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Name: 20110902_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 2, 2011
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It is Friday, the second day of September 2011.
We're going to be here for at least the next three hours.
Then I'll be back tonight, 7 p.m.
Central, 8 p.m.
Eastern, 5 Mountain, no, 6 Mountain, 5 Pacific.
For the InfoWars Nightly News, that was a big hit last night.
A lot of reports, key information covered, and the feedback we've gotten from the viewers at PrisonPlanet.tv and of course InfoWarsNews.com has been overwhelmingly positive, I'd say about 99%.
We are going to be adding some lower res downloads.
There are giant True HD is what the downloads are right now if you don't catch the live stream of the show.
So we're also going to start
Restreaming it over and over again after the transmission is completed.
And people certainly like that.
We had close to half of our PrisonPlanet.TV members tune in last night to the show.
So I appreciate everybody watching it.
Hopefully you recorded it and we'll get it out to others.
Reading the news this morning, listening to the President.
They really are planning to implode the economy.
They've been imploding it, but it's going to accelerate.
And now, internal megabank documents have come out and only confirm what we already know about JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs, and others.
They have been engineering this thing all along, not just here, but all over the world.
And they're telling insiders to bet against the economy and to bet on a total collapse.
Well of course, and then they'll pose as saviors again, and play stupid, and have their bought and paid for presidents in the US, in Greece, the Prime Minister in England, the President of France, the President of Germany, the Chancellor, they have a President and Chancellor, they're all bought and paid for by these people, and we're going to be going over that stack of just incredibly important news.
Now there's been an interim victory
Because Obama got caught giving waivers only to General Electric, and by caught, we pointed it out.
Others pointed it out.
He did it in plain view.
It's an unfair trade advantage.
It's discrimination against other companies.
They're backing off, for now, on part of their carbon dioxide regulations.
They call carbon dioxide smog.
We have some of the cleanest power plants in the country.
Here in the United States, some of the cleanest power plants in the world.
And I'm not saying coal's perfect.
Gasoline certainly is a dirty fuel.
All of it.
But it's what we've got.
And we're going into a depression that's been engineered.
We can't let these people slap carbon taxes and value-added taxes on us for austerity to pay into their 1.5 quadrillion black hole.
We cannot do it.
The system that claims that they're all environmentalist and doing all this for the earth, it's the opposite.
They've been suppressing many of the clean technologies.
The environmental movement at the top is there to control the movement and distract people off into issues like carbon dioxide while covering up the toxic waste dumping, the toxins in the plastics, the toxins they're adding to the water, and all of that is dwarfed by genetic engineering.
I just do more and more research and they're just admitting that there are thousands of companies splicing animal, plant, plant, insect, insect, reptile, human, bovine.
It is just so insane and it's already giving rise to all sorts of different insane mutations.
A decade ago, 99% of all corn varieties in Mexico, where cultivated corn originated under human cultivation tens of thousands of years ago, has all been wrecked.
They've got all this deformed corn growing.
It's making people sick.
And they banned it down there.
I mean, we are in the middle of a holocaust of globalist eugenics as they devilishly, absolutely wreck the ecosystem and butcher the very building blocks of this planet.
All the news is coming up.
Larry Pratt joins us on the ATF.
Oh, it's big.
Stay with us.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner, Bernanke, they're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington DC we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We've been reporting on Fast and Furious for six years.
That's right.
Before we knew the name of the secret federal program to train Los Zetas at Fort Benning, Georgia, then have them engage in a fake defection forming their own border drug cartel, Shelley Castile and many other sources here in Texas, Shelley Castile, of course, retired.
The DEA agent had said that a coming war over narcotics and the $500 billion coming in a year, most of it through Mexico, heroin and cocaine, that there would be a war over that $500 billion.
And that, well, just three years ago, that Los Zetas had tried to recruit him to train people near the King Ranch down by Kingsville, Texas.
And now, it's all happened.
And at first, ATF agents began to blow the whistle about the fact that they were basically ordering gun shops to let certain key people come in and buy masses of firearms to then take them into Mexico.
Now we've learned, and this has come out in federal court in Chicago, it's been reported on by the Chicago Tribune and the El Paso Times,
Of course, Paul Watson saw it in the federal record months ago before they even covered it.
Proud of our work at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
Now it has come out that indeed they were shipping the guns directly to the drug cartels, not just in Mexico, but in Miami, Florida, Chicago, Illinois, Los Angeles, California, and other cities.
And how did all this happen?
The rats began to bite at each other.
The head of the ATF, what, three months ago, was caught perjuring himself before Congress, and ATF agents, who he was hanging out to dry, released the orders, the documents, the memos, and the emails, ordering them to do this.
He was trying to deny it.
Then he came out and said, okay, I was ordered to by Eric Holder, the head of the Justice Department, the Attorney General.
And then he said, here's more documents, don't blame me, the FBI and DEA were involved.
Well, now that's all mainstream news.
DEA, FBI, ATF, shipping guns to Honduras, to Mexico, and to drug gangs in major cities, major distribution points, Chicago, Miami,
Los Angeles and now it's coming out that the same thing was going on in areas of New Mexico, Texas.
We're learning more every day.
What a window into the fact that this federal government is gangster at the top and has put its gangsters in most of the high-level and mid-level positions and are now trying to purge good people.
Now it gives me some faith in America.
That we can still turn this around, that it was ATF agents, five of them, some of them mid-level, senior in their area, that said we're not going to be part of this and leaked the information and then went public.
They were either fired or demoted.
And of course it came out two weeks ago, as the Attorney General tries to cover this up, that the supervisors that blocked the information and threatened reprisals
They, of course, the LA Times reported, have now been given raises and elevated to the national level with Kush desk jobs now.
So, this is a criminal mafia that A, wanted to get guns to cartels trained by the Pentagon to consolidate the flow of drugs into the United States through Mexico.
And also out of Central and South America, we now learn.
That's mainstream news.
A month ago, came out.
Now, continuing...
Domestically, it had the added goody of blaming the Second Amendment.
And I saw Holder two years ago saying, we've got to pass gun laws.
We've got to ban assault weapons.
We've got to restrict buying more than one gun because of the violence in Mexico.
And then even after he got caught, he rolled out, as you know, about a month and a half ago and went ahead and said, I don't need a stinking law.
Congress wouldn't pass this law.
They tried to pass it.
So now in four states, Texas, New Mexico,
Arizona, California.
Wait, is Nevada involved?
Is it five?
No, it's four.
In those four states, they now, outside of law, do whatever the ATF says.
And they're going to people that go in
And buy a high-powered rifle or buy a thousand rounds of ammo.
I see it in the news every day.
They're then being ATF visited or even SWAT teamed.
And I'll see it in the news.
Man had 27 guns and 4,000 rounds of ammo and they'll have neighbors saying it's so frightening.
And it's, you know, the retired veteran has been arrested.
In fact, I was mailed one of these.
Dude pointed it out to me this morning.
The Orleans County record, out of Massachusetts, right up there on our northern border, and it says, firearms seized.
And it says, ATF take guns from former police officer, who has no criminal record, retired, he ran for sheriff, almost won but didn't won, Mr. Chiodi.
And he's been a gun dealer for many years.
That's why he quit being a cop so he could make money and shell guns.
He's a registered federal firearms dealer.
And they say right here they confiscated his firearms.
And they say there's no charges and that they're just taking them and that's the end of it.
So we're going to work on getting him on.
It says above, Sergeant David Peterson, a member of the Vermont State Police Bomb Squad, left to assist U.S.
alcohol, tobacco, and firearms agents at the home of the individual below.
The home in St.
Jonesbury below.
A basket of firearms sits on the porch.
Oh, there's a little, a bucket of them, and there was, there was a couple dozen rifles.
My God, that's horrible.
Well, what am I supposed to do?
I mean, I've got granddaddy's firearms.
I've got firearms my dad bought me when I was a kid and a teenager.
Got the first .410 shotgun he bought me.
I've got the guns.
I mean, am I evil?
I've got thousands and thousands of rounds of ammo.
I tell you, buy it inexpensively so you can target, shoot, and protect yourself.
I mean, this is, I see this all the time.
Every couple days, it's almost always the same type of headline.
And it's in Maryland, Illinois, California, even Florida, Texas.
I see it everywhere.
Neighbors saw Mr. Johnson, Mr. Brown, in his garage with a firearm and called police.
And it's always the same.
In some cases, it's gunsmiths.
You've got the old guys, wives in there watching TV or cooking dinner.
It's almost always a veteran.
No criminal record.
He can skin a buck.
He can run a trot line.
They almost always live in some rural subdivision.
It's always just, you know, that type of person.
And it's always the same story.
They're seen, I've interviewed many of them, they're seen in their garage cleaning a rifle.
Or working on one for a neighbor.
Somebody walks their dogs, they see some guns lined up there in the little workshop, and they call the cops.
Cops come.
They go ahead and arrest them.
They go ahead and take their guns.
And in some cases, they go to jail.
They call it an arsenal.
And then I go look up the state law.
There's no law.
You're like, well, how do they go to jail?
Well, how are people getting 5-year, 12-year sentences or charged, life in prison in Illinois for videotaping police on the public street?
How do they take children every day for not taking vaccines?
There's no law.
How did the U.S.
government sterilize 500,000 plus people up until the mid-1980s?
Under the eugenics courts.
They're not real courts.
They'll grab you off the street and cut your uterus out.
Or lop your testicles off.
People email me going, that's not what they did in sterilizations.
Yes, they did it as medical experiments.
They would have medical students come in, generally, from the 20s right through the 80s.
I've interviewed the people.
It's been all over the news.
And they'll just lop it off.
This is what America is, okay?
Hardcore narcotics trafficking, gun dealing, child kidnapping, gangs of murderers that run the government.
Right next to compartmentalized ATF, FBI, sheriff's deputies that are changing old ladies tires and going to domestic disputes and going to horrible car wrecks and standing out in 110 degree heat radar gunning people to raise money for the system.
And you've got totally, generally blind, well-meaning, break their back for America cops right next to their bosses who are narcotics trafficking killers.
Everything with the New World Order is about hoaxes, and it's about compartmentalization.
Now, here is the federal government caught, the head of the ATF is now resigned, as you know, and it is admitted that there's a giant cover-up.
And this should impeach the President.
This should impeach the Attorney General.
I mean, shipping guns all over this hemisphere.
And we told you about it six years ago.
We told you about it two years ago.
Because we know how it works.
Just like our Marines and our Army troops, in nine years, almost ten years in Afghanistan, it'll be ten years in a couple weeks, some of them serving four or five terms, tours, they began to write letters home.
They began.
There was a big stink two years ago.
We were pointing it out, others were pointing it out, that the troops were ordered to actually help grow the opium in Afghanistan.
It went from less than 10% of world production to over 90% in just a few years, flooding the world with cheap heroin to get everybody addicted.
The poppies that are then turned into the opium then turned into the heroin, condensed into the heroin.
And so what did they do?
They just had BBC, ABC News, Fox News, CNN, all of them come out two years ago, and then again a year ago, and just make the troops line up in front of poppies and go, yes, we grow it, it's for America.
And the troops are all looking weird.
See, they just hide it in plain view.
Okay, okay, we're growing it.
Move along.
Because Pat Tillman was writing letters home.
Troops were getting upset.
We were getting calls about it.
It was a big stink that they were just having the planes land, loading it on, telling the troops, get it on board, get the fertilizer.
Troops were like, but you go to jail for this.
They're like, never mind that, Sergeant.
We got a problem.
The troops are ready to mutiny over this.
They know we're here for the opium.
And we're funding the terrorists as an excuse to stay here.
They're like, just parade them all out in front of everybody.
Say we're doing it to fight Al Qaeda.
You think that's going to work, General?
We've got to flaunt it in their face.
We're gonna defeat America.
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Hello, I'm Alex Jones.
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We're good to go.
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Okay, it's Friday.
I want to go over the economic news, more of the ATF news, the Libya information.
Then we're going to go to your calls.
I'd love to hear from you.
By the way, last night's kickoff...
Well, it's
But also a lot of times we'll have the 30-minute show and then we'll just come back and continue with a special report.
Sometimes I'll say, okay, I'm interviewing four guests and taking your phone calls after the news.
And that's what I did basically last night as I talked for about 40 minutes before he kicked the news off.
And it was a little bit silly and made fun of teleprompters because we are teleprompter free.
And the crew did a really great job.
I didn't get out of here until about 11 o'clock last night and I went on coast to coast AM.
Talk with the one, the only icon of Talk Radio Overnight, George Norrie.
Okay, again, new information on the Fast and Furious situation.
It's not new information.
