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Name: 20120102_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 2, 2012
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Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Here we are, Monday, January 2nd, 2012.
That's going to take some getting used to.
We're going to be here for the next three hours, live.
And we don't have any guests today.
I want to have open phones throughout the three hours.
Obviously, I want to break down the New Year's Eve signing of the traitorous
Puppet in chief, Barack Hussein, who really knows who he is, Obama, and the treacherous Republican Congress that helped ram it through with the help of the Democrats, who are nothing more than errand boys, grocer's clerks, carrying out a little errand for their masters, the foreign offshore banks that have taken over our society.
I saw a clip on Infowars.com, an article Curt Nemo wrote over the weekend with another national talk show host and his guest caller, saying that anybody that likes Ron Paul is an anti-Semite, and that I'm an anti-Semite.
And that if you don't like what the bankers are doing to you, you're an anti-Semite.
I mean, always injecting that into everything.
That's why the system is so discredited.
And that's why we're in such a deep crisis.
Because the establishment has taken over the planet through fraud and through deception, but now the world is waking up to it, and the establishment is just going ahead with everything, and it's on a collision course.
Last night as I went to bed at about midnight, I just laid there in the bed marveling at how textbook and how over-the-top absurdist
The cameras, and the black uniforms, and the ski mask, and the checkpoints, and the hands-down-the-pants TSA, and the jumbo screens all over the country with Homeland Security heads saying, I'm here to protect you, don't trust your neighbors, and the raids on Amish.
And the push for forced inoculation, and the giant prisons everywhere, and the brainwashing of police and military, and the announcements of indefinite detention.
It's right out of a dystopic novel.
And the reason it was hitting me so hard is I watched Equilibrium with Christian Bale last night when I was on the treadmill.
Again, I'm trying to run twice a day.
And I was watching, and I hadn't watched it in a few years, and it came out a decade ago or so, and it was like, the government's forced drugging people, that's going on through the food, the water, and then overtly through pharmakia and the illegal drugs they ship in, the big pharma as well.
There's big jumbotron screens saying, you know, only trust your big brother government everywhere.
There's police in black uniforms with machine guns.
There's armored vehicles driving around the streets.
There's paramilitary police SWAT teaming people.
And that's basically where we are.
And now they're announcing, hey, we're going to start censoring your speech.
And even the inventors of the internet admit it's the end of internet freedom as we know it.
It's all happening.
But there are 400 million guns conservatively of new manufacture.
That's the last 80 years is how they gauge it.
In this country, there's over 150 million gun owners.
Record gun sales took place the last month.
And you've got one guy in Washington State who's running from the cops, and they got hundreds of them out there, for one guy with guns.
I mean, it just shows you how the system is a paper tiger, but it thinks.
It thinks it's invincible.
It's going to start a war with the American people.
We'll talk about it coming up.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, that we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Here we are.
It is the first live radio transmission that I've engaged in in the new year.
It, of course, is Monday, the second day of January, 2011, 2012, 2013.
So that's going to take some getting used to.
By the time I'm accustomed to saying 2012, it'll already be 2013.
But we are going to be here for the next three hours today on this Monday, the second day of January 2012.
And later in the transmission, I do want to give you my
Breakdown of what I think is going to unfold in 2012 and what we're going to see the establishment do in this key year.
On so many fronts with Iran, with the global economy, with the domestic police state that's being duplicated, not just here in the United States but all over the world.
That is all coming up today.
And then I have this little economist article.
And the cover of it says, Reviving the World Economy, Stand Back, I'm a Central Banker.
And it takes a famous, I guess, Dutch painting of doctors engaging in a dissection of a dead body, but instead the central banker is holding defibrillators like he's going to restart the heart of the economy.
This would be more accurate if it showed the central bankers as vampires, and all sinking their teeth into the not-quite-yet-dead person, soon-to-be cadaver,
Then it would be accurate.
But this is the problem.
They always sell the central bankers as the solution to every problem when they are on its face.
The complete authors of the architecture of the system we live under today.
You can certainly partially blame the public for being lazy and easy to con for this happening.
We can all blame ourselves and look in the mirror at one level or another.
And for all of us selling out, even at a subconscious level, to the system.
But the main drivers, the captains of the ship, the New World Order system, those piloting our culture,
...are the six mega-private banks that created the front consortiums of the so-called Federal Reserve, European Central Bank, Bank of England, which are just their quasi-government fronts to carry out their crimes.
They are the enemy.
They are the authors of the carbon tax, of the open borders, of the imperial wars, of the police state, of the medical mafia pushing forced inoculations.
In every case, it is a handful of families that are the private shareholders of the six global megabanks.
We've listed them here many times.
Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Citibank.
And then a few other European consortium banks that are all really owned by the same people.
So it's six consortiums.
And they are the authors of it all.
I mean, I showed you The Economist magazine from November.
And this is the type of publication, just like the Times of London or the Financial Times, which is even more important, where they throw it in your face.
Remember that article a few years ago by the foreign editor of the Financial Times of London?
Headline, and now for world government?
Please put that on screen.
If you're a radio listener on XM or local AM and FM, you're saying put it on screen.
Yes, we're simulcasting everything at PrisonPlanet.tv and we also have the nightly news there if you're a subscriber, but we've now started a system where you can watch a lower-res version of the show live, not just the audio, at InfoWars.com there in the right-hand corner.
Now everybody,
I can basically watch if you go to InfoWars.com and click the upper, watch the show live banner, you can actually see this for yourself.
There it is.
And now for world government.
December 9th, 2008.
Wow, that seems like yesterday.
That's actually three years ago.
Wow, a little over three years ago.
And he goes on to say, yes, there's a private global corporate government.
Yes, it's authoritarian in nature.
Go read the article.
And yes, we're going to take your liberties, but it's because your nation states are primitive.
That's why they have an image of a cave drawing there.
And we know best, we're technocrats, and we kept it secret from you for your own interest.
And that is exactly what The Economist, November 19th, the 25th, weekly edition, that I've covered so much here, said.
They say, yes, technocrats have run things in the Soviet era, and didn't do probably the best job, but our technocrats are better, and they say in here, you can argue that this is the best system now, and regardless, that's what runs things.
So it is an apologetic, open-world government article, but saying it's for your own interest.
And that particular article is titled, Mines Like Machines.
Mines like machines.
Technocracy was once a communist idea.
With a proletarian power, administration could be left to experts.
Ah, yes.
Or we could have a big computer run everything.
There's the actual article.
I have my little photocopies here so I can highlight it.
And it goes on.
Autocracy have long been natural bedfellows.
Technocrats rule big chunks of public life.
Central bankers are one example.
And it goes on here.
Even highly political governments set up independent or bipartisan panels and make difficult decisions.
Yeah, so spending bills originate in the Super Congress now, not by individual members.
Such as closing military bases, setting electoral boundaries, and making spending cuts.
No, it's supposed to be simple votes.
They create independent agencies, all independent, but the globalists run them, to run everything from health care to education.
They put outside experts in top jobs, such as the economists Larry Summers and the Clinton administration and Obama administration that got rid of Glass-Steagall.
Yeah, what great experts they were.
And then you go on here, let me find the actual part, they got another quote where it says, and yes, you can argue that we need technocrats now, they know how to run things best.
Now, I just showed you the... In fact, reprint me that, because there were two versions.
He had another one that was a blog responding to everybody.
I don't know if that's the blog or the original article.
Scroll up for me, please, so I can read it.
And when you read it there, he actually breaks down
That it's for the betterment of everybody.
He says, I've never believed that there is a secret.
Put it back on screen for me, please.
I've never believed that there is a secret United Nations plot to take over the U.S.
I've never seen black helicopters hovering in the sky above Montana.
But for the first time in my life, I think the formation of some sort of world government is plausible.
A world government.
So again, if you don't like world government, you're a kook, but we need one.
And I think this is his blog response when he got attacked for saying we need a world government.
A world government would involve much more than cooperation between nations.
It would be an entity with state-like characteristics, backed by a body of laws.
The European Union has already set up a continental government for 27 countries, which could be the model.
The EU has the Supreme Court, a currency, thousands of pages of law, a civil service, and an ability to deploy military.
So, could the European model go global?
There are three reasons for thinking that it might.
First, it's increasingly clear that the most difficult issues facing national governments are international in nature.
There is a global warming, a global financial crisis, and a global war on terror.
And what did Club of Rome say in the 60s?
We'll use the terror threat, the environmental threat, and other threats, global problems to unify it.
In fact, I just went to that article from memory.
Print it for me.
I'm going to highlight the parts.
And there's a second
I think that's the second part.
There's a first part where he comes out and says, yes, it's authoritarian in nature.
Yes, we kept it from you, but it's for your own good.
The point is that here they are saying Larry Summers will fix everything when it's Larry Summers who got rid of the Glass-Steagall with Obama's progenitor, the Clintons.
And then now, Larry Summers is back advising under Obama.
And do people expect there to be any change when this is the policy?
We go to the people that engineered all of this, and we read publications that they own and control, who never even mention, hey, they're the ones that did all this, when it's as obvious as the nose on your face.
And so I'm going to be breaking that down later in the broadcast.
I've already started doing it here right now.
Now when we come back from break, I'm going to break down obviously the top news of the day and try to go through every angle and facet of it.
That's why I've written here on construction paper.
Got up in the middle of the night, was creeping around the house, and the first paper I came across was some of the children's construction paper.
So I wrote, I don't know, three, four pages of notes here, breaking down why the different formulae that are used, why would
Obama say he'd veto the bill because it had indefinite detention for citizens in it, and then sign the bill, and then it emerges that it was the White House demanded those provisions be there, and Obama knew that.
And I break down why they deceive that way.
Why they do that.
And what the NDAA does and where things are going.
But where are all the people out there who for over 16 years said Alex Jones is a kook.
There's no plan to put military on the streets.
Now that it's in Stars and Scribes, the Army Times, the National News.
Now they've shifted from you're still a kook because you don't want the military on the streets.
And then now I hear them defending the military doing drills to confiscate our guns.
So we're going to break all of that down today.
Then we're going to get into what's happening in the Eurozone, record gun sales and more.
It's a very important transmission lined up.
Stay with us.
First live show of the year.
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Okay, obviously a lot of you are going to want to respond to the NDAA.
After I break it down, I'm going to give the number out.
Hear from you on that subject or any other topic you wish to raise here.
We are live.
It is the second day of January 2012 on this Monday edition, and it's going to take some getting used to here, obviously.
Time is speeding up.
Now, we had seen some false alarms in the media saying that Obama had signed this about a week and a half ago, but those were not accurate.
He did indeed sign it in private, the Associated Press reported, Saturday afternoon in Hawaii.
That was in the evening, Saturday here on the mainland.
And he signed it privately.
He did not have a robo-sign do it, a robot, a computerized signature, which has been found to be unconstitutional, but so are signing statements.
And in the signing statement, you can read it at InfoWars.com.
DrudgeReport.com has been linked to our article about it with the signing statement added.
But we actually put links to where Obama's lying in his signing statement.
That's been on the Drudge Report since yesterday afternoon.
It's now moved down the right-hand side, halfway down, but it was the top story yesterday.
Which again, I appreciate.
I appreciate Drudge actually linking to a real article where we have links in Obama's statement.
When he says, I'm against the indefinite detention for citizens, but I'm still signing it, we have links to Carl Levin and other senators saying Obama demanded this be added.
And we have links to him saying he wouldn't sign it with that in there.
We just show the lies!
Now the question is, why lie?
I'm going to explain that in a moment.
Because when you understand this lie, and you peel back the layers of the onion, I've studied these people in depth.
I know them.
Then you understand how weak they are.
How incredibly weak and pathetic they are.
Now, you're like, well then why are they running everything?
Because we are laying down.
I mean, if you didn't fight back against a seven-year-old, they could probably kill you.
If you just laid there, they could get a sharp stick and stick it in your eye and cram it down into your brain, probably.
I mean, if you lay there in a bed of fire ants and don't get up, they can kill you.
They're little bitty ants.
And that's basically what it is.
The New World Order are a bunch of ants, and we just lay here with them crawling all over us, stinging us, and I'm jumping up and down saying, let's get up.
But individually, I'm like a little Lillipally.
You know, those little people that, you know, tie the giant down.
I'm small, but together we're big.
We are the body politic.
The globalists are tiny, but together they're powerful, and they know how to work together.
That's what the Council on Foreign Relations and other people do.
So I'll say it again in the new year.
