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Name: 20120207_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 7, 2012
2722 lines.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, I'm really glad that you made the decision to tune in today.
This is going to be a particularly important worldwide transmission.
One of controlled rage.
I am so angry and so focused and so sure in my analysis of the globalist master plan that I am beside myself with concern and energy to resist these people.
I am beside myself.
The globalists are preparing, and we can back them off, to not just launch new, wider wars, but to also stage domestic terror attacks, blaming domestic groups, and publicly rolling out homeland security against the American people, which they've already begun to do, after a decade of claiming it was for Al-Qaeda, and then all the major operatives for Al-Qaeda are on record working at the Pentagon.
From Adam Gadon, grandson of the former head of the ADL, to Anwar al-Awlaki dining secretly with the Secretary of the Army.
On record, Fox News Associated Press.
To the underwear bomber drugged and put on the plane, and we of course broke down a month and a half before it was mainstream news.
Because our people see something, they say something.
And when they see government terrorists, they don't call the government terrorists.
They call us.
And so I'm gonna give you real and credible threats, not, oh, we're taking all your rights away and gonna stick our hands on your pants for an unspecified threat.
I'm going to give you specified threats today.
I'm going to tell you who the terrorists are.
I'm going to tell you their past crimes.
And I'm going to tell you their likely next targets.
Just like I did, but even in more detail.
September 25th, 2001.
And just like I did on 9-11, one month before it was made public, but I could tell it was already going on, because the enemy programs you out in the open.
But if you are conscious and not hypnotized, you see the magician leading the hypnotized person around by the nose.
I was able to say, they're launching a bio-attack to create fear and shut down the government.
Even the ADL attacked me September 12th in an article titled, What They're Saying, and enshrined, not just my own audio, but in text, that I had indeed said this.
They were attacking me for it.
Look at this insane person.
He says a bio-attack is being launched, and that it would be used to shut down the government.
Exactly that happened.
I know the enemy's mind.
I study this so in-depth,
That it's like looking out of their own eyes.
And they're hesitating right now with different levers they can pull.
So I'm not sure what lever they're going to pull because they're... They're watching us.
What do we do?
Before we could just stage this and get away with it.
Every time we stage it, they've got people watching!
They're aware of us!
You bet we are, killers!
You murderers!
You people that blew up the daycare center in Oklahoma City, people that get the underwear bomber on the plane, people that give Libya to Al-Qaeda, you bet we see ya!
And we're fearless, and you don't know how to deal with it, do ya?
You're just gonna launch some big wars, try to arrest some people, blow up some stuff and dance around as saviors on TV, and then start trying to shut down the Internet.
We've got all these Obama advisors publicly saying, ban people off the web that say government-sponsored terror.
You're gonna ban Encyclopedia Britannica?
Stating that Operation Ajax was staged terror by the CIA MI6 against Iran?
As a pretext for war?
What about Declassified Operation Northwoods, ABC News, Associated Press?
Gonna shut them down?
What about Encyclopedia Britannica on Gulf of Tonkin to get us into Vietnam, a staged terror attack?
Gonna shut them down too?
The horse already left the barn, scum!
You're already convicted worldwide, and we're just getting started!
Now I said it's controlled rage!
Stay with us!
Key announcement straight ahead!
Hi folks, this is Alex Jones.
I'm looking for people that have the wisdom to spot savings, opportunity, and recognize risk.
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The Cal Bend Pure Soap Company can save you thousands of dollars and give you good old-fashioned real soaps that are triple concentrated and twice as good as what you're using now.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington D.C.
we have seen a fall of the Republic.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
It is February 7th, 2012.
This will be one of the most important broadcasts I have ever done.
Coming up in about 15 minutes at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, an article that Paul Watson and I have been working on this morning that he's finishing up right now.
Will be posted to the websites and it is a worldwide private sector media alert.
InfoWars is going to issue a worldwide terrorism threat alert.
Years before the State Department
...admitted that Mexico was one of the most dangerous countries in the world and that you shouldn't travel there.
We could see the numbers of thousands of dead, hundreds of U.S.
tourists every year, and tell you that even though they wouldn't issue the alert, that it's not safe.
And when it became cartoonishly obvious with 40,000 dead or so in just a few years, hundreds and hundreds of U.S.
citizens, kidnappings, murders, you name it, they finally issued those a couple years ago.
So when the federal government, who's been caught, and we're going to have this in the article, issuing fake terror alerts in 2005 and then again in 2009, and Governor Ridge, the former head of Homeland Security two years ago, wrote a book about it,
These are the terrorists.
These are the people trying to scare us into submission to give up our Bill of Rights and Constitution.
But when you look at it, they're the ones lying about WMDs that take us to war.
That's a false flag of terror, threatening us with those weapons that don't exist.
That's the definition of terrorism.
The definition of terrorism throughout history is to carry out
Violence, or threatened violence, so that populations will accept a political goal.
And so you're told, give up your ride so the terrorist will kill you.
That is terrorizing someone.
Telling a child, be good, or the boogeyman's gonna get you.
That's an old-fashioned way to make kids behave.
What the old-timers did, telling them parables.
Hansel and Gretel and things like that.
That's terrorizing them.
Telling a child don't go swim in the water or a shark will eat you.
That's terrorizing someone.
And that's what the system does.
They dance around going ooga booga.
But here's the deal.
With all of the preconditioning, the rollouts we're seeing, the media hype that I'm going to go over here in a moment.
With all of this going on, with all of this happening, we are in a prime zone ahead of this war with Iran.
For staged terror in Europe, Israel, the United States, Asia, Africa, Latin America, you name it, as governments everywhere hire private corporations or hire terror groups, many of which are just mercenary groups.
Operating under different shadowy names to stage attacks as pretext to get the population to go along with war and with the financial global consolidation, the global financial takeover that's taking place as the mega banks steal tens of trillions of dollars from taxpayers globally every year and have those governments sign over
Fraudulent, what they say is irrevocable control of their nations.
All the big movements are happening.
The political planets are aligning for global consolidation, open world government, giant wars bigger than just regional wars that the Rand Corporation called for to help bring in their new world order three years ago, that PNAC 11 years ago, September 20th, 2000.
Called for something as big as a Pearl Harbor event on American citizens, 3,000 dead, as a pretext to launch the wars.
Read it!
Rebuilding America's Defense is September 20th.
Written about in the New York Times, Washington Post.
I'm on radio talk shows with Neocon sometimes, back when I had time to do it.
You know, to come on and debate people.
And I'd say, well, Dick Cheney wrote in PNAC, September 20, 2000, Rebuilding America's Defenses, that they wanted to use race-specific bioweapons, have giant terror attacks as a pretext to launch wars to take over Afghanistan and Iraq.
And they'll say, shut up, conspiracy theorist.
And I'd be, well, wait, just search it.
Oh, yes, search it.
I can find anything on the Internet.
And I'm like, no, it's Project for a New American Century, PNAC.org.
Please, look it up.
No, you're lying.
And they, you know, get a collar on and go, why don't you just move in with the Taliban?
Bet you work with Al Qaeda.
Unlike Zbigniew Brzezinski, he's, you know, written two books admitting the U.S.
government founded Al Qaeda.
The former Foreign Secretary of England went public about that and then died right after saying it was totally staged.
The former head of a German intelligence went public.
Andre Fabulo.
Oh, Mr. Buelow, going to tell me next about a Build-A-Hamburger?
Well, no, Build-A-Burger's real.
It's the Global Elite meeting.
The Global Elite meeting.
Yeah, the UN wants a global tax, global army.
Go to UN's own website.
Oh, sure they do.
You people are good.
This is what we deal with.
And we've shown you the memos in the last decade, now public.
Before we'd get a Homeland Security document, a PNAC document, we'd be given it by a business owner, police officer, a federal marshal, state police officer, FBI, people that are good inside the system and have seen that we're telling the truth that give us information.
And, you know, I'd come out four years ago with a Homeland Security document and Ron Paul would get called and he'd say, I don't know if that's real, we gotta check.
And then Homeland Security comes out and says, yeah, we do list Ron Paul, if you support him, that you may be a terrorist.
Yeah, if you're a libertarian, we say you may be a terrorist.
Yeah, it's real.
And people are like, whoa!
They're saying returning veterans and libertarians and nationalists and those that want to, quote, get out of the UN are terrorists?
And then it was every major show in the country not giving us credit, of course, for breaking all of that.
And then we learned from listeners that they're training Boy Scouts to spy on their parents.
People don't believe it.
Then it comes out in the news and people are like, well, that's good.
Then we get documents three years before it's brought out in mainstream media that they're training tens of thousands, now it's hundreds of thousands, of preachers to spy on their flocks.
And people are like, oh, that can't be real, that's not America.
Then it comes out and people are like, well, that's good.
And then it turns out the coffee shops, the cable repair person, the telephone man, the water company, they're all in there.
And now you see it when people are in your house, they'll chat you up and they'll start asking you questions.
What's this?
What's that?
Oh, I see you're growing some plants here.
You know, what kind of plant is this?
It's a jade plant.
And I'm like, what, are you trying to see if I'm doing something illegal?
Well, we just ask.
Oh, we just ask.
And then see, now it's all admitted because it's going mainline.
It's going mainline everywhere.
And so, coming up at the bottom of the hour, I am going to focus and give you a detailed analysis breakdown on what we're facing.
And I just got chills.
And I'm risking my life to do this.
Believe me, the globalists do not like what we're doing here.
That's why they're openly talking about censoring us by name.
Yeah, there's the New York Times.
First line of the article.
Scouts trained to fight terrorists and more.
First line of the article.
They trained to take out an Iraq war vet.
People laughing.
Some of them are 14-year-olds.
This is from three years ago.
They're now 17.
You ever heard of the Hitlerjugend?
You know the Soviets did that?
It's not about them being the toughest or the smartest.
It's about them being young and following orders and being cannon fodder.
You know what the Hitler Youth did to the Russian Army coming in to those cities?
They killed tens of thousands of Russian soldiers.
A kid is just fearless enough to actually climb right up underneath the tank and place the phosphorus mine on it.
They're dumb!
Because they're young, they're not informed yet.
That's why they want you at 18 to join the military.
And that's why by the time you get out when you're 30 years old, you're marked as the enemy.
Because they know.
You've been psychologically profiled and hired into a police department, or into a security system, if you follow orders, watch football all day, and think the American people are your enemy.
That's the 30% in the actuaries, in all the different studies around 30%.
Generally it's really about 28% on average, but let's just say 30.
30% will do anything they're told.
TSA, people like that. 70%
Are awake.
And you know what?
You're the number one enemy.
You're tracked, you're traced, you're watched, you're in a file.
Just get that straight.
And that's on record.
Just like before it was on record.
I told you that was the case because I'd been to the drills and watched it.
I'd snuck into drills.
The feds were so mad.
That they were threatening to kill me over the telephone on a weekly basis and had people, when I was in Florida and other areas, jumping out of the woods at night because I was trying to film drills taking on, they were practicing taking over U.S.
And they would have guys, this happened.
Mike Hanson saw it.
A guy jumps out of the bushes and starts lighting things on fire saying I'd done it.
And I had to put it out and start tackling the guy and threaten to physically stomp his guts out and take the lighter away from him.
And of course he was assigned to military intelligence.
That's who runs America!
Because I fight the narcotics trafficking!
Because I fight the treason!
Because I am a soldier of the Republic defending this country!
Because I know what I'm talking about!
Because I'm motivated and I improvised from nowhere and saw the UN documents when I was 20 years old and got motivated to get a media system and develop this and built it brick by brick from nothing!
And I'm an example of what you can do to expose these people, and what all you can do to fight the New World Order.
It's time to get aggressive, because they're coming into the endgame right now with this new war, and the checkpoints, and the rollouts, and a stack of globalist media, where they're saying, today, libertarians are terrorists, gun owners are terrorists, people that pay $2 cash for a cup of coffee are terrorists.
I mean, it is on, and you need to figure this out.
It is on.
Look, you understand that this type of tyranny progresses like any disease.
It's like brain cancer.
We got a chance to cut it out, folks, but it's going to progress and progress, and it is the nastiest tyranny I've ever seen, okay?
It's us or them.
There's no choice.
We gotta fight them.
You don't need me to tell you that humanity is in a deep crisis.
Everyone can feel it.
We know a tectonic struggle is now taking place between the forces of freedom and those who love darkness, bondage, and enslavement.
Yes, my friends.
Evil is rising.
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Now I'm going to focus and give you the wide spectrum analysis of this when we start the next long segment.
But the article by Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones just went live seconds ago at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, our auxiliary frigate.
Now what I need you to do is get it, Twitter it, Facebook it, get it out to everybody.
Because this isn't 2001 when I was doing every show saying they're going to blow up the World Trade Center, blame it on their CIA asset bin Laden, and then launch an anthrax attack.
How did I know?
The globalists were drilling for it and openly hyping it in the media.
It's like fire departments that have been caught many times setting fires whenever budget cuts come, or firefighters that get caught planting bombs.
It happens all the time.
The average firefighter is a great person, but there's a certain type
Who does this so they can be the hero?