It has been in regional papers in Illinois, in Texas.
In Florida, that they're shipping the guns directly to drug gangs in the cities inside the US.
And we've posted those articles, we've written articles about it.
But Fox News is finally starting to look at it.
And they say, evidence suggests cover-up in ATF scandal as more guns appear at crime scene.
That's like saying evidence suggests Hitler didn't like Jews, or evidence suggests that Santa Claus is associated with Coca-Cola, or evidence suggests that, um...
They use a pigskin in NFL football.
I mean, evidence suggests that Barack Obama reads off teleprompters.
Evidence suggests that grass is green, the sky is blue, and water is wet, and ducks quack.
They are completely caught, from every angle, perjuring themselves.
They've had testimony in Congress that, yes, the Obama administration did know.
Members of the ATF called people in the administration, high-level, the names are all public, and said, this is really dangerous, we should stop it.
Does the President know?
And they're told, yes, continue.
This has all come out!
What do you mean, evidence suggests?
See, Fox News doesn't really want to get Obama and stop this agenda.
They've given tons of money to Hillary and Obama and the rest of it.
They want to just act like they represent conservatives and libertarians and they're the alternative to CNN and the rest of it.
And they are the alternative.
It's like Jim Jones saying, you can have grapes, strawberry, cherry, you know, three different choices here, or America, two different choices of Kool-Aid, but it's all going to have a teaspoon of cyanide in it.
Enough to kill, you know, ten elephants.
So how's that sound?
I mean, Rupert Murdoch admits that they finance
And push the carbon tax.
I've played their corporate PR clips where they brag that they're implanting messages in their TV shows.
But see, Fox is there to keep their friends close, globalists, and keep their enemies, Americans that are awake, closer.
And I'm only pointing out that CNN won't cover this.
Strangely enough, CBS is one of the only groups that's actually been covering it.
And still whitewashing, but they broke it in the quote, national media, the mainstream corporate media.
And I'm not even trying to attack Fox here.
It's just that if the quote mainstream media came out and pointed out the perjury and where's the impeachment, where's the hearings, it would be over.
They don't want that.
They want Obama the puppet to be politically destroyed, move on, and they're going to give you Mitt Romney or Rick Perry.
Both for socialist health care, on record.
Both for carbon taxes, on record.
Both for sanctuary cities, on record.
I guess Romney didn't work for Al Gore.
I mean, it just, I mean, it couldn't be crazier.
But see, as soon as they put a Mitt Romney in, conservatives and mainline ones will sit back and go ahead and carbon tax me.
Go ahead and take my guns.
Because they'll have mainline liberals attacking Romney or Perry and then conservatives, mainline ones, aren't sophisticated enough to get the scam.
And go, wait a minute, you're attacking them to make them look like they have credibility because they know that conservatives are going to hate Rachel Maddow more than they are going to dislike the socialism and the consolidation of power and the cronyism of Rick Perry.
I mean, it's such elementary tricks.
When Fox News attacks Obama,
Liberals then support him as he carries out a globalist agenda.
It's such a simple, simple, simple trick that a five-year-old should be able to understand it.
It's asinine how simple it is.
Here's Fox News.
Evidence suggests cover-up in ATF scandal.
As more guns appear at crime scenes.
Oh, the number's higher than what they said?
Yeah, the number we've got's 30,000 at least.
Just hours after the death of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry, federal officials tried to cover up evidence that the gun that killed Terry was one that the government initially helped sell to Mexican cartels in a weapons trafficking program.
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I think so.
We're good to go.
Coming up, we've got Larry Pratt joining us in about an hour from now to break down the details of the latest ATF activities.
Also, all over the country, the ATF and local police are raiding gun dealers, gun collectors, gun owners.
In almost all cases, they're law-abiding citizens.
If you buy even 500 rounds of ammo now, in many cases you're getting an ATF visit.
And sometimes they just come and confiscate everything.
Just like Katrina.
Hey, I'm high and dry here.
I've got a generator.
Why are you here?
I'm going to put you in handcuffs and cut your gun safe open and take your guns.
That's what the military's here for, pal.
FBI's in command.
I'm Colonel Bob here.
I'm going in to get them.
They are all about flaunting this in their face.
You know, I saw a Chicago Tribune article this morning.
It's somewhere here in my stack.
If we just type Alex Jones, Ron Paul into Google News, it'll come up.
And it's like, Ron Paul can't be president.
Because once he was on the Alex Jones Show in 2005 during Katrina, and Jones was talking about Mexican and Dutch troops being brought in as part of the relief effort, which they were.
And that this was part of a conditioning process for foreign occupation.
And Ron Paul agreed that it was a dangerous precedent.
Here's a link to it.
This is insane!
Oh, really?
On Monday it was in major newspapers, including what the New York Times, that, oh, Mexican army now comes up to 20 miles into the U.S.
and interdicts drugs without even asking the U.S.
They've been authorized to come in with commando raids and they're raiding people's houses.
That was in the mainstream news, and Kurt Nemo wrote an article about it and gave some of the background history.
Remember when the Mexican cartels, and it turned out it was the army, killed the guy on the jet ski with his wife on that Falcon Lake bordering the Mexican-Texas border, and the National News came out and said she was lying?
And then later, of course, it came out that there were witnesses.
He was shot.
They did get his body.
They sent Mexican cops to find it, and they, what, decapitated one and killed some others?
It's like, oh, my husband, they killed him.
They shot him.
They came up on a boat and shot him.
Oh, shut up, honey.
There's no violence on the border.
Oh, and only 30-plus thousand dead in the last three years.
More dangerous than an average year in Vietnam.
But everything's fine.
There's not giant mass graves everywhere.
You know, I've been doing a lot of radio interviews lately, and I'll bring up that the first responders are not allowed at the 9-11 event.
And people don't believe me.
Even when I tell them, search it, they just say, you're lying.
Of course, when they finally find out it's true, I'm still the bad guy for pointing it out.
Oh yeah, they pulled in a boat and shot my husband in the head.
No, you're lying, lady.
Came out and attacked her.
Federal government.
There's nothing going on on that border, sweetie cake.
And in Arizona, routinely, whole rural areas, in one night, what, 14 houses got burned down.
I mean, it's just absolute bedlam.
And the media's like, hey, everything is A-OK.
By the way, there's a Ron Paul interview we did two days ago.
That I noticed when you go into Google News, has made it past their normal censoring of any of our information.
And it's a really powerful 15, 16 minute interview.
You should get it out to everyone you know.
It's Ron Paul, Rick Perry is the globalist choice for 2012.
Please get that video, Ron Paul, Rick Perry is the globalist choice for 2012, and get it out to everyone you know.
Don't forget, tonight, 7 o'clock, we're gonna try to keep to 30 minutes tonight.
My wife's like, do you have to come home every night at 11?
I don't think so.
This is a big venture, a big operation against the globalists.
It's bold.
It's having a big effect.
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So now you're going to see more and more.
Some of it will be posted on the Alex Jones Channel on YouTube.
That's our overall message to get the word out.
But you will see it exclusively posted there first, and a lot of it will be exclusive to the site.
By the way, we allow, because I wish we could allow everybody, you to have six logins at once with the same username passcode.
Just don't use the same username passcode you use for your bank account.
Create one that you're willing to give your friends and family that is just on prisonplanet.tv.
I didn't think I needed to explain that, but for some folks, you know, don't have it be the code to your alarm at your house.
But create a code if you want to share it, and just tell people don't give it out to more than five or six people, because then if six people are logged on at once with that passcode, you will try to go log on and then won't be able to get on.
But c'est la vie!
If you give it out and people use it so much you can't get on sometimes, go sign up and get another membership and support us!
Because no good deed goes unpunished.
It does cause occasionally
Some issues because people give out their passcode and then others give it out.
And then I get emails going, I can't log in.
And then we can go check the file and see, well, yeah, there were six people logged in when the show started under your passcode.
So just give it to your wife, your husband, your son, your daughter, grandma, your boss, one of your employees, whatever.
And just say, don't share this, but hope you use it.
And they will.
You just go enter it and you can do it.
Or you can just encourage folks to buy a membership.
You really want to support us?
We had this a while back.
I should reinstitute this.
I think it's still a function we can just flip right back on.
In fact, I'll go tell the IT guys to look into this and do it.
Where you could buy maybe five at a time and get a discount?
Five at a time and, you know, that way five memberships would be five times six.
We're talking about 30-something people being able to get on this thing.
Why not do that?
PrisonPlanet.tv is the main portal to all the films, everything else.
But for the nightly show, the special reports, this show, if you want to watch the video format of it, the archives, the live stream, and the rant section that's behind the scenes, on the road, you name it, PrisonPlanet.tv, or find it all in one spot at InfoWarsNews.com.
Okay, I'm going to launch the phones here for folks.
If you want to call in, I'd love to hear from you.
And we will get you up and on the air.
What do you think of the fact that it comes out that the ATF is shipping guns all over Latin America and the U.S.
to special drug gangs they use to knock out their competition and make sure it gets laundered with the proper banks that run this country?
Wells Fargo, Wachovia, the rest of them, they've all been caught on record.
If you're a new listener and you don't believe that, just type in $376 billion laundered by Wells Fargo, Wachovia in a two-year period.
You'll get Bloomberg AP.
I know if you're a new listener it's hard to believe.
It's all hidden in plain view.
If you're a new listener and like, he says the Marines and the Army grow, guard the opium, and help load it on trucks, just type troops help guard and grow opium, put it into YouTube, you'll probably get 20-something newscasts.
Seriously, you'll get everything you can imagine.
Multiple CNN, multiple Associated Press, multiple ABC News, multiple Fox.
And it's all the same script, the same teleprompter script.
We've got to guard this and help them or the Taliban will win.
The Taliban, most of the Taliban is just religious fanatics.
And you've got a drug war going on.
Most of the fighting over there is over the opium.
That's when all the fighting is over.
And then they got some miscreant, quote, Al-Qaeda people that nine times out of ten turn out to be globalist contractors or operatives just to keep the war going.
That's the excuse to stay there and get that $500 billion.
It's funny.
It's $500 billion, they estimate, the U.N.
estimates, in opium coming out of there every year.
And it's roughly $500 billion in narcotics and cocaine, just our share of all the different funnels coming in.
Oh, you don't think the big mega banks are involved in that?
Grow up, ladies and gentlemen.
You think some crack house down the street's
Laundering part of that 500 billion?
Drugs are made illegal to jack up the prices and create a black market and so selectively the police can be deployed to raid people that are opening up their own shops and shipping in their own drugs at a low-level retail level.
That's who gets shot down.
And most of the time now, the government just tells the drug gang hit team, most of them trained at Fort Benning, Georgia, we now learn, go in there and slaughter all these people.
You take them out, they'll just be statistics.
Is that clear?
They salute.
Yes, sir!
And that's how it runs.
That's how America runs.
Saluting, quote, drug cartels.
Mexican commandos.
Remember, six years ago we told you all of this.
Before it came out.
There it is, London Guardian.
How a big U.S.
bank laundered billions from Mexico's murderous drug gangs.
Yeah, they ended up leasing and running the aircraft as well.
That was back in April this year, but there's an even better one from Bloomberg.
It's got the $376 billion number on it.
And what, in a two and a half year period if you want to be technical.
So again, we're going to be... Let me just tell GCN Live something.
The phone board computer interface you've got is another talk show host up, so you need to re-launch that.
I'm going to exit out, John.
Is that good, Harmon?
Yeah, re-launch that for me because I'm not getting those calls coming through.
I'm getting somebody else's interface here.
Okay, let me get into the other news and then your phone calls.
Like I said, Larry Pratt's coming up to get more into that.
But if you ever need an example that governments are engaged in crime, there it is.
I mean, they think you're that stupid that they just do all of this right out in the open.
Okay, let me get into the financial news.
There is some good news here.
Obama halts controversial EPA
regulation and I spent quite a bit of time this morning trying to figure out exactly which group.
It's not all of them but it's part of a package and I don't think he's actually halting this.
It's just lawsuits have been filed by states like Texas
What is it?
More than 20 states have filed lawsuits, last time I checked.
And there's also a bunch of power companies, mainly coal-powered plants, that supply 51% or more of our power.
That number's actually growing.
I think it's 52 now, but over half.
Look it up yourself.
Remember Obama said, I will bankrupt coal.
We did that in a report earlier in the week, for InfoWars Notly News, one of the special reports.
They're saying, we will bankrupt you.
So that's really helping out in court that, wow, the goal is to bankrupt.
Unless you're General Electric, and the fact that he gave him that waiver in February really helped the lawsuits, that it was so naked.
