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Name: 20111220_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 20, 2011
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, you knew the attacks on Ron Paul were gonna kick into high gear now that in Iowa and other states, he's in first or second in all the major polls.
But now the Iowa governor, the Republican establishment rhino, big government individual, is coming out and saying ignore a Ron Paul win and he himself is trying to derail the Iowa caucuses and claiming that it's Ron Paul's fault and saying it's going to be discredited forever now to try to make Iowans hate Ron Paul, which I guess means hate themselves because they're supporting him.
I mean, you talk about mind control, you talk about selling trendiness and what's in style, being a slave, being in debt, being lied to, supporting banker bailouts, supporting all these illegal wars, supporting the overthrow of the Bill of Rights and Constitution, and they always say, the troops want more war!
And of course, in every major poll, over 70% are against it, and Ron Paul gets over 70% of the donations, from Democrats and Republicans.
Compared to the other candidates, it's the same thing.
You know the troops love war and want more.
The troops don't like you, but the facts don't show that.
Oh my gosh, Ron Paul is discrediting the Iowa caucuses.
I have the quotes right here.
Oh my goodness, this is going to destroy Iowa's importance and you know whose fault it is.
It's Ron Paul!
What they're saying to you in a mind control game is, here, hold this hand grenade.
And you're like Wiley Coyote, I guess, when Roadrunner gives him the hangar name.
He's like, oh, thank you!
And then sits there and it blows up.
Are we that stupid?
The globalists are almost out of bullets.
They're almost out of bullets, but... And they tried to destroy Rand Paul and it backfired.
But in this case...
They could have some success on this unless we really expose what they're doing because there's nothing mainline Republicans are more into than going to their fake church and thinking it's the end of the world and never fighting corruption or tyranny and basically just going with whoever Fox News tells them.
They're like, Newt Gingrich is for global government, open borders and carbon taxes and Obamacare.
He's the sensible one.
And you're like, but that doesn't make any sense.
They're like, but Fox News says it.
And if a Republican governor says it, you're going to destroy our state's reputation.
If you vote for Ron Paul, he's a bad, nasty man for being right all these years about everything and staying the course and always voting the way he said he would.
And it's just terrible he's going to win.
We told you he didn't exist and he was a piece of garbage and everything else, but now just ignore the win.
And they go on to say,
Paul poses an existential threat to the state's cherished kickoff status.
It's his fault.
He says he's going to destroy it.
And the little specialness of Iowa Republicans.
Oh, don't ruin my little power trip of being a Republican Iowa voter in the caucus.
Well, I'll have to vote against him.
Say these Republicans because he has little chance to win the GOP nomination.
That same mantra.
He'll never win Iowa.
He'll never win New Hampshire.
Surging in all the polls.
Same thing they tried with Rand.
I mean, the Democrats had people dress up as racist and run around once he got the nomination.
The Republicans tried some of the same stuff.
Banker bailout, you know, big banks just poured money into his competition, but they failed because we've passed that flux point, that Rubicon.
At which they're so discredited that if they say something about you horrible, people have enough basic instinct and common sense to go, you mean the lying corrupt system that's been caught lying thousands of times and got us into this mess?
They're saying he's bad and oh my gosh, I better not go there?
But, I mean, here's the spectacle.
It's up at Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, it's up at... Drudge has the headline, Iowa governor, ignore Ron Paul win.
Here's Politico, will Ron Paul kill the caucuses?
That's right, he's ruining everything!
Standing for election in the democratic process in our republic, I mean, is there anything nastier?
I mean, he's running for office, and he's winning!
He's so... that's the worst thing I've ever heard of!
Hi, this is Alex Jones.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome ladies and gentlemen, welcome and thank you so much for joining us.
It is Tuesday, the 20th day of December 2011 and here are the headlines from Politico and others.
Will Ron Paul kill the caucuses?
How dare him run for office in America?
He's going to ruin everything!
So that's the new attack strategy.
Uh, claim that he is just a horrible person, uh, trying to influence people and telling them, don't throw your vote away, don't throw your vote away, don't, don't discredit Iowa.
I mean, new levels of them trying to invoke trendiness, uh, in people and, and the self-fulfilling prophecy of resistance is futile, you can't have Ron Paul.
But it shows, just like with Rand Paul, that this is boomeranging back on them.
So that's coming up.
Here's Politico, will Ron Paul kill the caucuses?
Iowa governor comes out and says, ignore Ron Paul win, ignore our state, and says our state is discredited, and then blames it on Ron Paul.
That'd be like going to a party, climbing up on top of the table, defecating in the punchbowl, and then pointing your finger at someone else, as everybody knows you just did it, and saying, he did it!
He pooped in the punchbowl!
And that's what the Iowa governor's done.
He's climbed up to the Iowa caucus's punchbowl, which is the most important kickoff of the election.
It's the start of everything.
And Ron Paul's in poll position.
Getting ready a week and a half away from this, and if he wins it, he's gonna be half a revolution around the track ahead of the competition.
The vast majority of the time, if you win the Iowa caucus, you end up getting the nomination of the party.
And he is up there saying this discredits our state, this discredits everything, and it's Ron Paul's fault.
When it's just a total, totally made up, as they've always said he can't win, and they've always said he isn't going anywhere, when he's in first, second, or third place in every poll in the last six months.
We've shown you studies, scientific studies, Pew Research, breakdowns of that from Texas universities, we've had the
Anthropologist slash sociologist statistician's in.
We've gone over it.
Ron Paul gets the shortest amount of time in the debates.
Everything's stacked against him, but the people know the game is rigged, so they want Ron Paul.
And the system plays this game of saying no.
You can't have that fish!
It's like you take your kids to get fish at the pet store, and they want some really expensive exotic fish, or, you know, some saltwater fish, and you're like, no, that's a saltwater fish.
We have a freshwater.
But I want that fish!
But the issue, and they're saying, no, Ron Paul is a saltwater fish.
No, he's not, ladies and gentlemen.
He's the perfect fish for the Republic.
And they won't let us have him in the fish tank.
Man, I'm coming up with some weird analogies off the top of my head here.
The others are a bunch of dead fish.
A bunch of dead New World Order sharks with one-way eyes, soulless minions who've proven themselves servants of the New World Order.
I mean, look at Mitt Romney.
Wrote Obamacare.
Supports carbon taxes.
Supports amnesty and open borders.
And then even worse, if it's possible, Newt Gingrich.
Open, aluminous, world government, end of the family, end of America, New World Order speeches, carbon taxes, Hillarycare supporting, oh yes, his own little version of it, on and on and on.
He's loyal opposition to the New World Order.
That's what he is.
And I can't even go over all the things Gingrich supports.
It's mind-blowing.
And what do we have happening here?
What do we have going on?
We have Politico, AP, Reuters, the talk show host, all attacking him, saying Ron Paul is ruining Iowa and ruining the state's importance.
And now they're telling the voters that, you know what?
Ron Paul is ruining our state as the kickoff.
He's discrediting us as the fact that whoever wins Iowa normally wins the nomination, except in, what, two cases in the last hundred years or more.
And I tell you, it's just terrible what he did!
And Ron Paul's sitting there, a man of honor, a man of integrity, saying the same thing 30 years ago that he said today.
We're putting a video together showing that in speeches he gave, TV appearances, interviews he did right here in Austin, Texas on AXS TV in 1988 about drug prohibition, government drug dealing, New World Order, government engineering AIDS virus.
We've got it all dug up.
I mean, Alex Jones, that's what he is.
He's a medical doctor, veteran, only guy on the congressional baseball team to ever knock a home run.
The list goes on and on.
Just a great all-around family man.
And he is the prototype of Alex Jones.
And I gotta say, the prototype's better than the modern thing, isn't he?
So the point is, but we all do the best we can, is that they are scared to death of him.
They are scared to death of him.
And they do not know what to do.
And so they're playing this mind game, this insulting game.
It's like when I saw those news articles in the last few days, Bloomberg, Weekly Standard, all attacking the fact that Alex Jones is a supporter of Ron Paul.
And Ron Paul will not disavow him and goes on his radio show.
And for good reason.
Ron Paul warns of military to be on the streets and so does Jones.
They are unstable and insane.
Just vicious attacks, that's just a few of them.
And then meanwhile, in the very same publications there's articles about, well, they have gotten rid of posse comitatus and we'll be putting probes on the streets and citizens can be secretly arrested and disappear, but it's all for our security.
Meanwhile, these men are insane!
Ron Paul is insane.
He says that the government brings in narcotics and then Bloomberg linked to Ron Paul giving a speech about it and an article we wrote.
It's almost like they're patriots or something.
I don't know.
Hundreds and hundreds of comments we're all seeing right through them.
Because the Bloomberg article attacking myself and Ron Paul linked to a data page with all the congressional C-SPAN hearings admitting government drug dealing and the aircraft crashing, Reuters full of cocaine, the CIA and the CIA being caught over and over again.
All the reports and everything Ron Paul's talking about.
I mean, Ron Paul is talking about admitted things that came out in the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, and right through to today.
And it's so ham-fisted when the system attacks us that you're like, do they really think people are buying this?
Ron Paul believes the military is being trained to deploy in America.
This is the type of unstable craziness that we deal with, and that's why it's good that they're going to try to bar him from some of the future Republican debates, because this man is absolutely dangerous.
And then they link to Infowars.com with just links everywhere to mainstream news admitting it.
So now they're trying this new game, which is a twist on the old game of saying, Ron Paul, we're all very prideful in Iowa.
For a hundred plus years, the nation has looked to Iowa first as a bellwether, as who was going to have the starting position and who was favored to win.
And in 80 plus percent of the time, that person has gotten the presidential nomination against the incumbent presidential candidate.
But not anymore.
Iowa's discredited.
But wait, it's worse.
It's worse.
In fact, I have the articles right here.
It's worse.
It will discredit all of the primaries because he might win those too.
It'd be like if a boxer got in the ring and they're saying he can never win, he's the underdog, and he gets up there and in two or three rounds knocks the other guy out and they're like, well that discredits this fighter!
That discredits his, uh, this entire arena and this entire, uh, boxing system!
It'd be like if a team won the Super Bowl and they said, well, this discredits the NFL forever.
That dirty team that won the Super Bowl, they've discredited everything.
Coming from behind and winning, something must be wrong.
I mean, this is the mind game.
And so Iowans are like, oh my gosh, it's all over talk radio, all over the news.
It's the talking point.
Don't vote for Ron Paul, because if he wins, it discredits Iowa and our pride.
Don't do it.
Be trendy.
Vote for a good globalist, Mitt Romney.
Newt Gingrich!
All the other candidates have fallen because people learn who they are.
Ron Paul already knows who he is.
And so the establishment Republicans that vote for the bailouts and the open borders and everything else, all this garbage who voted for the TSA to grab your wife's breasts and stick their hand down your pants and put you in microwave ovens.
These globalist traitors, bought and paid for, for chicken feed, think that we're so weak-minded, and think Iowans are so weak-minded.
I mean, listen to this.
Will Ron Paul kill the caucuses?
Well, I tell you, Gary Allen, a true patriot's son.
Started Politico.
Gary Allen, who wrote None Dare Call Conspiracy, and friends with Ron Paul, they've got to be ashamed of looking down from heaven at what his son has done with Politico.
It is such a nasty establishment rag.
It makes me want to throw up.
I know there's a few good reporters there that I've talked to off record, but their Ron Paul savaging is just disgusting.
The alarms are sounding in Iowa.
Conservatives, oh conservatives yes, you mean rhino globalists, and Republican elites in the state are divided over who to support for the GOP nomination.
But they almost uniformly express concern over the prospect that Ron Paul and his army of activist supporters may capture the State 2012 nomination contest, an outcome many fear would do irreparable harm to the future role of the first in the nation caucuses.
The spin rooms, the bar rooms, the online forums, the what to do about Ron Paul conversation has become pervasive as polls show him on or near the top just weeks before the January 3rd vote.
Paul poses an existential threat to the state's cherished kickoff status.
Oh, look what he did in the punch bowl.
He went out and fought with ideas and is winning.
It's so horrible.
Oh my gosh, say these Republicans, because he has little chance to win.
Again, that mind control lie.
Again, normally he'd be winning.
They'd say, well, that's the leader.
Oh, nomination.
But no, he can't win.
He's ruining it.
So they go on to say, Iowa will never be the same.
It'll be hated.
No, Iowa will be known as projecting Ron Paul into the number one slot.
Stay with us.
Stay with us.
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So the system has gone into absolute panic mode, and is talking to the people of Iowa like they're children.
Oh, don't vote for that Ron Paul, you know, you'll be discredited.
Oh my gosh, that Ron Paul wrote that AIDS might have been manufactured to kill black people, and you know why he wrote that in his newsletter?
