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Name: 20111118_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 18, 2011
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Oh, no!
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, my friends.
Alex Jones here, coming to you live from
Arizona, Northern Arizona.
It is of course the 18th day of November 2011 on this live Friday edition and we are going to be here for the next three hours.
I am coming to you via video Skype again from Arizona where I am traveling through the southwest until I get back next Wednesday.
Kind of retracing some of the places I went to and some places I didn't go to back in 1997 to see what the United Nations Biosphere World Heritage Site takeover has basically metastasized into.
I was at the
Carlsbad Cavern National Park yesterday and ran into a cornucopia of Big Brother activities.
In fact it was an orgy of control freakism and anti-human global indoctrination with now the
National Park Rangers festooned with firearms and tasers walking around like it's a Supermax prison with their eyes in slits just literally thinking that terrorists are under every table.
So we're gonna be breaking that down today.
Aaron Dykes is gonna be riding shotgun with us and bringing in the latest news as it breaks.
Obviously throughout the week we've been having Gerald Cilente on because of MF Global.
I was watching CNBC just about an hour ago and they had the anchor there at the desk, a male gentleman.
I meant to write down his name but didn't have time.
I think they were calling him Jamie something.
And of course they had the attractive Asian young lady who's on in the morning along with Kramer and one other person and the host who was anchoring to the people out on Wall Street, Kramer and the other people.
He was saying that it looks like this MF Global is some type of theft and crime, and that now the $600 million that they claimed they knew where it was, now it's gone, and this is sending the markets down.
And then they cut back to Kramer and the other talking heads and they were like, no, no, no, no, no.
This is not a big deal.
This is not illegal.
I'm sure it's just an accident.
And about five minutes later, the other anchor host said, yes, it's no big deal.
It's just rumors.
Nothing to them.
Nothing to them.
You could tell somebody had popped into his ear and told him, do not say this is destroying confidence.
Do not say people don't like being swindled.
And they cut back to the
The female anchor, field anchor, and she's like, yes, this just happens when you're involved in commodities.
No big deal.
Of course, Valente's been in it since the early 70s.
I've made a novice study of it.
This was money in his, in his, what's the term they use?
Segregated account.
It's like a bank account.
And they took it, and they took 33,000 other people's money.
He won't say how much it is above 100,000, but it's a lot more than 100,000.
Now, Aaron Dykes is riding shotgun with us.
We've got a lot of other news.
Everything is coming to a head right now.
But this MF Global situation is huge.
So, Salente is joining us in T-minus 26 minutes from now.
And we've also got huge, huge attacks on the First Amendment and the Internet.
That bill is moving through Congress right now.
That's a red alert situation, that so-called copyright bill.
No judge, no jury.
They just take your website down.
And blacklist you from the internet.
ECB riots against the European Central Bank begin in Italy as globalist Super Mario forces austerity.
Raise the taxes, cut the benefits, raid the pension funds, pay it all to the mega-banks.
Herman Cain, we've got a report here, The Whore of Babylon by Patrick Enningson, one of our great writers.
Russian warships enter Syrian waters to prevent NATO attack.
Huge developments on that front.
And we've also got reports that the Germans, through the Euro,
...are trying to block, now get this, we'll come back with Aaron, are trying to block the Brits, or people in the UK generally, from being able to vote on being brought into the new EU dictatorship.
It's all coming up with Alex Jones, Aaron Dykes, Gerald Cilente, and more.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Thank you for joining us my friends.
I'm Alex Jones reporting on the road here in northern Arizona on the United Nations globalist takeover of our national parks and other public lands.
I'm retracing some of the steps that I was
I don't know.
A out-of-control police state exercise, and I think that in a few years if this doesn't stop, the National Parks will be like entering an airport with the TSA.
I saw the National Park Rangers, some of them wearing firearms and tasers, walking around with their arms out.
If they're part of Patriot Act compliance, you get 20 questions.
So I'm going to be breaking some of that down later today.
Gerald Salente is going to be joining us coming up here in about 22 minutes from now.
A top trends forecaster who had over six figures over $100,000.
I think?
And that it was then his money.
And they've taken other cash accounts from people as well.
33 plus thousand.
MF Global bought the trading firm that he'd been trading with and using since the early 70s.
And he's never seen anything like this.
And I was watching MSNBC this morning, just an hour and a half ago or so.
And they had the host there anchoring it, talking to the three reporters, Kramer and two other people on the ground at the New York Stock Exchange.
And he was saying, well, what's driving down the market right now, you know, the intel we're getting is there's no confidence now in the government.
There's no confidence now in these companies, especially in futures.
That's why the markets are going down.
We thought that the bankruptcy of MF Global hadn't signaled a new Bear Stearns or type situation in 2008.
But now that the money's missing, they said that they had just misplaced it.
Now they won't say where it went.
This is destroying confidence.
And this is, well, really theft.
That's what this is.
This is theft.
And then he throws it.
I meant to write down his name but couldn't find a pen here in the hotel room.
He throws it to Kramer and the attractive woman and the other guy.
And they just all say, no, it's perfectly fine.
It's all just an accident.
It's no big deal.
Perfectly reasonable.
And then about five minutes later, I'm sitting there reading the newspaper, surfing the web, getting ready for the show, doing research.
And he goes, just to be clear, there's nothing to the rumors that the money was stolen.
No one knows where it is, but it's no big deal, quite normal.
No big deal.
He didn't correct himself.
He just retracted everything by what he said five minutes later.
So somebody got in his ear after the break and said, you listen here, buddy.
And again, I'm not watching many of these financial shows.
I've been on the road.
Shooting video, doing interviews with locals, really learning a lot about what's happening out here out west.
What spurred me to want to do this trip, about six months ago, my parents went out to Montana and Wyoming and visited family, friends, fellow patriots.
And they've just talked about how the government's trying to encroach there and the things that are happening.
So I figured I'd come back out west.
And I'm not going to say the other national parks and places I'm going in the next four days because I don't want them to be waiting for me.
You know, I wanted to go to Carlsbad Caverns, be friendly, be nice, have my wife, have my children.
Richard's with us, helping with the technical stuff.
And I wanted to just come in all friendly and nice and see what it was like.
And I've been to Carlsbad Caverns four times before this.
And it's really a big police state now.
Now, tying in to Gerald Cilente coming up, we're about to get some other news and some recaps, some of the stuff we already mentioned, and get Aaron Dykes' take, who's riding shotgun with us throughout the three hours today, and I certainly appreciate the fantastic job he did and the crew did yesterday with that in-depth breakdown of the censorship of the proof of FEMA camps in America, and also the fact that they're hiding geoengineering, terraforming, chemtrailing, in-plane view.
Amazing job with Aaron Dykes, but I wanted to go over
Some of the news here.
Sprint launches soon to be mandatory emergency alert messages.
We told you years ago this was coming.
Government said they're going to do it.
They're going to commandeer your computer, your cell phone.
Jumbotrons will be everywhere in public.
License plates will be digital that will flash images and alerts.
Cell phones will be mandatory in all new cars and will listen to you inside your car.
How do I know all this is coming?
And of course much of it has now happened because I read the government documents.
Homeland Security three years ago was actually entertaining and recommending to Congress and the federal government that they get funding to pilot taser bracelets on everyone getting on planes.
This is beyond Orwell.
Okay, I know what's coming because I saw the federal purchase orders for Austin alone in 1998 for $844,000 in microphones hidden in lampposts.
Then I learned it went nationwide in the last twelve years or so.
Thirteen years.
Now they're announcing it to the slaves.
We know what we're talking about.
Some people are experts on football or acting trendier.
I don't know.
Acting tough or whatever the general public does.
I'm actually into the real world.
I'm actually into science, quantum mechanics.
I'm into literature, history, astronomy.
Not because I think it's trendy and cool to be into that.
I'm really into giant gas giants exploding and huge coronal mass ejections and gigantic star cluster formations that Hubble Telescope has photographed.
I want to know the secrets of the universe in my limited consciousness, my tiny time to be alive.
I don't want to be filled full of Madison Avenue crud as they sell us slavery.
And because I've made a 20-year study, almost 17 years, it'll be 17 years in February, on air, on AXS TV and then AM and FM, and now today XM, close to 100 AM and FM stations, Global Shortwave, all of it.
I want to infect others with my love of life and that curiosity and that creative spirit that is the creative drive of humanity.
You're either creative or you're destructive.
You're either into love and building and strength or you're into destruction and death.
And all of us have both sides of that in us.
But it's what side do we reach for?
I reach for the light.
I reach for the good.
I reach for the truth.
No matter what comes of all of this.
Huge developments are taking place, and I'll get into this once Salente is on with us, and then more later with Aaron.
We're going to open the phones up in the second and third hour.
We may have Kaiser and Tarpley popping in from Syria.
He wanted to come on today.
He's there reporting, but we weren't able to get a hold of him, and he's also been in zones where snipers are firing on people.
Very, very brave to be facing up to the CIA-slash-Mossad-slash-Wahhabi-Saudi Arabian terror forces that are there on the ground.
But Russian warships enter Syrian waters to prevent a NATO attack.
So we're going to be breaking that down.
We're not saying Syria is good either.
The point is, this is all part of a globalist plan.
But the big news is, there's riots all over Europe as they announce, we're taking part of your pension fund, we're raising your taxes.
Well, that'll bankrupt my restaurant, my hotel, my business.
Sorry, too bad.
It's got to be paid to the bankers.
You've got to go into slavery to them because they created the debt.
And now there's another report up.
That I want to go to.
And that's Germany's secret plan to derail British referendum on EU.
That's London Telegraph, who's also reporting on the globalists admitting they're technocratic dictators.
And in the report, they talk about what Lord Monckton and Nigel Farage, your British member of EU Parliament, have talked about.
75% or more of the laws are not even made
by the
being able to
Are in every power position of every country over there and over the European Union, technocratic bureaucracy.
Aaron Dykes, give us your take on this in a few minutes before break and tell us the news you've got coming up on the other side.
Well, Alex, obviously I am pretty alarmed about the situation in Italy because it's an out-and-out Bilderberg steering member, somebody who's been on the list as far back as I can trace what's going on in Bilderberg from my own perspective, and that's Mario Monti.
Of course, they always have these ready-to-go nicknames, Super Mario, like he's going to save everyone, and he's just openly bringing in all these technocrats.
I love Gerald Salente's quote from a few days ago that a technocrat's just a
Bureaucrat who knows how to cook the books, Alex.
And then even more alarming are the details in this Telegraph article about Merkel's plan to really bring to power this new fund, which they openly say in the article will have the power to take ailing countries into receivership and run their economies.
So it's a complete... Well, sure, that's always the cover.
It's always, oh, it's a bailout for the banks, $887 billion.
Then you learn it's a blank check for the banks to take over the U.S.
Now the Super Congress is making all the major laws.
Bills don't originate in the House from individual members, as they've done for 200-plus years.
Everything is being overwritten.
Alex, Obama's not even signing his own bills now.
He's using a, quote, auto pen, some kind of copied signature, while he's away on business.
Have you seen this?
Yes, it's incredible.
And expanding on this here, and we'll come back and get into more of this, of the rioting happening in Europe.
I want the listeners to think about the magnitude of this.
They're talking about it being a new Euro bond to get them out of trouble, but in the agreement for the bond, the nations waive all their rights in perpetuity, and the UK, who never even entered it to begin with, can't even get a vote on it.
This is a financial military takeover.
All right, we'll be right back.
Ladies and gentlemen, Aaron Dykes, straight ahead.
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Wow, where are all those people over the last 50 years that made fun of all these military officers, government agents, and others at first who came out and warned that there was a global financial takeover happening by giant financial institutions?
They wanted to destroy free market capitalism and bring in a crony system where the general public lives in a communal kind of Soviet model, but the globalists are offshore and exempt from it all and siphon the money off to themselves.
And then again, for 16 plus years I've told people, Bank of the World's coming, they'll bankrupt the major regions, the Euro, the North American Union, then the Asian Union, and then say, oh, this is a terrible crisis.
The answer is a mega-union.
And we're entering the next to final phase now in the establishment of this.
And once they have the global government in, they can then, in an orchestrated fashion, shut down the countries even more.
