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Name: 20111219_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 19, 2011
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Here we are, locked and loaded.
Another transmission to awaken the planet to the true threats that our Republic and the rest of the free world faces.
Big broadcast lined up for you today, obviously with the death of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il.
Why does anyone
believe what state-run media says when he hasn't been seen in a year.
The reports were he's been dead for a while since earlier in the year when he rolled out the third hereditary dictator.
That's how you get kings.
In four or five more generations, if this continues in North Korea, he won't have much of a population.
They'll be doing things with sticks and stones, but they will call him the king.
And if the society gets really degenerate, he'll be the god king.
Now, we've got some incredible video and audio coming up of fake crying.
The whole country's at gunpoint, basically.
There's like a two-year-old doing a fake crying when they don't get a lollipop or something.
All because if they don't show that deference, well, it's off to a forced labor camp.
And the same crazed power look in the general's eyes is the same thing I see in our government.
Absolute, psychopathic, degenerate,
Sycophantic, just absolute trash.
And of course their society is falling apart, just like ours is falling apart, just not to that great extent yet.
So that's coming up, we're going to be breaking that down.
Also, Ron Paul has surged, as we told you, to number one in Iowa.
And now, some of the neoconnish sites and others are saying it's time to attack.
And they are going after him, and they're going to go after him on the old newsletters, which again was like the internet of its age in the 80s and early 90s, where there were 14 different ones he put his name on.
They've bought every one of them and searched through 20 years of newsletters and guest writers and special addendums to find a few nuggets.
A few nuggets that I actually respect, because I can tell it sounds like Ron Paul in one where he's got his name on it, where he talks about
You know, the fact that the World Trade Center bombing looked like an inside job.
Well, it didn't look like it.
It was in the New York Times and CBS News that the government cooked the bomb, trained the driver and everything.
I mean, just when it's a fact, it's a fact.
I mean, that came out on the news because the informant recorded it and blew the whistle because he knew they were going to set him up.
He's like, oh, we're not supposed to build a real bomb, and you said build a real one.
Then it's fake detonator, then you said no, a real detonator, so we could get him in prison, and now you're not gonna stop him before the bombing goes forward?
They're like, uh, no, just do as you're told.
And he recorded them!
And he went out and did a public press conference and played it!
Y'all scared!
Amad Salam!
So if they want to say that's radical, oh my gosh, he said the government could have been involved in this, then so be it.
That's the type of stuff that you are going to see here against Ron Paul.
And in the interest of discussing the campaign, because within the campaign,
You see the different media tactics that are used.
We will open the phones up today throughout the three hours.
No guests.
I might have Lord Monckton on for like 10-15 minutes, but probably not.
It'll probably be tomorrow.
Because I was telling Jaren no guests today, and then I was thinking about this other news here.
Where the federal government is coming out and saying, EPA ponders expanded regulatory power in name of sustainable development, according to the UN failed conference in Durban, South Africa last week.
They're just saying, we declare the power over everything.
If we say something isn't sustainable, you don't have it, you don't have a house, a business, an industry, nothing.
We declare total dictatorial power over everything.
And so we're going to be breaking that down.
We have some of the supposed biggest news reports of 2011 we'll be breaking down.
We have presidential front-runner Warren's martial law being established in America.
We put out that special report last night.
Drudge Report picked it up.
It's one of the top stories on the right-hand side.
That's coming up.
More on Ginrich.
Stay with us.
It's all coming up today.
Ron Paul in the lead.
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This is Alex Jones for SurvivalSeedBank.com.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
It is Monday, the 19th day.
Of December 2011, we're going to be live here for the next three hours.
And we don't have any guests today because I want to take a lot of phone calls.
And I want to hear your view on the state of the world, where our society's going, on the fact that we are in a depression according to every real economic benchmark.
That's why all these countries are going into revolution.
And that's why the establishment's trying to hijack all these revolutions from Occupy Wall Street here in the U.S.
to the Arab Spring in the Middle East and North Africa.
The world is going into incredible turmoil.
This is a globalist, bankster-orchestrated world depression to consolidate power and control.
The next phase is an environmental dictatorship over every facet of our lives.
I have a report on that.
EPA is now announcing expanded regulatory power in the name of sustainable development over every facet of our lives outside of Congress.
Congress just passed a bill, finally, but you know who's going to veto it?
Saying, no, you're allowed to have light bulbs that are
The old-fashioned type that put off a nice warm glow and aren't the type that have been proven to give people headaches and that have all sorts of other problems that are filled with mercury.
And so we've got that report, but they are completely out of control.
We have some good news out of China.
I was watching this unfold last week.
They have had thousands of violent protests and uprisings in just this last year alone.
In fact, the number I saw in the BBC was 7,000 plus estimated.
And now in major provinces,
People are rising up and actually throwing the government out and just like our forefathers in 1776, many towns have now had the Communist Party completely driven out and the police departments have been taken over by the citizens.
The secret police have been, who will beat people to death, have been attacked with farm implements and killed in some cases.
And the Communist Party is sitting back in the last week or so doing nothing because they realize it's a powder keg.
They realize sometimes killing people, sometimes running over them with tanks isn't going to work anymore.
Because China itself is in a depression.
Yeah, the Communist Party is fabulously wealthy.
The hundreds of thousands that are in the party live like kings.
The generals live in palaces.
They run around and demand the wife of whoever they want.
They engage in all sorts of corruption.
Their companies are allowed to dump toxic waste in the water.
But if another company isn't on the inside track, they get shut down for no reason.
There was an article today about blood.
In clothing, women's lingerie.
In fact, I forgot to print that.
We print that, Jaren.
Coming over into the U.S.
because the children's fingers are bleeding.
Bleeding, so that people get cheap products.
China, villagers threaten to march on government offices.
That's AFP, here's Financial Times, Communist Party tested by village protest.
You read this article, they've already taken over the police stations and other areas.
And I've seen videos where people with hoes and pickaxes charge men with machine guns, and the guys with guns, this is about a year ago, shoot them, but then get overwhelmed by people just hacking them up.
And at a certain point, it isn't going to work.
And what do they do?
They take their property.
They rape their daughters.
They abuse them.
They beat people to death, like our police do.
And the Chinese just don't put up with it.
So we're going to get into that report today as well.
Now, continuing with the news here,
We've got ridiculous propaganda reports like Kim Jong-il
Dies, North Korea rallies around the sun.
A year ago, mainstream media was reporting he may have a body double.
And, well, it's known he has multiple body doubles, but that he might be dead, or that he hadn't really been seen that they could confirm, and, well, now in close to a year.
And so who knows when some state-run kingdom of corruption, kingdom of just absolute tyranny, who cares?
What they say, I mean, who knows if it's even true?
And it's like when our government comes out and says to everyone that they
killed bin laden and they give us this ridiculous fairy tale and then the troops that supposedly engage in the raid their helicopter blows up on the site and then the rest of SEAL Team 6, a large contingent of it, they get packed on a helicopter that blows up and is the single one-day biggest loss of life uh... in the history of the ten-year war in Afghanistan.
I mean who buys any of this?
I told you that was a PR stunt.
I told you uh...
That Obama wasn't watching Osama get killed on those helmet cam videos like they said.
And that that was a staged Situation Room photo.
And it all came out it was staged.
And that I said they'd get rid of the body.
And then they threw it in the ocean.
And called it a Muslim burial.
And everybody knows that's not true.
This is ridiculous, and you've got to learn to not believe a word that comes out of these criminals' mouths.
I mean, Corzine says he doesn't know where the MF Global billions went, and then the head of the CMT says we were in meetings with him.
He took the money.
I'm not going to go to jail for this guy.
And it's not even a news item.
Not even a news item!
People ask how the corruption's gotten so bad.
The globalists bought off all the media.
Now the alternative media is challenging the controlled corporate dinosaur media that's flailing around and dying.
So the system is coming in with censorship.
That's what they're engaged in.
They're now openly talking about what the 80 inventors of the internet put a letter out last Friday saying, the end of the internet as we know it.
And there's, I've got articles today where the Internet is being censored all over the Western world now.
All over the Western world.
In fact, I have an article here by Business Insider.
Welcome to the United Police States of America, sponsored by Twitter.
Twitter is completely run by the State Department on record.
Google is NSA.
And they go on to say because they talked too much about Occupy Wall Street and the reports that they were covering, their account was that they'd advertised and pushed with their media system making Twitter big.
They were told, this has been taken down because you're involved in protesting.
Well, why not just live in North Korea?
Or in Egypt?
I mean, everything that we hear being criticized is now starting here.
Because the globalists are going to go to jail if they don't shut us down.
So they're going to try.
They're going to launch false flags on the internet.
Mark my words.
It's in the NDAA bill to hand it all over to the Pentagon for offensive operations domestically.
It's already going on, but now they're putting it on paper.
Now, I want to go to a little clip here from the film Team America.
And this, of course, was a film that came out a decade or so ago, making fun of Kim Jong-il, and he would talk to Alec Baldwin, Ah, Alec Baldwin, you're very useful to me.
Ah, good job!
You do that.
Come on in, Hans Blix.
But now, he's dead.
But since North Koreans at gunpoint are being told to worship him, and again, he's an example of the scum government we have, and the same look that is in his corrupt general's eyes who are on power trips, is the same look that many people in our government, like Hillary has in her eyes, when they talked about the killing of Gaddafi.
She said, we came, we saw, he died, quoting Caesar.
They're all a bunch of chicken-neck scum.
I mean, look at this.
A little dwarf goblin in a jumpsuit who had a seven-story pleasure palace and would kidnap Asian film stars and have them brought to North Korea so he could rape them until they basically died.
And he's so lonely.
You're very useful to me, Matt Damon.
Matt Damon!
So, here is that clip to remember Kim Jong-il, then we'll get to his worshipping throngs at gunpoint.
I'm so lonely, so lonely, so lonely and sadly alone.
There's no one, just me only, sitting on my little throne.
I'm sorry.
There's nobody I can relate to.
Feel like a bird in a cage.
It's kinda seri, but not really.
Because it's filling my body with rage.
I'm the smartest, most clever, most physically fit.
But nobody else seems to realize it.
When I change the world, maybe they'll notice me.
And until then, I'll just be lonely.
Okay, and again, we put the headline out last night that media announces that the corpse, Kim Jong-il, is dead.
There's a very good chance, on all their military alerts and him not being seen since very early this year, and then they thought that was a body double, that he was dead.
I mean, two years ago, he looked like he'd had three or four strokes and they'd have to hold him up.
And reportedly, all the drugs and alcohol and constant sex, I mean, he was just completely burnt out.
And so that's what you get right there.
When we come back, I'm going to play the audio and video, but you've got to see the video.
It's up at PrisonPlanet.com and Infowars.com of them worshipping him.
And the Daily Mail says, look at the North Koreans worshipping him and crying over Kim Jong-il's death.
Well, right off of camera shot, they're admittedly all troops with guns.
If you don't, if you get caught without his photo in your house, you go to prison.
And his dad.
So what an example of what government is, is that it's three generations of communist murdering killers, and if it continues, it'll be the great-great-grandson, and soon they'll just be called King-il.
And this is what the government is, an illegitimate joke.
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Federal agents!
We are armed!
Oh, by the way, I forgot to announce to everybody here.
Ron Paul pulls ahead in Iowa.
And right now, the numbers are in free fall.
Four, Newt Gingrich as people discover that he supports carbon taxes, world government, open borders, you name it.
Here's the headline, new poll, Ron Paul leads in Iowa, Gingrich imploding.
Ron Paul's at 23, Romney at 20, Gingrich at 14.
But that's InfoWars.com.
Who wants to believe them?
Here is the Atlantic Wire Associated Press.
Gingrich collapses in Iowa as Ron Paul surges to the front.
Here is the Washington Examiner.
GOP will take off the gloves if Ron Paul wins in Iowa.
What a bunch of globalists.
You're going to dig up some 20, in some cases older, newsletters.
It was like the internet of its age.
Hundreds and hundreds and thousands of them.
And dig up a few statements about, yeah, people will quit rioting in Los Angeles once the welfare checks don't get delivered.
Well, that was actually true.
Uh, and Paul said, well that was a supplement to my report.
Well, it was a supplement special issue.
I mean, that's how those newsletters worked.
It's like InfoWars.com or JonesReport.com.
90% of what's on there, I didn't write.
But it's Jones Report.
Same thing with Drudge Report.
Does that mean everything on Drudge Report is what he believes?
Point is, Ron Paul's always, you go back to the 70s, gave speeches.
It's the CIA's dealing drugs, the government's out of control.
Wasn't about race and stuff.
His TV interviews from the 70s.
When he first ran for Congress are there.
From the early 80s with Ronald Reagan.
But again, that's what they're going to try to do and I'm going to talk more about that coming up later in the broadcast and I'm going to give the number out as well.
But if you're not a PrisonPlanet.tv viewer, you've got to go to
PrisonPlanet.com and watch the video, the audio I'm about to play.
North Koreans, the most enslaved people on earth, weeping for a dictator under threat of arrest and execution.