It's because he doesn't like black people.
Yes, and his son worships Aqua Buddha and kidnaps women.
Of course, all of that proven wrong.
Having people dress up like hayseeds in Kentucky from the Democratic Challenger and running around saying racist things.
And I've already seen headlines.
Ron Paul's supporter calls black people monkeys.
I saw that as a national news headline yesterday.
So you can just go out into the street
And randomly find some crazy person and I guess have them say, a crazy person say, Obama wants to eat white babies.
And if a crazy person says it, Obama's guilty because the guy said, you know, that Obama should eat white babies.
I mean, this is the biggest guilt by association crud that I've ever seen, but that's not working.
So now they're going into, oh my gosh.
I mean, think about on the surface of it, how asinine it is.
To have the governor come out and say our caucuses are discredited and Iowa is going to lose its place as the most important political kickoff point in the United States.
A central pillar of the political system in this country.
He's saying that to terrorize the political process
And to engage in dirty tricks.
He is introducing that idea.
And trying to violate, and listen to me carefully, our Republican form of government.
Trying to tamper with the election with an incredibly dirty trick.
In fact, get me Paul Watson on the line.
I know Lord Monk is coming up.
I want to get Watson on the line right now.
And then I can talk to Kurt Nemo, Aaron Dykes, Steve, all of them need to get on this.
Because looking at this, this really is sabotage.
And wait, it gets worse.
The anonymous group, which is whoever the government wants to say they are,
It's just a honeypot to set people up.
Anonymous says that they're going to attack the caucuses, and then gives no reason why.
And now the FBI has to come in and oversee the tallying there at the different caucuses as they add it up, because it's an old-fashioned voice vote.
But they'll tabulate that, and the government will oversee, I guess, the computer, the calculator, where they add it up.
Oh, because the cut-out group Anonymous, which is just a domestic term like Al-Qaeda, is this fake Muslim cut-out that they can use as a sock puppet to menace people and take their liberties.
Now, oh my gosh, the GOP is so concerned, AP reports, Iowa GOP worried by hacker threat to caucus vote.
And now, because they've associated Anonymous with all these good causes, and there's good people involved in it, who took the bait.
Just like Occupy Wall Street is just this blanket cutout where they can then project the establishment can, whatever they want, onto anybody that's part of that diverse group who arrives.
They say, well, arrive at this street corner if you want to fight for liberty and freedom.
And then the government's waiting there to do something horrible and blame it on you when you show up.
That's basically what these anonymous cutouts are.
That's what's so dangerous about them.
That's why you need to put your John Hancock on the Declaration of Independence and be public.
Never run around in the dark in a militia with people saying, we're doing stuff that's illegal.
We might have to get ready for war with the government.
That's a Fed!
You're being led by a Fed who's trying to see if he can trick you to do something or just get enough fake evidence on you to put you on the news.
If you want to train as a militia secretly to defend the Republic, that's one thing, but it needs to be people you know and trust, as Ron Paul said in his newsletters a long time ago.
And then you don't talk about offensive action, as Ron Paul said.
Never shoot first, defend your family.
But if you want to be a public organization that's above board and has soup kitchens for people, and wears urban camo, a suit and tie, that's the way to go.
And tell people train for military readiness, to fight criminals, tyrants.
The government says get ready for the border to collapse and 30 million more illegals to pour in.
They're getting the FEMA camps ready, as if the government can do that.
It's the old posse system.
That's what we need.
Civil defense.
And civil defense is above bored and good and wholesome.
They got rid of civil defense because they don't like the idea of the citizens working with the legitimate government.
They want to have a mercenary, globalist, foreign takeover of this country.
And let me tell you, it's up to us to get the word out on what this Iowa governor's doing.
Trying to discredit our electoral process and then blame it on Ron Paul and a false flag.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We're here live back Sundays 4 to 6 live
Okay, we're going to be joined in just a moment by Lord Christopher Monckton via video Skype.
He joined us last week from Durban, South Africa and helped circulate the draft of the new global treaty the UN is trying to get that is a death sentence for over a billion people, cutting off their resources.
It is a eugenics, population reduction, cult, post-industrialist group.
But as they begin to be routed, they are simply going more and more to what they've called for in the Guardian, green fascism.
Not my words, theirs.
Arresting, as the White House regulations are, has said, Cass Sunstein, those of us that do not believe in anthropogenic global warming, man-made global warming.
But they've simply moved to a new weapons system, because that propaganda has been discredited, to any climate change.
Uh, being abnormal, and the only thing that is normal is change, and a constant state of it.
And have shifted to sustainable development, smart growth, that was always the next phase.
And here in Austin, it's selective enforcement.
Uh, when you leave as a former mayor here,
Then literally take over private banks that control the land you stole.
Here in Austin, Texas, they've taken more than 50,000 acres of people's property.
On average, five years after stealing it in an environmental land grab.
Because they can't get it federally, they just do it locally.
And that's what Schwarzenegger said two years ago at Copenhagen.
He said, we'll just go to the governors and the mayors and county commissioners.
And they come in, they seize the land, farms, ranches, development zones.
And then have their environmental boards remove the restrictions after it's in government trust and then it's sold to them publicly.
I mean, this is crime out in the open.
It's what the Chinese are revolting against and taking over major towns and cities in China over the Communist Party taking property and then later giving it to themselves.
I mean, it is just brazen criminality.
Look, 99% of the people at the mid and high levels of environmentalism are just wicked control freaks who are stealing property.
I've been to Smart Road conferences.
I've talked to them.
And I'll say, I know you're just doing this to get property.
And when the camera's off, they'll look at me and say, you bad idiots!
And you're not going to stop us!
Now get out of my way!
I mean, these are hard... And then they'll be in front of the news going, oh, I'm so liberal!
Oh, it's for the Earth!
But behind the scenes, they're like, shut up, Jones!
I mean, they're just nasty, nasty people!
And when you see them laughing at you.
I mean, I've been in elevators with them before.
I've been at restaurants when they walk over in front of people and say, how's it going Jones?
You're not going to stop us.
It's normal to have a government that decides on development and controls society.
And that's the way it is.
These are, I mean, Lord Monk has been beat up by police.
Before, on video.
I mean, this is what they do.
I have video later of in California and other areas, people try to speak politely at city council now, and are being arrested, or threatened with arrest.
If they criticize government in any way, they say, that is not allowed!
Police seize them!
So it's happening.
But after we talk about this and get a quick update from our Monk and I'm gonna get his take because he's also run for high office.
He's been in the highest levels, top advisor to Margaret Thatcher, award-winning journalist in his own right.
But he stood for high office in Scotland and they just totally ignored him there.
Telling us a week later what Moncton had said was going to happen.
At Rio, coming up here, they are openly saying, and they admit here, they will take over development, manufacturing, everything, through the rubric of sustainable development, which the EPA says in documents allows them the power to do anything.
They're not going to try to argue fake science now.
They're just going to say, for the earth, or for the trees, you can't build.
And here in Austin,
Number one, Lord Monckton.
They will now, if a tree is bigger than 10 inches around, up to 15 to 20, they have different variants, and you go to them for the voodoo, they won't let them build 10, 15, 20, 30, 40 story high rises, which actually, if you believe there's no room, are quote, sustainable, unless you're an insider.
Now, if you pony up and pay them off and give their wives jobs, they're just open crooks, then you can cut down whatever you want.
But if you've got
Ugly, haggard trees, and you're offering to plant trees on the roof, doesn't matter.
They say NO!
Unless you bow to them and pay them whatever they want.
And then, if they've got a better offer, you're not going to get it anyways.
Just like General Electric can build all the new power plants they want, everybody else is being shut down, so General Electric comes and says, you're going to be shut down in one month, shell dust for nothing.
And people are like, here's the power plant, and the prices are doubling, they're laughing, they are a criminal mafia.
Now I know I'm ranting here, because this is a time to rant.
This is brazen authoritarianism.
But they aren't dressed up in a Hitler outfit so people don't recognize it.
These are conscious demons!
Lord Monckton!
Joins us.
He is the British politician, public speaker, former newspaper editor, and hereditary peer, formerly a member of the Conservative Party.
Monckton has been the head of the policy unit for UK Independence Party.
And it goes on there.
And I just can't break down his entire... He was the head of the policy unit number 10 Downing Street.
He also worked for the Universe, the Sunday Telegraph, Today and the Evening Standard.
And UKIP.org or ScienceOfPublicPolicy.org.
Sir, I'm ranting and I appreciate you joining us and giving us your time.
It's just to see them engaging in these crimes, it's becoming outrageous.
And now that you and others have exposed them, they're upping the ante and declaring total power over everything.
And they say they don't care what Congress or Parliament does, they rule.
Well, of course, in the end, in a democracy like America, where no legislative power is supposed to go anywhere except Congress, Congress can take that power back.
It can say to the EPA, enough is enough, no more messing about, if you want to exercise this kind of authority, you have to have a statute to do that, you haven't got one, and we're shutting you down.
And actually now the EPA probably does more harm than good and it should actually be abolished.
It's no longer a useful organisation.
And what is happening?
The mistake they've made is that they have tried to politicise science itself.
I've said this before but it bears saying again.
Science is a search for objective truth.
It can't be politicised.
You can pretend to politicise it for a time but in the end the truth
pokes through.
One of my favorite examples of this is when Hitler didn't like the fact that Einstein, a Jew, had invented the theory of relativity.
And so he got a hundred scientists loyal to the regime, the consensus, let's call them, to produce a book which was called A Hundred Scientists Against Einstein.
And Einstein, who had had the sense to leave Germany by then and was safely in the United States, was asked
by the press what he thought about this.
And he said, gentlemen, it's really very simple.
If I am wrong, it will only take a single paper by one scientist to demonstrate that.
Doesn't matter how many scientists you line up in a row, that's not how science is done, he said.
And of course, that's exactly the position we're in now.
You have the scientists lining up with the state, the authorities, the EPA, saying, uh, the climate is all terrible, it's all gloom and doom, we're going to set the world on fire.
Publicly on the payroll!
Uh, publicly on the payroll, but...
They're being caught out because it isn't happening.
Remember that famous ClimateGate email from the original batch of emails?
This one by Kevin Trenberth, who's right at the heart of this scare.
One of the people that is perpetrating what I increasingly think is looking rather like fraud.
And what he said privately in his email to his colleagues was...
There has been no global warming for a decade.
We cannot explain why.
It is a travesty that we can't.
That's what they're saying to each other privately.
They know that this has all gone wrong.
They know their sums are incorrect.
And they simply can't bear to let go.
Breaking news.
I often do this on your show.
I now have access to the first three major chapters that are being written for the next.
IPCC quinquennial assessment report due out in somewhere towards the end of next year or the beginning of the year after that.
And yet again they are trying to pretend that the amount of global warming we can expect to get if we double the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by the end of this century, which we will, whatever they try to do about it, they're trying to say that will cause 3 or 4 or even 5 Celsius of warming, kind of 7, 8, 9, 10 Fahrenheit.
Well, the answer is, no, it won't.
It'll cause at most half of that, probably more like a third of that.
But they're still desperately clinging by their fingernails to this bogus story, even though it's now quite clear that the climate isn't responding in the way they predicted.
And let me give you a little vignette from Durban which illustrates how cheesily they're trying to cheat on the data, and they're succeeding in fooling your average politician who knows absolutely no science.
I ran into, in the corridors there, the Secretary General of the World Meteorological Organization, a guy called Michel Jarreau.
And I said to him, I've just heard you interviewed, and you were saying that the science is solid.
This is the new speak for the science is settled.
They're now saying the science is solid.
And I said, but on the question of what's called climate sensitivity, the how much man-made global warming are we going to get question,
I said the science is very far from solid.
It's becoming quite evident now that we've had no global warming for a decade.
The numbers are just not coming out the way you said they would.
And the fact is there are very good reasons in the peer-reviewed literature why we now know it's not going to warm at the rate which the IPCC is trying to peddle and upon which the entire scare rests.
And he said, oh, well, the trouble with you is, he said, you date all your graphs from 1998, when there was a big spike in global warming because of a natural event, the El Nino of that year.
And I said, no, I don't.
Don't try to change the subject.
Stick to the point.
He said, well, you have to go back not 10 years, but 30 years.
And I said, no, you don't.
You have to go back 60 years so as to cancel out both the warming and the cooling phase of the Great Ocean Oscillation.
It's a 60-year cycle in the climate.
And if you go back only 30 years, you're capturing only the warming half.
And then you say, that's all man-made warming.
No, it isn't.
A lot of it's natural.
You have to go back 60 years.
And he was furious that I knew that.
And he said, I'm not going to stand around listening to lectures from you.
I said, well, I've made a very simple point.
I've said what I want to say.
What do you want to say?
Well, he didn't really want to say anything very much.
