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Name: 20111226_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 26, 2011
2415 lines.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we've got an amazing guest coming up.
Actually, two amazing guests coming up.
Joining us via video Skype in the next segment.
Oklahoma City investigators, one of them that was there when the bombing, in the aftermath, that is coming up in the next segment.
Also in some of the other news, Obama prepared to attack military action.
Again, Obama prepared to take military action against Iran.
Dennis Ross, a big Obama advisor, says if Obama draws the conclusion that certain kind of steps should be taken against Iran, he'll take them.
Yeah, because he's completely blackmailed and controlled.
Here's another one.
Dozens of people die in roadside bombs in Iraq right as the United States begins to officially pull out.
It has all those advisers and embassy staff and mercenaries there.
And Tony Cartolucci, writer for Infowars.com, has a big article out.
In a move that almost defies belief,
It is so brazen and hypocritical, many will not believe it, no matter how many State Department officials confirm it.
The U.S.
has been guarding a terrorist training camp inside Iraq with U.S.
troops, and is planning to relocate them, possibly in a freshly abandoned U.S.
military base in Iraq, while D.C.
lobbies work feverishly to have them delisted, armed, and sent to conduct terrorist operations in Iran.
And this is what, two or three weeks ago, Steve Pachinick, former State Department official and terrorism expert, talked about.
The MEK, which is an admitted real terrorist group, is basically working for the U.S.
I mean, what group isn't?
Because this isn't the U.S.
government, ladies and gentlemen.
It's offshore megabanks that are totally ruthless and hire criminal mercenary groups to stage terror attacks all over the world, to finance other terror groups,
We're good to go.
And that only props these crazy hereditary dictators up.
I understand they've got to have somebody who can diplomatically talk to these people.
But why did Donald Rumsfeld, as the head of the big Swiss company back in the mid-1990s, transfer the reactor systems so North Korea could have nuclear weapons?
Continuing, Finland finds Patriot missiles on China-bound ship marked as fireworks.
She-Walt, you're busy being told to be scared to death of Al-Qaeda under the table.
10,000-plus missiles, 2,000-plus that are high-tech, surface-to-air missiles were basically given to Al-Qaeda and allowed to keep them when Al-Qaeda was given control of Libya by NATO.
And that's on record.
That's even mainstream news.
Pull it up.
Pull up London Telegraph headlines like, Al-Qaeda flag now flies over Libya.
Al-Qaeda being sent in to fight Syrians.
Al-Qaeda works for the globalists that have hijacked this country.
People are like, but why would they have them attack us?
So they can take all our liberties, blame Iraq that had nothing to do with it, and invade them.
Now they're blaming Iran for 9-11.
Next they'll blame you!
Or maybe Santa Claus for it.
Everybody but who's involved.
The Finnish authorities have impounded an Isle of Man flagship bound for China with undeclared missiles and explosives.
British or US government, they're always doing this.
Police are questioning the crew of the MS Thor Liberty after what were described as 69 Patriot anti-missile missiles were found on board.
Yeah, you can also use a Patriot to shoot aircraft down all day long.
Oh, but they've been saying Al-Qaeda must have stingers left over from the 80s.
Give all your rights up.
Continuing here, Interior Minister Pavi Rassan said the missiles were marked fireworks.
The MS Thor Liberty was docked in Finnish port after leaving Germany last week.
Dock workers became suspicious.
After Mr. Napolitano told him to be, I'm joking, after finding explosives poorly stored on open pallets and missiles were then found in containers marked fireworks.
More on this coming up, but first, our guest.
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This is Alex Jones for survivalseedbank.com.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, we are continuing our series of interviews to document what really happened in Oklahoma City on the record this week.
And I'll do it next week and into the new year, at least once or twice a week, because there's so many amazing people that are interviewed and then some that aren't.
In this film, A Noble Lie, Oklahoma City, 1995.
Jane Graham, the head of HUD, who was in the building and saw known feds planting bombs.
She'd know what they were at the time.
Big gray sticks of butter.
They said they were with a telephone company.
You've got the inventor of the neutron bomb saying clearly that there were explosives inside the building.
The newscast admitting it as well.
You've got the former head of Air Force Weapons Development breaking it down.
The mother of police officer of the year, Terence Yankee, the first to respond, who saw the feds running around involved.
They, of course, killed him.
It's an amazing film and you need to show it to police and military especially.
Because the Obama administration has put out, what, three different memos saying a new Oklahoma City would really help them.
They don't even veil it.
They don't say we're going to do it, they just say it would really help us and if there's a new one we're going to blame the right wing.
And barring that, we're in deep trouble.
And I see all of it moving towards that.
Now our exposure of it may stop them.
And I've been talking a lot more in the last year about Oklahoma City again, as you know.
I mean, I made a 40-minute film, then a film, and I've made a lot of films that are like three hours long, like Road to Tyranny, that's really three different subjects.
The History of Terror and the New World Order, State's Terror, then Oklahoma City, the First World Trade Center, and then into 9-11.
Now, this video is available at Infowars.com and it supports the filmmakers and, of course, my operation when you get it.
But bottom line, get it, air it on AXS TV, have local showings in your area, just like my films, get my films, you're authorized to make copies of my films.
I want all of my videos out there to everybody because this is a life and death situation.
I mean, you watch my police state films, you'll understand what's now unfolding.
Now let's stop right there.
Don Browning is a retired Oklahoma City police officer, former U.S.
Marine and Vietnam veteran.
Don worked in the K-9 unit and was part of the search and rescue team at the Murrah building after the bombing.
And we're going to go to some important questions and riding shotgun with him is Holland Vanden Nieuwenhoff.
He is a native of Oklahoma and served as a rifle squad leader in Marine Corps.
Holland decided to get off the bench one day and started riding and passing out leaflets that expose government corruption and cover-ups.
These efforts led him to collaborate with the Oklahoma Bombing Investigation Committee
In their efforts to uncover the truth behind the OKC bombing, he was instrumental in the formation of the first low-power FM station in Oklahoma to fight the globalists.
I had that part that focused on truth and freedom issues carrying my show, of course.
Holland engages in a variety of endeavors to spread awareness in his community.
Absolutely, and fight the criminals that have taken this country over.
So both these gentlemen join us, good American patriots and Marines fighting the tyranny.
And from my memory, Don, I've never talked to you, but I believe you're one of the guys got threatened too.
We've talked to the other guys, some of the people off record, Department of Defense, bomb disposal, you name it, where they said, don't ask questions about the bombs, or we know where your daughter goes to school.
Just incredible.
But Don Browning, great to have you joining us via video Skype today, and we appreciate your courage coming on air.
Thank you, sir.
You know, I could babble all day, but why are you here?
What did you see?
What is most important for us to understand?
And, Holland, you can pretty much, because you know him well and have studied Oklahoma even more than I have, where do you think we should go first?
Well, we can start with the day of the bombing, of course, when Don responded, and the get-into-the-evacuations that were later denied that they took place, and the explosives that were found inside the building.
Don, you were the first to respond, one of the first to respond to the bombing, right?
Yes, sir.
And you and your dog, Gunny.
Right, correct.
And one of the main points of the movie, what we try to emphasize is the fact that there were several evacuations after the initial bombing that they were later denied.
They said they were false alarms or hoaxes.
But in A Noble Lie, we have videotape from a sheriff's deputy.
Taken during one of the evacuations that shows the ATF pulling weapons and plastic Explosives out of the building no one has seen this tape well some people have but it's been passed down Hand-to-hand we digitally remastered the tape no one has seen in this quality, and it's never seen widespread publicity
Yeah, by the way, that's the kind of stuff that's in this film is many of your team have been on this for over a decade.
I mean, this is a obsession to get the murder of these children out.
I mean, that's why it's so important.
Well, this is my hometown.
I grew up in Oklahoma City.
And once I started realizing what had happened, I felt it was my duty to expose the truth.
I saw that no one else, well, I mean, other people were doing it, but I wanted to really get the story out to the people.
We found a team, we got a good director's team, production, editing, and we made the movie as the best way to get the message out to the masses.
And it's the only, you know, well-done testament in modern times.
So let's get into why Don is such an incredible witness and such an amazing expert.
Well Don, you were actually in the building, in the canine rescue unit, and during one of the evacuations, what were they doing during the evacuations?
As far as the initial evacuation, we were just trying to determine the location of the victims, really trying to determine how to remove some of the debris.
At about 11.30, 10.30, 11 o'clock that first morning, we were halted for the first time.
Ordered out of the building for no other reason than they wanted to secure the building.
On a limited access, we were allowed back in, in fact, to work for a little bit in the area with Dana Bradley, who's had her leg amputated, being pinned in the building.
I don't know.
I was kind of held at bay, told that we'd be allowed to go back in and search, but there were files that were so critical to the government that until those files were found, there would be no more rescue or recovery.
And there were people still inside?
Yes, sir.
There was a gentleman that was, apparently he was already deceased, but he was still laying, bleeding out on the south face of the building.
Yes, sir.
And you could see that, and they wouldn't let you recover?
Yes, sir.
Because they had to recover documents?
What's important about that, Alex, is that maybe one of the reasons that this happened is that their priority was on the documents for some reason.
Recovering those documents to the detriment of the people who were trapped inside and died.
As the Oklahoma City Police Chief said on camera, that we lost people because of the evacuations.
We lost people because of this.
And we have all the newscasts where the governor's, yeah, they found more bombs, they're taking them out, that's another device the bomb squad has.
And here's Don Browning, who was there with the dog and was a police officer and also a marine veteran.
So he, I mean, just amazing to see what was going on.
We only have those newscasts.
What did you see with them and the reported bombs?
There was two different incidents where they claimed that they had
Determined that there was a secondary eclosive device.
They quarantined that area.
I did not actually see them remove the device from the building.
It was more to the northwest corner of the building, from what I understood, in the debris.
And I was still yet on the south side, close to the elevator shafts.
But these evacuations did take place.
We have affidavits from first responders saying that there were at least two other bombs discovered in the rubble, that one of these bombs was timed to go off 10 minutes after the first explosion.
This is a typical terrorist tactic is to have at least two bombs, one to attract responders and the second bomb to inflict even greater casualties.
So there, I mean, this could have been worse.
That's the bad thing about Oklahoma City is as bad as it was, it could have been much, much worse.
Now going through some of these questions, what really got you asking questions, and I'm going from memory in second hand, Don, how did things progress with the feds telling you to get out of there?
Were you ever threatened like some of the other police were?
Yes sir, at one point that morning I was advised that we were going to be arrested by federal marshals if we did not leave the immediate area.
Like I said, we didn't want to be a hindrance.
We didn't really understand what was going on at that point.
So we did withdraw and stayed sequestered there on the courtyard area in hopes that we were going to be allowed to go back in.
Interestingly, we were advised at that point that no police dog would be allowed back in the building.
That the search and rescue dogs would be coming in from private sources.
So they couldn't trust the Oklahoma City Police, but they'd have some special people coming.
I want to get into all the technicals and the horse patrol being mobilized before the bombing and what Terrence Yankee saw and, you know, really the key points here with you, sir.
But bottom line, from 16 years of researching this, being in it, and what you know and seeing this film, as a police officer, as an investigator, as a veteran with a lot of different perspectives and wisdom, what do you believe really happened with Oklahoma City Police?
I personally believe that there was a secondary explosion.
I don't know whether it was sympathetic to the truck explosion and that it was just armament that was stored in the Murrah building.
But due to the destructive nature of what occurred, in particular and closer to the
East side of the building, on the south side, where there was total destruction.
I do believe that there was at least a sympathetic explosion.
The damage pattern to the building, when you look at it, is asymmetrical to the truck bomb.
It's offset from the major damage to the building.
The crater is offset from the major bite, as we show in the movie.
It's on the other end of the building from it, and we can see it right behind you there.
The truck bomb was basically where your shoulder is.
Holland, you're a shoulder that's facing inward towards Don, and then if you see back in the corner where the earphone is, where Don is, that's where you had columns blown off at the base, and Parton says that it was specifically charges on those columns.
Yes, we interviewed General Partin.
I believe one of the first interviews anyone's ever given him on video.
And he was a former head of Air Force Weapons Development.
He spent 20 years blowing things up for the military and conducting bomb damage analysis.
This is his job.
He saw what happened in Oklahoma City.
He saw the damage.
He knew it could not
I don't know.
Well, that's what you see in Saudi Arabia with trucks full of military grade, is it just blows the facade off and blows things through the building, sometimes both sides, but the columns are right there.
The supporting columns were there, and the Murrah building was constructed in the 70s with bomb resistance in mind, because there was a lot more political instability going on in the post-60s era back then.
Yeah, communist bombing stuff.
Yeah, exactly.
It was a federal building.
It was designed with bombs in mind.
And those columns would not have failed due to a truck bomb.
That is an impossibility.
In fact, the American Society of Civil Engineers was not even allowed on site to do their own analysis.
They did an analysis, but they were kept 200 feet back.
Well, that's another issue.
They blow up the wreckage, more than half the building standing there.
They act super suspicious.
They threaten people.