See, the globalists are smart to a certain level, but they're also so arrogant now, so full of bravado, chutzpah, whatever, arrogance, just, just, just, just blind hubris is an even better word.
Oh yeah, they're showing me there on screen a happy globalist Hillary Clinton is having a great time.
Now continuing, Obama halts controversial EPA regulation and they call it smog, but then when you read into it, it's carbon dioxide and it's ozone.
And you see, they've gotten these plants with reasonable regulations.
See, they're stacking all this on reasonable things like catalytic converters and other systems that everybody reasonably called for in the last 30-40 years because nobody wants to breathe smog, nobody wants to be poisoned, nobody wants to get sick.
I remember driving in as a child into Dallas, we lived right outside Dallas, and you'd see a big brown-yellow dome over the city.
I don't think so.
The brain cells dying.
So all of that's reasonable.
So then they come in and say, yeah, we want to stop even more smog.
And the power plants are like, well, we've got giant buildings called scrubbers, where it goes through all different sorts of systems, dry scrubbers, wet scrubbers, nothing's coming out.
They have federal censors by law at the top of the smokestack.
If anything comes out other than water vapor,
And carbon dioxide alarms go off.
They have to shut down.
The feds have Cessnas that fly back and forth.
I've seen them and they admit they have them.
Hundreds of them.
Dozens in Texas over just snooping and picking up the particulate.
So our economy is shutting down.
And China and Mexico, they have no controls.
They have some of the dirtiest, India as well, coal-powered plants in the world.
Very toxic.
Mercury, lead, all this stuff, blasting in even dust, ashes raining down on people.
Very bad!
Very bad!
And so how is shutting down our plants so that select groups that can stay open make bigger profits, how does that help the earth when we're one planet and the jet stream takes the Chinese toxic jet stream and brings it right back over the United States and actually the jet stream comes in right over Texas, that particular band of the jet stream and dumps it in?
And the environmentalist groups run around getting samples saying, look, the lead level's up.
And then lawsuits have come out and proven it's from China and India.
It's not our power plant.
See, they say, oh, the air is picking up lead and mercury.
You bet it is.
That's in that dirty coal.
And then there's a whole other level and another level.
1996, Clinton took hundreds of thousands of acres of southern Utah land, badlands, off of mining.
The only clean burning coal deposits of any large size in the Americas.
In this entire hemisphere.
From Alaska down to Chile, the only area they had it.
Now it turned out he was involved with a company and was lobbied by a globalist China-based company that had the only other big deposit.
What happened to their stocks?
Overnight doubled.
Profits were incredible.
Then they mandate clean burning coal, but now you've got to ship it from China.
This is how the scams operate.
We've got that information.
Now what does Der Spiegel say?
Because I know how to go to a search engine and go to all the major ports on the major seas like San Francisco and others and pull up the water level over the last 100 plus years.
Some of them go back 300 years.
In Europe, San Francisco it's over 150.
We've done this on air and showed it to you.
The water level, the sea level has dropped
Remember they said all those islands in the Pacific were going to be underwater and it's actually dropped?
And they've been caught in several cases where there'd be like a little island with a few trees on it, where they wanted to take a shot years later.
They would have amphibious dredges and bulldozers knock it down and kill the trees just to say, look, the island is submerged.
I mean, these people are hard core.
Well, what is Der Spiegel saying?
Der Spiegel, a big German publication.
Global warming now causes sea levels to drop.
Through weather shifts.
That's right.
Al Gore said we'd all be dead.
We'd all be dead if we lived on the coast, because it was all going to rise and kill us by, what, two years ago?
And now they're saying, oh, it's dropping because of global warming.
Oh, and how about those ice caps?
Haven't melted yet.
They're getting bigger.
All right, we'll give you the key intel straight ahead.
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I don't know.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, I've been pontificating about the government shipping drugs in and guns out of the country and other issues and haven't scratched the surface of other news.
Coming up, Libyan rebels round up blacks, put them in giant concentration camps.
PrisonPlanet.com, we have links to Associated Press, you name it.
And they're saying, hey, this is pretty reasonable.
And they're just taking women, children, men, mowing them down.
Powers off in most of the country, total bedlam.
Al Qaeda, jihadis running around slaughtering people.
And I saw comments in my article going, Jones, how dare you defend black Africans and be politically correct.
These are illegal immigrants to Africa.
The blacks were in Libya first, before the Arabs colonized it.
And I'm not getting into Arab versus black either.
We're all human beings.
And I know some of the blacks were fighting on Qaddafi's side.
The point is, they said they launched the war because Qaddafi might have shot some protesters, who we now know were Western-backed al-Qaeda rebels with tanks and grenade launchers blowing up police stations.
It was all a lie!
If they would have said, hey, we're going to foment a rebellion and take over Libya, I would have still said, hey, let's stay out of it.
Let's, you know, if you break it, you own it.
I don't like Gaddafi, but let's stay out of it.
You know why?
So some oil companies can take over?
No, thank you.
But I wouldn't have been as upset as just the whole lie.
Oh, Qaddafi shot some people.
Turned out that was a lie.
Qaddafi's doing some really mean stuff.
These are just peaceful protesters.
Turned out they were blowing stuff up, murdering people, lynching blacks six months ago.
Basically, a black person better not show their face in the east of Libya.
It's kind of like their own Arab hillbilly or something.
Or like, you know, Louisiana in the 20s.
It's not, don't show yourself at night.
Don't show yourself, period.
And then I get these comments about, oh, there you are defending the African takeover again.
Some of these comments on the article Watson wrote at Infowars have got to be a joke.
In fact, later, Jaren, I think I IM'd you that comment.
You probably have it, but I was going to read it.
Just the sheer craziness of it.
Oh, it's in the guest folder?
Oh, here.
Well, I haven't even gotten to the top story yet.
Let me find it.
Oh, here it is.
Deport these Southern Africans to whence they came.
The whole place is Northern Africa, pal.
If no one will accept them, sterilize them.
It's sad that Infowars takes the side of dictators that imports racial aliens and uses them as mercenaries against the indigenous Libyans.
Indigenous Libyans.
Infowars editorial staff are such hypocrites.
Now they side with importing foreigners to use against population.
And there's a bunch of these.
And then I get weird comments from people saying they're black people.
I think some of these are PR firms.
In fact, it's come back out in the news that Monsanto's got PR firms attacking people posing as commenters by the thousands.
The federal government does.
The Pentagon does.
And I'll see like, a month ago I was saying they're killing blacks that are in Libya and it's like, shut up you whitey!
You know good and well that blacks have a right to be in Libya.
Africa is black.
It's like you can't even discuss issues without all sides attacking just because they hear a name.
It's like when I read scientific reports, we've got a big report tonight on the nightly news, where the government knows that bisphenol A and other plastic additives are flipping the sex of men in their endocrine controllers of the brain.
And actually causing hermaphrodites to explode.
If it doesn't change the actual sexual organs, it changes the area of the brain.
And then I get national news stories saying I'm bashing gay people.
Listen, if a frog is turned from male to female, it's not about bashing a gay frog.
You know, if I talk about the Pentagon's plan to have a, quote, gay bomb, chemical they were going to spray on Iraqis, and it's in the London Guardian, it's about the plan to do this so we don't reproduce.
I'm not getting into the issue of gay or not gay.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are now into hour number two.
I want to take some of your calls into some other news ahead of Larry Pratt joining us.
Don't forget the InfoWars Nightly News.
Tonight's seven o'clock.
We won't be here Monday.
There'll be an archive there.
But we'll be back Tuesday, obviously.
I am going to take Monday off because if I'm going to start doing the radio show every day and the TV show every day, I've got to occasionally take off.
After the break, after we take some more calls, I'm going to get into the top story today that I haven't even covered yet, and I should have gotten to this.
It's the economic news.
More and more, they're admitting we're going into a depression, and even Goldman Sachs secretly believes that an economic collapse is coming.
We're going to break down that Goldman Sachs report coming up in the next segment after some calls.
But right now, let's go ahead and talk to Bill in Kentucky.
Bill, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, first I'd like to say thank you for being the tip of the spear in the fight for truth and liberty.
I really appreciate it for all that you do.
Hey, really quick, I just wanted to throw a deal out for all your listeners.
It's time that the people that know about this stuff really start to get involved with city politics.
We've got to be running for city councilmen.
We need to take our cities back.
Even after November 6, 2012, when Ron Paul wins, because we're going to put him in the
The White House.
Our fight's not going to be over.
This UN agenda, the globalization that's taking place in our cities, is insane.
Here in Lexington, Kentucky, they charge us a tax because we have roofs and driveways.
Then they, in turn, take that money and give it away for art.
For inspiring art on environmental issues.
And this all goes back to UN Agenda 21.
No, they fund the propaganda to push their agenda and they just raise taxes and it has nothing to do with the earth.
And that's the UN model.
They said because they can't get Congress to do it, they're going to do it at the county, city and state level.
And Austin's one of the worst.
They're just robbing us every which way they can, and just giggling and snickering at us and saying it's for the earth, when it has nothing to do with the environment.
But more and more, we're winning.
And you're right.
Saying Ron Paul can win, pointing out that he's number one, number two, or number three in all the polls, and that their statement that he can't win is a hoax, we've got to parrot the truth.
He can win.
He can win.
He will win.
And also attacking Rick Perry, because I wouldn't even...
Normally I don't even get involved in presidential elections, because it's puppet A, puppet B, lesser of two evils isn't real.
This one is all in.
We've got a real candidate.
We have got to annihilate Mitt Romney politically, and annihilate Rick Perry.
And it shouldn't be hard.
Obamacare author, Romney, Mr. Carbon Tax Romney, Mr. Globalist Romney, that kindles bad news.
And then you've got a Perry.
I mean, Hilary Lover, Hilary Healthcare Takeover, in the mid-90s, takeover artist.
Al Gore's chief in Texas.
I mean, it's like Ron Pulford in Laughing two days ago, and he said, how could anyone vote for Rick Perry?
What's wrong with these people?
I mean, if moron conservatives vote for Rick Perry, they get what they deserve.
You people are idiots!
I'm sorry, go ahead.
No, we just need to beat them on their top-down, bottom-up approach.
You know, once again, people need to look in your own cities.
The city of Lexington spends over $325,000 a year, I've got documentation on this, to fund a private
Yeah, it should all be shut down, take over the school board and spend that $300,000 either by cutting it for taxpayers or to teach the Constitution in class.
Don't teach them how to love Al Gore and then the schools have Al Gore books and show Al Gore movies and then he makes all the money off that and they got Rothschild books about polar bears can't swim.
Absolutely, you gotta go in there
And stop letting them take your tax money to then go brainwash your child with a bunch of fraud.
What's going on?
I appreciate your call.
Good to hear from you, Bill.
Now that the sea levels are dropping, and that the ice caps are getting bigger, they're saying global warming causes ice caps to get bigger.
It causes more polar bears.
And it causes dropping sea levels.
Pay Al Gore money!
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, Larry Pratt's coming up in about 25 minutes.
I'm about to go right back to your calls.
After Larry leaves us, I'm going to get into our top story.
Even Goldman Sachs secretly believes that an economic collapse is coming, and is telling their top people to bet on it, while telling the general public everything's fine.
We're going to be going over that.
Huge news on that front.
Of course, Bob Chapman always joins us in the third hour.
Gold is up 40-something bucks today.
It's getting back up to 1900 levels.
Getting very close to it.
I want to talk about Drudge Report here for a moment.
I've always talked about Drudge Report for 16 years that I've been on air.
Well, Drudge has been the king daddy of alternative media, and now, of course, it's admitted that he drives more traffic than Facebook, Twitter combined, more than the New York Times.
It is the absolute number one news and information website in the world.
Governments, the president can call for all the networks to carry a speech, and it doesn't drive one-tenth the news that Drudge Report can, unless Obama does a hoax or something.
Unless they run a hoax like the whole Bin Laden thing.
Take Coast to Coast AM.
Since George Norie's been hosting it for eight years, it grew from already being the number one overnight talk show.
I saw numbers just the other day in an online radio newspaper that had links to the ratings.
On average now, 55% of the total radio listening audience overnight, of the entire radio audience, music, talk, everything,
Is George Norrie.
Think about that.
In the United States, overnight, more than half the country listening to radios, listening to George Norrie.
Why is that?
Because he covers topics that the mainstream media doesn't.
He covers a wide spectrum of them.
Doesn't mean he agrees with it all, or that I agree with it all.
The point is, it's thought-provoking.
People are in to open, free discussions, and don't trust the system.
