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Name: 20120206_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 6, 2012
2357 lines.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are locked and loaded, ladies and gentlemen.
Blasting out worldwide.
Thank you so much for joining us.
It is the 6th day of February 2012 and we're going to be here for the next three hours.
Now, I'll tell you about the guests we've got coming up, and you can see their details posted at InfoWars.com in the radio show section there on the front page.
I'll tell you about the guests coming up when we start the second segment.
But just so much incredible news that we've got to cover today.
There's a big announcement by the frontrunner in the Mexican elections that they are basically going to open the door for a full-on US military invasion.
That's all part of the merger of the countries under the North American Union.
There's also a hysterical article in the fading New York Times.
Activists fight green projects seeing UN plot.
And then they go on to admit it's a UN plot, but engage in this weird double-think I constantly see, where, well, yes, there's a world government being established.
In fact, guys, will you pull me out of yesterday's stack, the Desert News, and the Prison Planet article that we wrote about it, where UN calls for global tax.
So there, they say, crazy people
Say there's a plan for a global government and a global tax.
We want the global tax, but it doesn't exist if you don't like it.
And with yuppies and people, they're able to keep these two opposing ideas in their heads at the same time.
And the New York Times is freaking out that all over the country, their sustainability councils, their smart growth is being shot down.
One of the few places it's not is places like the whole state of California with 20-plus percent now a year.
Carbon taxes shutting down when industry's left.
And here in Austin, they announced a couple years ago, they said, we're going to jack up your power prices, double them in the next three years.
And they have increased them quite a bit last year.
They've announced 80% increases in the next year for most power consumers.
Some only have a 40% increase.
And they said it's for the earth.
Big mega foreign corporations that have moved in and taken over the power plants and shut down their competition, they're getting the money.
But they actually say you having less money is good.
And if you go to Whole Foods there in Austin where I live, half the magazines, we went and shot video of this about a year ago.
I'm going to send reporters back over there this week.
To get some footage of it.
It's just, it's Austerity Magazine, and being poor is cool, and it's all about pay more!
Literally, for the Earth, be poor!
Sew patches in your clothes.
It's good they're shutting down the economy.
It's for the earth.
In fact, you can type in headlines like, recession good to lower carbon footprint.
In fact, print me that.
Because I hadn't seen this till I got here about 40 minutes before showtime, as I really get ready at home, and I hadn't seen this article.
And so this is my problem.
It's why I digressed down rabbit trails, which is good.
I see this article and my mind explodes with thoughts.
Thousands of articles, UN documents, public statements, post-industrial world, how they're going to do it.
And then they write an article making fun of people that are aware of it.
But then go on to admit that they are doing just what we say.
It's just, it's not a conspiracy.
It's a loving UN plan to shut down our resources and give China three coal-powered plants a week and we don't get three new ones a year.
And of course, last year, the White House responded to an Infowars.com article saying that we were having blackouts everywhere because of shutting down power plants.
We had power commission reports.
And the White House came out and said we were crazy, it didn't exist.
But then a month later, the head of the Energy Department came out and said, oh, we're going to shut down, quote, massive numbers of power plants, and it's for the earth.
So we're going to make you all poor, it's for the earth.
No, you're a bunch of monopoly men shutting down our economies and people are aware of you criminals.
That's why the New York Times is going bankrupt.
That's why everybody hates your stinking, traitorous, slimebag, trashy guts!
This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number 1.
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Hi folks, this is Alex Jones.
I'm looking for people that have the wisdom to spot savings, opportunity, and recognize risk.
Saving means to make money.
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Take charge of your health now by calling 800-340-7091.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington DC we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, I am wound up.
This is going to be an absolutely jam-packed global transmission against tyranny today.
I will tell you about the guests that are coming up in the second and third hour here in a moment, and we will have open phones during this hour, some, and in the second and the third.
But let me just now go over some of the news.
There's a big stack, obviously, with Israel, the United States, and NATO, and more with the Defense Secretary saying, yeah, it looks like war is on in April, May, or June.
Now, that doesn't mean it's going to happen, but the troops are massing, 100,000 U.S.
troops in and around, and I've talked to my military sources.
They're being told it's going to happen.
Now sometimes they tell the troops that because they're intending to, but there's a window to stop it.
Let's be clear, we've backed off the Iran war repeatedly before, but the Brookings Institute and a bunch of others, Rand Corporation, I talked about this on the Sunday Radio Show, are openly saying a provocation would sure help.
And they openly talk about Gulf of Tonkin slash Pearl Harbor type events, shades of the PNAC reports put out by Cheney, September 20th, 2000.
And there's a good headline from Empire Burlesque from Chris Floyd.
Runaway train stopped the war against Iran.
Now Iran mass-producing anti-ship cruise missile.
AFP's reporting Iran warships dock at Saudi port.
Russia condemns West hypocritical reaction to Syria invasion veto basically.
The West is using classic Al-Qaeda forces, same folks they used in Libya have now been rotated in and are invading through three different areas into Syria.
These are proxy wars to overthrow these countries.
I'm no fan of Assad.
I'm no fan of the mullahs.
The point is the globalists are trying to put stuff even worse in.
They're just creating total chaos.
We've got all of that coming up.
Greece takes a step closer to default.
They were put into receivership to now go into default.
Part of the IMF World Bank plan.
Big news out of the Washington Times.
Mexican vote may determine future of drug war.
And buried in the article they have the big pre-national candidate.
The party that was in power for a hundred years that's about to get back into power, the polls show.
The PRI is saying what we already knew, what Perry talked about.
Rick Perry while running.
Let's invade Mexico.
Well, they're saying, we won't just have drones and advisers.
They want the Marines down there, from the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli.
We will fight the megabanks' battles and bring in the $100 billion every few months in drug money.
I'm now butchering from the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli.
And it is certainly on.
So there's quotes out of the Mexican news and the Washington Times on this.
It's a big deal.
Part of the North American Union plan where they said in 2006 in Banff, Canada, they would use the deteriorating security crisis to merge the three militaries.
You've seen those public deals where U.S.
generals, Mexican troops who fight terrorists inside U.S.
and vice versa, or U.S.
troops help at Olympic Games in Canada.
Remember two years ago?
They're just acclimating everyone.
Oh, Mexican and Dutch troops in New Orleans helping with the flood.
Washington Post.
All part of the conditioning and we have the Globalist documents admitting that.
Obviously, I'm not going to get to this now, but later,
I didn't watch the Super Bowl, but I happened to have a business meeting last night with some of the crew on this film we're finishing up.
It's a little 30-minute, but it's going to be very powerful.
Sometimes shorter films are even more powerful than two-hour, three-hour films, dealing with the globalists and how to defeat them and the keys to their mindset.
So I took him out to a restaurant, and I see a guy complaining, getting mad, saying, turn up the football.
And they said, sir, 500 places have the audio on.
We don't do that here.
And the guy's like, but it's, and he's with his wife, he's like, but it's Madonna!
And he said it like it was a joke, but he was serious, and she was like squatting on a throne with big horns, you know, and the goddess outfit, and slaves dragging her around, and just total Illuminati, big all-seeing eyes.
And it's like, what a cheesy religion the globalists follow.
What a bunch of pathetic scum.
Nothing against old people, we'll all be there one day, but there's something about this geriatric
Looking woman I guess she's put her body through so much only 51 prancing around squatting on a gold throne We're gonna be talking more about that Coming up a little bit later, but there's some video of her being hauled in You know on the throne By her slaves, I guess us the American people Now
Again, we have this top story at InfoWars.com, red-linked.
Ron Paul warns of Federal Reserve power grab.
This is big news.
His weekly update has not been put into text form yet.
It's got no coverage.
He put it out this morning.
And he analyzes.
You're worried about recess appointments where they don't even take the person to Congress now?
So it's not a recess appointment.
They just appoint them.
The executive does, outside of congressional approval, which is another major step towards dictatorship, launching wars without Congress, saying you'll kill U.S.
citizens without trials, without Congress.
All of this is what the bureaucracy, the National Security Council run by Globalist wants, is for Congress to be purely ceremonial.
And Congress is so happy with the insider trading and corruption on average, they're happy to do it.
But Ron Paul points out, and Kurt Nemo did more research and links to the documents, that this is a total Federal Reserve international power grab over all financial transactions, over basically all businesses, over all credit unions and banks.
Remember last year, and then two years before that, the Texas Banking Association president wrote big articles warning that
This whole financial regulation is allowing more derivatives, more scams by the big six offshore banks that control the private fellow reserves, a holding company, and that it allows them to shut down their competition.
Well, that's what's going on right now.
Just like in Europe, the very same megabanks, same six banks and their European subsidiaries, are getting total dictatorial power over all the countries of Europe through the government agencies, criminally signing over total control and saying you have no sovereignty.
Foreign banks will control you now.
We're hearing in Rhode Island and Michigan and other areas where whole cities are being told, since you're bankrupt, no more city council, a private corporation runs you now and can do whatever they want.
Triple the water, triple the power, put tolls on existing roads, and then never build up the infrastructure, just take the money out because you went into debt.
And so now the city managers traitorously signs contracts and signs you over to the big consortiums that manipulated you into fraudulent debt to begin with.
Instead of going to jail, the Ken Lay, Bernie Madoff types take over.
And coming up later, we're going to play that Texas Straight Talk.
It's only a few minutes long, but again, if you want to watch it, it's up at InfoWars.com.
Ron Paul warns of Federal Reserve power grab.
Please get this article out to everybody.
It's red-linked.
Not only was Obama's appointment of Richard Cordray to the misnamed Consumer Financial Protection Bureau unconstitutional, but the newly minted Federal Leviathan itself is in direct violation of the Constitution, specifically the Tenth Amendment.
In January, Obama thumbed his nose at Article 2, Section 2 of the Constitution.
It states that the President shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint officers to the government.
Yeah, you used to have to get that even for military officers, because you can't just have the President hiring his guys.
Congress has got to approve, or you get a military dictatorship under a Julius Caesar.
Oops, already happening.
Continuing, but as Ron Paul notes in the above video, the new agency
Founded under the Federal Reserve, dominated Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, which is, oh, you don't like the sharks nibbling at your toes?
We'll just chop you up in pieces and throw you into them.
That'll stop the sharks.
Oh, you're worried about sharks swimming here in the San Francisco Bay?
We'll just dump 10,000 gallons of pig blood into the water.
That'll keep you safe from sharks.
Of course, we'll call every shark for miles around.
Continuing, but as Ron Paul notes in the above video, the new agency founded under the Federal Reserve-dominated Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.
That's going to protect you.
Please get this article out to everyone you know.
It is so important to expose what's happening.
You're like, but it's already passed.
They've already done it.
But see, just because they sign a UN treaty in 1992 declaring Agenda 21 smart growth and saying that by a decade into the 21st century they would shut down all human progress except for the elites,
I mean, pull it up!
UN calls for post-industrial society, calls for end of the nuclear family, calls for compulsory sterilization.
I mean, this is not a conspiracy theory.
This is a fact.
Look at our article from Friday that got linked on DrudgeReport.com and other big sites.
And then I noticed when it got linked on other big neocon sites, even mainline Republican sites,
They said, oh look, the UN wants this, but Alex Jones is a kook, there's no global government.
I mean, and all I was quoting was a UN press release that Paul Watson linked to in the Desert News.
And I saw one article going, why is Drudge linking to this crud?
This is what discredits conservatives, saying there's a UN takeover.
I mean, the UN, Ban Ki-moon says we need a global tax.
Internet taxes, financial transaction taxes, and well-ed taxes to pay the UN itself run by big mega banks that have just gobbled Europe completely and are openly saying no sovereignty.
But again, there's a big New York Times article I'm going to cover when we get back.
New York Times.
Activists fight green projects seeing UN plot.
They believe in an imaginary thing called Agenda 21.
Then they go on to admit it's Agenda 21.
Well, I have the UN itself telling you what Agenda 21 is from UN.
From the UN's own stinking website, and I have Schwarzenegger and all of them admitting it.
It's coming up.
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Alright, when I saw
This article this morning, my mind exploded in a thousand different directions because I've watched the UN hearings on C-SPAN.
I've read their biological diversity assessments.
I've got the footage from the 92 Rio meeting where they said, post-industrial world, we're going to destroy industrial society.
The head of the conference, Maurice Strong, there's a video of it.
It's all online.
Ted Turner, Prince Philip, Prince Charles,
The Queen of the Netherlands, Jacques Cousteau saying kill 300 plus thousand people a day.
You know, all of this crazy stuff.