He was furious that he'd been caught out in this very devious
way of trying to present things to say you have to go back to say nineteen seventy six that's when the natural warming from the pacific decadal oscillation began and it ended in two thousand and one.
Let me stop you Lord Monckton you always get into science with these people but you know from the Club of Rome and the rest of it that the UN set up it's about power grabs and population reduction and of course he didn't want to talk to you because he knows I'm telling you
Obviously you've attacked them on the science, and that's good, because they wear this laurel of paid-off scientist and say, oh, peer-reviewed.
But at the end of the day, it's about a power grab.
I'm telling you, in Austin, you don't build anything unless they say, I live under a Supreme Soviet.
The way to stop this nonsense, though, is to fight them on the science and on the economics.
These are the two battlegrounds.
Where they do not have control because the facts are not being... No, no, I understand that.
So let me ask you this.
Let me ask you this then.
Let me ask you this.
What about the big announcement that you've gotten the internal documents, you know what's going to be in this new Rio thing coming up.
Fox News says they've got some of the same information and are reporting that the EPA, rather than back off, is planning to just start shutting everything down.
Well, that of course is what the EPA will do while Obama is still in the White House.
And at least in America you can do something about that.
You can vote out your leaders and vote in a new one.
We can't do that here in the UK because our leaders are the unelected commissars of the European dictatorship.
We have no control over them whatsoever.
And they have just made a complete mess of the whole of Europe's finances.
That's now washing over into the rest of the world.
And you heard it here first.
Greece will go into formal hard default on March the 12th.
So if you want to short the Euro, make yourself a little money, from mid-February onwards, that would be a good thing to do.
These people, their arrogance has long surpassed their abilities.
And not only on financial matters, but also on climate matters, these people don't know what they're doing.
And they're trying to grab more and more power, because otherwise people will find out and sack them.
Well, the time is now coming where it's becoming blindingly obvious, as far as the climate is concerned, that we do not have a problem on anything like the scale they've been trying to pretend.
It's quite, quite clear the climate simply isn't changing fast enough, anything like fast enough, to match their original... Yes sir, Lord Monckton, I mean, respectfully,
Obviously you've done more than anybody to fight them and expose them.
I agree with you facing them on the science, but I'm saying then they just make up new lies, then we've got to expose those, and clearly they're discredited.
My point is the mafioso nature of government insiders shutting down coal plants
In Europe, in the United States, that aren't part of the inside club, I think that point is particularly devastating.
The proof that this is just a mafia demanding environmental protection money if you want the ability to engage in any human activity.
The statements by this UN coterie of villainous vermin openly stating they want a post-industrial world, these are
Just, just, just, they are unspeakably wicked!
They're dangerous!
They are.
But the way to deal with them is to meet them head-to-head on the facts.
And that's what I've been very quiet about.
It's why they're so angry with me.
You know, you Google Moncton, you see this hate metal from all over the world, generated by these people, to try to destroy the reputations of anyone who dares to argue with them.
But I'm still here.
And the reason is that they know that in the end, on the science, I am trying to get it right, while they are trying to get it wrong.
But they are conscious authoritarians.
I'm more likely to get it right, because at least I'm trying to.
Sure, but I mean, they are, from your research, conscious authoritarians.
Oh, of course they are!
These are people who would like, it's the old phrase from the comic books, world domination.
You know, they're like the Mekong in the Dandere comics, remember those, who wanted world domination.
Of course they do.
They are comic strip characters, and they would love to take the world over using the environment as a sort of green fig leaf to hide behind.
But in the end,
This is failing.
This is the great thing, Alex.
It's failing.
It's failing because they dared to try to politicise science, and the economics, for that matter.
It's actually 20 to 100 times cheaper to sit back, enjoy the sunshine, and do nothing, than it is to try to do anything at all to try to make global warming go away.
It really is cheaper just to leave it alone.
And people are beginning to work this out.
The scientific literature in the economic journals
It's near unanimous in saying there's no point in spending any money on trying to make global warming go away, just money down the drain if you do.
And gradually, even the dimmest politicians are beginning to realize that this is just a waste of money at a time when there isn't a lot of money in the kitty to waste.
You know, you've got America going bust, Britain going bust, Europe going bust because of extravagant overspending by exactly this class.
And environmental policies shutting down our industry.
All of that, it all contributes to the loss of tax revenue, which makes the government's figures a great deal worse.
So in the end, some very hard choices are going to have to be made quite soon by the electorate.
And they're going to have to say, do we want to vote in a party which buys all this environment?
Just stay there, sir.
Tell us on the other side.
This is key information.
Lord Monckton's our guest.
Stay with us.
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All right, Lord Monk will be with us until five into the next hour.
Then Hoppy Heidelberg, the head of the federal grand jury, who discovered that it was an inside job to blame conservatives and libertarians for the terror attack.
He's going to be joining us talking about the new film, A Noble Lie.
Which is the only really professionally produced film on the subject of Oklahoma City.
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Now going back to Lord Christopher Monckton.
Who's the head of public policy at the UK Independence Party, the fastest growing party in the UK because they oppose globalist tyranny.
England has over 70% of its laws made by unelected bureaucrats.
Now the bureaucrats are saying to Europe, you're going to give up whatever rights you had and give it to us.
Through the fraud the banksters have induced, but something happened.
James Cameron, who said he won't let the British people or the people of the UK vote on getting out of the Euro,
He's now suddenly voting on Euro power grab.
So what's happening, Lord Monckton?
Very, very interesting.
This is the influence of the United Kingdom Independence Party because 83 of David Cameron's backbenchers rebelled against him in a vote on Europe a few weeks ago in the House of Commons.
And he began to realise that he is out of touch with his party on this issue.
And if he stayed out of touch with it until the next election, and UKIP is still there standing against him, then we will take enough votes from his right wing, if you like, to make sure that he cannot ever win a general election with an overall majority.
He couldn't do it last time because we took enough votes away from him.
The same will happen, still more so this time, now that everybody can see that the European project has dismally and abjectly failed.
And so he is beginning to run scared.
And when Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy of Germany and France, respectively,
were absolutely intransigent in the negotiations and wouldn't make any concessions at all to him even though Britain isn't even in the Euro and should not therefore be asked to submit its own budgets for approval by these unelected commissars.
He finally realized that if he wanted to stay as leader of the Conservative Party he was going to have to raise his game on the European question.
And so he voted against the entire new treaty that we're going to bring in to allow the EU's commissars to put their sticky fingers all over our national budgets.
They can't do that because he has vetoed it.
One veto prevents any of these changes from happening and he, for once, found the guts to do this.
And it was a very good thing.
Of course, you can imagine how the mainstream press treated it here.
They said that we had isolated ourselves from Europe.
Well, of course, no.
It's the other way round.
Europe has isolated itself from us by setting up, essentially, a fraudulent currency which has now about the value of Monopoly money or Mickey Mouse money.
And it has failed.
And so, David Cameron has realised he now needs to keep Britain out of any more expenditure on this nonsense.
It's going to be very, very expensive putting the European Union's finances right.
Well, this is key, Lord Motten!
That will not be required to pay for it.
All right, stay there.
We're going to come back with five more minutes with you, and I know you wouldn't say that you have a date when Greece is going to basically default and all this.
If you didn't, incredible information.
I briefly want to ask you about Ron Paul, but Lord Monckton is our guest, and if you want to visit his website, it's excellent.
Send it to your friends that are under globalist brainwashing.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, he is a front-line fighter and the most prolific, exposing the globalist collectivist authoritarians.
He's Lord Christopher Monckton.
Only got five minutes left with him.
Finishing up on Europe.
If there was ever any doubt for anyone that it was authoritarian out of control, when they make proclamations of you will waive all remaining sovereignty to us, EU bureaucratic police will physically seize money to pay it.
You know, we will put all new environmental controls in shutting down everything.
I mean, just in Von Ruppe looking all crazy saying global governance, global governance.
I mean, it's so obvious what they're doing.
And then run by the mega banks that have engaged in all the fraud, waging war against all the other free market banks and brokerage firms, trying to take them over.
I mean, here's the proof of the authoritarianism, Lord Monckton.
Well, what they're doing is they are indeed trying to take democracy away forever.
The governing class in Europe, and to a large extent in America, has got tired of having to face re-election.
Lord Monton's Skype, we just lost it and that was key information he was covering.
We've got to get him reconnected.
I'm going to have to come back after the break and get Heidelberg on it 15 after or something because this is too important.
Yeah, that's it.
I mean, look, they're saying they're going to censor the internet.
The government and the media are getting together because the dominant dinosaur media is dying.
It's a perfect storm.
They're talking about secret arrests.
They're talking about grabbing American citizens.
The manuals aren't about Al Qaeda.
It's all about American citizens and global warming skeptics.
And as Lord Monckton said, they're getting tired of standing for election.
And I wanted to be able to finish that point because it is so important.
Every generation ends up facing some form of tyranny and what we're facing is very nasty.
But it isn't a Mussolini or a Stalin running around in a clown outfit.
It is, and we know what that looks like.
Like a Charlie Chaplin movie when he made fun of him.
Now these are people in suits all creeping around in a bureaucratic way, beavering away like termites as Lord Monckton would say.
And we lost him on the Skype there.
And again, I'm wound up, ladies and gentlemen.
You've got to get wound up about this.
You've got to get out of your morass.
And we are doing that.
That's why before they thought they could just barrel through with all this regardless.
But now...
They were going to let the free press, the alternative press, still be there because they thought, well, nobody listens to them.
Nobody listens to Ron Paul.
Nobody listens to Alex Jones.
Now, because they realize that we are supplanting them exponentially, they've lost some of the arrogance and the hubris.
Five years ago, I'd say, man, I hope they continue with this hubris because we're really making inroads against these people.
And they're really arrogant up there and don't understand it.
Now they still kind of got the arrogance, but they're concerned and they think, well, we'll just crush them.
Lord Monckton, I'm sorry your Skype cut out.
Finishing up with the where you left off of they don't want to stand for re-election.
No, that's right.
They would like to just be in power forever and that's what the transfer of government away by treaty from elected hands in your Congress to unelected hands at the UN means.
And so what you have to start doing is preparing your friends in Congress to vote against any
I think?
Get on to your senator now and say, look, enough is enough.
They got the global warming thing wrong.
Now they're going to get the sustainable development and biodiversity thing wrong as well.
There's no scientific basis for giving up our democracy.
It is time for all this nonsense to stop.
Okay, I know you're very busy, sir, but since we lost a few minutes with you, I'd like to briefly go to break and come back for a few more minutes and finish up with exactly what they're doing in Europe, what this, as you said a week and a half ago, they're just going to announce total power grab, like, you know, in response to being exposed, fleeing forward, and then briefly, Ron Paul and the different tactics they're using to try to block people from voting for him.
I want to get your view on that.
Straight ahead, then Hoppy Heidelberg coming up.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we are eight minutes into hour number two.
Coming up the bottom of the hour, the former head of the federal grand jury in Oklahoma City, Javi Heidelberg, who saw the evidence that it was a Clintonista inside job, will be joining us via video connection from Oklahoma City.
We're going to have a series of other witnesses like Jane Graham on and others in the coming weeks because the new film A Noble Lie is out.
The first official well-produced eyewitness film that's come out since the tragic events.
When you see the establishment gearing up to blame domestic groups for a new event, that is what the globalists are going to try.
Undoubtedly, we've got to expose this paradigm right now.
Now, I've got a big news blitz coming up in five minutes because I spent most of the first 30 minutes on Ron Paul.
We're going to get Lord Monckton's take on that because he's been at the highest levels of the British government and also run for election in Scotland, had them try similar things.
But finishing up with the point that you were making about Europe is trying to go authoritarian.
They don't even deny that on Bloomberg TV.
They say, well, they have to do it to fix things, and they're going to get rid of sovereignty.
And basically, where others failed to conquer Europe, the megabanks have done it.
And the bureaucracy now rules.
And it looks like Von Rumpy and others are still quite arrogant, even as things implode underneath them, Lord Monckton.
Well, yes, they're taking full advantage of this by saying, well, of course, the only reason why this happened is that we didn't have enough power.
And, of course, it happened because they already had too much power, but they're just twisting it and turning it round.
So this, it's the same story in Europe.
We're good to go.
You can put the treaty into place and then it self-amends without having to get the assent of all the parties.
It means you start with the stop of a treaty and then the bureaucrats can make up anything they want from then on.
They have absolute power.
They've done this in Europe and they're planning to do it with this biodiversity treaty as well.
And the only way to stop it
We're good to go.
And the United States, I mean at least half of the United States, unfortunately, is a party which is perfectly happy to go along with this final destruction of everything that your founding fathers wanted to set up.
You must resist!
And it's so draconian.