Cut off your resources.
As they've said, in their Plandopolis productions, they even show British school children.
This is a post-industrial world, by design, to make you absolutely poor slaves that cannot resist.
Then they'll say, get sterilized, give you welfare.
Uh, get government approval to have kids.
All of this is coming in.
This is all a public blueprint.
We cover it in Endgame.
Blueprint for global enslavement.
Aaron, go back to the magnitude.
I mean, they're even calling this in Time Magazine, Newsweek,
Financial Times of London, a banking dictatorship, a Goldman Sachs global coup.
They're now taking our exact terms we've been using for many, many years, because that's what it is.
We didn't just hit the center of the dartboard.
We were like Robin Hood, splitting the arrow with another arrow, and then splitting it again, and again, and again, and again.
Now how did we do this?
Because we aren't smart, because we care.
We learned history, and we know the Globalist Handbook.
It's like if I go to a play, and it's got a big, thick breakdown, or program.
That's why it's called a program.
Oh, here's your program.
You know who's coming up next, you know who's gonna sing, you know who's playing who, and you're like, oh, they're about to start the third act.
Oh, this is a Shakespearean event.
Aaron Dyche, you've got the floor.
I mean I agree and you know groups like the Bilderberg have planned the European Union for more than 50 years and they always hinged on these embryonic plans.
They knew they couldn't open the gates with a full union so they started with the coal and other industrial you know common pool treaties getting the groups together and now they've progressed to this stage where it is openly a total banking takeover and
I agree.
It's right here in the articles.
They totally admit that's what it is.
They're going to put these countries into receivership and completely run them.
And you can see where even if socialism isn't advisable, it's become the trend in many of these small European countries.
The people are used to it.
And all those social benefits they've come to depend on will be just run by bankers.
So they'll say no, whatever.
In Europe, they're taking around 70% of people's money, even poor people, and then they bring in the foreigners to basically be the political bloc, who are on total welfare in many cases, to outvote the domestic groups.
This is the Balkanization plan.
That's why they always want to get the states here in more debt with unfunded mandates.
It's all about bringing us to this implosion point.
And if you were going to have these socialist systems, it makes sense in those smaller countries where you have some accountability.
Now there's no accountability whatsoever.
And they're just, they're openly using these austerity measures and going to loot the pension funds and who knows what's going to happen to the people in these countries.
But obviously the countries themselves are going to be going into one form or another of bankruptcy and the banks are openly running the whole thing.
I mean, Mario Monti is a very naked example of that, Alex.
Also, don't forget, they've militarized everything in the last 15 years.
As soon as Europe got rid of rules on investment banks getting into general banking, as soon as they got rid of it here, this is the exact thing that's been done in Argentina and other countries.
This is an exact plan.
It was done in Japan.
They've been in a 15-year recession, really a depression.
This is all about a consolidation.
That's why we were able to call it.
The globalists admit it was a premeditated consolidation.
And now they admit
You know, Denver's got TV ads and manuals saying, don't even trust your best friend.
They're probably a terrorist.
What's a terrorist?
They don't like the Federal Reserve.
A terrorist is a real American, or a real European, or a real Mexican, or a real Chinese, anybody, no matter where you are in the world, who recognizes that globalism is a banker-corporate-takeover-crime syndicate run by eugenicists.
It's not just corporations taking over the world and, oh, they'll be our rulers.
That's bad enough.
These are psycho control freaks who cared enough about killing the majority of us to spend decades getting control.
This is their religion.
World government is only the means to the end.
The real party starts once they've got the real power and start shutting off the resources.
Then the extermination begins.
Then the giant regional wars with a few areas they haven't taken over starts.
This is Red Level Emergency.
Red Level Emergency.
The New World Order is here exactly as we told you it would be.
Do you want to see the next phases come true?
Do you hear me?
This is a Mayday Emergency Situation.
I'm Alex Jones with Aaron Dykes, PrisonPlanet.TV, Gerald Salentis.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Riders on the storm Riders on the storm Into this house we're born Into this world we're thrown
Thank you for joining us.
Gerald Salente is going to be our guest the next 30 minutes.
We had him on two days ago on the radio show and now of course last night he joined us for InfoWars Nightly News that Rob Dew hosted and did a great job along with the crew producing.
I was watching CNBC this morning
And the host who was anchoring it went to Kramer, Jim Kramer, and two other field reporters who were in the New York Stock Exchange.
And the anchor host, I think they said his name was Jamie, I forget his last name, but this was on about two, three hours ago.
He said on there, well, the markets are going down because of MF Global.
Not because of the bankruptcy, but because first we were told the money disappeared, 600 to 900 million.
Now we're told that they found it, but now again, they won't say where it is.
This looks like theft.
And that's what is really driving down the markets and driving down
Speculation in commodities and other things.
He said, this is really a serious situation.
Then he cuts to Kramer and he cuts to the other people.
They all say, well, this type of thing happens sometimes.
And, you know, that's what happens when you're speculating or whatever.
Now, this was segregated accounts and AP Reuters, Bloomberg, Forbes.
They've all reported this is unprecedented.
That's why investors are freaking out and getting out of the market.
That's why people don't trust banks.
We've already had all these semi-runs on banks, people trying to take their money out of Bank of America, JP Morgan, Chase, Wells Fargo, and others, because they understand that.
And some of the banks try to refuse to give you your money.
You've seen the attempts to ratchet up all these fees.
This is what the cashless society is about.
They get to take your money and then not get in trouble.
So, as this broke earlier in the week, suddenly there was going to be judges involved and they were going to get the money back.
Well, now, MF Global and all the little companies it grabbed up, like the one that Salente's been doing trades through for more than 30 years,
Suddenly, they were going to give the money back.
Now they're saying, oh, we don't know where it is.
And it's just a new situation where you don't get your money back.
First it was, you might get a little back, and then, no, you'll get it all back.
And now, sorry, it's gone.
And the funny thing was, and I'm going to Gerald.
Is that about five minutes later they go to break and they come back with the host who's there anchoring, you know, from the news desk.
And he goes, actually, just to clarify things, I've researched all these rumors of the money being stolen and they're just that, they're rumors.
We can't confirm.
So I just want to say that.
So we know the money's gone and he admitted it was a theft and that's what's hurting the market.
Then he comes back five minutes later.
And was chastised, I guess, behind the scenes in his earpiece or whatever.
And it's like, actually, there's nothing to these rumors.
He didn't say conspiracy theories.
But, you know, the money's gone, but that's just it.
So joining us now is Trends Forecast researcher, Trends Forecaster Gerald Saliente, who had more than $100,000 taken that was in his account, his money.
His money and he was going to take physical December delivery and of course a lot of people have predicted that you'd see problems in December with delivery because a lot of these companies they believe don't have the physical gold.
Gerald Salente, thank you for joining us.
Give us the latest
We're good to go.
Piloted the problem with all their minions and all the finance positions, Prime Minister and President's positions, preparing for this takedown.
On the way up, they made tens of trillions, selling the derivatives garbage.
Now they have the government agents they control sign on to those debts and then have the whore media, or prostitutes as you call them, sell the public on, it's your debt, it's your fault.
And they're telling them, we're taking part of your pension funds, we're cutting your, we're taking your money, we're raising your taxes, sorry if you go out of business.
It's our money, give it to us.
So, all Hades is literally breaking loose.
Gerald Cilente.
Yes, let me, thank you Alex.
Let me first explain, because a lot of people don't seem to understand this.
It is like having a layaway plan.
You go to a store and you're going to buy something, but you don't have all the money yet.
So you just keep adding money into it, until you have enough money, and then you go pick it up.
Now imagine that you go pick it up and you go to the place where the store was, and the store is no longer there.
And you put all the money in.
That's exactly what happened to me.
I was building the account, having planned it out, that I would take delivery this month.
And I kept putting money into my account, building my account, until I had enough money.
So all those morons out there that are saying what I'm doing, you know, oh, you believe in paper, this and that, you don't know what you're talking about.
Number two.
I just got off the phone with the broker.
Here's the deal.
People like myself that had money in the account and the position to pick up the gold, we're getting nothing.
Some people are getting 60 cents on their dollar.
Now here's the big lie.
And those guys, I mean anybody that watches CNBC and believes those little, those little
Guys out there that are always, you know, sucking up and bowing down to the money men.
You know, they should have their head examined.
Because here's the deal.
The CME Group, and this is a story that we broke with you last night.
The CME Group is the exchange that handles all the derivatives and the commodities.
That's the exchange.
Like the New York Stock Exchange handles stocks.
The CME Group handles derivatives and commodities.
Now commodities isn't just speculation.
Farmers use it.
Airlines use it.
Millions, millions and millions of people use exchanges and businesses buying futures for delivery.
Now, here is what the CEO
Of the CME Group, Terence Duffy said last year, we picked this up after doing research, we pulled it up, this was at a press conference with the former Mayor Daley, who he called his great friend.
No customer has ever lost a penny as a result of the clearing member defaulting.
Through the CME Group.
That's number one, he said.
Number two, and this is the most important part.
Since we are the guarantor of every transaction that happens in our markets, we have to guarantee the performance of each and every one of these contracts.
To do this, we hold more than 100 billion of collateral to support the transactions that are being done on our markets.
Okay, Terry Boy, over there in Chicago, with your good buddy, Daly from the machine, where's the guarantee?
I know how to read.
I understand English.
The CME is either a fraud, or this guy's a con, or he's a liar.
You pick it.
It's one of those three.
Because they're saying they guarantee it, and we haven't gotten our money, and they're saying it's only 700 million dollars short.
That's why the markets are falling apart.
There is no guarantor.
It's a lie, a con, or a fraud.
Gerald, this is news of which the magnitude... I don't even have words to describe.
Let me ask you this question.
I think I know I'm going to know the answer, but you're on the inside of this now.
I want to go back over exactly what this broker creature was telling you.
I want to break this down.
If they're admitting that the markets are falling apart, especially the futures markets, because this is destroying confidence, if it's well known to even a layman like myself who just studies this as a novice, that if you've got money in your account and then it's yours and it says on the account that it is segregated, that is your money to take that as total fraud.
It's equivalent of wire fraud or basically bank robbery without a weapon.
It's a serious felony and you can spend life in prison for this.
So, why over 650, 700, 900?
We see different numbers.
Let's just say it's 700 million.
Why over 700 million with a company that has tens of millions of customers tied into trillions in different forms of assets?
Why would they endanger the entire structure at this juncture over 700, 900 million, whatever it really is, less than a billion dollars?
I think the answer is what you said three days ago here.
That's right.
They don't have the product.
They don't have the gold to deliver.
And the same thing's going to happen with ETFs.
This is a big fraud.
This guy is shooting off his mouth, saying that they're going to guarantee it, and they have a hundred billion dollars in collateral.
A hundred billion dollars, and Terry, boy, you can't come up with seven hundred million?
So, my belief is there's no money in there.
My belief this whole thing is one big scam.
Pick up the papers, look what's going on.
No, no, no, no, no.
Gerald, that's it.
This is bigger than Madoff.
This is the beginning.
There's no doubt, and that's why all of them on CNBC, when this got brought up, were scared to death, like they were in front of a firing squad, Gerald.
This is bigger than Madoff, and they now admit the money isn't there.
That's why they said three days ago, oh, it's there, it's an accident, we'll give it back.
Now they're saying, okay, the money isn't there, just forget about it.
You've talked to them, and they say, listen, Gerald, you want your 500,000 or whatever it is?
I mean, you won't say it's over 100,000?
You're not getting it.
I mean, these people are...
You're right, you're not getting it.
And the whole thing, how did they come up with this whole idea that they're going to take our money, they took the money out of our accounts, and they put it with a trustee?
Oh yeah, trust that!
Who made this one up?
As I said, what did the Lanskys get together with the Capones, and we're giving it to this guy?
I mean, they just make these rules up as they go along.
And here's my big rub.
Where's Corzine?
Where is he, the guy that brought this company down?
Oh, by the way, Alex, betting 40 to 1.
That's right, putting down $1 and betting 40 on it.
Who gets away with this?
The only people that get away with it are the criminals that have connections to the White House and Wall Street.
Let's stop right there!
