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Name: 20110803_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 3, 2011
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It's happening.
Things are moving faster and faster and faster.
Our Republic, along with the European Union and every other sovereign nation on Earth, and every economic union, are being imploded by design.
We have predicted it.
We have laid it out.
We have read to you the white papers of the social engineers bragging about how they plan to do this.
I cover it in the Obama Deception, now out for more than two years.
Follow the Republic.
Those films are even more powerful today.
They're not pressing it, though.
That's what's crazy about this.
It's like reading Mein Kampf, Hitler's manifesto, and then people were shocked by what he did.
He told the world exactly what he was going to do.
And I'm going to be covering this when we come back from the break.
I told you in the last year that I'm seeing a major brand marketing test to shift the entire homeland security apparatus onto any type of mainline political activism.
And that's in the news today.
Pentagon to watch Americans.
In cyberspace.
Well, they've already been doing that.
Pentagon to counter Americans.
Pentagon to engage in propaganda.
Ladies and gentlemen, for decades they've been paying off the media.
The dominant corporate whore media.
That isn't dominant anymore.
So the system's coming in with kill switches and taxes and controls.
The Pentagon does not represent the Republic.
It represents the foreign banks that have overtaken it.
And they give the military a false mission statement of why they're doing what they're doing.
They're compartmentalized.
So don't go off of what you're being told is the reason you're doing things.
Analyze what you're really doing.
Reality test information.
And if you've studied any history, you know every
Indicator of a total tyranny, an authoritarian, autocratic, dictatorial, centrally controlled, nightmare system.
Every indicator has been checked off, not once, not twice.
The system has checked it off so much that they've, that they've, you know, the pen has gone through the paper.
They've scribbled and filled in the box so much that it has now gone into the table.
And like Rahm Emanuel stabbing, you know, the White House desk saying kill, kill, kill about members of Congress he doesn't like on record in front of the press.
They are just jabbing their pen into those boxes and just police state, total control, unaccountable government, surveillance, robbing the people, just grinding, grinding those boxes, just scrubbing them.
I mean, it doesn't take a rocket scientist, a brain surgery to know we're in deep trouble.
It doesn't take someone with a IQ
Any higher than room temperature.
What's room temperature?
76 degrees.
Someone who is seriously mentally retarded should be able to figure this out.
I mean, there are people who have serious brain damage, who unfortunately are born that way, who know corruption when they see it, who know what tyranny looks like.
The Feds in the last decade have financed even foreign governments, but our own local police, to wear black masks, helmets, to beat their
I don't know.
The cameras they put up aren't going to be used on criminals.
They're going to be used on you.
Criminals run the system.
And look at everything from the perspective of the criminals, you'll understand.
Okay, I must at least read the headlines of all these articles.
I must discipline myself.
And I just don't know if I have the strength to do it, but we're going to come back.
They're rebranding.
We use Homeland Security and the American people.
The global financial collapse is in high gear.
Gold is hit.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome, my friends, listening in the United States and, of course, across the world, fellow lovers of liberty, truth and justice, all the things that went out of fashion in the last few decades, and so did all of our prosperity.
It also went out of fashion when the crooks came in and destroyed our constitutional republic and, of course, overthrew countless other sovereign nations.
We're now living in a corporate global government
That resembles an arena where the heavily armed corporate non-free market monopoly men mercenaries hack up the unarmed companies and industries and now our liberties and steal the pension funds, public and private, and they have decided to fully commit to absolute global collapse and an absolute assault and attack
Openly on every sovereign nation on the planet, on every individual liberty, all of it being sold as the solution to the crises that they've orchestrated.
That's exactly what's going on.
Let me just read you some of the headlines, then I'm getting into the top story today that we are here to cover.
And that, of course,
Is the fact that we have been proven absolutely accurate and correct about the controlled demolition of the world economy, and that as that controlled demolition took place, anyone that exposes the big six megabanks and their cartel, whose fingerprints are all over this, I mean not just fingerprints, their
On record, the authors of it openly bragging they would implode the global economy, shut down industrial societies, and then bankrupt people to where they're totally dependent on government and the corporations that control it.
Absolute global corporate dictatorship.
And exactly what they said they would do, they have done.
So, I can't even say we predicted all of this.
We said, here, they're admitting their battle plan.
Just like Hitler.
Wrote Mein Kampf.
In the late 1920s, and he said exactly what he was gonna do.
And the Germans went along with it, and Germans who didn't like Hitler were still in denial and said, well, it can't be this bad, and Americans were in denial.
It was the same thing about the Red Terror, the same thing, the reports coming out of China in the 40s, 50s, and 60s, late 40s, 50s, 60s, about Mao killing the Chinese, say over 80 million people, and of course today we know it was all true and worse.
Same thing with Pol Pot killing 30% of his population.
Castro killing 300-400,000 political dissidents.
People just don't want to believe it.
They think they can have magical thinking and deny that tyranny has come to their shores.
And now this is a global assault on all that is decent, all that is good.
It is a total scientific tyranny.
And now, I told you, at the key juncture, what are the banksters going to do?
What are they going to do to their political opposition?
Anyone who is informed, who is educated about history, who can see what they're doing, anyone that understands the banks are above the law, anyone that knows the majority of the debt is not owed by the people and is impossible to pay back and must be written off, the 1.5 quadrillion,
Anyone that says get rid of the private Federal Reserve or the Bank of England.
Anyone that says look at Al Gore and Lord Rothschild on private jets and trains and yachts calling for carbon taxes and that old people can't have heating in the winter and that you shouldn't be able to take a hot bath because of carbon while they live like lavish pigs.
If you criticize them, you are going to be called a terrorist.
I told you that right as the collapse accelerated, they would begin to announce that the people that don't like the bankers and the Federal Reserve and the New World Order are racist, are murderers, are killers, are terrorists.
And now, if you type Tea Party terrorist in, there are thousands of articles in the last two weeks, even before the kickoff of the clearly staged event over in Norway.
Provocateur bare minimum.
And now you see Joe Biden coming out.
You see the other Democratic leaders coming out.
You see them coming out and saying the Tea Party is terrorist.
The New York Times says they're Hezbollah.
And it's all over talk radio.
It's everywhere.
It's in the MIAC reports, the Homeland Security training manuals, the Homeland Security videos.
It is on.
And they are test marketing what Robert Shapiro in the Financial Times of London told Barack Obama.
He said, minus a catastrophic event, like a Oklahoma City or a 9-11, you are not going to get your agenda through.
And there's similar reports out.
Now coming up, I'm going to remind you, I'm going to play Glenn Beck.
Months and months after I warned and even sent Glenn Beck emails, I said, they're getting ready to set you and I up.
I said here are the memos, here's the different White House advisors.
He gives a couple of examples saying that in their internal memos that have been made public that there's going to be terror attacks and we're going to blame it on these people.
Now they don't say we're going to do it.
They are one micron from admitting openly what they're up to.
And Savage, Michael Savage, is smart enough to get this.
In the last two years, he said, you mark my words, when people wake up to Obama and his approval rating drops, he's going to blow up a rice tag like Hitler.
And I absolutely, absolutely, folks, even though I don't like Glenn Beck,
Because he's done things to me behind the scenes and, you know, I said on air, Charlie, you're clean, which means not on drugs.
And then they turned it into something that I was in the shower with Charlie Sheen, you know, I mean, really vicious type stuff.
Look, Glenn Beck, you've already been run out of Fox because you told too much of the truth.
You better, and so had Michael Savage and everybody else and all you mainline, you know, kind of Republican, mainline conservative types.
You better get this through your heads.
The system is coming after you because you are the mouthpieces, even though to a certain extent your establishment and controlled opposition, you are going to be knight of the long-knived.
And for those that don't know what knight of the long knives was,
First thing Hitler did after he blew up the Reichstag, after he'd been in office a few months, in February of 33, was go after first his internal opposition.
And then he went after his outside political opposition.
So, none of you are part of the establishment.
Just like they'll take special forces troops, put them in a chamber, tell them it's a drill, nerve gas them, dissect their bodies, tell their wives they died in a helicopter crash.
On record.
Many cases of that.
Or say you died of the flu.
They will use you and they will come after you.
Now, that's the bottom line here.
And there's only one other person in talk radio that is somewhat of a loose cannon and somewhat of a real maverick, and that's Michael Savage.
Because I happen to know some of the inside baseball at Talk Radio Network and the wars they've had with him and the fact that they let him do what he does even though it's caused him a lot of issues.
What you hear there is not something you're going to hear in the future if this continues.
And you're certainly not going to hear people like Alex Jones.
Okay, now I said I'd get to at least the headlines, but the globalists are carrying out a criminal takeover of this society.
And they are going to stage terror attacks and blame it on their opposition.
Anybody that talks about the New World Order in a bad light.
And there's going to be an attempt here to get people to turn their backs on this information and run from it.
And not talk about it because of the demonization.
Just like after Oklahoma City.
But it's going to be far worse.
And they are going to link up...
Anti-New World Order patriots worldwide with Muslim extremists in these staged events.
There'll be other events that aren't directly connected.
In fact, I believe the first attacks will be purely right-wing to get folks to shift away from Al-Qaeda, as I've been predicting ad nauseum and has now happened.
And then they're going to have joint attacks.
And I'm already starting to see that rhetoric.
Look, you can get into the enemy's mindset, see what they've done over and over again, their pathology, their psychology,
And then you can think like you're them.
What would I do if I was totally ruthless?
And you think of the very worst, most effective thing you can do, there you have it.
Okay, you know what they're going to do.
The best generals have not just studied the enemy and studied their own force, but they put themselves into the mind of the enemy.
And that's what I do.
And I am literally, and I've proven this time and time again, I am looking out of their eyes.
Now, I can do that in a general way.
I don't know exactly what combo they're going to pull, where they're going to hit, though I've been able to say they're going to probably blow up the World Trade Center and blame it on their asset Bin Laden.
My prediction, two months before 9-11, with total precision.
Not just that, hey, they're going to stage something and blame it on Bin Laden.
You could see that on the news.
They were building him up.
I knew that they'd hit the World Trade Center before, cooked the bomb, trained the driver, given them the detonators.
That's New York Times, CBS News.
And only because the Egyptian CIA agent they'd hired, Ahmad Salam, knew that they were setting him up.
Because he said, first, it wasn't going to be a real bomb.
Then it was, build a real bomb and don't give them real detonators.
Then it was, we're not going to let them drive the truck out of the garage.
And then it's, you're going to let them drive it down there and let it go ahead?
He figured it out, recorded them on the phone and in meetings, and did a press conference and released the tapes and handed out copies while he was breathing heavily.
Only reason he lived.
He figured it out.
He was smart.
He got it out.
He's like, I was there to set up Muslim extremists.
This whole thing is a setup.
They carried out that bombing.
He gave the press conference the day after it happened.
And reportedly, he even left his apartment and literally slept in his car until the next day when he did the press conference.
That's how you do it.
That's how you whistleblow.
He would have been deader than a hammer.
Or if they would have set him up, oh, here's the guy from Egypt who did it.
He's the leader.
He's the bomb maker.
Instead they had to pay him off, what was it, a million and a half bucks?
He got to go back to Egypt.
Okay, here's your settlement for what we did to you.
You get a million bucks plus instead of going to prison and being the new McVeigh.
And that's another thing for people that work in government.
Don't think you're taking part in a drill.
Or don't think you're taking part in a sting.
They will set you up like Lee Harvey Oswald, who was CIA on record.
They will set you up like McVeigh.
They will burn you as the Patsy.
The only thing consistent with these people is they're treacherous as Satan himself.
Alright, I'm gonna give you the incredible financial collapse news, then the frame-up news coming up straight ahead.
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Watch me!
Watch me!
I got it.
Watch me!
I got it.
This is the type of news we've got up at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Former Comptroller General, sudden and very painful economic collapse is coming.
That's the former Comptroller General.
And I just so happen to have from the Tax Policy Center, the White House's numbers and projections on tax revenues.
We'll be going over this later in the broadcast.
Oh, Obama says overall taxes aren't going to be going up.
They project tax revenues to go from $2 trillion, $173 billion,
To $2,627,000,000 next year, and by 2013 $3,000,000,000, 2014 $3.3 trillion plus, 2015 $3.583 trillion, and then finally 2016 $3.819 trillion.
So they're talking about within five years
Almost doubling the amount of taxes coming into the government.
Does anybody believe that that isn't going to take huge tax increases across the board?
Kind of like Obama's health care was going to give you a pre-existing coverage and was going to help everybody.
Turns out the insurance companies wrote it.
By the way, you know, in his speeches he's been giving, he says his number one mission now, in fact we'll play this later, his number one mission is to get everybody to chip in.
The austerity's here, but not for the globalist.
No, no, no, no.
Their profits are all up.
All the big megabanks' profits up.
General Electric and others offshoring our jobs, accelerating it.
Profits are up.
It is so much fun to be bankrupting and enslaving the population while you make giant short-term profits, consolidating things.
But you're not really thinking short-term.
Because there's not going to be any competition left, and they don't care if it's a wrecked society.
They'll be in their armored luxury compounds, their 21st century high-tech green zones, while we, the slaves, live out here under the carbon tax austerity.
Look at these news articles I've got here.