And Norrie has taken a more anti-globalist, patriotic
uh... libertarian ron paul type stance because that's what he believes in and that's made the show even more popular so congratulations to george norrie for
It looks like in about six months, if he continues to grow at this rate, he will be bigger than Rush Limbaugh.
He will have more than 22 million listeners in a week.
If you count the weekend, the coast-to-coast family is already a lot bigger than Limbaugh.
And I'm not bashing Limbaugh.
He's the king of any media.
I mean, nobody's got, unless it's a football game, a national NFL, has got 20-something million people, you know, 10 million a day tuning in.
I mean, it's a big deal that we have five million a week tune in, a million and a half, two million, some days two and a half million on AM and FM stations, internet, shortwave.
It's a big deal to have 600,000 people download the podcast every day.
It's a big deal to be number one on Shoutcast and have, what is it, over 350,000 listen to live streams every day.
I mean, we are rising as well, but it's not so much my talent as the information.
People are hungry for an alternative.
Now, we've talked about reaching 22 million people.
We've talked about stuff like that, but let's talk about the absolute
I mean, I was there at Talkers, you know, to talk to all the big radio execs and hosts about my secret from coming from nowhere, with no advertising, nothing, and dominating.
And I said, I tell the truth.
I don't script things.
I don't just try to be controversial and, you know, have flatulent noises in the background like Howard Stern or something.
We actually, you know, we hit the facts.
People are hungry for that.
I said, so just tell the truth.
It's the same thing with Drudge.
Drudge has always been number one for 16 years, but he becomes more and more number one.
No matter how many times the mainstream media runs the hoax that Drudge is no longer number one.
Drudge, and I see this all the time, Drudge isn't as important as he used to be.
He doesn't set the agenda.
They're saying that in their feudal death throes of the dinosaur corporate horror media.
I mean, have you been to Alexa.com and looked at the ratings for Drudge?
Have you been to all the other benchmark actuaries, Google Analytics?
The guy's site is going up like a Saturn rocket into deep space.
Straight up.
And as he gets more hardcore, I mean, look at him.
Front page.
Be afraid.
He's making a joke out of Homeland Security issuing travel advisory for 9-11.
And then he says, be not afraid.
Big says, no credible intel.
On attacks.
He links to my news.
He leads the charge against the TSA rapers and the rapist scan systems.
He's got the headline up there.
Illegal workers got billions from IRS in tax credits.
Normally, that mainstream article would get almost no attention, but Drudge knows what people are interested in.
It's what he's interested in.
That's the secret of my show.
What I think's important, what concerns me,
That's why so many times I'll be on my own websites, do my own research, and I go over and look at Drudge, and I'm like, wow, that's exactly what I think about it.
Because it's about being in the reality-based community.
You know, Drudge tweeted a few months ago a quote, I don't remember my exact quote, he was listening to the show, and I said, there's no rest for people that live in reality.
And there isn't.
So, again, I'm not even here, you know, saying, oh my gosh, Drudge, you're so wonderful.
And obviously I am.
He's really helped us fight tyranny.
And of course,
Some of the other folks that work with him, like Mr. Curl, doing a great job.
What I'm talking about here is the fact that he is successful and two or three people can run a website bigger than the Washington Post, New York Times, Fox News website, you name it combined.
He can do that because he's got the pulse of the people.
You mainstream media folks do not.
We're sick of garbage.
We're sick of disinfo.
We're sick of propaganda.
Drudge does stuff like has flashbacks.
Where he'll show the State Department five or six times saying Libya will be overthrown within weeks.
Qaddafi will be out, you know, within days showing the lies.
That's all he's got to do is show what they've done.
Now, I'm going to your calls.
I just wanted to read some of the numbers here while we're congratulating Matt Drudge and DrudgeReport.com.
Listen to this.
Thanks for making August the second largest month in Drudge Report's 16-year history.
The site was viewed 914 million plus times.
914,826,488 times.
Up from last year's 772 plus million.
And 669 plus million the year before that.
And so you see the trend.
I see these articles constantly going, Drudge is dead, Drudge is dead, Mark Twain is dead.
Mark Twain's like, rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated.
Rumors of my demise.
It's because they hate it.
They cannot stand it.
They are pulling their hair out.
Alright, enough about Matt Drudge.
I wish Matt Drudge would come back and do his Sunday night radio show again.
I know everybody would love to hear from him.
Okay, I'm done.
I'm done.
I haven't even gotten to 110 to this.
I'm going to get to all of it.
Larry Pratt's coming up, but the big one is Goldman Sachs says the economy's going under, but just like with Timberwolf and their division, they said, we're going to sell these suckers total bleeping garbage.
We're going to sell our customers total trash.
We're going to, right before 2008.
You know, they had the earthquake and one of the executives put a tweet out saying it wasn't an earthquake, it was my wallet hitting the ground.
Let's go ahead and, well, I wouldn't mind if it had a big wall if it wasn't a bunch of looted money.
Carl in California, thanks for holding her on the air.
Yes, sir.
My brother in free humanity.
I don't want to be crazy like Alex Jones.
I'm trying to get there.
Carl, soon calling you from Oregon.
I'm moving in a month.
Well, welcome, sir.
What's on your mind?
Getting out of... Okay.
I'm sure you're in the mood for good news.
Okay, tell me.
Oregon State, the state I'm going to, has blocked the use of the USA Patriot Act.
I knew quite a few states had done that.
Did they just recently do it?
Yes, I heard about that recently.
I forget where the source was that I saw that.
I think it was on a DVD or something like that.
Anyway, that's the good news.
Three questions for you, and then I'll let you get on to other callers, because I know the time is short here.
Did you know the Federal Reserve buys all U.S.
citizens' birth certificates and makes us corporate citizens?
You know, I didn't used to believe that, but I've now seen that they do in federal documents, and internationally at the International Bank of Settlements, claim all of us as their property, and say that we pledge their fiat currency, and they actually say they own us.
And that yes, the birth certificate in commerce, that's why they really pushed to get them filed now, and to get you the social security number, does mark you as chattel owned by the fellow reserve.
Question number two.
Why doesn't, you were speaking about George Norrie, why doesn't George Norrie believe in the 9-11 was an inside job?
I don't really agree with that.
I've been on his show.
I've listened to it.
I work a lot.
I mean, I go home a lot at 11 o'clock at night, and they re-air two hours of his show from the night before when I'm driving home, what, from 10 to midnight before he goes live.
So I probably listen, because I live in the country now, to like 40 minutes of the show.
As long as I'll sit there in the car, you know, listening for 20 minutes in the parking lot, my wife comes out and says, what are you doing?
It's almost midnight.
But, I mean, I hear him all the time say criminal elements were involved and allowed it to happen as a pretext to take liberty.
And he's had me on, I don't know, probably 20 times on 9-11.
He's had Jesse Ventura on.
He talks about it constantly.
So, I'm not hearing the same George Noria that you are.
Third question, and then I'll let you get on to other callers.
He's got my vote, no question.
I love the guy.
But what is in the platform for Dr. Ron Paul to abolish the globalists?
Well, he knows that if you, he said abolish the Fed many times.
He says first they want to audit it, and then that'll be the evidence to get rid of them.
It hasn't ever been audited.
And he said as president he's not a dictator, so he couldn't wave a magic wand.
He would have to try to, you know, get Congress with the people supporting him to go back to our republic form of government.
We had an open carry last night.
Just wanted to let you know about that because you were speaking about guns just a few minutes ago.
We had an open carry last night at our market night.
I don't know who they were, but they were utilizing their constitutional rights to bear arms.
Well, I have to say, that's the biggest revolution out there.
Because if people are calling cops on folks that put their deer rifle in the back of their car, even in rural areas, we've got to start showing our guns to everybody so they get it.
Hey, moron, it's not illegal.
What else happened with it?
Well, I heard from a few of the people there, I was with my group of people, the dentist group that passes out the DVDs at the market night, said that they were apparently going to report them to the Department of Homeland Security.
Well, good!
They can report all of us!
And when Homeland Security comes, we say, we know you ship the guns into Mexico and ship narcotics in and run all the kiddie porn.
Hello, criminal!
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Everybody knows that the days are loaded.
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed.
Everybody knows the war is over.
Everybody knows the good guys lost.
Okay, Larry Pratt's coming up.
We'll continue with your calls when Bob Chapman joins us.
I'm going to get to David, Aaron, Paul, Lee Lee, and others.
Toll free number to join us, 800-259-9231.
Coming up in the news, and I know why I've mentioned this but I haven't gotten to it in an hour and a half of airtime here, is because I'm upset.
I've known all this is coming and I don't even want to have to announce this to you.
It's like telling you a year ago we had cancer and now it's just completely evident that the country's going in the wrong direction.
And it's all been engineered.
That's the important point to understand.
This was not done by accident.
Jobs are zero this month.
No new jobs added.
Ladies and gentlemen, those are Cook numbers.
We haven't been adding jobs for 20 years in this country.
And the ones we have gotten, in an overall loss, have been mainly service crud.
We lose the dollar, we lose that.
Also, first time since 1945,
That our economy has been this dead.
Unemployment 9.1.
Totally cooked.
More like 33 in California.
That's even 60 minutes of analysis with their economists they had on.
22 to 24 nationwide.
Just totally fake numbers.
AP oops report could show signs of modest growth.
That's how they spin it.
Obama, no comment off the presidential retreat.
One year ago, there are better days ahead.
Dow plunges 2%.
The big news here is that, well, I'm going to get to it, but give us some insider Goldman Sachs docs.
Let's go back to your calls.
Let's talk to David in Arizona.
David, thanks for holding.
Hey, Alex, what's going on?
Prism Planet TV member.
I just want to tell you that nightly news is unreal.
That's like the best thing you guys come up with.
Give me your review of it.
Oh, like 10 out of 10.
It's great.
I'm going to show my whole family, everyone I can.
You know, I'm going up.
Long weekend.
We got our Wi-Fi up there and...
I'm gonna go over the whole thing with all of them.
You know, tonight, special report after the news.
Some nights we'll have two hours of special reports.
We're going to premiere documentaries.
We're going to have roundtable discussions.
Down the road, if we get enough members, we're going to hire more reporters.
I'm going to try to find folks that are up to mustard to host their own shows here out of my operation.
I'd like to end up with ten hours of live television a day out of there and then retransmit it.
The satellites are easy.
I've already got satellite companies want to give me channels.
I've just got to get this thing together first.
But it's very exciting.
But, I mean, it's power-packed, folks.
People have seen the YouTube videos we do that are highly produced.
This is more produced than that.
Focused, documented.
It's not just me up here talking and showing you news articles.
It's many levels past that.
But you did like it?
Oh, yeah.
And the quality, everything's great.
It's like a regular newscast.
Well, you know, a few weeks ago it was a little dark and things just as we weren't done yet.
Now we've had the lighting folks in and it's just gonna get better and better and better.
What's on your mind today?
Hey, uh, I'd called a few months ago and I told you I'd been to the Bohemian Grove.
I just wanted to tell you that since I've been there, the person I went there for is now officially a member of the CFR.
It's kind of funny.
So you went to assist someone and now they're part of the Council on Foreign Relations?
Yeah, no, I went to the Bohemian Grove for a wedding.
And now that person is on the CFR.
That's right.
They have the super-secret 15-day encampment in July.
July 15th to July 31st or July 30th, it depends.
But the members are able to then, in the off-season, have a wedding there.
Did you see Moloch, the loving idol?
No, they didn't show us that.
I have one other thing.
I'm going to have a chance to
Hopefully see a Bilderberger attendee.
I've seen her at plenty of other meetings.
Uh, Indra Nooyi.
Yeah, that's the head of Pepsi?
And I'd like to, you know, maybe... Do you have any ideas on...
Confronting her, asking her anything, because I'd love to talk to her about Biphenyl A. Well, I would just tell her, yeah, I would say you're going along with this globalist thing.
I know it's giving you a lot of power, but can't you see it's destroying society?
And why do you put aspartame that's the fecal matter of a genetically engineered bioweapon E. coli?
I mean, I know why, Indra.
It's highly toxic.
It's addictive.
It's a cytotoxin.
Do you know about Russell Blaylock?
Do you want this on your soul?
And if she giggles about it, just say okay.
But it's good to just hammer these people with the truth.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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I think so.
We're good.
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to 2 p.m.
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Then there's InfoWars Nightly News every evening.
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Central, 8 p.m.
Eastern, 5 Pacific, 6 Mountain, and then we just re-stream it right after the show ends over and over again until the next day when we kick off the radio show at InfoWars Nightly News.
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That's InfoWarsNews.com.
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PrisonPlanet.tv, an armory of resistance, an armory of information against tyranny.
