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Name: 20110830_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 30, 2011
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It is Tuesday, the 30th day of August 2011.
We're going to be live here for the next three hours, and we're going to have just masses of vital news information on the economy, geopolitical developments, the unfolding global corporate police state, and your phone calls.
We also have some guests that we're working on for later in the broadcast, but if they don't materialize, that's fine with me because I have a lot of video clips, a lot of news.
That I want to analyze here today.
Now, beginning, just to let you know some of what's coming up.
Feds may seize Liberty Dollars.
And they have announced that to even have a Liberty Dollar, silver or gold or copper, which is one of thousands of companies that have existed over the last few decades producing their own private silver and gold coins, that if you have these coins, and they're beta testing right now gold confiscation, they're seeing if the public is dumb enough
To believe carbon dioxide is poisonous, or that TSA should stick their hands down your pants, or that lemonade stands are illegal, or that gardening in your own yard is illegal.
They're seeing if the public is stupid enough to think that this is counterfeiting.
To issue your own silver and gold coins, even though that's not even accepted at most stores.
This company operated, of course, for 14 years before being raided.
And Bernard von Nothaus is out in Hawaii right now.
That's why we haven't called him yet because it's so early, but we may get him to pop in on the broadcast.
He's still awaiting sentencing.
He was found guilty, of course, a few months ago.
And if you read the FBI own website, the U.S.
attorney, attempts to undermine the legitimate currency of this country are simply a unique form of domestic terrorism, said U.S.
Attorney Tompkins.
All these forms of anti-government activities do not involve violence.
They are every bit as insidious and represent a clear and present danger to the economic stability of this country, she added.
We are determined to meet these threats through infiltration, disruption and dismantling of organizations which seek to challenge the legitimacy of our democratic form of government.
And they say the same thing in manuals, of course, they give law enforcement about Ron Paul.
Our legitimate form of government was taken over by the private Federal Reserve.
They've now bankrupted us by design.
They're offering a new bank of the world as the solution.
You gotta love the infiltration part.
It's not illegal to produce your own raw real milk.
But they quote infiltrate groups that are public and it's like saying we infiltrated a Sunday school meeting.
So they go to the jury and say, we infiltrated a Sunday school meeting.
See, we infiltrated.
They're criminals.
We SWAT teamed them.
And most juries say, hey, that's it.
Garden in the yard.
You infiltrated.
Send them to jail.
Lemonade sand.
You infiltrated.
Send them to jail.
They're selling gold and silver for 14 years publicly.
You infiltrated.
Send them to jail.
It's like the infiltrating.
Like, we're infiltrating.
We're infiltrating
People that are eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, so it must be illegal.
I mean, it's all like dress-up or theater.
Why, we spent a million dollars over a year infiltrating an Amish group selling milk to their neighbors.
Our undercover agents were able to purchase it dozens of times and made friends with them.
Made friends with people publicly selling milk?
See, this is what tyranny's all about.
Just like in the cases where my listeners in Tennessee, Arkansas, and Kentucky, in the newspaper, they report with a straight face, Kelly rushing, arrested for handing out videos.
They had Ron Paul and Alex Jones on them.
Police found it anti-law enforcement.
He's facing six years in jail.
And then it went to trial and the jury found him not guilty.
But they tried to put him in jail for something that wasn't illegal.
We'll be right back to break all this down.
It's important.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It is Tuesday, the 30th day of August 2011.
We're going to be breaking down news from around the world.
Israel sends two warships to the Egyptian border.
Israeli stock up on stun grenades to welcome Palestinian state uprising.
Tripoli tries a new life.
No Qaddafi, no food, no water.
Iran discreetly aided Libyan rebels.
That's French news agency.
I thought Iran were the bad guys.
I thought Al-Qaeda were the bad guys, but hmm.
Also, final battle imminent.
Libya rebel spokesman is saying rebels give Qaddafi forces four days to surrender or face military action.
Blair's sister-in-law, Tony Blair's sister-in-law, incites Muslims to liberate Jerusalem.
Boy, the globalists are really trying to start World War III right now.
House GOP targets the UN over Palestinians.
That's just some of the news.
On that front, we're going to be breaking down also the White House issues guidelines on September 11th observances.
Their talking points have been made public on keeping focused on Al-Qaeda.
Al-Qaeda is still a threat and we need to keep the wars going.
And of course, none of the first responders are allowed at the events though.
Because, here's another article today on a RAW story, Army Ranger's widow booted from Rumsfeld's book signing.
She confronted him and said that he had lied about 9-11.
Ashley Joppa Hagman said that her husband, Sergeant
Hagman had joined the military because he believed the lies Rumsfeld had told after the 9-11 attacks.
She was manhandled out of the building, KCPO-TV reported.
So that's some of the news on the 9-11 front.
Also, six arrested in the latest San Francisco BART protest.
There's more protest against the fact that there was going to be another peaceful protest a few weeks ago.
So the government just turned off the cell phones in a large part of the city, preemptively.
I thought Hosni Mubarak was bad for doing that once it was rioting and burning.
But the police say that they tolerated the protest.
They tolerated the First Amendment.
Isn't that nice?
Meaning it's up to them until...
There were statements made that were, quote, anti-police.
At least six protesters were arrested Monday night during the third week of protests against San Francisco Bay Area Transit, BART.
The demonstrators were upset with BART's decision to cut off cell phone service at its stations to thwart a planned protest of the killing of a homeless man by a BART officer.
Two men were detained by police after passing through the gates and chanting an anti-police slogan.
And it goes on, BART officials,
Officials, our leaders, had previously said they would only tolerate protest outside the gates.
Other four were arrested by the San Francisco police for allegedly impeding traffic and refusing police orders to move.
And it just goes on from there.
We have a very important stack here.
Dealing with the economy, but I'll be getting into more detail on after we take some of your calls.
Negative view of federal government hits new all-time high in Gallup Polls.
Lowest in history.
They do not believe, the general public does not believe the government serves them.
Kucinich says Obama's jobs are expert at creating foreign jobs.
I'm glad somebody's talking about this other than Ron Paul.
Then as Kucinich points out that most of the bailout money and most of the stimulus money ends up going to build General Electric factories in China.
General Motors factories in China, Brazil, Eastern Europe, just tens upon tens of billions of dollars of your tax money goes to actually pick up the factories and move on.
I mean, that's what I mean.
It's so over the top now.
No first responders at 9-11 Memorial.
On 9-11.
All over the country, thousands of articles about lemonade stands, and Forbes asks, what's the nationwide crackdown on lemonade stands, and garage sales, and gardens, because the government is a Sovietized Gestapo that's shutting everything down.
Animal ID, Prima Society, Food Safety, all pointed at
Local independent people, all these new agencies, the rural council run by the Department of Defense and Homeland Security, openly saying they're going to have federal spies in every rural area.
They're going to join up with Boss Hogg and basically oppress the local populations.
I mean, this thing is a full-on globalist takeover.
The banks run the Pentagon, run Homeland Security, and they are setting up a giant police state grid.
Local threat fusion centers, merging the military and police.
It is right out of every other third world despotism we've seen, but with a high-tech integration.
And what did I hear this morning driving in on the local station, groveling to the system, saying, well, yeah, taxes are being raised on water and power and property taxes, even though the housing prices are
Plunging, it doesn't matter.
You're going to pay more on the property tax, which we didn't have in this country until 60 years ago on average.
The Soviets had it.
Feudal Europe had a property tax.
Even if you supposedly owned your property, you had to pay the state a percentage, so you don't really own it.
It's a rent.
And I heard them saying, it's terrible that people aren't paying all their little taxes and things.
Well, they can't.
I mean, you've got 11% of Texans are on a arrest warrant list.
And I heard the host and them celebrating that they're going to take people's houses and cars and farms.
And then I heard a caller call in, and I was just listening about 10 minutes, and said, listen, we're in a depression.
A lot of people can't pay.
And they're like, oh, shut up, you scofflaw.
You're going to get it.
And they were giggling and smirking.
And then they went to another guy and was like,
That's right.
I work for the government.
We're going to get your property.
And it sounded like a joke, but he was serious.
And you scofflaws are going to get it.
I mean, it is just incredible.
You've got the group of people that are going to submit and bootlick and crony up to every form of oppression.
And for a while, they're still going to get their paychecks.
And it is a collision course like two speed trains on the same track going 100 miles an hour each with a 200 mile collision coming.
And they're going to call that terrorism.
In fact, I see it in the news now every day.
Oh my gosh, this guy filed suit against the government for not having jurisdiction.
He's a paper terrorist.
Let's arrest him.
Now if we try to use the courts, they're calling it terrorism.
Paper terrorism.
And you've got people that are waking up on one end of the spectrum.
You've got those that are getting deeper into their denial and saying, nope, there's not a tyranny.
I choose to join with the system.
And then you've got those in the middle
Who have no idea what's going on.
I mean, I listen to men talk.
I listen to women.
And they sound like addled, low-grade morons.
They're just gibbering, mindless idiots that can tell you every facet of sitcoms and dramas and sports and who think it's weird to be civically involved or get freaked out if you're informed.
Just like the movie Idiocracy.
They think you're showing off when you try to warn them.
They think it's weird.
They say, that's strange.
You're crazy.
You know about the three branches of government.
Basic facts are seen as evil.
That's all coming up today.
But I would have to say, and the polls show it, the vast majority are awake.
I'd say 65, 70 percent.
These polls are showing more like 80.
But 50, 60, 70 percent are somewhat awake.
But they have no idea just how bad it is.
I have trouble, even though I have all the facts, all the documentation, to believe the information that our conclusions have shown to be accurate.
It is...
It is hard to come to grips with the fact that you're under a Soviet tyranny, or you're under a Nazi tyranny, or you're under a Cheykham tyranny, or a Pol Potian tyranny, or a Hugo Chavez type thing.
But we're here, it's on, and the globalists have decided to fully commit to the collapse, while telling everybody everything's fine, and grandstanding as our saviors.
And you've got a lot of people brought up from a very young age to be simple-minded and be like little children and think that as long as they're positive about the corruption and kind of go along with it and buy into the denial and the cover stories that are offered for all the different forms of tyranny that somehow they're on a winning team.
And that's why a lot of these goody-two-shoe type mindless people will giggle and smirk at you when you talk about serious issues.
Because they think they can just choose to go along with it and somehow that gives them power over it.
And it's the same pattern in every case in history.
These people are going to beg for help.
They beg for help all the time when the system crushes them.
And then their neighbors giggle and smirk at them.
And then
Those people then get in trouble and they beg for help and people just say, I'm not going to help you.
If good people don't get together and recognize basic principles of liberty and defend them, we don't have a civilization.
Now, when we come back, I want to get into allergies sweeping the country.
And what that signifies and why that's happening, and I'm going to file some special reports in the near future on the InfoWars Nightly News that premieres this Thursday, 7 o'clock.
We're not getting to it this week on the Thursday and Friday show, but we're going to be putting together focused, documented.
That's what's going to be different about this new transmission.
I mean, we show you a lot of the documentation here, or I'll show you a news article that mentions some other documentation.
This is going to be absolute overload of documentation.
Hammering it in everybody's face so there's no denial.
We're gonna get to that first.
And then, the Feds have announced, gold and silver coins are counterfeit money and are terrorist.
Those are quotes.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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We the people grow cotton, weave fabric, engrave ink, embed strips and fibers to protect from counterfeit, and carting to a private bank, having it led back at interest, forcing taxes to service debt.
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Hello, I'm Alex Jones.
Myself, my family, the InfoWars.com team want to relay to you and your families that we are intensifying our efforts against the globalists on every front.
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We are back live Monday through Friday 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
We're here back Sundays 4 to 6 p.m.
Don't forget, premiering this Thursday and then every weeknight they're out at seven o'clock.
