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Name: 20110726_Tue_Alex
Air Date: July 26, 2011
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are live, my friends.
Thank you for joining us.
It, of course, is the 26th day of July, 2011, on this Live Tuesday broadcast.
We're going to be here for the next three hours.
And joining us, coming up in T-minus 30 minutes, author, researcher Jim Mars will be joining us.
Talk about the Knights Templar and groups and organizations calling themselves the Knights Templar over in the UK and the rest of Europe and here in the United States.
What exactly do they stand for?
What are they promoting?
How does it tie in to Masonic organizations?
We've had
One big shooting, of course, that was used to basically ban guns in the UK.
In Scotland, that was tied to masons, even in the mainstream news, and a reported cover-up.
The shooting in Tasmania, Australia used to restrict their guns, was also a bizarre masonic connection and carried out by a mason.
This guy, and there's a lot of other weird cases.
What's going on at these lodges?
It's clear that they're used to set up sub-cults and that intelligence agencies love to recruit out of them because of their secretive nature.
Normally, it's just a good old boys club in a lot of small towns and even big cities where you can't get a job unless you're a Mason and then you can't ever fight any corruption in your area because you're sworn to your other brother, Masons.
Now, some would argue, well, hey, the Founding Fathers were Masons.
And I understand that more than half of them were, and there's a wide diversity of what goes on in Masonic Lodges and Masonic Theorem, and I understand that, but the issue is that more and more I see Masonic organizations promoting global DNA databases, police states, the surveillance grid, and have
George Washington and Thomas Jefferson saw you, they would basically spit in your face, most of the modern masons that are out there.
Now, obviously Obama, and I've got quotes out of his speech, but everybody saw it, and it's really pointless, people are finally getting it, that he was terrorizing the public last night.
And I didn't watch the speech last night, I watched it this morning.
And it was disgusting, it was nauseating to watch the President engaged in psychological warfare operations against the American people.
And really, it's a replay of what we saw in October of 2008, where the Congress was told there'll be blood in the streets, martial law, if you don't give unlimited trillions to the banksters.
And then Henry Paul said in front of everyone gave himself 200, was it 214, 218 million dollars of the billions that he directed into Goldman Sachs.
He, of course, was the former head of Goldman Sachs.
And then he gave himself over 200 million of that illegally.
And Congressman Stern asked him, he said, and we've played this clip many times, he said, how did you give yourself a bailout?
And Paul started stuttering and bumbling, couldn't believe he was being asked the question, and really couldn't talk.
Seemed like he was a brain-damaged, gibbering monkey or something.
And he said, well, I gave myself a waiver.
Gave himself a waiver.
So, this is the whole hog level of corruption we've reached.
Even in the height of the Soviet corruption, they didn't openly do things like this.
They still hid it.
There was always purges against each other, you know, using the dirt on different party members in the Duma there in the Kremlin.
North Korea, I guess you could say, is just out in the open with the thieving and the stealing to where it's not even thieving and stealing.
And that's really what's happening here, is that we're completely held hostage by a group of complete criminals.
Who are flaunting their criminality in front of everyone.
I'm going to be breaking this down.
We've got Alan Watt joining us as well today.
Talk about a lot of different issues, but Jim Maher's coming up in 30 minutes.
We're going to have completely open phones in the second hour, and we're going to have open phones when we come back.
Stay with us.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is Tuesday, the 26th day of July, 2011.
And we have Jim Mars joining us to get into the whole Norway situation.
We'll also get into the economy with author and researcher Jim Mars.
Then coming up in the last hour, Alan Watt is going to join us on a host of issues.
I've been trying to get to this since Sunday and have never covered it.
I've made a few comments on it, but it's something that needs to be discussed in great detail, and I'm going to do that with Alan Watt, a subject we haven't really discussed with Alan, but I know he's a great researcher, so he'll be fully informed on it and give us his own unique perspective on things.
But I'm talking about a science fiction term, because we're now not living in science fiction, we're living in the science present of super science.
And here's the headline, existence of God particle to be decided by next year.
The problem is CERN now won't release findings that it finds to be politically incorrect, is the problem.
Like it had to be leaked that they confirmed and test that indeed there is solar radiation coming in that forms the cloud nuclei.
And that it's not human activity.
Human activity doesn't even cover one percentage point of it.
It's almost entirely different particles from the sun.
I don't need the CERN scientists to tell me that.
There's been countless studies over the last 20 years where they have, in laboratories, on aircraft, in the atmosphere, confirmed this process is taking place.
The sun doesn't just heat the earth, it is showering us with just all different types of particles, and then of course there's also micrometeorites coming in that also help form nuclei.
They estimate billions of micrometeorites coming in.
Space is not empty, it's full of things.
Continuing here,
1,500 human-animal hybrids grown in UK labs.
That's part human, part insect, part human, part reptile, part human, part fish.
And I've talked to scientists, one of which is quite prominent, and they refused to come on air, about the human
clones and having to watch them in the artificial womb tanks, basically little children, and to watch them attempting to nurse, gulping and trying to pacify themselves.
Another computer engineer, well-known Republican here in Texas,
Uh, refused to come on the show.
Uh, he was gonna come on and talk about Singapore and, uh, the different, uh, how they drug different neighborhoods with different chemicals and biologicals to test them on people.
Uh, he got scared and won't come on.
But I have interviewed people, doctors on air, who have talked about the chimera cows and things that are in the artificial wombs gulping and trying to nurse and how that freaked them out.
In fact, a guest talking about that on air spurred the other scientists to tell me about the human clones gulping for milk.
Yes, we've been totally dehumanized.
Life isn't cheap.
It's seen as garbage and trash by the psychopaths who run things.
And the sky is the limit of their depravity and their evil.
The sky is the limit.
And I, quite frankly, don't even feel worthy
To be able to even impart this information to you.
I don't have the semantical lexicon.
I do not have the bearing.
Every philosopher, every leader, every poet, every preacher, every leader, everyone who feels called to be a servant, every police officer, should be spending at least
Eighteen hours a day right now, trying to warn people and trying to have a debate about the future of humanity.
Instead, we have just totally handed over all responsibility to a psychopathic, decadent, ruthless, reckless ruling class who are in control of things, but they're in control like a
Japanese kamikaze pilot about to fly his plane into the deck of the Lexington aircraft carrier.
They're in control like that.
They're in control like Jim Jones followers taking the order to drink the grape Kool-Aid filled with cyanide and
Every instinct I've got tells me to shut down this entire operation, or leave a skeleton crew here, to buy a piece of property on a hilltop in Montana, and to build a huge bunker under it, and to basically broadcast from on top of a hill.
I don't think it's enough that I've just moved outside of Austin.
None of it's enough.
I mean, what I'm getting at here is we tend to get close to a problem, all of us, and start learning to live right next to it.
It's like, oh, this watering hole has crocodiles in it, and sure, you know, they eat villagers every few months, but it's the only water, so we've got to go to the water hole that's got 20-foot-long crocodiles in it.
And that's what they do in Africa.
They're just accustomed to, oh yeah, somebody died this week when a 15-foot cobra bit them.
It's the same thing in India with those gigantic king cobras, 30-something feet long.
Pump ounces of venom into you when they strike.
So, I mean, I get it.
Humans are adaptive.
And when I was on an airplane flying up to be on The View and other TV programs months ago,
I was sitting up there in the first class cabin, because I demanded that ABC fly me up there that way.
They refused at first.
They said, well, I'm not coming on The View then.
They said, don't you want to be on The View?
And I said, no.
They said, okay, thank you, and they called back, but side issue.
It's all just games of bluff with all these people.
And I'm sitting there, and I could kick myself because I wanted to remember his name, and I even told Ted Anderson it when I landed.
I said, no, let me forget this, write this down, and then Ted didn't write it down.
But he was the managing director of one of the big three banks.
And he knew exactly who I was.
About 10 minutes into talking to me, he was coming to Austin to visit his father and his brother.
His dad's a former Air Force General.
I remember all the stuff.
If I saw him, I'd know who he was.
I need to go look at all the managing directors.
And he's one of the big three.
And about 10 minutes in from taking off to Austin to fly to New York, he realizes who he's sitting next to, and he kind of pushes back and then wanted to stop talking to me.
And I said, no, we're going to talk.
And at the end of it, he smiled at me and he said, people will put up with anything.
It's part of our adaptive process.
And the system uses that, Jones.
And he was just so cold, a lot smarter than I am, decided to join Evil.
That's how these guys are, you know.
Uh, and he had the perfect banker out, you know, the perfect suit and, and, you know, the perfect black trench coat when he got up.
He'd been on a three hour flight, got up, looked absolutely perfect, perfect, you know, posture, everything.
And he was just evil.
I mean, his eyes were just burning with, with, uh, Machiavellian wickedness.
And, you know, here I am, this kind of country bumpkin stock, you know, talking to him and trying to get info out of him.
And at the end, he just looks at me and he goes, people will muddle through anything.
They're adaptive.
And the system uses that against them.
And it's true.
I mean, look, I would tell you 15 years ago about human clones.
And they kill them, supposedly, before they reach term.
And so it's an abortion, so it's okay.
And they've gotten women to sign on to have the clones grown in them.
They grow them in cows as their favorite.
And of course, the humanoid is made part cow, so it doesn't have rights.
But it's a human.
You know, it's less than one-tenth of one percent in the clones they admit.
It's less than one-tenth of one percent cow, and that's done, they claim, so it isn't rejected in the womb, and that's part of it, but they brag.
The good part is, this is not a human now.
This is a new creature and it has no rights.
Can you imagine what the globalists are doing?
Can you imagine the power trips they're on, the fact that they're 30 years at least ahead of what we know about?
15 years ago they admitted that, what did they say, 5 years before?
So that'd be 20 years ago.
The BBC, 20 years ago, they had human clones.
Right around that time, they get around, oh, we just cloned a sheep!
Yeah, it's the first time.
It's confirmed the Nazis were cloning rabbits in the late 1930s, ladies and gentlemen.
It's 100%.
In fact, I went to a NASA exhibition in Dallas when I was a teenager, and they had sketches of Werner Von Braun.
My mother and her brother, my uncle, were actually taken to see Werner Von Braun give a speech at the University of Texas in a demonstration.
That was the kind of guy that my grandpa was.
Always wanted to interest him in science.
He was a wildcat archaeologist and also inventor.
He invented a remote control robot to taser crowds.
The Pentagon bought it, but never deployed it, never mass-produced it.
But side issue.
Renner Von Braun, was it 34?
Or his first sketches were in the 20s, but in 34 he'd drawn out and actually mapped the design of the space shuttle.
That went into service in 1980 and they just retired?
Which one was it?
They've got part reptile, part human creatures.
They've got everything.
And they're telling us they've got these.
Can you imagine what's going on in the underground bases?
I mean, we're not in Kansas anymore.
And no one wants to talk about it.
They care about the NFL.
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Look, Obama is terrorizing the public just like Henry Paulson did three years ago with Bush saying total collapse, martial law if you don't give the bankers unlimited trillions.
And it's the same thing now.
A US president is supposed to reassure the public and buoy confidence if they're a real president.
I don't know.
