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Name: 20110802_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 2, 2011
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, I was chomping at the bit last night and this morning to get in here in this studio and go live today.
It is August 2nd, 2011.
We're going to be live here for at least the next three hours.
We knew that they were attempting to set up a super congress, a council of 13, to bypass the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Congress, and fully put us into the hands of the offshore global crime syndicate known as the New World Order.
We know that Mitch McConnell had tried to just completely hand the power of the purse over to the President, bypassing Congress two weeks ago.
He openly made those announcements, but people recoiled.
And the President said, I can just use the 14th Amendment that was used against the states post-Civil War during Reconstruction.
And every constitutional scholar out there said, this is outrageous.
This is the military dictatorship of Lincoln and Ulysses S. Grant.
And so instead they created a lawyer facade.
But when you look at the details in plain view, it is outrageous.
It is off the charts, and we're going to be breaking it down today.
Pastor Chuck Baldwin, presidential candidate for the Constitution Party, of course, last round, is going to be joining us to get into a host of issues, including this, in Romans 13, how Christians are taught to submit to the tyranny of government.
And how unbiblical that is, and even if you're not a Christian, the issue is, is the majority of Americans are Christians and are taught, bow down and worship government.
You know, if you're in Nazi Germany, lick the boots of Hitler, it's of the Lord.
It couldn't be more unbiblical and uncommon sense.
But getting back to the Super Congress, it passed last night in the House, and they said they've got the votes in the next few hours.
In the Senate.
And it sets up six members of the House, six in the Senate.
They're the only ones that get to vote.
And then the President has a veto, so he's the 13th member.
Or it's like they're his disciples and he's the new abomination that we must bow down and worship.
And of course this power will be passed on to the next tyrant.
They just get worse and worse because we're deeper into this tyranny and they've set the precedent to launch wars without congressional approval, carbon taxes without congressional approval, ATF putting new laws in that aren't even laws.
It is, again, outrageous what we're witnessing.
Warrantless wiretapping, totally illegal.
Constitution completely burned to a crisp.
The enemy dancing in its ashes.
And they're having to openly get rid of the Constitution and Bill of Rights because they've engineered a controlled oppression.
And they've got to ride the tiger now.
They've got to ride this buck and bronco or this wild bull.
Or they're all going to go to prison.
And so it is a criminal class combined together with a bunch of moronic freshman House members, most of them, who don't know which end is up.
And I saw an incredible editorial.
In fact, I forgot to print it, guys.
If you just type in, New York Times compares Tea Parties to terrorists.
They actually say, the Tea Party terrorist almost destroyed America.
But thank God, sanity prevailed.
Ladies and gentlemen, under this agreement, if it passes the Senate,
On all issues, as Harry Reid and others have said, not just taxes, not just spending, not just cuts, which is basically government itself, that's the key, the heart of it, the power to tax, power to destroy, the power to give the favors to the insiders and cut off everybody else, as we've seen with the power plants and all the rest of it, the healthcare waivers.
They say no filibusters.
And no amendments, and now bills cannot originate from a single House member and then be looked at and scrutinized by others who then co-sponsor it and bring it to a vote.
It kills the Republic.
Did you hear what I just said?
Because words can't describe this.
It kills the legislative branch effectively and hands it over to a super congress, to a committee, with the president with the veto power, and it gets worse.
When they bring the legislation they've packaged out of the super committee, the 12-member council with the president and the 13th leader, Soran, when the ringwraiths bring that to the House and Senate, they can vote it up or down, and then if the House or Senate doesn't vote on what they proposed, get this, get this, listen to me.
I'll tell you when we come back from break.
You can't make this stuff up.
This is Alex Jones with five good reasons you should consider buying a solar-powered generator.
Number one.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number two.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
Number 5.
A solar power generator provides powerful backup, insurance, and peace of mind.
Folks, I really believe in the solar power generators offered by Solutions from Science, one of my oldest sponsors.
You can get more information at www.mysolarbackup.com.
That's mysolarbackup.com.
Remember, the government doesn't own the sun.
So go to mysolarbackup.com or call 1-877-327-0365.
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You may be arrested and or subject to arrest.
Tyranny is here.
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The police state isn't coming.
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Secure your copy today at InfoWars.com or see it online in the highest quality at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We have the headline running at InfoWars.com.
Bankers abolish Congress.
And that's exactly what they've done if they're allowed to pass this bill in the Senate that's now passed the House.
And if the criminal government that occupies this nation for the foreign offshore banks is able to carry this out.
Now I shot six emergency videos last night.
And so they stayed up here till midnight to put that special report out.
I almost never call other talk show hosts than I know and beg them to look at the information and cover it on their shows.
And I appreciate some of those talk show hosts doing that.
But I almost ran off the road yesterday as I was getting news alerts at red lights, reading what was confirmed in the language of the so-called debt ceiling agreement.
I knew that this had all been proposed.
And I even knew that our guests yesterday had said that they had actually reviewed it all, that this was an executive coup.
But by the time I got home last night and spent the entire evening until one in the morning, so from about 6.30 until one in the morning, researching it, reading the text, reading mainline CBS News Analysis, ABC, hoping that I was looking at this wrong, but also marveling that this is how republics die, not with a bang, but with a whimper.
Remember three months ago, Ron Paul said, well they've launched a war in Libya and they haven't gotten congressional approval and Obama says he doesn't need it or want it.
This is the last nail in the Republic's coffin if we allow this to continue, because now the sky's the limit.
And that's the issue.
Remember just five years ago, George W. Bush saying, we don't spy on Americans without warrants, I promise, in a press conference.
And two years later it came out, they're listening to everything without warrants.
And now it's just, yeah, we're tracking everything, we're listening to everything.
It's not legal, but we just do it.
It's not legal for Obama to give insiders health care waivers, which give them unfair trade advantage and it's complete discrimination, but they do it.
It's not legal for the EPA to put carbon taxes in against select groups that aren't insiders and give waivers to insiders, but they do it.
It's not legal in Chicago for the public schools to say you can't pack your child a lunch.
Quote, you're not trusted.
They said we can't trust you.
It's not legal and it's not even law in Oak Park, Michigan to say we're going to put you in jail for 93 days and give you a $5,000 fine for a tomato box in your yard.
But they do it.
It's not legal for the ATF to ship close to 30,000 guns into Mexico over the last two years that's killed five cops, three Border Patrol agents, and then perjure themselves to Congress saying they didn't do it, and then to be caught doing it and shipping them all over the U.S.
to select gangs.
And they don't get in trouble.
So, tyranny always grows slowly and incrementally, and then it starts to speed up to a gallop, and then a run, and now a mad, foaming at the mouth, 110% race.
We are being overrun, and that's why they're grabbing private pension funds, public pension funds, stealing the veterans' death benefits,
They're stealing the funds for their future care.
They are taking everything, including the kitchen sink, and they're pulling boards out of the walls and the flooring up, and now they're pulling the superstructure down.
I mean, it is like a million piranhas, and America is a big fat hog dropped in the middle of the Amazon, and a million piranhas are hitting us and hitting us hard.
And I do not have words to describe the proof, the documentation, the nakedness of it.
And a lot of people are sending me emails and seeing comments and getting calls.
Where's Ron Paul?
Where's Ron Paul?
Well, he talked about the Super Congress being tyranny.
He talked about it being bad in the last few weeks as they proposed it.
But he did put out a statement last night saying this is very troubling.
It neutralizes the rest of the House and Senate.
Now we can't block tax increases or gun control.
So, people are saying, where's Ron Paul?
Well, he was there last night.
75, almost 76, working.
I saw his report come out at 10 o'clock at night.
So, but again, Ron Paul's back because he worked till 10 o'clock at night or later.
Where's Ron Paul?
Why isn't he talking about this?
He was talking about it!
Go to his website!
Just because you didn't instantly see him on CNN.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
One of my pet peeves has become people going, why isn't Alex covering this or that when I've covered whatever subject it is 50 million times?
All right.
I'm a little angry.
I'm going to try not to overheat here and blow up because I need to go over this information.
Let me just read you the headlines here.
Super Congress to target Second Amendment.
Gun owners of America.
And they've got the quotes from Harry Reid and ABC News, CBS, and I even found the video last night.
Openly, saying this covers everything.
We can cover, we can do everything.
Here's Ron Paul.
Paul Joseph Watson has an article on it.
Ron Paul sounds alarm on disturbing super congress.
And then disturbing's like the Titanic hitting the iceberg and saying it's disturbing.
And then Ron Paul goes into saying it's extraordinary new powers, undemocratic, seizing control, fast track, we can pass taxes, gun control.
We're going to go over all of that.
Here's another one.
Weekly Standard.
Fiscal conservatives barred from super committee.
It's not a super committee.
That's the words of Ari Reid.
It is a, it is a all powerful council of 12 with a 13th member with absolute veto power.
That's El Presidente.
Here's another great article that breaks it down.
The debt crisis is a Trojan horse to cause the fall of America.
Yeah, it's designed to bring us into receivership.
Amid grumbling from both sides, Senate scheduled to vote on debt deal today.
Morning Examiner.
No good can come from Super Congress.
And it breaks down the issues.
But still, this is all mild responses to it.
I'll succinctly break this down for you, and then I'll go to mainstream news saying it, with the quotes, so you understand, and I have the text of the agreement.
It is a totally open-ended power grab, worse than the quote debt deal, leaving an open window per week of 800 plus billion a week that the private Federal Reserve could run up on America's credit card in October 3rd, 2008.
Twenty-seven trillion.
We haven't gotten numbers in a year.
Twenty-seven trillion.
Over 70% of it going to foreign offshore banks and domestic media.
Your tax money.
I mean, this is a payoff.
This is a buy-off for a systematic corporate takeover of America.
It's not coming like the Soviet Russians or Hitler or the Chi-Coms.
It's not coming with tanks and airborne troops coming down like Red Dawn.
It's all done by oily criminals who have, for decades, taken over every position of power in the federal government and in the bureaucracies and in most of the states.
And they, under the Presidential Decision Directives, under the John Warner Defense Authorization Act that Bush started and Obama cemented, they say, we don't need to hear from 50 governors.
We've appointed 10 that speak for the states.
We don't need to hear from your local rural people.
We've set up a rural council under the Department of Defense and Homeland Security.
This is a total martial law takeover, incrementally.
But now we're getting up to flashpoint.
They've been building all this up, growing their tentacles, infiltrating everything, doing it all in plain view, so mostly unconscious people, bureaucrats, cops, military, general public, city councils.
This is all done very calmly, very straight faced.
I mean, it's almost like Harry Reid and Boehner and Obama came out and calmly said, by the way, the temperature today will be 102 here in D.C.
and there's going to be a meeting down at the park later.
We're going to be handing out some free popsicles and talking about bicycle safety.
And by the way, a giant 10 mile wide spacecraft just landed a mile away and there's green aliens running around.
Now, back to weather.
I mean,
It's that crazy, but they just kind of... Well, like you do something in church.
You let something out real slow in church, make sure nobody's looking at you, and then act like it wasn't you.
That's what they've done.
And people...
It blows me, we have all these experts on, all these economists, all these historians, and most of the time, as my staff's pointed this out, and others, I know more than they do.
I don't think of myself as that smart, but I guess I do spend 15, 16, 17, 18 hours a day, and lose sleep because I'm so obsessed with reality, studying everything, so I can tie everything together, and it's just, but it's not even hard!
They have set up something in 235 years that's never existed.
We're six members of the House, six members of the Senate, and the President, with a veto power over it.
Bills don't originate from members of the House anymore.
Anybody can introduce a bill, and then get co-sponsors and have it debated, and for six months it's in committee and looked at from every angle.
No, listen to me carefully.
I can't even believe this is happening, even though I knew it was all coming.
The fact that it's done and very few people even get what they're seeing here.
Listen to me.
Twelve in the house.
Six in the house.
Six in the Senate, one Obama.
That's 13.
Council of 13.
Six in the House, six in the Senate, and Obama.
Now listen to me carefully.
I'm going to read it from mainstream news to you.
And they just say it nonchalantly like it's some boring thing they've announced.
Or, oh good news, we won't go bankrupt now, we're not going to collapse.
When it's the contrary.
It's designed to bring us into this.
They can't have the rest of the Congress having the power to vote and speak up and the power to introduce bills because they know the people are going to get more and more awake and angry.
So you've got this 13-member board with the president sitting in it.
Drumroll, please.
You've got this 13-member council and they originate the bills now.
And then they bring the bill to the full House and Senate for an up-down vote, which they, again, don't have.
And now here's the kicker.
If they don't sign on to the plan that presented, then the council just does whatever it wants.
It just says, and I'm going to read the text, then the council will apply the cuts.
And the taxes.
So, you do the plan we want, House and Senate, or we do whatever we want.
I mean, did you hear that?
This is a total dictatorship, a fusion of the Emperor, Caesar, and an intercoterie of Senators and House members.
I mean, did you hear what I just said to you?
We'll be right back.
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Okay, so a Council of 13, an act of high treason, has been passed by the House of Representatives.
We are reportedly hours away from the Senate passing the same thing.
The House and Senate are not allowed to hand away their authority.