I'm very thankful to Matt Drudge and Joseph Curl and all the people over at the Drudge Report, because it is the biggest news site in the world, undisputed.
New York Times, others admit it.
It drives more traffic than Twitter, Facebook combined.
And all the other so-called conservative sites and libertarian and constitutional sites, and even liberal sites mainly, will not ever point out the emperor is wearing no clothes.
And InfoWars.com's huge.
Prison Planet's gigantic.
With the radio show and the YouTube channels and everything we do, we're big.
We're one of the biggest things out there.
But when it comes to internet, there's nothing even approaching drudge.
And this morning I tuned in to talk radio and what were they talking about in San Antonio.
And then I spent about an hour when I was on the treadmill listening to radio this morning instead of watching film, tuned to local radio and heard them talk about this on Local 590.
Two different shows, WOAI and 590 KLBJ here in town.
And that was the two stations I listened to on the treadmill for 45 minutes.
Was because of drudge.
They were reading this and saying, should the government be able to secretly arrest citizens and have you disappear into a black hole?
And they were reading from the article.
I could care less they didn't give me any credit.
All I care about is stopping this because I have children, because I want to be free, because I want to have a future.
And I'm telling you, that's the power of the Drudge Report.
This is not a bunch of rump kissing here.
I'm going to come back and actually get into it, the actual article, and I'm signing it.
It's just that InfoWars, yeah, we can put an article out and sometimes it breaks into the quote mainstream and really goes mega viral.
But with Drudge, it's guaranteed every time.
And so it's the Drudge's saying, the emperor's not wearing clothes.
Here's Obama lying and links to it.
That's a big deal, so I just give thanks to that in the new year, and give thanks that the internet is still here in somewhat of a free position for now, but even A.P.
Reuters, the top scientist that invented the internet, all of them are public right now, even Politico, saying this SOPA bill is the end of the internet and the end of free speech, and the end of due process.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
All right, my friends, we are back live here.
Thank you so much for joining us.
I'm going to give the number out here in just a few minutes.
Coming up, it's littered with cuss words, but we're going to bleep them out and air it on the nightly news this evening.
Disturbing video that shows U.S.
soldiers blowing up a dog in Iraq for fun.
There are hundreds of these videos.
The U.S.
troops killing people's sheep.
Cows, horses for fun, blowing up people's dogs, killing puppies.
And when we showed one of these videos a few years ago, a fake conservative who goes along with the entire system, Michelle Malkin, came out and said I was a liar and that it was a toy dog.
Now clearly it was a puppy holding its feet up when you hold them by the scruff of the neck.
Clearly they kill it.
The Marines did an investigation and confirmed it was real.
And I didn't care.
Malkin continued to say it wasn't real and that I was a liar.
So when I ran into her, she had these local Republican College bloggers with her.
They posed as if they were with us, wearing masks and hats, and screamed, kill Michelle Malkin, and then put out a blog saying I said kill her.
And National, so-called conservative radio, went with, I'm calling for killing Michelle Malkin.
And even the Denver Post ran with it, National TV ran with it, they sent Extra out, it was clearly a psy-op.
And interviewed me there in Denver when I was at the DNC and said, why did you say killer?
And I showed him my own video and the reporter basically laughed at me and left and never even showed that.
And I still get emails saying, how dare you say killer?
It's on the video.
I'm screaming, how dare you say I'm a liar?
They killed that dog.
Admit it's real.
It's been admitted it's real.
And they just said, you know what?
Kill Michelle Malkin, they screamed behind me, crouching down, PSYOP experts, and then they all left with her.
They all walked off, got in cars and left with her.
That's what they think is cute.
They think it's fun to deceive the public, to pose as conservatives, so you can lead the opposition to the New World Order as loyal opposition and lead it down a rat hole.
And, uh, there's a new video out today.
The only reason I'm covering it is it happened to be in the newspaper.
I mean, I don't even... If I wanted to, quote, just bash the troops...
I could have these every day.
Forget killing dogs!
I've got British troops, U.S.
troops, contractors, sitting off the side of highways, just shooting families in minivans and Lincoln Town Cars, and men and women rolling out, bleeding, and shooting them, and shooting women while they walk down a desert road with a four-year-old holding their hand, and they laugh as the .50 cal blows her head off.
And I've got him torturing children, just beating them and beating them.
You know, I think I ought to put a U.S.
Troop compilation torture together.
We'll do that.
It'll take a few days to compile it, though.
Wednesday or Thursday on the Nightly News.
So we've got to bleep out all the cussing.
We will leave in the pet demon noises, though.
The psycho...
masochistic demon, uh, demon surfacing.
The demon surfacing part we'll leave in.
Okay, I'm gonna leave all that in.
Oh, you think I'm joking?
We're gonna get it all together.
We've heard those here before.
Yes, yes, kill her!
Oh, bad little child!
Naughty, naughty little boy!
Guys, we have that in the computer.
Uh, it's something like, uh,
British troops beat children.
But you always hear that same noise.
In these videos, American troops, British, contractors, always when they're doing it, you hear the demonic entity come to the surface.
And it's having a vampire feeding frenzy.
And it just totally takes them over.
And boy do we get death threats and everything when we play this stuff, because they don't want that known.
They call that anti-US military.
No, letting our military be taken over by a culture of demonic little creatures
That is destroying our military and our name worldwide, because this is all over TV worldwide.
In fact, it's come out the CIA globally releases the photos and the videos of this, but only for foreign use, for our future destruction.
Domestically, you're not meant to see this.
Remember, the United States is the main enemy.
The Republic is the enemy.
So while they use America to set up this world government,
When they're done with us, the world's gotta completely, absolutely hate us.
Then they'll trigger a civil war here in the U.S.
with attempted gun confiscation.
This is one of their main plans.
Marching the police and military off to certain death in gun confiscation.
Certain death.
And that's part of the plan.
Then the I4UN Global Troops will come in.
That's now in all the official FEMA Homeland Security documents.
I used to have to get military officers like Colonel Craig Roberts on, you know, who's like, yeah, my nephew, after his graduation at West Point, was sent to this base.
And here's the names of the generals that said that during an emergency they will use foreign troops to fight domestic terrorists.
Now that's in the Washington Post and New York Times.
That, oh yes, during crises we will use foreign troops to deal with domestic problems.
But that's after the police and military, many of which are honorable good people, are marched off against the general public.
And of course the breakdown of society will be so horrible at that point that
Many of the public will say, sure, arrest political dissidents, just bring back the prosperity.
And of course, when you go along with the tyranny, it won't bring back the prosperity.
Just like I told you four years ago, the 2008 bailouts, I said this is not going to fix things.
This is going to make things worse.
Next, they're going to implode Europe.
Then they're going to take over with austerity.
Raising taxes, cutting benefits.
Not to pay public debts, but to pay for the banker's Ponzi scheme that they've gotten the public to sign on to, that they then spin and say is the public debt.
And they have all these different media outlets running around pushing it.
In fact, give me a document cam shot of this.
Here's the cover of The Economist.
If you're in stores, you'll see it on newsstands.
Reviving the world economy.
Stand back, I'm a central banker.
They take a famous, maybe a Rembrandt, Dutch painting of a dissection of a corpse.
I guess what they wrote Grey's Anatomy from.
And he's got defibrillators about to start the debt economy's heart.
And of course, they say the central bankers will fix it.
And of course, it's all the exact names that engineered this.
They're not going to fix anything.
Their takeover is working the way they want it to.
But they're going to bombard you with, they'll fix it.
Just give them total power.
Again, this was an accurate Photoshop.
of a famous painting.
They would all be vampires with straws, drinking this person's blood, sangliating him, sucking him dry.
We'll be going over that a little bit later.
Now, continuing here, because I'm going to get into the big news, and then your calls.
But we'll get to the troops killing him in a minute, but it all ties together.
NDAA, the troops killing dogs, sheep, cows, horses, any chance they can.
The army murdering them.
Again, people don't even get upset when it's a family.
And you see them shooting the minivan off the road, and the family falling out, and people trying to grab their kids, and the troops are laughing, and then the gibbering starts.
Like, whoa, demon just surfaced, it's in full feeding mode.
It doesn't matter, every nationality, I've seen Russian troop stuff, and it's the same gibbering noise.
I mean, you can say there's no such thing as demons, whatever.
A section of the brain that does that, okay?
It's the same signature, it's the same thing.
You wanna know what a psychopath's doing when they're torturing some three-year-old they kidnapped in some dungeon for six months?
That's going on.
And the psychopaths tell the psychiatrist about, they love sucking the essence out of it.
They call it using someone up.
And they feed off the fear and the pain.
It's an enjoyment.
And so if you support the troops, you're supposed to say, this is wonderful.
And defendants say, oh, they're just blowing off some steam.
In fact, I remember that Rush Limbaugh clip, where it came out about Abu Ghraib and torture of children.
And he said, folks, you ever been under stress?
You ever blown off some steam?
Just type it in.
Rush Limbaugh talks about torture as blowing off steam.
And we're talking about four-year-olds in front of their parents being raped.
With objects dripping with battery acid.
That's in the Army's own report.
Just type in Army Abu Ghraib Torture Report.
You'll get AP, MSNBC, the Army's report.
It's 14 pages long.
Read it.
30 plus camps, 24-7 gang raping, torturing, murdering, killing.
Pit demon.
Absolute pit of hell.
This is what you've signed on to.
Preemptive war.
All of it.
This is what happens.
This is what the Nazis did.
This is what the Communist Chinese did and do.
This is what the psycho armies want.
And we've shown you internal memos where in Texas they say, we're only hiring former military right now.
Do not distribute this memo.
Remember that we were sent that four months ago.
It says right now we've been directed to only focus on military.
I guess you might be able to get hired if you're not from the military.
But again, not just regular military.
They have tests they give them that if you're damaged goods, you're going to get the job.
And you're going to wage war against the American people.
That's what they want.
That's why I have the New York Times.
Don't believe me?
Just type in, scouts trained to fight terrorists and more, and the first line says, the 14-year-olds trained to kill disgruntled veterans.
In this drill, the Iraq vet is holed up.
They quickly move in and take him out.
You can see the photos of him training to kill veterans.
Because you see, they want the PTSD, 4-5-6 terror, violent, fearless people to join their ranks, but they also know that there's going to be giant groups who aren't turned over to evil, but are just as tough or tougher, who are going to then fight the forces of evil.
But there's also going to be a third group, people that just go off the rails, who don't get hired as cops, or whatever.
And that's like this guy.
And when I get to, after the Obama, I'll show you this article.
We'll put it on screen.
Massive manhunt after ranger slain in Rainier.
We'll pull this up for later.
And it says he's a former, uh, several tours, what, Marines, and it was supposedly a shootout at a party, so he ran with his body armor and everything, reportedly to the local national park.
They set up a roadblock, he got out, opened fire, more police showed up, and they sat there for hours while the park ranger bled to death.
Because he was shooting at him, and now there's hundreds of federal police and others on the scene, and they're basically cowering a day later, afraid to go after him.
Okay, now what's gonna happen when you start secretly arresting people, and you start going out trying to confiscate guns?
150 million, it's more like 200 million now, there's a massive armament going on.
Millions of it, more like 2 million, they're saying a million and a half plus background checks in the month of December, all-time record.
Most sales are going on privately.
You've got 400 plus million guns out there.
You've got all of this happening, all of this unfolding.
And what's going to happen when the government, run by these criminal bankers who are sitting offshore, try to march the police and military off in asymmetrical warfare to take people's guns and to take political prisoners away?
If 1% fights back, that's a million, 500,000 of this guy.
Yeah, I'm not saying he's a good guy.
Late night party, got drunk, started, you know, some kind of fight happened, shootout began.
Just like Poplowski.
Drunk, gets home, has another pit bull urinating all over the carpet.
His mother says, get out of here.
She says, she calls the police.
He shoots and kills three of them.
The point is, is that you train these people to just mow Iraqis down all day and laugh at dead kids and kill dogs and murder people and do all this.
Of course they've got record suicides, all-time records.
Of course they're coming home.
They had one Delta Force wing.
Or squadron, as they call them.
What was it?
Five years ago, in one weekend, killed four families.
Well, in one case, the family got away and he burned the house down.
And when the police pulled up, he was, this was in the news, there outside Fort Benning, was flopping around foaming at the mouth.
You pull up, the house is burning, the person is flopping around, they're so demonically possessed, or whatever you want to call it.
