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Name: 20111229_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 29, 2011
2279 lines.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
You're only alive once, ladies and gentlemen.
We're on this planet to build a better society.
To pass on the ideals of liberty and freedom and justice to our children.
Not to collect a bunch of baubles and act trendy.
Welcome my friends, we are live.
It is the 29th day of December 2011.
And old man...
2011 has got a very, very long beard and is long in the tooth and like the spirit of Christmas present is accelerating by the minute and is about to fall into a pile of bones and dust.
And we will be in to 2012, the globalist predestined date for world government and a new order
Where their open eugenics plans can be publicly displayed for all, and the global banking dictatorship can be hailed in hundreds of newspapers, as it already is, and simultaneously simpering hired political hacks.
Hired mercenaries like Michael Medved can write articles about how Ron Paul and Alex Jones are insane.
There's no new world order.
There's no plan for a global government.
It's just in Time Magazine, Newsweek, The Economist Magazine, Financial Times of London, BBC, Der Spiegel, as the answer to the global derivatives crisis.
Publicly created by the six megabanks that openly are pushing world government for and by finance oligarchs, standing astride the world, and putting an atlas load of debt on our little backs.
World government, all of it out in the open, and I've got the New York Times, Newsweek,
Daily Beast and literally 50 or more articles I don't even have time to look at as the dinosaur corporate whore deceiver traitor simpering discredited crew like a flotilla of weasels attacks Ron Paul in a mad panic.
By the way,
I just want you to attempt it, Jaron and Chris.
I want you to get me Michael Medved, his holiness on the show.
By the way, I ran into him at the RNC in 2004.
He saw it was me walking up to interview him at his table.
He started yelling, are the terrorists going to hit?
Is the government the terrorists?
Knowing they were throwing anybody out.
And he saw that I knew what he was doing, and he smiled at me.
Yes, these are all sheep, and Lord Medved can manipulate them as long as they're unconscious.
As long as they're unseeing, he and his ilk can control them.
Oh, but I'm bringing the light of awakening to them, spreading the bushfires, the brushfires in the minds of men and women, and I'm afraid you're starting to panic.
There's articles in the New York Times bemoaning that conspiracy theorizing is taking over!
That means not trusting certified liars, certified globalists, certified deceivers.
And across the political spectrum, the awakening is only beginning.
So the arrogant globalists are like, start shutting down the internet!
We've got to do something!
In both parties, what are we going to do?
They're waking up, they're not listening to us!
They're not letting us dictate reality to them!
They're waking up out of their tranches!
What are we going to do as little chicken-neck, pot-bellied, knuckle-draggers?
With our cheap tricks, what are we going to do?
They've learned our magician tricks!
Save me!
They don't like Corzine taking their money!
It's not working when we tell them it's good to take their private accounts!
They're not listening to us!
Start a huge war!
Break their will!
Have TSA stick their hands down their children's pants!
Break their will!
Bring in tyranny!
And while we do it, we'll criticize Ron Paul and Alex Jones and say none of it's happening.
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
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Others don't.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We've got a big broadcast, transmission, blasting out on the AM and FM dial, global shortwave, XM radio, and number one on the internet at InfoWars.com.
Number one for listeners on the internet via the podcast and the free audio streams at InfoWars.com.
I also host, along with the rest of my great reporters,
InfoWars Nightly News every weeknight evening at 7 o'clock Central Time, 8 o'clock Eastern, 5 o'clock Pacific, 6 o'clock Mountain.
Now we have Dr. Doug Rockey joining us, who was the former head of the Pentagon's Depleted Uranium Weapons Program.
And he wrote the main studies on it, and we haven't been able to have him on the last six months or so because he's been in and out getting medical treatment.
Last time I checked, he's had over 35 surgeries.
A lot of his team that was involved just studying DU has died, some of them young men.
And he will break down what DU is doing to our troops and how that dovetails in with Fukushima.
Radiation levels now for eight plus months have been off the charts in many areas of the United States.
Different isotopes, readings in the milk and the vegetables that are grown on the surface.
Cows then, of course, eat the grass off the surface and it bioaccumulates.
In some cases, milk has had over 100 times what they say is normal or safe levels in it.
But now they just wave magic wands and raise the isotope levels and say it's safe.
Wasn't safe in 86 with Chernobyl.
Now they just wave magic wands.
And they wave magic trendy wands.
Because of the New York Times or Michael Medved say so.
You know, it's good for you.
It's like the London Guardian now says it's trendy and radiation's good for you.
George Monbiot actually said it's wonderful.
Anyone that doesn't like it is insane.
And you just wave a trendy, know-it-all, bossy wand, and everyone is supposed to listen to you.
Kind of like Ron Paul.
They wave a magic wand and say, he can't win, you're not supposed to vote for him, he's dangerous, he's evil, he's bad, and you're supposed to get in line and say, oh my gosh, a group of confirmed deceivers and manipulators and preemptive war mongers who've helped turn America into a bankrupt cesspit of global tyranny are now telling me new lies.
It'd be like getting at the end of a sewage pipe and watching all the horrible affluent, the detritus come out, and then somebody says, you know, I wouldn't sit there and get a spoon and eat what's coming out of the end of that, and you see all this black sludge coming out, and they look at you and say, you're a conspiracy theory.
This is apple pie!
Because the government-run media said so!
They're like, but it stinks.
It's coming out the end of a sewage pipe.
And they're like, shut up, conspiracy theorist.
Conspiracy theory is thinking and asking questions and not believing out of hand what confirmed known liars say.
And so I am a conspiracy theorist.
I'm going to admit it right now.
We've had a bunch of top scientists on, probably more than, I don't know, 20 or so in the last nine months since Fukushima happened.
And the fastest currents from Japan go up to Alaska and northern Canada.
And they reported just a few months into it a massive increases in radiation levels in the fish and in seals.
And now MSNBC is reporting scientists test sick Alaska seals for radiation and it looks like they're dying of radiation poisoning.
Nothing like seal teeth falling out, nothing like their hair falling out, nothing like blood coming out of them, as all the fast-growing tissue dies.
You get hit with radiation, that's what happens.
Your gums die and start bleeding.
Fast-growing cells are hit.
That's why children are so susceptible, because they're fast-growing cells.
Everything in their body is a fast-growing cell, except for eggs in a child's ovaries, if it's a girl, and your eyeballs.
That's it.
Everything else is changing and growing.
And you get hit with radiation, it's much worse.
But an adult, the only thing that's really fast-growing is your skin, your gums, your mucous membranes, your intestines, and a few other things.
And boy, when you get hit with radiation, bye-bye intestine lining, bye-bye teeth!
And that's happening to the seals.
But it doesn't matter, because the government waves a trendy wand.
Trendy wand!
We said it's good.
Oh, I have hundreds of articles here where the mainstream media is even admitting world government is the answer, they say.
And here's The Economist magazine, top globalist publication last month, calling for an end of elected governments running anything and unelected technocracies.
I showed you the article.
And a global government run by private banks.
That's what we've always said the Trilateral Commission publicly wrote about.
And their answer is, have the New York Times go, Alex Jones and Ron Paul are insane.
Doesn't matter if I play Herman Von Ruppe, the head of the EU, unelected bureaucrat.
Doesn't matter if I play the former British Prime Minister calling for world government through the crisis and the G20.
It doesn't matter if I show you the editor of the Financial Times of London, their foreign desk editor, saying, and now for world government, and saying, yes, we're authoritarian, yes, we kept it a secret, and yes, we're going to take over and it's for your own good.
And Time Magazine, Bank of the World Time, literally hundreds of articles a month.
You can pull up any... and admitting world government is exactly what we said!
But it didn't matter.
There were, in a week's period, hundreds of articles last year, in the week that the G20 was meeting.
Just so happened, Nightline's, an ABC News anchor, of the ABC Nightly News, came down here, OK?
And he said, OK, you imagine this world government.
And I took him in the office and I said, OK, here's clips of world government.
Here's world leaders saying what the world government is.
And here's how they're setting it up.
And he said, well, that's your interpretation.
I said, no, they just said that.
None of it was in their report.
And then I went out to dinner with them.
They took me out to dinner at Fogo de Chao here locally, the reporter and the producer.
And we're nice guys and pretty much, you know, said, oh, we know a lot of this is true, but what are you going to do?
I mean, talk about mercenaries.
And to them, they really appreciated after the interview, I said, and they even put it on the nightly news, where I said, you know, I'm on my side of the picket line and you're the other people on the other side.
You know?
You're just doing your job, I'm doing mine.
And they put that on the news.
Because it's all a big joke!
They sit there and they tell their viewers
And ABC was much nicer than Medved and the New York Times and all these Daily Beast and Newsweek garbage.
They actually were somewhat friendly, but just said it's my opinion and tried to make me look a little kooky.
That's nice compared to the other stuff they did.
The other things that the establishment neocons are up to.
They know that their audience is just kind of a halfway awake, so busy in the rat race that they just kind of halfway read the news or kind of while you're cooking dinner or doing laundry or whatever, you got the TV on in the background like we all do, and you're just halfway kind of listening.
And everything this system targets people with backfires on them if you can get people to really look at it and go, now wait a minute, they're saying Ron Paul is nuts, and I've got the quotes here.
And crazy.
And I'm crazy because we say that there's a plan to reduce world population.
Well, I mean, when you read what they say that I believe George Bush has a plan to kill us all.
I never said that.
That's a straw man.
That's like what
CBS News and Weekly Standard and all these publications the last two weeks, hundreds of them, went with the talking point, Alex Jones says they put chemicals in your water to make you gay.
No, I was reading Planned Parenthood UN documents saying we'll put things in the water to reduce fertility and confuse sexual orientation to get rid of the family.
And then I showed London Guardian where the Pentagon developed gay bombs.
I mean, it's been declassified, the CIA developed fast-acting cancers that you can just spray over somebody's house, virally, and they're gonna get cancer.
Doesn't matter how young or how old they are.
But see, because the public doesn't know about that, they just make a little joke and don't point out that I'm actually sourcing what I covered from original, direct sources.
Here's an example of this before I get into the New York Times attack pieces and the rest of it.
This is out of Yahoo News, Reuters.
Yahoo carried Reuters.
I'm so hyped up to fight these people I'm snorting like a wild horse.
Venezuela's Chavez.
And again, I'm not saying Chavez isn't even a great guy.
He's a quasi-dictator who probably rigged elections and changed the rules.
And he's his own brand of trouble.
Chavez is not in the main New World Order.
And it's true.
Every Latin American leader, no matter how old or how young, that's now opposing the globalists, has come down with cancer.
And the CIA, it turned out, in the 50s and 60s and 70s, I mean, I happen to know from insiders right out here at the MD Anderson mouse facility in Smithville, they're in there with the Pentagon, you know, developing bioweapon cancers.
I mean, this is on record.
Oh, that'll get the NSA buzzing, what I just said right there.
Of course, I mean, it came out that in all of the polio oral vaccine given in the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, and right through to today, it doesn't just have SV40, which is a death sentence.
Embeds in the cell walls, hormone levels lower, it triggers, and it's designed, that's why they picked it and weaponized it, to kill you at around 60.
Right before you're supposed to get your retirement, and so you spend your savings on medical treatment.
Rockefeller Foundation.
I mean, this is hardcore death we're talking about.
Oh, but the news makes fun of Chavez.
Oh, a conspiracy theory.
No, they have to look at that.
And I'm going to have Aaron, when he gets here today, because he was up last night working on a special report coming out tomorrow, because I know I've seen it, dozens of mainline reports declassified.
I'm going to have him dig up, for tonight's news, some of the reports and confirmation of the weaponized cancer.
And then SV40 in the vaccines.
Not just polio, though.
They're doing it in other vaccines.
I mean, cancer's up several thousand percentage points.
Thirty years ago, to find a child with cancer was like finding a ten-leaf clover for scientists.
I mean, they would flock from all over by the hundreds to see a child with cancer.
It was like finding the Holy Grail.
It was so incredibly rare.
Now, children just devastated.
You go to the mall, shaved heads, diet of cancer, injectors on their arms, strapped in with the bug poison, chemotherapy, mass extermination, hardcore slaughter, 110% rampage death.
Deformities, death, brain disorders, off the charts, mass extermination, hardcore vicious, hitting everybody up one side and down the other.
And I'm just supposed to sit here and go, oh my gosh, the New York Times is making fun of me.
Lord Medved is.
I'm supposed to now just shut up so some demon ghoul, sellout goblin will love me.
I mean, the truth is beyond nightmare.
Just like with Hitler and Stalin, people couldn't believe what happened, or Mao, until it later came out.
But it's going on.
These globalists know how to kill you slow, so they don't get the blame.