Hoppy Hoddleburg, police officers, doctors that show up.
The ATF's in their full gear like a minute after.
As a police officer, Don, watching them act so suspicious, I mean, what does that look like to you?
And what did other police officers tell you off-record their view was on this?
Officers was describing to me one of what he thought was a one of the secondary devices and he said that he had a clock real similar to it sitting on his desk which was just a three-rowed stick of dynamite with an alarm clock stuck on just kind of a decoration type thing and really was serious about trying to convince me that that's what they thought was a secondary device.
Of course, then we got a little more involved in our conversations, and he said that they did find nitrous bobble end caps, other things that would help accelerate the info bomb.
One of the stories they propagated to cover one of the evacuations that three different bomb squads had mistaken a toy alarm clock as a real bomb, which is ludicrous.
And no reason to evacuate the entire building before that could actually be concluded and ascertained on the site.
You wouldn't evacuate the building before you actually determined that it was a bomb, especially because there's people inside bleeding out.
But you've got pieces of the building blown the opposite direction away from the truck bomb on top of the building across the street.
That truck bomb exploded on the north side of the building, yet north of that, across the street, there were chunks of the Murrah building that somehow transported themselves against the blast wave of the truck bomb.
And that's the thing about this whole story is that it is a conclusive fact that that truck bomb was not the sole cause of agent, yet
The cover-up has gone into effect.
Everyone on the scene knows that the truck bomb was not the sole cause of destruction.
And we see how the mainstream media and the government is able to manipulate a story, take what is actually reality, which is that there were bombs inside the building that did most of the damage, and change it to something else, destroy the crime scene while there were still bodies inside a month after the bombing.
They demolished that building.
And there were still a number of people in sight.
Deceased persons, of course.
But they were in such a rush that they wouldn't even recover the bodies.
Don was there for that.
Yeah, we did pull the... In fact, we had located one of the female victims that we had to leave inside the building on the night of the 4th.
And the building was pretty unstable in that area.
But rather than trying to shore anything up, we were removed.
The building was brought down and we were allowed to go back in the 29th of May and research the area and did locate that lady along with one of her female companion workers and another gentleman that had died in the blast.
Wow, I know this is hard to talk about.
A lot of key questions we haven't gotten to yet here.
Don Browning, retired Oklahoma City police officer, K-9 rescue handler, was there right after one of the first people there on the scene, former U.S.
Marine, Vietnam veteran as well.
Could you tell us, you've told us about the marshals threatening the police, what about FBI threatening you specifically?
Within the weeks that followed after the actual occurrence, FBI agents were assigned to set up a communication station at the Oklahoma City Police K-9 and Equine Center.
And they were in and out of our office through the day.
Of course, we were supposed to just conduct business as normal.
And they were still concluding their investigations.
But was told more than once or twice by agents in the area that people like my wife and I would have ended up dead by not going along with what we knew to be true.
Wow, so you're a decorated Vietnam veteran, police officer, one of the heroes that responded when there could have been other bombs and was thought there were other bombs, and the FBI agents in the police office are telling you, do what you're told or you and your wife are dead.
And you're saying this on record here, sir.
Yes, sir.
Please elaborate for the millions of listeners exactly what happened.
If you'd like to name names, I'm not afraid of these people.
I don't know.
An agent similar to Agent Orange to try to slow decomposition and that there were supposedly was complaints that the odor of the decomp was becoming an issue to the surrounding area in the community.
Again, there were just different things that occurred that just absolutely defied my understanding why they would use something such as Agent Orange.
Without warning, I've said what they were doing.
But I mean, separately, did they phone call you?
I mean, did an agent in the hall say, hey, you better do what you're told or you and your wife are dead?
I mean, how would they talk to you?
No, it was person to person in the hallway there in the office there at the canine center.
So they'd say, do what you're told or you and your wife are dead?
And what did you say to that?
It wasn't too much, I'd say.
A guy yelled right.
I was not, at that time, was really not in a good mood to hear their crap.
I had a major from our department that was telling me that I needed to find new friends and he thought I was part of the militia.
Okay, so they're intimidating you, they're isolating you, and then they're threatening you and your wife in a hallway.
I mean, it's so unbelievable.
You probably had one of the perpetrators right there with you.
I just, oh my God.
Well, I mean, that's one of the things about this.
When you see the behavior of the federal agents on the scene and afterwards, it makes you question what their mission is entirely.
Because they were not responding in a professional manner.
They pulled people back to pull off the videotapes.
Don, you witnessed that.
Yes, I watched while we were being sequestered there in the courtyard, I did watch agents with RAID ATR, I'm sorry, FBI, RAID jackets on.
Uh, removing cameras from, video cameras, from the corners of the Murrah Building.
Tapes that we've never seen.
Those cameras would have recorded everything that happened in front of the Murrah Building.
You know, if we are, if we are wrong, and they want to prove it, you know, if you can show the tape that shows McVeigh getting out of that truck, and that truck causing the damage to that building, I'll go home and I'll never talk to you again in my life.
Well, they declared national security.
Some good FBI agents have gone public.
As you know, in the LA Times, nine years ago, they said they've seen the tapes, there's twenty-something of them, and it does show McVeigh with a bunch of other men, and that's why the government doesn't want it released.
Exactly, and the Secret Service timeline records that when they looked at the tape, that there were suspects exiting the truck three minutes after it was parked.
That means multiple suspects.
But to this day, they insist McVeigh was the only person who drove that truck up.
Don Browning mentioned Dana Bradley earlier.
During a trial of McVeigh in Denver, they could only produce one witness who could place McVeigh in Oklahoma City.
That was Dana Bradley.
She lost her children and her mother and her leg in the bombing.
She gained some notoriety because she was trapped in the rubble and they had to amputate on site.
Under cross-examination, she admitted that when she was in the Social Security office waiting in line, she saw that Ryder truck pull up, Tim McVeigh got out of one side and a suspect, another man, got out of the other side.
Under cross-examination, admitted this.
And then the federal prosecutors tried to drag her name through the mud and say that she had misremembered the day, that it was another day that she had lost her entire family and her leg, that she saw that Ryder truck pull up with two people.
It's just ludicrous and insulting.
We have Holland Vanden Neuhoff, investigator, filmmaker, and Don Browning, Oklahoma City police officer, U.S.
Marine, Vietnam veteran, was one of the first to be there.
We'll talk about Terrence Yankee and his murder.
Another police officer that responded.
On the other side, folks, I don't like risking my life to expose these people, but we've got to.
They're getting ready to do it again.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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It's Alex Jones.
Oklahoma City's real simple.
The ATF even got a Ryder truck and practiced blowing it up a few months before in New Mexico.
That even came out on Discovery Channel.
They were embarrassed that they wanted to get anti-terror funding and laws passed that they've now gotten through, of course, in 93.
So they torched Waco.
That blew up in their face.
And so then they carried out Oklahoma City to blame it on domestic groups and on the state's rights movement and to make Bill Clinton look like a victim.
He could demonize talk radio and conservatives.
And I mean, it was so obvious by their instant response in minutes.
It was all scripted.
And I remember being in Austin and people were mailing the tapes down and putting them on AXS TV.
That's why I went down and got an AXS TV show in 95, was watching the soap opera every week of the tapes mailed down to Patriots from Oklahoma City and the other Patriots locally putting it on with the bombs coming out of the building and General Partin at press conferences and Poppy Heidelberg being threatened and you know all this stuff going on.
And then you find out that so many of these other events have been staged, and then to have these police officers killed and threatened and Department of Defense people that were there for bomb disposal threatened.
We know where your daughter lives, where your daughter goes to school.
Again, ladies and gentlemen,
You can say, well, I would, you know, punch him in the nose or whatever, but imagine being in a police headquarters and FBI guys come over when you're walking down the hall and say, you and your wife are going to get him if you don't stop what you're doing.
I mean, wow.
I mean, why would an FBI agent do that unless they were involved?
I mean, you're now threatening to kill cops and their wives.
That's who runs this government.
And the same crew is in charge now.
The guy that's the Attorney General, he was Deputy Attorney General then, and in lawsuits his emails and memos have come out where he's like, April 20th, we gotta get to Oklahoma and this is D-Day, these are quotes, and cover this up.
Cover what up?
Cover what up?
...happened in Oklahoma City.
Eric Holder was in charge of the investigation for the Justice Department.
He managed the investigation, later in charge of the Trinidad cover-up, now Attorney General of the United States, and now he has gun walker all over him.
This man has killed thousands of people.
That's in the headlines now.
Why is it so hard to believe that an operation in 1995 killed 168 people?
That's a good point, Mr. Browning.
Yes, sir.
Again, retired Oklahoma City police officer was one of the first to respond.
I mean, that's a false flag staged event right there where they weren't just letting them get sold at gun shops.
That was the cover.
We now know 18 wheelers into Mexico and in the federal cases, drugs back in.
I mean, Eric Holder is just a mob boss.
Well you were talking about, you had Hoppy Heidelberg on the show earlier this week.
You were talking about the threats he received.
What's interesting about that is that the FBI agent who threatened Hoppy Heidelberg is named John Hursley.
John Hursley was basically the FBI's representative to the prosecution during the trial.
John Hursley was there with his partner threatening Hoppy Heidelberg with a gun if he kept on talking about what had happened.
Behind closed doors at the grand jury that indicted McVeigh and Nichols and others unknown.
John Hursley is now the go-to guy for the History Channel and whoever else wants to do an apology for the official story.
John Hursley is there in a suit and tie with the American flag behind him representing the United States government.
That man is a thug.
He threatens people with guns, and he's on TV trying to explain the official story.
In fact, he wrote a book, Ghost wrote a book, about the bombing, about the official story, and the title is called Simple Truths.
Simple Truths, which is always what the noble eye is cloaked in, a simple truth.
Don, what were you looking into that made FBI agents threaten not only you, but to kill your wife?
I was trying to follow up.
I had a lot of citizens that was calling, giving information.
I was trying to follow through with different tidbits of information I was getting, even from persons such as Jamie Carverdale and Glenn Wilbur and his wife.
I felt obligated as a police officer.
That we should be looking into all those things and they were pretty frustrated that for the most part they were being ignored or being told it didn't matter.
It was similar to like Dana Bradley I mentioned earlier.
I was called into the U.S.
Attorney's Office and was questioned as to what she said to me the entire time that I was near her.
I wanted to know every if and but, every I, every T. She was groaning.
She was in pain.
There was no
Noticeable conversation that came from her.
They wanted to know what she'd seen and what she'd told you.
There's a woman pinned under giant girders who lost her leg and they're wanting to know what did she say, what did she say.
So as a police officer you're saying the feds were acting super guilty.
Yes sir.
Yes sir.
It was, well I was told at the time that they were going to have to repute what she was saying.
Apparently she was delirious due to her injuries and her losses.
I bet, yeah.
She lost family members again in there.
Let's talk about Terrence Yeagey.
Tell us about this gentleman who was one of the first people along with you to respond, running into the building that had just been devastated.
And then what happened to him?
Why this is so important?
Well, Terry, first off, was a remarkable young man.
He was very likable.
I did not work with him shoulder to shoulder.
Yeah, we made the cover of Newsweek.
Because he hauled a lot of people out, right?
Terry, bless his heart, right off the bat was concerned because there were so many FBI and ATF agents on the scene, even when he drove up.
Yeah, he showed up just minutes after our return ticket.
He was the first officer to respond.
He pulls up, and there are FBI agents on scene.
The FBI headquarters is five miles away.
They have no business.
Why are ATF agents and FBI agents at the scene of the bombing, sitting there watching what's going on, when the first officer to respond pulls up?
Well, they were proud of their work.
I mean... Well, there was an operation going on.
Yeah, blowing up some kids in a daycare.
That's what tough guys do.
Well, Don, you were given privy information about a surveillance operation by the FBI that was going on at the time, right?
Concerning the vehicle description?
Yeah, they always claim that, so when it happens, oh, well, it was a sting, went bad, yeah.
Well, no, quite interestingly, the morning of the bombing, as I was in route downtown,
They were simulcasting a three vehicle description along with the seven Persian mills that were supposedly occupying these vehicles that they had left on the interstate systems from the Murrah building area and surprisingly we were told that these vehicles were still under surveillance and continued to progress.
The FBI said that?
So the FBI told the police that they were watching the suspects?
But the building blows up and they don't stop the suspects.
No, no.
Please don't understand.
This supposedly was afterwards.
This was supposedly the suspects of the bombing itself.
Sure, sure.
That went on through all the morning up until about 1.30.
At that point I had an opportunity to speak to one of the FBI agents that had kind of slowed to take a break.
And asked him what the status was, and was informed at that point that that was disinformation, that it was designed to throw the press off, and was nothing but disinformation.
I became very irate at the time, and they were broadcasting this to a five-state area.
It was not only throwing all the media off, it was throwing every cop in the world off as well, if this was fictitious information.
Well, the perps want to throw folks off.
So Terence Yeagy pulls up a minute or so after, and it's crawling with FBI and ATF, and then what happens next?
Well, he goes ahead and works with the recovery.
