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Name: 20111020_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 20, 2011
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, I am living in the Twilight Zone, and I know you are as well.
It is Thursday, the 20th day of October, 2011.
We're going to get into the whole supposed Qaddafi killing.
If you go up to thedrudgereport.com, there is a News Channel 5 story.
Tennessee becomes first state to fight terrorism statewide.
The TSA rolls out checkpoints on the highways.
Homeland Security already did this two years ago.
It's in my film, Police State 4, The Rise of FEMA.
And TSA was involved in that.
But I've always told you, we're going to have domestic checkpoints, just like the over a hundred they have.
Inside the United States, under federal regulations, up to 100 miles inside.
I went back through one of these again yesterday and it was explosive.
I'm going to be airing that tonight on the Nightly News.
I just got into the office an hour or so ago and they're getting that video off my camera.
I really got in their face this time.
And I told them that the government are drug dealers and criminals and that I don't respect their unconstitutional activity.
And I just really can't take it anymore.
I'm getting to where I can't handle it anymore.
I mean, the flying, the naked body scanners, the groping, the TSA at high school proms in New Mexico, and now this headline.
I hadn't even seen this.
It's up at DrudgeReport.com.
Drudge also is linked to the report that we posted at Infowars.com that Paul Watson did.
With the headline that State Department sends in one of the leaders of the Arab Spring from Egypt to run Occupy Wall Street.
It is CIA, State Department, Obama run.
That doesn't mean the people that showed up for it are bad.
There's a lot of corruption on Wall Street.
That is where most of the problems are emanating from.
But not Wall Street itself generally, but the actual private Federal Reserve.
That report is up at DrudgeReport.com as well.
But it's just the nightmare just keeps coming more and more true here.
The nightmare just continues to intensify.
And we are going into an authoritarian nightmare.
And I personally am beyond disgusted, beyond angry, beyond rage right now.
It's in the news what already came out last year that Homeland Security arrest illegals in these fake stings and then releases them with green cards that they've frozen all major deportations of Mexicans, not of other groups, including criminals.
And that's back in the news today.
And then meanwhile, I pull up and they're waving everybody through, but they want to search my car.
And I've got to tell the border patrol, I'm going to have to sue you.
This is 98 miles inside the US.
And I'm not against the individual border patrol people, but I literally have to have this stand down, this standoff with them when I get in their face.
And where my kids are sitting there watching this and then they tell me to go.
I mean, they had like six of them slime over.
They said, pull over there.
We're going to search you.
And I said, I'm going to sue you.
You come on here and violate my fourth amendment.
And, uh, you know, the Supreme Court has ruled they can have these checkpoints a hundred miles in to check immigration status.
And I believe that's unconstitutional.
Besides, the globalists don't want to check immigration status.
Homeland Security's been caught hiring illegals to build part of the Texas border fence that's for show.
That's on record, Associated Press, Fox News.
But they can't do it for drugs.
And they were sticking, having people open their doors, stick the drug dog in.
This is 98 miles inside the U.S., inside South Texas.
And they said, pull over there, we're coming on board.
And I said, look!
We're U.S.
You can run the plates of this vehicle.
I said, if I was from Mexico, I'd be the best actor in the world, basically.
And I said, you're not going to search my vehicle with that drug dog.
I said, besides, the government and the Border Patrol have been caught bringing drugs in here.
They all smile.
And then my wife got in their face.
It was just...
Not even emotionally draining.
I have such clarity now that it's pure torture to have this level of understanding.
We'll be right back.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington D.C.
we have seen a fall of the republic.
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Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us on this Thursday, 20th day of October 2011 transmission.
Wayne Madsen, who's recently been inside Libya, investigative journalist, will be joining us coming up in about 25 minutes from now to break down the report that Muammar Gaddafi has been killed hiding in a spider hole.
John B. Wells, syndicated radio host for Coast to Coast AM, who covers a lot of the same issues that we get into with great eloquence, will be joining us for 50 minutes of the second hour.
Webster Tarbley, who was on yesterday, will pop in because he's recently been to Libya to give us his take on this latest Muammar Qaddafi report.
And I'm also going to get a 10-minute pop-in from Steve Pchenik.
Because again, he called us up this morning and saying he thinks it's staged and has some sources.
So we'll just get about a 10-minute pop-in from him and Tarpley coming up here on the broadcast today.
Now also coming up, at least on nightly news tonight, I may air it if Dew has time to get it off my camera and loaded.
I've got to blur out my children's faces and their names and things.
I went to the South Texas beach a few weeks ago over the weekend, drove back 98 miles inside the U.S., and they're now building more of these.
There's over 100 in the country.
There's more than 15 in Texas.
And they wanted to search our car.
I don't
Giving illegals green cards when they do arrest them.
Of course, that's come out for three years, they're doing that.
They've stopped basically all deportations of Mexicans because that's a political client state now.
And I guess your Democratic voters, others, Salvadorans and others, are being shipped out of the country.
In fact, they've got a big Bayview detention center down there by South Padre.
It's got 5,000 Salvadorans, people from El Salvador, in it.
So it's also very discriminatory, but there's a globalist deal with Mexico to basically merge the two countries.
It also came out in the McAllen newspaper, after Talk Radio covered it, after Glenn Beck did, that the children are taught to pledge allegiance to Mexico and to salute the Mexican flag.
This goes on all over the United States in any school that's 30 or 40 percent Hispanic, including Puerto Rican schools, schools that are predominantly Puerto Rican.
Puerto Ricans have complained about it.
This is not a new phenomenon.
They say, well, we're not Mexican.
Nothing wrong with being Mexican.
But, you know, the Ford Foundation has said, if you've got brown skin and are Latino, you are now a Mexican.
Because that's the political decision.
They want to play those groups off against each other.
And so that's why I get so angry.
98 miles into the U.S.
I've never left the country on the trip.
And I pull up with my family and everybody on board, U.S.
And you got a bunch of people with blue eyes and blonde and brown hair, speaking complete Texas accents, going, yeah, we're U.S.
They go, pull over.
We're searching.
And I'm like, listen, I'm going to sue you.
Okay, you come on here without a warrant, and then they send over six goons, open the door up, and I explain.
I go, the government's been caught dealing drugs, including the Border Patrol.
And I said, and he said, the Supreme Court's ruled we can do this.
And I said, it's ruled 100 miles in, you can, and I believe it's a false ruling, but it's ruled that you can ask immigration status.
You can ask if I'm a citizen or not.
But I said, you're searching for drugs.
He said, no, we're not.
We're searching for narcotics.
And I looked at the guy, because they know they're outside the law.
And I said, you come on here.
I'm going to sue you, pal.
I said, I do not give consent.
The reason I got so mad yesterday, last time I had my camera going as we pulled up, and they said, turn that off.
And I said, no, you're surveilling me.
Free speech.
First Amendment.
And then they came over and then they just, I opened the door of the RV we were on, the InfoWars Mobile, and I talked to the guy and he said, you can go ahead and go.
This time, six of them come over after they've ordered us to pull over, and they all kind of swagger over until I open the door up and get in their face with righteous indignation.
And this time, I didn't hold the camera up.
This time, you don't see the camera until, I've got it down on my lap, until they start saying, no, we're going to search your vehicle.
We're coming aboard.
And that's when I get the camera out, get in their face.
And look, look, this is a planned takedown of America.
The globalists always use the crisis they create.
800 plus sanctuary cities, free tuition, free welfare, above the law, don't get arrested for DWI, don't get arrested for no insurance, get different banking rules, that's even been in the Associated Press, that the illegals get different banking rules than citizens.
It's an incentive to bring them here, then turn them into a political group that will vote for gun control, open borders, basic globalism.
And then, as citizens of this country, see what's happening and get upset by it, then the system comes in and says, that's okay.
We will set up checkpoints everywhere in a police state.
And then have a few show arrests every year.
And then release the illegal aliens out the back door.
I mean, this is all on record.
And there's six and a half plus billion people that want to come here.
I mean, could we take them all?
Maybe, if we didn't have welfare.
But these groups do, on average, get on welfare.
The dad goes out and works, but mama, on two or three different identification cards, gets on welfare.
That's why around Texas, you can tell the illegal aliens when you see them.
Because they got a Western-wear dress, don't speak English, got La Raza stickers all over their cars, and they're driving vehicles nicer than citizens are.
Because they're not paying taxes on average, mom is on three forms of welfare, and daddy's out there working hard all day.
And the babies are free at the hospital?
Everything's free.
And citizens, no matter what color you are, are subsidizing it.
California's bankrupt.
48 states are bankrupt.
The country's going down right now.
We're in a stalled depression.
Mexico has been imploded by the globalists, which is designed to then drive them all up here.
It's all been designed.
Nobody's bad in this except the globalists.
I don't blame Mexicans for wanting to come up here, especially now that it's a genocidal Mad Max world, literally, down in Mexico.
And that's how Mexican citizens were describing it to me the five days I was down at the coast doing an investigation.
That's what Hispanic Texans told me.
That's what white and black Texans all told me.
And they were all scared to talk on the radio except one gentleman.
And he completely concurred, a Hispanic gentleman who we had on a few days ago.
I don't think so.
Every time this happens, you're always told it's the first time it's happened.
This is not the first time it's happened.
It is in Tennessee and a surrounding four-state area that this happened in 2009.
It's in my film, Police State 4, The Rise of FEMA.
I have the state rep on.
The governor put out a statement.
They had 14 federal agencies.
This was in the newspapers.
Fourteen federal agencies setting up checkpoints on major highways, pulling families over, two hour long waits, shutting down entire highways.
They're putting up the highway divider chains now, now to keep people from being able to flee.
A total control grid is going into place for martial law, for continuity of government.
They have resettlement specialists hired by the hundreds of thousands.
They've got the camps built, Houston Chronicle.
This is all going on.
For the total depression they've engineered.
The globalists have been gearing up for this for 15 years.
But they always say it's the first time.
This is going on in California, Texas, it's going on in every state.
They have TSA checkpoints going back at least 8 years in Florida, 9 years, 10 years in D.C., Dallas about 5 years, Boston, Massachusetts, it's been going on everywhere.
And you pull up to a checkpoint.
We caught beta drills of this with the U.S.
Army in 98.
That's in my film, Police State 2 The Takeover.
But here it is, News Channel 5, Tennessee becomes first state to fight terrorism statewide.
And it goes on.
You're probably
Used to seeing TSA signature blue uniforms at the airport.
See, you're used to it.
But now agents are hitting the interstates to fight terrorism with visible intermodal prevention and response, or VIPER.
I've been writing about VIPER for 8 plus 9 years or so.
It's in my film, Martial Law, 2005.
Where is a terrorist more apt to be found?
Not these days on an airplane, more likely on the interstate, said Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security Commissioner Bill Gibbons.
And it goes on to say TSA will be there commanding local police, searching citizens, bus stations, 18-wheelers, you name it.
And it says it's not a response to any particular threat.
Tuesday's statewide Viper operation isn't a response to any particular threat according to officials.
Arms said intelligence indicate law enforcement should focus on the highways as well as the airports.
You see, terrorists could be anywhere.
So you are all, and I am, we are all together, guilty until proven innocent, but they, the government, they are above reproach.
Turns out the government's running the drugs, the government's laundering the money, the government's running the child kidnapping rings publicly with private contractors, the government is the criminal enterprise.
And this is domestic checkpoints all over America in the middle of the country.
You know, 600 miles from the border.
600, 700 miles from the border.
Maybe further.
And you've got checkpoints everywhere now.
And you pull up to these and they get you out with your kids.
You go to a high school football game now they search you.
It's the total line up, show me your papers.
And by the way, they've announced, hands are going in the pants of you and your wife.
And your children.
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I read the news today, oh boy, about a lucky man who made the grade.
And though the news was rather sad, well, I just had to laugh.
For anyone who's been in denial
We have a Nobel Peace Prize winner launching wars in Uganda, Chad, Libya saying days not weeks.
We have all over the United States people getting on buses, trains, aircraft, and now highways, and you drive up, you sit there for an hour, and you get there, and there's state police with TSA directing them, and they jerk you out of your car, and now put their hands on your body.
In fact, yesterday, pulling up the thing, I saw him pulling over some cars and getting people out, and I just can't handle it anymore because I can't take it anymore.
I mean, it's so asinine.
