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Name: 20110915_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 15, 2011
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends, we are live.
Thank you so much for joining us.
It is the 15th day of September 2011 on this live Thursday transmission against tyranny.
We're going to be here for at least the next three hours live.
Max Keiser on incredible economic developments will be joining us.
We've also got new cases of people trying to short silver.
We're gonna be breaking that down with him and taking your phone calls in the third hour.
James Dillingpole!
Who writes for the London Telegraph and other big publications, and is a best-selling author, has chronicled the fraud, the miscreant behavior of the man bear pig, the king of bull, the king of baloney, the ayatollah of scamarola.
We're talking about, of course, Albert Gore Jr.
Albert Gore.
Albert, I invented the internet.
is going to be underwater five years ago, Gore.
Albert, I own an oil company, but I want to tax you.
Albert, I own giant mansions everywhere and I'm a big fat hypocrite.
And his 24 hours of con artistry, his 24 hours of relaunching fraud and hysteria to make him the high priest of the planet and to pay him and Lord Rothschild trillions of dollars to keep you safe.
His 30-year quest, the $100 billion spent domestically to foist all of this on us, all circling the toilet bowl right now.
Talked to Lord Monckton last night and I said, is Al Gorbin
Thrown off the cliff and totally destroyed like Humpty Dumpty?
Or is he at the edge, tipping?
And Lord Monkton basically said that he is on the ground!
He has fallen!
Humpty Dumpty!
He's had a great fall!
All the King's horses and all the King's men can't put Man-Bear-Pig back together again!
So we're going to be discussing that today.
Also, I have a few words to say about yesterday going into histrionics and flailing about.
That is not staged when I do that, but it is staged.
I allow myself to behave like that.
I allow myself to express how I'm feeling and my rage and disgust, but it is not good for me.
And I need to stop doing it, obviously, and I've gotten better over the years at not going into out-of-control frothing rants of hatred where I can't even speak, basically, and just repeat the word scum over and over again while deliciously grinding my teeth together.
I can't do that.
And what happens is I don't do it as often as I used to, so now when I do turn loose and enter into the ecstasy of absolute hatred, it is not good.
The ecstasy of absolute love is the way to go.
And I need to remember that.
And I shouldn't let people like Al Gore and Bill Gates... It's just imaging them with their fake ninniness as they try to look passive and friendly and wimpy when they're not.
They are harbingers of eugenics and mass doom.
But just like when you're out dove hunting, if you just kind of
And actually put off vibes of happiness.
The dove won't flee from you.
But if you're out there looking around like a predator, got your gun up, everything flees.
It's the same thing with these guys.
Or you're trying to creep up on a wild horse or something, you want to lasso.
You're like, oh, hi, I'm friendly.
La la la.
And they want to get the horse to take it off to a rendering plant to turn it into glue.
Elmer's glue, yes, is rendered horse and cow hooves and other cartilage appendages all turn into a corpulent scrofuli paste to be extruded out onto the pages of little ones creating kindergarten works of art.
Alright, well I am not a horse to be rendered down into glue at the soapworks.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us, ladies and gentlemen.
Yes, I'm seething with humanity.
You are too.
Tap into it.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Alex Jones here with vital information concerning our nation's fragile food supply.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington DC we have seen a fall of the Republic.
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Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We are live, my friends.
It is Thursday, the 15th day of September 2011.
Max Keiser on huge developments in the economy globally and this new banking dictatorship openly being set up in Europe that's connected under treaty to the United States.
We're going to be getting into that.
Some of the silver shorting and manipulation going on.
London Telegraph reporter James Dillingpole joins us in the second hour.
About 30 minutes or so and we'll continue with calls to talk about the latest scams of man-bear-pig.
He's claiming those of us that are saying that carbon dioxide isn't causing global warming are the fraudsters and the hoaxers.
Sorry, Al, baby.
Your internal emails from the different UN scientists organizing fraud worldwide have been made public for two years.
Sea levels have dropped.
Even Der Spiegel has to admit that now.
The big German publication that's been pushing all of this.
You can't aim a satellite time-lapse at Antarctica or the Arctic in their respective summers and show half of them melting and then tell people it's all about to melt.
Not knowing, the general public doesn't know or isn't thinking.
It's such a simple parlor trick that in the summer the ice always dissipates by around half and then comes back in the fall and the winter.
What they show school kids here is the Arctic time-lapse.
It's melting.
Al Gore turns in his slideshow inconvenient scam.
And he says, look at it, it's melting!
At this rate, in one year it'll be gone!
They keep saying it every year.
I mean, it was supposed to be gone years ago.
Then it was supposed to be gone again this year.
But they're reporting that it's bigger and thicker than it's been in decades.
And of course, then there's the other parlor trick lie, where they say that if ice caps melt, that sea levels will go up.
And depending on the model, in most of the models, that's actually not the case.
Just like if you fill a glass up with ice and it's mounding at the top and filled with water, when the ice melts, the water level goes way down, because ice displaces more volume than water.
Now, you have to do calculations of how much water there is above sea level, above the mountains of ice and glaciers, and they try to do those calculations with computers.
But generally, as you get massive melt, the sea is actually lower, because now the ice that's in the sea is not displacing as much volume.
Now it is true that if the glaciers completely melt across the board, that there are some measurements that show it would send up sea levels.
But that varies.
And of course it's the sun that drives it, no matter if the UN has a vote and says, the sun does not affect the climate.
We have said so.
No proof, we say so.
And they've tried to run out of business and run out of university.
The majority of scientists, climatologists, scientists that study the sun...
That show that it is the sun that's controlling the temperature of the earth and governing weather with the particles it's firing into the atmosphere that form the nuclei.
This was first postulated more than a hundred years ago, began to be confirmed in the fifties and in the last decade completely confirmed by hundreds of scientific groups.
CERN two weeks ago classified their information but it still leaked that CERN's test showed the same thing.
But the UN and Al Gore say the sun is not the main driver.
If you think humans have any effect compared to the sun, you've got nothing coming.
Now, humans can destroy the Earth.
Nuclear weapons, biological engineering certainly could damage the planet to a great extent, and I am all for looking at a serious debate about restricting some of this stuff.
Because it's a perfect Trojan horse by the technocrats who've declared themselves anti-human eugenicists, that they are already using these systems against us.
So while you're busy running in fear and the public hyperventilating, oh no, the carbon dioxide!
I ran that promo yesterday that Gore is running for his 24 hours of baloney, 24 hours of con artistry on parade, when he says in that nilly voice, I can't really do Al Gore well, but
Um, yes.
The oil companies say carbon dioxide is not bad, but we know the truth.
I mean, being lectured about carbon dioxide is really a joke.
I don't know how plants even live when it's less than 1% now.
It's some tiny, guys pull up percentage of carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere and then they know just 200,000 years ago it was 14 times higher.
How are plants even living right now?
That's what they respirate from is, and there's a lot of scientists,
And even in the last hundred years, over and over again, saying carbon dioxide is very low.
What's going on?
Are we losing our atmosphere like Mars or something?
The Pentagon's answer in the 50s and 60s was to detonate hundreds of nuclear weapons in the upper atmosphere and out in the Van Allen radiation belt.
And it is believed that some of those detonations, it's covered in the great documentary,
Voiced by William Shatner, what is it called, Trinity, showing the U.S.
nuclear test program and blowing holes in the atmosphere and the ozone.
But again, that's not a problem.
Go ahead and detonate those high-powered hydrogen bombs, sometimes dozens in a night.
Where is carbon dioxide?
Carbon dioxide is 0.0360.
You don't have that, the Earth dies.
The entire life cycle, depending on carbon dioxide, the plants that put off the oxygen.
And we have a bloated con artist who tells one wild lie after another, running around, getting in our face.
Put that graph back up for me, please.
I know it was 0.3, but I want to get the exact... And let me see, nitrogen 78.08.
And look out, they're now bad-mouthing nitrogen in the media, saying anything that puts that off is evil.
Oxygen is 20.95.
is 0 to 4% depending where you are in the atmosphere.
Argon is 0.93.
Carbon Dioxide is 0.0360.
And I had Lord Mongeon last night and he corrected me.
I kept saying it's been 14 times higher.
That's in the last 200,000 years.
I have it from ice cores, mud samples, peat bogs.
He explained to me, no Alex, thousands of times
During this period, the Earth was 30% carbon dioxide.
And I looked it up last night and it was true.
It used to be 30%.
Now it's 0.03?
Let's put that graph again of your PrisonPlanet.tv viewer back up there.
Radio listeners can just look up percentage of carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere.
Humans and other animals, we get
20.95, that's what we're breathing, and then we put off the carbon dioxide, and I guess we're precious creatures.
And the plants, desperate, carbon dioxide starved, and literally, it's like Al Gore's Satan.
He doesn't want the Earth to have its life force.
And of course, all these trendies are anti-life, but think they're pro-life.
It's always like that with these devilish deceptions.
The poor plants get 0.0360.
Helium is one of the only gases, isn't it, noble, that doesn't... It's 0.0005.
Methane, that they're now taxing people all over the world for, flatulence, and they're farm animals, is 0.0017.
That's essential for keeping the atmosphere on the planet.
But, eh, we can go like Mars.
I'm sure Al Gore would be happy.
And a few more A-bombs up there in the sky.
Hydrogen is 0.00005.
Nitrous Oxide is 0.00003.
Ozone, Al Gore is always... Actually cleans and purifies the atmosphere. 0.00004.
Okay, I've got all this incredible news and I have a tendency to perseverate on facts of science and I get a little angry by a known con artist lying filth bag hypocrite running around saying that everyone who is against shutting down our coal plants
As Obama said, I want to bankrupt them that supplies 50 plus percent of our energy.
And I know big oil companies came up with Ken Lay for this carbon tax scam, and I've got all the proof, I've made films about it, and he gets up there and says, anyone criticizing this works for the oil companies.
When the oil companies, predominantly, almost every one of them, the big ones, on record, are funding the carbon taxes to shut down coal, because once they've shut down coal, that will artificially create scarcity in other petrochemicals and increase the value.
I make zero money from oil and things like that.
I'm paid zero.
And it is so frustrating.
In fact, I will just declare here that I actually have family who's got farmland with little gas wells.
I guess they make a few thousand dollars a month.
And actually, some of the natural gas lobby gets on the green lobby and on the climate committees.
You can look it up.
And they do want to shut down gasoline, oil, because that would actually increase the price of it.
So, if anything, if I was an opportunist, because I don't get any of that family money and it's not much, because then they jack up your property taxes and it basically all goes to that, and most of these little wells in Texas aren't that big, they're drilling them all over the place.
If I was an Al Gore type, and by the way, he's got big natural gas holdings, that's on record, that's another reason.
See, if oil and natural gas can get together and shut down coal,
There you have it.
And by the way, I'm all for natural gas cars.
They run great.
It's just that people haven't really adopted that.
But the point is, you shouldn't force people.
And yes, natural gas puts off hardly any carbon dioxide.
And so we get lectured all day about how we need to use it.
But I'm sorry.
We ought to be geoengineering this globe and putting more carbon dioxide out.
In fact, I've seen government reports where they're actually talking about, in the last few decades, about the lowering carbon dioxide level and will it be needed to put big factories in to produce it.
You can't argue with the fact that it was 14 times higher 200,000 years ago.
In fact, a lot of scientists marvel that plants just slow down their growth cycle.
And in a lot of cases, they're basically just hanging on right now with that level of carbon dioxide.
God Almighty, what is going on?
And then the globalists are targeting that one thing that we're starved of.
It's so diabolical.
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Alright, we are back live.
Let me just give you a smattering of the news, okay?
Before time gets away from me, here.
I was just during the break watching Fox News and others hyperventilating over arsenic in apple juice that's naturally biologically bound in it.
That's why if you eat the seeds of cherries or apples moderately over the years, it's been proven in many studies to be a massive cancer reducer because it doesn't just have arsenic, it has the precursors to cyanide in it.
And for whatever reason, that stops mutations.
And see, the system knows that you're awake to being poisoned.
And so if they tell you about arsenic and apple juice, here's an example.
I'll go ahead and get into this now, then I'll get into it more later.
And I should do a whole report on this tonight on the Nightly News.
In fact, I think I will.
I've just got to, when the show ends, actually pull all this data up so I can put it in a news package to document it.
They put in world regulations.
To where there has to be basically zero arsenic in a water supply.
And then they come in and tell local communities, you've got to put this treatment system in to stop the arsenic.
Now, once it's gone through the treatment, you're allowed to put poison in it under waivers.
So they, you're not allowed to have it in the clean aquifer water, but then once it goes through, they can dump anything they want, basically, with hundreds of deadly chemicals in it under the name of fluoride.
Arsenic, lead, mercury, radioactive isotopes, sodium fluoride, it's all in there.
That's on record, just look it up.
But that's to bankrupt, under federal mandates, all the local water districts.
And then, right on time, these big multinationals come in and say, don't worry.
We will take over your water district.
It's been paid for with taxpayer money.
And we'll do it cheaper.
The minute they come in, it goes up 30, 40 percent.