It's the oldest trick in the book.
Munchausen by proxy, abusing your kids so you can be the savior.
And all of us are basically acting like a bunch of Stockholm Syndrome folks.
Well, not me!
I don't like my abusers.
I don't appreciate it.
And I see him building a giant army of scum.
We're the boss in this country.
The federal government can't say my Bill of Rights is gone.
They can't say my Declaration of Independence is gone.
My Constitution's gone.
They can't say they can secretly arrest me and kill me.
They can try it through terrorist illegal force, just like somebody can try to rob a bank and shoot the teller.
But they're lawless!
And I'm calling them out!
I'm not here to do this at half speed!
I'm not here to lose!
And I see you murderers and all of your child-like idiot servants in government, all the compartmentalized twits who are too weak-minded to see what's going on, and that's the general public more than even police and military.
I've got to be honest, most police and military I talk to on average are more awake than the public by far.
But that's low and mid-level feds and police and military.
When you get into the higher ranks, they are power-tripping servants.
Or they're very stupid bag men who will do whatever they're told.
It's very simple.
It's not complex.
This has happened over and over again.
Infowars has issued an emergency terror
Threat of false fag event has never been greater.
This is a full global worldwide emergency alert.
And I'm giving you specific incredible threats with specific incredible evidence.
Not vague stuff.
We know exactly who the terrorists are.
They're the people that issue the fake terror alerts.
They're the people creating brown shirt goon forces without jurisdiction sticking their hands down your pants to train you to be a prisoner.
Now, by the way, we just got off the phone.
This segues into it.
We just got off the phone with the family, and I actually just had the article here in my stack out of the Washington Post, where they sit there with a straight face and talk about how... Guys, just reprint it, or somebody came in here and got my article.
This is really bad.
I'm so angry.
I'm like a race car engine about to blow, man.
I gotta settle down.
I need the Washington Post article that I know is right here about parents criminally charged for their five-year-old late to class.
And of course, they did this with the wrong family.
Because the family are both lawyers and they went to the state code and went, wait a minute.
It's more than 10 unexcused absences before truancy becomes criminal.
Our child was late to class.
How are you sending us a summons to come to a family court?
This is a false charge.
This is illegal.
Exactly what we discovered in Texas 14 years ago.
That was on the news.
They would
They would?
Yeah, it was entered.
Somebody take this out of my stack?
I'm so angry at the government.
I need to control myself.
Thank you.
It's just the criminal, premeditated evil of these people.
It was on the news, Judge Gene Muriel's giant dungeons for the children, some of the biggest in the state.
They feed them into the Texas Youth Commission, which publicly has rape rooms, child abuse centers, public raping of the judges, the police that are part of the crime syndicate come in and rape them.
It's all come out in the news.
The state police tried to stop it, were ordered to back off, didn't back off, so they fired the head of the DPS over it.
All this came out.
Anyways, Judge Gene Mear, who feeds the children into the pit of hell, this demonic Janet Napolitano, Janet Reno look-alike, it's all the same servant, same type.
She would call the families in and go, your seven-year-old was late to class three times the last month.
Sign this document or I'll throw him in jail.
And the parents, not knowing their rights, would sign it.
Now their child was on probation through a corporate agreement and there was no law.
It was all done through wicked, black widow, demonic, spider-like evil.
So this lawyer said, I'll come on, but I first want you to read the code.
I'm being attacked everywhere saying, why aren't my kids and my daughter in school?
It's just, it's incredible how they rule over us by deception.
By way of deception.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to an emergency worldwide citizen alert.
This is a real terror attack threat alert.
The globalists are so arrogant that in open white papers, Democratic operatives are openly discussing and saying they want to have a staged attack blamed on libertarians and conservatives.
Even Fox News has covered this.
It is in our article, and I'm seeing the pre-propaganda accelerate like I did before 9-11, but a rebranding off of a Muslim threat.
On to a domestic threat, and that is in the news today.
FBI paying cash for a cup of coffee, a potential indicator of terror activity.
They also asked the Internet Cafe coffee shops that if someone is using a server proxy to surf the Internet or to get search results, that you should call the FBI on them.
After decades of denying that government was spying on us without warrants, and after a decade of Google promising to never keep the results or share them, they're now admitting you have no rights, we're going to use the data and sell it, medical information, anything you do, anything you search.
And so, that's the equivalent of saying all your mail has to be in a see-through plastic container or envelope, or that you have to live in a glass house, that if you want to close the blinds,
I mean, I went in the bathroom this morning and I closed the door.
That's bad.
This is the total overthrow of all basic liberty.
And Paul Watson has the link to the FBI's flyer and announcement.
This is big breaking news.
At InfoWars.com, communities against terrorism, potential indicators of terrorist activities related to Internet Cafe.
And we've shown you dozens of these for barber shops, for gun shops, for five and dimes, for farm and ranch supply stores, for tattoo shops.
You know, they say, do they have American flag tattoos?
Go ahead and call us.
At the gun shop, are they missing fingers?
At the farmer's supply shop, are they missing fingers?
Go ahead and call us.
I'd say about 10% of farmers I know are missing fingers.
Or missing arms!
I got family missing fingers!
You ever actually worked in your life on a farm?
Or a ranch?
You ever worked about heavy equipment?
You ever driven tractors?
Ever stuck your arm in a combine to pull something out?
The point is, is it's about training everyone to be spies and to trust no one for a threat that doesn't kill as many people every year as honeybees.
So we have that report.
Then we have Reuters.
FBI warns of threat from anti-government extremists.
And then you read the manual.
They use that as the example of the extremist threat.
You mean people that are actually more like the Founding Fathers than the average dumbed-down cattle?
You mean real Americans!
I mean, what made America great?
The good guys.
Who are exposing that you're the terrorist.
You're saying we're the terrorists.
No, sir.
And then they go on to say in this new manual that's out, the farmer who's losing his property.
Because he can't pay the property tax.
The economy's being shut down so you're forced to go into bankruptcy.
You don't have a cushy government job.
Oh, they're coming.
Or the people that can't pay anymore for all the inspection stickers and tickets.
11% of my state, last time I checked, has arrest warrants out.
We have the biggest prison population in the world.
And when you're finally pushed to the wall,
When you're pushed to the wall, when you're pushed all the way to the edge, and you can't put up with it.
And I know all the sovereign citizen type folks.
They're always people pushed to the wall.
Had their kid taken.
Then they got a divorce.
Then the IRS took their painting business.
Now they've lived for 15 years out of their van.
And they're done!
You've destroyed them, and they're done, and they're living in a van getting odd jobs.
And you know what?
You're right.
They've been to jail ten times.
For no reason, because cops harass them but let the illegal aliens go.
And there's coming a day, and you're right, where they're not going to go with the redcoats anymore to the stinking, filthy prison.
You're right.
They're the type of folks that hid in the woods when the Nazis took over Poland.
And set up the same checkpoints and IDs to have jobs and all of it.
You're right, they're people pushed over the edge.
And it goes on.
Anti-government extremists opposed to taxes and regulations pose a growing threat to local law enforcement.
In the United States, the FBI warned Monday.
Of course, what did the New York Times come out with?
The American people are taking their towns and cities back.
They believe in Agenda 21, uh, UN rules.
Well, the UN, it is a UN global treaty and, you know, we are increasing your power prices and taking your property and not letting you build a barn on your own land and, you know, and they are banning light bulbs and saying what type of, um,
Toilet you can have and all this.
But, you know what, it says, oh, they don't like the new environmental regulations.
Yeah, I see newscasts every couple days where they're coming to people in Michigan and everywhere else and saying, oh, we're going to put a tax and a meter on your well now.
Well, my grandfather dug that well.
We just watered the garden with it.
It's an old hand-dug 200-foot well.
Well, it's a felony if you don't let us put this on it.
And we're going to tax you, and you've got to send in a test every month that it's safe for you to drink.
You see, everything Stalin did to the Ukraine, we're going under it.
You think you're going to get a gas pipeline or an oil pipeline from Canada?
It's going to China.
You think you're going to get a coal power plant?
It's getting shut down.
You think you're going to have a business?
They're going to pay major corporations to copy your business and move it to Mexico or China.
The name of the game is destroy us.
And publicly, the federal government funds Al-Qaeda, the underwear bombers, the shoe bombers, protects Major Hassan, puts Al-Qaeda in Syria, puts Al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, puts total Al-Qaeda in control of Libya, and then waves their finger at us and says, give your rights up, Al-Qaeda's gonna hit.
I've interviewed the head of the U.S.
Embassy when they were ordered to let Mohammed Adda and others into the United States when they were flagged as top terrorists.
And the CIA called their boss and said, you stop that hold, you let them in.
That terror designation is a cover for our deep agents.
They were taking part in drills.
They were set up.
And it turns out they were trained at U.S.
The head of the Defense Language School, Colonel Butler, went public and said, these men, well at least four of them, trained in my class in high-level spy training.
Something's going on, he said.
The government did this.
You bet your bottom dollar they did.
Let me say that again.
The hijackers trained in U.S.
spy bases.
And you'd say, well, people go public.
They did go public.
And after people's families get threatened with being killed, and he was threatened with a court-martial, he shut up.
I called his house a month after 9-11 when he was in the San Jose Mercury News saying the government did it.
And there was a woman screaming in the background saying they've threatened us.
I told you hang it up.
No, no, no.
This is the real world.
This is what we deal with.
The people running the government are the ones that blew up Oklahoma City in that.
And I've had the cops on.
I've had the head of HUD who was there and saw the feds planting the bombs.
They said, oh, it's just a telephone work.
I've had them all on.
I've had cops on who saw the feds with the bombs and the rest of it, and they came to them in Oklahoma City, you know, to the sergeant's office, the head of the K-9 unit, and said, you and your wife are dead.
I've had Officer Browning on this show.
You're dead if you look into this anymore, okay?
They did it!
We caught the FBI anti-terrorism director there the day before saying he wasn't with the hotel receipts and eyewitnesses.
They did it!
We've caught them!
They are the terrorist!
Now let me give you the worldwide alert.
As this article goes on, these extremists, sometimes known as sovereign citizens, who know you're the terrorist, believe they can live outside any type of government authority.
No, you live outside the Bill of Rights and Constitution, so you're illegitimate.
Marbury vs. Madison.
You are openly saying you can secretly arrest us and kill us.
You are lawless criminals.
Just like Hitler may have said he was the law in Germany, but I say he hadn't!
You may have your little 10 badges and the rest of it, but my warrant is sworn out by the Republic, and by common sense, and organic law, and the Bill of Rights, and by God Almighty!
You like that?
You like my badge?
You know it!
It's called fearlessness in your murdering face!
We're gonna defeat you and you know it!
I will it!
And millions of others will it with me right now!
And what we agree on Earth together, God makes it done in Heaven!
I'm sick of you murdering scum!
Continuing, the extremists may refuse to pay taxes, defy government environmental, you mean UN regulations, and believe the United States went bankrupt.
It's on record we did, it's all in the War Powers Act, read it!
Routine encounters with police can turn violent, a drop of a hat.
Yeah, you pull somebody over with their family, you start talking about how you're going to take them to jail because, you know, they can't pay all their tickets because you bankrupted them.
So now they say the CPS, they start calling to have the CPS come pick the kids up.
Yeah, you bet people can't handle it anymore.
When you send your Nazis to pick up their kids, a bunch of pot-bellied pedophiles, you bet people are sick of you.
Routine encounters with police can turn violent with the drop of a hat, said Stuart McArthur, Deputy Assistant Director in FBI's Counterterrorism Division.
Gotta love that, Counterterrorism Division.
You mean the folks that ship guns into Mexico?
To blame the Second Amendment?
You mean those kind of terror attacks?
We thought it was important to increase the visibility of the threat with the state and local law enforcement.
They're getting ready for some of the Oklahoma cities to blame us.
And they want the cops to go, you did warn us.
You care about us.
Yeah, we're sorry they hit the local police department daycare center.
Don't know how the terrorists found that one.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
And if you're a local cop and catch them, get video, get it out that day or they'll kill you.
They killed a lot of cops and a lot of other people at OKC.
And a lot from 9-11.
They'll kill you in a minute.
A lot of you are cowards.
They call up and threaten you and your family.
You'll just roll over right there.
We thought it was important to increase the visibility of the threat with state and local law enforcement, he said.
In May of 2002, West Memphis, Arkansas police officers were shot and killed in an argument that developed after they pulled over a sovereign citizen in traffic.
That whole thing was really shady.
Last year, an extremist in Texas opened fire on a police officer during a traffic stop.
The officer was not hit.
Legal convictions of such extremists, mostly for white-collar crimes as fraud, that means actually suing the criminals back, have increased and it just goes on.
And they're going on to say, get ready for it to happen.
Let me give you the worldwide terror alert.
This is a maximum alert.
Okay, a lot of data goes into this, a lot of data points.
But I can see them gearing up for the new war, all of it, and they're going to want to clamp down on free speech and the rest of it.
They know we're getting close to them.
InfoWars issues emergency terror alert.