It's a Paul Watson blurb, the stuff put out on North Korean state-run TV, and it's so fake.
It's like if I catch the three-year-old in the cookie jar, and yes, it's happened, climbing up in the pantry to get at it, and then you shouldn't do that, so she doesn't get in trouble.
It's totally fake.
No, please don't!
It's like Luke Skywalker.
It's like Mark Hamill playing Luke Skywalker with Darth Vader, the scene's so fake.
That's not true!
It's impossible!
They're all out there just going, I mean, they could absolutely probably all rejoicing.
But it doesn't matter.
You know, I say President Kim Jong Il.
I forgot his father.
In fact, Jaron, you found it.
Put him on screen.
Since 94, when he died, he was announced president forever, eternal president.
I'm sorry.
And then now his son, who likes Hollywood movies and cooking, he'll be the titular head of the dictatorship.
But let's start getting to the fake crying.
Of course, here in America, people that love tyranny, they actually kind of like it.
They get into it.
They think they're on the winning team.
So yay for tyranny!
Yay for secret arrest!
You can tell these North Koreans, who've been deep under tourney for a while, they know it's pure bull, but they've all got to put on a good act, or the little soldiers, who do enjoy it, you can look in their eyes, on total power trips.
Oh, they love seeing the public scared of them.
Oh, you're going to go to a re-education camp if you don't play ball.
Here it is.
This is on KCNA.
Look at the crying.
The fake crying starts up.
Yeah, you can see him in the background being marched in by the military.
You're only allowed to be in this square when the military brings you in.
After all, the military is on the streets of North Korea.
Why shouldn't they be on the streets of America?
In North Korea, the military can secretly arrest you and have you disappear.
I mean, what's wrong with that?
Oh, it's so saddening!
Now, there is some real crying by that soldier there.
He really enjoys stomping people's heads in.
That didn't even look fake.
These look like children fake crying.
Oh, it's horrible!
Oh, please!
Oh, he's hitting the ground.
Oh, my dictator, I love you so much!
And then it shows the students.
I mean, it is indescribably fake, disgusting, and ridiculous.
Oh, yes, look at this.
Bowing down to their government.
Oh, we've lost millions of population from starvation and death.
We're the only people that actually aren't kept in camps, where they take the children at birth and put them in another family.
We love your CPS system, just like it is going to be for America.
Oh, we love the absolute 1984 society.
Oh, it's so horrible.
Please don't send me to re-education camp.
We're the tiny, tiny sub-elite that, you know, live like trash as well.
At least we get to pick on the little farmers and people.
At least we get to dominate some people.
Oh, China backs us up.
We love China.
It works for the New World Order.
Oh, yes.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright, I'm gonna get into the news and then go to your phone calls all the way.
into the third hour today.
And in the third hour, I'm going to break down how they're going to come after Ron Paul.
I'm going to tell you chapter and verse, how they're going to attack him, what they're going to do, and how we respond with the truth.
Now remember, they had people in Kentucky in three cases where they got caught.
Dressing up like hayseeds, which shows the incredible condescension.
I respect somebody wearing overalls and who's got scrapes and cuts all over their hands.
They work for a living.
Those are good people.
They got a lot more street smarts and common sense than all these yuppies combined.
But they would dress up like hayseeds.
We wrote articles about this and we actually pointed it out in one case and they got in a lot of trouble for it.
That the Democrat he was running against in Kentucky
But these people work for him, and they would dress up like that and go out and hold racist signs up and stuff.
So, and they said he worshipped Buddhas and the water and wasn't a doctor and did horrible things to women and...
It was all baloney.
You'd hear, he kidnapped woman headline and then days later would come out.
Oh, there was a fraternity party with about, you know, 50 people out of the river and, uh, they were drinking beer and acting stupid.
Oh my gosh.
Oh my.
And the woman said, I don't remember even actually saying that.
So that's what they're going to try to do.
They're going to go crazy.
And yes, they're going to go after him on Iran, saying he wants Iran to be able to nuke us.
And they're going to say that, oh my gosh, he said that governments could have been involved in the first World Trade Center attack.
I mean, that's New York Times, CBS News.
But again, they play on the ignorance of the public.
Oh, one of his newsletters said that, well, once the welfare checks don't get delivered,
People stop rioting.
Well, absolutely.
You burn down the post office, you're not going to get the welfare check.
And that actually happened.
People burned themselves out and rioting and burning things.
So they're going to try to make a big deal out of it.
That's only going to drive people to Ron Paul.
If Ron Paul doesn't do a bunch of apologizing, if Ron Paul comes out and says, I love these attacks, it really means that you're scared.
I mean, we asked Ron Paul to run, folks.
They're gonna pull out everything they can on him.
Remember, they got caught, not just in Kentucky, but at Tea Party events in Santa Fe,
New Mexico, they got caught in Portland, Oregon, other places doing the same deal.
And even advertising on Craigslist in places to find actors to go out and pose as racist Tea Party people.
For the cameras.
And the news put them on TV knowing full well.
I mean, you got somebody with fake teeth on, wearing overalls, going, I wanna kill all the Mexicans and I'm with the Tea Party.
People know when it's fake and they go research it and find out it is.
Or some little trust fund, wannabe anarchist, meth head, you know, sitting there saying, I like Rand Paul and I hate black people.
I mean, it's incredibly transparent.
So, get ready for it.
Get ready for it.
Because it's their condescension when they wear fake teeth and a John Deere hat sideways and then try to act mentally retarded.
Mentally handicapped.
And it's an insult to mentally handicapped people.
And I always love how establishment types and wannabe-trendies and wannabe-intellectuals always run down rural people, always run down people in the West or the South.
Folks, I've been all over the world.
I've met people everywhere.
People are people.
People are smart and they're stupid no matter where you go.
They're cunning, they're good, they're generous, they're evil.
There's all types and it's basically distributed across the world.
And societies go through different cycles.
There's been incredible barbarism in Korea.
There's been incredible barbarism in the continent of Europe.
There's been incredible degradation and dehumanization in Latin America, and the same things happen in Russia.
But people do the same stuff.
See, humans only live on average 74 years.
Males, well it's dropped, 73.
It was 76, now it's 73.
76, 75, 74, 73.
Women, it was 78, now it's what, 75.
Even with all the little drugs they give you to treat the things they've given you, it's not, you know, people are dying.
And the infertility is exploding and the infant mortality is going back up.
But going back here, humans, this is a key point I want to make, humans only
Live 75 years or so and we have this perception that we've always been here because the species has been here for a long time.
We are connected to the universe.
We have this feeling of timelessness like we've always been here.
And this feeling
of just belonging to humanity and we see all the old buildings and the old paintings and we we see we get nostalgic when we see old photos of people that you know died 150 years ago and people who are competitive and jealous and envious
They always love somebody after they die.
A painter who dies or a sports person.
Even their detractors tend to like them after they're dead because now they're not here in this world.
Now they're not making small people feel smaller.
Those that are truly alive and have reached some level of development and wisdom understand that it is through the species we live on.
That we're individuals.
And through our individualism, we add to the greater time continuum collective of life on this planet and our species.
Not a forced collectivism, but a true independent collectivism.
And it is through our vigor, individually, it is through our courage, it is through our exploration, it is through our reaching outward,
Towards the future species and reaching back for knowledge of our ancestors that we hold the space-time continuum in our hands and do live forever.
Even if you don't believe that there is an essence and a spirit.
The essence and the spirit is undoubtedly at one level.
This third dimensional system that we're in right now.
And that's why I'm not afraid to die.
I'm not looking forward to it.
I'm not looking forward to...
Walking around the corner, sometime, somewhere, and somebody shoots me between the eyes, or puts a tourniquet around my neck, or poisons me, or whatever it is, or takes me and diesel treatments me, drives me around for months, until they psychologically break me, stomp my guts out.
But I feel more sorry for those fallen creatures that are doing it to me.
Forgive them, they know not what they do.
And then it levels I hate them, it levels I'm disgusted by what's in their eyes, that they will never reach true
Humanity, that they are damned off from us that are good.
I'm as dirty rags, but I know I'm as dirty rags, and I can see what's good.
I know what's good.
I choose that.
My heart wants to be good.
I reach for it.
And within that is the secret of the universe.
The reaching towards the goodness.
The reaching towards the honor.
The reaching towards the courage.
And so people think that they serve the system by only caring about themselves.
You basically end up destroying yourself.
And look at Kim Jong-il.
You know, these guys always try to keep their dictatorship in place so their edifice can be worshipped.
So that their memory can be worshipped by a bunch of slaves who know full well that their country's a hellhole.
How empty is that?
True fulfillment is to have your progeny, 20 generations away, incredibly enlightened and more advanced than you were, and to have your blood in their veins, and to have that connection towards the future, making it better, just as we have to our ancestors, whose names we don't even know, who understood these truths and struggled so that we could be where we are today.
But you are going to die.
You are going, if you're 25 years old, it is going to be in the twinkle of an eye.
The blinking of an eye, you're going to be on a respirator.
In the blinking of an eye, a car is going to run that red light and t-bone you and smash you in there and you're going to die in three minutes, bleeding to death.
Some of you listening right now will be dead in a week.
This isn't put your hand up to the TV, God's telling me this.
This is statistics.
Some of you listening to me right now are going to have a heart attack in the next month and die.
Some of you are going to have a child that's going to die.
A mother, a father that's going to die.
Some of you are going to have family members that die this week.
But you only find the shadow of enlightenment by not being afraid.
The edge of enlightenment.
You can only glimpse it for a moment, but it is transcendent in the reaching for it.
Deciding good from evil, recognizing the difference, and saying, I choose life, I choose God, I choose honor, I choose strength, I choose beauty, I choose creation.
And I am willing to die for it.
And that's when the universe says, that's when God says, you are with life and forever you are beyond their grasp.
And those of you that serve darkness, I understand you're spiritually blind.
I understand that you cannot be reached.
Some of you cannot be reached.
You have so turned yourself over
To darkness that you will never be reached.
And that is a truly sad thing.
And deep down, at a spiritual level, you know that.
You're not really conscious of why you enjoy hurting beauty, why you enjoy hurting innocence, why beauty and innocence and strength is so ugly and frightening to you.
It's because you know you're not part of it.
And so you want to destroy it.
You cannot destroy it.
You could destroy this planet.
You have not destroyed life.
You can deface God's creation and engage in a trillion abominations of genetic engineering and it will not stand.
And I know that.
I know that as sure as gravity pulls me to this planet.
I know it as sure as I was born and I'm gonna die.
I know it 100% completely in my gut.
Right here.
We've won.
The good guys win.
Realize that.
But understand, if you don't have a total drive, and it's more than an obsession, a filling up, with a desire to defend innocence, and with a desire to be good, then you do not
have a connection to creation.
And it is only through the connection to life and the creator of life that any of us have a future.
And it is a decision.
Some of you that can still make the decision, you have to make the decision.
You have to decide whether you serve life or you serve death.
There's only two ways.
And if you knew history and had discernment, why would you want to serve death and romanticize it?
Why would you want to join with it?
Because at a deep down level, you're scared of it.
Many of you.
And you think that if you embrace it, that you can become it.
Why would you want to become death?
Death is only a tiny reflection of the larger creation.
It's only a dead zone, a dead space, a emptiness.
I choose the creation and what created it.
I choose all the limitless possibilities.
I choose the adventure.
But if you do not have a compulsion to resist evil,
If you have a compulsion that there is no good or evil, that is the world and the God of this world blocking that transmission.
Because if you were in the light of the Creator, you could not do anything else but seek after life and decency and honor.
But if you're damned, if you're blocked, damned off like a river, like a lake,
Then you can't understand me.
It's all just gibberish talk, and I understand that.
But for all of you Christians who say you're Christians, and other religious people, and people of faith, and people that have a connection to God, if you do not have a drive to go out and face down evil,
Then you better get your house in order.
I'll tell you that right now.
Because you just think you're going to go to church and play patty cake and feel all good about what's happening in the world and go, Oh, praise the Lord.
The end of the world's coming.
Things are so bad.
That means I just sit here in my house and do nothing.
If you're not willing to go out and be laughed at by your neighbors, if you're not willing to go out and warn people, if you're not willing, it's not even willing, if you aren't like a drag racer running down the road to warn people, I mean it shouldn't even be something where you're compelled, you should want to be warning people.
If you don't have that drive in you, then like I said, I would do some meditating on it.
This is how tyranny works.
This is how corruption works.
This is how wickedness works.
What's wickedness?
People say there's no good or evil.
That's the number one lie.
Grabbing a two-year-old child and taking him and torturing him for a couple weeks.
Doing horrible things to him.
Is that evil?
You bet it is.
What the Aztecs did was that evil.
What the Nazis did under Hitler was that evil.
Yes, you know evil.
Picking a puppy dog up and electrocuting it for fun.
That's, that's evil.
And they try to train us that there's no good or evil.
So that we're rudderless.
So they can program our quote values.
Where the system can snap its finger with some fake value they're trying to instill to submit to them.
And we all grovel and get all concerned political correctness.