Five years later, it's 300 percent.
And they just don't care.
And they own your politicians.
And they set up their own weird police forces and incorporate, but they're still private.
And we've got that going on here in Texas.
Almost all these companies are German, Dutch, Canadian, Italian, Australian.
LCRA right now is trying to sell the lakes out and the water treatment systems to some European companies.
That's just right here in Central Texas.
This is how these people operate.
This is how they get this scam into place.
But getting back to my Apple story, I was just watching it during the break.
Now I can't find...
No, I can't find my Apple story.
Here it is.
Arsenic in your kid's apple juice.
And they're talking about how deadly dangerous this is.
Why don't they talk about the mercury in the vaccines?
Why don't they talk?
No, no, no.
They select little, certain things, and then say, oh my gosh, there's naturally occurring, that's what they say, small levels, oh my gosh, it's 23 parts per billion, holy mackerel, in the average apple juice.
What are we going to do?
Well, we've got to start restricting it.
And so, see, the apple juice is evil.
But, I mean, so many fruits have arsenic in them.
But it's naturally occurring, and you need arsenic.
People have asked me when some of the vitamin and mineral products we promote, why they have trace amounts of those things in them.
Because the way the different chemists have explained it, the really good vitamin and mineral companies have that, and it's always organically bound, they explain how that works.
Because without super small trace amounts of those, in with the other vitamins and minerals, your body can't uptake it.
Okay, so what they're doing is they're going after these trace things you need as a big freak out and excuse to scare you away from apple juice, while meanwhile in every major study that we've covered here, just type in GMO corn linked to organ failure, infertility in every rodent study.
You'll get hundreds of prestigious rodent studies.
Sterilizing, massive cancer increases, absolute devastation.
Going on right now, and they're busy getting us to be completely scared of this garbage.
So there, I've already pretty much covered that, but there's a lot of hyperventilating, a lot of perseverating.
You've heard all the news, and now they're saying Sarah Palin was having sex with basketball players, cocaine, all this other stuff, with no proof.
This is the big hit piece, a long time in the making.
And I have no doubt that a beauty queen might be a little wild, but...
It's a complete distraction.
If you're wanting me to talk about it, it isn't really going to happen.
You know, she's not usually moralizing.
That's another issue.
She's mainly into economic issues.
Now, Rick Perry, it's another subject.
That guy's as phony as a $3 bill.
All right.
We'll get into Libya.
We'll get into taking your kids away if they're overweight.
Straight ahead, big news.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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Well, I won't back down.
No, I won't back down.
You can stand me up at the gates of hell, but I won't back down.
And I won't!
Okay, we are back live!
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
Let me just go through the news in order here.
Israeli officials say Jordan is hanging by a thread.
And they are also saying that they have removed their ambassador from Jordan as a Million Man March is prepared.
Give folks a document cam shot.
We'll shoot him over here so people can see him that way.
I'm never directing some of the new folks we got running the board here and so it's not their fault they're shooting these documents over my head the last two weeks.
I just like to shoot them over here.
There you go.
Israeli officials.
Jordan hanging by a thread.
State officials warn of...
Precarious state of Israel's eastern neighbor suggests Jerusalem considering causing significant damage to the Palestinian economy ahead of a U.N.
vote on statehood bid.
That was out of Ynet Big Israeli News yesterday.
Here's today from the Iranians.
Israeli ambassador flees as Jordanians plan million-man march.
This is not going to go good for anybody.
In fact, I went on press TV a few months ago to talk about this move towards Palestinian statehood, and that basically the globalists have been behind a lot of these Arab Spring operations, but the Iranians have been in there too, trying to steer it.
And I warned the Iranians that they were walking into a trap.
And as an American, I don't want wars, I don't want dead Americans, I don't want dead Israelis, I don't want dead Iranians.
You notice that the West stood down and basically aided and sent in the revolutionaries to start the fall of Hussein Mubarak six months ago.
And that's now confirmed and been admitted.
And now they've banned free speech and they're making women wear the burqas.
It's all happened.
You know that in Libya,
They have put Al-Qaeda in charge.
The actual leaders are all Al-Qaeda and admit it.
And I thought they would wait six months, a year or longer to say, oh my gosh, we've got to now invade.
Al-Qaeda took over.
They're already saying NATO needs to send in troops to take over fully because Al-Qaeda has now gotten Libya.
I mean, that's the end of logic.
And of course, the globalists are doing it completely in a logical, cutthroat way, but the way they push it on the public, there's no logic.
It's like, yeah, we gotta get rid of Qaddafi.
There was a peaceful protest against him.
Meanwhile, it was Western-backed al-Qaeda rebels shooting and blowing things up.
Then they lie and say that Qaddafi's not popular.
They have a four-month bombardment.
They invade.
They say that Qaddafi's been overthrown.
He hasn't.
Still, large areas of the country are fighting.
It's a civil war.
Continuing here with what's happening over there.
This is big news to have Jordan on the verge of falling and that monarchy.
And so of course Israel, regardless of which side this
We're good to go.
I mean, I see a lot of the anti-Israel people out there that live to hate Israel.
And that if somebody slips on a banana peel, they think it was Israel.
And I'm certainly not a fan of the things Israel does, or Israel manipulating our internal politics.
I don't like that.
But Israel has conservatively 400 modern nuclear weapons and long-range, medium-range bombers, ballistic missiles, submarines.
And they will use nuclear weapons all over the Middle East.
And I don't want to breathe the radiation.
I don't want to see tens of millions dead.
And Israel is being maneuvered into a position
That when their cities get bombarded and attacked and there's riots everywhere, they're going to start using nuclear weapons.
And that crisis is going to allow the globalists to come in and clamp down on everything, everywhere.
This is not a good thing!
Just like Kennedy saying no to the Joint Chiefs of Staff and L.L.
Lehmann, sir, and others, and Curtis LeMay, and not allowing nuclear war with the Russians in the Cuban Missile Crisis.
And they call him a wimp.
Well, a lot of you people that are on the kill Israel side, oh, you're a wimp, you don't want to kill everybody in Israel.
Or on the other side, oh, you're not totally worshipping Israel, you're anti-Israel.
No, I'm not in the middle of this ancient tribal warfare, and this is leading to a very bad place, and the globalists plan to bring in world government out of this big war that could potentially kick off any time.
And the whole thing is orchestrated by the globalists.
And the Rothschilds are involved.
You know, I've seen Weiner losing his seat in New York, stepping down, special election, the Republican wins.
And Drudge had the headline, Revenge of the Jews, because it was a lot of Jewish constituents that gave money and campaigned against the Democrat, because now Obama is seen as anti-Israel.
Obama is a globalist.
Obama is financed by the Rothschilds through the big mega banks and the Rockefellers.
He's a puppet.
This is all part of a strategic program to set up the entire Middle East and everybody else and bring everybody into a huge war that's going to kill Arabs, Palestinians, Jews.
We're all going to lose freedom and it's going to be used as a political military distraction during the banking implosion that brings in the world government.
You know, they've got Jews over there demonstrating and rioting over austerity and the shutdown of their economy.
Just like they're doing in Egypt, just like they're doing in the U.S., in Greece.
We're all in this together.
And peace is not going to be given a chance over there.
Israel has been caught creating Hezbollah.
Hamas, excuse me, is a counterbalance to Hezbollah.
Israel has been caught staging events.
The military-industrial complex there wants war to go on and on and on and never to end.
And this is a larger globalist operation.
What did Albert Pike write about in 1878?
He said we'll have three world wars.
First it'll be Europe and the United States.
That'll bring in
A partial world government will have a second world war, the same parties.
Next will be Christianity against Islam, and out of that will come the one world religion.
And that's the clash of civilizations.
These people have theorized and developed these programs a long time ago.
But here it is.
Israeli ambassador flees as Jordanians plan million man march.
And again, you cross-reference that news.
Here's the Iranians, here's the Israelis.
Yep, Israeli officials.
Jordan hanging by a thread.
And there's a more sophisticated way to look at this.
The globalists knew that as they destroyed the dollar worldwide, that other currencies are based in, as commodities went up, as food prices went up, in countries where people spend more than half their money on food, that people will riot when they're starving.
And so they, at the key point, with their actuaries and predictive computer systems and Google, which they admit is a literal crystal ball now, a future predicting system in mass movements,
They deployed the State Department-trained Egyptians to try to organize and control it, and then act like they're friends with the Muslim Brotherhood and all that.
But no, it's even more sophisticated than that.
Some sophisticated people that think they know what the globalists are doing, but can't believe that actually start a worldwide revolution and war, say, oh, well, they just tried to take control of revolutions they knew were about to happen.
They saw the dominoes about to be knocked over, so they knocked them over.
That's what mid-level people in the CIA and others are told.
If you look at the larger history and stratagem and gambit and deception and signature of this dark logic, you understand what's really happening here.
And that is, they are directly putting Muslim Brotherhood, aka Al-Qaeda, aka Saudi Arabian Jihadis in everywhere.
As they did in Afghanistan.
As they did in Serbia.
And again, they're going to do that here using the same skeleton key, the magic key of Al-Qaeda.
They are the magic skeleton key that can open any door for the globalists until we break that key by exposing false flag terror and staged terror and manufactured terror, synthetic terror, provocateur terror, different variants and combo variances, the very rare, truly organic asymmetrical warfare, which is then called terror.
Somebody getting fed up and, you know, going and stabbing their neighbor or whatever.
Similar to, you know, somebody killing their boss or whatever.
Just going postal.
Palestinians, who are used like slaves in many cases, go postal sometimes.
Now, continuing.
Libya could fall into the hands of extremists, NATO warns.
We'll give you a document cam shot of that.
Libya could fall in the hands of extremists, NATO warns.
The warning came in an exclusive interview with the Daily Telegraph as Muammar Gaddafi's loyalist forces stepped up a fight back on three fronts.
And then it goes into the Al-Qaeda people.
Here's another one out of the San Jose Mercury News.
Islamists' growing sway raises questions for Libya.
And see, they know you're not sophisticated.
The general public isn't.
That's why Bush could claim that Iran is Sunni.
When it's a Shiite country and archenemies with it.
That's how they get away with this.
And so they're like a couple weeks into this now, claiming that, you know, the evil one Qaddafi's been overthrown when he hasn't been overthrown.
I expected they took a year or so.
No, no, no, no.
They're not even doing that.
They're immediately saying Al Qaeda has heat-seeking missiles and has taken over Tripoli.
As NATO gives them millions of dollars and weapons, they simultaneously say, now we've got to take your rights away because Al-Qaeda is in Libya.
And again, you understand the mindset of this.
Listen to Bloomberg Financial a couple days ago in the morning, and they were saying, I don't think the implosion in Europe will affect our stock market too much.
You know, Americans, most of them don't travel, don't have passports, and most of them don't even know where Europe is.
And they all began cackling.
Not in disgust, not in horror.
It was a, oh, these people are, their animals are to be harvested.
Let me tell you something, when you dumb people down and revel in it, it blows back on you.
Who wants to live like this?
They do not want to lift people up.
And you see it across the board.
Even a McDonald's manager will get off on being mean to the people under them.
It is the most hollow, vapid, broke-back mindset I could ever imagine.
I mean, just to watch the sheer lunacy.
And I go on radio shows and I say, well, the underwear bomber was got on the plane by the U.S.
All these bombers were protected.
The hijackers were let into the U.S.
and protected and trained at bases.
And the host will go, I know that's true, but I still can't believe 9-11's an inside job.
I mean, what do you mean?
I mean, if you were paying for the house of three different bank robbers in different parts of the country, the cops would come and arrest you and would know that you were involved.
And they would dig out the evidence under questioning and you'd go to jail for aiding and abetting and running, supplying a bank robbery operation.
I mean, right there, everywhere, in every case.
You've got drugged shoe bombers and underwear bombers.
Everybody describes drooling, lead on planes in every case by British and U.S.
And then the moron wakes up and tries to light his shoe on fire with plastic explosives.
You don't light it, you run an electrical charge through it.
And then we've all got to take our shoes off.
And now they say, I told you this was coming.
Now they say there's going to be intestine bombs, so they need chest X-rays.
Now they say there's going to be breast bombs, so they need to do a breast scan.
Folks, this isn't going to stop.
And when bombers blow up a shopping mall, you're gonna have TSA in it.
They've now, I told you this years ago, they're now announcing that's the case.
And when they have an event at a football game, you're gonna, I mean, this is the takeover of all of society.
It'd be like if somebody murdered a kid out in a cornfield.
Now every cornfield in America's gotta have armed guards at it, because somebody else might kill somebody in a cornfield.
See how there's no logic to this?
From the perspective of keeping you safe, there's total logic when you realize you're the target.
Then everything is crystal.
Here's another one.
Libya's new leaders bask in Western support.
French news agency.
So while they're saying they're Al-Qaeda, and oh my gosh, they've got shoulder-fired heatseekers, we
Are being told to be afraid, be very afraid, but we're supporting them.
And when I say we, the folks that have hijacked our nation.
Here's another one, Washington Post.
Loyalist heartland stands its ground against Libyan revolution.