Threat of false flag event has never been greater, given the fact that the U.S.
and Israel are both yearning for a Cossus Belli
To launch an attack on Iran, added to recent history where a staged provocation was considered, and in addition to the innumerable examples of false flags overseen by the Obama administration alone, the threat of staged terror has never been greater.
Unlike the plethora of fake terror alerts that former Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge admitted were issued for political propaganda, this one is very serious indeed.
I'm giving you specific threats.
intelligence officials, that's the people doing it, last week upped the rhetoric against Iran during congressional testimony by claiming that Tehran is preparing to launch reprisal attacks inside the United States.
And they also separately, in the Brookings Institution and others, said that they would stage a provocation.
Like we don't read that.
Like we're idiots.
Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr.
cited the alleged Iranian plot to assassinate a Saudi ambassador on U.S.
soil as a sign that some Iranian officials, probably including Supreme Leader, have changed their calculus and are now willing to conduct an attack on the United States in response to real or perceived U.S.
actions that threaten the regime.
Is that why they've laid there, even in the region, and taken the attacks inside their country?
As we documented at the time, according to U.S.
Army Lt.
Anthony Schaeffer, no information concerning the supposed plot even existed within FBI channels, strongly suggesting the story was manufactured by the Obama administration.
The New York Times also reported that dubious nature of the plot caused a wave of puzzlement and skepticism from some foreign leaders and outside experts.
Advocates of an attack on Iran have implied the U.S.
could stage a provocation.
We have links to them saying it.
Has a pretext for military assault.
In January of 2008, Dick Cheney's office considered staging an incident, we have a link to Pulitzer Prize winner writing about that, to blame on Iran warships.
And US ships patrolling the Strait of Hormuz were attacked.
The big threat is domestic, folks.
That's what they're gearing up for.
Despite this sordid history of lies that were manufactured about weapons of mass destruction, Niger Yellow Cake, and dodgy dossiers to justify the invasion of Iraq in 2003, we're seeing history repeat itself as the U.S.
seeks to exploit another artificial crisis as a pretext to back the Israeli attack on Iran.
Numerous examples since Obama took office illustrate how this administration and the intelligence agencies that surround it are by no means
Uh, reticent to bizarrely lie and stage events for political purposes.
Despite the Obama administration's best efforts to characterize Operation Fast and Furious, an ATF program that sought to put US-based firearms in the hands of Mexican drug smugglers, as little more than a screw-up, the most damning evidence strongly indicates that the whole operation, well, CBS News got the fact that it was, doesn't it indicate, is an attempt to launch a false flag assault on the Second Amendment of the American people.
Yeah, they said they'd blame it on that.
Obama himself told gun control advocate Sarah Brady last year that his administration was working under the radar to sneak attack the Second Amendment just months before the Fast and Furious scandal leaked.
And at the same time as the administration officials were blaming violence in Mexico on the Second Amendment, when in reality the administration itself was responsible for arming the drug cartels.
These are terrorists.
Eight agencies involved.
A further example of false flag attack under the current administration involves the Christmas Day underwear bomber.
Who was helped through security despite being on a terrorist watch list with no passport by a well-dressed Indian man on Christmas Day 09.
It later emerged the State Department was ordered, this is on C-SPAN, not to revoke his visa by federal counterterrorism officials even though the accused bomber had known terrorist ties.
That's a quote.
In addition to the fact that his own father had worked
His own father had warned U.S.
intelligence officials on the threat posed by him a month before the attempted attack.
While the public is now being told that terrorists are about to strike on U.S.
soil, the U.S.
government itself has warned that al-Qaeda funded terrorists in Libya.
Again, while the public is being told that terrorists are about to strike on U.S.
soil, the U.S.
government itself has armed and funded al-Qaeda terrorists in Libya to overthrow Gaddafi, and is now backing al-Qaeda groups in Iran to carry out bombings and assassinations.
Link's the government admitting all this, in an effort to undermine Ahmadinejad government.
The same terrorists used in Libya were also subsequently airlifted to Syria as part of an effort to depose President Bashir Assad.
Now it goes on in the domestic areas and that's the most important part of this.
I'm going to have this updated there and point out that we are issuing a real terror threat because these governments are known to have staged terror attacks.
They've been known to create provocations.
They are the real suspects and the ones that have motive to stand a game.
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Look, criminal interests have taken over our government and our society.
They're funding foreign terrorists to menace us so they can take our rights and staging domestic events so they can go after free speech and continue to get away with their criminal activities.
It's the oldest trick in the book and it's happening.
And I'm seeing massive media hype in movies, but also in non-fiction, but it really is fiction, nightly news.
Everywhere they're saying the right-wingers are getting ready to attack.
And there's all these advisers to Obama, Shapiro and others saying a big terror attack is the only thing that will save you.
And now the media is saying get ready for the attack.
And I've learned how to watch these people, so I want the system to know our people are everywhere.
That's the only thing that's been holding it back so far.
The system knows we continue to catch them.
We caught them on Fast and Furious.
I reported on that six years ago.
That's how I was able to tell you Bush was involved.
And that Holder would then play that card on ISSA.
Months later, he did.
I know how they work, the Mutual Blackmail Society.
And I mean, you can sit there and play chess with them all day, and you can see their next moves.
And I'm telling you, they look like they're going for the tarot card.
And you've got Iran in there, they could just have Iran stage an attack, you know, say Iran did it, or provocateur some group, or they could claim that domestic groups hit, and Iran hit, and link that up.
But now they're saying, paying for coffee with cash, and telling internet bars, internet shops, cafes, to watch what you're surfing.
Again, it's a total spy society.
How about we watch you crooks?
How about we watch the folks that are known for doing this?
And I just called Paul during the break, because we went over this article this morning.
I'm going to have him up front in the article add the part about they're going after domestic, not just saying it's Al Qaeda.
It continues here.
While the public is being told that terrorists are about to strike on U.S.
soil, the U.S.
government itself has armed and funded al Qaeda terrorists in Libya.
And it goes through all that fact.
It is crystal clear that the gigantic anti-terror apparatus itself, created in the aftermath of 9-11, is now being used against the American people.
With citizens being trained to spy on each other under the auspices of Homeland Security's See Something Say Something campaign to illustrate the absurdity of how far this reaches, hot dog sellers at the recent Super Bowl were trained by the TSA to spot terrorists.
Both the DHS and the FBI are also characterizing mundane behavior, such as paying for a cup of coffee with cash, using a video camera, talking to police officers, talking terrorism now, wearing hoodies, driving vans, writing on a piece of paper, we have links to all this, and using a cell phone recording application as indicators of terrorist activity.
How about working for a government that's been known to stage terror attacks and been caught doing it?
How about that?
To top it all off, the Obama administration was also instrumental in passing a provision of the NDAA bill which authorizes the military to kidnap and incarcerate U.S.
citizens without trial merely on the accusation that they may be terrorists.
The environment of fear and paranoia has been created as a result of all this makes fertile ground for the government to stage a crisis or manufacture an emergency situation that will be used to rally the American people around a number of different domestic and geopolitical agendas.
And again, Paul, I called him about an hour and a half before news time and went over some notes, some points I wanted in this alert.
He's going to add some more.
He's going to point out that I warned in July of 2001 about the upcoming attack.
I even called the target.
And I did have Dr. Monteith coming on, but I'm going to push him back 20 minutes into the next hour because I've got to continue breaking this down, how I know all this.
Again, we have a fraudulent government.
I mean, they take kids from people who haven't even committed crimes.
They're taking people's kids now who aren't even violating the truancy laws.
We've got proof of that.
That's a lawless group of criminals.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
All right, if you just joined us, I'm going to try to calmly go over this.
All over TV today,
You see it intensifying talk radio, print media, Reuters.
They're saying, don't trust your neighbor.
Don't trust people at the auto parts shop, people paying cash for coffee.
Everybody's a terrorist.
Don't trust anyone.
Only trust your loving government, who happens to be the folks that are actually staging the terror attacks.
Our government has been taken over by the big six megabanks.
Open world government has been announced.
Open UN world taxes.
Open global carbon taxes.
It's all being announced.
The Congress has a 9% approval rating.
They openly engage in insider trading.
They engage in every crime you can imagine.
And we come back in the next segment.
I want to take some calls on this subject with you.
Specifically on the subject of InfoWars Issues Emergency Terror Alert.
Now, things have built to a head before, and I've issued these, and a month after, underwear bombing.
A few weeks after, a Hassan attack.
A month after, 9-11 attack.
I mean, I've learned when they're building this up.
We've issued terror alerts over the years.
I don't know, I might have issued seven or eight, where I'm saying this is an alert.
And there's been cases where it doesn't develop, because we've got people watching, and this backs the globalists off.
But they think we're so stupid that Obama has all these advisors in the Financial Times of London, you name it, writing articles about how great a staged terror attack would be.
And then you have a government that lies and says it's the law to take vaccines and takes kids to kangaroo courts and takes them from their parents when there's no law.
And now all over the country they're trying to take people's children if they're, you know, tardy to class.
That's in the Washington Post.
Judge sets trial date in Lobdum School tardiness case.
And the father, who's a lawyer, before he'd come on he says, I keep getting invited on talk shows and burned.
Where they say they're my friend and they get me on, and then they say, why don't you take your kid to school?
And I point out it's not even the law.
I could take my kid out of the school if I wanted to.
She's a, you know, it's a five-year-old.
They've been late.
And they're combining these and saying it's truancy.
The code says it's this many, unexcused.
They're excused, I'm the parent.
But even if they were unexcused, it takes more than this.
This isn't what the law says.
But they won't let them get that out.
So the guy wouldn't come on until
I read this.
He didn't know who I am.
But he's going to come on the last 30 minutes of the show.
Darren's in there setting him up.
And he's in there telling Darren, don't you understand?
There is no law.
How are they sending me a summons?
How is this happening?
Welcome to criminal land!
I remember on the news 12-13 years ago with the ASAP program.
We went down to the county.
Lawsuits got filed.
They claimed they backed off on it.
But they just came right back later.
I can't fight every battle.
I can't fight every dragon.
And on the news they would show the kid, Billy in the fourth grade was late to class three times in two months.
That counts as a truancy.
So he would be thrown in Juvenile Hall for a week.
But the judge was nice and she says, listen to me, Dad.
You sign this paper.
I'm taking him.
The dad signed.
He's like, we're so sorry.
She should go to jail!
There's no law in Texas at that time.
It was 16 unexcused absences.
It wasn't even one!
But it was all fraud getting you to sign an agreement.
And a contract.
And that's fraudulent too.
I mean, look, Judge Gene Mears is a big fat crook.
There you go.
And I'll say it about any of these people.
They know it.
They're defrauding people of their rights through total ignorance.
And it's a family court.
It's not even a real court.
It's a racial hygiene court.
Shut up the first ones in New York 1910.
Didn't exist until that.
These were the courts that grabbed young women and sterilized them.
Look it up.
I mean, you know, I'm informed.
I know how criminal they are.
They take your baby's blood for 40 years at birth.
They do whatever they want.
They're crooks.
They're crooks.
They're crooks.
They're scum.
They're trash.
They're filth.
They're scum.
They're lying scum.
They want to ruin your life.
They want to put you in prison.
They're arresting children for running at recess now.
Associated Press, with a straight face, reports it.
You're like, but it's not illegal to run.
I know!
The courts aren't real courts!
The country's gone!
Admit it's gone to ever get it back!
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I have issued a worldwide emergency alert.
The criminals that run our government have been caught staging past terror attacks and issuing fake terror alerts.
They are now rolling out a PR campaign to prepare the psychological mind out there, the collective, that terror attacks are coming and that it's going to be Iranian and domestic groups linked up.
This is a maximum alert.
The article is at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
InfoWars issues emergency terror alert.
Threat of false flag event has never been greater.
This is a maximum alert.
I'm going to take a few calls in this segment.
The Stan Monteith's coming up.
The toll free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
So the phones are open, but specifically on my worldwide terror alert.
Again, groups that have been caught doing it, groups that have the motive, the means, who've been caught doing it, they're the main suspects.
And the suspects themselves are terrorizing us, saying, give your rights up, the terrorists are about to hit.
And I'm like, I know, you're the terrorist.
Your agenda, to get our guns, to bankrupt our country, to start new wars, is stalling.
You're getting ready to try to frame us into a new war.
I get it.
I'm not stupid.
Now, the essence of the tyranny we face, I've talked a lot about this,
Is that nationwide you see the hoax every year in August that it's the law to take vaccines.
There is no law anywhere that you've got to take a vaccine.
In California they passed an unconstitutional law as you know four months ago saying if they can convince your 12 year old
To take a vaccine, or have an abortion, or go on birth control, and there's another article about that today, that it's their decision.
Really, a 12-year-old can't be convinced to have sex with a guy at a street corner, because they're not of age to make that decision, or to drink Jack Daniels.
This is the state, like a pervert, coming at your kids.
Again, lawless, filthy, scum, by their own actions.
But this father who's in the Washington
Post, judge sets trial in school tardiness case.
Amy and Mark Denicor are headed for full-blown trial to defend themselves against charges they violated Virginia law by making their kids late to elementary school.