But then basic human values, notice they're all under assault.
And it's all made to weaken you.
Evil is weak.
That's why it always tries to build big armored fortresses and systems of power and temporal destruction.
Because the spirit of evil is a legless jellyfish leaving a trail of rotten scrofulous stench.
In its evil, it has built giant palaces of destructive force to wage war against us, who are these incredible biomechanical creations.
Who have limitless potential made in the image of a creator.
Alright, I don't like to preach.
It just comes out and I just did it.
I'm gonna come back.
I'm gonna hit Ron Paul surging into the lead.
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Oh yeah, we got a front row seat!
To a group of technocrats who believe they're going to become God through eugenics, and a new species, and the rest of us are going to be killed.
People that think they're going to become gods, but first they want to kill the majority of us.
I think I heard that story before.
But of course all they really do is dumb down people and increase diseases and wreck life and launch giant wars everywhere.
Because the spirit that drives them is one of death and destruction, even if you don't believe it's a transient spirit.
Or transcendent.
It's the spirit of the age.
The spirit that manifests through evil groups.
In fact, I want to finish up before I get into Ron Paul and your calls with the rest of this video.
Now, again, radio listeners can go to Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and read the article about it.
But this is North Koreans being marched in.
This is state-run TV, but if you look back in the distance, you see them
Shapes and people doing acrobats all day perfectly for Kim Jong Il or you are dead.
Oh yeah, you make a mistake, you're dead.
This is what government manifests every time when you let it go to extremes.
Because there will always be some super extreme corrupt person that gets in control who replaces the person that wasn't as extreme.
You either have liberty or you have extreme tyranny.
And it's always going one direction or the other.
And it tends to pull towards tyranny.
I know I keep talking about this, but we're going down the path North Korea is on.
But, Jaren, go back to the video.
Here you can see video of the groups marching up, praying and worshipping the communist mass murderer owners.
A giant Stockholm Syndrome.
Of course, it is fake crying, so it's not complete Stockholm Syndrome.
This Pleasure Palace, you can't kidnap people anymore from other countries to rape them.
Oh, it's terrible.
Oh, he's so rolly.
A little degenerate guy in a jumpsuit.
And then it shows the groups marching in in the background here in a moment.
We'll pause it.
Okay, we'll back it up to where it shows that, because I want to pause it and show people.
If you look way back in the distance, you see them marching in in big squares.
Yeah, there it is.
If you look back in the distance, you see the groups all perfectly lined up.
Of course, there they are up front lined up.
You see the groups marching in the Citizen Corps.
These are the blessed people that get to have electricity a few hours a day and maybe two changes of clothes a month.
And get to work, you know, only 16 hours a day in slave factories.
They're the outer party.
The inner party does have even better medical systems than we have here in the U.S.
and sex slaves and everything else and giant entertainment facilities.
But that's less than 1% of the population.
You have the outer party, what are they like, 6-7% of the population.
And the others, North Korea takes children at birth,
Has doctors checked men and women who live in stalls, and then they procreate, this is the communist model, and take the children like you take eggs from a hen.
And then they're sent to another part of the country so that the family is the enemy.
Oh, and I have the textbooks they use at major universities, I've shown them on air, where it says the family belongs to an archaic age and must be eradicated.
And the family is a disease.
I just searched the term top government psychologist says the family is a disease.
Yes, yes.
No, you are a disease of parasites who create systems against those of us that want to be free.
You are the enemy of everything wholesome and good and you produce
Misery and pain and suffering, which is what you like.
You like it.
You produce starving people with control freaks burning with hatred in their eyes in uniforms with machine guns.
Beating people.
Stomping on a face forever.
That's what you produce, scum.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we're into hour number two.
In fact, I'm going to start going to your calls now, and then I'll get more into the Ron Paul.
Now, the leader of the pack, and they're going to come after him big time now.
After all them saying he couldn't win, he's a nobody, nobody likes him, when he's been winning all the straw polls, and in second, third, or first place in other states.
Now he's surging as people discover about Gingrich.
Now they're going to come after Ron Paul.
And we've got to defend him.
Got a lot of other globalist news I'm going to get to and some positive news as well out of China.
But right now, let's talk to Brad in Idaho.
You're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
You know, there's one important thing that I wanted to say that seems to be a problem with us here in America.
And that's this idea, which I'm glad you don't go along with it, that we live in the end times.
And it just causes good people to do nothing.
Yeah, they say, well, it's the end of the world.
And then for secular folks, they got 2012.
They're like, well, I'm not religious, but the Mayans.
Oh, yes.
Oh, well, that was religious.
It's the end of the world.
And so they're playing on that.
And that's why they inject it into the society that it's the end of the world.
And then they have mainstream media saying that I say it's the end of the world.
And I have people on the street going, is it the end of the world in 2012?
Well, because of movies!
With the Conspiracy Theory talk show host in like eight movies I've seen in the last few years.
It's the Alex Jones character believes the end of the world's coming.
So even though I never believed that, they will attribute it to me.
See, that's how mind control works.
The sad thing is when you go to church,
You hear it from the pulpit all the time, and I go to church regularly, and go to men's Bible studies and whatnot, and I bring up these evil things that are going on, and they don't want to hear it, because we're living in the end times.
And the point I was wanting to make is, like, even great guys like Lindsey Williams, they say this kind of stuff, but just, Exodus chapter 20,
It says that God shows mercy to thousands of generations, about verse 5.
Well, 1,000 generations, if you figure 20 years per generation, that's 20,000 years.
So all this speculation that we're living in the end times is totally speculation.
Well, undoubtedly a lot of what's in the Revelation and stuff is beginning, but always churches
We're good to go.
God's not going to want to, and I don't want to get off into preaching here, okay?
The point is, morally, you have a responsibility to save a child who's about to be run over, even if the world's ending in a year.
I mean, a lot of this is what I've seen, I don't want to criticize Gribbs, but over in India, well, you're going to get reincarnated anyway, so who cares if a kid gets run over?
Or who cares if there's homeless people dying on the street?
Or, you know, that's their karma.
And really, the globalists the last 120 years put this idea out.
It was never in Christianity.
It was never taught that it's the end of the world next week because it's just like a karma thing.
Well, God's coming, so that's almost like karmic, like that's just the way it is.
Again, it's a total self-fulfilling privacy mind game.
Hey, it's all over anyways.
Hey, they were going to bulldoze this house tomorrow.
Who cares if it burns down today?
And then the house is burned down.
And then it never gets bulldozed.
You see what I'm saying?
So, I mean, it's a total, but listen, those, listen, the people have always lived in denial.
And so, those guys are scared of cops, they're scared of their wife, they're scared of somebody not thinking their suit looks right.
So, they, they want to just sit there with each other and feel real good, and, and let's pray, and, you know, and they're the people Christ pointed at, the Pharisees, and said, look at them, but they're praying in public.
Yeah, you need to pray privately.
Those are the people who want to be all up there.
Oh, I'm such a good... Oh, my goodness.
Did you hear he played some of that fast, you know, rock and roll music?
It's of the devil.
Well, sitting there on your hind ends, really of the devil, pal.
You don't think I don't know I'm as evil as the day is long?
At least I know it.
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Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Alright my friends, we are back live.
We are now into the second hour.
I want to go to your phone calls right now.
And then I'm going to get to, welcome to the United States of America.
Welcome to the United Police States of America sponsored by Twitter.
Twitter is now censoring even mainline journalists and saying we're not going to allow you to have your free speech.
Also in China, the people are fighting back and taking back towns from the incredibly corrupt local party officials that run around acting like God.
Unfortunately, they're totally buffaloed in North Korea because they've completely destroyed the family and everything else.
See, tyrants figure out that if you can raise humans like barn animals and keep a subgroup that can't even read or write in there, that you pretty much got them.
You gotta go to the slavery model, though.
And that's what, that's what the globalist model takes you to.
The post-industrial shutdown, total control grid, while they fly around above us in Learjets and Predator drones and surveillance blimps.
That's the model they're building.
So I'm going to get to that in a really creepy article out of Fox News.
Exclusive EPA ponders expanding regulatory power in name of sustainable development.
They got the documents and they say they're just going to not even try carbon taxing anymore.
They're going to do that too.
But that's not going to be their main push.
It's just going to be everything.
They will decide if you can have a business, a job, anything.
And that's always been the plan.
So we're going to be breaking that down.
Also, again, Ron Paul is now the clear frontrunner.
Genrich has imploded to third place with 14 points at a new big scientific poll that's out.
We're going to be going over that and a lot more on the economy front.
But let's go to your calls right now.
Let's go ahead and speak with Ezekiel.
No, no, Annette's up first and then Ezekiel.
Annette in West Virginia, you're on the air.
I haven't spoken to you in a long time, but I want you to know the American people and those outside America owe you a very great debt of gratitude for all that you are doing to inform and give direction as to how to overcome this terrible conspiracy.
Now, I've been into this research for 60 years.
I started when I was a child, and I have a picture that you don't quite
seem to manifest over the year.
And so there's just one area where you seem to be somewhat myopic.
So just give me a minute to go over some statistics, all right?
It's regarding the Hitler regime.
Now, when I'm speaking from the 1934 and the 1945 World Almanac and the Book of Facts, the Jewish population worldwide, by religious beliefs,
And that's according to the American Jewish Committee and the Jewish Statistical Bureau of the Synagogue Council of America.
And the director was H.S.
Where are you going with this?
This is what I'm going to say.
In 1934, the Almanac said that when Hitler took power, there were 15,630,000 Jews worldwide by religious belief.
When he left power in 1945, there weren't less Jews, there were 58,000 plus more.
Now, I'll send you those statistics because they're from Jewish sources.
Okay, ma'am, are you saying that Hitler didn't kill any Jews or anybody?
I'm saying that Hitler's issue was race.
He found that behind communism were the globalists, and the globalists were from Talmudic Judaism, and their idea was to eliminate all the races, except themselves, and to have a
In other words, what you're seeing in North Korea is not only out of the protocols, but numerous other kinds of documents.
I'm saying... Hold on, ma'am.
Are you saying every...
You're saying North- because I'm listening to what you're saying and trying to understand it, but you're saying North Korea is a Jewish thing?
No, I'm saying the principles are the same.
You have a network of these globalists all over the world.
They claim it in their writings.
And that's why I'm surprised you haven't seen these writings.
No, listen, listen, listen, I hear what you're saying and I appreciate your call, but all I know is that clearly there were groups of socialist Zionists who wanted to establish socialism worldwide.
And I get that.
There are different camps in every group, and I certainly understand that there have been all sorts of tyrannies throughout history.
There were tyrannies in China before a Jewish person ever stepped foot there.
The British Empire running around.
So, over the years, I tend to try to stay out of saying Catholics run it all, or Masons run it all, or Jews run it all,
Mormons run it all, you know, or Reptoids run it all, just because people tend to always get into this stuff.
I mean, half the Internet is just battling, saying it's this group, it's that group.
And there are groups that say that I work for every group.
The Jews, the Reptoids, the Catholics, the whatever.
I work for liberty and freedom.
And I understand there's groups in every group that want world government.
It's like pinkie in the brain.
What are we going to do today?
Same thing we do every day, try to take over the world.
I mean, it's like the rock and roll song.
Everybody wants to rule the world.
I actually don't.
Sounds like a nightmare.
It's like these polygamous that have like ten wives.
That just sounds horrible.
I mean, one wife's great, but I mean, you know, there's a lot of responsibilities and things and stuff that goes on.
I couldn't imagine ten women fighting with each other and all the stuff that would come out of it.
I mean, it just sounds like hell on earth.
But I want to be left alone.
And see, good people never want power.
And that's why evil always runs things, because we won't get in place, get in charge to stop them.
And the founders tried to do it, they weren't perfect.
But there is a total
Here's what I'm saying.
I judge trees by their fruits, okay?
And all I know is, is that the anti-Jewish crowd always starts out the same.
I'm not anti-Jewish, I'm anti-Zionist.
And then it turns into, actually, Jews are the devil, we need to get rid of them, and Hitler didn't kill anybody, but you know what?
Too bad he didn't kill them all.
I mean, I can't tell you how many times I've seen that, read that, been told that, been threatened with that, we're gonna kill you, you Jew,
And meanwhile I have the ADL attacking me saying I'm basically, you know, some kind of Hitler or something.
And it's just all these groups act the same.
It's all tribalism.
And Israel engages in a lot of different brands of tribalism.
I got an article here where they make the women sit on the back of the buses.
Even though they passed a law last year saying they can't.
And if you're in Israel, if you're Jewish, you get arrested if you marry somebody who isn't Jewish.
That's like apartheid or something.
But if you say that, you get attacked.
I mean, I'm against all of that.
Especially if you've got some of the same liberal lobbies.
Connected to Israel telling us here to give up all your farmland and let the government brainwash your kids or you're a bigot.
But it's okay if Israel hands out machine guns to their whole population and arrests anybody that marries someone who's Jewish.
But everybody else, you better marry somebody outside your group.
I mean, I get it all, okay?
But I mean, this hypocrisy is everywhere.
