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Name: 20110905_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 5, 2011
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, historian and, of course, economist Webster Tarkley, who was just in Libya for, I don't know, almost two weeks or longer.
I was just there a little over a month ago during bombing campaigns.
He was just telling me during the break
NATO has taken Tripoli like Napoleon took Moscow.
Or Hitler took Leningrad.
And that's exactly what's going on here.
And regardless, we've now entered a new Vietnam.
And I guess they're not going to care, because they're going to try to use mainly Arab troops in there.
But we know we're not getting the official story.
So how do you see this ending?
Because the media is saying, what's next in Libya?
Key to US politics.
AP is still going with the fact that the war is over.
Others are saying, look out, this is a civil war.
Who was behind this?
We know the bankers want the 144 tons of gold, and they want the infrastructure, Webster.
But I mean, this is going to be a nightmare situation.
Well, remember there's a secret treaty signed between the British and the French on November 2nd of last year.
And that set up the overall attack on Libya.
Operation South Mistral, which is also known as Operation Harmattan.
And Harmattan is another word for that same wind, right?
That Mediterranean wind called the Mistral.
So, this was cynically planned well in advance.
They were doing bombing drills and everything else for what we're seeing right now.
And they launched the Al Qaeda forces, they're called protesters, and the rest is history.
And remember that there are vast areas of southern Libya where the writ of NATO will not run, especially that Fezzan province.
The whole southwestern part of Libya is this Fezzan where most everybody is black.
They're Libyans, they're Arabs, but they're black.
So they're not going to listen to the yoke.
They're not going to subject themselves.
South Africa won't turn its back on Gaddafi because he's been helping the region.
Well, the loyalties of some of these people are not what you'd like it to be.
But still, there is a large area there.
A government in exile or something like that could go on for a very long time.
And again, it's going to come down now to a series of tribal vendettas.
But on the other hand, I don't think we should get that far ahead.
Right now, Qaddafi is in the field.
He's defiant.
He's fighting.
His son, Saif, is leading attacks.
We're good to go.
And let's not forget that the rebels took a bunch of cities and Gaddafi took them back.
But here's the deal.
They've committed Western Special Forces, that's confirmed, one in Telegraph, you name it.
They've committed them into Tripoli now.
Webster, I think you're going to see within
Two or three days, I think you're going to see more, more Western forces going in, and they can't now be defeated by Qaddafi with all their bluster.
I think you're going to see a full-on invasion, and they're just committing to it.
Absolute, full-on civil war, shooting gallery, and a lot of dead Western and other Arab troops.
This is a humanitarian disaster of giant proportions.
It's a definite possibility, but of course that then leads to prolonged guerrilla warfare, extravagant casualties, rivers of blood.
Right now, it would be good for Russia and China, or somebody with some conscience, to go to the UN Security Council and immediately demand a ceasefire to put an end to this.
All foreign forces out of Libya... We've only got 20 seconds.
Why isn't Russia saying something about this?
Well, Russia's now in the throes of a, I guess you could call it a succession, or a political struggle, I think, between these Medvedev people and the Putin people, and they're also, the Russians are not, they've drawn the line, I think, for Syria.
They haven't done so for Libya.
Alright, Webster, thank you.
We're out of time.
We're going to come back with another guest on this subject and the economy.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Harley Schlanger is going to be joining us in a moment to talk about the state of the world, the economy, what's happening in Libya, and a lot more.
We'll introduce our guest here in a moment.
But here's some of the financial news headlines right now.
New home sales fall in 2011.
It could be the worst year yet.
Shaping up to be the worst since records have been kept dating back 50 years.
That's the Associated Press.
World stock markets rise amid hopes for the Fed to announce QE3 or further dollar devaluation.
Congenial Goldman Sachs shares open 5% lower today as boss hires corporate lawyer who defended fraudsters from Enron.
Investors fear more probes into financial wrongdoing.
Well, the Senatorial Committee has found that they knowingly sold fraudulent derivatives to everyone knowing it was worthless crud.
Continuing here with other financial news, gold goes off the charts.
It went to, what, $1,910 yesterday.
Been gyrating back and forth today as Gartman sees prices for metals heading parabolic.
Goldman Sachs, of course, two weeks ago said $2,500 by the end of the year on the announcements that they are considering QE3.
Federal stimulus funds for Nevada's green industry grows trees, but few jobs.
Well, it's only designed to be given to insiders.
Continuing, they're also making announcements about how they do want to go ahead and cut the military pensions of people that have served 20 or more years.
A head of a rating agency, S&P, is stepping down.
Head of the rating agency, S&P, is stepping down to leave company at the year's end.
becomes food stamp nation, but is it sustainable?
Really, $45 million on total food stamps, $5 million on supplemental.
That's 50 million people in an electronic soup kitchen line every single day.
That's out of Yahoo News.
Also, America is rotting while China is rising.
They're building super trains, new roads, you name it.
The United States is totally rotting by design.
The post-industrial world.
Even Martin Luther King's memorial was made in China.
A fitting example of what the globalists have done.
It's what the UN said they would do with Agenda 21 back in 1992, when Maury Strong said, we're going to de-industrialize the US, we're going to use environmentalism to shut the United States off, then bankrupting the population for foreign corporate occupation.
And then the few jobs that are left will be through government corporate welfare and basically you'll have a mercenary population that rules over the rest of us here in the giant prison economy.
And to talk about the state of the world is Harley Schlanger and he again has been the Executive Intelligence Review's Magazine Southwest Bureau Chief for more than 15 years and in recent years he's become the national spokesman for London LaRouche's Political Action Committee.
I always like to get their perspective on things.
As Bureau Chief he's written numerous articles including the savings and loan crisis, predicting that.
As an investigative journalist, Schlanger has contributed to a number of books published by EIR.
Some of his research was incorporated in The Ugly Truth About the ADL, Bush, The Unauthorized Biography, for example.
Schlanger himself made a run for the U.S.
Senate, receiving a quarter million votes for the Texas Democratic primary.
He holds a BA from the University of Wisconsin.
And a MA in European History from Rutgers University, where he was the National Defense Education Act Fellow for three years, larouchepac.com, larouchepub.com.
He joins us for the rest of the hour via video Skype from, what, Houston, Texas.
And Harley, thank you for coming on with us.
So much of what I saw you writing about 15 years ago
Sixteen years ago when I first became aware of your research, I was a bit skeptical at the time, but most of it has now come to pass.
And so I'd like you to give us your world view in a historical perspective and where the world is at this point.
Thank you for joining us.
It's my pleasure, Alex.
Good to be with you.
The place to start is that the system is melting down.
It's disappearing.
The attempt to bail it out is, at best, going to lead to a hyperinflationary implosion.
But if they don't bail it out, there's going to be a full-scale bankruptcy.
Starting with one big bank or another, the banks have frozen up again.
We're a little bit like what Lyndon LaRouche saw in July 2007, when he said the banking system is frozen up and it is finished.
It took about a year before that was generally realized, and then in the September 2008 period with the fall of Lehman and others,
It became clear that the banks had completely frozen, which meant they couldn't loan to each other because they knew they were loaning based on worthless assets.
At that point, in September 2008, we had what was called TARP, and it was really hammered through the Congress under threat that the whole system was going to collapse if we didn't do it.
Now, in effect, they bought a little time, but we've created anywhere from $16 trillion to $25 trillion in worthless paper, which is backing up worthless assets.
And, as you know, there's probably...
Okay, Harley, your video Skype is breaking up.
If it doesn't clear up in a moment, we're going to call you right back on the phone.
Back up.
Has Skype cleared back up yet?
Okay, Harley, the last 30 seconds of what you said was breaking up.
Please repeat it.
Sure, we had created by Bernanke, Geithner, and first Hank Paulson and then under Obama
Uh, trillions of dollars to back up worthless financial assets.
Those assets should have been cleared out of the banks.
We should have had a bankruptcy reorganization in September 2008 and a return to Glass-Steagall regulations.
Instead, the decision was made to bail out the bankrupt banking system.
And we see this happening now in Europe, where all of the banks are getting money from the US Federal Reserve, which is, I'm sure, an impeachable offense by President Obama.
The system itself is melting down.
The attempt to bail it out is not going to work.
And the only remedy we have is to go back to constitutional credit policies, starting with Glass-Steagall.
But the real, the other point, Alex, is we've got to get rid of Obama.
We can't wait until January 2013.
He's committed so many violations and offenses and impeachable offenses that the question is, will there be anybody with the guts in the US to stand up in the Congress or in the administration and remove him?
Well, Harley, that was my next question.
It's clear that the ruling class is in a crisis.
They're consolidating power through this implosion that they've engineered.
But at the same time, the black hole they've created is threatening to swallow them up as well.
And we see things...
Really getting scary.
I mean, basically Obama has become a dictator.
The office is being used by the bureaucracy and the special interest.
It's being empowered for a dictatorship.
I'm not saying he's a dictator himself.
He's obviously an empty suit.
Teleprompter reader, but launching wars without congressional approval, gun control laws without congressional approval, carbon taxes without congressional approval, amnesty without congressional approval.
I mean, they're openly saying they now have the super congress.
Do you agree that there's a move towards an end of the constitutional form of government?
I think it's going to happen very quickly.
They use the debt ceiling debate to create enabling legislation for a financial dictatorship.
In a sense, what Bernanke is doing is an example of a dictatorship.
No elected official has any say over what the Fed is doing.
And it's rumored that Bernanke on Friday is going to come up with a QE3, Quantitative Easing 3.
In fact, he's already doing that through the back door with these dollar swap arrangements.
Alex, I think this is important.
Trillions of dollars is going from the Federal Reserve to bail out BNP Paribas, Societe Generale of France, Royal Bank of Stockholm.
They got $85 billion in just one bailout fund.
So, this is already going on, and the enabling legislation, LaRouche has compared this to what Hitler did in early 1933, when they used the Reichstag fire as an excuse for dictatorship.
Now, we're seeing something like that, another terrorist act, war, war, anything of that sort, or perhaps
Riots in the United States over the hopelessness around unemployment and the fascist austerity measures that will be ran through by a super congress dictatorship.
You could see an excuse for that kind of police state crackdown with a lot of the measures already in place for it.
And by the way, you're not just saying that this Council of 13 with the President heading up the Super Congress is a financial dictatorship.
They admit that the bills will now originate out of this group, and if the full House or Senate doesn't vote it up or down in a simple 51% vote, then whatever the Council has already put in place becomes law.
This is so authoritarian, it is beyond textbook.
It is so naked and brazen.
It's happening on every front, but are our republics not dying with a bang?
It's happening with a whimper, and if they're getting away with this, what do you expect looking into your historical crystal ball that they're going to try next?
I mean, if they're getting away with this.
Well, I think the thing you have to realize is this is super unconstitutional, the so-called Super Congress.
And the real question is the challenge to the American people.
Are there enough people out there with guts who will stand up and fight this?
We're seeing elements of this starting to emerge.
We're seeing it in the African American population with the famous video of Maxine Waters.
Although, I don't know why you have to ask permission to negotiate with Nero.
You've got to get rid of him.
You see it in the Hispanic population.
You see it with progressives.
You see it with conservatives.
There are very few people who are giving their consent to this government.
But the problem is that the elected officials in the U.S.
Congress, in the House and the Senate, in state legislatures all over the country, have been willing to cut and kill for the sake of the bailout.
And the real issue I think we've got to face is either we stop the bailout with Glass-Steagall and get Obama out.
Harley, stay there.
Let's look at where the economy is going on its current course versus some of the solution.
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Harley Schlenger, historian, researcher, is our guest via video connection.
All right, Harley, continuing.
Where are we going if they don't bring back Glass-Steagall, if they don't write off the trillions and trillions in fraudulent
International derivatives that we've been signed on to.
I mean, they admit that most of our debt is not our debt.
