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Name: 20111017_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 17, 2011
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live.
It is Monday, October 17th, 2011, and I am coming to you from just a couple miles, just two miles or so from the Texas-Mexico border.
I have been down here spending time with my family for a few days on a working, and I mean working, seven days a week vacation.
We are returning to Austin tomorrow.
I have engaged in an investigation talking to locals, ferreting out information, and we've confirmed that they have continuity of government, homeland security, ICE,
FEMA facilities here in the area that we've actually gotten some footage of.
We also, in the middle of being here, there's been a huge red tide fish die off that's made news here in the area.
This is such an incredibly, such an incredibly important broadcast that we're going to have for you here today.
There is a local paper with the red tide.
And what's happening with that?
Of course, all of that, quite frankly, pales in significance to the main news that I'm going to get to when we come back from break.
We've got a constellation of big news stories we're looking at.
I don't have words to describe the magnitude of what's happening, not just on the Texas border with Mexico or the Arizona border with Mexico or the California border with Mexico.
But how the phony drug war is basically totally corrupting and bringing down not just Mexico, but the United States and the type of gangster government we have, and the incredible state of fear down here with the population who are Americans, whether they're white, Hispanic, black, Asian.
You talk to people with blonde hair, blue eyes, with last names like Johnson,
And they're scared to talk.
You talk to the Hispanic folks down here who are Americans, they're scared to death.
But I have had a chance to talk to people connected inside these different FEMA Homeland Security facilities, but that's really a side issue that we'll be covering more.
Dealing with a total state of fear and a Mexican drug cartel shootout with the Mexican Army
uh... inside the united states just a few hundred yards away from the junior varsity football team and the media here will not report it you know three weeks ago uh... the local editor this was buried in the news it was all people that did something on twitter were killed no it was the local administrative editor of the Nuevo Laredo uh... major uh...
And again, I am very close to Brownsville and the Brownsville papers won't report on this.
The Rio Grande City papers will not report on it.
And the reporters have been told there and the TV reporters have been told if they talk about the Mexican troops that are all over the place.
Remember a few years ago we report on Mexican troops inside Texas robbing police, pulling police over, Mexican Army vehicles pulling them over, in one case six miles inside the U.S.
I actually had the sheriff on from the Texas County at that time near here.
And they pulled him over and said, we're going to kill you if you talk about it.
And they took the drugs, the truck of marijuana that they'd seized back from them.
Here, they've told the reporters that they're going to kill him.
This is inside the U.S.
if they report on it.
So there's huge shootouts.
There's been truck bombs and car bombs down here in the last few months.
Not on the news.
But don't worry, the U.S.
cops are pulling over citizens, writing them tickets for going five miles over the speed limit, squeezing the slaves.
But the police around here literally walk around with giant spots of urine on their pants when it comes to the Mexican cartels and the Mexican military.
I mean, just unbelievable.
We'll be right back with all of this and a lot more.
The Federal Reserve trying to censor us.
The Iran situation.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
It is Monday, the 17th day.
of October 2011 and we are going to be live here for the next three hours.
We have a completely jam-packed and incredibly important transmission lined up for you today.
Number one, Obama has come out and endorsed the Occupy Wall Street people, so has the Federal Reserve.
There are new endorsements by the establishment.
MoveOn.org admits from the beginning they've been basically trying to take it over.
In many cases, they've been successful.
All over the country, Ron Paul in the Fed signs.
My own crew and Austin and others, like Matt Medina in San Antonio, people in New York, D.C., they're told, not welcome.
Basically, all that's welcome is a call for bigger taxes on the middle class.
Wealth transference.
Obama is clearly engaging in class warfare.
And the usual suspects, people that endorsed Obama during his campaign, many of which that pose as so-called anti-patriot
Yes, we know that there are corrupt elements in Wall Street.
But to just ignore the Federal Reserve like Michael Moore has done, to ignore the Federal Reserve like Sean Penn has done, and to simply make it a Tea Party against Occupy Wall Street movement, and that's now in the news today.
That's what they're basically doing.
They're making opposition to the New World Order, opposition to the mega banks, either anti-Tea Party or anti-
Occupy Wall Street, which both of which the Republicans and Democrats have tried to take over respectively.
Again, it's good to protest the corruption on Wall Street, the crony capitalism, all the things that have been happening.
But when Obama starts endorsing it, clearly that's an attempt to fully take it over.
George Soros and his anti-patriot, anti-America
ongoing activity is attempting to forge a color revolution knowing that this country is on the verge of revolution against the private fellow reserve system the private fellow reserve warren buffett uh... barack obama
All of the usual suspects, Hillary Clinton, have come out and endorsed Occupy Wall Street.
And they've had their operatives there on the ground since day one.
Now I'll get into the big news here in a moment.
On Iran, on the Mexican drug cartels, on all of it.
But first I want to finish up with this.
This is the history of what happened.
Four weeks into this.
If you go back a couple months ago, Adbusters, which speak out against out-of-control consumerism and stuff like that, and I see their point, but their solution is basically a type of collectivism, and they've been big Democratic Party establishment supporters, and that's on record.
That group and others put out the idea to occupy Wall Street in October off of the model of the October Revolution in 1917 in Russia.
Now, people heard about this in the grassroots and through cyberspace and through Twitter.
They showed up because they're angry about their student loans.
They're angry about the banker bailouts.
They're angry about the Robo signing and Bank of America and all this corruption.
So a lot of well-meaning people show up saying, yeah, now is the time to do something.
And then from day one, it's a grassroots thing that listened to the call
of the establishment George Soros system to come out against Wall Street.
Then they show up, they are grassroots, but they listen to the siren call, the Pied Piper call of the Obama people wanting to control the revolution by triggering it themselves.
Once the Occupy Wall Street people showed up, they're on scene.
Once they were in place, then the operatives came in and said, this is not political, to make sure Tea Party people or Ron Paul folks or anti-globalists couldn't get a foothold and actually wake up the kind of newbies to politics that were, you know, for the first time, kind of like the Tea Party, showing up in the streets.
Here comes the Democrats to take it over, just like the Republicans tried, and in many respects failed, but in other respects succeeded in taking over the Tea Party.
And so now we have Obama coming out and saying, I agree with you, it's the wealth disparency, it's the 99%, and I'm going to help you go after the 1%.
We are all in the 99 together.
When Barack Obama is completely and totally and has always been completely and totally financed like no president in history by the most corrupt elements of Wall Street, the big six mega banks and brokerage firms, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs.
And others.
There's no debating that fact.
His entire administration filled with these people, stealing tens of trillions of dollars, continuing the exact same policies of Bush, run by the very same Wall Street bosses.
The Henry Paulsons and others just handed power to their underlings and other former Goldman Sachs alumni.
And so that's all that's happening here.
And we have this spectacle of Obama launching all these new wars and all this secret arrest and all this torture and all this secrecy and all this rendition and all this gun grabbing while saying he is the man of peace who's given the Nobel Peace Prize.
Just like he is saying he's against Wall Street, and then paints that as class warfare, anti-free market, when it's the Federal Reserve, from the right with Herman Cain, and on the left with Warren Buffett and others, openly calling for austerity taxes, not to help the poor, but to pay it in corporate welfare and large yes.
And kickbacks and banker bailouts to them.
It's 100% transparent and ridiculous.
And now they admit this is the Obama strategy.
It came out a few weeks ago that they plan to use class warfare.
That they plan to use racial conflict, that they plan to use divide and conquer.
What else do you think the banksters are going to do during this critical time?
They don't want the American people, black, white, Hispanic, old, young, northerner, southerner, westerner.
Muslim, you name it, Hindu, Jewish, the list goes on and on.
They don't want us coming together as a population and saying the private fellow reserve got rid of Glass-Steagall, created tens of trillions in fake derivatives, bought up real assets with the fraudulent paper, now wants us to prop up their whole paper empire, wants us to go into indentured servitude.
Herman Cain wants VAT and sales taxes to, quote, pay off what we owe to the bankers, just like Greece or Iceland.
Which we don't owe over 90% of it.
We're now here to this point as Republicans and Democrats to try to sell this fraud.
It's now come out that John P. Holdren
Is the person that Mitt Romney wants to be his science advisor and who he publicly says he would tap.
He wants Obama's science advisor who wants global warming taxes, one-child policies, chemicals in the water and food to sterilize us.
Mitt Romney's for gun control, abortion, open borders, carbon taxes.
I mean the list goes on and on and on and Republicans are fawning to vote for this.
They're fawning to vote for Rick Perry, Al Gore's former chief of staff in Texas, carbon tax lover, Hillary Care lover.
I forgot to mention Mitt Romney wrote Obamacare.
Fawning for that.
Fawning for the former head of the Federal Reserve, Kansas City, who wants to bring in new taxes on top of the income tax.
All those years they swore, we won't bring forward the fair tax until the income tax is gone.
I always told you they'd keep them all.
Just claimed that they were going to lower them down to 9% because that was always the Federal Reserve plan.
Because the European Central Bank did the same thing a decade ago.
I know the enemy.
I eat, drink and sleep this information.
I know what I'm talking about.
This is not hyped up hyperbole.
This morning I sat there for hours getting ready for this radio show.
With the information I've learned down here at the border, that's worse than I even knew.
It's unspeakable, the genocide going on.
That's how locals describe it.
The incredible conscription of the population into slavery.
Oh, you're going to hear it all today, and we're going to cover it with documentation.
This is so amazing that I don't have words to describe how evil the TSA is and their conscious plan to break our will and train us to be prisoners and turn all of America into a giant prison system with checkpoints and blood draws and hands down the pants.
I don't have words to describe how evil the North American Union plan is to cause this drug war in Mexico that will end up setting up the North American Union security perimeter already established.
I cannot describe to you the magnitude of how the system is running giant drills in and around Iran and how the neocons are openly calling for war with Iran.
I do not have words to describe to you the fact that the Federal Reserve is trying to censor one of our videos right now and shut down our YouTube channel.
This is all coming up today, and I'm going to attempt to be as calm and as focused as I can, but to see
Herman Cain in the lead right now.
43% to Obama's 41%.
Now, I also notice here that in similar polls, Ron Paul is 43% to Obama's 41% or 44% to Obama's 40%.
But that's not getting as much media attention.
And to see the public running into the arms of another globalist, it's just too much for me to handle.
On top of that, again, Obama is fired up.
Obama has a shout-out to the protesters and says he represents the 99 against the 1%.
And the same idiot Democrats are now going, good, now Obama will give me my free car and my free house and my free tuition.
Did you get that when he promised it four years ago?
Three and a half years ago?
Oh, thank you, Mr. President.
All my problems are now solved.
Did you get that?
No, you didn't get that.
And so there's no doubt that the goal here is class warfare, divide and conquer, and racial division, which is their admitted plan in this country.
We've got to get into those Occupy Wall Street people, just like the Tea Party, when the Republicans try to take it over and educate them about what's happening.
And the good news is, on the grassroots, they are awake to the fact that it's a fraud.
At the grassroots, they are aware that it's a fraud.
But the national media is going along with the hoax that it is Democrat.
We're good to go!
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Our rights as individuals to freely purchase dietary supplements over the counter are under constant attack.
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Storable foods are essential, but you also need to make sure you have the nutrients you need to stay healthy during emergencies.
We're good to go.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, I want to be clear here.
Coming up today, I'm going to open the phones up after I cover some of the news, and then we also have pharmacist Ben Fuchs popping in to cover all the new incredible attacks on dietary supplements that are really heating up right now across the United States.
So that is coming up.
I'm also going to break down the notice that the Federal Reserve gave YouTube over the weekend requesting that they pull a video critical of the Federal Reserve and right now that is being reviewed by YouTube.
They have not taken the video down yet and they have not told us the results of their investigation.
But I will be talking about that later on in the second hour today.
The particular video that they're trying to censor is at the Dallas
And San Antonio Fed, there's video of both, where at the Dallas Fed they have signs up that say private property keep off and have fences put up in front of it, something they didn't have just a few months ago or three plus years ago when I was there demonstrating.
You can see that in my film, The Obama Deception.
Now they've put up these fences and put up signs saying private property keep off, just on the grass, not even on their own sidewalk.
Now at the San Antonio Fed, they have their own marble sidewalk running up against the regular sidewalk.
They don't have any private property signs, but they sent the police in along with their security person to tell us get off their private property and then complained and said that shooting video of them in the facility will send up a privacy violation.
Obama has said that there may be something stronger than sanctions.
Hillary has called for that.
Israel is saying they may strike.
There are giant U.S.
military drills going on around Iran that Paul Watson covers today at InfoWars.com.
