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Name: 20111121_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 21, 2011
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome ladies and gentlemen, welcome and thank you so much for joining us on this Monday edition of the Worldwide Transmission.
We're going to be live here for the next three hours and I am surveying western areas of the United States to see for myself how much global
We're good to go.
As the Dwight Yoakam song says.
In fact, I'm probably 500 miles from nowhere.
And so all we've got is a landline.
That's another reason I'm engaging in this trip.
I plan to travel around the country a lot next year giving speeches and visiting our AM and FM affiliates.
And just unfortunately, we even tried to go up on the mountaintop of the RV and it just would not connect.
So we're here via landline.
We have quite a broadcast lined up for you today, to say the very least.
And we're going to be breaking all that down here in just a moment and just the unbelievable quickening of what's happening.
We have Gerald Cilente joining us with an update on what's happening.
We're good to go.
Now saying they don't know where it is, and I guess the federal government, because most of the regulators, including the head of the CFTC, were invested with Mr. Corzine.
Of course, they all got the warning to get out early, like the Koch brothers.
So this is a new level of where they just take the money out of your segregated personal account.
I've done some research.
Those are supposedly guaranteed as well through another system.
But now they're saying, no, this is the new way things work.
We're taking your money.
So Gerald Cilente is going to be joining us.
Jesse Ventura, you've got to get him while he's hot, because he's about to go back to Mexico, at least for a few months.
He's going to be joining us.
We'll talk more about, will he run for president?
I've now talked to Libertarian Party people.
They certainly would like to entertain that.
We also have Max Kaiser joining us about the importance of the MF Global fiasco.
And InfoWars Nightly co-host, Nightly News co-host Aaron Dykes will also be in Austin, Texas riding shotgun with us as backup in case I have any technical difficulties.
I'll also be adding quite a bit of his expert analysis
We're good to go.
That's right, the Obama deception.
Continuing, Egypt's brutal military junta is supported by Obama administration.
Remember CIA Anderson Cooper?
Oh, it's so gracious, the democracy in Egypt, as they kicked out the old dictator who wasn't brutal enough, and now just machine gun people en masse and beat their heads in.
Again, the Egyptian military is saying, look at the police in America.
They shoot and kill people.
So now America is an example of evil, not an example of good.
Continuing, if there's a run on the banks, know who to blame by Paul Joseph Watson.
I asked Paul to write that article last night because...
I discovered Forbes did a big article on us a few days ago with the headline, talk show host and guest, talk show host Alex Jones and guest call for run on banks.
What we said is the globalists are going to pick people off one by one and steal your bank accounts outright.
Also put all these crazy fines and fees on it.
And so what MF Global and others are doing is going to destroy confidence.
That's already happening with people getting their money out of the big mega banks.
We'll be right back after the break.
It is an incredibly jam-packed transmission.
I'm Alex Jones, PrisonPlanet.TV.
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A very wealthy U.S.
citizen is predicting that in 2011, we will witness the most important day in America in more than 50 years.
He says it will change everything about our lives.
The way you shop, travel, invest, educate your children, and even how you take care of your health and your own family.
Now, this man has made some outrageous predictions over the years.
The crazy part is, he's usually right.
You see, he predicted the collapse of GM, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and America's biggest mall owner, General Growth Properties.
In fact, Barron's called his work a dire prophecy.
Recently, he created a video, which you can watch online for free, detailing his biggest and most important prediction yet.
And it's a real eye-opener.
I can't stress this enough.
You should at least watch this free video online today.
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That's endofamerica3.com.
Watch the free video at www.endofamerica3.com.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, my friends.
Welcome, folks listening all across the world on XM Satellite Global Shortwave W.
Okay, we have some kind of technical issue.
Alex is going to be back in just a moment, but of course the news is loaded and chief among them is this so-called assassination plot where the accused assassin has been linked to none other than Alex Jones' Obama deception.
They've got the guy who allegedly sold him the gun, quoting that he knows he
Watched The Obama Deception, produced and written by Alex Jones.
He doesn't recall, however, if Mr. Ortega ever talked of taking violent action, but he does recall the political film he watched online.
So that's a very interesting tie-in, as they've repeatedly tried to demonize this broadcast and other alternative news.
And furthermore, you see a resurgence of this talking point where now you're supposed to watch what you say.
You have to be careful who and how you criticize.
You've got the Christian Post reporting, quoted here in Kurt Nemo's article, that conservatives and faith leaders warn Christians to be more careful of how they criticize political opponents after court documents revealed that the suspect in the White House shooting Oscar Romero Ortega Hernandez
Believe President Obama to be the Antichrist.
So just like in the Tucson shooting and other incidents, you see an attempt to blame the rhetoric in media for actual attempted violent action or in the case of Tucson, actual violent action.
We have Alex back on the line.
We're good to go.
...researchers in a yellow ribbon, but we are here basically tracking globalist activities.
I left the Grand Canyon yesterday.
I'll have reports on that for people coming up in the third hour today.
Again, I join you by phone, not by our crystal clear...
Skype, audio and video because I'm back in the 1940s here in beautiful Monument Valley and we've just got incredible video from inside the Grand Canyon.
The UN signs a local
I don't
We're good to go.
That's all part
We're good to go.
New York Times, just like with Poplowski, the guy that shot three cops.
And within two hours, the Southern Poverty Law Center connected writer, who later had to retract, five of her publications had to retract, had said that he shot the cops because of me.
When they actually released his full searching record, and what he was visiting, it was hundreds of sites, including Fox News, CNN, and it turned out Richard Poplosky hated Alex Jones, hated Infowars.com, and posted on all the big white supremacist sites, posted on our site attacking us,
And the system knew it and didn't care within two hours.
The cops weren't even cold yet.
They blamed us when he was drunk with pit bulls.
His mother, he was a mama's boy, he got threw out of the Marine Corps.
She said, you're not going to have a second dog.
They're crapping all over the floor, excuse my French.
And he threw a fit.
She said, I'm calling the police to throw
We're good to go.
Turned out the guy was attacking me, he was a big liberal, and then fried his brain on a bunch of drugs, and was connected to psychiatrists, as usual.
Now, it turns out, this guy, they're saying, watch the Obama deception, and so that's the one reason he must have done this, when I explained the first ten minutes of it, that Obama is built up to be destroyed, so that he'll take the political blame for the globalist agenda, just like the next Republican they put in, might not even be a bad person, individual,
We're good.
They delivered a gag order to us, would not say why they were there, but kept asking about the Obama deception in the days after they would call up and ask my employees questions about it.
And then, of course, I had a gag order.
All I could say is the FBI came here.
And then, of course, it later came out in the news that they had indeed been to our office.
Folks thought that was some stunt.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're on almost 100 AM and FM affiliates.
We're on XM, Global Shortwave.
We have 3 million listeners a day.
We don't need to pull stunts, okay?
We have the New York Times and all these other giant publications attacking us all
We're good to go.
So they can have the pretext to come after us.
They've got the internet kill switch bill they're pushing.
They've got all this other legislation coming out.
They've got this legislation where under copyright there's no due process.
They can shut down any website.
It's on.
Why is Infowars.com being attacked?
Why is the Obama deception being attacked?
Why is Alex Jones being attacked?
Because we hit the bullseye.
We're good to go.
And we're not backing down.
We're going head-on into this black hole of the New World Order.
We're going in, through, and beyond.
And nothing is going to stop us at the end of the day.
It doesn't matter what happens to Alex Jones.
It doesn't matter what happens to InfoWars.com.
That's the reason we're so attacked by the COINTELPRO and the disinfo ops.
From below, we're attacked.
From above, we're attacked by establishment media.
You name it.
We are under total bombardment because we are on target.
We are over the enemy targets.
Just like the whole World War II thing.
How do you know when you're over the target?
It's because you see the black smoke trying to block everything out.
You get into that fog of war and here comes the strafing.
Here comes the anti-aircraft chaff.
Here comes the exploding shells putting all the metal into the air to fly through your engines and blow you out.
We are under globalist attack big time because we are actually having a giant effect.
We had Forbes magazine
Just two days ago come out and say, talk show host Alex Jones and guest call for run on banks.
What we said is it's going to cause a run on banks as these global mega banks and brokerage firms start stealing people's sequestered accounts.
But that's how they're trying to spin it.
New York Times, Forbes, just the attacks continue.
Uh, Nightline just pounding and attacking savagely because they don't know how to deal with us.
They'd love to kill me in a New York minute, but they know it'll turn us into a martyr.
They know that I've studied history.
They know that I'm committed and don't care, and they understand that, and they don't know how to deal with it, so they're trying to assassinate our character.
So I hope you all realize what we're facing here.
I want to give you some of the news and throw it to Aaron.
New York Times tries to blame political film for a White House shooting.
Egypt's brutal military, Junta, is supported by Obama administration.
I don't know.
Curling up in a ball to avoid police violence may be considered active resistance.
There's videos coming out of people curled up in balls being billy clubbed and rubber bulleted and pepper sprayed and the police are saying this is the new freedom.
You are resisting us when you curl up in a ball.
You must
Stick your chin out and say, please break my jaw.
Again, this is just a total wickedness that's coming into America as the banks prepare to suck everything absolutely dry.
Joining us today in about 40 minutes, Jesse Ventura with breaking news and information.
Coming up in about 12 minutes, we've got Gerald Cilenti on the latest on MF Global saying we're not going to tell you where the $700 to $1 billion in customer money went.
That's all coming up.
And Max Keiser on MF Global and how
How big this is, and the fact that the media admits that's what's hammering markets right now.
It is Monday, November 21st, 2011.
This is the Info War, and I am wound up.
Aaron Dykes, take a stop to break.
Tell us what else is coming up.
We are going to go to break, and something I want to get into later is that angle that Egyptian military justifies murder of protesters by pointing to American cops, and they routinely use the way they handle civilians to justify things that happen overseas, often by
Military and other units trained in America, but more on this alleged attempted assassination attempt when Obama wasn't even in the country, is the fact that he's been politically desperate for a long time now and the Democratic establishment is scrambling to either justify a resurgence of Obama's political popularity through some kind of pretext or false flag attack or to rebrand another Democrat, Hillary, one possible name floated.
Weekly, weekly, constantly report on how he has politically dropped so bad in the polls that they are desperate to figure out what to do.
So we'll see which way that goes.
We'll be back, as Alex said, with Gerald Cilente, Jesse Ventura, and more.
Max Keiser coming up.
Stay tuned.
Tonight, the InfoWars Nightly News.
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Hello, I'm Alex Jones.
Myself, my family, the InfoWars.com team want to relay to you and your families that we are intensifying our efforts against the globalists on every front.
InfoWars.com is leading the fight against the terrorists.
I don't know.
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Getting connected and about to go live and then getting knocked off and wanting to get back in the ring here.
It's also very, very exciting in a horrifying way to see Forbes and the New York Times coming out and attacking myself by name.
The Forbes article, in a way, is almost positive.
I don't know if it's a hit piece or not, because we're called conspiracy terrorists and things, but it does admit that we've been right about gold going up in price, and it does admit that MF Global has disappeared all this money, and so people have a right to be upset, but it uses all the standard clichés.
The headline is not right, though.
We're saying you can't trust the banks, so that's going to elicit the bank run.
That's what always causes the bank run.
You already see people in the last few months pulling their money.
Out of the big six mega banks.