We've been signed on to the bankers Ponzi scheme.
Instead, they're saying cut all the entitlements, but I've seen the numbers.
Even if you cut all the entitlements, took all the quote wealthy people's money who are in the US, it wouldn't pay off a fraction of the fraudulent debt.
So it's a lie to say cut, cut, cut, and that that will get us back solvent.
Just like it's a lie saying giving trillions to banks three years ago and now again will get us going.
Let me give you an example.
The Greek government has followed an austerity regime and its GDP continues to shrink.
When you cut into the real economy, the only way to get out of this crisis is you have to separate the illegitimate debt, which is the vast majority of the debt, from the real obligations of banks.
That's what Glass-Steagall does.
The real obligations being deposits, checking accounts, business accounts, and so on.
You have to protect those.
But you don't protect the worthless financial instruments that were created, beginning with mortgage-backed securities, collateralized debt obligations, credit default swaps, and so on.
Now, just to give you an example of the actual corruption which is playing into this, there was a story in the New York Times which was like a bad mafia movie.
Two administration officials, Sean Donovan of HUD and Catherine Wilde of the New York Federal Reserve,
Went up at a funeral of former Governor Hugh Carey to Eric Schneiderman, who's the New York State Attorney General.
Schneiderman said he's not going to give Bank of America a sweetheart deal to get out of the corruption of all the mortgage-backed securities which they sold, which they knew were fraudulent.
They went to him and told him he's got to lay off Wall Street.
The administration, Obama, acting through these two surrogates, tried to deliver a message to the Attorney General of New York, that you will not go after the Bank of America, and Wilde actually said, Wall Street is our Main Street.
Now that's how the people who are running this country, running Obama, actually think about it.
Forget Main Street, they're going to defend Wall Street.
Now, if there is a strategy, and LaRouche says, look, these guys are crazy.
Their main strategy is genocide, destroy the nation-state, and kill the population.
But if there is a strategy, they actually think that if they hyperinflate,
The banks can pay off some of this debt with cheap money, but what that will mean is that will wipe out what's left of anybody's savings and pensions in a Weimar-style hyperinflation, which is what Bernanke and Geithner and Obama are going towards.
Once that is done, the dollar is worthless.
And so if we don't get Glass-Steagall, and if we don't get back to the protection of our Constitution, we have nothing.
The people of this country will have lost everything, including our ability to fight.
Now, Harley, I want you to continue along that line, but when you say they want a debt economy, they want to reduce population, I want to get into the globalist mindset from your research when we come back.
You're not just saying that.
They have created a cosmology, a post-industrial one-shot policy to basically rationalize their command and control
It's the empire killing off the nation-state.
All right, well, and they say it.
We're not making this up.
I mean, Prince Philip, who many people think is a doddering old fool, which he is, but he's an old Nazi.
The Bush family, the Harriman family, some of these leading families of Great Britain who run these international banking cartels, they helped put Hitler in power.
This is not something that's made up.
This is historical fact.
They believe that there are too many people on the planet.
They promote these fraudulent scientists who come out and talk about the carrying capacity.
They talk about the second law of thermodynamics, that we cannot expand production to take care of a growing population.
And meanwhile, they impose policies that are leading to starvation, unnecessary starvation.
Harley Schlanger, stay there!
Let's finish up with that when we come back.
Get more into where?
The economy's going, uh, and your trend forecasting on the other side.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
A very wealthy US citizen is predicting that in 2011, we will witness the most important day in America in more than 50 years.
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Now this man has made some outrageous predictions over the years.
The crazy part is, he's usually right.
You see, he predicted the collapse of GE.
We're good to go.
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You see, folks, people have to get their mind around the fact that the social engineers of our planet, just like Joe Biden was just praising the one-child policy in China, they believe in a economy that destroys, that feeds, that for somebody to win, somebody's got to lose.
And this is the economy they're selling with the death panels, which they now admit are real.
And Bill Gates says, kill granny, we get to hire 10 teachers.
And they're selling the public on this idea.
The Soviets did that, the Nazis did this, the Empire sell this idea, and it's their ruthless rationale.
And you've seen how, as soon as we bought into this globalist system, all the prosperity, all the security went out the window.
So we're going to be talking to our guest more, Harley Schlinger, here in just a moment.
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Now going back to historian, researcher, author, Harley Schlanger joining us via video connection from Houston.
I was asking you to get into the social Darwinistic Malthusians that run things and where their program is going to lead us and what you are forecasting is going to happen not just in the U.S.
but worldwide in the next year to two years if things are not reversed.
Well, Lyndon LaRouche has a five-decade record of forecasting and many, many years ago with the launching of the
uh... environmentalist movement on college campuses during the vietnam war it became clear that there was an attempt to limit and destroy populations let me just cite two examples of this that are official government policy one was the national security study memo two hundred which was adopted by henry kissinger
Which said that population threat in the developing sector is the greatest threat to U.S.
security, and the U.S.
should use any means at its disposal, including food as a weapon, to reduce populations in the developing sector.
Then under Carter we had Global 2000.
Which essentially said U.S.
overproduction, U.S.
technology, U.S.
science is a problem because it engenders cultural optimism.
And cultural optimism will lead to more people, it will lead to new scientific discoveries, and will use up the resources of the planet, and therefore we have to stop development.
Now that's what's behind the deindustrialization policy.
We see on economics, they've created a global economic policy of a rule by cartels.
The empire is really a series of interlocking cartels in finance, insurance, pharmaceuticals, oil, raw materials, and so on.
Who are there to prey upon populations, to wipe out whole sectors of the human race.
Some of these people are on record, like you mentioned Maurice Strong, I've heard you mention him before.
They're on record as saying the world is overpopulated when there's more than 1 billion people.
So what do you do with 6 billion?
What we're about to see with the hyperinflation and with the weather problems around the world, we're going to see food shortages that will take millions, hundreds of millions of lives.
In populations that are weakened for lack of food and medication, basically bodies become petri dishes for the spawning of new diseases.
And this is why LaRouche is saying we face a dark age, which if we don't get rid of Obama, and if we don't get back to our constitutional economic principles,
We will be in a dark age, and I'm not talking 50 or 100 years from now, I'm talking months from now, because we could have an implosion of the entire global financial system even before September.
Well, that's what Ted Turner... The European situation is... I mean, to interrupt, just to back you up, that's what Ted Turner, that's what the UN... No, that's fine.
That's what all of them say, that it's good to be post-industrial.
They're selling, this is a good thing.
You've got a Whole Foods.
But many of the magazines for the trendies are how great austerity is, how great it is for things to fall apart, how wonderful all of this is.
I mean, this is such a sickening plan to boil it down.
And then I want you to continue with the collapse they're designing.
These are Ponzi scheme operators that have created over a thousand trillion in fake derivatives.
They have bought the world up through fraud.
They're artificially depressing the economy to bankrupt people so that folks will not be upwardly mobile.
I mean, this is a corporate genocide.
If you go back to ancient cultures, they would go in and wipe out the nearby tribe.
The corporatists have said, we've stolen the world through fraud.
And through insider crony capitalism, the opposite of free market, we are now going to sell a religion of self-loathing and hating to turn people's own survival instinct against itself.
I mean, this is so diabolical, and it's the British Malthusian eugenic system adopted by the US, adopted by Hitler, being implemented by stealth.
It is so monstrous, so please continue.
Well, what you said is absolutely right.
This is the Hitler policy, only now it's global.
And this is a 1930s style depression except global, and they've already used up all their bullets.
They have created so much funny money.
In the last three years.
And of course, it hasn't worked to create jobs.
It hasn't worked to deal with the housing crisis.
The new home sales are continuing to fall.
More and more people are not just out of work, but we're losing skills.
We're losing whole sections of the human race.
But the people who believe this hate human beings.
They think they're entitled, as an imperial class, is entitled to the wealth, the sweat of the brow of the entire human race.
And if they're too many humans, they've got to get rid of them.
Cull the herd is the term they use.
So this Malthusian policy is exactly what was brought in with the breakdown of the Bretton Woods system in 1971.
And it's exactly what Lyndon LaRouche was saying in December of 1970, early 71.
Now, it took a step forward with Bush following 9-11, which LaRouche had forecast was coming as a Reichstag fire excuse.
It continued with the housing bubble.
It's now at a point where they can't sustain it.
But we're also seeing an explosion of wars, of starvation, of refugee camps where people are being herded to die.
And we're also seeing in the United States, Alex, and this is important, this is why Obama is such a criminal who has to go.
It's not that he's responsible for this, he's the president and he's carrying it out.
But his policy is going to turn America's cities into war zones.
There's already 40%, 50% African American unemployment in major urban centers.
This is just going to get worse if it weren't for the drug economy and the black economy that underlies it, the underground economy.
You would already have riots and chaos.
So what we've seen happen in the Arab Spring, which actually started, and I'm not talking about the funny business in Libya, but in Tunisia and Egypt, it started because people with college degrees couldn't get jobs.
They couldn't afford to eat.
It spread into Europe.
In Europe, they're creating a hyperinflationary bubble to defend the euro, which was originally set up precisely for this banker's dictatorship.
And in this country, we're sitting here as Americans angry.
We're losing hope.
But the only hope that remains is that the American people will take the constitutional remedy, which is called a credit policy, which is the American constitutional system, which means we have to get rid of the Federal Reserve, we have to write down this bad debt, write it off, let it sit there.
Instead of having the people be saddled with the debt, give it back to the bankers.
That's why LaRouche is saying Glass-Steagall is not just legislation.
It's a principle of economy.
And just one other point on this, but this debt ceiling debate was a complete fraud.
The way you deal with a debt problem is you start producing.
You put people to work.
You differentiate between credit, which is for innovative technological development for the future,
Versus payment on worthless pieces of paper accumulated through a casino gambling process.
And so we have a very clear picture ahead of us.
And I think the only question is, will the American people find the guts to throw Obama out?
To cause their congressmen to storm town meetings, to express their discontent and their anger, and not just their anger, but become thoughtful and actually express their love of humanity by saying we're not going to put up with this anymore.
Well, Arlie, that obviously is an imperative.
The problem is, get rid of Obama, they're just going to end up putting in a Rick Perry who's bought and paid for by the same interest or somebody like a
Mitt Romney.
And if you look at these people, they know people are starting to wake up to the private Federal Reserve being the author of our misery.
That's why Rick Perry's now saying, hey, the Federal Reserve's treacherous.
Why, almost treasonous.
We see Congress's approval rating at 9%.
We see
Eleven percent of the country thinking the government's doing the people's will.
So certainly the public is awake that we're being basically robbed and cheated, but they're not fully awake to the details.
So why would, I mean obviously I'm for impeaching Obama right now for the unconstitutional power grabs, but what about Boehner?
What about Reid?
What about this political class that has put Homeland Security in place
Not to fight Muslim extremists, but from day one to suppress the American people if we ever tried to get control of our government again.
Well, Alex, let me give you an example of something that happened within our lifetime, 21 years ago in Europe, where the dictatorships in Eastern Europe were overthrown by a popular uprising out of Leipzig in Germany, out of the Czech Republic, out of solidarity in Poland.
Yeah, the problem at that time was that we had George Herbert Walker Bush in the White House, and Thatcher and Mitterrand roped Bush into a scheme to suppress the potential of a German reunification with the Euro policy in the European Union.
Now today, we're actually seeing the whole Western world, the transatlantic system, in a breakdown even worse than what happened in the Soviet sector.
The American people have been bought off with bread and circuses, with topless bars and sports and things of that sort for a long time.
But we're beginning to see an awakening.
Now one of the things that LaRouche is doing, and I know he's discussed this with you on the program, is he's working on bringing into the leadership of this country a new generation.
People who don't have a stake in the system.
You know, the biggest problem we have is that even many of your listeners who agree with you completely, they still have a stake in the system.