It's come out in federal court that the Border Patrol was ordered by the FBI, DEA, and others to
Allow drugs to come in to the United States.
And guns to go into Mexico.
Is that saying the average Border Patrol agent is a bad person?
But they're not even allowed to do their job.
It's all just show.
It's all just show.
And it's all about having a pretext to train the public to pull up to checkpoints and to have your car torn apart.
And drug dogs on board and the way they look at you.
And I was watching this video out of Tennessee where they're running checkpoints, searching people just randomly on the highway with DSA in command.
And you see the state police, you know, with their eyes all slit looking at you.
How about you?
How about you be under suspicion, as the founding father said, as the number one danger, big government, a fearful master.
A dangerous servant, a fearful master, like fire.
How about you?
How about you being the danger?
Pulling up people in uniforms with slit eyes, you know, looking at you all with their eyes all, you know, angry at you.
Just squinting their eyes like they're the good guy in some western and you're the bad guy.
They're Clint Eastwood and you're the bad guy.
No, you're not the bad guy.
You're your family going to church or going to work or trying to get down the road to see grandma.
And you pull up, there's a bunch of government crooks violating the Bill of Rights and Constitution, waddling around, destroying America, stabbing it in the heart, looking at you like you're bad, when this entire government is up to its eyeballs in drug dealing and money laundering.
This stinking criminal government made drugs illegal to explode the amount of people using it.
To put money into it, to corrupt this society.
And I'm sick of a bunch of known drug dealing criminals, state police all over the country pulling people over, stealing their money.
I'm tired of it.
I'm tired of the asset forfeiture, all of it.
I'm calling the whole system out.
I'm done.
I can't take it anymore.
Everything we said is true.
It's all coming true.
It's all happening and it's only going to get worse from here.
They're setting up a red terror in this country of control.
And I'm not saying all the Border Patrol are bad or the average cop's bad.
I know most of you aren't bad.
But you better stand up and say no to this.
This is classical tyranny staring us in the face.
There's no room for denial anymore.
And the funny thing is, I wasn't even disgusted or even so much angry.
I was beyond it.
I was like looking at little children in their little uniforms, waddling around on their power trips, and as soon as I looked at them with disgust and disdain, they were melting like little babies before me.
Which is even scarier.
They're little boys in dress up, pulling a family over, pretending that they're trying to keep America safe.
You aren't allowed to keep America safe.
You work for the criminals.
It doesn't matter if you're good or bad.
You work for criminals.
This government is illegitimate and hijacked and far and run.
I'm going to come back to you when I think about Gaddafi, then we'll go to Wayne Madsen.
We'll play the video and I'll give you my analysis of it.
But at the end of the day, it's a distraction from what's happening economically in Europe.
God help us.
Do you know how bad this depression is going to get?
Why do you think they're turning on all the checkpoints all over the country right now, and the secret police, and the CIA is coming out admitting that they're federalizing local police departments?
Totally illegal!
They are going to turn the resources off in this country.
And I'm going to tell you right now, Mitt Romney, Herman Cain, Rick Perry, Barack Obama aren't going to save you.
We're gonna have to help ourselves.
And we're also gonna have to have a national debate about what side are you on.
A lot of people are choosing right now.
They're choosing the side of good, by the way.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Okay, ladies and gentlemen, if you want my view on the whole Muammar Gaddafi situation, it's this.
With Bin Laden, we knew he had kidney failure ten years ago or more.
We know he was at the American hospital visited by the CIA, CBS News, Le Figaro of France.
We know that his family was awarded giant contracts for U.S.
military bases.
They're the largest construction firm in the Middle East, Bin Laden Construction.
Or the folks at Air Conditioned Mecca.
You know, to give you my view on this Qaddafi thing, I have to first give you some history.
And bottom line, to simplify it, is this.
The Bin Laden thing was fake because we know Bin Laden was already dead from scores of credible sources, including Madeleine Albright, who came out and told Bush, don't roll him out dead.
We know you've got him on ice.
Walter Cronkite.
You don't get more insider than that.
He played footsie with the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, most elite encampment, Bohemian Grove, Bilderberg, you name it.
He came out right before the O4 election and said, don't bring him out.
I had Bush administration official sources.
I had Steve Pachinick, Council on Foreign Relations, back at the time saying it was all staged, in 2002.
So, that we knew was fake, and we said fake situation room photo, not live video feeds, throwing the body in the water, the way they had the media all ready to go with it, and Obama making the announcement.
That's when you know something's fake.
That was fake.
I don't know about this.
This is a staged video.
And we've seen staged videos out of Iran of a young woman shot and bleeding to death.
That was fake.
We've seen fake Bin Laden videos.
The point is, when you have a government and a NATO system that lies incessantly, you don't know what the truth is.
It's like if you have a neighbor or somebody in business you've worked with who lies most of the time.
You never know.
So, it's not bad to question this.
In fact, you should.
Knowing his psychology, knowing where he most likely would be in his hometown, knowing about the month-and-a-half-long siege.
They claim they killed him before, or he ran to Venezuela.
They claim they killed his sons over and over again.
That wasn't true.
They claim they killed his firstborn in the shield of Islam.
That's how it translates, and they hadn't.
So, I'd say 60-40, my gut.
My gut says that's probably Qaddafi.
He's probably dead.
Just knowing the M.O., staying, fighting, seven months against the Al-Qaeda rebels.
It's kind of like, you know, he's the ugly, they're the bad.
I'm not saying Gaddafi's a good guy, but it's good, the bad, and the ugly.
And the people running our country certainly aren't the good.
And Al-Qaeda certainly isn't the good.
Or the ugly.
They're the bad.
So is Saudi Arabia.
There's no doubting I'll take Gaddafi any day over Saudi Arabia and the unspeakable decadence and evil and British intelligence model they use.
It's true that he was a dictator.
It's true he bucked the system.
It's true he was building up all of Africa.
It's true the guy lived in a little tent with plastic chairs, while everybody thought he was behind his armored compound.
That's why they wanted to get rid of him.
And now they're going to bring in the forced inoculations.
They're going to cut off the water supply, the austerity.
They have put al-Qaeda in control.
They say thousands, upwards of 10,000 different types of missiles, several thousand shoulder-launched, have fallen into the hands of al-Qaeda.
Think about this.
Put Al Qaeda in charge of Libya.
Call them freedom fighters.
Have the Facebook guy that ran the Arab Spring in Egypt overthrowing the old dictator, Mubarak, bringing in something far worse now.
And then he's now running, with the CIA and State Department, the Occupy Wall Street situation.
I want to get Wayne Madsen's take on that from waynemadsenreport.com.
But I wanted to give you my preface first.
I don't know what's going on here.
People say, tell us, Alex.
I don't know.
Learning to judge from videos, they can fake almost anything.
The Muttalib video was obviously fake with a hood over it.
They just projected his head in and had him turn.
That was clearly a fake.
The Bin Laden videos turned out to be fake.
I could look at them and tell you they were fakes.
One of them was a standard computer-generated dummy model that you can get in even cheap programs.
That was later confirmed with voice print and video analysis to be faked by major universities.
This video, just looking at it with the eye, looks real.
But their CG is getting better.
They could have already killed him somewhere else and just want to release this.
We don't know.
He could have run to Uganda, and that's why special forces went in there.
Then they drug his body back.
We got Pachinik popping in later for 10 minutes on this.
We got Tarpley popping in for 15-20 minutes or so.
We have an article up at PrisonPlanet.com right now.
Killing Qaddafi spares international criminal court embarrassment for U.S.
and Britain.
Like Milosevic, Qaddafi would have thrust Western support for al-Qaida fighters under the spotlight.
One reason into this whole intelligence mix that I think it could be staged, but my gut says probably not, and my gut's frankly never wrong, but we have to leave it open.
Is that you notice Europe didn't go along with the total private banker takeover and the end of all sovereignty being held hostage by the banksters.
They didn't do that today.
So all Hades is breaking loose there.
Major states are banning cash sales like Louisiana.
There's a lot of big police state developments.
Checkpoints are popping up nationwide right now.
We're going into another degree of martial law.
So while all this is happening, and that's coming up, we're busy looking at Gaddafi.
Now a man who's been brave enough this year to be there, Tarpley's also was there just a few months ago under bombardment, is Wayne Madsen of waynemadsenreport.com, and he joins us to give us his first look analysis of this Gaddafi situation.
I haven't gotten your view yet, Wayne.
You just heard my...
First look analysis, what's your take as a former NSA analyst, Navy submarine warfare expert, top journalist reporting for some of the biggest publications in the world on Capitol Hill, as somebody that tracks what these disinfo people do, what's your gut level first look analysis, Wayne Madsen?
Well, I also agree with you, Alex.
I think, although it's too soon to tell, and because we've been inundated with all this disinformation before, curveballs, yellowcake uranium, all these other fakes, you know, the riots in Syria that were actually riots in Bahrain.
The fact that Al Jazeera was the first to report this, we know about their ties to the government of Qatar and what they've done with the CIA in the past.
My gut feeling says he's dead, but I also would point out initial reports were that he was shot in the legs.
There was one photo I saw clearly of a head wound.
It could be that he did try to maybe surrender.
Maybe they executed him.
It doesn't say a whole lot for Obama's wall of the jungle of foreign policy, because that's what it is.
It's no different than Bush's when we killed Saddam Hussein's two sons, and in a very macabre scene we saw them laid out on some slabs.
I don't think so.
I don't
Uh, assisted in the assassination of a foreign head of state and Mr. Obama should be basically indicted by the House Judiciary Committee that's called impeachment.
He should go before the Senate and he should be tried.
Well, they sell these great evils in the name of, well, we did this to somebody who's unpopular, but that's how Hitler started what he did, and every other tyrant has led nations into total tyranny down this primrose path.
But again, knowing Gaddafi's saying he was going to stay and fight to the end, getting his family out, following that line of reasoning, he probably fought to the death.
They're just claiming he tried to surrender in the first reports so that they don't make him look like even more of a John Wayne-type martyr to the people there.
But I think undoubtedly now this is going to make him a martyr.
Whether it's true or not, my gut tells me it is, with these thousands of data points coming in.
You know, we had that other situation initially.
The rebel movement, the new government of Libya, said that they were going to take his body to a secret location because they didn't want a shrine, they didn't want a memorial where his followers would flock to that.
Again, here we have the same situation with Bin Laden.
What are they going to do?
Dispose of the body somewhere?
We'll never know where it is.
We'll never have any kind of independent
I don't know.
Well, that's another good point.
I'm glad you raised that, and that just adds to the suspicion that it could be staged, or they killed him in Uganda or something, where we know special forces were seen just last week.
Qaddafi body being taken to secret location, Reuters reports.
Still, Western media has not confirmed any of this.
They're just going off what the famously unreliable Al Qaeda people are saying.
The body of deposed Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi is being taken to a location which is being kept secret for security reasons at National Transportation Transnational Council.
Officials said today Qaddafi died of wounds suffered Thursday as fighters battling to complete an eight-month-old uprising against the rule overran his hometown of Sirte.
Libya's interim ruler said, Qaddafi's body is with our own unit in a car.
We're taking the body to a secret place for security reasons.
Mohammed Abdel-Kafi, an NTC official, official Al-Qaeda person, said in the city of Misrata, told Reuters, you've been to Libya repeatedly, you've seen the breakdown here.
I mean, even if they really did kill him, which I'm leaning towards, then just letting his body disappear or this made-up burial at sea, sleeps with the fishes, that way they can never really charge anybody or say who really killed him and then basically not have war crimes be brought up here.
Well, exactly, and also gets people like Obama and David Cameron and Nicolas Sarkozy off the hook as far as state-sponsored assassinations, which is still illegal in this country.
And it has been since the 1970s, when the executive order was instituted because of
The CIA's role in the assassination of Chilean President Salvador Allende, and President Trujillo of the Dominican Republic, and President Diem of South Vietnam, and others.
That's why the law was instituted.
And I say that the Congress now has to, whether you like Qaddafi or not, most people he's not, you know, he was an endearing figure.
The other thing I want to point out, when Mr. Obama was in South Chicago in the 1980s,
Spying on the Nation of Islam and the Black Panthers and the El Rukn Gang.
One of the things he was looking at was those movements, those black social movements getting support from Qaddafi.
