing this the last several months and i said you know i'm not on the inside and i don't know what they're doing but i gotta leave the end open uh... with the germans because it looks like they don't want the euro they don't want the european union they wanna go it on their own and i'm wondering whether
They're doing this in concert with the U.S.
and England and Finland and the Netherlands.
And as it turns out, with the great smear of propaganda that's going on here over the last week, that's exactly what Germany's shooting for.
They want to be the big power in Europe again.
Alright, Bob, I want to go to Kohl's here in a moment.
But I've got to make an announcement here.
There's so much censorship going on on Google and its subcompany, YouTube, and all these systems that operate as supposed commons, and they're announcing censorship all over the world, Google and others are, working with governments, but I've got to point this out.
They are using the claim, and I want to ask you about it, of deleting user accounts that aren't active to get rid of people's subscribers.
But I've confirmed that people that even recently signed up are being kicked off one of my YouTube channels that has hundreds of millions of views.
And that now I've just kept noticing the last two weeks since they announced their new privacy policy, which is no privacy, that when I search one of our headlines to see how many views it's gotten, it does not show up, but it will show up on other people's channels.
I mean completely delisted with many of our headlines within the YouTube system.
And here it is.
Just during the last break, I put in my headline,
I don't know.
You can, you know, it might say 301 views before it caches, that's how the servers work for a day or so, but you can put in the headline and sometimes in the main front listing it'll show you a newer number.
Like it'll say 301 viewers on a video I've done and I, a few hours later, put it in and it says 100,000 views when I put it in the search function.
So I'm going to show TV viewers this, but if you go to my YouTube channel, our big one, the one with 177 million views or 178 million views, that's linked on InfoWars.com,
You'll see one of the videos over on the side is The Young Turks Caught Lying to Viewers, Bob.
And you put that in the main YouTube search bar up at the top.
Everybody can see that.
And I'll search it again for people watching.
And you hit Enter.
You get somebody else's site, the Tech by Tiggs, and it says zero views.
This just got uploaded.
The young turds caught lying.
Now, this isn't a general search.
This is their general main search.
But you go to the filter, and you can do view count.
Obviously, that title, under mine, will have the highest view count.
Because it's got, you know, a whole bunch of views.
It does not show up.
I went through page.
It does not show up in the search.
And I did a bunch of other searches, Bob.
Upload date.
All of it.
And there it is.
Everybody else's versions, but not mine.
So it always showed up off of whatever had the most views was at the top.
Just like Obama Deception showed up, you know, with 10 million views or whatever at the top.
It's now being delisted.
We are, it is here.
And I've got to get Watson and others to do an analysis because I'm about to go out of town and stuff.
But Bob, I mean, it's happening.
And they've obviously delisted my stuff from searchability or they drive it way down the page.
I guess I've got to go 100 deep to see if it's if it's anywhere there.
So so it's no longer.
But just with my videos, I then tested during the break other new videos and it was whatever had the highest views at the top.
So, Bob, the only reason people are going to be able to see stuff when they search it now is because other people
I think you're absolutely right, but you're right about the takedown.
I don't do anything
With my own programs.
Other people post them, and they post them all over the place, and I think that's great.
I don't even know who they are, and I don't care.
But I get reports back all the time, well, you're not up there, and you're not up here, and they just take them down.
And so people go back and they post them again, but the point is, they are doing it.
Oh, let me tell you what's happening.
I'll post a video and it'll get 30,000 views since we post so many.
Some little channel posts it and gets 100,000.
That's because they haven't put the block on them.
They're suppressing our numbers.
But it doesn't matter, we're just spreading everywhere, Bob.
Like a big disease for them.
Well, officially, folks, this is 100% proof right here.
And they say, oh Alex, they're getting rid of all the old subs.
No, no, no.
I know people personally who just set up channels a week ago that were deleted, and we're putting videos on them.
People a month ago that subscribed to me that were kicked off, and people that are subscribers, almost all of them are not having my videos sent to them.
I mean, if I can get a quarter million subscribers on one channel, then every video should get a quarter million views or more.
That's guaranteed total viral.
Look at this!
I'm not even... People are saying, what do you mean?
That's... No, no, no.
Let me show you, folks.
Here's my channel.
Young Turks Caught Lying to Viewers.
Here's my version.
And again, it hasn't really updated yet, so it just says 6,000 views.
I did this at about 10 o'clock last night.
It used to say about a day to really update.
When it finally updates later, it'll probably say about 30,000 views and 100,000 later.
But the point is, is that Young Turks Caught Lying to Viewers, and I counter them attacking me and lying about me,
And then now, I copy this headline, thinking I'll see what the latest views actually are.
This is a trick I learned.
I do it.
Until two weeks ago, it would always be my video, because I originated it, and my video always has the most views since my version, at least up front.
No, it's some other guy who copied my video over, which is great, please do, with 199 views that just went up a couple hours ago.
That's the one that's searchable.
Oh, I see why.
Because it's got an ad on it.