And you now see I'm arresting people that come in and try to get their money out.
When I first heard that a month ago, I thought, this can't be true.
And then I watched YouTube, after YouTube, after YouTube.
Where the people would go in, and the cops were waiting, and they would, like, say, you're upset today.
Why are you so upset, ma'am?
They'd be like, I'm not upset.
Give me my money.
They'd be like, you've got to wait.
No, you give it to me now.
That's a disorderly conduct.
You're out of here.
So many of these poor people that work for the system really think that they're going to hold the system up by engaging in all this tyrannical activity.
The truth is they're going to allow the globalists to end this free republic as it's been known.
Traveling across the West, and I've been out here many times, I've never seen
We're good to go.
Burger King that was right next to the border with Southern Utah and Arizona, which it was just on the Arizona side before you cross over into the Monument Valley, Utah area.
And I got on video nine stray dogs, but by the time we got back on the RV and left, there was about 15 with more showing up.
Just large stray dogs fighting over scraps of food and following people into the
Burger King growling at them, demanding that they give them something to eat.
I mean, it was very, very dystopic.
I've never seen anything like this.
I've been out in the West a lot.
I've never seen the Indian reservations looking more rundown and disheveled.
I've never seen the people looking more dejected and freaked out.
I've never seen more police, more forest
I don't know.
Uh, tomorrow evening.
And so, I want to challenge everybody out there, uh, to be watching Tuesday night at InfoWars.com and Wednesday with the Nightly News.
We've got, uh, Mike Adams, uh, who's going to be hosting the Nightly News tonight.
It's Aaron Dykes tomorrow.
And I really appreciate the great job they're doing.
Rob Duda did a great job.
It's so good to see other informed people who can, in some cases, do a better job than I'm doing.
God bless them.
Plus, that means more targets.
I don't like being the only B-17 up here dropping bombs on the New World Order.
Aaron, you started getting into the incredible statements by the military regime installed by the globalists, the same folks who have taken our country over through COG, now just machine-gunning men, women, children, arresting anybody that doesn't wear a burka, Sharia law, boy, and putting Al-Qaeda in Libya, and then the new forces say, hey, we're doing what America does.
Incredible, Aaron.
Well, yeah, you've got the tale of two cities going on, because if you're Syria or some other country they want to run over, then every injustice is totally an outrage.
But if you're a U.S.
client state, like Egypt, in the middle of internal civil war, every injustice is just justified because it's just like America.
And the quote here is, we saw the firm stance U.S.
took against Occupy Wall Street people and the German government against green protesters to secure the state, said an Egyptian state television anchor yesterday, and thus the implied justification for what I think now amounts to at least 35 murders just from these recent clashes, all because the military will not give up power in Egypt and they're saying elections would be in 2013 or after?
Amazing, and notice how Anderson Cooper and others endorsed this as the ultimate in democracy six months ago, eight months ago, and now they're not even criticizing the mass murder and slaughter because it's purely a globalist system.
Again, every country being taken over by this corporatist Borg, and where all liberties are thrown out the window.
We'll be right back with Gerald Cilente, Aaron Dykes, Jesse Ventura, Max Keiser, and more.
Don't forget, InfoWorks Nightly News tonight, 7 o'clock Central.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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A very wealthy US citizen is predicting that in 2011, we will witness the most important day in America in more than 50 years.
He says it will change everything about our lives.
The way you shop, travel, invest, educate your children, and even how you take care of your health and your own family.
Now this man has made some outrageous predictions over the years.
The crazy part is, he's usually right.
You see, he predicted the collapse of GM, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and America's biggest mall owner, General Growth Properties.
In fact, Barron's called his work a dire prophecy.
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And it's a real eye-opener.
I can't stress this enough.
You should at least watch this free video online today.
He explains everything you need to know, including simple steps you can take to protect yourself.
You can find the video at www.EndOfAmerica3.com.
That's End of America, the number 3.com.
Watch the free video at www.EndOfAmerica3.com.
That's EndOfAmerica3.com.
Is it getting better?
Or do you feel the same?
Will it make it easier on you now?
Unless you've got someone to blame.
You've got someone to blame?
Yeah, if you go to m4wars.com, you can see Forbes blaming Gerald Cilente and I for possible runs on banks and the stock market going down.
Headline, talk show host Alex Jones and guest call for run on banks.
Forbes, they've got someone to blame.
It's not MF Global's fault.
And then there's another little headline from the New York Times, blaming my film, The Obama Deception, watched more than 35 million times for free online, because we want to defeat the globalists.
We make powerful films and put them out for free.
And they're now saying the guy that shot the White House
I did it because of the Obama deception.
Really, a film that calls for non-violence, a film that points out Obama is a puppet three years ago and would betray everything he said he would do.
No, they're blaming the Tucson shooting, they're blaming Popovsky, the cop killer, they're blaming this latest thing on the Obama deception.
We've proven
Over and over again, because they're scared to death of it.
They're scared to death of our analysis.
Like the three-year-old saying the emperor's not wearing any clothes, and everybody finally points out the obvious.
I know rocket scientists.
I know tyranny when it's coming down the road a million miles an hour at me.
Now, I want to get Gerald Salente's update on this, because as soon as he started blowing the whistle, that caused the dam to break.
It was the straw that broke the camel's proverbial back.
It turned out for almost two weeks, going back to early last week, they had known that massive amounts of money were missing from MF Global, that a lot of other solvent firms, like the one that Gerald Cilente had a multi-decade long account with.
By the way, I've now done research, and we have the head of MF Global and others, including federal regulators, at the
We're good to go.
Now that was earlier this morning.
Now the trustees come out and said, oops, it's more than 1.2 billion.
That's the AP headline.
And I see another one here saying it might be as high as 2 plus billion of the 6 billion that went into bankruptcy with the former
Globalist Goldman Sachs alumni, New Jersey mayor with the head of the CFTC, invested in and involved with Corzine, recusing himself a week and a half ago, according to Reuters and Forbes.
Alex Jones of Infowars.com.
It's our fault.
Aaron Dykes is riding shotgun in the studio.
He'll be popping in.
We've got Gerald till 5 after and then he's leaving and then Governor Jesse Ventura is joining us, then Max Keiser.
Going to Gerald Cilente.
Gerald, it's now above 1.2 billion and they're telling, now they're talking about more than 50,000 customers.
It was 33,000.
You're not going to get
We're good to go.
Yeah, I get a kick out of these people that say, I should have been smarter.
Yeah, I should have been smarter.
It's like walking down the street and somebody blowing your brains out from behind.
You know, if Jesse James did this, it would be robbery.
But when John Corzine does it, oh, it was just a mistake.
How come this guy isn't being even brought in for questioning?
I just heard Senator Roberts over there saying that it looks like illegal behavior is behind this.
How come he isn't being brought up?
Where's the perp walk?
As I said before, the press is really easy to judge people.
Pre-judge them in the media.
You don't even hear CauseLine's name come up anymore.
We sent out that press release, Alex, that you have about CME Group, where they said that they guarantee
The funds.
And then nobody's ever lost a penny.
It went out to over 45,000 people in the media.
None of the major prostitutes will touch it.
And then I got this letter from this guy, this little worm of a man.
I use the word man loosely.
His name happens to be Jeffrey M. Christensen, Christian.
Not to confuse him with Jeffrey Zero, Christian.
And here's what he says about me, in talking to people like you.
That I'm ignorant, I'm stupid, and I'm delusional.
And self-delusional.
And that Corzine has not done a perp walk because he has not been alleged to have done anything illegal, only incredibly stupid.
Hey, Worm Christian, if you listen, you're incredibly stupid.
And if you want to talk to me like that face-to-face, come on over and let's have a visit.
Because here's the fact, you little worm.
Corzine it is allegedly has done something that is more than just incredibly stupid.
He has broken the cardinal rule.
You don't go into a customer's private account to go do the firm's gambling.
You get it?
It's as simple as that.
This is robbery, and no one is calling him out.
Maybe Cosine has, you know, he just held a $35,000 a plate dinner for Obama, a fundraiser.
Maybe he's not showing up because he's preparing a Thanksgiving dinner for us.
You know, so we'll all get a little more turkey to eat.
This little, this little twerp going on and on and on.
And here, you'll love this one, Alex.
This is a beauty.
When anyone stops talking about the trilateral... When a man like him, meaning me, calls others sheeple and speaks of the trilateral commission and the Bilderberg Group,
I know I can stop listening.
Oh, by the way, this little weenie worm guy, Christian, the CPM group, they said gold wasn't going to go up this year.
Yeah, that's right.
He's so brilliant.
No trilateral commission.
No Bilderberg.
Hey, jerk.
Even go on Wikipedia, look up the names that I was talking about.
Draghi, the new head of the European Central Bank.
Mario Three-Card Monty, the new head over there in Italy.
Papademos, over there in Greece.
All members of the Trilateral Commission.
Juan Draghi is a chief cat with the Bilderberg.
It's right there.
This is a conspiracy.
This is guys like him that are probably CIA agents.
Hold on, let me stop you right there because this is important.
Here is CNN.
More than $1.2 billion in customer funds might be missing from bankrupt broker MF Global.
Now, this is going on three weeks now.
Nearly twice previous estimates of the shortfall, the trustee administering the firm's bankruptcy said Monday.
And that's who they're saying has the accounts.
I think so.
These finance ministers, all of these prime ministers, presidents, they're all financed or are actual Goldman Sachs operatives.
Even Time Magazine last week said it's a global coup, a coup in Europe by Goldman Sachs, government by banksters, for banksters.
But again, now here we are three weeks later, going back a week and a half ago, even when we showed these on air, even Reuters and Forbes and others had CFTC
We're good to go.
They won't deliver people's money when we're talking about a 800 trillion dollar group in the press release by the CME group that you just mentioned.
Of course they've got to turn it around and have Forbes come out and imply we're the bad guys.
Folks, no one's bank account is safe.
They've already stolen most of your pension funds.
They've already invested those in derivatives.
Your 401Ks, it's all admitted.
Your Social Security, it was spent decades ago.
And here everything is falling apart.
We've been in a depression for years.
They keep lying to us.
But going back, Gerald, because I don't want to spend too much time on this guy.
Who is this person you're quoting that was making those asinine statements?
Because over, some years it's 60, some years it's over 70 of the 125 people, 130 or so, that are at Bilderberg are Goldman Sachs.
I mean, no one denies now, from the Financial Times of London to Time Magazine, that it's a global government of, for, and by the banksters.
So, I don't want to spend all day on this guy because he's not worth the time.
Is this some analyst that attacked you?
Who is this person?
This guy's the head of the CPM group.
They're a trading group.
What I'm trying to say, Alex, is they're going to start barraging us with negative news to try to discredit us.
When in the meantime, Corzine, where's Corzine?
Where is this guy?
He's not even... Look, where, where... As I said, you know, when Dominique Strauss-Kahn was accused of allegedly false, you know, uh, of having sex with a maid, boy, the press jumped on that one all over the place, gave him a purple one.
That's how you know it was staged.
Yeah, and now where is Corzine?
How come he's not showing up?
So the reason I'm bringing this up, when you mention about Forbes, try this one on everybody.
Go to Forbes, 2009.
They made fun of me then.
One of my assistants at the time cashed out her 401k and bought gold at $700 an ounce.
They said she was overreacting!
Gold is at $1,700 an ounce now.
