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Name: 20111021_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 21, 2011
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we've got to move quick today because this is going to be an absolutely jam-packed Friday broadcast.
Then I'm going to be gone for most of the weekend into Monday, shooting different, not even episodes, because we're out in the field and doing interviews.
It is reality TV, real investigations.
I'm going to be out with Jesse Ventura.
In the West, I'll just leave it at that and I'll have some reports from on the ground here on the show at least Monday, maybe even maybe even Sunday popping in.
And then I will need to spend some time with my children.
I think I'm getting back Monday evening, so we'll see what's going to happen.
I may.
Well, I'm just going to leave it at that for now, so stay with us on that front.
We're going to have open phones today.
We've got Bob Chapman joining us, as he always does on Friday.
He wasn't with us last Friday, so we have a lot to cover when he joins us today on the economic front, on what's happening in the euro that affects our dollar and our depressionary spiral here in the United States as well.
We are also going to be joined by Naomi Wolf.
Who was arrested at Occupy Wall Street just briefly at the bottom of the hour to get her take on Occupy Wall Street and the different things that they are basically calling for.
But in the meantime, I'm going to cover the news and also take your phone calls.
The level of naked, out in the open treason
That is going on is mind boggling.
And when you realize this is something tyrants do on purpose, that it's a process, a process ease of breaking your will, it's just staggering to think about what's coming next in this republic.
The confirmation that the majority of stimulus money is going to actually move U.S.
companies offshore.
And that's in mainstream media.
They even throw it in your face in ABC News, CBS, you name it.
That's coming up.
The first story I'm going to get into after the break today.
Also, Union President testifies, this is on C-SPAN, that ICE headquarters ordered agents not to arrest illegals, including fugitives.
And that dovetails with this story out of Fox.
Senators draft bill to give visas to foreigners buying pricey homes in the United States.
Now, you add this together with the hundreds of articles where they do staged arrest of illegals in the last three years and then release them.
Or give them green cards on the spot or two months ago when Obama froze deportations of even violent offenders and they said they will decide now.
They'll ignore federal law.
They'll just decide if you're deported or not.
And then I'm trying to drive through the middle of Texas and they demanded to board my bus this weekend.
I aired it last night.
I'm going to air it again today.
They demanded to get on board my RV, and I had to threaten them to sue them, and had to say, look, I know the government brings in the most of the drugs, and had to really, really get in their face to have them back off.
And I've got a bunch of news articles here.
Without even looking for them, the guys found them.
We're all over the country.
California, Michigan, Tennessee, Texas.
They're just having warrantless checkpoints now.
And courts have ruled they can't do this, so they eat around the edges.
Well, it's a seatbelt check, or it's a... Now they just admit, we're searching your car, we're looking for drugs, we're looking for terrorists.
Well, how about we go look in government buildings for terrorists?
I mean, why are you innocent until proven guilty, but we're guilty until proven innocent?
You know, when I confronted the Border Patrol, 98 miles inside the U.S., I said, you know, the Border Patrol's been caught dealing drugs.
I ought to search you!
I mean, if anybody's proven themselves to be a bunch of criminals, it's this government.
Stop teaching me I'm bad.
See, it's a mind game.
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As they're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath the Americans at home.
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I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington DC we have seen a fall of the Republic.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
It is Friday, the 21st day of October 2011.
We are going to be live here for the next three hours.
Naomi Wolf who was arrested at Occupy Wall Street will give us her perspective in a brief interview coming up at the bottom of the hour.
We'll get her take on it as a Rhodes Scholar and as an establishment leftist who has criticized the police state of George W. Bush and now of Barack Obama.
She's one of the more
Fair people out there.
So we want to get her perspective on it.
The bestselling author joining us at the bottom of the hour.
We got Bob Chapman popping in as he does every Friday on the big economic developments in Europe and around the world.
The admission now that this country by more and more economists is in a depression, never left the deep recession.
And this is an engineered implosion of our society.
We'll also talk with Bob about the 79 trillion
That's in even USA Today and Reuters.
Bloomberg broke it two days ago.
I know I've been mentioning it the last few days because it's a big deal.
$79 trillion in additional derivatives now that has been moved over to the Federal Depositors Insurance Corporation.
And William K. Black, the former top federal regulator that prosecuted a lot of these crooks in the last round, 15 years ago, he's come out and said this will be the destruction of Bank of America, and with it, the U.S.
They're going to sign us on to $79 trillion.
And they're going to have Herman Cain on the fake right pushing 9999999.
In fact, there's an article out today
It's up at Infowars.com.
Peter Schiff of Euro Pacific Capital, I'm going to work on him, getting him on the nightly news tonight, saying the hidden nine of Herman Cain.
That's right, because there's the 9%
That's right.
26, 27 an hour.
But that money's paid to the government.
Not counting the money they then take out of your check on top of it.
See, it's all this hidden taxation you don't see till you actually write the checks.
I write the checks.
I see it all.
And a lot of people say, Alex, you ought to just tell the IRS that's private and, you know, works for the private fellow reserve to go to Hades.
We pick our battles here, ladies and gentlemen.
The federal courts have a 98% conviction rate.
Federal courts sentenced black people to death 160, 70 years ago who ran away from their plantations.
So I'm going to pick my battles.
They have rigged juries, total criminals running them.
Most of them on the take.
Most of the government is criminal narcotics traffickers, or paid by that $500 billion a year they use to pay their criminal army.
And so I follow all the fake rules, all the fake laws, all the fake garbage, so I can be 100% strong and up front here covering real information
Now I do confront naked body scanners.
I do confront internal checkpoints and get in the police face and say no to that because it's an absolute clear and present hardcore manifestation of classical tyranny.
But when you get down to the king's men and the taxation system, that is something that we languish under.
But I'm now digressing.
The point is
That the globalists are basically exempt from taxation and regulation.
And they want to jack up taxes now to pay down the derivatives bubble that they've had their operatives, that they spent decades getting into every power position and every regulatory position at the SEC, Congress, Federal Reserve, and Treasury.
And they're dropping the hammer.
They always intended to saddle us with their debt.
They bought the world through fraud with the Ponzi money, but then, holding the world hostage, they bring us fully under their economic control and give the private banks governance powers, as is now happening with the super congress here in the US, as is now happening with the Euro takeover in Europe.
It's here.
Full bankster occupation, full domination, the end of America, the end of liberty, total tyranny.
And a physical oppression with domestic police, domestic secret police, domestic federal police, local police, federalized deputies, spying threat fusion centers.
They're in the news now admitting what we've known for 20 years.
The Pentagon's got ground penetrating radar looking through all your walls.
The police departments are getting trucks now that look right through your walls and also blast you with high powered radiation and radio waves, sound waves.
There's a bunch of different types of systems they have.
That's in mainstream media today.
They're just getting ready to tell the slaves about it.
Again, they're reporting checkpoints all over the country.
They're just going to continue to roll it out, roll it out, roll it out, and flaunt it in your face.
Just Sunday, it happened again.
100-mile, 98-mile into the country checkpoint.
I'm going to play that video later in audio here from what happened Sunday.
Because it integrates in with all this TSA checkpoint news that's in mainstream newspapers and TV stations.
And they're like, we're going to search your vehicle.
98 miles into the U.S.
And I said, this is a violation of my Fourth Amendment.
And they said, the Supreme Court has ruled.
And I said, the Supreme Court has ruled you can check immigration status.
The Supreme Court has also ruled black people weren't humans.
So I don't want to hear it.
But I said, you are here with a drug dog.
And you know they haven't ruled you can have drug checkpoints.
And they know that.
They know it's illegal.
They know it's official oppression and a civil rights violation.
He says, I'm not looking for drugs.
I'm looking for narcotics.
So that's the first thing I want to get into today, but coming up, Union President testifies ICE, and I have the C-SPAN clip, ICE headquarters ordered agents not to arrest illegals, including fugitives.
You know, I'd say, I don't know, I haven't really ever counted it up, but I'd say about 40% of my crew here at the office is Hispanic.
I don't know.
And it's incredible.
So this has nothing to do.
They do some show arrest of illegals here and there at a meatpacking plant that isn't part of the inside group.
Or they'll do a raid on a Walmart once and it came out, then give them green cards.
That came out in the news again yesterday.
CNS News had that.
This is all coming out in Congress.
And so, they want to search my car, and I'm like, the Border Patrol's been caught in Fast and Furious shipping drugs in, guns out, with the ATF, FBI, and what, six other, it's eight agencies total.
So five other agencies on top of those three.
And I said, the game's over, bud.
I don't use your products.
I'm not the government that brings the drugs in here.
And you're not going to do this.
Folks, they're getting ready under the Model States Health Emergency Powers Act.
This is admitted.
They're getting you used to government putting their hands on you.
You've never been to jail.
You're not a criminal.
You get uppity about a cop walking over and asking you questions at the shopping mall or wherever.
You're like, why are you doing that?
You're informed historically, you know that's what happens in third world countries, in Soviet, you know, Russia, places like that.
They're just breaking the ice, getting you used to blood draws at checkpoints, federalization of police, the feds at checkpoints, the feds at proms now.
The feds at the prom now.
This is the type of stuff that's going on.
This is right out of central casting of a corrupt, oppressive, North Korean-style system.
This is the social engineers 100% consciously.
You know, they've announced every airport in the U.S., every major airport, will get naked body scanners.
And now Austin's getting them next month.
And they're saying everyone will be forced through them.
The TSA said in the Chicago Tribune, they said we will force everyone starting next year.
So first it's opt-out, opt-out, embarrass you, grab on you.
While the idiot TSA sits there frying themselves.
None of this has anything to do, they've put out, with terrorism, they've put Al-Qaeda in charge of Libya on record.
They have
Given them thousands of shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles.
They had Ammar al-Awlaki hanging out secretly at the Pentagon, so they went ahead and had his staged killing.
So they could get him out of the headlines because he was an embarrassment.
Believe me, that's why that happened.
Now they're saying Qaddafi, too, will be buried at sea.
Who knows if they really killed him in Uganda when U.S.
Special Forces were there and firefights and they claim they were down there for something else.
Who knows if he really is alive?
Who knows if he's dead?
I mean, first they said that in front of all the witnesses they shot him, tortured him and shot him in the head.
Drove him around and there's videos of this on the hoods of cars.
Now they say he died in a crossfire.
They said Benazir Bhutto hit her head.
There was footage of her being shot in Pakistan.
But our media said she hit her head.
She hit her little head.
She came out and said Osama Bin Laden's been dead.
This is all staged.
And they said that's it.
She's dead.
Hillary Clinton, we got a video clip of Hillary Clinton where she's joking about it.
You know, I came, I saw, I conquered.
We came, we saw, he's dead.
And she laughed about it.
And I've noticed these tyrannical women.
You know, they've never been in a fistfight in their lives.
They love, throughout history, sitting back and watching people die and bombing and killing.
And the reporter, CBS reporter, cackles and gets off on it with her as well.
Why don't you women go look at the wrecked cities and the 40,000 dead people and the piles of dead blacks that the Al-Qaeda has been killing?
Why don't you go watch the dead bodies piled up and the burned corpses and smell the dead flesh?
Oh, no, no.
You'd rather sit there in your little palaces and giggle about the dead people.
You know, just sit back with your white gloves on and... Alright, stay with us.
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That's right, before you start watching your television, within about a minute, the trained mind, the TV trains your brain, goes into a REM-like, sleeping, waking, sleepwalking state.
Scientific fact.
In fact, Darren McBreen and Rob Dew put together an incredible subliminal message report last night, showing subliminal messages in TV shows, ads, magazines, television ads, you name it.
And by the way, we're going to have Peter Schiff on tonight on the Nightly News to break down the 999 plan, because it's not really just 9% income tax, 9% VAT, 9% sales tax, which are two new taxes the feds will administer.
And it's not that they can just jack up the income tax once they lower it to nine, which you know they'll do.
The income tax started at 1% for the top 1%.
Then they're going to continue with the Social Security FICA part that's around 9%.
And so you got 9, 9, 9, 9.
And then they can just jack all those up.
I mean, it is such a nightmare.
And it's exactly what central banks, the very same big mega banks, do through their central banks that masquerade as government all over the world.
That's a big deal.
And listen, you cannot expect these criminals to do anything but this.
Once criminals have committed such monstrous level crimes, once they've gone for broke, once they've committed global assassinations and invaded now dozens of countries, it's over a dozen wars, not five, six, seven, or eight that are going on right now.