Again, the green light, as far as Israel and the U.S.
government right now, the green light has been given.
They are seriously looking at going ahead with this attack.
Now the green light was given late last week.
Since then, you've seen
Literally, now it's just insane.
The former head of the Bin Laden group in the CIA has come out in a video that we posted at Infowars.com on Fox News and said that Saudi Arabia and Israel are working together to set up America for a war and they're a greater threat than Iran.
This is now on Fox News.
You've got the FBI coming out through Colonel
I think?
And don't go to war with Iran.
This is a bad idea because it's a horrible geopolitical plan, even from the perspective of globalists that aren't completely hubris or chutzpah filled.
There's large, large contingents of the Israelis don't want to go to war with Iran.
This is a super bad news, but
If you're Obama, it would politically help him.
And if you're Benjamin Netanyahu, who's in political trouble and has an election coming up, it's a great way to get re-elected.
And of course, bomb those nuclear sites.
It'll cause incredible Chernobyl-type events, similar to what we've seen with Fukushima, as the radiation levels across the northern hemisphere just climb and climb and climb.
EPA's response is just to raise the levels of radiation and to say that much higher levels are safer.
I literally prayed this morning that God would give me clarity and focus to truly articulate to you the absolute truth of what's happening here in the United States with the Mexico situation and how it ties in to the move towards the North American Union and what I've discovered here.
And the special guest, I haven't even announced this yet, is going to be joining us in one hour.
From here, we'll call him David.
That's not his name.
And all of his information checked out.
It's confirmed what I've gotten from other reporters in the area, what I've gotten from police in the area, what I've gotten from business owners in the area, what I've gotten from the Coast Guard in the area, what I've gotten from years of research and hundreds of news articles and sheriffs that I've interviewed here in South Texas on the Mexico border.
Sheriffs I've interviewed on there.
All of it confirms exactly what the Banff Canada SPP document showed from 2007 that we cover in my seminal film, Endgame Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
So this is all coming up after the break.
I will get into the Iran situation, I will get into the Obama embracing Occupy Wall Street publicly situation, and a lot more.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Are we gonna do what they say can't be done?
Okay, my friends, we are back live on this Monday edition, 2011.
It is the 17th day of October, and we are going to be covering the most important issues affecting our planet, our republic, our country today.
Now I want to get right now into my investigation down here on the South Texas border with Mexico.
I am just two miles from the Mexico border right now.
I've been talking to locals.
I've been tracking their local news and we have a local
Who has a lot of inside sources joining us by the name of David.
30 minutes into the next hour, so about an hour from now, he will be joining us via phone.
David is not his name.
My friends, first I want to give you the big picture so you understand what's happening here in the United States and what's happening in Mexico and where all this is going.
The CIA was set up by the wealthy robber baron families of Yale in 1947 out of the OSS.
This is all part of mainline history.
More than 90% of the leadership of the CIA and its directors in its first 30 or 40 years were
Skull and Bones members.
Not only were they from Yale, they were Skull and Bones members.
And those families were all intermarried.
Skull and Bones in the Encyclopedia Britannica was admittedly set up by the Russell Trust in 1832 with British East India money in a contract for the United States opium monopoly.
In the old days, they were able to control the ships and control the routes because the British had a monopoly in India and in areas of southern China.
And they'd use the drug war, because China was stupid enough to make opium illegal, to corrupt the police and slowly take over the different regions of China.
By the 1830s, they just economically controlled it, not politically yet.
And so they made a deal to set up an internal private intelligence agency at Skull and Bones through the old secret society model.
Secret societies of old are just the intelligence agencies of old.
And they set up the CIA.
The CIA, of course, during World War II, funded a lot of its operations with the Corsican Mafia and the Italian and Sicilian Mafia, bringing drugs into Europe as well.
So they've always worked with and controlled organized crime.
They've used organized crime as their hitmen.
When the Indochina fell, when the French lost control of Vietnam, known as Indochina at the time, in the fifties, U.S.
personnel were sent in the late fifties as advisors.
Four thousand plus died during the first years of that operation.
And you were told on the news they died in plane crashes, car wrecks.
Or hitting their head, falling, you know, in the shower.
But they died, and that was later declassified, over the opium.
At that time, the majority of opium being manufactured and turned into heroin, coming out of the Golden Triangle area.
Laos, Cambodia, but regardless, through the coastline of Indochina, northern and southern Vietnam, and the Vietnam War, now just Vietnam.
Of course, as Americans got into cocaine in the 60s and 70s, the big banks publicly took over and set up monopolies in Central and South America, and the large central banks that laundered the money and were run by the CIA and controlled by those very private families also continued that monopoly.
Now, and I'm simplifying this, but historically it's all on record.
It came out in the 80s that the ingredients and the popularization and the recipe for crack cocaine was distributed by drug dealers and the employee of the CIA who were instructed to launder the money in the billions a day, even in the 1980s, it was over 300 billion a year, into select Western banks, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan,
Wells Fargo, others, all on record.
Federal Reserve Banks going back into the seventies, constantly caught, filled with narcotics money in the tens of billions.
Endless AP Reuters articles.
Any reporter listening could just search Federal Reserve Bank laundered drug money, and you'll see it, or Wachovia laundered drug money, or Wells Fargo, or Bank of America, or Goldman Sachs, or JP Morgan.
I mean, it just came out, as you know, last year that
Wells Fargo and Wachovia, $370 plus billion.
They were running the aircraft, leasing the aircraft, CIA aircraft crashing in Mexico, four tons of pure cocaine coming from the source, on and on and on and on, and no U.S.
government investigation, no Mexican government investigation over any of this.
So, you're saying, yes, Alex, we know that.
Well, a lot of new listeners don't know this history.
Why did they make drugs illegal?
We have a gangster culture.
For nine years, we had prohibition in this country in the 20s.
The crime rate more than tripled.
Alcoholism more than tripled.
The profits of organized crime, Jewish, WASP, Irish, Italian, and others, went up over 400%.
It is estimated by historical books and congressional investigations that people like Lucky Luciano, people like Bugsy Siegel, people like Al Capone were making $100 million per week.
A piece.
And that was in 1920s money.
The Rockefellers were involved.
Joe Kennedy controlled large portions of the operation.
This is how America runs and operates.
There was a U.S.
government contract with a bottled water company out of Arkansas.
This is all in Mainline History Center in Hot Springs, Arkansas.
I still haven't done that news report with all the video footage I shot up there a month ago.
But it's coming.
Where the U.S.
government on its trains would fill the big water bottles, the types that go on the water cooler.
The types that, you know, go there in the office.
And in that was pure, clear moonshine shipped on U.S.
government trains all over the country, quote, as the official water of the federal government.
The G-men and others, the very one, J. Edgar Hoover, who told Congress in the 50s that it was a conspiracy theory, that's a quote, and that organized crime didn't exist.
You can pull up the video clip online, you can pull up the news articles, because he was a cross-dresser that they, uh, homosexual that they were blackmailing the entire time.
That's why they hired him, saying there is no organized crime while U.S.
government trains were full of moonshine.
This is how these people operate.
Mountain Valley Springs, the company, if you want to look it up.
By the way, it's the Great Water, actually.
We actually have it at the office ourselves, but it's not the moonshine tide.
So, all of this is happening.
This is a gangster, organized crime, hardcore, bankster situation.
The Kennedys, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Italian Mafia.
Now, by the 50s, and I'm getting to the new breaking stuff in Mexico here in a minute, but you've got to know the past to know the present.
By the 50s, the Italian Mafia had become second most powerful, the WASP and Jewish Mafia that were teamed up with the Irish as well.
All of those mafias were bigger than the Italian mafia, but the Italian mafia had a war and started killing Jews, WASP, Irish, and others.
So, those groups teamed up with the news media and ran a propaganda blitz and said there is a mafia, but they only busted with the FBI and the state police.
You know, that famous meeting in the farmhouse of the La Cosa Nostra.
And they said, OK, it's true.
There is organized crime.
It's Italians.
And they basically wiped them out.
The Italians have never been the same.
They're a little bitty compared to what they were.
Before they were at the New World Order table, they sent in a Rockefeller to take over Arkansas and shut down all the war operations, all the gambling, except if it was Rockefeller.
So they went in and took it over, mowed people down by the thousands, huge wars, state police sent in.
Fed G-Men who've been running the drugs, running the liquor forever.
Now, their drug war was needed because alcohol prohibition was over.
People figured out it created war on the streets, crime, energized criminals, corrupted police, so they legalized alcohol again.
Right at the same time, a year after, they criminalized narcotics.
Including marijuana.
So they have something new to go after.
Now, let's move forward to the 21st century.
We told you all this with Celica Steele and others six years ago.
Gary Webb before they killed him.
Freeway Ricky Ross from prison.
We gave you all the facts and said they're going to put in Felipe Calderon.
They're going to launch a war
No longer are they going to be allowed to operate more than a dozen major cartels that as long as they launder their money through U.S.
globalists or British banks, Virgin Islands, British Virgin Islands, as long as you laundered through them everything was okay.
No longer.
A deal's been made.
10,000 Los Zetas have been trained in the decade before at Fort Benning, Georgia and Fort Bragg.
This is all public.
To go in and take over the East Coast and up through the border areas.
But Stenoloa, the other big dominant,
Group that's on the East Coast and there's also the cartel as it's known and then there's at least still four other five other depending on how you look at it subgroups and they're all killing each other the Mexican government has the tax money it's the main organizer it runs drugs itself and is constantly caught and so it's a total free-for-all it comes out in fast and furious I'll get to the new stuff here in a minute this is so bombshell
The new information comes out in federal court when the Mexican government ships a Sinaloa number two guy up to Chicago for federal trial.
He comes in and says national security for five and a half years we're allowed to ship in unlimited tonnage through the U.S.
Uh, and we are given guns by the ATF.
And that's why it then came out.
It wasn't just gun shops ordered to sell guns to people to track them.
That was the cover to just blame the Second Amendment.
That was one layer of the onion.
The big layer, the key core layer was in one shipment alone now in federal court.
2,000 weapons, including a lot of them, fully auto, confiscated by ATF, shipped directly to Sinaloa in a double-cross, in a balance of power, the globalists are all about divide and conquer, against their own Los Zetas, who even though they were trained at Fort Benning, Georgia, in Celica Steel, they tried to recruit him.
He was a military trainer all over Latin America, former DEA.
He said, no, this is six years ago on my show.
He was told, and others we talked to, that this whole war was coming.
He told you this war was coming to consolidate it down to one cartel that works for the private Federal Reserve, and that Calderon would be put in.
But now Zeta's at many levels, because their whole leadership's been wiped out.
Their average age of their leaders now is about 25.
They just caught the number two guy, what is he, 32 years old, yesterday.
For firebombing and blowing up that casino that wouldn't pay protection money and cutting all the heads off.
I mean, this is what's going on.
Forty plus thousand dead in three years.
Ghost town on the Texas border.
I'm down here right now.
Beautiful hotels everywhere.
Nobody in them.
I talked to locals.
They say about a third of the people come down here.
They used to even during peak times.
I mean, it is a ghost town down here.
Nothing, no one is here but rich Mexicans.
Who are all wearing USA shirts saying, we like the USA.
Mexico is imploded.
Mexico's a failed state, but that's coming up.
Continuing here, ladies and gentlemen, about the total breakdown and failure of society by design by the social engineers.
So we told you six years ago, five years ago, four years ago, all this was coming.
We told you three years ago, Obama would blame the Second Amendment.
We told you all of this was unfolding.
Now, they have got Sinaloa being given weapons, shipping their cocaine in.
They've got Zeta killers that are really Sinaloa running around chopping their heads off.
And you've got, here's the key, you've got conscription going on.
And then I've got breaking news about invasions of the U.S.
You heard me right.
Breaking news.
Tell everybody you know to tune in.
I'm not even a very good talk show host.
I should have said this at the very start of the show.
But I tend to cover the sub-issues first.
I should have told you day one, there was a helicopter Mexican drug cartel attack eight days ago.
Well, what's the Friday before last?
Eight, nine days ago in
The town of Rio Grande City, just a few miles from where I'm at, where the high school junior varsity football game had to basically get shut down with machine guns, fire helicopters, Mexican troops, many miles.
In fact, Richard, look up, last night I had it, but look up how far away that sports stadium is from the border.
This is many miles inside, total hell, but not on TV, not on radio, not in print, because the whole local news has been told, you talk about it, you're dead.
And a few miles from that over the border, the
Uh, administrative editor of the Nuevo Laredo newspaper, we'll put this on screen, were hung for putting out a Twitter.
Talking about, just talking about what cartels are doing.