It's not a revolution, it's a rebel force with Western backing.
I mean, just call it what it is.
PLO official.
Palestinians, Israelis must be totally separated.
Israel warns of harsh consequences of Palestinian UN bid.
Yeah, no kidding.
You're like, good, you know, get rid of Israel.
Folks, Israel isn't going anywhere and they got 400-800 nuclear weapons, cruise missiles, everything.
People are like, good, let's just have a nuclear war!
I know, people like to fall into globalist traps.
I understand it's fun to get conned.
This whole Arab Spring that's been set in motion is the beginning of World War III, mark my words, and it's the beginning of total collapse of society, and out of it, a worldwide tyranny.
And what's going to happen is, once they let the nationalistic Islamists take over all these countries, the globalists are going to have sanctions on them, bomb the daylights out of them, and then just leave these countries all in squalor.
Sure, put the Albert Pike 3rd World War quote on screen if you'd like.
The 3rd World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the agenture of the Illuminati.
Between the political Zionists and leaders of the Islamic world.
The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam, the Muslim-Arabic world, and the political Zionists in the state of Israel, which again hadn't been set up yet, mutually destroy each other.
Meanwhile, the other nations, once more divided on the issue, will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual, and economical exhaustion
We shall unleash the nihilist and the atheist, which they now did.
This was written in 1878.
And we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm, which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism.
Origin of savagery and the most bloody turmoil.
Then everywhere the citizens obliged to defend themselves against a world minority of revolutionaries will exterminate those destroyers of civilization and the multitude disillusioned with Christianity's whose diastic spirits will from the moment be without compass and direction anxious from a
Ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out into the public view.
This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity.
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Coming up, they're actually going with this story more and more in the controlled media, that aliens are going to attack us, that we don't pay Al Gore and Ward Rothschild money.
I'm going to be getting into that.
Also, there's more and more media out there saying that aliens are going to invade.
Absolute baloney.
We're going to be breaking that down and going into Fletcher Prouty, back in the 70s, in his book, The Secret Team.
Former head of Black Ops in the Pentagon saying that he was getting intel that they were looking at a fake alien invasion in the future.
All right, continuing here.
It's in the news that, well in Michigan and other states, they're going to start putting your children in the government training camps.
In a database, if they're one pound overweight and the government decides what's overweight, they've shown that their little actuary measurements, if you're a husky child, even though you're in perfect shape, they're going to consider you fat and begin fining parents.
And in some areas, they're moving to take people's children.
And of course, there's another report here.
Every other American obese by 2030.
It's the GMOs and other things that are really linked to this.
So just incredible to have that in any state.
Information that's out of WLS 890 radio is reporting on an attempt to combat Michigan's childhood obesity.
Governor Rick Schneider announced Wednesday.
And again, this is how they're going to start this entire program.
So we're going to be breaking that down.
I'm going to get into the economic news and the world news, but we've got Mark Moreno coming up.
Let's start going to your calls right now.
Barry in St.
Louis, Missouri.
You're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
How are you doing today?
Hey, I want to thank you for all that you continue to do.
If I were wealthy, I'd fund your operation in a big way.
But I'm not wealthy.
If I were famous, I'd speak out publicly about everything you have exposed.
But I'm not famous.
So I help out by being a Prison Planet TV member, buying a copy, and giving away your DVDs.
And I'm sure there are a lot of us who do that.
No, we couldn't have done any of this, but the big thing you can do is just spread the word about the broadcast.
I want to make a challenge.
You mentioned that there's a lot of famous people who have contacted you stating that they're awake.
I'd like to challenge them, anyone actually, who is awake to our awful situation, mostly because of your efforts.
To man up and join the fight.
You know, the final paragraph of the Declaration of Independence says this.
We mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.
Many of the famous people who have contacted you work in Hollywood.
And if these people are listening right now, I would ask them to please remember that all of you people are paid as well as you are because we pay good money to see you on the screen, big and large, or small and large.
I'd like to suggest that you do all three of these things, but if you can or won't, at least do the last one.
The first one is, publicly come out and expose the globalists or all their plans anytime you can.
Number two, fund Alex's operation in a substantial way, and if you can or won't do those, at least publicly support Ron Paul for president.
Because as more people hear that, yeah, I'm going to vote for Ron Paul, then all of a sudden, hey, maybe he can win.
It's time to give back to your fans and this country what you've been given sometimes for decades.
Well, Barry, your check is in the mail.
You know, we do a money bomb once a year that really has pushed us over the top to be able to buy equipment and hire more people.
We're going to do one coming up in the middle of next month because I've done the finances and we do need it to really go to the next level.
But the problem is so many famous people that call me, I talk about that to illustrate how many people are awake.
But Hollywood and other systems are really under an oppressive eye.
I mean, if the globalists send police to somebody's house that does a painting of a burning bank building, what do you think they'll do to Hollywood folks?
So that's why they intimidate them, they do things to them.
But we have no future if we don't stand up and speak up now.
I agree with you.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're going to be looking into the incredible arrogance, the chutzpah, whatever you want to call it,
The daring of Al Gore and his long history of con artist behavior.
Saying that he is the earth's savior, the inventor of the internet, and we're all dead if we don't pay him money.
He's relaunched his fraud, he's treading water, and I want to politically put this guy into the deep Davy Jones locker.
Right now, let's go to Nathan in Texas.
Dillingpole's coming up the next break to talk about ManBearPig.
Nathan, you're on the air.
Yes sir, don't talk bad about ManBearPig.
Yeah, I just wanted to say, when you said that Ron Paul injects issues into the whole debate, you weren't kidding because with that whole Gartersville thing, I mean, Ron Paul just threw that out there and now it's become like a huge topic in the debate.
And I wanted to say on that note that Rick Perry, by attending Bilderberg, which is admitted if you go to Wikipedia there's a Bilderberg attendee list,
And Rick Perry is the only one, the only governor listed as a Bilderberg attendee in 2006 or 2007.
And so, I mean, wouldn't that be evidence?
Because the Logan Act, doesn't that say that you are not allowed as... Yes, Hillary Clinton got hit for what, $350,000 for the Logan Act.
I mean, couldn't we, you know, if Ron Paul maybe mentioned that?
I mean, that's evidence right there.
Plus, isn't that pretty much admitted?
Couldn't we go after him for that?
No, I agree.
He should say, Rick, why did you go to the super-secret globalist world government Bilderberg group meeting?
And that would be dynamite, because then Rick wouldn't deny it, and the media would be like, well, we say this doesn't exist.
That is a devastating idea.
I know, because I've talked to him on air, I know Lou Rockwell and other people that advise Rod Paul.
Ron Paul's smarter than a lot of us, so he didn't need advising that the Gardasil was the thing to go after him.
But I know talking to Lou Rockwell, who used to be a chief of staff, that that was what he was advising Ron, that that's a big issue.
And obviously, Ron as a doctor didn't need to be told that.
He's criticized it from the start.
But I think that's a good idea when folks run into Ron Paul on the campaign trail or wherever at the next debate.
Ron Paul ought to say, you know, there's a law.
Hillary Clinton got in trouble for going to a private globalist corporate meeting where a policy was set and Bill Clinton went as well and got knighted by the establishment.
You went to Bilderberg in 2007, Rick.
Tell us about that and tell us what you discussed, how to hand over our roads.
If he did that, the media
Wouldn't know what to do, because Perry, I'll guarantee you, will say, I went, yes.
Because Perry, when he went, he was one of the only people to ever tell the Dallas Morning News.
And it was on News 8 Austin.
He said, I'm going to Bilderberg, tell them about freedom.
I'm going to tell them about our system over there.
That's actually what he said.
He leans back.
I'm going over there.
I'm John Wayne.
I'm going to tell them how we do it.
Well, whatever he told them, they liked it.
And he came back sort of handing over power plants and roads and forcibly inoculating, so we know he didn't convert them.
He certainly got on the fast track then.
And the media would be like a deer in the headlights, because then it would inject, what, Perry's going to secret meetings?
I'm telling you, that's a great idea there, Bubba.
Yep, and one other thing, I just wanted to give a shout out for DallasForRonPaul.com.
On September 10th, we went to the Dallas Federal Reserve and there were about 30 to 40 of us out there waving signs.
I just wanted to say that in DallasForRonPaul.com there was an article where the guy had written that there were actually, I didn't realize this when I was there, but there were two guys
No, no, no.
It's spontaneous.
And that's why if you're one person, you gotta get out on the road.
Because it just all shows that we're the majority and that we're rising.
Appreciate that call.
James Dillingpole, straight ahead.
But yeah, I know Rick Perry supported carbon taxes.
He's been a gun grabber.
Supports Hillary Care.
Loves Al Gore.
Was his chief of staff in Texas.
Forced inoculations.
I mean, my goodness.
What do you say to that?
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Coming up, Max Keiser is going to be joining us to talk about the economy.
Way before closures.
Big jump in jobless claims.
Inflation rises.
Billions in unemployment benefits paid in error.
Rogue trader lost $2 billion.
John Mack stepping down as the chairman of Morgan Stanley.
New York man banned from hunting anywhere in the world.
That's all part of these new global databases.
When you go hunting, you go to your driver's license now, then you have to go swipe it to buy a fishing license, anything.
They're now saying if you take home a fish that's a half inch too small or too big, you're going to be banned globally.
These are global databases.
Global government.
That's all up at Infowars.com.
It's also up at DrudgeReport.com.
Salisbury man banned from hunting worldwide.
A Salisbury resident has been banned from hunting anywhere in the world for two years as part of an agreement with federal authorities in Kentucky on charges that he illegally hunted and took wildlife from the state.
He took a 14 point buck home.
And, uh, well, I guess he had a license in one state, but not the other.
So he went hunting, and now he's globally banned, see?
I didn't know there was a global government.
It's all globally standardized.
The exact same rules in England, Germany, Australia, the U.S.
They've had a 40-year program.
It'll be 40 years in a few months of taking blood from all babies at birth, putting them in a global database.
I told you about that 16 years ago.
It's now been declassified in the last two.
I had sources inside government DNA and database facilities.
They tell you it's a blood test.
It actually goes into a global UN system.
Now all admitted,
So jobless claims, inflation rise, manufacturing gets weaker.
We're going to be talking about globalism.
Everything is going according to their plan.
And on top of all of that, I just mentioned this, but here's the article out of the Associated Press.
Mortgage default warning surge in August.
Mortgage default warning spiked in August signaling potential new foreclosure wave.
And right on time,
Jordan is about to fall.
The Israelis have pulled people out of their embassy, say it's hanging by a thread.
They're about to vote for a Palestinian state, regardless of which side of that you're on.
I'm neutral.
I'm not in the ancient tribal warfare.
I just want to end all the foreign aid and stay out of it.
Israel's got its 400-800 nukes, threatening to nuke people.
Some of the Arabs are saying we're going to overthrow you and drive you into the sea.
This is a nightmare!
And the big banks have been there, helping trigger these revolutions, putting Al-Qaeda in in Libya, getting the ball rolling for a big world war, pulling in Russia and China as a distraction.
Now, on top of all of this,
Al Gore, the man who says he invented the internet, the man who said napkin gap would double our economy in 10 years, totally de-industrialized us.
A man who has big palaces all over the place, but says you shouldn't be able to take a hot bath, or have a light bulb, or a regular toilet.
Just like Prince Philip and Prince Charles lecturing everyone with their private trains and jets and all the rest of it.
Lord Rothschild, you gotta pay carbon taxes to him.
Australians already are.
But he's got private islands, dozens of planes, huge ships.
This is the sickening joke.
And he has rebranded himself with 24 hours of horse manure.
24 hours of con artistry being lectured by the obese Nelly, that is Al Gore.
He is so sick.
He makes me want to throw up when I hear his voice.
In fact, I've gotten to where I cannot hear Al Gore's voice.
I was on Man Cow this morning, and we're going to James Dillingpole here in a minute, and they were playing Al Gore clubs, and let me tell you something.
I figured it out.
His voice now drives me insane.
You could torture me in a room playing his voice.
The fakeness, how he loves everything he says is a lie.
He loves conning people.
Polar bears can't swim.
The ice caps were already going to be all melted.
So, he's trying to relaunch his fraud in Aspen.
He said they're in deep trouble.
On another show where he said go after deniers, be mean to them, they're like racist.
Remember that a few weeks ago?
Even the host said, yeah, even my liberal friends are laughing at me now.
And I was like, it's all right.
So he's gone from lecturing Congress and saying no scientist on Earth doesn't believe global warming is real and man-made and evil, and that all scientists agreed that he was right, to desperately scrabbling around going, there's fires.
There's wind.
Pay me money.
Pay me money.
Pay me money.
James Dilling pulls the best-selling author, and he's also a writer on a host of big publications like the London Telegraph.
And he's got a couple new books out, and we'll be talking to him right now.
He's got watermelons out.
Everything you knew about the government was wrong.
Good to have you here with us today, Mr. Dillingpole.
I'm going to ask you what I asked Christopher Monckton last night.
Lord Monckton, is Al Gore at the edge of the cliff, tipping forward, staring into political extinction?