And then the big multinationals shutting down all their competition.
I live in Austin that has election fraud.
People always say Austin's liberal.
You mean establishment, snookered, trendies that are anti-human?
No, we're not.
No we're not.
Austin has incredible election fraud.
Austin is a beautiful, wonderful city.
Austin is not liberal.
A small coterie runs things and feeds off of us, and they're not liberals.
They're scum.
It's not liberal to shut down our city-owned power plant, and shut down another county-owned one, and shut down a bunch of others, and use government regulators, and then massively increase prices over 100% in the last two years.
80% this year, the city council announced and has been fighting over.
Strangely enough, Lee Leffingwell, he's pretty bad news, he's been saying he's against it, but only wanting smaller increases.
And they say, though, it's for the earth!
Pay more money!
It's for the earth!
It's like it's that excuse.
It's like, we're going to take you and burn your wife at the stake because we say she's a witch.
It's for God or whatever.
No, you're just using that name for power.
And then I read this New York Times article where these condescending people talk to us like we're five-year-olds and all these wannabe intelligentsia that get the physical paper or read it online or read it on their little Kindle or their iPad who think they're so smart and who will then condescend at people like me and make comments on YouTube or comments on national TV.
Oh, he's the guy that thinks the UN's taking over.
They have U.N.
I hadn't been hiking in about two years on some of the main trailheads because I just tend to pull off on the side of the road and go, you know, hike into the Greenbelts wherever I want to.
And me and Richard Reeves a few months ago, I had Richard, you know, going on long hikes because he likes to hike and I like to hike.
And, you know, we were going on like little 10-mile hikes and stuff.
And everywhere were U.N.
signs that were part of a U.N.
control system now, just like Agenda 21 and the Biosphere Zones and World Heritage Sites.
I mean, this is going on everywhere, and it's on paper.
It's under executive order 12,986, where Bill Clinton signed us over.
Guys, let me check that number.
I haven't checked it in years.
Bill Clinton executive order handing over Parkland to UN.
And then the buffer zones around it.
I mean, by the late 90s, they were telling people that own their own gold mine.
30 miles outside of, what in one case, Yellowstone, you can't have your gold mine anymore because you're 30 miles from the UN zone.
Or Bill Clinton.
Signed an executive order blocking southern Utah coal development, the only clean-burning coal in North America, and enough to run the country for over 100 years.
Perfectly clean, no mercury, no nothing in it, no need for scrubbers, none of it.
Makes it even cheaper.
And overnight, this was even in mainstream news back in the time of the late 90s, you can look it up, overnight, overnight,
The stocks of the Chinese company doubled.
One of the only other reserves in the world.
For whatever reason, geologically, that similar area of China has the same dinosaur bones, a lot of the same whatever as areas of Utah.
I guess they say back when Pangaea was there or something, it was a similar development.
If you believe any of that, whatever.
The point is,
People need to get, that's how this works, just like they shut down that big pipeline that was going to supply massive amounts of oil from Canada to the US, shut it down.
Now they're going to massively increase the profits of Warren Buffett and his trains, Associated Press, Bloomberg all wrote, he'll make billions just off that a year, shipping by train much more expensively, massive amounts of oil.
to the West Coast and then in huge ships to China and Japan.
Again, you can look it up.
China gets three new coal-powered plants a week.
We have coal plants, well, about a hundred is being shut down every year.
We get our plants shut down, they get new plants.
They get oil, we get diddly squat.
And again, it's all insider globalist.
They don't just get money and power, they shut off their competition.
It's right out of Atlas Shrugged.
All right, now when we come back, I'm gonna read you this New York Times article that's got me hotter than a pistol.
Again, it's the condescension of the scum.
And it's so pleasing to see them becoming discredited and becoming jokes and the dinosaur horror media imploding on itself.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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This is Alex Jones for survivalseedbank.com.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
We're here live blasting out on XM Channel 166.
Well over 100 AM and FM affiliates, Global Shortwave at WWCR, and of course on the audio streams at InfoWars.com, number one radio show on the internet worldwide by every major metric.
Look it up for yourself, and that's thanks to you spreading the word out there, and my team's hard work as well, and of course my tireless dedication and will to face down these crooks and get angry at them and say, I don't care if we win or lose.
I mean, I want to win, but I'm not even thinking about that.
You want to get in a fight New World Order?
Alright, I'm taking the gloves off, I'm coming in, I'm gonna fight you as hard as I can, and I'm gonna improvise, adapt, and learn, and we're gonna kick your New World Order tail.
And you know what?
It's starting to happen.
And that's my frustration.
Every time good people turn it loose on the New World Order, every time we get involved, every time we simply get off the bench and get up there, we have victory!
And I gotta tell you, it's shocking sometimes when listeners call and they say, well I'm calling, it's scary for me to even call in.
But then I understand, you know, the journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.
But you should be afraid of letting this system go into place.
They're already jacking our food and water on record.
They're already messing with our atmosphere.
The globalists are already playing God.
The only thing you should be afraid of is laying there in the ditch.
For me, that's horrifying.
For me, what's horrifying is letting these scum win.
I take what they do personal.
A lot of people say, well, I fight the New World Order a little bit, but I don't take it personal.
You know, I think it's good to take it personal.
I think it's good.
I don't take it personal when some guy flips me off on the highway.
Or I don't take it personal when somebody, you know, snubs me or acts powerful.
I don't care about that.
I take it personal when people try to assault my children with GMO food, fluoride, aspartame, melamine, bisphenol A. I take it personal when the United States has the highest prison rate, obesity rate, cancer rate.
We're the leaders in everything bad, by design, by the globalists.
From the leaders in everything good 60 years ago, to the leaders in everything bad.
By design.
All the textbooks, all the documents.
I'm angry about it.
And I know where this is leading if we don't turn this around.
Not somewhere pretty.
Now, I just asked the guys, because right before Showtime I was going through the news they'd printed, and I saw a piece of news I hadn't seen out of the New York Times, and I just said, start printing me Agenda 21 UN documents, government executive orders, and then obviously later after the radio show, for the nightly news or for a special report, I'm gonna have to shoot a special report on this.
Just to illustrate how not only does the media spin and lie, but how they're arrogant and think you're idiots.
And see, that's the thing.
It's so frustrating to see people thinking they're informed because they read it in the New York Times and it's a bunch of sophisticated
It's just so mindlessly written.
I mean, if I wanted to write for the New World Order, it'd be so easy.
Their tricks are so mindless, it's written at a sixth grade level, and this is what's so-called intellectuals.
I mean, nowadays in America, it's intellectuals that can even talk or even read.
Pretty soon you'll be an intellectual and seen as a genius if you can tie your shoelaces.
I mean, this is the type of garbage, this is the type of bull that we're talking about here.
All right, let me continue here.
Again, going through this information,
Here is the article itself that I've been ranting about from the New York Times.
Now, listen to how they try to imply this isn't real, but then later admit it is real, but just that our response is crazy.
And this is all driven towards peer pressure.
This is all driven towards people that just go with whatever they think is acceptable in society.
It's so pathetic that people think it's like a sacrament or it's something really special to do whatever the TV says.
The TV wants to destroy your culture, destroy your family.
It's a private corporate global takeover of the human species.
It is a wrecking ball, a scorched earth takeover of every facet of our world.
Now here's the New York Times insult to intelligence.
In fact, you know, we print all the news that's fit to print.
What an arrogant statement, you know, that we think is fit to print, we print it all.
No, you are an insult to intelligence who get off on steering our society into a collapsed economy, just like you're collapsing.
Into a dirty rat hole.
Lies of WMDs, you name it.
Activists fight green projects.
Of course, last time, one of the richest guys in Mexico connected to all sorts of shady stuff is the main owner.
So, I mean, that's what you expect from this.
Activists fight green projects, seeing UN plot.
Across the country, activists with ties to the Tea Party, that's the original proto-Ron Paul-Alex Jones Tea Party.
Not the neocon one that tells people, oh, we don't want your 1776 shirts here.
We don't want your fight the new world order stuff here.
We don't want your get the UN out of America stuff.
That's extreme.
That's what mainline Republicans tell me.
You shouldn't be so extreme and talk about the UN bad and world government because that just discredits you.
You mean when I read a press release from the UN calling for global government and a global tax, it's basically already in place, but now they're overtly doing it?
You mean I shouldn't read what Bankai Moon said last Friday?
And link to the UN saying, oh, I understand, I should be an idiot like you.
Continuing, activists fight green projects, seeing UN plot.
Remember the New York Times three, four years ago, they did a review of the film New World Order that aired on Independent Film Channel.
Some guys followed me around off and on a few times, and they put it out, and it was
It was an okay film, you know, they kind of went with the hokey angle and skewed things by focusing on some of the funnier stuff, but that's okay.
I don't mind, because I know folks are going to come here and find the real deal, what we actually are, what we really do.
But the New York Times reviewed it and said Jones was having a schizophrenic breakdown, basically, in a Marriott resort center, imagining men behind trees and cars following him.
No, we just had Marines flipping us off and helicopters flying around and police putting people up against squad cars and handcuffs and men coming up to us saying you want to attack the State Department with us, who were FBI agents, and black limousines
and and and secret service and world leaders all there and Obama hanging out for a day when the whole media was where's Obama and Hillary they disappeared we call the media and say they're right here and no dinosaur corporate or media would show up.
I was talking to a nationally syndicated radio host a few days ago I'll just leave it at that
He says he'll come on sometime and talk about it when he's ready, but he's talking about being in national newsrooms and watching people say, don't go with that, don't, you know, say Ron Paul can't win, and not allowed to say Bilderberg or New World Order or global government.
And all these big syndicated radio shows that you hear, of course I already knew this, they don't just get talking points, but they have them delayed more like a minute.
They're delayed like a minute, and they're going through different computer banks so that they can cut what the host is saying.
And I already knew this, but the extent of it was incredible.
And of course, I'm not supposed to talk about it.
It was specifically who told me, but I already know this.
It's just, if the public knew, you think when you call up a regular talk show, even local, and they screen you for like five minutes, and if you ever want to talk about the New World Order or Ron Paul, they don't want to put you on.
This is about perception management.
It's about a bunch of scum and sellouts who are destroying their own future by serving the New World Order, feeding you propaganda and getting off on it.
I've run into local people.
I try to call into San Antonio and Austin stations, maybe in the past once a week, driving into work or driving home or doing errands.
I don't just tell people to talk to folks at grocery stores and stop people at red lights and tell them to tune into radio stations or do whatever.
I do it myself.
But I can't call into Texas Talk Radio, because even though I might call one show once a month, the call screener's like, no Alex, I recognize your voice.
But I'm like, but I want to make this point, no, why don't you do it on your own show?
And I can even call and say my name's David or Bob.
Now, a few times I've called and said, I'd like to come on and talk about this, and they get me on air, and I give them some information, and the voice is like this.
But, I mean, a lot of times I'm not going to go to that length to try to jump through the call screeners power trip.
Again, these servile people get off on serving the system.
They think it, like, makes them powerful to serve the New World Order.
As their standard of living implodes.
But, here it is.
Activist Fight Green Project Sing UN Plot.
This is what the...
Mexican mega bank, drug laundering, funded New York Times, wants to tell you here, some nice people.
Activists fight green projects, Xing Yuan plot.
And it goes on across the country.
Here, I'll hold it up a little bit higher for you so you can see the document again.
Activists fight Green Project, sing UN plot.
Oh, there's no such thing as plots by big mega-elites.
They just got into power by being nice little people.
Rich, powerful men never get in smoky rooms, and they don't have mistresses either, and they never order assassinations either, and they're not involved in any corruption.
Oh, yes.
Across the country, activists with ties to the Tea Party are railing against all sorts of local and state efforts to control sprawl and conserve energy.
No, you mean sell them less energy for more.
They brand government action.
Just, it's action.
You want action.
So you're conditioned to love action, action, action, like it's always good.
For things like expanding public transportation routes, that means shutting down your roads and giving sweetheart train deals to people that you can't even use because of the way our infrastructure is set up.
And preserving open space is part of a United Nations-led conspiracy.
So they admit that's all happening, but it's a United Nations-led conspiracy.
No, it's not a conspiracy.
It's an open program of neo-feudalism in their own words.
They say neo-feudalism.
I didn't really coin those terms.
Neo-feudalistic serfdom I did.
They call it neo-feudal or neo-serf systems.
Read the UN Biological Diversity Assessment, 1996.
I mean, it's incredible.