From what I understand, over the next few days after that incident, he had started to complain to Janet Reno and to others.
about the treatment that he was getting from the FBI agents and also from the fact that there were so many of them on the scene.
It was quite concerning to him.
We talked a little bit about some of his concerns and some of my concerns, but we both were still, I'd say it still wasn't really that trustworthy even of one another.
It was a time where you really didn't know who you could
Sure, if you're not a completely unconscious moron, you pull up and there's, it's like watching a guy run out of a bank with a mask on and a bag of money, you know.
You pull up and there's feds running around in their full gear right after it happens.
You're like, well, what's going on?
They're like, oh, nothing.
In fact, there were doctors and people there who they would say, patch me up.
I was up on the ninth floor and the doctors are like,
Well, there's nothing wrong with you.
You weren't up there.
And he's like, well, you're going to end up dead if you don't do what I say.
I mean, this death threatening.
I just can't imagine people just, I'm a fed and I'm going to death threat police and everybody else because I'm God.
I mean, it sounds like a bunch of lunatics.
Yeah, it was interesting, like I said, with Terry in that when Terry died,
He was not treated as a normal police officer.
There was no autopsy performed.
He, of course, was viewed by a medical examiner and they did complete the death certificate and follow-up reports.
But no autopsy, nothing to describe why the injuries that Terry had suffered.
Where they came from or what type of injuries those were.
But we do have, thanks to Col.
Craig Roberts going from memory, we do have the basic medical examiner's drawings and of course you guys have talked to some of the witnesses and some of the sheriff's department I know from the county over that did show up reportedly.
And to go over this in detail, the feds are like digging dirt up.
Terence Yegge's obviously been tortured.
I mean as a police officer, go over what happened to him.
Terry had numerous lacerations on his wrist, across his elbows, on both arms.
He had a long cut that began just underneath his right ear and extended past his Adam's apple.
There was another small hesitation cut on the left side of his throat.
You think that was when they were just threatening to slit his throat to get the answers of where the stuff was?
Well, I was towed by the district attorney when I went to the grand jury that was due to EMTs trying to save Jerry's life.
And of course, he'd been dead... Well, I mean, let's go over... I mean, let's talk about how he died, because, I mean, he was telling his partner, I got feds behind me last time he was heard from, right?
Terry was transporting documents and evidence that he had collected.
He called his friend, the police officer said, let's meet for dinner as soon as I shake these feds who are following me will meet.
Terry went to El Reno.
Terry grew up in El Reno, Oklahoma.
He knew all the back roads and his car is found on federal property.
El Reno has a federal prison.
The reason the federal government was able to come in and take control of the investigation was that his body was found on federal land.
Yeah, so they did that again.
And when he had handcuff marks on his wrists, there was mud packed into his wounds.
There was no way he could have drug himself through the mud a mile and a half, through creeks and trees, while bleeding, and then decide to shoot himself at an angle at the top of his head, coming out the lower part of his jaw.
Sure, so let me ask this.
Cops, everybody shows up.
I mean, you talk about the county shows up, and they said, yeah, the feds were covering it up, and the police all just stand around and, well, they killed him.
That's, I mean, because all the police we've talked to, yeah, they killed him.
And I guess that's just what, feds are God.
Go ahead, you know.
They want to kill cops?
Well that's what was interesting to me at that point was anytime we had a police officer involved in an automobile accident or anything outside of the city limits, the city still sent investigative officers out to investigate the accident if nothing else to supplement whatever agency did do the investigation.
With Terry, basically our agency just washed their hands of it and turned it completely over to the FBI.
Yeah, whenever a police officer dies in Oklahoma City, there's always an autopsy.
A couple years ago, a police officer died in a car wreck, and there was no question about why he had died.
He was on duty.
He was responding to a call.
They still performed an autopsy, yet they find a police officer just a couple years before, in a field, cut, bleeding.
A year after he's the hero of Oklahoma City on the cover of Newsweek and police officer of the year.
Shot in the head, and they do not perform an autopsy.
Once again, it does not hold up to scrutiny at all.
Well, who was this police chief?
I mean, who is either purely wicked or the biggest coward on the planet.
He was a, Chief Gonzalez was from the Dallas Fort Worth area.
He had been on Dallas PD prior to his being hired with Oklahoma City.
He really didn't have connections to Oklahoma City and would frequently leave for two weekends to go play golf in Dallas.
I really never did feel like he was a portion of our department at all.
So he was just a placeholder?
Yes, sir.
He was also a young patrolman in Dallas on November 22, 1963.
Oh, really?
So he's a very trustworthy person?
I don't know if he had any involvement with that, but that is his background.
I like Dan rather.
Okay, continuing here, there's a lot of other points here that are important.
Can you tell us about the horse patrol being mobilized for crowd control prior to the bombing?
Yes, sir.
Again, that was one of the things that kind of surprised me.
The horse patrol basically, through the week, did not patrol any area.
They maybe once or twice
One or two of the officers would saddle up and they would go into the stockyards area.
Horses are for special events, right?
Yes, sir.
I mean, big crowds.
Interestingly, they had, anytime we did work a big event, they would have the county reserve would also come in and supplement with horses and manpower and they would act out together.
The morning of the bombing, the horse patrol was going downtown in force.
They claim they really don't know why they were going down there.
It wasn't necessary for crowd control.
They were just going down to work the downtown area.
This was about a week before what we were scheduled to have an art festival.
That would mandate it that they would have had to be there so it was it they were they were coming up on some time frame where a lot of overtime was going to be required so it's kind of surprising that they would just out of the blue decide to gather and go downtown to do this this quite large work patrol there was probably
Somewhere between 8 to 10 riders and horses that were en route.
Was that order to settle up given before the bombing?
Yes sir, they were actually leaving and would have already been downtown by the time the bomb went off according to one of the supervisors.
Had it not been for one of our officers was slow in getting ready and they were just pulling out of the K-9 Deployment Center when the bomb detonated.
Alright, when we come back, I'm going to ask you, what do the rank-and-file Oklahoma City Police think 16, 17 years after this tragedy that's been used to butcher the Bill of Rights and Constitution?
This is another super disgusting thing we have to discuss, but I mean, it's only going to get worse if we don't wake up to false flag terror.
Don Browning, retired Oklahoma City Police officer, one of the first on the scene as our guest, along with one of the filmmakers, Holland Vanden Neuwenhoff.
I'm Alex Jones.
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And the sky is gray.
You know, I am a father.
I have three great children.
I love life.
I love my wife.
And I've been threatened.
I've been beat up before when I was exposing the Waco situation in the trial and bullhorning the judge.
And they sent five guys, four of them attacked me, beat me up pretty bad, but I beat them up too in a parking lot, telling me, shut up.
They broke my nose and punched me.
I mean, and that, but you know what?
That was when I knew how real this was.
And the federal government is run by a bunch of criminals now who just think that we're here to be doormats and our property, our children, belong to them.
And we can beat these people, but let me tell you, living in denial, this isn't about just criticizing the government and we come up with fanciful tales.
This is a police officer who was there and saw all this, who had FBI agents threaten to kill him and his wife.
Other cops got killed.
Doctors got killed.
Grand jurors got threatened.
These are, FBI comes to your house with guns and says, shut your mouth.
Then people come and say, you're dead if you keep this up.
This is what they do.
I mean, and somebody's got a column on it.
Somebody's got to realize it.
This country, I mean, they are now announcing they're going to use the military against the American people.
We get, the Department of Defense contact, Joe Joseph calls us and says, have you seen this?
This is on the federal government's own website.
And then they pull it, where they call the American people the enemy, the red group, and the government is the blue group.
And I mean, the general public is listed as the enemy.
That's not the American government!
You got police officers questioning and they go, we think you're in a militia, implying they were involved in it because they're asking questions.
You cannot control reality by being delusional.
You can't just say, oh, this couldn't be true like the awesome police chief said two weeks ago when I was talking to him privately.
And I looked in his eyes and I could tell he's not stupid.
He says he listens to the show.
He knows.
And he said some things privately to me.
I'll give him more trouble not saying what he said.
He didn't say it's off record.
He's just like, yeah, I'll probably never get promoted above Austin because I'm even on your show, but I don't care anymore.
Alex, I know you're a good guy.
I'll see you later.
But the point is, that's not enough.
I can tell our police chief's a real person.
You've got to choose what side you're on.
In closing, Don Browning, and people can get the film, which people have given their lives, for you to be able to know this information, nobellie.infowars.com.
Get it out to everybody.
In the two or three minutes we've got left, with you and Holland, Vanden Neuwenhoff, what do the other police officers around you say?
Or, I mean, do they just give in to the big lie?
It's interesting.
It's kind of a combination of both where some are literally scared to death.
Terry Yakey's good buddy at one point met me shortly after Terry had died, told me that I was on the right track to please keep on pushing.
Terry deserved that, but he couldn't help me.
Officer for the most part do, or at least at this point starting to finally come out with the feelings and emotions that they did not eat the story, they didn't battle it, but they did not eat the information that was handed out to us.
Why didn't you guys just, why didn't you guys get together and circle the wagons and say we got guns too, you wanna threaten us?
At the time of the circling of the wagons, I don't think we felt like there was enough of us to circle even half of the circle, so we hit them.
Well, there wasn't at the Alamo either, but we appreciate your incredible courage, sir.
But sometimes it takes some of us getting wiped out so other people can see, and then that's when we get the victory.
Well, it was interesting.
I'll share a comment that Stephen Jones made when I was up at McVeigh's trial.
Jones came to me.
He had been part of the Roger Dale Stafford defense team when Roger Dale Stafford had committed the surveillance stockade murders.
And I had testified in that case as well.
And I shook my head as I was walking up towards him, coming back to the hotel.
And he stopped me and he says, you know, only four or five Oklahoma City homicide detectives would investigate this.
We'd have this solved in two or three days.
I tell you what, sir, we're out of time, but you've been gracious enough to be on the nightly news tonight.
I want to start over where we left off here.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, our caller here, Angie in North Carolina, I've been talking to her a little bit off air and so the reason she knows about the stuff and knows where to find it is she knows some of the inside baseball.
She sent us an email.
We never got it.
That's why we found the thing from May or June dealing with the FEMA camps being activated.
She sent us where there's Red Force, Blue Force.
And how to communicate with the Blue Force against the Red Force.
This is for camps with military operations in the U.S.
That's 100% with the barricades and all the rest of it.
That's a FEMA camp run by the military against the citizens.
And they're already announcing they want to use troops against us.
So it's on.
They're getting ready for the collapse.
We're going to find it right now.
I'm going to type it into Google myself.
Right now, Angie.
So slowly give me the name of the document right now.
Okay, the name of the actual PDF file, you can either search for the title, or the PDF document is P-A-M-S-S.
Yeah, yeah, don't give me the long PDF document name.
It's called Statement of Work.
It's kind of long.
For Federal... Hold on, Statement of Work.
I don't type fast.
Statement of Work.
For Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Federal Emergen...
C, Federal Emergency Management Agency.
It's spelled out?
Management Agency, okay.
National Continuity Program, and then in parentheses after that, NCP.
That's what they call these contracts, NCP.
N, like National Continuity Programs, the initials, NCP.
I gotta erase it, I already, okay.
Yes, Program.
And then in parenthesis right after that it's P-A-M-S-S.
Yes, the Program Emission Support Services.
Okay, okay, the guys have found it and uh... It's November 18th, 2011.
That's the date on the document.
We did find it good.
Yeah, your email must not have made it through to us last time, but thank God we found the old one.
And unfortunately, now two of these have been out.
People never pay attention to the third piece of info in the investigation, even though it's the most important.
Specifically for us, where do we find the part about blue and red forces?
I'm sorry, say that again, Alex?
Where do you find the part about blue and red forces?
Do a control F, blue.
Part of the operations that the contractors are responsible for providing are like communication systems and so on.
And if you scroll down, it's under the title, um... Operations Division.
Operations Division, showing this is military.
It's at the bottom of page 2 of 22.
It's the bottom of page... where?
Operations Division starts at the bottom of page 2 of 22, and then it continues on, on page 3.
And on page 3 is where it says, uh, other efforts of the Operations Division include initiatives such as Operation Rendezvous, Task Force Rendezvous, the development and integration of the Federal Emergency Response Official Repository System, National Security Special Event Contingency Support,
Disaster Relief, Humanitarian Assistance.
Additional efforts of the Ops Division include Geospatial Information Systems, Blue Force Situational Awareness, Continuity Analysis, and Command Control and Communications Computing.
Yeah, so that's the military running the emergency camps.
And then where is the Blue Force, Red Force, Command of Blue Force?
Well, it's right there in that line there.
It says Blue Force Situational Awareness.
All right, Blue Force situational awareness.
Holy mackerel.
Yeah, we found it.
That's the military waging war against the American people and putting us in FEMA camps.
Absolute smoking gunned FEMA.
Oh my God.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, if you just joined us, I just got completely blown away.
It was Nancy, the caller, who called us, I guess on Monday.
And said, yeah, you found the Halliburton documents where they're now going to man the FEMA camps that even Wall Street Journal admits they built in 96, or 2006, excuse me.