Europe on the brink of major financial collapse.
Guggenheim's CIO.
Italy under fire.
In a widening euro crisis, it was always designed to expand into every other country.
I mean, we've told you this over and over again.
This is a designed receivership.
The banks have admitted that.
Ireland had a great economy until the month after they signed on to the euro, which was a banking agreement to go under foreign bank ownership, as the head of their central bank told the BBC.
He said, yes, it's good to be run by foreign banks.
That's a quote.
It's like saying it's good to murder children.
They just come right out and say it with a straight face.
Italy under fire for widening Euro debt crisis.
Here's another one.
And it just continues.
stocks massive rout spells trouble for Wall Street.
Europe on brink of major financial collapse.
Another report on that.
Debt deal doesn't dispel downgrade fears.
We always told you that was going to happen.
No, no, it gets worse as you do what they want.
And by the way, they reported the numbers in the budget.
Huge increases every year going out.
Massive increases, but that's corporate welfare increases and banker bailout.
You are going to get your Social Security and your pensions and your Medicare and your Medicaid cut.
That's what the health care law is, where they tell the doctors what to do.
You don't get cataract surgery?
Buy a cane!
Buy thicker glasses!
They've already done it in other countries, so we can follow what they've done in other countries.
It's a global standardization to know exactly what's going to be done here.
We know exactly
It's like predicting, yeah, I bet next August, in mid-August, it's over 100 degrees in Austin.
Not rocket science.
Wow, the very same banks did this in all these other countries?
And the same people are here and this is their formula?
Here's their memo saying it?
I mean, there is no hope because they're in charge.
Anything they say is a fix.
Their so-called fight, Mitch McConnell saying the Tea Party won with his budget.
I mean, that is such a mind game.
It just defies reality.
It doesn't even fit into reality.
Oh, Republicans had a victory with this.
Oh, the Super Congress.
And then some people out there say, oh, the Super Congress isn't that bad.
It's just a committee.
Oh, yeah, that decides the bills.
I'm gonna get into that later.
I mean, it's just amazing that grown adults... Most of these Congress people are just idiots.
They don't even know what they're doing.
Most of the analysts out there don't know what they're talking about.
It's so lonely to more and more realize that, quite frankly, I know a lot more than most of these people.
I can't believe that.
I never thought of myself as that smart.
Look at this.
Chinese agency downgrades U.S.
credit rating.
Again, even lower.
China joins Russia in blasting U.S.
borrowing after debt ceiling agreement.
Because that devalues the dollar worldwide and causes global inflation.
Bond market developments are deep concerns as Barroso.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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You know, I predicted that right when they try to pass the cybersecurity total Pentagon takeover of the entire internet telecommunications infrastructure, it's already in place, but they just want to unveil it, that there would be massive hack attacks against U.S.
systems, private and public.
Slash governmental, because now government really isn't the public, is it?
It's the secret fiefdom of the megacorporations that are robbing us.
State actors seen behind enormous wave of cyber attacks.
And gee, earlier in the year when Stuxnet got launched against Iran.
I said it'll be a joint project of the U.S.
and Israel.
It's so sophisticated.
I talked to IT experts.
They said it had the Microsoft super-secret kernel knowledge, meaning it had to be high-level industrial out of the West with Microsoft working with them.
And now it's been tacitly admitted in the New York Times.
Israel and the U.S., along with major corporations, designed the Stuxnet.
And I even predicted at the time that it wouldn't just be the U.S.
and Israel launching the industrial bug that has to be put directly into the systems.
It's not over networks.
But that they would use it, that they would use the system that has to be delivered at the point of attack by spies inside, that they would use that as a call to set up cyber security, and they did it all.
Again, they think you're so dumb, they launch the terror attack on cyberspace, and then they take your rights.
They think you're so dumb, they ship tens of thousands of guns to Mexico.
And get five cops, three Border Patrol killed at least, in the U.S.
Unbelievable bedlam, and then blame the Second Amendment, and then outside of law, start restricting gun shops without authority.
And what did Larry Pratt say here yesterday on the air?
And what is everything from the AP to the Huffington Post saying?
That the Super Congress does begin the process of setting up a new form of government.
And some people out there just cannot believe this is happening.
And they make excuses for Obama launching wars without congressional approval, or carbon taxes without it, because they just do this incrementally.
Or, oh, the Super Congress isn't that bad, it's another committee.
Oh yeah, that originates the spending and cutting bills, which is the total power of government.
And that's the heart of it.
All right, I'm going to get into that coming up.
But GOA chief, super-Congress, will lead U.S.
to dictatorship.
And they can have an up or down vote now.
Can't filibuster, can't amend.
And then it says, if Congress doesn't go along with it, then the automatic cuts go into effect, which then will be decided by the leadership.
Oh, so you pass what we want, or it just goes into effect?
That's not tyranny?
You see... And then there's other crazy news.
Tepco says highest radiation yet is detected at Fukushima Daiichi.
I saw an MSNBC article yesterday reporting highest radiation ever recorded there, and it had the term in it, pockets of death.
I know the Drudge Report had it up.
Drudge Report also had our Ron Paul story up last night until this morning, dealing with Ron Paul very concerned about the Super Congress.
And they have Judge Andrew Napolitano clip there breaking down the fact that it looks like it's not constitutional.
Man, that's really putting it lightly.
But see, we've gotten so used to committees deciding and getting more power under themselves that now just everybody's getting acclimated.
It's starting to come down the wire, and it's going to get crazier and crazier and crazier.
And yes, it's an incremental process still, but it's going to move faster and faster.
And as you get closer to absolute tyranny, which is the globalist dehumanizing goal, trampling and being trampled upon, the priest of power, always pressing on the nerve of power, setting up a global system for psychopaths and sadists to enjoy themselves.
They are converting the world to their system.
Think about it.
We've become comfortable with them calmly talking about torturing people and quietly, you know, just pushing the idea
At first that the Constitution is outdated, and now Time, Newsweek, hundreds of publications the last few months, get rid of the Constitution.
It's bad.
It's old.
It caused the problems.
Yeah, get rid of it and we'll fix things.
When it's the fact that we've gotten rid of it and gotten away from it, that suddenly, like oxygen being sucked out of the room, we're living in a tyranny.
I mean, do you see these headlines?
Moody's, S&P, Total Minions, revolving door with a big six megabanks.
Saying, oh, you know, give us the tens of trillions and we'll fix the economy three years ago.
And, oh, now give us more money in Greece.
And then a few months later, give us more.
Same thing in Ireland.
Give us more.
And they turn it around and you're bad.
You've got too much government spending.
It's the people's fault.
And it is the people's fault for being conned, for thinking they were getting a free lunch, for thinking that
The poor can have free cell phones because it sounds good.
But it's done to position you to control you.
So it's bad that we got domesticated on the chicken feed.
But we're being now given the guilt that we're in financial ruination because of that when it is a tiny part of the equation.
I mean, they say the debt's $14.5 trillion.
Real obligations, $190 trillion.
Sounds big.
Is it anything compared?
To the $600 trillion that we supposedly have signed on to in America for the derivatives, and the total global $1.5 trillion, and I've got to get the economists and experts back on, because that number's a year old.
They design it to destroy us.
Everything is going according to plan.
Like Emperor Palpatine would say, everything is proceeding as I have foreseen it.
That is what is happening.
Economic scorched earth.
Economic blitzkrieg.
Lightning war.
And it's going to get more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more intense.
The globalists are moving their command base in the future away from the United States to Europe and China.
A lot of political analysts
Well, I'll get more into that later.
The point is that we are not in Kansas anymore.
Chinese agency downgrades U.S.
credit rating.
China joins Russia in blasting U.S.
borrowing after debt ceiling agreement.
And why?
Because... Why did gold surge today?
Why did gold surge today?
To over $1,670.
In fact, it was still surging 20 minutes ago.
You guys pull me the latest numbers and put it on screen.
I've got that graph over here that is just incredible that you guys gave me, just showing it rocketing up.
Just absolutely rocketing up right now.
Why is that?
Gold's not going up.
They're signaling that they're going to continue the path of hyperinflation.
They're not just going to raise taxes on everybody.
They're destroying your purchasing power.
They're destroying people on fixed incomes.
And the Republicans and Democrats aren't telling you about this.
No, they've just formed a bipartisan super-Congress that gets to make the decisions into the future on the debt and have introduced this idea like it's no big deal so they can continue this in the future with further, quote, banker takeovers, known as banker bailouts.
Where is it right now?
The graph I had earlier showed it, I guess, shooting up to the 70 mark.
Then I guess it went down a little and has now gone back up a bit.
But the point is that this is a precision operation.
And government plays on the psychology of making you feel big and powerful and important.
Because, you know, most of us individually have trouble balancing our checkbooks.
And they say, oh, the government's the same way.
They're a bunch of idiots.
Well, at the bottom, they want a bunch of morons who don't notice the corruption above them and follow orders.
But on top, they know how to shoot, 30 years ago, a cruise missile down your chimney.
Now the people that run our country have taken over the whole world.
They know what they're doing.
They know what they're doing.
These people 150 years ago said, we want to live longer, and we want to learn how to control people, so we're going to discover the building blocks of life, and the eugenicists went and had their cult discover DNA.
Every one of the top scientists all openly say they're going to set up world government and reduce population.
The head of the Human Genome Project had to resign three years ago saying blacks weren't humans.
Every one of them.
Go research every stinking one of them.
You're not let into there unless you are a hardcore globalist.
All right, all right.
I want to get into the big news here now, and then into everything else.
And Gerald Solente is coming up at the bottom of the next hour.
He's been proven right with his prediction.
The collapse has been ongoing.
People said, well, we haven't collapsed yet.
He's wrong.
Folks, we're collapsed and they didn't tell you.
It's like waking up and your wife's dead next to you in bed.
You get up, go to the bathroom, make coffee, come back in and go, hey, honey, I'll let her sleep.
You know, it's Saturday morning and
Finally at noon you go in to wake her up and she's dead!
Just because you didn't know that the stinking economy is in a deep depression and imploding, just because they didn't tell you that your wife's dead in bed next to you, doesn't mean she isn't!
Just because nobody knew in 1942 that Hitler had death camps working people to death, and folks didn't find out until 1945, didn't mean it wasn't going on!
I'm sick of the culture of denial!
I'm sick of it!
I'm sick of their psychological warfare that even works on most libertarians and so-called constitutionalists, how they incrementally train us for it!
It doesn't condition me, it makes me angry!
I have an allergic reaction to it, like poison ivy!
It makes me mad!
I see it all!
And it's just gonna get crazier and crazier and crazier by increment.
The frog in the pot!
Hey, if I'm a frog and you put me in a pot and it's nice cold water, I don't trust you.
I don't like the way this pot looks.
I don't have to start getting my webbed feet burned before I jump out.
I jumped out of the pot a long time ago.
And I'm watching my country and the world boiling, and the frogs rolling belly up,
And I'm being told, oh Alex, you're a fear monger, everything's fine.
Yeah, they're launching wars without congressional approval.
They're doing it all.
And if they can get away with that, they can get away with the next thing.
Well, we're going to restrict your guns without law.
We're going to open the borders up without law.
We're going to sign an agreement to use foreign troops outside of law.
We're going to give foreign banks unlimited money.
Just do whatever we want.
They asked Henry Paulson three years ago, during the Banker Bailout, they said, Congressman Stern, he said, who gave you the authorization to give yourself $214 million of bailout money to your own account?
He goes, well, Paulson couldn't believe he was asked the question, turned red.
I did.
He was like, well, the office in the Treasury gave me authorization.
And who was the head of that office?
I'm the head of that office.
He goes, I couldn't breathe.
I am.
I mean, you know, don't admit that I'm an absolute criminal out in front of everybody!
You're part of the club!
We're supposed to play like the emperor's wearing beautiful new clothes, the emperor's parading in his underwear in front of everybody in the middle of town, and finally a three-year-old steps forward and laughs and says, the emperor is naked, and everybody starts laughing.
I mean, I'm not smart.
I'm like a three-year-old, and I'm like, that looks like tyranny.
I read a few history books.
It's like if I was off the coast of San Diego, and I was out there on a surfboard or something, and I saw a big fin go by, and I'm like, ooh, let me see.
That was a big gray fin, looked like a great white shark.
I'm going to not be pessimistic, and I'm just going to keep swimming around right here.
Race in on the board as fast as I can.
I'm just going to be... Oh, I just saw another big fan.
Now there's like a hundred fans.
And everybody's like, oh, it's fun.
Football's on.
Everything's great.
I'm on the beach going, get in... And they're like, oh, the Super Congress isn't that bad.
Launching wars isn't that bad.
Oh, so the ATF's telling gun shops what to do without law.
You know, it's not that big of a deal.
Stop fear-mongering, Alex.
Yeah, cancer rates have doubled, and yeah, diabetes has doubled in the last 10 years, and yeah.
You started reporting a few years ago that almost every water supply has radioactive isotopes added to the sodium fluoride that's mixed in.
And now that we've been reporting it, suddenly there's newscasts all over the country saying it's in the aquifers.
Yes, yes, the aquifers have it in.
No, it's in the sodium fluoride they mine out of phosphate deposits and limestone.