The InfoWars Nightly News will be expanded, special reports as well, premieres of documentaries, all for PrisonPlanet.tv members and your PrisonPlanet.tv membership also supports this transmission.
Okay, food allergies.
Different statistics show different numbers, but on average, on average, you can pull these numbers up, food allergies are up more than 10,000% what they were 50 years ago.
Diabetes, as you know, has doubled the last 10 years.
Most forms of cancer doubled the last 10 years.
If you'd like to look this up, just type allergies up 10,000%, type diabetes doubles last 10 years.
I heard him covering this this morning on local radio.
I just searched allergies Austin schools and got the fact that it's a pandemic all over the country.
So remember, when you hear this radio show, everything I say, unless I rarely say it's speculation or something I witnessed personally, you can just search my words.
And find it.
Okay, this is teleprompter-free radio, teleprompter-free television.
My new television show is teleprompter-free.
And I've got a graphic on screen, I might be reading from it, or when I have a guest on screen, obviously I'm looking at them and talking to them.
This is teleprompter-free.
There's no one else that's teleprompter free in television.
Most people are reading off scripts on talk radio.
That's why they don't like document cams.
You see everything we do here.
This is teleprompter free.
I do have a screen of what I search in front of me.
KXAN, in-depth investigation, food allergies at school.
And watching this newscast, another local newscast, they're talking about not only having giant, remember 20 years ago special ed was a tiny area of the school, one room, now some schools upwards of one third is special education.
And the general students are what the special education was in many cases 20 years ago.
Now they're talking about making entire areas of school basically bubble boy allergy areas.
All over the country, children are dying from peanuts, strawberry, almost everything.
Wheat allergies.
Now, what do the scientists actually say on this?
What has been proven to be causing this?
The reason you're seeing Crohn's disease, that didn't exist, now become an epidemic, and other diseases of the gut, other chronic bowel problems, that are ubiquitous now, ubiquitous and killing people.
It's been directly linked in the government's own reports that we covered yesterday with Mike Adams to the vaccines, where it causes autoimmune responses in the gut.
But also that you're eating GMO foods that have pesticides that are grown in the crops, the corn and many other BT crops that are fillers in most products, where bugs eat it and die.
Bugs eat it and die.
It's 1,000 times the normal pesticide that grows in the corn or on the corn.
It's a type of microorganism that is on the outside of the corn that naturally keeps pests away.
So they increase it 1,000 times.
You eat that.
And all the studies we've covered with the rats, with the guinea pigs, it's the same thing.
With these different crops, within two to three generations, total sterility.
But they can show that in a year with rats.
With humans, every generation is about 20 years on average.
So it's just coming in.
Fertility is plunging.
Sperm counts, plunging.
Cancer, exploding.
And children,
My children are homeschooled, but a couple days a week they go to a school where homeschoolers go.
There, even though most of the parents are awake and feeding, trying to feed organic, there's a lot of kids with allergies.
But in the public schools, where the parents don't know what's happening, it is an Armageddon.
It is a holocaust of these children.
Pediatric cancer, off the charts now.
Off the charts.
Once unknown, off the charts.
25, 30 year olds, people I know personally, dying all around me.
Massive death and scientific murder.
And what does the news say?
We'll come back and play it.
Oh, well, you know, it's up to the parents to pack a lunch that's exactly right for them.
But what if a piece of peanut blows over into their food and they have anaphylactic shock and die?
Don't worry.
We'll just create new wings.
And they're now announcing, the feds are saying, they're going to create new bubble boy schools.
And don't worry, the government and Big Pharma who created all this, they're gonna have treatments for you.
This is the genetic mass murder.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
I remember when I remember I remember when I lost my mind
We are back live.
If you are a new listener, and you're saying, who is this Alex Jones guy?
I beg of you, on my knees, on my knees, from the bottom of my soul, from the core of my heart,
From my very essence and being, I humbly beg of you to check into the claims we make on this transmission.
To face the horror and save your family.
Humans tend to muddle through things.
Humans tend to put up with whatever happens to them.
And the globalists know that.
I've told you the story of flying up to New York, I don't know, six months ago, to be on The View and other TV programs.
And I was in first class, because I made ABC pay for it.
I was in first class and I was sitting next to one of the big bankers.
And by the time he figured out who I was, because people were shaking my hand and talking to me,
He just looked over to me and he said, people will muddle through anything.
You're not going to stop anything.
People will put up with anything, as long as it's done incrementally.
And so many of those guys give up on humanity.
So they say, humanity is a bunch of idiots.
I'll just join with evil.
That's the attitude.
I'm a winner, so I'm going to join with the dark side, because the public, even if you try to tell them the truth, they don't want to hear it.
That's the line I've been told by every big corporate chief I've run into.
Is that, Alex, the general public doesn't want to be helped, and so you might as well be a predator.
Well, let's just say that's true, which it isn't.
What you think is going to happen, what you fulfill, what you push, becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
If you just give up on everything, there will be a sinking to the bottom.
When you reach for the stars, when you reach for the beauty, when you reach for the honor, when you reach for the good,
You begin to attain it, and you set the mark and the standard.
There's always going to be corruption and problems, but you recognize it and deal with it, and try to keep it under control.
But when you get that attitude and give up, and just say, that's the way it is, the evil doesn't just stop at the level that you personally have accepted.
And a lot of you guys try to get into evil.
You try to make yourself like it.
I didn't like mushrooms decades ago.
I made myself eat them many times.
Now I love them.
That's really what the New World Order is all about.
It's about taking tens of millions of men over the decades and finding out who likes to kill, who likes to torture, who likes to deal narcotics.
Then you deploy them to key areas.
Everything is about training people.
Vietnam was a laboratory for war.
Korea was a laboratory.
The Pentagon admits that Afghanistan and Iraq are laboratories for war-making.
We live in a laboratory.
We live under a scientific dictatorship of cold-blooded technocrats who enjoy testing on us just like they enjoyed testing on rats.
When they were in college, a dad described, you know, taking biology and then working at MD Anderson in college.
He worked there even in high school.
He talked about some of the scientists in there would get off on injecting the rats with cancer, injecting them with chemicals and watching them die.
He said quite a few of them.
He said others were there really trying to help people, but there was a good percentage that would sit there and get this crazy look on their faces.
They were injecting cancer into a rat.
That's the people that run things.
And if you don't understand the phenomenon of mad scientist, you don't understand anything.
Now, they have backdoored stacking traits.
They tell you corn, GMO potatoes, GMO maize, wheat, sugar beets, soybeans.
They tell you they have one trait, or even five, six, seven, eight traits they're advertising, but in every case where they've been reverse-engineered, there's been other traits added to release chemical compounds in pharmacological crops
You know, you hear about pharmacological crops, thousands of them, where they're growing antibiotics in a corn.
Corn's one of the best at doing this.
Where they crush it down and remove and extract.
They don't have to create it synthetically in a big laboratory, using generally petrochemicals.
They can now do it and are in crops all over the planet, some indoors, some outdoors, where they can extract thousands of different chemicals, biologicals from it.
But all of these GMO crops are pharmacological, and they have been manipulated, and it's the perfect way to poison the population.
The gut diseases are exploding.
It is pandemic.
Cancer is epidemic.
New forms of cancer are racing through the population.
Most of us are dead already, have had massive portions of our lives shaved off.
That's why in the final equation, I don't care if they imprison me, torture me to death, destroy my name, kill me.
Because it's so evil what we're facing, there is no future if it is not met.
Do you understand that?
The people that would set me up and kill me are under attack as well.
I feel sorry for them.
They are weak.
They were programmed from birth for their role in this evil system.
They have had their souls stolen.
Perhaps they've still got some toehold in the world of good and can be brought back.
And that's who I'm here to reach out to.
To the souls of Tarsus out there who are listening.
All I can do is move you to open your heart to the truth, and God will knock you off that horse in a blinding bolt, and you will arise a new creature who has sight, whose soul can see the universe.
God does not look for leaders
Generally, who are just little goody two-shoes and who've never experienced anything in their life.
God is looking for people who have served the dark side to serve Him.
God is looking for people that know evil from the inside.
God wants to change you from the inside out.
And only through that spiritual experience will you truly be given the discernment.
Does that mean you're going to be a perfect new creature?
Once you've been changed, once you've decided to open the door, you're not going to find this in your mainline churches.
I'm talking about a relationship with the creator of the universe.
But do you want to take the red pill?
Because all I'm offering is the truth, nothing else.
Because once you can see, it is indescribable.
Once you can see the manipulation and the pettiness and the spirit of the world in the eyes of the servants of this system, it is something indescribable that you must experience for yourself.
You are not going
To find fulfillment in the world, not in race cars, not in sex, not in petty power.
You are only going to find fulfillment in facing reality.
To tuning in to the larger spectrum of life on this planet, and I've got news I've got to get to, and I want to give the numbers out, it's just that when
I spend hours every day reading Union of Concerned Scientists, Federation of American Scientists documents.
In fact, we'll blow that up and put it on screen so I can read it for listeners.
Here's a statement from the Union of Concerned Scientists warns.
My crew is in there just doing what I said to do in the last segment.
Just search the words I say and prepare yourself.
USDA regulations would allow pharma crops to threaten food supply.
Assuming proposal from the U.S.
Department of Agriculture, USDA would place the food supply at risk for contamination by drugs and industrial chemicals produced in genetically engineered food crops.
This is from many years ago.
The USDA's proposed regulations would allow pharma food crops to be grown outdoors where they could contaminate crops intended for human consumption.
The USDA ignored recommendations for the ban.
Yes, I believe that was a decade ago.
These are crops that grow toxic chemicals in them.
Live HIV virus.
Other vaccines.
And these big companies have been caught in key growth belts, generally under private intelligence operatives, going into fields that have been planted and planting this in with it.
And the goal is to infect everything.
Then there's going to be a genetic Armageddon.
Then the UN will emerge with its giant seed vaults.
They won't believe it.
Just search UN seed vaults.
14 global UN seed vaults.
When you realize the magnitude of this cold-blooded calculation, you realize that there is nothing you can do but resist this.
Why would anyone, even if you're being given money and power and status now, why would you join with something that in the near or mid-term, five years, ten years, twenty years,
That this incremental cancer, allergies, deaths, diseases, degenerative diseases, are going to be absolutely ubiquitous.
Except for the insiders.
And they're, many of them say, like Pianka, well I know the airborne weaponized Ebola will be released soon, and I'm ready for me and my family to die.
It's sad, but it's what needs to happen.
They are
Committed to this.
These are people who are like something out of another dimension.
Hades itself.
Event Horizon.
Old Space.
Whatever you want to call it.
Out of a black hole.
These people seek death and destruction.
It is beautiful to them.
They describe it in their literature as beautiful.
They talk about suicidal nihilism.
They are completely turned over to death.
And all of us are under attack by this.
You cannot make a deal with this.
Let's say the devil doesn't exist.
The devil does exist in the globalist mindset.
It's beyond anything as a child I could imagine as a fictitious devil engaging in.
The assault on the human species, the assault on the human genome, the assault on the very code of humanity, the poisoning, the manipulation, is the end of humanity.
It is the end of everything.
It is the end of who we are.
It is the complete turning over.
Of our destiny and everything we are, everything we ever would have been, to a group of absolute psychopathic madmen who believe they are gods.
Ray Kurzweil, talking about how he doesn't believe in God yet, but he's going to become a god.
No, Ray, what you're going to do is destroy everybody, including yourself.
I want to play part of this KXAN news piece as they talk about, and you can pull up national stories, as they prepare the bubble schools.
And soon it'll be a third of the school, half the school, then the whole school will live in bubbles and have to be under pharmacological control just to live, and they'll have to go to government.
To be able to have a child, they'll take your genes of you and your wife, they're already announcing this, and splice it, and then they'll be able to make decisions about how to engineer that embryo if you're allowed to breed.