I mean, look, you show hell, you reap Armageddon.
You get into evil and corruption and think it's cute and sexy and fun.
It isn't.
The wages of the New World Order is thermal nuclear war, biological weapons, imploding bank accounts, starvation, death, and everything that leads up to it.
And I'll actually read over the article later, and there's a photo of him here where he's got his different guns and his shirt off, and you know, he's the big tough guy, and now they're going to send a bunch of other people just like him after him.
And hundreds of local police and the feds are in the article admitting they're not going after him because they're scared.
What, you're scared of somebody that'll actually shoot back at you?
You're scared of another psychopath?
Oh, for sitting some old lady who you're taking the cash out of their purse?
For sitting some 16-year-old kid you found some marijuana on, so you go ahead and beat him up and send him to jail?
You mean this is somebody like you?
What do you think is going to happen when they try to march you off against real Americans, real human beings?
What do you think is going to happen?
You think 1% is going to fight you?
Numbers I've looked at and studied, about 10% are going to fight.
You know what 10% of 150 million is?
You know what that is?
It's 15 million.
15 million people conservatively are going to fight.
And we have to overt this disaster.
We do not want this to start up.
We do not want this to happen, because that's one of the false flags the New World Order can run, is marching the police and military off into a conflict and to create a civil war here in the United States.
That's actually in the IMF and World Bank documents.
All right, I was just going to mention some of the news coming up.
I've pretty much already started getting into it.
And I've got page after page of notes on the NDAA and just how big it is and just how important it is and just what it means to our society and how it's going to be implemented and how it's going to be rolled out.
But I'll tell you what I'm going to do.
I'm going to reset because I'm pretty wound up from being gone a couple of days.
I'm going to come back and take your phone calls into the bottom of the hour, next hour, and then I'm going to get into the NDAA in total detail.
I've got them.
I did all this research last night and this morning and got all my ducks in a row and tonight we're really having a special report on it that'll be highly produced where we've got all the clips and even more proof tonight on the Nightly News.
Seven o'clock.
We'll take your calls on the NDA, all of this.
There's a lot of good police and military who aren't psychopaths, who haven't been twisted to the dark side.
And we don't need to be like the American people and the police and military, like pit bulls they put in an arena to kill each other, or a cockfight.
We need to be smarter than this and realize who the enemy is, the New World Order, the private banking cartel.
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Coming up later in the next hour, Huntsman has put out a new attack ad on Ron Paul using clips of him on C-SPAN talking about a new world order, Skull and Bones, and a clip from Endgame.
Where he quotes George Bush Sr.
He says George Bush Sr.
called for a New World Order.
What's weird is they all call for a New World Order.
Al Gore, Bill Clinton, all of them.
They say a New World Order is a global corporate government.
And then Ron Paul says, I don't want a global corporate private government run by mega banks.
And they go, oh my gosh, he's crazy!
He's quoting George W. Bush, Herbert Walker Bush, calling for it.
And they think their supporters are that big of an idiot, that as long as they sit there and deny that this stuff is going on, that people won't realize what's happening.
Now, look, I can't play all of these here because there's cuss words on them and things, and you've pretty much got to be watching to be able to see it.
But here's the latest article out showing what the military is doing.
Disturbing video that shows U.S.
soldiers blowing up a dog in Iraq for fun.
And again, this is not the majority of the troops.
But it's like when you see that Apache helicopter shoot up that car full of kids.
They kind of laugh about it and say, well, shouldn't bring kids to a battle.
It wasn't a battle.
It was the middle of a city.
It was Reuters reporters with their kids.
And then people defended that on the radio.
They defend torture on the radio.
Well, this is what torture is.
Let's go ahead and play part of that clip.
And again, there's just a dog.
It's in a city on the side of the road.
They've put some food out for it next to a bomb.
And the audio's not good, but you can hear them talking about it all.
Come on, puppy, puppy.
They make sweet, you know, fake sweet noises to it.
Come on, kid.
Get in the car.
And cousins coming up, they start celebrating and getting off on it.
Let's go ahead.
That's enough right there.
So they blow up the dog and have a big celebration.
Now, here's another video that I mentioned where Michelle Malkin and others said, I was a liar.
In fact, some blogs and groups, neocon groups, said that we might have even produced it.
That it was a robot dog.
Anybody who's ever had a dog knows you pick one up by the back of the scruff of the neck.
It pulls its little legs up.
You can see it's a real puppy.
And they throw it off a cliff.
And the Marines did an investigation, said yes, it was true.
But notice, people don't get upset about Iraqi kids being killed.
That's manly and good.
It's a dog, because dogs haven't been dehumanized yet.
There's more value in an animal in our culture.
You know, my dad was coming over to do some 22 shooting with my children yesterday, and I said, well, everything's closed today, but I said, will you go to Walmart and buy some of those box targets, those styrofoam targets, you know, with squirrels and stuff on them?
And he said, yeah.
And when he was leaving Walmart, he got lectured by the old lady, please don't shoot squirrels and crows.
And he said, well, it's for target practice.
And the point is, she had to lecture him.
You know, this is all this anti-gun culture that's out there.
But side issue, they care about animals but not about humans.
That's part of the dehumanization.
Let's go to this next clip.
Here they are with the puppy, enjoying themselves and throwing it off the cliff.
Cute little puppy, huh?
Aww, so cute, so cute little puppy.
Oh, oh, oh, a trick!
And then there's a celebration, but we can't play the cussing.
So, again, face your crimes.
You want preemptive war?
You want police state?
The Constitution's bad?
Enjoy the fruits.
Abortion isn't bad?
Enjoy the fruits.
Vaccines aren't bad?
Enjoy the fruits.
We'll be back with your calls.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, we are now into hour number two.
It's going to be open phones.
I haven't even gotten into the NDAA being signed, how the media, so-called media, is trying to spin it, why Obama demanded the indefinite detention of citizens be in there.
That's tip of the iceberg, by the way.
And then claimed he was against it, but still signed it.
I'm going to break this down.
It's key.
Coming up, bottom of the hour, then we'll get into the latest on the austerity moves, the central bank takeover, some New World Order quotes.
I am wound up today, and I'm going to tie it into the record gun sales that are taking place, and how the police can't even deal with one suspect who they believe shot this park ranger.
And again, it's like, well, why would he shoot friends at a party, allegedly, this veteran of two tours in Iraq, and then run off and just shoot a park ranger like they were nothing at a checkpoint to stop him?
Because human life means nothing to him.
That's what's scary.
A lot of these guys, people got screwed up in one tour in World War II.
He only served one tour because after that it got bad for most people.
Vietnam, you know, maybe two, three tours if you volunteered.
I know people that have served seven or eight tours.
And they get addicted to it.
Because they're not living until, it's like the Hurt Locker, that's very accurate, until they're in super danger.
Some people can deal with it.
A lot of them can't.
They kill themselves, they kill their families, or they kill cops.
And what's going to happen is the system's going to start harassing veterans more now.
And it's going to be like sticking your hand down a badger hole.
It's gonna get worse and worse and worse, which is exactly what the globalists want.
They're social engineers, they know what they're doing.
Alright, let's go to your calls.
Tim in Deutschland, you're on the air from Germany.
Hello, happy new year from Germany.
Thanks for your work, Alex.
Thank you.
Yeah, I want to endorse many of the perspectives you give over the years in your programs from the German perspective.
What people in the United States should realize is we have the same stuff going here.
The rules, the attempts to control the internet, bringing drones and UAVs into civil airspace, the same stuff is happening here in parallel.
It's happening in Germany that they bring the UAVs now, they just do it by the stroke of a pen.
They say it's just a piece of law concerning the aviation authorities, but these drones can surveil us, they can
Yeah, it's the unelected bureaucracies that on their boards have these internationalists that The Economist magazine calls for, the technocrats, to take over.
And they're preparing for war against us because that's the new economy, that's the new system.
But no amount of drones and tinker toys.
They've got military drones with infrared over this guy out in Washington State at Mount Rainier.
And okay, drones, hundreds of militarized police, and they can't stop one guy!
It's pathetic!
And the same thing is happening even with Ron Paul.
You regularly mention the Spiegel, which is a really big German magazine.
The same stuff in ignorance towards Ron Paul.
The total absence of journalism is present here with him as well.
They talk about long-gone Rick Perry and how influential he was in his campaign, and they talk about Michel Bachmann.
That's a good word.
Global standardization, synchronization.
This is the global government.
Everything we do is under you and UNESCO, US, EU.
It's all standardized.
It's the same groups everywhere.
We had this, we used the attack on the internet now with SOPA.
We used to have this Bilderberg and CFR plant mole of a German Secretary of Defense to Gutenberg and the guy was doing his PhD on a pretty much ripped off
I'll tell you what, Tim, I want you to recap what you're saying, finish your point, we come back, I'm gonna play this new Ron Paul attack ad, then we'll finish it with Tim, then we'll go to Carol, John, Rudy, Janice, and others.
Wide open phones, haven't even gotten into NDAA, this is key!
What's coming up, call your friends and family, tell them to tune in right now.
Tim, stay there, coming back to you.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, we're going to continue with your calls here in just a moment.
Calls from the United States, Australia, Germany, you name it.
Here's an article up at InfoWars.com right now.
Obama's NDAA signing statement is meaningless.
Administration itself demanded power to detain American citizens without trial.
It's an article by Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones.
I worked on the article a bit with Paul this morning.
Yeah, but Paul does the lion's share of the work.
Appreciate him including me in the article.
And it just breaks down the facts.
Very important article.
I want to get to this article and then back to your calls.
We had a caller from Germany who was making the point that there's totally synchronized drones over the population, you know, the checkpoints, the cameras, the demonization of Ron Paul.
Same thing worldwide.
They're demonizing Ron Paul in Australia, I've seen articles.
Because they're scared of those ideas picking up.
2006, 2008, 2011.
Our intel, from three separate Bilderberg meetings, was they're scared of Ron Paul.
Not that he's gonna win, from their perspective, but because he's winning by resisting.
By getting these ideas out, it's like holy water to Nosferatu.
They are scared to death of this.
Because the idea, the anti-venom,
To what this New World Order cobra has pumped into us is out there, and if we discover it, the sword of truth, of common sense, of free market constitutionalism, bye-bye New World Order.
It's been the New World Order with NAFTA, GATT, all these wars that's bankrupted us, that's destroyed us.
And now, here's an article, Huntsman releases tacky glib Twilight Zone attack ad.
I would say desperate Huntsman.
Launches Ron Paul attack ad.
Claims neural order doesn't exist, but... Huntsman releases tacky glib Twilight Zone attack ad in desperate bid to steal Ron Paul voters.
If Ron Paul's foreign policy positions are out of the Twilight Zone, that's what the ad does, why does Paul get the most support from the U.S.
By the way, I remember in 1998, they ran ads Texas-wide against him, Twilight Zone, with Twilight Zone music and going, he wants kids to use drugs.
You know, he wants to get rid of the federal government.
All misrepresenting what he says.
I mean, I saw an article in the Associated Press this morning saying, Ron Paul believes there shouldn't be a space program.
No, Ron Paul said it's not constitutional to pay for this giant space program and that private corporations should get into the business.
We'd probably be much more advanced if they had.
And of course, they're weaponizing space, but continuing here, Huntsman has released this ad, and either tonight or tomorrow night, I want to go back and find George Herbert Walker Bush, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Herman Van Rompuy, head of the EU, all of them calling for a new world order and then saying that means global government.
So here's Ron Paul in Endgame saying,
Yeah, they want a new world order.
That's just what George Herbert Walker Bush called for.
And so they have these clips from Endgame and from C-SPAN and places, and they're airing this, spending millions of dollars in Iowa, acting like he's crazy.
Look, he's crazy!
He says there's a global technocratic system run by megabanks being set up.
We should get rid of the Federal Reserve and get our sovereignty back.
Everybody knows that's nuts.
When all Ron Paul is doing is reporting what's in the news.
Yeah, he warned exactly what was coming 30 years ago.
He was way ahead of the curve, but now we're in this paradox where it's all happening.
I mean, I saw this weekend dozens of articles saying Ron Paul's nuts.
He thinks they're going to put troops on the streets.
There's already troops on the streets all over the country and TSA checkpoints.
They're announcing they're going to use military domestically.
It's in all the military publications.
But they, these reporters, talk to their readers and viewers and listeners like they're idiots.
You know, every once in a while I'll call into local talk radio.