But do you know about the Department of Defense master order?
And then we got hit by so many emails.
We didn't get hers or lost it.
People pointed out June where they were doing purchase orders.
The one she tried to send us and that she just called in and mentioned that we just pulled up on screen is on Homeland Security's website.
It admits the military and the NSA is going to run it and talks about the military, the stockades, the
Barricades and Blue Force communications against the Red Force.
Now that's all code, but I've been to the Urban Warfare Drills and I was talking to her off air and I said, well, how do you know?
Because that means certainly Red Force, Blue Force, the command and communication of their Blue Force, that's military parlance for war.
That's how they call themselves generally, the Blue Force.
I think?
I mean, she knows about it because she's there, folks.
She said she'd stay on hold.
I'm not going to say much more than that.
We've got a guest already scheduled, but I'm going to have her pop in at the bottom of the hour.
Getting all this up on, we had to go to Skype to get our guest on, so we're pulling it up on another computer, highlighting it all, but I read it there on screen.
If you were watching PrisonPlanet.tv, you saw me.
This is the Homeland Security FEMA website, Department of Defense bid system, and it's super ultra creepy and really upsets me because you've got the state reps calling for martial law in Illinois and on CNN and in New Orleans, in Chicago and New Orleans.
You've got the calls for checkpoints to be set up all over the country.
You've got the NDAA passing and saying we'll use the military against citizens.
We found C-SPAN video from last Thursday where they talk about killing U.S.
I mean, that's going to be on the nightly news tonight.
My head is even spinning.
This is a giant buildup for war against us, and I was really impressed a few weeks ago when I was talking about the NDAA.
On the biggest overnight talk show in the country, second biggest in the world, Coast to Coast AM, and they had a Greg Hunter on after me.
I can't remember if it was before me.
The point is I heard him on the show.
And he heads up usawatchdog.com.
I've seen some of their great reports, but the way he understood it all, tied it all in, where he saw the world going, before creating and producing the site, where he spent nine years as a network investigative correspondent.
He worked for ABC News and Good Morning America.
He's a great journalist.
Most recently, Greg worked for CNN for shows such as Paula Zahn, American Morning, and various CNN business shows.
Greg's a hard-hitting reporter who has a history of getting the truth out no matter how difficult the subject.
Now Greg, obviously you being in the media know about breaking news.
I am on the Department of Defense site during the break.
The caller calls in and says,
I already tried to give this to you once.
Look at it.
It talks about FEMA camps being manned by the Department of Defense contractors and military and Red Force in combat with Blue Force.
What do you make of that breaking news?
Well, here's why.
We're still coming down, because if you just look at the numbers of what they're doing and the people and what they're saying, just out in the general press, I don't try to do anything other than really just analyze the news and things that Christine Lagarde, the head of the IMF, has said recently that things are intensifying, that they're not only unfolding, but they're intensifying.
This is what she's saying in the press.
On top of it, you know, you have the old Dominic Strauss-Kahn, the former chief of the IMF, who's saying basically they have a growth problem, they have a debt problem, the EU has a leadership problem, and he only gives it weeks.
Now, they just dumped a bunch of money into that bailout fund, but if you believe the people who handle money for a living, the $500 billion they put in it, or $600 billion, whatever it is so far, this is what they're reporting, who knows what they're doing behind the scenes.
But if you take a look at people who handle money for a living, they say it's going to cost trillions.
That it just looks like this is going to collapse.
And this is how we got all of our debt, incidentally, over the last 30 years.
That we would just continually borrow money and borrow money and borrow money and create more debt.
And nobody ever intends to pay this off.
Obviously, it's unbelievable amounts of debt in the hundreds of trillions of dollars.
Just derivatives alone, according to the Bank of International Settlements, have grown $100 trillion.
So what that tells me is they're giving, they're handling the debt situation with more debt.
And incidentally, this money in Europe, they're not paying anything off.
They're giving people more loans, debt.
They're putting debt on top of debt.
And this is a humongous problem.
And by the numbers, by the math of it, I just don't see how it stays afloat, just by the numbers on the face of it.
Well, I totally agree with you.
I'm just dumbfounded by the sense that you're speaking here.
In fact, I have the article you mentioned from AFP and Breitbart.
World economy at a very dangerous juncture, IMF chief, and just last Friday she said this could be a repeat of the 1930s.
For those that don't know what that means, that means global depression.
Very good to go.
Now, I know a lot of people are afraid the Euro's going to collapse and they're going to run back into the dollar and gold's coming down some, but the dollar was never in question.
The other second thing was the credit rating of the United States was never in question.
And both those things have come into question.
The veracity of the dollar as it's declining.
Also, our credit rating has been cut.
Even though it's only been, you know, one grade, it's still, we no longer have the top credit rating.
They're threatening to cut the credit rating of France.
Threatening to cut their credit rating of the UK.
All this is about the bankers making crazy, reckless, and I think in some cases fraudulent loans and bets.
And they don't want to take a hit.
They don't want to take a loss.
They want to kick the can down the road.
Ting, ting, ting.
And they want to instill all this austerity.
And they want people to pay them back their money.
And they don't want to take loss.
My goodness, they want another bonus this year, because after all, they have to pay to retain that talent.
You know, the talent that almost destroyed the entire world economy.
And we still know we're out of this.
And that's the thing that the mainstream media just really doesn't report on.
That's one of my specialties, is what does the mainstream media tell people?
And they don't really lie.
And you probably have read into this.
They don't really lie.
I don't want to say that.
What they do is they just simply don't cover it.
They simply ignore it.
They lie by omission.
Or they bury it in the article, or they spin it.
I just did a story with the USA Today newspaper.
I used to work for Gannett.
It was just a few days ago.
I called it oblivious because of mainstream media.
And people are completely and totally in the dark.
And basically they're... I was reading the story on USA Today just last week.
I was reading the story and I said, well this isn't really a fair and balanced, you know, this isn't a objective news story about the economy.
They ought to write an op-ed piece on this.
Because, you know, here they are talking about the economy.
And listen, they're facts they use.
Yes, car sales are up.
Yes, the home sales are up.
But in reference, they're bottom bouncing from being off 75%.
So they're just bouncing along the bottom.
And home prices are falling.
And this is with the government suppressing interest rates to unbelievable lows, down to around 4%.
But anyway, real estate is a huge factor in the trouble the economy is in.
I mean, we've got this foreclosure fraud, they called it robo-shiny.
It was nothing more than basically creating fraudulent documents so banks could go to court and take back houses that they should have never loaned money on in the first place.
Listen, a RealtyTrack story came out and more than 4 million foreclosures are now in the pipeline.
And so they're doing a story about the overall economy, not a word about the 4 million foreclosures in the pipeline.
They're actually saying, wow, real estate could actually contribute to the economy in 2012.
With 4 million foreclosures, more than 4 million foreclosures in the pipeline according to RealtyTrack?
It's unbelievable the amount of omission that they have.
I mean, they wrote this so their advertisers in the newspaper will feel good about the Christmas season and, hey, you know, you guys, this is my conjecture, hey, you guys at USA Today, hey, you know, we're trying to sell things here.
Don't come out with a negative article two weeks before Christmas.
Exactly, and then they're using the irrational exuberance and the smokescreen to continue down the same derivatives path, the bailouts the banks have been given, they're only using to leverage it even more, so it's going to make things worse.
It's not like we're saying, let's be negative, but meanwhile...
I don't
Incredible homelessness in the Great Depression with people that were pretty much self-sufficient.
What's going to happen when, let's face it, a lot of spoiled rotten people... I mean, this is scary.
This is scary.
Well, and I think what's going to happen with these, and I get it for the longest time, and I was like, oh come on, FEMA can't.
Well, you know, I hate to say this, but these people have to be as smart as me.
I don't have any great degrees in accounting, I'm not an economist, I'm an investigative reporter by trade, which is a trade I've learned, and I applied my investigative reporting skills to the economy.
And basically what I do is I look at what's out there and go, what can I prove?
What can I nail?
What can I put out there and prove?
And there's so much out there, Alex, by the numbers that you can prove from very good sources that say, you know, we have $12 trillion, Alex, $12 trillion liquid dollar assets held outside the country, according to John Williams, an economist at ShadowStats.com.
I think you know who he is.
Now, can you imagine what kind of debacle could happen if people all of a sudden wake up and realize that the people around the globe are selling these dollar assets?
Do you understand what kind of calamity and inflation... Yeah, let's talk about that exactly.
We are sitting on top of Powder Keg and the fuse is lit.
And it's only a matter of time.
I just got chills.
We'll be right back.
I am getting chills every second.
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Ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here, back live, short segment, long segment, coming up with Greg Hunter, USAWatchDog.com.
I knew when I heard him on air.
Just amazing information, spot on.
And it's really great to have him here.
Hopefully he can pop in every month or so to give us updates on his research.
But listen, I'm not trying to be sensational here.
I've got children.
I've got a wife.
I wish when I went to Urban Warfare Drills 12 years ago I didn't witness Marines training to take on U.S.
But I shot video of it.
It's not my word.
It's in Police State 2000.
But I knew it was long-term then.
They were just beta testing.
I've got family in the military.
They say everybody, officers, you name it, is being trained for crowd control the last three years.
So they're gearing up.
And now I just read the documents on the Department of Defense site and FEMA.
I'm like you, Alex.
I don't want to be sensational.
You know, whenever we did stories at ABC and CNN, people would come to us and say, hey, I've got this story.
And it's about such-and-such.
I believe you.
And I would say, you know what?
How do I prove it?
How do I prove that X amount of cars are killing people?
Or how do I prove that depleted uranium is so terrible?
And how do I prove that?
And if I could prove it, I could do it.
So I'll only do what I can prove.
Let's go back to the banking system.
And here's why.
If you take a look at the big picture,
People don't realize.
Everybody thinks 2008 we were saved.
We were not saved.
We were postponed.
They spent $16 trillion according to a government accountability report.
Thank you, Bernie Sanders, for slipping that into the bill last year so we could audit the Federal Reserve for what they did.
$16 trillion.
You know, you heard about the more than $7 trillion given to the banks, but $16 trillion.
Anybody report on that in the mainstream media?
That's not a story?
I have friends of mine still in the mainstream media, and I say, that's not a story?
That's a government accountability report?
That's not something filed by some guy in Montana living in some cave.
This is the GAO, and it was put into a bill by a US, sitting US senator from Vermont, and we found out they spent or doled out $16 trillion in the wake of this, and we still have a problem.
And do you know, Alex, why I think we still have a problem?
Because they're not using the money to fix the problem that's too big to ever fix.
Well, Ron Paul has said that.
It's impossible to pay off a black hole.
We should take the banks to receivership.
We should protect only the depositors.
We should, the bondholders, sorry, you get some.
The shareholders, you're poof, you made a bad investment.
Depositors, that's your capital base, that's capital formation.
It would only cost us six trillion dollars.
Six trillion.
We could have insured everything.
Instead, we've got to pay off the banks for their gambling.
It's unbelievable!
And they, as you said, you hit the key.
They want it all.
They're going to keep getting bailouts.
They run the government, and they've got the military.
In Europe standing by, and here, the military now works for the big megabanks to squeeze it out of us.
You know how serious the problem is that most people in the mainstream media watch, you know, CNBC and some of the stuff they do, like I quote stuff from CNBC about really track, okay, some of the stuff they do is good, it's good actionable information, but again, you know, they basically omit, they lie by omission.
How do you omit when you're doing an analysis of a bank, okay, and I'm not an economist and I don't analyze banks.
But how do you analyze a bank that's allowed to lie?
This problem is so big, they changed the accounting standards, the Financial Accounting Standards Board, the FASB standards, in April of 2009.
You can change it.
They can value these Tier 3 assets, you know, real estate, mortgage-backed securities, whatever they think they'll get for them in the future.
Now, you think about that.
We think we'll get par value for the houses we have and these securities that weren't bought by the Federal Reserve.
And any money we bring in, whoo-hoo, let's pay ourselves a bonus!
And that's what's going on.
So this problem was so big they couldn't just pump out $16 trillion.
No, they've got to allow them, and also corporate America, you know, it's the banks that mostly get this financial accounting standards board treatment where they can value these assets, these toxic assets, whatever they think they can get for them in the future as long as they're not bought by the Fed and the taxpayers.
So, if they're allowed to do that, it must be an awful big problem.
And also corporate America, they say, oh, corporate America is bunched with cash.
Well, you know, not according to the former budget director, who says that corporate America, under the Reagan administration, that corporate America has about $11 trillion in debt.
Well, Greg Hunter, long segment coming up.
I want to pop in with the lady who gave us the documents, pointed them out to us, and I'm going to try to get her on the show tonight.
Stay there.
What were you going to say?
Go ahead.
Talk to me in the break.
Give me the web address.
I want to get on the same page with you.
We'll be right back.
Here we go.
Stay with us.
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Today is gonna be the day that they're gonna throw it back to you.
By now you should have somehow realized what you gotta do.
I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now.