That's how they're going to deal with the population issue, is they're just going to make it to where people can't have children.
Let's go ahead and play that clip.
To a child with a food allergy, eating at school can sometimes be scary.
Pick the wrong snack or lunch item, you could get hives, itchy throat, and even have trouble breathing.
An allergist tells our Leslie Rohde, managing food allergies at school is what's going around in her office.
Look in any classroom and you'll likely find at least one child with a food allergy.
Allergists say it's one in every 25 kids.
Kids who could have life-threatening reactions if they eat a particular food.
Today we'll do peanut and the tree nuts as well as milk and egg.
Allergist Dr. Pooja Varshney has been busy helping students who have food allergies get ready to handle their days at school, where they may encounter what they're allergic to.
Actually, probably the first step is actually knowing how to avoid the food allergen.
And really that requires a lot of personal responsibility on the part of the child, the family.
The most common food allergies?
Milk, eggs, and peanuts.
Followed by wheat, tree nuts, and soy.
Also fish and shellfish.
But Dr. Varshney says many people who think they have a food allergy, likely do not.
About 25% of people think they have food allergy.
The exact number is probably between 1-2% of adults and 4-6% of kids.
The difference there, Dr. Varshney says, is due to so many lab tests now that can lead people to believe they have a food allergy.
But she says they need more comprehensive testing.
And here's another myth about food allergies.
She says you actually have to ingest the food to cause serious harm.
So, if you have contact with a food allergen, that may cause a skin symptom, it may cause hives or redness at the site, but that's very unlikely to progress to a systemic or life-threatening allergic reaction.
There are a few exceptions to that according to Dr. Varshney.
If you're allergic to fish or shellfish, all you have to do is smell it cooking and you can have an allergic reaction.
Read more of what's going around this week with this health story at KXAN.com.
Here's a headline from USA Today.
Stomach diseases on the rise in the U.S.
Complaints of the disease are on the rise in the U.S.
and more and more people are growing ill from exposure to products containing gluten.
Why are people getting sick from wheat products?
Because most of the wheat is now GMO.
You see, if you design corn or wheat where bugs can't eat it, well, you're a lot bigger, so it won't kill you right away like a bug.
But it's going to cause problems.
Your body is going to have an autoimmune response.
Hey, this is bad for me!
But no one will ever tell you that.
On the news, I'm told by folks that know him that the mail anchor on that piece is actually a listener to the show.
We'll say hi to them.
I'm not criticizing you guys.
I know you're on a short leash.
But you might just type in, GMO confirmed to increase allergies.
I mean, big medical reports everywhere.
You might want to do another report and actually tell folks what's causing this pandemic.
What one of the big triggers is.
All right, we're going to come right back and get into the government announcing they're going to come after silver and gold.
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You know, it's very painful to watch our young children turned over to the global exterminist.
The Nazis
Went too fast, according to the transhumanist and eugenicist.
And that's why Aldous Huxley and others wrote in the 50s that they would simply engineer the systems into the food, into the water.
And after the fluoride, the bisphenol A, the GMO, the radioactive isotopes that the government adds to the water,
There's a reason the land of the free, home of the brave, is now land of the cowards, home of the slaves.
There's a reason people act like they're mentally retarded.
There's a reason people act dazed and look unhealthy, even if they exercise constantly.
It's because you're being savaged by a chemical, biological warfare operation.
And as Dr. Nick Begich has pointed out, that's only part of it.
Then there's the frequency pollution.
They now admit, oh yeah, cell phones will give you brain cancer.
But we told you that after you'd been using them for 20 years and had addicted yourself to them.
Now give your kids a cell phone.
It is a savage program.
But when you study the elites, they will not use cell phones.
They all live in rural areas outside cities.
They all are obsessed with organic food and have private jets following them around with their own chefs and tightly controlled food.
They go to special cleansing programs.
They know exactly what they're doing.
Notice Glenn Beck is not moving to inside Dallas.
He's moving to between Austin and Dallas to a fortified compound in the woods.
I've done the same thing.
Yeah, he knows what's going on.
I have some comments on Glenn Beck later.
I got some more intel on exactly what he's planning.
He's going to have like a TV network based out of Dallas that's going to be kind of Christianoid.
That's where all the big TV preachers are based for most of them.
It's going to be that same model.
It's going to be a weird Christianoid kind of Robert, Robert Tilton type deal with lots of end of the world type things and other stuff going on.
So that's the
That's the model he's going to go along with.
You know, people that are saying the world's going to end all the time.
The atheists even believe in 2012, a lot of them, and the mainline government-run Christians think the end of the world's next week.
It's all about thinking the end of the world's here, so you'll lay down and not be involved.
So you'll lay down and not be informed.
So you'll think, oh, history's over anyways, so I might not, you know, even get involved to defend my own family.
They're giving you a defeatist attitude.
What did Tokyo Rose say, even as the United States approached the coast of bombed-out Japan?
She would broadcast, on the shortwave and on the AM, to the ships, playing American music, and saying, I'm so sorry for you, G.I.
Your armies have all been defeated.
Your ships have all been sunk.
We're waiting for you to kill you in Japan.
There's no way you can win, G.I.
It's all over.
Your sweetheart will never see you again.
And so, they had Thundar the Barbarian back in the 80s, and all these other countless movies and shows since then about the end of the world, and the preachers telling you, and Israel's gonna get nuked, and World War III is gonna happen, and it's all over.
So, so why should you be involved in Common Elena, and Nibiru, and Planet X, and they never arrive on time?
Meanwhile, the Armageddon, the Holocaust is in your food and your water.
Meanwhile, the globalists are going ahead with their world government, poisoning and murdering and killing.
But the group that should be fighting the Christians are saying, it's the end!
Praise God, they're pushing for chips and kids and school.
That means Jesus is about to come back.
Soon we'll be teleported off the face of the earth.
Justice be done, may the heavens fall.
Do you think, if you believe all that, that God's gonna take you into his bosom?
When you wouldn't stand up against evil here, most of you mainline Christians are going straight to Hades.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
By the way, the CEO of Gibson Guitar is joining us.
And I saw an article that dovetails with this.
We've now learned, even if you buy legal endangered wood from the Forest Council or others that confirm that it's indigenous people making the money, and that it was a tree that fell over, as Gibson does, because, you know, they need it for the fingerboards.
Even if you do that, it's illegal under Agenda 21, and what the Lacey Act, this is in mainstream news, if American workers work the wood.
See, everything's written where you can't have a job.
That's how they're economically, through economic warfare, bringing us down.
And here's the articles right here.
Government says wood is illegal if U.S.
workers produce it.
This is from Gibson.com.
They've finally been told why they were raided.
So, producing your own wood, or working it, Americans, this is mercantilism.
One big reason we had 1776 is we were not allowed to have any finished goods produced in the colonies.
It can only be sent to England to have that done.
The New England is China, where the globalists have deals with the communist Chinese that only their mega factories can operate.
You can go to them and order something you want and have them produce it, but you've got to get it from them.
Just like you've got to be an insider to run your power plant, you've got to be an insider to not have to buy the insurance, the health insurance.
This is mafia government.
So, there you have it.
Also, Gibson Guitar CEO raid by feds to cost company two to three million.
Feds raid Gibson Guitar factory over protected wood, Wall Street Journal.
CEO of Gibson Guitars, main competitor is a huge Democratic donor.
We're going to be talking with the CEO of Gibson coming up.
Now, I haven't even gotten into our top story yet.
We're going to get
Mr. Von Notaus on as soon as we can.
He's facing sentencing.
He's facing decades in prison for publicly issuing his own gold and silver coins or rounds.
And of course he set up the Hawaiian Mint.
I remember watching as a child on TV with commemorative coins.
There are thousands of companies that have come and gone.
Hundreds operating currently.
In fact, I know Midas Resources sells Lakota rounds.
I know seven states now have moved to pass laws to issue their own silver rounds.
I know Midas commissioned a Liberty Committee campaign for Liberty, a little gold coin.
I mean, everybody does that.
Even the Associated Press, when they convicted NoteHouse,
I don't know, three or four months ago, did their own analysis and said, this is really scary.
There's hundreds of these companies and he wasn't operating as if this was U.S.
He was saying you should create your own independent currencies, which are what credit cards could be called or what customer loyalty cards or when you go to a Chuck E. Cheese or something and get the card that puts the credits on it.
I mean, there's all sorts of coupon programs.
That's all an alternative currency.
And there's a bunch of cities that have got multi-hundred-year-old currencies here in the U.S.
And even AP said this counterfeiting clause they used, this jury didn't know what they were doing.
No, the jury knew full well what they were doing.
They knew full well that 98% now, it was 97 last year, now they're reporting 98%.
of people charged by feds are found not guilty, or excuse me, are found guilty.
See my brain can't even believe that number.
98% of those that go to federal court, you can pull these numbers up, are found guilty.
And that's because the federal juries are kept.
They're selected, they're picked, and then they're kept.
And they will send a ham sandwich to the gas chamber for blowing up the Hindenburg blimp.
I mean, they will send an M&M to the gas chamber saying that it worked with Hitler.
Well, I'm going to come back into this.
There's been a new development.
A new development with the Secret Service.
They are saying the coins themselves are illegal.
A very wealthy U.S.
citizen is predicting that in 2011, we will witness the most important day in America in more than 50 years.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Henry Jeskiewicz is going to be joining us in about 25 minutes.
He is the CEO of Gibson Guitar.
We've now learned a lot more about the second SWAT team raid on their facility.
Under Agenda 21 and the Lacey Act, they actually quote Agenda 21, it doesn't matter if the wood is legal, non-endangered, wood certified.
Because it was imported from India under the UN law, the United States is not allowed to work the wood.
Because under Agenda 21, we have to abide by foreign countries' laws.
You heard me right.
And it dovetails with this report.
We even have the video clip up at Infowars.com.
Kucinich says Obama's job czar, expert at creating foreign jobs, what I've been screaming about for three years, two and a half years, his job czar
Who heads up his economic council, and previously was also part of another council at the White House, has gotten a waiver for all of his power plants, or power plants they're contracted on to build.
They're allowed to release any type of pollution they want.
All other power plants cannot even release carbon dioxide or water vapor.
They've now been listed as toxic waste.
Again, insiders, 2,000 plus companies, no insurance needed for their employees.
Close to $5 billion of the General Motors bailout, the $25 billion total, $5 billion of that, or right at $5 billion, was used to move major factories to Brazil, Eastern Europe, and China.
Your tax money, you heard me right, paid to move the factories.
You're not allowed to make a wood guitar.
You're not allowed to have a lemonade stand.
The girls out there selling the Girl Scout cookies are getting arrested or fined.
Thousands of articles.
Forbes, two days ago, said, what's the pandemic of raids and arrests of people selling lemonade?
Amish getting hit and hit hard.
Dairies getting hit and hit hard.
Farmers getting harassed.
What does the Declaration of Independence say?
He has erected a multitude of offices and sent forth swarms of agents to eat out our substance.
Guys, type in Declaration of Independence, eat out our substance.
I want to read the full quote.
Thank you.
Put it on screen for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
Everything in the Declaration is exactly what we're experiencing.
In the 13 colonies, you were not allowed to have finished goods.
Under tax laws, you had to ship raw material to England for it to be a finished good.
That is one of the biggest reasons there were rebellions.
Then they started having the Redcoats and the regional governor's militia start searching people's persons.
And start searching people's wives.
And that's when the shooting started.
You understand, ladies and gentlemen, they know this is going to get bloody.
They want it to get bloody.
We have got to reach out to police and military now and educate them.
We've got to stand down for America.
Everything the government's doing is completely alien to the spirit of 1776 and illegal and unconstitutional.
But here's Dennis Kucinich breaking down that Jeffrey Immann has used bailout money, stimulus money, to move the entire X-ray division
One of the few industries we had left was x-ray production out of the U.S., General Electric to China.