State Department memorandum 200, where they say we'll have wars and cut off food to reduce population.
And it goes on, and preserving open space is part of a United Nations-led conspiracy to deny property rights and herd citizens towards cities.
Well, they say all that.
And in Austin, they took in one swath, 15,000 acres of different farm and ranchers' property southwest of town, held it for five years, as we knew they'd do, used taxpayer money to force the sale, eminent domain took it, paid about two cents on the dollar, in some cases had to send police out to drag them off their land, people crying on their ancestral property.
And turned around and actually the former mayors and everybody moved in on the land, built $3 million houses, sold their bodies, built hotels, and now they're grabbing other property.
I mean, they just do it.
I mean, it's like we have machine guns.
We're taking the property.
And they said it's for the UN.
They got UN signs up.
I mean, I was over.
At the Hill of Life's, the local name of it, I forget the exact name, the little park entrance, down into the Greenbelt, some of the older Greenbelts that, you know, they can't build in the Barton Creek Canyon area.
And it's got little U.N.
signs there now.
But it doesn't exist!
Kind of like CNN said four years ago, and I've played the clip many times, Ron Paul's insane, the guy said, the host.
He's, or it was a contributor, he's insane.
He believes there's something called a North American Union Highway, and there's a thing called Trans-Texas Corridor, he claims.
He's making it up, it doesn't exist.
There were signs everywhere, toll roads going in.
We defeated it for now and overthrew it, but the signs were everywhere.
Imagine being a Texan, watching CNN, and they're saying this doesn't exist, when it's all over the news, and the transportation department's announced it at the state and federal level.
But most people watching in Texas went, oh it doesn't exist, well I won't talk about it at the water cooler, even though it's happening, I don't want to be laughed at.
I had Texans say it didn't exist, as it was happening, because CNN said so, and they get this little smile, this little
Oh, really?
You're a conspiracy theorist?
Mmm, I got lied to.
Mmm, big establishment media told me so.
I'm part of the power system.
Mmm, I got lied to and conned.
Mmm, it feels so good.
I mean, it's like a mental sickness of weakness and just loving, servile patheticness.
I mean, that's what we're talking about here.
It goes on.
It's horrible.
They're showing up, they say, at city council meetings.
This is some terrible news.
They're showing up, it's so un-American, at planning meetings to denounce bike lanes.
Yeah, where they make you turn the parking drives the backwards, so people have wrecks.
They take over existing roads to give them to bikes.
They play bikers off against car drivers.
And the bikers get on major highways now, interstates, and block the roads and enjoy it.
Again, it's all about divide and conquer.
They're showing up at planning meetings to denounce bike lanes on public streets and smart meters on home appliances, which they admit are tracking everybody and taxing and now controlling thermostats in California, which they promised they wouldn't, but that was a conspiracy theory too.
Efforts they equate to big government blueprint against individual rights.
Yeah, it's endgame blueprint for global enslavement.
Down the road this data will be used against you.
It is now.
Warned a speaker at the recent Roanoke County Virginia Board of Supervisors meeting who turned out with dozens of people opposed to the county paying $1,200 in dues to a non-profit that consults on sustainability issues.
Oh, that consults?
Then the universities are turning out all these graduates who will be your little minders, your little keepers.
And that's going to be their profession, so they're going to be acolytes of it no matter what, to force you to do whatever they say, home inspections, more power bills.
Local officials say they would dismiss such notions, except for the growing and often heated protests are having an effect.
Oh, the people are actually reading the UN documents we're about to show you.
It's terrible!
Americans are having an effect!
That means the richest man in Mexico tied in with the big mega banks that owns the New York Times, Carlos Slim.
It means we won't get to be like people in Mexico who had all their resources turned off and are so poor the establishment calls them peons.
I mean, they want to make us peons here.
This is terrible.
We don't want to be.
In May, the Tea Party-backed Republican governor canceled a project to ease congestion along Route 1 corridor after protesters complained it was part of a U.N.
Yeah, where they take existing lanes and turn them into toll roads.
That makes things worse.
Similar opposition helped doom the high-speed train line in Florida.
And more than a dozen cities, towns, and counties, under new pressure, have cut off financing for a program that offers expertise on how to measure and cut carbon emissions.
Yeah, where they then start taxing you.
You know, that's the issue here that we're talking about.
They put taxes on you.
I mean, I told everybody they were going to increase our power bill.
Boy, they're awake in Austin now with that 80% increase coming in in one year.
Already a massive increase.
It sounds a little on the weird side, but we've found we ignore it at our own peril.
Oh, it sounds a little weird that people are actually informed, said George Homewood, a vice president of the American Planting Association, chapter in Virginia.
Where they're annexing the rural areas and telling folks what they can do on their own land.
Or how about the EPA last year saying that $5,000 fines for dust on a farm.
Oh yeah, taking all our property for no reason.
We shouldn't be concerned.
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Alright, continuing here.
Now remember, they're dumping toxic waste in the water, GMO-ing the entire biosphere, insects, animals, hundreds of crops now, mutations everywhere, weaponizing every virus you can imagine, endangering the whole planet, reactors constantly melting down, radiation levels going up globally, not even an issue, troops dying of DU poisoning,
But they're gonna raise taxes on your breathing.
New York Times headline, a tax on breathing.
And then they endorsed it.
They said, this is good.
But it goes on to freak out in a long article that all over the country people are waking up to the UN takeover and freaking out and that smart growth groups are in trouble.
And that people are coming after him and making sure that the cities aren't run by smart growth software that the feds give you grants to run your city on.
I mean, everything is converting over to this, where they say you'll pay for the calories you eat.
This is all official.
And they're stalling you till it's in place, and they're upset that you're waking up and they can't take over with their mafia system.
That's all this is.
They can shut anybody down for made-up environmental reasons.
I saw Tito's vodka now become very popular all over the world.
I'm told it's really good vodka.
People that like vodka drink it.
And they said that a few gallons of some of their distillate might have run into a creek behind them.
A disgruntled employee said so.
They SWAT teamed them and indicted them and all this stuff.
The globalists are infecting the very genome and releasing salmon into the ocean that they admit in university studies in controlled environments will extinct all natural salmon of that species.
I mean, that's the threat right there!
Not some Tito's vodka that ran off in a creek.
I mean, I saw where they were indicting and arresting people in Dallas because some pig blood from a slaughterhouse might have gotten the Trinity River.
I don't know.
Any other type of contamination you can imagine, but the article goes on freaking out.
The protests date to 92 when the United Nations passes sweeping but non-binding 100-plus page resolution called Agenda 21 that was designed to encourage nations to use fewer resources, yeah post-industrial world, and conserve open land by steering development to already dense areas at the globalist zone.
They have gained momentum in the past two years because of the emergence of the Tea Party movement.
Harnessing its suspicion about government power.
Well, no, everybody's being abused, and the belief that the man-made global warming is a hoax.
See, they say man-made global warming's real, but the belief that it's a hoax.
And the whole, it just gets worse.
I mean, it gets worse.
Folks, here's Ban Ki-moon in Infowars.com.
UN wants world tax to help the poor.
What are we linked to in the article?
A UN press release.
You're on the UN's website.
People didn't believe our article.
They thought it was fake.
Okay, here is the actual Desert News mainstream media.
They've got the headline here.
Desert News.
UN leaders consider world tax to fund social protection services.
Which is just the new social anti-family police.
Now, here's Schwarzenegger in the
Time Magazine, London Guardian, and USA Today, and you read him three years ago at the Copenhagen thing when they couldn't get it through.
He said, what we need now is an end run to counties, cities, and states to implement the Agenda 21.
I mean, go read it.
Go read it.
Here he is saying exactly what we're warning.
I mean, and then because we know what they're doing, we're bad conspiracy theorists.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, instead of looking at fake threats to humanity like the terrorist threat, you've got a better chance of being killed by champagne corks or honeybees, we're going to look at real threats to our society with a really well-researched gentleman coming up in the next segment.
Then we have a big Harvard expert on the environmental
Internet takeover that we see happening, that's all coming up.
Getting back to the environmentalists here, who are not environmentalists.
That way they can toxify, genetically engineer, do whatever they want, and then only brand your private property as something they gotta take to save the earth, and tax you for breathing, and tax you for your electricity, and shut down all their competition, and call for a world government, world army, world courts,
When we're trying to take your property and raise your power prices and not let you build or cut down a tree in your backyard or build a shed on your own property or when we take your farm, you see all the cases where they take people's farms and make them pay for the EPA assessment to have their farm taken.
That's now at the Supreme Court because there's a pond on it.
That they say is a wetland.
In fact, now they're saying don't dig with bulldozers a cow pond because they'll come along and call it a wetland and take your property.
I mean, they're actually doing it.
Here in Texas, for the Trans-Texas Corridor, they took hundreds of thousands of acres and then sold it for restaurants and hotels on major highways.
Imminent domain.
All over the state.
And would say it's for the earth, we're taking it, and then sell it and put hotels on it and McDonald's.
I mean, just...
We've got an old family ranch in East Texas, and we got the new Texas Landowners' Rights thing a few years ago, and it said, under the new Texas Landowners' Bill of Rights, you have no rights if we want your property or put a pipeline on it or whatever.
You've got six weeks to accept our offer or you get nothing.
And if you take us to court, you will pay for the fees.
So, here's your rights.
You don't have jack squat.
It's for the earth.
Oh, trendy.
It's not for the earth.
It's about a total takeover.
So, here is USA Today.
Bad economy helps cut CO2 emissions.
Here they are saying, shutting you down is good.
USA Today.
And then I had it earlier, they gave it to me.
Here it is, un.org.
Agenda 21.
And then they describe what it is, and they admit a plan to basically shut down society.
What they call sustainability.
Some good news.
China bans airlines from joining EU emissions scheme.
They're making all our airlines now.
When you fly to Europe, you're going to pay for the carbon that's put out as if it's the only evil thing on earth.
Here it is.
Schwarzenegger pushes for regional climate change pact.
We'll give folks a document cam of that.
USA Today.
This is November 15, 2010, when the Copenhagen Treaty failed.
They tried to keep the treaty secret, but it leaked.
They would actually double, or right at double, the taxes on the third world.
They tried to sell the third world that they were going to get the rich guys and increase our taxes, but no, it's actually a doubling on them and about a 50% increase on us.
It'd be a death sentence for the third world, though.
Over a billion would die within a decade, according to the breakdowns that have been done on the actuaries.
But here it is.
Schwarzenegger pushes for regional climate change pact.
And he goes on to say because they couldn't get it through, the third rail would be getting local governments to do it.
It goes on, in the years since an attempt for a final global climate change treaty failed, California has been trying a different strategy to reduce greenhouse gases worldwide.
Governor Schwarzenegger, and he said this at the time, is pushing state and regional governments around the globe to act, saying that the effort must be led by the localities in the absence of national and international momentum.
Yeah, states and counties.
And of course, when that happens, the feds stand by and go.
Because the EPA ignores Congress when they say, don't do carbon taxes, they just do it.
So it's the same thing here.
And in Austin, they said, we're massively going to increase your power prices for the earth.
Now, a private group gets the money, but it's for the earth.
And the trendies went, oh, let us suck our thumbs.
Please financially rape us, we love it.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, you know, listeners, that in Nebraska, two places in Canada, in Illinois, in the Carolinas, in New York.
In fact, I had Aaron Dykes look it up last week.
It was 48
...releases in North America alone of radiation that we know of in the last year.
And we've shown you the headlines.
You can type them in yourself.
You know, mystery in Europe.
Why are radiation levels going up?
You know, it's not from Chernobyl in 86.
It's not from Fukushima.
We know some of the radiation levels have gone up here because of Fukushima, and it's still ongoing.
Why are the levels going up?
And I don't know why there's so many more disasters or so many more problems.
We know there was a big reactor in the 50s, melted down completely, a sodium reactor bigger than Chernobyl.
And it wasn't until the 90s that they declassified that there had been a total meltdown and radiating California and many other areas.
So, who knows what's going on?
You know, there is two experimental reactors at the University of Texas at the J.J.
Pickle Center.
When my dad was going to UT in the 60s, they had a little one downtown.
Now they've moved that but have a bigger research facility at the JJ Pickles Center up off 183 and the MOPAC up in North Austin.
And it's got a barbed wire fence around it.
That's a huge compound.
And you tell locals, you know, there's nuclear reactors over there.
And they go, no, there's not, conspiracy theorist.
I mean, this is the level of denial.
Hey, you know, all these major GMO crops have been proven to sterilize every mammal species that eat them.