We're going back to Angie, who's been on hold, who tried to call us four or five days ago and said, hey, go to the Department of Defense bid process site, and you can see where not only is KBR getting contracts to man the camps, we got those documents from state employees, but they are
You know, stating that the military is involved and that it's blue force, you know, versus the red force, the command and control.
And I've been to urban warfare drills.
I'm like, well, how do you know that?
And then Angie Offair told me some things, but I'm just going to leave it at that and see what she wants to say.
Obviously, we'll, you know, give her anonymity so she doesn't have to worry too much.
But now you've got, here's the headlines.
Martial law attempt in Louisiana echoes Ron Paul's warning.
Louisiana state officials call for troops on the streets in war against guns and drugs.
I've got, in Illinois, I've got NBC and AP are saying, yeah, we want troops on the streets.
So that's a new talking point, but it's always going to be in the bad neighborhoods first, ahead of this.
Now, we're going back to investigative journalist Greg Hunter.
We're not going to spend a lot of time with the caller.
In fact, my phone system just crashed, John.
But we're going to spend a few minutes with Angie, and then I'm going to work on getting her on the TV show tonight, and maybe even her husband.
Because again, this stuff's all public, but you'd have to know where to go look where they're doing all this.
It was Wall Street Journal in 2006, about the $386 million to establish, through Halliburton, three one-million-person camps.
But now they admit, hey, we're going to use the Department of Defense against citizens.
Hey, we've got the Emergency Centers Establishment Act.
For economic collapse.
So now it's pretty much admitted.
It's just what are the details of it?
Super creepy, Greg, and you keep going back to economic collapse.
Obviously, if they know it's all going to collapse, I guess they think they're just going to put the homeless people and the dissenters in these facilities.
I mean, what do you see as an investigative journalist?
Well, by the numbers, if we lose our currency, so we have this $12 trillion in liquid dollar assets, that's Treasury bonds, that's dollars, but Treasury bonds are really nothing more than you pay somebody a dollar today, and in five years, or three years, or ten years, or thirty years, you get some more dollars back, and hopefully the interest rate will make up for the dollars you gave, and you'll actually have a profit.
I don't see how paying somebody 2% or 3% or 4% over five or ten years, you're ever going to be able to get your money back, in terms of real buying power, the buying power of your money back.
A lot of countries on the planet know this, and if we do have a dollar route, in other words, if we do have a sell of, let's say they sell all 12 trillion, let's say they sell 2 or 3 trillion, that could cause interest rates to spike.
Anybody with an adjustable rate mortgage, that could cause inflation.
We might be paying $10 a gallon for a gallon of gas.
That's the kind of things that can happen if we have a change of currency, and I believe ultimately this will all come down to a currency crisis in that they'll have a bank holiday.
When they do have a bank holiday, as they've had in the past, they devalue your currency, and you'll just have a lot less money to spend.
By the way, let me stop you.
I have another headline here.
Ask banks to keep more cash on hand.
That's in AP and AFP.
So there it is.
And they say more people are coming in wanting their money.
And you know, let me tell you, Martin Armstrong, the famous economist that was held for years for contempt of court, which is outrageous.
Well, yes.
But still, he is a renowned, brilliant economist that came up with this economic confidence model, which is really the theory of cycles.
It is the theory of economic cycles give way to political cycles.
You know, we had a depression in the 30s, we had hyperinflation in the 20s for Germany, we had a depression in the 30s, and Hitler came to power in the 30s.
So an economic cycle, for example, gave way to a political cycle.
And he's out of jail now for his contempt, and he was held for five or seven years for contempt.
I'm not an expert on his case.
Talk about a police state!
He was told he was wrongly accused of a crime.
He did plead guilty to one crime, but thought he was going to get out.
Anyway, long and short of it, Martin Armstrong, the brilliant economist who I believe, he just gave a seminar in Philadelphia.
And, you know, people fly in from all over the world.
People with real money.
You know, it's like, I don't know, $4,500 or $5,000 to attend or whatever, which is nothing to people with money.
And he says, you know, when I have people fly in, it's kind of like the United Nations.
You know, I have people come over from really around the globe.
He's going to have some more of these conferences where he'll talk about, you know, macro-global economic things.
And even Martin Armstrong says, hey, listen, without real reform, the system is going to blow up.
The world is going to blow up.
We're good to go.
And he says, listen, I've got to tell you, is this him at Global Think?
I've got to say no!
I don't have good confidence that anybody's money is safe in America, because basically they just went in.
This is according to Martin Armstrong.
Now, this is a source, a real source, not just my, I don't think money is safe in America.
This is a guy that counsels governments and Congress.
He's been called to Congress on more than one occasion.
You may not see him testifying in front of the House Financial Committee, but they've had him up there.
And he says that, you know, with what's going on, your money's not safe in America with the whole IMF global debacle.
So that's a problem.
Also, Ann Barnhart, you remember her?
You shut her brokerage down because she said, hey, in good faith, because these trades can't settle, I can't tell my clients that their money is safe.
Hey, hey, they've had a bunch of other heads.
Soros gave the money up a few months ago and said, I'm not taking your money.
And they've had a bunch of others do it in the last six months.
Yes, and why is that?
Because systemic failure could lock everybody's money up.
They're talking about a credit freeze over in Europe, which is totally a misnomer.
They're not fighting a credit freeze.
They're not fighting a credit crisis.
The banks are insolvent.
I was guest hosting on a radio show, and they had this Wall Street Journal reporter a couple of months ago, and he was over there talking about the European banks.
And I said, hey, listen, I got this quote from CNN, buried in a story on CNN, and I mean, it's on my site.
Meredith Whitney, you know, star banking analyst Meredith Whitney, was sitting there talking with Poppy Harlow, I believe her name is, and she says, well, you know, Meredith Whitney says, well, you know they can't bail out all the banks.
There's going to be bank failures.
Because, you know, governments can't bail them all out.
Well, they're going to have to print tons of money, A, to bail out the winners, the ones they want to pick.
B, why is that story not being reported?
And I asked this Wall Street Journal reporter over there, you know, reporting on this as a guest, I said, why is it the fact that we are going to see banking failures?
Why are you not reporting that?
Oh, oh, oh, oh, this is the reporter, I want to name him.
Oh, well, even at the Wall Street Journal, you know, they're told to tone it down, not to cause a panic.
You know, hey, don't say that, you know, this slipped out from Meredith Whitney, you didn't see 60 Minutes having her back on.
Well, look at Ron Paul!
He's been warning about this, and they call him a fear monger and a crazy person.
But what does the system think?
Because if, and we're going to this caller because I want Angie to tell us more about this huge military news.
Corzine runs off with a billion, two hundred million conservatively.
But it's disappeared.
It's disappeared.
It's disappeared.
But then, as you know, it got no attention except the Financial Times of London did do a blurb.
The head of the CME group, for those that don't know, the big commodities group above it, he came out and said, sorry, we were in meetings with them, they took the money out, he gave the order.
So there's Corzine.
$175 million, yes.
Yeah, yeah, totally caught, right there, and no one gets in trouble.
I mean, obviously Corzine's up there lying.
He's the CEO, he doesn't know where it got wired to?
Well, I wrote a piece, and I tell you what, if I have to look that stupid to save my bacon, I mean, here you have a guy who is a former governor of the state of New Jersey, a former U.S.
Senator, and a co-chair, a co-CEO of Goldman Sachs.
I think so.
So why do you think they're getting so bold and reckless?
I think we're back to the insolvency problem over in Europe and of course they're adding more debt to tackle this problem.
So it's like pass the hand grenade.
It's like pass the hand grenade.
They pull the pen out and they just pass the bad debt around.
Yes, and we're talking about Anne Barnhart, the woman that shut her business down, says, hey, listen, you need $100 trillion to bail out Europe, at least.
And you know what?
They came out in the Davos-Switzerland thing in January.
They said they want $100 trillion.
How much did they need?
$100 trillion.
Tell me how they're going to pay, they're going to handle this insolvency crisis with the banks.
With 500, 600, a trillion, two trillion dollars over in Europe.
It's a solvency crisis.
They are insolvent.
And let me tell you, what I did get out of this reporter from the Wall Street Journal is, well, they've changed the rules about sovereign debt.
And yes, you too can hold that.
You know, you can hold Greek bonds that are, what, 30 cents on the dollar, 50 cents on the dollar.
They wanted to take a 50 percent haircut.
You can hold Greek bonds at par.
Makes your bottom line look really good.
That's like you saying, hey, I've got 10 ounces of gold, but I'm going to hold it on my books, not at $1,640 or whatever it is right now, $30 an ounce.
I'm going to hold it on my books at what I think I'd get for it in the year 2024.
I think it's worth $10,000 an ounce.
I've got $100,000.
Let's pay some bonuses.
Let's leverage that up.
Let's go out and buy a car.
Yes I do.
You can't counterfeit a promissory note either.
So, now, if we know that millions of documents were forged, widely reported story, then riddle me this.
How did they create mortgage-backed securities when they didn't have the documents?
Obviously, they have to forge them.
How did they bundle the securities?
Number two, how did they rate the securities?
If you have to forge the documents, how did you rate the securities?
Number three, how did you get a tax advantage if they weren't really securities?
How did you get a tax advantage so the income goes straight through to the bondholder, to the pension fund, to whoever?
It's called a RIMIC.
And finally, if you know they're
How did that happen?
They're busy shipping guns into Mexico.
They created the MIR system to fraudulently claim that they own the houses and had the deeds, and they AAA rated the bonds and had corrupt companies certified as AAA rating, which they then sold those insurance policies as more crud.
So they sold crap on top of crap.
He was the big guy that sent a bunch of them to prison last go-round.
But Greg Hunter, don't worry, NORTHCOM's standing by to take out the evil people that are criticizing it.
I want to briefly, we're going to go to break, come back and have you finish riveting information.
Hope folks are waking up out there and spreading the word.
Angie in North Carolina.
I don't know how much you want to say what you told me off air, but you have reasons to notice these things in the Department of Defense orders.
But how big an issue, just to our guests, breaking it down, to talk about the military running emergency camps, well you could say it's for floods and things.
This says Blue Force Situational Awareness Communication, and you're absolutely right, when they talk about Blue Force versus Red Force, that means a combat situation.
Angie, finish up your points on that.
I think it's very disturbing.
This whole entire document is their bid to contract for the establishment of a communications system for the purpose of essentially a complete societal breakdown continuity of government situation.
And that's exactly what it says, that the operations divisions need to provide the, you know, basically the electronics
And look at outreach support.
That's going to be PSYOPS.
And then in there it talks about Red Force.
And again, I've been to the drills.
That means when they go red-blue or blue-red, when it talks about Blue Force, that's the government against somebody.
Actually, it says Blue Force Situational Awareness.
And I'll say it again for those that don't know what that is.
It's the communication system that the military uses, its military program, to identify friendlies and non-friendlies in the battlefield for the purpose of avoiding friendly fire.
Generally, it's a transponder, unless they think the enemy's tracking them.
Then they turn them off, or it's what's painted on the tanks.
It's codes that are blurped out.
And anybody else who isn't on the blue list, you're on the red list.
Or they can use other colors, but usually it's blue-red.
I mean, this is amazing.
I mean, you know about it.
I mean, what are the people you know that are involved in this?
Are they pretty upset right now?
It's an extremely disturbing development.
Yeah, very.
You know, basically anything that would provide for a 72-hour standby in order for them to be able to pull together situational control within the borders of the United States using the military is disturbing.
That's why we have posse comitatus.
Well, we don't anymore!
They just passed NDAA!
Now, I mean, sure, it's outrageous, but wait, we found a C-SPAN clip, it's in like a two-hour-long show, we didn't play it on the radio, we found it at the start, but we're gonna try to play it tonight, where they're on C-SPAN going, look, we're not just gonna arrest you, we're gonna kill you!
And they say, yes, we're going to kill Americans without a trial!
I mean, just the magnitude of this!
Well that's what's so disturbing, and as you were saying before, with the blue force, red force, the way that that works is, you're right, blue force has
Blue Force is considered friendly and they carry transponders and essentially anybody that does not have a transponder that identifies them as a friendly is considered a Red Force or enemy.
And that's what they use out in the battlefield.
Now I don't know why they would want to set up a system to be able to use that here within the United States unless they know something that we don't.
Well, look, I was told by insiders, and now of course the drones are actually tracking farmers, so people believe it now, that they got the GPS marking of your door for SWAT teams, Army truck pickups, and drone attacks.
And I was told this by an Army colonel who was so scared he wanted... I'm not gonna get into it.
Listen, I'm gonna put you on hold again.
I'm gonna have Rob Duke call you.
I want to interview you on the TV tonight.
We'll disguise your voice, whatever you want.
Because I know you have a lot more inside info.
I'm going to put you on hold now.
Our reporter, Rob Dew, is going to call you.
We're going to finish up with reporter Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com.
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I think so.
By the way, folks, I'm not going to have time to plug a bunch of stuff that we need to because it's key to the info we're in, our funding.
But I will be, uh...
On the radio tomorrow, they're going to be posting it at StansburyRadio.com, so check that out and support our Stansbury interview.
Always trying to get him on, but he's too busy.