But they are basically signing a treaty with their vote with six members of the House, six of the Senate, and the Executive.
A treasonous treaty.
Could the House and Senate sign a treaty to let the U.N.
run America?
Well, they have people on television telling us that that's the case.
And that international law trumps our law.
And that the UN says we can go to war, so we can go to war, we don't need a Congress.
That's what's happening, and it's called the overthrow of our political system.
But they call it a committee, or a super-Congress.
No, if they vote to create a committee that will then try to organize the different bills that are still voted on, and then that committee comes forward with a final bill, that's what a committee is.
A committee is not six in the House, six in the Senate,
Where they originate the legislation.
That's not how legislation is originated.
This is a whole new form of government.
A whoredom.
A legion of doom.
A legion of corruption.
Twelve wicked, mafioso, ring-wraith, craven scumbag traitors.
In fact, there's a headline right there.
Super Congress debt ceiling.
Negotiators aim to create new legislative body.
That's the Huffington Post.
In fact, let me just go through these.
So, this is happening right out in the face of everyone.
This is the equivalent of July 4th, but a bad July 4th.
If it passes today, it's passed the House, August 2nd will be known as the date that a disgusting 13-member
Dictatorship was created, and the President has the veto power, so he's the dictator, and he has these 12 wicked generals, and because they sit there and say it in real boring terms, and look down and fidget, and talk about how it's a victory for America, and we averted collapse, that's why they built it up.
We're gonna collapse if we don't get this agreement, this agreement.
Made it all about debt and cuts, and what are we gonna cut?
That's not what they were after.
That was all a smokescreen.
Hidden in 100% plain, total view.
A new form of government.
With the leaders of the House and the Senate and the President.
And saying, in fact if you don't believe me, I just showed you the Huffington Post.
And they're reporting it dryly.
Oh, new legislative body.
It's unconstitutional, but so what?
President's a dictator.
We love it.
If we allow him to get away with it.
You see, that's what dictators don't come out and say.
I'm a dictator!
Martial law!
They say security.
We're going to have more police out.
I'm launching a security operation in Libya.
I'm launching a security operation in Poland.
Or Danzig.
Or Austria.
My name's Hitler.
They don't come out and say, hey, we're crooks, we're taking over.
They come out and say, well, we've got a very dry, convoluted, and both sides compromised, and both sides aren't happy, but this will avert a collapse, and we're gonna work on it now, and the cuts aren't even real, and it's all, that part's all a scam.
We're gonna get into that.
Kerry Reid and all of them are publicly, I'm gonna read their quotes, licking their chops.
Saying we can cover everything, gun control, borders, debt, banker bailout, so they're getting ready for the next looting.
The original looting's ongoing, but even more.
Carbon taxes.
Hey, ATF?
Why do you think Obama did something no president's ever done and said, I don't need a law, I'll just order the ATF to put new laws and new regulations in over gun dealers and start harassing gun owners?
They're just doing it.
I've never seen anything near this magnitude.
Here's CBS News.
Last night, right after it passes,
A summary of the debt ceiling.
And I'll show folks a document cam shot of this.
We're watching on PrisonPlanet.tv.
A summary of the debt ceiling compromise.
And then it goes on to say 269, 161, 174 traitors, Republicans, and 95 Democrats.
And it goes on to dryly in the bottom of the article say,
The agreement creates a 12-person House and Senate special committee.
Oh, it's very special.
To identify further spending cuts, the committee must complete its work by Thanksgiving, November 23rd.
Really, it actually continues after that.
And Congress must hold an up or down vote on committee recommendations.
Oh, it's a recommendation, but you must vote it up or down.
But wait, it gets worse.
The committee could overhaul the tax code, which they're announcing they're going to increase taxes, or find savings and benefit programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.
Savings means cuts.
Congress could not modify the committee's recommendation.
Oh, you can't modify my recommendation.
It's like Don Corleone.
Your signature or your brains will be on the contract.
Now, here's the key.
Now listen to this carefully.
This is CBS News.
Listen to the magnitude of this.
Should the special committee deadlock?
Or should Congress reject the committee's recommendations?
The automatic across-the-board spending cuts of at least $1.2 trillion would go into effect.
But the committee, if you read the language, decides the cuts.
So, you do what we say, or we do what we want.
We're dictators!
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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This is Alex Jones with 5 good reasons you should consider buying a solar power generator.
Number 1.
New climate legislation could easily double or triple your electric bill.
Number 2.
Our new energy czar wants to control how much power your electric company allows you to have.
It's true.
Total government control of electricity in the name of smart grid technology is coming.
Number 3.
In some areas of the country, the power grid is dangerously overloaded.
And now, new socialist legislation is only compounding the problem.
Number 4.
Dangerous weather is always a threat to local grids.
Every year, thousands of families lose their power from weather-related outages.
Number 5.
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Remember, the government doesn't own the sun.
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Ladies and gentlemen, we've seen the President, two weeks ago, couldn't get the bill passed.
We put out a special video, Obama launches gun grab, showing Congress months ago saying, we're going to pass a bill, where when you sell two or more rifles, that the form has to be filled out.
A lengthy form on the person and sent to the ATF, even though they already have the National Gun Tracking Center, they already have the instant check, you already have your background check runs of the FBI, they already write down handgun, rifle, shotgun, they already know.
It's about setting the precedent outside of law to just say, we say do this, now jump.
We pick these four states and say that you have to do this.
And I talked to two different Austin gun dealers and to someone in my office.
And one of them talked to the ATF, one of the gun dealers.
And we're going to Larry Pratt.
I want to fill you in on this.
We put a special report out on it, as you know, yesterday.
And the gun owner, the gun shop owner, called the ATF agent he knows, Daniel Jones here in Austin, the guy that runs the little sting operations against the gun shows to shut them down using illegal aliens.
He told them, this is weeks before they got the letter, he said, don't worry, that bill didn't pass, so we're not going to implement something that isn't law.
Well, guess what?
It didn't pass, they did it anyways.
And it's a test, it's a tyrant's test.
War in Libya, Congress says, you've got to come to us for approval, we'll even give it to you.
He says, I don't need your approval, puts out a statement saying this is for the legitimacy of the UN.
That's a quote.
That's treason.
I take my orders from the UN, not the stinking Constitution.
Carbon taxes outside of congressional law.
Waivers to his buddies on health care outside of law.
Waivers on the carbon taxes.
I mean, ladies and gentlemen, it goes on and on and on and on.
And I am literally not scared.
It's more like
Once a car wreck's already started and you're flipping down a ditch.
I've been in a couple really bad car wrecks.
One time a tornado blew me off the road.
I told you that story.
Me and my dad almost got killed.
But once you're already flipping, you're not really scared.
You're mainly just trying to hold on.
And I'm seeing this, and it's happening with a whimper, not a bang.
Now, if you just joined us, I just read from CBS News saying, oh, it's so wonderful.
The 12-member board will create the legislation.
Doesn't come from the bottom of the House anymore.
Isn't debated.
They will present it to the House.
And the Senate for an up or down vote, and then if they don't agree to what they're presented, then the Super Congress goes ahead and decides what to cut.
I read you that from CBS News, the last segment.
Article titled, A Summary of the Debt Ceiling Compromise.
And by the way, the Senate just passed it.
I mean, I am feeling sick at my stomach.
Super Congress, here's another report, Super Congress Debt Ceiling Negotiations Aim to Create New Legislative Body.
That's Huffington Post.
Okay, this is not debated.
This is not debated, and yes, the Senate just voted two minutes ago, they've passed it.
Incredible treason, we'll give you the vote count as soon as we get it.
Larry Pratt of Gunners of America is our guest, and he of course put out a legislative alert saying Congress should decide whether Super Congress can impose gun control.
And the way it reads, and I've got the latest text, I've got the Senate text, read it an hour before I got on air.
It has language in it, and here's Harry Reid, quoted in the Associated Press, the joint committee
There are no constraints, Reid said on the Senate floor.
They can look at any problem we have in government, any problem, it has an ability to look at everything.
The power to tax, cut, regulations, ladies and gentlemen, this is a Council of 13.
Because the President has that veto.
Talk about cryptic, talk about creepy.
And Gun Owners of America, legislative alert, Congress should decide whether Super Congress could impose gun control.
Ron Paul says it's a disturbing power grab.
Establishes a new system of government.
I've got his quotes here.
He says this will allow unlimited tax increases.
No more filibusters.
No more amendments.
We are wide open.
It's like in Star Trek.
The shields are down.
We're just getting hit right now.
I mean, this... Again, I say I get chills.
I used to get chills once a year when something freaked me out.
I get them every five minutes now here on air.
The hair on the back of my neck standing up.
Total tyranny is being released.
I'm going to try to be calm here, but the Senate just passed this.
If we don't have a Constitution and a Bill of Rights, we don't have anything.
Every other country that has gone this way goes to hell in a handbasket.
Larry Pratt, I'm sorry to be getting emotional here, but I am completely freaked out.
I can tell when a guy's on a tape.
This is kind of like the council in Plato.
Where they go out behind the bulrushes and decide in secret what's going to be done and then everybody else just kind of has to lump it.
When this super Congress comes forth with some nutty idea, which could easily have gun control along with tax increases, it goes to the President.
It would take 34 votes to sustain what all is going on.
They've really set it up so you almost can't stop blessed thing.
We need to vote against so many people starting in the primaries next year.
So many need to go.
I sure hope people like Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, a plastics manufacturer.
He just got so fed up with what was going on that he got talked into running, actually.
He became a Tea Party favorite in the state, speaking to a number of places, and that kind of built up his popularity.
We need people like that to come out of the comfort of our homes.
That's why the first act of the next Congress, hopefully, is going to be to repeal this horrible piece of legislation which threatens everybody's agenda.
Not just gun owners, but they can do terrible things to property owners, to taxpayers, businesses.
This is a game changer.
They have decided that we don't need the House of Representatives to originate revenue bills.
We'll just have the Super 12 do that.
And as you said, the Council of 13, really, with the President thrown in for bad measure.
So, it's just an extraordinary thing, and there were some, I think some fairly
Well-intended people that just got flummoxed, but there were some that knew exactly what they're doing, and I would include in that John Boehner and the Senate Minority Leader, Mr. McConnell, and of course, Harry Reid knew very well what he was doing.
Oh yeah, Mitch McConnell two weeks ago proposed just giving the power of the purse to Obama.
That's not his power to give!
Right, exactly.
I mean, he can't do that!
Larry Pratt, is this not classical treason?
I mean, this is changing the form of our government.
Well, we had to change the form of the government because we can't stop spending like drunks locked inside the liquor store.
They refuse to deal with the problem and so they create another
Totally different, humongous problem.
And meanwhile, the cuts for this year are going to be less than two days expenditure.
Oh yeah, I've gone through the numbers.
Most of it's in the next ten years and they never do that.
And that's what we call here, fairy dust.
It doesn't exist.
Not going to happen.
It's like, it's like the Easter Bunny.
Well, Larry Pratt, I mean, listen, this has all been done by design.
We have the 10 governors now, speaking for the states, the Governor's Council, we have the Rural Affairs, run by the Defense Department, and Homeland Security.
You heard me earlier, as I intro'd you, we have the ATF coming out and saying, well, we're just going to order you to do things because we couldn't get this law passed.
And they actually call them demand letters.
We're demanding that you give us the information.
And if the dealer doesn't...
Well, they've had his neck in a noose ever since he got his license, and they can pull that license.
But that's my point, Larry.
I've never seen such a bum rush of tyranny.
On every front, they're just doing whatever they want.
I think they really are going for dictatorship, and I don't mean a dictatorship of Obama.
He'll leave, probably, but a dictatorship of the bureaucracy and the special interests.
Have you ever seen anything this off the chart?
Well, like that family that, I guess it was actually the kid that was raising a lot of bunnies, and they faced a monster fine from the Department of Agriculture because they didn't have the department's permission.
There shouldn't be a Department of Agriculture!
Where is that in the Constitution?
Fining a little boy millions of dollars because he had rabbits breeding like, well, rabbits?
Well, but, I mean, Larry, I'm asking you, have you ever seen such a brazen move?
How would you describe this Council of 13?
Um, this is something that even FDR wouldn't have thought he could have gotten away with.
This is, this is such a brazen strike at our liberty that, and you know that Boehner and McConnell are going to appoint wusses.
So it's not going to be, you know, Michelle Bachman as one of the House Representatives.
You know, a bitter ender that is against all this wild spending.
They're going to put reasonable people on there.
And these reasonable people will be the ones that continue to lead us into dictatorship.
Well, they don't have the power.
It's not in our constitution to create a super congress and say, we will originate the legislation from the top.
I mean, this is classic tyranny.
This is a larger version of courtside where the police chief
I don't think so.
Larry, we're seeing an acceleration here, and disagree if you disagree, but we're seeing a massive acceleration.
Week to week it gets crazier.
Who would have ever thought corrupt government-run healthcare with the President's buddies exempt?
Who would have ever thought ATF telling gun shops to do things that aren't the law?
Who would have ever thought the ATF shipping guns to Mexico to blame the Second Amendment?