In Nuevo Laredo, across the border, they won't even talk about it when their own families are killed.
Most nights, everybody sleeps on mattresses on the floor because the bullets are shooting through.
It's total genocide.
And the cartels come to you and they say, pick a side, and they line up whole families in the street and just shoot them.
40,000 is probably a low number.
60,000 died in 10 years of the Vietnam War.
We're talking about, I don't know, what's 40 plus thousand divided into three years?
We're talking about 13,000?
12,000 or more a year that we know of?
5,000 on the U.S.
side, so that's 45,000 dead.
There's been car bombs and truck bombs down here where I'm at, and no one will talk in America.
The intimidation has already begun.
We've got news articles here.
Where the cartels are now recruiting high schoolers in Houston, Austin, San Antonio, Dallas, Fort Worth, the police are all scared.
And you heard Dr. Pchenik with his inside source talking about it on the show last week.
The Austin, Houston, San Antonio, Dallas police will not even do anything about it.
America has got its legs, basically, you know, the tail between the legs, absolutely in total abject fear, with the CIA running the entire operation, a psych warfare program, to destabilize Mexico, wage a total war over the 500 billion a year, conservatively, coming up into the United States through it.
You've got reporters in the U.S., newspapers have been attacked here, afraid to talk about it.
You've got Mexican troops operating, huge firefights going on every other night.
You've got giant FEMA camps right down the road from where I'm at.
Let me give you the names of those.
The Bayview Detention Center, the tent city in Raymondsville.
You've got drug flights coming into these bases at night.
These camps are just a cover for drug flights.
You've got special forces all over the place.
You've got Mexican troops in unmarked uniforms being flown in.
Firefights right by the high schools.
Everyone completely scared.
And here's the key.
They line up now, and now it started on the U.S.
They come to your door and they say, are you going to join the cartel?
Are you going to join Los Zetas?
Are you going to join Sinaloa?
And if you don't decide to join right there, they just line you up and shoot you.
And now it's begun here.
And Texans come down, and they fish, and they're killed and disappear, or they're kidnapped.
Or they get on their jet ski, and the Mexican cartel comes right up and shoots them right in the head.
I don't
I forget her name.
It's a female Grim Reaper.
How do you say that in Spanish?
Point is, it's all coming up.
Total bedlam.
We're going to break it down.
Breaking news.
Stay with us.
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One of the cartels, Sinaloa, goes with El Flaco.
That's the male one.
And then they've got the female one.
And so you've got the male and female death gods with these tattoos of grim reapers and the people loving dying.
Forty-plus thousand dead.
Previously, the cartels wouldn't kill kids.
Now they're blowing toddlers' heads off, chopping people's heads off.
And what did the Democrats do when we reported on this two years ago in Arizona?
They said, it's not true.
There's no heads being chopped off.
That's why I got so mad at Robert Rodriguez when he put out a movie that shows gringos in cowboy hats murdering immigrants and shooting pregnant Hispanic women, and implying that good old boys that want sovereignty and to control our border want to murder Hispanics.
And then the drug cartels are good guys, basically, in the movie.
I mean, this is just pure cowardice on Robert Rodriguez's part.
You see, I don't want the people of Mexico aborting their kids.
I don't want 40,000 people down here killing themselves.
And I sure don't want this pouring over to the United States.
And this is the type of disgusting stuff that's happening.
So here's what's going on.
There is a war.
Now listen to me.
This is breaking news here.
I've given you background, as I always do.
This is not about sound bites.
There is a SPP, North American Union plan, we've covered for four years, since 2007, to destabilize North America, using a staged drug war, to then call for a continental security perimeter.
Obama just announced that.
Now they're saying they'll use Mexican troops in the U.S., U.S.
troops in Mexico, vice versa.
Canadian as well.
Now that's begun, and the public's just told to shut up about it.
This is massive news.
Just type into a search engine, Mexican troops to respond inside U.S., Mexican troops to operate inside U.S.
under agreement.
And then meanwhile, there are helicopter gunfights.
Let me just show you right here.
I can show PrisonPlanet.tv viewers what's going on, or you can just go to Google Maps and type in Rio Grande City.
Here is the Rio Grande right here.
You can see the Rio Grande River right here.
And then here, about a mile and a half into the United States, is Rio Grande City.
And in Rio Grande City, not this Friday, but Friday before last, eight, nine days ago,
I guess that's eight days ago.
Nine days ago.
Nine days ago during the junior varsity football team game.
In fact, I've got a witness coming on about this.
He even gave me the names last night.
And I made some calls, and I'd also confirmed this through some other sources, that this went on.
We're talking just right beside the football field.
Helicopters, gunfights, just absolute bedlam.
Zero news.
Meanwhile, all over the United States, it's always the same MO.
Some old man who still thinks this is America.
Happens all over the country.
Indiana, Massachusetts, Texas.
Always in some suburb, in a rural area, will put their gun in the back of their car.
City shut down, helicopters, hyperventilating fear, the cowardly public saw a gun.
End of the world, everything shut down.
Meanwhile, ladies and gentlemen, there are thousands dead on this site.
They are threatening reporters.
They are killing reporters right over the border.
And they report on this.
They're telling locals they're going to kill them.
To the point of, here's the total proof, this is national news.
Let the media, just like I told you months ago, Mexican helicopters were doing insertions and attacks here domestically.
And then it came out later in the news, I got emails, oh you're lying about Mexican helicopters.
I had sheriffs on about it.
And even when it's in the local news, it gets no attention.
The government doesn't want you to know about this.
They don't want you to know they're letting major Mexican cartels, the cartel as it's known, Los Zetas, Sinaloa and others operate with impunity, and the government's giving them arms, both sides to kill each other, so they can then use the crisis as SPP says.
They say in the North American Union documents they'll use three things to integrate.
The war on drugs,
The war on drugs, the flu crisis, and terrorism.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we are back live into hour number two.
I haven't even gotten into the huge new developments where they've got big military exercises going on in and around Iran, all these calls to strike them.
It's come out that, of course, the bust of the Iranian planning all the assassinations was fake.
So now the White House is saying, don't worry, more stuff's going to come out.
Israel and certain elements in our country and certain elements in Israel, a lot of folks in Israel are against it, want this war and they want it to happen now.
And we've also seen some of the pro-war Israel lobby demonizing us on the message boards and really coming out against us big time when all I'm trying to do is stop World War III here.
So we've got that going on.
You know, I've never tried to be anti-Israel, or anti-China, or anti-England, or anti-Mexico.
I'm anti-corruption, and I'm sick of it, and I don't want to be drug into a new war.
So we've got all that happening, and this idea is put out that, you know, everybody in Israel wants this war.
No, that's not true.
Or everybody in America wants this war.
No, it's not true.
Or everybody in the government wants this war.
You've heard people that are not fans of Iran, like Anthony Schaefer, the colonel, saying, this is staged, and we don't want this.
So many others have come out.
So that's coming up.
We've also got...
The Federal Reserve trying to censor us.
The videos are up at InfoWars.com.
The article is up there and it did have the headline, Head of Federal Reserve Security Admits Federal Reserve's Private.
But we changed the headline so people will understand and it now has the headline, Federal Reserve tells YouTube to remove video.
And they told us Friday night we had 48 hours to remove it or YouTube would review it and if they found it was a privacy violation they might take our channel down.
Aaron Dykes will be doing InfoWorks Nightly News tonight and we will show that email then from that notice from YouTube.
In fact I may even show it later in the third hour if Aaron gets in.
He may be in now.
I'm sure he is in now and gives that to the crew there.
We'll talk about that because
Of course, I've gotten emails and calls saying, prove that you've got a YouTube violation or that YouTube's threatening us.
Okay, we will.
But, I mean, the point is the Federal Reserve has filed to try to bring down the video where they admit the Federal Reserve's private.
And a lot of you also say, well, who doesn't know that?
What are you going to tell me next?
The sky's blue?
Well, look, just because you know which end is up doesn't mean the general public does.
And they don't like the fact that the cops laughing with us and going, yeah, we should investigate the fact that they act like they're a federal building and they admit they aren't.
That's the real reason they want this video down.
That's my gut feeling.
That's what the commenters have said on the video with me never stating my opinion.
But I think that our viewers have got it downright.
They're not saying why.
They just say it's a privacy violation.
Remove it.
As we stand there outside their offices protesting.
It's incredible and it would affect all media, news gathering, you name it, if they were able to do this.
What an incredible new precedent.
So we'll be covering that.
That is a big viral story.
But quite frankly, it is an attack on the First Amendment.
So it's important on that chain of importance.
But on a chain of one to 10, it's probably only a five.
If you compare the whole Iran situation, Obama openly trying to take over Occupy Wall Street and embracing it when he's total New World Order, total insider.
And then on top of that, just to illustrate the globalist mindset and philosophy, I'm going to try to crystallize it all simply and boil down what we're facing when we come back from this quick break.
I am down here literally on the border.
I can see the border from where I'm at, and Americans down here are scared to death of these cartels, and that's not a way to live.
If we live in fear, then the skinny one will come for us all, La Flocka and Al Flocko.
And, uh, it just figures that we're under the sway of the Grim Reaper and everybody's groveling in fear around here.
We got a gentleman here coming up, uh, whose name's protected.
It'll break down.
The helicopter attacks, the bedlam, the murders, the fear.
Uh, America just on its knees with the CIA bringing in the narcotics, FEMA camps, government drug dealing.
Just bedlam, cats and dogs living together, wrath of God type stuff.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Santa Muerte.
Santa Muerte, or the Saint of Death.
It is now openly worshipped in every state of Mexico.
And even Time Magazine now reports it is the most popular god or saint in Mexico after Jesus and Mary.
It is the number three most popular god.
It is the Grim Reaper.
They have the female version of it, La Flaca, and El Flaco is the male.
Sinaloa worships the male.
It is just total bedlam.
Just giggling love of death.
And now Mexican drug cartels would never kill children.
Now they blow little children's heads off with enjoyment.
Every day or two I hear about them killing police chiefs, burning down casinos, hotels, chopping everybody's heads off.
And if you talk about it,
They will have foundation-controlled groups like Mechel Arraza and others come out and say, none of this is happening, it's a hoax.
And then Fox News Corp, Rupert Murdoch puts out a movie where it's the Minutemen killing everybody.
Minutemen have killed no one.
In fact, I've been talking to Hispanic Americans down there about how the Minutemen have tried to come down and help, and wealthy groups have tried to send in paramilitary people offering to help.
But the locals are afraid, and have been told, you'll be killed, and your children will, if you fight back.
And I've talked to gringos down here.
I've talked to, you know, blonde-haired, blue-eyed people, and they're scared.
I've talked to black people, they're scared.
I've talked to Hispanics, they're scared.
I have been mobbed by Hispanic listeners down here.
Who are Hispanic Americans and also Mexican nationals.
There's a lot of wealthy Mexicans here.
In fact, a lot of them look like people from Spain.
A lot of beautiful senoritas.
And they'll come right up.
Alex Jones, how are you still alive?
Yes, we listen.
We know you know what you're talking about.
They're worshipping the skinny one.
This is death.
It's sacrifice.
It is a genocide.
It's more than 40,000.
And then I start talking to cops who are scared.
I start talking to all these people about the helicopter attacks, the murders, the kidnapping, the people being killed here.
And they've told all the local TV and print newspapers, and I've got some of them here in my hand.
Hold on.
They've told the Valley Morning Star.
They've told the Brownsville Herald.
I mean, here are the newspapers right here.
They've told these guys, you keep your mouth shut.
Here's another one.
They've told the TV stations, I mean, when there's killings, when there's kidnappings, when there's murders, this is how it started in Mexico.
And the cops are just out there writing tickets on citizens, getting their little bit of money, and just cowering.
This is how America operates now.
And they got the Coast Guard and the Game Wardens out harassing everybody if they catch too many sand trout or whatever.
And you got the cartels, you got the CIA, you got Las Zetas, openly trained by the U.S.
military at Fort Bragg and Fort Benning, Georgia, all on record.
And it's all part of a plan to consolidate, to have a huge drug war in Mexico that's bigger than the Vietnam War per year.
Just a real bonafide war.
40-plus thousand dead in three years on the Mexican side, 5,000 on this side.
And that's just what we know of, and no one will talk about it.
I've had people come to me and say, you've got to talk about it, sir.
I mean, I've been walking down the street going into a restaurant and, you know, it pulls a brand new Mercedes with some, you know, obviously wealthy Mexican in it going, Alex Jones, we listen to you.
I can't believe you're still alive.
What are you doing down here?
Have you noticed there's not many people down here?
Normally there is this time of year.
It's all coming here, the skinny one.