And I've seen in Travis County three tardies combined to be a criminal truancy and the code was 16 absences and I went down to the county court and I said this is illegal.
They're like, well, Judge Biscoe's like, well, this is a federal program and we're allowed to.
Now, and here's the code!
And I started telling parents about it, and they started suing, and they backed off.
And then they put it on the news.
The judge was, again, people crying, going, your son was late three times.
And, you know, the little kid, I think his name was Albert.
In fourth grade, he's like, I'm sorry, my parents will get me here earlier.
I'm sorry.
They're like, I'm going to take you and put you in juvenile hall.
It's like a Janet Reno type.
He's like, no, no, but she actually looks just like Mr. Napolitano.
No, no, not that.
And the dad's like, whatever.
And they sign their kid over into juvenile, sign him over into a unification where now he's a criminal in their racial hygiene court.
That's what the family court is, not a real court.
And so this father, who's a lawyer,
They report here in the Washington Post, you know, they're lawyers.
The couple was arraigned Monday morning in Juvenile Domestic Relations Court.
Judge Pamela L. Brooks.
See, it's not a real court.
The den of course are each charged with three cases of Class 3 misdemeanors.
And it goes on to have the Dentecors, both trained as lawyers, argue that whoever's one's option of their parenting, the county has no legal authority to convict them of a crime.
And of course, he sent me the code 22.1-254, just like Texas.
Parents can do whatever they want.
Parents can take their kids out, period!
It's incredible.
And it's not even enough truancies to kick in and be criminal.
But see, they don't care.
It's all about criminal activity.
And here it is, late to class.
This is late.
I've got the daisy's tardiness, the five-year-old.
And here is the summons.
And they've now been arraigned for something, and I've got the code that isn't even long.
And again, we probably got the father on the last 30 minutes of the show today.
This is the type of garbage I'm talking about, and it's everything!
It's everywhere.
The police break the law.
They've got the military on the streets breaking the law.
They're saying there's no Constitution.
They'll spy on us without warrants.
They're stealing tens of trillions of dollars for foreign banks.
The Congress says they're allowed to insider trade.
It's totally illegal.
They're just exercising criminal authority on us, trying to break our will.
The TSA's out of their jurisdiction.
All of it.
Sworn police can't stick their hands down your pants.
Martial law is everything is an arrest situation.
You're under arrest.
That's what martial law is.
And we're all prisoners.
We're all under custodial arrest in a national emergency carried out by foreign banks that hijacked the country and are training the cops for war with us.
Cops, that's basically the system training you to jump in front of 18 wheelers going 100 miles an hour.
Or to stick your hand down garbage disposals.
I don't hate you.
I don't want war with you.
But I'm sure not scared of you.
All your black uniforms, all your junk.
I mean, you know, if civil war starts, you're going to be hiding out in your bunkers.
And that's part of the globalist plan as well.
Look, I don't want to go there.
Just have an awakening.
Realize training people serving coffee to spy on folks and that paying with cash is criminal.
Just wake up, for heaven's sakes.
Let's take a few calls, but I've put out this worldwide alert.
Infowars issues, emergency terror alert.
There's never been a time when they're getting more ready for this right now.
And saying domestic groups are getting ready to hit any minute, and you know that we're evil because we love America.
I mean, we're just aware of what's happened.
Please get this out.
Please get this out.
Please get this out to everybody.
Brent in Pennsylvania, you're on the air.
Yeah, hey Alex, how you doing man?
I'm okay.
Yeah, I'll tell you what, this is just a further acclamation to the further martial law police state that's ongoing every day.
It's ridiculous.
By every yardstick, the United States is a cartoon-level tyranny.
And now they're saying, we'll secretly arrest you, and we're going to start shutting the media down.
I mean, they're now openly admitting it.
Notice all the criminals at once are saying, yeah, we're going to share all your data with Google.
Yeah, Microsoft's spying on you.
Yeah, the schools are watching you at home over your laptops.
Yeah, we're putting GPS on your car.
Yeah, when we pull you over, we're gonna take blood without a warrant.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, we're gonna shoot your kids up whether you like it or not.
Yeah, we're gonna take your kids.
Yeah, we're criminals.
Go ahead.
It's a self-fulfilling prophecy, and whether they like it or not, they're pushing the people against the wall.
And, you know, I don't want to see the people get angry and resort to violence, but
You know, it's like putting a rabbit in a cage.
I mean, you can't expect it not to bite you.
It's all part of the plan.
They've told the cops get ready for terrorists.
They force people into situations to defend themselves.
That'll be called terrorism.
I hear you.
Good points.
But to prime it all to make anybody resisting look bad, they'll blow up some daycare centers and stuff.
The feds will, like they've done before.
It's all part of them posing and the cops running up and grabbing the leg of the fed, and the fed puts the wing over.
But if the cop wakes up, and the fed being a terrorist, they'll just kill the cop and their family.
Let's, because the cops love that.
Anyways, let's talk to Mark in New York.
Mark, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Hey, buddy.
You know, you left one thing out in your report, though.
Obama's starting a war with the Roman Catholic Church.
And according to the Drudge Report,
They were saying that there might be war on the streets because of it.
Yeah, they're saying that all churches have to hire people who are for abortion and of other sexual persuasions.
And in England, they are banning Christians from proselytizing on the street.
The Advertising Commission is saying, if we don't like saying there's a God and that you can live forever, that's false advertising.
You're banned.
So they're banning free speech in England, Magna Carta.
BBC's very proud of it.
And yes, they're announcing that you will
But again, it's only Christianity.
You know, I saw a Newsweek cover that I actually bought it and forgot to bring it today.
It was the war on Christianity.
But it's how pockets of Muslims are attacking Christians, which is true.
But it's only to get Christians mad at Muslims for a new war.
The state is waging war against Christians.
And yes, they're saying that Catholic schools will teach all this stuff and that they will promote and fund abortion.
And that's, you know, if he goes against the Roman Catholic Church, that could be really bad.
But I do agree with you.
I read Drudge's report this morning on what you wrote.
And, you know, you would be considered a cyber incident, quote unquote, according to the FBI.
Yeah, well, I know Drudge linked to our article, Senate passes bill allowing airports to evict TSA screeners.
Legislation could lead to despised federal agency being marginalized from aviation security.
People say, well, they'll just bring in private gropers.
Yeah, but then that'll be marginalized.
This is going to be the beginning.
See, they've got to break our will in the airports, groping us and everything, and force the line with the radiation machines, because they've got to have it on the streets.
If they fail there, they fail everywhere.
If the globalists fail anywhere, they fail everywhere.
Do you see that?
But it also depends on what Pistole has to say today in the committee because he's up there representing the TSA and personally I think that... Pistole is a known congenital liar.
He said that machines have been tested for radiation.
Not true.
He said they don't grope children under 12.
Not true.
He said they don't strip old ladies.
Not true.
They don't rip off colostomy bags.
Not true.
And I mean, I'm seeing 10 cases or more a day of them robbing people.
Who else do you think is going to want to grope old ladies all day?
And grope children.
I mean, of course they're robbing bags and raping women in parking lots and planting fangs on people.
Of course!
Who would, eight hours a day, want to sit there bullying people about the lowest forms of brown shirt trash?
Yeah, I agree with you, man.
I just wanted to make that point with the Roman Catholic Church because I think that could be another false story.
Sir, I agree with you, but did you hear me?
England is saying the Advertising Authority, the Truth and Advertising Commission is now, you know, you've heard of them banning Bible passages because it's anti-gay or whatever.
Now, this is in the news, it's in my stack.
It just doesn't even rate as important compared to all the other, it's very important.
That's how conditioned I've gotten to accept pure evil.
It's just everywhere.
They're saying, we're not gonna let you go on the street and preach because we say it's false advertising.
I mean, they're taking over.
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Ooh, Lordy, my trouble's so hard.
Ooh, Lordy, my trouble's so hard.
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Don't nobody know my trouble for God.
Ooh, Lordy, my trouble's so hard.
Alright, we're having trouble getting Dr. Monteith connected, but whatever, we can have him on another day, because I just want to continue getting into all this news here.
Evan and I have stand-in problems.
And you can't really hear him over a telephone very good.
Look, I don't know what to say or how to stress this.
We have a criminal foreign banking cartel that has been caught staging terror attacks domestically and around the world, and has been caught engaged in every other crime you can imagine.
Shipping guns into Mexico, CBS News got the documents that it was to blame the Second Amendment, involved in narcotics trafficking, everything else you can imagine.
They are the bad guys.
They have the history of criminality.
They're the ones trampling the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
And they're all over the news saying get ready for domestic groups to attack and watch people at coffee shops paying with cash.
Even credit card heads don't pay for $2 cups of coffee at your average coffee shop with credit cards.
I mean, I went to a coffee shop yesterday on my way home, pulled in, was gonna go jogging, wanted to get hyped up, hadn't taken my pollen burst, vitamin pack, so I said, I'll just get a coffee.
Went in, paid like $1.50 for a small coffee thanks to inflation, walked out and drank it.
Again, this idea that everyone suspect guilty until proven slave, never proven innocent, guilty until proven
Guilty until proven minion.
Guilty until proven slob.
Guilty until control freaks proven to be control freaks.
It's all about the globalist being the boss.
All about you being bad.
And you take your children in this ritual to the airport and they put them in a scanner and microwave them and record their naked body on record.
Have them walk through athlete's foot and flesh-eating bacteria with their shoes off.
And then, every time I've flown, and others I know that have seen this, almost everyone who's put in a scanner is also then searched.
And there they go, boom, they grab the women, squeezing, they go between your legs, they go in your pants, and now, go into the underwear and grab your genitals.
Miss USA, you name it.
I have seen them going in the pants of people.
And then old ladies who can't get up out of wheelchairs, they take them behind closed doors and take all their clothes off and then ask them, what is this?
And they're like, I'm, I've got a catheter.
What's a catheter?
They don't even train these demonic brown-shirted scum.
They don't even train these flying monkeys.
That, you know, that work for the globalist witchy-poo system.
I mean, they are the scum of the earth, and I've sat there watching people who look like they're about to die.
I've seen the cases in the news where they're flying home to die of cancer or whatever, flying to a final military reunion.
I'll never forget, I was in San Francisco flying back to Austin, and they had people getting on international flights or flights to
A Pearl Harbor Memorial.
There was a bunch of these old men and their wives, and half these guys looked like they were dead.
This was about five, six years ago.
I guess seven years ago now.
It was a few years ago, 9-11.
And they had guys in bright blue with dark blue berets, calling themselves Wolverine Security, on top of the TSA, gibbering.
And I saw this old man with his eyes peeling down, you know, so old that you could see the red of his eyes peeling down, water dripping out of his eyes.
He had an oxygen tank.
He had his wife there with him.
She was about 10 years younger.
Maybe it was a sister.
I don't know.
And this guy could barely understand his English.
He's telling the old man to lift the little oxygen canister out so he can look under it.
And the old man's got hearing aids on and he's got a walker that's got the canister in it and he's looking up.
And I'm standing there and all of my instincts
Or to grab that punk and say, what, leave that old man alone.
But see, I'm un-American.
It's American to watch a guy with his, it was a bunch of them with their, with their, you know, USS Arizona hats.
Oh yeah, that was survivors of the Arizona that went down.
Yeah, I get people that jumped off the boat, or I guess going one more time before he died to meet his buddies.
And they all look pretty bad shape, but I mean, this guy really looked bad.
And this guy was sitting there gibbering and jabbering at them.
And here's the guy looking up, oh yeah, this is the terrorist.
But see, that's what zero tolerance is all about.
You say, arrest a five-year-old for running?
Arrest somebody for having a Luden's cough drop that isn't even a drug?
It isn't even over-the-counter, it's just sugar pill?
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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We're good to go.
Alright, we did get Dr. Stan Monteith on with us, got the ISDN issue fixed.
We're going to go to him in just a moment, and then the folks that are holding James, Shane, Dominique, Josh, Irvin, you're all coming up.
But look, a classical mixture of kind of Nazi, East German, later Soviet, surveillance grid, tattletale squad systems being set up.
And so the system's gotta tell police and military.
Yeah, we're gonna start torturing people and killing them and secretly arresting them.
Yeah, we spy without warrants now.
There's all these movies glorifying it.
I mean, it's full-on brainwashing.
And yeah, these groups that think there's an evil takeover of America, they're the terrorists.
And they're getting ready to hit the government.
And we know the government's hit itself before, because it's not the government.
It's a government that's been hijacked.
So, the report is at InfoWars.com.
It's LinkedIn Red, InfoWars Issues Emergency Terror Alert.
Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones.
And remember, I'm the guy that told you July 25th, 2001, they were going to blow up the World Trade Center and blame it on their asset, Bin Laden.
And I'm the guy that told you September 11th, they were going to launch a bio-attack to shut down the government for a time.
I could just tell by the way they were behaving.
That indeed happened.
It's all on record.
And I'm seeing it come to a crescendo.