When they're talking about issues, or when they're reading one of my articles, and they always, on two different talk stations I've called into, they'll always play Black Helicopter Noises, or X-Files music, or Empire Strikes Back battle theme, and laugh at me while I'm talking.
But I let them do it, still get the info out, because then most of the callers call in and add more data.
But, oh look, he's telling us exactly what's happening!
Oh my gosh, he's incredibly accurate.
It all came true.
Let's not say, man, we better listen to this guy.
Let's attack him.
Okay, let's go ahead and play this new desperate hunt.
This is Huntsman.
This is a guy that works for Obama.
This is a big globalist.
This is a guy CNN and MSNBC love.
And here he is implying Ron Paul lives in the Twilight Zone.
No, Ron Paul lives in the real world.
And the public's starting to live in the real world.
And starting to go, wait, you're saying there's no new world order?
But I've heard all these leaders call for one.
Ron Paul isn't allowed to say, hey, America should be run by Americans?
And not some offshore banks?
Hey, Ron Paul said Naftan Gantt would be bad.
He's not a kook.
Remember, they called Ross Perot a kook.
All they've got's name calling.
And they count on you being childlike.
Here's the clip.
Of the Twilight Zone ad.
Ron Paul Chronicles.
The assumption is that this guy is like your crazy uncle, but you never expected your crazy uncle to get this far.
The problem with him is that he's got some very sound points, but then he's kind of, I don't know, in other areas scary.
All I can say is, you know, people have written about this, and the Skull of the Homes is a secret order of Yale, and then the proposition is that people are their groom for the Trilateral Commission and the CFR, and therefore they will then be in a position of great influence in our government.
President Bush said that the New World Order was in tune, and that's what they were working for.
600,000 Americans died in a senseless civil war.
You buy the slaves and release them.
How much would that cost compared to killing 600,000 Americans?
If you look at the history, you'll find out that Hamas was encouraged and really started by Israel.
Have you ever read about the reasons they attacked us?
They attack us because we've been over there.
We've been bombing Iraq for 10 years.
Are you suggesting we invited the 9-11 attack, sir?
The Israelis are there, the United States is there, all these countries.
China has nuclear weapons.
Why wouldn't it be natural that they might want a weapon?
There'd be, internationally, they'd be given more respect.
Tune in next week for more of... The Ron Paul Chronicles.
I mean, what do you say to that?
Jerusalem Post?
I mean, you can type in, Israel created Hamas, into a search engine, you'll get UPI?
Israel admits that!
Anyone watching that in Israel knows that in 1973, as a counterbalance to Hezbollah, that's the Iranian-backed group, the Shiite-backed group, that Israel created Hamas.
Ron Paul could have gone further.
Israel staged terror attacks against itself, against its own public.
Jerusalem Post, Haratz, UPI.
I mean, just type in, Israel created fake Al Qaeda.
Staged attacks.
I mean, everything he said there was true.
Every little piece was real, but they think you're stupid.
They think you're idiots.
They think you don't know about how the world works.
Oh, Ron Paul's a kook.
They had a clip from 20 years ago of him on TV being asked about Skull & Bones.
And he says, yeah, it's a secret society at Yale.
What, you've had four presidents come from there?
A bunch of Secretary of States?
These are gangs.
These are mafias.
These are secret societies.
The CFR Trilateral Commission openly called for rural government, but you're not supposed to talk about it?
Every, I mean, we could dissect that clip.
We won't have time to do it today.
We'll do it maybe tomorrow night on the news and have it for Wednesday on the show.
Where we could go through and show you articles and documents and video clips.
In fact, call Rob Dillon here for me real quick.
We can do part one tonight.
The problem is every five seconds of the ad, I can back up what he's saying.
But we could just at least
Hey, dude, come on in, bro.
Have you seen the sad attack on Ron Paul?
I just heard it.
Okay, well, the point is, I know I wanted to get out of here early today, I wanted to shoot the show and tape it instead of doing it live, but obviously today or tomorrow, whatever, we need to show where they make fun of him about New World Order and show Herman, we already have the clips, Herman Von Rompey calling for New World Order, world government.
We can show British Prime Minister Colin Ford.
We can show Herbert Walker.
Like, show the clip and then go, oh, but here he is singing.
We're not supposed to talk about it?
What's Twilight Zone is that they think their viewers are stupid.
And then he's got the part.
We'll just show two parts tonight.
He's got the part where they go, oh my gosh, he thinks Israel founded Hamas.
Just type in Israel created Hamas.
You'll get UPI, Reuters, AP.
But more importantly, they'll say, oh, well, that's anti-Semitic Reuters, because we all know they're evil.
Show them something like Jerusalem Post or Haratz.
I know it's in both those.
And there's been connessant debates where they gripe at people for creating it and all that.
And then go one further, the headlines, Israel created fake Al-Qaeda.
To attack themselves.
That's in the Israeli papers.
That's why the Israelis are rioting over there.
The media acts like all the Israelis want war and love the tyranny.
They have a government staging stuff on them as well, and then funding terror groups or letting terrorists in as a pretext to keep control.
Don't you see the paradigm, dude?
I know you see it well.
Okay, I'm ranting.
Alright, thank you so much.
Good job.
Let's go back to the caller in Germany, then I promise I'm coming back with more of your calls here.
Tim, finish up the point you were making before the last break.
Well, what I want to do rather is do an appeal to the citizens.
Guys, preserve your rights, defend the liberty you have.
Currently resistance and success against the globalists comes cheap.
Worst that's going to happen to you is being ridiculed.
It will be worse soon if you do not all kick into high gear.
Call a politician each day or a representative, inform anyone you find.
Being ridiculed is probably the worst that's going to happen.
But soon it could be with NDDA,
That looks like the enabling act in Germany.
Hitler was only elected, but he wasn't in power and he wasn't the dictator.
He wasn't elected dictator.
He became one.
He grabbed the power.
Just the same stuff that could and likely is to be happening in the United States currently.
And you were saying you're seeing the same parallels in Germany?
The same.
The media is completely synchronized.
You know, I had you hold so long.
We're coming back to you.
I'm gonna give you two minutes on the other side.
Then I'm gonna get to everybody else's calls who's on the board.
Then I'm getting into NDAA.
I was up late last night.
Woke up middle of the night.
I've got all these notes written up.
A key report at 40 after exactly.
I'm going to the NDAA report in 20 minutes.
But your calls are straight ahead.
Stay there, Tim.
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Has he been trying on the wine spray?
Much too long.
The Babylon system is the vampire sucking the children.
Sucking the blood of the children day by day.
Alright, I'm gonna get to the calls.
I'm just really wound up here today, obviously.
NDAA is now law.
But they passed laws that black people weren't humans in this country.
They passed laws in other countries that they could secretly arrest you and disappear you to a camp.
And Tim in Germany was bringing up the Enabling Act.
And yes, Hitler was what elected president.
And then he blew up his own Reichstag building and had Kaiser Wilhelm sign over the chancellorship to him.
I'm going from memory here.
And then he unified the presidency and the chancellorship into the Führer.
And then it still took him from February 27th, when he did that, right through four or five years to really get dictator powers going.
You live in Germany.
Is that historically accurate, Tim?
Well, the dates were a little bit later.
He was a Chancellor, you were right on that.
But what I can tell you is, I'm only 40 years old, or becoming this year, but what I can tell you as a German, we always were taught in school, it was close to indoctrination, but hence, because of what happened in the Third Reich, I must say, was partly okay.
But we were always taught, the question was, how could you allow that to happen?
And think about yourselves, the listeners,
We're good.
We're good to go.
Don't say it is likely, but everybody should be prepared for everything globally.
They could just promote on CNN that the aliens have contacted us and tried to export us and because of that they could release the flu, they could do anything.
These are madmen.
Exactly, exactly.
Because they're able to put out a big hoax, have all their corporate liars put out a unified fraud, and then you're always battling the fraud even though you prove it a lie later.
It's just accepted as the pretext.
God bless you.
I appreciate your call.
Here's a breakdown from the Future of Freedom Foundation.
And then it goes from there.
At the risk of belaboring the obvious, almost 70% of German people voted against Hitler, causing his supporter Joseph Goebbels, who later became Hitler's Minister of Propaganda, to lament in his journal,
Terrible outlook.
Party circles badly depressed and dejected.
Since Hindenburg had not received a majority of the vote, however, a runoff election had to be held among the three top getters.
On April 19, 1932, the runoff results were Hindenburg 53, Hitler 36, Thielman 10 point,
And then it just goes into how it was like parliamentary and they shared power and then they had the Reichstag fire and then Hitler got more power out of that and I was basically right.
And it goes over all of it.
Hitler's rise to power and breaks it all down.
And how he turned the judiciary into a tyranny.
Okay, let's go back to your calls here.
Let's talk to Carol in Pennsylvania.
Thanks for holding.
Happy New Year, Alex.
Thank you, you too.
I wanted to tell you about one thing that just came up on my radar and ask you about another one.
I went out last week and all of a sudden, within a five mile radius, we got three of these creepy billboards, Don't Lie for the Other Guy,
It's a program between the Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and National Shooting Sports Foundation.
You get 10 years in jail if you help somebody get a gun who shouldn't get one.
Yeah, what they're doing is teaching people they sell it like don't give a felon a gun or don't do a straw purchase but now they're hyping it that if you give your grandson a gun or if you buy your wife a gun
Or you buy your dad a gun.
I mean, my dad's given me guns, I've given him guns.
That's somehow illegal, so the juries will send you to jail.
They call it a straw purchase.
It isn't really one, but I've seen them send people to prison for giving their grandson a gun.
So yes, I've seen the creepy Tattletail billboards going up everywhere.
Came up with all these laws that any crime with a gun, you get five years, but help somebody get that gun, you get ten.
But the other thing I wanted to ask you about, there's this Thrive movie, Thrive Movement,
And it's incredibly well-funded.
And it's run by Foster Gamble of the Proctor Gamble family.
The guest list in this movie reads like your guest list, but my spidey senses are telling me this is, you know, the controlled opposition kind of thing.
Sure, it's talking about a new economy and a new system.
The globalists want to offer solutions to what they've done.
Stay there.
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It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, I almost got Rob Dude, Aaron Dykes, and Rob Jacobson in here at the studio, because we get tons of emails about the Thrive movie and the Thrive movement, and they've watched the film and basically gave me their synopsis, but I want to watch it before I pass judgment.
I know it has the air of the Procter & Gamble fortune in it, but people always have a chance to wake up and turn things around.
It has Katherine Austen Fitz and other, by the way, she's on the nightly news tonight, other good people, Bill Still, who's put out The Money Masters and also The Secret of Oz.
And so as we awaken people, there's going to be good guys from the power structure that come out.
Rob and Aaron's breakdown is that it's basically Zeitgeist 2.0.
That they admit the problems, they admit the world government.
Well, it's out in the open now, you can't not admit it.
But then it gets into UFOs, crop circles, which kind of discredits it.
And then kind of gives some new agey solutions.
You see, they tried to deny all this was going on, but the problem with Zeitgeist is it sells a technocratic computer, who programs it, that decides who gets what resources.
And you live in these basically plastic cities.
I mean, I can't think of a more hellish system.
And if you've studied history, you know the communists back in the 20s and stuff always advertise their ideas with airships and spaceships and super science and it's going to be this wonderful new world and that's how they always advertise it.
I mean, even the Economist magazine when they're selling technocracy says, well, the communists sold it as a science fiction technocracy and, you know, it didn't go too well, but our technocracy is going to do a really good job.
Because, you know, the central bankers want to fix everything.
So what's happening is there's a huge awakening taking place.
And so I think it's a mix of both.
I have to see it before I can comment.
But three crew members have seen it, who are all smart people, and they basically say the same thing.
I mean, I don't think people are bad for being in it, but Carol, I have to not pass judgment at this point because I haven't seen it, but briefly, give us your take on it.
Shoot, you got Gerald Cilente and David Icke.
I mean, it's a heck of a guest list.
But I think the solutions are soft core.
I think they're playing into the hands of, you know, global controlled organizations, you know, Sierra Club and, you know, that kind of... Oh, it's like, quote, fix the environment, everything's fixed.
Do they admit GMOs the real threat to the environment or is it carbon?
No, it's a mix.
I mean, it's not just about the environmental stuff, but they're hooking you up with, you know, Rainforest Action Network, Sierra Club.
They do talk about... Oh, well, that's all I needed to know, because, you know, the Gamble family, they are the recipient of the Margaret Singer letters about getting rid of the black weeds.