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Hi, this is Alex Jones.
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I am ranting here, because you should be ranting.
I mean, it's an absolute fact they put cancer viruses in many of the vaccines.
I've dug up the news articles, the documents, I've shown them to you ad infinitum.
I'll do another report on it tonight, but I mean, here it is.
Venezuela Chavez.
Did U.S.
give Latin American leaders cancer?
Well, it's declassified.
They developed it and tried to get it into Castro, but couldn't.
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez speculated on Wednesday that the United States might have developed a way to give Latin American leaders cancer.
Why don't you do some research, Chavez?
You can actually dig up the documents that are speculating.
Of course, who knows?
He might have actually given the evidence and Reuters wouldn't give it.
They always act like you just say things.
After Argentina's Cristina Fernandez joined the list of presidents diagnosed with a disease,
It was a typically controversial statement by Venezuela's socialist leader, who underwent surgery in June to remove a tumor from his pelvis.
But he stressed that he was not making any accusations, just thinking aloud.
It would not be strange if they developed the technology to reduce cancer, and nobody knew about it until now.
This is a Post Office TV show he does once a week.
Hey, Chavez, it's on record, and I'll show it tonight.
Man, is everybody ignorant?
See, what happens is, folks have probably tried to bring him documents, and the doctors have probably told him this, and then he just, you know, it's always a rumor.
It was for 40 years, it was a rumor that Gulf of Tonkin was staged.
No, it was in the San Diego Herald Tribune.
The ships came back after the Gulf of Tonkin months later, and even first officers went public and said, we were not attacked, it was made up, we were told to shut up.
And then they always call everybody conspiracy theorist because it became a rumor.
Because people didn't have that original article.
Until 40 years later in 2004.
They declassified the 1964 incident that got us completely into Vietnam and released the tapes of McNamara, Secretary of Defense, SEC death on the stinking telephone from DC to the ranch outside Austin with LBJ at the LBJ Ranch and him telling him that it was staged and they had to go give press conferences and go along with it.
Not rumor!
And it's the same thing.
Almost everybody goes off what they heard.
And I understand because you can't always have the documents in front of you.
It was yesterday and the day before I showed you documents in mainstream news and CDC admitting that Bisphenol A in almost all products, printer ink, packaging, glasses, Coca-Cola can linings, all the Coke can linings, juice boxes for kids,
Is massively reducing fertility in men, making men feminine, hyper-feminizing women and accelerating the aging process in sexual tissues and causing massive increases in cancer.
I showed it all to you.
We've got the reports posted with the documents and I showed you the Planned Parenthood UN documents about one-child policy, sterilizing, forced abortion, putting drugs in the water to make you asexual.
But today I'm just mentioning it so somebody watching could say, I just made that up.
You have to go out and find that.
We have another big report condensing it all down coming out either tonight or tomorrow.
Aaron was up late last night, he's not here yet.
I'm going to find out soon when that report's coming out.
Again, it's just condensing more reports we've already done.
But, here it is.
It would not be strange if they had developed the technology to induce cancer and nobody knew about it until now.
We know all about it, Chavez.
I don't know.
I'm just reflecting.
He said in televised speech to troops at a military base.
But this isn't very, very, very strange.
It's a bit difficult to explain this, to reason it, including using the law of probabilities.
See, his doctors have undoubtedly told him.
Because they can go do biopsy and they remove tumors out of his body and they can tell you.
All these rare cancers.
I gotta pull the polio admissions.
The U.S.
government admits over 100 million Americans develop cancer and many of them died from the SV40.
That is in congressional reports from the stinking 1970s.
Just type in, congressional report on SV40, Americans exposed in polio inoculation.
You'll get it!
You'll get the photocopied congressional reports, don't believe me.
Go look it up!
Go look it up!
Find out!
Yes, your mommy, your daddy, your son, your daughter.
Chances are, the scumbags that run things killed them!
Take it personal!
But more importantly, expose these people so we can get them out of office and get them out of control of DARPA and all these systems so they're not there jacking our food and our water with hundreds of chemicals.
Not just BPA, not just the bisphenol A, not just the melamine, not just the fluoride, not just the radioactive isotopes.
Again, all you gotta do is type in state of Texas covered up radiation and water.
And then the whole thing can begin there.
You're a police officer listening for the first time.
You think this is crazy?
Just type in government covered up radioactive isotopes in water.
That will, you will go down the rabbit hole there, and then you'll discover they're putting it in the water.
They're assaulting you and your family.
They're scum.
They're criminals.
And as long as you're unconscious to it, or as long as you're naive, they can go on hurting you.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, we're pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention.
Fall of the Republic identifies the enemies of our nation.
The criminal offshore cartel, hell-bent on destroying sovereignty and on its ashes constructing world government.
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington D.C.
we have seen a fall of the republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
All right, here's the deal.
All these mainline politicians and people, they're window dressing.
And I know you know that.
But we've got to get out to the general public who's finally awake.
But awake doesn't mean you know the full
The full story.
I mean, I've used the analogy many times of I sleep like the dead at my house.
But when I'm out on the road or at a hotel in a big city with honking horns or whatever outside, I tend to wake up three or four times.
And I'll wake up and know I'm somewhere else and sometimes have to get up out of the bed and look out the window to realize where I am.
But even though you're awake,
You don't know where you are.
And so, America was in a deep sleep.
The world was in a deep sleep to a great extent.
Now, it has awakened politically, as Zbigniew Brzezinski said in the middle of 2010, a year and a half ago, to the Council on Foreign Relations.
He said, the ruling elite, we played the clip many times, you can pull it up, are very concerned because for the first time in all of history, the entire world is awake politically.
And realizing that the politicians in the main parties are bought and paid for and there's the illusion of choice.
The ruling class knows that.
They know that.
And who is this ruling class?
It's not like the British Empire 250 years ago that just wanted to dominate and take over places.
It is a eugenics empire.
Hitler was trying to set up a eugenics empire.
It is a genetic engineering, control freak, elite playing god system that you can't bargain with, you can't reason with, it scientifically has studied humans, it plays psych warfare games, and it isn't going to give up and go away.
It isn't going to stop.
And it runs off of you being unconscious.
It runs off you being in a trance.
It runs off you buying into it.
You must absolutely realize it is a false projection.
And when you start looking at it from that perspective, and you realize, my gosh, this propaganda is tailored for unconscious five-year-olds.
And it's laughable.
When you're informed, it is so incredibly ridiculous.
But instead of calling those that are in a zombie state idiots, and morons, and sheeple, and I've done it myself, I'm as guilty as anybody, or more so, because it's frustrating.
We've got to realize that they are in a trance.
I'll never forget, I was six months out of high school,
And I just wanted to sound reasonable in art class at Austin Community College.
I was taking an art elective, or whatever they call them.
And I was sitting in there, and we were talking about politics.
And they said, yeah, they're getting ready to put thumb scanners in to get driver's license.
And it's wrong.
And I had heard him pushing it, saying it was going to stop illegal immigration.
I said, well, you know, they need that to track people because of criminals.
And the guy snapped back at me, one of the people in the class.
He goes, listen, buddy, it's all about tracking and controlling people.
You've got to understand these systems are designed to be abused.
And I was like, actually, you're right.
I don't know why I just said that.
And I was like 18 years old.
And it takes people saying you're wrong.
It takes you double checking people.
It takes getting in their face.
When a cop pulls you over, starts asking to search your car, you need to not be afraid of them.
You need to be...
Righteous in your indignation and say, listen here, buddy.
Do I look like somebody you're looking for?
Oh, I forgot.
You don't actually profile or really look for people that are wanted these days much anymore.
You're just here to revenue generate, aren't you?
Well, we're just doing the law.
Yeah, yeah.
Did you know that the debts are so big we've been signed onto it's impossible to pay them off?
And you're told raise more money or you'll lose your job, your pension.
It's a bunch of baloney, buddy boy.
I bet you think I'm a kook because there's poison in your water.
Did you know in Austin they add radioactive isotopes to the water?
Don't sit there and laugh at me!
Don't sit there and try to intimidate me!
I don't care what you do to me anymore!
I'm beyond all this bull!
That's what it's gonna take to wake these people up!
Okay, I'm gonna settle down right now.
Everything happening has confirmed my worst analysis.
Everything we've seen unfold.
You think that makes me happy?
That our show is exploding in size and that people are listening more and more to us?
That is a good thing, at least, but it's a silver lining in an otherwise dark cloud.
I wish I was wrong every day.
I wish it wasn't true.
I wish.
I wish, but you know what?
Wishing doesn't do it, ladies and gentlemen.
Reality is still there, at point-blank range, attacking us.
And you know what?
This is a beautiful planet, and it's full of great people, and it's full of mystery, and wonder, and goodness, and honor, and unlimited beauty.
I was driving into work this morning, listening to music, and it was a song about, uh...
You know, about even though life is boring now and it's lost its wonder, you know, life goes on.
And I was thinking, life goes on, it loses its wonder, the wonderment intensifies as you discover more mysteries, as you understand more, as your knowledge increases, it gets more colorful, more vibrant, more wild, more fulfilling!
Reality is fulfilling.
Facing your fear is fulfilling.
Facing these little magicians trying to manipulate reality and keep blinders on people.
Unlocking blinders, unlocking minds, that is treasure.
That is a trillion times greater than gold and all the treasure in the world.
Being honorable, having friends, having your ancestors be proud of you, having your progeny to come be proud of you, being part of what's made humanity good versus what's made humanity bad, that is the great secret to everything!
And so I can't get angry at people who are in mind control.
You were unconscious, but I do get angry at those who clearly know the truth and get off on deceiving people.
That's the equivalent of some 250 pound power lifter who's an expert in jujitsu beating up a infant.
Oh, this is a really fair fight.
This is, this is, it's like beating up someone in a coma.
The propaganda, the way these propagandas target people, you think, this is so ham-fisted, this is so dumbed down, this is so pathetic.
No it's not!
Joseph Goebbels said, the Nazi propaganda minister, the best propaganda is dumbed down, is simple, to target the lowest common denominator.
So they just begin chirping it, and repeating it, and so then those that are more awake still go along with it, just because the crowd is saying it.
They beat a drum.
They know about that harmonic power of repeating the lie over and over again.
And they consciously... I mean, when I ran into Michael Medved, just a nothing talk show host, hardly any audience, a legend in his own mind, but part of a constellation of these carrion crows that sit up in their trees by the thousands and chirp the same talking point over and over again with their sinister eyes.
I mean, I've watched Medved at different events and seen him on TV.
It's this relishing that people are in the dark, relishing that you can dominate them, relishing that you can lead people who are basically spiritual children over the edge of cliffs, that like vampires they can perch on people in comas and drink their essence.
I mean, it is weak!
These people are weak!
But only, only made strong by you being unconscious.
Break the mental chains.
You don't have to believe what I believe and what I've discovered and what I know.
All you have to do is realize there's big agendas afoot.
There's a lot of things happening in this world.
And get past the jingoism and the slogans and get into real history, real primal humanity.
And realize we are in a scientific dictatorship that is very deep into its phases, and the next few phases are not going to be pretty.
Everything that you've seen so far is the preparation for the main event.
It's the five or six little bouts before the heavyweight championship.
The 200 plus million killed by governments in the last century financed by globalist bankers was only a hors d'oeuvre, was only a glass of champagne before the meal.
It's the vampires having an apple before they devour the stuffed hog.
Those of you who are cowards enjoying this system, because there are some that get off on the power of manipulation and are camp followers of this demonic system.
They ride the dragon's tail.
But there are others who, through fear, kneel before this system.
And you will not escape pain.
You will not escape terror by bowing your knees to this dark general.
You will destroy yourself and your family and your house!
There is no making a deal with the New World Order.
And when you realize that, you understand that there is not even a choice.
The only choice is to join the side of light.
The only choice is to throw yourself against the evil.
The only choice is to stand before the juggernaut of the New World Order.
And all of us against its treads are an unstoppable force that will defeat this system if you only have faith and stand against the enemy.
But if you won't do that, well, you are amongst those timid souls.
Forget that you are our countrymen.
Forget that you were part of patriots worldwide who love human liberty.
May your change sit lightly upon you.
Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you.
Fetid, poisoned meat.
The meat of old women.
The meat of downtrodden children.
The meat of poverty and degradation and humiliation, and even more importantly, soul-sucked creatures that would riot for some stupid plastic tennis shoes made by Chinese slaves.
As if that was the ultimate goal in life, instead of two nights ago, driving home at like 9 o'clock, seeing on the horizon a giant crescent moon, blood red, setting dead ahead in the highway,
Magnified by the atmosphere to giant proportions.