What an overreaction!
And not even a retraction.
They're going to do everything they can do now to try to discredit us because the whole system is going down and they misquoted me in there.
It's not really a correction.
You may not have read the Forbes article.
He actually admits that you were right about that.
And so they must be listening and said, well, it's a weird article.
I mean, they're kind of framing us for any problems that may come, but then they also admit that you've been right and that I've been right.
So you might want to go see that article.
I know you've made a point out of that, but they say that she did it at 900 and that it basically doubled.
But Alex, I want to follow up on this because it's very important.
They misquoted me and I'm saying this and the reason I'm going so public with this is that the entire global financial system is melting down.
What's the stocks doing over in Europe?
What are they doing in the United States?
They can't solve these problems.
I said
If your money's with Schwab, if it's with Raymond James, I don't care who it's with, Smith Barney, if this thing collapses, you're gonna get shafted.
Or they're gonna tell you that you have insurance.
Just like the CME said that ours was guaranteed.
Yeah, it'll be guaranteed and you know when you'll get it?
I guarantee you'll get it after you're dead.
Because that's how long it's gonna take.
And if you get your money before then, it's gonna be devalued into nothing.
I don't know.
And this is about physical delivery, as Max Keiser predicted.
They could not deliver the gold to people that had won it in the open market.
And so they simply defaulted.
And instead of even paying you in cash, they just said, you know what?
That's the way it is.
And then now, it's kind of creepy to have the biggest derivative kingpins.
I've forgotten who that guy is actually attacking you.
And to have Forbes coming after us.
We must have really
Alex, the CME group, that group over there where that guy Duffy says that they guarantee everything?
They've lost over 2.5 billion dollars in equity share since this thing happens.
I'd like to see it go down to zero.
Maybe it's the Chicago Mafia Enterprise.
Where is the money, Duffy, that you said you were going to guarantee?
How come the prostitutes aren't calling them out on this?
And I'll tell you why.
Because maybe they don't have the money.
Here's a scenario.
I'm going to give you a scoop.
We're saving this for the top trends of 2011, but I'm letting you know this because of all the listeners there that are faithful to your show and want to know what's going to happen before it happens.
You go back, Alex, to when Obama was elected.
I said, prepare for a bank holiday.
What happened is I'm doing research in the Corzine thing, there it pops up with Joe Biden.
You remember he was head of the, he was senator from that state of, the loophole state over there in Delaware, that gives all these corporations a free ride before he became vice president?
He's out there campaigning for Corzine in his aborted effort to get re-elected as governor.
And Big Joe puts his arm around Corzine and he said, Biden said, you know, it was talk about a bank holiday when we came into office.
They were discussing it!
And we brought in Joe to advise us.
I'm saying this because the entire system is collapsing.
I believe they're going to keep propping it up.
Until after Christmas, so they can sucker everybody in to spending money that they don't have, and buying a lot of Christmas crap that they don't need.
And after that scam is over, BAM!
It's gonna come down.
Because the entire global financial system is collapsing, and if anybody with anything between their heads
Think that Sarkozy, Merkel, Draghi, Papademos are going to solve this problem along with the super committee!
I love it!
The super committee!
A house of fools are going to solve this problem.
You're going to get what you deserve.
All right, stand there, Gerald.
Gerald, we'll be right back.
Incredible information.
Gerald Cilente, Aaron Dykes, Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura, Max Keiser.
It's all coming up.
Stay with us.
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Way up north to Alaska Way up north to Alaska North to Alaska Go north for us, you saw
Here's a new headline from the street.
Super Committee failure won't hit U.S.
rating agency.
Won't lower rating again.
Remember you heard Geithner six months before they lowered it from AAA plus to AAA.
He said there's no way that would happen.
And of course it did happen.
It just goes on and on.
So this is becoming a huge issue.
And imagine the magnitude of this, where you've got people's own private accounts and they just take them.
And now we learn it's 1.2 billion.
And remember, all these megabanks and brokerage firms have gotten tens of trillions of our taxpayer money, and now they want more, more, more.
At five after, Jesse Ventura is joining us.
We're about to go back to Gerald Solente and get any comments from Aaron Dykes, who's riding shotgun.
But I just also want to point out that Gerald's right.
It's time to support alternative media, which is growing and being attacked, obviously.
It's time to subscribe at TrendsResearch.com.
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PrisonPlanet.tv to also see the nightly news.
We've got hosting the nightly news tonight, the health ranger Mike Adams.
He's going to be breaking down some incredible info on the super committee.
Now he's going to control legislation on the farm bill.
Don't need bills originate with individual House members.
We have a 12-member committee with a 13th leader.
Now, General, this is a short segment.
One more coming up.
Looking at this, I mean, it's asinine, the mind job, the con job they do trying to spin it around against us.
Obviously that's not going to work, so...
As you said, this is obviously much bigger than what they were first saying.
Where does it go?
How does he get away with this?
You know, they're taking his name out of the news instead of just doing a rehabilitation job because obviously that didn't work.
But when all these heads of federal agencies that protected Madoff for 11 years are caught in bed with Corzine, I mean, I guess at a certain point it's just total criminal takeover.
What do you do?
Well, again, what we're warning is the high probability that there's going to be some type of economic martial law.
And just like I couldn't get my money, this has nothing to do with Corzine.
He's just one of the Wall Street, the Goldman Sachs gang.
And the Goldman Sachs gang, as I said on your show, you know, the Rothschilds would be envious.
To see what the Goldman Sachs reach is.
So what I'm saying is there's going to be some level of martial law.
I'm not economic martial law.
I'm not telling anybody what to do.
I always make this clear.
Think for yourself.
But for me, I'm not having any money where anybody can get their hands on it.
Gold, silver, dollars, I don't care what they are.
And the other thing too Alex, all of those police out there that are beating up and pepper spraying the people, guess what guys?
Now hear this!
You're gonna lose your pensions!
That's right!
You know that retirement that you're looking for?
You're not gonna get it!
Because the whole thing's going down!
And it's not only MF Global, it was Lehman, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, you name it.
One after another that needed to get bailed out or went under.
And your money's gonna go too!
So you're beating up the wrong people!
All you guys that are protecting the Wall Street mob, you should be protecting your family, your friends, and yourself!
Because you're gonna get it, boy!
That baton you're beating people with, you better not bend over, because the White Shoe Boys are ready to stick it to you, cops!
They're gonna make mincemeat out of you!
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM radio network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hi, Jesse Ventura scheduled to be with us with a lot of breaking news and information coming up in the next segment.
Gerald, you were on fire there.
You know what's incredible is they've hired a lot of sociopaths now, and I see the police now have an article at InfoWars.com, Gerald, saying that they're now charging people resisting arrest, that if they start beating you with a billy club, you do not cover your face.
And they're charging people who are in fetal positions now.
That's resisting.
So, I mean, it's like they're trying to put people in life in prison for videotaping cops in public in Illinois.
We have a criminal government, and now the bankers that own it are going to steal everybody's bank accounts.
And even though the cops are going to lose everything, I predict, just because of the uniform and the power trip, a lot of them are going to go ahead and enjoy it and thank their masters.
The good ones are just going to get out, which is part of the plan, so it's a pure army of evil.
I mean, I don't see how, if they put criminals in every position where they can just publicly do all of this, the sky is the limit.
I mean, this is so incredible.
It's so clear, Gerald, that Homeland Security has been set up so the banksters can carry out this orderly gang rape.
You know, Alex, remember the one thing.
People don't like to get it in the pocketbook.
It becomes a gut issue.
An empty gut issue.
Everyone out there.
That's listening.
If you know a cop, let them know that they're not going to be getting their pensions if things continue the way they are.
And the people that are protesting are the ones that are going to save their pensions.
So just let them know.
The other thing, too, of course, I've been getting warnings, watch for the 3 or 4 a.m.
raid, because they're out to get to take me out.
And then finally, what I really want to make a point on this, Alex, and drive it home, this release we sent out, those CME Group guarantees, there are no guarantees.
Again, it's not the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.
It appears from what they've written here that the correct
Abbreviation for CME is the Chicago Mafia Enterprise.
Because here's what Duffy, the vice chairman of that company says, I want to make this 100% clear to everyone so you know how you're going to get shafted when it hits you.
Quote, no customer has ever lost a penny as a result of a clearing member default.
More than a penny's been lost.
Number one.
Number two, quote, since we are the guarantor of every transaction that happens in our markets, we have to guarantee the performance of each and every one of these contracts.
To do this, we hold more than a hundred billion of collateral to support the transactions that are being done on our markets.
Where's the money?
Where's the guarantee?
I say, either Duffy, put it up, or you don't have it.
Oh, and you cops out there, that are beating up people for resisting arrest?
How about going after Kauzai?
Well, they're bought and paid for.
Let me throw this in in closing, and obviously we'll get an update from you, General, tomorrow.
If you can do it, you've been very gracious with your time.
I want to expand on this.
You're not going to commit suicide.
I'm not going to commit suicide.
They could send SWAT teams in and say you resisted.
So, are you getting threats or are you getting warnings or both?
What's happening?
Mostly warnings.
Mostly warnings.
Watch for the 3 a.m.
raid, because that's when they like to do it.
When you're deep in sleep and your equilibrium is off.
Yeah, there's no suicide in this guy's life.
No, no.
They're gonna come after us, Alex.
The white shoe boys don't like, the money junkies don't like anybody messing with their, to take their fix away from them.
So, things are going to get worse before they get better.
And as I said, everyone out there, you know a cop, let them know they're gonna get that baton where they're not gonna like it.
Alright, Gerald Solente, TrendsResearch.com, thank you.
Jesse Ventura, straight ahead, stay with us.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Just with you, ladies and gentlemen, it's pretty creepy to have the New York Times saying my film, The Obama Deception, is responsible for the guy that shot the White House, when all I do is point out that Obama's a puppet and the two-party system's become a fraud.
Or that Forbes has come out and blamed myself and Gerald Salente, saying we're going to cause runs on banks, when mega-brokerage firms are taking people's private accounts, and CNN admits it's destroying confidence.
It's still somehow our fault.
It is so creepy.
I'm going to get Governor Ventura's take on that a lot more.
He joins us to give us the latest on his fight.
Really, it's all of our fight.
For due process, for the 10th Amendment, for the 4th Amendment.
With the TSA now expanding out, they have announced, and I did confirm, we got a tip last week, they are going to be in Mall of America starting next February.
And you'll see this announced in the news probably in January.
But I have talked to insiders of Mall of America, TSA has put out press releases, video press releases, showing them in malls.
And at football games, NFL football games with the Buccaneers.
Those articles are all posted with the videos at InfoWars.com, but I'll give Governor Ventura's take on that.
He lives up there, so I wonder, he can't go to the mall now.
They're also putting in Jumbotron telescreen saying don't trust anybody but big sis.
So we've got that happening.
We're going to get Governor Ventura's take on the protest not just here but overseas.
Egyptian military justifies murder of protesters by pointing to American cops.
That's an actual headline.
Here's another one that breaks it down.
Curling up in a ball to avoid police violence may be considered active resistance.
They've got a police commander here on tape who defended police that beat people in field positions in the head with batons and sprayed them with pepper spray as saying that is resistance to curl up.
If you raise an arm to block when they billy club you, that is resistance.
I mean, this is so comical now.
It's like
Oh, what's that case we saw?