That's where they mine the stinking uranium as well, the strontium.
Uh, the radium, the solid form, whatever the radon gas deposits out into, it's all there.
And now I got Texas Newscast.
It turns out everywhere we test, look at these pipes!
They got a Geiger counter out here, it's not even going off.
Go over to the pipe.
I can play you those newscasts.
And it's like, the government says it's in the aquifer!
I'm a city inspector and they say it's in the aquifer.
Oh really?
When we finally forced all this out last year, it turned out the state for 20 plus years had known all about it and had been ordered by the feds, and it's going on in every other state as well, had been ordered by the feds to suppress the data and it turns out Governor Rick Perry in the last decade has been part of suppressing it.
And so they go, how do we get ahead of this?
That Alex Jones, man, we ought to kill him.
If you kill him, it'll give me even more attention.
That guy has produced millions of hours of things.
We just better discredit him.
Plus, he blows up and acts crazy all the time.
That guy, you know, it doesn't matter.
We'll handle it.
We got ways to deal with it.
What we do is, we just come out and announce it's in the aquifers and we've discovered it and we're fixing it.
And there's some truth to that, because in some aquifers there are some natural deposits washing out of the limestone, same place we're mining the fluoride.
Yeah, yeah, limestone, aquifers, there is some radioactive stuff in there.
But why is it going up, and why is it in the cities that fluoridate?
Because it's concentrated.
You're adding more to it.
See, people always think, and this is my one gift,
Is that I'm able to full spectrum analyze a wide band of information.
And then sometimes when I'm articulating something, I only show one band of it, because you can't, you know, give somebody that much data with spoken word, unless you spend hour after hour going through every facet, so someone hears one spectrum.
You know, they hear me make one statement on one issue, but then they're not hearing how it then interconnects into all the other areas.
So I'm good at understanding this.
I'm not even so good at articulating it.
But for heaven's sakes, ladies and gentlemen, it's very elementary.
The bankers are imploding the country.
They need to blame those that understand they're the enemy.
And they're hyping and getting the public ready to stage terror attacks to blame the American people.
It's very, very simple.
To use this giant apparatus, they said, yeah, we're going to bankrupt everything, post-industrial world, consolidate everything, command and control, we'll have the live extension, the general public won't, we'll hide it under national security.
How do we sell them on a total police state?
Well, you say foreigners attacked them, you operate that, you build up the system, and then when you're ready for the next phase of implosion, when you know there's going to be a political rebellion, you then start staging events and move
The narrative away from the Muslim extremists onto the anti-federal reserve people, onto our enemies.
That's how they would say it.
And they even write memos saying it.
Now, I'm going to get into the economy more for the next few segments, and then I'm going to get into the frame-up of the Liberty Movement, and by extension, mainline neocons and conservatives.
You know, you're good for warmongering and other stuff, but still, your constituency overall are good people, even though they're misled, so you've got to be destroyed.
The system does want to put a socialist fake liberal tyranny in place, and they're going to set you up.
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Yeah, the globalists did a bad, bad thing.
A very bad thing.
And the beauty of it is things get worse, they will continue to pose as the saviors, and then they'll have Mitch McConnell come out and say the Tea Party had a victory, and blame this on the Tea Party, even though the Tea Party doesn't like this and has been decrying it.
The Tea Party's like, cut the spending.
Now that's not enough.
You've got to write off the derivatives.
But still, they're going in the right direction.
They don't like the Federal Reserve.
They're pro-gun.
Therefore, they're now saying the Tea Party did this.
And that, oh, now that we're losing our...
Credit ratings.
It's all over the news today.
It's because of the Tea Party demanding that we try to cut spending.
That's why the dollar is in trouble.
Yes, it's not the Federal Reserve.
It's those stinking people that like guns and that like private property and to raise their own families.
And yeah, the mainline Tea Party are a bunch of fools on average.
They think Al-Qaeda is real and the rest of it, but they're still good people.
Just like mainline liberals are good people.
They really think everybody should get something free.
I think the government wants to give them free stuff because the government cares about them.
No, the government wants to get a horde of people that don't know how to work for themselves that can be used as a political weapon.
But again, you're all going to get front row seats to it.
I understand you've got to get hurt really bad first.
And let me tell you, they're test ballooning more and more.
They're beta testing.
They're moving right up to a whole string of staged terror attacks that they're going to blame on the Tea Party.
And they're just putting the idea out.
Oh, see, the Vice President is right.
Tea Party are terrorists.
New York Times is right.
They are terrorists.
And I'm just sitting here watching it.
Just like I'm watching an NFL game and I can look at the clock and it's one minute to halftime and when the halftime comes up, I don't go, man, I'm a genius.
They just went to halftime and they've got a rock and roll band or Willie Nelson out there playing.
Or Aerosmith.
Oh wow, I'm seeing Burger King commercials.
Man, shocking.
I mean, it's a complete rollout.
They're rebranding.
Okay, it's not Al Qaeda now.
It's conservatives.
And they're getting ready.
They're getting ready.
Now, gold has absolutely exploded in price to $1,670.
Above that, the Wall Street Journal.
It now has gone above $1,670, Wall Street Journal.
Refuge demand sends gold to record.
And Comex Gold powers to another record high.
Bulls now eyeing.
Gold at record as debt worries.
Folks, I wouldn't get up here on air and say, I think gold at $2,000 is very doable in the next year.
I said that about six months ago.
Because of dollar devaluation.
If they announce QE3, it is going to happen.
Well, here you go.
And I'm sure they'll finagle and drive it back down a little bit for a while.
That's a buying opportunity.
But then when it retraces, that'll go up to $2,000.
That's what the laws of finance say.
Ted Anderson, drug him into the studio.
Obviously, I'm gonna pitch gold and silver at you.
You know, you can't beat these deals.
But, Ted, have we not been proven right again and again and again?
I've just proven right one time after another.
I mean here we, there was a story yesterday in Bloomberg, I didn't get a chance to print them today, but they're talking about the Bank of Korea is getting out of the dollar and the euro and they bought 1 billion dollars worth of gold.
I mean this, the second world countries are going, hey we can't trust these mainline countries anymore.
First, first, first class, first-rate countries because they're imploding.
And by the way, now our media, in fact, we pulled those out of yesterday's stack.
There were two mainstream articles that were saying, hey wait, the Federal Reserve has uncounted hundreds of billions, at least, in gold everywhere that they claim they owe that's really U.S.
Give that to us for the debt.
See, people are starting to go, hey, who are these private bankers with all our gold?
Who are you?
We don't have inflation, we're not in a depression.
Gold's a bad buy, but you're hoarding it?
Stay there, Ted.
Folks, I want everybody to call Midas Resources and ask for their radio specials.
You are insane in the membrane if you don't get some gold and silver.
Stay with us.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we're into hour number two.
Five more minutes with Ted Anderson, then I'm going to get into a detailed analysis of the frame-up of the Republic.
Then Gerald Solyntek joins us, and then we have a lady joining us here on the broadcast who has sued the big GMO companies.
A plaintiff for the ACLU, together they are fighting the U.S.
Patent Office for granting one laboratory a patent on breast cancer genes, BRAC 1 and BRAC 2.
She has been interviewed by numerous news programs, including 60 Minutes.
But this is how they take your blood samples at birth.
They go patent it, and when you try to go get gene therapy,
They say sorry.
So they're not just patenting seeds.
They're doing it with human beings.
So she's coming up in for the last 30 minutes or 45 minutes of the third hour today.
Very important area to look at that.
I know I've been ranting and then Ted sits there and I never go to him.
I mean, Ted, it's so elementary.
And so people call me, they go, well, why do I want to buy gold?
You know, with dollars.
How does that help me?
Well, okay.
The dollar's been devalued.
And so if you bought gold 11 years ago at 300 bucks an ounce or whatever it was, where was gold 11 years ago, Ted?
Well, we had about $245 notes at its bottom.
Okay, so if you bought it 11 years ago at $245, I keep forgetting I actually bought some then.
I always say $300 and something.
I remember buying it at $200, but I want to make sure, because, you know, memory fails that far back.
So, I buy gold.
A lot of what I bought was $300, $350, $400, $500, stuff like that, and now obviously I can't buy as much because it's so much, but I buy a little.
But thank God I did buy some back then, really when I had almost no money, but I was able to, you know, every month or two get a little something, get some silver, and it builds up.
So people are like, why is that a good deal?
Well, let me see, your dollar's been devalued, real estate's been devalued, all this stuff's gone down, or is flat at best, but then there's something in the last 11 years that went from $240 to $1,670, and silver went from $5 to $40+.
I mean, I don't understand, Ted, why people don't understand.
I just don't get it.
They should hold it pretty clear in their mind by now.
I don't know why they wouldn't either, but one of the things that's going on right now, Alex, the only reason why I haven't adjusted prices because I have to, is that I was building out a studio and I just walked in, hit the microphone,
You're able to buy at prices that are $1,600 an ounce gold, and right now we're looking at gold at $1,673.10.
Silver went up to $42.15 today.
I mean, like the Walking Liberty halves I have at $18.97 should be over $20.
Uh, the British Sovereigns at $4.49, they're well into the fifties.
The Franks right now at $3.58, those ones are into the $3.60 level.
Everything that I have, that book and silver dollar deal at $85 delivered to you, where you get the two silver dollars, you know what, at $42 an ounce, I can't do it at that price anymore.
It has to come up.
And everything is going to go up, so if you're interested in getting into something right now, do it today, because I'm holding the prices, because I'm on air saying it right now, until midnight tonight.
It's not rocket science, it doesn't take a quantum mechanics expert to understand two silver dollars, free shipping, a free book, and a quality film on the banking system, American Dream, for $85, that is...
That is at least, I don't know, 30, 40 bucks off.
I mean, that is insane.
That is a smoking deal just for the silver dollars alone.
And you heard Ted, he's run out of the stuff that what he bought when it was lower.
So now he's losing money big time, not just breaking even.
This deal will end tomorrow.
It will go up.
And it's going up every day on the gold and silver with the specials.
Because, again, he's running out of the stuff he bought when it was lower.
When you call, say it's the Alex Jones Radio Specials.
They got a long list of coins there.
It deals you're not going to find anywhere else.
I mean, I shop around and I never buy from anybody but Ted.
I buy my own specials from Ted.
Thank you, Ted.
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A very wealthy U.S.
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Now this man has made some outrageous predictions over the years.
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That's End of America, the number 3 dot com.
Watch the free video at www.endofamerica3.com.
That's endofamerica3.com.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright my friends, Gerald Cilente called the pusher of pessimism porn of the New York Times and others when he said this country was going into a depression that we would continue to collapse because we've been de-industrialized and the debts
He's been proven absolutely correct that he's going to be joining us coming up in about 25 minutes from now.
Also, tomorrow night at PrisonPlanet.TV, we're going to have a special broadcast with Gerald Cilente.
Now, it's an InfoWars special report at PrisonPlanet.TV, not the nightly newscast, InfoWars Nightly News, that starts September 1st.
Man, it's coming up on us less than a month.
These are special reports you've been seeing myself, Aaron Dykes, and others do.
We did a two-hour one last week, an hour with Mike Adams, an hour with Sheriff Richard Mack.
Extremely powerful.
We're also using these live special reports as a way to work bugs out, because we're going to at first do tape to air, but then move towards trying to do the nightly news live.
We'll have certain pieces that are pre-prepared but live.
Roll in a news report and then I break some things down.
Cut to a guest on Skype live.
We might even put in fiber optic where it is even better.
They don't really use satellites a lot anymore inside the country.
It's fiber optics.
They've had those for years.
Side issue, the point is the globalists are coming down like a hammer.
They can shut us down any time.
It doesn't matter.
I'm just operating like I'm going to be here a year from now and we're going head up against them.
We're going head up against the New World Order.
Believe me, I don't want the responsibility, and it is grueling to actually get all this done.
But thanks to your support, we're able to do it.
And I want to thank all of you for your support.
Please support our local AM and FM affiliates as well.
Spread the word about the broadcast in your area.
Call their sponsors and thank them, and purchase from them.
Become patrons.
And if you're a local business and you're listening to the show right now, believe in it.
Call their sales team.
Advertise on the station.
Because a lot of stations that carry us at night or rebroadcast on the weekend have been moving us to primetime live on big stations.
And they're getting good ratings from it, obviously, but we also want them in this bad economy to be successful.
You vote with your dollars.
Speaking of voting with your dollars, then I'm getting into our most important news of the day.
The staged terror to be blamed on the American people.
Just got this beauty in.
Absolute beauty.
I said, you know, what we need is a ball cap that I would like.
And being a bonafide Texas hillbilly here, it's got the Hunter's Orange Infowars.com with the coiled snake of Don't Tread on Me.
Now that isn't handsome.
I got my IQ reducer on, as my dad calls them.
Jeremy wears his hat backwards.
I mean, you talk about... I'm just joking.
Jeremy's one of the smartest people up here.
Probably smarter than I am.
He's certainly funnier than I am.
There you have it, InfoWars.com, camouflage, pure D Patriot ball caps, available right now at InfoWars.com.
And there's all the books and the videos and the rest of it there as well.
Okay, let me get out of my jovial mood, my true gregarious personality, and shift into the enemy.