It was stunning in its beauty.
And my wife was ahead of me because we'd gone out to dinner after work and she called me and I said, you called about the moon, didn't you?
She said, look at that beauty.
That, that is something I'd riot for.
But you don't have to riot.
You can walk outside and smell the oak trees, smell the grass.
You can walk down to a brook and see that
Sapphire water pour in the sound most beautiful music like a compendium of a trillion symphonies playing in the universe with that beauty that would never end and transcends all pain.
Yes, I lie down by still waters on cool green grass.
That's where my soul lies.
And that is where it will forever be!
But you must make the decision to be conscious.
You must make the spiritual and mental decision in your gut, in your heart, in your mind, in your soul,
To simply say, I open my mind to reality.
Your mind, your subconscious already knows the truth.
You simply must make the decision.
The truth is knocking at the door.
You have to open it.
Just like the devil's counterfeit has to be asked in.
Needs to be invited in.
God has to be invited in as well.
Because in this universe, free will is paramount.
That's why the globalists always tell you what they're going to do to you before they do it.
All right, let me hit the news quickly before Doug Rockey comes up and then your calls in the third hour.
It looks like I was wrong.
Aaron was getting something to eat.
Aaron has not slept in 30-something hours.
He's still up here.
The report will be done today.
If not, by the third hour, the special report on the eugenics chemical weapon warfare takeover in your food and water.
Total documentation, total information warfare against the globalists with our weapon, the truth, that smashes their black mountains of lies.
If not, it will premiere on the Nightly News tonight and then be disseminated to everyone tomorrow.
Look at this.
Look at this.
This is out of the Newsweek publication, The Daily Beast, properly named.
Ron Paul's rise hurts the GOP and helps Obama.
Oh, and it's one of the good little conservatives in the super-trendy Liberal Newsweek.
To destroy true conservatism, these guys always pose as conservatives, like Newt Gingrich, like the rest of them, when he's not writing Illuminati treatises about the end of the family, the end of America, global government, cybernetic takeover.
He's prancing around saying, I'm conservative Obamacare, I'm conservative open borders, I'm conservative abortion, I'm conservative carbon taxes.
Just like Mitt Romney.
They're now running the spin that he's taking the lead in some polls.
So it's neck and neck with Ron Paul.
Pure bull.
Mitt Romney.
Same guy, just not as ugly as Newt Gingrich.
Okay, he watches his diet and exercises.
Only difference.
That's it.
But Republicans like to feel like they're betting on a winner.
Like I saw a Neocon site making fun of Ron Paul's teeth.
Yeah, he's not vain.
He likes his original teeth, just like I do.
I even got a chip in my front tooth.
I kind of like it.
I don't think I'll have it fixed.
I kind of like my aging body.
I kind of like my wrinkles.
I kind of like my hair falling out.
I like it.
Understand that because I'm not vain.
It's the opposite.
I like the process.
I'm like a stream bed carved by water.
It's beautiful.
An old woman's beautiful if she's not been turned over to evil.
An old man is beautiful if he's not been turned over to evil.
But there's nothing uglier than an old evil person.
Look at this one, and then we got the New York Times attack piece.
Ron Paul's rise hurts the GOP and helps Obama.
The greater Ron Paul's success, the better chance the Democrats have of using his crackpot notions to characterize all of the GOP.
Now, I told you that two weeks ago, that's the new talking point by the Iowa governor and others is, he'll discredit us conservatives.
You mean the ones that torture and secret arrest and bankrupt the country along with Obama?
The ones bought and paid for by the same megabanks?
The ones part of getting rid of Glass-Steagall?
You mean the people that did this to America?
And then Ron Paul, the one that, in the polls, beats Obama better than any other candidate?
You mean that guy?
So that's the new talking point, and then they have this out of the establishment liberal Newsweek Daily Beast.
And then Michael Medved continues in here to basically say that Ron Paul's a 9-11 truther, and then to go after yours truly.
And we come back from break, I'm going to hit this, and then we've got Ron Paul's world.
There's a whole bunch of these out of the New York Times, and I want to get this James Kirchick on.
Talk about judging a book by its cover.
Interesting fellow there.
Burbling with vampiric energies.
We'll get to his little comments here on the other side.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
This is the Info War.
Stay with us.
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If you go to the Drudge Report and look on the left-hand side, you'll see a Reuters photo, and it's Ron Paul Revolution.
The fellow's wearing a t-shirt.
He's got a tattoo that says, R. Love.olution, or Rev.
And if you notice, if you blow it up, you see the wristband there is an Infowars.com wristband.
And I noticed on Christmas again, I confirmed it, Drudge had everything
Green-linked except for Infowars and Alex Jones, that was red-linked, so we appreciate the Christmas present.
Drudge obviously does know what's going on in the world, and is not a sell-out globalist, like many other Republicans.
So there it is.
Again, if you blow that up more, you can see the Infowars.com bracelet, but just go to DrudgeReport.com to see a blow-up of the photo.
And here are the other reports.
Union leader publisher of another dying newspaper.
Ron Paul, truly dangerous.
No, people like you that have gone along with the global crime syndicate and gone along with all the lies and the tyranny and given it an air of respectability, you are the people that are truly dangerous.
Those of us that can face the true horror of what all you yes-men have helped create, nodding to whatever the greatest evil is,
You are the people that are dangerous.
And I'll have to get to this later after our guest is on with us, but I mean, here is this article out of the New York Times.
And it's the new talking point that not only is Ron Paul racist, because out of tens of thousands of newsletters, there were four or five examples in promo ads that were sent out, you know, that were, I guess you could say mildly racist or something, which even though you have speeches of Ron Paul back at the time, praising Martin Luther King and people,
And he is who he is.
Let's just ignore that and always chirp about race all day.
And when Obama, you know, increases funding to forcibly abort black Africans, that's loving and trendy.
Because after all, he's supposedly black.
So again, it's all about ninnying and obsessing over things.
They say the real issue is, he said on C-SPAN, there was a new world order.
It doesn't matter that literally we have books and globalist documents and statements about a new world order being a global corporate fascist system now openly running Europe and bankrupting the US to spring in the same system.
They just come out and tell the readers of the New York Times with total disdain for them, talking to them like they're mentally handicapped three-year-olds and telling them this doesn't exist.
And then they get into attacking Alex Jones.
And they say, Ron Paul did say there's a plan to set up a global government, and it's just, and that the Rockefeller family's involved.
Oh my goody, goody, gumdrops.
The Rockefeller, five years ago, published his memoir.
On page 400 and something, we've shown it many times here, he said, yeah, there are people who say we want to get rid of sovereignty and set up a world government.
Well, I say guilty as charged.
But see, they count on you not reading that.
And where Rockefeller thanks the media for helping to suppress this, saying we couldn't have done this without you in the last 50 years suppressing it.
I mean, they invite the New York Times editor and Washington Post to Bilderberg and pat them on the head and say, you're a good little deceiver.
Good job.
And they go on to attack him and then they say...
Paul knows where his bread is buttered.
He regularly appears on the radio program of Alex Jones, a vocal 9-11 and New World Order conspiracy theorist.
Oh, I'm a critical thinker.
I actually read all those documents.
In his home state of Texas, on Jones' show earlier this month, Paul alleged the Iranian plot that was on hundreds of different channels.
I mean, Mainline TV said that.
To kill the Saudi ambassador of the United States soil was a propaganda stunt perpetrated by the Obama administration.
And then they link to Infowars.com an article where we're exposing Fast and Furious as a false flag.
I guess that's crazy too, even though it's admitted.
CBS News got the documents where they said they were going to blame it on the Second Amendment.
And then it goes into more of it.
I'm going to cover more of this later.
Then you got Medved.
I mean, who is... I mean, I understand why Medved works for the dark side, because it's of his nature.
He loves it.
I mean, it's just, it's like a Gollum-like creature.
We'll be right back.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM radio network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, the system's trying to get the Kendall carbon tax abortion lover in so he can be a ringer for Obama-Hillary.
Insiders are telling Time Magazine that's the ticket.
The placeholder, Biden, stepping aside.
Lord Hillary, the butcher of Waco, the butcher of Oklahoma City, getting ready to step in.
Getting ready for an Obama-Clinton ticket.
Of course, the entire mainstream media for a day and a half was saying, where's Hillary, where's Obama, when they didn't know if she was going to step down on the ticket four years ago.
And I was right there.
They drove by the Secret Service, aiming machine guns at us.
They were inside.
And I called the media, and they said, we don't report, but we're not told to report, because we're a bunch of scum.
So there you go.
That's their job, folks.
You've got to really get it.
It's not a bias.
It's a military enemy propaganda arm.
They're to keep you in the dark.
They're to spin.
They're to twist.
Now the Obama administration is secretly preparing options for aiding Syrian opposition.
That's already going on.
Again, we've got reports from the union leader.
Publisher says Ron Paul is truly dangerous.
We've got Krauthammer, who's an embarrassing person, coming out and talking about embarrassing candidates.
Ron Paul is embarrassing them.
He's against all the corporate welfare.
He actually doesn't want to be, you know, he wants to keep the Constitution, not have military on the streets.
Oh, but like the New York Times and others say, it's kooky that Ron Paul's worried about troops on the streets, even as they set up checkpoints all over the country.
Local newspapers are reporting, oh, there's military checkpoints.
Oh, drones are tracking citizens now in North Dakota.
Oh, but it's still kooky.
It is, and I don't think I can be explained by anything that the president has done in a positive way, syndicated columnist Krauthammer.
I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you.
Oh, wonderful.
Hey, Governor Ventura!
I appreciate you calling in.
I know we talked yesterday and you said you'd pop in for ten minutes.
Good to talk to you.
Oh, it was good to talk to you, Alex.
How's it going?
It's going great.
We're about to go to break and come back, and I appreciate you giving us 10 minutes when I twisted your arm yesterday.
I know you weren't sure when you could call in, but I wanted to get into Ron Paul with you since we were talking about him yesterday on the phone.
Well, well, why don't you go to break like you're supposed to and come back and we'll talk Ron Paul.
That's awesome.
We got a few minutes right now.
I mean, let's go ahead and kick the ball off right now while the system is in panic mode over him.
Oh, absolutely, and I'll tell you why.
He is the only candidate out there, including President Obama, who naturally is going to represent the Democrats, of course, and all of these Republican candidates.
He is the only candidate that is anti-war.
And this country better wake up to the fact that we've, you know, Alex, I'm 60 years old now, and we have been at war for over half of my life.
And they act like it's bizarre.
I don't believe so.
Oh, you're right, and I want you to repeat all this, recap it, and expand on it.
This is about the heart and soul of America.
Another preemptive war, lying and saying another country has nukes.
It's a total replay of what we saw with Iraq, and Ron Paul is just talking total common sense, and they're acting like that's bizarre, kind of like somebody, I guess, in 1939, if you criticize Hitler.
I can't believe—I watched the debates, and it was interesting, a couple weeks ago, where he got into a battle with Michel Bachmann, and Ron Paul made a great statement.
He said, imagine where would we be today had John F. Kennedy not talked to Nikita Khrushchev during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
By the way, that was when Ron Paul was serving in the Navy.
Let's start over right there, Governor.
We've only got over 10 minutes on the other side.
We really appreciate him joining us today, a surprise guest.
Hi folks, this is Alex Jones.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, joining us for one segment is Governor Jesse Ventura.
He's getting ready to go down to Mexico, so he's in a hurry.
But I was talking to him privately yesterday about what's happening in the world, trying to find out if he's going to be running for Libertarian.
And he just wanted to talk about Ron Paul.
So he's here to talk about Ron Paul in this one segment.
And then Dr. Doug Rockey joins us, former Minnesota governor, host of the hit TV show on TruTV, conspiracy theory, bestselling author.
Jesse Ventura joins us for one segment.
Governor, we have both parties, hundreds of publications, New York Times, CBS Nightly News, all attacking Ron Paul and saying he's nuts because he doesn't want to attack more countries with made-up WMD stories.
They're openly have gotten rid of Posse Comitatus and are announcing secret arrest of citizens with the NDAA.
They're in the news saying it's insane that he doesn't want troops on the streets.
All of this is happening and it's like the Twilight Zone.
Ron Paul is just a mainline old-fashioned American and then we've got the crazies telling us that we're crazy because we don't support total tyranny.
Governor, give us your breakdown on this.
If people truly are looking for an attempt at change in this country, changing who we are and what we will be in the future, then there is only one candidate, and that is Congressman Ron Paul.
He's the only candidate that wants to audit the Federal Reserve.
You notice that the other candidates won't even talk about the Federal Reserve.
He's the only candidate that wants to talk rather than wage war.