And I listed some of those with Tarpley yesterday.
He was saying six, seven wars, and I went on and said, Mexico, Colombia, and just started listing other places that wars are going on.
Once, once, once the elite gets to this point, with corruption, you go off the edge.
And that's why I have a Detroit Free Press article saying they've got checkpoints all over the state now searching people for drugs without warrants and they're taking people's cell phones and downloading them into the police systems and some of them are passive digital snoopers in the police cars that just grab the stuff off your phone as you drive by and the paper says courts have ruled you can't do this.
Why are they doing it?
Because they don't care!
They don't care anymore!
Do you understand?
An FBI agent couldn't stick their hands down your pants two years ago.
The FBI won't do it today because they're actually following, still, even though they're corrupt, the Constitution.
They had to make a new agency, the TSA, that first grabs the outside, now the inside, and they say it's okay, and now federal judges have ruled...
Well, if your state police are searching people's pants, as long as they're TSA certified, it's okay.
Or, oh, there's lawsuits over school proms, people doing TSA-style searches.
This is now standard training for security, both, and police.
We'll have TSA come in and oversee it and certify you in Santa Fe.
And now, they can grab your 17-year-old daughter's breast and genitals, or your son.
See, the TSA is a magic fairy, and Janet, the troll Napolitano, who says she doesn't like my website and the Drudge Report calling her a troll, I never called you a troll, but if the name fits, you know, a troll's a troll by any other name, okay, you're a troll.
Don't tell me what to, I don't care what you do, you witch.
You don't tell me what to do, you monster!
It's my First Amendment, you pig!
You anti-American pig!
Excuse me.
The point is, she floats around like a magic weasel, a magic weasel fairy, and waves a wand, and now there's no Fourth Amendment.
I've got a big stack of news articles
on that.
Authorize illegals when they feel like it to work in the U.S.
She ignores federal law.
She is the fairy.
She waves the wand, stick their hands down your pants, put you in a microwave oven.
Napolitano, DHS authorizing illegal aliens to work in the U.S.
Just what Obama did two, three months ago when he said, we will decide now to deport or whatever.
I will ignore law.
It's like saying I'll decide if I prosecute murder or not, or I'll decide if I can kill U.S.
citizens without a trial or arrest or not.
It's total tyranny.
Here's another one.
Union president testifies ICE headquarters ordered agents not to arrest illegals, including fugitives.
I've known this for years, but here it is.
They admit it to Congress.
And then Orrin Hatch, I've got the article right here, he complains now that they're putting him in microwave oven scanners even when he says, no, I don't want to, they order him to.
And they got other senators with Napolitano in there complaining about it.
Well, as much as I don't like Napolitano, the jackbooted little Miss Hitler,
The point is, this all started under Bush.
The $30 million contract that Michael Chertoff is getting for naked body scanners in Austin, that's Bush.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Coming up, my friends, we're going to look at the insiders.
General Electric has posted
Now in this new quarter, a 57% profit this year.
The big mega banks, they're all posting record profits as well.
Right as Bank of America prepares, this is even in Bloomberg, to have the taxpayers sign on to 79 trillion in Bank of America's derivatives debts that we don't owe.
But they're going to have the Herman Cain's on the right, and the Barack Obama's on the left, calling for higher taxes to pay off a debt we don't owe.
I mean, all of the student loans, trillion bucks.
All the mortgages in this country, delinquent and not delinquent, less than 18 trillion.
But there'll be no discussion about 79 Trill, backstopping it with trillions.
Again, instead the mega banks that have engineered all this,
The Ken Lay, Bernie Madoff types, they will become our rulers, just like the Euro.
Just like that's a new banking dictatorship being set up over there, and ending sovereignty, because the public is ignorant about real finance, and they think this crony capitalist anti-free market system, they think it's capitalism, because Michael Moore told everybody so, but Luke Rudowsky talking to Alec Baldwin a few days ago, that video's up on InfoWars.com,
Baldwin said, no, we do need a free market, we do need capitalism.
So this whole debate is taking place right now.
We're going to be looking at how the insiders are exempt from taxes and how those very insiders then promote tax increases on the rich.
They mean middle class, because they siphon it off in banker bailouts.
It's the ultra-rich manipulating the poor against the middle class, pressure from above and below.
That's the true paradigm.
Now for the next 15 minutes, Naomi Wolf, best-selling author,
Road Scholar, you name it, joins us, also a leading feminist, and she wrote the landmark international bestseller, The Beauty Myth, challenging the cosmetics industry and so much more.
It would take 15 minutes to go over her bio, but we've got her here because, well, here's the London Guardian.
Naomi Wolf, How I Was Arrested at Occupy Wall Street.
Arresting a middle-aged writer in an evening gown for peaceable conduct is a far cry from when America was a free republic.
And that's because the military-industrial complex owned by the banks runs all this.
You get different rhetoric under Clinton, Bush, Obama, but the exact same program.
TSA checkpoints now domestically.
And we're on the streets of America.
We are going into full globalist occupation.
Naomi Wolf, thank you for coming on with us, Jailbird.
Thanks so much for having me on again, Alex.
I always like talking to you.
And I appreciate the chance to talk about this especially.
Well, I appreciate you coming on.
So tell us about your thought crime.
A genteel, attractive, well-dressed woman, I've seen the photos and videos, is arrested.
I guess you're not even allowed... I mean, this is like North Korea.
Yeah, it's truly unbelievable.
Let's see, I guess I'll just start it quickly.
At the beginning, my boyfriend and I were going to an event at the Huffington Post that we've been invited to, and there were these Occupy Wall Street protesters outside of the event struggling to communicate with each other because they were forbidden to use a microphone by, you know, a New York City permit.
And my book, Excuse Me, Liberty, explains that New York City and other cities have passed a bunch of sneaky, stealth
Um, permits to really prohibit people from exercising freedom of speech and assembly.
You can't rally without a permit.
You can't use the megaphone.
You can't, um, you know, stand here.
You can't stand there.
And it's all, um, not transparent and not accountable.
In New York City, they can turn you down for whatever reason.
You never know why and you can't appeal.
So, um, so I knew that.
So I told them to push on the permits thing with a lawyer because it was one of these fake, uh, permits designed to silence the protesters.
Then my boyfriend suggested I get a list of their demands and take them inside because Cuomo was going to be there.
They wanted to communicate their demands to him, and I thought, well, if I get a chance to challenge him, I'll just pass on their list of demands because this is a republic, theoretically.
They're his boss.
He works for them.
It seemed like a good idea.
I took their demands.
We went inside.
We hung out.
We mingled.
We met our friends.
Came outside.
He didn't show up, and I had another commitment.
Actually, it's an important business meeting.
So when we came outside, we saw that the protesters had been pushed away or had been moved away from the sidewalk where Cuomo was going to be, where the gala was, across two lanes of traffic to the opposite corner, far away from the event.
And I knew from studying protests, because
You know, after I wrote The End of America, which talks about how easy it is to close a democracy.
Yeah, they were kettling them!
They were exactly, exactly right.
And this is happening all over the world.
So, and I, and this is super important, Alex, as you know, because the number one thing that opens a closing society is protest, mass assembly.
And not just, you know, permitted protest, an impotent go from here to there.
Mass protest that disrupts business as usual, peacefully, is so powerful.
Well I mean it's the foundation of any free society and I've been in New York at the RNC and other events where I'm just videotaping a protest 300 yards away on a sidewalk with a camera and a cop comes over, this is on video on my film Martial Law, and screams at me like I'm the lowest filth and threatens to arrest me.
And I have been arrested in New York for demonstrating on another occasion, but the point is, is that a permit is an authorization to do something that would otherwise be illegal.
And so permitting is a way to basically enslave people, and then they just get rid of the permitting, as you said, or refuse the permit, so it turns your right to demonstrate into a privilege.
And the way they brainwash the cops, I want to get your view on this, is going back 50 years ago,
On the St.
Patrick's Day Parade or something, if you want to block, you know, 10 blocks, sure, you've got to get a permit and cops may have to pay for it, get sponsors, because you've got to block other people's way.
But there's no doubt under the First Amendment, around government buildings or in commons or on the sidewalks, that it's totally protected and they know this.
And the fact that they are, administration to administration, clamping down on it more and more, shows this country's in deep trouble.
I totally agree with you, and it seems like this discussion about this weird bureaucracy of permits is really technical and boring, but it's incredibly important and relevant to literally whether people can gather and speak to each other and exert their First Amendment rights for freedom of assembly and the right to petition government for redress of grievances.
Um, and so this is, it's a municipality after municipality after the 70s, after there was this really excessive wave of mass protests, um, powerful entities, you know, thought, let's just stop this, and they just sneakily passed all these... No, I mean, let me stop you because your phone was, and this happened the last time we were on, I think you've got a bad cell.
Are you on a hands-free right now?
No, uh, no, it's a regular cell phone.
Can you just put that receiver right up to your mouth?
Sure, I'm sorry.
Uh, that's a lot better.
Start over, go ahead.
Okay, no, I was just saying that they've, you know, sneakily across the country done this.
So I hear from people in Texas who are saying, we're in a public park and they're telling us, you know, that they're going to arrest us and it'll cost us $600.
Or, you know, we're in, uh, you know, another park and they're telling us that if we cover our heads from the rain with a piece of plastic, um, you know, we're violating a permit.
So they're just making this stuff up and it's not transparent and it's not
Yeah, they're lawyering it so they can try to claim, oh, well, we didn't totally take your First Amendment.
If you can jump through a hundred flaming hoops and, you know, show up on a blue moon on the top of the mountain wearing a turkey hat, then, you know, with a bag with 14 marbles in it on a Tuesday evening when the whippoorwill cries, then maybe.
You're right.
So this gets worse, you won't believe it, because I got arrested for a permit that doesn't exist.
So let me get to that.
So I go across the street and I said, what happened?
And they said, well, the cops told us that the permit enforced...
Forbids us from walking up and down the sidewalk.
And I studied this, and I knew there is no such thing.
So I checked with the cops, and one of them said, yes, the permit the event holders have lets them control the sidewalk for a number of hours.
Not possible.
So I'm a reporter.
I went back across the street.
I asked around.
I asked police.
I asked people with the event.
Finally, I found someone who was with the event who said he'd seen the permit, and in fact, he confessed.
It does allow for peaceful assembly by protesters if we didn't obstruct traffic.
So we're back across the street, said, guys, my boyfriend and I are going to walk peacefully up and down the street outside the event.
We've checked the permit.
It's legal.
Please join us if you want to.
A dozen people came with us.
We were literally, Alex, walking up and down the street in single file, peacefully, holding hands, not even saying anything.
You know, I'm not even a partisan supporter of the move.
For their First Amendment rights, you know, because my grandma taught me that you have to do that.
So then, out of nowhere, a phalanx of like 30 or 35 white-shirted guys, police officers, I guess, hires up, show up, and they must have been reinforcements because they hadn't been there before.
And they surround us, and the guy with a megaphone, and remember that protester citizens are not allowed to use megaphones, shouts,
You are ordered to disperse.
You're creating an illegal obstruction.
At that point, I knew that that was not correct.
So I walked up to him, and you've seen the video, very peacefully, because I'm all about peaceful protests.
I've been saying for weeks on my Facebook page that the protestors have got to be peaceful, respectful of the cops.
That's effective, and it's the right thing to do.
Peacefully walked over toward him with
So you walked towards the God, approaching the deity with the proper deference, the bush was in front of him, what happened?
Well, I do believe, I mean I hear you, but I also think at those high tension moments, again from studying protests and history, it's really important to be super calm and peaceful, because that doesn't escalate, and it doesn't give provocateurs a chance to make things violent.
No, no, I agree with you.
So you approach him nicely.
I identified myself and I said, Officer, I'm confused.
I checked the permit and...
The law says we do have a right to protest here so long as we're not obstructing.
You dared talk to a supreme being?
A rulership?
That's like in Ghostbusters when they're up on the top of the building and Zool is there and they say, we're telling you to get out of New York City and she says, are you a god?
And then when they say no, I mean, you're talking to your ruler.
You're a scum who's just there to pay taxes.
You're there to provide as a slave.
So you talk to your owner, your ruler, your God, certainly not your servant.
What happened?
Well, yeah, I mean, this stuff is very deep because, you know, I was raised to respect
You know, this country and this country's foundations.