Then we've got Jim Mars coming on, but I can't do justice to talking about what Obama did last night in just a few minutes, so we're going to cover that in the second hour.
But at the end of the day, in laboratories in Tokyo, Japan, Costa Rica, the United States, all of these places, they play games like, oh, we care about babies and their DNA and their stem cells.
So we've got laws restricting the use of that, but if we change the DNA of a human embryo and add, say, fish genes or lizard or reptile genes or amphibian frog genes to it, then we can do whatever we want with these humanoid creatures that have feelings and are in pain, and it is just demonic to the maximum.
And they admit in the news, oh, this has all been kept secret from you.
For many years, but now they want to announce that they've done this.
Ladies and gentlemen, if I told you the stuff I know, you wouldn't even believe it.
You know what?
We're just going to leave it at that.
We're just going to leave it at that, and I'll talk more about it.
The things I've run into, the things I've seen in my life, the people I've met, the different folks in my family, and the different things they've seen.
It's like that line from Blade Runner, I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.
But I mean, who would believe?
I saw comments that I'm lying about the 150, plus that they're admitting, just in England, of part animal, part human clones.
China has announced a month ago that by next year they're going to have on the market, they're just embracing it all like no one else, publicly, human milk produced in cows.
Do you have any idea the ramifications of that?
The zoological cross-species contamination, the super viruses, it probably has already given rise to.
I mean, do you have any idea the hellstorm they're opening?
But I'll tell you, the only reason they're now announcing all of this is because they're at least, at least, they admit 30 years ahead in their technocratic towers, in their
Technological breakaway civilization reservations.
And so they are so advanced past what they're even telling us about that they feel confident they can control all of this.
Well, they didn't control Fukushima.
They stored the rods on top of it.
But then you talk to Dr. Busby, who was proven right on every front.
He says a lot of his colleagues believe it's being done on purpose to destroy human fertility.
And let me tell you, if the globalists have developed a system to protect their fertility from radiation, they are advanced indeed.
They are powerful.
Let's go ahead and talk to Ryan in Connecticut.
Ryan, you're on the air.
Jackie, Rourke, Matt, we'll get to everybody.
We appreciate you.
We love you.
We love the fact that you care about reality and have some wish to save the human realm from total destruction.
Ryan, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Alex, how are you?
Big time fan.
You are a true patriot.
It's an honor to talk to you.
It's an honor to talk to you.
What's on your mind?
I got two things on my mind.
First of all, we've had something down here outside of New York City.
I live in Southern Connecticut and it's called See Something, Say Something.
And it's about the subways going in and out.
And it's basically saying everybody look after everybody else now.
What you have is cops looking at citizens, citizens looking at cops.
The cops looking at people that work for the train, it's almost like a paranoid environment.
And then once they've got that in place, it started in New York, it's gone nationwide in the last year, then they flip it, okay, we're looking for Muslims, though we don't say that, but that's who we're really looking for, we're all on the same team, hey, you know, everything's fine, let's harass this black person, and then now they flip it, oh my gosh, the white terrorists are everywhere, and who are they in the secret training manuals?
Returning veterans?
Oh, I forgot, retired police?
A tyranny always goes after its veterans and its retired police.
Ryan, I don't want to make you hold for 30 minutes, but if you want to, I'll come back to you when Jim Marsh leaves.
And I promise, it's open phones in the second hour and I'm going to get into the whole debt limit debacle.
The Democrats are lying, the Republicans are lying, and Ron Paul and the Communist Chinese are telling the truth.
They've already defaulted.
I'll explain, but just stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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A couple days ago, I saw a great article by the Alexander Higgins blog.
I don't know if we posted it on Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com, but it's Pentagon deploying 20,000 troops within the United States to prepare for civil unrest in the event of economic collapse.
And he's got several newscasts about it.
He's got NASA warning their employees to prepare for it.
And without even asking Paul Watson and Curt Nemo and the other guys that post on Infowars.com,
I know why I didn't see this and because I'll call the guys or I'll go, I'll march into their office and I'll say, hey, why aren't you covering this?
And they'll say, but we've covered it a hundred times.
I go, it doesn't matter.
What is old is new to people.
And this story has gotten a lot of attention and folks have been freaking out over it.
That the mainstream media is admitting, yes, we want to put troops on the streets for the collapse.
You see, I was the kook, I was the weirdo, I was the nut.
Now it's like, oh yeah, everybody knows they're getting ready to put troops on the streets and training local police to run checkpoints and clergy response teams, you know, trying to spy on their flocks.
Oh yeah, everybody knows they got telescreens going up to Town Square and Walmart and the malls and saying, spying on your neighbor.
Oh, everybody knows the TSA is going to be at the high schools now.
Ah, it's no big deal.
Yeah, that Alex is still a kook though.
See, they know that we muddle through things.
The social engineers do.
They know that we've become accustomed.
And when you understand that, just as that banker on the plane... That'll be good for bloopers online.
Cover me with Jim Mars when I sneezed.
Have I seemed out of it today?
I woke up with a sinus headache this morning from Hades.
And then every time I sneeze it relieves the headache for about five minutes.
So right now I'm in heaven.
And then I slowly feel the sinus pressure coming back.
And I was fighting not sneezing there.
But there you go ladies and gentlemen.
So yes, I almost called in sick.
I had the phone in my hand, I was going to call Jaron and say get a rebroadcast ready and I said no.
So, you're going to get even more of the real Alex Jones today.
Because my sinus headache I think is pressing on my brain and causing me to act loopy.
Okay, Pentagon deploying 20,000 troops within the United States to prepare for civil unrest in the event of economic collapse.
Well, that's what they told Europe would happen.
Give the bankers the trillions they want or we'll implode you.
Give them the trillions.
Okay, that didn't fix it.
Give us trillions more.
Okay, give us trillions more.
No, we're not going to.
Tanks in the streets, blood in the streets if you don't do it.
Okay, here's the trillions.
Oh, it's going to get worse.
The contagion is spreading.
The countries are falling to the bankers.
Now give the bankers more money and we'll fix it.
And it's the same thing.
So now it's just a mainlining.
I'd tell you ten years ago, hey, RAND Corporation says they're going to militarize police and train us to have checkpoints inside the U.S.
and internal passports, and that they're even going to train us to put their hands on our body ahead of forced inoculations and DNA samples to get a driver's license.
Here it is, RAND Corporation, and what they come up with gets put into policy.
Oh, that nut Alex keeps saying we're gonna have troops on the streets of America.
And they just slowly acclimate you.
Until now.
Well, of course there's troops!
I mean, the white Al Qaeda's gonna get us!
So, we're going to be getting into that news clip from that and going over some of the articles that cover it.
Because I know for our long-time listeners, this is ancient news for you.
I mean, I didn't even need to read a Rand Corporation document 12, 13, 14 years ago.
I went to a lot of urban warfare drills and witnessed the military training to take your guns and put you in camps and shot video of it.
And people couldn't believe it then, so they said, Police State 2000 is actors.
Yes, the ships.
I hired them.
The Coronado.
I hired the thousands of troops and foreign troops to come into Oakland and do mock takeover of the city.
Yes, it's all fake.
No, it was real, but people couldn't believe it.
They couldn't believe it that I had the video of the Marines admitting it.
And so they just said it was fake.
You see, it's just incredible.
Okay, I want to go to Jim Marsden with us a little bit in the next hour, then I promise I'm going right to your calls and the whole situation with Obama last night up there terrorizing the public.
And see, his approval rating plunged, and his approval rating with his supporters plunged, because they thought their cars would fill themselves up with gas once he was in office, that houses were going to be free.
I mean, Obama played along with that.
Now he's coming and saying, hey, you do what we say or there's going to be a depression.
People say, well, that hurt the economy, him doing that.
He's terrorizing folks.
That's his job is to destroy the economy so the bankers can buy it up.
And they're going to do it after they get a couple more bailouts and a couple more debt ceilings.
But they're not done.
You know, we're like a beautiful woman who's been whored out for five years and now is really run down with cigarette burns.
But you could she's not a thousand dollar a night hooker.
She's now a five dollar.
Five dollar, uh, you know, in the park hooker.
But they're not done.
Now later they're going to walk us down to the waterfront and shoot us in the back of the head.
Okay, they got some more pimping to do.
But see, Obama's now being hated.
Obama is now being decried, but that's his job, is to be hated now, and to take the blame.
And then they're going to put another shill up there for you to hate for four years.
And then they'll betray you, but it'll be okay, because they'll get us all fighting with each other.
Let's go to Jim Mars, who of course was a Fort Worth Star-Telegram crime writer, researcher, out there driving around cover in the real world.
Talk about street smarts, he's the first person to actually teach.
A university level course on the JFK assassination from the congressional perspective that it was a government conspiracy.
He of course was one of the main sources for Oliver Stone's film JFK and worked on that film.
And, uh, it just goes on and on from there.
He's a member of Scholars for 9-11 Truth, and he's written a bunch of best-selling books.
The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy, Rise of the Fourth Reich, The War on Freedom, JimMars.com.
Again, I'm Alex Jones.
If you just joined us with InfoWars.com.
And I wanted to get Jim on, because he's written a lot about the Knights Templar.
And for those that don't know, there are groups associated with Knights Templar, Rosicrucian, slash Illuminati, all over Europe.
A lot of wealthy, rich people are involved.
It's in the news that he was at meetings with very wealthy people.
They had a show on Sky Television making fun of yours truly a few years ago.
Forget that host's name.
Andy something?
And they quote, go interview a member of the Knights Templars, and then he swears he's going to let them meet with the Knights Templar, and then he arrives, and he's the Knights Templar.
But so it's all about magic, but not real magic.
It's about conning you, sleight of hand, manipulating, manipulating the members, and you know, convincing people like
Bravik to go out and do this and feel like he's a big hero.
When you can just look in his eyes, he's completely insane.
And he admits all these rich, powerful people in government helped him.
Yeah, they're going to help send you right to prison, pal.
But let's go to Jim Mars and talk about the Illuminati, the Templars.
Friday the 13th, you know, all these terms we have come from these groups and the crusades and all of this indelible mark on our current situation.
Jim Mars, good to have you here.
Hey Alex, good to be with you.
It's interesting to hear you say that you now understand that they start off calling you a kook, and then after a while, everybody finds out that everything you said was absolutely true, but you're still a kook, right?
Well, welcome to the society, because I've been at it for about 50 years now, and everything I've ever said has come true, but I'm still the kook.
I mean, oh!
Alex said, buy silver when it's $5 an ounce.
It's now $42.
He's evil.
Alex said, buy gold at $300 and something.
You know, now it's $1,600 plus.
He is bad!
I am, I mean, literally all over the web, I am evil!
I am evil for being right!
Sorry, Jim, go ahead.
You know, George Orwell said that telling the truth in a dishonest society is a revolutionary act.
So, yeah, you're pretty radical, okay?
Hey, Jim, I don't even know your view on this, your analysis.
We've been having different perspectives from different people.
Dr. Steve Pachinik, Dr. Tarpley, different views yesterday.
And some people are like, well, why did you have Pachinik on if he disagreed with you?
Because I wanted to hear a different perspective.
And quite frankly, I didn't know his view.