So I think this would truly be an agenda for the United States of America, an agenda to determine what we stand for.
Do we stand for being the most aggressive, war-mongering country in the world, who's all set now to go to war with Iran, too?
Or are we going to be a country that stands for peace, you know?
Let's remember the last president that wanted peace and was attempting to get it.
There would have been no Vietnam.
The Cold War would have been ended by 65, was President John F. Kennedy.
And there has not been a president in this country since Kennedy who has truly strived for peace.
But Ron Paul is that candidate.
And I think about it for a minute.
I'm 60 years old now.
I was born in 1951.
And this country has been at war for a...life.
Over 30 years of those 60 years, we've been at war.
And if you look at the other candidates, Ron Paul served in the Navy during the Cuban
We're good to go.
I don't know.
Well, polls show that upwards of 70% of Americans are against all of this.
The troops give more money to Ron Paul than all of the Republican candidates combined and Obama combined.
And the media spins it and says, Ron Paul disgraces the troops.
The troops don't like Ron Paul.
It's all a hoax.
And more and more, the so-called mainstream media is being exposed as a bunch of political prostitutes who are losing all their readers and viewers.
Well, it's the truth.
I mean, if you look at how they avoid talking about Dr. Paul, he can be leading in the polls and they don't do in-depth stories on him.
Nothing like that.
The media is in the back pocket of the status quo.
And I can't emphasize more, if people in this country want a revolution,
And a revolution doesn't have to be violent, but if they want a revolution, if they want a change in direction, truly, of where this country's headed, then Ron Paul is the only choice out there right now, out of the current candidates in the Republican and Democratic field.
He is the only, only one.
He's the only one that says we ought to talk before we shoot.
I mean, look what they're doing in this little strip of ocean over there.
Iran's threatening to block it off, and the U.S.
has already threatened if Iran does that, we're going to go to war with them.
And look what's happening.
Iran, who imports 50 plus percent of its gas only and they don't have the refineries, it's been announced they're going to shut that off to them, devastating them.
And they say, OK, if you shut us off, we'll shut off our territorial waters.
So yesterday, they sent a U.S.
aircraft carrier through the giant Iranian drill as a provocation.
And the Pentagon has said, if you block it, we will attack you.
But the West, as Ron Paul has said, is already putting these sanctions on and blockades.
You're a Navy guy.
Ron Paul's pointed it out.
That is an act of war right there, a blockade.
And what it does, if people go back in history, we did the same thing to Japan.
They blockaded Japan.
They stopped all, you know, a total blockade in the country of Japan, which forced Japan truly to then attack us.
They were left with two choices, surrender or attack.
Japan chose the latter.
They chose to attack us at Pearl Harbor.
But a lot of people forget we forced their hand at Pearl Harbor by the blockade we had against them.
And the same holds true with Iran now.
We're blockading them, we're forcing their hand, and they're—you know, all of these candidates just wait and hope that Iran will do something, that Iran will respond, so that then they can all stand up there and say, see, we told you, all the problems in the world are because of Iran.
Meanwhile, our government, as you know, has overthrown them at least two times, evidence of a third as well.
Shifting gears here, because it's the top of Drudge Report right now, Kelly Clarkson, the American Idol winner, which is about as big as it gets nowadays in America, says she loves Ron Paul.
It's a big deal when prominent celebrities, not just governors, that's even more important, endorse Ron Paul.
I haven't seen any news where they've, you know,
I mean, I'm an independent and I don't, you know, get involved with either political party.
Because I despise both of them.
But out of all the candidates out there in these two major parties right now, that's the President with the Democrats, and there's seven or eight Republicans, whoever they all are.
I mean, I know who they are, but why list them?
Ron Paul has Governor Jesse Ventura's endorsement, without a doubt.
It's not even close.
Because I want a new president that's going to change the direction of this country.
I want a new president that's going to follow the Constitution.
I want a new president that's going to believe in states' rights.
I want a new president.
I want somebody that will shock the status quo.
And Ron Paul will do that.
Then the only thing we have to worry about is keeping him alive.
Well, what a dangerous precedent where both political party leadership say, anybody who could ever potentially be a threat, we've got to preemptively attack them.
That's what Hitler said.
He said, I've got to attack France and I've got to attack Poland and I've got to attack England and the Russians because they might attack us.
I mean, that's what tyrants always say.
Hypothetical situation, Alex, for all you and your listeners.
Let's say Hugo Chavez, down in Venezuela, who's got a lot of money, and he fears the United States because of our military buildup and all this, and he fears that we could attack them at any moment because he kicked out Exxon.
Well, what if Hugo Chavez went and got one of these unmanned drones?
And what if Hugo Chavez flew that unmanned drone over United States airspace seeking to get intelligence about our war machine?
And what if that drone crashed in our country?
I would like to pose the question to every one of these Republican candidates and state this.
If you were the president, what would you do if that happened?
And I'll bet you their response would sound very Iranian, wouldn't it?
Well, they would probably actually say attack the country, the Iranians.
I agree.
I think that the United States, with an unmanned drone, flew over our airspace.
Using it for surveillance on us and crashed here in our country, just as we did in Iran, we would declare war on whatever country that was and take immediate military response.
And it just killed—nobody asked the question, what gives us the right to fly unmanned drones over other countries to seek intelligence?
And we certainly would not allow it here.
The hypocrisy of the United States is so ridiculous today, Alex.
That's why I want Ron Paul.
Because Ron Paul will end United States hypocrisy.
Well, you're right, Governor.
Expanding on that, we've got to continue to vote for him and support him because that keeps him at the top of the polls and allows him to inject real issues.
But now they claim hackers are going to attack, and I predicted this last week, so now the Republicans are going to take all the Iowa votes and count them in secret.
That's CBS News reporting that it's now going to be secret and the feds are going to come in and help.
That's a great excuse.
It sounds like weapons of mass destruction and ties to Al-Qaeda in Iraq.
You know, that's a big load of BS.
What needs to happen in this country is very simple.
We need to get rid of electronic voting machines and we need to go back to paper ballots that can be counted.
If you're not capable,
Well, we've only got a few minutes left, Governor, and we won't get to talk to you until you're back from Mexico, and obviously when you get back with a new book coming out in the next rollout of the next season of the TV show.
I'll be on the hit list when it rolls this year.
I'm going to get as far out of this country as I can because they're going to be after me.
I don't think so at this time.
I don't think that I'm mentally ready to seek the presidency at this point in time.
I would still consider a VP shot.
You know, if somebody else, if Ron Paul or Gary Johnson or whatever, I would give that due consideration.
But if I were to go for President, I like to ensure, I go after it to win, Alex.
And as a third-party candidate, it's very difficult to win when you have an incumbent.
So 2016 suits me far better than 2012 does.
Well, you're working out, you're in great shape, so we know you're going to be around then, Lord Willen.
I really hope so, anyway.
But anyway, Alex, again, I encourage all your listeners, if you truly want revolution and change in this country, there's only one candidate out there in the two major parties that's going to give that to you, and that's Congressman Ron Paul of Texas.
I can't emphasize it more.
And don't listen to mainstream media.
Ron Paul is achieving huge success with mainstream media against him.
The status quo against him, both parties against him, that has to tell the American people something.
Because always remember, we're in the predicament we're in today because of the Democrats and Republicans.
They cannot deny it.
They've been in charge for over 100 years now.
They are the fault.
They are the problem.
And the only way out of this problem is by electing someone like Ron Paul.
He's the only way out.
Any of these other guys, it's going to be business as usual, people.
You're going to have the same government that you've had for the last 50 years if you elect anyone but Ron Paul.
Well, Governor, that's my final question that I wanted you to make a point on, and then I know you've got to leave us.
We appreciate you coming on today, right before you leave town.
But looking at this,
Normally, the so-called mainstream dinosaur media, who's been caught lying thousands of times and is totally discredited, could demonize somebody and it would work.
But now, even with his son Rand Paul, the more they demonize, it actually helps them.
And so the system's got to understand that
This shows that the awakening, thanks to your work and Ron Paul's work and my work and many others, is really starting to have an effect.
And so now the inventors of the internet have gone public and said, yes, this new bill, SOPA, does shut down free speech and selectively allows them to shut people down for no reason.
And the government says they want Pentagon on the streets and to secretly arrest Americans.
Well, it's not a good feeling.
I mean, I like to know that I'm right, but I wish I was wrong.
That's completely wrong on this, but people need, again, I can't emphasize it enough, they're going, you know, they passed this 1768 bill that you're talking about that's going to put American troops inside our country, arresting people.
Let's remember, every member of Congress, every member of the Senate and Congress and the President, including all of our military personnel now and before, we all have one thing in common.
We all took an oath, and in that oath, we swore to protect the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and today, domestic.
And I believe every one of these Republican candidates is opposed.
If they voted for that bill, then they took a vote against the Constitution, and they should be impeached for it.
Well, I agree.
They all supported it, even if they weren't in Congress.
They all said, yes, secretly arrest Americans.
Believe it or not, Senator Al Franken of Minnesota, in the tune of Paul Wellstone, voted against it.
No, no, you're right.
Of the Republican candidates, they all endorsed it except for Ron Paul.
So, if you people believe that are listening out there, believe in your Constitution, believe in your Bill of Rights, and you believe that these are the founding documents that our country should be based upon, every one of those candidates is a traitor for having supported a bill that will put American troops on the streets arresting Americans.
And then you find out the whole homeland security situation is for the American people.
Even the LA Times last week had the headline, TSA, not just for airports.
And they said shopping malls, highways.
They tripled their funding, Governor.
And they said all 50 states.
And they said, you're going to get pat-downs, everything, Governor.
Oh yeah, no.
I mean, if, you know, if this ain't martial law being declared without officially declaring it, then I don't know what it is.
And it's time for the people of this country to stand up and say no.
And the only way, the best way of doing that right now is to elect Ron Paul president.
All right, sir.
Well, thank you so much for spending time with us, and I guess I'll talk to you when you get back from Mexico.
Do you know when you're coming back?
Some time before Memorial Weekend, if it goes according to schedule.
But then again, Alex, I never live by a schedule down there.
I hear you.
Well, give your lovely and wonderful wife, Terri, my best.
And best to you and your family, too, Alex.
Have a great New Year.
And to everyone out there, chin up, keep the fight up.
Let's take our country back, and we can do it with Ron Paul.
All right.
God bless you, Governor.
Take care.
Thank you, Alex.
There he goes.
Yeah, I called up the Gov yesterday because he called into the show last week, and I was talking to him about Ron Paul.
He was really busy getting ready to leave town this weekend, and I twisted his arm into popping in.
And he said, all right, I got to go do some chores, but I'll call in sometime.
And I apologize that he ended up calling in when Doug Rocky was going to be on with us.
We'll keep him a little bit of the next hour so they get a full hour interview with Dr. Doug Rocky.
Uh, who joins us right now.
Uh, he has a long bio.
He earned his B.S.
in physics at West Illinois University, followed by his M.S.
and Ph.D.
in physics and technology education at the University of Illinois.
His military career spanned four decades, including combat duty during Vietnam War and Gulf War I. Serves as a member of the 3rd U.S.
Army Medical Command Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical NBC Teaching Medical Response.
And special operations team, third U.S.
Army captured equipment.
Folks, this is three pages long.
I'm going to have to stop.
Most of the modern NBC training that police get is, Doug Rockey wrote it.
He wrote the book on DU.
And there's no way I can cover all of this.
I mean, but you know, it's important to hear all this, though.
And Special Operations 3rd U.S.
Army Captured Equipment Project Team and with 3rd U.S.
Military Depleted Uranium Assessment Team during the Gulf War, 1st Operation Desert Storm.
He led those.
He was the U.S.
Army's Depleted Uranium Project Director from 1994 to 1995.
He developed the congressionally mandated education training materials and wrote U.S.
Army Regulations 700-48 and the U.S.
Army PAM 700-48 and the U.S.
Army Common Task for DU incidents.
Doug has taught nuclear, biological, chemical warfare, hazardous material, and emergency medicine for 20 years for both civilian and military personnel.
Dr. Rocky was one of the original authors of the 1982 ED-RAT, Emergency Disaster Response Assistance Team proposal which formed the foundation of today's National Guard, CSD teams, and Illinois CERT teams.
The preparation for the 96th Olympic Games in Atlanta.
He wrote and taught the original chemical biological counterterrorism course for civilian emergency responders that is now the federal 120 city Department of Justice, then serve as the emergency response team location at Birmingham, Alabama.
He serves or served as an advisor to the U.S.
Centers for Disease Control, U.S.
Department of Defense, U.S.
National Academy of Sciences, U.S.