I would also suggest that this was a vendetta by Obama that goes back to when he was working for the CIA in Chicago in the 1980s.
And he has his fingerprints all over the death of Qaddafi.
I believe he ordered it.
I believe he was settling old scores and this is exactly what the executive order was.
One of the things that was supposed to prevent people like Nixon settling scores with people he didn't like overseas and LPJ.
Or domestic.
I mean now they're saying they'll kill US citizens.
No judge, no jury, anytime they want.
Including in America, we have Reuters reporting, and UPI, five years ago when Israel said, we'll kill US citizens inside the US, and our own government said, come on in.
So now I guess, US citizens are basically, according to the Globalist, the lowest form of filth.
And the one thing I would point out, Obama's sending troops to Uganda.
It's quite clear that Sudan, what remains of that country, is next on the target list.
Omar Bashir, the president of that country, he's got an international criminal court warrant against him.
I mean, who is next?
Who is next?
Whether these guys are elected or not, they are the heads of state.
It's illegal for U.S.
presidents to involve themselves in their assassination.
So I say start with this Qaddafi death.
supported this military operation.
Obama lied.
He said it wasn't regime change.
Of course it was regime change.
We saw that today with Qaddafi's supposed body.
And what more proof does one need?
I would hope that we stop this with the presidency.
Bush and now Obama hold these people accountable.
They're violating U.S.
They need to be held accountable.
Obama needs to be impeached.
Bush is out of office.
We can't do it to him, but we can stop Obama in his tracks.
Wayne, let's expand on this.
Clearly, the UN-NATO global corporate axis is making its move.
It's imploding Europe, setting up a financial dictatorship, admitting no sovereignty of the countries, irrevocably transferred.
I mean, that is total domination.
That is total occupation.
That is just the equivalent of
Hitler rolling into France, I mean it's on.
Or the Soviets rolling into Czechoslovakia.
All of this happening, you've got global Ponzi operations being imploded in other parts of the world, not just in Europe.
You've got it coming to a head here in the United States.
You've got Soros
Clearly trying to energize and take over the Occupy Wall Street.
You've got this new UN model of having rebels try to overthrow a government, then Western powers come in and back them up, engage in huge war crimes and call it peace.
Why is the Western establishment moving on every front right now?
Is it out of strength or out of an attempt to globally intimidate the world?
Well, they see they're on their last leg.
They see what's happening to their economies.
They see that the BRIC countries, Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, and Turkey and others, their economies are doing much better.
These are the rising world powers.
We already have Putin, the next president of Russia, the once and future president of Russia, talking about a new Eurasian economic union to rival
We're good.
And this is what we see with empires.
They do these Hail Mary passes thinking they're going to survive when in fact they know they're going down.
And you know, Obama's sending troops to Uganda to defeat the Lord's Resistance Army of Joseph Kony, who's basically out of the picture.
He has been for some years.
This is a 25-year-old rebellion against
Our dictator in Uganda, Museveni, and all of a sudden he decides to send troops.
This is all about oil.
This is about denying Uganda's oil to the Chinese and use it as a launching pad to go after what remains of the country of Sudan.
So that's what we've got going on here.
This is a power play, but these empires are collapsing.
The U.S.
has no influence left in Latin America, for example.
The Monroe Doctrine is finished.
And we're seeing a lot of other doctrines go down the tubes, including Obama's.
I think Obama's doctrine of backing these rebel movements and what's called R2P, Responsibility to Protect, is nonsense that came out of Samantha Power.
Stay there, stay there.
Let's come back and break that down and look at Occupy Wall Street as well.
Wayne Madsen's our guest.
Stay with us.
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Suckin' the blood of the children!
The Babylon system is a vampire.
I want to be clear here.
Power corrupts absolutely.
Power corrupts absolutely is what Lord Acton said hundreds of years ago.
That's just common sense.
I love America.
I love our Republic.
I know we've been the good guys compared to many others in history.
The human condition is the human condition.
The great heights, the great lows.
The wondrous heights, the painful, disgusting lows.
When we talk about China, Russia, all these groups, very corrupt, serious problems, but because they weren't as powerful and good as we were, when evil took them over, they just disintegrated.
When evil took us over, it had an engine of incredible power.
And because we were the good guys, we became very naive and just bought into the fact that we're the good guys, that's it.
All over this country now, they have TSA checkpoints on highways, searching families.
I went through one yesterday.
But up in Tennessee now, Homeland Security pulling families out.
I mean, they're really gearing up for total collapse.
And the empire needs to have total tyranny because it knows it's going to end up going to prison.
See, it's an all-or-nothing... The globalists have committed, as Wayne said, a Hail Mary's been thrown here.
They're going to try to get class warfare going.
They're going to try to trigger the revolution themselves through Occupy Wall Street, which now is admitted to be run by the State Department.
And the government's going to use that for austerity.
We're in deep, deep, deep, deep trouble.
So when we talk about all the evil our country's doing, remember, that's a hijacked nation.
I don't blame the German people.
They got seduced by Hitler.
I blame the few million that actually aided him and knew what was happening.
I don't blame the Russians for monsters like Lenin and Stalin.
It happens through a progress.
Or the Chinese for Mao.
Or Mexicans for what's happening in Mexico.
It's a process.
It's the norm.
Going back to Wayne, I want to keep him five minutes.
In the next hour, if he can do it.
And then we've got our next guest joining us.
But, Wayne, you hear what I'm saying here, don't you?
I mean, my point is, looking at history, studying things, to watch the system running around, getting everything ready for martial law, and selling political arrest.
What is the elite getting ready for?
How does Occupy Wall Street tie into that?
What's your take on it?
Well, you know, it's always good when you see people, especially grassroots with OMAID signs out there, exercising their First Amendment rights, protesting these outrages that have been taking place in this country.
But it's also, as an usual thing, and I saw it here in Washington with the Occupy movement here, where a representative of one of the labor unions said,
Uh, to the group, uh, at Freedom Plaza here.
Hey, listen, if you guys want bottled water, uh, just go down and march in, uh, the, uh, March, uh, for Obama's jobs bill.
You know, that was the one that contained free, free trade agreements that was going to see U.S.
jobs go away to South Korea, uh, Colombia, and Panama.
Uh, go down and support that, and the AFL-CIO will give you all the free bottled water you want.
You know, bribery!
This is just bull-
Well, let me tell you, when that offer was made, at least the consensus
of the group there was no.
They rejected it.
They said no.
We'll get our water from somewhere else.
So people are wise to what's going on here.
They're wise to what Obama's trying to do and what David Sploof is trying to do in trying to co-opt this movement for the election cycle.
And so, I mean, that's what I think we have to be wary of.
And of course, yes, George Soros has billions to throw at this.
Wayne, stay there.
WayneMadisonReport.com because I want to do five more minutes with you ahead of John B. Wells, syndicated talk show host, joining us.
I want to have you finish up with the whole George Soros angle.
Stay with us.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we're into hour number two.
Syndicated talk show host John B. Wells.
Also, famous voice talent.
He'll be joining us.
We really like his analysis and views on what's happening in the world.
We want to get his take on it.
We'll also open the phones up towards the end of his interview.
Tarpley joining us as well.
Going back to Wayne Madsen, who's been over in Libya.
We were getting into the whole Occupy Wall Street.
Here's my breakdown.
We know Obama Connected groups put out the call to occupy Wall Street three months ago.
for October, knowing just the general crowds would show up.
Then they intended to send in their agitators to take control of it.
That's failed.
But the system doesn't care.
They're just having the national news still just aim cameras at their spokesman and pretend like these people support Obama as some desperate, desperate ploy.
I don't see it working, just like the Republicans tried to co-opt the Tea Party and were only partially successful.
What do you say to that?
Only that's true.
I have been to the Occupy activities here in the D.C.
area, and I have to say that there's a lot of anti-Obama people.
I mean, they know he's a product of Wall Street, and they know that George Soros is Wall Street.
I mean, these people think that Soros is some sort of fairy godfather that comes around and sprinkles money on you for good deeds.
I mean, that's not his history.
This man has destroyed entire economies of nations, and he's quite proud of it.
But I think the fact is that he was obviously involved with some of these Facebook, Twitter operations in Egypt and Tunisia, to some extent Libya.
But look, some of this has backfired, because when the poor people get out there and start demanding change, that's not the latte-drinking people that follow George Soros to dictate.
And this is what happened in Cairo, and this is what happened in Tunisia, and this is what's happening in Athens, because the people in Greece and Spain don't want any of these deals with these bankers.
And I think these people, like Soros, and obviously he runs for the Rothschilds, these people are very concerned now, because people are starting to get wise to their tactics, and to the way they conduct their business.
And I think it's going to be a zero-sum game in this whole thing.
When the people, 99% of the world, think how many people that is.
And in some countries it's higher than 99%.
It's like less than one hundredth of one percent who have the wealth in certain countries.
When these people rise up, they're not going to be in any mood to compromise with the elite.
Well, that's what I was going to get into, is that we've seen the Federal Reserve and all these globalists and Obama endorse Occupy Wall Street.
A, that's an attempt to make it a left-right issue, just like Republicans endorsing the Tea Party, so that the left wouldn't get involved with the Tea Party.
Now they call the Occupy Wall Street leftists, so the right won't get involved.
They don't want us ever getting together.
And the people, for the most part, in the Occupy movement reject both political parties.
They reject the Republicans and the Democrats.
They don't even like this system of government anymore.
They want a fundamental change in the way we're governed.
So, we're talking about people calling for a major constitutional change in this country because the system is so broken, so corrupted.
Can it be fixed?
And I would point out that
Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln both said it's not only your right, it's your duty to replace this form of government if it turns out that it becomes repressive and an unworkable situation.
Where do you see this ending then in the last 30 seconds?
Well, you know, I mean, the media is going to be doing their best to try to frame this and put out this information.
But I think people are now using their own means of communication.
They're not beholden to the media.
This could go anywhere.
I don't think anyone can actually foresee the future.
And we know that with revolutionary periods of time, you can never predict the future.
We saw that with solidarity in Poland, and we saw the eventual collapse of the Soviet
You're right.
Wayne Madsen, thank you.
Wayne, thank you so much.
Great points.
We'll talk to you soon.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
It is Thursday, the 20th day of October 2011, and while the world is busy questioning whether Muammar Gaddafi is dead or not, like other fabled individuals, Osama Bin Laden,
Big developments are taking place in the economy.
We'll talk more about this coming up later in the hour with our guests after we cover some other issues.
But here's CNBC.
A long, steep drop for America's standard of living.
And it breaks down that you've got to basically have higher taxes and no future under globalism to pay off the tens of trillions.
Well, it's actually the thousand plus trillion in Ponzi scheme derivatives to the central banks.
Isn't that interesting?
Here's another one.
A city group to pay millions to close a fraud complaint.
Also, the Associated Press is reporting 70 plus trillion dollars in Bank of America derivatives secretly bailed out and backstopped.
We're talking about 70 plus trillion for Bank of America and derivatives.
The entire deficit isn't even 15 trillion.
We'll get an idea of how they're inducing us through traders they control in government
Having us sign on to their mega debt.
It's incredible.
I'll talk about that on the Nightly News this evening.
This is the most incredible article of the day.
It's even bigger than checkpoints all over the country with TSA jerking families out of their cars we covered in the last hour.
It's up on InfoWars.com and DrudgeReport.com.
No, this is from KLFY with a straight face, they say.
Bans on cash!
You're only allowed to use cash with major retailers.
You cannot use cash for a second-hand sale.
That includes all garage sales, swap meets, you know, you name it.
This is directly out of the most horrific dictatorships ever seen.
Cold hard cash.
It's good everywhere you go, right?
You can use it to pay for anything.
But that's not the case here in Louisiana now.
It's a law that passed during this year's busy legislative session.
House Bill 195 basically says those who buy and sell second-hand goods cannot use cash to make those transactions.
They want to kill the underground economy.
That's why they're arresting people selling lemonade all over the country, or tomatoes, or pumpkins, and SWAT teaming Amish.
Just selling milk to their neighbor.
You are guilty until proven innocent.
You can't be trusted in a cash economy.
That's part of the 999 sales tax plan.
That's where they now have a federal sales tax, if the Federal Reserve gets its way, and a VAT, where every transaction is tracked, and you swipe a card, even when you use cash, because it's going to be a graduated sales tax.