It's like they're lying in a rotting corpse and they're saying, well, I still have something going on here.
Or someone on the sinking Titanic was afraid to get on board.
Well, that's how they hold you hostage, is to interject.
That's how they hold you hostage.
They devalue your pensions with currency devaluation.
They start cutting the pensions, but you still take it because, oh, you're still getting 25%.
It's like, well, I better stay in the game, even though they're stealing most of it from me, even though down the road they'll steal that final little piece.
Absolutely, and hyperinflation will wipe it all out.
But what we're looking at now is there are a lot of young people who don't have that same delusion.
They don't believe in the system.
They don't believe in the baby boomer generation.
They know the boomers have the system as their only option.
And so what LaRouche has done is put together a slate of six candidates, and I've been privileged to work with the candidates, to put forward an alternative.
Going back to the American system, not accepting the corruption and the fraud and the lying and the killing, and actually putting forward a series of proposals which are available.
People can go to larouchepac.com and see the videos done by the young people.
And I'd also like to give a toll-free number if people want to call and find out what they can do to join us with people who are out to get rid of Obama.
For example, State Senator Perry Clark of Kentucky put out a very strong statement.
He's a Democrat calling for the removal of Obama.
Keisha Rogers, who I work with in Houston, won the Democratic primary in 2010 in the 22nd district by calling for impeaching Obama to save NASA.
So we've got a movement going.
People can get in touch with us by calling 800-929-7566.
This is a call to action.
We don't have much time, so you can give us a call.
Tell us you heard it on the Alex Jones Show, 800-929-7566.
We have six candidates.
We want to recruit more.
We want to have candidates all over the country.
Who are going to fight for Glass-Steagall and fight for the Constitution and not accept the lies that somehow you can cut your way, you can kill off the elderly to get back into production, or back into balance, or you can shut down industry and have a recovery.
Obama's jobs programs, more free trade?
Haven't we learned anything from this?
Your writings on the ADL, because the Anti-Defamation League doesn't go after real criminals.
What they do is slander people that are exposing the banking cartel, and I know you've researched it in depth, so I want to get your take.
Then when we start the third hour, listeners, we're going to have wide open phones on any of the news items, any of the issues we've gotten to.
On that as well.
I've got some other important news we're going to be breaking down as well and the latest on what's happening over in Libya.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
One more segment.
Uh, with our guest, and then we're going to go to your phone calls, uh, throughout the last hour.
Harley Schlanger is our guest.
I'm Alex Jones, and this is the one, the only GCN Radio Network, GCNLive.com.
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Alright, final segment with Harley Schlanger.
And, uh, I've read many of his articles over the years.
Their analysis is excellent, uh, of the problems.
I don't know in every case if I totally agree with their solutions, but in a general capacity, uh, it's certainly a lot better than, uh, the austerity and controlled implosion we're facing.
I've seen your writings dealing with the ADL.
I have found the ADL has been convicted, of course, of breaking into police departments and stealing files.
No need to do that now.
They actually run many of the police departments now.
From your research, why have you decided to focus in on the ADL in the past?
Well, the ADL has been an arm of the empire.
In fact, the origins of the Anti-Defamation League were to defend Jewish drug pushers in New York City when the New York City Police Department started going after them.
And they said, oh, this is anti-Semitism.
In the case of Mr. LaRouche, as he started honing in on the International Monetary Fund, the whole Carter administration commitment to Global 2000, deindustrialization, and so on, instead of taking his arguments and trying to refute them, what they said is, oh, he's running a Jewish banker theory.
Banks don't have a religion.
And in fact, most of the people who are so-called Jewish bankers, I think sensible Judaism, to quote Yitzhak Rabin, would spit them out, would reject them, because they have nothing to do with the teachings of Moses and Judaism.
But it's used to try and stop the debate.
Just as today, people won't address the issues on the banking crisis.
No one will talk about the trillions of dollars that's been handed to these Wall Street crooks and swindlers.
Well, take the ADL!
I mean, take the ADL.
They'll defend Schwarzenegger, who admittedly is a Nazi, and tells everybody how much he loves Hitler, and tells Rolling Stone that, and I never get into racial issues or religious issues, and they're always trying to imply I'm racist.
I mean, it's really a despicable organization.
And, I mean, take your group.
I mean, it's the opposite of getting into racial issues, and I know they've attacked you guys.
I mean, it really is a joke.
That anybody who stands up for sovereignty is attacked by the ADL.
We're going to have to have you back soon.
There's been a, it says headline, Fox News.
We'll put it back on screen.
Unconfirmed earthquake.
It's D.C.
Capitol being evacuated.
Right now you can't make this stuff up.
Man, is this harp at work?
What's your take on that, Harley?
Well, I think if you go to our website, you'll see that we have a lot of material about where the solar system is in the galaxy.
The solar system goes through cycles and changes, and every 62 million years or so, we come into an area of the galaxy where we begin to see very significant changes in the Earth's electromagnetic core, in the ionosphere, and what we're seeing with solar flares and things of that sort, when a very dangerous moment
Yeah, they cut a satellite that watches the sun.
They cut a satellite that watches the sun.
Yeah, a number of them, and this is the only way we can develop a capability of looking for precursors to protect people.
So I think again on this case, and by the way, notice how often Obama says, well we can't do anything about earthquakes.
Well maybe we could if we didn't have a treasonous president.
So people, again, can go to our website.
If I can give the 800 number again, 800-929-7566.
We're serious about getting rid of Obama now.
We're talking with people all over the country, in various institutions, in parties.
There are a lot of people who want him gone, but say he can't do anything.
Well, why not?
Alright, Harley?
The 25th Amendment gives us the capability to do that.
Harley, we're out of time.
We'll talk to you again in the future.
Thank you so much for joining us.
We'll try to figure out what's going on with this unconfirmed earthquake evacuation of the White House.
Excuse me, of the Capitol.
This is getting weirder by the minute.
And your phone calls straight ahead.
Stay with us.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we're into hour number two.
We got Gerald Cilente coming up, Paul Joseph Watson, both by video Skype for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
That's an interesting footnote.
And we also have Webster Tarpley, who was in Libya just a month ago, to report on the big developments there, and I'll cover more of that ahead of Tarpley joining us.
I have another important report here.
Obama gets struggling Americans with energy rate hikes, a direct tax to General Electric and others.
Who are exempt from these new restrictions.
Just absolute discrimination of the highest order against everyone that's not an insider.
But people think discrimination is only about race or skin color or religion.
Another way they've psychologically handicapped people.
Let's go to Carl in California, then Sean, Sean, Teresa, Johnny and others.
Go ahead.
You're on the air, Carl.
Okay, we gotta move on.
Let's go ahead and talk to Sean in Canada.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, thanks for having me on, man.
Thanks for calling.
Listen, these arrogant talk show hosts make you grovel to them because you have to fight to get through the arrogant screener and get on air.
And I appreciate you saying thanks for having me on.
Thanks for calling, but you don't have to thank me for the work I do.
You don't have to thank me for having you on.
I appreciate you and I want to hear what you have to say, so go ahead.
Okay, real quick, I came across an article on the Digital Journal from yesterday, and there's a woman with bone cancer.
She's not able to work.
I think her name is Jan Klein.
She's not able to work and she's not able to get insurance because of her cancer.
Uh, basically what she was doing was having yard sales, uh, trying to raise money to, uh, you know, basically pay for her treatments and everything.
Yeah, you know, I meant to cover that, and I didn't, and I went to tell the producers to get her on, and so they came and fined her, didn't they, for having a garage sale?
Yep, yep.
Unbelievable, man.
A woman sitting here fighting for her life.
And the government's coming in here and fining her for selling her own property on, you know, her own personal possessions on her own property.
Well, see, that's what I was saying earlier.
They're arresting people to eliminate Stan's children.
They're threatening to arrest Girl Scouts with cookies.
Government wants all commerce totally under their control.
Even though, you know, they're paying taxes on everything they're buying.
They're paying taxes on the cookies they're selling.
They're going after the Amish.
There's the headline at Infowars.com.
Arrested for selling 10-cent lemonade at the Washington Capitol.
So the big bankers can steal tens of trillions.
But, you know, I saw that article a week ago and that fell through the cracks.
What's her name again?
What was the headline?
And we will at least air the local newscast because I saw the newscast.
Where did that happen again?
It was in Salem.
Her name is Jan Klein.
Um, the title of it was Bone Cancer Patient Shards Still Shut Down by Salem Government.
Yeah, bone, yeah, bone cancer.
Say it again slowly.
Bone cancer patients, yard sale, shut down by Salem government.
And it was, the date on it's August 21st.
Now I know we posted it at Infowars.com.
It didn't have that headline, but we'll pull that up right now.
Because I may even get to the lemonade stuff when we come back from break.
Just to illustrate all of this.
And attacking the Amish, people selling eggs, or squash, or peaches, or strawberries on the side of the road.
I'm seeing these articles every day.
And there's the headline, bone cancer patient yard sale shut down by Salem government.
And absolutely, she's selling her belongings to try to get cancer treatment and they're saying no.
But then the illegal aliens can run around, that's one of the biggest groups doing it, stealing the metal off of things en masse and nothing's done to them.
Because that's a protected special group to help drive the wages down and further bankrupt America.
I have nothing against the illegal aliens, the point is, they shouldn't be above the law.
Anything else there, Sean?
Um, no.
Just to tell everybody to make sure you register to vote Ron Paul in the primaries.
We gotta get her on.
I want her on ASAP.
We'll be right back with more of your calls.
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It was a listener that brought up the fact that I haven't covered this properly, and he's absolutely right.
Because there's so many of these cases now, but out of Salem, Oregon, the city shuts down cancer victims' yard sale.
She doesn't have a job, she doesn't have insurance, she can't get insurance.
So she's trying to sell her belongings and they have now said that they're going to fine her and arrest her if she tries to sell anybody anything.
Slaves aren't allowed to sell and barter.
Everything's got to go through a big bank.
Everything's got to be tracked.
Everything's got to be bought at a Walmart.
You're not going to sell eggs on the side of the road or peaches.
You're going to be arrested.
You're not going to sell lemonade.
You're going to be arrested.
And in D.C., they've been arresting children and others that try to sell lemonade or anything else.
And so that's why a group of activists went out and the videos on Infowars.com arrested for selling 10-cent lemonade at the Washington Capitol.
And they're just out in the middle of the park.
They're selling lemonade.
And you see SWAT teams with their binoculars acting like Osama Bin Laden has been found.
You're going to find him over at the Pentagon, boys, along with Ammar al-Awlaki.
And they come over with police, freak out, and arrest them.
And the police are freaking out.
They are so upset that the slaves are doing this.
Now, the cops love their pensions that are going to be taken and devalued by hyperinflation down to nothing.
They love the cancer viruses and the vaccines.
They love the fluoride they drink in their water.
They love it.
They love the authority.
And so they're going to get it.
You're going to get everything you ever wanted.
Total collapse, total depression.
But you'll still get to act tough and waddle around and deal narcotics to people.
So, both of those videos are up at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
City shuts down cancer victims yard sale.
And they're telling the police, don't really respond to major crimes in many cities, like Oakland.
Where they don't respond to 35 major crimes.
Go out and revenue generate.
And if a cop complains, you're fired!
We're here to raise money.
That's it.
And they tell the cops, keep raising money, you won't lose your job, or you won't get your pay cut.
But in the end, you're going to lose everything.
You see?
Because you made a deal with the devil, and you went along with it, and the same thing for the bureaucrats and the defense contractors, and all of you, who let us get to this point.
All of you who sold out and decided corruption was okay.
Well, now we have shown the win.
We're going to reap the whirlwind.
Jan Klein was holding yard sales each weekend in her backyard to raise money to pay her medical bills.
But the city of Salem shut her down after a neighbor complained.
Ah, good Stasi.
A city ordinance prohibits people from holding more than three yard sales a year.