The corn, the maize, the soybean.
No, they're not!
Hey, you know, DU and the major studies we've had the former head of the DU program, Dr. Doug Rocky on, it's killing almost everybody that's involved cleaning the tank barrels.
And we can give them the names of the young men dying.
It's like, no, it's not.
What does the New York Times say?
You don't like the carbon taxes?
You're a conspiracy theorist.
All of this is going on.
So I saw an article that we linked to on Infowars.com last week, and from my own research was spot on.
And so I thought I'd look at a few of the real threats.
In fact, there was even a USA Today article that also saw Friday that said, you know, scientists worried about volcanoes because they're now learning that volcanoes aren't going off every million years or so, like they thought.
Now, big ones are going off more often.
We're getting hit by asteroids more often.
It all brings into question the age of the Earth.
I don't know how old it is.
Four billion?
A billion?
Ten million?
I don't know.
It's clear those scientists don't know.
Asteroid strikes happen more often, just like whenever Saturn got hit by Shoemaker-Levy comet.
All of that has really changed things.
But I do know from the physicists, nuclear physicists,
Many others that we've interviewed over the years, when we've interviewed the director of the HAARP program, that when there have been big solar flares that hit the earth straight on, that the ionizing different types of radiation has caused all the power lines to blow up, power outages.
This is even a hundred years ago.
So the question is, if a big solar flare or EMP
Was to hit, what would it do to the hundreds and hundreds of nuclear reactors?
And you want to talk about a detailed report.
I mean, it is, it's long, but it's a quick read with maps, documents, cases where reactors have already had trouble that I didn't even know about, but went and looked up, it's true.
It's 400 Chernobyl solar flares, EMPs, and nuclear Armageddon by Matthew Stein.
And going over his bio here, Matthew Stein is a design engineer, green builder.
Again, I'm all for green building.
I'm just against paying carbon taxes to foreign banks.
And author of two best-selling books, When Disaster Strikes, A Comprehensive Guide to Emergency Planning and Crisis.
Excellent book, I've read it.
Put out in 2011.
And When Technology Fails, A Manual for Self-Reliance.
I haven't read that yet, but I ordered it.
Sustainability and Surviving the Long Emergency.
And again, I'm for real sustainability, not the counterfeit
It means build three coal plants in China a week and we don't get to have any.
Or cut, shut off our oil and ship it all to China and block new alternative energies from being developed.
See, it's about a monopoly, but I'm digressing.
Stein is a graduate of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he majored in Mechanical Engineering.
Stein has appeared on every show you can imagine, and he's also a guest columnist for the Huffington Post.
And he joins us to go over what real threats are, because they've got these hot dog people.
Fox News took our headline and said, Homeland Security hires wiener watchers, the hot dog vendors, acting like everybody's a terrorist.
You've got a better chance of being killed by champagne corks, honey bees, or deer jumping out in front of you.
Look at the statistics.
We've gone over them here.
What are the real threats?
What are the real threats?
And this is a real one.
We've only had, you know, nuclear power engineering on a mass scale the last 30-40 years.
And we've had it for 60-70 in submarines, but I guess the first one was the Nautilus or whatever.
Now it's proliferating, and now they've got the Greenies pushing neighborhood reactors.
Oh, that's another wonderful idea!
So we've got him with us for the rest of the hour, and then we have another guest joining us, Lawrence Lessig.
And he's an expert on the attack on free speech and the internet and how Congress has been corrupted.
But good to have you with us, Mr. Stein.
We appreciate you coming on and we appreciate your article.
But please break down as best you can what you put in this big paper.
Well, here it is.
You're genuine.
This is a real threat.
This is like a guaranteed Armageddon.
This is an event that we haven't seen on this planet since 65 million years ago when an asteroid hit, or who knows what exactly happened, but something wiped out all the dinosaurs in a short period of time.
And this is a totally avoidable event.
So here's the situation.
Solar storms hit our planet fairly often.
We've had in the last 150 years, we've had about 100 significant storms.
We had one a week ago where they had to reroute some Delta flights over the North Pole because of the ionizing radiation.
This is basically when the sun burps, it gives like a huge mass called a coronal mass ejection.
When stuff from the sun gets launched out into space.
Now this happens all the time.
Solar minimums, solar maximums.
But most of the time it's not aimed towards our planet.
So it just goes off into space, no big deal.
Now and then it hits our planet.
Well now and then it hits our planet really, really big.
So back in 1921,
There was a solar storm where it lit up the sky, blood, orange, green, yellow streaks, all kinds of things, all the way from the North Pole down to Puerto Rico and Haiti and all the way from the South Pole to Samoa.
So every place on the planet got this incredible light show except for a narrow band around the equator.
Back then when it happened, it was like no big deal.
Maybe a few people died, some telegraph stations burned down, Penn Central Station burned down from induced currents that started fires.
But there were no nuclear power plants, there was no microelectronics, there was no giant power grid.
Fast forward to today.
If we had a storm like the 1921 one, that was 90 years ago, and before that, the next extreme one before that was in 1859 called the Carrington Event.
Similar light show, only it went on for an entire week.
There was two giant CMEs spaced five days apart.
One blasted, and then a few days later another one blasted out of the sun.
It hit the planet Earth.
And so the first one kind of got the magnetosphere spinning and all the electronic
Interactions going on the planet, kind of revved up, like revving up an engine, and then the second one hit a few days later and revved it up to high gear.
So if either of those happen today, we've got over a hundred thousand miles of high voltage, extra high voltage power lines uniting the grid in the United States alone, over a hundred thousand miles.
So these power lines are going to act like a giant antenna, and they're going to take this energy from space
That's been induced from these charged particles hitting our upper atmosphere, and they're gonna suck it up.
And when they do, they're gonna send thousands of volts and amps down these lines, and there's transformers called extra-high voltage transformers that they started putting into our grid in the late 60s, mostly in the 70s, 80s, and 90s.
They upgraded the grid in North America.
And what happens is when this grid gets zapped by all of this energy from outer space,
Then, it's like the grid is operating on synchronized, you know, it's 60 volts, 60 cycles, like all of our lights, everything's going at 60 cycles.
It's going to totally fry everything and blow them out.
As you said, you've got photos and news reports.
When the power lines last time this happened, you know, lit up red and melted.
I guess those were just telegraph lines.
What is this going to do?
This is going to be wild.
This is going to blow the transformers.
And when it does, now people say, well, can't you just go down to the hardware store and buy a new transformer?
Well, these transformers are like 300 tons each.
And they're multi-million dollars, and they're all custom designed and custom built.
So it takes three years now to buy a single transformer.
Now in 1989, we had a big geomagnetic storm.
One-tenth the size of the 1921 storm, which was supposedly 50% less than the 1859.
So 1989, we have a big storm.
Way bigger than the one we had a week ago.
Way bigger.
And that Friday transformer in Quebec,
Knocked out power to nine million people for something like six hours.
It also fried a transformer in the East Coast, and it fried a transformer in the UK.
But this was only two in North America, and it almost caused a cascading failure.
Well, the 1921 one, the science modeling says it's going to fry and cook 350 or more of these transformers in the United States, 2,000 worldwide.
Well, in the whole world, we make about 100 of these a year.
So if we get 2,000 worldwide, that's like 20 years of production.
Now all of a sudden, grid down, grid collapse.
It's taken a hundred years to build this grid up to where it is, and if it's anywhere near, like you're saying, the one that hit over a hundred years ago, this would be devastating.
Do we have any actuaries or ideas on how much would get knocked out?
We're talking 350 in North America, 2,000 in the world.
For the 1921 storm.
That's what the Meditech study, you know, it was Sandia National Labs, Oak Ridge National Labs, they all checked it.
So this is a big study.
This has been checked and verified.
So they know this, and they're just sitting there waiting for it to happen?
Well, here's the thing.
They've put bills, since 2008, they've had two different bills in Congress, and they've narrowly avoided passing it.
The latest one's called the SHIELD Act.
But the SHIELD Act is still kind of silly.
It's like, the SHIELD Act says,
We're not going to do anything.
We're the government.
But we're going to make the utilities do something.
You know, spend a couple billion dollars to fix this problem.
And then if they don't like it, then they can appeal to us and get some financial help.
But the problem is, the utilities are saying, we don't want to spend it, so they're fighting it.
Stay there.
Amazing, sir.
This is so important.
We'll be right back after this quick break.
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Okay, we're back live and before our guest leaves us here in about 40 minutes, we'll take a few calls if you have specific questions.
For our guest, Matthew Stein, author of When Disaster Strikes and When Technology Fails, best-selling author, MIT design engineer and builder, obviously, as well as a writer.
And when technologyfails.com is one of the websites you can visit.
It's excellent.
He put out this big report, 400 Chernobyls, solar flare, EMP, and nuclear Armageddon, because
It's bad enough to have years of power outages and problems and infrastructure damage, but getting into the reactors, this is a short segment, long segment coming up, Mr. Stein, but obviously it's the reactors are one of the biggest threats, correct?
Yeah, the reactors are the end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it problem, and this is the one where it's a no-brainer we could solve this problem.
I mean, there's no way to protect against all the bad effects of an EMP or a solar storm, but we can protect against nuclear Armageddon.
Now, here's the ticket with nuclear power plants.
When Fukushima blew up,
And I'll explain.
Every nuclear power plant has to keep its core cooled or it's going to melt down.
You're generating like millions and millions of BTUs instantly in the power core, and that heat is used to generate all the power and electricity out of steam generators.
Well, if you stop running the fluid through that core, all that extra heat is going to go somewhere.
It's going to melt the core down and blow the reactor.
So in Fukushima,
Blue, after the tsunamis came in and wiped out the backup generators.
See, whenever the grid goes down, every nuclear reactor goes into automatic shutdown mode, where the reactor fuel rods and the control rods mesh together and start cooling it down.
But there's so much heat in there, and the reactor doesn't stop like flipping a switch, so you gotta keep that cooled for the next
Three to five years, you've got to cool reactor rods after you start shutting them down.
So what happened then is, earthquake hit, reactor cut off from the grid, grid went down, grid failed, reactor goes into shutdown mode, the backup generators kick on, the backup batteries kick in, and they keep the cooling pumps going.
Well, you know, 20 minutes later, the tsunami comes along, wipes out the cooling pumps.
A couple hours later,
You're going snap, crackle, pop, you're melting down the cores, and you're generating, you're dissociating water into hydrogen and oxygen, making explosive gases, blowing the containment vessel, and we all saw what happened.
Now, fast forward.
We get a big, giant solar storm.
And not like the little one, not like the, not like the, you know, the big one.
We get an extreme one.
Big one, 1989, caused problems.
Big one, 2003, fried 14 transformers in South Africa, screwed up the grid for an entire year, rolling blackouts to the whole country for a year, for only 14 transformers gone.
Fast forward, we get one like 1921, we got a solar maximum coming up, end of 2012, beginning of 2013.
We get one like 1921, they're really worried.
Signs are looking like we might have a big one like that.
All of a sudden, grids totally collapse, down for years in places, some places back short term.
But where the dense population is, that's where the nuclear reactors are, that's where the grid collapses, where it's dense, that's where it collapses.
All of a sudden, you got chaos.
Nobody's getting food, nobody's getting gas, no pumps to pump, no fuel refined in the refineries, everything down over most of the industrialized parts of the planet except for the deep tropical zones that disconnected from other parts of the grid.
Suddenly, the government promises
That they're gonna show up at these reactors with diesel fuel like clockwork to make sure they're all working.
All 104 reactors in America.
We got one-third, more than one-third, 37% of all Americans living in 50 miles of a nuclear reactor.
I see where you're going.
They're built on our coastline.
Seventy plus percent of our population's on the coast.
The feds can't show up to bring water a week and a half in at Katrina.
They can never help.
They can't put out fires in Texas.
All the feds do is show up and tell the locals to go under their command and then screw it up.
There's no way the feds a couple weeks into this, they're going to be gone and those things are going to start blowing.
They're going to start blowing.
Now, chances are
That the solar storm will not screw up electronics on a small scale.
It'll just fry the grid.
So chances are that most of those backup power systems will work, but they're only mandated by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to store one week's worth of fuel on hand.
So when you go out and see this most incredible light show of your life at night, and you say, man, I can't believe this!
You gotta see this!
This is incredible!
Goes on for a night, maybe two, maybe a week.
Start the clock running.
You got about a week before nuclear Armageddon.
Unless we fix the problem, and we can fix it.
By the way, you're a serious guy, but I've done my own research.