I mean, it is on.
The people are scared to death looking over their shoulders in America, in Brownsville, in South Padre, in Laredo, in El Paso.
And then you've got the police looking over their shoulder, out there just revenue generating, and then I see Associated Press, Reuters, Fox News, telling the public what I told you years ago.
The drug cartels are now as far north as Illinois.
They're also in Canada.
And the Mexican drug cartels are even more vicious than the Russians.
Because it's a culture of death.
The veneer of civilization, the thin covering of civilization, is incredibly thin.
Just like it was in Europe.
They'd have hundred-year wars.
They'd have half the population die for thousands of years, just eternal warfare.
And once you give in to this dark impulse, once you give in to the culture of death, once you give in to not caring about dying anymore for money,
So you're supposed to not care about dying for freedom and for standing up for liberty.
And then that pushes back the darkness, that pushes back the grim reaper.
Instead you have a culture where it's worshipped, totally turning themselves over to the Diablo.
El Diablo, ladies and gentlemen, is strong and it's spreading all over the United States and it's so sad and it's so sick and the culture has all primed and you see the stickers all over cars in Austin with the skinny one and people crazed and wanting to die, wanting to show their manhood, destroying our culture, destroying children and the family's future.
It is abhorrent, it is blasphemy against humanity.
And it's all been done because of the drug war.
And the global social engineers rule the planet because they're masters.
They're playing the big drug cartels off against each other, while the CIA funds both sides, while the DEA, FBI, Border Patrol, all of them, eight agencies, ship the guns in, they ship the cocaine in, they have military bases and homeland security I-spaces, they send out
The Homeland Security boats to pick up the cocaine right out there and they bring it in back and forth all day right in front of everybody.
Right there in South Padre, just boom, boom, back and forth, just drug shipment.
Boats sitting out there, big, big barges just sitting out there with Homeland Security going back and forth.
It's all funny to them.
And Homeland Security roars by on their big ships, right by little fishing boats, and bugs their eyes out at the citizens and splashes waves on them.
But then, I've been out on the charter, whenever you see Homeland Security, and I've been fishing a lot in my life before, people didn't act like this.
And I've now seen this even in Port Aransas, far away from the border.
You know, before, whenever they see, now, a Coast Guard or a Homeland Security or ice boat, you stop your engine and you cower and wave at them, and they drive by with their chest sticking out, just like it's Mexico, and just look at you, like eating trash!
I mean, you tip your hat, you stop your boat.
And I'm like, I'm like, that, that Homeland Security boat's 300, 400 yards away.
Why are you stopping?
They're like, well, you've got to do it or they'll board you and get in your face.
And I talked to other locals around here, and they're like, yeah, no, they come in and out, back and forth with the drugs.
They're landing them out here at these airbases.
They've got the airport attached to the... It's all you idiots that use drugs that are allowing this to happen, and you idiots that support drug prohibition.
If somebody's going to use drugs, they're going to do it.
You've got to decriminalize now to save our society.
But they've grown these gangs up so big, they're now expanding out into...
Kidnapping and extortion and every other form of evil is now happening.
And they're not just going into Hispanic shops now and doing it thinking Hispanics will go along with it, like the Asian triads only feed on Asians.
No, now they're going in everywhere and doing it.
And the cops won't help you because they're on the payroll.
They'll only bust little bitty gangbangers and fill them into the prisons where they have higher level drug dealers who then train them to join their armies.
All part of the systematic takeover plan by the social engineers.
And now as all this implodes, they're going to call for a total North American Union and U.S.
forces to go into Mexico and secure it.
And now Rick Perry's proposing it.
We played that clip two weeks ago.
It's all part of the North American Problem Reaction Solution Plan, with our own totally criminal government caught shipping the cocaine in and the guns out directly to the cartels, double-crossing each other.
Think about it.
Think about how the Mexican military dug slugs out of their dead people and shipped it back, knowing how to trace it to certain guns that have been sold, because they were part of it.
It's all part of a giant double-crossing operation, meant to destroy Mexico and have huge refugee floods come in, which then further bankrupt the United States.
If we would have made everybody stay down in Mexico, that's another thing.
The people were going to have a revolution six, seven years ago in Mexico and throw out the globalists and J.P.
Morgan, Goldman Sachs dictatorship.
So in the actuaries, the globalists said, we'll start a drug war, let them all kill each other that way, then they'll be happy to be slaves.
The globalists know what they're doing.
They know how to manipulate.
And then meanwhile, this drug-dealing, murdering, globalist, banker government that's hijacked the US and Mexico openly has dog training now to stick their hands down your pants, microwave oven you, make you answer questions now at the airports, where you coming, where you going, you're not a terrorist, are you?
To train you to be a prisoner.
Totally breaking your will.
And see, there's no end to these criminals.
Because the criminals that run America, and run the big banks, and run Mexico, they're only going to get replaced with worse people, and worse people.
I mean, 30 years ago.
They would grab people that went over into Matamoros from South Padre, gringos, and torture them to death in human sacrifices.
Texas Monthly articles about it, you name it, but it's always kept real quiet.
And why is that?
Why are all these people devil worshippers?
Because when you get a corrupt society, the most evil are going to rise to the top.
And whether you believe in God or not, people that are into evil always worship Diablo.
Okay, they always worship the devil, El Diablo.
They're always into that.
And my God, we are in so much trouble as a society.
And a nation of cowards.
America has turned into land of the cowards, home of the slaves.
We've got to find our fight again.
We've got to stop being cowards or our future is over.
Now I'm going to tell you again.
Here's the breaking news.
And we've got a guest coming on.
Again, so much of what this guest is insider.
He's got insiders inside the military bases, inside the other bases.
Everything he said, confirm, confirm, confirm, confirm, confirm.
And I know he isn't somebody they put on me because I've been going around talking to people all over.
This was somebody separately where I randomly went in who was already there.
I'm just going to leave it at that.
He's coming up in about 10-15 minutes.
They are now kidnapping and killing people here in the U.S.
They're now conscripting Americans.
Not just here in South Texas, but all over the U.S.
They're going to Hispanics mainly.
And they're saying, are you La Raza?
They're basically down with the U.S.
because they know that's a popular thing with young people, because it seems sexy and cool.
So the first thing is, anti-America, bring down America.
This is all being run by the big megabanks who want to bring down Mexico and the U.S.
We're gonna go to break and come back and break this down more.
This is the key to all of it on the other side, InfoWars.com.
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Okay, so, here's the basics.
The United States government's been taken over by ruthless megabanks that made their original money off of a worldwide monopoly on opium coming out of India, Afghanistan, and with the French out of Indochina, what's Vietnam today.
This is all mainline history.
The Chinese didn't like opium and what it did to their population.
And they said, you basically make our people slaves, bringing the sin.
It's banned.
Well, yeah, opium's bad, but it's worse to ban it.
Because then over the course of about 200 years, the British were able to take over town after town, slowly corrupting the police and getting everybody basically addicted.
And then the only economy left was the opium.
China fell and was broken in 11 parts.
The U.S.
had a part.
The French, the Dutch, the British, the Germans, the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, they all had their own parts.
And this is all part of history.
Look up the Opium Wars.
Look up the Boxer Rebellion, when the Chinese tried to fight this off.
This is how it's done.
That's why still today in China,
Well, there's three ways to do it.
You either totally legalize it, or at least decriminalize, or you have it illegal, and then that's the worst way, because then it was just mildly illegal.
It makes it worse, because there's money in it.
Or you execute people like Singapore or China.
Then you don't have any use, because they catch you one time.
So there's really three ways to do it.
You either death penalty immediately for any illegal drug use, just boom, you're dead.
Any sovereign country that wants to say sovereign pretty much has to do that.
There's a reason.
Death penalty.
Death penalty.
I'm not advocating that.
I'm just saying death penalty or total legalization.
You try to just, oh, we're going to make it illegal, that only keeps the price up.
Oh, we're going to put you in jail where you learn how to be a bigger drug dealer.
You know, spat on the wrist.
They're making it all sexy.
You see the Hispanic kids everywhere wearing the Grim Reaper.
They think it's cool, Grim Reaper stickers on the cars.
The music, the rap, the Tejano, the rock.
It's all, you know, the skinny's gonna get you.
Yeah, it's fun.
The drug cartels come in.
They give the kids the drugs.
They get them addicted.
They start selling it.
And they start telling them, kill somebody.
Go kill this person to prove it.
And so the police all over the U.S.
just stand down.
They just say, OK, well, the government's bringing this stuff in.
We'll just let them do it.
But that isn't going to stop it either.
They're going to start killing each other in greater numbers.
And what's already, here's the newsflash, all the killing and the major war level casualties going on and the kidnapping, death and murder, you've already seen a 500 percent, you can pull this up on Google, increase in the Southwest in kidnappings in the last decade.
The capital of kidnappings in the United States is now Phoenix, Arizona.
And it's not a big news item.
The media knows to keep their mouth shut.
They kidnap your kid or kidnap you, it's not going to be a news item.
I mean, everybody knows you go to northern Mexico for decades, the police will just, in your own car, take your car and shake you down.
Now that doesn't happen.
People just say, I'm not a cop anymore, I'm an enforcer for one of the drug cartels.
And now they're going house to house, especially on the Texas border, on both sides, and saying, which side are you on?
We're putting you down on the list.
They actually come to your door.
A lot of times, Mexican military comes to your door, even six, seven miles in.
They come to your farmhouse.
And before, it was just Hispanics they did it to.
Because they thought, well, they'll roll over.
They're used to this.
Now, because even though they're on this side of the U.S., it's a Mexico culture.
Now they're coming to Gringo's door.
And in the past they didn't do that because you had the old western idea of shooting somebody who did that.
Now they're going to come to the door knocking and they go ahead and wear a military uniform and gringos just roll over as well.
They've been well trained to be slaves.
So land of the coward, home of the slave, land of the grim reaper.
Which is what Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove, who do you think they worship at Skull and Bones?
You've seen the Good Shepherd made by Robert De Niro with Matt Damon that got hailed as being so accurate?
A grim reaper with a gold crown on?
You actually go look up the skinny one in most of the depictions, it's wearing a gold crown.
Skull and Bones worships a grim reaper, skull mask, black hood, with a gold crown.
What do they worship in Mexico?
A grim reaper with a gold crown.
That's Satan, ladies and gentlemen.
They are Satan worshippers at Bohemian Grove.
There's a reason in the old days people didn't put up with this.
Because when you put up with people, start worshipping, and start doing this, your society literally goes to hell.
And if you're a sociologist or anthropologist, you don't believe in God the devil, fine.
That's your issue.
The point is they believe in the devil.
They believe in it.
They believe in a grim reaper with a crown that's coming to kill you and your family, and they're down here, and I see Americans literally shaking in fear.
You ask people you're fishing with, you ask people at gas stations, you come up and ask cops, and they look at you and say, I'm not talking to you.
And are totally freaked out.
Fear in Americans' eyes.
Because right on the bridge between the U.S.
and Mexico just two weeks ago, they hung those reporters.
And buried in the article that admitted it was the head
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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we're here.
I'll be back on the nightly news from South Texas Remote tonight with Aaron Dyk 7 o'clock Central.
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It's really just that simple.
And all over the U.S., the big three cartels and the stragglers are openly globalist financed to bring North America into a crisis, to then have U.S.
forces occupy and take over Mexico in the name of saving it in the end and openly merging the countries.
That's the North American Union plan.
They plan to destroy U.S.
sovereignty using Mexico, and Mexican sovereignty using the U.S.
The globalists play groups against each other.
Again, this has come out in federal court.
The CIA, the FBI, the DEA, ATF, Border Patrol, they're all in the Fast and Furious.
It's the tip of the iceberg.
In those Sinaloa documents and others.
Financing all sides with guns, all sides with weapons, all sides are allowed to ship it in through certain conduits.
Localists don't want them bringing in the one group later.
This is how the globalist social engineers are operating, and we need your support now more than ever.
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The good news is that I haven't been down to this part of South Texas in a long time.
I was down here a month ago or so, and I really wanted to come back to have a working vacation, but also spend time talking to locals.
And then what I've discovered in the last few days, I've been pretty much in pure work mode, learning more, talking to locals.
And what I've found has really hurt me.
Americans, whether they're black, white, Hispanic, are scared to talk.
And there are firefights here all the time.
When I've had sheriffs on years ago, when Mexican cartels have come across five, six miles to grab a shipment of drugs seized by the sheriff in that case, it didn't even make national news that the Mexican military pulled up around them and took the drugs.
The Mexican military is dealing drugs.
They're fighting, but also trying to manage the other big cartels.
The big megabanks are all involved in it.