I called him cold, get him on, and I would have done it over again.
But I don't know your view on the shooter.
I want to get into it and then some of the history of the Knights Templar.
Well, number one, I'm not going to stick my neck out and say that good old Anders is one thing or another because it's too fresh and information is still rolling in.
But what I will say is, we see, I see, the same
Commonality of contradictions and questions that seem to crop up in all of these false flag operations.
First they say, oh he's, you know, first immediately they say, oh it's Al Qaeda.
And then we find out Al Qaeda apparently hasn't got anything to do with it.
And yet that was all over the news.
And that's going to stick in a lot of people's minds.
And then we're told, oh no, he's just a lone nut, even though initial reports said they'd arrested someone else.
And, you know, this is, again, because I lived through and have covered so extensively the Kennedy assassination, there was probably two dozen people arrested in and around Daly Plaza at the time of the Kennedy assassination.
But they came back later on and admitted that and said, yes, we arrested all these people for questioning, and no, they didn't have anything to do with it, and we let them go.
The thing that gets me is, on this thing, first initial reports say they arrested the second person, and then this news drops from the media, and then they're acting like, no, there's nobody else arrested, you know?
So I think we see the same types of methodology going on here, and of course the thing that still strikes me is that Brevis goes into court.
He admits that he was there at the bombing and admits participating in the island shooting and yet he pleads not guilty and the whole time he's calm.
Relax, you know, this to me smacks of mind control.
And, uh, you know, again, by the way, just breaking, it's now admitted he was hopped up on all sorts of drugs, just like the Mumbai attacks later turned out led by a quote CIA asset, Chicago Tribune.
And of course, blonde haired over there in Mumbai.
This is the
Al-Qaeda guys and they just find one patsy who was drugged completely out of his mind on LSD, PCP, ketamine and other drugs.
Sorry, go ahead.
No, that's exactly right.
It's like the Robert Kennedy assassination.
The girl in the polka dot dress.
There's always, seems like there's always somebody around acting as a handler and of course when the news comes out, the two things that strike me as number one, he was in meetings with prominent business leaders.
We're good to go.
I think it does fit in and when he starts talking about being a member of the Knights Templar, of course, that throws it into a whole new level because you have to understand that when we start talking about Masonic orders, there are two very distinct orders.
The American Freemasonry and then European Freemasonry.
American Freemasonry pretty well got decimated back in the early 1800s when the third, the first third party in America was the Anti-Masonic Party.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
I think so.
The Pope actually had to move against them and try to eradicate them.
In fact, most of what we know about the Knights Templar is simply from the anti-Templar propaganda put out by the Church.
And so, see, history is always with us.
And now here we have this latest news item, and it ties right into this ancient society.
And of course, then, where did the Knights Templars claim that they got all their knowledge
From the secrets of King Solomon and from their conquering of course of Jerusalem and claiming that they may have actually dug up the Ark of the Covenant and buried it somewhere.
Holy Grail, all of this myth, but the Holy Grail it turns out really is just their occultic
Uh, knowledge and information.
And then, of course, tell folks about Friday the 13th.
That's when, uh, they had the big purge and killed a lot of them.
And then they, uh, the remnants ran with a bunch of their loot to Scotland.
And then you see England becoming the new power base.
That's exactly right.
In fact, a lot of people have seen the Mel Gibson movie, Braveheart.
The big battle there was the Battle of Brockbuck Burn, which was what freed Scotland from English tyranny.
It's an interesting thing to study because, as you say, the Knights Templars had fled Europe in the wake of the attack on them by the French King and the Pope.
And yet, on the Battle of Brockbuckburn, the British had them outnumbered and basically had almost carried the day, when suddenly a new contingent arrived on the field.
And by many accounts, this was Knights Templars, who were basically the Waffen-SS of their day.
They were greatly feared and were a tremendous military order and force.
And they showed up and suddenly the English turntail started running and the King, you know, was left standing there so he turned and ran too.
It was the du-sex.
So the Templars were the, you know, the hero that comes in out of the blue right at the moment they're needed.
Right, exactly.
And this seems to be part of their forte right up until today.
And so all I can say is for the listeners is just keep an open mind, keep in mind how often you've been lied to, and just hang on and don't allow them to use this as a further mechanism to destroy your liberties and put their hand further down your pants.
Well, absolutely.
They're using it.
It's all over the news to go after nationalist parties, parties that don't want open borders.
And what the political class is doing is they bring in foreigners who could be assimilated and be good folks.
But they're turned into political special interests against the people that originally were in the area and the older political systems that were hard-won liberties and freedoms.
Across the board, the big foundations finance, through taxpayer money, the immigrant hordes and then turn them into a political weapon.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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And again, we were getting into the immigration issue.
This is meant to demonize anybody who's not for totally open borders.
Take the United States.
The Ford Foundation brings in millions of illegals.
They have millions and millions more children.
And then an American flag at a public school in Texas or California is so evil that you have to take the American flag off.
I mean, that's on record.
And I didn't mean to get off into that area, but during the break I was talking to Jim and he gave us a statistic.
Give us that number, Jim.
In 2010, there were 4.2 million Mexicans immigrated into the United States.
Jim, start over.
We didn't have you faded up.
Start the statistic over again.
Between 2000 and 2010,
4.2 million Mexicans immigrated into the United States.
Doesn't really specify whether this was legal immigration or illegal immigration.
But the point is, is that in that same 10-year time period, there were 7.2 million babies born to these Mexicans living in the United States.
And if they're legal, fine.
But the problem is, when you open the immigration floodgates wide, then what was once a reasonably homogenous society becomes fragmented, and then you have these calls for, you know, raise the Mexican flag, or raise some other flag, and this completely destroys the homogenous society.
Well, that's what the globalists want, Jim, as you know.
That's the plan.
Well, I mean, they admit, they admit, they admit that that's the plan.
And, you know, to expand on that, the illegals are proud of Mexico.
That's the majority.
And, you know, just like at the soccer game in Southern California, even 80 percent of the people cheered, you know, the Mexican team and booed during the Star Spangled Banner.
It's just totally out of whack.
Let's go back and look at all of America, except for the natives, of course, are immigrants.
All of us came from somewhere else, but in the great immigration thrust of the late 1800s, you had people come from Poland and Germany and Italy and all these countries, and they were proud of their heritage.
Being proud of heritage is good, but then hating America... But if you're going to come to America, you need to do like the immigrants of the 1800s.
You need to assimilate, you need to learn the language.
In fact, so many people, particularly from Eastern Europe, would come over here and they'd have these unpronounceable names, you know, Polish and Czech and all like that.
They changed their name!
And then they pledged to be good Americans.
And in World War II, you had Japanese-Americans, you had German-Americans, Italian-Americans, fighting Tutankhamen along with everybody else.
These are Americans, okay?
Nobody said you're supposed to come to this country, ask for all the benefits of being American, and then spit on the flag and say that your flag needs to be raised higher than the United States.
Well, look, if you...
Jim, you're right.
Well said.
It's national suicide.
But that's the issue.
It is the Ford Foundation.
It is the U.S.
They are globalist.
They want to break down our sovereignty.
So they're importing a very nationalistic group in, telling Americans not to be nationalistic, so they can later break up the country.
And that is the essence of globalism.
I want to come back for five more minutes with you, Jim, and get back into Knights Templars.
What do you make of the news reports that he was on drugs and that he was meeting with, quote,
Powerful people in England.
Well, I think that, coupled with the idea that the police knew who he was even before the gun smoke had settled, tells me that there is an underlying story here.
The drug thing, of course.
This is something I've been screaming about for years.
One thing that everyone is sincerely concerned about are these school shootings.
And yet, when you go back and study it,
Stay there.
Let's talk about school shootings.
We're back in one minute with Jim Mars.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
You know, geeks, and I don't mean the popular definition of a geek, somebody with broken
Spectacles on with a pocket protector.
But real geeks or people at fairs would bite the heads off of chickens and things and do other demeaning things to themselves so that other people watching it could feel good about themselves.
Glenn Beck is a geek.
He came out and said that the teenagers that were killed, he compared them to Hitler youth.
He said that they had disturbing similarities, the Nazi Party's notorious juvenile wing.
And I'm seeing some of this out there with the mainline neocons.
Almost, I see the comments praising this shooter, Jim Mars.
I mean, this is absolutely despicable.
I mean, this guy really shows us who he is, and I don't want to get into a Glenn Beck bashing fest.
It's just that he does this to just get attention, but I'm seeing other neocons embracing Breivik.
What's your view of that?
Right, well you know what, actually, and I think it's good that you're focusing on this Norway incident because I think this is a microcosm of the ideological struggle that's going on today, you know, and of course they try to keep everybody separated and, you know, you've got the Christian Right allied with the Zionists against the Muslims, against the progressives.
And yet, you know, there's threads of truth all the way through there, but when you try to unravel that and try to tell the truth, then, you know, you end up, you know, being thrown into one category or another in styles and extremists.
I don't know.
We need to just watch this carefully and start separating the fact from the fiction, but you can see the spin machines are already in high gear.
Well, you're right.
Briefly, getting into drugs, and you were talking about school shootings.
This is a subject that's of course of concern to everybody, as well it should be.
And yet, what I've found out, and once you start digging into it, is that virtually every single school shooter, and this includes the rise in teen suicide, involves psychotropic drugs.
And of course the mass media, the corporate media, will never tell you this because they don't want to antagonize one of their largest advertisers.
But the only reason I can't say that every single school shooter was involved with these psychiatric drugs is the fact that they have
We're good to go.
And now the Norway shooter was hopped up on a bunch of stuff.
That seems to be coming out, too.
And of course, you realize back at first this year, the leading cause of death in the U.S.
military was not war related.
It was suicide.
And that was because they're all being medicated with these psychiatric drugs.
Obviously they're being medicated, and then the psychiatric drugs make them more suggestible.
Also, the Prozac-class drugs destroy your inhibition, and that's why every mother you hear about killing their little kids is always on these drugs.
That's right, they're always involved.
And by the way, have you ever thought about this, Alex?
If you want to be dulled down and take chemicals to get through the day, then you want some Prozac, okay?
Well said!
Thank you, Jim.
Very well said.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are back live here, my friends.
Thank you for joining us on this Live Tuesday edition.
It, of course, is Tuesday, the 26th day of July, 2011.
And I know we've got callers holding, so I'm going to go to your calls.
Peter in Switzerland, Jackie in Texas, Rourke in Texas, Haboo in Wisconsin, Sean in New York.
I'm going to get to everybody.
In one moment.
Then I'm going to get into Obama holding the country hostage, terrorizing people last night, saying we're going to have a total depression if you don't raise the debt ceiling, and that 80 million people won't get their government checks.
80 million.
And tiny Tim Geithner has been repeating the same stuff.
They're already defaulting.
They're already devaluing the dollar.
That's what this signifies.
But it kills it over a few years.
It doesn't bring it all to an abrupt halt.
And in the process of killing the dollar, the central banks transfer more of the economy over to themselves.
They create the derivative black hole to wreck the real economy and then consolidate it.
And so we're going to be getting into that.
We're going to be getting into the Dream Act as America goes bankrupt.