Who would have ever thought wars in Libya with Al-Qaeda?
Now recognized at the U.S.
Embassy as the official government.
Literal, admitted, real Al Qaeda.
Who would have ever thought that we'd see all of this?
I mean, we're living in the twilight zone.
Yeah, we've got chickens coming home to roost.
We've had the schools teaching us for years and years that we live in a democracy.
Well, if people think that way, then the assumption is, when I win an election, I can do anything I want.
Because I won, and I got the votes.
That's not the way it works in a republic.
And people don't understand that there are barrier limits.
That's what the Constitution's all about.
It is not alive.
It is not breathing.
It is there to chain you down when you work for me in the government.
Well, Larry, here's my question to you.
This is the big issue.
How did we end up with a vote with the majority of the Republicans here
Voting for this, it was a majority of Republicans, I think I'm looking for the vote count here, I'll pull up in a minute, who went for this.
Yeah, it was only about 69 that opposed it.
And since there's what, 240, give or take, Republicans, that means a humongous number went for it.
And a pretty substantial part of the Dems went for it as well.
And the ones that didn't were believing their own left-wing propaganda that somehow they were getting thrashed.
Well, they'll take a deep breath one of these days and realize, hey, we just pulled off a coup d'etat.
Not bad.
But this proves continuity of agenda.
Bush with the banker bailout, Obama continues it.
I mean, they just continue one where the other one left off.
They're part of the ruling class, and yeah, there's a Republican group of the ruling class and a Democrat part.
And there are some differences, but by and large, except for some of the newbies, and people who have been around for a while like Bachman and Steve King, you only got about 65 or so members of the House of Representatives that have any idea what a republic means, what a vote needs to look like if it's going to be a constitutional vote.
And the rest of the 435 members of that Congress apparently don't have a clue.
We're talking about
Well, there would be a few senators in there too.
Maybe less than 20 percent and all the rest of some 80 percent are clueless.
They think they can do whatever they want.
Well, I think we need to have some political reprisals on these people.
I mean, we need to be talking about see you in November.
Well, I agree and I'm here to tell you anyone that voted for this is either an absolute criminal traitor or
Doesn't know how to boil water, doesn't know how to tie their shoelaces.
And so the 174 Republicans that voted for this absolutely must be removed.
The 95 Democrats absolutely must be removed.
The vote, 174 Republicans, 95 Democrats, for anybody.
And it was mainly Tea Party people that voted against it on the Republican side.
And we have a New York Times editorial today, and I'm going to read it later, that actually says the Tea Party are terrorists, they're the new terrorists, go after them.
Alex, that's serious, because when we start seeing language like that used, what is the proper thing to do to a terrorist?
Well, to kill him!
So they're using the kind of words that Hitler and Lenin and Idi Amin and Paul Pott were using.
They're doing what Alinsky teaches.
They are particularizing, personalizing, and marginalizing
So that the enemy is really an enemy, and he needs to be liquidated, exterminated, just like dictators have done everywhere.
They're selling the idea in the New York Times, and I'm going to read the quote here in a moment, that anybody who actually wants to cut government ought at the Federal Reserve as a terrorist.
Here it is out of the New York Times.
It says, can't we do this right?
Thomas L. Freeman.
And here's the quote, alas at the Tea Party.
It is so lacking in any aspiration for American greatness, oh yeah, so dominated by the narrowest visions of our country and so ignorant of the fact that it was not tax cuts that made America great, oh really, that's what it was fought over, but our unique public-private partnerships, oh!
Across the generations.
If same Republicans do not stand up to the Hezbollah faction in their midst, the Tea Party will take the GOP on a suicide mission.
No American political, uh, politician was more allergic to debt or taxes than Thomas Jefferson.
But he also, and it goes on from there.
But listen, uh, here's the bad news.
Debt bill passes Senate, headed to Obama.
Unsure of AAA USA credit rating will suffer from the spectacle.
So the idea is, anybody that doesn't want to increase taxes and go deeper into debt, you're the ones hurting America, not the people that did this, Larry.
In a sense, I guess we are terrorists.
By that very article that you were reading, you can tell he is terrorized.
It terrorizes the statists to think that we might take some of their power away and put them into the constitutional box they were intended to stay within.
That does bring terror to them.
Now, they can't think of living by producing anything.
They have to live by taking from all the rest of us.
And, you know, I think the rest of us are just about finished
Well, that is a good point.
At the end of the day, we are really getting a front row seat to total corruption and tyranny, and the wake-up's only accelerating.
Larry, I drive around Austin, I see Infowars.com stickers everywhere, but not just that, not just Ron Paul stickers everywhere.
I see huge things on the sides of nice cars, junkie cars, you name it.
Legalize the Constitution!
Arrest the politicians!
Folks are angry.
Yes, and I think we're going to stay angry.
I think it was not just the town halls that got us to a point where we had to deal with our elected officials, but Wisconsin, I think, was something that stirred the whole country.
This thing now, I believe, is going to continue our agitation.
Yeah, we're going to stay angry.
Stay there, Larry Pratt.
I want to do one more segment on the raft of anti-gun legislation that is waiting that now can pass without amendment or without filibuster.
The big attack's coming, folks.
Stay with us.
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Yep, the Senate passes the Council of 13 dictatorship.
A new form of government is now in place in the United States.
And it's been done in a little lawyerly packaged way to look nonchalant like it's no big deal.
Camouflaging how deadly dangerous this Trojan horse is.
And now the President is saying that this is just the first step.
And it's set to give a speech, and they've cheered in the House, trillions more in debt, the dollar began plunging again, and gold exploded to an all-time new super high of $1,642.70 an ounce.
$1,642 plus dollars.
Now, Larry Pratt, in the last four or five minutes, I want to encourage folks to sign up for your legislative updates.
I was driving home and
Six o'clock last night and literally almost ran off the road.
I was actually at a red light reading it, but then did get upset driving home and actually shot a video while I was driving and uploaded it to YouTube.
When I read your alert, called the office, had them check.
Folks can sign up for the free legislative alerts at gunowners.org or, God forbid, get a membership and actually support the only real no-compromise Second Amendment group.
But continuing, what are the new anti-gun pieces of legislation that folks should know about that now can't be amended or filibustered?
Well, they've been talking a lot about putting people that have been on these no-fly lists, terrorist watch lists, people that haven't been adjudicated of anything.
This is a law enforcement tool.
But now they're saying, well, that's enough to deny somebody their right to keep and bear arms.
And there are bills that have been discussed
To do just that, Frank Lautenberg, the gun grabber from New Jersey in the U.S.
Senate, is a longtime supporter of this kind of thing.
And this is the very kind of thing that I can see coming in some little amendment from the Committee of Twelve.
And, you know, what are we going to do about it?
We can't amend it.
We need a supermajority, like passing a treaty, to overturn it.
They pretty well got themselves where they can do anything they want.
And again, you are calm about this.
You're professional, the head of a huge patriotic organization, but at a certain point, Larry, we've got to start jumping up and down.
I mean, you've got Rahm Emanuel, you've got them all.
They've introduced bills, as you know, where magically you get on a list and can't own guns anymore.
No conviction, no arrest.
The president's talking about an executive order to do that.
The ATF's doing things that aren't under law.
These are lawless crooks.
I mean, they got caught shipping guns into Mexico, and they've got a bunch of other bills coming in, and now we're wide open!
And you mentioned, Emanuel, this is the guy, after all, that celebrated the Alinsky notion that you never let a good crisis go to waste.
And how did they get this passed?
Well, they had us all breathless that the country, if we didn't have something happening by today, was going to default.
That was a lie!
And they continued to use it even after members of Congress explained
Many times, no, we don't default.
We do bring in 60% of what we're spending, and that's more than enough to pay for this stupid interest that we keep racking up with the other 40%.
They would not refrain from using the word.
And they stampeded, I think, a lot of the members of the Congress into this.
Well, we've got to do something.
Well, why don't you just put a gun to your head?
That would be doing something.
It is absolutely enraging.
I'm so mad I could spit.
It's just over the top what these folks have done.
They're going to be going home for August recess.
We need to go and very politely, sternly, lecture them that they are traitors, they have violated the Constitution, if they did vote for it, now there were some, be careful, don't go back to the ones that voted right.
Tell them that what they have done is to transform the structure of American government, and unless we undo what they've done, America is never going to be the same.
Larry Pratt will continue to check in with you at gunowners.org.
Thank you so much for spending time with us.
Thank you for having me, Alex.
God bless.
We'll come back in the second hour.
Reid says the rise of the Tea Party very, very disconcerting.
Biden, they have acted like terrorists.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're going to take your phone calls ahead of former presidential candidate for the Constitution Party and great patriot Chuck Baldwin joining us and continue with calls towards the end of the broadcast and with Chuck.
A toll-free number to join us on this whole Super Congress Committee of 13, Council of Satan situation.
We'd love to hear from you.
And we will get you up and on the air.
Again, 800-259-9231.
Here's some of the news.
Palin Bachmann ripped Biden for calling Tea Partiers terrorists.
And I've got the quotes here.
Reid says the rise of the Tea Party very, very disconcerting.
Biden, they have acted like terrorists.
And then I have that New York Times editorial where they say the Tea Party are terrorists.
And they mean, not Mitch McConnell saying he leads the Tea Party, who came up with the Super Congress idea, and who plays politics saying the Tea Party won.
If you're for the principles of the real, original Ron Paul Tea Party, the Tea Party lost big time.
And some of the Tea Party congressmen were so traitorous or so dumb, I guess because, you know, their mom and dad were brother and sisters or whatever,
The issue here is, this is absolute tyranny.
You just heard Larry Pratt, but that's how the spin works.
I heard that on talk radio this morning.
Yeah, Tea Party made them compromise, we're conservatives, we're winning!
I mean, you have got to stop being complete idiots.
You people are about as dumb as Obama supporters.
I tell you, I mean, you mainline Republicans just make me want to throw up.
But it doesn't matter.
They still know at the heart of the Tea Party is get rid of the Federal Reserve, cut taxes, get rid of corporate welfare, George Soros is a bad guy, Second Amendment's good, control our borders, national sovereignty, red, white, and blue.
So even though you're silly and ignorant and dumb, you at heart are better than the communists that the bankers created to go rob everybody and then transfer the loot to them.
They're like contract bank robbers, country burners.
And so you are the enemy.
You're like Joker in full metal jacket.
You're silly and you're ignorant, but you got guts and guts is enough.
And so I told you they're getting ready to rebrand it.
This is a major talking point.
I mean, I saw them in their inter-council memos that leaked and were public, as they think we're all stupid, where they said, man, we sure need an Oklahoma City or New 9-11, but blame it on domestic groups.
We really need this bad.
Remember, even Beck had to come out and admit they were getting ready to stage one.
And when they blow up a federal building, folks, we need our people to always be watching, and when you see an explosion or something, go towards it and videotape everything, and we're gonna catch them with their pants down this time.
We hope they don't stage the attack, and they haven't been staging as many, because every time they try, our people are on the scene.
Whether it's the shooting in Norway, or the underwear bomber where we had the witnesses that he was gotten on the plane and protected for a month and a half, they said we were conspiracy theorists, and later the State Department had to confirm it.
But you got the New York Times saying the Tea Party is Hezbollah and are terrorists and enemies of America and are going to destroy America.
You got Reid, you got dum-dum Pelosi, you got all these crooks doing this.
And you got Biden running around saying it, you got the New York Times, that's the talking point.
And people are like, well, it's figurative.
No, it's not!
They know their Super Congress is illegal.
They know people are waking up to the Republican criminals and the Democratic criminals at the top.
And they don't want Republicans and Democrats ever getting together and figuring out what's really going on.
They are scared to death that Democrats rank and file, who are well-meaning people on average, who think share the wealth actually works.
They don't understand the ultra-rich call for higher taxes because they're exempt from it to destroy their competition.
How many times have we documented that paradigm?
And you conservatives that think corporations are perfect when they're bigger than governments and operate like governments.
Get your heads out of the ground, or out of the sky, or out of wherever you got it, out of fairyland, and get it into the real world, OK?
Or we're going to get hurt real bad.
This isn't a victory for anybody but the offshore globalists raping this country seven ways a Sunday.
Then we're going to briefly look at the economy and gold at all-time highs on the other side, then your phone calls at 800-259-9231.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is the GCN Radio Network, GCNLive.com.
We're streaming live video at PrisonPlanet.tv.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, if you just joined us, here's the deal.
ABC, CBS News, Fox News, Huffington Post, they're all reporting, just in case you're doubting this, we've also reported on it as well before they even passed it, that the Super Congress, the Council of 13, 6 House, 6 Senate, and the President, who's the veto power overlord, he's
In this blasphemous 13, he's the Messiah, and they're the disciples.
He's Sauron, or the Emperor, and they're his little Darth Vader's.
They originate legislation.
Remember you watched School Time Rock, how the bill gets introduced by the House member and debated and looked at?
We don't need any stinking lower House members or Senators.
We've got the Council of 13.
Like a science fiction book.
If I'd have written a science fiction book 20 years ago, about in 2011, a council of 13 ruled and no one cared or understood how big a deal it was.
I mean, that's the thing.