Or has he already hit the bottom and bounced, and is this a dead cat bounce that's just going to be good for laughs?
Al Gore is on top of the cliff and he's about to carry us all over the edge with him.
That's what he's going to do.
It's not good news.
And listen, Alex, you've given the enemy ideas.
When the new world order arrives, they are now going to put you in a room with Al Gore's voice for the rest of your imprisoned life.
Don't give them ideas.
Well, I guess you do have a good point.
That's why I did that economic news first and then forgot to put a bow on it.
Everything's falling apart.
We're imploding.
China has none of these rules on it.
Everything's shutting down in England, the U.S.
Global depression, except in commie land where Al Gore's got companies, and he wants to slap giant taxes on everything.
California's already done it and went from 30% unemployment to 35 in six months.
The depressing thing about all this, about the coming global economic apocalypse which is almost upon us, is that there are quite a few people out there who actually desired this thing.
This was all part of the plan.
If you go back to the Club of Rome,
founded in 1968 in David Rockefeller's house in Italy by two guys Alexander King and Aurelio Pecce and you read what these guys are saying about our economic future and what you realize is that these guys wanted an economic collapse they wanted to end industrial civilization number one and number two they wanted a new world order.
I mean some of your listeners are probably
I've heard this stuff before.
Let me read out one line from one of their documents.
This was published in 1974.
Now is the time to draw up a master plan for organic sustainable growth and world development based on global allocation of all finite resources and a new global economic system.
That is, and they call this, they call this the Master Plan.
They're quite open about it.
This was in a book, 1974, Mankind at the Turning Point.
This was in bookshops.
This is not a conspiracy, or if it is a conspiracy, it's a conspiracy in plain sight.
These guys knew exactly what they wanted and now they are getting it.
That's right, and so when we fight Al Gore and Lord Rothschild and David Rockefeller and all these people who've written hundreds of books, publications, end of the family, world population reductions of 80%, post-industrial world, Maury Strong, Hanson, Goddard Space Center, this is their religion.
And they mean to carry it out.
And so when we're fighting the man-bear-pig, you know, I like to joke about it, but really it's not a joke.
These are, I mean, they're even calling themselves green fascists now.
These are authoritarian control freaks.
And what's even scarier, they don't even think they're saving the world.
It's all a cynical way to seize total power.
Yeah, I was talking to the leader of the British Green Party the other day, and I accused her of being a watermelon.
You know, that's green on the outside, red on the inside.
Do you know what she said?
She said, I'm proud to be a watermelon.
So these people are, as you say, completely upfront about what they want.
You've got the Prince of Wales.
Our future king, he has just been made head of WWF UK.
He said that we should all look forward to reducing economic growth, living more sustainably.
Well, okay, you can live sustainably when you've got various palaces all over the country, where you've got millions of pounds coming in.
For the rest of us, it's not going to be easy, this new Great Depression.
It's not going to be fun.
No matter how many Greens think it's a good idea to bomb us all back to the Dark Ages, we all live in yurts and subsist on grains.
Actually, some of us would like an economic future for our children.
Some of us would like to go to hospital and get medical treatment.
Some of us don't want a life of toil and misery.
That's why human beings developed.
That's how Western civilisation happened.
We wanted to improve our lot.
Not make it worse.
That's right.
We watched our children starve to death, so we invented technologies.
And what's sick about it is, when you really get into their latest technocratic system, they plan for us to run around like Eloy and Loincloth, those of us that are allowed to continue, while they are behind technotronic, high-tech national security reservations with their police helicopters and drones flying above us.
When you really get into their writings, they're delusional.
They think they're God.
Yeah, I don't know how anyone in their right mind could wish for what is coming to us.
But the fact is that you look at the writings of the Green Movement, everything from the Club of Rome to Paul Ehrlich's Population Bomb to Rachel Carson's Silent Spring, these guys all wanted the same thing.
It's a religion based on anti-science.
Because look, look at the facts.
We are entering a solar minimum.
A solar minimum like we had in the 19th century, early 19th century, when we had the famous year without a summer.
We had a solar minimum like we used to have in the days when we had ice fairs on the River Thames.
Now we're entering a period of global cooling.
There has been no global warming since 1995.
Even Phil Jones at the University of East Anglia, you know, one of the arch warmest, admits this fact.
Well, that's why we have emails from years ago saying, hide the decline!
Hide the decline!
That's what ClimateGate was all about.
And I've written about this in this book.
Because it is very scary.
You know, these guys are totally upfront about what they've been doing.
We're not the ClimateGate scientists, obviously, but I mean, all the evidence is there that these guys are lying to us.
These guys want to destroy the global economy.
But, yeah.
The facts are, we are entering a period of global cooling.
In periods of global cooling, it's harder to grow crops.
That means riots, it means starvation, it means misery.
Yet what are all the world's governments doing, all the world's western governments anyway?
They are making us pay carbon taxes.
They are putting up wind farms, which don't even work.
They are trying to deal with CO2 to stop
But we know that that's just their cover that the windmills are going to fix it.
It's all select boondoggles in the hundreds of billions of dollars given to their select little pet companies.
When you try to go put solar on your house, which is a great idea, they won't come out in most areas of the U.S.
and give you the inspection unless you hook it into the main grid.
They don't want us being independent and sustainable.
This system is about, we're in a modern civilization, holding us hostage by curtailing it.
That's what it's all about, is a selective mafia takeover of industries that aren't part of the inside club.
Yeah, absolutely.
And it is a mafia takeover because no free citizen would actually vote for this stuff if they possibly could.
For example, in Britain, we have this massive drive for green jobs, as I believe that you have in America, unfortunately.
It has been calculated by economists that for every green job created in Britain by, you know, through taxes... You lose two jobs.
No, in Britain, 3.7 jobs.
Oh, it's worse than Spain!
Spain was 2.2, Britain so far 3.7 jobs lost in the real economy.
It has been the same across Europe.
Portugal's, the Portuguese economy has completely been destroyed.
That's what Maury Strong and Al Gore and all of them swore to do.
They transfer the few jobs to their cronies while it destroys the other jobs and they put more and more regulations on us and everything moves to China where Maury Strong and all of them invest and live.
It's a perfect plan.
Yeah, well, China makes all the money from these wind farms, you know.
China makes all the parts.
It mines the rare earth minerals for them.
China is doing very well out of Western stupidity.
Now, I know you're optimistic, but at the same time you're a realist.
In a football game, let's take soccer football, were they like two points ahead of us, but now we're 2-2, we just got two goals?
Or are we three points ahead and they've got one point?
I mean, how would you describe where we are right now?
Because it looks like we're really starting to rout them.
We've gone from just their wall of ridicule and, ah, everyone agrees with us and, you know, they're marching along with coconuts like they're royalty and Al Gore saying he's the king, like some Monty Python skit, to now they're on the ground with their arms and legs hacked off saying, it's just a flesh wound.
That's right.
Alex, what's happened is that we won the game two years ago.
And what's now happened is that these jackbooted stormtroopers have come onto the pitch just as we're about to pick up our silver cup and said, hang on a second, you haven't won this game.
The rules have changed.
These are the rules now.
You're going to go to a prison camp.
We've won.
We win forever.
That's what's happening.
Well, that's right.
In fact, I'm glad you raised that.
I can tell you're getting even more hardcore as the chips get put on the table.
More and more, like parrots, tell people they're calling for arresting anybody that criticizes them, and it's time to get these alarmists, and it's time to get in their face.
It's time to burn down some more car dealerships and hotels in the mountains.
It's time to burn down ski resorts.
It's time to knock the windows out of SUVs, because you've got to pay your indulgence to Al Gore.
Alex, I used to think that some of the stuff you said on your show was quite extreme.
The longer I live, the more I see what's going on in Europe, the more I suspect that we are heading towards a global, eco-fascist New World Order, which scares me something rotten.
I think they are going to start persecuting so-called climate change deniers.
Already you see people who... climate skeptics are being denied a platform in taxpayer-funded universities.
These universities are supposed to be open to everyone and yet they are shutting out freedom of speech now.
In England, they won't even deliver audio CDs of Matthew.
And even if you don't agree with that gospel, or you're an atheist, now they won't deliver Bibles in the mail.
I mean, this is a dictatorship.
These are not liberals.
These are authoritarian control freaks, and their ground soldiers are literally control freak little brown shirts.
It's time to get back in their face!
Well, wait and see what happens if the EU gets its way and has political union as well as economic union.
If that happens, Europe is completely lost.
Next point.
You're in England.
They now admit it's a United Europe, no sovereignty.
They say they're going to get rid of the football teams and have the Euro teams so you can learn to worship government.
That got leaked yesterday and is now public.
ZeroHedge got that, but it's since been confirmed.
And now they're announcing, yes, a private banking dictatorship over all of Europe.
And guess who Goldman Sachs and J.P.
Morgan and all the big banks that are going to own this system are financing?
They're the biggest financers of the carbon tax garbage.
Yeah, of course they are.
I mean, you know who invented carbon tax?
It was Enron.
Enron was going to be really big in carbon taxation and carbon credits and stuff.
It is Enron economics.
And these are scary times, but if you actually...
Consulted the people of Europe.
Most people, even in Germany, even in Germany, most people do not want this stuff.
They do not want a European socialist super state.
They do not want to be bailing out the Greeks.
Most people in Europe actually want to be able to live their lives as they choose, free.
Unfortunately, there is a class of bureaucrats, of eurocrats, call them what you will, who have rigged the system with the banksters in such a way that people no longer have any democratic control over their lives.
The Green Movement has been very much part of that.
These are the watermelons.
They are using environmentalism as an excuse to create new structures, to impose new taxes, new transnational regulations like the one that Gibson Guitars got done for the other day in America.
You know, they were prosecuted under this ridiculous law which says that even if you infringe environmental laws made in India, then you are liable for imprisonment.
No, no, no, this is the new global database.
A guy shot a deer in the state and didn't buy the right stamp for it, so now it says he's globally banned from hunting anywhere.
And now they're saying we're under foreign laws.
But even in the India case, they're saying they didn't violate the law.
This was value-added wood.
It's not endangered.
But they don't care.
And expanding on that, here in Austin, I talked to some of the city people.
Where they come in and turn the parking spaces the wrong way on 6th Street for bike lanes, and the bike riders get out in the highway, on major highways, on purpose, like it's theirs, and are very aggressive and hateful towards cars.
It's like a cult, and I like bike riding.
And they say, we're not going to have fuel in cars anymore, so you must ride bikes.
Well, we're not set up in compact cities where you can even ride five miles to work.
It will destroy our society.
And Harry Reid says he's not worried about the Great Depression.
He's tackling the issue of bike paths nationwide.
So instead of fixing, listen, 20 years ago we had great roads in Texas.
Everywhere I go they're rotting.
Interstate highways have potholes.
It's like I'm in, the roads are better in Mexico, James!
I can't take it, they're wrecking my country!
Yeah, yeah, they're wrecking my country too, they're wrecking Australia, they're wrecking Canada, they're wrecking Germany, they're wrecking Spain.
They are everywhere and they are all part of the same problem.
And it scares me, it really does.
Well that's the Communist plan!
We've got to beat them.
I worry all the time about my children.
Apart from everything else, I worry what my children are going to do for a job.
Because we are moving into a future where if you have no economic growth, which is the watermelons plan, they don't like economic growth because it uses these things called scarce resources, even though we have plenty of resources, we've got shale gas, we've got clathrates below the ocean, we have no shortage of power, but
Nevertheless, by destroying industrial civilization, which is what these guys want, they have created a future where there are no jobs, no future for our children.
And yet, they have the hypocrisy to tell us that they are doing it for the children, for generations unborn.
Stay there.
I want to do 10 more minutes with you, James.
Then we're getting to calls.
Joining us via video Skype from London.
I want to come back and play a Klandopolis video that they show kids in England.
This isn't a joke.
People watch this and think this is a joke of a dystopic world where you've got to have credits to leave your house.
No, no, no.
They're being open about it.
We're going to come back and play this clip.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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This is a serious video called the Plannedopolis put out by the Eco Groups.
Now the version we were able to find on YouTube has somebody making comments on it with text about how it's really a tyranny.
But it shows you this future world where you've got to get rations for meat, rations to travel, a total tyranny.
Welcome to the planned world.
This is what Club of Rome actually calls for.
Here it is.
Play part of it.
Oh, hi!
I'm so glad you're on time.
I'm V. I'm looking forward to showing you around Plandopolis today.
My husband works from home.
He's a virtual engineer working in one of the city's desalination plants.
He controls the robots who do all the important maintenance.
I think he basically plays computer games for a living.
Are you ready to go?
Have you got your calorie card open on your smartphone?
I registered your visit with Slick Travel Corp.
the other day, so they've allotted you a journey time to match mine.
It makes so much sense, doesn't it?
Switch off brain and go to work.
With this many people around, I'm glad there's a mega-computer in charge.
We're so lucky.
Our kids were allocated a school quite near my practice so I can drop them off on the way.
It saves on our calorie ration.