Institute of Medicine, U.S.
Senate, U.S.
House of Representatives, U.S.
Department of Transportation, U.S.
Federal Aviation Administration, U.S.
Department of Defense, U.S.
General Accounting Office, U.S.
Department of Veterans Affairs, British Royal Society, British House of Lords and House of Commons, United Nations, U.S.
President William J. Clinton's Presidential Special Oversight Board.
And local, state, federal law enforcement, fire and medical agencies.
He's been an advisor on screen, expert for numerous television documentaries on the effects of nuclear, biological, chemical warfare, depleted uranium, CBS, ABC, CNN, NBC, History Channel, A&E, PBS, Documentary Channel.
BBC, CBC, Gary Knoll Associates, The Power Hour, German, French, Japanese, Australian, Italian, Spanish, Greek television networks, beyondtreason.com is one of the films he's in.
We're about to go to break.
We'll keep him 20 minutes to the next hour, and I again apologize for getting him on 20 minutes late.
But the point is, he is the leading living expert on DU, and he can tell you they knew 50 years ago what it did.
They never let the troops use it till the first Gulf War.
Now there's no controls.
On record, they just use it, no problem everywhere.
It's a death sentence.
Most his team is dead.
He's had 30 plus surgeries.
When we come back from break, Dr. Doug Rocky, there's his bio.
And we're going to go over the fact that big studies are out.
Massive birth defects in the troops.
Massive birth defects in the Iraqis.
Some cases, what, 14 to 16 times higher.
And folks, they have them sit on the ammo cans of it, they have them firing it, they have them without even masks cleaning the guns now.
And this is a known death sentence.
And it shows you how totally wicked the people are running our government.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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Okay, Dr. Doug Rockey, the foremost depleted uranium weapons expert out there, joins us.
He hadn't been on in a while.
I know he's had some health issues, you know, from the DU.
Again, a lot of his team has died from it.
And the point is, 20 years ago, they wouldn't let the troops, 22 years ago or so, use this.
Now, there's just no pretense of control, and it's a death sentence, and it also is causing deformities.
He's here to give us the numbers and break it down, and then I want to ask him, in light of Fukushima, the FDA, of course, raised different levels of radioactive isotopes from 25 times to in one isotope 100,000 times what they previously said was safe, because as the ongoing meltdown hit the U.S., they just said, well, we say it's okay now.
Go ahead and drink the milk, eat the food.
So there's this new attitude that just don't worry about it.
And it's unprecedented.
Dr. Doug Rocky, great to have you here with us, sir.
What an honor to follow Jesse Ventura.
I mean, he's my hero.
I mean, a Navy SEAL and I'm a Minnesota boy, too, from the heart, so.
And then the other crazy thing, one of his team members from his SEAL days was actually supposed to be here this morning at my house, but because of everything we're doing, we couldn't make it work.
God, that would have been incredible, huh?
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
You know, Jesse, we were talking off air about his book and the fact that his book breaks down the DU as well.
His book is incredible.
It's one of the best books ever written.
Anybody and everybody ought to read that cover to cover more than once.
Talking about 63 documents the government doesn't want you to read.
Well, I know when he gets back from Mexico, Doc, he'll definitely want to hook up with you because I know he admires your work as well.
That's why he's written about it.
Expanding on this, I've just got to ask you, what do you think of Ron Paul?
Pardon me?
What do you think of Ron Paul?
Ron Paul?
Yes, sir.
Well, he's one of the very few guys who's tried to do anything to help anybody and actually gather information.
So, I mean, he's a real doctor.
He's a medical doctor that doesn't cut, you know, he tells the truth and puts it all out there.
I mean, I'm sitting there looking at what's going on all around and I'm going, you know, we've worked with so many over the years.
Who do we have that'll tell the truth and deal with what the reality is and help everybody?
There ain't many out there.
Doc, let's say you were on national TV right now, because our audience is a lot bigger than most national news shows, and you're talking to three million people, which you are, a lot of them new listeners.
What do they need to know about DU?
Why is it important?
What's the story of it?
What happened to you?
In five minutes, boil it down, then we'll get into more detail.
Depleted uranium is a United States military-owned dirty bomb.
It is the best weapon ever developed by the U.S.
military and the German military to destroy and kill
It's absolutely the best there is.
And as a consequence, we've used it in military operations.
We're handing it out to all of our so-called friends all over the world to use as they see fit.
A lot of other nations have decided they can't use it because of the known adverse health and environmental effects that have always been known.
And yet, just like Agent Orange and everything else, we are so arrogant and so intent on killing and destroying,
That we totally disregard the health and environmental effects on our own people, our own military personnel, our own sons and daughters, and we completely, totally, totally disregard the health and environmental effects on all of God's sons and daughters around the world and all of His animals, because we just want to kill and destroy.
And even though all the medical directors have been out there from day one and during Desert Storm, I issued the original medical directive,
And that was followed up by the Theater Medical Command Director for 3rd US Army Medical Command.
And then now they've got a brand new medical order mandating medical care for DU that was just issued here on June 10th of this year.
And yet is totally ignored.
Totally, totally ignored.
Just like the health and environmental effects of Agent Orange are totally ignored because we're the bad guys.
We messed it up.
We are using it.
We're going to continue to use it.
With a total disregard for all the health and environmental effects.
And what we need now is, we got a million casualties, one million U.S.
sons and daughter casualties out of the nonsense in the Persian Gulf and Afghanistan.
And they can't get prompt and optimal medical care.
And it's coming back to haunt all our communities.
And they're not employable.
The families are disintegration.
And there's nobody out there, nobody out there offering help.
I mean, we're yelling at the top of our heads, and God bless Jesse, man, he's written and yelling at the top of his lungs.
But there ain't many of us trying to do what's right.
Well, Dr. Rocky, what's crazy here, and I know you've got the numbers, I want you to break it down as a top expert.
As you said, 25 years ago, this was before the Russians poured across 10 to 1 superiority into Germany.
It was a last-ditch weapon to use once nuclear war was already happening.
It was a force multiplier, a secret weapon.
Then the Gulf War comes along and they go, we're just going to go ahead and use it on Saddam.
And then they have the troops go into the areas that have been hit with it.
Well, what happens is DU is, again, the primary byproduct of the radioactive enrichment process for the U.S.
Department of Energy.
If we're going to make nuclear fuel for our reactors, okay, generate electricity, or we need to make new nuclear weapons, then you have to understand, we're making new ones all the time, okay?
Better and better nuclear weapons all the time.
And we're developing better and better dehumiditions every day of the week.
And what happens, 99% of everything that goes into this process is pure waste.
If you had any other industrial process where 99% of the stuff that goes into it is pure waste, you would never consider it.
And so we have uranium hexafluoride, and the Department of Energy and the military came up with ways to get rid of it.
Number one is the dehumiditions.
Absolutely incredible.
Number two, we use it in ballast in commercial aircraft and everything else under the thing.
In other words, we're going to need, you know, a forklift truck, need it heavy.
But the other thing, too, that has hit the scene here in the last couple of weeks, definitely, is they put in the DU cream, DU egg.
In other words, they're mixing the uranium hexafluoride, the DU metal, in the concrete to reinforce concrete structures and everything else.
And the health effects that we're seeing right now, I mean, are devastating on the road crews and everybody else, much less the military.
So we've got a total nightmare.
You can't take radioactive materials
Put it into the environment where everybody can breathe it in, absorb it through their skin, get it in through cuts, or get it in through digestion, and not expect the health problems to occur.
And everything we have predicted, everything we've been predicted, and everything that was stated would occur in the Department of Defense's own documents, going back that I can find 70 years, has come true.
And now Fukuyama, the catastrophe in Japan?
Well, you know, the levels to clean up all that stuff, again, how you clean that up, clean that mess up, is exactly that Army regulation you already cited that my team wrote in the TB that gives you the guidelines.
But you can't clean it up.
And that's what I found at the Nevada Test Site when I was director and blowing everything up.
You can't clean it up.
And there is no medical care.
So all you do is wait and get sick and suffer.
And you die.
Like Jim Runge.
Congress Carnegie Bob.
Well, sir, I mean, I think the best way for you to break this down for people is what's personally happened to you and your team.
I know we were unable to get you on a few months ago.
You were at the VA.
I guess they're in Virginia.
I mean, I know you don't like to talk about yourself.
You're an old warrior going back to Vietnam, but describe to people what you and folks that have worked around DU have gone through.
Well, what we've gone into, and I mean, I just go back and it's so easy to cite the exact medical problems because the Department of Veteran Affairs in their criteria
That they have sent out telling their physicians, okay, what are the health effects of depleted uranium, okay?
And I want to quote this verbatim so I don't make any errors, okay?
So I'm pulling it all up.
I don't... I don't want to, you know, miss on this thing.
In the Department of Veteran Affairs, okay, the United States... And this is a direct quote, okay?
United States Department of Veteran Affairs Vision 11.
This is, quote, some things you need to know about veterans.
A clinician's guide to veteran-specific issues.
Okay, so this is the VA's publication to the physicians providing care, telling them what the medical problems are from DU.
Now, these are exactly what I have and, you know,
When you called that day, I'm at the Maine VA at the War Injury Clinic in Washington, D.C.
They were freaking out when you guys called that day because they knew what I was there for and all the problems were there.
And the fact that you had found me and what they did to talk about it, they freaked out.
Anyhow, here's the exact quote.
Physical symptoms which may occur as a result of exposure to depleted uranium are sleep problems, totally confirmed on all of us, mood swings, irritability is incredible when that weather changes,
Symptoms in the upper and lower respiratory system.
Well, my doctors are trying to stabilize my respiratory through all kinds of medications and everything else in control.
Neuropsychological symptoms, including memory loss.
That's horrific.
Chronic fatigue, immune system dysfunction.
Skin rashes.
You don't want to look at my skin rash when it breaks out.
Unusual air loss.
Aching joints.
Abdominal pain.
Sensitivity to light.
Blurred vision.
Menstrual disorders.
I have got that, but females are horrible.
Incredible problems where they have to have earliest rectomy.
Gastrointestinal symptoms where you go between diarrhea and constipation.
You never know.
Nervous system disorders such as numbness in the limb.
It's happening to me right now.
Multiple chemical sensitivity and all of the birth defects.
End quote.
That is what the VA directors have told their physicians are the health problems associated with that.
When you go to the internal memorandum for the Department of Defense, and this is put together by Colonel J. Edgar Wakayama, this was the beginning of Desert Gulf War, you know, Operation Iraqi Freedom, Enduring Freedom.
What he stated very clearly told everybody, all senior leaderships,
I'm good.
Well, yeah, because I've had people, you know, they call me and they go, hey, they don't wear radiation badges, and if they did, you know, this type doesn't affect that.
This isn't like the hot radiation, to use layman terms.
It sits in your body at point-blank range.
Not only is it radioactive, destroying the cell DNA, but it's toxic.
Correct, Doctor?
Absolutely, because once it gets into the body, it's right next to the cell, destroying everything and tearing up everything.
So it's a big difference, you know.
When you're talking, there's different radioactivity.
Again, we have to look at, do we have internalized, do we have particulars, or do we have like a light bulb where you have the stuff?
You start getting the gamma rays, nuclear bombs, and everything else, like the reactor out there, that's the hot stuff where you can't get near it.
This stuff is inside the body.
So, the radioactivity, which you can't measure with Geiger counters, and all the other chemical toxicity, once it gets in the body, tears it apart.
Quote, the beta particle has her skin in the lens of the eye.
I'm tired of eye surgeries and I'm tired of the doctors at the VA canceling eye surgeries because they don't know the outcome for me and then everybody else.
We continue on.
Direct quotes.
I mean, it just goes on and on.
And everybody claims they want to support the troops, but as soon as they have deformed children, or as soon as they get ill, it's like, you're garbage, get away from us.
Look at the famed 82nd Airborne out of Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
The children are being born, they're not viable.
The birth defects are incredibly high.
I mean, you know, spontaneous abortions before the child is born all over.
And our military are staggering, especially out of Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
And the suicides are the greatest record level ever.
What was it?
Seven times the previous record.
The military knows and so now we get the Homeland Security documents and the whole federal government's preparing for war with veterans because they're getting ready to take the pensions.
Go ahead.
Yeah, exactly right.
So I mean, you know, we're looking at the whole thing.
The DU has incredible neurotoxicity effects just like all the pesticides and the burn pit stuff and all of the immunizations.
So what happens
Is the PTSD that everybody's experienced a function of three things.
Number one, incredible neurotoxicities.
Number two, fear beyond comprehension.
You go from complete tranquility to sheer terror in a nanosecond.