The city has the ordinance because it says in the past people had set up flea market style sales on their property.
The story galvanized people who were outraged that the city wouldn't make an exception.
How about freedom?
How about if you want to go somewhere where you're not allowed to have yard sales, you go and move into one of these little Nazi homeowners associations?
Which almost always have corruption and money stealing going on in them.
Go, go do that!
But people live in regular houses.
They should have their own rights.
These city ordinances where you can't have gardens or you can't have garage sales, baloney.
And now they're annexing rural areas and pulling up in front of old farmers' houses saying, get rid of those old tractors and those old junk cars.
And the old 80-year-old man looks at them and says, Sonny, get out of here.
Then the old man, you've seen the cases, doesn't pay the fines.
He holds himself up in the house.
The SWAT team comes and shoots him.
And then goes out and has beers afterwards.
That's what men do.
They kill old veterans.
That's how things operate here.
These are real tough guys here.
You know, they like to kill Americans.
And they do.
And they will kill more.
Don't worry.
Meanwhile, the big mega banks can steal tens of trillions of dollars and get in zero trouble.
Major mega banks can launder hundreds of billions of dollars a year publicly.
No one gets in trouble.
Came out last week what we already knew.
You know, the Bernie Madoff situation.
Insiders for 11 years gave the SEC, the Securities and Exchange Commission, total dossiers on what Madoff was doing.
And nothing was done except for having the dossiers destroyed.
Now it turns out in thousands of insider reports of corruptions... Oh yeah, back it up!
The evil lemonade sales people are trying to get... Oh, the officer got him!
Good, good, good!
And if you try to have a yard sale, he's gonna get you.
Try to sell tomatoes, he's gonna get you.
All over the country.
It's not just at a park, you know, 400 yards away from the Supreme Rulers, you know, the People's Park.
Oh, look at him patting her down.
Yes, patting the terrorist down.
They'll show you.
Meanwhile, Obama just violated federal law and legalized 300,000 illegals who are being held for deportation.
Deportation is over!
La Migra no longer exists!
Ha ha!
And the law no longer exists.
Only General Electric and two other companies are exempt to keep their power plants open.
All others are to be shut down.
You'll now have rolling blackouts and massive power increase prices.
But so what?
It's all part of the fun.
Wars without congressional approval.
Gun control without laws.
The great time of evil is here.
Oh, and don't think you're going to vote out Obama and the next puppet's going to save you.
Oh no, I'm afraid it's going to only get worse.
Unless you elect a Ron Paul who's never compromised and who has identified the exact problem and been proven right.
That's why the whole system is against him.
Republican, Democrat, pundits across the board.
Pew Research shows less media coverage than any other candidate.
Because they're scared!
But they're not going to really criticize, except for the White House to do it, to elevate him, Rick Perry saying that the Fed is almost treasonous.
No, those that go along with it are the ones that are treasonous.
It's a foreign entity.
It's doing what foreign corporate entities do.
It's taking over!
It's had a corporate takeover of America!
And the cops know about football scores, and how to act tough, and how to get a handout on the side when they turn their blind eye.
It's gotta feel good to be these cops in these corrupt cities where they literally got their bellies hanging out, the hats are on the back of their heads, they'll smoke cigarettes or cigars right in front of you, and you walk up with your family in New York and say, Officer, do you know where this is?
They will, to families, just say, Do I look like a phone book to you?
I mean, even a gangbanger would tell you where something was.
But they're so hard and so gangster and so Roland that they want you to know you're scum, dirt, slime, filth, trash.
In New York, the police, the model of America, are so corrupt that if you're protesting, they'll walk up on camera and say, I'm gonna say your camera's a gun and your bag's a bomb.
But officer, you know it's not.
Yeah, I know it's not, but you're gonna go to jail for that.
I'm going to charge you with terror, hardcore felony, calling in a fake bomb threat on video.
They even hand you the camera because they are invincible.
The heroin, the cocaine, now they're into kidnapping little kids and selling them overseas.
The pure evil of hell has been released, just like in Soviet Russia, just like in Nazi Germany.
Now, good people could still wake up and turn this around, but you're going to have to face the facts and get upset.
We're going to go to
Sean, next, and others, but first I wanted to, just briefly for three minutes, bring Ted Anderson up with today's Midas Gold update of where silver and gold is and what's happening in the markets.
Ted Anderson, tell us what's going on.
Well, we've seen a high of $18.9510 on gold, $44 silver, my God, it's just running up.
1888, 40 current on gold, 43.37 silver.
I mean, Alex, I'm just reading all the articles that I have from Bloomberg and Reuters.
I mean, they're all talking about the economy turning down worldwide and gold is just climbing.
I mean, almost $1,900 an ounce today.
That $2,000 is so short and around the corner.
I wouldn't doubt it a bit that if we see it within two months.
There's no question about it, people should get moving.
In addition to this, I've held down prices on Franks and British Sovereigns, Walking Liberty halves, $20 gold pieces, tens.
I've got a whole plethora of different items that you can be picking up.
I even kept, even though silver's at $44 an ounce now, your special for the book and the DVD, The American Dream at $83.
I don't
It's incredibly competitive.
Franks right now are at $410.79.
British Sovereign's at $515.
Presently, right now, if you call my brokers, you can pick them up at $509.
You know, it's just, there's a lot of different things that are going on in the market right now.
Well, Chad, I want to be clear.
It's $88 to get the free book.
A big, thick, powerful book on the Big Brother takeover.
The American Dream animated DVD film special exposing the banksters in a very entertaining way.
Great to wake up newbies who aren't aware.
And you won't watch political stuff.
It's kind of done in a South Park style.
Very entertaining.
Free film, free book, free shipping for $88, correct?
Yeah, that's exactly right.
That's two silver dollars, the book and the video and the free shipping.
Again, folks, 800-686-2237.
Now, I talked to you this morning when you explained to me this is gold you bought at around the $810 level and silver you bought at around the $39 level.
The only reason you can pass on these huge specials right now
Is it?
Ask for the radio specials when you call.
They've got a whole plethora, cornucopia list there.
They also have three silver dollars and three of my films.
How much is that special, Ted?
The three silver dollars and the three films, I'm holding that the same, too.
That's $130 for three silver dollars and three of your films delivered.
So basically, free films, free shipping.
We're talking about being very close to $1,900 an ounce gold, silver, well above... Where is it right now, Ted?
$44, so it's up even more.
Take advantage of this stuff.
Prices are going up tomorrow.
Thank you, Ted.
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Alex Jones here with vital information concerning our nation's fragile food supply.
Folks, there are some truly dangerous trends forming, and I think it's important for my listeners to do three things right away.
Number one, study the past.
History really does repeat itself.
Number two, learn to spot the dangerous food shortage trends.
Number three, take decisive action.
A perfect storm is brewing, or a global food crisis.
That's why I'm telling everyone to read the new book, Rising Prices, Empty Shelves.
Warning signs that trigger the deadliest famines in history.
Don't get caught unprepared when the crisis hits.
This book is only available at risingpricesemptyshelves.com.
You'll also get a free copy of Supermarket Survival, How to Cut Your Grocery Bills in Half.
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Our rights as individuals to freely purchase dietary supplements over the counter are under constant attack.
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The Globalist!
People are admitting more and more of the stuff that they've been developing.
IBM gets another $21 million to develop neural net ICs.
IBM has received $21 million for its Synapse project to develop neural networking chips.
It brings the total funding for the project to $41 million.
Since 2008, IBM has made two prototype neural net ICs, each with 256 neuron nodes.
Which in one chip connect to 262 144 synapt type memories and in the other chip connect to 65k synapses.
They're trying to create an artificial humanoid brain and of course much of this they admit is for implantation into humans.
They were fabricated using 45 NMSOICOM OS's.
Synapses aims to replicate the computing power of the human brain within the size and power consumption restraints of the human brain.
IBM calls its two prototype chips, Neurosynaptic Nodes, aimed at cognitive computing.
So they're not going to need humans pretty soon for their military, the globalist military.
They're already converting everything over to drones in the air and soon on the ground.
That's why the elites all write publications saying they don't need us anymore.
Does the future need a bunch of arrested development TV watchers who have no idea what time it is?
Well, I'm here to warn everybody and maybe folks want to listen.
The fact that most major vaccines that are tested are filled with live cancer viruses.
You might enjoy the fact that cancer is exploding.
You might like being murdered.
Think it's cute.
I don't.
I'm an extremist.
I'm a weirdo.
Let's go ahead and take a call here.
Let's talk to Sean.
Welcome, Sean, in North Carolina.
Thanks for holding.
Thanks, Alex.
How are you doing today?
I'm doing all right, sir.
I have two issues for you.
One, I keep getting on the Rush Radio show in Greensboro and Raleigh.
I debated the talk show host there.
I forget what her name was.
Demetria, I believe.
And we were discussing Palin, how she's wanting to go into the election, if she's going to do it or if not.
And the thing about her was, she was saying that voters were stupid.
And then she said, well, between these four candidates, Sarah Palin, Boxman, Perry, and some other one,
She didn't even mention Ron Paul.
Sir, sir, that's the talking point everywhere.
They're told to do this.
Or they're weak-minded and see the mainstream media not doing it, so they go, oh, I want to be establishment.
They say we can't talk about him, why he's only the leader, number one, number two, or number three, any way you slice it.
He's a key frontrunner, and he's been right about everything.
Let's just, again, they get into the petty power trip of keeping info from people.
They enjoy playing like they're globalist controllers.
It was really funny, Alex, when I mentioned, well, Ron Paul is a constant guest on Alex Jones of Infowars.com, and he's always right.
And so is Ron Paul.
And as soon as I said your name on there, they started, oh, blah, blah, blah, blah.
It was hilarious.
But anyway, I wanted to thank you for waking me up, and thank you for what you're doing.
Well, thank you so much, sir.
I appreciate you calling.
I've studied history.
I haven't lived through Soviet occupation or Nazi brutalization or Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge in Cambodia or the hundreds of other examples, but I've studied it.
And let me tell you, there's no doubt the globalists want to break America forever.
They want to really bring in a hardcore tyranny, not a soft tyranny.
And they want arrests and purges and persecutions and all the civil wars that come with that.
Just like what they're doing in Libya.
They want destabilization.
They'll sit back, let us have a war with each other for years, in a deep depression.
And out of it, they believe from their studies that they're going to have the central government come out on top.
And a type of 21st century reconstruction.
And out of it, a metamorphosized America.
They cut off the food and water and electricity for long enough.
The tyranny gets bad enough.
They think that you're going to break.
They think that you're going to give in to whatever they say.
That's why they've worked so hard to eradicate any type of barter, any type of gardens, any type of lemonade stands, Girl Scouts.
They don't want you, they want to extinguish the practice of people meeting at the town square.
In the old days, that's what the town square is where the open markets were.
They want to make you go to the big box stores to buy the Chinese slave goods.
Everything is about forming a monopoly.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alex Jones here with vital information concerning our nation's fragile food supply.
Folks, there are some truly dangerous trends forming, and I think it's important for my listeners to do three things right away.
Number one, study the past.
History really does repeat itself.
Number two, learn to spot the dangerous food shortage trends.
Number three, take decisive action.
A perfect storm is brewing for a global food crisis.
That's why I'm telling everyone to read the new book, Rising Prices, Empty Shelves, warning signs that trigger the deadliest famines in history.
Don't get caught unprepared when the crisis hits.
This book is only available at risingpricesemptyshelves.com.
You'll also get a free copy of Supermarket Survival, How to Cut Your Grocery Bills in Half.
Again, that website is risingpricesemptyshelves.com.
That's risingpricesemptyshelves.com.
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Dr. Shane, darling Dr. Shane
All right my friends we are back live and we've got a treat for some of the callers Larry, Teresa, Ari, Brian, Johnny that are patiently holding.