California moves to give free tuition to the illegal aliens.
Yeah, hi Alex.
The point is that
After the events in Norway, one of the first things that myself, and it's funny speaking with colleagues here, Swiss was saying, my God, this could happen here too.
The Swiss are also not in the EU, also are not helping out with the Greek bailouts, and it's a pretty much an open society here.
Now, are the Swiss you're talking to having any suspicions?
I mean, the good news about Switzerland is you've got so many guns that he would have to find an island or a victim disarmament zone so that they could do this.
I mean, Norway, it turns out, has a lot more guns per capita.
It's the 11th.
Most gun-owning country in the world, though they have a lot of restrictions, people still have guns.
So he had to go find a political island where they wouldn't allow guns to protect the political ruling class to be able to carry this out.
Evidence how lack of guns creates a zone where these type of tragic events can take place.
I mean, somebody comes around here wanting to do a mass shooting.
They're going to be met by people that work here that are CHL holders, and they're going to be met by yours truly, and so it's not going to happen.
Two other quick points.
But I'm asking you a question.
I want to hear your points, but, I mean, what are the Swiss saying?
Well, I mean, it's open here.
Anybody can drive a truck right in front of the Parliament building here.
I mean, it's completely open.
Yeah, Texas had that until just a few years ago.
Now they got metal detectors in, you can't drive your car onto the Capitol.
And then if terrorists bomb the street down the road, will we then shut down the streets themselves?
Will we be like North Korea, where the entire political district is barbed wire?
Yes, it's called Homeland Security.
It's called TSA.
Go ahead and make your point, sorry.
Okay, other couple points.
Price of gold continues to go up in dollars.
In Swiss francs, if you take a look at the kilogram price in Swiss francs over the last six months, it's been flat.
So this is directly having to do with the direct devaluation of the U.S.
dollar against foreign currencies.
You're absolutely right, and now gold today is at $1,614.80, and you're absolutely right.
In fact, tracking that, gold is flat with the Swiss franc.
Gold is flat in the few other countries that are sovereign and have stable currencies, because your country is not run by the globalists, it's run by the Swiss people, who the system is trying to beguile
into joining the EU like Ireland did.
Notice how as soon as Ireland entered, they were suddenly went from, you know, the fastest growing and best country in Europe after Switzerland, to completely imploding overnight because they signed a contract to allow the central banks to take them over.
They literally agreed to let the vampire in their front door.
So of course, you know, he snuck in at night and sucked them dry.
That's what vampires do.
It's like the story of the frog
And the scorpion comes over to the frog and says, will you give me a ride across the river to the other side?
And the frog said, no, you're a scorpion.
You'll sting me.
The scorpion said, no, I promise I won't.
Just give me a ride.
So the frog gives the scorpion the ride.
They get over to the other side and the scorpion jumps off, stings the frog.
The frog rolls over in pain and says, you killed me.
Why did you do that?
And he said, I'm a scorpion!
People need to grow up and realize this, and they could go in there, like the media is like, we don't know why oil prices are going up.
It must be them Arabs.
We don't know why gold prices and food prices are going up.
And then the government says, well actually, commodities aren't going up.
There's no inflation.
Just some more lies, more just brazen, ridiculous stalling, while they loot us seven ways from Sunday.
And you go to look at the Swiss franc, gold is flat.
Gold is flat.
Because gold hasn't gone up in prices.
Gas hasn't.
By the way, it's not just gold and oil.
Stock markets, all these idiots that go, well, yeah, the economy's in bad shape, but the stock market's been going up.
Of course the stock market goes up, because it takes more dollars, and still the world reserve currency, to be denominated into whatever currency you're buying stock with to buy the stock.
The stock hasn't gone up, it's being inflated because it's a digital currency as well at the end of the day.
Anything else?
Caller from Switzerland.
Yes, last point.
A number of Swiss banks are announcing conference calls for their clients on August 2nd having to do with the potential collapse of the U.S.
dollar if there's no solution with increasing the number of dollars being printed.
Good point.
Appreciate your call.
My dad had a patient come in who he's known for more than a decade who works at the IRS here in South Austin.
And they've been told that they're going to lay off, what is it, half of the seasonal workers that work six to eight months a year.
And a lot of folks in Austin work at the IRS, because this is the IRS processing center for four states, or is it five states?
I forget.
That if it continues, the shutdown, that they're going to lay off the permanent employees.
Now this is done to fear monger them.
What did Obama come out and say last night?
He said, I need the people to get involved.
I need the people to, to, to, to, to realize you're going to lose your goodies.
So see, they've got more than 80 million.
Obama's saying 80 million get welfare checks, social security checks, uh, or, um,
Food stamps.
It's a lot more than that.
You're talking... I've done the math.
It's more like a hundred and...
Twenty million or so.
Then you've got, on top of that, you've got contractors that are living off the government.
I mean, we got a case of cancer.
And the cancer's taken over most of the body, and people are praising the cancer, saying, we wouldn't live without this.
It's part of our brain.
It's part of our heart.
It's part of our lungs.
And we're going, no, it's growing.
We need to cut it out.
And they're like, no, no.
You cut the blood supply off of the cancer, other tissues might not get the blood.
I mean, that's the point.
And again, it's all about dependency, where the majority of people are dependent on government and where nobody wants their part of the pie cut.
And meanwhile, the bankers are financing it all out of thin air, but then getting real assets out of it when we default.
This is about taking the greatest creditor nation in the world 50 years ago.
In 1960, folks, we were still the greatest creditor nation in the world.
We were still the greatest creditor nation in the 70s.
It was about taking this country and the states and getting us all in debt, and teaching kids how to use credit cards, and that leveraging yourself with debt is the way to make money.
And yeah, as long as the bankers are flooding you with liquid cash, it's okay.
But it gets you dependent.
Now they're entering the final phase of total implosion.
Where they've got you totally junkied out and no amount of Federal Reserve heroin is going to help you.
And of course, they're the drug dealer.
They're coming out like gangbusters.
And now the government money junkies are going to start robbing the computers and stereos and jewelry in society.
And that's why you see the crime exploding.
And they're going to raise the taxes.
They're going to tell the giant hordes of people who are living at subsistence level, who've had their economic destiny destroyed, they're going to say, hey, you want to keep half your pension fund, don't you, police?
Then support raising taxes.
You want to keep half your pension funds, don't you?
And people say, yes, raise taxes so we can just keep something.
And then they hyperinflate the currency more and destroy what you've got left.
But it takes a couple of years, so the general public who's thinking, I'm going to come back and go to Jackie, Rourke, Haboo, Sean and others and try to hurry through your calls, but the caller raised so many important points that I'm going to get more into this.
I saw a statistic yesterday, I think it was on CNN.
In fact, Jaren, we've got to pull this up.
They were looking at Google Analytics in the search terms, and I believe they said it was 400 to 1.
400 to 1, the amount of searches about an NFL shutdown that there were about the debt ceiling.
Well, listen, when you've got the men of this country sitting around all day talking about people throwing balls back and forth, one of our crew was making the point about, you know, they'll interview LeBron James and say, tell us about the game.
Well, I threw this guy the ball, then he threw me the ball, and then he did a really good job with the return of the ball.
Grown men talking about throwing balls back and forth.
We've got savage criminal foreign banks who've economically captured us.
All the wealth and the largesse, all of it's going away.
We are hurtling towards total collapse.
They admit in mainstream news they are preparing the military for economic collapse.
They didn't just prepare this.
They engineered the collapse.
That's why back in the 90s they were getting ready for this.
They knew what they were going to do when they got rid of Glass-Steagall.
And you've got grown men who get all excited and sit around and talk about their favorite football team.
Because these aren't men, these are little boys with a rest in development.
And so, yes, you're gonna be conquered, because you're not men, you're little boys.
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Okay, we are back live.
Let's go ahead and talk to Jackie in Texas.
Jackie, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
I have two comments.
The second about the Oslo shooting, and then can I please ask you a question?
Is that okay?
Yes, go ahead.
Yeah, my first comment is, please, if you're listening, consider, because this is open to everyone, signing the petition at Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth.
That's AE911Truth.org.
Please sign the petition, because these people are doing such a great job.
Yeah, we have them on the show, and we cover 9-11 Truth.
Go ahead.
It's so important.
And the second one, I loved listening to Dr. Pachenik, but I totally agree with you, that after the Oslo shooting,
The first article I read was AP and it said, the first paragraph, he's a Christian, blue-eyed, who grew vegetables, belonged to a gun club, owned a gun club, and I thought, oh my gosh, it's so obvious.
You know, we are the enemy now.
We're the ones, thanks to your hard work and so many other people seeking liberty,
We are the ones that they want to target.
There's no longer the Muslims.
It's the white Christians.
I keep joking with my friends.
Be careful about those.
Be careful of the Christians who are growing vegetables, you know, they're the real dangerous ones.
No, first they create all this fake white guilt, so that white Europeans will give up all of their liberties and sovereignty, and then they go, and by the way, you're all Nazi terrorists, and so this is now your guilt, and Americans have been taught that.
You know, go for the government-run healthcare and the death panels, or you don't like black people.
I mean, they just inject it into everything, Jackie.
Great points.
Any other points you'd like to make?
Well, I just wanted to ask you if you had an opinion about, in the next five to ten years, if you believe Australia will be a much safer place to be than the United States.
No, I don't think so.
They're bringing in the carbon taxes there.
They are passing all sorts of anti-free speech laws.
Aussies are great people.
I'd love to visit Australia someday.
And I have my opinion of Australia from what Aussies have told me in the news.
They tried to pass total internet censorship there just two years ago, but that narrowly failed.
And I think the entire West is run by the very same globalists who, just like a lion,
We'll run in and kill baby male lions.
The globalists are targeting the best and brightest and most educated and most wealthy countries and people because any type of brain power is a threat to them.
Any type of individualism is a threat to them.
Any type of cohesion with individuals, like the family, is anathema.
This is a total takeover of the species, just like Monsanto is a total takeover of the genetic code of all the plants.
I appreciate your call.
I mean, this is about domination.
This is about their will being carried out.
And to have their will completely carried out, they must destroy every form of independence.
It is a war against all that is good.
That's why it's a culture of death.
A culture of men being arrested development children.
Women being floozy tarts.
No future for children.
No future for any cohesion.
Pure weakness.
They are sending psychic death into our psyche so that we stand down and basically fall over.
Let's talk to Rourke in Texas.
You're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
I ran across a webpage that I wanted to discuss with you.
Yeah, it's on this website called realzionistnews.com and it's entitled the Jewish murderers of the Russian Revolution and then in a sub... Yeah, now listen, I appreciate your call.
You think I'm gonna plug a website with a guy with a big beard and a clown suit who says that I work for Israel?
I mean, it's ridiculous.
I mean, look, let's just say it this way.
I'm Jewish and I work for Israel, okay?
All right, there, done.
As you can hear on the whole show, that's what we do.
I also work for the Vatican.
I also work for Reptoids, okay?
We're done.
You know what?
Now that we know that I, what do they claim, work for the Brothmans, yes, that's right.
Now that we know the truth about that, can we talk about 150 animal hybrids grown in UK labs, human-animal hybrids?