Which is where I do not want to be.
So I tend to screw around the show.
Subconsciously, I don't want to focus on this because it's so deadly.
This special report is of the utmost importance and this is a warning to everyone.
This is a warning to everyone.
Just like I told you 11 years ago, the decision had been made getting rid of Glass-Steagall to destroy the dollar, and that gold and silver would go up exponentially, it's because it's a law of commodities and finance and economics.
Just like jumping out in front of a Mack truck is
A law of physics that you are going to get hurt really, really bad if the truck's going above 10 miles an hour.
And it's going about 100 miles an hour.
So, this is not, this is not complex stuff if you know history.
But those that don't know history are doomed to repeat it.
The people perish for lack of knowledge, as the good book tells us.
Now, there are so many deceptions here that first off,
Mitch McConnell is a nightmare.
I hate him even more than Obama now.
I mean, he is disgusting.
Boehner is disgusting.
They make me want to throw up.
At least Obama admits he's been a communist and wants to ban all our guns.
He's honest about it.
Still, he's deceptive on many issues, and I find him disgusting as well.
But these Republicans, these Republican pimps, bought and paid for by the very same interest,
I mean, come on.
Again, what about their welfare?
We'll see.
Oh, the whole economy will implode if you don't get behind it.
Remember Glenn Beck endorsing the banker bailout?
You will always know these people at key junctures by what they do.
Ron Paul called insane for being against the banker bailout and said this will only make it worse a few years down the road.
Now we're there.
It's designed.
But here it is.
As Senate votes, McConnell declares Tea Party won.
Reid says Tea Party
Is disconcerting.
What did Biden come out and do?
He said they're terrorists.
Remember that Politico headline?
Biden linked Tea Partiers to terrorists.
And then he tried to say, well, I didn't really mean that.
Oh, really?
Here's the New York Times the same day.
Can't we do this right?
Thomas L. Friedman read that yesterday.
He compares the Tea Party to people with bombs strapped to themselves and
He compares them to Islamic terrorist groups like Hezbollah.
Go read it for yourself.
Oh, here's another one.
The Tea Party's terrorist tactics from the weekend, July 29th.
Just type Tea Party terrorist and you get hundreds and hundreds of articles in the last two weeks.
Thousands in the last year.
Here's another one.
Norway terrorist rhetoric similar to that of Tea Party.
That's out of, what is that, Gannett.
Here's another one.
The left hopes for a Tea Party terrorist.
This is from last year, with different national talk show hosts, like Stephanie Miller, saying, oh, this is a Tea Party person.
Remember Bloomberg, within an hour, saying the Times Square bombing was a Tea Partier?
And people said, that doesn't make sense.
He knew it wasn't.
They're just introducing it in the back of the mind.
They know you're not really paying attention.
They know you're only halfway paying attention.
Here's another one.
The Examiner.
Tea Party terrorism.
Was Biden right?
Listen, this is very elementary.
The foreign central banks have come in, taken over the regulators, bought off both sides of the Congress at the leadership level.
That's why they've created a super Congress now for banker bailouts and taxes and cuts so they can do whatever they want.
They're just getting us ready for this.
And they're saying
Now, oh my gosh, here's a DHS video for the public.
White people are the terrorists.
Minorities report them.
And all these internal memos and training manuals for the military and police.
I've seen this from the secret documents that got leaked and told you, hey, behind the scenes, this isn't about Al Qaeda anymore.
See, before they go public with something, they shift it behind the scenes and get everybody trained and ready before they roll it out.
So we knew.
They're getting ready to shift over to domestic groups.
Then they start the public rollout of it.
In preparation for everybody's mind to be primed, and right now it's like Biden sounds dumb saying the Tea Party's gonna stage terror.
But then next, it happens and they go, ooh, he was right!
So this whole thing is scripted, just like when you know that Chevy's coming out with a new Corvette, or a new Camaro, and you see a bunch of ads, you know, coming out next month, the new Camaro.
Hey, they got a new Camaro!
It's an advertising complete rollout, 100%!
You have all the past cases of government staging terror, Oklahoma City, all the proof there.
So we know the plan.
Then you have all these White House advisors, Robert Shapiro, Financial Times of London, others saying we need a terror attack to get things going.
I've read that quote over and over again.
Barring an Oklahoma City or 9-11, we're not going to get our agenda through.
Bill Clinton in 96 tells USA Today, I owe my re-election to Oklahoma City.
That's quoted in there.
Other letters go around.
You start having media matters framing it.
Glenn Beck, Alex Jones, they're going to cause domestic terror.
Michael Savage, he's going to cause domestic terror.
You can see it all to the point...
Glenn Beck finally got it, what, six, seven months ago, and that's when they freaked out and said, that's it, Glenn.
You're gone.
And he's like, but they're setting me up.
I've got to come out and say they're preparing a new Oklahoma City.
That's what he says.
He points at the Democrats and says, they're preparing it.
You bet they are!
The private corporations that sit above them, they've been given the word, go with this script, something's going to happen that's going to pull your bacon out of the fire.
I mean, they got public memos everywhere rubbing their hands together.
How much more obvious does this have to get?
Let's go to Glenn Beck as we go to break.
Here's Glenn Beck talking about it in our article.
Go ahead and put it up, the news article.
There it is.
Glenn Beck, Government Preparing to Stage Terror.
Here it is.
Left need this violence?
Well, listen to a clip from a Democratic pollster, Mark Penn, happened just the other day, and yet no one pays attention to it.
How can the left win the country?
Cabinets don't really sell things.
The President himself has to reconnect with the people.
Remember, President Clinton reconnected through Oklahoma, right?
And the President right now seems removed.
And it wasn't until that speech that he re-clicked with the American public.
Obama needs a similar kind of event.
Obama needs a similar kind of event.
Like Oklahoma City.
If only Barack Obama can have the opportunity to speak to America after another Oklahoma City type event, then he'll politically be in good shape.
Now, according to Drummond Pike, the founder of Tides, who, Drummond, I hope you watch this week because, oh, it's all coming undone this week.
I will be the guy who causes the next Oklahoma City.
This is in a letter, an appeal to advertisers of Fox, dear Fox advertisers, read this part of it.
No one, left, right, center, wants to see another Oklahoma City.
The next assassin may succeed.
If so, there will be blood on many hands.
They are setting up another Oklahoma City.
They are claiming that one is coming and they've already marked the one who caused it.
But don't you miss Wednesday's show, when I show you... Alright, guys.
You hear him?
They're planning the new one.
Yeah, there you go.
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We're back live!
And this is like being on a surfboard and watching 10 sharks circling you, and you're with some friends, and we better go in.
Those are great white sharks.
They're like, oh no, don't be pessimistic.
They're friendly little fishies.
Or I don't see any shark fins.
That's too scary.
I'll just live in denial.
That's what's going on.
There is a total rollout.
It's always been planned to use homeland security on the American people.
That's why they would never profile.
You know, if they really believe it's the Muslim extremists running all this, well, why didn't they profile?
Oh no, don't worry, everyone gets a hand stuck down their pants.
Now they're going to have Israeli stuff in front of it, where they demand to ask questions, where you're going, what you're doing.
If they don't like the way you lick their boots properly, you're not going to fly.
And now they're going to be on the highways.
We told you that.
Oh, that's fear-mongering.
Really, they say that's their plan.
So I just plagued you, Glenn Beck.
And he didn't even get into Robert Shapiro and the Financial Times and all these other memos where Democrats are like, a terror attack would sure help.
It would sure be good.
And they talk to each other in major newspapers like we're not even here.
Like we're morons.
And, you know, I have gotten Savage, I have gotten Beck and others to start talking about this.
Because let me tell you something, talking about this can't stop them from doing it.
I don't want to be right.
If we get enough of a buzz going about inside job, false flag, those type of terms, and people are looking for it, when the Feds put the underwear bomber, Muttalib, on the plane, and we had two lawyers that were listeners, the Haskells, both of them lawyers, Mr. and Mrs. Haskell, and they saw a sharp-dressed guy argue with security without a passport, get the drugged and disheveled underwear bomber on Christmas Day on the plane, they were watching him, thinking he was suspicious, the guy's videotaping him the whole time,
Then they have another bomb threat, pull everybody off, say they find bombs.
All this stuff later came out.
And it turned out, oh no, nobody helped get him on the plane.
State Department says, well, we're not going to take the blame.
An unnamed U.S.
agency told us to get him the visa and help get him on.
The government got the underwear bomber on the plane, okay?
And that's to get the scanners in for you, the American people.
Some drugged out, who knows?
I mean, they could grab me for, the guy disappeared for six months, drug me up, torture me, inject me with a bunch of stuff, Halcyon, amnesics, roll you in, help get you on the plane, firecracker goes off in your pants, and all liberties ended in the United States.
I mean, I was going to get eggs on Christmas Day to the local corner station,
And because my wife wanted to make deviled eggs for the next day, go over to my parents, and I hear the bombing has just happened.
I go in and get the eggs, come back out, get in the car, and they cut to a newscast saying, don't worry, they're gonna put scanners in now because of this.
And I knew full well they'd ordered the stinking things a year before.
I mean, they even staged it for the rollout of them coming up the next month, a week away.
I mean, it's all scripted.
It's all rollout.
They roll it out like products.
How do you know when a new movie's coming out?
Can you see the ads for it?
How do you know when a new flavor of M&M's coming out?
They tell you, folks!
I mean, come on!
Come on!
Come on!
But instead, we get into the hype.
Oh, there's a new terror threat!
It's the Tea Party!
Let's get into it!
Oh, they're rolling it out?
Oh, and the left's like suddenly, oh, I like this!
You're a terrorist!
I'm gonna watch you now!
I told conservatives, stop buying into giving up liberty to get the Muslims you love to hate so much.
Because it's going to be used on you.
Keep hating the Muslims if you want, if that's your fetish, okay?
But remember, it's going to be used on you.
Get it through your head.
Get it through your head.
Get it through... I told all you Bush supporters, I said, everything he's setting up is going to be used by the next Democrat.
And now the moron liberals.
Everything being used
You know what Obama's got now in grabbing?
It's going to be used by the Republican.
They're all on the same team.
Mitch McConnell and Harry Reid.
It's a scam.
Now here's Michael Savage.
He's got a bunch of these clips.
Just type into YouTube, Michael Savage, Obama, Reichstag.
And he lays it all out that when the people wake up to them that they're going to stage terror.
Here it is.
Now I'll make another prediction.
I predict that very soon
Obama will create a crisis along the lines of the Reichstag fire.
I don't know what form it will take, but I believe that once the minions are seen for what they are, Rahm Emanuel and his gang will set off a Reichstag fire in this country of some kind, and they will recall the military dictatorship of Lincoln and Stanton during the Civil War, when civilian suspects were arrested without warrant.
I will tell you as I sit here, I fear that every night as I go to sleep.
I put nothing past these agitators who have suddenly seized control of the most powerful economy and the most powerful military on earth.
And they're running it into the ground by design for their banker masters.
And here's the deal.
You're not going to join this out there, corporate chiefs that are listening, and follow orders and have any future.
This is a hot tyranny.
And if we don't do it, start standing up now, later you're going to wish, as Alexander Solzhenitsyn said, that you'd stood up to it earlier.
Oh, how later we burned in the camps.
Wishing we would have stood up earlier when we could have.
You better choose a side right now, folks, for your children's sake.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, they'll be pulling the rug from underneath Americans at home.
I have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care.
And right now in Washington, D.C., we have seen a fall of the Republic.
Get your copy of Fall of the Republic on DVD at InfoWars.com or watch it online right now in super high quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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Let's go!
All right, we're getting the top trends forecaster, Gerald Salente, joining us via video connection from upstate New York, joining us in a moment.
Incredible video quality, but the audio's delayed.
But you know what?
So what if it's delayed?
We'll get him on.
It's just good to see him.
And if we're unable to get a good audio sync, I'd rather see him.
And the radio listeners is the main audience anyway, so it doesn't matter.
But we're working on getting him on here in just a second.
We're good to go.
That it was a foregone conclusion if we stop it.
But yes, this stuff is going to happen if we do not turn it around.
Now remember, this is a listener-supported radio broadcast.
So when you purchase from our different sponsors, when you buy books, videos, from our online video bookstore shopping cart,
Ladies and gentlemen, that funds our operation and the books, the videos, the news reporting, the on-the-scene reporting, all of what we do.
And again, the websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
And we have a new hat.
It's a camouflage.
I think this is probably the best looking thing we've come out with yet.
I am definitely, when I wear a hat, when I'm out fishing or working in the yard, this baby.
There's not a lot of hats I'll wear.
I'll wear a short brimmed Stetson, stuff like that.
I'm going to be out all day sometimes.
But this, this is a hat I'll be wearing and when you purchase it, you advertise liberty and freedom and spread the word and also support the broadcast.
We do have Celente now?
He is there?
Okay, good.
I wasn't sure we'd gotten him.
And then lastly, ladies and gentlemen, a similar liberty motif, evil terrorist motif.
Liberty or death, don't tread on me.
On the front, a new design, and on the back, Infowars.com.
We've never had a shirt sell this good, and that's good, because we've got big bills to pay around here.
So it's a win-win-win-win-win.