And you don't give up on democracy.
You just don't.
So I approached him and said, I'm confused.
I checked the permit.
We are allowed, as I understand it, to not obstruct traffic.
And as you see, there's no obstruction.
I mean, literally, there was like 12 feet on either side of us.
You know, we were in single file.
He said, will you back down?
And I froze.
And he said, will you get out of my way?
And I truly, Alex, at that moment, I could not move.
And I couldn't move.
It's not that I made a conscious choice.
I actually, I didn't want to get arrested.
You know, I had somewhere important I needed to be, and I'm a, you know, I have two kids.
I didn't want to get arrested.
That's why I checked the law, so I could obey the law, right?
I was carefully checking and obeying the law, but I felt so deeply at that moment that if I backed away from him and followed
His order, it was not, I knew that he was not right, that what he was saying about the law was not right, and I felt like if I did that I would be just situating
No, I understand.
You would fully submit to slavery at that point if in America, it's always those white shirted, you know, they're the commissars of the political police.
In every video I've seen of them beating people who are innocent or attacking crowds, it's always the white shirts.
They're the modern brown shirts.
So, so you tried to explain this is... I couldn't move.
I couldn't move.
And I hesitated that half second and then he made a gesture.
And we were surrounded, my boyfriend and I were surrounded by um, these guys.
And my hands were pulled behind my back and my hands were cuffed.
My partners were as well.
And we were sort of moved bodily into the back of a police van.
And there were National Lawyers Guild observers there and so I shouted, you know, please have a lawyer meet us at the precinct.
Uh, and then they bundled us into the van.
We were alone in the van.
And then something really scary happened, which is, um, all the protesters marched to the first precinct, the near precinct, to be there and to see what, you know, that we were okay.
Naomi, speak up for me.
This is important.
I'm sorry.
The protesters marched to the correct precinct for Hudson Street, where we were, to make sure that we were okay, to witness what was happening, and for the lawyers to meet us to make sure that, you know, we were, had representation.
But when we were in the van, the police got a call clearly directing them to go to another precinct.
And so they misinformed the protesters about where we were, which I think is very scary.
Yeah, so now there's secret police blackbagging you.
Well, that's because when I was arrested once, people actually marched and protested around the precinct.
That's in the film Truth Rising.
And so clearly now they're trying to misdirect for wherever they're sneaking you off to.
I don't think so.
Yes, so did mine in New York.
They actually picked a cell, because most of the cells were open, and they laughed and said, this is a good one for you.
And I was looking in the open cells as I walked, and there was feces everywhere, urine, McDonald's bags, and they laughed.
And then a mentally handicapped jail guard came over and giggled at me off and on for a few hours, and I just felt sorry for him.
I mean, it's like something out of a science fiction nightmare.
They have literal Igor's working in there.
So you're in a special cell with blood and feces and things.
What happens next?
Yeah, well I have to say that the staff there were extremely nice to us.
Which, you know, I think obviously the fact that I'm visible, you know, made them be particularly nice.
So how did this end?
How did this end in the minute we've got left?
Yeah, very briefly.
They released us at the summons, because obviously, you know, it was a hot potato by then.
But the sergeant who released me, before he let me out of my cell, pointed to a camera facing the cell and said, if you go back to your friends, the protesters, you know, this time you're not getting arrested.
Next time it will be a real arrest.
We'll take your picture with that camera.
We'll take your fingerprints with that machine.
We'll send your data to a federal database.
We'll be there forever.
And I said, well, officer, if I was obeying the law tonight and I got arrested, if he didn't dispute that I had obeyed the law.
I said, how do I keep from getting arrested in the future?
And he couldn't answer that.
And I said, why did I get arrested if I obeyed the law?
And he said that at any time, if a police officer says it's a safety issue or deems it a safety issue, they can arrest someone no matter what the law says.
Um, and he referred me to a section of the criminal code.
Yeah, no, no.
And that's a secret police arrest code.
It's totally un-American.
It's still official oppression.
That code is a fraud.
Naomi Wolf, thank you so much for spending time with us and you're just shedding more light on the incredible police state we're facing.
Alright, we're going to come back with some huge breaking news.
Big breaking news on the Iran war front.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, the President is speaking right now, and we can put him on screen for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers, but I've already got the press release put out by the White House.
He's saying he'll have all U.S.
troops out of Iraq by the end of 2011, but there's over 100,000 military contractors still there.
So, mercenary stay, and then they call the tens of thousands of military personnel that are going to stay, basically support troops to the civilian personnel inside of the, quote, embassies.
They've built the biggest U.S.
embassies in the world there.
And of course, he said all the troops would be out within one year of him getting into office.
That didn't happen.
They're always saying all the troops will be out of Afghanistan within one year.
And they always push that back.
And right as we were coming in live here, I was watching the president live, the so-called president, the traitor in chief.
And he was saying that we'll have half of them out of there by the end of the year.
So it looks like this is just more bull on top of bull.
Two years ago, he renamed the Combat Brigades to Support Combat Brigades.
Now, the angle here, this is the big breaking news.
My cousin is being sent to Kuwait in logistics for helicopters, attack helicopters, and other helicopters.
Black ops, surveillance, delivery, you name it.
I've talked to my other military sources.
troops are massing big time inside of Kuwait.
And a lot of U.S.
troops are leaving Iraq, of the 50,000 that are there right now, and massing in Kuwait.
So they're not coming home!
Most of them.
Johnny's not coming marching home.
They're massing in Kuwait.
And you saw, last week, the government come out and say, oh my gosh, and by the way, the Iranians have now directly linked this, and it's been confirmed by even U.S.
Western media, connected this plotter to a Western finance terror group staging terror attacks inside Iran.
So it's completely phony.
And now the White House is saying they're going to come out with more.
Don't worry, there's more Iranian threats, more groups they're going to foil, and then OC, and notice the troops are already massed just perfectly, and the aircraft carriers are there, and now the Israeli bombardment has to be backed.
So they are looking at hitting Iran.
And our sources, Ray McGovern and many others,
I have come out and said that, well...
Panetta, 15-16 days ago.
Secretary of Defense came back and says Israel is the closest they've been to hitting Iran.
They are, quote, the most isolated they've ever been in their history.
So, this is a major issue on the radar.
That's why they're, quote, killing bin Laden, killing Gaddafi, getting rid of Hossein Mubarak.
They're opening up a new chapter.
Obama came with peace.
They liberated everyone.
They put the jihadis in control of countries.
And then Iran hit America.
And Iran had to be dealt with.
And then, of course, who comes out of Saudi Arabia?
The jihadis, the al-Qaeda people.
So this is all about the U.S., Israel, England, and Saudi Arabia, all teamed up, the same old team, mopping up groups.
But again, Israel, England, the U.S., Saudi Arabia, it's not the Israeli people that are bad, the Saudi Arabian people are bad, the English, the American folks in the U.K.
It's the elites.
This is the power axis.
It's like Italians weren't bad because they had Mussolini.
He was bad.
Some Italians were bad for going along with him.
Same thing for Hitler or Stalin or Mao.
Chinese people aren't bad because of Mao.
Mao is bad.
But there's no doubt, there's no doubt that our country is used now as an evil empire.
By the way, old Gorbachev calls for American perestroika and global governance.
That article's up at InfoWars.com.
The second hour is coming up.
Stay with us.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, it is hour number two.
We're going to take your calls in the second and third hours today on any of the news items I've raised or any questions or comments you have.
The toll-free number to join us on this live Friday transmission is 800-259-9231.
Coming up though, I've got to race through some of this news and play a video clip or two, and then we'll get to your calls.
Then after that, I'm going to premiere here, we actually aired it last night, but premiere on the radio and PrisonPlanet.tv for folks watching right now, the audio and video of my latest confrontation with an internal checkpoint and get into some new developments on that front since we learned of more TSA checkpoints across the country.
And I got emails and comments saying I'm a liar, TSA is not on the streets of America.
Comments in the articles, the mainstream news articles about it.
I mean, that's got to be disinfo.
That can't just be kind of dumbed down people.
But continuing here, I want to hit this article right now.
Gorbachev calls for American perestroika.
Former Soviet leader says protest movement highlights need for global governance.
Former communist leader Mikhail Gorbachev told an audience at Lafayette College on Wednesday night the United States economic problems had happened and heralded the need for a new American perestroika, which was all staged, defined by a new world order.
And a system of global governance.
These are quotes.
Speaking to a crowd of 3,600 people during an event that was broadcast live nationwide, Gorbachev made reference to the riots and demonstrations that have swept the world over the last two years, including the Occupy Wall Street movement in the United States.
The world needs goals that will bring people together, he said, under the bankers raping us, of course.
Some people in the United States were pushing the idea of creating a global American empire.
And that was a mistake from the start.
No, they want a UN global empire.
Other people in America are now giving thought to the future of their country.
The big banks, the big corporations are still paying the same big bonuses to their bosses.
So he talks the rhetoric, but then they bait and switch it for austerity.
Was there ever a crisis for them?
I believe America needs its own perestroika.
I don't think you need a perestroika.
What was it that they had in... What was the name of what they had in Poland?
What does that mean?
Honesty in government?
Of course, the plan was always to merge.
And this came out in the Carnegie and Ford Foundation documents.
That's why our government, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, set up the Bolshevik Revolution on record, but also propped them up.
And here's a quote.
By Mikhail Gorbachev.
Comrades, do not be concerned about all you hear about Glasnost and perestroika and democracy in the coming years.
They are primarily for outward consumption.
There will be no significant internal change.
Yeah, the Russians never took the hammer and sickle off.
I think?
Proceeding with a strategic defense initiative.
Gorbachev in a speech to the Soviet Politburo, November 1987.
Now, the Russians internally thought he was a CIA agent.
And that's come out.
He wasn't a CIA agent.
He was CIA KGB.
It's down here in the pyramid.
It's like major corporate chiefs are.
The owners, Bilderberg, Committee of 300, those groups, they nexus in.
They're the pyramid.
They're guiding and playing groups always off against each other.
So there's real conflict going on.
Real soldiers, real spies, real propaganda.
But, it's all guided in a symphony of destruction.
All right, we'll be right back.
I'll blitz through some incredible news on the deindustrialization by design to hide treason.
Some other important news on Cyber Command, and then your calls.
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Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, I want to go to Eric, Tim, Jeff, Robert, Keith, and many others that are patiently holding on this live Friday edition, but first I want to get into treason.
As you know, it has come out yet again in congressional testimony, and we covered this yesterday.
The Associated Press carried it, so did CNS News.
Napolitano testified, DHS is authorizing illegal aliens to work in the U.S.
They've been hired to build part of the border show fence.
When they do do raids on dairies and meatpacking plants, in every case, they hire them all on the spot and give them green cards.
It's all for public consumption.
Here's a headline.
Union President testifies ICE headquarters ordered agents not to arrest illegals including fugitives.
Now we've heard the Border Patrol come out with this information for years.
We've heard sheriffs come out where they'll arrest a truckload of 10, 15 illegals or more and be ordered to turn them loose.
But then citizens
Get the book thrown at you and they want to search your car.
It's all about using the excuse to invade your life.
I'm not an enemy of the Border Patrol.
I'm just upset over the fact that they're being used to do unconstitutional things.
And we have that video clip coming up here in just a moment.
But you add all of this together with an article like this one, and this is just coming out today.
I see this stuff every day.
But this is unprecedented because it's Janet Napolitano admitting it in testimony.
And here's the issue.
Federal law is still there.
You aid and abet.
In fact, when I was down in South Padre, I was talking to a business owner and I actually looked it up, the story he told me about, where
One of the owners of the sightseeing boats and dolphin watching and fishing boats, he owned a bunch of them, and he basically had bought up a lot of the town over decades running it.
He got caught using one of his big boats to bring legals into Houston, 100 miles north of there or so.
And he got a year in prison and they took all his boats and stuff.
Well, that's just because he was a small fry.
You see, violating that federal law was a felony.
But, they're saying because Obama is the president, he can violate federal laws.
He can order citizens killed.
Oh, but it's just Al-Qaeda.
The precedent's now set.
They say you're Al-Qaeda.
The precedent's now set to set up checkpoints all over the country.
In fact, I have those reports I'm going to get to here in a moment.
But here's another report out of Fox News.
Senators have drafted a bill to give visas to foreigners buying pricey homes.
And I'm not so much even against that.