What you're saying is accurate, and this is not hype, and I can tell you're concerned.
I'm concerned too, and I make it my job to research this stuff.
I've read it over the years, but never really consciously thought about this problem.
Let's talk about it more when we get back.
This is unbelievable.
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All right, we're going back to our guest here in a moment.
He'll be with us about five minutes to the next hour.
Then we have our other guest joining us.
We'll have some calls then as well.
But before we go to him, it's such a huge subject.
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But we've had PrisonPlanet.tv nearly nine years in April, and we have amazing guests like Mr. Stein, and we're truly independent and bold, and we wear our political affiliations for liberty and freedom on our sleeve.
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Now I want to go to Mark, Rob, Bev, Pappy, Richard and others.
We'll at least get to those calls.
Folks in Indiana, New York, Illinois, Canada, you name it.
But going back to our guest, I read his paper.
And I was like, wow, I've seen stuff on the news, pieces of this, where they admit it.
And then I saw the study he was talking about where even the U.S.
government admits this is a serious danger.
And it's not like it's a possibility.
They know someday.
It might be 200 years.
It might be next week.
But they know the sun's going into one of these wild, you know, 100-year phases.
It has like 10-year, 12-year phases.
The point is, I've had
But what's scary, going back to our guest, is Homer Simpson is sitting at the helm on a lot of these.
We're seeing all these disasters.
Let me ask your view on this because I can't figure it out.
Why do you think, Matthew Stein, why do you think there's so many more nuclear disasters now?
Is it we just have better reporting?
Or these are aging systems?
Why do you think we're seeing so many problems already?
Well, I think a big part is aging systems.
You know, the high level of radioactivity is really tough on metals.
I mean, it takes very special alloys to make the steel inside of these things.
And these things were originally planned for 20-year lives, and now we're boosting 40, 50 years in some of them.
So, essentially, we're just still, they're not building many new plants in this part of the world, though they've got a couple hundred in plans for other parts of the world.
And so this stuff, when it ages, they don't know what to do with it.
There's no place to put all the stuff.
And that's a big scary part, is that each reactor has something called spent fuel ponds.
Any reactor that's been around a while.
Fukushima had 645,000 of them, and they blew for miles around.
Yeah, see, they had a spent fuel pond, typically has more than 10 years worth of reactor cores, old reactor cores, stored under 20 feet of water.
Now, when you cut out the power,
In between a few minutes to a few hours, the reactor core will melt down and start blowing its stuff.
When you cut out the power to cooling the spent fuel ponds, depending on how recently they decommissioned the core, like if they just unloaded a reactor core, it's super hot, and it'll boil out that 24 feet of water covering those fuel rods in between 4 and 22 days.
So, basically, when the pumps stop,
Within a few hours, you're blowing the reactor cores.
But they're contained in giant, massive steel containment vessels.
Then right next door, they got this pond that basically is inside of a standard industrial tilt-up building with a corrugated steel roof.
And they got ten years worth, like over ten cores in there, in that pond.
And in a few days, without cooling pumps, the pond will be boiling down, boiling down, boiling down.
In Fukushima, if it wasn't for the heroic
Actions on the part of the workers who flew over in helicopters and got guns out.
These guys are going to die really early deaths.
A lot of them have already started to die, but they always say they die of something else.
The Fukushima 50.
So these guys, if they hadn't refilled that pond, you would have seen ten Chernobyls going off into the atmosphere right there in Fukushima.
Those guys gave their lives to save us from ten Chernobyls.
See, Fukushima officially has dumped half the radiation of Chernobyl, but almost all of that into the ocean, not the atmosphere.
But unofficially, people say it might be two to five times as much as Chernobyl, but again into the ocean.
But if that cooling pond had blown,
We would have seen 10 Chernobyls worth burning directly into the atmosphere and spreading around the planet.
You know what's freaking me out?
We have best-selling author and MIT design engineer, green builder, you name it, joining us here.
WinTechFails.com is the website.
What's freaking me out is I've done all this research and everything he's saying and more is documented.
And I was just reading in Japanese news last week that they're not even taking very good care
of the Fukushima 50 and their families.
It's this society now where the bureaucrats think that they're magic and have magical thinking, and the corporations do, and just say everything's gonna be alright.
When it's not all right and radiation levels go up.
So I'm sure as you know, Mr. Stein, they've just raised the level worldwide, not just here, to just say it's safe.
And as you pointed out, rotting 20, 30, 40 and 50 year old reactors.
Fukushima was like, what, 39 years old?
Had three decades of waste.
They weren't even shipping it out.
They're storing it there.
These companies don't care.
There's no place to ship it to.
Nobody wants it.
There's no place to ship it to.
They store it on site all over the world.
Now here's the thing.
So what's going to happen, what I'm saying to you though is it all rots.
What is the nuclear power industry going to do as these things start blowing up and melting down everywhere now on almost a weekly basis?
I guess they're going to just say radiation is good for us because that's the new official policy.
No, they're just gonna say, I'm sorry, we didn't know, you know, why doesn't somebody make a permanent repository for all of this stuff?
And then, you know, where do they put, you got a decommissioned nuclear reactor, what do you do?
You encase it in concrete, in a big concrete sarcophagus at Chernobyl.
You know, at least that's better than what they've done in Fukushima, it's just still sitting there on the top of the earth in Fukushima, I don't know what they're gonna do with it.
Smoking, it's still smoking!
Yeah, now, here's the thing.
For about a billion dollars, half the price of a stealth bomber, there's new technology, vacuum tube, giant vacuum tube technology, that can switch so rapidly to protect those massive transformers from grid meltdown.
And so for about a billion bucks, they could put those in all over the United States to protect our 350, well, protect our, there's like 900 or something of these, or you know, 800 of these.
350 they protect to blow.
They can protect him for about a billion bucks.
For another billion bucks, they could go to every nuclear facility and mandate that we store a year's worth of fuel, and that we have EMP-hardened containers on site with backup batteries, backup generators, and backup fuel, so that in the event that stuff gets fried by an EMP or cooked by a solar storm, that at least we prevent nuclear armageddon.
Now, you know, I'm not so naive to think that they were gonna just shut down those nuclear power plants instantly.
I'd love to see them shut down.
But I'm saying, you know, for at least for a billion bucks, we could at least protect him in the meantime before we get these new technologies online and can just shut him down for good.
Well, Matthew, I want to talk about the different legislation and how we hopefully get this done.
But let me just ask you, because you're obviously a really smart and tuned in guy.
From your research,
Why do the major corporations in the ruling class obsess all day and trillions of dollars a year to fight terrorism and have spies everywhere and a new report out FBI enlist internet cafe owners to spy on customers when you literally have a better chance of dying from snake bite or wasp or bee sting?
You know, the thing is that ignorance is bliss.
And see, the last major geomagnetic storm happened in 1921, 90 years ago, and it was 60 years before that.
So do the math, the average is every 75 years and the last one is 90 years ago.
So we're like overdue.
Looking at ice core samplings, they say roughly every 100 years we get hit by a Big Daddy solar storm.
You know, what we're talking about.
The thing is, ignorance is bliss.
You get people like Newt Gingrich spouting comments about EMP, which is a huge threat.
EMP is a real threat.
But the things he says are out and out wrong.
He makes statements that every electronic device would just instantly stop in the United States.
He clearly did not read the report.
So if Newt Gingrich, who's, you know, running for President of the United States,
Acts like he's an expert, but didn't even read the report that I read.
I took the time to read it.
Why didn't Newt?
If he didn't read it, how many of these other guys have read it?
These guys are dealing with the five-minute synopsis that somebody briefed them on, and they just plain don't know.
Oh, so their attitude is everything will be fried anyway, so what do we do?
But instead, this is actually something that we could prepare for.
I think their attitude is, they just don't believe it's that bad.
Somebody tells them it's not that bad, and they don't read the real reports, and they just, you know, it's like, like you said, it's wishful thinking, like, oh, everything's going to be okay, I'm Pollyanna, I believe in the Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy, everyone, the government will take care of me, they'll come in and they'll make sure that those generators work, because nobody wants a nuclear power plant to melt down, do they?
So they just believe,
Then the good fairy, that it's all going to be okay.
But the truth is, you know, bad stuff happens.
Let me go one further.
I tell Austinites that there are two reactors, one of them is one of the biggest research reactors in the world, at the University of Texas in North Austin, and grown adults laugh at me and say, no there isn't, I would have heard of it.
They could in 30 seconds pull up
The University of Texas admitting it.
In fact, guys, type in University of Texas Nuclear Experimental Reactor.
But adults won't even admit it's there because they might have to think about a threat.
I mean, this is a new level of denial.
It is a big level of denial.
And the fact that we can solve the worst problem, the end of the world as we know it, for the price of a single stealth bomber.
I mean, that's just a crime.
Look at what happened in New Orleans.
The U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers said for 50 years that these levees were outdated and they weren't adequate and it was a disaster waiting to happen.
It's not a question of if New Orleans would get hit by a hurricane, but when.
And what happened?
They even appropriated money for rebuilding the levees, but they got spent somewhere else.
So they just dicked around.
And just ignored and said, well, they ain't broke, don't fix it.
You know, it's okay.
Everything will be alright.
And we lost most of New Orleans.
Well, now we're talking about losing the world as we know it.
We're talking about perhaps the extension of all human beings on the planet for something that can be solved
Prevented for the price of a single stealth bomber.
I mean, it's criminal.
And that's one of the reasons I wrote this article.
I mean, I've been talking to the world's top scientists on this.
Nuclear scientists, EMP scientists, military guys, people who know about this stuff.
The guy, John Kapperman, who wrote the giant report from Meditech on geomagnetic influences, storms, and the effect on the U.S.
I've been talking hours on these phones with these guys and they've been begging me to write this article and to get on your show and to get on all these shows.
And they're saying, you know, Matt, we've been singing this song for a long time and they agree 100% with me about the 400 Chernobyls.
They agree!
And they're saying, Matt, you gotta get it out to the public, because we've been singing it, but, you know, we're scientists, and we're engineers, and we don't, we don't get on public radio, and, you know, we don't write these articles like you do, for the, for the common man.
You know, we write technical journals articles, so, that, they've been begging me to get on your shows like yours, and get this out to the public, because we can solve this problem.
We can do it.
Well, I'm glad I saw your report.
I'm glad we linked to it at Infowars.com because you are not putting an exaggerated spin on this.
I mean, the only sane response to this is to have a debate and a discussion.
But every movie I rent, everywhere I go, it's just terrorists are going to kill you.
Terrorists are going to kill you.
Give up your rights.
And obviously, it's an excuse to take our liberties, whether the terrorists are real or not.
But meanwhile, this system
Is just so humorous filled.
That they just think it can't happen here, and I have top genetic engineers on, you name it.
I've got the government's own reports, where the GMO within three generations is sterilizing all the guinea pigs and rats.
And they're just letting us eat it, and we see our health problems exploding.
I mean, it's on every front.
It's like humans have been given all this technology, and we're still acting like apes or something with it, and just killing each other.
You know, Europe said no.
They looked at the data and said, wait a minute, we're not going to take your GMO.
They said no.
And in this country, Monsanto had their hands in the pockets of both the Republicans and the Democrats.
They got their hands in the government and they got it run right through.
There's no drug in the world that would get approved if it had data like the data on GMO.
I mean, and this is this is something where
There's people running for profit and they just don't give a damn about the health of the world and the future of the world and the people.
It's like profit and greed is number one.
But what does it profit you if you make two billion dollars and then your grandkids die of cancer?
Short-term profit.
You've made the money now, you live the life now, and well, your grandkids, you know, that's somebody else's problem.
I don't understand it.
I mean, it's not me.
I mean, I wrote my book, When Technology Fails, and I borrowed on my house, and I, you know, I got all the equity in my home, and three years of my life in that, and more into When Disaster Strikes, and I wrote these books to help people cope with
These coming times of change and disaster in our world, where you've got to be more self-reliant, you've got to be prepared, you've got to take your own health in your own hands, because the government is not watching out for you, and if you're going to wait and rely on the doctors to provide you with antibiotics when there's the next antibiotic superbug coming along, you're, you know, you're in trouble!
So I wrote these books to help people.
No, no.
They're incredible.
I've read one of them.
I'm going to read the other.
I'm going to try to carry them at Infowars.com.
They're powerful.
We've got two short segments left.
We're going to go right to calls and questions.
But I've got to tell you, Mr. Stein, I look forward to having you back up for a full two-hour interview in the near future so we can go over everything you're covering in these books.