The Corzine was up, by the way.
He was up, as it goes, to be the next Treasury Secretary under Obama's new term.
Wow, let me inject this.
He ain't doing any time.
He's still, nobody's going after him.
Why doesn't he go to jail until this thing is cleared up?
Why don't they get his passport so he can't leave the country?
Why isn't he doing a perp walk like you or I would do?
Boy, would they love to bring us down.
Where are all those tough New York City finest that are spraying pepper spray at all ladies and beating up kids?
Where are they?
You know where they are?
They're nothing more than enforcers for the financial crime bosses as they close off Wall Street.
You know, am I losing it, Alex?
Just like Jesus Christ did.
The only time, the only time the man of peace lost his temper and pulled out the whip was to beat the money changers out of the temple.
And the temple in this country has become the banks.
We must bow to the bankers.
Look at Fox!
They run this piece today about, oh, poor Corzine.
Oh, falling down from his heights.
This is what got Christ angry, and boy, it has me angry.
And everybody out there, I don't care what company you have your money with.
As I said, Raymond James, Infidelity, Charlie Schwab, if they go bust, you're going to get the shaft.
You're not going to get your money out of the bank.
Read the headlines in the papers.
The banks in Europe are coming up with all kinds of schemes, trying to figure out how to keep this Ponzi scheme going.
And you hit it.
You nailed it, Alex.
Those little boys on CNBC, they know it's a Ponzi scheme.
It's collapsing.
They can't come up with $700 million to quiet this thing down.
But Gerald, that was my question for you.
Is that some people spend this, about the 33,000 customers that have had their life savings stolen in many cases, many of them widows, you name it, out of just plain old cash accounts where they take a delivery.
of cash in their accounts, this will destroy confidence.
And it's not like he went and invested with Corzine, who's betting 41.
He came and gobbled up the established company you've been using since the mid-70s.
But here's my question then.
Why are they letting this happen now?
Why have they just decided to hide this in plain view?
I mean, even if they can't come up with $700 million, you know the Treasury could go somewhere and scrounge up $700 million in gold.
Have they gone ahead and decided to set the precedent now with this and test it and see if they can get away with it?
A. B. I don't think they're getting away with it.
Everybody I know, including myself, I've got to decide with the operating capital we've got in the business account to run my radio TV system and my 35 employees.
I've got to decide what to do with that because it's true.
Even though I've got some local banks and things, those can't be trusted because they're all tied into this.
I mean, they are literally pulling out all confidence and I don't see how they're going to spend this and how they're going to get away with it.
I mean, why did the one host, Gerald,
The actual anchor at the news desk say, this is theft, plain and simple, it's destroying the markets.
He cuts to the guys, they cover it up, they cut back to him, he goes to break and he comes back and says, oh no, nothing's going on here.
I mean, and by the way, again, they all look scared, Gerald.
Oh yeah, they're scared.
You've covered the bases, Alex.
It's those possibilities.
It's number one, they can't come up with the dough, just like Bernie Madoff couldn't come up with it.
It's a Ponzi scheme.
Number two, yes, they're setting us up.
They're seeing what public reaction is going to be.
And number three, the whole system is collapsing.
Look how they tried to promote, they brought in the saviors over in Europe into Greece and into Italy.
The Goldman Sachs gang to run the show.
And by the way, the Rothschilds would be jealous to see what the Goldman boys have pulled off.
This is far greater than what they've ever done!
We got the Goldman Sachs boys that have been in the White House, running the White House.
We got them in the Treasury.
You know, they're all over the world!
You know, this is huge!
It's collapsing.
It's collapsing, and they're going to keep trying to prop it up.
They can't come up with the dough.
Yes, it is fraud.
Yes, it is a con.
Who is behind it?
And there may be other people behind it.
And that's what we have to, we will be, maybe never find out.
To me, that's one of the reasons why they're quieting this down.
This is a lot bigger than anybody knows.
To risk the whole commodities and derivatives exchange for 700 million dollars?
It's ridiculous.
Stay there, Gerald.
Well, as you know, Reuters admitted the CFTC chief is in business with Corzine and had to recuse himself two weeks ago, so we don't know what's really going on.
We'll get Aaron Dyke's take with Gerald Cilente straight ahead on the other side.
This is big news.
It affects us all.
Stay with us.
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Alright, obviously Gerald Salente is very, very busy, but I notice that the fact that this money had been stolen wasn't admitted until Tuesday and Wednesday when Gerald went public.
Before it was just a bankruptcy, and yeah, they're figuring out the accounts and things.
Then it's okay, don't worry, we've got the money, it's in a trustee, you'll get it later, and no, you'll get some of it, now you won't get any of it.
An incredible precedent, ladies and gentlemen.
All the pension funds, everything, is in one way or another tied to all these derivatives and all this garbage.
And now, if it's a pure cash gold account, it's Geraldson money, and they just take it, nobody is safe.
And that's why the markets are going down.
And the host today admitted that the emperor has no clothes, and then somebody spanked him during the break, and he came back on CNBC and changed his tune.
Now, continuing, you heard the last break.
Did you hear the ad that I cut three months ago?
Where I said, ladies and gentlemen, this is the plunge.
The technocrats are taking over.
We're going all in.
The battle is about to start, because I can see the convergence.
Things are going crazy right now.
Aaron Dykes, this is a short segment, but do you have any quick questions or comments for Gerald Cilente?
Well, I just find it very telling.
I didn't realize that they were planning to tap John Corzine for the next Treasury Secretary.
I mean, who knew it could get even worse than Geithner, a direct protege of Robert Rubin and Larry Summers, the guys who busted Glass-Steagall, the former Federal Reserve?
...head of the New York branch.
Now they've got John Corzine, and there's quotes here from Obama talking about how he was a supporter back when no one knew how to pronounce his name, and yet Obama, you know, does the posturing as though he supports Occupy Wall Street.
And it's all Goldman Sachs people, and all these fake conservatives that demonize Occupy Wall Street when it's a diverse group.
You're calling them communist and stuff.
What about the megabanks stealing and destroying everything?
Gerald Solente.
I want to read to you yesterday's headline of the Wall Street Journal because everybody should listen carefully so they know what's going to happen.
It's right here for everyone to see.
Banks face funding stress.
European institutions resort to potentially risky swaps to generate liquidity.
European banks increasingly concerned about their ability to access funding are devising complex and potentially risky new deals that enable them to continue borrowing from the European Central Bank
The bank's moves, which include behind-the-scenes swapping of assets among financial institutions, could heighten risk across Europe's already fragile financial system.
It says it right here!
This is white shoe boy language for they're gonna come up with any scheme they can to make up another game to steal money from anybody they can steal it from to keep the Ponzi scheme going.
This is the Wall Street Journal.
This is Rupert Murdoch's newspaper and they're saying the thing is
In the process of collapsing.
And no doubt they've already swapped your money.
That's what's happening.
And folks, they're going to feed everything into the black hole, as Webster Tarpley and others have said.
It's impossible, times 100, to pay back all these fake derivatives that we don't owe.
They're going to feed everything into it, Gerald.
How do we stop these criminals?
Go ahead and just pull everything out now while we still can?
I'm pulling, as I've been telling you, I keep pulling my money out of the bank, and that's why it was in this also, this other place, this MF Global, was to take delivery.
So yes, I would not, again, we have to look at really what's going on and bring it into the bigger picture.
I've said this over and over again, the MF story is only one part of the bigger picture.
It's a takeover.
It's a takeover in every sector.
Stay there, Gerald.
Gotta go to break.
We'll be back in one minute.
20 more minutes with Gerald Cilente and Aaron Dyches.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM radio network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're in deep trouble.
Incredibly ruthless swindlers that make Madoff look like an angel are in control.
They've got our military under their control.
Strike anywhere on the earth in an hour.
Drudge is top-linked to our article.
We'll talk about it after the break with Gerald.
Sprint launches soon to be mandatory.
Emergency alert messages.
They're taking over the computers, the phones.
Jumbotron tattletale screens.
The crooks are going to use the threat of terrorism to clamp down.
Gerald's with us in this segment, the next.
Very gracious to spend time with us.
I will also tell you in the next segment how you can subscribe to his amazing Trends Journal.
And he did predict they'd start grabbing people's accounts and things.
This was him just getting gold and had his money in an account to buy it, and they stole that.
He was getting the physical gold.
So, let me tell you, this is pushing my timetable forward.
Gerald, you got cut off by the break.
This is a short segment.
Aaron Dykes is up there in the command chair at InfoWars headquarters in Austin.
I'm here in Arizona.
We're good to go.
First of all, finishing what I was saying, it's bigger than MF Global.
It's a takeover in every way.
Look, Alex, those of us that are old enough to remember, and I think about this, whole generations, two generations have no idea what this country used to be like.
People could open up a hardware store.
You didn't have to go to work as a clerk for Lowe's or Home Depot.
You could have your own store.
People used to open up their own pharmacies, their drugstores with soda fountains in them.
I was a soda jerk during the end of that era.
You didn't have to work as a clerk for CVS or Walmart or Rite Aid.
People used to be able to open up their own mom-and-shop stores, clothing stores for men and women.
You didn't have to go to Walmart, which controls 10% of the action, and be a clerk for them.
People in this country used to be able to start their own businesses and be their own entrepreneurs.
And now what they've done, they've taken over every, virtually every industry in this country.
Under Clinton with the broadcasting.
Putting it in the power of the hands of a few.
Clear channel.
You know, give me a break.
Clear channel.
Clear rip-off.
One after another.
They've deregulated this country.
Laws that were put in place at the turn of the other century to stop the robber barons from robbing us.
So what I'm saying is the MF Global is only part of a much bigger picture.
So you ask me what can we do?
There's only one thing I believe, a couple of things we could do, but one of them is break the chains.
All you cops out there that keep eating donuts, and you have pension plans, and you have these wonderful retirement plans, you wanna see your money when you retire?
Guess what?
You're not gonna get it.
Because it's going to go under, most likely, like mine did.
So instead of going to Dunkin' Donuts, go to your local coffee shop.
What people need to understand, Alex, is that these huge companies, and the MF Global is the perfect example, are so leveraged that you take away a little bit, like 700 million, to the entire CME group, and you start seeing the whole thing collapse.
The whole thing begins to collapse.
All you need to do is everybody, if you do your share and stop supporting the chains, we could bring this country back to an entrepreneurial country.
Another thing, I keep hearing it all the time, you know they blame labor for everything.
You want everyday low prices?
You have everyday low quality with everyday low quality jobs.
You gotta stay there, Gerald.
Gotta go break.
Sorry to interrupt.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Alright folks, Alex Jones here reporting from Arizona.
I'm traveling across the Southwest filing video reports at InfoWars Nightly News.
We're going to have a bunch of video tonight of some of the police state activity we've witnessed.
7 o'clock central at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Of course, Gerald Cilente is with us for the rest of this segment.
He heads up the Trends Research Institute and he really helped break
I think?
That was illegal before, but now it's a new system.
We've got to do this, the Wall Street Journal says, to save things.
And Bloomberg Radio, CNBC, TV, I've heard them all say.
Over and over again.
Well, we've got to get rid of freedom in Europe.
That'll fix the system.
If you take everything and raise taxes and cut benefits, that will prop up the world system.
It's the banksters that destroyed the world system.
And they're using this, they're riding this tiger as they destroy the system to gain all the power.
Now, Gerald Cilente is our guest.
We're also top-linked on Drudge, DrudgeReport.com.
Sprint launches, soon to be mandatory, emergency alert messages.
Again, I've seen them activating all the stuff now that they've been getting ready for martial law for decades.
That's how I've been able to come on air in the last few years and say, we're getting close, this is going to happen next.
They're going to call it a technocracy.
Remember that ad I cut three months ago saying a global banking technocracy?
What does all the news say?
Thank God the technocrats are going to save us.
Technocrat is an authoritarian system, meaning a faceless technological bureaucrat.
It's like, you know, calling Hitler a fascist.
Well, this is a form of fascist
Creepy behind-the-scenes, not ostentatious, but little, you know, like a bed bug that creeps out at 3 a.m.
and sucks your blood.