Well, it won't be long until the little darlings get their career announcements.
They've been working so hard, so I'm sure they'll get something good.
Not that there's anything wrong with fixing carbon scrubbers for a living or anything.
Are you hungry?
Let's pop to the market as we're passing.
Right, what's on the menu this month?
No, not meat.
It's not your birthday.
The Global Food Council are doing a really good job of keeping food production going.
I mean, you don't get the choice you used to, but we're better off than most.
I think it's probably easiest to walk from here.
You barely see a car in the city center nowadays, unless you're rich.
Okay, that's enough.
Now, you'd think this is a joke.
This is not a joke.
And this is exactly what they're calling for, the UN and Global Food Council
It's just amazing.
James Dillingpole, they've gone from denying this is their plan.
Just five years ago, I have the clips.
Al Gore would say, there's no plan for a carbon tax.
He'd go, what?
What are you saying?
How dare you say this is a tax?
You know, that fake angry thing he does.
To now going, absolutely, taxes, pay me the money.
I mean, these people are just so naked about what they're doing.
Alex, I am gobsmacked.
OMG is all I can say to that extraordinary clip.
And you're right, was it Lisa Jackson who was talking about how we were all going to have to have our showers rationed?
They call it smart growth.
Smart growth is actually
Uh, rationing?
In anyone else's book?
We had the leader of our Green Party in Britain, uh, Caroline Lucas, who was talking about putting Britain back on a war footing.
What she wanted was a return to the days when the government made our decisions for us about what we could eat, about all the healthy food, which is so, so good for us,
No, no, no, no, the BBC actually had scientists on last year and said we all need ration cards that track our calories.
What they were just saying right there and now they admit we're going to take your kids if they're overweight.
We'll decide if your kids are shy we're going to take them.
You know there's all this other oppression too.
I mean these are systematic tyrants.
And you know, Alex, if you came over to Britain, I think you would be shocked by how abject the populace is now.
So few people in this country are freaked out by what is going on.
So many of them accept it as normal.
In the same way I imagine that after a time in Nazi Germany, people got used to all the rules and regulations and the disappearances and stuff, you know?
What are the facts of life you just had to accept to get on?
But, uh, these are worrying times.
Well, they're saying now, every pundit, Soros, you name it...
Give our private banks that sold you the derivatives total control over Europe and pass VAT and carbon taxes and pay us or face a depression.
And so we're now under this financial global dictatorship run by cold-blooded bankers that are going to use envirocultism as the cover for austerity slavery.
And the only thing that can stop them is getting the word out to people.
I hope people in England and the US and other places realize every time we give in to them
They don't take their boot off our neck, they stomp that much harder.
Well, Alex, you know, when I wrote my book Watermelons, I started writing it about a year ago.
And I was writing about all this New World Order stuff, I was reading the Bibles of the Green Movement, you know, like Rachel Carson, the world's biggest mass murderer, probably the 20th century, with her banning of DDT, thus condemning lots of people to death from malaria.
I read about these people, about Paul Ehrlich, about the Club of Rome, and I thought all this stuff was kind of in the future.
But the future is happening now.
All the scary things that I describe in watermelons are coming true.
This economic collapse was brought about by well-meaning Greens who just wanted to make the world a better, fairer place, just to save the environment.
And they persuaded so many ordinary people that this was a good cause worth supporting.
And so many people,
Still believe these lies, which unfortunately is why we're in this mess.
Not enough people are resisting, because, hey, we all want to... we all want the world to be nicer and greener and fairer, don't we?
Well, uh, none of it looks like Al Gore's vision.
None of it looks like the Prince of Wales's... the Club of Rome's vision.
None of it's what Murray Strong wants, because this is hell on earth.
In the name of saving the planet, these guys have created hell on earth.
Well, when you get around these professor types like Eric Pionka at UT and others, they get wild-eyed when they talk about everyone's gonna die, the airborne Ebola is coming, oh, we've got to do this, and then you find out that they're involved in all these calls to put things in the food and water to sterilize us.
It's a guild of just murderous control freaks running around with a bunch of well-meaning do-gooder acolytes.
But, you know, you talked about that big
A study they did, what, last year now, that came out earlier this year, in Canada, where there's six times more likely environmentalists to be criminals because it's rationalized that they can do whatever they want.
It's like some type of moral authority thing.
Instead of being good in business, or good at art, or accomplishing something, they like join the cult
And then, and then hate everyone, and they're like little priests who are going to go around and basically prosecute us, or as heretics in some 21st century persecution, what would the word for it be?
The Inquisition.
Yeah, well there's a famous line from the Club of Rome, which is, the Earth has a cancer and the cancer is man.
Now if you actually believe, as these watermelons do, these environmentalists, if you believe that mankind really is a cancer on the face of the Earth,
There is nothing you would not do to save Mother Gaia, and that includes, I suppose, killing people.
Which is what, effectively, when they banned DDT, when Rachel Carson brought the near global ban on DDT, that's essentially what she did to the people who died in the Third World.
I don't think that these people are going to become less extreme as time goes by.
I think unless we resist them, unless we explain what underlies their thinking, people are going to be carrying on being taken in by this lie.
You know, the people who are watching Al Gore's 24 Hours of Climate Lies, they're going to believe it.
And they are going to persecute dissenting scientists, a bit like Galileo was persecuted by the Catholic Church.
Well, Al Gore is starting, as you know, in his speeches to say, go after people, get in their face.
They're like racists that beat black people.
And so they really are inciting this.
And as you know, in Europe, calling for our arrest and other people's arrest.
In closing,
You know, I think you really said it earlier.
You would listen to my show years ago.
I know you're a well-read research guy, and it does sound radical.
It does sound insane.
But it's not that I'm insane.
I have really faced, and you've read their quotes here, what they are, who they are.
I've confronted them.
I've learned about their philosophy.
And it's almost like it's impolite or it sounds wild to come tell the truth.
So I understand how we all kind of hold back and it couldn't be that bad.
And I'm here to tell people it's worse than we can describe.
Because even though we can glimpse
How bad these people are.
We are not them.
I mean, their control freak weirdness is beyond anything we can even grasp.
And we must realize that we're not calling for their arrest.
We're not calling, even though they're calling for mass murder and all this,
We're just saying these are dangerous people, and they're calling for our arrest.
Folks, these are authoritarians.
These are modern Nazis.
These are the progeny of every dictator and control freak, strongman cult, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot, Hitler, Julius Caesar, with a modern, weird, ninnying, gibbering, control freak icing on top, and they must be met, they must be faced.
These are dangerous people.
Alex, at the risk of being immodest, may I recommend, as a useful primer to what is going on, this book I've written, Watermelons?
Yes, I hope you get it.
It does spell it out.
It does explain the origins of this thinking in the Green Movement.
How it was that people came to believe the biggest lie,
The biggest and most expensive lie in human history, how it all started, why the scientists lie, why the businessmen are getting involved, why all these disparate groups from the eco-fascists to big oil are all promoting this great myth.
Hey, I've been to smart growth conferences 12, 14 years ago repeatedly, and you'd go to the Austin Convention Center, lavish giant full wall projectors, thousands of city officials, business people, former Dallas Cowboys,
And it was all literal.
And I have footage of this.
I ought to re-air it.
A lot of Austinites saw it on Local Access.
I've talked to, the head of Dell was there.
Everybody was rubbing their hands together, cackling about the power grab and the money grab.
And that's how they got business on board, is the big banks come in and give you unlimited financing to do this.
They don't talk about Mother Earth at these meetings.
They talk about, we're taking over.
I mean, it is a mafia.
Yeah, it's the corporations.
You know, it is about the abolition of the nation-state, the abolition of sovereignty, the abolition of individual people's rights.
We are being taken over by corporate machines.
That's right.
It's a total scam.
Crony monopoly people with an army of well-meaning soccer moms and patchouli-wearing hippies marching forward into battle, having no idea what they're getting into.
Well, listen, James Dillingpole, I really appreciate
You joining us, and we've had some victories in the war, but what I've gotten from you is that these are battles.
We have not won the war yet, but we have bloodied the dragon and shown that it's not invincible.
We, Alex, we are going to win because we've got to win, because there is no alternative, because our children and grandchildren will have no future if we do not win.
This is the greatest authoritarian threat the planet has ever faced.
Thank you, James Dillingwald.
Thank you, Alex.
It is a systematic cult of criminals.
It is the priest of power.
In fact, you printed me the 1984 stuff, John, two days ago, and I was going to read it.
Will you pull it out of the stack or reprint me that area about the human boot or the boot stomping on the human face forever?
I've got to get to that.
Kaiser's coming up on the economy for about 30-40 minutes, then I'm going to get to that 1984 thing in your calls, but I'm going to go to your calls right now.
Let's go ahead and go to your calls right now.
JD and Austin, welcome, sir.
Yeah, Alex.
Hey, bro.
Hey, guys.
I've been listening to you for, oh, I don't know, over 10, 12 years, and I agree with everything you say, and I've been trying to get everybody I know to listen to you.
And I tell them I know he's right because I was woken up in 1964 and I was reading a lot of the same books you were.
So I know you're right on.
You've been right on all along.
Listen, I went to the library a decade ago, and we've got it here.
It's in my film, Endgame.
I have the actual Club of Rome books.
Everything Dylan Paul was reading, we own all that.
From them.
And they talk about, we're going to break up your families, we're going to poison you, we're going to take your kids, we're going to start wars, we're going to murder you.
And the yuppies just listen and go, listen to this crazy guy.
Listen to him yell and scream.
I'm here every day fighting these people.
Let the nightmare end!
They're getting ready for the full global collapse!
They're going to blow stuff up and blame it on us that are warning you.
This isn't a game, folks.
These people aren't playing games.
We're getting down.
You heard Dillingpole.
It ain't coming, man.
It's here now, brother.
It's here.
What is it like for you, you know, from six, seven, eight years before I was even born knowing this, and then now seeing it all happen?
Well, I told them back then, I said, this is what they got planned for us.
And they'd look at me and say, oh, it'll never happen here.
No, it never happened in America.
Well, I tell them now, I tell them now, well, it happened.
Well, when some idiot lectures you because you're not bringing your own bag to the grocery store or whatever, those are little things that seem reasonable to get you trained to do what you're told, or take this light bulb, or this toilet, or a home inspection.
After that, in their plan, comes taking your kids, everything else.
You are talking to a well-meaning Nazi.
Nazis in 1934 thought they were good people.
When you're talking to these control freaks, it's time to get in their face.
Al Gore says they need to get in our face?
No, I'm getting in your face.
Go ahead, sir.
Yeah, I was listening to you the first hour.
You were talking about cyanide in our apple juice.
Well, it's apple seeds, and it's got cyanide and benzaldehyde.
Not, uh, I think, uh, whatever you said.
I can't remember what you said now, but it's a benzaldehyde.
Cyanide and benzaldehyde.
Yeah, but I knew it was cyanide, and it also has some arsenic in the, I think it's in the skin.
I'm going from memory on that, but a little bit of that's been proven to actually be good for you.
Well, it's cyanide and benzaldehyde that is the most, that is been declared as a vitamin B17.
Yeah, because it's in a, I'm not going to quote what the doctors have all told me, but I've done a lot of research and yes, it's in a biological form and the way it's connected to other molecules in low amounts, it's, it's, it's Fountain of Youth.
And that's what, that's what G. Edward Griffin is big into that.
He's written books on it.
I sent you a DVD by G. Edward Griffith, and it also had Ernst T. Krebs, Dr. Krebs, that came up with the vitamin B-17.
I don't know if you ever got it or not, but... I did get it, and I did get it, and I'd actually seen it before.
I am aware of that.
And now that this has all come up, I want to... See, they've got us obsessed over trace amounts of
Cyanide or arsenic when meanwhile it's biologically bound.
It's like people worry about fish when it's biologically bound.
Still a lot of it's not good.
But when it's in raw chemical form and injected right into your blood, that's when you've got the problem.
With mercury.
The state of B-17 is less toxic than table sugar.
You know, I just know what the top scientists have told me and I've seen the studies.
I appreciate your call.
Good points.
Uh, yeah, no, they've got everybody freaking out over trace amounts of arsenic.
You would die without trace amounts of arsenic.
Let me tell you what you don't need, and that's radioactive isotopes.
And every major water system in this country that's fluoridated has got it added to the fluoride.
You can look that up, it's all over the place.
Yeah, they're dosing the water with radioactive isotopes.
Alright, more of your calls straight ahead, stay with us.
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Man, that was good talking to Dillingpole.
Because I used to interview him two, three years ago, and he wasn't that hardcore.
Now I can read his London Telegraph articles, and it's all about, they want to kill us, world government.
And finally, that's becoming more mainstream with mainline conservatives and libertarians.
Look, I'm not making any of this up.
You think I can just get up here and say Bayer Pharmaceutical for a decade knowingly shipped out Factor VIII blood product knowing it had HIV and hepatitis in it as a death sentence to hundreds of thousands of hemophiliacs?
They got convicted in French court, the only country where they got in trouble for it.
That's been on mainstream news five, six years ago.