You know, Aaron looked at me during the break and he said, all I know is they're hooked in with Margaret Sanger and the Eugenicists.
Now, I don't know about this guy individually, but if they're saying Sierra Club's going to save us, that is all about the land grab, all about New World Order.
Now, maybe the guy is a person waking up, but...
I don't know.
Apples usually don't fall too far from the trees.
And it might be loyal opposition.
We'll have to look into it.
No, but that's a big, big, big, big sign right there.
See, I ought to be glad they're doing this, though.
If they don't at least try to co-op things, they're going to kill me.
Because they know we are taking over.
We are waking people up.
We're the real deal.
The real paradigm smashers.
And so at least they're not just, you know, starting a war with us now or trying to wipe out the leadership of the Patriot movement at this point.
They're trying other things.
And so, you know, at least they're spinning their wheels.
Because let me tell you, you're not turning this around.
Once somebody has a paradigm shift and gets into reality, it's not like there has to be some new installment of awakening.
People are on their own now waking up.
It's like Ron Paul said on Fox News yesterday.
When they were attacking him, he said, listen, my supporters don't desert.
My supporters don't just go away.
Because once they put all this information together and see how the real world works, it's not Ron Paul.
I'm just a focal point of this.
It's a chain reaction.
You can't put the genie back in the bottle.
And that's right.
So good for Procter and Gamble dynasty.
Knock yourselves out.
Mix some space aliens in and try whatever you want, because for every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction.
Thank you, Carol.
Let's go ahead and go to Blue, listening on 1470 AM Truth Radio in Tennessee.
You're on the air, Blue.
Hey Alex, I pride myself on trying to find solutions.
I'm the one that called in and expressed the need for everyone to turn their cell phones on speakerphone when they're pumping gas in the grocery stores to broadcast the message.
These are a few of the ideas that I've come up with.
One is to use Netflix.
I heard about two years ago a gentleman that called in who had found you by watching the Obama deception on Netflix.
I think that like the Google bombs that we've had, if we all pick a movie and we all type it into Netflix search engines at the same time on the same day for the equivalency of, then we can actually bring that through their algorithms and make it for—to bring it to the surface.
Um, so that it's available to everyone.
Two, is to, the time to argue on talk radio about Ron Paul is over.
Right now we need to focus on the country music radio stations, as well as the rock and roll stations, and start pushing patriot music and the reason why.
Every time they give you an opportunity to request a song, request Amy's song, which was Ron Paul's anthem from 2008.
And bring this to the surface because these people are only getting the sound bites of the news.
And the third idea is that you've got to go to your nightclubs and set up tables, register voters, and be there to express Ron Paul's points of view.
Great points.
Appreciate the call.
Blue made a lot of really good points.
Look, if you want
To really change things, you've got to get involved in the streets.
You've got to get involved at your church.
You've got to get involved at work.
You've got to talk about liberty.
You've got to talk about real issues and point out what's happening everywhere.
And the best tool, bar none, are documentary films.
And that's why Obama Deception, Fall of the Republic, Endgame, Terror Storm, Fabled Enemies,
Invisible Empire, all these films we've directed and produced will explain how the globalists control both parties, will explain what their goals are, the different groups that work for them.
So that then when some group comes to you posing as a patriot, I mean here's one of the most positive things that's happened, that I've seen anywhere in the last few years.
Is that whether it's Glenn Beck or Michael Savage or even Rush Limbaugh or these other talk show hosts, more and more they're talking about the New World Order.
They're talking about global government.
They're talking about the big mega banks.
They're talking about crony capitalism.
They're talking about real issues to keep their audience and to keep some credibility.
Now they'll double back and attack Ron Paul at key points as we saw Savage do last week because that's where their bread is buttered is by the establishment.
They're there to basically pose as alternative media that's controlled.
But the fact that we're making them cover so many real issues just to keep their audience shows the fact that our information is gaining ground every day.
And this attempt to make fun of Ron Paul because he talks about a new world order, I mean, that's what we're facing.
But the system wants to continue to operate like none of this is happening.
It's a global corporate government being shut up by mega banks that have bought off our governments.
It's an illegitimate hijacking of our system.
I'm gonna go to John, Janice, Robert, Beth, Mike, and others here in just a little while, but I need to go ahead and get into the NDAA right now.
Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act in Hawaii with no ceremony.
It was a private signing.
He released it, obviously, in the evening of New Year's so that it wouldn't get a lot of coverage.
And he signed it.
That's lie number one.
Because he said he wouldn't sign it.
He pledged, that was the term, pledged to veto it.
We have links to that in our articles dealing with this.
So he pledged to veto it.
We have that broken down in our latest article at InfoWars.com.
Obama's NDAA signing statement is meaningless.
The administration itself demanded power to detain Americans without trial.
We have links to the Congress, to the Senators, breaking it down.
We have the links admitting it's for U.S.
I mean, Obama's already killing U.S.
Without trials.
Amaral Awlaki and others were told to set the precedent.
And it goes over all of that.
So, first they said it didn't affect U.S.
They lied about that.
Obama said it did affect citizens.
He would veto it.
Then he did sign it.
Then he lied again and said, I'm signing it, but don't worry, I'm not going to implement it.
Because of our cherished values.
No, it's our laws.
That's another lie.
He's already implemented it.
They've already said in policy that they'll arrest U.S.
citizens, that they'll disappear into a black hole.
Because that was the, quote, policy of Bush.
You know, when Bush got caught illegally wiretapping the American people, he went to Congress and had them write a retroactive law saying it was legal.
Well, you can't pass laws that members of Congress can
Kill their wives?
You can't pass laws saying Hispanics will now be slaves, or people with English surnames will now be slaves, or Amish will be slaves, or South Africans will be slaves.
You have an inherent right to not be a slave.
When somebody says, it's the law, I can secretly arrest you, they are tyrants.
They are frauds.
They have run up their flag.
You know who they are.
But I want to address something else here.
Everybody is starting to really freak out.
And I'm seeing it all over YouTube, all over the comments on InfoWars, the emails, the calls, family calling, people apologizing on the street, people buying me dinner at restaurants saying, I thought you were cooked five years ago, it's all coming true.
And they're freaking out thinking the federal government is coming tomorrow because the ACLU has come out and Ron Paul has come out and now the media has had to admit, okay, it does end posse comitatus to put troops on the streets.
It does declare the whole world a war zone.
And it gives the president all this power.
This is really a war power to Obama.
I mean, there's so many facets to this, you can't even cover them all.
It says the president can launch attacks anywhere in the world without any congressional approval or even discussion.
So that's a huge violation of the war powers.
So, worldwide declaration of war, end of war powers coming from Congress, huge seizure of power, declares the end of posse comitatus domestically, the U.S.
a battlefield, says U.S.
citizens can be tortured, disappeared, never seen again, end of habeas corpus, end of Bill of Rights, end of Constitution, and now finally it's being admitted in a lot of mainstream news, so people are going, whoa, Alex, you were right!
I thought you were crazy!
My God, they're coming to get me tomorrow!
No, they're not coming to get you.
Why do you think, oh, tomorrow, why do you think Obama lied about this and said he was going to veto it?
And then they had surrogates in the media say, don't worry, it doesn't affect citizens.
They wanted to sneak that through to have it on paper so they could start brainwashing police and military to find out who will follow the order.
They want to quietly do this behind the scenes.
They don't want to have a big debate about what they're doing.
They're weak.
And that's the key to all of this.
If you hear anything I say in my hours of covering news and information, it's this.
They are doing this.
I mean, I went to bed at about 1130 midnight last night.
I woke up at 3 a.m.
and wrote four pages of notes on this.
Just woke up with a brainstorm.
And I already knew all of this, but it hit me.
I woke up at like 3 a.m.
going, we're winning.
Sure, they lie to us out of hand.
Sure, they like to train us to accept lies.
Sure, they use military parlance against their enemy, the American people, these foreign banks that run our military, so they're going to lie to us out of hand to create a fog of confusion, to make things about the fog of confusion instead of ever debating, hey, can the military be on the streets?
Can citizens be secretly arrested?
And that's also done
By the psycho idiot savants that run this to make people that are awake feel helpless, to know the bill really does this, and then to not even be able to have a real debate about it.
So it's designed for people that don't really pay attention to just get confused and wander off.
And then they drive up in Tennessee or Illinois or Texas, Florida, I mean all over the country now.
It's in the news, local news, never national.
Because they're not ready for that yet.
You just pull up and there's the Army's there, and they're searching everybody's cars.
This was going on in 1997 in Texas.
1998, we have video of Army checkpoints.
And Mike Hanson's up there, driving back from Dallas, he drives through Belton, there's an Army checkpoint, he pulls over, and the troops run over and say, turn your cameras off.
It's all in the takeover.
Happened to me in Belton at a military checkpoint.
And the army soldiers come over and say, I don't like you having your camera on!
And thought I was going to cower and wet myself.
And I got right back in his face and said, he said, you were, you guys were belting and showed my face on TV.
I'm angry.
And I said, buddy, you shouldn't be out here on the streets.
And it always started for ordinance control, quote, to defuse bombs.
But an FBI agent pulls up.
Gets out of the car and says, here's why they're here, now get out of here.
And accidentally gave us a restricted document that's actually in the takeover that says, the military is operating in all 50 states covertly.
We're here for any reason.
Checkpoints, warrant service, kicking down doors.
It says warrant service.
We're here.
A giant covert operation, 1998, in all 50 states.
This one's run out of Fort Hood in Texas.
And it says we're here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
This is a quote.
300 plus days a year.
We're here 365 days a year.
We're here for you.
And you better believe I got freaked out by that.
Then I went to the urban warfare drills.
I said I better look into this.
Who are they trying to fight?
The American people.
So now this is all manifesting.
So they want these powers to train behind the scenes and to get the cops and military ready to do this treason.
But they don't want a public debate.
They don't want opposition mounting to it.
They don't want people to realize how evil it is.
So, Obama says, don't worry, I'm going to veto it to kill opposition.
Don't worry, cease fire, we're not going to pass it.
So they could pass it.
People then say, don't worry, it passed, but he won't sign it.
He signs it.
Why did he sign it?
We know from Carl Levin and others.
Because they ordered it be in there.
Before it was going to be the military and Congress and the government could secretly arrest.
And Obama said no, the executive.
Because they want that dictatorial power all to them.
Tyrants always fight over the power.
So now it's in that one office.
So, we now have this here as a wake-up call.
But the next spin will see, oh, they pass secret arrest of citizens but nothing happened.
Yeah, they're going to wait until they stage terror attacks to blame it on domestic groups.
They're going to wait until they launch a new big war.
They're going to wait until things implode further.
To then have the test case where this guy that reportedly shot the Ranger and shot people up in Washington State.
I'm going to cover him when we come back.
That could be a test case.
Oh, he shot a federal officer and he's bad and you know what?
He doesn't deserve a proper trial because he's a killer of a federal agent.
And that's what they did with the Patriot Act.
Remember the Patriot Act?
It's a handbook, a blueprint, a playbook.
Remember, they said, it's not going to affect citizens.
It says right here, Section 802.
No, you're a conspiracy theorist.
Then they immediately started using it against citizens and non-terror related.
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Okay, we are back here.
I wrote a lot of notes concerning this.
You know, why do they lie on NDAA?
What is the formula?
Confuse the enemy.
That's us.
Our government has been taken over by foreign banks.
Get that through your head.
They are weak and they want to slip it in slowly.
They're waiting for a good test case to sell it to the public to roll it out.
They are waiting for the right crisis to bring this system out to the full public.
They are already killing U.S.
citizens extrajudicially and saying they'll do it domestically.
They were already doing everything that's in the NDAA.
And again, why are we surprised by all Obama does is lie?
He said he'd veto it.
Then he signs it.
Now he says, don't worry, I won't implement this though.
It's up to me.
He'll lie to you there.
Because that's what they do.
That is their formula.
And I mentioned the Patriot Act.
You can just type in Patriot Act use in non-terror-related cases.
We've done an analysis.
Thousands of times per state, per year, they just violate the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
They have Time Magazine, Newsweek, putting the Constitution down.
They actually tell people on the news, the central bankers will fix our problems, and the Constitution is what caused them.
And then give no proof.
When it's the banksters that did this.
Now I want to get to this article out of the Seattle Times.
Massive manhunt after ranger slain outside Mount Rainier.