This is not a big frontal assault like Hitler, Stalin, Mao, okay?
This is a creeping, snaky attack.
And Gerald Cilente is our guest.
After he leaves us, coming up here in about 10-15 minutes, we're going to go to your phone calls with Aaron Dykes and follow my report here on air next hour dealing with the U.N.
Gerald, it's all coming true, as you said.
A, because you're a guy who never plugs himself.
How do people get your incredible weekly trends blast?
I know a lot's on the website.
How do they also get the big quarterly report that is so in-depth that you really craft and polish like a sculptor with such precision?
How do they find out more?
Thank you.
TrendsJournal.com, TrendsJournal.com.
And again, I want to say, Alex, that we do our best to make the Trends Journal available to everyone.
So we know people are having a difficult time out there, believe me.
And so we have a discount request form.
If you can't afford the full price and you're having problems, just fill out the form.
Nothing in-depth or personal.
And we will do our very best to make sure that you get it because
It's very important that people prepare for what was coming ahead.
And if you can't see what's going to come ahead, if you're going to be blinded by the news, and you're not prepared for it, you better be.
Because the worst is yet to come.
We are about to enter the winter of discontent.
And I have one thing to say, Alex.
Stop using the word bankers.
I don't believe it's appropriate.
They're loan sharks.
The loan sharks are in control.
That's all they are.
And by the way, that other word that they use, commodities brokers, stock brokers, the reason they call them brokers is because you're broker than you were before you started!
That's what they are!
They're brokers!
They'll break you down!
They'll steal your money!
Look at all the trillions that were lost when the panic of O.H.
Look at all the people that lost their pensions!
Look at all the people that lost their retirement and savings!
Their money in those legacy stocks that would never go down!
And what happens?
Only Madoff, and as Madoff said from prison, he did what is standard procedure by the big boys.
He was the founder of the Nasdaq.
How fast do you see this degenerating?
And I know you're not somebody, you know, to be pushed around, Gerald.
You're a serious guy.
What are you personally, you may not want to disclose it, but what are you planning to do against these crooks who now have just said, nah, we're taking your money?
You know, I'm doing what I can, but you're fighting against, you know, the system is so rigged that you can't get in there.
So what I'm doing is I'm exposing the crooks.
I'm exposing the cons and the frauds.
And please put up that video that you had, I forget the fellow who did the piece on it last night, who posted it, he did an excellent job in reviewing it, about the CME group.
And they're either, as I said, it's either a lie, a con, or a fraud.
They said they were going to guarantee it, up to a hundred billion dollars.
So what my work is, as yours is, is to keep exposing it.
And we can, we could change the system.
Are we talking about Rob Doo?
Only when everyone else speaks up.
Well, let's get more into that, and then get Aaron's take on this.
But, Gerald, are you talking about the nightly news last night, hosted by Rob Doo?
Yes, but not that... Rob did a great job, but whoever posted the piece on there, that what we broke about the CME Group's Duffy, uh, Terrence Duffy, saying that no one lost a penny with CME Group, and that the CME Group, which is the exchange, like the New York Stock Exchange, the commodities and derivatives exchange, they said they're backing this by a hundred billion dollars.
So whoever posted that piece on your site, I forgot his name, he did a great job.
That was it.
Kurt did it.
I sent this piece to you specifically because it says I have a videotape of the head of the CME Group, Terrence Duffy, saying that no one's ever lost a penny with the CME Group in commodities exchanges going back to the Depression, and that they are guaranteeing it.
To a tune of a hundred billion dollars.
He said this at a press conference with Mayor Daley last year.
They've gone, as I said, it's either a con, a lie, or a fraud.
Okay, so you're saying Kurt Nemo did an article with that video and we need to get that out to people.
We'll certainly cover that.
And everyone should send it viral.
Send it all to the media.
It's the biggest breaking story out there.
The whole system is a fraud and this proves it.
Gerald, do you remember the headline on that?
And we'll repost it on the front page and make sure it gets emailed out.
Or we'll call Nemo up here to the front office and find out what the headline is and put Nemo in studio.
Because this is big.
The fact that they're telling you, hey, this is 100% backed, 100% insured.
But listen, they're already admitting the stock market's down hundreds of billions over this.
They're already admitting that
This is endangering the entire commodities future market derivatives even further.
Why would they not pay the $700 million?
This is incredible!
I don't believe they have it.
Just like Bernie didn't have it.
If they have it, put it up!
Because they said they'd put up $100 billion.
Here's the thing.
So let DCME discuss guarantee oversight.
On MF Global.
And the show I did last night with Rob, it was, it, we hit the points over and over.
This needs to be brought out there.
It's a Ponzi scheme.
Why aren't they coming up with the money after Terrence Duffy said they would guarantee it to the tune of a hundred billion?
Not seven hundred million!
All right, Aaron Dykes, I've raised a lot of points.
Gerald's raised a lot of points.
The last four minutes we have are three minutes left with him.
Any other questions or comments you've got from Gerald?
And Gerald, any other points you think need to be made here today?
Well, first of all, Alex, the article that Gerald is talking about, the headline is, Salente CMA did not guarantee oversight in MF Global scandal.
That was Kurt's very nice article from yesterday afternoon.
We didn't get to cover it until the overdrive segment on the radio show, but that's why we got Rob Dew covering it in depth on the nightly news last night.
And he's right, it breaks down really what is a fraudulent promise to guarantee this money when clearly they're just running interference for the big boys.
And now the system's just trying to play stupid.
I mean, listen, I'm not just saying this, folks.
I've studied this, I've called a lot of stuff, and I agree with Gerald.
I think this is going to end up probably completely blowing up, I've got to say, a hundred times the size of Madoff.
Because with Madoff, that was $60-70 billion.
With the CME Group and all these other groups and MF Global and what it ties into, this ties into tens of trillions, does it not, in the entire global derivatives futures market, Gerald?
Yes, it does.
They're talking a number in that videotape of 800 trillion or some number like that, some ridiculous number that they work with.
I don't have it in front of me right now.
I had it a second ago.
Let me grab it.
Hold on one second.
Well, I mean, they argue the numbers.
They talk about 1.5 quadrillion and they say this area is 800.
Yeah, here I got it right here.
This is that Terrence Duffy.
He said, to do this we hold more than 100 billion dollars of collateral, here, and each and every one of these contracts, which means facilitating the transfer of 800 trillion, trillion, 800 trillion dollars of risk!
He says it!
It's on that video!
And they can't even give you 700 million!
They can't even give 33,000 depositors their own personal accounts of 700 million.
This shows, wow, an empty, giant fraud.
We're talking about thousands of quadrillions, 800 billion, excuse me, trillions, just with this company, and they can't even give Celente his couple hundred thousand.
That's what we're saying.
It's a Ponzi scheme, or else come up with the money, or I don't want to hear anything else.
It's all hot air.
And again, why isn't Bernie Madoff, why isn't Corzine doing a perp walk?
How come they haven't got his passport?
Gerald, I want to thank you so much for your time.
Promise us that coming up over the weekend and also on Monday that we can get updates from you.
I really appreciate you spending so much time.
And I think you're fighting back like nobody else.
You're out there yelling and screaming because other people aren't prominent like you are who've been robbed.
And you're certainly hurting their overall system.
But they're such criminals, they just can't help doing what they're doing.
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Okay, ladies and gentlemen, it is Friday, and we are live here.
We have an hour and 24 minutes left.
Bob Chapman is not going to be joining us today because I wasn't sure if I was going to be live today, so I didn't want to have him waiting in the wings.
Would have been a good day to have him on with all the financial news, but we'll see Bob next Friday, Lord willing.
Aaron Deitch is riding shotgun, as he does when I'm out of town.
In case there's any technical difficulties, but it's also great to always have Aaron's researched insight into things.
I want to open the phones up now with the news we've covered.
There's a lot of other news we haven't gotten to yet, or any issue you want to raise.
I'd love to hear from everybody.
I want to take first-time callers in the first couple of rounds, because the Genesis phone system only takes six calls.
We probably should take it on our phone system.
We can take a hundred calls, but hint, hint, Genesis.
Let's add some more phone lines.
I tend to go call slowly so it doesn't really matter, but when you hear a caller hang up, that's your chance to join us on air.
The toll-free number is 800-259-9231.
I am going to hand over the rest of this segment and a little bit of the next to Aaron to cover a lot of the piles of news he's got and to break down his take on what Salente was just covering and the incredible draconian, um, police state admitted takeover of the private banks of Europe and England without a vote.
I mean, this is, I knew this was coming, but man, it's something else to see it actually happening and to know what's coming next.
The New World Order is not nice.
All you people out there that made fun of us, I feel sorry for you.
I told you the technocrats are getting ready to launch their global banking takeover three months ago with that ad you hear air.
The technocratic elite are taking over.
Now what do they call themselves?
We are the technocrats.
You will be absorbed.
I'm going to throw it to Aaron Dice for the rest of this segment.
A little bit of the next.
I'll then pop
Back in here in about five minutes after the break and then we'll start going to your phone calls and I'll try to also launch the phone system here if you guys can send that to me maybe as a Skype link or in the Skype link maybe you just put the callers there for me.
My little technocrat is in here and you know how bad I am with systems I haven't studied.
Alright we'll be
I'm taking your calls again coming up.
Aaron Dykes, I'm handing the baton to you for the next 10 minutes or so.
Thanks Alex.
And it's true, the bankers are taking over and there's layers and layers of Homeland Security and other groups who prepared to deal with the backlash from the people.
You see it now with the massive protests going on in Occupy and other areas and they're prepared to deal with it in order to allow the bankers to fully take over.
I think?
That the Department of Health is violating the law in storing, using, and disseminating newborn screening test results and newborn DNA.
That's something Alex has covered for his entire span of being on air.
Many people cast doubt on this, didn't believe it was going on.
Now it's being more and more fully exposed.
And Steve Watson writes that a long-running case, in a long-running case, the Supreme Court has ruled to limit the use of blood samples collected from newborns.
The case has exposed the fact
That there is an ongoing semi-covert movement by state and federal governments to claim ownership of every newborn baby's DNA for the purpose of genetic research without the consent of individuals.
And they've essentially ruled that the Department of Health would have to have explicit consent to use and store the blood samples.
Right now it's kind of on an opt-out level.
Within that state, but we know this is going on across the country.
It's a big issue.
And in 2003, the Citizens Council for Health Freedom, formerly known as the Citizens Council on Health Care, discovered that the Minnesota Department of Health had been indefinitely storing the blood of newborns since the mid-eighties, using samples for purposes beyond the state's newborn screening since 1997.
And since 2008, health department officials have been seeking exemption
for the so-called DNA warehouse.
So there they are trying to get out of laws preventing them from collecting and using and sending out this DNA research to larger bodies.
We know there's the Human Genome Project trying to map the entire background race development of the human species and the rest of it.
They also use this research for background bioweapons for
I think not.
We'll get more into other news on the other side.
Alex is still with us, of course, and there's everything.
There's the use of these emergency alert messages.
You saw the takeover of television and radio communications earlier this month, and the feds already announced they want to go to cell phones and internet platforms next.
Now Sprint is going to be part of that.
We'll get into that on the other side.
Stay tuned, InfoWars.com, and tonight on the InfoWars Nightly News, also a large smattering of the important...
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Tim Geithner?
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Every morning at the mine you could see him arrive.
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Kind of broad at the shoulder and narrow at the hip.
And everybody knew you didn't give no lift to Big John.
We are back on the Alex Jones Show.
This is Aaron Dykes.
I'm riding shotgun with Alex.
As he pointed out, he'll be back in just a few moments here.
We're kind of running the Houston Command Center while Alex's Cape Canaveral is out on the road.
Obviously great that he could spend some time with the family while bringing you breaking news.
And we told you this was coming back when they were testing the emergency alert messages just a few weeks ago by taking over TV and radio, which was in some ways a failed attempt.
It was bungled and garbled.
There was a lot of noise.
There were reports that different stations were layering it over with repeated audio or pop songs.
And now,
Sprint has announced that it's going to be participating in mandatory emergency alert messages on cell phones and it'll be an opt-in situation where you can download the program for existing phones but new phones will apparently be equipped with a chip
Which allows the federal government to break in with emergency messages and you can bet there's surveillance technology there as well.