So that's coming up tomorrow at StansburyRadio.com.
Don't forget we have the new film out that's professionally done on Oklahoma City and what really happened there, A Noble Lime.
And you can get all 18 of my films on DVD for 70 plus percent off at InfoWars.com.
In closing, Greg Hunter, you just heard that information from that lady in her Department of Defense.
I'm just going to leave it alone exactly what he does, but that's why they're aware of this.
But you talked about the mainstream media and how they've been discredited, they're losing viewers, alternative media.
Real journalists like yourself and others are firing up their own operations, becoming incredibly successful.
And so you have a perfect storm of old line media and government and industry openly saying, let's censor people, to where you have 80 of the inventors of the internet coming out last week and saying they really are planning to shut down alternative speech.
So you see them gearing up for what you call, what I would call, an iron curtain descending on America.
Take a look at the data points, and I'm going to tell your viewers and listeners another little data point that's coming out today before I start.
And these are just data points so you can say, hey, why aren't they telling this?
National Association of Realtors, see if anybody covers this tonight.
This came out today.
Well, he does it the old way the government used to.
He says inflation is 11%.
If he did it the way it was done by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 1980 or earlier... Are unemployments really 22?
Unemployment's really 20... 22, correct.
If it was done the way the Bureau of Labor Statistics did it in 1994 or earlier, unemployed, underemployed... Unemployed and underemployed is really 22.
So, really, we had the first two quarters of the year, we had a couple of percent shrinkage, according to him.
So, that's not getting up.
And here's another story, just as a data point, and I'll get back to your other thing.
The National Association of Realtors just refreshed their figures, and they basically, they corrected their estimates, and 3.54 million homes vanished.
Sales of 3.54 million homes vanished since 2007.
Just another little data point.
Let's see if that gets widely reported in the press, that the sales of 3.54 million homes have vanished since 2007, according to the National Association of Realtors adjustments.
But back to the mainstream media versus the real media, which is now us.
We're not the alternative media, we're the real media.
I know what a story is, Alex Jones.
I know what one is.
I did stories against Ford Motor Company.
I did stories against big car companies.
I did stories about depleted uranium munitions.
I had some of that stuff on my site.
I know what a story is.
I did nothing.
I didn't cover fires.
I didn't cover floods.
I worked in the R&D department of ABC News and CNN.
I work with the lawyers.
I work with standards.
I work with legal.
I didn't say anything unless I had, if I said a line like, so-and-so did such-and-such.
Do you have a document to prove that?
I had to have documents for everything.
I know what a story is.
I know what to say.
And I know how to say something that's true.
And what's going on today is outrageous.
But let's take 60 minutes.
The pinnacle of broadcasting.
They interview, and I did this on my side, they interview Ben Bernanke, what, several months ago.
And he says, oh, we're not printing money.
And you know how I know he's lying?
Because Jon Stewart on The Daily Show found a clip where he was on 60 Minutes a year earlier, and he says, essentially, we're printing money.
And 60 Minutes decided not to ask him about any of that.
I tell you what, Greg Hunter, let's do five minutes overdrive.
Back in 60 seconds.
I want you to finish.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today!
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, Tyson.
Hi Alex, I'm a first time caller.
I just wanted to share a little experience that I had in 2008.
I was... What I saw was something that led me to believe that there are either FEMA camps or detention facilities near my home.
I was driving down University Avenue in Provo, Utah, and as I was driving by a rail yard, there were two pilot cars that pulled out into the street and stopped traffic.
And as I watched, they were followed by some
We're good to go.
Yeah, no, no, no.
They have those.
No, sir.
For the last decade, the government's been building them as fast as they can.
And that's exactly what they have on these general camps.
Then they have areas where they lock you up.
They've been photographed many times.
They're like old-fashioned jails.
And this is for just setting up prisons very, very quickly.
Yeah, it was extremely frightening.
But see, denial set in after I saw this.
And I totally put it aside until one day, you know, less than a year later, I was on YouTube and I noticed a video of the exact same thing that I saw.
Somebody else in my area took photos of this as they were being unloaded and loaded onto the trailers.
Yeah, I forget what you call them, mobile jails, concrete jails.
They've been photoed and videoed all over the country.
And they are at some of these decommissioned bases.
But none of this is rumors now.
They admit they're hiring the internment specialist.
They've built the camps.
Now they're moving to have groups on standby to man them.
That is all official.
And the mainstream media will not touch it because they are complicit.
Just like they won't say Corzine's a crook.
They are complicit in the organized crime takeover of America.
But there's still a lot of free speech.
There's still a lot of good people in the country.
And folks are waking up.
Yeah, if viewers will type in portable prisons in Utah, what I saw will pop up and you can see the... Hey guys, type in portable prisons Utah for me please, we'll put that on screen.
Yeah, if you're a PrisonPlanet.tv viewer, you'll be able to see this, but everybody else, yeah, portable prisons Utah.
I've seen it all over the country.
In fact, some of these we know have been loaded on ships and taken overseas.
We know they have these
There was a massacre less than a year into the Afghan invasion where they put in one night 3,000 people in these standing room only and then it's like it's a form of crucifixion to where you couldn't breathe and you couldn't lay down and it killed them all within three days.
Can you imagine how painful that is?
They cram you in.
People don't know what's happening when it's happening.
It's a form of murder.
I mean, it's an old fashioned form of killing and they cram you in.
And I see the photo.
There's even more powerful ones that show the bars.
I don't even know if that's what those are.
But it looks like prefab something.
And they cram you in standing until, it's like the phone booth game, and then they close the door and it's like, you're gonna die now.
They just walk off and leave.
I remember it came out, it was in BBC and AP, that when they did this, after three days they opened the doors to create a mass grave and one guy was alive and ran off and they machine gunned him, but then they had to write a report on it.
Yeah, there's from PrisonPlanet.com.
Okay, thank you so much for that information, sir.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Hey, you're not for killing Pat Tillman, you're not patriotic.
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We ought to be glad to have people like this criminal government.
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Tim Geithner?
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Ease the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are now into our number three here today, and joining us in studio is pharmacist Ben Fuchs.
You know, Ben, you've got a lengthy bio, but I never even seem to get into it.
I just start throwing out my questions.
I just want to say you've done a great job.
Aaron Dyche listens to your show, has followed a lot of what you've done.
He's lost 50, 60 pounds.
He's going to be interviewing you tonight on the Nightly News.
And then, of course, we're going to tape some more of it and re-air it later in the week, because I want to do a lengthy interview.
With you where we're not, you know, just here on the radio constrained by ads and the amount of time that we have But you know, I think the fact that you break down The issues that the system knows what they're doing.
I mean a great example is breast cancer We know what's going on with breast cancer
We know that they always talk about, hey, let's find a cure for it instead of asking why does the U.S.
lead the world in it and every other form of cancer.
Instead of finding out why we're getting cancer, they just talk about treating it once you get it.
And I think with that statement, that opens up the door to understand the fact that they want to treat the illness.
They don't want to stop you from getting the illness.
Well, do you ever wonder why drug companies and Kentucky Fried Chicken and fast food operations sponsor things like Race for the Cure and the Susan B. Komen Foundation is sponsored by drug companies and sponsored by the people who produce foods and people who produce products that are linked to breast cancer?
I mean, what's the logic there?
Why would a drug company that's making drugs to fight breast cancer, supposedly fight breast cancer, what would be their vested interest in keeping breast cancer in the public consciousness?
Why would they want people to be terrified of breast cancer?
Why would they want to keep bringing up breast cancer everywhere you turn?
It's in order to get people paranoid enough, freaked out enough, that they participate in the medical model.
And that's the problem with breast cancer.
You don't hear people talking about, to take care of breast cancer, changing your essential fatty acids, not eating fast food, not eating Kentucky Fried Chicken, not participating in the kinds of things that cause breast cancer.
They talk about treating breast cancer, they talk about curing breast cancer, but they don't talk about not participating in the things that cause the breast cancer.
Breast cancer.
And by running all the different movements and having the different races and things with well-meaning people, they then control the whole debate about it to make sure that information is never discovered.
They act like they're the knights in shining armor.
They act like they're the saviors.
They act like they're the people who are going to save you from the breast cancer.
But let's look at the facts.
We now, anybody can just search this, it's a fact, lead the world in cancer of every type, including breast cancer.
And every industrialized nation that has the vaccines, the GMO, the monosodium glutamate that they base this fast food in, that's where you see this going on.
And places where it's not happening, they have intensifying longevity.
That's right.
Breast cancer, prostate cancer, these are diseases of lifestyle.
These are diseases of the way we participate in our lives.
They're not inevitable.
You don't have to get cancer.
They're the signs of a dysfunctional culture, the signs of dysfunctional lifestyle choices.
Okay, I want to get into all this with you here today, because you're here in studio with us.
But before we go any further, I'd like you to tell folks about your awakening, where you came from, your process, you know, to now being a leading person out there exposing all this.
I'm a pharmacist.
And let me tell you something, pharmacists know how the sausage is made.
As a registered pharmacist, one of the things that I saw was that the people who are getting the drugs are the people who can least stand the drugs.
Old people, sick people, and young people.
Those are the people who are taking most of the prescription medicines.
One of the things pharmacists study, and we study this at length, is side effects.
We're good to go.
Where the movie was promoting a new class of medications that was supposed to revolutionize heart disease, and the movie lasted 60 minutes, and 15 minutes was about how wonderful the new drug was, a new class of drugs that was going to combat high blood pressure, and the last 45 minutes was the side effects caused by the medication.
And when I saw things like this, I realized that, wait a minute, there's something wrong with this pharmaceutical model.
Then, in pharmacy school, we studied
Thank you
Why the heck are we using pharmaceuticals with their side effects when what we're treating is really, in many cases, deficiency states?
And the medicines that we could use to treat the deficiency states are completely non-toxic, they're completely side effect free, and they're literally, literally the cures to the deficiency diseases.
By definition, a deficiency disease is cured by the nutrient that you give to fill up the deficiency.
So when I graduated pharmacy school and I saw that people were getting all these medications, were sicker than ever before, I combined that with my pharmacy background.
Our life expectancy's now fallen.
It's fallen!
It's like 26th now.
But, but, let me add, if you, as you know, and I've seen the actuaries on this,
Up until even the 20s and 30s, if you lived past about 5, and then you took that infant mortality out because kids did die more often then, if you took the infant mortality out, longevity was way further than it is now.
I mean, they know exactly what they're doing.
Even when the settlers came to the New World from Europe, they had higher life expectancies.
When they came here from Europe, Europe was trash when the settlers came here in the 1600s and the 1700s.
The 1500s, Europe had been trash for almost a thousand years.
When they came here to the New World and all of a sudden they had fresh air and they had wonderful agriculture and they had great fish and they had all kinds of game, their life expectancy was 75, 80 years old.
And this is in the 1700s.
We had higher life expectancy.
So, the fact of the matter is, is that we're not sick, we're starving.
And what I saw as a pharmacist, when I started to dispense Medicaid, when I started to dispense nutrients to people who had been on medication, I saw blood pressure drop.
I saw weight drop.
I saw the markers of diabetes improve using nutritional supplements.
I just put one and one together and I started using nutritional supplements in my practice and I've been doing it for now close to 30 years.
Mike Adams talks about being a computer program hammer, you know, very successful and being really unhealthy.
And he got off the fast food and stuff and he got better right away and then now he's in super good shape and incredibly healthy.
It's not hard to do but you know what Alex?
People think it's a miracle because we have been so conditioned to believe that our body's demise is inevitable.
We've been so conditioned to believe that oh you're 30 or 35 you're just gonna get arthritis.
You're 30, you're 35, you're just going to have a fatty liver.
Do you know, 30% of Americans suffer from fatty liver disease, maybe more.
And if you go to the doctor and he says, oh you got a little fatty liver, you know what he'll tell you?
He'll say it's normal.
Because the medical model says that our demise is normal.
And the only thing we can do is stave it off symptomatically.
How do you reverse a fatty liver?
Lots of ways, and that's what I'll tell you in a second, but that's a great question because there are so many different ways to reverse these signs.
Fatty liver, I'll just give you a couple of good examples.
Fructose, fruit sugar, is processed directly by the liver.
In the last 30 or 40 years, we've gone from zero consumption of high fructose corn syrup to roughly 60 pounds of high consumption per person in this country, and that doesn't include the fructose that we get from tea.
And they know it converts differently.
It converts in the liver.
And then it blocks key endocrines, correct?
Well, the liver produces all kinds of hormones, but the point is, is that fructose is processed directly by the liver.
Paleologically, we didn't grow up with fructose.
The human body grew up in the African savanna.
There was no fructose in the African savanna.
We were lucky if we found a little bit of berries somewhere that didn't have a lot of sugar in it.
But what's happened over the last 50 or 60 years, I think it was in the early 70s when we started to get into a lot of high fructose corn syrup, is our ingestion of this stuff has
I don't
Let's go make a bunch of money off this!
Well, here's a very important point, Alex.
We treat things at the top of the tree.
The root is usually in the digestive system, the blood sugar system, and the adrenal system.