Cars being moved out.
Now, let's get this straight.
These aren't companies just getting tax incentives to move.
They're being paid your money to leave.
He has erected a multitude of new offices and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people and to eat out their substance.
I got the quote almost exactly right.
He has kept among us, in times of peace, standing armies without the consent of our legislatures.
They federalized the National Guard three years ago.
And what did the John Warner Defense Authorization Act say, actually four years ago?
It said, chillingly,
That the military and the New Guard will be used in case of insurrection or rebellion, including by the governors.
And then Bush established the Governor's Council.
He doesn't listen to the governors themselves and the states.
They have a 10-member board appointed by the President.
Obama continued it.
They have a rural council that speaks for your town, your county.
And is run by the Department of Homeland Security.
Oh, man.
But see, it's red dawn, but they're wearing our uniforms.
It's red dawn, but they come out and say they're here to help.
It's red dawn in slow motion, but it's bankers who release the communists to collectivize and wreck the system, then they roll in after it.
Communism always leads to fascism.
In Russia, in China, everywhere it's practiced.
That's why 10 years ago, the Chinese president said, China, China's communism is the greatest expression of capitalism.
People said, that's an oxymoron.
Why did the, it was in BBC, it was a video clip, why did he say that?
It makes no sense.
Chinese communism is the greatest expression of capitalism?
It is.
Bankster capitalism is collectivist, command and control from the top, non-free market monopoly.
Competition is a sin, as the head Rockefeller said over a hundred years ago.
If you tried to set up your own gold mine or your own oil field on your own property...
He would pull up with Pinkerton troops, and he had the governor bought.
They did this from New Jersey to Colorado.
Pull up Pinkerton Massacre, Colorado.
The train would pull up, they'd ride off on their horses, they'd set up their machine guns, before that their Gatlin guns, and they would go into towns and murder every man, woman, and child.
And to scare the next town, they'd line little kids up, cock that pistol, and blow their brains out.
Move on, man!
America's ours!
Yeah, it's our country now!
Ha ha, yeah!
We're gonna get it!
What, the 1920s?
There were cases of U.S.
military wanting their pensions.
They just sent out the army to machine gun them down, ride them over with horses.
There were cases, you can pull up, what, New Jersey, where there'd be a Rockefeller plant, people protesting.
They just send in private security and slaughter everybody.
Listen, all that's coming back to America.
But the Rockefellers said, we hate these American scum.
They've beat us, and they were beaten.
So the Rockefellers started acting nice and putting out all this PR about how they were good.
They made their money tax-free.
And they said, we're going to hit their vaccines.
We're going to hit their food.
We're going to hit their water.
We're going to get these Americans, our number one enemy.
And they've gotten you good.
They've gotten me good now, haven't they?
They think you're so caught up in their trance that they've got you.
What's the snake's name in the Jungle Book?
What's the snake's name?
He sits there and hypnotizes people.
Kaa, can you break yourselves out of that?
By the way, guys, I want to show them the Pinkerton Massacre
Or Rockefeller Massacre, Colorado.
Yeah, Ludlow.
Pull that.
There's a whole bunch of them.
But yeah, that's one of the best known.
And they just rode into the town, burned it, burned families up, shot them.
The Ludlow Massacre was an attack by the Colorado National Guard on the 10th colony of 1,200.
And I know Pinkerton was involved in that or some of the others.
It all goes back to memory.
Massacre was an attack by the Colorado National Guard on the 10th colony of 1,200 striking coal miners and their families.
That may not be the one in Colorado.
There's another one where they're running them out of a town.
On April 20th, 1914, the deaths occurred after a day-long fight between strikers and the guard.
The massacre resulted in the violent deaths between 1925 people.
Sources vary, but all sources include two women and 11 children, asphyxiated and burned to death under a single tent.
Ludlow was the deadliest incident in the Southern Colorado Coal Strike.
Yeah, there were a bunch of them.
Control-F Pinkerton.
I know they were involved in some of those Colorado ops.
Just Control-F Pinkerton and it'll pop up if it's in there.
And then hit enter.
That's all you gotta do.
It's just not found in that one.
They all mix together.
You can just go pull it up for yourself.
Thank you, sir.
Oh, good news!
ATF chief steps down!
In the government shipping the guns into Mexico.
And of course he was caught perjuring himself and when he got scared he said, look it was all under orders from the Department of Justice.
From Eric Holder.
The ATF isn't the only one.
FBI, DEA are involved.
Months later comes out it's all true.
All over the country.
Key armed gangs from Illinois, California, Florida.
Armed by the FBI, DEA and others to go kill the other gangs that weren't laundering their money properly.
And secondarily, to blame the Second Amendment.
The U.S.
government is shipping guns to gangbangers all over Mexico, Honduras, and the United States to go after their... And this is some good news.
This just broke.
But you see, that's not enough.
It must go to Holder!
It must go to Obama, that traitor-in-chief!
His uncle, it turns out, was given a social security number, no one knows why, and is an illegal alien.
Just a pack of scum and criminals.
A pack of absolute, abject, total filth and garbage.
Now I'm obsessed with it.
Google Pinkerton's massacre.
I know there were a bunch of them.
Some in the 1890s and then, like I said, into the teens in 1900.
I want to pull those up because those are all part of Brushfire Rebellions.
I want to be able to cover that for people.
I don't want to just go off some nebulous memory I've got and not have it for people.
Okay, I haven't even gotten into today's top story yet.
Kind of hot in here today.
Feds May Seize Liberty Dollars.
Curt Nimmo, Coinworld and others report, and they have a direct link to the government's own announcements, that the feds are looking to seize liberty dollars from collectors and those using the coins instead of
Inflation-ridden Federal Reserve notes.
Officials, not servants, officials with the U.S.
Attorney's Office said on August 24th that the coins are contraband.
The Secret Service, the federal agency responsible for confiscating counterfeit money, did not provide any definitive comments concerning under what circumstances Liberty Dollars would be seized according to Paul Geiks of CoinWorld.
Uh-oh, I got, I think, five or six of them somewhere around here.
I guess I'm getting SWAT teamed.
The coins are illegal, even if they are not used for barter, the feds insist.
We're going to break this all down straight ahead.
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Okay, let me break this down for you.
The feds have come out and said it is illegal
To own Gibson guitars that were made previously.
They're saying they may SWAT team your own.
People are having them taken and they're being fined.
When they try to fly out of the U.S., that's in the Wall Street Journal.
This is the New America.
And they're saying, next it's furniture, guns.
They don't care if it's a hundred years old or older.
If you don't have the proof of where the wood came from, just like ivory, your guns, your furniture are gone.
How do you think the crooks are going to get in your house or business?
Oh, by the way, the feds are now announcing they may go after regular silver and gold.
They confiscated it in 1933.
You see, and we always told you this could happen, and they're test ballooning it right now with this case.
Because if they keep deflating the currency, devaluing it, gold could be $20,000 an ounce.
I mean, it was 50 million Deutsche Marks for a Wiener Schnitzel sandwich, or a loaf of bread in Weimar Republic, Germany.
Same thing in Zimbabwe.
Same thing in Argentina.
You know, they only had 1,000% inflation there.
You know, not million inflation.
But that's why.
Now the bankers all hoard theirs offshore.
That's the reason Hugo Chavez has ordered his gold back from England.
The 144 tons they had there and other 60-something tons in other European vaults.
But again, that's even more reason to get gold.
Don't turn it in when they say it.
They'll arrest a few people on TV and have SWAT teams call them terrorists.
By the way, let me read from the FBI's website.
Attempts to undermine the legitimate currency of this country are simply a unique form of domestic terrorism.
Attorney Tompkins said in an announcement the verdict.
While these forms of anti-government activities do not involve violence, they are every bit as
Insidious to publicly have TV ads on selling gold and silver coins.
Totally legal.
Even the AP admitted this is legal.
And represent a clear and present danger to the economic stability of this country, she added.
We are determined to meet these threats through infiltration, disruption, and dismantling of organizations which seek to challenge the legitimacy of our democratic form of government.
That's the article.
Feds may seize liberty dollars.
And they've put out a release saying no.
Nothouse is going, Von Nothouse is going to jail.
And if you've got these things, you're going to jail.
And they're going to expand out to all other gold and silver coins.
This is the criminal mafia government.
They come take your children for no reason, you hand them over.
They put radioactive isotopes in your water, you drink it.
They give you GMO crops, you eat it.
They raid guitar companies and Amish people and lemonade stands and arrest people at lemonade stands?
You take it.
Can't have a garden in your yard?
You take it.
They now admit they're using Mexican troops, Associated Press, inside the U.S.
Not even a news issue.
This is what America has turned into.
And the FBI and the U.S.
Are with a straight face saying that silver and gold is undermining the United States.
I thought it was the Federal Reserve that took over in 1913 and is now fully bankrupting this country.
You know, the folks that got tens of trillions of dollars of tax money and tried to keep it secret.
I thought they were the ones evaluating the dollar.
I'm sorry, it's not even a dollar, it's a Federal Reserve note.
And that it's undermining our democratic process, the FBI and U.S.
Attorney's Office.
These are the people, this is the Justice Department, that ships guns all over the country.
I saw a U.S.
attorney on tape just last week in federal court griping about it saying, we're not allowed to go after people now unless they have something like 50 kilos.
They only go after drugs at the retail level because you're a good worker to work for 25 cents an hour in a prison displacing everybody else's jobs.
They don't just get rid of our jobs with China or labor from Mexico.
They get rid of it with the millions of prisoners building everything you can imagine, doing customer service, everything.
This is America.
This is what America is.
You don't make a wooden guitar even if the wood isn't endangered.
Because under a UN law, you're not allowed to work the wood.
I want you to understand, ladies and gentlemen, this is only the beginning of how our emperor government has erected a multitude of offices and sent forth swarms of agents to oppress our people and eat out their substance.
Declaration of Independence!
That's why America was admired, why it was loved, why it was known for being the freest country in the world.
Now, the dark light of tyranny shines forth from our country because we've let criminal, hardcore mafia take over who say, listen, you don't have a business unless we say you have one.
Is that clear?
We run your country now, Mac.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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Well, I won't back down.
No, I won't back down.
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Gonna stand my ground.
And I won't back down.
Hey, baby.
There ain't no easy way out.
And I won't back down.
Well, we've been covering since last Friday the second-arm SWAT team raid on one of the few American companies engaged in fine craftsmanship, and that of course is Gibson Guitar, that I know a lot of my friends and family dearly love.
And they're classic Les Pauls.
And they've been raided a few years ago.
Won't tell them why.
Been raided again.
And now they're learning it doesn't matter if they get the wood legally or lawfully.
Now the police are saying, hey, we may start raiding musicians' homes.
When you try to travel out of the country, it doesn't matter if it's a 50-year-old guitar.
They're taking it, but not just Gibsons.
Now they're talking about guns with the wood that's on them.
If you can't prove that's not some endangered wood from a foreign country, it's gone.
Your furniture.
The whole police state system wants to expand.
You've seen the green police ads on TV where they're arresting folks for light bulbs.
Actually, in Australia, they do home inspections and are talking about arresting people if you've got a crack in your window.
This is the total takeover
of society, and Henry Juskiewicz is the CEO of Gibson, and here's one of their press releases.
Gibson says, wood is illegal if U.S.
workers produce it.
Continuing here, guitar threats, environmental enforcement leaves musicians in fear.
I saw an Atlantic article where they had the headline, how do you turn
Musicians and tea partiers take their guitars.
Gibson Guitars CEO raid by feds to cost company two to three million dollars.
Here's another one.
Breaking it down.
CEO of Gibson Guitar, a Republican donor, Democrat competitor, uses same wood.
Just like Obama's contributors are exempt from having to have the
Government-run health care, which is an unfair trade advantage.