Do you have any idea what this means?
I mean, do you have any idea?
See, this is all COINTELPRO, and I've proven with those folks that's what that is.
It's about attacking someone who's trying to wake people up to make it all about infighting instead of the people getting together.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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...smithing and do all kinds of things, you know?
Do you even sell guns?
We even, we, well... Oh, God, a rabble slave with a weapon!
Disarm him!
Get the guards!
Disarm him immediately!
Where's one of the slaves have a weapon?
Raise the alarm!
I wanna be crazy, crazy like Alex Jones.
And yet, I'm having a concussion without reception to know what's going on.
Then I can throw bananas at the global clowns and hear aristocratic moans.
I wanna be crazy, crazy like Alex Jones.
I went looking one day on the internet just to see what I could find When I heard this talk show maniac just proudly speak in his mind It was really wild but the more I heard it made a whole lot of sense to me I want to thank you Alex for opening my eyes and helping the blind to see I want to be crazy, crazy like Alex Jones
I wanna be crazy, crazy like Alex Jones.
All the talking heads on the TV screen with an arrogant sophistication.
Talking about what's been going on around the world and here in our nation.
They all seem to turn like a pack of wolves when Alex goes on the air.
In spite of the facts they launch their attacks and I just don't like the fact.
You ought to be crazy, crazy like Alex Jones.
I get cabinet dumps in the light of resumption I know what's going on Then I can throw bananas at the global clowns And hear aristocratic moans I wanna be crazy, crazy like Alex Jones Yeah, I wanna be crazy, crazy like Alex Jones
This clip's from like five years ago.
Listen to this.
Keep it rolling.
I'm your Christian leader.
Never mind skull and bones.
Never mind bohemian growth.
Never mind my actual policies.
Just buy my rhetoric, buy my lies, because you're my slaves!
We're going to put in a Democrat leader who works for the exact same people, and you're going to love it when they do it.
All you Democrats that hate the Patriot Act, and all you Democrats that hate the police state, you're certainly going to love it!
Visit InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
When you're on the site, you can also tune in 24 hours a day to my daily radio broadcast.
There's also a free iPhone app to listen to the syndicated radio show when and where you want.
All right, we're back live, and I do have a lot of news.
I want to get more into the debt ceiling, what it really means.
I want to go to Habu, Sean, Chris, Bob, Otter, and others before we do that.
Then we've got Alan Watt joining us.
Coming up in the third hour today, we'll also have some open phones.
While Alan joins us, always extremely informative.
We're going to be talking to him about a host of issues, including cross-human animal clones.
And I have a special report that I'm working on with Aaron that'll be out tomorrow, really documenting this in great detail, that we're going to premiere.
Here on air on the Wednesday edition and it will also be put out on the YouTube channel for the entire world so that hopefully millions of people will watch this key subject.
But I want to go back to that last caller earlier.
Not because people are attacking me.
That goes with the territory and that's to be expected.
I'm someone who studied history, studied mass movements, and I've decided to work with the truth, because it's such a powerful weapon, and because I'm on the side of truth.
That doesn't mean I'm perfect.
I'm fallible, just like everybody else.
I make mistakes all the time.
I look back on things I've done and say, why on earth did you act like that?
I certainly have a lot of problems.
I struggle with
A lot of issues.
Trying to control myself, things like that, because I'm much more cogent and focused when I am calm and I think overall more effective.
But then I talk to major media people that like the show and they say they enjoy the rants.
I've had folks say, why don't you do rants every day at a certain time?
Because they're not scripted, ladies and gentlemen.
You couldn't work this much and do what I do and script anything.
I understand people not wanting to trust anybody.
I understand that, because in a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act, to quote George Orwell precisely.
Jim Marsh talked about that earlier in the last hour.
I get attacked more than anybody pretty much on the internet who's involved in alternative news and information for a lot of reasons.
A, I'm very approachable.
I don't put on airs.
I try to have a lot of people on.
I try to promote other folks and that actually creates a lot of disdain and anger.
Because if you're number one and aloof, you know, it's lonely at the top.
It's self-imposed loneliness, because people learn, my God, when you're on top, people grovel to your face, but most people who are unfortunately not winners, they hate you.
And folks hate anyone that is successful, especially if you're successful in your own right, self-made.
And they cannot believe that anyone could be self-made.
And I think at the end of the day, that's what's really sad about it.
When someone attacks me with false lies and things, it doesn't hurt me that I'm being attacked.
In fact, one of the things I'm really ashamed of, and I've repented for this, and I've stopped doing it in the last couple years, is that I really like being attacked and lied about.
It's very sick, and it's wrong.
And I've caught myself even doing things on air sometimes, so I'll be attacked, because I really enjoy it.
It's very sick, and it's not like sadomasochistic.
It's funny.
I like it.
Watson has the same type of weird humor.
And, uh, I don't know if it's Anglo-Saxon or what it is, but the point is, is that we all, it's, it's, he still tries to bring me these, these delicacies, uh, and I, I try to not ask him if he has any.
I, sometimes I call him and say, have you found any new lies about me?
Cause it's so funny.
But, but see, everything is multifaceted.
I mean, it got to where a couple years ago I was spending an hour or two every night, staying up late, really enjoying myself, drinking beer, trying to find the most horrible things people were saying about me.
And then I realized, at the end of the day, that overall that's hurting the movement towards liberty.
And so I shouldn't be spending time in, I don't know what you'll call it, looking for that form of entertainment.
Charlie Sheen finds it to be a wonderful form of entertainment.
I introduced him to that four or five years ago, and that's why I made the Vatican assassin jokes.
You know, people say Charlie and I are Vatican assassins.
And I mean, that's really funny, folks.
I mean, it is.
And so we've spent hours before watching things and rolling and, you know, having enjoyment from that.
But Charlie, as you know, is a comedic actor and been in a lot of famous comedies.
He's a big fan of kind of the airplane style of comedy.
I told you I have a really bad sinus headache today, so I'm a little bit dingy here.
I'm going to go to your calls.
It's hard to articulate a complex
situation, but I know the thinkers out there totally understand where I'm coming from.
So the reason I just told that whole story is, at a fundamental level, I don't mind people attacking me and lying about me.
Unless they say things that are criminal.
You know, but people that then say I'm doing criminal things, you know, then, well, you know what?
I just analyzed that.
It's if I know someone personally and have helped them, and then they lie about me, then it's not funny.
People I've never met where it's not personal, that's when it's funny.
So I'm here just kind of analyzing this, because I'm a public figure, and man, if my detractors had any idea, and a lot of them are government COINTELPRO, but
Most of them are just jealous and powerless people and they have such low images of themselves that they can't believe somebody could be real.
They can't believe that someone could really be standing up against the New World Order and really having an effect.
They just can't believe it.
And so they say, I'm a murderer?
They say I work for Israel.
They say I work for the Vatican.
They say I'm Bill Hicks.
They say anything.
And if it's said on the internet, it must be true.
You know, it's like they'll just say on a YouTube video, CIA.
Just no proof, no nothing.
They just say it.
And it's like, there is the proof.
That's one of Watson's favorite jokes.
It's like, CIA, it's true.
It says it there.
But when I'm in a focused, more pious psychological position, and not in a nasty worldly view, I don't laugh at it.
It's very painful.
But not because I'm being lied about.
I'm lying at...
I am angry that these people are lying and they're lying to themselves, is what I'm trying to say.
Again, it's so complex.
It gets into psychology, and I don't even know how to articulate it.
I don't even know how... It's like a view that they don't believe anything can be fixed, and they don't believe that anything can be made better.
And so, all these different hundreds of groups all attack each other, and they all attack
Their own families and they just run around in a nasty, trollish way just being incredibly negative.
And it's frustrating.
It's frustrating and I don't want to be sucked in to that nastiness.
I don't want to respond to it.
I want to see people be sophisticated.
I want to see people be able to have complex thoughts and complex understandings.
I mean,
They say that we all lie in one way or another every day.
And most of the time it's unconscious.
We lie to ourselves.
And I forget the philosopher that said, you know, know yourself.
That's the most important thing, and then you can understand the world.
But if you can't look at yourself and be honest with yourself, then how are you going to be honest with anybody else?
I mean, here's an example when I'm going to your calls, and I don't want callers to get off into this.
I don't know why I got off into it.
I don't know why I spent eight minutes earlier talking about sneezing on air.
Well, I know why.
I'm a little bit dingy today.
People say that, well, Alex Jones works for ABC News.
And they say it because, I don't know, people six, seven, eight years ago, who knew that they were lying, went and took the fact that the, one of the satellites that Ted leases to send our radio show to
Radio Affiliates was an ABC satellite and he was actually leasing it when it was another company.
I forget the name.
And then it got bought by ABC and it's since been sold two or three times.
And of course, anybody who runs a radio station is laughing because they know there's only three or four satellites you can get on to be delivered.
And anybody, you can start a gardening show, show about rodeos, whatever you wanted from your own house, you could go lease.
Well, the satellites changed names again.
I forget the name of the new company.
And folks can go find the name of that company and find out who's on its board of directors and give them some ideas and then go say that I work for all of those people.
But they're lying to themselves when they do that.
And we all lie to ourselves sometimes about how much we eat or what we do.
All I'm saying is you need to be honest with yourselves.
I mean intellectually.
Like it scores a point against Alex Jones to lie and say that I work for ABC because you could years ago go up to their website
And see us listed there as someone who leases time from them and that, you know, what channel of the satellite the Genesis shows are on.
I mean, it's people playing on the ignorance of others.
Um, and I learned years ago, to my shock and horror, you could even tell these people, you could even send them an email and say, here's the phone number, you can call ABC News and you can find out that you can lease time
On the satellite they bought, and that this is how you're on talk radio.
This is what radio stations have as receivers.
And they send an email back to you going, saying, no, you know, you're going down, scumbag.
Ooh, we've got you now.
And you email them back and say, no, this ABC thing isn't hurting me.
It's, don't you want to know the truth?
I mean, I don't work for ABC.
You know, they steal who you really are.
And then present something that isn't true, and it's not done to seek the truth.
It's done just because they're angry that I'm successful and they're not.
But they're not successful because of the type of people they are.
You're not successful because of who you have become.
And no amount of hate and no amount of striking out at people that you think are more successful than you is going to help you.
Oh, there's another example of this.
And again, I've totally digressed and I shouldn't even have gotten off all into this.
I probably should have called in sick today with the broadcast.
Because when I don't feel well, I tend to just focus on more parochial things going on in my head than all the news, because it's painful to look at this news.
I mean, it's scary, and I know why people live in denial.
I know why they had hundreds of times the people surfing the NFL, and would there be a shutdown, would there be a strike, or whatever was going on in the last few days, then we're looking at the debt ceiling.
I mean, I know why people want to totally embrace mindlessness, because responsibility is frustrating.
And it's safe to just talk about football all day.
You're not going to have a bunch of detractors and people calling for you to be murdered if you're talking about the NFL.
But, you know, I have children, and I want them to have a good future.
It comes down to that.
If you don't have children, you don't know why folks that have children say, hey, I'm involved because I have children.
But it's more than that.
I like humanity.