Knowledge is power.
The people perish for lack of knowledge.
We're going to Larry Pratt with huge breaking news here in just a moment of Gun Owners of America and the ATF gun running scandal that could bring down Obama and should.
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This is a big deal.
And of course, Larry Pratt, the head of Gunners of America, really was at the tip of the spear breaking this nationally when he was able to get on several national television programs.
The information was already out there.
The ATF agents had tried to go public and said, we're ordered to let guns be shipped into Mexico that are killing cops and border patrol.
But Larry was really the first on Fox and other channels to be able to point out in a national forum
That indeed the government did know about this and had perjured themselves.
And now it's been confirmed the White House knew in congressional testimony.
Eric Holder did perjure himself as he put out press releases last year bragging about their program in plain view.
And so this should bring them down.
I hope Republicans aren't thinking, hey, he's dropping politically, he's a dead political duck, let's just, you know, use his weakness.
Because he's not weak.
He's launching wars without congressional approval, carbon taxes without congressional approval, ATF gun laws without a law, power grabbing.
He's too dangerous.
And it's more than that.
The Republican establishment is engaged in dirty tricks as well in the past.
So we need to see if the Tea Party can really take America back and punish Barack Obama.
Larry Pratt, is it not impeachable?
I mean, we know, as you know, it's come out that the White House didn't know and it's come out that holders lied.
I mean, shouldn't there be congressional impeachment hearings beginning to explore impeachment?
I think Representative Dan Issa, the head of the Oversight Committee in the House,
is heading in that direction he's proceeding very methodically because uh... my impression is he understands the hostility of the democrat media uh... and their eagerness to defend uh... their colleague heading their current regime and so he didn't want to make any mistakes and his research has been spot on everything he's put out has been flawless in fact they tried to do a hit job on him from the new york times and
He answered that very effectively.
This guy is tough, smart.
He's caught him in perjury over and over again with the memos and emails.
Yes, and I think he's going to have perjury charges and obstruction of justice charges for refusal to produce information that are eventually going to culminate in certainly a contempt of Congress.
And what we've been hoping is that he might consider having the House appoint an independent counsel, put him in the Speaker of Arms office, develop the case, present charges, and have the Capitol Hill Police arrest for whatever crimes were committed in the White House.
They can arrest anywhere in the District of Columbia.
So, I've been saying that if we see that some of these officials in the Justice Department and ATF begin to telecommute from their suburban homes, you'll know that ICE is about ready to put them in the pokey.
Well, it is a good sign that the guy had to resign, but to chronicle in a nutshell what Fast and Furious is, and then what's happened since then, and it was actually the Tampa office that was involved shipping the guns into Honduras as well, you corrected me.
By the container load!
By the container load!
Man, that's a bunch of guns!
They don't do things in small ways, do they?
The Fast and Furious was concocted at a multi-agency meeting in October of 2009, the ATF being the point of the spear.
But FBI, DEA, border control... And remember, they say they knew nothing and it was only locals doing this on their own.
I mean, they've been caught lying.
Sorry, go ahead.
I know, there's so many opportunities to be a little excited about this.
So the idea was that they took a legitimate police operation, a sting operation, where they would watch a suspicious sale and once an illegal act occurred, boom, they'd make the arrest.
October of 09, they said, let's just let the guns go into Mexico.
Now the official line was, that way we'll be able to somehow track them and see where they go and up to the Mr. Biggs of the drug cartel.
Well, hey, we know who the Mr. Biggs are.
The trouble is finding them.
And there was absolutely no way at all that they could
Once they let those guns walk into Mexico, they were losing all track of the evidence, and you just don't do that in police work.
That's just absolutely inconceivable.
But regardless, they've been caught lying about it and perjuring themselves and continuing with what's come out in court.
What was the breaking point when the head of the ATF, the nominee, the acting head, squealed and said, listen, I didn't do this alone, the FBI, the DEA were involved, of course the Attorney General knows.
Was that the breaking point?
It might have actually been earlier, and the ATF acting head may have testified as a result of some ratting out that was done by Dennis Burke, the U.S.
Attorney in Phoenix,
uh... who had been the chief of staff of Janet Napolitano, the secretary of homeland insecurity.
Burke has been forced to resign and I think that was in retaliation for his having pointed the finger all the way up to the top.
Now, just as you were introing, I was looking at some info from Mike Vanderbilt, who is the blogger who is mainly responsible for having dug up
All this information that we're now talking about, who got in touch with the whistleblowing agents and who got them linked up to Mr. Grassley and Mr. Issa in the U.S.
This says that now they have possession of email that had gone from the head of the Phoenix office, where they were operating fast and furious, to three individuals in the White House, a North American Affairs Director for
I think?
All involved in the national security area.
So we've got this thing is so interwoven into what was going on for a long time.
There were a lot of people who had a lot of knowledge about what this was really all about.
And so guns into Mexico is only the tip of the iceberg.
Now it's guns by the giant container load out of Tampa and other areas of Florida into Honduras.
And one of the things that was also happening, and I don't think I've been able to mention this on your show before, one of the guys that the ATF was monitoring as is making these questionable purchases and lots of guns, and of course getting them walked into Mexico, was an FBI informant who'd been a drug dealer, had been convicted, and was given a chance to rat out other guys by doing what he was doing as the
This straw purchaser.
So here's this FBI agent buying all these guns and apparently he had all this money to buy the guns because the FBI, the DEA, and ICE had made a deal with Sinaloa Cartel to let drugs into the country so that they could get a cut of that to buy the guns.
Cool, huh?
Absolutely, and that's now come out in the Chicago Tribune and also in federal documents is how they got that, and of course in the El Paso Times.
Now, Celica Steele, a former DEA agent, school teacher, after he got out of the DEA, he told us this six years ago that there was already some of this going on, and then he said about three years ago that it was expanding, and he said it had gone hog wild under Obama.
And then they came and arrested him for having a couple shotguns and said that he was illegally selling guns and he's now in prison, should get out soon.
So we actually knew about this a long time ago, just from that one source and a couple others that confirmed that was going on.
But this looks like Iran-Contra here, because you've got the drug dealers allowed to bring cocaine in.
And you've got guns being shipped into Latin America to knock out the competition.
This whole thing, I mean, but this is even more cut and dry than Iran-Contra.
I mean, there should be immediate, giant congressional hearings on this.
Let's make one point here.
We don't know yet what Obama knew when, nor do we know what Holder knew when.
But we can say this with all Nixonian certainty.
The fact that they have not fired these individuals
These four individuals that have been transferred into Washington jobs.
They promoted them!
They, well, they may not have promoted them, but they moved them in closer to them in their headquarters operation.
Whatever the case, they didn't fire them.
That means Obama and Holder own the cover-up.
But that, I mean, as you said, that came out in Congress, what is it, at least four high level people in the White House communicating back and forth.
Of course Obama knows.
This is a giant three agency operation.
I mean, of course they're involved.
In fact, it's even more agencies than that.
It's ATF, FBI, DEA, Border Patrol, ICE, Coast Guard, State Department, and for whatever reason, the IRS.
Maybe they were charging sales tax on this.
Wait, wait, wait.
So I'm learning something here.
But again, the Attorney General is saying he never knew about it, but you've got six, seven agencies involved.
This is amazing!
Boy, I bet Eric Holder can feel the flames of his political destruction lapping at his hind end.
You know, I think I've said this before on this show.
I would like to have an exclusive dealership at the Justice Department and at the ATF for selling the pens.
Because they've got to have digestive trouble right about now.
And again, they've been trying to cover this up.
As you said, they've had the New York Times, Washington Post, others attacking.
Anybody that talks about this?
Why do you think CBS has been so fair on this?
CBS is normally one of the worst water carriers for Obamanoids and Clintonistas.
Well, initially they let go, let her have her way, Sheryl Atkinson.
She is an incredible reporter.
I've had lunch with her.
I still don't know what her politics are.
She is professional.
And she got the info from Mike Vanderbilt and was willing to work with Mike and realized that when she got in touch with the agents that Mike knew what he was saying.
And so she ran with these stories.
They didn't apparently, at CBS Hierarchy, see the political implication right away for their Democrat buds in the regime.
When they realized that, she was able to continue reporting, but not on television.
So you have to go to cbsnews.com, or just go to gunowners.org, because we've got a link right to her, and you don't have to
Fetch around on their page.
Just go to GunOwners.org and she's got a wonderful archive of her broadcast and printed or electronic information.
She helps break the story and I've seen it now it's relegated to some under a rock place.
So that shows you right there.
Well, what about... And Fox was a long time getting on this thing, but now they do.
I must say, they cover it very regularly with William Lajeunesse, who's in their West Coast Division.
He's been to Mexico, he's been to Arizona, and he's a good reporter.
He's doing a good job.
Now, we've interviewed William Lajunas.
I remember, like, ten years ago, he did a story on Agenda 21 and UN takeover of America, and it showed the Green Police in little comedy pieces, you know, coming and seizing people's houses, but now that's actually, actually happening.
Now, expanding on... And until two days ago, Alex, NBC had nothing.
They finally had an article, and ABC has yet to show up.
They're still M.I.A.
Larry, where does it go from here?
I mean, why aren't we seeing Boehner going after this?
Why aren't we seeing other Republican leadership?
In fact, I should have brought it up with Ron Paul just a few days ago.
They're letting Issa take the lead on this thing.
He's going to have more hearings in October.
He's already indicated that there are a lot of other questions that he wants to have answered.
And I think in due course he's going to make the moves and hopefully this is going to become big enough that if nothing else some of the Republican candidates ought to take this up and start talking about Obama the head mobster and and bring some of this stuff into the discussion as they give their speeches and I think
We may not see action taken against Obama and company before the elections, but I do think that if we get this word out enough, and we have ways of doing that, and you're one of the big ways we have of doing that, he'll be a one-term president.
Well, that's great, but I would also like to see Holder behind bars, and I know these are mobsters, I don't like having to get up here and stand up against them.
Well, if we get a new sheriff, and if we have a new attorney general, and appointed by a president who's got a belly for the fight, then I think we could see that, because this is, imagine, right now we already know of at least 200 people and counting that have been slain using these fast and furious weapons.
And it's going to continue because they've only recovered 600 of the 2,000 guns that were let go.
So you've got to believe that they're not all going to be in my hunting safe waiting for an occasional usage.
And so this means that this thing's going to continue to mount.
And the number of people involved...
Every one of those guns that was sold involved a number of federal and state violations.
We're hoping that we can interest a state prosecutor in reckless endangerment charges, conspiracy to commit murder charges, because a lot of the people that were involved in this, you know, there were two or three that I can think of right off the top, at the leadership of the Phoenix office were directing this.
Mostly against unwilling, unhappy agents who were told, hey, if you don't like what we're doing, go get another job.
Stay there, Larry.
I want to hit a few final items with you on the other side and talk about other gun-grabbing issues that are taking place.
But there's another article in Fox News today where it's documented that from the beginning, federal officials tried to cover up evidence that the gun that killed Terry was one of the government intentionally helped sell to Mexican cartels.
So there's more evidence of the obstruction.
I mean, we've got these people.
What more of an investigation is needed?
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I was talking to Larry Pratt during the break and he said, it's the ATF laboratory.
Where they set people up all the time.
They come to your house, raid it, get your semi-auto you bought from the store you haven't altered, and they go manipulate it to fire full-auto and you're going to prison.
They love targeting law-abiding citizens and Larry...
I have this article of the Orleans County Record in Massachusetts, where a retired cop who's run for sheriff, no criminal record, is a gun dealer for many years, and they raided his house and called it an arsenal, and haven't charged him, they're just, quote, taking his guns.
I see this all the time.
It's kind of like people getting arrested for filming police.
And if that's the case that I saw too, those were largely antique guns over which they have no jurisdiction.
So, I mean, they're absolutely lawless.
And it's not uniform.
There are some, for instance, in the D.C.
area, there's contempt for the guys out in the Arizona office.
And when the Arizona office wanted to mess around with a small dealer that transferred machine guns for people that were buying them and bringing them into the state, they couldn't get any cooperation from the
Guys working in the Maryland area, they had to send in their own guys from the Phoenix office.
So, even in the BATF, there are those with enough honor and integrity to just say, I'm not going to work with people like you.
So I suspect something like that is going on up in Massachusetts and it may mean that the guys in the Boston office are a bunch of badniks as well.
You don't know from one office to another whether they're going to be okay and just try to behave like cops or whether they think they're on a mission to destroy the Second Amendment.
Well Larry, we're going to talk more tonight on InfoWars Nightly News on some of the subjects we haven't had time to get into, but let's start to cover some of those.