Coming up when we get into the third hour we're gonna open the phones up and we've got Gerald Salente with us so you'll be able to address your question or comment to myself in the audience but also throw a question to the top trends forecaster Gerald Salente of Trends Research.
He's going to be joining us here in just a
One moment via video connection from New York, where his Trends Research Institute is based.
For PrisonPlanet.tv viewers, you'll be able to see Gerald.
Obviously, radio listeners can hear Gerald, because I get emails saying, why do you keep talking about watching you?
I'm listening to you on the radio, on XM, or on a local AM or FM station.
Yes, I know.
We're also simulcast.
I think?
At the American people.
So we're going to be discussing that with Gerald Cilente.
First, I wanted to just remind listeners that in these uncertain times, you're crazy if you don't have storable food.
And I mean a long-term storable food program.
If all you can afford is a month or two, or when you go to the grocery store, buy a little extra and put it up, now is the time with all this uncertainty.
And the best place to get your storable food is efoodsdirect.com.
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This offer will end soon.
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eFoodsDirect.com forward slash Alex.
To find the special, that's the letter E, foodsdirect.com forward slash Alex or 800-409-5633, 800-409-5633.
Also, the water supplies.
When they put fluoride in 71% of the nation's water supplies, they don't just put fluoride, they put hundreds of other deadly chemicals.
And purewaterfreedom.com has the tabletop, the under the sink, the handheld units, the whole house systems, all made in America.
That's made in the USA.
It's like a unicorn, very rare.
I want to tell you about Pure Water Freedom, ladies and gentlemen.
If you want to formally remove fluoride from your tap water, visit purewaterfreedom.com.
They have it all, and did I say they're made in the USA?
Yes, I did.
The banners are on infowars.com or prisonplanet.com or go to purewaterfreedom.com today.
Now, finally, in closing, as we go to Gerald Cilente.
I want to tell listeners that if you want to take advantage of the best silver dollar deal out there that I've found, bar none, you go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com and on the right hand side of the page, right under the Listen Live Now link, you will see the banner.
That says buy two silver dollars and get two free gifts.
You really get three free gifts.
You get free shipping, a free Mark Dice Big Brother Orwellian Nightmare Come True book, and the DVD animated film.
Only 35 minutes long.
Excellent for newbies.
Very well done.
American Dream DVD.
Free shipping, free book, free film.
Exposing the banksters.
You cannot beat that deal anywhere.
You can barely get two silver dollars for 88 bucks, much less free shipping and two free gifts.
And Ted has this as a loss leader, so I suggest you take advantage of it and follow that link at InfoWars.com today or call Midas Resources at 800-686-2237.
Now your calls are coming up and so much has happened here.
Biden is over in China begging them to continue to buy Treasury notes and groveling.
This is exactly what the globalists have maneuvered us into this position.
This is the wages of their New World Order, of their globalism.
Obama has announced an acceleration of policies that have already caused a massive increase in power prices in the last three years.
Rolling blackouts.
General Electric is exempt from all the new policies.
They were issued that waiver in February.
So we have those reports.
They're now announcing massive energy rate hikes, and that yes, you will have rolling blackouts.
But after all, it's for the Earth.
So it's all about artificial scarcity, making you pay a lot more for a lot less.
This is what it's like to live in Venezuela, or to live in Ceausescu's Romania, or in North Korea.
This is what it's like.
You're an insider, you get waivers from the government healthcare mandate.
You're an insider, your power plant stays open.
Gun laws without having a law.
Wars without congressional approval.
300,000 illegals.
The president says I'm just going to release them.
Maybe I'll keep a few felons back.
I don't need Congress.
I'll violate federal immigration law.
We are entering a time of complete lawlessness because the globalists have imploded us by design and they've got to bring in a tyranny or they're all going to go to prison.
Came out the SEC last week.
Even the Associated Press reported.
Destroyed thousands of documents and hundreds of investigations.
People bring them evidence of fraud inside the good old boy club.
The organized crime, the offshore banks that run this country and Wall Street, they're exempt.
You want to sell lemonade?
You're going to get your wrist broken.
You're going to prison!
You're going to jail!
You're Amish selling neighbor's cheese?
One year, million dollar investigation to act like it's illegal.
Gerald Solente joins us as America becomes North Korea and as they openly call to start censoring the internet and shut down most of the cell phones in the area of San Francisco because a peaceful protest was happening.
It's unbelievable.
So much is going on.
Gerald Solente
He is our guest.
He'll be with us for 20 minutes of the next hour, so for the next 45 minutes.
He is an American trends forecaster, publisher of the Trends Journal, business consultant, and author who makes predictions about global financial markets and other events of historical importance.
And he's describing himself as a political atheist and a citizen of the world.
He has appeared as a guest on Oprah Winfrey's show, Glenn Beck, you name it, NBC Nightly News, TrendsResearch.com.
And again,
It was a dead cat bounce.
He said by the end of 2010, you're going to know we're in a depression.
And every real housing number, jobless number, social security, COLA number, every inflation number, every single number,
Show that by every classical benchmark, we were in a depression.
And when the government didn't announce a depression in December, some people said, oh, look, he said we'd be in a depression.
Well, now they're saying it's the greatest recession.
And the former head of the private Federal Reserve told me, the press, don't worry, we won't default.
We'll just print more money.
That is a default.
Just unbelievable things are now being admitted.
I wish that I was wrong, I wish Gerald was wrong, but he's been absolutely right and he had the guts
The Cajones, the Huevos, to actually put a date on it.
And so, what happened is, we were in the Big Depression by the time he said we would be, but they said, no, no, no, no, no, everything's fine.
And still they're saying, well, we're in the greatest recession, but don't worry, everything's going to be okay, as they simply stall while they put their police state in.
Gerald Cilente, break it down for us, please, sir.
Well, you hit on it, Alex.
They're covering it up.
This came out of Bloomberg yesterday.
It's not in today's Wall Street Journal.
It's not in that toilet paper record, the New York Times.
And it's not even in the Financial Times.
Wall Street aristocracy got $1.2 trillion in Fed secret loans.
That's what they did, as all these banks like JPMorgan Chase, like the Goldman Sachs gang, like the Citigroup criminals, like the Barclay bandits, who all said, hey, our balance sheets are okay, things are really fine.
They were getting tens of billions of dollars worth of loans.
Alex, loans like you would get, and maybe I'll charge you 1%, because you're one of the white shoe boys.
They keep propping up this Ponzi scheme, and they keep lying to us.
And the only reason these numbers just came out is because of the Dodd-Frank bill.
But there's that clause in there, you know, the insanity clause.
We gotta wait two years before we release these numbers because, you know, we don't want people to see the real truth and they may pull their money out of these criminal organizations.
So they give us this baloney that that's why they can't put out these numbers.
And this is only what we're seeing!
Look what Obama, look where he's on that vacation again, you know?
Where did he spend last night?
Oh, at the prostitute's house!
That's right, the guy that owns NBC!
It's all one club, and we're not in it!
And you were talking about Venezuela, North Korea.
No, no.
This is fascism USA.
I said it when Obama got elected.
I said it when you did the Obama deception.
And that's what it is.
It's the merger of state and corporate powers.
You point it out.
All the breaks that the big guys get, like General Electric.
You know, like all of them.
They get the allowances while they're screwing the little people.
You mentioned it, the lemonade stands, the cheese.
How about that Rawsome Foods incident that you reported on a couple of weeks ago in Los Angeles?
Where the food Gestapo came in and busted them and they were only supposed to take representative samples of what they was, what they were, it's a club!
They weren't even selling this stuff.
You belong to a club.
And what did they do?
A representative sample happened to be every piece of article in the joint.
So now as I'm speaking, look at the price of gold. $1,800.
And $89 an ounce.
And we had forecast at the beginning of this year, among all the major media, $2,000 an ounce.
Why is it going up?
One simple reason.
The entire global financial system is collapsing, and only the little children believe that it's going to be saved.
And let me throw this at you.
Let me throw this at you, because you did predict 2000 by the end of the year, a bold prediction.
That was a long time ago you made that prediction.
And it's because you've been proven right that they're not going to be inviting you on all these shows and all these newspapers aren't going to interview you that called you a pessimist porno.
Dealer just like the Pew Research showed Ron Paul is getting less coverage than any other candidate including candidates that have dropped out Because in reality he's in the top three candidates.
He's a major front-runner, and he's been right so they're going to ignore him, but when you're a liar Well, then they'll put you on national television
It's because it's the houses of prostitution.
They're just there to serve their masters.
You just saw Obama make a trip to the master's house at Comcast just yesterday, up at Martha's Vineyard.
And that's all it is, and I'm not a member.
Yeah, I told you, I think, you know, there also might be, I think, maybe they don't like the way I dress, and I don't wear those Brooks Brothers suits, you know?
And maybe this Celente doesn't ring right with them, or that Bronx accent.
So I'm going to become maybe, uh, Jay Endicott Prescott III.
And if that doesn't work, maybe, um, Josh O'Shaughnessy Greenberg.
Then I'd really be brilliant, you know?
Why don't you just start talking like Thurston Alva III and then change your name to Winford Springfield Dimitri Rockefeller the 17th?
Oh, Buffy, look!
Why don't you start talking like that?
Yeah, they got these guys on CNBC every day, you know?
Are you kidding?
It's like, it's a comic.
So going back to what's going on, let's look what's going on over in Europe.
The game is over.
They're talking about euro bonds.
Merkel doesn't want to do it.
Nobody really does.
So that's collapsing.
Where are they going to get the money?
They're at zero interest rates.
So as we're talking, the stock market took a little pop up today.
This is what they have the gall to say on the good news that Ben Bernanke may announce QE3 by the end of the week.
The good news!
More digital money!
Not worth the paper it's not printed on!
We'll keep those interest rates near zero so all you
People out there that used to put money in the bank and think you were going to get a return on it, you're not going to get anything unless you invest in the Ponzi scheme called Wall Street.
The whole system is collapsing.
And you mentioned about Biden being over in China, sucking up and bowing down.
There's a photo of him last week.
He's walking down the gangplank.
What, Air Force Two?
You know, there's
You know, there's this plane that's big enough to move half a city, you know?
And he's holding the hand of this young, attractive woman.
I say, wow, who's that?
And at the end, it's his granddaughter, Naomi.
And here, you know, they got all these guys saluting the red carpet.
What kind of baloney is this?
I thought he's going over there to do business.
He takes his granddaughter with him, you know?
And who's paying for this stuff?
It's the same like Hillary Clinton.
She sent Chelsea to the soccer game, you know, to cheer on the team.
Everybody get this straight.
You have a royalty in this country.
Harvard, Princeton, Yale, the Bullets, Banks and Bombs Club.
And the only time when they want you is for cannon fodder and to pick your pocket.
So people that believe that you're going to have change you could believe in, whether voting for the Republicans and the Democrats, you're
Better grow up if you haven't grown up by now.
I want to play a clip for you and get your take on it.
To have Greenspan on Meet the Prestitutes to adopt your term that I'm noticing is now becoming popularized, so you've actually coined a phrase that's now going to be in popular use.
They say that's a real sign of true influence, so congratulations.
Prestitutes, and I hope our listeners will start using it, he was on Meet the Prestitutes
And he said, hey, don't worry, we're not going to default, we'll just print money.
And they had the former White House financial advisor on there, Goolsby, and he literally got shaken up and couldn't believe that Greenspan just said that.
So they've got the chutzpah, the arrogance to come right out in the open and say, we're going to devalue the dollar down to nothing.
Let's play that clip.
Here it is.
Are U.S.
Treasury bonds still safe to invest in?
Very much so.
I think there's a... This is not an issue of credit rating.
The United States can pay any debt it has because we can always print money to do that.
So there is zero probability of default.
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Okay, our lines are loaded, but when you hear a caller hang up, or start taking your calls in the next hour for Gerald Cilente, that's your chance to get on board.