Life in prison for filming police in Illinois.
Now, I got thrown out of court, but the point is they keep trying it.
Governor Jesse Ventura, best-selling author, obviously, hit TV show Conspiracy Theory.
New season almost complete, being shot coming up next year.
Jesse, what is it like for you, Governor, to... I mean, I feel like I've woken up in the Twilight Zone.
What do you think, Mr. Alex?
Where when there is a whistleblower, when they attack a whistleblower, well, if there was nothing, if there was no information to give, there wouldn't be whistleblowers.
If there wasn't bad things going on, there wouldn't be whistleblowers.
So, you know, just buckle up on that.
That's the old standard ploy.
Kill the messenger, not the message.
And how they can possibly blame you and people like you who simply, you know, put out information.
Hey, if your information's untrue, well then it'll be untrue and it'll come out through the wash being untrue.
But if it is true, then how can, you know, I wouldn't worry about it.
No, I agree, Governor, but it's just like the national media turned it around against you when you stood up
For our 10th and 4th Amendment, when you did what you did, they pretty much unanimously attacked you because they know over 90% of people agree with you.
They're scared.
Even if they make us respond, they now get us off the offensive and exposing them.
I agree.
It's just still totally creepy and weird that, you know, headlined Forbes Magazine.
Talk show host Alex Jones and guest call for bank runs.
No, we pointed out that they've taken now over a billion two hundred million dollars of people's private accounts at MF Global with the former New Jersey Governor Corzine running it and Goldman Sachs and all them involved.
And then you come out and talk about it and say, boy, I guess your money's not safe in the bank.
And then they turn it around.
It just shows they have nothing but contempt for the public.
And I agree with you, Governor.
I think people are starting to wake up.
I think people are really starting to see through it because the baloney has gotten so thick.
I don't know.
I'd like to hope so.
But, you know, I'm doing a lot of interviews again dealing with my court case.
And I'm still getting a lot of resistance of people with this attitude.
Well, we haven't been attacked now in 10 years, so it's a good thing what they're doing at airports.
It's a good thing that we're frisking down 95-year-old women and taking their depends.
It's a good thing when we're grabbing in the crotches of little children, because after all,
It's keeping us all safe and we haven't been attacked again.
And, I mean, these are the people, I don't know if it's the fluoride in the water or what has done it to them, but, you know, they're doing exactly what Ben Franklin warned when Ben Franklin, you know, warned us that those that will give up their liberty for security shall deserve and have neither because
You know, you're not going to be free and be made safe.
People need to understand that that was the great thing about our country, was this Bill of Rights and Constitution that allow you to come here and not be oppressed by government.
Yes, it makes you dependent upon yourself.
You have to have self-reliance to achieve.
But that's good.
And for our country to lose that, well then we're nothing special anymore.
And we're losing it because we're allowing judges and we're allowing the judicial system and our elected system and our executive branch
To literally trample and destroy the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
And these candidates that you have out there, you know, that claim they're constitutional and this and that, well, on the Republican side, in my opinion, half of them are delusional because they're sitting here telling us God told them to run.
And anybody that makes that statement to me, I look at them like they're insane.
Because they obviously, you know, have voices in their heads.
You know, a lot like one of my conspiracies I'm looking into this year is the fact that, are they doing that to people?
Are they putting, you know, sounds and words and thoughts into people's minds?
That's one of our conspiracies.
Well, maybe the answer is true.
Maybe they're doing it to half of the Republican candidates.
They do have systems, as I know you're going to cover on the show, since the 50s, in Japan they have cug machines that, you know, soft drink machines that actually broadcast directly to the inner ear, and it turns out governments have used those in tests to try to drive people crazy.
But the public's in a trance, and some of them that have woken up feel powerless.
So they go ahead and say, who cares?
In fact, I'll briefly tell you a story.
I was at the Grand Canyon yesterday.
And 14 years ago I've been there and shown how our land had been signed over to the UN as collateral to the big banks.
Just like they've done in Greece and places.
So I went back to the Visitor's Center to show the plaque.
They've torn down the old Visitor's Center, built a giant sprawling complex, but there's the plaque still.
And I start shooting a video, one minute in, a guy walks up with a blues
We're good to go.
Oh, this guy needs to shut up, you know.
I want to take a photo of this.
And he steps in front of me because he didn't like hearing me talk about the UN and the global banks.
He didn't want to believe that America was in trouble.
He saw me as unpatriotic for wanting to defend my country.
He thinks patriotism is just being a minority figure.
What'd you say, Gus?
I said he believes patriotism is going along to get along.
Yes, that's it.
You know, and that's the worst thing.
I mean, Tom Jefferson told us dissension is the greatest form of patriotism.
I can tell you, in all my experience of being a mayor and a governor,
They govern best when the public participates.
They govern best when the public criticizes and puts them under the microscope.
They govern worst when they're allowed to do what they want and the public becomes apathetic and the public doesn't care.
That's when you will get your worst government.
You get your best government when you hold their feet to the fire.
And people better wake up to that.
If they throw their hands up in the air and say, well, there's nothing I can do about it, well, that's exactly the reaction that they want you to do.
You're playing right into their game when you do that.
You know, I saw a film a few months ago called The Conspirators, and it's basically a true story about Robert Redford about the trial after the killing of Lincoln at the Ford Theater.
And I forget the name of the briefing, but callers have made that point.
It's not popping in my head in a minute.
But there is a system, and it's shown at the end of the film, Governor, where they go ahead and Stanton, the Secretary of Defense, or War, goes ahead and orders the woman executed, even though she's been found not guilty by the military tribunal, and
Basically, it's kicked up past the tribunal to a higher judge to call for another trial, but Stanton ignores that and hangs her.
But they have the term there, and I looked it up in federal law.
There is a way, even if that judge sat on that and claimed that, that your lawyer can kick it up and force the tribunal
To at least respond to it and say they'll hear it or not, and then put something public on the record.
Has your lawyer talked about that?
No, because it's a catch-22, because there's also something they don't tell you in my case.
The day you file the lawsuit, you have 60 days in which to repeal it.
Well, the judge sat on it for six months before she had the hearing, and then three more months before she ruled on it.
So if I take it to the Court of Appeals, it gives them the perfect way out.
All they have to do then is rule while the statute of limitations ran out.
Incredible, but I mean, it's been like a year and a half ago.
You can't win either way.
The point is, Alex, the bottom line is this.
Our government does not respect us, the citizens, enough to allow us to make a decision on what's constitutional and what is not.
You're right.
They do not want any constitutional issue going before a jury.
Because they cannot control a jury.
And if a jury rules in the favor in my case, well, that could open up Pandora's box on them.
Because then there would be a precedence in court.
So the easiest way to defend that is through what they call this administrative law ruling.
Yes, sir.
Stay there.
Which was back in the days of Woodrow Wilson, when he wanted to bring in the damn Federal Reserve.
Stay there, Gov.
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We're digging into a host of other issues with former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura.
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And by the way, Governor, you've also got your own site.
We'll plug that here in a moment.
But the Governor hit something
When I was flying out of Las Vegas a month ago when I was out there shooting some interviews and doing some investigations with Ventura.
Well, Jesse, when I'm flying out, they had me in the business class, so I got to go to the short line, but everybody's body scanned at that one.
I didn't know that.
So I come out on the other end of the trap, and I say, I'm not body scanning.
So they call me over.
I start telling them, that's going to give you cancer.
They're like, no it isn't.
And then he says, I've got to do this.
It's my administrative right, or you're going to face the other consequences.
We're good to go.
Well, that's just it.
It's called... You hit the nail on the head, Alex.
I learned from my court case.
It's called an administrative law ruling.
And it was back in the days of Woodrow Wilson when they created the Federal Reserve.
As we all know, our Constitution clearly states there will be no central bank.
So the way they looped that was Wilson back then created these administrative law rulings that the President does.
And apparently our courts have let them stand up to where they looped the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
And that's how their TSA is able to do, and this guy's able to say this,
We're good to go.
And that's exactly the essence of my court case of why I am not allowed to go to court to determine whether my Fourth Amendment rights are being violated.
And here's all they do, the Congress then passes this and gives the TSA the ruling of, okay, go make our airports safe.
Well, when they give them that instruction, that means they got carte blanche.
They can do anything they want to do to allegedly make the airport safe, and you have no control, you have no Constitution or Bill of Rights protection at airports.
And the other thing that's unique about it is, like it was stated by my attorney, and here's another interesting thing, Alex, when they rule against you is what Federal Judge Nelson did to me.
They don't even do it face-to-face.
They send you an email.
I mean, how pathetic and how cowardly is that?
They won't even bring you into court.
Sit down, look you in the eye, and tell you why you can't go to court.
They send you an email.
But let me read what the order of the mild attorney.
He said, her order dismissing our case for lack of jurisdiction reads much like the government's brief.
And does not directly address the gist of our argument regarding the constitutional absurdity of being subject to a secret order that can be changed in secret at any time and without notice and cannot be challenged in a district court.
Now, that's, he ruled in favor of that.
And so, when you go to an airport, you don't even know what the rules are.
They don't even have to tell you.
So you got all these little guys, like that guy you ran into, who are kings of their own domain.
In essence, he can do anything he wants there.
And there, you can't know the rules.
He can grope you anywhere.
He can take you in a back room.
Hey, if I was a pedophile, I'd get a job doing this in a minute.
Well, they've caught a lot of them doing that, but that's key what you just said, because they admit now over two million Americans are on the no-fly list.
No way to get off of it.
Won't tell you why you're on it.
That whole thing is secret.
No judge, no jury.
The end of our entire system.
They put three-year-old kids on it.
Now they're saying to drive
You're going to have to have their authorization.
Yeah, well, they'll do it with these administrative law rulings until we as a people stand up and tell them enough of this.
Well, that's what I'm saying.
What's that?
Exactly, I'm saying no due process, worse than China, and they just say administratively we say you can't fly, and now they're saying they're going to have an administrative no-gun-by list, Governor.
I wouldn't doubt it for a minute.
Every one of our constitutional Bill of Rights is being assaulted by our very elected officials, by them allowing them to do this.
Alright, we'll be back.
I want to finish up with this to get into JFK anniversary, all this stuff coming up.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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And at a certain point, I have to morally say, no you don't.
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But now they're going to set up highway checkpoints.
Now, this dovetails into the protesters being attacked, the Bill of Rights under attack, all of it with Governor Ventura.
But the heart of the matter is this administrative law.
They set up the CIA in 47 and said it would be reviewable by Congress but would be basically above the law.
Now when the EPA shuts down selective power plants that aren't part of the insiders...
They declare that it's administrative, that Congress has given them a blank check.
But all of the common law and all the federal rulings until about the 50s and 60s stated this stuff is not even law, it's a fraud.
So they just have made up, trumped baloney that they then slap on top and do things that the most authoritarian states
Don't even do.
And now they're saying they're going to have a no-gun-by list, folks.
Are you ready for that?
You didn't do anything wrong.
No judge, no jury.
You're not a felon.
You're on the list.
TSA says they want to have a system where you don't get a job unless they authorize you to have one.
This is a total and complete federal power grab.
Governor Ventura, I mean, how far can this
I would think so.
You know, it'll go as far as we allow them to go with it because ultimately, Alex, it's our fault.
It is.
You know, and for being laissez-faire, for being asleep at the wheel, whatever you want to say, for not being concerned, for living in our own little lives and not paying attention to what they're doing.