Now, going to Gerald Solente, who for decades has been a best-selling author and political and, of course, economic researcher.
Going to him.
And about two years ago, the New York Times and others started to attack him and say that he's into pessimism porn.
Uh, that he's a bad guy, that the economy was great, that the banker bailout was gonna fix everything, and he really just covered common sense and said, QE1, QE2, now QE3, this is gonna devalue the dollar, our manufacturing base is gone, it's insiders in there, crooks looting us, they're lying to you, telling you everything's okay, because they are consolidating the wealth.
And they demonized him, they attacked him, they went after him, and said, look, this crazy guy from New York, he says the sky's blue.
We're telling you, we're telling you it's burnt orange at high noon.
This guy says water's wet.
This guy says ducks quack.
This guy says, you know, that women wear lipstick.
This guy says up is up when we know it's down.
This guy says black is black when we know it's white.
This guy doesn't believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, or the Keebler Elves.
Or, uh, Dragons, this guy's crazy.
Well, we now know they're the ones that are crazy.
And it's not that they're crazy, they're lying on purpose.
They have a record of being wrong about 90% of the time.
Because they want to lie to you.
Gerald has a record of being wrong about 98% of the time, just like we do.
Because we're into reality.
Now look at this news.
Is he right, what about a year and a half ago, saying by the end of 2010 we'd be in a depression?
Well, the real numbers show we are in one.
They are now having to admit, I see it in the news every day, oh, this kind of is a depression.
A double-dip recession.
No, according to real economic numbers, it's a serious sliding depression.
Crime all over.
Metal being stolen.
Rapes, robberies exploding.
They reported in the news today, crime's up 37% in Austin from last year.
But the national news lies and says the crime's low.
We're going to Gerald, but I want to toot his horn.
And toot ours as well.
Listen to this.
Europe on the brink of major economic collapse.
We told you every time they bail them out, it's designed to consolidate power.
It only gets worse.
I mean, that's not hard.
We told you that was a fraud two years ago.
So did Gerald.
Here's another one.
Italy under fire and widening euro crisis.
All of Europe could collapse.
All of Europe.
It's designed to collapse.
It's an impossible derivative black hole we've been signed onto.
Chinese agency, second downgrade in a year, says that they're hyper-inflating the currency.
And that we don't.
We lost our A-plus last year, and now it's gone down even more.
Here's another one.
China joins Russia in blasting U.S.
borrowing at their debt ceiling agreement.
People say, why do they care?
Because it's globally causing inflation.
Bond market developments are deep concerns, says Barroso, over in the EU.
Massive route spells trouble for Wall Street.
Going to Gerald Solente.
Gerald, here it is, my friend, and you predicted it.
You told folks we've hit an iceberg, water's coming into the Titanic, and they said, eh, no, the boat's just leaning because the captain likes to do that.
Gerald, thank you for joining us.
Thank you, and thank you for all that you've said.
Well, I mean, you said it was sunny outside today, and it is.
I mean, you said the sky was blue, Gerald.
But let's break down where we've been, how you knew this would happen, and now what you have to say about the media that's been covering this up, and where we're going in the future.
Well, how we got here, let's go back to 2000, and of course we were getting there before then, but they keep pumping up failing systems.
Actually, it happened after the crash of 1987.
And they just keep doing it.
Rather than letting the White Shoe Boys take losses, they have to create another scam, another scheme, an SNL crisis, whatever it might be, to keep it going.
Then we go into the great dot-com boom.
And in October, it's right there, you can go to our website, TrendsJournal.com, in October of 1999, we said the dot-com bust was going to happen, and it would happen by the second quarter of 2000.
Voila, it happened in March.
Now what goes on?
2000, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, and then you go into 9-11.
George Bush is president.
The country's going into a free fall.
All of a sudden,
The country rallies around our president.
What do they do?
They begin to lower interest rates to 46-year lows.
And that's when they started creating the big bubble that has burst, and the only thing we're feeling now is the fallout from it.
It's popped.
So they created the real estate bubble, and they created the credit crisis.
Now, in 2008, you remember the US Treasury Secretary, Henry Paulson?
Oh yeah, the guy that used to be the CEO of the Goldman Sachs gang.
Oh yeah, that Henry!
The guy that you would never want to sit across and have lunch with because you'd think you were dining with Frankenstein?
Yeah, that Henry Paulson!
The guy that came out and told all of us
That we have to give our money to bail out the too-big-to-fails?
The Goldman Sachs gang, the Merrill Lynch mob, the Citigroup bandits, one after another?
Yeah, that Henry Paulson.
So we came out when that began to happen, and we said they're creating the bailout bubble.
After Paulson goes, then Obama's team comes in.
And what do they do?
We're gonna put together a stimulus package that's gonna stimulate like you've never felt before!
Shovel-ready jobs!
And what do they do?
Wait, wait a minute!
By the year 2000, uh, Mr. Salenti!
Our unemployment rate will be around 7%.
And then you hear Joe Biden say, you wait, you wait, we're going to be creating up to 500,000 jobs a month.
And what did they create last month?
Little bit off, Joe.
So what they've been doing is they've been talking up the Ponzi scheme.
And to keep the scheme going, they get more guys in there.
More the white shoe boys.
Let's bring in Ben.
Ben Bernanke, the expert on the Great Depression.
What a guy!
Knows how to fix a Model T Ford.
I got it.
We're gonna keep dumping money in and bail out our buddies.
We call it the discount window.
And if you're a member of one of the mob members, you could borrow Alex at .01%.
And you could get all you want.
Just keep it going.
Then QE2, QE1, QE2, and now we got, we got screwed.
And the whole thing is collapsing.
That's why, as I've been yelling now, and since we first printed in 2001, the beginning of the gold bull run.
As a matter of fact, I tweeted on July 27th that after this so-called
This bailout thing, this debt ceiling crisis is salvaged.
Watch gold.
Because if it doesn't go below $1,600 after they come out with their scheme, it's going to take a sharp spike.
And here we go.
And again, Gerald, as you've said many times, the system knows this.
They know what they're doing.
They understand the laws of economics, but they lie to the sheep.
They lie to the public to get them suckered back in to their Ponzi schemes while they are hoarding gold and silver themselves.
It's not that gold and silver are going up.
When they signal they're going to keep running the debts up and going to QE3, well, that signals that
Played a bunch of games with naked shorts and gold went down $100 and silver went down $15.
And everybody said, oh my gosh, Alex is wrong, Gerald's wrong.
And we're like, look at an 11-year graph.
It always goes up.
They drive it down a little.
And then it goes back up even more because the laws of economics are there.
They can play little hat tricks and try to fool people for a little while to stay out of gold and silver because it exposes what they're doing with the fiat paper.
But it's a law of economics that this is going to happen.
And I'm not happy that we're right, Gerald.
I know you're not.
I'm not happy that we're probably going to have $2,000 gold by next year or even earlier.
I'm not happy that this is going to... I'm not happy hearing that crime is exploding everywhere that, of course, you predicted three years ago and we did as well.
I mean, this means they're going ahead with the roasting of the United States and the rest of the world.
I mean, we knew they were going to implode Europe after the next round of robberies.
I mean, that's all that's happening is the rats are stealing some loot.
As they leave the sinking ship that they knocked a hole in the bottom of.
So Gerald, where do we go from here now?
And what's your view on the Super Congress?
They've never had a committee that can originate the legislation and then on top of it block filibusters and amendments.
I mean, this is really scary.
Well, before I answer those, I want to just jump back one second to another question you asked me that I didn't answer.
You said, why isn't the press covering this?
You know, you have our Trends Journal, and we'll send you the JPEG, of the prostitute.
That's who they are.
The suck-ups and the bow-downs that follow orders from the top.
That, you know, General Electric tells you what to do.
And who are they?
They're CBS and NBC, they're ABC and NPR.
They're all of them, the prostitutes.
They bow and they scrape.
We have a Anthony Freda illustration of a prostitute.
Everyone that sees it will understand it.
So that's why they're not telling us the truth about anything.
All they do is carry the water.
How about the news in Fukushima?
Shouldn't that be front page news?
Oh, the fact that it's the highest radiation ever recorded coming out of reactors and, quote, deadly pockets that if you were in there for minutes it would kill you.
The fact that they knew that in the first week that three of the reactors had totally blown up and melted down and then later the two other ones did.
Only one of them didn't melt down of the six because it had already been shut down.
Or how about we went and looked up the fact that, because we did some research, that hundreds of thousands of spent fuel rods were stored above each reactor, we blew the video up of that mushroom cloud that happened three days into the disaster on that Monday, and we watched the rods blown 3,000 feet in the air, and we said those are rods, and months later they admitted, yes, rods were blown a mile and a half away.
So that's it.
They're covering up the news.
You know what this really is?
It's not, as we said and others, politics is show business for ugly people.
How could any self-respecting person take a look at McConnell or Reid or Pelosi or any of these people and think that they have it together?
Oh, I love that little guy, Ryan, out there.
You know, the tough one that wants to take every benefit away from everybody and privatize it?
You know, we looked him up.
There's a story in the Trends Journal about him.
This guy's never gotten his fingers dirty in his life.
And they're telling you to cut.
And what does the media say?
Have you heard one word from the prostitutes?
Hey, Congress, how many cuts did you take?
How many benefits did you lose?
How are you making sacrifice?
Not a word.
So what it is, it's Hollywood, politics is show business for ugly people, and all the press are, are the same kind of hacks out there.
These Botox babes, man, you watch them, the only thing moving are their lips, and barely.
They're like the paparazzi and the variety of Hollywood covering the state.
And they're all, I've met a lot of them, totally unhappy, totally unfulfilled, because they're not living in reality.
And Gerald, you've told us this, the economist, every analyst, because we only have analysts on who've been right 90% of the time or more, that they would shift then from, hey, I remember this three, four years ago we talked about, it's going to go from hope and change to sacrifice, chip in.
And now they've gone to that.
You've got to sacrifice.
You've got to chip in with higher taxes.
But, oh, but not the big mega banks and the insiders, the white shoe boys, as you say.
They are exempt from taxes, period, because they write the rules and then they don't just, they're not just exempt, they then suck through corporate welfare the majority of the money, but all their goodies are off the table, Gerald.
Oh, that's right, because you know why?
Hey, they're too big to fail.
Don't you know who we are?
I mean, that's all it is.
You know, they're the crime, the Wall Street crime family.
And as we move forward, to answer your other question, where is it going?
You know, how many more warning signals do people have to hear before they start taking measures for the collapse?
It's happened already.
Look what's going on.
The world's at war!
How many more wars do you need to become a world war?
The Mideast is in flames!
The same reason, and by the way, they re-engineered history.
They keep calling these pro-democracy movements.
They have nothing to do with democracy.
They have to do with the same thing the Israelis are arguing about or unhappy about as the Greeks are, as the Spanish are, as the Italians, and everybody else that's getting the shaft.
They're forced to sacrifice while the criminal oligarchs and the people controlling the monopolies are taking in all the business and giving them nothing.
And why not?
Because they're better than we are.
They're Harvard, Princeton, Yale Club.
They're the Cambridge Eaton Boys.
They have proper etiquette.
It's all... Look, the only... You've heard me, the IMF.
It's a verb.
I am effed.
You just dealt with the International Mafia Federation.
The loan sharks are last resort.
Listen, it's been declassified that IMF and World Bank actually send hitmen in to kill government leaders who won't sign their people on to fraudulent debts and agree to default on them so they can come in and take over.
I mean, these are savage, savage criminals.
But here's the good news.
For the last three years, every economic indicator, a classic depression.
They've said milk and honey, everything's great.
Now I'm seeing in the news, this is a depression.
Geithner goes on Meet the Press a few weeks ago and says, the greatest recession.
There are metal thieves everywhere taking everything.
Carjackings, coffee places I go to have their doors jerked off and their
Cash registers and safes stolen.
Houses are being broken into everywhere.
The police are being cut.
And they're telling us, crime's down!
Crime's down!
You don't need your guns to protect yourself.
Kidnappings exploding all over the Southwest.
And what's the ATF doing?
Shipping guns to Mexico.
To then blame the Second Amendment, and then the Attorney General gets caught lying and doesn't get in trouble.
Gerald, this is so lawless.
But the issue is, now they're having to admit, okay, maybe it is a depression, so they've discredited themselves.
So where do you see this going?
I mean, look at Obama's approval ratings plunging.
Where does this go?
Well, it goes into the Great Depression, the greatest depression.
It's worldwide, there's no stopping it.
And as we said when we first made our forecast, just follow the notes.
1929, Great Depression.
Currency wars, trade wars, World War III, World War II.
Play now.
The Panic of 08, the Great Recession, Great Depression.
Currency wars, they're going on, as you mentioned it.
All of the currencies are under pressure.
And what follows, trade wars and then real wars.
They're going to take us to war.
These are sociopaths and psychopaths.
And they love cannon fodder.
They'll get the people's mind off the problems.
Just like, remember the Obama vs. Osama story on May 1st?
How the whole nation went on alert?
We got Osama!
He's wearing cement block shoes and he's swimming with the fishes.
So they fear, fear and hysteria.
This is what fascist governments do.
Look at the fear and hysteria they generated from that.