It's something Alex has warned you about for years and years and now it's going to happen and they say the internet takeover is next.
They warned a few weeks ago that they would be doing this, and now one of the major communications companies has begun this process.
The others are in on it as well.
When you only have a few companies, it's not really a free market situation where the companies can represent people and decide whether or not to participate in this kind of technology.
So it's kind of a soft, mandatory situation.
And going into the details,
Paul Joseph Watson writes, and this is red-linked on Drudge right now, so a lot of people are going to be reading this.
The telecommunication giant Sprint has announced the launch of its wireless emergency alerts program that will deliver messages from the federal government directly to millions of Americans.
It's part of a system set to become mandatory on all new cell phones.
And the wireless alerts allow the Federal Emergency Management Agency to accept and deliver warning messages to wireless networks
Uh, from the President of the U.S., the National Weather Service, and other state and local emergency operation centers.
Meanwhile, I find it very, uh, telling what a puppet position the presidency has become.
Uh, this is kind of a small technicality here.
Uh, or maybe not.
Maybe it's a bigger thing.
Obama uses Autopen to keep government open.
And they get into how Obama's overseas on his diplomatic trip to the Pacific Rim, where they're trying to finagle what they are calling the American Pacific Century, highlighting the importance of negotiating with China and trying to maintain military presence in that area.
Meanwhile, he's signing legislation to keep government open on a debt bill using a copy of his signature and a mechanical device that is certainly controversial.
I don't
Uh, unnamed things on children's testicles was okay to get information.
Uh, some of those lawyers perhaps decided it was okay to use an auto pen to sign legislation.
Now Bush apparently never used it, but Obama has.
He did it earlier this year, okaying an extension of the Patriot Act.
Well, isn't that nice?
So it's just a little technical thing in the Constitution that the President shall sign any bills that he approves, as the language stipulates, but now somehow a copy is good enough.
And Alex has broken down how vestigial our formal government as outlined under the Constitution has become.
It's not enough to buy out all the members of Congress and lobby them heavily and corrupt them through and through.
It's not enough that the President
I think?
I think?
I mean, it's just totally a puppet position.
You've known this for a long time.
I mean, what is a president anyway, given how much we've been hijacked by the national security state, how much we've been taken over by elitist interests, and what a fraud our whole electoral process has become?
But at the same time, is this not another violation of the Constitution, signing bills with a mechanical signature?
Perhaps that's something to debate and discuss, but it is in the news.
Meanwhile, Washington's blog is discussing how the Occupy Movement is protesting the same thing that the Founding Fathers protested in the Boston Tea Party, and what's more, the more recent incarnation of the Tea Party also started out essentially protesting the same time, the undue influence of big business in government at the time of the
We're good.
was involved in so much from the opium wars in China on down and all manner of looting and piracy but at the same time our founders did see the danger of this close
Really, everyone sees what's going on, but then when you get down to the individual level, the details fray out and a lot of the meaning is lost.
It's definitely significant that Egyptians are back in the streets protesting the military rule of their country.
They put off the new elections and the new constitution.
Now, ten months after Mubarak has been ousted, people unhappy that the military has so far refused to give up power, but they say they're just trying to keep civil order
And that they always wanted a civilian government to take hold.
So we'll see how things develop there but massive protests going on.
A lot of people upset in the wake of that Arab Spring which was instantly hailed as a great move for democracy and a new wave of change in the Middle East.
Meanwhile the Muslim Brotherhood is being represented in Libya.
And they are apparently going to be overseers in Syria, where there's quite a bit of tensions for war.
Russia's blockading ships there now, kind of warning against taking military action there.
And again, we know there is a hit list of countries, particularly in the Middle East and Central Asian region,
I don't know.
In political news, you've got this real suspicious attempted, what they're calling an attempted assassination plot.
The man who fired gunshots at the White House, he's been questioned now.
He's been arrested and faces life in jail.
Meanwhile, was this some sort of staged event to buoy Obama's re-election chances?
Was it a real attempt?
And who was this guy anyway?
There are articles on Infowars.com today about that.
I don't know.
Excuse me, through this new mechanism that Merkel and Sarkozy are honchoing, which would totally take over countries, admittedly put them into receivership and run those countries into the ground if necessary, meanwhile siphoning off from general European taxpayers what they consider to be an unlimited pool of money as a backstop for these defaulting countries.
They first said they wanted one trillion then that that wouldn't be enough and that they wanted a quote unlimited financial bazooka of money under this new totally new monetary vehicle that would sort of float above any remaining European sovereignty and threatened to jeopardize that directly.
In fact it's a total measure against sovereignty and that's one of the things that makes it so dangerous to
And you see Britain kind of posturing, but you can see where they're not going to have a vote most likely.
They don't want a referendum, they want to move this through very quickly, of course they want to jam through these plans, but why shouldn't the people of Europe be able to have a vote, whether it's
in Britain or any other country there.
Ireland had a vote.
They voted no in terms of joining the European Constitution and they just held another vote until the people were finally duped into saying yes.
That's the kind of thing going on in Europe where they're really strong-arming things.
You've also got stories like this one out of The Guardian from two days ago, November 16th, and it regards the fake terror plots, paid informants, and the tactics of FBI entrapment questioned.
And they have repeatedly been caught really admittedly entrapping so-called suspects of Al-Qaeda or other terrorist networks into taking action.
Really, a lot of them are unrelated to any kind of fundamentalist
Networks, they don't have a background even in Islamic mentality.
It's just street people who've been set up and duped into agreeing to take action by the FBI.
In this particular case, and there's dozens of cases, we've gone through them as they've come in over the years.
The underwear bomber, probably just one of many, where there was a clear setup.
The World Trade Center in 1993 was an extremely clear setup.
We have audio of one of the FBI informants explaining how they gave the bomb and showed them how to use it and substituted a dummy bomb for a real one in time for the bombing that killed four people, injured many more, and really sent a symbolic shock into New York that would later take hold with the September 11th attacks.
Anyway, in this case,
Critics say the Bureau is running a sting operation across America targeting vulnerable people by luring them into fake terror plots.
David Williams did not have an easy life.
He moved to Newburgh, a gritty, impoverished town on the banks of the Hudson, an hour or so north of New York, just 10 years old, for a young black American boy with a father in jail.
Trouble was everywhere.
He made bad choices.
He'd been in jail for dealing drugs.
In 2007 he tried to go straight, but money was tight and his brother Lord needed cash for a liver transplant.
Go down the line to how the FBI duped him into agreeing to take part in an Islamic terror plot to blow up Jewish synagogues and shoot down military planes, and his aunt just couldn't believe the way he was duped into it, said she felt like she was in the Twilight Zone.
Well, there's all kinds of news like that, and that is your War on Terror for you.
I know Alex is back on the line.
Let's see what he wants to get into now.
Well, I'm going to take phone calls until the bottom of the next hour, then I'll get into what I've been witnessing here on the road, Aaron.
But that shake-and-bake operation where they always find a low-IQ, desperate person from prison, who they always force either into one of four or five different gangs, including the Muslim gangs.
Then they recruit them out, and the FBI leads these groups.
They don't infiltrate a group planning to blow something up.
They create it.
And it's all part of this backdrop for the general public.
I want to go to the phone calls.
My Skype text isn't working, so I'm having to handwrite down the callers.
So after we go to these five callers, Aaron, you just have the call system up there in front of you, and you'll, when I say let's go to a call, you'll announce who the caller is, and we'll do it that way.
Noah in Oklahoma, thanks for holding.
You're on the air.
Oh, thank you so much.
I've just been listening to you guys for just a little while, and I know this is a bit off-topic of what you guys have been talking about, but I thought it might really interest you.
FU takes the Game Informer, which is a magazine that is all about video games.
I'm not into the video games, but he showed it to me.
And he said he wanted me to read it, and the whole article was about a new game, Tom Clancy-based, Rainbow Six Patriots.
And I thought, well, that sounds kind of interesting, and so I read the article, and they actually have in there the Southern Poverty Law Center, and the whole article is about, can you fire on Americans?
And I mean, it's just such propaganda.
It just made me sick.
And I thought while I was listening to your show, and I said, well, these guys might like to hear this.
And I just... Well, let me stop you.
Let me stop you.
I know about the magazine Informer because I've seen it on newsstands.
I'm going to send the crew to get that right now.
And then they can cut in this evening the audio and video of you talking about it with myself.
Then we can cut to the video of the actual game.
You are the police.
You're an anti-terrorism unit.
You even shoot and kill cops if they get in your way here in the U.S.
It's all about training you.
Torture's cool.
Shooting cops is cool if it's for the greater good.
And yes, you train to take on the patriots who are the bad people.
They don't like the Federal Reserve.
They don't like Goldman Sachs.
They don't like the people taking old ladies pension funds.
They fight for the loving bankers who are taking on the evil Ron Paul type patriots.
And yes, two weeks ago, I was shown the trailer for it and from the Rainbow Six website, we were on the Brooklyn Bridge and there's a guy who's got a bomb strapped to him by the patriots, the evil patriots, who have to be dealt with, of course.
And so all these young people are watching this, simulating it.
And then the cops are trying to kill the guy, but the bomb's gonna go off.
So the special forces people are shooting the US cops to stop the greater damage of the bridge being blown up.
And this is the situational ethics they teach.
They teach this in law enforcement for at least 14 years I know of.
You know, torture is cool, and a guy's gonna release anthrax bombs.
Do you torture his kids to make him answer questions?
Do you save $10,000 by torturing his kid?
Yes, you do.
And they all fantasize about being Jack Bauer.
And it's all total mind control.
And yes, most of the new point-and-shoot video games, you know, first-person shooter games now,
I've always been about killing mutated humans.
It's all about simulated murder.
Seeing all humans as scum.
The show Cops is always about showing white trash and scum.
The cops are always the good guys.
The citizens are the bad guys.
The scum.
And yes, it's all now in Rainbow Six about murdering the evil patriots.
In real world, we have the training manuals, gun owners, conservatives, returning veterans, libertarians, those are the enemies.
So, tell me again the name of the magazine and what issue it is.
I'll send folks over to the local Barnes & Noble, because that's where the guys are going to find it, or HEB or wherever, and then we can do a report on it tonight, or we can do one next week.
But this is the type of stuff that they teach in these, and it's literally hundreds of games now.
So it's, uh, and I can confirm what you're saying.
I meant to get to this two weeks ago.
I didn't know that they were glorifying the Southern Property Law Center as our new Commissar Commander saying, you have what it takes to take on the American people.
They've been saying this was coming.
They were kooks for it.
But now they're right.
And yes, we're coming for them.
Uh, so, so, uh, Aaron's gonna write down the name of this.
What's the name of the magazine again?
A game informer.
And something else about that, when you read the article, when they quote the Southern Poverty Law Center, they're talking about how many more militias have been formed since 2000.
Oh, I can't remember what it was.
But the whole, I mean, it's just unbelievable, the propaganda in there.
And these are for children, supposed to be for children is what gets me.
And they are basically going to have these children, the next generation will be the ones that will be firing on Americans.
Of course, sir, sir, sir, let me stop you.
I'm gonna break this down.
Come back, give us the issue, the name of the article, on the other side.
We're gonna do a report on this.
But they are training Explorer Scouts nationwide to kill conservatives and libertarians.
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My friends, when you realize there is total social engineering and literally more than 20 video games that I have personally viewed, because on YouTube over the years, and even before that, they take screenshots of it, of the video and put it online.
The main enemy is militias.
The main enemy is gun owners.
The main enemy is anti-New World Order forces.
And you, and of course, the militias always engage in atrocities and are terrorists of evil.
And yes, it's totally disgusting.
These video games for adults that don't know.
And of course a lot of adults don't even have lives.
They just play video games.
It's very sad.
I'm not saying playing some isn't okay, but the point is it's a bunch of brainwashing.
Be aware of it.
The main enemy is conservative libertarian returning veterans.
Then in the real world, and I want to do a piece about this, in the real world you have the New York Times and other publications where in the first paragraph of the article it says, the Explorer Scouts trained to take on the disgruntled Iraq vet.