So, whatever happens to this country is ultimately the people's fault.
Now, but you still can't blame them solely.
There are some dastardly people that are running our country, and dastardly people that are in control of the power.
You know, it's very frustrating because you think no one's out there listening.
You think no one cares because everyone just sits back and accepts it like lemmings.
You know, no one voices any concern.
Again, I would love to see the day where everyone would boycott the airport in protest, but you can't get people to do that because they think they've been made safe.
They think that because of 9-11, this is required in airports to keep us safe.
And it's gonna spill out of the airports, and it's gonna spill into everybody's life, and I guess nobody's gonna truly believe it until they come up to your home without a warrant, and they come inside to search it.
And then I've even had people say to me, well, I've got nothing to hide.
Why should I care if they do that?
You know, that's the attitude you got out there amongst a great deal of people, Alex.
Well, I'm not a criminal.
I don't care what they do.
I have nothing to hide.
Exactly, but what about government in history?
The horrible things it does when it's not kept on a short leash, as our founders of Common Sense pointed out.
But think about the precept, the idea.
That anywhere there's a potential danger, the government has a right to put its hands on you, to stop you, to arrest you, to keep you safe.
I guess you can't ride a horse, you might fall off and get killed.
You can't go surfing.
And that used to be the greatness of this country.
The greatness of this country was the fact that you could come here and be self-reliant.
That you wouldn't have a government hovering over your head.
And that yes, we'll stumble and make mistakes.
Yes, things will happen.
But it's like what I used to say when I was governor.
You can't legislate stupidity!
People will do stupid things.
That's also part of freedom.
The freedom to be stupid.
You have freedom to be smart.
And freedom goes both ways.
And you can't sit back and jury pick what you're going to be free and what's not going to be free.
Well, it gives the Feds an excuse to go everywhere.
If there's a shadowy enemy they can't defeat.
But let me tell you a quick story and get your take on it.
Aaron Dykes has got a question who's up there in the studio in Austin.
Or I guess down there.
I'm up here in Utah.
I went to Meteor Crater, where one of the biggest meteors ever hit the Earth.
And when I'd been there as a child, they let us hike down to the bottom.
And the guy said, nope, because of lawsuits.
Even if you sign a form, lawyers still sue.
They've taken the diving boards out of the swimming pools.
They're taking the metal slides out everywhere.
They're taking the merry-go-rounds out.
Then I get to the Grand Canyon.
And I said, these areas were open when I was in college.
They go, not now.
They're even talking about getting rid of the mule rides, where you can't do that because somebody might get hurt sometime.
And then I got to Monument Valley, Utah, and I hadn't read the fine print, and they said, oh, you're not allowed to go in 90-plus percent unless it's on a little truck, and you can't really get off.
You could just go to the front of it and look at them, because somebody might get hurt.
And I mean, literally, this country is going beyond charities we've seen on the internet.
Why is the dollar half the year in Mexico?
I go to things down there called the bloodless bull fights.
Where they don't hurt the bull.
You still have the matador.
The matador is in danger, but the bull isn't harmed at all.
And so I don't have a problem with that.
Well one of the things, they do things in Mexico you wouldn't dare do here.
Like, they got a thing where they take two people out of the crowd and they put them on a teeter-totter, you know, that goes up and down?
Only this one also circles like a propeller, and then they let a bull loose.
And the bull charges, so you gotta go up when the bull goes underneath ya.
I mean, it's hilarious.
I turned to my wife, I said, oh my God, could you imagine if somebody proposed this in the United States?
See, I like living in Mexico because down there, you're kind of on your own.
And if you do something stupid, like if I go out surfing alone, and I hit my head on the board and I drown out there, well the Mexican people, they're gonna feel bad for me, and they're gonna probably say a prayer for me and all that stuff, but ultimately they're gonna say, what a big dummy he was, why would you think of going swimming alone?
That's what freedom is all about, and as you've said, you'd rather face the danger.
Than lose my freedoms.
I would rather be able to go be stupid and go out into the water alone and kill myself than to have the army or the police on shore saying nobody's allowed to swim because you might kill yourself.
Well, that's always the greatest danger as well.
Aaron Dykes, I believe Aaron's riding shotgun there.
Aaron, you had a question for Governor Ventura?
Yeah I did and I wanted to go back to the great quote from Benjamin Franklin that he brought up regarding if you trade your liberty for security you end up with neither and how many things have we been asked to compromise our liberty on under the name of national security and the rest of it where safety cannot be guaranteed and with that in mind I ask how long has the government known that these x-ray body scanners are dangerous?
I don't think they've ever done proper testing at all.
If it's so sick, you know who put them in?
Yeah, but I've got a... He's paid big money.
He works for them now.
This was your typical Halliburton payola.
But the reason I bring that up is because I've got a report here from earlier this month that the government studied these x-ray body scanners in 1998 and found that they were dangerous and could cause up to 100 cases of cancer a year.
How's that for keeping us safe?
Yeah, there you go!
See, they're gonna kill you the slow way!
It's going to be people being multiple x-rayed every week until they finally catch cancer or get a tumor and die within a half a year.
Well, that's what happened in Vegas.
I just abbreviated what happened.
I said, listen, I'm not going through that.
That increases cancer.
I've seen even the articles in the New York Times.
And they're like, no, John Hopkins says it's safe.
And I looked at the guy and I said, John Hopkins, head of radiology, went public and said he never talked to them and did do a study for the government and found massive increases in radiation.
And the guy responds and goes, this is a second generation.
It's safe.
And I rattled off the name of it and said, no, you're wrong.
They've got an eight-year study at Boston Logan where they first put these in, a seven-fold increase in cancer clusters.
And he said, nope, you're wrong.
And then started his administrative rights garbage.
I mean, you even want to help these people, but they don't care.
It's too much of a power trip to be able to grope people's genitals.
Well, it's a case, too, of, like, I was so proud of that big marine during the Wall Street protest.
That stood out there with his Iraq ribbons on, on his shirt, and he looked at those police, the stormtroopers that were getting ready to do in the protesters if they could, and he challenged them.
He said, where is your honor?
Where is your honor?
And I say that to any policeman out there, any military person out there, remember you're taking oath to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
And always remember your honor.
Is your honor more important or is it your job?
We know, Governor, that's a really good point.
If the Constitution is dead, and that's what they teach now at the federal level, if it's dead, why do they still swear an oath to it to defend it from enemies foreign and domestic?
We've definitely got some domestic enemies.
Oh, we've got huge domestic enemies against the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
The majority of the leaders of our country seem to be that way, or whosoever in charge running the departments.
It may not be the elected people,
Maybe this feels like Colonel Prouty said in his book, The Secret Team, where he exposes who truly runs the government.
It's the bureaucrats at high level who remain there after elected people come and go.
Look at Europe, Jesse.
They're saying...
Whatever they want to call it, but I'll tell ya...
That's why people got to support this movement against Wall Street.
It's not a movement against capitalism.
It's not a movement to make us communist, which is what mainstream media tries to portray it.
What it simply is, it's a movement
Stating Wall Street, stop corporations, stop buying our politicians.
Because unfortunately, Alex, I'll be the one to say this on the record as a former military person.
You don't serve the people of the United States anymore.
You don't serve the Constitution or the Bill of Rights.
Our military is the muscle for the corporate power.
If they can't beat them in the corporate boardrooms, then they'll send in the U.S.
Well, that's what Smedley Butler said 80 years ago.
Exactly, and yet it's been going on for 100 years.
Nothing has changed.
All these wars are not wars for freedom.
They're wars of corporate greed.
Nothing more.
And that's what American corporation is all about.
Why would these people attack us if we weren't over there occupying them?
Well said.
Speaking of the Republican candidates, of course CBS News got caught giving Ron Paul in the televised portion 89 seconds and giving Romney more than 10.
And then they got a memo where Bachman was only supposed to get two minutes, Paul 90 seconds, Paul was given 89 seconds.
Now when he wins polls, they just remove him from the winner place.
I mean, that shows how scared they are.
Oh, they're scared to death.
Ron Paul's got them on the run.
Hopefully Ron Paul will do something after they won't give him the Republican nomination, because rest assured, he's not going to get it.
And hopefully he'll be courageous enough and take the bold step to become the Libertarian and be our candidate.
But we'll have to wait and see on that.
But the rest of these, I'll tell you, they're disillusional!
How can you take someone serious who gets up there and tells you God told him to run?
I mean, come on!
So that means, so that means I guess he's going to be there and God's going to be telling him what to do.
It's kind of like when George Bush was questioned on the invasion of Iraq.
And they asked him, well, did you consult your father?
And Bush turned around proudly and said, no, I consulted a higher father.
And I almost fell out of the chair.
I said, you mean this SOB wants me to believe he talked to God and God told him to invade Iraq?
Well, that's like the head of Goldman Sachs says he's doing God's work.
Well, any of these evangelical people out there, if you buy into that, you're a bunch of idiots.
If you really and truly believe that these high elected officials have been told by God,
We're good to go.
Boy, they've now released the Arthur Schlesinger Jr.
tapes of, and it's always been told this by Jim Mars and others, but now it's released, that Jackie Kennedy said that LBJ had him killed.
Now we have the deathbed confession that you first aired on TV last year, on television for the first time, of E. Howard Hunt and the confession.
He lost the lawsuit when he tried to sue Spotlight, you know, 30 years ago.
And now all these people have come out.
I mean, this is pretty much open and shut now, Gov.
But it's not, Alex, because mainstream media, who have bamboozled us for 50 years, still will not say a word about it, nor will they admit that they were wrong.
That Lee Harvey Oswald did not kill John Kennedy, and if he was involved, he certainly was not alone.
And yet, mainstream media ignores everything you say and continue to do it, and they will never admit it.
Alex, you could have a film
Of somebody shooting from behind the picket fence.
And they still would not accept it.
You know, you could have one of the shooters come forward, if they're still alive, and say, yup, I was the guy in the DelTex building, or I was the guy behind the picket fence, and he could provide all the information needed, he still wouldn't see the light of day.
Because always remember from the power brokers, if they can kill the President and get away with it, what can't they do?
Well, there's always a bridge to fall of humorous, but I agree with you.
They certainly think they're invincible.
Now, MF Global has taken 1.2 million of private accounts, and they're actually admitting it's illegal, but saying no one will get in trouble because Corzine is
We're basically above the law.
Well isn't that interesting too, and I'm glad.
Isn't he a Democrat?
Yeah, see, so it ain't just the Republicans, it's the Democrats also.
And people better wake up to that.
I've been harping on it now for 20 to 25 years, that these two political parties are not the solution, they're the problem.
John Adams warned us way back when they formed the country.
He said the fall of the United States would not come from a force outside, it would come from within, and it would be when political parties take over the government.
Yeah, he said party factionalization, where we have a two-party dictatorship.
It's just like pro-wrestling, Alex.
People wake up in front of the cameras they don't like each other.
Behind the scenes they're working together and earning money.
That's exactly what pro wrestling is.
And now if you believe that for pro wrestling, why won't you believe it for the politicians?
Well, Gov, I'm just glad that you're on this TSA thing because you're bringing a lot of light to it and things are coming to a head.
We had the big opt-out last year on Thanksgiving.
We didn't launch that this year.
We need to get groups pushing.