But at the same time, the fruits of the anti-Jewish groups... I mean, you sound like a nice lady.
You actually made some points.
I'll try to look into it.
I've seen some of what you're talking about.
But usually it's, all right, listen here, listen here, Jew Jones, you're gonna get it, and we know you get your orders from Tel Aviv, and we got the documents of your old things owned by the Brothmans or whatever.
I mean, it's just like total insanity.
Answer for it.
Answer for how you work for Israel.
And I'm just like, okay, I do then.
I mean, it's not true, but, and answer for the fact that you're a reptoid.
We're going to shoot you and prove you're going to turn into one on stage.
I'm just like, these people are crazy.
Or I know you work for the Vatican because they photoshopped my head on a Catholic priest outfit.
I work for the Vatican.
That's not bad if you were Catholic.
I'm not getting into all these fights.
This is what diseases our country.
I'm for liberty and freedom and lower taxes and the family and the Second Amendment and national sovereignty.
And I'm not going to get sidetracked off into all these groups.
And I have never
I mean, the worst, it could be the Catholic run it all crowd or the Jew bashing crowd.
They're pretty much the same.
In their hatred for me.
I don't know, a lot of it's operatives, we've proven that, but some of them are mainly just jealous, or mentally ill, or low-grade morons.
And they just sit there and obsess, and obsess, and obsess, and obsess, and obsess, and just make up all manner of stuff, and then after they've passed around a lie, they then say it's true.
So I have a lot of trouble in these investigations and things.
With different groups, but particularly, I'd say the dominant group is Jews run it all, because I see so much disinformation in it that I know is not true about me.
I mean, they have like clear operatives that dress up in like Santa Claus outfits and, you know, sit there and say that I'm Jewish and stuff.
And it wouldn't be bad if I was, but I'm not.
You know, it's...
It's frustrating and it's a diversion and it's a distraction from real debate, the real world, real headway that's being made against tyranny.
And just to show you how this stuff leads nowhere, they're going to throw, and they already are, anti-Semitism at Ron Paul.
Even though he's not even going there.
They're going to, because he won't go there, they hate it.
They're going to throw racist words towards black people because he doesn't go there.
They're going to throw the kitchen sink at him because this stuff leads nowhere.
I've read Zionist stuff out of Israel that's public, where they say, encourage anti-Semitism because it makes people come here, work here, and then basically that political class can then feed off those people.
It's the same everywhere.
China, Israel, the US, North Korea, Mexico.
And so they love the outside threat.
It's a form of false flag.
And so they want to make it about all that.
I'm not going to do it.
I just want freedom.
It's really simple.
That's what I want.
And if you'll notice, the Nazis, some of which are feds, we've proven, like Hal Turner and others, they can't make heads or tails of the fact that then the ADL's attacking me all day, so they spend it and say, oh, well, that's because they're trying to give him publicity.
Oh, yeah, when they, over the years, have tried to call up radio stations and get me off the air.
That should give me publicity?
Or try to take my sponsors away?
Oh yeah, that's really the ADL trying to help me.
Alright, we'll be right back.
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Down on the shacks
Don't want no shackles on me.
Don't want no shackles.
In closing on the racial and religious issue, I remember back in 1996 when Bill Clinton got caught shipping missile secrets through Laura Allen Hughes to Communist China so their missiles could hit the U.S.
with precision.
And instead of one ICBM being launched going up into
Space and orbit and coming back down, firing them from northern China over the North Pole, the shortest distance into North America, hitting Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Dallas, cities like that.
When it comes back in to the atmosphere, the nose gun pops off and say 10 dummy warheads shoot out.
to confuse anti-missile systems and ten real warheads come down.
Bill Clinton and our government, who's always wringing its hands, oh my gosh, what if Iran gets a nuke?
We're all dead, it's horrible!
You know, Iraq was going to have a nuke, remember?
45 minutes from now they could blow up England, remember that?
And they got anthrax trucks that they knew had been sold by the British and were for pumping up balloons.
Surveillance balloons.
Hot air balloons, not hydrogen balloons.
They knew all that.
They knew it.
They lied.
They lied.
And now Iran is sitting over there and is not developing a nuclear weapon.
And if they did, we're going to start nuclear war?
Our government, through AQ Khan Laboratories, helped transfer nukes to Pakistan.
To shake up the world.
Why did our criminal government help arm China?
Help give them the nuke in the beginning?
And help give them the MIRV technology over the years.
Why do the controllers of the planet do this?
Because they had a secret alliance against Russia the whole time.
The globalists made a deal with the Chinese when they put Mao Zedong in power.
And then if he didn't follow orders, they kept the Russians right there, which the big megabanks, the Rothschilds and others were in control of.
Oh yeah, the Rothschilds are right up there at the head of it.
The fact is, their evil, corrupt family engaged in carbon taxes, New World Order, everything else.
But I'm not going to attack them because they happen to be Jewish, by the way.
I'm going to attack them for their deeds.
Just like when I attack Kim Jong-il, it's not because he's a Korean.
It's because he's an evil person.
I want to make it about the character of deeds, so then we can all stand against corruption, regardless of what color somebody's skin is.
Getting back to Clinton, as I went off into a rant about it, it was all over CNN, all over the Washington Post, you'll remember at the time if you were a news junkie like I was, it was every week.
Are criticisms of China and trade deals racist?
Is it really about hating Asians?
Are Republicans that don't want to have new trade deals with China, which disadvantages, are they racist?
Is all this criticism of Clinton and missile secrets, ICBM secrets, really because they're Asian?
Is it racism against Chinese people?
This is how they sell it, you see.
To make it that, oh, well, I'm certainly not going to, hey, why are you giving the Panama Canal to China?
We built that.
It's part of globalist strategic takeover.
Not for the Chinese people!
But for the corrupt elites over there, who our elites absolutely love, and made a deal with, Chiang Kai-shek and the Nationalists were kicked out.
That was always a theory.
It had actually been in newspapers in the 50s, 49, 50, 51, and there'd be congressional hearings.
It always turns into a rumor, because folks didn't go to the source documents.
Now it's come back out in the news.
Even the History Channel admits it.
I saw some former CIA Section Chief 1947-51 from China on History Channel almost fell out of my chair about 6-7 years ago.
And he was up there, looked like he was, you know, on death's doorstep, but he was talking.
He was like, actually, we were there and didn't like Chiang Kai-shek, so we gave him weapons that didn't work.
We had a secret program the public wouldn't support because he was communist, to put Mao Zedong into power, and we backed him all along.
And then it just, I mean, it's on History Channel!
Mao Zedong, he killed 60 plus million, our government says.
The Chinese government, in their estimates, who looked this up, says 80 plus million.
60 on the low, 80 on the high.
60 million plus dead people.
And I'm not supposed to talk about that.
I'm not supposed to say, hey, is it moral?
It's everywhere.
Some products you can't get if they're not made in China.
Is it moral to do this with children working their fingers till they bleed in those factories?
You know, make these companies charge, pay a little more, whatever, they'd still be able to
Destroy the European and U.S.
See, the globalists made a deal.
They go, oh, you've got 800 million.
Now it's a billion plus, 200 million or so.
You've got 800 million people that'll work to death for us.
We'll be able to have selective deals with you and shut down all our competition.
And that's what happened.
And now they're like, how dare you be racist against the Chinese if you don't like suicide nets around their factories and want to be able to go to the bathroom every eight hours.
You people are racist against Asians because you don't like the slave factories in China and children in firework factories.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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We are back live and I want to kind of hurry through your phone calls now because I do need to get to the Ron Paul news.
He is the leader not just in Iowa but the numbers are coming in in other states and the attack is on.
Later in the next hour I'll get into how they're going to attack him but I want to hit this news first.
Then get into really dangerous U.N.
takeover of our country through the EPA.
Fox News is reporting on this, and I've read over the treaty.
This is exactly what it does.
But the EPA says they're implementing it, even if we don't.
Because they're the bureaucracy.
And Obama's launching wars without Congress.
I mean, the executive and the bureaucracy is completely out of control.
So that is coming up.
And they say they're pondering it.
Folks, if they say pondering, that means it's already going into place.
They're already shutting down buildings being built in Austin and calling it sustainable because they're not the little inside mafia.
Hey Alex, look, I made the mistake
You know, ten years ago, I was even awake then, and when I enlisted in the Marine Corps, and when I was even initiated into the Masonic Order, I had a fantasy or kind of a notion that I would go inside the machine and I'm going to change from the inside out.
I'll be the loose cog inside the engine.
And I just want this to be a warning to other people out there that, you know, I found out that although that's not impossible, it's not usually what happens.
What usually happens is like,
What happened to me is the machine will shred you to bits and spit you out into the trash if you think you can change it from the inside.
They find out.
And, um, that's what happened to me.
But concerning the esoteric industrial complex, it's McMasons.
It's the best brotherhood and illumination that money can buy, Alex.
The Masons are the bottom of the barrel, but they offer gateways to the top.
And I'm not here to demonize Freemasons, because
There's corruption and evil in every institution, and most of the lodges are genuine, well-meaning people who do a lot of help and charity in their community.
But inside, there's a dark force behind the secret passages, behind the mirrors.
Down here in Kentucky, there are some lodges that are completely racist and openly bar blacks from joining ever.
And that's what really got me to stop going.
And there's other lodges that only police are members of, and they've been known to manufacture meth.
And what happened to me, you know, I ended up getting in trouble.
You know, I was a victim of, it sounds crazy, but I was a victim of psychological warfare and psychic attack, if you will.
And I ended up going to jail.
I was in prison for a year.
And you find inside that, when you're inside that angle, there's so much more you see that people would never know.
And it's just unbelievable.
But I mean, there's a multitude of people who join these
No, you're right.
Ezekiel, God bless you.
It was good to hear from you.
What he said is the truth, from my research.
Prisons are America's real colleges.
It's where you learn how to work in the system, how to deal drugs inside the system, and it's how you go to jail for some petty thing, and you get out and can't get a regular job, but you've been taught 10 or 15 other scams.
And then you finally get caught a few years later, a decade down the road, now you're a hardened criminal, you go back in, and the cycle goes on over and over again.
And now, such a large part of the population is criminal.
This is proven.
The more jails you get, the more criminals you have.
There are giant colleges for it.
It's like, oh, there's too many piranhas in this lake.
Let's throw a side of beef in every day to create twice as many.
And the system knows this and so now all over the country, states and counties are creating laws where felons can be hired.
And you go into a city council or you go into a county commissioner court,
And there's just felons everywhere, and they're there.
There are sheriff's departments where they get around this and have deputies.
I mean, I've been pulled over.
I know what he's talking about in East Texas.
And the cop walks over, and you're driving 80 miles an hour on a 55.
And right there, he's wearing short sleeves.
He's got big old swastikas.
And he's like, oh.
Especially back when I was a teenager, I had blonde hair, blue eyes.
He goes, well, Howl Hitler, you can go.
I didn't say Howl Hitler back, because I'm not going to play along with stuff just so I get out of trouble.
I was like, huh?
And my buddy had beer.
We'd had a few beers.
I was like 16, driving back from the beach to Dallas.
Pulls us over.
We got beer in the car.
He walks over.
We're just sitting there.
And I'm looking at his arms, he's got swastika on the arms, swastika on his forearm, and I'm like, what?
What in the world?
What happens when that guy pulls black people over?
I mean, what?
And it's the same thing for the Mexican Mafia and people that are racist towards blacks and whites, really blacks.
I mean, what is that like?
I just, it's tribalism.
And again, the globalists sold the dominant culture here.
Christian, mainline, conservative, a little racist, but they sold that group on hating themselves and everything else, and they bought it, believe me.
Most white people are not racist.
They hate themselves, worship any other group.
And oh, hand my kids over, put them on Ritalin so I'm not racist, prove I'm trendy, I'll do it.
That's the worldview they have, and that's so they have no culture and no defense against the multicultural Ford Foundation going in with liberation theology, creating absolute tribalism, racism in the other groups.
That way then they can be teamed up with the state against the group that was seen as dominant.
But you're going to see them shift out of that paradigm soon because white America doesn't exist.
There is no culture.
There is no black culture.
There is no white culture.
The black culture we have is not what the black culture was.
I've studied it 50 years ago in this country.
It's the most aberrant.
And MTV picks it up and shoots it out and it's a prison, bling, drug dealer, destructive system.
The country culture, the rural culture we've got, is not the culture we had 50 years ago.
It is an artificial culture.
And they get icons up there.
It's not even about making the hundreds of millions a year per icon.
That's small chump change to the globalists.
They print and issue the money.
It's about controlling the culture so they can tell you what's cool.
To where people can't help it.
They can't get into the real-life soap opera of fighting tyranny, the National Defense Authorization Act, the New World Order.
They've got to watch
The Broncos and the... Who played last night?
The Broncos and the Patriots.
And I know people were watching and stuff.
Who won that game last night?
No, no, no.
That's not what was on last night because they were in here watching it during the show.
It was... I'm proud of you two that you didn't know.
You were researching the New World Order, probably hanging out with your family?
No, no, no.