You know, I see the good things in people, and I know we've got such
A greater potential.
But we're entering a phase, technologically, where we're going to destroy ourselves if we don't get a hold of this.
And if we don't do something about the corrupt elites that are in power.
So at the end of the day, I just say, ignore Alex Jones and the debates about me.
Focus on issues.
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You know, I am just completely blown away by how crazy the world is, and I just constantly keep thinking about the fact that they admit they've got all these cross-human animal clones, and they're using them for body parts, experiments, and it's all over the news, and it's not even a big issue.
It's just like, oh yeah, oh, forget cloning sheep.
Yeah, we've been cloning humans a long time.
We kept it secret from you.
And the government's putting stuff in the water to give us cancer and dumb us down.
And we have the government documents and we know the Nazis used it at their camps.
And then, I'd say half the so-called alternative news websites out there spend all day talking about me.
Instead of talking about news and information, and they're so stupid, they don't even know that actually makes me bigger.
That you're giving me power.
You're making me bigger.
You're making people say, who is Alex Jones?
The funny thing is, I don't even want it to be about me.
I want it to be about the information.
I want a future.
I want good things.
I thought growing up everybody was like me, that they were honest, that they liked seeing their neighbors do well, that they liked it when people had a good-looking girlfriend.
You know, I'm the type of person that sees a good-looking couple and I don't get mad at them, that the guy's better looking than I am, that the woman's super beautiful, and I, ooh, that's good.
And now I've learned that a lot of people get angry by that.
And they get angry by people's wealth.
And they get angry by people's art and poetry.
I found out that a lot of famous writers and poets and film directors and people are hated by their contemporaries because they're the best.
And then I realized that's how the globalists are.
They've taken over through fraud and corruption.
And they've sold themselves that Machiavellian injustifies the means is beautiful and powerful and really it's horrible.
And I can't believe that I am a shining specimen of goodness when I know how bad I am.
I mean, I try to be good.
I try to be honest.
I try to get things right.
And I get things wrong.
I subconsciously lie.
Because I don't want to hurt people's feelings.
I don't want to go all the way.
I don't want to... And then I see people who consciously want to lie, who consciously sit around and think about ways to manipulate people.
I don't even know what to say anymore.
It's just... We're in so much trouble.
We're in so much trouble.
The FDA last week said they're just going to allow total unlimited GMO on the shelves everywhere.
No testing, no nothing.
I mean, do you have any idea what this means?
Do you have any idea how much trouble we're in?
We're under full globalist assault.
Habu, Sean, Chris, Bob, Otter, I'm going to go to you right now.
Habu, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding while I've been babbling.
Thank you for taking my call.
And it's always good to listen to you.
I'm a faithful listener.
May I please make two comments?
One, lost in the din of this whole thing about Norway is President Obama's push for free trade agreements.
He is right now pushing for this Colombian, Panamanian, and South Korean free trade agreement.
This is something that's going to completely devastate our already
I don't know.
But at the end of the day, it's consolidating the wealth and making people dependent, which is the endgame.
And yes, they're trying to ram through a whole bunch of trade deals with South Korea, you name it.
And every time they do a trade deal, the trade disparities get even worse.
We'll be right back with Habu in one minute.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we're talking to Habbo and other callers, and we'll get to everybody when Alan Watts is on with us as well.
And I appreciate everybody calling in and holding.
He raises all these free trade deals, which really aren't free trade.
That's why they're thousands of pages long.
They're special interest deals written by the big corporations, just like government-run healthcare was written by the insurance companies on record.
And the so-called liberals would run around and call you racist if you weren't for it.
But all it does is lower the standard of care, make you get the insurance, and set up government death panels deciding what care you get.
But there's a whole bunch of different analysis going on dealing with it.
But there are one-way trade deals written for Korea, Colombia, and Panama where the U.S.
corporations are moving.
Well, I mean, the General Electric bailout
sent money to plants overseas and uh... the uh... General Motors.
They allowed, what, a billion bucks to build a plant in Brazil with U.S.
Another billion plus in Eastern Europe and another one in China.
I mean, they've got this all figured out.
Your tax money goes to build a factory over there.
Well, of course!
I mean, it's just the magnitude of the corruption.
The magnitude.
But yeah, this new deal is with Korea, Colombia, and Panama.
And you're absolutely right, Haboo.
Any other points on that subject?
Well, this is, you know, these corporations that are pushing it are the very ones that were at the receiving end of unmitigated largesse of the U.S.
And now, you know, it's the U.S.
taxpayer who is going to be run down by these corporations.
But may I have another separate comment, please?
It was really good that you enlightened the world about the goings-on in Quonset, Arizona.
Really, you are a great person, and I'm not trying to be solicitous.
You are really a person who is upstanding and a decent and a compassionate person, and for that you have my unending admiration.
But may I just bring to you the very strange case
Oh, and she wouldn't give her the vaccines?
So they came and arrested her?
We have covered that.
In fact, I haven't checked in to see what ended up happening to her, but... What's going on with it now?
Well, I think the case is coming up very shortly, but these people came with a SWAT team and a tank, and they expected the person to turn over the child without a warrant.
And then after, in protection, the daughter contracts an STD.
Can you believe this?
Well, absolutely.
You're five times more likely to be abused in government custody because there's no enforcement on themselves.
And so a lot of them are just cold-blooded people that want to get paychecks for warehousing kids, but that's on the good end of it.
And they lock them up in cages inside the foster home houses and feed them, you know, one hot dog a day.
Uh, and I clean carpets for summer folks.
I've been in the foster houses.
They were never nice.
I'm sure there may be some that are nice, some Christian families or whatever, but I don't know if it exists.
Uh, and, uh, but in the bad cases...
Yeah, people said, how dare you call them pot-bellied potheads, pedophiles.
All I'm saying is, I'd go in the foster homes, there'd be some nelly, pot-bellied white guy, they all look the same, with marijuana smoke, wafting, with kids living on dirty mattresses.
I probably saw that 15 times, cleaning houses.
And let me tell you, it was a horrible job, folks, going to people's houses and the kind of stuff.
I mean, it was just...
You know, no air conditioning on sometimes.
You know, cat urine everywhere.
I don't want to get off into a whole story, but... And I've seen it.
And these kids can drown in the back pool.
They don't get in trouble.
Run over by cars.
And so pedophiles just become foster parents.
And they just do whatever they want in the CPS.
They just can do whatever they want to them, and the state lets them do it.
So they torture them, kill them, beat them, and they also get more money once they drug the kids.
So they give them a mental illness designation and then start doing it.
It's just horrible.
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Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Well, it's always riveting when Alan Watt joins us.
He is a researcher, author, radio host, Alan Watt.
CutIntoTheMatrix.com joins us.
And sometime I ought to read his bio.
It is very, very interesting.
He's also a musician and published a lot of philosophy and poetry under pseudonyms for much of his life.
He was heavily involved in the music industry as a singer, songwriter, performer, involved in folk music, blues, pop, rock, and even classical.
He's also known for his session guitar work.
He has played with some of the most well-known artists and groups.
Born in Scotland, he watched the subtitles of politics and media as they guided
He watched the subtleties of politics and media as they guided the population of the UK covertly into the European amalgamation.
And I was just talking to Alan.
It's funny, he's got allergies or sinus like I do today, so we're like the dynamic duo here.
But I doubt he'll sound as dultish as I have today.
Alan, so much is going on, so much is happening.
I said, what's your take on the shooter?
And you said, well, I feel like the fool on the hill watching the world spinning around.
But really, the fool on the hill isn't a fool.
He sees the majesty, the beauty of the world, but also the ugliness, just the incredible spectacle of consciousness that the establishment tries to keep us from opening up to, because then we would be aware and not easily tricked, so they wish to keep us psychically and mentally and spiritually and financially stunted.
But I want to get into the Hadron Superconducting Super Collider.
And the dangers associated with that.
And I want to get into 150 human-animal hybrids grown in UK labs.
I've got a special report coming out tomorrow on this.
Embryos have been produced secretly for the past three years.
The Daily Mail can reveal.
Human cow, human reptoid, reptile, human fish, human frog, amphibian.
But there's something funny here.
I remember 15 years ago, because I know I've been on air a year and a half or so, I remember covering BBC articles about human embryonic chimeras, because they said the only way they could do it was make them part cow so that they wouldn't have rights, and growing them in the utero of cows.
And they were saying that had been done for five years in 1996.
So it's all, and since then, every year, they say, for three years we've been doing this.
For five years we've been doing this.
That's the two stories.
And it's always done the same, and you'd think Daniel Martin and Simon Cadwell at the Mail would know how to pull these articles up, or use a LexisNexis.
And then I remember, Alan, I want you to speak to this.
In fact, we'll speak to this first, and then get into the shooter, and the Knights Templar thing, and the rest of it.
I know you've studied it, that's why you're here.
That the Washington Post, it was in 2004, I think, or it was in 2005, because I had recently read it in the Washington Post, and about a week later I was on Ian Punnett's Saturday Coast to Coast AM.
Great interview, I loved the interview, never been invited back on.
I didn't get Ian Punnett on this show in return of favor, but I'd like to go back on that show.
But he would challenge me a lot.
And so I'd say, well, this company came out, Protegen, with a corn that grows live HIV virus in it.
And he wouldn't believe it, and he'd pull it up, and it'd be in the Associated Press, and, you know, pharmacological corn.
And I remember mentioning a Washington Post article about, was it his show or George, but I remember it was around that time.
The Washington Post said, yes, there are chimeras, part chimpanzee, human, at big labs in Costa Rica, but you're not allowed to see them.
And I think it was Ponder, maybe it was Norrie, but I don't remember.
It was like, oh really?
And then I pulled up the article and read it to him.
It all blurs at this point.
But the issue is, you talk about spider goats, you talk about things like this that have been out for decades, people still don't believe it.
And the issue here is, if they're admitting this has been going on for decades now, imagine what's really going on.
And so why are they now introducing this to the public?
I mean, this is HG Wells, the island of Dr. Maru.
You know, with the humanoid creatures demanding their rights.
Wells, over a hundred years ago, wrote about atomic bombs, and basically World War, and then how the UN would come out of that.
Of course, he was a top futurist and predictive programmer that Alan talks a lot about.
So, more and more, it does look like they've got a lot of secret technologies and things, and they may not be 30 years advanced, as they admit they are,
In their technological systems.
It may be 50, 100, we don't know.
I mean, more and more I realize we are basically in a matrix.
Because we're physically here, but through the eyes, through the olfactory, through touch, through everything, we take in this data, and the modern civilization is a false reality.
It is a artificial habitat that we're in, and they're just bringing us into deeper phases.
And Alan Watt is our guest, that's my preface.
Alan, break down what we're facing here.
Yeah, you're quite right, actually.
They do give you a reality for the bass population, and it's an antique reality.
We think we're on the cutting edge and the media, of course, is there to reinforce that and give out little tidbits.
Oh, we're trying to explore this and trying to explore that.
One day we'll eventually hope to do this.
And we believe it all, you see.
And in reality, as you say, a much higher level of reality is the true cutting edge.
We don't even know how high that goes.