And remember,
They've got three different White House advisors and one of their think tanks putting out recruitment letters saying, don't worry, give to Obama, he's gonna win, even if you don't think he will, there's gonna be a new Oklahoma City, and that'll really make the president look strong.
I mean, they think we're so dumb.
And you show this to police and FBI and all of a sudden they're like, I'm not gonna look at that.
You know, here's the point I want to make before we go to Dr. Monteith.
And I want you to hear this carefully.
They're always saying, see something, say something, so we all spy on each other and see everyone as a threat so we don't trust each other.
They tell cops, if somebody tries to talk to you, they're probably a terrorist.
If somebody pays for coffee with cash, they're a terrorist.
If they got a Ron Paul sticker, they're a terrorist.
And they actually say this.
We know who the terrorists are.
We know who has the history, who has the motive, who has the means.
You have the background.
You've been caught doing it.
You have the motive and you have the means.
And you're hyping terror so you can take over more of society.
And always these movies and TV shows where the feds are so concerned about human life.
It's the opposite.
I've seen their training videos.
I have a clip of it in Road to Tyrney, where the FEMA guy's going, the first terrorist were George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.
The cops are like, yes, yes.
And then cops are agreeing, and he's going, good job, good job.
And he goes, listen, when the domestic groups attack and kill a whole lot of civilians, too bad for the civilians.
We don't care about them.
It's about keeping us safe.
And the cops are like, oh, you'll keep me safe.
These are the feds that bomb the local cops.
Oh man, it's just too rich.
It's just too sick.
There are no feds.
There's not a federal government.
It's run by globalists now.
Wake up to that hoax.
And I know you've woken up, so they're getting ready for new terror attacks to blame it on us.
They're admitting they want to censor us.
Now, Dr. Monteith...
He was on with us a few weeks ago and then he had to go out of town for a while and he's really concerned about, he talked about that Council on Foreign Relations report that I did see where they were saying, oh we'll attack Iran but then we've got to accept their attack.
But again it's not we'll attack, the banks that run us will attack them.
But the word is Iran's been told, Associated Press reported, do not respond to an attack or Israel may even use tactical nukes on them.
So we're going to attack you and if you fight back we're going to nuke you.
Dr. Stan Monteith practiced orthopedic surgery in Santa Cruz for 35 years and he led a delegation to, of course, was an advisor to the State House and is an expert on AIDS being a government bioweapon, syndicated talk show host, fought in the New World Order for almost 50 years.
He joins us better
Better a bit late than never.
I backed him off 20 minutes to be able to finish my alert, and then we had ISDN issues.
But he joins us now on RadioLiberty.com, his website.
Doc, you know, I know you're back about the whole Iran thing, and since you were on, SecDef came out and said, yeah, the war is on in March, April, or May.
Netanyahu says stop chattering about it.
All of this is getting crazy.
They're saying Iran's going to attack domestically.
I think there's no question at all.
This is what they intend to do.
They intend to create a situation of chaos and crisis.
To justify the implementation of the dictatorship and everything is in place.
I mean, it is just simply so amazing.
I mean, everybody in this country, in fact, everybody in the whole world now has a number.
They're numbering all the people over in India.
Every person in America has a number.
We get it at birth.
They have their cameras out.
Everybody has a card.
You use that card.
For purchases, a Visa card, a grocery store card, they know and they keep a list of everything you buy.
They have dossiers on everyone.
DARPA has a dossier.
Homeland Security has a dossier.
The FBI has a dossier.
The CIA has a dossier.
I've seen my FBI dossier page after page after page blocked out in the name of national security.
I think?
They have their fusion centers, that's what they correlate our... They're now saying CIA is going to operate domestically, totally illegal.
It is a lawless takeover because they're collapsing the world economy.
I mean, remember 10 years ago they say we were conspiracy theorists for saying derivatives would be used to implode the world economy and bring in a world government?
Now the UN says world government, world tax, it's all here.
Absolutely, this is what it's all about.
Everything is about establishing that world government.
And that is why we're going to have this war with Iran.
And of course, well, I'd sent you, and it had been based upon a more or less covert meeting held at the Council on Foreign Relations at their Herald Brathouse, 5080 68th Street, New York City.
And because I'm a media person accredited for the CFR material, they were kind enough to send me the transcript of this meeting.
And the remarks by a man named Matthew Kroenig, who'd written the lead article in the January-February issue of Foreign Affairs Magazine, entitled, Time to Attack Iran.
That was the title of the article.
And here in this private briefing, and you have a copy of it, why he is explaining to the members of the CFR, a very small group, apparently from the report there, there were not too many people in the audience,
But he was explaining this whole rationale that well of course Iran has not decided to build a bomb.
Iran hasn't started to build a bomb.
Iran is cooperating with the inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Commission but they might at some time in the future decide to build a bomb and since we cannot live with a nuclear armed Iran because they might
I give the technology to somebody like Hugo Chavez therefore we have to attack and we have to attack now but we will do a surgical attack.
It won't be a regular attack.
It will be a surgical attack that we will leave Iran's military intact so that they can retaliate against us.
Now why if you're going to attack a country would you leave their
No, I don't.
Then we will tell them to simply cool it, everything's going to be fine.
We'll go on as it was before.
Without ever bothering to consider what would happen if Iran were say to sink one of our carriers or two of our carriers and kill a couple of thousand people.
What would our leaders do at that time?
This gentleman talks about in his experience, he's a relatively young man.
Has he forgotten what happened during the First World War when it was just supposed to be just a very, very temporary war?
Suddenly, everybody anticipated the Boer War was going to only last for a few weeks or a few months.
People were talking about Korea with the slogan, our boys will be home by Christmas.
That was 1950.
We are still at war with Iraq, with North Korea.
Our troops are still stationed in South Korea.
60, 70 years later, 60 years later, this gentleman is a man who makes major decisions.
He was a senior advisor to the Secretary of Defense.
He is currently the Stratton Nuclear Security Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, a professor at Georgetown University.
And he is telling us, in my experience, you know, I don't think the retaliation will be too bad.
How can he be certain that this won't trigger a major war?
Well, he says, I think it won't.
Well, we can't have people saying, I think, and yet he points out that other people in the key positions, like Dennis Ross, who you pointed out was a member of the Trial After Commission,
You look at the current list, he's not listed there, but he was listed before.
When you join government, when you go into a key position in the State Department, you have to resign from the Trilateral Commission, temporarily, which Dennis Ross did.
But Dennis Ross is saying exactly the same thing, representing the Trilateral Commission.
And by the way, Doc, I was talking off-record to a major media figure.
And he was telling me how he's been in newsrooms and seen them say, kill that Ron Paul story, say he can't win, and he was telling me how most of the big national radio hosts, he was giving me names and everything, it's delayed more than 15 seconds, not for callers, but that they even delay most of the big national talk show hosts
Whenever they don't like what they're saying.
And I said, well, what are they?
And he said, well, there's only about 30 things.
And I said, what, you mean cuss words?
He goes, no.
You can't say Trilateral Commission, CFR, New World Order.
Now, if those things weren't real, why don't talk about it?
Well, see, and then if anybody ever calls in, Limbaugh laughs about it.
That's because that's the real government.
And look, the UN this week admitted global government, said they want a world tax.
They've stalled us this whole time.
Now we've been proven right.
And it's just incredible.
It's just incredible.
Well, I think you're doing a great job of waking people up.
I know an awful lot of people in our area listen to your programs and people realize what's going on.
We just have to reach a lot more people in a short period of time because I, like you, sense that we're moving into a very, very difficult period.
I think it's going to be this year.
I don't know what's going to happen.
I think there will probably be a war of some sort with Iran.
But I think, as you point out, it's going to be used to justify implementing the police state.
It really is planned.
There really are FEMA camps.
There really are militarizing our police.
They're preparing the police to work with the federal government to establish
A dictatorship, that's what the National Defense Appropriations Act was all about, where of course it was said, you know, something that they can arrest anyone that's declared to be a terrorist.
And when they wanted to amend that and say, well, but this will not include American citizens, that was voted down.
They would not allow that to be included.
They know exactly what they're doing.
But this is not allowed to be mentioned on radio or television, as you said.
In fact, many years ago, I was on a talk show, I was in the studio with Jim Eason up in San Francisco.
I think I can say that now because he's long since retired, but this was 25, 30 years ago.
And he said off the air, you know, if anybody took, if I went on this radio
And I said what I really believe about what's going on, I would be fired tomorrow.
We went back on the air, and he said, if anybody told me what to say on this radio station, walk out of here right now.
And he looked over at me, smiled and wept.
That's the way what's really going on in America.
At the time, people understood that the media is controlled.
In fact, everything, every aspect of our society is controlled.
But fortunately, for the first time now, we have alternative radio, we have the internet, we have shortwave.
People are waking up across America.
I think it's amazing Ron Paul is doing as well as he is.
Certainly, remember, he's only really dealing with Republicans.
Almost half of the American people are registered as independents.
And they're not going to vote for the Republican candidate.
If Ron Paul were to get the nomination, he would pick up a majority of the independents.
I honestly believe that.
And an awful lot of the Democrats who don't want another senseless war.
Because when you start a war, you never know how it's going to end.
And our leaders are intent upon starting a war with Iran, anticipating a retaliation.
And what happens if the Iranians lob
A hundred missiles at Israel.
Or a thousand missiles.
Well, it's perfect.
Israel gets to attack them.
The Mullahs stay in power forever.
Every study shows that'll empower them.
In the West, they can take more of our rights and liberties.
Tyrants everywhere get power out of a war.
War is the health of the state.
And we're fighting statist insiders.
And the globalists have stolen over $27 trillion in the last few years from the U.S.
And they're going to keep doing it because they can always blow stuff up and blame it.
On their opposition.
And that's how it works.
And you got a lot of dumbed-down control freaks that like their black uniforms, doctor.
Well, you know, the interesting thing is right now, Chris, the people of Iran are very unhappy with their government.
There's a tremendous amount of unrest.
But if we were to attack Iran, which I think is what is planned, then that's what this whole idea of time to strike Iran, this lead article in Foreign Affairs, is all about.
I think?
The Sufi, the Sunni, and the Shia against the common enemy.
Maybe the Shias and the Sunnis don't like one another, but if we were to get to attack Iran, I think we would unite the entire Muslim world, which incidentally, we are uniting.
We're behind all of these revolts going on over there.
These countries, one after another, are falling under the control of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Who is the Moslem Brotherhood?
Why was it organized by American and British intelligence agencies in 1928?
We have a book called The Devil's Game.
It goes into the background of how it was the British MI6 that organized the Moslem Brotherhood back in 1928.
Sure, the whole thing.
Stay there.
We've got to go to break Dr. Monteith.
Stay with us.
This is key information.
Straight ahead.
Hello, I'm Alex Jones.
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I know I got loaded phones and I'll get to your calls right when we start the next hour and then into all this news I haven't gotten to.
The robot drives the autonomous car.
That's Wired Magazine.
An autonomous car is now driving in 14 states.
Pretty soon you're not going to be allowed to drive your car.
They're going to say statistically robots are safer.
They're actually already talking about that.
I knew they'd do that and they're doing that.
This is the prison they build, because after all, a terrorist could use a car to run over somebody.
So the robots are taking over.
Some good news, Senate passes a bill allowing airports to evict TSA scanners.
Airports could kick them out to begin with, but whatever.
We've got a bunch of other news on that front.
Now, actually, we were able to find the document Dr. Monteith's talking about, that I guess he might have been sent beforehand.
This is actually on the Council on Foreign Relations' own website, CFR.org.
I can show people watching on PrisonPlanet.tv, a document cam shot of this screen over here.
Recent events in Iran and the progress of its nuclear program.
And again, I've got it right there on the TV screen for folks if they want to see that.
And it's got the speakers, including Stanton Nuclear Security Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations.
uh... that uh... and then the former head guy at the uh... department of defense under sec death uh... breaking it down and yeah here they are publicly what about Gary Hart writing that letter uh... to Ahmadinejad saying our government will stage a gulf of Tonkin or Maine don't think we won't attack you a public letter what about all these Obama advisors like Robert Shapiro and the Financial Times of London saying
Well, not in Oklahoma City or 9-11.
To blame on Obama's opposition, he's not going to win re-election.
And then internal memos that have gone public, where they're like, sir, we need one.
It's like that famous audio that got leaked of the six former generals that were all the pundits on news shows, and an aide recorded it where they're like,
They're like, Secretary Rumsfeld, we need a new 9-11.
They will not listen.
He's like, I know, but it's hard.
Why do they even release that?
I mean, Dr. Monteith, they come within one inch, over and over again these days, from just admitting they're doing it.
They act like we're children.
Clapper, the head of national security, he's in white paper saying we need a provocation with Iran.
I mean, they act like we're not reading what they're saying.
It's like all the books are in the library, but nobody reads.
You're absolutely right.
And the thing is that they have total disdain for us common people because they don't think we're smart enough or really care enough.
I mean, they keep us entertained.
We have the Super Bowl.
We have Madonna dancing there at the Super Bowl, a vulgar display, you know, and certainly
If this is our narrative, I mean I love football, but simply I object to the vileness of so many of the... Watching a disgusting globalist in a Luciferian outfit prance around, it was pathetic!