They're like, oh yeah, there's a new system of government.
Even the Huffington Post says that.
It's pretty good.
President actually has veto power over everything now.
Yeah, it's kind of fun, and now the bills originate in the council, and then the House and Senate are given up or down votes.
But if they don't vote for it, if they vote no, then the council does what it wants.
So the council says, here.
I mean, that's like going into a restaurant and everything on the menu is fly soup.
You say, I don't want fly soup.
What else?
They go, well, sir, there's fly soup.
As you can see, there's 27 listings here of fly soup.
What do you got to drink?
We have rancid tap water.
And then we have rancid tap water.
And then they look at us like we're crazy.
You're saying there aren't choices here, sir.
There are 27 listings of fly soup.
You're like, but how is it different?
Different types of flies in the soup?
They're like, no, but it's listed repeatedly.
So you pass what we bring you.
I just read it last hour twice from CBS News and the text of it.
I can't believe the magnitude of this.
I mean, this is such a joke, if it wasn't so serious.
You pass what we give you, and Harry Reid says it's for guns, taxes, everything.
It's everything now, not just spending.
That's what the public was told.
See, this all much ado about nothing, about getting an agreement last minute, was about ramming this through.
And again, it'll just fade off into the distance, and oh, the Council of 12, you know, with the 13th leader, the Council of 13, it said this, it did that, and it's in McClatchy newspapers, it's in all the articles, they're saying, wow, here's one, fiscal conservatives barred from super committee.
So now they're debating, people are jockeying, who gets to get on the committee?
There's 13 presidents now!
There's a council of elders!
I mean, yes, we have lived to see it.
Well, here's one.
Reid vows to raise taxes.
And the El Presidente is set to give a speech in a moment.
It'll be about the victory for America and we came together and not everybody got what they wanted.
By the way, the cuts don't even exist.
Down the road, don't worry, they're going to cut your Social Security and other stuff, but they're really cutting them by inflation, which they never talk about.
Or the dollar devaluation, evidenced by
The dollar going down, and gold at $1,642.70.
Last time I checked, U.S.
borrowing to surge after debt cap raised.
$2.4 trillion would be largest debt limit increase in U.S.
They're just getting us started.
They've already signed us on to $1.5 quadrillion.
Oh, Lord Obama speaking.
Here, let's fade up a little bit of our, of our Lord and King, the leader of the 13th Council.
Oh, Sauron.
There's a stalemate in Congress right now involving our aviation industry, which has stalled airport construction projects all around the country.
And put the jobs of tens of thousands of construction workers and others at risk.
That's enough.
It's more flim flam.
Of course, if he suddenly was put under a truth system, some ray beam hit him to make him tell the truth, he would say, we are transferring the last of your jobs.
The General Electric Council heading up the White House is moving their x-ray division over there.
We've spent tens of billions moving more industry.
Upwards of four billion moving General Motors to South America, China, and Eastern Europe.
We're totally raping you.
We've devalued most of the dollar, and now we're getting rid of the rest of the value.
I'm coming after your guns outside of law.
I shipped weapons to Mexico.
I bankrupted the entire economy by design.
The health care plan was written by the HMOs to rob you and lower your standard of care and take the power to make decisions away from doctors.
I'm an absolute 21st century tyrant, pimp, reading off a teleprompter.
But instead, America's doing good, and I'm gonna get you some jobs, yeah!
And in Bush, heh, heh,
I promise.
We're not listening to you without wiretaps.
Of course, things would be a heck of a lot easier if this was dictatorship, just so long as I'm the dictator.
I mean, it is such a joke.
Alright, I want to go to your calls.
But again, Guns America says this will affect guns.
Harry Reid says you bet your bottom dollar.
And now, you can't filibuster, you can't add amendments, you can't block diddly squat.
And they're saying, you know what?
We said it two weeks ago.
The President's gonna start doing stuff without Congress.
He already started, but we're gonna put you on that no-fly list for no-buy list.
You gotta go buy a gun.
You can't find out why you got on the list.
There's a new sheriff in town.
It's called New World Order.
It's called Banker Takeover.
And then they got that slimebag Mitch McConnell, who proposed all this garbage a couple weeks ago, said just give the power of the purse to Obama, as if he has the power to do that.
Forget the other 99 senators, I say we just give it to Obama!
And then he told them this was a victory for the Tea Party.
Yeah, like getting a hole in your head is a victory for... I mean, this is just insane.
I wanted to briefly bring Ted Anderson up, then we'll go to
Marcos, or Marcus, Brian, Connie, Jenny, Ryan, and others.
But Ted Anderson, just briefly, your take on all this, and then I want to tell folks about buying silver and gold.
You know, three months ago they drove it down artificially.
You bought a dragon's hoard of gold and silver and put it in your local bank vault.
And as that sold out, as it went up, you kept buying it as much as you could get.
And so you do have it when it was lower, just not like it was three months ago, in gold and silver.
And it's going to keep going up, but folks can get the time machine and go back to a few months ago and still get good deals on gold and silver.
And I hope people take advantage of that at the end of the day, or they can just let the globalists devalue their dollars.
But, Ted, what's your view on this whole situation?
Well, I mean, the way you described it, it's just so crazy, it's not even funny.
I mean, now, they're at least admitting, like for instance, Bloomberg has a report out right now that says that the debt agreement puts the U.S.
on the path to the end of stimulation just as the economy falters.
You know what?
It doesn't matter.
They've passed the debt stimulation.
It's going to devaluate the currency.
They don't pass the debt stimulation.
It's going to mean that Moody's and Standard & Poor's is going to downgrade our bonds.
I mean, it just doesn't matter.
We've reached the end of our rope here economically.
We've gone way too far into debt.
We've destroyed our currency.
We've handed off the power to the banking system.
It's just a
I had a friend who went in for minor surgery and got an infection, came out of the hospital a week later, all his organs started failing, and his dad lives in Dallas.
You know, grew up next door to him.
His dad lived in Dallas.
and was racing down here and his body was paralyzed but he was awake and they were pumping him full of at the hospital's speed and uh... or whatever they said was to keep him awake just so the family could get there and they were pumping him full of adrenaline and his eyes and they would shoot him up with it and he'd open up and he couldn't talk and he was just looking at me but he was conscious and then right as his dad got there they were shooting him up with more and they were saying he's dead already and then I watched him uh...
They said his arteries have all collapsed.
The stuff isn't working anymore.
He'll be dead very soon.
And they had him on a respirator.
Imagine he's conscious with the respirator, like Darth Vader.
And that's America.
And the bankers are just keeping us alive while they get their money offshore.
I'm sorry, Ted.
Go ahead.
Yeah, it's like you're describing our economy.
As sad as that story is that your friend had to die that way.
But that's what's going on in the United States economy.
And that's what they're doing.
They're injecting insulin into the economy, trying to bolster it, get it back going again.
And it isn't working.
And so, what do we have here today on gold?
I mean, that's the key factor.
Yeah, that's a lifeboat with the sinking ship, and you've got the best deals out there.
It's why you've grown from nowhere in the last few decades to now what, the fifth largest gold and silver broker.
Ted, give folks the offers.
I'm going to come back, go to calls, and go to our next guest.
Okay, right now we have the Frank at $3.58.
The British Sovereign is at $4.49.
I'm still holding that book and that DVD offer even though the prices have gone up.
The American Dream, Big Brother, $85 delivered.
Thank God people are taking advantage of that so they're waking up.
I want more too.
There's no question about it.
You should get into that.
You're going to get two silver dollars.
You're going to need those silver dollars like you wouldn't believe, man, when it comes down to what's going on now.
And then with the book and the video, it's just,
You know, you're not going to find this deal anywhere in the entire United States.
Plus, also, I mean, it takes 30 dimes, new ones, to buy the old constitutional dime.
What are you going to do, wait until it takes 100 of them?
I mean, my goodness, you need to be moving into this gold and silver, and you need to be moving now.
Take the great big brother Orwellian nightmare come true book, big book, excellent book,
Uh, the American Dream DVD film animation about the bankers, very entertaining, very informative.
And two silver dollars with shipping, 85 bucks.
You can't get two silver dollars for 85 bucks, and if you can, if you're lucky, you're not gonna get free shipping.
So it's really free shipping, a book and a video with an insanely good deal, 800...
I'd say support the broadcast, because Ted owns the network, but this doesn't really.
It just gets you into some silver and gold and introduces you to it, then hopefully you'll come back and purchase more.
But Ted's very, very competitive.
This is a loss leader.
And when you call, there's a whole list of radio specials.
Tell them it's an Alex Jones Radio Special to get in the time machine and go back and get the earlier stuff, or you will pay a little bit more, which is already very competitive.
In closing, Ted, what are some of the other smoking deals you got?
Right now, the Walking Liberty half is at $18.97.
That's going to be jumping up over $20.
I mean, there's old $20 Liberties.
They're now currently $19.82.
They were just $2,000 here just a short time ago.
British Sovereigns and Franks, small pieces of gold.
It makes a lot of sense to have those.
So, there's a lot of things that we have.
Just give the brokers a call and ask them.
We'll be right back.
Thank you, Ted.
Your call is straight ahead.
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You look like an angel,
Walk like an angel.
Talk like an angel.
But I got wise.
You're the devil in disguise.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, let's go to your phone calls.
Connie was up first, but she just hung up.
So we'll go to Marcus in West Virginia.
Marcus, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
How you doing?
Hey, Mike, you sort of answered my question earlier, but I want you to elaborate on it.
I had been wanting to call you for a couple of days about Obama, you know,
When it comes time for election, if he'll just, you know, stay in power.
He is no longer the president, sir.
He is the 13th member of the council.
The supreme council of the dear leaders.
I remember at the end of Clinton's second term, there was talk of him not stepping down.
So, why... You know why there was always talk?
Because under the executive orders, and go read them, I mean, it's mainstream news now, finally getting attention, under PDDs, they have already made themselves dictators.
That's why Congress probably did this.
Because in PDD 51, and the other one I read yesterday, what is it, Homeland Security Directive 20, it openly states there, in fact, I'll re-pull it and read it in the next segment,
It openly states that he can take over all power of Congress for six months during any emergency, including economic.
So it's already happened.
But again, it's not legitimate because the president just can't sign orders making himself king.
Yeah, I understand that.
But I think he can do it.
I mean, I think he could pull it off, unfortunately.
Yeah, well, have you noticed suddenly they're all saying the Tea Partiers are Hezbollah and are Al-Qaeda?
You've got Pelosi, you've got Reid, you've got Biden all saying it, New York Times.
I mean, folks, they're going to blow stuff up and blame it on us.
I mean, just get ready for it.
Just like they ship guns into Mexico.
These are terrorists.
Hardcore terrorists.
And if folks don't grow up and admit it, it's over.
It's game over, Marcus.
We either, as a country, grow up and go, my gosh, we got a bunch of Hitlers up there mixed with a bunch of Stalins and Maos and Fidel Castros and a little Chavez on top.
Then it's over.
We either grow up, repent, and realize we're in deep trouble or it's over.
And people say, well, why did they leave you on air?
Because they're so arrogant they don't even care.
I'm told this show's entertainment for them.
They like hearing, you know,
The truth said no one doing anything.
It's disgusting, man.
It's disgusting, it's disgusting, it's disgusting.
People can figure out football plays, but they can't figure out how this is going on.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Oh, that's okay.
People are into that instead of, you know, you should be picking your congressman.
It doesn't matter, folks.
As soon as they started leaving the Constitution and Bill of Rights out of the picture, all our prosperity went out the window.
Go ahead.
No, absolutely, brother.
You're evil.
Fight the good fight.
You know, you... Yeah, I'm evil.
Yeah, I want to smoke a turd in somewhere, you know.
But that's all right.
Listen, I appreciate your call.
You're so, you know, you're so horrible, Marcus, that you care about freedom and liberty.
What was that last thing he said?
I once did what?
I don't understand that.
Brian in Pennsylvania.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
How you doing?
Oh, I'm evil.
I don't like a Council of Thirteen ruling me, and I actually read what it does.
I'm even more evil that I know that it's a dictatorship, but they'll still prance around and act like the House is voting.
Everybody else is evil, too, and it's waking up.
It blows my mind that they're actually getting away with stuff like this.
People don't realize all the hunters out there, they're not going to be able to go hunting anymore.
All this stuff is going to end up killing America.
You're not going to be able to do anything anymore without
The president's approval.
I have three kids and I'm scared to death of what's going to happen to them and what their future is going to hold.
I just can't believe this stuff is going on.
You know, people, all they have to do is look at something else.
Hey, hey, here's the deal.
We ain't seen nothing yet.
There's these periods in history where more happens in a few years than happen in the last hundred.
We're not even to that yet.
We're just approaching the event horizon of the orgy of mass murder and death.
They've got the helicopters loaded.
The Sunshine Project got the documents with the airborne Ebola to spray on us.
I mean, they actually got the documents that they've got helicopters with knockout gas and lethal weapons parked at bases everywhere to kill everybody in America.
That's who runs the country for decades.
Psychopathic, total murdering killers.
Of course they don't think we're going to take the country back.