Just like General Electric's power plants are exempt from the new carbon taxes.
Joining us again is the CEO, and I appreciate him coming on.
Mr. Juskiewicz, thank you for coming on today.
Thank you very much for having me.
Well, so much has happened.
I saw your press conference, and it seems like you're really informed.
You've got the floor.
Tell us exactly what's happened.
Well, it was a normal day and, you know, it started normally.
We were producing guitars and, you know, very early in the morning we had something like 20 to 30 armed SWAT-like agents descend on three of our manufacturing plants in our corporate headquarters.
They evacuated all the employees, several hundred people, respectively, into parking lots and streets, shut down the manufacturing facilities, started pouring through them, confiscating raw materials in the manufacturing facilities, paperwork,
Uh, started, uh, grabbing some hard drives, uh, copying, uh, imaging hard drives, and, uh, generally shutting down our business.
Do you think that this could be political sabotage or espionage?
Because it's been confirmed that General Motors franchises in Minnesota and other areas, when they nationalized General Motors, that people that weren't Democratic Party donors, that they had their franchise taken away and given to others.
You heard me, sir, just mention the fact that 2,000 plus big companies that are donors have been given government
Health care waivers.
We know General Motors has also gotten government bailout money.
The same thing with General Electric.
I mean, do you think that some of that could be at play here?
I really don't know.
I'd hate to say anything without any specific knowledge, but I will say that we are not the only company that is buying Indian Rosewood and Ebony, which is the issue here.
Other competitive companies are indeed buying it and have not been in any way impacted, contacted, or otherwise harassed.
So, the fact that we are uniquely selected, that definitely makes me suspicious as to why that's the case.
Now I noticed in your press conference you talked about some of the acts that sign us on to basically Agenda 21, international law, and that under the Lacey Act and other things that even if foreign countries change laws retroactively, now you're under that, and that specifically they don't like us buying wood from foreign countries and then working it.
That's the real irony.
I mean, we have an outstanding American labor force.
We have been hiring people at the very depths of the economic problems.
We have hired over 580 American workers, new jobs.
Uh, we are very successful at exporting products.
60% of our product goes overseas.
These are things that normally, you know, countries get pretty excited about.
And you're considered a pretty good guy and a good citizen when you cause that to happen.
The fact is the government's position is that it's not about the wood and illegal logging.
It's about the labor content in the wood.
And the government apparently prefers that that labor content be outside the United States.
Just kind of a bizarre thing.
Again we're talking to the CEO of Gibson Guitars.
Sir, even Congressman Dennis Kucinich on CNN last night pointed out that the head of the President's Economic Council, the former head of General Electric, is actually getting incentives to move General Electric's x-ray division out of the U.S.
As I said,
Three of our factories were paid for with the bailout of General Motors to move them to Eastern Europe, China and Brazil.
So that is undoubtedly what's happening.
The congressman has the headline here, Obama's jobs are expert at creating foreign jobs.
Can you speak to that?
Well, all I can say is that this is costing us money, it's making us less competitive, and it will certainly impact jobs here in the United States.
It's really making me question whether we're valued in the U.S.
Well, don't let them win, sir.
Don't let them run you out to China, because then you've got to go through one of the Chinese generals, and that's why the big cats, fat cats, did this deal decades ago with China.
They admit it, where only select operations are allowed to move there.
Certainly, you can move to Mexico or somewhere else, but I think once you're in their sights, they're going to keep coming after you.
I think it's up to the American people
If they want any industry or craftsmanship left in this country to come to your aid, what can we do to help Gibson Guitar stay open and stay in the United States?
Well, we're hoping that people call their congressmen, their senators, their politicians, and let them know that this is not fair and not right, and to do whatever they can, not only to address the problem we have as Gibson, but I think it's a nationwide problem where we need to address this much broader than just
Our individual situation.
This is happening with other companies in various areas where regulation is creeping in and being applied irrationally and hostilely.
I think that needs to be put an end to.
I think we need to look at what is good for our nation, what is good for our people and our workers.
Sir, in 1984, a fictitious nightmare police state scenario, Winston doesn't know what he's being accused of.
And of course, in the famous novel that Kafka wrote, we get the term Kafka-esque because
In the end, he's convicted of a crime and sentenced to death and doesn't even know why he was sentenced to death.
And more and more, we're seeing that people are being sentenced and never even finding out.
It's just they're told national security.
And I know you were raided a few years ago.
You've been raided again.
And you can't even find out when you talk to them why you're being raided.
I mean, in the Constitution, you have an ability to know what you're being charged with and to face your accuser.
That's right, and it's pretty bizarre to be in our predicament.
You know, not much I can say except it's a nightmare.
We're talking to Henry Juskiewicz, the CEO of Gibson Guitar, and of course you can go to gibson.com and see all the latest press releases.
Sir, I want to, instead of sitting here asking you questions, I'd like to give you the floor, because in the press conference I saw a lot of media there, but the audio wasn't too good on the YouTube version, so I'd like to give you the floor here to really speak about what you think is most important
I would also like to ask you about the armed nature of it, how you were treated like you were criminals instead of working with our industry and saying, hey, you know, you might do this a little bit better.
But I noticed that with the vitamin industry, they tried that.
And now the government's trying to shut them down.
So unfortunately, they don't want to work with you.
And even if you try, they're going to come after you.
These are parasites who could care less about our economy or our future.
But but but you've got the floor, sir.
Well, I think you're a lot more eloquent than I am.
All I can say is that, in fact, the government is using drug enforcement, hostile techniques
We are just a guitar factory.
We're a small business that's very successful.
We're hiring people.
We are competing successfully overseas in exporting.
And we're talking about an import and export paperwork issue.
That should not be dealt with
with people with loaded guns and bulletproof vests uh... intimidation techniques uh... we've had hourly employees uh... put into rooms with five or six armed people and interrogated without their attorney present uh... you know you're talking about really hostile action and no one has come to us and said fellas you know here's the problem
We have an issue with this.
Let's deal with it.
Their first response was SWAT raids with guns and they shut our business down.
They injured us.
It was an attack.
And we have no recourse.
You know, there isn't even a judicial recourse.
We are trying to fight this in court.
And the government is trying to stay the judicial proceedings so that we can't even fight and get our day in court.
So anyway, I think we are being treated unfairly, way disproportionate to any possible cause.
I think that their ability to do that really
We have to think about what that means for our democracy and for other people who could be put in this exact same situation.
And so, you know, I ask for reason and I ask for fairness.
Well, you're not going to get that from the Federal Gestapo anymore.
They admit they want a post-industrial United States.
That's what the whole green tyranny, carbon tax is about.
Only their friends are going to be able to operate now in America.
Al Gore has said it.
They've all stated it.
And this is their program.
This is the mafia takeover of America.
We're talking to Henry Juskowitz, the CEO of Gibson Qatar, a growing
American company, 60% foreign.
I know Gibson gets more and more popular.
They have an entertainment office here in Austin.
They're bucking the trend with American craftsmanship, just like Harley-Davidson and others.
And the system does not like this, and they harass every major American company that is left that's not an insider.
But sir, you brought up something that's the heart of the matter.
We've seen raids on dairy farms that sell raw milk to Whole Foods and people legally and raw milk cheese.
And they do the same thing.
They show up and say, we're going to say all your cows have mad cow and kill all of them unless you sign a form admitting you did something illegal.
They just make it up.
Or they show up to Amish and he literally put guns to their heads and scream and cuss and say, admit you're guilty.
I mean, they're worse than Gestapo.
I mean, the Gestapo were polite till they got you to a camp.
The ATF had just resigned, caught shipping guns into Mexico, then blamed the Second Amendment here, caught perjuring himself.
Turns out the White House ordered it.
I think we've got to come to grips with these are really nasty people or they're going to continue to have the moral high ground.
But you mentioned that they got employees in there without their lawyers and began these interrogations.
That is unconstitutional.
That is official oppression.
That is illegal.
And I hope that you look
To get on the offensive with a civil suit against these people and that organizations come to your aid, sir?
We are looking for every legal remedy and we'll go to the Supreme Court if we have to.
Well, I want to say this.
We all hang together or we hang separate.
You know who said that?
Benjamin Franklin.
Yeah, you know, one of our founding fathers.
I don't think our founding fathers had this in mind for their democracy.
Our republic is in deep trouble, sir.
We're going to break here in a moment.
We'll come back in five more minutes.
You've been very gracious with your time, but specifically, what more can you tell us about the getting people in rooms alone with armed green police?
Well, you know, not much more needs to be said.
I mean, it was a pretty frightening situation.
People didn't know.
These were ordinary workers on the factory floor.
They were pretty freaked out.
And, you know, in addition to that, several of these people in subsequent interrogations by the Justice Department were threatened with five years in prison.
Uh, five years in prison.
You know, and these are ordinary production people going about their business.
Um, you know, they have nothing to gain.
Uh, and they're threatened with prison terms.
Henry Juskiewicz, stay with us.
I want to give you the inside baseball of what's happening.
You're a smart guy, but I want to warn you.
of what they're trying to do when we come back from this quick break.
Folks, they're trying to take down one of the last American companies that's trying to keep this country working and moving.
This is treason.
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Henry Juskiewicz, the CEO of Gibson Guitar with two factories right there in Tennessee and offices all over the United States and larger cities, like right here in Austin, Texas.
I've got friends that have been over to the little showroom and bought a guitar.
That's almost as bad as people getting arrested for selling lemonade all over the country.
I don't
Basically Soviet-style juries that will send a ham sandwich to the gas chamber in order to do so.
But public pressure has been known to back them off from the charges and as you said in the first few days they wouldn't tell you why.
Now they're saying the Lacey Act, international law, it's that your laborers were working the wood and they can change these international laws anytime they want and then say well the laws have changed now, now you're under.
But the fact that they're going after
Factory floor craftsmen and women shows that they're just trying to terrorize them to lie about you and they'll say we're gonna let you off now just say this and they'll convince them then they'll go in and testify and so you are in grave danger everybody's gotta gotta get the word out about this what's your take on that?
Well, that may very well be the fact.
I mean, they are being threatened and coercive techniques were used.
Fortunately, you know, we have good people here at Gibson, and everyone here is, you know, really feels terrible about this.
We all love the company.
We've done nothing wrong, and the intimidation isn't working.
By the way, I mean, these floor workers, I mean, they have nothing to do with the importation and working of it.
Everybody knows they're totally innocent.
That's right.
You don't deal with lawyers and they don't have a squad of legal people.
And in fact, the company didn't have to support those people.
They could have been on their own.
We did support them.
We hired independent lawyers for them to protect their own personal interests.
But that didn't have to happen.
It's just not right.
And by the way, this fishing expedition is now going into its third year.
This started in 2009.
Yes, sir.
Wow, I mean, I see it all the time where they throw the book at somebody who gets a drop of motor oil in their backyard, but then we're shipping all our jobs to China where they just dump the toxic waste right in the ocean.
I mean, how is America supposed to operate with all these new offices that have been erected and the swarms of agents that have been sent out to eat out our substance?
It's very difficult to do business with these issues facing you.
Now have you seen an upswing in orders though with the people sympathetically trying to support American jobs?
A lot of people have been calling in.
Yes, we have seen upswing in orders.
Of course, it's only been a couple of days since the raid, but people are just pouring letters and support in from all over the country and all over the world.
And yes, we have seen an uptick in people buying product.
So, they certainly realize that it's important to have jobs here in America, and in closing, sir, they're claiming that it's because you were working the wood that it's able to have jobs here.
Essentially, that's right.
You know what?
We're going to break for one minute.
I just want you to finish that point.
Stay with us.
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I think so.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
American companies are being harassed and shot down everywhere.
The harassment of even small manufacturing companies in Central Texas is off the charts.
Bad state, local, new taxes.
It is vicious.