I mean, they're openly in our newspapers saying, it's for the earth, your power prices will now double in the next two years.
And they say it with a straight face.
And meanwhile, all the jobs are moving to Mexico and China because we can't even have power to run factories.
And they just giggle at us.
And the same bureaucrats then own shares in the factories in China.
And it's like a sacrament to destroy your country.
That's right, it's a truly horrifying picture, and the real worry that I have is that the two leading contenders at the moment for the Republican nomination are deeply unsound on this whole global warming and environmental sector.
You've got Newt Gingrich, who's been a sort of closet greenie in and out of the closet for years.
He sat on that settee with, what's her name, Pelosi, to talk about global warming enthusiastically.
And then you have Mitt Romney, who's even worse.
I mean, these two are totally unfit to hold office because they don't see what it is that the UN and its various friends among the Democrats are planning to do to America.
And they're not going to defend America and its Constitution against this.
Dangerous onslaught from the people who are trying to bring the West down forever and impose a global communist or fascist dictatorship.
It doesn't matter what kind of label.
It's totalitarian either way.
And again, as we often say, Alex,
People listening in may think, isn't this all terribly extreme, what they're saying?
Yes, it is, because that's what's actually going to happen.
We've already seen it in Europe.
Britain is no longer a democracy.
Oh, we have all the trappings.
We have an election every five years.
Doesn't make any difference.
Look at 5-6 of our laws.
83% of our laws, according to official German estimates, are made for us by the unelected commissar, the bureaucrat, of the European Union.
That's what's going to happen to America, too, once the UN gets this biodiversity treaty through.
So Rio must not succeed.
Well, they're definitely on the defensive right now, but as you said, they just metastasized into something new, but looking at this, it's similar to what we have here, where the EPA just does whatever it wants outside of law, and has now announced that under the rubric of biodiversity, they can do anything, and you're saying Gingrich and others are just ignorant, and I know you're being polite... We're having Gingrich and Romney go along with
Well, they're fully conscious of it.
They understand.
I mean, I'm saying you're... That's right.
And so, unfortunately, I mean, in many ways, I rather like Newt Gingrich.
I know him quite well.
I see him quite a bit.
But I'm afraid on this issue, he is so totally ill-advised that he would make a most terrible mess of presentations.
But as you said, as you said...
What is your estimate, because I've seen variants from different groups, but is it not in the tens of billions what has been spent selling the lie of man-made global warming?
No, no, no, we're in the hundreds of billions now.
I mean, $80 billion has been spent by the United States alone on this.
Europe has probably spent another $40 billion.
I mean, we're looking at very, very serious amounts of money, taxpayers' money, at a time when these governments are all bust anyway.
This is extraordinary.
Well, that's because it's the global government religion.
That's why Romney, and that's why Gingrich support it, and that's why they're endorsed by the Republican rhinos, is because this is what the ruling class wants, to be able to shut down any competition that isn't part of their little inner coterie, and then meanwhile it covers up for real environmental
Concerns that are going on instead they run around chasing phantoms of carbon dioxide This was completely manufactured, but in closing Ron Paul Is is is winning in Iowa winning in other states and so for the first time the governor and others are
Have reportedly, according to Politico, come out and said, if you vote for Ron Paul, because it's an old-fashioned, you know, vote in the counties, in these groups, that it discredits it.
Is that not an attack on the electoral process to say vote for him and you discredit Iowa and our electoral system?
No, what they're doing there is they're saying that you, the people, no longer have the right to decide anything.
We will tell you what is good for you.
Now that's not what the founding fathers of your constitution wanted.
They wanted to make sure that every man had his vote.
We're good to go.
Of course it isn't.
It is your right to vote for who you want to vote for, and if Ron Paul is the one person currently front-running who isn't buying into all this enviro-garbage, then he's the one you should vote for.
I don't think it's worth voting for Gingrich or for that Mormon fellow, Romney, while they continue to buy this Drink the Environmental Kool-Aid.
Once they come off the Kool-Aid, different matter, but while they're on it,
Then these are people who essentially are haters of America.
There's no other way of putting it.
These are people who want to destroy your democracy, destroy your constitution, and take away, in doing so, your democracy.
To choose for yourselves what laws shall be made for you and what taxes shall be imposed upon you.
Yet these people would hand all that away to the unelected bureaucrats of the UN and, of course, as you rightly say, the big banks who are very close in with the UN.
It's all a nice little cosy arrangement together with the ordinary people coming nowhere.
And that is what's got to change.
And if Ron Paul is the spokesman for that, then Ron Paul is the person you vote for.
Well, I mean, here's another example.
Here's Christian Science Monitor.
Now polls are coming out showing Ron Paul in the lead in the next key state, New Hampshire.
I don't, I mean, the system is going to go completely crazy because they tried to destroy his son with a bunch of dirty tricks in Kentucky.
In the Senate race last year, it didn't work.
I know you've been at the end of a lot of dirty tricks.
We've got to certainly pray
Or Ron Paul, pray for you of course and everybody else that is standing up against these people.
But I think the big mega banks and the UN crowd have bitten off more than they can chew.
And the sleeping giant that is the free people of the West is beginning to rise and I'm seeing fear in them.
I think they are now frightened of the people, and that's why they're so desperate to ram this power grab through quickly, before the people have quite spotted what's going on.
There seem to be a lot of well-meaning people who buy into this environmental stuff because, rightly they say, we want to exercise the sensible stewardship of the planet, we don't want to make an undue mess of it.
And therefore they are predisposed, if you like, to believe anything that's told to them in that direction.
But now a lot of ordinary voters have, you know, there's a kind of common sense in ordinary voters.
That's the whole constitution is built on the idea that the voters have a common sense that the governing class doesn't have.
And so the voters are going to have to really assert themselves at this coming election.
They're going to have to turn Obama out of the White House.
I'm sorry if I'm straying into your politics a bit here, but he is very bad news for democracy.
Are you kidding?
He's a globalist throwing himself around the world.
You've got every right to say get rid of Obama.
Well listen, Lord Monckton, thank you so much for the time, and people should find out more about the UK.
Independence Party and all the great work you're doing and say hi to Nigel Farage who's certainly leading a great charge exposing the kleptocratic Eurocrats.
Thank you so much and have a great Christmas.
Real pleasure.
God bless you.
Happy Christmas everyone and God bless America.
God bless you sir.
God bless the UK and all the free people there as well.
We're going to defeat this ruling class if we fully awaken to them.
News Blitz straight ahead.
Then Hoppy Heidelberg.
It's all coming up.
Stay with us.
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Okay, let's go into some of the news.
This is the type of stuff coming out right now.
This is out of Christian Science Monitor.
What if Ron Paul wins Iowa and New Hampshire too?
And then it gets into the fact that more and more he's going into first place in Iowa and New Hampshire.
And the system's completely panicking.
So the different politicos in Iowa are quoted in Politico saying that he's going to ruin the state and ruin their record and discredit their caucus, their people voting on
Two Republican voters have sent to the caucus to represent them.
The people get together in the Republican Party.
They vote.
They send their people to their caucus.
In their little towns, they all vote with their hands.
They count it all up.
But now the feds are coming into town to oversee because the Anonymous threatened to hack it.
All you need is a public tallying.
They're going to have trouble, though, because each caucus will look at their numbers.
And so, there's no telling what the establishment's going to do, but Ron Paul does need a lot of security.
If they see him really building and know that he's going to create so much attention to liberty during the campaign, even if they plan on trying to steal elections with a general computerized vote later, they could pull something, even though it's incredibly obvious with a lone nut who's let out of some government psychiatric facility, just to try to shut this down.
But they also know that could cause a revolution.
Any way you slice it, resistance is victory.
As long as Ron Paul's ready to be torn apart in the media and even physically attacked.
And he is.
He's in the arena.
He's a champion.
He's a champion.
I was watching some Morton Downey Jr.
clips I'd seen a year ago of him, Ron Paul, back in the 80s on there with all these idiots yelling at him and how Ron Paul was jumping out of his seat and yelling at him back when he was younger.
I guess Ron Paul's a little more like Alex Jones than we thought.
We're going to put a compilation of that stuff together soon and do a special piece on it.
Alright, I'm spending too much time on the Ron Paul thing.
I already covered it in the first hour.
It's just, will Ron Paul kill the caucuses?
You heard Monkton.
I mean, that is pure arrogance by the system saying, we decide how you vote.
If you do vote for him, the governor reportedly says, then ignore the vote.
I mean, think of the arrogance!
Ignore my state!
And look at the second runner-up, which will be Mitt Romney, who the newspapers and the globalists are endorsing.
Mr. Carbon Tax.
I mean, think of that arrogance!
If Ron Paul wins, ignore our state!
Ron Paul is discrediting our state, which is saying our voters are bad!
I mean, what an arrogant blob!
And of course, he's launched his salvo.
They'll try to deny it now and play politics.
Again, it's like I said, the NDAA doesn't have secret arrests for citizens in it.
And now that it's passed, oh yeah it does, what's wrong with that?
Military will be dropping by real quick.
Wake up at work.
It's not an assault.
Come out with your hands up.
You walk out, you get shot, and they say it's alright.
More of you come out.
They walk out, shoot them.
Some of them won't come out.
Send in special forces.
Plant a bomb on top of the building.
On top of the church records vault.
Kill them.
All on record, how they killed them, how they did it.
The whole time, not an assault, not an assault.
People want to believe it's not an assault.
Okay, I'll come out.
Oh, good.
Come on out.
Come on out.
This is not an attack.
Don't run.
We are your friends.
Oh my gosh, it is amazing.
But don't worry, the Iowa GOP is worried about hacker threat to caucuses.
And there's a worst case scenario.
Investigators don't know what the threat is.
Authentic, but has nonetheless led the state party to confront worst case scenarios.
Their fear, an Iowa caucus marked by hackers who corrupt the database used to gather votes and crash the website used to inform the public about results that could shape the campaign for the White House.
Oh, so see, then hackers attack.
So, Ron Paul won, but we're not sure.
It's all confused.
And they'll count on you not knowing that each county has the tally by hand vote.
And then anybody with a calculator could sit there and do the number.
It's like, oh, we got the tabulations.
Now we've got to have experts because the hackers hit it.
Oh, the dirty people wearing Guy Fawkes mask.
Oh my gosh.
Oh, it's terrible.
I mean, you can see what they're doing.
Remember, they launched Stuxnet, Israel and the U.S.
did on Iran, and I said, watch, they're going to blame the freedom of the Internet on it, even though the government admits they launched it, and sure enough, they're in the news.
We've got to have cybersecurity and the NDAA and get rid of the freedom online and have the Pentagon patrolling the Internet, shutting down whoever they want offensively, preemptively, because of Stuxnet!
They think you're morons!
The government admits they launched it in conjunction with Israel, but they gotta start shutting down our freedom because the government launched Stuxnet.
But they don't mention it in the new articles then.
Yeah, Stuxnet, going around the world.
We've gotta shut down your freedom because of Stuxnet.
Sorry about that.
Oh, by the way, I haven't even gotten to this yet.
Remember, we got the subcontractor for the FEMA camps being activated?
Now we have the government general contract.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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That's www.SilverLungs.com.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Welcome back.
We're now at the Midway Point.
The Plano Return here on this live transmission.
From deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6, Austin, Texas.
That's right.
Transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Bobby Heidelberg, the head of Federal Grand Jury on the Oklahoma City bombing case, is going to be joining us via video Skype from Oklahoma here in just a moment with one of the producers of the film, a noble lie, Oklahoma City, 1995.
We're going to introduce him here in just a moment.
Some of the other news that I didn't get to hear is Homeland Security moves to man FEMA camps.
We were sent the internal
Halliburton KBR master contractor offer to prepare emergency camps across the country for political, economic, or environmental reasons.
Within 72 hours, how to lock them down, the barbed wire, the systems, the government orders for the Army to hire more internment specialists, all of that.
But no media picked it up.
And a lot of what we cover does get picked up every day by newspapers across the country.
Infowars.com, our reports, our analysis, our guests, are in newspapers every day.
This morning I typed Infowars.com in and we were in the San Jose Mercury News, Reuters, Bloomberg.
But not this subject.
You cannot get this on the air.
Because they do not want you knowing about COG.
Jesse Ventura's TV show that I advised on on the FEMA camps got shut down after it aired one time.
And Congress and Homeland Security threatened Time Warner.
And then they threatened their subsidiary, True TV.
Because we documented the threat fusion centers, the FEMA camps, the spy grids, the end of posse commentatus.
They had a former FBI agent in there blowing the whistle.
Now works for the ACLU, Mr. German.
It was the most credible of all the episodes they've had.
And, uh, you know, because they're all serious subjects, but some of it's kind of entertainment-wise, because that's how they allowed it on TV.