It's just amazing information.
We're trying to save lives here.
We're trying to save our planet.
We're trying to save our future.
This is a big deal!
We'll be right back.
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It's exactly what our design engineer from MIT is telling us, best-selling author Matthew Stein.
You look at the data, and the data is GMO is killing us already.
And within three generations, that's every 20 years to get up to breeding capacity, on average, devastation.
Serious problems in every mammal species they've tested on, but they don't test it on humans.
I want to go to some of your calls here.
But then you look at the reactors and the solar flares and you look at everything else the system's doing, it really is just a bunch of crooks snatching and grabbing everything and then thinking a police state's going to protect them.
Uh, and we see this kind of megalomania with Hitler, we saw it with Nero, we saw it with the Aztecs, and by the time a couple hundred Spanish showed up and defeated tens of thousands of Aztecs, it was because the society had already collapsed.
But now it's a collapsed society with crazy leaders.
Running things.
We've got nuclear weapons.
And all of this, it's just insane.
And I look forward to having our guest on for a full two hours soon.
Let's go to Mark in New York.
You're on with our guest.
Go ahead, Mark.
Hello, Alex.
Southwestern New York calling.
Chuck Harter, I'm sure you're familiar with the name, is up on this and is trying to develop a system that would
Possibly help the average homeowner deal with anything but an E3 level pulse.
He was on with Joyce Riley a few months ago talking about this EMP that's slated for about a year from now.
Let me ask our guests that question.
Can they predict when an EMP is going to hit, generally?
No, but they do know that we have a solar maximum.
Every 11 years, the sun's poles flip, and that's when it burps the most.
But even in a solar minimum, a giant storm, a big burp from the sun could happen.
A big CME could launch towards the planet just as bad as 1921.
So it's really kind of a crap shot and a roll of a die.
What they do know is that it looks like we're quite active in this period heading up to the next solar maximum.
So there's a decent chance.
Now if we're lucky, we'll get a blow like South Africa 2003.
That fried 14 Transformers, and it'll be enough to screw things up and really scare people enough to really fix the problem.
If we're unlucky, we get in a 1921 or 1859 or even worse kind of storm, and it's game over.
At least for society as we know it.
Silicon chips versus transistors.
I wanted to mention that the silicon IC chip obviously is affected, but the transistor, that's carbon, right?
Is that correct?
Transistor is silicon.
It actually turns out... Now, here's the thing.
In a solar storm, you don't have the short-term, super-fast nanosecond effect that fries chips.
You have the long slow burn, which is called the E3.
The E1 is like an EMP effect from a nuke going off.
And the E1 is what fries chips.
Now it turns out that all of the chips made, most of the chips made in the last five years to the EU standard have built-in electrostatic protection.
And so most of those will survive the E1.
So the latest electronics.
But what's the bigger concern?
See, people say, am I more concerned about a terrorist EMP attack or a solar storm?
I'm much more concerned about the solar storm than the EMP attack.
EMP attack is bad.
It could collapse the country, it could collapse the stock market, and it would probably shut down Washington, D.C.
for a long period of time.
But at least the rest of the world would still be there to come in and fix.
And maybe some nukes would go off because of the EMP, primarily, probably, in the East Coast, because that would be the primary target.
But it wouldn't be a 400 Chernobyl's end of the world as we know it seems.
But the solar storm, you're talking most of the world's grid cooked, most of the world's 442 reactors melting down.
And the storm is a slow cook, right?
Because it just keeps coming in, coming in, heating things up, right?
Look, so the same E3 of an EMP is like a solar storm, only it's over most of the planet, instead of a 1,500 mile circle, or a 500 mile circle for a small building.
Wow, wow, wow.
Stay there.
Quick questions back in one minute.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we only got five minutes.
We're going to have to have our guests back, but I want to just get a quick question from each caller.
So be ready, throw it out, we'll get a quick answer.
Because I want to hear from everybody.
Robin, Illinois, you're on the air with our guests.
Go ahead.
Gentlemen, thank you so much for your info.
Go ahead.
I live in Rockford, outside of Byron, Illinois, and we just kind of had a little incident with our nuclear plant.
I was just wondering what the public could do.
One of the simpler things that we could do to prepare in case there is havoc.
Well, I mean, yeah, every week it's Illinois, it's California and radiation alerts and they release it and they say don't worry about it.
So, I mean, what do you do to prepare?
I would try to not live close to one, but they've got so many.
Your comments on that, Mr. Stein?
Okay, I can't go in detail into the strategies, but in the last chapter of my book, called When Disaster Strikes, the last chapter is the unthinkable, surviving a nuclear catastrophe.
There's three separate strategies, depending on if it's a nuclear plant meltdown, a dirty bomb, or an actual nuclear
Like bomb going off.
Somebody launched a bomb at us.
Different strategies.
But the thing you want to do right now is I take modafilin every day, which is a seaweed extract that chelates to heavy metals.
It's mercury, lead, and also radioactive heavy metals.
So I'm just probably going to take that the rest of my life, provided I have access to it.
Because there's already so much heavy metal in the environment, you need it anyways.
Well, and the radioactivity comes to you in heavy metal and is concentrated in the food chain.
When you eat eggs and milk and meat products, you know, every time you go up a level in the food chain, it's more concentrated.
So you want to start purging that stuff from your body so you don't end up with a Chernobyl necklace in 20 years where you got thyroid cancer or you get some plutonium lodged in your lung and you got lung cancer.
So that, I hope I've answered your question.
Great point.
I totally agree with that.
I've started the seaweed for the last year.
Really give me a lot of energy.
Let's go to Ben in Indiana.
Ben, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Thanks, guys.
I was basically going to ask the same types of questions.
What can we do to, one, prepare our home and obviously
I understand taking the seed weed.
I think the big thing is warn people politically so that we can force movement by corporations and government for self-preservation.
I think that's what Ben stood, you know, the Alaska or this caller was bringing up, Mr. Stein.
You want to work on your personal level, your preparedness, your ability to understand the situation when it's chaotic, to figure out what's going on so you can do the right strategy, to have the materials on hand ahead of time for your self-reliance.
You want to work on a community level.
The transition community, transition town, which is towns to become more resilient and more self-reliant so they can deal with changes in energy production.
And that's happening everywhere, and a lot of highly educated people have been moving to the countryside, and you find these communities all over the place.
Pappy in Illinois, quick question for our guest.
Go ahead, Pappy.
I want to stay mobile.
How do I make my garage a Faraday cage?
Well, you don't need a lot of metal to be a Faraday cage, but the thing is that the EMP tests show unless it's a super optimized, like super EMP weapon, if your car's not running at the time of an EMP, meaning it's in your garage, chances are 99 out of 100 it's going to be fine.
The problem is the grid's going to collapse, not that your car's not going to work.
Now, if you want to be really sure about EMPs, you can take garbage cans and throw electronic devices in garbage cans.
And if you want to be really sure, you do a double Faraday cage, where you take your device, put a garbage bag around it, wrap it in aluminum foil, put another garbage bag around it, and then stuff some of those in a galvanized garbage can.
And that will be perfect.
But everybody, again, is worried about themselves personally.
The grid, folks, is what is super long wires, and is what's going to pick up and...
Intensify this, and that's where you're going to have the problem.
And it's not just the grid, it's any digital control system that runs all of our factories, pollution plants, power plants, refineries, everything.
They have massive runs of Ethernet wire that connects all the devices together.
That stuff cooks in an EMP.
Most of your personal electronics in your home, turns out, will be okay.
It's the infrastructure that's the problem.
It's the infrastructure.
Great job, sir.
Look forward to having you back soon.
Another powerful guest coming up.
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Because there's a war on for your mind.
Well, I can't think of a more intense subject than geomagnetic storms, EMP, and nuclear Armageddon.
And that's basically what the federal government's own studies say could happen if a big storm, solar storm, like we've seen the last hundred or so years, hits with all these wires we've got strung up.
It's just amazing to see all of this going on.
But don't worry, Desert News reports U.N.
leaders consider world tax to fund social protection services.
What, to protect people from the U.N.
forces themselves?
Is that what's going to happen?
Kurt Nemo came in with his story.
That is at Infowars.com right now.
FBI enlists internet cafe owners to spy on customers.
I mean, you already know about the hot dog seller people turning into spies at the football games.
And this is at all the football games.
Again, my dad, who's a dentist, has been approached to spy on his patients, which is, of course, a violation of the Hippocratic Oath, even if they don't have you give that anymore.
And he thought it was just him and talked to other dentists, and it's happened to everybody.
And, of course, it's in the news they're doing that.
Everyone's a spy.
And the message is, trust no one but government.
And then a lot of people kind of feel like they've been promoted.
You mean, Homeland Security wants me as a person selling you a Coca-Cola and a hot dog to... I mean, what are you supposed to do?
Like, when there's a big line, you're like, I'd like a hot dog and a bottle of water and some popcorn.
Oh, really?
Where are you going?
What you doing?
I mean, because that's what they do now when you check in at a hotel or get a rent car or a bank account.
And it's Homeland Security, Patriot Act compliance.
And it's on record.
And so when someone starts asking me 20 questions, I'm like, I don't have a criminal record.
And you're sitting there asking me these questions.
I'm checking in at your hotel.
I'm getting this rental car.
This is all part of destroying our society.
And they start going, oh, really?
It is?
And why are you here in town?
There's not a reason you don't want to tell me, is there?
I'm like, I don't know.
Tell me about, I've actually done this.
Tell me what you had for lunch today.
Tell me about you.
How do I know you aren't doing something wrong?
A lot of people that work at hotels rob people's rooms.
How do I know you're not a criminal?
I want to talk to your manager.
That's always, oh, we're sorry.
Oh, oh, you mean I'm not just going to roll over and cower to you?
It's like when a cop pulls me over.
What's in the car?
What's in that glass?
Oh, water.
Mind if I look at it?
You can see it right there.
And I'm like, how about I come search your car?
Oh, I know, it's ridiculous.
I'm the one under suspicion.
I'm the bad man.
I get it.
I'm guilty until proven slave.
I'm guilty until I'm bullied into totally being your minion.
I'm here to be taught I'm the little man, you're the big man.
I'm here to live in a third world country.
I got it.
I don't know if you got it.
I mean, I've watched TSA myself, I've watched videos on the news, walking up to people, bugging their eyes out, acting tough, as they, like, grab on some old woman's body parts, and he's just like, how could you do this all day?
But it's people who have crushed little egos, and it's the feeling of power.
I mean, I've run into this over the years, not now, we got nothing but great people, but you know, managers and things, that they're managing people, and then they start getting on a power trip, and just messing with people for no reason.
And it's just, you just see people with power going to their heads.
And big government gives people that window, that venue, that opportunity.
And so that's why there's this mass hoax everywhere that terrorists are hiding in your closet, that they're behind the trash can outside.
And it's similar to the movie Jaws.
When the first Jaws came out, this has been widely reported, they saw record numbers of people not getting in the water at beaches and even less numbers of people at beaches.
They saw people afraid to go in the water.
And, I mean, I can't tell you how many times I've been there with family.
And I'm like, been in the Caribbean, I'm like, let's swim the 800 yards from this peninsula.
Some cases more than 800 yards, maybe one way, one time we swam about
It was probably a mile and a half just to get there.
And it was to a big shipwreck we'd seen driving in on the island of Roatan.
It was a modern shipwreck.
I'd been there about 50 years or so.
The part of the ship was still up.
And I said, it was a river coming out.
That's exactly where you do see sharks.
I was wanting to see some.
99% of the time they're not going to bother you.
I mean, you walk around in downtown with big buses and cars going by.
That kills, you know, hundreds of thousands, millions globally every year.
And you're not like, oh my gosh, a Lincoln, you know, town car.
I guess if you painted, like, big teeth on it, it would be scary.
I mean, I drive down, you know, country roads with cars going 70 miles an hour every day, six inches from my car.
18 wheelers will come over sometimes, and if I didn't pull over on the shoulder a little bit, they'd kill me.
I'm going 65, they're going 65, that'd be a 130 mile an hour accident, we'd all be dead.
But I just drive down that road, so people are like, you with nothing but goggles and... In fact, we were at this resort with people laying around on the beach,
And most of them wouldn't go out more than about 100 yards to swim around, see some of the coral and stuff, and go out underneath the bridge.
And I'm like, my parents were with me, and my wife's with the kids.
I said, we're gonna be gone a couple hours, is that cool?
Yeah, we're building sand castles.