We know it's way above the top CIA level, when in the 1950s they had solid state circuitry, they had little gizmos you put in your pocket that could turn someone's heart off basically, and they used them too.
And Nick Biggage came out and showed some of this stuff and talked about it as well.
We are really in the past and that's how we can't you can at the top that's how you can control the future you plan the future you bring it in and you feed the public predictive programming a little bit and a little bit at the time you must also do social changes and dehumanize the people and dehumanization is a big big part of this agenda because
Julian Huxley, who was the CEO of UNESCO, the first one of UNESCO, he did say that in his books that they'd have to knock man off his pedestal as being supreme on the planet, bring him down to the level of animals.
Now once you start to think of yourself as an animal, and again you get all these nature programs, all the green programs telling you, well you're just another animal amongst animals and you have no more rights than any other animals,
And then you have to go into the further dehumanization of the destruction of the old cultures where families normally had children.
That was the whole point of them.
And now, of course, we don't even have so much that.
So we've seen abortion rackets going on.
We're now seeing body parts sold across the world.
We are a going business, all of us.
We're a going business.
And they're teaching us with the gladiatorial events and all of it to dehumanize ourselves and to see beauty as ugly and ugliness as beauty and to just wallow because a human would be shocked by the disgrace and the indignity of humans being spliced with animals and would be concerned for these poor creatures but because they're part human they have no right.
When you torture a monkey, people will burn down your business, but with the transhumanist environmentalist, there is a giggling sacrament in trampling humanity, because they really fear the power of humanity, so it's important for them, the predator class, to trample it and to hike their leg on it, and to turn it into a servile, gibbering religion where the slaves revel in their own destruction.
That's pretty well it, actually.
With dehumanization comes depersonalization.
When you lose your identity of who you are, you are in flux.
When you're in flux, of course, the massive propaganda machine comes in, takes you over, and then you flow along with the new think, as it's called.
Always new think.
And so we've been programmed like this for such a long time now.
Recently, too, we've seen the big push for euthanasia.
That was the next nail in the coffin.
And people, and they keep the pulse on the public now with the internet.
They know what we're thinking, what we're chatting about, what we're worried about.
And so they can tell when we're ready for the next step of it.
Now, I've got books going back from scientific journals, going back 20, 30 years, when they were talking.
And I've got one here, actually.
It's The Future of Mankind and the Planet.
And top names in it, of course.
And it shows you them breeding the public for different functions, just like Plato talked about in the Republic, only a bit more advanced.
And they said we can create men who eventually will be divers.
They'll have gills like fish.
I think?
You see, we are supposedly, according to high sociology today, we are the useless eaters now.
We're post-industrial.
They don't need us.
We're almost post-war once the Middle East is standardized into the world.
And then they have the predictive programming with movies like X-Men that show you everybody mutating, and then how they're the poor groups whose rights aren't taken care of, and now
They're going to come out with more and more of these clones, these replicants, and then the government's going to give them rights and protect them, and then basically use them against the rest of us.
Those that won't buy into all the new technological augmentation, that are really backdoor systems for them to hack the brain, because there is no firewall, as the Pentagon has said.
They'll be sequestered like Amish, but then our children raided and taken.
I mean, it is a charnel house
Of trampling and being trampled upon, as O'Brien tells Whit Winston, that is being entered here.
And just notice how they're now calmly saying, yes, we're splicing humans with animals.
I mean, they're just telling you, but it's secret, you're not allowed to see them.
Yeah, and so that about it, and most folk really, I kid you not, most folk today who haven't had an original thought in their heads, they like the mainstream media,
They won't have a thought on this.
They'll not be hot nor cold.
They'll just be, oh well, that's science for you.
That's progress, by the way.
That's what science always tells you.
It's progress.
And they'll go along with it, never thinking about the implications of where it's all to go.
But make no doubt about it, this system is not about a New World Order.
There's lots of stages of coming New World Orders in societies and systems already on the books.
And we're just seeing the next step of purpose-made humans for specific functions.
And you don't need the silly humans anymore with their limited capabilities.
Yeah, you'll have a sex slave who looks like Marilyn Monroe and even has her DNA, but she'll be 1% squid so she has no rights.
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Your calls are coming up.
We're going to get into Alan Watts' view on the situation in Oslo, Norway.
Now being used to call for crackdowns on the internet, free speech, the Second Amendment and gun ownership.
It is really, really obvious what's going on here.
And this guy, now we learn, a Norway Nazi was on drugs.
Maniac took substances to make him strong.
We're going to get more into that.
Alan Watt, it is so fundamental.
It is such a huge issue.
To sit here and talk about how we're living in an antique reality.
That's a great way of putting it.
That there is a breakaway civilization.
That the establishment has written white books, white papers, on all of this for decades.
That the cloning is much more advanced.
I mean, they admit, oh yeah, we kept it secret from you in England.
We're splicing humans with everything.
They don't worry, they don't have rights because they're part spider, they're part... I mean, this is so incredible that they, for at least 20 years, have been growing humans in...
Cows that are part cow so that the cow doesn't reject them to then harvest their organs.
I mean, that was in BBC 15 years ago and they said that that had been going on for five years secretly.
Now, this is what they admit they're doing.
From your research, Alan, how advanced is it?
Because the word I've gotten from a physician and others that have treated heads of state is that they're already staging their deaths.
And that it's not just Ken Lay that went to Paraguay, you know, right before he was about to be sentenced, or after he'd been sentenced, but turned himself in, that this is going on.
But, I mean, undoubtedly, there's a lot of secret technology.
From your research, how much more advanced is it?
Or do we have no idea?
I think from the clues of the past, that's where you go on, and they're probably at least 200 years ahead of where we are.
When you look into the writings even of
I think?
And they were given access to the sciences of the time, and she didn't come up with her idea of a Frankenstein, a human being put together by body parts by herself.
It was because she was in with the groups that were actually discussing this, and maybe some who were actually trying to do it at the time.
And really, they're so far ahead that it boggles the mind.
As I say, in the 50s, before we even had the transistor radio, they had the CIA, as Nick Biggage showed on television,
He showed the equipment which could beam a thought into your head, or a sound, or music, into the middle, the center of your head, on line of sight.
So it could go for miles if you were high enough on a hill.
You could literally pick your target and do it then.
It was more than voice to skull.
But these things also had the capability of interfering with basically the wave that comes, the pulse for your heart.
Originally it's in the brain.
And you can interfere with that pathway and give a person a heart attack.
Now this stuff, these little gadgets you put in your pocket in the 1950s, it had to be incredibly amazing solid-state circuitry with micro transistors, etc.
Oh, let me stop you!
You know, I talk about it, you talk about it too!
Aldous Huxley, Julian Huxley's brother, who wrote about genetic engineering and GMO food and different classes of humans in Brave New World, published in what, 32, 33?
He gave a speech when he knew he was dying and said, this is all real, and even though I'm telling you, you're not going to be able to stop us, and was laughing at everyone.
They thought he was being a good guy, warning them.
And he said, at our universities we have people with microelectronics already in their brain and we're already testing this to be able to remote control humans.
And then by the 70s they admitted they had microchip remote control cockroaches in university reports.
They're just now telling the public now.
So here he was saying,
Actually, my book isn't fiction.
This is what we've been doing secretly, you know, decades ago.
We had microelectronics in people's brains.
Oh, yeah.
And you had Delgado, I should say, famous for his boo.
He put a microchip in his brain and remotely controlled it to stop a charge from the boo.
But he was also, and there's videos up there on YouTube where he's talking about it wasn't just animals he was practicing on.
He was practicing on humans.
Of course he was.
And so this is very old stuff, because the idea, when they began this socialist movement, that most folk think is left-wing, it's really the top of the right-wing who run the socialist movement, and that's why banks are all behind it and so on.
But they knew they wanted to bring in a society of well-behaved people who would simply be a slave society, cause no problems, no crime, and how do you make that happen?
They expected all forms of conflict, all conflict, right down to the family home, by the way.
And that was part of the reason they came up with, we must dissolve the family unit.
And they admit, and they admit the whole plan is to play men and women off against each other, and they give the cues to men how to behave that'll enrage women, and then they give the women cues to tell them, act like this, you'll be successful.
It's really the opposite.
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50,000 unstoppable Alan Watts.
They're cloning him!
Look out!
Look, the globalists want to play God.
They want the live extension technologies.
They've undoubtedly already have them.
They're now bragging they have them.
They're offering extended lives to people now who are, quote, wealthy, if they'll buy into transhumanism.
But the transhumanist technocratic
Technological systems they're offering are basically enslavement systems.
So that's what the general public's going to get, is an enslavement system in the name of life extension.
And we have no idea what the actual controllers are doing.
When you see people like Gordon Brown or Bill Clinton or George W. Bush or Obama, they're meant to politically rise and fall, be built up and destroyed, like a shield that a knight holds up.
And the shield gets all bent up and battered and bruised.
And then when they're done it for four to eight years, they throw it down and pick up another one.
And it's these fundamental things people need to understand.
You know, if you look at the news today, they're saying no debt deal.
And oh my gosh, now we may default and have depression.
They're already defaulting.
They're already devaluing the dollar.
We're already in a depression.
And the bankers are training us to just, everything's about the government, everything's about the bankers, and everything's about our credit agents, the credit agencies' ratings.
I mean, they're more important now than the President.
And then who are they?
Revolving Door, millions of Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan and others.
And you know, now the GOP is revolting, just like in 94 with Newt Gingrich.
Who ended up making sure the contract on America didn't get through.
A guy who wrote the forward to multiple Alvin and Heidi Toffler books calling for world government, calling for a technocracy, calling for the end of America.
And they talk about how conservative Newt Gingrich is because people say he's conservative when he's promoting carbon taxes.
But I gotta tell you, 10 years ago, people wouldn't wake up to Newt Gingrich.
Today, they do.
And so that's the good news, but now they're saying the GOP has revolted and isn't gonna go along with all this.
But again, it's all part of this process, and as long as people can be kept
In this false narrative, this false reality, as you go up through politics and media, if you show that you'll buy into the false system, you are promoted in the false system.
But if you don't go along with the false system, if you question the presented reality, then, oh, you're a conspiracy theorist.
And now, having any opinion is a conspiracy theory.
And Cass Sunstein at the White House says we'll flood the Internet with false conspiracy theories.
We'll flood the Internet with infighting, with bickering.
And they're trying to do that.
But in the writings of the ruling class is what they really set up.
And that's what Alan Watt covers, that's what I cover.
Alan continuing looking at the globalist program and operations.
I see revolts from people within the technocratic class being one of the biggest threats to their system.
That's why they're trying to go to an automated global computer system
Where they don't need armies because it's robot and drone driven, and the robots are worked on by robots, and robots work on those robots, and then some human technicians.
They already admit no one at a major computer company even knows how the computers work now.
It's just different systems integrated together.
And the humans can't even understand it.
This is going to get more and more pronounced, and the elite are all over the news saying, we don't need people anymore.
Humans, will humans be kept as pets?
And the elite's already talking about...
The computers, like they've already merged with them, and Ray Kurzweil says within 15 years the elite will merge, but if the evidence is that they're already more advanced than we know, the question is have they already attempted to merge, or is it all a bunch of quackery, where they claim that they have these systems but they can't even really use them because they don't understand them?