This thing was so hardcore, because I basically, you know, did the research for about 70% of it, and of course was in it, that it got taken off television and erased off DVRs.
So, now we have, on the Homeland Security website, the original contract from May, thanks to a listener pointing it out to us yesterday, where they put out the contracts to have a general contractor, and Halliburton got it.
And it's all there, all the subcontractors, everything.
It's all right there!
And it's a new article, and it needs to get out to everybody.
It's Homeland Security moves to man FEMA camps.
On December 6th, we reported on a document originating from the Halliburton subsidiary KBR Describing Services.
KBR is looking to farm out the subcontractors.
The document was passed on to us by a state government employee.
Complete with phone numbers and everything.
Our research has since discovered another document that further reveals the ongoing effort by the government to establish FEMA camps.
They've built them, now they're moving to have people who are paid to be on standby to man them.
First time we've ever seen this happening.
And you saw DHS announce last Friday, we wrote an article about that, preparing for massive influx of a collapse of Mexico, get emergency camps ready.
So they're getting ready for really total economic collapse is the point.
And this article goes over all of this, so there should be a debate about this, but they don't want you to know about it.
So that article's at InfoWars.com.
Here's some of the other stuff we've got, and we're going to our guest.
Regulators seek ban of cell use in cars, even hands-free Wall Street Journal.
I mentioned this last week.
This is from December 14.
And I see emails saying this can't be true.
Yes, the feds want to ban using hands-free, which is totally safe to talk in your car.
Next, I guess they're saying you can't talk in your car.
And more frightening, the feds are saying they want to track you in real time via your cell phone to make sure you're not talking on it.
So it's just an excuse at prior restraint to surveil you.
So regulators seek ban on use in cars of even hands-free.
And then we've got some other reports here.
They're not trying to say Iran carried out 9-11.
And they had a federal judge say so.
But never any discussion of Saudi Arabia, where 15 of the 19 so-called hijackers came from, our gallant little ally.
And we're going to go to our guests in a moment.
I just want to add here that this broadcast is listener-supported, but that's a side issue.
When I see a film like A Noble Lie, Oklahoma City 1995, with myself in it, but more importantly Jane Graham, survivor of the attack,
Hoppy Heidelberg, cop of the year, Terence Jeky's mother, and so many others, the inventor of the neutron bomb, saying there were clearly bombs inside.
General Benton K. Parton, former head of Air Force Weapons Development, Brigadier General, saying the same thing since day one.
It's all there, the first and only professional and current film.
There's been some made at the time that were great and got the word out, that had good information.
I spent 40 minutes in Road to Tyranny, a three-hour film, on it.
It's good.
It was the best work till that date.
This is really a masterpiece and it's available at Infowars.com.
We support the filmmakers and our outfit.
When you do that, a noble lie, Oklahoma City, 1995, show it to your pastor.
Give it to police officers.
Give it to your sheriff.
When I was in the SWAT team headquarters,
I don't know.
Waco, the rules of engagement that shows the flare footage of the feds killing the people.
And I saw Oklahoma City documentaries exposing it.
So, and they're like, look, we just told to go over there.
We're good guys.
Then later the lieutenant told me he was a patriot and they found out about that and fired him.
Lieutenant Beck was his name.
But all of that happened.
And so I'm just telling you, this stuff has an effect.
You show this to police, they're going to wake up.
Because this was a big false flag, the prototype of 9-11.
So a noble lie available at Infowars.com right now.
We also are going to continue it throughout the year.
You can get 18 films to wake people up.
All of my films.
Obama Deception, Fall of the Republic, Endgame, Terror Storm, Truth Rising, the Police State Trilogy, the Bohemian Grove films for $99.95, 70 plus percent off.
Again, InfoWars.com to order or call 888-253-3139.
Give the gift of truth this holiday season, this Christmas and in the new year.
Again, InfoWars.com or see all the films and more right now online of your PrisonPlanet.tv member.
We also simulcast the daily radio show for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
Again, at PrisonPlanet.tv and the Nightly News, 7 o'clock every evening.
And speaking of the nightly news tonight, it's going to be a special one.
We're going to have Hoppy Heidelberg back on.
Aaron Dyk is going to host tonight's show.
And we're also going to have a professor from Japan on, on some interesting subjects.
I'll just leave it at that.
So you'll want to stay with us this evening, 7 o'clock Central, 8 o'clock Eastern.
Now, for the next hour, going to our guest, Hoppy Heidelberg, who, of course, was instrumental
I think so.
I don't think so.
What really happened and how this was blamed on the anti-globalist movement and the state's rights movement.
And then of course there's all the White House memos and things saying they sure need another one.
It would sure be great if there was a new Oklahoma City.
Very nasty how dumb they think we are to publicly talk about this.
So he was the grand jury foreman and he investigated evidence surrounding the Oklahoma City bombing.
And then, of course, we have Mr. Emory with him as well, joining us.
Gentlemen, I could ask a lot of questions here, but I want to welcome you both back.
And until we got a break in 10 minutes, instead of me just throwing out the first questions, you guys start talking about whatever you think is most important.
Alex, the first thing I want to do is make a correction there.
I was not the foreman of the grand jury.
If I had been, it would have been a completely different outcome.
Well, see, I'm going back from a decade plus, so some of my memory gets foggy.
I apologize.
No problem.
I just want to make that clear.
Because they kept bringing that up.
Well, you're not the foreman.
You can't demand this and you can't demand that.
Maybe that's where I got it in my brain.
How long has it been since we talked?
Something like five, six, seven years?
Oh, at least, yeah.
A long time.
Okay, so Hoppy was on the grand jury.
Please continue.
Well, uh, they handed us, uh, when they called us back in December of 94 to come in, and then they excused the people who couldn't serve, and then they drew out of the hat the names of the people that we're gonna serve, and then they gave us a handbook called the Grand Juror's Handbook.
And I took mine home and I went through it first, highlighting it, and then I came back and underlined with red the most salient, highlighted parts.
And I understood that thing.
I could have taken a quiz on it and made a hundred.
I understood that book.
And I didn't realize that they hadn't read the book and didn't understand it and were not going to go by it at all.
So the first day that, of course, I'd been on the grand jury since January 95,
But the other grand jury, there's two sitting grand juries all the time at Oklahoma City.
There's one that serves from January to January and one from July to July.
Well, the July jury wasn't going to have time to do this, so we caught it.
And we started, I don't remember whether it was May or June, but anyway, the very first day that we started hearing evidence, I call it that, on the bombing, they told us that we couldn't question witnesses.
Well, that's crazy.
I mean, that's the whole purpose of a grand jury hearing like that, is for grand jurors to be able to question witnesses.
So I showed them in the book that I could question witnesses and that I plan to.
And finally, we came to a compromise.
We just had to call it off for a while.
And they came to a compromise and said, OK, you can question.
And I was the only one that was allowed to question.
You can question, but you have to submit your questions in advance.
Well, of course, the book, that was bull.
The book didn't say that.
But I was smart enough to know that that's not really a big deal.
I'll submit one question, and then based on the answer to that question, I'll come with the rest of the questions I have.
So I got around the one question rule, and I got around the giving them in advance the question rule.
The biggest problem was there wasn't any question, these people that they brought in to testify knew nothing.
There was no questions really to ask of them.
They would testify that they saw Tim McVeigh at a gun show five years ago.
Well, big deal!
That was not relevant at all to Oklahoma City.
In fact, none of the testimony that I heard in that grand jury room was relevant to Oklahoma City.
It was all about stuff that happened months and years before.
And, uh, it was just a dog and pony show.
And I finally complained to them.
I said, look, you're not bringing any witnesses in here.
No anything.
Here's, here's witnesses that I want.
They said, okay, when we get through, you give us your list of witnesses and we'll call them.
And I believed them, which was not very smart.
I should have known better.
So, when they were through with their witnesses, they brought in the bill for us to sign.
And I never got to call any of my witnesses.
So that's when I wrote the judge a letter and told him what had happened.
I said, they promised me I could call witnesses.
They didn't allow it.
Here's a list of witnesses that needed to be called.
And I want you to make this happen.
Well, again, I wasn't completely aware just how high this thing went, but there wasn't any way I was going to get a federal judge to back me on this, I realize now.
And so it took them about two or three weeks to decide what to do about my letter, and then they decided they just couldn't grant me
My wish to call in actual witnesses, because I could have proven right away that a truck bomb is not possible for a truck bomb to blow up that building.
Yeah, they couldn't let you bring in Jane Graham, who saw government agents planting bombs and thought they were telephone repairmen.
I mean, you couldn't call the former head of Air Force Weapons Development.
You couldn't call Terence Yeagey, the police officer that saw it all.
I mean, you couldn't call for actual witnesses.
They wanted you to
Just talk to random people that fit into their anti-patriot, anti-right-wing propaganda system.
Well, that's right.
And that's why the judge, they finally decided that the judge just needed to fire me, so he just wrote me a letter and said, uh, your services are no longer needed.
And if you don't keep your mouth shut, you're going to prison.
And, uh,
Each outburst will be a separate event, and you will have to serve your prison terms in order, one after the other, not at the same time.
So, it was kind of a joke, and as soon as I got the letter out of the mailbox from the judge, I faxed it to Channel 4, K4, the TV station here, and that just blew the lid off of everything.
I mean, that's tyranny with a capital T when they say, we'll throw you in irons if you ask any questions.
That's exactly right.
And of course, later on it got even worse.
They got even, you know, more threatening.
But the judge, all he could threaten to do was just to put me in jail.
Now, tell us about the other threats, the FBI visit, all of it.
Well, the FBI came down a couple of times, may have been three, I don't know.
But I remember two occasions they came down.
And the one occasion that was the funniest is
I was sitting, my desk is in a bay window right there in front of the house, so as they pull up and stop, and you know who it is because the car they're driving is obvious motor pool, and so when these guys get out, the guy on my side, the passenger side, that got out, took his pistol out of his holster, his shoulder holster, and stuck it in the waistband of his pants, and then buttoned his suit jacket over the pistol.
So I watched all that with interest.
And so they came in, and of course he was the bad guy.
They do this just like a TV show.
You got a good guy and a bad guy.
And the good guy, he's real nice to you, and he's come to help you, see?
And the bad guy, he's come to threaten you, and if the good guy doesn't have any luck.
So, when the good guy wasn't having any luck, why, the bad guy just stood up, unbuttoned his jacket, and exposed that pistol in his belt.
And I was supposed to be afraid, I guess, is what it was.
It was some sort of... I mean, I was supposed to get some sort of message.
And you can guess, I guess, what the message was supposed to be.
But I thought it was the silliest thing I'd ever seen.
And I just laughed at them.
And they finally just had to leave because they weren't getting anything done.
And I guess they liked playing along with the people that killed all those kids.
Because I know it's funny for you, but we've got to remember Terrence Yakey got tortured to death.
In fact, we might need to investigate exactly who those guys were that came to your house.
Because if somebody's going to brandish a firearm on a nice gentlemanly person like yourself, who knows what else they'll do?
Yeah, well, of course, I was supposed to think they were authorized to kill me, but I knew better than that.
That's not the FBI's... that's not their job.
That's a different... Well, they do that quietly.
They do that once they've got you off in custody, yeah.
So the next time they came out, they sent a lady out.
And that made it interesting.
I thought, well, what the heck are they going to accomplish with this sweet-looking little old girl?
And she turned out to be the pepper.
She was mean as a snake or something.
And she said, do you know how much trouble you're in?
Hoppy, stay there.
Yeah, you're in trouble.
You actually tried to call real witnesses as the grand juror.
Don't you get it?
In 98% of the cases, we convict people in federal court because grand juries are rubber stamps in America.
You're not in America anymore.
We run this place.
Hoppy Heidelberg.
Straight ahead.
Wow, it's been too long since I had Hoppy on.
And he's right there.
I can see him via video Skype.
He'll be with us about 40 minutes into the next hour.
Stay with us.
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They don't want to see us
Hoppy Heidelberg is our guest joining us from Oklahoma.
Chris Emery, producer of A Noble Lie, is there with him in studio.
And this is so important.
And I'm going to ask Hoppy later.
I mean, I'm sure he's seen the different Democratic strategists and people.
Of course, the guy that helped cover up Oklahoma City is now the Attorney General.
Eric Holder, who was caught running a false flag into Mexico, and he's creeped out by all these different statements.
If he hasn't seen them, we can pull them up.
But they're like, yeah, the president needs in Oklahoma City to look strong and get the people behind him.
And, you know, we know it helped Bill Clinton.
That's why I'm really revisiting this now.
This film came out at a perfect time.
It's a godsend that needs to be seen.
But Hoppy, so you were telling us about the little whippersnapper.
But see, you're a nice guy.
You've got a tyrant at your house trying to intimidate you.