Final questions and comments for Jesse Ventura, and of course we sell his book, 63 Documents the Government Doesn't Want You to Read, at Infowars.com.
We'll also give you his website, if I don't forget, on the other side, so get your pens and paper ready.
And then Max Keiser's coming up in your phone calls with Aaron Dyke.
Stay with us.
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I said, oh boy, the David Icke thing didn't go too well.
And I said, Willie, he was in the show two seasons ago, it was very fair.
And he said, yeah, they just, you know, it just didn't go well.
And he was just letting me know what had happened.
And because David had put out a big article, and I admire Governor Ventura.
You know, Ike is a very charismatic guy, I believe what he's saying, and I appreciate his work as well.
It's sad to see what happened, but Governor, you never talk about the TV show until it's out, but obviously this information is now out.
So I want to ask you, you went to interview Ike in, what, Pennsylvania?
Oh, Cleveland, Ohio.
What happened there between you and David Icke?
Well, he just, I don't know, he got all offended and told me to F off and walked off the interview simply.
I was asking him questions about his expertise and that's reptilians.
And, you know, I go from a point of, you know, there is no dumb question.
If I don't understand it, it's certainly not dumb to me.
I was trained that way by Chief Warrant Officer in demolition when I went through Navy SEAL training and that's how I've lived my life.
Apparently he doesn't like to be questioned on anything that he believes in or anything that he espouses and I think that's ridiculous because if you believe in what you say then you should have no problem discussing it with anyone and I just found him to be one of the worst interviews I've ever possibly done because he's not forthcoming at all.
Well, he had been sick and I almost wish you guys via Skype could do it again and try it one more time because two years ago you guys had a positive interview with him.
Everything I did on that episode pointed to going to him to get answers, but getting answers from him is impossible.
I told him, I said, oh no, they want to do an open-minded thing, and you're basically the star of this episode, this interview, but it is reality, so sometimes things get crazy.
There's so few of us that are really questioning reality and the officialdom.
Well, he gets away with it because he tells you right at the opening thing, he looks right at you and says nothing is real.
Nothing is what it is.
So when he opens that door, that means he can say anything he wants and he doesn't have to defend it with any facts or anything because nothing's real.
And it's laughable when somebody says that to you or to me anyway.
You know, we ought to get you and Ike on this radio show for a debate.
That'd be interesting.
I don't think I'd care to.
I don't think it would go anywhere, Alex, because he obviously took great offense to me, and I don't know why.
All I did was ask him questions that were pertinent, things that I wanted to get hopefully answers to.
I just want to see you guys patch it up, hopefully before you go to Mexico.
No problem.
I mean, I don't lose sleep over it.
He goes on and I go on.
He's making a lot of money, that's for sure.
There wasn't one, it was the whole interview.
You know, I think he misunderstood reading his article because he said he sat there for an hour and then he wanted to meet you and they didn't bring him in.
I don't think he understood that with that, you know, with real reality TV they don't, they want to keep you guys separate so the meetings new.
If you read his article which you told me off air you have and I think, I think he took it like, like it was a setup.
He didn't know.
Well, I don't know anything about that, you know, and I'm not going to worry about it.
You know, I was there to interview him.
He clearly didn't want to talk to me about anything.
And when he did, he wouldn't answer any questions.
He attacked me.
Alright, well, God bless you.
I want you to have a great time down in Mexico.
Be safe.
And I know you're talking to the Libertarians off record.
You might run, huh?
No, I wouldn't hold my breath on it.
I've just spoken to them, and they've spoken to me, and the lines of dialogue are open.
It's not anything farther than that.
They'll have their convention in early May, and at that convention, they will decide who's going to be their candidate for the 2012 elections.
Jesse, thank you so much.
Okay, Alan.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I appreciate him joining us today as I'm here on the road.
We're going to have Mike Adams hosting InfoWorks Nightly News tonight, 7 o'clock.
Aaron Dyches is back tomorrow.
I've got so much incredible video and discoveries on our little week-long trip out west.
I'll obviously be back Wednesday, but Mike Adams is doing the show that day, and I'll be back live Friday after Thanksgiving.
For the next 30 minutes, we're joined by the one and only Max Keiser, and we'll get some questions and analysis from Aaron here as well.
We're good to go.
They've gone bankrupt for $6.4 billion.
They can't find over $1.2 billion.
And they've announced that Corzine is just allowed, basically, to keep it.
They say, don't worry about where it's at.
That's the way it is.
And now, Celente's being attacked by the head of the CME Group, one of the biggest derivatives outfits that claims they have $800 trillion.
I've got Forbes attacking me and saying it's all my fault that the economy's down, talking bad about CME and all this.
We are, Max Keiser.
We're going to come back and recap all this when we start the next segment, but I tell you what, Max, it's getting a little creepy when I got the New York Times saying...
And also now Forbes saying headline, talk show host Alex Jones and guest are causing bank runs basically.
Because you know they are admitting now that the markets are going down and stuff, especially in derivatives because nobody trusted because of IMF Global.
So now it's not their fault for taking all the money.
Max, it's my fault and Gerald Salente's.
Alex, where are you calling from?
I'm calling from, uh, Utah, hiding out from... Yeah, um, I did the... Okay, it sounded like this was your one call that they gave you, and you're in prison or something, and you called me.
Thank you so much for calling me with your one call, but, um...
The MF Global, of course, is just the continuation of what we have been witnessing.
But instead of using derivatives to steal money,
They just are taking it out of people's accounts.
Now the news that just hit the wire just a few minutes ago is that the bankruptcy proceedings have just disclosed that they've run out of money in terms of what they can return to people, to customers.
And they can only return maybe
50 or 60 percent of customer money, but I'm sure that number will go down again, and I'm sure customers will be lucky to get 10 or 20 cents on the dollar.
Now, it's important to remember that a similar situation just happened in China last week.
Somebody caught stealing money, conducting a Ponzi scheme, falsifying documents, as Corzine has falsified documents, and
The Chinese government executed the banker.
They executed the banker dead.
So, the Chinese government gets it.
The only way to stop these guys is you've got to kill them.
Now, in America, they haven't figured that out yet, and they're just going to keep coming with their larcenistic
Ponzi schemes until all the money's gone.
So, until America smartens up like China already has, expect more of the same, Alex.
Max Keiser joining us from Paris.
Again, I'm joining you from Monument Valley, Utah.
MF Global Trustee says shortfall could exceed $1.2 billion.
That's New York Times.
Here's Reuters.
MF Global Trustee says shortfall may be bigger.
Here's Wall Street Journal.
MF doubles estimate of missing funds.
They're going to double it again.
They're telling Celente and others they're not getting Jack Diddley's squad back.
We'll be right back with Max Keiser of MaxKeiser.com and Alex Jones of InfoWars.com.
Hi folks, this is Alex Jones.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Paris, France.
I'm coming to you from southern Utah, right on the Arizona border, Monument Valley.
I'm here, really shooting footage for an upcoming film and also doing research.
I've got a whole bunch of videos.
I'm going to upload more than 20 of them to Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv in the next few days, as soon as I get back to civilization.
But I do enjoy it out here.
I know why this was the favorite stomping ground of many out west.
I'm John Wayne.
In fact, the little lodge I'm staying in is where John Wayne stayed quite a bit of the time, not just when he was shooting more than 10 films out here.
Folks, Max Keiser, a year ago, said that if gold went up to a certain point, I think he said $2,500, silver, what'd he say, $54 an ounce, if they went up to that point, it would force the naked shorting by the big brokerage firms to be pushed to the surface, they wouldn't be able to deliver, and it would bankrupt them.
But now what they've done is the internal bank run, grabbing sequestered private, what's the proper term, segregated accounts, which isn't legal.
Now a week and a half ago, the head of the securities and the CFTC came out
And said, I'm going to have to recuse myself from this investigation.
I'm involved with MF Global and Corzine and Goldman Sachs.
And they said that 600 million of the billion missing had gone to JPMorgan.
Now they say, well first they were saying this is obviously illegal, this is wrong.
You can't grab private accounts in a bankruptcy.
Now they're just saying forget about it.
It's 1.2 million or more.
And that's the end of it.
And some of you might get 50-60%.
Others, like Gerald Cilente, who'd been trading with the one firm for close to 30 years, that DMF Global had gobbled up.
They just took the money he had in his account.
We're good to go.
These are the kind of guests we have on over and over again.
The people that are right, the people that have foresight, the people that really have full-spectrum analysis.
Max Keiser has stunningly broken down so much of this.
Now it's happening, but we're seeing something really creepy.
Forbes has come out with a headline, Talk Show Host Alex Jones and Guest Call for Run on Banks.
No, what we said last week,
...was that if they continue to steal people's money, it's going to destroy confidence and cause a run on the bank because of their internal runs.
Now, the head of the CME group has come out and attacked Celente viciously.
It's getting really creepy.
Celente says most of what he's gotten is warnings about midnight raids or 3 a.m.
raids, but also some threats.
The New York Times has come out and accused me and Obama Deception, my film, of causing the guy to shoot the White House.
So they're clearly coming after us.
They're clearly concerned.
So I want to ask Max Keiser, what's happening here?
What does this signify?
And are they doing this because they're desperate?
I mean, they can always come up with a billion-two of made-up cash.
They've got trillions in citizen bailout that we gave them.
Why don't they at least give cash back?
Again, it's the people with gold accounts they're seizing.
We're good to go.
Well, it's a question of momentum.
And MF Global was on the 50th floor of the World Trade Tower of fraud that's collapsing on everyone's network.
And you had another 60 or 70 stores above it that's collapsing and falling in.
All the sovereign debt's collapsing.
All the major balance sheets of all the biggest banks are collapsing.
And MF Global is collateral damage.
That's collapsing.
There's another brokerage firm called Jeffrey.
Which is just now collapsing.
If you do a search for Jefferies, you'll find out that now this is teetering on bankruptcy.
Now with the MF Global, and with, you know, Gerald Filente, of course, famously, has gotten stung by this.
I mean, when you think about it, the monthly statements sent to him and all the customers of all the brokerage accounts that are related to MF Global, those are falsified documents because those
Bernie Madoff!
Well, Bernie Madoff, at least, had the courtesy of running a Ponzi scheme.
This is just outright theft.
This is when you go into an account that's supposed to be segregated, that is, the customer's account itself, and you just take the money out, that's like I rob your house and steal your money.
That's not even the elegance of a Ponzi scheme or a derivative contract sold.
It doesn't exist.
I mean, these things are...
I'll give you the very interesting thing I found when I just came back from London and I was handed in a cab a £5 note from the Royal Bank of Scotland and I then tried to spend this at a pub.
And I was told that this Royal Bank of Scotland note is no good.
It turns out that the money printed in Scotland is only accepted in England if both parties agree to accept it.
Now that's very interesting because, in other words, you think it's money.
But it's only money if both parties agree to accept it.
So it's not really money.
It's a receipt of a possibility of money.
And this is what the U.S.
dollar is.
The U.S.
dollar itself is only good if two people agree to accept it.
But if you don't agree to accept it, it has zero worth.
And that's now what people are understanding about the banking system, about MF Global, about Merrill Lynch, about
Goldman Sachs about J.P.
The documents, the monthly statements that you get in the mail from these guys every single month are complete lies.
It's false.
If you call up the bank and you ask for the CUSDIP number of the securities that are supposedly representative in that account, they can't give it to you because they don't exist.