All these folks that are going to have some armed rebellion, they now don't even need troops to fly the helicopters.
They've got robot helicopters with airborne Ebola and nerve gas waiting in spray quadrants to kill everybody.
That's who runs America!
Total, psychopathic, 110% Mac Daddy murderers.
So hardcore and vicious you can't even imagine it!
And they've almost got their drone aircraft army ready.
And then it's gonna be murderin' time on all of you, and you cops, when they fly over and you're like... Just remember, Alex was right!
You know, if we go to that point... Okay?
I mean, I'm not playing games with people here!
New World Order wants us dead!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hundreds of nations have fallen to tyranny in the last century alone.
This is our last chance to not relive history.
As we're finishing off this agenda, that we're pulling the rug from underneath the Americans at home.
We have tremendous influence on our President and Congress, and they really are calling the shots.
I think it's incumbent upon all of us
Tim Geithner?
They're arsonists!
They're asking for more matches!
And the Congress is saying, who do we make the check out to?
Today seems like nobody does care and right now in Washington DC we have seen a fall of the Republic.
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Somewhere in a long, emotional road that you guys got, you realize that eternal fate has turned its back on you.
It's 2 a.m.
and the theater is down.
It's 2 a.m.
and the cazaar is still open.
Okay, um, Jenny, Ryan, Earl, Kathy, Chris, others, we're going to be getting to your calls while Pastor Chuck Baldwin is on with us.
Of course, presidential candidate and the Constitution Party and unfortunately everything he's been warning about and pointing out is now
Unfolding and it's just going to get worse from here.
We've begun now the slide down the slippery slope and it's just going to get faster and faster and faster.
The level of tyranny you will live under is exactly the amount you'll put up with.
Even if you had angels in government and didn't restrain them, evil people would struggle to get into those positions because that's where the real power and wealth comes from in a corrupt system.
And we're going to be talking about the Council of Thirteen, all of these incredible developments, your calls.
The reason I got the pastor on is he's got a new book coming out dealing with something that Hitler used, something the Soviets used, the Maoists used, something now taught through the World Council of Churches, through the clergy response teams, and that is that do whatever government says.
If they tell you to line children up and shoot them in the head, do it.
It's of the Lord, because government is put there by God to gang-rape you.
And of course that's the opposite.
Look at all the
Disciples and people being killed for not doing what Caesar said, or what the Pharisees said.
Look at all the different prophets.
Look at Jesus.
I mean, I guess he should have bowed down to Pilate, but he didn't.
But see, they don't want you reading that.
And I played the news clips.
In fact, for later, you can go to YouTube and just type in
Clergy Response Team.
And it's a newscast saying, we're teaching people of the Lord to hand their guns in.
That's coming up in just a moment.
Also, remember, we're funded by your support here at InfoWars.com and the radio listeners out there.
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Now, going to Chuck Baldwin.
I can't think of a more perfect time to have him on because we carry his sometimes multiple weekly columns.
Very well researched, great work that he does, and we're obviously going to get into his new book, but I want to get into Super Congress to target the Second Amendment, according to Larry Pratt.
The bills now will originate out of the Super Congress, and there's no filibustering or amendments, and then if the Congress doesn't do, doesn't vote yes on their bill, then the Super Congress, on spending bills, implements it themselves.
So it's a dictatorship over the purse between
Twelve members of the House and Senate and, of course, the 13th Commander, Emperor, the Council of 13 Chairmen, the dear leader Obama.
But going again to Chuck Baldwin, author, radio talk show host, pastor, columnist, and of course,
He has ChuckBaldwinLive.com and he was the presidential candidate and got a lot of attention, got a lot of good work done for the Constitution Party back during the last presidential round.
And he joins us now to break down all the different things that are unfolding and taking place.
The new book is Romans 13, The True Meaning of Submission.
Pastor, good to have you here with us.
Alex, great to be with you again.
Thank you very much.
Well, so much has happened, so much is going on, but out of the gates before we get into Romans 13, give us your view and your breakdown of this new super Congress.
Yeah, well, Larry Pratt does yeoman's work in keeping the American people informed on what's going on relative to 2nd Amendment issues, and I know your audience is
A pretty intelligent audience because they listen to you every day and the information you share.
But anything that Larry Pratt puts out, people need to pay attention to.
That's the bottom line.
Unlike some of the other organizations that say they're looking out for the Second Amendment, the President of America and Larry Pratt are really doing it.
And whenever Larry broke this story, I just shook my head and said, you know, this is stuff that we've been talking about for a long time and now here it is in reality.
Pastor, do me a favor.
I can hear you pretty clear, but you're a little muffled.
Will you get right into that microphone on your phone?
All right.
How's that?
That is absolutely beautiful.
Please continue with your breakdown.
Yeah, I was just saying that Larry Pratt is the one man that really, truly looks out for the Second Amendment issues in America.
And as you know, you have him on many times.
When he first broke that story,
I just shook my head and I said, you know, this is the stuff that we've been talking about.
This is the stuff that you've been talking about for a long time.
And now here it is in fruition, just like the debt ceiling debacle.
I mean, you predicted it, I predicted it.
I mean, a lot of people, this is a no-brainer.
We knew this was going to happen.
Republicans and Democrats alike, they will not do what is necessary to discipline themselves to the Constitution of the United States.
Uh, this is a debacle of the highest order.
And, you know, everything that we've been talking about for the last several years, I was in 2A when I was, you know, running around the country trying to get the message out after Ron Paul, uh, you know, dropped out of the race.
Uh, and now here we are again in 2012 and the things that we were talking about then have now come to fruition.
Well, you're right.
It is now coming to fruition.
I want to get into Romans 13 and this attitude of rolling over to government.
But, I mean, it's so arrogant.
I mean, so over the top.
And then there's not even a bigger fanfare because it's all technical and lawyer-y and in fine print, Chuck.
To say, oh, the bills will now originate out of a council, and then you can vote it up or down, but if you don't vote for it, then we automatically do this.
I mean, this is bizarre.
Well, they're setting us up for this continuity of government.
I've been writing on this for several years.
I know you've been talking about it.
The COG has been around since the 1990s when Clinton was president.
Uh, whenever Bush, uh, two, uh, was in office.
Uh, and this is just the continuation of it.
And then the Council of Governors, I, we know, we wrote about that.
Uh, you go to the FEMA website and you see that the, uh, that America is broken down into 10 regions.
They don't, they no longer even recognize America as being 50 states.
It's now 10 regions.
And the Council of Governors, the COG, all this stuff has been going on at least since the 1990s.
But now what we're doing is we're seeing that this is now coming to fruition.
They're taking the blueprints that they've had in place for nearly 20 years, and they are now beginning to implement it into public policy.
That is what's going on.
Well, you're absolutely right.
And, I mean, can you speak to history?
Because I know you write a lot about history.
Those that don't know it are doomed to repeat it.
And knowing history is the key to understanding our present situation and the future.
To chart it, it's like charts of, you know, of ocean waves.
You need them or you'll run up on the rocks.
But people just ignore it at their extreme foolhardy peril.
But historically,
Charity doesn't just grow and then stop.
Once it gets to this point, it has to go all the way.
Number one, because it's greedy and enjoys power.
But number two, because they've made a lot of enemies.
And they've committed a lot of crimes.
And they've got to get total control in their mind so that they can be secure and not get in trouble for all the crimes they've committed.
Well, yeah, that's putting it mildly.
The crimes they've committed, we could spend all day talking about that.
But I think, the reason that Tim and I wrote this book, Romans 13, The True Meaning of Submission, is because the biggest reason that we are in the mess we're in today is because the pastors, Christians, and churches of America have simply refused to be the salt of the earth.
And to stand up as a resistance to this kind of tyrannical ideas, philosophies, and now activities that are taking place.
They've been brainwashed in the pulpits and in the seminaries of America this erroneous, fallacious interpretation of Romans 13 that the government, because it's ordained of God, means that it has the right to do whatever it wants to do and no one as a Christian should resist.
This is the most foolhardy interpretation of a biblical passage that I can ever think of.
The problem is, it is pervasive throughout our seminaries, our Bible colleges, our pulpits.
Every denomination is teaching this.
I would venture to say that over 90% of the American churches, pastors, seminaries, and colleges are putting forth this interpretation of Roman
And for those that don't know, all the World Council of Churches, and before that National Council, set up, what, a hundred years ago by the Rockefellers publicly, all they had to do was go in and give grants and lobby and take control of, what, the twenty or so big denominations.
They order them what to preach, to the point of, I could play a newscast saying, it is of the Lord to go to FEMA camps, it is of the Lord to take shots, it is of the Lord to do what you're told, and go to the camp.
I mean, that's a quote, I'm sure you've seen that newscast, where they actually admit this, and we got the documents,
Pastor Butch Paw did years ago, and then I got more documents here on Genesis, and then people didn't believe the documents, and then later they came out and said, yeah, we've recruited over 100,000 preachers to spy on you, and to tell you to go to a FEMA camp.
I mean, that's right out of Red Dawn!
Yeah, well, not only that, but we know that FEMA has these, as you already mentioned, these clergy response teams that's going around training pastors that, in the event of a national emergency, quote-unquote, declared by the President,
The pastors are going to be utilized by the government, namely FEMA, to encourage their congregants to turn over their firearms to the federal government.
And I've had pastors, I've talked to pastors that have attended these seminars.
I've seen some of the
...manuals that they have distributed.
I've heard the first-hand testimony from some of these pastors.
No, we got the manuals.
They didn't even go on the news, but here's the deal.
People couldn't believe it when it wasn't public when we first got the documents.
Then they even admitted it, and folks said, well, I guess turning my guns in is of the Lord.
But think about that.
All over the country, for at least eight years, secretly training preachers to tell their flock, hand your guns in, go to the camp.
That proves they're preparing this pastor.
I mean, that is such a huge revelation.
Please continue.
Well, let me tell you something that I've learned just recently too, Alex.
You know, just a few months ago, last October, my family and I moved up here to Montana.
We are now about 80 miles south of the Canadian border.
I have met some people that are in the subcontracting business that are doing work right now with the federal government.
That are building throughout the northern border.
It's interesting, not on the southern border, but on the northern border with Canada.
They are building something like, I think it's between 35 and 40 of these border patrol stations complete with munitions supplies, complete with interrogation rooms, complete with
And that's to keep Americans from fleeing the tyranny.
It's meant again, roaches go in, they don't get out.
Well yeah, you gotta ask yourself the question, why are they building these along the northern border and not the southern border?
You know, the southern border is wide open, they're coming in through a sieve, and yet here in the northern border, where there's virtually no problem whatsoever with illegal immigration, they're building these kind of facilities throughout the entire perimeter of the northern border.
And like I said, like a roach motel, the American people are meant to stay inside this thing, and that's admitted that it's come out there using Homeland Security money for the border for domestic operations and to harass citizens.
Pastor, I mean, for anybody who's been in denial and thought, oh, Ron Paul, you know, Chuck Baldwin, all these people, Alex Jones, you know, they're alarmist.
Oh, really?
We just studied history.
I mean, even myself, it's happening faster than I thought.
As I say every day, it's one thing to intellectually know this and to spiritually know it.
It's another thing to actually see it happening and to know it's only going to get crazier.
How far do you think that this is going to go before this gets turned around?
Or will it, biblically do you believe, not be turned around?
I mean, I know you've basically gone out of the middle of nowhere.
A lot of people are.
I know I've moved outside town and we can all feel it.
Yeah, I can tell you that since we have moved here to Montana,
Uh, literally scores, and I'm not exaggerating Alex, scores of families have either already moved here or are in the process of moving here.
Uh, God is putting it in the hearts of people.
I, I really believe that God is calling a remnant, uh, to himself and, and this, this feeling, this inner gut feeling that, uh,
You know, the hammer is ready to fall and we need to be in a position to take care of our families and to be around fellow patriots and brothers, you know, who are like-minded.
It's burning in the hearts of people all over America.
I can tell you, I mean, I'm meeting them and talking to them every day.
Did you know before you even said this, I've had a burning to move to Montana?
Yeah, Montana or Wyoming, mainly Montana.
I just have wanted to get out of here and get onto the top of a hill somewhere and do a daily broadcast, but that's it.
Every instinct I've got is get out of the city.
Get out, get out, get out.
Is that what you were feeling?
Oh boy, I tell you, we were feeling it for two to three years and we researched and my family and I, we researched hard, we prayed, we agonized.
And we narrowed it down to the Mountain States, and then from there to Montana.
Yeah, you had the big radio show, the big church, everything.
You just pulled up and left.
I'm sorry, go back to what you said you researched.
Yeah, we did.
We left it all.
Yeah, we researched it intently, and finally determined the Flathead Valley was where we should be, and that's where we are.
But I tell you what, the only regret I have is, why didn't God send me here ten years ago?
This is just marvelous.
To realize, to be around people that love freedom, to be around people that see what's going on, that know what's going on.
We started a new fellowship, we call it Liberty Fellowship.
Here in Kalispell.
And it's comprised of people that know what's going on when you talk to them.
They don't look at you like a, you know, a deer in the headlights stare.
They appreciate the principles of freedom and liberty.