Wachovia, Wells Fargo have been caught running the aircraft.
CIA aircraft have crashed with the cocaine.
This is all going on.
You've got the Homeland Security driving out in their big boats every day, picking up drugs, bringing it back in.
This is just a giant mafia organization.
What's heartening is the Mexican nationals that have moved up here because of the crime wave, I'd say more than half of them are listeners.
I can't walk down the street even here, and this place is pretty much empty.
The Mexican nationals are, hey, Alex Jones, yeah, you're absolutely right.
And then I run into American citizens who are Hispanic, white, black.
A lot of them are listeners, unaware.
I'll be talking when I'm walking through the hotel, and people come up to me.
I mean, I'd say more than half the people down here are listeners, and I'm not even on an AM station here.
For years I was on one in Corpus Christi, and then it just changed formats last month to ESPN, but that couldn't be heard here.
So, huge audience.
I'm finding out...
Per capita, our biggest audience must be A, Hispanics, B, Mexican nationals.
You notice we have a lot of calls from Mexico itself.
So I want to go to this guest for the rest of the hour, and we're going to go with his name, David.
He was willing to come on with his name and everything, but I'm not going to risk him as a good Christian family man.
He has amazing contacts.
Everything he said checks out with my contacts.
He has contacts inside the Rio Grande.
Uh, city system and what happened there and witnesses.
He has people inside the Bayview Detention Center and the tent city in Raymondville.
Uh, and he joins us and boy, let me tell you, he can rattle it off.
And wouldn't pay a $30,000 kickback.
What was it, to Sinaloa?
So they just canceled the soccer game.
This is here, just like it was in Fox News yesterday and last week again, that they're recruiting in Austin, in Dallas, in San Antonio, in Houston.
And they're putting the devil tattoos and the skinny one and the Luff Flocka and the El Flocko tattoos on them.
And Santa.
Yes, sir.
Alright, thanks Alex.
Yeah, um...
A few days back, it was a Thursday night, there was a football game out in Rio Grande City and apparently there was a good amount of spillover with the military, the Mexican military and their police chasing cartel.
They still haven't come clear whether it was Zetas or the actual Sinaloa cartel, but they crossed over into the Rio Grande City area and it wasn't very far from the football game.
I think so.
It's dangerous, you know.
A bullet doesn't travel 10 yards, you know.
But they didn't admit how widespread it was.
They just said, oh, across the border, some shooting.
Can you describe what's now going on here?
Because I would talk about this a year ago, and people say, oh, that isn't happening.
The helicopters, our listeners would say, there's firefights, there's helicopters, you know, 10 miles in.
Now that's confirmed, but again, the media won't report on the details.
Oh yeah, as a matter of fact, I'm going to say maybe about a month and a half, two months back, a farmer threatened to shoot down a Mexican military helicopter and he was told not to by the local law enforcement agency because he could get in trouble.
And later on they come to find out that no one wants to confirm nor deny whether they have permission or not to cross into our airspace, which is totally ridiculous.
I mean, they consider themselves a sovereign nation just as much as we do.
But yet they can come in and we don't have any right to find out that information.
That's public information.
We should be privy to know who's flying into our airspace and landing on our taxpayers, on our citizens' ground, on their property.
They don't want to do anything about it.
A couple months ago, the Pentagon did say, yes, we've given limited authorization, but obviously they won't tell you locally because it's a violation of sovereignty, but they wouldn't be coming in if they weren't given permission.
The question is, did they have permission to come to that sheriff I interviewed and take the drugs that he confiscated at gunpoint?
Now, let's talk about more of what's happening down here and the fear, the palpable fear that I'm seeing from people in the United States.
Yeah, I have two people, two friends that I know, acquaintances that I know, that were working in maquiladora plants right across the river.
And, you know, to save time and money and whatnot, getting off work late at night, they would just go and stay on the Mexican side.
And one late evening, he heard a knock at the door and he answered the door and he got dragged out onto the street.
And they started questioning him.
He was like, you know, you got the wrong guy, blah, blah, blah.
They beat him.
They stripped him.
They took him out into the middle of nowhere and continued to beat him and they gave him his shoes.
And no, as a matter of fact, they gave him his pants, no shoes, a walking barefooted and a driver's license.
That's all they gave him back.
And he found his way back home or into the town where he was living along the border there in Mexico.
They said the next day they went back.
He heard a knock again and he peeked out the curtain of his window and it was the door, the house next door, the apartment next door.
And they dragged two or three kids out and popped them execution style in the back of the head and left them out on the street in broad daylight to send a message to everybody.
Well, that's all over the news.
I mean, I remember seeing beheadings in Arizona a few years ago, and I talked about it, and they wrote articles saying I was making it up, and the Democrats came out and said it wasn't true.
And, I mean, you've got Las Zetas burning down the casino, killing 40-something people, pouring gasoline down the air conditioning system.
You've got 40,000-plus dead.
You described this as a genocide.
In your own words, talk about what's happening.
They're continuing.
It's on a daily basis.
There was a report on ABC News, I believe it was, saying that 87% of the businesses are infiltrated by one cartel or the other, and it's either you do or you don't.
And they sent a clear message to a school right outside of Monterey.
They laid out some heads.
We're good to go.
And whether people believe it or not, just look at what's happened in China and Russia, where stuff like that has gone on.
And of course we don't get to hear the whole story about it, but this is right here in our backyard.
I mean, it's at our back door.
We need to know what's going on.
Am I saying we need to go over there and get involved?
But I am saying we need to protect our borders.
Obama's willing to send a hundred and some plus advisors slash troops to the other side of the world and he can't send a hundred more?
We need the help here.
Desperately need the help because they are beheading, they're gutting people up in broad daylight, they're dumping bodies off the highway for people to see.
They do not care.
They do not care.
And people need to realize that those people eventually are going to make their way onto this side and they're going to start intimidating more.
It goes all along the border on our side of the country, along the Rio Grande City, along Texas.
Laredo, El Paso, all the way down to Brazil.
It goes on on a constant basis.
Because a lot of these people end up going back home to Mexico, or vice versa, and they catch wind and say, hey, you know what?
You're going, oh, you're making money.
We need a cut.
And it's like, oh, you're not barely making it.
Well, you're not going to make it at all.
You need to give us a cut or you die.
It's just plain and simple.
There's no way to try and watch this and say, oh, well, you know, it's a bit exaggerated.
It's not.
It's exactly what it is.
Well, you can't exaggerate it.
I mean, it's footnotes in the paper that they shake down.
The police are told to pay protection money, the school teachers.
And now they've even killed U.S.
diplomats and our own government won't do anything for them because our government is so deeply involved in narcotics trafficking.
And the stories you mentioned about the teachers, that's in the news.
What about, I mean, what is it like for you, though, to see American citizens afraid?
Because I try to talk
I think I've had more people come up to me down here than even in Austin.
I mean, you know, when you approach me, you're a listener.
Is my show heavily listened to down here?
A lot of my friends and relatives do listen to your show.
You know, there's one gentleman that has a radio show, a TV show, and he says the spin stops here.
Let me tell you what, there's no spin on your show.
What's going on is the truth.
There's tons of facts out there.
People need to wake up and realize that our government's not doing enough.
You know, it's crazy.
I mean, there's parts along the 281 here in the Rio Grande Valley where you can actually, I mean,
I'm no Brett Favre.
I mean, but I could throw a rock and hit the river.
I mean, that highway goes right along the river's edge.
I mean, you can actually throw a rock and hit the Mexican side of the border.
And there's still areas where the wall hasn't gone up.
And, you know, you and I had discussed a little bit about that wall.
There's sections that are still porous, that's still open.
And it was funny because my father and I were joking around, you know what, that wall's probably going up to keep us in and not let them in, but to keep us in from leaving.
And then Ron Paul says the same thing too.
I just thought that was kind of eerie.
No, no, that's true.
It's just incredible.
Now, now, let's get into this situation going on.
It's actually national news, you know, the firefight outside the football game, but it's not.
It's just, oh, there was some cross-border things tonight, and it's just getting worse and worse.
Let's get into the camps, because there's this big giant, you know, looks like a Super Bowl stadium over there on the Bayside.
Right outside South Padre.
Tell us about Bayview Detention Center, the tent city at Raymondville, and the weird aircraft flying in, turning their lights off and things, because the word we've gotten is, is they're flying goodies in there and flying troops out, and you were telling me that you've got some sources in there.
Yeah, that's an, actually it's an old CIA base that was
Came to an end as the Cold War also came to an end and it's called the Portisbo Bayview Airport and ICE runs the show out there.
It's an ICE detention center for immigrants from around the world and you know the funny thing is I'm gonna say it's probably been about 14, 15, 16 years back.
The county came to the
The city of Port Isabel and made a presentation before the Mayor and the Commissioners and the City Manager requesting, you know, help and an okay to put a Doppler radar.
And I couldn't quite understand why would they want a Doppler radar out there because this is long before this actually became the size of a camp that it is now.
It can house anywhere from five to eight thousand people easily.
I don't know.
Stay there, stay there.
Let's get to the military and foreign military and the rest of it on the other side.
We've been out there to check it out, folks.
We're here on the front lines of the info war, physically at the border.
Stay with us.
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Okay, folks, coming up after our guest leaves us at five after next hour, we're going to have Ben Fuchs pop in, but first I'll get into all this other news.
I mean, each one of these articles is so bombshell.
Mitt Romney took advice from Obama's eugenicist enthusiast, Science R. That's a great headline, but we might want to just change it to, Romney took advice from Obama's
Science are.
I mean, it's just, it's bad enough.
Continuing, Operation Gladio returns.
Dealing with staged terror attacks.
Could Obama's class warfare cause a run on the banks?
Big discussion, article I did with Paul Watson, key article.
CIA advertises its takeover of local law enforcement.
Totally illegal, but they're admitting they're doing it.
That's at Infowars.com.
begins huge military maneuvers aimed at Iran.
Big banks refuse to let people close accounts.
It's all coming up, and I want to go back to David joining us from the South Texas, Brownsville area, where I'm at right now.
Yeah, there's some type of training going on out there and it's not the only spot.
Apparently there's two to three hotspots along the Rio Grande Valley.
Where training is being conducted and the question is they won't allow anyone close enough to see who it is and they're saying it's not American military, that it's not American helicopters.
So it kind of, you know.
Well is it our guys or is it their guys and who are they and what are they training for and why is it that they're you know having to work out there at night and it's such a covert thing that no one needs to know.
I really do believe that the Mexican government and the U.S.
government are working together in on this.
And again, the airport was almost abandoned back in that point, and for them to put a Doppler radar, I'm sure they could say, well, it's for weather purposes.
Sure, sure.
I know you're being careful about what you say, but last night you were talking about the aircraft coming in and turning their lights off, and specifically you were saying it's Mexican troops.
Yes, yeah.
And I really do believe that.
I really do believe it is more Mexican troops, period, that are coming in here and they're training with our advisors, as Obama and other presidents would call them.
I don't believe that it's necessarily just our guys out there training, but you can see when aircraft takes off out there,
One evening I was coming in, driving by the area and I saw like a really bright light and it kind of caught my attention so I pulled over and that light just hovered for a few seconds and then it just started swooping back down and then the lights just went dead.
What about the black helicopters, the silent helicopters?
Tell folks about those.
I've had several sources tell me that you know they could be sitting outside and this is within like a 15 to 25 mile range.
They could be on the middle of the afternoon or in the evening outside enjoying a glass of wine just watching the stars or whatever and they'll feel a gush of wind all of a sudden and I've had three people tell me this that they've turned and looked up two in the evening like late in the evening and one
Well, they admit they had those part of their stealth helicopter system.
That's the one of the ones they had crash out there, but that was gray.
This was black.
You said your friend was looking for coins on the beach and it looked up and there was a black helicopter right above it.
Yeah, and he's really into military hardware, you know, aircraft and stuff like that.
And he said it looks so much like a Cobra helicopter is what he said it was.
He said it looked exactly like a Cobra helicopter.
I mean, I've never seen a Cobra.
I mean, I've seen Cobra helicopters up front.
I mean, I've worked parallel with them in the military, but never are they quiet.
And it's just a he's still in shock to this day.
And this happened like maybe 20 years ago.
So I'd like to find out how long this technology has been around.
You know, they're just
It's been around a long time.
I'm not in Kansas anymore.
But talking to you, you're saying the fear is here in America now.
It's spilling over.
The media is scared locally to report on it.
You talked about the people from the newspaper hung on the bridge.
Stay there.
We're going to come right back in one minute and talk about that with our guest.
Stay with us.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, well this is really getting frightening.