And Jesse Ventura is probably one of the world's leading experts on that because of what he did for real.
And then you have the other thing too is the realization all of this stuff is lies.
Recently, the Chief of Chaplains at Danville VA sent me an article that it showed up after we were talking, it showed up at his desk, where they're finally acknowledging the ethical and moral dilemmas are creating incredible PTSD problems.
Finally, one is going to admit this and acknowledge this, and all of us that have been in this have known this, you know, from antiquity.
But nobody wants to admit it.
So when we look at the incredible toxic effects of everything we've done, and DEU is the leading list of our munitions, because it's the United States' dirty bomb.
Radioactive dirty bomb that we spread all over the world and blow everything up.
And it's like a gun that you kill your enemy but then it delays the killing of you.
It's like a gun that you pull the trigger and it shoots you too.
Well, we know that happens because when we did all the research, the guys that are in the tanks that are firing all this stuff came back on to them.
And to this day, you have to understand, to this day, I still can't get medical care for desert storm friendly fire guys.
And what happened, and this absolutely happened, this would be an incredible interview to have,
One of my guys that today became a critical care nurse, okay, he was DU Friendly Fire and Desert Storm.
They took him up to Washington to the main hospital up there, you know, for medical care, because I finally got him to accept him and take him in for care.
He had DU shrapnel in him.
They put him into MRI, moved the DU shrapnel, and they put him into paraplegic condition.
And it was, I mean, it was just kind of like, how much worse does it get?
And then when I- Oh, so they moved it in his spine and paralyzed him?
And then so they don't provide the care.
Now with the brand new medical directive, June of this year, medical directive that's been put out to provide medical care for DE.
What they don't tell everybody is the original medical directive that we wrote.
You guys got copies of all this and it's in beyond trees and Gary Knoll, it's all over the place.
Congress has it, the military has it.
You have to do the testing within 72 hours of the initial exposure and after 30 days post exposure.
In other words, if you're exposed on
November 1st, on December 1st of the following month, or November 30th, what would be in the body that you could ever found is less than one one thousandth of what actually hit the body.
And so therefore, the testing that they have will never find it.
So you're seeing all the physiological effects, the psychological effects, and there is no medical evidence that the military will accept or the Department of Veterans Affairs will accept
And now they're proliferating its use.
I've seen the numbers.
It's just exponentially more they're using.
Absolutely, because it's effective at killing and destroying.
And what scares the bejesus out of me, okay?
I mean, we're so close to war right now.
I mean, just think about this.
All we have to do is have the Iranians say, that's it, and they sink one ship in the Strait of Hormuz.
And we're going to nuclear war.
And we're going to have bee flying all over the place, because all the ships and everything else and aircraft, that's how they
But that's okay.
They'll just tell the troops as they have deformed and dead babies and as the troops die that it's all right.
They'll just, you know, here in the U.S.
they just said radiation's good for you now.
They waved a magic wand.
Stay there, doctor.
We'll be right back.
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We have the documents to reduce fertility.
It's all part of the eugenics operation.
See, the people running our society are mad scientists and they're playing God.
And they see humans as garbage, so why not kill us?
They're beyond evil.
Here's a few articles at Infowars.com right now.
New York Times attacks Ron Paul for living in the real world.
They also attack us.
It's a key article breaking it down.
They still say you're crazy when you talk about world government, even as it's announced on the news.
CNN poll fundamentally flawed.
Romney is not leading Ron Paul in Iowa.
Get that article out to everybody, especially Iowa and New Hampshire voters.
Saber rattling in Persian Gulf escalates.
Iran rejects U.S.
warning on closing down Strait of Hormuz.
Yesterday, didn't get any news attention here, but it was in the foreign press, the U.S.
government, I guess run by the bankers, sent an aircraft carrier through the Iranian drill, a huge provocation trying to get them to do something.
So it is all just wild, and it's all up at InfoWars.com.
And more, TSA confiscates cupcakes and candy, allows man to walk through checkpoint with sword,
This is a short segment, Dr. Rockey.
I want to come back and get more to D.U.
in the next hour, but let me just talk about the world in general as a veteran, as a patriot.
They're openly announcing with the NDAA they want troops on the streets, secret arrest of Americans.
That's mainline news.
Openly want internet censorship.
The White House regulations are calling for arresting people that criticize government.
The neocons are doing it.
I mean, America is really going authoritarian.
EMF global head, you know, steals a billion plus bucks, gets caught lying, doesn't get in trouble.
I mean, the corruption has reached insane levels.
And so why shouldn't the bankers care?
They'll get money off contracts, let the troops use DU, kills their enemies.
Kills the troops like that piece in Braveheart, you know, based on a composite of true stories, where the king is attacking Braveheart and the Scots and he says, okay, have the archers fire into the battle.
And they say, but sire, we'll kill our own troops.
And he says, but we'll, we'll kill some of theirs as well.
And it's just, it's like Henry Kissinger in a quoted as calling troops, dumb animals, cannon fodder.
It's total insanity.
I mean, you know, we totally ignore the rules of war.
We totally ignore the health and environmental effects of war for economic gain.
And everything today has become economic gain.
When you look at the members of Congress who use insider trader information to make billions of dollars that anybody else did would put them in jail.
You know it's broken.
When you have all the Bellway Bandits, and you have to understand, man, I put myself in complete danger every time I talk because I reveal information they don't want out.
You know, when you look at this stuff, we've been putting together all of these plans on Mount Operations where we insert military units to take over civilian governments for years.
You know, all that operations, that plan is totally in place.
The presidential decision directives that put this in place are up and be of congressional review.
In other words, Congress has no ability to review a presidential decision directive, just like the Supreme Court doesn't.
So you issue these directives, and everything else goes on.
I just finished a book on Abraham Lincoln and what he had done, suspension of habeas corpus and everything else, and all the civil rights violations they did during
We're good to go.
Beautifully said.
Back in 60 seconds.
I want you to continue right there because look at what getting rid of the Bill of Rights and Constitution has done.
It's allowed the devils to come in and run everything.
We'll be right back.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Look, as Ron Paul said two weeks ago on this show, and it's in the New York Times, it's everywhere, NDAA, National Defense Authorization Act,
...establishes martial law in this country.
And now you're hearing, oh, TSA's gonna be on your streets, the army is.
None of this has to do with some, quote, al-Qaeda threat, which is as phony as a $3 bill anyways.
It's all aimed at us, it's always been aimed at us.
By the crooks that took over the country, Ponzi scheme operators, and have gotten us to sign on as their slaves.
Now, Dr. Doug Rockey, we're getting into the decision we have to make, and all the police and military you've trained over the years, and, you know, you said, boy, I'm putting my life on the line saying this.
Obviously, you know a lot of classified stuff, but so much of this is now out in the open.
When you talk to police and military, from what I've seen, they're really starting to wake up.
They're like, wow, I always heard this, but now it's true.
Are you seeing an awakening happening?
I mean, how can they abuse their own enforcers like this?
And think they're going to get away with it and have some new crop of kids to deal with the old guys.
It's not going to work.
Well, it's not because people are waking up.
I mean, go to the Army Times website right now.
The military has announced they're going to monitor all communications with individuals in the military.
So your emails, your letters, they're just going to automatically monitor it.
Now, their reason is, well, we don't want classified information to get out.
Let me tell you, I never have, I never will, and I'm not going to discuss classified information outside of my combat operations center.
I don't have to.
I won't do it.
It's wrong.
But what they're doing right now is they don't want any discussion or debate about what we're doing or how we're doing it that affects men, women, and children.
When there's no viable threat.
If we have a viable threat, baby, I'm going to be the first one, because once in the military, I've always been in the military, and Jesus Christ, I'm only 18 years out of my over 60 years of my life that I haven't been in the military.
You know, you're always going to do it.
So, the whole thing comes down to what is right and what is wrong, and what shall we do under a nation of God, according to our Constitution, according to our Bill of Rights,
Well, what about how they're publicly using Al-Qaeda to overthrow the countries?
Well, Al-Qaeda has been, you know, kind of like it was one of ours originally.
You know, I'd have to understand how all that came about.
As a consequence of Desert Storm and what we had done in disrupting and trying to take over all their nations and controlled everything, Al-Qaeda was a response and Bin Laden was a response to what we had done in their nations to disrupt their way of life, to take over everything.
So it's, again, we triggered this.
Now, they're pissed off.
Absolutely not.
Not now.
Never could.
Never will.
And as long as we have our Second Amendment rights and we have our freedom of speech and everything else where we speak up and do what's right, according to law and according to Constitution, nobody can ever suspend our government and our rights.
But right now, from within, just like was said years and years ago in that famous speech, we ain't gonna do it from outside, we're gonna do it from inside.
And that's what's happening.
This scares the bejesus out of me.
Well that's how every country or empire falls, is traitors within.
It was Cicero, we can pull up his quote after the break if you guys can find the Cicero quote.
You can pull it up under Cicero.
The traitor is the plague.
That'll pull it up.
He said, the enemy that comes with their flag openly is not the threat.
It's the traitor within who talks like us, dresses like us.
They are the plague.
It's dollars, dollars, dollars, dollars, dollars.
That's what's driving the world today.
And the thing that's horrific, I mean, every day I go out and I see all these guys, support the troops, support the troops, there's a flag wave and you've got the American Legion down here at Marketplace Ball and Champagne collecting money.
I went up to them and said, can you help us get to our appointments at the hospital 30 miles away?
Can you help us get medical
Yeah, no, it's all just a beer drinking club.
Stay there.
I'm sorry about the break.
Long segment coming up.
Let's start back there, what they've done to people exposed to DU.
And other people thinking about joining the military, what you're going to face.
The pin cushioning, the testing of the vaccines, the DU.
All of it.
This empire doesn't care about you.
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We're going to premiere here for radio listeners and for PrisonPlanet.TV viewers a 15-minute special report that we've been working on all week, Aaron Dykes tonight.
Dealing with eugenics, bisphenol A, other chemicals purposefully designed into our society to reduce our fertility and to increase cancer and to confuse the gender.
And we happen to have dug up the UN Planned Parenthood documents on it.
This is devastating information.
So that's coming up.
Because there's a method to the madness.
Yes, the ruling elite are insane, like Hitler.
He was just an extension of eugenicist.
But, there's blowback even on them.
The truth is they're just psychopaths that love to hurt people, and they've created a cosmology around which the scientific system basically executes this through compartmentalization.
But now things are not compartmentalized.
Dr. Doug Rockey, during the break, was getting into the fact that
This empire, this republic, is not going to fall from without, but from within.
Let's continue with how they treat people from DU poisoning, and from your research, how much it's proliferating in its use, Dr. Rockey, because people claim all day, you were mentioning as we went to break, the troops, everybody's like, oh, we love the troops, and oh, there was a casket of a guy killed by a
Air Force MP killed by a improvised explosive device in Iraq.
And his buddy, another MP captain, was on the plane and we were told to wait while he got off and then everybody stood up in the plane and old ladies were saluting as the Boston police picked up the casket and we all waited for 20 minutes until we got off.
People were crying, but it was almost like it was eating popcorn or something.
It was entertainment.
It was all just some new emotional thrill to live vicariously through the dead hero.
I mean, how about you actually don't put them in fraudulent wars?
How about you, for opium or for weapons sales or no-bid contracts, how about you actually give them treatment?
How about you don't have them use DU?
Oh, but see, they don't want that actual casualty number where they die right there.
They'd rather you die in 15, 20 years after decades of torturous pain and deformed children.
It's creeping death.
It's slow motion genocide.
Dr. Rocky, you were talking about going to local veterans groups and saying, OK, help our dead and dying soldiers.
And they said, take a flying leap into the ocean, pal.
We just want some cash off well-meaning gullible citizens.
Break it down.
Let's talk about reality casualty.
Now you have these reports and you've had them, you've updated, you can post it.
Here is the real casualties as of October of this year.
107,256 individuals have infectious and parasitic disease.
9,367 individuals with malignant cancer.
44,290 with benign cancers.
220,268 individuals with diseases of the endocrine nutritional metabolic system.
24,894 cases of leukemia, 367,749 with PTSD, 310,360 individuals with serious neurological problems, 147,267 individuals with cardiac problems, 182,783 individuals with serious respiratory problems, 253,450
450 individuals with digestive problems.
102,661 with serious general unitary.
147,617 individuals with serious rashes.
396,552 of us with serious muscular skeletal problems.
359,998 of us with serious guilt-defying conditions.
And 200,846 with serious poisoning.
That is the reality of casualties just from OIF and OEF.
Now, the numbers for Desert Storm, the percentages mirrored exactly the same.
That is the real casualty numbers from the nonsense over no threat to the United States, but the real casualties, and the guys cannot get prompt and optimal medical care.