If foreigners come with money, that's the issue.
If people come here and get put on welfare,
And then the Ford Foundation teaches them to hate America and to vote for gun control.
I mean, you've got to keep the illegals out or they're going to become the majority and vote to take all our liberties away.
Don't you get it?
That's why the megacorporations are for it.
It's not just about driving down wages.
And then it doesn't help the people of Latin America if they beach this lifeboat.
You've got to have those governments down there overthrown that are run by globalists.
But the globalists everywhere are taking out old dictators and putting in worse ones.
Look at Egypt.
They're all praising Obama for democratization of the Middle East.
What are they talking about?
They've just put Al-Qaeda in control.
Senators draft bill to give visas to foreigners buying pricey homes.
Well, it's like you can move to Switzerland if you've got a couple million bucks in the bank and are willing to buy a home.
But this is getting attention when this is nothing.
Yeah, I mean if people want to come here, you know, the problem is...
That 500,000 isn't quite nearly enough.
It should at least be a million.
And that you guarantee that you're going to be able to get a job, you got a job waiting for you, or that you're not going to ever seek welfare.
And sign a form, sign an agreement, that if you're going to move here for 10 years, you don't get any free largess.
There's 310 million Americans.
There's almost 7 billion people outside the country.
The census is 7 billion globally, but that was a couple years ago, and it's not entirely accurate to estimate.
It's more like 7,200,000,000.
So there's 6.9 billion people that want to come here.
Well, they won't want to come here very soon if they all get here.
I mean, have you been to a real third world country, folks?
All these people saying, oh, like Perry, let's give the lowest tuition that's taxpayer-supported.
50% of it at least is paid for by taxpayers.
Let's give in-state tuition, taxpayer-subsidized to the illegals.
You don't have a big heart if you don't.
A big heart?
Most people I know can't afford to send their kids to college.
Who are citizens?
Forget what color they are.
But the illegals, they do.
I mean, this is such a game how they use the big heart of the American people.
Can you go to Mexico or Nicaragua or El Salvador or South Korea?
Can you go anywhere and get free education or close to it?
No, of course not.
You get arrested.
But I digress.
This is the ridiculous mind game the globalists have pulled on us.
The good news is, despite all his claims of being a man of peace, because he's going to pull all the troops out when there's over 100,000 contractors and they're just renaming the troops as non... It's the same trick from two years ago.
They're renaming the troops as non-military.
They're still troops, but it's in a logistics support role.
You didn't read the fine print, huh?
More mind games.
Just like they were going to be out of Afghanistan in one year, huh?
Ten years later.
Then you look at Obama's jobs bill, and it admittedly has a free trade deal that's one-sided to move jobs to Latin America and South Korea.
That's the jobs bill.
But wait!
It gets worse.
Let me find it here in my stack.
I already read it earlier.
I already read the headline earlier.
Oh boy, I can't even keep track of all this.
Guys, pull up the headline.
General Electric profits increased 57% for me.
So I can read that off the screen and also show that to listeners out there.
Point it out for people, thank you, because I can't seem to find it.
Here in my stack, there's just too much.
The point is, General Electric
...runs the President's Economic Board, and they have publicly stated they're going to move their x-ray division overseas.
General Motors, with billions of dollars it was given, over $5 billion total, moved plants to Brazil, Eastern Europe, and China.
Your tax money paid to move it out of the country.
But before we get to that, let's go ahead and play that clip from C-SPAN, where the head of the union admits that ICE was ordered to let illegal aliens stay in the country, including criminals.
Here's that clip.
When I last testified before the subcommittee on July 25, 2011, I reported, among other things, that ICE enforcement removal officers and agents in the field alleged that unwritten directives from ICE headquarters had been issued nationwide ordering officers not to arrest aliens unless it was confirmed that the alien had received a prior conviction for a criminal offense.
Aliens who could not be arrested included, but were not limited to, ICE fugitives who had been ordered deported by a federal immigration judge, as well as aliens who had illegally re-entered the United States after deportation, a federal felony.
ICE officers and agents also alleged that they were not permitted to arrest or even speak to confirmed or suspected illegal aliens encountered in the field during operations and were prohibited from running standard criminal records checks for wants and warrants.
First, I would like to thank Chairman Smith and his staff for working with the union regarding this matter after the July meeting.
Okay, folks, that's it.
That sounds like it has an electric razor going in the background, but that's how CNS News recorded it off C-SPAN.
You can watch that clip up at Infowars.com.
We have that posted.
There's the article I was looking for in my stack.
General Electric profit rises 57% revenue flat, and that is, in the Wall Street Journal,
And also at CNBC.
So their profit rises 57% revenue flat.
So that's a deindustrialization and an offshoring growth curve.
Let me continue here along those lines for you today.
Here are two news articles.
Car company gets U.S.
Builds cars in Finland.
Now you've noticed, not only do they get these 0% government-free money, but in some cases just pure tax incentives or flat-out stimulus money, then with these companies, like the big solar company and others that got $500 million, they never build anything.
It's all fake.
Green jobs, you name it.
And it's all on record, ABC News reports in this, two Democrat top donors.
You put in $100,000, you get $500 million back.
That's around what that particular company that got the $500 million for solar panels.
Put $100,000 in, you get $500 million back.
But again, the globalists, it's not just giving money.
You've got to be an insider globalist to even be able to get away with all this.
You know, they're all over the news saying, is this legal?
It seems like this should be illegal.
Should it be illegal that 2,000 plus insider companies get waivers from having to get Obama health care and everybody else does?
Which then puts undue cost situation on the competitors.
Of course it's illegal.
Of course all of this is illegal.
All of this garbage is 100% illegal.
But they're just breaking our will, doing it.
With the approval of the Obama administration, an electric car company that received $529 million in federal government loan guarantees is assembling its first line of cars in Finland, saying it could not find a facility in the United States capable of doing the work.
So you see, there's not even a rule here that you've got to do it in the U.S.
In fact, in most cases, you're incentivized to leave.
But wait, it gets better.
It gets better.
I got another article about this.
These people are waging war.
It's not just they don't care about America.
They've always wanted to bring it down.
The globalists have always wanted to use America to build the world government and fully implode us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Look, I've got a big stack here in front of me of more examples of green jobs, taxpayer-funded jobs that are mainly overseas.
And this is treason.
I've had the head of the American Small Business League on many times, and he'll talk about federal law states at a certain percentage.
Of government contracts are supposed to go to either U.S.
companies in one category or small businesses, but they're not.
And it's come out now in Congress that there's a secret blacklist where American small companies aren't supposed to get it.
Of course big mega foreign companies want to come in and get government to not give contracts to Americans.
But Americans are so naive, so busy thinking everything's great and red, white, and blue.
The more American flags I see, the less freedom.
It's like people stick them on their cars, their houses.
And I like the American flag.
But the point is,
There's all these cars, the more football stickers they have, the more flags they have to let you know this is America.
Okay, but what does America symbolize then?
A Bill of Rights, a Constitution, a Declaration of Independence, private property, not having checkpoints, not having secret police, not having high taxes.
Rugged individualism.
That's all going away.
And then those of us that come out and say we want real America back.
Oh, we're the extremists.
We're the dangerous people.
We're the bad people.
Now, I'm going to go to your phone calls and after we're done with a round of calls, I'll go to some news and back to calls.
I want to get to counterterrorism chief opposes UN control of the Internet.
Oh, yeah, that's mainstream news today.
Also, Obama is basically being booed and ignored, having to tell different crowds to clap for him, the LA Times is reporting.
Pelosi is now ignoring Obama.
And again, that's because he's the front man.
He's meant to take the blame.
I don't like Obama, but he's a globalist.
This idea that we get a new president in and they're gonna fix it when they're bought and paid for by the very same interest that owned George W. Bush, that owned Bill Clinton, that owned Herman Cain, Mitt Romney,
And Rick Perry.
There's only one guy who's being ignored or demonized by the media when they do cover him.
Scientifically proven in major studies.
Ron Paul.
There's only one guy who has identified the globalists and talked about world government in a bad way.
You know, you got globalists talking about world government all the time.
In a positive way, Gorbachev yesterday, Bush Senior all the time, Obama people calling for world government all the time, the UN calling for it.
When you call for it, the media's like, oh great, he wants world government.
You know, I pick up The Economist magazine a lot of times on newsstands.
World government this, world government that, it's the answer, it'll fix all your problems.
Gorbachev last night on national TV called for a new world order, world government, global governance.
Those are the quotes.
Global governance, new world order, a system of global government.
So when he says that it's good, but see when I don't like it, oh there has to be an ADL or Southern Poverty Law Center or MSNBC or Nightline Special.
This dangerous man has millions of listeners.
He tells them there's a world government coming that wants to set up checkpoints and take their rights.
And then it's all happening.
I mean, I don't even know what to say anymore.
And they say global governance, working together, that'll fix it.
A big global unelected corporate dictatorship on Bloomberg and on MSNBC and CNBC.
I've heard and seen.
We've played the clips.
I know you've seen it.
It's a talking point.
Well, you know, the problem is Germany.
They're able to vote in Germany, and they don't want to have to bail out these big banks, so that may hold this up.
And then they go to the other expert.
I agree with the democracy's a problem, but don't worry, we'll get it one way or the other.
This new financial union, where the financial banks run things, that's the answer.
We don't need freedom.
And they've got business investors and people listening to Bloomberg, watching CNBC, like, this is how you get ahead.
Now the answer is, our stocks will go up if we rape the taxpayers of Germany.
And if we get rid of their system, yeah, under this new financial union, the member countries can never get out again.
And they have no sovereignty or control over their finances.
And the big banks will get it all.
When it looks like the deal is going to go through last week, stocks go up over there.
When the deal started falling through, everything starts imploding.
And they say, give us what we want or you'll have a depression.
Give in to the bankers.
Give us your sovereignty.
I mean, it's like an enemy army coming and saying, take me to your leader.
I am Zog, or Zoog, or Zool, or, uh, what's that guy's name?
Uh, who's the guy in, uh, who's the guy in, uh, Superman?
Uh, what's his name?
Uh, Neil DeZodd.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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But there are evil people upon this planet that always seek to dominate and control.
And I was making the joke about Europe being told, you know, to kneel to the megabankers, like in one of those Superman movies from the 70s where it's, Kneel before Zod!
Take me to your leader!
And they actually found the obnoxious clip on YouTube.
Here it is.
All right, it's funnier when you can actually see the ridiculous guy.
Oh, I shouldn't laugh about it.
It's so sick.
Coming up...
After I take some calls.
Last night, every day at about 5 o'clock, we post on InfoWars.com a promotion of what's coming up at 7pm on InfoWars Nightly News.
And Kurt Nemo just writes a blurb and shows a few graphics that are coming up on the show that night.
And we had the headline, Nightly News, Qaddafi hit TSA in Tennessee and Bank of America's derivatives.
But I see these type of comments not only in kind of our TV guide type deal we post a few hours before the show every night.
I also see it in articles that are bibliographed and do have links to it.
And I saw this fella, he says the TSA's brazen expansion of its Gestapo operation into the state of Tennessee.
The TSA will deploy visible intermodal prevention and response Viper teams on the state's roadwaves to fight terrorism and acclimate citizens to the presence of armed paramilitary troops and a further erosion of the Fourth Amendment.
And this person screams in their comment, show proof Kurt Demme that the sovereigns of Tennessee are letting this happen.
Doesn't Prison Planet have any fans in Tennessee that can independently verify this story?
Or shut the bleep up, I'm getting fed up with you trying to scare people with your nightmares.
And this has got to be disinfo, because on the site was the link to Tennessee becomes first state to fight terrorism statewide, which that isn't even true either.
I've got it in Police State 4, the rise of FEMA two years ago.
Stuff from two years ago in that film, out for a year now, where they had regular army out there with the TSA.
It's all over the country!
And here's the channel, News Channel 5.
And I mean, last night on the Nightly News, I played a clip of their news.
You can go there and watch it yourself.
But, I mean, I bet the guy would go to this article and say it's a lie.
And I don't understand it, because this has got to be disinfo, because they must know that a lot of people don't know how to check an article, so they just say in the articles this is a lie, when it's not a lie.
So, I'm going to get back into this before I play this clip.
Before I play this clip.
I'm doing too much talk radio sometimes.
I end up really going into hillbilly accent here.
So I'm just focusing and fully articulating what I'm saying.