And there's a photo of the soldier.
And it's, you know, he's got his evil assault weapons and oh my gosh, it is terrible.
There was a late night party and supposedly a bunch of people got shot at that event.
And then the main suspect raced away in a car and he drove past a checkpoint.
So another lone ranger parked in front of him, blocking him on the road in the park.
So he's the main suspect in shooting her.
It said the SWAT team waited hours.
Waited hours, even though they were there to go up and help her because they were afraid he might shoot
I mean, what did you sign on for this for?
I mean, nowadays, if we had a UT Tower shooting, it'd be three days for the SWAT team went in, waiting for the feds to arrive and tell them what to do.
In the old days, people just charged in there and killed the guy.
Citizens started firing, keeping him pinned down.
Nowadays, it says here, I was reading this earlier in the day, just a massive amount of time that they sat there.
And then it is buried in the article, it's always buried, that he served two tours in Iraq.
I meant to actually highlight this article today, and I tried to do it during the breaks.
Yeah, yeah, he was shooting at them for 90 minutes while they were trying to help the lady.
Yeah, that's my point.
They didn't go up there and take the guy out.
In the old days, they would have just gone up to where he was at.
I mean, what was it, like three hours they waited in the Blacksburg, Virginia thing outside, waiting for the feds an hour and a half to get there, and then once the feds got there, they all dressed in their body armor and waited, and by then it was all over?
I mean, this is the type of stuff that goes on.
But they break it down here in the article.
That the mother-in-law was worried about him and tried to get a restraining order and said he had PTSD from Iraq.
It says he was deployed in Iraq in 07-08 and has possible PTSD issues.
But they won't even say whether he was a Marine or Army.
So it's got one line in there about it.
And this is another one of their machines breaking down.
And the point is, it says a hundred feds and more, and they're talking about, well, we're not really, you know, hunting him right now because he's so dangerous.
My point is, we'll break it down when we come back.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, New Year's resolution is to take more calls, something I'm not good at.
Your calls are coming up in a moment.
My point is,
You got one guy reportedly who shot some people at a party in a gun battle.
That's what the police believe.
He runs off into a national park.
And the folks at the National Park try to stop him.
He reportedly kills a park ranger.
And then you read the article, it says the feds have got a drone looking for his infrared, and they haven't found him, and that he's so dangerous, you know, they're still thinking of what they need to do before they go in.
This is one guy with some guns who's willing to use them.
All these people go, oh, they've got drones and helicopters.
Oh, no one can defeat the federal government if there's a civil war.
They're going to come and they're going to get us.
No, what they're going to do is shut down the cities and let people start starving.
That's all they can do is barricade cities.
You try to send people out door to door to take guns, and it's over.
The American people know what's going on.
They're arming to the teeth.
Most of the military are great men and women.
And they know what's going on, they're donating to Ron Paul in record numbers.
But what do you do when you get pulled over by some crazy cop, it happens all the time to people, who's been in Iraq and Afghanistan for five tours, and you argue with them about the fact that you weren't speeding, so they taser you and break your jaw or kill you.
You've seen these videos of these high and tight, they're always former vets,
Totally crazed, and they pull somebody over and don't like what you say, and they go crazy on you.
I mean, that's the old thing of...
After World War II in Korea and Vietnam, in every community, it was like, leave that guy alone, he's an old vet.
Leave old Bobby alone, he'll go crazy on you.
Because they don't care, they'll just start killing people.
You don't just kill a bunch of people and do all this stuff, and then it stops.
You get addicted to it.
Not that you even like it on average, but that it's what you know how to do.
That's why you don't want a military domestically, because a military kills people and breaks things.
A peace officer defuses, helps communities, and then uses force if they have to.
Because when you use force on somebody, ladies and gentlemen, it comes back on you.
When you use force on somebody, even in the right, it leaves scars on you.
But if you do things, except for the most evil people, and that's a very small percentage, most of our troops that are even doing bad stuff are not bad people.
Most of the police who are doing bad things aren't evil people on average.
They're delusional, they're stressed out, they're crazy.
And the last group they need to be hiring as police are combat troops that have served more than two tours.
It might be good to have a cop who's been in the military serve a tour if they aren't crazier than a bloody March Hare.
But they want the, quote, tough guys that'll crack the heads of the American people.
They try to soup them up.
They try to get them in a combat stance towards the American people.
And I'm going to tell you right now, we're going to break them back to your calls.
I'm going to tell you right now what's going to happen.
As more park rangers get killed, as more cops get killed, as the police get more and more paranoid about the public, and see us as the enemy, and see veterans as the enemy, there's a paradox.
The police are full of veterans, but they're also taught the veterans are the number one threat.
And in a way it's true, because they're trained killing machines who are committing suicide en masse at record numbers.
And then as you push them, they're gonna blow gaskets and start killing you, and then the police act even crazier towards the public, and then it's off to the races.
De-escalation is the key word here.
Because if we have a civil war here, ladies and gentlemen, it's only going to help the globalists.
We need to reach out to police and military now and educate them about these facts.
And it's the truth.
You'll totally click.
It's easy to wake up a cop or the military.
It's the easiest grips to wake up.
You just got to do it.
We'll be right back.
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Okay, finishing up with the NDAA and how it ties into Americans by record number of guns for Christmas and how that ties into this report out of the Seattle Times.
Massive manhunt after Rangers slain at Mount Rainier.
Late night gun battle.
A late night party.
The suspect's trying to hide out in the woods.
The ranger set up a roadblock.
He goes around him, comes to a second roadblock, gets out, shoots the ranger from concealment, starts shooting at the SWAT teams and police that arrive.
He has been found dead.
They don't know if he committed suicide or if he died from wounds in the shootout, but this just came out.
Pierce County officials say the Iraq war vet, notice they won't say Marines or Army, being sought in the killing of a Mount Rainier National Park ranger has been found dead in a ditch near his car at the crime scene.
Yeah, they probably killed him in the gun battle, but they waited just forever to even go up around it.
Continuing, some 200 SWAT officers, police and rangers at Mount Rainier National Park in Washington State were searching Monday for an Iraq war veteran suspect in the killing on Sunday of a ranger.
So it took him over a day.
Highlights from news coverage.
So it's all broken down there.
So he was dead in a ditch for more than a day right there and they wouldn't even go up by the car.
And that just confirms what I was saying earlier.
Hundreds and hundreds, I said over a hundred feds, with hundreds of other local police, all just saying we're not even going to try to go down the road, he might get us.
Oh, bring in the drones.
And again, I'm just saying it's a change in policing.
Because in the old days, people didn't have to talk about how macho they were all day.
In the old days, police were trained just to charge in.
You know, if you got shot, that's what you signed up for.
Yeah, the tower shooting is a great example.
We've actually had that Texas Ranger in here.
He was an Austin cop at the time.
And the locals all just got out their guns and kept the guy pinned down, or he would have killed many more.
And the police just went right up the tower and right up there to kill the guy.
And by the way, he started shooting at him, and they just went in with, took him out with shotguns.
But, I mean, Blacksburg, it was over three hours they sat there while he was in there killing people.
And then they say, don't have guns.
And then they said they locked the park down and wouldn't let people get out while he was doing it miles away.
I mean, look, I'm in a national park and they say we're locking you in the basement for a day because somebody's got a gun.
I'm like, no, I'm not going to sit here and wait in a basement for somebody somewhere in a park to come kill me.
The answer is guns to protect yourself from people like this.
Now, to be clear, the average military man and woman is incredibly dedicated.
All the statistics are there.
Hardworking, good people.
But if you put them in more than two or three tours, statistically people start to get really screwed up.
That's just PTSD.
It's a real deal.
My issue is, this is a problem reaction solution paradigm.
The social engineers know full well, when they have people serve two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine tours, I was on that aircraft with that
Air Force MP captain.
He was going to bury his buddy at Fort Hood.
They had the casket on board the Southwest Airlines craft.
I talked to him for three hours flying back from that video shoot in Las Vegas with Jesse Ventura.
And he talked about how he was going into his ninth tour since 9-11.
Ninth tour.
And how his buddy had been in nine and finally got blown up by a roadside bomb.
Or was it in Afghanistan?
And he'd been in Iraq, hadn't been with his buddy in over a year.
And again, the Austin police know about this because they were all there to pick up the casket and take it to Fort Hood with a big parade or whatever.
If you really cared about the troops, you wouldn't have them serve tour after tour.
And I said, well, what's it like being an Air Force MP?
He goes, in these countries, we're the ones that have to drive the convoys through.
We're the ones that have to guard the bases.
We're the ones that actually get attacked all the time.
And he said, now in all branches of the armed service, you're facing combat.
And it's not like there's the enemy, we're going to go have a big war with them.
It's the worst type where it's just extreme boredom, and then somebody starts shooting at you or throws a hand grenade.
This is what's going on.
So, the system knows you're going to get a percentage of these vets that come back, who are going to engage in all this violence, and they're going to use those guys to demonize all the veterans, and go after all the veterans generally, and try to restrict them from having the Second Amendment.
And that's already happening.
It's having people with no criminal record, no problem.
They're going in to buy a gun they can't.
But the other group of PTSD people, they're being taken and made, actually in many cases the really bad apples, they're being made police.
And so they're the people that pull people over and you see the person barely even ask a question and the cop drags them out and starts beating them.
Or shoots them or tasers them.
Because they're crazy.
And they have an appetite now for violence just to feel normal.
Because if you've been involved in violence over and over and over and over and over again, you expect for it to happen some more just so you feel normal.
In fact, guys, you can pull it up.
Just type in record number of suicides.
The last time I saw the number two weeks ago, it was seven times any previous number.
Seven times!
And so the system knows they're all coming home,
And so they're going to have one group of veterans and the police attacking another group of veterans who were, quote, civilians.
And it is just a nightmare scenario.
But the big nugget here, the big point I want to make here today is this.
Under NDAA, they've already had it going on for six, seven years.
Regular army at checkpoints, army helping cut people out of cars.
Army, doing all this PR stuff so the rollout can be sold to the public.
But in the real manuals that have now been released to everybody, it's all about veterans, gun owners, libertarians, conservatives, Ron Paul supporters.
It's the veterans that have got their act together.
It's the veterans that know who the enemy is.
You are the enemy.
And you are going to be blamed and demonized for these other people, the people that are throwing the puppies off the cliffs, the people that are blowing up the Iraqi families.
Those, how do I know this?
From constant research.
Constant research.
I remember how they hired people for Abu Ghraib.
It came out in the Army investigation.
The federal government went around in 2002, in the build-up to the war, and then in 2003, right before it started in March, and would hire former federal and state guards who had been caught abusing people and raping people.
And they said, you want another job?
How about triple the pay?
So see, the government is looking for the bad guys that'll bomb an Oklahoma city, that'll rape a child, that'll do this kind of stuff, and they're trying to get rid of all the good people that are in government, just like Stalin and Hitler opened up the prisons and put criminals in charge.
This is what they're doing.
But I got a message to all those people.
What do you think is going to happen, and it's already starting, when the system tries to crack down on lawful gun owners and veterans?
It is an unwinnable scenario for the globalists if you think that they care about the troops and police.
They don't, though.
They want this country to descend into a banana republic.
They've planned the whole deal.
They want the civil insurrection.
They think they know how to deal with it.
And this is one of the false flag events they want.
It's a civil war in this country, and we've got to avoid it.
They know full well when they send people off to 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 tours.
You're going to get a lot of unstable people coming back.
All right, let's go to the calls.
Who's been holding the longest?
Janice and then John.
Janice in Texas, thanks for holding.
Hi, Alex.
Happy New Year.
Happy New Year to you.
My New Year's resolution was to give up C-SPAN, and I was editing through, like, all these
Meetings that I hadn't watched before and I came across something so absolutely horrifying.
It left me trembling.
It was the title of the meeting is the Joint Chiefs of Staff Expansion Proposal.
And you know, it's about giving the National Guard a chair of the Joint Chiefs and what the National Guard could do domestically under Title 10 and Title 32.
And then they're all fighting and Lindsey Graham.
It's Lindsey Graham's turn and he is so
Well, I'll tell you what, what was the date of this?
Because they are under NORTHCOM, rolling National Guard, not giving them a seat, but actually taking them away from the governors and the legislatures, and that's in the John Warren Defense Authorization Act 07.
They admit it's for civil unrest by the legislatures.
They're saying legislatures.
If you try to exercise your 9th or 10th Amendment, we're going to occupy you.