But I mean, seriously, it's okay.
I understand.
But now I kind of want to know who won that game with Tebow, you know, last night.
But the point is, it sucks you in to where it's like you're weird if you're not going to the human sacrifice at the Aztec Temple.
Or you're weird if you're not helping knock out windows of somebody's business and dragging them off to a concentration camp in Germany.
I mean, when the whole group is going along with it, we're designed to kind of go along with it.
And so a bunch of guys out there fighting each other in simulated combat, carrying a pigskin down the... The Patriots won.
You know, carrying it down the green.
We'll see America safe then.
The Patriots won.
Everything's fine.
We can go back to sleep now.
And everything becomes a referendum.
It's like if Tebow doesn't win, God isn't on his side.
I mean, it's just... It's all this baloney.
That we're fed.
I mean, look, I understand watching a football game and getting into the characters and knowing the stats.
Any system gets interesting when you put enough time into it.
Studies show that humans doing monotonous jobs, putting bottle caps on things or whatever, overseeing factories, will end up making little jokes out of it and we'll see how fast they can do it or how slow or, you know, make little games with their buddies on the assembly line.
Humans tend to make things that they have to do fun.
And in my view, the only thing fun about football is playing it.
But that's like the fun of getting in a fistfight.
I guess it's fun if you've got to get in a fistfight.
I mean, it's simulated combat, folks.
Combat's for a reason.
You've got an instinct to see your guys run out of the dark cave opening, charging out to meet the other team, and you've got your maidens down there, dancing alluringly.
You're fighting for your maidens, and the rest of the tribe is, UNGA!
Everybody's painted up crazy.
It's pure psychological warfare.
Yeah, Lemming's going off a cliff.
I mean, that's what they're doing.
And then you tell people, hey, you know, they're trying to pass a law to put military on the streets and secretly arrest us.
Oh, that'll never happen.
Come on.
And then it happens and the same people tell me, all right, well, what are you gonna do about it then?
See, it's always, oh, that doesn't exist.
Oh, that's not going on.
Oh, that's not gonna happen.
Oh, it's not gonna.
And that's why people every time they go under tyranny, in almost every case, cannot resist it because they just keep hoping everything's going to be alright.
I mean, I see grown adults in videos online when a dog attacks them.
People will ball up.
Because the Rottweiler's so scary.
I mean, I don't want to get into stories or anything, but I've had big dogs run up and try to bite me a few times.
And I got bit.
And I mean, you know what?
Just jump up and stomp on them.
Believe me, you break one of their legs, I mean, and I'm not some tough guy.
Some big dog runs up and tries to attack me.
I'm gonna kick it in the face, and then if it gets in and hits me in the leg, I'm like a wild ape.
I'm gonna jump up with both legs and stomp it.
I mean, multiple times.
One time with a pit bull, one time with some giant sheep dog, when we grew up on the golf course, came running out of somebody's backyard, ran down, started biting my buddy, I ran over, went down, I was only like 12 years old, started punching it, it was biting my hands, but I started punching its eyes out, basically, and it ran off.
But the point is, is that I see grown men, ugh, the dog, ugh, and they get on the, and they just lay there while it's biting, I mean, what, how did you get turned into this?
I mean, it's kind of fun when a pit bull runs out to... I mean, I'm not excited about it, but okay, you're running out of your garage, you're trying to bite me, I'm gonna start stomping on you.
I mean, I'm built to do that.
I don't... I don't... I'm nobody, folks.
I'm not looking for trouble, because I know what trouble's like, because I've been there, but I don't understand it.
I mean, somebody comes up to me and punches me, I'm... okay.
You want to get punched back, it's going to happen.
And I don't get grown adults who ball up.
I mean, it's one thing if you had five guys beating you up and you were knocked out and couldn't get up to cover yourself up.
That's one thing, and I've certainly done that.
Somebody rings your bell and you're hearing bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Just giving yourself completely over to groveling to corruption.
And that's why I'm going to cover this article and then go to Peter.
And Tim and Jason and Cory and Angie, then I'll get into all the Ron Paul news.
But this is some really positive news, and I keep getting into an InfoWars Nightly News on this.
I saw this one time, and the next time I tried to find it, I couldn't find it.
But you can pull up videos of rioting Chinese.
They're not rioting.
They're fighting against tyranny.
And it's always the same.
A cop beats the old homeless man to death.
They just burn down all the government buildings and beat police to death.
I mean, the Chinese have not been on fluoride in their water.
And by the way, the government has now proposed putting lithium in the water.
I saw that a few weeks ago.
So the Chinese have not been gelded, castrated like we have.
And I should say they're women in these videos.
But there's a bunch of them.
I saw this one where they're running up a hill with like hoes and
And hatchets and stuff.
And the Chinese police start shooting them and they just run over them.
You see the camera knocked down on the ground as the people hack them up.
Sure, you shot the first group of them, but they were sick of being your slave and it's over!
And they tried to round them up and put them in re-education camps and break up the families, but there were always so many.
North Korea was smaller, so they were able to fully break humanity.
At least physically.
He saw that fake crying earlier.
They're not really mentally broken.
They know it's a bunch of baloney.
But they still are dominated.
Through the caste system.
Through the corrupt police state communist system.
But to watch the... And by the way, as I said, I saw a number just a few months ago, earlier in the year, where it was 7,000 riots in the previous 12 months.
China villagers threatened to march on government offices.
Let me have some other big breaking news.
China villagers threaten to march on government offices.
Protesting villagers in southern China said they would march on government offices this week unless the body of local leader is released and four villagers in police custody are freed.
Yeah, they grab people and inject them with
Dishwashing, cleaning, soap, other stuff, really nasty.
The 13,000 residents of Wukan in the wealthy province of Guangdong, I hope I pronounced that right, are in open revolt against officialdom and have driven out local Communist Party leaders who they say have been stealing their land for years.
Well, no kidding.
They jack up taxes on you until you can't pay, then they take it and take the taxes off.
They do that right here in Austin.
People roll over to it, man.
They take your land for environmental reasons five years later, take the land use off and the very council members that did it, then open banks they own and control the land.
I mean, it's just criminality right out in the open.
And I've run into them sometimes when I'm in radio and TV studios and they'll see me and they'll just gasp in fear and I don't say anything because I'm there as a guest and going off and do the interview I'm doing because I'm not debating them.
But they're scared of the public.
I mean, they can't believe what they've gotten away with.
That's what all this police state's for.
To make sure you don't wake up and send them to prison.
Many local businesses have been closed the past week, while schools have been shuttered, as riot police blockade the village, which has for months been the scene of occasionally violent protest over land seizures.
Authorities have, authorities, not communist thugs, have vowed to crack down on instigators of the latest unrest, which was triggered by the arrest nine days ago of five villagers, one of whom died last Sunday in police custody, tortured to death.
Authorities say the 42-year-old man suffered a heart attack, of course he did.
Well, relatives who saw the body said they believed he'd been beaten to death.
Villagers told AFP on Sunday they will march to government offices in Luffing City on Wednesday unless the body of Zhu Jinbo is returned and other poor villagers still in police custody are released.
You know, ten years ago, our government would criticize China.
Now they love it.
If they do not return our people, then for sure we will march, said villager
Sir named Zhang 44 and told AFP his family a lot of pharma has been taken from him at 95.
It would be the third such March since September.
Communist leaders have started to collect donations for food and money for several hundred villagers struggling to feed themselves due to cordons by police.
That's the double game.
They block you off so you don't get food, but then the good commies get the food.
Now next, we'll get to where they have actually gone to take over areas on the other side.
Of course, they're known as terrorists in China and here as well, I guess.
The good guys are the bad guys in the New World Order.
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In China, if you protest, you can be taken to one of hundreds of execution centers where they blood type you and then advertise your body organs.
You are then, when the wealthy Westerner or Japanese person, or Russian in that case, wealthy fly in, they execute you.
Now we knew about this 15, 16 years ago, and we would be called conspiracy theorists, even when it was in mainstream European papers.
Since then it's admitted.
You're melted down for cosmetics, the babies are, the collagen injections, the higher quality, more expensive ones are from dead Chinese dissidents, predominantly babies.
The children are sent to re-education camps, but if the elite need young organs, they'll kill kids.
And it's since all been confirmed and admitted.
In fact,
That's kind of flipped though.
Mainstream media admits China sells political dissonance organs, and they didn't 15 years ago.
But 15 years ago, the State Department decried it.
But it was like six years ago, the State Department put out a report, you can pull it up, State Department denies China selling organs.
I mean, that's like denying the sun came up this morning.
And again, it's that denial.
I was on national Spanish radio in Spain today.
It's actually European-wide.
It's English radio, English-speaking radio out of Spain.
And the host had callers asking him about, well, USA Today says the NDAA doesn't affect citizens.
It's Ron Paul and Alex Jones lying.
And I just said to the host, I said,
Look, you just need to go and get all the Senators admitting it, and you can pull up the subsection where it says it affects citizens.
But again, people say... People say to us, well, if it's... Sometimes I get distracted because they put something up on screen, and then I start reading it, and then I forget the last thing I was talking about.
Oh, people ask, well if they get caught lying all the time, why do they do it?
Because it doesn't matter even if they get caught lying.
It makes the discussion about, is this going on and are you a liar, instead of the discussion being, why are you taking people's political dissonance organs, and why are Americans and others buying them?
I mean, it's one thing to buy something from China, you can argue, well it gives them some job.
But it's another thing entirely to say, oh, I'll take an organ from somebody who's dead.
People are like, well, how about you need a liver?
I can tell you right now, if I needed a liver, and it was going to come from some Chinese dissident, goodbye, I'm ready to die.
Somebody dies in a car wreck, great, I'll take their liver.
But, I mean, it's such a no-brainer.
I don't want to live in a world where we're cannibalizing each other for each other's body parts.
Now let's talk about our children.
What if your child needed it?
Somebody else had to die.
I'll be honest.
I'd think about it.
And I know what I'd say.
Because people are like, wow, you're really a good guy.
That's a good person today that wouldn't do that?
Folks, none of us are safe when we live in a society like that.
I know I keep preaching.
Alright, here's what I'm going to do.
I'm going to come back and in two segments get all your calls and then I'm going to get to the Ron Paul news and the police state news and the UN news that I've already mentioned some and a bunch of other stacks I haven't even gotten to yet but we've covered quite a bit so far.
We've done two hours of radio.
I haven't plugged any of the specials.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are now into hour number three.
And wow, this is going to be a jam-packed hour.
Coming up later, Windows 8 to feature image sign-on system, a face scan.
I told you that was coming to buy and sell.
How do I know?
I've read what MIT, DARPA, and the big companies are saying a decade ago.
It was a plan.
Facecamming cameras going up everywhere.
Walter Reed accidentally bans Bibles.
And this illustrates... Well, I'll talk about it later, but I see articles all the time where schools go, now, no Christmas stuff officially.
But children are allowed to give cookies or Christmas cards individually.
They have a right of association.
Because the schools go, no religion in school.
Do not say the name Jesus.
And I've seen cases where they grab Bibles out of people's bags and throw them in the trash and scream at them.
I mean, it's amazing what they've done, with ignorance.
So I'm going to talk about that, the Ron Paul situation, obviously so big.
Something that big, him in the frontrunner now, and then I want to try to spend time on it, and time gets away from me, but I will cover it at 20 after.
Peter in Washington, then Tim and others.
Go ahead.
Hello sir, thank you for holding.
Uh, yes.
I just have kind of a footnote to what you do.
You can hear me?
Yes, I can hear you on your speakerphone quite well.
And that Oswald Spengler in his famous book, 1918 Classic, The Decline of the West, stated that Cecil Rhodes was the prototype of the last
Now, he was a determinist, and I know you're not, but you might find it interesting, so let me read a paragraph from it, okay?
Uh, here's it.
Rhodes is to be regarded as the first precursor of a Western type of Caesars, whose day is to come, though distant.
He stands midway between Napoleon and the force men of the next centuries, just as Flaminius, who from 232 BC, onward pressed the Romans to undertake the subjugation of Cisalpine Gaul, and so initiated the policy of colonial expansion, stands between Alexander and Caesar.
Strictly speaking, Flaminius was a private person.
For its real power was of a kind not embodied in any constitutional office, who exercised a dominant influence in the state, at a time when the state idea was giving way to the pressure of economic factors.
So far as Rome is concerned, he was the architect of opposition Caesarism.
With him there came an end to the idea of state service, and there began the will to power, which ignored traditions,
And reckoned only with forces.
Alexander and Napoleon were romantics.
Though they stood on the threshold of civilization and its cold, clear air, the one fancied himself an Achilles and the other, Red Berta.
Caesar, on the contrary, was a pure man, a fact gifted with immense understanding.
Now the next paragraph, I don't know if you've got time, is on Rhodes.
But even for Rhodes, political success meant territorial and financial success, and only that.
Of this Roman-ness within him, he was fully aware.
But Western civilization has not yet taken shape in such strength and purity as this.
It was only before his match that he could fall into a sort of poetic trance.
Well, that's very interesting, and that's a classic.