And they just moved to Mexico and China.
Where they can pretty much execute their employees if they want to.
That's the type of globalism we're talking about.
And later we're going to get more into it.
Feds are now saying people that print up their own silver or gold coins, commemorative gold coin companies, totally legal, even AP admits it, they're going to go to jail.
And they're saying they may start going to your houses.
And even the Associated Press says, but this isn't illegal.
The government is out of control.
And they're expanding into raw milk and guitars and wood and everything else.
We're talking to the CEO of Gibson Guitar, Henry Juskiewicz.
And I gotta say, sir, I admire you for staying in America, even though you could undoubtedly make giant profits overseas.
I want to commend you on keeping the quality, because a lot of musicians, they say it's the best.
And I want to commend you for saying, hey, you want to come after somebody, government?
Come after me, not somebody that sweeps the floors, not somebody that carves the wood or puts the guitar strings on.
This is so cowardly and dastardly that they're going after and threatening and intimidating with their guns, your people, to try to get them to make something up about you.
It just shows how wicked these folks are.
So I want to commend you.
Thank you very much, and thank you for having me on the show and giving us some time.
Well, I'll tell you right now, I intend to buy a Gibson guitar.
Because who knows, they might win, they might shut you down, it's a collector's item, but I'm friends with...
Jimmy Vaughn, I know he's involved with other guitars, but I know a lot of musicians, and I think all of them need to stand up together, or as I said, hang separate, because I've read in the news, Wall Street Journal admits, people with guitars that are even triggered, Willie Nelson won't go out of the country with Trigger, even though it's 60 years old, because they'll take his wooden guitar when he leaves the country.
Yeah, it's a travesty.
Well, in closing, sir, specifically with the Lacey Act, because they wouldn't tell you at first what it was about, they're now saying, look, we're not denying you have certified wood that isn't endangered from a group that's certified under law.
We're saying you worked the wood and that's illegal.
And that is just so ironic.
It's not what this country is about.
Well, specifically, you've got a press release out on it, but what are they, how are they saying it's illegal to buy wood from overseas and then lay a hand to it?
Well, basically, what they're trying to do is to enforce the law of a different country.
In this case, India.
And India has a particular law where if raw wood is not completed,
Completely worked on in India, it can't be exported.
In other words, India is saying, don't take our raw materials.
We have to do the work on the raw materials in this particular case.
And so if we bought the exact same wood and Indian laborers completed it, then we would be able to do what we do.
But if American laborers complete it, then it's illegal.
This is the de-industrialization, and India is part of these free trade deals.
I mean, we just take their products.
India's taken most of our jobs on record, and this is the thanks we get.
This is a... Sir, are you aware of Agenda 21, and how the LASIAC's part of this world government system?
No, I'm not.
But you're under world government now, aren't you?
You've got India dictating to you.
Well, you know, the Indian government hasn't even made an issue of this.
It's our own U.S.
government that's making the issue.
You know, we have lots of paperwork from the Indian government that said that the export was legal from their point of view.
So it's all our government.
Well, that's the CEO, Henry Juskiewicz of Gibson, gibson.com.
Sir, we'll talk to you again tomorrow night on the TV show.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Thank you very much, Alex.
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Alex Jones here with vital information concerning our nation's fragile food supply.
Folks, there are some truly dangerous trends forming, and I think it's important for my listeners to do three things right away.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, here's the deal.
You guys, launch my phone system for me, please.
We're gonna take some of your phone calls, in fact, a lot of your phone calls here in the third hour.
Do you understand we've had the head of the Small Business League on, what, 300,000 members?
And he documents that over 95% of all the small business government contracts go to offshore megacorporations.
That's illegal!
And then it came out in the mainstream news three months ago that there's a secret blacklisting program for small businesses by the White House, where the contracts are only given to mega businesses.
Of course, that's business!
Corrupt mafia business.
This is the new system here in America.
Where, oh, they passed a law saying if there's government contracts, it's got to go to Americans.
And JP Morgan, who runs most of the welfare phone call systems and food stamp systems, their operators are in India.
Nothing against people in India, folks, but, you know, I guarantee you, India's doing their own phone calls for their welfare system if they had one.
And it's the same thing.
That's a government contract, but it's going overseas.
They have tilted the deck.
It's not free market.
And they've set it up where hundreds of billions a year in government contracts, 95 plus percent does not go to small businesses, even though the law says local small businesses are supposed to get the contract.
But you don't get the contract.
It's all fraud.
If you're going to have a big government, you better have it dumping the jobs out on the people.
But it's never like that.
It's not like that in Soviet Russia or Hugo Chavez's Venezuela.
One of my great crew members, smart, charming guy, really good computer programmer, self-taught, is from Venezuela.
And he was just down there visiting family because his dad died.
And he said he hadn't been down there in a while.
And he said just in six months or so, the place is falling apart.
They're seizing almost all the private businesses, private schools, private companies.
There's total inflation.
Everything's falling apart.
And Chavez has these militias that are government, like brown shirts, running around beating people up, doing whatever they want.
And, again, he wants, it turns out, I've seen the numbers on it, Chavez could give everybody the power he wants, but if it's not in the neighborhood or the towns he likes, he just turns the power off most of the time.
And then he gets on TV and giggles and laughs and says, I've taken 1,200 businesses, he's on every Sunday, this week, I've taken thousands of businesses, and he'll name some, he'll go, we will pay for them someday!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Ha ha!
And laughs!
It's all, that's what Ceausescu did!
It's funny to these people.
Crooks don't like other people doing well.
Crooks get off on dominating.
You know, there was some guy over at our other old office, there was a neighborhood behind our office, that kept, they finally caught him, kept breaking into houses in the area.
And after he robbed your house when you were out of town, he would urinate all over the place and defecate in the house.
Because he liked it.
It was a little... Not only am I going to rob you, he was a full-grown adult, but he's going to go to the bathroom on your couch.
That's who we're dealing with here.
You like seeing companies and jobs and swimming pools and happy families and healthiness and goodness and drive to the country and the green crops growing and the happy good-looking families.
The New World Order doesn't like that.
They don't like prosperity.
You know how powerful the engine of liberty is in free market?
Everything the Federal Reserve does is, quote, to stop the country from, quote, overheating.
Remember, you used to always hear that.
Oh, we have a 3% growth rate.
We don't want to overheat.
They didn't want you getting out of debt.
They wanted to get you into debt.
3% growth rate with the debt system they created?
You'd need a 10% at that time in the mid and late 90s to get out of the debt.
They were getting you set up.
Aaron, Chris, Scott, Wes, Scott, I'm going to go to all of you.
Ladies and gentlemen, you've got to get this article out.
Feds may seize Liberty Dollars to everybody because it's got the quotes here saying, yes, gold and silver coins in this case, and they're saying it's precedent setting, the feds are, say that gold and silver coins issued by a private mint are counterfeit.
And they say you are terrorist
Attempting to undermine the government, I read the quote twice last hour, and that they will infiltrate, disrupt and dismantle these terrorist organizations which seek to challenge the legitimacy of our democratic form of government.
This is from the criminal justice department caught shipping guns to drug gangs all over this hemisphere.
Including U.S.
These are criminals.
Get it through your head.
They're hardcore criminals.
They are conscious criminals.
The government is run by criminals.
Now, at the top, are there FBI agents that are working the armed robbery beat?
Or that are working the bank robbery beat?
And it's weird.
You'll meet these people.
I have of the years.
They go to church and they're perfectly starched and they drive their car and help little old ladies and are donely do right.
They're picked psychologically.
Okay, we got a real moron here.
And the other dark FBI, dark side, they sit there and roll.
Oh, here comes the moron.
And the moron never knows they're dealing drugs right next to him.
That they're running all sorts of ops.
And sometimes Dudley Do-Right wakes up and they just kill him.
They kill him all the time.
FBI, murder him all the time.
Local police, they murder him all the time.
Serpico, shoot him in the face.
And it's all a big joke.
And I agree with Joel Scalise in his analysis.
More than half the government has now joined DarkSide.
And so you've got all these compartmentalized people in the FBI, in the ATF.
That's who blew the whistle was good ATF agents.
They're like, this is killing a bunch of cops and citizens.
You're gonna keep, now you're shipping guns to people in the US?
This is a drug operation to knock out your competition.
Oh, that's it, we're cutting your pay and promoting the ATF that gave the orders.
But the head guy, because he wouldn't take the fall, he's been forced to stand down today.
But they actually say here, that yes, gold and silver coins, the way they've written this, period,
Our counterfeit, not just Liberty Dollar.
Now, Liberty Dollar, the whole movement, in fact, we show the other side of Liberty Dollar, is about exposing the private fellow reserve.
I mean, competing with the government?
Who's using gold and silver at stores to buy things?
They were saying, we are real U.S.
constitutional money.
We want the government to move back to silver and gold.
Now seven states have passed laws.
They're beginning to issue silver in several states right now.
Well, Alex, I just want to say, you know, thank you for the word you spread.
I'm talking to a lot of friends and other people I meet.
You wouldn't believe how many people listen to you down here.
Um, what you're talking about is really frustrating.
I'm a, I myself, I'm a paramedic.
I'm prior military Marine Corps and South Carolina Army National Guard as well.
And people I've talked to, it's really surprising.
Even active duty law enforcement down here have said they're not willing to violate civil rights.
Gun seizures, unlawful searches... So you're saying, and this is what I'm getting from everybody, there's a real buzz in government now that, do we really want to join a Hitler-like system?
And people are having that discussion, because they should be.
Oh, absolutely.
A friend of mine I work with down here, his name is Gene, we were talking about this, and he's a county deputy where I work, and also part-time basic UNC, and we were talking about it.
It was kind of funny.
He said, the day they tell me to come and confiscate guns is the day I quit, because it's I Love Dean Day.
And he said he quit.
But people are waking up.
It's just, I think one of the problems is the dichotomy of this Republican Democrat.
I was a big Bush supporter, followed lockstep the whole nine yards, until I woke up and saw that it's the same thing.
It's Burger King or McDonald's.
Which one do you want?
But they're both bad for you.
They're all either Burger King or McDonald's, unless it's Ron Paul.
He's a statesman, absolutely on target, a true... I mean, I agree with Lou Rockwell.
We haven't seen something like this since the days of the founders.
I mean, he is educated, a wise man, a true wise man.
You know, here's God providing us this true wise man, right at the brink, and saying, will you choose this, America?
And God just gives us chance after chance, my friend.
Well, I've been telling people, and I pick up patients and stuff, and we'll start talking, and I try to inform them.
And I tell them, I say, and I pick up white patients, black patients, rich, poor, it don't matter.
And I'll tell them, I'll say, you realize Obama doesn't care about you because you're black.
Hillary doesn't care for you because you're a woman.
Bush didn't care about me because I'm white.
You do not understand this.
They don't care.
And when you talk to people, they kind of sit there and go,
You're right!
Because I said, I don't know, when was the last time President Obama had to worry about paying his power bill?
And they all looked at me kind of like, you're right!
I try every day, you know, when I talk to patients, patients' families, try to wake them up.
Well, listen, it's come out in the news that blacks are totally waking up to Obama, Democrats are waking up, that's in my stack.
But I want to explain to people, a lot of conservatives are like, woo, we're exposing him.
No, no, no.
They're exposing the last puppet who's going to get all beat up, then they'll bring a new one in.
It's about getting them past that.
It's fun to hate Obama.
He's a horrible sellout globalist.
I hate him.
But at the end of the day, he's a low-level enemy soldier.
We're talking about the real controllers.
They want us to fight him instead of going to the top and going after David Rockefeller, Queen Beatrix, the Queen of England, the Rothschilds.
And I risk my life every time I say, there's the bullseye.
I don't care.
Let's get that straight.
I'm committed.
I'm in God's hands.
That's the end of it.
And we need to have that same attitude.