What's the other threats we're seeing right now to the Second Amendment and where does it stand with this extrajudicial rules now where they're ordering gun shops to report people and not sell them, you know, two or more guns?
That's the most amazing thing.
That was what they were hoping to get
If they pulled off Fast and Furious and they were able to blame you and me for all the guns, will ya?
Then, they get caught in a conspiracy to commit murder.
And they say, well, the answer is more control over the American citizen.
So in those four southwestern states, they're telling dealers who keep their licenses at the pleasure of the ATF, you must submit a multiple sales report on anybody buying two or more rifles within a five-day period.
That is against federal law.
The federal law only requires handguns.
To have multiple sales report.
So, once again, Emperor Obama has decided what shall be done.
And the law, well, just take the hindmost.
I know you've been critical of the NRA because they've actually been pro-gun control in the past.
You've published briefs on that, but have you looked at their lawsuit dealing with these extrajudicial ATF regulations?
You think they're doing a good thing there?
So far, we think so, and if it ends up going up on appeal, it's our intention to file amicus briefs.
Except for the Olovson case, we just really have never thought we had the resources to actually do the trial litigation work.
That's where the big bucks come in.
Bad enough on an amicus.
So, we're looking at that, and if there are any things that we think should be said that are not being said, then that's what the amicus brief is all about.
Do you think political pressure is starting to get to the NRA with their members to actually force them to occasionally do something with the Second Amendment?
They've been that way all along, really.
And one of the things that is interesting is that what you're doing and what the blogosphere does is what helps really push them along.
Folks need to sign up for your free email alerts that are absolutely essential.
I know I get them on my iPhone at gunowners.org.
Or get a membership.
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Larry Pratt will talk to you tonight.
Look forward to it.
Thank you so much.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
The East Coast of the United States has been flooded
Off and on the last three, four months.
Meanwhile, Texas is in one of the worst droughts in 60 years.
I wish that hurricane wouldn't hit Louisiana where they don't need it, or that tropical storm.
I wish it would hit Texas.
That's what we need is a hurricane to come sit right over Austin for about a week.
I hate watching all the fish die in the creeks and animals run around looking for water.
Okay, Bob Chapman is coming up in the next segment to get into the huge developments on the economic front.
Then I'm going to continue with your phone calls as well.
Don't forget, InfoWars Nightly News is coming up tonight, 7 o'clock.
Really excited about the great response from listeners.
But the main story I want to get into with our guest that's coming up
Bob Chapman is even Goldman Sachs secretly believes an economic collapse is coming.
We're going to be talking about that in a moment with Bob Chapman.
But right now, let's go to your phone calls.
I appreciate people holding.
Aaron in Nevada, you're a trooper.
Welcome to the airwaves.
Thank you very much, Alex.
I just want to disagree with your decision, apparently, because I've searched your website, stem to stern.
There is not even one story about the upcoming Palestinian statehood vote, September 20th, the opening of the UN General Assembly.
There's nothing there at all.
It's okay to report on it.
ABC News is reporting on it, CNN, Bloomberg.
They're all reporting on it, but you're not reporting on it.
And I really would like to hear Paul Watson's take on it, even Aaron Dyke's take on it, but you're not covering.
Is there a reason why?
Please respond.
Yeah, put the camera on me.
I don't even know what you're talking about.
I mean, I've seen it in the news.
I've read articles on our site concerning it.
I've read articles about violence.
We had articles about stun grenades being passed out to most of the Israelis ahead of a new Intifada.
I covered it, I think, earlier in the week.
And, you know, number one, I am sick of hearing about Israel.
I'm like Ron Paul.
I'm like, cut all the foreign funding.
Nobody's going to attack Israel.
They got 800 nuclear weapons.
At least 400 are admitted.
High tech.
Some jet aircraft better than what the U.S.
I'm sick of it!
I don't want foreign aid to Mexico.
I don't want it to Israel.
I don't want it to Egypt.
I'm done.
And I'm sick of it.
I'm not obsessed with Israel.
I'm obsessed with liberty and freedom.
And I'm not even mad at you, but you have this accusatory...
Really almost haughty, like, satisfaction that you've caught me.
I'd like to hear.
And I don't know what you're talking about.
I mean, I know that they're having that vote come up.
I know they've had all these... I mean, it's been going on since 1947.
Nobody's going anywhere.
And, I mean, I covered it when the people came out of Syria and got mowed down.
And I said that was horrible and wrong.
And so that's the end of it.
I mean, really, I don't like being falsely accused of something.
Now, I do see comments all the time like, why aren't you covering this?
And I'm like, ooh, let me check that.
I'm like, well, thank you for telling me.
This is my issue, and I don't want to belabor this.
I've got a cold.
Okay, I feel absolutely horrible right now.
I didn't hardly sleep last night.
I was on coast to coast last night.
I left here at like 11 o'clock last night.
I work hard.
And just to have somebody call in and say, where is this information when I know I've covered it and seen it, it's just bizarre.
Why don't you do a website and tell us about it?
But again, you don't believe me that we covered it, right?
Because I can't be a good guy, is that right?
Alex, you're like biggest supporter, but I'm also willing to criticize you where I think you're soft pedaling something.
No, I searched your website for making this call today, so it's not like some irrational... Hold on a minute, hold on a minute.
There's false stuff out there about me, like saying I support the Israeli attack on the flotilla, which I never said and wasn't true, and people play the clip and say I'm saying it when I didn't.
So there's a lot of weirdness going on here.
The Israeli lobby attacks me all the time.
But I will not get into this whole Israel obsession thing.
I do not.
It's not my religion.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
All right, Bob Chapman riding shotgun with us throughout the hour, taking your phone calls and, well, getting into the incredibly important economic news that I'm about to get into and then get Bob's expert analysis and take on it.
Last week, well, he called the big dip in gold with total precision.
It's almost sickeningly accurate.
We posted his articles from the International Forecaster at Infowars.com two weeks ago before that happened.
He did it a day and a half before.
Then he predicted exactly what it's now done today.
It's getting right up there close to 1900 again.
And so we're going to get his take on where we're going through the rest of the year with gold, silver, the economy, and your phone calls.
But if you just joined us, there was a caller earlier, Aaron in Nevada.
And I guess he's still there.
I'm not going to turn this into a 10-hour discussion, but let me explain something.
I don't cover things, generally, from the angle of the pro-Israel lobby or the anti-Israel lobby.
When I was mainly a mainline conservative 16, 17 years ago, and there's clips of this on the web, I was, the UN doesn't like Israel, the globalists don't like it, so Israel's okay.
My understanding has gotten more sophisticated.
But I actually have an allergy to Israel.
I'm sick of hearing about it.
Those people are all going to be killing each other forever, and I'm tired of it.
I don't obsess over Australia.
I don't obsess over Austria.
I don't obsess over Chile.
I don't obsess over Timbuktu.
And I'm just sick of my whole life having to hear about Israel, Israel, Israel, Palestine, Palestine.
And then, since I've been on air 16 plus years, weirdos, man, trying to get me to take on their pet project of, you won't talk about Scientologists all day, you must be one.
Look, there's a guy named Alex Jones in Scientology.
It's me.
No, it's not.
I'm not some 65-year-old guy with black hair.
Or Alex works for the Vatican.
He spoke at a Catholic university once when he was asked to speak.
You know, on and on and on.
I'm not, I'm not any of these things, okay?
I don't, I don't even go to mainline church except occasionally, and it's Methodist and Baptist.
I'm just a guy who wants peace and liberty.
I want my republic.
I want the foreign banks out of my country.
But a guy calls in, and he says, why aren't you covering Palestinian statehood vote in the UN?
Because I'm sick of it!
I'm tired of it!
It's dumb!
Nothing's gonna change.
Israel's an armed camp with 400 to 800 high-powered nukes, submarines, jets.
If Palestinians or Arabs from the Golan out of Syria come across, they're going to get shot!
And now you've got an Arab Spring going on over there that's globalist funded?
We told you years before they were about to do this, and it's just a giant quagmire.
And there's other things going on other than this, and I'm tired of it.
And, and, it's just an example of the, it's like, it's like, uh, common elenin.
People tell me I gotta cover this.
It's not gonna kill us in October.
I have my own issues that I'm into.
And the sickening religion of obsessing on Israel and bashing Israel, it's sickening.
And the sickening political religion of worshipping Israel by people that aren't even Israelites, or from Israel, Israelis.
Obsessing and tying it into everything that doesn't even matter.
I mean, it's like, I'll talk about the price of tea in China and I get some comment about, you're just bashing Israel.
I'm sick of it!
I'm so tired of people cornering me and going, Alex, I really like you, but is it true you're anti-Semitic?
You know, I told the story once, I've told it a lot now, and I'm going to Bob Chapman, and I'll give a last comment to Aaron in Nevada, but I appreciate Bob holding the internationalforecaster.com.
I had a dog named Helmut, and I got him in high school.
It was a runaway lab, and we took him and put posters up to make him find out where, you know, whose he was.
So we had the dog.
And then I went away to college and had him in the apartment, and he would dig out under the little tiny backyard thing at the apartment, and he finally got hit by a car.
And, uh, they wanted to chop his entire front right leg off.
And I said, no, let's just see if the nerves come back.
And actually most of them did come back, but he had to, part of the muscle was dead.
No nerve here to throw it forward.
And I, and my parents had three and a half acres.
They still do.
Well, that comes in a moment.
The point is that I would take him to dog parks.
And he liked to jog, and I'd go for a two or three mile jog with him, and he'd be swinging his foot forward while he ran.
And women!
Mainly would say, oh, what's wrong with your puppy?
What's wrong with him?
What happened to him?
And they would talk to the dog like I wasn't there.
And I'm like, did he do something to you?
And the first 300 or 400 times, I would just say, no, he was hit by a car.
He was hit by a car.
No, he was hit by a car.
Well, why is he done?
Well, they wanted to chop his leg off.
So it's partially paralyzed, but he's able to move it.
He's happy.
But, uh, well, uh, maybe check him with a vet.
And after a while, I'm like, SHUT UP!
A few times, I'm like, YES, I BEAT HIM!
You know, it's just mental illness ninnying.
The show isn't about nitpicking Alex Jones.
The globalists are coming down on us, and I gotta go to Bob.
But, I just gave the dog to my parents.
He lived many years and died a few years ago.
I said, you got three and a half acres with a big fence around it.
Please take the dog, because I cannot handle the ninnying comments anymore.
Over and over, they kneel over the dog and go, what happened to your paw?
What did he do to you?
And you're just like, what is your major malfunction, lady?
It was almost always women.
What is your problem?
I mean, if you saw a kid limping mother and dad, it's the same thing.
It's always liberal trendies.
They're not really liberals.
They come around the house, or I see them on the park, and my son's got a birthmark on the side of his head.
And they come over and start talking to him like I don't exist, because they want to take over families.
They go, what happened to you?
Did somebody do something to you?
And he's like, my birthmark?
Is it?
And I'm like, shut up!
You know, at a certain point, my son's there.
I don't want to get mad.
I'm like, listen, you piece of garbage.
I'm not even going back.
I'm done.
Okay, let's go.
I mean, here's the stupid article all over the place.
What does it even mean about Israel's statehood?
Yes, two-state proposed.
1947 should be fulfilled.
This is constant UN votes, constant fracases, and you want me to be obsessed with your fracas?
Okay, what's your take on all this, Bob?
Bob Chapman, do you get where I'm going with this?
I am here, and as the Bard said, much to do about nothing.
Oh, you don't think this is giantly important, and we need to just completely talk about Israel all day?
No, what I think is that it's important, but you can't be possessive about it.
There's all kinds of other things going on in the world.
You've got to tie them all together, and that's what you do.
So, you know, just overlook these people who sometimes are more aggressive than they should be.
And you have your own agendas that you like, and I do too.
That doesn't even matter.
I have one of them today.
We've got gold up almost $50 and I'm almost $25, well actually $23 short of my prediction last week it was gonna go up 200 bucks and I'm very happy about that and I'm very happy about the the bankers are getting their feet screwed to the floor.
Well, we're going to talk about gold coming up.
And again, I shouldn't even have gotten mad at the guy.
It's just, it's like a broken record.
No, listen, you're under a lot of pressure and he should understand that.
Well, it's like a barking dog.
I've got a chihuahua as well.
It knows how to get at the back door and once we let out now, you know, it, it, it wants back in and he goes.
At a perfect frequency that drives you crazy.
Now, here's what I get.
I've been talking about this the whole show, Bob, and I want to get your take and your view on this first, and then we'll get into all the other news.
Obviously, the Wall Street Journal ran a story.
Didn't get really any attention.