All right, let's go to your phone calls here.
Now be ready, callers.
I'm going to try to move the next person quickly.
I want to get to everybody here.
Eric in Colorado, thanks for holding.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Alex, these past few weeks, talking about the Occupy protesters, I mean, you've been criticizing them because some of them attended or are attending college.
And for someone who believes so strongly in learning and education, someone whose mind burns with understanding, I mean, I find it deeply ironic that you'd say higher education is bad.
I mean, I'm sorry community college didn't work out for you, but that's no reason to tell others it's worthless.
Well, number one, that's really a mischaracterization of what I've said, so I don't feel even any need to argue or debate anything with you.
I have pointed out that Bill Gates, Rush Limbaugh have gone on for hours.
Actually, they've done studies in major publications.
You can pull them up.
Uh, that statistically most of your top CEOs and top entrepreneurs either didn't attend college or dropped out of college.
You also make the inference that I was failing and that community college didn't work out for me.
Uh, that's not what happened.
I was already doing my local access show.
I had started doing local radio.
They wanted me full time.
And the RTF I was taking was antiquated.
And I went and checked out UT and didn't feel like having a professor that I couldn't understand.
And it just seemed like a total joke.
And so here I am reaching millions of people a day.
But I understand you count coup and imply I'm a failure.
And so that then makes your straw man argument for you, which is built on another straw man argument.
That I was saying higher education is worthless.
I believe, to clarify it, because I do get flippant sometimes and get a little bit sarcastic, that engineering or to be a doctor or something like that, it's certainly needed.
Some people really get something out of education.
But on average, it's way overpriced.
It's a giant bubble.
I've been talking about that for 15 years.
Now that's a mainstream talking point.
It's a trillion-dollar bubble.
It's ripping people off.
And most of the people I know that have two or three degrees are bagging groceries at the local grocery stores.
And no one can deny that's a major phenomenon.
So, I mean, I've got a lot of high school buddies who didn't go to college, and when I run into them, most of them own companies and live in the nice part of town, and most of the people I know that have a bunch of degrees aren't doing too well.
So, I mean, I don't know what more I can say to you, or how I can get that across to you, that that's what I actually stand for.
And my point was, I also have said from the beginning, Occupy Wall Street has been a projection.
The establishment called for Occupy Wall Street, that's on record, ad busters and others.
Good people showed up, because there is a big problem with Wall Street being cronies right now.
And then the establishment projected on the crowd
What changes they wanted, which is higher taxes that Warren Buffett and others are promoting.
So I've been very clear about saying there's diverse groups out there, but that who the mainstream media says leads Occupy Wall Street are Bad News, Obama, George Soros, the big unions,
So, that's what I've said.
But, again, do you just want to repeat that I'm a failure?
Does that make you feel big, Tim?
It's Eric, actually, Alex.
And, you know, most people... I'm going to call you Tim.
I'm going to call you Tim because I didn't get enough education.
Now, Tim, I'm going to call you Tim in Timbuktu.
Then we'll go to Tim in Utah in a minute.
Listen, Tim Eric from Colorado.
Just get to your point here.
Most people who go to, the fact is Alex, most people who don't go to college, don't get a higher education, they don't end up in the middle class.
They don't end up owning businesses.
They end up in the lower class.
They end up in the welfare class.
That's the fact.
They end up flipping burgers their whole lives.
I've got a college education.
I've got a job.
I'm doing great.
And that's... Okay, I understand.
Hey, you're a ring knocker.
And there's nothing wrong with that, man.
I mean, I think people that got rings and tap them on the table... I mean, I've actually had people show me a ring and go, you see that?
You see that ring?
So it's big.
What kind of rings you got?
Tell me about your rings.
I don't own a ring, Alex.
I don't go waving this in people's faces, but it's wrong.
It's freaking me out a little bit right now.
I'm feeling pretty diminished.
I mean, I'm feeling pretty... No, you just let me... I mean, I'm a college dropout.
You're humiliating me right now in front of everybody.
You know very well for yourself, Alex.
Plenty of people do.
But the fact is, for most people who don't go to college, they end up in the welfare class.
That's the bottom line.
Look, I've seen a lot of different studies on it, and that's just not true.
I mean, I have seen so many people who go out and get jobs and become managers and then start their own companies or move up in companies.
That's just not true.
I know a lot of corporate CEOs.
I know a lot of people.
And yeah, for middle management, they are looking for somebody with a college degree.
But I'm telling you, they're not necessarily looking for that.
I mean, certainly, if you want to be an officer in the military, you've got to go to ROTC.
And, you know, you've got to become a commissioned officer.
But we're still going back to the straw man.
I'm not saying that higher education is bad.
I'm saying the way it's structured today, it's becoming a big ripoff and really just a facade.
And most big universities are just investment pools.
And the education part of their system is vestigial.
Well, I mean, that's why we need to raise taxes on the 1%.
Honestly, we need more money for higher education.
We need to make it more affordable for people.
Bottom line.
You know, back when taxes were about a third of what they are now, education was completely free in the state of Texas.
How did we go from University of Texas being free, the biggest university in the world, to being now extremely expensive?
I mean, how did that happen?
Again, sir, you say you've got a college degree.
Well, let me tell you what I learned from reading and studying real economics.
When Kennedy cut the highest tax bracket by half, the next bracket was at 38%, the tax receipts the next year doubled.
Now, do you understand that?
That in every major case, when you raise taxes, revenues go down.
Or you don't understand that?
That's not necessarily true from what I've read.
Okay, well, California keeps raising taxes.
How's California doing?
I mean, I guess you're not there.
You're in Colorado, Eric.
Not so good, not so good.
But, you know, it's got to be a balance, Alex.
You've got to find a way to balance it out so there's some wealth in the middle class.
Well hey, Eric, people like you run this country, so watch where it goes.
They're gonna raise taxes, don't worry.
Herman Cain wants it, they're gonna get it.
So have fun, I appreciate your call.
America's pretty much wrecked and gone, because people like you... I mean, every word he said, I have just, just, just...
Volcanic amounts.
Explosive, eruptive amounts of information.
Number one, it's more like 4% has about 40% of the wealth.
And those numbers they use is domestic wealth, not globalist, tax-exempt, foundation wealth.
And you've also got that top 4% paying the vast majority way, way, way over half the taxes.
So you don't understand that there's a robber baron class that's tax exempt like General Motors and the rest of them.
And then there's the people like Bill Gates who are tax exempt.
And the Rockefellers who are tax-exempt but own real companies who are always lobbying for higher taxes and more regulation to shut down the real economy.
Because they're globalists, they're offshore, they're outside of it.
You just don't understand.
And that's why the people perish, for lack of knowledge.
And I could hear the condescension in your voice.
You sound like a nice person who believes they're enlightened and he was going to call up and enlighten me
A guy wearing a camouflaged deer hunting shirt, because that's what I felt like wearing today.
And a college dropout failure.
I'm just so evil.
It's just amazing how much trouble we're in.
People deserve an education.
You mean like all the illegal aliens getting free education in many areas?
I mean, Obama taking billions of dollars of taxpayer money and then giving it to companies to build electric cars that nobody buys in Europe.
I mean, the insurance companies publicly wrote, publicly wrote,
The healthcare plan.
And I saw their lobbies talking about it in the Wall Street Journal.
I saw the plan.
It didn't cover pre-existing.
It was going to increase prices, screw everything up.
I know about the year-long waiting list or more for brain surgery in England.
I know what eugenics is.
I understand the philosophy of the nanny state.
And this guy calls up thinking the government's going to help him.
You just don't understand it.
It's invincible ignorance is what it is.
Domestic wealth that's in this country, if you took it all, all of the, quote, wealthy people in this country's money, it's $2 trillion.
The country's deficit is $14.4, $14.5.
They're talking about propping up the $79 trillion in derivatives of Bank of America only.
That guy doesn't want to talk about 79 trillion.
He doesn't want to talk about Ponzi schemes.
He doesn't want to talk about the real world going on, or cancer viruses and vaccines, or global governance, or fluoride.
It's all, we need to get the 1% when it's the one-tenth of 1%.
6,000 superclass minions, less than 20 elite families, a committee no bigger than 300, on record,
And I've had members, former members of MI6 on exposing this, who are setting up a collectivist world government where they run our lives, and 99% of us are total slaves, and you just won't listen and will not get it!
The power to tax is the power to destroy.
Somebody making $125,000 a year in this country pays 35% in federal tax.
They pay 9% in Social Security on top of that.
Do the math.
Do the math.
That's 44%.
And they pay state income taxes.
They pay state franchise taxes.
They pay water taxes.
They pay gas taxes.
I don't have time to go through all this for you.
You're somebody, I guess, making $60,000, $70,000 a year, I guess, $100,000.
You're there.
They take the money out of your check.
You feel good.
That's great.
I should have kept that guy on.
I bet you money he doesn't have employees.
He may have people he directs.
They're not his employees.
I bet you money you don't know.
I end up paying about 62% of what I, quote, keep.
And by the way, I make the decision to put most of it back into this operation, because who wants more things?
It's a hassle.
Only mentally ill people want to just keep piling junk up.
Now, land, organizations, that's different.
That's value, that's employees, that's systems.
Many of the good wealthy people that are out there that are fighting the globalists, they are at the top of huge systems, giant things they have to manage, thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people that totally depend on them.
And then you think about those people that depend on you.
Think about how you can make more money to pay them more.
How you can make your organization stronger.
And you get somebody... You know, I am somebody who was going to community college, thinking about going to regular college, and found it to be worthless.
And who at 21 years of age already had a local radio show.
By my work.
But see, that's a failure.
I don't have the magic ring of Mordor saying I went to one of these football worship facilities.
What happened, man?
You used to be energetic, happy, and wow, did the ladies love you.
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I'll say this.
One reason to go to college and to go to fraternities is to get into networks.
And to be from a certain college, certain fraternity, it's tribalism.
Very useful.
It's great to send your daughters to college.
I mean, let's be honest, a lot of people send their daughters to college as sororities to meet the wealthy, you know, male.
Wealthy families try to pair their daughters up with wealthy males from similar class, similar background.
If you don't, your daughter's going to end up marrying some miscreant or somebody you think is a problem.
I mean, I get it and I understand it.
It's just that people, a lot of people are getting college degrees and then they can't do anything with them.
And that's my point.
And so, side issue, I said I'd take your calls, and I'm really not taking your calls, as you notice.
We got Bob Chapman coming up.
I'm going to start going to your calls here in a moment.
I got my confrontation with a domestic checkpoint coming up, some new checkpoints that are in the news.
You know, they're saying they're going to bury Qaddafi at sea, just like bin Laden.
You start to wonder if that video's even real.
I mean, they can fake anything.
They've been caught lying so much, I would be remiss if I said that I didn't question it.
But it looks real.
My gut tells me they really killed him.
My gut's always right.
But I just don't know.
They're known liars, so... What do you think?
What do you think out there?
I know this.
Warren Buffett made a bunch of money off government bailouts.
He's out promoting taxes on rich people.
Because he's exempt.
The way he's written the laws and being offshore.
Just like General Electric.
You know, if you want jobs, you should say, hey, we're going to have government contracts and government bailout.
Why is General Electric moving to Europe?
Why is General Motors taking bailout money and moving to Brazil?
And they're just like, 1% get them, I want to raise taxes, I want to get the 1%!
Because all these specials building this up the last year, I told you all over the news, they have Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, George Soros going, the rich are horrible, we've got to get them, I want to pay more taxes.
These are the guys that got the laws written where they're tax exempt.
And then people sit there sitting in their apartment with their two or three college degrees or whatever going, I don't have a job or I can't pay off my student loans.
My job doesn't pay enough.
He's right.
He's rich and he wants to pay more, but Congress won't do it.
You're being screwed.
You're being cheated.
You're being manipulated again.
Is there no end to the level of bamboozling he won't buy into?
When this country on average had about a 10% tax rate previous to 1913, we had 10% growth rates a year.
Our average has been about 3% since then.
And that's with Cook Numbers.
I mean, globalism and high taxes don't work.
Don't you get it?
Europe's falling apart.
North Korea, nice example.
But the ruling insiders like it, because they're exempt from everything.
But you don't seem to want to understand that.
You can't understand that.
Probably that college education you got.
It's like dog training.
The professor, when you agree with what they're saying, or I even did test where I'd write a patriotic paper and get a horrible grade, and I'd write a horrible globalist thing as a test, and, oh, would you like to have coffee after class?