And when I came back then, some of the staff couldn't believe we swam across the river, and it was a big wide river, and then out to this point,
To see all that, and they're like, aren't you afraid of sharks?
I mean, it's this world where people are just paralyzed with fake fear.
With illegitimate, not based in reality, irrational fear.
I mean, if I would have seen a tiger shark, which might eat two people a year worldwide, it would have been amazing.
If I would have, I mean cows kill hundreds of people a year.
One almost killed my uncle when he was working on a big ranch.
Because he was putting, you know, tagging the calves here.
Black Angus aren't supposed to be that mean, but stomped him pretty bad, knocked most of his teeth out.
But my dad got him back in him.
The vet I worked for right after graduation had almost been killed when he got his degree from A&M and had been in the hospital I think something like six months with his guts literally stomped out by a cow.
I mean cows kill hundreds of people.
Guys type in number of people killed each year by cows.
It's got to be very high.
But the point is you have me getting eaten by a shark.
Yeah, let's show Chris, one of the producers, being eaten by a shark.
We were showing statistically only a few people get eaten by sharks total a year.
And that, you know, that terrorism is a overblown threat.
So are shark attacks.
That's 1 in 3,748 that you'd be killed by a shark.
And is that over?
That's got to be even lower, though, because there's like
There's like 7 billion people, and you've only got on average what, 5 shark deaths a year?
On average.
And of course, I think there's like 50-something that get bit pretty bad.
But I mean, you know, they count like... No, that's just the U.S.
Okay, so you have a 1 in 3 million something chance.
But I mean...
And most of the shark attacks are a little, you know, five-foot black tip.
You step on it, or it thinks your foot's a fish, and pow, you know, hit you on the toe.
What is it that's so scary?
There is this archetypal image in our minds of things with big black eyes, one-way eyes, and sharp teeth.
It's a monster.
And it's fun to get scared of it.
It is so much fun to be absolutely paralyzed.
I mean, I remember we were in Belize one time, just about four years ago, and we were on one of those trips where they take a boat out and you just snorkel, because half the time, why even get tanks if you're only in 20 feet of water, 15 feet of water?
And this big, beautiful nurse shark comes up, gigantic.
I mean, I didn't even know they got up to like 10 feet.
And it was black with gray spots all over it.
Everyone goes, ah!
There were all these pelicans eating, they were feeding the fish, there were all these stingrays, and everybody's like, ahhh, running onto the boat.
And my wife and I are still sitting there while the shark goes around, and the people on the boat are like, no, they're right, it's not a dangerous shark.
We're leaving in 10 minutes anyways, but a few people got back in with the nurse shark.
Now there it is, headline, Dangerous Cows, New York Times.
How many does it say cows kill?
I know it's gotta be a lot, because I know people that have had family killed by cows.
How many is it saying?
Twenty-one cases in which people were killed by cows.
That's not as much as I thought from 2003 to 2007.
In Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska.
I know a lot of folks get hurt by cows.
And there were other cases where cows...
Fell on people accidentally, they're claiming.
Very trendy.
All right, listen, our guest did not show up, but that is no big deal because I want to go to your phone calls.
And that happens sometimes, time zone issues.
I was going to get him on about collapsing economies and the internet under attack, but I want to go to your phone calls anyways for Richard.
Steve, Patrick, Sean, Tara, and others.
We'll get to all of you after this break.
And I've sort of kind of digressed here.
And if you're a new listener and you think I'm being macho saying that I'll swim a mile and a half, you know, only 500 yards from shore out to a wreck with a snorkel and fins,
That's not because I'm macho or I'm tough, that's because you've become domesticated.
And that's nothing.
So I suggest you start taking some more risk.
And stop being so scared of everything.
Because that's how they turn us into a nation of cowards, who are totally afraid of sharks, and because it's an archetypal image.
It's propaganda.
And it's the same thing with terrorists.
Okay, you've got a better chance of being killed by a cow than you do by a terrorist.
And you need to understand that.
And that that isn't real in Hollywood, all the terror attacks and all that stuff.
And I know you know that consciously.
But subconsciously, people are afraid.
That's why they say, I'll give up all my rights and let people grab my genitals at the airport to keep me safe from something that is about as real as leprechauns.
All right, we'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Okay, I'm going to go to your phone calls.
And then, I want to get into the latest on Iran.
Some very important news concerning China.
And also some good news, Senate to vote on bill that could kick TSA out of airports.
That's at PrisonPlanet.com.
But right now, let's go to Richard in Canada.
Thank you for holding, Richard.
Thank you very much.
Blessings from Canada.
I'm just wondering if a nuclear reactor could be looked at like a false flag, like the idea of what's going on in the Strait of Vermouth with that old battleship that they have there.
You know, the idea that they would blow it up and then blame it on somebody else?
Well, yeah, they've got an aging aircraft carrier that's set to be decommissioned in December, and that's the one they have cruising back and forth in front of the Iranians, begging them to shoot at it.
So that is clearly a false flag.
Because they could get into a shooting match easily.
We know Cheney wanted to attack one of our ships and blame it on the Iranians.
Pulitzer Prize winner Cy Hirsch has documented that.
We have all the other pieces of evidence there, but yes, the globalists could blow up a reactor and say that terrorists had done it.
I mean, they're endangering our whole society right now in so many other ways.
They don't care.
They're a bunch of ruthless people who know no bounds, who think they're God, full of chutzpah and arrogance.
We're good to go.
The special 30-minute documentary I'm producing that is going to air at the Dallas event on the 19th of this month and at the event in Orlando, Florida, the 26th on that Sunday.
I'm going to give like an hour and a half speech, 30 minutes of question and answer, and then premiere.
This special film, it deals with the real ways the globalists are threatening to destroy the planet.
You know, it covers the real threats to humanity.
And of course, the speech is about blueprints to defeat the New World Order.
People can find out about that at InfoWars.com forward slash events.
The tickets are going fast for Dallas and Orlando if people want to be part of that.
Anything else, sir?
I was also going to mention along those lines that Newt Gingrich was on the television mentioning that after his second term as president that they will have the space station on the moon completely up and running and I'm just, you know, it's like he's trying to tell us something through that statement.
Yeah, why are we going to have a space station on the moon when we can't even protect our power grid?
And again, 90 plus percent, they say 80, but it's more like 90, of the space program's secret.
There's rockets blasting off, but that's old technology, that's 1920s Werner Von Braun technology.
You know, the Saturn rocket was a 1930s design.
The space shuttle was a 30s design that Wernher von Braun drew.
Hitler wanted a space shuttle.
Heavy lifters is old.
It's big, giant space planes that take off like planes and land like planes and they've got
30 plus years of secret tech on that.
That's pretty much admitted.
And so Lord knows what they've already got in space.
There is a giant secret space program.
I don't think you can speculate exactly what's going on, because folks I've talked to who do know a little bit about that, because they were the heads of NASA programs, head of, you know, cameras on the moon,
Head of RCA programs in that area.
Heads of... I've talked to the former head of the Star Wars program, Dr. Bob Bowman, Colonel Bowman, and they will not talk about it.
But they can point you in directions of things that have been leaked.
But there is a... By the late 70s, there was already a stealth robot space plane drone fleet in orbit.
That's the 1970s.
We're not in Kansas anymore, Bubba.
It would appear so or not.
One quick thing, what is your opinion of, I think her name is Marine Le Pen in France?
I don't know enough about her to endorse everything she's doing, but she's nationalistic moderately.
Kind of like a Pat Buchanan.
I know a lot about her dad.
I know Bob Chapman, who lived there for a while, says he knows the Pens well, and he's never seen Bob lie.
And he says he knew her when she was a little girl.
He says she's a wonderful woman.
So I think that's a pretty good endorsement right there.
What do you think?
I heard about her through the Bob Chapman and I got, I heard about him through you and then I went and started listening to as much as I could about his and he he endorsed her quite a bit so I'm just researching her and I think it's a good thing that there's at least there's somebody else out there like Ron Paul you know because here in Canada the only the closest thing we had was Jack Layton and he kind of died so we're we've got him on our own here.
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I'm good.
Hey Alex, how's it going?
I had more of a statement, I guess, than a question.
Vermont Yankee Power Plant is, according to a report that I saw, one of the worst and, I guess, fastest decaying nuclear power plants in the country.
And during the Occupy Movement, we had construction going on by the Greenmount Power Company trying to build wind turbines.
And there were people trying to get close, I guess, to where they were trying to blow stuff up so they couldn't set the explosions off to build the wind turbines.
And I was just wondering why
A power plant that is in such poor shape gets so little national attention.
Because it's a conspiracy theory.
The plant doesn't even exist.
I mean that's... Here in Austin they say the reactors in Austin just do not exist.
There's a media policy that if you talk about it you're laughed at.
Even though you can just type in nuclear reactor University of Texas.
There it is.
The photos, video, they're quite proud of how big it is.
And it's the same thing.
It's this new delusional thing where isotopes are several hundred times what they should be.
Okay, we'll just raise them a thousand times.
What's safe?
Oh, well, this isotope's, you know, so deadly, you know, it's 80-something thousand times what it should be.
We'll just raise it a hundred thousand times.
Say it's safe.
And they just wave a trendy wand.
And they go, trendy government!
But then they say, take over Farmer's Ranch for the Earth!
Everybody's like, take it!
Take it!
Carbon dioxide humans breathe is evil!
I mean, literally.
You're like, that's mindless.
They're like, shut up extremist!
Uh, so, you know, GMO's killing you!
And they're like, shut up extremist!
So, so, anything that isn't a threat...
Like terrorists or carbon dioxide, they run in fear, literally flopping around, pulling their hair out and gnashing their teeth.
And just shaking and begging for a pot-bellied person from the TSA to grab their body parts.
Or humiliate their wife and children.
Or to put them in a microwave oven and body scan them and then lie to them and say it's not dangerous.
Uh, but yes, rotting, 35, 40, 45, some are almost 50 years old, nuclear waste all stored there, rotting from the radiation, and now they're just setting the precedent to say it's safe, and they just flip a switch, and release radiation, and you're gonna hear about it now, not on a weekly basis, but daily.
Now, they're like, oh, radiation alarms, well since those scare people, we're just getting rid of them now.
Down in Southern California, they're going, you know what, maybe we just won't turn alarms on.
It scared people when we released radiation.
And it's not bad for you anymore.
DU wasn't allowed to be used until 1990.
It said it's totally deadly and it'll kill you, but now they just let you use it.
And then the young men, after a tour or so, have blood coming out their nose, deformed children, they're dying.
They're in wheelchairs.
They're on life support.
They go in pine boxes in the ground.
The family all stands around.
I've seen it on the news.
They just stand around and give the, give the, the preacher says, you know, Billy fought Al Qaeda and everybody cries and no one asked why he died of lung cancer.
Nobody asked why he died of kidney failure from the D.U.
They just, they just get all patriotic and Pat Tillman died fighting Al Qaeda as well.
Even though the government admits they killed him.
You know, it's just all part of a trendiness.
Does that answer your question?
It's all about trendiness, sir.
For the most part.
I mean, really, I guess I think what we're fighting up here is what a lot of people call NIMBYism.
Not in my backyard.
And it's just strange to me that people would rather have a rotting nuclear reactor in their backyard than a few wind turbines.
Well, I hear you, brother.
I hear you.
But, again, you're a conspiracy theorist if you're worried about what's admitted to be one of the oldest, most rotting, out-of-spec, out-of-code reactors.
Look, Amish aren't allowed to build barns now because it's bad for the earth.
But if you want to have a 45-year-old reactor leaking radiation, it's fine.
Don't be an extremist.
Do you understand, sir?
Oh, absolutely.
I mean, there's been tons of leaks.
And, yeah, as you know, I've been called paranoid for just about... No, no, no, no, no.
You're bad.
You're bad, sir.
Now, if you wanted to tax humans for breathing, because carbon dioxide is so deadly.
Carbon dioxide that plants breathe is bad.
Radiation that kills us is good.
Do you understand that?
Are you starting to figure this out now?
Oh, absolutely.
I have been awake for a long time, long time, listener.
All right, God bless you.
I'm glad you admit you're bad.
Patrick, and I'm being a little sarcastic here because it's so absurd what's happening.
Patrick in New York, you're on the air.
You've got some rotting nuclear power plants up there as well.
Oh no.
Hey Alex Jones, great to be on the show.
I wanted to tell you about some deceptive information I've been coming across on the internet.
One is 11 Bad Habits for Kids Teeth.
It seems to me that it's just a sugar-coated guide for poor psychological development.