And the problem is, there really is no real good medical care to resolve these serious confirmed medical problems.
That's the reality is that nobody wants to discuss it.
There's not a mention on the mainstream media, there's not a mention in the newspaper or magazine about the real numbers of casualties delayed in medical care or the fact that there is no effective medical care to treat these people.
Well doctor, and again this is one of the biggest cover-ups obviously ever and you've been tireless exposing it and how many surgeries have you had yourself to stay alive because of this?
Well, I was on active duty as the director of the depleted uranium project doing the research for the Army with DU.
I had 20 kidney surgeries.
At the time I was director, they're saying, how are you doing the research and serving as director when you're so sick you're in and out of the hospital and surgery after surgery?
When we were out in the Nevada test site blowing the stuff up to confirm the procedures and other things, to write the Army regulations, I was literally passing blood.
And I was having respiratory problems, and the rest of our team was, and everybody's going, my God, the Department of Energy scientists are out there going, what's wrong with you guys?
You guys should be in the hospital, in an intensive care unit, and you're in the field doing research and blowing this shit up?
And I go, that's right, because we have to figure out how do you protect and clean it all up?
And we learned you can't do it, and you can't use it.
So, the chicken-neck bankers, the little Ivy League punks, send the troops off with a weapon that they know is a death sentence, and then they sell their new wars and their tyranny as if the troops want it.
Oh, don't end the wars!
The troops want to keep them going!
And it's all pure bull, and they call Ron Paul insane for not wanting new wars.
You know, uh, what they have, they don't provide the information to the troops.
And, I mean, you have to understand, Christmas, okay?
You know, I've been dealing with Christmas a horrific thing now since 1967.
Because I went on active duty in December 1967 and I was down at Lackland Air Force Base when we had the meningitis outbreak in December 1967.
I saw people die from meningitis.
But all this happened and everything else.
And so what happens, I had five calls over Christmas from Christmas Eve.
From Christmas Eve through Christmas, five calls for screams for help.
Because over the holidays, all of the problems are intensified.
Now, I can't solve these problems.
All I can do is provide information.
I can call the VA, call the Department of Defense.
I can talk to my friends in Washington and say, take care of them, take care of them, take care of them.
But when they refuse to do so, and they know they're required to do so because they don't care.
Because they can't admit what we have done to the American sons and daughters of wars we've sent.
That's right.
I remember the congressional hearings in the mid-90s, where it would show the Marine captain, you know, photos before totally healthy, and the DEU killing him, and the guy in a wheelchair, and then dying a few months later.
It's not patriotic, according to the bankers, to actually care about the troops.
Now, before we went to break, I want you to talk about this.
Talk about the groups you've gone to to try to help you help dead and dying troops and get them to the hospital and stuff, and what the so-called veterans groups tell you.
They don't even want to hear it.
I mean, the American Legion and VFW won't post the information.
They won't post the casualty data.
They won't post the medical directives.
They won't post the mandatory post-deployment physical assessment form.
That is supposed to be filled out by every troop when they're deployed and come back.
And sometimes they do it and most of the time they're not.
And we know they're disappearing in the official files.
They won't help us.
I can't even get the local American Legion to transport guys with no legs!
No, they just, most of them want to go get drunk and watch UFC and talk about how they love killing Arabs all day.
And then you're like, hey, let's help guys with no legs.
And they're like, eh, but I guarantee you their cars have got American flag and, and, and veteran stickers all over them.
Well, they always do, you know, it never ends.
You know, so all these veterans organizations, all you have to do go to any of these organizations who are demanding money.
This is a medical directive up there, mandate medical care for D.
Doc, the New York Post this year, when Congress was trying to get medical care for people with asbestos poisoning, that all the major scientists said, yeah, we can't scan their lungs.
The police, the military, the firefighters, they've all got it.
The New York Post and others called the veterans of 9-11 ambulance chasers.
And I've met these guys where before they'll give a speech, then a lot of them die.
Guys I've met in New York, cops and people, are coughing blood up and are on respirators, mobile, you know, mobile mask of oxygen, and then the news calls them scum because they're dying.
I mean, this is evil.
You know, the guys, this brings it home.
You're bringing it home to where I'm already crying.
Back in the 90s, the United States Army directed me to put together a chemical-biological counterterrorism program for the New York Police and Fire Department Emergency Services Unit.
The Emergency Police and Fire Department Services Unit that went into the World Trade Center were my friends.
They were my students.
We had directed them to do what we call reverse triage.
In other words, move those that are immobile on Earth out of that building and leave the others to come back.
And those people died.
And my friends died.
My police and fire that I trained died in that building trying to do the rescues.
My best friend, I mean, again, another really good friend of J.C.
Ventura's, Willie Rodriguez.
You know Willie?
I mean, Willie is God bless.
I mean, he's a real American hero.
He's the last man out of there alive.
You know, and him and I, you know, we talk all the time and we cry and the tears.
And then we saw in the paper the other day, they're giving a take it or leave it.
Ten years later they can't even get medical treatment and then the New York Post and others call them ambulance chasers when they're on record dying.
And it turned out the head of the EPA had been told, tell people the air is safe to breathe, they knew it was deadly.
Well, we had a conference at the EPA headquarters in Cincinnati, Ohio a few years afterwards, and all this came out.
They had me in there as keynote speaker.
Stay there.
I want to hear about this in one more segment.
Then our big special report's coming up.
Again, police, military, the criminals running this country hate America, hate our freedom.
And yes, they're on record creating al-Qaeda.
The bad guys are in control.
They've hijacked the nation.
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The burglar deterrent.
I don't know.
It's time to stop bowing down to the crooks that run things, or things are only going to get crazier.
We're going to finish up with Dr. Doug Rocky, a real patriot and a great American who's helped so many countless thousands of people.
Finishing up with the 9-11 first responders, we're going to come back with a special report, but here's that quote from Cicero back during the takeover of Julius Caesar.
A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious, but it cannot survive treason from within.
An enemy at the gates is less formidable.
For he is known and carries his banner openly.
But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely.
His sly whispers rustling through the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.
For the traitor appears not as a traitor.
He speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments.
He appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men.
He rots the soul of a nation.
He works secretly.
That's Marcus Tullius Cicero, an ancient Roman lawyer, writer, scholar, orator, statesman, philosopher.
Going back to Doug Rocky, in the few minutes we have left, Doc, that's the point you were making earlier, but you were getting into being the keynote speaker up there as the cover-up of the deadly dust came out.
Please continue.
What had happened, there was a conference call at the EPA Center for Health and Environmental Effects and all this stuff at Cincinnati, Ohio.
I mean, we went through so many closed doors and locked doors.
We get into the conference room.
And there was a total discussion about all the known, all the documented evidence from the EPA that they had found immediately about the horrible health and environmental consequences of both all of the explosives and DEU and everything used at the World Trade Center, 9-1-1, and the same thing at the Pentagon, and how they had known from immediately what the problems were.
Again, we called them, but they knew already.
And that the EPA chief, Christine, I remember her last name, was ordered to lie, cheat, and steal to cover it all up.
I mean, it wasn't box cutters that caused all the health and environmental effects up there.
It was explosives.
There's no two ways about it.
The same explosives we used all over the military operations.
And the same effects on everybody.
So when you look at what happened with the explosions at the World Trade Center before the aircraft hit, it was all set up and it continued on.
And the same thing at the Pentagon.
There was absolutely, I mean, when you look at the
Well, Pentagon Building Performance Report, and you really study it and look at the photos and look at the video, and then read their statements, you realize none of it happened.
And so what we have is a horrible health and environmental effects, and the people in both the World Trade Center and the Pentagon to this day, my friends, can't get medical care.
They can't get medical care.
And what was in the newspaper the other day, they were told, you take it or leave it.
You got your last option.
Now it's been 10 years.
That's how we treat those.
And the way we treat our military personnel with a million casualties is horrific.
And the plague waivers are out there.
You know, most people, they want a six-pack of beer and watch a ballgame.
That, for them, is what it is because they have to take action.
They have to do something.
They have to help somebody.
They have to make a commitment that will disrupt their way of life and maybe affect their income and affect their health.
But, you know, some of us have to do what's right.
It's sort of like Cy Hearst.
We did a book against many...a book years ago dealing with all the health and environmental effects of Operation Desert Storm or North Gulf War Illness.
And the title of the book that Cy came up with, Against All Enemies.
Many of us took an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.
Well, all these scum for power and money that will do anything and will sell out their own mother for a stick of bubblegum, they are destroying our society.
And all these people that are demonizing Ron Paul and lying about him, all these people trying to keep folks in the dark, all these people trying to prop up this evil.
When this is all defeated, I'm going to do my best, if I'm still around, to make sure they're brought to justice.
God bless you.
Thank you very much, Alex Jones.
Well, we're going to bring them to justice.
Those that used the DU, those that authorized it, those that...
Monsanto, the people that have set this system up, they are not going to get away with it.
They're going to be tried by juries, and they're going to be punished.
Dr. Doug Rocky, thank you so much.
We've only got about 30 seconds left.
What's the best website for folks to research the DU documents?
I mean, we've posted some of them, but what's the best?
Well, the Beyond Trees and all the stuff with the Power Hour is there.
Gary Noll's done the work.
Their website is there.
Sonny Miller's grassrootspeace.org website.
I mean, it's out there.
The information's out there.
People don't want to look, and they don't want to know, and when they go, they don't want to act on what they have learned.
Yeah, parents who are sending your children to the military or whatever, you better look into this.
Dr. Doug Rocky, let me say bye to you during the break.
We have a special report coming up that gets into the nature of evil.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington D.C.
we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
sexual proclivity via changes in the Endrican system with Endrican disruptors.
It's all on record.
We're going to show you these groundbreaking documents here in a moment.
It's going to premiere here on the radio and it'll be posted in the next few hours to InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com under the title, The Biggest Secret Slow Motion Genocide.
Maybe I should just name it, Proof the Government is Poisoning the Population by Design.
It'll be up at Infowars.com.
I haven't figured out the exact title yet.
Briefly, I've done two and a half hours of not-plugged books, videos, anything.
You fund our news operation, the nightly news, everything we do, by being PrisonPlanet.tv members.
We've got the 15-day free trial for a year or a month up there right now.
So sign up and try it out for free at PrisonPlanet.tv.
You get tonight's nightly news and all the guests and all the information in the archive of the Daily Radio Show.
In higher quality, all my films, expanded extras, PrisonPlanet.TV.
And we're running until the end of the year.
You can get all 18 of my films on DVD for 70-plus percent off, $99.95 instead of $360.
And your purchase of the films makes this show possible.
But more importantly, you can then give it to friends and family and neighbors and wake up a lot of people, because that is quite a stack of key videos.
Also, the new Oklahoma City film.
Noble Lie exposing that as a Clinton operation because they're gearing up for some new ones to blame it on domestic groups.
Get Noble Lie.
All of it available at InfoWars.com.
And we couldn't have done all of this without you, so think about continually supporting us and spreading the word about the radio show, the free podcast, everything.
Now, here it is.
The report that we've been working on for a week.
I'll get into future reports expanding on this tonight on the TV show, SV40 Cancer and Polio Vaccines.
I'm only covering a few issues here.
It's much, much worse than I can even describe to you.
Here is the special report.
Get it out to everybody.
We are under chemical and biological attack.
The scientific dictatorship sought to not only overthrow nation-states, but to destroy the family and the human species itself.
All of us are under attack.
The global technocrats launch their assaults through covert means.
Through our water and food supplies, as well as household items, food packaging,
Prescription and over-the-counter drugs.
All of these systems used to deliver their covert Trojan horse payloads of control.
If we are unsuccessful in stopping these technocratic madmen, humanity as we know it is a thing of the past.
The report that you are about to see documents this horrific fact in detail.
What you do with the information is up to you.
You have been warned.
The information that you are about to see and hear is some of the most important info that you will ever witness in your life.
I can say that unequivocally.
And I am begging you, for the sake of you and your family, and for our human family, to please take notes, to check the different documents and news articles that we're going to show you here today, and prove to yourself that we're telling you the truth.
In fact, we're only scratching the surface.
There is a private global corporate government, now operating in the open,
That is based on the quack science of eugenics.
And to put that in a pop culture context, or something the general public will understand, Hitler was a eugenicist.
And he got his ideas from scientists in England and the United States.
Now, the robber barons, like the Rockefellers, that funded Hitler early on in the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, still control this nation and much of the world today.
And the entire development of modern sciences, through large tax-free foundations and government funding, and DARPA, that President Eisenhower warned us about,
Has been in the direction of basically creating an artificial habitat.