I've actually never read that book that you mentioned, but I probably should.
But undoubtedly, that's what this is about.
And you can't have an empire and not become a police state yourself.
The empire brings the tools of tyranny to other nations, subjugation, domination, and invariably brings them back home, brings the troops back to Rome.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, here's the deal.
Newt Gingrich is plunging.
Ron Paul has surged into first place.
Gingrich into third.
He's desperately flailing, trying to get Christian evangelicals to join the dark side.
He says, hey, I'll arrest judges that make immoral rulings.
I told you, you can't do that.
You can move to have judges impeached by the judiciary above them or by the legislative branch, but not by the president.
And you don't do it until there's been a trial.
See, as soon as they get rid of this idea of, well, the military can be on the streets and, by the way, you know what follows, we're gonna arrest you and have you disappear, no trial.
Remember all the years I told you that was coming?
And I interviewed the judge advocate generals, retired admirals, and they said, yeah, this is what they're setting up.
I mean, legal scholars, Bruce Fine is one of the top advisors to Congress.
The top of his class, multiple degrees, top scholar.
He'll tell you, we are galloping into martial law.
Ron Paul!
I mean, that's what it is!
That's history!
And so now Newt Gingrich, I'll cover that for the Ron Paul News after some more calls, he's saying, like me, I'll start arresting people who are immoral.
You mean, that have three wives and leave wives that are, you know, think they're dying of cancer, fighting cancer, and a guy that talks about frugalness and has a $600,000 account at Tiffany's?
That'd be one thing if you invented some engine and made $10 million and you were buying your wife a $600,000 account or whatever.
And still, I'm not into conspicuous consumption.
I think it's pretty gross at a certain level.
But, I'm not going to judge you.
But the point is, to sit there and have it for money from lobbying and selling carbon taxes and socialist healthcare, you pig, you just swollen sack of evil, degeneracy and ego, you make me want to throw up.
I don't want to go into my analysis of Gingrich because it's long, but I've read his books, I've read the forwards he's written, I've read the stuff he wrote as a college professor, and man, let me tell you, he's in the inner club.
He's a bad one.
He's a bad, bad, bad person.
And I told you, as long as people find out who he is, he'll be destroyed just like everybody else.
The system thinks Mitt Romney is the one that's going to make it, but he's got a lot of the same dirt as Newt Gingrich.
He's not demonic.
I've looked at Mitt Romney, studied him, gauged him.
I don't think he's an evil person.
Rick Perry is completely out of his mind.
He used to be on a power trip, now his balloon's been popped because he's probably being blackmailed.
He's totally broken down and now he's just a little Nelly.
He's reverted to that personality he's got.
I mean, have you seen him out there?
It's like a... I don't know what you call it.
You know, kind of that Nellie-ness of Don DeLuise or whatever?
Is Don DeLuise the right name of kind of the Nellie, Ninnie?
Is it Don DeLuise?
Yeah, okay, Don, yeah.
The point is, they're all sinking.
As you find out about them, it's over.
As you find out about Herman Cain, gone.
His lies got so ridiculous.
Yes, for 13 and a half years I paid her rent, but never told my wife, but nothing's going on.
We were just friends.
I thought we were friends.
That'd be like if I got up here on air and said, hey, for this Christmas, buy the everything special for your wife and your girlfriend.
Oh, I just pay her rent, honey, because for 13 years, because we're, uh,
We're friends, you know what I mean?
Oh, I just talked to her in the phone bills thousands of times in the middle of the night at 4am.
Hey baby, I've been working all night.
Yeah, I'm about 30 minutes away.
It's 3am.
Are you ready for me to come on over and be your friend?
Because baby, I'm really ready to be your friend right now.
And I heard neocon Christian conservative fake Christianoids on radio going, it's reasonable to help people!
I heard a local talk show host, codenamed The Chipmunk, he's a nice guy, but I heard
Chipmunk, on the air, going, call him Sgt.
Chipmunk because they've got this little piece they do where they play his voice on the next show, sped up like a chipmunk.
It's really funny.
He's funny when he's on air too, he's a good guy.
But the point is, he's like, because he'd already endorsed Herman Cain, he's like, well you know in our church we have a lot of women coming needing help, but he probably was just helping her.
Yeah, he was helping her for 13 and a half years with her rent money.
Come on!
You want to think if it was a little old lady next door to you, and you and your wife are wealthy, but you live in a rural area and there's a poor old lady next door?
Yeah, I might buy that.
Yeah, you gave her money for 13 and a half years until she went to the nursing home.
I mean, I've bought individuals and groups of kids hospital beds.
Disabled kids, never really told that story on air, but I have.
I've given money to charities, fire departments, Salvation Army and stuff.
I don't sit there and, you know, run around and talk about it.
I guess I am now.
But no one would buy that.
Okay, I'm digressing.
I said I get to the wrong poll news in your calls.
Gingrich says he would arrest radical judges who step out of line.
Well, I'm... You mean out of Kim Jong-il's line?
And again, these judges are out of control.
They were appointed
By the corrupt executive branch in many cases, and confirmed by the corrupt legislative branch.
And in other cases, they were elected, and you are going to arrest them if they get out of line.
How about we elect good people and then they don't appoint bad judges?
Or if judges get out of hand, the judiciary above them has them removed.
We've got systems for this.
Oh, but no, we'll have Newt Gingrich arrest them!
And now we have the NDAA that Obama says he's going to sign, hasn't signed it yet.
Where you just disappear into a black hole.
See, none of this is just going to be used on Al Qaeda.
The people that NATO inserts into countries.
Again, I talk to good old boys all the time.
They'll be like, Alex, I like you, but I just can't believe 9-11's an inside job.
And I'm like, the U.S.
government agents have admitted they were ordered to let the hijackers into the country.
They were protected.
Some were trained at U.S.
military bases.
I know I've seen some of that, but I just can't believe it.
Well, our government had Amir al-Awlaki at the Pentagon meeting in secret, number three in al-Qaeda.
I mean, our government put him in charge in Libya.
Alex, I just can't listen to you.
I can't believe it.
Okay, well, then that's why you're a slave.
That's why stuff's gonna get a lot worse, because if you'll put up with all of this, what else are you gonna put up with?
Alright, let's go to your calls.
Out of control today.
Tim in Ohio, you're on the air, welcome.
Hello, Alex.
Hey, buddy.
First of all, let me wish you, your family, and all the listeners a Merry Christmas, a Happy Hanukkah, and a Happy Kwanzaa.
Did I include everyone?
Well, you're evil, period.
Speaking of evil, I wanted to share an audio clip with you that I recorded when I called my local sheriff's department and asked them about 1867.
I cleaned it up.
There's no names in it, and I cut out all the dead spots, but I want you to listen to this lady.
As soon as I say 1867, you can almost hear her go,
And then they pretend to like put me on hold.
I don't know if she thought I was on hold or not.
Wait, wait, wait.
She actually knew what the NDAA bill was?
It sounds like she goes, oh, I've got one of them that can see.
Well, I'm sure she didn't know what it was, but they teach them.
If they say codes and numbers, and I have the training manuals and the videos, well, you've seen them.
If they talk fancy talk, it's paper terror.
If Bank of America is taking their house, and they come in and tell the judge, and I've seen the judges say this, Bailiff, arrest that man for content, but sir, I own the house outright, I have the deed, they've got to show the deed, it's perjury.
Arrest the paper terrorist!
Bank of America gave money to my campaign!
Take, take his property!
And then of course the answer is, arrest him, and the answer is we'll let Newt Gingrich arrest that judge.
He's not gonna arrest that judge, that judge is a tyrant like him!
I'm sorry, uh, tell me about this clip that's coming up.
At that very point that you just mentioned, I think she thought I was on hold, but I wasn't, because I could hear her contact another officer who said, we need to have an NCIC on this person.
Oh, listen, listen, listen, if you say Constitution to a lot of cops now that aren't awake, and I got video, they literally go, oh, oh, oh, I mean, it's like you, like, see this dead baby, or like a severed head, or like, oh, oh, oh, because they just condition them.
Sure, sure, go ahead and play the clip, here it is.
I must preface this call with telling you that this is being recorded.
As the highest elected law enforcement officer in the county, I was wondering what Sheriff ****** is going to do to protect us from this S1867 bill that's going through Congress.
In specific, sections 1031 and 1032.
They haven't called you back on it?
Uh, if need be, yes.
That would be fine.
Okay, I will have someone call you back with this.
Thank you very much.
I'm still waiting for the call back.
No, of course.
Then they ran off.
So imagine, you call up and say, hey, there's a bill to put military on the streets in America.
The sheriff is elected and is supposed to uphold the Constitution.
I want to know where you stand.
I mean, no.
And I guarantee you, they sat around and ran your house and talked about you and better have a car drive by there.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Well it's funny because like ten minutes after that I heard sirens up and down the street.
It was an ambulance going to one of the neighbors houses.
One more quick thing that's sort of a Spartacus that we all can do.
I am a Spartacus.
I took my driver's license when I got my new one.
First thing I did when I brought it home I took it out and put it on the workbench and I whacked it like a hundred times with a ball peen hammer.
Then I put it in the microwave for ten minutes.
Then I took a sharp knife and I scraped off the black line on the back.
I've done the same thing with my slave ID.
When I went to do a return purchase to a major retailer, very interesting, I was in the store like half an hour earlier, I paid with a credit card and they did not even ask me for any ID, but when I wanted to do the return they did.
Well, right away she went to swipe it in the thing.
And she pointed, she showed it to me, she goes, where's all the stuff on the back?
And I just played dumb, I'm like, well, what's supposed to be on the back?
I didn't know what I was supposed to do.
Oh no, listen, this is all Patriot Act compliance where they all get to be little spies at rental car places, hotels, but see something, say something.
Okay, okay, I see a government shipping narcotics in, a government run by foreign banks.
Oh, you're going to call the cops.
Oh, you were warned if you heard that, that I'm the bad person.
No, you've been brainwashed by the bad guys that the good guys are bad.
But I went in to a rural, um,
Place where you work out this weekend at YMCA, because I don't like having to drive, because now I live outside Austin, and I never get into town to work out.
So I've been working out at home, and I don't have a lot of weights there.
So the point is, I went to get a membership.
And I get in there, and the lady was nice at first at the YMCA.
She goes, oh, hello.
Yes, we suggest you wait till the 6th, the 26th of December, because for five days until the new year, until the 2nd or something, we waive the sign-up fee.
And I said, OK, but can I pay $10 or whatever to work out now?
And she said, oh, no.
We have a three-day or three-workout
Something or other.
I forget the name of it.
And so I said, OK, I'll do that.
She said, I need your driver's license.
And she got it.
And she looked at it.
And she went in the back.
She came back and gave it to me.
She said, that address, that's in Austin.
And I'm talking, I'm like five miles from Austin.
I'm like, yeah.
She goes, you're supposed to have your new address on there.
And I was just like, but don't you have anything better to do?
I mean, I'm wearing a workout shirt and pants.
I'm clean cut.
I mean, I'm just here at a gym.
I mean, it's not like Al Qaeda is everywhere.
I didn't say that.
I was just like, oh yeah, I hadn't changed it yet.
But in my mind, I was saying that to her.
And usually I would, but she had this satisfaction.
And then I did basically, you know, just say to her that, you know,
Well, it doesn't even matter.
And then she didn't like it, though, as I opened the door to go back outside and put my wallet in the car, because I want to work out with it, that two cars pull up, and nobody was hardly even there.
Two cars pull up, Alex Jones, and families get out.
Oh, are you going to work out here?
And I'm like, well, yeah, probably.
They're like, oh, we're going to beat the New World Order.
Oh, my three-year-old daughter wants to meet you.
Hi, Alex.
The other car pulls up with the family.
Hi, we're battling the New World Order.
And the woman was like, huh, huh, huh, huh.
It's just insane.
It's just totally insane.
So it's this power trip of digging through everything.
It's this power trip of watching and minding everyone.
But if you ever say, hey, do you want to mind the government like the founders said?
You want to watch them?
Oh my gosh, I was warned about you.
You're the bad one.
And that's why when a cop pulls me over, when all the major laws are ignored, the government's caught engaged in every crime you can imagine constantly, and the guy wants to give me a ticket for too dark a window tent, I'm just like, I want to search your car.
You want to search mine?
I want to search your car.
Statistically, if you take criminology, you know statistically cops are more criminal than the average public.
I want to search your car.
And the guy's like, well, what, are you serious?
And I'm like, no, I'm not serious!
I'm sick of it!
That guy's like, aren't you intimidated by me, basically?
I'm like, no I'm not!
I'm not!
I'm sick of it!
Well, he still wanted to play the game.
Well, what's in that drink?
And I go, I don't know.
It's a green bottle that says water on it.
You ever seen a beer bottle that has this shape?
Well, where do you get them?
You get them at the gas station.
That's where you get them.
You get them at the gas station.
Like when I sit here and answer your questions in your mind, I'm the criminal and you're the good guy.
I don't ship drugs into this country like your bosses do.