We preach those principles every Sunday.
I mean, the people are like-minded.
There's a camaraderie.
There's a fellowship, a true fellowship.
And these people know what's going on.
And they are, many of these people are prepared.
They've been prepared.
They're helping others to prepare.
It's just...
A refreshment that I cannot express.
I just love it.
Well, things are going to have to get really bad before America finally gets up off its knees, but it's starting to happen.
Stay there.
I want to get into the meat of Romans 13, and then phone calls.
Straight ahead.
Stay with us.
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We're good to go.
Alright, Pastor Chuck Baldwin with us another 20-30 minutes in the next hour.
We will go to your phone calls on any of the issues you have to raise, but in this little short segment, the next one, let's get into the new book.
We'll also tell folks where they can get it and get it to their pastor.
These are not churches.
These are spy centers.
These are areas for men to be taught to be weaklings and to take their Prozac.
Uh, and to do business deals and for people to basically cheat on their husbands and wives.
And that's my experience in big, mega churches in Dallas.
And I grew up around some of the preachers.
Believe me, it's not a pretty sight.
But obviously, if the preachers aren't really preaching what's in the Bible and don't know that 1776 was started by the real preachers who weren't going to be slaves and the Black Brigades, as they were called, then, I mean, immediately,
If they're not talking about freedom and standing up against tyranny and being the light of the world, you know you're in a wicked church.
But explain how they use Romans 13 and how they twist it.
Pastor Chuck Baldwin.
Well, what they do is they teach that Romans 13 would have every Christian to submit to civil government regardless of the kind of edict that government may put forth.
In other words,
If government is wicked and evil, requiring men to submit to evil and wickedness, as a Christian, that we are to submit to that evil government, because Romans 13 teaches us to do so.
It is a totally passive application, an erroneous application,
I think?
I think?
And we see that consistent teaching of Scripture is just the opposite of what this current interpretation that is being used is.
And as a result, this book, Romans 13, is, in my estimation, a blockbuster, because there's nothing else like it in print that I know of today, at least not recently.
And we are trying to get the word out, the Christians, the churches, the pastors,
And showing, giving them the scriptural, historical foundation of the true meaning of Romans Chapter 13.
For folks that don't know, it was one of Hitler's favorite verses to take out of context.
And for those that don't know what it says, why don't you state Romans 13 for listeners?
Yeah, Romans Chapter 13 basically says that the higher powers, that we are to submit to the higher powers in verse 1.
But the higher powers mentioned in verse 1 are constituted to be the highest power.
And the fact of the matter is, the higher power, which is the civil power, is not the authority of God.
It's not the highest power.
All power is subjective, Alex.
All power is jurisdictional.
Every single person in any position of authority or power has a jurisdiction related to that authority.
He has no right to violate or transgress the parameters of the jurisdiction.
It's like you have a right to defend yourself, and you have a right to defend yourself in your own home, but you don't have your right to go into somebody else's house when they attack you defend yourself.
It's all common sense, jurisdictional.
And the system understands this, and also they say, well, do whatever government says, it's your king.
Well, in America, we the people, right?
We created the government.
So we're going to... I mean, but now our government is a bunch of foreign banks that pay off our politicians.
So we've got to submit to Al Gore and George Soros?
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Waging war on corruption.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are back live, and of course, pastor and presidential and constitution party candidate,
Chuck Baldwin is our guest.
We've got some courtside news coming up and your phone calls in the next segment.
A lot of other global and police state TSA news, but the pastor will be with us to the bottom of the hour.
So again, your calls coming up in the next segment.
Getting back to this new book you've got out, even if someone isn't a Christian out there and they wonder why the churches in America just support any type of illegal war, any type of torture, any type of corruption, any type of forced inoculations,
It's because they become like state-run churches like in China or Soviet Russia.
And so it's important to educate pastors about what's going on.
Now continuing with Romans 13 and what it really states and what it's been turned into.
Thank you very much Alex.
In Romans chapter 13, we talked, we ended the, before the break, in verse 1 where it says, whatever is told be subject to the higher powers.
There's no power but of God.
The powers that be are ordained of God.
And so forth.
And what they do is they translate those verses into meaning that we are to submit to government no matter how evil, no matter how wicked, no matter how unconstitutional, etc, etc.
And what we've done, my son is a constitutional attorney, as you know, and he and I collaborated on this book.
We call it Romans 13, The True Meaning of Submission.
And we go into the depth of the Word of God in both Testaments.
We look at the Scriptures, the myriad Scriptures that deal with this.
There's hundreds and hundreds of Scriptures that deal with this subject.
Not just Romans Chapter 13.
The passage does not stand alone.
We know that the Scripture is to be interpreted in the light of other Scripture.
And so we've delved into the various scriptures, we've delved into history... Well, the entire Bible is the prophets and people being killed for not submitting to corrupt government, and the king says bow down to, you know, booble-bub or whatever, and he says no, so get into the lion's den, or I'm going to crucify you upside down, or I'm going to sell you into slavery.
The whole Bible is about resisting tyranny.
Absolutely, and I make that statement in the course of my address that I preached a four-part series based on the book.
And I made that very observation, that if you look at Biblical history, you go back to the Old Testament, even into the New, perhaps a majority, I can't say that equivocally, but perhaps a majority of the stories of the Bible
I think almost, I'd say 80%.
I mean, look at John the Baptist getting his head cut off.
I mean, can you think of anybody?
I mean, Moses didn't do what Pharaoh said.
I mean, the whole thing's a sick joke!
It's a sick joke!
The entire Bible is about resisting tyranny.
Exactly right.
And again, that's why I say that this book is so needful.
And as you noted, every tyrant in history has used Romans 13, especially if there's a Christian people involved, to try and subjugate the folks into their wishes.
Hitler did it.
We know that this is a favorite passage of scripture from those who would like to tyrannize us and to enslave us.
This book,
Romans 13, Alex, I just don't know of anything right now that's out there.
That's why we put this together.
In my frustration as a pastor for over 35 years, in dealing with churches and preachers and Christian people, and hearing this over and over and over again, that and the 501c3 incorporation status, those two things
have subjugated the church to Caesar more than any two things I can think of and that's why this book is so necessary.
Well let's go over a few of the accounts in the Bible of people being evil and resisting murderers and tyrants according to the modern preachers and then let's go through actually through some of the passages because I mean there's just so many.
I can't even remember.
Who will rise up for me against the wicked one?
On and on and on.
About if you see evil being done, and you don't try to resist it, then the blood's on your hands.
I mean, let's go through a bunch of those verses, if you've got them there in front of you, Pastor.
On the other side, then we'll jam in some calls as well, and continue with calls throughout the end of the broadcast.
If the Pastor leaves us at T-minus 25 minutes, stay with us.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are back live into hour number three, covering the incredible treason.
But see how I told you five years ago, hey, they're going to have a council of 13.
Bills will now originate, at least on spending and cutting.
But then that's pretty much the whole government.
Harry Reid says it affects everything, including guns.
And Larry Pratt agrees.
But imagine if I'd have told you five years ago, they'll have a council of 13 with the president in its head, and the bills will originate there, and there's no filibustering or amendments.
And then if you don't vote for their recommendation, that's how it's worded, then they just implement whatever they want.
It's like, you have free will as long as you do what I say.
I mean, I can't believe it's that naked.
And that it's not a bigger issue.
But see, we're becoming accustomed to this.
Growing up,
I, uh, you know, like any teenager, saw a lot of racy stuff, did some wild things.
And I was always taken to church when I was young, and I thought, you know, this is all just goody two-shoes.
People that obsess over don't do anything bad, because it leads to a lot worse stuff.
And the older I've gotten, I've realized that's absolutely true.
Societies that are pious and end up being focused and clean and good are not because these are wimps, ladies and gentlemen.
It's because they don't want their children destroyed.
It's because you in fact normally see very pious cultures come out of giant, murderous, long wars and corruption.
And once they get out of it, they go, whoo!
How did we ever get into that?
Most of their family's dead.
Mom and Daddy totally wiped out.
Study history and they go, we are getting ourselves in order.
Okay, and that's what being straight and strong is all about, and I'm not even saying I'm perfect, but I at least know, and I'm ashamed of the bad things I do unintentionally.
You know, you catch yourself saying something, doing something, and if you do the things I'm talking about, you go, Alex, you're a great guy, that's no big deal.
No, it is a big deal, because little things turn into big things.
And, you know, they sell evil like it's a sexy devil cheerleader, you know, like the bumper sticker, and it's fun and it's cool, just like Madison Avenue advertises their Hollywood drugs.
Illegal drugs are fun.
They're just advertising CIA products for you.
No, it's not fun turning into a crack whore or going to prison.
I love the old Pinocchio, one of the only good Disney movies out there with a good message.
You know, they get them to knock out some windows, drink some beer, smoke some cigars, you know, gamble, whatever, and then they turn into donkeys and get loaded on a ship to be slaves.
It's real simple, but that's how it works.
They get you in peer pressure, they get you in a corrupt culture.
Now see, I'm preaching.
I've got a preacher on, a pastor, a presidential candidate, a constitution party, Chuck Baldwin, and I start preaching and ranting.
It's just that now I've studied history, now I've learned a lot more.
And I think if you just tell kids up front, yeah, you'll think it's fun, sex, drugs, things like that up front.
I never really got into the drug part, but I saw it with friends.
I mean, I had friends that were the, looked like John Wayne football players, wealthy families, whole future ahead of them.
Next time I saw him two years later, crackheads in South Dallas.
I mean, guys that had the, you know, the beauty queen.
I mean, guys that had it all.
Guys, we'd go out to get pizza and women were just running up and just zombie crackheads, prison, some of them dead years later.
Now I am ranting.
Sorry, going back to the pastor.
Pastor, please, shotgun through Romans 13, what it really says versus the other passages and stories in the Bible.
Well, yeah, right, Alex.
Thanks a lot.
And yeah, you mentioned right before the break, let's talk about some of the examples in the Bible.
Of those who resisted unlawful authority.
I mean, let's think about Daniel, one of the great stories of the scripture.
Every Sunday school boy and girl hears about Daniel and the lion's den.
Well, you know, how did he get to the lion's den?
He got there because his civil authority government put him there.
Well, why did they put him there?
Because he resisted what they told him to do.
He said no.
In that particular case, they said you can't pray for X amount of days publicly and even privately.
And he said, no, I'm not going to do that.
I'll open my windows.
I'm going to pray like I do every day.
They threw him in the lion's den.
Of course, God protected him and saved him from the lion's den, but that's not the point.
The point really wasn't
That God saved him from the lions.
The point was, he was willing to go into the lion's den in defiance of his civil authority.
Same book, you got Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who were commanded to bow down and worship the image of the state.
They said, we can't do that.
We'll have no other gods before us.
The very first commandment.
We're not going to bow to the state.
The state is not our God.
So they threw him in the burning, fiery furnace.
And again, we talk about in Sunday School that God delivered them from the burning fiery furnace.
But again, that's not the point.
The point is, they went into the burning fiery furnace.
Why did they go in?
Because they defied government.
They were not willing to submit their conscience to the authority of the state.
And this was the old terror of government.
We're going to throw you in with starving lions if you don't do what we say.
We're going to throw you into a smelting pit if you don't do what we say.
I mean, the same garbage today.
Go ahead.
Yeah, even the Book of Judges.
I mean, people read the Book of Judges, whether it's Gideon or Samson or Jephthah or whoever it is.
Read the entire Book of Judges.
What do we find?
We find the people of God being tyrannized, being subjugated by some oppressive regime, and God raising up a deliverer called a judge.
Sometimes they were just a common person that
They had no particular position or authority, but God put it on their heart to deliver their people from that tyranny that they were under.
And so they rose up, God helped them, God gave them strength, and they delivered the people from this oppressive regime, whatever it might happen to be.
That's the entire book of Judges!
You get to the New Testament, you come to Simon Peter, when the
The civil government over him said, we command you not to speak and preach anymore in his name.
And he said, sorry, we must obey God rather than man.
And they took the cat and eye tails on the back for that.
Went to prison for that.
But they said no.
They defied civil authority.
The entire Bible.
Same thing with Paul.
Fast forward.
Well, a lot of them have been
They have been deceived.
They've been taught it in seminary or Bible college.
It's the accepted doctrine to teach.
They haven't thought it through.
Yes, some of them are demons, they are.
But some of them are just deceived.
They just don't know any better.
That's what they were taught.
And they haven't studied it through for themselves.
And that's why Tim and I wrote the book.
Tim, again, is my constitutional attorney son, and we collaborated on this book.
By the way, can I get my website so people can get a hold of that?
Oh, absolutely!
In fact, I was about to get to that.
Go ahead.
It's, uh, you can't get it in bookstores.
It's, uh, chuckbaldwinlive.com.
That's chuckbaldwinlive, all one word, L-I-V-E dot com.
And it's very easy, you can see the links and you can click on it, order online, etc.
But that's why we wrote this book, is because of this indoctrination that's going on out there, and that in conjunction with the 501c3 corporation status of churches, has completely neutered the pulpits.
That's why they won't take a stand, and these people that are listening out there,
And all denominations of people are listening right now.