The judge tried to intimidate you.
They're way outside the law.
They would love to live in North Korea.
I mean, this is the plague to liberty.
And you're just being, you know, oh, well, she was quite a whippersnapper because you're a real American.
But please continue.
Yeah, she said, do you know how much trouble you're in?
I said, no, but I bet that's what you're here for, to tell me.
And the other guys went to laughing, and that just kind of ruined the whole thing, because I kept making them laugh, and they finally just had to leave.
I said, to tell y'all what?
Y'all go home and tell them you just scared the hell out of them, and if they ever call, I'll back you up.
And they just had to laugh and leave.
But anyway, the little gal didn't get a whole lot done.
You are something else.
Chris Emery, I tell you, Hoppy Heidelberg's a treasure, isn't he?
He certainly is.
When I first met him, Hoppy, you can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think we spent almost five hours sitting at your kitchen table just talking about the case, what you went through, and I was just trying to get some memory back this morning on the way to the studio about that first meeting.
After I left his house, Alex, I pulled over to the side of the road and it took me probably a full 30 minutes just to soak in what I had learned from him.
This guy's a treasure.
It's an unbelievable wealth of information about the case.
We're about to go to break.
We have all the breaks at the end of the hour and the start of the hour.
But, Poppy, tell us what you've learned.
Impart that knowledge on record of what really happened from your research in Oklahoma City.
Well, you have to go back to 93 when the anti-terrorist bill was before Congress and they couldn't get it passed so they had the 93 World Trade Center attempt to knock the towers down and of course that was a failure because the FBI ran that operation according to the New York Times and it
It failed, and they didn't get the legislation passed, so they waited a couple of years.
They did some homework.
They canvassed a bunch of federal buildings to try to decide which one would do them the best job, work the best for them.
And they settled on Oklahoma City because we were the only federal building with a daycare center in it.
And they thought, well, the pictures of those little babies' bodies in the paper every morning and on the six o'clock news at night would probably get this bill passed for us.
And it turned out they were correct.
So that's why we won over Denver.
The finalists were Oklahoma City, Denver, and Phoenix.
But Oklahoma City won because they had the daycare center.
Oh, absolutely.
Veritas on a silver platter.
Please continue.
Okay, later on, they sent some people down with more serious threats.
People that were much more mysterious in nature, that didn't claim to have any official capacity.
I could guess who they were speaking for.
We'll stay there.
We've got to go to break in one minute.
We'll come back with the
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
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And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, Javi Heidelberg was called in on the federal grand jury and he thought he'd actually ask some real questions.
It was on the news.
There were other bombs in the building.
Witnesses said they'd seen feds in there planting bombs.
It's all over the news there.
He said, well, I think I'll ask some questions then.
And over the last 50 years or so, they've turned juries, grand juries, in more and more to kept creatures who are told what to do.
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And that's what jury nullification is about, is rediscovering that these citizen rule books that are mailed out free with all of the orders at Infowars.com break all that down for you.
And we've got top constitutional law scholars on to break it down.
But this is a short segment, long segment, coming up.
Hoppy Heidelberg.
Yes, I was told that if I filed a lawsuit
That everything would be forgiven.
I could live.
Everything would be fine if I didn't file a lawsuit.
And as you'll recall, Glenn Wilburn did file a lawsuit and did not survive.
So it was not an empty threat.
And, uh, it didn't bother me a whole lot, because he was like, I'm going to sue Caesar in Caesar's court?
I mean, come on, I wasn't going to sue anybody.
And, uh, so that was the end of that thread.
It didn't really amount to anything.
But they were still scared of you calling witnesses and it being on record.
Yeah, well, yeah, they're scared of anything, you know.
And then, you know, got the helicopter treatment later, but that's a little different story.
Oh, I know, you know, as a Western Southerner, folks don't like to talk about things that have happened to them, but you've got to.
Tell us the rest of the story of what happened to you, the other forms of harassment.
Because I've gotten the helicopter treatment, so has my family.
Well, they started flying three helicopters over my house once a week, and they would circle my house very low until I came out and acknowledged their presence so they could go on.
And the message, I assume, was that we want you to know we know where you live.
And any night we chose to, we could drop a bladder of gasoline on the roof in your house and shoot it with a fire and burn you and your family to death.
That was the message.
I understood the message.
I wasn't terribly worried about the message because people that do a lot of threatening aren't as likely to act as people who don't bother to threaten first.
They just act.
Yeah, because I've said anybody that doesn't think of my family, there's not going to be any threats made.
I will guarantee that.
And you know, what do they think is going to happen as they keep killing people and intimidating?
Don't they know people are going to start responding back?
I mean, we know where they're at as well.
Well, yeah, but they think they've got all the power because they've got the military might and they don't fear us because we, as of yet, have not offered to resist.
The way you have to.
Well, that's because discretion is a greater part of valor, but the same thing happened for decades before 1776, Hoppy.
Yeah, well, we're basically, we're in the same shape we were then.
You know, what the Crown was doing, sending out agents to eat out our substance and all of that, that's exactly what's going on right now.
I mean, the EPA, every government agency you can think of, their job is to eat out our substance.
I don't think so.
Do anything else.
Even if you have the money to afford food and fuel, you're not going to do anything else.
And it's going to get to the point where you can't even afford it.
Well, stay there, Hoppy.
Long segment coming up.
We'll get Chris Emory's take on this.
And getting your testimony on record's key.
You're going to be back on the nightly news tonight, condensing it all down.
We're going to come back and talk about Glenn Wilburn and others straight ahead.
Some of the folks that didn't make it.
Terrence Yakey, you name it, straight ahead.
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Okay, we are back.
And if you just joined us, Poppy Heidelberg was a grand juror for the federal case in Oklahoma City.
And they wouldn't call anybody connected to it.
They wouldn't call all the witnesses that were on the news saying they saw Feds and McVeigh planting gray sticks of butter.
They wouldn't call Terrence Yankee and the other police that showed up minutes into it.
They wouldn't call... I mean, the governor said they were there and saw bombs removed.
I mean, we have all these newscasts.
They're in the film, and oh, but why?
And he was trying to ask these questions and he went to the judge and the judge said, you're off of this, you're gone, even though grand jurors are supposed to be running things, not the other way around.
And then the FBI keep coming to his house and, you know, opening their shirts up and showing him a firearm stuck in the, you know, the waistband threatening him.
And then helicopters flying around in his house multiple times a week, threats.
And then he was told
Don't file your lawsuit against us or you're going to end up dead.
All will be forgiven.
And then another gentleman did and ended up dead.
Now remember, Cop of the Year got killed.
Other people got killed.
I've talked, and we're going to try to get them on the show, police officers who've been threatened.
I don't know.
Uh, for all sorts of things, and we're investigating him for terrorism because he dared talk about this.
Now, years after he's off the Tulsa police force, they come to him and apologize.
Uh, but that's all a side issue.
Craig Roberts, a lot of great characters up there in, uh, Oklahoma.
Marine Corps Sniper, Colonel in the Army, Tulsa Police Department SWAT Team Leader, Helicopter Pilot.
In fact, one time the helicopter broke down over Tulsa and he'll tell you the whole story of being an inch and a half shorter after the crash from his spine compressing.
But side issue, going back to Hoppy Heidelberg.
All this is going on.
Bring us up to how were you given the message, you're saying shadowy figures, not FBI threatening you with guns now, that you're going to be dead if you file a lawsuit on us.
Tell us what the lawsuit was going to concern.
I know we've talked about it over the years, but my memory's even foggy on this, Hoppy.
And then, you know, more about the helicopters, what they look like, and then Mr. Wilburn and what happened to him.
Well, the, um... Lost my train of thought.
Ask me a question.
That was a lot of questions!
Well, I mean... Start me with one.
Let's get into the shadowy figures.
Okay, this guy wasn't... He didn't have on a coat and tie.
He had on Levi's and boots.
But he was obviously not a cowboy.
Turned out he was an attorney.
I did a little homework later and found out who he was.
He was an Oklahoma City attorney.
And, uh, he was trying to pretend to be my friend and my associate and be a cowboy and all of that.
But, uh, his approach
Much lighter, much softer, no threats exactly, but his approach was way more serious than the guys that were trying to be bad.
So I knew pretty much where the message was coming from.
It didn't concern me because I didn't know, and I still don't know, that I had a lawsuit.
Lawsuit for what?
Sue the judge for kicking me off the jury?
I don't know that that's not his... He didn't have the authority to do that.
I don't know.
What was the point of suing them?
I wasn't going to sue, so I ignored it.
It didn't bother me.
I wasn't worried about it.
And the helicopter thing didn't start until sometimes later.
Before we finish, I want to do two points that come from General Parton.
I don't have to do them right now, but there's two very important points.
I'm going to write that down, two points on Parton.
Two points on Parton, yeah.
I'm going to write that down, but continuing with the threats, because that's evidence of the criminality, but specifically, was it like, I'm your friend, but you're not going to live if you go with this lawsuit.
Everything will be forgiven, because you said that earlier.
Well, he didn't... No, he was smooth.
This guy was not... He knew how to work it.
He was good.
That's why he was sent.
He was good.
He was, matter of fact...
It was not threatening.
He has a very nice, friendly tone of voice.
But that's what made it so creepy.
I knew exactly that this man was for real.
He wasn't sent there to blow smoke or anything like that.
He was just going to tell me exactly how it was going to be.
And if I
Didn't like it?
It didn't really bother me.
He was a nice guy.
His threat was empty, not because they wouldn't do it.
It was empty because I had no interest in filing a lawsuit.
Because I didn't have any
I didn't have anything in mind.
I mean, what was my... Well, there was some type of suit they were concerned about, and we can talk about that later.
Now, particularly with the helicopters, what did they look like?
Well, yeah, they were unmarked.
I've heard all the stories about the black helicopters and everything, and I will admit that up high, against a blue sky,
They were so dark, they looked black.
But they got down so low, right in my yard, right around my house, that they were a very dark green, is what they were.
They weren't really black.
Mine, there are black helicopters, but mine were a very dark green helicopter.
Yeah, so that's FEMA or an auxiliary of it.
I don't know, but I could look directly, not
Directly, I mean, but they didn't get down so low that it was going to crash, but I look right at the pilots, you know, we had eye contact every time, and I don't know, they may have come when I wasn't there a time or two, and I didn't come out, I don't know that, but I know that all the times that I came out, they circled until I came out, and then once I waved them off, they went on.
Always three of them, always came from the same direction, always left in the same direction, so
Now specifically though, tell us about the gentleman and who he was who did file a lawsuit.
Oh, Glenn Wilburn was an accountant here in Oklahoma City and he lost two grandchildren in the daycare center.
And he's pretty sharp.
He was pretty sharp.
He figured out right quick that this was all bogus.
You know, nothing that the government said
Could hold water.
There was something wrong with it.
So he went to investigating and he eventually got his daughter, who had standing, because it was her children that were killed, got his daughter to file a lawsuit against Tim McVeigh.
This is kind of odd, but what it did, it gave him the opportunity to pursue documents.
That they didn't want to give up.
Nor did they want to say we didn't want to give up.
So, it had the potential of being a problem.
And therefore, they knew that the girl would not pursue the lawsuit if they got rid of her dad.
And so, when they got rid of Glenn, why the lawsuit went away.
And then he went away, too.
Yeah, he went away first, and then the lawsuit went away.
How did he go away?
I forget.
Ah, cancer.
Pancreatic cancer.
That was one of the worst ways to pass away.
Glenn passed on, I believe, a day or two after the McVeigh trial.
The federal trial verdict was read.
And Charles has an incredible story of how Glenn just literally couldn't stand up straight and was crying in Charles' arms.
This is, I believe, a few days before he passed on.
And he wanted Charles to continue on because Glenn knew, deep down inside, that whoever murdered his grandkids were getting away, literally, with cold-blooded murder.
And he didn't want that to happen.
And they do, it's declassified, have those fast-acting cancers.
That's now been declassified.
And there have been a lot of other deaths.
What about Terrence Yeagy?
Well, Terence Yankee, as we said last Friday, he passed on a year and three weeks after the bombing.
It was on May 8, 1996.
It was on a Tuesday.
And he actually had turned, he was 30 years and 6 months old.
Just a few days shy of that.
As you know, his death was horrible.
He had gone out to retrieve some records at a storage locker.
Coincidentally enough, he'd shared with Dr. Charles Trumley, who passed away in a very suspicious plane accident in the fall of 1995.
That's a whole other story for another time.
We don't want to take up your radio show.
No, no, we can tell that.
Or we can tell it tonight, yeah.
He was helping investigate, too.
Yes, in fact, Dr. Chumley was Terry's back doctor.
I mean, like you said many times, Alex, you couldn't make this up.