And they go on to say that's the way it is, SWAT teams are standing by.
And the checkpoints are being set up as well.
And they're now saying citizens will now be on these Homeland Security pick-up lists, not arrest lists.
You don't get a judge, you don't get a jury.
They can kill you in secret under new federal edicts, not laws.
They can kill U.S.
citizens, that's been announced.
And they just say, under the Enemy Combatant Act, you'll pull up to a checkpoint, you're on the list, you disappear, you're never seen again.
And by the way, you never thought you'd get socialist healthcare.
You never thought they'd ban cash.
Never thought they'd have federal checkpoints on the highways.
It's here.
It's all coming.
It's the new world order.
Never thought you'd see Mexican troops operating inside the U.S.
It's the New World Order.
Now, I'm really honored for the rest of the hour, the next 15 minutes, to be joined by John B. Wells, who is an accomplished composer, musician, writer, actor, martial arts instructor, and aviator.
John B. Wells can be best described as a well-rounded Renaissance man who sabers the pursuit of knowledge and discovery from the arcane to the
And it continues.
Heard on radio and TV stations throughout the United States, Europe, Asia, South Africa, Australia, and South America.
Wells is one of the world's most recognized voice artists.
From network television programs to Lockheed Martin, Aeronautical Company, Joint Strike Fighter, F-22 Raptor projects, museum exhibits such as the Soviet Space
Thanks a lot Alex.
I'll tell you, I think that's the closest I'll ever come to an Academy Award.
Thank you.
And I should add, you're a host on Coast to Coast AM as well.
That's the most fun job a guy could possibly have other than being on your show.
Well, you know I'm a loud mouth who'll take up all the time, so let's get rolling here.
What do you think of laws and moves around the U.S.
to ban cash if you're not a big box globalist store?
You know, Alex, I've spent so much time, people might wonder why would you want to talk to a voiceover guy, but I'll tell you very quickly, over the course of my career, I've been
Privileged I mean it's a it's a blessing and a curse so if you if you subscribe to the theory that ignorance is bliss I think maybe that's a correct statement because I've read many many things about various various projects that I had to sign the paper on many many projects for the what Dwight Eisenhower referred to as the military-industrial complex and the fact is is that
This, in my opinion, is the first move toward the cashless society.
And I suspect it'll only accelerate from here, with all of this facial recognition being rolled out and iris scans and all this craziness with the TSA.
And now, of course, what more innocuous place to kick this off than in Louisiana, under the auspices of being able to track, you know, the drug traffickers, you know?
I've spent most of my life being under threat of some sort of a war.
I was born around the time the Korean War ended, and then immediately after that we went into the Vietnam War, and then there was the war on poverty, and then there was the war on drugs, and now there's the war on terror.
So I guess we're all war babies if we were, you know, born any time after World War II.
And I don't see this getting better.
I see it getting much worse.
I don't know.
Maybe the Mayans have something.
There's no telling how much damage can be caused in the next year and a couple of months, and I'm gravely concerned about it.
Well, the government is acting like it's the end of the world.
I mean, rolling out checkpoints, sticking their hands down our pants.
They want to set the precedent for forced inoculations.
They've openly promoted that with the Emergency Health Powers Act.
This is really frightening what this country is turning into.
And then you look at the fact that globalism has de-industrialized our country.
What's your view on this whole New World Order system and where it wants to take us?
Well, a friend, you may know him, a fellow named Servando Gonzalez wrote a very interesting book.
This is not my book, so I'm not hawking it, but it's called Psychological Warfare in the New World Order.
This is a really intensive book.
And it's obvious, just like this, it's obvious that, you know, to quote a fictitious Home Secretary from one of my favorite shows,
As I ease into my dotage, I find that timing is everything from lovemaking to the golf swing.
And this taking down, this alleged taking down of Bin Laden followed by Anwar al-Awlaki and now finally with Gaddafi, it just seems that all of these things, of course, you know, al-Awlaki was a relatively recent player.
But it appears that all of these little, like some sort of an infernal machine, or a tumbler on a safe, you get one click and you go back to the left.
You can take that as the political left.
You get another click, you go back to the right, you get another click, and then boom, the door opens.
And the door, unfortunately, is the one that opens Pandora's box.
It's escalating rapidly.
In fact, I saw on your site today this Tyrell Corp, this one super corporation, run the global economy.
Once upon a time, we listened, we read the great books, and we learned from those great books.
Now, I think it's the great screenwriters that produce a lot of information that if we'll just allow ourselves to hear it.
I mean, from little goofy things like this Operation Endgame, just a juvenile script.
But if you look deeply into it, you'll see that there's a really much more serious thread of truth running through there, almost like, and I'll just wax silly for a minute,
You know, as Bill was a great fan of comic books in that movie Kill Bill 2, I have been a fan of the Three Stooges.
And in one of them, they have the Axis powers all gathered together and one of them says, this is not right.
Your minorities are infiltrating our majorities until you've made our majorities minorities.
And of course, you know, Moe, who's playing Hitler, tells him to shut up and hits him with a golf club or something.
This is all, but it's true, which is why, just shifting gears, now if I warn you, I'll go a little bit ADD here, I think, in the mode of firing the short-barreled shotgun out the back door, but that's where border security, the open border, the massive influx of undocumentable and in the vast majority, untraceable people coming in here,
No one can deny that this isn't just some mess that's just sort of happened, you know, kind of like the universe was just a mess that just happened.
My feeling is the universe was most, as we know it, was most definitely created by a superior power, and this mess that the whole world is facing now has also been created by an earthly superior power, and they are held back to execute their purposes.
That's just how it is.
Well, you're right, and 98 miles into the border,
Inside Texas they wanted to search my car and I had to have this big confrontation yesterday and I shot video of it for the second time in just a month.
Again, John B. Wells is our guest.
And it's so asinine that Homeland Security is now running random checkpoints at malls, high schools, and highways.
And saying we never know where terrorists will be, but then the border is basically wide open, and they lecture us all day about how much danger we're under, and they're just going to have random checkpoints.
Clearly, it's to train us to be prisoners and have no rights.
It has nothing to do with the illegals.
Janet Napolitano is in the news today, legalizing illegals and not deporting them by executive fiat.
So I want to come back and talk about that.
But is that what you're getting at?
Absolutely, and then don't forget the part about if you object to any of this, you're immediately branded a racist, although the last time I checked, Mexico was a nationality, not a race.
But of course, if you do anything that makes it look like you're against any group of people, then you're hit with that brand, and that brand stays there.
That brand is like Keith Richards said about reputation, it's like a long shadow.
It's very difficult to overcome.
Well, I mean, it's obvious.
Look, there's all this stuff about the, well, the states when the... John, stay there.
We got a break.
I want to hear about this on the other side.
John B. Wells, jbwells.com.
Stay with us.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well, he's one of the top voice-over guys in the world.
Emmy Award winning Cleo Marconi.
Awards for radio.
He hosts a few times a month and I always enjoy it when I hear him hosting.
Coast to Coast AM.
Second most listened to radio.
A broadcast in the world after Rush Limbaugh.
This is a short segment with John B. Wells, jbwells.com.
Of course, this is his website.
We were getting into the whole border situation.
I mean, it really does render asinine.
All of this, let's set up checkpoints randomly around the country and see if we catch one of these imaginary terrorists when we really know it's about training us to live in a police state while the borders are basically wide open.
You were continuing with that point.
Well, you know, when the Feds came against Arizona, saying that, oh, well, your state law is going to trump federal law.
I mean, I don't understand why.
I'm not a lawyer.
I'm not a legal scholar.
But, you know, I know something's silly when I see it.
And it's like, well, isn't there a presumption that the federal government will uphold the law?
And is it not incumbent upon the states to uphold the law when the federal government does not do this?
So it's all about making friends, I suppose, as far as what we're shown.
But I think there is a concerted effort to take this country down.
And every time we allow some part of the Constitution, anything in the Bill of Rights, to be sacrificed for what the government now calls the greater good.
Well, if nobody does anything about it, then it's like, on to step two, let's knock out another one.
You know, people have made several, several people have made allegations of this whole Fast and Furious deal.
I mean, what kind of sense does that make?
We're going to ship guns down to Mexico so we can track the cartels?
And then blame the Second Amendment.
But look, expanding on that, Mexico is a failed state.
Mexico arrests anybody that comes to their country illegally.
I mean, since when is there this idea of, I've got to pay taxes so illegals get in-state tuition, and then I'm bad if I don't?
I can't go to Mexico and get in-state tuition.
I mean, it's ridiculous.
It's part of a globalist plan to break this country up.
And more and more, it's clearly divide and conquer.
You know, Alex, this is, I know we've got a short spot here, but let me get all of this out before somebody labels me as a neo-Nazi for bringing this up.
That little movie, Downfall, where Erno Gantz did such a brilliant job of playing Adolf Hitler, that was based on Raoul Junga's secretary, who was in the bunker when all this happened.
And one of the most horrifying things that came out of Hitler's mouth was that
Well, one of his commanders came in and said, yes, my Fuhrer, but what about the wounded and the elderly and the children and all of that?
And he's like, I don't care about their primitive needs.
Look, the German people gave us a mandate, and if it doesn't work out, if they're not strong enough to pull it through, well, then their little throats are getting cut.
Well, that's just tough, and it's not my problem.
I think that's what we're looking at now.
I think that people are so afraid that they're going to be on a list or they're going to get a knock on the door.
I mean, it could be anything.
It could be anything from tax investigations.
It could be, you know, some trumped up things.
Here's the thing.
This is what's so rough.
It's not illegal to ask a question, which is why being in the spot now, being interviewed by you, I'm liable to open my mouth and say something that I really wish I hadn't said.
But that's just how it is.
Because, you know, if I were immortal, I'd worry about it.
But I'm not immortal in this realm.
I'm not worried about the afterlife.
I'm all right with that.
It's not illegal to ask a question, but statements can get you in trouble, and you only have to be accused.
Even if you're not guilty, it'll cost you everything you have just to defend yourself.
And in the meantime, you'll be demonized and vilified, and you'll emerge out of this legal crisis.
And you'll go back out in the world and people will be looking at you like, well, he must have done something really terrible to screw up.
It's just like Alexander Solzhenitsyn when he wrote that Gulag Archipelago.
He said, nobody would say, look, they're arresting me.
They're arresting me for no reason.
There's somebody do something.
Everybody just came there, kept their mouth shut.
And the KGB came up and they just take him away and that's it.
They wind up on some Gulag iceberg somewhere and that's the end of them.
And the only thing that brought him down in the end was what?
We're good to go.
But John, you just said it beautifully.
We've got to call the bluff.
That's why I just go out in big crowds, no bodyguard.
That's why I confront the checkpoints and get in the police face.
Because we've got to call the bluff or they win.
People think by cowering, that's how you stay safe.
That's how you invite the wolves.
You've got to face them down.
And we're not prey.
We've got to face down these predators.
Well, I absolutely agree with you for a long time.
I thought that the key to surviving the next one, the next, you know, imposition of power, let's just call it federal power in this case.
Would be invisibility and a high level of mobility, but I don't think that way anymore.
I mean, I reserve the right to change my mind.
Let's elaborate.
John, stay there.
You're right.
Everybody can feel it.
The real crises are coming.
This is just birth pains.
It's now time to pick where you are in eternity.
Pick a side.
All in.
We'll be right back.
It's Infowars.com.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Somewhere in a lonely hotel room does the guy start to realize that eternal fate has turned his back on him.
It's 2 a.m., baby.
It's 2 a.m., baby.
It's 2 a.m., baby.
It's 2 a.m., baby.
We are back live with syndicated talk show host, top voice talent, you name it, John B. Wells.
And he's got another website, not just johnbwells.com.
We'll tell you about that website here in just a moment.
Before I go any further, I want to remind listeners that we are listener supported.
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I mean, I'm not risking my life for nothing.
I know in my gut, I know historically, we can beat these tyrants.
This is a very nasty form of tyranny we've got growing.
This whole scientific New World Order, it's got to be defeated.
We've got the new InfoWars, because knowing is half the battle, G.I.
Joe-style shirt.
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That's available at InfoWars.com.
We've got all the In the Fed shirts on sale right now at InfoWars.com.
People ask, what is that?
You can explain to them about the Federal Reserve.
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Very powerful, so I made a deal with them and got a bunch of them.