And you go to church on Sunday and you come back and you say to Alex on the phone or you say to your friends, you know, why doesn't my preacher take a stand?
Why won't he talk about this?
Why doesn't he get involved in this?
This is why.
This is why.
The 501c3 tax-exempt status, by the way, our Liberty Fellowship here in Montana is not a 501c3 fellowship.
By the way, it didn't exist until the 50s.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or the freedom of the press, on and on and on.
First Amendment, they said, oh, you can still be a church that's tax-exempt outside of law because we can't put a law on you.
We have no jurisdiction.
Back to what you were talking about earlier.
Or, you can be a charitable organization, and the big denominations ordered all their churches to file under it, and now the charitable organization has no free speech, when it doesn't get any clearer than the First Amendment.
Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or of the press.
Or the people to peaceably assemble.
I mean, it just goes on and on.
Read the First Amendment.
It's all right there.
And now I've had friends come to me from their Baptist churches, their Catholic churches, their, you know, you name it.
Mormons have sent me the letters where just across the board, they are told, do not even talk about politics or your views, even at church or at any church function.
I mean, they're even telling now their flocks don't have free speech.
I mean, these are like Soviet cults.
Yeah, the fear of losing their tax-exempt status is what's causing that.
And Romans chapter 13, in the erroneous interpretation of that passage, is giving them the spiritual justification for it.
That's the double tandem that is destroying America.
If we could get the churches and the preachers to stand up for the biblical principles of liberty, the same kind of principles that Jonas Clark, he was the pastor of the church at Lexington on April 19, 1775, when the British troops came marching through to do two things.
They were going to arrest John Adams, excuse me, Sam Adams,
And John Hancock, and they were going to seize the cache of firearms that was stored at Concord.
And when they got to Lexington, it was Pastor Jonas Clark and the congregants, the male congregants of his church, that were the Minutemen that fired the shot heard around the world, and the war for independence began in the United States.
And that was the kind of spirit that the black regiment preachers all
Uh, personified back at that time.
They all understood this.
I mean, if we had this erroneous, fallacious interpretation of Romans 13 in the colonies, like we have today in America, we would still be a crown colony of Great Britain.
Well, that's why the social engineers a hundred years ago first thing targeted the takeover of the churches and the teaching of Romans 13.
I mean, they knew they had to get rid of real Christianity in this country, and they replaced it with all these gold, little shiny glitter bug people in, you know, fancy outfits with pink wigs on, acting like clowns on purpose.
I mean, that is all by design, ladies and gentlemen.
It was the Christians that kicked King George back to England.
We'll be right back with Chuck Baldwin.
Your call.
Stay with us.
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By the way, I'm going to tell you more about what's happening in Quartzsite.
There's been some new developments there coming up in the next segment, but the Attorney General of the state has said preliminarily it looks like what's going on there is illegal.
No kidding.
Here's the headline.
Arizona town declares state of emergency.
Police chief takes power.
Police Chief, you're fired, Mayor!
Everybody's like, oh, we bow down to you, Supreme Leader!
Chuck Baldwin is our guest.
Look, humans haven't changed.
We act the same.
And if you lay down to tyranny, it is going to run over you.
To the point of, in most cases, just starts killing everybody because they're like, well, no one's resisting us.
Well, then kill them!
I must continue to dominate!
It's just, it's wicked.
Jenny in Florida, you're on the air with Pastor Chuck Baldwin.
Go ahead.
Thanks for holding.
Then Ryan, Earl, Kathy, Chris and others.
Go ahead, Jenny.
Hi, Alex.
How are you doing?
First of all, I want to say thank you for everything that you do, what you've done.
Thank you.
But my feeling is everybody is going to the bad way.
Everybody is going to fix a problem that we have today.
We have to fix a problem we have in the past first, and it's so much easier.
And believe me, we have a very deep secret in the past.
Could you follow me?
Yeah, no, I hear you.
We have a deep secret in the past.
Well, we're talking about how our churches have been turned into basically government arms.
Do you have a question or comment for Chuck Baldwin or what's the secret?
No, a secret.
Uh, you believe or not, it may be so strange, but I decoded Leonardo da Vinci.
I decoded a whole thing.
Well, listen, send me that information.
That's very interesting.
Send me that information at ShowTipsAtInfoWars.com.
Thank you.
I know there's supposedly a lot of stuff encoded in there, and that's a big field out there.
Ryan in Texas, you're on the air with Chuck Bolden.
We gotta move quick.
Go ahead, Ryan.
I just got a 20 second comment I want to make.
Um, when you look at the drugs report, they said that we're the criminals and terrorists.
Well, the real criminals and terrorists are the puppets that are in the office that are voting for these unconstitutional bills.
If you voted for the Patriot Act, and it works for you, criminal.
The Super Congress, criminal.
Banks, criminals.
And see, if I steal from my company, I get fired.
They steal from the country, and they're retiring.
You know, there's cameras on every corner acting like I'm a criminal, while they're live, on camera, being criminals.
I don't want to wait until next November, uh, for a change.
We need to arrest these criminals now.
We have a tireless minority, and I don't want to just impeach the president, we need to impeach all these criminals.
They want a super congress, I want a super impeachment.
Very well said.
Thank you for the call, Ryan.
That's a good question for you, Chuck.
I'm sure you've seen Harry Reid call the Tea Partiers terrorists.
The New York Times says that anybody who wants to get rid of the Federal Reserve is, quote, Hezbollah.
They're rebranding and saying, we're not worried about Al Qaeda now.
I told folks this was coming.
It's particularly white males and Christians.
And we've got all these White House memos about how great a terror attack would be to help them.
We have Joe Biden saying the Tea Partiers are terrorists.
They're really trial ballooning coming after people that understand that they are the criminals.
Yeah, well I got a little taste of that in 2008, Alex, whenever the MIAC report came out in the state of Missouri.
I don't
Dismissed the man that initiated it, but the damage was done.
And ever since then, that has been continuing.
The Department of Homeland Security, through their fusion centers, continues to put out this kind of disinformation.
I was about to say, MIAC was just a regurgitated ADL federal report.
That's exactly right.
And they continue.
These reports continue.
I promise you, everywhere you go to speak, everywhere I go to speak,
Uh, and there is a report that appears in the computers of the local and county law enforcement officers alerting them to the fact that we are there identifying us as extremists, etc.
And I'm not just saying that by hearsay.
I actually saw a police computer report one time when I invited Dr. Greg Dixon to come and speak to my church.
A great man of God, the former pastor of Indianapolis Baptist Temple in Indianapolis, Indiana, that was seized by the IRS, the only church in America to do so.
And whenever he came to speak, the deputy sheriff let me see the computer in his car, alerting him to Dr. Dixon's presence in my church.
Now that came from DHS through the Fusion Center into the local and county law school.
That's who they're watching when they get the Christmas Day underwear bomber.
The government admits they got him on the plane, all staged.
Amarillo Lockheed hanging out secretly at the Pentagon, Fox News.
But I got sent a secret report from the Army that at my events for In the Fed and Ron Paul's, they have Army there.
And it says, don't let them know you're Army.
They'll try to kill you.
I mean, they're telling the military that if you come to an In the Fed rally and we find out they're military, we're going to kill them, Pastor, like we're vampires or something.
Yeah, that's what it's come to.
And again, my Romans 13 book is at chuckballs111.com.
Hold on, stay there.
Let's play it on the other side, do a few more minutes, and take a few more calls.
Absolutely, folks, that's why we've got him here today.
We'll give you his website on the other side if you want to get it out to your pastor.
And if your pastor reads it and still keeps going forward, get out of that church.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Okay, I'm gonna go quicker through your calls and recap some of the incredible news from earlier and some of the news we haven't gotten to in a little bit on Courtside, but I wanted Chuck Baldwin to finish plugging the name of his book, Where You Get It, and again, it's just like we had Sheriff...
Richard Mack in here last week and we're like, go to his website, get his book.
I'm not being paid to promote it.
I've got him here because I believe in it.
If we go wake up our sheriffs about the Constitution, wake up the pastors about their true role in history, if we go and educate our city councils, our legislatures about the Constitution, what do the globalists do?
What do the feds do?
I mean, I knew about this decades ago, but now I've learned they've more than tripled the number of Federal Reserve paid speakers who will be heads of city, governments, corporate leaders.
They're paid to go speak to high school classes.
They're paid to go speak to colleges.
They're paid to go to the Rotary Club.
And they will pay top lawyers, famous people, I mean they've just got a huge army of them, to go be there, to go meet them, to go slickly sell what they're doing.
So you're not going to beat the New World Order by yourself, I'm not either, but
It's all of us out there waking people up everywhere.
I call it evangelizing for liberty and freedom.
Because believe me, the tyrants are out there selling their corruption.
So again, give folks your website and the name of the book so folks can get it, Pastor.
Thank you very much, Alex.
My son and I, Tim Baldwin, and he's a constitutional attorney.
Of course, I've been a pastor for 35 years.
We collaborated on this monumental book.
It's called Romans 13, The True Meaning of Submission, and it's available on my website and Tim's website.
My website is ChuckBaldwinLive.com.
That's all one word.
And there's a link right there on the front page.
You see it advertised.
Just click that.
You can get it online, credit cards, etc.
And able to pick this up and it's, you know, just under 200 pages.
It's chock full of scripture references from both Testaments.
We have theologians, historians, and Christians from history and their comments on what they said about this subject.
And I challenge anyone to read this book and then not be convinced that we have a sacred obligation to resist
I'm sorry, go ahead.
And he was exactly right.
That is a scriptural truism.
That it is an obligation of Christian people to resist evil government.
But Pastor, as you know, this is a chicken or egg situation.
If you've really got God in your heart, you're not going to be able to control yourself.
You're going to be drawn towards confronting bullies and scum.
Uh, and I think that's the issue, so I think the book should be gotten out to pastors, because maybe they're ignorant, and it will certainly wake some up.
But also, it's a test.
If your pastor reads it, and then argues with you about it, because I've read the Bible, I've studied history, this is common sense, it's a no-brainer.
But if they read this very well-written, well-researched historical document,
And they still don't listen, then you need to find a better church.
And I think your book should be really a litmus test for churches.
What do you say to that, Pastor Baldwin?
Oh, wow.
Thank you, Alex.
I think that's true.
I couldn't tell you how many people have read the book and have called us back or written us and said, you know what?
This confirmed everything that I knew in my heart was true, but I didn't know where to find it in the Bible.
I didn't know where to see it in print.
But now I see it.
And, you know, and they have done that very thing.
Now I'm looking for a church that will preach the truth relative to this vitally important subject.
And I know people all over America that are doing that, so I think that is exactly... If we don't start voting with our feet,
We Christians, if we don't start voting with our feet and getting out of these churches that are bringing us into bondage, spiritually, politically, ethically, and every other way, and start finding true men of God out there, even if the church is a small little church with only 30 or 40 people in it, so what?
Be in a church where the truth is being preached, and God will bless your family, and more than that, God will bless our nation.
I could not agree more.
No, we've got to do it.
We've turned away from the basic principles and now look what we're getting.
A Constitution Bill of Rights goes out the door, corruption and absolute poverty comes in.
I mean, it's real simple.
We've got to get the tyranny out of here, but we've got to replace it with something.
Let's go to, who's up next here?
We'll take a few calls, then we're going to let our guests go, and then I'll continue with calls.
Earl in Georgia, you're on the air, thanks for holding.
Yes, sir.
I'm a first-time caller.
I've listened to you for a while and I'm an admirer of Chuck Baldwin.
I followed him on the internet for a while.
Lost track, though, over the last year.
However, I guess this is a question I have directed to Chuck.
I know your son's a constitutional lawyer, and the way I read the Constitution, there
It's supposed to act upon the legislation that Congress passes.
I know they've been out of control as well as every other branch, but is your son being a constitutional lawyer?
I am asking, I suppose, with this latest legislation that has been enacted, which strips Congress of its power to introduce financial
And if they don't vote for what the super committee gives them, then the super committee can do whatever they want.
It is a dictatorship of 13.
It goes about 90% of the way.
I will give you a constitutional answer on that.
Of course the Supreme Court should be causing a fracas over this and pointing out that it's blatantly unconstitutional.
But so should the vast majority of House members of both parties that voted for it.
They voted away their power.
Sorry, you can't vote away our Constitution.
Chuck, your comments on that?
Yeah, exactly right.
And Tim's very involved in these types of things.
And of course, this one here is fraught with unconstitutionality.
And I would like to think that there's going to be several constitutional attorneys and scholars that are going to come forth and fight this.
I certainly hope so.
But yes, ma'am, this is brazenly unconstitutional.
Any other comments?
Well, I am just asking, as a citizen who called every body that I knew yesterday and also sent emails, called Congressmen's office and told them to vote no, is there anything else, as citizens, can we enact a class action suit against them?
Well, anything will help, because even if you don't win it, it draws attention to it.
I'm telling you, resistance is victory.
I appreciate your call.
Can I just say, Alex, go to my son's website and contact him, please.
His website is libertydefenseleague.com.
All one word.
And feel free to communicate with him and ask him these questions and he will respond to you.