Goldman takes a dark view.
A private note to hedge fund clients gives a strategist views.
Ways to gain from global pain.
And just like with Timberwolf and other groups that they controlled, they were telling their clients, buy this, it's great, but then sending emails to each other saying, look at these idiots, this is total bleeping garbage.
Now, here's the article from Economic Collapse at Infowars.com.
Even Goldman Sachs secretly believes that an economic collapse is coming.
Goldman Sachs is doing it again.
Goldman is telling the public that everything is going to be just fine.
But meanwhile, they're advising their top
Clients to bet on a huge financial collapse on August 16th a 54 page report authored by Globe Goldman strategist Alan Brazil was attributed to Institutional clients the general public was not intended to see the report Fortunately some folks the Wall Street Journal got a copy of it and they say basic total collapse bet against it
You know, bet on the collapse, while they have their front man they literally bought and paid for telling us the economy's getting better, everything's fine.
Bob Chapman, they've engineered this, haven't they?
They certainly have.
And they don't care about anything other than the fact that they're going to profit from it.
And in this case, their clients as well.
They should have been on board a long time ago.
We had 11 years now of upside in gold and silver, which is the antithesis of a good economy, good finances, etc.
And they could have been doing that.
No, they were shorting gold and silver along with the JPN, HSBC, Citi and so on.
And that was because
They didn't want gold to do well because, historically, it's the canary in the coal mine, so to speak, and when gold goes up and silver go up, there's a problem.
And they didn't want anybody to know there was a problem.
Now they're saying there is a problem to a select few, and this is what we think you should do to protect yourself.
Whether they talked about gold or not, I don't know.
When I can call the market the way I have, which is absolutely incredible.
Don't ask me how I do it.
All I can say is there's a hand on my shoulder doing something that I don't know how to do, but I do it anyway.
And we've got them nailed.
This is all part of this whole syndrome of world government, control of finances, control of currencies.
Burying the people so that they'll accept world government.
It's an integral part of all of those things.
And what you do, and what I try to do, is bring them all together in a package and explain it simply.
All right, stay there.
Let's come back and look at how bad the economy really is, where gold and silver's going.
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You know why I got irritated at that guy earlier?
I am so sick of charges against me not being true.
There's 98,500 results, and I'm sure it's not anywhere near that many.
If you type in, UN vote on Palestinian statehood, just that combination, I knew I'd read like 10 of them on the site in the last two weeks, and talked about it.
Attacks on Israel as Palestinian statehood gains
There's the top thing, InfoWars.com.
House GOP targets UN over Palestinians.
InfoWars.com, three days ago.
Palestinian statehood, Obama's challenge.
It's a daily beast.
Israel stock up on stun grenades, three days ago, for UN statehood.
I mean, it's just ridiculous how many articles we've got.
It doesn't even matter.
That makes me not even want to cover it even less, because I'm so sick of those numbskulls, man.
They're lies.
They're obsession over nothing in the galaxy exists but Israel.
They are Israel worshippers.
The Israel bashers have given their total soul over to talking about it.
It's like I want to vomit, man.
Going back to Bob Chapman here.
You just tuned in.
Somebody was accusing us of not covering that.
I was like, yeah, I've seen those articles last week.
No, you haven't.
I searched entirely well.
I took 10 seconds and found that.
It doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter.
Ah, boy.
It's like these idiots saying that I'm siding with Gaddafi because I'm against the murder of blacks in Libya.
What does that have to do with it?
There is genocide going on there.
We'll get Bob Chapman's take on that.
Bob, how big of a deal is it, though, that Goldman is telling their big insiders, bet against the economy, it's going to implode?
How bad is it going to get?
First of all, it's a very big deal because they're insider insiders.
They create the inside news.
They're in a position where they connect with all of the most important people in the world behind the scenes that you and I never hear about.
People who are very, very powerful that if somebody told us their name we wouldn't know.
And it's the admission itself to their people who are special to them sometimes as clients
That look, this is what's going to happen, and this is what we've got to do to protect you.
I have to assume they're telling the truth.
Sometimes they don't.
But I would think to these people, who are their clients, they would tend to tell them the truth.
And so the admission itself, that we're on a one-way street, and we're headed towards real economic and financial problems, is a big thing.
It's very, very important.
It bears out what you and I and others like us from a different perspective have been saying for a long time.
And I think that news like this gives us enormous credibility and we should capitalize on it.
It's very important because they're saying the same thing that we are for the same reasons.
Bob, aren't we in a race?
To get the word out that it's the globalists that engineered this, because if we don't educate the public, as Ron Paul has said, they're going to pose as the saviors again.
A, I want you to speak to that.
But B, there's this weird schizophrenia, and that's what gets to me is people not being logical, where we put out our economic analysis decades before, when we saw derivatives scrapped, the controls on it.
You, George Humphrey, countless others I was interviewing at the time, broke it down and helped educate me about it.
And now we're here, they've known the whole time.
We simultaneously get called kooks for being right, while the establishment itself admits this is what's going to happen.
Well, that's typical.
It happens frequently.
And that's okay.
We have skin, skin like the armadillos have.
They don't have to have that because they're in a position to make the rules.
So we're going to change that for them.
Three times in the last three years, the big, it's the big news, Poroshensky told members of the Council on Foreign Relations, look, we got these people out there, they're telling everybody the truth.
We're going to stop them.
If you don't stop them, we're in serious trouble.
We've talked about this on the program before, and your exact words is, we're breathing down their collar.
And you're right.
And we're going to get them.
That's why we work so hard at this.
And Brzezinski's also said, basically, for the first time in history, all of humanity is awake and staring.
And you see Congress with a 9%.
The vast majority of Americans know the government's working against them.
What do you make of the ATF now being caught knowingly shipping guns all over Latin America in containers?
They weren't just letting them leave stores.
That's just the first guys to blow the whistle.
It turns out, narcotics trafficking, everything.
And Larry Pratt brought this up.
Here's Larry Pratt saying the government's stealing narcotics.
And I'm not surprised.
Larry knows what's going on, has for a long time.
He's worked tirelessly to it, making sure people retain their rights to have their weapons and our guns, I should say, for hunting and things like that.
And it doesn't surprise, it shouldn't surprise, the governments today are as corrupt as they've ever been.
And it's just not America, it's most all of them.
Stay right there, Bob.
Call's coming up.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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He can do it as he please And if things don't change soon
Oh, a man has invented his doom First step was touching the moon Now, there's a woman on my block She'll just sit there as the night grows still She'll say, who's gonna take away his license
Okay, we're back live with Bob Chapman.
We're gonna go to your phone calls now and get into some other news.
But I was just shown a clip of Laura Ingraham's radio show with Dick Cheney on it and she introduces him as Darth Vader and Dick Cheney says he's honored to be compared to Darth Vader because of the power of Darth Vader.
Well, I'm the first person I know going back about eight years ago to start comparing Dick Cheney to Darth Vader.
I believe I did coin that, but not because he's powerful like Darth Vader, but because he's bionic and had all those heart attacks and was basically being kept alive and now he literally has an artificial heart on the outside of his body and has no pulse.
You can't make this stuff up.
And few have lived past a year with the type of heart he's got because most people get so depressed over not having a pulse.
Dick Cheney on TV like turns off the...
I saw a reference to him turning it off and laughing as the alarm goes off on TV to freak somebody out.
I mean, I guess he is like Darth Vader.
He is pretty tough.
I mean, not even care if he doesn't have a beating heart.
But, you know, conservatives are like, Cheney's tough.
Cheney gets stuff done.
He's a conservative.
And then you actually look at Dick Cheney's real record.
It's not conservative to butcher the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
What's your view of Dick Cheney now that his new book is out and everything else, Bob Chapman?
Don't go hunting with him.
Oh, man.
Hey, I want to bring something else up to you.
Have you seen these photos of the guy that's got six fingers and six toes?
But they're not like little bitty vestigial ones.
He's actually got the full deal going.
No, I have not seen such.
Don't know anything about it.
Yeah, it's pretty wild and it's got photos of him climbing coconut trees.
Pretty amazing.
Hey, more and more of us are going to be like that with all the GMO we're eating and it's been proven they cause mutations.
Maybe that's the new thing.
Maybe some of us will have, you know, eight fingers, eight toes on each.
Well, maybe, maybe, maybe.
But let's do something better than that.
Let's try to find a way to stop GMO foods.
Well, that's the thing, you know, they corner the market on environmentalism, claiming it's carbon taxes, let's tax carbon dioxide and water vapor, but then they ignore all the real issues.
What do you make of Obama announcing he's going to back off on some of the carbon regulations?
A, and have you seen Der Spiegel?
They now say the sea level's dropping because of global warming, because that kind of blew up in their face that sea levels have dropped, Bob.
Well, as far as the sea levels are concerned,
Well, the past couple of years, generally speaking, worldwide, things have been cooler.
And so they, again, still don't have a leg to stand on.
And it's still a gobbly goop.
We know why they want carbon taxes is because they just want to rob us a little bit more.
Worldwide, not just in America.
And because of their control of politicians, they're able to get away with legislation that
It causes these things to become reality, such as in Australia.
I mean, the public is up in arms over their new carbon tax.
Businesses are going out of business.
Some of the businesses are raising their prices by 30 and 35 and 40 percent.
To offset the cost of this monstrosity?
You're absolutely right.
It came about two to two and a half years ago, just a little over two years ago, and that information that came out about the
Lies and discrepancies regarding global warming, those exposés, they started the whole thing.
But yet they keep right on doing it, like they were masters of the universe and everything that they said was true and they're always right.
And they're wrong.
And it's up to us to tell the world, no, those people are wrong over there, and here's why.
But again, it's not just that they're wrong.
They came up with a scam where they could keep their factories open and shut everybody else's down or charge people a mafia tax.
Yeah, there's the headline.
Australia's carbon police may enter homes.
And it means not they may.
I mean, they may like.
They're allowed to.
In fact, blow that up for me, please.
I forget which publication.
I know it's one of their papers.
I'm watching on a screen across the room.
That's the Environmental Leader.
And it says, federal police may be forced to become carbon cops under the Australian government's... Blow it up a bit, because I can't read it from that distance.
Under the Australian government's... Okay, you can go read the article, folks, if you want to.
Under the Australian government's climate laws, to cut greenhouse emissions, reports the Herald Sun.
You can link to the Herald Sun.
Yeah, that was the one I found.
The guys found that one.
Good job finding that, uh, so quick.
I mean, doesn't so much of this rest on exposing these diabolical people?
That's what it's all about for us.
Chapter and verse, we gather the information and we give it to them because Major Mean is not going to do that because they control it.
And, you know, you're getting them and I'm getting them, and that is emails from all over the world saying thank you for telling us the truth.
Or, you know, you saved my bacon because I didn't go out and invest in bonds or stocks and I invested gold and silver and made a whole pile of money.
And on and on and on.
I get 20 or 30 of them a day.
And I certainly don't get the exposure you get.
So you must get 100 or 200 of them a day.
And that's what we're here for.
We don't care about the accolades.
We don't care about getting rich.
We care about saving humanity, and this is really what this is all about.
But the accolades are good, the feedback's good, because it's like a sonar ping.
It lets you know the effect you're having.
And that's Bob's point.
I want to go to calls, Bob, and a few other economic
You know, they tell us inflation is 5-6 percent.
What is it really?
They tell us jobless numbers are 9.1.
What is it really?
They tell us that unemployment is a lot lower.
My number is 22 percent.
What are the real economic numbers here?
Because they've gone from telling us we left the recession three years ago or two and a half years ago to we may go back into a recession.
Now they're calling it the greatest recession.
How long have we technically been in a depression?
Two years ago, February, said that would make it 29, 30 months, something like that.
And it's an inflationary depression.
And I'm the only one that's come out and said that.
Nobody else has.
And it's been a long time now.
But that's what we're going through.
The government is talking about 3.6% inflation.
John Williams, the eminent economist, who uses a number of models, one of which is the model we had
In 1980, to grade inflation, the CPI, at that time.
And he comes up with a figure of 11.2211%.
And I believe John, I don't believe the government.
As far as unemployment's concerned, the government's talking 9.1%.
That's only U3.
There's U1, U2, U3, U4, U5, and you add them all up and you get U6.
Now U6 is 16,
22.7 approximately percent.
I can't remember the exact number, but it's in that vicinity.
And if you remove the birth-death ratio, which is the jobs that were made or the jobs that were eliminated, that they guess at, totally bogus figures, if you eliminate that, you get 22.6 percent.
So there's your numbers.
All lines.
And by the way, that's what 60 Minutes came up with last November.
They had 33% for California.