I mean, this went on for like 10 minutes.
Because I can't play games with these people anymore.
I can't play along with it.
And I didn't tell the woman because it was a little mean.
But it wasn't that mean.
It was very calmly said, but it was meant to make her feel bad about herself.
And I don't like to put people straight that way, and I do bad things sometimes.
You'd hear what I said to the woman at the YMCA, and you'd think, well, that's nothing.
Yeah, but it was how it was said.
The way I said it was meant to make her feel small.
And that's not the type of attack I like to do on people.
I like to somehow try to enlighten them and wake them up.
But I am an out-of-control person.
You know, I tell people when they're getting off on police state stuff, I say, hey, you think this police state is going to keep you safe?
It's going to destroy you and your family.
And when the government takes everything you've got, just remember, you put the rope around your own neck.
I mean, I didn't tell that woman that.
I did tell a whole store in New Mexico that.
I don't
And I said, oh, I said, it's alright, buddy, it's Girls' Night Out.
And the woman behind the counter's like, you bet it's Girls' Night Out.
You'd be surprised what we women can do.
Okay, that's it, you're getting a five minute speech, and a loud one!
Oh, I bet you like how your culture's falling apart around here.
Now, your men don't act like men.
It's because you don't let them act like men.
Did you know thousands of years ago in Rome, they used the women as the house slaves to keep the men down and spy on them.
Do you like the psychological warfare?
She starts shaking.
Actually, my uncle said that and I don't understand it.
I go, good, listen to your uncle.
I'm sick of it and I'm tired of it.
All right, I'm sorry, Tim.
Anything else?
Well, just everybody, whack it, nuke it, and scrape that black line off the back.
And if they ever try to get you in trouble, hey, your name is spelled in all capital letters.
Oh, they're a bunch of scum.
A bunch of boot-licking scum begging to live in North Korea.
Begging to line up in formations and cry for some dead sack of puss.
Put your straw man name on the front of that in all capital letters so there's no way they can get you in trouble.
Don't take it.
Wake up, America.
Have a Merry Christmas and peace out, Alex.
I saw the video and then I ended up talking to McBrain.
One of his friends actually knows the girl.
And they had the Code Pink up there protesting the war or whatever in the shopping mall.
Which are now the public commons.
They say they're private property, but it operates as a commons.
And, but regardless, you can still say the private property thing.
So they're silently, and I've seen cases, remember where the city attorney in some New York town we had him on a few years ago, got arrested because he had a Peace on Earth shirt?
And they thought that was an anti-war shirt.
And the guy's like, no man, it's Christmas time.
Search that.
Man arrested for Peace on Earth shirt sues.
It was like Rochester or something.
But the point is, is that, or Buffalo, I forget.
It turned out being a city attorney and a constitutional lawyer.
But he's wearing a Peace on Earth shirt and they say, take it off.
And he says, no.
And they say, leave.
And he says, and starts walking away.
So the guy like tackled him and all that.
And last time I heard, they settled with him.
But in Austin, they're having this frozen silent protest where you sit there with a sign and are just frozen.
There it is, man arrested for wearing Peace on Earth t-shirt.
That's in the Progressive.
But, um, Stephen F. Downs, the lawyer for New York State's Commission on Judicial Conduct, so it wasn't with the city, it was the state's Commission on Judicial Conduct, was arrested on March 3rd for refusing to take off a Give Peace a Chance shirt, or a Peace on Earth shirt.
Okay, that's enough.
So, now you can't wear what you want in America.
And they're coming out with AI computer software that reads your shirt and basically tells you what you can and can't do, and face scanning to buy and sell.
So, they tackle this woman, and the cop clearly, and she's just a woman asking, what is this?
And they say, it's a silent protest, here's a sign.
She holds it, they walk up to her and say, are you part of this?
She goes, yeah, and so they start trying to arrest her.
And the cop gets her on the ground, slams her on the ground, and then punches her full power in the ribs.
And then you kind of see her leg flail, kind of involuntary towards him, like, you know, when a wild animal attacks you, you're going to kick back at it.
And I saw the Austin police chief in the paper saying, oh, it looks like an edited tape.
No, the officer did a good thing, all this stuff.
Folks, of course you edit a tape that's an hour long, you edit it down to two minutes.
The point is, in the video, they say, oh, the officer was trying to get the handcuff on her.
He wasn't hitting her.
He clearly is hitting her.
So Arne Saavedra, there you go.
Oh, she assaulted him.
They're charging her with assault.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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I think I'm going to do a special report on how they're going to attack Ron Paul, and I'm going to get to that in a minute and break it down, some of the other news, but let's go to your calls here.
Let's talk to Corey in Connecticut.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Hey, how you doing, Alex?
Hey, quick question here.
It's sort of a sensitive topic here, especially in Connecticut, but a lot of people are actually starting to ask this, and particularly talking about Ron Paul.
You know how you're saying, obviously, they're going to try and attack him and stuff, but one of the oddest things is, I know you like your source documents and court cases and all this other stuff, and I've been following the one for probably about the past year and a half, dealing with his eligibility issue, and particularly with his fraudulent social security number.
You're talking about Obama?
Oh, yeah.
And the rabbit hole seems to be getting deeper here in the state.
Look, there's no doubt Obama is some kind of weird cutout.
He definitely was a CIA baby, the whole family.
I mean, he is a Manchurian candidate.
I mean, he is a manufactured candidate.
And Kenya says the records have been excised.
I mean, it looks like he was probably born in Kenya.
And then, of course, they did the fake thing in the newspaper so they could trick people and say he was born in the U.S.
That's valuable to be an American versus Kenyan, you know, with the national rights and all that.
So, of course, but I mean...
I'm sorry, go ahead.
The reason I'm saying it's interesting, Alex, I apologize for cutting you off, it's just the fact that I watched the Senate ballot hearing the other day, especially with Orly Pace presiding now more plaintiffs against him, that she brought up the exact case in dealing with the governor of the state of Connecticut here and why he was put in place.
We're good to go.
Break robberies.
Two people that were tied to that are now in his administration.
If Ron Paul wants to really do something, I mean, the federal records right here, I'm actually reading another affidavit that was just put out two days ago.
There's gonna be a testimony, hearing, and trial in Hawaii, it looks like January 18th.
I mean, why, if Ron Paul really wants to get this in action, why isn't, I guess my question is, people are asking me, why isn't he exposing
I hear you, Corey.
Listen, Ron Paul is on the economy, on imminent war, on overturning the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
The system can block the release of all this stuff, and the system can confuse the issue.
It's a soap opera that we've looked at some, but that basically goes nowhere.
I mean, I could have made a
Film about the birth certificate and sold 100,000 copies.
Didn't do it.
I mean, there's lots of hot-button issues I could get into, but I'm not here just to make money.
I'm here to get the word out.
Money is just a tool to fund our operation.
And... I mean, to say, Ron Paul do this, Ron Paul do that.
His message has to be somewhat simple for this dumbed-down public.
And he's been doing that.
Basic liberty, basic freedom, and we know he'll do the things he says he'll do.
He says the CIA deals drugs because they've been caught in that congressional hearings and admit it.
Ron Paul has exposed everything.
The problem is I take your call and then to answer your question would take 30 minutes to really go over all the different points.
But, um,
Ron Paul is facing an uphill battle, but by fighting we get stronger politically.
And he could end up winning.
The system is that weak, that discredited.
When they unload on him with every made up and twisted and spun and exaggerated thing, if we don't act guilty and if he doesn't act guilty and apologetic, he is going to absolutely explode like Rand Paul.
And Rand Paul came out, was angry, said, this is pure bull.
And you know what?
It was the truth.
And so he stood the test of time.
And Paul, Ron Paul, I'm going to give him advice here.
He needs to do exactly what Rand did.
And not apologize for anything.
And point out that it's all a bunch of baloney.
And say, oh, I'm the frontrunner now.
Now you're trying to shoot me down.
Now here's the deal.
That's one hurdle.
The second hurdle is Iowa.
After Iowa, is New Hampshire and other areas.
He wins in Iowa, it's a week and a half from now, and they're gonna, two or three days before, I'll just get to it in a minute, because the problem is, is that I don't want to just give out some convoluted thing.
The issue is they're gonna launch a bunch of attacks three or four days before Iowa on Ron Paul.
And it's gonna be, he loves Iran, and wants us to be nuked.
Uh, he goes on the Alex Jones Radio Show.
Uh, Ron Paul wrote racist newsletters.
And on all of the issues, especially the Alex Jones issue, and that's why Ron Paul comes on here, Ron Paul has to not apologize for it.
And he hasn't!
And that's good.
He can go on any radio show he wants.
He goes on shows all the time he doesn't 100% agree with.
See, those of you that say, oh my gosh, Ron Paul won't win because of who he associates with, he will win because of who he associates with.
If we stop taking on this self-fulfilling prophecy, this mind game, I mean, he might as well just be Newt Gingrich then and say whatever you want to hear.
And the truth is, Ron Paul knows about false flag terror.
That's coming out in the newsletters.
He's a smart guy.
But you can't 100% prove 9-11 one way or the other.
The official story is a fraud.
And we know from history and the evidence what happened.
But you can't 100% nail down exactly X, Y, and Z happened.
And so you don't go there if you're Ron Paul.
Same thing with the birth certificate.
Yeah, it's on record and the media never wants to touch this.
Local media has covered it, mainstream media, that Obama had a fake social security number.
Somebody else's?
Yeah, Obama is weird.
Super creepy.
Yeah, the government of Kenya says they went in and destroyed the records.
Turns out the Bush administration did a formal request during the campaign three and a half years ago, four years ago.
They know.
Obama is blackmailed.
He's in there because they can destroy him anytime they want to.
And Ron Paul is going up against that whole thing, and he's surging in Iowa.
Romney's second.
The twit is third.
And the next thing they've got to go up against
Is in New Hampshire and other areas, there's going to be fraud.
See, Iowa's a caucus with hands raised, and everybody knows what their little group was tallied at, and then it's all added together.
So fraud is almost impossible.
But, you know, I hear this criticism of Vladimir Putin, saying that, you know, if there was a fair election there, he wouldn't win.
And that might be true.
The Russian government's as corrupt as the day is long.
But you don't think there's election fraud here?
So then I get the comment, well then why even vote Alex?
Because by going out and running, Ron Paul gets to educate people.
Ron Paul gets to point out what frauds the other candidates are.
And then when there is election fraud, it gets illustrated.
And people get caught and people go to jail and people die and commit suicide before they can release all the Diebold information.
There's been murders.
There's been testimony in the Florida legislature of confirmed programmers hired to engage in fraud.
I've caught Travis County stealing the election.
Went down to the certification and the state
In the Austin American-Statesman, the state said, well, the Election Commission did find that there was all these problems and that this happened, but we're still certifying it in the case of Karen Sunlightner for County Commissioner.
Two a.m.
she's losing her best friend, the county clerk.
She runs to her crying, collapses on her in the bathroom.
This is in the paper.
Witnesses saw this.
And she comes out and says, she won!
I went to bed that night at midnight going, oh, Karen Sunlightner's been defeated.
Man, do I hate her, you know, back in the day.
Big globalist land grabber, all this other stuff.
And I woke up at 7 a.m.
the next morning and Karen Sunlightner won.
And I went and investigated.
I had a bunch of people down at the election where it was going on.
They said, no, the ballot showed she lost big time.
We were talking to everybody as we stacked them up and stuck them in the machine.
I saw the same thing.
I saw Pat Buchanan.
I walked around talking to everybody at the main counting area.
Is Pat Buchanan about two-thirds of these?
They're like, yeah, he's about two-thirds.
I went over to the other precinct where they're stacking them, getting them in the machine.
Are you seeing Pat Buchanan?
I wanted to see it.
Pat Buchanan got 2% of the vote that year in the Republican primary in Austin.
Folks, he had two-thirds of the votes.
I saw the fraud.
I was going through every stack, going, well, this just must be a conservative precinct.
Uh, hey, what's going on?
In fact, it was mainly Pat Buchanan people in there.
A bunch of us went down there and did it.
We're like, what are you getting?
Yeah, it's Pat Buchanan.
Look, Pat Buchanan, Pat Buchanan.
Something's going on here.
Yeah, there's something going on.
Because then you'd stick the Scantrons in the machine, and then it would count them up and put them on a computer tape, and Dan and Ed DuBois would walk in, the county cleric, and go, ah, with the computer tape, and go...
I oversee the voting!
What was it Stalin said?
Cast all the votes you want, I count them.
So you're like, well then why are we even running?
We've got to show people this.
We've got to fight.
And from talking to top voting fraud experts like Bev Harris and others, a black box voting there on HBO, when somebody's a landslide, they can't cover it up.
Because it becomes too obvious and it's too dangerous.
So they're going to try to stop him from getting the nomination.
All right, let's go back to your calls.
I've basically given you how they're going to come after Ron Paul there, but I want to do a whole special 10-minute report on it tonight.
I know Watson's got an article that we're working on together coming out in the morning.
Knowing him, I might even come out today.
I mean, I didn't even get into this hit piece story.