But see, the thing is, Alex, since you've recognized the spiritual component of this, and I do as well,
The average individual doesn't.
They look upon this as Democrat, Republican, right, left, conservative, liberal.
They look upon this thing from a geopolitical point of view without understanding that there are spiritual forces behind the scenes.
If you read what Matthew Kroenig says in this publication that you're displaying there on the screen, why, it doesn't make sense.
I mean, here is an intelligent, articulate individual who's talking about, you know, well, we know that after this attack, there's going to be retaliation.
We'll be prepared to absorb the retaliation.
Then we'll try to certainly quiet things down afterwards.
What makes him think for one minute that the human... That's because they're gonna blow stuff up if Iran doesn't.
Because the real target is us, the American people.
That's why they're gonna stage this.
Dr. Monteith, love to talk to you again as this unfolds.
God bless you, my friend.
Hour number three, straight ahead.
Stay with us.
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Waging war on corruption.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, here's what I'm gonna do.
I'm gonna go to your calls right now, the next segment, and then I'm going to News Blast.
I can't wait.
Too long and then not get to all this.
So I'll take calls, cover news, then take calls.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Egyptian TV.
I would not look to the U.S.
Constitution to craft a modern law document.
Yeah, they want this democratization where the elites can fund the general mass to rob somebody.
What a criminal.
I remember her talking about get rid of the Constitution, follow U.N.
law that says you have no rights in Article 30.
That's just some of what's coming up.
And of course, our big alert.
They are getting ready to stage terror attacks.
We know who stages them.
I'll get more into that coming up.
This is a terror alert.
We are warning you.
This is a real terror alert, with specifics, and who we're saying will stage it.
James in Florida, thanks for holding.
Hey Alex.
Hey buddy.
There's proof of psychological conditioning against United States citizens
I went to Gasparilla here in Tampa, thousands of people at this event to support Ron Paul with signs, etc.
And the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office got brand new uniforms, which looked exactly like combat uniforms, with the exception of they were not wearing the helmets, they did not have MC-16s, and instead of camo, it was all green.
I mean, it was crazy.
They were lining the sidewalks behind us and they just looked.
Like savages, mercenaries, ready to gun us down.
Oh no, no, no.
I mean, they've done this with children psychologically.
You dress them up in an outfit, they act like it.
You dress somebody up in a gorilla outfit, they act like a gorilla.
In a hunting outfit, they act like a hunter.
And they found, put them in black, put masks on them, put them in military outfits, a military fights an enemy.
So they train them to be a military, they admit they've been militarized, they're very proud of it now.
You know, 15 years ago, they deny it, and they train for war with us, and they work for the foreign banks, and they've done a superb job.
The country is collapsing.
Their future is gone.
Great job!
And they want a civil war with the American people?
The bankers are probably going to blow a bunch of stuff up and sick them on a bunch of people to come grab their kids.
The public will be forced to fight back, and all their little uniforms, I guess, are supposed to intimidate us.
It doesn't do that, but does the opposite.
But 3 million guns sold in December.
And were they bugging their eyes out eating stuff?
Because, you know, a Ron Paul event, you certainly can't.
You gotta watch those folks.
And honestly, people need to study history.
They need to see.
I mean, this is the Politburo.
But I mean, 20 years ago in every science fiction movie about a dystopic nightmare, the police dressed like they do now.
I mean, even in cartoons we know what third world police states look like.
This is it.
And they're trying to convince themselves, hey, we're gonna grope you, we're gonna arrest you and disappear you, we're gonna torture you, we're the good guys.
No, you're the bad guys!
Sorry, go ahead.
That's alright.
Have you seen this new movie that's coming out?
That's, um, the actors in it are actual Navy SEALs.
I mean, it's pure, you know... Yeah, they got SEAL Team 6.
It's all just mindless worship.
So a bunch of people go sign up in the military to be injected with cancer viruses and given amnesiacs after combat and used as guinea pigs before the final rollout of the robot armies.
Yeah, it's all big recruiting tools to get young people to join so they can be used up and believe that America's the good guys when America's run by a bunch of murderous criminal banks.
The only way to get America back is to admit that.
We all need to rise up with ideas just like Ron Paul says.
Well done, my friend.
God bless you.
We're going to come back and
Go to Shane, Josh, James, JR.
We'll get to all of you.
JR before James.
800-259-9231 is the number to join us.
I'll take the calls that are on the board right now.
Then I'm going to get back into the news and back into your calls.
Look at these headlines.
Former General says Russia will not allow Israel-U.S.
attack on Iran and Syria.
Shouting cameras bark orders at residents to leave their own property.
It's all coming up today.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Look, I'm gonna explain this again.
The government doesn't exist.
It's been taken over by offshore banks.
America has been hijacked.
Open world government is being announced that you're going to pay carbon taxes to VAT.
A global cashless society is being set up, and they're going to totally outlaw any type of underground economy.
Canning preserves, selling them, selling pecans.
That's why Forbes says, why is there a war on gardens and lemonade stands?
All over the country, under Agenda 21, the zoning is standardized.
And that was admitted yesterday in the New York Times, but they said you're a kook if you don't like the UN setting your agenda.
And Ruth Bader Ginsburg, I remember her making comments like this in USA Today.
I remember one time four of the nine made comments like this in one week.
The nine, the nine ringwraiths.
Justice Ginsburg on Egyptian TV, I would not look to the U.S.
Constitution to craft a modern law document.
Yeah, don't look to that.
That guarantees certain rights.
We like, she said, democracy is what you need.
If 51% say kill the other 49, do it.
Because they can then just put in electronic voting machines or get the general public to do what they want and bring in real tyranny.
I mean, pure democracy is so dangerous.
I want to get into that.
Big report in Bloomberg on peak oil.
There's obviously our biggest story of the day is that I'm issuing an emergency terror alert.
And my terror alerts, many of them have unfortunately unfolded.
I've said look for a terror attack the next month.
They're really hyping it.
Times Square.
Look for a terror attack.
Look for them to hit the World Trade Center.
I know what I'm talking about.
And I've got this report up at Infowars.com right now.
Infowars issues emergency terror alert.
Please get it out to everyone you know and we break down the evidence.
But the military-industrial complex owned by the big mega-banks is really gearing up to crack down on the American people ahead of an Iran war.
And they're saying, anybody that imagines the UN's taking over, anybody that thinks big banks are taking over, it actually says this in the Mayak report, anybody that likes Ron Paul, anybody that thinks the government's too big, they're a terrorist!
Hey, did you pay for cash for the coffee?
Call the cops!
It actually says, go ahead and call the FBI.
But then when I've tried to call and report, uh, yeah, I've got Operation Northwoods, a plan to stage 9-11.
I've got Gulf of Tonkin staged.
And now these White House advisors are calling for a new Oklahoma City.
I want to report the names of the FBI agents that were seen by Jane Graham, the witness, the head of HUD in the building, who she saw planting bombs.
I've called them on radio.
On air.
And people are so cowardly out there.
I've seen websites saying I'm not really calling the FBI.
Oh, no one would dare call them and talk like that.
They're just people in suits trying to scare us.
And I've had enough.
I don't care if they arrest me, torture me, whatever.
I'm not looking forward to it, but you know what?
Somebody's got to stand up against these killers.
I'll say it again, I've had FBI people send me documents.
I know there's good people in the government, but that's in the lower strata.
Up top, they ship tens of thousands of guns to Mexico to control the drug war, to get the drugs shipped in, and to blame the Second Amendment.
And I told you that six years ago, now it's on record.
I told you
Holder would play the card that Bush was involved in similar things.
He did play it.
Because I knew.
That's why ISSA can't bring down Obama.
That's why they can't bring down MF Global.
That's why they can't punish any of these people.
Because it's all a bunch of crooks!
And when you reach the point where the whole top echelon is crooks, are on the take, and nobody can bust anybody,
Low-level crooks are like, hey, you're running child kidnapping rings.
I don't support that.
Well, really?
If you talk about it, we'll talk about you taking drug money.
I guess I'll shut up.
That's right.
You will shut up.
And so why not take the veterans' death benefits 12 years ago?
Why not?
Two weeks ago, the announcement came out.
They've raided all the federal pension funds.
You've got IOUs now.
You're never going to get any of it.
If you do, it'll be devalued.
Why not?
They're going to take it from you, too.
They don't care.
They don't care if there's hundreds of reactors built 40 years ago, rotting and releasing radioactive gas.
The elites just are crazy.
They just don't care anymore.
They've got a total laissez-faire attitude, and they're just partying, and mistresses, and snuff films, and whatever they're into, and they don't care.
Might as well have the devil driving a runaway train.
I mean, that's basically what it is.
And all the average feds care about is dressing up in black uniforms and having mustaches and staring at people.
They've all got mustaches and they bug their eyes out at you and think they scare you.
And you just look like an absolute clown freak that works for murdering terrorists that jack our food and water.
I think you're a big joke!
That's what I think you are!
Murdering scum!
And those of you that serve the system are murdering scum.
All of you!
You are all aid-in-the-bet murdering scum that says they'll secretly arrest citizens and army bases all over the world raping children with battery acid.
Army Zone Report.
You support raping children with battery acid.
With giant objects.
That's in the Army Report.
If you don't speak out against it, if you don't go out against it, if you don't stand up against it, you support it.
You support it.
You support it.
You are now child killers.
Child torturers.
You are now aiding and abetting it.
You are literally going to hell in a handbasket.
Repent now!
Repent now!
I know your mustache is cool!
You got little gold-framed glasses!
You scare me so bad!
Ugh, I just, ugh, you scum!
Alright, I'm gonna stop right there.
It makes me sick and I'm gonna have to watch them when they blow up some federal buildings, prance around the very murderers as my savior, and all the cowards out there begging the government to give them proctology exams on the side of the highway.
What's driving me crazy is that photo right there.
Zoom in on that.
It's one of those cops in a black uniform with a mustache.
You know that guy's a coward.
You know he's a piece of garbage.
You know he's weak.
He'd love it.
Those are the type of people that go to the cops in Oklahoma and say, we'll kill your wives if you expose me.
He did this.
And the cops all just roll over to it.
Oh, you got a mustache.
I'll just worship you.
Oh, you got a mustache.
It's OK.
You're demonic little mustaches.
Nothing against mustaches, just all these cops are a little homoerotic gang of mustaches.
All right, let's go ahead and go to... Oh man, Sean and Maine.
There ain't no radio network running delay on me, folks.
This is all real and live.
I'm red-blooded and I hate murderers.
All right.
What's that word?
Sean in Maine, go ahead!
Hi, how you doing?
I'm sick of it!
Murdering terrorists are everywhere!
I want them out of my life!
I'm kind of sick of it too.
I'm a recent Glenn Beck convert.
I enrolled in your prison war and dumped Beck and the other corporate heads behind.
Um, and I kind of had two quick questions for you.
I think I'm going to skip the one because you seem kind of wound up today.
So, uh, the, uh, my question really is, it seems like they're setting people up to fight, you know, and they want them to fight, you know, they want them out in the street so then they can take control.
But my real question is, do you think that they may bite off more than they can chew?
No, they're going to sit off.
Sure, the cops are going to bite off more than they can chew, but they're dumb cannon fodder, according to Henry Kissinger.
And they like it.
They'll all bite off more than they can chew, but they don't care.
All they care about is ego.
They like walking around and people being scared of them.
They like shooting their kids up with mercury.
They like CPS taking people's kids no due process.
They like violating the law.
So they're going to have it violated on them.
And of course the whole plan of the New World Order is to bite off more than they can chew.
And then get humanity in such a crisis that they can then prance around as the saviors to take even more freedom.
And consolidate even more power.
So then do you feel that even if we would manage to push back the technocratic whipped brown shirts that the UN would just swoop in and there's just really not much hope of fighting this back?
Well just know this, it's public plan now to use UN forces and Mexican and Canadian troops during quote battles with extremists.
I don't know if it's going to come to that, but I mean, the bankers aren't going to stop.
They're going to keep bankrupting everything, shutting everything down, paying companies to leave, hiring more people, telling them to grow mustaches so they can act tough.
I mean, it's just an army of people in black uniforms with mustaches, waddling around fighting imaginary terrorists while their bosses are jacking their water with sodium fluoride and their food with bisphenol A, and they don't care, because they get to have mustaches.
We should understand this is all about wearing mustaches and acting tough.
I mean, it's literally a big joke.
It's like a five-year-old dressing up in army outfit.
These are children!
And I'm just sick of watching how ridiculous it is arresting five-year-olds for jogging, charging people with truancy when they're not even up to the statutory number.
It's illegal.
Shooting our kids up with vaccines without parental consent.
Nine-year-olds getting abortions without their parents' consent.
It's a bunch of lawless scum!
I mean, DynCorp and Halliburton have been caught running child kidnapping rings!
And I gotta watch people in little black uniforms with little machine guns trying to intimidate us, telling me how they're doing it to keep me safe.
Bull, pal!
Your boss has carried out 9-11!
Your boss has carried out Oklahoma City!