We'd love to hear from you.
I've got a host of other issues I want to pick Gerald Cilente's brain on.
But, Gerald, finishing up with that clip we just played before the break of Greenspan with a very arrogant look on his face.
This is the guy that told Laird NewsHour that the Federal Reserve is above the law at its own branch of government.
Gee, I didn't read that in the Constitution, plus it's private.
I mean, when does it end?
Because they're old men and look like they've been put in a microwave and are wearing suits, we've got to just let them gut and destroy everything?
What does it signify that they're talking about just printing money to a Weimar Republic level?
And that they're openly talking about QE3, Gerald.
Well again, now what is gold at?
Now it's $1,891 an ounce.
So that's what they're doing.
Maybe, you remember in the old Weimar Republic they had the wheelbarrows?
Maybe we could have Bernanke barrows now, so you could load them up, we'll put bungee cords on them to hold the money in, so you could buy a loaf of bread.
There's not one thing I agree with, with that guy Rick Perry over there that's running for president, except this one thing, about him saying that Bernanke should be brought up for treason.
And so should this other guy, Greenspan.
And by the way, everything that these guys predicted has been wrong, just for the record.
But they keep bringing them back for their expertise.
They are robbing the people in front of our eyes.
I read to you that piece on Bloomberg that was reported yesterday.
1.2 trillion dollars going to JPMorgan Chase.
Going to Credit Suisse!
Society General!
And not a nickel for you or a nickel for me!
No, no, our tax money had to pay for this.
By the way, MSNBC got hundreds of millions of dollars.
And as you said earlier, and I have the article here, who does he go visit but the head of Comcast that owns MSNBC?
And literally the subsidiaries they took control of are getting government money.
And so they talk about other people having state-run media.
We have state-run media.
It's just foreign banker-run through the state.
I mean, it's ridiculous.
It's state-run media.
You have it.
By the way, if anybody wants to get a glimpse of what's going on over in Libya,
I suggest you tune in to RT, you know, Russia Today, because they're the only ones that are giving another side of the story.
And just like the prostitutes got us into that Iraq War.
Remember that one?
Remember Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction?
Remember Katie Couric on the Today Show walking across that map on the floor?
With that other prestitute, what's that guy, that former general they always dredge up all the time to send the people to war.
And they do it all, remember the New York Times, the paper, the toilet paper, a record about Saddam Hussein's yellow cake in the aluminum tubes.
They're liars.
All they're doing is what every prostitute does!
They serve their masters!
And if you were to put them all together, you wouldn't come up with one pair of cojones among them all!
They're all suck-ups and sellouts, and they're selling out this country, and your children out there, they're gonna be next, because the next war
They're gonna need more cannon fodder, so keep pumping out those babies, and keep spending your money for these wars.
What are we going into now?
Oh, 9-11!
Big celebrations are coming up in New York City in a couple of weeks.
CNN's reporting that the 9-11 victims and the first responders are barred from being there.
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Well, so does he.
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And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, coming up in the next segment, your calls for Gerald Solente.
I read on the radio yesterday the CNN headline.
We're going to dig it back up.
People won't believe it.
9-11 first responders barred from 10th anniversary ceremony.
And we were able to find another article.
What's the source of that?
That's Fox News.
9-1-1 first responders to be excluded from 10th anniversary ceremony.
The actual heroes.
Either way you slice what really happened on 9-11, these men and women are heroes that went in and tried to save people and so many of them died.
And because so many of them are angry that they've been excluded from health care and been lied to about asbestos, they're barred from it.
And then the prostitutes and the whore criminal
Government are going to sit up there and sell a police state and their wars on the memory of the dead and the first responders aren't allowed to be there.
What do you make of that, Gerald?
And let's go back and watch what you're going to hear when all of these ceremonies take place.
You know how they used to say it again, as you said, any way you slice it, these are the facts.
The World Trade Centers came down, the symbol of America's financial might.
Hey Alex, take a look at the Dow as we speak.
It's at 2,000 levels.
Guess the terrorist won?
Oh Alex, here's another one for you.
Ten years later, they still haven't rebuilt the damn thing.
Hey, that really shows your progress, doesn't it?
More of that impressive progress.
That Petraeus, you know, that general, that now they've merged the CIA and the Defense Department.
Now he's the head of the CIA.
But when he was running the war in Afghanistan, impressive progress.
Remember, they whacked
Look at the Patriot Act!
We have no more constitutional rights.
The terrorists won.
You won't hear any of this when they have the celebrations.
We've lost how much since that time on the wonderful War on Terror.
Now we have
Homeland Security!
The terrorists won!
Well, that's it.
They're going to be celebrating how they used the terror attacks to fully gut the country and take all of our freedoms.
So, it is a celebration.
So, of course, they don't want the first responders there.
They're Al-Qaeda.
In fact, guys, print me the article, First Responders to Get Medical Care.
Have me put through a terror database.
Finally, Congress passed a law to give them some basic health care.
When they've done the CAT scans, it's admitted their lungs are full of asbestos, you name it.
But they have to go through a terror database every time before they get healthcare, like they're terrorists.
Again, this is what happens.
It's the merger of state and corporate powers.
Fascism has come to America.
Call a spade a spade.
Again, look what's happened to this country since 9-11.
It was bad before, but now it's terrible.
Wait, Alex, let me interject.
Every now and then I get these emails from people.
Hey, listen, Salenti, if you don't like it here, leave.
And you know what?
I got news for them.
You leave.
You're the guys that are screwing the joint up.
You're the ones that are changing the Constitution.
Don't tell me to leave, Jackson.
You pack up your gear with the rest of your fascist buddies and go someplace else where you'll feel at home.
I love it, absolutely.
I defend the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
And then people say, if you don't love it, leave it.
I'm trying to defend what America's supposed to be.
They're bringing in all this alien, anti-freedom garbage and telling us to shut up and take it, Gerald.
So absolutely, pack your
Go to a deserted island and you vampires can all feed on each other.
Oh, but you don't want that.
You want to suck this country dry first.
We're in a race to kick the globalists out of here.
Gerald, stay there.
I want to get your take on Libya and then go to phone calls on the other side.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
TrendsResearch.com is the excellent website of Gerald Cilente.
You can also go to the site and subscribe to the Trends Journal itself.
Invaluable information.
You can also, of course, visit our websites, Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
I want to get you a few calls while Gerald Cilente is with us, but putting it back on screen, the Fox News headline, 9-1-1 first responders to be excluded.
From 10th anniversary ceremony, because it's seen that they are disgruntled about the fact the government knowingly lied about the deadly dust.
Well, you shouldn't have believed the government, guys.
And that it's seen that they're hostile to the government now.
Now, when I've been down at Ground Zero a couple years after it happened and was saying 9-11 was an inside job, about half the folks were getting mad at me.
Firemen, police, folks like that.
The last time I was there two, three years ago, they were all patting me on the back, shaking my hand.
Captains and fire department commanders and police commanders were nodding and smiling and saying, we appreciate you, Alex.
We know, we know.
And I was like, say that on tape.
It was like, no, just know we know.
It was incredible.
And I'm not getting Gerald off into that.
The point is, is that that's why they're excluded.
Fox News, AP, Reuters.
Again, the first responder heroes, ten years later, are excluded.
Because the vast majority of them know that those buildings were all blown sky high.
And they know they're angry.
They got their phones tapped.
You name it.
Now, Gerald digressing,
into another area.
It just came out in the Nation Magazine that Stratfor, a large and establishment global intelligence, private intelligence group, that's been around for a very long time, based in Austin, Texas, has come out, and the Nation Magazine is reporting, Stratfor disputes OBL killing in Obamabod
And it goes on to say, globally recognized intelligence and forecast stratfor has rejected the U.S.
Central Intelligence claim that the man killed in a bombabod compound by U.S.
Navy SEALs was Al Qaeda Chief Osama Bin Laden.
This was one of the reasons the CIA kept Pakistan's premier intelligence agency, Inner Service Intelligence, in the dark.
And it goes on to say it's not true.
My intel is it's totally fake.
I know you've laughed at the cement shoe thing, but that's a big deal when somebody like Stratfor, because they're highly respected, comes out.
Could we be coming to the end of the lies?
Could people go ahead and realize there's no future if we don't stop going along with it?
I don't see that happening.
Not the way it is now.
The whole game is so rigged.
We have such little freedom.
Where do we voice our discontent?
You have the Republicans and the Democrats.
You know how I feel about it.
The Bananos and the Gambinos.
That's your choice.
No, it's not going to change until the individual changes, Alex.
It's a much deeper issue than that.
As I see it.
I mean, that's my belief.
I believe it's emotional.
It's psychic.
It's spiritual, it's physical, and it's emotional.
And until those levels change, morality has to come back.
But people have to live that in their individual lives.
And I'm not talking about this phony, you know, religious stuff, you know, where people tell you, you know, I know the real God, and this is what it says.
I'm not talking about that one.
I'm talking about the inner truth.
And most people haven't reached that yet.
You look at the state of the nation.
You look at this presidential reality show going on.
I mean, it's bad theater.
I mean, every time you see one of these candidates that show up in a farm state, you think they could ever sit anywhere other than on a bale of hay?
And the people keep buying this baloney.
So it's until the individual changes.
There's that wonderful Hindu saying,
When the student's ready, the teacher appears.
And right now, I don't believe that people are ready spiritually, emotionally, or physically.
Well, I agree.
The average man thinks that watching football is what it is to be a male, not to be informed, involved in their community.
And, you know, I mean, real men, the old-fashioned icon of it was not wanting to be a chump, not being conned, being independent, and not trusting the government, and being involved in your community.
Now, men just basically just run around acting like adolescents, women act like tarts, and is there any
Wonder that we've been totally taken over by criminal interest, and it's more than that.
You talk about... Exactly.
It's the drugs too, and I'm not talking about... Hey, let's stop this baloney, this war on drugs and busting people for pot.
What a lot of crap that is.
How about busting people for Xanax and all these wonderful drugs they put out there like, you know,
Oxycontin, there's a good winner for you.
So all these drugs, these Ritalin's and the tons of drugs that people are taking, the antidepressants, that's added into it as well.
And as you mentioned about men, and this is, as I said, you know, people have an uprising in this country.
These aren't just mommy's boys, they're soccer mommy's boys.
Look at these guys, these prostitute reporters out there.
I mean, again, you know, they're the goody two-shoes.
I got an email from someone today that said they weren't renewing their subscription.
I'm not making this one up.
They said that although they bought gold in 2008, I think gold was trading for, what, about $600, $700 back then.
And although there were a little more, 800 I think, so it's double, more than double now.
And they did very well on our forecast by believing the forecast.
We haven't given enough information on how moms could do more to help their kids.
How moms could do more!
This is a soccer mommy society!
Look at the TV shows!
Look at the commercials!
Have you ever seen a guy that could put one foot in front of his other without tripping over or being helped by some smart woman?
Well, that's what I wanted to say.
Women watch TV.
And men have bought into the role to act like goofballs, but women, so much of the time, really want to boss everybody around, on average, and they buy into this idea that they're the government enforcer and the government's their friend.
And it was Hitler that said, first you get the women, then you've...
I don't know.
And again, the whole country's been feminized.
And if it's not the women, then it's the little kids.
I haven't met a little kid yet that isn't either amazing, brilliant,
Or special.
So it's either the little kids that are smarter than the guys, or the women.
So the whole country's become feminized.
Look at Congress!
Look at these guys!
Every one of them!
The only one, again,
I have any respect for his Ron Paul.
I've said this, I don't agree with him on some of his libertarian issues, particularly on the environment and other... But overall, that's who I would cast my vote for.
At least he speaks his mind and has a spine.
The other ones go with the wind, or else they help the special interests that give them the most.
So the nation is in this state, so when you ask me
Will people wake up?