Isn't the system losing any credibility they had left by still stonewalling and saying the economy's great when everybody knows it's not?
Well, I'll tell you this.
With half the population it's working because they've been so conditioned to watching whatever newscast or listening to whatever newscast that they accept
What government, through these media organizations, has to say.
And you know something?
We're never going to capture that half.
They're the same half that's been in every country for centuries.
They're just the people who don't think deeply.
And the rest of the people have the world on their shoulders.
And they're the people we're trying to get to.
We're not going to get to all of them, but if we only get to 15 or 20 percent
It's a giant victory because these are the people who are in industry and in services.
Some of them are even in government.
And they are leaders or semi-leaders.
And so those are the people who, generally speaking, make those kind of decisions that are important.
And those are the people we're trying to reach and we are reaching them.
I mean, I get letters every day.
Gee, I started listening to you two or three years ago, whatever the case, and I did what you told me to do.
It was really hard for me.
And, gee, everything I've got is doubled in value in the gold-silver arena, and I can never thank you enough.
And these are very intelligent people who just didn't know who happened to turn on the radio one day, and there we were.
And they learned, and they took advantage of it, and it's wonderful.
Yeah, you're right.
I want to go to Jeremy.
I want to go to Cliff, LT, Otter, and Ken.
We're going to at least get those calls before the show ends.
But I do want to put a plug in for Midas Resources.
If you go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com, at the top right-hand corner you see an ad, a banner that says, buy two silver dollars, and Ted, by the way, selling these at cost, and get two free gifts.
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There's also one where you can get three of my films free with three silver dollars.
You can ask about that deal.
They've got a whole list of gold and silver radio specials that will run throughout the weekend.
But gold has run up.
Is it 60 bucks today or something?
Or is it?
I think it's around 12.30 central, which is a close on the spot market.
It was up around 48.30.
And that put it at $18.87.
Gee, I was off by $23.
But anyway, and it's strong in the aftermarket, which is... That must be what I'm looking at.
That must be what I'm looking at because it's up even more.
Yeah, I was going to say the accessing to the December market now in both silver and gold is higher.
Next week's going to be a very good week from the looks of it.
And I think, you know, we might take a crack at $22,000 next week.
It's all very exciting and $2,000, $2,200 during September, October would be fine.
I'm looking at the end of February for $3,000 to $3,200 and silver.
Probably 60, 70, somewhere in there.
JP Morgan Chase and HSBC are going to get stuck deeply, which makes me feel very good, because they're very short.
And I'm seeing a lot of short covering in the gold and silver shares.
Of all types, I can't believe, and I was a trader for 25 years, I can't believe they're shorting stocks at 50 cents, that are now selling at 75.
And they're short millions of shares, mostly naked.
And they're doing to big stocks, too.
So you're saying in layman's terms... But they're going to get out of the bag that they're in.
You're saying in layman's terms they're doing very reckless things right now.
They have been, and the tide is turning against them.
They're making some big losses.
And Goldman Sachs internally is telling insiders, collapse.
And they're talking about as early as three months from now.
Do you concur with that analysis?
Uh, very possible.
And they've got Mr. Blankfein.
Now that's the fellow who's the CEO of that company, Goldman Sachs, who told us that he was doing God's work.
And I think they're going to indict him.
We'll get the details later.
He's hired a criminal attorney, so it's pretty serious.
Let's go to Jeremy in Wisconsin.
Thanks for holding, Jeremy.
Then we'll go to Cliff and others.
Welcome, Jeremy.
I was just calling today to get some help from your listeners.
When you started doing the Google bombs, I started doing my own little InfoWars here with Yahoo's homepage.
On their homepage they always have news articles, and I would find a news article from your website that would relate to the website that Yahoo would have on.
And I was copying and pasting it.
I'm seeing a lot of that.
I'm seeing InfoWars pasted in to big news articles all over the place.
Very effective.
Thank you.
Yeah, well, I need help hopefully with more people doing it because I think Yahoo has blocked me now from doing this because now whenever I log in and I try to read an article relating to the war or anything political, it won't let me post a comment anymore.
But I can post a comment on, you know, a sports article or any other stupid article.
Well, you've got to just get a new username or use a new email to get in.
That's all I gotta do?
Yeah, that's all you gotta do.
But yeah, everybody should swarm the Yahoo News pages and many others.
You got any questions or comments about anything else in the news?
Yeah, I do have a question about buying ammo.
I know you talk about
The Feds raiding people who have over a thousand rounds of ammo in their house.
And I was trying to buy some ammo, but I'm worried about buying it online.
Do you know if I should be worried about that?
Let me be clear, you probably got a one chance, this is just a guesstimation, one chance out of ten thousand to buy ammo and get visited.
They're doing it and publicizing it with the media all over the country, where somebody buys a thousand rounds, I've seen as low as five hundred, and cops come to your door
And ask, why have you done this?
And you're like, because I like to get a good price, and you get a lot better deal.
That's the only way you get a good deal.
So they're just doing it to act like you're criminal.
It's like this new ATF regulation that's not law, where you buy two or more rifles and they come visit you, and they put you in a database.
You're doing a NICS, they know you're buying two rifles.
It's just about acting like it's criminal.
It's all part of theater with these people.
Uh, and so, buy all the ammo you want, and if they come to your door, laugh at them.
You know, it's time to go, look, crooks, you're crooks!
You know, I mean, it's time to stop kissing their, their, you know what's, I, I, Bob, any comments on this?
Well, if they went to my house, when I was living in the United States, then they would have found 250,000 rounds.
And that would have given them something to think about.
Oh boy, I appreciate your call there, Jeremy.
Cliff, Otter, LT, Ken, we're going to get to you.
It's all coming up and back tonight, 7 o'clock, InfoWars Nightly News, 7 Central.
InfoWarsNews.com is the website.
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You know, we're gonna be back this... Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
I'm gonna retransmit a really good Messed Up Monday.
And we'll see you back Tuesday with not just the radio show, but InfoWars Nightly News.
Bob Chapman's our guest.
Let's go to Cliff in Arkansas.
Cliff, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding, sir.
No problem, Matt.
There's one thing I wanted to have everybody to actually realize is that if you take all the so-called conspiracies, like ATF taking guns,
The federal agents taking gold and silver away from normal people.
And what I believe is that the government is basically trying to, or the globalists are basically trying to get to where you can't defend yourself.
And if you do get away to defend yourself, you can't have
Or set up another economy without their help?
No, that's it!
No, no, of course, that's what GMO is about worldwide.
It's about taking over economies where you're dependent.
That's the key to slavery.
And now the Feds are calling themselves, as in the Palm Beach Post yesterday, the Federal Family.
And they teach them, FEMA is basically, you can't make this up, the head of the new federal family, like La Cosa Nostra.
Our thing.
The family.
Bob Chapman.
Also, along with intimidation.
That's a very, very important part of it, to be terrified that maybe they're going to come and get you because you bought 500 rounds of ammo or you own 10 American Eagles or whatever.
And their influence on the economy, or economies of the world, and bringing on this entrapment process where people become enslaved, as you say.
And more and more, I mean, it's like arresting people and charging them with life in prison for videotaping police in public.
They know it's not illegal.
They're there to try to scare people.
And look, you don't lay down the bullies, folks.
That isn't going to appease them.
It's time to say, look, good people in government better decide to join with other good people.
At the end of the day, Bob, I think God's put me here and put you here so people at least hear the truth and they have a chance to make the decision what side they're on in eternity.
And you know, I never, ever thought that I would ever end up in this position.
I mean, when I retired as a stockbroker at 52 years old and I got bored and I started the publication from scratch, I never knew that there was a whole new meaning in life for me and something for me to do which was very helpful to other people.
Appreciate the call, Cliff.
Good points.
Ken in Alabama, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
I'm a first-time caller.
Thank you.
Yeah, thank you.
I'm privileged to talk to you, sir.
You kind of stole my thunder there.
You've already mentioned his name, but I was just going to tell you about a great website run by a guy by the name of John Williams, who is a great economist and statistician.
And when you go to his website, shadowstats.com, shadowstats.com, and you click on the alternate data, he's got some great graphs and charts there.
And one of them particularly I was interested in is the GDP, the Gross Domestic Product.
Because he's quoting it the way it really is.
After you subtract the high rate of inflation, which is now about 10% or more, he's showing the economy in negative territory and headed down.
It's about negative 3% right now, so the economy is definitely shrinking right now.
Yeah, I want to get John Williams on.
We've sent a few emails over the years.
Perhaps listeners should hit him up, but Bob is on par with Williams, maybe even better in some ways, but very respected.
We want to get him on dealing with that.
Bob Chapman, your comments.
Well I don't compliment a lot of people but he's doing a great job and he's wonderful at what he does.
I can't say enough nice things about him.
I don't know him personally.
I just know his work and if you can get him on I think that would be wonderful because I think it would give people an insight to the things that I just kind of gloss over because I
I cover so many avenues.
Sure, he just covers the fake stats.
Thank you so much, caller.
We appreciate that.
You know what?
I promise to get these last two calls.
Switch five minutes overdrive.
The main radio show's over.
See you tonight.
InfoWars Nightly News.
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Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Coast to coast, direct from Austin, you're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
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Okay, well I must have not made it clear, because all the callers hung up, even though I said I was going into overdrive just to talk to you, because I don't want to make you hold.
But the calls are all flooding back in right now.
So we'll take a few with Bob Chapman.
But briefly, Bob, what about this article in the New York Times?
The U.S.
is set to sue a dozen big banks over mortgages.
The federal government is openly bankrolled by these big banks, bought and paid for.
And generally, I've seen them do these investigations just to politicize it, and then slap a few wrists, or send some low-level guy to prison for 10 years.
And they actually do investigations to kind of cover things up.
It came out two weeks ago, the SEC, as you've said, for decades, but now it's public, would destroy evidence of criminal activity, protected Madoff for 11 years, chief amongst it.
What's your view?
Do you have any faith on this, Bob Chapman?
I think it's...
Another attempt to make it look like government is trying to protect the people.
As you say, nothing will come of it.
They'll go through the motions.
And if anything, the worst possible thing probably is there'll be a fine.
They haven't turned it over to the Justice Department, which means it's not a possible criminal action.
So, as long as they stay in the SEC realm, it's the wrist slap and that's it.
Outrageous fines, which the corporations pay.
Probably 95% of the fines to individuals who work for brokerage firms or small firms and so on, they never get paid.
Most people don't know that.
They just ignore them.
They just don't pay them.
Hey, how are you today?
I know you're not feeling 100%, so I think the first and most important thing that I can say is my prayers to you, your family, your crew.
We love you people.
You're all doing great.
Prayer for Ron Paul, Russell Means.
And for our republic, it seems to me there's just so much you cover it all, it's really tough to narrow it down and pick a point.
So it seems like the most important topic of the day is the potential for impeachment, the fast and furious operations, the different psyops that they plan.
We're good to go.
Ask people in advance, what are you calling about?
And if they begin to talk about something different... Well, you're nice to defend me.
I'm just grumpy today.
It's like the Chinese water torture.
Where millions of times they ask the same stupid thing and it's not right what they're saying.
And then you go look and they're wrong again and it's like...
They're like, answer for this issue, answer for that issue, and it's never true, and then there's no way to respond, and I'm trying to just wake people up to deal with the major corruption, and I see so many people that are awake in the Liberty Movement just chasing each other's tails and fighting.
But God bless you, Otter.
I appreciate that.
Let's jam in.
LT in Pennsylvania, got a final comment from Bob.
LT, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yeah, thanks.
I would like to see
Everyone start a garden next spring with seeds, heirloom seeds.
Also, also, I would like to read this and have Bob comment.
Yeah, real quick.
I think I know why our military has more deaths per month from suicide than combat.
We recently had a committee composed of puppets for the Queen's corporations.
Say the only cuts to military they would consider are cuts to soldiers, pay, health care, and pensions.
I believe that time one of the many dual citizens always found in presidential, um, boards.
We're almost out of time and I can't go into any more overdrive, but make your point.
Okay, well it is very important we point out to our brave soldiers that they are modern day
Mercenaries for the crown, just like that passionate soldier.
I totally agree with you.
Bob Chapman, final word.
We'll see you back, Lord willing, next Friday.
I agree, and it's been a great program, and I'll be back next Friday, and thanks for having me on.
You bet.
Folks, we'll see you tonight.
Thank you, Bob.
See you next Friday.
Gotta get Bob on video Skype for the TV show.
Tonight, 7 o'clock Central, 8 o'clock Eastern.
Great job, crew.
See you back Sunday, but first, tonight, 7 o'clock.
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