They take him out and kill him.
And then you learn Explorer Scouts across the country.
People laugh, oh those are 14 year old kids.
Really this program has been going on for five years.
They're now 19.
Have been simulating the killing of patriots.
I remember talking to the ROTC out of the major university in San Antonio.
And I was at the documents a decade ago.
And then when I covered it other
People sent me info.
You know who the ROTC trains to take on at every major university in the U.S.?
They do warfare simulation drills against conservative, libertarian, constitutional militias.
The Southern Poverty Law Center, the ADL comes in, like literal Russians that have taken over in Red Dawn, and walk around to the local sympathizers going, these are the enemies of our system.
They are the, and sometimes they even say, you are part of the New World Order, and they just sit there.
I mean, this is so creepy and traitorous.
We're living like in a movie, but it's really happening.
Everything we've talked about is unfolding.
Of course, they're selling 10, 15, 20, sometimes 50 million of these video games.
They're making billions off some video game franchises.
They're bigger than movies now.
You know, they're $50 upwards of $100 for these, and the people are buying them.
And they simulate all day, torturing, murdering, killing militias, killing American gun owners.
And these kids are fantasizing.
And then they go and fly real drones.
They go out and join the real military.
And that's why cops freak out.
Now, I want to go back to Noah from Oklahoma, and we've got to hurry through.
Jason, Esther, Matt.
Uh, Seltzer and others, uh, that are holding.
But, but briefly, give us the, the issue, I would imagine it's the new one, or the last one, so that we can go out and buy it and actually show folks the magazine article.
This is big breaking news.
And folks, we know what breaking news is, just like our article is top-linked on Drudge right now, dealing with the, uh, EAS alerts over your phones.
It's now being announced, we told you it was coming.
Uh, just, just briefly, sir, tell me what's in the article, you've read it, tell me, uh, the date and, uh, name of the article if you have it in front of you.
I don't have it in front of me.
I'm sorry about that, but I read the thing and I didn't even look at the issue, but I know it's the latest issue because it comes out before it comes on the newsstand because he gets it in the mail.
So I'm sure it's probably December, January.
It's got to be at least
We can do a search on it.
I'll guarantee you somebody's already written about it.
A lot of times they're top articles online.
And again, that's Game Informer.
I see that magazine everywhere.
It's got like a gray top.
Usually has like an image of a video game.
Some simulated, you know, life going on.
It's really matrix insertion gear.
Matrix insertion training gear.
Training wheels for total insertion into the false reality of the slave grid.
But any other points you want to make about it?
Yes, uh, on the cover, it shows, uh, three of the, you know, these so-called good guys in their, in their militarized gear, and they're looking down from a, from a, uh, the top of a building, and it shows off in the distance one of the buildings on fire, like, oh my goodness, you know, you, everybody should be scared out of their wits, because there might be a militia around the corner, you know, and, uh, what just got... Hey, what, stay there, we're gonna come back again and have you finished.
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Waging war on corruption.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Video games were invented by the Pentagon in the 1970s.
That's on record.
And they grew out of these automated shooting ranges where paper targets with different human images would pop up to create instinctive shooting or dehumanized targets because in warfare, even very masculine, tough people don't like to kill folks right up close.
A lot of people, about half of them on average, would hesitate bayoneting somebody at point-blank range or shooting somebody in the head.
But they learned by paper targets, it got it up to about 75% on average were willing to shoot.
And now it's about 98% will kill somebody right up close because of video games.
And Doom itself was a first-person shooter game developed for Pentagon desensitization.
So it's a fact.
Now, in almost all of these first-person shooter games,
The main enemy is the militia.
Sometimes there's other factions as well.
You can pick factions you want to be part of in some of the games.
But it's all part of the traitorous activity of Tom Clancy and Rainbow Six and all their globalist brainwashing.
They are training to wage war against the American people.
The entire Homeland Security grid is for that.
Now, I want to hurry and get to all your calls now.
The guy got me really upset bringing that up.
Noah, you've got the floor now.
For a couple minutes, then we'll get Aaron to take it.
We'll come back from break and go to more calls quickly.
Actually it was my nephew, but what I was trying to say was, I just have two more points and I'll let you go.
One of them is in the article, I think the guy that came up with this game, his last name was Sears, he was like the director, I don't remember his first name, but his last name was Sears, and they were having quotes
from him in there.
And one of the quotes, I can't quote it verbatim, but he said, we're tired of the, you know, typical Arab or, you know, the typical Russian bad guy.
So we wanted to do something different.
And I thought, I mean, what is your deal, man?
I mean, you're going to have these children getting this this Christmas, and they're going to say, hey, man, if you're not with the Homeland Security and you're not, you know,
They're going to be having these children growing up to be the ones that fire on us, just like the ones, I told my wife, I said, these are the same people that came out to defend the Penn State.
I said, those kind of people are the same people that are going to be the ones, if anybody ever out there questions who's going to be firing on Americans, it's the ones playing this video game and the ones coming out to defend pedophiles.
And the other
Well, by the way, sir, that's only the cover.
Oh, we just got the idea to make Rainbow Six about fighting militias.
Listen, I cover this.
I've been tracking this for more than 14 years with video games.
All of these first-person shooter games have got a version, at least, where you fight American patriots.
And again, you dovetail this with all the police manuals, with the internal manuals, the MIAC, the Homeland Security.
This is a premeditated program.
Do you happen to remember the name of the article?
I mean, I guess it's the new issue of Game Informer breaking down Rainbow Six.
Flip to it.
I mean, this is like a six or seven or eight page long, full page colored.
And going further, it actually quotes Southern Poverty Law Center like, see, this is reality based.
We've got to train to kill these people that said foreign banks and the U.N.
were going to take over because the U.N.
and the foreign banks are taking over.
Oh, this is so sick.
I mean, again,
We are the real Americans.
We are the resistance.
We are the people that did the research.
We were right.
And now they're training the boy scouts to take us on.
They're training the military, the police.
They've got citizen tattletale squads.
They've got PSAs on TV saying, don't even trust your best friend.
This is the terrorist.
This is the foreign banks.
These are the criminals.
God bless you, my friend.
Aaron Dykes, take us out to break.
What's your take on this?
Well, it's obviously a dehumanization tactic by the same general field that's trying to take us into this new world of cyborgs and high technology and entering, yeah, what you called earlier, the Matrix.
It's just sad.
It's obviously going to brainwash a lot of people.
You spend many more hours playing these video games than you do watching a movie or a TV program.
Well, no one, exactly, no one should buy this stuff for their kids.
Your kids should be on the swim team, playing football, oil painting, hiking, whatever.
You shouldn't be doing this garbage.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, I'm going to go to the callers, Jason, Satara, Matt, Chris, and others.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
As often happens when we take calls, and I should take more calls because it's always very informative, the last caller, Noah, took us down a very dark path.
And I was actually aware of this with horror two weeks ago, but it shows how conditioned I am that I never even covered it because I'm so conditioned.
Another of the myriad video games that brainwashed tens of millions of Americans and others have come out.
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six.
I'm not just going off this from the collar.
I've already watched the video game.
I've already watched its trailers.
You take on American patriots, American conservatives, American libertarians, and kill them.
And you're a special team that kills the evil militias that are fighting the loving banks.
The Southern Poverty Law Center is your advisor, and they're going to help you take on the American people.
I mean, this is like a nightmare.
If they told somebody in the 60s, there'll be things called video games where you simulate killing other Americans who don't want the U.N.
to take over and who talk about a new world order.
And now a new world order is being announced, a global government by the mega banks bankrupting the planet as we told you they would by design.
They're so arrogant, they admit it's their plan.
They've got the Explorer Scouts training to take on quote disgruntled veterans and they admit it in the New York Times.
They've got all these training manuals.
The cops actually believe it.
The cops actually get scared if they pull you over and find a pocket constitution.
I've got video of it from their own squad car in Road to Tyranny.
They start literally freaking out and it's like mind control.
Are they like putting them on drugs or something?
Somebody comes to you and says, we're going to deal with these people that are into liberty and freedom, and they talk about a new world order and global government.
And then it all comes true, and then we're still the terrorists.
We're still the bad guys.
And some of the public are like, I'm going to join with the new world order.
They're my friends.
I'm so thankful for them.
Aaron, what do you think of this?
I mean, this is such anti-freedom, anti-America brainwashing.
You watch movies like Red Dawn that cover a fictitious Soviet takeover of the West Coast in the Northwest.
And they take over the town, they brainwash people, they put up movie screens, you know, brainwashing people against liberty and promoting the Soviet system.
They get kids to tattle on their parents.
They do all the same stuff this criminal government's doing.
And they're putting up telescreens saying, report on your neighbors.
They're on TV saying, can't trust your best friend.
Meanwhile, they are the terrorist on record, working for foreign banks, destroying everything.
I mean, now they're taking people's private bank accounts.
And I guess if you don't like it, you're a terrorist.
I mean, does America realize authoritarianism has come and the New World Order is the enemy, Aaron?
Well, I can only speculate exactly on what the motives are behind the propaganda and entertainment and video games and so forth, but I think on one level, it's kind of shifting the spectacle so that people who aren't paying attention sort of buy into the fantasy of it, even as it's becoming a reality.
And meanwhile, people who read up on it and are against the issues, they just become numb to it because it's so in their face, even in the entertainment world.
But what, you know, the story behind the story is
Why are places like the Southern Poverty Law Center always quoted, always looked to as some authoritarian source, when they know nothing?
They have no real information.
They're just trying to demonize broad sectors of the political spectrum.
Well, they were intimately involved in running Elohim City, where Oklahoma City was cooked up.
It came out in federal documents.
This is a very wicked, globalist tool to demonize people that would stop the banker takeover.
Remember, they said New World Order isn't real, global banking takeover isn't real, it's insane, cop killers talk about it, and now it's all out in the open, and they're like, okay, the global government's real, but it's loving, let's, you know, torture is good,
Secret arrest is good.
This video game where the military hunts down the American gun owners and kills them.
This is very good!
The global system is here!
Soon we'll purge America of those enemy John Wayne types!
The freedom!
We're so liberal!
There's nothing liberal about them but Aaron.
Expanding on this, I don't think they're going to get away with this.
I mean, people are really waking up to them.
I want to go to calls here, but I keep forgetting to plug something.
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Uh, Aaron, are you ready to go to some more calls?
But, but, you know, that point you made is so key.
That this is, so many times we talk about things a decade ago and people go, that's in that new movie!
You got that from that movie!
And I'm like, no, no, no.
The movie is imitating life.
Life isn't imitating art.
This is real.
They're like, that's that new game.
Or yeah, I simulated killing, you know, 5,000 militia right wingers.
We're gonna beat you.
And these guys that play these games, this is really their life.
And then ten years from now, this is already happening, they'll be signed up to run actual combat mechs, armored tanks that deploy robots that they've already got with weapon systems, and then they'll be there blasting us in real life like little cowards in armored redoubts, armored compounds.
Just like everybody Weldon knows in the Air Force who were in maintenance of F-16s.
They're being converted over to actually fly drones.
It's all converting to this to this false reality where it's just mass murder and death and now they admit the drones are going to be used against us.
The combat robots are going to be used against us.
The cowardly little thug Ritalin head kids are going to now be you know your local cop tech who sends a 18-wheeler that
We've got to turn this around now!
Man, it's just so insane.
Let's go ahead and take a call here.
Let's go ahead and talk to Jason in Texas.
Jason, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
I can't hear you.
Aaron, can you tell me what he's saying?
Yeah, so far he's just saying hello.
Jason, you want to try to come through again here?
Can you hear me now?
Yes, I can.
Go ahead.
Okay, I was going to tell you there's another game out there.
I tried to call about it a few months ago.
It's called Champions Online.
And what it is, you start off in this American city that's getting attacked, and then it moves forward in a few months and the United Nations is there, the group called UNTIL, but it's an acronym, the UN stands for United Nations, and they actually argue to do missions for them to kind of stabilize
Again, the bankers implode us and they bring in foreign troops.
They've actually signed the agreements.
I've been there at drills, covered in my Police State films, where the troops openly train with foreign troops to not just take our guns, but execute us.
That's in Police State 2000.