Yeah, well they already have.
A whole list of things lined up they're working on now, even DARPA has admitted that, Homeland Security.
I mentioned that on a page last week.
All things are coming up.
And they're working on and one was an artificially intelligent computer system that would literally analyze you and decide even if you should pass the information that you're putting out there on to others or not or who they should pass it on to.
No one would interfere with it.
It would be on its own independent.
And so they already have artificial intelligent machines using various kinds of different algorithms and so on.
However, at the top, you've got to understand, too, that they've been doing amazing stuff, even in Sweden, since the 70s, that we know of, on prisoners.
That's where they first tried to do human and machine interface, brain interface.
This interfacing isn't just to help paraplegics, believe you me, like DARPA would have you think.
It's to do with, if they can possibly in the future, or if they've done it already, who knows, download a person's memory.
That's the whole point of it all, for the ruling elite who age.
They can certainly slow their aging.
In fact, David Suzuki, a big player in the greening program, who calls people maggots, by the way, he's the hero of Canada, that people are maggots, but he says there's better kinds of maggots than others.
I guess he's referring to his own class.
But he said on television years ago, National Television Live, that we now, and he's a geneticist, by the way, he says we now have the ability to make a person live to 500 years if we want to.
Well, why not a thousand or two thousand?
The problem is the brain would tend to deteriorate.
So the idea, even mentioned years ago in the science magazines, if we could possibly clone, and they said they could, by the way, clone a full human being within two weeks.
Because they can switch on your growth factors, your hormones and so on, make you literally grow up from an embryo into a full human in a few weeks.
And at first they said it was for body parts, for special people.
But now it's more into, now could they possibly take the memory of that aged person, especially the first batch who haven't stayed young, put it that way, haven't had the treatment for eternal youth, but could we possibly take that memory from the aged person and transfer it into his own clone?
And so they've been talking about this and working on it, obviously, and that's what really the brain-machine interface has been all about.
And again, the spin-offs are amazing because they also say, well, if you can tap into the brain, we won't need the torture techniques anymore.
We can plug into you and find out what you're thinking, download all your memories, and they'll know exactly if you've been lying to them or not.
This has all been going ahead as we quietly watch soccer or football or whatever else we're watching, or Lady Gaga dancing with plasticized corpses.
I mean, this is the reality of where we are.
The elite's prime directive is for their own survival.
We must always remember that.
They have contingency plans for all kinds of things that could go wrong in the world for themselves.
We know they've got underground cities even, they've even had characters in England going around the underground bases, not getting into them, but they admit they're there, and they've had them for years, in case there's all kinds of things, not just nuclear disaster, but possibly, oh, an asteroid hitting you, anything at all they can think of, because the elite, being at the top of the tree, the evolution trees, they talk about it themselves, that's what they say.
That's right, Alan.
Absolutely, and expanding on that, just like I knew they were about to move from the Muslim Al Qaeda to the white terrorist, so the whole apparatus could be turned loose on everyone, as it was always built and designed for, now they're just admitting its true function.
That they are now preconditioning how sexy it is.
The world after humans, TV shows, movies, books on end caps at grocery stores.
Everyone learning how trendy it is to hate their fellow humans.
So when you're SWAT teamed or drug away or dying of cancer, when half your block's dying of something, you know, as the soft kill is incrementally intensified, the ambient slow kill system accelerated towards fast kill.
That it's a subconscious preparation of a celebration of our destruction and the pot-bellied parasites ruling over us.
And I see this now building towards a crescendo.
I know they'll want to release smaller bioplegs first.
Pose as saviors, use that as an excuse to put in a tighter control grid, and then release even more deadly plagues, and then a tighter control grid, always playing the part of the saviors while they murder us.
But I see them edging towards that, and I see them debating.
You know, how great it's going to be when the airborne Ebola is released, and how great it is that the human mousepox kills 99%, and isn't it time to just go ahead and pull the trigger?
Like it's an exciting, sexy, something new for them, and they want to pull the Moonraker trigger.
How far away do you think that is till they... I mean, they got all these new movies coming out with Matt Damon about...
Billions dying
Mass slaughtering, everybody!
Well, we're in the phase now which they have disclosed from their own military think tanks for the next 50 years or so, their projections, and they've had that out for a few years now, and both the US and the British NATO group came to the same conclusions.
They're going to, and they're doing it, they're getting folk off the land, the rural areas, through incredible masses of new regulations,
The gasoline is going up, that'll get you off too.
They've closed most of the country hospitals, so you have to move into the city if you want treatment.
A hundred different ways to get you to move.
Just like animals again, how do we get them to move from here to there?
I think?
We're good to go.
Yeah, that's in the Kissinger documents and all of the new ones, but instead of doing it secretly, like 30 years ago, now Ted Turner comes out with Nat Rothschild and says you should only be able to have one child, and that child will be taxed, but then meanwhile they've all got private jets and private trains and yachts and, you know, five children apiece, and Kate Middleton is
Lecturing you on carbon taxes and we've now moved into a cottage.
It's only 300 rooms for the earth.
I mean, it's just all asinine hypocrisy in our face.
Yes, but from their point of view they don't see that.
They truly believe that they are superior people genetically and they believe that they've evolved.
We're junk genes.
We're the junk genes left at the bottom.
One of the arguments I saw in a scientific discussion was the proof of the fact that the people are junk genes is that they would have been up amongst the elite if they had the ability to get ahead.
In their genetic makeup.
Therefore, because they haven't gone up to multi-millionaire status and have no desire to, then they equate that to what they call arrested civilizations of Africa and primitive tribes.
They're junk genes.
They can't move on.
We do move on all the time.
We're involved in planning the future.
We control the future.
Moving on is being willing to slit your grandmother's throat and enjoy it.
The true human genes
Of helping your community, building, being admired because of your art or your strength or your ability to hunt or your ability to build.
No, no, no, no.
Now it's your ability to team up in gangs and lie and manipulate people and dumb folks down and make things ugly.
And that's why they're selling us with Lady Gaga, with the dead Chinese corpses.
Just openly flaunting, look, I'm dancing with murdered prisoners.
It's beautiful.
That way, no one will stand up for you when you're being murdered.
Also about it, people who are debased and thoroughly dehumanized do not stand up together for anything.
And so it's a warfare technique as well.
And you use cultural wars all the time and economic wars all the time as well.
But these elites, you see, are really the deviants.
And we understand that because
In a psychopathic nature of humanity that the groups that inbred over time were the ones that slaughtered their neighbors and it took over the land and then and that's really real estate was always land that's real estate as opposed to fake estate you know which is their money system which we believe in we've been taught to believe in it
But in reality, they became kings and queens and nobles because they had the ability to always slaughter anybody as an example to others at any time at all.
And they've actually got books out trying to rationalize the necessity for this kind of behavior and that mankind can't do without them.
That's what they say themselves.
We can't do without them because they're the risk takers, etc, etc.
I think?
That they see the time is coming when they will no longer need them because they can then create a specific job created human or beings for the specific tasks that we used to do, the ordinary folk used to do.
And that's what all this work is about.
They're using our tax money like crazy to make this happen, to ensure their survival, where they'll be served with all kinds of chimeras, basically.
They're especially bred for the purpose that they will do all their lives.
And that's going on at breakneck speed.
Undoubtedly, these Khmers are out walking the streets now.
This has been going on for decades.
And they're just now telling the slaves this because they think they've got us into a deep enough trance.
But I'm here to tell you, Alan, I'm seeing record numbers of people waking up, and I mean fully waking up.
How do you break people out of their trance?
You have to start with them by telling them why their daughter is being divided.
Something they can understand that hits them personally.
Telling them why their families are breaking up or their daughter's going off with another woman or something like that.
That's where it's coming from and what's the purpose behind it.
Things they can actually relate to in their own lives and that's the start of it all.
Yeah, I found people are like, wow, you're right, bisphenol A does give you cancer and does reduce your fertility.
And now I get emails saying, oh, they're taking bisphenol A off the shelves everywhere, you conspiracy theorist.
It's like, oh, it's not a problem.
They're taking it off the shelves.
First, it wasn't bad for you.
Now we've been proven right.
So we need to shut up.
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Alright, I meant to get to more calls and we'll try to do it tomorrow.
I think I'm gonna...
Get a neti pot or something to get my sinuses cleared up so I'm not dinging here on air, but I think it's been overall a very informative radio show here today with our guest, Alan Watt.
We're going to have the InfoWars Insider that comes out midweek, some days Tuesdays, other days Wednesdays, come out at about 4 o'clock today, emailed out to everybody that signs up for it if you go to the top of InfoWars.com.
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You just put your email in there and we will send you the article.
Also, we're doing exclusive videos every week that are just emailed to you.
That's the only place they are in cyberspace.
Exclusive photos, things like that, because we need to have an email system that bypasses even the mainline internet.
Because they could shut down our websites anytime, and we have never really tried to create a system to personally reach out to you.
And all the IT experts we talk to say low-tech is high-tech.
Send high-tech information over low-tech old email.
Yeah, email's old-fashioned these days.
So sign up for the InfoWars Insider at the top of InfoWars.com.
Also, I've done three hours of radio now here, and I haven't plugged any books or videos.
We've got a lot of specials going.
Great films to get and make copies and give to people.
We've got to awaken, folks.
I got you on here, Alan, originally because I wanted to talk about this shooter.
Who he now knows on drugs and all the rest of it.
I mean, this is... I could see the predictive programming.
I could see the media getting ready to rebrand terrorism onto the evil white male.
And I called it last Thursday.
I said the attack's imminent.
And that's what you talk about.
Once you see the fifth grade level propaganda, you know exactly what they're going to do.
It's so frustrating to, like you said, being the fool on the hill, but really you're not the fool on the hill.
Everybody else is deaf, dumb, and blind.
Alan Watt, final comments on that.
Yeah, it's like deja vu.
You know what's coming and what they have to do because even to do with the big bone of contention from the whole 9-11 deal onwards across the world.
The Western world and in Britain and elsewhere is why should everyone else have to go through all of this, have all of their mail ripped open, have all their emails copied and stored forever, be under the scrutiny of the microscope?
How come everybody, when supposedly it was all to do with, it started off with Muslim extremists in the Middle East and elsewhere,
So people were saying, why are old ladies who have lived all their life in America with blue eyes and old granny being searched and groped at these particular check out places?
Well, that was a bone of contention.
Now they've given you a reason why.
It could be any one of you, you see.
It's a white guy.
So that they justify all... It could be a policeman!
It could be a policeman!
Oh, it's the returning veterans, exactly.
But it's got all the earmarks that it was staged.
Yeah, it does, it does.
And believe me, in this day and age, you cannot do anything and get away without people knowing about it.
We're all under observation.
And even the CIA were watching this guy.
So was MI5 and MI6.
And the forums, too, that he belonged to.
No, it's 100% staged.
And now we know he's all hopped up on drugs.
He'll end up going into the mental institution there and never be seen again.
Ellen Watt, great points.
Thank you so much for spending time with us.
Retransmission starts now.
See you back live tomorrow, 11 a.m.