And from there, you get heart disease, from there you get cancer, from there you get...
Skin diseases.
From there you get all the diseases that we're treating with drugs.
They're at the top of the tree.
If you want to treat disease, you have to go to the root.
And that means the digestive system, the blood sugar system, and the adrenal system, which is connected to the thyroid.
When we're born, Alex, human beings are born with big heads.
Because we're smarter than other animals.
We have big heads.
So we come out of the womb early because the head has to come through the birth canal.
So nature has designed a system where we come out of the womb early.
That means that our digestive system and our immune system are immature.
So nature has designed a system where mother's milk, human breast milk, will provide factors that build your digestive system and your immune system.
If you're born without getting breastfed, or you're not breastfed long enough, or your mother was undernourished, and that basically covers just about everybody,
That's why our queues are dropping.
You're immediately, you're immediately... And they knew when they fed babies, those formulas, half corn syrup, half.
Some of them are 60 plus.
They know this is literally a death sentence to their brain.
That's why so many of these adults and people, it's like you're not even talking to a person.
Well... They are, they are mentally retarded.
So how do you deal with something like that?
Well, first of all, you've got to have a lot of motivation.
You've got to be motivated to make a change.
But the gift of the human body, Alex, is it will turn on a dime if you turn on a dime.
But I'm going back to the viciousness of the system when they said, women, you've all got to go work.
And by the way, here's this thing for your baby.
And it is a formula, a formula for an 85 IQ low-grade moron.
And that's who the general public, thank God my mother breastfed me.
You're lucky.
I mean, thank God.
And I've seen the studies where the cc size of the brain doesn't even grow to your genetic cranial size when you don't get those fats because you're designed to get that fat from your mother and now they're saying don't let babies have fat in their milk and they're saying give them you know it's absolutely we need to give them statins at birth.
Well, cholesterol.
Breast milk has some of the highest concentrations of cholesterol on the planet.
It's in human breast milk.
And the brain's made out of cholesterol.
Well, the neural sheaths, the coverage of the nerves are made out of cholesterol.
That's exactly right.
That whole statin drug thing, that's another scandal.
Oh my God.
But again, the Rockefellers who funded Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, they had discovered all this.
They knew cancer was viral.
Put it in the shots.
They knew you need cholesterol.
Get it out of the population.
They literally are turning us into zombies.
Stay there.
Let's break this down the other side.
Pharmacist Ben Fuchs is our guest.
We'll be right back.
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By the way, ladies and gentlemen, we're only going to have Aaron here for five minutes.
He's going to be interviewing Ben Fuchs in a two-part lengthy interview that will air the first of tonight on InfoWorks Nightly News and then the other second part later in the week.
But at the same time, of course, I am always promoting whatever I'm getting into, whether it's gold, whether it's the Second Amendment, whether it's Ron Paul.
I've been supporting Ron Paul for 17 years.
Been supporting the Second Amendment for a long time.
Been pushing gold and silver for 12 years and it's gone from, well, gold $260 an ounce to $1,700 plus.
Silver from $5 an ounce to $30 plus.
And I am promoting this.
Tangy Tangerine.
Beyond Tangy Tangerine.
My mother, I gave her some of this.
She's on the vitamins and minerals.
She's a big exercise person.
She tried some stuff over the years.
She did it.
Now she begs for me to get her more.
Yeah, he says his longevity is because of this.
And then there's Pollen Burst, which I also take.
It's got some, what, 70 milligrams of the caffeine in it.
So instead of that afternoon coffee that didn't even do anything anymore, I just hit one of these bad boys.
And it's got all the B vitamins, and it's awesome.
But quite frankly, it's the tangy tangerine.
And like you said, the worse off you are, because I was in really bad shape from overworking and not being healthy, the worse you are.
The better you feel it just immediately.
Now, I brought Aaron in here.
I drug him during the break.
There's not even two mics set up.
In fact, I called him in here 30 seconds before.
Look at Aaron, ladies and gentlemen.
Dun, dun, dun.
In fact, we can zoom in over here with this camera.
Aaron, you had to have lost 60 pounds.
That's awesome.
Probably 65.
That's awesome, bro.
That's awesome.
Good job.
Good job.
That was hard.
Not really.
I mean, I've been working out a lot harder before and didn't lose the weight.
It was when I took the right vitamins.
That's awesome.
That's right.
He was running, jogging, and lifting weights.
And I said, Aaron, I'm getting fat.
You're getting a little overweight.
I said, let's commit to work out.
What about a year or two years ago?
And you'd leave work to go work out and come back.
It didn't work.
Didn't work for me.
As soon as you start going late,
I'm going to take a protein shake, because then my body isn't hungry.
Don't fight the craving.
Or I'm going to take a mineral drink.
I mean, I've only been really doing this for two and a half weeks now.
It's over.
I kept eating around the edges, screwing around.
I've been doing this two and a half weeks, and actually I went and went 11 pounds lost.
11 pounds on Tangy Tangerine and the One World Way, by the way.
It happens to everybody, Alex.
I can't tell you how many times I've seen this happen.
The reason I get so passionate about this is because I've seen it over and over and over again.
Blood pressure... And the system knows!
The system knows!
They have to know.
It's biochemistry.
What I'm telling you here is not my theory.
This is biochemistry.
There's hard wiring for sugar in your brain.
If you give your body protein, you won't want the sugar.
There's hardwiring for fat in your brain.
If you give your body essential fatty acids, you won't want the french fries.
There's hardwiring for minerals.
If you give your body good minerals, you won't want the salt.
Ted Anderson's dad couldn't go fishing and didn't know who he was anymore.
Ted, for a few months, got him on tangy tangerine, essential fatty acids.
He knew who he was.
He didn't have to go fishing.
He was back.
He went to the doctor.
The medical doctor said, I've tested his blood and because he's on Coumadin, he's not allowed to have these vitamins like this.
Take him off and he's gone again.
They take you off of broccoli.
They take you off of cruciferous vegetables because they have vitamin K. No, that's what they said.
No green vegetables.
That's what they tell you.
You're on vitamin K. And he's gone.
And I hate to be mean, but Ted says, I can tell it.
His mother says, we're doing what the doctor says.
And it's basically bye-bye to Ted's dad.
When it worked!
In a couple months, his dad was literally back!
They know!
The doctor knows!
They know!
No green vegetables!
That's what they told him!
I mean, now we're al-Qaeda!
No green vegetables!
I'm gonna do it.
I'm gonna tell you.
I'm going the Aaron route.
I'm going all the way, man.
Watch what happens, Alex.
You watch what happens.
That 11 pounds is nothing.
Watch what happens.
In the next six months, watch what happens.
The body is so forgiving.
It is so resilient.
It is so loving.
As soon as you turn around, it turns around.
Close shots of Snecky.
That's his nickname around here.
Anyways, that's German for snail.
The lightning snail.
Look at Aaron.
I wish we had a camera right here.
I mean, Aaron, Aaron, show them the guns.
Come on.
Hey, I'm doing better than I was, I mean.
Hey, I know, hey, silver from $5.30 plus, gold from $2.60 to $1,800 or whatever.
I only promote what I believe in.
I've seen the results of this with my mother.
My mother's saying she might even, and she's reclusive when it comes to radio, she might even come out and endorse this.
Infowars.com to get it, or infowarsteam.com, and your purchase goes towards supporting us.
Beyond Tangy Tangerine, complete multivitamin mineral complex.
We'll talk about it when we come back.
Increased energy, anti-aging, antioxidant, curbs appetite, reduces oxidative damage and stress.
We're all coming back with Ben Fuchs, Aaron Snecky Dykes and more straight ahead.
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Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Ben Fuchs is down in San Antonio putting on an event, or was, and I heard he was going to be in town a few weeks ago, so I said, come on up to Austin.
And then once he gets in here and starts talking about this, I start promoting it.
And when I did the research and found out about Yongevity and the fact that they're one of the biggest companies now and buy up all the stuff that Dr. Wallach and his advisors, you have studied and think is the best, that's what I got behind.
And you can go to Infowarsteam.com and sign up to be a distributor there.
A lot of people have done that.
Thousands and thousands.
I think something like 10,000 people now just at Infowarsteam.com.
Or you can just go there and buy the products.
Or if you're like my mom and don't order online, I just simply give it to her.
But you can also sell it to friends and family.
And I'm telling you, I just gave this to multiple members of my family and they came back later.
So I've been doing the Tangy Tangerine now off and on for about eight, nine months and started promoting this.
It's amazing.
Two and a half weeks, 11 pounds, and I've been jogging.
I've been lifting weights, and it wasn't doing anything.
My muscles just got bigger.
Tell us what is in the Beyond Tangy Tangerine.
I'll tell you what's in there, but the most important part about the Beyond Tangy Tangerine is it's liquid.
And the body processes liquids differently than it processes solids.
When you eat a solid food, the digestive process has to kick in.
When you drink a liquid, it goes right to work.
And because almost 70 million, maybe more, Americans have digestive problems, if you drink your nutrients, you bypass any kind of issues that you have with the digestive system, the stuff goes right to work.
And that's the most beautiful thing about that stuff is you feel it really quickly because it's going right to work.
We're going to show a photo of Aaron just in Switzerland in June, six months ago tonight, when he interviews you versus what he looks like now.
Looks like another person, doesn't it?
Yeah, looks like a second person.
You're going to see the old Alex Jones too.
I'm going all the way down.
At my biggest, years ago I was 270.
And then I went down to about 240, just running and lifting and not eating.
And then couldn't do it anymore.
Went back up to about 250, now I've gone down to like 238.
But I'm gonna go all the way down to 180.
I'm doing it.
Can I do it, Aaron?
I'm going to 180!
Sure, of course.
We've all got to do it in the fight against the New World Order.
You're not going to be able to withstand cravings with just willpower alone.
The drives are built into your brain for these things.
For many years, for eons, we linked calories with nutrition.
Today we get calories without nutrition, so our brain says, that wasn't it, go get some more calories.
Expecting to get nutrients with those calories, but it doesn't happen.
But you hit it with a whey shake.
You hit it with nutrients.
Tell folks what's in whey and why it's so good.
Whey is ridiculously important.
In fact, next to human mother's milk, whey protein is the, and eggs maybe, whey protein is the most nutrient-dense food for building... And that's cow milk protein.
Well, it's one of the proteins in cow's milk.
There's two major proteins in cow's milk, casein and whey.
The whey part of milk contains growth factors and immune-stimulating factors, building the immune system.
You're talking about cancer.
The body has cancer fighters built into it.
The body has molecules and entities that kill cancer, and those are part of the immune system.
When you drink whey protein, the globulins, the proteins in the whey protein that are supposed to build the cow's immunity, the calf's immunity, go into your immune system and build your immune system.
By the way, I'm not joking.
About a month ago, we started getting regularly in the office raw milk from San Antonio, from a farm down there, and we added it with the whey protein.
And I'm not kidding.
I looked around at the people who had been drinking some, working up here, and I said, are you high?
And we're like, yeah, this is not placebo.
We didn't say drink it and we're going to feel high.
I literally get high off of it.
I mean like high, like whoa!
Because I think that raw milk then activates the cold-pressed whey.
Well, whey protein has got everything you need to build things, to build muscle, to build tissue.
So if you're weightlifting, if you're fighting a disease, if you're recovering from something, whey protein has all of the factors that are required for your body to build.
But you know what I'm talking about?
I mean, I guess I was so undernourished that drinking raw milk with whey in it, I mean,
It's not like the same high you get drinking a Coca-Cola that's got corn syrup in it.
I mean, it was like I felt really good.
Whey protein contains something called tryptophan.
Tryptophan is an amino acid that's involved, number one, in the neurotransmitter serotonin, which makes you really happy, really relaxed, and number two, in the hormone melatonin.
And both serotonin and melatonin are not only important for mood stabilization, they're important for plugging into spirituality, for plugging into the big picture via the pineal gland.
Pineal gland is this tiny little gland that sits in the middle of your head and it processes serotonin and melatonin.
And serotonin and melatonin, if you ever take melatonin, you know you have great dreams, are involved somehow in our connection with spirituality.
And so, when you take tryptophan, when you take things that have tryptophan, you stabilize and you help promote melatonin, serotonin metabolism.
Not only does it make you feel happy, it doesn't make you feel blissful and it makes you feel plugged in.
It makes you feel connected.
It makes you feel like there's something going on in a big picture kind of sense.
Which is why they want you on Prozac and not on Tryptophan.
I was about to say, because, so Tryptophan, I've heard, is called the natural Prozac.
It's the natural Prozac, but it works via this connection with the pineal gland.
But, I mean, what a surprise.
God gives us cows.
We're drinking the real thing.
The globalists are so evil, they take everything good away.
Oh, check this out.
Thanks for watching!
That it's exponential women above 30 with thyroid dysfunction?
It's a epidemic.
It's an epidemic.
The thyroid gland is connected to your adrenal glands.
And your adrenal glands are your stress glands.
Those are the glands that are responsible for, that's the gland that's responsible for helping you combat stress.
The more stress you have, the more hyperadrenal you are, the slower your thyroid will function to compensate for that.