It's complete forgery.
When I was working on Wall Street, we used to forge documents all the time.
Account forms, transfer forms, and this type of stuff.
But this is, that's really just penny-ante stuff compared to actually wholesale, sending out falsified monthly statements.
You'd have to go back to some of the small timers, like
Blair and other chop shops on Wall Street that were engaged in this type of bucket shop activity where they sell junk over the phone, they send out false documents.
You'd have to go back to the 1920s to find this level of fraud.
And of course all the rules that came in during the 30s to put an end to this have been regulated out of existence.
So we're back to the 1920s bucket shop.
Merrill Lynch is a bucket shop.
I don't know.
And this became known as the Bucket Shop.
And this is the history of false selling on Wall Street.
And it's come full circle.
Now we're back to the worst excesses of the worst Bucket Shop and Ponzi scheme dealers of the 1920s.
And, of course, getting to gold and silver, JPMorgan, to defend their silver short position, they've had to totally obliterate their balance sheet.
JPMorgan is insolvent.
And one day it'll go like MS Global.
They'll say, you know what?
One day it'll be worth $140 billion, the next day it'll be worth nothing.
And it'll just go down like that.
All the accounts are uninsured.
None of the accounts are insured because there's no money to back any of those accounts that's worth anything that anyone's going to honor for any transaction outside of two people who are both severely brain damaged and on drugs who would take anything resembling a U.S.
dollar, collateralize a bank account from JPMorgan.
So you basically have to come to terms with the fact that unless you have gold and silver, you have absolutely no money whatsoever.
At any given day, you can be an MF Global customer.
You can wake up and they simply say, that money is absolutely worth it.
It's coming anyway.
You know it.
We've been talking about this.
Let me stop you there because I've got to interject this and I hope we can hold you a little bit longer than 30 minutes.
I know you're very busy.
We also have Aaron dying.
I'm going to pop in with some questions, but I understand this is premeditated.
They set up the police state to get away with it, but it looks like they've been too greedy.
This is endangering their entire system.
Was this done the looting of the accounts out of desperation, or is it just a new trial balloon?
What's your gut on this?
Well, Corzine came into MF Global.
He wanted to create this really big firm to compete with his old... He used to be the CEO of Goldman Sachs.
And he came in and he leveraged the company from maybe 10 or 15 to 1.
He leveraged it at 100 to 1 by buying sovereign debt in Europe.
So all it took was 1% move in the direction of sovereign debt of the Italian bond or Greek bond for the firm to be wiped out.
Oh, and by the way, based on the balance sheet of leveraging it at 100 to 1, he paid himself an enormous multi-million dollar bonus.
Then the markets moved against them by 1%, and the probability of that is about 100%.
And the firm is bankrupt.
He keeps his money, the customers get nothing, and the government has to deal with paying off in any way that they can.
The taxpayers pay.
That doesn't sound like an investing guru.
That sounds like some...
Person that robs banks so they can go gamble in Las Vegas.
This sounds like a completely insane, degenerate, compulsive gambler.
Yeah, it's like Corzine took the entire value of that firm, millions of dollars, and went into Las Vegas, stepped up to the roulette wheel, and didn't even put black or red.
He put it on a number, like number 37.
You know, like the odds are extraordinarily minute that it would win.
And, of course, he lost.
He lost that bet.
And he lost not only the entire firm's equity, but he lost all the associated debt, you know, all the leverage and everything that's now being bailed out to the tune of millions and millions and millions.
Stay there.
Stay there, Max.
This is a suicide banker, then, taking us all with him.
We'll be right back with Max Keiser, folks.
This is some of the biggest news ever.
This will make 2008 look like a cakewalk.
PrisonPlanet.tv, InfoWars.com, MaxKeiser.com.
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Yes, pretty much for the rest of the hour.
Aaron Dykes is there scanning the news as we speak.
I'm going to get Kurt Nemo or Paul Watson to post the article, or Aaron can run in there and do it himself while he co-hosts with me.
Credit Suisse, a big ratings outfit and investment group, they are predicting something pretty big, and it's basically what we've already been seeing.
I mean, it's just the facts of history.
But before we give you this breaking news, listen to what Max Keiser said, and during the break we were talking.
It's literally like taking everybody's private accounts in sub-companies and banking systems and brokerage firms that MF Global had bought out, sometimes hostilely.
They buy your company, they buy your credit union, whatever it is, and then you go to get your money, and they tell you, sorry, we're
As things get worse and worse, they're taking more and more reckless bets, which makes it get even more and more out of control.
So I want to ask Max Keiser, after we cover this top news story, this breaking news, who is the winner?
Because we know Corzine's up there betting on one number, the entire house and everybody's pensions, you name it, on one number, which is totally insane.
I mean, one chance out of, like you said, 100, he would make it.
But who is the house?
Who is the casino?
Who is winning at the end?
And have they, in their call for a new Bank of the World and all this, gone too far?
Will they discredit themselves so bad it doesn't work?
Short segment, but I want you to answer that in a moment.
But Aaron, Aaron Dyches, give them the breaking news and get Max Keiser's quote on that first.
Well, this is up at Zero Hedge, Alex.
Credit Suisse goes for broke, predicts end of euro and bank runs.
There's a lot here, but one of the key quotes is, we seem to have entered the last days of the euro as we currently know it.
It doesn't make a breakup very likely, but it does mean some extraordinary things almost certainly happen to happen to prevent the progressive closure of all the eurozone sovereign bond markets and potentially accompanied by escalating runs.
And they're calling for more intervention from the ECB, of course.
Yeah, well that's exactly what we've been saying is the problem and what's been happening with Greece and Ireland and Italy.
People are pulling their money out of these banks and they're just causing more instability and making the situation become ever greater, more of a crisis.
And so Germany, of course, is in the catbird seat because if there's a cheap euro because of uncertainty, they have a big export market.
But if they end up federalizing the entire eurozone and launching euro bonds, they're all going to come out of Berlin, and Berlin and Deutsche Bank will be a huge winner in that case.
So Germany and England are now back at each other's throats.
Cameron and Merkel recently got together and Merkel basically read Cameron the riot act and said, look punk, you don't tell us what you want us to do.
Go back to your little island over there and shut up.
So Germany is swinging its weight around in the continental Europe.
So they're now emerging, as I predicted two years ago, Germany is emerging as a superpower and they own the reunification of the country.
They bring back the Deutsche Mark or the equivalent of the Deutsche Mark or just run the Eurozone from Berlin.
And they are Germany 4.0, the 4th Reich, and they're quite proud of it, and now they're stretching their wings, and they're just, you know, hitting Cameron in the face.
They basically slapped him in the face in public.
And Cameron, like Lord Chamberlain from the 1940s, of course, just appeased the Germans and went back to his people and said, well, I'm sure that they didn't mean it.
You know, so he's being made look like an idiot, and Germany is in control.
Yeah, for those that don't know.
They've got all the cards.
Those that don't know, she told him, you will not have a referendum in the super-euro taking over, and I think that answers my own question.
They've always planned to implode the whole system, and then consolidate it with a new global bank of the world, new world order.
But what about Time Magazine, Financial Times of London, all of them admitting that it's a technocratic banker occupation, government, global government of, for, and by Goldman Sachs?
There it is, Max, but we don't get a gold star for being right, we get ridiculed.
Yeah, right, exactly.
You have been absolutely right.
These technocrats, which is a way to code for a banker, they're not technocrats, they're bankers.
You know, Monty in Italy is, you know, Goldman Sachs through and through.
Same thing in Greece.
And these unelected bankers are now running these countries.
And Goldman and their coterie of insiders are now running riots all over Europe.
I'm in France.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I get comments all the time.
That I don't care about stocks and bonds, or I don't care about the dollar.
I'm not invested in that.
You know, I work at Home Depot or whatever.
Folks, this affects your business.
It affects where you work.
It affects the company you own, whether it's a coffee shop or a Fortune 500.
This is the wealth of the world being tied up in giant scams and Ponzi schemes with a financial elite that put its people in every position of power.
And who have a plan to implode the world economy by design and set the precedent to literally reduce us all down to servile serfs.
This is economic warfare.
This is horrible.
And it's either us or them.
But you notice they just get away with more and more and more.
Now the global government is out in the open.
But you're still a kook if you talk about it.
I think?
I don't think so.
We'll stand up and go, gee, when they take a billion, two hundred million dollars of people's private accounts, look, the CFTC admits it's illegal, it'll do nothing.
I mean, I'll actually read the CFTC press release.
Ooh, big deal.
I mean, we're not really that radical.
I'm old-fashioned.
I want freedom.
And we're going into such tyranny.
Aaron, tell folks the latest news you dug up.
Yeah, the latest is an article by Curt Nemo, it's up at Infowars.com, headline, OWS website bans Alex Jones conspiracy theories, and it gets into how OccupyWallStreet.org, which is an unofficial but sort of de facto leader of this movement, and they're broadcasting out of Zuccotti Park apparently, they've posted on their website the following, conspiracy theories
Including any attempt to spam material by David Icke, Lyndon LaRouche, David Duke, or Alex Jones, all very different people by the way, will be removed immediately and the spammer will receive a swift global network ban, in other words, ban from the site.
Fascist propaganda, including any attempt to spam these four people again, will be treated with the similar actions, in that we are very specific about what fascism is.
The word has a meaning.
We're good to go.
Point out that nowhere are Ron Paul signs allowed.
They'll tear them down.
That is the leaders of it.
They say there's not leaders.
There are.
They're the Democratic Party trying to co-opt it, but it's failing.
See, and then they lie and say, we're attacking people protesting Wall Street.
No, we're not.
We pioneered going after these crooks with Max Keiser, Gerald Solente, Ron Paul.
I'm talking 17 years I've been covering with George Humphrey, economists, derivatives, and all this.
This is unbelievable.
And it shows they're scared to death.
They want left and right divided.
They want Republicans attacking all people that protest Wall Street.
They want Democrats attacking the entire Tea Party.
The Republicans tried to co-opt the Tea Party.
We're good to go.
Max Keiser, this is outrageous information.
What do you make of this?
Well, I think that you should go to London, and you should step onto the world stage, because your show, when I go to London, people know Alex Jones.
When I did my shows in London, I had two sub-op performances at the King's Head in Camden, and people totally know Alex Jones at InfoWars, and they know your whole place in the history of this movement, or movement, plural,
And, you know, you're letting the local, you know, don't let the turkeys get you down, you know, if you're an eagle.
I forget how that saying goes, but anyway.
You know, you're letting the little riffraff, the local riffraff get you down.
I'm telling you, if you come to London, go to London and do a show at the London, you have huge crowds, the international press, people love you all over Europe.
When I was in the Middle East, when I was in Cairo, people listen to InfoWars in Cairo.
They know the show there.
You're an international phenomenon.
And you don't know it because you're in frickin' Austin, Texas.
And you know, you don't know we haven't seen people on the streets in these other cities.
This shows that the establishment Democrats, just like the establishment Republicans that are wedged at the hip, as you pointed out, in for the Republic, they are trying to dominate it and now they're having the police attack Occupy Wall Street because I believe they failed in co-opting it.
What's your take on what's happened with Occupy Wall Street and what you were telling me privately about Wall Street's view of those guys?
Well, the Wall Street is really upset that they are being painted as scum, and they like to think of themselves as important people doing good work, and the fact that every single day they've got people on the street effectively throwing tomatoes at them.