And I see you, I see through it, I know what's going on, and I've had enough!
I've had enough of all of it!
I've had enough of it!
And I'm sick of it!
I want people to wake up right now.
I want people to listen to me and just come out of your trance.
It's normal when you wake up with a bunch of crazy terrorists jacking the food and water, running everything, and telling me I'm the terrorist because I know they're the terrorist.
I mean, come on.
It's too ridiculous.
Groping Miss USA.
I mean, come on.
It's not America.
It's not the Soviet Union.
North Korea isn't this bad in many levels.
And you're like, well, we still got free speech.
We still got this and that.
Yeah, they're phasing all that out right now.
That's alright, just one quick thing since you actually did bring up the chemicals, that was my other question.
I was looking at the E-Directs, I think it's E-Fruit Directs, and I got a little bit confused about there's now
GoFoods or whatever.
I was just wondering if you could just give me what you recommend that I could augment with some sort of freeze dry.
Eatfoodsdirect.com's got great food.
That's the place to go.
We'll be right back.
Government loves you.
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Look, I don't mean to start yelling and screaming like that, but it's not an act, you know, to have fun or be entertaining.
It's mainly somebody just throwing a fit on air.
Because, I mean, it's just ridiculous, man.
I mean, I've been in different cities, and there'll be cops standing there in, like, black outfits with big helmets, with machine guns, like cartoon characters, bugging their eyes out at people.
And it's just there to intimidate the public.
You work for some criminal banks!
You're trying to intimidate us!
This isn't to make anybody feel safe!
And it's always in cesspit, mafia-run cities, where they've disarmed the public.
I mean, you're just... you're crooks!
And I can't take it anymore.
And they just got all these little nobodies who are either bullies in schools or big wimps who want to dominate and run my life.
And you know what?
I'm tired of you shipping drugs in.
I'm tired of you kidnapping people's kids.
I'm tired of all your crimes, and I'm aware of it all.
And the whole system is rotten, maggot-covered dead fish.
When I see them all over the news getting ready to blow stuff up, you realize these are murderers.
You think I like confronting murdering killers.
I'm angry at them.
I know they could come kill me.
I know they can come set me up.
And so I'm even more angry at them.
And I'm really mad at the public for not waking up.
I wish Oklahoma City wasn't an inside job every day.
I wish I hadn't talked to like four or five cops over the years who were on record being there, where the FBI said, we'll kill your family if you talk about what you saw.
I mean, I wish the FBI wasn't telling cops, we'll kill your family.
Believe me, I wish that wasn't real.
They could kill me, they could kill my family, but I cannot bend down and lick their boots and I will not do it.
I'm going to stand on my hind legs to this scum and that's the end of it.
But again, the reason we're going to beat them is they can't stop themselves.
They're going to steal everything.
And my message has already gone out, and everybody's going to know who did it.
So you go ahead and just blow up some buildings and blame it on us, and kill your own people like you always do, you scum, and do whatever.
But this time, we got people watching.
This time, we do see something, we say something.
And no amount of internet censorship or COINTELPRO is going to save you.
So know that.
And all of you that serve this system, however long this takes, you are going to be prosecuted.
When we take America back from your criminal takeover, I'm going to make sure, even if I'm not here, I'm putting the idea out now, you're going to be prosecuted.
And we're going to let loose all these non-violent offenders that you've put in there.
And we're going to put all the corrupt judges and prosecutors and people that set people up.
I've seen cases in Texas where it turns out the prosecutor, one in Round Rock, knew the guy he sent to prison was innocent.
And didn't even have that much of a criminal record.
Not like they're saying, well, he's a bad guy so we're doing this.
That's the road to hell's pave of that type of activity.
But then they try to keep them in prison just so they wouldn't look bad on their record.
I mean, these are monsters!
These are monsters!
These are monsters!
And we've gotten this attitude as Americans that we're supposed to bow down to them.
I'm standing up to you.
I'm done.
Josh in California, then JR and others, and I'm sorry I'm ranting and now I'm exhausted.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Yeah, hi, how's it going?
I'm just, I'm just sick of my stomach.
First time caller.
I just wanted to put some credence and or mortar behind what you say as best I can from my own personal experience of you saying that people are hijacked.
And I just want to say thank you for helping fill in the puzzle pieces and like you said, dot to dot, you know, for my life for some of these things I've seen my family, just like your family is related to longtime American
Upcoming and um... Then he's terrorist.
Yeah, the founders are terrorists, according to the government.
One of my uncles works, exactly.
One of my uncles works, um, or not currently, but previously worked in the Pentagon for 30 plus years.
He worked in intelligence and communications.
I'm kind of nervous talking about this because it's his family.
Anyways, long story short, he talked, he, he worked in, in, in, in the Pentagon.
He worked in a high up place for 30 plus years.
I would always ask him what you would call, um,
We're not in Kansas anymore stuff.
You know, in the 90s I was always interested.
Oh, what do they have?
You know, what can you tell me about?
And he'd tell me about this or that or this and that.
But over the years I got more interested in the politics stuff because of what had been coming up.
Stay there.
I want to hear about this.
And then we'll get to JR, Dean, Sean, and Nicholas.
And that's it.
Because I've got to get to the other news.
Trying to refocus myself here.
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Somewhere in a lonely hotel room, this guy stopped and realized that eternal fate has turned his back on him.
You see, for a lot of you, this is just entertaining radio and TV.
And for some others, most of you, you're aware stuff's bad, but still, I don't think it's heat between the eyes.
For me, I'm in the front lines every day.
I think about this when I dream, I think about it when I read books to my children when they're going to sleep at night, and how I've had to risk their lives and their future to tell the truth.
I am bitter.
I am angry.
Because the world is a beautiful, good place full of really good things.
But good people, not enough that you stand up against corruption.
And it really tears my guts out, because it's not a feeling of fear of the new world order, it's a feeling of disgust.
It's so ridiculous.
It's like watching somebody's house burn down with their kids in it, and you come to their door and say, get out, and they're like, there's no fire, as their hair burns off.
It's just... It's a bad nightmare.
And, you know, I get up here and I joke around some and stuff, and then I get mad at myself because the magnitude of this information is so much crazier than I could even describe
And I listen to the show sometimes on rebroadcast and I didn't make all the points I wanted to make.
I didn't cover all the news I wanted to cover.
I just don't feel worthy to even be bringing you this information.
But I've just decided to stop caring and I'm gonna let it all hang out.
Because I'm just doing the best I can.
But we have a horrible case of tyranny, and I'm going to your call, so I want to boil it down to this.
This is nothing but slavery.
Governments have figured out how to repackage slavery.
They ship in addictive chemicals, they then sell them to you when you get addicted, they put you in private prisons that they own, and tax the public to pay for it.
They take people's children now, outside of law, and sell them.
We are farmed by the criminal class.
And I declare independence against it.
And I see it.
There's passages in the Bible where it says, the beginning of knowledge is sorrow.
Guys, I forget what passage that is.
Will you search engine, the beginning of knowledge is sorrow?
Bible passage.
I remember being in Sunday school as a kid and not knowing what that meant.
Well, knowledge!
That's going to be great!
I know why people don't want to stand up against evil.
Because you start looking into it and you're like, whoa, that's scary, that's creepy.
Knowing about this is sorrow.
People say, kids should be more positive.
The most positive thing I can do is attack these people savagely in an info war.
I mean, I am waging war with the truth.
I am attacking with everything I've got
I'm not the best manager, I'm not the best orator, I'm not the best filmmaker, any of that.
But I've had a big effect because I am fighting hard.
And I am honing my skills.
But at the end of the day, I can't even sit here and give eloquent, perfect, calm speeches all the time.
I do sometimes.
Because a photo can freak me out.
Or reading about where they're taking somebody's kids because they didn't vaccinate.
And I know there's not a law in that state but I still look it up and I know there isn't.
And I see a bunch of cops in black uniforms with little freaky mustaches dragging the parents off and I just, I just want to defend those people.
I just, I see organized crime, organized gangs hurting us and lying to themselves why they're doing it and it, every bit of my manhood is
Try to reach out to these people that serve evil and wake them up.
Maybe they're just dumb.
And then even after all the evil, world government, UN tax, global banker takeover, secret arrest of citizens, total surveillance, poison in the food and water, with all the documents how they're doing it, still, it just moves forward.
And you tell people this, they're like, oh, thanks for what you do.
I'm like, what are you doing?
I mean, I don't think I'm doing enough being assaulted.
I think I need to sue the city of Austin.
I've hinted for you to do it.
They put sodium fluoride, a toxic waste, in your water, along with hundreds of other chemicals.
And they pay a million bucks a year or more.
We've gotten the bills.
We've gotten them from the city to maybe pay for it.
And this goes for all the other cities.
I mean, we should be suing the mayor, suing the city manager, suing the water department.
And you're like, well, the courts are corrupt.
No, you'll start getting some headway.
We're getting it pulled out all over the country.
A lot of times it's when suits do get filed.
And the states come in and say, well, we're going to make you now.
Will you change the legislature?
Well, there's a vote fraud.
Well, you change that.
I mean, you know... I mean, you know, somebody assaulting you and putting stuff in your water... Under common law, you can do a lot more than sue somebody.
I blew my voice out later, just growling with hatred.
That's another quote.
The ending of sorrow is the beginning of wisdom?
No, there's another quote, or a variant of it.
Fear of God's the beginning of wisdom.
The point is, it doesn't matter, I'm going to go to your calls quickly now, I've got to finish up.
Josh in California, you were talking to the person in the military, or the Department of Defense person, go ahead.
Yeah, my uncle, he previously worked in the Pentagon doing radio.
He was one of those radio guys in Vietnam running around with a radio pack on, you know?
Which later led him to be in career intelligence communications, I guess is what it's called.
So I'd always ask him questions about different technology or this and that, and over time, my questions progressed into more political things, especially after seeing you and this and that.
Okay, what'd he say?
After 9-11, he really said to me that, oh, there's some bad people in there.
And he was referring to really just the Pentagon in general.
So I was asking him, you know, about anything he might know or this and that.
And he said, you know, there's really some bad people in there now.
And he seemed scared.
It seemed really different to me than anything else before, like where he was proud about, you know, hiding something cool from me.
You know what I mean?
Well, you know why?
It's all come out.
They've had FBI...
Intelligence people like Sybil Evans come out and she heard Al-Qaeda under Pentagon command on 9-11.
On 9-11.
And she said they're shipping kids, guns, and weapons.
And drugs.
I mean, look, look, look, look, look.
I have multiple family members who were in the Army and then got recruited by the CIA for domestic operations and said no once they got into it.
That's a lie that you can't ever get out.
That's another mind-control idea that, oh, you never get out.
Oh, well, I never get out then.
You told me so.
And they wanted him to kill people and deal drugs.
I mean, who do you think does the hits?
It's Army officers.
That's their favorite group to recruit from.
That's why, you know, whenever we get
Dr. Pachinikon, he's like, I'm tired of hearing about these SEALs all day.
It's the Army that's actually doing the work, but they don't talk about it.
Yeah, no kidding.
So, I mean, and again, it's not like people are like, ooh, ooh, someone was a hitman for the CIA, ooh.
That's like saying, oh, you were a delivery driver for Frito-Lay.
I mean, they got tens of thousands of hitmen.
I mean, who do you think runs 500 billion in drugs a year?
It sure isn't, you know, the Mexican Mafia.
The Russian Mafia's FSB, that's on record.
The Mafia is just one lower level of criminals that work for the big banks.
So you're saying he's scared now, Josh?
Well, I'm saying you really... Well, I wouldn't say now.
I don't know how he directly feels.
This was after 9-11 that I could really see a change in his attitude towards what was going on inside where he was getting his information from.
And then the next Thanksgiving, this wasn't the Internet I'm getting this information from, he tells me about how they want to put in ID cards to pass from state to state.
And then the next Thanksgiving comes three years later or something, and I get information about, oh, don't vote for Obama.
He was working with a terrorist organization, quote-unquote.
I didn't believe this, but later on I see.
You know, I hate to say it, but Glenn Beck talked about the Weathermen Underground, and I said I really don't... No, the Weathermen Underground were all government, too.
It came out Patty Hearst, that was all staged.
I mean, Patty Hearst, they're shooting 16mm black and white film, clearly choreographed by a director, robbing banks.
I knew that was fake when I saw it.
You can tell a staged photo.
Staged film.
And it came out a few years ago, it was all staged.
I hear you, God bless you.
They have PR rollouts for 9-11, and they're having new PR rollouts for New Terror.
I mean, it's so obvious!
JR in Colorado, thanks for holding.
Thank you.
Not to rile you up, I just had a couple quick points.
I feel like at this point, there are some people who are awake, but we're like talking ourselves to death.
We have all these answers and no solutions.
I mean, it's coming out of like the last 15 seconds before midnight.
The American public seems to be suffering from like a normal C-virus where we see
The collapse around us and most people want to muddle through it and act like we're just going to get through it.
You just said it.
You just crystallized it.
That's why I should take more calls.
They're getting ready for Iran war and admitting it.