And I got another one for you, if your memory's short.
How about, we're going to go into default if we can't come up with a deal.
If Abbott and Costello and Laurel and Hardy can't put their minds together and come up with a deal, we'll go into default and you're not going to get your Social Security money.
You're not going to get your Medicaid, Medicare.
You're going to get nothing.
So there's fear and hysteria, and that's where they're taking us.
And then they blame the fact that China and Moody's and Standard & Poor's are all saying, hey, you already are defaulting by hyperinflation.
They then blame the Ron Paul-type Tea Party people that actually want to go after the White Shoe Boys, the New York mafia, the globalists, the private Federal Reserve.
They're now in the news saying, oh,
We're losing our credit rating because you didn't get a deal quick enough.
It's not the hyperinflation.
It's not the too-big-to-fail.
It's not the tens of trillions stolen.
It's not the derivatives.
Now it's the fault of anybody, left, right, center, doesn't matter, who is mad at the bankers, and now there's the new one they've been beta testing.
Gerald, oh, these libertarian people and these people that are angry at the government, they're terrorists, and Homeland Security's now for them, and they're about to hit us any minute
I mean, you can really see him now branding that Homeland Security is for the American people, not for the real financial terrorist.
Again, fear and hysteria.
They're going to keep playing it.
And as you look at it, as I said, Obama's numbers spiked after the Osama Bin Laden thing.
So that's what they're going to do.
They're going to keep the people in fear and hysteria.
And it's global, and it's breaking down, and there's no stopping it.
And I keep repeating GC's, Gerald Salenti's, you know, 3G's.
And that is guns, gold, and a getaway plan.
Because this thing is turning ugly fast.
And as you point out, right, I could actually
See this place across the street.
It's one of the oldest buildings in the United States.
Late 1600s it was built.
The Pearsons House.
And they just refurbished it and put on gutters, you know, to stay with the times.
You know, big beautiful copper gutters.
They're gone!
I have pots out in front of my place out here at the Trends Research Institute.
A street guy comes to me and says, hey man, I'm going to tell you, my pal wants to steal your copper pots out there.
I said, what copper pots?
He said, those two.
I said, they're not copper, they're pottery.
They're painted copper.
And then of course I said to the guy, listen, if your friend steals those pots, you know, he's not going to like what happens.
So that's what's going on.
He might fall down and hit his head.
That's the way America used to get its justice done.
And that brings me to the next issue.
We have breaking news, Gerald.
I want you to do five more minutes, and in the next hour, if you can, with us.
Our good friend Mike Adams at Natural News called us earlier this morning.
He's confirmed that this story is not even out yet.
It'll be at naturalnews and infowars.com in the next 10 minutes.
Multi-targeted raid by combination of County Sheriff, FDA, Department of Agriculture, and CDC.
And it just goes through all of this.
They're raiding people all over with SWAT teams, while the country implodes, while the bankers openly steal everything, while the ATF ships guns to drug gangs all over the U.S., not just Mexico.
They are raiding Amish, you name it.
It's all accelerating.
And you can't have a garden in your front yard.
I mean, this is total mafia.
Well, I think it's a bit worse than Mafia.
I would say this is total fascism.
And we have a new feature on our Trends in the News, the Trends Journal, when you're a subscriber.
We now have Hans Himmler, America's favorite Nazi.
He escaped Germany, hid in Argentina, and now he's come to America for the land that makes him feel at home.
Sure, when I say Mafia, I mean just total organized crime, not even that, slavery.
They're making us actual, I mean, prisoners aren't allowed to have, I guess some prisoners can have gardens.
I mean, all these resources, because they know people are getting away from the big mega-agra, what you've always talked about.
You said people are going to start getting together and creating co-ops, and they can't allow that, Gerald.
No, again, it's fascism, the merger of state and corporate powers.
Everything that you've been talking about hurts the bigs.
Matter of fact, you know, if that woman started planting that garden out front over there in Oak Park, Michigan, you know, she may have started something and other people start doing it.
What would happen to Monsanto?
My God!
What would happen to these companies that are selling all this junk?
If you let one ant stand up, they might all stand up.
Five more minutes with Gerald Cilente, then a bunch of breaking news.
Stay with us.
You are listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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Waging war on corruption.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we are back live.
The Declaration of Independence talks about the king has sent forth and created new offices and sent forth swarms of new agents to eat out our substance.
It's like locust.
And that's what happens.
And then they want more, more, more, more, more.
And you get a North Korea.
Unless you stand up.
And I'm telling you, it is a recipe for absolute bedlam.
The armed population, all these illegal aliens, all this other stuff together, the mass crime the government's ignoring while they cut police and try to get our guns.
I mean, this is bad news.
Gerald, you were you were saying something about when we went to break about the evil woman trying to grow tomatoes in her front yard.
And the good news is people rebelled.
And that's why the city finally tried to charge her with other stuff.
But suddenly neighbors all over the city started planting their own front yard gardens.
And that's when the tyrants turned, tailed and ran.
They only want to keep pushing when they know they can win.
The minute they start seeing us have victory, they leave the field because they don't want our victories to become contagious.
You got it.
You know, people often write to us and say, you know, I point out a lot of the problems.
What are some of the solutions?
Well, we have the Salenti solution in this transjournal.
Direct democracy.
Let the people vote.
We do not have a representative form of government.
Only little kiddies in high school believe that one.
The only people our representatives represent are the very powerful, the very rich,
Direct democracy.
Let the people vote.
And we can do it online.
But my gosh, there could be fraud.
Oh yeah, like there's none now?
Hey, you wanna go?
How about some hanging chads, Al Gore?
You know, so, this could be totally transparent, and if you could bank online, you could vote online.
And what country has direct democracy?
That's probably one of the richest countries in the world.
The standard of living is the highest among the population.
Everybody's armed.
No crime, hardly any crime.
The food's not bad.
Good looking place?
Oh, no, not here!
We have, of course, people start writing back.
They say, we have a constitution.
Yeah, if you think we have a constitution, you're out of your mind.
Well, Gerald, the direct democracy, as you know, and I mean,
And I'm entertaining this idea and I want to have you back.
In fact, tomorrow, I should have plugged this, we're doing a special report, 7 p.m.
Central, 8 p.m.
Eastern, PrisonPlanet.tv and then of course after that it'll go out later all over the web and we'll probably even re-air it here the next day because it's going to be so informative.
He'll be joining us tomorrow at PrisonPlanet.tv, 7 p.m.
Central, for an InfoWars special report.
But in closing, if you look at their system, it's states that have direct democracy, and then they send their representatives who then vote directly there.
So there's still some checks and balances.
I mean, if it's totally direct, they could bamboozle the public into, by falsely labeling things, some pretty dangerous stuff.
Yes, Alex, they bamboozle the public now, they're in total control.
At least we'll get the future we deserve.
And we're looking for volunteers.
The website is directdemocracynow.org.
This to us is the greatest revolution that could happen worldwide.
Let's take the hands, look what we have, a gang of 535 running this country.
535 people.
A cavalcade of clowns.
The Republicans and the Democrats making life and death issues for us.
I've had it.
Well, we've got to have a debate about it and I look forward tomorrow night getting into more of the trends and discussing this solution that you have.
Gerald, fire out your websites for folks.
TrendsJournal.com, TrendsJournal.com, the summer issue just came out.
And DirectDemocracyNow.org if you want to change the system.
All right, thank you so much.
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Okay, Mike Adams gave us this about 30 minutes ago before it was even published.
He'll be joining us the last 15 minutes of the broadcast today.
Breaking news, multi-agency armed raid hits raw foods, healthy family farms for selling raw milk and cheese.
By the way, you can buy the raw cheese at Whole Foods.
It's really expensive and it's really good.
Because this boiled stuff isn't real cheese.
The milk you get at stores isn't real milk.
I'm going to tell you about that briefly before we go to our next guest here, where humans are being turned into products.
We're going to break that down.
It dovetails with this Daily Mail article, Apple Factory Finds Answer to Worker Suicides.
Replace Staff with 1 Million Robots.
This is all part of the dehumanization.
The baby's having their blood for almost 40 years, and the entire western world taking, giving to the companies.
They then patent your DNA.
You later go to get treatment.
No, no, no.
We own you.
Just like they patent seeds they manipulate.
We're going to be talking to her in just a moment.
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Now, again, Mike Adams is joining us in about 40 minutes, but I want to just briefly hit this because this is big.
Breaking news!
Multi-agency armed raid hits Rawsome Foods, Healthy Family Farms for selling raw milk and cheese.
Now, again, 50 years ago, folks, everybody got raw milk delivered.
It was all local dairies, but the big combines came in and said, how do we sell basically rotten milk?
And I've had family involved in dairies.
I've milked cows when I've worked on ranches.
I know all about it.
Okay, the point I'm going to tell you here, and then I'm going to go to our guest.
Let me explain something.
It is a magic food, a perfect food, milk.
When it's live.
It's got antibodies, everything.
It's live.
It lasts for a week.
If you keep it cold.
But, if you get any blood or any cow manure or anything in it, if the place isn't perfectly clean, you gotta throw the whole batch of milk out.
And the first time you get somebody sick, they never buy your milk again.
Plus, you really don't get sick.
It might taste sour or taste bad or whatever.
Okay, but Big Agra said we want to just have big giant systems, bankrupt the small dairies, buy them up.
We're going to get laws passed, start at state level.
Now the CDC's involved in this to make you boil the milk.
They boil it and turn it into basically a cheese product and it's deadly for your heart.
And that's why I don't have local dairies anymore.
Like the one Ron Paul worked for growing up in Pittsburgh.
Okay, you all had local dairy, people knew who had the best milk.
You ever had a problem, you're out of business.
The point is, is that they radiate beef now, so they can sell you rotten meat.
They do all of this so they can give you dirty food.
And they've hit them with SWAT teams, arrested them, and again, they're selling the idea that this is illegal now.
It's not even illegal.
I mean, they're SWAT teaming Amish, but this is a new, massive raid in Los Angeles County, with guns drawn, putting people in police cars, again, to scare everybody.
They're shutting down real American industry.
I mean, this is... The Soviet Union didn't even do this.
Only in America.
Now, shifting gears, Janine Girard is an amazing individual, and...
She is a plaintiff for the ACLU.
Together, they are fighting the U.S.
Patent Office for granting one laboratory a patent on the breast cancer genes, BRAC1 and BRAC2.
She has been interviewed by 60 Minutes, you name it, and will, of course, give you her website as well, offtherackbook.com.
She goes over the monopoly on genetic tests that identify the presence of the genes.
All of it.
You think they're just patenting soybeans or potatoes.
No, they're doing it with humans.
And tell us your story.
Tell us what they did to you and where this lawsuit's going.
Janine, thank you for joining us.
Thanks for having me, Alex.
I really appreciate it.
Essentially, I was diagnosed at age 36, and I had some breast cancer in my family.
And so I decided to
Go ahead and get the genetic test because I did test positive for breast cancer.
So I ended up testing positive for the BRCA2 gene.
What that means is that I have a five times higher likelihood than your average woman of getting breast cancer and also getting ovarian cancer.
When I got the results of that test, I wanted to be, you know, prudent about making my decisions because these are really big decisions, especially when you're in your 30s.
The possibility of not being able to have children, you know, and having to get your ovaries out are extremely taxing and, you know, as you can imagine, stressful.
So I wanted to get a second opinion because I did test BRCA2 positive through Myriad.
When I asked for a second opinion, they said that, in fact, I couldn't get a second opinion because only one company runs the test.
And I didn't think that could be
It's possible, really, because how could only one company run a test like that?
But they said, yeah, in fact, Myriad is the only company.
Shortly after that, I had to start making my decisions based on the Myriad test and was contacted by the ACLU through a referral that asked if I wanted to go ahead and join this lawsuit in 2009.
Now, explain to people the technicals, because I've talked to a lot of medical doctors.
They say now they're coming out with a blood test that shows markers that cancer is in you, but then, of course, most people are getting cancer every week, and your immune system's defeating it.
What you had going on was different, if I'm correct.
So explain this to us.
Basically, it's a genetic predisposition.
This means that it's passed on from a family member to family member.
Generally, you have a 50-50 chance of passing it on to a child.
And so, I had had breast cancer in my family through my grandmother and a second cousin and also my aunt.
And so, when you do have it in your family, generally they have you test for it pretty quickly.
If you do have a genetic predisposition, that means you have a higher likelihood in many instances of actually getting breast cancer or getting ovarian cancer.
That weighs heavily in your decisions about whether to get a lumpectomy, a single mastectomy, or a double mastectomy.
So to be clear, you didn't have cancer yet, but you had a very good chance of getting it, and so now the medical system is recommending that you have those parts removed?
No, I actually had.
And tested for cancer and I did, I tested positive for cancer.
And so they did a lumpectomy initially and the margins weren't clear.
What that means is that there's a good chance I was going to have a mastectomy on that side.
That was going to come back?
That's exactly what the test indicates.
There's a very high likelihood of it coming back.
I just care so much about my mother, my wife, my daughters.
And you know, this breast cancer, as you know, is just exploding.
It's just horrific.
But I'm sorry, getting back to the issue here.
Now, so then you couldn't get a second opinion.
You just had to believe them.