That's why they now have the puppet 10-member governor and the rural council.
But I've seen Graham, and if he's not on amphetamines or cocaine or something, I'm an Easter Bunny.
We're going to play the clip again tonight where he talks about how he wants people scared and you bet it's for citizens and the NDAA.
And looking at his face, he looks like he's not drunk.
Because I've seen one where Lieberman looks like he's drunk.
But Graham looks like he's hopped up on something.
It may just be power, though, Janice.
I'm not sure.
I've been on the road with rock and roll bands my whole life, and I've seen high on hopped up.
I mean, and he is hopped to the nines.
It's like criminal insanity got together with cocaine and had a baby and named it Lindsey Graham.
Well, no, I mean, I've looked at his eyes on TV and up there.
He is crazy.
Sweating and jerking around.
You bet it's for American citizens!
I wanna be scared!
I mean, I even talked about that last week.
So what else happened in this meeting?
Well, what you were just saying, like, there was way too much for me to take it all in.
That's why I wanted you to have a look at it, because they talk about NORTHCOM.
The Joint Chiefs do not want the National Guard, you know, to have a chair there.
And they say NORTHCOM is like, you know, part of it that takes care of it.
And Lindsey Graham saying, no, no, no.
And, you know, basically, you know, it all, this all happened like two weeks before they passed the NDAA.
Yeah, when you watch Lieberman and all of them, they are shaking with power trips.
Whenever they passed the NDAA in the Senate, Jay Rockefeller was just super excited.
It was like, I mean, they know what they're doing.
I've seen famous news reels of Hitler when he was taking over Czechoslovakia and stuff.
They're walking around rubbing their hands together.
Give me the date of that so I can pull that up on the C-SPAN archives when we come back.
Any other points you want to add?
Then I'm going to go to John and others.
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Yeah, I haven't really gotten into the economic news or the latest on Iran.
Or what's happening with the polls.
Ron Paul's still in number one.
Politico got caught claiming that Paul was in number three when he was number one in the poll.
They're going to try all sorts of dirty tricks.
The Republicans are going to count the votes in secret.
Republican establishment.
They are really, really scared.
But yes, years ago, when I had more time, I was addicted to C-SPAN.
I mean, that's how I knew TSA was going to be on the streets nine years ago.
That's how I knew they were going to start making people go through the government to be able to have a job, quote, homeland security, because I watched a two-hour meeting with the whole thing being planned out.
And that's what's frustrating, is that the media
We'll debate, say, five degrees of a 360-degree system.
They'll act like they're debating with the Republican and the Democrat on the show whether it should be done like this or that, but they're only debating one little bitty area that basically does the same thing regardless of what decision is made.
And they create these fake consensuses where, you know, they have the consensus with all the talking heads debating, well, when do we strike Iran?
And then they have, you know, debates about it, but never, why are we striking Iran?
Or why are we being lied to again?
And the controlled corporate media, the dinosaur media, has total disdain for the public.
Total disdain.
Janice, finishing up, what was the name of the hearing again and when was it?
Because now you can search everything in the last few months.
They've upgraded the C-SPAN website where you can search it with the name and date and find anything right there on the site, the video, everything.
Yeah, if you just go to C-SPAN.org and type in Joint Chiefs of Staff Expansion Proposal, that'll bring it up.
But I think this video needs to go viral of Lindsey Graham because he's also, when he's doing his jerking like craziness, he talks about, you know,
National, like, emergencies, disasters, hurricanes, whatever, you know, using the guard on the citizens, you know, as a battlefield.
I mean, it's just, it's insane.
I was so scared.
I'm sorry, I'm just so worked up, I can't even believe I found it.
Well listen, it's like a caller called us a few weeks ago and said, you haven't seen the debates where they admit there's a secret torture provision?
And I'm like, well, I know there's bestiality in the NDAA, I know it's the endoposite commentatus, a global declaration of war, but no, I didn't know they actually admit torture.
And then we went and found the clips they mentioned, and sure enough, it's four senators going, we're going to torture Americans, and we want you to be afraid.
I mean, that's the definition of terrorism, and they were all getting real wild-eyed.
Lieberman looks drunk and is licking his lips getting off on it.
They're like cartoon bad guys.
And Graham is hopping around on the stage.
McCain is hopping around.
Levin's all hunched over like a snake.
Man, this is super creepy.
I appreciate your call, Janice.
I mean, you watch these guys, you know.
It's not for, quote, Al Qaeda.
Al Qaeda works for them.
It's for the American people.
John in New York, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Good afternoon.
You hear me?
Yes, sir.
Thank you for giving me the privilege of speaking to you today.
I'm a first-time caller and a fairly new listener.
Now, my comment and question is, before I discovered your show and the 9-11 Truth Movement, Patrick Buchanan was my favorite political commentator.
Well, God bless you.
I appreciate your call, John.
I've met Pat Buchanan a few times.
I worked for his campaign, you know, at the lowest level, handing out yard signs and stuff many, many years ago, I guess in 92 and then 96.
So I like Buchanan on a lot of issues, but Buchanan won't commit political suicide, and Ron Paul won't do it either.
You know, they've got that clip of Ron Paul being asked by the lovely lady, why won't you cover 9-11?
Truth to be simple, I'm busy with other things.
And now they're saying, hey, this staffer says that you said it was the government.
I tend to think that's probably not true.
Plus, the guy ran against him in his congressional seat is probably a mole.
I don't know that, but...
It doesn't matter.
Ron Paul only goes with what he can prove one way or the other.
And that's why he hasn't gotten into 9-11 truth.
But he does talk about false flag terror, you know.
He came on my show a few weeks ago, and it's been all over the news, New York Times, you name it, and said, hey, you know, the government staged this deal with the Iranians to blame them, you know, for a plot to kill the Saudi ambassador.
And the New York Times and others came out and said Ron Paul was insane.
Well, we wrote an article showing the New York Times saying what Ron Paul had said.
I mean, it was all the experts, even Mainline, wouldn't go along with this.
It was totally fake.
So, I mean, Ron Paul gets attacked for talking about stuff that's admitted.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
You see, if I have researched something and I know it's the truth, I don't care how destructive it is, I don't care how much I get attacked, how much I get demonized, I've got to tell the truth.
Lying for me is incredibly hard to do.
I mean, sometimes my wife's wearing something that I don't particularly like and she'll ask me, do you like this?
And I'll tell her, no, I don't like it.
And of course, you learn real early on with girlfriends that you get married that they ask what you think, but they usually don't really want to know.
So it's like, do you like this?
And of course, if they like it and you tell them no, they'll get irritated.
But you know what?
If somebody makes me food, and they say, did you like it?
And I don't, I'm like, you know, I like that other dish you make better.
My mom asked me on Christmas, she said, you like that kind of cabbage?
She makes this purple cabbage.
It's really good.
I don't know how to describe it.
It's really tasty.
And I was like, yeah, this is even better than you usually make it.
Sometimes it's a little, uh, you know, you, you overcook, it gets a little slimy.
She kind of gives me this look.
I'm like, well, no, this is, you know, she's a great cook.
I'm like, no, no, no.
I always, it was always my favorite before.
Now I like the way you did this one even better.
The thing is, is that I've gotten to the point where I just cannot pull punches with people.
I mean, that's why I'm honest on here about myself, too.
People say, why did you say that about yourself?
Because I've found it helps my thinking process if I'm just truthful.
Because when you lie to somebody, it's almost like you lie to yourself.
And so,
I think the beginning of turning around our society is that we all start being more honest.
And I think we should be honest about lies we've told even when we don't know we've told them at the time.
I mean, I'll hear rebroadcasts sometimes or I'll see videos I've done where there's a fact in it that is completely wrong.
It's not very often.
And I think back, like I saw a video the other day from two years ago.
Somebody brought to my attention and what I said was not true.
And I've spent probably 15 hours the last few weeks in my mind trying to figure out why did I say that?
Because I can't remember why I said it and it's like a riddle or a conundrum.
It's like why did I say that?
Because I'm not being sarcastic.
And, it's not true, and, but I guess for people that don't have a conscience, they just think, they just think that's fun to lie all day long.
What a lot of philosophers said, know thyself.
You need to know yourself first, then you'll know others.
So I've said it.
I mean, I am an obnoxious, slovenly person,
But that's only one aspect of who I am.
And I've got to strive to be a better person.
Because if you don't strive to be a better person, well then, who are you?
You just give in to being corrupt.
You just give in to being stupid.
You just give in and have no standard.
I mean, if we don't have a Bill of Rights and Constitution, the sky, or I should say the bottomless pit, is the limit.
And of course, something that's bottomless doesn't have a limit.
The scope of depravity... I mean, I have this total instinct driving to want to protect little old ladies and children.
A lot of people call that goody-two-shoes or a softy or pathetic.
No, I'm not a softy.
I have an instinct to want to have a good society.
I have an instinct to want to help people.
Because I'm normal.
And in this crazy world, I'm abnormal.
In this crazy world, Ron Paul is abnormal.
Because he's a constitutionalist for common sense.
What did George Orwell say?
In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
Let's go through five or six more calls and I'll hit the final news here in the first show of the new year.
I think it's been pretty powerful so far.
We've gotten a lot of key information out.
Folks, I don't want you to be scared of this NDAA.
I want you to, from my perspective, use it.
To wake people up and say, okay, here's the end of posse comitatus, we told you that was coming.
They say they can arrest you and disappear you into a black hole.
And they say, oh, I heard on the news that wasn't true.
Oh, here, really, let me take you over to InfoWars.com, and we've got articles here with all these links to videos with the Senators saying it, that it is for citizens, and saying they'll kill you if they want to, or torture you, and saying that Obama wanted it added.
Because I've never seen something
Wake people up like this NDAA.
And so when Obama comes out and says, OK, it does affect citizens, I'm going to sign it because I don't want to hold up the military appropriations and pay for the troops.
And then it turns out it's on record, the White House lawyers and Obama told Congress, you do this or we're going to veto it.
I mean, that is a level of deception that is really waking people up.
But again, why did they hide it?
Why did they hide it?
Why did they first try to claim it wasn't in there so they could pass it?
And then now that it's passed, they're trying to say it isn't in there.
Because the enemy showing itself, the foreign megabanks trying to engage in a coup d'etat,
That's what this is.
The caller from Germany last hour was spot on.
Hitler was elected in a power-sharing agreement with Kaiser Wilhelm and himself.
They had a parliament, and he was the second biggest party.
And then Hitler used staged terror attacks to get power, and right on time, Kaiser Wilhelm had a stroke, and he just signed the power over to Hitler.
Because of the threat of the communists,
It was like, go with the fascists or the communists will take over.
And the old line elite, threatened by revolution, being funded by the big same mega banks that were funding the fascists.
See, they win either way, just like Carol Quigley wrote at Georgetown.
The system wins either way.
When they fund tyranny, different variants of it.
Let me read you a few quotes here.
This is Bertrand Russell.
From his book, The Impact of Science on Society, 1952.
Nobel Prize winner, one of the top theoreticians and philosophers of the eugenics new world order.
If a black death could spread throughout the world once in every generation, survivors could procreate freely without making the world too full.
There would be nothing in this to offend the conscious or the devout or to restrain the ambition of nationalists.
The state of affairs might be somewhat unpleasant, but what if really high-minded people are indifferent to happiness, especially other peoples?
So he's saying, what if?
We need to be high-minded and release bioweapons.
Bertrand Russell, here's another quote.
Diet injections and injunctions will combine from a very early age to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable.
And any serious criticism of the powers that be will be psychologically impossible.
Even if all the miserable, all will believe themselves happy.
Because the government will tell them that they are so.
War has hereto been disappointing in this respect.
But perhaps biological war may be proven effective.
Because before that, in the past, he was talking about reducing population.
Bertrand Russell wanted to, and of course H.G.
Wells originally wrote this, about 30 years before they invented A-bombs.
Where atomic bombs are dropped on all the cities to reduce population.
The original book was called The Shapes of Things to Come, and the movie that came out in the 30s was called Things to Come, H.G.
Watch it.
They have B-2 bomber, Batwing aircraft flying around, nuking all the cities to get rid of the people.
Hey guys, will you Google H.G.
Wells' The Shape of Things to Come when that was published?
I forget.
I know the movie was in the early 30s.
We've got clips of it in Endgame.
I mean, look, they thought this stuff up, and look, they run the world.