I mean, I was like, that's it.
I'm out of here.
I did it a few times, and I think anthropology, everything was political, it didn't matter what class it was.
Psychology, sociology, because I was taking all those because I found them interesting, and it was just all anti-America, anti-gun, anti-white person, and I was just sitting there going, this is a bunch of crud.
And I'd write a paper exposing all that, and I'd get a, you know, a C.
And then I'd write some anti-American garbage.
You've woken up.
One guy was like that.
And I had straight A's, especially in art class.
But it was just like a waste of time.
Just a complete joke.
I mean, I'd go to North Korea if I wanted to live like that.
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And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hey, get this.
Curt Nemo's got an article about it.
It's headlined, Did Navy Use Spice Bus To Intimidate Sailors On Osama Boat Into Silence?
Good headline, Nemo, but it should probably just read, Did Navy Set Up Osama Bin Laden Burial At Sea Sailors To Cover Up?
Or something like that.
Because, uh, that's what it looks like.
49 of the 64 sailors that were involved in the detail, dumping his body supposedly, have been dishonorably discharged for supposedly taking some designer drug called Spice.
Okay, I promise we're going to get to your calls early because I know you've been holding and I ended up getting digressed off for
30 minutes or 25 minutes debating some guy about college education being overpriced and a lot of the degrees being next to worthless.
And then the first comment on the, and this was even posted, this comment before I even had that debate, so it must be a new talking point or something.
Hey Alex, where did your father acquire the education necessarily related to his particular field of work as a dentist?
Did he receive it at college?
Or from reading from a John Birch Society?
Well, that's, see, that's another straw man.
I just said, if you want to be a doctor or an engineer or something, these colleges are definitely needed.
Hey, Bob Chapman, before we get into all the big moves in Europe and gold and silver and your view on the Gaddafi situation and more, briefly,
Uh, going over, uh, Bob Chapman.
I know Bob's got some degrees and was in the Army and the rest of it.
We got into this whole college bubble debate with a guy earlier, uh, and you were the biggest private silver gold broker, biggest newsletter for a while until you retired.
Um, you really need no introduction.
And you also, uh, helped publish the, um,
I was always of the opinion, having attended college, that half the people who were there shouldn't have been there.
There wasn't a need for them, and many of them didn't qualify.
And that's really pointed out after the freshman year in most schools.
If you look at the record, you'll see that approximately 43 to 49 percent drop out.
And that's a pretty high percentage, which bears out what I said.
But what about my point of that a lot of your CEOs, business pioneers, either quit college or didn't go to college?
That's true.
And there's a number of reasons.
In the olden days, they used to have a selective service draft.
And so, they might draft you, and then you were in school, you get drafted, and then when you went to come back, it was boring, or you were too old, and that sort of thing.
But, the college, it all depends on what you're going for.
And you pointed out just now, a doctor, an engineer, in business, being able to run a business as an accountant.
I mean, you've got to go to university for that.
Or some sort of school to teach you that.
And there are a lot of courses in college that are needless.
And there's a lot of courses of study that
Well, I had a running battle with the professors at the school that I went to.
And the only reason they didn't throw me out of college was that I had two uncles who were professors there, so I think they thought second of it, but it had to do with lobbying.
You know, economics one year, I had, the professor was all for it.
Stay there, stay there, let's talk about when we come back.
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Okay, so we were told that the Easter Bunny, Osama Bin Laden, was buried at sea.
And now, out of the entire Navy, it's the sailors that were directly involved in burying him at sea, 49 of 64,
Who have been kicked out of the Navy and gotten in all this trouble.
For supposedly using some designer drug that they got on the planet Arrakis called Spice.
I'm being sarcastic.
They had some drug in that book in Dune.
Did Navy use Spicebuzz to intimidate sailors on a Sama boat into silence?
I want to get to your calls.
I want to get to the big developments on the EU and this new private banking dictatorship with Bob Chapman.
We were discussing as we segued
Out of that last hour where I was discussing higher education.
And the fact that more and more, you're paying too much for the type of jobs you're going to be able to get with those degrees, in part because this country's been de-industrialized.
And it's back in the news that General Electric has a 47, a 57, excuse me, a 57% increase in profits this last quarter while moving the jobs overseas, and the new electric car
That was given a $529 million taxpayer goody.
And that must be run by Obama.
Car company gets U.S.
loan, builds cars in Finland.
I mean, I've got a stack of these articles just today.
That's why you can't get a good job.
That's why the standard of living is dropping.
That's why the country's falling apart.
And no amount... Bob, what about this?
You know, as a long-term economist, researcher...
Somebody who's called the markets with great precision.
This guy was saying we've got to raise taxes to equalize it with the 1%.
Well, it's not even true that it's 1%.
It's more like 4% that owns around 40% of the country.
And I've gone over those numbers and I brought up the fact that Kennedy cut taxes massively and that tax receipts increased.
And this guy just couldn't understand me, Bob.
So what's your take on that?
Well, I think the key to the whole thing is very simple.
Tariffs on goods and services.
And being able to pencil in when a country deliberately reduces the value of their currency versus other countries.
Primarily the dollar, which is still the world's reserve currency.
That's the key right there.
You don't have to do anything else.
And all those jobs are going to come back, and of course you do have to do something else.
And that's to do away with the law which says that transnational corporations who make money offshore can keep it offshore and don't have to pay any U.S.
And if you kill those two,
Millions and millions of jobs will return.
It is that simple.
But the social engineers, they know that.
So they're the robber barons.
They're at war with the real economy.
Their problem is the free market is so good and so powerful, it threatens their monopoly.
They're always trying to shut down competition.
That's their own stated mission.
And this guy's like, well, you don't have a college degree, Alex.
I do.
And we need to raise taxes.
And they just don't live in the real world.
It's so elementary, but they condescend and they lecture, and they just don't understand it.
They think they're going to redistribute wealth.
They don't get that the ultra-rich are trying to get rid of their competition and have already shut the country down.
And that effectively is what it amounts to.
And you know, eight years ago, those corporations were allowed to bring back $350 billion.
At 5.25% tax, instead of $35.
And they were supposed to create jobs.
They created no jobs.
It's been proven that they took the money, bought the shares in their companies, ran the stock up, and dumped their options for hundreds of billions of dollars.
Now, they want to bring it back again, only this time it's $2.2 billion at 9%, not 5.25%.
It's robbery!
That will cost the American taxpayer
Somewhere around 700 billion dollars at a time when the American economy desperately needs those taxes.
Well, you're right.
I want to get to some calls, Bob, because they've been holding so long, quickly.
And then I want to get into Forex, dollar slumps to record low versus yen.
I want to talk about this seesawing where Europe or Asia implodes, dollar goes up.
And then weeks later, dollar goes down.
And it's this, it looks like a seesaw, but really it's a...
Sinking in a coordinated way, as the G20 has said, and gold's way up today.
Where do you see all of that going?
And I also want to bring up a couple other issues for you.
What's your take first on the whole reported killing of Muammar Gaddafi?
And now the announcement, I heard the U.S.
Ambassador to the U.N.
today on Fox News, what Bill Richardson, he was saying they want to try to invade as soon as possible or figure out a way to go into Syria.
I mean, where does this end?
It doesn't.
They do anything they want.
And, of course, MI6 and CIA ran the operation in Libya.
The stupidest thing they could have ever done was kill Gaddafi.
Because they could have taken him, put him in jail, used him for show trials, kept his mouth shut by keeping him away from the public.
They could have got miles and miles
Of propaganda out of this guy.
And then later killed him like Milosevic.
Then later poisoned him like Milosevic.
Well, that's what they probably would have done eventually.
But the point is, they were dumb to have executed him from their point of view.
Yeah, but you know why they executed him.
You know why they executed him and they admitted it and now say, oh, the crowd accidentally shot him.
And again, Easter bunnies are real and Bin Laden was thrown in the ocean.
They killed him because he'd made all these deals with Blair, Sarkozy, private business deals.
This really happened because the word is, I know you've talked about this, there were actual cash payoffs to these guys.
And so he had, you know, he didn't brace to Obama.
I mean, they really set him up.
So they just wanted to get rid of him because dead men tell no tales.
And in addition to that, they wanted to steal the country and what's in it.
And it's loaded.
You know, four water aquifers, the best oil perhaps in the world, the second largest oil inventory in the Middle East.
They have $100 billion in their sovereign investment fund.
That's disappeared.
I mean, I haven't heard where that went after they froze it.
There was a lot to steal there.
How many billions total, Bob, in gold?
And I think you said a hundred million.
You mean a hundred billion, right?
In gold?
No, no, in the Sovereign Fund.
Uh, yeah, a hundred billion.
What did I say?
I may have misheard you.
The point is, there's hundreds of billions of goodies, trillions in oil, that big airport which they're now using to run drone attacks, and they're saying we've got to give our rights up immediately, Bob, because Al-Qaeda, that's been given the country, got shoulder-launched surface-to-air missiles.
That's right.
And every time I look behind a tree, I see an Al-Qaeda operative.
I mean, anybody who would believe this
It's gotta be one dumb person.
Oh man, Bob, I tell you.
And I'm being kind.
Hey, what do you make of the fact that Janet Napolitano admitted, Mr. Napolitano admitted, he admitted in congressional testimony yesterday that indeed they are releasing even felon illegals now if they decide.
So they're just ignoring federal law and Obama is engaged in a mass amnesty.
I mean, just the lawlessness of these people.
Yeah, it's without precedent.
But they've always been soft on crime, and really soft.
But why do you think he's so bold?
Why is Janet Napolitano, why is he as a man, so bold to even admit that to Congress?
Is this just part of an in-your-face thing?
I think so.
I think they, and you see the same thing in the gold and silver markets and the commodity market, and then in the opposite side, in the stock market and the bond market.
They manipulate them and then they do it so obviously.
And I'm a professional in that field.
And I used to be a tape reader.
I was a trader for 25 years.
I know what they're doing and how they're doing it.
And they don't care.
And it's the same thing with Napolitano and Obama and before him, George Bush.
They just don't care.
Why are they so arrogant?
Because they think they're going to win.
Enslaved a whole bunch of us?
Well, they certainly are lunatics.
I mean, I'll tell you that.
And, you know, Janet Napolitano, he says he doesn't like being criticized by us a month ago.
But that's why I'm going to continue.
I mean, he's a man.
He can take it, Bob.
What kind of person do you think Mr. Napolitano is?
I'd rather not say.
Because I know what you know and I'm not going to put it on the air like the last time.
No, I mean Mr. Napolitano.
There are spies everywhere.
I'm convinced that Mr. Napolitano is a guy masquerading as a woman and not doing a very good job of it.
You're probably right.
Because you're right about most things.
Hold on one second.
Jaron was saying something about Mr. Napolitano.
What's that?
Yeah, I mean, when did they think of the idea to stick their hands down our pants when Mr. Napolitano is shaving in the morning?
The head of Homeland Security?
What do you think, Bob?
Can't answer.
Don't know.
Alright, I don't usually stoop to humor, but at a certain point I'm getting tired of it.
Bob, I'm sure you're... Well, you know, they asked for it because
Uh, you know, it would be better if they just come out and say, well, look, this is, uh, my, uh, way of living and, uh.
And I'm comfortable with it, and if you're not, that's too bad.
Well, I'm not even getting into the sexual preference of Pat Napolitano or whatever its name is.
I'm talking about the fact that it's so archetypal to have some jackboot, amorphous, hermaphrodite crone running around openly.
It's Herman Goering.
I mean, I'm sick of it's hair mongering and drag.
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All right, let's jam in some of your calls.
I apologize for having you sit there on hold.
Bob Chapman's our guest.
I'm going to get into some of the new checkpoints around the country coming up, and what's happening with the economy with Bob.
But right now, who's been holding the longest?
We'll go to Tim, then Keith, and others.
Tim in Utah, thanks for holding.
Welcome to the Airwaves Worldwide.
Hi, this is the real Tim.
Yes, sir, welcome.
Hey Alex, coincidentally enough I just named Mr. Napolitano my Control Freak of the Week on my website.
Well good, but you need to honor him.
He's a very hard-working head of online security.
Well eventually he might be moved up to the Hall of Fame on my website, so that'll be quite illustrious for him.
Hey, about a month ago you had on the website a Star Trek episode
That pretty much explained what the Globalists were up to.