You think I'd get up here and tell you they're putting radioactive isotopes in the water and it's not true?
Do you think that?
I would be destroyed by the national corporate horror media.
But they can't do that.
They don't know what to do.
I guess they could show clips of me when I blow up and get mad on air or something.
And it is true.
I'm not polished.
I'm not here trying to sell you some line of baloney.
I'm not trying to come off as credible.
I don't care.
I'm swinging for the fence.
I'm giving it 110%.
I don't care.
I don't have time to play games.
I don't have energy to craft what I do.
I'm just going for it.
Either you listen to what I say and check it out for yourself or ignore it.
At your own peril.
Because if what I'm saying is true, even 10% of it, we're all in deep trouble.
And let me tell you something, 150% of what I say is true.
You understand?
It's even more true than I can even say.
I can't tell you one-tenth of what's going on, how crazy it is, how much of it's coming in, all the subtle nuances and how it all ties together.
It's worse than I'm saying.
For any mistakes I make,
By the way, I made a big mistake yesterday.
I meant to have the articles in there in the TV studio.
I was just quickly throwing some new news articles out because they write articles all day at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and I saw an article about
British footballer being investigated by authorities for 9-11 statements.
And I'd seen that already in England and Europe.
So I thought, oh, investigated by authorities, the way the headline read.
I thought, well, the cops are coming to see him.
Then later I read the articles, like, no, the team is investigating him.
So I make mistakes like that.
Sometimes it's usually when I do half-cocked, kind of when I see something and just kind of go with it.
Or I flip names around backwards, get numbers wrong.
I've, we've had long weekends before.
You know, we're, Monday we're off and I come back and say, it's Monday and it's really Tuesday.
You know, I do stuff like that.
But the basic philosophy, the basic information, it's worse than I'm saying, okay?
I wish I was wrong.
And the difference is, I'm trying to tell you the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
I'm trying to not get involved in infighting.
I'm trying to be neutral and just cover the big issues that affect us all.
I'm trying my best.
I mean, this is not a world that any of us want.
I don't think the one-tenth of one-half of one percent that are globalist, really, if they were able to carry this out, are going to like what they built.
It is the darkest of the dark.
It is a type of tyranny the world has never seen.
And the globalists call it the final revolution.
They say that they've mixed and studied all the tyrannies into this super tyranny, and at the end of the day, it's the Illuminati.
If you study the French Revolution, that was aberrant.
That's why George Washington didn't support it.
Thomas Jefferson did until later, and he had to apologize, basically, for it.
They tried to go to a nine-day week.
They tried to get rid of the family.
They tried to change all of humanity.
It's a plain God cult we're facing.
And the globalists all at the top do attend what they call Illuminati meetings.
It's like a college.
They just pass on the ideas.
And we really are facing the Illuminati.
We really are facing the Illuminati.
And... George Orwell was a member of the Illuminati.
Eric Blair, and later I will read part of this on air.
Keep meaning to.
Please remember, we'll be live tonight, PrisonPlanet.tv, 7 o'clock.
If you're not a member, become one today.
I want to welcome all the new members that are joining.
We'll be right back.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, the entire global economy is in designed freefall.
The globalists, George Soros, all of them are saying, give the private banking dictatorship that engineered all this total power, end Europe, set up a European Union football team, no more national sovereignty of any level, pay us everything, slash everything, raise taxes, cut entitlements, or you're gonna have a global depression.
And then they'll get what they want, and it'll be a worse global depression.
And they'll say, okay, merge everything into a global government.
Have world bonds.
And then the Trilateral Commission wrote about this in 75.
They plan the whole thing out.
It's all public.
And then once they've got you really bankrupted, they'll start releasing bioweapons and killing everybody.
Everybody will go to watch TV and beg the government.
They'll murder you.
I mean, that's how they operate.
Oh, boy.
Max Keiser joins us right now.
And I want to get into all of this news, the 2 billion rogue trade that went on.
Mortgage default warnings getting worse, jobless claims.
Don't worry though, they're going to take anybody's kid who's overweight, they're announcing here in the U.S.
And shy children at risk of being diagnosed with mental disorder if they don't like talking to the government pedophiles that are mentally ill.
I mean, basically, hell itself is being released.
The government has undermined the family, society is degenerating.
Nihilists want to be destroyed, and they will be.
Welcome, Max Keiser, to the happy hour.
Yo, Alex Jones!
It's Max, I am here.
So, Al Gore says pay your carbon taxes or space aliens will attack, but let's just set that aside, the 24 hours of reality.
What do you make of the accelerating global meltdown?
I mean, from your perspective, am I right in saying it's very simple?
They're holding us hostage again for a new, even more authoritative
Well, one of your earlier callers said it best, saying that it's about centralizing power.
Now, when I was on your show last time, I said that Societe Generale, the bank in France, was about to go bankrupt, along with BNP.
And that's true.
Now what happened today?
We got the news that they're going to create a new, huge, European-wide funding facility to refinance the debt of BNP and Societe Generale as part of the centralization of power in Europe, as part of the centralization of power around the world.
The bank stocks go up.
10 or 15 percent of the day, everybody says, oh, we're out of the woods, but they don't recognize that underneath this is loss of sovereignty, and it's getting worse.
It is, and they could just create some new bank that doesn't have power and dump the debt into that.
A lot of economists I talk to say that's the best way to go, and simply monetize it, but don't put it into circulation.
Instead, they're going to slash the benefits and the infrastructure, up the taxes, killing the economy further, and then transfer it to a dictatorial group, which then won't even fix anything, which is good, because then they'll hold us hostage again for even more power.
Well, the key to transferring this debt, or re-securitizing the debt, is to keep interest rates near zero.
As they are in the United States, and I guess this is going to be the case in Europe too,
Which means that people with savings, people with pension accounts, continue to get zero on those returns.
So this is economic oppression.
This is subsidy of the people who have money, who have savings, who have pension accounts, who are underwriting and subsidizing this re-securitization of the bond market, so that none of the traffickers in the bonds, the banks at the top, have to suffer any bonus loss.
So is financial oppression through artificially low interest rates.
I liken this to financial Jim Crow laws.
If you're an average person, you borrow money at 35 or 40 percent.
If you're a white guy working at Goldman Sachs, you borrow money at negative 5 percent.
It's a financial Jim Crow law.
It's a rigged table that's at a 90 degree angle.
And we're down here at the bottom with the globalists hanging their rear ends over and doing you-know-what to us.
Alright, I don't usually use such verbal flourishes, but there's no way to describe all of this as pure garbage.
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Coming up!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Oh yeah!
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, WLS is reporting that if your child is overweight, they're going to put them in a government database in Michigan.
We're a few years behind Europe.
Then they try to move on to taking your children from you.
Here's another one.
Three-year-olds branded racist, homophobic, put in government database.
Paul Joseph Watson's got this report.
And I saw this years ago.
We're at birth in England.
It's actually in my film, Endgame, mainstream news articles.
That you are put in a criminal database at birth if your parents ever committed a crime.
So they're calling it genetic crime.
And the state of Texas says they put most foster children on antipsychotics because their parents have, quote, bad gene pool.
So it's eugenics.
And it says over 30,000 British school children, some as young as three, have had their names registered as a government database and branded racist or homophobic for using playground insults in practices that could impact their future careers.
Yeah, forget juvenile stuff.
It's about giving everybody a criminal record or getting everybody in a database.
I mean, this is the plan of the authoritarians.
We're going to be talking to Max Keiser about the economy and this huge establishment of this new monetary rulership system in Europe and what George Soros and others are saying.
Soros, embrace mass centralization of power in Europe or face another Great Depression.
So that is all coming up today and after Max leaves us.
We're going to continue with your calls while Max is with us, by the way, for Scott and Tracy and Carl.
Actually, Carl's up next, and then Scott.
We're going to get to all of you coming up here, and I want to read from 1984 as well, coming up, because this one section really gets to the philosophy of who we're facing.
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Now, going back to Max Keiser, Max, recap what we're seeing happen in Europe.
Every time the banksters hold us hostage and we give them more power, then things only get worse.
I mean, would this just go on forever until all civilization collapsed and they just rolled around in big piles of gold?
I mean, what's happening in Europe?
Well, what is missing in Europe was what we saw in the United States during the 2008 debacle, the famous TARP bailout.
And this type of facility, a lending facility, does not exist in Europe.
So Merkel and Sarkozy and other leaders are working to get
A similar type of nationalized or federalized balance sheet lending facility, TARP-like bailout mechanism, so that they can pretend and extend and roll these debts out even more than what they currently are.
And, you know, this is what's going to mean going forward is that all of the Europe zone will be managed financially out of Berlin.
So, the First Reich, the Second Reich, and the Third Reich did not succeed in creating a Europe dominated by Germany, but the Fourth Reich, the new federalization of the Eurozone vis-a-vis the banking disaster, will be successful.
So, Germany becomes a superpower, a reunified Germany, competing with China for domination.
The U.S., long gone.
Well, you said it.
What do you see then happening in the future?
I mean, do the banksters just fully occupy everything, invincible, and they can just rob and steal everything and will become actual Lord Rothschild, Supreme Ruler of Earth, and his Vice Supreme Leader, Lord Rockefeller?
I mean, is it just they rule everything, and instead of Bernie Madoff going to jail, they become Supreme Ruler?
Well, it's debt slavery, and legalized slavery is coming to the world again, coming to America.
But, you know, I want to touch base on the UBS rogue trading scandal, because I think this is kind of interesting.
The last 24 hours we've had another rogue trader, this time for UBS.
They lost $2 billion.
And I think it's important for people to understand that
In the role of the financial mercenary in the global banking system, these are equivalent to the mercenaries that are operating in Iraq or Afghanistan.
They are independent contractors, but they work inside these banks like a UBS or a BNP or a Bank of America or Goldman Sachs.
And their job, they're given unlimited credit.
They're giving access to weapons of mass financial destruction, like part of the false swaps and other leveraged instruments.
And the objective is to create chaos, to blow things up, to blow up the Greek economy, to blow up the Irish economy.
Because in the chaos, what happens on the financial markets is that volatility
Means greater premium spread widening for derivatives and options, which is like just pouring money into the coffers of the generals on Wall Street who let these financial mercenaries loose.
And once they make a big mistake like this guy caught, and then they just cut them loose and they disavow all knowledge.
James Curveil at
Society General, just a couple of years ago, caught doing exactly the same type of thing.
He was a financial mercenary for his master, Society General.
He made one mistake too many, they cut him loose.
A lot of the traders at the World Trade Towers are financial mercenaries.
That's why, when they do the whole counting up of the casualties of 9-11, I don't include the financial mercenaries.
They're just mercenaries, and there were over a thousand of them.
So you can't say that close to 3,000 people died.
You have to say there were 2,000 civilians and then 1,000 financial mercenaries.
But that's their job.
That's what they're trained to do.
They're on the front lines of a financial war.
So let's not have any pity for these folks because that they're just doing their job as financial mercenaries.
And this is really all over the world banking system.
You see this happening every single day and it just transfers wealth
Now, shifting gears to the Middle East, Israel has now pulled out their ambassadors out of Jordan.
I don't
How do you see the Middle East tying into this?
Because the banksters like to start wars and people say, well, why?
Because it becomes a political distraction and people tend to go along with more tyranny and more financial austerity if there's a big war going on.
What's your view on that?
How that fits into the mix here, Max?
Well, oil is a key component in the oil, cocaine, money laundering trifecta of scams around the world, and Libyan oil is a key component in that.
And Muammar Gaddafi, the biggest mistake he made was doing a peace deal with Tony Blair.
He thought he was a bad guy.
Tony Blair is one of the primo financial terrorists in the world.
This is like letting, you know, kryptonite into your house, Tony Blair.
Once Tony Blair's nose got under the tent, that country was doomed because he brought in Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, they stole all the sovereign wealth funds, they traded away the country's fortunes, they brought in other bankers, and now they're completely screwed up.
Now the oil is firmly in control of those who trade the cocaine.
We know that you've got Wachovia Bank was caught laundering almost $400 billion of cocaine money.
That was the cause of the 2008 credit collapse.
Then you have this seized oil in Libya, thanks to the same group.
And it all's wrapped nicely with the back-end derivatives trading and credit default swaps amongst our friends on Wall Street and in Europe and around the world.
So the oil is one of the three primary
Well, but none of this really matters, the global meltdown.
There's an NBA player claiming that he had sex with Sarah Palin, and so that's what's really important here today.
Well, I have news for you.
I'm in touch now.
You know, they're having elections in Tunisia in a few weeks.
One of, a close associate of mine, is in the running, his party, to become president and prime minister.
And I've been offered a role in helping to shape the new economy in Tunisia.
So the next time we speak, I may be actually in a role in helping the Tunisian government reshape their economy after this next election, if our party wins.
And I think this could be a really important step forward.
As you know, I spoke to you from Cairo.
I spoke to you from Beirut.
And I've done shows in Qatar.
And I know the area well.
I've done a lot of work there.
And now we're going to take it to the next level by actually helping reshape this economy in Tunisia.