An artificial system where the scientific dictators, or the technocrats as they call themselves, play God over us and manipulate us.
They see us as lab rats, as guinea pigs.
Now, in the last decade, I've talked a lot about eugenics.
Really, for more than 16 years on air, but intensely for 10 years or more.
And in the different documents that we're going to show you here, we found the UN documents, the Planned Parenthood documents, the World Population Organization documents, where they openly discussed breaking up the family, getting rid of the quote, arcane institution, so they could have their international collectivist system.
Shutting down all competition against the ultra-rich.
That is the system that we face as a society.
I'm going to go over some of those documents.
But up front, I want to just say this.
The system is scared to death of this information.
Three years ago, they had a bunch of different George Soros-affiliated, Democratic Party-affiliated groups come out against me and really simplify the straw man that they'd built, and go after me by saying, Alex Jones says the government is putting chemicals in your food and water to make you gay.
What I had actually said was, Bisphenol A alone, that's in thousands of plastic products, printer ink,
You name it.
Is lowering male fertility, is a estrogen mimicker, and is feminizing boys and men, and hyper-feminizing women, and has been linked in major studies to breast cancer and other cancers.
It is devastating our society, and these hormonal disruptors are actually running off into the lakes, streams, and rivers, and
Confusing the sexual reproduction of nutria rats, rodents, fish, turtles, you name it.
This is a toxic waste and it is added to our water, it is added to our food, it is added through the plastics that are in almost everything to our daily lives to reduce our fertility.
Now I want to show you first this document.
This is from Planned Parenthood to the President of the Population Council that was tied into the United Nations, and in it they break down in 1969 plans to lower population and destroy the family.
Postpone or avoid marriage.
B. Alter image of ideal family size.
Demonize having more than one child.
Compulsory education of children.
They mean brainwashing.
Now listen to this one.
Encourage increased homosexuality.
There's another one.
Educate for Family Limitation.
Fertility Control Agents in Water Supply.
And the current White House Science Czar, John P. Holdren, is on record in multiple books calling for this as well.
And I got news for you.
It's going on now.
You are being forcibly drugged with toxic chemicals.
Hundreds of them are added to the water supply, including radioactive isotopes, not just sodium fluoride, that gives you a seven-fold increase in cancer.
They have gone absolutely ape over the fact that I'm talking about this.
Because it hits at the core of how these scientists are playing God.
This is not saying that people in the Roman times, some of them weren't gay or whatever.
This is not about a moral issue.
This is about to reduce population, giving men estrogen mimickers so that they're not attracted to women and so they're less fertile or infertile.
But on the other side, it's making girls go into puberty at 9, 10 years old, many of them now at 5.
I've seen some articles as young as 3.
This is all over the Western world.
The United States has the highest cancer rates, especially in women and breast cancer.
It basically accelerates the aging process to simplify it.
It does a bunch of other horrible things as well.
It causes deformities in utero, causes more abortions, women to have miscarriages, and that's what this document gets into.
It says compulsory abortion, or out-of-wedlock pregnancies, compulsory sterilization of all who have had two children.
What do you see in China?
Our government went over there in the 70s, made a deal,
With the U.S.
government, the U.N., to industrialize China and finance them if they do this.
And now I see articles where they have forced abortions, where they're arresting people or taking their property if they have more children than the state says they can have.
China is the model of the world.
Break out of this matrix.
Realize that you live in a controlled society and an artificially constructed civilization that is designed to dehumanize you and strip you of what it is to be a human.
Taking over our very reproductive process.
Chemically altering men and women at an early age and even in utero.
And what happens when I point this out?
How does the establishment, the mainstream media, these corporate dinosaur
Mercenaries of propaganda.
These prostitutes, how do they respond?
Same way they've done for years.
Last week there were articles in CBS News, ABC News, you name it, attacking myself and Ron Paul, saying Ron Paul goes on Alex Jones' show, and Alex Jones says the government's putting chemicals in your food and water.
To make you gay.
You see, they know people are reading that, and so they take all this research and they just turn it into, Alex says they want to make you gay, and look, Ron Paul goes on their show.
When what I've really shown here is this is being done to reduce fertility, to increase cancer, and to destroy our normal gender roles.
You're taking people's choices to have children away.
You're taking people's choices to choose their sexual preference away.
You know, they spin it to say you're born this way, and certainly there's different variants of it.
Some of it is natural.
But they're artificially adding chemicals that are making rats.
Be confused about their gender, male and female.
You're being chemically altered.
Here are the documents.
Here's the White House science art calling for adding stuff to the water.
And their answer is, oh, Alex doesn't like gay people.
That has nothing to do with this.
This is about science and being manipulated by a technocracy that's playing God.
The Centers for Disease Control has come out after public pressure and after scientific pressure and admitted that what's in the printer ink and the receipt ink and on the money
And in thousands of products, TV dinners, you name it, toilet paper that people are touching is an estrogen mimicker and was chosen out of thousands of different varieties to be a chemical in the environment to reduce fertility and to basically turn men into servile creatures.
The globalists just want to subdue the population so they can engage in chemical and biological warfare against us.
Our water, our food, it's all being manipulated.
And it's admitted now that the majority of water supplies in the U.S.
have high levels of Prozac, high levels of female hormones, high levels of hundreds and hundreds of other chemicals that are, quote, runoff.
The problem is, I've seen the major studies.
In some cases, this stuff is 200, 300, 400 times higher than it could be from sewage runoff.
It's being added to the water.
There's a reason the American people and the people of Western Europe will put up with such incredible tyranny.
It's because we've been chemically and biologically manipulated.
And you find out what it's doing to people.
It is mind-boggling.
This is a holocaust that's going on.
This is an attack on the human species itself.
So these eugenicists can bring in their world government.
Look at this headline.
Bisphenol A now linked to male infertility and gender confusion.
Here's another one.
Sperm counts continue to plummet, say researchers connected to bisphenol A. Greenpeace finds toxic chemicals in branded clothing.
Canned food may expose people to BPA, the little juice box liners.
Canada declares BPA toxic, sets stage for more bans.
FDA faulted for stance on chemicals in plastics.
Here's the good news.
A decade ago, when you talked about Bisphenol A and other issues similar to it, you were laughed at.
That isn't happening now.
The Canadian government, different European governments have moved the last four years to have it removed by law.
Here in the United States, retailers have come out and advertised that they're bisphenol-A free.
But the establishment and the eugenicists have struck back.
They're now having it added to literally thousands of different products, as I mentioned earlier, even toilet paper, so that it's incredibly hard to avoid this stuff.
These nasty little globalist control freaks count on you being lazy, count on you being trusting.
They count on you not researching and finding out the full horror of what they're involved in.
This is a total takeover of the biosphere of our planet, just like Monsanto's coming out with seeds, the Terminator seeds, that don't reproduce.
You've got to go to them each time.
There's a new report out, International Journal of Biomedical Sciences, very prestigious.
Monsanto GMO corn linked to organ failure.
When you read deeper in the study, it's causing massive infertility in all mammal species, and within three generations, near total infertility in guinea pigs, rats.
There are no human studies.
Do you understand?
We're already a generation and a half or so into this and we see fertility plummeting.
Within three generations, in all mammal species they tested in, 99% infertility and incredible deformities.
And now because there's such incredible infertility, the globalists are coming out with the infertility treatments, which they sell at incredible cost to the public.
They add things to the water, add things to the food, add things to the packaging chain, by design, through these global combines, through these agreements, and then when you're sterile, they come back
And for millions of dollars, you go to them for these expensive genetic treatments, so you can have children, but they're now designer.
And the companies can build whatever Trojan horses they want into the back end.
And then they will have the high-tech treatments that are able to unlock our genetic code and allow us to reproduce again.
Once the world government's in place, and all the Rome UN and Club of Rome documents, they're talking about an 80%
World population reduction.
That's what their world government is about.
That's why the big mega banks that run this system want to destroy the world economy so that everybody is dependent on government.
They don't want you to be self-sufficient.
They want you to be dumbed down and controlled.
But if you're aware of the chemical and biological cocktails that are assaulting you, we can fight our way out of this by making choices that limit the amount of exposure we have to this form of warfare.
There's a reason
All these diseases are increasing because we are being slow killed.
We are being soft killed.
We are being murdered by a cocktail of poisons.
This is the ultimate revolution.
This is the human revolution against the technocratic, psychopathic, control freak elite who are playing God.
Warn everyone you know about Bisphenol A. It's in almost everything.
Printer ink.
It's everywhere.
And retail workers and factory workers that are around this are being devastated by it.
Let's reclaim our humanity together.
Don't let them use little clichés about, oh, we're bashing gay people or, oh, we're conspiracy theorists.
When these criminals attack us with propaganda, we need to shove the facts right back in their face and say, we see you, we know what you're doing, we've got the facts, and we're not laying down and taking it anymore.
Humanity is awakening to the crimes that you, the eugenicists, have been committing against us, and you will be brought to justice.
Now the rest is up to you.
Get this information out to everyone you know.
The ball is in your court.
The information you've seen is only a tiny fraction of the accumulated research that InfoWars.com has amassed.
It's now up to you to do your own research, to fully awaken, and then begin the task of awakening others.
Our species is strong, and we can defeat this tiny group of psychopaths attempting to set themselves up as God.
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We've got to stand up for all those that have already been soft killed, slow killed by the globalists, and we've got to turn this around.
The truth is much stranger than fiction.
I am a Midwest farmer.
I make a living off the land.
I ride a John Deere tractor.
I'm a liberated man.
The rain, it hasn't fallen since the middle of July.
And if it don't come soon, my crops will die.
The bankman says he likes me.
The bankman says he likes me, but there's nothing he can do.
And I'll ride again!
Now, that 15-minute report that you just heard is what this entire broadcast is about.
Incredible job by Aaron Dykes, incredible documentation.
If you're a radio listener and heard it, it's powerful, but the video makes it many times more powerful.
It's gonna go live.
At Infowars.com, we just premiered it here.
In the next 30 minutes or so, Aaron has been up for over a day, even though I told him he could have it ready on Friday, he wanted to get it done now.
Because once you see this information, you can't sleep.
I understand the dedication.
If Moore had that dedication, we'd fix this very quickly.
Our problems would be over very, very fast.
Because some of us are so lazy, others of us have to put in the full measure.
But that is where you find the great dedications, the great challenges of life.
They're in the arena.
And never let it be said that we are those timid souls who sat on the sidelines while history was taking place.
Evil men and tyrants flourish when good men and women do nothing.
Well, we're taking action and you notice we're having an effect.
But I think I'm going to name it
Hey, call Aaron back in here.
I know he's in there uploading.
I just finally settled on a headline and I didn't write it down and I'm now... I think the headline I'm going with is, Slow Kill Holocaust.
And then the sub-headline, Proof the Government is Killing You.
I mean, because these are issues where you can't... you can't... find words strong enough.
So that article will be up the next 30 minutes or so with the video at InfoWars.com.
Get it out to everybody you know.
And on tonight's nightly news, because Hugo Chavez is saying he thinks Latin American leaders are being given cancer on purpose,
I'll go over mainstream news admitting the government put cancer viruses in vaccines and also I've pulled up some of the admissions of the CIA developing weaponized cancer.
So we'll go from rumor to fact tonight on the nightly news.
For those of you that are PrisonPlanet.tv viewers and members, and then by tomorrow or Saturday it'll be dispersed to everybody else, you finance this operation and the tens of millions we reach.
Those of you that are PrisonPlanet.tv members, we couldn't do it without you.
And I couldn't do it without the amazing InfoWars crew.
Please pray for us.
It wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for your prayers and our guardian angels.
Please pray for the crew and pray that America and the rest of the world will awaken from this trance and face the evil that we're dealing with.
And if you don't believe in God, at least reach out to people about this evil.
But I found it's people that do have a relationship with the Creator that do tend to care.
I don't know about all those fake churchgoers that are just there praising the end of the world.
I get their emails.
Praise God it's getting so evil.
That means the end of the world's coming soon.
This is great.
Yeah, sure it is.
The same groups always think it's the end of the world and never stand up and fight corruption because they want to sit there on their rumps, suck on their thumbs like some kind of ostrich creature.
All right.
Again, we're about to close out 2011.
I'll be back live tomorrow.
I'm still debating if I'm going to be here live Sunday or not.
But whatever, we'll have something special for you.
Sunday, I had a new show on Christmas and nobody seemed to care.
But alright, see you tonight, 7 o'clock.
And again, Lord willing, I'll see you back tomorrow, 11 a.m.
Get that video out to everybody.
Yes, somebody sent me a Cobra Commander outfit.
There's the cane.
Thank you.