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But the most important thing is spreading the word.
You know about the Federal Reserve situation.
We're in contact with the Dallas Police Department about now talking to other witnesses that indeed there was a provocateur there trying to set us up.
That shows that we're hurting them for them to go to those type of links.
That the fact the Federal Reserve has filed complaints with YouTube trying to take down our videos.
And YouTube didn't do it, by the way.
Because we called them on it.
Shows were hurting them.
I mean, think about this, ladies and gentlemen.
We're reaching tens of millions of people a week now.
And it's only growing.
And they can't really kill me.
I mean, they may still.
I get threats all the time.
Because I'm nothing special.
This information is out there now.
I mean, go to the Drudge Report today.
Luke Radowski went and interviewed Alec Baldwin.
He endorsed capitalism.
That's up on the Drudge Report.
Our article about the State Department running Occupy Wall Street.
That's up on Drudge Report.
Number one website in the world for news.
Tens of millions a day.
Truth is contagious.
Truth is popular.
And yes, for some of us that are out at the very tip of the spear, it's dangerous, but it's like the Braveheart line.
Yes, we might go out on this battlefield and lose today.
But what about many years from now, lying in our beds, about to die?
What will we give to just come back here and tell our enemies, you can take our lives, but you can't take our freedom?
I mean, it infuriates me to see this video.
We're going to play a clip of later.
Of state police with Homeland Security and TSA looking at people on the highway like we're all guilty and criminals.
Like we're being inducted into a prison and pulling people out of cars and searching vehicles without warrants because they're trying to stop terrorism.
That should make you fight or flight.
It should make you boil with disgust and concern.
That we know where this leads 100% of the time.
Going back to John B. Wells.
John, I mean, you hear the point I'm making.
You went to break making the point about it's all in time.
You had gotten to the point where you had gotten to the point where you thought you would just stay invisible.
Please continue where the break cut into what you were saying.
And then let's get into some other subjects and also talk about your other website.
Well, the thing is, Alex, I used to think invisibility was the key and just run away from it.
There's no place to run.
It will visit you wherever you are.
So I just reversed myself on that.
It's like visibility.
High visibility is the key in that way.
Look, we're all mortal.
We're all going to check out of here one day.
We're all going to begin the final boarding process out of this world.
Now is the time to stand for something or just cower like little mice and just let the cat take you over.
That's what's going to happen.
However, that said, with all this Occupy Wall Street, Occupy the Fed stuff, I'm beginning to wonder if the apparatus isn't so big and things are not so screwed up, if you will, and so far down the road that, I mean, revolution concerns me because if something like that were ever to happen,
That's when our enemies would fall upon us, because they would see that as the weakest moment, and therefore the best moment, to attack us.
For to what end?
I don't know, because, you know, at least in theory, the rest of the world relies on the United States for so much.
But I'm beginning to wonder, apart from weapons manufacture, what that would be.
So, look, here's the thing.
If you'll just indulge me a second here, this came from Patrick Henry, and it's a short piece.
But he said this was his speech on the Stamp Act, March 23rd, 1775.
It is natural for man to indulge in the illusions of hope.
We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts.
Is this the part of a wise man engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty?
Are we disposed to be of the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation?
For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth, to know the worst, and to provide for it.
You contrast that with George W. Bush, and I actually liked him until I got into it a little bit, and then I'm not so sure, who said, let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th, followed by Gore Vidal, who said, apparently conspiracy stuff is now shorthand for unspeakable truth.
I'm just as jacked up and angry about this as you are.
And you have been given your gift, I have been given mine.
So if we can just bring some people, you don't have to obey us blindly or join our legions blindly, but at least listen and see how these events are affecting your lives.
Bind together.
Such a concerted effort is being made to drive us away from each other.
Black against white, against brown, against Asian, against the federal people, the local people, the state people.
We cannot allow this to happen.
We have to be a nation, not just a country.
Any place can be a country.
We need to be a nation.
And that's the end of my rant for the next few seconds anyway.
Well, John, beautifully said, and that's why the globalists are trying to break up our sovereignty and bring so many people in and then tell them, don't become Americans.
No, keep your nationality so they can play us off against each other.
That's the real.
The real endgame, and look, people call it a revolution.
I'm involved in an information warfare revolution against lies.
But I've always said I'm not a revolutionary, I'm a restorationist.
Our Bill of Rights, our Constitution, though not fully lived up to in our country's history, was the greatest flower of renaissance and awakening and
And I want to go forward to the past.
I don't want to be a three four thousand year old thug run tyranny because we're going back before 1776 and 1789.
We're going back to ancient tyranny with a high tech overlay.
I want to go
I want to go forward to the past, to the most advanced thing we've developed.
I want to restore our republic.
That's why when I pulled up to that checkpoint 98 miles into Texas, and they said we're going to search your car, I mean, I righteously had zero fear.
And that actually scared me after the fact.
Even though my little children were with me, I didn't care and didn't even have to pump myself up.
I was so focused and so disgusted with these people that
That at first they thought they scared me, you know, six border patrol guys around me, and it was the opposite.
I said, I know the government brings in the drugs, and I just totally hit them hard, and I'll play it tonight on the nightly news, but my point is that I have to make myself now try to even have some concern, because I still want to have that frostiness.
It's like I'm getting to where I have zero fear, and it's almost the extreme opposite of what a lot of people have.
Do you get where I'm going here?
Oh, I absolutely do.
I mean, did I read that right the other week that a 747, or I think that was actually the model number of the aircraft, full of cocaine, was allowed to come into this country in exchange for some cooperation against the Zetas, which, as you know, is made up of military deserters and other really hardcore guys.
Yeah, and that's just their cover in the Texas newspapers that, oh, we let in this tonnage of cocaine, and yeah, Wachovia and Wells Fargo run these aircraft with cocaine, and I mean, it's totally controlled.
And actually, the big banks in the U.S., not the U.S.
government, if you read all the federal documents that are admitted, they're funding all the cartels against each other to try to just keep prices up.
It's so cold-blooded.
And I don't know what the endgame is.
I mean, if they did succeed in destroying the country, reducing us to some sort of a brawling, internally brawling third world nation, I mean, what is to be gained from this?
I just don't know.
I think it might go back to, I mean, I keep quoting movies, but again, it's the brilliant screenwriters.
I think it's true.
I don't think some of these people can be assigned any other motive or initiative other than they just like to see the world burn.
I hope not, but I don't understand what they want.
I mean, I don't think I'm smart enough to scrutinize what they want.
No, John.
John, you're totally sharp as a razor, and you're just being self-deprecating.
You just hit the nail on the head.
You brought up Hitler earlier.
I've seen the German film reels, in the German,
Uh, where Hitler would, during the first years of the war, would travel out by his armored train, and for sometimes 24 hours straight, drinking coffee and eating pastries, would look through high-powered telescopes and binoculars at Warsaw burning or other cities burning.
They like to watch the world burn like Nero.
They've got all this power, and when you let corruption take over, the worst elements end up filling
The gap and then even more elements fill that and it's almost like an ND 500 of evil only the most evil end up in control and they like black uniforms, death, carnage, war, skulls, murder, death.
Whether it's Los Zetas or skull and bones, they worship a grim reaper with a gold crown on its head.
They like grim reapers, man!
That's what it looks like to me.
It really does.
I mean, notice what the SWAT uniforms look like.
They're carrying, you know, German-made machine guns, they got German-style helmets, and they got some great-looking black uniforms, and they just personify, you know...
You know, part of the psychological warfare that's been waged against us is at least the Greeks.
You know, if you study any kind of theater at all, you're going to study the Greek theater.
And it's because, number one, the stories never change.
However, with the Greeks, at least they had the sense that all sex and violence was done offstage.
It was only suggested.
And they also had enough sense to put masks on everybody so that you don't go, well,
I know that guy's a completely disgusting, horrible, amoral person, but he's so handsome, you know, then the girls fall in love with him, and then there's this horrible vixen that's just, you know, bloodthirsty and a horrible individual.
She's beautiful, so we really like her, even though she's morally, like, bereft.
They had enough sense to disguise that so that you just got the story, unlike what we're fed.
I mean, we're continually desensitized.
I mean, what next on TV?
The last episode of 24 with Kiefer was, I think he actually disemboweled somebody while the camera was taping him.
And I'm just like, good God, what next?
I mean, I was watching something, just channel surfing the other day, and I saw so much violence all over the place that I thought, I don't know which is sicker.
Them putting it on the screen or me sitting here watching it?
So I just turn the bloody thing off and let it go.
We're being desensitized to what's to come is the only thing I can figure out.
Apparently there are some really smart people that are all talking to each other and this is a huge orchestrated campaign.
The end of which I guess is just flames.
I mean, I think we're about to get on the same page and decide that
If you do believe, let me just qualify this real quick, on some of the blogs that comment about some of the things that have been said on Coast to Coast, where I reach the most audience, obviously, not a lot of people go up and get a drink of water during a commercial or something else.
But it's like, oh, this Wells guy sounds like a fundamentalist Christian and a right-winger.
It's like, well, if my belief in Jesus Christ makes me a fundamentalist Christian, and if my belief that if we let go of this Constitution, we are over with, well, then I guess that makes me a right-winger, you know, because we're losing this Constitution, and once it's gone,
What can happen in this country with the advances in technology and all the facilities and everything else that have been built and are ready is going to make Nazi Germany look like Mr. Rogers' neighborhood.
That's my opinion.
No, you're right.
This high-tech overlay over ancient forms of tyranny is so scientific and so evil.
And we haven't even done this TV piece yet for the Nightly News because there's so many examples.
We've been just taping TV and then pausing it.
Sharpie commercials now will have stuff like don't protest flashed on the screen.
TV shows like
I don't think so.
And it's now come out, even in the Dallas Morning News, that first the military denied this was happening, but the head of the place said, whether you're Christian, Muslim, Jewish, it didn't matter.
You couldn't pray over somebody's casket at their burial.
And she turned, the director turned the
The first amendment says government can't make a law making you follow a certain religion.
But of course
You can have people pray at their funeral at the cemetery.
I mean, it shows how these atheists, that was the official religion of the Soviet Union, what tyrants they are, sir.
Well, you know, I'm absolutely on the same page with you, all this separation of church and state.
It's like, you don't know what you're talking about.
The separation of church and state refers only to the establishment by our government of a national religion.
That's all.
Like, as in King Henry VIII did when he wanted to get rid of what's-her-name and marry what?
Get rid of Catherine and pick up on Anne.
He made his own church.
He had the power to do so.
He divorced himself from Rome, sort of.
He had to have the heir, exactly, so he created the Church of England.
This is what's crazy though, is that I see reports all the time where a child brings a Bible to school in their bag, and they take it and throw it in the trash, like you can't have this, but you can wear the devil t-shirt or whatever.
Again, it's the idea that certain speech can be banned, and it shows what tyrants these people are.
Well, I think in the end it's going to boil down to one thing.
People will look to the Mayan calendar.
They'll look to Nostradamus.
All these people are looking for the truth somewhere other than in their Bible.
But in the end, it comes down to good and evil.
That's what the study of philosophy is about, is the entire school of philosophy is devoted to one thing.
What makes a good life?
Now, if blood and guts and murder on every street corner is your idea of a good life, then you've got a pretty warped philosophy.
But these philosophies do exist, and I think it is natural that we have these opposing forces.
You know, let's say just for the sake
Stay there.
And I'm going to see if I can twist your arm.
Five minutes to the next hour.
We'll have two little short segments left.
We've definitely got to have John B. Wells back up.
We'll give you his other website as well.
On the other side of this quick break, of course, ours is PrisonPlanet.tv and InfoWars.com.
We're simulcasting this radio show right now at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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Ladies and gentlemen, we are joined by John B. Wells, and we'll put up on screen for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers, one of his other websites, CaravanToMidnight.com.
Very interesting.
We'll talk about that, some of him, here in just a moment.
But you were, we may have forgotten now, because this is unscripted, but you were making a point as we went to break.
Do you happen to remember what that was, John?
I know it was interesting.
Well, it was just that the people who go to all these other sources to find out what's happening in their lives.
Every day, a person's mind is filled with all kinds of things.
In fact, I'm surprised that we're not all insane.
You know, that's why we go to pastoral places, you know, fields and beaches and stuff like that.