So what we have is a culture that is so stressed out, not just psychologically and emotionally, but also physiologically, that we're all hyperadrenal and our adrenal glands are burning out.
The thyroid's response to that is to slow down to compensate.
The adrenal glands give you this hyped-up caffeine energy.
The thyroid gland gives you nice, smooth, easy-going energy.
Over time, when the adrenal glands are kicking in, the thyroid compensates by slowing down.
So this hyperadrenalism leads to hypothyroidism, and from that point forward, Alex,
Every single disease is possible, because the thyroid regulates every one of the 100% of the blood.
Well, here's what's going on.
How long are you here in town?
You have to get on an airplane today, right?
I have to get on an airplane later today.
Well, as soon as the show's over, we've got to go in there and tape this two-part interview.
And I want you to go through it all with people and with Aaron, and for Aaron to throw in points.
And Aaron is a private guy.
I've drug Aaron in here.
But Aaron, you can be a testament to other people.
I mean, you're a great example.
Tell folks, because I know you've been listening to his show, and I mean out of the full spectrum of research, I know you've told me, Fuchs is one of your main sources.
Overall, what have you done, let's say my wife's listening right now, because she's wanting to implement even more of this, I'm wanting to, just enough that you'll hear the show some, and research it some, but to really dive into this, what have you done Aaron, to lose 65 pounds in what, six months?
I mean, again, I was working out.
I just wasn't getting much results.
It was very hard to kick the bad foods, basically, but it finally sunk in after a few months of hearing this stuff.
I was already taking the multivitamins, the liquid stuff, and I started taking the EFAs, but once I took the omega-3 and 6 EFAs twice daily or three times daily, and then the whey powder twice daily, that is when I started losing weight very rapidly.
So instead of doing an Atkins diet where you just eat giant amounts of meat and you're all with all the hormones and chemicals, you just take the essential fatty acids and the whey powder and now you're not hungry.
I could not eat, especially in the first two or three months of this.
I just, I couldn't even hardly eat anything.
And then you just nibble on some vegetables, fruits and nuts and stuff.
I'm going completely on this!
One of the greatest strategies you can employ to stay younger, to lose weight, and to prevent disease is to under-calorize.
To take less calories than you need.
Because when the body perceives that it's getting less calories, it wants to send you out on a hunt for zebra and for wildebeest.
So it sends the energy to your legs and builds muscle.
Now this is just under-calorization slightly.
And the system knows this and sells us food to make us sick, which they then give us treatments for.
This is all biochemistry.
That's right.
This is not theory.
This is how the body works.
When it perceives low calories, it sends you out on a hunt.
It makes you sharper.
In fact, there are neurotransmitters in your brain that keep you alert when you're hungry.
No, no, no.
That's the one reason I, before, would just try to willpower diet.
You want to give yourself... No, no, exactly.
You're saying high nutrient, low calorie.
Listen, I want to talk about this right now.
Folks can call if they want to have any questions or get involved with Longevity.
And expanding on that, you can hear Ben over there drinking his pollen birch there in the background.
And you can also go to Infowarsteam.com and part of the proceeds when you buy the different vitamins and minerals and essential fatty acids and nutrients that are there.
Goes to fund the Infowars media operation.
Again, we're not like revolutionary communists that rob banks to fund ourselves.
We promote things we believe in, in free market, and I've done deep research because over the years I've turned down so many vitamin, mineral things.
I did research, research, when I finally got ready to get into it myself.
Boom, I chose longevity and it's something you can get involved in as a home business or to sell in your grocery store, to sell in areas where you have a connection to the public or your little five and dime or your gas station, whatever the case is, people need to get this information and they need to get involved.
And again, that's InfoWarsTeam.com.
There's banners up at InfoWars.com, but you can't forget it.
InfoWarsTeam.com, there it is.
I'll take the pollen.
I like this too, but I was going to do a pollen burst.
Now here, here's a pollen burst.
Tell us, Ben, what is in.
By the way, when you got in here, I had to say, quit popping your bottle and drinking it right before we went live.
You actually started taking a pollen burst right when you got in here.
Heck yeah!
The first time I met you out in California, you were visiting MZ's radio stations.
He's got myself and you on.
You were in there, you know.
I like to mix the Beyond Tangy Tangerine with the pollen burst.
Okay, well let's hear it.
The pollen burst has got the B vitamins in there, and the B vitamins are so fascinating because
Most people are going to be deficient in the B vitamins because they're rapidly processed out of food.
So if you're eating foods that are cooked, if you're eating foods that are frozen, if you're eating foods that are prepared in any way, you're going to be deficient in these B vitamins.
And the B vitamins work on the parts of the body that move the fastest.
The brain, the heart, the skin, and the digestive system.
Those are the four systems that respond rapidly to the B vitamins.
So you notice when you start taking the polymers,
The B Vitamins will help you think.
It's great if you have a test to take if you're a student.
The B Vitamins are important for the heart.
And by the way, when it comes to heart disease, we got 600,000 people in this country who die of heart disease every year.
Some 64 million Americans have some form of heart disease, one form or another.
The B Vitamins, a nickel's worth of B Vitamins every day is the most powerful nutritional way to protect yourself from heart disease.
It may be the single most powerful thing you could do to protect yourself.
And look, heart disease is getting worse.
All this stuff.
And if you look 50 years ago, they were eating chicken fried steaks, gravy.
They didn't have that many heart attacks or cancer.
If you look at it, it's not even the quote unhealthy food that they've taught us that is the main cause of this.
It's all the additives and the petrochemical companies that get authorization to put poison in the food because they know it's addicting.
Tell us about MSG and stuff as we drink some polymers.
Well, one compound is classified as an excitotoxin.
What that means is it makes your brain so happy that you'll think that the most rottenest piece of crap tastes like cherry pie or tastes like something delicious because it tricks your brain into being really happy.
The Japanese were the ones who pioneered MSG so they could feed their soldiers crappy food.
The soldiers would eat the crappy food.
By the way, that's on record.
Yeah, the soldiers would eat the crappy food.
They thought they were eating filet mignon, but they were eating the crappiest one.
And by the way, in Europe and in Japan and China, it's a gourmet place.
You've got to book six months out to eat pure soaked MSG crud.
Same thing with the hot wings.
And by the way, now, if I eat MSG within hours, I have a horrible headache.
I've developed a total allergy to it.
So they know what they're doing.
You're playing with brain chemistry.
The last thing you want to do is play with your brain chemistry with artificial chemicals.
Well, I tell you, expanding on that, this should be criminal what they do.
But there's other chemicals they put in the food.
Yeah, but we're participating, Alex.
We volunteer.
Nobody forces us to go eat this stuff.
We're volunteering.
Yeah, but the FDA says we're the government.
We're keeping you safe.
Well, if you're going to trust the FDA, you know... Yeah, that's a big point, too, though.
I've heard you read those quotes on there.
The Founding Fathers... Benjamin Rush?
Benjamin Rush warned about this stuff.
Benjamin Rush signed the Declaration of Independence.
He was a medical doctor.
And he warned about the hegemony and tyranny of modern medicine.
Well, it's always witch doctors that take over.
Because they know how humans work.
They're out in society.
They manipulate.
Aaron, you want some of this?
I want that spoon.
Here you go.
The biggest statement you can make, Alex, the most powerful statement you can make is to disengage from the machine at every turn.
I've got that, and I am sold!
I have barely, I've gone 10 degrees towards you, and I've already seen massive results.
That's awesome.
I have come 10, and Aaron has turned 180 degrees, right pointed straight where Ben Fuchs is, and look at the results.
So I'm slowly turning myself towards you, and if I just remember to eat the way shake.
If I just remember to take the tangy tangerine, if I remember to take... I mean, when I do eat the essential fatty acids from Yongevity...
I'm literally not hungry and my brain works better.
What do you recommend people buy as a starter pack at Infowarsteam.com?
The Ultimate EFA's, the Osteo FX and the Beyond Tangy Tangerine is in the Alex pack.
It's discounted if you buy all three.
It's a perfect way to demonstrate how powerful this is.
Not just for the person buying it, but for somebody who's watching the person buying it.
For a loved one who's watching somebody... Well that's why Longevity is literally so successful is because
People literally see the results.
They see the results.
Just like what's happened to Aaron.
Alex, this is not a miracle.
This is not magic.
We're supposed to be Kenyan runners.
That's what we're supposed to be.
We're supposed to be lean and mean.
You ever seen a Kenyan runner?
That's what human beings are supposed to be.
Every pound you have that's above a canyon runner is something that's a part of our dysfunctional society.
It's a lifestyle choice that you made.
So, picture yourself as a canyon runner, and then picture the difference between you as a canyon runner, and that difference represents the lifestyle choices and the dysfunctional culture that we've immersed ourselves in.
As you begin to incorporate these strategies, you reverse that, and you become closer to a canyon runner.
You know what I mean by a canyon runner?
Lean and mean.
Leans are supposed to be greyhounds.
You're exactly right.
Now, what is it with...
You're, uh, zest for life back.
You have to reverse that process.
And the way you do it, the first thing you do is nutritional supplementation and calorie restriction.
And then working out as well.
That's something to build muscle.
Well, that's the thing is that, uh, instead of even eating something, just go for a run.
That burns fat.
You have a meal right there.
You get a, well, here's another thing.
A female hormone is produced in body fat.
So, the more body fat you're carrying, the more feminized you become.
That means gynecomastia, which means breasts.
That means impotence and sexual problems.
That means lower resistance to diseases.
Stay there, we'll be right back.
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Alright folks, we're almost out of time.
I'm sorry to the callers.
I never get the number out, but they've loaded up anyways.
I'll be back tomorrow, Lord willing, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
A pretty amazing clip that we played in the second hour.
If you missed it, it's up at InfoWars.com.
The Congress now has come out and made the announcement that
Obama requested the secret arrest and disappearance of citizens of the bill.
Of course, we already knew that from his actions, his announcements.
He said he could do it himself, but the fact is that's the new level of deception we're dealing with here.
Tonight's InfoWars Nightly News is going to be particularly power-packed.
Aaron Dykes is going to be hosting it with Ben Fuchs.
You don't want to miss that.
But going back in a few minutes we've got left, we'll do a little five minute addendum in overdrive, this internet only here in a moment, but the official radio show ends here in about five minutes.
Aaron, I was just talking to you during the break and you said, look, it's so easy when you take the longevity minerals and vitamins because now your body's got that, then you've got protein on top of it from the whey, you've got the essential fatty acids, you've got everything your body wants, you're just not hungry anymore, but you're eating things where the weight's gonna pour off of you.
In fact, how are you going to stop the weight loss?
When do you plan to quit?
Near Canyon Runner.
Yeah, I guess.
Yeah, I don't know what's going to happen then.
But yeah, it was very easy.
I mean, it makes me want to work out more anyway.
So I started with taking the multivitamins just basically to see if it works.
I did notice the difference and then I started focusing more on the weight and the EFAs with the multivitamins.
The weight just poured off and working out was a lot easier anyway, but I wasn't working out nearly even half as hard as I was two years ago, a year ago.
Very moderate, really.
I don't
That's right.
I have no willpower.
I don't believe it should be hard.
When you start using nutritional supplements, you hack into the brain's satisfaction centers, and the brain sends the message that everything is right, you're satisfied.
We could put the New World Order out of business in a revolution if we just, all of us, did the transformation you guys have gone through.
If I can do it, and we can air this tape,
You know, six months from now and I'm 180 pounds?
That's right.
And show people and say, by the way, the system knows this and none of them will tell you because they want the racket to continue forever.
If you weren't spending all your energy and your time and your money looking for food, what kind of energy and time and money would you have to do other things?
Hey, wasn't it you that went with me to California?
I remember I have that memory of him telling you how you could lose weight.
That's right.
And that was a year ago.
Yeah, I thought they were real weird because we went out to eat and they didn't eat anything and they were just sitting there and...
I didn't know about the vitamins yet.
I mean, I heard about them, but hadn't tried them yet.
No, I was like, man, they're like space aliens.
They all look really healthy, but they don't eat.
More like... Yeah, I'm telling you, Aaron.
Yeah, that was in Santa Cruz.
Yeah, I heard about it then.
And then a few months later, when he started promoting it, I said, I'm going to try this.
But once I put my money, I wanted to make sure I was taking them and see if there's results or not.
Well, living testimony.
Folks, camera puts 10 pounds on you.
If you saw Aaron in person, it is unbelievable.
Hey, 11 pounds in two and a half weeks with me.
That's awesome.
And that's just... It's going to keep going.
It's going to keep going.
No, no, I haven't even put it all into function yet.
I'm going to start banging nothing but the way and tangy tangerine.
Take a picture now.
Take a picture before you lose any more weight.
Take a picture now without your shirt.
Take a picture without your shirt.
I don't know about right now without your shirt, but take a picture of yourself.
Well, no, I'll take a picture.
You're going to what?
We'll see what I look like.
We'll see what I look like.
You're not going to lose the guns.
I don't want to lose my guns.
I don't have guns.
I have fat little arms.
No, they are actually big guns.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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