It really has got them upset.
And so I think, in response, they're taking even greater risks.
They're saying, oh yeah, you think we're so bad?
Well, you know, let's do an MF Global.
Let's destroy Jeffries.
Let's take this down.
Let's take that down.
So they're becoming very antagonistic.
They're not just destroying companies to show people they've got power, because they, these who occupy Wall Street, are insinuating that these guys don't have all the power, that maybe the people have the power.
So in response, they're becoming even more hostile.
More belligerent, more reckless, taking bigger risks.
And this of course puts enormous strain on the government because the government has to bail them out because all of their risk-taking schemes end in failure.
So this is just exacerbating the situation and it's a real war.
The people on the street have really got the attention of the people on Wall Street.
No matter how many times they pretend like they don't care, they are really taking this seriously.
And I hope the people in the Occupy movement understand that they have really drawn the enemy out.
And there is really a lot of shots going back and forth.
And we see it with the MF Global blow-up.
We see it now with Jeffries blowing up.
We see it with the whole Wall Street blowing up and these firms being taken hostage and shot and looted more openly and just, you know, a member of
During the, uh, back in the 30s, the famous Kristallnacht, when the Nazis just said, the hell with it, we're just gonna steal all the wealth from everybody, and it lives in the memory of people for decades.
And we've achieved, essentially, Kristallnacht on Wall Street with MF Global.
They're just basically outright saying and proving to people that they can steal with impunity.
And if you don't like it, you put this yellow armband around your arm and identify yourself as a loser and get on a train to Treblinka.
Because you're nobody to us.
We run the show.
And by the way, Max, just to back you up, I've listened to the mainline neocon talk show host.
We're good to go.
I hear them going, they're scum, beat them, torture them, taser them, they're not allowed to protest in America, they're horrible, they're not free market, they're communist.
Okay, well, how come then we've gotten 20 plus trillion dollars that we know of given to the banksters of taxpayer money?
How come these neocons always defend giving unlimited trillions to the bankers in bailouts of my money and your money, and that we have to pay back in taxes, and that then devalues it?
How about that?
How is it free market?
I mean, I've actually heard them defend him at World War One.
Well, you shouldn't have invested in that.
They weren't investing.
They had gotten this money.
It was in their accounts.
Their accounts.
Again, these so-called fake free marketers, it's a bunch of propaganda.
They're not free market.
Max, can you speak to that?
Well, I'll give you a better example.
Bank of New York just briefly exposed by Harry Markopoulos, who exposed the Bernie Madoff scandal.
They are the custodian for trillions of dollars in pension accounts for cops.
The very cops that are attacking the protesters on the street have their pensions managed by custodians at Bank of New York.
They were just caught by stealing three-tenths of one percent on every transaction going back 30
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Chop shops in the 70s and 80s that I was witnessing when I was working on Wall Street, they're now being done by Goldman Sachs and J.P.
They're nothing, they're no better than the penny stock chop shops, whore houses that used to riddle Wall Street during the 20s and in the 70s and even into the 80s.
Now they're back, they're stealing with impunity, they've got all the politicians in their pockets.
If you have money with them, forget it, it's gone, you have no money, you're an idiot.
Is this the biggest fraud of all time?
As William K. Black, the professor who was a federal investigator and, you know, put a bunch of guys in prison in the 80s, as you know.
He says this is an order of magnitude or more.
Folks, that means ten times bigger.
All these pimples are starting to pop out.
As you just mentioned, China is executing banksters when they do this.
Here they get elected governor.
Here they're worshipped and called free market for robbing people.
Well, if William Black says it's the biggest that he's seen, then I defer to him because he's really the expert in this.
I know it's huge because of a very nasty word that came out very early in this.
The word is co-mingling.
You know, when I was a stockbroker, you have to study the Securities Act of 1933 and 1934 to get your 737 brokerage license.
You have to know that very, very well.
And one of the words that you take away is this word co-mingling.
It's the idea that your customer account, you're trading it as if it's your money.
And this is the cardinal sin.
It's something that not even, you know, the most brazen
That's what playing the stock market with the pensioners' money.
People used to go to jail or get executed for that.
I never thought I'd see that.
That it would get so bad that the customer's money is now really... And the sad part is that when you open an account with these folks, you sign off on binding arbitration before a panel of the peers of the broker.
You take away any right to go to a jury of your peers.
Every one who signs a new account form eliminates that right.
Less than 2% of the people who file complaints get any money back at all.
It's a 90% rate.
When I was working on Wall Street, they said to me when I walked in the door, we don't care what you do, just get us more commissions.
We got lawyers.
Unless you had at least one lawsuit pending, they said you don't have enough initiative.
That's the attitude of the criminal class on Wall Street.
And it's gotten a thousand times worse with a much bigger number.
By the way, you're not joking.
It is like a thousand times worse.
And folks, they've got the same bulletproof attitude when it comes to GMO.
They've got the same bulletproof attitude when it comes to radiation.
All over the world now, from Canada to the U.S.
to France, reactors are just melting down.
Radiation levels are going way up.
What do the governments of France, Hungary, Canada, the U.S.
They just say, we're going to raise the level of what we say is safe.
You see, something changed 20 years ago.
They said, we're going to let TRIPS use DU.
And they're like, but our own manual says it'll...
I think they're actually insane.
In fact, I know the elite is not really in control.
They're like a guy in Dr. Strangelove riding the hydrogen bomb down.
I mean, yeah, he's in control because he's holding on to it, waving his hat in the air, saying, yeehaw, but that's not really in control.
That's an illusion.
These people are probably going to destroy the planet.
The elites are in control.
Even if they're corrupt, they don't want things to get out of control because they know what happens.
But throughout history, elites three, four generations in become megalomaniacs like Nero, the list goes on and on, and start taking their bulletproof.
And that's when everything implodes.
Max, do you think we've reached that point?
You have people, I call them suicide bankers, and this is what you're dealing with.
There's a famous study or an editorial that was in the Wall Street Journal a couple years ago.
Lessons from the Brain Damaged Investor.
And in this editorial, in the Wall Street Journal, they made the point that people would fight brain damage
Made better stock managers, stockbrokers, because they had absolutely no empathy whatsoever.
They had no empathy, they had no thought in terms of what their actions might do to other people.
So, they were starting to recruit people with brain damage, with autism, with other slight forms of brain anomalies.
And this is, over the last 10 or 15 years, only gotten to the point where they're hiring people with more exaggerated brain damage, because they know that these people might be
Autistic in some strange way that they can perform quantitative analysis and develop these theories about how to manage money, but the fact is that all those theories have resulted in massive wealth confiscation by these few people, and now we're paying all the austerity.
Yeah, the truth is they're hiring autistic, and by the way he's telling you the truth if you haven't looked it up, because the scam becomes so complicated
No one can explain it because it can't be explained.
And then it's done by computer.
You know, 70% of all the trading activity on the exchange is done by computers.
It's not even done by humans.
So they program the computer to steal.
And they, uh, the computer steals all the money, and, uh... Did I say we didn't know?
The computer did it.
That's right.
They blame it on the computer, basically.
That is, say, all algorithmic trading, computer trading, high-frequency trading, which is nothing more than siphoning cash out of the market.
Flash crashes, which are when the computers go awry.
That's why they jack it up and down.
So we're going to break, Max.
What's the next cold storage to come up?
What's the time frame now?
It seems like things are accelerating their descent.
We're going to break or what?
We'll start going in, but we'll let you take us out.
No, I think that the name I'm being bandied about is Jefferies.
It's been around for a long time.
It could be another broker to evaporate.
That'll have repercussions and it's another domino in this long list of dominoes and the system's going down.
The systemic collapse.
And people are freaking out, and there's more volatility, and of course this is only going to bring in more central planning, central government, more technocrat banksters, and more world government, more European-wide government, less rights, less civil rights, less human rights.
And it's all run by the people that got us into this mess.
Boy, that's a genius situation.
What did Einstein say the definition of insanity is?
Doing the same thing over and over again, thinking you're going to get a different outcome?
Well, the aristocrats who had to give up some income after the Black Plague have always wanted to get back to a point where they didn't have to share any income at all.
Stay there.
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I was sitting in traffic, listening to the radio.
Okay, it's our final segment with Max Keiser.
I meant to get into everything that's happening out west and the land being set aside for land use by multinational corporations as collateral, just like you're seeing in Greece.
I mean, the documents are public, the executive orders are public.
If you want to see where I'm sitting right now as I broadcast,
Go to twitter.com forward slash realalexjones.
You can see the photo from literally where I'm sitting here on the back porch of this little motel I'm staying at.
Just incredible out here.
I'm going to go do some more investigative reporting there today.
But things are moving very, very quickly.
Max, what's the time frame here?
Celente, from his analysis, thinks they're going to go ahead and start having more implosions after Christmas.
And more stealing of people's money out of accounts.
How do you counter that?
How do you think the movement to pull money out of the big six megabanks is going to affect things?
Is that a game changer?
Max Keiser.
You know, Valentin made a good point after his NF Global experience.
Relating to GLD, the Exchange Traders Fund sponsored by HSBC.
And clearly, if there's a need to get your precious metal from them, you're going to be getting in line behind the bank and behind a bunch of other creditors.
So it's stupid to have your money in GLD, the Exchange Traded Fund, because you put it there because you want it as an insurance, but if you need it, you've got all these other people ahead of you, and you'll never get it.
You'll get a receipt for cash, which will be worthless.
So if you have a GLD or SLV, which is the silver version, you need to get out of that immediately and own physical.
And, you know, I think Gerald will probably not be engaging in anything but pure physical going forward.
So let's all learn from what's going on there and not be fooled by anything.
But just to be clear, he was using his own money to then make big profits in the system and then take gold and they just said, you're not getting anything.
Yeah, but as we've been saying for years, you can't trust these guys.
They're not trustworthy.
The regulatory agencies, the CME group, the CFTC, they're as corrupt as they are.
They admit the head of the CFTC was involved in it and had to recuse himself, so of course Corzine's not going to get in trouble.
So, I mean, I'm just saying, you're really taking a risk that you don't need to take.
It's just, you know, it's very tempting, of course, to do a transaction like this, but what we're learning is that anything, the only money that you keep in a paper or in a securities account or in a futures contract is money you're happy to lose.
It's as simple as that.
You're not going to keep any.
The only thing that's going to survive this fire is gold and silver.
Let's not forget what was announced a month ago.
Bank of America has now moved $79 trillion, that's trillion with a T, ladies and gentlemen, out of their regular brokerage derivative accounts into FDIC protected.
We're good to go.
Completely illegal!
That's completely illegal.
It's completely illegal by all the statutes that have been put in place for 60, 70 years.
China, if that happened in China, once again, their solution is to kill the bankers.
They've done it now twice.
There was another case just in two, in the last two weeks, where they found bankers committing fraud and they killed them.
Now, why can't we import this from China?
Why can't we import this from China?
No, I hear you.
We need to do it through a jury of peers.
We've got to move ahead!
They're not looking at Julian Pierce!
All right, Max, we're out of time.
Thank you so much.
Great job to Aaron Dykes riding shotgun with us.
I'll see you back tomorrow, and we'll be back to Austin soon.
Great job.
Crew, PrisonPlanet.tv, 7 o'clock tonight, InfoWars Nightly News.
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