I've been watching YouTube videos of the Occupy Wall Street people openly working for Obama now, with signs saying redistribution or revolution.
They're not calling for liberty or freedom or to end the corporate cronyism.
They're calling for a piece of the pie.
And of course that'll just destroy the pie, but they don't know that.
I mean, what, if somebody's better looking than you, do you want to chop their nose off?
Somebody can pole vault better than you or throw like Brett Favre better than you?
Do we chop his arm off?
You know, I mean, this idea of collectivism is very dangerous.
It's being pushed by the Federal Reserve.
See, people that love Obama are such idiots.
And you mainline Republicans love Herman Cain and Mitt Romney.
Good Lord, there's no end to it.
Going back to David, David, in the last four minutes we've gotten this short segment.
We'll stay in contact with you as a great source.
We're going to give you our numbers.
I think we've already given you Richard's number to stay in touch with us as kind of our incognito reporter down here.
But other things I haven't raised, other points
I haven't got to.
I forgot.
What was I raising as we went to break?
Oh, I was talking about the folks, you know, the reporters being murdered on the bridge, hung, and you had to read deep into the Spanish and Mexican papers to find out it was the head administrator that was killed and her assistant.
They just said, oh, somebody on Twitter got killed.
It was the newspaper people, our own media now, on the bridge to Mexico, hanging dead as a message, and our own media has now been cowed by these people.
Yeah, they have a couple of the local television stations.
They've been they've been sent threatening letters and, and emails and whatnot, because they've publicly admitted it.
And they've kind of toned back on their reporting.
But you know, nicely, you know, speaking about the Twitter, what we're talking about, there were there were groups of people just going around and reporting tweeting out
You know, go around this way, go around that way, don't go through this street anywhere in Mexico, along the border here, along the Rio Grande River, and here in the Rio Grande Valley.
And they found out who these people were and they sent them a message and the sources I have are telling me that they actually killed two of the people that were tweeting.
They didn't.
They weren't involved in any way.
They were just tweeting for the sake of family and friends, you know, to avoid going... Well, no, that's some separate people, yes, but they also killed the newspaper head.
I mean, it's public information.
They've reported how many they've killed just in the last three years.
They do not care.
How is the drug war going with the different factions?
You said it's really three cartels.
This is the way it's being broken down.
You have the Sinaloa Cartel, which is the Chapa Guzman Cartel, and then you have the Zeta Cartel, and then you've got all these, what they're calling the third faction, is these smaller little groups, and they're trying to, you know, show Big Daddy, look, you know, I've got the muscle, you know, I've gone out and eliminated some of your competition, you know, will you hook me up?
Can I join your faction?
So it's like three ways, and if you really want to get into it, you could count the military because they're being used as a tool also, as a weapon.
So it's really, there's a four-way war going on here.
It's pandemonium.
They have no control over what they're doing over there.
I know you've got to go soon, or I've got a guest coming up, but I wanted you to finish up with your view on Fast and Furious.
Get started on that, and we'll finish up after the break if we have to.
The sources that I have are telling me that when the Fast and Furious program initiated or whatever, when the weapons actually crossed, they crossed up at the northern part of Mexico, the San Diego-Tijuana area, and it's kind of funny that those weapons have found themselves down on this side of the country.
The sad fact, when those three border patrolmen got shot, two of them died and one was gravely injured.
The bullets that were taken out of their bodies were analyzed and they came back and traced them to the weapons that were smuggled and sold across the border from Fast and Furious.
And it's funny because they were believing that those weapons were going to make it into the Sinaloa cartel.
You know, they would stay around the area, they would be able to trace it.
Eventually, they've ended up on this side of Mexico, along the Gulf of Mexico, the east side.
You know what?
Stay there.
I want to just spend two more minutes with you and get your overall view on what you think the master plan is.
Then Ben Fuchs is coming up.
Stay with us.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Look at this headline out of the San Antonio Express News.
If you're a PrisonPlanet.tv viewer, you can see it on screen.
If you're a regular radio listener, you can just go to the San Antonio Express News website.
Drug trafficking helping economy along the border.
And it's a positive news article about how great drugs are to help America.
They know you're sick of the drug war.
They know statistically people want to decriminalize.
The argument is if you do decriminalize all these drug gangs and move into other crimes, they already are.
Kidnapping, extortion, metal theft.
We will be overtaken by this and the globalists plan to use this to bring down Mexico.
I've been talking about it basically the whole show and I've got Iran news, I've got the Federal Reserve trying to censor its news.
I don't know what people are really upset about and I'll give you some news on that.
Tonight on the Nightly News, I'll get in more into the Iran situation.
They are trying to totally green light a war.
This is the closest we've been.
All the analysts we've interviewed have agreed.
Lieutenant Colonel Schaefer, Anthony Schaefer, said, well, the request has been made for the new war, and yeah, they want it, but the Pentagon is saying no.
This is incredible, the stuff that's going on.
Obama needs this distraction from Fast and Furious, all of it.
Finishing up with our source, our source, whose info checks out with all my research.
You've got shootouts by high school football games here in the border area, in the U.S., in the town of Rio Grande City.
You've got the Mexican military operating, you've got narcotics trafficking by the U.S.
government, you name it.
In the final equation, you talk about the Mexican military being corrupt, they've been caught, the Mexican government.
How does Felipe Calderon tie into all this?
Where is it going?
I mean, Celica Steele, former DEA agent, told me six years ago, he says, Los Zetas have tried to recruit me, they're training outside the King Ranch in Kingsville.
They've got secret bases down there in South Padre, and he was talking about this base out here.
They're gonna have a huge war between the cartels.
He stabilized Mexico, then the U.S.
will invade, then the ATF came and set him up and put him in prison.
Now, all for guns, saying he was selling shotguns.
But the point is, Selly had trained operators all over the world, you know, to quote...
I don't
And now this weird culture of death, the skinny one, this worship of the grim reaper.
It just sounds like some type of psychopathic tyranny like we saw in Russia, Nazi Germany, Pol Pot.
Fidel Castro has opened up and it's only getting worse.
What's your final equation take on this, Fast and Furious, how it all ties together, what your military and law enforcement sources are telling you?
Okay, let me start with this.
What you're talking about, the medals being stolen?
Absolutely true.
I know four people that are in the industry along the border here.
These are record amounts.
They cannot scrap enough metal because as soon as they get across the border, it's being held up and seized and stolen by the cartels.
Two, the University of Texas in Brownsville,
We're good to go.
Both governments know what's going on.
They're both in on it.
How do they know what's going on on a consistent basis?
It's all a big, it's all just a big joke on both, on all of us here.
Both sides know what's going on.
The Mexican government comes out and points fingers at us.
The president over there says it's the U.S.'
's fault.
But I'll tell you what, if they try to legalize drugs in Mexico, you'll see an all-out war because you're taking away the only livelihood the majority of those people are doing down there that are involved in illicit work.
That's the bottom line.
Yeah, but see, it's damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Justice be done, may the heavens fall.
Letting them have the drug money is only empowering them anyways to then start into new crimes.
Do you see my point?
Yeah, exactly.
So, the way I'm thinking is if they try to legalize it, it's going to really tick them off and they're going to go out on a mass killing spree.
They cannot try to legalize it over there because they're just going to get more irritated.
You're messing around with the bees.
And you go to that nest... Well, when is it going to end, though?
The bees are getting really fat and mean off the government making drugs illegal.
See how this is a monster, though, that just sucks you into it?
You know, on another, I was seeing a few nights ago, I was watching the pastor on television, his name is Perry Stoney, he said the 300 most powerful and richest families of the world are the ones that are leading all this.
They're the ones that are setting all this up.
And it just boggled my mind to hear this guy that has such an awesome reputation, a man of God, saying that 300 families of the most elite in the world are the ones that are setting this stuff up.
I mean, we... Yeah, that's the committee of 300.
That's actually accurate.
That's kind of the global overall consortium.
It's really about 20 families, but then there's a couple hundred under them that serve them.
It does come out to a committee of 300.
That is one of the top level of groups.
But here's the issue.
Just like, study how the West brought down China when China made drugs illegal.
In the end, it brought the country down.
That's what's happening here is the opium wars.
They're doing it and they mean to bring the U.S.
down with it.
I'm telling you, we got to bite the bullet.
They can go ahead and totally decriminalize, that doesn't mean legalize, and it's just going to have to be an all-out war then against crime.
And the answer is arm the Mexican people, have a total second amendment, and I'll guarantee you it's because you got 99% of people don't own guns that now the cartels could feed on them.
What would happen if every citizen in Mexico had a firearm and was trained how to use it?
What would happen when people came to their door to shake them down then?
It'd be totally different over there.
It would be totally different because a lot of those people are actually hard, honest, working people.
I know.
They really are.
It's ironic.
And you know, going back to what you were talking about a while ago about those Wall Streeters, you know, you look at the history in Rome.
Rome collapsed because they were going after that top one or two percent that had all the money that were creating the businesses and blah, blah, blah.
They did the same thing and we're following the same footsteps of old Rome.
We're going after the people that have the money that create the jobs.
It's stupid.
I see those kids getting interviewed on TV.
They have no idea why the hell they're out there.
They have no idea why they're out there.
It's like seeds being spread across the wind.
Nobody seems to have one centralized idea about what's going on.
No, in fact, if you go to InfoWars.com and I've seen these signs, it says, redistribute or revolution.
It's clear, David, we're going to have to have you back on in summation in 30 seconds.
How do you see this ending?
Because, do you agree with me?
Clearly, it's only getting worse.
It's only going to get worse.
I don't see an end in sight.
I don't see an end in sight.
It would take...
Maybe someone getting elected that would have the guts to say, you know what, we're not going to stand by, we're not going to participate in this, and we're going to shut the border off.
And again, the one thing that really irritates me is why- I agree, you shut the border off, that'll shut the profits off on both sides, but that'll never happen because the banks want that money and they're going to use it to destabilize Mexico, and not for America to take over Mexico, for the globalists to occupy it with our troops.
And again, they create a crisis where it'll get so bad, you'll know it's a setup, but you'll still have to support the troops going in, because you don't want to be kidnapped.
I mean, really, I mean, all you gotta do is turn on the news down in the Rio Grande Valley and watch.
I mean, it's online.
The two biggest ones are KRGV and KGBT, and they stream online, and you can see it.
There's 90 things going on over here.
It's a daily thing.
That you can catch it on the news.
It's every single day.
It's every single day.
So it ends in Mexico being occupied by the North American Union Security Force, not by America, and both our countries get rolled into a continental security perimeter.
Sir, thank you so much for spending time with us.
No problem.
Thank you, Alex, and to all your viewers, thank you.
Y'all have a good day.
You too.
Great guy there.
Really knows what he's talking about.
And so many others do around here too.
I'm gonna try to go up and interview some police around here and shove a camera in their face.
Hey, why are you writing tickets on citizens for going five miles over the speed limit?
Why don't you do something?
Why don't you actually do something and be honest with people?
You idiots allowed them to make drugs illegal so organized crime could take over and now it's destroying us!
But on top of it, the Mexican government is so evil they're about to forcibly inoculate
All the girls in their country with a vaccine known to kill people and sterilize them.
God help us, man.
God help us!
All right, we're going to go to pharmacist Ben Fuchs here for the balance of the hour.
And I've had big breaking news from down here at the border, uh, here today.
I've also got fellow reserve news coming up at the end and this war news with Iran.
They definitely want it.
But the good news is people in government are blowing the whistle on it and trying to back it down.
We'll have more on that, on all of it tonight, 7 o'clock.
I'll be on my own show with Aaron Dykes co-hosting it with me in Fort Worth.
Nightly News coming up this evening.
I wanted to get Ben Fuchs on again because
Now they're openly saying they're going to go after anybody selling vitamins and minerals.
Now they're saying they're going after anybody selling food on a street corner or tomatoes or whatever.
Now they're going after all the lemonade stands.
It's all about totally cracking down.
And I wanted to talk to him about the attacks on vitamins and minerals.
And this attempt to forcibly inoculate people and get his view on what inoculations are doing to people.
We're about to go to break, but Ben, great to have you here.
Just putting bookends on this, sitting there the last 15 minutes or whatever you've been holding.
What did you think of our report from the Texas-Mexico border, where a failed state is now collapsing into the United States?
Well, you know what?
I always do this.
I follow the money.
Cha-ching, cha-ching.
I see who's benefiting from it.
Anytime there's something going on in the news and anytime there's some kind of scandal going on, anytime we see something about the police state or encroachment of government, I want to know who's paying for all this and who's benefiting from a financial standpoint.