Russia and China are threatening to respond and everybody's just totally calm because the Super Bowl was on.
We've just gotten used to it and they do that on purpose.
Sticking their hands down our pants.
It's to make us get used to incredible garbage.
Sorry, go ahead.
That's okay.
It's all out in the open.
I mean, they don't need to hide it anymore, and what we're dealing with is something that's way older than America, something that is so deep-rooted in human history that, I mean, honestly, we need to have real solutions at this point.
I mean, I'm not trying to rile you up or say that I totally respect what you're doing, but, I mean, we have no real solutions at this point.
We have no real
You know, everybody has the answers.
We have the answers on your show.
You know what's going on.
Gerald Slontay knows what's going on.
Abolish the Federal Reserve.
Take over your local towns politically.
Start calling for prosecution.
I mean, I think waking up is the big solution.
The public knows the government's corrupt now.
I don't think the general public does... The awakening's happening.
But because you've been awake a long time, brother, I don't think you're... I mean, you're missing the forest for the trees here.
This is big.
I mean, I mean, go ahead.
I argue with people all the time.
I mean, I hear everything from, oh, it's just capitalism too.
That's just the way it's been forever.
And what are we going to do about it?
I didn't hang up on his telephone.
He dropped off.
That was weird.
Yeah, well, people that say you can't do anything, they're losers.
They're always going to suck their thumb.
They're the folks that sit there while somebody's choking in a restaurant saying, call 911 and get mad when you save somebody.
I mean, they're just disgusting.
And the globalists want to make us all like that.
Let me tell you, you want to get aggressive?
These cost us $5 a piece, made in America.
I had these made at a factory.
Custom made.
What are they?
Infowars.com stencil.
It's about two feet long.
Tim came in, he said, they finally came in.
I said, what'd they cost us?
Right at $5.
He goes, what do you want to charge?
$10 so we make money back?
I said, I want them at cost.
Spray paint stencils.
Now don't do this on government buildings.
You know, the Founding Fathers did stuff like that.
Just put it on your own barn, your own shirt, whatever, your own business.
You want to buy these at cost, they're at Infowars.com.
Of course, I said do them at $5, I gotta do them at $6.
If we do bumper stickers and Citizen Rule Booker, I'll actually lose money.
I think it's $5 right now on the shopping cart, maybe I'll change it to $6, because we gotta be able to replenish ourselves.
These are at cost.
Got a couple thousand of these printed, right at, I think he said $4.95 apiece.
Right here.
If our millions of listeners got these, or even thousands of listeners, actually bottom of millions tried to get it, nobody could order it, we wouldn't be able to ship them out, but if thousands of you get these, banner hangs, whatever, it'll create a buzz and a focal point at InfoWars.
If people are looking for an overnight solution and an instant way to defeat the new order, it isn't going to happen.
People are ready to hear the truth now.
But this lawyer today, who I guess got busy to try to come on tomorrow, you know, who's saying that we didn't even violate truancy laws.
They're not applicable, and my kid wasn't truant.
They were late to class, and the law doesn't say this.
And he's telling my producer, now make sure your host knows.
I know it sounds crazy.
It's not the law.
Here's the law.
We're like, yes, we know.
We understand.
The lawyer's like, well, how have I been indicted then for my five-year-old being late to class?
That's Washington Post.
Five-year-olds being arrested for running at recess.
I mean, look, I know that sounds like a lie.
We're in cuckoo land now.
But the psych warfare chiefs, they're eating the economy.
It's all turning into a prison economy.
Get these stencils at InfoWars.com.
And spray paint them in legal and lawful areas that you own.
Or do them on white paper and hang them in banner hang areas.
Or do big banner hangs on highways.
Or start your own stinking website and do it.
I have everybody else on here to promote them.
I'm risking my life because I wanted to beat these people.
You know what I want?
It isn't money or fame.
Any money I got I've learned I needed.
Used to I didn't want anything.
Now I know I gotta have some money.
I have a little bit of power.
Somebody sues me so I can defend myself.
Or so I can continue the operation on if I'm killed.
We've got that planned and set up if they kill me to keep things going.
I realize that.
It's a mind game that we shouldn't be able to do well and be strong as a liberty movement and vote with our dollars.
But I want to win, just like you wanted the Giants to win the Super Bowl that meant so much to you.
I want to defeat tyranny 1,000 times that feeling.
I'm fighting this enough to be ready to be demonized and attacked and laughed at.
And to have people physically attack me and death threat my family.
I'm willing to face murdering killers who torture children to death on record and don't get in trouble.
Because I know it's got to be done.
You want to know about commitment?
So there is no silver bullet other than repenting to God.
And they did find the Bible verse.
What was the quote?
It's Ecclesiastes.
I said to myself, look, I have increased in wisdom more than anyone who has ruled over Jerusalem before me.
I've experienced much of wisdom and knowledge.
Then I applied myself to the understanding of wisdom and also of madness and folly, but I learned this too is chasing after the wind. 18.
For with much wisdom comes much sorrow.
The more knowledge, the more grief.
Oh, man, that's true.
I have to see all their crimes.
I have to know their minds.
They just go on and on and on.
And nothing ever stops them.
They're just like maggots.
They're so weak and evil.
It's like little spindly-legged demons sucking the soul out of people.
And strong people lay there and let them suck their soul because they're afraid of them, because they're wearing a uniform and some tin badge.
You've got the seal of the almighty creator of the universe on you.
You're built in the image of a creator.
Do you realize that power?
Do you realize the incontrovertible power?
And you need to stop worrying.
This is your test.
Just totally give yourself to resistance.
That's what it's going to take.
That's what you've got to do.
You've got to totally give yourself over to good.
And that doesn't mean you are going to become some wonderful good person.
You know what knowledge means?
It means you can look into the mind of the evil.
You can see them.
You understand what they're into.
It's like you're now actually in there with them.
It's unbelievable.
This idea that when you are enlightened and awake to the universe and want to see the truth, God will remove the veils and say, you ready to see even more?
I've talked about it before.
You know, I cried a few months ago.
People thought it was fake.
There's nothing fake here.
This is all real.
And that was, I was imaging what the New World Order does, and it was tearing my guts out.
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
Did you know that the global elite are now storing non-hybrid seeds in secret storage vaults near the Arctic Circle?
Did you know that in a real meltdown, non-hybrid seeds can become more valuable than silver or gold?
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That's survivalseedbank.com.
Or give them a call at 877-327-0365.
That's 877-327-0365.
Remember, in a real crisis, non-hybrid seeds are the ultimate barter item.
This is Alex Jones for survivalseedbank.com.
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You know what?
You gotta get out of your comfort zone.
You gotta get mad.
You gotta get angry.
I agree with the movie Network.
You gotta get out of your comfort zone and stop just going along with everything.
You gotta get aggressive.
Gotta take that first step.
Gotta get going with an InfoWars.com stencil or make one yourself.
Here's the best part of the song right here.
Crank it up.
Brotherly love!
In an ancient time...
It's love that is going to defeat evil.
And if you've got love for the innocents, then you hate the evil.
You want to grind them under your heel.
You want to crush their skulls.
Let's go to this new video premiering in here, the audio.
This is TSA Help Wanted, Mike Adams, Infowars.com, NaturalNews.com, here it is.
TSA needs your help to protect America's national security.
As a lightly trained TSA officer, you'll get a plastic badge!
Oh yeah, you rock!
But that's not all!
No education needed!
No IQ too low!
Not even
And as a federal DSA officer, you get to harass everyone around you, just like you did in high school!
Yo, check this out!
You also get to feel some genitals!
No, not your own!
Other people's genitals!
You're fully authorized by Janet Pat Napolitano to undress innocent travelers when there are no security cameras and no limits to your auto power.
Your work environment is always comfortably warm thanks to the ionizing radiation being constantly emitted by X-ray machines and native body scanners.
But don't worry, even if you do get cancer, we've got government health care for ya!
For all the psychiatric drugs that turn you into a complete psychopathic criminal!
Huh, that's even more awesome-er!
Hey, power-tripping pervs!
Do you enjoy undressing little boys and girls like a Ben State football coach?
Do you like to detain U.S.
Do you?
I appreciate portable electronics that slide easily into your pocket.
Have you ever wanted to see what's really hiding in Grandma's diapers?
Well, now's your chance!
Come join the TSA and we'll give you a badge, a uniform, and an ego trip!
Plus, you'll get a paycheck, denominated in fiat currency, federal reserve notes.
Oh yeah!
In the DSA, you'll be working alongside 65,000 other fine men and women and perverts who represent the security elite.
The last line of defense.
Alright, total genius Mike Adams will play it again on the Nightly News tonight.
Unbelievable genius.
What can he come up with next?
This is Veritas.
Hi folks, this is Alex Jones.
I'm looking for people that have the wisdom to spot savings, opportunity, and recognize risk.
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Getting a free catalog is easy by calling 800-340-7091.
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Take charge of your health now by calling 800-340-7091.
Or see Calvin on the web at 5starsub.com.
Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Alright, we're into overdrive here to get to some of the folks who have been holding it along us, Sean and Dean and others.
Sean in New York, thanks for holding her on the air, welcome.
Hi Alex, thanks for getting me on, I appreciate it.
I was, uh, I'm kind of wondering, you know, we know when an attack is probably going to come.
We know from the past attacks, all the videotape evidence disappears, the witnesses disappear.
Oh no, the government is the terrorist, because it's criminals inside the government, yeah, no, it's...
Wouldn't it be smart for people if they see something?
You know how the government says, see something, say something against, you know, we should report on each other?
Shouldn't we, if we're like a deli owner or a house owner or a business owner, if we see government agents surrounding a building or checking out the surveillance,
Maybe we should turn our cameras on.
No, no, that's what I meant to say.
We need to film government people.
And we do need to say something.
The problem is, people warned about 9-11 when the feds were getting ready for it, and were ordered to shut up or killed.
Including the former head of FBI anti-terror, who they basically hired to run the security there, who died in it.
John O'Neill.
We need, no I'm exactly, we need to know they're the terrorist.
It's people in uniform, major defense contractors, and folks with government security clearances.
That's who's going to be taking out the federal buildings and stuff.
I mean, you see feds putting grey sticks of butter in there.
Don't just think because they got security badges.
They're not.
But understand, if you report it and your boss knows about the bombing, they're just going to kill you and then throw you into the rubble.
In fact, that happens at a lot of these events.
So you've got to get it out on YouTube yourself and get it out before you tell superiors because they may be in on it.
And I'm not kidding.
I mean, these are, I mean, we got terrorists running the country.
Alex, I'm in 100% agreement with you.
I appreciate what you're doing.
I just didn't hear you say on the air at all that if we see something suspicious, we need to film it and hold on to it.
Not give it to Homeland Security, not give it to the FBI.
Hold on to it.
If we're wrong, we're wrong.
But if something does happen,
They confiscated the cameras on 9-11 from the Pentagon and World Trade Centers.
They confiscated them from Oklahoma City.
And good FBI agents told the LA Times and got reprimanded.
They said, we saw those videos that were a bunch of men.
Those videos are real.
The government admits they have them.
Again, I'm not saying all the feds are bad.
But even they are told sit down and shut up.
I mean, it's total proof they did it.
Think about that.
Very well said, sir.
In fact, I meant to make that point.
I just get so angry.
I have a lot of anger problems now.
I mean, especially because I've started working out every day and eating healthier.
It's just like, it's really bad.
I'm going to be honest.
This stuff gets to me, folks.
And how I deal with stuff is anger and hatred.
I love people so much, I just get super hateful at the bad people.
I mean, I just really get angry.
It's my source of energy is the problem.
As I get more energy, I get more hateful.
Dean in Virginia, you're our tail gunner.
Go ahead.
Sorry to the others.
Go ahead.
Thanks for taking my call.
And yeah, I can sense the passion, which is exciting for all of us.
And it's contagious.
But our little group here in Virginia has been awakened since 1970s.
And they've already called my buddy Miko, crazy kook, since the 70s.
And we've been going along this road.
Trying to wake other people up.
Almost to the point that you get frustrated, but then you shift into anger mode, and you just want to go around smacking people.
Now, as a former kickboxer, I can't do that.
So what I've done, I've created a 3x5 card, and I call it Multi-Level Awakening.
I wear thought-provoking, eye-provoking t-shirts that say, Obama loves America, like O.J.
loved Nicole, Obama, destroy America.
What it does, it
Wakes people up, they look at you either good or bad, and I hand them a 3x5 card, which I've printed up a couple thousand times.
No, if patriots all did the kind of stuff you're doing, or hey, here's a powerful copy of a film, you don't say, oh I know it's kooky, please watch.
You say, hey, they don't want you to see this.
You know what, I want to hear more about that.
Why don't you write an article about what you're doing.
I should have taken more calls.
I don't even respect you guys properly and have enough of the calls.
You're all so awesome.
Send us an article.
Or shoot a video on YouTube about what you're doing, and I'll post it on InfoWars.com.
You're awesome.
I'm gonna post Mike Adams' video, too, on InfoWars.com right now.
And get our article out about the terror alert.
Retweet it.
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