And I just can't do justice to it.
I got some other news I want to hit, but right now let's go back to your calls.
I can pontificate, can't I?
Jason in California, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Yes, sir.
Hey, how's it going?
Hey, you know what?
Of course Newt Gingrich is a fraud, man.
You know what's funny?
I've been in sales for about four years now, and you look at the way he answers his questions and the way he responds.
You know what he does?
He hits them.
He doesn't shy away from them.
He goes right, right, he hits them head on.
And he just acts like it's not a big deal.
I mean, you can tell the guy's a complete fake.
Ron Paul should ask him, what advice did you give Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac for the $1.8 million that you got?
That's one thing that Ron Paul didn't do when he was nailing them to the wall.
But a real quick story I want to tell you.
I live out here in California.
And when I found out from you when I was listening to your show, because I download your show on my iPod, that the NDAA bill was passed.
We're good to go.
And I'm sitting there, I'm like, well what are these, you know, what are they going to say to me, you know, is this store full of morons or what?
And like three people looked at me, they're like, hey my dad was talking about that.
And we ensue in this big discussion about what's going on.
And that's how, that's how revolutions began.
Same thing in Romania and other areas.
You just realize, none of us like this.
None of us want to go along with this.
And that's why the state wants to control industry and resources so they can hold back the resources and have the system so dependent on them and on social security and everything that they already stole that people go along with the system just because they don't know what to do without it.
That's why the system always makes you dependent.
Congress has a 9% approval rating, Jason.
The public's awake.
They just don't know how bad it is.
If they knew
I was on a big syndicated show this morning, a couple of them, and I was on ManCow, not just on European radio, and he was like, yeah, what is this about fluoride, the water, and cancer and everything?
And I was like, well, you know they add hundreds of chemicals, including radioactive isotopes, and ManCow knows I don't make stuff up, and so even off air during breaks, he's like, really, send me that.
I can't believe this.
You know, my dad died of cancer early and all this stuff.
He's talked about that on air.
But, I mean, you tell people, hey, you know they put uranium in the water.
And people are like, whoa, and you should take it personal.
I mean, these are killers.
These are sick little cowardly control freaks doing this.
And people are like, oh, that couldn't be true.
Or it's it sounds so big, so unbelievable.
But remember, I've been hammering this for two or three years now, and you just saw earlier this year in Texas news, and then it was in Oklahoma and then Illinois.
I told you it's everywhere.
Hey, uh, state employees just blew the whistle.
They were ordered by the feds to cover it up and headline, Rick Perry helped cover up radiation in Texas water.
And then now they have all these local newscasts where the newscasters, I've played them here, going, why is there like 20 times the radiation we should have off these city pipes?
And then they have the city expert going, it must be coming from the aquifer.
Then they have group study and they go, well no, it's not in the aquifer.
Well, what is it?
It's the fluoride, folks.
It's not just fluoride.
It's radium, uranium, strontium.
They mine it out.
Again, the magnitude.
And of course, people don't know what to do.
I mean, you're like, the government puts stuff that sterilizes us and gives us cancer?
I mean, you see, and neurological disorders?
I mean, I walked up to a Redbox this weekend.
I appreciate your call, God bless you.
We'll go to Jim who disagrees.
I hadn't noticed that or I'd have gone to him earlier.
And I walk up there.
And there's one guy that's got some disorder, looks like he's about 45, some kind of neurological disorder, shaking.
And then he's done, and I'm putting my old movies back, because I'm going to run on the treadmill, and I'm getting a couple more.
You know, the more pop of mindless action, the better.
That's all I can run to.
And this woman walks over really nice.
And, uh, I can tell she's kind of walking a little funny and I go, Oh, I don't want to make you wait.
I'm dumb on this, but she's like, Oh, it's all right.
I like to take real calm and relax, you know, my muscular dystrophy.
I'm looking at her and I'm like, oh yeah, I'm going to tell her don't drink aspartame, look out for this, look out for that, you know they did it to you, you know it's exploding.
I go, no I'm not going to do that.
Then I go in and I'm going to get the dog a dog toy, dogs, and get them some more milk bones.
So I go in there and I'm going to get some more shaving cream and I'm going through the CVS and I'm going over.
And I start looking at the people and I see another guy looks like he's about 55 and he's shaking his hands are shaking and then I go up and I don't know if the guy was on drugs or what but the guy behind the counter was probably only 25 years old and his hands were shaking and I was just like get me out of here man they're killed they're just slowly turning the heat up on everybody.
And I mean, it's just all over the place, folks.
I mean, I go in shopping malls and I look at half the people have got some kind of neurological disorder.
It's just spreading everywhere.
They're putting it in the water.
They're putting it in the food.
And listen, don't believe me.
They're putting radioactive isotopes in the water.
You can go pull it up.
They're like, oh, well, show it to me right now.
I just told you how to look it up, okay?
Cops, don't you get it?
You're pulling me over asking about my window tent, and I'm like, dude, they put uranium in the water.
I told him that, too, and he looked at me like I was crazy.
And then at the end, he goes, well, I'm a listener and like the show, and have a good day.
I'm just giving you a warning for no license plate on the front.
And I'm like, you just went through all that?
They're putting uranium in the water on purpose!
You wanna give me a ticket for my windows?
Get your priorities straight, man!
We're turning in to North Korea!
The Chinese and Japanese government are publicly talking about putting lithium in the water.
Man, I can't handle it anymore.
Jim... Angie...
Christian, everybody, we'll get to everybody.
I'll do an overdrive if I have to.
And I haven't even gotten to the other news.
I got to a lot of it today, but I'll cover it all in the nightly news tonight, 7 o'clock.
And by the way, we've reintroduced, it was so popular, the 15-day free trial for a monthly or a yearly at PrisonPlanet.tv, and we got the year-end special at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Alright, jamming in a bunch of news right now.
Fox News reports EPA ponders expanding regulatory power in name of sustainable development.
Now it's not going to be global warming.
It's just we say what's sustainable.
We control everything.
The U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency wants to change how it analyzes problems and makes decisions.
It makes the decisions in a way that will give it vastly expanded power to regulate businesses, communities, and ecosystems in the name of sustainable development,
The centerpiece of the Global United Nations Conference slated for Rio de Janeiro next June.
That's what Lord Monckton said.
They're going for that.
But the EPA is saying they may just do it before that even happens.
The President launches wars without Congress.
Newt Gingrich says his President, he just started arresting people he didn't agree with.
That's in the news today.
The U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency wants to change how it analyzes problems and makes decisions.
The major focus of the EPA thinking is a weighty study with agency commissioned last year from the Natural
National Academies of Science published in August the study entitled sustainability in the US EPA cost nearly $700,000.
Oh, I guess a panel of experts say of the global warming's real so we've got to give all our money to them and now the panel of experts says that the involvement of a team of dozen outside experts and about half as many national academic staff
It's aim, how to integrate sustainability as one of the key drivers within the regulatory responsibility of the EPA.
The panel who wrote the study declares part of its job to be providing guidance to EPA on how it might implement its existing statutory authority to contribute more fully to a more sustainable development trajectory for the United States.
In other words, how to use existing laws to new ends.
And I'm going to cover more of this tonight.
But very, very creepy.
Now, I said I'd cover this today, and I did cover a lot of it, but Jaren thought to look at the new hit pieces, and this is just what came out today, since I was telling you at the start of the show that they're about to launch the attack now that he's the frontrunner.
I mean, that's a no-brainer.
And how they're going to do it?
Here it is.
Ron Paul, conspiracy nut, Chicago.
Here's News 1, Ron Paul supporter.
Assassinate N-word Obama and monkey children.
I told you they're going to play the right.
They're going to have their operatives or mentally ill people.
It's hard to believe they have operatives, but they've been caught.
So there's that.
I knew that was going to come.
Here's another one.
The Ron Paul double standard.
Another attack.
Here's another one.
Why doesn't the Tea Party love Ron Paul?
And then I have this other one out of the Weekly Standard that says, the company Ron Paul keeps, meet Alex Jones.
And they say, Alex Jones and Ron Paul believe they're going to use the military on the streets of America.
It's completely insane.
And Alex says, elite, secretly meet.
Yeah, it's really crazy.
Of course, they don't mention it at the film they talk about.
I show all the footage of it and the Bilderberg Group's agenda.
And Jones says they want to live forever.
He's really crazy.
I just show all their quotes about how they believe they're going to find life extension technologies and how the general public can't be given it.
I mean, I'm giving you a criminal breakdown, an analysis of these criminals' minds, a report so we know the enemy off their quotes.
And they know that, but they make it sound crazy.
So it's on.
We gotta dig up the articles where the Rand Paul attackers were people dressing up and acting like they were supporters, and you're gonna see all of it.
Oh, well, what do you say about your supporter who says black people are this or that?
I mean, how do you respond to that?
It's like saying, why do you beat your wife, or why'd you kill your wife?
Ron Paul, tell us, do you worship the Aqua Buddha?
Because you kidnap women.
You're not a medical doctor either!
Just totally made up.
So remember, the crooks that run this country are going to come after Ron Paul.
I'm going to do some overdrive and at least get to Angie and Jim.
Jim's first, he disagrees, and then others.
Stay with us and I'll be back tonight, 7 o'clock, PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at Infowars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Oh, by the way, hackers have threatened to disrupt the Iowa caucus, and so the feds are going to have to come in and oversee it all to make sure there's no fraud, because they protect you from the hackers.
Let's go ahead and talk to, um, now the guy that disagreed is gone.
He just disappeared.
I was going to go to him next.
Angie in North Carolina, you're on the air.
Hi Alex, I have two important points I want to make and a quick question.
I'm not sure if you've actually brought it up.
I've heard you talking about torture and whatnot, but I don't think people in general are familiar
With the fact that there are secret provisions to S.
1857, particularly secret torture provisions.
And there was a debate on the House floor.
Lindsey Graham and Joe Lieberman, of course, were cheerleading for keeping these secret torture provisions classified.
They didn't want them unclassified.
No, no, no, you're right.
I should have made a bigger deal out of that.
Ma'am, I mean, it's total military worldwide, declaration of war globally.
And deposit commentators, trips on the streets.
I said secret arrest, torture.
It's all in there.
Yes, yes, ma'am, you're right.
My rhetoric cannot rise to its level of evil.
That's what I'm saying.
People think I exaggerate.
The world is so much more complex and evil, so much more wicked and stinking is the word I would give, like rotten meat than my words can describe.
You know, it's not even that I hate evil now.
It's like, do I want to spend the weekend with a dead horse?
You know, a rotting horse.
I mean, that's what the New World Order is.
It's a disease-filled, stinking, horrible thing.
And I agree with you.
I should have covered that more.
If people want to look at the video on YouTube, it's called S1867, Secret Torture Provisions for Homegrown Terrorists.
Yeah, let me stop you again.
Say that again.
Say that again, because I know about the provision, but not the video.
I'll play it tonight and tomorrow on the air.
What is it?
S what?
Secret torture provisions for homegrown terrorists.
Wow, well I knew it had something.
Lindsey Graham was actually arguing in that video against, uh, people might get confused about what Lindsey Graham is saying.
He's saying, you know, for the first time, uh, we have a bill before us that would exclude Americans from, uh, being included in this.
What he's doing is he's actually arguing against the provision, the, uh, amendment that would have excluded Americans from being involved in this.
He's saying, no, if you are a homegrown terrorist, or their definition of that, which we know they've... No, no, he's incredibly deceptive, and I have seen the clip you're talking about.
Are they specifically talking about the secret torture provision?
Yes, yes.
And you know, Joe Lieberman starts the video off with, I want people to be terrified about what we're going to do to them if we catch them and they're involved in any sort of extremist activity.
No, no, it's all about any sort of extremist activity, which means our political speech.
He said he wants to censor the internet.
Alright, we'll get that.
We'll play it.
You're a real trooper.
Thank you so much.
That's S-1836, secret torture provisions.
For citizens, as you say.
You still there?
Yes, I'm here.
For homegrown terrorists.
I have another important document for you, actually.
Go ahead.
I believe on Wednesday...
We emailed you a document.
I noticed that Drudge didn't necessarily pick up the story about KBR being contracted to man the prison camp, so to speak, or at least they're on 72-hour standby to do so.
We actually have the document that the government issued, the draft statement of work, the solicitation that KBR bid on, to get the contract, where the government, you know, puts out... Okay, real quick, where do you find that?
It's on a website called Fed Biz Ops, FBO.
Do me a favor, email it right now, because we have KBR with the contract, subcontracting, but I'd like to have that federal one.
Will you email that right now to ShowTipsAtInfoWars.com?
Absolutely, and also, interestingly enough, in that document, they also, and I don't think they deny it anymore, but for years they did, they also mentioned Mount Weather for continuity of government, and this contract that they have with KBR is actually a continuity of government program.
I'll tell you what, send it, send it right now, okay?
I'll see you tonight, 7 o'clock, we'll cover all this, this is breaking, we'll be right back, send it right now, we'll come back with retransmission.
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That bears repeating.
Digestive health is the key.