I don't know if you remember that.
Yeah, I know.
It's... I forget the title of it.
Day of the Dove.
Yeah, Day of the Dove, but it's edited together with clips, so I think the title of the video remix is something... If you type in Star Trek Episode 911 Truth, it should come up, and it's an alien... Well, why don't you tell folks the plot?
Well, basically, the alien captures some Klingons on board the Enterprise, and he tries to keep a balance of power and force the two different crews to fight each other.
And from that fight, he gains energy.
And so at some point, Kirk figures out what's going on and says, enough of that.
Yeah, and by the way, Roddenberry was a top Illuminist, so that's why those shows are so good, even though they're cheesy, it's got deep Illuminati messages in all of it, and so they're telling you what they're doing in that episode.
And it's the balance of power, it's the global force on the ship, it doesn't want one side to ever win, it's playing them off against each other to extract the energy, which in this case is global consolidation of power.
Always has to have an enemy, whether it's the Russians or the Japanese or the...
Yeah, people don't get it.
The Pentagon, the troops are good people, but the Pentagon is on record funding and creating the terror groups so a decade later they can go fight them.
I mean, this is a multi-trillion dollar a year deal.
Of course they go out and manufacture it.
And the fighting and dying is real.
Let's get Bob Chapman's take on that.
Bob, any comments?
Absolutely correct.
And if you look back through history, it's all there.
They've done it over and over again.
And but most people don't look at history and that's unfortunate.
Yeah the great part about YouTube is for a while they had all the old Star Trek episodes on there and a bunch of other old TV and I I don't watch regular TV but I was going there and watch it but now you've got like register and all this crud CBS to watch it but
In fact, guys, will you search Star Trek 9-11 Truth, InfoWars.com, and I'll give people the exact name of that video.
It's only got like 60,000 views.
It needs like 10 million, because it's only like four or five minutes long.
Don't you think it's one of the most informative things out there, Tim?
Right, and I had been telling people for years about that exact episode, so it really thrilled me to see that you guys put it on the website, so I spread it around to my friends.
Well, we didn't do that.
Some listener made it, and then I happened to see it, and we linked to it.
That's what's so powerful.
How are you doing Alex?
Yeah, I just had a comment on the troops coming home.
I'm kind of wondering, what do you and Bob think of that the troops are coming home maybe to deal with this Occupy Wall Street and all these different movements going on because they're getting a little bit worried because they're starting to bring troops home so they have to call the police here.
Yeah, look, they triggered the Occupy Wall Street, and people send me emails and get mad and don't understand it.
I'm not saying Occupy Wall Street's bad inherently.
It's on record that the adbusters, George Soros, made the call.
People that were reasonably angry showed up.
Then the system could use them as a backdrop and speak for them.
It's a diverse, good group of people on average.
You got some around half that do want to redistribute.
They don't call themselves socialists.
They just think it's fair because George Soros told them about it.
And I'm rich and I want to pay more of my money, even though I got the laws passed to be exempt.
And yes, they are bringing him home to be part of NORTHCOM, but not most of them.
They'll have a few parades and some things to make you think they came home.
They're massing in Kuwait.
Hey, Bob, what's your intel on an Iran strike?
I don't have anything new.
I just know that they're talking in terms of Syria and Iran, and they want to do it.
What their timing is going to be, I don't know.
But I know that they want to do that, and they've wanted to do Iran for a long, long time.
Yeah, I wanted to add on about the Occupy Wall Street.
The gentleman I called in earlier, the condescending guy, he was speaking about the
I'm gonna have to put you on hold.
Don't hang up Keith, we're coming right back to you.
And we'll get into the economy with Bob Chapman and then more calls.
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That's right.
Dead men tell no tales.
Muammar Gaddafi.
Bye bye.
I think it's real.
They're just talking about barrel at sea now to try to prop up the Osama Bin Laden thing.
So we knew he was already dead.
And we knew it was a fake Situation Room photo of them watching a video.
The helicopter blowing up.
The other SEALs being killed later.
We knew that was coming.
We knew it was fake eight years before and predicted it.
We don't just say something's a lie because it's fun to say it's a lie.
No, they're getting rid of somebody who had done business deals with them.
And as far as bad guys go, Qaddafi was a bad guy, but compared to the New World Order, he was nothing.
I want to finish up with this caller about the guy calling in about, we got to have balance, we got to have redistribution.
And I explained to him the average American who makes over $100,000 a year is paying around 62% in taxes.
He can look that up.
I think?
And then this guy calls in and says, I did good with college, and I think we should take the money of the 1%.
The caller wanted to comment on that.
And so let's go back to Keith in California.
Keith, go ahead.
Yeah, what I was trying to say about the Occupy Wall Street, I was out at Occupy SF and a part of that little group of Occupy Wall Street.
He's bringing up these glorious college kids and basically how intelligent they are.
I was out amongst all of them, and I'd ask, well, what are you guys standing for?
You guys want socialism?
You guys want capitalism?
What do you want?
They handed me slips of paper and told me to go to this website, and then I can learn what they're all about.
They're trying to protest something.
They don't even know what the hell they're protesting.
They're just sitting there with a blank stare on their face.
They don't even know what they're doing.
Listen, we've got footage that we didn't put in the film because of time, but we ought to just dump the whole exchange on the YouTube from like five years ago in New York.
I guess it's six, seven years ago.
Time flies.
It was the RNC 2004.
And there were these communists all over the street, and they call themselves communists and Maoists, and they were literally 18-year-old zombies.
And I'd walk over politely and say, well, tell me about communism.
And they'd say, check this website.
And I'd go, you're wearing an anarchy shirt, isn't that the opposite of communism?
Shut up, capitalist pig!
And I'd be like, no, no, no, tell me your views.
And they looked like they hadn't been out of their mother's basements playing video games in their entire life.
They were pasty-skinned, runted.
They looked like they'd had lobotomies.
I mean, literally, they looked like they'd been run over by cars repeatedly.
And they just...
They had nothing but condescension.
I mean, do they have any idea of the horrors of collectivism?
Now, the bankers, through big government, have already stolen most of the wealth.
And so, yeah, you've got the elite standing there with all the stolen wealth, saying, let's raise taxes to get the stolen wealth, but they've written it where they're exempt, and they're not going to give the chicken feed to the folks begging for communism.
They're going to steal that as well!
And the poor idiots out there don't understand it.
I appreciate your call, sir.
Bob Chapman, how do you reach out?
To somebody, it's like the military.
You go, especially if you get into special forces, you go through all this hell.
You're told you're part of the elite.
You tend to psychologically defend whatever you're told in the future because you're part of this elite and you don't question.
Because you're a winner, everybody else is a loser.
And a lot of these people, they'll tell me, they'll actually point at their ring and say, I went to college, you didn't.
You don't understand socialism is good.
And I'm like, well, I could have got a college degree, but
I went out and started my own media system, and they're like, sure you would have gotten a degree.
You couldn't.
So it's this idea that that is obtaining success in life, to have a college degree, as if I couldn't get a college degree, but I could, with my own bootstraps, with zero help, start a major media platform reaching tens of millions of people a week.
And again, it's this fake elitism.
It's like people that join a country club, and so they think they're better than everybody, or people that ride a certain motorcycle, so they're better than everybody.
I don't care if you like country clubs or motorcycles, but it's this idea that you're better than everybody because you're part of a group.
It's mindless tribalism.
You see where I'm going, Bob?
Envy and jealousy.
Because you did it on your own.
You didn't need the help of the university.
You were outstanding.
But they did need that help.
They had to work within the structure.
You didn't.
You went outside the box and did it on your own.
You didn't need anybody else to tell you what to do.
But see, for them, they say that's a failure.
Well, they can go right on speaking about that because you obviously have been a wonderful success and many people who didn't go to or finish college have been very, very successful in life.
And so, look, all we're interested kids is in the issues.
I saw this, Chris Hedges, on one of the television programs
And there were two moderators and one of them, a man, I can't call him a gentleman, personally attacked Chris Hedges and called him a nut bar.
And Chris says,
Why would you do such a thing?
Why are you attacking me?
I'm here to discuss the issues, not to be insulted.
Well, that's what it is.
I'll never come back again.
It's a derailing.
I mean, they don't understand America was made great on low taxes.
We have incredibly high taxes.
And they're saying, give me higher taxes.
They don't know that destroys the country.
And they won't debate it because they know they're wrong, but it's something that they want.
Yeah, but it's gotta be willful because I'm not that smart, Bob, and I can see right through it.
I mean, I don't understand how they get into being conned.
They enjoy being taken for a ride.
That's the way people are.
It just simply is that way.
Not everybody, but there are people like that.
I mean, I've had people I've been friendly with for many, many years.
They change totally.
I can't believe it.
But it happens.
What do we do when the bankers have stolen most the wealth and are now going to try to sick the general public on the middle class, telling them that the middle class is the elite?
I mean, the globalists have stolen all this infrastructure, and I want to take it back from them through law, but that can still get into a dangerous situation.
We could trade out the banksters for whoever is in the government that brings them to justice and then repossesses all this wealth.
Whoever repossesses all the stolen wealth is not going to want to give it up.
It's a chance you have to take under the circumstances.
The Irish saying, the better the devil you know than the devil you don't know.
And what that means is, if you chop these guys off at the knees by letting their banks go under, taking their power structure from them, you've crippled them.
They can no longer do anything to us through the system, or a new system.
And if the people on the other end who end up controlling the system after the bad guys are thrown out...
If they turn out to be bad, well, I guess we have to have another change.
Well, no, exactly.
Justice be done, may the heavens fall.
And I'm going to say something here.
It's an epiphany I just had.
Getting rid of the private central banks is important.
Replacing the Federal Reserve with a constitutional monetary system.
The public being educated about it and not being some secretive thing behind marble fake, you know, federal buildings.
That's in the right direction, but more importantly than even doing that is we've got to expose the philosophy of the ruling class that is eugenics, that is dumbing the public down, that is poisoning people.
That is the power of these wicked people is the fractional reserve and derivatives banking combine.
But their philosophy is their destructive intent.
And more importantly than anything is exposing their collectivist mindset.
They don't want collectivism to build people up like they've claimed.
They want collectivism to
To consolidate and to exterminate.
Because at the end of the day, they're predators who like to watch the world burn.
And that, for my deep research, is the end of the day.
That's why you don't bargain, you don't argue, you don't debate, you don't compromise.
You go against them.
Because as a man, it's nothing special.
It's normal instinct when the enemy tribes come in to enslave and exterminate your people.
Because in most cultures, they didn't enslave the tribe.
They just killed everybody.
It's not time to joke around anymore.
They're gonna beat your kids' brains out in front of you and then slit your throat next while you're tied down.
You're gonna have to gut up and go after as many of them as you can.
And we're gonna have to do that in the info war to identify them now.
We have to identify the enemy now, identify what their system is, point it out to people, and not get caught in the quagmire of these false debates.
Because there's great power to a talk show host to involve yourself in the debate of the day, and to take on the debate mask that is given.
But this broadcast is all about getting outside of that paradigm.
Bob, what's your take on that?
I agree with you.
And the only way that you can effectively do that is to educate.
And that's what you're doing.
You're educating people.
I mean, the ideas and the facts that you come up with are astounding.
And the research that goes into it, it kind of puts it on a platter for your listeners.
They say, gee, why didn't I think of that?
And then that's going to open up their minds to inquire about things, and they're going to find things that are hidden that they wouldn't find otherwise.
So it's an educational process.
Well, that's something I found as I learn more and more.
I feel my tribal roots, which are designed to, you know, have my family continue.
But I see the globalists pushing my tribal buttons.
Kids having to pledge allegiance to the Mexican flag in public schools in Texas.
You know, all of this, and then that makes me tribally get threatened.
Instead, we're all dead anyways.
These are all human beings.
They're playing into a tribal system.
I'm playing into it.
I've got to completely cut through all that and just reach directly out to these people, all of them, including military, police, all of them, and just say right now, I know I'm right.
Bob's right.
We've done our homework.
We've predicted everything that's unfolded.
I'm getting chills right now.
We've got to help humanity.
We've got to break our conditioning.
We've got to break out of our trance.
And we've got to really get reality, or we don't have any future.
These globalists are scientifically studying how humans operate, almost like they're aliens.
They're not, but that's how they behave.
Like at the beginning of War of the Worlds, H.G.