Depending on the outcome of this election.
And then we'll try to attack the global banksters from a new stronghold right there in North Africa.
All right, stay there, Max.
I want to look at a couple other areas on the economy.
Gold, silver, where do you see that going?
I want to get into this $2 billion rogue trade.
Is that really what's going on here?
A lot of times they'll run a scam and claim it's somebody else.
We'll discuss it all on the other side of this quick break with Max Keiser.
Then I'm going to jam in some of your phone calls.
I think I'll take some with Max, and I've got to read this 1984 quote.
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Now, Max, I know that I already brought this up to you earlier, but specifically with this rogue trader and this $2 billion.
And a lot of times in the past I've seen insiders manipulate things and they'll blame something on a, quote, rogue trader.
And I'm seeing a lot of different strategies right now to try to keep gold and silver down.
Is that going to be successful?
Well, you see today, Alex, breaking news that HSBC was dropped as a defendant in the case charging silver manipulation, HSBC and J.P.
HSBC is no longer a defendant in the lawsuit who claimed that HSBC and J.P.
Morgan were manipulating the silver futures market.
This, of course, is a case that everyone was very excited about six months ago because it looked like the bank, HSBC, was going to face some justice here.
But our old friend, Bart Chilton, who is one of the commissioners at the CFTC, Commodity Futures Trading Commission, who I know, I can tell you with absolute certainty that he was caught red-handed in the box office futures night, a scandal with Cantor Fitzgerald's Cantor Exchange, basically kowtowing to the industry and completely not fulfilling his role as a regulator.
So he's a dirty regulator, Bart Chilton.
He's a guy who is a regulator for hire.
He, obviously, somebody got to him in whatever the usual methods.
So HSBC has been dropped.
So the war between paper and metal continues.
Obviously, if Europe is going to try to introduce a euro bond,
And re-securitize and re-package a few trillion in toxic, worthless debt and roll it into some new Euro product, then people are excited that paper will triumph.
But of course, this only happens if interest rates are zero, and that only means that purchasing power collapses, so that people's purchasing power is collapsing.
The poverty rates in America and around the world are skyrocketing.
No, the United States is now in greater debt than it was even in the depths of depression.
We passed that Rubicon three years ago.
We have the poorest population ever.
There hasn't been an overall wage increase since 1996.
That came out this week, and that's with cooked government numbers.
The insiders have all the advantage, and now they're coming in with all these new taxes, not to fund getting out of debt, but to further extinguish the economy, to consolidate it.
Where does it end, though?
How far can these people push?
Because they've been so good at it, it's already causing revolution worldwide, and then even those revolutions get out of hand.
Well, that's the thing.
They are making it a revolution.
The only course of action, really, and we see this, is the global insurrection against banker occupation, which we talked about five years ago, is getting more pronounced every single month.
You know, Jamie Dimon, who's the CEO of J.P.
Morgan, he made the comment last week when he's asked to participate in what are called the Basel III Accords to raise the minimum capital requirements for banks.
He said that
Asking JPMorgan to raise the capital requirement at that bank is anti-American and attacking America!
Meanwhile, Jamie Dimon has put... They're the ones, JPMorgan, who run the food stamp program.
They're the ones who actually create the swipe cards that people go and... No, no, no.
They always wrap themselves in the American flag while they're destroying it.
It's like the head of General Electric
Moving all the jobs that they're creating to China while lecturing everyone about our carbon footprint.
I mean, it's just incredible.
Well, like I said, there's a lot of good things happening in Tunisia if this party that I'm supporting wins this next election.
And I'm going to be lobbying for people in America to leave America and to move to Tunisia because we're going to rebuild a country with some real values and basically emigrate from that
cesspit of poverty and kleptocracy, the United States of scumbags.
So we've got to move on.
We've got to find a place where people who want freedom and democracy can live.
It's not the United States.
Trust me, that's the last place in the world now you're going to find any kind of decency.
But everything's okay.
Michelle Obama is pledging that restaurants are promising to follow a new White House food menu for children while they sell the GMO and all the garbage at us at 100 miles an hour.
Don't worry, the government now is going to decide what we eat.
So Michelle Obama is going to keep us safe, and that's really what matters, Max.
Look, there's the famous parody of
A population like the one in the United States being subjected to a kleptocracy and a corpocracy, being forced to eat their own feces.
And this is what Michelle Obama is really talking about.
She believes that the best food Americans could eat is their own feces.
And if she can make a nickel doing it, then that's what she's all about.
She'll happily take that money.
Well, she's always got a grin on her face like she's been doing that, but... Oh, yeah.
I mean, the people running for office, including your buddy Rick Perry down there in Texas, these folks are beyond the Manchurian candidate.
All right, stay there.
Let's do a few calls.
A few calls, Max.
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We are on the march.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
By the way, there's going to be some tweaking at PrisonPlanet.TV as we add more streams, different downloads.
One of the companies we use for the mainstream at night has been unavailable in certain areas of Texas, but everywhere else in the world.
And we were unable to get that company to fix it, so we fired up two more streaming companies.
They're working great.
We're going to be adding more and more redundancy, more and more options to PrisonPlanet.TV for you.
But we've just gotten lifted off, and I appreciate everybody's support.
We couldn't be doing this without you.
Tonight, Wayne Madsen
You know, left the U.S.
for a few months because he was told the White House was looking at killing him for a lot of different reasons.
Wayne Madsen's gotten back from Japan.
He went to Fukushima.
He's also, of course, been to Libya.
And he's been in the Middle East and all over the place, globetrotting.
So he'll be joining us on InfoWars Nightly News this evening.
And then we also have Mark Moreno of Climate Depot who will be exposing the great fall and collapse and now floundering of the great inventor of the internet, the man who also created the planet Earth, ManBearPig.
Half man, half bear, half pig.
So we're going to be looking at that tonight and more InfoWars Nightly News.
And then tomorrow is one of my children's birthdays, so I'm going to be off the radio tomorrow.
I said, what do you want for your birthday?
I want you to not go to work.
I want you to go swimming with me, and I want to go fishing.
Well, believe me, I want to do that too, but you have no future if we don't do this.
Believe me.
Believe me.
Believe me.
That's why I'm so out of control.
I hate it.
I kind of like being on the radio, but when you do two things a day and do radio interviews constantly, it starts to
I love filet mignon, but I think if I was forced to eat it three times a day and eat, you know, 50 ounces of it a day, I'd start hating it.
I don't know, filet mignon's pretty good, but... You get my drift, ladies and gentlemen, but the nightly news is a focused, condensed, hard-hitting transmission.
And we'll see tonight, 7 o'clock, you want to get behind real alternative media and vote with your dollars?
We're not like the government that comes and takes your money.
We're here asking you to join and to spread the word about it.
PrisonPlanet.tv growing into something really big.
We plan to build this into a network, but we need your support to do it.
Where were you when the revolution in media began?
Al Gore's trying it.
Becky Pooh's trying it.
They know where the future is, but their info is globalist-controlled.
We are not.
Now we're gonna go back to Max and take a few phone calls and I've got to get to 1984 because I promised to do it.
But I also want to tell you about our Twitter account.
It's RealAlexJones.
We've got links to it at Infowars.com.
And MaxKaiser.com is, of course, Max's website.
Max, what's your Twitter account?
Because I heard Stacey Herbert, your other twin broadcaster with you, also I'm told your squeeze, she's really the boss over there.
I heard her Twitter's getting bigger than yours.
And by the way, why won't Stacey come on my show?
Yeah, Stacey's Twitter is getting bigger than mine, and it's getting almost embarrassing because you hate to have... Well, she's a girl, you can't hurt her having a bigger Twitter.
Yeah, her Twitter's getting huge.
And I want my Twitter to be bigger than Stacey's Twitter.
Now, the reason she won't come on your show, Alex, you know, she's... because she fears, really, that
She hates to see grown men cry, and if you put her up against Lord Monckton on that man-made global warming debate, the good old Lord Monckton would break down in tears and have to concede all of his points and run away back to his... Okay, fine, I will set up a debate between Lord Monckton and Stacey.
My dear lady...
No, no, no.
I know you're just always saying, get Stacey Young and Stacey on it.
No, no, she'll come on.
I know she'll come on.
I understand.
Yeah, some days, when, you know, who knows what, when the moment is right, then the whirlwind, that is Stacey Herbert, will appear in your midst, and all hell will break loose.
All right, that's enough screwing around, Kaiser.
I appreciate it.
Let's just go ahead and talk to Scott in Pennsylvania.
Scott, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hey, how you doing, guys?
Great show today, Alex.
You really articulate what we're facing and it's very hard.
You're right.
You probably can't really tell us exactly how bad it is because
It is that difficult to understand.
Earlier, you talked about Albert Pike, and I'd love to see a special report if you're able to get time to do something like that.
No, that's a great idea, and I already had an idea to do a thing on the Globalist Illuminati philosophy for the new show, for the TV show, so yeah, we'll do an Albert Pike for you.
Oh, I appreciate that, and the quote that comes to mind is a guy named Mario Salvo, I think, and he said,
There comes a time when the system becomes so odious you have to basically put your body against the levers and gears.
And say you're not going to participate anymore and maybe one day we'll have had enough and we'll just stop participating.
Well that's what it's all about.
They package getting us to participate in their system like be reasonable, be good and they use psychology.
It's time to just stop participating and it's time to get angry and it's time to get in their face.
Then it's time to start shouting them down and we're going to defeat these people.
Do you have any questions for Lord Kaiser?
You know, I love Max Keiser's work.
I wish I was smart enough to really ask the question.
Oh, you're smart enough?
That's ridiculous.
You had a great quote.
You're smart enough to know that Max actually got his start in media back when they had those old McDonald's commercials where they used real actors.
He played the Hamburglar in one of those when he was a teenager.
Max, I've just revealed that you were the Hamburglar.
Yes, I was on an acid trip.
I woke up in a hamburger costume in the middle of a shoot for McDonald's.
I'm telling you, I left with trauma.
Oh man, Max, I gotta go see you in France sometime.
You're so funny.
I can say the most ridiculous thing and know he's gonna come back.
He's not really the Hamburglar actor.
Yeah, well, you know, you can come to France, but you know, when Rumsfeld tried to get him to Paris last year, he was almost arrested because there's a warrant out for his arrest, you know, for war crimes and crimes against humanity.
He had to literally hightail it to the airport with a posse.
I wonder if they're gonna arrest Sarkozy for war crimes, though.
Well, you know, Sarkozy and Chirac and the whole French political establishment's pretty corrupt as well.
Different countries, different style of corruption.
But, you know, they're all connected, as you know.
Oh, yes.
Let's go ahead and talk to Carl in California.
Go ahead.
I want to thank you for paying for my phone call.
You bet.
So you're talking to the Hamburglar right now.
Go ahead.
God bless you, Max.
Appreciate all your work.
I don't have any particular questions.
I had a couple of things for Alex, but I have actually a hundred things for Alex to talk to.
Well sure, that's fine.
Kaiser can comment on them.
Go ahead, sir.
Well, it's about something that's going on locally here in California.
Last Sunday, of course it was the 9-11 commemoration, that disgusting event, there was a radio show that welcomed our phone calls to call in and say, how did it affect you?
Where were you then and where are you now?
And how are the dynamics?
Yes, so basically they welcome your comments but then screen your calls.
No, no, for most of these stations, if you're a 9-11 truther, unless it's George Norrie or somebody who is, somebody who honors the First Amendment, you're not going to get on air.
You've got to basically, I don't like to lie ever.
And so I will basically just spin it.
And I'll say, yeah, I want to talk about this, and then I'll say what I was going to say,
Because when I'm driving around or whatever, I call and talk radio, national, local, all the time.
I will say what I said I was going to say and then go into something else.
And so that's basically what you have to do.
They're definitely trying.
I can see screening calls to not have people on with bad phones or people that are incoherent.
We don't do that and sometimes get the incoherent calls because I want to be a pure show.
I call in to shows in San Antonio and Austin, and I don't call in a lot, maybe every six months to each one of the five or six talk stations.
Maybe once a week I call in to one of them, but there's quite a few, so maybe every few months I call in to one of them.
And they'll go, no way, Alex, you're not coming on.
And I don't even plug myself when I get on these radio shows.
Is this a question for me?
I mean, you talk all the whole show, man.
I mean, what about me?
I'm sitting here on hold, and you're blabbing on about some story nobody cares about.
Why can't I answer the question?
Okay, Hamburglar, he asked me a question.
Go ahead.
He said it didn't matter what the question was.
I could answer it.
Well, then I missed what he was saying.
Was your question for me, sir, or for Max?
Well, I called in a couple of hours ago, so I've been sitting on it.
No, he said he wanted to talk to me, burglar.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
I take that back.
Well, God bless you, Max.
Anyway, God bless you.
Hold on, put him back on screen.
We've got him joining us via Skype right now.
Okay, Max, you're on screen.
But no, Max, comment on that, how they try to shape the media and the talking points.
Well, it's very interesting.
I just saw Democracy Now, which is a show which usually I don't think your listeners would necessarily be listening to Amy Goodman and Democracy Now, but tonight she had Bob Graham on, the former governor of Florida, who now wants to reopen.