That's a bedrock of medical history.
Going back to the Greeks is the second opinion, but it's only one company.
Well, Alex, and here's the really bad kicker, is that
There are other laboratories out there that can run the test.
The technology exists.
It's that they had a patent on the gene itself.
Because the technology exists, there are universities out there, etc., that can actually run the test.
But what was happening is that Myriad would slap a cease and desist.
uh... letter to them stating we have the patent and you know they'd slap their arm and say you cannot run these tests.
Yeah, let's be clear here.
They're saying this human gene's in humans.
We've gone and patented that gene so now no one can go look at it and and what if the company decided to shut down?
What did they do?
I mean this this is the control.
This is turning humans into pure absolute objects.
Are you aware of
The 39-year global plan taking blood from babies at birth, even CBS News has reported, and giving it to these companies under the table?
Man, they are evil.
They even get our blood and do this, and then you try to go get a gene therapy and they say, sorry, we patented that as well.
This is outrageous!
Think about this.
Only one laboratory in our country has banked all of our breast cancer data.
You know why they don't want you looking at bisphenol A and stuff and why it's triggering all this.
Because even if you're predisposed, the bisphenol A hyper-feminizes women and then feminizes men and accelerates the aging in those cells and that's one of the big reasons medical doctors have told us that's happening.
Have you ever read into bisphenol A and what it's doing to women?
Yeah, yeah.
Very, very.
Very interesting.
Very interesting.
You know, the other thing that I wanted to mention is I actually have a group of breast cancer survivors of over 24,000 that follow me online.
And essentially, I get emails and calls all the time from women who are stuck in a queue waiting for funding to even get this test.
So it's a form of rationing already.
And this is so evil.
I want to talk more about your lawsuit and where it's going on the other side and some of the horror stories of these other women.
Janine Girard is our guest.
We'll tell you about her book as well on the other side.
I'm Alex Jones.
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All the leaves are brown And the sky is gray
Janae Gerard is our guest.
Leave it to me to flub names.
Continuing now, for people that just joined us, recap the magnitude of this.
One company jacking up the price, people are in waiting lists, they can't get access, you can't get a second opinion, and people say, well, that's free market.
No, no, no, no.
They went and patented
The gene!
And so, from what I've seen in research, now when other companies go out and do their own discovery of the gene, which is, you know, humankind's property, then they're saying, well, you can't do a new therapy with that gene, so this actually stops progress, because we own the test on that gene.
I mean, this is like saying, I own the color blue, or I own sunlight, or I own water, or
You know, it's falling from the sky.
I mean, it is such an insane power grab.
Tell us about the lawsuit and where you're going with this.
Well, essentially it started in the district court and we won in the district court level.
And then it went to the Court of Appeals where it got overturned 2-1, you know, with the judges.
And, you know, obviously it's very frustrating for me, but also all women out there.
You know, this test is not inexpensive.
It's about $3,600.
And so they believe that, and because only Myriad has it as the monopoly, they believe that if this was overturned, that all laboratories could test if they wanted to.
And the price would drop to about $150.
And so all women could afford it.
So as it stands right now, there's too many women that can't afford it.
And cancer's really not something you can mess around with on a time element.
Well, the United States was built on monopolies not being allowed.
Yeah, but since the robber barons in the last 140 years, that's all they do.
As John D. Rockefeller, the founder of the family, said, competition is a sin.
And this is just outrageous.
And of course, as you know, I'm sure you've researched this now, there are so many other companies who are going out and patenting genes and gene therapies and things.
And a lot of times getting our blood samples and then saying they even own that particular protein combination that is individual to you.
And you go in to get a gene therapy and they go, sorry, it's going to be a million dollars.
This company, Gribblesnap, you know, they own it.
Yeah, it's crazy.
Within my 60 Minutes interview, I listened to a number of genetic scientists talk about the horrible repercussions of this and how it's going to simply retard so many areas of research, like deafness and blindness and all sorts of different diseases that they're trying to move forward in finding cures.
It's just horrible.
I mean, when you're actually in the trenches, and let me explain something, you know, Alex, this is a really difficult thing to explain to people.
It's not a two-minute conversation.
You know, a lot of political, you know, activism and so forth, people get on board and rah, rah, rah.
This is one of those things where when I talk about it in the public, and I'm so glad you're doing this interview, is that people don't realize how it's going to impact them directly.
And it is a kind of a scientific, difficult concept, but on the flip side, when you're in the trenches and you're actually having to make decisions, life or death decisions,
Based on one company actually having a monopoly on a part of your body, it really changes your outlook.
I mean, it's very simple.
Monsanto goes, creates a GMO crop that infects and takes over crops in the same family, and then they have courts rule that you have trespassed and stole from them when it's admitted they contaminated you.
And, uh, in this case, they're going in, identifying building blocks of the human body, saying that they have now discovered it, like Spain discovering, uh, you know, the Americas, and planting a flag, and then saying, no one can ever touch this.
We will deploy and develop only what we want with this gene.
It is like saying, well, we patented the genes for the eye.
Now no one can do any treatments for the eye.
We own eyes!
And, and, and it's just total evil.
Yeah, I totally agree.
You know, I'm not sure where this suit is going to go.
We just got the ruling back, which was 105 pages of, you know, just amazing banter back and forth, but we don't even know what's going to happen at this point and what's going to happen.
We haven't even had our conference call with our lawyers yet from the ACLU to find out
Well, I gotta warn you, I've seen the ACLU do some good work, but any big organization gets political, and I've seen them drop the ball before in key cases with some bad precedent being created.
But I want to come back and talk about some of the horror stories from the tens of thousands of women that follow your work.
I would imagine, I'm guessing Twitter will give out all the different websites.
There's some other good news, though.
Organic farmers can sue conventional GMO farmers whose pesticides trespass.
We'll be right back.
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I remember when I remember I remember when I lost my mind
We're good.
Janaye Girard is our guest and Janaye, before we get into some of the horror stories, so folks can get together and so women facing this scourge, this plague of breast cancer from the GMO and the bisphenol A and all the rest of it, it's just exploding off the charts ladies and gentlemen, but it's all part of globalism, all part of the New World Order.
Give us some of the websites, tell us about the publications, tell us about the work you're doing.
Sure, I actually wrote a breast cancer book called Off the Rack Chronicles of a 30-something single breast cancer survivor.
And it's just a humorous, ironic look at what it's like to go through treatment.
It's one of the first funny books out there that helps women have a little bit of humor and seriousness going through this.
Secondly, I have a website called Beyond the Booby Trap, B-O-O-B-I-E.
In my community on Facebook is about 24,000 and I get about 2.1 million interactions per month on there between breast cancer survivors.
The Facebook site is facebook.com forward slash beat breast cancer.
And that's where most of the action occurs, where we have all of our communication and disseminate between each other, drug interactions, surgery information, etc.
It's a pretty tight bond.
Well, it just makes me so angry when I think about what's happening to women in our country and the persecution.
Go through, for folks, some of the reports you're getting.
I had one woman in a very rural county who didn't have insurance.
She had been laid off from her job for actually getting breast cancer.
She had trouble even doing her work.
She was laid off.
She had breast cancer in her family and it was suggested to her by a local clinic to go ahead and get the genetic test run, but she couldn't afford it because she didn't have insurance.
Of course, it was $3,600.
So she asked what her options were and her options were to wait in a queue for public funds to be allocated towards her or to not get the test at all.
And of course, when you have breast cancer in your family and you have a diagnosis, you really need to get on the ball and figure out what you need to do to protect yourself and make the right decision.
So, to have her wait in a queue is absolutely ridiculous.
Secondly, there was a woman that was actually with me on the 60 Minutes interview, where they didn't, Marriott did not accept her insurance.
So, they have the right to deny insurance, yet they're the only company out there that runs the test.
Well, it's simple.
The way our system is set up, A, you can't have a monopoly, but B, you can have the patent, but then you have to license it to companies.
And you can charge your fee, but you've got to license it, but they're not doing that.
And that's the creme de la creme of corruption right there.
I thought, whoa, I didn't know that.
They can even refuse you if they want.
I mean, this is insane.
You know, they have debates about, we've got to give poor people free cell phones.
You've got to fry their brain.
Uh, so everybody can, you know, pay for their brain cancer surgery and the illegal aliens get all their babies paid for, the anchor babies, but citizens of this country, um, have insurance and go to them and they say, no, we don't accept your insurance.
I mean, that is, that is a death sentence for many people.
It's absolutely ridiculous.
You know, here, our health care system wants us to be an active participant.
They want us to get involved in our diagnosis and to have every piece of the puzzle to be able to make an educated decision.
And yet, we have a monopoly on this piece of such a major part of our decision making.
You can imagine a woman having to get her ovaries out and not having the peace of mind to get a second opinion on that when, you know, it could determine whether or not you're going to have children.
I mean, come on.
I mean, it's absolutely ridiculous.
Well, and as you were saying earlier, there are so many other cases of all of this.
So many other.
I mean, you could just type in genes patented or blood samples used to create gene patent.
And I'm glad that you knew about that because I was talking about it 16 years ago when I was sent documents when I first got on air.
Because they store them for quite a few states, the different regional storage facilities.
Down in San Antonio, it's the Department of Defense overall program, but it's at a private university, what, UT San Antonio.
They store my blood sample when I was born in Dallas.
And they say, oh, it's a health department mandated, as if the hospital couldn't do their own blood test.
We send this blood sample off.
And really what they're doing is taking that, running your genetic sequencing, selling it to companies.
It shows the secretive continuity of agenda and we're just now learning about it.
And they literally see us as animals who have no right to our own bodies and are really just there to be fed upon.
It's incredible.
I mean, obviously you can't
Patent electricity.
You could patent the processes or different systems of sending it out or metering it or controlling it.
You can't patent
I guess what they're saying or what the court ruled is that they have the ability, Myriad, to identify, remove, and isolate DNA from a cell.
That's how they get around it.
And the judge that disagreed with the case said, that's the same thing as plucking a leaf from a tree.
It still is a piece of something that existed in nature.
And, you know, so I don't know.
I'm not sure where it's going to go, but what I really would love to see is this get overturned and that the monopoly goes away and that all women can afford to get the test to protect themselves and to also have this data not banked in one company so that we can further research
Well, that's the other big issue.
These big mega companies, many of them have been caught.
They don't want cures.
They want treatments.
Because there's more money in that.
And we know most of the real scientific advances, we're always hearing about a cure for this, a cure for that.
That's all shelved.
Because the establishment does not want life extension systems being given to the general public.
Girard, I really want to thank you for joining us today.
And we will continue to follow your case as it develops.
But by educating the public about issues like this, there will be an outcry.
We will end up in the end defeating Big Pharma because in most cases these companies, I mean it's like Bayer Pharmaceutical got caught and convicted in French court but it turned out it was happening all over the world for a decade knowingly getting, buying blood from the
Different organizations that collect it, where all these well-meaning people go in and give blood, then they, it turns out, end up selling most of it.
It's not, you know, given out to folks when they really need it.
It's sold to a big pharma, and Bayer knowingly would just not even test it.
They would just mix all the blood together, knowing it's a lot of homeless folks and drug addicts that are giving blood.
They would mix it all together and create blood platelet
Drugs like Factor VIII.
Ship it out knowing it was full.
Every ampule of hepatitis, A, B, and C, and HIV.
A death sentence worldwide for hundreds of thousands.
And it came out that they knew and just didn't care.
I mean, that is beyond evil.
But because it's done medically, it's kind of cute.
Oh, you're gonna die of hepatitis now.
You're gonna die of AIDS now.
It's okay.
The CEOs needed the money.
They're good people.
And since it was done by them,
It's okay.
The only country to convict him was France.
Everywhere else they said, you're allowed to do this.
Bill Clinton was involved.
Allowing in prisons people they knew had HIV.
They'd sell them the drugs.
And I had the head doctor from the prison on.
They firebombed his office.
Firebombed the Heliophiliac Society the same night up in Canada to get at the documents when the doctor came on the show and said this was all going on.
And later the whole blood scandal came out.
But people need to stop being naive.
Stop being naive and realize Big Pharma grew out of the eugenics lobby in the last hundred years and sees us as animals.
And on average, I don't know about this company in particular, but think all of this is very, very cute.
It was good having you on and I hope folks will get your book and get it out to everybody we know because it's such important work.
Thank you so much.
Thanks for having me on, Alex.
You bet.
Good to have you with us.
Now, we're going to go to Mike Adams here in just a moment with breaking news.
Now, I haven't confirmed this, and I've known about this for three days, and I have been trying to get in touch with the gentleman who I know did work with Ted Gunderson and who did get us in contact with him last time, but I've been unable to.
All of Ted Gunderson's
Phone numbers are dead.
I had him on about a year ago and didn't have him back on because the phone quality was so bad and you could tell he was in bad shape.
And it was funny about him.
Two weeks ago I said, I gotta try to get him back on because I know he's beaten cancer a couple times.
And then I looked it up online and folks that were helping him out said he's on life support a couple weeks ago.
That's funny.
I was thinking about it.
I wanted him on, looked it up.
He was on life support.
And reportedly, but I've contacted the person who I know has worked with him in the past and haven't gotten an email back.