Wells, he admitted, was a parable or an analogy of how the elite are, you know, studying us coldly as a scientist studies microbes.
The Martians watched us and studied us and waited.
And the globalists, when they, all of them, Edward Bernays, all of them, that we talk about in the films, who ran our society, they talk about how they studied us and how they see themselves as apart from us.
And it's just so cold-blooded.
And so we're in a petri dish being manipulated, and I'm like the guy in the Truman Show.
So are you, Bob.
I don't know if you've seen that Jim Carrey movie, where he realizes his whole life is fake.
It's not like a physical matrix where we're in some pod.
It's that this has built a virtual reality of fake culture, fake garbage, and it's death.
It's death.
Folks, we've got to completely rethink everything.
And that started in the late 1930s and really got out of the way in the late 40s when television came into being.
I remember when I was in school during the war, I was learning Latin.
I had four years of it eventually.
Video, video, vidati, vidatus.
And the teacher was explaining, the video is coming and this is what it's going to be.
And they use that very, very effectively.
And today they get it down to a precise scientist.
Science, as you just pointed out.
And, uh, yes, there's objects and they think they're masters of the universe.
And I've got news for them.
There's piles of people out there who are smarter than they are.
And if we can harness those people to understand what's going on, that's going to be one
Very important part of defeating these people.
Well, that's what's happening.
I'm talking to a lot of high-powered people who thought they could join with the New World Order, even though they didn't totally agree with it to protect themselves, or they could just stay invisible.
And they're now realizing you can't make a deal with the devil.
It's always, you're going to get stabbed in the back, folks.
I don't want any part of all the horrible fruits that this evil system produces.
I mean, you cannot make a deal with this.
But you've very eloquently broken it down, and these people who know the public's unconscious, they revel in manipulating them.
Going to a roller rink where they had seriously mentally retarded children and paying to go in and be able to beat them up as they cry and scream and run from you.
I mean, what is the power trip of going in and besting someone who is in a coma?
I mean, these elites are pathetic.
They, from birth, try to chemically and societally, culturally hurt people so they can control them.
And it's just, it is a crime against the very spirit of the universe.
You're so right.
And you know, you would think that maybe people like that would want to help people like that.
But no, it's the opposite of that.
And I've had experiences with those people who are so afflicted.
I had a small bowling team of artistic children, and believe me,
In teaching them, I was teaching them bowling.
And in that process, I found that my patients only went so far.
It was so hard to help them.
But they went on and they won their Olympics in bowling, which was fantastic for them.
And I was so proud of them.
It was so difficult to do.
Well, and to clarify my analogy, that's a great story you can share with us.
I'm likening it to the elites aware of how humans operate.
You know, they live, we sleep.
You know, the John Carpenter idea of, they're in the real world, we're sleeping.
In that, when the public is asleep, societally, culturally, spiritually,
Manipulating an unconscious person is like beating up a man with no arms and no legs.
It's not a challenge.
And the globalists are attempting to induce people to have a fallen civilization.
Civilizations fall on their own without help.
The globalists are trying to induce a destruction of society so they can control it, and they say they're then going to reorganize it after they've reduced world population.
But that's not what's happening.
I mean, that's bad enough.
Once you allow yourself to do that, just so you can play God, you have fallen so far.
You know, the truth is these elitists just like to hurt people.
You know, they've created this cosmology for why they do what they do.
That's just a cover for mid-level technicians in it.
At the end of it, this is a giant amusement park for psychopaths, is what it is.
Happily explained.
Yeah, well, I've had enough.
That's a beautiful phrase.
Well, I've had enough of them, Bob, and we are going to beat them.
And there's something pure and crisp and fulfilling to go completely past the fear and to love life so much you welcome death.
And I'm free of these people.
And even if they got me later and tortured me and turned me into a drugged out drone to roll out in the public,
It won't matter.
In this time and space, and my information, and my spirit of liberty, and your spirit of liberty, we've broadcasted it, we've shared it communally, we've shared other's spirit of liberty, and we, this moment lives forever, Bob, and we will transcend this evil.
And they cannot stop us, and we are outside their grasp.
There's nothing they can do to stop us.
Even in death.
People will use us
As foundation for thinking again for freedom and outside of the control of these people.
Just as we stand on the shoulders... That you plant.
It's like a tree dies, but its progeny goes on.
And as long as we resist, that's why they always tell us resistance is futile, you can't win, you're going to lose, you know, this idea of defeat, because they know the power of the individual.
They actually know how weak they are.
That's why they poison us and do all of this in a desperate attempt to control us, Bob.
That's right.
That's why we get attacked all the time.
You know, I love it.
The more I get attacked, the more savage, the more lies, the more twisting.
It is such a fulfilling feeling to know that we are hitting pay dirt when it comes to waking people up.
The more I get attacked, the more I see you get attacked.
The more Ron Paul gets attacked, it just shows we're deep inside enemy territory, blasting the daylights out of them in the Infowar.
I mean, if people could see it, historically, spiritually, psychically, the New World Order is just bleeding out of every orifice right now.
And they're going down.
They certainly are.
I want to bring... Go ahead.
It's because of the educational process.
And yes, it's not going to be easy.
Uh, who knows what the future holds as far as starvation, war, revolution.
We really don't know.
We hope those things don't happen.
But these people being evil, they're perfectly capable of creating such things.
Well, I just, we're going to go to Ted Anderson here to pop in with some news for us on the economy.
I want to get your take on it.
A little bit of overdrive, Bob.
I don't know.
And it wasn't that I even enjoyed the pain and the fights.
It was better spiritually to not hide from them.
I mean, and just to go ahead and say, you want it, you got it.
You may even kick my butt, but it's not going to be easy, and you're not coming out of this, and you're not going to get to enjoy it.
Because the bullies want the fear, Bob.
They want that fear.
They thrive upon it.
And it's because they're insecure.
Let's go to Ted Anderson.
Bob, I want to ask Ted this question, but what do you make of the dollar plunging again?
I mean, it's just this seesaw.
What's happening in Europe with the big, well, I mean, they're saying an economic dictatorship, the end of total sovereignty in Europe, but they said they had a deal last week.
Now they're saying it's falling through.
What do you briefly think is going to happen?
The Germans are standing there and they're saying, no, we're not going to do this.
And it's the German people.
They're saying, look, you know, you've had us for 66 years.
We paid for the war.
That's the end of it.
We want to be on our own.
And we're not going to continue to fund these countries where people don't give a darn or don't want to work.
And we're not going to let you leverage the $500 billion that's been put up to bail out these countries.
And we're not going to give you any more money.
And most people don't know it, but the
In order to leverage that money, there has to be a vote, a referendum in Germany, as to whether they will allow, the people will allow them to leverage that money from 500 billion... And that's the whole point!
The Euro's trying to announce, we don't need that vote anymore, and the countries no longer have a say.
That's pure dictatorship!
It certainly is, but they're not going to get away with it.
This is going to go on and on and on.
It's not going to fall in the way they wanted it.
And they're going to have to use the $500 billion that they've got.
They're going to have to ring fence every country which is circling the wagons.
They're going to have to bail out every financial institution in their country that is in trouble.
And the German taxpayer, the French taxpayer, and in America, the American taxpayer, they're going to pay for all that.
We're talking about hundreds of trillions of dollars.
Yes, listen, we've got to end the main transmission, do a bit of overdrive with Ted Anderson, but I briefly wanted to bring Ted in to give us his economic view, but also give a gold and silver pitch.
Gold and silver have gone back up.
I believe it's the time to get into gold and silver because of overall currency devaluation.
You see the dollar going down right now, and down the road that's all it can do.
Ted, what are some of the specials you've got today for folks?
Well, right now, I mean, you're talking about what's going on in the economy and this type of thing.
I mean, there's two things you should do.
I mean, one, you should, if you haven't done it by now, the American Dream video and Mark Dice's book and two silver dollars for 88 bucks.
But the other thing, too, is you can get Bob Chapman's newsletter for an entire year for free just by picking up one franc coin from us right now at $3.52.
Now, the internet prices have already shot up on that.
And the silver dollars are going up, too.
I mean, silver has gone up to a peak today.
We've seen silver hit a high of $31.61, currently at $31.34.
Gold is up $16, hit a high today of $16.49.
Ted, I just want to be clear, it's two silver dollars, a free video and a free book, with free shipping, $73.
Yeah, I'm sorry, did I give the number wrong?
I think you said 88, yeah.
It's 73.
Poor guy's been waiting 30 minutes to get on.
He only has like a minute.
You can also link through at Infowars.com.
Up at the top of the page, there's a link.
Get the two silver dollars at a drop-dead good price and then a free great video about the Federal Reserve and free book.
When you call them, they've got a whole list of radio
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Just ask to hear the list.
See what you're interested in.
It's 800-686-2237.
Call today.
And Ted's a great sponsor of this program.
But this is where I get my gold and silver.
Is Midas Resources.
We're gonna end the main show.
I'll see you back Sunday and on Monday.
I'm gonna come back with a little bit of overdrive right now.
Info Wars only.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
By the way, this is intriguing.
It's up at Drudge Report.
We're gonna get it up at InfoWars.com.
Steve Jobs tried exotic treatments to combat cancer, book says.
He survived 8 years pancreatic cancer.
Maybe 1 out of 100,000 does that.
It's got about a 98% death rate within 2 years.
And they're saying he was bad.
to try to beat the cancer with non-conventional and he'd live longer than basically anybody does.
That just shows how they take information and spin it.
That's CNBC.
We're going to get that up at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
People ask me, Alex, why are you still in gold and silver?
Gold's gone down 300 bucks, silver, you know, 15 bucks or whatever.
Because I was buying silver when it was
Five dollars an ounce, and I was buying gold, and it was $260 an ounce.
And I haven't sold gold.
I got it at that price when it hit $2,000, or close to it.
Because I understand there's global currency devaluation, and I understand the dollar may be up one week, but they're only printing more of it.
It's gonna go down.
And commodities are gonna go up, whether it's food, you name it.
Until they come out with some new thing.
And so that's why I believe when gold and silver dips is the time to buy it.
And what's interesting is in all my years with Midas Resources has been a sponsor for 16 years.
I've been on the Genesis Network, Ted, founded for 14 or 15 years now.
Wow, time flies.
Since 1998.
You do the math.
Yeah, 14 years.
Let's see, 10, 11, 12, 13, about 13 and a half.
The point is that Ted has just done a great job, and so has the International Forecaster and Bob Chapman.
They also have a deal where you can get a free year, either digital or mailed to you, which is $159 value free.
This is a valuable newsletter when you get a European franc coin already at a great price.
So just amazing deals on that.
There's a bunch of specials.
When you call, ask about them.
It's the Alex Jones Specials List.
Bob Chapman, Ted Anderson, both of you together here in the last few minutes, and I appreciate you joining us today, both of you.
Where do you expect gold?
Has JP Morgan changed their perspective?
I haven't seen that.
On $2,500 gold by the end of December, or where does your prognosis stand today?
Well, I don't think Morgan's changed anything.
And I still think that they put that projection in because they felt gold was going higher.
And what leads me further to believe that is that they've covered a great deal of their short position, along with HSBC, which means the natural place for them really to be would be long.
Now, we've just seen another correction from 1923-60 down to about 1600.
And the reason for that is that they want to go silver and commodities down because of all the problems that are going on in Europe and the non-solution.
And usually when that happens, gold and silver go up.
So they preempted that by taking them down.
Well, they only could do that for so long.
It costs a lot of money.
And so the next stage will be for gold and silver to go right back up again.
And I think they'll hit new highs before the year is out.
And they may go to, gold may go to $2,500 or $3,000.
And silver may go to $70 or $80.
But the point here,
Is just like you pointed out.
It's a great time to buy.
So do it!
Well, I mean, I gotta add in there too, Alex.
I'm reading the headlines right now.
I mean, the German bonds are falling because of the bailouts in Europe.
Greece, the people that are holding on to bonds there, the equivalent to our treasuries, are saying that they have to take a haircut because of this.
They call it an ambitious private sector role in order to bail out this Greek problem.
I mean, there's just so much going on in Europe.
And what makes you think that the United States isn't going to do the same?
I mean, people that are sitting on U.S.
government securities here are going to take a haircut, too.
There just really isn't a whole lot of other alternatives than having gold and silver as a hedge, just to protect yourself from what's going on economically.
All right, we're out of time.
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