We get some natural beauty.
But here in the cities and so forth, we're hit with television, radio, signs, lights, other signs, traffic, all these people, you know.
Have you noticed everything is turning to like a Times Square even in small towns with TVs and Janet Napolitano in the Walmarts, other facilities saying don't trust anyone but me, don't trust your neighbors, don't worry checkpoints are coming?
Oh, it's like a THX 1138, you know, where the guy comes on and goes, my time is your time.
Consume and enjoy.
I mean, is that what we have become now as a nation of consumers?
Well, that's about to be over with, because this is turning into a kind of a mutant form of a depression.
You know, my dad was a Depression-era kid.
And he said, well, the thing is, is the money was worth something.
The problem was nobody had any.
Well, now we've got a two-pronged problem, and that is nobody has any.
And even if they did, things that used to go in denominations of $100 are now going in denominations of $1,000.
So I don't know.
The money is being created with the stroke of a pen, which means it's worth nothing.
So, where do you go from there?
One of the brightest guys, I wish I could remember his name at this moment, I'm so ADD at times, but I said, look, what is money?
Once upon a time, there used to be an agreement to exchange goods or services.
He says, well, that's true.
He said, but more than that, it's a social compact.
And that really set the dominoes falling then because, yeah, and who is the compact between now?
When all of these banks go, okay, I mean, I think we're being smoke-screened with all the trouble that are in these various nations.
I think the trouble that these various nations like Greece and Spain and the other ones...
I think all of this is fabricated.
I mean, I really do believe it.
No, it is.
If you get into the documents, it is.
And instead of the government issuing a fiat currency, that's dangerous because they can hyperinflate.
But if it's connected to something, you know, generally that's a more successful system than letting private central banks control the currency.
And so in the compact, for the money to exist, you have to become a debt slave.
The money becomes God.
And those that issue it become rulers of the universe, basically.
And now they implode societies to consolidate them.
And now they're moving in to start banning cash to force us onto cashless systems so they can charge us and track us.
I mean, if people think $5 to use their credit card or ATM is something, wait till it's totally cashless.
We're going to be held totally hostage where you actually pay massive money just to keep your money in a bank.
Well, not only that, but I mean, wouldn't it be interesting if all of a sudden now, instead of writing a check or pulling out a credit card, now we have to show ID if we produce cash?
No, no, that's the plan under the 999.
That's the plan, yeah.
I mean, I challenge anybody to come up with a more ridiculous scenario.
You know, the man's name was Manning, that I interviewed on Coast to Coast.
Last name was Manning, and his first name escapes me at this moment.
Maybe I'll get it back for the end of our time together here.
But I said, are we doing some sort of an economy?
We have crop rotation.
You farm this part out, so you let it rest a couple of years, move over to another plot and farm that.
Are we doing economy rotation now?
And he said, yeah, sort of.
And this economy is pretty much tapped out, so we're going to, now China's the big dog, and they're new at this.
I give them 10 years before, not even that, five years before something bad happens over there.
Well, stay there.
Five more minutes.
I totally agree with you.
And again, it's not like crop rotation where it produces something.
It's designed to build up, get in debt, and then destroy.
Because again, you don't want any country to be strong.
You only want the global parasite banks.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
John B. Wells has been our guest for the last 50 minutes or so.
He joins us in this first little segment of this hour.
Then Webster Tarpley on the economy on Libya.
He joined us yesterday.
He's popping back in today because of these big developments.
He's recently been to Libya.
We're talking again to John B. Wells.
Your survival instincts, all of your survival instincts are kicking in, but the mind control system will try to create a conscious fear so you will divert your own instinctive concerns into that.
Go ahead, comment on that.
Well, again, there's a psychological war that's being waged against us, and that's precisely what it is designed to do, is make you subservient to this coming system.
I mean, that thing that George W. Bush said about, out of these troubled times, our objective, a new world order, can emerge today.
That new world order is struggling to be born, a world quite different from the one we have known.
You know, it's like somebody said one time, people will tell you they're bad intentions if you just allow yourself to hear it.
And I think he said that they used the term New World Order over a hundred times in his administration.
That's frightening in itself.
But again, there's no doubt that this is an orchestrated effort.
Look, it's undeniable.
Nobody wants it.
People just want to live their lives and go along, make a little money, enjoy their families, this and that, but this is what we've got to do.
Well, instead of just pushing back to get them off our backs, we've got to route these parasite control freaks out.
Just like when they try to tell people, you know, your grandpa in World War II veteran dies, you go to the Houston VA Cemetery, one of the biggest in the country, and they say you can't have a priest or a pastor here to pray, you've got to get aggressive and go after them.
In the federal court, first the Pentagon denied it, turned out they'd ordered it.
Again, they're always behind the scenes trying to create basically a Soviet America for the bankers.
They don't want freedom and they want to have population reduction and they want to shut down our free speech.
That's why it's so important now to support alternative media more than ever.
In closing, what's your view on the internet kill switch and FEMA coming up later this month, next month, testing takeover systems of radio?
Well, it's just they're going to begin rubbing it in our faces now because we haven't been able to stop them from doing it, except in isolated cases.
We haven't been able to stop them from invading our privacy.
Just everybody keep in mind that while they are able to log every keystroke, every email, everything that you do is stored somewhere, including conversations on your cell phone.
Uh, just remember something an old Chicago criminal lawyer told me one time, who's recently passed away.
Don't ever say anything over a phone or in an email or a text message that you wouldn't want repeated or played back in front of a federal grand jury.
So just let discretion be your guide.
But more than that, reconnect with your true character.
Whatever that is, good character or bad character, pick a side.
We're out of time.
We're out of time.
It's just about game time.
So decide what side you're going to be on and go there.
If you're going to be one of these people out there that says, I'm worth more than $7 an hour, you know, I'm not going to do anything.
I want you to give it to me.
Forget about it.
You're not going to get it.
The only thing that you're going to get is what you're given.
You're not going to be able to make a life for yourself.
It's going to be made for you.
And then what?
You're assigned an apartment?
You're assigned a little card as to whether or not you can even drive a car?
If that's the life you want, just sit there and do nothing.
Otherwise, participate in this great event.
Put this thing back like it was.
Nobody has improved upon the wheel.
There are always going to be injustices overcome.
Work on that.
But for God's sake, hold on to the foundation.
And that foundation is the United States Constitution.
That is what has enabled us to do what no other nation or combination of nations have been able to do in 235 years.
If you're 50 years old, you've been alive more than 20% of the time that this nation's even been in existence.
Be part of it.
Be part of it.
Breathe life back into the spirit of 1776 and liberty or bow your knee to total tyranny and submit to being a slave.
John B. Wells, incredible interview.
Can't wait to have you back.
Thank you for spending time with us.
Thank you, Alex.
It was a pleasure.
It was a pleasure having you.
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Well, I've got to say that that was an amazing interview.
With John B. Wells.
I really look forward to having him back up on the broadcast with us in the near future.
Just incredible.
In fact, I'd have him filling on the show, but I don't want to get in the middle of what Kosta Kostam's doing.
What a great talk show host.
No wonder he's won Marconi Awards and everything else.
I look forward to... And you know what?
I love what he was saying.
It's time to pick a side.
He could feel it in his gut.
He tried to stay invisible all these years.
He's a guy doing, you know, the big ads for the Defense Department and stuff, and now he's just coming out and talking about the real world.
And saying, hey, I'm risking a lot doing this, but I'm telling you what I really think.
Because, ladies and gentlemen, when we live
As cowards, we invite destruction.
And again, it's not sold as cowardice.
It's play ball, go along to get along, be friendly, don't make waves.
That doesn't create waves for a while.
But then when the waves do come, they're ten times bigger.
And I'm all in.
I mean, I realize a few times in my life I've passed spiritual points in my life.
I passed one of those when I spoke to the Bilderberg Group, bullhorned them, and Holbrook came out there at the 2006 Canada-Bilderberg meeting.
I felt that Rubicon I was passing.
I felt that Rubicon when I was at the Dallas Fed a week and a half ago.
And the crew felt it too.
And now we've learned there was people there trying to set off a bomb.
Reportedly, we're going to try to find out exactly what happened with that and what that federal provocateur was up to.
I've got to track all that down, but we're talking to the witnesses and people right as I was arriving, but they ran the person off.
This just shows you the level of evil we're facing.
The Federal Reserve is trying to shut down my YouTube channel right now because of this privacy complaint that I'm violating their privacy.
That's before the YouTube board right now.
I can feel it.
That I'm passing into a whole new level of danger but also opportunity.
And I'm just, I'm almost nostalgic for
Not living in this type of danger.
But I understand it is a mind trick.
You're in the danger whether you admit it or not.
Letting this system continue along its path towards total global meltdown, that is a much greater danger to the species, to my children, to your children.
And this is a time to be all in.
Now we are listener supported by the sponsors with the online video apparel bookstore video store at Infowars.com with the PrisonPlanet.tv memberships.
It was four years ago that listeners started a money bomb.
And, uh, it started getting a lot of attention.
I learned people had pledged several hundred thousand dollars, so I got behind it like two days before.
And with that $300,000 we raised, I was able to begin the process to move into a bigger office.
Then the next couple money bombs, we were able to build this structure, hire the people, uh, and build the TV studio.
And now we've gotten to the point where we need this money bomb.
Around 20%
of the money each year now that we need to run this operation.
You know, it takes millions of dollars to run this.
People then go, what, you're making millions?
No, no, it takes millions to run this.
You understand, that's the cost of running this operation.
And we have now, a little bit late this year, and we're going to Webster Tarpley, a little bit late this year, launched it.
Normally I promote it a month out, but I've been so busy with the nightly news, so busy with special reports, so busy
With everything that we're launching this just, what, like 14 days before?
And so you can start donating now if you'd like to.
We're going to broadcast 24 hours again with special guests and a lot more coming up on the 3rd.
In fact, they have the date on there.
I just finally saw this site completed this morning.
And you can be the first to donate via credit card, PayPal.
You can also mail in your donations now.
To our address here, InfoWars PO Box 19549 Austin, TX 78760.
You can make them payable to Alex Jones, InfoWars, Free Speech Systems, whatever you'd like.
Again, PO Box 19549 Austin, TX 78760.
And now, the site, as you donate, actually updates in real time.
And if you scroll down, it's a rocket.
You know, I told the folks, let's not do a radio tower.
Because somehow folks thought that was a pyramid or something.
But I said, obviously with a thermometer or something, it's got to be, you know, a top-down symbol.
So it's a rocket, a Buck Rogers-style rocket.
I had said a Saturn rocket at the missile gantry, but this is what they came up with.
I think it's better than my idea.
It's kind of an old Bugs Bunny-style rabbit, you know, Warner Brothers rocket.
Uh, the type that blasts off from Cape Canaveral actually looks like a Werner Von Braun V1 or V6.
I forget the name of those.
The point is it looks like a 1940s rocket and the goal is $500,000.
Sounds like a lot, but we need to hire four or five more reporters, servers, equipment, uh, satellite uplink type systems.
And we're going to be shooting a video that shows what we've done in the last 16 years, what we've done in the last four years of money bombs, what we've built.
Going to the next level.
That's why it's a rocket.
We're trying to go to the next level.
We're trying to blast off and escape the globalists, you know, clutches.
Trying to escape the god of this world, I guess, and get outside of this system and up into Valhalla.
So again, the new website, if you want to check it out, there'll be videos up there in the next few days.
I may even shoot a quick one today, but a highly produced one will be up in the next few days, is InfoWarsMoneyBomb.com.
Infowarsmoneybomb.com or you can simply go to infowars.com forward slash money bomb and start donating today.
We're going to probably get Pchenik on about 40 after because I really want to have some time with Tarpley.
And I also need to get into promoting this money bomb.
Please help us get the word out about it.
Because we are the alternative media.
We are the tip of the spear.
We're doing something no one else is doing.
No one else has done or ever done what we're doing at this level.
We're the best there is.
Doesn't mean I'm that good.
My crew's great.
But I'm doing the best I can.
And we need your support to get this done.
So fuel our rocket so it can blast off.
I think they said that once it goes to 500,000, the rocket does take off.
So we'll see if we meet our goal this year.
We came at about $60,000 of it last year, and I didn't just claim that we made our goal and, you know, add the fiat made up money in there.