Yeah, we've got to get him back on.
He's been on before.
He's great.
Almost better than his pop.
Haha, he is.
Use a Yankee term.
Let's go ahead and talk to Kathy in Indiana.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Kathy, you're on.
You're up.
Batter up, Kathy.
Okay, let's move on.
Sorry, Kathy.
Oh, our phones just went down.
That only happens once or twice a year.
Oh, our phones just went into cardiac arrest.
Okay, great.
Even when I try to go to your calls.
Yeah, yeah, Chuck's on a different phone system.
Chuck, you can still hear me, can't you?
Yeah, I can still hear you, Alex.
Thank you, Alex, and thanks for letting me be on the show and keep up the great work.
Well, we want to get it out and we want people to get the message and we really believe that the Christian and the churches
It's where the real power is in this country.
It's always been that way.
We the people are the government and we are the power in this country.
And if you can get the pastors and the Christians to understand their obligation and their duties under God.
And I think of that scripture verse where Jesus said, if the salt has lost its savor, it sends forth good for nothing but to be trodden under the foot of men and cast out.
And that's exactly what's happened.
The church has lost its saltiness.
And it's being cast out and trodden under the foot of tyranny.
And Romans 13 and the misinterpretation of it is one of the biggest reasons why this book is a major, major breakthrough, I think, in helping people to have the information, scripturally, historically, at their fingertips to know how to deal with that.
And again, if they'll go to ChuckBaldwinLive.com, all one word, ChuckBaldwinLive.com, they can order that book.
We look forward to speaking to you again in the near future.
Take care.
All right, there he goes.
It is important to get those type of materials out to people.
And that's why this radio show exists, is a platform for information to get it out to people.
And that's why when you support this broadcast and our sponsors, you support Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, countless other activists, the folks out in court site.
I want to go back to your calls when the phone system comes back up, for those that were holding.
Kathy, Chris, Ryan, V-Man, and others, 800-259-9231.
As soon as that system comes back up.
But guys, I actually printed all the Courtside articles.
We run them into me.
I forgot to grab them during that last break.
But the Courtside Council has drawn state scrutiny.
The Attorney General says that the videos they've seen
I don't
You know, the state police coming in and arresting these people.
But don't hold your breath.
Things are going to get a lot uglier before that happens because the system does not want to send a message that governments can't do whatever they want.
They kind of like the idea of a police chief and the city council firing the mayor and the police.
They kind of like the idea of people not having free speech.
They kind of like the idea of secret meetings and committees of 13.
Council of 13.
I mean, talk about creepy.
The globalists absolutely love it.
So that's the developments on that front.
I've got some other news.
I mean, to be quite frank with you, I'm going to be working up here until later tonight on the launch of the new news TV show.
You start September 1st.
You've seen
Some InfoWars special reports that are kind of done in the Charlie Rose style.
But we've got a more highly produced, fast-paced, jam-packed, 30-minute show that we're developing that will launch streamed at presentplanet.tv.
And I've already had a lot of offers from cable channels, systems in Europe.
Systems in England, systems in the United States, and quite frankly I'm always so busy doing my own radio show.
And so busy just working on things here and doing special reports that I've had offers to put my show up live on a, you know, with a live satellite uplink.
A lot of, and I haven't even called a lot of people back, there are some cable systems airing this show now, just grabbing it off PrisonPlanet.tv and airing it the next day, and I never even really get into that stuff or talk about it.
But you can go around and look and see examples of that happening.
But this new highly produced show will be a 30 minute, it's beta tested on PrisonPlanet.tv and then you'll get special reports on PrisonPlanet.tv as well.
It's your support and memberships that make it possible.
But then it will expand out onto different television systems.
And there'll be an announcement as well at the end that if you would like to, you know, free to air it, re-air it on your local AM, FM radio station, UHF, VHF, cable system, access station.
It's just going to be a free-for-all, as they say.
And so that's why we're developing.
I've got a plan for a newspaper.
And we're finally getting the employees in, finally getting them trained, finally always battening down other hatches and other problems, other things that blow up.
But that's why your support of this show and our sponsors is now more important than ever.
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Callers are back!
And these are callers, right, that got knocked off?
Okay, Ryan, Ryan Izzold, because I wanted to go to folks that got kicked off.
All right, well, whatever.
Ryan in Missouri, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yes, sir, hi, how are you?
Good, thanks for calling.
I was calling to try to bring up something I'd seen or heard on the television the other day.
They're wanting us to call our local congressman or woman to let them know that they're going to be dropping local broadcasting.
Are you aware of that?
What, that big networks are going to get rid of local broadcasting altogether?
That's the way I interpreted it.
Well, I know there's been a move in consolidation away from really any local programming, which is not just about profits.
They've actually showed local programming, if you'll do it for a while, becomes the most profitable thing.
And so, yeah, these big megacorporations, though, they run monopoly systems where they don't even really let competition get in.
Some of the bigger network outfits will give you basically free advertising for a year
Or, you know, 95% off until they've bankrupted all the other stations, and then they're the only game in town.
And I think it's wrong.
I mean, I think we should go back to where, you know, one outfit shouldn't be able to own, you know, half the stations in the country.
And I know that there are more and more getting away from local broadcasting.
And, of course, that's the big no-no in syndicated broadcasting, is to talk about that.
But I don't care.
I'm going to tell the truth.
That's the end of it.
I'm too lazy to lie.
Telling the truth is super easy.
I'll have to think about what I'm going to say.
But, I mean, are you talking about radio or VHF, UHF?
I know they're all moving away from it.
No, I'm talking mostly, it was on television and that's the way I interpreted it.
I thought it was the television broadcasting networks that were going to be dropping local.
Oh, yeah.
10, 15 years ago, local TV station people thought they were rock stars.
Now they're disheveled and can't even, you know, buy a cup of coffee.
But, yeah, they're getting rid of it all.
What do you think of that?
Well, I understand.
I mean, I understand all that.
I don't usually watch local news.
I usually get it on the internet from your show or satellite radio.
But my biggest issue with that was rogue broadcasters being able to just tell people or advise them against maybe the
I agree.
I'm all for local.
People should support local.
We'll be right back.
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Alright, V-Man in Ohio, thanks for getting back in when our phone system went down.
Welcome, what's on your mind today?
Hey Alex Megadiddles, I really appreciate what you're doing.
You really inspired me to go out and do something after figuring out, you know, everything that's going on out here.
But my question is, you know, I'm out there protesting and I feel like I'm targeting you, the immediate target of, you know, this police state tyranny and I'm out in front of the police station and
You know, I'm calling them Nazi thugs, and I'm equating them with the TSA, and, you know, they all been violating our rights all on the streets and everything for a long time.
And I still have people that come up to me, I believe in God, you know, and I believe in what the pastor was saying, and I feel that spirit of rebellion in my heart, and it drives me to go out there and do something.
And I just wanted to know, like, you know, I talked to the Cuyahoga County sheriffs and Cleveland police, and it just seems like they really don't care.
You know, and I've called my council members, and I've called the state house and everything, and you just get the same filibuster.
No, that's it.
And again, when the police run warrantless checkpoints, when they, I've seen the video in Ohio, threatened to blow the guy's head off, because he's a concealed carry guy, and they pull him over and he says, officer, I have something to tell you.
And they go, shut up!
And the middle editor goes, I gotta tell you something, shut up!
Or I'm gonna beat you!
And the guy's like, okay.
And he finally gets him out of the car.
He goes, I don't have a concealed carry.
The cop flips out and for like 10 minutes says, I ought to murder you.
I ought to blow your head off for not telling me that.
And he said, but you told me to shut up.
And he's so polite.
And the point is, they don't even get in trouble.
And then they make all the other good officers look bad because the tyrants want bad officers.
But when the police act like this, they are acting like Nazis or Soviets.
Because that or Guatemalan police or North Korean police.
Everybody knows it in third world countries.
And places the police are bad.
I mean, no one denies that.
Well, then our police are bad when they act like third world police.
I mean, it's real simple.
But then there's this attitude of never criticize cops and believe the cop shows, you know, they're all heroes.
I mean, I'm sorry.
Where I grew up, the cops were the drug dealers.
And, uh, thank God I wasn't a drug user.
I would just be at a party and here's the cops delivering drugs and I'd get out of there.
But, you know, growing up in the 80s, uh, drugs were ubiquitous.
Then we moved down here to get away with it.
Uh, but, um, you know, just keep moving forward.
Keep warning people.
Ohio is... I've got a crew member, you know, lived there for a long time.
It's just particular...
Particularly kind of brain dead.
I'm not saying stupid, but we see a lot of wild stuff up there.
I'm just wondering.
I'm scared.
It scares me.
All of this scares me.
It makes me want to do something about it.
I don't want to act out violently.
I just don't want to do that.
I don't want nobody pointing a finger at us and saying we started anything.
Well, look, at the end of the day, what's gonna happen is gonna happen.
We just wake up as many people as you can...
Realize that the system knows that they've been evil, so they're trying to stonewall us, real arrogant, but in the end they're going to fall like dominoes, and they're already falling, and if you feel alone, that's because most people are cowards and don't want to tell you what they really think.
Congress doesn't have a 9% approval rating nationwide because people are completely asleep.
And I hear you, V-Man, and I appreciate your call.
I'd love to get to more calls, but the main transmission is over.
Coming up in rebroadcast on the internet streams at InfoWars.com.
The free podcast you can subscribe to for free, because it's free, at the listen page on InfoWars.com.
That'll be sent out a few hours after the show, as it always is.
And of course it's all archived at PrisonPlanet.tv.
I covered the incredible Council of Supreme 13, a new form of government in the Republic.
The death of the Republic if we let this go through and be continued.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
A very wealthy U.S.
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Coast to Coast.
Direct from Austin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Broadcasting Network.
Fix bayonets.
We are now entering overdrive with your host, Alex Jones, broadcasting live from the front lines.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Yeah, a little after-dinner dessert of extra expanded retransmission, but we're live.
Retransmission coming up with the key information.
Up at PrisonPlanet.com right now.
Former Comptroller General.
Wow, that's big news.
Steve Watson's written this article.
We've got to get this out to everybody.
Sudden and very painful economic collapse is coming.
No kidding.
They've lovingly maneuvered us into the iceberg patch to do just that.
Representative Paul introduces bill to cancel $1.6 trillion in debt held by Federal Reserve.
I saw two mainstream news articles today about the hundreds of billions in gold the Federal Reserve's secretly sitting on top of, and calls to take that.
Also, Super Congress, the final nail in the coffin of representative democracy and freedom, as we know it.
This is all up on PrisonPlanet.com and Infowars.com.
The U.S.
dictatorship and its White House servant president.
Why Americans hated the debt debate.
And it continues.
Obama debt deal shakes trust of his supporters.
Ron Paul sounds alarm on disturbing super Congress.
You know, the good news is conservatives and liberals don't like what's going on.
They're finally starting to figure it out.
It's a pack of sharks up there working together.
Council of 13 to Rule America, key video.
I'm going to be doing more special reports, everything today.
Watch InfoWars.com.
Watch PrisonPlanet.com.
Very few are actually reporting on what's really just happened.
Now, I went some into overdrive because, quite frankly, I am really proud of myself.
I mean, I'm proud when I do things and I'm right and it helps people.
And when it helps me.
I love win-win-win.
I love making a big dinner for people when they come over to my house.
I like people enjoying themselves.
I like people being successful.
And I always thought everybody was like me, but I found out a lot of folks who get upset by other people's success.
You know what?
Fifty-something bucks.
Ted will tell us right now.
And people really need to call Midas Resources today and buy gold and silver with the radio specials they've got because it just keeps going up and up and up.
But you're buying gold he bought when it was lower as it goes up, so he can still sell it to you at a lower price.
But then he runs out, but by then it's gone up even more, so it doesn't matter.
He's got more gold at the old lower price.
But Ted Anderson, what do you make of the Senate passing the tyranny bill?
Well, you know, Alex, it's just like anything else.
I mean, what they're doing is they're selling our future away, and our children's future away, and giving up our liberty and our freedom in the process.
I mean, it's quite obvious by now that the government is tied by the hip to the banking system, because who do you think we bailed out when we were having trouble?
I mean, when President Bush was getting out of office, and he had
Paulson, asking for money from New York City banks, they got their money.
And that's where all this TARP money went to, and all the bailouts.
I mean, the way Ron Paul said it, if they gave just the money to the people that they printed to make this whole economic stimulus thing work, everybody would have ended up with about $17,000 in extra money in their pocket.
Instead, it all went to these
Elite, you know, people so they can bail out their businesses.
And what do they do?
They turn around and they start dishing out these really huge bonuses to their executives.
And if you have any idea of what's going on in this world, if you have any question, you really should watch this American Dream video because it'll pull it all together.
That's right.
Two silver dollars and a free film and a free book with free shipping.
$85 and you're about to go up on prices.
I know, Ted.
The globalists are hoarding gold themselves because they understand it's a commodity.
They're destroying currencies.
So call Midas, ask about the radio specials, and we'll see you back tomorrow live, 11 a.m.
Get gold and silver today.
These deals can't be beat.
Thank you, Ted.
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