Like it has middle of the night breastfeeding, it kind of demonizes breastfeeding a bit.
Oh, breastfeeding is completely unnatural, sir.
Whoa, whoa!
We got another extremist!
I'm sure you, the Associated Press says it's reasonable that five-year-olds are arrested for running on the playground.
Running is evil!
Just as evil as breastfeeding.
Let me tell you, I've predicted, because the globalists say they want to make things totally unnatural, break up the family.
If they had their way in 50 to 100 years, it would be an arrestable thought crime to say that women, or any mammals, ever breastfeed their young.
And I'm not being sarcastic.
And see, right there, you're saying that, I mean, they're already, what, they're reporting breast... I mean, I saw an article last week all over the news
Pregnancy is dangerous.
Get abortions.
And they actually said pregnancy is almost unnatural.
It's archaic and just have an abortion.
It's three times safer.
Guys, pull it up.
Abortion's safer than birth.
So pretty soon it's don't breastfeed, that's Al-Qaeda.
Give all your rights up for non-existing terrorists.
So who put out the 11 things that are bad for your snappers?
Um, I originally found it on AOL News, but I only find it on this Everyday Health website.
Um, I can't find an author.
Sir, are you saying that babies are supposed to breastfeed every three hours?
I mean, I guess my wife was wrong to get up when the babies cried and breastfeed them.
Man, I'm so sure they're gonna probably call child welfare on us.
You mean, you mean I was wrong, AOL says?
Oh man, whoa, whoa, extremist!
Extremist right now!
I'm sorry, we're so radical!
I'm sorry, go ahead.
And also, I also came across this website, the Illuminati slash like a minus sign in between the Illuminati dot net, and it's basically them saying everything we say except saying they're the good guys, kind of.
Well, that's, I mean, that's always standard branding.
I appreciate your call.
I think I may have even seen that before.
There are thousands of websites that say, we're the good guys, but everybody else is an agent.
And, you know, there it is, Reuters, abortion safer than giving birth.
Like you're not.
And now they're saying maybe it's abusive to have babies.
Maybe you should, we're not sure what this means, but should you be allowed to get pregnant then it could be abusive.
But going back to what you're saying, that's a standard deal.
Some of it's COINTELPRO.
I don't know about individual sites you're talking about specifically, but Cass Sunstein talks about cognitive dissonance.
Operating and posing as anti-establishment, anti-corruption, a conspiracy theorist.
Someone who goes, no, breastfeeding's good.
Children have always breastfed.
That's why we develop mammary glands.
And it's natural.
You see the war on breastfeeding.
Women totally cover themselves up at the mall.
There's all these scantily clad women everywhere.
That's fine.
You know, kiosks with women in g-strings selling, you know, uh, negligees, half-naked women on billboards, women flashing their breasts at the Super Bowl, flipping people off.
All of that's okay, but I've actually seen in restaurants and other places, you read about the news all the time, where a woman is breastfeeding
At the table, at the restaurant.
All you do is put a blanket over, boom, no big deal.
And people act like it's bad because it's like they've been programmed that life is evil.
And a woman with a baby, there's just something wrong.
It's drinking milk.
Ooh, it's gross.
They've lost their life force.
I mean, you should be happy to see a woman nursing a baby.
That's like the tribe is doing good.
There's babies, we're living.
But anything that's wholesome is bad.
Everything evil is good.
But Cass Sunstein and others, you know, they say sunshine is good for you, you should arrest anybody that's a conspiracy terrorist.
They're criticizing electric cars, shut down their websites.
I mean, they're all calling for it right now because their craziness, people are finally waking up out of the trance.
But I do see this.
Almost everyone we've ever helped
You know, sold books for, videos for, supported, promoted.
There's almost no one that I ever had on the show supported, promoted that doesn't down the road start attacking us because
Somehow they think that is a one-up and like elevates them.
It's like a primitive idea that if somebody could shoot me down, that would make them more successful.
Or by creating infighting, that that's the kind of attention they want.
We never infight here.
And we never talk about folks, even if we think they're operatives.
Until we can absolutely prove it.
Now, in the case of Hal Turner, who was attacking myself almost every day, I'm a big white supremacist, I could tell he was a Fed just by watching him and listening.
It was 100% obvious.
And I called him out.
I said, that guy's a Fed.
And his website did get hacked.
People got his emails where he was a high-level national security agent, asset for the FBI.
And the National Security Council.
So the feds went ahead and put him in prison.
And it came out in federal court he was an FBI highest level asset.
But the state court still convicted him and he went to jail.
So that shows you what the Feds do to their own people.
I mean, occasionally, if it's so super obvious, I'll do it.
But I mean, I've had people just completely make up stuff before.
You know, Alex Jones called me up and threatened to kill me.
And that's like saying I called up and said I'm the Jolly Green Giant from Pluto.
I mean, just...
I might as well say Alex Jones called up and told me he was an Easter Bunny, or a Keebler Elf, or the Eggman, or the Walrus Cuckoo Cachoo.
But lies that are so bold, so big, and it's done because I'm number one.
I mean, that's why all the different media outlets attack Drudge, because he's number one when it comes to media online.
We're number one when it comes to the Patriot Movement, Liberty.
You know, even Time Magazine got it right and called me the, what was the quote, the prophet of the Tea Party.
Well, I am the prophet of the Tea Party.
Ron Paul is the grandfather of the Tea Party.
And then we're told you're not welcome at Tea Party events.
Ron Paul signs aren't welcome.
We're going to stomp on your feet.
We're the new neocon Tea Party.
We took over the old Tea Party and now the real people aren't invited.
See, I don't try to get up here and toot my horn.
I give you reports on we're reaching 15 million people a week and growing exponentially.
I give you reports on successes we're having but others are happening.
We're here explaining we can win.
And evil isn't in total control, and evil isn't all-powerful, and not everybody fighting evil is a government operative.
In fact, very few are.
You understand that?
This idea, you always know government operatives, because they'll operate for a year, never generally longer, and then do nothing but infight, and then just kind of fade away.
I don't know.
It never hurts me to be attacked, especially by people I don't know.
In fact, I relish it and it's kind of a sin.
It's entertaining.
The wilder the lies, the better.
But as I've tried to be spiritually better and not get off on sick little
entertainments I have.
I've given up even tracking or watching people say about me.
I mean, I never really tracked it closely, but if it fell on my lap, I would have a little bit of enjoyment, you know, out of it.
And in a way, people attacking us and lying about us also got the word out about us.
I mean, it only made us bigger.
So I'm thankful and appreciate that.
God turns every weapon formed against us into something positive.
No weapon formed against us will prosper.
I want to go back to your calls.
This is an important subject, so I hardly ever talk about it.
As the jealousy level just intensifies and gets greater and greater, you got operatives, you got disinfo agents, you got COINTELPRO, but mainly it's not even that.
And that's what's sad about it, is that it is absolute, complete, abject jealousy.
And I'm genuinely worried about the super flus and about the airborne Ebola they've cooked up that kills over 90% of the mammals it comes in contact with.
I'm really worried about that getting out and all these government labs where they're breeding it.
I'm genuinely worried about a big solar storm knocking out power grids and reactors melting down.
And so is the government's own internal reports that we were just covering last hour.
I'm genuinely worried about all that.
I'm not worried about
You know, uh, looking the best, or my, uh, or how fancy things are, or going to award ceremonies, or my ego.
I am more into a genetic ego of human race surviving and going to the stars and pride in my species and optimism and love of science and love of honor and goodness and decency.
And I'm quite frankly more ashamed of myself because I am aware of the higher things.
I'm also aware of the lower things and can see that my greatest works are like dirty rags.
They are.
They're dirty rags.
And then I see people wearing equally or even more dirty rags, squatting in their own spiritual excrement, proud like peacocks, strutting around, fighting with each other, and it hurts me because they're so spiritually blind.
That's how I am hurt by things.
And I've made myself give up on sins I have.
Like the enjoyment of being attacked.
Not in a sadomasochistic way.
It's not like that.
It's like it's funny watching the jealousy, seeing people burning in jealousy and knowing I'm superior, I'm more intelligent, I'm more effective, I'm more dynamic, I have more Zeitgeist lightning in my soul.
It's sad that the people recognize that.
And instead of upping their game and getting closer to God and creation and resonating with the universe, that there's such dim lights.
And it's sad.
I should try to pick them up.
And I realize a lot of times it's when I try to build somebody up,
And they get a taste of success.
It's not that they wanted to be successful to fight evil.
They wanted to be successful to be little movie stars.
And so then they hate the person that tried to give them a hand up because you're helping someone who is fighting for breath, who's going under the waves, who's a drowning man, a drowning woman.
And so you can't help them.
They don't know how to swim.
They're never going to know how to swim.
They're probably never going to make it.
They're probably never going to truly live, so you're there trying to lift them up, and instead they're just trying to get on top of you and shove you under.
And then after you're under, they're going to go back under the water.
They just know that they've got to get you under there because they're down here and you're up here and they'd be okay if you were down here.
You've got to just move on from people like that and find those that do want to learn how to swim.
That's who's going to build the future.
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I just saw a headline on Fox News.
Scientists want to experiment with babies that come from three parents and bring them to term and birth them.
It'll be a new type of humanoid.
Of course, they've already done this with monkeys, apes, and humans.
They just kill them at the embryonic level.
And they say it'll eradicate diseases.
See, in the future, by law, if you have any predisposed conditions, they're not going to let you have a kid.
And they're going to come in and tell you,
We're going to go in and inject some other DNA from someone else to cover that up.
Of course, Lord knows what other problems it'll cause.
This is the type of out-of-control, New World Order stuff that's going on.
And there's the headline there if you're watching on PrisonPlanet.tv.
So this is all going to become mandatory.
Everything's got to be done in a test tube.
That's why the breastfeeding's evil.
You know, half the women are getting these cesareans when the doctors know they don't need them.
It's about medicalizing everything.
Taking over.
Tara in Virginia, you're on the air.
Can you hear me?
I sure can.
Oh, thank you.
I wanted to make a request and make a couple of comments for some websites and YouTube channels that might be helpful for listeners to get information about different things in the direction of nuclear fallout and that sort of thing.
Number one, with the music that you use in between your clips that you have between your different sections, do you think you could make underneath your daily show, would you make a list of what you've used so that we could find it and buy it from iTunes if we want to?
Yeah, well my show... Oh, you're talking about the music list, sure.
Sure, well that's just bumper music.
Those are just short clips, but you can pretty much get the Kazaa program on an iPhone and then hold it up to whatever the song is and it'll tell you what it is, but that is a good idea you actually have there.
As for...
YouTube and websites about nuclear fallout.
There's a ton of free information about how to protect yourself during fallout.
But we're not talking about how to protect ourselves individually after this happens.
We're trying to stop it from happening.
They need to build more clean burning coal plants or whatever.
Or stop shutting off our pipelines or allow alternative energy to be developed, not the fake green stuff that the establishment pushes that's about mega companies.
The system should be promoting individual off the grid for each home, which is very cost effective, but they try to block it.
So that we're not all dependent on massive grids that if they fail, could knock civilization back a hundred years and cause serious problems.
We're discussing how to head off these problems before they get here.
I appreciate your call.
Interesting points.
I want to go to Sean in Wyoming.
Let's give him about a minute.
Sean in Wyoming, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, how are you doing?
Hey, I'm the guy that called you about the cheapo Christmas cards a couple weeks ago.
I just want to thank you for the nightly report that you did on that because I'm able to wake up a lot.
That's why I love calls and your emails.
Fox admits, for those that just tuned in, that they put out Christmas cards to the competition showing their listeners as sheep, pulling their sleigh.
Yep, and another thing I want to tell you about is I'm a local musician.
I'm a rapper.
I go by the name Super Manning here in Wyoming.
I'm number one on the radio charts on ReverbNation.com.
And I made a song that's a tribute to you, Mr. Alex Jones.
It's called Road to Tyranny, and I would like you to check it out on your free time if you ever get a chance.
The website is www.reverbnation.com forward slash Super Manning.
So let me ask you this.
Is it on YouTube?
No, it's not on YouTube.
No, not yet.
I'll probably have it on there, but it's on Reverb Nation.
Yeah, we'll just slap it up there on YouTube, and if we get a chance to see it and everything, we'll post it on InfoWars.com.
God bless you, my friend.
Alright, a lot of crazy stuff going on.
Got to most of the news.
Great job of the crew.
See you back tonight, 7 o'clock, PrisonPlanet.tv.
Back tomorrow on the radio.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
This is Alex Jones.