The 9-11 investigation and investigate what's all the activity with the Saudi and the Saudi government.
I mean, this is, you know, everyone's been badmouthing the so-called truthers for years.
But now it looks like they really are going to reopen this case and really dig down into the participation of the Saudi government and all the Saudi nationals who are in the U.S.
who are helping
The 15 out of the 19 hijackers who were part of that event, aiding them and leading up to the event, and now it's come out that weeks before the event there were a lot of noise being reported to the FBI and the CIA and all these other agencies about a lot of suspicious activity that anybody with half a brain would have seen was adding up to something.
Well yeah, even Richard Clarke now has talked about this, and the Makers of Press for Truth, it was a really good documentary.
They're making a new one, an interview with Richard Clarke.
They discovered the CIA agents that were ordering the stand down, and they sent a letter to the CIA saying please respond, and they said we're going to arrest your butt.
How's that sound?
We'll respond by doing that.
So, a lot of people, ten years later, are getting close.
That's why they have a special NSA office, according to several of our sources, and later this got leaked and was confirmed, at least it's going on partially, that tracks government whistleblowers like Sybil Evans and people they know know.
And so they're getting very close to this coming out, Max.
Yeah, I just think on the mainstream media, which has put a stone wall to what the callers point, is that it's been a topic that is verboten.
You can't even speak about it at all.
But I think you've got now this, even like democracynow.org or Bob Graham and these folks, which can really align more with the mainstream, are starting to make this a mainstream topic.
And so that, I think, is really an interesting development in the history of this.
It certainly is.
Okay, thank you so much, Carl.
Let's go ahead and talk to Scott in Mass.
Scott, you're on the air.
Hello, Mr. Jones and Mr. Kaiser.
How are you?
It's Mr. Burglar.
He's fine.
I'd like to discuss with you, you know, we have 9-11 that happened, the commemoration for that.
We're in a depression, not a recession.
Millions of people are unemployed.
You've got our Federal Reserve out of control and Goldman Sachs and Bear Stearns.
My point is this, is that all the points that you're making is spelled out clearly in the protocols of the Learned Elders Zion that the Jews control Wall Street.
The New World Order is a Jewish conspiracy?
Let me read you Protocol No.
5 in the Protocols of the Lord and Elders of Zion, a little sentence here.
It says, in place of the rulers of today, we shall set up a bogey which will be called the Super-Government Administration.
Its hands will reach out in all directions, like nippers, and its organization will be of such colossal dimensions that it cannot fail to subdue all the nations of the world.
My point is this, and I have a question for both of you gentlemen,
Everything you're discussing, the New World Order, is spelled out in the Protocols of the Lord and Elders of Zion.
Which, by the way, is not a forgery, as the Jews claim.
It is an authentic document that supports Jewish world domination.
Okay, well I've read it and it reads like a comic book.
There have been lots of governments that use centralized coderies and behind-the-throne super systems and all of that.
And from what I've gotten, it was the Russian czars put that out to be able to persecute groups.
I have no doubt that there aren't political Jewish mafia out there wanting to take stuff over because that's what groups do.
You know, some document I can't prove either way or the other.
I'm just trying to expose government corruption and not get into names and races and religions.
I mean, the Soviets tried to take over, the Communist Chinese have.
I mean, this is what every group, you know, Julius Caesar was doing things like that.
I don't think he was Jewish.
So, you know, that's my point is that humans tend to act the same throughout history.
And I get people calling in, you know, always getting mad at me, saying, I've got to say it's the Masons, or I've got to say it's the Jews, or I've got to say it's the Catholics, or I've got to say... And then whenever I don't attack one of those groups, and say they're the ultimate evil in the world, or whatever, then I always get attacked for working for those groups, when the establishment does not like me.
Max Keiser, what's your comment on the Jewish banker issue?
Whenever I hear this, my competitive streak gets rallied, if you will.
Because when I was working on Wall Street, I was working for the other guys.
I'm an Episcopalian, and I was working for Payne Webber.
And then you've got J.P.
Morgan and Morgan Stanley.
And these are the white shoe firms, you know, that Solenti talks about all the time.
The white shoe boys!
That's right.
Now, these are the Protestants on Wall Street.
And it's very competitive with the Jews on Wall Street.
Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, etc.
And it falls along these lines.
And I was always playing for the Protestants.
And you look at Geithner, Bernanke, Paulson.
These are not Jewish guys.
These are white-shoe Protestant guys.
I know, but they say they are, though.
People say, I'm Jewish.
I mean, people say I'm also a commander of the Vatican Supreme Warlock Army and a Reptoid.
People say that and using it as, let's say, an epithet.
But what I'm saying is that there is actually competitive divisions.
There, where it does fall along these religious... Oh listen, the ADL was set up because Jewish narcotics traffickers, this is on record, we're getting in trouble in New York, and it got set up as an attack group against, I mean I'm against the Jewish Mafia, and it's certainly there, but, but, but...
What happens is when you criticize anything going on in the government, they then say you're attacking Jewish people, or they say, or if you attack the Jewish mafia, they say you are.
I'm just covering issues and then people can make their own decision.
I think when we make this racial or religious, that's what the globalists want, to then get us all fighting with each other, instead of let's just get rid of the corrupt system.
You know, I mean, if warlock Vatican cablers are running it, good.
You know, let's kick them out of there.
It's just, I want to get rid of this corrupt system.
Instead of jumping into the game the globalists want to play, of making it a racial or religious issue.
Max, what do you say to that?
Well, one of the biggest goyim club in the world is the CIA.
I mean, the CIA is all about Protestant power.
This is why the basis of creating the CIA was
We need to keep the power in the Northeast Ivy League corridors.
And this is discriminatory almost.
They also recruit a lot of Mormons into there.
Max, we are just out of time, my friend.
And I really appreciate you joining me.
I appreciate the last caller and everybody else.
Any time.
All right, we will be back with the final segment of the main radio show.
And then I'll be back tonight, 7 o'clock Central, 8 o'clock Eastern, 5 o'clock Pacific, 6 o'clock Mountain.
PrisonPlanet.tv or InfoWarsNews.com.
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Get out!
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Get out!
Escape from the prison palace!
Okay, let me read to you from 1984.
And I really can't do justice to this, but I keep promising to read it, and then I never do.
And this illustrates basically everything that we are facing.
And so I think I'm going to do just a special report with Aaron Dykes that we'll post on PrisonPlanet.tv sometime next week, where we actually add images to all of this, and I really break it down and explain it in like a 10-minute video.
But George Orwell worked for the British Imperial Government as a police officer in India.
Then he worked for the Communists in the Spanish Civil War.
Then he worked in propaganda during World War II at BBC.
And he wrote essays and described the fact that this is what he believed they were trying to set up and that they were playing the left and the right against each other.
It was all staged.
And the government was staging terror attacks to bring in their world government.
And so 1984, he died about a year after it came out.
He hit out on an island in Scotland when he wrote it.
He was a British spy, and from a good family, that's why he was brought into it, where he breaks down what they want to do and how they are asinine on purpose just to break our will and condition us to accept anything.
And the more I get knowledge about the globalists, the more I read this book, and you think you've understood how powerful it is, and then it goes to a new level.
That's why Hillary Clinton says this is her favorite book.
Obama says his favorite book is Brave New World.
Because these are Bibles of what they're going to do to us.
But as Huxley said, it's a mixture of the two.
He had his Berkeley speech in 61, or 62, shortly before his death.
The Earth is the center of the universe.
The sun and the stars go around it, O'Brien is saying as he tortures Winston.
Winston made another convulsive movement.
This time he did not say anything.
O'Brien continued as though answering a spoken objection.
For certain purposes, of course, this is not true.
When we navigate the ocean, or when we predict an eclipse, we often find it convenient to assume that the Earth goes around the Sun, that the stars are millions upon millions of kilometers away.
But what of it?
Do you suppose it is beyond us to produce a dual system of astronomy?
The stars can be near or distant.
Accordingly as we need them.
Do you suppose our mathematicians are unequal to that?
Have you forgotten double-think?
It's a science to be delusional, you see.
Wednesday shrank back upon the bed.
Whatever he said, the swift answer crushed him like a bludgeon.
He's on a rack being tortured.
And yet he knew, he knew that he was in the right.
The belief that nothing exists outside your own mind, surely there must be some way of demonstrating that it was false.
See, it's about accepting mental illness is what the New World Order is.
Because they don't want anybody to be able to think but them, see?
Had it not been exposed long ago as a fallacy, there was even a name for it, which he had forgotten.
A faint smile twitched the corners of O'Brien's mouth as he looked down on him.
I told you, Winston, he said, that metaphysics is not your strong point.
The word you're trying to think of is
But you are mistaken.
There is no such thing, and it goes on.
Collective Sulfism, or however you pronounce this, if you like it.
But that is a different thing.
In fact, the opposite thing.
All this is digression.
That's true, it's destroying everything.
He added in a different tone.
The real power, the power we have to fight for night and day is not power over things, but over men.
He paused, and for a moment assumed again his air of schoolmaster questioning a promising pupil.
How does one man assert his power over another, Winston?
Winston thought, by making him suffer, he thought.
Exactly, by making him suffer.
Obedience is not enough.
The TSA must grab your daughter's genitals.
Oh, I'm sorry, that isn't in the... We'll be right back, stay with us, Overdrive.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Fix bayonets.
We are now entering overdrive with your host, Alex Jones, broadcasting live from the front lines.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
I've forgotten what solifism is in philosophy.
I've got to look that up after the show.
Continuing with O'Brien, uh, torturing
Winston would teach him that there's moral relativism and that perception is reality, so that he'd just be a mindless vassal to Big Brother.
They could just kill him, but they want to break him first, because really, O'Brien tells him, we just like to torture people.
That's the whole point here, and he's going to tell him in a minute.
Winston thought by making him suffer, he said exactly.
Make him suffer.
Notice he thought, and O'Brien said exactly.
He already knows the human mind so well.
Exactly, by making him suffer.
Obedience is not enough.
Unless he is suffering, how can you be sure that he's obeying your will and not his own?
Power is in inflicting pain and humiliation.
Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.
Do you begin to see?
That's why they're genetically splicing everything and ruining the planet.
Do you begin to see then what kind of world we're creating?
It is the exact opposite of the stupid hedonistic utopias that the old reformers imagined.
A world of fear and treachery is torment.
A world of trampling and being trampled upon.
A world
Which will grow not less but more merciless as it refines itself.
Process in our world and progress will be progress towards more pain.
The old civilizations claimed that they were founded on love and justice.
Ours is founded upon hatred.
In our world there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph, and self-abasement.
Everything else will be destroyed.
We are breaking down the habits of thought which have survived from before the revolution.
We have cut the links between child and parent, and between man and man, and between man and woman.
No one dares trust a wife or child or a friend any longer.
See, they got ads.
Oh, I forgot, they have a new law.
It was so conditioned, I didn't even cover it.
A new law, Lamar Smith's trying to pass, where you get immunity when you say false things about people.
Just a hell world.
And they always show the tattling like a fun golf course or football game, like it's part of the fun game to do it.
No one dare trust his wife or child or a friend any longer.
But in the future, there will be no wives and no friends.
Children will be taken from their mothers at birth, that's done in North Korea, as one takes eggs from a hen.
The sex instinct will be eradicated, that's with chemicals in the food and water.
Procreation will be an animal fornality, like the renewal of a ration card.
We shall abolish the orgasm.
Our neurologists are at work upon it now.
There will be no loyalty, except loyalty towards the party.
There will be no love, except the love of Big Brother.
They actually use porn to do that, to wreck your sexuality.
There will be, and that's what they said, to end procreation.
And they'll call it a fun right.
There will be no laughter except the laugh of triumph over defeated enemy.
There will be no art, no literature, no science.
When we are omnipotent, we shall have no more need for science.
There will be no distinction between beauty and ugliness.
There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment, or process of life.
All competing pleasures will be destroyed.
And this is what they want for us.
They'll be in the walled central compounds.
And this is only in the first phase.
Then they just kill everybody.
But always, do not forget this, Winston, always there will be the intoxication of power.
And this is what it comes down to.
You're like, why are you doing this?
There doesn't seem to be any method at all.
Oh, there's a method.
The method is the result.
The method is the madness.
The method is the ocean in which they swim.
It is the ether.
It is the point.
Pressing on the nerve of power.
Ripping teeth out.
Poisoning people.
Children dying of cancer.
With the chicken neck control freak sitting back laughing the whole time.
But always do not forget this, Winston.
Always there will be the intoxication of power.
Constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler.
Always at every moment there will be the thrill of victory.
The sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless.
You want the picture of the future?
Imagine a boot stomping on the human face forever.
He paused as though he expected Winston to speak.
Winston had tried to shrink back into the surface of the bed again.
He could not say anything.
His heart seemed to be frozen.
O'Brien went on.
And this is it.
All right, Aaron Dyches is sitting in a little bit.
We got Mike Adams tomorrow.
God bless you all.
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