But we need to reach our goal this year to really be able to continue confidently and expand some, which is what I want to do.
Obviously, the economy is going into freefall.
Now, shifting gears, he was just there a few months ago under bombardment.
They've said Muammar Gaddafi is dead.
He did promise to stay and fight with the bin Laden thing.
We know that was fake because of the evidence.
With this, I don't know.
And again, Al-Qaeda has been given all these service-to-air missiles now, so we're told we have to have domestic checkpoints on highways, as I told you they would do, to stop the Al-Qaeda missiles that were given to Al-Qaeda that's been given Libya.
So to break this down, joining us via video Skype is Webster Griffin Tarpley, historian and also economist.
Webster, what do you make of this?
Hi Alex, well certainly it's a horrifying spectacle, whatever the reality is, right, to see all of this gloating and disgusting celebration about the alleged death of Gaddafi.
Now let's stress,
This is alleged, and it's coming from sources that are notoriously unreliable, that is to say the Transitional National Council, the people that NATO has appointed as the puppet rulers of the country.
There are now two stories that seem to be competing.
I think the basic reality is there was some kind of a
I don't know.
They were closing this pocket at the inside of Sirte and certain Qaddafi forces were apparently attempting to get out.
So there's a story that this person's convoy was bombed by NATO aircraft and then there's an embroidered story which seems to borrow from the Saddam Hussein which is that Qaddafi had taken refuge in a drainage pipe underground.
I stress again, it's all alleged by some of the biggest lawyers in the world.
Yeah, that's done to not make him look like a guy dying on the battlefield, but hiding as a rat.
I mean, that's classic psychological warfare.
He's called them deservedly.
They have been called rats and vermin all around the world, and they are.
So they want to be able to apply that to him, that he's a sewer rat, and so forth.
You have to remember, somebody like Gaddafi, he's not called the Desert Fox for nothing.
And somebody like this, I think, is likely to have doubles, right?
The so-called doppelganger.
So if you have doubles, maybe if you're going to take a position in Sirte, you must have a double or two with you.
So the question is now, at the moment where the siege comes to an end, where the siege can't be maintained because of NATO bombing, then did these rebels kill a double or did they kill Gaddafi?
Now, the other question is,
We can see on Al Jazeera and Agence France-Presse, they have films of Gaddafi being captured alive, apparently wounded or alive.
Again, an individual purporting, or they claim is Gaddafi, captured alive.
This person is then loaded into what looks like a pickup truck, or they call it an ambulance, I don't know.
Being obviously harassed by these terrorist Al-Qaeda goons, and then later on they show you pictures of this same person allegedly dead.
So, a mass of contradictions.
Even Hillary Clinton, who was of course eager to gloat when she was told about this, said, well of course we've heard fantastic stories from these people.
In fact, we heard he was killed inside of his compound a few months ago, and we heard he ran to Venezuela in all of this.
Also, we know the rebels have been losing quite a bit, so this could be a propaganda coup, or he could have been killed in some other African country when the special forces went down to Uganda last week.
I mean, the truth is, when we've been lied to by a group over and over again, we can't believe a word they say, so we just don't know.
There is now this air of mystery.
I believe Obama wanted to hang back and gloat last, because we've had Sarkozy gloating.
By the way, he's speaking right now.
Yes, Obama's on right now, but he waited, because everybody else has now gone first.
Ban Ki-moon went first, Madame Ashton of the European Union, Haig, the foreign secretary, Sarkozy, of course, trying to get out there in front.
Now, Obama comes last, which is also his stealth
Profiling this entire thing.
So, let us just bracket this now.
Let's assume... Stay there, stay there.
I want to get your analysis straight ahead.
Webster Griffin, Tarpley, Zargass, Tarpley.net.
We're InfoWars.com.
Stay with us.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, so Obama just finished speaking a few minutes ago.
El Presidente.
And maybe he's a Qaddafi double.
In fact, can you pull up that Gene Simmons photo right next to Qaddafi?
I mean, he does have a lot of doubles.
Gene Simmons has been rumored to actually be Qaddafi.
There's even a better one than that where he looks just like Qaddafi.
We're showing it to Prison Planet TV viewers.
By the way, there's a story I want to get into.
It's up at the DrudgeReport.com on the bottom of the left-hand side.
It's our article.
It says, Egypt's top Facebook revolutionary now advising.
So the State Department has their guy advising Occupy Wall Street.
I want to get into that color revolution as well and where you see that going, but finishing up... Go Nim!
Go Nim!
Yes, but finishing up with the Qaddafi, go ahead.
Look, let's assume for the moment that these reports are true.
We don't know.
One question is then, what's with the succession?
Some of these reports say another son of Gaddafi, Motasen, has been either killed or captured.
Then there's Saif, he's principally the political heir to Gaddafi, the father.
So, Saif al-Islam, what's with him?
They have stories now his motorcade is surrounded and he's going to be captured.
Who knows?
Maybe that's him, maybe that's a double for him.
There's also then Khamis.
Khamis, reported dead by some, asserted to be alive by others.
Certainly alive is Aisha, the daughter.
She's, I believe, in Algiers.
So, a lot of this goes on.
There's also Musa Ibrahim, the very courageous and capable spokesperson for the Gaddafi regime, and he is also
Continuing to operate.
And some messages may come through Syria.
Watch that RAI channel in Syria.
But now, assuming Gaddafi is out of the picture, what happens?
Well, the obvious thing is, this was the only thing that kept this rebel coalition together.
And the idea is this.
Inside the rebel coalition, you have two main groups.
One are the Gaddafi renegades and the Gaddafi retreads.
People who were ministers who then
Betrayed Gaddafi.
So this would be Jalil, who is the head of state, he's the head of the council, and Jibril, who's the head of government, Hillary Clinton's boyfriend.
Now, Jibril has already said that he will quit when the war ends.
And from the other side, you've got the Al-Qaeda people, right?
The actual terrorists, the killers, the people who have been fighting in Afghanistan.
And from what I'm reading, they're the dominant group.
And now they're saying they've got thousands of shoulder-launched surface-to-air missiles, so we've got to all give our rights up because the freedom fighters have missiles.
So the idea is you've got the Qaddafi renegades and the Qaddafi retreads on the one hand, and that's the public international face of the new regime, if that's what it is, and on the other side you've got the killers, the bloody-handed Al-Qaeda veterans who have been killing U.S.
forces and carrying out acts of terrorism, according to anybody's definition.
And at the top of that we seem to have this guy, Belhaj Hassadi, that I had identified back in March.
And Hassadi has
He's done things like telling Jibril and Jalil, you guys get out.
Or he barges into meetings and says, remember you can't decide anything without me.
I'm Belhaj Hassadi and I'm the top dog here in Tripoli.
Well it's also reported that Qatar, that their general is backing the Al-Qaeda people.
Yeah, they have to choose sides, and I guess maybe they want to be on the winning side.
No, but they say at these meetings the Al-Qaeda guys have the general behind them, and literally they say, hey, we've got the weapons.
So, this looks like a Civil War brewing.
Now, the Gaddafi side is the third side in the Civil War, and that, I believe, is the South, right?
The black guys in Fezzan and the southern part.
Remember, a couple of days ago, NATO actually made a statement saying to African countries, hey you guys in Mali and in Chad and in Burkina Faso or any place else, Sudan, don't you dare give asylum to the Gaddafi clan because we're coming after them.
I don't
Three more, right?
Wait, stop right there.
There's forces in Colombia.
There's now U.S.
forces, we've confirmed, inside Mexico.
Forty thousand dead the last three years.
Bigger than Vietnam per year per capita.
I mean, this is just full global invasion.
What's your count?
A dozen, maybe.
We may be up to a dozen wars.
Maybe fifteen, right?
With Obama, the sky's the limit.
Does he get more peace prizes, though?
If he gets a hundred?
I think they're going to institute a Nobel Prize for hypocrisy and give it to him.
So, this, I think, this is, at the same time, this is a horrible perspective for the people of Libya.
Remember, what's going to happen now is economic liberalization.
They're going to get the joys of the free market.
Oh boy.
They're going to get everything privatized that was not privatized.
And the oil will now be looted by foreign companies.
Yeah, that doesn't mean actually privatize it.
It means hand it over to the bankers.
Stay there.
I want to finish up on the economy.
That's privatization.
And I want to look at what's happening in Europe and tie it into the U.S.
because they're announcing a long, steep drop for American standard of living.
CNBC, globalism means you're poor, but you pay more taxes to the central bankers.
And they're banning cash in Louisiana.
You can't make this up.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Now Daddy didn't like trouble
But if it came along, everyone that knew him knew which side that he'd be on.
He never was a hero, was his town he shined like.
But you could always find him standing up for what he thought was right.
He'd say, you've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything.
Yeah, remember five years ago, Bush said, I promise we're not spying on you without warrants.
And now they admit they just tape everything totally illegal.
I told you I saw Homeland Security meetings on C-SPAN.
They're going to have checkpoints everywhere and trained security guards with federal power that will grope you, that will stick their hands down your pants.
It's an act of submission.
All over the country today, TSA checkpoints on highways.
They say, oh, you don't like it, don't fly.
You don't like it, don't drive.
They're already announcing they have TSA approval to have a job.
They're announcing you can't, uh, in your business use cash in Louisiana unless you're a big box store.
Can't have resale goods, like garage sales.
Can't have lemonade stands.
The whole country's turning into a prison.
The government's created all these new agencies, all these new control freaks, who work for the offshore banks to essanguiate, to suck dry the country.
to raise your taxes and then hand the infrastructure over to foreign banks, who then will charge you for everything you paid to build.
Now, finishing up with Libya now, they can use that as the front door for the full Afrikan invasion, as you said in the Obama deception, Tarpley.
Now, finishing up in one minute on that, I want to then segue into
The announcement of 70 plus trillion in Bank of America.
In fact, that article was here, but I don't have it.
We asked Duda to run it in.
He had it for the TV show tonight.
The Bank of America, 70 plus trillion backstopped by the federal government.
Our whole deficit's 14 trillion.
But this is the privatization.
It's just give all our money to banks, and then the banks tell us how to live our lives.
Pretty good if you can get that work, Webster.
Well, the problem, of course, is everybody's complaining now, right?
Occupy Wall Street, they have a list of complaints.
Everybody's got complaints.
And the big question is, what do you do?
What's the action?
Well, you need a political mass movement to break the back of finance capital in the form of Wall Street.
Frederick Douglass once said, power concedes nothing without a demand.
So, you want to have political action, have some demands.
Obvious things, nationalize the Federal Reserve, impose that 1% Wall Street sales tax, stop the cuts to the social safety net, stop foreclosures and fraud closures.
That'll hit Bank of America very hard because they're out there stealing people's homes.
Rebuild the entire infrastructure, be it road, rail, energy, public buildings, schools, canals, water systems, and create 30 million new productive jobs.
In other words, a mass strike, a general strike, growing out of the Occupy Wall Street,
The only problem is you've got to sweep aside the current gaggle of counterinsurgency agents who are now running the show.
The people from Adbusters, The Situationist International, these pathetic Indiñados of Madrid who are the biggest failures.
I had a lady on my show saying the Indiñados were a soap opera for zombies who thought they were making the revolution.
Get those people out of there!
And wherever you find facilitators,
I don't know.
That will clear the air enormously.
Yeah, but my thing is they want to push for austerity on the middle class to pay in banker bailouts.
On the right, they got Herman Cain pushing a new sales tax on the people to track and control everybody.
What do you make of the French and the Germans not coming to an agreement?
Because I've seen the tentative agreements.
It's the total transfer of any sovereignty left.
In Europe, Webster, to this new private banking system that you'll pay your carbon taxes, your VAT to.
I mean, they are really trying to do to Europe what Hitler couldn't do.
But because it's economic, it's supposedly cutesy.
And we're being dominated by the Ponzi scheme operators who are the ones that should go to prison.
If you look at the dynamics of imposing austerity in Europe, there it's done under left-wing auspices.
I guess it's done that way here, at least under Obama.
Papandreou of Greece, the biggest agent of the International Monetary Fund, is a socialist.
He's from the Socialist or Second International.
It used to be called the Yellow International.
Zapatero of Spain, same thing.
A socialist.
Now, it doesn't mean they're socialists.
These guys are bankers' boys.
They're pure agents of finance capital.