No, not until they grow up.
Let's take a few calls here.
Let's talk to Ari in California.
You're on the air, Ari.
Thanks for holding.
Hey, hi, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
What's on your mind?
I am going to go off topic here a little bit, but you mentioned something at the beginning of your show today, and I've heard you say that a few times before.
And it was about Serbia and NATO.
Now, as somebody who lived through Kosovo War, I have no doubt NATO probably had their own interest to go there.
But to portray Serbia as some victim, like you often do, I just don't understand from somebody who is as important as you are.
No, no, I'm not saying that Tito before was some great guy, and I understand that both sides, everybody was killing each other.
I'm not, I mean, I don't have any Serbian background, so I don't have a dog in the hunt here.
What I was saying was, is just like Libya, they're going in, creating a civil war.
They did fund Muslim groups out of Albania to attack the Serbs.
I'm talking about that end of the war, when NATO then came in and used depleted uranium.
And what came out of that?
Do you have any comments on this, Gerald?
In one of my books, when Zizi gave Honey Boy, I wrote about how USA Today came out in an article years later saying how the United States, and they did it on July 4th weekend when nobody was reading the newspapers, about how they trumped up the atrocities and it wasn't as bad as the United States said.
Yes, I do.
And the bottom line, of course, to all of this is
It's none of our business.
How about straightening out Detroit?
Cleaning up East St.
Louis or St.
So it's this whole idea of the United States spreading democracy when we're taking it away from us over in our country over here.
My point
I want to pick up on that as well, because Serbia, the former Yugoslavia, was the only country that was not buying in to that whole capitalist wave.
That was another issue.
Because if you remember during the communist days, Yugoslavia was doing better than just about anybody.
They were trying to export that Yugo.
It wasn't much of an automobile, but they were way ahead.
They were making some of the premier locomotives.
It's the same thing in Libya.
Same reason they've taken over Libya.
Gerald, we are out of time.
I hope folks will visit your website and subscribe there.
Of course, it's TrendsResearch.com.
Gerald, thank you so much for spending time with us.
Hey, thank you, Alex.
Great being on with you.
Great to be with you.
Alright, Paul Watson coming up, then Webster Tarpley.
We're getting into Libya.
I meant to get Gerald's take on Libya, but we're out of time.
We'll have to get it on the TV show.
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Alright, Webster Tarpley was recently in Libya.
He's coming up.
I wanted Paul Watson to join us via video Skype just briefly to give us a breakdown of an article I worked on with him this morning.
Hit struggling Americans with energy rate hikes.
This is a big deal dealing with Agenda 21.
And then segue into Libya.
Another article he did.
NATO hands terrorist who killed US troops control of Libya.
Al Qaeda gets a new home as rebels seize Tripoli.
I mean, now that they've pretty much taken over and Qaddafi's scurrying around somewhere,
Now it's just going to be an endless civil war, which is exactly what they want.
Paul Watson.
Well, that's right, Alex.
And I mean, back on July 8th, I wrote an article and also I was on your show when Mike Adams was hosting it.
And the headline of the article was US wants Qaddafi toppled by September.
The United States and France have set a deadline September 2nd to topple Libyan leader Colonel Qaddafi.
And basically at that time they were saying to him, look if you don't step down now we're going to launch a massive bombardment of NATO and we're going to basically bomb you out of there and that's exactly what happened on Saturday and Sunday.
You had NATO jets, RAF fighters,
Uh, bombarded Tripoli, uh, and then the Al-Qaeda rebels can now storm in and, uh, steal the 144 tons of gold and take over the country and basically turn it into an extremist backwater.
Uh, Libya, of course, because Gaddafi had spent most of the oil money on, he'd reinvested it in the country, they had one of the highest living standards in the region.
Now that's all going to be eviscerated.
And I mean, that's why the middle class supported Gaddafi in the first place, because relatively in comparison to other countries in North Africa and the Middle East, it's a good standard of living for those people in Libya, in Tripoli, in the major cities.
So now that's all eviscerated.
You've got Obama and Cameron, you know, grandstanding at the glorious victory as if they commanded the army themselves.
And basically it's going to turn into another quagmire once those extremists get control.
It's going to turn into another Iraq.
And of course the irony is that the very terrorists who killed US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, the same Al-Qaeda that was funded by MI5 in 1996 to assassinate Gaddafi, is now going to be firmly in control with globalist blessings in Libya.
Well, again, you're anti-America, anti-England, that you don't support Al-Qaeda.
Would you like to apologize for not supporting the glorious Al-Qaeda?
I'm just still surprised that those people that rioted and looted in the UK a couple of weeks ago aren't the legitimate government because I thought that's how we do business now.
I mean they were called protesters, remember back in March, even as they seized
Military tanks and fighter jets.
The media called them protesters for three weeks just to give the UN time enough to craft this resolution, which they instantly violated.
The no-fly zone turned into a bombardment overnight.
And then arming, training, funding the rebels again, violating their own resolution.
And now we come to this Operation Mermaid Dawn endgame.
And of course, the establishment media is all joyous at these celebrations as if it's some organic uprising.
There was a massive sustained bombardment on Saturday and Sunday night.
Some, you know, 1,300 people dead, 5,000 injured.
And the media's treating it as if it's just some organic uprising.
No way!
Now those planes bombs they were dropping, killing people, that was peace.
Peace bombs from the peace laureate, Barack Obama, who has more troops deployed than George W. Bush did at any time in his presidency.
But what's wrong with you, Paul?
I mean, working with Al-Qaeda and bombing and killing civilians is peace.
It's kinetic action, exactly.
Well, you're very evil.
I mean, look, it's totally going to disintegrate into bedlam, which is order out of chaos, that's what they want.
So now the rest of Africa will sink deeper into the murk.
What about the fact that the White House responded to us in February, and now it's totally confirmed, they're saying they're going to shut down most of the power plants, not owned by General Electric, who's been given the waivers.
This article we've got out today is so important, Paul.
It's important because it's not just the fact that they're hitting Americans with massive power bill rises, you know, right on the edge of a double-dip recession, which is exactly what's happening in the UK.
Double percentage point increases on your gas and electricity bills.
They made the same announcements.
Your carbon taxes are set to double your prices.
Yeah, and it's not just hollowing out the American industry, it's cap and trade via the back door, because remember Obama tried to get it passed in Congress, he failed, and now he's going to these power companies through the APPA and saying you have to get these controls in place, they can't do it, so they're just having to purchase carbon credits
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We're going to be talking with Webster Griffin Tarpley, who was recently in Tripoli under the bombardment.
Reporting for InfoWars.com in a moment.
Some of his colleagues that he knows have been wounded in the humanitarian bloodbath that is known as Nobel Peace.
We're going to be looking at that.
And reports of a Qaddafi counter-attack, fake dead Qaddafi photos drifting around.
This is quite the spectacle and the new model of how the UN will invade you.
They will fund terrorists to attack.
They will uprise.
If you fight back in any way, you will be bombarded with kinetic love bombs.
And if you're not for Al-Qaeda, you're an American.
Now I guess I'm an American then.
Because it's admitted, and we have the quotes here, of the rebel leaders, that they've killed Americans in Iraq and that they still hate America.
Well then why would our government be doing this?
Because they don't like stable countries.
They want to destabilize all of Africa even further.
So that's coming up with Webster Tarpley.
Watson, finishing up with your Central article, I've seen the articles in England and the London Telegraph just a few weeks ago.
Power prices set to double in the next three years.
And so they can't get the carbon tax that's paid to the Rothschild slash Rockefeller, Al Gore.
I mean, they openly own it.
Carbon exchanges.
You go to them and pay them money.
I'm burning coal.
I'll pay you money, Al Gore.
And he goes, good, my son.
Your family is taken out of purgatory.
I absolve you.
Pay more money and we will get you, the rest of your family, out of hell itself.
Oh, thank you, Al Gore.
Oh, great man, Bear Pig.
But now, they've already had rolling blackouts, massive power increase cost, and now, in your article, you've got all these major power companies that aren't part of the insider group.
You've got the Texas Power Commission, the Texas Public Utility Commission saying, get ready for huge blackouts and double the power prices.
The Fort Worth Star-Telegram is reporting that, and this will be more of a blessing with General Electric.
Who's had a waiver since February, running around giggling and laughing in front of everyone, obviously increasing power output at their factories, at their generating systems.
I mean, this is totally mafia.
This is like saying you can only buy groceries from, you know, Obama's.
Maybe they'll start a string of grocery stores.
I guess they kind of have done that with Nafta and Gap, with Walmart.
So finishing up, Paul Watson from England.
Well, precisely.
I mean, GE gives Obama half a million dollars, they get the waiver.
That's how it works.
That's Chicago land for you.
But this is tens of billions of profit, conservatively, over the next few years for a half mil?
Well, precisely.
I mean, it's over a hundred billion dollars just in the immediate costs that these power companies will have to pay.
And as I said before, even if you believe that carbon dioxide and these other greenhouse gases that they're talking about are, you know, deadly killers, they're gonna be emitted anyway!
It's just the power companies are going to buy the carbon credits from Al Gore, the Rothschilds, and Obama, who is also invested in it, and they're going to pass the cost on to the consumers.
That's why our bills are going up 20%.
But the Rothschilds have yachts and private jets that put out a special gas that counteracts the devil carbon dioxide.
So you want to pray to them.
Did you know that the Rothschild flatulence is actually the only gas humans live off of?
Well precisely, and you know, Ted Turner can have five kids, Rockefeller can have six kids, but overpopulation is a problem, we can't have any.
The thing is though, I mean look at this, UK faces green agenda backlash as energy prices rise.
For the moment they're going up 20%, they'll go up more next year, but that's also the amount that they spend on so-called green energy, and this is the same in both countries, and it mainly goes on
Wind turbines, which are notoriously inefficient, in Northern Europe, when we get cold weather like we did last winter, you know, coldest winter in a hundred years, they don't work!
You have to get really powerful winds for them to work, and even then, they're so much more expensive to run, they always break, you know, birds are flying into them, you can't maintain them because they're out in these isolated locations, and all our money is being spent on this because they've got this commitment to generate 20% green energy.
I think it's totally reasonable that insiders get waivers from not having to buy healthcare on Obamacare and that General Electric gets a waiver that they wrote.
I mean, they wrote it to shut down their competition.
I think that's fine.
And I think Al-Qaeda taking over Libya is a wonderful thing.
And I just, again, I'm really ashamed that you're not for Al-Qaeda, Paul.
Well, I guess that, you know, as long as we do pay our carbon credits, at least the space aliens won't attack, because that's what the NASA scientists told us last week.
Space aliens are concerned about global warming.
If we don't line the pockets of Al Gore, the first carbon billionaire, you know, E.T.
might come and get us, so...
By the way, Jaren actually, when I talked about this yesterday, did post the Guardian article.
A NASA-funded scientist, and this is the London Guardian headline, came out and said, pay Al Gore the money or the aliens are going to kill us.
I mean, Paul, next they're going to say Freddy Krueger's coming if you don't pay ManBearPig.
And of course, I joked about the flatulence and the Rothschilds.
They are now in Europe, and it's starting in the U.S.
Canada already passed it, the Cal Flatulence Tax.
And so they're saying that cows' flatulence is going to kill the earth, even though the earth's always been covered with herbivores, bovine creatures.
I mean, they wiped out the tens of millions of buffalo and replaced it with an animal that can breed with it, another type of domesticated cow.
I mean, it's insane.
They say aliens are going to get us, cow flatulence is evil, pay Rothschild more money.
I mean, you could not make up a joke this disgusting and this sick.
They're paying a sheep flatulence tax in Australia now.
And they're openly, the New York Times had the headline three years ago, a tax on breathing.
They're not playing games!
And there's all these weird goody-two-shoes running around who like get off on hating themselves and they want to pay a tax for breathing.