See, I don't take ads, because then they can try to censor me more.
I don't take the Google ads.
Now I'm seeing... So they don't let my video be seen now.
They're doing it for people that are partners.
There you go, Bob.
Proof for everybody right there, Bob.
I mean, this is insane.
Listen, my own articles from InfoWars, and we've had companies, search engine experts, look, our system's set right.
Google is now driving most of the InfoWars things down to like 10 pages down, when we used to be number one.
They're now giving other people the results for Alex Jones, people that attacked me.
They've got a team in there.
I mean,
Here's the thing, they won't give us a partner channel, Bob.
And then the Young Turks that work for Al Gore publicly, came out and said that I don't have a big audience.
You know, that I'm basically a joke.
And so I showed on Alexa Ratings how they don't even show up on the graph for web traffic versus, and how I'm like, you know, hundreds of times above them.
And so they took a straw man and showed one YouTube channel of mine and said, oh look, our one channel is bigger than his one channel and said, I'm a liar.
What do you think of that, Bob?
Now that's exactly what you can expect from those people.
And now I can't even get my video out to show they're lying about me.
Because they work for the filthy scum Al Gore.
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And we use several different search engines, but Startpage and stuff are just proxies of Google.
And, you know, so what if the new world order is watching us?
We hope the technicians watching us are learning that they're being poisoned when they see our searches of Rockefeller documents saying they're killing us.
Of course they can't have me on air dominating.
And I'm dominating all over the web now, and we're being censored everywhere.
But I have confirmed, and people are pointing it out, that they are now, with my YouTube videos, not even listing them,
The new ones, and the only ones you can find are people that copied our videos and gave it another headline or a similar headline.
I mean, non-searchable.
This is big.
This is big, and they're saying they're going to censor across the board.
Now, and don't give me that idiot thing of they're a private company.
Folks, they operate as a public commons.
They operate with a contract saying they don't censor and do this.
This is false advertising.
They admitted a month ago that they take stuff down when the government asks.
We put a video up exposing the TSA.
They blocked it so it couldn't go viral.
We show a helicopter killing people that's already all over the news.
They block it.
We put out a comedy video titled America.
Land of the Snitch.
I noticed you search our deal, it's other people's version.
They're blocking us!
This is incredible!
This is incredible!
And they're slowly putting more and more controls on, gaming the whole deal.
And I told you, only letting you see my videos that people have copied on partner channels, which is great.
Copy my videos all you want, put them everywhere.
Endgame freaks them out so much that some company that doesn't even have the copyright to it is blocking it, saying it's theirs.
And now they're trying to, people are trying to say my voice is theirs.
I mean, there's going to come a time where you can't even hear my voice, folks, on the web.
I'm telling you, you better spread the word about Infowars.com.
In fact, we would be overall losing traffic right now because of Google changing stuff and going after us if it wasn't for the Drudge Report.
The Drudge Report is really the biggest thing helping us reach people, except for you, the audience, spreading the word.
I mean, I'm putting everything I can into this.
I just want to warn people.
That's my goal.
That's what I'm after.
And they are coming after us, and if they can silence me, they're going to silence you next.
You've got to stand with us, folks.
You've got to get the word out about InfoWars.com and PresidentBiden.com.
You've got to spread the links to our YouTube videos on the Alex Jones Channel and the other channels.
Post them to your site.
Make variants.
Upload them.
Don't put my name in them.
Some of the time, put my name in.
Other time, I've noticed that that gets around them.
Bob Chapman, I know I'm ranting and I said I'd go to calls.
It's just, this is a big deal, Bob.
It certainly is.
Because, you know, if we're shut out, it's over.
I mean, we get the live broadcast and other things, but... They're gonna come after that next.
...the ability to reach a lot of people is gonna be taken down.
Well, this is the selective kill switch Obama talked about.
I mean, look at Google giving all the money.
I mean, look, I went and had reporters get in the face of the head of Google, Schmidt, at Bilderberg last year.
I mean, do you think they liked it in hundreds of newspapers, in our video, being number one on Google and getting millions of views?
And then they did some blocker on that, and it suddenly shut down.
The video was up, but it didn't go viral anymore.
See, all the time, stuff used to pop up on the front page and have more views than everybody.
And somebody would see it and just remove it and take it off the front page.
Now they just delist it, Bob.
I mean, you gotta look, but it shows we're hurting them.
This is a great victory.
They wouldn't be doing this, Bob, if we weren't having an effect.
Yeah, but we gotta keep after them.
We gotta find ways around it.
Folks, go see it for yourself.
And I'm so sick of the denials out there.
Let me explain.
It's not just that they're knocking our subscribers off.
Of course they made the announcement.
That's their cover for all this.
It's that people who are subscribers, most of them can't get the videos.
But they get all the partner crud.
Or a cat playing with a French bulldog.
Because they don't want you to know that there's sodium fluoride in the water.
They don't want you to know.
I'll be back Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central, and I'll see you in Dallas.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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