And somewhere along the line, you're going to find bankers and somewhere along the line, you're going to find
Industrialists and somewhere along the line, you're going to find big corporations and you're going to find the people being screwed.
And that's usually what happens.
That's right.
They get their huge profits out of conflict because they're attacking both Mexico and the U.S.
People think of wars as one side or the other.
The globalists play people off against each other.
That's why they're in control, only a few thousand of them.
Ben, we're going to go to break here, but how would you fix, in just a sentence, what's happening in Mexico?
How would I fix what's happening in Mexico?
Well, first of all, we have to, as individuals and as single citizens, we have to understand that the government is not here to protect individual rights.
They're there to protect themselves, as all establishments do.
We'll come back with more on that on the other side.
The answer is arm all the Mexicans with fully automatic weapons.
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Alex Jones here with vital information concerning our nation's fragile food supply.
Folks, there are some truly dangerous trends forming, and I think it's important for my listeners to do three things right away.
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History really does repeat itself.
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What has allowed this crisis in Mexico to take place is a disarmed population with a limited population that's armed, corrupt government, a public trained to give in to corrupt government, and then when another corrupt mafia comes in and starts fighting with the other mafia, civilization ends.
And that's what's going to happen to the United States.
That's where this country is headed, and you got big special interests coming in.
Big Pharma, Big Agra, openly lobbying in Europe and here in the US, and they've done it in Europe, to start restricting vitamins and minerals over the counter.
They're telling pharmacists, compounding pharmacists, real pharmacists all over the country, who can, you know, give you regular drugs or also old-fashioned ones, that they can't compound basic things anymore.
They're shutting down their competition.
It's all about big cartels
Shutting down their competition.
And then now you've got the Occupy Wall Street people, Ben, and I want to get your take on this and we'll get into the latest attacks on vitamins and minerals with you, coming out and just saying, yeah, redistribute.
And then Obama represents and says, yes, I want to redistribute.
But all he wants to do is redistribute the middle class's money, like Herman Cain wants, with new taxes to the Federal Reserve.
What is it these redistribute people can't get?
I mean, it's admitted now the Democrats are running this.
You know, they're a product of this infantilization of humanity, and especially of Americans, that's been going on for the last 60 or 70 years, where everybody expects the government to take care of them.
What my message has been, and consistently has been, is that individuals have to take the ball into their own court in terms of health.
These Wall Street people, Occupy Wall Street people,
Have to begin to produce something, have to begin to create something, have to begin to create some value, and so they'll get compensated in equal measure to what kind of value they're creating.
They're out there screaming, give me this and give me that and the government should be taking care of me.
And I'm not getting taken care of, and Wall Street should be redistributing their wealth, and it's not fair.
Get out and do something and create some value.
Put something back into the culture.
And that's what I see when I see these kids screaming, is I see people just saying, me, me, me, give me more, give me more, give me more.
And it's just the logical end result of this infantilization of Americans that has been going on since at least the New Deal.
Probably before.
Where the system's SWAT teaming people, and raiding them, and going after vitamins, and organic food, and not wanting us to be able to label stuff that's not organic, and trying to force vaccines on us.
I mean, this is a war.
People have to ask themselves, why is the government so interested in bringing armed SWAT teams to people who are selling sweeteners?
Or people who are selling herbs, or people who are contributing information on how to use these things.
Why is the government so vested in protecting their interests that they're willing to send armed SWAT team members to little old ladies who are selling stevia?
What are some of the other big trends you're seeing?
I mean, I know you're the real expert on this.
I just see it everywhere.
Well, the latest thing is now the Food and Drug Administration is interested in regulating new dietary ingredients.
They're making it tougher and tougher for supplement companies to come out with
New and better supplements, and they're not doing it outright.
They're doing it by changing the way that these companies label and the way these companies announce their new ingredients.
So a company will announce their new ingredient and the FDA will hold on to the announcement and hold on to the application if they deem that this new supplement is somehow a threat.
So that's the latest thing.
Now it's not just regular supplements, it's new supplements that these companies want to come out with.
New dietary supplements.
It's called the, uh, uh, it's called the NDI, the, the, uh, new dietary... Meanwhile, they've got the new freedom initiative that Bush started, where they said they want to put half of kids on psychotropics.
Now, Reuters is reporting, just up at Infowars.com, doctors want to diagnose ADHD, made up...
Use it because you're eating unhealthy food.
Starting at age 4.
Yeah, if I give my kids Coca-Cola, they suddenly get ADHD.
Or if I feed them, you know, MSG, they suddenly get out of control.
It's called, you know, having trouble in their brains.
Now they want to make your kids in school at age 4 be diagnosed so they can force deadly speed on them.
These diagnoses, these mental diagnoses, you know how they come up with them?
They vote on them.
A bunch of psychiatrists get together and determine that they're going to make up these new names for new diagnoses and they put them together in a book called the DSM.
The latest DSM is going to have new diseases like obsessive shopping disorder and excessive internet use disorder and all of these are going to be medicated.
So, the mental diagnoses are the most insidious of all the disease states.
I mean, to me, as a pharmacist, all disease states can be boiled down into either the body building up or breaking down, but chemical imbalances in the brain is some marketing term that a drug company invented.
There's no such thing as a chemical imbalance in the brain, because the brain's chemistry is always changing.
There's no one balance to the brain's chemistry.
Well, that's like the global warming people now teaching school kids that seasons are abnormal, and that any weather change is abnormal.
I mean, this is ridiculous!
We'll be right back with Ben Fuchs.
Great point on that.
I'm gonna go back to that, Ben.
Your brain's always changing.
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You know, more and more the problem I'm having is being able to cover it all.
When I first saw Citibank refusing to give a woman her money, who was at the bank last week, I thought, you know, there's no way I just saw that.
And now we put an article up this morning from George Washington's blog that's got scores of videos.
And then I went and did a search and found a whole bunch more of Occupy Wall Street folks
Who actually went out and went into Citibank, Goldman Sachs, that's more of a brokerage bank, but they've got bank accounts too, JP Morgan, Bank of America, and demand their money.
And they just say, no, get out of here and call the cops on them.
Man, I mean, I don't have that much money, but we've got a sizable sum in bank accounts to run InfoWars.com and pay the employees.
I guess if they had a gold counting house in town, we could pay them in that or something.
But, I mean, it's just getting to the point where you can't trust the banks, you can't trust any of it.
And these kleptocrats are running the entire society.
They're devaluing the currencies.
Ben Fuchs is our guest.
Pharmacist Ben, you were making a really good point there, as we went to break, that they say any change in the brain is an imbalance.
When you get depressed or whatever, they've got all these studies where natural foods, vitamins, minerals that you have talked about.
In fact, perhaps you shouldn't talk about it.
In double-blind studies I've seen are many times better than Prozac or those variants of serotonin reuptake inhibitors.
And those studies have been out for decades.
In fact, the serotonin reuptake inhibitors are linked to increased suicide.
Now they have to put it on the insert, whereas what St.
John's Wort I know actually helps because it's natural.
But then they want to restrict that.
But I mean, I've always felt if I get a little sun or I'm kind of down in the winter, if I go climb a hill somewhere or, you know, go clean out the garage, I feel great.
Just get out and have some fun.
Then I'm not depressed anymore.
It's the times I hadn't been taking action in my life.
Probably the two years I was in college and my mind knew this was worthless.
I wasn't learning anything from this.
I needed to quit doing it.
As soon as I just went out and quit college and got a couple more jobs and started my media operation, I felt great.
I've never felt bad since then.
If I do something wrong occasionally and think about it later, I feel guilty and depressed.
As soon as I admit up to what I've done psychologically and spiritually, I feel great.
But they're telling you you should never feel bad.
They're saying we want to drug all of our soldiers because they feel bad about what they've done.
Well, they should just repent and then you won't feel bad anymore.
I mean, what can you say?
I mean, you really hit something key here.
Just like the global warming, people say they're now teaching school kids, we've shown this on the website in news articles, that
Seasons aren't real.
I mean, aren't normal.
And that you shouldn't have changes in weather.
That any change, that any weather change, any climate change is different.
The only thing that doesn't change is change, Ben.
We're treating normal conditions like sadness and depression as if they're medical conditions.
Nobody gets a serotonin test when they go into the psychiatrist's office and has a blood test done to see how much serotonin is in their brain.
They make up this term chemical imbalance to imply that something is wrong with your brain.
The brain is always changing, so there's no chemical balance to be imbalanced in the first place.
And then to take a poison and make no mistake about it, Alex, these things are
Poisons, whether you call them pharmaceuticals, or whether you call them medicines, or whether you call them drugs, I call them poisons.
When you knock out a system as fundamental as the serotonin system, this is one of the most fundamental systems in the body, and when you block re-uptake of serotonin, you're playing with fire.
And as a pharmacist, I can tell you, I'm not surprised when people on SSRIs go out and shoot up the school, or shoot up the military base, or commit suicide.
You are playing with fire when you start to tweak your neurochemistry.
In addition,
Aren't serotonin reuptake inhibitors, I've read the insert, aren't they in the hallucinogen psychotropic class?
The hallucinogens LSD and drugs like LSD work with the serotonin system in the brain.
But Alex, most of the serotonin system is not even in your brain.
It's in your digestive system and it's in other systems of the body.
So when you take a serotonin reuptake inhibitor, it's not only affecting your brain,
It's affecting your entire nervous system as well as your enteric or gut nervous system as well.
You cannot take a drug and simply expect it to be a magic bullet that's going to be directed to your specific symptom.
In addition, what we're treating are not even diseases, Alex.
Every four or five years, psychiatrists get together and they vote on what the latest new diagnosis will be.
And today we have hundreds...
More than 20, I know, because we've read them on air before.
We've written news articles about it.
We're not liking government corruption, not trusting government as a mental illness.
That's right.
It's defiant.
Defiance disorder.
Let's expand on that, because you just pointed out, I've seen cases of this where somebody has lead poisoning, mercury poisoning, some type of industrial poisoning.
They're acting crazy, and the system will just commit them
Instead of actually testing their blood and helping chelate it out.
I mean this is just incredible.
Take all the pink program everywhere.
Breast cancer the highest in the world in the US.
Next in Europe.
All the places where they vaccinate.
All the places where they have GMO.
And instead of
Looking at why this is happening, they just say, let's raise money to find a cure.
Well, I mean, that's like saying, find a cure after a truck runs over you.
You know, how to cure somebody being run over by a Mack truck.
How about not being run over by the truck?
How about we look at why this is epidemic?
Because again, this is such a blaring crime, but it's in plain view, that the system never wants to find out why you're having this problem.
They want to, quote, treat it.
Showing the whole system is designed to not actually help you, but to treat you.
Alex, Kentucky Fried Chicken sponsors Race for the Cure.
That's the people who are paying for Race for the Cure, the people who are causing the disease in the first place.
Look, Alex, you cannot expect to eat the way we eat, and you cannot expect to be as nutritionally deficient as we are, and not end up with breast cancer, and not end up with degenerative diseases.
It doesn't make any sense.
And so the message that I want to promote and that you're helping us promote is the idea that if you take care of your basic needs, your God-given needs, such as oxygen and blowing out carbon dioxide and making sure you're getting appropriate nutrition, you're not going to need the race for the cure.
You're not going to need the serotonin reuptake inhibitors.
You're not going to need to interface with the medical model and the medical community.
And you'll have more power and more
I think?
It doesn't need drugs.
It doesn't need hospitals.
It doesn't need insurance companies.
It needs good nutrition.
It needs solid food.
It needs clear air.
It needs clean water.
It needs to be able to blow out toxins through carbon dioxide.
It needs a functioning liver.
And short of that, we are condemned.
Short of that, we are going to be walking into the hospitals and the pharmacies, and we're going to be enriching the medical model, and we're not going to be able to have the wherewithal to fight this kind of tyranny.
Well, you're absolutely right, Ben, and it just gets crazier and crazier how they're trying to force this on people.
I haven't talked to you in a month or so on air since California and the governor signed the law to let them brainwash young children without their parents knowing and, quote, get them to consent to the deadly Gardasil shot, which they admit on its own insert doesn't even protect you from the cancer it claims it's helping you from.
But then they showed newscasts of them going to homeschoolers' doors and saying, we're here to give your child a shot, it's the law.
So they'll come tell parents it's the law to take it when it's not the law.
Then, obviously, they're going to tell the kids it's the law and force them to take it.
I mean, this is reaching like the forced sterilization level like we saw in this country under eugenics.
What's your view on that?
How should that be handled?
Here's my view on that, Alex.
When you and I were growing up, did you hear of the human papillomavirus?
Was there a problem with the human papillomavirus with girls in your school?