The people that crossed paths, we're talking about one or two degrees of separation.
With all of the key players in this investigation, not six or seven degrees, they were just once or two removed from knowing each other.
I talked to Dr. Chumley's son about three years ago.
He would not talk to me in person.
Talked a few times on the phone, asked me not to call him back.
He said he appreciated what we were doing on the film, but he really
He didn't feel comfortable with pursuing any other information.
That's how scared they had his son.
Well, I mean, here's the deal.
At a certain point, if somebody killed my dad, I mean, I'm not making threats here.
People are going to die.
And I think America used to be like that.
And so the system wouldn't act like this this much.
But, I mean, what is it like for you guys living so close to it?
Or what's it like watching Eric Holder on TV?
I mean, let's talk about Eric Holder's role in all this.
Well, of course, I wasn't aware.
I mean, I knew that it was a federal operation, obviously, but I wasn't aware of Eric Holder's interest in this, and I have not done any homework on that and really have no personal knowledge of Eric Holder's interest in the Oklahoma City bombing.
What do we have, Alex?
We've got to cover the Jamie Gorelick.
Of course, her signature's on the 9-11 Commission Report, and she's on the group photo on the inside jacket cover of that book.
She was actually serving under the Justice Department, number two under Janet Reno.
Eric Holder served in a lateral position at Jamie Gorelick.
So you see these people rear their ugly heads, so to speak, on a judicial level.
They're coming back time and time again because they know they literally got away with murder.
It was Jamie Gorelick that we found out was actually marking the marching orders out to the Oklahoma DA's office within days after the bombing on speakerphone, yelling at the top of her lungs, telling how the DA was going to investigate this case, who they were going after, who they were going to ignore, and that was it.
There was no, basically... Now why do we even have courts?
The lawsuits that Jesse Trinidad and others have filed, they've gotten the emails from Holder where he's in control of the cover-up.
And he's saying things like, this is our number one priority in the Justice Department, this is D-Day, cover this up.
Just like Fast and Furious.
That was Kenny Trinidad's murder, and we have the internal documents.
You've seen them.
Jesse has sent them a PDF.
Internal emails from Holder's top lieutenants and his underlings, his legal assistants, everybody was on the same page as far as how that investigation was going.
And Jesse basically sent, I believe, an eight-page letter to Patrick Leahy, who was in charge of the Senate subcommittee that was in charge of the hearings to basically approve Holder's appointment.
And Leahy refused to respond to Jesse Trinidou and the fact that he had that letter, all of the facts were laid out.
It's like Jesse was completely ignored.
What about Larry Potts, the deputy FBI director?
He said that he was in Dallas.
And then he claimed that he flew Southwest Airlines there.
World and others broke this.
But it was also in some local papers, I know.
And it turned out because of storms that day, those flights didn't exist.
And then the receipts came up that he was there the day before.
And of course, that's what witnesses had said they'd seen.
I mean, that's a pretty big deal right there.
You guys got any comments on that?
I'm reading a memo, actually, that was put out by a colleague of ours that helped us with the film early on.
Danny Colson was the FBI agent.
Very peculiar situation there.
I got to talk to... How is Larry Potts tied in?
Because I'm going from memory here.
This is amazing.
I actually was in the archives in Austin working with Wendy Painting on looking at a lot of the defense team papers.
Larry Potts was actually best friends with Eric Holder.
And there's an article in the Dallas Morning News we stumbled across going through all of these boxes of papers.
Larry, actually, Eric Holder recused himself from prosecuting the Ruby Ridge case because Larry Potts was one of the chief lieutenants in there.
Since they were best friends, Holder
One of his few instances of having some ethics had to recuse himself from that.
These guys knew each other from way back.
It was Larry Potts that ended up calling the shots, according to Terry Nichols, for Tim McVeigh.
And McVeigh was upset because Potts took him off script.
He changed the plans completely within a few hours before the bombing happened.
I've forgotten more about this than most people will ever learn, but I've seen the copies of the hotel receipts.
The government's had to admit that that was the case.
So it was Colson who we have the receipts from that, what, Marriott, and then it's Larry Potts and the affidavits and other witnesses who's there running the operation.
These people, man, blowing up daycare centers.
I mean, they're just absolute demons.
What is it like for you, Hoppy, just continuing to know this and watching these people walking around?
Well, it's been so long and I'm getting so old that, uh...
There's not much shock value anymore.
I understand everything that I need to understand.
I know who's who and who does what for whom.
Therefore, there's not much new under the sun that I could learn that would
worry me and of course anybody would be worried about what's going on but i know exactly what's going on in the world today and who's in charge of uh... trying to get it to happen uh... but because i'm a christian i'd know that uh...
They're going to have a problem.
They can't get everything done.
They won't done unless God lets them.
And I'm not sure he's going to allow all the bad things they've got planned to happen.
So, excuse me, that's really my
That's kind of where I'm backed up to the wall and I'm done about all I can done and do and I've got to leave it up to these younger men and just leave it up to God to take care of it and I'm just kind of retiring.
Well that's what I've heard.
I've heard a lot of people that are in a noble lie that this is time to ride off to the sunset.
Well, it's my time.
I'm just being diagnosed with something nobody wants to have.
And I plan to beat it, but nevertheless, I will be occupied with that for the next few months and won't have any time to... I'm glad we're getting this done because
I don't know how many more opportunities we might have.
I don't... I believe that words are very powerful and therefore I hesitate to put certain things in words.
Oh, I hear you.
I hear you.
Well, we'll all pray for you, my friend.
Now, you wanted to get into the bombs itself, which is really at the heart of the issue, and General Parton, who came immediately when he saw it on the news, columns at the back blown out with black points, columns right up by the truck not damaged, and then the newscast saying bombs are being removed.
So break that down.
Well, this is the one thing that I needed to blow this thing wide open.
If I could have got a hold of, if I could have gotten General Partner, I knew I wanted structural engineers, I wanted to know how strong these columns were designed.
How much pounds per square inch of pressure could they survive?
I didn't know that.
I couldn't know that without
Calling the engineers and the builders and everything of the building itself.
I learned later that the columns were designed to withstand 3,500 pounds per square inch of pressure.
I learned later from General Partin that you can calculate how fast blast pressure decreases
By dividing it by the distance cubed.
So, it's real short.
Let's say, for argument's sake, that the closest column to the truck was 10 feet away.
Now, it's easy to say, and the government said that the ammonium nitrate bomb that was set off, which we don't necessarily believe, but anyway, they claim it generated 500,000 pounds per square inch of pressure.
Well, 500,000 pounds is certainly enough to blow away a 3,500 pound design column.
The problem is the distance.
When you cube the distance and divide that into the pounds per square inch, here's what we get.
We got 500,000 over the distance 10 feet
Ten to ten to ten.
Ten to ten is a hundred.
Ten to a hundred is a thousand.
You got five hundred thousand over a thousand.
You divide a thousand into five hundred thousand.
You got five hundred.
Now we got a whole different ball game.
Now we got a thirty five hundred pound column and we only got five hundred pounds of pressure.
So that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was physically impossible
For any truck bomb, assuming it had ammonium nitrate in it, any bomb that the government said it was impossible for it to blow down even one column, much less go all the way east down the front of the building and then turn and go into the building and take out all those columns down on the east end.
So, what happened was physically impossible.
What McVeigh was convicted of is physically impossible.
All of that I could have proven if I had had the right.
I don't know.
Chris may know that, I don't know.
We have photos of CDI employees with their t-shirts at the bombsite within about three days before it was demolished.
Oddly enough, it was the same day that James Nichols was released from federal custody in Detroit and he was held up there on purpose for 30 days so he wouldn't get out and support efforts such as Hoppe.
In fact, he called me before Terry's state trial and said the morning I got out of federal custody in downtown Detroit at the federal courthouse was the morning that they blew up the Murrah building.
And he was really upset.
Because he wanted to be down here to find out the truth.
You know what?
They killed those kids.
And if they can kill those kids and get away with it, they can kill anybody's kids.
We gotta bring them to justice.
And we're only gonna do that standing up to them.
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Defending the republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Half measures have gotten us to the place we're at.
Watching what we say, wanting to be polite, being afraid, has brought us all into grave danger.
When you give in to tyrants, when you buy into their propaganda, when you ignore your lion eyes and your gut, you manifest tyranny.
You allow the worst in society to take over.
And it was Oklahoma City that finally got me to go down and start my local access TV show.
That led to a local radio show, then a syndicated radio show, and filmmaking.
And I have reached hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of millions of people.
And I'm just an average person who has a conscience and knows that really wicked murderers and criminals have to be exposed.
A lot of people think you can just choose and say, oh, that's not true, and then that gives your conscience rest.
And some people don't even have a conscience nowadays.
And you notice society is degenerating.
You know, I have a wife.
I have three children.
And I know full well the globalists aren't capable of anything.
People ask me, then why do you do what you do?
Because there's no future if we don't stand up for these people.
And I'm not worried about my future, or even my wife or my children's future, as much as I'm worried about humanity.
And it's not because, oh, I'm some great, perfect, moral person.
It's because I understand these basic truths.
When you get a government that starts setting off Reichstag fires, false flags, you're in trouble.
And now we're a nation
That pushes torture, secret arrest, preemptive war, federal goons grope our children, stick their hands down babies' diapers, strip naked old ladies, and they tell us that's okay?
I played clips on the news last night of four senators going, we want to scare people.
We want U.S.
citizens to be scared when we're going to torture them.
And we want them, I mean, I didn't even know this was in the debate on the NDAA until a caller called.
We played it last night.
And you're a citizen and you ask for a lawyer?
Lindsey Graham says, oh, no lawyer for you!
And when you realize that the federal government at that level, these guys are on the national security panels and things, they all know about 9-11.
They all know about Oklahoma City.
I mean, they're up there.
They hate America.
They hate freedom.
These people are Mao Tse Tung's, Hitler's.
They just are a bunch of old, wicked men.
And they think it's real funny to go out and blow up a building.
In fact, we're going to show this now on the Nightly News.
I've shown it before.
Even Glenn Beck earlier this year said, the government's getting ready for a new Oklahoma City to blame it on domestic groups.
Because they put out all these memos at the White House and top advisors saying, man, it sure helped us.
A new one would sure be great, Mr. President.
I mean, there's not one millimeter of
Of paper-thin, veiled statement there.
That's how dumb they think we are.
That's how controlled the FBI and CIA and NSA and police are.
I've cornered the police chief here in Austin and others, and I've said, you know about this stuff, and they just go, I just can't believe it, and they have fear in their eyes.
I talked to the Travis County SWAT team years ago, and I said, you know this stuff's going on.
They're like, yeah, we do.
And then, of course, they must have been under surveillance, because they, you know, set them up and fired the leadership.
But you know what?
Again, at a certain point, you've got to say no to this evil.
You've got to say no to it.
And you've got to get past your fear and own it.
And say, I've made my decision.
That's the end of it.
You do what you're going to do.
I leave it to God.
Exactly what Hoppe said.
It doesn't mean you don't do anything anymore.
It means you say, I'm giving it to God and God, you tell me what to do and take action on this.
I don't want to start preaching.
I don't keep it right to the end of the show.
Give a 30 minute break.
We're going to tape a long interview and recap everything tonight on the nightly news and get to some of those clips and documents.
But this is a decision you've got to make.
And if you think this is all there is in the world, and it's all about TV dinners, and beer, and football games, and you know what?
So what about those kids getting blown up?
And forget what the witnesses inside said, and the survivors.
You want to just own the lie, take the great delusion, and say, oh, we're a bunch of kooks?
You make your decision, then.
You make your decision.
You be with the timid cowards and the people that go along with it.
I mean, I understand the military mind that did this.
It's a gambit.
That's a 3,000-year-old chess move from eastern, what is Persia today.
You sacrifice a pawn in an early move.
To manipulate your enemy into a larger stratagem to where you can defeat them.
And it's the old thing of send in a hundred cavalry to draw up a larger army.
They'll all be killed, but you're going to save 10,000 of your troops in that move by killing a hundred.
But those are men that signed up to go and die.
And it still really should not be part of the laws of war.
Because once you do that, well, it's collateral damage.
Yeah, we'll kill a million Iraqis for their oil.
Why not kill
The little children in that daycare center.
And make sure that bomb was parked right there.
And have their camera people ready to get those shots.
When the heroes go in to save the kids, and the murderers sit outside, and even set up their own federal Patsy McVeigh.
Gentlemen, I'm going to shut up.
I want to get into McVeigh, how this ran, the affidavits by Nichols, what we know, the individuals orchestrating this, who they plan to blame it on, and of course, thank God some of the bombs didn't go off, because then their plan didn't go according to, you know, the best laid plans of mice and men often
Go astray.