These are mentally ill people, Paul.
Oh yes, save the planet, kill yourself.
But these people are in power.
John Holdren's in control of the geoengineering.
And then you've got this plannedopolis agenda, which is what the big oil companies and the British government put out a couple of years ago, where they say, if you want to drive a car, you're going to have to apply for permission from the government, we're going to have a global food council, you're going to get meat as a rare delicacy, maybe once a month.
Yeah, and it's a throwback to Maoist China.
Even as recently as the 80s, people who lived in China, poor people, meat was a rare delicacy, once a month treat.
And in this planned-opolis, slave-opolis, the people who resist are going to be thrown in these cry-freedom ghettos where they're segregated off from the rest of society.
That's not my terminology.
That's what they call them in their own video promoting this agenda.
So people need to realize that these people are in control.
They're insane and they're holding the reins of power.
Well, they're insane like a fox.
Low-level minions are mentally ill and just like a moth to flame, enjoy the control freak authoritarianism and believe that they're going to be part of it because they've given themselves to it.
That's your average general loser.
But on top, they're cold-blooded.
They say, how do we sell slavery and make folks love it?
We teach people how to help themselves and then have a new green Nazism sold while they fly around on their private jets.
Paul Watson will continue to track these articles as they unfold.
The White House responded to us in February.
Everybody needs to get this article out.
Obama hits struggling Americans with energy rate hikes.
Thank you so much, Paul Watson.
Thanks, Alex.
All right, Webster Griffin Tarbly, who bravely spent several weeks in Libya a little over a month ago and reported to us live under the peaceful kinetic military bombardment that's killed thousands and thousands of people.
But I'm politically correct.
It is peaceful and non-military because they said so.
Now it's confirmed Al-Qaeda are the leaders.
Headline, NATO hands terrorists who killed US troops control over Libya.
Al-Qaeda gets new home as rebels seize Tripoli.
What is the stratagem here?
What's the latest that Webster Griffin Tarpley has?
He also reported to me that one of his colleagues, Dr. Franklin Lamb, shot in Tripoli by a NATO Al-Qaeda peace activist.
Webster Tarbley, tell us more about the piece that's reportedly killed thousands in the last 24 hours.
Well, what we're dealing with here is a carefully, cynically planned military operation by the NATO High Command with the U.S.
playing a very, very important role in it.
Don't listen to anything to the contrary.
It is called Operation Mermaid Dawn, and in the middle of that you've also got something called Operation Mermaid or Operation Siren.
Similar terms coming maybe from the French, but this is a military operation, and it's basically this.
They're facing the mid-September deadline when the United Nations Security Council resolution runs out.
And without that resolution, it's very hard for Italy and Canada and a bunch of smaller NATO countries
To play a role, and since the main bases have to be in Italy because of the geography, there's a hysterical attempt in NATO to put an end to this.
Now, what they've done is, first of all, carpet bombing.
Instead of...
Yeah, right.
Carpet bombing.
Carpet bombing of civilians.
No concern for civilian casualties.
Just a mad dash to get it all over with.
So, a very, very heavy bombing of Tripoli and of the approaches to Tripoli in the past week or so.
And in addition, a very aggressive use of these Apache helicopters with a lot of strafing of civilians with machine guns, especially, and some rockets.
And this has accounted for
Something upwards of 1,300 dead civilians in the past 48 hours, let's say.
1,300 dead as of yesterday and then many more overnight.
So this is the protection of civilians under the UN Security Council resolution.
So, carpet bombing, Apache helicopters, that accounts for the rapid progress of the rebels.
Now the other thing that accounts for it is amphibious landings.
All reports now agree that smaller landing craft as well as larger NATO warships cruised up very close to the coast there, to the port of Tripoli on the Mediterranean, and landed these death squads, these terror teams of Al-Qaeda killers who had been shipped in from Benghazi and Tobruk and Derna and places like this.
Look, we're pro-America here on this show, so don't criticize the Valiant Al-Qaeda forces.
By the way, they're banning first responders from the 9-11 remembrance event.
So the 9-11 responders are bad, Al-Qaeda's good.
I'm going to have to have you apologize for talking bad about Al-Qaeda, or we're going to have to let you go.
Okay, so this I think accounts for this.
It's what you call in warfare a coup de main.
In other words, they've taken some key parts of the city.
However, the reports I'm getting, and these come from Franklin Lamb that you mentioned, wounded though he is, he continues to report.
Lizzie Phelan, who has been in the Rixos Hotel, and Darius Mahdi Nazem Rowiah.
You can see a lot of this on Russia Today.
They continued to report during the night, and especially Franklin Lamb is up in a high-rise hotel, and you can see the approaches coming into Tripoli from the West.
What we've got is reports of a counter-attack being organized by the Qaddafi forces, starting from the Qaddafi compound, with heavy fighting going on there.
Tanks under Qaddafi and his supporters moving towards Green Square.
We're even told that the rebels have lost control, at least temporarily,
Did lose control of Green Square when a column of Qaddafi forces went through there.
The counter-attack seems to be under the command of Thomas Qaddafi.
That's the one son who has not been captured.
Three other sons captured.
One son killed months ago.
The other thing we have is from Franklin Lamb and his vantage point in this high-rise hotel.
He says that he saw a convoy of 25 pro-Qadhafi military trucks going towards the center of the city.
So, this I don't think is over.
And there's some indications that there was actually a strategy.
I would say the Qadhafi forces were taken by surprise by the amphibious landings.
This maybe accounts for why they didn't use their anti-ship missiles, which they are known to have.
By the way, my sources say U.S., NATO, and private contractors were inserted two days ago from the sea.
It's probably not just the Valiant Al-Qaeda people.
Yes, well, the report that I have, if you look at Tarpley.net, I've got the
The report is that from they saw that the Al-Qaeda fighters from Benghazi that were landed by NATO were under the control of NATO officers, so European officers, which reproduces the eternal pattern of the colonial army, just what the Libyans had thought that they'd gotten rid of.
So, heavy fighting, I think, goes on.
There is a humanitarian emergency.
In particular, I would mention that the people in this Rixos Hotel, the international reporters, these are international reporters who are basically anti-NATO.
They don't agree with the CIA line.
And that would be Makti Darius Nazim Roya, that you can see on Russia Today.
Franklin Lam is in a different hotel, and Thierry Meisson is also.
Still in the city.
I would also point out, there seems to be a danger to the life of Musa Ibrahim, who is the spokesperson of the regime, as well as his wife and his son.
The rebels are telling people on YouTube that they're going to exact a terrible fate.
Well, that's peace too, though.
Killing women and children, you know, that's what the good guys do.
You're not going to criticize torture on this show, are you?
I think we can simply, you know, if you wanted to start, take a case study of the human rights record of these Benghazi rebels, see what happens to Musa Ibrahim and his family.
That will tell you everything.
Now, in terms of what's going to happen now, Qaddafi, if Qaddafi can maintain some kind of a position in the capital or nearby, that's a very different scenario from what the television is telling you.
Decisively defeated in the Tripoli area, he would probably be well advised to take the example of Mubarak and go to some friendly place and perhaps lay low for a while and wait for the inevitable civil war among these thieves.
Because these are thieves who are going to fall out.
You can already see... Well they've been constantly killing each other and calling in airstrikes on each other.
That's admitted.
So that would be this Khalifa Hifter.
The top CIA guy is Khalifa Hifter.
But of course, he lived in Virginia.
He lived here between the Pentagon and the CIA for 20 years.
And there are going to be factional differences between him and, say, a bunch of guys like
Uh, the ones who, who in Darna, who had been fighting the U.S.
in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I don't see how they're going to get along very well.
You've also got Jalil, who is the, the presentable face, and Jibril.
Uh, these people have, uh, really no mass support.
They're there to have a presentable face that they can send to the United Nations, uh, and, and so forth.
So I would expect a bloody civil war to break out among the rebel factions.
Quite soon, and especially, we've got this 70-page report of what the occupation is going to look like.
The occupation calls for tens of thousands of troops from the United Arab Emirates, Emiratis.
Now, those guys are royalists.
They're reactionaries in all of their social policies, whereas Qaddafi is one of the most progressive, socially-oriented people, right?
All the oil money was used, or to a large extent, for
For health care, for...
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Webster Griffin Tarbley is our guest.
I've seen three polls out this weekend where Ron Paul is number one.
The Drudge Report at DrudgeReport.com, we're also posting this at InfoWorks.com, has the headline that Ron Paul is evenly matched against Obama.
He's neck and neck with Obama.
There it is, Gallup, Obama closely matched against Paul and Bachman.
So as I keep telling you, because I'm not just cheerleading here and saying Ron Paul can win,
You know, three and a half years ago I was just pointing out he's an underdog, but he should win.
Now, if you look at all the hundreds of polls I've seen, different straw polls, he's number one, number two, or number three.
Now that is a frontrunner.
That's with them ignoring him or demonizing him.
So they're definitely scared of Ron Paul.
Now shifting gears back to Webster Griffin Tarpley of Tarpley.net.
Webster, anyway you slice it, I'm not a fan of Gaddafi.
But compared to Al Qaeda, there is such a thing as lesser of two evils.
And he wasn't a total pig.
I mean, he did build up the country and the rest of Africa.
And we know it means civil war, death, destruction of a comparative jewel in the region.
And this is the same reason they took down Serbia.
Again, not a fan of Milosevic or any of those guys.
But at the end of the day, why did NATO do this?
Well, on the one hand, Gaddafi represents an ideological threat because of this Arab socialism which he actually practiced.
Libya probably has the best record of any oil-producing country in terms of reinvesting that in social development.
This was the top country on the United Nations Human Development Index for Africa, and they were at 57 in the world, which meant that they were beating Russia, beating Ukraine, beating Brazil, and it's remarkable because they had started so near rock bottom.
They were absolute
Uh, basically nomads until about 1965, 1970 when Gaddafi came in.
Remember, you got that great man-made river, which means that they're going to have water for the next couple of hundred years, unless NATO has bombed it in the meantime.
And that healthcare was for free, housing allowances were given.
These are the things that NATO hates.
So they want to go in there now and privatize all that.
The weakening of Qaddafi is due to the fact that there was a first privatization offensive in 2003 when they demanded the partial privatization of a certain of the oil.
And because he was under the gun of what Bush had just done in Iraq, he felt that he had to make concessions.
And unfortunately that even reached up into his
The frozen assets that the State Department has got custody of now, the U.S.
part, I don't know how many billion there are, but there are quite a few billion.
That's going to go into the Swiss bank accounts of these basemen like Jalil Jibril Hifter, the people who are running that Benghazi rebel council.
And none of that will ever be seen as humanitarian aid.
This is going to be a kleptocracy beyond your wildest dreams.
Well, that's my next issue.
Are they going to use Libya as their new al-Qaida base to then menace the West?
Yeah, you can imagine Al-Qaeda piracy in the Mediterranean.
You know, it's funny.
If you go back to American history, in the early 1800s, the big concern was the Barbary pirates, right?
Stephen Decatur and all this.
That meant that these ports in North Africa were bases of pirates.
And the pirates, of course, worked with the British, because the British brought protection.
Others couldn't.
The U.S.
couldn't and didn't, and therefore had to wage these wars.
Today, you've got the U.S.
...intervening in a place like Libya to re-establish piracy, but this time under al-Qaeda auspices.
So this is going to have a big effect on the entire Mediterranean littoral, from Spain to Italy to Greece, all the way across.
This is now going to fundamentally change what the Mediterranean looks like.
And again, it's going to be an open sore.
If you didn't want Al-Qaeda to have a sanctuary, if that was the point of Afghanistan, they have just been given a sanctuary, or at least it seems so.
All right, Webster, stay there.
Let's do five more minutes in PrisonPlanet.TV Overdrive.
The official radio show is over.
See you back tomorrow, 11 a.m.
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