Did you ever hear of any kids in your school having the human papillomavirus?
I didn't.
Okay, the problem is, is that our immune systems are so shot because of the crappy food we're eating, and our immune systems are so shot because of our lack of basic nutrients, like vitamin C, and like the B-complex, and like good protein, that everything that comes along, we become a victim to.
Viruses and bacterias cannot exist in a healthy, powerful terrain.
A terrain that has an immune system that's strong.
So our job as individuals is to make sure that our bodies have the strength to be able to withstand bacteria, withstand viruses.
We live in an environment in competition with these things, but we have an immune system that has been divinely given to us that is able to, in an intelligent fashion, select these bacteria and select these viruses for destruction.
We have cells and we have chemicals inside our body that can specifically target viruses
We're good to go!
Of course we're going to become victim to bacteria and viruses, but the answer is not Gardasil.
The answer is to change the way we treat ourselves, to upregulate and maximize and build up our body's inherent healing properties and our body's inherent defense systems, the immune system.
We shouldn't need Gardasil.
We shouldn't need these vaccines.
We need to learn and we need to understand how our bodies work.
That's the most, that's the most dire need we have today, is understanding this magical system, this divine system called the human body, and understanding how it works.
And understanding how it works.
And now, pharmacist Ben, as the public begins to learn about this and tries to get back to basics, the system
He's coming in trying to regulate it and shut it down.
And at this point in the interview, I want to just put the pitch out to listeners that this is a win, win, win, win, win.
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And we have banners up at Infowars.com, but it's simple.
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Do you?
Then your purchase also makes this radio show, the news show, everything we do possible, because InfoWorks team is something that is a huge sponsor of our show.
In fact, I've taken it in-house myself, because researching it, I think it's the best system out there, bar nine.
Ben, let's walk through.
for people because as you pointed out what's so exciting about this is that people who are in horrible shape have been working too much too long who have horrible nutritional deficiencies who don't have the right minerals and vitamins and trace elements and things that are so key when they start taking beyond tangy tangerine and pollen burst when they start taking
The essential fatty acid systems.
I mean, I have a family member who had eczema.
Talked to you six months ago.
You said put him on essential fatty acids.
They did it.
The eczema's gone.
Ted Anderson's father didn't even know who he was.
Got him on the essential fatty acids, got him on the Beyond Any Danger cream.
His memory was suddenly back.
He was doing great.
He'd go fishing with him again.
The doctor said, uh-uh.
Uh, he's on Coumadin.
He can't be taking that beyond Tangent 10 during that has natural minerals in it.
It could throw him off.
So they took him off of it, and he's back again.
Again, the doctors are actually, NO!
Do not take vitamins and minerals!
That is evil!
And so, Ted says I can tell that story, even though it's painful for him.
This is the type and then I even had Dr. Russell Blaylock on about how deadly statins are and how they trigger Alzheimer's and literally eat the brain and because the brain's made out of cholesterol folks and I did that interview just for
Uh, and then break down for people, uh, uh, what statins are doing.
Just an example.
Alright, real quick.
The statins are a very fascinating subject because they are a real boon for the pharmaceutical industry.
They've been making billions upon billions of dollars in profit alone on the statins since they were first introduced almost 15 or 16 years ago.
The idea of the statins is that they're trying to target one specific enzyme system whose end result is cholesterol, but what they miss is there's about 10 steps in between, and every one of those steps is blocked by these statin drugs.
So it means that your body can't produce a lot of vital chemicals, including cholesterol.
Never mind that cholesterol is probably, arguably, the single most important biochemical in your body.
It's a precursor to vitamin D. It's a precursor to all of your steroid hormones.
It's a precursor to cortisol.
It's required for healthy cell membranes.
It's required for brain function.
There's no way you can knock out that system and not expect side effects.
What's worse is, when you take a statin drug, you keep your body from making other things, not just cholesterol.
We're good to go!
That's right.
That's right.
If you are on a statin drug, just try this.
And by the way, you were talking about Ted.
Ask Ted what happened to his cholesterol levels and his triglyceride levels when he started on this program, okay?
It's an amazing story.
If you don't know nutrition, now, knowing nutrition, I'm not that amazed by it, because I know that's what's supposed to happen.
If you're on a statin drug... Well, then my statin drug came back.
What's that?
Within months, his dad came back.
That's right, just by taking B vitamins and essential fatty acids.
If you're on the statin drugs, I will tell you right now how to lower your cholesterol without the statin drugs and get off your statin drugs.
Number one, first and foremost, lower your insulin levels by eating less sugar.
How to eat less sugar?
Up your protein, get on a good protein supplement.
Secondly, get yourself on essential fatty acids, the ultimate EFAs.
It's a powerful, powerful strategy for helping lower blood cholesterol.
Get yourself on the B vitamins.
Get yourself on vitamin C. You'll find all of this in the Longevity products and the Alex Start Pack, I think they're calling it, which is the Beyond Tangy Tangerine, the Ultimate EFAs, and the Osteo FX product.
Just those three products alone, Alex, can have a dramatic effect on cholesterol and allow you to get off of your statin drugs.
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What's amazing about this, you know, taking Ted's dad's story, and we can help other people by telling this story, because Ted's allowed us to.
Believe me, behind the scenes, he's really done a lot of research.
He's the guy that got me into longevity because of this, is that the doctor went and tested the blood, and because it had higher minerals in it, so you can't have minerals that high, and vitamins with this Coumadin.
So the Coumadin, I guess the blood thinner, even though he's never had a stroke, the blood thinner,
That's so important, you can't have vitamins and minerals.
I mean, as a pharmacist, Ben, how can doctors be anti-vitamin and mineral and say it doesn't matter if he's got his memory back, he's got to go off of it, and then people like these are messiahs follow the doctor's order?
...this idea that doctoring is somehow akin to God.
It's not.
Doctoring means patching things up, and doctors are trained in how to patch things up.
When you doctor something, you jury-rig it.
You tie it together with bailing wire and bubble gum.
Doctoring is about jury-rigging the body to make it look like it's healthy.
That's why when boats get stolen, they say they doctored with it.
That's right, or your taxes are doctored.
See how far that gets you with the IRS when you doctor your taxes.
Doctoring means to fix something so it appears to be something that it's not.
And so we have this model, this doctoring model that gives us the adherence of health.
It's not about healing.
Doctoring is not about healing.
That's the point.
Doctoring is about treating.
There's no drug in the world that can heal.
This is why the FDA doesn't even allow you to use the cure word.
Because, according to them, you can't cure anything.
According to the medical model, the body is inherently flawed, and the best we can do is stave off your demise.
In fact, they even say vitamin C you can't say is a cure for scurvy, even though it's been known for 500 years.
You don't get vitamin C, your skin disintegrates.
It's not that it's a cure for scurvy, it's that it eliminates it.
Because scurvy is caused by a deficiency in vitamin C. Exactly, a cure is like almost saying that you deserve to have it or something.
It should be there.
What about brushing your teeth and flossing?
That's a cure to gout disease.
Right, exactly.
Brushing your teeth doesn't cure gum disease, it eliminates it.
It keeps it from happening in the first place.
And that's what nutrition does.
Doctoring is not about that.
Doctoring is about patching things together so that you can get by for 70 or 80 years and then die.
And that's the way the medical world looks at the human body.
Well, that's why it is great for heroic care like a broken leg or a bone sticking out the side of your leg.
But it's not good when you come in with a heart problem.
They just give you drugs to mask it.
That's right.
We are so bamboozled and hypnotized by the sizzle of emergency medicine, which obviously, heroic medicine has done a tremendous job.
And if you get hit by a car, you want a surgeon, not a vitamin.
But as far as degenerative disease goes, the body knows how to heal itself.
Our job is simply to give it the raw materials to do its work.
It's as simple as that.
All right, well, let's stop right there, then.
Look, I know that if people will just try, say, Beyond Tangy Tangerine with all the vitamins and minerals, everything you need, that little scoop every day, that
That lowers your cravings to eat.
That's how I've lost some weight, is that instead of just pigging out, and the minerals and vitamins aren't in the regular food, you just take the vitamins and minerals and fatty acids.
That's how Aaron's lost like 40-something pounds, folks.
He's totally following the longevity plan and listens to Ben Fuchs every morning, the hour before I come on here at Genesis.
And it's really working, and I'm trying to follow it, and I do most of the time.
Today, I actually was brought a hamburger for lunch.
That's all right.
I certainly enjoyed that evil.
And as long as you only have some of it, it's okay.
The point is, go to InfoWarsTeam.com.
And whatever your issue, the answer is there with the research, with the vitamins, with the minerals, with the exercise.
And when you become a member of the team, you get discounts on bulk purchases.
Or you can just purchase straight up.
Ben, I want to hold you five minutes to the next hour overdrive.
Then I'll be back tonight, 7 o'clock.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
All right, it is our final segment.
I will broadcast from South Texas on the Mexico border again tomorrow, and then we will return after that to Central Texas.
Aaron Dykes is sitting in on InfoWars Nightly News tonight, 7 o'clock at InfoWarsNews.com and PrisonPlanet.tv, but I'll also be on the show tonight via Skype bringing you InfoWars Nightly News.
Again, I just want to thank the great crew that we have, you the listeners and supporters, our AM and FM affiliates, our sponsors.
But Youngevity is a product I've researched.
It really has led the way in the last 20 years, and so much of what it has done has been copied, which is great, but we put together in one spot when I did the research, the best products out there, and I found a supporter and person that promotes Youngevity, pharmacist Ben Fuchs,
Uh, and picked his brain, and so we have him on occasionally to cover the latest news and also promote the products we're offering.
That's what I believe in.
Uh, free market, we offer good products to you, uh, and then, uh, that supports getting the overall word out, and then, uh, you, of course, get better health, uh, and, uh, longevity.
Uh, so infowarsteam.com.
Uh, in closing, uh, pharmacist Ben Fuchs.
Breaking down the things that don't doctor you, don't patch something up that allow your body to be like it's supposed to be, healthy and with more longevity.
Mention some of the other great products that are at mfallwarsteam.com that people should check out.
Ultimate EFAs, well the BTT is the first one, you mentioned that, the Beyond Tangy Tangerine, the Ultimate EFAs are probably the second most important, and then the probiotic product, the Biolumine Nightly Essence, and the Ultimate Enzymes, because Alex, if your digestive system is not functioning where it should be, everything else you do on top of that is going to be like trying to bail water out of a leaky boat.
The key to wellness is in the digestive system.
And any kind of digestive symptom that you have needs to be figured out and needs to be eliminated.
One of the most important things you could do.
In fact, if you only did one thing, aside from the Beyond Tangy Tangerine, I would tell you it's a good probiotic supplement, good bacteria for help re-establishing the colon's bacteria, good bacteria responsible for protecting you from cancer, for helping your body process fats, for helping your body make the B vitamins and vitamin K, and also for helping detoxify and process food.
I think?
If you have hip joint pain, if you have any kind of inflammatory pain, digestive enzymes not only will help you digest your food, but they also act as anti-inflammatories and then the ultimate multi to get you all your basic multiple vitamin needs.
There's also a lot of great skincare products, you name it there, but I mean it's really simple.
They weaponize the food, the water, the GMO, the additives.
We get sick, they extract our money and wealth out of us, basically just keeping us alive, patching us up, you know, as miserable creatures.
They obviously, as a medical industry, they don't want us to know how our body is supposed to really work.
It's up to us, Alex, and this is the bottom line, and we come full circle to how we started off the program.
It's up to us to take the ball into our own court, not to rely on the medical community, not to rely on outside authorities.
We are our own authorities.
The human body is a healing system.
We all own one.
It's pre-programmed to heal itself.
Every time you cut your finger, you can watch the healing process take place.
You don't have to think about it.
You don't have to participate in it.
That same healing process is in place in every system of the body.
Wait a minute, wait a minute.
The FDA should come out and say your body's not allowed to cure itself of a cut.
We need to have the doctors come and somehow just keep it bloody for life but put a bandage on it and you know treat that instead of letting your body heal.
Your body can't heal from a cut.
What type of extremist are you Ben Fuchs?
Yes, that's the logical extension of how they want us to think.
But the bottom line is they cannot control that biochemistry.
It's ours, for now.
For now, because probably they're trying to figure out a way to do it.
But for now, it's our biochemistry.
We need to figure out how to give it the good stuff, not give it the bad stuff.
Beautifully said, Ben Fuchs.
I look forward to you back on the show and also sitting in in the near future.
I'll be back tonight, 7 o'clock, InfoWorks Nightly News.
Don't forget, InfoWorksTeam.com.
What nutrition are you missing that's leading to the four