What do you think of this?
I mean, other gamers you talk to, are they seeing through this anti-American New World Order garbage?
Well, I don't play games that much anymore.
That was one that I was playing.
But, that's not even why I called.
I was calling you.
It's funny that you said that.
It just affects my memory.
But I was wondering, have you ever thought about like a track type of pamphlet that you can hand out with just some hard-hitting information on it and maybe a radio station on the back?
Yes, yes, we need to put out some simple pamphlets, like pamphlet packets that are real cheap at cost, that just have basic facts for people.
But again, how does that counter the glitz and sexiness of a murder simulation game, where you kill the evil right-winger?
Oh, evil deer hunters must be murdered.
Evil patriots.
But no, that's a great idea, sir.
Alright, Alex.
Well, we love you, man.
Appreciate you being a voice, man.
I appreciate you.
Listen, all I know is I've been to urban warfare drills where they're trying to take our guns with foreign troops and admit it's for America.
Let's talk to Seltarra in Florida.
Thanks for holding.
Hi, Alex.
Seltarra here.
Thanks for taking the call.
You know, historically, as I've been listening to you, you know, the beautiful part about what you're doing is that you not only bring in the bad, but you also say, you know, there's evil and there's good and it has to be in balance.
And that's kind of what I wanted to bring up a little bit today because I've been practicing integrative medicine for 30 years.
And a couple of weeks ago I went to an international conference on bioenergetic medicine and caught some incredible information on how people are healing cancer and doing things that are bringing them back to normal.
Like one of the major guys talking was a guy, a doc who was a Special Forces doc, his name was Rashid Buttar.
And, um, you know, he would keep these terrorists alive or the people they were, you know, they'd go to do, uh, do pickups from, uh, you know, special forces and they'd be there to keep them, keep the, um, the people in there.
Stay there.
I want to hear more about this.
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Alright folks, I need to hurry through your calls now because I've got this report from Carlsbad I want to air and get into the receivership of a different property and then of course we'll be back this Sunday 4 to 6 p.m.
back Monday I'll be back live of course Monday here we got a lot of other informative guests coming up but it's all accelerating right now as we told you going back to the gentleman who was at the health conference there in Florida we're bringing up this special forces doctor please continue
Yeah, his name is Dr. Rasheed Guttar, and he'd keep these people who were held hostages that were extracted by Special Forces, keep them alive in order to get them home.
And he's a real hero in terms of what he did.
He came home, and his seven-year-old had a round of vaccines, and he became autistic.
And it totally crushed him.
Yeah, see how he served the system.
But notice they didn't give him the memo on the vaccines that they know full well have been doing this for 50 years.
We've gone from 1 in 25,000 with autism to 1 in 58.
Cancer's up.
They're doing it on purpose.
All you people that serve the system, it is using you.
It will destroy you.
You can't join the New World Order.
I'm sorry, finish your point.
Well, no problem.
It's just the fact that he went through and got information, studied toxicology, healed his son through integrative medicine and getting out the poisons and the metals.
In fact, I had an opportunity to talk to Dr. Tenpenny myself a couple years back specifically about this issue and just how, you know, we as Americans can get up to speed with
What they're doing and how to stay healthy with simple things like homeopathy, simple things like nutrition and herbs, and as you say, staying away from fluoride to heal the body.
And so the conference provided really a wealth of information from people around the cutting edge.
In fact, Dr. Buttar put out a book called The Nine Steps to Keep the Doctor Away.
Well, let's get Dr. Buttar on the nine steps to keep the doctor away.
Good to hear from you, gotta jump.
Aaron, what's your take on what he was just talking about?
Well, there's all kinds of stuff that they don't seem to want regular American people to use.
I mean, just entering into the vitamin world has revealed to me that there's a lot of stuff we could be using to our advantage, but instead they push these GMOs on us.
I mean, I don't know very much in particular about
By the way, Aaron, you've got to let me use you as a poster boy for what health does, and especially the longevity you've been taking.
Because folks, look at Aaron.
Look at him.
We've got to do before and after.
How many pounds have you lost the last three, four months exercising and doing longevity, but also other healthy things?
Yeah, who would have known?
Diet and exercise.
But yeah, a significant amount.
I don't know exactly how much.
Well, it's a lot.
I mean, and you weren't like, you were a little, you know, plubby like me, and I've lost a bit, but you have really kicked butt.
I mean, I just want to commend you, Aaron, for what you've done.
It's a great example.
You're a great example to all of us.
Because I've been trying to get healthy, and I challenged Aaron to get healthy, and he just said, okay, and totally kicked my hind end.
So, Aaron, challenge me now.
Call me a wimp.
Yeah, you're one of the biggest wimps I know, Alex.
But you know, overall, it really is about kind of extracting ourselves from that system that's been built up, if you want to call it the B system or the New World Order system or whatever.
I mean, whether everything from watching TV to getting healthy to getting off the couch.
I mean, I was brought up in that system, watching TV.
I've tried to cut down.
I don't watch television anymore.
I've tried to pull myself into the healthy realm.
Well, if you do watch TV, watch what we watch now, like 10-hour terrorism history documentaries.
Oh yeah, you learn a lot more from that type of programming, especially if you're already partially aware and you can analyze things.
But, yeah, still, just getting away from that system and building your own life apart from what comes in a top-down manner from the controlled media and, well, you know how it works.
We shouldn't be eating food that comes in processed boxes.
You shouldn't be watching more than an hour of television a day.
You shouldn't be not exercising.
I mean, they want us in a matrix.
They're trying to shut down farms and ranches for a reason.
They don't want us living like natural humans.
They want us in their modern cages.
Matt in Minnesota, you're on the air, and we'll talk to Chris in Montana.
Go ahead, Matt.
Yes, sir.
Uh, yeah, I'd like to bring up the fact that, uh, I got a, uh, right here in Minnesota, you know, we got the Big Mall of America, and, uh, I got a friend of mine who actually works in maintenance, so, you know, they just do general cleanup throughout the whole mall, and he was talking about how they must have had some sort of meeting or whatever where they were discussing actually having
You know, just random text throughout the mall.
I don't know if that necessarily means, like, at the door or just randomly watching.
No, no, let me stop you.
We're going to have to come back to you here.
This is, I already have this internally and TSA's put out promo videos where it shows them in malls and at sports stadiums.
But yes, Mall of America has the telescreens going in.
I don't know if they're in yet.
And yes, they're going to be the first place where the TSA grabs your daughter's genitals and your wife's breast.
And then you say, well, I just won't go to Mall of America.
Now it's going to be on the highway.
What specifically did your friend say?
Well, he just said that they were getting ready to start having them do... See, I'm not sure if they're going to be at the doors or if they're just going to be walking around at like general security.
Federal Boon Forces!
Now they're going to be at the door, they're going to get their hands on you.
They're not going to tell the school groups going there and stuff.
And the pedophiles are going to have fun.
We'll be right back.
You know, they harm because they're pedophiles, but at the same time it's about training in this life.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Okay, I've shot a bunch of video reports and we're going to air some of them tonight on the Nightly News 7 o'clock central with Aaron Dyches hosting.
I also know Mike Adams is going to be hosting.
Actually, I think it's Mike Adams tonight, isn't it?
And then it's Aaron Dyches next week until I get back in town on Wednesday.
But I do want to finish up with a few of your phone calls.
And we have a caller on hold.
I want to have him finish the story that he was just telling, but
I was just looking during the break at one of the videos I just posted.
Police nanny state report from entrance to Carlsbad Cavern.
And there's a comment here.
He says, I went to the airport to see my sister board a flight to California to be deployed to Afghanistan again.
As they checked us in at the door, a 55-year-old man grabbed my sister's breasts and I told him not to touch me, so I was riped out and was thrown out.
Yeah, now they're going to start the checkpoints out at the entrance to the airport, and then at the parking garage, because the terrorists could attack anywhere.
And then out on the highway, and then at the mall, and then at your house, because they could hide anywhere.
I mean, there could be a terrorist.
There could be a terrorist through that green door behind me.
There could be a terrorist over there.
I mean, they could be anywhere.
Only government could keep me safe from this omnipresent, invisible enemy.
Oh, but it's not the Arab terrorist, it's the right-winger.
They mean the real right-winger, or the patriot who understands things and who's done their research.
Finishing up with Matt in Minnesota.
So, yes, I've seen them say they're going to be in all the malls.
First saw this five years ago.
And the FBI's called for it.
And yes, first they're just going to be there and search your bags, just like the airport.
But then they admit it's going to move on to breast grabbing, genital grabbing.
You're like, well I just won't go to the malls.
They're going to do it on the side of the highway.
And they know in actuaries you're going to resist a certain number.
You will then be called the terrorist.
You see?
And they don't care if there's going to be a big shooting war with 150 million gun owners, if 1 million fight back, less than 1% fight back, that that's an unstoppable army.
They want to wreck the whole country.
They want the gun owners to have shootouts with pot-bellied TSA and cops and military and all these steroid-out people.
It's all part of just wrecking everything.
Just wrecking it.
They're taking Salente's bank account now just to freak everybody out.
And they're going to take millions more.
It's just all part of breaking the will.
It's all part of the flaunting.
Go ahead and finish your point up.
So your buddy's involved in the overall maintenance and things, and specifically at Mall of America.
Tell us what he told you.
And then I'd like to know if he'd like to be able to get in contact with us clandestinely and come on the show or give us more info.
But, oh, I guess that's terrorism, letting a radio host know about TSA groping.
Please continue.
Yeah, basically, that's just what he has said.
His supervisor had told him that
You're about to roll that out, but the other point I wanted to bring up when you got to
We're good to go.
But several weeks later, I received papers in the mail for a charge for a felon in possession of a firearm.
So, long story short, they used a juvenile felony that I had gotten when I was about 15 to call me a felon.
Yeah, yeah, let me stop you.
The law and the court rulings say they can't do that, but they don't care now.
They're taking people's Second Amendment for DWIs.
They're taking the Second Amendment when your wife files for divorce, they come and confiscate your guns for no reason.
The Supreme Court ruled they can't do that.
They don't care.
This is a lawless, crook government.
Doesn't mean the average person and it's a crook, but they go along with it.
And folks, America has cancer.
Like the Nazis had it in Germany.
The Germans did it with the Nazis, or the Soviets with the whole system.
We've got this.
And folks, if we don't have a come to Jesus moment,
And admit how bad it is.
There's no getting out of here.
I gotta go to this video here in a few minutes, but God bless you.
You should... Most local lawyers will sell you out, but that was a false, false deal they did to you, and you need to fight that.
That's a fraud.
I am an expert in that area, and I've had constitutional lawyers on to break it down as well.
Chris in Montana, and then we're out of time here.
We got to go to this report on the UN takeover and police state takeover of America, where you can't even film the wildlife at national parks because it violates the animals' rights.
That's not in this report.
That's something I forgot to point out that they told us.
But go ahead, Chris.
Yeah, what a previous caller said about pamphlets, that's one of the things that I would love to have, get my hands on, would be something that outlines all of the presidential candidates to give to people.
I think that would be a great tool to show people, you know, why to vote for Ron Paul.
Well, that was it.
Well, thank you for holding, sir, to bring us that information.
I want to thank Aaron Dykes for hosting the show.
We're going to play this video and audio of myself at Carlsbad Caverns.
This is the aftermath video.
I shot three or four others that we're going to play clips of tonight, interspersed with this on the nightly news, as it was happening.
But, I mean, Carlsbad Caverns, I was here six years ago, one of the biggest caverns in the world.
It's a true wonder.
It blows anything I've ever seen away.
That's why I keep coming back here.
They just treat you like trash.
It's about letting you know you're garbage, and more and more they're trying to restrict people's access to most areas at national parks, and that's now happened here as well.
And they lectured us basically about that.
So here's this report, and we'll go to break.
Come back and Aaron will give you examples of how the U.N.'
's taking land around the world that was put into these U.N.
biospheres as collateral to the banksters.
The banksters are loan shark criminals, the big six megabanks.
They are involved in a scorched earth total world government takeover plan.
And the name of this video is, there is no escape from the police state.
Please get it out to everybody.
You don't know how long we'll have the internet as we do now.