Listen, this was a commenter I saw in a Russia Today interview I did where I was covering how the government admits they're spying on everybody without warrants.
And these people, because I went to this guy's site, you know, he was like a little neocon.
He thinks war and death, you know, I guess is cool.
He says it makes sense that the U.S.
government spies, but then if I was running the world for the best of its actions, I would spy too.
Heck, God is always watching.
I mean, personally, it just makes sense.
If you want to know what's up with people and making sure or trying to cut down on crime, duh, you spy or check in on the peeps once in a while.
It's not like
You'd like them coming to your door with a survey every three months, because it's not like people should have anything to hide, right?
The criminals that run the society want to enslave you.
It's not that you have something to hide.
Every time we get governments that start spying on everybody, horrible oppression always follows.
The Shape of Things to Come, a work of science fiction by H.G.
Wells, published in 1933.
Okay, so I guess the movie in that came out right after it.
Which speculates on future events from 1933 until the year 2106.
The book is dominated by Wells' belief in a world state as a solution to mankind's problems.
But I thought there's no world state!
I mean, Ron Paul's crazy!
I played the Huntsman interview earlier.
The Huntsman ad that has clips from my film Endgame, where Ron Paul says George Bush Sr.
called for a new world order, and they're like, playing Twilight Zone music.
I mean, that's all they call for in any of this stuff!
And they're setting it up!
Goldman Sachs conquers Europe!
Now the world!
World government to be run by private banks!
I don't want to live under a world government run by private banks.
I'd like to have my own country.
Shut up, crazy man, it doesn't exist.
This is the level of hoax we're dealing with.
And the good news is they're losing more and more of their power to hoax people.
From the bottom of my heart, I want to speak to the enforcers, the bureaucrats, the people in the system.
You know the New World Order, this globalist system, NAFTA, GATT, the open borders, all the taxes, the regulations.
Every time you follow what you're told will fix things, things get worse.
And it's only going to get worse because this is a post-industrial model.
That's what the globalists want.
That's what their plans are.
That's what they push.
That's what's in their international agreements.
That's what's under UN law.
It is a tiny elite waging war against civilization because they're in a race to shut down civilization for the general public before we get the life extension technologies.
They're threatened by technology.
They're threatened by education.
They're threatened by it.
So they replace it with facsimiles.
Instead of enlightenment, they give you rote regurgitation.
Instead of real private property, they make you debt slaves with property taxes.
Everything is a facsimile or a counterfeit.
It's like, you ever seen fake food?
They got like fake bread, fake pudding.
Restaurants have it to show you what their dishes look like.
It may look like pumpkin pie.
It may look like cheese enchiladas, but it's not.
It's wax.
Robert in Texas, you're on the air, go ahead.
Alex, great show today.
I just want to disagree with the previous caller who said that calling into radio shows isn't a meaningful form of activism.
I think right now, leading up to the caucuses, we can all get a lot done if we call into local shows in Iowa.
That's right.
You're the Funkmaster5 guy on YouTube and you personally have called all the big shows reaching tens of millions of people on Limbaugh, you name it, plugging Infowars.com, plugging Ron Paul.
You as one man have been a wrecking crew and a testament to using talk radio.
That's why they've got so many call screeners and people.
It's an act of Congress to get on those shows to make sure what you say is within the paradigm.
The quickest way to get on is to call in and act like a dumb liberal.
Call in, say you love communism and everything, they'll put you right on to make you look stupid.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Tell us how you get on these evil shows.
Well, from show to show it's a little different.
You know, one show you'll have to act like a liberal or another show you'll have to act like you agree with them.
But if you have a good enough story you can get through.
But you have to be kind and respectful when you get on their shows because if you get on there and act like an idiot or you don't have your facts straight...
I agree with you, there's no new world order even though they're all over the news rush announcing a new banking world order run by mega banks.
I mean, George Herbert Walker Bush did call for a world government, didn't he?
And then they hang up on you and laugh at you, but everybody remembers that they did call for a world government.
So why can't Ron Paul say we don't want that?
Go ahead.
Well, as you know, Alex, all these neocons and even guys on the left are working together now, all together in concert to demonize and they're turning the attack machine on Ron Paul because they're freaking out because they see that he's first in the polls there.
That's all you need to know that he's good is that the entire system, all the political prostitutes from every angle, it's always been about covering all the political bases to make people think they had a choice, but they're all on the same team.
Well, and if you listen to any of those shows, you hear they're being inundated, overrun by Ron Paul supporters, all intricately making their point.
Some of the people on there are a little ill-prepared.
I do urge people, after you're done listening to Alex, after his show's over, call some of these shows, have your points ready.
You know, use the information.
Like Alex says, the information is easy to find out there.
It's all over the place.
Their sources, their very own sources, have the information.
Use that and support them.
I mean, we are running out of time.
We have one day until the caucus.
We really need to get on these shows.
There's shows all through the day, shows that haven't even come on yet.
Later on, I'm going to be on all day, all night, until the caucuses.
And again, people say, well, they'll just cheat us with the electronic machines, and then that will come out.
Again, if you don't force their hand, you don't expose them.
And again, we're winning just by Ron Paul exposing the private Federal Reserve.
We're winning.
Look, they are attacking Ron Paul now because they can't ignore him.
Every time he goes on a show, if I was him, I'd say, I've already answered all this newsletter stuff, and I've already answered about how we shouldn't have to pay for people's sexual behavior.
You know, they should have to pay for it themselves.
Just like smokers should have to pay for their own lung cancer.
Why, when you have other people on, do you let them talk about their issues and their policies, but with me you don't?
There's a reason.
Same reason the media gives me the least amount of time in the debates and tried to tell people I couldn't win.
Because you're scared of me.
And Ron Paul's doing it more.
I've told him on air, I've told him off air, he needs to toot his horn and say, I warned you about all this for 30 years, now it's happening.
You see, Ron Paul, everything he talked about coming is now happening right as he's catapulted.
And let me agree with you, Robert, he is on fire right now.
I mean, the Ron Paul phenomenon.
And again, he's just a focal point of Liberty.
We're winning!
Okay, the tyrants passed a law saying they can arrest us for no reason.
But they're trying to hide that because they know it's illegitimate.
That discredits them as confirming everything we said.
I'm glad they passed the NDAA and show us what pigs they are, what New World Order tyrants they are, what little Hitlers they are.
More calls straight ahead.
Stay with us.
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I'll tell you one thing, it is a really exciting time to be alive right now.
People that talk about how they're bored.
You're bored because you play video games and watch TV all day, folks.
If you're a new listener out there, reality is all around you.
And this is a time to choose which side you're on, liberty or tyranny.
It's on.
And I am just so excited to be alive.
And you think about all the people that are going along with this corruption, going along with this New World Order, going along with the NDAA and all the rest of it.
Think about how discredited they're going to be in the future.
They're going to be known as the Nazi sympathizers, as the globalist sympathizers.
We're going to beat these people.
We should be very excited.
Yeah, they're trying to start a new war, and they're so threatened by the public they're passing the NDAA, and I wish Congress would have done the right thing and killed that.
But we're going to make lemonade out of lemons.
Okay, this is going to expose you, and it has.
I cannot stress to you.
We're going to do five minutes overdrive to finish the calls.
I cannot stress to you enough how big this awakening is, how much people are getting it and apologizing to me.
You wait until the next shoes start dropping.
We've warned so many people, Ron Paul has and others, that as the globalists try to implement this stuff,
It is not going to go well for him.
And if it does go to armed conflict, which I pray it doesn't, look what this one guy did.
You know, they had hundreds and hundreds of police and people to deal with him, and they waited a day while he was dead in the ditch.
They were so scared to go, you know, where his car was.
I mean, if the New World Order thinks people like that are going to be able to go up against the American people, uh-uh.
They can crush somebody like me easy.
Okay, I'm committed to this cause.
I won't enjoy it, but that's just the way it is.
My shields are down.
Here I am.
Destroy me.
But you cannot destroy the spirit of liberty.
No army can stop an idea whose time has come.
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The ground psychologically, mentally, spiritually has never been more fertile for truth than it is now.
And Ron Paul is our Omnibudsman, our aging Gandalf, out there facing the Bohrag right now.
And in the process of what he goes through, and the attacks, and him exhausting himself on this worthy cause, you can tell he's tired.
I can see it coming, his life force, you know, being spent.
He understands on this worthy cause we affect generations worldwide they're demonizing Ron Paul because those ideas are universal and they are the antidote to the globalist poison.
The system knows it and is scared.
We're going to come back from break and go to
Mike in New Jersey first, then Danny, then Kristen.
I'll try to get to Robert, but I'll at least get to those three.
Straight ahead, main radio transmission ends now, with some stations carrying the first hour again in the fourth hour.
And I'm going to come back and take some more of your calls.
Great first show of the new year.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
No, you ain't seen nothing yet.
Alright, let's go to Mike in New Jersey.
Thanks for holding, Mike.
Yeah, Happy New Year.
How you doing?
Good, sir.
Alright, I'm calling about Mitt Romney.
He's withholding his tax information, and it seems that he's, uh, concealing a $2.5 million refund.
And of course, this is tied in with everything that happened with the bailouts and Bain being tied to AIG and Bear Stearns and, you know, the whole George Bush and Nancy Pelosi thing.
And, you know, this is going to tear him down because he's involved with the fraud, with the derivatives and everything.
That's right.
Mitt Romney is a ringer, just like John Kerry was for Bush, just like Bob Dole was for Clinton.
He is an absolute ringer and wrote Obamacare, loves abortion.
This just shows you how sick mainline Republicans are.
I mean, they're just as wicked as wicked Obama supporters.
They're just idiots.
And also involved in this whole thing is a man, his name is, what's his name?
He's Bain Capital, a former General Electric CEO, money launderer by the name of
Jack Welch.
So, all these people are in bed together.
And also, off the air, I want to give you contact information for Benjamin Fulford, because he wants to come on and talk about this whole thing with the lawsuit that was filed in Manhattan.
Okay, great.
John, will you get the information from Mike for Fulford?
Thank you, sir.
Then just give it to Jaron.
I do want to get Fulford on.
Just, thank you.
Let's talk to Danny in Missouri.
You're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
Thank you for doing everything you guys do over at InfoWars.
Are you there?
Yes, sir.
I'm an Army ex-Army.
I'm also a Ron Paul Caucus State Surveyor.
Good job.
Thank you.
We're trying our hardest.
A couple things I wanted to go over real quick.
Right here in Fort Lawson in Woods, Missouri, that's where they do all the MP training for military.
Of a buddy who works for a contractor that's doing some work on the military base right now.
And there is a sign in front of a facility that is civilian internment work camp training facility and this is where they bring all of the MPs to train them on how to detain us basically.
Now I knew that it was that one big part of the FEMA takeover is the civilian inmate labor camp program that was declassified in 97 by Clinton but you're saying they've actually got it in front of the camp?
Yeah, they have a sign right in front of the camp and there's guards and there's nobody in there, but they're just at the training facility.
Can you do me a favor?
Now that we're getting everybody's number, can I get your name and number off air and give us all the info just so I can show people that?
Or could you get over there and take a photo of it?
I'm actually working on that right now.
I'm trying to get a picture for you.
Okay, what's the name of the fort again?
It's Fort Leonard Wood.
Okay, that's a big one.
Which entrance is that?
Which entrance is that?
I'm not sure which entrance it is, but he said there's also a bigger compound that is empty right now that they're still doing construction on, so I guess that would be an actual camp, and then the building that he's talking about is a training facility.
It's basically freaky to me, too, because we're real small right here in Missouri, especially in this area.
Now another thing too that I wanted to talk about, my wife, we were going, the town that I live in is real small in Missouri, I mean very small, less than 2,000 people, but at a stoplight there was four same model cars, different colors, that had USGN license plates on them.
And when I came back home, because I keep my eyes open, I looked it up and it's actually US Global Nanospace, and they make this map sand.
Yeah, it's freaky.
And they also make ballistic panels for helicopters and Humvees and all kinds of crazy things.
A lot of military traffic in the air and on the highways out this way these days, too.
Oh yeah, well that whole area is crawling with COG.
Well, somebody needs to get over there and get photos of that.
No, the FEMA camps are real.
NDAA is law.
But again, they're going to have a rollout of this whole thing.
They're going to have a way that they bring it all out to try to sell it.
It's not going to just be overnight.
Boom, it happens.
It's going to be PR packaged.
Get us that information.
Showtips at InfoWars.com.
See you back tonight.