God bless you.
I appreciate your call.
Commit, ladies and gentlemen.
There is no other choice.
There is no other way.
The globalists, even if you think you're in the winning team serving them, they are going to betray you.
They're already betraying you.
Did you get a memo about what Fluoride does or what GMO does?
No, you didn't get the memo.
You're not part of the team.
Alex Jones here with vital information concerning our nation's fragile food supply.
Folks, there are some truly dangerous trends forming, and I think it's important for my listeners to do three things right away.
Number one, study the past.
History really does repeat itself.
Number two, learn to spot the dangerous food shortage trends.
Number three, take decisive action.
A perfect storm is brewing, or a global food crisis.
That's why I'm telling everyone to read the new book, Rising Prices, Empty Shelves.
Warning signs that trigger the deadliest famines in history.
Don't get caught unprepared when the crisis hits.
This book is only available at risingpricesemptyshelves.com.
You'll also get a free copy of Supermarket Survival, How to Cut Your Grocery Bills in Half.
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Remember yesterday, Mike Adams was in here and he talked about the Department of Defense funding the propaganda group that claims that they're private but with government funding, or say they don't get government funding, but 64% is from the military?
We were just sent a photo by a listener of the McDonald's trays that are coming out right now for the start of school, the piece of paper.
And he's got a shot of the hamburger and the fries and it says immunize, you know, for your health.
And we're going to show that photo coming up.
And guess who gives money to that private consortium that was set up by the government who propagandizes and covers up the vaccines killing people?
They're on the list.
I mean, this is a sick cult of people.
You know, they take any other hamburger brand and put it under glass, it rots.
Not McDonald's.
I'm telling you folks, these people are pure evil.
Pure evil.
They know exactly what they're doing.
Chris in Florida, you're on the air.
Well, Alex, it's the Fed, as you know, has destroyed the national currency, and they're the financial terrorists.
They've destroyed our sense of national unity.
They've forced us to resort to community currencies and time banks and outright bartering.
But about a year ago, you may remember, I called into your show.
I had the honor to raise a question to fellow Freedom Champion Bob Chapman that in January 2009, the definition of lawful money in federal law at Table 12 U.S.
Code Section 152
...said that, quote, the terms lawful money and lawful money of the United States shall be construed to mean gold and silver coin of the United States.
And I brought that up because it seemed like that was being turned into the SDR.
That was my question, if anybody had any other research on that.
But it's also interesting that in light of Title 12, Section 411, the Federal Reserve notes,
"...shall be redeemed in lawful money on demand at the Treasury Department of the United States, in the City of Washington, District of Columbia, or at any federal..." No, no, I hear ya, I hear ya.
Just interrupt, uh, for a moment.
Well, I'll get to it in a minute because I'm sorry.
They just put on screen the photo of the McDonald's hamburger saying get your immunization.
And I bet that's printed on bisphenol A ink, which also is toxic and sterilizes you.
You just once you're awake, you realize they're hitting you from every angle.
Pardon me?
Oh, they dotted the heart, the I with a heart, immunize with a heart for healthy lives.
And it says with school around, just around the corner, be sure and take your shot.
You got the chemicalized toxic food along with the, hey, get your shots and some corn syrup based ketchup right there.
And most of the printer inks, bisphenol A, absolutely devastating everybody.
And you got all the McDonald's admittedly fries there.
They're nuggets in the chemical precursor of silicone.
Oh my God, the total power, total evil, total wickedness.
Look at it.
Tarrant County, this is up in Dallas.
Immunize Kids, Dallas Area Partnership, Collin County, Denton County.
Oh, everybody gets your shot and all the government seals.
The same government nationwide that's taken baby's blood secretly at birth for 39 years.
The same hardcore evil.
And yes, sir, it's in the Constitution and it's under federal law.
They passed another law, what, in 84, saying silver and gold is lawful money, and when it's issued by the U.S.
Mint, it has to be taken at face value.
So if this is a $20 piece, it's worth $20, even if it's really worth $1,800.
And, uh, but Liberty Dollar came out and said, here's our own silver and gold.
And there's all these other hundreds and hundreds of companies, thousands over the years, that issue their own silver and gold rounds.
And, again, even AP back at the time said, this is not illegal.
What did this jury do?
He's got to appeal this.
Well, these are kept juries that convict 98% of the time in federal court.
Do you really believe 98% of people are really guilty?
And so, for 14 years they issue silver and gold coins, they operate publicly, they start becoming popular, and they send a criminal group of scum to go in who then put out the following statement at the FBI website, Charlotte Division, attempts to undermine the legitimate currency of this country, which the Federal Reserve has done, are simply a unique form of domestic terrorism.
That's a quote!
Attorney Tompkins said in announcing the verdict, while these forms of anti-government activities do not involve violence, it's anti-government illegal.
Federal Reserve Government.
They are every bit as insidious and represent a clear and present danger to the economic stability of this country.
I thought that was the foreign bankers, but no.
She added, we are determined to meet these threats through infiltration, disruption, and dismantling of organizations which seeks to challenge legitimacy of our democratic form of government.
Same government that ships guns to Mexico.
Anything else, sir, about lawful money?
He's gone?
Okay, Scott, Wes, Scott, Brandon.
Your calls are all coming up 800-259-9231.
We have terrorist criminals running the government.
Did you figure that out yet?
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Okay, I got economic news I want to get into and some other stories we haven't even covered dealing with military movements around the world.
But it is such a big deal to have the feds come out and not only say you're a terrorist if you have silver or gold, or if you coin your own silver or gold, which is totally legal and lawful.
They've got juries that'll send you to jail.
Oh yeah, they'll do whatever they're told.
They'll say this is counterfeiting when it's not.
But now they're saying if you're holding it, if you're holding Liberty Coins, it's over.
And then they can obviously, the way this is written, expand that out into silver and gold.
We're going to be discussing that in a moment.
But first, let's go to Scott in Idaho.
Scott, thanks for holding.
Thank you, Alex.
I think today's theme is concerning the swarms of officers he sent to harass our people and eat out their substance.
And as most of your listeners are pretty much aware, this has been going on for a long, long time, but not everybody's got a name like, uh, Gibson or Nothouse and, you know, uh, they make, uh, big cases out of it.
Yeah, but they're really running wild now.
There are thousands of tickets and arrests now for Lemonade.
I mean, they are actually having armed police raid people, uh, you know, five-year-olds, six-year-olds selling lemonade.
It's, they flip out.
And, you know, when a police dog gets killed, $2 million ceremony, jets, helicopters, California, a council person gets killed going into a marijuana field, flags at half-mast.
But when we die, it's funny, it's cute.
It's all about worshipping them, worshipping them, sucking off of us.
And you and I, Alex, we both know what this guy, this manager, owner of Gibson Guitars is in for.
You might remember the multi-mineral dollar mineral water supplement company and the millionaire that owned it.
A few years back, he was indicted for paying his employers in gold and silver, which is lawful U.S.
currency as far as the laws are still concerned.
But they came after him.
He had a million-dollar lawyer, and his million-dollar lawyer suggested that they hire also a federal prosecutor, who happened to be the federal prosecutor on the Timothy McVeigh case.
So you have these two high-priced lawyers in there.
He called me.
He wanted me in on the case because he was a patriot and he was aware of the work that I do.
I went in there, Alex, to that meeting room and they were all dressed in their nice suits and there was only about me and the defendant and his parents and these two lawyers and another person I can't think of.
And they sat around the table and talked for about 45 minutes.
And finally, they turned to me and said, do you have anything to say?
And I said, yeah.
What are you guys going to do that 98% of the lawyers that come into federal court don't do?
Because that's their success ratio when it comes to conviction of United States citizens.
We've already got the highest incarceration rate in the world.
We currently, one out of every 137 or less American citizens are in jail, in prison, or on probation or parole.
The police state is here, and for those that are awake,
You need to understand and learn what your rights are, and if I could give any better piece of advice to all your listeners, Alex, I would tell them the same thing I tell the people that come to my seminars.
I'll give you three real quick tips when confronted by law enforcement.
Number one is keep your mouth shut.
Ninety-eight percent of all convictions in this country are gotten through admissions and confessions, so if you don't
Say anything, you've got a better chance of not being convicted.
Number two is keep your mouth closed.
And number three is shut up.
And number four is keep your mouth shut.
And listen, here's the deal.
They didn't teach this 100 years ago, but they teach it now.
They tell prosecutors, it's your job to convict even if you know they're innocent.
And that's why prosecutors come out all the time.
Even when it turns out somebody's innocent, they will go fight to keep them in jail.
And this country has been handed completely over to evil.
I appreciate your call.
And right now, the cancer's really spreading.
The founders warned us about it.
It grew slowly.
Now it's all over the body.
And it's killing the country.
The country's falling apart.
And the cancer's just dancing, going, I'm growing, I'm growing.
It doesn't know it's destroying its future as well.
It doesn't care.
And they've got all these moron Barney Five types working for them, who actually think that everybody's a criminal but them.
No, you're the criminal.
You are the criminal.
You just don't know it.
You are the jackboot.
But again, it's not even the cops I get mad at.
Most of them are just like the general public, raised on fluoride, totally brain damaged, can't tie their shoelaces, you know, the commander knows how to tie their shoelaces, all the rest don't.
It's not just that.
It's the master controllers of all this.
And I don't want to just be played off against a bunch of idiots.
I know there are a lot of police and military that aren't stupid or waking up.
And the problem is that the establishment knows how to announce a big story, have the big narrative.
It's all about theater.
That's why they do a year-long, million-dollar investigation of Amish publicly selling their neighbors raw milk cheese, which you can buy at any grocery store.
It's not illegal.
They've got to show that it's not like even these federal juries are evil demons.
They're like weird little spongy creatures that are little pets of the system and they love sending folks to prison.
And they get off on it so they'll do whatever the judge and prosecutor tells them so that they've got to show them.
Here we are undercover first buying the cheese one year before.
And it shows the Amish guy.
Oh, hi, good to see you again, Wendy.
Oh, you'd like some of that four blocks of that cheese, why sure.
And then, here she is again.
Next, she convinces him after months of trying to allow her to pick up milk once a week.
Alright, just fresh, just got it.
You have nice thing to help.
Then, we send in our officers, get on the ground, get on the ground!
And they show, the juries go, wow, the officers pulled guns on them.
They're criminals.
And they turn and say,
How does the jury find in the case of the cheese and milk?
We find guilty, sir!
Send the Amish to jail!
And then they leave and they go out and have lunch with the prosecutor.
Hi, prosecutor!
How you doing?
We convict everybody, don't we?
The prosecutor feels like they're a winner.
They like to wear little fancy suits and stamp around the court looking powerful.
Meanwhile, they've got cancer growing all in them.
Drink in the radiation.
Drink in the fluoride.
Eat the GMO.
They're all... And don't worry, the world's gonna judge you.
You're gonna die early.
Your life's gonna be hell.
You want it, you got it.
The system you love is murdering you right now.
Enjoy it.
Enjoy every single stinking, satanic amount of it.
All you worldly vassals of scum and garbage.
I'm not going to scream.
My voice can't handle it anymore.
Wes and Scott and Brandon and Mike, we're going to get to you.
I tell you, I've seen these prosecutors and ATF people.
Their eyes are just crazed with enjoyment, just gangsterism.
And they just love it.
Well, good, good.
Enjoy all the hell you're releasing.
Enjoy every stinking amount of it.
And just take the shots.
Go to McDonald's.
Believe the government.
Bisphenol A, GMO.
Knock yourselves out.
Totally submit.
You've decided hell, then wallow in it.
Just swan dive right into Hades.
Oh, but you don't believe in God.
You think you've only got one life to live.
Okay, well, you're destroying this life.
You're getting your life cut short, remember that.
I know, I know, I'm a conspiracy theorist.
Right, sure I am.