But the rhetoric and the cover is so-called socialist.
You look at some of these other countries, it gets to be the same thing.
The number one task there, it's the same thing you want to do here.
Kick out the agents.
Don't let these people dominate.
They're having a general strike in Greece.
It's the 12th or 13th or 14th time.
Get rid of this Papandreou.
Get him out of there.
And if you get some right-wing monster, and the PP or whatever this is called in Spain, same story,
Then you can have actual class struggle in a much clearer atmosphere.
Some of the resistance in Europe comes from German bankers, and it's interesting.
This guy Schäuble, the guy you see sometimes in the wheelchair, he says, well, these bondholders need to take a haircut, right?
They should get...
20 or 50 or whatever percent lopped off their bond holdings.
And of course, triché, the outgoing head of the European Central Bank says, horrors, horrors!
We don't want any austerity for the bank.
The bankers, they say, we want the sanctity of debt, the sanctity of contracts.
If it's a labor contract, they destroy it.
But if it's a contract with a bondholder, then they say, okay, this has got to be sacrosanct.
Well, it won't work, because these countries are
In immediate need of a debt moratorium.
Something similar could happen here, by the way.
You just take one trillion dollars of student loans and cancel them, right?
And let those zombie bankers eat the losses.
Otherwise, you're not going to have another generation, right?
The whole process of family formation and building careers and having children, we're going to have a demographic crisis worse than we think.
Because people are being crushed by their student loans.
So, the idea is now, the perspective of mass struggle lies open.
The mass strike period is here, now get into it and intervene with a program.
Kick out the agents, kick out the facilitators, and start fighting for a program.
Look, we're going to have to get you back on to talk more about your idea for solutions, but undoubtedly they admit the State Department and others are running this Occupy Wall Street thing in an attempt to have them just call for more taxes, which is exactly what the megabanks want.
Yeah, that's not what they're calling for.
They're calling for a sales tax.
Wait, wait, wait.
Who's they?
The nurses, right?
American Nurses United.
This is a militant union, and they're good.
These are some fighting ladies.
They fought that pig Schwarzenegger to a standstill in California, and they're now intervening into these things saying, we want the transfer tax.
That means the Wall Street sales tax.
And the only reason that doesn't go through is because you've got a bunch of facilitators, these creeps, the people who wouldn't let John Lewis come in and wreck everything they touch.
They wouldn't allow this stuff to be voted on, because otherwise it would be.
Well, so we're going to have to look at that more later, but I appreciate you joining us to talk about the situation in Libya.
I appreciate you being on with us.
We'll talk to you more in the near future.
Yeah, here's an article right here.
Holy bailout.
This is being reported on by Reuters, the Associated Press.
This particular article, the printer didn't tell me where it was at.
I had it in my stack yesterday.
Yeah, this is the Daily Mail.
Okay, that's what I thought.
They need to set those printers to say the URL.
Thank you.
It says, Federal Reserve now backstopping $75 trillion of Bank of America derivatives trades.
And it goes on through what's happening.
Just unbelievable.
I love how these banks always lecture us about communism.
You know, I hate communism.
I hate socialism.
But now we have a domesticated population, de-industrialized country.
The banks have stolen tens of trillions.
Now they want tens of trillions more.
And they've got the Republicans running around.
And the Democrats running around, it's just unspeakably bad to see all of this happening.
William K. Black, who we've interviewed, we're going to get him back on, a guy that prosecuted a lot of these people in the past, says, not with a bang, but with a whimper, Bank of America's derivatives death rattle.
I mean, this country is getting ready to go belly up.
And there's no mistake, you got all these new wars they want to start.
You got the fake killing of bin Laden.
You got the fake killing of Ammar al-Awlaki.
All these people.
Now, I've got to say that this does fit the MO for somebody like Qaddafi who said he was going to fight to the death.
But we've got all these conflicting stories.
Hillary won't say that it's confirmed.
Could it be a body double?
I don't know.
But you notice they're talking about this now while Europe goes into a freefall and while CNBC announces that austerity's here, America's over.
A long, steep drop for America's standard of living.
He's been on a lot with us lately because so much has been happening.
And we've only got him about seven, eight minutes as we got a break here.
Dr. Steve Pichenik, formerly with the State Department, Black Ops, overthrow governments, you name it, talking about the Bin Laden thing being fake before they ever rolled him out.
And when we got contacted this morning, he's saying he smells a rat here.
So I wanted to give his perspective.
Doc, what's your what's your view on this whole Qaddafi thing right now?
Well, right now they've lied once again.
I mean, this has been the Osama bin Laden lying, the lying of the Mexican cartel in Tehran.
And once again, you have the same MO.
You have a president who hasn't done anything.
He wants to run for re-election.
He's diverting attention to Qaddafi.
And the answer was, remember the 100 troops that were sent down a week ago into Chad and Niger?
That's the southern part of Libya.
They're there.
Special Forces is always headed to
That's good.
This is an absolute, unmitigated lie.
The reason I'm concerned about it is, once again, it's our military, our President, our Secretary of State is lying.
There's no way that Hillary Clinton can go into Libya and denounce that she's going to recognize a transitional government without having had Qaddafi's life saved, and we've had Belgian special forces
We have our own special forces who will take him out and put him up in the Sahel region with his family.
His wife left to Algeria a couple of weeks ago.
We do not kill foreign legions.
I was involved with Idi Amin in Uganda.
We sent him to Saudi Arabia after he killed a couple hundred thousand.
I was involved with Noriega.
We sent him over to Spain.
I was involved in the Khmer Rouge.
I mean, every leader that we've dealt with
We do the rights of kicking.
We take them out.
Shushesku, the same thing, even Rumsfeld admitted, we're going to do to Shushesku, to Saddam Hussein what we did to Shushesku.
We did not take out Shushesku.
We burned the body.
It's a psyops technique, but more importantly...
We have this continuous series of lies coming out from Obama, and from Hillary Clinton, and from our intelligence, and from the UN.
And once again, this country has to say, why are we getting lied to at a moment when we have economic problems, a diversion, and the President, by the way, is now getting re-elected and has John Biden, Joseph Biden, one of the retards, I think, of American politics,
Going up there to file for re-election.
So this is a diversion.
Once again, there's no way Qaddafi has been killed.
He's been involved too long with the CIA.
He's been involved too long with British intelligence, with French intelligence, with the Sahel region.
He controls the sub-Sahel region.
Niger is important where he's got to do.
The French are involved.
Chad is where the French are involved.
Niger supplies 80% of French nuclear fuels.
And our special forces were ostensibly sent to
He's down a Ugandan warlord killer?
No, we're sensitive to probably take out Gaddafi and work with him.
And now what should have happened is he should have been trialed in front of the ICC just like Milosevic, but this administration once again needs to lie consistently on foreign policy to make this president look as if he's tough and strong.
And the lies keep on going and going.
My concern is more about the American people
And the delegitimizing of the office of the presidency, the office of the Secretary of Defense and State, and the credibility of our military, particularly the special operations soldiers, because a lot of guys who were involved, a lot of guys got killed.
It is not true that we were not involved.
We had mercenaries involved, we had French soldiers involved, we had Belgian soldiers involved, and British.
There's no way they killed Muammar Gaddafi.
That's not our operating mode, and I've been involved in 30 years worth of takeouts and
We're good to go.
I mean, they've got a London Guardian now saying they're putting out official photos.
We'll show those on screen.
The headline's warning contains graphic images and video.
Alex, we do that professionally all the time.
We did it with Osama Bin Laden when you had all those tapes.
That was all doctored.
We did it with Saddam Hussein and his kids.
I mean, those are flat photos that can be doctored.
There's no way MI6, British Intelligence, SAS are going to take out a leader when, in fact, a leader had economic investments with these people.
There was no way we're
I think so.
This is more of an embarrassment to our intelligence, to the British intelligence.
If they keep on insisting, they can call me conspiracy, but there's a problem.
I've been lecturing on PSYOPs, regime change, for 20 years at Fort McNair.
I've been teaching this.
Stand down.
I've been involved in more regime change than any one individual in this administration, for sure.
I know the individuals involved, and I can assure you they are lying.
Let me ask you this question.
Let me ask you this question.
We just showed videos and photos now that reportedly they got him, tortured him, shot him in the legs, and then shot him in the head.
I mean, if this is a PSYOP, they've actually produced more.
We know they've created fake Bin Laden videos before and then said they threw him in the ocean.
You yourself, you're the one who gave me the tip off months ago when you said the divine right of kings.
You have to explain that to the audience.
That since the beginning of time, from the biblical times to the New Testament, through the medieval ages, up to British law, including American law, we did not, we do not take out foreign leaders.
We claim we take them, we create pictures of it in order to
No, it's like putting a Napoleon on Alba.
I mean, because other elites don't ever like to see kings have their heads cut off.
They like to basically keep themselves above the fray.
I mean, there's no doubt that Bin Laden's fake.
You're just saying, knowing the players involved, maybe they grabbed a body double and killed him.
I mean, who knows?
Oh no, this is total distortion lying.
It's consistent.
Think about it for a minute, Alex, and your audience.
Get very smart, and this is why you're so important.
Bin Laden was faked, I predict that.
We talked about the fact that the war, this nonsense story that came out of Mexico,
Stay there.
I want to hear about that.
Stay there.
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Okay, this is what the Daily Mail and others are saying.
They've got the Prime Minister, Al-Qaeda leader over there, and now they've been given these thousands of shoulder-fired missiles.
We've all got to give our rights up because Al-Qaeda is going to get us now, but Al-Qaeda is the good guys.
TSA checkpoints all over the country, dragging families out of their cars.
They tried it with us last night, that video will premiere.
This evening.
It's pretty powerful.
I get in their face big time at PrisonPlanet.tv 7 o'clock.
What did I ever do to you?
Then we're going back to Pachinik here to finish up.
What Qaddafi said as he begged for his life.
Libyan Prime Minister confirms that former dictator is dead.
Wounded, weakened, covered in blood.
And dirt.
The fallen dictator was dragged from a truck to meet his unceremonious end.
First he said it was a gutter or a spider hole.
In front of a Brang mob, Muammar Gaddafi, the former Libyan leader, begged the revolutionary soldiers for his life.
They're lying.
What this is, is a classical denigration.
But I'm questioning the fact that this president repeatedly has to lie.
The CIA was involved in this.
Special Ops was involved.
It's not an accident.
You have Special Ops going into Chad and Central Africa.
I saw it five days ago.
And you have Joe Biden asking for a re-election of the President to show how powerful he is when he can't do anything domestically.
And then you have the pathological liar, Hillary Clinton, going to Libya.
There's no way that woman, who's basically very scared and very ineffectual, would go to Libya and recognize the Transnational Committee.
Hey Doc, something that makes me think you could be right is...
They've released a new fake video of Hillary learning and getting excited, just like the fake Situation Room.
And they do say she's going to Libya.
She's the one that's been caught lying in Iraq and Serbia, claiming she flies into war zones that are under fire.
And it turns out it's all lies.
So, I mean, these are confirmed liars.
Why believe anything?
Well, no, no, they confirmed lies.
I'll tell you, when we were involved in Bosnia, in Rwanda, she was the one who held back her husband, who's another pathological liar.
Clinton, who allowed 800,000 Rwandans to die, even though they were going to be killed beforehand, he was warned about it, and she was worried about his political career.
This is a pathological liar who's married a pathological liar, who works for a pathological liar.
I don't care if they get rid of all of them, but what we need is a reaffirmation of the American government
We're good.
And you don't suddenly get killed and humiliated.
He was taken out quietly by our special forces that were sent out a week ago.
The reason they were sent there was for the Lord Resistance Army in Uganda.
I worked in Uganda.
I took out Idi Amin.
We sent him to Saudi Arabia.
He ended up and he killed over 100,000 people.
So there's no way our special forces was not involved.
I'm ashamed of Petraeus.
I'm ashamed again of the intelligence community and the military.
And I'm afraid that our special forces are being used as cannon fodder, as is our military and our intelligence.
We have to go and protest this again.
And only you, Alex, came forth years ago with the notion that we don't kill and the divine right to king.
And this president is just an obsessional, obsessional, pathological lunatic.
Doc, we're out of time.
Lord willing, we'll be back tomorrow.
We'll be back tonight, 7 o'clock, PrisonPlanet.tv.
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