They're moving ahead with all the censorship bills.
I also want to say great job to the crew.
If you believe in the info we're putting out, want to help get this warning to others, please tell your email list, your Facebook, everything.
Your Twitter, aboutinfowars.com and prisonplanet.com, the YouTube channel, the 15-day free trial at prisonplanet.tv and more.
Okay, here's a little nine-minute report, one of many we'll be filing from the road.
Please stay with us.
Why does government want to go after Amish people selling their neighbor's milk?
Why are they harassing organic farmers?
Why are they trying to arrest women with gardens in their yard?
You've seen all that craziness.
Works for the old Soviet Union.
Because the global technocrats, the Fortune 100, owned by the big six megabanks,
They want to shut down normal, human, self-sufficient society.
And to do it, to shut down true independent sustainability, they bring in the counterfeit UN Agenda 21 sustainability.
Now here's an example of this on the wide scale.
Look at Greece.
You've seen the news articles about all these hundreds of Greek islands.
They have hundreds of them.
Some of which have now been transferred for six billion dollars in debt, one island alone.
That were owned by the state and the people have been given to the big mega banks and brokerage firms that actually induced Greece into debt.
Do you understand that?
They're taking their national and state parks and public lands and giving it to the same big brokerage firms that entice their government to get involved in all this fraud and to sign on to the derivatives that they created.
So to bail out the bankers
You then also give them your property.
So back in 97 I learned about the executive order Bill Clinton had put into place transferring our national parks and other key monuments and public lands and buffer zones worth trillions of dollars overall.
The minerals, everything.
Over to the U.N.
as collateral to the IMF and World Bank.
Just as you see happen in third world countries where the IMF and World Bank come in and take the land.
We had the executive order, we had the Kentucky legislature talking about it.
I traveled around the country and I would pull into the Grand Canyon, you name it, and politely walk in and say, I'd like to talk about the U.N.
plaque, I'd like to talk about what's happening, and they would blow up and threaten to arrest me.
And that's on tape at the Grand Canyon and other places in America.
I swear by design.
So I've decided to travel back across the Southwest and visit some of the same national parks and some others that I hadn't visited in that film.
Like Carlsbad Caverns here in Southern New Mexico.
And that's why InfoWars.com, InfoWars Nightly News is here.
That's why we're covering this information.
Now I came here several times as a child.
I came here in college.
I came here six years ago with my wife and two children.
Now I have a third child.
I wanted her to see it before she gets too big.
We're here again as part of this research project.
I brought my family along on the RV.
From the minute we get here, it's changed from six years ago.
I'm going to run over just some of it.
Because one thing alone is not a big deal.
But as it added and built up, Richard kept saying, well, I wonder what's going to happen next.
We walk in, and I see some of the park rangers with tasers and guns walking around an old tough guy like they're in an airport or something, and terrorists must be everywhere.
So I think, well, whatever.
Maybe they're Forest Service or something.
I don't know why they need guns and tasers.
Everything's okay in America.
Same visitor center I've been to many times.
The elevator ride down, 800 feet and all of it.
So then I go up to the counter and I go up and I was wondering why there was one group ahead of us and why it took so long to get them through.
And I thought, man, these people are slow.
So I get up there, there's hardly any tourists here today.
There's literally more park rangers than there are tourists.
I probably saw 40 or 50 total.
About 20 at one time.
So I get up there and I find out why.
I'm being interrogated.
I'm being told rules.
And I'm being asked if I've ever been in mineshafts or caves recently.
And where?
And I said, no.
Six years ago, here.
I thought it was small talk, but she was asking it real stern.
Like I was, you know, TSA or something.
She was TSA and I was at the airport.
And I said, no, I told you I'm here six years ago.
And she goes, really?
Not anywhere on the East Coast or anywhere there.
And I said, no.
I said, I've been here in the last cave.
Well, what other caves have you been to?
One in Mexico one time, a decade ago or more.
A couple around Texas.
What caves in Texas?
I don't remember the names.
And I was like, what's this all about?
She goes, you don't worry about that.
Here's your tickets.
And then I went and asked the other ranger.
I said, is it that white-nose fungus stuff?
And he said, yeah.
And my mom's so educated, she goes, so informed, she goes, but the Mexican brown bat isn't susceptible to that.
And he goes, wow, how do you know that?
But the point is, then we walk past that and a ranger waves the kids over.
I'm like, oh, thank God, a nice ranger.
He wants to talk to the kids.
And he goes, hi, do you know what animal this is?
He has a table out.
We're trying to go to the elevators.
Couldn't get past these people.
You know, he wanted his pound of flesh.
And so, he holds up a white-tailed deer and a puma, and shows us a puma skull, and then he goes, one last thing, and he holds up a map of the park, underground, and he says, 90% of this is off-limits to humans.
That's for the animals.
Animals need a place too!
I'm like, oh God, does it never end?
This anti-human brainwashing.
You know, 90 plus percent of the planet is totally untouched.
The globalists are the ones destroying the environment.
They've got a fake environmentalism to grab property and control.
But I didn't say that.
I'm like, thank you!
Because we need to get through the park and get on the next leg of our investigative journey.
As my children are basically apprenticing with me.
I'm like, thank you!
So then we walk out and go down to the natural entrance, because you can't just take the elevators down.
If you're lazy.
This hadn't happened.
So then we walked down to the cave, and a hundred yards in, there's a camera and a sign that says, Cave Watch.
If you see anything illegal, call this number.
3030, and you know, have the code.
Before those were there if you slipped and fell or needed help or whatever.
Now it's tattled on people and cameras everywhere, hidden up in cave crevices.
And this goes on and on.
And we finally, we don't see any of the, uh, of the, uh,
Park Ranger, so we get down to the bottom, 800 feet down, and they're all there bossing people around and stuff.
I talked to some, they were a little bit nice.
Then I went and got back on the elevator where they have a little gift shop down at the bottom, went back up to the top, I got back off, saw more park rangers with guns and tasers, my family walked in the bathroom, I turned around, and a guy goes, Sir, did you just come in because you need to buy a ticket right now, or this is the last five minutes to buy a ticket?
But he kind of said it, and I was like, okay, thank you, no, I've already been down, thank you.
And it's just this oppressive culture of the American people are bad.
The American people can't be trusted.
Only government is good.
They've got new Homeland Security ads in Denver that are airing and training manuals that Paul Watson wrote about yesterday where they say even your best friend can't be trusted.
They could be a terrorist.
Really, what about the government caught shipping drugs in the country?
What about the government caught beating people to death?
What about the government letting big mega banks rob people and putting their people in as federal regulators?
What about
All these other companies taking people's bank accounts like MF Global.
I mean, what about that?
See, this is about us learning to be perps, us learning to be criminals, us learning that we're bad, we have guilt, we're evil.
And it just went on and on.
There was a bunch of other nanny state stuff.
So many I had to write it down.
But again, this part, 90%, is off limits to you.
In the final equation,
If they discovered this cave like they did a hundred and something years ago, today, they would guaranteed not let it be open to the public.
There are already caves they found in the US, Canada, France, and other areas that are huge, that they just say are off limits, vital biosphere area.
It's all about treating us.
We have no rights.
We're scum, we're trash, we have no value, and the government is there with the big mega banks to basically pick up the garbage and throw it away.
That's what's going on.
And more and more, I mean I've gone to state parks where they're super rude.
Aaron Dykes tried to go to a state park, McKinney Ruffs, with his girlfriend a few weeks ago, and he said they interrogated him, nice clean cut guy, nice clean cut girlfriend.
They interrogated him like he'd done something wrong and said, is anybody else hiding in the car?
It's like when you go rent a car, they interrogate you.
Where are you going?
What are you doing?
Oh, really?
Who are you visiting?
It all goes in a Patriot Act database.
And this is all fact!
I mean, this is like Stasi.
East Germany or something.
So I wanted to follow this boil down before I also post the videos we shot in there today inside the cave that cover some of what we just broke down here.
But it's just all off the charts.
So here's kind of a final boil down before I post all the pieces that were shot live inside the cave.
Again, I'm Alex Jones signing off from the Southwest.
I'll be reporting throughout the weekend and next week.
You'll see our reports posted at PrisonPlanet.tv and InfoWars.com.
Thank you for watching.
And there you have it.
As Alex pointed out, he has other videos on the Alex Jones Channel.
He's going to be back live on Monday.
But a little tip, keep in mind he loves posting those little videos on the Alex Jones Channel throughout the time he's away.
So look for those over the weekend.
And again, we're going to cover those tonight on the InfoWars Nightly News.
And as you heard him point out, it is an Agenda 21 takeover in part, but it's also
Uh, allowing the various global interests like the United Nations to have these park lands as collateral.
And, uh, there's a great documentary, the Ken Burns one, on the national park system.
Very beautiful parks, not knocking the park system, but you can see the worship of the robber barons and the particular role they had in developing these parks.
And ultimately, in having a say in who controls them at the end of the day, I've seen... Well, we'll get into it on the other side.
I'll tell my story of visiting a state park and being interrogated, asked TSA-style questions, and I'll also talk about the larger system.
For example, Greece was selling some of its publicly owned islands to billionaires to help pay off the debt.
We'll get into that.
Stay tuned.
Tonight, the InfoWars Nightly News.
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We are back in the final segment on the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Aaron Dykes.
Alex has left the building but he'll be back again live Monday and just remember to tune in for his live iPhone video reports throughout the weekend as well.
Those will also be posted on Infowars.com as is the Drudge Red Link story sprint
I don't know.
Uh, government collection of DNA, at least in one state.
We're going to cover that and more tonight on the InfoWars Nightly News, but also, uh, the story of the general takeover of parks and wildlife across the country.
And again, I visited a state park in Texas that was McKinney Falls State Park, and they immediately demanded my zip code, started asking questions, uh, me and my girlfriend, asked if we're hiding anyone else in the car, and if we were trying to duck out of, uh, extra payments and stuff.
We didn't do anything but try to come see the park, and that's just the kind of treatment, TSA-style treatment you can now expect when you come to these places.
At the same time, I've been very interested in Alex's documentary, America Destroyed by Design, that was the first one he did, about the United Nations takeover of national parks.
And I had a suspicion that there were many state parks that also fell under that jurisdiction.
It's true.
I found the list.
I know people like Monteith have covered it before.
And I looked and many of the state parks I'm familiar with and love happen to be United Nations held and operated as are a large portion of the wildlife refugees and other things in Texas.
I checked Texas.
There's listings for the whole country.
I'm going to try to get a hold of that list and we'll cover some of that also on the InfoWars Nightly News tonight.
Special reports all week long there as Alex continues to bring you live coverage from the road throughout the week.
InfoWars is doing so much.
Now just remember Greece started putting up island land for sale.
to private rich individuals to help save the economy including many of the most well-known tourist areas and other government held islands.
This was reported in the London Guardian and other papers back in June of 2010 but
I think?
Doled out to private billionaires and others who can own the island, use it for profit, or keep it for themselves.
Keeping people away.
There is that rewilding plan going on.
Just some of the stuff we're going to cover.
But, tune in for the rebroadcast.
Alex Jones talked to Gerald Cilente, the latest on the MF Global swindle scandal.
What will happen to people like John Corzine?
Will they target
uh... him for any potential improprieties uh... more coverage of the naked puppet president uh... and other naked emperors across the world and of course the technocratic takeover of europe uh... between the new monetary vehicle they plan to put above all you european sovereignty as well as the open introduction of people like super mario monti and other book bilderberg technocrats
Openly imposing austerity on Europe.
Obviously this will also have consequences for the rest of the world.
So we're going to continue to cover that stuff as it breaks and tune in to this rebroadcast.
Share it with your friends and family.
And Alex talked about the incredible DVD and PrisonPlanet.tv specials we have going on now through the holidays.
If you're ever going to buy the physical DVDs, I think that's the best time.
There's nothing like getting a nicely packaged, good-looking product for people who are your friends and family to say, what is this?
What is this documentary?
That's how you get them to check it out.
Also, the UN and Bill Gates pushing HPV vaccines on poor nations.
We'll cover that all tonight.
Stay tuned for retransmission and more.
Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv.
Thank you for listening to GCN.