I want to bring Ted Anderson up here and then we'll go back to your calls.
Ted, what do you make of this?
You're 30 plus years in the gold and silver business.
In fact, I've got something going on with my microphone again.
Uh, but, uh, Ted, are you ruffling your microphone up there?
No, no, it's not mine.
It's yours, so... Something goes on with this mic now.
Is this the one that fell off the table a few months ago?
We gotta check it.
Anyways, the point is that, uh, he's now gonna be known as Ted the Terrorist.
So I bring you 30 years in the evil terrorist business.
The head of Gibson should be known as, uh,
Jukowicz, the terrorist.
I mean, anybody who tries to have a job here.
Fourteen years, the Liberty outfit, before that he had the Royal Hawaiian Mint.
And they put out little, remember seeing the TV ads everywhere, so now copper, silver, gold.
They also, I guess, have had the plates with presidents on them.
I guess those are illegal too.
Just everything is illegal.
And of course, they said a few months ago that it's terrorism and that they would destroy them.
But now they're saying if you have a Liberty Dollar, that they're going to SWAT team raid you and that it is counterfeit.
And even for educational or any purposes, they are illegal.
So, uh, this looks like a very dangerous precedent with the, uh, Secret Service and the Fed saying that these silver and gold coins are counterfeit, and it looks like they're gonna try to expand that out, Ted.
I mean, this is a group of scallywags.
Yeah, yeah, I would say so.
When I seen that convention come through for Bernard Von Adels, I thought, man, they should be convicting the Federal Reserve Bank, not this guy.
Honestly, I mean, I'm looking at your article on the PrisonPlanet.com and
And Kurt Demo just knocked one out of the park with this one.
I hope everybody gets over there, reads it, spreads the word, get it to their friends.
You gotta remember, back in 1933, when the Federal Reserve System was in trouble then, and their bank branches didn't have enough gold to pay their depositors, and they had people standing in line, FDR closed the banks on Friday, he confiscated gold on Monday.
Now if you don't think that they have the capacity of doing it again, think again.
This was a confiscation of silver.
I mean, Ted, here's the crazy thing.
Here's the key point I want to make your take on.
If you go to the FBI's website and read the Justice Department ruling, and we have the link to it, but then the latest statements by the Secret Service saying it's not just them.
If you've got these coins, we're going to come for you.
It's that they say he's convicted of counterfeiting and had the kept jury of low-grade morons convicting him.
And even, again, AP even said he didn't violate the statute.
This is bizarre.
This is dangerous.
You know, it's not just that.
They expand here.
And later in her ruling, they say he sought to challenge with a new currency and undermine
The currency of the U.S., but it's not currency of the U.S.
It's the Federal Reserve Note.
They just look like dollars.
It's like saying something's a Ford or a Chevy, but really it's a Yugo.
That's what they've done here.
It says Federal Reserve Note, as you know, since the 1920s or so.
President Kennedy tried to bring it back and got a bullet in his head.
He did issue $5 billion of the Lincoln-Greenback before they killed him.
That does say United States note, not Federal Reserve notes.
But the thing is, they say, oh, we convicted him of counterfeiting, even though he never said this is Federal Reserve money, or competed with the official money system.
He said, you better get silver and gold.
The states need to adopt this.
He was a real money advocate like Ron Paul.
So, but then they admit in their own statement by the U.S.
Attorney and the prosecutors that we went after him because he was challenging the system.
So they admit they framed him and had a wicked jury, or they may just be mentally retarded, convict him.
Yeah, yeah, that's right.
They convicted him because he went up against the Federal Reserve System.
No doubt about it.
He was going against the currency... A political prisoner and they admit it was political in their own statement!
That's right.
And, you know, as crazy as that sounds, it's obviously the color of law.
It's not the law itself that he's convicted by.
And it's just, you know, it's nuts to think that this kind of thing could happen here in the United States.
Ted, they're sending Amish to jail that sell their neighbor's cheese that's sold in Whole Foods and Legal.
But they show the jury the raid.
I mean, you could raid Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago and federal juries would send him to a gas chamber.
I mean, they could raid George Washington, and the jury would say, kill him.
I mean, you could raid Mother Teresa and have guns out, and a jury would say, well, the cops aimed guns at you, go to prison!
I mean, do you understand that it's all part of theatre, Ted?
Yeah, I sure do.
And it's amazing to watch.
I mean, honestly, I don't know where this country is going to end up, because we certainly don't have liberty... Did you hear they went after Gibson under an Agenda 21 UN regulation, saying you can't work wood inside the U.S.
if it's foreign produced?
I know, I know, I saw that.
By the way, during the breaks, that guy was almost crying, totally freaked out, because they're telling him he's going to prison.
I mean, he's just totally freaked out, legally bought it, and there's goons, reportedly, that was in the other reports, giggling and laughing and smirking, and threatening his employees to lie about him, or they'll go to prison.
I mean, these are scum of earth!
Mafia filth!
Nazi trash evil!
Yeah, yep, you're right.
When is somebody gonna call a spade a spade, Ted?
You know, it's uh... I don't know.
There is definitely a huge opposition against this thing going on, and it's getting bigger.
And a lot of the reason why that's happening is because we have people like you.
I mean, that's why I'm pushing so hard for this video, the American Dream.
Can we get that out so people can actually get an idea?
By the way, it's an incredible... In fact, roll some of the American Dream trailer in the background while Ted talks for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
It's a thirty-five minute
Documentary, cartoon, animated, that will wake up even the dumbest of the sheeple about the history of the banksters and the fight this country's always had.
It's free.
You get a free Mark Dice.
Big, thick, excellent read.
Big Brother, Orwellian Nightmare come true.
And free shipping when you order two silver dollars.
And how much is that deal right now, Ted, with silver?
Well, presently it's 83 bucks that I'm charging.
83 or 88?
I'm sorry, it's $88.
You're right.
There's $5 for shipping.
It's 88 total.
But currently with Silver... I thought it was free shipping before you were calling it 88 and saying free shipping.
Okay, 88 with the shipping included, two free gifts.
Infowars.com has a link at the top.
But also you can call 800-686-2237 and I'd say it supports the broadcast.
It really doesn't, because Ted doesn't make any money on these.
It's a lost leader.
But please support Liberty and Freedom if you believe in what we're doing.
Again, ladies and gentlemen, 800-686-2237.
Get the free film, the free book, with a great deal on the two silver dollars.
$88 delivered.
Yeah, $88 delivered.
And you know, right now, silver's at $41.52.
Gold is shooting up like a rocket today.
$18.36, $30 presently.
We've seen a high of $18.38.
That's up $46.80 today.
I mean, they're concerned right now that the Fed is going to ease the money, mean printing more money.
And here, Bernard von Nathaus is sitting in prison because he's trying to offer
Constitutional money, something that the United States calls for to be money.
And this Federal Reserve stuff, this fiat thing, is absolutely stuff that's being just printed from nothing, from thin air, and putting us into debt at the process.
And we end up owing these banksters.
You know, the whole thing is so crazy upside down, and that's why, Alex, if we can just get these darn videos to people, and they can look at it, maybe... Well, here's the other... I agree, Ted.
Here's the other good news, though.
Seven states have now passed laws to issue their own silver and gold currency, mainly silver.
And there's already hundreds of new mints going up.
They're losing.
They're getting ready to totally devalue it.
They want to demonize silver and tell yuppies, you don't have that or you're evil.
They are the financial terrorists.
They are the criminals.
They're scared to death.
Folks, get the two U.S.
silver dollars.
Still legal, but I mean if Hitler said you gotta go in a gas chamber, you don't have to do it.
I'm getting silver and gold, the scumbag told me to turn it in.
I'm not doing it.
I'm done.
I'm done with the filth.
I'm done licking their Soviet Nazi boots.
I'm done.
I'm calling you out, criminals.
I don't care.
I know you're criminals.
I know you're anti-American filth that hates this country, that ships narcotics in, and ships guns to Mexico to blame the Second Amendment, and puts poison in our food and water, and radioactive
I think?
I'm telling you, globalists.
I see who you are.
I'm calling you out.
Asking for all the other radio specials on silver and gold to get the lowest prices.
Gold's shooting back up today.
I'm born again hard, not a slave.
We're bringing the globalists down!
We can win!
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You know, I take tyranny real serious.
I know what it does.
Killed 200-plus million people last century.
They admittedly have Iran back in the Al-Qaeda group, which is pretty rare for Iran.
They're usually against Al-Qaeda, but that's in French news agency.
The head of the rebels is a giant Al-Qaeda commander.
That's now mainstream news confirmed.
I've got all that news.
I'm going to be on TV tonight, another special report.
Seven o'clock on a host of issues.
This is not the nightly news.
The nightly news is every night, seven o'clock.
And then at least once a week, we're going to have special reports, documentary films that are going to debut.
Sometimes I'll do emergency call-in shows with guests when things are breaking, all at PrisonPlanet.tv.
And if it works out down the road, we'll turn it into a little network.
Okay, let's go to Scott in Washington.
Scott, you're on the air.
Yeah, I just wanted to comment about the Libyan situation and, you know, how the fake left-right media is portraying it.
And you notice I was watching this clip of Tom Hartman sitting around here talking about the fact that this whole thing and the Libyan situation, the way that Obama went in there and did this was a success and that the Republicans were mad and they didn't want to give him
Any credit for doing all of this kind of stuff.
Now, nevertheless, the fact that you got... Yeah, that makes the left then think, ooh, Republicans don't like it, I'm for it.
Just like when they have Democrats attack Republicans, Republicans then go support the Republicans, even though it's globalist policy.
And Republicans attack Democrats, that makes everybody then go support the Democrats.
It's total elementary level moron mind game.
And this is why I don't like Tom Hartman.
Years ago I'd go on his show on radio, smart, reasonable, didn't agree with everything, but he was, he knew what he was talking about.
Now I've gone on his TV show and he's like, extreme right winger, Alex Jones joins us, even though he knows I'm not about that whole paradigm, playing the labels.
So he's just an operative up there punching buttons.
Yeah, exactly.
And then you've got people like Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly now trying to attack Cynthia McKinney because
She's gone over there and reported about what's going on over there, you know, trying to put this narrative out there.
Well, she's been proven right.
She said three months ago when she was over there they were systematically killing black people that were on the government side, and now it's confirmed.
There's just piles of dead black people everywhere.
They're just killing them.
They pull them out of houses and kill them.
And then trying to, like, well, where is she getting the money to go over there trying to, you know, put this narrative out that she's being paid off and stuff, so, you know... Well, you can say what you want about Cynthia McKinney.
She's got ten times the courage of most men, and she went over there to report on what's going on.
Nobody's saying Qaddafi was a great guy.
The point is, they're putting people even worse in there.
Now it's a total humanitarian disaster.
They lied and said it wasn't a war from the beginning, remember?
Oh yeah, well that was just like the last time when I called into your show when that silly Hal Sparks was on there, and I challenged him about, well, why aren't you guys complaining now about the stuff Obama's doing, which is the same thing that Bush was doing, and even more.
And you know, remember the narrative that he put out there about, well, you know, a UN resolution is different from just going in and invading a country.
Yeah, now it turns out there were U.N.
and U.S.
NATO trips there the whole time.
The uprising was started, it was all fake, and they lied to us, as usual.
We have a completely criminal government.
I mean, it's just filled with abject criminals at the top, with a bunch of yes-men and women under them.
Here's a new report.
Report on man who faces life sentence for recording cops.
And all over the country, they say you take cops in public, life in prison.
It's actually in mainline news, and he'll go to prison!
That's how America works now!
I mean, it's just absolutely criminal.
We are in so much trouble.
They hire all these nothings.
All these nothings.
Give them guns, power, and just say, go destroy America.
And they say, zeig heil, and go running off crazy into the mountains.
Thank you for listening to GCN.