I would like to get them on to confirm this, but I know when I talked to him last year here, it was about a year ago on air.
In fact, look up the date guys.
Well, here it is.
So it was a year and four months ago.
In fact, that's the image they're using there.
In fact, I think that's one of his last interviews actually.
And he said, yes, I just had surgery.
Yesterday, I've had my artificial, it was a bladder made out of a animal's bladder or something, I forget.
You can go listen to the interview.
And he was tough as nails.
Ted Gunnarsson, ex-regional head of the FBI in Southern California, truth seeker.
A lot of COINTELPRO lied about him, demonized him.
I looked into what they said about him, and it wasn't true.
I don't know.
Uh, and, uh, of cancer.
Ted Gunnarsson was born in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Uh, he graduated from the University of Nebraska in 1950.
Gunnarsson entered the Federal Bureau of Investigation in December of 51.
He served in Mobile, Knoxville, New York City, Albuquerque offices.
He held post as assistant special agent in charge in New Haven and Philadelphia.
He admitted he ran COINTELPRO in New Haven.
Uh, and as chief, he was honest about that.
And apologize for it.
And as chief inspector and special agent in charge of Memphis and Dallas divisions, Ted Gunnarsson is the former chief of the Los Angeles division of the FBI.
And, uh, he reportedly is dead.
And I've waited for three days and folks are like, why aren't you saying he's dead?
Well, cause I just, obviously he must be or something.
I mean, he was almost dead a year ago when I talked to him.
Uh, and so there you go.
And of course, um,
Aaron Zellman of JPFO died, and we talked about that.
People said, why haven't you talked about it?
We did.
You missed it.
But a lot of great people passing, and it's very sad.
I mean, Aaron Russo's been dead for like four years now.
Very, very sad.
I take you now to Mike Adams, who joins us, the health ranger.
Breaking news, multi-agency armed raid hits Rawsome Foods, healthy family farms for selling raw milk and cheese.
Then these raids are going on everywhere.
I don't have time for the big corrupt banksters and people, but this isn't even illegal.
Then that's what they break down.
It's just, it's done to create a chilling effect.
You must buy your GMO garbage.
You must die of cancer.
And it's up at naturalnews.com and infowars.com.
And Mike Adams joins us via video Skype for the rest of this short segment and the next one.
Boy, I tell you, they are really dropping the hammer on what's left of middle America and people trying to have their own commerce locally.
Mike Adams, they are really coming after the food supply.
They're going all out, Alex, and this is a breaking story that we're bringing you today, and we just sent video over to your producers.
Maybe they can roll that.
That's video hot off the scenes as these thugs, basically, these thugs with badges are loading up the cheese, and they're pouring milk down the drains.
That's not on the video yet, but
More videos coming in.
They are going in and destroying and vandalizing this entire store.
They went after the cash of the owner.
They did not read him his rights.
They handcuffed him and put him into an unmarked vehicle.
They did not serve a proper warrant.
And this all happened this morning, and protests are taking place right now in Venice, California, outside the Rawson Foods store.
They have no shame, Alex.
They don't even pretend to follow the law.
They're just outright thugs now.
Listen, I can buy
Uh, raw milk and raw cheese at Whole Foods.
I can buy it at Central Market.
I bought two blocks of it, little blocks, this weekend when my parents came over and we ate it before dinner.
I mean, it was, it just, it tastes absolutely delicious and alive and good and I guess I'm gonna be SWAT team now?
I mean, this is legal.
They're just doing this to scare everybody and they do it with guns because the jury's dumb and thinks, well, they have guns aimed at them, they must be criminals.
That's right, this was a SWAT style raid with helmets and bulletproof vests and other gear like mob style, I mean SWAT style raids but conducted with a mob mentality.
They went in, they followed the owner from his home and then they raided his home
And they raided his store, and they raided a farm today.
Three raids took place this morning.
Again, an interagency raid involving the CDC as well.
And you have to ask, why is the CDC involved in these raids?
I mean... Now we're rolling some of the video in the background for PrisonPlanet.tv viewers.
We'll get this posted in the articles at InfoWars.com and then get it over there at NaturalNews.com.
But this video you were sent, it looks like it was shot clandestinely.
What is going on on this video?
Yeah, you're right.
It was shot clandestinely by a person on the scene with a cell phone who was afraid that they were going to be intimidated or arrested if they were witnessed filming the video of law enforcement there confiscating the products and destroying the products.
And that is not 20 minutes off the scene, Alex.
So your viewers are the first to see this across the web and around the world.
And sometimes, we'll keep rolling in the background, but sometimes they
They'll spend a year or more infiltrating, even though it's public, nobody's hiding, it's an open store, getting data to find out when they've got their biggest production run and have made an investment designed to bankrupt them.
And they SWAT team the Amish, I mean, people selling tomatoes.
I mean, wow, we're watching this footage right now.
All these resources to go out for stuff that's non-criminal.
The first thing they did, Alex, when they initiated the raid, they went to the owner and they pulled out their guns and they said, where's the cash?
And he disclosed, yeah, that's exactly, they go after the cash.
Well no, these are armed robbers, that's what tyranny is!
Where's the cash?
Everybody get on the floor, it's a bank robbery!
They went after the cash and they destroyed his products.
I mean, isn't this a Chicago mob hit?
Isn't that what they did?
Actually, I'm watching them here destroy products in the back of a truck.
I mean, it's just like descending like locusts.
We got people selling quality cheese.
Get the SWAT team.
Where's the cash?
Everybody on the floor!
Stay with us, Mike!
It's America!
It's ours!
He'll pull up with anything!
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Fifty years ago, raw milk was everywhere.
You had local dairies.
They delivered it to your front door.
That's why there was a milkman.
They had grocery stores, but your milk was delivered fresh for the day.
How many bottles you wanted?
Big family, two or three bottles.
One person, you know, small bottle.
They delivered fresh milk.
And there was no problems.
Big Agra wanted to be able to sell rotten milk, keep it a lot longer, shut down their competition.
They passed state laws.
They lobbied.
They shut off their competition, the Monopoly men.
Now, it's all coming back, and they are trying to shut it down.
But people selling pumpkins, people selling tomatoes.
This is about, hey, you're going to buy from us.
The system is scared.
Here in Austin, it's caught on big time.
These co-ops, and people have a farm, and then you own your cow in the stall, and then you go get your milk.
Totally legal.
Trying to stop that.
They have a farmer's market.
Folks would bring the milk under private sale.
You could buy the milk that was, you know,
I mean, I've bought it.
Not now.
They had undercover people there threatening folks.
And it's like, it's not the law, but a cop's threatening you, and they will pistol-whip you.
They will get you.
Look, this is the new America.
And, Mike, is it just me, or do I see this stuff exploding now?
There's a major assault going on.
Tell us what else happened in this case.
Well, it's very clear the pressure is on, and they're resorting to illegal tactics.
For example, they gave James here a $123,000 bail, and they set it at that level, but they told him that he could not use bail bonds to raise that money, and they demanded that he had to disclose whatever sources that he used to raise the money so that he could make bail.
Now, that is completely illegal!
It's a violation of his due process rights.
But you see, they don't respect the law anymore.
The entire raid is probably illegal.
We'll find out, because we're going to get a copy of the warrant.
Meanwhile, the ATF is shipping guns to drug gangs in the U.S., not just Mexico.
But that's okay.
But they're giving this guy a mafia-level bond.
Tell us the evil.
Tell us about this company.
Oh yeah, they're terribly evil because they offer wholesome raw milk from farms where cows are not treated with recombinant bovine growth hormones.
They're not given vaccines.
They're free-range cows.
They sell free-range chicken eggs.
Those are obviously very evil.
They sell all kinds of wholesome foods and products that actually help people prevent diseases.
So basically they raided a crack house, that's good.
Folks selling eggs, that's a no-no.
What do they think, it's land of the free, home of the brave?
I mean, North Korea you're allowed to sell eggs, but not here.
So where is this going now?
Well, right now he's being held in L.A.
at a police department.
I've been on the phone with representatives to find out the next steps.
We know we're going to organize a public protest in L.A.
Remember, Alex, this is the second time that law enforcement has raided this same store, Rawsome Foods, which is a private buying club.
That sells raw milk and raw cheese.
They don't hide it.
They openly talk about... Oh, yeah, these are the folks where they have their own security cameras and it's the cops yelling with the guns?
It's the same place.
Oh, so it's punishment.
You don't show... It's punishment.
Yeah, you know how it works.
Now they're coming after the cash, they're going to put you out of business, destroy your products, make sure you can't make bail, and they're going to keep the pressure on until you give in.
But we're not giving in.
You know, we are fighting back against these tyrants, and thank you for covering this story, Alex, because this has got to go national.
People need to understand, this could come to your hometown, your favorite store, your favorite farm.
They could put everybody in prison and say it's for public health.
Well, they also raided the healthy family farms, right?
The source of the evil devil milk.
We don't know all the details about that, but they did conduct that raid.
We're going to learn more and share it with you.
All right, Mike, the main broadcast is over.
I know you've got to go and get on this, but I want to do five minutes of overdrive with you.
It'll be PrisonPlanet.TV only and the free audio streams at InfoWars.com.
For everybody else, key rebroadcast coming up, getting into all of the incredible debt limit garbage, the Super Congress, all of it.
Great job, crew.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today!
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Coast to Coast, direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Grandpa, is it true that once we ate food at tables on plates?
Grandpa, is it true that once there were animals that weren't part other animals?
Is it true that once we didn't just take injections given to us by our loving helper government?
Is it true that once you could grow something in your yard?
A tomato?
No, Sonny, that's not true, and if you talk like that, they're going to arrest you.
Who told you these things?
Grandpa, I heard once women breastfed their babies.
Once I heard that children could walk.
Now we live on these little cots, hooked into these computers.
Now, Sonny, that's what Al Qaeda wants you to believe.
And you know, in the year 2047, that bin Laden's hiding everywhere.
Mike Adams is our guest and joining us via video Skype, we're finishing up.
This is a big raid.
Go over some of the other facets.
And they didn't just raid the devil facility in Plainview, you know, store selling cheese and raw milk and devil eggs, farm-raised devil eggs, al-Qaeda eggs, Satan eggs, Hitler eggs.
They also raided, thank God, the main terror base where the cows were that
Aren't, uh, you know, having growth hormone in them and things so everybody can grow all these extra cancers.
I mean, these are very sick people.
Thank God that our strike forces have struck and struck hard.
Was Captain America there in part of the raid dealing with these evil people?
Yeah, probably all kinds of crazy superheroes were on the scene working for big government.
And I gotta say, Raw Foods is a favorite of those on the left, often, you know, the more progressive and liberal thinkers out there, and they're the ones often calling for big government.
Well, I gotta say to you people, this is what big government does to you.
Big government throws you in prison for trying to be healthy.
Big government seizes your cash and turns you into a criminal for raising eggs and growing farm-fresh meat, grass-fed cows.
Big government is not the answer here, folks.
It is the problem.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
We know they feed them awful and ground-up dead dogs.
You wonder where your dog goes at most vets.
It's sold to a dog food manufacturer and then fed back to your dog or fed to cows.
Uh, mixed in with the awful and the blood meal and the rest of it.
You're saying these psychopaths were selling beef from cows that ate grass?
What kind of conspi- Everybody knows cows don't eat grass.
You are a sicko.
Yeah, well, I guess the norm is genetically modified corn to fatten up the cows.
That's what most people are eating without even knowing that.
But yeah, real beef comes from real cows raised on real grass, real pastures, without hormones and vaccines, and that's what they were sowing.
You conspiracy theorist.
Everybody knows cows don't eat grass.
I tell you, man, you are a fruit.
Well, thank God they've stopped you.
You should be arrested as well.
So, Mike, what else is now happening?
I mean, again, they're trying to keep him in jail.
I guess that's what you do with Al Qaeda?
That's exactly it.
They don't want him back in business.
Notice they attacked the money, the cash that he had.
Notice they're destroying inventory so he can't go back into business even if he makes bail.
Now, we don't have the details on the Healthy Family Farms raid.
So far, everything we've been talking about is the Rawsome Food Store.
But more details are going to come in.
We'll share them with you.
We have photos being taken right now that are coming our way to document this and let people know this is really happening.
We're not inventing this stuff.
These thugs are actually conducting SWAT-style raids on Wholesome Food Stores out there.
They're trying to keep us safe, pals.
We're trying to keep it safe.
By the way, we have our InfoWars Insider Newsletter going out in the next few hours with an exclusive roundtable video discussion with Kurt Nemo and Aaron Dykes and myself and a detailed report on the Super Congress Council of 13.
The latest info on that going out in the next few hours.
Go to InfoWars.com, sign up at the top for the free newsletter.
I'll be on tomorrow night, 7 p.m.
with Gerald Cilente via Skype.
And Mike, I just got the idea, if you want to
Pop by or come on by video Skype as well.
We're doing an InfoWars special report tomorrow at 7.
But if you can't do it, I understand.
We'll know more then.
Thank you so much, Mike Adams.
Thank you.
Thank you, Alex.
Good to join you.
Great job, crew.
See you back tomorrow, live, 11 a.m.
Sign up for the free newsletter, InfoWars.com, InfoWars Insider.
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