But I mean, other points you want to make, or speaking to why you've gone public, Chris Henry.
I mean, you learned about Oklahoma City and have fought it and risked your life.
Hoppe was in the middle of it and ran smack dab into the New World Order.
But I think that's a good place here.
Hoppe, why have you done what you've done versus other people?
We would call you exceptional.
I know you would just say you're a decent person who does what's right.
And what's led you to do this, Chris?
And have you had any threats?
Because I know you've talked to police officers and others that have been threatened.
Well, you know, I just don't understand.
I guess I'm just built different.
But I don't understand people
Just looking the other way when something bad happens.
I just don't understand that.
I mean, I wouldn't allow a child to be killed.
If I was in the area and I saw a guy attacking a woman or a child, I wouldn't have to know who they were to try to defend them.
I mean, that's just something men do.
I don't understand.
All of my fellow members of the grand jury
Most of them did not have sufficient background information or intelligence to be on that jury.
And that's a different story.
But even the ones that did, and there had to be somebody else on there smart enough to know what's going on, but they didn't dare stick their head up from behind the log.
And I just don't understand that.
You know, there's a little saying that's just as simple as it can be, you know, that I've heard all my life.
All it takes for evil to triumph is for the good people to do nothing.
I mean, that's a simple little saying, but it's just as true as it can be.
And if people would stand up and say, hey, I'm not going to put up with that, then maybe somebody else will stand up.
And pretty soon, if you could get everybody to stand up, you could make it work.
But there are just too many people out there.
That I don't know whether it's a lack of education, a lack of genes, genetic structure, a lack of intelligence or what, but I don't understand people that won't stand up for what's not right.
Well, it's mind control.
It's the television.
I've told the story.
You see it all the time where a man dies of a heart attack or is dying in a Walmart and people walk by him for an hour.
An Austin cop got run over a few years ago and bled to death for over an hour and no one helped him.
I saw a woman choking once in a restaurant.
No one would help her and I had to push them out of the way through the Heimlich and they were angry saying no wait for police and I'm like I didn't say hey idiot she's gonna die before the police get here and I'm not exceptional I mean I took swim team for four or five years and
They had the fire department come by and, you know, for those that wanted to take it and took a basic life-saving thing.
I mean, if I'm choking, I want somebody to help me.
I mean, Americans didn't used to be like this.
They're in a trance, Hoppy.
Comment on that or we'll get a comment from Chris Emery.
Cognitive dissonance is what I call it.
People are trained by the public school system and other forces to accept certain things as absolute truths.
And anytime something doesn't fit inside that box,
Their own personal box of absolute truths.
If it doesn't fit inside that, they simply can't accept it.
Now, anybody that's gone to a concert...
And I heard those instruments tuning up, getting ready for the concert, understands what dissonance is.
I mean, it's the most terrible sound you've ever heard.
Well, actually, each one of those instruments is playing what it's supposed to play.
They're just not playing in the same order.
So it's not till a concert starts and they all play in the same order that a understandable tune comes out of all those instruments.
And the same thing with information.
If you're not able to put together information.
Then you'll never be able to hear the concert.
All you're able to hear is the tuning up, the dissonance.
And people that can't think outside the box, as they say, people that don't have the independent thought or the capacity to understand or the willingness to accept the truth, and the Bible says that nobody will believe the truth in the end, and I see that everywhere,
People that just, they just can't do that.
And it's sad.
Well, I was about to add, it's worse than that in many cases.
They know the information.
They think if they choose to say the government didn't carry out 9-11 or Oklahoma City or Gulf of Tonkin, even though it's admitted to be staged, that somehow that makes it true.
I've had engineers, smart people, sit there and look me right in the eye.
They'll confront me first and say,
I like what you do in some areas, but it's impossible that the government could do 9-11.
I said, well, what about Tuskegee Experiment and all this?
What about this evidence of 9-11?
He said, oh, I hear what you're saying, but I choose not to believe it.
Do you understand what I'm saying?
And I said, yeah, I understand.
You think you just make a decision and that makes it so.
That is willful mind control, and that is cowards that are so cowardly, at least a run-of-the-mill coward says, I'm a coward.
I'm gonna run from this evil and, you know, go hide in your shame.
I get that.
I mean, I'm not even mad at those people.
Okay, you're scared.
You're scared of the scary men coming and getting you.
Hey, you're going to die anyways, buddy.
Nobody's going to live forever.
I'm not going to live on my knees.
But I'm not mad at a straight-up coward.
But these men and women that are so cowardly, they do a mind flip and say, I just choose not to believe it.
That is a coward's coward.
Chris Emery, your comments on why you've done what you've done.
Right after I'd met with Craig Roberts, he gave me a set of blueprints that Southwestern Bell had supplied to a lot of the litigants, the people that were suing for insurance claims and so forth.
And on the second floor, what convinced me to really push ahead on this was there was a layout of the deceased.
And it listed four babies in cribs against the front window.
They were less than four months old.
And as the saying goes here in Oklahoma City, oh, hell no.
We're not going to give up until we find out what happened.
Who butchered these kids?
Who killed these people when they were going about their business on a normal work day and yanked them out of this life and the life hereafter?
And they dare to lie about this?
We're better than that.
And it's people like Hoppy and yourself, the guys on my film crew, I'm really proud to be able to work with you.
This is a true American here.
Absolutely, and if you look at it, what we do now is going to be a testament to future generations, and the fact that we've exposed Oklahoma City, Hoppy from day one, and General Parton and others, and Jane Graham and the victims, the fact that we've exposed other false flags, they're always trying to resuscitate it, but once the genie's out of the bottle, look at what happened
With Kurt Haskell and his wife, both lawyers, they see a sharp-dressed guy getting the underwear bomber, Christmas Day guy, on the plane, arguing, demanding, and so powerful, he was able to order security to let him on without a passport.
Then they witness the whole thing happen, they tell the public, the media says they're full of it, and then later the State Department admits,
Yeah, the U.S.
government ordered us to help get him on the plane.
I mean, the fact is, we are people who are awake and love the truth.
We're everywhere now.
And when you murderers try to nuke something or blow something up and dance around as our saviors, everybody knows where to look.
We know about your lies about WMDs.
We know about you now.
Robin Cook in England went public with the lies saying 9-11 was staged.
They killed him right after that.
I mean, the point is, we are exposing one of their favorite tricks, and they don't like it.
You got any other comments?
No, you're right on the money, Alex.
There's only one other thing I would say, but I don't know how much time we have.
Yeah, plenty of time.
The second point that General Parton made, that's easily understood and very important,
When you, when blast pressure pushes, when blast pressure pushes against a steel reinforced column, and it pushes that column over, it does break the concrete.
But it only bends the steel bars inside the concrete.
If the columns in Oklahoma City
Had been downed by blast pressure, the reinforcing steel rods inside those columns would still be there and just bent over.
Parton said those steel rods had been cut.
You can see the blast points.
Only Imperial Stormtroopers are so precise.
Yeah, so there's no, there's a big difference, and I do this in a demonstration sometimes.
I'll take two pencils, I'll break one with my hands, I'll saw one in half with a little hacksaw blade, and I will ask anybody in the audience if they could not
Put those halves back together again correctly.
And everybody, I mean you can look and see which one that I broke with my hands because it's so irregular and so shattered looking.
And then the one that I cut is so smooth, it's, anybody can put that back together.
And why anybody can't understand that when those columns, when that steel rebar inside the column was actually cut, those had to be cutting charges on the column itself.
That was not blast pressure.
Well, you can see the video and the photos.
There's even blast points right there.
Expanding on that, why do you think from your deep research, Chris, and hobby,
Why didn't they just go with the truck bomb?
That probably would have killed some of the kids and been, you know, still good for them to be able to get our guns and demonize patriots and blame it on us and make people forget about Waco.
But why have them go in and wire it all up and all that?
I mean, I guess they just wanted to kill more federal employees?
Well, because of 93.
See, they weren't careful enough.
They weren't thorough enough in 93.
And they didn't get the terrorist bill passed.
So they planned, if every bomb that was inside the building would have gone off, it would probably have leveled the whole building.
And that's what they were looking to do.
Because they were looking for maximum body count to get the legislation passed.
There was an officer with Army CID, we couldn't get him on, it's basically the military version of the FBI.
We couldn't get him on camera, he refused to talk, but he did relay this to a member of the bombing committee, right after the bombing committee was formed, that he showed up on the crime scene within about three hours, he was given his ID and a hard hat, and he started asking questions to ATF and FBI.
Once they knew that he was there to look at it objectively, that was his job in the Vietnam War.
He had to assess bomb damage.
And they kicked him off.
They said, don't you say a word.
We know where your daughter goes to school.
We know where your wife works.
And that was it.
Yeah, right there.
You know where my daughter works?
Well, you didn't.
I mean, right then, man, I tell you what, just scum, filth of the earth.
And they ship guns into Mexico to blame the Second Amendment.
Our government is run by the most larcenous child murdering criminals you can imagine.
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By the way, we'll cover it on the Nightly News tonight, but there's articles about more people resigning in connection to Penn State for pedophile rings, and that's come out from other witnesses that originally broke the information and were ignored.
Yeah, he wasn't in there raping children by himself.
Okay, this is the people that run our society, and they think our children are there to blow up and rape, and they've got the TSA, the public, accepting them, grabbing little girls' genitals.
They have men grope little two-year-old girls.
I mean, this is a sick country.
This is a sick, sick country.
And we've got to admit how sick it's gotten.
Land of the free, home of the brave.
Like, I'm not even going to go into overdrive.
We're just going to end it right here in four or five minutes with our guest, and then Lord willing, I'll be back tomorrow.
We've got a big article up here.
Pray for us.
Pray for Hoppy Heidelberg, folks.
Pray for Chris Henry.
Pray for Ron Paul.
Pray for me.
I mean, you know, I'm not afraid to die, but I sure don't want to, but somebody's going to stand up against these killers.
I cannot live just sitting here on my hands while these people get away with this stuff.
I've got to do the research.
I've got to face the facts.
The governor's act of sabotage in Iowa, an outrageous attempt to tamper with election process.
Iowa governor urges voters to ignore result if Ron Paul wins.
Just unbelievable neoconery.
Get that information out to everybody from infowars.com and prisonplanet.com.
We gotta hammer these people right now and Politico and others.
Finishing up with Hoppy Heidelberg and, of course, Chris Emory.
In a few minutes we've got left.
Any other little points?
I mean, hopefully tonight we'll bring up with you guys some of the other people, Chris, you talked to, like police officers and others, who were also threatened, and what's covered in the film The Noble Lie.
But imagine the ATF and FBI telling, you know, the military bomb expert who's there,
You forget you saw this.
We know where your daughter goes to school.
I mean, I would have real trouble just on the spot not going caveman.
That was absolutely incredible when I heard that.
One other point I want to bring up.
Hoppy and I were just discussing this during break.
Howard Shapiro was the gentleman that was calling for another Oklahoma City bombing, I believe, recently and in the last year or so.
He actually served on the city council here in Oklahoma City for a while, was best friends with
uh... hillary clinton and also i worked with former director larry potts with i g i well i g i is pretty much a hit squad it's it's uh... retired we know this and i have no problem saying this on the air retired fbi agents folks that pretty much went off uh... off the the script and uh... they had an office down in town here in oklahoma city howard shepherd work for that firm
And so you see how these people just have a, they're circling back.
They have, it boils down to, they have no regard for human life.
That's who we're dealing with all the time here in Oklahoma City, Alex, trying to research his case.
So I empathize with you when you get excited on your show.
We get frustrated up here too.
And it's plain as day.
This is a poorly written script for a
The Twilight Zone movie, and they never say cut.
The tape keeps rolling.
That's the way it is.
And only our denial empowers it.
As Hoppy said, evil men and tyrants flourish when good men and women do nothing.
That's all they need to flourish.
And we empower them by our cowardice, by our weakness, by our laziness.
And you're right.
People connected to it think we're so dumb.
Hoppy, they sit there and go, man, a new Oklahoma City would sure help us in the biggest newspapers in the world!
I mean, how dumb do they think we are?
What do you think?
Well, I'm just going to put an aside in there.
I'm a member of MNSA and I got permission to address the local MNSA chapter with my experience as an Oklahoma grand jury.
And these are people with 150, 160, 170, 180 IQ.
These are very bright people.
And it never occurred to me that they wouldn't be smart enough to figure out what I was telling them.
And I was shocked when they didn't believe a word I said.
Well, no, no.
They were smart enough to lie to themselves because they're cowards.
Okay, plus it's a self-worship deal.
I don't think you pay them enough money.
Don't let anybody in.
God bless you.
We'll see you tonight.
Seven o'clock, Hoppy and Chris.
Seven o'clock.
It's going to be powerful.
Get it out to everybody.